#i got yelled at and laughed at all weekend just for carrying a sign that said 'no covid measures=queer deaths' i am made of steel now
natandacat · 2 years
Here is a promise that if this very prestigious university keeps telling me to just drop out since they can't do anything about covid, I am going to make so much noise about it that it will ruin the Dean's holidays :)
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morwap · 1 month
ex!regulus black x fem!reader
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dom!reg sub!reader, p in v, cunnilingus, handjob, cheating, ex!barty x reader mention, hair pulling. c/n = character name
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───────✧ 𓆩♡𓆪 ✧───────
james unlocked the door, a big smile on his face as he had booked a pretty nice airbnb for the long weekend. you and dorcas carried in snacks and drinks to the kitchen as he held the door.
you could hear peter groan as sirius jumped on his back after stretching.
“hey i just wanted to see if you were okay, ya know with regulus being here and all—“
you cut dorcas off with a little laugh, “yeah d its fine, i mean we both have moved on clearly”
dorcas smiled and nodded before rubbing your arm then walking back outside.
moved on was not what you would describe it, regulus was here with a girl he had a met not to long ago, a fling, you could tell by how she acted. it was exactly how you used to act.
maybe he did this to make you jealous and to ruin your time, that was the only justification that went through your head.
you packed the fridge with the food and put things on the counters.
“y/n! where do you want me to put your stuff?” remus yelled, you already knew the sleeping arrangements, you and peter on an air mattress while remus, sirius, dorcas and marlene in a room. james and lily have their own and so does regulus and c/n.
“just put it by the couch!” you yelled as you watched sirius walk in, you grabbed a water and tossed it to him. sirius smiled then looked behind him then looked back at you, giving you an eyebrow raise. a warning sign.
“yeah its up the stairs, second room on the right” regulus mumbled. you watched as she walked up the stairs and regulus stopped to talk to sirius. you could tell he was out of breath from carrying things, you grabbed another water from the fridge and put it on the table before walking to the living room.
to say the tension was strong whenever you and regulus were in the same room was an understatement.
it was getting dark out, everyone was outside while james cleaned the grill for tomorrow and sirius and marlene tried to get a speaker to start working.
you sat next to lily, you both chatting about random topics while scrolling and showing each other different cats at a shelter. you would occasionally look to the other seats and make eye contact with regulus, it only made you wanna roll your eyes when he would at you then at her then back at you. he would get closer to her, having a stare off with you until you looked away.
music started to lighten the tension, marlene had pulled you up to dance with her while she was shit faced drunk. sirius got remus to join in. regulus watched you, thinking that maybe you just didnt care.
the fun ended with marlene throwing up on the other side of the fence and dorcas having to go put her in a bath. mary had called lily to check up on you guys, she wasn’t able to come since she had a wedding to attend.
hours passed and remus was the last to leave living room to you and peter, you sat down on the edge of the air mattress, peter already fast asleep, you had showered before coming to bed and now put on lotion.
the only thoughts you had were of regulus as you started to lay down. you couldn’t sleep a few hours passed until you heard footsteps.
regulus sat on the couch, his elbows on his knees. he cant remember what made him come down here, maybe to get a drink but now its led him here and he cant say he’s mad about it.
“are you doing this to fuck with me? to make me jealous?” you asked in a yelled whisper, sitting on the edge of the air mattress. you made sure not to move too much since peter was next to you with earplugs in.
“what? am i doing this to fuck with you? what are you talking about?” he whispered, his brows furrowed. “you started talking to barty again, what was i supposed to do while you were out flirting with your ex boyfriend?” he added.
“literally what the fuck are you talking about regulus” you scoffed, the last time you saw barty was when you gave him some of his clothes that was still in a box in your closet, it was socks and a few plain white tees but he had messaged you about it since it had his favorite belt and hadnt been able to find it for almost 6 months.
“sirius told me he saw you, how you got in his car and was all up on him, told me all about how you were all giggly and touching his arm, i thought we had something” he argued, making hand gestures.
“we do have something, we always have had something, all i did was give him a box of clothes if i was thinking about getting back together with i would've told you” you whispered, you touched his arm.
“i would never do that to you, regulus i told you everything” you added as a tear pricked your waterline, his head tilted slightly as he closed his eyes and sighed.
you missed him, god you missed him.
“i’m sorry, i should've asked you” he sighed, his hands going to yours. just touching him was like being teased, you missed his hands on you.
you swallowed, you didn’t know if it was the right time and you think he had the same idea.
regulus looked at you, you two were so close, his hair was just the slightest bit damp and he still smelled so strongly of his body wash and shampoo. He wore a plain black tee and sweatpants that was fresh out the dryer.
he leaned in closer, you didn’t want to move more than you already have in case of waking peter.
you tilted your head back as he leaned in more, his lips touching yours. god it felt so good.
your tongue intertwined with his as you two kissed, his hand came to your jaw. you tried to get closer to him. you heard peter groan and you pulled away.
peter rolled over and started to snore.
“cmere” regulus whispered and guided you up and into the kitchen.
your lower back pressed against the counter, as he locked your guys lips together roughly, his hands going up your shirt.
you tried to rub yourself against his groin. regulus groaned into your mouth as he unclipped your bra. he moved around your body until he was able to slip the bra to the ground then undid the knot on your pj pants.
regulus trembled in your grasp as you palmed him, he was getting harder and harder in your grasp. he bit your lip lightly before pulling away.
“turn the fuck around” he panted, his hands moving you roughly and pushing you to bend over the counter. regulus drops to his knees, his fingers slipping down your pj pants and panties.
you could feel his lips on your ass cheek, he bit softly which made you laugh and mumble an “ow,” regulus smile before spreading you open for him.
his tongue met your cunt, making you shiver, your clit throbbed as he sucked slightly. his hands massaged you gently, he did circles around your clit then moved his tongue up and down your vulva.
one of regulus’ hands moved to your cunt, his fingers teasing around your cunt before finally pushing in.
your hand that was gripping the counter went up to your mouth, his fingers were long and soon enough he could fit two in. your legs trembled and you were getting close. minutes passed and then you were on the brink.
regulus pulled away and slowed his fingers. you whined when his fingers left you. you soon felt his lips on the back of your neck. you could feel him press his cock against you, you reached back and slid your hand into his waistbands, he was fucking leaking.
he moaned against your skin as you stroked him, his hand gripped your hand and guided it while the other one held your hip. regulus let go of your hand and pushed his sweats down a bit.
“turn around i wanna see your face” he whispered and let go of you. you kicked off your bottoms before turning. regulus spit in his hand and stroked himself, you watched his chest as he breathed heavily.
you got onto the counter, thankfully it happened to be perfect height.
spreading your legs for him, waiting, you are beautiful.
regulus pressed his tip against your cunt, sliding in as his other hand did circles on your clit. his head tilted back slightly and he bit his lips. his stomach tightened and his eyes closed.
you watched his cock go into you. your hand gripped his forearm.
“youre amazing” he mumbled, looked at you and you leaned in, lips molding together in a fevered rush.
regulus started thrusting, noises caught in your throat, his other hand held the back of your head, guiding it how he wanted.
he started to quicken his pace, his fingers gripping your hair hard. you moaned in his mouth.
a noise from upstairs stopped him, pulling his head away from you and his hand moved to cover your mouth. he slowed his pace but didnt stop completely.
“regulus?” you heard.
he looked at you and then reached to turn the sink on then off.
“yeah?” he said. she stood at the top of the stairs. it was dark the only light being from a nightlight that was next to you.
“you okay?” she asked.
“yeah im just getting a drink and im on the phone with evan, hes having a rough night, go back to bed” he lied on the spot.
“oh alright” she yawned and walked back.
you kissed his neck, nipping at his skin. he started to pick up his pace again.
“im sorry” he whispered, his hands rubbed your sides.
“its okay” you said, you pulled on the hem of his shirt and sucked on his collarbone, leaving a dark mark.
his fingers went fast on your clit, getting you closer and closer.
“i love you” regulus said.
you kissed his cheek, “i love you too regulus” your fingers slipping into his hair.
your brows furrowed as the coil in your stomach snapped. cunt clenching down on him and pulsating. you bit your lips together.
“inside or on your stomach?” he asked hurriedly.
you ignored him.
his eyes closed tightly, “imma need an answer baby quick” he whined.
“stomach” you panted as you came down from your high.
regulus thrusted a few more times before pulling out. your hands went to his cock, jerking him off to the pace he was going before.
he cursed as he came, cock throbbing and now becoming super sensitive.
soon he had cleaned you and himself up and wiped down the counters then you two ended up cuddling on the couch. he whispered in your ear, telling you how he missed you and that you were the best thing to ever happen to him. it was nice, so nice.
you had moved once he fell asleep, getting back to your spot on the air mattress. regulus moved closer to the edge and reached his hand down to grab yours.
“goodnight” he mumbled.
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thisisntmyrightera · 2 years
A broken nose, a science project and my first love.
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Summary: Again, Eddie and you are the parental support of Dustin but now you finally know what Eddie feels for you
Words: 4,890
Note: English isn't my first language so i make my best.
All Interactions are well received and appreciated.
Thanks for reading!
Mondays were the most boring day in the week, Robin was worried about the inventory of Family video, Eddie was hangover and Nancy was busy with the school newspaper, nobody felt like doing something fun, that happened until Wednesday or Thursday when the group started giving ideas to spend the weekend in something fun.
That day was no different, everyone with long faces and small talk, even the sound of your locker was annoying and you hated looking for your History book because you knew that class would be long and boring as hell.
-What the fuuuu...-you turned annoyed feeling a small push until you lowered your voice to a whisper noticing that it was Max who had inadvertently hit you while carrying her science project - oh...it was you
-I'm sorry...this shit doesn't let me see well while I walk - the redhead sighed annoyed dropping your project to the floor to open her locker
-Hey that vocabulary girl - you looked at her narrowing your eyes
-I'm sorry...it's just that it hasn't been a good day -  Her look seemed annoyed as she searched for her books and put away the ones from the class she had recently taken.
-Tell me...-you raised your eyebrows looking back at your locker- did I tell you that Munson almost ran over Jason in the morning? that would have made the day much better - you laughed closing your locker to look at Max who didn't show any sign of amusement, instead he seemed to think something
-So that was it...shit
-What?...what happened? - your face totally changed to a more serious one knowing that she knew many things ahead of time because Lucas or Dustin told her in class
-Shit...-Max slammed her locker shut, walking quickly towards the door that led to the football field.
-Hey what's up? - you quick step followed her making her stop with accelerated breathing
-Jason... in the morning he pushed Dustin, he did it in a somewhat rough way that made Dustin stumble and his science project broke when it fell to the floor, I had never seen Jason behave like that with Dustin and he really put a lot of effort into that project, he didn't even go out for the weekend with us to finish it to get an A and...he got a little upset about it...
-Jason hit Dustin? - your eyebrows furrowed feeling your heart beat strong and a rage grow from the center of your stomach to the rest of your body
-It's not just that...Lucas...he told Eddie and Eddie said that after first period he was going to...confront Jason...
-Shit...- your backpack fell to the floor as you ran outside looking for the group of idiots, you knew that Eddie was not safe, he was intimidating, rude when dressing and behaving but he was a total butterfly to fight, he didn't like it get into trouble and if he did run away from it
You kept running until you reached the stands that were on the side of the football field and you could see Eddie cornered between the structure and Jason and 5 other idiots with the football team jacket, it was the scene you imagined but when you saw the blond holding Eddie's shirt your anger grew more making you run towards them again.
-No...don't do that - Max yelled into the distance running trying to reach you
-Jason! - your voice was loud making the 5 players turn around fast while you pushed Andy and your hands took Jason's arms pulling him away from Eddie and your right fist hit his nose making him fall - you think you're very rude for hitting a kid, look for problems with someone your age fucking idiot - your hands took Jason's shoulders making him turn while he covered his face with his arms
-No... leave him alone - Eddie took you by the arms pulling you away, his chest felt up and down quickly against your back, your lips felt about to explode from how tight they were and your breathing was accelerated
No one moved, no one said anything, the boys in green jackets took slow steps backwards when they saw that you were trying to let go of Eddie's arms, so he decided to let go of your arms and wrap his arms tightly around your waist so you couldn’t be free
-Do you need this bitch to defend yourself, Munson? -Jason laughed wiping the blood from his nose looking at you still lying on the grass
-This bitch broke your nose asshole, the next time you want to annoy one of the kids come find me if you have the balls to fight with someone your age
-It's enough, it's not worth it - Eddie spoke almost close to your ear while with his arms he tried to move you away a little more to go with Max
-Idiot - your foot managed to kick Jason's tibia causing him to stop covering his nose and hold his leg in pain
-I told you that’s already enough - Eddie sighed almost lifting you in the air to turn around and put you back on the floor to walk away
-That was... great - Max laughed accommodating her backpack - you left him on the floor writhing in pain
-I would have killed him if I had had the opportunity - you sighed, moving abruptly letting go of Eddie's arms - you didn't have to defend him
-Defend him? I was preventing you from doing something stupid, you broke his nose, that just with the first blow you gave him, what would have happened afterwards? I have to pay your bail because you would have killed him? -Eddie walked by your side moving his arms while his curls jumped
-It's no big deal, I didn't want to kill him
-Maybe you didn't want to, but you easily could do it, you fight like jailer- Eddie scratched his cheek as you and Max laughed walking down the hall to get your bag - Hey Sweetheart, Mrs. O'Donnell doesn't want to give me a C in her class, you think you can go visit her later and maybe knock her out
-Shut up asshole - you laughed as you pushed him and he crashed into a locker making him and Max laugh out loud making everyone look at you weird because of the way they played.
The day became a little more interesting after that, the next period you shared class with Jason and his nose was swollen with a bandage, the idiot had lied saying that a ball had hit him and obviously he had threatened his friends not to say anything and although he wanted to pass himself off as the cool guy, he didn't even have the courage to look at you because of the fear and embarrassment he felt.
At the end of the school day, like every day you were leaning on Eddie's van, this time eating pretzels that he had left over from lunch while he explained to you what Kass and Vecna ​​meant but you just shook your head pretending you were paying attention to him even though you didn't understand a bit of what he was talking about
-So that's it, Kass is the one who kills Vecna ​​- Eddie smiled proudly stealing a pretzel from the bag - it was easier than you thought right?
-Yes... super easy - you looked at him with your serious face of consent making him smiled proudly until he looked at the school door watching Dustin go out crestfallen with a slow step - do you think... we should help him?
-That's why we're here - Eddie sighed feeling sorry for the boy until Henderson approached you looking at you with his sad face
-I'm sorry...I was talking to Miss Addams and...can we go now? - Dustin sighed exhausted
-Your science teacher? - You looked at him curiously, making the boy agree - It's...for your project, right?
-Who told you? - The boy rolled his eyes sighing
-Max - Eddie looked at him biting a pretzel
-I told her not to say anything... I did tell her what had happened in the morning and she gave me the opportunity to deliver the project to her tomorrow, but that's impossible, it took me all weekend to make that damn model and now she wants to do it in a couple of hours is impossible..
-Why is it impossible? -You looked at him curiously with a gesture that his comment was something stupid
- You do not understand? 3 days... 3 days it took me to do that damn project and now I only have a couple of hours, I can't
-Dude, that is not what the master of hellfire has taught you
-Besides you have us right? -you smiled at him, giving him a light blow on his arm making the boy smile- come on, let's go to your house and we'll do it together, what do you say?
-Are you sure? Don’t you have something better you do?
-We were going to go bother Harrington but we can do that tomorrow -Eddie laughed disheveling his hair-come on
Dustin's ride home was more fun than usual, Eddie singing metal songs getting frustrated whenever he got the lyrics wrong blaming the recording for purposely changing it to make it look ridiculous, but it was kind of sad to get there and see the home alone with no trace of where Claudia could be.
-And your mother Henderson? - Eddie entered looking everywhere noticing the decoration very different from the one in his trailer
-Hmm probably on work... I don't know - Dustin sighed leaving his backpack on one of the sofas looking at you - so where do we start?
- Well... how was your previous project? - You looked at him curious holding your backpack standing in the center of the room next to Eddie
-Well, they were the planets... with Styrofoam and cardboard material - Henderson moved his hands explaining making you look at him strangely holding laugh
-How boring, do you have a cardboard box and those... Styrofoam things?
-Yes, I think I have a couple more - Dustin and Eddie looked at you consensual, paying full attention to your instructions
-Bring them, also paints and your science book, you help me clean the table - you looked at Eddie as he approached you, removing the floral vase from the center and folding the tablecloth carefully so as not to stain it while you opened newspaper pages on the polished wood of the furniture to avoid ruining it
-Since when do you know how to do projects? -Eddie looked at you curiously smiling while he took off his jacket
-Since that's what teachers ask us for special grades...-you looked at him seriously wondering if you and Eddie went to the same school
- My teachers have never asked me to do one - Eddie laughed sitting in one of the chairs
-Eddie they do, but you never do them - you laughed sitting next to him while Henderson put the material on the table and Eddie wiped his smile thinking about all the things he hadn't brought to class
-This is enough? - Dustin looked at you while you settled taking the book to look at the drawings of the planets- see this? –you show the book page to the boys-  why don't you start painting the planets in the Styrofoam spheres and I'll do the rest of the model - you smiled at them like a little designer making them agree
Eddie and Dustin painted, smearing their hands with paint while they fought each other because the royal blue color looked too dark and was confused with black or because Dustin had taken the green brush if that was the one that Eddie was using, you cut carefully the front of the box making a curve on the sides without cutting the ceiling to be able to place the hanging planets
After a while Dustin turned on the radio making Munson seemed annoyed that they didn't play any metal, just trashy music and mediocre hits that would be forgotten in a few days when another cardboard artist put out a new song.
-Eddie, do you hear that? Do you hear it? - You looked at him pretending to be surprised when ''Take on me'' began to play on the radio moving your shoulders and arms following the rhythm
-Don't dance that you look silly - he looked at you apparently annoyed returning his gaze to the figure he painted in orange
-Dance with me, I've always wanted you to dance with me-you laughed taking his hand trying to get him up but he only laughed denying trying to stay seated
-He says the song are stupid but look how he moves his foot, he's following the rhythm- Dustin almost shouted pointing down the table making you and him laugh out loud while Eddie covered his blushing face
-The song is catchy ok, stop being a pain in the ass
The afternoon continued between small episodes of stress and small breaks as you stretched your backs and looked for something to eat in the Henderson's kitchen and then returned to your seats and continued with work.
-Eddie what are you doing? -You looked at him holding the scissors in your right hand and a piece of black cloth in the other while he brought the paint cans closer to his nose making a strange gesture
-It's just that... they smell strange- he look at you returning the container to his nose and then bringing it closer to your nose making you take his hand and putting away from you careful not to drop the paint on the table
-Don't smell it, that has chemicals and you can get high - Eddie looked at you raising his eyebrows and forming a mischievous smile on his face
-Delete that information from your brain Munson - you laughed pointing the sharp scissors at him making him laugh leaving the small container on the table
-Me, spending money on my magic plants and I could only buy a little school paint, what an idiot
-You are definitely an idiot - you laughed cutting the cloth to put it in the bottom of the box
Everything is ready to be set up and while you explained how you would set it up so that it would appear that the planets were floating in the box Eddie looked at the table with attention denying as he scratched his chin approaching the table
-I have a better idea, Dustin, do you have any remote control toys that you no longer want?
-If I have a pair...why? - Dustin looked at him curiously
-Bring them and also some tape, cable scissors and screwdrivers -Eddie looked at him making that face that he always made when an idea came to his head, you knew him perfectly
-Well then I already finished my part... Dustin, are you hungry? I can go to the kitchen and prepare something if you want - your feet rocked slowly watching him as he walked to his room
-It's good that you mention it, I'm starving, feel free in the kitchen - the boy smiled entering his room making noises while things were heard falling
When you entered the kitchen you felt weirdly safe and wanting to continue working, you had to feed the boys who were still working, you walked everywhere, looking for things in the fridge, pans in the cupboards and knives next to the cutlery, in the background you could hear the radio playing and the guys talking about cables and something that would turn
-Shit, let me cut that other one - Eddie spoke as Dustin asked him something in a low voice and Eddie answered him
It was strange that Claudia hadn't shown up yet but to Dustin that seemed so normal and he hadn't even realized that it was already dark, if someone asked you right now you could say that he didn't even miss her.
A few seconds later the screams of both boys made you react from your trance making you leave the utensils in the kitchen and run to the dining room table watching how they both hugged and screamed
-What happened? - you looked at them little scared, Dustin letting go of Eddie and running to you hugging you tight and jumping
-It worked!! it worked!! - Dustin laughed excitedly taking your arm to take you to the model looking at how the planets were perfectly aligned to the ceiling of the box in a circular shape and rotated slowly
-How... did you do that? - Your hands rested on the table as you slowly approached to look at the project
-Eddie did it; he took out the motor of a remote control car and put it there and somehow after cutting and connecting some wires he made them work
-You really did it? - You looked at Eddie smiling while he sat shy looking at the floor smiling a little - you're a damn genius Munson
- I didn't know you were so great with that, do you know about electronics why you never told us?
-Well, it's not something I use every day and no one asks if I know how to do it - Eddie looked at you smiling rubbing the back of his neck and taking a lock of hair to cover his embarrassed face
- It's time for dinner, go wash your hands and I'll clean here - your smile could be hard to hide as you put the project on the living room table and cleaned up all the mess, throwing the paint-soiled newspaper pages into the trash and putting the leftover materials in a shoebox where Dustin had put them, then you returned to the kitchen to serve the plates and putting them on the table along with their cutlery and a crystal glass while the boys played in the bathroom throwing water at each other
The rest of the night was full of laughs, Eddie telling you every 5 minutes that you were the best cook he had ever met and Dustin looking at you both with a smile that he tried to hide and playing with his food.
- Is something wrong Henderson? - Eddie looked at him making you also put your eyes on the boy
-It has a bad taste? - you looked at him curious
-No...it's not that, it’s delicious - Dustin smiled looking at you - it's just that...I haven't shared a dinner with someone in a long time...Mom is always busy or she usually has dinner in the living room while I have a something and take it to my room...it's not that bad, I know my mom works to be able to pay the bills and stuff but...sometimes I miss being like this
-like what? -Eddie moved his eyebrows intrigued as he took a bite to his mouth
-You...you make me feel like you guys are my family...you make me feel good - the boy smiled with a bit of a wet shine in his eyes making you two smile too and then Eddie broke the silence while pushing him slightly
-Just don't call me dad, ok? I'm too young for that and I'd feel uncomfortable.
-Of course I won't call you dad, are you idiot? - Dustin laughed as he pushed him back - want to do something great after dinner?
-After washing the dishes, your mother can arrive at any moment and I don't want her to think that we made a mess in her house
-Sure, after washing the dishes - Dustin smiled excitedly- I'll call Suzie so you guys can meet her
Eddie looked at you and you answered him with your eyes holding back a laugh, Suzie was a myth among you two, she was possibly a robot and Dustin had taken enough affection for her to call her his girlfriend. As soon as he finished his plate the boy ran to his room while you and Eddie cleaned the table and put everything in his place, then he followed you to the kitchen helping you wash the dishes and dry them by arranging them carefully
-You know... I think Suzie might be real- Eddie looked at you leaning against the island as he dried one of the plates.
-What makes you suddenly change your mind? -You looked at him laughing and returning your attention to the dishes while you carefully washed them
-Well, one of us should have a girlfriend, don't you think? or boyfriend in your case...-Eddie smiled flirtatiously moving his shoulders
-Why? why is the need? - you closed the sink shaking your hands a little and drying them you’re your jeans looking at him
-I don't know...I would like to share time with someone who supports me and likes my ideas, who motivates me to be better, who enjoys the way I am...
-I think i do all that with you...right? - you laughed putting the dishes on the shelf with your back to him
-Yes...but do you enjoy it? -Eddie supported his elbows on the island staring at your back, waiting for a movement
- Well... it's not something that bothers me, but if you want to find someone else for me it's fine you have the right to go out with someone - you looked at him taking the plates he was holding in his hands to return to the shelf and accommodate the rest
- And why waste my time looking for someone...when I already found you...you're practically my girlfriend...everyone says it and I'm tired of telling everyone that you're just my friend and never being able to say "Yes, she is the girl I love and she also loves me for who I am" - your body felt tense, like a knot in your stomach as you turned your body a little to look at him, hoping that he had it on his face one of those playful smiles, but his face was serious and his eyes kept looking at the ceramic plate that he still held in his hands and was half dry - it's humiliating that everyone makes fun of me for not having the courage to tell you how much I like you... but I think the fear of losing you is much bigger than continuing to be mocked by everyone
-You don't have to feel sorry for me and my cheap statement in the middle of a kitchen, I understand that you don't feel the same and that's fine...
-Eddie...it's okay, it's never bothered me that everyone say I'm your girlfriend, even that time they put ''The freak's girlfriend'' in my locker in red letters, it bothered me more that they called you that way and not that the whole high school read that I was your girlfriend, it has never bothered me to be the reference to ''Munson's girlfriend’s’’        
 -So?..-He smiled making one of his "innocent" faces that you knew was the opposite
-So, if you are going to ask me to be your girlfriend, you will have to ask me in the best possible way because I have dealt with you for many years so that you end up asking me in the middle of a kitchen
-You are absolutely right Madame; I will find the best way so that all your effort and work is compensated in the way you deserve.
