#i feel so upset for tashi i need to be thinking of other things
birdmans · 5 months
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the commentators talking about anna mueller, who tashi beat, going on to win wimbledon and more because there isn’t anyone who can challenge her anyways we should all kill ourselves
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sharonccrter · 5 months
I saw this really interesting video, which talked about my two biggest gripes with challengers' discourse. Which are that everyone keeps saying Art is the heart of this movie, and secondly, the insistence that Patrick doesn't love Tashi, only Art. The creator pushes back against these two narratives, and I wholeheartedly agree. Patrick is arguably the heart of this movie.
Two of the most important scenes in the movie are the churro scene and the scene between p/t out in the storm, and they both centre around Patrick.
The entire movie is about passion and purpose in life, and Patrick is the passion.
I mean, a lot of people assume Patrick didn't really have feelings for Tashi, but the only person who says that is Art. Who is vying for Tashi and is his biggest competitor. The reason I empathise with Patrick is that he is genuine and loving to Art; he does love him. However, we are shown no evidence to suggest that Patrick is this shitty boyfriend, apart from what Art says when he's trying to get into Tashi's head because his jealous. We find out that they're talking every week while he's on tour (normal relationship shit). It's Art who insinuates that Patrick is cheating while on tour. The only person in this movie who says Patrick doesn't love Tashi is Art, and it's obviously very intentional.
I think the reason both Tashi and Art push Patrick out of their lives is because he forces them to comfort parts of themselves they are not yet comfortable with. I mean, it's obvious why Tashi would react that way to Patrick; she's just lost the most important thing in her life. However, I think it's tragic from Patrick's point of view as well. I mean, what did Patrick really do? He got into a fight with his girlfriend because she hurt his feelings.
And no, he's hurt was not about Art. The fight made him feel unimportant, which made him feel like she didn't actually care about him. And that's where Art comes in, because who was going around telling Patrick Tashi didn't give a shit? You bet ya. Art. Art absolutely got into his head. And even if he clocked it, in that moment, he still allowed it to get to him because he was emotional and upset. And because he was too hurt to support her, he was thrown out of Tashi and Art's lives.
And here's the thing, Patrick never saw Tashi as an idea. He saw her as a real person, unlike Art kinda did. Patrick wasn't going to let Tashi treat him like shit just because she was special. And, tbh, if Tashi hadn't gotten injured, I think it's something she would have eventually been grateful for. But instead, she got hurt; she pushed Patrick away, and Art slid into his place, telling her that she could be his entire world and the star. That's not healthy, and sorry to stay a little manipulative.
And let's talk about Art. Patrick and him were literally fire and ice. They always had this underlying desire. They were perfect opposites. Let's face it: Art could never replicate what he had on the court (and off) with anyone else. But instead of confronting his feelings, he took the first chance he had to get Patrick out of his life.
The girl I was watching said it perfectly, "Art and Tashi allowed themselves to find consolation prizes in each other and allowed them to run from parts of themselves they didn't want to comfort and in turn enable each other's worst habits."
Art tries to become a tennis superstar so Tashi can live through him, and Tashi gives him a family so he can finally be confident in who he is. But is there any passion? I don't know; I think at some point, it drained; nothing about what I saw on screen apart from their initial get-together screams passion.
Cue Patrick walking back into their life and showing them how they can feel. Art was always going to let Tashi live through him, but that was never going to be satisfying for her. Tashi needs to find a way to create an identity for herself, separate from him. And I believe it'll be the only way she'll live a satisfying life. That's why they need Patrick: to make them realise that and to help them rediscover their passion.
I think people think that Art is the heart because Patrick admits to being a piece of shit. But the truth is, they're all dicks; Patrick was just the only one who was willing to admit it.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 5 months
Pathetic (Art Donaldson)
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Description: Y/N loves Art but thinks he’s pathetic for still being in love with Tashi even though she’s using him.
Word Count: 1,327k
Y/N met Art in college along with Tashi, who at the time was dating Patrick. Art was obsessed with Tashi and Y/N was the victim. She had to hear about it all the time and it was annoying. He even went as far to try and ruin Tashi and Patrick’s relationship. Tashi was pissed at Pat but Y/N knew all along that it was Art. I mean he wouldn’t shut up about her. Art was there for Tashi when she had her injury, like a little puppy he bowed down to her. Y/N snorted when Art told her that he was going to help her recover and be there for her. She watched as Art left her room, she shouldn’t but she does care about him.
And maybe that’s why she feels the way she does about the situation. Tashi liked Art but not like that. Which Art couldn’t see but Y/N did. It was crazy that Art and Pat were no longer friends over Tashi. Bros before Hoes was always the saying but it wasn’t that anymore. Y/N watched as Art bent over backwards for Tashi but got nothing in return. She cared about his Tennis career, not him. Tashi would always bitch to Y/N about how Art wasn’t taking anything seriously and that he needed to focus on his career. To which Y/N replied, “He’s in love with you, Tashi.” Tashi laughed at her words and brushed them off but Y/N was right. 
10 years later, Art was still in love with Tashi but nothing ever came about it besides sex here and there that Art wore on his sleeve. Y/N had watched him all through his career and lost a lot of respect for him. Every time he lost a game, Tashi would get so mad and make him cry. He cried to Y/N about it and she put on a fake pity smile and comforted him. But not this time, never again will Y/N act like that. She was over it, over all of it.
He came into her room with tears in his eyes, sad that Tashi was mad at him for losing. Y/N rolled her eyes but let the man in. He sat on her bed, “I just don’t understand, I try and do everything for her and I get nothing in return.” He’s saying the words but they aren’t clicking in his head. Y/N just stared at him as he whined. She didn’t hug him like she usually does or coo in his ear. She was annoyed with him. When she hadn’t said anything, he looked up at her, “Why do you look so annoyed?” He asked her. “Cuz you’re pathetic.” She spits at him. He looks at her confused and hurt by her words. “What?” “Yeah, you’re a pathetic little boy that is dying for her love and attention. Well guess what? You’re never gonna get it.” She tells him. He couldn’t believe what she was saying, she never said things like that to him, especially when he’s upset.
“Don’t say that. She loves me.” “Are you that delusional? Art she only cares about your Tennis career because she doesn’t have one anymore!” She yells. He stood up, “Don’t say that about her!” He pointed a finger at her. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, “Get the fuck out!” She told him. He left and didn’t look back. Y/N sighed and sat on her bed, where Art was just sitting. She laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She wished that Art would just see that Tashi didn’t love him and that he needs to let that go. 
A week later everything seemed to go back to normal for now. Well besides Art. He didn’t talk to Y/N but maybe that was for the best. Tashi on the other hand begged Y/N to talk to him. “He needs you Y/N. He’s not focusing.” “He’s Pathetic.” Y/N told her. Tashi agreed and told Y/N that’s why she needed her help. But Y/N refused, she was done with Art and his bullshit.
Y/N and saw that Patrick was there as well and that he wasn’t doing the greatest. “Maybe if you were as delusional as Art, life would be better.” She joked. Patrick rolled his eyes at her, “Still in love with Art?” her smile dropped. He looked at her and chuckled, “It’s been obvious since the day you met him.” She shook her head and downed her drink. “Yeah well he’s in love with Tashi.” “Who wouldn’t be?” “I don’t get it. She only cares about his career, not him.” Patrick saw how sad that made Y/N. “Well he’s an idiot for not being in love with you.” She looked at him, a smirk on his lips. She shook her head, “Yeah well that’s never gonna happen.” He shook his head and downed his drink.
“You both are sitting on things that are never going to happen.” She looks at him, thinking about his words. “Art loves Tashi and you love Art, that’s not gonna happen.” “So we’re both pathetic.” She said as she stood up. He stood up as well, “Well I don’t think you’re pathetic.” She shook her head, “No, I am. And it ends here.” “What are you going to do?” “Leave.” She begins walking away but Patrick caught up with her. “Wait, you’re just gonna leave?” She nodded. “Why? He’s not the only thing here.” “Yeah, but I was here for him.” She said. He took her hands, “Stay here for me.” She looked at him with a confused look. “Wait, what?” She took her hands back. “Don’t leave just because of him. Show him what he’s missing.” Y/N thought about his words and realized that it wasn’t worth it. “I tried Patrick. It didn’t work. Goodbye.” She said and walked to the elevators.
He watched her as she walked away but realized how Pathetic Art was for not wanting her. “Y/N.” He called and ran into the elevator. “What?” “Don’t leave. Please.” He begged. “Why do you want me to stay?” She asked, he sighed. “I want you to and not for Art. He’s a dumbass for not wanting you.” She turned to him. “Are you telling me to stay for the reason I think you are?” She asked, he nodded. Truth be told she’s always found Patrick attractive but never looked too much into it thanks to Art. “Art would never forgive us.” She said. “Yeah, but do you really care?” She didn’t, not anymore. 
Y/N showed up to all the practices they had. Art saw her and was shocked that she wasn’t cheering for him but for Patrick. Patrick could tell that he was upset and smirked at him when he won and Y/N ran up to hug him. Art stared at them and everything hit him. He was pathetic and he lost a great woman because of it. 
“Y/N, wait up.” Art called as he saw Y/N in the lobby. She turned towards him as he came running up to her. “What do you want?” He caught his breath and looked at her. “I’m sorry for what I've been doing all these years.” “Oh now you see me with Patrick and you realize?” “Wait, you're with Patrick?” She rolled her eyes, “Maybe.” He sighed. “Y/N please i’m sorry. You’re right I am pathetic. Tashi doesn’t love me and she never will. I know that now. I can’t let you walk away with him.” She sighed and looked down. He needed to be taught a lesson. She needs to walk away and be with Patrick, Art deserves that. But she loves him and no matter how many times he’s made her mad, she can’t bring herself to leave. She looked at him and pulled him in for a kiss. A kiss that he gladly returned. I guess we’re both pathetic, she thinks as they make out in the hotel lobby.
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queensunshinee · 3 months
i’m actually really disappointed that tashi would do something so heinous when in reality neither outcome would benefit her. i read the anon that said it would result in better tennis for her but after comforting liana after she did what she did and to sleep with her boyfriend afterwards? mind boggling. i truly do think patrick and liana love each other as much as art and liana do it’s just both men are so caught up in being better than the other.
in all honesty, i understand they were young but art’s mouth is RECKLESS and i don’t trust that whenever he’s upset with her or insecure, he won’t verbally abuse her. just like patrick. they’re both very insecure brats who need to work on themselves and leave liana out of it 😭
your story is very entertaining, congrats on 17 parts x (also sorry this is extremely long)
Tashi's perspective is always going to be tennis first, emotions second. In her mind, this is how she can actually fix both, because as much as Liana (or anyone basically) won't see it, she believes that Liana would FEEL better with Art. She knows Art and she believes he'll take care of her. She saw how Liana was in that cafe, and it wasn't good. She needed a wake-up call. In Tashi's opinion, it was the FRIENDLY thing to do (I know kinda insane).
Patrick and Liana are in love. No one can take that away. Some may say, that he even loves her more than Art does, since he figured it out from the beginning. But at this point in their life, being in love is not enough.
Art is a very insecure human being and his tongue is sharp and very cruel. As we've seen before, Liana's trust is definitely not there yet.
Never apologize for long messages, it's really fun to know you guys like the story enough to comment on it. Means actually a lot 🤍
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socialtomcat · 4 months
DISCLAIMER. the following post will be discussing characters whose canon consists of around 6 hours of comedic musical improv and most of their personalities are based on stuff i made up/projected onto them or decisions the actors made to be humorous taken deadly seriously. hold my hand. look into my eyes. its all going to be okay.
also there will be challengers spoilers
regarding last post the thing about moshe and neal is theyre both kind of canonically pathetic wet cats so its hard to find tension between them personality wise which would result in the kind of tashi/art vs tashi/patrick dynamic. i think the difference is neals refusal to accept help is more out of principle and in many ways a need for independence makes him much more like patrick whereas moshes difficultness stems from his abandonment issues which means as much as he will huff and get upset when ppl try to help him in ways he doesnt like, he is incredibly loyal and will eventually listen to the ppl around him because he craves both guidance and validation. i think the hotel scene would play out very similar but i think moshe would be more explicit about his desire for an ultimatum (not on purpose) while also emphasising how much he wants to stay with her despite knowing she will never truly love him like that
that post about tashis one true love being tennis and how she will always love tennis much more than she will ever love the boys while also knowing they are her only way to have that rings pretty true for kharm too. like as much as she cares for and loves neal and moshe in ways her true love is performance and connecting with her fans. as much as she spends so much effort trying to maintain her cool persona, she wants to be vulnerable but they all love her so much and place her on a pedestal so its difficult. shes also honest in little ways like telling them her dreams and crushes which feel like a big deal to her but the only time she can really truly connect and be seen is performing and putting her feelings into songs and she knows she wouldnt have that without the rest of the band. when theyre singing together, whether its with a live audience or a jam session, for those moments they truly understand each other and it is kind of like theyre in love. or something. i dont remember the actual quote but u get it
anyway this ties back to art/patrick & moshe/neal playing together without realising the vulnerability in it thats been there the whole time. i think moshes style kind of mirrors art in the way of like his verses are sometimes a little clunkier he might get focused on one thing and have to jam it in there, art might be a weaker player than patrick but he has tells in the same way moshe is kind of involuntarily showing his inner psyche when he sings, and they still connect to each other. havent thought this part out much but moshe being the new kid at school and being welcomed by the others vs art being a “late bloomer” and patrick helping him are definitely linked. if i follow this thread any further i will start experiencing vertigo but u get where im going
im not sure if they would get a similar satisfying ending like the movie solely because theyre very prone to messiness and poor communication and as im typing this im realising thats kind of challengers whole thing so idk. maybe theyd work it out. i think moshe does sort of have enough admiration and love for neal that he could accept it but he might also spiral and get upset and do moshe things etc u get it. i am not going to talk about did system moshe but it definitely adds layers to this that could either bring it closer to the events of the movie or complicate things further (in a fun way) but also tbh moshe does that on his own anyway
ummmmm also blair witchproject is there
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zalrb · 5 months
I think Tashi’s “pull” towards Patrick was also kinda inauthentic. During the flashbacks, I got the impression that she always liked Art a bit more, for whatever reason, at the beach, in the hotel; and she obviously doesn’t want to leave him even though she technically could go coach Patrick instead. Yet she still sleeps with him. Twice. Is it because Art can’t satisfy her (iirc the script makes a point that he needs a bit of “coaching” and Tashi is fine to do it). Does she not want to leave him because she’s still that upset at Patrick even though their relationship was never that deep and she blames him?
They should’ve genuinely stopped trying to make it a throuple, and let Tashi be a sort of puppet master
They should’ve genuinely stopped trying to make it a throuple, and let Tashi be a sort of puppet master
This. Exactly. It feels like they got scared of committing to that and we got this half-in half-out business.
