#i genuinely have no idea what to write fanfic about tho because a lot of the media im interested in is like. not something i want to write-
chaoticcandies1 · 1 year
one day i'm going to write like fanfic about something and it's gonna be over for everyone <- guy who only writes original fiction
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aphrodaisyacs · 11 months
This might be an odd question, but do you have any tips or preferences when it comes writing Natsuo? Asking for *ahem* reasons...
Ok well I guess like with all fanfic writing I use canon as a jumping point. He’s not exactly a flat character because the few moments he’s given imply a lot of depth, and it’s pretty fun to tease out that depth.
What we know from canon:
Out of all his siblings, Natsuo is the only one who appears to have a “normal” social life. He has a girlfriend who he presumably met during a university class, and he’s implied to prefer hanging out with her and his other friends instead of going back to visit his childhood home (much to Fuyumi’s annoyance lol). Based on his interactions with others he seems to be a sociable and friendly person (when Endeavor isn’t around to sour the mood at least). Personality-wise he also seems to be a confrontational person, in the sense that time and again he doesn’t shy away from uncomfortable conversations or topics- he prefers to air out all the grievances instead of letting them fester.
Currently, he and Fuyumi are the closest out of all the family members. They grew up together and they have the most normal sibling relationship out of everyone (the bar is on the ground tho aljsbd). In the scene where we first see them visiting Rei in the hospital together we also see them bantering and playfully poking at each other and he loves and respects her enough to put up with Endeavor for her sake.
It is no secret that Natsuo despises Endeavor—for being responsible for Touya’s death, for his treatment of Rei and Shouto and most likely also for the way he left Fuyumi as the responsible “adult” in charge of the home. The latter is implied from the way Natsuo spoke about how he tried to help her, ie with the cooking, but he was forced to stop when Endeavor complained about his cooking so it became Fuyumi’s responsibility again.
Then there’s all the trauma surrounding Touya, the way he feels like his brother wouldn’t have had to die (and become a villain) if only he’d listened to him when he needed it and maybe talked him out of some of his more extreme beliefs. It’s implied that he’s studying his current degree (medical welfare I think?) because of Touya, because he wants to help more people like his brother. There’s a lot of (irrational) guilt wrapped up in his feelings about Touya, but as seen in recent chapters he’s willing to put in the work and walk the long and difficult road to mend things between Touya and the rest of the family.
Now onto headcanon territory (most of which are extrapolated from canon):
I think that he has extremely low self esteem, due to the neglect he suffered while growing up. Not just from Endeavor, but from Rei too—here’s some thoughts I’ve already had about this, copy-pasted from the end AN of ch13 in WHFO:
I've always gotten the feeling that she and Natsuo were never particularly close, especially before she was hospitalised. Because he must've been what, 3 when she had to pass him over to be raised by the housekeeper while she completely shifted her focus to Shouto? Not to mention that his physical resemblance to Endeavor would've made it hard for her to even look at him, especially as her mental health spiralled. I just feel like Rei never really got much of a chance to get close to him the way she did with her other children, which is sad because that means Natsuo didn't have much of a relationship with either of his parents when he needed it most during his formative years faksjdlfs that is most definitely not going to have an impact on him at all, nope :)
Expanding on that I think he is also incredibly affection starved, and even as he strives to make a life for himself outside the family a part of him might always find it hard to accept praise or even just the idea that people would genuinely think he’s great to be around or good at things in general. Just you know, general symptoms of someone who had a childhood of emotional neglect.
Because of the whole thing with Rei I also think that he’s hyperaware of how much he physically resembles Endeavor. Does this mean he’s probably insecure about his looks as a result? Yes I do like to think so, especially for the Angst™️. It also doesn’t help that all of his other siblings look like their mum so he’s got that extra dose of feeling like the odd one out.
I also really like the headcanon that he inherited Endeavor’s short temper and general anger issues. Not only because that’s Angst Deluxe, but also because it would be interesting to explore how he grapples with it, and the internal conflict he feels about how scared he is of becoming like his father. This is why I love writing scenes where he’s arguing with his siblings or shouts at them only to watch them flinch because the psychic damage + self-loathing that would follow? Impeccable. Unparalleled. 👌
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
I totally agree with you on not liking the current, "you must reblog or don't read it" mentality. While it's great to support fanfic writers if you're comfortable with it, there are a lot of reasons why someone may not feel comfortable reblogging a particular fic (for me personally my social anxiety sometimes gets the best of me and I simply cannot handle the idea of being perceived). I think the problem comes when people don't interact with fics and then start to ask for more content from the author (which I suspect is only a few people but it's enough to give some writers a really bad impression). I used to write for a very small fandom and even I had several experiences of people asking for part 2s or updates when the original fic had very little interaction and I was most definitely not a request blog. I've personally never written fanfiction to get comments but stuff like that made me feel used and I even had one interaction that toed the line of emotional blackmail and put me off writing for that fandom altogether so I can definitely see why some authors end up so jaded that they block anyone who doesn't interact positively (even if it's not something I really agree with). So yeah, I really don't think there's anything wrong with genuine lurkers but I fear sadly they've been given a bad name by the few people who do treat fanfic authors as content machines.
Anyway, I hope I haven't rambled too much and that you're having a good day Merms!
Oh yeah, absolutely!!! Like, true entitlement is such a problem that genuine lurkers are getting murked for; which is unfair because it makes a scapegoat out of them and doesn’t solve the real problem at all. And I say “true entitlement” because there’s a difference between a comment that’s like, “will there be a part 2? 🥺” and “part 2” LOL, which is my personal pet peeve, like—what happened to hi?? hello??? how are you??? 💀 I’m not a chat AI, you don’t get to input demands. 🤖📖🚫
Idk—I try not to be mean about even that, tho, because I suspect a lot of this behaviour is indicative of younger readers, but then it just circles back to the problem of like, how do we correct it on a community-wide scale? Because sure, entitlement like that might be coming from a younger reader, but it might just as easily be coming from an asshole LMAO. The only “quick” solution that I can see for it is directly addressing it when it happens. 🥺 And again I wanna emphasise that there’s a clear difference between a genuine enquiry and a throwaway demand!! Like, personally, I don’t mind people asking when I might update or whatnot, because I don’t hold myself to a schedule and my updates are haphazard. But if you’re a more structured and dependable writer (like andypants, for example!) then maybe it’s a different story idk idk. It’s literally case-by-case—which is how it should be, because we’re all individual people writing different things.
