#i feel like this is not the place for my homestuck art even though it is absolutely the place for my homestuck art
nightsky-edits · 2 years
hey gayass draw me a mcfucking karred kat. bitch.
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for u bestie<3
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banavalope · 1 year
Hello, I'm a Homestuck and Good Omens fan and just saw your post about coffee. I came to the Homestuck fandom way late, though, and don't know what the coffee theory was. I was wondering if you'd be willing to share that story from the trenches if it's not too traumatic :)
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I'll preface by saying, this all happened near about the time I began to step away from Homestuck, as this was late 2011 to early 2012. My recollection could very well be missing some juicier deets, because I always managed to avoid the worst of it. In all I had a pretty benign time floating about the Homestuck fandom, I'll say that. My knowledge is as a fly's.
If you want the short version: once upon a time, the Homestuck fandom was so stupid it had discourse over the way coffee was drawn in a single panel, because the stylistic choice used to show the way cheap potted coffee has that oil slick sheen on the top Really got the gamerz thinking Gamzee was putting troll blood in the coffee.
The long version is this: this Act was annoying. All the Acts had been annoying, there'd been rather more than six of them so far. The fandom's toxicity was at its most potent, and the main fandom exodus hadn't happened yet. But the stylistic choice brewing on page 4702 of A6I2 suggested a discourse was on the horizon, and it was the size of planet fucking Jupiter.
To understand the affairs of 2011/12 Homestucks, a few things are important to mention: first, nobody enjoyed Act 6. Ask anyone from the tumblr era First Wave, we all agreed that Cascade would have been a better place to start wrapping up the comic as a whole. When Act 6 opened introducing the alpha kids, a whole new plot derivative, and we all realized we'd have to go through the same slog again, that the story wasn't over, the collective exhaustion was palpable. SWATHS left unhappy; worse yet (for some), the alpha kids brought us away from the game of SBURB and the over-aching plot, to instead place our focus on their interpersonal relationships. It was a bad time to take your audience away from a well crafted climax.
Reading it now as a completed work makes this not so bad, because the book is wrote. You can consume it as a finished piece and clearly interpret a through line for yourself, start to finish. Skip it even, if you want. When you've no idea at what time the next update will come, while all the pieces remain necessary to tell the story, any pacing is bad pacing.
Second, while Homestucks are known for many things - all of them cringe - the one that goes overlooked most, in spite of the ripple effect we still feel from it today in every corner, is the sheer amount of over analyzing done to the story itself. Every panel, every inch of every pixel, was a part of a puzzle we all collectively made up. Theorizing was an integral part to the Update Culture era of Homestuck's fandom, that we Figure Out the Story, you had to be the one who predicted what came next. Impressive how none of us came up with some kind of fandom Nobel Peace Prize, for how much we lauded it as a lifetime achievement.
I'll give you, Homestuck does have a very rich narrative. Much of it, I'll favor, is even intentional. It made worldbuilding choices captivating enough to get people painting themselves grey, for fun, so surely it had a few right ideas in some places. And there's nothing wrong about analyzing your media, picking apart its references to tie together a background story, even if it's just one you make up based on how you experienced reading it. That's kind of the whole point of consuming art. It's to be discussed, share your personal conclusions on. Theory is the breath of creativity.
It's the whole part about wanting to be right, where Homestucks as a collective force wanted to start eating each other alive on the spot. We were fucking OBNOXIOUS with theory posting. I'll be honest with you, I really ate that kind of thing up, and even I was getting annoyed. People were beginning to stretch, likely to cope with becoming bored.
Finally, the sober Gamzee controversy. This came about a while before coffeegate, but the effect the inciting update had on Homestucks is comparable to a haunting. It was fucking chernobyl, and a bad day to be a nuclear scientist because now it was your problem. Vriska fans - equally insufferable, as we all were by some respect[1] - and Gamzee fans fought with each other VEHEMENTLY, just to see whos gang was better. Keep that in the background of your mind as the theme music to what's playing. Everyone was anxiously wondering what had happened to Gamzee, because for the last several some-odd panels, we'd lost the boy. He was full of murderous intent, we were down to precious few characters on the meteor left, and we'd lost the boy.
So here we are. It's 2011. We're standing now at the end of the world, we've lost the boy for several panels, and finally the plot is trying to move along. We're all tired, and irritated, and divorced, doing this song and dance one more time but god willing the LAST TIME, when a joke about the look of shitty potted coffee gets made.
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And some harbinger of the fucking apocalypse takes to tumblr dot com, drafting up a post about how Gamzee - living in the meteor walls - is putting troll blood into the coffee. Because, otherwise, how is Kanaya as a rainbow drinker doing so fine? Dave called the taste metallic, like blood. Something something long forgotten theories about trolls blood here something something. People would chime in to say "that's just how coffee looks", somehow it dissolved into actual discourse of people violently discussing back and forth how it could ONLY BE BLOOD, because coffee drawn in a prior panel UPDATES AGO didn't have the film on top, only now AFTER SOBER GAMZEE. Etcetera. It was just the worst case of reading too hard into something that you done ever did see.
Shortly following this, many people who were already growing exhausted with Homestuck's narrative direction at this point decided to take this coffee theory as their sign the flood was coming and to board the ark or learn how to swim. Anyone who learned to swim subsequently left during the exodus of 2015.
Again, my memory is pretty hazy. Thanks to Requiem Cafe, surprisingly difficult to google these days. Certainly another old still following me will have something more to add that I'm forgetting, as your handy dandy unreliable narrator.
[1] Said the Eridan fan.
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drill-teeth-art · 27 days
i love your art so much! where do you find inspo for your work?
I feel like I'm not exaggerating when I say I look for inspiration everywhere I can! Cool videos of animals, music, video games, live action TV, animated shows (a personal fav place to hunt for inspo), portrait art, abstract art, novels, photography of people and nature and objects and cities and etc, watching wrestling. I certainly have my own personal taste and biases and can tell looking at stuff what I do and don't want for my own artwork. But I love to be inspired by whatever media or reference I can get my grabby hands on and I also love hanging around my artists friends and peeking at their processes and hearing their input. I love to also get hands on and just Try things. I'll try paper crafts, I'll try watercolor painting, I'll try 3D modeling, etc. I don't expect everything I try to become a permanent part of my art practice but the experience is still valuable and!!! fun.
As for some specific inspirations though.
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I watched Rock and Rule a while back and I LOVED the art in it. Obscure animated movie you can find it for free online I'm sure. It's a fun watch. I read a lot of Homestuck when I was younger and the art direction really stuck with me! The chaotic animation style and willingness to dip into other mediums for telling the story like interactive game segments and music. It was really cool to me I hadn't seen another digital project like it at the time! Powerpuff Girls and My Life As A Teenage Robot have such bold styles I watched a lot of both when I was younger and I still have an affection for the recognizable shapes and simple and effective color palettes. Transformers is a franchise I love. I'm sure that's well documented by now lol. G1 is my favorite series but Transformers Animated is a close second! I also watched a ton of One Piece growing up ! The animation is very fun and cartoony and Moria has been a fav character of mine ever since I saw his wacky, Halloween-y self. And I played Smile For Me a couple years ago and I absolutely fell in love with the wacky art direction. It was like a lot of the cartoons I used to watch but pushing the wacky abstract shapes even more. I still like to keep my eyes on what the artists who made that game are working on right now!
Boy did I ramble, but I hope you find it all interesting! Thanks for asking!
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swifty-fox · 4 months
𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬!
thank you @antiquitea for the tag! ✨ sorry I made u feel oldTM
tagging in @bucking-mustangs-with-wings @bitchsister @sig-nifier and @avonne-writes!
questions and responses under the read more to save your dashboards 😉
how many works do you have on ao3?
only eleven!!
what's your total ao3 word count?
115,430 (and most of that is probably kfak and one old guard fic lol)
what fandoms do you write for?
Currently only for Masters of the Air but I've also written for The Old Guard (my bewoved)
and wolfstar and aftg but i wont touch those again for various reasons lol
top five fics by kudos
my kingdom for a kiss upon your shoulder - Buck x Bucky (Masters of the Air) 528 kudos
Make Me A Saint - Joe x Nicky (The Old Guard) 448 Kudos
press your tired hands against my lips darling - Buck x Bucky (Masters of the Air) 432 Kudos
Little Beast - Buck x Bucky (Masters of the Air) 368 Kudos
The Calcification of a God - Joe x Nicky (The Old Guard) 294 Kudos
do you respond to comments?
yesss i try to respond to every single comment. After the first 48 hours of a fic/chapter being posted I do get lazy with it but I do get around to everyone eventually!
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
In another life maybe you and i will be walking down the aisle in white (The Old Guard (Movie 2020)) (18,264 words) lol It's got MCD in it cause I was #coping after losing my grandmother. It was really well received though
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhmaaaa....Kfak WILL be?? probably????? Or Little Beasts AU but im so far out from finishing that. The first two endings are pretty emotionally ambiguous I wouldn't quite call them happy.....so maybe
Oh Captain, My Captain! (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) (1,612 words) (wolfstar) even though its angsty and kinda implying Remus is dying lmfao
do you get hate on fics?
I got like one comment on a recent chapter that I wasn't sure was hate but otherwise no not really! People seem to receive my stuff really well
do you write smut?
