#i got all the bad jokes eyyy
artemistorm · 8 months
My thoughts on the new update
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Nice double vanishing point perspective! (This is what I'm learning about in art class right now.)
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So Sky WAS running all around and that's why he was out of breath going down stairs in the last comic.
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Holy smoking Sonic the Hedgehog that guy is fast. Also, can confirm: running with knife-hands does in fact make you run faster.
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Close up of that face ehehehe >,'C
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XD this is so funny. But who do you think said it?
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It looks to me like it was Legend who said it based on where Sky and Warriors are looking. Here, let me make it clearer with laser eyes:
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Also Warriors is Mr. Grumpypants. He's probably in army-intel-and-strategy mode. Or he he's just irritable after getting no sleep, wrangling a bunch of hot-blooded teens, and watching his friend almost die and miraculously recover.
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Eyyy! Wild's got his new sword! He was probably just showing it to Twilight. From this angle, it looks like he and Twilight are holding hands. Also, Time has humongous hands.
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Loving these dark spooky forest vibes. I'll definitely be doing a panel-background repaint of one of these.
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Yeah! You glow girl!
(Teeheehee I just wanted to make that joke. That's the only reason why I put this panel here tweeheehee)
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My face when I saw this sword on the ground: 😳😃 because oh my Hylia I want that sword so bad. I love scimitars. In other news, you know what I don't see on the ground? The Shadow's cursed axe of Horrible Evilness. I wonder if Sky noticed.
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Yup. Portal. There we go! No one's surprised except for Sky. But check out what's in the foreground. That helmet. Wasn't that the Shadow's helmet when it/he was in [giant metal knight] form? (I can't remember what the name of the monster type was. Something nut I think.)
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This face. Enough said.
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Oh boy. Wild's face when he realizes that he didn't 'kill' it--or it resurrected. Also Sky, you drink up that stamina potion. You deserve it.
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Time looking rather fine. Or like he's in an anime title sequence. And he's speaking like he swallowed an 1850's fireside poetry book again. (I think it's endearing.)
And there we go! My first thoughts on this comic. Oh! JK! One more thought!! VV
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It doesn't say 'Dawn Pt 8' so does that mean the next arc starts in the next comic? 👀
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Midnight Pals: Dad Jokes
Stephen King: so i was down at the bookstore and they were throwing my books around Dean Koontz: oh no! why were they doing that? King: well dean Koontz: they could damage the books! King: well dean Koontz: or hurt someone! King: well dean Koontz: or King: let me finish dean
King: i was all 'what's going on?' and then IT hit me Koontz: why were they doing it? King: well IT hit me Koontz: King: see, IT is the title of one of my King: oh for pete's sake King: the rest of you got it didn't you?
King: the rest of you got it, right? Barker: yeah we got it Barker: it just wasn't funny King: King: oh come on clive i mean i thought it was a little funny Poe: it was very amusing steve Barker: don't encourage him edgar Barker: he's only going to get worse
Stephen King: well, don't worry, i got plenty more! Joe Hill: dad, please, i'm tired King: hi tired, i'm dad Barker: hahaha Barker: ok now THAT ONE was funny Poe: really? "hi tired i'm dad?" that's the one that does it for you? Barker: it was all in the delivery haha
King: IT hit me? get it? IT? King: oh never mind, please yourself then Elon Musk: [rising from bushes] eyyy stephano king King: oh no Musk: itsa funny joke no? Musk: i lika da jokes eyyy!
King: well, elon, i guess we finally have something in common King: no one likes either of our jokes Musk: eyyyy whatsamatta for you, stephano king? everybody lovesa my jokes! Musk: i maka da joka, alla my fans applaud, they clappa da hands! Musk: they say "masterful gambit sir"
King: sigh, i guess i'm just not cut out for comedy Poe: don't feel bad, steve, we can't all be kim newman Kim Newman: [bowtie spinning] good evening ladies and germs, i was on my way to this campfire when this guy told me he hadn't had a bite all week
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uninformedartist · 1 year
So a review on Helluva boss So2 ep 6
Ok so gonna break this review down into positives and negatives with my additional thoughts.
So always start off with this, big props and love to the animation team we know know and see your struggle working under Vivienne and animating her over-complicated designs. Props to the BG team really stunning backgrounds, was actually a bit over the top for me (Ozzie's palace and especially the dildo factory shit was moving way too fast) but did pause to have a look at the BGs it is really pretty, the shit pacing made everything a visual blur tho.
VA work stunning love always a joy to hear Alex and James in any VA work tho Fizz's song was eyyy not the best but don't blame Alex it was a shittly written song in general especially when it went to the heavy metal part, overstimulating af and again shit pacing during the song and the flashing visuals gave me a headache. Striker's new VA, Ed's voice really grew on me he should've been Striker in the 1st place because I know for a fact Norman couldn't reprise his role for future episodes.
I loved Ozzie and Fizz's relationship especially the end scene where you can see Ozzie development or got hold of the best technology to give Fizz functional limbs, was a tender scene their relationship and interactions made me smile. I'll give Viv 1 ty for not fucking up their relationship, ty Viv (I can be nice to her :). Tho 1 scene that bothered me... the 12 sec Ozzie dong scene 💀 my soul it was just so jarring especially with the fast pacing. Felt like a race car coming to an immediate stop then speeding off again. Would've like the scene replaced with Fizz telling Bliz something nice about Ozzie, why Fizz likes him. I'm tired of queer couples/pairings in this show describing their partner in 2 ways, 1. how good they are in bed or 2. they got x anatomy that's amazing. But its Viv writing this ep, sigh her and her damn middle school sex jokes I'll let it slide.
Now negatives:
I said it before I'll say it for all eternity, the pacing was dogshit bad oh my soul wtf... Viv, Adam whoever I know you guys don't listen to criticism but if any criticism you take fix your damn pacing 😑. I had to pause multiple times just to see what has happening, what was said, what this paper/sign etc said. It was bad, and that paired with the overdetailed BGs and character designs, for the 1st time ever I got overstimulted from a HB ep and had to take a 5 min break to rest my eyes (was by Fizz's song). Its a noisey spinning kaleidoscope this ep, so unpleasant and its all pacing. Stay on certain scenes a bit longer and allow the audience to take in the scene before them (that flackback scene) its makes a difference. If you get overwhelmed/overstimlated ect by such visuals I recommend watching the leaked episode its much better in terms of pacing since its mostly storyboards and there is no color, plus its just the VAs talking with no background music and zero to minimal sound effects.
I didn't care for Crimson in this episode, I know he became Viv's favorite 😒 but seeing this fucker back so soon, it wasn't enjoyable, especially since the only reason he's in this ep is for a "big score" 😑. Also I'm tired of this over convenient plots, Fizz so happened to be in the greed ring and so happened to run into Blitz and Striker so happened to be in greed meeting with Crim who need a man for a "big score" AND SO HAPPENED Striker sees Fizz/Blitz fighting outside the window 🙃. Its all too convenient for me it takes me out and I then think how the plot coming together is ridiculous.
Striker is so under utilized. Since Viv hates him (confirmed by sources I can't pull now apologies) and she wrote this episode, everything established of Striker in So1 is destroyed. He's a husk of his intended character, all talk no show, a misogynistic clown who you can see Viv has no care writing him properly because she doesn't like him which is fucking horrible, this woman will butcher an integral villian, one with a good motivation (he hates blue-bloods) all because "oh I don't like him he's not in my fav OC list", petty af.
Fizz's disability and how its handled, spoke about it in this post:
It still remains the same though now we see it wasn't Wally holding the cake just some other imp and the card Bliz made for Fizz was a love confession still doesn't justify his reaction shoving the imp and his still underlying jealousy of Fizz since they were young. Yes it was backing off from a love confession/ashamed he's not as good a performer as Fizz, Blitz was jealous of Fizz. Made another post saying how I like how Fizz sees his disability, he's content, happy, has Ozzie who understands him and even made/went out his way to get Fizz the best prosthetics to better his quality of life, I like that good on Fizzy :).
5. Going to be a separate long post on (ಠ_ಠ) Blitz, THE FUCKING BIRD IS BACK 💀💀💀 why your rotisserie chicken ass not in hospital or we just skipping past that and how Viv keeps I'm gonna say it, forcing her characters to have daddy issues by writing this fucking irritating basic fanfic trope of killing the mother offscreen/not having the mother in the picture/us seeing her face. A commenter pointed this out and it irritates me because its the 3rd time she does this, she show Tilla (Blitz's mom) in pictures, you think there would be an episode revolving around Blitz's childhood etc but no she's "in" a fast paced pitty party flashback. This woman really can't show an ounce of respect to any female characters.
This is all for now, will be making more posts the more this ep settles in.
Score: 4.7/10
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meowunmeow · 7 months
Undead Unluck Chapter 198 Spoilers!!
Part 1 because of picture limit!
But hmm, seeing how Luna is more surprised that Soul out of everyone is there rather than someone being there in general, UMAs seem to regularly watch fights
Lol what if we're all UMA Reader just looking at all this (jokes)
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"roughly 200 years" *proceed to make average human lifespan less than half of that*
It seems to be implied that the Top Hat guy we saw in the Unlucks Meeting is the first Unluck and Cap Boy was the direct predecessor of Fuuko.
This is the third time that the story has pointed out the strength of legacy. First being how Juiz gets stronger with each loop because of everyone's effort then finally deciding to pass the baton to Fuuko, second being how Feng will never be at his peak because of his ability then getting beaten by Shen and third one being this.
While Juiz and Victor are the first hence the strongest, they never got the chance to pass this on to someone hence not having the advantage of compiled experience. Of course, now we got Andy and Julia so.
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"I'm looking forward to this, I really am" Man, how long has this poor guy waited for Juiz and Victor to notice him
This is like stealing your friend's pen and waiting for them to notice but they never did 😞😞
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Okay I literally had to Google but a threatmate is when you beat the ever living fuck out of your opponent and never give them a chance to fight back. And that's exactly what's happening.
Soul seems to be able to predict the entire plan despite rarely taking a front seat spectation. Is it a benefit of soul?
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Also, Soul's personality really is the most humanlike. Most UMAs tend to be egotistical (Spoil, Sick and now Beast) and see humans as puny weaklings (Sick again and Change) while he sees them as [somewhat] equal. An example is his first appearance and how he treated Fuuko.
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Little Guy Julia!! She's so cute
"Undead and his ilk" if you don't put respect on my wife's name right now- Is bro really that salty from the regular beatdown given by Andy??
I'm shaking the bars of my enclosure oh Fuuko... I want you so bad pls shoot me
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Oh damn Soul Bullets can curve now. Unless the whole thing about Soul Bullets is how it's a 100% guaranteed hit because it targets souls rather than the physical body.
It's really a big risk as it could've hit Julia instead but she's strong so 🙏🙏
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Soul, are you that desperate for a fight? You're starting to sound like you're on the human's side...
F-Fuuko... Goodness gracious... I shouldn't lust for a woman who's spoken for.. but I will >:))
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Even Soul is recognising Top's power upgrade that's how you know he's the strongest he's even been rn (love you Top)
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Soul is implying that Luna is like a mother figure. That just means everyone got hella mommy issues.
Luna seems to be caught off-guard. Is Luna surprised that Soul could be so humanlike? Or is it because he finally reveals that he knows they're not the same as Sun?
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»        as dusk falls sentence starters           tw: alcohol, mental health.             feel free to change pronouns and/or phrasing to suit your muse!