-Guys... I found the signal - Henderson leaned out the kitchen door smiling agitated to run back to his room while Eddie and you forgot for a moment you recent confession of love to quickly leave behind him - Suzie do you copy? ..Suzie
-Dustin - you smiled walking through the door looking at how the boy was holding the microphone
-Shh...Suzie will be there?
-Dusty bun I copied you - the somewhat mocking smile that had formed on your face and Eddie's disappeared while you looked at each other scared to hear the female voice come out of that radio
-Great Suzie poo, I'm with my friends who they…- Dustin turned looking at both of them a bit challenging - they didn't believe that my pretty girlfriend existed
-Oh hello guys, I'm Suzie - a small laugh after speaking sounded causing both of them to approach the boy and his radio a bit curious
-Say hello, don't be rude – Dustin whisper looking at you both
-Oh...right…- Eddie looked at him with an apologetic look as he brought his hand to his chest-umm...Hi Suzie poo
-Hey, I just call her Suzie Poo...- Dustin looked at him jealous frowning
-I'm sorry...Suzie...I'm Eddie, Dustin's friend
-Eddie? The guy who plays Dungeons and Dragons with my Dusty bun? He talks to me a lot about you - you could see the smile on the girl's face despite only listening to her, making Eddie smile proudly, feeling important in the boy's life
-Your turn - Dustin looked at you bringing the microphone closer to your mouth making you walk away a little awkwardly
-Amm Hi Suzie I'm Y/N... Dustin's friend
-Ah...Eddie's girlfriend, Dusty bun also talks to me a lot about you and how pretty you are, your voice is very sweet
-Yes...I... thank you - you smiled clumsily and shyly sitting on Dustin's bed while the boy murmured a silent ''sorry''
After several minutes talking to the girl on the other end of the speaker and you and Eddie sharing looks of discomfort at the cheesy, romantic way the guys were talking to each other, you both decided it was time to go home, so after saying a nice goodbye to the girl and Dusty bun the drive to your house in Eddie's Van was the same as always, despite what had happened a few hours ago in the Henderson’s' kitchen nothing between you both hadn't changed a bit in the way in which you two talked or joked, only this time the farewell was a little different and instead of leaving you on the sidewalk and leaving this time Eddie decided to get out of the Van and accompany you to the front door of your house and then say goodbye with a kiss on his cheek, quickly enter your house to not give him a chance to say something, just for looking out the window and see how Munson returned to his Van laughing and jumping making his curls jump making you laugh at his reaction.
The next morning was not much different from the previous one, you hated everyone in the school, you sat down to eat with Robin because despite having accepted your feelings for Munson, you respected that Tuesdays were ''Planning and debate'' with the D&D guys and you weren't supposed to go into their important discussion, though every once in a while your eyes would glance right over to his table to see him arguing frantically with the other guys and grinning at how dedicated he was in his leadership role, just the same way he teased you, He looked from time to time giving you a smile and for some magical reason of fate Robin never noticed avoiding comments or awkward questions.
After class and when you left hating the humanity and their creations annoyed, you walked to Eddie's Van who was already waiting for you, leaning on the side.
-Hasn't Henderson arrived? -You looked at him curiously as he shook his head, smiling at you with his bright eyes in a slightly different way than he always looked at you.
-How was your day? - he smiled at you playing with one of his strands of hair
-Bored, yours?
-Bored - you two laughed, leaning on the Van to look at the door and how Dustin came out happy and smiling with Mike and Lucas holding his project with a blue ribbon ''the best of the class''
-Guys... look - Dustin held the project in front of you proudly showing his ribbon while the sun made his braces shine
-Owww my little one -you laughed holding your hands on your chest- we are very proud of you sweetheart
-totally, you are our pride- Eddie imitated your tone laughing with you making Dustin erase his smile knowing what was coming
-You must thank us, right Eddie bun? - You looked at Eddie with a sweet and tender gesture that was strange to see in you while you held on to keep laughing
- You're absolutely right Y/N Poo - Eddie looked at you smiling and pouting at the same time while Dustin looked at them both showing them his middle finger annoyed at their teasing
-I will not talk about my romantic life with you two again, you are terrible, why don’t you kiss each other and be happy like the rest of us, you do not have to annoy me just because I do have a girlfriend - Dustin got into the van still grumbling as he settled his project on the seat and you two burst out laughing making the students walking past you two look judging at you and whisper how weird you were together.
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tgmsunmontue · 4 months
Saga of Solitude 1/?
Nepo!Baby Bradley and his life at USNA. DADT fully in force. Hangster AU. (Begun prior to 'It's not who you know' - the non-angsty version).
This 3.5k chapter is written on the assumption that you've read the prologue, but you do you (it will still 100% make sense, but He Remembers does set the scene).
PROLOGUE (He remembers) HANGSTER FIRST MEETING (Lonely Nights) Updating irregularly. This is a SLOW BURN
2000 (Bradley is 17)
                His hands shake as he holds the envelope. It’s thick. He knows that that’s a good sign. He promised Ice he would wait for him before he opened it. He carries it around the house with him, room to room, nervous that he’s going to somehow lose it if he lets it out of his sight. Mav is meant to be getting back from his deployment this weekend, and the girls are also meant to be coming for the weekend, so it’ll be all his family in one place to celebrate or commiserate with him.
                God he hopes it’s celebrate.
                He really wants to celebrate.
                What if it’s not?
                Oh god he thinks he’s going to be sick.
                Yep, he’s sick, just making it to the bathroom before bringing up the remnants of his lunch and the afternoon snack he’d forced down.
                Oh god, he doesn’t know if he can wait until Ice gets home.
                He sips the glass of water slowly, lets his stomach settle, reminds himself that his life will be fine if it is in fact a rejection letter. He’s applied to other places, Ice and Mav both insisting on it. He’s an honor student, plays baseball, runs track and is a member of the swim team. All things Ice had suggested to him if wanted to strengthen his application and prepare himself physically for entering the Navy. He’ll be fine.
                He’ll be fine.
                He turns on the TV, a hopeful step to distract himself but keeps checking the time. When he hears a car he runs out to the drive and it’s Ice’s car, but there is someone in the passenger seat, in uniform and his heart jumps.
                Mav is home.
                “Dad!” Bradley yells, running and wrapping his arms around his father.
                “Bradley! Holy shit you’ve grown!”
                “Maverick, language…” Ice says, his sigh resigned like he’s just reprimanding him automatically and Bradley lets out a laugh. “Surprise. He got in early.”
                “I got my letter. It’s.. here,” Bradley says, shoving the letter at Ice, not wanting the pressure of opening it.
                He looks and Mav and Ice; they’ve both grown still, suddenly less happy as they look at the thick white envelope, Ice slapping it against his palm, expression serious.
                “Come on, let’s go inside.”
                They head inside, and he leans into Mav’s arm around him, barely reaching now, but he won’t say anything. Ice is grabbing a letter opener, holding it out to him along with the envelope and he shakes his head.
                “Can you open it please.”
                Ice doesn’t bother answering, simply slits it along the top, pulling out the folded wad of paper and flicking the top sheet out sharply, eyes scanning it.
                “You’re in.”
                He lets out the breath he’d been holding, entire body slumping with relief.
                “Like there was any doubt,” Mav mutters, hugging him again, but he can see the tick in his jaw, knows he’s upset or worried about something. He’d seen it a lot when Mav had been teaching him to drive before Ice had decided that maybe he should take over the lessons.
                “We should sit down… maybe have some tea.”
                “You’ve been spending too much time with that British-raised Admiral, thinking tea can solve everything…”
                “Well, Bradley’s eighteen, didn’t exactly want to offer him whiskey.”
                “That’s okay, I can offer it. You want a whiskey?”
                Bradley laughs, his nerves settling a little at Mav’s sheer ridiculousness.
                “I’m joking! Stop looking at me like that.”
                Ice lets out a long breath and he wonders if maybe he should have a whiskey.
                “Okay, so there’s also something we need to tell you.”
                “If it’s about sex we can skip it…” Bradley blurts out, wondering if that’s what has got them looking so deadly serious. He’s not stupid, at least not anymore. He’s realized they’re more than just friends, even if Mav has never uttered the words. Ice hasn’t either but he’s seen them, when they think he’s not looking. Heard them when they think he’s not at home, which he’s never mentioning ever. They’re both looking at him in shock and he pulls a face. “What? I’ve had sex.”
                “Fuck. Please tell me you’re being safe,” Mav mutters, which Bradley thinks is hypocritical considering the shit Mav pulls, although of course he is. Ice and Sarah have that shit covered.
                “Yeah, of course. I’m not stupid.”
                “Good to know. Not what we were going to talk about, but, uh, still good to know,” Ice says, looking at the ceiling like it will somehow give him strength. Maybe he’s thinking of the sex talks he’s going to have to give Tamsin and Petra, although they’re only five and three, so at least he’s got years to prepare himself.
                “It’s about your mom.”
                Bradley sits back, going silent. His mom has been gone nearly eight years, he can’t even begin to imagine what they have to say about her now.
       ��        “She didn’t want you to join the Navy. I’m pretty sure when she said Navy, she meant any branch of the DoD, but we won’t split hairs. It was something we argued about. A lot.”
                “She wanted us to make sure you never joined. You’re eighteen and we wouldn’t be able to stop you enlisting. However we wanted you to know what she wanted.”
                “What do you want?”
                “We want you to be happy.”
                “But it would be hypocritical of us to stand in your way if you really want to join the Navy when we’re both… in the Navy,” Ice explains.
                Mav hums you can sail the seven seas and Ice shoots him a glare and it makes him laugh, Mav giving him a wink.
                “Bradley, we’ll be proud of you regardless of what you do, as long as you’re proud of it as well.”
                “You don’t need to feel like you have to join just because your dad was, or just because we are…” Mav adds and Bradley nods.
                “So, if you decide to accept this… and you do still need to accept it, just because they’re offering you a place doesn’t mean you have to accept it. If you decide to accept it there are some things that you need to be aware of…”
                “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. So this is a sex talk…” He notes the look that Mav and Ice exchange and realizes then that they think he doesn’t know, that he hasn’t put it all together. “Uh, I know you guys are a couple by the way.”
                He doesn’t get the response he expects, although he doesn’t know what he was expecting exactly. Maverick is laughing, but Ice has gone pale, looks nervous and he reminds himself that he’s considering entering an institute that will deny him something as simple as acknowledging his chosen partner.
                “Told you he’d figure it out,” Mav says, and he’s standing, going over to the liquor cabinet and pouring two whiskies, placing one in front of Ice who takes a sip with a slightly trembling hand. Mav pull a face, and he can’t really parse what it means. They’re not happy, he gets that much.
                “Bradley, DADT means you can’t talk about… well. Us,” Ice starts.
                “Yeah. I figured that out. I know you guys aren’t out. You didn’t even tell me.”
                They both wince at that and he wonders what it is he said.
                “Well, you can mention us, but you can’t mention our positions.”
                “Maybe avoid the fact that we’re in the Navy all together,” Mav suggests.
                “It also means you need to be… careful. For yourself,” Ice adds, turning the glass under his fingers.
                “Yeah. I get it.”
                “Bradley… we’re saying this because we care. Because we’re worried. You’ve grown up in an age where it’s… more acceptable to be… gay. The Navy hasn’t exactly moved at the same rate.”
                “We both married women because we needed people to stop speculating. It’s far more acceptable to be a widow or a divorcee…”
                “Oh.” Of course. He knew Mav had married his mom to make the whole adoption thing easier, but Ice marrying Uncle Sarah. He’d maybe thought bisexual, not that they were trying to throw people off their scent.
                “Yeah… I think you’re starting to get the idea kid.”
                “I’m not a kid.”
                “You’ll always be my kid. Our kid.”
                They’re both looking at him, eyes sad, and he nods tightly, once.
                Stares at the floor so he doesn’t see them watching.
                He gets it.
                He still wants it.
                Wants it bad enough that he’ll ignore what his mom wanted.
                Wants it bad enough that he’ll hide away a part of himself.
                His stomach roils at the idea of being found out then, but he has to at least try. He wants to fly more than he wants to have a boyfriend. More than he wants sex. Sex hasn’t been that great anyway. His times flying have definitely been better and more memorable than the times he’s had sex.
                “I want to fly.”
                “Yeah. Okay. How about you take the weekend, read through everything. We can discuss timelines and Plebe Summer…”
                “And how to avoid answering questions about your family.”
                “I’ll just… not talk about you at all. If anyone asks I’ll say my dad was a naval aviator and he died in a training exercise and –”
                “That’ll probably make them stop asking you questions. Won’t exactly make you friends.”
                “I don’t want friends. I want to fly.”
                “You can have both.”
                “Not if you’re lying to them.”
                “It wouldn’t be lying.”
                “Half-truths and omission is still lying.”
                Bradley looks between them, and he knows they’re about to enter a pointless argument with no winner that they seem to do every time Mav returns from deployment. It’s a pattern he’s noticed, all their attention turned and focused on each other and oh… Right. He guesses he’s still got a bit to learn.
                “I’m going to take this to my room and read it. Let me know when dinner’s ready okay?”
                “We’ll order takeout, something to celebrate. What do you want?”
                “Pizza!” Bradley calls out, can already hear the scraping of chairs and he’s going to put his music on and blast it.
…             …             …
                “You okay? Ice?” Pete asks, crouching beside him and Ice looks up from his glass of whiskey.
                “How did he figure it out? We’ve been so careful…”
                “He lives with us. Not all of us together, but he knew I wasn’t interested in Carole like that… He knows I’m not straight. When he came out to me I told him it wasn’t easy being in the Navy and not being straight. I really don’t think it’s obvious, not to our workmates or the casual observer. We have separate homes, separate lives… Our friends and family know because we told them.”
                “We didn’t tell Bradley, he figured it out on his own.”
                “He’s a smart kid. We did a good job,” Pete says, running his fingers over the back of Ice’s hand briefly, a caress that could be brushed off as accidental apart from the number of times Pete has managed it over the last decade. The closest he can give to a comforting hug in public.
                “Yeah, we did…”
                “He probably thinks we’re having reunion sex.”
                “Well, it has been five months. I wouldn’t say no.”
                Pete coughs, caught by surprise.
                “I – really? But Bradley’s home…”
                “Your son, who apparently knows we’re together, is now in his room in my house blasting music so loud I can feel it in my bones…”
                “Come on then! Time’s a wasting!” Pete says, tugging at his hand now, not wanting to give Ice time to second guess his decision and change his mind.
                “You taking me to me bedroom Mav? Where’s your sense of adventure?”
                “I left it in my thirties, it was replaced by my desire to never have my son never walk-in on me having sex…”
                Ice laughs then, reaches for him, pulls him close and he’s being kissed. Kissed properly like it’s a whole conversation, telling him how much he’s been missed, how much he’s loved, how much he’s wanted. Ice holds him close, one arm around his waist and his other hand on the back of his head, fingernails scraping through his hair and he presses against it, mainly against the hard body in front of him and one of the few perks of deployment is getting to come back to this every time.
                “Come on, take me to bed.”
…             …             …
                Bradley has seen videos of his parents, knows he’d probably have siblings if his dad had lived. He probably would have also known more than he wanted to about their sex life, given that they’d seen sickeningly in love with each other and not afraid to let the surrounding people know it. He remembers them being constantly affectionate with each other, always cuddling each other, often with him sandwiched in between.
                Mav and Ice don’t have that type of relationship at all, he’s never seen them kiss, or hold hands. Hugs have been few and far between, always coupled with manly backslaps or punches to the arm and he can only hazard a guess that it’s different behind closed doors. Except nothing between them changes over the weekend. They’re still friendly with each other, there are still looks which could maybe have a heavier meaning, but on Saturday night Mav says he’s heading home, to his place and Bradley has to stop himself from asking why.
                They have an illusion they need to maintain and he needs to play his part in maintaining it. He offers to go and stay with Mav, after all he’s only just back from five months away. Instead he’s told to stay where he is, that Ice wants to talk to him about the USNA once Tamsin and Petra are in bed. And he might not have siblings, but he does have Tamsin and Petra, who get called his little ducklings with how they follow his every move when they come to stay, or when he stays with Sarah and her wife when Ice isn’t at home and Bradley still needs to attend school. Bradley’s the one that reads them their bedtime stories, so he hugs Mav goodbye and tells him he’ll see him tomorrow.
                “You want a beer?” Ice offers and Bradley does a double take.
                “Uh. Is this a trick question?”
                Ice shrugs and Bradley accepts the bottle hesitantly, because Mav offering him whiskey as a joke last night is one thing, Ice offering him a beer with his serious face on is a whole different ball game and he knows they’re going to talk.
                “You had a chance to read through the material yet?”
                “Yeah. You know I’m going to accept right?”
                “I know. Stopping you from doing this would be like trying to stop Mav from flying. An impossible undertaking. So. I know we have time, but Plebe Summer… you want to be as physically ready for that as possible. It’ll make everything else easier. Mav and I will start you on a training regime so it’s not too much of a shock. Also start memorizing the orders now.”
                Bradley groans, but he guesses he’s going to have to prove to some that he deserves to be at USNA and not sailing in on the fact that Ice is pretty much his step-dad or de facto guardian or whatever the fuck people have been referring to their relationship as. Actually, he should probably know what other people think, or know.
                “What do other people think about me? About me living with you when Mav is deployed that is?”
                “That I’m doing Mav a favor. Some people might think it’s out of guilt, because of your dad. But it’s not. Your dad was my friend too. More than Maverick was back then, that’s for sure. Also I love you, your my kid in everything but name.”
                “It’s kind of going to suck pretending I don’t know you. Or that we aren’t close.”
                “Don’t pretend. You can mention me. But maybe don’t advertise the fact, because there will be people that will want to use your connections. There always are.”
                “Uh… I wasn’t going to try and make myself come off as a massive dick like I only earnt my place because I’m legacy.”
                “Bradley, you’re… triple legacy? If that’s even a thing. If anyone was going to accuse the Navy of nepotism then you’d be the poster child. Except you’re aptitude tests are great, you’d be a shoe in even if you weren’t a legacy kid. If you don’t want to draw attention to your relationship with me then we can manage that. I find deflection works best. When you’re asked about your family, what will you say?”
                “My dad was a naval aviator who died in a Top Gun training incident in eighty-six and my mom died of cancer in ninety-four. I was raised by my step-father after that. Any other awkward questions you want answers to?”
                Ice chuckles then, takes a drink of his beer and shakes his head.
                “God you sounded like Mav just then… You know what Mav told me to tell people when they suggested I try and reconcile with Sarah? That she was a lesbian and it was pretty hard to reconcile that.”
                “Oh ouch…”
                “Yeah, be good at what you do. Be friendly but simply discourage people from asking questions and you’ll be fine. When you make friends, and you will make friends Bradley, you’re far too social to not make friends, then you can maybe share with them who helped raise you after your mom died…”
                “You helped before she died too. You’ve always been there for me.”
                “I’ve always tried to be there.”
                “Thanks Ice.”
                “My pleasure. Now are you actually going to drink any of that or are you just warming it up?”
                “You can have it, I don’t like beer.”
                “How do you know? You haven’t even tasted it,” Ice states, his expression flat and Bradley rolls his eyes, knows when Ice is trying to wind him up.
                “You know I go to parties. I’ve had beer before.”
                “Learning all sorts this weekend aren’t we.”
                “Like you’d believe me if I said I’ve never had beer before anyway…”
                “Somedays I forget you’re not the same age as Tamsin and Petra.”
                “Ice…” Bradley says, rolling his eyes, handing him the bottle of beer.
                “If you ever have kids of your own you’ll understand.”
                “How did that, uh, work, anyway? Are you…” he trails off, not really sure how to ask his other father figure how he might identify.
                “I’m gay Bradley. Sarah knew before we even got married. Your mom set us up actually. This was back when it was instant dishonorable discharge if someone found out. Someone made a stupid passing comment about Mav and me, and we weren’t even serious about each other back then. Your mom had just been diagnosed and we knew it was a solution that would benefit everyone. Anyway, would you believe Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is actually an improvement? It’s still not easy but…”
                “I get it. You don’t want to put me off going, but you want me to be prepared for how hard it will be.”
                “Yeah. Yeah, you get it. I don’t want you to come back to us and say we didn’t warn you. Mav isn’t academy, somehow thinks I have some secret insights I can share with you despite the fact it’s been over twenty-five years since I was there. Things will have changed.”
                They sit in silence for a few moments and Bradley knows they’ll support whatever decision he makes. That lying, even by omission, is going to become normal for him, habit. He has to accept that if he’s going to join. He’s going to have to hide himself, and his family.
                “Is it worth it?”
                “Is what worth it?”
                The sigh Ice lets out is long and Bradley can tell he’s not avoiding the question, but more trying to formulate an answer, because he never rushes things, always treats Bradley’s questions with respect and gives him fleshed out answers, truthful ones, even when they might hurt. He’s talked more about his dad’s death with Ice than he has with Mav, knows that Mav still feels some level of guilt, and probably always will if what Ice says, so he doesn’t bring it up with him.
                “Yes and no. It used to be easy. No. That’s not right. It used to be easier. When we were younger, and had your mom and Sarah at our backs, it was easier. Now… well. We’re very used to hiding. But I’d love to take Mav to things as my partner. Officially. Not just pretend to bump into each other and pretend we haven’t seen each other in a while. It can be lonely.”
                “That sounds sucky.”
                Ice shrugs, seems reconciled to it and Bradley wonders if he’ll get like that and it makes him a little sad.
                “It is what it is. I can’t change anything. I’ve been very careful. But I made friends, close friends, ones that know about Mav and me, and some still serve now. If I lived my time again I’d make nearly all of the same choices. Maverick being one of them. He’s worth it.”
                “Even when he annoys you?” Bradley asks, because that seems to be a cornerstone of their relationship, and the smile Ice gives him is small and soft.
                “Especially when he annoys me. Reminds me not to take myself too seriously.”
                “Okay. Okay. Thanks for the talk…”
                “Anytime. You know that.”
                He does.
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sublieu · 1 year
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synopsis: "Redson, forced into allowing his friends to sleepover runs into a threesome, how will things work?"
references: ⚉ ⚆ ⚇
word count: 2.0k words
author's note: Something else is gonna get uploaded soon
cont. warning: Feminization, cross dressing, pegging, threesome, fellatio, [semi] hair pulling, marking, voyeurism, teasing, afab Redson except he has genitalia of a man, [mentioned] overstim
mutuals/friends: @zuzuthesnake @chimemori @mortal-mayhem @yellowaxol
𝘚𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳┆"All creations/edits belong to ©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑; 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝"
𝙉𝙤𝙬 𝙇𝙤𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜...
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Redson lies on his couch, texting his group chat of friends when a sudden group call appears on his phone. Pressing accept to hear both Mei and Mk's voices in unison to get an answer as to why they chose to call this late at night, knowing fully well that he was at his girlfriend tonight.
"Well, we were wondering if maybe we could come over for a sleepover?"
"Yea! Since you're spending the night there it'd be fun for all of us if we came, we'll carry snacks~"
Mk purrs the last sentence as Mei nods in agreement, thinking that it wouldn't be a problem as they did make a valid point before shrugging and allowing them to come over. "Thanks! Mei pack our bags for the weekend I'll pack the snacks!" Redson hung up on them and goes upstairs to your room to change into bed clothes, wearing a loose oversized T-shirt with the caption 'Choke on it' when he hears the bell. Already surprised at how fast they came since Mk decided to stop using his abilities for mundane tasks.
He opens the door for his suspicions to be right, seeing them both stand at the doorway with pajamas and camping bags. Guiding them inside the house and putting up the bags of snacks and drinks they brought for the weekend. "Woa, your girlfriend's got a cool crib red!" Mk pipes up and sits on the sofa, stretching his legs from how comfortable it was whilst Mei puts away their things.
"Just don't touch anything you're not supposed to and you'll be fine" He replies nonchalantly when he hears the doorbell ring for a second time, bewildered as he goes to the peephole and spots a delivery man with two boxes and opens the door.
"I have a package for y/n l/n?" "Oh she's not here but I can sign it" He is handed the boxes and paperwork to sign as Mei peeks outside before greeting the man. "Looks like you're in for a fun time tonight" The guy presumes, making the redhead look at him in confusion and inquire about what he meant before he walks back to his car and drives off as he held the packages in his hands.
"What're those?" Mk knocks on the box to hear what the sound could be when Redson places them down on the table and reads the boxes' information, one having a brand he knows all too well, Candied I's.
He opens the box with a bright color scheme and spots what exactly you bought, A 12-inch, ribbed dildo alongside optional equipment. That being of the strap, vibrator button, and charger before hearing Mei's giggle "Gee Redson, you can take up that size? Impressive~" "No this is not for me!" He yells as his hair grows hot to the touch, Mk goes behind him and rests his head on the angry demon's neck to tease him as well "Didn't know these were the kind of things you and y/n were into" he kisses his neck as he whispers in his ear, leaving him stuttering and whiney when he felt the apprentice's leg press against his cock.
