#i genuinely don't know wtf to do because most things i would suggest for other people aren't options for me
Apparently I need something more stable and reliable (than a book order) to use as an anchor for depression season 🙃
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metacrisisdoctor · 2 years
everytime i read a quote about the doctor and river it makes me rub my temples in frustration while also making me so so so deeply grateful that the doctor and rose's story ended how it did.
putting this under the cut, so if you do ship the doctor and river you don't have to read this.
the thing is: the doctor and river's relationship was a cool idea that moffat completely half assed, but at the same time he made it so that river is meant to be seen as more important than all of his other relationships up until his final life (without showing us the journey there) and i find that so insulting to the nature of the show. they are both locked into this "marriage" with such little choice in the matter, if any. it makes me sad for BOTH of them.
so according to moffat in the "end" river is uploaded to the library and the doctor is allegedly there too, his mind uploaded to the moon or whatever. but wtf kind of ending is that for the doctor? that's so odd to me. i don't ever WANT to know how things end for the doctor because the story should never have definite end, but moffat wanted to have the very last word in 2008 ig.
it confuses me further that he decided to write a pretty overt romantic storyline with eleven and clara in s7 which then continues onto twelve and clara. not because the doctor can't be in love multiple times or because i think it would bother river but because it makes it the relationship that is actually developed for THREE seasons.
i understand rtd being accepting of river during s4, since he was going to step down as showrunner seemingly forever. and i genuinely think that this is why rose and her doctor were sealed off the way they were even if he's never actually said it.
it's such a large part of why, to me, tentoorose is such a gift. it's so beautiful. because the "original" doctor has this future that is set in stone that tentoo never has to be part of. he is not only free from being essentially immortal, but he is free from being manipulated into a marriage with river and from being potentially uploaded into the library. and rose has the gift of having the last version of the doctor who does not know river aside from one episode. this doctor loves rose and rose alone. he will never be married to river, he will never have whatever romance went on with clara and yaz either. and i do believe that the doctor is allowed to fall in love multiple times in their many lives, which is where both doctor/river and "rose and all the doctors" does not work for me at all but then again, it doesn't matter because rose got her happy ending with the freest and happiest version of the doctor there ever will be and i'm so grateful for that when i remember how bonkers the plot became after season four.
some people say they dislike je because tentoo isn't rose's doctor when it's the complete OPPOSITE by now, and i cannot imagine rtd ever having a reason to undo that so when people suggest he would break them up for rose to be back with the "real" doctor i'm just like, you understood NOTHING. he wanted them to be safe and happy and HUMAN tucked into their own world that no one else but him would or could ever touch. because of journey's end the doctor and rose truly end up together in the most even, healthy and honest way possible. i just still feel so lucky 😭💗
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spevvy · 3 months
CNCO/Vélez Fic
Okay so...........
I've mentioned a few times that I'm a writer. I've mentioned an embarrassing amount of times how much I love CNCO..... I've said I don't write smut I only write comedy.... and people outside of tumblr still seem here for it....
Can i please get a consensus of opinion, if it's not too much trouble??? Would anyone read a CNCO fic by me at this stage in time? Equally/potentially even more importantly, would anyone tell me if they'd read it/give me any feedback at all?
For those of you new to the blog, I AM a writer and have been literally since I learned how to hold a pen - but after approximately a decade of ongoing trauma (most of which I still can't talk about) my functional ability to write has diminished dramatically, and I struggle to focus, so I do genuinely need all the help I can get to write. With this in mind, it's safe to say that knowing in advance if anyone would even care about it is VERY important to me and my final decision.
Therefore if you DO vote (reblogs would be super helpful cos nobody knows me in the CNCO fandom, with no hint of exaggeration it's safe to say that I am literally less than nobody here) I'd be very grateful if you'd be 100% honest and not just polite about it!!! I can take honesty, I'm autistic, what I can't take is saying one thing and doing another.
if you have any questions/requests/plot suggestions for this potential fanfic, then please please please send me an ask, there are no stupid questions, or suggestions too bonkers - although i would appreciate zero-minimal hate, because this is absolutely only coming from a place of love and respect for my boys, and I don't want to get involved in any drama or anger, I'm only here to make people giggle if I can.
I'd very much appreciate it if you'd reblog this because I don't know anyone in the fandom and I don't have any reach at all, but I know a lot of you still do and I would genuinely be interested in the widest range of opinions possible for this potential fic.