❝ not so long ago, i wanted to be a journalist. ❞
❝ i tell ya, the only thing worse than feeding a dog fast food is smelling it again on the way out. ❞
❝ that’s a lot of stuff for just two men. ❞
❝ what do bank robbers eat for dessert? heist cream. you get it? ❞
❝ you lost the — no you didn't. ❞
❝ take a minute. get your shit together. ❞
❝ country kids. or the desert version. lucky we’re still in one piece. ❞
❝ this your work? you've done a good job fuckin' it up i see. ❞
❝ why weren't you keepin' an eye out, huh? ❞
❝ all right, big-man, you've got until seven to get this apartment ship-shape and ready to go. ❞
❝ learn how to drive, asshole! ❞
❝ don’t talk about him. this is all his dumb fault anyway. ❞
❝ jesus christ. i swear i never come so close to shittin' myself. ❞
❝ [NAME], no. we can't go from strangers to roommates. ❞
❝ you're trying to kidnap my WIFE, man. you think i'm gonna stand here and let that happen?. ❞
❝ so what’s next? license plate game? another round of row-row-row your boat? ❞
❝ i hope he didn’t see our license plate. ❞
❝ relax! it ain’t personal. ❞
❝ family? we’re just your fucking babysitters. ❞
❝ police, open up! ❞
❝ police, open up! or maybe... it's the big bad wolf. ❞
❝ jesus, [NAME], this isn't die hard. ❞
❝ you think you're bruce willis, huh? undercover, fighting off bad guys? ❞
❝ maybe you need a cold shower. ❞
❝ eyyy, let’s party. ❞
❝ shut the fuck up. ❞
❝ girls, booze, that fancy purple car of yours... i don't know, it doesn't sound like the worst. ❞
❝ gonna miss your sweet little smile, cupcake. one last drink? ❞
❝ you wanna hear my pitch? i say we rob the bank. ❞
❝ no offense... but i think you're just hot wind. ❞
❝ well you got a better plan? cause i don't. ❞
❝ these houses all look the same to me. ❞
❝ you're always out skulkin' in the woods, climbin' trees and all that. we all know you're good at it. ❞
❝ don't screw this up, kid. ❞
❝ i need you focused, or none of us are getting out of here. ❞
❝ no — no — STOP. YOU listen to ME. ❞
❝ you and i are goin' for a stroll. ❞
❝ she's tough. she'll make it. ❞
❝ it's not the walls. it's what happened within them. ❞
❝ you touch my things again, you won’t be happy. ❞
❝ he came back early, i don’t know what happened! ❞
❝ s'alright. i put my big boy pants on today. ❞
❝ get rid of the cop. you hear me? ❞
❝ you know what this means? shooting a hostage? ❞
❝ all i asked, was that you not do anything stupid. but stupid is all you do, isn’t it? ❞
❝ are you about to give me marriage advice? because if i recall, you walked out on yours. ❞
❝ take that stupid smirk off your face. you look like a fuckin' halfwit. ❞
❝ look, you got away. can you let me go now? ❞
❝ you’re coming with me. ❞
❝ you know you're going to jail after this, and when you finally die there, you're going straight to fuckin' hell. ❞
❝ newsflash — THIS is hell. and we've been here a lot longer than you have. ❞
❝ this is a toughie... ❞
❝ you know something? i don’t like you. ❞
❝ knew we shouldn’t have brung him. ❞
❝ you do that, i promise you’ll regret it. ❞
❝ wanna get high? ❞
❝ i'm scared, [NAME]. i don't want to be alone. ❞
❝ hey, my heart's practically thumping out of my chest. but at least it's still 
beating, right? ❞
❝ i'm sorry about what i did. i was selfish, and i hurt you... ❞
❝ easy now, let’s just — ❞
❝ wait. you need a hostage? take me. ❞
❝ sorry to lock you up like this. ❞
❝ i think it’s time to put this whole thing behind us. ❞
❝ you joke when you're hurt, you always have. but i can see through it. ❞
❝ don't speak. don't make a sound. ❞
❝ it'll be over when we win. ❞
❝ i shot him! we gotta run! ❞
❝ now, i can help ya, but you gotta relax those nerves first, all right? ❞
❝ we all have things that scare us — like the dark, and that's okay. i guess we just learn to live with it until maybe one day we won't be afraid anymore. ❞
❝ it was a mistake. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. ❞
❝ oh god, i was right? ❞
❝ was he good in bed? was it worth it? ❞
❝ i'll always be here for you. that won't change. ❞
❝ come on, man. just share the food. ❞
❝ you are testing my patience here, man. ❞
❝ how the hell do you climb so fast? ❞
❝ please write back, [NAME]. i need to hear from you. ❞
❝ do you think i'm bad? am i... am i broken? ❞
❝ you know the world thought you were dead. after you jumped off that cliff. ❞
❝ you'll be fine. you have my word. ❞
❝ aw, fuck! ❞
❝ spare me the lecture. can you do it? ❞
❝ i think the only real job i ever had was convincing people i was someone else. ❞
❝ wasn’t taking the scenic route your idea? i wanted to do this trip at 30,000 feet. ❞
❝ look, this is our only chance. we have a kid in the back of the car, ain’t no way the cops’ll shoot. ❞
❝ i got your back, you know that, right? ❞
❝ i'll always look out for this family. no matter what. ❞
❝ come on now. you're just being dramatic. ❞
❝ look, forget what i said, okay? of course i'm your brother. ❞
❝ it isn't working. it never does. ❞
❝ i don't remember you having a scar before. ❞
❝ family means sacrifice. ❞
❝ we don’t know that for sure. it’s a huge risk. ❞
❝ hop that fence and find a way in. ❞
❝ be there tomorrow. please. let me die looking at someone who knows me. ❞
❝ look, you said you see my face in your dreams? well, i see your face too. i can't explain why. ❞
❝ you deserve a friend, you really do. it just isn't me. ❞
❝ i hope you’re happy. ❞
❝ let me just have one last look around. ❞
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whosplayerthree · 1 year
So this post from seven years ago blew up all big right outta nowhere. It's funny cause mutuals are now reblogggning it like "eyyy i know this person. Hi person!" And hi to you to.
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But in a way, a small little way, in a way I dont feel too strongly but still feel, its kinda sad that it resonates with others so much.  And that I’m still this way so many years later (outside of dnd).
So you know what you know what you know what you know what????? I'm gonna change this trend. I will be the change I wanna see in the world. Below the read more are a list of some ocs and 1-3 sentence summery for each of em. If you want to know more, send an ask.
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Towk-Tawk Voidsealer: Human wizard who used to be a spider, and now is very excited about adventure.
???: Once a servant/member of the Secret Advisors of the Silhouetted Queen, now some sorta stitched together scarecrow person.
Unnamed supervillian scientist: She's got a suite and sunglasses and can light on fire and thinks she is cooler than she actually is.
Barbara The Bandit Queen: She is Big and Buff and is (unfortunatly) as cool as she thinks she is.
Rottam Hale: A lil middle aged lady kobold cartographer who accidentally gets possessed by an Ancient Evil Overlord named Empress Vile.
Mulberry "Mul" Myrcliff: Chill guy who wants to have a chill time and they certainly are not haunted by an Evil Sentiant Star.
Bri 'Caus: Buff captain of a Dnd Spaceship, loves tea, and was manipulated into a deal with a magical talking bloodthirsty sword.
Cryesavchik: Sentient dumpsterfire warlock who was once just ripoff dnd junkrat but has become so much more.
Plynn: A lil melodramatic alien that looks like a rabbit combined with a chuchu from wind waker, whomst inadvertantly saved their world from an alien invasion, but unfortunately that resulted in an unwanted perminant houseguest (said invading alien).
Jaques DeBonhare: Rabbit furry cleric of trickery who is known for telling bad jokes, and on a quest to eat one of every monster in the world.
Unnamed depressed alien: Lil guy who just wants to do their normal beurocratic space-wormhole management job, but gets put on "congrats on figuring out wormhole technology! welcome to the intergalactic neighborhood!" duty, and their day just gets worse from there.
Pluck Fireflame: The most anxious thief who talks like a valley girl you'll ever meet. In some incarnations is a ghost who is just as anxious if not more so.
Shape-shifting evil sorcerer empress: Like it says on the tin. Got sealed away in some pottery hundreds of years ago, was accidentally released in modern day, and is all like "holy shit indoor plumbing?????".
Reuben: A big ol all powerful big bad monster guy people would summon into a world when they wanted to take over it. Got tired of that and chose to retire. A pretty chill old man type now, who happens to be a large pig that's on fire.
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dootiexcupcake · 2 years
𝚈𝚘𝚘𝚗-𝙷𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚊𝚠 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚖
Seventeen and stray kids law firm AU (minor monstaX chankyun)
Warnings: male feminization (I think?) [minghao is called a “headmistress” and Hyunjin is affectionately called a “bimbo”], abuse of power, misrepresentation of a work environment
Pairings: none but it’s sorta hinted that Joshua and Jeonghan sleep with their female clients to get what they want
Here is an unfinished headcanon of Seventeen and Stray Kids law firm au I was working on in February but lost motivation for 🤣👏🏾
Senior Partners: Joshua and Jeonghan
Office Manager: Zu Minghao
Computer Department Manager (IT): Wonwoo
Associates: I.M, DK, Wen Junhui,
Law Clerk: Boo Seungkwan, Kim Mingyu
Legal Assistant: Lee Jihoon
Legal Secretary: Chwe Vernon
Receptionist: Hwang Hyunjin
Data Entry Clerk: Lee Chan
Joshua Hong and Yoon Jeonghan
it is IMPERATIVE that you say their names together because you truly cannot have one without the other
Both graduated at the top of their law class and bar exams
Now they run a huge law firm with the best of the best working under them
Yes I said working “under” them because these two have quite the ego to them…
All those cases they’ve won, the money they make, the connections they have..it deeefinitely went to their heads. Just a little bit
Joshua, such an approachable man ~ he offers you a bottle of water as you both take a seat at his desk
You smile at him and feel the nervous coil in your stomach begin to die down when his warm gaze sets over you
You go over your case in detail and finish off with a sigh, happy to get everything off your chest so you can get this big misunderstanding taken care of
“I know you did it.” He deadpans. His small smile still etched on his face
Your stomach drops and so does your smile
“D-did what?”
“I may be pretty but I’m not stupid, lady.” He chuckles
“It’s Y/N”
“Look, I would love to sit here and play this game with you but, this is a pretty big homicide case you so kindly dropped in my lap. So let’s cut the crap.”
Your pretty sure you look like a deer in headlights now. ‘Is this some kind of joke?’ You think to yourself. How did he know that the story you came up with you “accidentally killing your husband” was fabricated?
And to think you were a pretty good liar too…
“Don’t get me wrong, you came to the perfect place! I can get you off and make it look like your neighbor did it…but,“ he trails off.
“But what? I can pay for it! I-I have money!”
“Oh sweetheart…I’ve got plenty of it. I’m gonna need something more than that ~”
v v strong headmistress vibes from him. Down to the pointed stares and the glasses sitting low on his nose
Is constantly bumping heads with Hyunjin who barely does any work and only gossips with Seungkwan
Because of his long time friendship with Josh and Hannie, he is essentially in charge of hiring and firing people in the office
But with that said, everyone knows he has a soft spot for Hyunjin
So the bimbo can stay ♥︎
Total clean freak
While cleaning duty technically isn’t his job requirement, he can’t STAND to work in a filthy office and the cleaning crew doesn’t do much of a good job in his opinion
Walking into his office is more intimidating than walking into Joshua or Jeonghans office tbh
Though he does have a bad habit of nagging, it takes A LOT to screw up so bad that he demands you to come up and see him
10/10 would not recommend getting degraded and yelled at by Minghao (…or maybe I would)
eyyy I.T guy WOOOOOO
“Yeah 🧍🏻‍♂️”
He’s also insanely smart too
But because of his nonchalant/aloof attitude, many other companies and firms turned him down thinking he was some inexperienced college kid that would only cause problems
Buuut it’s a good thing Minghao has the ability to literally look into peoples souls and see past their surface because boy oh boy dID HE SMELL GENIUS A MILE AWAY
Minghao put in a good word for him is what I’m trying to say…
Being in the computer room all day is mind numbingly boring, so the best way possible to waste time is by watching k-dramas
Should he be doing that on office hours? Absolutely not.
Is he going to stop? NOoOoOoo mA’aM noOoOoO Ma’Am
Bonus points for the days when Dino comes in and they can binge watch Secretary Kim together
On those special slow days at the office, Wonwoo likes to wrangle the gang™️ together (Vernon, Seungkwan, Dino, and Mingyu) and play a quick round of Mario party with them before Hao comes and shuts it all down
Has affectionately given Minghao the nickname “Holly Blue”
Overall, cool older brother
ooooh ok LETS GO
Chankyun takes himself waaaay too seriously lol
He’s in his Miles Edgeworth era 🤪
Comes in wearing expensive suits and shoes
Hair slicked back
Cold attitude
You name it
…this dude literally just got out of college
Even tho he’s a bit stuck up, he is actually a pretty competent attorney
It’s his dream to be able to run his own law firm and be an equity partner with DK
DK is genuinely a pretty cool dude in and out of the office
Seeing how cut throat the law business is, many people are surprised when DK
And that’s it. That is legit how far I got LOOOOOOOL yeah but y’all ain’t miss anything I promise 💀. Who knows, I might complete this headcanon one day. I did a little research on law firm terminology just to write this lil thing so I might as well put it to some good use yeah? But this is it for now 🤷🏾‍♀️
main m.list
svt m.list
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bogbees · 1 year
(Jazz hands) ROLE REVERSAL
7:30 AM · Nov 19, 2017
Kakashi sensei is a.... character. He's very precise and very relaxed individual, his students claim him to be lazy - until they find themselves in a lecture. He's very thorough and adamant.
He's the only person in the damn village to give Naruto his full undivided attention. It morphs into some sort of family bond later and he wants to tear his eyes out bc of it.
Kakashi regularly makes sure the kid is eating his veggies. And cares so much ab him passing his final exam he ends up fighting Mizuki and getting a huge damn shuriken through his back
Naruto cries and does KAGE BUSHIN NO JUTSU and passes and now Kakashi is crying bc his son is happy and sage (and not bc of the pain no)
Iruka Umino ex elite anbu ninja, failed all his previous genin teams cause they never meet his impossibly high standards gets assigned Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke
Kakashi is gonna piss himself bc of course Naruto would end up with that guy! Of course! Still worried if Nar will pass tho. He thinks he did a FAB job teaching them
Iruka sorta jokes around with them - his prankster days never died - and finds their complete uncoordination appalling. Bad match up, awful, why these three together - oh wait, they have empathy for another? That's new
So he signs up as their jounin sensei. He's actually kinda excited - don't let Anko find out, she'll tell everyone he actually likes kids.
And then Naruto drags him to a ramen stand and they're waiting for someone --- "Iruka sensei please meet Kakashi neechan!" "Naruto they're Konoha ninja they probably know each other"
And simultainously both Iruka and Kakashi go "Naruto respect your elders" bc they are not having this kid go around calling Kakashi his brother /in public/
They smile. This won't be so bad. Cut to four weeks down the road when Kakashi hires them to wash his dogs for the 3rd time annonsomsly.
Pakkun is tired of these brats being so rough, so he goes "I can't believe Kakashi hired you all again" The room goes quiet. Iruka bites his cheek to keep from laughing. Naruto explodes. Sakura and Sasuke join him. They're throwing wet sponges everywhere
It's chaos and loud and everything is sogged and Kakashi races onto the scene like "stop this!!!" Naruto throws a soggy sponge at him like "you stop hiring us to wash yoyr dogs!!!"
Iruka is laughing his was off as Kakashi and Naruto argue over the benefit of this job. Sakura and Sasuke resume washing the dogs. Pakkun regrets.
By the end of it, Kakashi is serving dinner in the hatake mansion to his previous students and their new teacher and all his dogs. He says he hates it but he's lying
ESPECIALLY WHEN THE CUTE JOUNIN SENSEI OFFERS HIS ASSITANCE. god damn you could bounce a yen off that man's ass
Now Iruka gets them a super cool mission bc they won't stop complaining - Sasuke has started voicing his opinions dear gods - they're escorting an old guy to the wave country
He repeats himself like "children. This is work and you need to be responsible. We are protecting a civilian from harm. Don't be a hero. You will die."