I think Tashi’s “pull” towards Patrick was also kinda inauthentic. During the flashbacks, I got the impression that she always liked Art a bit more, for whatever reason, at the beach, in the hotel;
So, I agree. When we see them talking, she flirts with Art more, her eye goes to Art more, she kisses Art first but Art didn't win the match and tennis is everything to them so Patrick's skill on the court is supposed to be incredibly attractive to her but as she tells him when they first meet, Patrick doesn't play real tennis, so even though his skill is enough to, like, stoke their passions and to keep a fire going between them, in her mind he doesn't understand the game enough or in the way that Art does, Art just doesn't have the same type of skill as Patrick, for her to choose him, which is why it's supposed to be this triangle, where they each get something or share something with the other but I don't think they execute that well enough.
The fact that tennis is supposed to be this embodiment of all these different things for these characters, this communicative tool, this thread that connects them, this sacred thing for them, it's supposed to be the "how" of these relationships and I didn't think it was treated that way enough between all three of them for it to be as important as iti s.
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Potion Accident
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Request: Yes / No 
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Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Harry Potter x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1042
Warnings: Nothing I think
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
A/N:  Bingo card made by @slyttherins​
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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“Today, you and your partner will make an Elixir of Euphoria. You can find the information for this potion on page 286.” Snape’s monotone voice rang through the classroom. Students started moving about the classroom, either opening their textbooks or to get some supplies. I opened my textbook to the correct page and looked over at Harry. 
“Do you want to get the supplies or shall I?” I asked. 
“I’ll get it, what do we need?” He asked. 
“Shrivelfig, porcupine quills, peppermint sprigs, sopophorous beans, and wormwood.” I answered, reading the ingredients. 
“Right, I’ll grab them.” He said. 
“I’ll get the other things we’ll need.” I said and walked off to the closet, grabbing the things we’d use to make the potion. When I returned to the desk Harry was already there with the ingredients, reading the potion recipe. 
“Ready?” I asked, placing the things on the desk. 
“I think so.” He smiled. Harry and I had been very good friends, despite my best friend being Draco Malfoy. I never agreed with his ideology, but our families have been friends forever. Everyone thought I would be placed into Slytherin, however I was placed in Gryffindor. Draco was disappointed, but I assured him this wouldn’t ruin our friendship. He was of course upset when he found out I had become friends with Harry, but I never paid any mind to it. Harry was a good friend, but Draco would always be my best friend. 
“Alright, add shrivelfig and porcupine quills.” I instructed and Harry followed. 
“What’s next?” He asked. 
“Stir four times anti-clockwise.” I said and looked up to make sure he was doing it correctly. 
“Perfect, now we add the peppermint sprig to counteract the side-effects.” I said as I put it in the cauldron. 
“Oh, I don’t think we grabbed enough beans, I’ll go get some more.” I said and walked off to grab them. As I turned to walk back I noticed Harry was talking to Hermione. He wasn’t paying attention to our potion and Draco was placing something in our cauldron. I narrowed my eyes at him and walked up to our desk. 
“I’ve got the beans.” I said and placed them inside. 
“Now put the wormwood in and stir it six times anti-clockwise.” I instructed and looked over at Draco who was smirking. I glared at him and he looked at me confused. 
“That doesn’t look right…” Harry said looking inside. I glanced inside and saw the colour was completely wrong. It was supposed to be yellow and rainbows were supposed to be coming off, but instead it was orange and there wasn’t a rainbow in sight. 
“What did you do Draco?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He said with a slight smirk. 
“Mr. Potter, Miss. Y/L/N. Are you finished?” Professor Snape asked before I could go off on Draco. 
“Yes sir.” I answered, which shocked both Harry and Draco. 
“Very well, which of you will try it?” He asked. 
“I will.” I said, taking a small cup of it. 
“Wait no!” Draco said and the three of us glanced at him with confusion. 
“What’s wrong Draco?” I asked with a smile. 
“Yes, Mr. Malfoy, what seems to be the problem?” Snape asked. 
“N-Nothing sir.” He answered and their eyes once again fell on me. I took the potion and could tell immediately that it wasn’t correct. 
“How do you feel?” Draco asked worried. 
“I feel fine.” I answered honestly. 
“I saw Draco place something in our cauldron!” I blurted. My eyes widened, as did Draco’s. 
“Y/N?” Harry asked confused. 
“I’ve fancied Harry since second year!” I blurted again and slapped my hands over my mouth. Students' laughs filled the classroom as my cheeks burned red.  
“Mr. Malfoy, you have lost your house ten points, and you will be down here for detention.” Snape said. 
“Miss. Y/L/N, please keep your hands over your mouth until I return with the antidote.” He said and I simply nodded, afraid of what other stupid things I’d say. 
Once class was over and Snape had given me the antidote I rushed out of the room. I didn’t want to hear anyone’s jokes or whatever they would do. I quickly got to Gryffindor tower and rushed up to my room. I was horrified at what happened during class. I can’t believe I said that and in front of Harry! 
“Y/N?” Someone asked from my doorway, I knew it was Harry. 
“Please, just forget about it…” I said quietly. 
“Is it true?” He asked, walking into my room. 
“Please Harry…” I begged. My face was burning red from embarrassment. I didn’t want to talk about it, or even think about it ever again. 
“Because if it is, I fancy you too.” He said and I glanced up at him with wide eyes. 
“You’re just saying that.” I said, brushing it off as him being nice. 
“No, I’m being honest Y/N.” He said and I bit my lip. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked and I nodded, not trusting my voice. He leaned forward and it felt like forever until his lips landed on mine. It was perfect. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, but I could really feel the love passing through. When we pulled apart we stared at each other with smiles on our faces. 
“I suppose this backfired on Draco.” I giggled and Harry joined me. 
“Makes my day even better.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“He’s still my friend!” I said and Harry nodded. 
“I know, but you have to admit he’s a git.” He said and I gently shoved him. 
“Harry!” I scolded. 
“Sorry.” He said with a laugh, I knew it didn’t mean it though. 
“So… Where does that leave us?” I asked and he smiled. 
“How about next trip to Hogsmead we go on a little date?” He asked and I smiled. 
“I’d love that.” I smiled and kissed his cheek. 
“Now, if you excuse me, I must go scold Draco for ruining our potion.” I said, feeling better about the events that happened a bit earlier. Harry chuckled as I left to find the Slytherin Prince.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @in-slytherin-we-trust @accio-rogers @sambucky8 @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens @andreasworlsboring101 @vanessa-kom-skaikru @impulse-anchor @vamora​
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cruecifymesixx · 4 years
Love and Leather /part eighty seven/
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: enjoy!
Warnings: light smut, death?, language
Taglist: @miserablecunt​ , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol ,  @a-simple-salmon ,  @hi-my-name-is-riley​ , @extremesadnerding​ , @thatbandchick39​ , @awkwrdcait​ , @countrygirlswonderland​, @awesomealmostdopestudent​, , @tashy-bear​, @krazykatkay456​, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill​ @beachystars​, @rodriguez025​, @kickstart-myheart-sixx​, @s-outhie​, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls​, @vintagebox​ @shamelessobsessions​, @jerseytaint​@criminalyetminimal​, @trapt-in-a-dream​,  @broke-n-bitchy,  @lovesick-heart0​, @keepcalm-and-beyou​, @miriampraez​, @teenwolflover28​, @lilyhw1​, @herbertweeest​, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001​,  @waywardprincess666​, @iluvmesomemarvelndc​, @zoenicoles​, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london​, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,  @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist , @sleepyjunhong  @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier  @xxisxxisxxis, @dogmom2014, @cruesixxlover1991, @xpoisonousrosesx,  @m0rnlngstar, @love-struck-aries, @youretheonlyonewhomakesme,  @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @patheticgay69 @rocknroll--baby @redlipscrystalskies14, @samanthadegaro @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @thechangingme, @idkmanhereisshitilike, @makaelahdelvalle
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"Maybe...maybe I can send them flowers? Everyone likes flowers right? Or send a muffin basket. People like to eat when someone dies." I rambled on and on as Nikki followed me through the house.
"I should just call right? It shows I care more than sending flowers or sweet treats. That's what I would like. Should I do that? What do you think I should do?" I took a deep breath in, trying to keep the tears from coming as I picked up scattered toys from both Arianna and Anarchy.
"Vanity.." Nikki spoke softly as he put his hand on my shoulder. I exhaled deeply before covering my face.
"How do I say I'm sorry for the lost of your child?"  I croak, sobbing into my hands as he pulled me flush against his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning his chin on my shoulder
Mick had called just a little while ago explaining to us that Sharise called to let him know Skylar had passed away due to complications from her cancer diagnosis. Mick mentioned Vince was a mess and couldn't pick up the phone.
Nikki kisses the back of my head. I hear him sniffling too, "Y-you should call him.." I turn in his embrace to face him, "He's your brother. You should reach out, he's probably in so much pain right now."
Nikki disagreed as he shook his head which caused me to cry harder, "I-I can't do that. He barely answered my calls months ago. He wouldn't answer them now. Especially not right now. He has his friends and family, Vanity."
I take a few deep breaths in through my nose as I try to relax, "Do you still have his number? I'll call him. It's-it's out of respect Nikki. Imagine if it was-if it was Ari.." I get worked up again, tears pouring out as I wipe at them to the point that it hurt.
"I don't want to think of that." He looks at me, rubbing his hand over his face before it rests over his mouth as he's thinking, "Just say whatever you need to say to feel better." He tells me as he reaches for the phone, punching in numbers before he's holding it out for me.
I take the phone stepping over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek, he breathes in deeply before giving my hip a squeeze and goes out to the backyard with the dog.
I sit down on the couch, hearing the phone ring before a grumbled voice answers, "H-hey Vinny...it's Vanity. Vanity Blackwood.." I hear Vince's sigh of annoyance, "Mick just called...I am so sorry for your loss. I couldn't even begin to imagine what you're going through.."
Vince laughs a bit, "Yeah. Right. Look, I don't need to hear a pity party especially from you."
I frown a bit at his harsh tone seeping through the phone, "It's not like that at all Vince. We're still friends even if you and Nikki aren't...at least I think we are?"
"You and Nikki and your happy little family can just fuck the hell off! Don't call me again, Vanity."
My eyes water as I try to blink back tears, seeing Nikki standing at the glass door smoking a cigarette and looking at me, "Vince, it's not like that at all, I swear to you. I am sorry for your guys's fallout but I am just coming to you as a parent, that's all. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am and if you or Sharise need anything at all just let me know."
"I don't need shit from you."
"Vince-" I put the phone down when I hear the dial tone on the other line. I run my fingers through my hair, tugging on the ends as I sink into the couch. I should have just chose the nice flower bouquet and an apology note.
I close my eyes, hearing the sliding door open and shut before Nikki sits on the couch next to me. I raise his arm and curl up into his side, "He just said for me and my happy family to fuck off."
"He's upset and mourning doll...he doesn't mean it." I nod as I breathe in the scent of cigarette smoke and old spice deodorant.
"I know. Maybe I'll try Sharise."
Nikki sighed before reaching with his other hand to grasp my chin, pointing my head upwards to look at him, "Not right now Van, let her be with her parents. I'm sure she'll be with Vince too and they have each other. I know you have nothing but good intentions but just let it be for now, okay?"
I look at Nikki, nodding slowly as my eyes burn and sting with tears, "Okay..."
*Tommy's POV*
I yawned following Nikki around the antique store as he checked out some tables and lamps. I fumbled with some clock before Nikki scolded me like a child to put it down before I broke it, "Dude this store is boring.." I groan as we go further into the shop.
"God, you're worse than Arianna. I can't find anything anyways. I probably have to go to the shop out in Santa Barbra." Nikki tells me as we start heading back to front of the store, we wave bye to the shop clerk before walking through the mall.
I tune Nikki out as he starts going on about how he wants to redo the decor for his office. My eyes wander to the bright fluorescent lights of the jewelry store as my feet take me into its direction, "Hold on man, I want to look at something real quick."
I've been thinking about proposing to Clementine as we've been together for a little over a year now. Clem and I have never really talked about marriage other than my last two failed ones, "How'd you know you wanted to propose to Van? And how did you know it was the right time?" I turn to Nikki as I open up the door and walk in.
He chuckles a bit, "Uh...I don't know man? I just knew. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I know some people think we rushed into getting engaged and despite how everything is at the moment, I love her and I don't think I could ever imagine her being away from me. Why?"
"I don't know...with Clem being pregnant and everything I've just been thinking about asking her to marry me. I rushed with the other two and I just don't want to make the same mistake."
"Tommy, if you think you have to be married just because she's pregnant and society tells you it's the right thing to do then you're dumb. It's okay to not be tied up just in case it doesn't work out."
I shook my head looking at some rings in the glass case, "No, I don't want to marry her just because she's pregnant. I want to marry her because I love her. I just don't want her to feel pressured, I know you don't like her that much but I don't want her to freak out on me."
"Are you to gentleman looking for something in particular? I'd be happy to help." A busty redhead comes up to me and Nikki "Were having a sale today, our rings start at five thousand and it's 15% off for customizing."
I shake my head, "No thank you, I'm just looking for now.."
"Well, do you have anything that screams I'm sorry for being an asshole and I love you?" Nikki questioned as the woman laughed.
"Our diamond tennis bracelets are right over here. They're always a winner and they start at twenty five hundred."
"Thanks, I'll take a look around." Nikki tells her as I laugh a bit.
"In the dog house again?" I question as I bend down, finding a diamond on a simple gold band.
"When am I not in the fucking dog house?" I hear the eye roll in his voice, "I-I went on another date with Donna, but I didn't come home until the morning so Van thinks I'm sleeping with her now but I'm not. She'll barely say anything to me, but I'm not allowed to get mad when she's up late at night talking to whoever that guy is she's been seeing. All laughing and giggling and talking sweet. It makes me want to vomit."
"Well maybe you two shouldn't be seeing other people. That just sounds bad already, but sounds explosive for you two in particular. You really haven't slept with Donna? She's super hot."
We both smirks at each other like naughty school boys, "Yeah, she is isn't she? But no, I swear on Nonas grave I haven't slept with her. Just heavy make out sessions but nope, I've kept my dick in my pants. Would like it to go inside Van but she's being, well, she's being Van."
I laughed a bit as I glanced at some other rings, "Hate to break it to you man, but that's never gonna change. You think Clem would like that one?" I point to a silver band with an oval shaped diamond and a few smaller diamond wrapping around it.
I watched as Nikki shrugged, "I don't know man. It's simple but gets the point across. Clementine doesn't strike me as someone who would want a big fancy diamond that could be used as a paper weight."
I waved over that same redhead from earlier, "Uh...Maxine? Can I see that ring right there please?"
I wait and watch as Maxine unlocks the glass case, seeing Nikki wander off to go look at earrings. I smile when the ring is laid on a black velvet platform for me. I gently pick it up, seeing the jewels sparkle under the light. The inclusions of the diamonds created a rainbow affect as I tilted it back and forth between my finger tips.
"I think I'll take it. She needs a size 7."
"Oh that's wonderful! This is a very beautiful ring and any woman would be lucky to have it. Let me get it sized and wrapped up for you and I'll meet you at the cash register." Maxine tells me as she takes the ring and heads to the back.
I go over to Nikki seeing him holding up a gold tennis bracelet but every other stone was a ruby, or a garnet. I could never tell the difference.
"These dangler earrings would go absolutely perfect with the bracelet." The other woman tried selling it as Nikki shook his head.
