#i get a bunch of free reference pics
rapselsstuff · 1 year
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They <3
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chubsonthemoon · 8 months
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Happy Binderary 2024!! Kicking things off with the fantastic Never understood a single word he said by dear friend @aboxthecolourofheartache. I had the best time beta'ing this for Box and just had to have it on my shelf! More pics and process info under the cut:
had an absolute blast packing as many easter eggs as I could into this one! it's a roadtrip gone wrong fic heh, so I went for a scrapbook/collage cover made of the same kraft paper I usually use for paperbacks, but left the hinge + spine exposed. I tore each piece from a different sheet of scrapbook paper, so the resulting texture is really fun:
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I also went to town with references to some of the events in the story, particularly on the back of the cover. the postcard is probably my favorite element; here are my few first practice runs on scratch paper (along with some of my colored pencil testings for the markings on the map) before I went for it on the real cover!
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I repurposed the ribbon graphics I originally drew for another bind (@feralrookie's right where I should be ❤️). the music notes on the first page notate the rhythm of the opening lines of the song the fic is based on, Three Dog Night's "Joy to the World," which I had on loop while I was typesetting this! ("Jeremiah was a bullfrog/Was a good friend of mine.") Box's taste in trigun-themed country and blues is impeccable, and I have a whole spotify playlist made almost entirely of her recs ehe :3
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the blank/empty ribbon appears between chapter 1 and the epilogue for story reasons ehe; really wanted to convey the feeling of "where did the music go?", because I also listened to American Pie a lot while making this lolol.
also added little camera graphic at the end, which reminded me of meryl's occupation as a journalist, but the hands/lack of a face holding the camera also gives me the uncanny feeling of being watched/photographed (also plot relevant heh). camera graphic and the house graphic at the beginning are both sourced from Heritage Type's free vintage illustrations, from a series of packs called "Hands Holding Stuff."
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the hand holding the house on the title page gave me wolfwood's confessional-on-the-go vibes, BUT it was originally held straight like this:
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so I decided to tilt it to give it more of that feeling of instability and "oh shit my entire world is being turned upside down rn god the exits WHERE ARE THE EXITS (there are no exits)" feeling present in the fic :D so I guess it's more of a knives reference?? still, the kind of "what is even going on here?" reaction I had when I first saw it fits well with the title, so I went with it!
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and that's it for now!! I'll be out of town for the next week or so, but I have a bunch more projects I'm really excited to share this month, along with some long-overdue author copies that I'm excited to get mailed to their rightful homes!
finally, thank you SO much for letting me bind your work, Box!!! it's always such a pleasure <333
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loremaster · 4 months
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happy belated mermay! i drew that final pic after i went with my family to the new england aquarium recently, and picked out something they had there for each of the nocturnal detectives - plus kurumi! more description (spoilers) under the cut:
kurumi - piranha! it fits her color scheme, and her little freckles… and well, you know *bites you*
yuma - emperor tetra. actually i lied this one wasn’t at the aquarium i had to look it up
yakou - anemone man. ouughhh so sillyyyy
desuhiko - tried to ID the guy I took a picture of and it looked closest to the crosshatch butterflyfish. could be wrong though.
halara, fubuki - i could not find the labels for either of these fish unfortunately
vivia - electric eel (yeah he’s there, look again)
the mermaids were kinda based off these species, except fubuki changed to a betta fish. bred for glamour, not for function. she is out there living her best life tho!!! nothin gets this mermaid princess down!!!!
obviously squid shinigami (squidigami) is based off ursula. but also i liked her having squid tentacle hair. woomy!
i imagine it would actually be kind of a reverse ursula situation though (reversula?). poor unfortunate amnesiac yuma would go up to sea witch shinigami asking her for his memories back, but she reveals she was the one who took his memories in the first place, and they’ve actually already made a deal. which she’s not going back on, sorrynotsorry lol!!! of course he’s actually not a mermaid at all but a human under a spell to go investigate…. something underwater. idk. maybe the mystery labyrinths are still a thing in this universe?
vivia, i’m sorry to say, would be a hundred times more miserable than we ever see him in canon, because guess what. no books. he’d still have some sort of coping mechanisms like watching other fish, watching stuff above the surface of the water, wanting nothing more to join them and fly someday. (the dragonflies, of course, are a reference to the famous water bugs and dragonflies story.) he’d still find something to get distracted by… although if he had his forte he probably would ghost up to the surface and read whatever the humans are reading up above. i guess this would make him the real ariel of the story.
kurumi of course is still based on a piranha, because it’s cute. of course these fish shouldn’t all live together but whatever. it’s mermaids. she probably is still some kind of informant, and probably hangs out near yakou’s place a bunch.
i could see yakou running some sort of shop. or if he’s still into detective work, he’d probably need kurumi as an assistant since he’s uh. not much of a swimmer. (he claims he can too swim, but it’s really silly looking. google swimming anemone. you’ll thank me.) he considers those little teeny fish to be pests (or at least claims they are. they’re probably helping him hide some sort of secret in there.)
desuhiko is a wandering trader with a keen sense of fashion. he’s great at repurposing sunken sails into mer-clothing, not so great at making sales. also the fact that his hair is gelled is way more obvious when everything is underwater. he’s basically got a helmet.
halara of course puts up an intimidating front, but has a secret soft spot for cute sea creatures. i asked my irl friend what she’d consider ‘the cat of the sea’ and she said pufferfish. i do think they are very cute and make a lot of sense as an allergen. but i don’t think halara’s taste is limited to pufferfish only, no no no. they like anything cute.
fubuki has got to have been kept captive before the story - by humans? or other mermaids? but either way, now she’s free and having a blast exploring the deep blue ocean. she really wants to know what kind of exciting creatures live in the deep!!!
and that’s it. hopefully all this description makes up for being 2 days late to mermay LMAO. i guess now it’s merGAY
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hongluboobs · 11 months
ok i was cooking up another hong lu analysis thing bc i noticed SEVERAL things in his base id art the other day and wanted to share with the class but they just dropped a new one in the canto V trailer and i have some stuff i wanna talk about that one:)
My Hong Lu knowledge and interpretation is very heavily influenced by reading Dream of the Red Chamber, which may not be the best because I don’t know how much Limbus will pull from the book because it’s Long as fuck but I think it’s given me a deeper knowledge of Hong Lu.
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Keep in mind this ego is NOT out yet so i could be totally off base depending on what the full animation/corrosion/sin affinities are like and this is totally theorizing but I wanted to have a go at anyway!! And this got totally out of hand so reading is appreciated :)
One of the first things I noticed here is this Hong Lu seems VERY Bao-yu. We still don’t know for sure what Hong Lu is within the context of Red Chamber (i don’t think it’ll be straightforward considering how that book works) but it’s important to note!
He has this little hat on (this is the best pic i can get atm to show it’s not a fancy hair tie, unfortunately the footage we have rn is a little scuffed)
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and Bao-yu is ALWAYS depicted with a hat like this.
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This could just be because that’s the appropriate outfit for Chinese nobility (I unfortunately have little to no reference point here, feel free to correct me, but from some quick searches hats aren’t ubiquitous and ESPECIALLY not ones of this style.) I think it’s worth noting because it comes up in nearly all modern depictions of Bao-yu.
There’s also the pearl Hong Lu is wearing on his neck/chest area, which is where Bao-yu wears the magic jade he was born with. His jade is translated into Limbus as Hong Lu’s jade eye, but this plus his hat and the abno’s themes REALLY makes me think we are dealing with some Bao-Yu stuff here.
Speaking of the Abno’s themes, now i can actually go over them! All we have for Walking Pearl right now is the MD event (as well as general observation), but there’s a few things that are relevant.