Thanks so much in advance for all your help, everone, i love you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anti-endo-safe-space · 3 months
i'm gonna be super upfront here: i'm ignorant of a ton of shit regarding this whole situation, but a genuine curiosity has been aroused in me in the course of some mutuals talking about this stuff and Knowing More Stuff is always worth it. so i kinda wanna just drop some questions in your inbox and then go hide behind a bush.
i had what would be called an alright childhood from a distance but had a bunch of mental health issues that did not get addressed well into adulthood. like the kind of shit that somehow made me suicidal at ten, and i can't remember most of my life before 20. i do remember being groomed and exploited.
i started dissociating frequently and like. here is the point where i am ignorant, on terminology and also substance, so i'm going to do my best to muddle through. at some point early on there came to be like. two conceptual like, i dunno, *stuff* in my thoughts. they had names and they seemed to be very internally consistent. i understood them to be me, because they were in my brain and my understanding at this time (granted i was like. ten.) basically was "how could something be in my head if it isn't me." whenever i dissociated one of them took over. there was dialogue. i could make suggestions (one listened way more than the other) or i could not. but i understood these to have all sprung from my sense of self as i understood. they did not and have not gone away even through vast stretches of very good times.
what i don't get is what this is. after that reading that aforementioned conversation mentioned before i went poking through some stuff, vocabulary and experiences and such. the idea of a median seems to align a lot with shit, but as i understood it this generally did not seem to be a thing that was occurent in people reacting to trauma, which. like. i would say "reacting to trauma" has been something i've been doing for a long time, even through those good times.
so like. wtf. i don't know. basically wondering if you have any insight. sorry for dropping a novel in your inbox.
Hey there's no worries. We're not going to diganose you because we do not know your life story, we suggest a therapist. However.
If you are a system, it's common to not remember the trauma. I (host the one typing this) only remember some because I'm a partial trauma holder. But we have some who have no clue what the bodies been through. So, if you are one, the seemingly average childhood doesn't change that. Plus, what is considered traumatic to you doesn't mean it is to everyone else (about our third ever split was due to bullying on the school bus, it was physical yes but still. That's not something always seen as traumatic).
Reacting to trauma could mean being a system. But, we'll be honest here.
We don't believe that median systems really exist. It's a case of either you are or you aren't to us. Now, if science shows "hey actually" then we'll believe it (legitimate documented science that is accepted by most of the psychology community in the last 15 years (not directed at you, anon, but any pro endos/endos who see this and are going to go "well what about this guy from the 80s or this study that was done by people with no knowledge in psychology and haven't been shown with other studies")). So, it sounds like being a system but that's something you've gotta figure out.
We're sorry we dont' have the best input there /gen
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I gotta say, you're posts are making me think how hilarious Chakotay/Seven are, and I love how it's actually coinciding with me figuring how to write a story with Seven and B'Elanna. Also! I agree the moment B'Elanna figures out about them, she would be "WTF, man!" At Chakotay, since that was all I could picture when I was trying to write a scene between them.
* (In my head, Chakotay/Seven was angsty and then hilarious because for me, Seven hasn't spoken to Chakotay in 20 years. And then I realized when Seven breaks up with someone she ghosts them for 20 years or kills them. and then does the opposite with Raffi).
Oh man I just keep thinking about Chakotay/Seven because you're so right, it's hilarious as a pairing but also angsty.
Between Seven being Seven and having no experience with relationships whatsoever (and facing said new experience like she does with everything else, with the subtlety of a battering ram) and Chakotay who I think is genuinely fond of Seven (he's been in her corner pretty much since he put his own brain on the line in order to disconnect her from the Collective) and could be very patient with her but also has his own bad experiences with women using and/or deceiving him. I don't know what he would do if, for example, Seven confessed that she used his likeness in a holoprogram. It could get angsty very fast, is what I'm saying.
But in general I think of them as a funny couple, I think most of their interactions would go much like the scene in which Seven and Chakotay kiss for the first time. I'm sure Seven will keep thinking that there is a script they should follow for 'progressing' the relationship and Chakotay sighing and having to explain that no, actually there is no script, until Seven finally gets it. (But Seven will keep trying to find the way in which you can Win At Relationships And Sex because nothing is worth doing unless you can do it perfectly the first time around, isn't it.) I think Chakotay understands that Seven generally cares more than she lets on, and he's challenged her to express said care and broaden her horizons a few times over the years (“One Small Step” and “Natural Law” come to mind) and Seven does care about him a great deal otherwise I don't think she'd have ever suggested they try dating in the first place.
And yes lol B'Elanna will be SO DISAPPOINTED in Chakotay once she learns of his relationship with Seven, there's no way she would take that information with any kind of neutrality. I'm not sure she would confront him, mostly because by that time she's probably very busy with a newborn baby, but B'Elanna would think less of both of them for it.
I can't blame B'Elanna tbh, Chakotay and Seven are kind of odd together and I'm not sure it would've worked out in the best case scenario, but being thrown back into the Alpha Quadrant basically a few hours after having decided to be together? I really don't think the relationship survived for very long, especially since we know Chakotay got a Starfleet commission and Seven didn't. That was very likely the final blow, and it was probably ugly and full of angst. I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't spoken to each other in 20 years like you said.
