#i found Australian candy
haunted-headset · 11 months
trick or treat
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angsthology · 11 months
“im just excited, is all” — or an alt title: roo vs. the australian allegations
who is roo, really? why is roo?
a/n a short one cause if im being honest theres just one tiny explanation and... yeah
or, yknow, alt alt title: daniel’s detective era
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“WOOOO!! I’M NEVER GONNA DIE!” she yelled into the radio, at this point not even shocking her engineer anymore.
“sure, kid.” he chuckled. “congratulations, again, i’ll see you out.”
as soon as she parked her car, the girl quickly jumped out of her seat and stand on the nose of her car, jumping repeatedly with both her feet going up and down excitedly. it ends with a last hard jump off the car and her hands up in the air, yelling on the top of her lungs.
when suddenly — to everyone’s dismay — she started shuffling. well, attempted, shuffling.
daniel, who had the pleasure of sharing the podium with her and was there to witness it first hand, could not help but unknowingly let his hand fly to his mouth to muffle his laughter. man, he just took off his balaclava, he thought.
then, just his luck, the girl stopped mid-shuffle and looked towards his way and waved at him excitedly before running towards the australian and attacking him in a bear-hug.
of course, the man expected the hug, what he didn’t expect was how strong it was going to be.
he let out a muffled “oof” as soon as she collided with him. daniel did not think he has ever gotten a hug this tight. let alone receiving it from a girl almost half his size.
“congratulations!” she could not get bored of hearing that. making her hug him tighter, “okay, oh, lord, i can’t breathe. please.”
“oh—hehe, sorry.” she immediately let go of the man and ran off—well, more hopped off—to get herself weighed.
the older man could not help but chuckle watching her hop away.
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again, really?
the girl could never not get bored of all the demeaning questions that seemed to only be targeted towards her.
unfortunately for them, she was not having it that day.
so here she was, berating a man who was like generations behind her — and everyone else — with the rest of the grid listening, watching in amusement.
they always enjoy watching her absolutely destroying male fossils that walked the paddock. it was free entertainment.
her manager didn’t even stop her anymore — well, he did, usually when he knows she’ll say something completely unhinged and not for viewers ears — he just watches with a proud smile like the rest of the drivers until she eventually runs out of breath, all the while also stealing it from the opposite person.
and now it’s about five minutes later and the room was silent, really soaking in her words.
as usual, daniel was the one to break the silence — his tone doing its best to relief the tension that clouded the room.
“remind me not to piss you off.”
sebastian found his voice when he looked towards daniel, “i really admire her agression.”
“i try.”
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the mclaren driver was minding his own business when suddenly he felt someone plop down on the seat next to him.
said person didn’t say anything, they just stared at him blankly for a good few seconds. in return, daniel had the expression equivalent of a question mark.
until eventually he felt a little creeped out, “what do you want?”
her response was… weirder.
“what do you want?”
suddenly, out of nowhere, the twenty-two-year-old pulls out a fanny pack from the side. and when she opened it, they were both met with all kinds of candy.
daniel raised his eyebrows at the girl.
“this stays between us.”
it did, but also no, she had previously already approached alex, mick, lando, and yuki, doing the exact same thing.
“…okay?” he then removed the confused expression on his face to one of curiosity of what’s inside the pack, “you got any haribo?”
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“everyone, everyone, everyone!”
the girl hopped over to the group of men, dragging a slightly smaller one with her.
“yes, yes, yes!” replied george.
she the shoved the brunette girl in her arms to the front, holding her by both her forearms from the back.
“i want you all to meet daisy-mae!”
a strings of ‘hi’s and ‘hello’s along with ‘nice to meet you’s were exchanged.
the young driver then noticed a certain australian missing.
“hey where’s dan— DANNY!” she jumped when she saw said man approaching. as usual, she excitedly hopped her way over to him.
he chuckled, “hey, roo.”
at that, she stopped mid-way and looked at him confused, “who?”
“you’re like a ‘lil kangaroo, y’know?”
still confused, she was brought out of a daze when she heard loud sounds of agreement from behind her.
“that’s what she is!”
“aw, that’s cute, our little kangaroo…”
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taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoisons @vellicora
hope this didnt disappoint </3
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rosesloveletters · 1 year
Love Potion.
pairing: Patrick Verona x Reader
word count: 801 (less is more with this one)
warnings: angst
summary: Reader reflects on their almost-marriage to Patrick Verona years after it’s all been said and done. 
author’s note: Yes, I wrote another sad fic. I’ve had this in my head since last October. Based on a song...guess which one. 
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A lot could be said for all the sleepless nights, the grieving in slow-motion and the oblivion that followed, if you weren’t too exhausted to do so. For the last several years, you’d retreated from the world, hidden in plain sight, as it were, and you found solitude in the mundane. An average life for an average soul and that sentiment only bothered you as much as you were willing to admit.
You didn’t know what Patrick was doing now or if he had moved on. You hardly thought about him these days. Much had changed now that the two of you had grown up and apart; you were adults now and the impulses of youth that shrouded your past relationship had faded with time. The wounds were only so deep, but if you pick at a scab, it’s bound to open and that was the last thing you wanted.
You couldn’t say why he was on your mind. Something had reminded you of him, you were certain. Perhaps a whiff of peppermint had wafted into your nostrils and suddenly you were five years younger, sitting on the school bleachers next to your high school sweetheart, Patrick Verona, who was sucking on a peppermint candy he pulled out of his jeans pocket. He always used to carry them around with him. “It hides the smell of the cigarette smoke” he told you then in that thick, velveted Australian accent of his that always settled into the pit of your stomach just right.
He was like Christmas.
Senior year was rough on you both. You went off to college and Patrick got a technical degree to become a mechanic. He liked cars and was good with his hands. He made decent money and the hours weren’t the worst he’d ever had. He liked to work and it kept his mind off the fact that you weren’t there.
That must have been culprit. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, except when you’re two young adults trying to figure out the rest of your lives and where you fit in the other’s story.
Patrick was an impulsive young man. He made snap-decisions, but he had to live with them after and that was trouble. You loved his half-baked ideas, when he would beg you to skip class with him during fifth period so he could take you to the mall or the park. It was a lot easier to date Patrick when there were no strings attached. You had your whole lives ahead of you, why settle for a smaller picture?
You loved him. If you hadn’t known it then, you did now.
Why hadn’t you told him so more often?
Whatever the reason, it didn’t matter. You had said it enough times to convince him to propose.
At the time, the worst things you could think of were losing your job, failing an exam, never reaching your goals. You never stopped to think about how much worse it would be to have to put a wedding ring on your finger.
You didn’t have the time to devote to a full-time marriage. You had spent your whole life striving to reach the point where you could be fully independent, and you were ready to take the moment and taste it; there must be another way.
Who gave you the right to break his heart?
Patrick was too nice. He did things just for you, he built his life around the promise of a future with you, but when you asked for it, he gave you your freedom just the same and you craved the hurt it brought.
Patrick was sunshine, but you felt more comfortable in the dark.