"Th-that's not true..." "Oh stop lying to yourself Redson" Mei stands in front, kissing him on the nose and trailing her fingers down his chest "Why don't you open the next gift for us hm?" Mk inquires and stands away from the blushing man, his boner evident through his T-shirt when he opens the second box; An almost transparent, lacey kimono robe with matching lingerie is revealed from the box as they laugh at his embarrassed stuttering.
"It's not mine I swear!" "Then look at the size number then, if it's not your size number then it must be her's" Mk folds his arms and sits on the couch as he watches the stuttering man look at the size; Size 66, medium. His exact size. "You ok there bud? Lookin' a little worried over there" He cocks a grin, basking in his reaction as he walks over to Redson and guides him upstairs to a bathroom to change.
"B-but what if it's y/n's?! It could be hers you don't even know!" He rebuts and tries not to enter, sweat dripping from his face before being pushed inside and locked. "You're not getting out unless you wear it and don't try to run away!" Mei holds onto the door as he tries to open it before stopping and looking in the mirror.
'Why would she ship me this?' He looks at himself in the mirror, staring himself down with the lingerie pressed at his chest, already loving how the color matches his hair perfectly.
He sighs and proceeds to take off his clothes, gently pulling the lingerie to his chest and removing any wrinkles found. Hugging his hips and showing his plump thighs perfectly before putting on the (almost) transparent kimono robe and taking out the elastic that held his hair, letting it fall to his shoulders and back before brushing it out whilst looking at himself in the mirror. Shocked at how feminine he looks.
It was no hidden fact from his family and peers he had the body of a woman, the only difference is that he had a cock between his legs. Not that he doesn't mind as it had its perks when ready. He sighs before responding to Mk that he was done changing as they open the door, their jaws dropping to the floor at the sight.
Thick, feminine thighs and hips, feminine facial features, and the hair alongside the lacey lingerie made him look like an actual woman. "See? Was that so hard?" Mei snaps a picture and walks over to him, gently holding onto his waist and playing with his hips before being guided to your shared bedroom; The room is dark with a few fairy lights sprawling here and there, they've seen your room during the day so it's understandable both you and Redson did not like lights hitting your face.
He sits down on the bed before backing up onto the headboard, Mk and mei following suit and going to either side of the bed before trying to make him comfortable (which he already was). "Now are you sure you wanna do this?" Mk looks at him with a skeptical look when he nods as Mei pipes up "What's your safeword?" "Stop." He gives them a neutral face before laughing along with them, receiving a kiss from Mei as Mk kisses his neck. Forcing him to let out a gasp when his hands reached down to stroke his cock as Mei takes off her shorts to put on the strap.
Mk turns the smaller male around and proceeds to have a slow make out with him as he takes the kimono off, groping his chest as he moans in the kiss before attacking his neck again to leave hickeys. Redson whimpers as he sits in the boy's lap, holding onto his shoulders as he allows the apprentice to mark him before feeling the weight of the bed get slightly heavier as Mei goes behind him to kiss him on the cheek; pushing down the lingerie to kiss his back.
As their hands roam the redhead's body, they lie him down on pillows before Mei crawls between his legs and help him out of the skin-tight fabric, his cock leaking pre as she strokes him off. Kissing from his chest to his abdomen as she grabs the bottle of lube on the bedside table, spreading an even amount of lube on her fingers before lifting his lower half and lubing his entrance. Staffing two fingers in to loosen him up as he whines expectantly.
Mk sits at the head of the bed and rests his friend's head on his lap, gently holding onto his cock and pumping it as he moans and whimpers; Cock throbbing and eager for a release already as Mei lines up to his hole and pressing the tip at his entrance, teasing the poor sub as she laughs at his eagerness.
"NGH!" He hisses through his teeth and holds onto Mei's arms the more she pushes, half of her already making a bulge in his stomach as he adjusts to the tight fit whilst getting hushed by Mk as he tries to comfort the boy. Mei already starting a slow, rough pace to knock the wind out him as he watches the tummy bulge.
Mk pushes his hand on the bulge before pushing it down the more Redson wails, wrapping his legs around Mei's waist; Moving from Redson to the side of the bed as he watches Mei do her work.
"How ya holdin up there bud?" He wears a cocky grin as Reason digs his manicured nails into the girl's back the deeper she thrusts, soaked with sweat, drool and tears as he screams in bliss before getting a gentle kiss from Mk as he palms himself through his underwear whilst watching Redson's facial expressions.
Redson's vision fades from black to white the longer he watches the strap go in and out of him, the ribs rubbing against his prostate as he tried not to cum so suddenly. Only whining when he felt Mei pull out and take a quick break; Getting turned around to lie on his stomach as Mk sits in front of him once more, gently slapping the tip against his cheek to give hints as to what he wants.
He gives the apprentice a lovestruck look as he sucks on the tip whilst stroking it, wrapping his tongue around the pulsing dick before sucking him down. Most of Mk's cock pressing at the back of his throat as Mk lifts the sub's hair out his face; Mei standing behind Redson's and rubbing the strap against his ass before pushing it in and continuing her original pace.
Mk gently holds the boy by his stomach as he stands up in the bed, leaving Redson on all fours as they continued. To caught up to even realize that someone was watching them through the shadows; "Fuck, Red~" They'd moan in unison as he tries not to pass out from oversensitivity, Taking Mk down the hilt and catching him off guard as his cock leaks precum.
Mei was too distracted by Redson's body to even pay any attention to her friend as she watches every mark and scar. Soaking in the sight of seeing her bite marks and hickeys as he pussy drips in ecstasy by the sight alone alongside the vibrator stuffed inside her; Mk on the brink of cumming the longer he thrusts down the gagging boy's throat, holding onto his head for dear life as he cums inside. Redson's swallowed most as some leaks from his throat and onto his chest and the sheets whilst Mk thrusts down his throat. Pulling out to cum on his face before sitting back on the headboard. Leaving Mei and him to cum as Mk was out for the count.
She grabs onto his hips and thrusts harshly into the sobbing male, soaking in the sight of seeing him whimper and cry as she milks herself of her pride by stroking his cock. Feeling it throbbing in ecstasy as he (desperately) hurries to cum, his begs finally coming to fruition as his sight fades through white spots before making a mess of the bed. Mei cumming shortly after and squirting all over the vibrator stuffed inside her puffy walls before pulling out and lying on the bed; The trio laughs when Redson tries to get up only to fall onto the fluffy pillows.
"H-how was that y/n?"
Redson huffs as he wipes a sheen of sweat from his face, Both friends look down at him before responding "Y/n isn't here, she left for a business trip and asked for us to take care of ya" "Yea!"
"I beg to differ"
They look at your glowing eyes in the dark before lighting a cigarette and puffing smoke through your nose, resting your face in your hand before responding.
"Do it again."
©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑; 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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lovelyspring7 · 2 years
A Piece Of Cake | KTH x Reader
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Summary: It’s your little sister’s birthday and you’ve been asked to pick up the cake at the local bakery, not knowing that the little interaction with the cute baker would have such a huge impact on your life forever.
Work count: 2k
Genre: Yandere, angst
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: Yandere, stalking, jealousy, obsession, poison, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, abusive & neglectful parents, family issues, non consensual touching.
Disclaimer: This type of content is not suitable for all audiences and I do not condone any of the presented behaviours. This is purely for entertainment and fictional purposes and I don’t think any BTS member would act like this.
Authors note: it’s my first fanfic and I literally wrote it while I was sleep deprived. But I’d love some feedback so that I can improve! That being said, enjoy!💕😊
Read part 2 here
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I crouched down to pick up one of the many gifts my parents had gotten for my little sister Jia. It was her birthday this weekend and she wanted to celebrate it with all our cousins. Our parents think it’s sweet that she wants to celebrate her 7th birthday with the rest of the family. Truth is, she just wanted more gifts and attention.
“Hey, be careful with those!” My mother yelled as she got out of the car.
“Sorry…” I mumbled, carrying the gifts into the house. That’s where the party will be held, my father and Jia will be here in a few hours. I don’t know how it’ll be a surprise since she’s the one that suggested it. But my parents didn’t ask twice and arranged it the same week.
“Okay so we got all the gifts she wanted, the princess decorations… and everyone will be here by six,” She said, reading the list on her phone. “Oh, and I need you to pick up the cake for Jia.”
“The cake? I told you that I have to finish my essay after helping with the decorations.” I reminded her.
“Sweetheart, are you jealous?”
“What? No, I just really need to-“
“Sweetie, it's your sister's birthday, so can you stop being selfish for once in your life?” She scolded.
“Now now, stop being difficult and be here before six. I need to make sure none of the staff steals anything like last time” she said, harshly whispering in the last part.
“Yes, mother.” I simply said.
“Good, now hurry up and remember- hey! no no no, the flowers are supposed to be all red roses!” She yelled, walking towards the staff, creating once again chaos.
It wasn't a secret my parents favorited Jia more than me. I wasn’t supposed to be born and before they could get an abortion, my grandparents insisted that they got married and started a life together. Things weren’t easy since I’ve always felt like my parents neglected me, they say it’s because they were too busy. Apparently so busy that they forget to even say “Happy birthday” on my birthdays.
With Jia, they got to start all over again. They got a second chance to actually be a parent. And as much as I dislike my parents, I don’t hate Jia. It’s not her fault we got shitty parents, well, I got shitty parents.
I stopped to look at the sign that said “Cakey Bakey”, cringing at the very generic name I walked in, the old bell clock made a tingling sound and the fresh, sweet, warm smell of different varieties of pastries hit my face.
“Hey, how can I help you, pretty?” A guy in his twenties asked with the warmest smile I’ve ever seen. His hands rested at the counter, leaning forward as he wore a blue and white striped apron.
Ignoring the nickname, “Oh um, I’m here to pick up a cake.” I nervously said, staring at his name tag, “Taehyung” I thought to myself, I almost said it out loud.
“Aren’t you a bit too old for princesses?” He smiled, turning to the silver fringe behind him. I'm assuming the cake is in there. “It’s for my sister Jia,” you slowly said, looking down at your shoes.
“I know, I was just trying to make you laugh. I can’t let you go out of this bakery with a frown on your face, what would people think.” He said grinning as he packages the cake in a white box.
“I’m sorry for cringing at the name of this place, but Cakey Bakey?” I said anxiously, “the name is just so-”
“Ridiculous, cheesy, silly?“ he laughed, “I know, I mean I get Cake House or Bake Love. But Cakey Bakey?” He laughed once again loudly.
Not being able to control myself, I burst out laughing. I agree it is a stupid name. I haven’t been able to laugh for a long time now, but soon enough I feel hot tears stream down my face. I quickly squeezed my eyelids shut, hoping that the tears would stop.
“Hey hey, are you okay sweetheart?” He worried, trying to meet your eyes.
“I’m fine, just don’t call me that please.” I sobbed, avoiding his gaze as I rapidly took the cake and ran out humiliated.
Just great, I lost control of my emotions and embarrassed myself. I’ve never been out of control before and almost always kept my emotions in check.
“Here’s the cake mother,” I said placing the cake on the counter, tired and worn out from the incident before. 
“What took you so long?! Seriously, do you hate your sister that much and want to ruin her party too?” She said snatching the cake from the counter and placing it on a cake stand.
I couldn’t care anymore, I didn’t care that the staff was near the kitchen, I didn’t care that the guests would be here in a few hours. I tried to bite my tongue but the taste of blood only made me see red.
“No mother, I don't hate Jia.” I started, “I hate you and my father. All you guys ever do is mistreat me, criticize me, and shame me. I don’t ask for much, heck I never do. I know you love Jia more than me but you don’t have to rub it in my face and purposely mistreat me!” I yelled, angry tears forming in my eyes. Wow, I’ve been holding that one for a while.
“Gosh I knew we shouldn’t have adopted you” she blankly said, letting out a sigh.
“You heard me. Your so-called father and I couldn’t have children. We suffered multiple miscarriages so we decided to adopt you. Everyone was disgusted that we had adopted an orphan, so really Jia, your father, and I suffered the most.” She stated, believing every word she said.
“I… excuse me” I rushed out dumbfounded. It all made sense now, why she was so determined to make Jias birthday party the best party ever. It was so she could show off their biological daughter and win back the respect of family and friends. Showing off their perfect biological daughter that they were always supposed to have from the start.
I got into my car that I had managed to buy with the money from multiple part-time jobs throughout high school. I wanted to drive somewhere, anywhere, but I didn’t know where. Parking in an abandoned parking lot, all I could do was sit in my car and cry out all the tears that I’d kept for years. I just felt so lonely.
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Taehyung’s POV
I couldn’t believe what just had happened, this poor girl that was in front of me a second ago just couldn’t stop crying. I just had to make sure she was okay. I quickly close the bakery, knowing that I wouldn’t be fired because I’m the best baker they could ask for.
I followed her car and parked a few blocks away so that she wouldn’t see me. Standing outside her house I see staff stressing about some decorations. I easily walked into the house without being noticed as someone who doesn’t belong there. As I roam around looking for her, I hear a loud voice.
I walked closer to the sound that was coming from what appeared to be the kitchen.
“I know you love Jia more than me but you don’t have to rub it in my face and purposely mistreat me!” I heard her yell, the built-up pain in her voice. My poor girl. I had this urge to come out of hiding and hold her, making sure that everything was gonna be okay as I comfortly kiss her.
By the end of it, listening to that damn woman made my blood boil, how can she be so self-centered and negligent, disgusting.
My sweet girl must’ve felt so lonely, no one to care for her, no one to love her. My heart began racing as my breathing got deeper, I stood there against the wall, with my fists clenched by my sides. I couldn’t help but to feel sorry for her. I barley knew her, but seeing her like this would be the very last time.
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Hours had passed, and I had cried so much that I just felt so numb. I had been staring at the scented car refresher dangling from the front view mirror for half an hour now. I was too tired to notice who was standing behind the car refresher until they knocked on the window, holding groceries. Damnit, if I saw him earlier I would’ve ducked. Saved the embarrassment from earlier you know.
Rolling down the front door glass. “You stalk people now?” I joked trying not to show that I was upset, but my puffy face said otherwise.
“Funny,” he smiled. “I came by to make sure that you’re okay.” He continued.
That being said, I opened the car door for him. He got in, sat down and observed me. Looking at me weirdly. The same way my- Jia's parents look at her.
“I’m fine thanks for asking,” I said looking down at my hands, almost whispering.
“Earlier when you ran out I had followed you- to make sure no harm was done to you!” He quickly corrected himself.
Already feeling uncomfortable, I slowly try to stay calm. Trying to not show him signs of me being unsettled. No one has ever cared enough to check up on me, even friends in high school. The only times they had reached out was when they needed help with assignments, tests or to rant about their lives.
“Yeah no I’m fine” I smiled to reassure him.
“Mhm, listen I heard everything between you and that woman,” what he said caught my breath.
“It’s none of your business,” I said rapidly. There was a long pause before he spoke up, instead, he just took out a piece of cake with a single candle on it. Seeing my confused expression, he lights the candle “I assumed you never celebrated your birthday?“ Feeling embarrassed that he was right, I could only nod.
“There you go, care to blow it out?” He asked, raising his eyebrows and excitedly waiting for me. Getting closer to the cake, I softly blow. Happy birthday to me I think. I watch him take a fork out from the bag, picking cake and bringing the fork closer to my mouth. Not eating for almost a whole day, I gladly ate the slice of cake as he fed me the whole time.
“Thank you, Taehyung. For, for not judging me, and for not making me feel worse than I already feel.” I smiled, genuinely.
“Of course, I will always be there for you. Matter of fact, from now on I’ll be the only one for you.” He assured me, reaching his hand out to caress my face as he stared into my eyes.
“What? What’s that supposed to mean?” I panicked trying to get away from his touch but feeling too weak to be able to move at all. The look in his eyes made my heart race, my breathing started getting shorter and shorter.
“I baked a cake for them, actually, similar to the one you ate, the only difference was that yours was baked with love and theirs with aconite,” Taehyung explained, smirking at the thought of what that lethal drug could do to your family.
I wanted to scream, I wanted to help them, I needed to do something. Sure they weren’t the best people but they don’t deserve to die.
“What they had done to my pretty girl” he whispered, tucking my hair behind my hair. “No one will ever hurt you again, I’ll make sure of that. I’ll take care of you, love you and I’ll- princess are you crying? Shh, don’t cry over those people. It’s okay baby” He cooed, wiping my tears away with his thumb.
“Now, I need you to be a good girl and take a nap, can you do that for me, mhm?” He said, softly kissing my torn stained cheek.
I didn’t know what he’d do if I didn’t stop crying, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, and my vision was getting blurry. All I could do for now was to close my eyes and let the darkness swallow me.
“Good girl.”
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Stargazing (Spencer Reid/Reader)
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Requested: No, but I needed some hardcore fluff
Summary: The team is “forced” to go camping, and Spencer finally decides to make “his move” on Reader.
Pairing: Spencer Reid/ Reader
Category: Hardcore fluff
Warnings: Zero
Word count: 3,2K
It was the first time the BAU didn't argue Strauss's decision. She had walked into the conference room and explained to the team that the FBI had decided each department had to do a workshop related to teamwork and trust.
- "You will spend this weekend camping together. You will be part of a Team-Building Training Workshop"- Strauss wasn't excited about the idea of her best team wasting a whole weekend. But she was glad her department didn't have to do the activity. She hated camping.
- "Are you telling me we have to spend our weekend in sleeping bags, singing kumbaya?"- Rossi raised an eyebrow and looked at Erin, and she didn't move a muscle- "I'm out."
- "David, I'm not asking you if you want to do it. The whole team has to be part of this activity, that includes you."
- "Come on, Rossi,"- Prentiss smiled and tried to cheer him up- "It will be a nice change from catching serial killers for a weekend.
- "Really, Emily?"- Rossi crossed his arms on his chest and looked at Reid- "Hey, kid. How many dead bodies are found each year in the woods in the country?"
- "Over 2.543 last year,"- Spencer answered. And didn't stop talking, of course- "We can not be sure they were all serial killer related cases. The most common ways to die in the woods are drowning, car accident, and suicide."
- "Suicide it is."- David whispered. He knew it was going to be a long weekend.
Even when he wasn't a person who loved camping and outdoor activities, Spencer was excited to spend the weekend with the team, especially with (Y/N). His teammate, best friend, and secret crush. Ok, it wasn't really a secret.
Of course, everybody knew about Spencer's feelings. He never successfully hid them from the team. You didn't need to be a profiler to notice each time (Y/N) walked into a room, Reid's eyes would follow her, and his cheeks blushed. When they sat together in the jet, Spencer would always be too self-aware of his own movements. He would try not to move, especially when she had fallen asleep, resting her head on his shoulder. And when they were working on a case together, he would always cover her on the field, and he would make sure she was safe, even when the unsub was already caught.
He loved her. Even a blind man could see. Except for (Y/N), of course. Because according to her own words: "There's no way Spencer Reid is in love with me. He would never look at me that way. He is perfect, and I'm a mess. He deserves the perfect genius girl."
- "Ok, Romeo, this weekend is the perfect opportunity for you to make your move"- Derek and Reid were alone in the SUV on their way to the retreat.
- "Sure. Because there's no better time to make a fool out of myself than in front of all my friends in the middle of nowhere."
- "What's with the attitude, pretty Ricky? Relax"- Morgan frowned and put on some music, singing along for a moment. Reid looked at him and raised an eyebrow, trying not to laugh.
- "Ok man, picture this: you, your pretty lady, in the middle of the night, gazing at the stars together, alone in the middle of the forest. The full moon is the only light."
- "Who are you? since when are you a romance expert?"
- "Hey! I can be romantic!"
- "I've seen you get girls only by raising an eyebrow"- Reid argued, and he was right. It had happened once, but that was another completely different story.
- "What I'm trying to tell you is that you have the perfect chance to tell her how you feel during this trip"- Spencer was about to start debating that idea when Derek continued.
- "And stop saying she has no feeling for you!"
Reid bit his tongue and looked at the road. Neither of them said a word for the next couple of minutes. Until Spencer whispered
- "But she doesn't"
- "She does!!"- Derek nearly yelled
- "Why are you so sure?!"
- "Because she told Penelope she is in love with you!!"
The silence in the car was as intense as the red in Spencer's cheeks. Derek knew he shouldn't have said that, but he was tired of seeing his best friend's sad eyes each time he stared at (Y/N). Someone had to do something, and he knew neither of them would make the first move.
- "Are you sure?"- Reid's mouth was hanging open- "I mean, maybe she was joking."
- "No, she was honest. So please, this weekend, make your freaking move."
How could Spencer ever make his move? He had no idea. He didn't even have a "move"! But something inside of him felt a little more confident now.
That didn't show on the outside at all, 'cos during the whole day, he was more clumsy than ever. He dropped his coffee. He failed the first two attempts to set up his tent and nearly fell carrying logs for the fire.
He wanted to dig a hole and hid.
But (Y/N) didn't notice any of that. Not because she didn't pay attention, but because she was oblivious to any of those things. She just couldn't stop staring: He was wearing jeans. Spencer Walter Reid was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. (Y/N) thought she was going to have a heart attack when he got out of the car.
Sure, yes, she had seen him outside work in a more casual outfit, but nothing prepared her for Spencer's camping clothing. It suited him too well for his own good.
- "Hello? Anybody there?"- Prentiss waved at (Y/N). She and JJ stood in front of her, trying to catch her attention.
- "Jesus! you look like a schoolgirl today!"- JJ teased her, laughing- "Can you be more obvious?"
- "What are you talking about?"- (Y/N) tried to look all innocent and continued setting the logs for the campfire.
- "If Spencer wasn't so clueless about your feelings, I swear you two would be already married,"- Emily joked and helped (Y/N) with the logs. The young SSA just shook her head and tried to keep her eyes from Reid for as long as she could. She successfully did it for five minutes. That day's record.
- "(Y/N), hey"- he stood by her side, and she quickly stood up.
- "Hey, how are you doing?"
- "Good... you?"- she just nodded and smiled. She really was acting like a schoolgirl in front of Spencer- "Great... hey, I thought maybe tonight you would like to do some stargazing with me..."- Emily and JJ heard him and nearly squealed. They tried to look away, but it was impossible. They needed to know what was happening. Where was García? she was going to be so mad she missed that.
- "Yeah! I'm sure tonight we can see way more stars than on your building's roof like last time."
(Y/N) answered, smiling, thinking there was nothing more romantic than being underneath a starry sky, listening to Spencer talking about constellations.
- "Ok, kids,"- Rossi's voice stepping out of his huge camper interrupted them and forced everybody to turn around- "Let's do this trust thing we are forced to do before it's lunchtime. Maybe we can manage to go home early."
Of course, they weren't. The whole team had to work as a unit to fulfill a series of activities an expert team the FBI had hired forced them to do. Aaron thought it was unnecessary, considering they worked on the field together, and they trusted each other with their lives all the time. But he was also sure his team needed a break, and everybody could use some fresh air.
- "Great work, team"- Hotch hugged everybody and smiled when the whole activity was done- "I think we've earned a nice dinner."
- "Please don't tell me we have to hunt our food"- Penelope wide opened her eyes suddenly and looked at Hotch- "I can eat blueberries."
- "Don't worry, kids"- Rossi shook his head and pointed to his camper- "Anyone in the mood for a nice steak?"
- "I bought marshmallows for the campfire later,"- (Y/N) said and smiled- "You are never too old for some s'more."
- "Scary stories by the fire eating s'mores? I'm ten years old again"- JJ looked excited- "I need to do this with Henry."
- "Just don't tell him your "I'm scared of the woods because I found the camp director dead" story." - Derek said, smiling.
- "You freaked out!"- JJ chuckled, remembering how she had scared her friends a few years earlier while working on a case in the woods.
- "I need to hear that story!"- Emily said- "I bet it's no better than mine, I'm sure."
- "Battle of horror stories?"- (Y/N) smiled evilly- "You two have nothing on me."
The evening was fun and a little terrifying. Garcia was holding Derek's arm so tight it was starting to feel numb. Rossi and Hotch had told a couple of stories that left the team completely frightened, to be fair. Especially Spencer. He had forgotten an essential part of his plan: nights in the woods are dark as pitch. And he was afraid of the dark. How would he successfully take (Y/N) to a nice spot, sit down and stare at the stars with her if he was too scared to move from the fire?
(Y/N) looked at Reid and sighed. Maybe he had regretted it. Of course, he hasn't forgotten his invitation, 'cos Spencer remembered everything. Still, he hadn't made any move or sign to go stargazing. Being alone with him in the dark was scary but in the right way. Maybe she could finally tell him how she felt. No, no way. That wasn't going to happen.
- "Ok, so... it's late, and we are out of wine"- Rossi stood up and looked at the team- "I am ready to go to my comfy bed"- the rest of the team groaned. They were going to spend the night in a tent, probably freezing, while Rossi was going to be in his warm camper.
- "I'm going to sleep too, we have trekking in the morning, and it's going to be a long walk. I suggest you all go to bed early."- Hotch stood up and waved at the team, to then walk to his tent."
- "Sweet chocolate thunder, is there room in your tent for me?"- Penelope asked, and he chuckled immediately
- "Are you still scared of the stories? they are just made up things people create to terrify us."