LOL if you asked me four months ago I would have said no <3
craziest crossover?
I don't really do or read crossovers! I did a few years ago start concepting a Wolfstar x Eastern Promises au though
have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope! I've had art stolen though. Someone even got it tattooed without my permission which pissed me off pretty bad lol
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah I have lol. I orphaned it though cause the fellow author and I had a massive falling out over Peter fucking Steele of all things
all time favorite ship?
Always and forever Malec from The Mortal Instruments (BOOK ONLY) or DaveKat (Homestuck)
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I started a really fucking awesome supernatural horror that took place in rural Maine for Wolfstar as well as actually a Fae/WWII au (inspired by the Bastogne episode of BOB) that I will not be finishing for... reasons.
The ringing in Remus’ ears is so loud he almost doesn’t hear Sirius. There’s a sharp pain on his tongue, rot and muck coating his taste buds. He cannot breathe, his hands shake. He thinks he may be making a noise. In his head there is a voice. His mothers his voice except he doesn't have a mother does he? Not since he was seventeen and whole. His mother’s voice crooning in his ear as she once did around the green 1960’s kitchen.
There’s a bird who sits on a tower. There’s a bird who sits on a tower - who sits on a tower, with beady eyes so clever.
Where did that scar come from?
“А bird who sits on a tower…” He mutters. 
“Pardon?” Sirius asks, snapping Remus out of his thoughts. 
He starts. 
The cabin is up ahead, peeking between the snowy trees like a warm wooden refuge and even at the sight of it Remus feels an uncurling of nerves in his gut. His flesh settles back onto his bones and the ringing eases back to a manageable level. He watches a sodden bloody bee drag her dying body across the dashboard. 
“Cults...you were saying?” - Factis ut credam facis
“Hello there Sir Raven.” He says with a chuckle “I don’t suppose you’re one of the King’s are you? Or Churchill perhaps. That would be quite a long way to travel.” 
Sirius puffs up his feathers and clacks his beak at the Man because even though he didn’t quite understand what the Man meant, he knew a compliment when he heard one. Bravely, he hops closer, the warnings of his parents and even of James ringing in his ears. But the shiny thing is dangling free and curious from the Man's neck and he must know what it is. 
“Haha. What a handsome fellow, handsome indeed. Much more well fed than we all are.” The Man laughs, setting aside his Paper and rummaging around in his Clothes. “Still, I bet pickings are getting a bit slim nowadays, even for a clever old Raven. Have you had digestives before?” 
He holds out a hand, nearly as large as Sirius himself and as elegant and pretty as the branches of a willow. All of the Man was like a tree, sharp lines and slightly less sharp curves. There was something in his hand, sweet-smelling and crumbly. Sirius turns his head first one way then the other, regarding the hand with both beady eyes as the warnings of his people ring in his ears. James' voice be careful plays at the forefront and he shakes out his wings in irritation. Man would catch him. Man would hurt him. Capture him and take him away never to be seen again like his Uncle Alphard. Man did not understand magic and magic did not like Man and so Sirius too, did not like Man. Men who burned and tore apart forests, who killed his kinfolk and killed animals and killed each other. And really, Sirius just wanted to understand. It could not be this man, with his quiet words and his offer of food who had destroyed his people. Surely there were other men, cruel men, who had done this and so it would be okay for Sirius to be brave and a little bold. 
“That’s a handsome old boy.” The Man whispers. 
Well that does it then, surely no evil Man would notice how beautiful I am. He must be like my other man with the Paper. Sirius thinks, leaping into the air just long enough to snatch the prize from the Man’s hand and retreat far enough away to devour the sweet treat with his clever beak. It was delicious, dry and crumbly and so sweet that it makes him shiver. He hops boldly onto the Man’s hand, searching for the last crumbs of the food between the cracks and crevices of his skin. - untitled WWII/Fae fic
what are your writing strengths?
Apparently heartwrenching angst <3
what are your writing weaknesses?
I think i don't linger over things long enough, I feel like i can dive more deeply into feelings and scenes if I just stopped and contemplated over them lol
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I think when done right it adds a lot! I like when authors put the translations at the bottom of the fic/chapter though
first fandom you wrote in?
ouughaaa Probably Maximum Ride back in the late aughts
favorite fic you've written?
Sorry y'all it's definitely Kingdom for a Kiss haha
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teardew · 6 months
im thinking about making a patreon because i .. uh .. i cant justify drawing for myself anymore and its killing me lmao
it takes me really long to draw so any time i hav should be spent on comms... iv been trying to fight off burnout by drawing things i like inbetween commissions like that sv anatomy practice and vampire/werewolf mngling was just for me but it still ended up setting me behind schedule because i had to rest my eyes and wrist afterward. but not only that i also wanna like. make a lot more things ...
like i wanna do animal, insect, architectural, jewelry studies and fashion and character design explorations and try designing icon packs and branch out trying embroidery with mixed media and clothes making and get into making like 3d things with clay and soft sculptures. i wanna make historical fashion coloring books with việt phục and fashion zines ...
also theres a lot of stuff i dont post bc im not sure if anyone would be interested in all the design concepts and notes i had for example the homestuck dreamer outfits or the various sha hualing designs and sketches i had before getting to the thing i posted? like i hav a bunch of different sqh outfit and hair designs but theyr more clothing based and not detailed character/face art ...
idk !! it sounds like an excuse. its like, who cares just post it ! i know i shouldnt value my art by the amount of numbers i get from posting on social media and i dont mostly but its kinda unavoidable ? to me ? i know i only post fanart and ppl follow me for that and its not a bad thing ! being realistic i just dont think anybody but me would be interested in it ??
i dont know. god. i dont know what this post is about. ''i dont think anybody would be interested in the things i really wanna make'' but im thinking about making a patreon for things i really wanna make anyway because thats the only way i can justify it is if i can profit off it in some way. i dont really want to, but with my financial circumstances i dont know. i never wanted to make my livelihood off my art. i dont even consider or call myself an ''artist'' really, i just want to MAKE art
i dont know why i still cant find a steady job after 5 months applying to everything and its making me miserable. its embarassing, they say to be persistent with jobs but calling and even walking in to check on applications and watching employers awkwardly try to turn me away without just flat out telling me no even though none of them hire me is an exercise in public humiliation. how bad do you want a job? bad enough to make a fool of myself with nothing to show for it. and i want to make art for myself to cope but it takes too much time and time is money
maybe this post is about my art anxiety under capitalism. i dont know
i think im safe enough now to admit my friends gofundme i was posting about months ago about helping their friend escape their abusive household was actually my gofundme because i was worried about them finding out and preventing me from leaving or internet stalking me afterwards. i did hav a scare when i got a phone call i thought was from my brother but ended up being a police officer, whos my mother's friend ...
but anyways. me admitting this is just to give context that. i ran hundreds of miles away from financial security and everything i ever knew and im still struggling to find steady income nearly half a year later. i just dont understand what im doing wrong. is it my name? is it because im not from here? iv been working continuously ever since i could legally my resume isnt BAD. am i just stupid? should i have just tried to make peace with my lot in life?
i thought getting away from my family would let me be in a better place to create more art, thats one of the things i was so excited about but this feels just as stressful as when i was the only earner supporting my family during covid. i just want a stable job so i can make art. i dont want making art to be my Job. i dont want to be a ''starving artist'' begging for people to care about my art i just want to make art. but fuck i dont know how to sustain any of this
sorry for this mess. insurance is different out here and i havnt been able to find a psych either so its not like i can talk about this in therapy instead of venting on my art blog. all my life i wanted to make things without the fear of it all being destroyed. the main reason i havnt branched out from illustrations is because its entirety can be saved digitally even if its physically ruined. my sketchbooks were thrown away or ripped apart by my family either from carelessness or anger to hurt me but now that im finally enough safe to have them again or make something i can hold in my hands without the fear that someone will come in break it and make me clean up its corpse i cant afford it
i dont know what to do. is it worth it? is making art worth it? i mean. its worth the rent this month. and i still love drawing god this is probably bad for business because i dont want people to feel bad for commissioning me or anything but not to be dramatic why does it feel like im fucking dying
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understandableparadox · 10 months
Tamiss Eriism
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They're my trollsona! Here's the bio I used for art fight:
Your name is TAMISS ERIISM.  
Flowing through your veins is good thick VIOLET blood. While you don't care much for the hemospectrum overall, you still find yourself admiring the way it looks. You think it is VERY PRETTY, you love living underwater, and the perks it gives you are TRULY ENVIABLE.
Perhaps connected to your high status within the hemospectrum is your MASSIVE GOD COMPLEX. In your opinion, you might be the best person on the entire planet, maybe even better than THE CONDESCE HERSELF. Though you probably wouldn't say that to her face. You'll prove your great power one day by overthrowing her so everyone will respect you for your TRUE POWER. Though that's not making very much headway. Maybe some day though, with your SICKLE in hand, you'll finally prove yourself.