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Just based off design, the abnormality seems to be mostly about the precious (the pearl) and the filth (the muck) intermixing. which makes sense with the EGO being named “Effervescent Corrosion” and our holders being Hong Lu and Rodya.
There’s some symbolism around greed/wealth (the offspring filled muck desiring the pearl and fighting for which one will earn it? the muck tarnishing the pearl? ) and I think we should read into that because it’s Hong Lu and Rodya who have this one and they’re both very tied to their financial status. Those two sharing an ego makes me insane for a bunch of reasons but that’s probably for another analysis piece! But duality is REALLY important for those guys and that’s a theme they’re emphasizing here with both the pearl and muck within the clam.
There’s also some elements of shelter/protection/potentially entrapment with the clam’s shell which are HUGE for Hong Lu, especially with his egos so I think those may come up.
But mostly it’s about the mixing of the precious (likely “wealth” here) and the unsavory, which works very well with what we know of the Jia family. The design likely referencing Bao-yu and thematically dealing with the Jia family makes me think each of those individual readings are more likely because they’re deeply tied together!
And now onto the MD event! I did not write this in order so I may repeat stuff here but. I realized I had to cover the design first so here we are!
First thing that stuck out of me is this portion when you choose to sample some of the clam’s slime.
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Sibling/family infighting is very Jia family. It reminds me a lot of this line base Hong Lu says.
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You could take this a step further because the clam is something that would typically offer shelter from the rest of the world, and even though it protects, its offspring continue to kill and eat each other.
It seems fine, the offspring have this lovely shell for protection, and they have the precious pearl held within, but even as they are sheltered and wealthy. They are still getting killed and eaten by one another! Reminds me of someone I know:)
It reminds me of some bits in the later half of Red Chamber, where family members more obviously start acting behind each other’s backs or turning on each other, some even killing other family members.
Another part of the MD event that I got something out of was the beginning portion.
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using specifically jade as the color for the seawater is a Hong Lu thing. I may be reaching with this bc it’s more than likely just flavor text BUT when taking this color with the fact that there’s nothing in the water it makes me think of an important scene in Red Chamber where Bao-Yu is described as an empty shell, so I wanted to mention it. We know Hong Lu has TONS of water motifs, especially when relating to his family (see his base ego)
The main reason I brought up this section of the MD event is because of the question brought up by the last portion.
If you take one thing from Dream Of The Red Chamber into your perception of Hong Lu as a character, it should be the themes of ambiguity, duality, and being between binaries. Because he sure as hell does that a lot!!! (and i’m not just talking about his gender) He is both genuinely curious and sheltered with an urge to learn as much as he can, but he also plays dumb frequently, backpedals and asks a lot of stupid questions on purpose to maintain others’ perceptions of him. He is CONSTANTLY walking the line between truth and illusion and it can be hard to tell which is which and precisely how much is fake or real, which is why I find him such an interesting character to think about.
Tangent about Hong Lu's characterization aside, it's really easy to read this line as about his family's perceptions of him.
Hong Lu (or rather, Bao-yu) can be read as being the source of the contamination in that he is the heir of the Jia family who is just an absolute fucking failure of everything you’d want in an heir for that time period.
The clam containing the filth can be read as Hong Lu’s lies (whether conscious lies or otherwise) to himself and others about the true “filth” of his family. Really good example of this is with another bit of window dialogue, but these lies and half truths come up quite a bit if you know where to look. (what happened to cohort of kin looking to stab each other in the back at every turn???)
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We already have Hong Lu’s assorted water motifs (his feet make ripples on the water in his base id, land of illusion has so much water theming and shows the Jia mansion is surrounded by water) so I think this is a reasonable analysis to make :)
There’s some other sections to the MD event, but there’s nothing of note that triggered the Hong Lu sleeper agent in my brain & also this has gone on long enough that I wanna talk about predicting some stuff for the ego!
I am manifesting Gluttony/Gloom/Wrath for this ego!!
Gluttony and gloom are in the MD event’s skill check already and I think tie in nicely with the themes. Gluttony works with the offspring in the muck killing and eating each other and themes of greed with the pearl (plus the ego is primarily green and that’s a pretty good clue) and then gloom comes up a LOT with Hong Lu’s family (Liu Hong Lu, the only one that remarks on his jade eye, is also the only Hong Lu with gloom. land of illusion requires 5 gloom resources and also relates a lot to red chamber/his family) Gloom’s also generally a stand-in for water which exists here.
Wrath in Hong Lu generally manifests in him going “yeah, maybe my family was a little fucked up actually” internally, instead of manifesting as taking direct action about the fucked up things like it works for most other sinners, and acknowledging that his family was at least partially filth and killing and eating eachother (metaphorically. maybe literally) works for that
i am not an expert on sin analysis but i wanted to take a prediction bc it’s fun :)
I have a couple of predictions for corrosion and i’ll be real they are the main reason i wrote this thing because i LOVE when bad things happen to Hong Lu!!
Since this ego seems to be referencing Bao-yu so much i can pull stuff from Red Chamber too which makes it more fun :)
First one I came up with is Hong Lu taking the place of the pearl within the clam and getting locked in there! A bunch of his egos have to do with being controlled/trapped so i think it works and it also can work as a parallel for Bao-yu’s treatment by his family. Bao-yu’s name means precious jade, and he’s often treated more like his namesake than a person, heavily controlled and never allowed to leave the Jia mansion (or, in this case, the clam.) I just think it’d be fun!
My other concept has to do with more Red Chamber stuff, notably what happens when Bao-yu loses his jade. I’m not quite there yet in the text, but from what i’ve heard he becomes incredibly unstable and essentially loses his mind. This sets the Jia family’s downfall into even faster motion and from that point things get REALLY fucked up. Since the pearl here parallels Bao-yu’s jade, I think having a reference to that part of the book would be really fucking crazy for all 5 people who have read 1800+ pages of red chanber to get to chapter 94 where he loses that thing. Also i just want to see Hong Lu lose his mind i KNOW it would be terrifying and chilling. but they may be saving that for his distortion (manifesting)
In my skimming Red Chamber table of contents to find when Bao-yu loses his jade i just found a chapter where Bao-yu’s father admires a pearl but we will just ignore that for now bc this has taken long enough to type already and that is several chapters off. but there may be more analysis when this thing actually comes out!
Thank you for reading this far!! I hope you enjoyed me looking far too deep into an unreleased ego we know next to nothing about for fun! this took WAY longer than expected to type out but i’m glad I did because I loveee telling people about Hong Lu!
There is a very real chance very little of my analysis and prediction is reflected in canon BUT please remember that truth becomes fiction when the fiction’s true and even if this doesn’t turn out to be correct now u know a little more about Hong Lu and the themes he plays with :)
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elvenbeard · 5 months
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Reposting the boyo for a little interest check!
No mysterious third or fourth options, but if you have an opinion not covered by the poll, feel free to leave a reply! :D
I'm asking cause I had fun doodling Kerry and I love doodling stuff for others (and it would be a good excercise for sure too!). AND also I'm obviously asking cause I could use the money xD I'm still paying monthly rates for my current laptop since my old one broke at the start of 2023 and I'd be so happy to finally have that monthly monetary burden off my back xD So I'd open a whole bunch of slots - not sure yet how many (probably between 30-50), and how or when I'd go about working through them (most likely a google form where you submit your ref pic - as these would be simple sketches 100% based off of ref pics). I could also imagine streaming some or all of it, for some additional entertainment value xD
A "not more than 1 hour spent per drawing" kinda deal, or even something like pay what you want style comms. Also yeh, not just Cyberpunk as a fandom obviously, anything goes, OCs as well, (and I'll also draw your mom or your pet if you wanna xD) as long as you have 1 good reference screenshot/photo for me to work with! (obligatory disclaimer that exceptions may apply in a few highly specific cases - when in doubt just ask!)