- "I know. But I'm also scared of bears, psycho killers, and slender man"- Morgan looked at her, raising an eyebrow. She wasn't joking.
- "Bring your sleeping bag."
- "You are my hero. I love you."
Prentiss and JJ went to bed soon after, leaving the two love birds alone.
- "Stargazing?"- Reid whispered, and (Y/N) nodded- "We should find a darker stop... or we can stay here by the fire if you like."
- "Are we going to get a nice view here?"- (Y/N) looked at the stars and tried to see anything.
- "No, it has to be darker,"- Spencer whispered, taking a look around- "There was a nice spot by the cliff, that way."
- "I don't think walking to a cliff in the middle of the night is a good idea"- (Y/N) smiled, and Reid shook his head
- "You are right..."
- "But we can walk carefully and carry a flashlight,"- she added and smiled, looking at him. His brown curls moved with the wind, and his chocolate eyes were brighter than the sparks of fire next to them.
- "That sounds good."
Spencer stood still for a second. He had a blanket in one hand and a bag of marshmallows in the other. (Y/N) put on her scarf and jacket and stared at him.
- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah."
He wasn't. He was trying to calm himself down, thinking that walking in the middle of the dark was worthy because it meant spending time alone with (Y/N).
He kept telling himself he didn't have to worry because nothing was going to happen. He wished he had his gun with him in case of any danger, though. Maybe that could make him feel better.
- "You can't kill darkness, stupid"- he whispered to himself and sighed. (Y/N) walked a step closer and took the marshmallow bag. Then, she held his hand.
- "Let's go?"
That was all Spencer needed. He was ready.
- "Did you know astronomy is the oldest of the sciences?- Reid whispered as they walked hand in hand to a nice clear spot - "Ancient astronomers were able to differentiate between stars and planets, as stars remain relatively fixed over the centuries while planets will move an appreciable amount during a comparatively short time."
- "And when did you start learning about the stars?"- Spencer loved that. How each time he started rambling, she wouldn't get annoyed like the rest of the people he knew. Instead, she would always ask him something related to the subject. And it was usually something personal. She wanted to learn more about him and how he had ended up being such an amazing human being.
- "When I was four, mom started taking me regularly to the library. That was when I started to learn more about science. I could pick ten books each time we were there, and I decided I wanted to know everything I could about everything I loved."
Spencer confessed and smiled, looking at her. His heart was warm with their conversations. He was never comfortable talking about his personal life, especially about his childhood. But with (Y/N), it all came naturally.
- "How often did she take you?"
- "Every other day"- she chuckled and remembered the pictures Diana had shown her of Spencer when he was a little kid last time they visited her. He was adorable, with his glasses and his messy hair. It was impossible not to imagine having a family with him.
- "This is it... this is a good spot."- Spencer said and stopped walking. He moved a log and tapped on it, smiling at (Y/N). She sat with him, and he wrapped them together with the blanket.
- "So, what am I staring at?"- (Y/N) asked and kept her eyes on the starry sky. It seemed she had never seen so many stars. And they even looked closer. Spencer looked at her, and his heart skipped a beat. He was about to start a lecture on astronomy, but instead, he decided to do "his move." Or the move he could think of. He didn't really know if it was a move, but he was going to give it a shot anyway.
- "Most stargazers learn about constellations looking for different noticeable patterns across the sky"- he made a pause clearing his throat. That was it. He was going to do it.
- "That's how it all started,"- he continued- "Some of these noticeable patterns up there are still the same ones our ancestors noticed while sitting around a campfire telling stories like we did today."
- "Telling stories about the stars sounds a lot less creepy, though" - (Y/N) whispered, and the two of them smiled- "Wanna tell me a story about these stars?"
There was no way Spencer could say not to her puppy eyes.
- "Ok... let's see..."- Reid sighed and thought for a moment, looking at the constellations above them- "Do you see those stars over there that look like a cute bunny?"
- "Which ones?"- Spencer pointed at the sky, and (Y/N) nodded- "I see them"
- "Well, you'll see, there was a comet in love with the bunny, but it could only look at her from a safe distance."- Spencer finally confessed. (Y/N) held her breath for a second and tried not to get her hopes high.
- "Why?"
- "Well, the comet was afraid he wasn't good enough for the bunny"- Spencer was whispering, and his soft voice sent shivers to (Y/N)'s body- "So he stared at his favorite constellation every day and only imagined what it would feel like to hold her in his arms."
- "And the bunny never saw the comet?"- (Y/N) asked softly, while very, very slowly, she moved her hand and reached Spencer's.
- "The bunny thought the comet just wanted to be her friend because he was scared to tell her how he felt,"
(Y/N) kept thinking there was no way on earth Spencer was telling her how he felt about her with that adorable story. Was he? Really? 'cos it was too romantic, and if he wasn't and she was wrong... it would be heartbreaking. But, there was only one way to find out.
- "I think the bunny felt the same, but she thought she wasn't good enough for the comet"- Spencer's heart raced at those words, and he turned to look at (Y/N). She blushed and stared at him with a shy smile.
- "Why would the bunny ever think that?"
- "The comet is too brilliant and too amazing to settle for a simple constellation when he could have the sun."
(Y/N) was embarrassed to confess those feelings, but it was now or never.
- "But the bunny is the sun in the comet's life."- Spencer whispered and caressed her cheek with his thumb carefully.
- "Really?"- her voice was so soft, it melted Spencer completely. He couldn't answer. All he could do was to lean in slowly and kissed her as gently as he could, enjoying the sensation of her lips against his. He cupped her face with both hands and moved a little closer.
It was the sweetest kiss he had ever given. It wasn't just because (Y/N)'s lips tasted like marshmallow, but because it was filled with pure love. He could feel it, even when he still couldn't believe it. She loved him. She really did.
(Y/N) was sure that wasn't really happening. She had probably fallen down the cliff earlier and was now unconscious or dead, living a fantasy. There was no way Spencer Reid was kissing her.
When they slowly moved and looked at each other, neither of them knew what to say. So (Y/N) did what she always dreamed of doing and leaned in and kissed him again. Spencer didn't hesitate and wrapped his arms around her waist, moving her closer to him. Her hands played shyly with some of the curls of his hair, and they simply kissed for what seemed to be forever, even when it wasn't enough time for them. Spencer felt he could kiss her his whole life, and he still wouldn't get enough of her.
- "So..."- (Y/N) whispered after some minutes and looked at Spencer, blushing- "Do you think the comet and the bunny could... maybe try to be more than friends?"
He smiled and kissed her again, rubbing her lips carefully with his; (Y/N) sighed into the kiss.
- "The comet is willing to do anything the bunny asks him because he just wants to make her happy all day, every day."
(Y/N) couldn't speak. She could only kiss him again and again.
- "Bunny just wants her comet to be happy too."
- "Then would Bunny be the comet's girlfriend?"- she giggled and nodded- "Good, because I don't think I could ever live without your kisses ever again, Bunny."
- "Neither do I, Comet"
And after that, stargazing was forgotten. There were enough stars in their kisses to keep the two of them lost in their own new universe. 
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cheesy-cakey · 3 years
note this is a hatter au from a wattpad book I wrote.
You Weren't there
Kalim X Reader Angst
We had graduated.
We got married.
He inherited his family's riches.
We had a son.
We were happy...
I gazed out the window of my quarters.
I was no longer a Hatter... I was now an Al-Asim.
The Hatter name had died out the moment I decided to be a part of Kalim's family. I still owned our land and property. But I had no use for it.
I thought that this was going be our happily ever after.
Holding the one I love close. Kalim embracing me and our son.
But I guess reality doesn't have a happy ending... Especially us Hatter's.
As I watched the scene out the window.
In the garden was Kalim... With his 2rd wife and daughter.
Yes, that's right. I may be Kalim's first wife... but that doesn't mean I'm the only one.
I watched as he held her hand while with the other he carried his daughter.
I moved away from the window and sat on the plush bed of my quarters.
"How could I be so stupid. How could I be so blind. why did I think... That out of all the people in the world. I would have a happy ending." I muttered to myself as I leaned back on my arms tears pricking out of my eyes.
I went back to the window watching them hold each other close. I traced my hand on the glass feeling the coolness of the material.
I kneeled on the floor hand on the window sill while the other was on the floor.
"If happy ever after did exist~" I sang as I wrapped my arms around myself.
"I would still be holding you like this~"
"All those fairy tales are full of sh*t"
"One more f*cking love song I'll be sick" I sobbed as I was never meant to have a happy ever after.
3rd POV
Little did Y/N know that someone came to visit.
Watching through the crack from the slightly opened door.
Ali Al-Asim watched as his mother broke down crying.
"Why... why of all people... why does it have to be mother that suffers?"
He walked away knowing that it's better to not disturb her like this... He knew seeing him would just remind her of the happy ending she could've had.
He returned to him quarters and sat in one of the chairs in his room.
"Mother... You shouldn't be suffering like this... You told me father loved you... You said he loved you more than the stars in the sky... then why... why does he treat you this way? why does he neglect you? weren't we happy? weren't you happy?" He leaned his head back as tears pricked out his eyes.
"I never get to see you smile anymore. The smile that could shine brighter than the sun. Your eyes became dull... no longer full of hope and happiness like the stars."
he slammed his first into the table Infront of him as tears fell from his face.
The 15 year old couldn't bear to see his mother like this...
He's seen her cry too many times...
-Time Skip-
It was Ali's 16th birthday.
Which means a big celebration...
But his mother as much as she wants to attend she couldn't bring herself to leave her room.
The Hatter that used to be full of life, laughing, singing, dancing. The Hatter that enjoyed parties and seeing her friends smile... lost her spark.
-At the celebration-
"Happy Birthday, Young Master, Ali!" The servants cheered.
"Happy birthday, My son!" Kalim exclaimed as he greeted his first born.
"Thank you, Father!" Ali exclaimed with a smile.
"You're 16 now, which school do you wanna attend, Ali!?" His father asked excitedly.
"I want to go to Night Raven College! That's where you went to right, Father?"
"Yes, I did! Me and your uncle Jamil went there together!"
"Then it's settled, NRC it is!"
"I could have the headmaster make you dorm head as well!"
"No, Father. I wish to become dorm head with my own skills." He stated.
"Haaaah? fine, if that is what my son wants. Now everyone! enjoy the party!"
he walked away as he went to meet other guests.
A lot of people were here. His uncles from NRC. His Friends. even his half sister.
But there was only one person Ali wanted to be here.
Ali stood up from his seat and sneaked away.
He went to the quarters of someone he held dear.
he knocked on the door and heard a come in.
"Good evening, mother" he said with a soft smile.
"Ah! Ali, Happy Birthday" She replied with a tired but loving smile.
she was sitting by the window with it being wide open allowing the wind to enter.
He went closer the his mother and kneeled beside her.
"How are you feeling?" Ali asked.
"I'm feeling very well. So how is your birthday?"
"Nevermind the birthday. I just want to stay here with you" he said as he buried his face into her dress resting his head on her lap.
The lady giggled at her son's statement, watching him with caring eyes.
"I have a present for you" She said as she brought out a box.
Ali raised his head.
"Mother... you didn't have to" he said as he received it.
"Oh, but I do. this is something I've been meaning to give you"
Ali opened the box to see a top hat, a golden silk snake wrapping around the hat with a single Jasmine flower.
"It used to be mine. Sometimes in the Hatter family we give it to the person we marry but sometimes we also keep it. But this time it's time to pass it on to the descendant. I redecorated it for you. do you like it?" The elegant lady smiled as she remembered her memories with the hat and proud to be able to hand it down.
Ali looked as the hat.
"I love it... thank you mother" He thanked as he lied down on her lap once again.
"I'm glad you do, my dear son" She placed a hand on his white hair exactly the same as his father's.
Sher stroked his head gently as the moon shone down on them through the window.
It was now time for Ali to go to Night Raven College. He said farewell to everyone and as he was about to get on the Ebony Carriage he looked up to a window to see his mother smiling at him. he smiled back and entered.
-at the dorm sorting-
Ali was up next to be sorted.
"State thy name"
"Ali Al-Asim"
"The shape of thy soul... I see you best improve in Scarabia."
He stepped away from the mirror and joined the other students that were sorted into Scarabia.
He will make his mother proud.
-Time skip-
It had been a week since he had arrived. And just like that he had became a dorm head not from money but from skill.
He was currently in potions taught by Professor Crewel.
His phone then suddenly rang.
"Excuse me, Professor. I need to take this call"
"Of course, pup. but next time I won't be allowing it."
Ali answered his phone and it was one of the servants.
He was analysing his potion while he answered.
"What is it? I told you not to call me around this time because I'm in class."
"Apologies, young master. But it's about Lady Y/N"
"Mother? what about her? does she miss me? tell her I'll visit this weekend."
"It's not that sir"
"what is it then?"
"she umm"
"spit it out"
"The lady has passed away"
Ali suddenly dropped the beaker shattering it to a million pieces.
"Al-Asim! bad pup! what are you doing!?"
Ali stood up knocking his seat over. He slammed his hand on his desk that still had the shattered glass and spilled potion. good thing that the potion doesn't give much effect since it wasn't finished.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN PASSED AWAY!?" He yelled as tears pricked from his eyes.
"Al-Asim?" his professor called out worried.
"I mean what I exactly said, young master. The lady passed away earlier this morning. when the servant went to serve her breakfast she didn't wake up. they tried waking her up then realized she wasn't moving. they called a physician... and he said the lady had passed away"
"no... you're lying"
"Ali Al-Asim, what's wrong? Get your hands off the desk your starting to bleed." Crewel said as he took the boys hand from the broken glass and started cleaning it.
"Mother... is she really dead?"
"yes, sir"
"wait... your mother?" his professor asked
"As in... Y/N? she's... no longer with us?" his eyes wide as saucers.
Ali fell on his knees tears spilling not showing any signs of stopping any time soon.
"Mother... no... no... no no no NO! SHE CAN'T BE GONE!" He sobbed.
"Ashengrotto, take him to the infirmary to clean his wound up. The rest of you dismissed. I need to speak with the head master."
"Yes, professor"
-time Skip-
currently Ali was in the head masters office.
"Al-Asim. I heard what had happened. I'll let you go home for as long as you need. I apologize for your loss. You can use the mirror to go home." Crowley said as he watched the boy sob.
he himself wanted to cry since one of the most lovable students he had, had passed away.
"Your mother... was an incredible woman. Not only as a student but as a friend to the rest. It's a shame she... had to leave us so early. I thought that maybe... I'd be dead by the time she leaves."
"Thank you, headmaster... I'll be... heading out now" Ali exited the room and went to the mirror and went home.
Once he had arrived he was greeted by the servants but he just walked right pass.
His sister also greeted him, but he continued walking.
soon he arrived at his mother's bedroom. He saw her... looking like she's sleeping soundly... knowing she's never waking up again.
He walked to her bed side. held her now cold hand and feel to his knees and sobbed uncontrollably
During her funeral, all her friends from NRC came. Tears spilled everywhere as they found their dear friend no longer with them.
they approached Ali who just stood by her coffin.
"Sorry... for your loss... Ali"
He just kept silent.
For the long duration of her funeral... Not once did his father... the man his dear mother loved and longed for, show up.
This had made the boy even more upset. but that did not overpower the sorrow he had.
-Time Skip-
The funeral had long ended...
His mother was buried...
he returned to school but barely spoke.
"Al-Asim... pup. I suggest you go meet with Professor Yuu. You need it"
Ali merely nodded as he went to his magicless professor who taught about monsters and health.
"Ali... take a seat"
Ali sat down across him.
"You haven't been sleeping have you... you have bags under your eyes. You look pale. Ali"
He just sat there.
"I know... I know you're depressed... Your mother was my vice prefect back in our school days. she was a wonderful woman to be with... she laughed... she sang... she smiled... but you know what I love most about her?"
Ali looked up and looked at Yuu.
"She makes people around her smile as well. She wouldn't want you to act like this. Y/N, She too lost a parent in her younger days. But that didn't stop her from being happy... She always had joy in her eyes... and you know you have her E/C eyes as well"
"So please... Don't let this bring you down. Your mother... Be like her. someone who smiles, laughed and most of all makes others do the same. sure reality doesn't have a happy ending. But you're writing your own story so make sure it leads to one."
Ali thought about it. looks back down... looks at the mirror in the room and looked straight into his E/N coloured eyes.
"You're right, Professor. Even if mother is gone... I should make her proud" Ali stood up with smile.
Ali bowed.
"Thank you, Professor Yuu!"
"Just call me, Yuu."
Ali smiled and ran off back to his dorm and to his room.
Yuu on the other hand stood up and went to the window and looked at the sky.
"I wish... I could've held you one last time... Y/N... I loved you so much" Yuu said as he let the tears fall.
Ali pulled a box from under his bed and opened it...
It may not fit his outfit but it doesn't matter.
he stood up holding the object and went to a mirror.
He looked straight at it and placed the hat he was given on his head.
"I'll prove... that I can give us a happy ending, Mother"
and with that Ali changed... He changed for the better. all the old staff watched him... and it reminded them of someone who they once cherished in this school.
-Time Skip-
it's been 2 years since Y/N's passing. Ali Al-Asim was now 18 years old. A third year.
But what's interesting is. when his 1st year ended the mirror had announced something... He was transferred to a different dorm.
Just as they were all about to leave.
"Wait... It seems someone's soul had reshaped into something new." the mirror had stated.
"What? but that's not possible" Crowley said in surprise.
"Ali Al-Asim... Step forward"
Ali hesitantly stepped up.
"Yes... it seems your soul had reshaped... though you are still suited to be a part of Scarabia... Your heart... Is perfect for the Ramshackle Dorm"
"Isn't that"
"Your mother's old dorm... well it seems like you're becoming just like your mother" Crowley smiled as he placed a hand on the boys shoulder.
-end of flashback-
And since then he became the dorm head of the Ramshackle. His hat suited his outfit. he was happy.
And right now the 18 year old was going to make a decision that'll change his life.
Currently standing Infront of his father, Kalim Al-Asim. wearing a somewhat butler outfit somewhat similar to that of what his mother wore back in her younger days as a Hatter.
"Father... I don't wish to be an Al-Asim anymore."
"What? could you repeat that?"
"I don't want to be an Asim."
"But son! you're my eldest! you're my successor!"
"And I don't want to be your successor!"
"I want to continue mother's legacy!" Ali yelled as he gripped his wrist behind his back while looking down.
"I want to be a Hatter! I want to carry on the Hatter name! I want to do this for mother! it the least you could let me do"
"the least I could let you do?"
"Yes! The most you could do was probably be there for her!"
"You left her all alone! making her cry every night! every night for you!"
"She didn't get her happily ever after! Cause you weren't there there for her! you weren't there for us!HECK She would've been contented with just you being there even if you didn't love her anymore!"
"I know you are aware that You're naive, gullible, oblivious and all that. but please... just see it... the least you could do" Ali looked up and looked Kalim straight in the eyes.
Kalim staring back into E/C colored orbs that was exactly the same as his wife that had recently passed away.
He looked down and took a deep breathe
"I'll... let you go..."
"yes... as you said... it's the least I could do for not even attending the funeral."
"Thank you... father" Ali smiled as he walked away.
this was a new start for Ali... Becoming just like his mother. Writing a happily ever after for them.
We can't say the same for Kalim though.
He sat at his chair.
His 2rd wife entered the room and sat beside him.
"What did he want?" she asked.
"To leave the family"
"He... wanted to become a Hatter to continue Y/N's legacy."
"I see... don't worry I'm here... and besides I'm sure we can make a new heir."
"I'm not in the mood"
"But, dear~"
right then and there Kalim snapped.
"THAT'S WHY I KILLED HER SO YOU WOULD ONLY LOOK AT ME- MPH!" she clasped her mouth shut trembling from what came out.
"what? WHAT did you just say?"
"I-I didn't mean to!"
Soon Jamil entered the room. in truth he was about to enter till he heard screaming and heard the entire thing.
"Yes, Kalim"
"Take her away. make her confess EVERYTHING that she had done. After that could you call Azul? I want to have a talk with him to deal with something."
"Yes, of course" Jamil left with the 2nd wife being taken away by guards.
As they all left the room Kalim sat down and tears started running down his face.
"Why was I so stupid? thinking I could protect you without having to hurt anyone but as a result I ended up hurting you... then lost you. I should've dealt with them from the start. I should've just been there for you... now I not only lost you... but I lost our son too... haha! why am I so stupid?"
For the rest of the night Kalim just cried. knowing can never bring you back.
"isn't that an interesting timeline."
"Didn't know that there would be a bad ending to their story. I hope this timeline won't stick it would be so sad~" a voice said as she closed a book that's titled 'You Weren't there'
soon the book started to become grains of sand.
"oh? what is this?"
"The timeline is disintegrating"
"I guess that means that story won't be sticking around."She then pushed up her glasses as she looked back at the millions of books being written each having a pen that glows with inspiration and life."I wonder who's story would be finished next~ would the story disappear? or will it be part of the official collection?"
"Let's see what endings are in-store~ After all"
"I am the story keeper~"
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lewisdiary · 3 years
Amber Lounge
Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Tumblr media
WARNING: 18+, NSFW, explicit, alcohol, drugs, unprotected sex.
Word count: 3,600+
What's a beautiful girl like you doing in a club all by herself?
Another party, this time in Monaco. Your glass, filled with what seemed like a very expensive gin, vibrated to the the loud music playing in the club.
Let loose. You thought to yourself slightly lowering your body-con black dress and searching for familiar faces.
You looked around the VIP party you had been invited to. Ever since your dad's business put him on the "Forbes Richest" list your reputation had skyrocketed along with it. You were an A-lister yourself at this point, everyone longed for your appearance at their events, and as if your life depended on it, you attended. Your social media and events presence had helped you befriend the hottest models and richest rappers in the game and you quite enjoyed the lavish lifestyle.
You and your dad had flown down for the Monaco GP weekend, courtesy of the team principal of the most popular F1 team, Toto Wolff. Surprisingly, it was your first Grand Prix, and probably your last. The hospitality was, as usual, amazing but you found watching cars go around in circles slightly boring.
You took a rather large sip of your gin and started to tune into the beat, your body processing the large quantities of alcohol you had decided to ingest.
Because you hadn't been invited to the Grand Prix by a driver in particular and had failed to engage with any during the "boring" weekend, you found yourself attending the party and having to fit in all by yourself. Making your way through the club you encountered a few drivers, whom you recognised and recognised you, and their respective guests. You knew you weren't an easy face to forget, so it didn't take long before a few people started commenting about your presence.
Making yourself comfortable around the younger squad of drivers, your body swayed to the loud music that hit your ears. Your eyes shut as you engaged with the environment, allowing the melodies and strong base to sway you in.
"You're a Mercedes guest, aren't you?" A familiar voice rang through. Russell. Your eyes opened to look at the briton who stood very close to your ear, making sure his words were getting to you just fine. You nodded quickly, downing your drink before replying to him "Well, my dad is. I just tagged along"
His lips turned into a small smile as he took a good glance at you, leaning closer again he chatted a bit more; "and what did you think of it?"
"Not my vibe" You shrugged jokingly. "This though, is!" You put your empty glass down in a nearby table and pulled George into what seemed like a circle of people dancing, as In Da Club by 50 Cent started playing.
You both started dancing to the song, George's friends joined, and in no time you set yourself in the party ambient, drenching yourself in alcohol as more bottles were brought in at the request of Russell, Latifi, and a few other younger drivers you hadn't gotten your way around.
0 To 100 / The Catch up - by Drake came through the speaker.
This DJ knew his set you thought, before excusing yourself from the crowd that had embraced you. Feeling the need for a switch of environment you made your way to the bar. On your way, you drunkly greeted a few familiar faces, Bella Hadid and what looked like some actors who had come down for the Grand Prix.
Sitting on an empty stool at one of the bars in the Amber Lounge you asked the bartender for a glass of your favourite, gin. Your head nodded to the beat, it pounded hard. You knew you were more than tipsy at that point, but there was no sign of slowing down.
"Ayo! Bring us a bottle of your most expensive Prosecco!" You heard a voice yell through a line of people standing at the bar. A familiar voice.
His voice sang along to the lyrics, you were tempted to turn around to check who was yelling right behind your ear but your motion to turn was interrupted by the glass of gin you had requested being brought to you.
As you fiddled with the purse that hung around your shoulder, looking for your card, the familiar voice spoke again: "I've got that for you. On my tab, Mikey!" This time much closer to you.
You turned to your left, wanting to finally put a face to the voice your alcohol-filled brain didn't seem to recognise. Looking at the 5'9 figure standing next to you, it hit you that: you had failed to engage with any driver during the Grand Prix except for one.
It was more than obvious that you weren't going to be at the Mercedes garage and not meet their prominent stars. Lewis Hamilton and Valtteri Bottas. It was Qualifying day and after an amazing performance from both drivers, Toto, at the request of your dad had introduced you to his prodigies. You had gotten the chance to meet the drivers and congratulate them both for their front-row quali positions.
Bottas was the quiet one, after meeting you and your dad he excused himself to his driver room. Lewis was more of a personality, he knew your dad from reading about him and their conversation seemed to flow from F1 to business to possible future lunch meetings. He glanced at you from time to time, the conversation didn't interest you but he somewhat did.
