#i fucking love cheescake
lesbolordo · 1 year
Currently eating a whole piece of mozzarella while writing some more Leander x Sebastian angst. You people just wait, cuz that mozzarella is fucking dope and it's making me write as if it's the last day of my life.
Just you wait and see, me and my mozzarella rock.
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lordarsonizzzzt · 2 years
Ask and you shall receive. Glass, Kondraki, Clef, Bright and Iceberg with an S/O who loves to cook and bake lots of stuff cuz that's their love language and they also like to pamper the doctors a lot
thank u very much
✴︎ Simon comes tired from work a lot, his patients are all lost cases, Clef almost shot him 'by accident' and Bright bite him.
✴︎ Imagine how he feels when he comes home and sees you with an apron and the smell of a home-cooked meal hits him in the face.
✴︎ He will shower you in praises, hugs and kisses.
✴︎ I think his love language is physical affection and words of affirmation.
✴︎ You usually cook him his breakfast, he usually has lunch at work but sometimes you even pack him some food, then he comes back home and dinner is served!
✴︎ On weekends you bake him cakes, cupcakes or anything that is sweet, Glass has a huge sweeth tooth and you have to keep him from trying to eat the mix or frosting.
✴︎ He is really thankful by all you do for him and will take you on well planned dates or have day that are all about you.
✴︎ After all, you are his world.
✶ Man loves you so so much, like I always say, he needs that domesticity in his life.
✶ He would text you something like 'work s stressing me out today, are you free to talk a bit?'
✶ And you will be cooking him some goodies while you both are speaking thru the phone.
✶ When he comes back home and sees you cooked for him he is going to cry, will hug you and kiss all your face and lips and god I want a boyfriend.
✶ Really grateful, feels like he owns you.
✶ If you work at the foundation you will bring him lunch and you both will eat in his office, he won't stop complenting your cooking.
✶ You are the only reason he has a stable eating time, if you didn't cook for him he would live on take out and alcohol.
✶ His love language is acts of service and words of affirmation.
✉︎ Do not cook when this man is around, he is going to mess with it, eat the mix, or eat the butter.
✉︎ Loves it when you bake, will buy all the things you need to make a cheescake and will look at you with puppy eyes.
✉︎ Make him lunch to take to work please he can't stand the fucking shit they sell over there it's the same food every day.
✉︎ So yeah just so he shuts up make him something.
✉︎ He is so mad about soup.
✉︎ Please please please teach him to bake (he just wants to spend time with you, will actually not learn anything and is going to mess everything up)
✉︎ His love language is gifts, he will bring you about anything that makes him think about you.
✉︎ "I found this weirdass chef plushie and I said 'my sweet crab babe is a chef to!' so i bought it."
✉︎ He calls you the weirdest nicknames known to man.
✉︎ I love writting about Clef I can make it so angsty or so fluffy.
⚠︎ This man. He's tired, he is depressed, so when he comes home and finds out you made food for him? He just breaks, everytime.
⚠︎ He will be eating and out of nowhere will look at you, smile and start crying.
⚠︎ Has a sweet tooth too, if you bake him cupcakes he is going to melt on the spot.
⚠︎ Your food makes him feels good, like a wave of happiness just washed over him.
⚠︎ He once was looking something in his backpack and found you left him a box with a lot of cookies and he had to fight the tears.
⚠︎ Really, this guy does a lot and barely gets any recognition, his parents are shitty, his brothers are all trash expect TJ, who he wants to take out of this filthy place, so you coming in and just caring for him is so,,, so weird and makes him sad, because when you are gone, who will be there for him?
⚠︎ He'll have days when he doesn't want to see you, will lock himself in the bathroom and cry for hours. He wants you to hate him, to never want to see him again and just stop caring for him. (im not reflecting no)
⚠︎ Other days he'll just be so clingy, he's glad you are by his side and are willing to help him with his shitty life.
⚠︎ He will sneak you in the foundation so you can meet TJ, he's going to watch you two interact and will have a small smile in his face.
⚠︎ His love language is acts of service and physical affection.
⚠︎ He will do anything you need. Want him to go do grocery shopping? Done, want him to fix something that broke in the house? Done, want him to just carry you around because you are royalty? DONE.
⚠︎ Please be pacient with him, he fears death more than anything but not upon him, but upon his loved ones.
❆ You were a one night stand at first, he still worked at the military when you two got together.
❆ He woke up and didn't find you next to him so he just assumed you went home, then the smell of bacon and coffee hit his nose and he found you there, in the kitchen making breakfast for both of you.
❆ Even before he started working at the foundation he was a little bit of an asshole, but never to you, he was warm with you.
❆ You would be making dinner and he would come up from behind and hug you, you would be too surprised because he was gone for months on some mission.
❆ Now he was cold, but never to you. He may not be too physical now but he still smiles and jokes, he has a really crude sense of humor now and he always looked ready to snap. But to you? he was still Julian, the guy that always wore combat boots even on summer.
❆ You will always bake him cookies, croissant, even a whole ass cake for him to take to work. 'You better share' you will say, he would remember that a little too late.
❆ His love language is physical affection, gifts and acts of service.
❆ Loves telling you everything that goes on on the foundation (the things he founds funny at least)
❆ You know that some guy got blown away because he threw a molotov at them and he survived, this other guy with the weird amullet got shot several times because he stole the cinnammon rolls from the 3 eyed blondie, you honestly think he does drugs sometimes.
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flowers-for-em · 9 months
this is a two part vent lol (not really lol but you know im taking the edge off)
I've actual never done one of these on here so here goes absoluelty nothing (btw there might be swearing)
part one:
my birthday is coming up soon and we originally had plans to go away and i was super excited, but then my parents changed their plans and said we weren't going away for a few days, we were only going away for one day (on my birthday so that mean travelling on the day) and now they've changed it again and said we can't go away cause they have to feed one of our friends dogs for a few days. I get they're our friends and you want to get the right thing, but they've changed my birthday plans so much, it feels like they aren't putting in a whole lot of effort (for reference one year for my my sister's birthday we went to two different cities doing treetops courses it took a whole week to complete) They're saying that instead of going away for my birthday we'll use the money for when we go away to the eras tour concert which is two days after my dads birthday. So we're technically going away for two things my dads birthday and the eras tour which is for my sister because she is the hugest swiftie (so am i really). And i am super grateful to be going but it feels like they are putting me second to a fucking concert.