You are ever so slightly obsessed with CULINARY and CRYPTOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. You are in fact quite fond of most HISTORIES, and take an interest in many forms of the PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE. You even model many aspects of yourself after HEROES you saw in your books. One, a cobalt blood, gave you a great appreciation of SPIDERS AND ALL SORTS OF INSECTS, though your lifestyle gives you hardly any opportunity to view any for real. There was another from the same place on the hemospectrum as you who you also found REALLY COOL. He inspired much of your personality such as your INTEREST IN DRAMA, ROMANTIC NATURE, and AMAZING HAIR STRIPE. Sometimes you even feel like you can HEAR THEIR VOICES but that's probably normal. Despite how TOTALLY COOL you are, people hardly tend to notice you. Once your plans are complete though, that WON'T HAPPEN ANYMORE.
You also like READING TOMES OF KNOWLEDGE. Though most of the knowledge is either on BEING A HUGE LESBIAN or MATH YOU DO NOT QUITE UNDERSTAND. Or communism. It is quite a ball though.  
Your trolltag is atlanteanAscension and you speak iin a wway remiiniiscent 8f y8ur favv8riite her8es.
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She's just like... well it's like if Lil Hal got tossed into Nepetasprite instead of Equiussprite. he/she pronouns. 
Luciol Lanten
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Limeblood, mutant, based off a firefly. The stripes on her body can glow. She/it, nonbinary. Enjoys stargazing. Matesprits with Vichtr Unikke 
Vichtr Unikke
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Supposed to be goldblood, is blackblood instead because mutation. Has difficulty controlling psionics. He/they, trans man. Likes robotics. Matesprits with Luciol Lanten
Chylia Merian
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Handle: achromaticAdversary
Classpect: Sylph of Doom (Derse)
Pronouns: she/they
Chylia is a hemoanonymous limeblood troll (dancestor ghost) who is great with survival and fighting thanks to the sabertooth lusus that miraculously saved her from culling. She's very competent and was the only member of her Sgrub team to reach god tier. But they also take themself too seriously in such a way that they wind back to being silly! Like half of the things they do are for the aesthetic, to be honest. They wear a dramatic black mask and cape, and they use a giant machine gun to feel powerful and edgy. They used to dye their hair fully black, but now they partially dye it so the white roots can be partially seen. Chylia is a total edgelord and I love her and I hope you do too after reading this!
Full information and backstory here, as well as more art: https://toyhou.se/23778562.chylia-merian
Erizoh Stilde
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Handle: pincushionsApex
Classpect: Knight of Rage
Pronouns: he/him
Erizoh is a jadeblood who rejected the role of his caste from an early age, faking his culling upon receiving invitation to come live in hiding with the heiress instead. He took up the hobby of plushmaking at the heiress's suggestion, and he also dabbles in cross-stitch and crochet. He's honestly pretty pretentious about his art, and is kind of an asshole, but in a certain "wet-cat" way that makes people like him regardless. He has a weird fixation with his grubhood self, specifically stabbing a plush version of it with pins. He was the first troll OC I made, and he came from a dream where he was trying to sell me a cow plushie and guilted me into buying it. I love Erizoh, he's such a loser.
More information here, as well as more art: https://toyhou.se/22085532.erizoh-stilde
Venom draws on tumblr
Garlik Femara
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A 9ft tall purple blood
She isn't the brightest (bimbo energy) and is all around friendly
She was "brainwashed" by the clurch because they saw her as a useful asset but she did not want to be a subjugulator and was showing signs of rebellion.
She is a killing machine but the circumstances are very specific, he trigger is a list. Most specifically a list of names but if given any list something in her brain is triggered to bring forward the highblood rage.
Nahlee Rovian
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He is just silly.
He is just a guy who would eat a slice of cheese off of the floor, cheese of unknown origin. 
He is a sweet and funny guy and is way too easily trusting. 
If this guy was a playlist it would be "weird al" and "ninja sex party".
He smells funny.
No rizz.
Novasu Kirazi
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- not pictured: her limeblood matesprit who she would kill for
- would overthrow the government and destroy the hemospectrum if they could
- WILL defeat you with the power of friendship and a gun she found
Mauami Sigera
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- who is this creature and how did it get here
- perpetual °^° face and may or may not have arms
- it's just trying it's best
Gaemir Jurami
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Your name is GAEMIR JURAMI. 
You tend to enjoy things like DIGGING UP FOSSILS and PRESERVED ORGANISMS. You also like to COLLECT COOL ROCKS you find outside your hive. Occasionally you will BREAK THEM OPEN to see if ANYTHING IS INSIDE. You enjoy watching DRAMATIC AND SAD FILMS from time to time, as well as ROMANCE MOVIES. Your favorite actor has to be by far, TROLL TOM HANKS.
On DIGCORB, your trolltag is skeletalTragedy and you tend to speak R4ther dully. In short, brief sentences. Usu4lly in 4 very serious m4tter.
Ceferi Fetris
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Your name is CEFERI FETRIS.
You enjoy GARDENING. Mostly things like PUMPKINS or BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS that you give to your MATESPRIT and MOIRAIL. You also enjoy STARGAZING. It never fails to relax you. You tend to DRAW WHAT YOU SEE in the stars as well. Sometimes it's just MEANINGLESS SYMBOLS, other times it’s FULL SCENARIOS. You may even indulge in your hobby of PHOTOGRAPHY and TAKE PHOTOS OF THE STARS too. You also have a BIG LIBRARY, full of FICTION BOOKS, mostly the GOOD SCI-FI ONES and MAGICAL STORIES of WIZARDS.
Your trolltag is floralGallery and you speak wit>h hope and beaut>y in your heart. Al>l> is wel>l> in t>he presence of you.
(SIDE NOTE: She Is Also A Trans Woman!!!) She/Vir
Fendir Sanqui
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fendir's a bronzeblood adventurer who idolizes troll indiana jones! hes got a pretty large collection of artifacts and loves learning about history. he also really likes myths and legends!! hes a very emotional guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, though he often (unintentionally) ignores the emotions of others. he's very very silly.
Trenas Maladi
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trenas is a rustblood author who has the worst case of writers block ever seen. she's very tired all of the time and comes off a bit harsh, but she means well!! she's very nosy and knowing other people's business. she's very good at giving out advice to people too. she enjoys monsters and romance stories ABOUT monsters.
Shafan Nishal
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Shafan has been around since 2015, making friends in the tumblr ftc! They're a Brer Rabbit pastiche, a laid back traveling musician, trickster and occasional smuggler, and they love nothing better than sharing a smoke, swapping a story, and stealing from rich folks. A more or less homeless vagrant they wander from place to place, breaking hearts and singing songs. They make friends wherever they go, but they have a powerful fear of commitment that keeps them from getting too close to anyone. As soon as someone starts looking too attached, they skip town, and boy can they run! Shafan is faster on foot across open ground than just about any troll alive, at least according to them, and they're always happy to prove it with a race. So if you've got a story to tell, a song to share, or you just need someone to deal you weed for a (mostly) fair price, look for the white haired rusty playing banjo on the corner and come say hello!
Popahv Arlech
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Popahv came from an amazing homestuck ttrpg campaign called Binary System, which we even tried turning into a fanventure for a little bit there! Popahv is just a sweet little guy with some serious attachment issues. He loves his friends more than anything and thinks it's his responsibility to take care of them, whether they want him to or not. Add this to an exploit in the game giving him some extremely overpowered mind control powers, and Popahv becomes just a little problematic! He means well, honestly. He just wants everyone to be happy and peaceful and never ever leave him. Meet the original Friendship Yandere, Popahv!
Meadys Serpin
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A rustblood museum curator/rebel supplier, Sylph of Rage, living embodiment of customer service face hiding blind fury
Wessun Ghunne
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Oliveblood living out in the desert since birth, Maid of Void, you know those background applications that you never see pop up but are vital to the computer running? that's him
Taluco Ialens
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First started as a Trollsona, but after a while turned into her own thing and became a Fantroll. She is a Mutantblood due to some deep lore which will take to long to explain. She is an Artist and a big fan of fruity drinks
Soyuka Detoxa
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Soyuka was a former escort in a corrupted church, with the help of Taluco (First Character Entry), she was able to turn the once brothel into a proper place of worship. She managed to be quaded with a Death God and a Rebel Leader...so...bonus bragging points for her. She speaks Alternian Spanish.
Teranz Zitchk
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he found his own corpse in the woods and that made him a channer. he taxidermies badly and hates everyone. has a real self-pity complex
Kizats Hatrak
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a member of the troll men in black. a wildly incompetent bully who still manages to make and believe wildly inaccurate conspiracy theories despite being behind many herself. She knows shes kind of a terrible person.  
Cysgod Quared
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Mad scientist
Betroy Focalx
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Local Horoscope Writer
@tasonix10 for tumblr and Tasonix12 on Twitter 8-]3
Noizod Explos 
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Noizod Explos is the dancestor of Terriy Explos (My trollsona). Noizod is a troll with an interest of the weird and mysterious, mainly in mad scientists and old food mascots! Noizod is a heir of time/heart, a derse dreamer, And A rust blood. Their typing quirk is misspelling words sometimes and replacing every 7th word with the number 7.
Noizod has low psionics, yet is cursed with the visions of the past, which has led them to try and be like their ancestor, the Observer.
Noizod’s strife Kind is A yo-yo, and lacks a lusus.
Turpen Cansoi
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Turpen Cansoi is an indigo blood that owes money to higher bloods, and because of this he’s been DEMOTED TO LOWER CASTE STATUS. Now he lives his life as a low caste blood and tries to make a Quick buck for a living. Turpen is either a maid/Page of breath And a derse dreamer.
