#i get it's fun and it might be a good movie but nevertheless it IS advertising a huge corporation who sells sexualised dolls
leaving-fragments · 1 year
reallyy good, short article about how the balance between business and art in film seems to have shifted toward business nowadays
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atlasofthestaars · 1 year
[MK X READER] New Era - Chapter .007
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NOTE:  Lots of fluff this time, hope you enjoyed! I uh, hurried to get this out before my work LMAO
Time for yet another poll this time about Kitana! These should be stopping soon, but I want to cram these all in before the Outworld Tourney arc so I can plan it out properly! 
As usual leave your thoughts, and I will be taking them into consideration up until a week after this chapter, aka when the tumblr poll ends.
About three chapters left of original content before rejoining with the main plot! I don’t think there are many other characters that people are interested in polling for after Kitana and Havik, but just know that chapter 10 is probably the last time I will accepting asks for love interests since by then I do want to cement how the characters will interact with the reader before we head off to Outworld.
Turns out that movie night is what you needed.
It didn’t fix all your problems, certainly not. If only it did. You still struggle with sleeping still. You aren’t certain how you were able to fall asleep so easily in that room, but you weren’t able to fall asleep quite as nicely afterwards.
You still worry and struggle to relax, and you weren’t certain if you were going to ever find a permanent solution to that. But you were inspired by Johnny to take up more activities to help loosen up more. You began to cook more, trying to chase the perfection that was Madam Bo’s cooking from the recipes that she had taught you. 
You ended up cooking more than you often needed, and outside of meal times, you were often too embarrassed to ask Liu Kang to help eat the food. You weren’t even certain if the fire god even enjoyed eating, or ate to simply accompany you so you did not eat alone. You always wondered that, but found it to be too awkward of a question to ask. Plus, he seemed happy enough to eat your cooking.
Nevertheless, you had a surplus of food that you could not throw away, so you thought of a different solution.
“You don’t have to give me this.” Kenshi said, a look of confusion on his face as you handed him a neatly packed box of food. It was still warm and you could faintly smell the goodness that was inside. Despite his words, you held it out to him insistently to the point where he took the food into his hands, a confused look on his face. 
“No, no I insist!” You say, brushing it off. “I’ve recently taken up cooking as a hobby again, so I’ve been cooking more than I usually do.” You explained, crossing your arms so the man could not hand back the food you had given him. “I don’t want food to go to waste, so I insist, really. Plus, I figured you’d be someone who would help critique me on what I need to improve.”
“Wouldn’t Kung Lao be better for this?” Kenshi inquired, though he did not look as against the situation as he originally did. He lifted the box up slightly, trying to examine the pristine way you had wrapped and packed the food. “He’s the one who likes food the best out of all of us.”
“He enjoys any food, he’d just eat it and compliment me to see if he could get more.” You pointed out, having thought this out. “Raiden would be too nice, he’d say I tried hard on it even if it was horribly seasoned and burnt. Johnny might have been a good choice, but I also think he might take me giving him food the wrong way.”
“I see.” The swordsman said, taking another look over the packaged food another time. You felt proud of yourself for how neatly you had done it. He paused, before sending you a small smile, and you mentally pat yourself on the back. “Thank you then, I’ll make sure to give you a thorough review of it.” 
“Good, because there will be plenty more where that came from.” You said confidently as you quickly shooed him off. “Now go back to training.” You nagged him. “And let me get out of here before Johnny Cage makes fun of me for being here on my off time again.” You whispered, scanning the area for the actor. 
You quickly left, leaving Kenshi standing there with a slightly stupefied expression. He glanced down at the box, a small smile on his lips. 
When was the last time he had tasted a home cooked meal made with care?
Sneaking a peek around the area, his curiosity tempted him too hard. He pulled at the packaging you put thought into, and opened the lid. It looked like the definition of made with love. He grabbed the utensils you had given him, and took a bit of the food, too curious about it.
It tasted amazing.
“You’re free to do whatever, just don’t kick their asses too hard.” 
It was a month after your short break, and despite your visit to the Lin Kuei temple a long while ago, it was only until now that Smoke could make time to help out your group. 
You shot the gray haired man a grin as you walked down the halls with the man. He let out a chuckle at your instruction, raising an eyebrow. The man seemed confident, probably due to you hyping him up for this day. You knew he would provide just the perfect challenge.
“Let me give you the rundown.” You said as you continued to guide him. “Kung Lao, you remember him, is doing great. He does have a bit of an ego though, so feel free to knock him down a peg. Raiden, the other person from the exam, is also doing well, but don’t let his innocent looking face take you off guard. Feel free to also go a bit harder on him, he needs the push.”
“It sounds like you want me to beat up your students rather than test them.” Tomas pointed out an amused tone in his voice as he glanced over to you. He was very expressive with his eyes, which was a trait you were thankful for since he was wearing his mask today for training. 
“Isn’t that the Lin Kuei way?” You teased before sighing as you put a hand on your left rib cage. “It’s been years, and I swear Bi-Han left a permanent bruise from his intensity.” You huffed. “Anyways, for the other two, let’s see…” You paused, thinking of what to say. “Johnny has a flashy way of fighting, don’t let the look of his fighting deter you, no matter how impractical it may look, he can still land a solid punch.” You let out another scoff. “Also, don’t let his words, whether positive or negative, take you off guard, he’s a real charmer.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s an actor, he has a way with words. He might try to butter you up so you’ll go easy on him. Or try to cast you in his movies.” You informed him, remembering back to the first time Johnny had tried to get you to join his movies after the tournament. “You’ll see what I mean.”
“Duly noted.” Smoke nodded, but you had a sense that you probably made him more curious rather than cautious. You watched as he subconsciously spun the karambit he fought with on his finger, doing tricks with it absentmindedly.
“Anyways, Kenshi has some more…practical practice with fighting, so he’s also a threat to look for.” You continued, purposefully being vague with Kenshi’s past for the sake of his privacy. “He fights with a katana, so I suppose you’ll be out ranged.” You pointed out, gesturing to the much shorter dagger he wielded.
“Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to close the gap.” The Lin Kuei man said, with a tone of confidence in his words. You smiled, remembering your old spars with him. He was always tricky to fight against, being able to easily slip in a fight to get right where he wanted. “Any other advice you have for me?”
“Nope, like I said, you’re pretty much free to do what you want.” You said with a small shrug. “They’ll learn a lot from fighting you.” 
The two of you made your way to the courtyard, where the group was gathered. They were waiting, and you could tell that it had probably only been a few minutes since the last master had been training with them.
“Gentlemen, I present with you today, a different person to spar.” You greeted as you rounded the corner with Smoke in tow. You gestured to your friend, a smile on your lips. “This is Tomas, otherwise known as Smoke. He’s from the Lin Kuei. and I chose him to help train you today.”
“Lin Kuei? Like the ones who broke my Hichuli?” Johnny asked, as he looked towards Smoke. He observed him for a moment before pointing at him. “Nice mask, by the way.” He commented before looking towards you again.
From the corner of your eye, you watched as Smoke was surprised by Johnny’s compliment.
“I remember you from the test.” Kung Lao said, walking up to take a closer look at the guest. He sized him up and down, crossing his arms as he did so. “We’re better trained now.” He declared, referring to Raiden and himself with confidence, “We can take you on without you pulling your punches.”
“Be careful what you wish for, Kung Lao.” You warned, sending him a look. “You may have been progressing very well with your training, but Tomas here is still a trained hunter, you know.” You gestured towards the gray clad man who took your praise well, but there was a hint of bashfulness you could glean from his face. 
“It is an honor to have you with us here, today.” Raiden spoke, bowing towards Smoke with utmost respect. You smiled, pleased at the respect he displayed. You could always rely on him to be modest. You watched as Kenshi also nodded in his direction. 
“Kung Lao, since you’re so confident, go ahead and step right up first.” You instructed, nodding towards Smoke who stepped forward to take the challenge. You crossed your arms and observed, feeling satisfied as you were proven right that Smoke provided just the right amount of challenge. He could do what the rest of you could not: attack from all sorts of angles with his teleportation techniques.
As Smoke finally knocked over the farmer, you strode over. You held a hand out for the man.
“Good job.” You praised both of the men. You gripped Kung Lao’s hand firmly as he grabbed yours, hoisting him up. You felt Kung Lao squeeze your hand briefly before releasing it, and you mentally noted how his hand felt with the callouses.
“You’ve improved since the exam.” Smoke added in, brushing himself off too. Even though Kung Lao had been ultimately beaten, you could see that he had still given the Lin Kuei member a run for his money at times. 
“Thank you.” Kung Lao said, seeming to have been humbled a bit more. An enthusiastic look appeared on his face as he tilted his head towards the two of you. “Soon enough I’ll be able to beat you though.” He said with confidence. “Especially when I get my hat.” He said, his tone dripping with excitement as he glanced at you before walking off to the side to rest up.
“A story for another time.” You said as Smoke sent you a curious look. “Kenshi!” You called the previous gang member up, and stepped back to observe the fight from the sidelines. You had your students rotate through, each of them fighting Smoke one on one. After the last match, you called for a break, letting them catch their breaths, especially Smoke who had been fighting all this time.
“You’re really making me work.” Smoke commented lightly as he took the water you handed him. 
“Just as you did when I helped you.” You reminded him, remembering how many Lin Kuei recruits he had made you spar on that day when you visited the temple. “Don’t think I forgot.” You teased as you brushed past him, purposely bumping into his shoulder in a playful manner. You felt his stare on you as you walked away to go talk to your students.
You approached all of them, giving tips to them, explaining what they could improve when they were called up to fight Smoke for another round. You smiled as you watched them absorb the information. Soon, you sent them all back to fight the Lin Kuei member once more.
“Alright, you’re all dismissed.” You declared as Kung Lao finished his round, you chose for him to go last this time since he went first the first round. You clapped your hands, and they nodded as they dispersed. You watched as both Kenshi and Smoke approached you, only for Johnny to distract the Lin Kuei member and whisk him away.
You’d have to make sure that the actor wasn’t roping the poor man into anything later.
“What’s up?” You inquired as the swordsman approached, but you had an inkling of an idea of what it was about, after all you’ve been hearing his food critiques for about a month now.
“The food today was great, as usual.” Kenshi informed you with a soft smile. He had certainly warmed up to you much more ever since your food gifting had begun. “I did notice though that…” And he went off on a small talk about your food, giving you helpful criticisms as usual. He was always honest, and seemed to put great thought into his reviews, which you dearly appreciated.
It felt all too familiar, and you felt nostalgia pull at your heart. While you didn’t have too many memories of Kenshi in your past life, you had enough to remember that he must have been a close confidant. Why else would you care so much about his opinions?
“I’ll be sure to do that next time.” You said, but your mind drifted off. While you had been cooking mainly Chinese cuisine, you briefly considered trying out Japanese cuisine for Kenshi. You opened your mouth to ask for his favorite food, but considered against it.
Maybe you can surprise him instead.
You think you remembered what you believed was his favorite food from the hazy memories that you had sorted through. You made a mental note to visit Madam Bo soon to try to ask for some advice for cooking it. After all, she was the best chef you knew.
You watched with a silent pride as the man walked off after giving you his short food review. You felt a presence approaching you, and you turned to see Tomas approaching with raised eyebrows. You returned his confused expression.
“You feed your students?” He asked, a tone of curiosity…and another emotion you couldn’t quite place. You let out a small laugh as you nodded.
“You overheard?” You asked, but you knew already that he must have if he was asking about it. You placed a hand on your hip. “I do, but just to Kenshi. I’ve been practicing the recipes that Madam Bo taught me, and I usually make too much and give some to him. He helps me out by critiquing them.”
“I see.” Smoke said, nodding. He paused for a moment, a look of consideration crossing his face. “All these years of knowing you, and I don’t think I’ve tried your cooking, I’m hurt.” He said, his voice taking a teasing tone at the end. You scoffed and rolled your eyes to match his playful energy.
“It’s nothing special, if you want real good food, you should try Madam Bo’s, she’s the real master.” You said, moving to cross your arms. “But now that you’ve mentioned it, you’re right. I haven’t cooked for you before.” You paused and considered something. “Maybe one day I should.”
“I’d like that.” Tomas said, his eyes crinkling at the edges as you assumed he smiled at you. You returned the smile.
“I’ll make plans for it, then.” You said, trying to think of an appropriate time to cook for him…or maybe you should invite the other Lin Kuei ninjas too. You began to calculate in your head some plans. It was only until you saw Smoke extend his pinky in front of your face that your train of thought was derailed. “A pink promise?” You inquire with a mock offended tone, “What, you don’t trust me?”
“I do, I just want an excuse to hold it over you in case you forget.” Tomas said. letting out a small laugh. You sighed dramatically as you rolled your eyes. Nevertheless, you extended your pinky and hooked it around his, playing along.
It was a little silly, but seeing the promise between you was a bit charming. A small delightful tingle was left on your skin where it had made contact with his as your pinkies unraveled from his. You wondered briefly if it was a side effect of his power, but didn’t try to question it too much, just savoring how it felt.