You knew Lewis was quite the party boy and a ladies man, it suited his champion attitude, so seeing him at the club did not surprise you at all. He had won the Grand Prix you remembered, your mind doing a little backflip to being at the back of the garage and giving him a quick hug after your dad had burst into "here's the man of the evening" compliments.
Your altered system forced you to bite your lip at the thought of Lewis Hamilton standing in front of you.
"Hey, it's you!" His eyes widened at the realisation, his breath smelled like nothing but expensive alcohol. He was drunk as a skunk, and to your liking, he looked extremely hot.
You widened your eyes jokingly, following his cue. "It is I!" you laughed slightly, trying to mock his accent.
"I met you on Saturday, no? Your dad is Toto's friend. What's your name again?" He grabbed the Prosecco bottle that had been handed to him and moved an inch closer to you.
"Yep, that's my dad! Y/N!" you yelled through the gap left between the two of you.
"And what's a beautiful girl like you doing in the club all by herself?" He asked before singing to a few lyrics of the song that currently burst through the speakers that were placed at the bar.
"Enjoying herself." You grabbed your glass and, nodding at him as a thank you for the drink, you stepped down the stool and made your way to the dance-floor. Nervously nibbling on your bottom lip at your choice of words you wondered if a little mystery was enough to keep Lewis interested.
Your hips moved at the sound of Ginza by J Balvin and almost immediately, you felt a body swaying along with yours. Him.
Lewis took a sip of the Prosecco bottle he was meant to take back to his group of friends as his own hips fell in somewhat of a sync with yours, his free hand grabbing your left thigh pulling you closer to his body. His motion felt like a cue for you to bend slightly and begin to grind on the "man of the evening", he deserved a little fun after the hard-work he put out on the track.
Eyes started turning to you two, as your bodies got carried away by the effects of the alcohol you had been consuming. You shrugged out the thought of being watched. If Lewis was comfortable, you were too.
"Y yo hoy estoy aquí imaginando. Sexy baila y me deja con las ganas" Lewis sang along to J Balvin but he sang it so close to your ear, he knew it was meant just for you to listen. His raspy voice sent chills down your spine, you didn't know what the words meant but he made them sound sexy and it empowered you. You chewed on your bottom lip as the DJ switched songs and moving away from him you sipped on your gin, cheering at the former drivers that had put you in the mood to party, who shot you back just as happy glances.
"Come to my table! Let's have some fun!" Lewis' drunk voice echoed through the pounds of your head. He was quick to grab your arm and pull you through the crowd to a more secluded area.
"Y/N everyone!!" He yelled once you approached a group of what looked like more mature and older people. Everyone turned their heads at the two of you and cheered loudly at Lewis' introduction of you, almost as if they were celebrating you tonight.
Daniel Ricciardo. Winnie Harlow. Neymar Jr were some of the faces you were able to recognise at first glance, everyone seemed as slapped as you, some of the girls were high as kites twerking on anything they could put their asses to. Now this was more your vibe.
As the night went on; more drinks came, you danced and enjoyed yourself. Sexual tension between you and Lewis had become hard to ignore and the amount of alcohol in your body had you craving him... all over you.
It's now or never you thought to yourself.
Downing your, God knows what number, cup you looked at Lewis who found himself having fun with his mates, his smile widely spread across is face, revealing his perfectly sharpened canine teeth.
If anything, we blame it on the alcohol.
You mentally thanked the Dj as Wild Thoughts by DJ Khaled started playing. Lewis' eyes darkened as he noticed you approaching him. Your dress hugged your body perfectly, making your figure hard to look away from. In a blink of an eye you had found your groins against one another's grinding on each other to the beat.
As the song went on, Lewis spun you around, having you against him drove him crazy. His hips thrusted your back, his fingers digging the skin on your thigh. He licked his lips at the thought of you, and almost as if he had been waiting for this moment the whole night, his lips met your bare shoulder.
Without ungluing his figure to yours, his tongue slowly traced your neck, sending chills down your spine. "Have I told you how beautiful you look?" He mumbled in between kisses on your bare skin. He didn't have to win you over with compliments, he already had you.
You could feel death glares from Lewis' female guests because of the moment you and the world champion were sharing. You used the uncomfortable stares as your cue to leave, turning to Lewis for the first time in what seemed like a long night, you stared into his - slightly droopy from the alcohol - brown eyes. Your arms automatically swung to his neck, he had yet another bottle in his hand but did not hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist.
"I don't think your friends are enjoying this little show we're putting on" You mumbled, signalling to the ladies who stood in the corner. Your eyes went from staring into his to looking at his lips, your breathing had become intense as you felt Lewis's body awfully close to yours, his member slowly caressing your upper thigh. He licked his lips, noticing how badly you stared. At that point of the night neither of you could contain how much you craved one another.
"They don't have to watch" Lewis whispered, shooting a quick glance at the models who seemed rather upset with his lack of attention on them; back to you, before grabbing your arm and pulling you through a back door that was close to the VIP area you were in, he mumbled: "I know a place".
You found yourself stumbling through the front entrance of a rather fancy building. Lewis lived conveniently close to the Amber Lounge, and in no time, his body guards had escorted the two of you to the penthouse.
Thanking his driver, you made your way into the elevator, and as soon as the doors shut close, Lewis had you pinned against the back wall. His eyes darkened again, his breathing hard over your lips.
Even drunk as a skunk, he looked and smelled amazing.
You watched him bite his lip as he leaned closer, making you crave his lips on yours even more.
It felt like heaven. When Lewis finally crashed his lips on to yours, his body weight causing you to lean further against the wall... it felt like heaven.
You groaned as the kiss didn't last as much as you wished to, the ding from the elevator interrupting it.
You were given no time to take in the surroundings of Lewis' perky home. He placed his arms on your hips and you automatically straddled him, the heat was back like it had never left, your lips were on his yet again. He kissed you so passionately you thought he was compensating from not doing it earlier. He knew his way through his home, and as your tongues met, he quickly found his way through his living room to his astounding suite.
Lewis dropped you on his bed, his eyes filled with lust and hunger. Behind him, the view of Monaco’s nightlife and beach shone through his large windows, the moonlight setting the perfect ambiance for what seemed like an exciting night for the both of you.
Your thoughts were distracted by Lewis’s touch. He had quickly removed his shirt and tossed it aside, his fingers now rested on top of your wet panties, his thumb caressing your clit. His body hoovered over yours, you closed your eyes and tilted your head back, allowing your body to feel Lewis’ movements on your area.
“Look at me” He demanded, his voice as deep as you’d ever hear it. “You’re so wet” He mumbled once your eyes obediently met his. Starving for him inside of you, you pulled your dress up your waist not once breaking eye contact, which caused Lewis to smirk. He attacked your neck, sucking and nibbling on your bare skin, his fingers slid your panties to the side, and with a small bite to your neck he inserted two fingers into you. You gasped at his sudden movement and your walls clenched in pleasure.
“Fuck!” Lewis muttered as he felt your juices coating his fingers. As instinct your knees bent, allowing Lewis to get a better grip of your inside walls. He picked up the pace, thrusting his fingers in and out of you. As your moans started getting louder, you feared Lewis had neighbours so you instantly bit your lip trying to contain your pleasure-filled screams.
“L-Lewis” you stumbled on your words, he knew just how deep to thrust and how much to curl his fingers. You longed for him inside you, your fingernails digging his tattooed back and your head titled back.
“Yes, baby?” He was enjoying watching you squirm in pleasure, his member hardening at the sound of your voice in his room.
"Don't make me wait" you pleaded, not being able to contain your hormones any longer. You wanted him inside you: “I want you. I want you to cum with me”
As if your wish was his command, Lewis’ drunk figure moved his hand away, he stood in front of the bed, and you took the moment to remove your dress, revealing your perfectly shaped and tanned body. Lewis, on his turn dropped his jeans. Both of you stood in awe of one another for awhile, hunger rising. He observed your breasts, and you engulfed the length of his now erect shaft.
You slowly removed your panties and dangled it in front of him, teasing the man that was going to eat you alive, the room smelled like expensive cologne and Prosecco. Lewis jaw hardened, his tattoos made his muscles more prominent... You just wanted to dig your fingernails on his biceps at that stance. He grabbed the panties off your hand and threw them to the side along with your dress and swiftly made his way on top of you. Cupping your breast with one hand, his thumb played with your nipple whilst the other filled his mouth. You lowered your hand and began to stroke Lewis’ cock; as soft and deep moans leaving his throat, your spine shivered.
“I want you so bad” You whispered, placing Lewis right at your entrance, the tip of him rubbing against your wet and now throbbing clit.
“How bad, baby?” He asked, pecking your lips. With his voice in a demanding whisper, you were quick to realise how much of a tease Lewis was, he enjoyed making his victims beg for him. He knew how good he was.
“So… so bad” You moaned into his lips. Just as much as Lewis, you knew what you wanted and you too knew how good you were. Not wanting to waste another second you took charge, placing his shaft at your entrance you helped him penetrate you. Lewis broke the kiss he had engaged in with you, a loud moan leaving his mouth once he felt how tight you were.
It took you a second to adjust to Lewis’ length as he made his way in and out of you, although intoxicated, he noticed your slight discomfort: “Are you alright?” he questioned, his furry brows tightening.
“Shh… don’t stop” You reassured him. With your hand around his neck you brought his head down to yours, you had grown to love his soft lips around the flesh of your neck. At your call, Lewis lowered his weight on to you and steadily picked up the pace. Every thrust brought you closer to an orgasm, his cock rubbing on your perfect spot.
You clenched your walls, digging your nails through his tattooed back. “Fuuuck!” You heard Lewis scream in absolute pleasure at the tightness around him. Lewis’ thrusts became deeper and faster, his forehead had grown sweaty, the room steamy. As he picked up his pace, all you could hear was small grunts from his perfectly sound voice and the clapping of his thighs against yours.
“I’m gonna cum” He moaned through shortened breaths. His warning brought you to your dominance senses. The thought of having Sir Lewis Hamilton begging you to cum extolled your ego. Without thinking twice you shifted your weight to the side, motioning what was well understood by Lewis. It was your turn to be on top.
Lewis, at the realisation that he was sleeping with a woman who knew what she wanted, eagerly obeyed and placed himself closer to the headboard of his king sized bed, not minding that you had interrupted his almost-orgasm.
Feeling good about impressing the seven-time world champion you slowly crawled up to the man that looked at you so hungrily, lust in his eyes only becoming more and more visible. His jaw clenched again as you straddled his waist, his now, thanks to you, cream-full cock entering your threshold again. Another loud moan, this time from the both of you. You bent over slightly, placing your hands on Lewis’ shoulders for support as you started bouncing on him.
“Just like that baby” He sang to you, one hand was tightly wrapped around your neck, and the other slapped your ass as hard as he could bring himself to. It drove you crazy, it made you want more of him in you.
Your breathing had gotten harder and your forehead had met his. “I want you to cum for me” You demanded. Lewis knew he was close to his finish line, but wanted you to finish with him. As you seemed to enjoy, he kept his veiny and robust hand around your neck, giving it light squeezes every time he felt you really deep.
His free hand moved to your clit and you shot your head back in utter pleasure.
“Right there… Keep it right there” You begged, knowing exactly what was going to happen in the next thirty seconds. Lewis, in satisfaction, rubbed on your throbbing bud whilst his own hardened at every movement of yours. His teeth met his bottom lip and his eyes fell shut. You knew he was ready to release, but you weren’t going to let him off easy.
“Look at me” You called. Your ego growing with every sign of obedience from Lewis. His eyes watered a little, you knew you had him, and every thrust brought you both closer to your orgasm.
“Baby…” he whispered, his hand still in circular motions around your clit, his grip becoming weaker “Please” he begged, at no point breaking the eye contact you called for. Pleased with his submission, you mumbled: "Don't stop", and he understood the assignment. You both picked up the pace, his finger on your wet clit in circular motions and you on top of his cock, bouncing up and down.
Before you could say knife you felt your legs shaking, your whole body trembled as you released all your juices on Lewis' hand and cock, a loud moan leaving your throat, your voice echoing in the penthouse.
Sorry neighbours.
And with no time to digest the wonders that Lewis had done to your body, he quickly pushed you off him and you obeyed, his pulsating cock releasing right then and there, on his six-pack filled torso.
You were both breathing heavily, laying on your backs. The comfort of Lewis' bed took you in, your head pounding again from the intoxication, the large amount of alcohol still in your system. He chuckled slightly at the turn of events of that Monaco GP Sunday, his gaze never leaving his ceiling.
Eager and starving for more of you, Lewis found in his deep breaths strength to ask: "When do you leave?"
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Father's Day Special!
(Fathers day always makes me emotionally sad so why not fight it with some fluffy times for these demons! ^^)
Despite not being a morning demon, he is up well before you and the children are, already set at his desk in the study. Deep in paperwork, you take advantage of him being distracted to make him a cup of Hell Coffee and breakfast, the two little ones carefully holding the plate and mug as you lead them to him.
You knock on the door and you hear him call ‘Enter’, before opening the door and letting the children run on in. He looks up and beams as they approach him, happily hollering “Papa, papa, we made you something!” They hand him the now somewhat messy plate of food and the cup of coffee, but than run back up to you to get the cards they made for him.
He looks at the handmade cards quizzically, reading the “Happy Father’s Day!” written on each one in crayon, before looking to you. “It’s a Human Realm tradition. Once a year we celebrate the fathers in our lives, so I figured the kids could make something to celebrate you.” You also inform him that you spoke with Diavolo, and he has been ordered to take the rest of the day off to spend it with you and the children.
He chuckles slightly and that trademark smirk reaches his lips as he stands and pulls you in for a kiss, whispering a ‘Thank you’, and turns to bend down and embrace his little ones who happily leap into his arms, thanking them as well for his gifts.
Being the weekend, the demon is still deep in sleep in your shared bed, as you slowly slip out to start working on your surprise for him. Your child wakes up a little after you, and you motion for them to follow to the kitchen where you plan on making a stack of pancakes for Mammon. You both get covered in flour in the process, laughing together but satisfied with the stack you have made, covering them in whip cream and strawberries.
You then help your little one design a card for Mammon, drawing a picture of the three of you together in crayon, and they happily hold it over their head, ready to bolt back into your bedroom to show their papa. You have to slow them down, place the food on your tray, and then lead them back to the bedroom.
Slowly you both step in, and you place the tray next to the bed, leaning down to wake Mammon with a kiss. He grumbles but wakes up, smirking at you and kisses you again, until he notices the stack of pancakes and the hand drawn card. “Happy Father’s Day!” you both exclaim, and when he looks confused, you explain how it is a tradition in the Human Realm to celebrate fathers once a year, hence you two making the day special for him. No, he isn’t crying at all when he pulls the both of you in for a tight hug, smothering you in kisses.
You had been doing your best to keep things a secret from Levi for a while, because you knew the moment he found out, he would flip his lid. He had been asking you for what seemed like a month if you had seen the newest anime release available on Akuzon, but you kept telling him ‘no’, though had actually bought it for him as a surprise gift for Father’s Day.
You were going to make a day out of watching it, working with your little one to get all his favorite (and theirs as well) snacks and food to have for the all night marathon. They tried their best to draw a picture of Ruri-chan as well for him, since they knew she was his favorite as well.
When the day came, you both had everything set up and ready, surprising him with a ‘Happy Father’s Day!’ when he came back from being out with his brothers. He had heard of the tradition before, and was so thrown that you went through all the trouble just for him; but you gave him a kiss telling he deserved it. He was the slightest bit peeved that you hide the anime from him, but he was brought to tears by the drawing your little one made for him.
It is extremely rare to catch this demon by surprise, but you still tried none the less. You and your child worked on a book together, placing photos of the three of you, drawings they made for him, and even some pictures of cats into it. Whenever he would come around, you would do your best to hide it; he of course would notice, but never seemed to question you about it.
Once Father’s Day came around, you and the little one worked in the kitchen to make him his favorite meal, and took it to him in his room, your child carrying the book you both made. As soon as you opened the door, though, the little one bolted right for him, excitedly yelling, “Daddy, daddy, look! We made you a thing!”
He smiles warmly at them before taking the book and opening it, flipping through the pages, his smile only widening. You shake your head and laugh a bit, placing the tray of food next to him and kiss him. “Happy Father’s Day,” you say warmly, sitting next to him. He knew it was Father’s Day, having studied much about the human world; but he was so very thankful for you and the little one celebrating him like this.
From the moment he wakes up, he is usually glued to you and your children, always wanting to do things together; so surprising him for Father’s Day was a hard feat. With some help from his brothers, you manage to get him pulled away from the HoL for a few hours, long enough for you to set up his room into a little spa, made by you and your children.
They bubble with excitement, making drawings and signs for the different sections of the room, like where he will get his hair done and nails done, things of that nature. So when he comes home, he is welcomed into his own spa day, courtesy of you and your children. “Happy Father’s Day!” the three of you cry when he walks in, and he is awe of how well they set everything up. He smothers you in kisses as a thank you, and then let’s himself be taken care of by your two little ones.
Though they muss his hair and paint his nails sloppily, he could not be happier letting them play with him. You also promise him a professional spa day for him later in the week, and he can’t thank you enough for celebrating him as you are.
While he is out at the gym, you get to work in the kitchen with the help of your twins and even Belphegor. He helps you to cook as many of Beel’s favorite dishes as you can, while the little ones work away at making cards for him on the counter. You’re tired and messy when you finally finish, but stand there for a moment, satisfied with all the work the lot of you did.
When Beel gets home, you usher him into your bedroom, trying to get him to avoid the kitchen since all the food is already been set up; you want him to be surprised, and Belphie watches the kids for you two while you both shower. Once finally clean, you then lead him into the kitchen where his twin and your twins are now waiting for him.
“Happy Father’s Day!” you all exclaim, catching him completely off guard as he looks around the room before his eyes falling quizzically on you. You explain what Father’s Day is, and emphasize it’s to celebrate him and show how much he means to you and your little ones. They come running up and hand him all the cards and drawings they made for him, and he starts to get teary eyed, pulling them in for a tight hug. He thanks you for all the food you made and kisses you over and over before letting himself delve into the dishes, of course making sure you all eat with his as well.
Though he usually fights his need for sleep to spend time with you and your child, you give him the opportunity to rest some while you and the little one decide to go out for a while. You take advantage of this to pick up a gift for him for Father’s Day, and set up the Planetarium for the evening to spend together. Loads of pillows and blankets are strewn about the room, and you make his brothers swear to not bother you all for that night.
When you return to the attic to wake him, he is groggy but greets you with a smile and pulls you in for a lazy kiss. You urge him to get up and follow you, but he gives out annoyed groans, until your little one starts jumping on him. Than he gets up and follows you to your surprise.
The Planetarium is strung up with soft fairy lights that gift off just a soft enough glow to not dim the stars above, and he looks at it in awe before turning to you and questioning what it’s for. “A Father’s Day gift,” you say with a soft smile, and he flusters a bit, saying he doesn’t deserve something like this; you shush him and give him a peck on the cheek. Your little one runs up with the gift you got for him; a book on the different stars and constellations of the Devildom, and they ask him to read it to them. He is more than happy to do so, as the three of you sit in the bundle of pillows and blankets, looking up at the sky.
It's very hard to get a surprise over on Dia considering he has a hand in almost everything going on, especially when it comes to you and your child. But you manage to sneak off with the help of Lucifer and Barbatos, who distract him with issues concerning RAD.
You and the little one go shopping for him, finding him a gorgeous golden watch set, and the ingredients to make his favorite hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies. When you get home and prepare your gifts, your little one goes about making him a paper crown out of construction paper and glitter, writing 'Best Papa' on the crown in crayon.
You two enter his office where he is finishing up the paperwork with Barbatos and Lucifer, when your little one bolts between the other two demons and straight for their father, jumping to put the paper crown on his head. He is all smiles and laughter as you both wish him a Happy Father's Day, giving him his gifts and cookies. He pulls the both of you into his lap, hugging you tightly and praising you for doing something so special for him.
Though it pains you how busy your demon husband always is, you get to take advantage of it for this special day. You and the children go and shop for him, buying his favorite tea as well as some of Madam Scream’s Macarons that you know he enjoys. One of your little ones sees a green plush bat, and immediately begs you if they can get it for him as well. You also buy him a new pair of silk gloves and the children a bag of candy to share with him.
You set up your shared room with a small table and place the now wrapped gifts on it, your children sprawled out on the floor with markers making pictures as gifts as well. When he finally enters the room, the little ones practically tackle him in excitement, handing him their drawings and drag him to the table to see what they got for him.
He smiles and questions if this is all for Father’s Day, surprising you that he knew of the tradition; but you nod, “We wanted to celebrate you for being such an amazing father.” His cheeks gain a bit of color as he opens the gifts, thanking you with a kiss and turning to pull the children in for a tight hug. They sit with the both of you and share the treats you bought, asking him about his day while making a small mess of themselves with the candy.
You both are usually awake at the same time every morning, so you have to put in quite a bit of effort to wake up before him. You prepare breakfast and tea, setting up the table nicely with flowers in the center, and go to check on the children who are also still sleeping. Thankfully you planned ahead and had them work on their gifts for him the night before, so you take their gifts and place them on the table as well.
Everything is set up, so you go and gently wake your angel up with soft kisses to his cheek. He stirs and groggily smiles at you before pulling you in for sleepy kisses. You manage to get him out of bed and walk with him to the kitchen where the sunlight is coming in just right to make everything look romantic and serene. He asks what all of this is for and you explain it is a Father's Day gift for him, something you celebrate in the human world.
He pulls you in for a tight hug and kisses you over and over, thanking you for the lovely morning. While you are serving him his plate, the children come running up and wrap their arms around him, asking if he liked the cards he made for them. He beams happily at them and says he will cherish them forever.
He's been busy at his desk for hours, working on mixtures and his latest spell, leaving you time to get things ready for your surprise. You and your child go around town, gathering ingredients to bake a large cake, thanks to Barbatos' teachings. While getting the things you need, you happen upon a matching pendant set, and buy it as a gift to give him.
As you are putting together everything you need for the cake, your little one sits at the table, making a drawing of the three of you holding hands, and writes in big letters, "Happy Father's Day!" at the top of it, holding it up proudly. Once everything is finished and set in place, you go and retrieve the sorcerer, finally getting him to step away from his desk.
When he steps out of the room, your little one grabs his hand and drags him to the kitchen, and immediately hands him the drawing they made, bouncing up and down excitedly. He smiles warmly at them and ruffles their hair, thanking them for the picture, and takes in the delicious looking cake. "I honestly forgot it was Father's Day in the Human Realm," he remarks bashfully, but you dismiss his worry and give him a kiss, before handing him your present. The matching pendants are grayish blue stones in silver setting, one for him and one for you. He happily puts his on, and then yours on you, placing a small enchantment on it in hopes it keeps you close to him.
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A Pup's Commendation
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Pairings: Henry Cavill x Female Reader, Kal x Paris (puppy love)
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: Mentions of pets being stressed out, Fluffy goodness
A/N: This past weekend was Independence Day weekend and fireworks were going on every single night with Sunday night being the worst. However, one of the houses on my street left out a sign with some treats, toys, and poo bags. Paris definitely appreciated it after the night we had. She was a bit of wreck. @sif-the-tsunami and had a discussion about how we hoped Kal was okay last night and thus this idea was born.
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Attention! Pups of Cordova
As commendation for your perseverance through this treacherous weekend, please help yourself to a treat and a toy! (with your owner’s permission) (also, some poo bags)
Henry had first seen the sign as he left his lodgings for his morning run. He did not get too close to look at it in the low morning light and just assumed it was another garage sale sign. Plus, he was feeling rather ragged after a weekend of Kal freaking out over the firework displays. Three continuous nights of Kal’s carrying on and distressed pacing were three nights too many. Kal had been most disagreeable about getting up from his spot to join his master, preferring to have a nice lie in.
The man couldn’t fault his pup for his behavior for even Henry considered skipping his run. However, after the hefty portion of takeaway last night, he knew deep down that he needed to go for it. The only downside of being in Los Angeles was the availability of any cuisine whenever one wanted. He forced himself to continue on his usual route around the neighborhood with the promise of a nice cup of coffee once he got back. Maybe then the bear would deign it the proper time to get a start on with his day.
The side of Los Angeles was serene when it wasn’t under siege from the extravaganza of illegal fireworks. He was close enough to the studios so if he wanted a few more minutes of sleep, it wouldn’t affect how long it took to get there. On his next trip, Henry wouldn’t mind staying here again. There were plenty of places to walk Kal, the restaurants were dog friendly, and the people were amiable. The man supposed being a few minutes away from all of the studios had them used to seeing celebrities out and about.
Henry slowed as his home away from home came up ahead once again. Perhaps he had found a part of Los Angeles that wasn’t so bad after all. Had he known about it years ago he might not have been so willing to leave. He shook that thought from his head and he approached the front door, ready for a shower and some coffee.
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The second time the actor had seen the sign was thanks to Kal dragging him towards it a few hours later. The bear had caught the whiff of something worth checking out and decided that the best method of investigation was to charge after it regardless of being attached to the lead. Kal had dragged his master 20 feet to the white gate two houses down and there lay his prize to the left of the sign.