And by the time of Star Trek: Picard it has become a bit of a pattern for Seven, hasn't it, to just run as fast as she can away from anything that has a chance to hurt her (I'm thinking of how she tried to run away even in “No Man's Land”). To be honest I don't blame her given the whole Bjayzl thing—by the time we see Seven again Chakotay is likely a very distant memory for her, and the end of that relationship just the beginning of all her troubles in the Alpha Quadrant. But it's not like Chakotay did much better for his part since he got stuck in the Delta Quadrant again, lol. Truly a couple of people who do Not have luck by their side!
I'm sorry this got so long and rambling, I'm just weirdly fond of this ship! I wasn't always but talking to @avoicefromthestars really sold me on them and @fate-motif has the best ideas when it comes to their post-canon breakup. I'm very glad if you can see the potential of this ship even a tiny bit, and now I'm very curious to see how you made it fit with writing about Seven and B'Elanna 👀
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silkiemae · 2 years
Wing & Arrow by Piper CJ
warning: there are spoilers
I really don’t even understand what the point of this novella was, tbh with you. To give a bad representation of group dynamics? Gay men? Women in the army? There’s not one moment where we ever really get to know any of the characters in this little novella. All we know is that they all want to fuck one another. 
We start with Zaccai and Briar in bed. Briar is expressing interest in another soldier who is up for a promotion. She complains that she’s not allowed to sleep with people in her unit because then the dating pool would be so much larger. This honestly makes women in the military look so bad. Like she's only there to bone the whole army. It's never really expanded on why she decided to join the army in the first place, she merely is interested in fucking the battalion. The only other woman introduced in this short story is immediately suspected of basically the same thing. Gadriel sees her and assumes she has a crush on him or on 'military life', meaning she's basically an army groupie. That's a terrible way to depict women in the army, considering all of the women who are assaulted in the army all the time.
Briar suggests they add a third to their dynamic. This guy name Wren gets introduced, and they play fuck, marry, kill(bed, wed, behead), and would you rather. They get drunk and then bone. There is literally not even porn without a plot in this there’s not even badly-written sex to entertain me. I'm genuinely wondering why this was even written in the first place. You don't need to publish every single word you barf out, Piper. 
The funniest part about fuck marry kill is one of the options is the All-Mother and knowing that Piper literally commissioned a portrait of herself as the All-Mother just really ramps up her narc status in my eyes. Like, wow, let's portray myself as the goddess of my own book series. Okay. 
They play truth or dare. Wren has never been with a man alone before, so Briar dares Wren and Zaccai to sleep with each other while she watches and again, there’s a big nothing burger to this. Then Briar gets sent away to the front lines leaving Wren and Zaccai to continue their relationship alone. Again, there is nothing. No conversations between the two. No expansion of their relationship. We’re just told they fuck without kissing. (Wow, another terrible depiction of gay men.)
Then Briar returns, and Wren is pissed; he thought they’d ‘moved past her’. He tells Gadriel he thought "he saw him for him" (wtf does that even mean?) when he has literally never expressed interest in changing the dynamic to just the two of them. Like, did he just assume because Briar was gone, she would be naturally phased out?? Wtf? 
Briar dumps Zaccai, and then it’s revealed that Wren actually volunteered Briar to go to the front lines so he could have Zaccai to himself, and so they could sleep together without Briar. Zaccai gets pissed, calls this the most vile crime he has everheard of and has Wren arrested and imprisoned. Then years later, he sees Briar with her new husband, and that’s it.
That’s all that happens in this story. Don't know if Zaccai ever saw Wren again. Don't know if Wren was executed all because Zaccai's dick was so good. Don't understand what Zaccai saw in Briar in the first place for him to be so fascinated by her. This was a nothing burger. This was a waste of time and valuable paper. 
Zaccai’s dick was so good that Wren ruined his whole life for it LMFAO. 
Also, Piper. Dredges do not mean what you think it does. You mean dregs. Dredges is a literal verb; it means to clear something or bring something up, like dredging up a memory. Dregs are the remnants of a liquid in a container. That’s the one you meant to use. You probably should’ve gotten an EDITOR but I know you’re allergic to those.
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wh6res · 3 years
tw a lil bit of suggestive on jae's but nothing explicit
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✰ — TAEIL would sing lullabies over the phone or video call. you and him would just be doing your own thing, not talking but enjoying being each other's presence. he'll probably pull out his guitar and start singing random songs until he eventually notices you fell asleep on him. will not end the call and when you wake up in the morning, his snores and his cute sleeping face is the first thing you see. "love? you still there? ... taeil?" then laugh out loud when you hear his snores instead. "okay yeah lets sleep more" the call will only end probably because his phone died. he kinda strikes me as a guy who's phone is always < 50% battery lmao
✰ — JOHNNY is your everything. literally. as long as he has the power of youtube, google, and instruction manuals on his side, he can fix anything and everything for you. we've all seen him do crafty things on jcc lmao so it'll probably apply to relationships as well. will 100% say you now owe him cuddles for fixing something for you. you kinda dont like the fact that he's doing all these things for you so you try doing them on your own without him knowing only to fail big time. "what did we learn today?" "never touch the pipes under the sink" "and?" "and always ask johnny for help" "nuh-uh thats not how i said it" you sigh exasperatedly "always let my smokin hot amazing handsome boyfriend johnny suh get the job done"
✰ — TAEYONG doesn't care whether you take the time shopping or not. in fact, he loves seeing you all excited and giddy for pampering yourself as you should. totally the type to hold the paper bags even if you complain and say you can manage on your own. is a complete angel and will wait patiently outside changing rooms and will give you genuine insight he has of the clothes you picked. "that looks nice. you should get that. the length is just right and the sleeves help accentuate your waist" "really yongie?" "yes love. i mean you look pretty in everything anyway" miss ma'am my heart just fucking melted ?¿?