“I’ll hold you to your word, then.”
“The first prototype of Kung Lao’s hat is here.” 
Turning around, you saw Liu Kang approach as he carried a small box. You approached him, grabbing the box from his hands. It was lighter than you expected, and walked over to set it down on a table so you could inspect it properly.
It took longer than you were expecting to get this first prototype. Another month had passed between when you had Smoke help you and now. The days seemed to be passing quickly, and the months leading to the Outworld tournament were dwindling slowly.
You weren’t certain to be nervous about the time to train these men were quickly running out, or to be excited that soon you were going to finally visit Outworld.
“Interesting.” You remarked as you held up the razor sharp ring of metal up from out of the box. It seemed it was the main blade that was supposed to attach to the edge of the hat. For now, it was still unattached. You were careful as you traced the edge of the blade, but hissed as you accidentally cut yourself on it. “Sharper than it looks.”
“Indeed.” Liu Kang said. you saw a crease of worry appear on his face as he noticed the look of pain on your face. You set down the blade, going to go inspect your finger where it had cut you. You squinted down, seeing a bead of blood beginning to form. It was a bigger cut than you were ready for, it extended to two of the joints of your pointer finger.
Carefully, the fire god grabbed your hand. You blinked owlishly as he carefully lifted up your hand to inspect it, not knowing what to exactly say or do. He let out a small hum as he noticed the small amount of blood. As if he were touching something delicate, he wiped away the blood with his thumb.
His touch was always so gentle, so warm.
“You carry a medical kit with you, yes?” The protector of Earthrealm inquired. You nodded, not noticing how you were spaced out. You reached around to grab it out of your pocket. You handed it to him, feeling a bit touched he remembered that fact about you. 
Liu Kang took it from you, and you watched as he carefully took the supplies out of the pack. He carefully made sure to clean the blood away before he spread some petroleum jelly on your skin. You tried not to flinch at the contrast of the cold jelly and his warm skin. Then, he carefully wrapped your finger up with a band aid.
“Thank you.” You quickly said, briefly stupefied at the actions of the god. You could have cleaned and mended your cut yourself, and yet you found yourself not wanting to mention that fact to him. Maybe he just thought it was easier for him to patch your wounds for you. There was no reason to overthink things, the fire god was just as friendly to you as he is to everyone else.
“No problem.” Liu Kang replied warmly as he packed up your medical pack and handed it back to you. You swallowed as you took it back, tucking the pack back into one of your pockets. You avoided his glowing eyes as you picked up the box.
“It’s time to deliver this to Kung Lao.” You announced, before walking briskly off. You tried not to think about why you were all of a sudden feeling tongue tied over such a small gesture. You ignored how you felt his stare linger on you for maybe a little too long as you walked off.
You were overthinking things lately, honestly.
“This looks better than I envisioned!” Kung Lao marveled as he looked over the blade you were presenting to him. You basked in the beam he sent your way, and you felt a sense of satisfaction wash over you as you were watching the man’s dream come to life before your very eyes. 
And you were the cause of it.
“I think it looks good too.” You remarked. You instinctively pulled the blade away as Kung Lao tried to touch the edge. You had been reminded of what happened earlier, and ignored how your face wanted to warm up at the memory. “Be careful, the blade is sharper than it looks.” You warn. You hesitate for a moment, before gently handing it to him.
You probably shouldn’t be as cautious as you were being. He was going to wield this razor hat one way or another. You watched with bated breath as he took it from you. Your nerves turned to pride as you watched him inspect it, flipping it over as he murmured to himself.
It felt right, watching him with the blade. Why were you so worried in the first place?
“Oh, and here’s the hat, compare it to the blade to see if you like the fit.” You remarked as you stooped down to pick it up. You heard the sound of metal falling as you lifted the hat up. You looked down, puzzled, as you knelt down to inspect it.
It was a small piece of metal. It had no marks, but it was too small to be any piece of a blade. Was this a piece of scrap metal? You chose not to question it, grabbing it as you stood up. You handed the hat to him, along with the piece of metal.
“Here’s the hat.” You started, before gesturing to the small piece of metal. “Not sure what this is for, but this was also in there too.” You said, shrugging. You watched as he gladly took the hat. There was a look of recognition that appeared on his face as he saw the piece of metal in your hand. He quickly snatched it out of your hand before tucking it away in a pocket.
Odd, but it wasn’t suspicious enough to question him. Or at least, you weren’t bothered enough to.
“Thanks!” He said. You watched as he put the blade along the edge of the hat. Carefully, he put the hat on, holding the blade to the edge with his hands. He tilted the hat down, masking the fact that he had to hold the blade and the hat together by striking a pose. “How do I look?”
A wave of nostalgia washed over you as you looked at the pose. You don’t remember when was the last time you had been hit with it this strongly. You were speechless as you looked at him. You knew he wanted to make a hat with multiple blades, but something about a simple blade hat felt right.
Maybe you should try and make him a different version of this hat, one that felt closer to the memories you had. 
A small memory of teasing and laughing with a much cockier version of Kung Lao filled your mind as you looked fondly at the man. You sucked in a breath as you nodded.
“You look great.” You complimented, and you truly meant it. “The hat really suits you, I can’t wait to see how it’ll look when it’s finished.” You watched as a grin grew on Kung Lao’s face, and you spotted a bit of pink on his cheeks. He seemed to absorb the praise well, and for a moment you almost reconsidered taking back the compliment. It was clearly letting it inflate his ego.
Then again, it made him happy, so you said nothing to rain on his parade.
“Of course I do.” Kung Lao said smugly as he took the hat off. He looked at it again, the same way you would think a father would look at their own kid. You held back a chuckle. He was really enthusiastic about this hat, wasn’t he?
“You can mess with it for a while, whether it be practicing with the blade or making notes for the blacksmith.” You informed him. “I’ll be taking it back with the box whenever you are ready to return it to get it worked on again.” 
“Got it.” He nodded. “Thanks for this, again.” You watched as the Fengjian farmhand took one last look at the hat before stowing again in the box and running off. Whether it was to test out the blade or to make design notes, you weren’t sure. 
Either way, you felt happy.
“You’ve improved a lot.” You remark as you watch Raiden run through a combination again. He was a far cry from the man you remembered from the beginning. You looked up at the stars, reflecting back to those days with a wistful look.
Time was passing by fast, and you were reminded of that as you noted how much more confident Raiden seemed in his strikes. You crossed your arms as you fixed the man with a stare, watching him take pause after he finished the combination.
“Really?” He asked, a small smile on his face. He had an almost shy look on his face as he turned to look at you. You nodded in response, and he stood there for a moment before looking away. “How so?” He asked, a curious look on his face.
“Well, for one, you’re not making as many mistakes anymore.” You pointed out, holding back a small chuckle. “Actually, do that combination again.” You said, finding it ironic that you were probably going to have to take back the praise you had just given him,
You watched him as he did the combination again, and noticed the error in his form. You couldn’t help the laugh that left your lips. The irony of it all.
“Okay, poor timing.” You remarked. You tried instructing him on how to correct him form, but watched as he kept on missing the critical error. You felt a bit bad, maybe it was because you had just been mentioning how he had been improving and now he was a bit psyched out. You walked up to him. “Here, you need to land like this.”
Gently, you grabbed his arms and moved them into the proper position. You twisted his hands to face the right way. Then, you nudged his legs apart to make sure they were spaced apart properly. You hummed as you leaned in close, inspecting his form now. 
“Just like that.” You said softly, as you removed your hands from him. You backed up, looking him up and down. You looked up to his face, raising an eyebrow as you saw him avoid eye contact, his face a bit pink. “You understand now, Raiden?”
“Um, I…” Raiden stumbled on his words, his voice a little panicked as he looked down at himself before nodding. “Yes, I get it now.” He said quickly. You tilted your head, a bit confused at his change in demeanor. 
“It’s okay if you don’t.” You reassured him, sensing he was nervous. Was he all caught up in trying to be perfect after your praise? You had a feeling that wasn’t the reason, but you couldn’t quite understand what else it would be. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad by praising you then correcting you.” You told him, trying to make sure he felt better. “I can help correct your form again if you need me to.”
“I should be good.” The former Fengjian farmhand said, his voice still a bit antsy. He shifted out of the form before facing the dummy. He took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. You nodded at him, and watched with satisfaction as he did the combination much better this time. “How was that?” He asked, a bit skeptical of his own performance.
“Excellent.” You praised, clapping your hands. “See, even if you mess up, you take critiques very well.” You pointed out with a smile. “It’s honestly impressive how quickly you can adapt sometimes now.” You continued. “I don’t think I was as quick of a learner as you are.”
“Really?” Raiden inquired, his eyebrows rising in surprise. “I can hardly imagine you not being excellent at fighting.” He commented, rubbing the back of his neck. “You just seem to be so talented at it, in all honesty. It’s admirable.”
“You flatter me too much.” You said, but still took the praise happily. You’d never admit it, but you enjoyed it whenever people praised your fighting skills. “I just have a lot of experience under my belt.” How much training you truly had, you had no idea, but he didn’t need to know that detail. “I do want you to know that I truly mean it when I say you’ve improved greatly, despite what just happened.”
“You are too kind.” Raiden said, nodding his head at your praise. “I hope to live up to your expectations for me.” 
“Oh Raiden,” You chuckled, covering your smile with your hand. You looked at the man fondly, shaking your head. “You already have.” You admitted. And it was true, he always went above and beyond for training, putting in more hours than anyone else did. He was truly dedicated to getting better.
The bashful look on his face, you had to admit, was rather amusing. You grinned. You felt bad, it was almost a bit fun to try and tease the man and see what got him flustered. Maybe you were being a bit of a bully, but you would never really admit that.
“I’ve only managed to get this far because I have such a wonderful mentor.” Raiden said, and you felt a bit warm as he turned the praise back on you. Sure, he had praised you just recently, but there was something about the way he said it that made this particular compliment feel special. The smile that decorated his face only added to it. “So, thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being such a wonderful person.”
part eight
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mammalsofaction · 1 month
Hi I wanted to ask you about a fanfic idea? You don’t have to answer this but I have a couple ideas and I’ve been to busy to really put it to use.
You know in the movie into the 2nd dimension where Perry’s able to hold up 2 kids, 1 teen, and a fully grown evil scientist. I thought of the idea of what would happen if his host family saw that or if he got a bit to rough with Dr d during a fight.
You might have already had this idea or have even already done it but i thought it would be a fun short fic or something.
Early Days
Rating: G
Relationships: Bg Lawrence Fletcher/Linda Flynn-Fletcher
Characters: Linda Flynn-Fletcher, Lawrence Fletcher, Perry the Platypus, Heinz Doofenshmirtz mentioned, Flynn Fletcher siblings mentioned
Add tags: Non graphic depiction of violence, non graphic depiction of injuries, family feels, light angst, PnF S1 Hail Doofania, human Perry the Platypus, mute Perry the Platypus
A/N: This takes place in the early days of Perry and Heinz's nemesis ship. In the episode Hail Doofania in S1, Perry spends almost the entire episode wearing a protective collar. His flashback shows us that Heinz pushed him down a sandpaper making factory that tore up the fur on his body, making Linda suspect he's scratching himself up due to some sort of rash.
In the human!Perry version, I take this further to mean that he's wearing some sort of neck brace, meaning that Heinz had--at some point early in their relationship--had hurt him quite bad. I thought it's fitting to fulfil the ask. Perry still calls Heinz 'Doofenshmirtz'.
This fic mainly centres around Perry's relationship with Linda and Lawrence, and how they worry for him. The boys are maybe 5 years old here, making Candace 10.
If you want to understand the reference to Ferb's mom, i recommend reading my human Perry lore post linked in my pinned post.
Im sorry this took so long @salty-frenchfry . Between life happening and my laptop going Ka-put, finding the time to properly address this ask took longer than I'd like. I never forgot it though! I hope this little short is ok 😭
In his line of work, injuries were unavoidable.
Often times, they were easy enough to hide. Bruises were most common. Perry's long since taken to keeping a spare set of make-up with a replenishable bottle of concealer on his person, whether that be the dash of his hovercar or the storage box beneath the seat of his scooter. And what the concealer couldn't hide, his sleeves and long trouser pants could.
He's good enough at what he does. That being said, sometimes Doofenshmirtz gets a lucky shot.
Linda stormed into his private ward like an avenging angel, and Lawrence trails behind her in a more sedate, nevertheless eager pace. The nurse, as well as a be-suited nameless OWCA insurance representative slips out silently to leave him to their harried concerns, though not before the former sends him a small smile for good luck. The married couple barely notices.
"What happened?" Linda demands. Lawrence makes himself at home in the bedside chair, letting his wife take charge of the mother henning for now. "The hospital told us you'd gotten involved in a car accident? Oh Perry, your handsome face." She cried, bottom lip wobbling, and if Perry didn't have his left hand in a cast and his body completely leaden with drugs, he would have reached out to reassure her. As it was, he could only attempt to do what he can with a strained smile.