You wanted the pain the came with a clean break and you wouldn’t have been able to cut him off any other way.
You had changed after high school; your lover stayed the same.
You had led him on and that was your fault. It didn’t have to end this way, but sometimes you just don’t know the answer until someone asks the question and you wished you had been more prepared for the fallout.
At least now you were unbound.
You wondered if he ever thought of you and the answer came, years later. It was a postcard and Christmas never looked so good.
He had a family and that was what was supposed to happen, only it would’ve been your arm around him, your lips on his cheek and your children wearing big smiles and even bigger holiday sweaters.
From all appearances, your Patrick, ‘Peppermint’ you remember you used to call him, had moved on.
He still thought of you when it mattered and it always had to him.
And life went on.
You never thought of him again, except on nights like this.
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chickensarentcheap · 17 days
Trying to get the muse going :)
@tragiclyhip @youflickedtooharddamnit @secretaryunpaid @watermeezer and everyone else of course :)
“Addie came in a little while ago,” she says, as she rummages through the selection of makeup in front of her. “To show off her hair. Daddy knocks it out of the park. AGAIN. You’ve become quite the professional, babe. Maybe you should moonlight as a stylist on the side.”
“That is NEVER going to happen.”
“I don’t know, you could have a vault of untapped talent inside of you. You could very well be the Australian Sally Hershberger. The MALE, Australian Sally, of course.”
He drops heavily onto the edge of their unmade bed; grimacing at the pain that settles in his right hip and travels down his leg. “Don’t get your hopes up. Something tells me I won’t need to make that drastic of a career change.”
She gives a sudden, dramatic gasp and looks at him over her shoulder. “I just came up with the PERFECT name for you. For your new business. Are you ready for it? Want to hear it?”
“Something tells me I don’t.”
“Tyler the Styler! What do you think?”
He glares at her. “I think I hate you right now.”
“Do you, husband? DO you?”
“No. Not really. I never could. I love you way too much. Despite what’s in my best interests.”
“What did you think of Addie’s dress? Doesn’t exactly scream Christmas, but it certainly screams Adeline Rake. Suits her, huh? Kind of fitting that yellow is her favourite colour.”
“Perfect for her if you ask me. Doesn’t Shaena always call her a little ray of sunshine? I know she is in my life.”
“She was so proud of herself for finding that dress. You would have thought it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen; the way her little face just lit right up and she gave that excited little squeal of hers. She just gets so happy over the simplest of things. Like when we go into town and give her five bucks to spend at the candy store; she doesn’t ask for more and she comes as if she’d won the lottery. She doesn’t just like things, she LOVES them. To her, the whole world is amazing and perfect and no one can ever change her mind.”
“She’s like her mom. Sees the good in everyone and everything.”
“I wish I WAS still like that. If five years ago did anything, it showed me that I actually CAN’T trust everyone. That I put too much faith in humanity. That some people really don’t have any good and redeeming qualities. They really ARE born evil.”
“As much as I hate to say ‘I told you so’...”
“Addie’s just so different, don’t you think? She’s not like any of the other ones. She’s just bubbly and giggly and light hearted. I mean, she was made during a really rough time. We found out about her during the whole McMann thing. She’s this perfect little being that hasn’t been touched by any of the bullshit. Even though she was right in the middle of it.”
“She reminds me of you when we first met. You were like that; all sweet and adorable and you had this cute little giggle. I remember thinking how it would probably be annoying if I didn’t have such a hard on for you.”
She rolls her eyes. “You are just so charming. Such a sweet talker. Never an absence of romance in this house.”
“Who needs romance?” Flopping backwards onto the mattress, he places the doll on his chest and closes his eyes; a forearm draped across his forehead and a hand resting on Adeline’s back. “ It’s been almost thirteen years. I thought I didn’t have to try that hard anymore.”
“Thirteen years? You stopped trying five days in.”
“You made it perfectly clear you just wanted me for my dick. I figured as long as it did a good job, everything else was golden.”
“That’s exactly it, husband. You have it all figured out. I started out just wanting your dick and my heart couldn’t mind it’s own business and wanted a piece of you too. And here we are, twelve and a half years and seven kids later. Quite a far cry from banging like rabbits for five days.”
“If anyone had ever told me that my fake wife would become my REAL wife, I would have told them they were nuts.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“It definitely is NOT. Weird how one of the worst times of my life turned into the best damn thing that ever happened to me. I mean, I could have gone without getting shot in the throat, but…”
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ineedmydowntime · 1 year
Ginyu Force Headcanons from ME
-Basically the group crazy uncle and instructor
-Even though this is more fanfiction-y, he's married to Keffyr because I personally see him as a guy who likes a wife/husband with an intimidating sense of fighting spirit.
-Does aerobics to stay in shape (some work outs are hilariously questionable, since these are space aerobic videos he watches, so there's a chance you'll see him dragging his rear in a circle to stay fit also Burter and Jeice secretly recorded him doing that once)
-He's always hiding candy in his armor, so if you were to security check him, expect little candies hidden in almost every nook and cranny of his armor.
-He enjoys old school rock, like AC/DC, Def Leppard, etc
-His favorite foods are literally space equivalents of foods normally enjoyed in Australia, like Space Vegemite on toast
-He knows how to play electric guitar
-Hilariously enough, if he's not eating sweets or space Australian foods, he LOVES cheese, his favorite is Cheddar.
-He's really good friends with Burter and sees him as the closest thing to a brother, mainly because Burter always comforted him on his constant guilt of his younger sister who disappeared
-Speaking of which, Jeice's family was a dad, a mom, and two sisters, older one is Larkee, and younger one is Doola.
-Poor fella still has nightmares about his mom
-VERY very snake like, since he lacks a nose, he does what snakes do as an equivalent to sniffing the air, flicking his tongue
-He's really close with Jeice because he considers him better family than his own mother. So Jeice and Burter mutually portray each other as brothers
-Burter had a rival who's nearly as fast as him, her name is Kranola, he used to have a crush on her, but things went wrong when she mocked him.
-He eventually makes amends with Kranola the minute he revealed to her about his cruel mother, Kranola felt guilty as Hell once she found out.
-Although not the brightest and made up of brute strength, he's actually kinda big hearted if friends are involved
-Having a rough day? He'll gladly invite you to go drinking with him, if you spew honesty from your drinking, he definitely won't judge.
-He prefers sweet alcoholic drinks, or just boozy sweets
-When he was little, he was ridiculed for practicing ballet, but he didn't care
-He's rarely judgmental... which is probably connected to him being a knucklehead
-He's really smart
-Bully him, expect karma through pranks
-Capable of telepathy, but it has consequences. If he uses it too much, his thoughts will be unintentionally and telepathically red out loud to nearby people
-DON'T compare him to a frog, trust me, you'll regret it.
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This is for educational purposes only.