So Zabuza shows up like EYYY LEMME AT EM and Naruto almost dies ish but yo look at that kyubii magic. Haku shows up like "thanks for that" and they all leave
They make it to their destination but can't go home because there's a shitty storm and so Iruka teaches the kids how to climb trees like the monkeys they oughta be
But like, he not only gives them the basics, but a lecture on it too so maybe visualising the process in their head will help. He gets them to try walking along the walls barefoot - they pretty much succeed
So he takes them into the wilderness like "now try that on these trees" and Sakura fucking masters it in one go.
Sasuke and Naruto return to Iruka for instruction, and Iruka rubs his chin like "alright, you both learn by doing, yeah, so here's what we do" and constructs this obstacle course in the woods for them
He's got a thin board over a puddle of mud like "you can stay on using balance, but if i don't see you walk across as you would on ground, you're getting pushed off."
So Sasuke ends up fighting it out before Naruto and Naruto gets crabby bc of it, but now Sasuke and Sakura are very interested in keeping him on par with their skills. So they give him tips and pointers. Iruka couldn't be more proud
On the day Naruto gets it, and they decide to take their training to the water - the gang attacks. And it's solved in like zero minutes bc Iruka is a seals master and thanks to barrier tag traps everything is ok
They all get arrested and somehow Zabuza and Haku flee but no one is too worried bc they're together and that's all that matters
So they stick around to help construction - Iruka thinks it'll give them more stamina and there's chakra control practice by walking on the water. Which they all get sorta, Naruto sinks a little but he's still upright so!
They return to little fan fare but Kakashi's dumb worrying face that is the same as his regular face but u can tell bc his eyes are a little more open. He treats them to ichiraku
Team 7 is like "Kakashi watch this!" And the three of them are walking up the walls and ceiling of his dining room like cicadas and he might cry if Iruka wasn't laughing
"They named the bridge after Naruto!" He says, "I did all the work and he gets the name bc he's too likable!" Kakashi smiles fondly under his mask like 'ain't that the truth'
So circa chunin exams Iruka has taught them more neat ninja skills - Sasuke finds seals to be hella interesting, Sakura has apparently some super rare bloodline and Kakashi's old friend is giving her lessons on that and Naruto is....
Naruto is interested in summoning. He likes the idea of calling things into existence. Kakashi won't help by explaining how his ninken summoning works and Gai's student Tenten isnt too hot on tutorial either
So Iruka has been writing letters up the Wahoo to Jiraiya to try and get the man's help. "Come back." He pleads. "Naruto wants to summon."
So Jiraiya returns solely to fight Iruka for being a nag. Literally. "Iruka Umino you're just like your mother. Annoying." Iruka flicks a smoke bomb at the old man and they play this game of cat and mouse
Only each time Iruka uses a smoke bomb, he's been planting a barrier seal attached to a kunai that's been laced with chakra wire. He's weaving a basket around Jiraiya and catches the old fart in 40 minutes
Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi and Tenzou stare in awe. Iruka just did that. "Naruto, this man will teach you how to summon frogs. Have fun" and leaves. The audience stares at the space he had been and Jiraiya snorts.
So this is how Jiraiya teaches Naruto how to summon. Sasuke vows to be as good as Iruka one day. Sakura and Tenzou build a dog house for Kakashi's dogs. And Kakashi finds Iruka alone at the noodle stand
He's like "whyd you leave like that" "Oh you see, you have to leave Jiraiya alone with what you want him to do. It's the only way." "No really" "Ok I was starving and am not going to pay for Naruto's bottomless pit let alone four more mouths"
And they have a weird date and discuss the upcoming Curnin exams. They agree the kids would be good to go. Iruka laments he idea of getting stuck in a scroll for three days - hes a busy man (and ex anbu! Like!) and Kakashi takes his shoulder "I'll do it"
So they make plans that if their kids try the chunin exams and pass the first round - Kakashi will be there in the scroll for when they pass. It has been decided.
So when the exams get announced, Naruto has one animal summon, Sasuke has five neat barrier tricks and ten more up for circumstance and Sakura can create and will wooden blocks. Plus they all have stellar chakra control!
Iruka thinks they're good to fucking go. Plus he's socialized them well so they shouldn't be picking fights with other Konoha shinobi bc they think they're better than them. He scoffs, imagine, Sasuke picking a fight with Rock Lee! What a weird world that'd be!
They're weirded put by the sand sibs but like, this is before Power of Friendship Gaara so who isn't, really. Iruka's already planning playdates bc jinjurikis should prob stick together, ya know, bond with those who know your suffering
Kakashi is looking over Iruka's shoulder like "dont. Do not write that. Gaara will not come over - he's the Wind's tailed beast we can't trust him"
So the kids pass their first test. Naruto just fakes it, doesn't write nothing, completely confident. Sakura and Sasuke get everything filled out with the correct answers.
So Kakashi gets wasted the night before he goes into the seal. Iruka shows up like at 8 like "don't forget! The thing is tomorrow" And by the power of booze, joy and fondness he kisses Iruka smack on the lips.
They pull apart, Iruka dazzled and looking a little deshelved, Kakashi a dumb love struck smile, and Kakashi closes the door humming.
Iruka kind of staggers home. Lost. Confused. Warm. Light. Cheeks burning and a smiling tugging at his weary frown.
So now it's morning of the second exam, Kakashi is fighting off a mild hangover and as he's getting set up to do the thing, he catches Iruka skirt around the room, why isn't he saying hello --- oh no.
So he's stuck in the scroll - idk can they do stuff in that void, are they just sleeping, suspended animation - for what feels like forever
Iruka HAS NOT been avoiding Kakashi bc of last night's kiss. Nah, he forgot it happened until he made coffee. He's just literally on security detail and can't say hello bc anbu mask - why is Kakashi staring at him???
Kakashi seems to know that he's the monkey or sm bc he won't take his eyes off him and it's pissing Iruka off so he blows the dumb man a kiss He sartles out of his trance and looks away. Iruka rolls his eyes and Anko takes his attention.
Later she's going to seriously ask him if he and Kakashi are a thing. He is going to sputter his beer into her face. She is going to pull a knife and go "try that again lover boy and you won't have any lips" Gods she's awful
So as a weird brother figure, he confirms that they have had one (1) kiss and that he catches Kakashi refer to team 7 as "their kids" often
Anko's grin might tear her face in two. "I win! That's so much money! No one thought you'd go for lazy chunin sensei Kakashi Hatake BUT I CALLED IT!" Iruka is so shocked he can't ask her to be quiet or how ---- "Come on, I know your type, family men."
He diverts the conversation to the examination bc holy shit he can't deal with any of this information. "You met Naruto today didn't you?" "Oh yeah, that kids a riot. Almost had him shit his pants. Good kid."
Iruka buys her a drink for that. Can't have that kid too comfortable around strangers. So they get off their break and return to work. Anko's going back to the tower and Iruka is going to patrol.
Nothing worth noting on the go, pretty quiet and nice, kinda worrying bc of all the foreign ninja - they /all/ can't be this chill can they??? So Iruka clocks out and heads to his fave ramen stand
Anko slithers in after he orders his second bowl and she's like "the money from the bet." He looks at her like 'why aren't you using this to buy more dango??'
"Look I was the only other person besides Asuma who bet on Kakashi. Out of our group" Iruka grimaces, all the ninja in the village have been placing bets on his love life. "So split between me and Asuma, I still have 5000 yen left. Figured to give you half"
"What because you can make easy money off of my love life?" "Nonsense! I still haven't decided what to bet on for your love life!" She looks out of existence like a true shadow clone and Iruka uses the 2500 yen to buy more ramen
What had happened was that Asuma had seen Iruka dressed in his anbu monkey mask entertaining a sullen Kakashi years and years ago. He told Anko one night, piss drunk and now they support it
Iruka doesn't remember the encounter, there's so much bs from being a child in anbu that makes him forget the good times. Kakashi recalls clearly that summer's day when Monkey tried to cheer him up.
Kakashi has the sharingan, but it's also dead. He was able to become a teacher bc he was useless and not an asset to the village.
So depression and ptsd from loosing his friends and family took it's toll and now he thinks it best if he can help teach these children so that maybe these mistakes won't happen again
Anyway so the kids breeze through the forest of certain death like a cake walk, got through as the 4th team they were so good at it Sakura punched kabuto in the face on reflex and he dropped his scroll and since Iruka hadn't introduced them, they dont trust him lmao
They do the scroll thing and out pops Kakashi Sensei with the most stupid smile on his face like "yo. Congrats, you passed" and it's kinda the least climatic thing to happen to them all week.
So the four of them hang around the tower until it's finished - Kakashi has no where to be, he had booked a week off for this. So the kids share with him their new skills - and he supervises spars between the kids who've finished.
The sand sibs end up watching the leaf genin fight each other, and Kakashi asks them if they want to join in. "It'll be like class!" The rookie nine all groan, fuck you Kakashi sensei
So he organises a short spar competition. Five minutes each fight and no weapons, no shots to kill. He includes Gaara in on it and kankuro and temari freeze up. Gaara just nods, slightly pissy but also confused.
So he's got the sand genin and the leaf genin play fighting each other while they wait for the actual fights to clear up. It's not until Rock Lee and Naruto are giving Gaara of the Sand taijutsu pointers that the irony dawns on him.
Monkey shows up like "Hatake-sensei what the fuck is going on here" and Kakashi is no where near afraid of the anbu in the room But the fight stops dead Naruto pipes up "eeeehhhh we're just socializing properly Iruka-sensei, what's the big deal" Everyone stops. Kakashi chokes
Iruka laughs, takes off his mask and smashes it, "well, so much for that." He looks at the group if kids with a big smile, "So are you all being nice to each other?"
We have Shino and Kankuro gushing ab bugs, in the corner, the girls all huddled together like they were always meant to be best friends, Rock Lee and Naruto and Sasuke talking to Gaara like he's not some monster
Kiba and Neiji were just in the middle of a mock flight, still froze stiff. Naruto goes "yes /daaad/ now go kiss Kakashi sensei or something, we're on to something here" And he turns back to the other boys like nothing he just said was life changing.
Iruka sits back down next to kakashi, who has picked up the shards of the mask and the kids continue existing as if they didn't have any supervision
"Was it really that obvious?" Iruka asks. Kakashi isn't sure what he's asking about, be it Monkey, their dumb mutual crush or their family fondness over these brats. But the answer is the same to all of these questions. "Yeah,"
So they watch Neiji and Kiba fight, then watch Ino and Temari spar, their hands lightly laced together as Kakashi hides his face behind a book
Eventually Naruto gets loud and very agitated, Iruka goes over to check on him. "It's the stupid seal, me n Sasuke can't fix it" Turns out Gaara has his stomach exposed to display the shoddiest seal work ever.
"Do you want me to do it?" "See knucklehead, I said Iruka sensei would know what to do!" "Yeah but he's my damn friend I wanna be the one to help!" Iruka smiles and almost cries bc Naruto is so honest and gaara looks startled
Temari and kankuro join them like "you can… Help him??" As if they can't believe the words coming out of his mouth Iruka nods, "it's a simple seal, but I can patch it up and add more so that it doesn't wear away." They look to be near tears
Naruto grins and looks to his new friend like "See, told ya, we jinjuriki gotta stay together" and Gaara looks so lost, the poor boy. So Kakashi suanders over like "damnit Iruka"
So Iruka whips up a draft to show them, explains what it does, compares it to Naruto's and Gaara's, all the kids are pretty engrossed with what he's saying and Sasuke is writing notes
We're back tracking to the first time team Naru-Sasu-Saku meet Iru
So Iruka's like "ah yes hello I'm Iruka Umino, I'll be your jounin instructor - if you pass my own genin examination. If not, you're all getting sent back to the academy! But I'd like to meet you all first"
So they do the thing they do in canon, where Sakura goes "I like Sasuke" Naruto goes "I'm gonna be the Hokage" and Sasuke does his "I want revenge" bc he's been festering in hate for the last 82 years
But instead of "oh well you're all weird kids" Iruka almost looses his mind and almost sends them all back then and there
Alright, alright, he goes, you're all children, but these things aren't gonna help you become ninja. Naruto, your goal is admirable, good, that's good. Least stupid. Tells me how far you're willing to go.
Sakura, you being in love tells me you can form bonds - which is good for teamwork, but you need to take it back a bit, and bond with your other team mates as well.
And then he turns to Sasuke. Revenge will not help you. You will not gain anything from that. Bad things are always happening and there's never any reason for it. He tells off Sasuke for his bs bc Iruka doesn't have a filter and will fight these kids
And the kids are like Sasuke: offended Sakura: offended Natuto: laughing his ass off
"I'd like to send you all back to the academy for this but! I said I was gonna give you all a chance to be full fledged genin. So! Here's my test!" And makes this weird quiz thing that is sorta like the bell test where the goal is for them to display teamwork 5:59 PM · Dec 3, 2017
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loggiechik · 3 years
Q: What happens when the sun goes down?
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hirsheyskisses · 2 years
Hello, i'm 🍰 and was wondering if Hir-san can write something about shu and love potion? like realizing you don't need love potion since they got feelings for you but you already used it anyway? Thank you so much :D
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❝...My heart already yearns for you.❞
┆GN!Reader x Shu Yamino
┆┆Genre: fluffy!
┆┆┆Setting: this kinda turned fantasy themed, so fantasy!
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Shu Yamino was a great guy. He always had a joke up his sleeve, always knew exactly how to warm your heart. He was also a sorcerer.
There were countless potions littered throughout his home. Two rooms solely for storing them neatly, and another for making them. Odd looking bottles and rather sweet smells almost always filled Shu's home. And he would always allow you to help him creating the odd potions or enchanted items, giving you the guidance and lessons on the ingredients. of course, unlike him, you weren't a sorcerer: you were a magical beast hunter. Or, rather, you found them, and observed them.
It had been on an adventure you had met the sorcerer. He had saved you, actually. You had been observing a Crygon. A deadly creature, similar to the dragon, in fact, a direct branch of one: but here's the thing. Crygons are know for being territorial. Specifically the females. It was just your luck that you came across a Crygon, thinking it was a wandering male, only for it to be a nesting female.