✰ — YUTA doesn't look like it but will exert real effort into things. would be the type to have a note or a google doc about your favorite orders from restaurants because he just loves how your eyes light up appreciatively and you look so smitten by him. its like a cheat sheet. eventually he memorizes the list with how much time he spends with you and he wont even need it. the type to always bring you food before meeting you (if its just hanging out inside the house). "no way! i was just craving for these!" he smiles before kissing your forehead, volunteering to put the food out its container for you. "i figured. you'd been working since this afternoon. lets eat first then you can tell me about what you've been working on so i can help you, okay?"
✰ — DOYOUNG loves cooking for you. i highkey feel like its his love language? like cooking for you and seeing your eyes light up as it darts back to him after you take your first bite from whatever he cooked just gives him so much happiness. its disgustingly sappy and he doesn't like talking about it. now he understood fully what it meant to see your loved ones eating and being full yourself or some shit. idk how the actual quote goes okay dont come 4 me but u probably get it. anyway the type to always pack you lunch and will get hella mad if you skip meals. "what do you mean you havent eaten yet?" "yeah but i will after i--" "you mean you're going to eat Now?" "what? no maybe later--" "thats it im coming over"
✰ — JAEHYUN would be the type to make you playlists. its really random sometimes he'll send them to you in the early morning for the heck of it bc he cant sleep. most of the time its him being horny lmao the frat boy in him awakening and sending you a playlist called imma blow your back out or something extremely cringey and thirsty pls dont block his sorry ass maybe he'd spell out the words using song titles too! idk jae just rlly strikes me as a guy who's love language is music. "hey babe did you check the playlist i sent you?" "wtf its 4am???" "oh so you havent listened to it yet?" "fuck off" but at the end of the day he'll come over and will use the playlist to,,, you know,,, do the sexy thing ;)
✰ — JUNGWOO always makes sure you walk on the inside of the road. you know when you're walking in the street and he softly nudges your waist? yes. will probably even scold you playfully because with how long its been since you both are together, "babe you always walk on the inside of the road how many times do i have to tell you?" is also the type to remind you to wear your seatbelt immediately after hopping onto his car. would ask you Again while in the middle of the car ride because he forgot that he already asked you earlier. please don't mind him he's just looking out for you bb. "seatbelt?" "yes, babe. already done" "are you sure? i dont think i heard it click--" "babe eyes on the road please" "oh right sorry"
✰ — MARK sends you tiktoks, vines, or memes. this is his love language fite me im calling it. he just wants to see you laugh too okay? thats why he does it. i mean it made him laugh, so maybe it will you laugh too. also because he hopes to make inside jokes with u cuz he believes thats how people really get close and stuff. would definitely love it if you do the same thing with him. you'd be chilling in the sofa while khalid plays on the bluetooth speaker and he'll suddenly go "babe babe babe check this out!" then you both proceed to laugh at a vine for the next thirty minutes <3 #living.the.yn.life
✰ — HAECHAN will do your skincare for you when you're drunk or super tired that you just passed out cold on the bed. would probably come into the room to see you snoring and tutting bc now he has to do it for you again but meh deep down he loves it because he enjoys admiring your sleeping face. its sorta like a healing thing for him? yeah it just washes away all the stress he's feeling and bb is just excited about the idea that this becomes "your thing" with him if u get what im saying? altho the next day he'll probably use it as a leverage to get out of chores :) "no way im not folding our clothes" "and why is that?" "i took your make up off yesterday u know how hard that is? im still tired" "but its literally the next day--" "awww thank you for doing my chores, baby! u the best!" ._.