And so i babysit a girl on a regular basis its usually just whenever her mum needs me to look after her - im very flexible and things when it comes to that. But they are moving in like a week. So they want me to look after her on wednesday, thursday, and friday. Friday is my birthday and one of my relatives is coming up to visit and another wants to take us all out for lunch on that day. My mum said i'd babysit her on all those days. meaning on my birthday - which i guess i was never alright with in the first place - and when i started to protest and say it would be weird going out for lunch with my family my mother started questioning me and asking why it would be weird because we were doing a nice thing for her mother (because it was her last day of work.) and again it feels like im coming fucking second to someone else ON MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY?? idk its just (i supposed i never really had any high hopes anyway)
part two:
I visited my grandmother today. (she is the one who wants to take my family out for lunch on my birthday btw) It was great to see her we had a lovely catch up and everything. But when we sat down for lunch and she placed the plates in front of us say said this to me "you start with the salad hey em?" and i kinda brushed it off in front of everyone - it wouldn't've been a big deal if she hadn't done this shit before. She constantly makes subtle oh so subtle remarks about my weight about how i sit about what i eat (i could deadass be eating a piece of fruit and she'd say okay maybe its time to stop eating now) Then when she set our "dessert" i guess you could call it - it was just a cheescake she wanted us to try - when she set mine down she motioned to the fruit platter sitting on the table saying "put some fruit on it ems" and that would've been fine as well if she had addressed it to everyone and said it loud enough for everyone to hear. but no it was said to me and me alone. I remember this one time (it was one of the first times i noticed her making subtle remarks) when we were driving to the shops one day and she had offered me like a chocolate covered liquorice bullet. So i took two, so did she. (btw they are legit half the size of ur pinky finger) and she then turned to me and said "you know emma i always only take two of these otherwise it makes me put on weight you know? I like to savour them, just one or two." I was the only one in the car and had fucking taken the same amount as her. When i had come that afternoon and sorta told mum and dad what happened dad just brushed it off saying you know she didn't mean it like that and everything. Mum was a little more understanding saying she understood but idk really. It makes me very fucking insecure when my grandma makes little comments like that. And i don't think i could ever bring it up with anyone cause i doubt anyone in my family would actually understand.
sorry bout the long rants :)
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heliswife · 1 year
:) anon is here to feed more Akito requests ( the last one was so cute thank you so muchdjdndn :))) ) ! I have another one, maybe something of Akito and his S/O are in a secret-ish relationship ( they’ll say they're dating if people ask but people don’t ask too often so it’s kinda a secret if that makes sense ) and the S/O shows up at one of Akito’s practices with a lil cheesecake or something ( cheescak 🤤 ) they got for him on their way home and after they give it to him, before they leave they kiss him on the cheek or something to say goodbye and VBS were watching the whole thing without knowing Akito had an S/O and after S/O leaves they ask him a load of questions about it? Thank you!! ( sorry this is so long It looks like I wrote a whole mini fic myself lol :’) )
-:) anon!
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You had been dating Akito for about a month now, and only you, him, and a few other people know about it. You liked it being secret though, it was like you got to see a side of Akito that only you got to see. You also knew he was in a group of street musicians: Vivid BAD SQUAD. He'd shown you some of his songs before, and you enjoyed them. You were currently walking over to where he usually practices at Weekend Garage with a box containing cheesecake in your hands. You had made it and wave at him, and he waves back.
"I brought you cheesecake, I thought you might want it," you say, "how was practice?"
He ruffles your hair, "Thanks, practice was the usual."
You smile at him, "My parents really want me to come home, so I have to get going. Love you," You tell him and plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Bye," His cheeks reddened a little. You walked away, still smiling.
"Akito!" An yells, "Why didn't you tell any of us you're dating someone?"
"Yea! They seem nice, it would've been great to meet them!" Kohane adds.
"You saw all of that?" Akito asks. The rest of Vivid BAD SQUAD nods. Akitos cheeks reddened even more, "Well fuck."
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laufire · 3 months
And Bela Talbot (I've been weirdly thinking about her too today despite the fact that I barely know her 😂)
I've been thinking about her a lot (certain things about both Mia and Jason have put her on my mind again lmao).
three facts about them from my personal headcanons: her most reread book is Du Maurier's Rebecca; her favourite desert is blueberry cheescake; and she tried to involve the police against her parents, which only blew back on her face.
a reason they suck: SIX episodes. SIX.
a reason they are great: only six episode AND YET her impact goes far, far beyond it. When they cast Dean's actor wife they fucking made her a Bela mirror, and I'm convinced it was subconscious lmao.
a reason I relate to them: we're good at improvising and we love to mock the Winchesters. Also we have very similar taste in coats.
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character: Deanbela, UNFORTUNATELY (I know he tortured her in hell. I know this. She might've even been his first, the one he broke for <3).
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened: she should've come back to the show as a demon (but still with her original actress, ask me how), she should've been a free agent as a demon (none of that crossdeals/queen of hell bullshit, in what world would that fit her?), she should've interacted with other female characters (pls!!!), she should've gotten to hurt Dean... and in my alternate world, she should be alive thanks to an alternate deal with Crowley she eventually gets free from, all so she can interact with other characters <3
five people that character never fell in love with and why: Dean (I think if she'd stayed it would've happened. It would not have been pretty, but it would've been incredible to witness); Sam (there is a fundamental incompatibility there, and I say this as someone who enjoys Sambela. They're both too much and too little for each other. But they could've liked what they saw); Castiel (he didn't raise her from hell in the show); Jo (if they'd met and this was a different and less misogynistic show, though?); Meg (in my Bela & Crowley fic it happened though; it was a form of rebellion :D).
