#i got over 50 asks i need to go through them and actually answer them eventually
twstfanblog · 15 hours
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*~Period Drama~* Romance Era
|| Heartslabyul || Savanaclaw || Octavinelle || Scarabia || Pomefiore + Ignihyde || Diasomnia ||
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It started off as a normal afternoon. You and your boyfriend just laid down for an impromptu nap, cuddled close together and safe in each other's arms. So you can imagine their surprise when they wake up to find the bed spotted with blood. Pulling the blankets back, they see the blood coming from you...
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Woke you up whipping the covers off of you. Manhandles you to check where the blood is coming from.
You better talk loud and fast, because once he sees you're bleeding out of your pussy he's hauling you to the infirmary.
Explaining is a 50/50 on how quickly he believes you. The Sunset Savanah values women very highly so female anatomy is heavily researched and he has NEVER heard of this bullshit before.
You're gonna need to debate with him for a WHILE. But he will at some point accept this is...something that's happening.
Woke you up with his manhandling. Smelled the blood and freaked out before even waking you up. Once he realized he wasn't the one bleeding he checked you over.
Tries to take you to the infirmary. He will use his brittle bones and drag your ass if you say you didn't need to go.
Once you explained he legit asks 'So...You're not pregnant?' Refuses to answer when you ask what the fuck he means by that
Clearly concerned, but he also offers to wash the sheets since they've already got blood on them.
He woke up smelling the blood before he fully registered what he was even smelling. Working fully on instinct and just wants to get you to the infirmary as soon as possible.
Finally snaps back like halfway through the woods. Asks a lot of questions and doesn't put you down until prompted.
Lowkey embarrassed he freaked out so bad but like...you're bleeding are you SURE you don't need the infirmary-
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Lowkey he stays the fuck away in the weirdest way.
You never really see him until you're craving something or it's mealtime. He brings you lunch personally, stares at you until you've eaten it.
Has Ruggie under instruction that your orders come before his for the time being. Yes Ruggie uses this as a reason to slack off until Leona realizes
You know how cats will lay on you and give healing energy when you're sick? Yeah, he's like that. Only he weighs a fucking ton and he's got a resting bitch face that's only been getting worse because he HATES smelling your blood.
The rumbles he makes for you feel SO GOOD, though. Whilc he's slacking in other avenues of helping, he is so soft and tender, making sure you're cozy and fed.
Worst one to deal with PMS mood swings. I can't even pinpoint why, he just seems like no matter how he answers it'll piss you off more.
Leona who???? Ruggie Bucchi has only served one master in his life and it is you.
Hyena brain kicked into overdrive at some point and now he's fully evolved into his final form of doting househusband, without the house and without the ring.
Makes sure you're eating three good meals a day. He doesn't even care if it's just junk food cravings. So long as you're eating he doesn't care.
This boy has gotten your laundry on lock. Clean sheets every morning and a warm towel to lay on at night, not a speck of blood stains in sight. Your comfort is his mission.
Actually comes through with the home remedies for pain relief.
Lowkey kinda scared of you if you get mood swings. Very 'agrees with you to save his life' type.
He's become so submissive, won't look you in the eyes. Hold him, please. Legit still thinks you're in active labor and freaking out over a baby that doesn't exist.
He's trained for this...not really. But damn is he good at taking care of you.
Jack's a graduated student of Vil's Live, Breath, Grind mindset. He knows how to keep you alive and even thriving. You just gotta...get up.
He tries so hard to keep you on your normal schedule but he can also see that some days you literally don't want to leave the bed and he will lay down and just hold you.
The blood is MADDENING. He will do your laundry regularly, just to escape the blood smell for a few hours.
Resource guarding, but for you. Ace trying to steal a singluar fry at lunch? growl..., Epel slapped you on the arm? Growl. Deuce standing too close??? GROWL.
Lowkey acts like a manservant who will tell you that maybe you wouldn't feel like shit if you ate properly and actually did the stretches he told you to do.
Backtracks every statement the moment you're angry at him.
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Don't do that...ever again. The fuck you mean you HAVE TO??
Literally annoyed that periods are the 'normal' for you. Not annoyed at the fact you get them, but just that you have to be in pain every month and it fucks up your moods. And that fucks up his naps.
Lowkey everyone who can't smell the blood knows you're on your period because Leona is a cranky bastard to everyone else while you're on it.
Actually heavily invests on natural pain remedies from the Sunset Savana for your next period so that you don't have to take so many potions
He figures out the hormone cycle once he starts to really focus on your scent and how it starts changing like a week or so before your period starts. Has a mental countdown to keep track and will disappear to prep like a day before you get it.
That was fucking AWFUL.
Has resigned to the fact this is gonna happen again and just kinda sighed and thought about his life for an hour or two.
Then comes back all smiles and is finally acting like his normal self again.
He is mentally reviewing EVERYTHING that happened so that when your period hits again he's even better at taking care of you.
Doesn't try to track your period but is able to learn the signs of it coming after a few months.
Literally checked out an anatomy book from the library, it isn't helpful.
States he's not too worried for the next period, you both managed to survive this one just fine.
Is using a small amount of his free time to research natural pain relief, exercises that can ease muscle cramps, foods that will help boost energy.
No, this isn't for your period, this is just general knowledge he'd need as an athlete.
Weirdly, syncs up with you??? If your period starts, he gets easily agitated before mellowing out after like a day.
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Still makes you do most of the work. Pillow princess ass.
Willing to let you use him like a sex toy though. You will just be doing most of the work.
Though, when you CAN get him to actively participate, is strangely romantic with it.
Lots of cradled positions and spooning with him kissing on your neck.
I canon four people in the Twist boy line up as being fully prepared to suck the period out of you.
Ruggie is one of them.
Just give him the okay and he's down there to give you the best damn orgasm of your LIFE.
While the blood is distressing to smell, he finds giving oral on your period to be kind of a vibe.
Takes the LONGEST time to be convinced that having sex on your period is normal and what you actually want.
He can understand that your period fucks up your hormones and he legit brings in the concept of consent when you're in 'such a state'.
You do eventually have period sex, but it takes you having at least another period before he's fully convinced that you're consenting and not locked in some weird 'Mating Brain' state.
From there he is rocking your world in the name of pain relief.
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martyrbat · 9 months
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face reveal of me disabling allow anonymous asks after someone was being mean
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elsa-fogen · 24 days
So. On the topic of Alastor headcannons. What's your opinion on these radio themed ones:
Alastor has an internal radio. Like the concept of having songs play through your head, but more literal. He can tune to stations as if he was a radio himself. And if he really wants to, he can connect himself to other radios in his immediate vicinity and play that music though them instead.
His antlers help his radio powers. So when they get damaged (in battle, sheds them, whatever reason you wanna put here) his internal radio goes bazerk. Think; flipping stations randomly, connecting to other radios when he doesn't want it to, playing loud static at random. All the chaos.
He can hear through other radios. He once had to listen to Vox playing Barbie Girl through a TV right next to a radio in Vox's studio, for a week straight. Surely enough; Barbie Girl is now banned from all radio stations in hell.
What do you think? I got more like these if you like them. Give me a generic topic and I can probably list several under that category.
Yes, but he also can turn it on and off when he needs
Never thought about it, but it's funny (don't think i'm going to use it anywhere but who knows, maybe i'll make some funzies with that)
Pretty much used it in one my comic slihdsdkjfh +headcanon that Vox taught him that, he also can control when and which radio he wants to listen (or his head would be a horrible mess) ut i like headcanon that he has some songs banned on the radio lol
speaking of other radiostations, i actually made an instruction on How To get Your Own Radio Station In Hell, let me just find it real quick... i wanted to share it long ago, but couldn't find a moment
Imagine you're a normal sinner in hell, who suddenly wants to become radio host for one small station. and it's possible! and you won't even die, and get some benefits, if succeed. So, it's kinda hard, but doable
1. You need to write a letter asking for a permission to have your own station to The Radio Demon himself. a) letter should be handwritten, and your handwriting must be at least readable. Or you can use typewriter, if you find one. DO NOT write it on a computer and then print, you'll probably won't be able to get your station in following 50 years b) You should send your letter via post. DO NOT try to meet Radio Demon in person, you'll just lose time, or even if you get lucky, he won't take your letter. b*) Now you can just come to Hazbin Hotel and give your letter to Charlie Morningstar and ask her to give it to Radio Demon. Don't worry, she won't read it. b**) You should leave your contacts, that's obligatory if you want to get an answer - that means you have to have a place to live. c) Do not try to e-mail him, he doesn't even have a phone or computer to receive it. If someone gives you 100% totally real Radio Demon's e-mail - don't trust them, its fake 2. You'll get answer from the Radio Demon in 1-2 weeks, he'll send you set of papers which you have to fill out. You'll probably have to do it 3-4 times so don't worry, he's just testing your dedication. In these papers you give general info about your future radio station - the name, schedule, what activities you'll gonna have and what kinds of music wanna play. Include some jazz, especially if you mostly want to have modern music. You'll also have to tell a bit about yourself. You absolutely should not be connected to voxtech in any way. 2.b) he may simply dislike your ass and become a real bureaucratic monster. Keep trying - you can impress him with you dedication and he may like you in the end 3. When you got your application approved, you'll have to sign a contract, that gives you right to broadcast on a certain radio frequency. According to the contract - your radio station belongs to the Radio Demon, you'll just getting it in unlimited use, until the contract terminated. You DO NOT sell your soul to the Radio Demon. He can broadcast over you any time he needs and you can't do anything about it. He can also ask you to change something in your broadcast schedule, ask to replace of cancel any of your programs, ban music and so on. (Tho, he probably won't do anything of it). But since your radio station is his property, you're as well under his protection while you on your station, so if someone attacks you and you're unable to protect yourself and your station, you'll have a way to contact him and ask for help. You'll have a specific channel for it and list of morse codes for emergencies. You should not use this channel for anything else, or you'll lose your station. 4. After all paperwork is done and approved, you have to get equipment for your station. DO NOT use ANYTHING voxtech related, and you absolutely cannot have TV on your station. 5. After you got all the equipment, invite the Radio Demon to your station. He'll set everything up for you and give you list of emergency codes. Do not try to interrupt his infodumps even if you lost track of it and can't understand shit, it's better if you show enthusiasm. 6. And done! Now you are happy small radio host! The Radio Demon may show up on your station sometimes to check how everything's going, but don't worry about it, he won't be bother you too often after few weeks.
P. S. You are NOT friends with the Radio Demon, even if he acts friendly and calls you "dear" - that's just his normal, not-threatenning behavior P. P. S. Don't be too personal, don't dump on him your problems if they aren't related to the station when he comes to you. Just make him some coffee, talk about weather and tell that everything works just fine P. P. P. S. ABSOLUTELY! DO NOT! TRY TO HUG HIM! He'll just laugh at you, and if you somehow succeed he'll make everything to make you regret every action in your life and afterlife that led you to this moment (and it doesn't necessarily means he will torture you physically, once he run into masacistic freak that got a boner when was tortured) P. P. P. P. S. If you caught feelings for him - suffer in silence and NEVER try to confess. You'll lose your station immediately and will never get it back.
All these instructions are totally written by Rosie who heared so many complaints from Alastor about how people want to become a radio host but can't do it properly
And Alastor is probably making them experience what he went through to become a radio host in life
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wintersoldiersoul · 8 months
hey dear ❤️ I maybe thought of an imagine with Bucky where you're on a mission in the mountains but due to the weather you need to stay in a little cabin for the night but it's terribly cold. He lights a fire but then he offers you his sweater. You're both getting closer (you have a crush as well on each other), so you kinda forget about the mission and just enjoy the time together as you also share a meaningful kiss?
Keep Me Warm
A/N: I changed up the timeline of this a tiny bit but the main idea is still there! I hope you enjoy!!