Would super appreciate some feedback and if you'd reblog this so more people see :D tysm!
(also, my regular comms are also still open btw! link in my pinned post!)
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 1 year
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I love the light in your eyes and the dark in your heart
You love our permanent chase and the bite of our bark
We know we're classic together like Egyptian gold
We love us
“I’m sorry baby I’m not going to be there...” Jeans voice was soft through the phone, he always delivers bad news in a whisper…
“What do you mean? You’re not coming up for the week? What-what about Valentine’s Day?” You were in shock that your boyfriend wasn’t going to be able to take a break from work for a holiday with you, he’s been gone for nearly 6 months.
“I know- I know it sucks, but I should be able to get free time the following week, or- uh, no maybe sometime in March. Sweet heart I’m really sorry but I have to go now. I’ll call you when I get home okay? I love you.” He hung up the phone before you could even say it back.
You fell into your bed and screamed your frustration into your pillow.
A bunch of texts spamming your phone made you look up for a minute, expecting to see texts from your boyfriend. Instead, they were just a bunch of memes from Eren.
You sent back a frowny emoji, watching him type for a while and the bubble disappeared. Eren decided to FaceTime you instead.
“Wow, what happened to you,” he must of been referring to the black streak marks of mascara smudged down your cheeks. You rub your face, trying to remove the black gunk. “What’s wrong?”
“Jeanie isn’t visiting this week and I was looking forward to spending my first Valentine’s Day with a boyfriend.” You sighed.
Eren rolled his eyes, he never cared for your boyfriend. Always thought he was stuck up, and bragged about his job too much. “Well don’t worry about it YN, If you want we can rent that slasher fic Mikasa recommended and I could possibly get Armin too…”
You sighed dramatically, “I know it’s cliche, but i was looking forward to roses and chocolates.” Even though a night surrounded by your best friends does sound comforting.
“Well, no movie then, I’ll take you out.” You looked to stunned to speak so he reiterated as “just friends” but it cut a bit inside to say that out loud. Eren has always liked you, and has done a pretty good job at hiding his feelings. Although he did kiss you once at a party, the next morning you didn’t even remember. “Cheer up, i dont like it when your sad.” He gave you a cheeky grin and hung up the call.
Fresh out of a hot shower you paced your bedroom in your underwear, what do you wear on a valentines date with your best friend. You looked at the dress you had saved for Jean, no way, you thought. Opting for a typical outfit of yours instead.
“Hey i let myself in if you...what are you wearing.” Eren stood in the door. He was all dressed up.
You turned around from your vanity, your hair still wet. Framing pieces stuck to the side of your face, shit… is he early or are you running late. Eren stepped forward, raising his hand and tucking your hair behind your ear. A small tingle sparked in your stomach, but you were probably just hungry. “What? Is this not nice?” You pouted a bit kinda hurt from the reaction he had.
“I said i was taking you out out, were not going to the library...” He eyed you up and down, before spotting the dress hanging on your closet door behind you. “What’s that?” He pointed.
“Oh, that’s what I was going to wear...”
“Put it on, I’ll wait for you in the living room… oh and hurry Ive got an eventful afternoon planned.” He left your room before you could even fight him on wearing the dress. You stared at it for a few minutes and shrugged to yourself. Someone might as well see you in this. After rushing through getting ready you snapped a pic, contemplating even sending it to Jean, why did you suddenly feel a bit guilty…
Eren waited impatiently outside your bedroom, he had brought flowers for you, and decided to place them in a vase on your kitchen counter. He nervously arranged the roses. Fidgeting with the tiny baby’s breath that accented the bouquet.
“Oh Eren those are beautiful, you didnt have to-“ you startled him a bit and you held back a laugh.
His cheeks heated up once he caught sight of your dress, discreetly, he scanned over your outfit, starting from the black paten leather heals with a cute dainty strap at the ankle. Cautiously gazing up your beautiful bare legs, to mid thigh where this cruel red satin dress ended. Quickly he focused onto your face, hoping you didn’t catch him gawking.
Your make up was subtle, though the red lip was nothing but. He noticed the black choker on your neck, and lost his breath. He looked for words to describe how beautiful, no, gorgeous, no stunning. “You look-“ he starred at you, “wow..” he shook his head, embarrassing himself. You just giggled and stuck your nose into the roses. A little note laid in between some petals.
To my valentine with love.
By now all of your dejection about your boyfriend not being here was gone, you were far too excited to see what Eren had in store for you.
Sitting in his passenger seat, you let him take you wherever he had planned. Turns out the plan was the beach. You two strolled down the dock. Other couples were out having fun, playing fair games and sharing funnel cakes. Seeing couples enjoying each other made you remember you weren’t here with Jean… You looked over at Eren who must have just noticed the disappointment on your face. Shoving cotton candy into your mouth as an attempt to keep those pesky boyfriend thoughts from filling your head and ruining his scheme. His true intentions… showing you how you should be treated, and being here for you when that stupid prick wouldn’t even bother to. “Come on YN,” he grabbed your hand and led you to the best date of your life.
Watching the people on the beach at the top of the ferris wheel you held on tightly to the stuffed octopus Eren had won for you earlier in the evening. You leaned your head on his shoulder, and smiled to yourself,“I’m having fun Eren, thank you.” Your hand fell to your side, and softly grazed against his. You two hold hands all of the time, but for some reason, the slightest touch made you get goosebumps. You pulled your hand away and shyly held the plushy up to your face.
“Hey anything for you YN, I love you.” Eren says he loves you from time to time,but this time ….hearing it made your heart jump. “Are you hungry? I’d hate to end your fun but our reservation is in an hour, we should get going after this.”
“Reservation? I thought we’d just have chili dogs at the stand down there,” He laughed like you said a joke, you just stared at him dazed and confused.
“Don’t look so dumbfounded,” He pinched your cheek, “the dates not over, I’m gonna take you somewhere nice.”
Of course it was a “date” but when you accepted Eren’s invitation initially you didn’t completely view it as a romantic word, more so a platonic date… but now… things are starting to feel a bit too … complicated. You left the beach full of thoughts and feelings swirling through your head.
“Eren!?” You gasped, pulling up to the valet of one of the finest restaurants in your city. “Eren we can’t eat here…”
“Why not, you think I don’t have the money?” he teased you and you tried to combat his reasonings, but just like the beginning of the day he was gone before you could argue with him. Dropping his keys into the hand of a stranger and walking over to your side, opening the door for you. His chivalrous behavior made you question who you really were on a date with today. This is a side of Eren you had never seen before and you were starting to fall for it.
A hostess guided the both of you to a table that was tucked behind a privacy wall and with full view of the city scape. With a now setting sun disappearing behind buildings. You glanced at Eren who wasn’t even enjoying this outstanding view with you. He eyes caught yours and a heat radiated through your chest. Fluttering butterflies in your stomach conveniently covered the vacant feeling of guilt that sat in your belly. No, you’re just hungry… yeah that’s it.
Jean not even crossing your mind once, the two of you laughed together about old memories over steak and wine. You immersed yourself in his charm, even if you were constantly catching yourself from falling for your best friend. He’s was just being a good friend, you thought. Don’t over think things.
“Would you care for dessert this evening?”
“No,” Eren cut you off and you gave him a death glare. “I have something else planned for dessert, thank you for the great meal.” Watching him use his natural charm on the waitress brought you back to reality. He was just being nice and comforting his pathetic friend. The guilt was back on, how could you even entertain whatever silly fantasy you had convinced yourself was happening. This date was definitely all in your head.
Eren saved a favorite of yours for last. Fro yo.