After three days of observing, thats when it happened. The Crygon attacked. But like a god coming in, Shu came to your rescue. Conjuring up a shield and drawing you away to safety, mending your wounds, and scolding you for daring go near such a terrifying and deadly creature.
He chose to bring you to the nearest village for proper care; but that was a week away, and he didn't quite trust himself to magic you both there quite yet. So, you took the journey with Shu. There was.. just something about him. Something you trusted.
And while he had planned to leave that village alone after leaving- you became one of his dearest friends during that week. Therefore, the two of you, as friends, traveled together.
As years passed, you knew exactly what your heart wanted. Him. He was the kindest, most thoughtful person: intelligent, and in some cases, adorably dense. You loved the way his brow furrowed whenever he got stuck on a spell, the way he'd unconsciously bite the inside of his cheek when he was frustrated. How he'd punch the air with his fist when he finally got it right. You were there for his ups and downs, just as he had been there for yours. Years. That's how long you hid your feelings. Because part of you felt Shu never felt the same. As a pretty affectionate person- you felt you made it obvious. But none of it ever seemed to reach Shu...
"Amortentia? Whats that?"
"It's a love potion! A very powerful one, at that. Catch is, is that it only lasts 24 hours.. 'Cause, youknow, more powerful the potion, the shorter the potion can last." Shu explained to you, indicating for you to handle him the vile of odd, purple liquid; which you did without question. Even if it was a small flick of his finger, you understood immediately. "Oh! That makes sense- why are you making it?" You questioned, and Shu laughed awkwardly. "For some reason, I got a mass order of it from a village a few mountains north. Little nerve-racking, but they're paying over to keep me from asking questions."
You raised an eyebrow. "Still, a bit fishy though, isn't it?" "True, but it only lasts 24 hours. And with a 48 hour cooldown period-" "What happens?" "Well, as far as i'm aware, it reverses the effects. Sometimes it just doesn't work at all."
You nodded slowly. it did make sense. One thing you learned when it came to magic, is that the more powerful it was, the more the drawbacks or limits to it. And with love, it made sense the potion could reverse effects if overused. At least it had those limits to it, or it could lead to bad things. But a 24 hour potion.. Couldn't be that bad.
"Eyyy- last one, done! Now just to put it on the little tattoos." Your head perked and leaned over his shoulder. As if sensing your curiosity, he looked back up at you with a grin. "They're cooler this way! And it'll mean i have some left-over for future stocks. Wanna help with this part?"
You nodded, taking a seat closer to him. Your shoulders almost touching.. your heart was racing. You loved and hated being so close to the sorcerer; you feared he could hear your heart.
"Alright, so we take this.. And add on exactly five little drops." He passed you a small bottle with the glowing pink liquid, and odd purple colored temporary tattoos. With a grin, you set to work, side by side with your best friend. As the liquid Amortentia came in contact with the odd material, the tattoos began to glow. With the knowledge in your hand, a small part of your heart yearned for something.
If only.. I could use this on Shu. Just once. He might not even remember. But to.. even if just a lie, to feel like Shu could ever feel the same..
No! (Name), stop thinking like that. ...
"You alright, (Name)? Spacin off there." Shu said, breaking you out of your thoughts. You saw his hand reaching out to you; and you backed away in a panic, your nervous laughter echoing a bit. Shu slowly pulled his hand back. "Im fine!"
"You sure?" "Of course!" Shu slowly stood, stretching his stiff muscles, before drawing closer to you. His purple eyes staring into yours, for a few long moments. Your breath hitched in your throat, and as he leaned closer, you did your best to lean back on your heels. "...Shu?" He huffed, and gently flicked your forehead. It didnt hurt, but, "Owww! What was that for??"
"You're tired, idiot! You stayed up wayy longer than you normally do. We're done now- we should both get some rest." Shu replied, a grin on his face.
Clearly he's pleased with almost giving you a HEART ATTACK.
Shu ruffled your hair, still having that adorable, friendly smile on his face. "Thank you, (Name). You're always such a help."
You returned the smile with one of your own. "I love helpin ya, Shu! I learn so much."
For a few minutes, both of you slowly making your way to your rooms. As you bid eachother goodnight, you fell asleep with a troubled mind...
And woke with a plan.
It was a bad one. But.. there was a selfish side to you. A side that wanted, just once, to feel Shu with affection. Just a little. So that morning, when you were making breakfast- you snuck into his potions room. Snatching a half empty bottle and, when serving up his food.. One, two, three. Three little drops mixed in with his eggs. A rustle behind you caught your attention; you slipped the potion into your pocket and turned, to see the man of the hour.
Shu's mouth opened into a yawn as he stretched, "mmmmmmphhhh.." He groaned, but as his eyes landed on you, his lips turned up into a lazy grin. "Gmorninn, (Name).. Makin breakfast already?" He slowly sauntered over to you, and you passed him his plate. "Yup! Eggs, toast, n bacon. Best stuff!"
You chirped in reply, feeling anxiety rest in the pit of your stomach. Settling down to eat, you kept sneaking glances at him. Watching for a reaction.
At first, nothing. Not until an hour later.
"(Nameeeeeeeeee)!" Shu said, in a rather sing-song voice; this catching your attention as your head lifted from your book. "Sh- SHU??" His arms snaked around you from behind the couch you sat it, feeling your face redden as his own face nuzzled into your neck. "You smell nice.. Could stay here forever." The male muttered. Your entire body was tense; ...the Amortentia worked. But you had forgot to mentally prepare yourself for it.
"Ah.. yknow, good shampoo." "Can I use it?"
Shu moved around the couch, choosing to sit directly beside you. Your legs and shoulders touching, head resting on your shoulder. You chuckled, suddenly realizing- Shu's love languages. You'd both taken silly little test, and his came up as quality time, and physical touch. So.. this is what Shu was like..
"Yeah, you can. Just don't use all of it."
Shu huffed, snaking an arm around your waist. His body heat seemed to melt with yours, and.. you felt content. Even if it was a lie..
You felt content.
The entire day was spent with Shu at your side. Watching movies together, cooking and preparing snacks, and Shu constantly giving you words of affirmation, declaring his love for you. Even going as far as to kiss you on your cheek, making your heart feel as though it were about to burst. But even so.. you couldn't stop the feeling of guilt you felt. This was all a lie. Shu had never felt the same. This was just the Amortentia speaking through Shu, the potion doing exactly what it had been designed to do. At least we know it works.. Your eyes trailed over Shu's sleeping form. Having stayed up for 19 hours with Shu, you were sleepy, too. But having his head on your lap.. And the memory of Shu loving you, even if it was fake, was something you weren't ready to let go of.
The next morning, you awoke. Groggy from sleep, you yawned, stretched, and moved to leave your bed.
Until you realized, something was squishing you.
Looking down, you were met with the eyes of Shu. The former love potioned boy was staring at you, and feeling your face flush, you glanced at the clock. 11am. You had given the potion to Shu at 10.. It was over.
But wait.. Why was he still here? Why was he not mad, or freaking out?
"..Yknow, (Name).. I saw you putting the Amortentia in my breakfast." Shu said after a moment, nuzzling closer to your neck. Your heart stopped beating for that moment. "You.. you.. did? Shu i-" "Hush, (Name). I forgot to tell you one thing about the potion."
With a sly smirk, he slowly pushed himself onto his elbows, allowing his lips to brush against your ear..
"The potion.. It doesn't work if the heart already has love for the person."
Shu pressed a kiss to your neck, his morning voice growling directly into your ear. "It.. Doesn't- work? Shu- what?" You managed to get out, feeling your face burn; he continued to press kisses to your neck, jaw, earlobe, anywhere his lips could reach. A singular slowly traveling up your side, sending shivers through your spine. Your formerly groggy mind was now wide awake. Electricity coursing through you at every point his lips touched.
"Years.. Thats how long I waited. Hoping you felt the same.."
Shu finally pressed his forehead against your own with a smile, staring deep into your eyes, into your very soul.
"My heart has always yearned for you."
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GAHHH! Nice to meet you, 🍰!! You're my first emoji anon, so...
Im sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting! We'll all ignore the harry potter references, shall we? But i did get a little stuck writing Shu's personality, and this may've been a little jumpy.. But hey! Lemme know whatcha think if i messed anything up :)
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suguruswife · 3 years
His best work of art Danny Johnson x Gn!reader.
Warnings: Death and feelings.
Gender neutral reader.
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Um, well, this is the first thing I post here so I hope it's not too bad.
I previously posted it on Ao3 (it's still there) but I wanted to do it here too!
I apologize in advance if you notice any grammatical errors!
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Summary: A serie of bad decisions led you to the wolf's mouth, although you don't seem to care.
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'Good morning, dove.'
You rubbed your eyes to read Danny's message, still sleepy and exhausted. The morning had only just begun but he'd already texted you.
He usually send a 'good morning' to confirm that you were still alive—or at least that's what he always says—mainly because a murderer was hanging around town lately. Danny joked that the killer liked pretty young people, albeit according to the newspapers that wasn't a true fact.
The victims were men, women, tall and small, adults or adolescents. He didn't seem to care, he was only dominated by the desire for recognition and art; his knife being his brush, blood being his acrylic and the dead body of someone being the canvas.
Going back to Danny, the blue-eyed man always seemed to care about you—although at night he hardly appeared to show signs of life—there is a mutual concern between you two. Sincere, thanks to the friendship you have.
You like to piss him off about it and tell him that he was the only one looking for pretty people to fuck, to which he usually replies that if he had a good time, then there was nothing wrong with that.
After arranging your sheets to be comfortable and warm, you took your cell phone to answer his message.
'hello Pine Head what r u doing today?'
'The usual. Go out with some girls and go back to normal hours so mommy doesn't get mad.'
'Ouch, tell them that you still sigh for me.'
'you wish.'
You let out a laugh, and settled into your bed again. Today it seemed that it was a beautiful day but you didn't have the courage to get up. Preferring the security that the pillows and sheets gave you.
Suddenly, you remembered something you wanted to tell Danny.
'eyyy you seen?'
'heard rumors that theres a page where you can ask Ghostface to kill you.'
'yeah, you can send your personal information and he will see if hes interested in killing you or not lmaoo.'
'Sounds pathetic. What about the police?'
'this is all relatively new, Danny. and even if they were already aware, they wouldnt do anything because they are useless brains. Literally a bag of morons.'
'What a shitty town damn. Wanna meet in the park so we gossip about this?'
'mmmnqnwo yes, tell me what time.'
After getting the details from Danny, you got up to get organized. There were still like four hours left but you can't live in bed and this would be a good opportunity to clear you up and take a shower. Dan wouldn't appreciate a late arrival, the last time he waited more than 15 minutes he almost insulted even your family. The brown-haired man wasn't primarily characterized by his patience and kindness but he was like that, pleasant in his own way.
'Cookies or chocolate cake?'
A smile appeared on your lips, he really can't control his hunger, can he?
'both will be.'
"This shit is addictive," Danny said as he ate a piece of cake, scattering the crumbs everywhere. "Would have been better with a chocolate frosting."
"Didn't have time." The answer came out of your mouth, with one hand holding a cookie and the other entertaining with the grass.
"With this you could make most of the Slashers fall in love," he joked, directing his remaining piece in your direction. "Take it. This is the definitive piece, it'll taste like paradise."
You snorted before answering, "Danny, I made that cake, I know very well what it tastes like."
"Just take it, we'll have an indirect kiss by the way, muak muak." He took your chin between his hands as he directed that baked cake towards your mouth. "Don't be shy."
You did what he told you, you took the bite and you felt the same as before: a wave of flavor. Only chocolate.
"Still the same."
Danny gasped pretending he was outraged. "You can't be serious now, I literally sacrificed my best food and in this way you thank me."
"And I literally brought the cake," you remarked, emphasizing 'literally.'
"Whatever. Only I properly appreciate sweet things, dove."
"Why do you always call me that? Please stop, the last time an old woman looked at us as if we were a couple," you mumbled-yelled at him.
"Wise men say~" Danny started singing Can't Help Falling In Love while laughing out loud from time to time. "But I can't help falling in love with—"
"Shut the fuck up. You go out of tune more than my grandfather at Christmas and he really has vocal problems."
"You're so boring," Danny sighed, turning his gaze to you. "Tell me what other ways I can call you, dear grumpy."
"Let me think." You put your hand on your chin thoughtfully, staring at nothing. "What about 'love'? When will you call me that?"
"Love? The last time I called you that, you were a blushing mess," Danny couldn't help but snort in amusement. "What's the problem? I thought you liked the nickname dove."
"I was kidding, you can call me whatever you want, except degrading names, those are reserved for the bed." After saying that, you got up cleaning the dirt that the grass left on your clothes. The desire to extend this moment was deep, unfortunately it was time to go home.
"You don't have to go, you know? I could take you home later and—"
"I would love that but today is Lasagna Thursday, you know I have to be on time. Besides, I have business to attend to," you interrupted him before he finished speaking, you knew where this was going, you knew what he was craving. A moment alone, a moment of peace. Albeit you couldn't grant that to him.
"Alright," Danny said before getting up with you too. "I'll see you around?"
You smiled brilliantly, certainly Danny at this hour was getting calmer, more relaxed. "Of course you will, pine head. Don't even hesitate," you lied. It wouldn't be the first time, the words just slip away, giving a false promise of another reunion. You hoped he hadn't noticed the slight trembling in your hands, or worse, the look of regret and sorrow in your eyes.
But he did.
He approached taking your hands in his, and almost whispering, let his thoughts escape. "Take care and don't do anything stupid." He directed his hand towards your forehead to give it a small blow. The frown was what stood out the most on his face at the moment, and even understanding what he meant, you couldn't help but question him.
"What would be stupid to you?"
"You know exactly what I mean. Curiosity is one of the strongest weaknesses of people."
"Sometimes I wish you would stop acting like a dad, you will get wrinkles," You rolled your eyes feigning annoyance, but the smile on your lips showed otherwise.