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The mission had been long and grueling. You and Bucky have spent nearly a week in the mountains trying to take down the enemy. You were exhausted, both physically and mentally. Finally, you had gotten the call that you could come home. You were so excited to be back home in the compound, sleeping in your own comfy bed.
“Excited to go home, Y/N?” Bucky asked. 
You rubbed your hands together, trying to keep warm while you waited for the jet. “Can’t wait. I’m looking forward to a nice hot shower and sleeping in my bed.”
He smiled. There was no better thing in the world than him smiling. You tried to keep your crush on him at bay, knowing he’d never feel the same way about you, but damn was it hard. His blue eyes were so mesmerizing and his smile could wake a goddamn army. He was just so perfect.
You smiled back, hoping that he assumed that the blush on your cheeks was from the cold and not from him.
His phone rang and he answered, hoping it would be an update on how far the jet was. “Hey Steve,” Bucky said into the device. “Shit, really? Yeah, yeah, that’s fine,” he sighed. “Yup. I’ll check back when we’re there. Bye.” He hung up and looked at you. “Bad news. There’s a bad storm coming and the jet can’t fly. We’re gonna have to stay here another night.”
“Fuckk,” you threw your head back in frustration. You had spent the entire mission hiding in safe house to safe house, all of them in secluded areas where you couldn’t be found. Sometimes if you were lucky, you got to stay in nicer places with actual beds and furniture. But due to the sensitive nature of this mission, that hadn't been the case. The thought of spending another night in one of those places nearly made you cry. 
“Good news is that Steve said there’s a cabin not too far. It’s still nothing fancy, but he said its an upgrade to what we’ve been in. We should be safe now that we’ve, you know, taken down the enemy,” he smiled warmly, trying to get you to stay positive. 
“Oh, that's good,” you responded. “Let’s go, then.” 
The two of you had to trudge through the snow to get there. The walk ended up being nearly 2 hours and you couldn’t feel your body by the time you arrived. The cabin was small, with only one bedroom, a living room, a small kitchen, and a bathroom.
“Shit, you’re shivering,” Bucky noted when you got inside.
“Yeah, how are you not?” 
He shrugged. “It’s the serum. I’m still cold, don’t get me wrong, but it makes it a lot harder for me to be cold. Even in freezing weather.”
“Must be n-nice,” you mumbled through chattering teeth. “I get cold so easily. Any time it’s below 50 degrees I can’t f-feel my t-toes.”
“Go take a hot shower, okay? I’ll try to see if there’s any food I can make for us.” 
You nodded, going to the bathroom to take a shower. You took your time, rejoicing in the hot water as you washed all of the dirt off of your skin. When you got out, you rummaged through your bag trying to find a sweatshirt but it seemed to have disappeared. “Fuck,” you whispered. You must have left it at the last safe house. You threw on a t-shirt and sweats, still shivering as you made your way into the kitchen.
“Is the heat on?” You asked Bucky.
“I think it’s broken. I was playing around with it but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.”
You rubbed your hands over your arms, trying to get warm. “Shit, I think I left my sweatshirt at the last safe house.” 
 “Doll, you’re gonna freeze,” he said sympathetically. “Here.” In one fell-swoop he ripped off the gray cable knit sweater that he had on. “I just put it on when we got here so it’s clean.”
“Buck, I don’t want you to be cold, though,” you protested, despite how cozy the sweater looked. 
He swatted a hand. “Remember, I don’t get too cold. Don’t worry about me. You’re gonna turn into an ice block soon.”
You smiled, graciously. “Thanks.” You pulled the sweater over your head, immediately enthralled by his scent. The fabric smelled like musky vanilla and pine, the scent that you had come to associate with him. It smelled like home. 
“I was able to find some soup,” he said, holding out a bowl for you. “Maybe it will help warm you up.” 
“Thank you, Buck.” You sat down and began to eat.
“Lemme see if I can get a fire started,” he got up and walked over to the fireplace. You watched him as he threw wood into a pile, entranced by his muscles flexing each time he picked up another piece. Between the serum, the metal arm, and the fact that he was just so in shape, he did it all with ease, not even flinching at the weight. How could you not fall for the guy just a little bit? 
“You alright over there?” He smirked at you, noticing your eyes on him.
Shit, get it together, Y/N, you thought. “Oh, sorry, just zoning out,” you tried to cover. 
Within a few minutes, he had a roaring fire emanating heat throughout the room. But it still wasn’t enough to keep you warm over by the table you were still sitting at. 
“Come over here,” he encouraged. “It's nice and warm by the fire.”
You stood up and made your way over to the couch so that you could feel the heat of the fire better. “Oh, that’s nice,” you hummed, feeling the embers warming your body. Bucky crept up beside you sitting down and rubbing his flesh arm over yours.
“You’re fucking freezing. I can feel how cold you are through the sweater,” he whispered. He was so close to you. “Lemme hold you. Warm you up a bit.”
“Um,” you cleared your throat, heart rate speeding up. “O-okay. Yeah, sure.” 
He laughed quietly before pulling you so you were laying back against him. “Damn, I feel bad that you’re so cold,” he said, voice holding sympathy and care.
“It’s not your fault, Buck. You’re already doing a lot to try to help.”
The next words he said were something you never thought you’d hear. “Maybe I should never let you go. Just keep holding you like this forever.”
“What?” Did you hear him right? Did he really just say that? He laughed lightly. “Would you like that?”
“Bucky, I-um…” you felt so flustered. Was he just messing with you?
“Come on, Doll,” he smiled. “I don’t know how much more obvious I can make it that I’m kinda in love with you. And I think…” he said, putting his mouth close to your ear. “You might feel the same way about me.”
“Bucky,” you whispered, the feeling of him speaking into your ear sending chills through your body. 
“If I’m reading it totally wrong that’s okay. But I can’t hide how I feel anymore, Y/N. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t even talk to you for like 3 months because I got so flustered around you. Then we did start talking and I found out that you were also the most interesting, intelligent, kind person I’ve ever met. So tell me, please. Do you feel the same way?”
Your heart pounded. How was this happening? “Yes, Bucky. I-I feel the same way.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Can you turn around so I can kiss you?”
You quickly flipped your body so you were lying on him, face to face. He pulled your mouth to his, quickly inserting his tongue into your mouth. It was so much better than you had imagined, and you had spent a lot of time fantasizing about kissing him. 
“Y/N,” he said, resting his forehead against yours. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” He ran his hand up and down your back as he spoke. “You’re so amazing.”
“I’ve been dreaming about that for a while too, Buck,” you laughed, enjoying his embrace. “You know,” you spoke, voice in a teasing tone. “There’s only one bed in here. We might have to put it to good use.”
Within a second, Bucky picked you up and carried you to the bedroom.
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wanderingelvis · 10 months
maybe you could write headcanons about a reader whose really book smart but just does not get social cues. so like they read really intense big books but won’t notice when someone is flirting with them?
Oh I love this, Elvis would spoil her rotten!
🧚 Masterlist 🧚
Pairings: 50s Elvis x Oblivious Reader
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Elvis loves you purely because he's just never met anyone quite like you
He can never wrap his head around how you're simultaneously the smartest girl he's ever met, but also the dumbest
One second, you'll be babbling on about some Victorian novel that you're working your way through, the next you're sat there blinking adorably, confused as to why Elvis called you 'baby' when you're not actually a baby
Sometimes you'll let stuff like that that confuses you, go straight over your pretty little head but other times you'll get curious and ask questions
"M'not a baby Elvis, why are ya callin' me that?"
You'll giggle with pink cheeks from all his attention
"Well of course yer are, yer so yittle n'sweet, just like a baby."
Elvis will chuckle, admiring how adorable you look with your big eyes staring up at him
And that answer just ends up confusing you even more
Elvis loves taking you out on little dates though, whether that's to the park, the diner or the ice cream parlour
You don't really understand that it's a date date, you just think Elvis is a good friend
And a handsome one too
It's never long before your lack of understanding of social cues shines through whenever you're out and about with Elvis
He always has to step in to make sure you don't accidentally hurt yourself
Like when he has to run and grab your wrist, pulling you back to his side as you step into the road absentmindedly, your mind too busy looking at the pretty birds across the way
"Honey, you have got to look where yer goin', don't want my pretty girl to get hurt now,"
Or when you'll spot a friendly looking dog and you'll run straight over to pet it
And Elvis tries to remind you that you need to ask the owner of the dog if you can pet it first but you just can't help it, you just think the dogs look so cute
So you'll just end up telling Elvis all of the many facts about dogs that you know from that book you read last August, whilst he holds your hand and you make your way to get ice cream together
And even though you might have your head in the clouds sometimes, Elvis just thinks that you all the more sweeter
Having your head in the clouds also means you often don't notice Elvis staring at you and your lips so intensely when you babble on
And when you do, you don't really understand what that kind of lustful look really means
Or when his large hand with his ring-covered fingers rest on your exposed thigh whilst you're drinking the strawberry milkshake that he bought you
Or when he's able to effortlessly lift you and settle you into his lap, all the while your nose is in another big book
No, you don't understand what any of those moments really mean
You're just too busy reading and learning
You just think that Elvis is a good friend
A real good friend
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hippolotamus · 4 months
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Eddie’s thumb hovers over the location dropdown in the weather app, just like every day. And just like all those other days he allows himself to click it. The list unfolds as he huffs a humorless chuckle at how much it’s grown.
When he got his first cell, the only place he ever needed was current location. Technically, it’s still the only one he needs. Regardless he’s continued adding to it through the years. Hershey, Virginia Beach, a couple random towns in the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida. Fucking Sundance, Wyoming. All because he gave up pretending he doesn’t need to know.
It’s sunny, mid-50s today. A nice break for the time of year. Eddie scrolls through the upcoming week, noting a heavy snowstorm hitting in a few days. His nose wrinkles and he begins to worry his bottom lip between his teeth. Another thing born out of pure habit.
Not for the first time he types out a few messages before deleting them again. Eddie doesn’t even know if he’s got the right number. It’s been nearly three years since they exchanged anything at all. Not since Eddie could have manned up and told Shannon he could be a father, but not a husband. Not her husband, anyway.
He could have just been honest and said what he wanted when she finally decided to show up in her second trimester. He and Evan could have continued building a life together. But Eddie’s never claimed to be smart. Especially when it comes to all the bullshit his own dad drilled into his head about responsibility and honor and god knows what the fuck else. In the end it was too sticky to let go, trapping him like a spider web.
He can’t even say it was worth it because she loves him and they’re making it work for the sake of Christopher. Because why would that have happened? Instead all he got was a tour in Afghanistan, divorce papers (not that he’s surprised or blames her at all) and coming back to an empty house. Well, not totally empty. He’s got a son he’s still getting to know outside of a screen and shitty internet connection. A son he could have been raising with the love of his life this whole time.
Hope your coat’s warm enough, cowboy he types.
“Daddy!” Chris babbles from the floor, using Eddie’s pant leg to pull himself to standing. His toothy smile is on full display while he looks up at Eddie like he hung the goddamn moon and stars.
“Hey there little man.” Eddie tosses his phone to the side in favor of picking up his son and arranging him on his lap. Chris snatches up the yellow car from the next couch cushion, choosing to run it in a small loop over Eddie’s forearm, shoulder and chest. “Where are you off to today? Big race?”
Chris shakes his head vigorously. “Outer space,” he says as though that should have been obvious.
Eddie chuckles to himself. “Of course. How long until liftoff?”
There’s no answer as plastic wheels continue zooming along until Chris decides he’d rather be on the floor again. Eddie loosely assists as his son climbs back down. Some days are more difficult than others, but he tries to follow the physical therapist’s advice to let Chris do as much as he can by himself. She says it won’t do either of them any good in the long run. Eddie can certainly see the wisdom in that even if he’s constantly itching to roll Chris in layers of bubble wrap.