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rockthesham · 11 months
I love how one day the barricorn just fucking vanished like what happened Ninja Brian: Barricorn fucking died Danny: Who is that? Ninja Brian: The guy we were keeping in our basement Danny: Oh okay... cheescak Ninja Brian: cheescak...
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subrosa03 · 1 year
‘Body and Soul’ may be the most wacko episode of Star Trek I’ve seen yet, but you know what I fucking loved it.
(The Doctor takes over Seven’s body and discovers the joys of cheescake and wine while Tuvok goes through pon farr and has to mate with a holographic replica of his wife💀)
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spaceyflowers · 2 years
Hello Adrien!! I'm here for the reblog ask thing!!❤❤
1. What is a song that you can go back and listen to no matter how many times you've listened to it? What is a song that never fails to put you in a good mood?
2. What's your favorite food/dessert?
3. What other series are you into?
4. This isn't really a question, it's more of a silly song game^^ put your music on shuffle and:
- the first song that comes up is your theme song if your life were a tv show
- the second song is your boss battle music
- the third song is the song that plays whenever something sad happens
- the fourth song is your villain era song
- the next song is what plays if you were in a horror movie
- the last song is how your favorite lookism character feels about you^^
hi li!! <3
1. i have so many songs like that T_T picking one tho, hm... i'd say prom dress by mxmtoon because it's a comfort song of mine that i resonate with ;_; (also very catchy <3) and a song that never fails to put me in a good mood is wear sunscreen by peach pyramid !! the lyrics and melody are so lovely and every time i listen to it i think, "wow.... love is real..." JSHFHSJD
2. fave food is spaghetti and fave dessert is strawberry cheescake !!
3. ever since i got really into lookism last spring, i've gotten sucked into webtoons and other series im into are weak hero, viral hit, and get schooled !! i also really enjoy horror/thriller webtoons, and am currently reading chasing tails and just finished escape room ★ (which was a 12/10 btw i recommend it so much to anyone who likes stuff that makes u wonder about human morals/philosophy)
4. ooh i love these kinds of games :]
theme song if my life were a show: oblivion by grimes - well...;; i've never gone thru the trauma this song describes but i guess the melancholy tone fits ? 😭 (not that im constantly sad but as a quiet introvert with no irl friends i really have that air of sadness around me 😭😭)
boss battle music: daijobanai/im not okay by perfume - the lyrics are sad but the song is a bop 😭😭😭 um. i hope i will be a fun boss fight for the fun music
song that plays when something sad happens: meant to be yours from heathers the musical - wow you'd think this would be my villain era song sjfhskdj it's... a sad-ish song tho ?? would still feel out of place in a sad scene tho;;
villain era song: dance, baby! by boy pablo - HELP.... my villain era is just me being sad my girl bff is dating a trash guy when i could treat her better 😔 (/lh i dont like the concept of friend-zones ;; but the angst of yearning for a dear friend while respectfully keeping your distance is 🤞💔)
horror movie song: i cant handle change by ROAR - holy shit why do i feel like this song would do SO well in a depressing horror movie, like at the end of the movie at a scene where everyone's dead except the main chara who's blaming themself for every life lost.. get me out of this horror movie bro 😭
how my fave lookism chara (sinu) feels about me: lover boy by phum viphurit - i was rlly nervous about this one BUT TELL ME WHY I ACTUALLY GOT SOMETHING SO GOOD AND FITTING??!!?! "LOVER BOY" SINU ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME IM GOING TO BRAINROT THIS ALL DAY (he doesnt seem like the type to doubt himself/have trust issues when it comes to love but oh well AGGWHEJJE)
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cognitohazardous · 1 year
top five favorite desserts :3
5. snickerdoodles
4. cookie cake
3. pie (apple, peach, pecan)
2. ice cream (my all time favorite is breyers very berry cobbler ice cream or the honeycomb ice cream from a local ice cream place but i love most flavors)
1. cheescak 🤤
i fucking love desserts i love sweets so much if i could thats all i would eat
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thenuministry · 2 years
Remembrance: A Personal Short Story
Responding to impulse and taste buds, I jumped out of my wooden chair.
‘I’m getting a piece of cheescake, you want anything?’
Intrigued, my best friend looks up at me.
With his eyes, he takes a visual stroll over the display of cakes and sandwiches.
He caresses the stack of books we’ve collected in the last 45 minutes.
The stack representing our subconscious attempt to recreate early adulthood passions and excitement for llewellyn books back before we knew a thing or two.
His eyes dart between his left and right shoulders before he looks back at me.
‘No, I’m good. Actually….maybe…a tea?’
Knowing our favorite tea, a hot cinnamon sunset by Harney and Sons with a dash of cinnamon and two table spoons of honey, I feel a smirk come upon my face.
I chuckle and put on my best rendition of the flirt.
‘Ochun in a cup!?’
He mirrors my expression and oozes over the stack of books as if Harney and his sons had materialized into a seductive and charismatic cult organization. 
Demonstrating his desire; he vocalizes the sound of his approaching pleasure.
‘Ochuuuun in a cuuuup!’
I roll my eyes, and nod my head while laughing under my breathe.
He’s always like this.
As I walk towards the cafe, I am aware of my body and the deprecating dialogue I can’t seem to ever escape.
At least, the weather understands me.
It knows how I feel about myself. It knows how others feel about me. 
This weather and I, had a thing or two in common.
We were both depressed, uncomfortable, and riding on the possibility of explosive expression. Our dark secret being that we both felt like an inconvenience, as opposed to the love and welcome that a bright and sunny day receives.
I am, somehow; always off kilter.
Especially, when it comes to the weather. 
I tend to embrace whatever comes at me never checking the stats and going with what is happening moment to moment.
Right now, what is, is that its starting to rain. Everyone resents the rain despite preparing for it. And I, resent their resentment.
Also, I fucking haaaate umbrellas.
Especially, on New York streets.
The baristas voice makes its way into my ears, separating me from the allure of my personal Hell. I turn my gaze away from the glass panels that cover this particular Barnes and Noble and look back at the barista.