"I care about you, you know that," he replied. In a way, his blue eyes deepened when he showed concern. It felt like they had a life of their own.
"I know. Take care, Danny." You kissed him goodbye and headed home. You could feel his gaze, it was so comforting and heavy at the same time.
When you got home, you went directly to your room to turn on the computer. If Samantha hadn't lied, then there really might be a possibility of contacting Ghostface.
She had sent you a link that you hoped to be able to access from your computer, it would be easier to handle.
You only had to wait a few minutes for it to turn on. You copied and pasted the link and it took you to a page.
What the hell, you thought.
The screen welcomed you with everything in black. It looked like it had stuck.
Shit, you didn't know whether to think that your computer exploded or if you were just being hacked.
You decided to wait a few minutes to see if something appeared, otherwise you would have to explain to your parents why and how you screwed up the computer in the house. Although a wave of hope filled you when you saw the page was redirecting you to another. At least nothing broke.
But the feeling dissipated as soon as you saw that there was a message where the address of your house was read. The idea that this link was fake and stupid was gone, now the question that was on the screen watching you with impatience.
Is your house here?
Yes. No.
Without hesitation, you pressed no, confirming it would send you straight to the wolf's mouth. People say 'don't get too close to the fire' after all.
Such was the surprise when you saw how the "Yes" box had been marked. You didn't know or have any idea if this was a machine error or if this was already programmed to work like this, certainly it was causing you panic.
Nothing else appeared. You also didn't dare to move from the chair-just in case something happened and you weren't there- and that was until you heard your cell phone vibrate. You reached out to grab it, looking briefly to see if it was important or not, usually hardly anyone was texting you at this time. Curiosity came to you when you saw that it was an unknown number, they had only written hello to you but you could clearly see that they were still writing. Impatient, you returned your gaze directly to the screen and then to the cell phone.
The horror and fear settled in your body like a parasite as soon as you read what they wrote to you. A location, not yours but somewhere else, a park.
An invitation.
'Park. In front of the fountain with the statues of angels. Don't make it difficult and come. You decided to join the game, now you can't take it back. If not, I will take other more unpleasant measures. GF.'
you already lost.
You spent a while spacing out, reading the message until you heard your mother telling you that the food was done.
Lasagna never felt as unpleasant as it did now.
You decided it was too late to retract the decisions you made all day; from listening to Samantha, taking Danny's piece of cake, to now hitting an unknown link and being stalked by a murderer who only God knows how many families he ruined with his murders. All those events led you here, you had no one to blame but yourself. So, when you arrived at the park, a feeling of discomfort settled throughout your body. You couldn't help but think that you were being watched. Maybe he was already there, playing with his food.
What would he do first? Try to scare you and then stab you out of nowhere? You wanted to think that you'd certainly not scream but if he came out of nowhere… that would probably scare you to death. It would be funny though: 'Ghostface scared a person to death, new modus operandi?'
You were so deep in thought that you didn't notice a man sneaking up behind you until he put his gloved hand over your mouth.
"Waiting for me?" the male voice asked in a sweet tone, too cloying for your taste. "It's such a pleasure to have a pretty one around here, are you my prey today?"
He waited a moment before realizing that he still had his hand over your mouth, clearly preventing you from speaking. Slowly he slid it, freeing you from that grip.
"So... you came," you muttered as you analyzed his costume. There wasn't much to look at either, it was simply a black cloak and the hideous mask that gave him his name.
"I never miss a chance to recklessly kill someone." His voice was rough and raspy, it fit him well. Almost as if it was made just for him, leaving the other poor men dumb. "I must admit that I've received a lot of requests regarding this, but you must be the first to stay this calm and still. I believe you will be my favorite, Birdie," he put on a tone of false affection.
"I better be. Maybe I'm asking you to kill me but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to be special."
"Bonus point 'cause you are extremely cute and quiet. But I'm a big fan of screaming too, so if you want to scream I'm not complaining."
You smirked boldly at that, "Do you want me to scream and make a great scene? I can do that." You cleared your throat and prepared to say the first thing that crossed your mind. "Oh please don't kill me Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel," you heard how he let out a laugh. His laugh sounded so spontaneous and familiar.
"Didn't hear a scream in that sentence but at least you were original. I like that," he said as he sat down on the grass and patted his left side, hoping you would seat as well.
You hesitated before approaching. "May I at least know your name?" you said that while bending down slowly and carefully. The most normal thing would be to do everything quickly but what is the rush? It's too obvious how the night will end for both of you, better enjoy it as much as you can.
Ghostface was silent before answering. "Names are sometimes associated with appearance, I'll let you give me the one you think is more appropriate."
"I do not think that names are associated with the physical aspect of oneself but... lemme see. From your tone of voice I think you are someone pragmatic and bold, but I feel this is a facade more of Ghostface than your true self," you paused before continuing, thinking of a name that might fit the man behind the mask. "It would be funny if you were a shy nerd in your daytime "me". If so, the name I would give you would be... Jed."
Luckily you couldn't see him, because otherwise you would clearly have seen his indignant face.
"Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to like that freaky name!" Ghostface barked with what was supposed to be rage, but a little chuckle gave him away, showing that he found the situation funny.
"Well, you never said you had to like it, plus it sounds good. Jed, the man behind the murders overnight, and a great investigator of the local serial killer during the day." You started shaking with laughter, the fall of the great assassin would be completely a funny thing to witness.
"Well, you never said you had to like it, plus it sounds good. Jed, the man behind the murders overnight, and a great investigator of the local serial killer during the day." You started shaking with laughter, the fall of the great assassin would be completely a funny thing to witness.
"Well then Jed will be." 'Jed' snorted sharply before sinking into deafening silence.
It was so strange how today especially was such a different day, removed from the real world. As if this were a movie and not just another event that will take place in the town. Not a normal one, of course.
The biggest clue was that there wasn't a sound, and you barely heard the breath of the person next to you. It felt as if today the insects and the wind had decided to leave you to give more peace to the environment.
Jed shifted uncomfortably next to you, you felt his leg brush against yours. "Are you scared?" he asked. Oh, how you wished you could see his face. His voice said as much as his mask: absolutely nothing decipherable.
"Trust me, I got more scared seeing Chucky for the first time." At this, you both let out a couple of laughs. It would have been a romantic scene at its best if not for the fact that Ghostface pounced on you, dressed as a being of the night instead of one of the light. You still got carried away with the moment and ignored the fact that he had a knife pointed at your stomach.
"Are you okay?" Jed whispered slowly, your brain processed what he said syllable by syllable, as if his mouth longed to lengthen the moment anyway.
"I'm in my prime, don't you feel like I'm brighter today than usual?" you asked wryly. You knew he didn't know you in person, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.
"Must be the effect the moonlight has on you. It suits you very well," he replied while touching your forehead with what you would call affection, however, you didn't feel warm fingers but his leather glove once again, cold against your skin. The touch made you shiver.
"Don't say that unless you want to excite a poor soul like me." Giggles without genuine emotion escaped your mouth. You didn't expect an answer nor did you want it.
Silence came again. No words were needed for now, but a kind of nervousness arose in you. The anticipation of upcoming events unintentionally upset you. Either way, Ghostface didn't seem to like the idea of being quiet.
"Why do you wanna die?" he asked with what in your ears sounded like genuine curiosity.
"Give me an easier one." You rolled your eyes in obvious annoyance, apparently not even the murderers are spared from the lack of tact in conversations. "You wouldn't get it. Also, why would you be interested? You even care when your victims beg you to live? for you to have mercy?"
In a blink of an eye, Ghostface put his hands around your neck in a warning manner, not a strong grip but a firm one.
"So will you just leave like this?" he asked in an angry tone. "Isn't that selfish?"
"Any feeling of selfishness is erased when it's replaced by loneliness and darkness."
"Are you willing to leave your family like this? To leave him?" he spat out those words, like he was giving you clues to some twisted game. Whatever it is, you and your inner self refused to participate.
You frowned, confused at the mistaken assumption that there was a 'him'. "Yes, if that is what is going to bring me peace once and for all, then that is what I want."
"Selfish, selfish, selfish," Jed muttered endlessly, the words spilling out, one after another. "I... You're lucky that you are behaving and have good manners, otherwise I would have gutted you at this time."
"You think I'm educated?"
"I think you were decent."
"Do you think I'm attractive?"
A pause.
"I've seen better looking people."
"It can't- I'm literally gonna die and you tell me I'm like the others?" you asked, feigning outrage. "First of all you point a knife at me, then you tell me I'm ugly; and so do you consider yourself a gentleman?"
"It's a shame that you treat me in such a way, I was just thinking about letting you go and revealing who I am."
You looked for his eyes with your gaze -no luck though- darkness surrounded everything.
"Are you being serious?"
"Of course I'm not!" Ghostface replied while squeezing your neck a bit more.
"Kinky," you just said at the same time you were smiling. "Am I being a good victim?" you asked him with a twinkle in your eye, longing to know that at least this time you're being useful.
"I think you're the best. No other person will be able to fill your position," Ghostface answered without a trace of doubt in his voice. Never in his life had he hesitated to drive his knife into someone else's chest, and yet he still did not understand why his fingers were so tight around the knife, as if they didn't want the monster to devour the princess, having a consciousness of their own.
His thoughts never waver but his body language tells another story.
"Is it a promise or a fact?"
"Both," he said while at the same time plunging his knife into your chest, he felt that you were unconsciously holding onto his hand. But that's fine, he allowed you, after all, you were the protagonist today. And for the rest of his life. Being the brightest star in the galaxy.
As life was leaving your eyes and body, Ghostface took the opportunity to slide his mask a little over his lips. You could glimpse they were shaped like a cupid's bow, good lips.
He leaned even closer to you and placed a small kiss. It was as if his warmth was suddenly focused on that kiss. You would have kissed him back if your senses hadn't weakened so much along with your heartbeat, and perhaps you could've heard the last thing he whispered to you. It was the first time someone said those words to you, but certainly the last as well.
"Good night, love."
Your lifeless body was breathtaking, anyone with a deceptive sight could have believed you were an angel or some kind of statue. They would completely deny from their hearts having witnessed such a work of art. Truly a shame. This is the best work of a murderer. Made by Ghostface, nothing more and nothing less.
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asterekmess · 4 years
(I was gonna save this for tomorrow, but FUCK IT) Eyyy, still being salty over here. Pls block the tag ‘rant’ if you don’t wanna see anymore of these. Or maybe ‘anti-scott mccall’ though, tbh, I’m not sure how much fun it would be to follow me if you aren’t anti-scott mccall. I’m pretty vocal abt disliking him.
I wanna talk about the concept of Derek being a ‘creeper’ because of all his wandering around the lacrosse field, at lydia’s party, etc. And by talk about, I mean ramble about incoherently. By which I mean, please know that I’m not trying to insult or fight anybody who makes this joke or uses this concept in fic or whatever. I’m just ranting bc I love this boy and his trauma makes me sad.
ANYWAY. (This is insanely long, so I’m adding a “Read More”)
I just have a lot of feelings about people seeing Derek as a stalker/creeper because he keeps showing up at lacrosse practice and in Scott & Stiles’ rooms, etc. It gets mentioned in loads of fics (I see a lot of “Creeperwolf” which I think is supposed to be an endearment?) (And there’s lots of fics that talk about how ‘you used to be/are really creepy, following us around’ Again, not judging) (Dude it’s even a whole tag on AO3 ‘Creeper Derek Hale’) and it’s joked about a lot in fandom (the vine with the ‘every step you take’ song and the swans on the building comes to mind). I see it a lot, and dude, it hurts me.
Let’s look at Derek’s current mental state and what he’s been dealing with, going all the way back to Paige. (Or, tbh, his birth) Derek is a werewolf. He was born a werewolf, to a family of werewolves. He grew up within the supernatural world, in a whole different culture to humans (honestly, my fury at the lack of werewolf culture/history/worldbuilding is worthy of its own post. Let me know if by some ungodly chance, you actually wanna hear my thoughts on it.) and presumably the number one rule in all of werewolfdom is “Keep the Secret.” Now, Derek’s fuckin’ 14/15 (I put his birthday on Christmas, like most of fandom, and if his house burned down when he was 16, in the spring, and he was dating Kate for a while before, he would’ve dated her when he was 15, and we don’t know how long there was between paige and kate, but let’s give him a summer of mourning. So. 14ish with paige) and he starts dating this human. He’s kinda shit at keeping the secret, implying that either he’s only dated werewolves before, or she’s his first girlfriend ever (also implying that maybe some of the people on his basketball team are werewolves, bc they don’t seem to notice his weird way of talking [pack members maybe? fuck, my heart]) and he’s maybe not as careful as he should be. (More implications arise, and we begin to build our own history. If Derek was never taught not to say dumb shit like ‘i caught a scent’ then was he even in public school before freshman year? Were the Hales all homeschooled before high school to help keep the secret? How soon do wolfy abilites arise? Do they hit with puberty? Fuck, I digress.) He says some dumb shit, and Paige gets suspicious. Of course, he doesn’t know that, and he has some kind of meltdown about her eventually finding out his secret. We hear from Peter (who’s villainized, so we’re not supposed to necessarily believe what he says, but what we see in the flashback doesn’t make a huge amount of sense either so *shrug*) that he enlists Ennis to bite Paige, believing that if she is bitten she won’t spill the secret and she’ll be more inclined to accept that Derek is a werewolf. Now, she fucking dies. Paige dies in Derek’s arms because of this, and he finds out at the last second that she already knew the secret. He feels guilty enough abt getting her killed but now he’s got a whole new batch of guilt from finding out that apparently he’s so bad at keeping the secret of his ENTIRE SPECIES that she found out he was a werewolf. She could’ve exposed them all at any time. He had to be terrified. Next, he’s 15/16 and he meets a gorgeous older woman who presumably showers him in affection, and all the horrors that go with that whole situation (I don’t wanna go into detail, because obviously). But again, whether Derek tells her himself or she just knew or she finds out, whatever it is, Kate knows Derek and his family are werewolves. AND SHE KILLS THEM ALL. Derek has no clue what the fuck is going on. All he knows is he is the only link between Kate and his family, which must mean that it’s his fault she knows about them. Once again, he’s revealed the Big Secret and people Died. He and Laura bolt to NY for six years, where presumably they live in hiding thinking the Argents are coming after them to finish off the Hales. Then Laura gets sent a funky letter and goes back to Beacon Hills. Now, we have a lil more confusion (i’ve got a whole buttload of issues with the timeline, but let’s not get into that now) because he says he came looking for Laura, but later he mentions that he knew she was in Beacon Hills and was searching for...whoever burnt down their house...that whole plotline confuses the shit out of me (derek knew kate did it. he blamed All the argents, but he knew kate was involved. So why was Laura looking for the pendant. and if he didn’t tell her then why was he looking for the pendant?? And what did the pendant have to do with the deer and the spiral?? Halp.) but whatever. He shows up and finds his sister dead, the hunters arrive in town the next day, and suddenly there’s an angry alpha Attacking Humans.