Trigger Warning for what's happening in Congo right now:
• Slavery
• Inhumane Treatment
• Mentions of SA
• Child Endangerment
If you didn't know, right now in Congo people are suffering. Not just suffering, but being completely mistreated, abused, and used as tools. This issue IS NOT new. However, with the recent stream of information from Palestine, people getting educated about that horrific scene, people have brought light to many other issues worldwide that western media turns a blind eye to.
Where even is Congo?
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Congo is an African country, located right on the equator, with most of the country running under it.
The DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) is not to be confused with the smaller country to the left, The Republic of Congo.
6.9 million people have been displaced since 1996, due to violence. Some of which, directly ties in to forced evictions due to cobalt mining.
Curious to how much that actually is?
This is 1,000 dots
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See how many dots?
Just with that?
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This is 200,000 dots.
Getting into much steeper territory no?
Each of thoes dots is a Congolese person.
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This is 6.2 MILLION dots.
They're nothing but pixels now.
This is LESS than the amount of people displaced in Congo.
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And Congo is a BIG COUNTRY.
It's not a tiny small one.
It's huge.
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I mean, it's as big as HALF the USA.
It's the 11th biggest in the WORLD.
With a population of 95.89 MILLION people.
That means that over 7% of the Congolese people have been displaced.
(Some sources say there are only 86.8 Million people in Congo, such as Livingcost.org, if that is true I do wonder why it jumped down so far!! (This is sarcasm))
That's the same amount of people worldwide currently with college degrees.
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These are the mines in Eastern DRC.
As you can see, it's more than just simply Cobalt.
However, do we even know what Cobalt is?
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Is a highly used metal. Mostly used in machines, such as saws, batteries, surgical implants, and even paints.
There is radioactive, and non-radioactive cobalt.
"Cobalt (Co) is a hard, gray metal that occurs naturally. It is found in rocks, soil, water, plants, and animals, including people. It can harm the eyes, skin, heart, and lungs. Exposure to cobalt may cause cancer. Workers may be harmed from exposure to cobalt and cobalt-containing products. The level of harm depends upon the dose, duration, and work being done." According to the CDC.
Cobalt should be handled with care, and contact with the skin should be avoided. The dust affects the throat, nose, and lungs. The people of Congo have no protective gear, and alot of the mining there is done by HAND.
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These people don't even have
Clean drinking water
And rely on their CHILDREN to make money
(Who only makes roughly 6675.00 Congolese Francs a day. This may seem like a large number, but for some insight, that's 2.50 USD, 3.68 Australian Dollars, 3.31 Canadian Dollars, 359.92 Japanese Yen, 42.13 Mexican Pesos, and 1.93 English Pounds. In the US, you could buy a small bag of chips or a candy bar. In Australia, you wouldn't even have enough for a small cup of coffee. Same for Canada and the US. In Japan, you could maybe get a small coffee or a vending machine food. In Mexico? Same deal. Oh look. Same deal for the UK.)
Imagine getting paid less than a penny after working tirelessly in a mine.
In Congo, almost 62% of Congolese people live off of 2.15 USD per day.
Not per hour. Not per minute.
Per day.
You need over 400 USD to pay for things you need in Congo. Due to this, children are highly stunted in growth and potential.
The DRC is home to many Indigenous peoples, who are discriminated against and displaced at a high average. They play a hugely important role in the culture of Congo.
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Congolese women experience an even higher volume of violence and harm. Almost a third have experienced SA. Only about 16.8% of women have completed secondary school. Women earn consistently less money than men do.
Right now, there is crimes against humanity taking place in Congo. This is an undeniable fact.
How can I help?
Not everyone can donate, but if you can, here are some good places to donate to:
SAVE THE CHILDREN.ORG: https://www.savethechildren.org/us/where-we-work/democratic-republic-of-congo
UNICEF IN AFRICA: https://www.unicefusa.org/what-unicef-does/where-unicef-works/africa/horn-africa?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA67CrBhC1ARIsACKAa8QRSHqTPN6NInqxweJiuzZeiKQPG3EZIJ2TOtJCO9XGGYEEh_D07I8aAsW5EALw_wcB
Other ways to help:
• Supporting Congolese Content Creators, Artists, and Small Businesses, lifting their voices. Listen to stories.
• SHARE- Share information, spread the word!
• There are filters on Tiktok. Use thoes. It's the least any of us can do.
• Boycotting- Don't buy new vape products, don't buy from Tesla, and don't buy from Apple! You don't need the latest Infinity double X loop doop 2G phone. Use what you have already. Boycotting big tech companies comes first.
And human exploitation.
It needs to end.
Please help the people of Congo.
Praying does nothing.
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fuckyeahvanhalen86-95 · 10 months
Sammy Hagar plans to revitalize some Van Halen vibes on his upcoming summer tour.
For The Best of All Worlds Tour, Hagar and his bandmates in The Circle – bassist Michael Anthony, a founding member of Van Halen, and drummer Jason Bonham – will be joined by guitarist virtuoso Joe Satriani, who has recorded and performed with Hagar and Anthony in the band Chickenfoot.
The itinerary kicks off on July 13 in West Palm Beach, Florida, and the tour hits a total of 28 cities, concluding August 31 in St. Louis, Missouri. Loverboy will serve as the opening act.
Pre-sales begin on Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 10 a.m., with general on-sale starting Friday, Nov. 17 at 10 a.m. local. For more information go to RedRocker.com.
Hagar, 76, joined Van Halen as vocalist in 1985 after David Lee Roth left. Hagar also left the band in 1996, but returned for a 2004 tour. Recently, Hagar says he and Anthony decided to perform songs from their days playing in Van Halen at Hagar's annual Birthday Bash last month in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
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"We pulled out a couple of them and it was an instant lovefest with the fans from our first riffs," Hagar said in a statement with the tour announcement. "The music we created is going to outlive us all. They deserve to be heard so it's time we go out and serve the fans that music, while we still can."
The four albums of the "Van Hagar" era of the band – 5150 (1986), OU812 (1988), For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge (1991), and Balance (1995) – were recently re-released in newly remastered editions.
“It’s crazy to think that it’ll be 20 years since Mikey and I played these songs with Van Halen on the 04’ Best of Both Worlds Tour,” said Hagar. “With Joe on board, we can take a deeper dive into those years. We’re going to touch on some hits from my entire career but seeing fans old and new really embrace the new collection set off something in Mikey and I."
Joining the band on keyboards and backing vocals is Australian musician Rai Thistlethwayte.