He blindly grabs for his phone, buzzing from the coffee table. “Hello?”
At first there’s complete silence and he winces thinking it’s yet another telemarketer. Before he can check he hears rustling, like someone’s covering the mouthpiece.
“Hello?” He asks again, more insistent this time.
“Uh, sorry. Didn’t think you’d actually pick up.”
Eddie thinks he might drop the phone. Or throw up. Maybe both? Probably both.
tagged by the lovely and talented @monsterrae1 @spotsandsocks for Inspiration Saturday (go check their posts, I’m very excited) Instead of working on anything current, I wrote this instead. Not sure I have any actual plans to expand it, I just had to get it out of my system, y’know? So, bon appetit or whatever 💖
no pressure tagging (lmk if you want added or removed) @stereopticons @this-is-bwr @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela @tizniz @theotherbuckley @elvensorceress @apothecarose @barbiediaz @buckaroosheart @buddierights @chaosandwolves @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @eowon @fortheloveofbuddie @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @indestructibleheart @jesuisici33 @ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites @loserdiaz @spaceprincessem @statueinthestone @steadfastsaturnsrings @the-likesofus @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @thewolvesof1998 @vanillahigh00 @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @wildlife4life @your-catfish-friend @epicbuddieficrecs
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crowleysgirl67 · 1 month
Rescuing Romance P2
Author: @crowleysgirl67
Word Count: 1044
Parings/Characters: Reader x Bobby, Buck, Hen, Chim, Maddie, Eddie
Warnings: show warnings, plane crash,    
A/N: Thanks for reading!  
“Yo Cap. What's with the cakes?” Chim asked, looking at the four different types strewn about the table. 
“Help yourselves.” Bobby threw the dish towel over his shoulder and turned to face Chim. “You remember that Doctor who was hanging via the railing on the twelfth floor a couple months ago?”
“Uh yeah, (Y/N) right? No pain meds for that broken leg. You’ve mentioned her once or twice since then.” he answered, taking a slice of the chocolate cake.
“They’re from her as a thank you. The cakes are labeled with what they are and their ingredients in case any of us were allergic to anything in them.”
“Oh cool!” Buck exclaimed, jogging up the stairs to see the desserts. He looked them over before settling on an Apple turnover cake slice. “Damn this is amazing! It's just like a turnover but in a spongy moist cake!” 
“The cakes are from that Doctor lady a few months ago.” Chim chimed with a mouth full of cake.
“(Y/N) made these? She’s so awesome.”    
 Bobby made a hum of agreement and was about to take a slice of his own when the bell rang through the house. “Duty calls.”
“Ok Ma’am the paramedics are here. Keep breathing.” 
“(Y/N)?” Hen questioned upon seeing you. 
“Hey Hen, Chimney. We’ve got one female, twenty-five weeks pregnant. Seems to be preterm labor. I’ve run a line and delivered some medication to slow that until you’re able to get her to the hospital.” you grabbed your bag and moved out of their way.    
“(Y/N)?” you heard your name and turned.
“Oh hey Bobby. Or should I call you Captain Nash, you’re on duty after all.” you smiled.
“Bobby is fine. What are you doing here?” 
“Oh I was on my way into work when a car a few cars ahead of mine veered sharp enough to cause a minor accident. So I pulled off to help.”
“That was kind of you. Here let me take your bag.” he hoists your bag onto his shoulder, before walking you back to your car.
A loud rumbling caused you to look up, just in time to see a smoking plane flying way too low and headed straight towards the area.
“9-1-1 What’s your emergency?”
“Our plane it’s on fire! We’re going down.”
“I’m sorry did you say your plane is on fire?” 
“Yes!” coughs 
“Ok Sir. Are you the one flying the plane?” 
“No, I’m a passenger. It’s my buddy's 6 seater cargo plane.” coughs “Holy shit we’re headed straight at a freeway!”
“Bobby!” Buck shouted indicating the incoming disaster. 
“Get down!” Bobby pulled you to the side of your car and hunkered down with you.
The plane crashed 50 yards from where you were.
“Are you alright?” Bobby asked, helping you stand and doing an assessment of the damage unfolding. 
“I'm good. Go. I’ll grab my gear and follow behind you. We’re gonna need all hands on deck and you’re down two sets until Chim and Hen are back.” 
He gave your arm a gentle squeeze and headed over to his crew to start giving the orders. You grabbed supplies and threw your pack on before going over to help. 
“We need to find a way to get the truck down there.” Eddie says
“So we start tapping on cars. If they’re uninjured and able to move they need to get out of the way.” Buck states.
“Going car to car is going to take too long. We don’t have that kind of time.” Bobby looked around.
“I’ve got a bullhorn in my trunk. Would that help?” you ask
“Actually yeah that might.” Bobby nodded 
“Cool. Buck, ask me questions later.” you note his confused look as to why you’d have something like that in your trunk.   
“Right. I’ll go get it.” he jogged off towards your car and came back with the bullhorn and handed it to Bobby.
“If you are uninjured and can move your cars we need you to make a hole!” Bobby began walking and announcing this over and over. 
Slowly people were able to move and make enough of a hole to get the truck close enough to the site. They started with their jobs while you started treating and triaging people the best you could. 
“Looks like you could use a hand.” 
You looked up at the sound of Chims voice. “Hey you’re back.”
“Looks like we missed the start of this mess.” Hen joined the two of you.
“By a few minutes yeah. I’ve got a system going. Green cards are good/ minor injuries. Yellow is a little more than that. Reds are urgents, and black are deceased.” 
“Ah old school I see.” Chim nods 
“Why change what works?” 
“True that. We’re gonna head in closer to the site.” 
“I’ll keep trying to clear the surrounding area.” 
They nod and head in closer to the plane to start helping there.
It took several hours and any available hands to help clear away the accident.  
“Hey. How’re you doing?” Bobby asked, approaching you after you finished up with another person at the scene. 
“Hell of a first day back to work. And I haven't even made it there yet.” you replied tossing your used gloves into the trash sack you had at your waist. 
“That wasn’t an answer.” 
“I’m ok. It’s a lot but that’s what the job is.” you gave him a small squeeze on his arm, “How’re you?”
“I agree it’s a lot.” he sighed softly, surveying the ongoing aftermath.   
“118 come in 118.” Bobbys radio goes off.
“This is Captain Nash from the 118.” Bobby answered
“Captain Nash, you and your crew are relieved.”
“Copy that Chief.” 
“Looks like you get to go home.”  
“Come on, we’ll give you an escort to the hospital.” he offered his arm.
You smiled softly and took it as he walked you to your car. He rode with you as the team followed in the trucks. 
“I’m probably going to pull a 24 or 48 hour shift.”
“Raincheck on dinner then?” 
“Unless you want to join me in the hospital cafeteria. I don't have a predictable lunch schedule but I can give you a text or call when I’m free.” 
“It’s a date then.” 
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bad268 · 11 months
Hi! if you want to or if you feel like it can you write anything about droid pezzy grizzy or puffer any of them you absolutely don't have to and if you want to can you write smth related to this
Bubblegum Bitch (Big Puffer X Streamer! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Clearly (Took me a minute, I was tossing up different ideas for this I hope you like it!)
Warnings: Language ig
Pronouns: You/your
W.C. 1159
Summary: A broken promise leads to revenge.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^Screenshot from sleep stream vid/can't remember which)
Chat was being a pain today. Well, they were always a pain, but it seemed more than usual. After your 3 month hiatus from streaming and social media, the chat was bound to be hectic. Add to the fact that it was a sleep stream. Yeah, it should've been expected that chat would have a field day.
"I get it, guys," you started off as you started setting up media share, "I haven't been active in forever. Y'all are just crazy, and I needed a break." You glanced over at the messages, most of it is just random letters and emotes. Some of it was welcoming you back to streaming, some asking if you're going to have a regular streaming schedule again, and some complaining that media share is not working. "Hold your horses, guys. I'm still setting it up, takes time."
You ended up putting on some elevator music to fill the silence as you continued to set up media share. At one point, someone sent a donation, and apparently, the sound was already connected to the speakers, so it nearly blew your eardrums out.
"Is Puffer joining you?" It said.
"Jesus, fuck, no," you laughed. "Ain't no way I could convince Puffer to join me for a sleep stream. Actually, maybe..." you trailed off, pulling your phone off the charger to text our chat. "Okay, we'll see what he says. In the meantime, feel free to blast him on Twitter or something. Blow up his notifications, so he'll have to join. I think he's streaming now, too, so feel free to leave while I set up media share."
Meanwhile, Puffer was streaming a you laugh, you spin the wheel, and his own chat had convinced him to add "sleep stream" to the list. Just as he spun the wheel, the last time for his stream, his chat starts blowing more so than usual. Instead of paying attention to the wheel, he focuses on what the chat is talking about. Most of them begging the wheel to land on the sleep stream or asking him to join his significant other.
"Did (twitch user) send you? I already told them I'm not joining," he laughed before beginning to dial your number but immediately stopped once he saw what the wheel landed on: sleep stream. "Oh fuck off. Really?" His attention flips to be solely focused on the wheel, making sure it actually landed on the sleep stream. "What if I just go join (twitch user)? Will that make you happy? Will that count?" Seeing the chat fill with yeses and happy emotes, he started setting up for a raid to his significant other with a sigh. "Fine, head over there. I'll be over there in a minute."
In your room, you finally got media share to work, and all of your viewers (plus Puffer's from the raid you didn't know you had) witnessed you get jumpscared by the Buzz Lightyear commercial. "There's gotta be a minimum for that. I can see why Puffer does $50 minimum for it."
"Puffer is coming" A donation read through the speakers, scaring you once again.
"Oh, how did y'all convince him? I'm curious," You asked chat, looking through the messages in hopes of seeing anyone answer my question.
"Unluck of the wheel and opportunity," Puffer answered as he walked into your office in a comfier outfit than what he was streaming in with a pillow and blanked. "The wheel landed on sleep stream, so I'm just going to join you."
The stream was hell, to put it lightly. With Puffer's audience excited for the sleep stream and your chat finally happy to see some content, there were no silence moments the entire night.
"I am never doing a sleep stream again," Puffer groaned as he hid his face in your neck while you checked the chat on your phone.
"On the bright side, it's gonna be over soon," You laughed, setting your phone down as you played with his hair. "Mods just told me that someone just sent in the last video of the night. Should be playing soon."
Looking up at the screen when you hear a song playing, it's Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA. Your eyes grew wide as you registered that it was the video you made over the break, teasing Puffer. The same video that you swore not to post.
"What the fuck is that..." Puffer trailed off, seeing you and him in the video. Then it gets to the chorus, and the video shows you grabbing him by the shirt, pulling him in like you were going to kiss him before pushing him away again. Immediately, he remembers when that happened. "You said you weren't going to post that!"
"I put it in the member's discord," You defended, "It was a challenge they asked me to do anyway, so one of them is a little snitch."
"On that note, we are done. I am done. I am never doing a sleep stream again," He exaggerated as he jumped out of the bed, leaving the room. "And I am never trusting you again!"
"Look at what you guys did," I lectured chat as I moved to end the stream. "Just for that, no stream for the rest of the week. See you guys next week! Think about what you've done. Bye!"
Two days later, Puffer was still salty. You promised not to post that video, yet there it was on the internet. He was going to get back at you, and he knew exactly what he needed to do.
It was a chill day. One where you were cuddling into Puffer’s side as a movie played in the background, and you both scrolled through your phones. You put yours to the side as you got hit with a wave of exhaustion, pulling the blanket that was across your laps up to your shoulders.