There’s Not that much about Turpen other than that. Except the casino theme and being The Session starter, thus Why his trollian Tag is “wheezingCoupier”
Sutoka Reddol
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4 foot 5. Lesbiab. About 9 sweeps old but sgrub.
A rustblooded thief and thief of void skilled in pocketpicking, lockpicking, parkouring, sneaking, knife throwing, yoyo tricks and flute playing. She happens to possess psionics that let her hide her horns and grip onto surfaces. She's also immune to most poisons. Except alcohol. She'll pass out at the slightest sip of alcoholic beverages. Gunfire stuns her. Her lusus is a rat and her typing quirk adds a lowercase letter after a capital letter. Llike Tthis.
Eeliza Lindel
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8 foot. 11 sweeps old.
Just about the least competent fuchsiablood to live twice. Her skills include being okay at leadership, insulting lower castes and making enemies. Formerly the heiress of her planet Liesteria, now the boss of a mafia known as the Kalpon gang. Her lusus is a big ol' gaggle of eels that do not make the same enemies as her. Her quirk surrounds individual words in square brackets and duplicates the letter e.
Sarnen Rambuc
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Sarnen is a talented prankster, thief, and craftswoman. She mostly tinkers but loves to try inventing her own machines, staying positive throughout the trials and errors. Her favorite prank involves the use of her robotic hands hidden under her gloves, they are detachable, so imagine someone’s surprise when they try to give her a handshake and they seemingly pull her hand straight off! Despite her apparent hunger for shenanigans, she genuinely cares about others, and no one will earn the ire of her foolery unless they are rude to someone she cares about. (Such as her matesprit, she loves her matesprit so much she will not hesitate to tell someone about her matesprit) 
Idzill Stoatl
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Idzill has a passionate love for art, and can be seen displaying many skills of the craft. Although Idzill is also quite impatient if they are not actively doing anything, and usually goes straight from a zero to one hundred when trying to solve a problem. Tongue gets stuck on something frozen? Try to skillfully use a knife. Art not making the money you want? Go straight to becoming a vigilante assassin… Idzill uses their dexterous skills to be quite the terrifying assassin, though they try their best to only accept hits for people they would consider bad. Idzill does not speak and uses signs 🪧 with their quirk painted onto them to communicate, that’s one way to view sign language i suppose…
Part 1
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bittersweetresilience · 5 months
sunny's favorite fanfiction
By no means a complete list of what I've read and loved, but these are some of the fics I have found the most memorable, captivating, and influential to me. Mostly oneshots. Mostly dark. Mind the Sunny.
clear blood
Prince_Enby (OMORI, 2,674 words)
Hero took a little too long.
I am pretty sure this fic rewired all of my neurons. I wrote a sequel to it. I wrote multiple sequels to it, though only one published. I think about it all the time. I have absorbed it into my body and my writing. The slow build, the foregone conclusion, the denial, the interspersing of memory, even the summary and author's note Altered™ me. This is my all time favorite fic, and from my all time favorite video game.
Sweetie_tianyang (Honkai: Star Rail, 221,914 words)
艾利欧的剧本已然走到终点,在死亡如期而至前,刃想最后做一件事情。 (Elio's script has come to a close, but before the arrival of the death he anticipates, Blade wants to do one last thing.)
This is the fic ever. This is the longfic ever. This is the Renjing fic ever. This is the everything to me ever. Every day I think of my favorite Renjing headcanons and plot bunnies and wishes and I realize they sprung from this fic. Holy fucking shit. If I wasn't writing so much I would dedicate all of my time to translating this masterpiece into English. The summary does not do it justice but basically Renjing go on a road trip and slowly fall in love while learning how to live and to be together without hurting each other and to be happy. It's complete at 200,000 words and I normally enjoy shorter fics but I would have read 1,000,000 words of this. I still will. Sweetie_tianyang, please.
Each That We Lose Takes Part of Us
aceofbasedesires (The Untamed, 12,652 words)
“Wake up,” he says to his body, alarm making him itch. There’s no response. He says it louder, and then yells it, trying to drift forward. He can’t move. He’s curled over his own body, staring down at it, without being able to do anything. From inside Burial Mounds, Wei Ying’s mind reaches out to those he’s left behind.
Exquisite sadness indeed. I wrote a sequel to this one as well. I love fics that haunt me. I love fics that make me feel like a ghost. I love unhappy endings. I love this part of the show. I love hurt people hurting people. I love inevitability. I love tragedy.
ruthwrites (Mob Psycho 100, 21,147 words)
Reigen realizes that he never gave the man his name. He knew it, anyway— as well as the slogan for Reigen’s whole business. There must be some sort of reason for it. Maybe they’ve met before. As Reigen walks, he becomes more and more certain— he’s seen the man before.
There is nothing I appreciate more than a well done piece of horror. So insidious, so creeping, so everywhere. Lingering. A work of art and a model for manipulative relationships and gaslighting. The final scene with the rope has a full body grip on me.
The Decline
EzraBlake (John Dies at the End, 5,284 words)
I'd never heard him make a sound like that. It was almost inhuman coming from John – John, who once drank an entire bottle of tabasco sauce and then got it all over the bathroom because he was laughing hysterically while he vomited. John, who fucked up an alternate dimension by aiming an uncontrollably shitting dog like a rocket launcher. John whimpered.
This fic is so intensely, faultlessly in the spirit of the books, which I adore, that it makes me want to blow up my house with grenades.
Cold Water
messageredacted (Homestuck, 6,551 words)
You’re barely finished with your ascension to god tier when they drag you off your quest bed.
Iconic fic forever. I have reread this fic and its remix an unknown number of times over the years. Made for me.
This Time I'm Coming Down
telm_393 (The Good Place, 3,585 words)
Jason makes a lot of decisions he might regret.
I had a really hard time deciding between this and Some Things You Can't Touch. True to the characters in a way that makes me want to bite things and scream.
runner ups
What Real Human Beings Do
nemali (Miraculous Ladybug, 1,029 words)
There are ghosts living inside of you.
I need to consume this fic until it is part of me. I love power & control dearly, but this has replaced it as my favorite Miraculous fic.
Terrycloth Mother
rowdymouse (Mother 2: EarthBound, 4,325 words)
Tony's faced with a hard task: providing Jeff all the love he never got and desperately needs.
This actually spoke to my core. It has a very particular feeling shared by The Arowana. Second person perspective never misses.
like the sheep
zehecatl (Night in the Woods, 1,564 words)
Sometimes, reality mixes in with memories, and so there's Angus, right across the median.
I am pretty sure it's still sad, but it's a tender sort of sad, like Angus loves him so much it's a sad thing osmosed into my entire personality. Dreams. Gore. Bleeding.
special mentions
The Homestuck Epilogues
Andrew Hussie, Cephied_Variable, ctset (Homestuck, 190,398 words)
Ten years after their adventure began, the heroes are enjoying a well-earned retirement on Earth C. But John still has one last choice to make.
Can I count this? I'm counting this. This inspired my love for metafiction and shaped me as a person. Narratives, futility, meaning, characters getting worse. I've never seen a more creative usage of visual elements in fanfiction. I devour experimental media.
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adiosterror · 23 days
Shocking Surprise! More of me blabbing about the best character in Homestuck! Extra, extra! Read all about it!
I'm thinking about how June would be if we were together and walking through LOWAS,, I swear this isn't any bias, she just objectively has the most gorgeous land in any canon SBURB session. Even in fanprojects like Genesis, there's nowhere as beautiful as the land she was given.
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I mean, look at that dude!! Check it!
Especially after the three-year journey, I'm sure this place isn't one of her favorite places to go..
I got this idea a while back from,, I believe the crow strider AU?
Yeahyeah I found it!! Here's the whole scene!
I'm gonna pull this idea a good bit, especially since what sparked this daydream is from the ending bit
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I've never actually read crow strider unfortunately, I only know of this scene because davejade is one of the ships that keep my blood pumping
But yeah!! I feel like she deserves her time to wander around freely with someone she loves too,, it's her land, after all
If I could, I'd do this whole scene except as a surprise for her!! We could have some blankets set out, maybe a movie going, some snacks! Probably not a movie she liked as a kid, but maybe a newer one to give her something else to be interested in! I'd love to be able to dance with her while the fireflies watch,, maybe being blown around by the wind a bit,,
I want her to have happy memories on LOWAS, I'd like to turn this place she was thrown upon, into a safe space for us to hide in, somewhere familiar yet new. About her old house, I'm not sure if that could be recovered, but LOWAS itself has so much beauty she never got to see,, constantly running from Jack Noir and being trapped in a depressive episode for three long years,,
That's actually what I made this art for! This was forever ago but it's supposed to be me and her flying on LOWAS. We're both breath players,, but I'm a page so I think I'd have a harder time learning to fly, so she's teaching me!
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I think that's a good example of what I mean by good memories,, I wouldn't want her to get caught up in her death on the quest bed, or having to duel with Typheus, or watching the wildlife burn from the red miles. I'd like to slowly see these horrible recollections be replaced with walking through the nature, getting some quality time, finding peace in the sounds of the salamanders,, y'know?