I’m sorry your other fandom experience was kinda soured for you though, Anon. 🥺 I would feel used too! I’ve actually come to really dislike writing generic, non-bigger-fic related drabbles because they’re always the pieces that attract the worst of the entitlement. 💀 I say that like it’s a plague of demands lmfao, it’s not, but it happens often enough that it’s noticeable—and I guess it’s just the nature of them being easily digestible without needing like 100k+ of backstory to get into it, but….. idk idk. It’s startling! 😦 And I think the only action we can take that’s even close to a solution is just gently addressing it whenever it pops up. 😔 Or blocking ig if that’s how u roll, LOL.
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rivalsforlife · 1 year
Sorry I saw joker p5 and I have to ramble. His case is so weird because imo he has so much more personality than the last two protags and the game is better for it, and you can see what they were going for, to the point where I sometimes even expected him to speak lmao but it never happens (in full sentences). And it's like. He's so well characterized that it's distracting when he's shoved into the dialogue-choice box for every single game. I want them to set him free. Still love him a lot tho
I haven't played p3 yet (watched a playthrough several years ago) but yeah joker definitely has more personality even within some of the dialogue options you could make. plus anime cutscene stuff. but it genuinely threw me off after the akechi boss fight when he has this "long" internal monologue (like five dialogue boxes) about how he was wondering if akechi was alright and if they were going to keep their promise to duel again and stuff like that because we DON'T get to see him think for himself all that much.
near the beginning of the game before you get morgana you have the option to sit on the sofa in the attic and he'll think a little bit for himself but then after you do get morgana when you sit on the couch morgana will just say his thoughts instead. and that really was a letdown for me.
it is a weird thing with persona I've been thinking about. he's not a protagonist like phoenix who is telling his story and you're just along for the ride. but it's also not like, say, pokemon or something, where You Are The Protagonist, pretty much completely, where your character is customizable to yourself and you also don't say anything the entire time. with persona you can name the guy after yourself but he's also got a bit of his own defined backstory but not enough for him to be his own guy entirely separate from the player.
like if I were to write a fanfic - AA is obviously something I'd find easy to write fanfiction about, and I have a concept of Phoenix in my mind as a character that I don't feel is more influenced by my own personal experience compared to other characters like Edgeworth or Maya. I wouldn't be able to write fanfic about something like Pokemon, or at least nothing containing the protagonist, because the protagonist doesn't really exist as a character and is just a vessel for the player to enjoy the story, and their character is entirely personal experience.
p5 joker has enough of a personality that he's clearly Not Me and has enough relationships with the other characters that it would be feasible for me to write a fanfic involving him, but it would be hard to do anything particularly interesting for his character because so much of it is up to personal interpretation and my canon purist tendencies are too bad to overlook that. like so many aspects of his life including his relationships with his friends is ultimately down to the player's decision. I would struggle to figure out how to write his voice when he has so few options where he can Speak His Own Mind or whatever. or like what a conversation between him and another character would be like that isn't completely one-sided. and I'd have absolutely no idea how to tell if anything would be in character for him! if that makes sense. that's where I keep getting stuck on with him where he's clearly so important and significant to the other characters but also while there being not enough there for me to really recognize why him in particular.
(which you could do interesting stuff conceptually with I'm sure but in game it comes off as odd sometimes. hey we've talked five times and it was mostly my own monologue. let me trauma dump in the bath to you.)
like you said there's something there that he could work in a story that like AA would have the protagonist as a fully realized character. and I would like to see that. it's the weird blend of actual character and self-insert that catches me off guard. I get why, it's a video game, but still.
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pbpsbff · 2 months
20 Questions (for fanfic writers)
got tagged by @fieldsofview :)) (and probably someone else. i have a draft of this from november. oops.)
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 47 as of yesterday:)
2. what's your total ao3 word count? 190,927
3. what fandoms do you write for? i've bounced around a lot of fandoms since i was like, 10, but since august 2022 i've been strictly writing for mcu spider-man (technically more leaning toward irondad, but. u know). with this in mind however, i have a couple 9-1-1 wips and am about one bad day away from writing big time rush fanfiction
4. top five fics by kudos: Peter Parker's Guide to: Texting, Twitter, and Tony Stark (2,110 kudos)
Everything's Coming Up Potatoes (439 kudos)
Is That a Potato in Your Pants, or Are You Just Happy to See Me? (422 kudos)
If You Give a Guy a Potato, He's Going to Ask You on a Date (401 kudos)
be mean to me (if you need to be mean) (331 kudos)
5. do you respond to comments?
Tumblr media
i try my best. i genuinely have no idea how it's gotten this bad (if i ignore your comment please don't take it personally—i forgor)
6. what is your fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oh god i don't have anything w/ a sad ending posted LOL i'm too much of a sucker for a happy ending. (i do have mcd in my drafts tho!!!)
maybe 15. There It Is Again, That Funny Feeling? It's more of a hopeful ending, but considering the context of the story entirely, it's pretty sad.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? every single fic in the series All's Fair in Love and Potatoes. this series is my happy place amongst all the death and despair on my account
8. do you get hate on fics? besides the hate i receive from sapoteylx? no
9. do you write smut i do! it'll never see the light of day but i do!
10. craziest crossover: i hate crossovers sorry guys. on my old ao3 tho i wrote a heathers au hamilton fic and that's probably the closest i'll ever get to one (unless we're counting r&r? since it's technically twd universe?) also this one time (i was 11. keep this in mind) i read a fic that was tagged jacob sartorius/bob duncan and i think about it daily
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? i hope not???