You two would meet up here every Saturday to gossip and complain about each others lives. Well not so much anymore, since you started seeing Jean. Eren stood inline to get you your favorite flavor as you waited in a corner booth for him, checking the notifications on your phone. To your surprise you had no notifs from Jean. A bitter taste not even fro yo could recover coated your mouth. Not even a ‘Happy Vday’ text. Did he seriously forget?
“Remember when that old lady slipped and fell and she spilled her cherry berry all over herself.” Eren came back with yogurt in hand. Tears stung your waterline. Almost dropping the cups, he quickly sat next to you.
“What’s wrong YN?”
“I just realized I’m having the best date of my life and it’s not even with my own boyfriend,” you let out a genuine chuckle. Laughing at your own pathetic relationship.
“You have such an ugly laugh,” Eren sucked on his spoon.
“No i dont, shut up,” you playfully pushed his shoulder, but he moved closer to you.
“I mean it, its cute.” He took a spoon full of pink delicious yogurt and pressed it to your nose, leaving melted fro yo on the tip. You scrunched your face up, and tried to wipe it into his shoulder.
“Hey! Hey! This is my nicest jacket you’re gonna ruin it” He pulled back, but you refused to let him get away with his crimes. Playfully pushing him but in his haste to get away from you, he lost balance. Grabbing onto your arm for support he managed to pull you closer to him. Your nose, still pink, now centimeters from his face. Eren spontaneously licked the yogurt off of your face.
Time froze colder than the freaking yogurt. It felt like you were buffering a response. You honestly didn’t know how to respond to that, verbally…but your body decided to respond for you.
Closing the gap between you quickly and kissing him. You didnt know what overcame your morality in that moment but it felt good. Your heart now beating out of your chest.
“Uh-Er,” you tried to make any excuse as to why you kissed him, but sadly couldn’t come up with anything other than. “Sorry-“
“Don’t be sorry, YN,” his hand firmly gripped your waist and pulled you back in to kiss you again.
You zone out one hand on the doorknob the other holding your house key. “Is it weird that I feel weird about inviting you inside.” You laughed. “You practically live at my house.”
“You know i think this time, it’s just different,” his words not matching the intense feeling that flooded into your core. “I don’t have to come in, I had a really good time YN, I-“ he caught himself before he said anything. Not wanting to say it and then have you regret everything in the morning, just to get hurt. Nothing would hurt more than that. So he chose not to say it.
“I love you Eren,” shocked by what you so effortlessly said, you examined his reaction. Trying not to misinterpret his expression. His face lit up, as if he had never heard you say it before, not like this, this time he knew you felt it the way he did.
It don't matter, be combative or be sweet cherry pie
It don't matter just as long as I get all you tonight
At that moment, Eren took a risk, kissing you this time with a hint of lust. Patiently, he waited for your cue deepening the kiss and slightly moaning in his mouth. That was it. He knew he had you. His efforts of today paying off by the sweet aftertaste of fro yo on your lips.
You blindly unlock your front door, Eren hungrily placing kisses over your neck and shoulder. You led him back into your living room, kicking off your heals while still managing to tug and pull his bottom lip in between your teeth. Guiding him all the way to your bedroom. Where this date originated from just hours ago.
So deep, your DNA's being messed with my touch
Can’t beat us
So real, fueling the fire until we combust
Can’t touch us
Eren fell to his knees the moment your dress slipped off your body and onto the floor, he peppered kisses up your thigh, worshipping your body. Chills fell down your spine as the warmth of his breath closed in on your inner thighs. He dug his face in your sex, pulling the lace fabric that was in his way to the side. Kissing softly at your exposed skin. His fingers snuck behind you, feeling your curves, before hooking and pulling off your panties entirely. He looked up at you, grinning, before diving back into your flesh. Kissing and sucking gently on your skin.
His tongue dipped between your folds, his fingers moved from your thighs, now spreading you further open for him to devour your pussy. You gasped and moaned, finding balance with a fist full of his hair, making it a disheveled mess. You found yourself grinding instinctively on his tongue, chasing the growing pleasure in your core. Fuck.
The guilt that you let take a backseat behind your lust made the high of your orgasm sinfully better.
You watch him lick you up, through fluttering lashes. You’re now coming fully undone for him. Eren smiles, growing cocky. If he can get you coming just with his tongue, he can have you screaming for him at the end of the night. He stood up ,“You taste fucking amazing YN,” Ushering you to the bed, you laid back putting on a beautiful display for him, spreading your legs proudly. Inviting him back in, he leaned down devouring you once more. Sucking gently on the bundle of sensitive nerves earning sounds of praise from you.
He took care of your pussy so well, being mindful of what you liked and didn’t. Paying attention to your moans, you got louder and more breathy when his tongue dipped inside your entrance. You found yourself coming again for him, singing his name instead of Jeans. A newfound guilty pleasure erupted from your core along with a flow of juices. You gasped never have experienced a climax like this before. Eren relished in your wetness, soaking in your arousal.
“Can you do that again for me Valentine?” He sounded so eager, it made your knees weak. Blush painted your cheeks, he was quick to pull you back into his mouth. Fleeting feelings of embarrassment and guilt floated away. Your body listening to his pleas, unraveling waves of pleasure onto his tongue again and again.
Part two mayhaps, It’s bedtime - Ivy
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meme-loving-stuck · 9 months
I really love your art style! ♥️ Do you have any recommendations for tutorials on learning to draw digitally? I know I could just look at little micro tutorials but I’m autistic so I need really specific instructions step by step to get started
Hey thanks! Honestly I am not good at digital art as much as traditional. Also, this question is pretty vague and you havent reblogged/liked anything of mine so Im not sure which artwork you might be referring to... if you mean pixel art, digital paintings, commissions Ive done, etc
But, I have a HUGE tag full of art resources that are 90% for digital art because I also had a really hard time getting started!
If you want to scroll through my #art ref tag, I have been compiling resources for almost a decade.
Here is a small tutorial Ive been pulling up for years to look at whenever I forget how to digitally paint, that just shows exactly how the artist does layering, shading, etc
Also, Tutor Tuesday is a BUNCH of tutorials that are all about very specific things (hair, faces, animals, lining in general, sketching in general, you name it) , in fully illustrated guides so you can see step-by-step how to do it. This is the best resource I can find for beginning digital art
Also check the users I reblog tutorials from, if the above aren't really what youre looking for. Drawingden, etheringtonbrothers, and art-tutorials-n-references are all good pages to follow if you want to see more guides!
Feel free to message me if you want to see more of my processes, I might have some old pics or videos I can share!
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miasiegert · 7 months
CATS Suncoast Broadway Dinner Theatre - Hudson, FL (with Pics)
Thanks to Suncoast Broadway Dinner Theatre for renting our set and having us for the past two weeks in the Junkyard. It's always a delight working with Chaz, and we got to know an incredible cast and crew. I'm not sure how many hashtags I can use so I am going to include the cast list here for pics that arrive since all of you are so talented at Tumblr (the cast is so intrigued by Superfans, btw!)
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We had many challenges with a dinner theatre because the stage is very small in order to accommodate tables. As well, actors serve patrons so I needed to design an outfit to protect the costumes and suspend disbelief. And from patron reactions, we've been told this is one of the best openings, if not the best opening, and the best show/costume the theatre has had to date and hoped we'd be back, which was very, very kind of them.
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Pouncival, played by Isaiah Mayhew
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Electra (u/s Bombalurina) played by Rachel Knowles (so sorry for the bad photo quality--she's stunning!)
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Misto played by Kory Randles
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Pounce, and these two randos, what losers. :P
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Mungojerrie/Macavity split track, played by Andre Spathelf-Sanders and yeah, this jerk who keeps showing up. I adore the whole cast to bits truly but we're planning on cosplaying Green Lantern together and he was the first to get my "Archer" references in the make up classes. If it's ever of interest, I'm happy to sometime talk about my make up classes and what to do when there are "mistakes" with what I call the Bob Ross Method.