This was his chance, he thought. You were nearly asleep, so you would not question his actions. He made sure his headphones were connected before setting up his phone to record your reaction. He gently shook you away during the lead-up of the song, your face filled with confusion, as he moved his hand to rest on the back of your neck to pull you in for a kiss, but he stopped just short. 
“I’ll chew you up and,” He whispered against your lips before pushing you back, “I’ll spit you out.” Your face dropped in shock as you realized what he was doing. “Cause that’s what young love is all about.”
“So pull me closer,” You whispered back, overcoming the shock, as you grabbed his chin to pull him in, “and kiss me hard.”
“I’m gonna pop your bubblegum heart,” You both whispered together while jokingly glaring at each other. 
“I’m gonna post this,” Puffer said after a minute of just staring into your eyes. “I think that’s fair.”
“All is fair in love and war.”
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looptroupe · 2 months
Foams at the mouth
I’m in the middle of writing up a whole HC post for someone asking about a highschool AU but I’m gonna take this opportunity to sidetrack the conversation towards something I’d love to genuinely see from the series… a HEAVY (film) noir lean. Think: Bogart, Framed, Gilda, Vertigo… probably pushing the era back 40’s, 50’s way (Maybe even some 30’s lean in there, if I could get away with it) instead of the general 60’s vibe Lupin has going for it.
I think there’s a TON of potential there. I mean, I’m aware something like this was pitched (and never picked up, sigh…) so there IS sentiment there, and the idea has been thought about, but instead of TWCFM’s ‘serious Lupin’ I’d love to see a true noir ‘serious Lupin’. I think you can put these characters into a serious setting without making them straight up evil, and I’ll be honest, I think it would be way more appealing than the stuff they’ve been releasing lately (besides Zero. I have to admit that I loved Zero).
I’d want the gang to actually feel like criminals, though. Cutting shady deals in illegal bars, Lupin running his mouth to big players about whatever new heist he has up his sleeve. I’d take them back to being Miyazaki-esque ‘living paycheck-to-paycheck’ rather than ‘insta-rich Lupin funding his hedonistic spirit’ because I think that would work better in this universe: Lupin is constantly getting them in hot shit with the big leagues because he can’t keep his mouth shut. Jigen has shot ten guys this week who have come knocking at their hideout’s door looking for trouble. Goemon’s sick of digging graves and is antsy to finally be who he dreams of being. Fujiko’s got her eyes on a bigger prize, like always.
Zenigata’s an underpaid beat-cop-turned-inspector who has been trying to climb the ranks for a long while. He’s ambitious, but a little too soft for his own good: he’s hopeful in a way that most of the guys in his squad aren’t, and that makes him the perfect candidate for when the commissioner has to shill a shitty 9-5 case on an unsuspecting worker. A file lands on his desk, and he flips through it with this eager fire, like he’s just been asked to take on the world, and Lupin and his gang smile up at him from the pages.
Lupin is a crook, he learns. Part-time petty thief, full-time smooth-talker: a man with a legacy to live up to and not a whole lot to show for it besides a reputation as a lady-killer and a particularly long unpaid tab at the seediest bar in town. His sticky fingers have landed him in more trouble than they’ve gotten him out of, and recent reports say that he’s managed to get under the skin of the most notorious once-criminal-now-film-director in town… the very criminal that underhandedly paid Zenigata’s boss to start an official investigation in the first place.
Jigen is a gun-for-hire. Babysitter, bodyguard, hitman… whatever you need, he’ll do, however begrudgingly. He’s not a guy you mess with: and his reputation is actually pretty good in criminal circles. He’s well-respected and well-liked. Or, he was, until the monkey-faced man at the bar implicated him in a crime he didn’t commit. Now, he’s babysitting without pay, and he’s starting to get a little sick of having to put bullets into the faces of old friends who decide his bounty is worth more than his loyalty. Figures.
Goemon’s a man slightly-less-out-of-time. A famous Japanese-American film star, he’s known world-over for starring in Samurai flicks alongside his leading lady, Fujiko Mine. The thing is, Goemon is classically trained in swordslinging, and when Lupin offers him an opportunity to be the very person he’s been portraying on screen, he’s more than happy to throw his reputation away. He never cared much for fame, anyway. There’s just this one little hitch: he’s enamoured with the sword he last used on set, and he won’t take no for an answer when he asks Lupin to retrieve it for him.
Fujiko has her eyes on a prize a little more exciting than Zantetsuken: the film empire she’s helped build herself. The tabloids can’t get enough of her, and she knows that a marriage to the most famous director the world has ever seen might just secure her a place in history. The thing is, the man she’s trying her best to seduce has stopped paying her attention since his beloved priceless-antique-turned-prop-sword went missing, and she’s determined to get it back for him. Because what would make him fall quicker? Ah, there’s just one catch: Lupin is kind of charming, and the life he’s living is… exciting. Tempting. Fujiko likes playing with fire, but she’s starting to get a little too close to this one particular flame. The heat has her cheeks burning… Or maybe that’s Goemon’s doing.
They’re a strange little bunch, the Lupin Gang. But man, do people have a habit of underestimating them. Zenigata included. Because what he thinks to be a simple case of theft soon turns into something more sinister as the layers of movie-magic veneer begin to peel away. Maybe Lupin was onto something, targeting this guy, and maybe this hotshot director isn’t quite as reformed as he says he is.
He went to court recently, after all. Say, how much did he pay the judge to overturn that guilty verdict? Zenigata would like that sum as a pay rise once this has all blown over. That, and some fresh smokes.
((Mmm someone should hop on board and help me develop this I think. Could be a fun little exercise on the side… if it’s up anyone’s alley >:) ))
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cosmerelists · 11 months
AITA Posts on Roshar: Part 2
[You can find Part 1 here!]
Once again, we are imagining that the Reddit forum “Am I The Asshole” exists on Roshar, and that the main characters from Stormlight like to post on it. What might those posts look like?
1. AITA for talking about poop on a first date?
I really need help here, Reddit. I (LE/M/24) am not good with women--well, I’m very good at flirting with them and getting dates, but I am NOT good with keeping them. I’ve never had a relationship last longer than a few months, and my dad is always me grief about it. In fact, it got to the point where my cousin arranged a casual for me with a woman (LE/F/17) I’ve never met. So I’m engaged now! But it is only a casual, and if this woman does not like me, the engagement isn’t going to last. I’m lowkey stressed about this, because she’s really pretty and really smart and I think I like her a lot.
Okay but to get to the actual situation. I arranged a sort of first date with the woman I’m engaged to (I’ll call her S) at this wine house. Classic, right? And I was telling her about all of my heroic battles and stuff, like you do, and she seemed to be pretty into it. But then suddenly S interrupted my battle story to ask me how I, well, poop while wearing shardplate. So that’s the first thing--she brought up the poop thing first! So I answered, of course, since she asked, but then she was asking MORE poop-related questions, and I ended up admitting that yes, I have shat myself in Shardplate on multiple occasions. My shard-plate wearing bros know what I’m talking about.
Anyway, weirdly, I felt like the date went well?? But later I was telling people about it, and they all said I DEFINITELY messed up because no woman wants a man to talk about poop on a first date.
Plz help. I really like her. AITA? Should I apologize?
2. AITA for wanting to destroy evil?
Humans are so weird about it! I’m a sword (NE/NG/1000) that was literally created to destroy evil! But every time I destroy evil, people say things like “Oh god the bodies” or “please stop trying to eat my soul” or “I am going to lock you in a closet. You are a menace.” What gives? AITA? 
3. AITA for being against murder?
In before “but we’re at war.” I know we’re at war. When isn’t there a war? The fact of the matter is--violence is never the answer. You can’t save someone through killing. I know--I am a surgeon (oh right--DE/M/50), so my business is saving people.
I have one son (DE/M/20) (my other son died). I raised him to be a surgeon, and he was really good at it. And before anyone says “why did you force your son to be like you,” I didn’t FORCE him. He wanted to be a surgeon. But he ended up being drafted into war, and then he never came home. Well he did, technically. But it wasn’t him. It was a murderer.
He is ALWAYS killing people. He says he’s a soldier now, and not only does he keep killing people, but he keeps killing people in front of me! We’re occupied right now, and the other day, some of the enemy soldiers came to my surgery and wanted to move some of the unconscious patients. Just move them. No evidence that they intended them harm. But my son FREAKED out and MURDERED the solider who came to take the patients! Just straight up murdered him! In a place of healing! And when I told him this was NOT okay, he grabbed his unconscious friend (who definitely needs medical care) and ran away. And now nobody knows where he is.
My wife is pissed at me. I can tell she thinks I drove away our son. But AITA for not wanting my son to be a murderer??
4. AITA for saving my friend?
I (DE/M/20) am a soldier in an occupied city. I’m also one of the radiants, and almost all of the other radiants in the city have fallen mysteriously unconscious. My dad is a doctor, and he’s been watching over them. Only my dad doesn’t believe in resisting occupation; he’s a pacifist--like, an extreme one. So when the enemy soldiers showed up to take away the unconscious radiants, I resisted. Because I knew what they were going to do with them--they were going to kill them (or worse). Otherwise, they would have just left them there. And one of the unconscious radiants is a dear friend of mine, a man who stuck with me through some of the worst moments of my life, and I wasn’t going to just stand aside and let him be taken. So I fought back. And I managed, barely, to stop them. Then I took my friend and left so that I could hide him and protect him.
But my dad started freaking out about how I had killed someone in a place of healing, and he called me a monster. I’m not saying I’m not a monster. But I think I did the right thing in saving my friend. AITA?
Edit: Wow so apparently people found my dad’s post? 
5. AITA for stealing?
I (LE/F/17) can’t go into too much detail without potentially doxxing myself, so I will have to be vague. My brothers and I had a very rough childhood. We are talking physical abuse, mental abuse, all of it. And now both of our parents are dead, and we’re about to lose everything thanks to some bad decisions our father made. But there is one thing that might save us--there is this woman (a heathen!) who owns an item, and if it were ours instead, it would fix all of our problems. I can’t go into too much detail, so I will call it the thingamajig. 
The thing is, no one knows where the woman got the thingamajig in the first place, and it’s probably not something she should have as a heathen. She doesn’t HAVE to have it--like it isn’t keeping her alive or anything--whereas my brothers and I are in fact doomed if we don’t get one. So we decided to steal it. It’s not nice and it’s not ethical but sometimes you have to do what you have to do to survive, you know?
And it all sounded good when it was abstract, but the thing is, the woman is actually pretty cool and very pretty and once I got to know her, I didn’t even want to steal from her! But then she did something horrible. Again, I can’t get into detail, but trust me when I say it’s like “haunts your dreams forever oh god the screams” sort of horrible. So I figured--storm it. If she’s going to be terrible, then I’m going to steal from her and I’m going to save my family. So I did.
But tbh the guilt is eating me alive! She STILL hasn’t noticed that the thingamajig is gone unless she HAS noticed and she’s just waiting for me to CRACK under the pressure!
You guys have to help me--AITA?
6. AITA for being stick?
I am a stick. I am not fire. AITA?
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drplantboss · 9 months
On Shadow working for G.U.N. and “Never Turn Back”
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I’ve seen a lot of people criticizing the fact that Shadow works for G.U.N. at the time of Sonic ‘06. Most people have the argument that “G.U.N. is the organization that killed Maria!” Their logic is that he shouldn’t be willing to work for the organization that killed his best friend. I have a few problems with that take. 
The first is that it fundamentally isn’t the same organization. It’s been 50+ years since that happened, and the current head honcho of G.U.N. is someone who was also personally traumatized by Maria’s death. While the Commander and Shadow had their differences in Shadow the Hedgehog, that was mostly over a misunderstanding and those events aren’t even solidly canon. I personally perceive the first 10 endings of ShTH05 and the events that lead to them as all hypotheticals; only the final “true” ending actually happened. In that case, they may have never actually confronted each other initially. 