We’re finally in the present. Derek has lost what little family he had left, except for a catatonic uncle. He already has two instances in his past where the worry of keeping werewolves a secret has caused deaths. And now there’s this teenager. No, actually, two teenagers. One who was bitten, and one who shouts out “You’re a werewolf!” in the middle of the preserve, instantly figuring out a centuries-old supernatural secret. Derek is fucking terrified, and things are only getting worse. This kid who got bitten? Derek follows him to see if he’s really a wolf, to find out if he knows what’s happening to him, if he believes the other teen. He finds the kid JUMPING OVER PEOPLE’S HEADS in broad daylight in front of everyone. Derek might’ve had a couple verbal giveaways but this is just ridiculous. Then, even better, the kid goes on a date on the FULL MOON with THE YOUNGEST ARGENT. There’s about a billion reasons to follow Scott to the party. It’s a FULL MOON, for one. HE’S WITH AN ARGENT for another. And of course he can’t just walk into the party. He’s fucking 22 for fuck’s sake. This is a high school party. He’d get arrested. And of course he doesn’t introduce himself to Scott beforehand. He has no way of knowing if this kid is on the Alpha’s side. He’s the Alpha’s Beta, it would make perfect sense for him to be obeying the Alpha. OR since he’s with the Argent, maybe he’s working with them. Maybe he’s a plant of some kind. a hunter pet. Laura was used as bait to catch Derek, why not Scott too? But he sees quickly that Allison has no clue what’s going on, at least with Scott, and he takes her home and steals her jacket to lure Scott into the Preserve where he can’t hurt anyone. Then, when he sees Scott get chased by the hunters, with no Alpha coming running to protect him, he decides “Alright, guess this kid’s my ally. Gotta protect him.” Yeah. He says some weird shit. But the evidence points to Derek not knowing much about bitten wolves. He tells Scott that he doesn’t know how to train a bitten wolf, but he does know how to help Scott recover memories (the memory loss appears to only happen in the early days of shifting, which lends more credibility to the possibility that born wolves don’t start shifting properly until later in life [puberty being the most likely milestone] and he therefore has experience with that, but not with the kind of control Scott needs, that he’s known his whole life). Born a werewolf, he’s never considered the bite anything other than a gift. He also just lost his entire family, so sue him for trying to find some kind of connection between them. (It honestly makes total sense for him to use the term ‘brothers’ bc he KNOWs Scott won’t understand the concept of ‘pack’ yet) So, now that’s decided to help Scott, to protect him, he goes back to the school. SURELY now that Scott knows what he is and how dangerous he is when stressed, he’ll reign himself in during lacrosse, or even just back out of it altogether. There are lives at stake here, be them human, or if Scott exposes the secret, werewolves. SURELY this kid wouldn’t put everyone in danger over a fucking game. But no. Not only does he keep flaunting his abilities, but he SHIFTS ON THE FIELD. If Stiles hadn’t Dragged Scott out of there, the entire supernatural world would be EXPOSED by this ONE KID. Derek passed Terrified about a hundred miles back. He’s gotta be fucking out of his mind with fear. I don’t blame him even a little for threatening Scott. If Scott’s not gonna do the right thing on his own, then threatening him is worth it if people don’t DIE. Then, bc Scott’s a pissy baby and goes to shout at him and be a fuckwad, and Stiles is nosey and neither of them have boundaries (I love Stiles, but fucking seriously, digging up a grave?) Derek gets ARRESTED. He pleads with this lanky teen who is brave enough to climb into the cruiser with a WEREWOLF. Who’s FRiends with a Werewolf. Who figured it out so quickly. He pleads with him to understand how dangerous this is, to stop his friend. And Stiles looks like he’s gonna, but Scott bolts bc of the wolfsbane (Which...listen if I’m being really salty, a deep bitter part of me genuinely wonders if he was that freaked out, or if he overheard Derek beg Stiles not to let Scott play, and Scott ran away from Stiles so he wouldn’t get told no, bc he wanted to play.) and by the time Stiles finds him he’s already dressed for the game. And DEREK WAS RIGHT. Scott DID lose control. He DID shift on the field. At LEAST one human saw him shift, and the coach for the other team knew something was up too. He DID expose them, and he did it further bc Jackson is suspicious now. Now, I’ve reblogged a gifset of it before, the moment when Derek shows up at the lacrosse field and finds Jackson standing in it after Scott’s run off, staring at a glove with a claw hole in it. He is watching his worst nightmare come true. Scott has exposed them and Jackson is going to figure out werewolves, just like Stiles did. He knows right that instant that people are going to die. I’ll reiterate what I said in the tags on that gifset. It’s extremely likely that Derek bit Jackson out of self-preservation. Jackson had been threatening to tell the hunters and the entire world if he didn’t get what he wanted. The safest thing to do was give Jackson the bite so that at least he would be putting himself in danger too if he exposed werewolves. He forced Jackson to have to keep the secret for himself because he knew Jackson wouldn’t do it for anyone else. (And he knew Jackson had some self-preservation, compared to Scott, and wouldn’t want to expose himself.)
Listen, I just. I just get so sad watching Derek sneaking into people’s rooms and standing on the edge of the field and showing up in the locker rooms. He’s trying to help. He’s trying to protect. He wants to be there in case Scott does something stupid (which he does, again and Again) to protect him, even after Scott REFUSED to help him stop a SERIAL KILLER because there wasn’t anything in it for him. Even after Scott fucking blackmails him by leaving him hanging on a grate with wires plugged into his side and his abuser on their way back to hurt him, he still helps him protect Allison (who watched him be tortured and did nothing. [He still has the capacity to acknowledge that it’s not her fault. That she couldn’t save him. He doesn’t blame her for it and he certainly doesn’t want her to die.]) He wants to keep his Betas safe. He stands in the parking lot waiting for them to test Lydia because he doesn’t want them to have to go through with killing her alone (and he only tries to kill her because she DOESN’T pass the test [although I admit it’s a dumb test] and because the kanima is KILLING people. More people have died and I don’t know how the fuck Derek manages to keep standing, let alone having such capacity for empathy and optimism and sarcasm after everything he’s dealt with. He’s constantly being hunted by hunters or humans, or fuck even Scott himself, since every time Scott gets upset he blames Derek for everything (I’m still fucking disgusted that he turned up at Derek’s place and accused him of murdering his own sister.) And STILL he shows up. No matter how many times he’s shoved away and ignored and yelled at. He shows up and he stands on the fringes and he waits for the chance to help.
And what’s creepy about that?
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Since Japan has its own beauty standards like having the pressure to be thin so chubby Kai is used to being made fun of. Can I have a scenario where angel is popular at her school and chubby Kai has a huge crush on her but doesn’t know how to approach her so he tried writing a letter to her only to be found by male and female students who made fun of him so it’s up to Hari and Angel to stop the bullying.
"Look at the love dovey boy~" Kurono cooed at his friend with a smirk before yelping at the book Chisaki threw at his face "That hurted you know?!"
He only scoffed at his friend and returned his gaze at you, talking and laughing at some stupid joke a friend of yours. How beautiful you looked, and how much your voice sounded like a siren/angel's call. It was like a damn curse from how much he just wanted to be near you.
"Listen." Kurono grunted while getting up again on the lunch table, rubbing his nose which had been attacked "Why dont you just talk to her? (Y/n) is nice and-"
"Being nice is not going to help. She is surrounded by those filth..." he talked back as Kurono only arched one of his eyebrows at his friend.
"You're shy of talking with the girl you like?" Kurono smirked when Kai threatened to throw another book at him "The big Chisaki Kai is shy of asking a girl out!"
"You son of-" he went to get up but soon got back down on his seat when he notice you turned to look at both to send a wave and a smile.
"You are!" Hari pointed at him and he slapped his friend's hands away.
Kai glared at his friend before sighing, opening one of his many books and secretely a pen to write down on a little note he had manage to get the courage to do it... a few talks with Pops lead him to pick up some novels and get to write a note to speak to you.
This way he wouldn't embarrass himself... after all, he was him, a boy that was slightly chubbier than the normal ones and got bullied a lot because of it and that he was from a mafia. You on the other hand was this ball of energy and joy, gentle and lovingly with everyone around you and popular.
He would only hurt his pride trying to talk with you.
So he waited until the end of classes, he was one of the first ones to get out even before the bell ringed. He picked the note from his pocket and searched for your locket and sighed when he found it... Should he sign it? Or should he just put what Pops suggested as a "secret admirer"... maybe this was going to startled you..
Shit. What does he do now?
"Heeeyyy! Isn't that our mafia fat ass!" A voice made him tense but not to lose his temper as he only stared back at the boy with hands on his pockets with his two companions and two girls giggling beneath their palms.
"What the chubby son of daddy doing in here uh??" Akito aproached with a smug smile, despite being taller than him, Chisaki knew that this boy was one of the few who practice sports... and another fight would lead him to a bad reputation and another discussion with Pops.
"How about you mind your own bussines? Oh wait, considering that brain you have you problem dont have any." Kai tilted his head up with a unbothered look which Akito only glared back ugly.
Suddenly he felt the note being snatched from his gloved hand and felt a bit of his hives quickly show up on his arm and a side of his face.
"Look at what I got!" The girl chirped while showing the note on her hand as Chisaki growled.
"Give that back this instant-!"
"Oohh~" one of the boys putted his hands up in mockery "Is it a love letter chub??"
"Please!" Akito laughed while looking up and down at Chisaki who clenched his hands on his fists "Someone like him surely knows no one would ever want this. Especially someone like (Y/n)." Chisaki widened his eyes at that.
"Ohoho! You poked on his wound!" The other boy chuckled as Akito only aproached Kai whose only stepped back.
"Listen fat ass. (Y/n) is a beautiful and sexy as fuck girl." He snarled "Maybe on some other country women find your gigantic sign attractive, but here on Japan l, woman prefer the thin and buff type ya know? So, get that on your nerd head that she, will NEVER want someone with a bag looking like is pregnant of a food baby. Got that?" Akito smiled and handed the note the girl passed to him... Chisaki was going to snatch away the note with a defeated look before someone beat him to it.
The person he surely didn't want to see this drama.
"(Y/n)-chan!" The girls squealed as you opened the note and started to read it, causing Kai to tense up and more of his hives to appear.
"Ne, (Y/n)-chan, this chub here got this love letter for you." The boy spoke in a sarcasm tone as you finished reading.
"Just admit to him already he is not your type and let's get out of here." Akito smirked and went to grab your wrist but soon your hand was connected with his face on a painful and audible slap.
The group stared at you in horror as you glared at the boy you just slapped.
"YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF AKITO!" you shouted before looking at the group of your ex-friends "ALL OF YOU!"
"H-Hey we were only messing around with him!" One of the boys spoke in horror as one of the girls tried to aproach you.
"Yeah! We were just kidd-" you pushed her away with an angry look.
"Just kidding?! Body shaming someone is a joke for you now?!"you shouted, not noticing Chisaki staring at you like you grew three heads and Kurono aproaching with a bag of popcorn and checking on his friend
"Come on you cant actually think that this-this guy is attractive!" Akito spoke while showing with his hand, the other clenching one side of his face, at Chisaki.
"Attractive AND better than you Akito! On many levels!" You shouted back before pointing at the exit of the school "I dont ever want to speak with you toxic junk ever again, you heard me?! EVER!" the group mumbled some apologies to you as you scoffed while they got out "Is not me they should be apologizing." You muttered in anger.
"What just happened?" Kurono asked to Chisaki whose only deadpanned at him before looking at what you had on hands before muttering to Kurono they should go. But just when they had taken a couple of steps he heard your voice calling out for him.
"Chisaki-kun! Wait a bit!" You panted when he stopped, only thanks to Kurono since he just wanted to get the hell put of there "Can I... Talk to you?" You asked while trying to regain your breath from running after him.
"Meet you in the car." Kurono blinked at him and skedaddle his way out of there, Kai only mouthing an "I'm going to kill you."
"So... is.. is this true?" You showed him the note in your hand as he sighed, mentally prepared to receive a rejection.
"Every word of it. So what?" He said in a cold tone before you let out a watery giggle and gave him a tight hug... leaving him spechless and shock... your touch didn't bothered him, didn't cause him disgust, didn't caused his hives to appear... yet he was so confused.. why on earth you were crying.
He lowered his arms and awkwardly patted your back.
"Sorry." You giggled while letting go of him, rubbing your eyes a bit while smilling "Is just that I never... saw such honesty and beautiful words like that towards me... and all of them true and not with bad intentions."
"... I wouldn't." He mumbled while getting back to walk and just burry on his own misery before you grabbed on his wrist shyly.
"I-Is.. Would it be nice if we go out? Just the two of us?" Chisaki widened his eyes at hearing that but he refused to look at you, leaving you a nervous mess before he recompose himself and turned to look at you with a blank face.