"No, she doesn't like the dangler earrings. They get caught in her hair. But she has a pair of ruby studs that would go with them. It's her birthstone. But I for sure want the bracelet. Can you wrap it up nice for me? With the gold paper."
"Yes sir, of course."
We go up to the cash register as Maxine helps me first, she opens the box and shows me the ring before putting it in a red bag, "You made a very good selection. Are we going to be doing payments on the ring?"
I clear my throat hearing Nikki chuckle behind me, "No ma'am, I want to pay it in full." I grab my wallet from my back pocket and pull out my gold American Express credit card.
"Very well then, it will be a total of 23,700$." God, Clem's gonna kill me. I pay for the ring and thank her for helping. I step to the side for Nikki to come up.
"It's okay buddy, Vans ring was 85,000$ and we didn't even get married." He tells me as I rolled my eyes, "It's just collecting dust in my underwear drawer now."
"That will be 2,800$" I hear Nikki mumble something about a princess before he digs his wallet out and groans.
"She took my card the other day and didn't put it back." I watch as he then starts pulling out hundreds and fifties.
"Jesus Christ Nikki.." I shake my head "You really keep that much money in your wallet?"
We both walk out of the store after, "I really hope Clemmy likes it...you think she will?"
Nikki glances at me, "Yeah man. She should at least. It's a nice ring and if she doesn't then it's not the end of the world you can always take it back for it to be customized or she can pick out her own ring. It will be fine T."
"I'm sure it will be too, but you know I get nervous sometimes." I confide in him as he nods, "Have you heard from Vince?"
Nikki takes a deep breath before exhaling, "No, Vanity tried calling him but he was not very welcoming about it. But we sent Sharise flowers the other day. Have you?"
I shook my head, "I sent him an email and expressed my condolences. I did get ahold of Sharise though...she was nice. Even said we can go to Skylar's service if we wanted too, but I don't know...I feel like Vince wouldn't be too happy about that. It fucking sucks man. I couldn't ever imagine what it's like to lose a kid."
"Yeah man, I know-" I wait until Nikki unlocks his car and we both get in, "Vanity cried for hours over it then we had to explain to Arianna why she was crying. That was hard to do, but I think she sorta grasped the concept of death. I just hope we don't have to tell her again for a long time. I can't stand seeing her little bottom lip quiver or her eyebrows pulling together in confusion like that."
"Do you think I'll be a good dad? I had a good dad and I turned out fine, no offense to you. But what if I'm not good enough or there for them enough?" I slump back into the seat as I roll down the window.
"Yeah thanks for that." He laughs a bit, "I think being a dad is easier than being a rockstar. Some days are harder than others. But you have a good head on your shoulders, plus you have Clementine and wasn't she a big help in New York?"
"I mean yeah she was, but it's different when it's your own kid I think. I should read some of those parenting books. You think that would help?"
"I don't know, Tommy? I've never read them, plus kinda missed out on the whole newborn baby thing, remember?"
"Well yeah, but aren't you two gonna have more? You'd read them then right?" I ask him as he just stays quiet and focused on the road, "You two have to have more kids. Arianna needs siblings."
"Tommy, you're asking a lot of hard questions. Van and I can barely get along at the moment. We haven't had sex since Valentine's Day, and when we did she made me wear a condom. I would like to have more kids with her, but right now is just not a good time for me and her." Nikki explains to me, but I can hear the pain in his voice. I always knew how much he loved her, how he would give his last dying breath to have her.
"I don't know why you two put yourselves through this. You two aren't in your twenties anymore, I mean shit Nikki, you're almost forty."
"Shut the fuck up." Nikki reaches over and punches my arm, "I know how old I am and I'm reminded every time Vanity points out a grey hair."
"Do you tell her she's the reason why you have grey hair? Because it's probably true."
*Nikki's POV*
I stand in front of Vanity, blocking the tv with the gift bag behind my back. Her eyes dart up to mine and she gives out a sigh of annoyance, "What Nikki?"
"What Nikki?" I mock her tone, laughing as she glares at me. I sit down on the chaise part of the sectional and hold out the gold bag by my index finger, "I got something, you want it?" I raise my eyebrows and a smirk plastered on my lips as she rolls her eyes and sits forward and reaches for it, "Ah, Ah, Ah...say please."
"You're annoying." Van says as she leans her head back against the couch, "May I please have it?"
"Why of course princess." I place the bag on her lap, chuckling a bit when she throws the tissue paper at me before pulling out a long velvet box. I see her look at me a moment before she opens it. She tries to downplay her smile as she clips the gold and ruby bracelet around her wrist, "Do you like it?"
Van nods as she looks at me, her cheeks warm and pink "Thank you, Nikki. It's really pretty."
"You're welcome doll. I figured it would help with an apology...I'm sorry I didn't tell you I would be staying the night with her. I'm sure I worried you when I didn't call. And I know Arianna was upset, believe me, she let me know. But I am sorry Van." I express softly as I move closer to her on the couch, taking her wrist in my hand as I look at the bracelet.
"I'm just mad that you spent the night with her and I'm stuck here overthinking about what you may or may not be doing. I don't like thinking of that stuff but I can't help it." She explains as I take her hand and press my lips to the top of her knuckles.
"I know princess. And I'm sorry for that. I know you overthink and get anxious sometimes, I shouldn't feed into it. But I promise you Van, I didn't do anything with her and I haven't done anything and I'm not gonna do anything. Okay?" I feel her intertwine our hands together as I look at her and repeat myself, "Okay?"
She stares at me a moment "Okay...but you better mean that Nikki or I swear to god, I'll move out if you even put the fucking tip in."
I grin as I lean over and kiss her cheek "What about a hand job? Will you still move out?" I laugh when she smacks my chest, "Have you slept with that guy you're seeing? What's his name?"
Van laughs turning her head to the side before looking at me, "His name is Jon, and no I haven't slept with him. I haven't even kissed him unlike you that comes home with a hickey." She points out before poking the fading bruise on the side of my neck.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What does he look like?"
"Um...well, he's taller than me. Has short, shaggy brown hair with some highlights. His ears are pierced and he has a few tattoos." She shrugs, "He travels back and forth between Jersey and here.." I see her glance at me as I nod.
"Oh cool. Some business dude? And you aren't bored of him? I'm surprised."
"Well...not really business like you're thinking..."
"Are you gonna see him again?" I question, pressing a kiss to her shoulder before her neck, smirking against her skin when she tilts her head.
"Yeah..next weekend. He has something planned for us.." I hear the shaky breath as my teeth gently nip her.
"He calls a lot doesn't he? That's nice of him, to check up on you...does he know about me? About us?" I question, letting my hand slide up and down her bare thigh under the blanket she's wrapped up in, finger tips dipping under the bottom hem of her pajama shorts.
Van nodded, relaxing against the couch, "He was very surprised to know that I knew you and that we have a relationship."
A deep chuckle escapes my lips as I grip her jaw in my palm and turn her head to look at me, "I'm surprised that didn't scare him off. How could an average joe live up to a rockstar?" I question, seeing her glance at my lips before looking back at me, "He couldn't please you like I could. Someone that already knows all your wants and needs...someone that knows how to get you going so easily." My hand falls from her jaw to wrap around her throat, squeezing just slightly as a I hear her quiet whimper. My eyes close when Van presses her lips against mine, her hands entangling themselves in my hair.
I reach for her arms and pull her onto my lap, her thighs straddling mine as I deepen the kiss. I grab a hold of hair in my fist, tilting her head back as I lick a stripe from the bottom of her throat to the top. I feel her nails digging into my chest before her fingers grip my shirt. Van presses her body against mine as she wraps her arms around me, she breaks the kiss her eyes staying closed as she rests her forehead against mine.
We stay like that for a moment before she tells me she loves me. I smile and peck her lips softly, "I love you too." My hands slide down her shoulders, taking the flimsy strap of the tank top with me as she does the rest of the work and pulls her arms out. I kiss across her chest as she holds my head in place. My tongue swirls around her nipples before I tug on them. My eyes glancing up at her as she moans and her head tilts back.
Her ass grinds against the tent in my sweatpants as I bite back my own moans and grunts. I feel her hand go between us as she dips inside my pants and boxers and starts jerking me off.
"Fuck me.." I groan, closing my eyes as my head rolls  from side to side. She leans closer, her tongue darting out against my neck as she kisses and sucks a bruise onto me. I suck my bottom lip between my teeth as I feel my cock leaking pre cum only for Vanity to gather it and use it while she strokes me. I start breathing heavier, feeling her speed up her ministrations as her thumb swipes over the tip repeatedly, "Fuck, Van...you're doing so good baby." I run my thumb over her bottom lip as she smiles, playfully biting it before taking it between her lips.
We both jump and she gives me a particularly hard squeeze when the house phone starts ringing. Annoyed, I reach for it on the the couch and say hello, tilting my head when Van kisses my neck.
"Is Vanity available?" I hear another mans voice as I roll my eyes.
"Yeah. Hold on." I take the phone away and hand it to her, "It's for you. I think it's your boyfriend." I smirk at her as she takes the phone from me.
I lean forward pressing my lips to her her neck and collar bone as she grips my hair and tries to pull me away, "No, no Jon I'm not busy. No, it's okay. I'm just watching TV." I look up at her as i move my head down, letting my tongue swirl around her nipple again before pinching the other one.
"Ye-yeah I'm okay!-" she gasps rather loudly when I bite down, "No, it's just the show I'm watching, um..just a soap opera. I'm a sucker for drama." She mouths 'stop' to me but I just shake my head.
"I'm doing okay, just been working and being a mom. Nothing to interesting going on over here. How about you? I miss you too Jon." I quirk an eyebrow towards her before shoving my hand into her shorts, feeling her panties and herself absolutely soaked. I slot a finger through her folds before rubbing soft circles against her clit. I laugh when she reaches for my hand to stop me.
"Is that Nikki? Um....yeah that's Nikki...soap operas are his guilty pleasure." Van grabs my shoulder when I slide two fingers in her, curling up against her immediately.
"Fuck...Jon I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow afternoon?" I look up at Van with adoring eyes as I reach to press a kiss to her chin, twisting and pumping my fingers inside her faster as a small cry leaves her pretty lips.
I place soft and delicate kisses on her neck as I hear his muffled voice on the other line. Van stares at me with bright eyes, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth as I push another finger inside of her.
"Mhmm...yes that's-that's fine Jon! Just-I gotta go....oh fuck.." I watch as her body tenses, her eyes closing shut but her lips parting as I feel her nails claw at the back of my neck when she rides out her high.
I smirk at her when I take my hand out of her pants and bring my fingers to my lips, "N-no...I'm good..I just stubbed my toe really hard. I'll talk to you tomorrow Jon, okay? Goodnight." Vanity hangs up and throws the phone down, shoving on my chest as I laugh "It's not funny, Nikki! That's embarrassing!"
"Oh come on-" I roll my eyes, "You seemed to like it very much, maybe a little too much." I grin as she shoves me again.
"I can't fucking stand you." Vanity tells me as she pretends to put up a fight, but I see the playful smirk on her face before she's pressing her chest to mine and kissing me again.
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torikawa · 4 years
Bokuto x Reader [Incest #2]
Chapter #2
"Bokuto-san." Akaashi called out to his owl like Friend, his brows furrowing in annoyance.
Bokuto was in his Emo Mode, again. Who was to blame him though? He's been so stressed lately, missing all his spikes, serves, you name it. But there wasn't really any particular reason to why he was stressed. Not even Bokuto himself knew what the reason was. Perhaps was it his lack of sleep? It could be, but was it really?
Kotaro refused to answer. His hair was drooping down rather than his usual spiked up hairstyle.
"Bokuto-san, we can take a break for now if you're tired." Keiji sighed, picking the Volleyball back up from the other side of the net.
"It's not like I'm tired Akaashi." Bokuto mumbled under his breath.
Akaashi hummed, his eyes trailing off to his Friend Once more. "What's bothering you?"
"That's the thing!! I don't even know!" Bokuto stroke his fingers through his hair rather rapidly. Annoyed by the fact he didn't know the answer to the setters question.
"Please head back home for now Bokuto-san. You need to rest, we'll practice your spikes again tomorrow after school."
Akaashi's eyes narrowed. 'That's odd.' he thought in his head. 'He usually asks for more tosses.'
Bokuto walked home alone, he usually walked with Akaashi but today he went by himself. Not really in the mood to be accompanied by anyone at the moment.
His House eventually came to his view. Walking to the front door, his eyes widened slightly. Bokuto can hear 2 sets of voices. One that is his Adoptive sisters, and another he wasn't too fond with. Without hesitation, he fumbled with his keys and pushed the door open in a swift movement. Causing the 2 people inside the house to jump slightly.
"Wh- Kotanii!" [F/N] quickly stood up from her spot, running towards her brother to give him a big hug.
Bokuto happily returned the hug. Failing to realize how his arms wrapped around her waist a little too tightly. He felt a bit possessive, but why? His golden eyes trailed over to the boy with Ash Blonde Hair, a dazzling smile plastered on his face.
"You Must be [F/N]'s Older Brother. I'm Tashi Aito. I didn't get to introduce myself last time." The boy happily greeted with his hand stretched out the Grey haired Player.
Considering that Bokuto was basically still in his Emo Mode, he quickly turned his face away. Completely ignoring his existence as he continued to give [F/N] light kisses on her forehead, causing her to giggle. Aito on the other hand, just stared at the two, dumbfounded.
"Okay, Okay that's enough Kotanii! Haha! Welcome home, remember him? He came here last week but you only got to see him when he was leaving"
Kotaro stayed silent, his half lidded eyes falling onto his sisters small figure, then over to Aito. A small pout visible on his face, he was clearly upset that he hadn't left yet.
"Don't tell me you're in your Emo Mode again. Jesus Christ Kotanii, what happened?" [F/N] asked, her head tilting to the side as her arms crossed over her chest.
"THAT happened." Bokuto shamelessly pointed towards Aito, his eyes never leaving her [E/C] ones.
At this point, Tashi had his mouth slightly agape. Ofcourse he knew how it felt like to be protective over a younger sibling. But to this content?
"Oh, right- [F/N], we could continue our studying tomorrow since I gotta go. Are you free or-"
"She isn't" Bokuto suddenly interrupted Aito, leaving him even more speechless.
"Oh.. but, I wasn't really asking you I was aski-"
"I know, are you done?" Kotaro Innocently tilted his head, as if he didn't know that he's coming off as intimidating.
"Wh- Kotanii..?" [F/N] mumbled, her [E/C] eyes staring in his Golden ones.
Bokuto walked a little further away from Aito, [F/N] wrapped tightly around his arms before he let go to push Aito out the door.
"Alrightttt! Thanks for coming! Okay bye now!" Bokuto gave a toothy grin before shutting the door to his face.
"I-- KOTANII-- WHAT WAS THAT FO-" [F/N] walked towards her brother, stretching her hand out to grab onto his shirt. When suddenly her wrist was caught by his large hands. "E-Eh..-"
Kotaro eventually faced her, his usual happy expression was gone. Piercing Half lidded eyes staring straight into hers, sending chills down her spine. It caused her to whimper.
