#i figure since he knows everyone in town lmao
hollowmuses · 1 year
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“You know...” Even though he was about to start complaning, that was an amused smile on the wolf’s face, “This is just my luck, I leave this fucking hell hole, I get my shit together, I am family man now, and what do I decide? well, I do have the qualifications, so let me do something honest with my life and get a teaching job,” he pauses for a second, shaking his head, “And of all the fucking places in the world...there was no where close enough with an open spot but here!” Axel getures around with his arms in a dramatic way, “So yes. I’m back, miss me, baby?” he teases. @hollowscreekstarters​
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fbfh · 2 years
rodrick x hyperfeminine reader hcs
wc: 2.3k
genre: mutual pining, contrasting aesthetics
pairing: rodrick x hyperfeminine reader (fem/she her/referred to as a girl)
summary: you're new at school and it takes a painfully long time for you to find the only hot guy there. he's had a massive painful crush on you since you first set foot through the door.
warnings: reader is a little insecure/anxious and copes through hyperfemininity, rodrick has low self esteem and dyslexia, they both think they have no chance with the other one, jocks keep asking you out, you're friends with Heather and Madison
a/n: obsessed with this dynamic. when you finally date everyone is so fucking confused lmao
@dustyinkpages @the-snake-pit @yesv01
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First of fucking all
Match made in heaven
On your first day of school at Crossland you turned a whole lot of heads 
You figure you should make a statement and decide to channel your idol, Elle Woods
You show up to school in a pink mini skirt blazer set, a little halter top with a heart cut out, and matching pink heels
You’re obviously rocking your signature scent, strawberry pound cake body spray and matching strawberry fizz flavored lip gloss
You did a mani pedi and a facial over the weekend to destress 
You walk in quickly to avoid the people that are staring at you for some reason, unintentionally strutting through the halls in a way that appears totally confident 
You reach the office to get your schedule and tuck it into your heart shaped bag along with your sunglasses 
You make sure to smile and be extra friendly with all the teachers and administrative staff, and in every class where you have to introduce yourself over and over, you try to project what you hope is an approachable friendliness 
People were already starting to whisper about the living barbie doll that just showed up out of nowhere, and these whispers reached none other than Heather Hills
She grabs Madison and tries to hunt you down
To confront you for trying to steal her place as the prettiest most popular girl there
Before she can threaten you, you’re asking her where the good boutiques in town are
You have such a unique, sunshiney charm that she totally forgets what she came to talk to you about
Before she knows it, you and her and Madison have plans to go shopping this weekend
You praise yourself for making a couple friends on the first day, not realizing you accidentally waltzed your way into the elusive popular girl clique 
By the end of the day, you have entirely by accident established yourself as queen bee of the school
As time goes on, you’re relieved that at least some of the people at Crossland are so friendly
Sometimes people say hi to you, and you always reply with a smile or wave or hi back
But a lot of the time people just stare at you
You’re somewhat used to it since not a lot of people wear nearly as much pink as you do
Or glitter
Or use a fuzzy pink strawberry scented glitter gel pen for all their homework
So you try to chalk it up to that 
As the days go on, everyone thinks they know exactly what to expect from you
You’re like Heather 2.0, just a little nicer 
Which is almost worse
When Heather is mean to everyone she doesn’t like (which is almost everyone) at least they have a reason to hate her
But you??
You’re so elusive 
You don’t have a ton of friends, you don’t go out of your way to go party unless Heather and Madison drag you there
But what’s weird is that you’ve turned down every guy who’s actually worked up the courage to ask you out
Every single guy at crossland wants to ask you out
But when the captain of the football team 
And the quarterback 
And the hottest guy in your grade all asked you out
And the whole school watched you politely turn them down one after the other
No one else thought they stood a chance
Heather and Madison think you’re crazy for turning them down
“I just… I’m not really into guys like that.” you say dismissively
“Hot jocks?” Heather demands
You would have said the type of guys who’d have bullied you in middle school, but now doesn’t seem like the right time to bring that up
“Yeah.” you agree, and eventually they stop pressing you
Your status of queen bee is even more solidified by the rumors rampantly spreading that not only are you unimaginably hot
But you’re also impossible to date
This becomes common knowledge after a while
Until one day when you’re running late to school
Heather’s still complaining about having to turn around and pick up her sister
“I mean, you were the one who forgot her at your house…” Madison starts, piping down fast when Heather glares at her
As you all get out of her convertible, tires screech behind you
A beat up white van with spray paint writing on the side parks haphazardly next to the curb
Muffled guitar and drums blast out of the car speakers, and as the driver opens the door, you recognize it as green day
Your eyes widen, and you lag behind to try and get a look at the driver
Heather’s ranting about something, and Madison grabs your arm, pulling you along as you watch the driver stumble out and trip on the curb
He has messy black hair, eyeliner, and he’s wearing a well loved ramones shirt
As if that wasn’t enough, he shoves the drumsticks he’s holding into his back pocket, poking out awkwardly 
“Who is that?” you ask
Heather and Madison whip around, ecstatic that you finally found someone at school you think is hot
They scan the scattered crowd of other late students trying to make it inside before first bell
“Who?” Heather demands, looking straight past the guy at the captain of the football team who you’d turned down for the fourth time earlier this week. “Brent? You know Brent.” 
A twinge of jealousy flashing through her voice as she finishes, desperate for more information
“No,” you say, pointing. “The guy who looks like Billie Joe Armstrong.”
“Who?” they both demand, still looking right past him
“Black hair, black shirt…”
Finally they see him
“Heffley??” Heather demands, holding back a gag at his name. “No, no, no. Not him, anyone but him.” 
She shudders, pushing past both of you to go inside
You’re stuck in place, watching him greet his friends and laugh loudly as they shove each other hello
Madison leans in close
“That’s Rodrick. His god awful band ruined Heather’s sweet 16 and she’s still pissed about it. Going near him is social suicide.” 
It suddenly makes sense that you haven’t bumped into the only hot guy at school yet
If you’re always with Heather and Heather avoids him like the plague… 
Madison drags you inside, and you’re already trying to figure out a way to talk to him
Just because you didn’t know Rodrick exited before now, doesn’t mean he hasn’t been drooling over you since you showed up at Crossland
“Uh, dude… was she just staring at you?” Ward says once Madison finally drags you inside, forcing you to break your unwavering stare you had locked on Rodrick 
He turns around quickly, looking for a more logical explanation for you looking in his direction as some football players walk past 
“She must have been looking at Brent.” he decides
“No dude,” Ben punches his arm, “she was totally making eyes at you.” 
They all laugh at the ridiculousness of the statement as he drags himself to his first class of the day
He can’t focus even more than usual
Were you staring at him? Making eyes at him like Ben had said?
He stares at the back of your head in all your shared classes, which is a lot of them, just like he always does 
And just like always, his mind starts to wander
Of course he’s down stupid bad for you, he doesn’t know anyone that’s not
He wonders what you smell like, what you look like up close
He wonders what your hands would feel like on his body, if you’d drag your pretty manicured nails across his skin
He imagines kissing you in such vivid detail it feels real for a few moments
Then he starts to wonder what you’d taste like 
Probably bubblegum, you usually chew it between periods when you won’t get in trouble for it
He wonders if your lip gloss is flavored
God, since the first day you showed up in this shithole he’s been thinking about you
He’s had countless dreams about you to
He always goes right back to sleep hoping he can see you again, feel your body against his, feel your lips on his skin one more time
He knows it’s hopeless, knows that even if you’ve seen him around and are vaguely aware of his existence, you don’t know his name
And why would you want to??
He’s such a teenage dirtbag he practically has rights to the song
Plus Brent is still determined to get you to go out with him
He considers himself your boyfriend already and has been threatening anyone who stares at you more than normal
Even if he could get past Brent and his own debilitating self doubt and low self esteem, you’re with Heather and Madison constantly, who still think he’s worse than mold after the incident and Heather’s sweet 16
You’re literally untouchable 
Even still, he doesn’t think he’s ever had a crush this bad
Not even back when he liked Heather
The only way he can get through classes is by spacing out the whole time (his teachers expect nothing less of course) and imagining you marching right up to him and sitting on his lap to make out with him
The only notes he takes anymore are scribbled song lyrics about you until his hand cramps up and he gets one of those nausea headache he gets from trying to write or read too much 
He thinks about you so much
It’s getting to the point where he’s thinking about you all the time
And he has absolutely no idea what to do about it
Because he doesn’t stand a chance
There’s no way in hell he could approach you, much less get you to go out with him
Plus you’ve literally turned down every guy that’s asked you out this year
Why would you want to go out with him???
Heather and Madison are wondering the same thing
You could easily pull anyone in this entire school
And now you’re making eyes at Heffley out of nowhere????
It doesn’t make sense 
They can’t pay attention for the rest of the day
Neither can you
You spend the entire day trying to figure out how to talk to him (you could just walk over to him)
How to get his attention (you already have it)
How to set up the perfect scenario to make him fall for you (he fell hard and fast long before now and has not recovered)
A party
You have to throw a party and get his band to play
Then you can corner him after the show to buy a cd and see if you can get it to go somewhere
It’s perfect
Plus Heather’s been telling you that you should throw at least one party before the school year is over
You tell Heather you want to throw a party this weekend
She’s ecstatic, thinking you’re finally moving on to something better to focus on
She and Madison are so busy helping you get everything ready they don’t notice you staring at Rodrick in the halls every chance you get and never managing to get him to look over at you
You’re so busy throwing an elaborate rager of a party to try and seduce him like Jay Gatsby that you don’t notice him staring at you when you’re not looking too
You can’t let anything ruin your chance with Rodrick 
Nothing can possibly go wrong
So when Brent asks you out again at lunch you turn him down more definitively than you have before
You tell him you’re just not into him like that, and to please stop asking you out
He’s never had someone tell him that they’re not attracted to him and want nothing to do with him 
It was definitely a much needed blow to his self esteem
Rumors that you broke up with Brent (even though you weren’t dating in the first place) spread like wildfire 
So after school when you manage to slip away from Heather and Madison for long enough to approach Rodrick and ask him and his band to play at your party this weekend 
It feels like a fucking dream
Not only do they have a gig
But it’s at your party???? 
It feels fake
It feels like something his touch starved hormonal brain would concoct to distract him from what he should be thinking about
They start trying to figure out sets and extra practice time before your party
And Ben insists the whole time that you were making eyes at him
Except this time Rodrick kind of believes him
There’s no way this means he has a chance with you, right??
He watches you walk away
And as you walk away, you let out an excited suppressed giggle that you actually talked to him
You’re still flustered and blushing under all your makeup, fanning your warm face as you hop into the passenger seat of Heathers convertible 
“What’s up with you?” she asks, noticing your distracted state
“I’m just… really excited for this party.” you smile, biting your lip
You don’t think about a thing other than him for the rest of the day
You decide this party really cannot come soon enough
If you play your cards right
You might even get him to like you back
You ruminate on this as you start picking out an outfit - in your signature pink, of course - completely unaware that Rodrick is already rehearsing for your party
And thinking about you just as much
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joequiinn · 6 months
The Dos & Don'ts of Fake Dating | E.M. x reader | pt. 1
[chap two] | [all chapters here]
summary: You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it…
notes & tropes: fem reader, faking dating, opposites attract, bratty rich bitch reader, super minor revenge plot, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers
a/n: Was I the only one who turned 18 a month into their senior year and then proceeded to spiral and become The Worst version of themself possible?? Well, this fic is semi-inspired by that shitty part of my life lmao. Reader figure skates though. I can’t figure skate, hurts my feet lol. I never expected to write a fake dating story, but Eddie Munson has had me bewitched for nearly 2 years now, so here we go.
(if you'd like to be added to a tag list, pls let me know!)
wc: 3.9k
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Chapter One
The idea came to you during a student council meeting as the class president was droning on about the ‘85 homecoming preparations: you needed to do something crazy, something completely and utterly out of character.
Maybe it was because of your ex breaking up with you just weeks before school started. Maybe it was that senior year itch. Maybe it was the realization that you were turning 18 next week. Hell, maybe you just woke up that morning with a strong sense that the things in your life were no longer satisfying you.
Whatever the cause, since the start of your senior year, you’ve just felt so off.
Your ex, Duncan, breaking up with you right before school started was a low blow, and an absolutely shitty feeling - you didn’t date much, but when you did, it was never the guy that ended things. It wasn’t shitty because you were in love and oh so heartbreak, it wasn’t shitty because you saw a future with him. It was shitty because of how goddamn embarrassing it was.
To your peers, you were a couple that made sense, and in fact people had been urging you to go out for a while. And, obviously, you had grown to like him, considering that you were in a relationship for six months - you never would have put up with him for that long if you didn’t actually like him. But the fact that he broke up with you, and not the other way around, left a sour, spiteful taste in your mouth.
So, perhaps it was that break-up that made you feel different this entire month. Or maybe it was your impending 18th birthday, which made you realize just how close you were to legal adulthood. Whatever the cause, every single aspect of your life up to this point suddenly came under your deep scrutiny. You just weren’t… happy?
That made it sound bad, but what were you enjoying right now? What got you excited every day? As you sat in the student council meeting, zoning out since the very start, you came to think that maybe you had nothing going on right now that you genuinely wanted in your life.
Hell, you weren’t even on the student council because you enjoyed it, Janet just dragged you into it back in your sophomore year. You figured she loved the sense of importance it gave her. She and everyone else in the council probably got off on how important they felt, the dictators of Hawkins High School.
You always ran in this crowd, and before you never questioned it. The popular kids, the rich kids, the successful kids. You don’t remember ever choosing these friends and acquaintances - if anything, it seemed that these peers were all a constant, as if they’d always been there from the very start. You figured it was the natural state of the world - as the daughter of one of the richest men in town, you were predestined to end up here. Not here as in the student council, surrounded by other spoiled rich kids debating the difference between turquoise and cyan. But here in an even broader sense - in a finely curated life, in all the “right” circles, on the path to either greatness or becoming the trophy wife of greatness.
Up until now, you’d never questioned it. Yes, mom and dad, you were a popular kid whose free time was fully booked between college prep, figure skating, student council, dates with a cookie-cutter boyfriend, and everything else under the sun. Yes, mom and dad, you were doing everything they all told you too because it would look great on your college applications, because that’s what you’re supposed to do, because that’s how things have always been done.
It started to dawn on you maybe a week or so into the school year just how mundane you were - you never questioned your time spent skating or on extracurriculars, you never went against the order of things as dictated by only the most popular of your peers. That’s just what was done, what was always done. But after your ex dared to break up with you, you came to realize recently that maybe all of this wasn’t what you wanted - maybe it was time to start making some choices for yourself instead of worrying what your parents told you or what your peers thought or what to do to keep your boyfriend semi-happy.
So, you started to consider what exactly it was that you wanted. And that proved to be more challenging than you anticipated, which probably would have sounded extremely pathetic if you had said it to any of the people sitting next to you.
Did you like figure skating? Of course, it was your idea after all. What you didn’t like was the pressure from your mother to train and become an Olympian, a feat that was never your intention when you took up the sport at six years old. Besides, you told her, you were way past the age for trials, you’d never get in (or, at least, that’s what you told her, because how the hell would you know whether or not there was a cut off age).
Did you like your friends? You thought so - you’d known them virtually your entire life, so you never questioned your relationship with them. But proximity didn’t necessarily go hand-in-hand with likeability. Maybe some of them you actually liked, but the rest? No, they were just around because they always had been.
Did you like your relationship before Duncan broke up with you? No, probably not. Of course, your opinion of him and that entire relationship was soured now, but even at the time, you were probably just going through the motions, doing things that couples do without any real heart in it.
So… What did you want? What did you actually like?
It was jarring to realize that your entire life had been dictated and finely tuned for you from the moment you were born, that even the things you wanted had been molded into new shapes by your parents or your peers or your teachers.
Once you realized how little of your life was in your own hands, you couldn’t get it out of your head. You always saw yourself as someone who was in control, as someone who couldn’t be told shit. And yet, you came to realize that that was far from the truth. It was as if suddenly everything about your life was something you hated. You hated your classes, you hated your friends, you hated running in the same circle as your ex, you hated all your obligations. Through the first few weeks of senior year, all you felt was frustration, disinterest, and absolute boredom with everything around you. Something had to change. And during the bullshit student council meeting, you became determined to make it happen.
So, over the course of that boring as all hell meeting, you tried to figure out what you wanted, and how you were going to get it. You set a goal for yourself, silly but helpful considering the structure you were so accustomed to: you’d set your plan in motion on your birthday. New year, new you, right?
Once you gave yourself that deadline, you then had to think about what exactly you were trying to accomplish - yes, you wanted to make some major changes, you wanted to, in a way, become a new person, but how were you going to do that?
You settled on four key things to keep in mind:
You wanted to piss off your parents big time - your dad barely acknowledged your existence and your mom coddled you, so actually upsetting them would be a feat unto itself. You had to become so awful that even your mother would stop making excuses for you.
You needed to drop your friends - the more you thought about all the people you grew up alongside, the more you realized that you weren’t particularly interested  in relationships with any of them. Whether you made new friends or not wasn’t a priority, in fact you kind of liked the idea of just being left alone.
You had to figure out what you actually enjoyed - outside of skating, you had no idea what really interested you, what you would like to do with your life and your free time. You figured it was time to do some self reflection and focus on finding things that you’d actually enjoy.
And, most importantly, you had to get back at your ex. Yeah, it was stupid to be motivated by a boy, but nothing would make you happier than seeing him worked up and frustrated. Your focus wasn’t on trying to win him back or anything like that - you wanted to piss him off, to exact some kind of revenge for making you look like an idiot when he broke up with you at a party that all your friends had attended.
How you were going to accomplish these, however, was yet to be determined. But they were a damn good starting point, and they got you motivated to become an absolute nuisance to everyone around.
The Friday following the student council meeting, you decided to first experiment with a little something, satiate a mild curiosity. To anyone else, it was probably the most mundane thing in the world, but to a high schooler who thought graduation was life or death, doing anything out of the ordinary felt nail-biting.
You were going to sit at a new lunch table.
You had just two days left until your birthday, until you’d officially set your plan in motion, so you still had a little more time to come up with something. So far, you couldn’t think of shit. You were already someone who was blunt and commanding and mean, whose thoughts and feelings were always on your face, so people were used to you being bossy and a little miserable - you couldn’t start being meaner or blunter, you just knew that wouldn’t be enough. Maybe you could start skipping class, maybe you could start flaking on friends, but somehow none of that felt like enough, like it wouldn’t make a statement. You had to really make an impression, to really set yourself up for a total ruination of your social status, you just hadn’t figured out how.
But a new lunch table was as good a starting point as any, right?
You chose a table at the far end of the lunchroom; customarily your group of friends, acquaintances, and ex sat centrally, surrounded by the jocks on one side and the academics on the other. The new table you chose was only occupied by two other people, a dorky little couple who looked at you funny when you sat as far from them as possible. In turn, you gave them an icy cold glare, prompting them to look away quickly, like you were a Medusa who could turn them to stone.
Your stupid little lunchroom plan was a bust, though. Five minutes into your peaceful lunch, your two closest friends, Amelia and Janet found you, each looking perplexed and put-off by your seat of choice. They looked around before lowering into the seats around you, their expression full of something akin to disgust, as if sitting at a different table was that offensive.
“What are we doing over here?” Amelia asked judgmentally, eyeing the couple at the opposite end of the table. Across the lunchroom, a few people (including Duncan) from your usual lunch table looked at you funny, “It’s like we’re exiled or something.”
So dramatic, you thought while staring harshly at her.
“Change of scenery.” You answered plainly, stabbing at the food in front of you. Amelia hummed in acknowledgement, but still made it quite clear that she didn’t agree with the decision.
“What, does this have something to do with Duncan?” She jabbed, receiving another nasty look from you, “So, he’s a jerk? Get over it.”
You should’ve known this idea was too simple to work. Of course they’d just follow you like the lemmings that they were, just as unable to make their own decisions as you were. Yeah, you definitely needed to try something bigger to scare them off.
Briefly, you thought that you could maybe tell them, just say point blank, “Amelia, Janet, I hate being around you and this friendship is done.” But, again, you figured that wouldn’t be good enough, that they’d laugh at your mean sense of humor even if you reiterated yourself. In this crowd, being mean was never enough to make your point, because all of you were nasty, not only to each other but to virtually everyone you met.
And despite your well-known attitude problem, you still cared about Amelia and Janet, flaws and all. These were the girls that you’d known since you were five years old, of course you worried about their feelings at least a little bit - nearly 13 years of friendship would do that to anyone. Guess you had more of a heart than you gave yourself credit for.
You definitely needed a foolproof plan to get out of this friendship, this social circle, this popular bubble that you’d always been trapped in. The friendship had to end without you saying so. You had to push them out until they finally gave up on you. Make it seem like it was their idea, that would definitely work on them.
As you schemed, Amelia and Janet chatted around you. Various acquaintances stopped by the table, all with the same question: what the hell were you guys doing sitting all the way out here? Even Duncan was amongst those that asked, trying to ignore the way you glared daggers at him. Amelia and Janet gave various responses, all of which put blame on you as if this simple little decision meant their utter ruination.
As Duncan was preparing to walk back to your usual lunch table, a commotion rose out in the hallway, the echo of rapid footfall drifting in through the doors. Multiple heads turned to face the cafeteria doors with curiosity, some people peeked out into the hall to check what the yelling was about, scurrying back to their friends to report what they’d seen. You, Amelia, Janet, and Duncan all waited silently, sharing raised brows and curious looks.
Not even a minute later, Eddie freaking Munson came crashing into the lunchroom, a look of total glee on his face as he cackled, not even remotely fazed by all the eyes on him. As he tumbled through the cafeteria doors, you jumped a little at the burst of sound. Eddie’s disruption turned everyone’s heads now, the lunchroom silent in shock and loathing as the resident outcast ran between tables, heading for the set of doors at the opposite end of the room. Your gaze was locked on the shit disturber as he blew past your table, carelessly running into Duncan in the process, but even that collision didn’t slow him down. Duncan yelled at him, but Eddie was focused on one goal, and if this were a cartoon you definitely would have seen dust kick up behind him from how quickly he was moving.
Not too far behind was Coach Miller, a look of absolute rage marring his puffy red face as he pursued Eddie. It didn’t even seem to cross his mind that he was making a fool of himself in front of the entire student body - his only focus was stopping the offender of whatever shenanigans currently pissed him off.
Your gaze turned back to the excited Eddie, an undeniable curiosity rising in you - what the hell did he do to piss off Coach Miller this bad? Sure, the coach was always pretty damn temperamental, but you couldn’t recall ever seeing him look quite this upset before.
Eddie paused at the cafeteria doors to turn and pull a mocking face at the coach before darting from the room, as if nothing in the world could touch him and he was unstoppable.
As Coach Miller disappeared after Eddie and students returned to their usual conversations, albeit with an air of awkwardness, you stared at the cafeteria doors thoughtfully.
That’s when an idea began to form.
You needed to take a page out of Eddie Munson’s book. If anyone in this school knew how to be a thorn in everyone’s side, it was him. So, you spent the remainder of your lunch brainstorming, trying to figure out how to channel even a sliver of Eddie’s energy; you only chimed into the conversation when someone spoke to you directly.
In the middle of fifth period, you still weren’t quite sure what your game plan was, but you at least had a vague starting point. While your history teacher rambled on about some significant European war that you couldn’t begin to care about, you tapped your pencil as you thought about Eddie Munson (a sentence that very nearly grossed you out).
You’ve known about him since your freshman year - at the time, he was a year ahead of you, but since then he’d been held back. People always sneered when talking about him, as if Eddie was the most offensive thing they’d ever encountered, as if he was some kind of plague. He went against all social norms you’d learned up to that point, he was contradictory to everything you’d ever been taught about social conduct and likeability - he wore ratty clothes, listened to scary music, acted out in the most theatrical ways possible, and never seemed to give a shit what anyone thought.
You had never spoken to Eddie personally. Through the years you’d had a few classes together, including your math class this year, so you’ve witnessed some of his antics. But really, you knew nothing about the guy. Just the things that everyone else told you, and those things were nothing good. Whether or not Eddie was as bad as people said didn’t matter to you. His reputation was shit, and in this instance that’s exactly what you needed.
So, how were you going to ruin your senior year with the help of Eddie Munson? Well, at the very least, maybe you first had to have a conversation with him. It would be pretty stupid to walk up to him and go “hey, Munson, I know everyone here hates you, how about we chat and you make them hate me, too!”
Maybe you needed to find a way to hang out with him? Pretend to be friends long enough that the rest of the student body begins to ostracize you? With a little amused huff, an even worse thought crossed you: maybe you needed to pretend you were interested in Eddie Munson for a while, that was sure to piss just about everyone off. Especially Duncan.
But then the idea gave you pause.
You could not pretend to flirt with, or even date, Eddie fucking Munson. No chance in hell that would work. No way he would go for it, and no way you’d be able to tolerate him long enough to convince anyone that you were even remotely into him.
But… maybe?
Shit, what a stupid idea.
Or maybe it was a brilliant one.
You mulled it over a few minutes longer - if you were going to, somehow, convince Eddie Munson to pretend to date you, you needed to offer him something in exchange, that was obvious. You needed to give him a good reason to help you out, or this plan was never going to work. Its chances of success already seemed slim to none.
You had one idea, though you weren’t entirely certain if he’d go for it.