‘I’m sorry, I’m always in a daydream.’ I say this as if she were somehow exposed to my inner world of doom, gloom, and shame. 
The barista shrugs her shoulders, and smiles to be polite.
Again, I am casually disassociating and caught in the moment; completely missing her outstretched arm with my best friends tea in her hand.
She just wants to get back to her washcloth.
Embarrassed at my inability to stay present, I open my mouth suggesting a brief smile of gratitude, quickly taking my cake and tea with me.
My best friend is buried in two books at once, absorbing information as he always does. With admiration, I continue to walk towards our table feeling my appreciation for his capacity to hold so much information and his hunger for continued study and knowledge.
I will never know why I am his friend.
I don’t know why he likes me or keeps me around.
I’m pretty ann-
‘Ochun in a cup…yaaaas!’ He says as his voice squeeks in excitement.
I feel his joy cover me, breaking me free of my intrusive, cycling thoughts. 
I place the tea in front of him and then situate my cake, sizing it up to see where I am going to start while wondering if I am going to like it. 
$7 pieces of cheesecake are usually a hit or miss for me. 
My bestie breaks my focus.
‘You know Padrino wants us to stop by for thanksgiving. Do you think you want to come with?’. 
Here go my feelings again, a fucking ouija board without a planchette. 
A part of me desires to connect with my spiritual godparents, another part of me feels resentment at their selective care for  certain godchildren, and another part of me just feels guilty about feeling any and all of this.
As I search myself, I hear my best friend closing his books. He slides his hand into the center of our table.
‘You don’t have to, but if you want to go, you’ll be with me.’
I feel my discomfort stirring and beginning to pour out of my cells. My scent gives me away; an aroma reminiscent of basil and thyme-of love and bitterness.
I sigh.
‘Yea, I know. I feel like I call too much attention and I dont want to be in a room with people who seem to be unsure about me.
Not seem. Are unsure about me.
My best friend raises his finger to his lips.
‘No, I don’t think they are unsure about you. I think they love you. They think you are to yourself, but they don’t think anything of it. You’re a classic child of Centella.’
Centella Ndoki, what Paleros call the ‘lesser spirits’ of afro cuban necromancy and to whom I am initiated. 
The Storm Spirit, Queen of the Dead, the Witch of all Witches.
‘What are you thinking about?’ 
I notice his hand is in front of me, again gauging my attention.
I can no longer contain my frustration.
I let go.
‘I don’t get any of this and I don’t feel like I am learning anything I’m supposed to. I am mostly there because of you. If it weren’t for you, they would not give me, Tania, or Marco the time of day but yet they always ‘need’ us. That’s not a blame, I just question the validity of all of this and my place within it. I am questioning my place in life, period.’
My demons begin to remind me of how much of a mess I am, how selfish I am to have said what I said and to assume I deserved anything. 
They continue to tempt me back into my comfortable hatred and anger towards my family which just so happens to be connected to my rage for being born.
I can’t even take my own life and end this; because, God….
This spiral makes me feel displaced, wrong, and stupid simply for fucking breathing.
I am nothing like them and even when i try to be like them, it still isn’t enough.
The fires in me are rising to an uncomfortable peak-
Barnes and noble fades away into the blackhole that is my mind, my thoughts are then swallowed up by silence.
This experience is like witnessing some sort of cosmic food chain.
For a moment, it is just me and my best friend in what feels like a bubble made up of soft clouds.
I turn to look at my best friend.
I wonder if he feels what I feel.
The shift in pressure. 
The quiet.
What just happened?
I watch as my best friends pupils dilate.
He inhales, his lips slowly parting.
Curious and concerned, I lean in.
‘What, whats happening?’
‘You are a lot like Centella…’
My best friend looks at me as if he is looking past me and at me at the same time. 
He continues.
‘It makes sense why She chose you. You are dark, mysterious, hard to put a finger on. People can go crazy and obsessed if they spend too long trying to figure you out. People can feel this…and they are scared because they don’t know what it is.
Like you, she is very misunderstood and understood at the same time. It’s hard to explain.’
He bites his nail briefly, its clear he is deciphering some sort of code or message like he does when he is devouring books.
‘Most people can’t reach you because most people are not supposed to. They can’t until they are ready.’
He turns his head, I am assuming to receive more information.
My disappointment threatening the silence between us.
I want to be understood.
I want to be seen.
Wtf God!
‘Yoooooooo.’ He gasps as his hands wave with the zeal of a cartoon bird; his body communicates wildly in the ecstasy of revelation.
‘You are like chaos itself. Sasha…You have no idea what is coming for you. You have no idea who you really are. Sasha…
You have to get to know Centella better. Forget about our godparents, this is where She wants you. Shewants to teach you Herself. You are right to stay to yourself. Keep doing what you are doing, let hershow you.’
We hold each others gaze for a moment, though his looks more dazed and mine confused.
‘Sasha, its so beautiful.’
He looks away, clearly still ruminating on what he had seen.
Time slows down some more before it seems to snap back in place. 
My best friend resumes his study while I stare at my cake like The Oracle would jump out and tell me what just happened in this matrix.
I don’t feel beautiful.
Maybe, he was just trying to make me feel better. He is my best friend.
I cut into my cake with my fork curious and secretly grateful that I had something else to engage my mind with.
I can’t deny that something about what he said feels true.
I can’t put my finger on it.
I just know it’s important.
What is wrong with me?
One day, I will remember.