He hadn't known, until this point, what excuse OWCA had given the Flynn Fletchers to obfuscate the circumstances surrounding the severity of his injuries, but he really should have guessed. OWCA loved car accidents. In truth, he'd lost his balance over the edge of a rooftop while fighting with Doofenshmirtz, and he'd somehow managed to push Perry over. Perry had fallen through a roof of a sandpaper making factory, down 20 feet onto some crates and toppling heavy machinery. He'd almost broken his neck, fractured his left wrist, dislocated his left knee joint (the side that had broken his fall) and his face looks like he'd gone 5 rounds with Mohammad Ali. Thankfully he'd found he'd managed to thwart Doofenshmirtz's scheme anyway (he'd thrown a shoe into the revealed gearwork of his Unpaved-Inator, a machine designed to revert paved walk lanes into unstable cobbled paths. As if Danville didn't suffer from enough sabotage in terms of accessible walkable infrastructure), so at the very least, it was not a complete failure. The paperwork would've been impossible, instead of just insufferable.
He'd been given a voice to text machine by his bedside by his functional hand, a small voice box in respect to his disability, and he uses it to lie in it's emotionless vaguely feminine robotic voice. "T-boned into a truck running a red light." He says. OWCA would take this lie and run with it later. "Thrown onto the road. Think it slipped."
Linda and Lawrence made appropriately sympathetic noises. When Perry lolled his head to the side, he realizes his brother-in-law looks far more haggard than he'd initially noticed; red rimmed eyes and a glassy smile. Stiff upper lip. Well. Ferb had gotten it from someone. "You'd scared the children out of their wits, Perry." He says quietly, likely to conceal the shaking in his voice. "They're waiting in the car as we speak. None of us had quite the appetite for dinner after we'd gotten the news."
The strained smile slips into a slightly more sincere, more painful smirk. "Just the kids?" Perry asked, and Lawrence barks in laughter that sounds far too similar to a sob.
He can't imagine what he sees, what it must've been for him to have gotten the news. OWCA had told him it was a car accident too, for Ferb's mother nearly 5 years ago to the dot, now.
He'd not even got to see the body, then.
His heart squeezes in guilt, an all too familiar ache. Lawrence had been through enough: the point of a stable nemesis ship was to avoid injuries of such a caliber. To provide stability, safety. Security. Perry didn't want Linda, didn't want the kids, to ever worry about whether he would come home, especially not with the line of work he tells them he's involved in.
A gentle knock on the door heralds a familiar face: a specialist Perry had seen once or twice walking down the corridors of OWCA's medical bay as an emergency field medic, sans the white fedora with a red band denoting his position within the organisation.
This time he was simply wearing a signature Doctor's lab coat, holding a clipboard and flanked by a pocky young adult in scrubs, buzzing with caffeine. "Flynn-Fletchers?" He requested gently. Linda makes an affirmative noise, and the duo welcomes themselves inside the ward with that familiar professional smile.
"He's got banged up pretty bad out there." The doctor offers in a vague, sympathetic manner. "Has he told you what happened?"
Perry thinks he sees Lawrence and Linda share an unreadable look. "A car accident." Lawrence echoes hesitantly. "With a truck?"
The unnamed doctor nods, writing something down on his clipboard, likely the cover story he would need to report back to Francis shortly. "The impact had broken his collar bones and given him a mild concussion." He reports. The pocky nurse at hands out a print of Perry's X-ray reports, and Perry watches the married couple analyse the given print like it was anything comprehensible. "He'd landed on his left side, fracturing his left wrist, up to the back of his ulna, so we're casting it for now. No surgery beyond the one we've done to his collarbones immediately upon his arrival to the AnE, which has already been covered by his work insurance."
This seems to surprise Linda. " As an accountant?"
The doctor doesn't even blink. "Seems like it. Good health insurance plan. We're assigning him to a couple more days in the hospital to watch over his condition, and about 2 months bedrest before he can go back to work. If everything goes smoothly, we can discharge him by the end of the week. Any questions?"
"Paid vacation?"
It's a question asked through the robotic monotone of Perry's given voicebox. The doctor gives Perry a secretive, sympathetic smile for the unspoken concerns he understands far too well. "I'm afraid you will have to ask your superiors. My influence remain within these walls, I'm afraid. But I'll put in a good word."
Perry sighs. It comes out weaselly and creaky, and Lawrence reaches forward to squeeze his uninjured shoulder in reassurance. "Thanks, doc." Perry says, because he wasn't an animal.
"My pleasure." He says, which must've been some sort of cue. The pocky nurse moves to exit, leaving them with the X-Ray prints, and holding the door open. "I'll let you get your rest, and you may refer to Consultation for any questions regarding visitation hours. We'll be able to greenlight him tomorrow."
Linda and Lawrence thank him, watching him leave before they redirect their attention back to Perry's prone form.
Linda has her lips pursed in displeasure. "Your boss doesn't really want you back so soon after your accident, would they?"
Perry sighs again. This time, the exhales brings his attention to his parched throat. "I can't say." He types into the voicebox. It's not the answer she was looking for, he can tell from the continued sour look of her face. Lawrence face becomes even more pained.
"Can you promise you won't be doing this again?" He requests, and while his throat and his guilt tears him from the inside out, Perry lets himself chuckle lightly.
"I can't help these things, Lawrence."
The silence that follows is heavy with things Perry feels they're both keeping from each other. Linda sits heavily in the chair next to her husband, and reaches out to squeeze his hand, hanging limply by the armrest. Lawrence looks him in the eye, pointedly silent, and he smiles something wane and unreadable.
"No," he says. "No, I don't suppose you can."
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Interesting First Dates with the Demon Slayer Hashiras
Just wanted to compile a little something else for y'all teehee- (some of these will be more on the modern side than others, all of these headcanons feature pre-established relationships fyi)
Text Key:
Normal text: you, the reader
Italicized text: the character in question
He's an antisocial person, not to mention he's pretty aloof to begin with. So naturally you don't want to make him uncomfortable, and frankly neither does he.
So when you guys are discussing first date ideas, you both didn't want to go with the generic dinner or movie, hell staying in sounded boring also.
"You know what I just thought about Muichiro?"
"Hm? What's up (y/n)?"
"I heard that there's an orchard nearby, and it's open to the public-"
"Say less let's go."
So you guys went, turns out it was an apple orchard. So that means you'll have fresh apples for you both and maybe some of the other hashira.
Once you both returned to headquarters, you both had two baskets each filled to the brim with apples and you didn't know what to do. So you both decided to just make cider out of some, give a basket to the mess hall, save a basket for each of you. And whatever was left you both divided equally among the other hashira.
Mitsuri, obviously, is the love hashira. Love is practically her brand.
So you expected something extremely lavish, like a five star four course dinner or something. Hell maybe she might get some help from Uzui who knows?
But instead, she decided that for your first date, you both are gonna go to a wine/sake tasting.
"Mitsuri where are we going?-"
"You'll see soon enough, I promise!"
So you guys get to the winery and distillery, you looked at her rather confused. What were you both doing here?
But as you went inside, you realized what this was all about.
And Mitsuri was about to put you onto some really good wine and sake?
Say fucking less.
"You liking this so far (y/n)?"
"How come I haven't known about these types of events before? Or what good wine is?"
Needless to say you guys had a really good time, and went home a little tipsy.
The serpent hashira isn't really one for dates.
Moreover, Obanai didn't believe in them at first simply because he didn't think they were a necessary requirement to court with someone.
However, he noticed that you went to the cemetery dedicated to fallen demon slayers a lot.
He was always curious about it, so he asked if he can accompany you.
But he wouldn't outright say he wants to be with you, he'd probably make up some kind of excuse.
"Obanai it's okay if you just want to be with me when I go, I don't mind."
"W-what're you talking about? I just want to go with you to ensure your safety. There's no telling who can be out there..."
And you can tell he's lying because his face gets red, and his snake hides it's face.
Nevertheless though, he went with you and when he saw you at one of your relatives graves, he couldn't help but feel a little grateful he decided to go with you.
It's something he'll definitely never forget, and afterwards he felt bad not only for lying but also your loss. So you guys decided to explore the rest of the cemetery for the day.
Given that he's on the more competitive side, it's only natural that Sanemi would want to make your first date a fun challenge.
What better way to get a fun competitive spirit going on in your relationship with him than video games?
"Soooo what're we playing Sanemi?"
"Uh, well what do you want to play? Your choice not mine I'm indecisive as fuck."
So you picked up an iconic guitar.
Yes, you're gonna play guitar hero.
Sanemi was surprisingly really good... on the easiest difficulty that is.
You on the other hand have been playing this for so long that you can play it on almost max difficulty.
"oh yeah, it's on. You pick the song we're putting that shit on max difficulty."
So you chose a song you knew by heart, whatever that may be
And the way that this man was closed in on the game, it gave you chills.
Needless to say his determination paid off and he won lol.
You guys didn't want to go out but at the same time you didn't want to stick with the generic movie and eventual make out session.
Luckily, in your boredom, you started thinking about all of the art supplies you've accumulated over the years.
Then you remembered something you recently bought.
"Hey Kyojuro I'll be right back, just need to grab something real quick."
"Alright my darling flame, take your time."
So you came back not even five minutes later with a huge pallet of face paints and brushes varying in size. Along with some water in a glass and a paper plate
"Hey Kyo I need you to take off your shirt and tie your hair up for me."
"Um, okay? What do you have plotted my little flame?"
"You'll see, now hold still."
So you painted on his back, seeing as how you didn't have any other canvases available at the time.
And he was really still too, it was truly a testament to his own discipline. Which was pretty strong in your opinion.
"Okay, now don't move... alright you're good, just don't lean back."
You showed him a picture of the landscape you painted on his back, and his jaw just dropped in pure awe.
"You like it?"
"I must say my sunflower, you definitely have quite the artistic expression! Well done beautiful."
"... you wanna try?"
He didn't even hesitate, he had you raise your shirt and he just started painting. You could tell by the strokes he was pretty skilled.
After that he took a photo of what he painted on you and showed you.
"Oh, wow. T-that's beautiful, how come you never told me you painted?"
"Well, I just figured it wasn't necessary, why? Are you that enamored by my artistic skills, my love?"
Truth be told, she had a few errands to run for the butterfly estate
You decided to tag along and make it more enjoyable for her, she never really liked going out alone anyways.
"Where are we heading out to?"
"I have to pick up some stuff from the apothecary, who knows, maybe we'll find something we'll both enjoy for later!"
So you guys went in, found everything you needed for the butterfly estate, and ended up picking up some bath bombs for a bath later at night.
"Shinobu, my love my light, that one has glitter in it-"
"Oh don't worry dear, this isn't for us."
"Please don't tell me you plan on glitter bombing Giyuu again-"
She simply smiled, knowing damn well she had not the purest of intentions
Nevertheless you both returned home and put one of the bath bomb to use
It was always relaxing for you guys, after all, you both wouldn't mind just basking in each other's company if the day would allow for it.
This man... has three wives.
And now that you're in the mix you kinda felt out of place a bit.
Little did you know that you'd be scooped up from training with Obanai that day and taken elsewhere.
"Babe I was training-"
"That's unflashy of you, let's go do something fun. Besides I've already got something aligned."
"I- okay by all means."
Yeah there was really no protesting this one.
He noticed that you've been becoming a little closed off so he decided to take you on a date. Just you and him.
Once you both got to where you needed to be, you noticed it was a dance studio.
"Oh god I'm gonna trip over my own two feet-"
The class entailed lessons in bachata, which is a type of Hispanic dance similar to salsa and rumba.
And knowing you, you didn't have any dance experience, like at all.
However, you know you're a fast learner, and so is Tengen.
And you soon realized that dancing with this hunk of a man you called your boyfriend wasn't so bad after all.
Matter of fact, it was exhilarating knowing that the both of you could be this intimate without ya know, doing the do or even without words.
"You enjoying this at all? Your face is pretty red there."
"I- hush, it's not like yours isn't either."
"Darling, my face is red because I'm sweating. Yours is red because you're embarrassed. I gotcha, don't worry."
And with that said you decided to just let go of any concerns you had. Allowing Tengen to take the lead with the dance.
Overall it was a good time, also really good exercise seeing as how you both kinda nodded off after you got home.
Given how he's blind, there are many things that you kinda felt like he missed out on, despite being able to see the transparent world.
However, you knew one thing that brought him comfort was his faith in his religion.
He never really talked about it, but when he did, he'd become so overwhelmed with emotion that he'd just cry.
Which you didn't mind, it's his faith and he's allowed to get as emotional as he needs to.
"(y/n), there's a place I want to show you. Why don't you join me?"
"Oh, okay, lead the way Gyo."
So he takes you to a grand building, one made of gold and beautiful teakwood. The sight taking your breath away as he smiled at you.
"Gyomei, is this the temple you always talk about?"
"Yes, it's a beautiful sight. But there's something in the back I want to show you."
So he takes your hand, greets the monks, and quickly leads you to the back where a beautiful butterfly garden resided. A huge Buddha statue in the middle of a koi pond.
You stood there flabbergasted, how could one small area be so beautiful?