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chaotic-lupin-blog · 3 years
I don't know anything about canon Yata or the role he plays in anything, because I've not watched the newer Lupin parts except for a little of part 5... but I think introducing another regularly recurring character has such hilarious potential. I really think that could/should be so funny. the crew is all used to each other, they've seen each other do some of the worst shit that they've ever done in their lives, and by now there's probably been some expectation drift as far as what most people would consider normal behavior. meanwhile Yata is over here like... still balking at the fact that Goemon is just walking around like he was plucked straight out of the past, and Jigen can get his hands on an anti tank gun if he needs it, which he does sometimes??? and Lupin... god, Lupin is just Lupin, y'know? what isn't weird about that guy...
but especially when it comes to the polycule, I would love to watch the slow process of Yata building his understanding of what the hell is going on with them from the ground up. like he starts with a basic understanding of "Lupin is dating Fujiko" which... er, it isn't entirely like that? they don't consider themselves quite that official, and they definitely aren't exclusive, but also they'd move mountains for each other, and sometimes they will just swap pieces of their wardrobe and gossip like old friends in a way that almost feels completely platonic, but then other times they're all over each other... so even just that is confusing. I'm imagining Fujiko regaling Lupin with the tale of some stooge she had to sleep with for a con she was running, and complaining about how terrible he was in bed, and Lupin is just howling with laughter because Fujiko is a good storyteller, but she might also be steering the conversation in the direction of "we should have a better time than that tonight" and that might be because she's trying to get at something he stole recently... it's complicated. if you asked Zenigata what he thought of the situation, he could pick up on almost everything about their dynamic. if you asked Yata, he'd know next to nothing. they're like, a couple... right?
so the first time he sees Lupin and Jigen kiss, he has to rework his whole worldview. like wtf why is that happening?? Zenigata is like "oh crap, yeah, I should've briefed Yata on the relationship dynamics" because by now it's second nature for Zenigata to accept all this. he forgot that that'd be surprising... especially with just how absolutely gay Jigen is... he's got so many crazy exes, Zenigata's perception is that Jigen must reeeeally like men if he was capable of dating this many deeply unhinged ones. and Zenigata gets to blow Yata's mind yet again by telling him that Goemon is involved too, and then trying to explain the intricacies of Jigen and Fujiko's contentious frienemies-with-the-same-boyfriends dynamic... it's a very long talk.
but then all that's left for Yata to discover, is just how involved Zenigata is in all this, despite his best efforts not to be. he's seen Lupin tease Zenigata in suggestive ways before, but Zenigata always responded by trying to enforce proper boundaries... moreso in front of Yata because Yata is a coworker, and it'd just cause all kinds of problems if he didn't. but they could only keep this under wraps for so long. it'd probably just be a lot of little things that Yata notices over time... questions that keep piling up in his head until he's ready to burst with curiosity. certain genuine reactions to Lupin's flirting start recontextualizing the amount of time Zenigata spent looking at Lupin's photo the other day, and there was also that phone call that Zenigata had to take in private, but his body language and tone of voice as he talked into the phone was particular, and instinctively made Yata feel like Lupin must be on the other end. is Zenigata in love with Lupin? how does that work... or does it? maybe he's trying his best not to act on his feelings, or maybe their relationship is secret... how does he feel about the rest of Lupin's band of thieves?
the real confirmation of his suspicions is when Lupin drags Zenigata off in the midst of some unrelated chaos, and Yata follows when he wasn't supposed to. maybe he overhears Lupin complaining that it's harder to find good moments to fool around with Zenigata when Yata is constantly with him, and Zenigata grumbles a bit about how they're not supposed to be doing this in the first place, and Yata is simply a diligent, hard worker... but he doesn't really resist getting kissed by Lupin either. Yata tries to just leave, but they somehow notice him. ultimately everything turns out fine, but there's a bit of initial tension because technically Yata should be reporting this as some kind of misconduct. idk how it'd all eventually get smoothed out, but the more Yata learns, the more he realizes that the rules are made up and the points don't matter, so to speak.
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jedimordsith · 4 years
You mentioned that you've come to have more empathy for Yoday but still wouldn't recommend him as a direct master for anyone. What were/are your biggest issues with him? There are several I could guess, and probably some I agree with, but I don't want to assume.
Ahahahaha. I’m in a ranty mood this week, so it’s a great time to tackle this ask! Here’s more than anyone ever wanted to know about my Yoda Feels. 
My problems with Yoda come down to a couple things. 
We have entirely different learning/teaching styles. 
I have zero tolerance for cryptic shavit when there’s *actual communication* that needs to happen. 
A lot of Yoda’s behaviors make sense when viewed in the context of the PT but I formed most of my opinions based on the OT before the PT was a Thing. 
I don’t agree with the approach Yoda took in swanning off to Dagobah post RotS. AT ALL. 
Different Learning/Teaching Styles
(In ESB) Yoda very much follows the Greek and Buddhist styles of teaching where masters ask questions that don’t necessarily have solid answers. This is a valid style and something @atamascolily consistently captures gorgeously in her fics. It also absolutely makes me want to stab people. 
I’m like Mara Jade: a task-oriented learner. I want to know what I’m supposed to learning/mastering, why, how I’ll demonstrate success, and what the checkpoints are along the way. Meandering philosophical debates as part of an ill-defined training process are maddening. As noted, as I get older I am more accepting of this as a legit style and just not for me; this makes Yoda more sympathetic as a character but not any less annoying. 
Also, when Luke asks honest and reasonable questions in ESB (like “why”) Yoda shuts him down flat and I’m extremely not okay with that. Luke is being genuine and respectful despite his own frustrations and as someone who is committing his life to the Jedi path he has both a right and a need to know things. Demanding blind faith when there are or should be reasonable answers of some kind is Not Okay. 