12. have you ever had a fic translated? NO but that would be so cool. i have some regular commenters that tend to comment in spanish and i'm always wondering if it would be easier for them if i had it translated but i only speak engish. idk fic translators are gods gift to writers i fear
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? i cowrote a hamilton chatfic in 2018. next question
14. all time favorite ship? every peter parker ship ever (excluding all the minor/adult ones). big sambucky and pepperony fan too tho
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i have this wip that's like, peter agrees to go undercover for a mission because they need info from some big bad guy and peter is obviously the least recognizable of the bunch, but he gets kidnapped and all that good stuff. idk if i'll ever get around to finish it, because it's like 9 planned chapters and that is SO ambitious for me.
also my cellist!peter au? i've been trying to write it but the words haven't come to me idk
16. what are your writing strengths? ooooo i think i'm good at realistic dialogue and character dynamics—i have spent hours of my life on fandomwiki looking at different character's quotes and watching videos of their interaction with other characters because that's something so important to me.
i think i'm good at balancing angst and humor too?? idk the walking dead really shaped my writing style because u can have a silly scene and then 2 seconds later someone is dead on the floor. hope to carry that vibe through everything i do.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? i am so bad at describing settings and character actions. i can always see the scene in my mind but on paper it turns into they are at a house. peter sits down in the chair, and is sad. and it gets to a point where i just give up on trying to fix it
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? ough if i ever write dialogue in another language i'll be consulting someone who speaks said language (which is what i actually have done!!!! i have a fic coming out soon w a spanish title and i asked aster-argent for help:)). or doing the thing people do where they just put the text in italics and write ," he said in spanish or some shit.
idk for the most part i stay away from it (ignoring the throwaway, casada harley joke i make in my parkner series) because at the end of the day i am a white girl who learned how to count to 10 in spanish because of dora and took 3 years of german.
19. first fandom you wrote in? ok so. i was 11 and on quotev, writing a chatfic about the bands twenty one pilots, panic at the disco, my chemical romance, and fall out boy. the fic is still up and it makes me nauseous to think about
i think technically i had an ldshadowlady fic out on wattpad before that but it was a blatant ripoff of another fic so. i don't count it
20. favorite fic you've written? i think this answer changes every day, and will change when i get my next group of fics out, but as of right now—
i'll put down my roots when i'm dead i'm just so proud of it idk. first time i've ever really met a deadline and probably the most passionate i'd been about getting a fic out since r&r began? i just love the whole thing.
Is Close the Closest Star? this one is definitely a tie with the several other angst oneshots i put out around the same time, but idk something about this fic is so special to me. it's like 6 months old and i know my writing's improved since then, but i'll always go back and reread
okok last one sorry ur making me pick my favorite child. Unrotting Your Insides, Unrooting Your Limbs i am such a sucker for recovery fics sorry. i've written several fics about bulimia but this is my fav because it's just. so soft.
oh god i don't have enough writer friends uhhh @norahdevore. if u have not done this already. i am holding a gun to your head and making you do this (and anyone else reading this. please guys)
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Since you like The Gangreen Gang and Princess Morbucks, What do you think of the other PPG villains (Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, HIM, the Amoeba Boys, Sedusa, the Rowdyruff Boys) and what are your favorite episodes starring them?
Mojo Jojo: A good campy villain that I've come to appreciate more over time, and a bit of a tragic one as well when you think about it. His dialogue is super hard to write though; I'd always try to watch a scene or two of him from the show beforehand to get the rhythm of his speaking style right but I still don't think I've ever been able to capture his voice fully. My favorite episodes with him are probably Meet the Beat-Alls, Birthday Bash, and Mo Job.
HIM: Outside of the Gangreen Gang and Princess he's probably my favorite villain, though for different reasons. With the other two, I see them as more morally grey; people who have their own trauma and issues and have been led to crime because of it, but under the right circumstances could become better. With HIM, he's just unnerving as hell and evil for the sake of being evil. He's the only one who genuinely scared me as a kid, and I think he's also the only villain that truly has no limits or capacity to love. My favorite HIM episode would probably be Speed Demon, with Octi Evil as a second. Speed Demon especially has given me a lot of ideas and inspiration.
Fuzzy Lumpkins: Uh... his design is kind of cool, I guess? I kind of forget about him most of the time to be honest. His main goal in life, to live unbothered and not have people touch his stuff is valid tho. My favorite episode with him would probably be Meet the Beat-Alls.
The Amoeba Boys: They're good joke villains and lovably pathetic. I remember seeing a post going around a month or so ago that was talking about how if they were a supervillain, they'd be one of the Amoeba Boys and same tbh. My favorite episode would probably be Geshundfight.
Sedusa: A character that could've been utilized more than she was, and is probably the most competent villain outside of HIM, and maybe Mojo. I know her personality mostly revolved around, well, seduction since it's literally part of her name, but it would've been cool to see her be manipulative and crafty outside of just being sexy. Maybe she takes an interest in her victim's hobbies, tells them that the thing they've always been insecure about is actually super charming, remembers little things that she knows would mean the world to them, etc. I have a lot of headcanons about her character that I'm excited to explore in the future.
My favorite episode would be Aspirations mostly because that's one of my favorite episodes in general, but outside of that I'd say it's Something's a Ms. It really shows off how devious she can be and how she's a true master of disguise. It's hard to picture many other villains who could've pulled off what she did.
The Rowdyruff Boys: The PPG fandom might send torches and pitchforks my way for this one, but I think they're overrated.
I get why they're popular; they're the Powerpuff Girl's evil counterparts, and received several ship tease moments with them in the show. Stuff like that is always going to be popular with fans. But man, as someone who likes to read fanfic I'm kind of tired of 90% of the ones out there revolving around shipping them with the girls and everyone else being background characters. People are free to write what they want and I don't even have a problem with the ships themselves, I just wish there was a bit more variety of content to choose from.