[F/N] perked up a bit, remembering how he was in his Emo mode. She leaned forward giving him a quick peck on the lips, whispering praises of how good he was in Volleyball.
It didn't take long for Bokuto to calm down, his hair spiked up and a toothy grin made its way onto his face. But there was something different with it. It wasn't his usually friendly grin, it was laced with hunger.
"Finally, out of your Emo Mo-" Before [F/N] could finish her sentence, Bokuto was leaning down to capture her lips with his. It caught her by surprise, she moved away by pushing his broad chest. 'W-What THE- Did he just kiss m-'
He leaned forward again, but this time his Hand slammed against the wall. Trapping her smaller figure between his. "You know, Haha, I was really confused to why I've been on Emo mode constantly. But now I realized what the problem was. Wanna know what it is or do you already know?"
Bokuto's voice was raspy and low. It made [F/N]'s heart flutter, but no this was wrong! "I..-I- I-" she was lost for words, not knowing how to reply she stayed silent.
"Pfft, you're so cute [F/N]! Alright let's go get some sleep or I'm gonna be too tired for practice tomorrow!!" Bokuto happily pranced away, slinging his school bag over his shoulders as he walked up the stairs.
[F/N] stood there, watching as her brothers figure disappeared from her view. She eventually slid her back down against the wall, clenching her shirt as her breath hitched.
'Too close... He was too close..! Snap out of it [F/N], he's your big brother now.. you can't be feeling this way' Was practically all she could think about.
Meanwhile, Bokuto didn't seemed bothered at all. Actually, he seemed even more pumped up than usual.
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i hope you dont mind me asking -not even sure you can help- but do you have any tips for long distance relationships? theres this girl i really like but we live on opposite sides of the country so i havent said anything bc i dont know what to do. ive heard that long distance relationships dont last and i dont want to risk losing our friendship. idk i guess im asking if you have any experience and if you had any tips or smth
well, i’m currently in the middle of a long-distance relationship! @fangirltothefullest and i have been together for almost a year, and we’re on opposite sides of the country. some tips that i have found helpful during our relationship are: 
- communicate frequently. i try to send a text message at least once a day, even if it’s just “hey i love you” so that she knows i’m thinking about her. it can be easy to go a few days or weeks without talking to online friends (or partners), especially in these weird times, so you have to take that step to make sure you’re talking to people. 
- be honest. this one goes for any relationship, platonic or romantic or otherwise, but it’s really important to be honest about your feelings. are you feeling particularly lonely that night and need reassurance? are you anxious that the person you’re talking to might be mad at you for some reason? are you upset because something you were planning to do got cancelled? talk to them! honesty is important. you don’t have to be unnecessarily harsh or abrasive or cruel, but don’t keep things in the dark. 
- plan time to be together. tashi and i will plan out times a week or so in advance so that we can play video games together or just talk on the phone. we schedule that time out when we know we’ll both be free so that we can talk to each other and just take time to be together. 
the advice basically boils down to “talk openly to your partner, frequently. be honest without being cruel. make sure they know how much you love and appreciate them. make sure that you plan time to be together.” 
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namjoonchronicles · 5 years
lumière | nj
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↳ genre fluff, domestic au, namjoon being sweet 
↳ words 3.3k
↳ summary all of my ‘under 5 feet’ ladies, rejoice, in this fic, we are talking about major height differences in a couple and the shits we are going through that tall lads don’t, no shade, i love you tol, but sometimes we petites gotta remember to love ourselves, as we are 
↳ notes lumière [lymjɛʀ] french, meaning light or shine
↳ warning extreme self-roast *hi i’m 1.49cm tall*, loving a tol person despite all odds, terrible cuteness beyond imagination, heart fluttering-smile inducing-read, a piece written from self-induced depression to prove that bad things can be beautiful 
↳ namjoonchronicles’ honorary tag list @kai-tashi​ @septemberalien​ @joon94net​ @yourlocalalien​ @snugglemejeon​ @yoongiseesaw​ @majestikblue​ 
↳ special mentions @fangirlaholicxx​ this was a gift to you, and i guess, for us little people, to love someone as tall as namjoon is a far fetched dream *toss aside all our other tall biases* and you of all people know how much it bothers me, for the way i whine about the parking buttons being too high, and not able to reach the pedals without adjusting my car seat, or how things i wanted to purchase is always placed so high, complaining as to why namjoon isn’t here yet to help me; this is for you, in the midst of your exam week, thanks for being patient & being my friend :) 
↳ song ed sheeran ‘Tenerife Sea’ ; that sweet-sweet part where he sang ‘lumière, darling.’
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Everyone thinks having a major height different with your beau is the cutest thing in the world. Easy for you to say, if you're not the one going through it endlessly, day-by-day.
Standing at 181 cm, Namjoon is one lanky dude. That's what your cousin told you when she first met him. Several years later, he is still too tall and it's either you're getting shorter or he's getting taller. You swore by the stars in your eyes, that it's the latter.
Crumpled sheets, waking up next to him is not as romantic as the movies depicted. You'd wake up, hair frenzied, and slapping his bicep because he is hogging the blanket all over to his side. His limbs drape over you, and it feels like a tree log that falls over after a typhoon. Not to mention that it is incredibly impossible to wake up and not trip over those legs. You fall flat on your face and that's your version of a wake up call. He curls to his side and invade your side of the bed when you wake up. Almost everyday, you fall to your back on the floor at the side of the bed to give him more space.
Cute? The sore disagrees.
Not when your morning work up includes jumping in place to get that shower head down to your height and failing. Do you know how dangerous that is? Wet floor, wiggling fingers to grasp air and have it finally toppling over your head, eliciting a tiny 'Ow'.
Shoulder and neck gets treated with a warm run of the water from the shower head, tips to keep living with a long lamp post beau. It soothes the strains, those knotted capillaries relaxes at the contact of warm water. Stepping out of the shower, drying the tips of your hair that managed to get wet, only to huff tiredly at the sight of the hair dryer place on the top shelf every time Namjoon uses them. Shutting your eyes and sighing in agony, the morning workout is endless. You do what you usually do: climb over the sink counter and get the hair dryers. You walk outside, and see him seated on the bed, gathering the blankets around his waist, eyes still shut. Adorable. You pushed his bangs away and grant him a simple brush of lips on his forehead. When else can you do that if not now?
Namjoon is a makeshift ladder sometimes, for changing bulbs and cleaning ceiling fans. It is never not funny because he always hanging his mouth open to watch you clean and the dust gets eaten by him. He'll choke and stagger in his stance, then you'll drop on the couch as he gathers himself. However, the situation worsens from here on end. Because? Height difference are so much apparent in public settings.
While it is easy for other couples to take cute selfies by the park, standing up. It is almost impossible for you to be in the same frame as Namjoon is, because he was too tall.
Either you took a picture of his tummy next to your face, or he takes a picture of his face next to the top of your head, with your eyes and forehead nowhere to be seen. It's annoying when you see the pictures he had taken with that huge smile of his and the strand of your hair. One thing about being in a relationship with major height difference, is when you hold hands, to walk together but he ends up walking too fast anyways, even when he didn’t mean to. So you've given up.
There once or twice he’d lost you in the crowd, and having to result to drastic measures to find you. Because no height is too tall for you, you fit in almost any places. Namjoon had made it a rule for you to walk in front of him so it's easier and no one gets lost. What he didn't figure out is that, he'd be so endorsed to keeping you safe, that he doesn't see the tree branches you walked under to be in his exact height and slap him in the face. Smack!
Once or twice, or several times, he gets knocked over by certain ceilings that you walked under unscathed. In underground train station, he has to tip his head to the side going down the escalator because his height is above average and no one cares about him. Your warning comes in a single word: Head, and it is only declared when the ceilings are too low. Your warning often comes too late. Provided his long legs and your comfortable stroll. Even signboard are as tall as he is. Sitting by the bleachers to cater to him is common. You enjoy it sometimes, but when you see the look in his brimming eyes, your smile disappears and cooing begins. He might be a really big man, but to you, he’s just a big baby.
In the outsiders eyes, you two are quite a mismatched couple. And some call you two, adorable. There's nothing adorable having to tiptoe every time you wanted to kiss on the sidewalks. Craning your head back and puckering your lips, knowing fully well that he could just walk away in three long strides to the next block, leave you hanging. Surprise kisses are out of the window. There's no surprise kisses when he is standing. Watching yourself in the full length mirror is a pain because you look like his child. He ruffles your head with ease and his cap covers half of your face. There's nothing you can share with him, at least physically. All his clothes are yours, yes. But all your clothes, are his handkerchiefs. Literally.
Things gets worse when you both are fighting. For a couple who can only be eye-to-eye when seated or lying down, heated arguments are not welcomed.
It's easy for him to ignore you, he'll act as if you aren't there. Your height makes it impossible for him to keep a straight face. The weight of the discussion is dismissed almost every time. He'll just have to avert his eyes elsewhere when you're talking about something important to you. And it calls for drastic measures from your side. That include standing on the edge of the bed, or dragging the dining chair to where he is to get to his eye level. His jaws would twitch and his lips tug into a smile, and then your hell breaks loose.
It frustrates you to the point that you would stomp the floor, balling fists on your sides. And that leaves Namjoon no choice but to manhandle you out of arguments, against your will of course. If things took turn for the worst, like when you're sulking, or giving him the cold shoulder, he tightens all the jar overnight so you can't open them the next morning. All your mugs and cereals are magically placed on the top shelf. But you're a tough cookie, so climbing over kitchen top is your forte.
Still think it's cute? Not when you’re aging.
As a counter attack, you hide his charger in the smallest space you could find in your house and unplug his computer knowing he can't fit in the small desk without knocking everything down. It doesn't end there. You put pillow forts between him and you when you watch TV sitting on the couch, in the living room. All he have to do is swat his hand over the fragile fort to get you jumping over him and choking him. He stands up and drape his limb over your entire body, smothering you with kisses, holding you in place while you watch the program, defeated, confined in his body prison unable to do anything. Fighting over the last jelly is fruitless. Namjoon would just put them above your head and you're left hopping in place. A punch on his stomach will make him cower. It usually work, even for a kiss. The lines between pleasure and pain are a blur.
You can never reach the train handle, to fix that, Namjoon holds the train handle for you, and place your hand on his biceps. Or you could wrap your arm around his waist. His stroll at the park feels like a jog to you. To make things easier, he carries you on his back. Or get a tandem bicycle, the bicycle with two seats. He'll cycle, you'll just have to place your feet on the pedal without doing anything but eat ice cream. A lot of time the seat needed to be adjusted so you could climb on and off, with ease.
Taking pictures in standing booth is definitely a challenge. You'll get upset at the view of the screen where only half of your face is showing, so he bends his knees and carry you a bit. Your legs on each of his sides facing him, the camera captures you cupping his face as he gaze up to you with his dimple showing. You share lip lock in the fun moments and the photos printed out the sequences is almost always satisfying. Sitting on the bookstores floor, leaning your head on his as he reads to you something from Hamlet's screenplay. Turning the pages, and your head moves together, blurting out the sentence on the same page. Falling asleep on the two seats at the back of the bus, your head linking on each other.
He makes it easier. But both of you are homebodies for all the good reasons. Where you could be you, and he could be him.
Where reading books, laying your stomach over his thigh is your version of a date, too endorsed in the words to notice how uncomfortable the position is. Where working out together means you sitting on his back, counting him down with every push up and repeating certain numbers to get on his nerves. Where dancing in his t shirt and your hair down while he fake sings pretending a remote is a microphone is your kind of fun, with music blasting in the background. Prancing around, wiggling butts, making your own concert at home is your favorite past times. Napping in different positions, with the opal curtains down. Watching movies with you sitting between his legs, leaning your back on his hard chest. He passes a few kisses atop of your hair, answering your questions about the movie with muffled yeses. Feeding him cheeseballs; one for you, one for him. Him falling asleep midway through the movie, and watching him instead, until you yourself lay your head on his chest, your face in the crook of his neck and drifted as well.
It seems like the only time you can be a real couple is when one person is lying down, or at home. In the pool. Like your little secret universe. A best kept secret.
Pushing him into the pool. The first time he went to the pool with you when you started dating, he made sure the world knew he couldn’t swim when you bolted at him to fall in the pool, wailing, screaming his head off, literally crying. He only stopped when you told him to stand straight because the pool’s height was less than six feet. You checked. He was so embarrassed, he couldn’t look at you in the eye. While you float on your back in a relaxed manner. Then he got really comfortable. So comfortable with you.
Pushing you after you pushed him in the water, before joining you. Kissing underwater. Lots of kissing underwater.
Floating on the surface of the water in floats while he directs by guiding your float. Never able to sit on the float together because he is too heavy. So he takes out a larger one with a smug smile. Basking under the sun with colored sunglasses, on the floats. Him lifting you up by the waist so you could seat on the brims and hand him his drink while his face crumpled in disgust at the taste which was actually red ginseng that you put inside instead of the strawberry cordial he was asking for. Your pranks are endless. But hey, it was for his health. And stamina. He is going to need that, having a lover as small as you.
But one thing rings true: Slow-dancing is not romantic when you come at the eye level of his titties.
However it is cute when your chin touches his chest to look up at him, and he reaches down with his protruding lips before he even get there. House chores are always fun together. He takes on the outdoors, sweeping away the dried leaves and hosing down the entire balcony with water. You are vacuuming indoors, separated by only a sliding glass door. Mid way handling those tasks, Namjoon would bother you by knocking on the glass door to gain your attention. He waits for you to come near and place his large palm flat on the glass, for you to place yours. He gets contented by this. And you don’t mind playing along. It’s a form of intimacy. That most people out there don’t understand. Or care to understand. The smile he has on, right after, is always so rewarding.
Intimacy is expensive. It is priceless. It is when he thumbs your lips and pinches your chin so he could kiss you. It is when he trace his index finger on the outline of your face when you're sleeping. It is when he stares into your fluttering shut eyes, love in his heart--something he had trouble comprehending in the past. It is when he lays on his stomach, wondering what you're dreaming of and secretly hoping that it's him.
Motioning closer with his elbows digging the mattress, he presses his lips on the tip of your eyebrows and letting them linger, he prays that you know how much you meant to him. There’s so much meaning, silence could carry. And they are not always bad when you’re together. He could speak endlessly about his theories, his political views, what he thought about the galaxy, but when it comes to you, there are so little words. When words couldn’t compensate his emotions, actions takes place. More holding, more touching, more kissing. More. It baffles him how the feeling is like faith. Love, the only thing in the world science couldn’t explain. It just...exist.
He lived a life without you, and as the days goes by, he often wonder how he managed to go through that phase alone. After that glimmering, goosebump worthy moment of the first kiss you shared, Namjoon never want to go a day without it even if you’re fighting, and not speaking to each other. The little breath you took as if you’ve been waiting for him, the relief felt like the weight lift off his chest.
Kissing, touching, holding you becomes his favorite hobby.