Your Uncle Tom was a cop, had been with the force your entire life - and you’d bet he’s probably had at least one run-in with Eddie. Maybe you’d tell Eddie that you could get cops to leave him alone, to stop watching him wearily whenever they were around. You couldn’t promise him too much, of course, but you knew at the very least that you could get your uncle to leave him alone. Or you could even take the fall here and there for whatever trouble Eddie inevitably lands himself in - what cop was stupid enough to arrest the niece of a cop and the daughter of a man who owned half of Hawkins?
It wasn’t foolproof, and you knew there were flaws to be found, but it just might work.
So, with your mind made up, you rip a scrap of paper from your notebook and scribble out a quick message:
Let’s make a deal. Sunday. You pick the time and place. Locker #436
You’d hoped that Eddie would be smart enough to realize that you wanted him to write you back, to drop his own stupid note in your locker so you could meet up and tell him your stupid, crazy idea. God, this better work.
You swiftly raise your hand in the air, giving a small impatient wave when your teacher didn’t acknowledge you right away, instead trying to focus on his lecture.
He rolled his eyes when he spotted your hand in the air, pointing at you and saying in an annoyed monotone, “What’s so important that you’re interrupting?”
Without any hesitation, you state bluntly, “Lady troubles.”
The teacher looks shocked by how plainly you stated it. But because it was you that said it and not someone else, your peers didn’t dare laugh, although a couple boys seemed to choke in surprise or amusement.
“Go, go…” Your teacher waved you off before continuing his lecture, wanting to forget the small interaction entirely.
You exited the room and roamed the halls confidently. Eddie’s locker wasn’t hard to miss - he was one of the students that decorated the metal with crude permanent marker sketches, and the school was too cheap to care about replacing or painting over it. As you approached Eddie’s locker, you checked around to make sure no one spotted you; it wasn’t as if you were committing a crime, but you didn’t need anyone wondering what you were up to in case this plan didn’t work.
So, you slipped the note into his locker, returned to class, and waited impatiently for the final bell of the day to ring, hoping that Eddie would actually stop by his locker and not just leave school without ever seeing your note.
When the end of the day came, it took everything in your power not to rush back to your own locker - just in case, you didn’t want him spotting you there. Why all the secrecy, you sure as hell didn’t know, but you nonetheless continued it.
So, you waited, stopping into the bathroom to check your makeup, walking with Amelia and Janet as they stopped at their own lockers. As the three of you exited the building and walked into the parking lot, you pretended to remember something, telling them that you needed to run back inside. You said your quick goodbyes and went back to wandering the halls, finally opening up your own locker.
It was stupid that your heart leapt when you saw a crudely torn piece of paper resting on top of some of your belongings.
You opened it quickly, eagerly reading the metalhead’s response:
Picnic table behind the football field, 4.
God, what were you getting yourself into.
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1-800-hwahui · 2 years
match of the season
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member — college student radio host!junhui x f student!reader genre  —  smut, fluff, humor word count — 7.3k warnings — virgin!jun, shy clueless jun, fr that man does not know a single thing but it's endearing in a silly way, top!reader bot!jun (but no real dom/sub dynamics, more like reader leads until jun figures out how to take over), unprotected sex, jun big cock agenda, VOICE KINK (listen. you all knew it was coming), so much dirty talk, lots of consent bc it is very sexy, riding, little bit of dry humping?, mentions of an iud/birth control, jun is implied taller than reader (maybe size kink but only if you take it that way), jeonghan cameo and he's a menace, lots of fluff at the end (but also kinda throughout), please lmk if i missed any warnings! notes — this is a nsfw sequel to a sfw fic on my main writing blog @junekissed called sounds of the season, which is part of my series of winter-themed fics! if you haven't already, i would highly recommend reading that before reading this, since the stories are pretty closely connected. thanks to @onlymingyus for reading over this for me <3 i hope you all enjoy this as much as you enjoyed the first part. also like i said in part 1 i have no idea how radio works so if it doesn't make sense just roll with it lmao
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you’re just putting the last finishing touches on your final paper when your phone buzzes. you glance down, grinning when you see junhui’s name on the screen.
unable to hide the butterflies in your stomach, you press a button to accept the call. “hi, junnie.”
“oh! hi,” his voice plays through your speaker with a giggle. “hey, i like that. ‘junnie’. do you want a nickname? but your name is so pretty, i don’t wanna change it–”
“whatever you want is fine,” you say, trying to hold back a smile. god, he’s cute.
“okay. i’ll think about it. oh, wait, yeah!” he says suddenly, as if he’s just remembered why he’s calling. “jeonghan left town early this week so it’s just me in the studio today, and it’s our last show of the semester. so anyway, do you wanna come over?” he stops, stumbling over his words. “well, not like, come over come over, i mean, we can just hang out, i–”
“give me half an hour,” you laugh, endeared by his eagerness.
“yay!” he cheers, and you shake your head with a smile.
half an hour later, a text pops up on jun’s phone, alerting him that you’re waiting outside the building. he leaps out of his chair, an excited grin on his face as he flings open the door and dashes downstairs to let you in.
he’s out of breath by the time he reaches the communications lab door, leaning on the push bar to let you in. “sorry, forgot they locked it already,” he pants.
“it’s fine,” you giggle. “so… everyone else is gone?”
he nods. “yeah, mr. choi said as long as i don’t mess with anything he’ll let me close by myself, so they all left early for break.”
you smile and hold out your hand for him to take, and he beams, hastily grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers with yours.
he leads you up the stairs to the sound booth, squeezing your hand the whole way.
it’s your second time being in the school’s recording studio, but the feeling is still new and exciting. you definitely understand now what jun meant when he said being around all the equipment is a lot of fun.
once inside, he shuts the heavy door with a click, locking the door and flipping on the “on air” light. not that anyone could get in anyway, but it’s a habit he doesn’t want to accidentally get out of before he comes back next semester.
he slides in front of the computer for a second, queueing another song so he has more time to grab what he’s designated as “your chair”; the comfiest one in the studio, according to him.
he pulls it over next to his chair and pats the cushion for you to sit. you giggle and plop down on the seat, scooching closer to him once he’s sat in his own chair.
he raises his eyebrows at you with a grin, then clears his throat and moves closer to the microphone as the song ends to do his job.
ever since you accidentally admitted to him that you like the way his voice sounds, he’s teased you about it—or at least, attempted to tease you about it. he's too sweet for his own good, so even when he tries to poke fun at you it comes out like a compliment.
he presses the red button and begins to talk. “that was one of the classics, ‘a holly jolly christmas’ by burl ives. coming up next, another favorite, ‘the christmas song’ by michael bublé, and more great songs on your favorite program: 111.7fm’s sounds of the season.”
he lets go of the button and sits back in his chair, spinning it around to face you as the slow music starts softly playing. “hi,” he says shyly. “did you like that?”
you smile. it’s a little bit of an odd question, but you’ve started to understand his awkwardness; he just needs a little encouragement. “i always like it. you’re really good at this.”
“i like it a lot,” he grins back, bouncing his head in excitement. “can i kiss you now?”
you laugh at his enthusiasm but nod, leaning forward to press your lips to his. he sighs into your mouth, his hands falling naturally to your waist. for supposedly not going out much, jun is really, really good at kissing, you’ve quickly learned over the last few days. how he got so good at it, you may never know, but the feeling of him pressed against you is too perfect to waste time questioning why.
despite being surrounded by the cold, metal recording equipment, the sound of michael bublé’s crooning voice and the gentle warmth of junhui’s lips makes the studio feel like the coziest place on earth.
his hands tug at your waist and you slide easily out of your chair and onto his lap, sitting sideways across his legs, never breaking the kiss.
he pulls away for a second, his cheeks dusted with pink. “let me… put the playlist on,” he says, his voice a little breathier than usual. 
you hum in confusion, attention still focused on the curve of his lips and the little noises he makes when he’s kissing you. “what playlist?”
he laughs. “for the show. so we can keep doing… this, and not have to worry.”
“wait, so you mean, not all of it is live?”
he shakes his head. “almost all of it is, but there’s a backup playlist in case we get busy and can’t sit around pressing buttons for the whole hour. i used it a couple weeks ago when i had to finish my chem paper.”
he spins the chair around, facing you both in front of the computer screen and tapping a few buttons on the keyboard. he turns a dial on the soundboard and the background music in the studio gets lower, so quiet you need to strain to hear it.
he hums, and your attention turns away from the machinery and back to his eager smile.
“can i kiss you again?” he asks softly.
you giggle and put your hands around his neck. “you don’t have to ask every time.”
so he’s pushing his lips on yours again, kissing you like you’re the most delicate thing in the world.
and that’s when you feel it. the butterflies deep in your stomach that make you want to do things no person should be doing in a school building.
he pulls away for a second to catch his breath. “you’re so pretty,” he says dreamily, and you hate the way it immediately sends shivers down your spine, landing directly at your core. 
you hold back a whimper and shift the way you’re sitting, moving so each leg is on either side of his legs, straddling his lap.
he pushes his mouth against yours, hands gently kneading your hips. your fingers dance beneath the bottom of his shirt, fingernails gliding over the warm, soft skin of his stomach and feeling his abs contract at your touch.
“wait,” he whimpers, and you pull back immediately, taking your hands off of him and putting them on your thighs.
“do you want me to stop?” you ask quietly. shit, you hope you haven’t completely ruined this by going too fast.
“no!” he nearly shouts, looking panicked, then clears his throat. “no,” he repeats. “i don’t want you to stop. i’m, just…” he trails off, avoiding your gaze.
“you can tell me, junnie,” you say gingerly, wanting him to be comfortable.
“i know,” he whines. “i’m… embarrassed,” he says, voice small.
“i’m not going to laugh at you,” you say softly.
“i’m not– i haven’t–” he freezes. you give him a small smile that you hope looks encouraging, and it must be, because he sighs and starts again. “i’m a… virgin,” he says, barely above a whisper.
“oh! that’s all?” you ask, taking his hand and threading your fingers in between his. he looks up at you, trying (and failing) to hide the surprise in his expression. “you don’t need to be embarrassed. everybody has a first time.”
you pause, not wanting to force him into doing this if he really isn’t ready. you don’t care, you have plenty of ways of getting yourself off if he wants to wait longer. because you are willing to wait. “we don’t have to now, junnie,” you say. “i’ll wait as long as you want me to.”
“i want to now,” he says quickly, shaking his head. “i just… don’t know what to do,” he mumbles.
“that’s fine,” you whisper, bringing your other hand up to his face and kissing his cheek tenderly. “we’ll go slow, and you tell me what you want.”
he hesitates, then tentatively places his hands on your waist, still holding your hands. “i want to kiss you again.”
you smile. “i can do that.”
and you lean back in, pressing your lips to his. gently at first, until he grips your waist a little harder and starts kissing you a little deeper. you let him get used to it, allowing him to set the pace he wants.
testing the waters, you push down on his lap a little, starting to grind lightly on his crotch. he whimpers and tugs at your hips to help you, beginning to fall into a steady rhythm. 
you stay like this for a while, leisurely making out on his lap, for longer than you normally would with someone else. but this isn’t someone else, this is junhui, and you’re more than content going as slow as he wants. plus, all this is just making you wetter and wetter as time goes on, riling you up the more you think about what’s to come later.
you can feel him getting harder underneath you, and you moan into him, eagerly but patiently waiting for him. his hands climb up your back, hooking around your shoulders and pulling you almost completely flush with his chest.
he pulls away after a minute, lips red and puffy from the contact and breathing hard. “don’t– you need a c-condom, when… so you, don’t get pregnant?” he stutters out, struggling to get the words out and to stop from bucking his hips against you.
“i have an iud, it’s alright,” you say, also panting for breath.
“okay.” he exhales and leans back, letting go of your hips.
you look at him in confusion at his sudden pause. “why…?”
he stares at you. “uh, don’t you have to go put it in? or did you do that before you got here?”
you snort. “my iud? no, it’s in all the time. it doesn’t come out.” 
“oh,” he says, his cheeks flushing pink. “sorry, i didn’t know–”
“it’s okay, junnie. don’t apologize,” you say, trying your hardest to hold back a laugh. poor sweet, oblivious junhui. you’re not laughing at him, you’re laughing at how adorably clueless he is. you find yourself hoping you might be the one to help him understand these things, if he wants you to.
“have you… before?” he asks shyly, avoiding your eyes again.
you pause, knowing he’s already embarrassed and trying to answer him as gently as possible. “yes,” you say finally, and his face droops a little at your response. “but that doesn’t mean anything. it’s my first time with you, too, so we’re learning about each other. that’s all it is. so just… don’t think about it, okay? the only thing i’m thinking about right now is you.”
his cheeks are a deep shade of pink, but he nods. you take his hands carefully and put them at the hem of your shirt, guiding him to pull it up and over your head. you unclasp your bra and turn around to toss it over to your chair.
“now your turn,” you say gently, looking up at his eyes, which are still focused on your boobs.
“ju-un,” you murmur in a sing-song voice, and his eyes snap back to your face. “do you want to keep going?” 
“yeah,” he chokes out. “i mean– yes. yes, please.”
you coo at his manners, moving off of his lap to wiggle your pants down your legs. his eyes are completely transfixed on your body, admiring every inch of you that he can see.
“do you want to now?” you ask, and he nods rapidly. he stands up and throws his shirt off, and his pants are quick to follow until he’s sitting back in his chair in only his boxers. the lines of his stomach seem even more defined in the low light of the studio, and you so desperately want to run your hands up and down his torso, and feel every inch of him, but– one thing at a time.
you slide your panties off and go back to your position straddling his lap. “is this okay?” you ask again.
“mhm,” he hums lowly, and you feel it deep in your abdomen, walls clenching around nothing at the sound.
his eyes dart around your face, and you reach up to run your fingers through his hair, tucking it gently behind his ear. “are you ready?” you ask softly.
his eyes widen, and he springs into action, his hands flying to your waist again. “oh! okay, yes, yes, um…”
you try not to giggle at his enthusiasm. you trail your hand carefully down to the waistband of his shorts, slipping the tip of your finger inside the elastic. “you have to take this off, junnie,” you whisper.
“mm, okay,” he whines, and you lift up a little so he can slide them down without standing up. he kicks them off and you sit back down, looking down to see what you’re working with. now that he’s fully hard, you can see that he’s… big, much bigger than you expected from a man this shy.
but who are you to judge, so you adjust on his lap, sitting up to reach below you and take his cock in your hand, positioning it at your entrance. he whimpers at the contact as you slowly drag his tip through your folds, spreading your wetness around. 
“you just sit here and let me do all the work, baby, okay?” you hum, gripping his shoulder with your other hand. “let me make you feel good, hm?”
he lets out a garbled noise in response, barely comprehending your words at how engrossed he is with the way you’re holding his cock so delicately, waiting to push it inside and finally feel you.
“junnie, need you to use your words, honey,” you say gently, moving the hand on his shoulder to lightly cup his jaw, lifting his chin so his gaze lands on your face. “you have to tell me if you don’t like something or you wanna do something different, okay?
“i wanna do you,” he says, staring blankly into your eyes, and that’s when you know he’s already gone.
you giggle. “i know, baby. you’re going to. but you have to talk to me.”
“‘cause you like my voice.”
you resist the urge to cringe, still embarrassed that that’s the thing he remembers about you. “yes, i do, but no, that's not why. you need to tell me if you want to stop, at any time, and we’ll stop, okay?”
hearing your tone get serious, he seems to snap out of it a little. “okay,” he whimpers. “can i…?”
he trails off, and you shake your head. you know he’s shy, but you can’t let him off the hook every single time, or else he’ll never learn. “can you what, honey? use your words.”
by now the tips of his ears have turned red, and he’s beginning to lose control, his hips starting to grind against you involuntarily. “can i… fuck you?” he rasps.
“of course you can,” you coo, slipping your hand behind his neck and kissing him gently. “good job, baby.”
he mewls at the praise, and you finally start to sink down on his cock. it burns at first with how girthy he is, but soon the stretch feels good, and you have to fight to keep yourself upright on his lap, soft whimpers escaping your lips.
he groans, throwing his head back against the back of his chair, his grip on your waist tightening. it takes some time, but you finally sit all the way down on his lap, legs splayed on either side of his hips.
immediately he thrusts up into you hard, and you yelp, pushing on his shoulders to get him to stop. “wait!” you pant, squeezing your eyes shut in pain. “just… wait a second first.”
“s-sorry,” he whines, his adam’s apple bobbing with each labored breath.
“s’okay,” you breathe, beginning to adjust to the feeling of his thick cock throbbing inside you. “you’re… big, gotta– gotta give me a second, oh my god.”
he hums absently, clearly pleased with your response, but he manages to stop moving for a little bit.
you sit still on top of him, your muscles gradually beginning to relax as you get used to the feeling.
he sighs, his hands sliding up your back, caressing your skin beneath his fingertips.  “feels so good, just wanna… fuck, just wanna be inside you forever.”
you would be surprised at the sudden lewdness of his words, if you weren’t so focused on the way the tone of his voice has abruptly dropped an octave. he’s starting to get more comfortable, you can tell, and you won’t lie: it’s dangerous for you.
“can– are you okay now?” he asks, eyes focused back on your face again.
“mhm,” you manage, letting out a short exhale. you start to wind your hips in circles, bouncing slowly on his lap as his hands roam your body, touching every inch of you as if he’s trying to memorize every last curve.
it’s a gentle pace; although much too slow for you, you’re hoping it’s just right for junhui to start out with. you’re not used to being on top, so you’re doing your best to keep up, but your thigh is starting to cramp from the position you’ve been sitting in and having to do the work yourself.
he must notice your discomfort, because his hands fall back down to their place at your waist, kneading your skin as he lifts his hips against you in rhythm.
“can i take over?” he mumbles, voice breathy. “please, let me, please.”
“yes, please,” you sigh, your head falling forward to rest on his chest. his skin is burning hot beneath your cheek, and you exhale, closing your eyes from exhaustion.
as soon as you relax and stop moving your hips, his own start moving immediately, your surprised cry punctuated by hard thrusts up into you, over and over again.
you’re still trying to figure out where the hell he got all this stamina from when he starts murmuring in your ear, sweet, dirty whispers as he pounds into you from below.
“you’re so… beautiful, oh my god,” he says in the low voice you’re still struggling to get used to hearing come out of his mouth. “you’re so good, wanna have you like this forever, please–”
“jun, ke–keep talking, please,” you whimper, squeezing your eyes shut in pleasure.
“you like my voice, but you sound so pretty right now,” he groans. “you should hear yourself. wanna hear you cry and make you feel so good, wanna hear you– god, wanna fuck you like this all day and never stop.”
you let out a moan, his words going straight through you. the rumble in his chest as he speaks reverberates against your head. 
the combination of his brutal pace along with the innocently filthy words from his mouth brings you right up to the edge, and you feel the knot in your abdomen tightening.
you shift a little, moving up so you can wrap your arms around his neck, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
his hips falter for half a second at the contact, but he recovers quickly, wrapping his long arms around you and pressing you flush against his chest, jerking you up and down on his cock with fervor.
“you’re so pretty, you’re so beautiful, you’re so perfect,” he babbles, somehow remembering to keep talking you through everything. “love you so much– fuck, thank you, you’re so amazing, you’re so–”
you almost miss the four-letter word that slips out in between his praises, but it rings through your ears, nestling itself in your heart. you decide to ignore it for now, too focused on chasing your rapidly approaching high, but you promise yourself you’ll talk to him after this is all over and figure out what this is between you two.
you whine, breath catching in your throat as your own words tumble out of you in a constant stream. “keep going, jun, please– keep going, so close, please, junnie please, need you–”
“are you gonna cum? you’re so perfect, please cum for me, please, baby, lemme hear you.”
“fuck, yes!” and with that you’re catapulting over the edge with a sob, clenching around his cock as your orgasm slams into you.
he keeps thrusting into you, not once stuttering as he fucks you through your high, content to keep going and going and going until–
“jun,” you call out weakly, head swirling as you try to sit up. “jun. jun, you can s-slow down.”
his hips begin to stop, slowing down until he’s gently rocking you back and forth on his lap. “did you cum already?” he asks in surprise. like a dork.
you choke out a laugh, head lolling as your arms loosen around his neck. “yeah. yeah, i did.”
if you weren’t so exhausted already, you would burst out laughing. “you’ll figure it out,” you wheeze, hoping it sounds reassuring. 
he starts to move his arms to let go of you, still wrapped around your torso, but you whine and he freezes.
“just… stay here first,” you say, letting your eyes fall shut for a second.
you sigh. “because it’s nice.”
“oh,” he says again. he settles back into the chair, holding you on his lap, arms wrapped around you, just sitting quietly.
after a few more seconds of peace you pull yourself upright, pushing your hands against his chest.
“ …what now?” he asks quietly, eyes finding your face.
“you didn’t cum yet, right?” you say. he hums out a no. “then we keep going.”
he yelps in surprise when you start to lift yourself off his lap, his still-hard cock slipping out of you, now soaked in your juices. “don’t we have to wait for you?”
you fight the urge to slap your hand over your forehead. “i can cum more than once, honey. we don’t need to wait,” you say with the straightest face you can muster.
he nods, taking in this clearly unheard of information.
“do you want me to suck you off?” you ask, bringing his attention back to you.
“wh-what?” he stutters, face turning red, clearly not expecting it.
you take in a deep breath. “where do you want to finish?” you try instead, thinking it might help him decide.
“where will you let me?” he replies, wide eyes searching yours as if it’s a trick question designed to make him fail and you’re hiding the answer somewhere in your tender gaze.
“wherever you want, junnie.”
he pauses, like he’s making sure you aren’t lying to him. “can–” he clears his throat and starts again, more sure of himself. “i have an, um… idea.”
“mhm,” you breathe, watching him expectantly.
“do you think i could, maybe… stand up? and, have– you, over the…” he trails off, gesturing to the empty table beside you and hoping you’ll understand what he’s trying to say.
“you want to bend me over and fuck me on the table?” you translate for him, blinking.
instantly his cheeks flare, the shyness returning. “well, i… i. no, um, uh–”
“you can say yes, junnie. it’s hot.”
“you think so?” he squeaks in shock.
you giggle. “yes. you can do whatever you want to, just ask me first.”
his face breaks out into a wide grin. “okay. will you please, um, follow me?” he asks, holding out his arm like a waiter leading you to a table at a restaurant. if he wasn’t so damn cute you definitely would’ve smacked him by now.
you finally move off of his lap and step away, giving him room to move from his chair. you’d forgotten how big he is until he stands up, towering over you, and it sends an involuntary shiver down your spine. he turns and starts walking away, expecting you to follow him.
you laugh and grab his arm, pulling him back. when he looks at you in curiosity, you take his large hands and place them on your waist, motioning for him to guide you.
his mouth falls into an ‘o’ and he follows your lead, pushing you by your hips over to the table.
he stands behind you, caging you in against the table with his tall frame but otherwise not doing anything. you glance over your shoulder at him, nodding in approval.
his hands leave your waist and ever so gently press on your lower back to tilt you over. you comply, letting him move you how he wants.
“is that good?” he asks softly.
“it’s great,” you say, wiggling your ass playfully. “good job asking.”
he hums, so low it’s more like a growl, and it sends another shiver down your spine. at this angle you can feel his dick pressed against your ass, hard and throbbing.
he grinds against you, dragging his cock up and down your hole. you know he’s not doing it intentionally to tease you—you’re not even sure if he’s capable of that—but it does plenty to rile you up.
“junnie, please?” you gasp out, writhing your hips in search of friction, anything. his grip tightens on you, stilling your movements.
“what do i do?” he whispers.
“put it in,” you whisper back, unable to stop the giggle that slips out. he whines in annoyance, so you stop, giving him real advice this time. “just go slow. you can do it, baby.”
you angle your ass up, hoping to give him better access to your dripping hole. he’s already been inside you once, so surely he can find it again… right?
your expectations are clearly too high, because suddenly you feel his tip pressing in between your ass cheeks, and he’s—
you yelp, and he freezes, his hands flying off of you. you reach behind and stick your index finger into your pussy, using the rest of your fingers to spread your folds apart so he can see. “this one, baby.” at least he was going slow, like you said.
“oh! sorry, i’m so sorry,” he mumbles, and even without looking you already know he’s redder than a tomato. 
“jun. don’t apologize. it’s okay,” you say softly. you move your hand away from your pussy and reach it out to him, craning your neck to see him. you wave your fingers at him, and he takes your hand, automatically twining his fingers with yours. it makes you smile. “just go for it, honey.”
“okay,” he breathes, and he starts slowly pushing into you again (the right one this time).
tiny gasps fall from your lips as you feel him fill you up again, stuffing you with his cock, inch by careful inch. once he bottoms out you exhale, letting out the breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding in.
when you don’t feel any more movement, you realize he’s stopped, waiting. you almost whine at how cute and considerate he is, but instead you just squeeze his hand. “baby, you can move.”