-Original story experienced in 2012
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The Unbridged Truth Part 1
We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't (Selena Gomez)
It's always been need to know. The truth is it dates back before the divorce. Carla always had the noose around someone's neck. I Found a picture one day when i was being a snoop. Nick had this metal box and i was curious. In the box was a picture. the divorce papers and deep inside i knew carla still had hands around nick. There was no going to her so i called my grandmother and she told me the entire truth. That the picture i held was of barbara and in her arms was patricia my sister. There's a story that when christmas came around like all children they are asked what they wanted. Each time i wanted a sister and the entire time she knew patricia was alive. I don't think my blood history was need to know as was told to me. I think they didn't trust her with the truth. I'm the exception because there blood runs threw my veins. It's hard on me because i don't know who carla is anymore. People can defend her and say she was trying to only protect me. There's a good chance she was but the reality is trying to protect me, lying to me only hurt me. The divorce papers were signed in agreement but most of it was aimed at nick. He wasn't there for her it writing claimed, he didn't love her enough. There is not many who know that i have seen the actually court documents. Nick was just a victim. In the end he saved my life threw love and thats how i know that those documents were bullshit. She was not a hero but a greedy bitch wanting out of a promise and hop on another dick. My stepfather was two faced with his fist and she was two faced with her words.
The family didn't speak so my disorder's went unchecked. Who carla molded me to be was never who i was and nick followed because he honestly loved her. There's this puzzle that is in the shape of a block. It had these holes that were triangle,square,circle,hexagon and pieces that fit those holes. That box was my life and i was a circle and they tried to put me into the hexagon. These past two months iv met people who only confirmed the reality, and the past three years lifted my head. So sitting across from her from the table at the cheescake i had to remind myself nick still loves her, the money she hands we need. I'll never trust her and i just wanted to teach her a lesson. Teach her what it's like to mess with someone's heart like a puppet straight into the table. How's the blood taste, how's the betray feel, how does it feel to be fucking useless. Give her a taste of when she abandoned me each day, chose him over me her daughter and what she did to my father. It hurts to say i love her, because she's a fucking monster but i can't help it. I Can say like my stepfather i hate her. My calls at the hospital were not sincere, they were me just going threw the motions. It never was her i called first but last. I see my place in this world, see i have a place in it.
My own monster was a product of there fucked actions. My actions were my own and i take responsibility for them. If i hurt you i'm forever sorry. It was there betrayl, there ideals,the self righteous ignorance that in turn created the monster in me. It was watching kids getting picked up at school by family knowing inside my own was dead. It was thanksgiving at grandma's and he sat once were my father sat. It was the abandonment and need for affection that burned into me. I Lied to people just so they would stay, lied to them to be the center of attention. Manipulating the situations in my own favor. After jessica i did my best to cure myself from this curse. The chains that bound me are gone and i'm just screaming, it feels like i took 3 to the chest. They wanted me to stop, they feared me and for good reason. I'm not going to stop till everyone's accounted. They should have thought about this when they opened there mouth, before they chose violence. I can remember what you can't, i can remember the word's, the incidents. My weapon is truth, i'll bring the truth out and let people make there own opinions. So now that iv told the truth about carla what's next? I Don't know honestly. I Do know that i hope my darrell is proud of me. I'm his only offspring. The blood that runs threw these veins was a gift. That jessica where ever she is has a smile on her face and nick i hope i live up to being your daughter. I'll be write more takeing out more slugs, the more i release the more weight is off my shoulders. I'm not honestly happy about this but in the end it's survival. I'm tired of being the victim.
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thebiggestfan1 · 3 years
marry you? on our first date? - Tyson Jost
I know it's been a long time since I published a hockey imagine but I really loved writing this one :) If you liked this, you can request something or just scroll through my masterlist
word count: 1267 words
TW: language
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If this is going to turn awful, you thought to yourself while waiting for a man you've never met in a fancy restaurant wearing your best clothes and your most expensive perfume, Cale Makar is a dead man.
You already regretted agreeing to go on a date with your friend's teammate. You knew really well how hockey players often were - but the way Cale talked about him somehow changed your mind for a moment.
It was not even seven o'clock in the afternoon and you already had second thoughts. You arrived early as always and it was kind of a relief that you haven't seen your date yet. But the time was moving fast and you had to turn down two waitresses with their offer of wine or moving you to a one-person table.
His name is Tyson. He is 23. Adorable. Dog lover. And on every occasion, he comes right on time.
At exactly seven, a man in a suit came in and looked over all the people in the restaurant before locking his eyes with yours. A genuine smile formed on his lips as he walked towards you and it drove you crazy that his eyes were only on you and no one else - it'd be a shame if he didn't look at you at all because it took you a really long time getting ready. It was probably your biggest effort to look this good for a man in more than three months and that scared the shit out of you.
"Hey," you said, innerly scolding yourself for how dumb it has probably sounded.
"Hey," he repeated your words. "You'll probably be Y/N, nice to meet you. I'm Tyson."
You stood up, the dress sliding over the curves of your body. Were you dressed up too much? Was all this effort for nothing?
So you just shook his hand, hot skin touching hot skin, and said: "Nice to meet you, too."
The smile Tyson gave you in answer made you realize that maybe after all, it won't be such a waste of time.
As the empty plates have been taken by the waitress, you felt as if the evening was too short - as if the whole time slipped through your fingers in a blink of an eye. Two hours after you and Tyson met and you were already red from all the blushing and laughing.
"I would love to run my fingers through your hair," you declared, not really realizing that you said it probably as loud as posible. You immediately covered your mouth with your hand in shock at your own actions, not expecting to hear anything so bold coming out of your mouth on the first date.
But Tyson's hair was so freaking beautiful - you could only imagine what it would feel like to touch his amazing dark curls.
And he laughed and laughed, his lips all the evening formed into that special smile that made you smile, too.
"Well," he moved closer to you across the table, his lips lightly grazing your ear as he spoke. "You might someday."
Your whole body trembled after he leaned back in his chair, his eyes looking directly into yours. What were you supposed to say after something that could mean nothing or everything?
The waitress helped you out of that situation when she brought the desserts. The tiramisu cheescake you ordered looked so amazing that you forgot to answer and dove right in.
Suddenly, there was something hard and cold on your tongue and you did your best not to gag when you pulled it out of your mouth.
And there, on your palm, covered in cream, was an engagement ring.
"Are you seriously asking me to marry you? On our first date?"
Fuck - you knew there had to be some catch because the man in front of you was just perfect; no red flags, nothing. Fucking weirdo - if Cale knew about this, you were going to strangle him.
"No! Why would I-" Tyson then saw the ring in your palm and went silent.