So in love, to even realize the shortcomings you have. In the past, you begged him to leave you because you have brought so much difficulties in his life, your stern self loathe didn't scare him one bit. A full blown argument about this arises so many times than he care to count. Cornered with your own negative thoughts, hounded by the things you don't have rather than what you have. Shuddering in your sentences, and once it gets too much, he throws you over his shoulder and shut the bedroom door behind him. To simply talk. To simply sit you down in the middle of the bed while he knelt at the bed listening to you. Tears would spill mid sentence, the fragile strength is gone at the sight of Namjoon soft gaze. He thumbs your tears away, squeezing your cheeks between his hands till your lips look like a puffer fish, pulling you into a kiss. Action speaks louder than words.
Before parting to do his project, Namjoon always resorts to a sudden roll a few nights before. That involves bothering you while you work, read or in the midst of watching drama, telling you to hurry up because he is impatient and needed you there and then, in breathy voices and sloppily placed kisses. He becomes straightforward with what he wants and the reason behind that hurried lip lock is because he needed to be away in his studio, soon. That was the only way that works which guarantees that he won't be having you sulking because he got too busy. And it always gets super spicier when it has been awhile. Hungrier, wilder, sweatier.
Suddenly, height isn't such a major problem. Not when satisfaction is met. Must be your voice, or your touches, or the way you look at him; it has to be something unrelated to physical proportions because he swore on his ancestors graves that he has everything he needs in you.
In the morning when the parting comes, he made sure to whisper in your ear when he leaves. Peppering kisses down your cheek, jaws, neck and shoulder, then trailing down your arms in a hurry, promising that he won't be long as you moan tiredly in return. He says he'll call, he'll text. With the guarantee that you'll be at the receiving end because there's nothing he hates more than to be away from you and not hearing from you, as frequently as he needed to. It's not an exaggeration to say that his sanity depends on it.
One of his favorite thing to do when you're away, is to remember how he could feel your quickening pulse when his lips pressed on the skin next to your windpipe. It happens to be one of your sweet spot, as lucky as he was to find out about that. It becomes an indicator to you that he wants some time together when he kisses that area. In desperate, pressing moments, he'll add a swipe of his tongue, nibble and bite on them. Guaranteed to send you to an overdrive. He likes the thought of it and frequently imagines it when he can't be with you, due to work. It sends tingles down his spine, flutters on his lips and his brain spinning in a euphoric high that he will claim the moment he sets foot on the doorstep.
That emotional bond is so much stronger than the longest legs of the most gorgeous models on the runway he used to fantasize about. That spiritual linkage is the thing that lingers when you're not around, that keeps him wanting more. When you're not within his grasp, he gets uncomfortable and unspeakably lonely beyond words. That explains why he rushes his work so he could go home to you. To lean his back on the headboard, linking foreheads. To talk about his vulnerability without judgement in your eyes. To share a kiss that begins with a simple caress on one side of the face, to savor the taste of his lips with closed eyes and a small smile that grows long after the kiss ended for him to see just how much power you gave him.
He didn't come home to a girl his own height, didn't come home for a comfortable hug and shoulder-to-shoulder nudge; he comes home to the devotion he couldn't find anywhere else, to the small petite girl he'd give the world to, perhaps even the galaxy--if he could get his hands on them. All the songs are about you. Every words, every wild night, every touch and every tantalizing moment, are for you.
Crumpled sheets, lanky legs and bruised foreheads. Strained neck, shoulders and swollen Achilles tendons. Tummy selfies, and eyes peeping at the corner of the picture frames. Standing on chairs, and tightening jars. Cheek kisses, hand holding, gazing into each others eyes. Perhaps the only way to counter attack a major height difference, is to have major crush on each other. Constantly. Without fail.
copyright © 2019 namjoonchronicles do not repost, did you like it? did you realize that there is no dialogue at all? did you went to check again? that was all your imagination doing the story for you, all i did was spark it. have a great day love, just a nice comment is all i need in return x
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prettyyoungandbored · 5 years
You and I {Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx} Chapter Seven
Pairing: DouglasBooth!Nikki Sixx x Reader 
Summary: There was a time when all Y/N and Nikki had were themselves and Nikki’s dreams of creating the next great band. What happens when the dream comes alive?
Warning: One scene that’s a little bit graphic. 
Taglist: @fandomshit6000 @cosmicsskies @tashy-bear@versaceismehoe@thissongitsaboutyou@prettysureimgayxo @divaanya @yoinks-i-dont-feel-so-good @evrsncnewyork@technicallyvirtualmilkshake @keepcalm-and-beyou @itsametaphorbriansblog @tarahell@scarecrowmax @queen-introvert @toadspleen @hi-my-name-is-riley @okj232 @tayrae515 @keepcalm-and-beyou @bella-0104-123 @kickstartmyheartmc @danknena @gerardwayisbae127  @emmygremlinturtle (If for some reason I missed anyone, please DM me and I’ll fix it!) 
A/N: I’m sorry it’s late. My wifi was being weird tonight and going on and off. Anyway, thank you so much for the continued love for this story! You all have no idea how much it means to me.  I hope you guys enjoy this!
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Touring was one thing, but touring with the Ozzy Osbourne was a whole other thing.The first night of the tour, Ozzy came onto the Mötley Crüe tour bus, drunk and high on cocaine and made it clear that being with him was not for the fainthearted. To his luck, Mötley Crüe  were more than up for the challenge. If Ozzy was the king of partying, Mötley Crüe were the princes. 
Every night Doc and the security team struggled to keep the boys’ mayhem to a bare minimum. No overnight stay in a hotel room was complete without a visit from the police or a room being trashed. No matter how many times Doc hid their drug stash, Vince and Nikki always found a way to sneak it back to themselves. 
Y/N, on the other hand, didn’t know whether to be amazed or terrified with what was going on. She didn’t mind Nikki getting drunk but when it came to his cocaine habit she felt uncomfortable. He hadn’t done drugs around her and since he and the boys were signed and the money started slowly coming in his usage of it became more frequent. 
She’d tried coaxing him out of it and he would apologize and say he’d “ease up” on it only to continue what he was doing. 
When it became a part of his pre-show ritual, she became worried that maybe it was becoming too much. 
Then one night, she managed to get him alone after a show for after show sex at one of the hotels. Just as she was about to finish, he whispered for her to close her eyes. She closed them and found herself so lost in the sensation of him massaging her breast, she didn’t hear the sound of the drawer opening. It wasn’t until she felt something on her neck and him inhaling that she realized what he was doing.
“Are you fucking serious?!” she screamed. 
 She pushed his chest off of her and stood up, her fury overpowering her. She grabbed her robe and tossed it on her. Nikki got off the bed and ran to her. 
“Babe, c’mon,” he pleaded, laughter in his voice. “I was just having some fun.” 
“Yeah so did I until you had to put that shit on me!” 
Nikki cradled her face his hands. “Baby, c’mon. I’m sorry-.” 
She pushed him off and headed toward the bathroom door when he grabbed her hand. He pulled on the belt of her bathrobe, bringing her close toward him. His lips hovered over hers. “Let’s go back to bed and finish what we started.” 
She rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you finish the rest of the bag since that’s clearly way more important than spending time with me.” 
She then went into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it behind her. Nikki banged on the door. 
“Y/N, get out here,” he groaned. “Don’t do this to me.” 
“Just go hang out with Vince. I don’t want to talk to you right now.” 
“I’m not leaving until you come out.” 
“I’ll come out when you get rid of the stash.” 
“Get it out of the room or else.” 
Nikki groaned and went back to the bed. He put on some pants, grabbed the stash, and went out the door, slamming it behind him. He was about to head to Tommy’s room when he saw Vince making out in the hallway with a blonde from a concert. He tossed the bag at Vince.
“The fuck?!” Vince called out. 
Nikki went back into the room. He threw his hands up. “It’s gone. Happy now?!” 
The bathroom door opened and Y/N stepped out. She folded her arms across her chest. Her eyes, bright red and glossy, were enough to hit him with guilt.
“I get that you want to be like Ozzy and you want to do stupid shit,” she began, her voice soft her stern, “but I also don’t want you to lose you because you can’t control yourself or your habits.” 
“It’s not that bad-.” 
“You snort first thing in the morning, before a show, after the show - you can’t even have sex with me without needing it! How do you think that makes me feel?” 
Nikki bit his bottom lip, exhaling quietly. He took her hand and rubbed her knuckles. “I’m sorry. I never meant to upset you.” 
She lowered her head. “I hate that it bothers me because I don’t want to tie you down, but I also don’t want to lose you.” 
He kissed the top of her head. “You won’t. I promise.” 
She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest. He rested his chin on the top of her head. “I’ll try cutting back on it, alright?” 
She nodded. He pulled back and lifted her chin with his fingers. “I love you.” 
Her eyes widened, mouth gaping open. She stepped back. “What did you just say?”  
He blinked. “I love you.” 
She always knew he did, but enough time had passed to where she was ok with never hearing it and just embracing his show-not-tell. Once those three words came out of his mouth, it didn’t matter that it took so long for him to say it. In fact, it solidified everything he’d done to show he loved her. 
Her lips curved into warm smile as a tear fell down her cheek.“I love you too.” 
He grabbed her face, pressing a sloppy kiss against her lips. At that moment he didn’t need anything or anyone, but her.
A couple days later in Clearwater, Florida, the boys and Y/N hung around the pool area of their hotel. The boys sat in the beach chairs, soaking up the sun. Y/N emerged from the pool, wearing a black strapless bikini top with a matching high cut bikini bottom. As she was wringing her hair with hands, Nikki watched her intently. He wanted to take her right then and there, not caring if the other guests around were watching.  
She made her way to Nikki, grabbing her drink off the ground when Tommy smacked her butt. He smirked. 
“I’m sorry,” he laughed.
Y/N leaned up and used her free arm to smack him across the face. Mick stifled a laugh as Vince and Nikki roared into fits of laughter. 
“Dude!” Tommy cried out. 
“Shouldn’t have touched me,” Y/N shrugged.
She grabbed her drink and curled up against Nikki’s body, throwing one leg over his. Her head nestled against his chest. He threw one hand over her. 
“You should’ve come in the pool with me,” she whispered. 
“We’ll come back tonight, just you and me,” he whispered back.
“Sans clothing I assume?” 
He chortled. “Such a perv. I love it.” 
Just then a woman in a hot pink bikini walked by them, catching all Vince and Tommy’s eyes. Nikki glanced at her for moment before Y/N smacked his arm. 
“Subtle,” she snorted. 
Nikki chuckled and turned to Vince. “How many chicks have you fucked so far?”
He thought for a moment. “Three?” 
“No, not today. On the tour.” 
“Oh man.” He thought again, before laughing. “I lost count after that gang bang in Salt Lake City.” 
“That was fun,” Nikki laughed. 
Vince turned to Micky who was sitting at a table, an umbrella protecting him from the sun. “What about you, old man?”
“Did you ever stop to think that the slobs who fuck you guys probably fuck every other band who comes through town?” 
Y/N threw her hand up. “Thank god someone finally fucking said it!” 
Vince, Nikki, and Tommy all looked at each and burst into laughter. Vince nodded. “Yes, yes they do.” 
“Dude we’re like pussy brothers with the whole scene,” Tommy said. 
“I happen to have respect for myself and the female of our species, unlike you animals,” Mick said simply.
Y/N turned her head to him and held out her drink. “And on behalf of the entire female species, we thank you. We should hold parades in your honor.” 
Mick gave her a little smile, shaking his head. 
Just then the sound if hands clapping caught their attention. They all looked up to see Ozzy entering the pool area, wearing nothing but a woman’s yellow floral dress. 
“Let’s have some fucking fun, huh?!” he announced to the pool area. 
Everyone’s eyes fell to the Prince of Darkness as Y/N let out a laugh. Nikki toasted his drink. “Morning Oz!” 
Ozzy turned to the old couple and pointed at them. “You guys need some drinks?” He bent forward and flashed his bare ass at them with a dollar bill sticking out of his crack. “Drinks are on me!” 
This woman’s about to shit herself, Y/N thought to herself.
“Go on! Take it!” Ozzy encouraged her. “C’mon! It’s like a piggy bank in there!”
Nikki and Y/N continued laughing, Y/N’s drink almost slipping from her hand. Ozzy leaned forward and made his way toward the boys announcing “Drinks are on me!” 
“Morning Oz,” Tommy greeted him. 
“I’ll take a refill,” Nikki said, holding up his drink. 
“Yeah same here,” Y/N agreed, holding up hers. 
Ozzy’s eyes went to her, his grin widening. “Mornin’ there kitten! Good to see you out and about!” 
He lifted his dress, flashing the group. Y/N turned her head away. 
“Jesus Christ, Oz,” she grumbled. 
“I know it’s bigger than Sixx’s,” he laughed. 
“You’re not wrong.” 
The other boys laughed while Nikki squeezed her playfully. Ozzy then climbed up the empty life guard chair. 
“I gotta hand it to you Oz,” Nikki began, “All these years, and you’re still keeping up with us kids.”
Ozzy sat on the chair. “Keeping up? I’ve fucking lapped ya, mate. Now come here and have a talk with your Uncle Oz.” He motioned toward them. “C’mon, c’mon. Even you, kitten! Come along now, kitten!” 
Y/N sighed and got up from the chair as she and the boys came toward the life guard stand. 
“Now this is your first real tour, right?” he asked them. “I want you to be careful. Have fun, but know when to say when. ‘Cause a life full of booze, drugs, and unprotected sex is only gonna fuck you up, man. I mean, you take it too far and you’ll go fucking mad!” 
Ozzy jumped off the stand, Tommy and Vince grabbing him to make sure he was ok. He turned to the boys. “And give me a straw. I fancy a bump.” 
“We’re all out of blow dude,” Tommy told him. 
“I said I want a bump!” Ozzy snapped, turning to Tommy. “Straw please!”
Tommy handed him the straw from his drink. Ozzy gave the boys and Y/N a look before jumping onto the ground. Y/N took note of the straw that was up his nose was going so close to the line of ants on the ground. 
He better fucking not, she thought.
But he did. Ozzy Osbourne inhaled a line of ants as if it were cocaine. The boys groaned in disgust while Y/N began gagging. Ozzy stood up and turned to the boys.
“You think you’re ready for that, man?” he challenged. “Do ya? Do ya think you’re ready for that?” 
Next thing they knew, Ozzy took a hold of his member and began urinating on the cement. e boys “ooh”ed as Y/N’s gagging only got worse. Onlookers, young and old, inside and outside the pool gasped in disgust. A couple of girls laughed. 
“Sorry,” Nikki said to onlookers. 
Ozzy finished and then turned to the boys. “Everyone else has a drink.” 
And then, Ozzy Osbourne, in a move only Ozzy Osbourne would do, bent down and licked his own piss. At this point, onlookers were screaming. Mothers were escorting their young children out of the area, covering their eyes. As the boys hollered, Y/N could feel a wave of nausea hit her like a train. 
“I’m gonna fucking puke,” she mumbled. 
As Ozzy stood up, Tommy praised, “You’re a god dude!” 
Nikki then handed Y/N his drink. “Crazy fucker. Watch this.” 
He began unzipping his pants and Y/N eyes shot open.
“Nikki please don’t,” Y/N begged. 
“Dude c’mon!” Tommy pleaded.  But Nikki didn’t care. He began urinating over the cement carelessly. Y/N set down the glasses and grabbed Nikki’s shoulder as he zipped up his pants. 