“okay,” he says again, and pulls out carefully before slowly pushing back in.
you moan as he starts to increase his pace, rapidly pumping into you as his hips smack against your ass. you arch your back a little, trying to angle him in deeper. each powerful thrust pushes you against the table, your hip bones hitting the edge in a way that’ll definitely leave bruises. but you can’t bring yourself to care when junhui’s thick cock is thrusting into you like his life depends on it. 
still holding onto his hand, you slip your other hand down to run your fingers over your clit, rubbing small circles. you can feel the pressure in your abdomen growing, and—
“fuck, you’re so tight,” jun groans, voice thick with need, and he begins pushing into you even harder than before, something you didn’t even think could be possible. you whine and move your hand from your clit back to the edge of the table to stop yourself from ramming into it.
he notices your elbow bent at an awkward angle to protect yourself, so he lets go of your hand and snakes around your stomach to pull you back so you’re standing upright, both his arms wrapped securely around your body. “feels so good… god, wish i had done this sooner, you’re so amazing, so perfect, for me.”
you whimper at his words, unintentionally clenching around him. “jun,” you cry out softly.
“fuck, baby, say my name again– please, like that, baby, please say it, again,” he begs you, fingers pressing into your skin that you’re sure will leave you covered in little oval-shaped bruises by the time he’s done.
“jun! please, i’m so close, jun,” you moan, repeating his name over and over again like a mantra, getting closer and closer to your release with each syllable.
“i’m cl-close too, baby, please… you’re so good, fuck! you’re so good.”
the constant praise is almost too much, and with one more sharp thrust you’re coming undone on his cock for the second time. your legs wobble as you struggle to stay standing, your hands coming up to hang on to junhui’s strong arms wrapped around you for support.
he whines loudly, and you know he must be getting close, too. “can i– can i cum on your back?” he pants out, still gripping you tightly. as much as he really, really wants to cum inside you, he figures it might be messier than cumming on you. and besides, he doesn’t want to get too greedy; it is only his first, after all.
“yes! yes please, yes, jun,” you manage, still wading through the aftershocks of your orgasm.
a little harder than he intends, he’s shoving you roughly down onto the table again, pulling his dick out of you to jerk himself over you.
“junnie, please,” you whimper out weakly, and the sweet sounding words on your lips have him choking back a sob as he cums, thick spurts of white painting your lower back.
he keeps moving his hand on his cock until he’s completely finished, panting heavily. by the time he’s done you’re both sticky with sweat, breathing like you’ve just run a marathon.
you let out a long sigh, feeling exhausted but satisfied. silence settles over the studio, the music long stopped, but you can’t tell if it’s a good silence or a bad silence.
you realize you’d closed your eyes while jun was cumming, and when you don’t feel his touch anymore, you slowly pry them open again, wondering where he went. 
you prop your head up in your hands and look behind you to see jun hastily pulling on his boxers and jeans. 
your jaw drops in horror. you’d thought, with his inexperience, he wouldn’t be like all the other guys who fuck and then take off, but apparently, you thought wrong.
his head whips around as he pulls his zipper up, eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
“are you seriously gonna just leave?”
his mouth falls open. “no! of course not! i was just putting my pants back on.”
your expression softens. “oh,” you say quietly, face flushing at having jumped to conclusions so quickly. “sorry.”
“why would i wanna leave after this?” he frowns, looking genuinely appalled at the mere idea that someone might do that. “you’re still here.”
“i thought, since–” you start, then pause. discussion for another time. “nevermind, it’s not important. but why were you putting your pants on like you were gonna leave?”
you’re the one feeling embarrassed, but it’s junhui that turns red and starts stuttering. “well, i– um, i didn’t want you to… see…”
you laugh and put your head back in your arms. when you don’t say anything, he calls out your name nervously, and you look back over at him.
“junnie, your dick was just in me. twice. i don’t care what it looks like.”
“okay,” he says shyly, but his fingers still fumble with the button of his jeans.
you sigh once he finishes adjusting his pants. whatever makes him more comfortable, you suppose. “jun, can you… help me clean up now, please?” you ask timidly.
he glances over at you, looking like he’s about to ask why you need help, but then he sees you still bent awkwardly over the table and his cum still covering your back, and his eyes widen. “oh! shit, yeah– yes, i’m so sorry, i will–” he stammers, almost tripping over his backpack in his hurry to go get a tissue from the box by the door.
you sigh, more exhausted than mad, knowing you can’t really fault him. he comes back over a second later, gripping a wadded-up handful of tissues.
he drops them on your back and begins wiping at your skin, gingerly cleaning you off. when he’s satisfied with his work, he balls up the tissues and tosses them into the small can by the door.
“oh!” he says, realizing. “i think we have antibacterial wipes in here too, do you want me to use one of those? er, wait, i don’t know if they’re safe for skin…”
with your back (mostly) clean again, you stand up, wincing at the ache in your hips. “it’s fine, don’t worry about it. i’ll shower when i get home.”
you limp over to your chair, picking up your clothes and sitting down to start getting dressed again.
when jun finishes pulling his shirt over his head and looks over at you he gasps, seeing the bruises across your hips and tummy. “holy shit! did i do that?” he asks, looking horrified, and you look down to check.
“oh. yeah, that and the table,” you shrug, hooking your bra behind your back.
“i’m sorry,” he says, voice quivering, and he genuinely looks like he’s about to cry until you convince him you’re alright and he didn’t do anything wrong.
“it’s not supposed to hurt, though, i thought,” he frowns. “i don’t want to hurt you. i lo– um, like you,” he says, “why would i want to hurt you?” he catches himself quickly, but you heard what he started to say. you decide now isn’t the best moment for you to bring it up, so you leave it alone.
“sometimes people like it when it hurts. sometimes people like it not to hurt. everybody’s different,” you tell him instead.
he nods, thinking. “i… liked this,” he says finally.
you smile, finishing putting the last of your clothes back on. “good, i’m glad. you’re supposed to enjoy it.”
“did… you like it?” he asks tentatively.
“yes, i did like it,” you giggle, and he beams, clearly proud of himself. and he should be. obviously it wasn’t the most perfect of your life, but when is it ever? it was close enough to perfect that it might as well be.
“you live on campus, right? so i don’t need to walk you to your car?” he asks, grabbing his jacket that somehow fell on the floor and tossing it onto his chair as he starts to shut everything down in the studio.
you sigh. damn, you’d forgot about this part. sure, a couple hours ago you could walk just fine to the communications building on the complete opposite side of campus, but you hadn’t planned on getting railed within an inch of your life so you hadn’t exactly thought to bring your car. “yeah, but i… it’s on the south end, and i probably won’t be able to walk very far,” you mumble, avoiding his gaze. “i’ll take the shuttle.”
he frowns. “i’m not gonna let you take the bus. i can give you a ride.”
“you don’t need to, jun.”
“yes, i do,” he says assertively, and it startles you enough to meet his eyes. you haven’t ever heard his voice that firm, and when you look up his expression is as equally determined as his tone. not that you’d ever admit it to him, but it is kind of… hot.
you decide not to argue with him, knowing you won’t be able to change his mind anyway. you nod an ‘okay’, and his face instantly brightens to the awkward, nerdy jun you’re used to, beaming like he did when you first agreed to another date, back in the café what feels like ages ago.
“are you doing anything tonight?” you ask, watching him shut down the equipment and turn all the knobs and dials to an off position.
“no. i mean, i was gonna catch up on my show, but then, i didn’t expect for… this, to happen, so…” he shrugs. “i don’t know.”
“do you wanna come over? i… i mean, not to do anything. just… wanna be with you.” your voice comes out smaller than you intend it to, but jun still hears you loud and clear.
“yeah,” he grins. “yeah, that would be really cool.”
he pauses, looking like he wants to ask you something but not sure if he should. “can i give you a hug?” he says finally.
you smile. only junhui would ask for something as small and sweet as a hug after having sex. “yes, please.”
he crosses the room in two strides, barely giving you time to process before he’s squeezing you in his arms. you sigh and automatically melt into his arms, inhaling the perfumey scent of his cologne lingering on his wrinkled clothes.
it feels… good, being cared about.
he finishes shutting everything down quickly and grabs his things, swinging his backpack over his shoulder as he flips off the lights and closes the door behind you, making sure it’s locked before heading down the stairs.
you hate the way your legs tremble going down the steps, cursing him for being so good at his first time, because who the hell is that good their first time? already at the bottom of the stairs, jun looks back to see where you are and why you aren’t beside him, and, seeing you gripping onto the side railing for support, he dashes back up the steps two at a time to grab your arm and help you.
“you weren’t kidding when you said you couldn’t walk,” he giggles, holding the door open for you, and oh my god you want to hit him. “does that always happen? i thought people always just made that up to sound cool.”
“yes, i wasn’t kidding, and no, it doesn’t always,” you mutter, face heating in embarrassment. “depends on the person and how rough it is.”
his smile widens, the implied meaning of your words sinking in. “so what you’re saying is, my di–”
“junnie, if you finish that sentence, i swear to god i will never have sex with you ever again.”
he giggles, but he shuts his mouth, helping you the rest of the way to his car in silence. this time you know for sure, it’s a good silence.
his car is nicer than you’d expect a man’s car to be: clean and fairly organized, and there’s no half-eaten fast food in the backseat. he swings open the door for you and tries to help you sit down, but you swat his hand away.
he jogs around to the driver side door and slides into the seat, slamming it shut behind him. he buckles up, then grabs a candy cane from the pile in the cupholder and holds it out to you. “candy cane?”
“i’m… good,” you laugh, forcing yourself not to make a joke about having better things to suck on. why does he even have those in his car?
the ride to your apartment complex is pleasant. as expected from the radio man himself, as soon as the key is in the ignition, he turns the radio on, humming along to every song. you find yourself spending most of the drive staring at him, studying the tiny features in his cheeks when he smiles and the way his adam’s apple bobs when he hums.
after a shower, clean pajamas, and a raid of your refrigerator for snacks and something to drink, you’re snuggled up on the couch with jun, catching up on the show he wanted to watch. it’s the middle of some random season and you have no idea what’s going on, but you don’t care. just being here with him is more than enough for you, and you’re glad he’s enjoying being here, too.
“do you have a voice kink?” he asks suddenly at one of the commercials.
you nearly choke on your gatorade. “i– well, i mean… i didn’t used to, but…” you sputter out, your cheeks burning in embarrassment. “where did you even hear that?”
“jeonghan said you might.”
you scoff. you still haven’t met junhui’s broadcasting partner yet, but you already have some choice words in mind for him when you do finally get to have the pleasure of meeting him. “well, tell him to keep his thoughts to himself,” you say, taking another smaller sip and avoiding his grin.
“so is that a yes?”
you roll your eyes and ignore him, which might as well be a yes, but you choose not to admit it. you know you definitely need to talk to him about… everything, but he seems so happy right now, you don’t want to risk ruining the evening.
but luckily for you, he brings it up himself at the next commercial break.
“how long do i have to wait until i can ask you to be my girlfriend?” he says, muting the tv and looking over at you.
you laugh. “were we not… already?” you ask. “we’ve been on, like, four dates. usually that part happens before you have sex.”
he looks a little disappointed, for some reason. not exactly the reaction you’d expect when someone tells you they want to keep seeing you. “oh. um, well…” he starts, scratching at the back of his neck. “i planned it all out, i was gonna do this big thing and ask you. i thought i was supposed to. i meant to do it earlier, but…” he trails off, cheeks turning pink.
your expression softens. “you… can ask me now,” you say, putting your hand on his thigh.
“okay.” he clears his throat, sitting up straighter on the couch. “will you be my girlfriend?”
you try not to laugh at how serious he is, knowing he’s really, really trying. “yes, of course,” you reply, trying to match his seriousness.
“is that okay? that i didn’t do it right?” he asks nervously, fiddling with the hem of the blanket covering your laps.
you smile and bring your hand up to his cheek, pulling him towards you to give him a quick kiss. “you did it perfect, junnie.”
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ithinkabouttzu · 2 months
So today I got to my car only to discover that it’s been broken into and ransacked by some jerk probably looking for something valuable (which there was nothing of the sort) So since my Valentine’s Day was so awful, I decided to request you do an Easy Company reaction to their SO finding out their car was broken into. If you’re taking requests that is. If not, maybe I’ll tackle it and post it lol thank you for everything you post that makes everyone smile 💚💚💚
Easy co. reacting to their s/o’s car being broken into
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A/n: Of course! I’m sorry this took so long to get to! I hope you enjoy
Warnings: Cursing, violence (mentions of knifes and pepper spray)
Description: Some of the Easy co. men reacting to their s/o’s car being broken into
taglist: @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl @samwinchesterslostshoe @ronsenthal @sweetxvanixlla @mstiemountainhop (If you want to be on this list, let me know!! :))
BoB masterlist
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Dick Winters: He’s completely worried for your safety when you tell him what happened. He would be asking you a million questions about the whole thing, if you lost something valuable he's definitely calling the cops and making SURE you get your things back. He makes it a goal that whoever messed with your things, gets caught. Dick would also be very wary of you going out by yourself or driving alone without him after the incident.
Lewis Nixon: He’s pissed at first. Who the fuck is out here messing with his s/o’s shit? I feel like he’d be extra about it and call some fancy lawyer or PI to figure it out and see who broke into your car. From then on he would make sure to keep a very close eye on you, because he’s so paranoid it’ll happen again. He’d make sure to install some sort of security tool for your car so it doesn’t happen. “Call me immediately if someone does something like this again.”
Carwood Lipton: When you tell Lip, he doesn’t freak out but he’s definitely worried. He would ask you over and over again if you were okay. “I swear y/n, if someone hurt you…” If anything out of your car was stolen or broken he would buy you a copy of it or get it fixed for you immediately. After what happened I think he wouldn’t really want you driving alone at all, he would offer to take you everywhere instead.
Joe Toye: Joe’s ready to go out and find the dumb fucker who broke into your car. When you tell him you have to end up calming him down so he doesn’t go and commit a felony on the person who did it. “Sweetheart, if you think of anyone who would do this let me know, okay? (He thinks he's batman ngl.) If the police didn’t find the person who did it he would be out there raising hell. He would do absolutely anything to make sure you were safe.
Joe Liebgott: He’s angry, like steam coming out of his ears angry, but he's also worried as shit. The thought of, “What if you were in the car when it was broken into?” plays into his head over and over, making him almost restless. He feels like he did a shitty job of protecting you and your car because he wasn't there to stop the person. Lieb would definitely be out beside your car for the next few nights with a baseball bat on standby lmao.
Bill Guarnere: He’s pissed, not as pissed as Toye but still pissed. His first thought is, this dumbass must obviously have a death wish if they're messing with his s/o. This guy knows everyone in town, so he’d be a lil detective asking everyone he knows if they had seen or heard anything pertaining to your car being broken into. Let’s just say Bill would definitely find the person who messed with your car and take care of it lmao.
George Luz: I’m not gonna lie to you, he’s freaking the fuck out when you tell him your car got broken into. He’s very worried and would ask you a million times if you felt okay or safe. He’s kinda like Bill in the sense that he always knows a guy, so I figure he would ask around and eventually find out who did it, unlike Bill though I think he would take all the info he knows and take it to the police.
Bull Randleman: Angry Bull is a scary sight to see. He would be at the police station first thing once you tell him what happened, whether they took valuable stuff or not, they still need to get caught and put in custody. “Any place you need to go, just tell me and i’ll take you myself.” He’d get very worried about something like that happening again in the future, so I could see him giving you some pepper spray or some sort of pocket knife to keep while you’re in the car for the future.
Eugene Roe: He’s as worried as a dog. Like he literally cannot sleep until the people who did that to your car are found. But he also doesn't want you to worry a BIT about the entire thing. He would be reassuring you that everything would be found and they would get the person who did it, even if you weren’t worried about it. He would also help clean up any mess they left or trashed up. “I’m sorry, Ma chérie. I’ll help in any way I can.”
Floyd Talbert: It fucks with his conscience a bit. Like he wants to go out guns-a-blazing and kick whoevers ass that did that to you, but he also genuinely doesn’t understand why someone would fuck with your car. Like what the hell did you do to them for them to do something so messed up? He wants to make sure you are safe and secure though so be ready to carpool with him for the next few weeks lol.
Skip muck: When you tell him what happened, he's asking you so many questions, like, “When did you find your car like that?” or “How long were you away from your car?” As long as everything can be fixed and repaired in your car and taken care of then he’s not too pissy about it, his first priority is you and your safety. We might just pull a Lieb tho and stand out by your car ready to fight if someone gets too close to it lmao.
Don Malarkey: He’s not so much worried about the car, but mostly you. He’s pissed about someone breaking into your car though. I feel like he would go out of his way to get you some nice hightech key made so that something like that can never happen again or be avoided as possible. Maybe also making sure there are cameras where you park your car so they can catch the son of a bitch next time.
Babe Heffron: This man thinks for some reason that you know the person who did it lmao. “Who is it, let me at the fucker. Please.” He’s looking for a reason to fight loll. If this is after the war he’s definitely making Bill go around with him and try to catch the person who did it to your car. When they do eventually finally find the person (bc they will ofc) Bill is having to hold Babe back from beating the brakes of the person.
Shifty Powers: He gets so anxious when you tell him what happened to your car. The first thing he asks is if you’re safe, the second thing is if the person took anything valuable from the car, and the third is if anything was broken during all of this. I feel like he would be the type of guy to buy anything that was missing for you and fix anything if it was broken. “I’m so sorry this happened, darling. I promise nothing like this will happen again.”
Frank Perconte: “What. The. Fuck?” He’s like a stressed father lmao. He’s running around like a maniac trying to find the person who did it, he’s also calling and stopping by the police station to see if any new news was in, and lastly he’s being there to support you and comfort you about the horrible situation. I feel like he would help out cleaning up your car if they left it a mess, he would also repair your window if they broke in that way.
Ronald Speirs: When you tell him his mood completely shifts, he’s PISSED. Like angry to the point where he’s horrifyingly quiet. “Anything else?” He would ask you before storming out of the room with that lil devious look on his face. If you see him come back home in blood, don’t ask. (JK) Instead of making a big ole fuss about the car, I feel like this man would just buy you a whole new car instead. “Here ya go honey. You didn’t need that old thing anyway.”
Johnny Martin: “You’re kiddin’. Tell me you’re kidding.” He’s so mad at the moment. Just because why the fuck would someone mess with somebodies shit like that?” The stupidity of the person who vandalized your car literally amazes him. (In the worst way possible lmao.) He puts his anger and frustration aside to sit and make sure you are okay and aren’t scared about the entire thing.
Skinny Sisk: “Are you alright? Please tell me that you’re safe.” If it happened somewhere far from home and he wasn’t there, he would worry so fucking much. When you call him and tell him what happened he’s zooming across town to get to you and make sure you are okay. When he sees you the first thing he’s doing is wrapping you up in a big hug. Things like that get him so anxious into thinking that he could have possibly lost you if you were there when it happened.
Chuck Grant: “Oh honey, I'll be there to check it out as soon as possible.” He would be worried and worried for weeks even after the whole thing has happened and your car has been fixed. He would be so paranoid that the person who did it would go back and try to do it again. In the end you would have to most likely comfort him about the whole thing.
David Webster: He’s kinda got two sides to him honestly, he doesn’t want to scold you in the moment, just bc you just got your car fucking broke into and your freaking out, but he kinda wants to remind you that you NEED to keep your door locked and safe. He’s also ready to find the fucker that did and give them just a piece of his mind. “Anything I can do honey, just let me know, alright?”
Buck Compton: He’s there by your side IMMEDIATELY. He reminds me of a little mother hen in the situation lmao. He’s worried as shit that something had happened to you and you just wouldn’t tell him because you didn’t want him to freak out. When he gets there to you he’s grabbing you into a big hug. “Was there anything special in there? Are you sure you’re okay?” Once you and him both collect yourselves he’s taking you to the police station to file a report almost immediately.
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Thank you for your request again!! If you enjoyed, make sure to help a writer out and like or reblog!
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crispyanonart · 2 months
Dearest Crispy,
re: the Sambastian old man yaoi fanart you blessed us with, do you have any more headcanons about them? Any backstory? Anything else please Im tweaking lmao
Obviously this thing was mainly born following my proclivities - that said, the lore would be this:
Sebastian and Sam are childhood friends, everyone in town knows they are attached by the hip, and in my mind they are bound to grow up and old together - maybe they had some struggles and fall outs in their relationships, especially early on (I already wrote it somewhere, but my main headcanon for them is that at some point, as teenagers, they didn't even speak to each other because the feelings where too complicated, but eventually fell back together like puzzle pieces) but yeah, ultimately they are soulmates and are sooo getting married.
Then, since happiness seems to be my ultimate kink, I thought about them finding success in their work life which is one of the things that SDV is actually lacking for the marriage candidates also because with each other's support, once they get into a serious relationship and move in together, they WOULD be thriving and flourishing all around.
That's why I thought about Seb possibly becoming some big tech guy (hence the Steve Jobs turtle neck) but his passion would still be game developing so he would eventually go back to it, and get some recognition too (finally. Also he's not working from the basement anymore). For Sam the obvious route would be that of a successful musician, but thinking about his more nurturing side (like how he reveals himself in games once you have kids and suddenly he's taking care of everything) I actually pictured him more as someone investing and helping young artists, maybe writing lyrics and music for them, and he would perform only on rare occasions (he would enjoy his jam sessions at Gus' but only if Seb and Abby are joining him).
I think that because of their jobs they would alternate living in Zuzu City, to attend work and social events and meetings, and coming back to Pelican Town seasonally. (Side note: Maru would be living full time in the city being the girl in stem that she is, and her and the guys would always bring home some sick gadgets for Vincent).
Look-wise, the long hair on both of them are once again purely a preference of mine 🗿 I also figured Sebastian would start having a healthier lifestyle so he would be more buff and filled in (he had to start working out seriously or his health would have given up on him after all the hours hunched on his screens) His style would still be mostly all black but less Hot Topic and more Rick Owens, more minimal and cool as he is - but he would keep the gauges.
Sam, in my European mind, is the ultimate American Boy, but like in an 80ies kinda way, therefore as a dilf grown man who works in the music industry I HAD to give him the country outfit, with the golden buckled belt and the (not pictured) boots. Again, my perception of that might be swayed but it seemed like a nice transition from the more chaotic punkish/skater boy style he had when he was younger. Also he kinda looks like Kent but with sweeter, softer expressions, and the beard was just a necessity at this point.
OVERALL I'm way more invested in this that I thought I would be when I first conceived it, and not just because they are hot 🤠
also in case someone wanna see them having adult fun.. x & x
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98chao · 1 year
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part 23748234182942932 of me spriting things for something that's never going to exist (i don't know how to code)
(more info under cut bc my thoughts were so long i didnt wanna bloat the tags)
so i had the stupid idea to write the "deltarune" and "undertale" logos in each others fonts, and then it spawned this whole other idea of an au game of deltarune characters in the undertale premise.
it would take place around the same time as the actual deltarune, just a couple years in the future (so still the 2000's) meaning humans don't have mages anymore, so rather than being sealed underground the monsters just seek refuge inside the mountain. though, this time the monsters do actually have magic, otherwise the battles wouldn't work :P.
since they were just living in a town, i imagine the monsters don't have a king, but since asgore was the police chief he'd probably be the "leader" of the underground since hes still an authority figure, and the royal guards would just be other characters on the force.
of course because this is DELTARUNE, there's going to be a ton of dark world stuff incorporated into it. i only sprited jevil and spamton (because i Love Them but i think everyone who's been seeing my art recently can tell that), but i plan on adding more darkners X) i just have to really consider who, i don't think ralsei will be here >_> i love him but i'm not sure how it would work since yknow... boss monsters. plus spade king and queen will probably be ruled out because there's no monarchy in this version of the underground.
actually going back to spamton, my idea was that he could take the place of mettaton, since mettaton doesn't have a robot form and alphys isn't a scientist, the idea was that he was a virus noelle accidentally "created" by clicking on a spam link that became self aware. she combined a chair with a monitor to give him a body, because he was trying to take over her home PC lol, but he doesn't have any of the features mettaton had in UT. also yeah he's gonna be in the spamton neo body, probably in genocide, or maybe for EX. idk yet. yeah this is all just a big reference to the fact that mettaton created the spamton neo body in deltarune LMAO. as for jevil... hes, uh... hes there! i don't know what i'm gonna do with him yet.
that's the most i'm willing to share at the moment X) don't get your hopes up though because the possibility of this becoming a real game is 0.0000001%. Coding is a nightmare and i genuinely can't wrap my head around it so that's never gonna happen! but to whoever is reading this i hope you find the concept at least a little bit interesting :]
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earthstellar · 1 year
crying over Rescue Bots, yes it’s the ghost ship episode, it’s fine
so I’m watching Rescue Bots again because I don’t feel good today lmao 
and the episode where they’re on the ghost ship and TEN WHOLE ASS YEARS GO BY WHILE THEY ARE STUCK ON THE SHIP came up in the playlist 
and even though it’s resolved in the end, it’s like, holy shit 
okay so for those who haven’t seen it: 
halfway through the episode Chief Burns shows up and sees his kids for the first time in TEN YEARS because tl;dr the kids got on the ghost ship to investigate but it vanished back into the fog and it time travelled them at accelerated speed but beyond the ship, time passes normally, so it’s been 10 YEARS from their dad’s point of view since they left, even though for them it has only been one hour 
and him and the Doc and Frankie are visibly older when they land on the ship’s deck 
so naturally Chief’s talking to his kids and probably trying not to fucking have a break down and he’s like okay everyone, let’s go 
and Cody’s like “no we think we figured it out, let us stay and try” 
and the Chief has less than one minute to make this call: do I bring my entire family home after ten years, or do I let them disappear maybe for another ten years based on a hunch they have 
and he lets them stay on the ghost ship because he trusts his kids that much 
ten years lost, maybe ten years more, and how old is he now? how old will he be in another ten years, if they happen to be wrong? what happens to the town if he ages out of rescue work (and so would Doc), which would leave only Frankie to protect the island? 
even the rescue bots themselves openly state that they feel like they’ve abandoned their posts because of their extended absence, even though it’s not their fault (I don’t remember who specifically said this but it was one of them and it makes it sadder lmao) 
but he lets them go after finally seeing them again for five minutes in total, after they have been missing in real time for ten years on this ghost ship 
and IDK the amount of trust Chief has in his kids and his ability to immediately trust them in this way despite what I am sure is an incredible amount of grief and stress over what has been ten fucking years for him is actually so intense 
like this is a show for babbies, so of course they can’t focus on how emotionally fucked this situation is for literally everyone, it would be Too Much for Babbies which is understandable 
but thinking about it for ten seconds is like oh shit!! oh shit, feelings 
I love this episode because the feels are real, both for the Captain of the ship (which is the whole setup, tl;dr stuck in time loop never got to marry girlfriend, it’s sad already) and for Chief Burns because holy shit his fucking entire family has been gone for ten years and he still trusts them enough to let them stay on board and try to solve shit even though he absolutely has to be emotionally trashed in that moment 
10/10 Rescue Bots is a great show, I don’t know why I don’t post about it more tbh the emotional whiplash is so intense lmao 
there’s also that time Optimus turned into a t-rex and freaked out but then in TFP concurrently this was somehow fine and it never came up again in canon or seemingly anywhere else, holy shit I forgot all about that until today LMAO
I love the Aligned Continuity, all of this shit is so good, I’m crying but also laughing 
mostly crying right now though because Chief Burns lost all his kids for TEN YEARS and he immediately let them go again because he loves them and trusts them THAT MUCH 
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redneonmoons · 1 year
It’s God’s Will [Vash X Reader][3/3]
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Word Count: ~4.6k Description: The gang wakes up after a night of celebration. Problem is no one remembers the night and there might have been a wedding? A/N: search history now has ‘wikihow marriage license’ in it cause I don’t exactly know how that works and I’m banking on your guys don’t either lmao. This is written for entertainment value not accuracy anyway. [Part1] [Part 2]
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It was another few hours before a doctor came into the room, “Is Y/N here?”