Just Communicate Dammit!
With Ben Kenobi and Bail Organa gone, Yoda was the only person around holding a lot of key information. Did he share that information? Nope. He wandered around being a cryptic little troll “because Luke wasn’t ready” despite knowing full well that his health was failing. He gave Luke none of the information he actually needed to make informed decisions and didn’t even freaking write anything down!!  
From a Doylist perspective, this is obviously largely because George Lucas et al hadn’t figured out any of the backstory yet. From a Watsonian perspective, this is unforgivable. 
If your time is short (as his time with Luke was destined to be no matter how things went), it is critically important to be clear and use your time well. Yoda just didn’t. 
Obnoxious Troll vs Grandpa Frog
The PT very much sets Yoda up as Grandpa Frog, a beloved grandfather figure who teaches the younglings regularly and who everyone understands as mischievous but loving. Viewed in that sense, a lot of how he treats Luke in ESB makes sense… but it doesn’t make it okay. 
The younglings at the Temple literally grew up around the Force and Yoda. Luke did not. Luke didn’t even know WTF the Force was until he was almost 20. He got like 24 hours of introduction to it before Ben died. Compliments of Palpatine and the Purge and the war, there is almost no information available to him between ANH and ESB except what he figures out himself. Yet Yoda treats him like a disappointment and a failure for not understanding the scope of the Force and having doubts about its power. 
Guess what? If Luke had grown up in the Temple, yeah, he’d be all about raising X-wings out of swamps. But he didn’t. He grew on repressed for his own safety on a farm in the middle of nowhere without a hint of a clue. 
Now, through the lens of the PT, I can see Luke being a frustrating student for Yoda. He’s used to getting younglings who have been exposed to and trained in the Force by a range of other Jedi. Starting with an older student suffering from a ton of trauma and without any of the basics that he has to train in less than a fraction of the time shaping a Jedi would normally take is a massive undertaking and he’s old and tired besides. The whole family history with Vader wouldn’t make it any easier. 
But you know what? Luke is young. He left his found family in the middle of a war and is undergoing hugely stressful training in the middle of a swamp so that he can shoulder even bigger burdens. Yoda has had 20 years of (mostly) downtime to deal with his own trauma and at least several hundred years of practice being a teacher and a leader. He’s the one in a position to improve things and accommodate and he doesn’t. I’m not okay with that. 
Let’s Talk About That Downtime BTW
Again, from a Doylist perspective, I get why Yoda was hanging out on Dagobah, why he used things like visions to communicate with people like Kanan, Ezra, etc. periodically, and why he was Luke’s mentor in ESB/RotJ. 
From a Watsonian view, though, I’m not freaking impressed. He was the Grandmaster. He was heartbroken over the Jedi and Padawans he couldn’t save. But what did he do for the remaining ones spread across the galaxy? Shavit, that’s what. Kanan, Cal Kestis, Feris Olan, all the Jedi/Padawans who got kidnapped and twisted into Inquisitors — they were on their freaking own while Yoda swanned off to Dagobah. 
Oh, sure, he’d pop up in a vision here or there or whatever, but he had a safe place. And, apparently, the ability to reach at least some of them some of the time (see: visions and his connections to people like Bail Organa). Do I think any of those people probably wanted to live on Dagobah? Not particularly. But I think they’d have appreciated the safety and the chance to reconnect with what remained of their Jedi family, even if only briefly. 
But no. Yoda hangs out, waiting for the day the twins are old enough to take on the responsibility to kill Vader/Palpatine and then… does nothing?! He just keeps hanging out even after both Luke and Leia have lost everything, lets them get all settled into the Rebellion without a word, and THEN has the nerve to be cranky and disgruntled when he actually does get one of them to train!! 
I’m Not Entirely Without Compassion, I Swear
*sigh* I have seen a lot of Yoda meta in recent years that makes me appreciate Yoda for what he was during the PT. He really *was* everybody’s loving Grandpa who worked for centuries to love on the Jedi, protect them, and take care of them well. He legit wanted all of them to be happy and safe… and his suffering when the Purge happened must have been unimaginable. Like Luke and Leia, he lost everything. 
Unlike the twins, he didn’t get to rebuild or find a new family. While I believe what we have in the EU suggests he found peace and solace and a new home of Dagobah that was genuinely soothing to his wounded soul, he was alone and (whether he was or not) he did feel mostly helpless to do anything for his few scattered Jedi grandchildren who remained and suffered across the galaxy. He did face decisions in which there *weren’t* good, clear-cut answers. 
I think if I’d met him first in the PT or meta I might have liked him better. But I still wouldn’t ever recc him as a Master for any character I like because I can’t imagine learning under him being an experience I would ever wish on anyone simply based on my own vehement loathing for his personal teaching style. I know there are people in the world who would thrive on that approach and I like to think I’ve got a good imagination, but I simply can’t conceptualize it as a positive, productive experience. 