Gyomei motioned for you to sit next to him, which you did, leaning your head on his shoulder as he took this time to pray.
You were never the religious type, but something told you to come here more often. With Gyomei by your side of course.
He's rather reserved, kinda like Muichiro however he's willing to interact with people if he has to.
However asking you on your first date with him was so unfathomably hard for him that he had to pull the rizz duo (Kyojuro and Tengen) to help him out.
And boy did they help, well, aside from Tengen picking you up like a sack of potatoes and running to the beach.
But once you got there, Kyojuro told you to close your eyes. Which you did.
And by the time you were set onto the sand you were like "Okay what the fuck is going on more importantly where is my boyfriend?"
"I'm right here, my treasure."
So you open your eyes to see Giyuu, at this point Kyojuro and Tengen were running away giggling like schoolgirls. Your boyfriend's faint smile, however, distracted you from the fact that you were basically kidnapped and taken here.
"Giyuu, are those horses?" You asked, looking at the two beautiful mares that stood before you.
"Yes, they are... I'll admit, Rengoku-san and Uzui-san did have a hand in helping me plan this. But I hope you'll enjoy everything that's in store for tonight. So come on, ride with me for a few."
On the outside, you're stunned.
But on the inside you're jumping up and down with glee, knowing that you'll be able to ride a horse for the first time in a very long time.
And it didn't take long for Giyuu to find out you're a skilled equestrian.
It made him proud though, knowing that you like doing something else other than training all the time.
"I see that someone's enjoying themselves?"
"Yes, I very much am. Thank you Giyuu, this means so much to me."
Afterwards you got off your horses and gave them back to their handler, which Giyuu thanked him immensely.
"So... what now?"
"I figured maybe we could walk along the shoreline? If that's okay with you?"
My GOD this man is flustered beyond comprehension. But through his insecure words, you knew he meant well and what he says, he means wholeheartedly.
You guys walk the shoreline until sundown, then afterwards he treats you to a nice dinner on the beach. Albeit it was small but it was still super intimate and nice.
Truly, you wouldn't rather spend your time any other way. As long as you were with Giyuu, nothing else mattered.
Regardless though, I truly hope you all enjoyed these interesting headcanons! Feel free to leave a request!
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starboysbrainrot · 3 months
got a few asks in the last days asking me what ships I liked in atla, and so let’s do a quick recap here of what ship I like and why. (no proshit stuff on my blog dw) reminder that I am a multishipper so yes you should see fan arts of all these knuckleheads at least 1 time on my blog if atla keeps inspiring me to draw.
let’s start with the canon ones !
kataang : when platonic very sweet, i just think that their development in season 3 is a bit wacky, but i enjoy them nevertheless, ESPECIALLY in fanfics (i spend my summer in 2022 reading kataang fics, that was my personal therapy for a bit lol). my only problem is that i have a lot of issues with some kataang fans, and that made me loose interest in the ship in 2020-2021. (before getting back on board) + I’m a platonic kataang stan
sukka : an all time favorite of mine ! absolutely love their development in the series. I hope to see more of them in the movies (if we get to see Suki !)
jetara : ooooh my, as a kid i hated that ship but in late teen years i started really liking the conflicting feelings such a ship holds. the few fics I’ve read about them made me sob like a baby lol
jinko : one word : adorable
non-canon ones :
zutara : that ship has been a fundamental part of my teenage years and even now it holds a special place in my heart. I read many good fics about them, and the special bond they share in the series still makes me emotional after all those years. I personally enjoy the ship platonically but also romantically. I just have a lot of issues with some zutarians.
zukka : a ship that I personally had never considered (and seriously idk why cuz they’re such a fun ship) before gaining back my atla hyperfixation in 2023. lots of very sweet fan arts and the fics !! absolutely adore them
jetko : another personal favourite of mine. I just adore the dynamic, the angst, and the gut wrenching thought that the canon gave us a doomed relationship between them from the beginning. the potential such a ship holds is what made me liked them in the first place.
taang : ooooh the sillies !!! I love them so much. they’re I think my favourite platonic ship. I usually read about them when I feel down. I just like how they’re complete each others and the special bond they share in canon.
sutara : probably my fav wlw ship in atla after mailee. they have so much potential, and the “badass duo” dynamic has always been a favorite of mine haha.
azulee : toxic doomed Yuri, but if we’re speaking seriously, I really think that their dynamic is very interesting. not my fav ship for ty Lee but it’s still a very cool ship if you ask me.
mailee : these two <3 idk i just love the grumpy x sunshine when it’s done right and for me they are the only ship in atla that can do that dynamic correctly.
azutara : another ship I discovered recently but damn is it interesting. the possibilities !! there is so much to explore here and i absolutely love that
zuki : as much as i despise the comics… that’s one good thing that came out of it !! they have a very interesting relationship and there’s something especially sweet with these two that i really like.
harutara : a ship i don’t see very often in the fandom but they’re cute !! like that’s legit why i like them. no drama, no hard feelings, just fluff
jetkotara : is it possible to have a more angst-concentrated ship ? I don’t think so. on a more lighthearted note, the idea of zuatara sharing the same ex makes me wheeze. also it’s might just be my fav polyship in atla
suki/sokka/zuko : do they have a ship name ?? idk but I love that dynamic. again it’s a rare treat in that fandom but I love it nonetheless.
I think that’s all. the only ship that I don’t really like is maiko, but that’s purely personal. I thought that their relationship was rocky at best and toxic at worst in the series. but absolutely no hate to the maiko shippers ! y’all have are some really skilled artists and I’m always in awe of your fan arts.
so anyways. if you have others ships that you like, feel free to share it here under that post. my blog will always be a safe space for shipping.
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ramayantika · 1 year
Old desiblr as a locality post
A day in Desiblr gully
It's 5am and some of them are going to sleep now after having a good screentime duration while posting, "I need to stop being chronically online." Some of the artists are busy decorating their walls with their dream vacation and outfits photos and calling it a moodboard. Their houses look the prettiest because everything is set according to an aesthetic.
It's 7am now. The early risers are posting good morning messages and other teens are getting ready for catching their school vehicles while liveblogging their activities before eating one last morsel of their breakfast. A random 18 year old is getting scolded by his friend to not skip meals again or she will come with a knife. College going peeps are watching all of this silently. Some are glad that they are done with school. No more waking up at 6 and getting ready while some feel nostalgic looking at these kids doing the things they once did.
"Guys aaj meine aloo paratha banayi hai!" A girl posts a photo of makhan maar ke aloo paratha and few others immediately rush inside her house to have her delicious parathe. Someone then says, "yaar mujhe bhi aisi parathe bannani hai."
It's 12pm. The gully is a little silent now. Students preparing for competitive exams are studying. School going kids are busy with school while desperately wanting to rush home to their Desiblr gully and narrate what Mrs A said to their friend or the latest drama in their lives. Some people have saved paintings and poetry quotes to tag their friends who always stand with them and appreciate their work. They never tell them this, but they know that if they make it big in publishing something, a major credit will go to their friends for reading or appreciating their work.
And finally it's 3pm. The sun is high up in the sky. The lanes are filled with chitter chatter of school kids coming back. Some are announcing that they finally proposed their crush while some are busy debating if the said person likes them or not. Their faces are a little tired but their hearts are brimming with enthusiasm. It's good to be home. They eagerly head home and freshen themselves.
'I need to thank didi for sharing those maths tips. Only due to her, I got 97% in maths."
Here everybody eats lunch together. There are tables and mats laid in the common garden. So many dishes belonging to different cuisines prepared by everyone from different states of India is served here. There are sweets and very spicy foods. Some got local desi refreshing drinks to beat the summer while some got their delicious homemade achaar.
Do you hear someone singing? Yeah they are the singers of our neighbourhood. It's a desi mehfil. Some of them have been training in music while some join in to vibe. It's a fun activity nevertheless. The mic is open, you can join in anytime.
It's 5pm. Some of them took an afternoon nap and woke up dazed. A tent is set up. It's a cultural evening today, I think. Wait for it, we may not have the best costumes and stage arrangements but we have got some talented performers. Love lorn poets have got their poems out, the dancers are dancing on movie songs while some choose devotional pieces. Look at her, she sings so well! The crowd is singing with her too. Wait for another hour and you will see some of our amazing photographers and painters with their brilliant artistry.
Now everybody is heading to study and take cars of their other jobs. Some are cleaning their homes (blogs) and painting the walls after they saw a movie and want their house (blog theme) to match the colour scheme. Is there a warm happy feeling in your heart? There is always this feeling in the air here.
Well this small neighbourhood is pretty and chaotic. Sometimes you might feel as if you do not fit in. Everyone looks intimidating. Their are scuffles and fights too at times. But just wait for a while and give time, you will find your own circle too. Be prepared to take care of some absolute unhinged friends too for they be taking some really impulsive decisions.
I think it's 10pm now. Some are having dinner right now with their friends. There is a boy busy completing his assignments after procrastinating the whole day (he made his friends bully him to make him complete it)
Do you know we maybe young, very young but we got hearts and somewhere a little wisdom too. This is the place to be yourself the way you are. You don't need to pretend here. We cry loudly and laugh loudly too. Our friends have seen the best and worst of us yet they choose to stay with us through thick and thin.
It's midnight. Someone announced that they are leaving this place saying, "it's time to move on friends. You all made my life brighter and I am so grateful for each on you." See how every person goes and hugs them. Some have started crying but they all choose to let them go. It's only for the best, they say. 'Just remember us in your memories. We wish you all the best, friend! Goodbye! Our doors will always be open for you if you ever decide to come back.'
It's dawn once again. Someone will come up with a new poem as an aubade to wake up sleepy heads for school. O look, a group of girls are singing devotional songs. It's a beautiful start, isn't it.
This is our colourful little community. Humari Desiblr gully...
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whispering-ways · 1 year
•♡✷ matched hearts (pt. 1) ✷♡•
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✷ summary: shinsou downloads a dating app and starts talking to you
✷ pairing: hitoshi shinsou x reader
✷ tags: no warnings, just fluff!
✷ notes: slanted texts indicate actual text messages (purple is shinsou, white is reader) :)
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Shinsou wasn’t a big fan of dating apps. He wasn’t even a big fan of talking to the people around him nevertheless new people. It’s not that he didn’t like people, he liked his friends of course, it was just hard to maintain a conversation with people is all.
But seeing all the couples on campus did honestly make him feel a bit lonely, leading him to download Hinge. He honestly never took it seriously; it was fun to swipe through profiles but he never took the time to have any sort of deep conversation with anyone. That is until he saw your profile.
He’d seen you around UA a couple of times and thought you were pretty, but Hinge let him see you in a whole new light. Apparently, you really liked crocheting, which he found interesting because he always wanted to learn how to do it, but never quite found the time to actually learn. You were a huge movie buff which was yet another plus since he was too. You also seemed to be really smart; UA didn’t just choose any old student to be part of the Department of Support after all. Something about you just carried this bright aura that pulled him in. Soon enough he was liking your profile and sending you his best pickup line in hopes of talking to you more.
You’d just gotten home from a long day of tinkering with a new gadget you’d been working on recently when you saw that someone liked your Hinge profile. At first, you were going to ignore the notification; you were way too tired. But even after you took a shower, ate dinner, and took a melatonin gummy, it seemed like you’d never be able to fall asleep. So you opened up Hinge, thinking that if you were going to be up, you might as well look through some profiles.
That’s when you saw that Shinsou liked your profile. You didn’t know him too well, but you had seen him pop into the support department a couple of times. You definitely thought he was cute, but you’d never really gotten a chance to talk to him since he mostly just talked to Mei when he needed repairs. But his pick-up line?
“‘Is your name yarn? Because you’ve got me all tangled up in your stitches’?” you said with a laugh. It was for sure one of the cheesier pick-up lines you’d been told, but still pretty sweet. You thought about it for a second and then decided to reply. I mean it’s not like you were falling asleep anytime soon anyways.
Lol that’s really cheesy, but you’re in luck bc cheesy pick-up lines are my fav :)
After a few minutes, you thought you wouldn’t hear a reply back till tomorrow morning so you started scrolling through Instagram. But after looking through a couple of posts, you saw that Shinsou sent you a reply back.
Haha, well I’m glad you like it. How has your day been?
Its been a little tiring tbh, I’ve been working on this one gadget for who knows how long and I just can’t seem to get it to do what I want it to do lol. How’s yours been?
This time the reply was instantaneous.
Tiring as well. I’ve been doing nothing but training all day today. What sort of gadget are you making?
That surprised you; most people thought making gadgets was boring and didn’t want to know too much about it. But as you gave him more details about what you were building, he seemed genuinely interested. It was refreshing, to say the least. That question lead you both into talking about your careers and the passion he had to be a hero was evident. It was inspiring to see how much he cared about quirks that were looked down on in society. To you, it was certainly admirable and made you want to work harder in your own career.
Shinsou thought your dedication to the support department was amazing. It was good to talk to someone who was equally as ambitious as he was, but not actively trying to be competitive, which was a big issue between students in the hero industry. As the night carried on, the both of you kept texting about anything and everything.