On a poster for The Best of All Worlds tour, there's a list of songs including:
• Songs Hagar recorded with Van Halen: 5150, When It's Love, Best of Both Worlds, Finish What Ya Started, Poundcake, Humans Being, Right Now, Good Enough, Eagles Fly • Van Halen songs recorded with Roth: Panama, Running' With the Devil, Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love • Hagar solo songs: Your Love is Driving Me Crazy, Heavy Metal, Little White Lie, One Way to Rock, Mas Tequila • Hagar songs from his days with Montrose: Rock Candy • Chickenfoot songs: Oh Yeah
Here are Sammy Hagar's Best of All Worlds tour dates: • July 13     West Palm Beach, FL     iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre • July 14      Tampa, FL                     MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre • July 16 Alpharetta, GA Ameris Bank Amphitheatre • July 19 Charlotte, NC PNC Music Pavilion • July 20 Bristow, VA Jiffy Lube Live • July 22 Saratoga Springs, NY Broadview Stage at SPAC • July 24 Bridgeport, CT Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater • July 26 Mansfield, MA Xfinity Center • July 27 Holmdel, NJ PNC Bank Arts Center • July 29 Cuyahoga Falls, OH Blossom Music Center • July 31 Toronto, ON Budweiser Stage • Aug. 2 Clarkston, MI Pine Knob Music Theatre • Aug. 3 Tinley Park, IL Credit Union 1 Amphitheatre • Aug. 9 Las Vegas, NV MGM Grand Garden Arena • Aug. 11 Morrison, CO Red Rocks Amphitheatre • Aug. 13 Airway Heights, WA BECU Live at Northern Quest • Aug. 14 Ridgefield, WA RV Inn Style Resort Amphitheater • Aug. 16 Wheatland, CA Toyota Amphitheatre • Aug. 17 Concord, CA Toyota Pavilion at Concord • Aug. 19 Los Angeles, CA Kia Forum • Aug. 20 Phoenix, AZ Talking Stick Resorts Amphitheatre • Aug. 22 Dallas, TX Dos Equis Pavilion • Aug. 23 Houston, TX Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion • Aug. 25 Rogers, AR Walmart AMP • Aug. 27 Cincinnati, OH Riverbend Music Center • Aug. 28 Nashville, TN Bridgestone Arena • Aug. 30 Noblesville, IN Ruoff Music Center • Aug. 31 St. Louis, MO Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre
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debbiechanclub · 1 year
What are your thoughts on bullet club war dogs as a whole and what are your thoughts on each of the members?
What a nice treat in my inbox, thank you for allowing me to subject you to my insanity about this group of people. My thoughts are that I love them, and let me tell you why.
Preemptively inserting a cut, because I'm sure this is gonna be long.
*Morgan Freeman voice*: It is.
I assume you know this, so I don't mean to mansplain, but it's crucial to my point to reiterate that the original intent of Bullet Club as founded by Prince Devitt was to be a stable of despicable gaijin (or foreign) wrestlers. Which makes total sense as a concept, especially in NJPW. Japan is not the cultural melting pot that North America or the UK is―if you're not Japanese, you stick out. So it makes perfect sense that the foreign wrestlers would gravitate toward each other and band together in that locker room as strangers in a strange land, so to speak.
However, to me, it hadn't felt like that's what Bullet Club was in a long time. Ever since The Elite left NJPW and during the bulk of Jay White's tenure as leader, basically (and he is the longest tenured leader!). At some point under Jay's leadership, BC became less about being a group of foreign menaces and more about just being a group of menaces. And a group of menaces who didn't really have each other's backs, to boot? There was so much in-fighting and it got so old.
But David Finlay and the War Dogs―in my admittedly completely biased opinion―have brought BC back to its original intent. They're a group of young, hungry, foreign guys who came almost entirely out of NJPW's American arm in Strong. And they're obsessed with each other. You can tell from social media and their backstage comments and in-ring promos that they're a cohesive unit who have each other's backs.
Outside of the War Dogs, though... BC is still a hot fucking mess. I'm highkey annoyed that Jay is just being allowed to get away with BC Gold in AEW, and I want nothing more than for Finlay to finally cut House of Torture loose (and hopefully there will be movement on that with him and EVIL being in the same G1 block). I do, however, think Ace and Bey should be brought into the War Dogs; they would fit right in (and I love Chris Bey). As for the BC subgroup in NJPW Tamashii, while I know absolutely nothing about them it does make sense that NJPW would want an iteration of their most-known faction in their Australian arm. And plus Bad Luck Fale is heading it up and he's an original member, so. Pass.
Okay, so now that I've told you my thoughts on the War Dogs as a group, lets get into each of them individually.
David Finlay
I mean, he's blorbo prime. My special (not really) little guy. He just scratches a very satisfying itch in my brain, and it actually started for me back when Kenny Omega took the AEW World Championship over to Impact to become the Belt Collector. Because when Kenny did that, I―like many others―tuned into Impact for the first time in actual decades, and when FinJuice started feuding with The Good Brothers for the Impact World Tag Titles, I just knew I'd vibe with Finlay, you know? Like I said, he scratched an itch. (Also, I should say here that I didn't start regularly watching NJPW until like... mid-2021, so my exposure to Finlay up until watching Impact was essentially that I knew he was a person who existed.) And then Finlay came back to Japan for the first time in over a year to compete in last year's G1 post-split from Juice, and he was a bit more aggressive with a bit of a chip on his shoulder, and the feeling of "yeah, that's my guy," only grew. And then he walked out with Gedo in Bullet Club gear for the New Japan Cup and I was just a goner. Plus his dad is Fit Finlay who I love simply for everything he's done to help elevate women's wrestling. Like, love and respect, Steph, but you didn't start the women's revolution―Fit did when he started treating WWE's women like wrestlers and not just eye candy 💅🏻
Oh, and I will die on this hill: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, will Tony Khan or someone in fucking AEW acknowledge all the history between Finlay and both Juice and Jay and give us the fucking War Dogs-BC Gold feud we deserve????
Okay, moving on.
Clark Connors
Okay, so. If Finlay scratches a satisfying itch in my brain, Clark scratches a hedonistic one, and that's just it. Seriously―when he first joined BC, he had me acting and thinking weird. He's despicable and cocky and he likes to drink and smoke and fight and I am simply helpless against his dirtbag rhinestone outlaw swag. Plus, he's just a good hard-hitting wrestler. There's a moment in his match against Kevin Knight from this year's BOSJ where he did this crazy sort of spear-spinebuster combo that lives absolutely rent free in my brain. OH. And his theme song is a fucking banger.
Dan "Drilla" Moloney
To be perfectly transparent, even though he was great in this year's BOSJ, I didn't pay much attention to Drilla until he joined BC and linked up with Clark, and I don't know that I like him so much as I just like him and Clark together? That's not to say I don't like Drilla on his own, because I do―he's mouthy and entertaining as fuck and just does not give a fuck. At all. But him and Clark together are just *chef's kiss* to me. Although, I am very much looking forward to Drilla's impending match and feud with Will Ospreay.
Alex Coughlin
This might come as a surprise, but... Alex is lowkey my second favorite after Finlay (sorry, Clark 🫣). And it’s for the same reason that I gravitated toward Finlay in the first place: I just know I'd vibe with him based off the things he posts on IG. I also like that he brings a completely different dynamic to the group in the sense that he's not loud or outwardly cocky and doesn't run his mouth like the rest of them do. He just stares into your soul and picks things up and throws them. And I just think he's neat. I hope he does well in the G1 and I will be sad if he doesn't.
