#i first made a tumblr blog the night i finished reading this book for the first time
rainbluealoekitten · 2 years
i hate hate hate hate hate the fault in our stars
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magpiefngrl · 8 days
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "magpiefngrl"?
Hey, anon!
Oh fave fics! I love talking about fics and books, though I feel I talk about fics everyone knows and have nothing new to offer, esp since I've not read much in the last 2-3 years. Still, narrowing it down to 10 is super hard, so I've looked at my bookmarks and chose the ten fics that I've reread the most.
1. Bound Skerry by Frayach (drarry, M, 2.3k)
I've read this a hundred times and I'll keep coming back to it. Possibly my most read fic. The reason it's one of my Forever Fics is the prose. Absolutely stunning writing.
2. House Proud by astolat (drarry, M, 23k)
The original House Magic fic and the best one. I particularly love the hints of dark faerie magic, the horror elements and the brilliant worldbuilding. Astolat's prose is super readable and the pacing is excellent.
3. with exactness grinds he all by thistle_verse (drarry, M, 6k)
An aching fic with beautiful, lyrical writing. I've reread this so many times.
4. Art in Life by northofallmusic (tofsla) (wangxian, T, 2k)
I feel I'm repeating myself but this has excellent prose and it's aching and tender and made me feel all the feels.
5. Out of the Dead Land by orphan account (stucky, M, 63k)
OK so this hasn't stood the test of time because I finished it a few days ago, but WOW. Absolutely brilliant. I'm not even a stucky fan or anything. But I kept thinking about it when I was doing other stuff and I set aside the books I was reading so as to finish this. Now it's days later and it's still on my mind. I can't remember the last time I had a book/fic hangover. A very angsty fic and a fantastic exploration of Bucky's trauma. This is by one of my top authors of all time, who's now orphaned everything.
6. Mr Webster's Wager by Fahye + orphan author (same one as above) (Ash/Webster, E, 27k)
Now we're getting into the horny fics. This one is based on a KJ Charles short story which is the best romance short story ever written in my not so humble opinion. This takes the original story and the horniness of that scene and expands it into many horny scenes. It's masterful, very very hot, and just a fantastic fic.
7. Unhook the Stars by jad (drarry, E, 70k)
One of the first drarry fics I read and one that made a huge impression on me. Super kinky, lots of sex scenes, I've reread this a LOT.
8. IDK My BFF Hermione? by lettered (drarry, E, 19k)
Extraordinary. Phenomenal. It will always have a place in my Top 10. Also, very filthy, which is a huge plus in my book.
9. a better happier st sebastian by halsinator (Jonathan Strange, E, 6k)
Another one I reread a million times. Stunning prose and vibes and beautiful yearning. I keep coming back to it.
10. live from new york by varnes (wangxian, E, 87k)
A masterpiece, a classic of wangxian, this is a Saturday Night Live AU, which is such a bizarre choice for an AU--and yet it works. I don't live in US, I have never watched SNL, but I adored the fic.
I've left out a ton of favourite works and authors I adore, but for more of my faves, my AO3 Bookmarks is the place to go.
I have to say, this exercise has been quite illuminating: I don't think I've ever had such a clear glimpse of what makes me tick. In short, sublime prose, an aching, yearning mood and/or filthy porn.
As for my username, here's the story: I joined tumblr a gazillion years ago (way before I got into fandom) and my first blog (still exists: @magpie-x ) was mostly what you'd call an aesthetic blog. I'd reblog cool pics and quotes and occasionally post a personal post about my life. I named it magpie because it was a place where I collected everything shiny, like a magpie. I rarely used it after a while tbh. Years later I read The Raven Cycle and fell heads over heel with pynch and knew that the only place I'd find fans was tumblr. I got into the nascent TRC fandom and soon I needed a space exclusively for fannish posts. I created a sideblog called magpiefangirling and when I later got an AO3 account I shortened the name. Years later I got into drarry, I became very active on tumblr again, and the sideblog wasn't enough so I deleted it and created a brand new blog with my AO3 name.
In short, magpiefngrl, means magpie being a fangirl. It was a random decision but it has now shaped me and I think of myself as Magpie in fandom spaces, and even chose that as my pen name for my future original romance books.
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finnglas · 1 month
gonna use tumblr like livejournal for a minute, just personal musings under the cut.
I'm so scattered today. I can feel my brain reaching frantically for anything it thinks will give us a little hit of dopamine to combat this horrible feeling of entering the pet-with-cancer gauntlet again. The last time I did this was in 2010 with my heart-cat, and it was fucking awful. I had nightmares for almost a year afterward where I would wake up screaming and crying from dreaming that she hadn't died after all and she'd just been slowly starving to death while I neglected her, or some other equally terrible narrative my subconscious made up out of the guilt of not being able to save her.
I'm hoping that in almost 15 years maybe my subconscious has learned some better coping methods than just torturing all of us.
It also means that I'm questioning any plans that take me away from home, or any decisions to change jobs or... Well, you probably get it. Her first appointment with the oncologist is Thursday, so we'll know more then. Feeling guilty that I have to request time off from work again right after I finally got my requested schedule, but they don't do evaluation appointments on any days I'm already off.
(Just talking out the guilt at this point.)
Anyway. I was going to talk about the projects I want to work on and how I can feel my brain fluttering around them like "maybe this would distract us." Let's see if it does.
I want to finish the final Maya & Grace story and collect them all into a little omnibus that I can do a print run of. Problems: I have to decide where I want them to go. It will also have to be a slightly longer story than the other two-and-a-half to make the collection long enough to print. I also want to revisit/rewrite "Shiver," since I felt like it wasn't ready to publish when I put it out, but I had promised a friend that we would both write Halloween stories that year and then they passed away over the summer, so I felt like I needed to keep that promise somehow. But it needs some finessing.
Night Is For Hunting needs some rewriting too. Basically what got published was my first draft. And that's how I learned that I cannot write to someone else's deadline, even with an extension. I'll have the rights for all three books back in April of next year (April? June?) and would like to celebrate by releasing the Director's Cut of NIFH so that I can get on with the business of writing Wilderness of Horrors.
I wanted to write a thoughtful blog-article type piece on the effect of economic class on my choice of narratives. I realized that I write a lot of stories about people's complicated relationships with their hometowns - wanting to leave, but also not feeling confident in where they're going. I read an advice book once that was like, "What does your character want?" and the answer to almost all of them was "To get out," and it really comes back to the fact that I write small town, working class characters as a default. And when you're from a small town in an economically depressed area, you understand from the start that there's not a bright future for you there. You can graduate high school and get a job at the 7/11 or the Piggly Wiggly and get married to one of your old classmates and have kids that you don't have the time, attention, or money to care for -- or you can leave. You can go to a bigger town with more opportunity and people you don't already know. And you might end up worse, but hey, the dice are there for you to roll. Add to that if you're queer or neurodivergent, especially in a time before the internet, and whew buddy! You've heard that all authors just write the same stories over and over? That's the one I keep writing. I guess because it's mine, in a lot of ways.
Blackthorn is languishing thanks to all the stress and stuff but it was going so well and I really want to finish writing it before I focus on the rewrite projects (there are three). But the rewrite projects are so seductive because lmao they're already written. I just have to fix them. And I'm so much better at fixing them.
All right. clawed myself out of the worst of the abyss for now.
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hoshi-y · 1 year
Your blog is a Godsend honestly😭😭 The writing the TBHK Fandom gets is so little compared to other Fandom and yours is some of the best in my opinion!
I was wondering if I could have letters A, B, C, E, J, K, L, S and W for Hanako or Amane pls?
Don't rush to finish it tho, take your time! Have a nice day/night <3
Fluff Alphabet | Amane Y.
A/N : WOWSHWUHS OH MY GOD YOU THINK SO? I am very flustered HWHSHSHA my purpose here on tumblr was to share my piled up story ideas, headcanons or even one shots, and it still surprises me how far I've come now that I am looking and writing other peoples amazing ideas, LOOKING TO WRITE FOR MORE HEHE
The person who I was following their prompt for I cant open their prompt list, so I searched some up and wrote what I could remember 💔
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A, B, C, E, J, K, L, S, W
A - Affection. "How do they show affection?"
Oh good golly where do I even start? Amane would show you affection in EVERY possible way, simple hugs, kisses, spending time with you, doing things you love, even the smallest things he does to show you affection absolutely makes you blush. But his most favorite way to show affection to you is through hugs and words. He loves to pull you into a long hug and whisper sweet nothings into your ear as he smirks at your blushing face
Some are even perverted topics—
B-Beauty. "What do they find most attractive?"
Amane can NEVER pick out which part of you he finds attractive
You were absolutely perfect in his eyes, and he loves you so much to notice any imperfections with you.
every part of you he finds attractive
C-Comfort. "How do they help you when you feel sad?"
Amane is a guy who'd comfort you with words, and long tights hugs. He'd whisper sweet things into your ear while he brushes your hair and kiss away all your salty tears.
When you're feeling dowm, he'd know right away, he'd stop whatever he is doing or drop everything he's gonna do, cancel plans, etc. He would immediately pull you into a tight but comforting embrace and sit you down as he comforts you, he won't push you to say what or who is bothering you. He just wants to put that bright and cheerful smile on your face once again.