All that being said, my favorite episode is probably Custody Battle, just because it's fun to see Mojo and HIM bicker like an old married couple.
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nessie665 · 1 year
helloo for the fanfic questions id love to hear about #20 for home and #29!!💕💕
20. If you wrote a prequel to [Home], what would it involve?
omg, when I rebloged that post I thought to myself ''I'm gonna keep my answers simple and short, bc that's why people don't talk to me, I never shut up'' but keep it short for that gem of a question? I could NEVER. First of all, thank you so much for your ask <3
My mind immediately went to Christine. Her growth as to become the person she was in the series. That would imply writing about her father's death, her relationship with her foster parents, the loss of them, her working her way up to be able to go to Paris, her discovering her talent, her first relationships with women. All that could be a very meaningful story to tell.
BUT, I'm a messy bitch, so I would instead choose to write about Erika's childhood and teenage years, and her relationship with her family
Erika's relationship with her paternal family was always a big factor in the way I wrote her in that series, and i just never brought it up! I never did, I had all this trauma and lore stuck in my head and I never did anything with it.
In Home's canon, Erika was brought up as Gerald's ''goddaughter'' after her mother's death, but anybody in the Carrière family with 2 brain cells could put 2 plus 2 together and knew she was his daughter. So, even if she couldn't be recognized as such, she was raised as a granddaughter more
Of course, that did stir a lot of controversy. Her grandfather DESPISED her. He hated the image she gave to the family, he was repulsed by Erika's face and just disgusted by her unique behaviors and health problems, not to mention her ethnicity -I have always written Erika as being wasian-. However, he was quite intrigued by Erika's intelligence, so he tolerated her presence as a child. But as she grew older, he would get more and more aggressive with those behaviors.
Those opinions influenced her older aunts and uncles, who then passed that same dislike to their children
Her grandmother (who is actually still alive up to the Home events, remember Gerald was basically a teenage dad, so he is not that old) is a whole liege on her own. A better grandmother than a mother, gives zero fucks and has no chill. She, NEVER stuttered choosing between her granddaughter and her husband, she didn't even think about it
She adored Erika. Not only because of her intelligence, and talent, but of her grace, passion, and creativity; her dark sense of humor and sensitive character, and dotted on her. Fiercely protective of Erika, and presented a blatant favoritism for her, (both bc genuine love and connection, and to compensate for her asshole children) which eventually became a factor in her poor relationship with the rest of the family, and later, to their own.
But moving on, after her grandfather died, the whole family began turning on each other, and Erika was just the easiest to point with a finger. After all, her being a child born out-of-wedlock was a big tension point at the time, and the fact that her very existence seemed to cause countless conflicts in her grandparents' marriage.
Not all of them were bad, but she did eventually cut contact with all of them, by getting out of the county as a teenager, and returning way too scarred to ever initiate contact again. I feel Erika has a very forgiven heart, mostly because of her desire to being loved, so she may forgive them one day.
She still has contact with her grandma, tho sporadically, and she has no idea Erika is in the same country as her, Erika would love to see her again one day. She likes to think her grandmother would love Christine, but knows she would side eye her once she learned she was an actress first.
So yeah, that's my choice, I would do a speed run through 30 something years of Carrière family drama.
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spiceofvy · 9 months
okay so this is something I'm dying to ask you, (also your writing is pretty good and I liked it but besides the point) Im a person that still wrestles with my Asexual side, trying to figure out just what that means for me. Made a lot of progress. Tho I'm currently going through like...a wet spell? My brain's being vaguely confusing rn. But I guess my question, is why write porn of these dudes? Is it a way for your brain to play, like me? Or something else. Genuinely curious to know.
Thanks for the question! Sadly, I do not have a solid answer for it.
First of all: don't stress yourself about figuring out your ace-ness. It took me almost 5 years to fully understand it, and some days I still struggle. Honestly, comp-het was nothing for me compared to understanding my experience as an asexual person.
Now to answer your actual question, I write smut because I read smut, in fanfiction spaces at least. It's pretty much the only kind of fanfiction I consume, so it's what I write. I very rarely also read comfort fics or fluff, so I sometimes feel like writing those too.
I do not feel any kind of sexual feelings about the content I write or read. I also don't imagine myself when reading or writing "x Reader" fanfics.
I started reading smut when I was way too young (I think 11 y/o or something) because it was something interesting and "forbidden" for me. Also, I loved how the writers described the emotions and rising tension. It was something I (obviously) had no experience with. As I got older and figured out that I don't feel attraction like my peers do, I thought I could learn how to do so from smut. I couldn't, but instead, I realized that I really only like the idea of sex. Whenever I tried to do it in real life, I was pretty unhappy with the outcome. So I stuck with the fictional world.
So yeah, when we look at it like that, I write smut because it's a way for my brain to think sex through without actually having to deal with the act in real life.
tldr: I write smut because I read smut and I read smut because sex interests me, but only in theory.
So that's my take on smut. I hope I could give you a bit of insight, into another ace's brain. If you have any other questions or just feel like talking about the topic my asks and dm's are always open!
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xxpeppermintxx109 · 1 year
sir, your writing is so beautiful and if i could live in your words i would!! as someone who has a lot of ideas for fics but struggles with creative writing and actually getting the words in my head onto paper, do you have any tips/advice? thanks x
ahhh thank you so much! hearing that always makes my heart soar, so truly, thank you😭 uhhh hmmm…
I mean, right now, I owe a lot of it to just reading and writing. I’ve written two novels, and have been published a few times, and I’m currently getting my master’s in creative writing, so suffice to say, I write just like a lot. However!! I don’t think that’s necessary to become a good writer :) I’ve been writing fanfic for like 10 years atp and not all of it was like even remotely good, but that’s the beauty of it! I still don’t always write well and that’s okay!!