Gabe Kidd
So as of right now, I have the least feel for Gabe out of all the War Dogs, and my thoughts on him are similar to Drilla in that it's not so much him as it is him and Alex together for me. The two of them are a completely different flavor of swag from Drilla and Clark, and I absolutely love that. I love that the War Dogs are a well-rounded unit with both a junior tag team and a heavyweight tag team who each bring something unique and dynamic to the table. That being said, Gabe is quickly growing on me, and I'm sure I'll have more to say about him during and after the G1.
And Jesus H. Christ, I just wrote you a novel. I hope it answers your question? 😂
Seriously though, thank you for asking me this, and now everyone who bothers to read this knows how extensive my brainrot for the War Dogs is. They're my special guys and I adore them.
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wyrd-syster · 1 year
could you elaborate on the finale of the lost flowers of alice hart? i don’t know anything about the book but i found the ending of the show a little lukewarm and your comments got me really interested/curious
Oh YES I can elaborate. Because I have OPINIONS on this finale.
(Book and show spoilers under the cut)
Just to clarify, Alice only finds out about Charlie in the last, idk, 50 pages or so of the book? She doesn't even meet him until the epilogue. Obviously, they made his storyline more integral to the plot of the show, which I really liked...until ep. 7
For a show that spent a lot of time with characters looking out into the (admittedly, beautiful) Australian landscape, the transition between episode 6 and episode 7 felt rushed.
Things I hated about the finale:
Agnes burning Clem
This ruined the arc of the first part of the book and made no sense. The book literally starts with young Alice considering burning her father. Not because she hates him, but she wonders: "What might it be like, if her father was consumed by fire? All his monsters burned to ash, leaving the best of him to rise, renewed by flames, remade into the man he sometimes was: the man who made her a desk so she could write stories." In the book, Alice started the fire and only survived because Clem went back into the burning house for Agnes and Alice. In the end, Alice gets her wish: Clem Hart's last actions were to rescue the women he tormented at the cost of his own life. A lot of the book explores the complicated duality of the characters, and this moment was important to sit with the uncomfortable idea that he wasn't all bad all the time. Agnes burning Clem takes all that away. Not only that, but it then raises the question of why did Agnes die? the door outside was right there, it was so close she could've had a broken leg and still crawl outside before the fire got too big. So like, what, did she stop for a snack?
Clem attacking June (and wanting to """modernize""" Thornfield wtf?)
In the book, Clem left with Agnes when he found out his mother wasn't going to let him inherit Thornfield.
The last flashback we had of Clem (before ep 7) we saw a young man terrified of failing his mother, not a violent boy or man. How did he jump there so fast? And immediately from where the scene started he seemed like a caricature version of the character? It felt like the show was like "hey we need to show him committing more violence just in case the viewer forgot that he was a bad man."
Showing Clem choking Alice
In every episode before this that featured Little Alice, not once do we see any child abuse, just the before and afters. In ep. 7, the showed Clem fully choking Alice without a cutaway. Again, it felt like the show was making shortcuts to remind us that Clem was bad, just in case we didn't know it yet.
June is suddenly forgiven because??? she died???
And there is NO accountability for ANYTHING. Not her mistreatment and abuse of Alice, or of Clem, or of Candy, or of anyone?
In the book, June dies while Alice is still in Agnes Bluff, so she only learns about it after the fact from Twig and Candy. There is no satisfying ending between the two, which was important. Because Alice's journey only moves forward if her past is completely abandoned.
The implication that Clem was a product of rape and therefore would ALWAYS be bad, he was BORN bad, and all of June's actions are then justified.
The through-line of the book is the cycle of generational trauma. June's grandmother, who founded Thornfield, June's mother -- always about men. In the book, June isn't gay and the Robber Baron is a thief/slick criminal who hides away by the river. June falls in love with him and they have sex. He leaves and comes back a few times but stops just when June finds out she's pregnant.
So first of all, the change for the show? Listen I love gay Sigourney Weaver so the new "how" is fine. But with the way the show kept reminding us that Clem was a Bad Man Who Deserved No Redemption, the implication was that he was simply born bad...because he was a product of rape.
In the book, it's implied that June truly hates men but never confirmed. So first of all, having a son was a struggle for her because she was never going to be able to love him as much if he were a girl. I thought the show, up into this point, was doing such a wonderful job of capturing the nuances of this, showing that June mistreated and, to some extent, abused him, that he inherited the generational trauma just as much as his mother. But all that was thrown away in the finale. No nuance.
Alice burning down the shed
Triggering much??
The shot of Candy in that moment when the shed was burning that seemed like the show was saying definitively that Clem had raped her.
Up until this point, the "did she" or "didn't she" of Candy's history seemed to be left up to the viewer's interpretations. But again, they have to hit us over the head with, "Don't you see, domestic abuse is bad! Clem is bad! remember that!!" so they removed the nuance.
And my biggest gripe of them all:
If this is a story about women and violence, then why did Clem get more flashback/ghost energy screen time than Agnes? Why did we never get her POV? or Candy's or Twig's?
It felt like the show simplified the nuance of the show to make a PSA that Domestic Abuse was Bad. As if we didn't know that already.
This was a lot, and I could go on, but these are my top ones.
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padawan-historian · 1 year
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This May marks Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. As we recommit ourselves to collective liberation and restorative learning, I wanted send out a gentle reminder that these months should not be the extent of your antiracist (un)learning (x)
1. The Korean Women’s Relief Society in Hawai’i was founded in 1919 in response to the  March First Independence Movement in Korea (that called for full independence from Imperial Japan). Along with organizing aid through the Korean Red Cross, the KWRS also organized cultural activities and events like this mock Korean wedding ceremony (1921).
2. A family of Chinese immigrants relaxes in a San Fransisco park (1980s).
3. The wives of the Philippine delegation accompany their partners to Washington D.C. campaigning for the recognition of their independence and island sovereignty; here they are received by First Lady Harding and Mme. De Veyra (1922).
4. American soldier John Konopka holds out a piece of candy to a young Korean child carried  men of the 25th infantry division relax during their advance against the Chinese communist enemy troops in Osan, Korea (1951).
5. Japanese serviceman, Neisi, poses with American Japanese women (1945).
6. Two Chinese soldiers hold the captured Japanese flag as journalist Walter G. Rundle applies first aid to a freed woman who the Japanese soldiers had forced to act as a comfort woman. Although these bondwomen were thought to have been of Chinese descent, additional research speculates that they hailed from Korea (1944).
7. Australian soldiers of the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR) pull together to throw a feast for the 50 displaced Korean children from Bukhansan Orphanage in Seoul. Private Alpha Cashmore Hunter and another unidentified soldier help pass out plates (+ chocolate). After dinner, a the soldiers gathered to listen to the children sing folk songs, play the piano and violin, and recite English classics (1951-53).
8. Young Japanese-Americans from the Y.W.C.A. Summer Camp in Pueblo, Colorado, many of them displaced by the Relocation Center at Granada, working alongside white local farmers (1943).