“Are you fucking insane?!” she exclaimed. 
He smirked at her and just as he leaned down to lick, Ozzy pushed him aside and began licking Nikki’s urine. 
At that point, Y/N rushed out of the pool area and began vomiting in the bushes outside the area. Mick came to her, rubbing her back as she continued vomiting. 
“I’m gonna kill him,” she winced. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Mick grumbled. “Crazy fucker.”
Nikki came over and pushed Mick’s hand off of her. But the second his hand got to her back, Y/N stood up and slapped his hand away. 
“Find your own room to sleep tonight,” she growled. 
She then stormed into their room, slamming the door behind her. Nikki sighed. It was gonna take a miracle to fix this.
After the incident in at the pool area, Y/N would barely speak to Nikki. No matter how much he sweet talked her and coaxed her into talking to him, she wouldn’t budge. Doc, after hearing about what happened, had made sure she got her own room. 
That night at the concert, Y/N stayed near Doc and only looking at Nikki when he was onstage. 
She couldn’t believe he would be so stupid as to attempt lick his own urine in front of everyone just to show off Ozzy Osbourne. 
The next morning after Florida, Ozzy’s wife Sharon joined the tour. Suddenly Ozzy went from being a wild animal to completely domesticated. It was a fascinating switch to watch, especially for Y/N and the boys. The man who licked not only his urine, but someone else’s and who snorted ants, was now calm and going to bed right after concerts. Y/N didn’t even see a drink in his hand whenever Sharon was around. 
Y/N wished she had whatever magic Sharon had.  
On the bus ride to their next destination, Y/N had on her headphones as she listened to music on her walkman. Nikki took a seat beside her and tapped her shoulder. She took off her headphones. 
“I miss you,” he told her. 
“I miss the old you,” she responded sharply. “The one who didn’t need to attempt to lick his own pee!” 
Nikki bit his bottom lip. “I’m really, really sorry. I was just trying to have fun.” 
She turned her head away. He brushed her hair away and began kissing her neck. “Let me make it up to you.
She felt herself smirk and glanced over at him. “If you’re a good boy tonight, maybe after the show I’ll let you.” 
Nikki smirked back as Y/N put back on her headphones.
During their set that night, Vince leaned into the mic. “This last song goes out to a very special person here with us tonight.”
The audience cheered as he went on. “This song was written by our bassist, Nikki Sixx, for a very, very special lady in his life - his girl Y/N. So Y/N, this one’s for you.” 
Just then, “Looks That Kill” began to play. Y/N fought back a smile as she bopped her head along. Doc, who was standing beside her, chuckled.
Now, listen up She's a razor sharp If she don't get her way She'll slice you apart Now she's a cool, cool black She moves like a cat If you don't get her game Well, you might not make it back She's got the looks that kill That kill She got the looks that kill That kill She's got the look She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill Now she's bulletproof She keeps her motor clean And believe me, you She's a number thirteen The church strikes midnight She's lookin' louder and louder She's gonna turn on your juice, boy Oh, then she turns on the power She's got the looks that kill That kill She got the looks that kill That kill She's got the look She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill She's got the look Now, listen up She's a razor sharp If she don't get her way She'll slice you apart Now she's a cool, cool black Move like a cat If you don't get her game You might not make it back She's got the looks that kill That kill She got the looks that kill That kill She's got the look She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill
When Nikki got off the stage, he headed toward Y/N. “How was that?” 
Y/N held out hand. “Take me to your dressing room now before I change my mind.” 
As Nikki led her back to his dressing room, they passed Ozzy and Sharon. 
“Use you protection!” he called out to Nikki. 
Y/N turned her head to say something when she noticed Sharon giving her a look. Y/N smile fell and before she could think anything, Nikki pulled her into the room and locked the door.
Later that evening, Y/N finished getting ready for bed in her hotel room. Nikki would join her later as he was out with Vince doing god knows what. 
There was a knock on the door. Y/N made her way over and opened the door to find Sharon Osbourne staring there. 
“I hope I’m not disturbing you,” she greeted. She looked over Y/N’s shoulder. “Is Nikki around?”
“No, it’s just me. He’s out with the boys and maybe Ozzy.” 
“Ozzy’s sleeping in his room,” she corrected. “Anyway, I was coming by to ask if you’d like to grab a drink with me? Very rarely do I meet an actual girlfriend and not...well...you know.” 
Y/N nodded her head, confused and yet intrigued by the invitation. “Let me change and then I’ll go with you.” 
Sharon gave a nod as Y/N closed the door. Something felt off. 
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Finstas make online dating so much more complicated
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In our Love App-tually series, Mashable shines a light into the foggy world of online dating. It is cuffing season after all.
I will never again let someone I'm dating follow my finsta. 
That's a sentiment that countless finsta users have when establishing emotional boundaries. In relationships built on intertwined online and in-person interactions, it's often a point of contention.  
If you haven't been initiated into the bizarre world of niche memes and astrology tag posts, a finsta is a secondary, private Instagram account used to keep snarky screenshots, rant about your personal life, and post (mostly) risqué selfies that would leave the family members who follow your main account absolutely appalled. Finsta followers are usually a highly curated selection of close friends who wouldn't judge you for your bizarre one-night stands, validate you when you're feeling yourself, and support you when your mental health dips. 
If a single group text represented only one circle of friends, then a finsta would be the overlapping portion of a Venn diagram. Friend groups don't always overlap, but on your finsta, you can access all of their unrelenting support on one platform. 
Finsta really does teach you a lot. You find out who cheating, who hoeing, who got played and who depressed etc. Need help making a life decision? Ask your finsta, need help on an outfit?? FINSTA
— Tashie🌻 (@_NatashaMarie_) January 31, 2019
But when it comes to romance, deciding whose follow requests to approve can get hairy. 
I personally have had a finsta for longer than any relationship I've been in and allowing a partner to follow it ended in disaster. In my case, I forgot to block the now ex from my finsta after we broke up. I posted a screenshot from a funny Tinder conversation with someone else weeks later. I woke up to a seething late night call from the ex, who was furious that I was on a dating app and even more enraged that I posted about it on the not quite public, but not quite private platform. 
SEE ALSO: Which dating app is right for you? Use this guide to figure it out.
The whole debacle made me wonder if anyone should ever let their significant other follow their finstas. When I put out a call for thoughts on it, people were passionate about maintaining boundaries between the person they're dating and the content they post in private.
Caroline Long, a college student in Boston, said she rejected her boyfriend's follow request about a month into their relationship. 
"If there's life news or drama I'm posting about, he's usually the first to hear about it anyway," she said. "And I've had my finsta for a while so there's some old, old posts about former boyfriends and issues that I'm sure wouldn't be fun for him to peruse." 
my finsta b like -here’s a picture of my ass -let me expose my mental illness -now ima broadcast my depression episode -look @ my titties -this meme was funny
— 𝓒rybaby 𝓛ynn ✧ (@xbasedxgoddess) February 6, 2019
Online dating expert Julie Spira says couples with finstas don't necessarily need to share the accounts with each other for a healthy relationship. As long as you're not going out of your way to hide anything, Spira believes having a private space to vent is fine.
"When you're in a relationship, there are always things that you share with your close friends that you just might not share with your partner," she said during a phone call. 
Finstas are appealing because they allow for vulnerability when there's an insurmountable pressure to be perfect on social media. Sydney Smalls calls her finsta a "little safe space," which is why she's hesitant to approve her boyfriend's follow request.
"It's where I'm the most honest version of myself online so I only trust a few people with what I write about," the New York-based production assistant explained. "Even though I trust my boyfriend it would just be an added level of pressure for some reason."
Many share her view; although they feel supported by their partners, the finsta users who shared their stories with me said that they would censor their posts if their partners followed them. 
When I was convinced someone was ghosting me, for example, I turned to my finsta to talk through it. An army of close friends analyzed screenshots down to the timestamp and deliberated in the comments, concluding that although ghosting was a possibility, I should suck up my pride and double text. In the end, I had nothing to worry about — the support network I had through my finsta convinced me not to sabotage a new relationship, and all I had to do was literally communicate. But if I had let that person follow me, would I have asked for advice in the first place, or would I still be wallowing in my own anxiety? 
Overheard in bar last night: Girl 1: I let him see my finsta so we're basically never gonna date Girl 2: oh ya that’s the kiss of death
— PAZ (@pazpaz) February 24, 2018
Finstas are like a semi-public diary for soliciting advice and rationalization and inviting someone you're actively dating into it might make you less inclined to seek out that advice. The private accounts are a valuable space to talk out issues beforehand so you can approach your partner with a reasonable level-headedness. 
"Having a space for myself ensures that I'm being honest about what's upsetting me," Long said, elaborating on why she doesn't let her boyfriend follow her. "And how I'm getting from Point A to Point B. Not that I'm dishonest with my boyfriend, but I don't feel as obliged to cater or censor finsta posts for a certain audience."
For Danika Frank, a writer in Los Angeles, using a finsta to separate herself from the people she dates keeps her codependence in check.
"So it was good to have a space, a place where I could dissect my own thoughts away from them," she said. "Even if I was stressed about something relationship-wise, I could break it down on there before bringing it up to them."
Philadelphia college student Mal Sary, who went through a break up while she and her ex were still living together, said having a non-physical space to get away helped her through it until she could find somewhere else to live. 
"Instead of yelling at my ex, I just used my finsta to channel a lot of my anger," Sary said.
In addition to having a defined place to put their thoughts in order, the people who don't let their significant other follow their finsta felt like they didn't have to because their relationships were already healthy enough. Although Smalls' boyfriend doesn't follow her private account, she doesn't turn to her finsta to complain about him when they have issues in their relationship. 
"When I'd have problems with my ex, I'd just post about it and hide it from him and let it build," she said. "This time, I just talk directly to [my boyfriend]. It kinda feels disrespectful now. I don't want to talk about him behind his back [because] I know he wouldn't do that to me."
Jeung Bok Holmquist, an artist in Madison, Wisconsin, adds that their partner doesn't follow their finsta, but that doesn't give them a pass to complain about him. 
"I guess I only wouldn't [allow a finsta follow] if I was actively talking about my partner on there, but I also shouldn't be talking shit about my partner in private," they said. "So then that's just a clear sign of a bad relationship!"
𝓷𝓮𝔀 rules of dating: 1st base: liking and unliking someone’s post 2nd base: “nah u don’t have to venmo me” 3rd: get called an asshole on their finsta homerun: a retweet
— vinay (@mumblecomic) January 10, 2019
That doesn't mean that not allowing a romantic interest to follow you ensures smooth sailing. Nothing you post on social media is truly private. Anything can be screenshot, passed through the screen grapevine, and end up hurting everyone involved. But do people have an obligation to break the trust of following a friend's finsta to protect another friend's feelings?
Evy Oliverio, who works at the United Nations in Beirut, was seeing someone who encouraged her to follow his finsta, until she DM'd him and realized she was blocked. Their mutual friends still followed him and could see that he wasn't interested in her anymore, but didn't tell her. She later found out that he had promptly started dating someone else "for real" after "months" of telling her he "wasn't ready."
"We had enough mutual friends who knew about him dragging me through metaphorical dirt," Oliverio said. "And yet none of them would be like 'Ev, this is happening.'" 
Spiro, the relationship consultant, is cautious about breaking that trust. Even though it may be hurtful to mutual friends, if someone invites you to their finsta then you have a "digital moral obligation" not to share what they post. 
"Either you're in something that's private or you're not," Spiro said. "I love the fact that this is small and intimate, but I think there needs to be spoken and unspoken rules of what you do and don't share." 
Despite the moral obligations, Oliverio notes that finstas are still public, even if your account is set to private, and she'd rather step in than see a mutual friend be hurt.
"You allow who you want to see it but the fact that someone else besides you 'sees' your truth, it's no longer private," she noted, acknowledging that it doesn't justify sharing secrets. "I do think that if you and I have a mutual friend and on their finsta, they start dragging you, I'd tell you. And secondly, hold them accountable." 
At the end of the day, finstas are yet another aspect of how the internet muddles dating. But that doesn't mean that finsta users shut their partners out of their secret accounts entirely. For Valentine's Day last year, Holmquist made their boyfriend a zine with drawings from their finsta posts when the couple first started seeing each other. As long as there's open and honest communication between a couple, finstas shouldn't be an issue, they said. 
Spiro says it's "almost distrusting" when someone insists on following their partner's finsta. 
"I think trust and communication is something couples engage in every day but that doesn't mean that they're on a third-party text or phone call every time they're communicating with somebody else," she said. "You need to have your personal life, and they have their personal life, and you need to have your communication together."
I, for one, value the tightly knit support network in my finsta over any potential partner's insecurities. If a partner asked me to give it up, I'd probably dump them and immediately post about it on my finsta. 
Even if it makes dating more complicated, I wouldn't trade it for anything. 
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Never Apart
Request: Yes / No  Hi can you please do fluff pprompts1,29, and 35 with Tommy Merlyn please?  @thecaptainsgingersnap​
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Tommy Merlyn x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1412
Warnings: Nothing I think 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Prompt(s): “I missed being with you like this.”, "So, will you marry me?", "Tell me why I deal with you again?"
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Laurel Lance, Sarah Lance, Thea Queen and Oliver Queen were my best friends, so it was so hard for me when I had to leave them for college. It made it so much worse that I was also leaving behind my boyfriend Tommy Merlyn, he was very much the love of my life. We've been together for three years now and we couldn't be happier. He was hurt that I was leaving, but we both knew that i would be back. He knew how amazing of an opportunity this was for me, but going to college in another country was going to be hard on us. We promised we would visit each other every chance we could, he'd be able to visit me more than I'd be able to visit him since he was rich, but I was determined to visit Star City again to see him and my friends. 
But things never seem to go as planned… the first year Tommy and I were great with visits! Sure we didn't get to spend as much time as we wanted to with each other, but we also did a video call every night. But when the next year rolled around, we started drifting. Tommy still came to visit me as much as he could, but I was a lot busier than I was last year. Whenever he was here I would focus more on studying and homework than him and I felt so bad, but I so desperately wanted to do well in school. I was having so much trouble balancing my school life, friends, and love life. Tommy being here only distracted me and I had to ask him to stop visiting me so often, which turned into him never visiting anymore. We would still video chat, but I could tell Tommy was upset he couldn't actually be here with me anymore. But Tommy was still the most supportive boyfriend through all of it. I really didn't deserve him. 
As soon as I finished with college I moved back to Star City and Tommy was the first one to greet me. He gathered me in his arms and held me tightly. I snuggled my head into his chest and took a deep breath, I missed his expensive cologne smell. He snuggled his face into my neck and also took a deep breath. It was like the two of us really couldn't believe that we were actually there in each other's arms after so long. 
"I missed being with you like this.” He whispered in my ear and I clung to him tighter.
"I missed this too…" I whispered. After a few more minutes of us just holding each other, Tommy gently lifted my head and gave me the most loving kiss I've ever been given. I could feel the other people in the airport giving us looks, but I didn't care. All that mattered was that me and Tommy were back together and we were still so in love. 
"Come on, let's get you home so we can get ready." He said and I looked at him confused. 
"Ready for what?" I asked as he grabbed one of my bags and my hand, pulling me along with him. 