The other reason is because of what the entire arc Shadow underwent in his titular game achieved. Shadow learns not to dwell on the past. He learns that he needs to keep moving forward, and never turn back. This is not a covert theme, either; the ending theme of ShTH05 is literally the track “Never Turn Back” by Crush 40. It happens to be my favorite Sonic vocal track because this song just fits Shadow’s ending so perfectly here (plus it’s a banger). I recommend you listen to it yourself, but I’ll mention the relevant lyrics here. Let’s go through the first verses.
It's been a long, rough road
And I'm finally here
I move an inch forward
Feels like a year
Everything I feel seems so unreal
Is it true?
Is it true?
I take one step forward
And two steps back
Got a hundred thousand pounds
Sitting on my back
Up, down, all around
Don't know quite what to do
To get through
Shadow is burdened not just by the title of “Ultimate Lifeform” but also by his promise to Maria. All of this, combined with the fact that he only just rediscovered who and what he is, and the sledgehammer to the head that would be finding out you are a biological weapon and a tool that has been used to nefarious ends on multiple occasions would certainly feel like a hundred thousand pounds sitting on your back. This section signifies Shadow struggling with that responsibility — but he’s taking it on. He will help people, he will keep his promise to Maria, he will be the Ultimate Lifeform.
I guess I'm moving all right and I'm on my way
Facing every moment day by day
Take a chance, slip on by, got no time to answer why
Head straight, head straight
What will I become if I don't look back
Give myself a reason for this and that
I can learn, no U-turns, I will stay right here where I'm at, where I'm at
Shadow is starting to overcome some of that pressure. There’s still doubts as he makes the decision to keep moving forward without looking back — he asks, “What will I become if I don’t look back; give myself a reason for this and that.” He very quickly reaffirms the commitment in the next line, but it does show some doubt. At the end of the day, his past still defines who he is. His promise to Maria, his responsibility as a forceful individual still drive him forward and compel him to do the right thing. But the other aspects of his past he is choosing to leave behind.
Well I'm on my way
On my way
On my way
On my way
Here I am,
Made it to the end of you
Never had a chance while I'm around
No! No!
No, no, no, no!
Well, now I'll never turn back,
I'll never turn that way
No matter how life tries to face me
I'll turn the other way
Now and then,
My head starts to spin,
But I'll never turn back again
No! No!
From this moment on,
I am moving on,
And I'll never turn back
The chorus is Shadow’s promise: a promise to himself, to Maria, and to the world. He will never turn back to the weaponized hatred that Gerald programmed into him. He will never turn back to the alien domination of a doomed species. He will never return to thinking he could be an android subservient to Dr. Eggman. From this moment on, he’s moving on. 
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Shadow’s entire character in Sonic ‘06 is an affirmation of the development he underwent in his own game. Shadow has a static arc in ‘06; he doesn’t really change at all over the course of the game. However, in that iconic scene you’ve probably heard everyone and their mother talk about, he puts forward the exact attitude I’m talking about here.
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“If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have.” Keep moving forward, never turn back.
Shadow views G.U.N. as a viable method of carrying out his goals — helping people — at the time of ‘06. 
I think this makes sense. If the organization has been reformed since the days of the raid on the ARK, then it’s probably one of the best resources for Shadow to use. Additionally, from within the organization he is far more aware of what they are doing, giving him advance warning if something nefarious is going on within such a powerful paramilitary establishment. 
By letting go of his hatred, he can work for the organization that killed Maria. After all, he saved the whole world when he was originally intent on wiping out humanity. If he can do that, I think he can probably work with an organization that only recently changed its mind about him. 
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raayllum · 4 months
I honestly can't imagine Rayla not dooming the world for Callum if the situation required it. She literally called going to dark places an "act of love."
I mean, there's a few things:
The opinions of anyone working on the show (cast, crew, etc.) are not gospel and not the default, nor do they need to be treated as the be all end all. You can disagree and that's more than gouda
People will give misleading answers and/or answers that are true in the moment (i.e. would S5 Rayla doom the world for him? Maybe not. Would S6 Rayla after some development? If the answer's yes, that's gotta stay under wraps) to avoid potential spoilers
I was actually honestly pretty surprised 1) someone asked such a direct question and 2) even more surprised that it got directly answered, since it feels like it could skirt into spoilery territory potentially for next season given the possession plot line. (I was personally gunning for a "what do you think Rayla and Claudia would think of Callum's S5 dark magic use, if they knew?")
I will admit Paula's response was, admittedly, what I've leaned to for Rayla as a whole in terms of that World vs Loved One binary. One of the things that makes Ezran and Rayla interesting to me was the uncertainty of "would they risk [insert thing here] for their immediate circle of loved ones" routinely being a "I don't know." Not that they necessarily 100% wouldn't, but just that I was genuinely 50-50 split on whether they would, or leaned towards No or Yes but could see the other way being plausible too. That uncertainty paired with the certainty I had that Callum would, and that contrast, has always been one of my favourite things about the Trio as a unit and Rayllum as a duo. It's one of the reasons that Heart vs Duty conflict for Rayla as a character has always been so compelling to me and why 4x07's introduction of the "You have to kill me" conflict was so (and is) exciting!!
But I digress.
I don't think that Rayla's letter is the best example of what I think you're trying to illustrate (I'll raise something I think that is perhaps more indicative in a moment) purely because the whole reason Rayla ultimately left was to protect the world. I've talked about this before in my "Priorities in Through the Moon" meta from ages ago, but Rayla does not go into the portal because she's primarily concerned about finding her parents. Callum researches the portal and helps recreate it and his whole side of things because he wants to help her with her parents, even being the one who brings them up when they resolve to go ahead. Rayla's concerned primarily with Viren, stating her reason for going into the portal even after finding out it requires facing water:
"Listen, Callum. Soren was worried about Viren too. Worried that we never found his body. We need to know what happened to Viren. He's a threat to the whole world! This might be the only way to be sure he's actually gone."
This is in line with how Rayla operates and references her parents in her letter to Callum, given her goodbye exchange for her parents:
Rayla: Surprised you even noticed, considering you've got more important things to do. Lain: Nothing is more important than our favourite child. Rayla: I'm your only child, and you're still leaving me behind for the Dragonguard. Tiadrin: We have to leave, Rayla. For you and for all the other Moonshadow children as well [...] This is our duty that we're doing for Xadia. For you. Someday, I hope you see that.
Just as trust and love are not necessarily synonyms to her, duty and love are not necessarily exclusives. Her parents left out of love for her and for the world, even if that meant prioritizing the world over her in the immediacy of their choice. Rayla leaves to go kill Viren out of a similar mutual desire to protect Callum, yes, but that's mostly there in the fact she left alone and didn't want him to stop her. Not necessarily that she went to hunt down Viren in and of itself, but that she went by herself ("I was trying to protect him. I knew I had to be strong alone"). Protecting the world - and a Viren-less world being one Callum would be safer in by proxy - was worth blowing up her relationships to her.
Going to dark places wasn't what she was doing just to protect Callum - that played a part, too, but her primary goal was to hunt down Viren (going to said dark place) alone and by leaving Callum behind, hence the "Stay safe, and stay in the light. Don't look for me, and don't follow me" - a sacrifice she was making on her own so that Callum wouldn't have to, but still for a collective cause that she deemed meaningful: "I have to make sure Viren never hurts anyone ever again." (Which is also why she goes after Viren again in 4x09, tbh)
That doesn't mean leaving in TTM wasn't also an errorful, self-destructive choice to leave (see like every other TTM meta I've written) but that the goals she could conceptualize was to protect the world, full stop. Anything else along the way (getting closure with her parents, protecting Callum) were extra stops and bonuses to help her have the courage to go through with it, maybe.
This is also in line with how we see Rayla treat other scenarios where it's a choice between individuals / individual relationships vs the potential to help or harm the greater good
Prioritizing the world / new mission of stopping the assassination mission > her relationship with Runaan ("This is a miracle, a chance for peace!") in 1x03
Being willing to and convincing Callum to let Ezran search for the egg under the ice in 1x06
"Then it's time to go. War's coming like the world's never seen, unless we get the wee dragon home to his mom" (2x01)
"Callum, I know you trust them, but by the time we know the truth, it'll be too late. Do you understand? We'll lose everything" (2x03)
"So please, allow him to pass into Xadia and help bring the Dragon Prince home. Because I don't think I can do it without him" (3x01)
Do I even need to specify 3x09? Or TTM?
"I hate it too, but we have to keep moving [...] We can't save everyone, Soren. There's too much at stake. I'm leaving, and you better be right behind me" (4x05)
"If I threw the coins in the lava, would it release their spirits? Or would they just be trapped in some of eternal burning agony? Let's trade. You let him go, and I'll give you the coins." "I'm not making a deal with you!" (4x09)
"I love you, and I haven't forgotten about you. But I can't help you yet. Because right now, the world needs me. Callum and Ezran need. There's a great evil trying to return to Xadia, and we have to stop it, at any cost" (5x01)
"It hurts me to know they're trapped like this. It's agonizing. But I know our mission comes first. The world is in danger, and you can trust me to stay focused" (5x04)
This is, arguably, the strongest core trait she has in common with Viren, just for the record, especially in arc 1. He's very greater good centric as well, just with the push of his own ego and thirst for power + he only considers humanity's concerns, whereas Rayla has minimal pride and arguably not enough ego, and she wants to improve situations for everybody on a collective scale post-1x02 onwards.
The exceptions to this consistent behaviour is largely 2x07 and 3x08, which I've talked about more in my Dragon Quartet meta (from Dec 2019 good god??). These are arguably two of the times, in addition to TTM in some ways, where Rayla is operating the most out of her emotional core ("My allegiance is to my heart" —Tales of Xadia) and what feels 'right' on that level. For better or for worse.
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"That dragon was defenceless, and I just left there." / "So I have to stay, and defend the Dragon Queen."
I say Rayla is at her most emotional largely because in each scenario she's abandoning the mission of keeping Zym safe (and thereby her own identified "world's best hope" for peace) in favour of protecting a different individual dragon. This seems to go completely against the "mission first" if indeed, like in 1x03, Rayla can abandon one mission she's devoted herself to in favour of another one just like that [snaps fingers]. If she cares about the world first, why prioritize these individuals, neither of whom she particularly knows or personally cares about? BH also spells this out for us, since it's likewise a mirror to her offering to go up into the tower with Callum to defend Harrow even though the egg should technically be her first priority:
But to Runaan and those like your parents, love is rooted in all families, all creatures. Souls like that feel called to protect everyone as fiercely as those they hold close.
In 2x07, Rayla is at her best, if least logical, whereas in 3x08 she is at worst (until arguably S4) and likewise her least logical ("I know you feel guilty, but you're not thinking straight"). In each scenario the boys stand a Much better chance of survival and of accomplishing their mission with her from just an objective point of view (they don't know Xadia's terrain at that point and circa 2x07, neither could really be combatants in a fight since Callum didn't have a weapon or primal magic). We could slap an easy "you're being a dumbass and dooming the world" label on it and be done with it. But not only does Rayla think the boys are fully capable of completing their mission without her ("I believe in you") but 'the world' as a stake never enters her mind.
Instead, Rayla looks at each as an individual last stand where the only neck on the chopping block is ('rightfully') hers. Whether she's right or not to do so regardless of how she frames it is debatable (I personally view it as understandable, admirable, but more than a little short sighted or guilt ridden considering The Stakes), but that very much seems to be the thought process.
She's not risking the world, in her mind. All she's risking is herself.