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Demeter by Iraya Catalina is making an argument that maybe all Demeters need to be Filipino because she slays!
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Jennyanydots and her incredibly supportive husband. She was one of the most delightful people to work with, hilarious, fun, loving, amazing hugs, and just a joy. I've never had a Jenny almost refuse to take the Gumbie suit off (which is a huge compliment). What a joy.
David was the make up designer for all of the designs except Bombalurina's, and I taught about 5-hours of make up classes.
The magic of an incredible LED screen came into play as there were cool effects, such as a first person POV of a cat going to the junkyard (bringing YOU into the show) and the sky changing with the hours of the day, the moon, everything. The lighting designer Dalton Hamilton was wonderful and provided the following photographs. All costumes designed/created by David and myself (The Costume Asylum/Siegert Creative):
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I am going to try to get some rehearsal pics and one of the funniest bloopers ever but I hope this is a nice start. Happy Sunday, I'm happy to be home, but I miss these kitties so much already!
Apologies if I missed tagging anyone, y'all know I'm really trying with Tumblr very hard. Oh! Rhagan Carter (Rumpleteazer) is the Dance Captain! Knew I forgot something.
Also... is there a way I can add text when I add a bunch of pics at once to name the actors? I cannot for the life of me figure out how. I keep clicking in between photos and hit return and nothing!
Each passing day, I become more and more of that "how do you do fellow young people" meme, I swear.
If there's anything specific you'd like to know, feel free to ask or comments in general. Not sure how long it'll take to get back because I got 2 hours of sleep last night, flew in, and today is a "fuck it, let's order dominos" day. ... but... ordering dominos... is hard. moving is hard. falling down the stairs... easier than anticipated. 0/10 do not recommend.
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omnybus · 2 years
So, a while back, I wrote about how I really appreciate my watchers and commission clients for being so respectful to me, and how I've never dealt with an especially unpleasant client before.
Well, seems I jinxed myself!
The other day I was messaged by someone who asked if I wanted to take part in an unpaid collaborative art project. Normally I would turn down unpaid work, but I figured I might as well hear out what his project was and maybe give it a shout-out to others (I'm too polite; that's my problem). So he sends me a PDF detailing the project in question.
Basically he wanted to make a series of MLP comics starring his OCs along with 20-30 second animations to introduce each one. He also listed several jobs for the members of this project to fulfill: sketching, inking, coloring, cover art, lettering, scriptwriting, character design, prop design, 2D animators, 3D animators... even a "scientist" to help explain the workings of magic and tech in this series as well as "roleplayers" to help with writing character interactions. Like 30+ jobs in total.
While he did give a brief summery of the setting (sci-fi fantasy set 1000 years in the future) and stated there was no set time limit, at no point did he say what the plot of these stories are, how long these comics are supposed to be, how many there were going to be, or really any kind of framework to build off of. Hell, he didn't even name his OCs, let alone provide reference pics. The only thing he offered was the "privilege" of "showcase your own OCs" (which I can already do in my own gallery), "improving your art skills" (which I do literally every time I draw), and the opportunity to "help someone achieve their dream" (no comment).
Overall, everything about this project was incredibly vague and nondescript, and was essentially all going to be made up on the fly every step of the way. I even asked if he had a way to communicate with the other members of this project and all he said was "I have my ways of communicating". Like... why not just tell me? I felt like someone was trying to indoctrinate me into a cult, but they forgot that cult leaders are supposed to be charismatic. It seemed that all he had to offer were a bunch of lofty but nebulous ideas, and this clown was expecting a bunch of people to waste their time and talents helping him write self-insert fanfiction for his OCs and waifus.
But the most audacious part of the whole thing was that included in the PDF was a link to another PDF that was essentially a list of reasons for turning him down, and his explanations on why he won't accept them. They're listed below the cut:
“I’m too Busy, So I have no time to do this.” Reason.
As I’ve explain that Time isn’t an Issue for there is no time limit in my Project.
“I only do Commission’s because I really needed money to pay my Bills and Foods.” Reason.
I’m guessing that you don’t get out much then, surely there’s a Job vacancies around your places somewhere.
“I don’t do Freebies for stranger’s, only Friend’s” Reason.
That’s good rhem because I asked for a Collaboration, NOT a Request nor a Commission for that matter.
“I only draw what I want, I don’t do others and I’m not accepting Commission's either.” Reason.
Then I don’t see what’s the reason or why you posted your Artworks online then for everyone to see, unless of course, you want people to be jealous of you.
“What you just stated IS a Free Project, I’m not wasting my times and patiences for a Project who knows how long that will not help me Pay my Bills.” Reason.
…………, So what’s the problem then?; Please re-read my explanation to know what I mean.
“I appreciate you’ll willing to invite me for such a Big Project but I don’t think my Skills in Artwork’s is impressive enough.” Reason.
If your Artwork’s isn’t impressive enough for me then please tell me these 2 things:
why do you think I invite you to join my Project then?
if you’re that low on confidences about your Artworks, why bother posting it online for everyone to see?
“I just don’t want.” Reason.
Explain specifically and in details why not? please
Which one is your Reason or do you have any other “Reasons” that I miss or don’t know about?
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nerdyneko6373 · 11 months
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Chapters: 3/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Summary: Mikumo Akatani is an enigma. Sure, he's friendly with everyone and easy to talk to. But no one really knows anything about him, and something just seems...off about him. Plus, why does Bakugou keep insisting that Akatani is someone else? OR: Mikumo is hiding a lot of dark secrets. He's mixed up with some dangerous people, but can the new relationships he's forging at U.A. help him finally break free from the ever looming shadows of his past and present? Or will he continue drowning in this never ending nightmare?
Now that that's out of the way, here's some info about me and my fandoms under the cut!
You can call me neko or nat, I'm just a big anime nerd who also loves cats :3 Your girl probably has ADHD.
Here I'm mostly just reblogging things I like, but you won't find any NSFW, pro-shipping, or politics. Let's keep things silly and sweet!
My Hero Academia
#mha (meta, hc's, memes, official art, etc)
#mha fanart
#incorrect mha quotes
Current hyperfixation. I love all things dadzawa, kiri is best boi, shouto is my fav 🤍❤️ I could rant for DAYS
Spy X Family
#sxf (meta, hc's, memes, official art, etc)
#sxf fanart
This show constantly has me giggling and kicking my feet, hehehe. I've actually gotten nine people (& counting) into it lol
#vocaloid fanart
#project sekai
#pjsk fanart
I'm rather new to vocaloids, but I'm absolutely in love with them! The characters are so lovable and the songs too. My fav so far is Oliver, but I also love Fukase, Flower, Kaito, Yohioloid, & Miku <3. I also love project sekai!
Sonic the Hedgehog
#sonic the hedgehog
#sonic the hedgehog fanart
I've never played the games, but Sonic X made me love the characters and storyline! I fell out of the fandom, but I think I'm getting back into it :3
Spiderverse (#spiderverse, #spiderverse fanart)
Stranger Things (#stranger things, #stranger things fanart)
Haikyuu!! (#haikyuu fanart)
The Amazing Digital Circus (#tadc fanart)
Bungou Stray Dogs (#bsd fanart)
Everything cat-related is under #cats and I sometimes share pics of my own fur-babies Oliver and Noah under the tag #my cats!
Lil stuff I do is under the tag #neko does stuff. The tags for my mha fic (the one linked above) are #To Break Free and #my fic.
I turn my queue on when I know I'm not going to be very active for a while. Queued posts are usually tagged 🎶look what you made me queue🎶 and yes, it's a Taylor reference-
(NOTE: I AM NOT A SWIFTIE!!! I just like a few of her old songs)
My MAL is the same as here btw NerdyNeko6373
If you like/reblog/interact with any of the stuff here, there's like an 80% chance I'll look through your blog, so just warning you lol
Also, I tend to go through a blog and reblog a bunch of stuff all at once, so sorry in advance if I spam your notifs!