*As an end note, if you DO like Yoda or want to like him better please go read @atamascolily‘s fics, seriously. You’ll love them!
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
You know, for people that try to act like JC killing/torturing demonic cultivators was justified...we really don't know anything about the people that he was killing, whether they were actually dangerous people like XY, or people who really had no idea what they were doing and probably needed a good lecture, and not...a death sentence and/or torture. I doubt everyone who used demonic cultivation was some evil mastermind, especially since, unlike in the tv show, WWX actually creates 1/9
demonic cultivation, so it's not like it's been around for years, with big bads like WRH and co. being known for using it like in the show. It's something new, and there are undoubtedly people who probably tried to be copycats of the Yiling Patriarch and had bad intentions, but there were also probably a lot of people who stumbled into it having no idea what they were doing. JC does not discriminate between these groups. When he first meets WWX, and thinks that he is MXY, JC's 2/9
immediate reaction is to say "If you see this sort of evil and crooked practice, kill the cultivator and feed him to your dogs!” At this point what exactly has 'MXY' done to warrant this? He hasn't hurt anyone. He used demonic cultivation to…trip someone over. I'd hardly call that 'evil.' To add to that, MXY is very young (in his 20s I think?), potentially even looking younger because of his smaller stature. So (as far as JC knows), here is a young man, only a few years older than 3/9
some of the Juniors in the novel, who hasn't tried to physically harm anyone, and JC's immediate reaction is to kill him without even trying to figure out his intentions, or question him, or anything. Even worse, he is TEACHING this to an impressionable teenager who will one day be the leader of his sect. He is telling his nephew to brutally murder people with no fair trial, or questioning, and he is using what could essentially be a prank as an example of this 'evil' behaviour. 4/9
…JC, wtf is wrong with you. JL, don't listen to your uncle. People who claim that every single person who used demonic cultivation (or was suspected of it, since it obviously doesn't take much to convince JC) are evil are kidding themselves. And, even worse, people who claim that it's all down to rumours! Seriously, we not only see JL himself acknowledging that it happens - and he saves 'MXY' from his uncle, regardless of the demonic cultivation, because even a teenager can acknowledge that 5/9
things aren't so black and white that everyone who touches demonic cultivation is evil and must be killed - but we also hear it FROM JC's MOUTH. JC all but implies that this is something he regularly does! So don't turn around and write poor uwu JC, a victim of rumours, because he LITERALLY confirms it! And just...JC has this awful habit of putting everyone into one category. There's no grey area with him, no inbetween. He did this with the Wens, where EVERYONE with the last name Wen was 6/9
supposedly evil and deserved to die, and now he's doing it again, where EVERYONE who uses demonic cultivation is evil and needs to die. I'm not saying that them using demonic cultivation is a good thing! We know it can be dangerous, and if even WWX, the person who created it, lost control, then people who probably have no idea what they're doing should not be using it. But like I said, there are probably a lot of misguided, young people using this thing for various reasons, who might not 7/9
realise that they're in over their heads, or just how dangerous resentful energy really is, and if JC really wants to make a difference he should try to EDUCATE these people. Especially if they haven't done anything particularly abhorrent, like 'MXY' who's dastardly deeds at that point had consisted of tripping JL over. JC could talk to these people, try and make them realise that they were doing something wrong, and, if that didn't work, THEN take more physical action. But nope, he's 8/9
Just going to straight up kill them. …Yeah. Just…the fact that this guy sin charge on one of the most prominent sects in the cultivation world, and raising the future of another of the most prominent sects, is genuinely kind of terrifying. This sort of behaviour, this inability to have a more nuanced view of the world, is a very dangerous thing. And view hasn’t changed at all since his teens/early twenties just shows a worrying lack of character growth. 9/9
Oh, JC telling JL to kill ‘MXY’ gets even better, because remember, MXY was JL’s uncle. JC isn’t just getting mad at JL, a thirteen year old, for not cutting a young man who hadn’t actually hurt anyone down without hesitation; he’s getting mad at JL for not killing his uncle. That entire scene is incredibly fucked up. Like, I feel the need to restate this to make it perfectly clear: JC is getting angry at his thirteen year old nephew for not murdering his uncle in cold blood. It’s genuinely horrifying, but it’s completely glossed over so often.
Anyway, you’re right that it’s incredibly unlikely that all demonic cultivators are evil; hell, we know they’re not. WWX is right there. And other than XY and WWX himself, we don’t hear of a single threat coming from a demonic cultivator. The biggest threats to our heroes are righteous cultivators, in fact. There is nothing to suggest the sort of widespread demonic cultivation threat that would even begin to justify JC’s actions. He’s killing them because he wants to kill them, not because they’re a threat. And both JL and JC acknowledge that these demonic cultivators aren’t a threat; JL is willing to free WWX from JC on the grounds that he doesn’t deserve what JC will do to him! The fact that JL is sure JC will do something horrible to WWX if he stays suggests both that the “rumours” are actually fact and that at least some of the demonic cultivators JC catches haven’t done anything to deserve being tortured to death. At least evidence suggests JL is not following in JC’s footsteps.