Kal had scarfed down the first bowl and was attempting to move to the second when Henry finally caught onto him. He had been too busy getting a better look at what the sign said and laughing.
“Kal, leave it,” he ordered as he attempted to move the dog away,” They’re not all for you pig, no matter how much you want them.”
The bear huffed at his owner and followed his command but not before stealing a ball from the pile. It wasn't until the walk was over and two back inside that Kal revealed his hand. He dropped the spit-covered ball at the man’s feet, tail wagging and eager to play.
“Oh bear, you naughty dog,” Henry chuckled before tossing the ball.
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The third time the sign made an appearance was close to sundown. Henry had made a point to go the opposite direction to keep Kal from being tempted to eat up the rest of the treats. There was a cool breeze in the air and they weren’t alone on the street. Some people were just getting home from the day, children were playing in their yards, and a few other dogs were being walked as well.
It was a peaceful way to end the day. By the time the two circled back and around headed back home, streaks of orange, red, and pink pierced the sky. They were in the home stretch near the sign and its bounty when a little spotted pup ran into view towards the treats. Kal bolted towards the dog and his leash was ripped from Henry’s hands. The smaller dog ran towards the treats and Kal was quick to join them.
Henry sprinted off after his dog and a figure on the end of the street did the same.
“Paris! Get back here bubba,” the person yelled.
The two humans reached the house at the same time and were equally surprised at the sight before them. Both dog’s tails were wagging as they gorged themselves on treat heaven. Kal even went as far as to knock open the boxes of Milkbones for his new friend. What was left at their respective owners' arrival was soggy cardboard, empty bowls, and two equally pleased pups.
They looked up at their owners with innocent faces like there weren't remnants of treats dusted over their muzzles. Henry glanced over at the new arrival and saw that you had the same face of exasperation that he did. In your hands was a harness and leash sans dog, clears signs of a runaway pup. The two pups were none the wiser to their owner’s moods and got busy sniffing the other.
“Well it looks like two pups are in the dog house tonight,” you offered shyly.
“There’s no question about that. I’m Henry and that bear of a dog is Kal,” he offered, holding out his hand.
You shook his hand and replied, “Y/N and that spotted devil is Paris.”
The two of you attempted to approach your respective dogs, but Kal made quick work to tangle himself around Paris. The two seemed quite enamored with each other.
“I’m so sorry about that. Kal, let’s go!” Henry ordered, grabbing onto to Kal's leash and attempting to move him away.
"It’s alright. Paris needs friends of her own species. She’s rather fond of the cats at the cafe two blocks over,” You giggled and bent down to scoop up your pup.
Kal let out an annoyed whine at his new friend being taken away so soon, there were still balls that needed to be played with and dirt to get covered in.
“Come on Romeo. I’m sure you’ll see Paris later,” Henry teased as he patted Kal’s head.
“You definitely will. We live just over there,” You offered as Paris was wiggling around in your arms, trying to rejoin her friend.
“I think both of us will hold you to that. Have a nice night, Y/N. Try to stay out of trouble, Paris.”
“Same to you and Mr. Kal. Goodnight,” You said, giving him a small wave before turning and making your way to your house.
Kal let out a sad bork as the two of you left his sight.
Henry sighed as he looked down at his dog, “Yeah, me too buddy.”
Maybe being in Los Angeles wasn't so bad after all.
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xxxsweetdreamzxxx · 3 years
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warnings/tags: dom!Yixing sub!reader, fanfic, smut, slight fluff; cursing, size kink, fingering, unprotected sex, railing, cream pie
summary: over a weekend, the sexual tensions between you and your best friend Yixing come to a breaking point
word count: 4.7k (um, wow)
i went all out on this one, hope you all enjoy!!
P.S. only the ending is based on a dream this time, I made up the rest :>
"What are your plans for this weekend?" You asked the two men in front of you.
The three of you sat around a small round table outside your favorite local coffee shop, a few blocks from your work. Around you, the city buzzed in the excitement of mid-day. The autumn sun peeked through whatever gaps in the buildings it could to light up the streets below. Every now and then, the sounds of downtown - a speeding car, a siren - would interrupt the conversation. 
Their answers to your question were both something along the lines of 'absolutely nothing' with looks of dread for the boredom to come. 
"Why do you ask?" Junmyeon, the one to your left, asked. 
Shrugging your shoulders and peering into your nearly empty coffee cup you replied: "I don't know, I was maybe hoping I could tag along with one of you since I don't have anything to do either."
To your right, Yixing was quiet and deep in thought. "I know." He suddenly announced. "Let's go camping!"
You pondered the idea for a moment. The chance to completely disconnect from and forget about the stresses of adult life - even if just for a couple of days? Not to mention a whole weekend alone with your two favorite people in the whole world. Sounded better than any other activities you could think of at the moment. 
"Sure why not." you agreed, looking to Junmyeon. "Are you coming with?"
"I'll have to be back Sunday night, but sure."
"We'll bring two cars then, since me and y/n don't have to get back until sometime Monday." Yixing proposed.
Junmyeon knowingly smiled at him. "Must be nice getting a long weekend, I should join you guys' office."
The conversation trailed off into unrelated chatter, until your lunch breaks were up. Parting ways with Junmyeon, you and Yixing walked back to your building a few blocks away, continuing the conversation alone.
In your sophomore year of high school, the two of you had become fast friends, both having the same interests and intended career path. He had then introduced you to his friend Junmyeon, and although you didn't have as much in common with him as Yixing, his easy-going  personality made you warm up to him quickly. Throughout the remaining two years of high school, the three of you had been inseparable. You didn't even have any girl friends, but you didn't need any with the boys always around. 
Although, you would be lying if you said you'd never caught feelings for either of them. The truth was both were very attractive and had girls falling for them left and right. Multiple times over the years you yourself had gone through phases of having a crush on one, then the other until finally you decided it wasn't worth potentially ruining the friendship. These days, those feelings were rare - and dismissed as quickly as they came up. 
Entering your office building, the two of you rode the elevator up to your floor. Exiting quickly through the still-opening doors, you said your goodbyes to Yixing for the rest of the afternoon with a slight wave as you both headed to your individual desks.  
                  .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•.
The rest of the week was uneventful, work progressed at the office smoothly. Later on that day, you'd gotten out of the shower after work to find Yixing and Junmyeon already texting in your group chat and making plans. Junmyeon was in charge of food and drinks. Yixing had a large tent that could be used, and would pick you up Saturday morning.  
y/n: you guys have to leave at least one thing for me to do
not_a_sheep: bring yourself
y/n: very funny
suh01: don't worry y/n, we'll work your ass off once we get there 
not_a_sheep: we? I never agreed to this
y/n: promise
suh01: i'll make sure of it
y/n: lol k
y/n: I can also bring equipment like flashlights and first aid just in case
not_a_sheep: good idea
And so it was that you awoke early on Saturday, pulling your hair into a loose ponytail. You dressed in some light denim shorts, a tank top, and a cropped jacket that provided just enough warmth until the day heated up. You kept your makeup natural, so if it was damaged by the outdoors in any way it wouldn't be noticeable. 
Feeling your phone buzz in your pocket, you quickly opened it to the lockscreen and glanced at Yixing's text signaling his arrival. Grabbing the backpack you'd packed the night before, you slid on your sneakers and headed out of your apartment and to the street. There he was waiting for you, Junmyeon sitting behind him in his car. Waving briefly at Junmyeon, you turned to Yixing's car as he rolled down the window. 
"You can toss your bag in the backseat." He instructed, smiling at you. 
Doing so, you then got in the passenger seat, closing the car door. He sped off in the direction of the country with Junmyeon following close behind. You picked up the soft sound of music playing at a low volume through the speaker. Only when he turned the volume louder did you realize he was playing your shared favorite band on the radio. Turning to smile at him, you saw he'd been waiting to see your reaction and once he did a grin spread across his face. God was that a cute grin. 
You ignored how flushed you suddenly felt by averting your gaze and singing along to the music. And that's what you continued to do for the next two hours. You didn't hold back one bit, you were so comfortable with each other. Your voices mixed in a passionate duet - you both knew every line the lead singer sung. 
Before you knew it, you were racing past open plains and small pine forests with no signs of civilization in sight. After passing by a few potential spots to set up camp, he pulled off the road near the edge of a forest and field. Rolling through the bumpy grass for a minute or two, he finally stopped and parked the car once the road was out of view.
"Wow, we're in the middle of nowhere." You observed, exiting the car and taking a look around. 
"It's perfect!" Junmyeon called, walking over from his car which was parked a little ways away. Once he'd gotten closer, he spoke again at a normal volume. "So, what did I miss out on in the past two hours?"
"Only a concert sung by y/n and yours truly." Yixing replied with a shrug.
At this Junmyeon laughed. Leaving the boys to talk about the drive, you walked around to the trunk of the car. Opening it, you took the tent out which was still folded up in its bag.  
"Where should we set this up?" You asked, holding it up for them to see. 
"Somewhere near those trees." Yixing pointed. As you began carrying it over, you heard him call out to you again. "Hey y/n, Junmyeon and I are going to quickly gather some firewood for later!"
"Alright!" You yelled without looking back. 
You walked over to the flat area that he'd instructed, a few yards from the trees. Making sure the cars were still in sight, you sat the tent down and began to unpack it, separating the pieces. Unfolding the stiff main walls of the tent, you attempted to flip the thing right-side up - except now it was too big for you to move. You tried a few more times before stepping back for a moment so you could muster up all your energy. 
You felt someone standing behind you the second before they tapped you on the shoulder. Startled, you spun around to find Yixing right next to you with that grin on his face. Behind him you could see a pile of fallen branches he'd set on the ground. 
"Need some help?" He asked. 
Sighing, you smiled at him in defeat. "Sure."
Each taking one side of the tent, you easily flipped it over with his assistance. It consisted of a single large interior room and a separate screened "porch" in the front. You then found a rock that fit in the palm of your hand, and used it to pound one of the stakes on a corner of the tent into the ground. It worked well. Moving to do the same on the next stake, you bent over to reach it. You could feel Yixing's eyes glued on your figure the whole time you drove the stake into the earth. 
Straightening up, you glanced at him with a teasing look on your face. "What?"
Embarrassed that he'd been caught, he quickly looked away and acted like he was going to work on one of the stakes that you hadn't gotten to yet. 
"Yixing, did you need something?" You asked in the same tone, subconsciously very aware of his intent but refusing to fully acknowledge it. 
Chasing him down around to the other side of the tent, you found him still avoiding your eyes, a slight pink painted across his cheeks. "Can I use that rock?" He asked, refusing to make eye contact. 
"Oh, sure." You replied, handing it to him. You were stopped from making any further comment by Junmyeon's approach, branches in his arms. 
"Who wants lunch?" He asked, dumping the wood with the rest. 
"Me!" You were starved after not eating breakfast. 
Heading off to his car, you decided to keep it silent between you and Yixing as you waited for Junmyeon to return. He returned with some sandwiches he'd prepared for all of you, and nothing was said for minutes as you devoured them. Then the idea of a hike was brought up and agreed to. 
After finishing every bite of your lunch, water bottles were gathered and the three of you made your way into the forest. Junmyeon led, while Yixing was in the middle and you brought up the rear. You soon came across a creek, and decided to follow it so you could easily retrace your steps when you decided to head back.  
Yixing's back was facing you as you followed him along the trail that Junmyeon chose. With him in your view the entire time, you couldn't help but take note of his broad shoulders, his tight ass. The way his sculpted muscles moved as he walked showed his strength - it was all very attractive. Continuously you were shoving these thoughts from your mind only for them to return again. 'He's my friend.' You reminded yourself. 'I can't think like this.'
Eventually you opted to just stare at the ground until you got back to the tent - several hours later. By the time you returned, the three of you were exhausted, muscles aching. The sun was already lowering in the sky, turning it all shades of orange, pink, and yellow. Grabbing the wood gathered earlier, the boys built a bonfire the best they could while you went to grab the marshmallows out of Junmyeon's car.
When you returned, the wood was already ablaze. They'd created the perfect campfire, setting the biggest logs flat on the ground as seats. It was just dark enough now that the fire created a barely visible glow that warmed the ground and air near it. Already sitting, they turned to look your way at your approach, Yixing's face lighting up with the sight of the marshmallow bag in your hand. His grin made your face feel hot and you quickly looked at Junmyeon instead, who smiled at you, understanding conveyed in his gaze. 
This exchange made you blush further, as you looked down at the grass and sat down next to Yixing on a log. Why did you feel this way? And why the fuck did you just sit next to him? Maybe you were just going through another phase of crushing on one of your best friends. These thoughts ran through your mind as you focused on opening the marshmallow bag. 'Nothing'll come from it, as usual.' You reminded yourself. 
Pushing these thoughts to the back of your mind again, you asked: "Do we have some sticks for this?"
"Here." Junmyeon replied, leaning over to hand you some he'd gathered. It occurred to you that this whole time he'd been watching you, reading you. 
The sky darkened, and the night got late. The three of you ate marshmallows, both golden and burned. Stories of all genres were told by everyone. Laughter filled the air. At some point, drinks were brought out, and enough was had to the point that everyone was tipsy. The tales became more ridiculous, small secrets were spilled without any thought. But it was okay, you probably wouldn't remember any of it by morning. 
Slowly, one by one, you began making your way to the tent as time creeped into the early hours of the morning. Junmyeon was first, followed shortly by Yixing after he'd put out the fire. He asked if you were coming too, and you replied with something like "in a minute."
When you did stumble your way over to the tent several minutes later, you moved to open it when you heard hushed voices. They were practically whispering, but bless your good hearing - you could just make out most of the words.
"Are you sure?" Yixing asked, excitement detectable in even his whisper. 
"I think so," Junmyeon replied, "...can't look at you... blushing..."
You put your ear even closer to the tent wall, struggling to hear Junmyeon. 
"I'm scared to make a move." Yixing confessed. "I'm scared I'll ruin everything." 
Then Junmyeon said something inaudible. 
In your drunken state, none of these words made sense. Did he have crush on somebody? Deciding you couldn't stay awake out there any longer, you finally entered the tent. They already lay on the ground, falling asleep. Junmyeon acknowledged your presence with a soft "hey" before rolling over on his side to face the wall of the tent. Yixing lay in the middle. You slowly crawled next to him on the other side and laid down. 
After a few minutes, Yixing spoke the last words you heard before drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight y/n."
                  .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•.
The light of the late morning sun filtered through your lashes as you blinked open your eyes. The first thing you noticed was the throbbing in your head, the second was the arms securely wrapped around you from behind. Remembering the sleeping arrangement the night before, you quickly realized it was Yixing, spooning you like a child hugging onto its favorite plushie. At this revelation, your heart began pounding rapidly. 
You reached to touch his hand. "Yi- yixing?" You asked in a quiet voice. 
"Hmm..?" He moaned, semi-awake. 
For painfully long moments he continued holding you as he fully awoke and assessed the situation. When he realized he suddenly pulled away, sitting up and mouthing a "sorry," hoping Junmyeon wouldn't hear. Taking deep breaths to calm your heart, you sat up as well. 
"What time is it?" You asked in the same tiny voice. 
He grabbed his phone off of the ground and looked at the time, surprised by it. "10:23."
"Ugh." You groaned, rubbing your forehead. "My head's killing me."
At this, Yixing became concerned. "Do we have pain killers?"
"Yeah, in my emergency bag." You replied, still holding your head with your hand. 
"I'll go get them." He said without a second thought, quickly exiting the tent. Not two minutes later, he came back pills in hand. 
"Do you have water?" He asked.
At your motion to your water bottle a few feet away, he leaned over and grabbed it. Opening the pill bottle, he took out a dose and handed it to you. Then he did the same with your water. He made sure you took and swallowed them, concern never leaving his expression. 
"Isn't your head hurting too?" You asked. 
"A bit, but I'll take care of it after you start feeling better." He replied. "You're more important."
Not knowing whether to take that as a compliment or not, you pouted. "No I'm not, you're equally important. Where's your water?"
"Gone since yesterday." 
After thinking a moment, you held out your water bottle to him. "Here." 
He stared into your eyes, a little taken aback but looking to see if you were truly fine with it. For once, you met and held his gaze, letting him know you were. Taking the bottle from your hand, he swallowed the pain killers. You watched as the tip of your bottle that had been on your lips moments before touched his. But it was the way that he tilted his head back as he took a sip that made your indecent thoughts return. You snapped your head towards the wall, covering your reddening face with your hand. 
He set the bottle down again, not noticing your state. "Thanks y/n." 
He then moved to exit the tent again, waking Junmyeon. After rubbing his eyes and running his fingers through his hair, Junmyeon left you in the tent alone, still just as flustered and replaying the morning's events in your head for minutes on end. 
After you'd calmed down, the rest of the morning and afternoon flew by. Pretending like nothing happened, the three of you went about activities similarly to yesterday. You had brunch, then walked into the forest again, heading for the creek. This time, you went in, the coolness of the water refreshing from the mid-day heat of the sun. After splashing around and playing for hours, you returned back to the campsite and roasted some sausages over the fire for dinner. When the last bite had been finished, the three of you continued talking right up until the end of your time together.  
Standing up from a log, Junmyeon sighed. "Well you two, I've gotta bounce. I'll leave what food's left with you."
"Aight man." Yixing stood up, giving him a quick hug. "See you in a few days."
Yixing then said something quiet to him, causing Junmyeon to nod. 
"Bye y/n!" Junmyeon called, waving at you. 
A little confused that he wasn't offering a hug as usual, you didn't voice it and waved back. "Bye!"
With a smile, he turned and walked to his car. After removing the cooler with food inside, he took off, leaving you alone with Yixing. On your own, not as much was said, you chose your words more carefully. He started the fire up again with some new wood that had been gathered that day. You sat on separate logs, slowly conversing as the sky became colorful, then dark. This night was a bit cooler than the last, and you began to shiver slightly. 
During an awkward silence, he noticed this. Without saying anything, he reached out an arm, inviting you to sit on the same log as him. Heart rate speeding up a bit at the thought, you shuffled over to sit beside him after no hesitation. Wrapping his right arm around you, he pulled you close.
"Better?" He asked, smiling a sweet smile. 
"Mmmh." You agreed, trying to loosen the way your body had tensed. 
The minutes ticked by, and the only thing you could hear was the pounding of your heart deafening your ears. Then your worst fears came true.
"Y/n... is that your heartbeat?" He questioned. 
When you refused to answer, mind racing, he pulled your face around to look at him, hand on your cheek. "Hey, are you alright? Your face is burning up."
In that moment, a feeling overcame you. Maybe it was because of the way he cared so much, the genuine concern he expressed. Or how you felt infinitely safe around him in a way you couldn't describe. Although, it could've also easily been the way the firelight danced off his tan skin. The way it lit up his warm brown eyes more powerfully than the sunlight could ever dream of. It could've been any combination of those things or others. But something compelled you to pull down his face to yours, brushing your lips across his in a soft kiss. 
Snapping out of it, you pulled away, seeing the shock on his face. "Oh my god, Yixing I'm so sorry I-"
You were cut off as he kissed you back, a long deep kiss that you melted into. When you finally pulled apart, you giggled at how stupid you'd been. 
"What?" He asked, smirking. 
"I'm so blind. I thought you didn't like me in this way."
He shook his head. "I have for a long time y/n." 
As he met your lips again, your heart felt as though it was soaring above the clouds. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you ran your fingers through the hair at its base. Quickening the pace of your kisses, you began to breathe heavier. Panting, you felt him pick you up by your waist and place you on his lap. You began to grind your hips down into his. Groaning, he quickly stopped you by gripping them, firmly holding you in place. 
"Slow... down.." He panted, speaking between your kisses. 
"But- I want this." You told him, meaning every word. The wetness already pooling between you legs confirmed it. 
At your spoken consent, he released his grip on your hips. Straddling him, you began moving again, slower than before like he'd instructed. A growing bulge felt between your legs made you keenly aware of his arousal. A stronger thrust on your part made him grunt and swear against your lips. 
"Shit y/n."
Suddenly you both lost your balance, crashing onto the grass a few feet away. You were only on top for the few seconds it took him to remove your shirt before he rolled you under him, pinning you in place. He took control of the pace, speeding it up. Being completely engulfed in his shadow made you want him more.
Spreading your legs wider, he unbuttoned your shorts and began pulling them down. Then he tugged at the waistband of your soaked panties and pulled them down to your ankles as well. Fully exposed to him, the scent of your arousal mixed with the smokiness in the air, penetrating your sense of smell. There was no way he wasn't aware of it too. You felt him move a hand down your body towards your naked heat. 
When you felt the first touch of his fingertips against your folds, trembles rocked your body. You forced yourself to relax, settling down into the soft grass. Only to get excited again as he started tracing fast circles with his thumb on your clit, spreading your slick. You felt him smirk at how wet he'd made you. You arched your back up off the ground, moaning at the pleasure.
Beginning to feel your high building, you didn't warn him just yet. But unexpectedly, he inserted two fingers into your dripping pussy without warning. You cried out, sucking in a sharp breath as you flexed your walls and came onto his finger all in seconds. A little surprised, he pulled them out. Whimpering, you rode out your first orgasm underneath him.
After you'd calmed down a bit you moved to unbuckle his pants. He held your hand away for a moment. 
"Y/n, I didn't bring a condom. And... I don't want to hurt you." He said carefully. 
"I..." you panted, "don't care... I can take it." Another breath. "Just take care of me afterwards."
After hesitating a moment, he let go of your hand, and assisted you in removing his clothes. First his pants, then shirt, then his boxers. Springing free from the fabric, his cock stood erect as you took it in. It had good length, but its girth was what made you lay your head back on the grass and prepare yourself. The following seconds inched by as he moved towards you. 
Pulling him down closer onto your body, you led him into another round of rough kisses as you felt the tip of his cock brush against your clit. Taking his hand in yours, you intertwined your fingers with his, waiting. 
Pain shot through you as he slid into you harshly with a single thrust. Pushing deeper, he used his strength until he was balls deep in just two. He filled you up so much, almost too much. Bitting your lip, you did your best to adjust to his size. But he didn't give you much of a chance to, as he pulled out entirely after only being inside for a few seconds. The empty feeling was more painful than the full. You throbbed, desperately needing him back. 
Thankfully he didn't wait long before fulfilling this as he repeated himself multiple times. Your combined pants and moans filled the night air as he forcefully fucked you into oblivion. It didn't take much of this to cause your second high. Aggressively pounding into you again for the unknownth time, he hit that sweet spot. Your mouth fell open and you gripped some blades of grass next to you with your free hand. 
"Th- there-" you managed. 
Understanding, he didn't remove himself fully again, only doing so partially before angling himself to hit the same spot. He only did so twice before you came undone for the second time that night. 
"Yixing!" You cried out too late.
You clenched around his cock, feeling it twitch inside you. He swore, arms becoming shaky and breath choppy, warning you right before he came. Hot strings of his cum shot through you, filled you up to the brim. Your combined wetness then spilled out of you onto your inner thighs and the grass. Pulling out completely, he flopped down onto the ground next to you, grinning and breathing heavily. 
Reaching out to touch his face, he held your hand against it. Then he pulled you closer, kissing your swollen lips gently. Parting, he looked into your eyes and smiled. You still couldn't look at him in this way without blushing, but it didn't matter anymore. Taking you into his arms, he held you as exhaustion caught up with you. Not a word was said, but none had to be for you both to know the mutual happiness you felt.
                  .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•.
You awoke to the sun peaking over the eastern horizon, lighting up the nature around you. Laying on your side, you felt something warm pressed up against your back. Rolling over onto your other side, you winced at the prickling of the grass on your bare skin and the soreness between your legs. You saw it was your best friend's bare chest that had been pressed against your back. He appeared to be sleeping peacefully, slightly curled around your body. 
Realization hit you as you remembered the events of last night. Eyes widening, you gasped and covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. Peaking through your fingers, you saw his eyes were now open, that same adorable grin plastered across his face. 
"Morning honey." He stretched a bit before realizing where you both lay. "Oh god, did we fall asleep here?"
"Mhmhmm." You replied with a nod. 
Sitting up, he grabbed his pants and pulled them on before standing. Offering you a hand, you accepted it and tried to use your legs. Immediately they buckled under you. No way were you walking to the tent. 
"Whoa!" He exclaimed as he prevented you from falling. He then scooped you up from the ground and into his arms. 
"What the hell have you done to me?" You playfully asked, poking his cheek. 
"I'm so sorry." He replied in a serious tone.
"Hey!" You scolded, not meaning to make him feel bad. "I asked for it."
He side eyed you as he carried you into the tent, smirking slightly. "Yeah you did."
Setting you down on the floor, he laid down next to you, cuddling up to you again. A few soft words and kisses were exchanged as you drifted off to sleep together again. It looked like this was what the rest of your trip would consist of, and you'd be lying if you said the thought didn't please you.  
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football-rambles · 3 years
History - Jack Grealish
Based on One Direction - History. For the One Direction Series, which can be found here.
Disclaimer: This is all fictional purposes. Italics are flashbacks! Also swearing.
You couldn’t understand it. You understood that Jack was moving to a different club and a different city, but you weren’t expecting him to break up with you. Sure, it would have been trying times in your relationship while you ironed things each end but breaking up wasn’t part of the plan in your hand.                              