The man at the table next to yours started choking on his water as he watched you two - yeah, the more people saw this, the better, you thought to yourself ironically.
"Then what the fuck is this?" You were trying to keep your voice down but everyone was already looking at you anyway. You stood up from your seat, quickly grabbed your coat and turned back to face Tyson, who looked confused and in shock.
"Listen, Tys, you are a good guy and I really enjoyed your company today but this is just too much. I have to go now-"
"Miss?" This time, the waitress spoke to you as she came back to your table, nearly whispering. "The cheescake was meant for the couple at the table next to yours, not to you. I'm so sorry I messed it all up-" The woman kept speeking but you didn't listen to any of it because you were busy realizing that Tyson had no idea what was going on.
"Oh." was the only thing you could muster to say.
The waitress left your table, all the time apologising and saying that your dinner will be on the house. You took your coat off once again, sitting back down in the horrible silence and then said:
"Well, this is awkward."
Out of nowhere, you both started laughing and tears started staining your cheeks as you gasped out:
"There is no way that Cale will know about this."
"Why are you looking at me like that?" you asked as you and Tyson got out of the restaurant, your arms sometimes touching as you walked.
"I'm just thinking about why is it that I haven't met you earlier."
The red in your cheeks was now automatic.
"And I'm thinking about how adorable it is that you blush so easily."
You stayed quiet and this time, when your arms met, you gripped his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers. The butterflies in your stomach were something you loved about being in Tyson's presence.
"And that when I first saw you, I couldn't get over how beautiful you were."
"You know what I'm thinking about?"
"Hmm," Tys murmured softly as you slowly stopped walking. He was so close to you that you felt his breath on your neck and smelled that amazing cologne of his.
"I'm thinking about kissing you."
It didn't matter you met him just a few hours before - this was one of the rare bonds that were strong from the beginning to the end.
Tyson leaned down and you felt his lips softly touching yours as he murmured: "I've been thinking about the same thing since I met you."
Your heart fluttered as you leaned into him, his arms now wrapped around your body. His lips were soft and warm and you felt like melting in his touch and then mending back together.
"You hair is really soft," you breathed into the kiss and you felt his laugh on your lips.
"I owe Cale 10 dollars," Tys whispered as you pulled back a little, your foreheads touching, your breathing mingling together.
"I said that I wouldn't go on a second date with anyone he'd set me up with."
"Does this mean we'll do this again?"
"This means that we will do this till I make you mine."
The light in his eyes, the kind smile on his face... He was perfect. Everything about him was. And it was so easy to agree with everything he said.
"Just... don't ask me to marry you on the second date."
If you're interested in my work, add yourself to my tag list here!
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everyrecordiown · 2 years
TW- ED RANT I'm completly disgusted with myself. I dont feel hungry at all. I just went to a reastraunt and had dumplings, 1 1/2 suchi rolls, AND deep fried cheescake. i'm so FUCKING disgusting god i dont even want to be in my skin. I can f e e l my stomach rn and i want to die. currently listening to prom queen and crying my eyes out and sharing my most vulnerable moments with random people on the internet :). God why can't i just be small and dainty and delicate.Everything would just be so much easier. But ya idk if anyone has anything very trigering or some really good meanspo it would be great if you would share. ok love ya
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
The Oldest Pogue
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Request: Yes or No
Heads up for most of these Outer Banks fic I'll probably do the mini intro lol they're fun. Btw timelines a lil weird. Takes place in ep 1 but have the party the day after they find the boat and all that. Idk Shoupe's first name so imma just call him Shoupe or dad. Idk what grade everyone is in but imma assume that the Pogues and Sarah (+ Topper) are sophomores/juniors since they're 16
"Then there's (Y/N) Shoupe, better known as Mama Pogue or (N/N). We got lucky with (Y/N) since he's the deputy's son. He's the definition of a mom friend, always taking care of us. We'd probably starve to death without his meals. Though we would never admit it, we all had crushes on him when we first met him."
(Y/N) entered the house, glancing at a passed out JJ. He chuckled, shaking his head as John B stepped out of his room.
"Morning, sweetie." (Y/N) greeted playfully, setting down groceries.
"Sorry I couldn't join you guys yesterday." (Y/N) started putting the things away and began making some lunch for the boys. John B shrugged.
"It's fine, you'll make it up to us with food." John B replied with a grin. (Y/N) chuckled, nodding.
"Where'd you go?" (Y/N) asked. John B sat at the table, glancing at JJ.
"Motel.. Found a sunken boat and a key in it so we went to the motel. Had to dodge your dad. He took money from a potential crime scene." John B told him. (Y/N) sighed.
"What do you want me to do? He already says half of our conversations are 'political'. He doesn't like that I'm hanging out with a bunch of idiots." (Y/N) said as Kiara and Pope entered.
"Ouch." Kiara grinned, glancing at JJ as he stirred. "Did you tell him about the gun and money?"
"I was getting to that, Kie." John B sighed. "JJ took the gun."
"Jesus.. A gun? Underaged with an unregistered gun and no license?" (Y/N) stared at them. "Do you know how much trouble you'll get into?!"
"I tried to tell them, (N/N)." Pope said. (Y/N) pinched the bridge of his nose, putting the two plates of burgers before approaching the half asleep male.
"JJ, a gun? Really? Of all things?" (Y/N) stared at him. "Huh?" JJ looked at him, drool coming out the side of his mouth. A swift smack to the back of his head woke him up.
"Jesus, what the fuck?" JJ huffed, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head. "Come eat breakfast, JJ." John B called.
"What the hell am I gonna do with you four?" (Y/N) asked, sighing softly. JJ stood, chuckling.
"Love us." He replied, going to the table and sitting down.
"Please don't play with a gun." (Y/N) looked at him. JJ nodded, raising his hands. "Promise, Mama Pogue."
"Swear on Cheesecake?" (Y/N) cocked a brow.
"Cheesecake?" Kiara furrowed her brows.
"I swear.. I swear on Cheesecake that I won't play with the gun." JJ gave a nod. (Y/N) nodded, crossing his arms.