“Yes?” you answered as everyone got up from their seats.
“Can I speak to you privately?” the doctor asked.
“Hey, are you going to tell us if Vash is ok or not?” Meryl interrupted.
“He’s fine, I just need to go over some things with Y/N,” The doctor replied before turning to you, “Follow me.”
You looked back at Meryl and Wolfwood, shrugging as you left the room. You followed the doctor through several hallways. You hoped she was taking you to Vash but was confused on why just you specifically. You doubt Vash would make that request, all of you were friends.
The doctor stopped at a random door and turned to you, “I had to speak with you privately since you’re the spouse—”
“Wait, what?” You interrupted, not believing what you just heard.
“The records say you are married to Mr. Vash,” the doctor said, confused.
“No no no no, there’s got to be some kind of mistake,” you said, waving your hands, “No one even remembers the wedding cause we were all blackout drunk.”
“Well, you seem to remember it and there are official papers stating so. You’ll have to talk to town hall about it if it is indeed untrue,” The doctor continued, “Regardless, let’s get back to Vash. He's stable and resting at the moment, however, we want to keep him here overnight to make sure everything is okay. Are you alright with that?”
“Yes, of course,” you almost couldn’t pay attention as you tried to figure out how your marriage was officiated.
“Do you wish to see him?” the doctor asked.
You nodded as she opened the door for you. The room was bare, just a bed, chair, and nightstand. A radio played music softly and Vash’s coat and glasses were neatly folded and set on the chair. 
You walked over to the bed where Vash slept; the color on his face was still off. You knelt down, holding his prosthetic hand as you watched him slowly inhale and exhale. Your panic from earlier melted away as your brain accepted Vash was okay.
You couldn’t stay forever though, so you got up and kissed Vash’s beauty mark. You immediately felt stupid for doing that and quickly made your leave. Thankfully, you had a good sense of direction as you made it back to the waiting room Meryl and Wolfwood were in.
“They’re going to keep Vash overnight to make sure everything is good,”  you said, “You should be able to visit him. He’s in room 103.”
“What about you?” Meryl asked.
“I need to run an errand, I’ll be right back,” you smiled reassuringly before heading out, “Okay, bye!”
You heard Wolfwood yelling back something but you were already out the door. It wasn’t yet dusk as you hoped town hall was still open. Taking a right, you briskly walked to the center of town.
The town hall was one of the oldest buildings. It was mostly made from stone and bricks with metal additions that were added through the years. You walked up the steps and tried the door. It opened and you entered the lobby. A receptionist looked up from his papers, “How can I help you?”
You walked over to the desk, “Um, I need to check and possibly update my marital records?” you didn’t know how to word the question with such a bizarre situation.
“You’ll need to speak with Ms. Moore. She’s the first office to the left, down that hall,” he pointed and then returned to his paperwork.
“Thanks,” you replied, heading down the hallway.
You found the door with Ms. Moore’s name and knocked.
“Come in!” a cheery voice answered.
You opened the door to find Ms. Moore, a younger woman with her hair tied up in a bun. She was surrounded by file cabinets with pills of files filling up her desk.
“Hello, take a seat, I’m Ms. Moore,” she greeted, moving a stack of files off her desk to the floor next to her, “I’m the familial and martial records archivist. How can I help you today?”
You sat down on the only chair that wasn’t covered in files, “I was at the hospital earlier and they said I’m married.”
“Okay, are you not?” She asked.
You sighed, your head dropping as you realized you were going to have to explain it to her, “A week or so ago my friends and I got blackout drunk and one of them decided to take it upon themself to get me and another friend married. I thought the person who performed the marriage wasn’t an authorized officiant and no one remembered so I didn’t think it was officiated.”
“Interesting,” Moore said, “Can’t say I’ve had this situation before. Let’s check the records for a marriage license. What’s the last then first name?”
“It’s L/N,” you said as the archivist pulled out a drawer and started sifting through the files, “And my first is Y/N.”
“Okay,” Moore drew out as she double checked, “I’m not seeing anything under that, is there another name it could be?”
“I don’t remember the marriage license or signing anything, but,” you paused, hoping Wolfwood didn’t actually do this, “Try Stampede.”
“Stampede, now I remember that,” Moore spun in her chair to another cabinet, “I thought it was an odd last name. Oh, here it is.”
She pulled out a file and put it on her desk, opening it up.
“Okay, here’s your marriage license and it says here your legal name is now Y/N the Stampede,” Moore said.
You facepalmed; you were going to kill Wolfwood when you saw him again. You dragged your hand down your face as you looked at the license Ms. Moore was showing you. There it was, your messy signature along with Vash’s.
“This Nicholas D. Wolfwood, he’s the officiant and the person who decided to get you and Vash married?” the archivist asked.
You sighed, “Yeah, didn’t realize he was authorized.”
“Do you wish to null the marriage?”
You stopped yourself from saying no, “Y-yes. Yes,” Vash doesn’t know, it isn’t fair to him.
“Well, to do that you’ll need to either have your spouse also agree to a divorce or have Mr. Wolfwood nullify it since both of you were intoxicated.”
Great, now you had to pick between a hard place and a rock. You knew your chances with Wolfwood were slim but you definitely didn’t want to tell Vash, especially since he’s still recovering.
“Lovely,” you got up from your seat, “Thanks for the help.”
“You’re welcome, I hope you figure everything out,” Moore replied.
You left town hall feeling drained already. The sun was finally setting as you made your way back to the hospital. You’ve decided to fight Wolfwood tomorrow about the whole marriage thing. You just wanted to be by Vash’s side now.
The hospital was quiet as you walked to Vash’s room. Most of the lights were shut off leaving you with just enough light to see your way through the hallways. You successfully managed your way to room 103 and carefully opened the door so you didn’t wake Vash.
Meryl and Wolfwood turned to you. Vash’s coat and glasses have been moved to the nightstand as Meryl sat in the chair. Wolfwood leaned with his cross on the wall across from Vash.
“Where did you go?” Meryl asked, keeping her voice low.
You didn’t have the energy to reply so you just shook your head and walked over to Vash. He was now lightly snoring which you took as a good sign. 
“Let’s go, Meryl,” Wolfwood said, grabbing his cross and walking to the door, “Give Y/N some alone time with Vash.”
You turned to the undertaker about to retort but he just winked at you and left. Meryl got up from her chair.
“What’s in the box?” Meryl asked.
You slowly looked over at her, “None of your business.”
Meryl looked at you suspiciously but didn’t respond, following Wolfwood. When the door shut, you sighed and pulled the chair up to Vash’s bed. You less than gracefully fell into the chair and set your head on the bed, looking at Vash’s sleeping form. At some point, you fell asleep.
Your back ached as you slowly woke up. You could have sworn you felt someone running their hand through your hair but as soon as you shifted and started stretching out the feeling was gone. You tried to stretch your arms out but were blocked. You opened your eyes to see Vash sitting up in bed looking down at you.
“Morning,” he grinned.
“Mmmm,” you grunted as you sat up, “How are you feeling?”
“Better now,” Vash gave you a thumbs-up, “I hope I didn’t scare you too much.”
“Only the normal amount,” you yawned, covering your mouth as you did so.
A knock sounded on the door and a nurse peaked in, “Oh Mr. Vash, you’re awake. Do you mind if we do a few tests to make sure you’re all set to leave?”
“I don’t mind,” Vash replied as the nurse entered the room.
In the hallway, you saw Wolfwood and you remembered how he changed your last name. Gritting your teeth, you got up and stormed out of the room, wanting to get this over with.
“Oh hey, you look happy to see me,” Wolfwood smirked.
You grabbed his collar and shoved him against the wall, “I’ve about had it with your shit.”
“My shit? I’ve hardly done anything for this amount of aggression,” Wolfwood replied coyly, “Unless there’s something you want to tell me?”
You looked side to side to see some people staring and eavesdropping. You let go of Wolfwood’s shirt and stepped back.
“Let’s go somewhere more private,” you said, walking down the hall.
Wolfwood shrugged and followed after, grabbing his cross.
You found a dead-end alleyway behind the hospital. kicking at the trash on the ground, you turned to the undertaker. He set his cross against a wall and pulled out a cig, lighting it and sticking it into his mouth.
“So, what do you want to talk about?” He said, blowing smoke into your face.
Your nose crinkled as you swatted away the smoke and plucked the cig from his mouth. You dropped it on the ground and stomped on it.
“I don’t believe you when you say you don’t remember what happened that night,” you declared.
“The feeling’s mutual,” Wolfwood replied, “You’ve been acting weird since that night. Now I might not remember what happened but it seems like you do and it has something to do with me.”
You stared at him for a moment, you really, really didn’t want to tell him what happened but you’ve made your bed, now you must lay in it.
“You,” you jabbed your finger on Wolfwood’s chest, hoping aggression would be a better persuader than straight-up begging, “somehow orchestrated a marriage between Vash and I, and now my legal name is Y/N the Stampede.”
Wolfwood stared at you in disbelief before he started laughing hysterically. You crossed your arms as he choked on his spit, still laughing. 
“Laugh it up, asshole,” you deadpanned, if you weren’t so embarrassed by the whole ordeal you would probably find it as funny as the undertaker.
Wolfwood wheezed as he had trouble breathing properly, his hands on his knees. He brushed away the tears forming around his eyes as he straightened.
“You’re telling me, there was a whole ass wedding and no one remembers but you,” he said, coughing as he went into another laughing fit.
“Yes, and the only person who can nullify it is the officiant, which apparently is you,” you replied.
Wolfwood stopped laughing, “Wait, you want me to nullify the marriage?”
“Uh, yeah,” you said, “No one remembers and we were all drunk. That’s not a real wedding.”
“Sorry, it must have been God’s will,” Wolfwood lit another cigarette, blowing out smoke before continuing, “Besides, don’t you like Needle-noggin anyway?”
You felt the blush creep up from your neck to your ears. You opted to stare at an interesting piece of garbage on the ground as Wolfwood waited for an answer.
“Exactly,” he said, your silence confirming everything, “That’s why I won’t nullify it. If you want a divorce you’ll have to tell Vash yourself.”
“You are a fucking asshole, Wolfwood,” you mumbled, your hands curling into fists at your side.
“Tell me something,” Wolfwood ignored your comment, “Do you have those rings in that fancy little box of yours?”
“Are you going to tell Meryl?” you asked in return.
“Nah, even though she totally tried getting into it last night,” Wolfwood replied.
You never could quite believe him but you knew sooner or later it will spill either by your or someone else’s doing, “Yes, the rings are in the box. Along with all the photos.”
Wolfwood chuckled before getting serious again, “You need to tell Needle-noggin. Soon, it’s not very fair to hide this from him, don’t ya think?”
“And it's not very fair to marry two intoxicated people but here we are,” you scoffed.
Wolfwood ignored you and grabbed his cross, walking back into the hospital, leaving you to your thoughts.
You don’t remember how long you stayed out there but eventually, you went back to Vash’s hospital room and helped him check out with Wolfwood. All three of you returned to your temporary house. Meryl had gone shopping for some groceries so the group can make some dinner while Vash recovers. She and Wolfwood were preparing dinner as you sat on the porch staircase, looking out to the endless sands.
You didn’t feel like talking to anyone or doing much of anything since your conversation with Wolfwood. You were embarrassed by how you acted and are still acting. You knew you should have told everyone what happened that night instead of keeping a secret that slowly ate at you from the inside out. But you were always an anxious person and that anxiety makes you do some rash things. Or in this case not do things you really should.
You heard someone walk up behind you. You glanced over as Vash sat next to you on the steps. He gave you an easy smile and looked out at the desert with you. Most of his color was back but you could tell he was still a bit ill, moving more slowly and sleeping often.
“Are you alright?” he finally spoke, breaking the comfortable silence.
“No,” you answered honestly, not elaborating.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Vash asked.
“No,” you sighed, “But I’ll have to eventually.”
Vash leaned into you slightly for a second, giving you a soft smile, “I’ll wait until you’re ready then.”
You don’t know why, but you felt a weight being lifted from your shoulders with Vash’s words. Somehow you kept forgetting that Vash was the nicest person you know and that he’ll understand anything. You just didn’t want to ruin that.
“Thanks,” you smiled back.
“Lunch is ready!” Meryl called from the house.
You and Vash turn to the door before looking at each other. As Vash slowly got up, you rose, your hands hovering around him in case he lost his balance. He didn’t and you both entered the house and walked to the dining room. Meryl and Wolfwood were already seated at one side of the table, so you and Vash sat together. 
Dinner was potatoes, bread, and some type of meat. Vash carefully picked at his food as Wolfwood stole a piece of meat from Meryl’s plate.
“Hey,” she protested, taking a piece of his potatoes as payback, “You got plenty on your plate.”
“Yeah, but you overcooked my steak,” Wolfwood replied.
“You cooked the steak genius,” Meryl retorted, dodging the undertaker’s attempts at more of her steak.
“Guys, c'mon let’s just eat off our own plates,” Vash interrupted, his voice coming out more tired than normal.
The two stopped but not before shoving at each other one last time. You just watched and ate, glancing over at Vash to make sure he was okay. You caught Wolfwood looking over at you and he quickly winked in return. You pressed your mouth into a thin line before going back to your plate, not wanting to give him a response.
“Hopefully that gang will leave us alone now,” Meryl said.
“They better after the hell I gave them,” Wolfwood replied and turned to Vash, “I didn’t kill anyone so be grateful.”
Vash chuckled, “Yeah, thanks,” he paused for a second before speaking again, “I think I’m going to retire. Night, all.”
“Night,” you all chimed as he got up and walked to his room, shutting the door.
You looked back down at your plate and continued eating. When you didn’t hear the others doing the same you looked back up. Meryl and Wolfwood were staring at you, Meryl with a determined look while Wolfwood shrugged at you like he was forced to do something.
“Wha—” you started before Meryl brushed her plate to the side and placed the box on the table. It had been noticeably chipped at.
“What’s in the box?” Meryl asked.
You stilled, glancing over at Wolfwood for any help. He just subtly shook his head.
“None of your business,” you turned back to Meryl. 
“I’m not taking that answer anymore. You’ve been acting weird since that night we all got blackout drunk and as a reporter, it's my job to find out what happened,” Meryl said.
“You’re not reporting that night in the papers so what does it matter?” you asked.
“So you do know what happened?” Meryl pressed, she was standing and leaning over the table now.
“I never said that,” You retorted, crossing your arms and leaning back in your seat as you tried to give an air of confidence.
“You’re hiding something and it's in this box, I know it.”
“Well, it looks like you had trouble getting into it. You know it's rude to take people’s things,” you said.
“Why are you so desperate to keep it a secret?”
“Does it have to do with Vash?” Wolfwood decided to join in.
You scowled at him as he smirked at you. Sure he wasn’t going to tell Meryl but you guess that doesn’t mean he won’t help her. Meryl watched both of you before turning back to you, waiting for an answer.
You sighed, the fight leaving you as your shoulders slumped. You were tired of being embarrassed and made fun of.
“It’s embarrassing,” you started, not looking at the two.
You heard Meryl slowly sit back down, catching your shift from defensive to defeated. Your crossed arms turned to holding yourself for comfort as you prepared to spill.
“First I would like to say this is all Wolfwood’s fault,” you started; if you were going down, you definitely were dragging him with you, “He stole Vash’s arm and sold it for a pair of rings. He, somehow, convinced Vash and I to get married and officiated it, even getting the fucking license and having us sign it.”
“Want to tell Meryl what your new name is,” Wolfwood prompted, apparently very proud of his “creation”.
“Y/N the Stampede,” you mumbled, turning away.
“What was that?” Meryl asked, having not heard you.
“Y/N the Stampede,” you said a little louder, blushing in embarrassment.
Meryl’s cheeks puffed out as she tried to hold in laughter and failed a second later. She slammed her hand on the table, already losing her breath. Wolfwood grinned with her. You just looked miserably at the pair as you waited for them to finish.
After a minute or so, Meryl suddenly looked confused, “Wait, how do you know about this Wolfwood?”
“Y/N told me this morning,” Wolfwood replied, “Trying to get me to nullify the marriage so she didn’t have to tell Vash.”
“What?” Meryl before she turned back to you, “Vash doesn’t know?”
“Of course not, everyone got blackout drunk. I thought it was a dream before I saw the photos.” you replied.
“What photos?” Meryl replied, “You said most weren’t viable.”
You rolled your eyes and took off your boot, grabbing the key and throwing it across the table to Meryl, “I lied.”
She took the key and immediately opened the box, going through all the photos, “Oh my god.”
You put your boot back on as she continued to go through the box. She reached the end of the photos and pulled out the string that held the rings. Wolfwood and Meryl analyzed them for a few moments.
“Why haven’t you told Vash?” Meryl asked, putting everything back into the box.
“Mmmm,” you didn’t answer.
“Y/N,” Meryl pressed.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” you answered.
“Why would that ruin your friendship?”
You were not liking this interrogation very much, “Cause I like him.”
“Awww,” Meryl cooed, “Well that’s just perfect you’re already married so you can skip over the dating part.”
“Meryl this is serious,” you warned.
“I know, but you have to admit it's kinda funny,” she said.
“Yes, I know,” you replied, “But since it’s still ongoing and I’m a part of it, it is not exactly funny to me at the moment.”
The table fell silent as Meryl processed everything she just learned and you sat uncomfortable, wanting to crawl into your bed and never leave. Wolfwood got up, grabbed his cross, and left to smoke outside for the evening. Meryl started taking the empty plates to wash and you got up to help clean off the table.
“I’m going to bed,” you said, grabbing the box and key.
You twisted the doorknob all the way and silently opened the door. You carefully shut it behind you as well and walked to the far end where your shared dresser was. You set the box and key on it before resting your hands next to it as you felt your energy drain from your body. You were already drained from your conversation with Wolfwood earlier and now that conversation with Meryl sapped you out of everything else. However, you did feel part of your self-imposed burden lift.
“Are Meryl and Wolfwood giving you a hard time?” Vash asked.
You snapped in his direction, “I thought you were asleep.”
You vaguely saw Vash shrug in the shadows, “You guys were a bit loud.”
“Oh,” you paused, “So you heard us…”
“Not enough to hear what was said,” Vash replied, watching you for a moment, “Is it about that thing you weren’t ready to talk about?”
You nodded, “Yeah.”
Vash didn’t say anything after as you leaned over the dresser still. After a few moments, you finally pushed yourself up and sat on your bed so you could take off your boots.
“Um,” you barely heard Vash as he spoke up again, “If you want, you could lay with me if that’ll make you feel better.”
You couldn’t see his face but you could tell he was nervous asking you. You wanted to question it but you wouldn’t pass on such a nice offer since it’d probably be ruined tomorrow when you tell him what happened.
You must haven’t answered soon enough cause Vash started backtracking, “That is, if you want—”
“Sure,” you interrupted before he could talk himself out of it, “That sounds nice actually.”
You heard him shift as you got up and walked over to his bed.
“It’ll probably be best if you climb over to the other side,” Vash said, in reference to his prosthetic arm.
“Okay,” you replied, carefully maneuvering yourself over Vash and dropping on the left side of the bed.
Once you were under the covers, you wrapped your arms around Vash’s waist and pulled yourself into his chest. Vash stiffed at first before relaxing and wrapping his arms around you, his chin resting on the top of your head. Vash’s fast heart rate eventually steadied as you both lay there. You took a deep breath, taking in Vash’s smell before slowly drifting off to sleep.
You were slow to wake as you felt a sense of deja vu sharing Vash’s bed. You both were still holding onto each other. Vash sturred awake as you leaned back to see his face. He smiled at you before yawning.
“Morning,” you whispered.
“Morning,” Vash replied then chuckled, “This feels familiar.”
You raised a brow at him as he smiled, nervously.
“At the hospital, you fell asleep with your head on the bed,” Vash explained..
The corners of your mouth lifted before you remembered the box and pulled away from Vash; his brows furrowed at your actions, “What’s wrong?”
“Remember when I said there’s something I would need to talk to you about?” you asked, holding your hands to your chest as Vash gently held your waist.
“Yes?” Vash answered.
You jerked your head in the direction of the box and key, “What’s in that box will tell you everything.”
Vash turned around and sat up, leaning over to grab the box and key before putting it on his lap. You rolled over, you didn’t want to see his reaction. You heard the box unlock and its hinge squeak as it was opened. Vash shifted through the photos and picked them up. You tensed up as you heard him make a eek noise while looking at the photos. He shuffled through more and lightly laughed at one. You finally heard the clinking noise of the rings as Vash bought them out of the box.
“I thought it was just a dream,” he said, which made you roll back over.
Vash looked down at you and smiled. Blush brushed his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Rem told me a little about marriages,” he paused, “I won’t mind trying it with you.”
You pushed yourself up, your eyes wide, “What? You like me that way?”
You had forced yourself to doubt Vash would like you that way, you felt like you couldn’t comprehend any other outcome. Now Vash was sitting next to you, saying he wouldn’t mind being married.
His face grew more red before he squeaked, “Yes.”
You grabbed Vash’s cheeks, bringing his face to yours, “Can I kiss you?”
He just smiled and connected his lips with yours. You both held the kiss for a few long moments, your hands moving to Vash’s shoulders. When it ended you looked into each other's eyes.
Vash then turned to the rings, “In that case…”
Your hands left his shoulders as he undid the string’s knot and dropped the rings into his hand. Vash gently grabbed your left hand and slipped on your ring. You followed suit and did the same. You both held each other's hands, looking at the rings.
“There’s something else I need to confess,” you said.
“Oh?” Vash replied.
“Remember that the morning after the party, when we woke up in the hotel room?” Vash nodded and you continued, “we were sleeping in the same bed.”
Vash put a hand on the back of his head, “Oh, I kinda figured.”
“Huh?” you exclaimed.
“I woke up before you then fell back asleep,” Vash explained, “I assumed you were embarrassed so I didn’t say anything.”
You shook your head, smiling, “And I thought I was the one trying to save you the embarrassment.”
You both chuckled before you spoke again, “Guess I’m going to have to live with the name Y/N the Stampede now.”
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[Part1] [Part 2]
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disordercinema · 10 months
To add to your retail AU-
Fred worked right next door to the store and was really close with Tubbo and Tubbo fell in love with him. The store ended up moving so now Tubbo sulks about it, especially when he sees Pac and Fit flirting. His background is also him and Fred.
Fred is the son of the store owner so he just moved with the building. Now instead of working next door, they work a couple of blocks from each other. Tubbo always acts like he moved continents.
Other members would come by and just talk for a while.
Bolas is just that one dnd group that hangs around after closing hours. Phil doesn’t do shit about it, he’ll actually join in with them every once in a while.
Bad would often yell at Tubbo for his mannerisms, like cursing while talking to a customer or back talking.
Pierre is the tech support that everyone calls if Tubbo doesn’t know how to fix it himself or makes it worse.
If someone is yelling at an employee and no one can calm them down and Phil is needed, he kills them with kindness. If someone yells at one of the kids though, he gets pissed.
The island is frequently visited. People will stay for a few months or less but most leave rather quickly. It’s small enough to where everyone knows everyone, but everyone knows the islanders as they’re own group.