E-Equal "Are they the dominant one in the relationship?
Come on this is Yugi Amane we're talking about. There are times he wants ti be the dominant one in the relationship (not in a toxic way) but there are times he'd let you become the dominant one (bottom??)
J-Jealousy "Do they get jealous easily?"
He can handle his jealousy, but only for a little while before he snaps and hugs your waist fr9m behind as he rest his chin on your shoulder glaring at the person who you have all your attention to and not him
K-Kisses "Are they a good kisser?"
He is an AMAZING kisser, come on you can't tell me he doesn't have experience with the amount of books or 'magazines' he reads, he'd give you those short kisses, long, french (oh my), passionate kisses, they are so addictive you wouldn't last a day without it
L-Love "How did they confess to their s/o?"
Although Amane is very cheerful and outgoing, he has a shy side of him, the way he confessed to you was by leaving anonymous notes on your desk or in your shoe locker.
He doesn't want people intervening nor watching, he wants this confession to be you and him only, so he confessed during a school festival on the rooftop while both of you were stargazing, he made cheesy remarks at first but then pops the question <3
He was very nervous that you'd reject him, but now he doesn't need to worry now that you're his
S-Support "Do they support their s/o's to achieve their goals?"
Amane would ALWAYS support you, with whichever decisions you make.
If you tell him about a goal that you're trying to achieve, he won't make fun at you, make remarks nor comment, he'd offer to help so that you can achieve that goal
W-Wild card "Random fluff headcanon"
There was a time you saw he was hiding his pen with a moon keychain on it in his bag, you made a comment on how cute it was and that made him happy, the next day he had it on his shirt pocket everyday ever since that comment he'd put it out for you to see, he'd even buy you the star one so you and him could match 😭💗
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juteanworld · 8 months
October 3, 2023
Good afternoon, Tumblrini!
Blessed be your internet connections, for mine certainly was not last night, leading to me thinking the app had swallowed my post three times whole. Procrastination and distractions made me only get things done after midnight, when I no longer held the favor of the invisible internet iguanas.
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Worked in a greenhouse!
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And planted small seedlings into pots!
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Every pot had its own Plant Pass on the side, to make identifying the plant and tracing it's origin easier.
Due to procrastination and distractions I didn't get around to writing or reading last night again, this time I will try to at least procrastinate with them. 😄 Better would probably to block time for it, e.g. at 6 PM.
• Continuing with previous goals
• Reading 10 pages in a fiction and 10 in a non-fiction book
This should be the easiest goal and yet I keep putting it off as if I'm not ready yet, treating it like a solemn ceremonial ritual that I have to be in the perfect mindset for 😅
Planning to continue with Bid Time Return, set at the beginning of the 20th century, with the protagonist a British girl relocating from India, where she had been on many adventurous trips with her father, to Great Britain, where she inherited a large house, shares in a mine and meets the rest of her family who isn't very enamored with her free spirit and Buddhist tendencies, including an inclination to believe in reincarnation.
Found it in a thrift store in this small town I now live in and was amazed, so surprised, that it has descriptions of Tibetan culture and trips through Tibet 120 about years ago. It's been an inspiration for my worldbuilding and stories. But first I have to finish the idea that won the poll (and chronologically comes first anyway)
• Finish other homework (tulip research)
Don't know how I forgot about this, or why I put it off?
• Revise blog post entries of @taimemaailm and add at least one new entry
Using at least one of the new photos I took would be great!
• 15-minute writing sprint
I was amazed at how many votes I got on the last post – 15, not counting mine! On my first such post here no less.
A clear, absolute majority voted for option 1, another LGBT+ crime story based on my personal experiences and feelings, this time also set in one of my homelands, northern Germany.
While I had voted for another option, I will take the hint and work on option 1. It's something I actually started at the beginning of last year, it being the sequel of my first LGBT+-centric crime story, but then stopped working on last summer because I felt stuck. Time to get back to it. It had a lot of potential and early feedback was promising.
Perhaps I should post the first chapter on here, or a new writing-only sideblog?
• Add more worldbuilding documentation from my @ystel and @tropical-saa blogs to the wiki
• More worldbuilding in my desktop wiki
Until later, everyone!
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theuniversalguardian · 2 months
(Last updated 3 Jun 2024)
Hello to whoever might be reading this despite it being unlikely anyone cares just yet. Welcome to my introduction post, you can call me whatever you want, you can make a nickname out of my username or the name I'm currently using, whatever you prefer. My age and gender aren't important because I prefer keeping my personal information private for my own safety. Also the only reason I'm writing this is because I don't wanna type a bunch of things in my bio and only discover when I'm done that there's a word limit-
On Tumblr, I follow people because I like their posts, or if they're a friend from Wattpad, though rarely because of the former. And I don't think my only 2 Wattpad friends use Tumblr at all. On Wattpad, I only follow people I consider personal friends, nobody else.
When I made this account, I was kinda just reposting my Wattpad stuff here before stopping my posts because I got bored of copying and pasting stuff over from Wattpad. I'm planning on posting again, but only to possibly bring some more people to my Wattpad fanfiction.
My random things and updates regarding my profile and books are in my book called Book Of Randoms, whichever is the most recent one by the time you are seeing this. Random posts without context that you'll see in my blog are just snippets of the randomness that comes out of that book.
My book titled "All about Clip!" is a book that separates a certain group of my original characters from the rest of the chaos on my profile. It'll be full of it's own chaos at some point, and eventually the characters will get their own story. I might make a seperate blog that focuses on these characters. What makes them different from my persona is that they're not fandom related, completely original.
My actual fanfictions, well... That's a bit of a complicated predicament. I have 2 currently, the first one is called "My Inner Feelings", it's a human AU of Aphmau's My Inner Demons series. It was supposed to be centered around Noi growing up as a human, all my AU. But I stopped putting effort into it after spending months writing chapter 1 and just losing motivation. Eventually I published it just to see what people thought of it. I wouldn't call it a good fanfic. If you knew the full story that was going on in my head when I first started writing it, you'd probs either call the cops on me or cringe all the way back into your stomach. So the fanfic is discontinued, I refuse to continue it, unless anyone is willing to help.
The other fanfic is called "House Of Memories". It's also a My Inner Demons fanfic, and yes, it was inspired by the song House of memories by Panic! At The Disco, I was actually listening to it on loop while writing chapter 1. If you knew what was going through my head, you'd understand, I'm sure. It's a crossover fic between MID and my AU of the Aphmau SMP. Currently it's on hold because I'm rewriting it eventually. If you check the current version out and don't like it, I can't say I blame you. But it's not discontinued permanently. Hopefully I get motivation for it in the future, I loved writing it but don't know what to write right now..
I used to have a Quotev account, but not anymore, so I moved my only quiz to Wattpad. It's an MID quiz about which of the 5 daemos would adopt you if you were a child, I created this quiz in the middle of some random night 2023 when I was bored. I had a hard time figuring out how I'd do it, but I did. I'd appreciate if you tried it atleast once (and not leave after seeing less than 10 of the questions like most readers so far) I made a new account, but I'm only using it to write right now because I don't have the Wattpad app, and if I want to write on Wattpad, I have to switch to Google Chrome desktop mode because I only have a phone. I'd much rather write on Quotev and then copy and paste finished work over to Wattpad. I might just delete everything that I posted on that account and only use it for writing.
So yeah, most of my stuff is centered around MID 😂 and my main motivation is not finding a story or quiz with the base idea I'm looking for. Although I have been falling out of the Aphmau fandom recently.
Oh yeah, and I'm a massive fan of Evbo, his Parkour Civilization series, and Joofylooby's Robot Civilization series. I felt the need to say this because both are really underrated. Especially Robot Civ because nobody talks about it on any platform I use, though I like Evbo's content more. I actually started liking his type of content more than Aphmau's, and my younger self would hate me for it because I've been an Aphmau fan for a LONG time.
I also like Bendy and the Ink Machine/Dark Revival. Though I don't really post anything about it, I might do so eventually. A version of my persona is a BATIM OC, I'll just be posting about them and my own AU if anything.
Lastly, if you want to talk to me, please contact me by posting a message in my Wattpad conversation tab, and if you do, don't expect me to ask why you're messaging me. I'll likely just ignore you unless you state the reason why you're messaging me. I don't feel comfortable answering random DMs.
I wouldn't recommend that you look at certain parts of my Wattpad content if you're younger than 13 or get offended easily. It seems fine now aside from excessive swearing, but things only get worse from there when it comes to story writing. The current chaos on my profile is kinda just the appetizer, I only have 16 followers there right now anyway. I know that probably sounds confusing but I'm not a Wattpader who holds back. If I have something to say, I won't say it here, but I'll say it there :)
...Okay bye.