JC doesn’t want to teach young and foolish demonic cultivators the error of their ways. That could’ve been a very sweet thing; trying to turn people like WWX from following his path to its horrible end. But that’s not what he wants. He wants twisted revenge-by-proxy on the brother who died before he got the chance to do these things to him. It’s like how once WC died JC was no longer interested in justice against the Wen sect, only revenge. Genocide for genocide. JC wants to assuage his own feelings even if it means slaughtering innocents. It’s childish, in a twisted sort of way, like XY’s insistence that anything he does to avenge his own pain is justified no matter how much he does.
...You know, all this makes me wonder if JC becomes another bogeyman for the civilians of the area. “The way you’re acting, Sect Leader Jiang would accuse you of demonic cultivation!” That sort of thing.
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larentsaloud · 3 years
hi I’m back!! so yeah NO you did not say anything about that you went onto writing a whole essay about a whole different thing so 1. Don’t lie 👍🏼 2. I’m a jikooker too so that taekook photo was for whom? All because I asked a question which I should’ve clarified better but didn’t. What makes me laugh the most about your recent answer is how you go onto say photos videos and other media doesn’t confirm a relationship and yet here you are being delusional… I’m sorry we lost you bestie!
your 1st Q
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hmm. does it? recently? in general? which posts? JM's Instagram is just pics of him and V flirting with him. LOL. As for his other social media, he has history of posting pics with JK. They all post pics of each other. but like there are instances where things cross over to a dubious territory. I mean the whole ggukie tag that JK used for himself also. or the pic with their heads down before leaving at the airport (on the 18th Sept 2021)* I think?? the minggukie channel gag in the vminkook Vlive was pretty funny too. funny because it was a reference of a Korean show (?? need more detail) but also could be interpreted as a actual JK and JK reference. this is what we call plausible deniability. when someone uses a reference that could be easily swayed one way or another based on their preference. in this case jimin would say oh I mean that police thingy ref (or whatever it was sorry Koreans, I have not researched it deeply). WHEN WE LOOK AT THINGS IN SILO WE LOSE IMPORTANT INFO. that's why I say it's best to consider their interactions as a whole. if we judge just by one social media post we would be doing ourselves injustice. for example if you looked at my SM in the past you would think I was going out with this guy. we gushed about each other, we told each other we loved each other, went on dates, had cuddly pics, wrote poems for each other I mean you name it we did it. but actually in reality we weren't going out. we had a completed freaky thing going on while I was in love with someone else. so SM is deceptive. we don't know them. HOWEVER, what we do have are situations where they seemingly forget they are on camera / or they know but it's become like second nature and their instincts love I mean whatever they have overrides them. that's how we get jikook moments, those unpredictable escalated moments when JK decides to hug JM in the middle of a concert...and presses his face SO CLOSE that we scream or nibble his ear, or like plays loud music to get him come to his room, stares at JM while JM massages his chest screaming or JM tells JK he loves him on Vlive while he flicks his chin, while JK literally forgets how to breathe etc etc. I mean WTF. because what makes them genuine is that we/ you feel like you are intruding on a private moment. those wild jikook snippets are when their defences have gone down imo. those are real moments. that's why fans go crazy over them, because everyone can see the raw emotion there. anon, I am very far away from your question. do you want to be more specific what you'd like from this ask??? Your follow up:
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to which i sent you jikook pics beacause what esle shoudl i say? then you came back with this.
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to recap:
1. got an anon asking if JM IG posts suggest jikook are together to which I answered that things can't be looked at in isolation. social media or instagram is not real life. pictures don't make couples. hugs don't make couples. trips don't make couples. kisses don't make couples either. sex don't make couples. if you had sex you would understand. love doesn't make couples. oxymoron? no. what makes a romantic couple? anon go and have a relationship and come back.
2. anon announced they ain't reading my reply. I gave pictures of jikook moments because what else do you do?
3. anon decided to tell I am embarrassed. huh? about what? anon they only embarrassing around here is the one who asks and won't listen.
look here is some tae kook now shoo
WHEN WE LOOK AT THINGS IN SILO WE LOSE IMPORTANT INFO. = that things can't be looked at in isolation.
social media or instagram is not real life. pictures don't make couples. hugs don't make couples. trips don't make couples. kisses don't make couples either. sex don't make couples. if you had sex you would understand. love doesn't make couples. oxymoron? no. what makes a romantic couple? anon go and have a relationship and come back.=for example if you looked at my SM in the past you would think I was going out with this guy. we gushed about each other, we told each other we loved each other, went on dates, had cuddly pics, wrote poems for each other I mean you name it we did it. but actually in reality we weren't going out. we had a completed freaky thing going on while I was in love with someone else. so SM is deceptive.
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