There was just something so comforting and natural when talking to you. It was just simple. Before you two knew it, it was 4 am and you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. You’d felt yourself drifting off a couple of hours ago, but the conversation was just too good for you to end it then. You and Shinsou said goodnight and you hoped that this wasn’t the end of the both of you talking.
When you woke up the next morning after talking to him, you were greeted with a text from Shinsou which immediately put a smile on your face.
Good morning. I hope you have a nice and hopefully less tiring day :)
It was simple, but sweet and lead you both to continue talking throughout the rest of the day. It had been now about three days since your initial conversation and you both had been texting the entire time. Getting texts from Shinsou had now become one of the most delightful parts of the day. Whenever you saw a notification from him, you felt a wave of giddiness flood through you.
Shinsou, although he didn’t want to admit it, also found himself grinning at your daily texts. Every time he heard the chime of his notifications, he secretly hoped it was you texting him back. And while he knew he shouldn’t be so quick to answer, he couldn’t help texting you back instantaneously. You were one of the only people he enjoyed talking to after all.
It took a lot of courage out of him, but after an hour of hyping himself up and drafting out the text in his mind, Shinsou finally asked you out on a date.
Would you happen to be free this weekend? I’ve really enjoyed talking to you and I’d like to take you out on a date if that’s okay with you.
When you saw that text, you squealed and threw your phone on your bed in excitement. After a moment, you realized that you’d actually need to settle yourself and reply to him.
I’d love that! Are you free on Saturday around 11am?
Shinsou’s nerves instantly settled; he was absolutely elated reading your last text. He took a minute or two to think of some places he thought you’d enjoy and then sent his reply.
Yeah, that works for me :) there’s a cat cafe nearby UA, would you like to go there?
That sounds lovely! I love cats, so thats acc perfect!
Great! I’m a big cat fan myself. I guess its a date then ♡
Soon after you two had set up your date, you both said your goodnights. But you were far too excited to fall asleep any time soon. You were already laying in bed, planning your outfit, and thinking about how you wanted to do your makeup even though the date was two days away
. A couple of blocks away, Shinsou was thinking about the date too. The more he'd talked to you, the more he truly felt this connection with you. It just felt like kismet. All he was hoping for now is that you weren't any different in person.
You spent most of the night thinking of different scenarios of how you thought the date would go in hopes of calming you down enough to fall asleep. However, it did the exact opposite, the lovely thoughts keeping you awake. After a while though (and with the help of a melatonin gummy), you were able to fall asleep and you dreamt of your date the whole night.
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cleabellanov · 9 months
💙 hi and welcome to my ted talk about the latest episodes of what if, please read through (3) 💙
First of all. Why is season 2 so...happy?
I'm not complaining. Marvel has enough sad stories for a lifetime, but I found that, instead of exploring demises, we're now seeing victories. Old villains find their insight and become heroes (Hela, Nebula, Gamora) and lives are influenced for the better, earlier on (Peter Quill, Bucky, Hope).
It might be nothing.
But I think it's something.
You know what season 2 of what if comes right after? Season 2 of Loki. And, as you'll see at the end of this post, their colors are making themselves known.
Could it be that, from his throne, Loki got sick of watching sad stories and seeing worlds die? There is a chance, I don't know how plausible, but there is, that he's influencing all that we saw this season. A little hope here, a little time there, and, using their free will, everyone gets a second chance.
That, or Uatu felt bad for us and wanted to gift us in honor of New Year being in 1-2 days. Do tell me if you have additions on that.
If I had to bet on something, it would be the overall fan reaction to the opening scene. I screamed, yes. Did they expect us to see Loki's name there in the subtitles and be totally chill about it?
"To be or not to be, that is the question"
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I can totally see Tom having this idea for the opening scene: just Loki reciting Hamlet, and altough to his brother's bordedom, acting from Shakespeare. And it was the best idea he could have.
It's a missable detail, but Thor mentions Mjölnir! And you know how? As a gift...for Loki!
He responds to that with "I...have misplaced it" which is, yeah, typical, but how do you just lose Mjölnir, Loki? The idea, however, is that he'd be able to lift it, which I would have loooved to see on screen. But this was fun to have too.
And the response to Captain Carter's "You're a bigger drama queen than your brother" (talking to Thor)?? 😭
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Can we also point out how insane it is that after just being stripped from her home in an unknown world, Peggy still wanted to help?
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She not only has a hero's soul, she is that brave as to turn down The Watcher's warnings and offers to take her back safe. And remember, not everyone can hear Uatu as he narrates. But she can, sometimes.
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"What if, what if, what if. I have to try."
"Not on my watch"
This ambition of hers, is, of course, given by her humanity too. But that's not only a bad thing. The Watcher's all knowing, his experience of seeing worlds die everyday, has made him unsensible (from our point of view). That's not the case for Peggy.
Amidst all her adventures, however, perhaps she's also searching to avenge the love she lost, searching for her happy ending. In the movie Endgame, I have to admit she felt optional, like Steve wasn't meant to be there with her. But not now.
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I wish The Watcher told her she has a happy ending somewhere.
I don't know about you, but this episode...is my favourite ever from the series. It used to be the Strange Supreme one, but that's on the second place of the podium now.
We got to see queen Hela, drama prince/ actor Loki, king Thor. Bucky, NOT the Winter Soldier, and Steve, finally on the same page! Scarlet Witch!! Using her powers for good, not corrupted. All of them in cool costumes too. If things like these were on live action, I'd lose my f- mind, if I haven't already. :))
And now the green. The "rifts" that are tearing this world apart are very familiar in color.
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And this is not the only thing that's turning green, when it used to be multi-colored. The prism, too, the one from which The Watcher watches and narrates. And I'm not talking about the Time Stone. I'm talking about the tree of life, and how it might actually have a serious impact over everything. I mean, does Uatu know anything? And what was that decorated Yggradsil in the trailer, before the holidays?
Nevertheless, I think it's related in some way, and if it's not, don't blame me. I really like green.
That being said, thanks for reading <3
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tardis-stowaway · 23 days
I spent the weekend at DragonCon, a convention I've been attending off and on for decades. Some notable experiences and thoughts this year include:
Jodie Whittaker was there, and her panel was an absolute delight. I lined up almost an hour in advance and ended up with a pretty good seat. She talks with her hands constantly. The other celeb panels I saw (Catherine Tate and a LOTR panel with Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, and Dominic Monaghan) were also really fun.
One of the more notable moments of the con happened as I was failing to get into a panel. A huge line formed waiting for the Science vs. Movies panel Sunday night, and it got routed down a corridor of the Hilton that I'd never seen before. It wasn't signed as a staff-only area, but it was an intensely liminal and weird space. After passing through multiple turns, I ended up finding the end of the line in an area where half the overhead lights were out! The carpet had weird swirls and a bit of color theory. Many of the locked doors along the corridor were labeled as meeting rooms (why wasn't the con using them in its constant need for more space?), but others had signs like "Fire Control." Even through my mask it smelled faintly of mildew. The Distortion vibes were strong. I am delighted to report that someone on reddit posted a photo of what I believe is the exact area where I joined the line. Luckily the people in line near me were all good-humored and fun. When the line finally moved we did not make it into the panel, but the corridor did allow us to exit with our lives and what remained of our sanity.
I spotted a Magnus Archives/Protocol photoshoot on the schedule Friday, so I went to that to see cosplay and say hi to people in the fandom. It was held at night outside on a very noisy party patio, which impaired photography and conversation. Still, I had fun! There were some very cool costumes. A Jane Prentiss cosplayer gave me (gummy) worms.
I cosplayed one day this year. I was Carpenter from The Silt Verses, during S2 when she's carrying the homesick corpse. I'd originally conceived of trying to make a backpack into a whole cloth-wrapped corpse with limbs, but I wasn't able to get that construction to work in the time I had. Instead I just had a wrapped head sticking out of a backpack with attached speech balloon saying "Please...I have to get home." Presumably the rest of the shriveled corpse is shoved in the bag. I knew that the odds of being recognized were very low since the costume is for a podcast, and not even a podcast where fanart is super widespread or settled in distinguishing characteristics. Still, I figured that horror podcast fan overlap meant that I might find other Silt Verses fans at the Magnus event. Sure enough, I had one (1) person recognize me there. Silt Verses fan with the long colorful hair, you made my con!
The Our Flag Means Death fan panel was a good time. The love was strong in that room.
Masking, while more common at the con than in your average store or public building these days, was still way too low considering how many people were crowded in after traveling from all over. I kept my mask on indoors except when eating or drinking, and ate almost all of my meals outside. We'll see if that was enough to keep me healthy.
The Brit Track needs to do a better job at getting some new voices with more varied opinions on their Doctor Who discussion panels.
I saw lots of Fourteenth Doctors, which I expected, but I was sad not to have seen any Fifteenth Doctors cosplayers.
In general I feel like I saw slightly less really impressive cosplay than in some past DragonCons, but that may have been just my habit of avoiding some of the really crowded lobby zones when possible. Still plenty of awesome cosplay work around.
As usual it was far too crowded inside and too hot outside. I'm now tired and super achey (in a too much time on my feet way, not in a con crud/covid way for now). Nevertheless, I had an excellent time.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
bucci gang + la squadra go ice skating
i like making headcanons. also consider this an au where they all just hangout or something idk
he's never really ice skated before
he's happy to go nevertheless
he gets a hang of it fairly easily
he'll fall down a few times but he gets a good laugh about it
sticks close to Abbacchio
he'll help out Fugo once he's confident enough that he won't fall
he'll talk to the la squadra members when he takes a break from skating
like him and Prosciutto will sit down and talk for a bit
overall he has a good time
you cannot tell me this man has never ice skated before
he used to take ice skating lessons come on
he's gracefully skating around while everyone else is falling on their asses
except for Ghiaccio, but we'll get to that later
he'll stick close to Bruno in the beginning to make sure he gets the hang of it
after Bruno gets the hang of ice skating, Abbacchio will probably give him a quick kiss and go off on his own
laughs at Giorno when he falls
"HAH! Giorno fell!"
will be offended if anyone laughs at Narancia or Trish for falling though
those are his kids, how dare they?
he'll zoom over to beat their ass
he has a fun time and shows off a lot
he gets the hang of it after like five minutes
he's a natural at like everything
like he'll fall down a few times, but that's to be expected
and most of the time it's because Fugo's clinging onto him with the tightest grip you can imagine
"GIOGIO DON'T LET GO I'LL SLIP" "I've got you, don't worry"
this boy manages to make everything romantic.
after Fugo get's used to it they'll hold hands and skate around together
it's very cute
Sorbet and Gelato might even comment on how cute they are together (they're alive now. why? because fuck canon, that's why)
he likes to spin
you'll just see Giorno and Fugo spinning together and giggling wildly
then they have to take a break cuz they got too dizzy
he had a very fun time, probably the most fun he's had in a while
falls flat on his ass the moment he gets on the rink
and every five minutes after that
he'll purposefully stay close to Narancia and Trish, then grab on to them when he's about to fall and brings them down with him
they keep making jokes about each other too
"Damn Trish, I didn't think you'd be so shit at ice skating!" "Shut up Mista, you're lucky the ice can even support your fat-ass" "Yeah, I'm surprised the ice isn't cracking beneath you like in the movies" "Fuck off Narancia, you can hardly see anything with that shit eyesight of yours"
he starts sweating a lot too
Narancia and Trish end up trying to skate away from him because he smells bad
he just chases after them and subjects them to his stink
overall he has a lot of fun
very wobbly
he just clings to Giorno for most of the time
he just really doesn't wanna slip and fall
not because it'd hurt, but because Narancia, Mista and Trish would tease him about it for weeks
he eventually gets the hang of it and just holds Giorno's hand and skates around with him
he's very peaceful during this time
they eventually have to take a break because he got too dizzy
Illuso probably makes fun of him for "being weak"
he just threatens him while trying not to throw up
"What? Are you too weak to handle a bit of spinning?" "Don't make me get out Purple Haze..." "HAHA NEVERMIND I WAS KIDDING"
he has a fun time with Giorno :]
Stays close to Mista and Trish
they do stupid shit together lmao
"Trish I dare you to lick the ice" "EW no! Mista should do it" "WHY AM I BEING TARGETTED?!"