If you don't want to go searching yourself, here's a link to my Wattpad account:
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slowdripsunrise · 5 months
ooookkkkkk so its been like. months since i last updated this blog so here we go im just gonna write my feelings out about the books i've read i will try to get through all of them but maybe won't i'll stop writing when i get bored soz. spoilers for many various books under the cut!
ok. first book i read since i last updated my reads on here was i will greet the sun again by khashayar j khabushani! this was such a beautiful piece of work and i really recommend it for anyone who needs a good cry, but still wants a happy/not extremely tragic ending. the writing was beautiful and i think one of my favorite scenes/settings was the beach... the way it was described. as well as the way iran was described, it was so lovely even though there were many bad memories attached to it. that and the K's relationship with Johnny were my fave parts. it was so sweet reading about them and even tho i read this a while ago so i don't remember much, this story has stuck with me throughout... not so much as the exact scenes, but the feelings and emotions i was feeling while reading it. definitely recommend!!!
next i read the life changing magic of tidying up by marie kondo! this was a great little book about organization and lifestyle and i recommend to anyone who maybe wants to get a different perspective on organization! i read and finished this before bed one night, woke up, and started reorganizing and cleaning up my space lmao. no it didnt stay that way, but the effort was there. i don't think that this book is necessarily life changing, however it does offer new ideas about tidying up, and gives some good tips on how to go about it. one of the things i thought pretty relevant to me were the steps in which u should organize, or choosing one thing to organize and only doing that one thing. like doing all of the clothes in the house at once, or toys, etc. instead of a room at a time. for me, i get distracted very easily if i'm doing 4 different things at once, so this is something i wanna try out more! the way the book is set up too makes it easily rereadable, just for a refresher, which i like lol
next i read braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer!!! 5/5 stars one of my top books i read this year 100%. easily. this book was wonderful and engaging and informative and i absolutely loved it. the way the author weaves facts and information along with the story and narrative is so lovely and makes me want to pick up her other book, gathering moss (i think) immediately. this shit was addicting! the stories from her life and the stories from her culture and history were so captivating and immersive oh my god. i think some of my favorite stories of hers where the ones with her students. the camping trip in the marsh (i think it was a marsh. some sort of wetlands....) was lovely; as well as the stories with her daughters. AND THE ENDIGN OHGHHHH MY GOD i had shivers literally all over me. like almost cried not out of sadness but awe of her writing. there were times i almost cried of sadness tho. 5/5 i need to read more from this author.
next - ok. OH KAY. oh also ive decided i'm just going to group all of the books in a series together, especially when i read them all pretty close in time to each other, because a lot of times they all blend together in my head. all this to say - i read the all for the game series by nora sakavic. i went into it knowing it was about gay people that play made up sports and maybe a little bit of mafia esque action was going on. i came out of it extremely entertained and needing to read the next one in the series LMAO this shit was so awesome and epic. 5/5 stars. i've aged out of YA so i usually steer clear of it (especially some of the newer ones. it feels like so much of YA has lost all amounts of trust in their readers and focuses more on publishers and algorithms and such but. whatever) however this is a tumblr classic and you know what i wanted to read something fun and entertaining so thats exactly what i did. i've seen a lot of people ok not a lot a couple people point out that the writing isn't good or isn't super high level or whatever. who give a shit. idk i feel like people are trying to justify liking or reading something that most would consider "bad" or "immature" or. idk the exact word im looking for, ig like a guilty pleasure?? theyre trying to justify it by saying things like "oh yeah, i know the writing is bad But the characters-" or "oh yeah its written like fanfic but-" like yall its fine. it's chill. calm down. personally i didn't think the writing was bad. i thought it was average. also there's nothing wrong with writing a fanfic-esque story, the problem is you people can't suspend ur damn disbelief for more than 2 minutes and have fun. sorry that was a huge rant that wasn't even about the book back to the books I HAD FUN. she did what she needed to to. will i read the sunshine court? yeah probably if i remember. would i recommend this to everyone? no. only people with taste. this was a blast definitely look up trigger warnings tho like. there was more mafia involvement than i originally thought there would be lol. characters slayed. relationships between them were fun to read about. go foxes.
ok this is long so i am going to end it here we are not even close to done but i will try to remember to continue going through everything and then maybe i'll try and compile some of my stats from storygraph for like an end of year thing even tho it's more than halfway through january lol.
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phoenixwatchesmovies · 6 months
What I'm Watching: November 2023
The Fall of the House of Usher
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Sycrhjodxfhbaudiffebuvehtxt I'm obsessed with this show. So far, this is the first and only Mike Flanagan adaptation where I was familiar with the source material already, and it was a fucking BLAST playing Spot The Reference. Additionally, the conclusion of the rave scene has been burned into my memory ever since and I cannot for the life of me get it out of my head, in the best and worst way possible. Sooooooo good, but oh my fucking god. And it's been a long time coming, but this series has elevated Carla Gugino for me to Rachel Weiss meme status. You know the one I'm talking about. I just.... THIS SHOW IS SO FUCKING GOOD. The writing, the story, the performances, the cinematography, the scares, the all of it. It's split down the middle between stuff you can point and go "ha! I knew it!" and stuff you just can't see coming, and it's all top tier. I typically need a cool down period to recover after most Flanagan stuff, but I'm just itching to get back to this one as soon as possible. Is a good amount of that just me thirsting over Verna? Well, yeah. It's pretty much Gugino's show, and everyone else merely appears in it. Actually, that's not fair. Everyone involved not only fucking went for it, they fucking nailed it. This is Mike's last run with Netflix, and by god, the whole team went out with a bang.
Cowboy Bebop (2021)
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Let me start by saying that my post mentioning how much I wanna bang Spike went as viral as things tend to go on this blog, so I'm glad that resonated with some folks. 😂 I'll admit, I have a lot less nostalgia for the anime as a lot of the audience for this, having only seen it twice, but as far as adaptations go, this was perfectly okay. As someone pointed out already on one of my posts, it's a lot less existential than the OG, and therefore a lot less heavy. And since all I wanted out of this was a good time, I was happy with it. I was EXTREMELY happy with the opening credits in particular. My stance on adaptations in general is that if a piece can stand on its own merit, I don't care how closely it adheres to the source material, and in my opinion, the live action succeeds. In fact, my one and only complaint is...not enough Ein!
Anne With An E
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The books stay in my reading rotation, so despite my philosophy on adaptations, I had very high expectations going into this several years late, don't worry about it. And...I was not disappointed. I ended up crying over almost every episode, and that never happens, so... 😅 It's so sweet and I was charmed from the get-go. I've still got a season left, and since it seems to be doing its own thing apart from the books now, I'm really looking forward to it. I'm also dreading it, because I'm not ready for it to be over. Then again, that's how it feels finishing the books as well, so that's only how it should be.
Five Nights At Freddy's
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Lemme tell you, I've known jack shit about FNAF aside from "evil Chuck E. Cheese" for years now. I've had the tags filtered for almost as long as I've been on Tumblr (I love the people I follow, but I gotta curate my experience). I've made it my mission to go as long as I can without knowing anything at all about this franchise if for no reason other than it's fucking e v e r y w h e r e and I was sick of the overexposure. But now because a relative of an acquaintance of a family friend was one of the cannon fodder characters, I got roped into watching this and my streak is broken. I can't unknow what I know about this franchise. Which I'm extra annoyed about, considering what the creator of the games tends to put his royalties towards. 😑 From a film standpoint, it's fine. I'm not sure what age range the target demographic is, but having the horror stuff happen off screen made it feel more vanilla than the average episode of Supernatural, and I'll let that speak for itself. The look and atmosphere were exactly what I'd imagine if told to picture an evil Chuck E. Cheese, the animatronics are appropriately creepy (though let's be honest, it doesn't take much to make ANY animatronic creepy), and I was a little surprised and impressed with the soundtrack. And it was nice to see Josh Hutcherson in something new, though it's still so odd seeing him as an adult. I'm most familiar with him as a kid in RV, and holy fuck, I feel old looking at him now. I could have used a little more Matthew Lillard--why would you get Matty Lilly in your movie and then NOT do something with him?!--but given the character/story/what have you, I get it. One plot point in particular didn't stick the landing, as far as I'm concerned. In an effort to tie up all loose ends, it made things too contrived in a "that's convenient but now it makes less sense" kind of way. Don't know if that's how it goes in the game, and I don't care enough to find out. All in all, I've seen worse, I still don't get the hype, and I'm still not the target audience. And that's perfectly okay.