The Islanders are one big family and are willing to do a lot for each other. If you argue cross one of them, you cross all of them.
The Federation is a government system and Cucurucho is the mayor
The eggs are the islanders children still. They came from an overcrowded orphanage so they took them in.
This is it! For now maybe- idk.
I like, I like, tho I don't follow all
I had imagined Bolas as like, the employees of the other store Philza owns across the city. All the employees are insanely terrible at their jobs but somehow always outperform the morning crew's store especially during holiday season and Tubbo absolutely hates them for it. He has a whole one sided rivalry with them and comes up with crazy plans to win against them while most of their stategy is just "Let's figure out a way to leave early".
I don't see a reason why the kids would be at the store, but I like Pierre being the tech support. I think Bad would be a former Karen turned regular after Philza won against him during a passive-aggressiveness-kindness-disguised contest. He starts going there out of pettiness, but actually becomes friendly with the employees over time and it is close to his job (daycare worker) so it's easy for him to buy stuff on the way home. Sometimes Tubbo convinces him to go terrorize Bolas when he finds out Bad has an errand across town and he does it for discounts.
I also like the idea of the Fred being from a nearby shop, maybe a flower shop?
The Federation would 100% the heads of the Retailers Association, always in contact with the government, observing and making sure the policies are being followed. Fit gets a spot in it for his strong presence in the union and all he does is cover up for all the things his store fails to comply on. Cellbit gets a place in it too, because he used to be a general manager at another big retail company, but he fucking hates it and wants to leave so he has been trying to get kicked out by leaking shit he shouldn't and it somehow doesn't work because no one figures out it was him.
I really like your ideas, this is just what my brain cooked since I made that post lmao
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a-boca-do-inferno · 8 months
Prague getaway (jack ryan x female oc)
summary: “Oh, loosen up already.” Randy leans back and shoots him a teasing look. “We’re gonna be here a long time, might as well hold hands and start singing Kumbaya.”
warnings: angst, blood, violence, swearing.lots of it, light smut, fluff
words: 10.7k (:O)
notes: jack ryan girlies rise!! i put my whole pussy in this. also its my first time ever writing with an oc so bear with me lmao.
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Birds chirped outside and the loud chatter coming from the street was a bit distracting from the sound of TV, but Randy managed. Her plate faced her on the coffee table, now empty, along with a half filled cup of apple juice. It must have been past noon while she had the time of her life laying on that dirty and ancient couch, watching some Czech program about the Internet. And by the time of her life, she secretly meant being bored as hell. Tagging along with Jack Ryan wasn’t even on the list of the worst things that could’ve happened to her given the circumstances, by the way, she’s well aware of that—seeing as her life was now on the line and he was only there to protect her—but goddamnit, was that cable shit. The things she did to put Jim at ease. 
Although the girl didn’t really agree with his tactics to go about it; Johnson just knew better than to argue with Greer. After she started getting on his nerves with her insistence on using the intel she acquired and he actually took her seriously, it had been noticeable he came to think of himself like a father figure to her, since she was a rookie in the mission department. And Randy simply let him feel that way. Being away from his family ever took its toll on the guy and contrary to popular belief, she wasn’t the clueless, selfish bitch everyone made her to be.
Always, anyway.
Jack glances at her spread out on the sofa, trying to keep his annoyance in check and failing miserably. “What are you watching?” His voice suggests he’s very affected that Randy herself doesn’t appear fazed by their current situation. At all.
They had been stuck in that shithole for six hours now, completely in the dark as to where the mission stood after the shady organisation of the moment—as Johnson liked to put it—crushed into their hotel rooms and chased them out of town. And despite not exactly considering the capital of the Czech Republic under a terrorist threat for his idea of a nice vacation, it certainly beat having to now share some dirty kitchenette in the outskirts of Prague with the most insufferable woman he’s ever met. Jack caught wind of the discrepancies in the way they did their job from the start, and to say he wasn’t pleased with hers was an understatement. Her so-called intel had led them to that place, and her negligence above it all bothered him to no end. That and the ever present snark. He wondered how in the world did that character make it to the agency. She should’ve been in publicity, instead.
“A nice TV show about ordinary people wanting to become influencers”, Johnson responds in that tone of hers, with an almost sweet smile. Ryan’s mouth moves as though he’ll say something, but decides not to. He has better things to do with his time than to argue with a brat. Jack simply stares at her green eyes and sighs, going back to his computer screen, and Randy snorts, “well, Jim did mention you don’t like having people around.” Her feet move back and forth as she watches him type. “I’m like you in that way, you know?” Closing the distance between them, she brushes some stuff off his eyelid carefully, and it’s clear the man wasn’t expecting that. He tenses up. “So, my bad. I don’t wanna be here any more than you do, but you know Greer.” 
“Is that so?” Jack blinks, scanning her face up and down wryly. “In that case, you’re free to leave anytime you want.” 
Johnson laughs heartily, contrasting his impassive demeanour. “You do have a sense of humour, Jackie! I’ll give you that.” She shrugs and grins, with a declare to her voice, “and to answer your question: maybe I’d try to, but I’m not skilled enough to outsmart a Marine, I’m afraid.” 
Jack looks away, still typing on the keyboard mechanically. “You sound like a fan.” 
“You wish.” Her orbs gleam with mischief, and she sits a bit straighter to make a striking pose. “I wouldn’t mind learning some moves, though. I’d love to kick some ass. I bet I could take you, big man.” 
Ryan chuckles under his breath, against his best judgement. It feels surreal to him, this girl. “You certainly have a unique way about yourself.” He states bluntly, raising his brows as he closes up the laptop and puts it on the small table to their side. “Don’t really look like someone in Logistics.”
Randy nods, crossing her legs with a smug expression. “I didn’t get the memo before taking the job, I guess.” 
“Oh, loosen up already.” She sits up and leans back on the couch, her attention going to the program running in the background for a second. “We’re gonna be here a long time, by the looks of it. Might as well hold hands and start singing Kumbaya.” 
Jack shakes his head slightly, his tone growing more serious. “You need to focus on the mission, Johnson. This isn’t a game.”
“Sure thing, dad”, she snickers, running a hand through her short hair idly. “You talk like it’s your head those fuckers want on a plate.” 
“It is too, actually.” Ryan frowns. That’s the attitude he doesn’t like. “I suggest you get your head out of your ass as soon as possible. Enough people have died because of you.” 
Although his words sting, Randy keeps a lighthearted mood. “So is that why you’re behaving like an asshole ever since we landed, you’re worried about yourself?”, she wiggles her brows, fixing a few blonde strands softly and clicking her tongue. “And here I thought you just didn’t like me.”
“I don’t have time for this”, Jack mutters to himself and leaves, closing the door to his room quietly.
Johnson only hummed along, watching as the winner of the episode celebrated on the screen. She knew Ryan was doing nothing but his duty protecting her, of course, yet it felt strangely disappointing that he, of all people, seemed to judge her so much for her actions up until that point. Randy went behind her superiors’ backs to scavenge the information that now threatened her own safety, sure, but how many times had he done the same thing again? Either way, arguing with the guy about it was just showing she cared for his opinion—which she didn’t, for the record. That cable just sucked and she was bored as hell. With a heavy sigh, the girl stood up to turn off the TV when a sound made her ears prick up. She frowned, inspecting the empty space. Something fell on the floor with a loud thud in the other room and Randy took a step back. 
“Jack?”, she calls, getting no reply. 
Her feet moved toward his door and it crashed right before her eyes, causing her to step away in reflex as two bloody men were thrown on the ground with it. With no time to process what was happening, Ryan took her by the arm and dragged her out of the apartment with no delicacy whatsoever. They ran down the stairs while he cocked his gun and whispered something unintelligible. She grabbed his forearm when another two hooded figures started closing in on them. Jack quickly got rid of the attackers and gave Randy a look before pulling her out of the building and into a car.
“Drive.” He commands, keeping his eyes behind at anyone following their vehicle. 
She obeys without a second thought, stepping on the accelerator with all her might. Johnson grips the wheel tightly as she mouths, in a shaky breath, “what the fuck is going on, Jack? Talk to me.”
Ryan braces himself as they take a harsh turn, blood dripping from his eyebrow. “They found us again.”
“Am I supposed to know what that means?” Randy gasps when a pickup appears out of nowhere, shooting at them. She makes a u-turn and steps on the pedal, watching from the rear mirror. “How the hell did that happen?”
“I don’t know, just drive!” Jack rolls down his window and fires all his rounds at the vehicle still on their tail. He goes back to his seat and reloads his pistol, looking straight ahead. “We gotta get to the Embassy.”
“Got it.”
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“I see.” Jim sighs through the phone call. “I still have some business here in Moscow, but I’ll be in Prague as soon as I can.” 
Jack doesn’t like the sound of it at all. He keeps track of Randy moving around in the background. “Copy.”
The ride to the Embassy was messy, but they made it in one piece. Well, Ryan did. After settling in the nice hotel the Ambassador offered them in another city nearby Prague—as to not draw any more attention to them, in his own words—, now with heavy security outside, Johnson winced when trying to change. She lifted her shirt and only then saw the ugly bruise on her abdomen, her skin sliced open and gushing blood. It was a bullet graze and albeit it wasn’t serious, the thing still hurt like a bitch. As the girl hissed and took a seat on the bed, Jack stopped in his tracks and crouched down before her. He gauged her injury with a trained eye, his lips curling in thought. 
“Remorse?” Randy laughs deeply, tilting her head. “Don’t worry, I don’t hold grudges.” She sighs and looks at him seriously, like she hadn’t been until now. “How the hell did they find us this time, Jack? This stinks. No one knew about that hideout except you, me and Greer.”
His voice drops to a lower register as he takes her arm and brings it around his shoulders to lay her down, “I’m working on it. Right now we need to focus on getting you patched up.” Jack pulls her body close to his and fluffs the pillows, making her comfortable. He tries to ignore the way her hair tickles his chin.
Johnson chews the inside of her cheek, but accepts the help. “I’m okay, it’s just a graze.” She gulps and scratches her eyelids, taking a deep breath and glancing up at the ceiling. “That pickup didn’t look cheap. These people have some serious connections here. We have to get to the bottom of this.”
“We will”, Ryan says with resolve, nodding once. He scans the room in search of a med-kit and Randy points to the bathroom. 
While Jack leaves for a moment, Johnson moves a little and pouts when the pain comes back. He catches her in the act and she chuckles, a little embarrassed, “so much for spy training, huh?”
Rummaging through the kit, he hums, “if it was easy, everyone would do it.” In the midst of pulling out the antiseptic and the gauze roll, he steals a quick peek at her.
Randy only grunts in response, her lips pursed. “Greer’s gonna get our asses for this. He doesn’t even know we left Prague in the first place.”
Jack doesn’t reply immediately. He’s finally found the right size gauze roll and puts it aside. His orbs roam her up and down, studying her exposed skin. He whispers, almost talking to himself, “he’ll get over it.”
“You know, I’m sorry about earlier”, her gaze has an amused gleam, but seems sincere. “I have been a little more annoying than normal, I’m aware. I’m sure by now you noticed why I’m not so popular among my peers in the agency, especially not after this… mess.” She looks down.
“You make it difficult for them because you can afford it”, he considers, cleaning her wound delicately. Taking note of her surprised reaction, he adds with a smirk, “I read your file. You’re not the only one who did the homework.”
After a moment of silence, she speaks up again, solemnly, “when we’re done with this, I’d like to make it up to you.” Randy sits up against the headboard with his help, now grinning, “how does pizza sound?”
His chest feels funny as Jack catches the look on her face. The offer sounds genuine and he smiles. “I’d love that. Your call on toppings.” When her bandage is finished, he puts the med-kit away in the bathroom cabinets.
“That’s right, I make all the decisions”, Johnson pushes his shoulder lightly as he sits back down, making him raise his brows but laugh along. “You learn fast. I can see why they talk so much about the analyst down the hallways, now.”
“I make them talk, huh?” Ryan tries to play it off with a soft chuckle, yet the blush on his cheeks is obvious. He leans in closer to take the phone on the bed, and with their faces only inches apart, his body can’t help but linger in that position. Suddenly the atmosphere tingles with tension and his breath hitches ever so slightly. Her eyes are breathtaking.
“Your humble act doesn’t work on me”, her voice is but a whisper, the corner of her lip lifting up ghostly. “Jim gave me the rundown on you before I came here, you know? He told me not to inflate your massive ego.”
He beams, his look dropping to her mouth, “that sounds like jealousy.” 
Randy laughs and now can’t hide her own bashfulness. She reaches for the bedside table and puts on her round sunglasses, looking away from him in a not so subtle attempt at denying his advances. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Jack.” The girl sighs heavily, unable to stare back at him for now.
Her words were clear enough. It was a bad idea, indeed. And in spite of being visibly disappointed, his facial expression stayed blank as his phone started ringing again. It was probably Jim. He thanked the heavens in silence for that call to get him out of that situation. His thumb hovered over the screen for a moment and Ryan moved away from her, pressing the answer button as he got up and left for the other room. He grabbed his jacket over the chair as he went, glancing back at Johnson before she was completely out of vision. There was a flicker of curiosity in her emerald orbs whilst Jack closed the door.
Randy went to sleep right away, in hopes to wash off the incident with Jack by rebooting her systems. Besides, she was very exhausted; so much so her bones felt like jelly under her skin. Turning on her side with all the care in the world, she shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep. Soon her body began to spasm and shake, sweat dripping from her forehead as she turned on the bed and hissed when her wound stung. She sat back up with a quiet gasp. The war nightmares were a normal thing to occur, but had been more frequent from the moment she landed in Prague. 
On the other side of the wall, Jack leaned back in a chair as he flipped through a small manila folder. His attention was glued to the paper, but his mind wondered. The sound of Randy tossing and turning on the mattress reached him and he tensed up, closing his eyes briefly as if to block out the sounds. He stayed like this for several moments before finally forcing himself to face reality. They had been running from terrorists when they should be the ones trying to catch them, and that didn’t sit right with him. Hiding wasn’t helping them in any way, out of maybe buying some time to rethink their strategy. And with Johnson hurt, Jack saw no other option but to push things forward on his own. He called Mike November the next minute, urging him to come to the Czech Republic tomorrow. They were gonna need all the help they could get. 
The hours dragged on and his thoughts kept him awake. There was no way he could sleep while Randy was alone in the other room, wounded. She wasn’t a field operative, and that meant her training would only help her so much away from him. The girl barely survived the last encounter with their attackers, all because she had been lucky enough not to be in the room they invaded first. He tried to shake off the feeling of guilt over her injury to no avail. It wasn’t serious, however it could’ve been, and the mission would’ve been compromised then. Ryan gave up on the file and sat it aside.
Regardless of not being able to figure out Randy entirely just yet, John realised he had been cultivating a fondness for her over the past events. For someone who never used a gun in her life, except maybe for her training days, Johnson kept calm and helped with what she could, no questions asked. Not everyone has that kind of self control in the face of danger and he admired her for it. She even reminded Jack of himself, somewhat, back when he was a rookie—even though he wasn’t as annoying, surely. Either way, the blonde had a grace about her. Perhaps it was that nearly youthful spirit, the playfulness even in the blink of imminent disaster. He still found it hard to believe she had made her way into the CIA without losing most of her spark by now. 
His look automatically dropped to Randy’s file, right under the mission’s. He scanned through some of the notes and reports he had been doing up until now. Johnson had been with the agency for just over four years, still her work ethic was impressive, at the very least. The only negative points were personal complaints from her previous office colleagues, most of them depicting her as a “stubborn, impulsive and rebellious, but effective agent”. He chuckled under his breath. That sounds about right. 
Jack flipped through more pages, going over her skills: communication, adaptability and problem solving were top on the list. His eyes glossed over the next sheet: relationships, but he quickly stopped himself and closed the envelope. He’s already overstepped as it is. Ryan put down the file and let out a frustrated sigh. Thinking back on the days before the mission, he remembered Jim’s words. 
“She’s a tough cookie, but you’ll get used to it.” Greer swirls his glass of Merlot casually. “I know how it looks and trust me, I’m one of the people who doubted her from the beginning, until it turned out her intel was solid. I don’t care how she got it or why, just as long as we catch that son of a bitch Jones.”
Jack could see the concerned look on Jim’s face as he delivered his briefing. He didn’t appear so confident in the girl’s abilities as he tried to come across. And while it didn’t bother Ryan perse, he had this unshakeable gut feeling that there was a lot more to Randy than what you can see at first glance. Perhaps even more so than she let Jim himself know. 
“Copy.” That’s what he said back then, nodding and staring at the table.
“And don’t even think about it”, were his boss’ last remarks as he gulped down his wine in one go. “Randy’s not Cathy, Jack. You’re there to protect her and the information she holds before Jones can get to her.” His voice sounds tight, but not really threatening. Greer’s always been a little too overprotective of the rookies. “No fooling around.”
“Jack”, Randy calls huskily. “I’m bleeding.” She complains, yawning softly. Johnson stares at the dark room and sighs, doing her best to wake up fully. “Jack.”
His eyes fixated on Randy’s picture when he heard her voice coming from her bedroom. He stood up and opened the door, flicking on the light and making his way to her bed. Her wound oozed blood under her shirt, soaking the fabric in red as it dripped down onto the mattress and he shook his head, looking at all the work he had put on the bandages now gone. 
“What the hell did you do, Johnson?”, he grumbles, running for the bathroom to take the med-kit.
“I moved”, she shrugs and tries out a playful smile, but grimaces when a sharp sting hits her like a brick. “Just… hand me the gauze and I’ll clean it up myself.” She concludes, noticing he isn’t pleased.
Jack comes back with the kit and narrows his eyes, his features remaining stoic, “sit down and put pressure on it.” He grabs her wrist to help her up, moving her back to the headboard. His lips purse as he inspects the red liquid streaming from her side. “It looks even worse than before, Jesus.”
“Sorry”, she frowns and looks away, feeling guilty for making him do this again. “I really can do it, you know? I’m not a baby.”
“Really? You’re not doing such a great job at convincing me otherwise”, he states softly, his initial anger dissipating to give room for worry as he treats her injury. She doesn’t respond, adjusting herself on the pillows. “Stay still.”
Randy sighs. “I wanna talk to Greer.”
“What for? He says he’s coming.” Jack wraps the gauze around her abdomen, holding the roll package between his teeth. “There’s nothing we can do for now. Jones is onto us. We have to be extra careful.”
“Yeah, that’s not really my style”, she huffs, visibly bothered by his decision making without consulting her. “I’m calling my contact in Roztoky. He can help us move around the city without worrying so much.”
“Your contact”, Ryan sounds unimpressed, finishing off the new bandage. He looks down at his lap for a split second, then turns his gaze back to Randy. “Don’t you think it’s time you caught me up on all of this?”
“I told you everything.”
“Did you, now?” Randy glares and he stares right on, scowling himself. “All you have done so far is get on my nerves and not cooperate with the mission at hand.”
“I don’t cooperate with you bossing me around, that’s very different”, Johnson blurts out in a single breath, looking upset. “I might not be the big shot you are in the agency, but I have a right to know where we stand because it concerns my safety too. I don’t care if I’m fucking Logistics.” 
Jack still glowers at the girl, but eventually softens his features. She’s got a point. “Fine. I called a friend just now. He’ll help.”
“Okay.” It’s all she says, and anticipating the end of the conversation, Jack moves to leave. Her hand touches his arm faintly before he does, “thanks.”
Nodding, he steps away and closes the door. 
When Jim told Randy to get on the next plane to Prague only days ago, something inside of her shifted. So far she had been carrying this intuitive sensation that no matter what she did, the guys higher up would never take her warnings into consideration. And then, just as Johnson gave up and decided to do things on her own, Jones bombed a US Embassy in Europe, and announced he would keep on doing it until he was either killed or caught. Overnight, all the letters the girl sent the director of the CIA were answered and in less than a week, they stationed her and Jack in Prague. 
“Wait for further instructions. As of now, Dr. Jack Ryan will be assisting you”, was the last email Greer typed. And with that, Johnson flew with the so-called doctor to Europe. She knew all about Jack’s successful streak with Suleiman, then Venezuela and Moscow, of course. The tales of “the analyst” often made her chuckle whilst spooning her salad, since people were unable to hide their admiration—and sometimes, even envy—for Ryan as they shared his stories on lunch break. Nothing much happened on Logistics, so that had been their entertainment for a long time. Until things became erratic with the Prague bombings, that is. 
Looking back now, everything happened so quickly. Randy didn’t have a chance to take it all in. The rush was similar to her days in the army, when she had to get moving around with no time to think or feel. There was the goal and the path she’d be taking towards it, nothing else. She saw the same mindset in Ryan right away, even if their approach was fundamentally different. The blonde reckoned the Marine Corps could be stricter and, as a result, more demanding than military service. That is also why, although not hitting it off well from the beginning, she tried her best to remain friendly with him—which could include being annoying every now and then, sure, but that’s beside the point. They both possessed life experiences not too far apart that deeply shaped them into who they were today, for better or for worse, and that meant something. Jack was her. 
Only grumpier and square. 
Staring back at the table, Randy resumed eating her meal. Pancakes were her favourite dish, no matter where she was. And again, she felt lucky enough that Jack’s remorse made him go out of his way to try and fetch her some from the downstairs cafeteria. His friend Mike was funny, funnier than Ryan—not that it was hard—and she had a great time while they chatted over a nice American breakfast in Central Bohemian, Czech Republic. It almost felt as though they weren’t being chased down by assassins, and she hadn’t nearly been hospitalised for an infection in her bullet graze only the night before. 
“So?” Randy smiles brightly at Mike, urging him to speak after she briefed him on the situation. Jack had been quiet until now, because he was boring, so she took it upon herself to catch Mike up on the whole deal. If his laughter at her stupid jokes was anything to go by, she’d take a hunch and say they built a strong bond already. If only things could work like that with Ryan. “You think you can help us, Mikey?”
Michael can’t help but snort, oscillating his eyes between Johnson and Jack, who’s still eyeing his empty plate in thought, “where did you find her again?”
“Don’t ask”, Ryan finally sighs and Randy shrugs, eating her pancakes happily. He looks at November seriously. “I’m gonna need you to call your guy. We have to be in the same place as Jones, hit him when he doesn’t expect it. We’re running out of time.”
“I’m on it”, Mike nods, then glances at the girl with a grin. “How about you, sweetheart? Ready for some grown up action?”
Jack rolls his eyes at this, but Randy laughs out loud. She’s yet to get used to being treated like a damsel in distress. “Hey, I can throw a punch! Don’t let Jack poison your mind. He’s just butthurt that I got intel working in Logistics that he couldn’t as a field agent.”
“Ouch. That hurt even me.” He snickers and Ryan stands up, putting his gun inside his pants. Mike follows suit. “Just right down to business, huh?”
“I told you, we don’t have time”, Jack takes a look at Randy, who’s watching them with her chin on her hand, smiling. He clears his throat and touches her shoulder lightly, “we’ll be back before dark. Try not to hurt yourself while I’m away.”
They hadn’t mentioned the little incident last night, but when his touch found her skin, Johnson’s mind made its way back to his closeness hours prior. How he ogled her lips with no shame whatsoever, and how eager he seemed for breaking the rules for her, so to speak. It was a nice change in pace for the Jack she had come to see around that period. It also took her an enormous amount of self-control not to jump on him right then and there, however there were more important things at play. If only she wasn’t such a professional. 
Randy renders a hand salute, mockingly. “Aye, aye, sir.”
Mike smiles at Ryan. “I like her.”
As they left, Johnson sighed and stood up, going for the burner Mike brought with him so they could communicate. She called her boss in Maryland and gave him a summary of the mission, explaining Jack’s plan thoroughly. They found a way into Jones’ charity event tomorrow, courtesy of Mike’s contact. If everything went well today, she would be face to face with her target in just a few hours. Her orders were loud and clear: shoot to kill. Placing the device down, the blonde took a deep breath, looking out the window at the clean, welcoming landscape of Horoměřice. 
She was never a fan of big cities, despite being born in Los Angeles. The nice and quiet suited her better, so leaving Prague, notwithstanding she wished for better circumstances, was actually a relief. Away from the hustle of the capital, she could think more clearly. And the thought of coming back here after the operation made her happy. The people were nice and very comprehending of her ignorance of their culture—albeit she did speak a little Czech, but had to pretend not to, for the sake of her cover. Ryan still had to think she was the sweet and rebellious rookie; at least until she got the job done. 
A few blocks away, contemplating the clear, blue sky also, Jack caught himself appreciating the view for longer than he intended. The small things were ever the anchor he needed to keep moving forward, especially in this line of work. Whenever he was on a mission, time went by in a rush, and the only way to alleviate that feeling was to focus on the here and now. Nature could calm him down like nothing else, but as he watched the trees moving along with the wind, the green of the leaves slowly merged into emerald eyes he now came to know too well. Putting his hands in his front pockets, he took a peek back at the old building behind him and Mike walked out of it.
“Please, tell me you got us in.” Jack practically begs, watching him come down the stairs. He had been talking to his guy for over fifteen minutes while Ryan waited outside. 
“Did I ever let you down?” He grins, showing his phone with a party invitation on the screen. 
“Don’t make me say it”, Jack beams and nods, checking the time before heading to the car with November right behind. As they get in, he turns on the engine. “Jim’s getting here soon, but I might not catch him. You stay here and brief him on the plan. I can hold my own with Johnson.”