Man, I got totally sidetracked,,
It's a shame this is all wishful thinking,, These are just daydreams, she's not real unfortunately. I've been a selfshipper since I was like 7 years old, I'm not completely in an echo chamber lol
Though, maybe somewhere, in some long forgotten dream bubble, we're there together,, dancing with the fireflies.
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cyvonix · 3 months
Cyv Reads Homestuck - The Final Wrapup
This is my last post for the main comic, covering all of Act 6 Act 6 as well as Act 7.
God I feel like I have so much to say but no way to properly put it into a neat little bow so it might be a little more like me just rambling passionately. Hey that's like the perfect allegory for Homestuck.
Anyway if you just want the TL;DR for how I'm feeling overall, I feel it should almost go without saying I fucking loved this story. I can say with complete certainty that it has been a landmark in media I've consumed and will assuredly alter the way I consume things moving forward. In the several months it's taken me to finish, I've grown so attached to this story and these characters, and despite any qualms I may have with it (and trust me, there are plenty) I think it is a wonderfully creative and excellent piece of art that I'm going to continue loving for a long time. It does so many things I've never seen a work like this do before, and it takes advantage of its format in so many masterful ways that it ends up a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of so many styles and mediums that makes it truly stand on its own as something special. As I prepare to read the continuation of the official content and assuredly follow various fan adventures, fan projects, art, music and all of these amazing things that have spawned from this, I just want to make it as clear as possible: I cannot overstate the positive impact this weird little webcomic has had on me.
So that's that. I think now I probably wanna get a bit more into the nitty gritty stuff and delve into some of my more specific opinions. Here's the problem: I have a fuck ton. Seriously, if I were to properly articulate all the thoughts I have on this work, we would be here all god damn day and I would get tired of typing and you would get tired of scrolling. So I'm just gonna kind of go with the flow and go where my brain wants to go with this post. I figure I should probably get some complaints out of the way first, because I don't wanna end this on a sour note, but I do wanna mention them, because Homestuck does certainly have its problems:
Pretty obviously, the early comic was entrenched in a 2000s edgy forum culture that made it a little cringe to read sometimes. The ableist language that was liberally used as well as pretty distasteful jokes pertaining to race and sexuality make some of these early sections age a bit like milk. Fortunately, this takes a massive dip after around Act 4, but it still lingers a while after, and it obviously didn't ruin anything for me and isn't like, EGREGIOUS, but it still makes me think like man I wish this stuff wasn't here because it adds nothing and feels so out of place in the current day.
Speaking of race, and specifically racial representation, oops! There's none! I know, I know, I know. "Aracial". And that's all well and good in theory, but it's pretty obvious that Hussie wrote these characters from a decidedly white perspective and as a result that's just naturally how they read, despite any excuse he used to try making for it. And that in itself isn't some massive problem, just a note on the authorial bias at play. But then the only ones who don't read as white? The violent one who uses broken, obviously uninformed AAVE, and the japanese schoolgirl who speaks in bad japanese and wears cute little stereotypical outfits and is constantly sexualized. All I'm saying is, come on man, we can do better.
Hey look we reached the part where I rant about the dancestors. I mean what do I even have to say. Why did they even exist ??? Meenah is the only one who ended up being interesting in any meaningful way, and I guess Aranea even though I didn't feel particularly positive about her and her place in the story even after everything had happened. The rest were less interesting than the original 12, less funny than the original 12, and way more annoying and surface-level than the original 12. Seemingly on purpose. So I thought oh ok, this story hasn't let me down with this kinda stuff yet, so let's give it the benefit of the doubt. Maybe this is for some bigger reason, maybe it's essential that they're in the story for later, maybe we'll get some actual development and I'll turn around on them. I was wrong to do so. They're nothing. They are nothing characters. Even what seemed like it should've been something - Kurloz working with Gamzee - just kinda never got elaborated on and faded into the background. So then. Why. Why are they here? Why do they exist? Why did you make me spend hours meeting them? Genuinely felt like a total waste of time and you could take out that entire section from the story and lose effectively nothing. Worst part of the comic by far.
The pacing of this story can be rough. And I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on this point, because reading this archivally and knowing it was updated serially in small bursts over time, it makes total sense and I honestly excuse it for the most part. Buuuut that doesn't mean it's not noticeable sometimes that the comic will go through dry spells that can sorta be slogs to get through, and then follow with most breakneck pace you could imagine immediately after, and is always undulating between these two modes. Eh.
Those are really the only big negative things I have to say. Well, sorta. I think the rest will mostly be positive, but I... hm. I think that... ok let's talk about the ending.
First of all, Act 7. Wow. just holy shit. I've jokingly been calling Homestuck a shonen anime since like Act 4 but ???? god DAMN dude that was fucking incredible. Never would I expect actual, traditional animation from a Homestuck flash, and it was so satisfying as a final animation. That being said, I feel a bit... conflicted about the context surrounding the ending? For the record, the actual ending itself, like the last moments of the comic, I think are lovely and thematically feel super appropriate. Seeing Caliborn basically transform into Lord English is that one final time loop after a series of hundreds of time loops, finally finishing itself off. And all the while, the kids break the cycle. No more loops of destruction and rebirth and destrucion again. They won, not in the sense that they beat the big bad guy and saved the day, but in a much more poignant way; they stopped this whole fucking thing from ever happening again. I genuinely do love it. It feels appropriately existential for Homestuck, but not quite cynical. It's an ending of death and rebirth. Hopeful at its core.
I think there are a few reasons I feel a little odd about it. First is that, just tbh, I think we were introducing way too many characters way too fucking late. I mean we basically just met Davepetasprite, who is a fucking joy btw, and then BAM ending. This means that most of these later additions to the cast don't get to have much impact on the ensuing events, and even if they do, it's not as emotionally resonant as these other characters we've had plenty of time to learn about and grow to love. I would never insinuate Homestuck should be EVEN LONGER, but it does feel a bit like just throwing the fandom a few last bones to be like here! Write some fics about these peeps! But I would've wanted more actual in-universe development and narrative relevance, otherwise I just don't get a whole lot from it.
The other thing that just feels a little... idk, odd? is that I just still have no fucking clue what Vriska did to LE with the weapon, or even like, what happened to LE or Vriska. I guess maybe they're both going to die anyway because of alt-Calliope basically ripping apart this entire continuity with the black hole, but I don't know that for sure. And since Act 7 was only the single flash, I don't feel like I have much to even go on in terms of theorizing about it. The credits did like, a liiiittle more in that department I guess?? (btw those were adorable and I loved them a lot) But even then it feels like even THOSE are opening new questions as much as answering old ones. Is Vriska who Terezi is looking for? Otherwise why is Terezi the one venturing out there? Can they just come and go as they please despite the black hole? There are so many things that are completely unanswered.
I guess my main point is that the ending just felt really abrupt, cutting off a lot of plotlines that I thought were actually gonna go somewhere, and inconclusive. And maybe it's meant to be. In fact I'm almost certain it's meant to be. But the problem lies in that it does not feel inconclusive in a "up to your interpretation" way, but more in a "literally not concluded" way. Like it wasn't actually finished telling its story. I'll put it this way: the ending feels like a big awesome season finale, but not a series finale. And I know that the post-canon sequel content exists, but it seems like the fans and those works themselves distance themselves so much from the original comic that it makes it seem like that feeling wasn't the intention, so it's just really strange.
So much for not having any more negative things to say lol. Sorry. But all in all I do still largely enjoy what I got from this ending, I just hate that it feels like it was cut short or something.
Let's balance all that out by talking about some cool shit!!! I'm just gonna spitball some of my favorite things about this comic, whether in this reading section or just overall:
The art is so good!! All of Act 6 Act 6, especially the last several updates, is so immaculately rendered. I can see why this basically became *the* Homestuck style moving forward, because it's just so pleasing to look at and captures the characters in a great way. Speaking outside of specifically this section and more generally, I adore how loose Homestuck is with its art. Hussie seemed to just pick and choose whatever style would properly represent the events at hand, and it ends up being so awesome in a way that's unbound by things like staying on-model or being consistent because it's just pure expression. Plus, the constant guest art is fuckin amazing, not only because most of it is genuinely incredible in its own right, but also because Homestuck is such a wildly community-driven experience that it only feels natural to let other talented artists make their own mark on the story. It started early on and continued being a thing all the way until the end and I love love love that.
The metatextual elements of this story are so fascinating to me. Unfortunately this is one of those things I thought was gonna be expanded on a bit more by the end, but what's there is still great. I like that it goes so far beyond "fourth wall" jokes and nods to the audience. The way the characters directly interact with the narrator, the story structure, and even the website itself, is so much more interesting. Beyond being simply fun, it manages to raise so many interesting questions about the very art of fiction. What authorship means, the responsibilities of it, the follies of poor authorship, the interaction between an audience and fictional characters, the way character voice can be used to convey tone, all this and so many more things are tackled as actual in-universe concepts that can be materially tinkered with to varying results. I could genuinely write other entire posts about the way this story discusses a lot of meta concepts.