"An restaurant?" You suggested while giving him the paper where you messily wrote the address on it "... I never took anyone there since I wanted to be someone... Someone I liked, loved even."
"Excuse me?" He let out an unknown sound even for him as you muffled your snickers and planted a kiss on his cheek and let go of his hand.
"The feeling is mutual." You spoke with a wink and got out of there happily bouncing as you left a speechless Chisaki whose only touched the place where your lips had been.
"Eyyy!" Kurono suddenly came out of no where "Guess who just got a fate huh!" When he received no response he only let out a confused and quite worried sound at sieng Chisaki with wide eyes and a red face.
"Oi? Earth to Kai? Hello?" He waved his hand on front of his friend's vision but nope. No effect.
Guess you just broke him.
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hebescus · 4 years
some things stay forever somehow
eyyy it’s the 4th day!
this was actually a scrap, i sent the rough version of it in the 7K discord server and they liked it??? so i just decided to fuck it, i’m taking this seriously so here we are. Enjoy this unecessarily oddly detailed lil piece.
@alistairwrites here’s my lil piece i hope you enjoy it!
The wind blew through his hair, the warm ambience and the crackling fire sound relaxing him as he absentmindedly leaned to his cousin’s side. Varian always loved campfires, there’s something oddly familiar about their warmth, it felt like he just belonged there, in front of the crackling fire. Campfires always gave him this odd feeling of longing, yearning, but fulfilled at the same time. And he always craves that feeling.
That’s why he was really excited when Eugene–his cousin–asked him to join a small camping event together. He knew nobody but Eugene and Rapunzel–his girlfriend. It was a college event after all, and he was still in senior high school. Plus, socializing wasn’t the reason why he came, so he didn’t bring himself to care.
So far, the first night was nice. Eugene and Rapunzel introduced him to a few of their friends and he actually really liked them. He cried laughing by Lance’s story, he had a great time discussing things with Cassandra’s critical and smart opinions, and more. Well, they were obviously different from Nuru or Yong who were his age but he had a great time with them.
“You seemed really intrigued with campfires, kid. Care to share something?” He snapped out of his daydream to find Lance sat on the ground next to him, he didn’t even realize Eugene left a minute ago. He smiled, warmth crept on his body thinking about all the feelings he felt.
“I don’t know…it just felt like I belonged here. I always want to come back, I feel satisfied to be here. But at the same time I…I long for something, there’s like something’s missing but I don’t- ah, I don’t know Lance,” he rambled. Lance gave him a nod as if a sign that he wanted Varian to continue. “I love the warmth, the noises, the ambience…I never felt better when I’m here, It’s confusing, really, I don’t even know why,”
“Hmmm, I see,” Lance answered. His eyes fixated on the burning woods a thinking expression. “I know this might be craaazy for you, but someone from my orphanage once said that if you feel some kind of familiar, longing, addicted feelings about certain something or situations, that means you have a special experience with them in your past life,”
“That sounds like a kids bedtime story if you ask me,” Varian shrugged but he immediately felt bad for being a little bit ignorant, so he corrected his words, “I mean, that’s real sweet, but-”
“Well, I’m not finished yet! They even said that you met someone that makes you feel more connected to the situation, and the longing feeling just gone, that means they were connected to that situation in the past and was important to you,” he continued. “They even called it soulmate, if you even believe in one,” Lance raised his eyebrow, a confusing look between agree or disagree with that statement. And Varian…well, he just cringed. Hard.
“Yep, I don’t like how that sounds,” Varian laughed. “But that’s just my personal opinion, I don’t really believe in that kinda stuff,” Lance hadn’t given him any clue whether he actually agreed with that statement or not, after all.
“Ah, it’s fine, really. A science based guy like you must like something logical, right?” Varian nodded and gave him a small smile before he continued. “I mean, that’s just a little thing you gotta plant in your head because who knows? Maybe it’s real, we just haven’t found out just yet,” he said with an unreadable soft expression. Eugene was not wrong when he said Lance was their dad friend. After that, someone called Lance for help and then he was alone again with his thoughts and the campfire.
“Shit- hey!” Varian’s silence was distubed by a squeal from behind him. He looked back and saw a man being strangled by a wild raccoon who looked like he was trying to steal a fish kabob from the man’s hand. He couldn’t see them clearly–thanks to the night lighting–but he could make out what’s going on. “Ey! Get off me!”
“Uh hey! You…alright?” Varian wasn’t really into the idea of talking to people that’s not introduced by Eugene or Rapunzel, but the man seemed like he needed a little help.
“Can’t you see?! This little- ugh, creature trying to steal my last kabob!” He answered while trying to balance his food and fight the raccoon off. Varian chuckled at that sight, reconsidered his childhood dream of wanting a pet raccoon.
“I think you should just give it to him,” Varian laughed.
“Are you crazy?! This is my las-” Varian cut him off by holding up a plate full of kabobs that Rapunzel gave him earlier.
“Not a big fan of fishies so…you want some?” The man grinned, quickly dropped his kabob to the ground and let the raccoon eat it as he practically ran towards the other boy.
“Oh God, yes, this is like- very good, thank you-” the man said as he snatched the plate out of Varian’s hand, immediately chewing the vegetables and sat next to the blue eyed boy.
Varian took a proper look at him as he ate. He didn’t look much older than him, he had a strong jawline and sharp looks on his face, circular glasses hung on his nose, blond hair neatly tied above his undercut, and…he looked kinda attractive for some reason? Or maybe he just liked the way that faded green sports jacket clung on his white printed tee and ripped blue jeans that complimented his long legs- and why the hell you care so much about that, Varian?
“Listen, I know I’m hot, but staring at people who’re eating is rude,” the man said with furrowed eyebrows, still chewing his food. Varian would think it’s kinda cute if he didn’t just call him rude.
“Is it though? I’m sorry then, I never saw anyone being attacked by a raccoon for a freaking kabob before,” he shrugged playfully. The older just laughed, Varian nearly thought he got a special connection with kabobs because God damn, he inhaled it.
“Well, I’ve never seen you before, hairstripe. Are you new or something?” The man asked, already on his last skewer. Varian was confused by the nickname for a bit before he realized that it’s probably from the blue streak. He dyed it two years ago and still refused to change it.
“No serious business, I just love camping- Well, actually, I’m just joining my cousin, Eugene. You know him?” he shrugged, but then he realized he haven’t introduce hims-
“Yes, of course. That means you’re…uh, what is it- ah! yes, Varitas?”
“Actually, it’s Varian,” Varian tried to not roll his eyes and let out a chuckle instead. 
“Ohh, yeah, Varian- I’m sorry. Flynn talked about you a bunch of times,”
“Yeah, that’s…kind of an inside joke nickname we gave him,” he answered, placing the empty plate on the ground. “Well, nice to meet you, freckles. I’m Hugo, your cousin’s partner in crime," 
The first night went very well. They kept talking to each other until it was late. Late enough that everyone who’s playing games with them at some point went back to their tents, someone even gave the leftover kabobs–luckily for Varian, it was chicken–before she headed off to her tent. The raccoon came back, Hugo reluctantly shared some vegetables with them while Varian laughed and randomly decided to name them Ruddiger, which ironically is Varian’s middle name. 
That night, Varian learned that Hugo was only a year older than him. He was a freshman, the youngest person in Eugene’s circle–they knew each other from being in the same basketball club. He also learned that Hugo majored in science, just like he wanted to be. He loved camping for the campfires just like Varian. Although, he learned much more about the older from his observation. He loves calling people with nicknames, he had this unique trait such as naming most of his stuff, he would snuggle on his jacket when the wind got chilly, he would scrunch his nose when he disagreed about something, and he was really smart. He didn’t know why he paid that much attention to the little details, but for now, all he can say is that he was indeed interested in this guy.
The second night rushed in. They were exhausted from all of the fun activities they did in the day with some friends. They went swimming, played a bunch of sports, they even had a little acoustic session at sunset. But at the end of the day, they would sit there in front of the campfire, Varian with his comfortable beanie and Hugo with his warm jacket.
"Today was really fun, don’t you think?” Varian asked softly. His thought ran around the events that happened that day. It gave his stomach some funny feelings. It started when Hugo gave him his shirt after swimming–no one told Varian to bring any backup clothes. He swore he saw a pink tint on his cheeks and a really soft little smile on his lips before a friend turned his attention away from the younger. Then their hand would brush against each other while trekking, occasionally interlocked them together on a steep path. He also still remembers when Hugo hugged his head and yelled at his friend for accidentally hitting Varian’s head with a volleyball. He somehow couldn’t get enough of the feeling of his fingers on his hair.
And then the little acoustic session. Oh God, he didn’t know what to feel about that. He was challenged by Cass to sing because she knew he didn’t like to sing in public. He didn’t care that much at first, but once the first line came out of his lips, Varian just lost his ability to speak. Who knew that the kabob guy he met last night had an extremely angelic voice. It was a really romantic song and the fact that Hugo kept staring at him the whole time just made his heart stop. He is in fact no head over heels for the guy he just met last night, right? 
“Yeah it is. I don’t feel like going home tomorrow,” he frowned. “I just want to be here…in the middle of whatever forest is this, by this campfire and the warmth- just doing nothing and…talking to-you. It’s nice to have a campfire company like you, hairstripe,”
Varian’s stomach went weird again and his freckled cheeks went slightly pink. But immediately fought it off with a little ‘thank you’ and changed the topic and had a whole new, endless conversation again.
One thing that he realized is that the more they talked, the warmer he got. He could feel this odd yet familiar kind of comfort and connection that somehow he only got when Hugo was around and he only knew him for one day. 
It was nearly three in the morning when one of Hugo’s friend came out of his tent, scolding them for being out so late and just initiated to extinguish the fire- for some unknown grumpy reason. 
But that didn’t stop them from talking about a random meme on Varian’s phone that got them laughing a little too loudly. Varian then started to ramble about this funny childhood story that was connected to the meme, when a rush of cold wind made his body shivers. He tried to fight it off by keeping on talking, but Hugo noticed that.
“You cold, hummingbird?” Hugo asked, starting to take off his jacket.
“A little, but it’s fine,” however, his body couldn’t lie as he tugges his short sleeves begging for some warmth.
“And you think I would believe that?” The older chuckled, shoved  his jacket to the other’s chest.
“How about you-” he was cut by Hugo’s facepalm as he T posed and showed every side of his hoodie. 
“I have layers, bean,” the blond said smugly while his hand slightly fixed the younger’s beanie. Varian smiled and put the jacket on. It was the second clothing that Hugo borrowed him but this one is definitely better than the shirt. It smelled like…Hugo. He didn’t know how to describe it, but he enjoyed it,
Maybe a little too much.
He decided that he didn’t want to be away from that blond boy. It was only two days but he swore he really really liked him. Yes, he finally admitted it. The second that jacket was clung on his body, he knew all the feelings just crashed together. And he was scared, because right now everything was packed and they were all ready to go home. He stared at the older’s back who’s laughing with his friends and carrying supplies to a car. He really didn’t want him to go.
Varian tugged the green jacket closer to his body, trying to memorize every warmth before he gave it back. He took a deep breath and walked towards Hugo.
“Uh, Hugh,” he called nervously.
“Oh, hey there, hairstripe. Need help with something?”
“Umm, no, I just want to say thank you…for these past two days, I really, really enjoyed it. It’s been nice to know you,” he smiled softly as his fingers started to unzip the jacket and take off the jacket. “And I guess you left your-”
“No, please keep it,” Hugo cut him off, his hand gripped the left pocket of the jacket and halted the younger’s move. “Olivia looks good on you,” Oh, did he mention that his favorite jacket was named 'Olivia’? Because Varian thought it was adorable. 
He was about to thank him when the older stepped closer and pecked his lips softly, leaving him absolutely breathless and flustered.
“See you later, goggles,” Hugo smiled, walking away from Varian and approached his friends. He had so many thoughts but the last nickname was kind of confusing. He called him sweet cheeks, blue, hairstripe, freckles, shortstack, bean, hummingbird, but where did goggles come from? It was weirdly…familiar. It was the same weird feelings with the sudden connection he got with that boy. 
He stayed silent on the road. Thinking about that handsome prick who stole his heart just like that, thinking about his lips on his own and how it should be longer than just a single peck, thinking about their connections, his weird last nickname…his head just screamed 'Hugo, Hugo, Hugo’ and he loved it. He loved every single thought about him.
Once he got home, he quickly greeted his dad and changed his clothes. He was about to hang the jacket to the back of his door when a piece of paper fell from the left pocket.
Would you mind for another talk, sweet cheeks?
Love, Hugh’
He smiled at the paper like he never smiled before then he jumped around his room and quickly grabbed his phone. One thing he realized when he was typing the number; the second he laid his eyes on Hugo, the longing feeling of the campfire just gone, replaced by a satisfied, fulfilled warmth and connection that made the campfire felt better and better when he was around.
Guess Lance’s little story wasn’t a bedtime fairytale anymore.
The air was cold, but the fire warmed their body as they leaned on each other’s side. Nuru and Yong were fast asleep in their tents, tired from the long day of journey plus the challenging trial.
“Hugh,” the younger called, intertwining his hand with Hugo’s, today’s event brought their feelings together and they could never be more grateful. “If you can keep a moment forever with you. What would it be?”
“Yeah, forever,”
“It’s pretty simple actually,” the older answered with such sweetness in his voice. “It would be now,”
“Uh…what do you mean by 'now’?” Hugo laughed at his lover’s obliviousness.
“To be here with you…in the middle of whatever forest is this, by this campfire and its warmth- just doing nothing and…talking to-you. It’s really lucky of me to have a company like you, hairstripe,” he answered softly.
“That’s…what I want to be kept forever too, even if we have another life I want this kind of moment to stay,” he slightly cringed at his sudden sappiness but he was too in love to care. “I love you,” he whispered as he leaned in to kiss the older.
“I love you too, goggles”
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ashes-in-a-jar · 4 years
Tma relisten Episodes 11-15
So this round already has two other posts out of it about Oliver because he Bae.