“Just like the old days, eh?” Mike puts on his belt. “The band’s back together.”
“With a new formation, but yeah”, he mutters, driving back to the hotel. 
“Oh, tell me about it”, Jack wants to roll his eyes at the teasing on Michael’s voice again, but doesn’t. “Actually, you don’t even have to. It’s clear you guys are already at it.”
“Stop talking”, Ryan takes a turn, stepping on the pedal. “She’s too much. You might have noticed.”
“Sounds like your type”, Mike snickers, gaining a wry look from Jack. He shrugs, measuring up the hotel as they arrive. “But I’m sure Jim wouldn’t approve. He never does.”
“I don’t care”, Jack says somewhat defensively, getting out of the vehicle with November. They make their way to the elevator and he presses his floor. “I’m not thinking about that.”
“All these years and you still think you can lie to me, Jack”, Mike positions his hands in front of his body with a smirk, the doors closing as they’re going up. “She’s into you, though. I could feel the tension.”
Jack scoffs in disbelief at his words, his face heating up. “Please, stop talking.”
“You know, it’s none of my business…”
Jack nods impatiently, not looking at him. “It isn’t.”
“But you should go for it. Friendly advice”, Mike gives him a look before they head towards the room. They stop in front of the wooden door as he finishes, “you can thank me later.”
Ryan displayed another eye roll at Michael and got inside, finding nothing but an empty and unmade bed. He stopped in his tracks and pushed Mike down when someone stepped out of the bathroom with a machine gun. They grabbed their guns simultaneously, taking cover behind a small couch next to the door. Before either of them had a chance to shoot, the gunfire suddenly ceased and the sound of a body hitting the floor could be heard in its place. Jack frowned and stood back up swiftly with November, pointing the pistol now at Randy, who stared at them with a desolate look. Her clothes were bloody and her green orbs filled with tears.
He runs in her direction and takes the girl in his arms, whispering, “what happened?”
Johnson sobs and hides herself into his chest, clinging to him for dear life. “He said he was room service… I just opened the door and…” She gulps, crying copiously.
Jack looks at Mike approaching them, still holding her firmly. “It’s okay. You’re okay now.”
The security guards supposed to protect them were nowhere to be seen, and Ryan made the connection quickly; they must have been paid off, just like the ones in Prague. He swore quietly, rocking Randy’s body to try and calm her down. She was shaking like a leaf, but appeared not to be hurt. The crushing weight of guilt hit him once more as he shut his eyes tightly. He shouldn’t have left her alone again. Brushing her cheeks, he cupped her face and wiped off her tears, causing her to smile. She squeezed his hands, as if to confirm she was really okay, and his heart skipped a beat. But as soon as their foreheads touched, the moment was interrupted by November.
“I thought you were a rookie.” Mike hums in confusion, staring at the dead body in front of them while checking his vitals. The guy had a broken neck and arm. He adds, his brows furrowed in her direction, “where did a rookie learn how to kill a guy with one move like that?”
Randy freezes in Jack’s arms and he feels it instantly. He studies the cadaver for a second before turning to stare back at her. He looks lost at first, but the mere prospect of all his suspicions being true causes him to take a step back. He inquires, demanding an explanation, “Johnson?”
She stands there paralyzed, and eventually raises her hands slowly, as a sign of surrender. Ryan points his gun at her again in the blink of an eye and her breath hitches. “Jack, please…”
“Who are you?” Mike chimes in, as his friend’s too shaken up to say anything. His gaze is hard and menacing, nothing like the lighthearted gleam of this morning.
Johnson closes her eyes, shaking her head. “Jack…”
“Who the fuck are you?!” Jack snaps, pressing the barrel of the pistol to her forehead, his hazel orbs now glistening with tears.
Johnson’s desperate face turned into a cold one all of a sudden and she disarmed him easily, pointing Ryan’s glock right back at him. He looked at the girl shocked and hurt, but lifted his arms up in reflex. They stayed in that position until Randy sighed when Mike aimed his own weapon at her. She dropped the firearm and unloaded it masterfully, throwing the rounds on the ground whilst glaring at Jack.
“I’m not your enemy.” She spits, her voice strained with anger. With that, Johnson storms off.
November still tries to go after her and Ryan steps in front of him, holding his shoulders. “Let her go. We got a job to do.”
Mike watches as she gets into the elevator down the hallway and snorts, “well, you did say she was too much.” 
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Jack walked into the event with grace, making the bar his first stop. Mike kept humming a song in his earpiece, but it didn’t bother him as it should, since his mind was elsewhere; lost in blonde locks and lying green eyes. He had no idea where Randy had gone to, and aside from not wanting to think about it now, his bitter side also wouldn’t allow him to care as he did before. She wasn’t some helpless chick doing a brave thing for her principles, after all, like he initially thought. Johnson had her own interests and her own set of skills—which he obviously didn’t know anything about—to achieve them. She’d be fine without him.
“Here he comes”, Ryan mumbles as Jones appears in the VIP section upstairs, surrounded by security and other people he assumed were his associates. He drinks his glass of whisky in one go and keeps his eyes on his target from afar, inspecting the perimeter stealthily. “Please, tell me Jim’s there. We’ll be needing the cavalry soon.”
Instead of Mike’s reply, a familiar voice he hadn’t heard in a few days reaches his ear and Jack tenses up. “Where’s Johnson?” It’s Greer’s first question. No greeting, no nothing. He sighs, trying to think of an excuse not to talk about this now, but his boss is insistent. “You might wanna tell me if you want your cavalry right away.”
“She’s gone”, Ryan growls, not sounding as casual as he would’ve liked to. He strolls towards a group of women and smiles charmingly at them, blending in. They quickly make a gesture for him to come closer and he obliges, muttering on his way, “she left yesterday.”
There is a pause, then Greer mouths, “what happened?” 
“She’s NSA”, he says amidst another deep sigh, forcing a grin when one of the girls pulls him to dance.
Jim didn’t respond and Jack went along with the brunette, always maintaining Jones in his rearview. He wasn’t aware if Greer was too surprised to say something or just didn’t care—seeing as he had been the first one to tell him Randy was only as important as the information she held, anyway. As long as she kept feeding them her intel, whatever happened to her afterwards was irrelevant to the agency. As far as anyone knew, an employee from Logistics should’ve never been on the field with them in the first place. And even in the face of Johnson secretly working for another organ entirely, which was the case, whilst representing a conflict of interests, Ryan reckoned she had been useful enough. At the end of the day, that’s all that mattered. Maybe she’d try to stop him from getting Jones just to put the credit on the National Security Agency’s office, but they would still get Jones. She’d serve her purpose, either way.
As soon as Randy left the hotel, Jack dialled up a nerdy kid in Langley, Josh, who happened to be a self-proclaimed fan of his and asked for a small favour. All the facts he had about Johnson was the Californian accent—unless she was that good at her job, going as far as creating such a round persona for her cover—and a nearly faded tattoo she had on her lower abdomen: 345-27-720. Ryan saw it for the first time when treating her wound, but thought nothing of it. Everything about her appeared so innocent, it went unnoticed. Now, remembering the way she aimed his own weapon at him without hesitation, he felt a bit proud of his photographic memory. 
It was a long shot, still he tried. And the results of the background check didn’t disappoint as they came just minutes before he had to leave for the party. According to California’s military records, the social security number belonged to a Miranda J. Brooks; white, American born, 26 years old, Second Lieutenant with a bachelor’s degree in Strategic Intelligence. The only catch was: Brooks was officially dead for over six years now. The death certificate only mentioned she was killed in combat somewhere in Afghanistan. She had no close family except her grandmother, Mary Brooks, who lived alone in Arizona. And the only thing he could register listening to Josh vomit all of that on the phone was how well she pretended to be such a clueless, defenceless girl while having this background. It only made his admiration for her stronger. And Jack hated it.
He somehow learned about that NSA program a few years back, but didn’t dig deeper on the matter. It wasn’t in their policy to have field agents capacitated in combat—which had been the reason why people in there butt heads with CIA operatives in the past, many a time. So, they allegedly started recruiting deserters and otherwise discharged soldiers to power their own task force, an effort not to be so dependent on the FBI or the State Department anymore. And while Ryan wasn’t sure if it was even a legal practice, he wasn’t a lawyer, therefore that part didn’t concern him. What he couldn’t figure out was why Brooks would fake her own death for this, or have her death faked by the agency itself. Besides, there was no record of a discharge anywhere. It didn’t add up and as soon as Jones was out of the picture, Jack would go looking for answers.
“Wanna go upstairs?” The woman dancing with him grins drunkenly, grabbing back his attention. 
Ryan wrinkles his nose involuntarily when the smell of alcohol hits his face and pulls away politely, faking an apologetic expression. “I’m taken, sorry.”
The woman huffed and pushed him, stumbling back to her friends. Jack watched in silence and frowned as his eyes caught a glimpse of Jones disappearing through a hallway with his men. He warned Mike of his position and followed them suit, the adrenaline already pumping into his veins when he came up the set of stairs and stepped into a quieter area. Ryan took out his gun and pointed it to the ground, sneaking after the terrorist from a safe distance. Hiding behind a wall, he checked his rounds and looked ahead, running back the strategy in his mind.
“Nice suit”, a smooth tone startles him and he holds the pistol at the direction of the sound, gulping faintly when his gaze meets Randy’s—or rather, Miranda’s. 
“What are you doing here?” He lowers his weapon, dragging her behind the wall with him. She’s wearing her usual clothes, and he almost wants to scold her for not even trying to act the part now. When she only smirks in response, Jack tightens his grip around her arm. “Stop playing games, Brooks. I already know everything.”
“You’re so predictable”, she chuckles and harshly shrugs him off, albeit her beam stays. Randy looks up, pretending to be in thought, “although, I didn’t think you would let me go so easily. I thought you’d fight for us, Jackie.” She says dramatically, then laughs.
Ryan’s scowl grows deeper, and he snarls, “Look, I don’t know what your angle is, but if you fuck this up, I’m coming after you next. I don’t care who you work for.” He holds her wrist forcefully and she can’t contain her own glower, trying to shake him off again, this time unsuccessfully. “I’ve had enough of your bullshit.”
“Have you, now?” Johnson hisses and lifts her chin defiantly, his hot breath reaching her cheeks as his nostrils expand in pure rage. “If you were being honest, you’d have reported me to your superiors last night. You didn’t.”
“I have more important things to do”, he grits his teeth when she raises a brow, clearly not believing a word he says. “Now tell me what you’re doing here. I’m not gonna ask again.”
“I told you, I’m not your enemy”, Randy takes a deep breath, her features finally softening. Jack’s grip is looser now, but he keeps glaring. She sighs and tilts her head, cooing, “I know you’re mad at me for lying to you, Jack, but this is my job. You of all people should understand.”
The worst part was he did. Jack saw her and felt like staring into a goddamn mirror every time. He truly, genuinely saw her—no matter who the fuck she even was at that moment—and his body acted on its own as he pulled her by the collar of her shirt and devoured her mouth mercilessly. Ryan hadn’t a clue who he was kissing right now, the rebellious rookie or the dead soldier; all he knew was those were the smoothest lips he ever tasted, and he wasn’t letting go just yet. His tongue made its way between her teeth and he heard a gasp before Johnson pushed him against the wall and pressed herself on him, unashamed of who could see them. 
“Jack, focus.”
Jack ignored Mike as his back hit the cold concrete with a quiet thud. His deep groan seemed to only fuel Randy’s desire and she licked his bottom lip, now guiding the kiss. He panted when her skilful hands dropped to his pants and in a sudden glimpse of clarity, Ryan grabbed her wrists to stop her, but with no brute force this time. She pulled away from the kiss to give him a playful look, her chin completely red with lipstick as she tried to catch her breath, and he wiped his own face unconsciously. They both stared at each other for two seconds before bursting out laughing. He placed his free palm on her hip, bringing her body flush to his again. 
November’s voice sounds like white noise as Johnson hums smugly, “okay, big man.” Jack’s flustered features cause her to giggle and she opens her mouth to speak again, then shuts it at once when a few men carrying rifles appear in her vision, observing them from afar. 
Ryan’s eyes follow hers and he tucks Randy behind him instinctively, turning off the safety on his glock. “If you have a gun on you, now’s the time to use it.”
“You don’t really think we can take them? We’re outnumbered, greatly”, she scoffs, doing her best to hide his weapon from the bodyguards’ view with her body. She presses herself against Jack and he offers her a puzzled look when her hands carefully put his pistol back into his pants. Johnson brushes her lips on his and he gladly accepts the caress, shivering from head to toe. She whispers, biting his bottom lip, “act drunk.”
“Pfft”, Jack wants to protest that poor excuse of a plan, but it’s too late as the men are now only a few feet away, watching not so subtly. He sighs and palms her butt without warning, getting into character, and fakes a loose smile. “How’s that?”
“Perfect”, she bends towards his touch, kissing him sloppily. Jack squeezes her ass cheek softly in reflex and a moan escapes her. “Jesus…”
“Jack, what the fuck are you doing?!” 
Mike screaming in his piece brings him back to reality and he stares at the ceiling before eyeing her. “I don’t wanna spoil the mood”, Ryan gulps, still rubbing her waist slowly as he tries to get a hold of himself. He clears his throat, “but what’s the endgame here? Take out the voyeurs?”
Randy chuckles and holds his hand, taking him towards the empty hallway again, away from the party. Before they leave, she senses the men are following them. While they stumble side by side surrounded by red painted walls, she mumbles, “there’s a door to your right over there. This is where Jones makes his deals and he’s trying to close one right now with the Russians.”
“I thought you said he gave up on it”, Ryan trails off, maintaining her close to him by wrapping an arm around her waist. 
“Because that’s what I heard, he changed his mind today”, she slows the pace, pushing him to the wall once again with a grin. “I bugged his office while you were away with Mike yesterday, forgot to tell ya.”
“How in the world…”
“And they almost caught me, that was the mess you found”, Randy continues and Jack’s mouth remains agape. She shrugs, pecking him casually, “you play a good drunk, by the way.”
“Were you gonna tell me any of this if we hadn’t figured it out on our own?”, his tone sounds defeated, almost like he’s still hurt. But should he be, really? She said it earlier; Ryan of all people couldn’t judge her for lying. “Would you trust me?”
“Well, I’m telling you now”, loosening up his tie, she puts it around her neck clumsily. “What do you think?”
He smiles. “I think I hate your games, but sometimes they’re fun”, he grabs her by the hair and brings her into another quick kiss.
A loud sound, similar to an explosion, came out of the main room and Randy gasped in surprise, dragging Jack away from all the rubble and the dust. She coughed while running through the wreckage with him, and Jack took it upon himself to protect her face, covering it with his hand. He tried calling for Mike, but he couldn’t hear the answer amidst all the screaming and chaos going on around them. Soon the first shots were fired and not knowing whether it was the police or the terrorists, he took the lead and pulled out his gun as he knocked down the door to Jones’ office, supposedly. They entered the room and were met with the man glowering, his bodyguards ready to open fire. 
Ryan stays alert, aiming his pistol at him and muttering, “Mike, where the hell’s the cavalry?”
Michael snorts, seeming out of breath. “I think your NSA friend can answer that better than me.” 
Jack frowns, shooting a look at Johnson. She appears calm, calmer than she should be in a situation like this. However, just as he’s going to question her about Mike’s affirmation, Randy takes out her gun at last, but doesn’t aim it at anyone. He furrows his brows, “care to fill me in here?” 
“It’s very nice to meet you, Dr. Ryan”, Jones chimes in with a heavy accent, eyeing Randy for a moment, solemnly. “And nice to see you again, miss Johnson.”
“You know each other?” Jack blinks, holding his weapon tightly, his knuckles becoming white. He turns off his safety, now raising his voice, “someone better tell me what’s going on here or I’ll shoot, I swear to God.” 
Jones made mention of speaking up again and a door behind him opened to reveal a tall blonde with two other men surrounding him. Randy knew that was her chance and took the shot without so much as a second thought, hitting the stranger on the forehead. Everyone stood shocked, except Jones. The terrorist’s guys yelled at Johnson to toss her firearm and with one hand gesture coming from him, they went silent. She eventually lowered her pistol and sighed, studying the pool of blood around Viktor’s bald head before she took a look at Jack, who seemed as confused as he had been the day prior. 
Johnson approaches Jones and nods, her expression serious. “Thank you. You’re free to go now.” 
Jack widens his eyes and quickly steps between them, still pointing his weapon at him. “What the hell are you doing, Randy?!”
“I’m sorry, Jack. That was the deal.” The girl hugs her own body and the Czech police finally appear, screaming at everyone to lower their guns. “I’m sorry”, Randy glances at him one last time with a hurt look before she leaves and Jones and his men are cuffed and taken away.
“Jack, are you okay?”
Staring at the dead body still on the ground, Ryan places his hands on his hips, in a pathetic attempt to process what just happened. He stands there for a few seconds, then turns around to step out of the building. “Please tell me she wasn’t in on it, Mike.” He begs in a murmur, measuring up the destruction caused by the explosion earlier. “And where’s Greer, too.”
“I’m right here, Jack.” Jim sighs on the other end. “Don’t worry, Johnson’s not compromised. She was just following her orders.”
“Which were?” He kicks off some dust, finding his tie under a broken block of concrete in the hallway. It must have fallen off Randy as they ran. 
“Catching Viktor Vasiliev.” Jack walks among the damage with a sour face, closing his eyes when he finds the woman he danced with earlier that night. She’s dead. Greer adds, “he deals in chemical weapons and was the one behind the Prague bombings all along. Jones was her informant.”
“Catching?” Ryan deadpans. “She killed him, Greer.”
“Those were her orders…”
“You knew about all this.” Ryan reckons, with a more consternated tone as he cleans up the dust off his tie and gets out of the main room—or what’s left of it—, trying not to think of the medics tending to the dead bodies as he passes. “You knew it and you didn’t tell me.”
Jim grunts, “I only found out when I arrived here and the NSA director gave me a call explaining everything. You already had your plan, Jack, and I know you well enough to say with confidence that you would have gone with it anyway. No matter what I said.” 
He scoffs, shaking his head at Greer’s words even though he can’t be seen. Reaching the sidewalk, Jack sees Randy is talking to a police officer from a distance. She’s laughing at something he’s saying while Ryan purses his lips, unable to take his eyes off her figure. “Now what?”
“Now we’re going back to Langley. Our job here’s done, we helped as we could with manpower, but the intel was solely NSA’s. It’s their case now.”
“It has always been.” There’s bitterness in his words, and his scowl is inevitable when he remembers everything. All the lies. “What about Jones?”
“He’s coming with us. He made a deal.”
Jack sighs, looking down at his shoes. “And Johnson?”
Jim pauses. Ryan watches as Randy disappears in a police car without looking back, and he can’t ignore the lump in his throat when the answer comes in his ear, “Johnson who?”
Randy’s always been in love with Arizona. There was just something about the quietness of the desert, and the way the roads stretched endlessly when driving back home. She hadn’t seen her grandmother in such a long time. A real nice scolding would be the first thing waiting for her as soon as Johnson opened the door to her granny’s trailer, she just knew it; yet it only added to her anxiousness to finally seeing the iconic “welcome to Phoenix” sign on the side of the road. 
Singing a tune along with the radio, she thought back to what she left behind in Europe a week ago. Deciding to quit had been a big step for her, but she was never happier to make a decision. She’s always hated jetlag, anyway. And whenever Johnson saw Jack again, if ever, she would just have to thank him for indirectly leading her to discover this. Turns out the adrenaline wasn’t doing it for her anymore. And albeit it was all she had known until that point in her life, maybe it’s time for a change. Prague taught her as much. Even through the moments of tension, somehow connecting to some ex-Marine’s need for the hustle of going after the bad guys made her notice that deep inside, she was tired of it herself. That didn’t mean switching to “normal”—hell no. 
Quieter, mayhaps. 
A deep sigh escaped her lips and she shook her head at no one in particular, rolling down her windows and smiling as the wind hit her face. Reciting the lyrics to the song a bit louder now, she turned the volume all the way up and stepped on the pedal, patting her door from the outside to follow the beat. Love’s never worked out for her even as Miranda Brooks back in the day. So there was no surprise on her part when the brief romantic getaway with Jack Ryan had a tragic ending—and by tragic, she meant not being physically able to say goodbye to him, face to face. “I hope you’ll understand someday”, was the email Randy sent, and off she went to the States, in a flight separate from his. 
With Jones now in custody—his deal was merely to reduce his sentence, since he did actively help plan other bombings before deciding to do the right thing after Prague—, everything should be fine. Except nothing felt like it, not to Randy. Being jobless and alone was a new thing, so she reckoned it was just a matter of adjusting. Taking a peek at herself in the rearview mirror, the girl thought of changing her hair. The last time she’d been a brunette was prior to enlisting. Another deep sigh left her throat as she rolled the window back up and turned off the radio. 
Who was she kidding? 
No amount of pretending not to care would save her from feeling like the worst person in the world. The whole thing with Ryan was just too fucking much, funnily enough, even for Johnson. Which was beyond her in itself, because lying to people came easy for her, it had to, since it was what she did for a living. But reminiscing about the disappointment in his eyes when she killed Viktor in front of him made her stomach turn every time. How did she come to consider his opinion of her that much? Randy had no clue. Still, she stubbornly persisted in the idea that everything happened as it should have. She accomplished her mission and Jack accomplished his, too. She was well and breathing, after all. He did his job. And without being deceitful, unlike her. 
“You bitch!” Granny exclaims as soon as she spots her granddaughter’s car on the road. She’s in front of her house, wiping her hands with a kitchen cloth as she comes down the little steps before Randy even pulls up.
Laughing out loud, Johnson gets out and runs toward her, squeezing the old woman in her arms. “Granny! Oh, God. How I missed you. You look so beautiful.”
“Liar!” She chuckles, but her eyes are filled with tears. Staring at the rusty pick-up truck behind them, Mary shakes her head in disapproval. “I can’t believe you’re still driving that piece of shit, Miranda. That’s why you never visit your grandmother anymore! You’re probably afraid it’s gonna explode on the way.”
“Shut up, she’s family”, Johnson giggles and kisses her white hair, still holding her close. The scent of home made her heart flutter in her chest. She teases, “c’mon, I’m hungry. You better have made me pancakes!”
“Oh, he did!” Mary hums happily, opening a grin from ear to ear, and Randy raises a brow in inquiry. She shrugs, walking to the trailer along Brooks. “Your friend. He said you were gonna meet him here.”
“My friend?” The girl frowns and touches the gun under her jacket automatically, but as soon as she takes it out, her alert eyes spot the so-called friend sitting on the little couch, sipping a coffee, and stops in her tracks. “Jack?” Johnson breathes out, astonished.
With a shaven face and a sweet smile, Ryan blinked slowly at her. Her knees suddenly went weak and she took a step back, trying to take in his presence. It hadn’t been so long since she last saw him, yet it felt like an eternity. He wore a baby blue shirt and some jeans, and her mind took note of how casual he looked out of his work persona. Her mouth stayed agape as she searched for the words to speak. They all ran out on her. 
“You don’t look happy to see me”, Jack finally murmurs in amusement, causing Mary to exchange a knowing look with him as he stands up, putting his hands in his front pockets. “How are you, Randy?” 
“I’m…” She trails off, even more baffled by his soft and amicable tone now. She really thought he hated her guts. “Jack, I…”
“She’s better now, dear, that’s for sure”, granny chimes in before she can finish, doing a thumbs up. 
Randy’s cheeks go red and she widens her eyes. “Granny!”
“What? I’m old, but I notice these things, Miranda. You like the boy.” Mary smiles and now Jack’s the one blushing and laughing awkwardly. “And he likes you too, for that matter.” After giving Johnson another one of her teasing looks, she points outside and pats Ryan’s shoulder softly. “I’m gonna leave you two alone now. You go talk and make up, otherwise there’s no pancakes for nobody.”
Randy can’t hold back another laughter as her granny steps out of the trailer with the tray full of their breakfast. She’s really not kidding. Glancing at Jack again, he’s still slightly flustered, crossing his arms while raising a brow. Johnson squints, “what?”
“An email? Really?” He asks, his expression wry as he sits back down, resting his elbows on his knees. It’s almost comical how big he looks in that position, especially seated on her grandmother’s small couch. “A text would’ve been warmer.”
“I didn’t wanna hurt you again, Jackie”, even though she tries to make light of it, there’s a sincerity to her words that’s hard not to notice. Taking a seat beside him, Johnson leans back and sighs. “You know, I quit the agency.”
He figured as much, especially because Greer seemed a little sad when questioned about Randy while they had dinner last night. Ryan smirks, not wanting to miss the opportunity, “which one?”
Johnson snickers and nods, comprehensive of his sassiness. “Both, actually. I’m a civilian now.” Looking down at her boots, she bites her lips in thought. 
His orbs fall to her lap, his voice going lower, “why?”
“I miss my granny”, Randy smiles and shrugs, tilting her head. He hums along and she comes a little closer, resting her chin on his shoulder. Jack sniggers, his hand flying to her knee in response. “How about you, why did you come here?”