9. The champion Chinese Hose Team of America, triumphed in the great Hub-and-Hub race at Deadwood, South Dakota (1888).
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nickmitchell · 1 year
hey I find some second creations about chaleigh are similar and theyr all extremely adorable
like, Chuck don't have a girlfriend in his hole life before encountered Ray. He is a total virgin, which without doubt just like the fact that hes an asshole. But bcsof the competitiveness and bad temper, their first kiss and first sex are all raised by Chuck.
Chuck is very fond of sweet but due to the kaiju war he never found this hobby until that suicide battle end. Ray always reminds Chuck that too much sugar will get him fat but Chuck never listening to him.
Ray doesn't love sweet but he has a bad habit which is lie-in (taught by Yancy), he always stuck on bed no matter weekday or weekend. Chuck hates that bcs Chuck has a very healthy and regular schedule which trained by Jaeger army these years so he never get used to Rays lie-in stuff.
Ray always get some candy in his pocket to satisfy Chucks greedy taste. Ray knews Chuck shouldn't eat too much sugar but this Australian bastard is too fucking cute,especially when he begging him to get some sweet, Ray can't resist.
Oh and herc is very very unpleasant about his son is dating with *that American Asshole*, may be he even punched Rays face once before. But eventually herc gets used to it bcs he found Chuck is so happy when he gets along with Ray. So be it. (Our daddy is sooooooo poor hahahahaha)
And of course Ray is Chucks icon when Australian was a teenager, but after Ray run away and hided at Alaska to built the kaiju wall, Chuck began to hate him. (Very comprehensible right? He still love Ray anyway :)))
btw Ray is just absolutely a nicknameeeeeeeeee
also, official settings show that chaleigh have age difference of 5 years old (Ray is 26 and Chuck is 21) , Chuck is shorter than Ray (Ray is 185cm and Chuck is 183cm) , so they are born to be couple!!!! i usually saw some soulmates and perfect match au at fictions, i think this is a completely wonderful explaination about them.
Rays birthday is 11.21, this is winter at USA which hint Rays clam nature and clear mind. But November is summer at Australia, may be this means *Ray hates everyone but Chuck*???? (You guys know official settings said Ray loves humanity but hates ppl right?)
Chucks birthday 8.14(same day as mine awwwwww), August is a hot month in the Northern Hemisphere, which hint Chucks hot-temper and touchy. But we don't know who he is at the past, may be he is a kid lack of love so he shows sharp side to the outside world, inside, he is just a sensitive and fragile little boy. His mothers death is a huge hit for him. He needs someone to help him and love him.(Ray is the one :33333)
i love see them fight with each other, both physical and verbal. Chuck called ray OLD MAN or JERK, Ray called Chuck KID or ASSHOLE. They always push away the other part but eventually they found they both love the other side.
said too much. Im very bad at English please forgive me, i just wanto say thanks for chaleigh bring motivation and happiness to my life, and thanks for you guys awesome fiction i will love these works forever🥺thanks anyway💓💓💓
in the end, for raleigh and chuck, could you PLEASSSSSE get married okay🥺😭😭
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miss-ari · 1 year
A Non-Comprehensive List of "Foods That Don't Really Exist In Australia Compared to America" In My Experience Thus Far
(Some of these you can find at specialty US food/import stores if you're lucky though!)
Saltine crackers
Graham crackers
Yellow/orange mac and cheese. It is white-ish here, comes in a smaller quantity but costs more, and does not taste the same. I tried making it like I would back home and my partner said "This slaps!" but I thought it was kinda dreadful :x
Twizzlers. Okay a lot of American candies are going to be missing but this is the one that hurts me most. Like, oh no they don't have Mike & Ikes- who the fuck cares.
Funky ice cream flavours in tubs. Australia does ice cream treats really well, you are pretty much guaranteed delicious results if it is individually wrapped. But anything outside of basic vanilla (which tastes VERY different from any American vanilla ice cream I've ever had in my life), chocolate, and neapolitan in a tub is gonna be goddamn scarce. I have managed to track down mint chocolate chip and cookies & cream but they were gross. Anything more complex- think moose tracks, chocolate cherry chip, brownie, rocky road, cookie dough, etc- you are shit out of luck my friend because if they do exist here they come in specialty brand pints exclusively and they are at least $12 a pop, kys
Jif peanut butter
Breakfast or "country" sausages. I actually had no idea that was exclusively an American thing until I moved here. No one knows what I'm talking about and I just gesture helplessly when they ask for details because I don't know what's in those either! I've never had to think about it before! But I better find out 'cause it's time to start making them myself. Send help.
(Good) Mexican food, just as a whole -_-;
Root beer. For some reason they have Ginger Beer but not Ginger Ale and I swear there is a difference but it probably doesn't matter
Ranch dressing?? I'm a good midwestern girl what is this fresh hell
Cheez-its, cheetos, cheez whiz, goldfish crackers- most salty cheese snacks. Your average grocery chain like Woolies or Coles isn't gonna have these and it's a little weird.
Fruit snacks. Presumably because they don't have enough fruit for Australia to legally call them that. I have found some at Costco but that's about it. Side note, the Kirkland chocolate chips bag says "Great for baking and snacking" so they've manually put a plain white sticker with black text over it that says "Great for baking and cooking" :')
Egg rolls. Actually most Chinese American food which. Okay that makes sense now that I think about it but orange chicken my beloved... crab rangoon... egg rolls... They do have "spring rolls" but they are kinda shit! Korean food is everywhere though and it is goddamn delicious. Oh and you can get mochi ice cream 10 for $10 at Coles. There's limited flavours obviously but they have strawberry and mango and that is all that matters tbqh (black sesame is a 0/10, truly awful)
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Fritos/corn chips. Tortilla chips exist but are more expensive than you'd expect, and the "Hispanic" section of the grocery store is like. A shelf. Bitches don't even have crema smh
Cool whip
Not a food but Tums or even really generic antacid tablets- I cannot find them anywhere
If we're including not-foods all of a sudden: cardstock.
Candy corn
Lemonade. Australians will insist they have lemonade but it is fucking carbonated!! I'm like no no it's not supposed to be fizzy, it's not like a Sprite. "So it's just lemon and sugar water...?" Yes!!! God!!
Specifically this type of noodle:
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Almond bark
Maraschino cherries
Trail mix
And your reactions will vary wildly between "Eh. That's fair." and "Oh dear god, please tell me the US import store takes requests."
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blubushie · 1 year
I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS. whats your favorite candy? do you like steaks? how do you like steaks? dont say rare. no one likes them rare. what do you get at starbucks? do they even HAVE starbucks in australia? whats your favorite show? whats your favorite movie? whats your favorite song? what music do you like to listen to? can you dance? can you SING? whats your favorite model of car? dont say whatever it is sniper drives.
Bring on the questions!
What's your favourite lolly?
For lollies, I'd kill for sour gummy worms. As a nipper I loved Hershey's chocolate so much that I named my childhood dog Hershey. My favourite chocolate is peanut butter cups.
Do you like steaks? How do you like steaks? Don't say rare. No one likes them rare.