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And that's perfectly acceptable to her as a trade off. It always has been. It's one of the perfect kind of microcosms of the cognitive dissonance she lives under, where why should she care about herself when there's bigger fish to fry ("Don't worry about my hand; the egg is all that matters now") ignoring the fact that 1) she can & arguably should let herself care about two things at once and 2) she's going to be much less effective as a team member / dual wielder if she's recovering from a messy at best recent amputation.
This path of "Rayla works to save Callum because she doesn't care about what happens to herself" is admittedly probably the option I leaned towards most when it comes to Rayla in S6, even if I do wonder how it might be streamlined time / arc wise cause it does elongate her arc further. Either way, this is the route that lets her not kill Callum, working free him instead while also being able to justify trying to free him to herself, because she's not conceptualizing the Big Picture. She's narrowing it down to him and her and deciding if one of them has to get hurt in order for him to be freed, it's gonna be her.
It's not the Character Development route as I call it, but it sure is consistent.
TLDR; While I still lean towards Rayla having an ultimately positive impact (i.e. breaking Callum free from potential brainwashing) in s6, it would not surprise me at all if from her perspective it is framed as a self-sacrificial move on her end > a big picture risk to the world, even if that's how Callum may see it.
More thoughts on Rayla + the possession plotline in S6 here, here, and here.
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jungle-angel · 6 months
The First Cozy Christmas (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: It's been a day and Calvin can't wait to get home to you and your baby
Warnings: Mentions of birth, religion etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse
"Now it's important to remember that with certain elements, they are often ductile which means they can be run through wires" Calvin explained to his students who were all seated at the lab counters. "Cobalt in this case, is a ductile substance but it is also malleable. Now malleable substances do what?"
Only one brave student dared to raise their hand. "They can be reshaped?"
"You would be right Cindy," Calvin pointed out. "I'm not gonna bother you guys much with the chemical makeup of it all, we will of course be going over the fine details, but as of right now we really need to explore the technical and practical side. Memorizing formulas and makeup will only do so much until you actually start to work with it."
He looked at the wall clock, hoping that time had gone by just a little faster, but to Calvin's dismay, it was only 8:50 in the morning and class had started at 8:30. No amount of coffee was going to get him through the long day ahead.
Calvin went around helping each of his students with their lab work, making sure none of them burned themselves in the process. All the while he listened in case someone should come knocking at the door, hoping he could give the next impudent little admin a tongue lashing.
He opened the windows after the heat from the bunsen burners had cranked up the temperature just a little. The cold air felt much better on his face and neck, even as a few snowflakes blew in from outside.
At last the class was dismissed around 9:30 and Calvin could step outside to get some air. He headed back to the cafeteria to meet up with Dr. Powers, now fresh from a lecture, the both of them hoping to catch a break. The cafeteria had always been a favorite place of theirs, more so when Calvin had met you and introduced you to Anthony your first year teaching at the university. The place had been neatly decorated for Christmas, with all the pine garlands around the windows and shelves, a bulletin board full of Christmas cards for the staff as well as flyers and pamphlets for various charities, the smells of the hot meals coming from the kitchens along with the strong smell of peppermint mocha coffee.
"What a morning," Powers groaned. "I almost had a student burn their eyebrows off in the lab this morning."
"You're lucky," Calvin chuckled.
"Says the man who's student made a military grade stinkbomb on Halloween night," Powers joked.
"Lest ye forget, said stinkbomb got us a ten million dollar grant for the college," Calvin reminded him.
Dr. Powers rolled his eyes. "That's not even the half of it either," Powers groaned. "You know that new professor? The one who teaches biology? I think his name is Beecham?"
"Baker," Calvin corrected.
"Yes, him," Dr. Powers continued. "Struts into the lab like he's the cat's ass and starts heckling the students."
"Sound like someone we knew?" Calvin asked, finishing off the rest of his breakfast.
"Probably took over after the little gimp got fired," Powers said, taking a sip of his coffee. "You watch, he'll say the wrong thing and end up getting burned for it the same way D'Nadi did."
Calvin rolled his eyes at the memory of Raymond D'Nadi, the detestable little senior professor who Calvin had encountered more times than not. "You remember the day that Murray sent him walking?" Calvin chuckled.
"Cal that's like asking if the Titanic remembers the iceberg," Powers answered.
Calvin laughed. "I remember Boz's students singing that damn song on his way out."
"Oh God and Professor Broussard's students," Powers chuckled. "Broussard's in the art history department and even he couldn't stand him."
The two of them laughed at the memory, finishing their food and their coffee before their next classes began. At last, the morning seemed to be going by a little bit faster and since the college president had ordered all classes to be done by 12:30 at the latest, it had Calvin wide awake and eager to get home to you. Finally, it was that hour, just in the nick of time as they completed their experiments.
"Alright, everybody clean up your stuff and make sure your lab coats go in the laundry bin outside," Calvin told his students. "We'll pick this up again in four weeks so make sure you keep your brains sharp and your studies up."
The students all bid him farewell, everyone wishing each other a Merry Christmas as they headed out the door. Calvin excitedly dumped his lab coat in the bucket outside the door, relieved that at long last the day was over.
"What'er ye doin in these halls lad? I thought ye'd be goin home?" chuckled a familiar voice.
"Same can be said of you Padre," Calvin chuckled. "How are you?"
"Eh, could be better, but could be worse," Father McDowell said a little ruefully. "Bleedin knee's not lookin much better."
Calvin made a face. He felt terrible that Father McDowell hadn't been feeling well with his bad knee, the poor priest now walking with a cane to keep steady, but in winter weather it had become a little worse for wear. "Anything they can do?"
"Well, Helen asked the surgeon when we went but ain't much they can do," he sighed. "Jaysus be praised, I didn't have to kick anyone in the arse this afternoon."
Calvin laughed as he gathered up his things and threw on his coat. "You want a ride home?" he asked.
"I'd appreciate that immensely boyo," he said. "Rode all the way down here with hardly a way back."
The two of them stopped by the nursing hall where Winnie Daly, one of the nursing students, handed off Six-Thirty to Calvin. All three of them headed out to the parking lot and loaded up in the car, heading for home down the snow covered streets.
"So I heard a detestable little gobshite's been fired eh?" Father McDowell asked him.
"Oh you heard?" Calvin laughed.
"Heard?" Father McDowell said. "He was screechin down the hall like a lady! I stuck me head out the door and threatened to put me boot up his arse if he disturbed the lecture."
Calvin laughed. In all the years that his family had know Father McDowell, he still couldn't get over the fact that the good father had no filter whatsoever.
It was only a short drive through the snow, but Calvin had safely pulled up the little driveway outside of the rectory near the church where Frank and Helen McDowell had lived since coming to the states. He had very fond memories of the place, growing up with the McDowell kids and causing all manner of havoc both in and outside of school.
"Thank ye boyo," Father McDowell said. "Will I be seein ye and (y/n) at Christmas service next week?"
"First thing in the morning," Calvin answered. "Figured it's better than going at midnight."
"Ah, I'd never ask that of ye," Father McDowell told him. "And let me know what the plan is for Ellen and we'll work with it."
"Not a problem Padre," Calvin said. "We'll see you then."
As soon as Father McDowell had gone through the front door, Calvin headed for home with Six-Thirty still in the back. He switched on the radio, content and happy as Frank Sinatra's voice began to fill the car. Finally, the house came into view, the pretty little Christmas lights already strung up, courtesy of Cal's father, Henry.
Calvin entered the house and shut the door behind him quickly to keep out the cold and heavy snow, hanging his coat and scarf up on the hooks near the door. Six-Thirty barked when he saw you in the dining room, walking about with Baby Ellen all snug in her pink blankie and her warm little hat.
"Welcome home Daddy," you chirped in your little sing-song voice.
Calvin took you right in his arms and pressed a searing kiss to your lips. "How's my queen and my princess?"
"Wonderful," you answered. "She's just a little fussy from waking up and your mother is downstairs in the basement finishing the last load of laundry."
Cal felt immense relief when you told him. You and Ellen had only been home for a few days and all the while, he had worried about what would or wouldn't get done around the house. Thank God his parents lived next door and could help.
You very carefully placed Ellen in his arms before going into the living room to turn on the Christmas tree. Calvin smiled as the tiny white lights lit up the room and the fire crackled in the fireplace. This time of the year was always so special to you both, made even more special by the fact that Ellen had arrived just in time for it.
"Well there you are Cal," Patricia happily remarked. "Didn't think you'd be home this early."
"President of the college ordered closings for noon since it's the week before Christmas," Cal explained. "Glad to be home though."
"I'll say," Patricia said, seating herself on the living room sofa to fold the clean laundry in the basket. "Wouldn't wanna be driving in this weather."
Cal yawned and took the spot next to his mother while you were in the kitchen, the smell of dinner wafting into the living room. As soon as Patricia had gone back downstairs, Calvin laid right down with Ellen on top of him, protectively holding her as they both began to fall asleep. Six-Thirty had taken up his post next to the coffee table just in case Ellen should wake up and in no time at all, all three of them were in such deep sleep that they would have barely noticed the house settling.
As soon as dinner had been taken out of the oven, you poked your head into the living room to find your husband, daughter and Six-Thirty all asleep. You took the wool blanket off the back of the chair near the fireplace and threw it over Cal and Ellen before covering Six-Thirty with his own. You couldn't resist taking a little polaroid photo for the scrapbook that Patricia was working on, slipping it into your purse to keep it with you always.
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
i see a lot of young writers asking questions like "how do I structure a chapter" "how many words should be in X" "how do I join up these plot points" etc and the truth is. there is no answer. there are no rules you can follow that will turn your painstakingly thought out list of plot points into an actual story. it is at least as much about vibes and gut feelings as anything else and at some point you just have to jump in and stop looking for a template to follow to do it "right"
how to structure a chapter? go read the first chapter of five books. notice any common threads? probably more differences than similarities, right? i mean they'll all probably give you some basic info about the characters and world you're dealing with, but they're not each going to follow the same formula of "two paragraphs of X, three of Y, a dash of Z", because that's not how it works! what do those opening chapters think we need to know about the story ahead? what do your readers need to know? great now you know what needs to go in that chapter
how many words in X? go find five books that have the same kind of mood and pacing as what you're trying to achieve – that make you, as a reader, feel the way you want your readers to feel. read them. get a sense of their rhythms. look up how long they are if you have to, but once again: writing isn't maths. it's about knowing in your gut where the beats of the story fall, and you learn that by doing: by reading and by writing, over and over again. how long is a piece of string? stories take the words that they take. sometimes they need trimming or lengthening in edits but i cannot stress enough how much "before you've written a single word" is not the time to worry about that. the more stories you read and the more you understand those intangible vibes, the closer your first draft is likely to be to the length the story needs to be, but it's okay if it's not, because that's what editing is for!
because if you do it "wrong", which is to say, if the story on the page doesn't look like the one in your head? if the pacing's wrong or the chapters feel awkward or the plot doesn't turn out as neat as it did in the outline? that's literally part of the process, bro. you do it wrong first and then you either try again with a different story and get it closer to right, or you edit the first story, but either way it's a process of doing it wrong until gradually, with practice, it becomes easier to do it right. doing it wrong is not something to be afraid of. it's a thousand times more useful than not doing it at all because you got stuck on the need for perfection
you can ask all the questions about How To Write that you want, but you're not going to learn a damn thing about writing until you actually sit down with a blank document and try to put that into action. and that's not a flaw! that's a feature! writing is something you learn by doing – no prior qualifications needed, no rules to memorise, just a chance to explore what a story is through taking it apart and rebuilding it
how to learn to write: read, and write badly, until eventually you write well. that's all there is to it. stop being afraid to start and you'll be 50% of the way there already. the other 50% is learning to finish what you started. then you just keep doing it.
sorry and/or you're welcome
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sege-h · 8 months
Ashen "Sharp" the Wolf
Another @sonic-oc-showdown bracket means it's time for a new pinned where I ramble about my OC!