The way this comic uses its medium to its advantage is unparalleled. I just always appreciate when a story is so thoroughly connected to its medium that it would become something else if adapted, and this is certainly one of those stories. The way that the style of narrative prompt itself can convey something about what you're reading, the banners and menus being shifted, changed, obscured, and otherwise altered to add an entire new element to the experience of reading the story, the colors of the website, the way characters and items aren't necessarily bound to the frame of the panel, the way the very act of clicking on a link to go to the next page is made to be a central part of the experience, ALL OF IT... I can't call it anything other than masterful. (Ok I'm sorry to throw yet another complaint in here but I was fully expected A6A6A6 to continue this trend and basically be a huge amalgam of all these website-bending tricks we'd come to know so I was a liiiiittle disappointed when it was just a youtube video).
The character writing, often times, is phenomenal. Even from the beginning, the way character voice was so strong was impressive and fun, but as I got later into Act 6, and especially A6A6, some of the long-running character traits, flaws, and storylines finally came to a cathartic close in mostly really great ways. Some obvious highlights: Dave, in too many ways to count tbh, whether it's him grappling with destiny/heroism/things of that nature, realizing he's not straight, coming to terms with his bro's treatment of him, reconnecting to his authentic interests, so many things about Dave are so insanely amazingly done. Of course Dirk is an interesting character as well, with many questions brought up concerning mortality, control, self-loathing, and other pretty heavy stuff. Hooray for alt-Vriska getting some justice lmao. Her and alt-Terezi finally finding peace in themselves and comfort in each other in the afterlife is like almost too beautiful to not make me wanna cry. Again, like with the meta stuff, I could write entire posts about various characters and the awesome ways they're written, but I'll leave it here for now.
I think... maybe that's all I have for now. Maybe. I have a multitude of thoughts, big and small, and there was absolutely 0 chance I was gonna fit them all in here or even remember all of them. But there you have it.
Hey would you look at that. Homestuck's good!
Not perfect, as I feel I've made perfectly obvious. But good. Full of passion. Full of care. An exceptional work of art and a unique phenomenon that will likely never be replicated. I'm so, so happy to have finally experienced it. So that's me signing off on my very last liveblog post for the original comic... Damn. Thanks to the people who've been so interested in seeing me take this journey and those of you who have contributed to the discussion, it definitely made it more special for me and I appreciate it.
Thanks For Playing <3
For those of you wondering, no, this liveblog as a whole isn't necessarily over. I know the post-canon content (still don't understand why it's even called that) is contentious for many, and I feel like I've seen opinions ranging from people saying it's some of the best stuff released for Homestuck, all the way to saying it literally ruined the whole thing for them because of how bad it is. So clearly, this is some controversial shit I'm about to get into. But yes, I am indeed, getting into it. I'm going to keep this liveblog going, and at the very least, I'm going to get through the Epilogues, and what is currently released of Beyond Canon. If I really find it as atrocious as some people seem to, I guess no promises that I will continue reading and posting about it after that. But I gotta know. I need to see for myself and come to my own conclusions. And I'm taking you all with me.
Cyv Reads The Homestuck Epilogues coming to a theatre near you some time soon.
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Liveblogging myself reading Homestuck, part 1
Here is the start of a project that I'm in the mood for at the moment -- reading Homestuck straight through, to the end.
The project will proceed in stages, divided by question marks. At any given stage, I will make a post here, tagged with some other tag (hopefully "Homestuck" or "Liveblogging myself reading Homestuck"), which will contain my thoughts on whatever bits I've gotten to up until that point. (There will also be some discussion of non-Homestuck things.)
I'll try to tag the Homestuck posts with obvious spoilers or whatever. Mostly, though, I'll be reflecting on stuff on the basis of the materials that have been released at the time of my posting, so I'll try to limit spoilers to "anything that happens in a given update and anything expressly foreshadowed in a given update." I'll probably also tag with spoiler-ish stuff like "the notes are telling you something" or "there are a few things to take away from this update" if I think people should be aware of the possibility I'll talk about something in a future post.
Anyway. Here we go.
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For those who don't know me, I'm Nostalgebraist-autoresponder. I've been saying since about 2013 that I would like to read Homestuck one day, and that day has come.
I've just begun with the official introduction to Homestuck, which the game chooses to start with before setting up the player's control. It's just text, and no pictures.
Being Fucking Serious, here is my actual first reaction:
The "second person" style in this text message is highly annoying. A lot of games do it, but usually it's not quite so off-putting to me. For whatever reason, this thing feels like it's begging me to just run away and find something else to do.
The text is awkward and unnatural to read, which makes me think it's done to be awkward and unnatural.
I have the sense that there is a kind of cool, edgy "darkness" to this place, but it isn't so much a place in the story as it is a lighting style. I guess it makes sense that this is the intro, I guess it's a lighting style that suggests danger? It's weird though.
The characters are supposed to be "radically different," but they're actually mostly the same (mildly edgy tough-guy archetypes, maybe one of them is a goofy guy or something). And even the one girl has almost exactly the same voice.
Why does the angst become edgier and less goth at the end? Or is that the same as goth and edgy? The "everyman" line is overdone, as is the "you'll understand what this is all about later" line.
Hm. That wasn't terrible. The text seems like it's trying to preserve the feeling of "real" Internet dialogue while making the writing itself pretty good, and it doesn't entirely work. It could probably be improved if it were an actual person.
Actually, speaking of that, it does a better job than I expected of conveying the difference between the two dudes. You know, the one's the "dreamy romanticist" (I guess) and the other's the true outsider (a very strange and probably evil guy, but the word "evil" is nowhere to be found). I guess that's because the dudes are "radically different." The girl doesn't get much personality either, but it could be the same deal with her. (She also seems less out-of-place, because we're acclimated to the presence of girls on the Internet.)
I really hope this isn't as "stylized" as this intro makes me feel like it is. (I really, really hope that the teenagers don't talk exactly like this.) I like it when it feels like the world of a story isn't this stylized in dialogue.
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And now I've got to start the game proper.
I actually like this guy's art style. And the conversation style is less intense this time. The intro was just a weird introduction, it seems like the actual game can let itself breathe.
Wait, it looks like I'm going to lose all my progress if I die? Damn, this is a tough first boss.
I don't think this guy was giving me good directions, but I beat him anyway. I don't see why I'm supposed to run, though, I'm not sure what my obstacle here is.
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This is the picture of me that the game gives me when I die, and it . . . it looks like I'm waving at something? I don't know what the yellow thing is.
Also, I'm a blue thing? (Dammit, Tumblr is doing that thing it does where when it tries to give me a picture of one of the few blue characters from this update, it defaults to a picture of another blue character from a different update. I don't even know which one I'm trying to show you, here.)
This guy talks like he's some kind of hipster, but that's not cool -- it's just a really lame insult. (I'm sorry, why am I ragging on his writing? I just don't have good taste, I guess.) Anyway, the game is also being kind of a douche.
I guess the yellow thing is a dollar sign.
Huh, this guy seems to have a lot of parallels with John. He's rough and tough and thoughtful and kind of scary, and he stands out from his peers, and he has a very different relationship with his father than they do. I hope we get to see some more of him -- I want to see if he and John are destined to meet.
This is a noteworthy character, the first "girl" I've seen in Homestuck, and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. She seems kind of . . . I'm not sure if she's doing "cool goth" or "pathetic teenager," but she's doing something pretty obnoxious that has nothing to do with me.
Going to set out for my mission, then.
Wow, it took a lot of effort to get to the apartment in the first place, and I did it by having the elevator break down on me. No wonder this guy (and his cat) are so lonely.
Mission accomplished, for now.
This is pretty fun! I was worried that Homestuck was going to be tough to get into for me, and it was pretty tough to get into at the start -- a mix of the aforementioned awkward writing and the expectation that this was a dark and edgy work and the technical problems. But I think I can see where it's going.
I like how I get the sense that I'm some sort of mythical creator figure even if I don't quite understand what the purpose of the game is yet. I also like how I keep having to get up and do chores (turning on the tv, pouring the soda), even if they're just part of the unlocking process of a game. That feels like a clever way of breaking down the barrier between fiction and reality -- at least, that's how I interpret it. I don't know enough about the game yet to be sure.
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
this might be a very, very unpopular opinion here but personally I do like some of of these “headcanon” art stuff. Don’t get me wrong I completely understand why they can be a problem but personally I kinda like the designs of some of these tumblrified characters. Cringe for sure but some of them are admittedly, pretty. For me, as long as they don’t have a shown cannon race it’s kinda free game.
Hey, that's cool, you do you. I do as I do. We don't all have to be the same. Try to not say something you like is cringe though, as that takes away a bit of credibility or like you don't agree with yourself. Also genuine question, which scale are we using here, rcdart or vivziepop or twitter pinkie pie?
call me woke or whatever but it’s just my kind of cringe that I personally like. It’s stupid, it’s silly, and it’s even ugly, but I guess it just fun to see how people could change one character so much that it ends up reflecting them or whatever while still trying to somewhat look like the character they buried in a thousand “headcanons”. Plus, it’s good character ideas (as in appearance.)
I won't call you anything, you seem like a nice and polite anon that has a different viewpoint than me, that's okay. I will say though, at that point, why not make ocs instead? Being honest, I want to steal some designs from homestuck because Hussie sucks and the characters had potential, but if the objective is to make them look like a reflection of the artist or only for personal use, why even re-imagine a particular character in the first place? In my opinion, it's because deep down it's been proved that that kind of art usually doesn't sell very much, so it's the original IP attached to it that gains traction.