I make mistakes all the time. I sometimes have bad grammar or mispell a word or just create too convoluted of sentences that they end up not making sense just cause I want them to sound pretty. It happens, and it’s not the end of the world, and once I let go of that mindset that it must be perfect, I felt that it came much easier for me to write. Fanfiction helps me destress so much from my original writing and school. I genuinely just love doing it because my mistakes aren’t being penalized. My mistakes aren’t the reason something won’t get published, whereas that has been the case before with my original writing (both prose and poetry). It’s just…it’s gotta be fun for you. You have to enjoy it! And if you’re writing and you’re just not feeling a chapter, don’t be afraid to restart! I’ve done it so much!
I also love to just sit down and write. To simply feel the keyboard and let my fingers go. I outline my stories and then use that as a building block to give me free reign of chapters. I always try to have general ideas of what I want to happen, but I try not to stress myself out too much about if it fits the outline or not. Sometimes the best stories are the most unexpected! I’d say, give yourself some free time and just write. Write what feels good. Write what feels right. And read! Not just fanfic lol (even tho we all love it)! Read craft books, read poetry and prose, read every genre you can in my opinion. It helps you learn so much—both craft-wise and story-telling—and it was one of the first things I learned in my undergrad workshops. Just read and write what makes you feel good and eventually, you’ll get the hang of it and produce something you love! A bit cliché, i know, i thought so too for the longest time, but it truly is the best advice I can offer <3
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theharrowing · 1 year
Hello, fanfic mother. I want to preface that this is not a complaint or a dig in any way, just curious, since you write very believable and relatable characters. Is there a reason everyone is well-endowed? Like, everyone has a nice big dick, everyone's vaginas get nice and wet (but they don't drip which I appreciate because honestly that sometimes gives me the ick to read...do people really drip?) Just curious for a little insider baseball but also I love everything you write and I have zero complaints!
sorry, this has sat in my inbox for a second, i was in a Collateral hole, but i am super happy to explain!!! (also thank you for reading and enjoying the fics, that means a lot to me!!!)
the biggest reason i don't write anyone less than average in size is...ok, well. here are two reasons. i hesitate to highlight a smaller size and do it wrong/make someone feel badly, if that makes sense.(my readers are not just cishetwomen.) i could also just...write it and not really comment on it, and it's no big deal and we do the smut...
(i have actually been wanting to do more average-sized dicks, and i am writing a character right now who takes a little while to get wet/cum because i would like to make authentic characters.)
i also worry that people reading fanfic for the fantasy aspect will like it less, which is a silly reason because i should be writing what is in my heart and not worry about the numbers, but, at the end of the day, fear of rejection holds me back a lot.
(as for whether people drip when simply aroused, which is how i interpret this,.................i have no idea lmao. i have talked with fanfic friends about how it gives me the ick, too. WHICH IS NOT TO DISCOURAGE ANYONE WHO LIKES TO WRITE IT. PLEASE NEVER CHANGE. it will always make me giggle, tho. if people DO drip then wow that's very good and good for them, genuinely i am super happy for them. i require a lot of hands-on help to get to that point.)
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scribbleseas · 1 year
Hi!! Hope ur having a nice day/night so far! <3
I honestly just wanted to say how I absolutely love ur work- I CANT EVEN FIND WORDS TO EXPRESS IMY LOVE FOR IT PROPERLY- BUT I'LL TRY MY BESTT-😭😭
At first I was just going thru the black butler fandom tags to find a good fanfic, when I stumbled upon ur work. At first glance it was intimidating to jump into a whole new famfic with multiple chapters, but honestly I'm *SOO* glad I did!
I haven't been caught up with any new chapters since I've last read it but, nonetheless all I can say is that ur work/writing is a whole *experience*🤌✨. And I mean it in every sense. Even tho it's been well over a month or so since I've read it I can still remember the scenes that play out; coupled with your beautiful writing that genuinely makes it seem like I'm transported into ur story ur telling. All the feels, the scenarios are still stuck in my mind when I think back to your work and honestly I don't think I'll ever find anything else which could even come close to replicating what I felt when I read ur work.
I cannot ever find the exact words or thank you enough for how you've been able to help me find an escapism in ur heavenly writing that should really be called an art form. (Srsly I'm not even joking-). And I definitelyy plan to re-read all ur chapters from start to finish during my holidays.
I honestly really reallyyy admire how ur able to articulate things so well with ur words. Once I started reading, I was sucked in and I couldn't stop reading, to the point that I think I just binge read ur chapters in one day. Honestly I might have gotten up the next day just to read what happens next.
So sorry for the long letter of sorts, I guess I just had a lot to say once I started writing and I hope you've been taking care of urself, mental and physical health as well! Sending u all the love and support in whatever u do and wherever u are <33
(P.S. it's my first time ever writing anything to the author and I honestly hope it didn't come off as weird or creepy or anything-)
- .⁺‧₊✧
Hi, .⁺‧₊✧ Anon!!
Let me just say, oh my god!!
I literally almost cried the first time I read this. I can’t believe you would take the time to sit down and write me such a kind message. I’m so touched that I’m struggling to convey how grateful I am, like I can’t believe you like it so much and I’m absolutely over the moon that you do. I really can’t thank you enough for this ask. All of it. Every syllable, letter, and emoji, lol.
I’m also going to be real: you sent this at the perfect time because I’ve been really struggling with motivation to work on the next chapter. I’ve felt both uninspired and overwhelmed as a first-year in college atm. (Especially because it’s midterm season, gross.) This kind of message was exactly what I needed to help me feel like my work is really there for people, and it’s the quality that I work so hard to make it. I feel much more inspired to pick up my fic outline and my chapter 17 Google Doc and actually get to work. I’ve been putting it off because I hate forcing myself to write— it never comes out good.
But this was exactly what I needed to feel refreshed and ready to start tackling the problems/roadblocks that I’ve run into while I (more intricately) plan out the last 2 chapters in this fic. Who knew, it’s actually pretty tough to wrap up a story!
It means so much that this storyline and its characters are resonating with you, too! I love that TIP is a story that youn can think about when you need a little bit of escapism. That’s literally me, like all the time— that’s where a lot of the ideas for this story came from!!