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet Of Curiosities
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A horror anthology? With GDT?? Sign me up yesterday! I don't think there was a single episode I didn't like. And I wasn't prepared to recognize so many names in the credits. Actors, directors, composers, authors, you name it. And it was fun! The stories were bizarre, assorted creature designs were gnarly, and whatever else was going on with the vibes episode to episode, they all felt consistently creepy and sinister. "The Autopsy" has the distinction of being one of the few things I've watched that almost made me puke. "Pickman's Model" was the first thing to freak me out bad enough I stayed awake to get it out of my head in a Very Long Time. "The Viewing" was the only ending that felt unfinished, it was so abrupt, but the style and aesthetic was so *chef kiss* I'll overlook it. (Side note: that episode's director also did Mandy, which I've been meaning to get to for awhile now? Hoo hoo, have I got some visuals to look forward to!) I knew as soon as I saw Jennifer Kent did an entry that hers was going to be my favorite, and that's not even coming from a biased place. "The Murmuring" is beautiful and heartbreaking. Easily my favorite aspect of the series is how you get a sense of each individual director's style BUT the entries themselves are so flavored with GDT, the whole thing stays cohesive. Now all I can do is hope for another season. :D
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raraeavesmoriendi · 5 months
💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
awww, thank you for thinking of me, sarah 🥰🖤
my cat. he’s the first cat I’ve ever had who’s just mine and not a family pet, I got him on a total whim (well not total, there was months of planning involved while he was being fostered, but me asking to be his forever home was just… like, idk, it felt like the universe nudged me and the words came out of my mouth) and he’s my baby 🖤 he turns five next year and he’s the center of my whole world wrapped up in black fuzz
when I hit flow state on a WIP and it just all clicks, and I know what, and why, and how, and who, like I’m there, and not having to think about it. especially when my OCs are involved, or when I’m reading something that someone sent in to them at the blog. that’s when I think I know a little bit what a fish must feel like in water, maybe.
nights in my apartment by myself, where I can stay up way too late and watch whatever I want, or go to my room early and read a book, when I can get up to get a snack at 2 am without waking anyone - those are really nice 🖤
lemon-flavored anything. seriously. I just finished a slice of lemon cake from a recipe my mom and I found on insta a couple days ago and it’s so good 🖤 I guess it’s part of being sensory-seeking neuroweird, but anytime I can add lemon to a dish, I’m thrilled
when I’m on a call with my og writer’s group/dnd group (hey sluts! 🖤) and we can’t stop laughing, usually at something incredibly stupid (*it’s always sunny theme* The Gang Makes a Phone Call). they were the first friends I made on tumblr and I’m always grateful 🥰
I had a lot of things to think of that didn’t make the list, which is a very good sign ♥️ but thanks again for sending this to me, babe! 🥰
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marinalor · 10 months
Ask Me
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
4: What do you think about most?
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
7: What’s your strangest talent?
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
13: What’s your religion?
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
17: What was the last lie you told?
18: Do you believe in karma?
19: What does your URL mean?
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
36: Define Art.
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
39: What time is it?
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
41: What was the last book you read?
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
43: Do you have any nicknames?
44: What was the last film you saw?
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
57: How many relationships have you had?
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
64: Where is your best friend?
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
66: What is your heritage?
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
77: How can I win your heart?
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
80: What size shoes do you wear?
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
87: What is your current desktop picture?
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
98: Ever been on a plane?
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
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writers-ex · 1 year
🦦 in the house, how’s everyone doing?
ohoho anons taller than you get hugs I hear?
Prepare yourself to face me with your arms open hannie >:)
Kidding, this goes out to everyone that sees this. It’s all love here, I had a tough week myself screwing myself over with university applications. I also look too intimidating irl for anyone to be touchy with me except for my dog but best believe I’ll hand out hugs if I’m asked to, or may get touchy with others when I’m drunk.
Hannie, any book recs? Any genre would do, I’d like to see what you enjoy reading. Movie/show recs would do too :D (open to all anons too)
I’d love to insert a picture of my goldfish here but I’d have to reveal myself as I can’t post it while on anon. Maybe I’d do it one day when I have the confidence to. I also just applied to the top university in my country in hopes to get into the supposedly strong sociology department, crossing my fingers I get in considering I topped my school 🐸 . I’m also trying to pick up a new language, and have some volunteering at soup kitchens planned, excited to volunteer w my friends.
Here’s a short little digestible playlist for you to show you that you’re appreciated, greatly so. (Yes, you, hannie.)
You’ve honestly only been the only tumblr author I’ve been comfy enough with to interact with
Jakob- Next to Me
Matt Maltese- Everyone Adores You ( at least I do)
Sir Chloe- Walk You Home
Crumb- Ghostride
The Strokes- Call it Fate, Call it Karma
I don’t know what the weathers like, so bring an extra jacket out if it’s cold, wear sunscreen, drink enough water, get your dietary fiber, and don’t drink too much cold drinks. I’ll always take time to look at your updates, so will many of us, so if you need someone to lean on, we’re here 🥳
Go have the best week ahead
you're welcome to answer 🦦 here in the comments or in the ask box bc they're very cool B) and i'll murder anyone who says otherwise <3 and yes free hugs to anyone taller than 5", 4'9 below gets headpats hehe
i felt that- school has been just brain dead like…i'm too tired to type this out T^T and BET you probably look like a cinnamon roll, 100/10 would hug you if we met IRL
BOOK RECS READ THE WHOLE UNIVERSE OF LEIGH BARDUGO SO GOOD, also i love the selection series by kiera cass my girl it was my comfort books in high school, might you be interested in the whole percy jackson series bc i read everything in over month…ish
and as for shows/movies…. currently here are my top you must watch or leave my blog shows <3 -the untamed found on youtube (i have reseen this series over eight time completed and the special episodes and manhwa….i might rewatch it tonight lol) -bbc sherlock idk where to see this (i have memorized the line of every episode minus s4 and…this show was my middle school angst dreams i love it plz see) -OMG THE ENTIRE TOMB RAIDING SERIES WITH WUXIE AND THE IRON TRIANGLE YES OMG PLEASE WATCH THIS I KNOW ITS LONG BUT OMG I WILL LITERALLY MARRY ANYONE THAT HAS SEEN OR KNOWS WHAT THIS IS TT I LOVE THIS SO FLIPPING MUCH NEXT TO THE UNTAMED ASJFLKJDKJKDSJFLKADJLKFJDL (i HIGHLY recommend the ultimate note and sound of providence both on youtube, OR WATCH THE TIME RAIDERS MOVIE i will explain everything u're confused abt) -secret crush on you youtube bish (let me tell u if you can make it past the first three epsiodes you will be GREATLY surprised… just saying) OR my school president also on youtube (it made me want to go back to high school so flipping cute) -the castle in the sky studio ghilibi movie (i've seen it four times and love the entire thing, so comforting and unique <3) -big hero6 or cars 2 (they made my childhood like 10x better idk) -THE LAST OF US BROOOOOOOOOOOOOO (i am DEAD this show is CRAZY, i am terrified of zombies and cried for three days straight when i saw the first 15 minutes of the train to busan and have never finished it sincee BUT the amount of zombies lessens per epsiode and it focuses on the characters…just don't watch at night if you're a chicken like me) -animes…i loved kuroko no baske (a basketball anime that motivated me to play every single day in highschool…by myself bc no one wanted to play outside with me not even the guys that played in the court next door offered to let me join in bc i was a girl BISH FIGHT ME-) OR the promised neverland but the manga not s2…we don't talk abt that…
oooh i love goldfish if you feel comfortable you can dm the photo or send it on asks and i'll save the photo and upload it to the blog tagging your anon handle <3 i hope you get into the uni of your choice, that's a cool career path i wish you the best and hit me up if you need dental advice XD i'm trying to learn italian and ASL and that so wonderful you volunteer with your friends sends you a high five through my screen
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THANK U I FEEL SO HONORED TT nah thank YOU for lighting up my ask box, not just you but ALL of you thank you soooo soo sooo sooo sooo soooo sooo soo MUCH <3 it means the world to me and beyond bc you take some time in your day to read or send an ask bows politely i hope to keep your thoughts safe and judgement free plus put a smile on your face if i'm able, each and every one of you deserves it
i loved the last playlist you told me abt this monster school and i vibe to it sm i made a spotify playlist for when any anons sends in an ask so i will gladly add these to it thank you :3
yeah its so hot here…i will drink water and love cold drinks so… haha ^-^);; back to you, please get sufficient rest or at least go to sleep at midnight NO LATER >:l, stretch b4 doing any activites, GO LOOK UP AT THE CLOUDS seriously my whole camera roll is of clouds bc they're so pretty, always carry a bandaid just in case, wash your hands for 20 seconds, and buy that thing you wanted this month <3 awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you i will update you guys if anything but i'm just pooped rn T-T
wishing you the best week ever >3<
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klainesheilen · 1 year
Updates on my life and my tumblr blog
Hey besties,
I hope everyone had a great start into 2023. I want to get right to the point of this post: I created this blog to use tumblr as an active member (meaning to actively post stuff instead of only reblogging it like on my main blog). My goal was to focus on my English skills, motivate myself to study and share with the internet my progress of healing. Weeeeeeell *Gen z move of putting my own hair behind my ear*. I'm getting chaotic with what I post. First I thought that's bad because I need a theme / an aesthetic to stick to, but then I realized that this is my blog and I do this for myself (and that this here is tumblr dot com where we don't function like other social media sides/apps) so I will keep on doing whatever I'm doing right now.
Still, one thing that I would like to change or to do more often are these longer post. I'm lazy, I'm always telling myself I don't have time to sit down and write anything to post but then I'm scrooling mindless on tiktok or watching youtube videos so I don't have to hear my own thoughts. I want to get more into book review writing so it seems that one goal of 2023 will be to post every once in a while a more serious book review on here. I ducking reorganized my reading notion page so I ducking hope that I will use it now. Another thing I really want to do is getting back into making art more regularly (and then also posting it?). I loved drawing and art and then I thought it would be a career thing, but it turned out to only burn me out so I dopped that and since then I barely enjoy doing art. I'm still in this mindset of comparing my work with others, of judging my WIP before it's even finished and so I want to change it into doing art for myself even if it's "bad art". Sure this won't happen over night or by saying "I'm doing this just for me", but I still hope that something will change at the end of the year with my thoughts.