Mutuals can DM me for my discord :D
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melxncholyman · 1 year
some fun things that me & my cousin did in paris while he came to visit:
- visit the catacombs of paris. really cool! not only do you get to see walls of real human skulls, there’s also morbid poetry by historical figures to go along with it :)
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- attempt the world’s first 2-person celeste speedrun à la piano four hands (spoiler: it’s not very speed)
- compare the prices of every boba shop in a 200m radius around us before the disillusioned realisation that they’re all equally overpriced hits 
- we still got boba tho🤭
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- in a pull&bear we spotted a pink baseball cap that said “great fan”. we chose to interpret this as referring to an electric fan of considerable size
- a running joke is created
- went to the galeries lafayette: came for the windowshopping experience, stayed for the magnificent ceiling dome (got the pic from google)
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- visit the musée carnavalet, a museum of the history of paris. it’s probably one of the best museums in paris: free entrance for all, 4 floors worth of artifacts dating from antiquity to the contemporary age, some really really famous and historically significant pieces, especially of the french revolution era, like THE déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen(!!) the garden is super lovely as well
- walk through the bois de boulogne forest to the arc de triomphe, then proceeding to climb it—you get a pretty nice view of the 12 radiating avenues and a bunch of paris landmarks
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- go on what was probably the most useless supermarket run ever: i got a pack of sandwiches and my cousin got a pack of gum that literally cost the same price. guess which one we ended up eating for lunch that day (somebody call bella hadid)
- waited in line to enter the “quirky” and “legendary” shakespeare & company bookshop. im lowkey salty that it’s no longer niche and probably tiktok famous now cause 2 years ago the idea that you’d have to queue to get in was completely absurd
- on a positive note: we hogged the piano for like 20 mins lmao. one pedal was busted but they had the sheet for tchaikovsky’s june so it’s a slay for me 💅
- oh we also played the piano in the aforementioned supermarket. cause it’s totally normal to have a piano lying around in a supermarket here
- bought matching plushies at miniso! we of course named them “great” and “fan”
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Hello there! Are you doing requests? If yes, can you do some dating headcanons for Seth, Poe and Scale pls?
yes, absolutely! some of my favorite bois <3 <3 <3
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Honestly, dating him is about what you’d expect, with a few little surprises sprinkled in for fun. Gotta keep things fresh, can’t have you getting super bored of him. He’s the kind of guy who likes to hang out in graveyards and he’s a bit morbid… but at the same time, he’s definitely down-to-Earth. Compared to some of the other guys, he’s almost normal.
Writes poetry about you sometimes? While he doesn’t advertise it, he’s a romantic at heart. He likes doing those sappy things, comparing the touch of your hand in his hair to the cool breeze of a mausoleum, and your kiss is like the first breath that the dead take upon resurrection… perhaps he keeps writing these things because you’re the first person to truly appreciate his dark, flowery language.
He texts you a lot, especially if you have a job or studies that keep you away. He’s got more free time, being a student (one who can admit to slacking off somewhat in areas which don’t interest him), so he can get slightly bored and when he’s bored, his mind wanders to you. To see Hey. Hanging out in the library. And I’m thinking of you. I might check out this book… wanna come summon demons with me later? ;) with a picture of him smirking behind some ancient-looking tome makes you very happy. Maybe you’ll even consider it! Would be a hell of a way to spend a Saturday night, huh?
‘Melancholy flower’/’melon cauliflower’ for a vegan emo isn’t the only pun he has up his sleeve. He’s also got other small references too, and puns aren’t his preferred method of one-lining. If it’ll get you to smile, however, he’ll use them. Particularly if he feels awkward and doesn’t think he has much else to say, he’ll pun. A well-timed quip of, “Well, look at that. Good for them; they’ve got one foot in the rave.” in response to a couple of elderly partygoers decked out in glow sticks will have you giggling, at least. Or he hopes it will. He almost wishes you’d never stop laughing, it’s the best sound he’s ever heard.
In addition to just texting you a bunch, he also loves to send you naughty pictures. Nothing too bad that anyone else would be appalled to seeing on your phone… just tiny things to tease you. Photos of him wearing a new pair of skeleton underwear accompanied by a caption of, What do you think? Too many bones? 😉 Or maybe a pic of his hand resting on his bare thigh, with the excuse that he wants to know what you think of the nail polish he just put on. All’s fair, isn’t it? He definitely wants you thinking about him.
For all that he pretends to be a dark and troubled bad boy, his ideal date night is… getting some takeout, watching a horror flick, and falling asleep on the couch cuddled up in your arms. (Or with you cuddled in his. He’s not picky about that part, as long as there’s cuddling going on!) Often when that happens, he’ll wake up in the middle of the night, gaze fondly at you for a few minutes, and then drift off with a hint of a smile on his face. It’s so disgustingly domestic and he hates how much he loves it.
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A relationship?? What’s… what’s that??? He’s clueless. And he’s not clueless by virtue of not being intelligent, because he’s very smart. He just… has struggled in connecting with people, for a very long time. Before you, he never really had romance with anyone. His mind was laser-focused on his job, so it was as if he never had time for anything else. Just… be patient with him. He loves you, but he’s very much still learning how to exist inside a romantic relationship.
That said, he’s surprisingly good at knowing how to be a partner. That might be mostly because he’s aware and observant, to the point that he just… notices things about you. He knows what your preferred morning drink is, and he knows what it looks like when you’re tired or in pain, and his heart has begun to beat to match the cadence of your speech. And if there’s something he doesn’t know, he has no shame in asking. (Well… usually.) He brings you a drink or painkillers if you need, encourages you to rest when it seems you’ve been overworking, and he knows how to make you laugh. He very much takes pride in being the best partner for you that he can be.
Uh. Well. It’s. It’s just. He’s an assassin! He’s a serial killer who takes commissions! His lifestyle, while entirely badass as far as he’s concerned, is also dangerous. He’s excellent at what he does, but the fact is that sometimes he has a bad day or his target has a good day. To say nothing of rivalries or competition between assassins, particularly during ‘open’ hits that directly pit them against each other. He will come home injured, it’s just a matter of when it happens. Hopefully you’re not too attached to your carpets, because he’ll stagger in dripping blood all over them, begging you to let him take care of himself. Of course, that’s impossible, so there will definitely be times you’ll have to patch him up in the bathroom. He can’t go to the hospital, right? He… he trusts you to take care of him.
He has quite the singing voice, even if he vehemently denies that he likes to sing. Often he’ll start by humming while the two of you are relaxing and snuggling, and if you insist on watching a musical during movie night, he’ll usually start to sing along in a low voice. For whatever reason he’s embarrassed by it! Although the urge to sing ‘rose’ when he got transformed into a dragon, that is absolutely not to say it wasn’t there before. Singing relaxes him, and it might just be because he’s unpracticed in being vulnerable around people that singing in front of others, even you, flusters him a bit. Though… he likes it if you fall asleep to his singing. That’s flattering.
He can get… possessive. Nowhere near Cole levels of possessive or anything, but his one sore spot is that he is petrified of the idea that he might not be ‘cool’ in your eyes. He’s convinced that you’ll wake up one day, look at him, and go, “Oh, my GOD, you’re so boring.” before walking out of his life forever. And he can’t take that. He will do literally anything in the name of keeping you interested in him. Actually, up to and including admitting that he’s afraid you think he’s boring and that you’re going to leave him. However, it’s a win-win; you get the emotional openness and some meaningful intimacy out of him, and he gets the reassurance that you’re super fascinated with him and you’re not going anywhere. Honesty is SEXY!!!