I do have a "Sharp" tag on my blog so check that out if you want, but here's where I'll be answering some questions about him in case you don't wanna dig through tagged shitposts and art with little context!
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(Second pic is an edit of the Sonic issue #50 cover)
Bellow the cut I will be answering a bunch of OC questions, so it could get rather long!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Which one? 😂 He actually has 3 names--
Delan- his birth name. Nowadays only his romantic partner knows that name. That one popped into my brain so there's no special story behind it.
Ashen- The name he gave himself. I tried to think up a name an angry teen might come up with since that was where he was at when he gave himself the name. One idea for a name like that was 'Fenix'- a play on how he would've wanted the name for a creature that rises from the ashes, but with the wrong spelling since he didn't know how to spell 'Phoenix' properly. But that didn't quite fit in my mind, so he got named after the ashes a phoenix might rise from.
Sharp- originally it was his temporary name since I needed to call him SOMETHING while coming up with a name. But then I grew attached to it and kept it. In-universe it's his nickname because the resistance-not knowing his name- found it easier to refer to him by a nickname to warn people that he's coming rather than 'HEY THAT GUY WITH THE SHARP METAL CLAWS IS COMING'. It saves time SHGDHS
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
It depends on which part of the story things take place (I have a few aus where things diverged at specific points in his life)
While he was still a runaway living outside he was 11-15
While still working with Eggman he was 16-18
And after he ran from there, or 'present' time he's 18-20 depending on how early or late in the story it is
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Yes! Percy- who belongs to @hesfromsomewhere
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Sharp and him went from enemies (one sided on Sharp's end) to secretly hanging out since Percy works for the resistance. Up until Percy got captured by Eggman, and Sharp chose to rescue him and run away to take him to the resistance. Initially Sharp was just going to leave him with them, but then he got captured by them a day or two later. Percy then very slowly built a bridge of trust between Sharp and the resistance faction he was a part of- though even if that hadn't happened they were determined to stay by each other's side. Things eventually developed into romance after that.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Pie! Any kind of pie, really. Sharp loves homemade foods in general. But there's just something about baked goods, and especially pie, that strikes him as The homemade meal that he always wanted to try, and then eventually got to
💼 - What do they do for a living?
His initial job really Was for a living, working under Eggman. He really took that up because it'd provide him with a roof over his head and steady meals. To him the bonus was that Eggman is the type of person that wouldn't pretend like he Isn't disposable. There would be no attempts at fake friendships there.
Nowadays he works with the restoration, trying his best to get used to being around people and helping out. Down the line the faction he's in will split off from the restoration, and become more like a group of mercenaries akin to the original Diamond Cutters
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
He likes playing video games! Initially they served as something to get his frustrations out on. The still kinda serve that purpose, but he also plays them when he's relaxed, and he's learning to play more games with friends.
🎯 -What do they do best?
If he was asked he'd answer that he's the best at fighting. It's what he's had to do most of his life, and he's kind of out of his element once he joins the resistance where he doesn't really have to do that as much anymore. Especially since even when he Does fight he'll get asked to retreat all because the people there care whether he lives or dies.
He's pretty hard on himself in other aspects. He's pretty good at cooking, but he does best when doing so over an open fire. So he views his learning attempts at using a stove as failures.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Loves: Playing video games, spending time with loved ones, eating good homemade food, walks in the rain, seeing peoples faces whenever he proves he's more than they think of him. Also dancing but don't tell anyone.
Hates: Being around too many people, getting ordered around, backing down or retreating in general, having to confront people taller than him, being Perceived
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
The night he realized that despite everything, someone did come for him and took him in. Just not the way he expected.
Him and Percy weren't romantically involved yet, but they slept in the same bed anyway. It'd become a habit after Percy's stay in the infirmary. And after they got to go off in their separate rooms, Sharp found he was too anxious to sleep on his own after everything, in a place full of people he didn't know and that he believed hated him (and to be fair, some did)
He woke up one night with Percy clinging to him. And it kind of hit him that he finally had someone that cared about what happened to him. And someone that felt like home. Both things he'd pretty much given up on ever having at that point in his life, but he'd gotten them anyway.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Ashen has a Lot of bad memories but the one that really haunts him nowadays is when Eggman captured Percy. He was locked up in a pod, intended to be used as a living battery since he's a being made of Chaos Energy. Sharp waited to see if anyone from the resistance would show up to save him (he still views this as a big mistake on his part)
But once the machine was activated, the decision to make a move and defy Eggman was pretty much made for him. He still has nightmares about hearing Percy scream and watching his form start to shift thanks to the energy getting sapped from him.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Kind of!
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His design has stayed relatively the same, it just got more refined. I got the hang of drawing his hair, and his ears are a darker color now instead of being the same as his main fur color. He's also gotten beefier. He also lost the cheek markings bellow the eye pretty fast, I think I got rid of them after the first 2 drawings of him.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Honestly I just wanted to go back to my roots and make a wolf character. Other than that, me and my friend wanted to make some OCs that worked on opposing sides during Forces thatd end up being together by the end.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
I said this last time too but I don't really slot my OCs into genres SHDGSH. I guess just. Sonic? Adventure with a side of shonen? Sharp kinda fits the shonen anime vibe, with his strongest asset being his willpower, making him get up every time he gets knocked down.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
He's a cis man, and he's probably demisexual/demiromantic, though he labels himself as gay. He just doesn't have/know the words for demi, but he knows what gay is, and he's always fallen for boys and masc presenting people. Though the few times Percy goes for a more femme presenting form, he's noted there's no lack of attraction there. But it hasn't really spurred him on to investigate if there's any other label he could apply to himself. He just thinks 'I'm in love with Percy. And no matter what for he takes he's still Percy, and that's who I'm in love with'
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
He never had any biological siblings! But later on him and Riley (also belonging to @hesfromsomewhere) adopt each other as brothers
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He's a chinchilla that's also part of the resistance. And he was a runaway, so he very much understands what Sharp has gone through in life.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Absolutely horrid. They're dead to him, even if he's unsure if they're actually dead. He sure hopes they are.
They're why he's mostly thrown away his birth name. They gave it to him. He doesn't belong to them, and he saw taking up a new name as a show that he only belongs to himself.
They really only had him to insure they had a heir that'd take up their business one day. They were very strict, and were pretty much never pleased with Ashen. Everything he did had to be flawless- and that's impossible. They're a big reason for him running away from home.
Once he joined Eggman and was allowed to unleash legions of badniks to attack as he pleased, one of the first things he did was lead a raid to his old hometown. He saw to it that the house he grew up in was burned to ashes. He never caught sight of his parents so he doesn't know what actually became of them, but he doesn't care.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
I like how silly he can get. His short temper can be both a source of drama, but also of silly moments. Because sometimes he gets so caught off guard that he doesn't know how to react other than with frustration.
And I just like his type of character. Someone kind of jaded that has to deal with wanting to become a better person, and the softness that comes out of those efforts.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Very often! He's on my mind a lot, and I have several AUs with him. He's one of the characters I draw and write about the most other than Storm and Atos
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Nnno I get too sad at things like that HSGDHS
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Despite his love of rain, he gets really stressed out and scared when it comes to really bad storms, with loud thunder and especially with strong winds. The winds stress him out more than the thunder and he hates the sound of it. His fear was more evident when he was younger. He's gotten good at hiding it, but someone that knows him well can notice the way he's tensed up while a storm like that is happening.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
His (one sided) arch-nemesis/rival WAS Percy, until they became friends.
An antagonist that pops up here and there in their story is Echo (owned by @hesfromsomewhere )
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He's a tasmanian devil, and a hacker that lost everything to the war with the Eggman Empire. Once he finds out Sharp works for it, he attempts to kill him. Their paths cross again later, and even though Sharp no longer works for Eggman, that doesn't matter to Echo.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
I think I've had him since 2019, if not late 2018!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Thank you for reading!
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glittter-vamp · 11 months
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Joe Burrow x Bisexual OC.
Warnings: 18+MDNI. Mention Of Death & Grief. Emotional Intimacy pretty much at 100 and smut-ish themes. Homophobia. Angsty yet Fluffy. Pretty heavy chapter overall.
Word Count: 3.4k
"Thank you for shopping with us, have a great day!" Val smiles at a customer that was in the store while handing them their shopping bag. It was Sunday which she usually didn't come in for but Elsa had went a little too hard at the Pride parade the day prior and Dani was off. So, it was just her and Kade in the store today making things happen. 
"Almost time to close, what a weekend!" Kade sighs moving a box of hangers. 
"It was pretty crazy, I guess since we closed yesterday for the parade people came today instead." Val says organizing a rack of shirts.
"I'm so glad I'm off for the next two days, I'm drinking a whole bottle of wine by myself tonight to destress." Kade lets out a breath. 
"You and me both." Val smiles. Them two make it through the last work hour with only one other customer coming in. Cleaning up quickly, they make it out of the store by 4:50 and in their cars to go home. Since it was Sunday evening the traffic wasn't so bad but living in a city meant it was still there regardless. As Val drove home she got a call from Joe. She had talked to him here and there, all through text after that argument they had. 
"Hello?" Val answers on the car Bluetooth. 
"Hey...are you out of work?" Joe asks. 
"I am. Why?" Val asks wondering why. 
"Would you mind stopping by the house today? Something came for you at the house." Joe says sounding just as confused as she was hearing that. 
"Uh, what do you mean something came for me...to your house? I've never your given address for anything to anyone." Val questions. 
"I'm just confused as you about it are but it's addressed to you, it's a letter." He says. 
"Does it seems like junk mail or something? That's so weird..." She asks as she drives. 
"No, it's hand written from within the state. Say's its from someone named Sabrina Farley." Joe responds back, Val's heart dropping hearing that. 
"Are you sure!?" Val asks trying to remain her cool. 
"That's what it says, I can drop it off during the week if you're busy--
"No, I'll come get it now. I'm in the car driving anyway." Val says. 
"Alright, you can let your self in. I have to rest up my leg. My knee has been feeling weird." Joe says. 
"Do you need anything?" Val asks. 
"Nah I'm good, but thanks. I appreciate that." Joe yawns. They hang up soon after and Val makes her way to Joe's.
Pulling up to his house she parks in the driveway and lets her self in like he told her too. She could hear the tv, Joe was of course was watching some alien documentary like usual. Walking to the living room she see's Joe laying on his couch icing his knee. 
"So, what'd you do to your knee?" Val speaks up startling Joe and making her laugh. 
"I didn't hear you come in... but I think I went to hard in the gym yesterday." He shrugs looking at his leg,
"Better chill before everyone gets on your ass or you injure yourself again." Val shakes her head. 
"I know..." Joe sighs. 
"So about the letter?" Val asks awkwardly. 
"Oh yeah, here!" Joe reaches over and grabs the letter that was sitting beside the remote. 
"Here you go, I didn't open it or anything." He says handing her the white envelope. Val reads the name and she starts to feel uneasy about it. 
"I really have no idea how this person got your address. I'm real sorry this came here, that's super invasive." Val bites her lip looking at Joe. 
"It's alright. Do you know who that person is though?" Joe asks and she nods yes. 
"My older sister. Since I cut off contact from the family , they haven't had my number or address except for the twins who I actually haven't heard from in months." Val shakes her head. 
"Do you think it's something serious?" Joe asks sitting up, intrigued by what that letter held. 
"Must be if they sent it to your house and not mine, my store or any of my other friends houses." Val says ripping the letter open. 
Val starts reading the letter which was starting off first by apologizing being sent to Joe's house but that they couldn't find her address anywhere online and was scared that if it got sent to the store it would end up in someone else's business mailbox instead. Which Val found very weird but she continued reading. As she read the next line her heart sunk and felt her eyes water. 