Have I mentioned that they only bully Mista
it's because Mista can take anything they throw at him
like literally he just brushes it off
Narancia falls over like 447837269 times
most of it is Mista's fault tho
he does a stupid thing and skates over a thin patch of ice
it breaks and he falls in
Abbacchio zooms in to save him lmao
he has to go home early :[
he had a lot of fun though, minus the fact that he fell into the water
she's probably pretty good at ice skating
this is her first time, but she likes rollerskating so she gets the hang of it
she stays with Narancia and Mista
also her and Narancia keep bullying Mista, as stated before
she probably convinces Mista to carry her at some point
only for them both to fall
then they apologize because they feel bad
"You're not actually that fat btw Trish" "Yeah neither are you"
then they go right back to bullying each other
she ends up going home early with Narancia and Abbacchio
she has a really fun time though
he's so fucking scared of slipping it's hilarious
he's a big guy, everyone's gonna notice
also scared of falling through the ice
the only reason he's there is to make sure no one dies
which means making sure Ghiaccio doesn't kill someone
the ice cracked a little under him and he got so fucking scared lmao
like he just stood there
for five minutes
pissing himself cuz he thought he was gonna fall through
Someone eventually notices that he hasn't moved and comes over to check if he's ok
"Are you all good, Risotto?" "I'm going to fall through the ice. Help."
never again
figure skater
it actually calms him
literally everyone is impressed
he might even race Abbacchio if he's feeling up to it
he wins btw
will get mad if he sees someone doing it wrong though
He uses White Album to keep the ice from melting
he's doing everyone a favour fr
ESPECIALLY since Mista is naturally a very warm person
he took warm-blooded seriously
anyway Ghiaccio is very good at ice skating
he has a good time
Pesci is too scared to get on the ice
Prosciutto bullies him into ice skating
I don't really have any headcanons for these guys
also my fingers are starting to hurt so I gotta wrap it up
they have an ok time
he's pretty good at ice skating
stares at people asses while they skate though
that's all from him
he had a good time
dick cheese
makes fun of Narancia for falling
gets beaten by Abbacchio
has to leave early
did not have a good time
shit at skating
keeps fucking falling
did not have fun
they kiss
and try to give relationship advice to people
"Bruno, we've got some advice for you" "Hey Abbacchio, want some relationship advice?" "GIORNO WE CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A GOOD BOYFRIEND!"
They have fun
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 months
How easily do you find yourself joining fandoms or ships?
I'm so easy, I just see a really pretty art piece or a lovely little story and I'm boarding the boat.
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
What an excellent question 👀
Fandoms: Not at all. There are many things I enjoy in silence (crime TV shows, horror movies, historical shows &movies, the last kingdom, good omens, sandman, GOT and HOTD, etc) with no need or desire to get into the fandom. People are very scary and often tiring to me, so I avoid having my enjoyment spoiled by discourse and fandom enmity.
Ships: I'd say I'm a solid sailor 🤣 I've written A LOT of pairings. I am not always entirely sure I ship them per se, but I can be convinced of the draw of many a ship. EXCEPT if you're obnoxious about it and keep spamming me unbidden/insert yourself in every possible conversation with your pairing. Then...I might feel disinclined to even consider it 🤣 I am, nevertheless, a romantically inclined person at heart, and as such, I am mostly open to new, exciting ships.
Thank you so much for these. This was great fun ❤️❤️❤️
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synobun · 4 months
Want to get to know you better 💜 What's something that's been on your mind lately?
I will avoid the subjects that make people uncomfortable and instead talk about... Hrm. What is left after that, really.
Kidding. I think.
I've been thinking a lot about trying to exist in people's lives more. I've lived in Vancouver for almost ten years and I, uh... I had one friend here when I moved, that I already knew from online. We don't talk anymore. My fault. I left them when I first became bedbound, citing that I had nothing to offer them. I met someone the first year I was here as well, and it went poorly, and they moved away anyway. I've basically not bothered trying since.
One part of me wants to wield the antisocial badge and say it's because I'm just an unpleasant misanthrope or whatever. But the unfortunate truth is that I spent so many years just trapped in a bed or incapable of existing outside my home, so meeting people in real life, especially in a city so deeply committed to stereotype and cliche, was simply not a thing that could happen.
I feel like maybe I'm capable of spending time with people now? In a way where I'm not fighting for my life just to make it half an hour and then disappearing off the face of the planet for weeks after. It's been so long that I don't know how to exist around other humans anymore. And I can always come up with a reason why I shouldn't try.
But it's starting to really bother me. I need connection. I always have, but it's more pronounced and tangible now. The internet can only offer so much. Everyone I befriend sees the internet as their last resort. They prioritize what exists around them physically. And they should! But for someone who exists solely online, it gets sad to always be an option of convenience. When I have movie clubs, music events, online games, whatever, that's, like, the thing for me. For everyone else it's just a thing they can pop in and do if there's nothing better close by.
It's also getting ridiculous. Someone I know moved here three years ago and I still haven't met them. How absurd is that? It's nonsense. They like me. They've wanted to see me. I just haven't. Like I said... I always come up with a reason why I shouldn't. Someone I've known for the past year was in the city yesterday, specifically told me they wanted to have lunch with me, and I didn't say a single thing. Just told them to have fun at the hockey game. I am such a nincompoop.
I dunno. I've been thinking about how to be physically sociable. I'm not going to claim I was ever good at it, since I was an outcasted child and a high school dropout, but today it might as well be an alien idea. How do I exist around a person! How can they tolerate me when I cannot tolerate myself! My only in-person interactions in the past ten years have been with my friend I've had since I was eighteen and my ex when she visited me for two weeks two years ago. Besides that? Doctors. That's it. A couple one-off hellos/lunches, but... nothing, really, of substance. It's humiliating, even though I know for most of my 20s it wasn't my fault. It kind of is now, though.
You know, I said I would avoid the subjects that make people uncomfortable, but I don't think I did that. Well! Nevertheless. Now you know something that's been on my mind.
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koizumicchi · 1 year
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LIP×LIP FILM×LIVE Special Radio English Translation
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
This track is an enclosed benefit in the Deluxe version of the Blu-Ray/DVD. The length is around 18min. When I first listened to it in 2021, I immediately love it! It seems serious at first but it’s quite hilarious XD I wanted to translate it back then actually, but it’s so long!! Songs are easier to tl because they’re like bite-sized. But drama tracks...I’m not good at translating by ear...lol. Though I did my best for this one, so I hope it’s close enough!! ( ´ ▽ ` )
But I really had a lot of fun translating this, haha. I was supposed to post it for LIPxLIP’s birthday this year, but well, I couldn’t fit it into my sched that time. And I’ve been busy afterwards, so I was only able to work on it again a few days ago. Anyways, YAY, FINALLY, I finished translating! I’m really proud of myself for doing so! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
Both: LIPxLIP FILMxLIVE Special Radio!
Aizou: Hello! This is LIPxLIP’s Aizou and-
Yuujirou: Yuujirou. Please take care of us.
Aizou: We’re in your care.
Yuujirou: It’s finally on sale.
Aizou: Finally! The Blu-ray and DVD containing the secret story behind the formation of our unit LIP×LIP!
Yuujirou: With that being said, it was released in the theaters nationwide in the year 2020 - LIP×LIP FILM×LIVE.
Aizou: This time, to commemorate the release of the Blu-Ray and DVD, the two of us will deliver a certain program. Applause, please. 
*clapping sfx*
Yuujirou: Listening to this program means you’ve already watched the main story, right?
Aizou: There might be inside stories about the movie and the LIVE, so for the people who have not seen it yet, please head over there and check it out.
Yuujirou: Nevertheless, yabai ne.
Aizou: What is?
Yuujirou: Because if you have this Blu-Ray, you can watch the movie and the LIVE for as many times as you like!
Aizou: Yes, yes! You can watch the scene where Yuujirou cuts his bangs for as much as you like!
Yuujirou: “I…can’t do the LIVE….” Aizou’s disheartened murmuring as well.
Aizou: Don’t say that!
Yuujirou: By the way, there have been a lot of reactions since the film was released, any reaction on your side?
Aizou: Speaking of which, a while after the movie came out, our classmates came close to me with smiles on their faces, and all of a sudden, they showed me their bags. When I thought, what about it…my can badge was pinned on it.
Yuujirou: The film’s benefits?
Aizou: Yes, yes. Of course, it made me happy…but I felt slightly embarrassed. But well…Yuujirou’s can badge is a different matter - it annoys me.
Yuujirou: Why? My can badge is great~
Yuujirou: But I’m grateful to have people close to us watch it.
Aizou: Yeah. I’m really thankful. And you, Yuujirou? Did something happen?
Yuujirou: Ah, just now- it’s about yesterday though. We had lessons until late yesterday, right? So, when I came back home, I could hear a woman’s sniffles coming from the living room- and while thinking ‘It’s scary. Scary.’, I opened the door and-
Aizou: You opened the door and...?
Yuujirou: With a bath towel in one hand, Mom was crying, watching our movie.
Yuujirou: Look, we received the Blu-Ray before the others, right.
Aizou: Yeah, well- I have a feeling it’s probably Yuujirou’s mother, but a bath towel-
Yuujirou: Though she also came to the theaters. It seems the more she watches it, the more she starts to cry from the get-go. Even now, she cries at the opening LIVE.
Aizou: Ah, she was crying at that part…?
Yuujirou: Wait, anyway- It’s not good to continue to stay in this corner.
Yuujirou: Aizou, hey, like this.
Aizou: Don’t order me.
Yuujirou: It’s because, here, Aizou will be in-charge of the script.
Aizou: Okay, fine! I just have to do it, right?
Aizou: And so, the first corner is “Because it is now that I can speak of it - the FILM×LIVE Inside Stories”.
*clapping sfx*
Aizou: Here in this corner, about half a year after the film was released, we can talk about LIP×LIP FILM×LIVE. Because it is now that we can speak of it. Things such as this and that happened. 
Yuujirou: Inside stories, huh.
Yuujirou: We did a lot of things for the release of our film, right.
Aizou: Yes, yes. We also used the live streaming software to broadcast it and everyone had a look.
Yuujirou: The secret footage of the dressing room will be seen by our Julietta.
Aizou: Don’t say secret footage! Manager knows it and she properly gave permission.
Yuujirou: “Eh? Don’t tell me- Aizou’s like this!?” You might see that side of him.
Aizou: If you say that, it applies to you too!  
Aizou: As to the story of the film, though you will know the reason why our unit name is LIP×LIP, this radio’s program was crazy at first.
Yuujirou: Yes, yes. President decided on that, right.
Aizou: That name ended up as, ‘Delivering to Julietta: Ai ♡ Yuu’
Yuujirou: The President says hackneyed is good, but as expected, it’s that.
Aizou: Don’t say that. Though I’ll do everything in my power to stop it.
Aizou: Or rather- there’s one thing I want to tell you!
Yuujirou: What is it?
Aizou: When there is a delivery, can we stop using rock-paper-scissors in choosing who will go first?
Yuuijrou: But why?
Yuujirou: It’s fair and square.
Aizou: Because I can’t win in janken (rock-paper-scissors)!
Aizou: Today as well, the sweets I wanted were taken by you.
Yuujirou: Aizou’s really weak at janken ne.
Aizou: Didn’t we fight over the tuna mayo onigiri in the movie?
Yuujirou: Ah, the ones that Uchida-san bought for us after our dance lessons?
Aizou: Yes, yes. I lost at janken that time. You ate the tuna mayo then.
Yuujirou: But since then, the tuna mayo rice balls we’ve been eating have become two.
Aizou: It did. It did. Ah but, there are times where it appears as a different bento in other studios. Like meat and fish. 
Yuujirou: There were. 
Aizou: At such times, why is it that every time I want to eat something it’s similar to you, I can’t win at  janken, and I feel like I’m the only one losing money.
Yuujirou: About that- Well- Ganbatte.
Aizou: The way you say it pisses me off!
Yuujirou: But, there is no quicker way to resolve it other than janken.
Aizou: For that- Today is the day I choose first. The next time is the day Yuujirou will choose first. 
Yuujirou: Ehhh, then- if Aizou wins at janken, then we will go with your suggestion.
Aizou: I told you- Didn’t we just talk about that I can’t win in that.
Yuujirou: You won’t know if you don’t try. Who knows, you might win by some possibility. For the time being, let’s do it once.
Aizou: He really said ‘by some possibility’. 
Yuujirou: Enough of that, look, let’s do it.
Both: Starting with rock, jankenpon!
Aizou: Why did I go with scissors-
Yuujirou: I’m rock, so it’s my win! And so- Aizou’s suggestion is rejected!
Aizou: Seems like I can’t win anymore in my lifetime.
Aizou: Ah, so- do you have none to share, Yuujirou? Some inside stories?
Yuuijrou: Oh right, it’s a story about our lessons. We receive vocal lessons too, right? 
Aizou: The snippets of that and our dance lessons were cut in the movie, right.
Yuujirou: I want to show those to Julietta.
Aizou: Why?
Yuujirou: Because- Aizou couldn’t even read the sheet music. Though IV-san, who came to our lessons, had a smile on his face, he must have been absolutely fed up with you.
Aizou: Even though I couldn’t read it, I could sing it just by listening to it.
Yuujirou: I heard it during our LIVE too, but you can properly read it now, right?
Aizou: Yes- Well- Perfectly.
Yuujirou: How suspicious. Though you couldn’t read the sheet music, you could sing the chorus well.
Aizou: That’s because- if I sing this part by how it feels, it will generally sound and feel good, right?
Yuujirou: It….will…? Anyway, forget it. In the next vocal lesson, I’ll check whether Aizou has learned to read sheet music or not, and I’ll wait for the opportunity to report the details in some way.
Aizou: No- you don’t have to do it!