Jack paused and his breath hitched. He should’ve seen the question coming, but somehow didn’t prepare for it. Why did he come, really? It was lost on him, if he was being honest. There were a lot of points left unexplained about her that still bugged him; like the illegal task force run by NSA, or even why Johnson was pronounced dead and given another identity when she hadn’t even been discharged. What did she do while working undercover for two national organs at the same time, exactly? What were her real motives, her ideals, her drives? Ryan knew this was his chance, perhaps the only one, to clear things up with Randy. However, with green orbs watching him expectantly, his common sense turned into goo. 
“To say goodbye, properly.” Jack’s aware he sounds a lot huskier than necessary, closing his eyes when her face comes nearer. He stammers, gazing at her intensely, “you think I’m allowed that much?” 
She clicks her tongue in jest, giving a head shake. “Jim’s not gonna like it.” 
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“Greer gave me the rundown on Randy Johnson.” The corner of his lip curls up as Jack goes in for a tender kiss. He whispers, pulling her into his arms, “he never said anything about Miranda Brooks.”
Randy’s grin got bigger as she let herself be held by him. Much was unsaid between them, but in her experience, there wasn’t a thing in this world that couldn’t get sorted out through a nice chat and some pancakes in sunny Arizona. Besides, who was to say the change she needed in her life wouldn’t be brought by Jack Ryan in his shining armour?
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grimmcheems · 10 months
The blonde trio after the Quirk War
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So I did a continuation of the my previous Villain Aoyama AU art lmao. Ig it’s not rly an AU canonically?? (Though idk how the manga has been handling my boi since I dropped it after his reveal oop) anywayyssssss…..these babies now have to live with new identities and frequently change jobs every year in order to keep a low profile.
Monoma works as a Cab/Taxi driver and street food chef(think like hole in the wall restaurant?/place with frequent customers but within the backstreets of cities) Toga is a Sales Clerk💀(don’t ask how she even managed to get the job, the hiring manager was probably too scared by her aura to refuse her) AND Tutor(don’t ask how she landed that either since she never got to finish high school to begin with) and Aoyama works as a Bartender in a HOST CLUB(Kurogiri helped him land the job and taught him some cool stuff from his experience of working their dingy bar they used to live in with the LOV[which has since been disbanded after the quirk war].
Btw I added the “Kumo/Kuro” bc Shirakumo and Kurogiri get it? Idrk why I decided to add him in last minute but I thought it’d be funny if he pretended/acted to be their dad when they escape during their trial and onto living in the streets (for the sake of being brief: which ends in them faking their own deaths. I thought to make an art of the events leading up to this but who knows how long that will take me or when I’ll get to it🗿it is also pretty gruesome with the way I imagined it for my AU so I’m not sure if many people would even be up for seeing that oop)
They have to frequently dye their hair since they can easily be recognized by just their blonde hair and facial features, which is also why Monoma and Toga wear color contacts. Aoyama doesn’t need them since he wore different colored contacts when he became a student at UA, so there’s no need for them since everyone remembered him to have the color contact eyes instead of his natural green eyes.
They all will work multiple part time jobs to keep up with their rent and budget etc. However there are times where they will all quit to just take time to themselves. They all live together in the same apartment. Everyone also thinks they are dead, so there’s no need for them to really hide, but they’re too traumatized by heroes and their peers(hero students) to not stay in the hidden parts of towns and cities and lowkey jobs. There’s more to that on the “trial” I imagined for them (I dropped the manga some time ago but I heard that my baby Aoyama may POSSIBLY get actual time in prison for his affiliation and that was the forefront of the idea I came up with that they would all go through a trial process as they are still just children)
ALSO, in my AU Aoyama ends up with Dark shadow at some point (don’t question it I’m still trying to figure out how to fit it in so it makes sense👩🏽‍🦯, but they sort of form a bond and Dark Shadow develops depression after his “death”. He does go back to Tokoyami at some point after Aoyama realizes that Toko must be in ruins not having his best bud anymore and ‘gives’ him back?
I also mentioned that this is AFTER the “quirk war” I’m not sure if they actually use that title but from what I remember they distinctly called it that when I last read the manga. I could be wrong though.
One last thing, idk how the whole Oboro thing would work out, since he can use his quirk on command in this(hence the lack of purple mist) but technically he IS dead canonically….LIKE FRFR. Bro ain’t coming back and his body was just harvested and being used, but ignore that for this……he was just in a deep slumber and awoke after breaking out of the high security quirk prison he was in and decided to take care of the three because he would’ve wanted someone to do the same for him when he was younger and “died”.😫🖤
I know I write a lot so I highly doubt anyone read all of this😅but it’s so hard to JUST post my art and NOT WRITE ANYTHING since they all spawn from these ideas I get and I NEED to provide the context lmao Σ('◉⌓◉’)otherwise I feel wack that no one will ever know what I was aiming for lol🥲
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
footballers as taylor swift songs
requested by my swiftie in Christ @yudgefudge!! thank you luv <3
leo: you're on your own, kid. ive been associating him w this song way before i knew that everyone else was doing the same lmao. it rlly does encompass his entire journey, from humble beginnings n jus being a little kid playing for fun (from sprinkler splashes/to fireplace ashes), to being the best in the world n all the struggles that come with it (i search the party.../just to learn that my dreams arent rare). the man gave his blood sweat n tears like hed be saved by a the "perfect kiss" which here is a metaphor for the wc obviously. n ohmygosh "everything you lose is a step you take"!!!! BRUH???!?!?! every line, from "i didnt chose this town (ie paris)/i dream of getting out/theres just one who could make me stay", to "the jokes werent funny, i took the money/my friends from home dont know what to say" are all SO leo coded.
ney: anti-hero. i ADORE him n theres a lot of people that like him. but theres also a lot of people who like not liking him. hes one of the best in the world, and as great as that is, he has, unjustifiably so, garnered a significant amount of haters (its me, hi, im the problem, its me/at tea time, everybody agrees). hes rlly endured a ton of it throughout the years, but keeps going (pierced through the heart/but never killed). after facing so much backlash, youd probly worry about the people that still support you and how much longer you can hold on to that (one day i'll watch as youre leaving/and life will lose all its meaning). also, hes a rich person. which makes the bridge pretty relatable for him but like in a funny way.
gavi: nothing new. this one is more based off my inner musings than actual like evidence. i have no idea whats going on this lil dudes head. but i know that IF i were in his position, i'd relate to this song a FUCK TON. its basically a song abt being in the spotlight, n being the shiny young thing that has peoples attention. but what happens when thats not true anymore? (Lord, what will become of me/once ive lost my novelty?) what happens in a few years when an even younger prodigy comes around n impresses everyone? (are we only biding time 'til i lose your attention?/and someone else lights up the room?/people love an ingénue). im not gonna write down the whole birdge but its basically abt the inevitably of meeting your replacement. the song basically asks: "will you still want me/when im nothing new?" he seems like a happy dude who probly doesnt think abt this stuff, but if i were a famous promising young soccer player, this stuff would definitely weigh on my mind.
muller: the story of us. Lord forgive my mullendowski heart. i tried to think of a song that would fit jus him n leave shipping out of it but,,, yeah it wasnt happening. in my mind theyre a package deal. anywho the song's about being around someone youre still in love with after youve broken up (now im standing alone in a crowded room/and we're not speaking and im dying to know/is it killing you like its killing me). ik theyre on good terms n all but in my mindbrain i imagine him them being in the same place for the first time since lewy left him bayern and poor thomas jus "nervously pulling at my clothes/and trying to look busy." and my gosh "but you held your pride like you shouldve held me"??? the AUDACITY. i can go off about this whole song tbh. oh n also even tho speak nows a country album this song is kinda,,, rock/punk-ish kinda??? which is to say, its very loud. much like a certain someone. fun fact i almost put seven for him bc of "before i learned civility/i used to scream ferociously/anytime i wanted" but i figured one line wasnt enough for me to put the whole song.
mbappe: evermore. this is a brooding song. a depression song. so i can definitely see this as a post 2022 world cup final song for him. it actually relates to a sports loss very well. (i used to listen to this song n think a oikawa from haikyuu,,, heh). if theres one thing abt mbappe its that hes dedicated. i can see him "replay(ing) my footsteps on each stepping stone/trying to find the one where i went wrong," yknow, jus thinking abt the final over n over. very "i rewind the tape but all it does is pause/on the very moment all was lost." but at the end of it all, hes young, hes talented, n has more world cups ahead of him. ie: "i had a feeling so peculiar/this pain wouldnt be for/evermore."
klopp: dear reader. this whole song is just advice. its taylor dishing out advice to her fans, most of whom are younger than her. kloppo loves his players, he wants to give them good advice that applies not only on the pitch, but off it as well. (dear reader/bend when you can, snap when you have to/dear reader/you dont have to answer, just cause they asked you) however its no secret that our lovely manager can be pretty hard on himself. so its possible that while he gives advice to those he loves, he feels like hes not worthy of giving it (you wouldnt take my word for it/if you knew who was talking).
again, everything stated is speculation, fueled entirely by my delusional lil mindbrain. as i dont know these ppl.
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
Love Bites
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader x Damon Salvatore
Word count: 7,8K
Summary: You hated moving from the big city to the small picturesque town that is Mystic Falls, until two gorgeous men volunteer to make you feel right at home.
Warning(s): vampire!Elvis, Elvis is not famous, inaccurate timelines in both Elvis’ and Damon’s life, reader is naive and a lil lonely, strong language, alcohol consumption, mutual feeding, SMUT; threesome, handjob and oral (both m. and f. receiving), blood sharing, Elvis spits in Damon’s mouth once (im dead), double vaginal penetration.
Author’s note: i couldn’t think of a proper summary lmao BUT this is basically just filthy asf and i needed to get it out of my system. someone stop me from turning this into a series, BYE. the ending is shit btw, so just ignore that. love y’all, enjoy this strange combination that i know some of you needed hehehe ;)
For the visuals; I pictured Damon looking like this and this while writing it and Elvis like this and this, bc... hell yessss.
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Mystic Falls, Virginia ─  October, 1957.
Compared to Manhattan, Mystic Falls was the most boring place you had ever set foot in. It was a typical small picturesque town where everyone knew each other and would smile and make small talk any chance they got, only for them to gossip behind each others’ back. It was slow paced with barely anything going on, not even tourists would come and visit to spice up the place a little and you’d rather be anywhere else. Unfortunately for you, that wasn’t possible. You were only eighteen years old and still lived with your parents. Parents who were working non stop and barely had time for you which you already despised them for, so when they ripped you away from your familiar surroundings, your hatred toward your mother and father only grew. You missed New York and everything about the big city but for now, you had no other option than to accept your faith and try to fall into the role of a small town girl.
Although boring, you had to admit that Mystic Falls did look beautiful during autumn. You had only been here for a week so you didn’t really know yet what it looked like in the other seasons but you decided autumn would be your favorite while you were here─orange and red leaves trickled down the trees to the pavements as you walked through the small town, looking through the windows of some shops and restaurants that were located around the town’s square, the one church in town standing tall and proud in between the shops. While you missed the busy streets of New York and cars zooming by you at any second of the day, you did like how the air seemed to be more clean here and people seemed to actually pay attention to each other rather than walking with their heads down to get from A to B. The place was still boring to you, but it was peaceful and while you were still a city girl at heart, you figured that for the time being, you could get used to living here. As soon as you found a job and start earning your own money, you’d be right back on your way to New York.
You spend some time in the town’s square but after a little while you got bored people watching and the air was getting chilly, making you wrap your coat around you firmly as you made your way across the street and into the only diner there was. The smell of greasy french fries and coffee filled up your nostrils and it was at that moment, you heard your stomach grumbling, realising you hadn’t eaten anything since the morning. Slipping into a booth by the window, you took off your coat and grabbed the menu from the table, scanning through it. You hadn’t noticed the duo at the bar looking right at you as if you were a dish on the menu.
‘‘Fresh meat,’’ Damon grinned as he slapped Elvis’ arm, nodding into your direction. Elvis popped a french fry in his mouth as he looked over his shoulder, dropping the bitten off fry back onto his plate as a smirk appeared on his face. They didn’t get a lot of new people coming into town, for obvious reasons that you and your family were completely oblivious to, and the two men rarely fed on locals. They’d often go out of town for a proper meal other than blood bags and while you looked and smelled divine, both men were genuinely intrigued in you and the way you carried yourself. Most girls in town were taken back and shy, good Christian girls that would go to church every Sunday with their parents, scared they’d betray God if they would show a little too much skin. You on the other hand seemed like you were carved by the Devil himself and for the two predatory creatures they were, that was definitely a compliment.
The two men with both equally ocean blue eyes were drinking in every detail of you─the way your ankles were crossed so elegantly underneath the table, how your make-up was applied flawlessly, your hair styled to perfection as if you were going to the most glamorous party instead of eating lunch at a simple diner. You seemed young, but old enough for them to taint you with just the right amount of darkness.
‘‘We’re sharin’ this one, D,’’ Elvis told his friend as he picked up his bottle of coke, taking a big sip from it before he slid himself off of the barstool. Damon immediately followed his actions, straightening up his leather jacket. He honestly had no idea what Elvis’ plan was here, but he followed him over to your table nonetheless. Damon trusted Elvis with his life and vice versa─while not blood related, the two were like brothers, together pretty much every second of the day. They both embraced the creature they had become a few hundred years ago and were very similar yet very different when it came to their personalities─the perfect mix for their friendship.
When you looked up from your menu and saw two men coming your way instead of a waiter, you felt nerves creeping into your bones. You were mouthy and able to defend yourself whenever you needed to, and even though the people in this town seemed nice, assholes were everywhere. And these two raven haired blue eyed men sporting those leather jackets very much seemed like the asshole types. They wordlessly slipped into your booth and you raised an eyebrow as they sat across from you now, smiles on their faces as if you were supposed to know what the hell was happening right now.
‘‘Can I help you?’’ You asked, making sure to keep your voice under control and not let them know you were starting to get a bit more nervous and suspicious. Unfortunately for you, they already did and the one on the outside of the booth wasn’t shy to expose the state you were in.
‘‘You don’t have to be nervous, sweet cheeks. We’re just saying hi,’’ he grinned, folding his arms on the table as he leaned forward a little, tilting his head as his eyes traveled over your face, taking in every detail. You inhaled a shaky breath, straightening your shoulders as you got ready to put up your big girl act instead of just sitting there like a nervous, maybe even scared, little chicken.
‘‘Well, you said it, so you can leave again,’’ you told him, flashing him a sarcastic smile as you waved over a waiter.
‘‘Don’t mind my friend,’’ the guy sitting by the window said, giving his friend a glare before he turned back to you and smiled sweetly. You already figured out their little game and you wouldn’t buy into the whole ‘bad guy, good guy’ thing. They were probably both bad guys, only looking for one thing. And in the middle of a diner─now that really is bold.
‘‘I’m Elvis, he’s Damon,’’ the guy by the window said again, nodding his head to the other guy who waved at you with his fingertips, arrogant smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes and looked at the waiter who arrived at the table, ordering some food and a coffee. The two men shamelessly ordered drinks for themselves and you leaned back, crossing your arms. It didn’t seem like they were planning on leaving you alone and with you being as stubborn as ever, you were not going to move tables just for them.
‘‘What’s your name? We’ve never seen you around before. New to town?’’ Elvis continued and you squinted your eyes at him a little, tapping your fingertips against your arm. Naturally, you didn’t trust them one single bit, but you were lonely. You had been here for a week and you had not made one single friend yet and all your friends back home seemed to be too busy to pick up the phone. You wouldn’t judge anyone for their religion, but the girls you saw walking around with bibles under their arms and unfitted gowns reaching to the floor weren’t really your cup of tea.
‘‘It’s Y/N,’’ you said, giving in to your urges for human contact. ‘‘And yes, I’m new to town. I moved here a week ago with my parents,’’ you told them, the muscles in your body relaxing a little again as Elvis leaned back, resting his arm on the back of the booth behind Damon. ‘‘How old are you, Y/N?’’ Damon asked, not caring if it sounded inappropriate or not. You raised both your eyebrows and couldn’t help but laugh softly, unfolding your arms to lean them on the edge of the table, looking at him.
‘‘Are you always this direct?’’
‘‘Ofcourse. How else are we going to get to know you?’’ He grinned at you, quirking his eyebrow playfully and you looked at Elvis, who was wearing the same grin on his face. You sighed deeply, shaking your head a little. ‘‘I’m eighteen, turning nineteen next month,’’ you told them honestly. You didn’t miss the way they exchanged a look and you had no idea what it meant, but you didn’t even have time to comment on it. The waiter swung back by your table with your order and you quickly thanked him, looking back at the two men in front of you. ‘‘What about you guys?’’
Elvis sat up a little, taking a sip of his drink as he swiped his tongue over his bottom lip─which you hated yourself for looking at and finding hot. Assholes? Yes. Gorgeous assholes? Hell. Yes.
‘‘We go to Whitmore college in McKinley, just outside of town,’’ he said mysteriously, not giving you a straight answer, which annoyed you but you did your best not to let it show. If they wanted to be all mysterious, then so be it. They probably sat down at your table to feed their ego’s because they knew they looked good and wanted some validation, but you were positive that you would not see them after today anymore. Deep down inside, you hoped you would though and you mentally cursed yourself for that thought.
‘‘Alright,’’ you hummed, taking a small sip of your coffee. ‘‘And is Whitmore or McKinley better than this dull place? There’s absolutely nothing to do here,’’ you chuckled, looking at them curiously. ‘‘I’m from New York so this town pretty much feels like a shoe box to me,’’ Damon laughed at that, wrapping his hand around his coke bottle as he looked at you. Your eyes fell on the big chunky ring he wore on his left middle finger. The blue lapis lazuli gemstone stuck out the most, along with a ‘D’ engraved into it. Although out there, it was beautiful but you thought it was rather something older men would wear and not a college student. As he spoke again, you looked back into his eyes and plastered a smile on your face.
‘‘This town might be more interesting that you’d think. Has a lot of history,’’ he grinned, bringing the bottle to his lips to take a sip of the fizzy dark liquid. You stared at him for a few seconds─or more so at how his tongue poked out at the corner of his mouth after he lowered the bottle, that grin never fading off of his face. Honestly, it was almost unbelievable how such a small town could have two of such gorgeous men in it.
‘‘To answer your question, doll, yes. Whitmore is more fun,’’ Elvis grinned and you raised your eyebrow at the pet name. You’d usually not let men talk to you like this unless you were close to them, but in this moment, you did not feel the need to have a go at him and give him a piece of your mind about how you were nobody’s ‘doll’ or ‘sweet cheeks’.
These two men had some kind of effect on you, even though you weren’t going to admit that out loud, and you couldn’t fight it even if you tried.
‘‘Some of our… friends..’’ Elvis continued, giving Damon a quick side eye that went completely over your head. ‘‘are throwin’ a Halloween party tomorrow night. You’re welcome to join us,’’ he smiled and Damon nodded his head, leaning back in his seat as he tilted his head at you. You put your mug down and laughed softly, leaning your chin on your knuckles. ‘‘Well, I’d love to but I’m not a student,’’
‘‘Don’t worry about that, sweet cheeks. Pick you up at 8? At the square,’’ Damon said, nodding his head out to the window. You looked at the town’s square for a second, thinking their invitation over in your mind. It was still a week before Halloween, but dressing up and going to a party did sound like a good time and you were honestly craving for some fun. It wasn’t like your parents cared where you were or with who you were spending time with. You didn’t have any friends that you could plan a fun Halloween with either, so as you looked back the two men and saw the excited twinkle in their eyes, you had agreed almost immediately. If they really turned out to be not just assholes but creeps as well, you could just call a taxi to bring you back to Mystic Falls and sleep away the embarrassment of putting your trust in two strangers so quickly.
Due to the lack of time to get an actual costume, you had decided on a tight fitted black pencil dress in a v shape that left your shoulders bare and showed just the right amount of cleavage. The dress accentuated your curves perfectly and you added a pair of red pumps to at least add some color to the look. You spend a little more time on your hair and make up than usual─your eyeshadow a little darker than how you’d wear it during the day as well as your red lips, which were a shade darker too. You added a pearl necklace before you sprayed some perfume on your skin, throwing some stuff in your clutch before you wrapped a faux fur shawl around you. You were probably too dressed up for a college party, but seeing it was Halloween, you didn’t care and you doubted anyone else would.
The walk to the town’s square was short and Damon was already there, leaning against his black Cadillac Coupe de Ville. For a second, you were doubting your decision to come to the party─what kind of college student drives a car like that? Something didn’t add up, but the feeling was gone as soon as he looked you up and down, a smirk tugging at his lips.
‘‘You look stunning, sweet cheeks,’’ he complimented, greeting you with a hug and a kiss on your cheek. You blushed a little, grateful that he probably couldn’t see it in the dark. You laughed softly and thanked him, getting in the car when he opened the door for you. You looked around a little bit, ignoring the wave of nervousness washing over you but as he got behind the steering wheel, the feeling was gone. Just like that.
‘‘What are you supposed to be?’’ You asked teasingly as you looked at him, tugging at the leather jacket he wore yesterday as well. He wore a simple white tee underneath it, black fitted pants. Just like you, not very Halloween-y. ‘‘Myself, obviously,’’ he grinned at you as he shot you a wink, starting the roaring engine of the car. Your heart did a sommersault at the way he winked and you bit your lip, giggling softly. ‘‘I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t dress up,’’ you laughed softly, looking out of the window as you got further and further away from Mystic Falls.
‘‘Yeah, I was at least expecting a sexy witch outfit, maybe even a nun?’’ He commented playfully and you looked at him, snorting a little as you threw your shawl back around your shoulder, hitting the side of his face with it in a playfuly manner, making him laugh. ‘‘Obviously I’m a vampire. Just pretend the red lipstick is blood,’’ you told him, pointing at your lips as you wiggled your eyebrows playfully. He looked at you and due to the unlit road you were currently on, you didn’t see the way his eyes darkened as his teeth sunk into his lower lip, the corners of his mouth rising into a smile. ‘‘Alright, little Dracula,’’ he laughed softly, looking back at the road, his hands gripping onto the wheel a little tighter as he stepped on the gas pedal.
The drive with Damon was comfortable, not as tense as you first had expected it to be, and you arrived at McKinley in about thirty minutes. The party was held in a more residential area rather than at Whitmore itself and you gaped at the huge sorority house Damon parked his car in front of, people walking in and out of the place, obviously not caring about their neighbors or whatsoever. You got out of the vehicle as Damon opened the door for you and smiled at him, hooking your arm through his when he held it out for you. ‘‘E is inside,’’ he chuckled when he noticed you looking around for his friend and you just nodded and smiled, following him up to the open front door. Elvis appeared in the door opening before you could even enter, a boy dressed in a very cheap looking pumpkin costume next to him.
‘‘Invite ‘em in,’’ Elvis told him, landing a firm hand on his back and you looked at the pumpkin dressed kid as he invited you both in, though his eyes were only on Damon. He looked scared for whatever reason and honestly, that should’ve been a huge warning to you, especially with how fast he walked away from all of you when you and Damon stepped inside. But you ignored it, so desperately wanting Elvis and Damon to be good guys, wanting to become friends with them. You had no idea you were in way over your head.
Elvis smiled brightly at you as he held out his arm for you the same way Damon did and you had already forgotten about the weird situation, hooking your arm through his as well. He pressed a kiss on your cheek and grinned at both you and his friend on your other side. ‘‘Now let’s get some drinks, shall we? Y’all made me wait long enough,’’ he suggested, though did not wait for an answer as both men were already guiding you further into the house and through the crowd of dressed up and already drunk people, and into the kitchen. You let go of their arms and smiled excitedly as Elvis handed you a drink─nobody even questioned that you were here even though you weren’t a student at Whitmore, and luckily the two men didn’t care about the fact that legally you weren’t allowed to drink yet.
‘‘So, me and Damon are dressed up as ourselves and... what are you?’’ you grinned at Elvis as you leaned against the kitchen counter, sipping your drink as you looked him up and down. He wore black fitted pants similar to Damon, a red wool sweater with the collar popped up and ofcourse that signature leather jacket. The only thing that would indicate he was at a Halloween party was the gold mask he wore over his eyes, making his blue eyes pop even more than they did yesterday. His dark locks were perfectly slicked back, while Damon’s similar dark locks were a bit more messy, fringe cutely tickling his eyebrows.
Elvis handed a beer to Damon and laughed, taking up the spot next to you as he leaned against the counter as well. ‘‘I can be whatever you want me to be, doll,’’ he grinned as he looked down at you due to the height difference, teeth sinking into his lower lip as his eyes traveled down to your lips. You felt your heart leap pathetically in your chest, squeezing your thighs together a little as butterflies did not only flutter in your stomach but further down as well. The way he was looking at you from behind that mask… it got you feeling all type of ways. And when Damon took a step closer to you and took your shawl off, his fingertips ghosting down your side, you almost felt like someone took away your oxygen.
‘‘Tonight is all about you, Y/N,’’ he grinned, looking at Elvis for a second, who nodded and took a small sip of his beer, his hand hovering behind your back. ‘‘It’s your first college party, sweet cheeks. Let’s not waste time in the kitchen,’’ Damon then said and while his previous comment had you nearly squirming in their presence, you sucked in some air and nodded, downing your drink before you put the empty glass down. The two men exchanged a smirk before they tugged you along into the dancing crowd.