"I hate to inform you that dad has been involved in a car accident two weeks prior from when I'm writing this. He doesn't seem to be progressing at all, therefore mom is going to make the hard decision to take him off life support tomorrow. Though, we felt the need to tell you, we ask that you do not come to the funereal nor contact any of us. We've seen you in the tabloids and still don't approve of your life choices and out of respect to god, the church, the family and most importantly dad it's best if you don't come. We don't need any shameful people around us during this hard time or someone to take the attention away from dad." 
"Val...Hey, Hey...what's going on? Breathe." Joe says to her as he runs up to her and catches her as she falls to her knees at the news she just read. Val lets out a sob as Joe tries to console her and get her seated on the couch. Not being able to barely breathe let alone talk, she hands the letter to Joe and he reads it keeping one hand on Val and rubbing her back as she cries. 
"I'm so sorry Val. This is isn't the way they should've told you." Joe says hugging her tight and kiss her head as she cries. 
"I probably already missed his funeral since this was sent a week ago. Why would they do that?" She sniffles shaking her head. 
"If you did, that's entirely their fault. They know what they were doing sending this letter, they could of called, sent this to your actual house or business or even gone to your store in person...instead they sent it to my house not even knowing if it would get to you two weeks after your fathers accident in which they didn't contact you. This was malicious on their part, you did nothing wrong." Joe says feeling nothing but anger over this situation for Val. He couldn't believe they would treat her this way but it became clear why Val separated herself from them.
"I-I should go home. I'm sorry for breaking down like this here. I should of opened that letter at home or something." Val says quickly getting up and wiping her tears, desperately trying to get herself together. 
"What?! No--Val, you're not driving while you're emotions are hitting you like this. You're still processing this." Joe says shaking his head and Val sighs. 
"I just know things aren't okay between us and going through this here--
"That's not important right now, what's important is that you stay here and not get behind the wheel while you're crying. I'm going to get you water, please just stay here and take a breath." Joe says sitting her down again and she just nods beginning to cry again. Val didn't couldn't believe that letter. Still processing everything from her fathers accident to him being taken off life support to her family asking her not to come to the funeral because of who she was was just something she couldn't believe but hurt like hell. It proved that she was yet not healed from her past with her family.
"Here." Joe says coming back with a water bottle. Val takes it and takes a few sips. 
"Is there anything I can do?" Joe asks sitting next to her. 
"Get me a time machine so I could tell my parents not to have me and spare everyone the disappointment that I am." Val sighs wiping her tears. 
"Don't say that. Just because they have a problem with who you are doesn't mean you don't have people around you that love and support you. Plus, you've basically built your own family, you have the girls, Mateo, Kade and Elsa...Me and my family." Joe says hesitating on that last part. 
"I don't even know how your family views me right now so I wouldn't count them in there." Val shakes her head. 
" They haven't said anything to me about it so...well my mom obviously asked about what was going on cause she knows we're together but she didn't comment on anything else. My dad is never one to get into my personal relationships so..." Joe shakes his head. 
"Still doesn't mean anything." Val mutters. 
"Why don't I draw you a nice bath? I'll go pick up some food in the meantime while you soak." Joe says patting her knee. 
"You don't have to do that." Val shakes her head. 
"You need it, c'mon." Joe slowly pulls Val off the couch and they make their way upstairs letting the letter on the couch. 
"You still have clothes in your drawer, I haven't touched them." Joe says softly as they enter his room. 
"Thanks." Val sniffles heading over to where she always kept her clothes.
Joe headed to the bathroom and filled up the tub for her while she chose some clothes. Her mind was having a million different thoughts about what's happened. Though she was heartbroken over the news of her dad she was also incredibly angry at how it was handled. She couldn't stand the way her family has treated her since she came out in college. Val makes her way to the bathroom where Joe was making sure the water was a perfect temperature and the tub was getting filled up. 
"You can get in while it fills it takes a bit, did you need anything else? I haven't restocked on your wine but I can get you something else..." Joe asks as Val set her clothes down on the counter. 
"I think this moment calls for one of your vodka tonics." Val smiles. 
"Woah...I haven't heard those words since you opened up Pixies." Joe says making her chuckle. 
"I know it's a dangerous thing to say but I really need it." Val sighs. 
"You're wish is my command." Joe smiles leaving the bathroom. Val undresses and realizes she still has the markings from Summer on her body. Shaking her head and setting that aside she steps into the warm bath that smelled like lavender. Val feels herself relax into the semi filled tub and soon enough Joe comes back with her drink. 
"Here." Joe smiles handing her the drink. 
"Thanks." She smiles back taking a sip of the ridiculously strong drink. 
"Jeez, did you put any club soda in that?" Val shudders as the liquor runs through her body and sort of gives her a shock. 
"You knew what you were asking for. I put a lot of ice so just let it water down a bit." Joe says squatting down to her level and turning the water off for her. There wasn't many bubbles in the tub so Val saw Joe's eyes lingering on her body thought the soapy water. 
"What did you want to eat?" Joe asks clearing his throat. 
"It's Sunday evening so everything closes pretty early...whatever is open is fine. No healthy stuff though, I need good savory comfort food."  
"I'll be back, call me if anything. Make yourself at home." Joe says giving Val a gentle kiss on the head before leaving. It felt nice for Val to have Joe there for her. This was one of the things she couldn't complain about when it came to him. He was always there for Val when she needed him the most with no questions asked. Relaxing in the hot bath and downing the drink she eventually gets out and takes a quick shower being one of those people that can't just take a bath first. 
After her shower, drying off and draining the tub, she gets dressed and heads downstairs taking the glass that was now empty. As she washed her cup, Joe comes in with the bags of food.
 "So I got us sushi, and I stopped to get us ice cream. Hope that's okay!" Joe says smiling at Val. 
"That sounds really great. Thank you." Val smiles back. 
"We can put on a movie or whatever you want." Joe says setting the bags down to put the ice cream in the freezer.
"Sure." Val nods. She grabs water for them both from the fridge and make their way to the living room. 
"So, what do you want to watch?" Joe asks after they settle on the couch with the food. 
"Um, something funny I guess." she shrugs taking a bite of the spicy shrimp tempura roll. Joe turns on Superbad.
"I saw that you went the pride parade, how was that?" Joe asks failing miserably to use his chopsticks like usual making val laugh. 
"It was fun. Everyone had a goodtime." Val nods. 
"I saw that Summer went...you guys were posting on instagram" Joe says. Val knew she was going hear something about about her come from Joe eventually. 
"She was." Val says nods eyeing Joe. The last thing she wanted right now was to get in an argument with Joe about Summer again after what she just learned. Her emotions were way to high right now for that and she knew it.
"Is she...at least making you happy?" He asks softly and Val sighs. 
"Joe, I really don't need this right now." Val rolls her eyes.
"I'm not mad or trying to start anything. I just want to know she's at least treating you right given your history with her and having your own complaints with me" Joe says, he seemed genuine. 
"We only messed around once after that fight we had, we're not dating though and she's been fine to me. No drama. There, happy?" Val answers truthfully. 
"Very." Joe smirks which annoyed Val. 
"How about you? Any girls you've brought back here and shown them what a night with America's QB heartthrob is like?" Val asks trying to annoy him.
"Nope. Those nights are reserved for you." Joe smirks. 
"and Sofia the baddie ig model." Val nods popping another piece of sushi into her mouth pretending she didn't see Joe's annoyed face when she said that. 
"Okay...maybe I see how asking about Summer and throwing her in your face could be annoying." Joe says making Val snort. 
"But, since we're on the topic of girls and I still have my list of questions of you..." Joe trails off, Val sighing preparing for what's about to come out of his mouth next.
"Is it true that you guys can last for hours during sex? How is that even possible? How come you don't last with me that long?" Joe asks making Val almost choke on her food. 
"We technically can...but it's courtesy of the strap and we take breaks and then go back and forth through the night until we can't anymore and...I have no problem lasting that long but you on the other hand..." Val sips her drink and Joe looks in complete shock. 
"If that's the case...why the hell are you dating men? Let alone me." Joe mutters that last part. 
"Because that's how bisexuality works, I like all genders...and what do you mean let alone you? You're the only guy I've been with that actually gives a fuck about getting me off every time we have sex." Val snorts. 
"Do you have one?" Joe asks as he eats. 
"A what?" She asks confused. 
"A...strap or whatever it is you guys call it." Joe clears his throat which made Val laugh at his awkwardness. 
"I think... I have my harness somewhere at my condo, as for the toy itself...I have to get a new one." Val nods. 
"I saw that they had strapless ones." Joe nods and Val does a double take towards him hearing that. 
"Have you...been researching lesbian stuff!?" Val says rather loudly and clearly embarrassing Joe seeing his face turn a light shade of pink. 
"And by researching I know it's just porn." Val teases him. 
"No. I've actually been on educational websites for your information. I was wondering about the stereotypes. " Joe defends himself. Val thought it was actually very cute that Joe was educating himself about stuff. Most men would just ask when the threesome was happening and call it day.  
"Can I ask if you have a preference? Like do you prefer having sex with women or more with men?" Joe asks. 
"Overall, I say that I wouldn't. But there's certain things that I appreciate about both that's different." Val admits. 
"Like what?" 
"Well with girls I like the softness of it, the foreplay is usually on another level and the after care is really nice too. Plus there's a different sense of comfortability with women knowing they have the same parts as I do and know how are bodies are naturally. Also it's a plus that they're more on top of stuff like their status and there's no risk of pregnancy. " Val says and Joe nods. 
"And with men?" Joe asks seeming to be nervous to ask about it. 
"Well, my prior experiences with men were all college guys so I'm not gonna go there but with you specifically... I like how strong you are with me and assertive you are. Also getting to actually...feel you inside me is something I can only experience with women to a certain extent. Plus moans from any gender are hot but the list goes on for both, I just like what I like. There's really no competition here, we at least between you and any other woman because I've heard of plenty hook up stories from Gen with guys"  Val shrugs making Joe chuckle.
"Thank you for talking to me about this stuff...I know it's weird of me to ask this stuff." Joe says sheepishly. 
"Like I said before, if it's in good faith and you're being genuine...I don't have anything to hide. I appreciate you being respectful about it and not with stereotypical things like other guys would probably do." Val smiles.
 They both finish their meal and start paying attention to the movie that was already a good chunk through it. They eat their ice creams after finishing the dinner, Val still thinking of her dad and family, still figuring out how to navigate this situation from here. 
"You can take my room... I'll sleep in the guest room. Give you some space." Joe says as they clean up the mess of food in the living room and take it to the trash in the kitchen. 
"Oh you don't have to." Val shakes her head. 
"It's not up for discussion, I'll finish up here. You should go get some rest." Joe smiles and Val just nods. Even though it wasn't even 9PM yet, she did feel exhausted after the news she had received today. 
"Thanks, I'll uh see you in the morning...goodnight." Val says giving Joe a small smile which eh returns. 
Val head upstairs grabbing her phone and goes into Joe's room. She uses the bathroom quickly and gets into the comfortable bed when there was a small knock on the door as it opened. 
"Thought you'd like some water." Joe says bringing her a water bottle and setting it on the nightstand. Val thanks him and he goes to leave when she grabs his hand and stops him in his tracks. 
"Stay...please." She says softly and Joe gives her a look of sadness and pity before he gently nods. 
"Let me just turn off the hall light." He says squeezing her hand. Val nods letting go of him. Coming back into the room, Joe this time around doesn't say anything about Val being on his side of the bed and just turns off the light and gets in bed next to her. Val cuddles up to him inhaling his familiar comforting scent that she loved so much and Joe places a few kisses on her head as he slowly and gently rubs her back as she lets sleep take over, feeling fully comforted and cared for by the person who has her heart.
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A/N: That was heavy chapter! But BF Joe showed up 👀
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