I’m really so choked up over your whole message, before I sat down to write this message, I came back to re-read it easily five times before I thought I could properly write about the happy tap-dance my heart does when I read it. You didn’t come off as weird or creepy at all, just extremely kind and just amazingly supportive. I’m really grateful that my writing has garnered such sweet and amazing people like you to read it and give me such lovely and well thought out feedback. It’s not something I expected, at all, being a novice fic writer with a brand-new Tumblr, and a slowburn Black Butler fic. And it’s certainly nothing I expected when I first thought of this plot like…six years ago! In middle school!
Anyways, I write for all of you, and feedback like this just warms my heart.
Thank you so much for your love, support, and faith in me. I’m so honored <3
- Dan
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felixwriting · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @winterandwords (thank you :D)
Were you named after anyone? My previous middle name before I transed my gender was given to me to honour my mom's mom who died when she was a kiddo. Currently, I am named after a character from my fave show (Orphan Black) and I stole my dad's middle name because I did not have an idea for a new middle name and I figured I would have an easier time getting surgeries and shit if I fully committed to a masc name even tho I'm NB. With my surgeries all taken care of, I really wanna change my middle name to Rose after Rose Tyler lol
When was the last time you cried? I cried from pain pretty recently when my fucking arthritis made my eyes hurt very badly as happens sometimes lmao. Not entirely sure when the last time I cried from emotion was tho? I have memory problems so it could have been as recent as like January and I would have no clue
Do you have kids? Gods no. I really do not wanna be a parent, like at all. I fucking DESPERATELY want to be an aunt/uncle tho but none of my sibs want kids so I am hoping my best friend hasn't changed their mind about wanting to adopt some day lmao pls I wanna be aunty Felix
Do you use sarcasm a lot? My family is VERY snarky, I come by my sass honestly. I am also very sincere tho, most of the time I'm being genuine but I can and will throw in some sarcasm if I think it will be funny (for everyone, not just me lol what is the point of snark if you're not making everyone laugh???)
What's the first thing you notice about people? Personality, I think?? Idk I'm semi-face-blind and I will NOT remember names until it's said to me a few times, but personality shines through
What's your eye colour? Blue da ba dee da ba di
Scary movies or happy endings? Depends on my mood lmao
Any special talents? Uhhhhh do the million cursed facts that I have stored in my head to share at the drop of a hat count?
Where were you born? Canadian prairies. I have continued to live in this same fucking province my whole life and I would honestly like to leave. Granted, the place I wanna move to is in the yeehaw province, but at least it will be a city! And also it's where my siblings are!
What are your hobbies? Writing is obvious lol, but also drawing, occasional doll customization, cosplay (also occasional), reading, video game, learning whatever seems interesting to me at any given moment, TTRPGs (if I could just fuckinggggg GET A GROUP TOGETHER), fanfic, idk probably other stuff too idk I have memy probs ok
Have you any pets? A ball python named Lemony Snakit who I love and adore. She is deeply, deeply stupid and a huge coward and if I loved her any more than I already do I would literally explode from it
What sports do you play/have played? Not really a sports person tbh. I used to be real good swimmer before my body went "fuck you" and I became disabled and I was gonna try out speedswimming lmao. I'm getting back into swimming and I still love it, even if I am shit at it now
How tall are you? 5'9"
Favourite subject in school? I was homeschooled so stuff wasn't exactly separated into subjects or whatever, but I did have the most fun doing art stuff
Dream job? I wanna be a piercer, but that feels like an unreachable dream from where I'm currently standing. If I can make a living (or at least contribute enough to my household to not feel like a leech even tho I know that's just the internalized ableism speaking) off of writing then I'll be happy with that.
Tagging: Open tag! I do wanna read your answers tho so do tag me up top if you do this! I straight up do not have 15 mutuals I think! XD
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fuwushiguro · 2 years
hope you're having a great day luxe <3
i know that you probably get a ton of asks about wusyaname and maybe its a bit tiring to read about it but you dont understand how much i love the dynamic. mean!megumi?? nobody writes him like you do. im genuinely in love with your writting style. i love how reader is a torn between yuji and megumi. i love how reader is trying to convince herself of possibly feelings shes trying to deny all while trying her best in staying loyal to yuji- who- doesnt have contact with her for a while (up until the latest chapter(s) AND megumi is kind of warming up to her(WHICH WAS AMAZINGLY WRITTEN) and honestly, im not sure what to think about wusyaname!megumi now cuz as much as i wanna love him hes just done so many things man 😭 and also can we talk about the pacing? literally perfect. absolutely, genuinely, perfect. one issue i have with reading is i cant seem to find the fics with good pacing. its either too slow or too fast-paced. and wow, yours though? it had my CAPTIVATED and gripping my seat for the next chapter istg. im so happy with how all your works turn out. and not only do i love wusyaname, i thoroughly enjoyed you deserve roses and you know this ohhh lord i cannot tell you how good this was. literally brought me to tears. i know this was a little while ago but i still think about it daily <3 it was so beautifully written, you have the hands of angels i swear. your writting literally cured my acne and made my lactose intolerance go away. that fr tho had me crying and sliding down my wall. i dont know why i torture myself with cheating fanfics it HURTS man but i am so happy i read the ones you wrote because i got a taste of fucking HEAVEN. and the one sentence that went like "he was yours before his wife came" (i know its not exact) had my heart hurting man. i was literally sobbing why do i do this to myself 😭 it was so fucking deep and quite literally made me cry, oh my God, that was heavenly luxe. you are the most talented writter ever, i swear.
thank you luxe for everything you do please have an amazing day/night/evening <33 (also i saw your rb on sending long messages lol i finally have the courage to write this now <3)
wusyaname asks are pretty much the only ones i get about my fics which is always welcome i love talking about it so i dont mind if u wanna come here and gush over it hehe, gives me a reason to keep writing it! i dont even remember how i got the idea for bully megumi and this entire series but ive been writing it for over a year now and im so glad i decided to continue writing and that so many people have stuck with it and are still reading it to this day 🥺
but O M G that toji fic killed me!! another one i loved writing since it was based on a dream so im glad i have that fic to remember it in a weird way? like, it was a horrible dream where I woke up crying but it's cool that I dreamt about my absolute fave it was v cool in a way. its v v v emotional I definitely added a lot more plot into the fic but the dream was a bit different and just SO emotional wow.............
but omg thank you so much for your praise im not sure i deserve it tbh but i appreciate it so much! thank you for sending me such a sweet and beautiful ask it means the world to me, truly. feel free to send an ask whenever u wanna chat or anything pls dont be shy i dont bite <3
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mcrmadness · 2 years
11, 20 and 69 for the writing asks?