K, guess that's everything about my tumblr update. So here comes a life update:
Nothing really chnaged. lol. Still going to university, working part time as a barista, being in a relationship. But there are thoughts and realizations on some topics. Lets start strong with university. I enjoy some of my lectures and some drain the shit out of me. Sometimes I think to drop out, because I can't imagen actually getting a job with this dagree so why continueing with all the stress and money investment? But at the same time I enjoy the experiencec, I enjoy my lectures, the discussions, the studying. Is it stressful? Yes. But in a paralel unniversum I'm already working a job that as well is stressful sooooo is the problem really university itself or how I stress myself over the thiniest things because my anxiety forces me to do so? Then I think "I can finish university and if I don't get a job with this dagree I do just a job to finance living" and then I'm again like "But then why not skip the unversity part and go right to working?" and everything is followed with a "But what will _____ think/say when they here that of me?". In all I can say it doesn't matter what I'm doing or what I plan to do I will always be unhappy and wondering "What if...?". To solve this I should go to therapy. Yea, it's easier to say than to do. I'm telling myself for so long to call the numbers that hang on my wall and I still haven't done it. I gave myself a deadline by last Monday and here I'm with no calls. At this point I really think I self-sabotage myself, because it's better to stay where I'm in my messy chaotic comfort zone instead of working on myself. But. but. BUT! I see progress in myself which is mostly linked with my boyfriend. Just last week we both pointed out that I've made great progress in communicating my feeling and thought and stuff. It began with him pointing stuff out and just then I talked with him about this situation/feeling/thought. But slowly, really really slowly, I'm able to point stuff out by myself without him starting the conversation on a topic. Most of the time I still tell myself "He doesn't need to know this, I'm probably overreacting anyway"/"If I tell him this we only start to fight (because that is what happend in earlier relationships most of the time)" you know stuff like that. So yea, I'm still (take a shot every time you read still in this post) working on my cmmunication skills but I've also got better. That isn't the only thing that changed. My mindset starts to changing as well. From "I'm a failure" "I have to be nice to them because what if they don't like me?" "What if they don't agree with my opinion?" etc to "This doesn't define who I am" and "I don't even like them so who cares" "I can have my own thoughts on stuff"etc. Sure, there a still huge backlashes, but as I said slowly making progress.
I think that's it. Sending love to you bestie <3
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velveetawabbit · 1 year
It's 3AM I should Be Sleeping
I'm very tired, but it's one of those insomnia nights, so here I am, making a Tumblr blog so I have somewhere to scream into the void peacefully. [Or at least, that's the beginning intentions, who knows if this'll go anywhere or be anything]
I'm looking forwards to having some place to bitch about my hobbies guilt/judgment free, because I am a nearly-friendless loser who feels bad when I make any conversation about me. Here the conversation can be about me all I need~
My first bitching: I'm trying to write a book, well, re-write it after I read through it and realized I made up too much along the way and there's just to much retroactive honky I'd have to got back and somehow deposit in, really just something so overwhelmingly tedious I went for the re-write option. It's going fine, but I keep. Getting. Distracted.
I finish winter break in only a few more hours, then it's back to school (groans in "I hate it here"), where I can't spend my entire day fixating on writing. Instead of using all that free time the last week to crank through things, I ended up rewriting an old Harry Potter fic [THAT'S NOT EVEN FINISHED!!!! THE RE-WRITE AIN'T EITHER AHHHHHH!] IT'S NEARLY FOUR TIMES LARGER THAN THE ORIGINAL, it's a stupid near 50K words, and not even in the THICK of the damnable plot! I haven't even gotten into the gotdamn school year- AUGH! It's maddening, really, that my brain drummed up a brick shithouse full of writers block just as I would get the time to properly zone out and slam in thousands of words at a time.
I'm hoping that this wont continue being an issue, it's grown to be such a hassle for me <.<
Silver lining: I still churned out a big beast, even if it wasn't the one I wanted, so I can be happy with that at least. And I like how I'm portraying Harry too, so there's that.
That was pretty easy to do, let's see if it's easy to do when I'm not frazzled and exhausted from everything.
Bone App the Teeth, enjoy the post, Void!
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Section 17. 2 chapters, ending with chapter 69
I am reposting these first eighty-two chapters (in 22 sections) plus the prologue and the preface.
These posts will be the updated versions from my DeviantArt account, and since Tumblr may not display all the text correctly (it destroys anything I had in italics or underlined) I would still recommend reading everything there, on DeviantArt. They will also include internal links that navigate between the chapters on DeviantArt and will take the reader off Tumblr if clicked.
This came about because I noticed search engines were finding random sections of my book and displaying them along with some other people’s blog posts.
Okay, so that’s why I installed those internal links in each one… so that if anyone gets to a random section by way of a search engine and would like to read the story from the beginning, they can.
Only then did I realize that it wasn’t getting it’s search results from DeviantArt, but from old Tumblr.
There’s another problem at work here besides unrefined searches…
There is a new species of virus on the internet that likes to eat ancient Tumblr posts and barf them back up infested with adware - spyware - malware etc. The virus goes by names like TumGIR, TumBIG, TumPIK, or Tum(anything else but ‘blr’). The caps were added by me for emphasis so that maybe you can double check in case you’re not looking at an actual Tumblr post right now but one of these so-called “mirror” sites.
If you’re looking at this text through one of the counterfeit Tumblrs that I mentioned, then no link you click (assuming it even copies it with my links intact) will take you out; it will redirect you and show you all of the spam ads it wants to. So read carefully what url is showing on your browser right now.
If it is one of the untrustworthy ones I would suggest closing your browser window and doing whatever else you normally would in order to reset settings.
As far as my science fiction novel entitled “If And Only If,” the safest way to find it is by going to my Instagram:
From there you can click on the link in my bio. It will take you to the beginning of the story on DeviantArt… the safe one! No malware.
P.S. None of this is Tumblr’s fault! It’s the malware/adware/spyware developers who are stealing people’s tumblr posts.
The actual content of this page appears below here👇
Section 17. 2 chapters, ending with chapter 69
↩️return to previous section, section 16
↩️↩️…and if you arrived here because of a search engine and you would like to read this story from the beginning, click here.
Weird Shapes and Mr. Cheapsuit
– about one and a half days in the future –
To them, Mr. Cheapsuit was just another blob of quarks and leptons. His thoughts and actions made no more or less sense than any of the other blobs. The ability to read the “minds” of these things was useless to them. They weren’t the slightest bit alarmed by his fantasies or his attempts to act them out. Their only concern was that something he was contemplating might create a slightly different universe where things didn’t quite go their way.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
They were still soft when time was frozen.
She had decided to wear a dress for today.
The other night’s business-y looking outfit at La Movida was a skirt and blouse with a blazer over it. That night, my hand slid down into her buttcrack through the back of the waistband of her skirt. And down the panties too. No buttcrack hair. Good. A lot of these Mexican ones were furry. Maybe she waxes there? Hahahaha! I hope it hurts when the bitch does! I went back and forth between giving each buttcheek some good firm squeezes. Yeah, soft and squeezy. Squishable, like I said. Then fucking Eileen had interrupted me! If I’d had the chance to finish, I could have gotten my middle finger up her butthole.
Hahahahaha! When time unfroze she’d probably have a weird pain in her ass then. If I went down the front and fingered her cunt… Hey! That rhymes. Cool. Hahahaha! Butt seriously, if I stuck the same finger up her cunt as I had in her asshole, would the rules about infection still apply? With time frozen did germs stop working the same way? If they did then she’d just have a double uncomfortable pain: one in the pussy and one in the asshole. Butt an added bonus to fuck with a spoiled rich bitch: if I could get her infected with shit germs up her cunt.
Then maybe she’d have to go to her pussy-doctor and be in one of those chairs with her legs up and spread. Feet in… stirrups I think they called them. And then hopefully whatever the doctor would do to her would hurt. I thought about going, of course. Being there to see her in the chair. And rigging the room for video for the parts when I didn’t have time frozen. Wouldn’t it be fucking hilarious if the doc told her she had butthole germs in the pussy?! Yes!! You filthy fucking slut! You let a guy fuck you in the ass and then he flipped you around cause he was ready to use your front cumhole, the doc would tell her. And then how pathetic she would sound trying to deny it!
Yeah, whore. At least offer to clean your shit off his dick with your top cumhole first. Give it a nice tongue bath and eat some shit while your at it, then it’ll be nice and clean for when he sticks it up your cunt.
Hey! What about that for a sculpture? That pose. Her in a pussy doctor’s chair all ready to have her filthy trout-smelling cunt examined. That would be a cool pose to use for her statue. If only Eileen hadn’t fucked everything up that night I might have already gotten her into my collection.