Sure, it had been a difficult few month, transfer rumours for Jack started before even the euros started and then when he was away for the euros that was hard, not seeing him for weeks only a distance. But you thought you both were going strong. How you were so wrong.
“We can’t do this anymore; I can’t do this anymore.” Jack spoke as he started to pack his suitcase ready to move up to the flat both of you chose once he signed his contract.
“What do you mean?” You asked, unsure where this was heading as you were helping him pack another suitcase.
“Us…I can’t do this anymore.” Jack spoke without making eye contact at you.
You didn’t know where this came from, your mind then started to go back to all the once what you thought was daft rumours could they be true.
“Is there someone else?” You snapped, trying not to let the tears that was currently threatening to fall. “I thought we was doing okay.” Your voice breaks.
“No. I promise you there’s no one else, I just think…it’s not going to work. I’m going to be mostly up in Manchester, you’ll be here. I just think we should end it before we get over our heads” He continued.
You laughed, at his comment and shaking your head. You had been together since school and now he wants to call it quits. Shaking your head, throwing the clothes you had folded neatly. “Do you know what. Fuck you, Jack!” You stormed out of the bedroom, to the bathroom down the hall where the tears fell quicker than you could catch.
Jack did try and speak to you through the door, but you replied some blue words telling him to enjoy his new life in Manchester and hope it was worth it. He gave up.
Weeks had passed, you we’re supposed to be moving up with Jack as a surprise. But you had quit your job for nothing and there was nothing you could do to reverse the life you were planning to leave behind.
You met up with his mother one day, she wanted to speak with you to try and find out what was going on. You didn’t want to bad mouth her son to her but you couldn’t help it.
“Y/N, sweetheart. How are you doing?” Karen spoke as she pulled you in for a hug.
“You know getting there.” You give a small smile as you sit down.
“Jack didn’t tell me much, but he was concerned on how he left things.” She spoke, which made you chuckle and shake your head.
“What happened?” She asked sympathetic.
“I don’t know…I thought we was going well. I was looking forward to going to Manchester to join him, but it was just out of nowhere he broke up with me.” You spoke.
“I gave up a lot for him already and about to give up my life to support him and this what happens.” You carried on your rant.
Karen listened and gave a small sigh. “Well…He didn’t tell me the exact reason. But let me tell you he is miserable.” She says softly.
“Good. He broke my heart after nine years I’m not exactly dancing around the room.” You spoke and sighed “I’m sorry Karen it’s not fair for you to listen to this.” You say, feeling sorry that you were ranting about her son.
“Don’t apologise, you’re much as part of our family despite what is happening with the two of you. And trust me. Give it a few weeks once he settles, he will realise what he’s done.” She gives a small smile as she held your hand soothingly.
You had dealt with a lot of things during the relationship, when he ended up being banned by driving, all the rumours that sometimes led to fights that would go on for hours, even days at times but you eventually worked out everything and carried on normal. How he could just give up on us you would never understand.
Weeks later, you were flicking through the channels as you ended up on the sports channel. The game was on, you missed going to the actual matches, something that baffled Jack that you enjoyed football regardless of who was playing you loved the sport. It was one of the best traits he loved.
You saw Jack coming off the bench, the first time you saw him since he left the house. You avoided everything with his name on social media. You took a step back after Instagram fans got whiff that the two of you were no longer. You sighed as you decided to change the channel and eventually turned off the tv.
You decided to get an early night, wanting to snuggle down reading a book that you found kept your mind off your thoughts. It didn’t work because you were still reading at 01:00am in the morning, you flicked the page when you heard your front door open and closed.
You didn’t know what it was, and you were sure you locked everything before you went up to bed. As you got out of the bed and put your main light on, picking up an ornament carrying it out to the hall.
“Hello?” You called out. Nothing
“Who’s there?” You asked as you moved, slowly heading down the stairs, you were now scared of who it was, as you got down to the bottom of the stairs to see that Jack was standing there.
“It’s only me” He said holding his hands up.
“What the hell!” You yelled as you placed the ornament down, knowing it wasn’t a burglar. “What are you doing here?” You spat out.
“I needed to speak to you.” Jack spoke, something about him was different, like he wasn’t happy.
“At 1am in the morning! Couldn’t it wait till a reasonable hour? Or maybe a phone call would have been better?” You snap.
“You wouldn’t have answered.” Jack spoke back.
“So, you thought you frighten a girl to death by breaking into the house.” You say shaking your head, as Jack held up a key.
“What do you want Jack?” You sigh.
“To tell you I’m the biggest idiot on the planet right now, and to say I’m sorry.” He starts as you nodded in agreement with his statement.
“I realised, that all this with the transfer and everything doesn’t mean anything.” He paused “It does but all of this isn’t worth it without you. Life has been miserable without you. I didn’t realise how much you were there, after the matches, waiting for me at home. We have so much history that I realised I don’t want to throw it away” Jack continued.
You looked at him, as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Keep going.” You speak, liking what he was saying.
“What I’m saying without you here, life is just a lie. We can make it; I know we can.” He spoke.
You stared at him and let out a small sigh “You can’t just expect things to be the same. I was ready to move my whole life for you Jack.” You speak.
“I know, and I promise we’ll make it work. You can come from work at the weekends and whenever you can. I could come back on when we have a little time.” Jack started to reel a list of scenarios.
“I quit my job” You speak, as Jack looked at you confused too why. “I quit my job because I was going to move up to Manchester.” You speak. “So, I guess, I am free to come up anytime.” You shrug.
“You can get a job up there, honestly you’ll be great in Manchester.” Jack nodded.
“Maybe, but right now I just need to sleep on it. I give you a call tomorrow” You say, feeling rather tired than you did. “Did you want to take the spare room for tonight?” You asked, not ready to let him come to bed with you just yet until you were fully sure what you wanted to do.
“I can’t I’ve got to get back. I have training in the middle and Pep will kill me.” Jack spoke. “Did you want your key back?” He asked, holding it up. as you shake your head.
“Keep it.” You give a small smile. “Goodnight Jack.” You say softly, as you walked up the stairs heading towards the bed that you, as you climbed into bed, thinking about all this history you had with Jack that maybe it wasn’t time to give up with him just yet.
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ererokii · 3 years
Line without a Hook || E. Jaeger & J. Kirstein
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➳ Jean Kirsten x Fem Reader x Eren Jaeger
Word count: 4,517 Warnings: angst, fluff, unrequited love, cursing ➳ note: this is based off the song Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery! I’ve been thinking this for a long time and I’m super excited by how it came out! Also big thanks to @reddriot​ for betaing!
➳ Synopsis: is love really worth it? Let me say, it’s not always worth it.
You can hold my hand if no one’s home.
Do you like it when I’m away?
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
It starts out simple really. A boy and a girl. Childhood friends, to be precise. Those two are inseparable. Nothing can tear the friends apart, besides their parents, of course. Like two peas in a pod. 
Jean says he knows you like the back of his hand. He truly means that. He knows your favorite boy bands from when you were younger, how many terrible phases you’ve gone through, favorite foods, and places. If he wrote a novel about the things you told him, he would be a renowned author. 
Since kindergarten to now, in the middle of your junior year, you and Jean have been side by side. You told him everything. From random vents and gossiping about the rude girls in your class to how horrible your period cramps were— even though Jean hated hearing about the last, he stuck through it for you.
Only you. 
The pavement that followed the street your house was on is memorable. Jean can recall the amount of times you’ve had races, chalk scribbles covering the grey that would be washed away by the angry neighbors. 
He listens to you as you talk about a kid getting in trouble in your Calculus class, watches how lively your motions are as you speak. Jean can’t help but smile when a laugh slips past your lips and you glance at him. There’s an unknown sparkle in his eyes, one filled with love. 
You haven’t changed one bit, he thinks as he faces back forward, shoving his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. His mind begins to wander as you both continue down the pavement, part of your routine when school ends. 
Your houses are right next to each other. You’ve been with him since you were in diapers. He was there when your first tooth came out, congratulating you, and you were there for him when he finally learned to ride his bike with two wheels instead of three. 
The bubbly lovable five-year-old back then is the same as you are now. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Oh all my emotions
Feel like explosions when you are around
A sigh of disappointment leaves Jean’s lips when he listens to Connie talk about something he has learned over the weekend (something completely stupid— he just doesn’t care). Currently, the students are at lunch, the cafeteria full with loud shouts and random noises. 
“Connie, shut up,” Sasha groans, placing her water bottle on the table, wiping her crumbs off. “No one cares that you finally figured out how to stick a spoon to your nose.”
“What do you mean?! You were the one who showed me!”
The brunette gasps and looks over his way, cream cheeks tinted with an adorable shade of pink, pointing a finger at him. The bickering between the two commence as Jean listens, slightly amused. 
As much as he indulges in their argument, he can't help but wonder where you are. 
It’s not like you to skip lunch, especially without at least letting him know. Did you stay behind to talk to a friend? A teacher? Maybe you went to the bathroom.
But it’s at least 15 minutes in. 
“Sasha,” he speaks up, slicking back his hair. The sound of her name catches her attention, making her look at him. “Have you seen Y/N?”
“Y/N?” she asks in a whisper before her lips curl in a grin, already knowing why he asked. “Do you miss her?”
“Just answer my goddamn question!”
“Wait, what’s going on?” Connie asks, looking between his friends before stopping his gaze on Jean. “Why do you need Y/N?”
“Oh, you know! He lik-”
“Shut up!” Jean shouts, catching the attention of nearby students, his face heating up as his cheeks turn a darker pigment. “Just answer me!”
“If you must know,” she taunts him, twirling a strand of hair from her loose ponytail. “I saw her talking to someone in the hallway. Must be important, she’s been there for quite some time. Might want to be her knight in shining armor and saving her, huh?” she cocks her head to the side, staring at one of the windows in the room, watching as the branches of trees sway from the harsh winds. 
The atmosphere outside was cold, breezes rushing down on anyone who was not inside. The sun was hidden by the thick grey blankets filled with rainwater, waiting to shower the world. The temperature recently has been dropping, mid 50’s at least. The weather was a shock, to say the least. 
“I didn’t know Jean likes her!”
“What do you mean?!” Sasha gasps, turning her body to face her small-minded friend. “It’s only obvious! You must be really stupid then!”
“Well, how could you tell?!”
Before Jean has a chance to interrupt Sasha, she begins to rant. He prefers to stay silent, clasping his hands together in his lap as he lowers his head, finding interest in the marbled tiles of the floor his feet rest on. 
The words that slip past Sasha’s lips reach his ear and out the other. 
It’s easy to tell, Connie. Have you noticed the way he looks at her? Can’t you see the love in his eyes? The way he will actually go out of his way to help her with anything? Here you guys are, two close friends, I thought you would have known about his crush. I’m surprised you didn’t catch on every time he ditched plans with us to go hang out with her. He’s whipped, and you’re too stupid to know it. 
His cheeks turn a shade of pink as his eyes squeeze shut, her words replaying in his head like a broken record player. Each sentence is like a knife stabbing away at his brain, causing the slightest ache to form in his frontal region. 
She’s right. Anything she just said five minutes ago, is completely and utterly correct. 
He can still hear her talking about it to Connie, but he can only focus on three sentences that stick to him like glue. 
Have you noticed the way he looks at her? Can’t you see the love in his eyes? The way he will actually go out of his way to help her with anything?
Memories of him helping you in any possible way come to mind. He can’t recall how many times he has entered class two minutes late because you had so much to carry. 
He stares at you like you’re the only thing worth looking at. It reminds him of those cliche animated movies with hearts in the character's eyes. He’s blinded by his love for you, that he never noticed any signs that you don’t feel the same way about him. His heart races miles per hour when you’re around. Sometimes he worries for himself that maybe, his heart might explode within him. 
“Anyway, lunch has about 20 minutes left...where is she?” Connie mutters, scratching the top of his head.
“I don’t know, but,” Sasha grows quiet, listening to the ongoing thunder from the outside. The lights flicker for a second, a couple of yelps emitting from other students, slightly afraid that the power might go off while school is in session. “The storm is almost here.”
“Y/N!” Connie suddenly yells, pointing in the direction of the door, your body jogging closer to the table. “Where have you been?!”
“Sorry!” you laugh, out of breath as you drop your things on the bench, taking a seat beside Jean. “I got caught up in a conversation with someone! I guess I lost track of time for a bit.”
“I messaged you like four times,” Jean mutters, glancing over at you before looking at the table, playing with the plastic straw that he used to drink out of.
“You did?” you ask, pulling your phone out from your pocket, lips puckering when indeed he did so. “I’m sorry, Jean. I didn’t even feel my phone vibrate.”
“Oh, whatever, who cares! Eat! Or I’ll eat your food!” Sasha yells, pointing a finger at you, a smile gracing her features. 
You laugh along with her as you converse with your peers, the conversation you had replaying in the back of your mind. Jean chooses not to intervene, instead would rather listen. 
The roaring thunder plays in the background, everyone paying no mind to it. What he doesn’t know is that the storm is much closer than Jean could have thought. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Listen close, it’s a no
The wind is a pounding on my back
And I found hope in a heart attack
Oh at last, it is past
Now I’ve got it, and you can’t have it
Another evening, another study session, another day of bottling up his feelings until he can no longer hold them inside.
The storm made its way to shore, raining pouring down and even some hail; not what anyone was expecting. 
Jean mindlessly flips through the pages of his English book, not even paying attention to the words as he checks how many pages are in chapter five. 
“This seems pointless,” he adds with a sigh, tossing the book on your bed along with his highlighter he uses to annotate with. “I should just find a summary online or something, I don’t want to read this.”
“And why is that?” you ask, looking up from your book, placing the hardcover against your thighs. “Is it boring to you?”
“No,” he mutters, rolling onto his back. “It’s stupid. This love crap.”
“Well...it is a romance story, the teacher told us when we got the book. But why do you think it’s dumb?”
“He writes letters for her, and in the end, she ends up rejecting him. I don’t think that’s romantic.”
“And? It’s beautiful on his part,” you close your eyes as you stretch your arms over your head, letting out a grunt. “It’s the fact that he wrote to her every day. It’s like he poured his soul into every word. The words he uses are..literally everything. It makes me swoon over him, and he’s not real. Makes me wonder if someone would do that for me.”
Jean’s head perks up at your words, one of his eyebrows raised in curiosity when he notices the bashful look on your face, eyes averted to the comforter on your bed. “Why do you have that dopey look on your face?”
“Huh?!” your eyes are blown open as you look over at him. “What are you talking about?!”
“I’m talking about that, idiot,” he points at your face, watching your eyes cross faintly to stare at his finger. “You’re acting about that guy in the book.”
The patter of the rain is the only noise that fills the void called silence in your room. His warm eyes don’t leave your face at all, waiting for your answer. You’ve been acting weird ever since you were late to lunch this past week. 
He watches your mouth open as if you’ll say something but close it right away, like you were concealing anything you had to hide.
“...well? Y/N? Are you there?”
“Yeah!” you cough into your elbow, running a hand down your face. “I-- you can’t tell anyone.”
“You know I never tell anyone what we talk about.”
You’re silent, a bit too quiet than usual. You fiddle with your fingers before blurting the words that have been eating away at you. 
Jean’s heart stops for a moment, eyes wide in shock when he processes it. His blood runs cold as he’s unable to move, frozen like a statue. The signals in his brain begged him to respond, but he couldn’t. He could hear the faintest sound of bells ringing in his ears; all noise surrounding him was now drowned out by his thoughts. 
One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds. 
“You like someone?” he asks in a whisper, barely audible to your ears, but you heard as you nod shyly, biting down on your lip. “Well... who is it?”
“That’s...I can’t say it.”
“Why can’t you?”
“I’m afraid to say it out loud because I don’t want to ruin my friendship with him.”
Friendship? That could be anyone at this point.
I have to figure out who, he thinks as he draws random patterns into the sheets. “Well, tell me about him then. Is he in our grade?” he asks.
“Yeah, he is. He’s in four of my classes.”
Jean was in four of your classes. Math, English, Foreign Language, and Science. 
“That’s it?”
You huff, rolling your eyes. “Can I finish before you interrupt? Thank you.”
You pause momentarily before speaking again.
“He’s stubborn. I’ve noticed that his demeanor changes when it depends on who he is with. He seems like a hardass and looks like he doesn’t want to be bothered, but he seems like a total softie when he’s with people he loves. Not to mention he’s hot...and tall. He’s blunt and straight to the point. He doesn’t bullshit at all. He’s really sweet as well, to me. He always goes out of his way to make sure I’m okay and how my day was. He just..he seems to care for me, and I feel the same way about him.”
Jean takes every word you say into consideration. He’s stubborn, it seems that he doesn’t like to be around people he doesn’t know but loves those he does know. He knows he’s hot. Practically every day he looks at himself in the mirror and thinks about how good he looks.
He’s blunt and straight to the point. He doesn’t bullshit at all. He’s really sweet as well, to me. He always goes out of his way to make sure I’m okay and how my day was. He just..he really seems to care for me, and I feel the same way about him.
Jean can feel his doubt and worry turn into happiness and confidence as you keep on ranting, to which he’s not fully paying attention anymore. He knows it's him. It has always been him.
No one else.
Jean likes you.
And you like Jean, that’s all there is to it. 
“Do you want to tell him?”
“Yeah...” you trail off, scratching the nape of your neck. “I want to tell him on Friday after school. Do you think he’ll like me back?”
“I think he would. How could he not? He would be a total idiot to reject you.”
You hum at his reassurance, placing your hand on his, squeezing gently.
“Thanks, Jean.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Darling when I’m fast asleep
I've seen this person watching me
Saying, “Is it worth it? Is it worth it?”
Tell me, is it worth it?
Friday comes, and Jean can hardly wait for school to end. He’s not paying attention, his eyes constantly staring from the whiteboard in the front to the clock that tauntingly ticks slower than usual. 
He bites down on the pink end of his pencil in anticipation, tapping his foot repeatedly on the floor, the noise resonating through the classroom. 
Maybe I should just keep my eyes off the clock, he thinks, lowering his head back to the worksheet their teacher gave the class.
Econ class was a drag. He could care less about the differences in macro and microeconomics, the same with Communism and Capitalism. It’s just a bunch of words that don’t make sense to his brain. 
This was one of the classes he didn’t have with you, the last class. 
Instead of doing his worksheet (luckily, the teacher said it would be for homework if it wasn’t finished), Jean proceeded to think about ways he could tell you his feelings.
He could be old fashioned, tell you how much he adores you and how happy you make him feel when you’re around. How his heart can be heard from the outside of his body, how his hands got warm and clammy, maybe sweaty when he became too nervous.
He could ask you out on a date. Take you somewhere, one of the places you’ve told him in the past that would make a great date for you. He smiles when he thinks about taking you downtown at night, looking at the soft lights that would brighten the streets; loving the sparkle in your orbs as you look around in awe. 
He hums, pleased with himself when he figures out what he’ll do, scratching the back of his ear. 
He wonders if you’re thinking the same thing.
You glance at your table partner, looking at his piece of paper before looking down at yours, displeased how his is able to look better than yours. You pick up your eraser, gently wiping the shadings away from your drawing, careful not to crease your paper.
“It’s not that hard you know, you just don’t know how to shade.”
“I know how to shade, Eren,” you reply with a huff, placing your eraser back down. “It’s just...this is a bit harder than usual.”
“All you have to do is follow the markings,” he presses the edge of his drawing pencil against the reference photo both of you are using, tracing the shape of it. “You could honestly just copy the photo, I doubt this woman would even notice.”
You chuckle at his choice of words, shifting in your seat to get comfortable. “I don’t think she would anyway. She just stares at it and calls it an A. I bet for our expressive project, she wouldn’t notice if we copied each other.”
He shakes his head with a smile, the loose strands of his hair swaying with his head movement. “No, she wouldn’t,” he rolls the sleeves of his hoodie to his elbows, grabbing his pencil again. “Then again, we are working on it with each other.”
“Speaking of that, what should we do?”
“Up to you, Y/N. I don’t mind. I’m just trying to pass this stupid class anyway.”
You relish in the silence between you as you gaze at him from your peripheral. You take notice how his hair frames his face effortlessly to the dip in his nose. It’s perfect how it forms to his cupid’s bow to his lips; not too big nor too small either. Just right. 
You clear your throat, scratching at the nape of your neck. “Why not do...stages of love?”
That catches his interest.
“Stages of love?” he asks, moving in his chair to face you, a hand propping his head up. “Elaborate?”
“Like you know...how we gain a crush on someone. We like how they make us feel, and soon we think about them some more. Maybe make little scenarios in our head. Then we gain the crush and want to be around them. You know what I mean, right?”
He’s silent, hues that represent the blue of rivers, boring into your own. At first, you think he hates your idea, but then the corner of his lips curls into his infamous grin. “Yeah, I like that. Did you have anything else in mind?”
“Rejection?” he repeats, a bit shocked at how romantic your words were, to something filled with sadness. “And why would you want to do rejection?”
“W-Well,” you stutter, unsure how you should put it. “Everyone always talks about the good in love but never the bad. And I think it could be done good, you know?”
He hums, scratching away at his chin before nodding. “Yeah, alright. That sounds oddly specific, but I like it. We can honestly get started soon, that way, we can finish faster and not worry about it.”
His smile throws you for a loop, your face heating up as you pick up your pencil, trying to distract yourself. 
“Say, Y/N?”
“Yes, Eren?” you reply a bit too quickly, cursing yourself out internally for sounding too desperate. 
“Can we talk?” his cheeks are a shade of pink, his eyes averted as he plays with one of the strings of his hood, reminding you how a child would distract themselves. The tips of his shoe nudge against yours, barely kicking gently.
“Aren’t we talking right now?”
“No, I mean after school.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer
Watching over me, he’s singing, 
Jean storms out of his Econ class with a grin, hands gripping onto the straps of his backpack as he looks down one end of the hallway before going down the other direction. The art room was three classes down his. Usually, Jean will wait right there by the door for you since you take ages to finally leave the classroom. 
When Jean finally reaches the room, he sees that the doors are locked, and the lights inside are off.
Huh, that’s weird, you’re always one of the last to leave, nor are you ever this early. 
He stands there for a few more seconds, peering in through the small glass, and sees nothing before taking a step back and quickly continues to walk down the hall. His legs are quicker, going down the two flights of stairs. 
His eyes frantically search for the yellow shirt you wore, unable to find you anywhere. 
“Sasha!” he calls out once he reaches the end of the stairs, running towards the girl and their friend, who was at the lockers, pulling things she needed to take home for the weekend. 
The brunette looks over her shoulder, stopping her conversation with Connie as she shuts her locker. “Yeah, Jean?”
He pants, leaning on his knees before letting out a deep breath and standing straight up. “Have you seen Y/N?”
She ponders for a while before shaking her head, looking over at Connie, who shakes his head, shrugging. “We haven’t seen her since Art class.”
“You didn’t see where she went at all?”
The events before class ending play in her mind before she gasps, snapping her fingers, pointing up at Jean. “Yeah, I know where she went!”
“...are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to guess?!”
She mocks him for a second before pulling her phone out. “I could have seen her leave with Eren. I think they went to the bench in the back. You know the one I’m talking about?”
He’s taken aback for a moment before shaking his head, retaining the information. “Alright, thanks.”
Why would you even be with Eren right now? You never meet with him after-
“Are we still on for this weekend?!” Connie yells when Jean is making his way down the corridor.
“Yeah, we are!” Jean's voice travels through the air, reaching both of his friends, hands clammy as they’re shoved in the front pocket of his pants. 
The walk to the back courtyard was tiresome. His feet seemed to drag behind him, an aching feeling forming in his gut. Thoughts pounded against his skull repeatedly, trying to force him to stop. He wants to stop, but he has to go.
He has to tell you he loves you. 
He can’t help but smile when you describe the boy you like this week. In his mind and most certainly his heart, he was the king of the world sitting on his high horse as he screamed in victory, letting the whole world know that the person he likes, feels the same way about him. 
The fresh air from the outside meets his nostrils as he deeply inhales, allowing it to enter his body before exiting. The sun is the first thing he meets with as he exits the building, bringing a hand up to shield his eyes away from the harsh light. He mutters something under his breath as he looks around for a second. 
“She’s a,
She’s a lady and I’m just a boy”
His honey orbs finally stop on a bench where you and Eren are seated, that’s not too far away, but his body is hidden from your view. He lets out a sigh of relief, leaves crunching underneath his feet as he walks, not taking long strides, rather walking slow to rethink what he’ll say.
“Y/N, I’ve liked you for a long...no,” he mutters, stopping in his tracks as he looks down at the green grass and leaves, kicking away at them. “I’ve loved- no, that sounds a bit aggressive, goddammit,” he groans, tugging at the roots of his hairs. “Why is this so fucking hard?!” he growls underneath his breath, leaning against the brick wall. 
He never was anything else but honest with you. How could he say it?
What if this ruins your relationship?
...what if you liked Eren?
His breath hitches in his throat when realization dawns on him. His lips part, a soft exhale releasing from within him. His fingers curl around nothing, as if he was holding the air’s hand. The tips of his fingers shake, his whole body stiffening as he stares hard at nothing. 