Fanfic writer ask game.
Thanks! ^^
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
The history of cars. Years ago I was going to write a Titanic AU (the cruiser, not the movie) about one of my previous fandoms, with a friend, and we both did write a few chapters of that but it didn't really take off. So a few years later (the early 2010s?) I was going to use that idea again and write it about my current fandom and OTP instead, and change the language into English. This time, either, I did not really get anywhere with the idea BUT I did some research about Germany's history in 1912 and if cars had already been invented. Still to this day I remember that cars were invented somewhere before 1910.
What comes to research in general, I don't exactly worry about it, but I do love staying loyal to reality so I do lots of research if I feel that I need that in order to continue. Mostly my research is just band facts, but sometimes I research things like what was typical for e.g. the 90s, even tho I usually remember enough to use my own memories as facts.
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
The combination of fluff and (emotional) hurt/comfort, I guess. The latter is usually that something from outside is hurting X or Y, and then the other one is there to support and comfort them. And THIS I have been able to track down to my own childhood/teenage traumas, when I was bullied in school and had no friends and all I ever wanted was to just experience someone simply asking me "Are you okay?" But no one of my peers ever did.
So I kinda got stuck to that mental state of a teenager's moods and emotions. And today I'm too "damaged" to ask for reassurance directly myself (because I can't trust it being genuine if I have to ask for it), so I just keep writing moody scenes with the kind of follow-up I wish I could have experiences back in the day (and sometimes wish would still happen, just the simple "are you okay?", you know...), and rinse and repeat. I'm literally just writing the same EMOTIONS over and over again, just in different kind of settings. It reminds me of when I was a kid and got fixated on some topic and kept redrawing the thing over and over again, e.g. the predecessor for my comics where I'd draw the same story of some fool dino using another dino as a horse, went to a competition without helmet or anything, fell into a very deep water obstacle and ended up watching the competition from TV at home while sitting on a wheel chair with his whole body wrapped in cast.
Writing these is literally like therapy for me but I don't think I'm actually even getting anywhere. Just using it to live through scenarios I needed as a kid or teenager but never experienced and now it's too late as 1. I'm not longer a teenager and 2. I don't let anyone too close to me anymore (not even emotionally, and physical touch especially is out of the picture).
69. how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
Yes. I'm hyper-empathic so I always feel what the characters feel. That's also fun because that way I can also go through emotions I have never experienced myself in person. But at the same time: I don't need to be in a certain mood in order to write about some mood, but also writing about a certain mood won't affect my own mood. It's pretty interesting, because I often hear that people even choose their music according to their mood, but I never have that connection with the music I listen to either (apart from maybe like one album that also works as my anger music).
I'm not sure what does "how do you write emotional scenes" mean... I usually find darker themes easier to write and describe. When I'm trying to write positive, I always feel that it lacks something and feels shallow and... yeah, I don't know what it is, but it always feels a bit clumsy - unlike darker moods. With those I'm at my best and I feel that I can get so much emotion in those! I don't know if they're as pleasant to read as what they are to write, but again I have to say that usually such mood in my text has nothing to do with my own mood. I might be on a really good mood or hyperactive etc. and still write some of the most depressing shit ever. It's just the mood of the text and the characters, not mine.
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hi love! me again. i really was not able to not answer your answer (?) because it did make me cry and kick me legs bc you're so cute i can't. hope you'll get rid of your acne breakouts and cleaning your room won't be as terrifying as it can be. i'm glad to know my ask (?) made you happy! and to know you're working on the part 2 (and 3 maybe)! please don't overwork yourself, though!! yeah you're absolutely right! you're the law here and i love your laws! no one's dumb! especially not you! (but i feel your concerns so much ;) i use so many trops, symbols and shit like this in anything i write that no one understands it and i'm like ;;) so yes never know) but still your writings are GORGEOUS!! still this delicious moment with aegon coming out looking like a kicked puppy?? heartbreaking but tears taste so good) i'll try to read part 2 as soon as possible! i think you made my daemon obsession great again) and kissing your brain was the closest to how grateful i am to you!! thank you sm for answering! swear i couldn't sleep checking tumblr for it! good luck! see you soon! <з
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LOL idk what you mean about not answering my answer when you answered it 🥴 (woah thats confusing) but its all good its all ok i love you
And i am cute aren't i 🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰 love that for me
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every ask i get makes me happy and i have been blessed enough to have a lot of them that are all out of love 😭😭😭😭💗💗💗 there's actually so much for real and though my panicky brain gets anxious when i dont reply quick enough i hope you and everyone else knows how grateful i am to be a celebrity 😎 HAHHAH NAH but in all seriousness i appreciate each one of you so much.
i tooted my horn too hard tho 😔 since i didnt post p2 of fic today yet lahsfhashf but its fine trust me im not overworked cos yall cant make me write smth i dont wanna T_T ok ok the inner people pleaser in me begs to differ, but i swear im genuinely genuinely so invested in this fic i swear i swear i love what i did and you're gonna love it (i hope you love it)
i love my laws too 😃🤠BONK AHHAH im glad you dont think im dumb 😖😌 cos only a genius can write like me 🤪🤪🤪🤪 also im so glad you can relate with the symbolisms and tropes and hoohaa. you like me for real. and the fact u understand it and think my work is gorgeous ?!??!?!