Yuujirou: But, in terms of our lessons, we are greatly indebted to everyone from Full Throttle4.
Aizou: Truly. They are already busy on their own and they took the trouble to take care of us newcomers.
Yuujirou: After our lessons, they would occasionally come to the agency and see how we are.
Aizou: Oh, about that! I was invited by YUI-san to eat ramen.
Yuujirou: Eh!? I wasn’t invited!
Aizou: You went back first that day because you had something to do at your house.
Yuujirou: Take me along next time, then.
Aizou: You can just go with me.
Yuujirou: No, Aizou is out of the options.
Aizou: Why!?
Yuujirou: Ah, about the inside stories! I remembered one!
Aizou: What is it, what is it?
Yuujirou: There’s a secret place you told me about.
Aizou: Ah, that place where we practiced secretly after our lessons at the agency.
Yuujirou: Yes, there.
Yuujirou: We’ve practiced there many times but there was once a time that we were not able to practice at all.
Aizou: There was?
Yuujirou: There was! When we were practicing, a stray cat came out of nowhere, and Aizou was all, ‘You’re adorable! Where did you come from?’ and became so madly in love with the cat.
Aizou: Don’t exaggerate the story!
Aizou: I did think of the cat as adorable but ‘dechuu ne’- there’s no way I’d say that!
[T/N: dechuu ne -  a cute form of desu ne]
Yuujirou: Well, you didn’t say it but-
Aizou: See, I knew it!
Yuujirou: But, the ‘we were not able to practice’ was true.
Aizou: That’s because...when a cat rubs against one’s legs, most people will pat their heads, right?
Yuujirou: They don’t rub against me…
Aizou: What, were you envious?
Yuujirou: I am not envious! I am a dog person.
Aizou: Yes, yes~ if you say so.
Aizou: Ah, do you have any inside story about the LIVE part this time?
Yuujirou: Oh yeah… The LIVE this time around..from the set-list to the small details of the performance, we put forward a lot of our suggestions, right? 
Aizou: Hmm yeah, the staff had numerous meetings as well.
Yuujirou: Yes, that’s why, we were aware of how the performance will go in general. But even so, Aizou, when he saw the sparks in the performance he was all, ‘Amazing!! Wow!! That’s awesome!!’ like a primary schooler would.
Aizou: Are you exaggerating again?
Yuujirou: This one just now was not.
Aizou: Ah- no, but-! That can’t be helped! Wait, Yuujirou was excited, too!
Yuujirou: Not as much as Aizou though.
Yuujirou: But really, it was more amazing than we imagined.
Aizou: It was incredible. And later, the light from the penlights as seen from the stage was stunning.
Yuujirou: Aizou can’t say anything other than yabai.
Aizou: Shut up! It was truly stunning! Everyone’s waving their blue and yellow penlights-
Yuujirou: There was a lot of blue. It was beautiful.
Aizou: Haa? There was more yellow!
Yuujirou: Blue!
Aizou: Yellow!
Aizou: Ah, but- LOVE&KISS made its debut this time and it was exceptionally well-received.
Yuujirou: Yes, that’s right. Everyone was enthusiastic during the solo dance part in the interlude before the last chorus.
Aizou: Just as I thought, it was correct to add dynamic dance steps to it!
Yuujirou: Yes, by the way, does Aizou have any favorite lyrics in LOVE&KISS?
Aizou: Ah, there’s a lot, but I think it’s the chorus. 
Aizou: Zettai yume wa, zettai kimi no, LOVE&KISS~ 
Aizou: Zettai muri wa, zekkouchou de kowashichae~
Aizou: That part.
Yuujirou: Other than that?
Aizou: Ah, right. Before the chorus.
Aizou: Kugidzuke ni shite yaru~
Aizou: I also like that one.
Yuujirou: Ah, that was close!
Aizou: Eh? What do you mean by ‘close’?
Yuujirou: There are similar lyrics at the end of the last chorus, right? Not the ‘kugidzuke ni shite yaru’.
Aizou: Yakitsuke sasete ageru yo…?
Yuujirou: With that being said, the next is this-!!
Yuujirou: Like a kiss, we want to convey these words to you. A corner in which we set fire to the hearts of Julietta!
*clapping sfx*
Yuujirou: In this corner, with a given situation, we will speak lines that can set fire to Julietta’s heart using dialogues!
Aizou: Hey, don’t continue like nothing happened!
Yuujirou: Eh, what?
Aizou: You made me say it needlessly! Like the ‘yakitsuke sasate ageru yo’!
Yuujirou: But we can’t go to the next corner if you don’t do it.
Aizou: No. Do it normally.
Yuujirou: Alright, first, an example!
Yuujirou: Oh no! When you open your eyes, somehow, you’ve turned into a frog! Not to mention, there is a big snake in front of you. You have to find a way to convince the snake in order for you to overcome this crisis.
Aizou: No, no, wait a minute-
Yuujirou: What is it?
Aizou: I want to question a lot of things- but- this will not set fire to Julietta’s heart but the snake’s instead!
Yuujirou: As far as the result is concerned, is it not enough if it can make an impression in the hearts of Julietta?
Aizou: Don’t be so calm about it. 
Aizou: Anyway, there will be some topics that require you to get through the crisis splendidly?
Yuujirou: Looks like it.
Yuujirou: And so, first up- Aizou’s assigned theme is this.
Yuujirou: You are a popular idol. Today is the important final day of your LIVE performance. But, oh no! You have to go to the toilet mid-concert. How would you say a cool excuse so you can go to the restroom?
Yuujirou: No, this might actually happen. I think practicing in advance will not hurt.
Aizou: It might not hurt but that’s something we shouldn’t do!
Aizou: Even so, a cool excuse...
Yuujirou: Have you thought of something?
Aizou: Ah, well…I'll give it a try for the time being.
Yuujirou: Well then, Aizou’s lines that will set fire to Julietta’s heart are in 3, 2, 1…if you please.
Aizou: Everyone. I'm really grateful you came to our LIVE today. Today is the finale so I am deeply touched. Wait, that won’t do. The light of your penlights blurs so much and I can’t see clearly at all. I want to properly see everyone’s faces, so please wait a bit, I’ll go get a towel!
Yuujirou: No, that’s too long!
Aizou: Why!? I did my very best!
Yuujirou: Indeed, it is a more of an enthusiastic speech than I imagined, but-
Aizou: Then you try it, Yuujirou! So you'll know how difficult it was for me!
Yuujirou: Uwah, Don't wanna~
Aizou: Don't say you don't want to!
Aizou: And so, Yuujirou’s assigned theme is this.
Aizou: You made it into the toilet just in time. But, oh no, there's no toilet paper, but just as you thought of that, there is a person in the cubicle next to you. Lucky. So you won't be found out that you are an idol, coolly take the paper.
Yuujirou: But somehow, it’s connected to Aizou’s theme.
Aizou: Seems like it.
Aizou: But this scenario is more likely than the previous one.
Yuujirou: I mean, us and the one in the scenarios are idols, but the situations are all toilet-themed..what’s going on.
Aizou: *nervous laughter* It's alright, I guess…?
Aizou: Are you going to do it soon?
Yuujirou: Uhmm, one way or another...?
Aizou: Okay. Then, Yuujirou’s lines that will set fire to Julietta’s heart are in 3, 2, 1…if you please.
Yuujirou: I- Hanako-san- Will you become my friend? No? Then, in exchange, can you give me the toilet paper?
Aizou: No- Wai- Wait! Wait!
Yuujirou: *laughing* What?
Aizou: Why Hanako-san!? Isn't that the male's restroom!?
Yuujirou: It wasn't mentioned whether the characters are males or not.
Aizou: But even so...in exchange for not being your friend, to give the toilet paper...
Yuujirou: It's fine as long as it’s not found out I'm an idol, right.
Aizou: Well yes, but- exactly where in those lines are supposed to be the ‘cool’ factor....
Yuujirou: Okay~ Here comes the next one!
Yuujirou: After using the restroom, you are about to go back to the LIVE; but unexpectedly, there is an alien invasion. Please persuade the extraterrestrial beings who want to take you away, in an exceptional manner.
Aizou: The themes are enigmatic stories…and even *SF has appeared.
[T/N: SF = Science Fiction]
Yuujirou: Sure enough, if you want to aim for greater heights as an idol, you cannot take one or two extraterrestrial beings as captives, okay?
Yuujirou: Aizou, do your best~
Aizou: Stop talking nonsense!
Aizou: Well.. But fine, I’ll see what I can do.
Yuujirou: Then, Aizou’s lines that will set fire to Julietta’s heart in 3, 2, 1…if you please.
Aizou: Of course, your feelings towards me make me happy. I am glad, but there are people waiting for me. Julietta is waiting for me. That’s why, I’m sorry. I can’t reciprocate your feelings. Ah, but if you’d like, you can come see our LIVE. We will show you that we can definitely capture you.
Yuujirou: Like I said, it’s too long!
Aizou: It’s fine even if it’s long!
Yuujirou: But wait, can cosmic beings communicate with us?
Aizou: If you destabilize such a premise, I’ll be helpless!
Yuujirou: Like you know, communicate with a unique dance.
Aizou: Then, I can’t convey it through the radio! 
Aizou: Okay, next! The next is the last one!
Aizou: Just as you thought that the aliens returned back somehow, everything that happened before now was actually a dream. You, who are late for school, make a cool excuse to your teacher.
Yuujirou: The unexpected ‘it was all a dream’ ending!
Aizou: Haha, but an excuse for being tardy is your specialty. You can do it, right?
Yuujirou: It’s not like it’s my specialty. And I’m not late! I make sure I am right on time!
Aizou: Oh speaking of, at the beginning of our LIVE of our movie, you were almost late! Honestly, stop hiding somewhere to sleep after our rehearsals! Searching for you is troublesome.
Yuujirou: You don’t have to look for me. But more than that, can I answer now?
Aizou: Make sure to say an impressive line this time.
Aizou: Then, Yuujirou’s lines that will set fire to Julietta’s heart in 3, 2, 1…if you please.
Yuujirou: I’m sorry! There was a girl who was lost and crying, so I walked with her to the toilet. Although she goes by the name Hanako-san.
Aizou: It’s the unexpected Hanako-san ending!
Yuujirou: This time is seriously impressive, right?
Aizou: Rather than being impressive, it’s half-hearted! Your excuse will definitely be seen through as a lie in no time!
Yuujirou: It might not be a lie, you know!
Aizou: No, is this corner alright? Did it properly set fire to the hearts of Julietta?
Yuujirou: As long as they had fun, isn’t it fine?
Yuujirou: And so, that was the “Like a kiss, we want to convey these words to you. A corner in which we set fire to the hearts of Julietta!”
Aizou: This program is ending soon, but once again, how did you feel about the film?
Yuujirou: That’s right. How should I put it, it’s been a long time since the film was announced. So somehow, I feel like, “We’ve finally come this far”.
Aizou: True. Before we knew it. 
Aizou: Forming a unit, debuting, and being able to stand in a great stage called FILMxLIVE. 
Yuujirou: It’s not something you usually experience, right? Once again, I am glad I took the first step when I saw the audition.
Aizou: Right? This is also for every Julietta who is listening. The things you want or would like to do...you may have a lot of dreams you want to realize. If you are lost, for the time being, I want you to take the first step forward. That’s what I think.
Yuujirou: He’s right. And to think that I rarely agree with Aizou.
Aizou: Don’t say rarely.
Yuujirou: But it is true. That time, I took the step forward because I also wanted to change. And now, the things I want to do keep increasing. I’m really happy with who I am presently, and I really feel that I am blessed.
Aizou: Certainly. But isn’t it difficult to continue doing your best? At times like those, it would be great if we could become an existence that can give strength to Julietta.
Yuujirou: You’re right. Aizou already said it in the interview, but when you are exhausted, please give our songs a listen.
Aizou: Hey, when I sang Kono Sekai no Tanoshimikata, I felt a sort of tightness in my chest. I have a feeling that we were singing it more to ourselves instead. So, I hope it encourages everyone who will listen to the song.
Yuujirou: I get that feeling! The song is perfect for this movie, right?
Aizou: Really, as expected of Haniwa-san.
Aizou: Please take care of LIPxLIP from now on and in the future.
Yuujirou: Please treat us well.
Aizou: We may be like this, but lastly, do you have anything like ‘I want to do something like this!’ in the future?
Yuujirou: Ah, yeah. Through this movie, I really felt that there are actually many people who support us. We also received a lot of power from everyone’s responses, didn’t we? That is why, with that kind of meaning of repaying gratitude, I want to do more things that will make Julietta happy in the future. 
Aizou: And in order to do that, we have to ‘power up’! You and I. But first of all, shall we go together for a run tomorrow? 
Yuujirou: I don’t want to! When I run with you, I will be smacked on the back and you will definitely provoke me!
Yuujirou: Furthermore, you don’t go easy on me! Show some mercy; that hurts, you know! Do you understand me?
Aizou: What’s with you. It shows I’m cheering for you! Like, “Hey, do you best!”