Get fucked, I like mine rare. I want that cunt so rare it's mooing. (Really, though, I do like my steaks rare.)
What do you get at Starbucks? Do they even HAVE Starbucks in Australia?
We do! It's always either the chocolate croissant or the bacon, egg, and cheese brekkie roll. I don't eat out much lmao
What's your favourite show?
Right now it's 1923 (Spencer Dutton my beloved) but since we're between seasons I'd say The Mandalorian. I don't watch much TV and that's the only two shows currently airing that I can name lmao. My dad's the one what got me into 1923 because he knows I love stockman shit and then he found out Spencer is a bit of a bushie like me and he buzzed me going "BLU THERE'S A NEW SHOW ON! YEAH IT'S A SPIN-OFF OF YELLOWSTONE! YEAH THERE'S A HANDSOME MAN ON THERE AND I KNOW YOU LIKE MEN BECAUSE YOU'RE A LITTLE FA-"
What's your favourite movie?
Bugger me. Growing up it was Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron because I was that weird kid obsessed with horses. (I still love horses.) Now? It's still probably Spirit. And Prince of Egypt. For comedy it's Crocodile Dundee 1 or 2 (my favourite it 2 and we don't talk about 3).
What's your favourite song? What music do you like to listen to?
I'm a sucker for Australian country (Slim Dusty), bush ballads (also Slim Dusty), and folk songs (again, Slim Dusty). Lately I've been singing Moreton Bay when I'm working, or Fields of Athenry. That said I also like rock and old (40s-80s) American country (Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, George Jones, etc). There's almost some traditional pop (Tom Jones, Frank Sinatra). I like most stuff 80s and older, I suppose. As for my favourite song, normally I'd say Waltzing Matilda but that's a mite cliché innit so fuck you I'm not saying Waltzing Matilda. Letter from Down Under makes my eyes water so let's go with that. For a "modern" song, I've had Dear Rodeo stuck in my head for the past few days.
The one that always picks my spirits up is Down Under, of course.
Can you dance?
I have all the swagger of an emu on roller skates. I can slow dance (cheers Mum) but I have zero dancing ability outside of that.
Can you SING?
Yeah, when I was in high school in the states I actually performed at Carnegie Hall in New York with Eric Whitacre and the rest of my choir group. I met a famous composer so that's my claim to fame. My favourite we performed was The Seal Lullaby. I'm a tenor when I sing but on rare occasions I can sing countertenor when needed. My chest voice is baritone.
What's your favourite model of car? Don't say whatever it is Sniper drives.
Get fucked, it's a 1965 Land Rover Series IIA. Not really. It's a 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham.
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If I could though I would 100% buy a 1965 Land Rover Series IIA ute-type. Actually I'd prefer the II model instead of the IIA because I like how the horn on the II model branches off of the steering column like windscreen wipers on a modern car. Gives it a neat look.
(Also Land Rovers are fucking invincible.)
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yuuxhan · 1 year
Yuri Harukami
These are headcanons of my OC for my commissions or anyone who wants to know her!
(Also for me to remember… ehe😋)
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Yuri is my main OC, I use her for everything and I shove her into different anime/situations for my own comfort.
I hold Yuri very close to my heart, I will defend her with everything I’ve got.. so please, if you have comments that are not nice, refrain from saying them please. Thank you.
(This is also why my name is Yuri lolol!)
This is her Pinterest board I made for her, it shows her style and how she looks. Some photos will vary depending on the situation/ story though. Feel free to view~
Here’s a short description of you don’t want to read everything!
History: Yuri is a blue eyed, pale skinned girl who’s in her highschool years. She has freckles from her chest, shoulders.. up to her cheeks and face. She gets them from Akito, her father who’s Australian. He married Ayame, who’s Japanese. Ayame has white fluffy hair while Akito’s is very curly and light brown. They had their first child in JP named Yuki, a girl who looks mostly like her father with her brown bob cut short hair. A year passed and Yuri was born. Yuri looked a lot like her mother, her white hair, blue eyes.. they’re both albino.
About: Yuri’s a very kind and selfless person, she’s adored by many for how sweet and gentle she is. She has a very soft and quiet voice, she almost sounds like she’s talking to a baby. She always carries around a small backpack, holding things like a small blanket or some water.. just in case she runs into trouble.
Likes: Yuri loves being with her friends.. or in anyone’s company. She never fails to put a smile on their faces, and in return they adore her presence. She’s okay with being alone too, she doesn’t mind getting some peace and quiet once in a while, it’s refreshing.
Dislikes: Growing up people used to bully her because of her looks and personality, they found her tooo sweet. It was weird, some found it creepy and obnoxious. So she hates it when people teases her like that, although she’s too kind to say it, she’d most likely be repeating it in her head.
Fav. Food: She likes anything sweet! Whether it’s candies or chocolates.. or doughnuts! But her favorite is cake. She could gulp down a sponge cake or a chocolate cake.. but not when it’s tooo sweet, that’s too much.
Dislike food: She doesn’t like things that are supposed to be warm, turned cold. For example, overnight oats.. warm oatmeal sounds amazing but when it’s frozen.. eugh. Or those cold soba noodles.. gross. Anything cold like that she hates.
Fav weather: Yuri’s favorite weather is when it snows. The beautiful white snowflake falling from the sky, watching it pile up.. it looks magical to her. Though she also likes when it rains, sitting down in a dim room with a good book, cuddled up in blankets… so peaceful.
Fave holiday: Along with the cold weather, her favorite holiday is Christmas! Giving gifts is something she loves to do. But not just that, the joy of Christmas. Being able to wake up with your family and exchange gifts. Sitting in the window and watching the snow. Hearing the giggles and laughter of children playing.. she loves it all.
Hobbies: If not hanging with her friends, you can find her at the beach.. or any park or local library. She loves reading.. her favorite is fantasy and romance novels. You can find her sitting in the park up on a tree just resding to herself, or laying on a picnic mat just relaxing.
Birthday: Her birthday is December 19th! She usually gets her gifts before or during Christmas morning.
Voice Claim: I haven’t actually done one of these before but I do believe her JP and ENG voice would be Rei from Evangelion (the 2021 version? I havent watched that anime.. but I’ve heard her voice before.)
If you have any other questions or comments about her, please comment!
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Unfortunately I can’t draw for shit so.. I do commissions every once in a while. So here are some commissions I’ve done with them! All of the artists are listed below the photo!
(The credit belong to them! Nothing is mine except for the character!!)
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Akito (Yuri’s father in his younger years. I did him in a Sk8 AU bc… why not?👀)
Artist is: @thym3y
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This is Yuri!
Artist is: @ Kyrin_San on instagram
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(I can’t find who the artist for this one is for the LIFE of me omg.. I searched everywhere but 🫠…. If I do find them I’ll tag them. I completely forgot omg, I’m so sorry)
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A friend of mine drew Yuki for me! (Yuri’s older sister!)