"Oliver is throwing you a welcome home party, but don't tell him I told you." He said with a wink. I giggled and shook my head. 
"He's gonna know." I said and he shrugged. 
"Then I guess he'll be annoyed at me for five minutes then put all his attention on you." He laughed and I smiled. 
As soon as Tommy and I got to my parents house and I said my hellos to them, we went up to my room to unpack. With Tommy's help it was finished quickly, so we had plenty of time to catch up with my parents and then get ready for the party. I got dressed in a red dress, some casual heeled sandals, gold earrings and a matching necklace that Tommy had gotten me, a shiny silver eyeshadow with a wing, and a red lip. Tommy got dressed in a black button up with a few top buttons down, some beige dress pants, and some dress shoes.
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Once we were ready Tommy pulled me out to his car and we were off to the Queen's very large mansion. It always shocked me that I was friends with rich kids, considering my family was just middle class. I could hear music already blasting as Tommy parked the car. I looked over and him and shook my head, it's just like Oliver to start a party without the person he's throwing it for. Tommy laughed as he got out. He ran to my side and helped me out, like the gentleman he was. We walked up the path and through the door, sure enough the party was already in full swing. Nn1 non nñ M"Y/N!" I heard Thea shout and then I was suddenly wrapped in a hug. 
"Hey Speedy, I missed you." I said. She pulled away and crossed her arms. 
"You didn't visit nearly as much as you said you would!" She scolded. 
"I know, I know, I'm really sorry. School was kind of kicking my ass." I said and she laughed. 
"Yeah, but you kicked it's ass right back." Tommy said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissed my head. I smiled up at him and kissed his cheek. 
"Y/N/N! Welcome home!" Oliver shouted and wrapped me up in a crushing hug. 
"Ollie… you're kind of killing me…" I said, slightly struggling for air. 
"Oh, sorry." He laughed and then noticed I was dressed to party. He looked over at Tommy with a glare. 
"I told you not to tell her!" He said and I giggled. 
"I told you so." I said. 
"Did you honestly expect me to not tell her?" Tommy asked. 
"He has a point, Ollie." Thea said with a nod. 
"Tell me why I deal with you again?" Oliver said towards Thea and Tommy, making then laugh. 
"Oh stop it Ollie, you know you love them." I said and he rolled his eyes. 
"Eh, maybe." He said and pulled me towards him. 
"But you're still my favorite." He said. Now it was Tommy's and Thea's turn to roll their eyes. 
"Y/N/N is everyone's favorite." Thea said and I giggled. 
"Whatever, let's go party!" Oliver said and dragged me into the crowd with Tommy and Thea following. 
We've been partying for almost three hours now and all of us were not sober, some less than others. Tommy was staying sober so he could drive me home without us crashing. I needed a break from dancing with the girls, so went over to the bar where Tommy was watching me with a smile. I walked up to him and sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. 
"Having fun, babe?" He asked and I nodded. 
"Oliver's parties are so much better than any college party my friends dragged me to." I said with a giggle and he smiled. Tommy pulled me closer to him and I noticed he had a more serious expression than he should at a party. 
"What's wrong?" I asked and he smiled down at me. 
"Nothing." He lied and I narrowed my eyes at him. 
Thomas…" I said and he rolled his eyes, he hated when I used his full name. 
"Alright, I was just thinking." He said and I tilted my head to the side slightly.
"About?" I asked. 
"Our future." He said and I smiled. 
"Why are you thinking about that at a party?" I asked. 
"I can't help it, just having you back here is making me think." He said and I giggled. 
"I love you." I said, expecting him to say it back. 
"Marry me." He said and I looked at him with wide eyes. 
"What?" I asked, thinking I misheard him. 
"I said, marry me." He said again and I blinked a few times. 
"I wanted to do this in a special way and when you're sober, but just having you here with me after three years is making me realize that I never want to be without you again, so, will you marry me?" He asked again and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. 
"Yes." I squealed and pulled him into a loving, but slightly sloppy kiss. 
"I promise I'll get you whatever ring you want tomorrow, as long as you don't have a hangover." He laughed and I smiled and nodded. 
"I love you so much Y/N." He said and I pecked his lips. 
"I love you too." I said and smiled even wider. I was getting married to the love of my life! 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @bruisedfists-and-splitlips 
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fanfics4all · 4 years
The Love Curse
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Request: Yes / No Could you do a Ginny Weasley x Male Slytherin Reader? R is Snape son and despite him being a Slytherin and Snape son, he gets really along with Ginny. Over the years he would develop unrequited feelings for Ginny just like how his dad Snape did with Harry’s mom lily. Later something happens with Voldemort and R sacrifices himself to save Ginny and Harry from him and that’s when he confesses to her. (1/2) R does not die but is instead in a coma for a few years. Ginny would visit R everyday in his room at the hospital and check up on him in the hopes of one day R waking up and also to talk to him and not make R feel alone. When Hope is almost lost, R wakes up and has some memory loss. She helps R with rehabilitation and also to help him gain old memories. In that time together, they fall in love and begin a relationship and later get married and start a family. (2/2) Anon
Requests are open <3 Have a nice day/night
Ginny Weasley x Male!Snape!Reader
Word count: 1417
Warnings: talk of death 
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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My Father warned me about love. He told me about how he was absolutely in love with a girl while he was at Hogwarts and how she chose someone else. He met my Mother years after he graduated and although he loved her, she wasn’t the one that he truly loved. My Mother understood this, but they lived happily together until she died. Now I was going to Hogwarts and my Father was worried that I would fall to the same fate. At least he didn’t need to be worried about what house I would be in. I got placed into Slytherin just like both of my parents. 
The first week I had become friends with Ginny Weasley, something my Father wasn’t extremely happy about. Normally I would try and please him and do as he asked, but I got along with Ginny like no one else. I just couldn’t give that up. Years went one and I found myself under the same spell my Father fell under with the Gryffindor girl in his year. Ginny is so independent, forceful when needed, energetic, quick-witted, and funny. She was the perfect girl. Her brothers were obviously wary of me because of who my Father is, but her parents seemed to be accepting of me. I was shocked that my Father even let me go to the Weasley’s house over the summer.
Soon the threat of Voldemort grew horribly. My Father was pretending to work with him, he made sure I knew that. He ended up becoming Headmaster of Hogwarts and the conditions weren’t the best. People were upset with me because of my Father’s action. Worst part was I wasn’t even sure if Ginny was one of those people. I knew she didn’t share my feelings since she was pining over the great Harry Potter. I was jealous, but I didn’t hate him. That’s why when Voldemort showed up at the school I did something most would probably see as stupid. He was fighting Harry and I noticed Ginny was trying to pull him back into the school. Voldemort saw this and went to take a shot at them. 
“No!” I shouted and jumped in front of them, taking the hit. I’m not sure what kind of spell it was, but it was painful. 
“Y/N!” Ginny shouted and rushed over to me. 
“Run…” I choked out, but she shook her head with tears in her eyes. 
“I won’t leave you.” She said. 
“You’re too caring.” I chuckled. 
“You’re gonna be fine.” She said, looking down my body. 
“I need to tell you something before I go.” I whispered and gently reached up to caress her face. 
“I have loved you since year three. You’re just so perfect and I’ve always wished you looked at me the way you did Harry.” I said and felt myself starting to slip away. 
“Hey, stay with me!” She cried. 
“Goodbye…” I whispered and shut my eyes. 
Ginny’s POV
Y/N wasn’t dead! He ended up in a coma and I went to his room every day. The nurses told me that I should talk to him so I would fill him in on everything. I told him about how I started playing for the Holyhead Harpies and how much fun it was. I told him how Harry became an Auror and met a nice witch that he was starting a family with. I talked about how Ron had left his job as an Auror and went to work with George at the joke shop, and about how him and Hermione were now married. I told him about how Hermione was working for the Ministry. I even told him about how his Father was killed during the war...
It’s been years since he went into a coma and the doctors wanted to take him off life support. They said we should give up hope, but I just couldn’t! They told me I could have some time to say my final goodbyes. So here I was sitting in the seat next to his bed that had become familiar to me now. I grabbed his hand and tears immediately overflowed. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N…” I whispered and gently gripped his hand tighter. I thought I felt him squeeze back, but that was probably just my mind playing tricks on me. 
“That curse was meant for me, you shouldn’t have taken it!” I sobbed. I placed my head in my hands and started crying. That’s when I heard a groan. I stopped and looked up to see Y/N sitting up and looking around confused. 
“Y-Y/N?” I asked. Was this a dream? Was this really happening? 
“Huh?” He asked. 
“You’re awake!” I said with a huge smile and hugged him. 
“Who are you?” He asked and I pulled back, looking at him in shock. 
“It’s me, Ginny, Ginny Weasley.” I said. 
“I’m sorry, but I don’t know who you are. Are you sure you’re in the right room?” He asked and before I could answer his doctor walked in. 
“Oh… You’re awake…” The doctor said in shock. 
“Why are people so shocked about that?” Y/N asked confused. 
“Y/N, you were in a coma for three years.” The doctor said. 
“W-What?” He asked in complete shock. 
“I feared that if you woke up this would happen…” The doctor sighed. 
“Do you know any other people that he might have been friends with? We can connect your minds and allow each of you to share your memories with him.” The doctor said and I nodded. 
“I’ll call everyone I can think of.” I said. 
“We can start today with you if you’d like, I just need to run some tests first.” He said and I nodded. 
“Of course, any way I can help.” I answered. I left the room while they were running tests on Y/N and I started calling everyone. 
Everyone agreed to help and I was so relieved. I was the first one to start and they connected our minds so I could help him remember. I showed him every memory we had together and that’s when I noticed all the sweet things he did for me and no one else. 
Everyone else showed him their memories throughout the month. Harry and I waited to show him the two memories we were worried about. Harry showed him how his Father died and it messed Y/N up a bit. It took him a week to recover from that memory. That’s when I showed him the memory I was worried about showing him. We were back in the war and Y/N had just taken the spell that was meant for me. I rushed over to him and my eyes blurred with tears. 
“Run…” He whispered in pain. 
“I won’t leave you.” I said, clinging to his shirt. 
“You’re too caring.” He chuckled.
“You’re gonna be fine.” I said, I wasn’t sure if I was trying to convince him or myself.  
“I need to tell you something before I go.” He whispered and caressed my cheek. 
“I have loved you since year three. You’re just so perfect and I’ve always wished you looked at me the way you did Harry.” He said and started closing his eyes. 
“Hey, stay with me!” I cried, finally letting my tears fall freely.  
“Goodbye…” He whispered and his eyes shut for good. We got out of my memories and Y/N looked at me shocked. 
“I-I remember…” He said and I smiled. 
“I would hope so, we showed you every memory we could.” I said with a nervous laugh. He grabbed my hand and gently caressed my cheek like he did that night. 
“I don’t know how I could ever forget you.” He whispered and started leaning in with his eyes closed. I closed my eyes and closed the distance between us. It was perfect. 
The next few years were an adventure. Y/N came to all my matches and cheered me on. But when he proposed after the most recent champion game I knew I couldn’t play forever. I made the decision to retire and focus on starting a family with the man I loved. A year after I retired I got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy that we named after Y/N’s Father and my brother. Severus Fred Snape. Everything was going perfect after all the mess we’ve been through. We got a perfect ending and I couldn’t be happier. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @in-slytherin-we-trust​  @therealchoni​
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namjoonchronicles · 5 years
perfectly wrong | jm
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↳ genre fluff, domestic, friends-to-lover, dad-to-be jimin
↳ words 3k
↳ summary --Giving birth is a spiritual moment for any married couple. But things are not usually cinematic or fulfilling in real life are they? Especially for a love story that begins like this...
↳ warning horrible description of labor, use of vulgar words in public setting, car sex, platonic friendship that progresses to something more, cute things to do with Jimin at home (that you can’t irl), alcoholism
↳ namjoonchronicles’ honorary tag list @kai-tashi @joon94net @yourlocalalien @mentallycryinghanriver @septemberalien @yoongiseesaw 
↳ special thanks to @fangirlaholicxx & @/majestikblue for helping me out on this one! 
↳ song lsd ‘no new friends’ 
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Nothing could have prepared Jimin for the chaos a labor room could possess. He couldn't feel his hands; his mind and heart had gone separate ways. Sweat trickling down his back and he's sure that his shirt is drenched by now. His lips are blue and his wife was gripping his fingers to the point where they all turned purple. Her shrills threw his sanity out of the window and he had probably pissed his pants by now. He realized he wore different sandals on each leg and his shirt is inside out.
"This is all your fault!" you screamed, the pain is unbearable and you've grab hold Jimin's hair in the midst of labor. "Push, madam, you have to keep pushing..." the young doctor calmly instructed you, ignoring the fact that Jimin is screaming in pain. "Let go of my hair, let go of my hair...honey, my hair," Jimin whimpers but you aren't about to listen to him, not when the pain of the contraction was ripping through your being is all you feel.
Labor feels like a helicopter going through your nostril with it's propellers still spinning. To add to the misery, contractions leading to labor is best described as all the menstrual pain you've had since puberty till now, coming all at once. Yes.
"I learnt today that putting it in isn't as easy as pushing it out..." Jimin blinked rapidly. "Fucking hell Park Jimin!" you grouched, inhaling air through your teeth, biting your lower lip. "No cursing in the labor room please..." the nurse warns. "The baby isn't out yet for us to watch our words..." Jimin dashed.
"I see the head! I see the head, keep pushing... madam," the doctor glanced sharply at Jimin, "Sir, your role is to motivate your wife..."
Motivate your wife... Motivate your wife. The doctor's words repeated in his head.
Dear readers, you must be wondering why Jimin is so dense and appears to be out of character. Easy, Jimin is out of character. You see, his wife and him weren't lovers at all. They're friends. Best friends. And it all began on a rainy night on a rundown one room studio apartment Jimin owned.
He was having a partner in his living room, serving her cold drinks. He wasn't at all invested in their 3 days rendezvous, he just didn't want to spend the night alone. Sipping cold beer on a hot night with a decent girl felt enough for him. Jimin didn't want to fret all night wondering what you're doing. After informing him you had a blind date, you pretty much didn't speak much. You had been acting strange the last few days, not returning his calls or texts, and like common extroverted Libras,  he searched people who would. He has many other friends, he convinced himself. His plan was simple, half-way through the movie, he'll have his way with the girl, take it to the bed and make love til morning comes. He checks his phone, just in case. No new notifications.
0 message(s). 0 missed call(s).
But halfway through the movies, while she's sneaking her hands underneath the elastic bands of his Calvin Klein briefs, he felt wrong. So he told her to leave. He didn't know why, and she looks upset but he couldn't bare a half-hearted fucking, not tonight. It was unusual for him to feel that way. Jimin is alone, resuming the movie and crumpled the aluminium can with his bare hand before tossing it to his trash can.
To soothe the rejection he placed on himself, Jimin draws the curtains, so he could have a little more privacy. On his way doing so, he realized it had just started raining. With violent thunder rolls and flickering lightnings in the night sky, he saw a taxi by the streets he live on just exiting. Thinking nothing of it, he draws the curtain anyways.