Yuujirou: Your help is uncalled for. I have my own pace and I will run by myself!
Aizou: Uwah, you’re not cute at all.
Yuujirou: I don’t want Aizou to think of me as cute.
Yuujirou: More than that, lastly, let’s end this with a message to Julietta.
Aizou: Got it. 
Aizou: Thank you for listening until now. Watch the film over and over again, okay? I love you, Julietta!
Yuujirou: I look forward to the day that we can meet you again. I love you, Julietta!
Aizou: And that ends it! This is LIPxLIP’s Aizou and-
Yuujirou: Yuujirou!
Both: Bye, bye!!
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kittyball23 · 1 year
Trolls Soundtrack Prediction?
Idk if anyone else has made a post like this, but nevertheless wanted to talk regarding the soundtrack for Trolls Band Together.
My bro and I were discussing the possibilities the other day and we made a rough outline of how we think it’s going to go, so here it is :3
Opening Melody (We Are Family + something else)
Both Trolls movies have started with opening melodies, part 1 being Move Your Feet/D.A.N.C.E/Sunshine Day and part 2 being Trolls Wanna Have Good Times. From the trailer we know that We Are Family is one of those songs that they’re going to mashup with another one or two songs.
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2) BroZone Flashback Song
Yes, I know the trailer had Staying Alive, but let’s remember that Zim Zallah Bim was used as a trailer song for the K-Pop Trolls in Trolls World Tour, whereas the movie instead had Russian Roulette. My bet is on Staying Alive maybe mashed up with something else :3
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3) John Dory Song
I think it’s quite possible each brother will have their own solo song at some point. Their profiles on the BroZone website stated their tastes in music, with JD’s being listed as Top 100 Pop/Rock
4) Spruce Song
There’s definitely gotta be one for this guy. Tropical Rock is listed as his preferred taste in music, another clue leading me to believe he’s found on Vacay Island
5) Clay Song
Not a whole lot of info that I could find yet on this brother aside from what’s on the BroZone website, but as he’s voiced by Kid Cudi, I’d imagine he’d have a song too. BroZone site lists his preferred taste in music as Alternative Rock.
6) Floyd Song
He’s the one being kidnapped. Whether it’s for his talent or not, I still believe he’s going to sing a solo. Soft Rock n’ Roll is what he likes according to the site.
7) Villain Song
Original or not, Velvet and Venir will likely have songs. It might not even necessarily be ‘villainous’ per say (like Barb’s songs in Trolls World Tour) but still something
8) Viva Song
She’s voiced by Camila Cabello, so yeah, she’s gotta have a song XD
9) Sad/Slow Song
Trolls and Trolls World Tour had their glum moments and a song to accompany it.
10) Reprise of a song from a previous movie
This one might be a stretch, but I really like callbacks to previous movies when they are musicals to be in song. Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S series had the song Someday in each movie of their trilogy, and I remember getting real happy when I was younger when We’re All in This Together was brought back in HSM 3.
11) BroZone Reunion Song
My guess is that the brothers are going to have their tiff but come to reconcile, whether it is an original song or a boy band song that already exists. If they shoot for original, the example that I could think of off the top of my head would be something along the lines of Cheetah Sisters from The Cheetah Girls 2003 (starts off slow and uncertain before hitting the beat, singing about being brothers and a family, each one gets a solo part before singing all together, echoing off of one another)
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12) Poppy and Branch Song
It’s been implied that Branch and Poppy are going to get at the very least engaged by the end of the movie. They’ve gotta have a song, whether it’s fun and bouncy or slow and loving (or even a combination of both!)
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13) Finale
A musical movie has got to have a musical number at the end, no doubt about that
14) Original Song 1
Most likely something with Justin Timberlake + someone else. In Trolls it was Justin + Gwen Stefani What Cha Workin’ With, Trolls World Tour featured Justin + SZA The Other Side as well as Justin + Anderson .Paak for Don’t Slack. My bro thinks it’s going to be Justin and Camila Cabello in this one
15) Original Song 2
Trolls had Get Back Up Again, They Don’t Know, and What Cha Workin’ With. Trolls World Tour had It’s All Love, Leaving Lonesome Flats, Don’t Slack, Just Sing and Rock N’ Roll Rules. Trolls Band Together is sure to have more than one original song
16) Another Version of a song already listed
Trolls soundtrack had two different versions of True Colors and Can’t Stop the Feeling. Trolls World Tour had two different versions of It’s All Love
17) Snippets of songs that were extended to a full version
Rock You Like a Hurricane from Trolls World Tour was only in the movie for like 2 seconds and it got a full 3 minute track. Just about the same thing with Crazy Train and Atomic Dog. On a side note, I do think that there will be little snippets of songs maybe throughout the movie that did not get onto the soundtrack, like how Celebration was very briefly sung in Trolls, and how Can’t Touch This, Russian Roulette, and Mi Gente were all featured real quick in Trolls World Tour
Aaand, that’s about it for now! I might get more ideas when more trailers, merch, and TV spots come out. With this outline and the knowledge that the Trolls movies are primarily a jukebox musical, what other songs do you think will find their way onto the soundtrack?
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Do you know any thai/korean/all BL dramas with sad ending?
Thai/Korean/All BL Dramas With Sad Endings
Okay, let me get started. BL in general is not really created for sad endings. It is a phantasy land where all kinds of dreams come true. And originally it adressed a specific audience. So, some of the dramas I am listing here are more queer media in general and not specifically BL. And some of those dramas have an open ending, that does not mean it is not a sad ending, and some might have a beautiful ending, which was kind of sad. There are so many ways of reading those endings.
Two of the shows I haven’t watched yet, but I know that those have sad endings… And please be aware, there will be spoilers after the read-more-dash.
Let’s get started!
Egoist – based on a true story, this Japanese movie is heartbreaking. It is a beautiful story about the love between two people and how they manage their life together until, yeah well, until fate f*ed everything up.
Eien No Kinou (Eternal Yesterday) – another Japanese title. From the start of this series, you just know that this won’t end well. It just can’t. And at the same time, it is so beautiful, you can’t stop watching it. So good!
History 3: Make Our Days Count – I guess people would come after me, if I don’t mention this Taiwanese bl. Yeah…I wasn’t that impacted by the ending, but most of the people who watched it were devastated. I understand why, so have fun 😊
Kissable lips – the first Korean one. This series wasn’t my cup of tea, but that wasn’t the question. For a sad ending, this is your series!
The Miracle of Teddy Bear – this is such a complex thai series as is the ending. Many didn’t watch it because of some weird elements of the series and the episodes are long, but BUT it is so worth a watch! The ending? I kind of liked it? But it was very bittersweet and considering the use of the Little Prince source it is really good...but sad... I am confused... still...
Dark Blue And Moonlight – a Taiwanese series…I wouldn’t recommend it. I can’t really remember the ending… I know it was bad sad.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us – a thai masterpiece. I love this one so much and I analysed the sh*t out of it! It is so good and I was devastated in the end! Such a great storytelling and cinematography and story and the characters...perfection.
Dear Doctor, I’m Coming For Soul – this is a thai series, which got very little attention when it aired (I don’t know why, I really liked it) and the ending was just a sobbing fest for me. I mean I liked it and it was just logical, but I was very sad!
Don’t Say No – also a thai series and I don’t focus on the main couple… I couldn’t care less about them… but the side couple! Oh the heartbreak I felt and the betrayel!
He She It – To this day I still ask myself what I have watched here. All I know is, it is confusing and kind of sad…the whole story, not just the ending.
The Best Story – it is Thai and it is YinWar… so it is good. Nevertheless, it has a very bittersweet ending, and I didn’t feel good after finishing this miniseries. I was very sad!
Once Again – one of my favorite series of 2022. This Korean series deals with a lot of trauma. It has some supernatural element and is really really good! And I was sobbing for the whole f*cking last episode!
When The Waves Rise – in this Korean short film, it is all about the feeling you get from it. It left me devastated. I was really not doing well after finishing it. It touched a part of my soul and it left a sore spot there.
Your Name Engraved Herein – I haven’t seen this one, because I know it will break my heart and I am still not ready for that. It is a Taiwanese movie and I know that I will love it, but I also know that I will cry my little eyes out.
Grey Rainbow – haven‘t seen this one either. This is a Thai miniseries and it is said to have a very sad ending.
The Untamed – the king, the queen, the emperor of sadness. I love this 50 episodes long Chinese masterpiece of a series to death! It doesn’t have a bad ending imo and it is quite open, but the amount of tears I shed during watching this fantasy epos was not funny anymore. I was ugly crying for like 15 minutes straight at one point. And I felt empty after I finished it. I miss it so much! I wish I could watch it again with all the emotions I had during my first watch!
But yeah…this is my little list 😊
If anyone wants to add more dramas, please feel free to do so 💜
Anon, I hope I could help a little bit and this list is useful 🌼
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😶😃😨👍 👎😡🎉🔞❓
For Anitha and Ria
Ask list here
hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
One of my HC's about a secret that Anitha keeps is that though Atlas scorns Disney movies, Anitha once saw her crying at the end of Frozen, when Elsa hugs a frozen Anna. Since then, she has been using that against Atlas when she wants to get something done.
Ria does not tell anyone about her cancer history, because she finally feels that people at Berry High like her for what she really is, and not come to her out of pity. The only two people who know about it is Maria and Emma.
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
Ahh...what to say, there are a lot of happiness-related HC's for Anitha. But one of my favorites include one of her and Griffin going to the Jersey Shore and enjoying the broadwalk rides and games, and mind you, Griffin is a sucker for teddy bears (+especially pink ones), and Anitha wins him one big, cute, fluffy one.
One of my favorite happiness-themed HC's for Ria is the first time she had fast food. Being sick and all, she wasn't allowed to eat all kinds of food, so when Scott took her out to McDonalds, it was a huge treat for her, and ended up having too much ice-cream that day. Nevertheless, it was a happy memory.
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon
During the events of TE 2, when Atlas accidentally got hurt because of Anitha's blood magick outburst, she gets scared that she might lose control and hurt someone else and locks herself in her dorm room, refusing to meet anyone until Shreya drags her out and helps her air her emotions out.
The thing Ria fears most is abandonment. She is scared of screwing up and driving away a person she loves. So, around the time when Maria was considering moving far away for college, Ria was worried about how it would effect their relationship and tried to stay calm, but her nerves took over and she had a full-bout panic attack. Since then, Maria would encourage her to be more open if she was worried about something.
hc + 👍 for a headcanon about things they like
Anitha is a nature kid. Being outdoors makes her feel that she is more in her element. Some of her favorite activities include playing sports (Thief and soccer are her favorites), going for motorcycle rides, hiking, camping, and stargazing.
Ria likes calming and soothing activities that usually does not spike her adrenaline up. Some of them include playing the piano, writing poetry, baking, and curling up with a good book.
hc + 👎 for a headcanon about things they dislike
Physically, Anitha hates being holed up in one place and needs open spaces to think clearly. Emotionally, she dislikes letting others down or others trying to fight her battles.
Physically, Ria is not much of a sports person, be it watching it or playing it. Emotionally, she dislikes it when people ghost her without giving a proper explanation because she would think its her fault that it was happening. Additionally, she hates conflicts and is the most conflict-avoidant person.
hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
While she loves her foster parents, Anitha did feel momentarily angry with them when she found out that they knew that she was an attuned and they tried to keep that part of her life hidden from her. She felt that she missed out on a lot of things that an average attuned would know about and blames the lack of knowledge from her parents as the reason she felt out-of-place.
Normally Ria is a calm person, but once she gets ticked off, she finds it very difficult to control her anger. One such incident was when Zoe called Maria a control freak and Ria lashes out and could have broken Zoe's nose if Maria wasn't there, squeezing her hand.
hc + 🎉 for a celebration-themed headcanon
My HC for one of the celebratory events for Anitha was her pre-wedding sangeeth (a fun event where everyone sings songs). I haven't decided much on what happens in the sangeeth, but it was truly a melodious one, considering how the bride and groom are both gifted singers.
For Ria's high school graduation, she didn't expect Maria to come due to her heavy college schedule, but then Maria surprises her by coming for the ceremony. Ria's face was a mixture of shock and surprise before she ran over and hugged her, nearly knocking her off her feet. After the ceremony, Maria takes her to the cliffs for a private picnic to celebrate.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
(for a weapon-themed headcanon)
Anitha's favorite weapon would be the the shadow-powered sword that she fought with in the mirror dimension, and the mace of Penderghast that she took from Dean Geoffe's office before battling Raife.
(for a hair-themed headcanon)
One HC I have about Ria is her hairstyle. After she started to grow back her hair fully, she was determined not to let it go to waste and insisted on straightening it, curling it until she settled on classic waves, and would streak her hair ends with different hair dyes.
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
P.S Im not really good at nsfw's, so I apologize in advance
Anitha and Griffin are more into rough sex. They both like to do it fast, especially when they are hyped up on so much adrenaline after a victorious match.
Ria likes sex going slow and sensual. She wants to savor every last moment of it and enjoy it. She is the little spoon of the relation.
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