You had no idea how you got here─sandwiched by two of the most gorgeous men you ever laid eyes on, deliciously buzzed on the martini’s they had been feeding you throughout the night, their hands all over your body. You forgot about any worries and problems that ghosted through your mind before as the alcohol did its job and loosened you up more and more as the minutes ticked by on the clock. You had one arm wrapped around Damon’s neck who was behind you, firm hands on your hips as he grinded against you, your other hand wrapped around Elvis’ neck who was in front of you, his hands exploring your sides and slipping over Damon’s to reach the side of your thighs. Their touches were heavenly to your drunken state, fueling the fire that was growing in the pit of your stomach and in between your legs. You were positive that your panties would be ruined by the time you left the party and you just didn’t give a damn anymore. You loved the attention they were giving to you and you only and you wanted more.
Elvis brought his hand up and reached it out to your face, cupping your cheek. As you leaned into his touch and closed your eyes, swaying your body to the music that blasted through the house, you didn’t see the quick nod the two men exchanged. Once you opened your eyes again, you noticed Elvis got rid of his mask and he leaned in a little closer, looking into your eyes. ‘‘Don’t scream. You’ll enjoy this,’’ he compelled you and you were about to frown and giggle in his face, until his pupils shifted in size. It was only for a split second, but as if on automatic pilot, you just nodded and didn’t move a muscle when he leaned in to your neck.
Goosebumps licked at your skin as you felt his hot breath against your neck and when he placed a tiny kiss on your skin, your eyes fluttered shut. When Damon did the same on the other side, you tangled your digits in both men’s locks, biting your lip─you were expecting to have at least one of them kiss you any second now, but instead you were surprised with an intense and sharp pain as their teeth pierced through your skin right at the same time. Your grip on their hair got firmer and you widened your eyes, but weirdly enough, the pain only lasted for about ten seconds until it was replaced by pure euphoria. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you moaned shamelessly, letting them have their way with you in the middle of the dance floor. Nobody was paying attention, as it simply looked like they were kissing your neck with the way they were feeding─clean, quick and in complete control. Completely different from when they’d go in for a kill, but both Damon and Elvis did not want you dead. Far from it.
When they pulled back, you softly gasped for air and whimpered softly as Damon licked at the small punctured holes he created on his side of your neck, removing the last bit of blood. You looked at Elvis with dazed eyes, bringing your fingertips to your neck─as you looked at the blood, your blood, on your fingers, excitement rather than fear bubbled in your stomach. His eyes never left yours as you held out your fingertips to him and he looked down at the blood, his eyes darkening at the smell of your blood, veins crawling underneath his skin right under his eyes. You should’ve been running for the hills right now, screaming bloody murder, but as he wrapped his lips around your digits and licked the blood off of them, you just stood there as your arousal grew tenfold. He smiled at you as he took your fingers out of his mouth, giving you a sneak peek of his fangs as he ran his tongue over them, his fingers intertwining with yours. The big chunky ring he wore that looked similar to Damon’s was cold against your heated skin.
‘‘Are you going to kill me?’’ You asked suddenly, your voice as calm and collected as ever. You had no idea what they had planned for you, but dying by the hands of these two creatures seemed like a good way to go. According to your drunk mind, at least.
Damon laughed softly behind you, looking down at you from the side as he shook his head, caressing a lock of your hair behind your ear. ‘‘Ofcourse not, silly,’’ he smirked, snaking his arms around your waist. ‘‘We only wanna make you feel good,’’ he whispered in your ear, though it was loud enough for you to hear over the music. As you felt his hard on pressing against your ass, you gasped softly and squeezed Elvis’ hand, looking at him. ‘‘What are you two?’’ You couldn’t stop yourself from asking, even though in the back of your mind, you already knew. They were the exact thing that you mentioned to Damon in the car earlier, the thing that you joked about. The thing that people told camp fire stories about to scare each other. Vampires.
‘‘I think you already know,’’ Elvis grinned, his eyes had gone back to their normal blue color. He placed your hand that he was holding against his chest firmly, taking a step closer to you if that was even possible because both men were nearly suffocating you already with how close they were.
‘‘We still got beatin’ hearts and blood streamin’ through our veins, doll. We’re not that different,’’ he said, his hand still keeping yours firmly in place, letting you feel his beating heart which was very prominent. Everything that you had ever known about vampires, which wasn’t a lot to be fair, had been wrong. They weren’t as pale as snow, they were able to go outside during the day… they were just like anyone else. Walking among men, hiding in plain sight.
‘‘Are you afraid?’’ Damon whispered in your ear again, sending chills down your spine and you slightly turned your head, looking at him. You searched for any malicious intent that might be hiding in his eyes, but you couldn’t find any and you slowly shook your head. Damon grinned and looked at Elvis, loosening his grip around you. ‘‘Then I think it’s about time we get out of here,’’ the vampire in front of you said, tugging you along out of the house as Damon grabbed your shawl from where he put it, following you and Elvis outside.
The thirty minute drive back to Mystic Falls was a blur to you, but you couldn’t blame it on the alcohol anymore. This time, Elvis was the culprit as he sat on the backseat with you bending over the front seat, your dress pulled up to your waist and your panties slid down your thighs. He had three fingers knuckle deep inside of you and you were a mess, moaning in Damon’s ear as you clawed at his shoulders, holding onto him for dear life. The vampire behind you grinned proudly to himself as he leaned forward, placing open mouthed kisses on your ass cheeks and you weren’t even sure it was human with how fast he was fingering you so shamelessly in the backseat of his best friend’s car.
‘‘Take it easy on her, E. You’re gonna wear her out before we even get to the house,’’ Damon laughed as he turned his head, kissing the corner of your mouth soothingly. You whined as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, hiding your face in his neck as your thighs were shaking like a leaf, walls clenching firmly around Elvis’ digits. ‘‘She can take it,’’ Elvis chuckled devilishly, landing a slap against your ass, making you moan right into Damon’s ear, which made the other vampire even more aroused. And a little frustrated that he was the one driving. ‘‘Isn’t that right, doll?’’ Elvis questioned, squeezing your ass with his other hand and you slowly lifted your head, looking over your shoulder as you nodded.
The second Damon killed the engine of the car in front of the house, you came undone on Elvis’ fingers, crying in Damon’s neck. Damon raised your head by cupping your cheek and pressed his lips against yours and you were needy as you slipped your tongue in his mouth while he drank in all of your moans and whines. The men were quick to get you out of the car, using their vampire speed and before you could even blink, you were thrown on a kingsized bed. You didn’t even have time to look around the fancy room, nor did you care much for it, your attention only on the two men that stood by the end of the bed. You giggled softly and got on your knees, crawling over to them before you lifted yourself up, crashing your lips onto Elvis’. He immediately kissed you back as he dropped his jacket to the floor, his hands fumbling with his belt. You reached out a hand to Damon, who had gotten rid of most of his clothing already and was kicking off his shoes before he got on the bed and started kissing down in between your shoulder blades. His hands found the zipper of your dress and he was quick to pull it down, letting the fabric slip off of your body.
Elvis broke the kiss, looking down at the lack of bra, a grin tugging at his lips as Damon’s hands immediately squeezed your bare breasts from where he was situated behind you. Elvis allowed Damon to pull you with him further on the bed, situating himself against the pillows that were perched against the wooden head board. You sat in between his legs as his fingertips pinched and flicked your nipples, before his large palms would go back to massaging them. Both men were completely naked by now and Elvis crawled onto the bed, taking off your shoes one by one, throwing them onto the floor. You moaned softly at Damon’s actions and watched Elvis with anticipation as he got in between your legs after he got rid off your panties completely, his plumb lips kissing up the insides of your thighs, getting closer and closer to where you wanted him the most.
Both men were perfectly in sync, only having to exchange a short look─as Elvis licked a stripe up between your folds, tongue flicking at your clit, Damon leaned down to your neck and once more sunk his teeth in, softly piercing his fangs through your delicate skin. He made sure to go slow at first, not knowing what your reaction would be since they hadn’t compelled you this time, but as soon as you moaned, he sucked a little harder and Elvis wrapped his lips around your clit, rolling his tongue over the sensitive bud.
The pain and pleasure mixed deliciously and you were a moaning mess in the matter of minutes, hands grabbing onto Damon’s legs to keep yourself steady. Elvis was drinking all of your essence, switching between dipping his tongue into your entrance teasingly before he’d go back to making out with your pussy, tip of his tongue flicking against your clit at an unholy speed. Damon pulled back from your neck and held you still as he had his arms wrapped around your waist now─you looked up at him and let him kiss you, tasting your own blood on his tongue and lips. You felt like an absolute maniac, not even recognizing yourself, as you sucked some blood off of his lower lip, but God… everything they were doing to you felt so damn good. It was like you were blooming into a completely different person.
Your second orgasm hit you incredibly fast, but they barely gave you time to catch your breath and as Damon removed himself from behind you, you let yourself fall back in the pillows. You were still eager to please, so when they got on either side of you, you sat up a little and wrapped your hand around their cocks. You looked up at Elvis as he groaned, throwing his head back when you started pumping them in your fists, swirling your thumb over the tips to gather some of their precum. The noises they were making because of you only motivated you more and more and you turned to Damon, leaning closer to him to take him in your mouth. He cursed softly as he reached out an arm to Elvis, placing his hand on his shoulder to keep himself steady. Elvis grinned at his friend’s action and did the same, holding onto Damon’s shoulder as he watched you suck the other man off, fucking himself into your hand when you’d forget to move your hand. This was your first threesome and with the way your mind was all over the place because of both the alcohol and how freaking turned on you were, you were still learning in some ways.
‘‘Fuck, sweet cheeks. You’re good at that,’’ Damon moaned as he looked down at you when you swirled your tongue around his tip, batting your eyelashes at him before you turned back to Elvis, licking your lips. Elvis grinned at you, watching with hungry eyes as you took him in your mouth, deeper and deeper until your nose tickled against his pubes, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. Tears pooled in your eyes and you inhaled through your nose as you pulled back a little, giving yourself more space to breathe again. His hand that wasn’t holding onto Damon was tangled in your hair and he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting into your mouth and you had to try real hard to focus on Damon as well, jerking him off at the same speed Elvis was having his way with you.
He pulled back out of your mouth when he felt his cock twitching and you gasped for air, switching your attention back to Damon, taking him back in your mouth as Elvis lowered himself on the bed next to you. Speaking with their eyes once more, Damon pulled out of your mouth and moved off of the bed, planting his feet on the floor as Elvis grabbed your hips and turned you around swiftly, keeping you on hands and knees right in front of Damon, taking him back in your hand and mouth, because you were so damn needy yourself too. Elvis was placing kisses all over your back, lips traveling down further and further until he reached your ass and you whined around Damon’s cock when Elvis sunk his teeth in your ass cheek, piercing your skin with his fangs. Damon growled deeply at the vibrations you were sending through his bones by moaning around him and as Elvis pulled back after a few minutes, you were starting to feel light headed which you blamed on the alcohol─and definitely the blood loss─but you still wanted more. You were determined not to ruin this night so soon. As you felt Elvis rising to his feet on the bed, you slowly took Damon out of your mouth and looked up, arousal practically dripping down your thighs at the sight above you.
Elvis grabbed Damon’s face, digging his fingertips into his cheeks to make him part his lips before he let a long string of your blood dribble into the other vampire’s mouth. Damon stuck out his tongue, taking it all in as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, cock twitching in front of your face. Your blood dripped down both their chins and you clenched the sheets in your palms, whining softly at the sight. You were so wrong about this town─Mystic Falls was definitely better than New York.
You sneakily moved out from in between them and sat up on your knees, reaching out a hand to both their faces, swiping some blood from their faces before sucking it off of your digits. You probably looked like an idiot for tasting your own blood and it made you blush softly and scrunch your nose a little. It didn’t taste as good to you as it did to them and Elvis tilted his head, grinning at you. ‘‘You wanna have a taste, doll?’’ he asked though did not wait for an answer as he sunk his teeth into the palm of his hand and you watched blood trickle down his forearm as he held it out to you.
You felt like you had completely lost your mind but with the way he was looking at you, you couldn’t resist─wrapping your lips around the two punctured holes in his hand, you lapped your tongue at his blood. The metallic taste was still there, but it was definitely different from your own. Somewhat.. sweeter. You felt your energy slipping back into your body as the marks they created on your skin healed up as if they had never been there and you widened your eyes at him a little bit, both vampire’s laughed as they admired your blood stained lips when you pulled back.
‘‘You New York girls are wild lil things, aren’t you?’’ Damon grinned as you bit your lip and shrugged innocently, looking over at Elvis as he laid down against the pillow. You crawled over to him and straddled his hips, looking over your shoulder as Damon grabbed onto your hips, sticking your ass out to him.
‘‘Get her ready, D,’’ Elvis smirked knowingly and you looked at him with curious eyes. He looked at you with a smile on his face as he brought your face closer to his, kissing your lips, the taste of your blood and his own mixing together causing a shiver to run down his spine.
‘‘You trust us, don’t ya?’’ He hummed against your lips and absentmindedly, you immediately nodded as you swayed your ass from left to right a little, needing Damon’s attention. He replied by slipping his digits through your folds, sinking in two fingers in your entrance at the same time, making you moan against Elvis’ lips. ‘‘And you want both of us, right, doll?’’ Elvis grinned as he rubbed your back soothingly, lips kissing the corner of your mouth and along your jawline. You nodded desperately, moaning lewdly as Damon added another finger, scissoring you open and ready for them. ‘‘Then that’s what you’ll get,’’ Elvis hummed in your ear, teeth sinking softly in your earlobe before he flicked his tongue against it once, laughing softly. You hid your face in his neck, pushing your hips back against Damon’s fingers and you just weren’t able to keep quiet. You had absolutely no idea if you would survive the night, metaphorically and literally, but you could care less. All you cared about in this moment was Elvis and Damon and how needy you were to feel them inside of you.
When you said you wanted them inside of you, you meant one at a time. You figured that perhaps they would switch and take turns, but no─they were currently both inside of your pussy, fucking you raw. You had no idea such thing was even possible, but you were pretty proud of yourself for taking them, seeing as they definitely were not the smallest. You weren’t in the right mind to give yourself a pat on the shoulder though, being pressed against Elvis’ chest as you were nearly crying with the amount of pleasure. Luckily, you weren’t the only one in such a delirious state. Both Damon and Elvis were moaning and groaning, the feeling of being buried so deep inside of you at the same time and their cocks rubbing against each other and creating such delicious friction, making it hard for them to hold back. You were absolutely sure that you wouldn’t be able to walk as soon as this was over─not with the way Damon was fucking you, stretching you out to no end as Elvis held still. Damon would slip out now and then, making room for Elvis to thrust up into you at a speed so fast you were positive it couldn’t have been human.
Elvis looked over your shoulder, making eye contact with his friend who just grinned back at him and gave him a nod. ‘‘Turn around, baby,’’ Damon said as Elvis’ thrusts came to a stop and Elvis gave you a small encouraging smile─ofcourse, you did as you were told and raised your hips, whining softly at the feeling of Elvis slipping out of you. You inhaled a deep breath of air as you turned around, hovering above Elvis with your back facing him, your arms reached back to place your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself steady for what was about to come. With a quick movement, Elvis had slipped himself back into you, keeping still as he spread his legs a bit more for Damon to plant a knee in between them, pressing down firmly on the bed as he circled the tip of his cock around your clit teasingly. The feeling made you moan and squeeze your walls aroun Elvis’ cock tightly, making the man underneath you dig his fingertips into your hips, moaning needily. Damon smiled to himself as he guided himself back inside of you as well, his balls hitting those of Elvis as he thrusted at a rapid pace.
Your mind went completely blank, your throat feeling sore and dry from moaning and screaming as both men filled you up. It almost felt like it was too much at times but when Damon would slip out for Elvis to fuck up into you, you already missed the feeling of having them both inside of you. With the amount of stamina they had, they could keep this up for hours but you were still human and when Elvis felt you shaking on top of him, he grinned and slowed down his thrusts, looking at Damon. The other man already knew what he was trying to say and grinned, raising one of your legs to put it on his shoulder as he pushed himself inside again, both of them trying to move at the same time now while they were buried inside of you. Elvis snaked a hand around your waist, his fingers finding your clit within seconds and when he started skilfully rubbing the sensitive muscle, you dug your nails into Elvis’ shoulders, squeezing your eyes shut as white spots clouded your vision completely.
You didn’t even have the strenght to tell the men that you were about to cum, but they could already tell by how tight you were clenching around both of them and how you were nearly to tears. Damon kissed the side of your foot as his hands were all over your thighs, squeezing at your flesh while Elvis was still continuing his assault on your clit, his other hand squeezing your breast roughly, but the slight sting of pain only made your orgasm so much more delicious. With a few more thrusts of Damon’s fast hips, the two vampires came undone with you, painting your walls white at the same time.
Damon smiled softly at the sight of the state you were in, bringing your leg back down as he slowly pulled out of you, making both you and Elvis moan softly.
‘‘Goddamnit, doll,’’ Elvis breathed underneath you as you slowly lifted yourself off of him, letting your body fall next to him on the bed. Your limbs felt like jelly, your thighs still shaking like leaves. ‘‘You still think Mystic Falls is boring?’’ he grinned and you looked at him, your chest heaving up and down rapidly as your heart thumped in your ears.
‘‘D-Definitely not,’’ you stuttered with a soft chuckle, looking at Damon with a smile as he let himself fall down next to you on your other side. The three of you laughed, looking up at the ceiling in silence for a bit. You were still trying to comprehened what the hell just happened, and how you allowed yourself to get in this position, but you were definitely not complaining.
‘‘I would just like to say,’’ you spoke up when you managed to find your breath again, getting some hair out of your face by running your fingers through your locks. ‘‘If you’re planning on killing me, you don’t have to.. I’m already dead,’’ you chuckled weakly, sticking your tongue out as you closed your eyes, rolling your head against Elvis’ shoulder. Both men laughed and Damon rolled onto his side, leaning his head in his hand.
‘‘We told you we’re not going to kill you,’’ he smiled at you, caressing his fingertips down the side of your thigh, sending a shiver down your spin. Elvis turned to you as well, slipping his arm around your waist. ‘‘You’re too pretty to kill,’’ he whispered, kissing your cheek.
‘‘So.. are you really college students?’‘ You asked, raising an eyebrow as you looked between the two men. They laughed softly, shaking their heads. ‘‘How old are you?’’
‘‘Why don’t we save the questions for later, doll? You need a bath first,’’ Elvis said and Damon nodded, laughing softly at his friend. You sighed softly and pouted at them, but you still allowed them to take you to the spacious ensuite bathroom, letting them run you a bath. Your knees were wobbly and you had never been this sore in your life, your muscles aching uncomfortably but you didn’t regret anything about tonight. And if they were planning on keeping you with them to have their way with you and provide the aftercare that you definitely needed, who were you to deny them?
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manofmanymons · 6 months
imagine a digimon survive influencer/streamer au
I have a feeling Takuma and Saki would be great influencers as adults
would that really need to be an au I mean they are teenagers in 2020 XD
Minoru would have too much online presence. He has an action figure review channel. He posts pictures of himself with cool plants and freaky bugs and animals. He's a streamer. He makes comedy skits on <insert social media that's hip with the kids now>.
Saki lowkey being the Eiji Oji (twewy character) of their universe like she says a place is good and now everyone is going there.
What does Takuma do? Is he just like Hasan Piker (real person) or something lafdjakj
or idk if it was like full full au like the kemonogami thing never happened and they're just like people who meet first online through collabs and stuff
no idea how their different interests would lead them to each other but it'd be funny
well I mean obviously the kids from the same schools know each other and the literal siblings know each other but you know what I mea--
I said siblings meaning Miu and Kaito at first but now I just
Professor Akiharu Minase somehow having an online presence and befriending everyone even in an au is so funny to me. Squad dad that everyone lovingly calls Gramps XD
What would that even make Miyuki would she like still be a kid and just be like an adopted daughter or something or would she just also be old lakfdja au with old lady Miyuki XD
Kaito is just Miu's overly aggressive mod that everyone has interacted with, but no one knows what he looks or sounds like. He simply An Entity to them for the longest time before they all start getting closer.
Kinda love the idea of some of them interacting irl without knowing it's the others because not all of them use their real faces and names. Like Shuuji and Aoi being friends online but also going to the same high school (randomly inserting personal hc that Aoi would go to Shuuji's high school after junior high since they're both honor students lmao) and maybe even being in a club together and just NOT connecting the dots. God them talking about each other TO each other would be hysterical.
What would they even do? Study tip instagram? Baking tutorial youtube channel? Cursed ASMR channel? Booktok????Are they both secretly gamers outside of school?
Or Minoru dragging Takuma to this weird middle of nowhere town that he heard about with a cool shrine that he wants to check out for a video. Just,,,them running into Miu and Kaito ("hey you're locals, right? Could you show us where the shrine is?") and the siblings recognize them bc they do totally post pics of themselves but they do not recognize the siblings whose faces they've never seen. Just casually being impromptu tour guides to the online besties and being too awkward to admit they know them.
Ryo somehow always ends up at the grocery store or the post office or doctor or whatever at the exact same time as Saki or Minoru and eventually they start to recognize him NOT as the guy they play <insert online multiplayer game that is hip with the kids these days. is it still fortnite? do the kids play league anymore? maple story?????> with but as the guy who keeps staring at them like he's seen a ghost when they're at the grocery store or the post office or doctor or whatever.
It'll be so funny when they eventually all finally arrange to meet in person. A lot of "ooooooh" and "YOU?!?!?!"
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nobedofroses · 9 months
December 26th
pairing: Jack Daniels x reader
warnings: fluff
words: 853
a/n: next one! this takes place somewhere in the south-ish, so it is a more temperate winter where flowers could live outside lol. meet cute with Jack basically, prompted by myself actually lmao
more Jack, Full List
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Every time you came home for the holidays, you ended up working at the family bakery. It didn’t matter that you weren’t even in college anymore and had a full time job of your own, you somehow always got roped in. It probably didn’t help that you loved every minute of it. 
But this time, you weren’t helping bake or even up front helping people pick out and pay for their items, you were doing a delivery. Normally, this was your younger cousin’s job, but she was off on a ski day with her friends at the local hill. You were delivering cupcakes for a holiday/engagement party, and you actually knew the happy couple so you figured you could at least say hi. 
When you arrived, you parked behind a landscaping company truck, and figured that some work around the property was being done for the party. Planting flowers, maybe. Or getting rid of anything that had died in the colder weather. You looked forward to seeing what had been done later that night when you actually attended the party. Maybe they’d even set up some of the event outside and that’s why they were doing it. 
To take the cupcakes in, it was going to take you at least four trips since there were over 200 cupcakes (probably because just about everyone in town was attending). Maybe you’d be able to rope in one of the family members to give you a hand to make it go faster. 
But just when you were about to go in through the kitchen door, disaster nearly struck. The door swung open and missed the first giant tray of cupcakes by just a couple inches. 
You gasped and froze in place, trying not to jerk and cause any damage. After looking down to make sure the box was still intact, you looked up at who was standing there in front of you, also looking shocked. And then you nearly dropped the cupcakes anyway. 
It was a man. A strong, well-muscled, wearing only a white t-shirt and work jeans, slightly sweaty, handsome man whom you had never seen before in your life. Because if you had, you sure as hell would’ve remembered. 
“Oh my goodness, darlin’, I’m so sorry, are you alright? I wasn’t thinkin’, I shouldn’t have opened that door so quick. Is your… big box okay?” he rushed out, the extra twang in his voice somehow making you even more flustered. 
“I’m— I’m fine. They’re fine, they’re cupcakes,” you told him awkwardly, looking down at the box. 
“Cupcakes! You must be from the bakery. Here, I’ll, um, I’ll open the door for you, sugar, and then I can even take you to the table where they belong. I’m just doin’ the landscapin’, but I know John, the groom, and he was just tellin’ me all about the room’s setup for tonight,” he told you, ushering you into the kitchen and through it before you even knew what was happening. 
You got the cupcakes to the table and he asked if there were any more that he could help you with and didn’t take no for an answer when you tried to say you didn’t need help. 
“I almost ruined these cupcakes, so you can bet that I’m going to make sure the rest get in place all in one piece just in case there are any other lumberin’ fools walkin’ ‘round this place, honey,” he said and you honestly couldn’t believe he talked like that, but it also made you feel all warm and gooey inside. 
You acquiesced, of course, and he ended up doing all of the carrying. You tried to take boxes yourself, but he said it was much more important that you were on door and lookout duty. And you did do your fair share of it, but it wasn’t the cupcakes that you were looking at. 
Ten minutes later, all of the cupcakes were safe on the table. The two of you stood there for a second before another look of astonishment crossed his face, “Forgive me, darlin’, where have my manners been? My name’s Jack, if I may ask yours?” 
You told him and put your hand in his when he reached out, feeling warmth rush to your face when you felt how big and strong and warm his hand was. 
“Will I see you at the party tonight?” Jack asked, your hand still in his, his thumb brushing over the back of yours. 
“Um, yeah. Yeah, I’ll be there,” you told him, suddenly so much more excited to go than you already had been. 
“Then I’ll look for you, sugar. If there’s dancin’ save me one, alright?” he asked, waiting for your quick nod before he headed out a back door, ostensibly to get back to work. 
You waited until the door closed before sitting heavily on the chair by the table and making a sort of helpless sound. Suddenly you needed a cold shower. Or a nicer dress. Or maybe to ask your family about whether they needed your help more often. Like maybe all year round.
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