These have alot of ideas regarding entities changing around reality, controlling non victims to set the stage, and turning around what people love most to their worst fear. Also insane abilities of the crew to obtain hard to access info and evidence! And some more Jon sass. Enjoy!
11 dreamer
Wow this episode had alot. I made a separate post with a theory about Oliver's statement here and a realization regarding him and Jane Prentiss here. They are alot to unpack
Oliver is so. Freaking. Relatable! Learned economics and hated it. Nearly had a breakdown like him because of it. "going to stay with some of the few friends that had survived my year of stress-fuelled outbursts and constantly cancelled plans." yep. That.
Boyfriend Graham ey? You notebook eating Graham?? Wow that guy is full of surprises.
I love the dream sequences and their descriptions it's a really beautiful thing to try and picture.
Its interesting how he went from passive to desparate to passive again about death. He tries but can't help. I wonder when the dreams started to bother him so much he sought after the silence of point Nemo. Was it when they became so full of red because of the apocalypse coming closer? Hmmm
Another person named John. I guess that makes sense it's a common name. But I forgot how many people are fully named in this podcast. Hundreds of names to come up with! Jonny I'm quite impressed!
He worked with Jane Prentiss in the magic shop! I can't believe I forgot about that! Wow small avatar world indeed.
"It led me to a room, the label of which was still visible, and read “Archive”. I entered to see walls covered with shelves and cabinets stretching off into the distance. These shelves were coated in a sticky black tar, which I knew at that moment was the thickened, pulpy blood that pumped through each and every one of those veins." everything that has to do with the Fears I bet. Full of death and destruction and stolen from the veins to be out on display for the Eye's pleasure.
Yo Jon is scared of this he's seriously considering going to Elias for advice
" I had Tim look into it, as I don’t entirely trust the others not to have written it as a practical joke" wait. He trusts TIM? Not to do a practical joke? How. Why. Eh?
"died in the line of duty" fuck you Jonah.
Now Jon will get every new statement immediately when it's made. Perhaps this was Elias' intention all along. To scare him into making sure he does not miss any paranormal activity recorded by the institute.
12 first aid
I'm not immune to more Gerry badassery, hell yeah
And we get polish Martin which hell yeah! Even if Jon doesn't believe it. I'm sure he's repressing the fact that he's thoroughly impressed.
I think it's really interesting the effect entities have on people who are decidedly not their victims. Everyone leaving no questions so the entity can set the scene for the scare. Like with Gillespie how no one lived in the apartment building he was in etc. Alot of work into a handful of people being genuinely scared.
Gerry's burns stopped at the neck? How did he manage that. Also it's hilarious to imagine that he's like "yes burn all of me but please. not my goth makeup"
Zippo lighter with eye design!! And Jon has web design! They are brothers (joke but still really interesting)
Liquids were boiling around her and she didn't feel the heat. Also an interesting effect just for the scare.
Gerry got eye superpowers like Jon if he can function while injure and filled with painkillers.
“Yes. For you, better beholding than the lightless flame.” Gerry knew she'd be haunted by a Fear from that day on and realised that perhaps being watched would be easier for her specifically to deal with than the Desolation. I guess that's a way of assessing people. Which fear would least bother you.
Jon is already enamoured with Gerry you can tell. He can't wait to hear more from him. Just you wait Jon.
They really can access alot of information huh. CCTV Interviews files. Pretty impressive for a non-research team. They're so good at it they'd rather do that than actual archiving.
13 alone
The sound editing in this episode is not that great it was a bit to get used to.
We get a glimpse at the Lukases which is... Ugh
Jon is actually trying to be nice. Granted it's not working and she is a bit of a standoffish person herself who just went through a bad time but alot of her reactions are not his fault. He was trying to be considerate giving her space to record but he did stay when she asked.
She had already leaned into the Lonely before the incident it's interesting to see how some of these statements start with a person actually liking the aspect that later turns to fear. Same happens in lost johns' cave.
Evan Lukas sounds like an avatar of the exact opposite of the Lonely. At least to her. That's a really interesting effect from someone, especially a Lukas.
But maybe dying wasn't his family killing him but him not feeding his patron which he tried to leave. Really tragic.
She was in Martin's domain eyyy!
It's got a bit of buried aspects to it with the grave stuff and all.
"My fingers dug into the soft cemetery dirt as I looked around desperately for anything I could use to save myself, and my hand closed upon that heavy piece of headstone. It took all my self-control to keep a grip on that anchor, as I slowly dragged myself away from the edge of my lonely grave." The headstone was her anchor? But it said forgotten. I wonder how it helped her pull away. It probably had to go together with Evan's voice. Like the rib and the tape recorders having to work together! I just wonder what meaning the stone had for her.
"I’d be tempted to chalk this one up to a hallucination from stress and trauma, if it wasn’t for the fact... " God he does believe her heavens. He's not a skeptic!
This is when Jon's dreams start which... Good luck Jon.
14 piecemeal
Rentoul is terrifying sonofabitch and I would never want to meet him irl
I remembered them talking about how he was supposed to be a person who cursed alot and they couldn't do it because of sensor and I have to agree this could have been much better for the story. I tried imagining curses in some places.
LOL Jon reading this is funny. Trying to voice act the bad boy. Doesn't sound right on his voice.
With these kinds of statements happening alot where the person does something bad, the institute has to be in touch with police over them. The nda has to include that.
Hello Angela! I really wonder what her deal is. She scared the bid bully so she gotta have creepy vibes to the extreme.
Another lighter! Hmm do I have to start following the lighter motiff in this podcast. This one has a topless woman on it. Flesh lighter?
Salesa's also appearing that's cool! Noriega was probably looking for an artifact to reverse the curse. Didn't work tho since they left with the crate. The buried crate perhaps?
I'm wondering. Was this written? Because the statement sounds like he's talking. If so, Where's the recording?
Oh Jon your attitude towards Martin is so bad. He works so hard and it's not even in what he's good at, sorting and filing like he knows how to do from the library. God.
What's the deal with all the furniture gone? Did he think it'll help not get injured? He's not that smart if he thought that would help him.
15 lost Johns' cave
Ack a bad statement she was not a good person all around
Another example of the entities setting the stage by controlling others not to interfere with the victim's experience.
Also another example of the person liking the subject (cave exploration in this case. And the dark for that matter) only for it to turn against them.
Not much to say about this one other than its one of the scarier ones for sure. And her recording in the end is really the cherry on top. There is alot of discrepancy between what she believed happened and what actually did which shows how much the fear plays with and changes around reality. That's also how she manages to lie in a statement to Beholding. It wasn't a lie. It was her version of reality and she did not remember saying those awful words.
Taught me alot about cave diving and how much I will never do it in my life.
The Dark was mixed into this as well so it wasn't purely Buried.
Btw Where did she get the candles she was found with?
It feels like she made a choice. Didn't want to spend her last moments with her sister and then didn't want to die. She chose her sister to be taken over her. Her sister called for help and the candle coming closer might have been her! But she just shut her eyes.
How did Tim gain access to the recording?? Wow that's some prime evidence.
Martin is claustrophobic amongst other things huh? Live how Jon just dismisses this as an excuse not to work. At least he didn't push it.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #531: Returning from The New Horizon (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
4:00 p.m. in front of Smash Town......
Wolf: (Smell The Fresh Air As Him and His Crew Made Their Way to the Mansion) ('Ahhh') Yeeup. It's good to be back home, boys....and Izzy. (Winks at Isabelle)
Isabelle: (Giggles Softly as She's Hugging Wolf's Arm While Walking Beside Him)
Leon: (Carrying Some of his Packing Bags) I'll admit, the New Horizon Island was a pretty decent experience if I do say so myself.
Panther: (Carrying his Packing Bag as Well) I agree. While it's not as fancy or luxurious as any resorts I dreamed of visiting someday, it was still enjoyable for the most part. What's your thoughts on the experience, Wolf?
Wolf: I had good time there. Learning how to fish for the first time, setting up campfires, meeting new people, the good stuff. (Smiles More Softly) But if there's one thing I would say I like most about this trip is.... well....(Blushing a Little) Getting to spend quality time with beautiful pup right here~ (Kiss the top of Isabelle's Hair)
Isabelle: (Giggles Softly While Blushing As Well) Oh Wolfie~ I love spending time with you too~ And I'm so happy you and the others enjoyed our vacation together. It means so much to me that you all gave it a chance.
Leon: Yes. I honestly wouldn't mind going back there for another visit next year if any of you would like to go back as well.
Wolf: Shit. I'm down for that.
Panther: I as well.
Isabelle: (Smiles Brightly) Then it's settled. Next year, we're going back to New Horizon-
????: IZZY!!~
Isabelle: (Gasps in Joy as She See her Girlfriends Happily Waiting For Her on the Doorway) Girlfriends!!!~
Once she took her hands off of Wolf's arm, Isabelle immediately rushes over to her group of friends and form a loving group hug with one another for a couple of minutes before letting go.
Isabelle: I missed you girls soooo much!~
Peach: We missed you too, dear!~
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Sooooooo?~ How was the vacation?
Samus: Were you guys able to catch some fishes?
Palutena: Did you guys set up a campfire?
Rosalina: Were you able to gaze upon the beautiful stars?
Bayonetta: (Starts Smirking) Did you and Wolf got busy one of those night?
Peach: (Glares at Bayonetta) Bayonetta!! How could you ask Izzy something like that?!
Palutena: (Gives her Witch Girlfriend an "Annoyed" Look While Pulling her Ear) Seriously.....You know that isn't any of your business.
Bayonetta: True. (Shrugged with a Smile Still on her Face) But there's really nothing wrong with having a little curiosity about juicy topics like this, my dears.
Isabelle: (Giggles Softly While Rubbing the Back of her Head Back and Forth) The vacation was amazing. We did everything you girls guessed we did and then some. And....to answer your question, Bayonetta......(Starts Blushing while Turning her Regular Smile into a Bashful One) Let's just say that.... you're not entirely wrong in that assumption.....
Peach/Rosalina/Palutena: ('GASPS')
Samus: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Well, I'll be damn.......
Bayonetta: (Smirk Grew Wider) Ohhh my~
Isabelle: (Happily Nodded) It's the honest truth~
Bayonetta: (Smiles Excitedly) Izzy dear, you GOTTA give us some details on this!
Daisy: Yeah! Don't leave us out on this here!
Samus: Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm kind of interested in wanting to know too.
Palutena: Yeah. Me too now that I think of it.
Rosalina: (Blushes a Little) I am also curious as well.
Isabelle: (Giggles Softly) Calm yourselves, ladies. I promise I'll tell you everything. Once we have our tea time prepared of course.
Peach: YES!
Ladies: (Stares at Peach, Some with Raised Eyebrow and Some with Smirks on their Faces)
Peach: (Starts Blushing) I-I mean....('Clears Throat') I agree to this as well. N-Not because I am interested in the conversation we are having right now, but only because I want to celebrate Izzy's return. That's all.
Daisy: (Rolled her Eyes with a Smirk) Whatever you say, cuz. Now let's get this tea time started already!
Ladies cheers in rejoice as they make their way back inside the mansion together.
Isabelle: (Waves at Wolf) I'll see you later on tonight, Wolfie!~
Wolf: (Waves Back at Isabelle) Sure thing, babe! Have fun with the gal pals in there! ('Heh Heh') I love that pup~
???: Just what I needed to see. Wolf O' Donnell.
Wolf: (Starts Smirking Once he Sees a Very Familiar Face Making His Way Towards Him) Well, if it isn't McCloud himself. You miss me?
Fox: ('Scoffs') As if. I was having the time of my life not seeing your smug face last week. But joking aside, how was the vacation?
Wolf: Pretty good. Thinking about going back there next year with the gang.
Fox: Nice. You know, I kind of never expected you to be this easy going, Wolf.
Wolf: (Shrugged) What can I say? I'm a change man.
Fox: (Raised an Eyebrow)
Wolf: Okay. Maybe not completely changed, but you know what I mean.
Fox: Perhaps. But as much as I would love to continue this chat, I got some errands to run. (Walks Away) I'll see you later.
Wolf: Sure thing. (Turns Around and Gives Fox a Smug Look on his Face) Oh and try not to lock yourself out this time, McCloud! You don't wanna embarrssed yourself like last time, do ya?!
Fox: (Gives Wolf a Middle Finger While Walking)
Wolf: (Chuckles Lightly) Not gonna lie. I missed that fox......Missed messing with him, that is.
?????: 'Eyyy, Star Wolf! Welcome back!
Panther: (Turns to see a Familiar Face Make His Way to Him and Leon) Ah, Mocking Bird, it is somewhat good to see you again.
Falco: .....Okay. Just this once, I'm gonna ignore that. How's the vacation? Y'all did anything interesting there?
Leon: For the most part. We learned how to catch fish for the first time, set up campfires on each nights, experience the outdoors and it's true natur-
Panther: (Begins to Smirk) I just got myself a phone number from a very beautiful feline.
Falco: Oh shit. Really?
Panther: That is correct, my mortal competitor. Her name is Ankha and her beauty is so much to be desired.
Leon: (Rolled his Eyes) She's more of self centered brat if anything.....
Panther: Come now, Leon. She wasn't that bad. She just has her own opinions and taste on certain things.
Falco: Sounds like your kind of girl, Casanova.
Panther: (Chuckles Lightly and Confidently) Yes. I couldn't agree more. (Points at Leon with his Thumb) I've been trying to get Polwaski here to join me on the Island's night club for almost the entire week, but he always turn down the offer.
Leon: In case you haven't noticed, Panther, I was never interested in anything romantic related. Especially something trivial as getting into a relationship. I prefer to remain solo for the time being. Just me, myself, and I.
Falco: Ah come on, man. Being in a relationship isn't that trivial or anything. I've been kicking it with Katt since day one and so far it's been great.
Leon: (Raised an Eyebrow) Really? Then tell me, Lombardi, when exactly was the last time you called Monroe as of late?
Falco: .....................Touché, Polwaski. Touché.
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