Artist is: @ibtrashwhore
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shmreduplication · 2 years
I made 6 hamentashen per person last year and I had 12 people come over for 2 cookie parties and i thought ok it's going to be a 50% increase when people make it for themselves, which will be 144 cookies (including the amount that I guessed they'd take home for friends& families), which I'll round up from ~3.5 batches to 4
Y'all they used up 5 batches of dough. That's 215 (using last year's cookies/batch). I made 267 cookies last year for comparison
I thought "everyone will make 9 for theirself and people who live with other people will make some amount more to take home" but it turns out people who are taking them home want to take a lot more home than what I was sending to people, and people want to use up all the dough that I make for the party
I guess it's like cheese where you'd think there'd be a bellcurve of enjoyment where most people like it around 5 on a scale of 1-10 but in reality there's a small group who like it at 0&1 and the vast vast majority of people love it at 9&10
Also it means my cookies last year were so good that the people who had the opportunity to have a lot more fucking took it 🥰
Also I was surprised at the fact that literally every filling option I put on the table was used (except dark chocolate chips) and people started putting multiple fillings in the cookies.
Between my job where we're trying to scale up manufacturing and the hours and hours that I've watched How It's Made and the Claire Saffitz "chef makes gourmet versions of supermarket candies" and The Engineer Guy and that video series about food experts guessing the cheap& expensive version of foods and that Australian 3D printing guy, I've thought a lot about how making things at different scales affects the production process, but I didn't think there'd be a difference between how I was making hamentashen and how my friends would make them. I thought everyone would pick 2 or 3 of the best flavors and make a bunch of those to eat& take home. Nope! I joked about making my kitchen into a cookie factory last year but prioritizing speed& consistency vs my friends just having fun at the party, I guess it was more like a factory in terms of the driving philosophy than I had realized
Based on everyone wanting to try pretty much every flavor, here's a free business idear: chocolate box-style boxes of hamentashen. Just like hamentashen with like 2 each of a bunch of different flavors of nice jam/jelly/preserves/marmalade/curd/fruit butter/chocolate chips
Last thing: I finally found a kind of hamentashen I really love, my friends made cannoli hamentashen and they were divine
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nightcall99 · 2 days
Dreams from 20.9.24
Dream 1: I was with an older man, much older than I. We were in some kind of relationship. I found him attractive at least at the start but then he got lesser so. Seemed to age within moments. He reminds me of the actor Benedict Cumberbatch. We were walking around somewhere. An airport or a shopping mall? We held hands. Tentatively, because it was the first time we'd done it. I was avoiding linking my fingers with his completely, like I was hesitant because although I knew he liked and I liked him but I just knew it was temporary thing. I kinda knew he would let go after awhile, after we reached a certain point. And he did. Despite his feelings for me. He had something he had to do like buy some houses so they would increase in value in the future. I was not interested by this. At this point he looked like an elderly man. White hair. I could still sense the beauty I used to see in him but he had changed a lot. I let go of his hand and of him. I knew our time was done and I went with some younger guy in another direction.
Dream 2: I was at Viet school. I had left my backpack on the ground just inside in the foyer. Other students had too. I had gone outside to do something and now I wanted to get back inside, to get my bag. I could see it from the window. Unfortunately the doors were locked with massive bolts and there were security men standing out the front of them, barring my way back inside. I had to explain to one of the men that my backpack was right there on the floor, mere feet away and I was escorted in. I went to the bag I thought was mine but when I opened the zip and it was not my stuff, like some uniform was in there. We found my actual bag a few steps away from that one and when I unzipped it, there was candy inside. It was odd that I was at Viet school, I haven’t been in decades but I just went with it. I had to go find my classroom. I kinda doubted that I would find it but I didn’t panic. I also usually always panic when I come here because my Vietnamese is appalling. I knew that I was gonna be so behind the other students but it was whatever. In this dream, I don’t think I ever got to the classroom
Dream 3: I was in a swimming pool and suddenly I had to leave it. There was an urgency.
Dream 4: I was screaming and screaming at my parents. They just took it but they didn’t understand me. They made things worse by not understanding and I screamed even harder. Deep down, I knew the real reason I was upset with them was because they weren’t 'there' anymore.
Dream 5: I'm at a school and I had just been in class but now I am outside with a bunch of people. We were waiting for something. We were waiting for our bags. I was specifically looking for my bag, which was either my brown shoulder bag or my fluoro backpack. They had bene left in the classroom from earlier but we couldn't go back to get the, we had to wait for them to be transported here via trucks. There were massive crates of bags being unloaded and all we had to do was look for them. But there were so many. I couldn't find it.
It looked like we were sitting in the seating of a large stadium. l I think we had got here because we had left the school and had gone on a walk, a very long walk and now here we were. There was a lot of people but I was hanging in a group of 3-4 others. I was paying particular attention to two boys who looked like one of the Australian comedic brothers, Lachlan Fairbairn, and someone who was older version of him. I was attracted to the younger one and had fond feelings for the older one. The younger one had never let me know he was attracted to me though I could just feel it. I think they had found their bags but mine hadn't arrived yet. While we waited, we were just chilling. I remembered that I had a dream with the younger bro in it, telling me something about pizza. In the dream, it had been a more intimate setting, just us in a room. In this room, some other things happened but I don’t remember, but I could just tell we were fated to be together. As if to confirm this, at that moment, he mentioned something about pizza exactly in the way he had spoken of it in the dream.
I kept looking for my bag. The mounds of bags were so large I was walking on top of them. There were so many scattered everywhere. I kept thinking that I saw it a couple of times but when I got closer to it it wasn’t mine. After awhile the boys felt aggrieved on my behalf. I felt very much adored by them. In fact, the older one said he was gonna get them for doing this to me. I think it was time to go despite my not having my bag. I kept thinking about how I felt really connected to the younger brother and I must have realised I had feelings for him too but it’s like we couldn’t act on them yet. I felt that he was the more sensitive and intellectual version of his brother but he was hiding it from the world. The older was more burly and outgoing and the typical male. I think at some point I held hands with both of them. We were leaving now, I was gonna go without my bag.
Dream 6: I just got to work and he was there. I could feel him. I put on my uniform coat and went round the back. This was the sister store. For some reason I just stood there. NM was there and she said I smelled nice. I said it wasn’t me it was the laundry powder or soap that was sitting in boxes all around us. She didn’t seem to really hear me. Why was I back here? I didn’t seem to need to use the bathroom although someone was in the cubicle. I heard them flushing the toilet.
Dream 7: I was in my room and my ex appeared. It seemed that we were together. He had just gotten back from somewhere, maybe doing something, being bus all day. He was just going to go to sleep but he kinda just laid there staring at me with wide eyes in some expectant fashion, I dunno. I figured he must be hungry so I went into the kitchen and prepared what I could, like frozen food and few bits and bobs. Someone was using the air-fryer which was opened up without a lid. It seemed to work just find without the lid on. I was annoyed that my brother was using it at that moment to cook something. We had nothing very nutritious, it was just fast and easy stuff. It was the middle of the night. I don't know that I was necessarily doing this out of love, it was care but more like the worry of a family member.
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