"Who's Cheescake?" Pope asked. "A fish we caught." JJ replied, mouth full.
"Gross." Kiara cringed, giggling.
"Eat with your mouth closed." (Y/N) called. JJ swallowed and nodded.
"Yes, mom." JJ replied, grinning. (Y/N) shook his head, running his hand through his hair.
"How's everyone after Agatha?" Pope asked.
"I mean.. People have been calling the department left and right. The power will probably be out for a while." (Y/N) shrugged.
"Bet those kooks will have power in no time." JJ mumbled, shaking his head.
"Can't believe the one day I don't hang out with you guys, JJ gets a fucking gun." (Y/N) sighed, shaking his head.
"Also! John B and Pope surfed the surge." Kiara said.
"You did what?!"
"Way to snitch on us, Kie." Pope mumbled. Kiara shrugged.
"It's called payback." Kiara replied with a chuckle.
"If it took down a boat, it probably could've taken you along with it." (Y/N) placed his hands on his hips. JJ mimicked him, earning another smack on the head.
"Come on, we're having a party at the boneyard." John B said.
(Y/N) laughed as he won the drinking competition. JJ laughed, high fiving him. Kiara noticed the JJ held onto (Y/N)'s hand for a little longer than needed.
"What would daddy say if he saw you drinking?" JJ asked, getting another cup. The two headed over to John B. (Y/N) laughed.
"What's he gonna do? Ground me? Lock me up for drinking?" (Y/N) questioned. JJ shrugged, grinning as he offered John B a cup but noticed Sarah Cameron and offered it to her instead.
"Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milawaukee beverage?" JJ asked. (Y/N) shot him a look, glancing at Topper.
"No, thanks." Sarah smiled, shaking her head.
"Come on. Is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ asked.
"No, we were just leaving-"
"You know what? I'll take it." Topper cut in. (Y/N) and John B shared a look.
"Let it go, JJ-"
"No, no, I'll have it." Topper cut (Y/N) off.
"That's nice, Topper but I didn't ask you. Now, if you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't. So, Sarah-" Topper knocked the drink out of JJ's hands which in turn made JJ grab him by the shirt.
"JJ!" (Y/N) grabbed him as John B and Pope came in, pushing him away as well.
"Dirty Pogues!" Topper shouted. (Y/N) looked at John B.
"John B, don't you dare-" John B turned around, shoving Topper back. Sarah tried to cut in but Topper punched John B. The fight caught the attention of everyone else. Topper kicked John B while he was on the ground.
"Hey, John B, don't make me down you like your old man, alright?" Topper said.
"This dumb fucking blonde." (Y/N) whispered, pinching the bridge of his nose. A fight quickly broke out, the two fighting in the waves and sand as the crowd chanted. (Y/N) watched them, trying to get them to stop.
"Topper, stop!" Sarah shouted, trying to stop her boyfriend from drowning John B. (Y/N) quickly stepped in, grabbing him by the back of his shirt and pulling him back, punching him. John B coughed behind him, head spinning.
"You wanna go, Shoupe?" Topper asked. (Y/N) went to respond but a gun was pressed to the side of Topper's head, the safety clicking.
"Your move, broski." JJ stared at Topper. Most of the teens on the beach ran while Sarah and the other Pogues tried to get JJ to put the gun away.
"We're good! We're good!" Topper repeated.
"(N/N), Kie, check your psycho friend!" Sarah watched, panicked and worried for her boyfriends life.
"Okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ shouted, shooting two rounds into the air. Pope and Kiara shouted at JJ while (Y/N) quickly rushed to John B's side as he collapsed.
"My dad's gonna kill me." (Y/N) whispered, dragging John B out of the water.
"Help me!" (Y/N) called, getting the others attention. JJ and Pope rushed over, helping (Y/N) carry John B to the van.
"Is he okay?" Kiara asked as she drove.
"Yeah, he's breathing." (Y/N) replied, staring down at the male. John B coughed but didn't open his eyes.
"He might have a killer headache tomorrow but other than that, he should be fine." (Y/N) said.
"I can't believe you were so stupid! Taking the gun out on a kook?!" Pope stared at JJ. The two got into an argument, Kiara jumping in as well.
"Enough! JJ did it to help stop Topper from hurting me and John B. Yes, he could've done it another way and handled it better but at the end of the day, he was trying to help." (Y/N) looked at them.
"You always take his side." Pope mumbled.
"It's cause he loves me." JJ grinned.
"You're my least favourite child." (Y/N) mumbled. JJ chuckled. "Admit it. I'm your favourite." JJ cooed. (Y/N) flipped him off. They got to John B's place, getting him in bed. (Y/N) got on his dirt bike and rode off, heading home.
"Can't wait to hear this lecture." (Y/N) mumbled, parking his bike and heading inside. He entered the kitchen, starting up dinner. (Y/N) made his dad's favourite, hoping it would please him. (Y/N) heard the door open and clothes, his dad entering in uniform.
"Hey, dad." (Y/N) greeted, placing the plates of food down. He sat, shooting his dad a smile.
"Got a call not long ago. Some kid had a gun." Shoupe said, sitting down. (Y/N) hummed.
"Did you find out who it was?" (Y/N) asked. Shoupe shook his head.
"No.. But from eyewitnesses, there was a fight and I heard you were involved." Shoupe said.
"Dad, you know I'm not the violent type." (Y/N) continued to eat. "But I did punch Topper for trying to drown John B." (Y/N) said quickly.
"Thank you for being honest." Shoupe said, sighing deeply. He put his fork down and looked at his son.
"(Y/N).. I don't want these kids to ruin the possibility of you going to culinary school." Shoupe said. (Y/N) sighed, looking away. "And they will if you keep running with them."
"Dad, I'm gonna be a senior next year. I have my whole life ahead. I could enter culinary school whenever I want or feel like it." (Y/N) said. Shoupe sighed and nodded.
"I know.. I just don't want you getting stuck here. I want you to have an early start." Shoupe said. "I'll be accepting of you.. No matter what." Shoupe assured.