This studio gig was a blessing to me! No Eileen whatsoever on the set or anywhere in the building. Yes, like I said, it was a dress this time. So I’d lifted it up and then gone down the back of Mexi-cunt’s panties. Then I saw her little kit on the table in front of her. Safety pins? Yeah, just one big one would do. I pinned the bottom back portion of the dress to the upper back part between the shoulder blades. So with dress out of the way, I decided to pull the panties down. Why do some bitches go for this boring shit? Regular dull cloth briefs. In some shade of pink or purple I guess. But no satiny material. I find them much more arousing when they wear bikini cut or thongs with frilly and shimmering material.
She had been standing up and bending forward slightly to read something right before I froze time so her ass was on display nicely. “Panties” down. Well, if I could even call them that. More like fruity-colored mens underwear. But out of the way now. I took my time and spanked my prize for awhile because I could. Not hard enough to hurt. Right now I just wanted enough impact on each smack that it would send ripples through her ass-flesh.
No interruptions this time as I squoze each buttcheek over and over. I also let my other hand help itself to the tits. I got it into a bra cup and found the first nipple, not very hard at the moment, and smushed it around between my fingers. Squeeze hard enough to bruise them? So she’ll feel some intense nipple pain and have some visible bruising there to accompany her butthole pain and the pain she’s gunna have in her front cumhole? Maybe, I thought, as I toyed with the other one.
Then a couple of thoughts entered my mind. One: these so-called “panties” are killing the moment for me.
And two: I might actually want to use this one for the pussy exam chair sculpture idea that I’d thought of. Like, now. I could almost take her now except for two people who were faced in the right direction and would be witnesses to her disappearance.
Most of the time there were about five people or so, just milling about on their routine business. Right now it was close to a lull. So, un-freeze time? Then? If these two could wrap up their urgent conversation and scram, I could re-freeze time, tie her up right, move her into storage in the phantom-space, and go back to pose her and then dunk her at my leisure. Just one thing was still irritating me: those damned underwear.
This one had done an excellent job with body hair removal. Legs and armpits were silky smooth. It really pisses me off when women don’t do their hair removal right for me.
In one of my more brilliant moments it came to me! Walk around the time-frozen world here, find some bitch that’s roughly the same size, undress her and see if she’s wearing sexy panties… and then if she is, just take them off and put them on Mexi-cunt here. I could swap them out or just throw the ugly ones away. Either way I get Castadiva wearing something that looks good to me underneath for when I have her later. And either way some other lucky bitch will get a weird surprise later when she finds that she’s either commando, or is wearing some goofy new underwear that she’d know she had not put on.
I found a candidate of the right size just around a corner. Time had frozen her in the process of sitting down; ass poised about 8 inches above a chair. I could tell from the flexing of her forearm muscles and her hand positions that she was pulling the chair in and not pushing it out to stand up. It made no difference to me, as I undressed her mannequin frozen form. SHIT! More of these same goddamned un-feminine underwear! She and the Mexican bitch looked like they’d went shopping together and bought a package of the fucking things and then opened them up and each wore one.
Then my countdown timer went off. Fuck!!! I still had minutes before my time freeze session would end and I had to get back into position. But there was just no longer enough time to go around taking a panty survey of all these sluts to find one who was wearing something that pleased me. I felt like punching this bitch in the face! Hard! Break the nose or break the jaw; maybe knock a few teeth out. Or something. Just for fucking up my plans, that’s what she deserved. But no. Too many unexplained violent episodes would draw attention to the place and possibly make it harder for me to get things done the way I wanted.
But I had time for at least some type of revenge against this unknown cunt for wearing underwear that I didn’t like. I went back to my first word after I found she was also wearing ugly underwear: Shit!
What if I went to the bathrooms, put on gloves of course, found somebody who had just taken a dump but hadn’t flushed yet, and brought back their preferably mushy pile of shit. Then I don’t just re-dress bland underwear bitch number two here, but I also put a fresh smushy pile of someone else’s steaming shit in her asscrack?! Then gloves off. Then put her shorts back on her. Then get back to my pose for when time un-freezes. When she un-freezes and her ass plops the rest of the way down into the molded plastic chair? Hahahahahaha!! She’ll be in for a nasty surprise. And, everyone will think she shit herself as she tries to make it to the restroom.
I looked at my timer. Unfortunate! No shit. Literally. There wouldn’t be any possibility of implementing my shitty plan right here and now. Maybe some other time when I found some other bitchtard who also deserved it. But it just wasn’t feasible at the moment. I might run around to every bathroom there is in this studio and still not find shit. Meanwhile my mind is still made up: I want Castadiva for my collection. One little ray of hope appeared to me as I walked back to the snack table area to re-acquire my position before the time-unfreezing and take the safety pin off of Castadiva’s dress in the back. Donuts. The kind with no holes that are filled with cream or jelly? I’m sure they have some. Well, the closest I could get was some kind of a chocolate cream-filled thing, like an eclair maybe. I think that’s what they’re called.
The long tube shape fit better in her anyway. Once I got the boring underwear back in place on her ass, the eclair was a perfect fit. Not entirely in her buttcrack but with a lot of it resting on her taint. With the open end, where the cream hole was, pointing forward. So… when time un-froze and her ass plopped down those last 8 inches or so into the rounded seat of that molded plastic? The pressure should hopefully spew that chocolate cream out and onto her pussy. Hahahahaha!
Okay I know it’s not nearly as disgusting as a pile of someone else’s shit would’ve been – and a total stranger’s at that! But it’s definitely gonna get her attention when she feels it, make it necessary for her to get up and go to the bathroom and see what the fuck, and with any luck the brown chocolate will soak through her clothes enough to still make it look like she shit herself! A similar type of humiliation, only without the smell. And I’m sure her reaction would priceless to watch when she finally gets in the stall and wonders how in the hell all this mess got all over her down there. Too bad I couldn’t be present when she made her shocked discovery and yell “be more careful where your snatch goes, whore!” Hahahahahaha!!
Finally back in position, with at least two minutes to spare. I waited for what seemed like forever and wondered why it had to be this way: the timing conditions. You guys could freeze time, but then you couldn’t make it last so people like us could get things done in the frozen world for more than maybe an hour at a time?? And then you could just freeze it right back again as soon as we wanted once we returned to “normal” time.
Which reminded me. Those two possible witnesses. I had my device out for contacting the E.D.I.s as Eileen called them. Extra-Dimensional Intelligences. Okay whatever you wanted to call them, I had the thing in hand ready to send a request for another time-freezing once these two finally finished their conversation and left the area. The moment right when Mexi-cunt was completely alone and out of everyone’s view except mine… that’s when I’d tap the request. They were always instantaneous about it.
Then I could make my move. She’d be all mine and she’d never be seen again by anyone but me. And she’d never do anything again in her life except serve me as my fuck-doll. The newest in my collection. Less than 10 seconds. I also remembered to be listening for boring underwear whore number two. A disgusted crying out? An icky squeal? It would be fun to hear the noise she made when she realized there was something gooey smeared all over her asscrack and cunt. But still watch those witnesses who can see Castadiva… my finger is poised right over the button for – –
FUCK! FUCK-FUCK! You bastards!! You goddamned fucking bastards!
Fortunately I didn’t scream out any obscenities for real. I just screamed. In pain from the burn on my palm as I dropped the messaging device to the table! I realized right away what happened. As soon as time unfroze they made their next move. I saw one of the goddamned fucking things that had been hiding up on the ceiling like Eileen taught them to. And I saw the beam. Like a laser but not really visible. But it was visible if you count being able to see the heat waves. Eileen had called it an IR laser beam.
I had the presence of mind to perform a little stumbling act since the coffee pot had been left off the coffee machine and the machine’s light was still on, warning that it was hot. Yeah. If anyone asks, I just burned my hand on the coffee maker. The device was still on the table, screen side up. In their elementary code it displayed clearly enough what they were so pissed about:
Not this one. Not now. And not ever.
Okay assholes, I got it. I’m not allowed to take Castadiva ever. She’s evidently real important to their plans.
They hadn’t been this vicious when I wanted to try and take Eileen. A minor electric shock that felt no worse than a house current and a message that I eventually decoded to read: Nah, not her. Pick someone else. They were dead serious about letting me know Castadiva was off limits. Okay, dammit! Got it. The oxy I took right away would kick in for the pain soon, I knew.
Not only had this plan been a waste of time, I completely missed out on hearing eclair crotch bitch’s reaction to her dilemma. Then another thought caught my attention. Maybe if only to take my mind off the pain while I waited for the drugs to work, I thought about chocolate cunt. The bathroom. In a bathroom stall. For a considerable time, as she tried to get herself cleaned up. Her location was very predictable and there’d be no gawkers looking at her. Not likely that she’d take anyone into the stall with her… while trying to explain how she got a buttcrack and pussy smeared with chocolate and other goop.
I made a point, in the simple symbolic emoji code they’d worked out with Eileen, to ask them: Would there be any problems whatsoever with her? The response came back and basically decoded as: no prob. go for it. So I pressed the button to request another time freeze. My consolation prize was waiting for me, predictably, shorts and panties down around her ankles in a restroom stall. Completely unobserved. I requested the portal to phantom space, then navigated to my special lair where I kept my rapidly growing collection. I got her tied up in her cage – ass and pussy still covered in sticky chocolate pastry. Hahahahaha!