Standing in the rain, hair plastered on your face, no umbrellas, drenched blouse. Makeup running down your face, smeared lipstick, cheap eye liner tainting your cheeks, pooling at your chin. Shivering cold. Puffs of air escaping your mouth. Your quivering lips, shaking hands and racing thoughts seems to find an odd calm when you stare at the entrance of Jimin's apartment. When taxi driver asked you where you were going, you blurted this very place. Of all places you could go, your mind took you here. Must have been out of habit, must have been out of your mind, or must have been your unconsciousness taking over. Must have been something in your head, to think that this place was the safest.
It was odd.
When you brought your feet on Jimin's stupidly psychedelic doormat, and raised your knuckle to knock, it was almost effortless. In your most unpolished condition, in your fragile strength and most bare, you brought yourself to Jimin. He swung the door open with a confused expression on his face. You lift your head, eyes spilling tears on each side, quivering lips that stretches to a broken smile with your last bits of strong.
"You went to the blind date, what are you doing here? What happened?" Jimin asked.
You dropped your head at once, gave it a half-shake, shrugging, "Can't you tell?"
Your smile breaks and the tears spills uncontrollably, so you brought the heel of your hand to your head and shook your head again. Witnessing this, Jimin begins to take his arms off his cardigan and wrap them around you before giving you a hug. His hand slid down the back of your head, thumbing your wet hair. His eyes is wide like he  still couldn't process what was happening. But he did what he had to.
He took you into his bathroom, give you a little privacy to undress. Sniffling, nose reddening. Turning so you face his back, he hands you his T-shirt and trade them with your wet clothes without looking at you. Warm towel, you climbed into the tub and turned the showers on. He doesn't have a shower curtain because he's used to living alone. And the door to the bathroom was uninstalled because he sold it to get a coffee machine. He lives alone, he doesn't need that much privacy. Until today, that is. Not wanting to fight with you like always, he took your wet clothes to the laundry room located across the hall. He throws them into the machine one-by-one.
Black panties. Blouse. Jeans. "B-cup, black. Hmm, quite nice," he tilt his head, thumbing the insides of your bra with an impressed face, nodding at the new fact he found out of you.
"Jimin, you have convenient store panties, don't you? I bought one of  your night stands, a pack, I'm sure..." you raised your voice, kneeling by his messy bed, drawing the bottom drawers out. First thing you saw is packs of unused condoms, you used the tip of your fingers to find your way to the said panties. "Yeah, it's in the bottom drawer with many condoms," he leisurely stride back to the space he intended as bedroom.
You slide one of them on and walked out with no pants since the t-shirt Jimin gave you was long enough to cover your thighs. Jimin came in with a hairdryer. He has you seated on the floor, his knees next to your shoulders. "Your shampoo smells nice, what is it?" You asked him, not wanting to start the story to the disastrous date just yet. Jimin is great at playing along when it comes to that. You've been friends long enough to understand the boundaries. And one of that is to not ask more than what is told.
"Sakura flower extract, $14.00 on the website, plus deliveries," Jimin continues to dry your hair, lips pouting at the frail look of your hair. His fingers are entangled with fallen hair but he didn't complaint. Because he knows that you knew. You weren't exactly healthy these past few years. "Jimin," you gently called. And he hums back as a reply.
"Is there something wrong with me?" you picked your toenails, hugging your knees and heard the hair dryer turned off. "I think there's something wrong with me, no, I know there's something wrong with me," you added, convinced that you're either cursed or under qualified. Jimin is a romantic, he is. He is almost always prepared to nurture your broken heart with his sweet words, but with you, it never seems to be enough. That's why you guys are just friends. As the years passed, your irreconcilable  differences, your bickering, your  stubbornness just annoys him. And put two people with praise kinks together, it's a recipe for disaster.
Although Jimin is a fucktard when you first knew him, he proves to be a great listener, attentive and full of affection. And by fucktard you meant, he was too shallow for your stupid deep heart. But you find yourself in his bed, waiting for your jeans to dry. Next to him. Giggling, laughing with your eyes up his ceiling.
"You ever wonder if all of our friends' marriages are in shambles, but they try so hard to keep it a secret...?" Jimin chuckles, resting his head on his wrist, while laying on his back. "I secretly hope it is. I'm sick of saying, Congratulations on your Wedding, attending their weddings with rabid food and lying to their face saying it's delicious when it's not, just to make them feel better," you rested both hands on your stomach, feet dangling on the edge.
"No one asked you to come," Jimin sneered. "Their invitation arrives to my house," you darted. "Then come up with a lame excuse!" "I'm not a shit like you."
"Trust me, you'll live better if you just don't give a fuck," Jimin threw an advice out of nowhere. "If I do that, I won't have friends and be stuck with you," you rolled your eyes up.
And that's when it hits you.
"No new friends," you whispered. "We don't need new friends," Jimin lifts his body from the bed and waddled to the laundry room.
Staying in his room alone felt weird so you followed him. "Yeah, but they're all married and covered with baby puke. New friends sounds good," you caught the jeans he threw you and walked past you, brushing shoulder, his bangs poking his brows at every step.
"Get dressed," he shot. "Oh no I'm not drinking. The last time I went with you, I almost died," you whined, trailing him out to the living room, "I don't have clothes."
Jimin yank open his closet and took the last hoodie, still wrapped in plastic. The one he intend to give you on new years, but you're a country away. So you never knew. Behind him, you were jumping in your jeans. He throws the hoodie over your head. He took his black leather jacket and black baseball cap to pair his white shirt and damaged jeans.
"Stop throwing things at me!" You roared, "Whose are these?!" "Someone left it behind my house," Jimin lied. "It looks basically new," you huffed while poking your head through the neck hole.
You don't know where you're going but Jimin made it clear to have you worrying only about the music in the car and not the destination. First, you stopped at McDonald's drive through to get burgers. Then he killed the engine and had the burgers and soda on the hood of the car. He starts trash talking about his coworkers and mimicking the way one of your mutual friends talked, making you laugh. Then he impersonates a corrupted cop badly who asked him for money because Jimin didn't turn his headlights on.
"It sounds like the way you impersonated Namjoon, to be honest," you shove a handful fries into his mouth to shut him up. "Namjoon is such a cool dude, it annoys the fuck out of me," Jimin spoke through mouthful of unprocessed cholesterol.
Jimin did the chicken dance for you to show one of his encounters at the club. There's literally no one else on the parking lot, but the space is still wet from the rain. The only light is coming from the huge McDonald sign. Next, he brought you to part of town where the park was empty.  Balancing yourself on the bleachers, arms spread wide, you guys were talking about the relevance of Spiderman movie doing a remake. It begins with,
"Spiderman, Tom Holland or Tobey Maguire?" Jimin asked. "How dare you make me choose... I haven't watched any with Tom so, Tobey Maguire," you answered. Jimin clutched his chest and made a bad impersonation of Tobey crying. "Stop, OMG! It wasn't that ugly!" you jumped off the bleacher and pushed him.. Jimin stumbles, hopping on one leg and giggling. "Are you serious? You should watch both. Tom does acrobats," Jimin added. "I'm not a fan of Spiderman..."
Jimin eyed you up and down, "You watched Inside Out at 22, crying in the cinema who are you fucking with." "Don't take my Disney Pixar movies in this Marvel argument you shallow fuck," you shoved both hands into your hoodie front pocket, shaking your head, looking ahead.
"That's a new space," Jimin pointed. "The skateboard place?" you passed, "It's been there forever." "Really? I want to go see," Jimin picks up his pace and begin jogging to it. You had no choice but to go after him.
It's littered. Jimin changed his mind. You pointed at the swing.
Metal rattling, your feet barely touching the ground. The chains creaking, rusting at the ends. Jimin is behind you. "You ready?"
"Yup, push!" you smiled ear to ear. "Here goes," Jimin warned.
For that brief moment in life, you felt content. A childlike memory comes back to life and you have Jimin here. Someone you would have never expected to be here. Looking up at the moon, where the dark clouds have cleared, the stars seems to double in number in this forsaken city, the longer you watched. The speed dies and Jimin sat on the swing next to you. His knees spread, elbows rested on the kneecaps, chewing mints.
"For someone driven by goals, our life are pretty fucked don't you think?" Jimin starts, and you almost dropped to hear something so sentimental coming from the flightiest man you've ever met in your life. "We planned everything so concisely, and in a timely manner. But love doesn't come as planned, and you're stuck living life aimlessly," Jimin blew hot air to the ground. "At least you're fucking people and is good looking," you popped the lollipop out when you talk, and then pop them back in, "I have five dates over the course of five years and never got a call back. The sixth one I went to a few hours ago, said I was too ambitious. I remember his face when he told me that I was going to be single forever with that blunt attitude of mine."
"Then you should have shoved a fork in his ass," Jimin straightens up, holding the chains that hangs the swing before twisting them to face you. "I did, I did so until his eyes reddened and ran out the restaurant and into the taxi. What happens after that is  a blank, Then I was at your apartment. Felt like it was the only safe place I have."
Long pause.
"He was my last chance at love, and he proved me that I was unlovable. Because I was being me. But what else would I have become Jimin? I don't know how to be anyone else but me," your voice cracks but forced out a smile. Always forcing out a smile. Always wanting to appear strong. Always with that fragile strength.
Jimin took you to an outdoor cinema. One of Audrey Hepburn's movie was playing. Both of you took the seat in the back of the car, and lowering the front seats down so you could see better. When Frank Sinatra begins to fall for Audrey Hepburn, and they got into an argument that results in a heated kiss, you felt Jimin's lips on your clothed shoulder. Saliva pools in your mouth and you gulped nervously. Struggling to focus at the lines the spectacular actors are throwing, your mind starts buzzing, as Jimin boldly tugged your hoodie from covering your head, gently. He motions closer and you felt yourself, freeze and holding still. He didn't stop there, with the hoodie no longer covering your neck, Jimin brushes his lips while inhaling your scent. He exhales shakily, like he is letting his lust feeding into it's desire but still staying exceptionally respectful.
You brought your hand to rest on his knee, sliding up his thigh. He nuzzles his face close to your nape, looking up at you with his doe eyes, silently asking permission. Rubbing your cheeks on his, he took them as a yes. With it, he presses his plump lips onto your neck, giving it a gentle suckle before trailing kisses along your jaws. Easily, he lifts your hip so you could straddle his lap, sitting directly on his clothed hard-on.  He nibbles your lower lip, teasingly. Smiling into the kiss, and whispering hotly against your lips, "You can grind on me, it's okay."
Within the next 30 minutes, when the movie shows the credits, a guard came over to hover his flashlight to the heavily fogged window of Jimin's car. "You have to leave, we need to lock the place down," he said. Shirtless, Jimin wind down the window just enough to reply, "Okay, sir." Jimin climbs to the driver's seat and drove back home. "I need new panties, it's soiled," you hummed from the backseat.
"Yeah, you need to get dressed," Jimin puts on his shirt in a hurry and kick his jeans on. "You're a pretty good kisser," you commented. "Pretty--you mean excellent," Jimin sounded offended as he drives hastily through the empty street. "It was pretty good," you corrected him.
"It was a tight space, I could do better than that, you'll see," Jimin scoffed.
Jimin pushes you on his bed the moment he arrives to his apartment. "This time, we're doing it properly," he ran his tongue along his lips.
Fast forward a few years later, after finding no new friends and stuck together, sex as  a bonding time, you finally decide that maybe you had found a fabricated version of a soulmate and it had been Jimin all along. You were too stubborn to admit and he was too afraid to show his softer side. This relationship is not perfect, and he might never fit your ideals, but neither do you, so why not give it a try? And if it wasn't meant to be, then why does the sex felt so good?
Frustrations, deceptions, the voices shouting, the breaking plates. Even though your entire existence could split his brains in half, he couldn't bring himself to leave. It's crazy. When you both are skin to skin, everything wrong you did that day felt like dust. Cold shoulders, brief words. He is just full of life and having many casual friends and you're a homebody who prefers to read a book while he's out for drinks. He comes home late and you're in bed early. The differences strikes ordeal sometimes. Sometimes he's not even open for discussion. He lashes at the first sign of difficulty and storms when the expectation isn't reached. He has quite a temper, but so do you.
Park Jimin is a hot head. But when he's jealous, he doesn't hide.
"Who was that man?" "Not you." "Did you wish  he's here instead of me?" "Sometimes I do. I don't love him, but he's there and you weren't."
"I told you I was coming home..." "I waited for 3 hours. You were just 20 minutes away! Where did you go?"
Jimin pushes his bangs back and walked away to open the fridge and slammed the door. Sending everything inside rattling against itself. He snaps the beer can open in front of you and downed them in a few gulps, crumples the empty can with his bare hand and tossing them into the sink.
"Drinking, like I told you," Jimin arched his eyebrow at you, mocking. "Don't come near the bed, you reek of alcohol," you shouted.
But it isn't always like that. Sometimes Jimin listens. Sometimes he is patient enough and everything feels right. He cooks rice, a simple dinner. Help you sort out your dresses for work the next day. He stays home to continue sewing. He's a fashion designer taking orders from home. He wears a full rimmed glasses and would work days without sleep. Passing him a kiss on his cheek, neck and shoulder from behind as he sat on his tailoring table, you'd leave work with coffee he packed for you. Coming home to an empty house is normal.
Like today, Jimin returns after a short jog, to see the rice still in the same amount as he left it. He reveals the table with its food untouched. He saw the bed empty and began ridding his shirt and left his pants on before he opens the door to the bathroom to see you in the tub, relaxing. "Why aren't you eating the food I made?" he asked, accusatively.
"I will, later. I felt like I need to shower first," you hummed, head resting on the brim of the tub, "I had a horrible day... A fucked day." Jimin rids of his pants next before climbing in the tub with you, passing a kiss on your lips, "I need a shower too...and we can cuddle. I'll make you feel good."
It always starts with a cuddle. And now, you're pregnant. In labor, screaming your head off.
"It's a girl..." the nurse hands Jimin the wrapped baby. Jimin was visibly nervous and you've lost all your strength. "Why is it so warm? Why is she so warm?" Jimin stammered. "Jimin, please. Because she came out from me, idiot," you sighed.
Jimin carries the baby awkwardly, unable to process the situation at hand that he is now, written on the baby's identification card, "Baby's Father : Park Jimin."
"You need to be reliable now, you can't run off. This little one is depending on you," you hummed as your husband sat by your bed, holding your hand between his and he beamed before hiding his face behind your intertwined hands. You saw his shoulders shake, his cheeks wet. You thumbed his tears and smiled warmly.
"I want to learn how to be a good father. I have to," he mutters. "I saw the baby shoes you bought and tried to hide; you're halfway there, already," you felt him rise up to lean over and gave you a forehead kiss. His wedding band, your wedding ring; who would have believed two idiots who hated marriage eventually have kids together. All the friends you both roasted always knew you two were roasting them. Now that you're married yourself, you're in for a life long teasing. That idiot Park Jimin was an idiot. But today, he is still an idiot, but an idiot you love.
"That's definitely my lips..." he pointed, "Nine months inside mom. Looks like dad." "You should be thankful I'm strapped to this bed with this IV drops."
This perfectly wrong marriage, might just be perfect for you. Fin.
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