"Thanks, dad. Anything new today?" (Y/N) asked. He thought back onto what John B told him.
"Nope." Shoupe shook his head. (Y/N) hummed, nodding. He stood, washing the plates and heading off to bed. He hoped the following days would be better.
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August Wrap Up
The fuck it diet
Independence Diet
El cazador de sueños
In carrot land
Exciting times 
I’m glad my mom died.
Blender - 5sos
cómo dormiste? - rels b
i love you more than you know - black party and childish gambino
the emperor - yungblud
flow de barrio - tiago pzk
jonas brothers
EL DISKO - ca7triel
1-5: rough start at work. i felt tired and unmotivated but once i tought the classes, everything got better.
trouble finding lucho’s presents for his birthday. scared bc i don’t know if he’ll like it. excited bc i loved how the card/letter turned out at the end; i missed being creative
ordered new cellphone at carrefour
bad body image - feel fat and ugly - tender boobs (why, there are still two weeks for my next period)
watched a lot of jolly and yes theory. i love those channels
6: made lucho’s cheescake. made bread for tomorrow’s luch. 
waiting for the cellphone
07: lucho came over for lunch and then we went to his house. we watched predator’s new movie, i loved it, it was poetic, had s3x - i used the toys on him and i loved it, he so fucking beautiful and sexy, celebrated his birthday. 
08: long day, lucho picked me up from work, went home to fetch the cake and his presents from my parents, went to his house to have dinner, had a lovely time there, slept there and watched the sunrise. it was amazing
09: long day, pay day, plazo fijo, pague cuota de este mes de los regalo y el celu, cancelled the classes bc i have slight depression bc of my pms, bought pills, went to work and came back home alone. 
10: cellphone arrived, cancelled classes, tired, pms pain, feelt ugly, made cookies, went to lucho’s, he helped me with the insurance of the phone, we watched jolly’s videos and naruto, slept bc i was in pain and tired.
11: paid lucho’s bills, visited him at work, i love seeing him in any context, went back  to the baticueva to wait for lucho’s packages.
12: went back home - feel anxious bc of upcoming period
13: lucho’s birthday party. we had a great and lovely time. i ADORE seeing him so happy with his friends and family. I was a little anxious but it was easier than i expected to be social, and i had a good time. 
14: came back to mar del plata with lucho, i was anxious bc I felt ugly and fat (cause i am and that i fucking me up) and i couldn’t stop thinking about all the women he had s3x with before me and it doens’t make sense. we started watching a movie and then we had s3x and had a shower together. then I went to Gabe’s birthday, we pllayed monopoly and ate pastries. Went back to lucho’s and played Last Of Us II, it looks amazing. slept 
15: i woke up still thinking about lucho’s past life. I read his agenda (that was invasive and bad of me) and now i can’t stop thinking about >Brenda,Belen and Paloma<. I even stalked her on instagram but she doesn’t have pictures. I know this is wrong and now i feel like vomiting and crying but I know this is all bc i feel ugly and emotional and insecure bc he is too good for me and I still don’t see myself as someone worthy of him. 
16: GOT MY PERIOD, it makes fcking sense 
17,18 and 19: fucking hell, my mood is all over the place. i can’t stop feeling ugly as heck and i hate myself. i am sad and tired and anxious and lucho is sad as well but he doesn’t talk to me :( maybe we’ll talk about my ed again on sunday and i feel extremely ashamed of it but i can’t help it and i have to be proud of how far i’ve come and how hard i’m fighting everyday not to fall back into old habits. 
19: cena en lo de grisel con los paraguas, algo ansiosa pero lo pase bien; volvimos and had long bloody sex, 
20: nos regalaste la subscripcion de Tifon del vino y el libro, amo tener planes con eĺ asdfg  es hermoso. ordenamos la casa a profundo, fuimos ahacer compras, hizo berenjenas rellenas, lo amo,, anal s3x for the first time and i loved it. 
21: slept in, breakfast together, shower ando sexo together (i love him), lunch at Home to celebrate childs day, lasgna and cheescake, Godzilla, last of us,
22: LO EXTRAÑO Y LO AMO, good day, tired but happy.
25: happy most of the day -- tired --- ANGRY at myself bc i lost the cellphone charger. soy una imbecil y siento ganas de vomitar por lo que me odio. 
27: me adoras siempre y me haces sentir tan querida. no puedo creer qe te tengo enmi vida. siempre queres esccharme, hacerme sentir linda y más cuando me odio, sos super atento y me haces regalos, ME REGALASTE UNA MONSTERA y unas flores hermosas para mis viejos; viniste a casa a ver la carrera, me ayudaste a cocinar, me acompañaste a hacer las compras. en todo estas y quiero qye sea asi por siempre.
28: empezamos a ver Fargo Season 04, esta TRE MEN DA; descubrimos EL DISKO de Ca7riel y lo amamos. vos sos “bad bitch” y yo “u.u”. amo nuestros findes juntos. me llenan de vida. 
me tiraste las estadisticas de nuestra relacion: salimos hace casi 7 meses, y garchamos como 105 veces. nos faneo. gracias por tanto
tengo algunos problemas con lari pero siempre me bancas y me das consejos y me haces ver las cosas de la mejor manera posible. 
31: estamos enfermuchos :(  tnego ganas de cocinarte más. te hice las croquetas, y ahora estoy haciendo croissants. ayer me esperaste en la baticueva con bagles, y gin y mucho amor. hablamos por horas sobre relaciones y sigo sin caer en lo hermosa que es la nuestra. es tan sana, feliz, sin complicaciones. me siento plena con vos y sé que puedo contarte cualqeir cosa. sos mi mejor amigo. sos el chandler de mi monica. sos todo. 
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
felt really insecure about my face today so now im eating cheescake and drinking lemonade and im bout to watch fantastic mr fox...self care
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K 1) I fucking love you and you’re perfect in every single way I hope you know that 2) every time I see that screencap of Kylo all I can think of is “MOM CAN U COME PICK ME UP”
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