I’d go back and clean the cunt up later, tie it up better so I could take it out of the cage, then get her prepped and in position for her dipping. I still wanted somebody to be in the pussy-doctor stirrup chair pose. And with Mexi-cunt permanently off the table as a candidate, chocolate pussy bitch would be it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The one from the ceiling reported to it’s superiors that it had successfully averted disaster, attacking him and burning his hand only and not reducing him to his component particles when they spotted him moving towards Castadiva as if she was a potential victim. The report detailed how he’d been persuaded to choose another blob of quarks and leptons for his activities. And in their own peculiar way they congratulated the ceiling entity on a job well done.
– back at La Movida Madrileña–
Eileen looked a bit angry with Cheapsuit. Something he showed her on the screen wasn’t to her liking? No way was Maura right about her being his girlfriend; definitely not his wife of course. She wouldn’t have anything to do with a guy unless she found him useful. Cheapsuit didn’t seem like he was of much use to her. He might have also been an employee of hers as well as the studio’s though. There was something about their relative posture and body-language.
At about the same time, she and Maura both noticed him staring at the ass of one of the women who couldn’t get a waiter or waitress, who’d gotten up to visit the condiment cabinet herself.
“Okay. If cheap-suit-guy is her boyfriend, she could definitely do better!” Maura stated the obvious while eyeing up the other bottle which was supposedly the one `Diva liked better. “Don’t worry dear, I’m just making a note of the label so I can buy my own and try it out when I get back to Manhattan so I…”
Castadiva momentarily lost track of Maura’s rambling explanation because the bent-over woman disappeared. Yep. She was rummaging through salt packets or whatever, getting her ass stared at by Mr. Cheapsuit one second… then in a blink she was gone. She scanned the room once again for anyone else who might’ve seen.
Castadiva still remained calm in part from the Carménère buzz and again due to the fact that she had actual, multiple experiences with teleportation throughout her lifetime.
But the others? Even if they were a little tipsy? No. If they’d seen what she had, their reactions – some kind of reactions – would have been beyond control, as they simply weren’t used to seeing people blink in and out of existence like Castadiva was. Not even occasionally. No.
They all calmly kept pace with the important business matters being discussed while sipping from an assortment of wine bottles that went for an amount of money which would have not only allowed Cheapsuit to pay off his debt, but also acquire a whole wardrobe of –
Never mind what he could do with a hypothetical windfall, she thought, interrupting her own rambling mind.
Only he was positioned to have also seen condiment woman disappear – and he’d shown no reaction at all. Eileen’s back was turned to the woman and Cheapsuit acted like it was business as usual. So, had he been the one who made her disappear? Abducted her? He definitely displayed enough familiarity with the concept of teleportation, since he’d arrived by blinking in and disappeared/reappeared again. If so, was he a kidnapper?
“Candy?” A faint voice caught her attention as her mind stumbled upon that ominous notion. The other woman from the neglected table had come around to see what was keeping her…companion? partner? girlfriend? Whoever she was, she wanted to find out what was taking her so long.
Girlfriend. Or wife, Castadiva concluded. The stress in her voice as she’d finally surveyed the banquet area behind the hologram wall said that they were in a loving relationship. It made `Diva’s heart skip and her skin felt a sudden chill. Her empath power kicked in and she felt the woman’s panic, bewilderment, sadness… all at once.
Unbelievable! Mr. Cheapsuit actually had a just-barely-perceptible smirk on his face! Oh my Goddess and God she thought: he DID it! He fucking did it! He abducted her. A couple of other people at the table were momentarily distracted, albeit only enough to glimpse away from the riveting discussion, and managed to spot the woman responsible for the stressed-out second cry of Candy. They were back at their business in different fractions of a second and thought nothing of it. Some of the waitstaff were coming around to talk to her; paying attention to her at last.
Castadiva effectively followed the conversation over the dull murmurs of the business people. The “banquet nook” that they were in, nestled behind the partial wall that was being used for holo-art, was not really a room. Not technically. About fifteen feet of space on one end and twenty on the other with no attempt at a doorway of any sort made that art wall more of a partition. Anyone could freely walk in around either side, as the paparazzi had several minutes prior for the planned unveiling of the Stalko-Taco publicity stunt dancing hologram, or as Candy and her partner had done moments ago.
There was a short hallway off to Castadiva’s left which was sealed off by the double doors of the kitchen. The one she’d nicknamed Bearded Billionaire had wanted this nook for their get together anyway, despite the kitchen traffic, because he’d felt like one of the isolated banquet rooms would have blocked the ambiance of the place from permeating in. `Diva had been in one of those rooms on another occasion and knew that he was basically right. The isolated party rooms were thoroughly soundproof.
`Diva concluded what Candy’s significant other had come to realize: there were only two ways out that Candy could have used in order to leave without her seeing. One was to walk around to the far end; the other side of the long partition / art wall. The other way was to go through the kitchen. She observed the waitstaff patiently trying to explain to the woman why Candy couldn’t have exited by either of those means.
The first choice would not have allowed her back into any other part of the restaurant-section or down to the nightclub level or up to the bar & lounge level. It led directly to a street exit – and was therefore heavily guarded. They were on guard specifically against “dine and dash” criminals. It included two security people at the door, plus video of the exit which some managerial-type businesswoman was going over with her on a large-screen laptop.
So her next obvious question was of course, the kitchen. The double doors could not be pushed open. Period. By anyone. Every employee wore two “bracelets” on their left and right wrists. Not the jewelry sort, but like curly plastic springy material that you’d often see people in offices using for official keys. But these keys were microchips.
Not pushing on a door, but just bringing either hand near any part of one, would cause them both to swing open efficiently. It was designed to be used in a way that prevented any employee from ever physically touching it; business owners for the last several years had come up with various tricks to be in compliance with the menagerie of health code updates as they navigated through multiple pandemics. Considering that they were serving food, it made sense to not want them exchanging hand germs with every other waiter, waitress, assistant manager… and their trusty sommelier.
Whether intentionally or not, it also effectively functioned as a security device: no one who wasn’t an employee with a coded chip which had been entered in to their computer could possibly sneak into the kitchen. But it got weirder. The double doors didn’t open directly into the kitchen. Instead they opened into an empty room which showed you another set of double doors as soon as you walked in. An “airlock.” That was what it reminded her of. And of course the second set of doors also required an employee’s proximity bracelet to open. There was more, though. Both sets of doors could not be open at the same time. If you went back into the kitchen, you waited until the outer doors completely closed and magnetically sealed behind you. Only then could the second set of doors be opened.
It was big enough inside to allow almost a dozen servers and their carts. Still it seemed like a wasteful setup for a restaurant. She wondered if it slowed down their operations and hurt efficiency. Well, she thought, it did protect people against disease transmission. Probably.
Not only would it be difficult for someone to sneak in behind a server, the little room was also equipped with cameras which the La M.M. rep was now accessing for Chirine. Or possibly Shirene. Candy’s new wife’s name, as well as their current marital status, had made it to Castadiva’s ears through the frantic dialogue between her and the management. As the reality set in that Candy couldn’t possibly have gone through there either, she nervously scanned the room for about the fifteenth time. No cameras on the big money table. No windows. It would’ve been obvious if anyone was under the table; she certainly wasn’t at the table.
Police. That was the next predictable step for her. As she unnecessarily called them, the first off-duty cop came scampering upstairs from the street level. Although, it occurred to `Diva that having a record of the 9 1 1 call might help in some way. California law at the moment allowed off-duty police officers to work as private security guards – while remaining in uniform, with their sidearms, and their full powers of arrest. Yes, it was more expensive than civilian guards. But La Movida Madrileña’s owners were willing to pay extra for them.
Her conscience was getting to her. She had to say something. But what? The truth?? That Candy vanished from existence, blinking out of the room like a warlock from Charmed?
Right. In order for her statement, testimony, or whatever to be useful and not dismissed as the blitherings of a nutcase, it had to be “filtered.” Just then Maura Half-Billion knocked the empty case for Castadiva’s AR glasses off the table.
`Diva moved a bit quicker and was already lunging under the table towards it while Maura was still squinting to see where they’d fallen and apologizing for being clumsy. She might have missed the next “feat of teleportation” had she not been stretching under there. A feat involving feet. And legs, it turned out. Only the legs of Mr. Cheapsuit and Eileen were visible through the table legs from her momentary viewpoint. It was plainly obvious which pair was which.
Even more plain was the location of Cheapsuit’s lower legs and feet before and after his next teleportation or blinking event. He disappeared from his location at one instant and reappeared about three inches behind where he’d been standing. It might not have been perceptible to anyone else who wasn’t really focusing on a lower-level worker type; if they noticed anything out of place in the corner of their eye, it might only look as if he’d stumbled.
