#i fucking LOVE THIS GAME
wordslikesilver · 2 months
I swear I’m almost done being mentally ill about Elden Ring I promise but I never see anyone talk about Morgott’s heart wrenching death scene. It’s never overtly pointed out but please imagine the progression of events from his perspective. Lying on his back, staring up at the sky, defeated. He’s one of the ONLY bosses that leaves behind a corpse and it’s heart wrenching okay, it’s OBLITERATING. Because he’s lying there withered and broken, staring up at the golden boughs of the one thing in the world he loved, not the golden order, not the greater will, he loved the Erdtree and dedicated his ENTIRE life to it even though it never loved him back because not even a man as scorned as Morgott could live without love and the love was to keep his heart still beating in his chest when he felt most like a monster. He has spent his entire life keeping this crumbling kingdom together. For his mother, who hid him away so the world wouldn’t hurt him, for his father, the man who taught him how to bear the weight of a crown and stand taller than the ignoble origins you come from. And he was so alone. The only constant in his life being that golden tree that shone down into the sewers. He is the last of all kings. The horns about his brow weighed heavier than his crown.
And then the tree was burning. Lying broken on the ground, unable to truly die, his curse expelled from his body, he could only look up and watch the only thing he loved with all his heart burn down around him. The ashes falling like snow on his face. Can you imagine the heat? The resignation? The misery and the promise that if there’s ever a next time, he’ll do better, and if there isn’t then this shall be his final legacy and he’ll just have to accept that final truth before he dies. The self hatred washing over him and passing into quiet peace as he chooses to pass away together with it. Omens do not get reincarnated by the Erdtree. Loved and blessed by the crucible of life, they are not loved the same as all the rest of us. But that’s okay. For Morgott, that was okay. He would live nobly and die with honour in its service and that would be enough. He’d spend the last moments of his life bathed in the warm ashes of orange and grey, content that even if he never felt loved by anyone at all after being cursed and shunned all his life, he did his duty as best he could and finally repaid the debt he felt towards the tree that showed him the light for so many long, lonely years.
And then, then it makes me so fucking miserable because then a pair of gentle, scarred and terribly rough hands lift him up from the ground and cradle him with all the tenderness in the world. The roar of a lion salutes his passing, honouring him, mourning him. “It’s been a long time, Morgott.” No anger, no disappointment. Simply, sadness, that he could not see you sooner. Godfrey, his father, returned at last to hold him one final time as he passes away, the rune of death now unbound and finding its way to Morgott after all this time. His last memory would be of being held by his father, loved for all that he is in the ashes of all that he dedicated his life to. His body fades, his entire world upheaved one final time, and an easily missed detail in the cutscene is that Morgott’s body becomes a Grace that points towards you, the player, to guide his father to his next step along the path of Lordship. One final time, Godfrey is guided by the unyielding love he feels for one of his children. Fuck it makes me so miserable. How do write something so tragic and not spend more time with it? How do you leave that beauty hidden in the details like it’s not one of the greatest moments of the entire game? It’s so quiet it’s private, almost. Like we’re not supposed to see that side of either of them, being such an outsider. It’s sundering to think about. Annihilating. I love it with all my heart and I hope more people love Morgott too after reading this.
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ter-claw-thorne · 22 days
The difference between Ford and Stan's route in swooning over stans is so funny because Ford's route goes from him apologizing to a tender kiss on the cheek and Stan's route goes from learning about the mystery shack to "LUNGE FOR THAT COP'S GUN"
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I love melinoe so much. She's a teacher's pet. She called her teacher mom at least a couple of times in her life.
Her teacher is training her up to kill her granddad.
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hangeobsessedenby · 10 months
Ranting about how much I love Donna in Resident Lover
So I replayed Donna's route like 5 times now and I absolutely LOVE HER.
I genuinely love how she acts and how she progresses in the story, she starts by being an anxious, shy person that's scared of her own shadow but as you keep playing you can see that's she progressively gets more comfortable with MC which absolutely melted my heart.
ALSO THE INCLUSION OF HER ITALIAN LINES???? HELLO??? as an Italian person I go crazy when I see an Italian character gets included in media without it being stereotyped BUT THE INCLUSION OF THE ITALIAN LINES TAKES THE EXCITEMENT TO A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL. The Italian language is an absolute pain in the ass to learn and I was so genuinely excited when I read ITALIAN WORDS AND PHRASES in this (almost) only english game I have been waiting for since I found out of its existence.
Also just look at how pretty she is
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Just look, she's so pretty🥹🫶
In conclusion: I fucking love Donna Beneviento and she deserves the world
(For the people that don't know what I'm talking about, Resident Lover is a free sapphic dating simulator based off Resident Evil Village created by @resident-lover and if you haven't played it you definitely should because it's fucking awesome)
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nopiedraws · 1 year
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Spirit flame 🌿
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
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oh barbatos HATES solomon, i see...
i don't know what he did but knowing solomon he probably deserves it
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pipsqk-art · 8 days
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sketches i made after friendquest
@charalol @cactikiki @radioroxx
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Guys HELP, where has this been all my life?! I'm sobbing 😭🤣 SOUND ON so you hear Arthur's adorable "what!" over and over. There's another similar event that I'll post later, too. I can't believe I've never seen this in 12 years.
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amalsoappickle · 8 months
i love wandersong
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breebirds · 2 months
Not Jason telling Dick he has a flat ass and he’s old 😭
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commic-jester · 2 years
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the saga
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lem0nbuug · 10 months
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hey hello chat!! sorry for being dead for multiple months but im back cuz new brain rot so expect some inscryption fanart!!
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captainpissofff · 6 months
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C o n t r o l
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lunalunawillow · 5 months
I love how Project Sekai shows a more nuanced view of escapism and using fantasy as a sort of comfort :)
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clangpan · 5 months
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deadscell · 9 months
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i’m going to check for any evil residents.
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