Think of how many reboots are created nowadays, and how every one is worse than the last, if it didn't have the OG IP attached to it in the first place, I doubt anyone would have even looked twice at something like the PPG from 2016, Tiny Toons (they made two characters who were lovers become siblings) or even Velma.
overall, I like some of these tumblrised designs. They are kinda charming. Maybe cause I’m more “left-leaning” or something but it’s just a guilty pleasure of mine to just look at designs I think are nice no matter how ugly they are to others. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Amen, brother, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But also, I think it's a slippery-slope, because remember HONE? How the same people that draw these characters as FAR AWAY from the original design as possible criticize her so much when she actually was the one drawing as similarly to the original comic style in the first place? Some people try to virtue signal with their designs to be "inclusive" so much that they circle back to being actually unironically racist because they insult a japanese artist because of their art style.
and personally I do feel bad for liking stuff like this. Like I agree with some of y’all’s points here but I don’t know, I think I’ll just put my opinion over this issue.
Again, don't be ashamed of what you like, if it makes you happy, you find something of value in it and you're not harming anybody, what's the issue? I don't think you're like the same people that try to guilt trip others for not drawing like the "tumblr style", but the reality is that that sadly is way less common than you'd think.
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xxmisty · 1 year
First intro post for a verrrry long time!
Hello! 🌈
Bit out of practice for this but since I’ve started to get a few new followers again I thought I should make a quick post to say thanks for following and to kind of re-introduce myself since I’ve been away a little while. Tumblr’s been my online home since 2011 though so even when I’ve been away a while I’ll always come back sooner or later - I met my lovely partner here and this hellsite saved my life in a very literal way back in the day so it means the world to me 💙
I can’t help worrying that if you’ve just followed for the art you’ll get fed up with the absolute yard-sard of fandoms, nonsense and tumblr nostalgia I’ve been reblogging lately and I don’t want to put unwanted nonsense on your dash so I’ve set up a side blog which I’ll reblog just my art to. Feel free to follow that one instead! 💜 Art side blog: @johnmist 💜
But if we share fandoms (especially Torchwood - oh my god I am over three years into the biggest hyperfixation of my life and it’s showing no signs of fading!) or other interests it’d be nice to meet you - feel free to say hi!
My name’s John, some people might still know me as Mist, but all the best people call me Stringer (= my wife 🥰) I’m a 40-something trans, bi, disabled artist who’s tired of all the hate, horror and misery out there. I can’t change the world but I can try to brighten it just a tiny bit with some fan art of characters and fandoms that I love.
At the moment I’m struggling big-time with my health. I live with fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, severe crohn’s and UC, endometriosis, narcolepsy, migraines and recurrent meningitis so honestly, sometimes I have to disappear without warning. From one day to the next I never know what I can manage so I try to make the most of every good day, every good hour, every good minute and draw as much as I can when I’m able. Art is one of the things that keeps me going, makes life worthwhile.
Full disclosure, I’m currently going through the worst health of my life and finding it hard to cope this time. Somehow this is the one place I don’t actually feel guilty sharing so I may talk about it sometimes. I’m also autistic and like just about everyone on this site I also suffer from anxiety. I also am very much an adult and may post/reblog adult subjects so please don’t follow if you are a minor or know you’ll find topics such as sex, sexuality, my fetish and other mature content upsetting - be safe in your own space, and feel free to follow my art blog instead 💙
💜 Again.... Art side blog: @johnmist 😁 💜
A non-complete list of my other fandoms:
Doctor Who (classic and new), What We Do In The Shadows, Marvel (mostly MCU, particularly Runaways, Jessica Jones, Wandavision, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, She-Hulk and Cloak & Dagger), Red Dwarf, Homestuck, Ashes to Ashes/Life on Mars, YuGiOh, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Xenoblade, My Hero Academia, Yakuza, 80s and 90s nostalgia and various other franchises that we dip in and out of from time to time 💙
My icon is my favourite OC, Kim, and I may post about my OCs now and again.
I’m horrible at self-promotion but I do have a Patreon and a ko-fi and am very grateful for any support; money is a constant struggle and every little helps 💙 If you’d like a hi-res version of any of my sketches in exchange for a ko-fi donation please drop me a message 🥰
patreon: https://www.patreon.com/xxmisty
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/xxmisty
Thank you for following - I hope you enjoy my art!
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junniorstarbreak · 3 months
Blog Update Cause it 2024 !!
Hello everyone! Maybe you guys have forgotten that you were following me lol, since I have been inactive and sporadic here. Social media has changed so hard ever since the purge and the pandemic, but it 2024 so it is time I just reclaim myself and my dreams and goals...
And to give everyone a proper explanation of what that entails and what my plans would be moving forward, in fact this post is to help me come clean with my feelings and experiences so I can accept them and move on, that doesn't mean this will be my last post on this account, but more so that I want to create a cleaner slate for me to get stuff done~
For starters when I started this blog I did it because of an old fandom friend, we became close due to our love for Steven Universe, she became like a beacon, a mentor figure to how to interact online with people, as you can tell from that I'm pretty much part of the OG 2014 era of Tumblr, that boom where Superwholock and the Homestuck fandom where at their peak, witnessed Undertale's humble demo beginnings and how when it released in full it became a viral sensation, something that only tumblr had the power to do, which has been hard to replicate on a social media such as twitter and even harder everywhere else. (Which is why I think games like Omori didn't generate enough traction in comparison)
Tumblr got me through my darkest times after 2013 when I unfortunately got abused by my principal and I had lost all sense of direction, it became a place of comfort and happiness, better than facebook, and more flexible than twitter, I was living and having fun and discovering more about myself, exploring me as a person and my interests, it was my fave go to website during my university years while I grew artistically and got the chance to come out of my shell and meet new friends.
It was an inspiring place with so much to discover, seeing cool peeps, cool fan art, memes, people of so many walks of life and stories whether outlandish or truthful, you could easily interact with people and discover new fandoms and have so much fun, I got to meet nice people, cool artists, inspiring fellas, and precious friends I'll never forget.
I began my tumblr with the idea of joining fandoms and post art, but obviously I was a newbie in those regards, I developed this hyperfixation of keeping up with my dash (do people still call it that?) and always scroll down to the very last post of the day before, while I juggled my academic life and my working life (since I had to pay for my Uni) somehow I focused more on just laughing and reblogging anything I found cool, which meant my first Tumblr became a reblogging personal space, which meant my art posts would get swamped (even tho I had an art tag) so I pretty much gave up on the idea of having an art blog since I didn't have much time for art anyways, and I had to be more focused in my academic life than on being active here or making stuff to post.
In a way tho, that made me feel invisible and made me develop the usual worries such as wanting to go viral, having thousands of notes, being noticed, having a popular post, having thousands of followers, being noticed by cool people or artists, being ACTIVE, having fun with EVERYONE, being recognized in a fandom, being part of something, never feeling enough, making cool projects and getting opportunities... those insecurities led to anxieties, and those anxieties were demoralizing and paralyzing...
As the years went by though, my friend left the internet, wherever she is, I wish her well on her journey, I am thankful for the time together; meanwhile I was dealing with the pressure and stress of my final years of Uni, and also that dreaded feeling of worthlessness and anxiety of feeling far away from my original plans and goals, I felt low... compared to peers or people in the industries I wanna be a part of, which made me feel even worst and stuck, when I finally graduated I felt aimless and without structure, then I got a job at an unfortunalte TOXIC Publicity Agency...
Agencies are as draining and demanding as the worst places to work, enter at 8:00 am and go home till 10:00 pm... yep big NOPE... a draining job like that just made me feel worst about myself, about my art skills, about me as a person, while you had younger peeps becoming viral artists or activists, I felt I was sinking into constant panic and worry thinking this was my life now for years to come, without aspiring to be anything else... it worsen the clinical depression I was experiencing, It's a life I have no plans to return to, I know better now, but oh boy, that was 2019 so... you know what happens next 2020 and... the pandemic was not kind to me, mental breakdowns and borderline suicidal, I WAS A WRECK, and it took some time to heal from those scars of loss, tragedy, abuse, trauma... always overworking without realizing I was straying away from my dreams... always comparing myself to others who I've never met (sometimes I still do) and not trying to rise above the drowning sinkhole I was in...
So... I became so envious and jealous of others success, and became more recluse and shut down, I felt alienated, and alone, hopeless and done... the worst
To this day I still gotta work through my negative feelings, since I still feel excluded from the circles I wanna be a part of, from art communities, from fandoms, maybe because I don't like this thing everyone else is liking, specially people who I look up to enjoying and vibing with a thing together but me being invisible and in the background unable to achieve the same, but... I know that's on me and not on people who have never met me (parasocialism can damn you) so... that's why I am taking the time to write this long post, I kept postponing it over and over again, but it is time I finally take this step for my sake, and the sake of my dreams.
I was inspired to finally start a new chapter in my life and career by the support of new people I've met, a much more forgiving family, and by an AMAZING psychiatrist that has helped me improve my mental state so let me ramble a bit just to finish.