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im so glad you liked aegon. i love my modern!aegon so very much i keep him in my pocket. ur gonna like what im gonna do with aemond then i think HAHHAHAHHAHAHH (i hope you do)
also "heartbreaking but tears taste so good" 💀💀💀💀💀💀 you like me fr fr T_T HAHAH
my daemon obsession never died because ever since i watched the show ive been writing fanfics for him like its my job HAHAHHA i have no idea when season 2 will come out but it better come out RIGHT NOW i nEED MORE DAEMON
lemme kiss your brain too <3 mwah mwah mwah i love you
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the fact you thanked me for answering you T_T of course id answer T_T thank you for coming to my inbox again! <3 you have a cozy seat next to my 4am nonnie cos i named you too lol. i actually saw your inbox as soon as you sent it i think, cos i was in the middle of writing something and i saw the notification then i read it then hyperfixated on writing the p2 of the modern!au after reading your message, (then i did the things i said i did in your first ask) i don't always reply soon because my brain is overwhelmed by the process of replying because i dont ever want to miss a detail that was said to me T_T i feel bad that you fixated on tumblr so much that you couldn't sleep T_T i'll try to do better T_T
I hope you spare me another ask on your thoughts when i post p2 🥺👉👈
I love you honey
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fyeahnix · 3 years
My Editing Process
I've been asked to detail my editing process that I've been developing over the years. A bit of backstory overall—I've been writing fanfiction for 20 years as of this post, ever since I was 9. My first fanfics were godawful but I enjoyed how fun they were so I kept writing. I love worldbuilding and storytelling. The majority of my progress, however, has been made in the last 9 or so years.
Now as I've always said, I'm not the best writer at all nor will I ever claim to be, I've just been writing for a long time. My storytelling needs some serious work, and my lack of an attention span and ability to tell stories actually cripples me from writing longer, more fleshed out fics. Basically, I'm a short story writer. But with Apex Legends, I'm trying to inch my way into writing longer fics, and at the very least, fics with actual small plots.
In saying all that, my editing process has developed over the years as well, but the biggest overall was about a year ago when I started watching more YT videos of writer tips and content.
Kinda New Process (First major change)
My writing process for the longest time was just "read over fic, fix typos, done" which is...not very efficient lmao.
Last year during my YT video binge I learned about the different stages of editing and started incorporating that into my process. This was the first major edit I made to my process before my current iteration. I'll give a brief overview of what they these stages are, but keep in mind I'm not a professional writer:
Developmental. This is where I worry about the overall structure and plot of the fic. Does it make sense? Does it flow well? Is the pacing okay? How's the character development? These are usually the biggest changes I'll make to the fic overall and often times involve full on structural and paragraph changes.
Line Editing. What it sounds like. Editing lines line by line so the sentence sounds good and reads well. This is where I'll do the majority of the description editing and sentence restructuring. Making sure the sentence overall just isn't boring.
Typos/Grammar. What it says on the tin.
This worked pretty well for me. The first three fics I used this editing process on were the three fics I wrote for Apex Rarepair Week last year—"Rude Awakening", "Fairy Tales", and "I Got You". And honestly compared to the fics that came before these, I think they were a step up.
Current Editing Process
Sometime last year I got a copy of a Self-Editing book that broke down this process even further for...self-editing lol. There's a LOT of good info in there that I picked up and added to my process and it changed a little. This is what I currently do:
Highlighting Phase. This is where I read through the fic and highlight every line, paragraph, or section that I think needs some work. I also did this in my last process. The highlights are color-coded and correspond to each stage of editing I do. I will also add personal comments here. The comments are usually tied to a highlight and remind me of ideas I have to add, edit, or remove content. Or I just praise myself. Gotta pat yourself on the back too, ya know.
First-Pass Editing. The stages have slightly changed because of the info I got from the book. I'll repeat this stage as many times as it takes, especially if I've made seriously major structure changes (and this is partially why Mafia AU has been taking so long to finish). During this stage I will do Story-level, Scene-level, and Sentence-level editing. I'll describe those below. This is technically broken into three stages as I will only focus on Story or Scene or Sentence level only. Basically I knock out all the Story-level and associated comments first, then Scene, then Sentence.
Second-Pass Editing. This is after the first pass is complete. I will only do Sentence-level editing here. The purpose of this is to further tighten up my sentences after all the structure and story elements are set in stone.
Final Read-Through. The last time I will read the fic. I'll fix any lingering typos and oddities here.
(Optional) Beta Reading. I don't have a dedicated beta reader unfortunately, but my best friend enjoys reading my fics and she's a pretty good critic.
I also changed my editing stages a little:
Story-level. Similar to the previous Developmental stage. Worries about the overall structure of the fic, overall character development growth and change, makes sure the story overall makes sense. Again, this is where I'll make the biggest structural changes to the story.
Scene-level. This is somewhat similar to the previous step because most of my fics are one-shots. But slightly different. Here, I'll worry about scene versus summary (aka showing vs telling), description, pacing, dialogue and character action, etc.
Sentence-level. Basically line editing. I will worry about how well the sentence sounds and feels. Get rid of filtering ("he/she/they feels/sees/hears/touches/etc.) for stronger more visceral actions, fine-tune details, eliminate excessive stage direction (e.g. too much movement description, tho I'm still learning this), get rid of passive voice and ambiguity, and increasing specificity (instead of saying "she watered a plant", you can say "she watered a towering and wilting ficus.").
I can't remember what fic started the new process, but I'm pretty sure it was "Why I'm Here."
And that's about it! I am still in the process of figuring out ways to fine-tune this process and still digesting what aspects of writing I need to improve upon, but it's a process. This takes longer than editing used to, but I genuinely believe it's allowed me to output higher-quality content and stories. Read my first Voidstrike fic from last year compared to the most recent and I promise you you'll see a difference.
If you enjoyed this post and find it helpful, please reblog. If you want me to talk about something specific, I can do that too from my own perspective.
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