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Is it getting hot in here, or is just because he’s dragging the essence of hell behind him? Who knows at this point? It’s really his game and you’re just along for the ride. Maybe that’s how you like it. If that wasn’t how you like it, you probably wouldn’t be with him. He likes to do dangerous things, so you’ll have to be careful exactly which ones you do with him. He forgets sometimes that humans can’t take the kinds of abuse that demons can! So if he mentions a ‘vacation’ to his ‘hometown’ by ‘a beautiful lake’, guide him toward something else. That beautiful lake is made of fire, down in hell, and to you it’d be less a vacation and more like a nightmare. Oops! He tried.
Shockingly okay with the whole arrangement he has going with you. It’s a shame he can’t manipulate you, because you sort of see through all his tricks and no-sell any of the bad ideas, but he’s not too broken up. He’s convinced he’ll eventually find something you’ll fall for, so now he’s just biding his time. Except… during that time, he finds himself actually falling for you. That comes with not wanting to hurt you or betray your trust, which means that slowly he loses the urge to manipulate you at all. He goes from wanting your soul to just wanting your heart. Awwwww~!
You wanna wear his hoodie? He’ll let you wear his hoodie. Hell, if his clothes fit you, he’ll let you wear all of them. Not only is he totally fine walking around wearing very little or nothing at all, demons are possessive creatures by nature. It hits that button to see you covered in things that are his, which makes him a very happy little shit-stirrer. You’re so hot wearing all his clothes, (or, indeed, wearing replicas of them if his happen not to fit you), he might just decide to pin you down and kiss every inch of you.
Yes, he’s a demon. And a troublemaker. However, he’s also the Avatar of Woe. Being that he is that, he… has this strange kind of depression. His boredom and anguish and occasional apathy drive him to seek thrills, usually. Other times, though, the woe part overtakes him entirely. If he’s allowed himself to be vulnerable with you, there are times you’ll find him in bed, sobbing uncharacteristically, bunched up in the blankets and completely lost in sorrow. How you react will determine whether or not he lets you see that side of him ever again. As much of a front as he puts up, when the woe hits, all he really wants is to be held and comforted and know you’re there for him.
He’s kind of always touching you in some way, almost as if to stake his claim on you. If the two of you are out walking, he’s holding your hand. If you’re sitting around, he’s got an arm around your waist. He likes to have his hands on you, he likes to be touching and kissing and cuddling. In some ways he forgot what it was like to have a real romance with somebody, and apparently, he’s missed all those small, normal, soft touches. He’s making up for lost time and massive amounts of touch starvation, sue him!
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chessanator · 3 months
WIP Folder Tag Meme
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Thanks for the tag, @kiichu! It's about time this one came around again.
I'll tag @flairina, @jelimore, and @graceisprettygreat.
Me actually writing:
TUoHS 1 Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World
TUoHS Side Ronpa 2 Here We Go Again
TUoHS Side Ronpa 3 The Worf Effect
TUoHS Side Ronpa 4 The Masquerade
TUoHS Side Ronpa 5 Spanner in the Works
TUoHS Side Ronpa 6 Fade to Black
TUoHS Side Ronpa 7 Sinister Clue
TUoHS Side Ronpa 8 Fair-Play Whodunnit
TUoHS Side Ronpa 9 Create Your Own Villain
I’ll censor the title of the tenth chapter because it spoils the first murderer.
TUoHS Side Ronpa 11 Older and Wiser
TUoHS Side Ronpa 12 I’m a Doctor, Not a -
TUoHS Side Ronpa 13 What Could Have Been
TUoHS Side Ronpa 14 Imposter Syndrome
TUoHS Side Ronpa 15 Celebrity Paradox
TUoHS Side Ronpa 16 Values Dissonance
TUoHS Side Ronpa 17 Doth Protest Too Much
TUoHS Side Ronpa 18 By the Red String
TUoHS Side Ronpa 19 Jigsaw Puzzle Plot
TUoHS Side Ronpa 20 Fridge Logic
TUoHS Side Ronpa 21 Counterfactual Clue
This one spoils the second case murderer and victim, so... censored again! ;-)
TUoHS Side Ronpa 23 Achievements in Ignorance
TUoHS Side Ronpa 24 Science Marches On
TUoHS Side Ronpa 25 Vindicated by History
TUoHS Side Ronpa 26 Cosmic Retcon
TUoHS Side Ronpa 27 Technical Difficulties
TUoHS Side Ronpa 28 Want of a Nail
TUoHS Side Ronpa 29 Values Resonance
TUoHS Side Ronpa 30 All Your Base
TUoHS Side Ronpa 31 Memetic Mutation
Me planning, and also pretending that I’m actually making video games:
Trial Plans (My main planning document.)
Trial Mechanics (This is where I collect all the stats about how the class trials in the games worked. These days, it mostly serves as a reminder that my first class trial is stupidly long and complex for what’s supposed to be the tutorial mission.)
Free Time Word Count (A list of all the lengths of my Free Time events, so that I can ensure a natural progression and a reasonable but not excessive focus on the Haruhi-canon characters.)
Me and my characters:
Character Details (My main database of characters, OC, Haruhi-canon and DR-canon alike. Now with a Free Time gift list.)
A profile picture for each of the Haruhi-canon characters I’m using, each of whose filenames is [character’s name].jpg. (When I finally get around to commissioning profile pics for my OCs they’ll go here as well.)
A profile pic of each DR1 character.
A profile pic of each SDR2 character.
A bunch of other profile pics of Danganronpa characters.
Me (badly) drawing maps:
We now add North 3, two versions of North 4, and a third version of South 3.
South Building Upper Template
South Building Lower Template
South 4 Map
South 3 Map
South 3 Map Tool Closet
South 3 Map Projector Room
South 2 Map
South 1 Map
North Building Map Template
North 4 Map
North 4 Map Incident Prep Room
North 3 Map
North 2 Map
North 2 Map Accommodation
North 1 Map
Gym Map
Gym Map Trial
Clubroom Wing Template
Clubroom Wing 3 Map
Clubroom Wing 2 Map
Map Thingy (My map thingy is important to me, so it's never getting deleted. Never.)
TUoHS Stats (Where I obsessively update my wordcount stats)
Misc (My slush file. I started this one when I accidentally wrote a Free Time event in the middle of the second lot of exploration.)
Scraps (A second slush file? It has like one paragraph in it and I don't know why it's there or where it's from.)
Haruhi Yes (Yes, my tumblr icon is still in my WIP folder. No, I still don’t know why.)
Files not created by Me:
I’ve saved a bunch of notes sent to me by my excellent beta-reader @jelimore in case I need to refer to refer to them again. 19 files worth, as of now.
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tamelee · 1 year
hi! I really enjoy your art, it has a very unique touch to it that I really like. do you sell prints of your art anywhere?
I've never been much of an artist myself, but lately I've been feeling like I would really like to try and learn how to draw. I know it takes a LOT of practise and that some have a more natural touch to it than others, but do you have any tips for a beginner? where should I start? I have tried reference pics and stuff like that but I never seem to get them right. how can I keep myself motivated when nothing I try turns out the way I imagine it?
sorry if you've already answered something similar to this, I would love to read that too. sending you good vibes and many thanks in advance ✨
Aaaahh thankyou so much! 💕 I don't yet but will soon I'll update on that 🎉🫶
And wow that's great to hear! I'm really excited for you honestly because it's really fun :3 Well, my ways have always been a little unconventional but most teachers would tell you to pick up a pen and paper and.. just start drawing/doodling with whatever reference you have. Or if you have a pen tablet already, explore the program you're working with. Any kinds of brushes, try them out, try functions the program has- see what it does, make it a fun experience because you can't make any mistakes. It isn't something you have to deliver to anyone, this is practice and this is for you. Put on some music or watch a show on the side that's easy to follow (not one you have to pay close attention to) and just scribble away. You can use an extra program like 'Pureref' (which is free!) that allows you to drag in any references you need on top of your drawing-program or create an extra window where you can drag in any images and rearrange everything just the way you like it, like this:
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And then let's try a Sasuke sketch in that pose upper-left corner.