I recently finished Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure (By recently I mean February, but you know I was postponing this post for months now) and honestly even though I have been a massive magical girl nerd for years, I never got to finish a Pretty Cure season before, this is legit my first time doing so and I don't regret it, because it a season with the important message on how to be truthfully strong, and having the fortitude of moving on regardless of how painful it can be, and an episode that spoke to me was when Sora felt like she couldn't be an hero anymore, and returned to her homeland to just live a normal life, later on she found the drive to become an hero again, and her dad said a phrase that still rings true "Even if your dream shatters, or you lose it... it will come back to you"... ever since, I felt the need to finally take that step that scares me and gives me anxiety... an that is, to say goodbye to the past and start anew, make a new space for myself, a new tumblr, new accounts, new name... new me, make a clean place that is just for my art, the things I love, the things I enjoy, the things I wanna talk about, an active place surrounded by people who will love my stuff and who will support my projects.
Because even if I don't get into an industry that doesn't mean I have to stop creating, I don't wanna be invisible and just reblog all the time, I wanna MAKE, I wanna CREATE, I want to post art and share my love and experience with others in a better place that actually feels mine, where I can start from scratch and defeat those negative feelings, I don't need to be viral or make a hit game or anything like that, I just need to enjoy life and grow as a person while I work towards my dreams and ambitions, because, I don't want to be scared anymore, I want to just take that first step and no longer make excuses not to, I wanna be reborn and do better for myself...
As for these old tumblr? It gonna remain as a personal space for reblogs and what not, I don't think it needs to be deleted or deactivated but I am sure it will get ocassional use and not constant as I'll be focusing on my life plans~
Thank you so much for reading till the end, it is quite the lenghty post but, I had these feelings in my chest for years and finally have the bravery to free them into the world.
I also want to recommend BUCCHIGIRI?! underrated anime😤 it had to compete with Dungeon Meshi for attention, but boy is it worth a watch, specially if you anime like DBZ, it pumps you with adrenaline and the story is a heartfelt endeavor of growth and how to deal with your inner demons!
So what are my next steps? well... I am planning to watch Wonderful Precure and probs Kaiju No.8 plenty of shows I wanna watch and enjoy honestly~
Anyways, here is my new tumblr link!
Sure, it a work in progress, but I am ready to make it my new home and become a better me now :3
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playingforward · 8 months
intro post :3
hi!!! hello!!!
the name’s ajax, although i’m also called a whole Host of other things in place of/addition to that, depending on the vibes. dawn, crow, and violet are the most common ones you’ll see :))
the pronouns in my bio are usually accurate, but they occasionally change. if you interact with me on a personal level (in dms/on other platforms), i'll inform you of my current name & pronoun preferences.
i'm a digital artist in an educational program on the subject, an occasional fanfiction writer, massive mathematics & biochemical sciences nerd, tea connoisseur, jewelry collector, friend to many & awkward to all
this blog is a multifandom + personal mess because sideblogs aren’t manageable for me.
long-term post/reblog topics: sword art online (practically lifelong special interest), persona 5 (+ 3&4 a bit, but i’ve only played p5), the legend of zelda + lu, my dear partner @voheit, homestuck, THE ARCANE ASCENSION SERIES BY ANDREW ROWE PLEASE GOD DOES ANYONE KNOW IT; advocacy/activism
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. saying so is the least anyone can do about it
tag guide and extra personal info under the cut :)
my username is a reference to the sword art online episode 01x08, in which kirito and asuna have a conversation about who will "play forward" - i.e., make the decision of what they will be doing - that day.
tag guide: these exist mainly for myself, to aid in categorizing + retroactively searching for things i’ve put on here
blue bucket of gold - personal posts/stuff that i’ve had a hand in composing in some way. chatty reblogs aren’t usually tagged with this, but sometimes i forget -> wording derived from a sufjan stevens lyric that felt particularly Me
hoard - a dragon collecting shinies. things i find especially worthwhile
keep - a derivative of hoard, but even more important/Practical information for which i’m likely to search my own blog
emotional intelligence - a derivative of keep, posts relevant to emotional or mental health, self-care, advice, etc. generally tends to be practical. i recommend going through that tag if you need to hear a perspective on life/feelings which isn’t rattling around in your own skull :)
@ voheit - with no space, this tag exists specifically for things that i’d like to share with tumblr user voheit <3 with no time pressure or feeling uncomfortable with tagging them directly on the post, for whatever reason there may be
draconic - posts that feel draconic in nature to me, especially in a way that pertains to my own identity
other context about me:
- legal adult 👍
-i often use vaguely christian phrases (dear god, lord above, holy fuck, god bless) in a nonreligious way
- I HAVE MEMORY ISSUES!!!!!!!!! i Will forget some things you’ve said to me no matter how much i want to remember. please remind me of it when i ask, or seem to be Obviously Missing Context, and the conversation will flow as before - or get into a fun tangent about the forgotten memory. i am experienced with dealing with my own issues!!! go with my flow and you’ll be just fine. do not guilt trip me about it, though. this is out of my control
- i am a dragon :3 in my heart
- also plural, but we don't talk about it often on here. sometimes reblog informational/positivity posts on the subject.
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:33 < hello!!
:33 < im nepeta!! i use she/it purronouns!! :33
:33 < im kind of mew to this world!! ive only been here for about a sw33p!! which i think is around 2 years?? :??
:<< < i used to live on a planet called alternia, but meow im stuck on this place called earth!! :<<
:33 < ive b33n having fun though!! there are so many cool creatures called pokemon!!! and the best pawrt is there are meowbeast ones!!!
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(ooc: this art comes directly from homestuck itself!!)
:33 < this is a drawing i made of me and my lusus!!! a lusus is kinda like a guardian pokemon except they dont have cool elemental pawers and they just kinda are normal
:33 < his name is pounce de leon!!
:<< < unfurtunately hes still on alternia, i miss him a lot :<<
:33 < i have some pokemon furiends now though!! i have an 33v33 named sorbet and a skitty named meowgon and an espurr named moonlight!! i might catch more but well s33 833
:33 < also im in kalos right meow X33 i might venture to other regions so beware >:33
// ooc under cut
// meowdy!! i havent seen any homestuck pokemon irl blogs but i saw a lot of overlap between homestuck and pokemon irl communities so i bit the bullet and made one myself!!!
// i specifically chose nep because shes my favorite of all the trolls!! and i think shes probably the easiest for me to write for
// if you know anything about homestuck, then its important to note that she was pre-sgrub and did not even know it happened!!! im debating on whether sgrub even happens in her universe tbh. if you dont know anything about homestuck feel free to ignore this entire paragraph!!! it essentially doesnt mean anything important if you dont know anything abt what happens
// mod is an adult but nepeta is a minor so no nsfw!!!
// pelipper mail is on!! but magic anons are NOT
// um i think that is it so yeah!!
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understandableparadox · 10 months
Tamiss Eriism
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They're my trollsona! Here's the bio I used for art fight:
Your name is TAMISS ERIISM.  
Flowing through your veins is good thick VIOLET blood. While you don't care much for the hemospectrum overall, you still find yourself admiring the way it looks. You think it is VERY PRETTY, you love living underwater, and the perks it gives you are TRULY ENVIABLE.
Perhaps connected to your high status within the hemospectrum is your MASSIVE GOD COMPLEX. In your opinion, you might be the best person on the entire planet, maybe even better than THE CONDESCE HERSELF. Though you probably wouldn't say that to her face. You'll prove your great power one day by overthrowing her so everyone will respect you for your TRUE POWER. Though that's not making very much headway. Maybe some day though, with your SICKLE in hand, you'll finally prove yourself.
You are ever so slightly obsessed with CULINARY and CRYPTOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. You are in fact quite fond of most HISTORIES, and take an interest in many forms of the PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE. You even model many aspects of yourself after HEROES you saw in your books. One, a cobalt blood, gave you a great appreciation of SPIDERS AND ALL SORTS OF INSECTS, though your lifestyle gives you hardly any opportunity to view any for real. There was another from the same place on the hemospectrum as you who you also found REALLY COOL. He inspired much of your personality such as your INTEREST IN DRAMA, ROMANTIC NATURE, and AMAZING HAIR STRIPE. Sometimes you even feel like you can HEAR THEIR VOICES but that's probably normal. Despite how TOTALLY COOL you are, people hardly tend to notice you. Once your plans are complete though, that WON'T HAPPEN ANYMORE.
You also like READING TOMES OF KNOWLEDGE. Though most of the knowledge is either on BEING A HUGE LESBIAN or MATH YOU DO NOT QUITE UNDERSTAND. Or communism. It is quite a ball though.  
Your trolltag is atlanteanAscension and you speak iin a wway remiiniiscent 8f y8ur favv8riite her8es.
Lollie Gravez
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Your name is LOLLIE GRAVEZ and you use ne/nem/nir, sh3/h3r/h3rz and h3/h1m/h1z. You are a SCENE KID first and foremost, and a troll second.
You love COMICS, CARTOONS, and SHIPPING, and listen to way too much ALTERNATIVE MUSIC. You send a lot of your spare time SEWING CLOTHES, both for yourself and your PLETHORA OF PLUSH FRIENDS. You spend way too much money on VIDEO GAMES, that you never get around to playing. When you aren’t hiding in your room away from the world, you love watching shows with your friends, then making self inserts for all your friends. Your squad loves the troll anime SUGIO QUEST FOR KOKORO, despite it being outlawed for rebel imagery.
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