The table legs provided a reference point. The majority of his calves and all of his heels were no longer visible after he blinked, whereas they’d been in plain sight before. She popped back up with her case to find Maura handing her a cleansing wipe that she’d pulled from a packet in her purse. While accepting it and thanking her, Castadiva continued to rehearse her filtered truth for the cops:
“Could there be some sort of trapdoor in the floor?” That sounded almost as stupid as blinking-out and exiting the known universe. But at least plausible. It didn’t violate what an average man with common sense would understand about the laws of physics.
“I saw someone bending over to look for something at that cabinet or carousel or whatever, then the next moment she was gone. Could there possibly be a small utility closet in this wall that she could’ve ducked into? Yes officer, right about here just a few feet away from the cart where this gentleman has had his computer set up for the past hour.”
Okay. No violations of the laws of nature or reality or anything like that. And it might – –
His necktie!!! Holy shit! It was different. And his shirt and suit jacket… the same but dirty. Stained with something. Only a slight change for the tie. It reminded her of an old New Yorker cartoon about decisions. Whatever had splattered on his chest and stomach – white stuff that looked like… cake batter perhaps? – hadn’t done much damage to the suit jacket. He’d done an okay job at wiping it off and it now resembled some faint spots of talcum power. The jacket was probably spared most of it because he liked to wear it open. The shirt got it worse. Not only were there some of the same kinds of wiped spots, he’d missed a few in his haste to get cleaned up. Pancake batter, possibly? The old tie must have borne the brunt of the splattering because he ditched it and came up with a very similar one; the diagonal stripes were going the other direction.
But what the fuck!? Had he frozen time? Before he disappeared for a microsecond and reappeared three inches further back, he hadn’t been dirty at all. His ensemble though cheap as hell, was un-stained. Wherever he had teleported out to had not only supplied him with stuff to make a mess with, a new tie, and something to at least attempt a cleanup with… it provided him with time to do it all. What had he done, she wondered, gone off to see his kidnapped victim and baked her a fucking cake?
It didn’t matter insofar as her plans to talk to the police were concerned. So returning to her most recent interrupted train of thought from tonight.
Yes. That previous rehearsed speech for the cops would be mundane enough that it wouldn’t seem crazy science-fiction-ish… and it might also get the cops talking to Cheapsuit. They’d put two and two together and realize he was standing in close proximity to where Candy was last seen, and facing her. So hopefully they’d want to interview him.
Would the interviewer have some kind of “cop intuition” and sense that he was lying? If so, then it might get him on the radar as a possible suspect or at least person of interest. Enough to check his shoes for fibers? Check his clothes for hair or any other DNA samples from Candy? Find out what in the hell that crap on his shirt was? It was a long shot but she had to do something. Castadiva knew she couldn’t just do nothing.
Continue on to next section…
If And Only If
Copyright 2015
by Michelle Viviénne de Vandahlcourte
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
First Edition. © December 16, 2015.
Everything from here👇 and below is not part of the story but a comment section from DeviantArt, which I use to talk about why I gave this and possibly other sections a ‘mature’ rating.
And on the Mature rating of sections 17 & 19 of my book…
On this one, I definitely was sure. And I should probably also include a Trigger Warning. 
(If you already read section 17 read on; if not, this next part isn’t a major plot spoiler but it does refer to a previously-introduced minor character who we now learn might be a serial killer. If you’d rather not get too much info right now, then stop here until you’re done with # 17.)
And as I said: TRIGGER WARNING, specifically regarding sexual assault, possible rape, and eventually murder.
As serial killers go, this guy isn’t much more scary than the killers from that movie called Kiss The Girls with Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd… except.. instead of being a police procedural, we hear this villain’s thoughts in a first-person-singular kind of way. 
So why do this? Did I need a villain this extreme?
Well, yes. First of all my characters whom I created naturally are all just too nice. They tend to be cooperative and rational. Nice people to know in real life perhaps, but kind of boring for a sci-fi adventure novel as I quickly noticed. So I tried to create a villain. It kind of worked – what I came up with sort of a Female Gordon Gekko who isn’t afraid to use weapons against people who get in her way. Maybe interesting 🤔 but still not someone who people could truly despise.
So for this guy I did something a bit different. I started lurking with sock accounts on twitter, certain sub reddits, and a thing called 4chan. I created a composite based on real people whom I quite simply found to be the biggest thundering assholes in the world. He’s the ultimate in toxic male privilege douchebagginess. Someone truly deplorable. 
But there was a point to this other than to merely have a “bad guy” to do battle with the “good guys.” When humans get ahold of alien technology that could potentially let them become emperor-gods or something… what will they do with it? Again, will they be rational and cooperative and use it to help humanity? Some might. But everyone knows damn well that we, people of the Earth have plenty of wrong-hands out there for this advanced technology to fall into. Can humans be trusted? That’s a theme I wanted to explore. 
Anyway, bottom line: I marked some more sections as ‘mature’ because of this character. Once again no actual sex occurs in any scene that I’m posting yet… so I am choosing the ‘moderate’ option.
And I’ll paste my ending from last time if this helps:
If this really causes anyone trouble, they can see the original ancient tumblr here…
…and will have all the same files (including these newly re- proofread ones from just last month). It would just require a lot more scrolling. But also please note, that as you navigate through the old tumblr files, they eventually will want you to sign in or sign up for a tumblr account if you don’t already have one. Then you’ll also be able to see all my original posts from October 2015 which are fraught with even more spelling and grammar errors😅
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ren-c-leyn · 2 years
I've Returned!
Hello, hello, I'm back from my hiatus. Had a lovely, and productive time, and made some breakthroughs I'm excited to share ^^
Big achievements:
1. I finished Merle's introduction art, expect to see her official introduction post soon. I'll be doing Night's next.
2. Forgotten Gods draft one has been COMPLETED!!! :D And there was a scene near the very end that had me crying, so I'm pleased with how it went, all things considered.
3. The rough drafts of the entire Guild Masters' Meeting arc of The Shackles of Time have been written. I just need to rewrite and schedule them for posting now. Not to give anything away, but big, big world building and plot things have happened :)
Smaller achievements:
1. Started getting back into reading again.
2. Have started writing a new side project and plotting out a second one.
3. Have decided to swing back around to The Plight of a Sparrow as my next main focus project. Though, in truth it'll be more like projects. I'll be rereading the first two books, making some edits there, and starting book 3 in the series. I even made a document and wrote down the first line of book three to make it official. Depending on how it goes, I may begin querying for the first book soon.
4. Have started looking more in depth into patreon and am considering starting one. Hence the two new projects.
Some changes I'm going to be making to the blog:
1. I'm redoing the pinned post. It's kind of a mess, doesn't really say much about the blog itself, so expect to see a new one sometime in the future.
2. From this point on, I'm taking Thursdays and Fridays entirely off from tumblr, so you will not be seeing me around on those days even on weeks when I'm active.
And that's all I can think of as far as news on my end goes. I'll get to answering asks, tag games, and messages I missed a little later. In the meantime, feel free to come gush and tell me what you all have been up to ^^
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I was tagged by the lovely @phoebe-delia to answer these questions and I am stuck in the chapter I’m working on, so I’m taking a break!
✦ three ships: Drarry, Johnlock, Rose/Ten (or Nine, I love them both)
✦ first ship ever: Oh gosh. This is a hard one. In terms of fandom, Drarry; in terms of what I’ve written myself, Johnlock. In terms of the first fictional couple that I felt really invested in, I read this book called ‘Buffalo Gal’ by someone with the last name Wallace when I was in 4th grade and I was soooo invested in the budding romance of the the main character (Amanda?) and the love interest. I proceeded to read every book our library had by that guy.
✦ favorite color: Green. Like spring, like trees and grass, and new life.
✦ last song: Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier- I’ve been in a Hozier mood lately.
✦ last series: I gave up watching tv/movies when I’m by myself for my New Year’s Resolution in January 2021, so I could write more, so this is a really hard one. I think the last series I watched in it’s entirety was a BBC Sherlock rewatch.
✦ currently watching: see above. I’m not watching anything at the moment. ❤️
✦ last film: Spider-Man: No Way Home
✦ sweet, savory, or spicy: also a tricky one, but I think I have to go spicy.
✦ currently working on: oh gosh. This question is always so embarrassing, it really showcases my adhd brain. I always feel like this question makes me sound like a psychopath. Try not to judge me too harshly 😂
Currently, I have over 30 wip drafts on this Tumblr blog alone that keep getting bumped by the muse. I’m working on a handful (4 that I work on at least once a week) of longer, novel-length drarry fics that I’m still trying to work out all of the kinks in. I’m outlining a series of Saint books for children/teens (because honestly, Saint stories are wild and they’re so interesting. They should be made into something people want to read, but I digress). And there are two original novels that I’m spending time with on and off when the mood strikes. Currently also working on finishing the 267 one-word prompts I have for 100 Drarry Drabbles in 100 Days, finishing From Eden, finishing Painting, finishing Tease, and finishing the trauma-response induced fic I started writing last night.
Tagging: @cupofsquirrelfan @nyliekeo @tackytigerfic @orange-peony @april-thelightfury115 @hmmihaventdecidedyet @makeitp1nk and anyone else who feels inclined to answer!
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