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I usually flood the document with a bunch of references in case I need it. (It's always more than I need but I hoard my files a lot 😂.. I think it's a fear of it not being enough "just in case"- but it's okay.) When I'm coloring a sketch, I think of colors beforehand but it kinda depends on my mood. Most of the time I don't bother until I get to the lighting stage. If you feel like you don't really got the hang of using a pen-tablet yet, there is a good tutorial with exercises here. And don't worry at all!!! Because it'll get much easier and easier overtime, just please take care of your hands and stretch gently always. Remember it is never supposed to hurt.
Honestly the way to improve fast with art is... just get obsessed over something 😂 and draw that. Find something you like and enjoy drawing it at least from my understanding that is what happened to many people. For me it's.. well.. If you want to get inspired, go to places, preferably professional spaces and make a board with art in styles you really like. (Or a folder for example!)
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This way you can use references to make something and it's a good start/practice ^^! At least it was very helpful for me! If you feel like nothing turns out the way you imagine it, then don't worry about it please.. creating something involves so many steps it is nearly impossible.. or it is impossible actually to have something turn out exactly as you imagine it beforehand. It is more important that the end-result is something that is satisfying which has more to do with the actual process itself. And I know that is not something you might want to hear now but I guess you'd have to experience it? At least for me, every new art I make involves something along the lines of "oh I kinda liked that" or "ew, no, nope, no, not doing that ever again" it's a constant process. Here are some helpful video's for beginners because I think visual inspiration would be more beneficial for you than just a bunch of text from me!
Advice for Starting your Art Journey
Extra (not necessarily for beginners):
Why BELIEF Is More Important Than TALENT
How I Reduce TOXIC Perfection As An Artist (Best Drawing Exercise TO Do)
What to do If you aren't Improving
Why it takes so long to get good at art
I hope any of this is helpful to you and I hope you have a nice day 🌷💕! Happy drawing!
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itstokkii · 3 months
Any South Korea and Turkey hcs??
I've already covered a lot in my korea and turkey hcs, but if you insist!!
- older brother/younger sister dynamic. obviously south korea is older than he is, he was born around the goryeo dynasty, so he wasn't even around to see silla(sk) and goguryeo(nk) scrapping for hundreds of years. but they still have this dynamic because we refer to turkey as our "older brother nation." that's because of how well they took care of korean orphans and even set up a school for them in the korean war, that's why a lot of koreans hold positive views of turkey and turkish people!
- i think around the postwar era korea relied a lot on the allies she made during the war to act as emotional support to fill in the void her older brother left behind, with one of them being turkey, who probably stuffed her mouth with sweet treats and tea to comfort her.
- when turkey rebranded into türkiye, korea immediately changed official signs and such to follow suit. we used to use 터키, and then changed to 튀르키예 to match the rebranded, authentic name. I haven't seen many other countries do this, so that's a win !!
- speaking of such, traditional korean desserts aren't as sweet as turkish sweets. baklava CLEARS 꿀떡(rice cake with syrup filling) easily in the field of sweetness. she probably choked on the sweet syrup while eating şekerpare for the first time.
- she gave turkey buldak once. he cried. she laughed. it was all recorded too
- turkey knows korean and uses that to check his food, korea knows turkish and uses it to talk to locals on her trips to turkey
- during şeker bayramı, turkey gives korea money as a gift whenever he can. she appreciates the free money
- for his birthday she buys him designer lol. watches, other accessories...LV sneakers. the more expensive the gift is the bigger the flex(and the more you care about them)
- a memorable moment in particular was when korea struggled to wrap a hijab to enter the blue mosque. he also struggled to help her. that's when a bunch of turkish aunties rushed in to help her put it on. her face was red afterwards lol
- korea got him into krap and krnb. he's not too much of a kpop guy but I like to think he has a soft spot for certain girl groups. now I could say bts blackpink and twice since those seem like the most popular groups in turkey but honestly? he seems like more of a fromis_9 and G-IDLE guy...no idea what boy groups he'd listen to though.
- she takes him to photobooths to take pics whenever he comes over! the first time, she made the mistake of suggesting he wear the flower sprout headband to match her butterfly one....and he gave her a stare she'd never seen before. she quickly dismissed the idea,
- he tells her about his time as the ottoman empire, she tells him all about her life as silla, then goryeo, then joseon(with the last 2 titles shared by her brother). she tells him about her brother as well, since he never got a chance to meet him like america, england, france, and other european nations.
- remember turkey nomadlarping to the central asians and mongolia? bro unironically calls him and korea the altaic duo at times
- she tried to do those tiktok dance challenges other kpop idols do when they invite other group members to dance with them. he slipped once 💀
- korea loves his food. she will EASILY pay 8000won for a doner kebab bc man that sauce...hits different. she goes to turkish restaurants on occasion when she gets cravings for them. in turn, turkey loves her food as well! and she always tries to find spots where they can both eat together
- drama duo. DRAMA DUO. they both have the overdramatic historical dramas, korea has the meet cute ones to balance out turkey's "countryside woman moves to the city falls in love with a nice guy who's actually the son of one of the main antagonists. he protects her from her abusive father who came back from the countryside to force her to stop studying and to get married against her will" type dramas.
- she tries to get him to dress more trendy. she fails
- maybe a wingman to turkuzbek??
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Usually don’t talk much about my feelings, theories or headcanons, but Figment and Figment 2 have been on my mind lately. There’s not much posts going around on both games, so i've decided to give it a shot, for once. Also because, i’ve noticed that many (me included) seem confused about what the Jester is supposed to represent. Most seem to think they represent fun or the part of you that want to have fun, which is true. Still, i believe there might be more to it than just that..?  
(Warning : Spoilers for Figment 2 : Creed Valley and a little for Figment also)
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This is just me speculating, but all throughout the game, the Jester constantly talks about ‘’breaking out’’ and, most importantly, the ‘’urge to be free’’. To me, it feels like the emphasis on those themes aren't only to reflect how the Jester is feeling, but might also be related to what they're all about. Especially the line: '' You can fight the urge to be free but you can never kill it!''. When saying that, it sounds like they're referring to themself, like this is what they are... So, are they the '"urge to be free"? Perhaps, more specifically, "free will"?
Maybe i’m overthinking this…
But there’s another reason i’m inclined to think that the Jester might be "free will" or, at the very least, tied in a way to the concept of "freedom". These concept art from the first game :
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(sorry for the low quality of the pics)
It seems that both the Black Hog and the Jester were conceived during the production of the first game, but ended up being scrapped. Puppets with ropes like these (Marionettes) often symbolise a "lack of free will" and cutting the ropes can represents "being free/set free" (the famous line from Pinocchio: "There are no strings on me", comes to mind). IF this puppet like thing is a unused version of the Jester, of course.
(Also, no joke, the first pics you get if you type free will on google images are a bunch of marionettes, lol.)
Again, just speculating here, but i wonder if perhaps it was planned for them to be controlled by the Spider Queen. "Marionette" is a french word and the Spider Queen is french/has a french accent. It could also explain why instead of using webs, like the other spiders, she’s attached to a rope....
But yeah, this is why i believe the Jester might be related in some way to freedom or might even be ''free will''. Maybe i'm completely wrong, but it's fun to theorise.
I have more thoughts and details i've noticed that i would like to share, but i don't want this post to be too long.
Thank you for your time 😊
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