How could he be so stupid?
It all made sense now. How you stayed behind during lunch that one time without saying anything; in the back of his mind that day, he knew that someone had to be a boy, maybe a girl. Even then, you would always let him know. 
Jean should have known from the beginning that you only saw him as a brother. 
His chest aches as his vision goes blurry, biting down on the inside of his lip to the point where he can taste the bitter metallic on his tongue. He squeezes his eyes shut before opening, wishing he hadn’t at that moment. 
He’s singing
“She’s a, she’s a lady and I am just a line without a hook.”
His heart breaks, stomach-dropping when he sees Eren’s hand brings you closer to his body, lips pressed up against yours; your hand placed on his cheek, cradling his face. Even from where he stands, he can sense the urgency in the kiss, how your bodies move together as one, how your fingers grip onto him like he’ll leave any moment. 
His lower lip quivers for a second, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, clearing his throat. Jean cranes his neck upward, looking at the sky, muttering the words, “Why him?” over and over like a mantra, no other words coming to mind. 
When he closes his eyes, all he can see is you. Not Eren, just you. Those moments where you laugh, cry, or stay silent, those are the moments that flash in his head.
Did he do something to you? Was it something he said?
Did you ever like him at all?
“It’s pointless,” he whispers, pushing himself off the brick wall, immediately making a beeline for the doors. He swallows harshly, legs moving faster than ever, wanting to get out of this hell hole called reality. 
Like every day, you’ll walk down the same pavement you’ve been walking on for years.
Only this time, he’s walking alone. 
Oh, and if I could take it all back
I swear that I would pull you from the tide. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
taglist: @sleepysnk @jaegerbomb20​ @reddriot​ @kkiimmberly​ @kingtamakimurder​ @tamasoft​ @byougen​ @spike-this-ass​ @crimsonbows-and-arrows​ @squidonmywall​ @thicmitten​ (message me to be apart of it!)
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willowbleedsonpaper · 3 years
Winter In The Shade III
Part III
Sirius Black x Ravenclaw Reader
W.C. : 2383
Requested by @amourtentiaa : It is Sirius' fifth year at Hogwarts, the same year he ran away from home and to the Potter's. Soon, he discovers the unfamiliar sight of his brother Regulus smiling and looking truly happy, next to him a Ravenclaw girl who immediately captures his interest. What will happen when the Black family gets involved in their sons lives and the ones they hold close to their hearts?
Warnings: Mentions of food. / Eating. /
Want to know when I post the next part? Add yourself to my taglist!
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Regulus' eyes opened immediately at the mention of his brother. With furrowed eyebrows he stared at you deeply “What?” he asked cautiously, his mind still registering your question.
You moved to sit closer to him, knees touching as you looked for his eyes “Sirius,” you repeated “Can you tell me about him?”
He stayed in silence for what felt like hours, his eyes hardened as you saw him put his walls up again. It didn’t come as a surprise to you that he closed himself at your question but now you wondered how sensitive the subject was for him to be looking at you the way he looked at everyone else.
“Why do you want to know?” he asked with pursed lips. He crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze so hard over you that it forced you to look away from him and down to your lap.
“I- well, I know you are close to him but you barely talk about him. Actually, I think I’ve never seen you talk to him.” you explained, hoping he couldn’t read you and see that it was more than just mere curiosity.
“We’re not close.” he said sharply, his voice bitter.
“Oh… okay.” you nodded, playing with the grass underneath you “I just assumed you were.” you said with a smile, trying to get him to relax as you changed the subject “What do you want to do over the weekend?” your arm moved to nudge his side, a playful smile on your face.
“What do you want to do?” he asked back, the ghost of a smile on his lips.
Your heart broke as you stared at him, his eyes void as he tried and failed to put on a smile for you, you knew you had killed his mood for the time being and you felt terrible, your own smile falling as you shrugged your shoulders “I don’t know.” you mumbled “I always choose, I thought you’d have something you want to do.”
Regulus didn’t move and you thought he might be just thinking. With your head low, you missed the way his eyes stared down at you, watching the way you thoughtlessly played with your hands as you waited for his answer. He knew you better than you would like to admit, you were never one to keep your head low. You felt bad for asking him about Sirius, retreating to the world inside your head so you would do no more harm. And he felt the knot in his stomach tightening for how he reacted, how his reaction affected you; but still he couldn’t help it, it was second nature for him to put his guard up at the mention of his brother. He wanted to tell you to never ask about Sirius again, that no matter what you heard he wouldn’t talk about it but he could see you were already overthinking everything you had done since the question crossed your mind. He said nothing and just appreciated the fact that you stayed with him and that, that’s what made you different from everyone else. Even if you didn’t understand why he reacted the way he did, even if you didn’t know what had happened between him and Sirius, you didn’t push it and you stayed when you could have easily walked away like he had seen you do with others when they stepped out of line. You stayed with him, and even if he wanted nothing more than to get up and leave, he stayed there with you. You stayed for each other.
“I’m fine with anything you want to do.” he told you after minutes of silence.
Your head rose up in surprise “Really?” you asked with a small smile.
He nodded, his face relaxed “Really.” he said, turning on his side as he started to get on his feet, your eyes following his movements closely “I have to go and get something from my dorm. Wait for me here?” he said.
You nodded and sat back as he started to walk away, your eyes suddenly falling on the small group of people a few meters from you, all of them laughing and running around, nothing out of the ordinary but you stared too long. They must have felt your gaze on them, the one wearing glasses and a permanent smirk turning to the one at his side, patting him in the shoulder as he motioned his head towards you.
You jumped to your feet, running the small distance to the castle “Reg!” you yelled, grabbing the ends of your scarf as it flew over your face. He stopped at the sudden sound on your voice, looking over your shoulder in confusion before his eyes settled on you.
“What 's wrong?” he asked, his hand reaching for yours in an instant as he linked his arm with yours.
You smiled, shaking your head “Can I go with you?” you asked out of breath “I don’t really fancy staying there all alone.” you told him.
He looked back to where you sat not a minute ago, looking for any sign you were lying but saw none. “Of course.” he said, his eyes lingering in the distance before he shook his head, resuming his walk with you at his side.
You looked back once more, seeing the place completely empty but you knew it meant nothing. You had seen Sirius and he had seen you leave.
The weekend was spent doing more things that you or Regulus could actually remember. Even if in all honesty, you two remembered every single detail.
You had forced the both of you to get up early to get breakfast before anyone else, or more like forced Regulus to get you up early because between the two of you, he was both the early bird and the night owl, while you were the sleepy bear.
It was one of your missions to be ghosts during the weekend, to never be seen by anyone else as if you didn’t exist in the perspective of others; and if they did manage to get a glimpse of the two of you, that was all it was, a glimpse of something they would never see again until monday morning. Two entire days for you and him to just exist and bond over simple things and activities, it was the only days he would stay out late with you and you took full advantage of that.
“What are we doing in the kitchens?” he asked as you pulled his hand to keep him walking.
“What do you think?” you asked with a laugh “What do you use kitchens for?” you let go of his hand, starting to rummage over all the things there as he just stared at you.
“Cooking…” he said wearily, his eyes snapping at you as you yelled in triumph.
“And baking!” you beamed, holding the cookie trays over your head “Well, c’mon.” you called him, motioning for him to get close. With a chuckle you turned to face him, ravishing in the completely confused look he had on his face, of course he had never done any baking. “I am sharing my Grandmother's red velvet cookies recipe with you.” you said, taking his hands and rolling his sleeves up for him “It is my pleasure to tell you that you are the only one I would share this recipe with.”
He smiled as you worked on his sleeves, watching you carefully as he gave you his other arm “I’m honored.” he said, meeting your eyes full with excitement.
You clapped your hands before you as you started to move around the kitchen, starting to measure the ingredients as you never ceased to talk, giving instructions and showing him how to get all the things ready. A task that should have been done in an hour took you both at least two; in between laughs, chatting and the small war that got you both covered in flour you emerged from the kitchens once the moon was already shining up in the night sky.
You had baked enough cookies for the week ahead of you, carrying them with you to every class and place you had to go. It was easy to sneak a small piece of it to Regulus or to eat one yourself since you spent the entirety of your time together and shared most of your classes, with the exception of your optative classes. Whilst you and Regulus took a great curiosity for Ancient Runes, you had also opted for studying divination as it woke something in you, how you could interpret different signs to know the future. It was so fun and interesting you couldn’t let the opportunity pass. Regulus thought it was ridiculous to think you could know the future by reading tea leaves but you paid him no mind.
On the days you had Divination, you found yourself wandering the halls alone, a weird sight for anyone who had been paying attention to yours and Regulus’ friendship flourishing. You walked the long hallways to get to the North Tower, a piece of cookie in hand as you took small bites of it, looking everywhere but where you were headed.
“Woah!” exclaimed a voice next to you as they barely stopped on their tracks “We really need to stop meeting like this.” Sirius smiled, looking at you with a smirk.
The corner of your mouth lifted for a fraction of second, your eyes already looking for an escape to not avail “Hello.” you mustered, starting to walk around him only for him to match your steps.
“That 's it?” he asked, baffled “Hello?” he repeated, trying and failing to imitate your voice.
Taking a hesitant look at him you tried to keep looking forward. “That’s still the right term, isn’t?” you said, never stopping to acknowledge him again, not giving him the chance to speak up.
You walked awkwardly next to him until you reached the beginning of the stairs to the Divination classroom, the space narrowed so only one person could fit comfortably, or two people walking very close together. You closed your eyes shut, you were not ready for this.
“Can I help you with something?” you snapped, turning to stare at him as you climbed on the first step of the stairs, looking directly into his eyes. You, of course, took him off guard with the sudden burst of emotion, his mouth opening with no chance to speak “You keep showing up everywhere I am, you walked next to me all the way here when you certainly don’t take divination so tell me, is there something I can help you with?” you spat the words, not even stopping to think them before they were out of your mouth. “Is it- is it because I didn’t tell you my name? Because if you really wanted to know, it’s Y/N. You’re Sirius. Nice to meet you. Goodbye.” you said, turning on your heel and walking up the stairs.
Sirius stopped momentarily to appreciate the beauty of your name, hearing the melody repeating inside his head and how much it fitted you. Y/N, he thought, shaking his head and snapping out of the trance you put him in before he jumped the steps to catch up with you “Look, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” he said loudly, trying to keep up with your speed “I just want to know you, okay?”
You scrunch your nose in confusion but never stopped, letting his words flow as he said them.
“I think you’re really interesting and, in all honesty, really beautiful.” he said, making you hide your face from him as a flush appeared over your cheeks, but his next words erased all trace of the previous feelings he provoked on you, replacing the fluttery feeling in your stomach with a knot “I’ve seen you with Regulus and heard a lot about..”
“So that’s what this is all about?” you cut him mid sentence, clenching your hands in fists as you turned to him once more “If you want to know about Regulus you can find someone else or ask him yourself.” you said with a huff, crossing your arms as you glared at him, hating the way your heart started to beat harder inside your chest.
Sirius shook his head and climbed the few steps separating you, still leaving a considerable space in between “No, that’s no it.” he explained “You’re just… I’ve already told you, alright? I would like to get to know you.”
Saying you were confused was an understatement, the complete mess of thoughts running inside your head too loud to even form a coherent phrase. You wanted to be sure he was just using you, that he only wanted to mess with Regulus and make him mad, but the glint in his eyes told you nothing but the contrary to that exact thought. What if he was true to his word and just wanted to know you?
You were certain the hurricane of emotions was showing on your face, your eyes glued to his as he took a hesitant step towards you and, when you didn’t back away a smile appeared on his lips, walking in front of you he placed his hand over yours “Y/N.” he whispered.
He sounded just like him.
“I’m sorry.” you muttered, slowly moving your hand away from his grasp “I don’t know what happened between you and Regulus and it’s really not my place to ask, I would really hate to get involved.” And pick sides you thought, taking a step back.
You wanted to believe he meant well and just wanted to get close to you but you couldn’t risk getting Regulus hurt. If the sole mention of his brother’s name put his walls up what would happen if he found out his best friend, the only person he let his guard down with and the only one he trusted, was friends with the brother that hurt him so much. You couldn't risk hurting Regulus, not you.
“He’s the only one I have.” you said slowly with a small yet sad smile on your face, and with that you turned.
And again, Sirius let you walk away.
@iwritesiriusly / @trinimalfoyyy / @megaprincesscakes / @lunalovegoodsgirlfriend /
Winter In The Shade
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helnjk · 3 years
Bad Idea - F.W.
Fred Weasley x fem!reader
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Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates 🤍 Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season & new year 🧚🏼‍♀️
this is the first installment of my showtunes fic list, based on the song bad idea from the musical waitress !
Summary: fred weasley has the ability to get under her skin in a way no one else can. he also sends butterflies straight to her stomach like no one else can. 
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: enemies to lovers, slight cursing, steamy scenes but no outright smut
song lyrics are bolded & italicized
It’s a bad idea me and you
Y/N rolled her eyes as the Weasley twins made something or other explode at the Gryffindor table at breakfast. The awed cheers and whispers of her schoolmates at the colorful display of miniature fireworks did nothing to sway her opinion on the irritating duo. In fact, it might have even made her dislike for them grow.
It wasn’t as if she had no basis for hating the pair of them. They had been nothing but rude to her since their first year, and she was sure it was mostly due to her adorning the green and silver crest on her school robes. She had been at the receiving end of their nasty pranks more than she liked to admit, and some of them weren’t even a sliver funny. 
As if he practiced legilimency, the older twin’s eyes moved from his showy display of spellwork to hers and sent a subtle wink in Y/N’s way. 
“Like what you see, Y/L/N?” Fred yelled across the hall, causing the onlookers to turn their heads in her direction. 
Angrily, she felt heat flood her cheeks, “Not at all Weasley. Just wondering how many points I could take away from Gryffindor today.” 
She heard the members of her table snickering quietly at the sound of points lost for their least favorite house, but she paid them no mind. In all honesty, she knew that no amount of points taken away would sway the Weasley twins from their mischief making. 
Later in the day while Y/N made her way from her last class to the library to catch up on some coursework, she heard the familiar snickers of the two boys she wanted to interact with the least. 
“Oi! Watch where you’re going!” She yelled, annoyance bubbling in the pit of her stomach as the redheaded menaces rushed past her and nearly knocked her over. 
“Going to take some more points from Gryffindor, Y/L/N?” Fred taunted over his shoulder as his brother let out a huff of laughter. 
“Well, it’s not like she has any other important things taking up her time, don’t you think Freddie?” George said.
“You are absolutely right, George.” He replied. 
“Honestly, don’t you two have anything better to do than get on my nerves all the time?” She gritted out.
The twins slowed their pace and Fred turned around casually to wink at her, “No can do, love.” 
“Don’t call me love!”  
Their raucous laughter echoed across the hall as she pushed past them in a huff. Stupid redheaded twins. Stupid Fred with his stupid teasing. Stupid George for laughing and egging him on. 
Something about the way she determinedly called out over her shoulder made Fred pause. 
Her eyes caught the fading light that streamed through the windows of the hallway, and shone brightly. Her skin seemed to glow in the amber light, reflecting the sun as it set in the horizon. The way she moved so confidently as she weaved through the sea of students made heads turn, and Fred was beginning to understand why their gaze gravitated towards her. 
He had never noticed how pretty Y/N had gotten over the years. Another pause. Did he find her pretty? 
Yeah, pretty annoying. He tried to reason with himself, but still he couldn’t shake this new feeling. 
For the rest of the week, Fred had decided that if he couldn’t get her out of his mind, he would simply have to make sure he was on hers as well. Whenever the two of them walked past each other in the halls, he always had some sort of cheeky remark up his sleeve. 
Subtly, he would get close enough for their shoulders to brush and would mutter under his breath, just enough for her to hear. 
“Looking good today, Y/L/N, such a shame you’re a snake.”
“What’s a lad got to do to take a pretty prefect like you out on a date?” 
“Cat’s got your tongue, Y/L/N? I know it’s ‘cause you think I look right fit, you don’t have to say anything.”
The more she ignored his comments, the more it seemed to spur him on. She would catch him sending her flirtatious winks during meals, feel his gaze on hers in their shared classes, or hear him whisper something or other to his twin while he glanced in her direction. 
If it wasn’t something he said, he would manage to send practically every kind of prank her way. Tripping jinxes, jelly-legs jinxes, dung bombs in classrooms she was about to enter, puking pastilles or nosebleed nougats slipped into her drinks. 
It was getting to a point that Y/N grew frustrated and angry all day. Her friends tended to avoid her when she got this way because she would just repeat the same things over and over again to anyone who would bother to listen. 
Fred Weasley was a massive arse. Fred Weasley could jump in the lake and be used as food for the Giant Squid for all she cared. Fred Weasley this and Fred Weasley that. 
They had even once asked her why it was specifically him that she complained about and not just the Weasley twins in general. 
“Well, both of them do irritate me to no end,” She explained, “But there’s just something about Fred that irks the hell out of me. Merlin, does he know how to push my buttons!”
Y/N didn’t know what it was about Fred that got her going. It might have been because he was the instigator of most of the twins’ pranks, that he acted first and thought of the consequences later. It might have been that he would purposely send bludgers her way whenever Slytherin played Gryffindor and the many bruises that came from it.
It might have been the little flutters she would get whenever he whispered something cheeky into her ear. But that last one she had a hard time admitting to even herself. 
By the end of the week, Y/N was at her wits end. Every time the bell rang and she gathered up her things, her hand would clutch her wand, ready to put up a small shield charm or send a hex in the direction of a certain redhead. 
It being the weekend, many of her fellow classmates rushed out the door the moment they were dismissed from class. Y/N took her time packing her things back up, as her only plans for the night were to catch up on one of the novels she had had no time to read recently. As she exited the classroom, her eyes scanned the bare hallway for any sign of Fred. Her suspicions rose when she began her walk back to her common room and nothing out of the ordinary happened. 
She soon stood corrected as a flash of red hair danced in her vision and she was suddenly pressed up against a wall. 
With a gasp she said, “Weasley? What in Merlin’s name are you–”
“Can’t be quiet for a second, can you, Y/N?” Fred teased, his lips skimming the shell of her ear and sending shivers down her spine. 
She gulped at the proximity of their bodies, her eyes darting around the empty hallway for any onlookers. 
“Get on with whatever this is then,” She breathed, trying to keep her nonchalant act up, “I have other plans for tonight that I’d rather be doing.” 
A slow chuckle escaped Fred’s lips, causing her heart to beat even more erratically than she thought possible, “So impatient love.” 
“And I told you not to call me ‘love’.” 
His eyes darted quickly to her lips and she could only hope that he couldn’t feel just how fast her heart was beating, “I’m going to kiss you now.” 
He waited for her to give him any sign of discomfort or to say no, but she merely glanced at his lips and back up at his warm brown eyes. Then, as quickly as he had appeared in front of her, his head dipped and he captured her lips in his. 
Y/N felt all the breath in her body leave as Fred pressed the searing kiss on her lips. He was intoxicating, his smell, the feel of his skin as she gripped onto his strong biceps, the way his breath mingled with hers. 
When they broke apart, his eyes trailed the length of her body in a way that made goosebumps rise from her flesh. Y/N thought she must have looked like a fish out of water, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. 
“Just a taste of what could be.” He winked at her and then turned on his heel, “Think about it, Y/L/N.” 
Far longer than she would like to admit, Y/N stayed rooted on the spot, staring in the direction that Fred Weasley had disappeared in and fingers running along the lips that he had claimed. 
Heart keep racing Let’s make mistakes
The adrenaline pumping through Y/N’s veins gave her a feeling of weightlessness and grounding at the same time. Being Slytherin’s best beater came with the responsibility of carrying most of the game and she played her role well. Still, she always made it a point to play fair and to compensate for the shitty sportsmanship the rest of her team subscribed to. 
When she had spotted a bludger to her right, making its way to where Malfoy was slowly circling, she set off. With a strong swing of her bat, she had it hurtling in the direction of one of the Gryffindor chasers. Neither of the Weasley twins was able to make it in time and the ball scraped the unassuming chaser’s shoulder. 
With the boost of confidence this gave her, she proceeded to play one of the best matches of the season. A triumphant grin etched its way onto her face at the frustration leaking from the Weasley twins, who were trying to keep up with her and her co-beater’s synchronization. 
Though, she had to admit that the way Fred’s arms flexed and his grunts of exertion every time he did manage to hit the bludger were a tad bit distracting too. The cheeky winks he sent her way weren’t helping either. 
“Feeling a bit tired, Weasley?” She teased when he began to hover close to her, “Can’t keep up?” 
“In your dreams, Y/L/N!” He all but growled and the fire in his eyes made her heart stutter for just a second before she set off in pursuit of another bludger. 
The game had ended when Malfoy caught the snitch, a feat especially when Gryffindor had Potter, and Slytherin had won.
She couldn’t help but feel a smug sense of pride as she and the rest of the team walked out of the pitch, hearing the cheers of her house at the stands. She took her time in the changing rooms, trying to still her erratically beating heart. Her teammates slowly trickled out, reminding her of the celebrations that were definitely going to happen in the common room. 
When she heard footsteps approaching the tent just as she had finished stuffing everything in her bag, she had just assumed that one of her teammates had forgotten something. She stood corrected. 
“Quite a game today, wouldn’t you say?” 
The familiar baritone voice made Y/N pause. Without turning to face him, she said in reply, “Definitely, Weasley. It’s always nice to kick your sorry arse out on the pitch.” 
“Now, now Y/N,” He drawled, his voice inching closer to where she stood rooted on the spot. Her hand gripped at the strap of her bag as she tried to think of an escape route, “That’s definitely not the context I imagined you’d be talking about when you first mentioned my arse.” 
She let out a scoff at his insinuation, but couldn’t shake the feeling that he could see right through her bluff. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as she realized that she was trapped in the quidditch changing rooms with the person who had been plaguing her thoughts. 
The air surrounding the pair was thick with tension and charged with electricity. Countless days of teasing and rivalry, all the discreet glances and brushes of shoulders against each other, bottled up into a single moment, this moment. By the time Y/N had turned to face the cause of the palpitations in her chest, he was mere inches away. 
His hot breath fanned her face and his deep brown eyes scanned over her. She could practically feel the heat of his body against hers, white hot and tempting. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. 
“What do you want, Weasley?” She breathed, finally managing the courage to meet his eyes. 
“You.” He said simply, tongue darting out to dampen his lips. 
For a moment, it was as if they had both stopped breathing. Neither of them said a word or moved an inch, anticipating the other’s next move. 
“Fuck it.”
Before Y/N could let out a word, his lips were on hers and his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. 
All of the frustration and built up resentment between the pair of them came to play in the harshness of his kiss. It was not sweet nor soft, not what one would imagine a kiss between a prince and a princess to be. Rather, it was passionate, playful, and powerful. Two opposing forces clashing against each other, their convergence causing an eruption of flames. 
Fred was not a shy person, and it was evident in the way he kissed her. 
If she was the least bit surprised, he couldn’t tell, because as soon as his arms rested on the small of her back, she pressed her palms against his chest and leaned into him. For once, she let him take the lead and their mouths molded together in a passionate dance. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” She gasped as they broke apart for air, chests rising and falling rapidly. 
“You think too much.” He responded, leaning down to capture her lips in his once more. 
The way his lips deftly glazed over her neck and attached themselves to the point right below her ear made small sounds of pleasure escape her lips and her hips rutted against his. 
These sounds only spurred him further as his arms slid down from her waist to the backs of her thighs, urging her to wrap them around him. She complied, and soon her back was against the wall as he continued the assault on her neck. 
When the pair finally broke away, they took a moment to breathe, panting heavily. Y/N was the first to break the silence, laughing slightly at the compromising position they were in, and how they had just spent the last several minutes taking their frustrations out on each other. 
“What’s so funny then,” Fred smiled as he slowly eased his grip on her thighs, lowering her back to the floor.
“Nothing,” She shook her head, surprised at how casual they treated the situation, “Just not what I’d expected to happen when Slytherin won today.” 
“And what did you expect?” He quirked an eyebrow, “Especially when you were out there playing so well and looking that good.” 
Y/N had to bite her lip to keep herself from grinning like an idiot, “Definitely not snogging you in the changing rooms, that’s for sure.” 
“I know for a fact that you quite enjoyed what we did,” He whispered, pulling her close to him once more and closing the gap between them.
“In your dreams, Weasley.” She breathed.
And then his lips were on hers again. And again and again and again.
Over the course of the next few weeks, many noticed how the dynamics between the two shifted ever so slightly. There were still jeers and taunts in the halls, teasing comments made in classes or during meals, but there were also fewer eye rolls and less malice behind their words. It was almost as if they had an unspoken agreement. 
The only one who had really caught on to what was really happening between the two of them was George, and it was only because he walked in on them on Fred’s bed in the dorms. 
Y/N had been on top of Fred, straddling his midsection and pressing soft kisses all along his face and jaw, while he had his arms wrapped around her waist and held her tightly. Chest to chest, a soft hum verbrated from him as she continued her ministrations.
There wasn’t any sort of sexual tension at that moment, in fact, there hadn’t been an ounce of it the whole day. Laying like this with Fred made Y/N all sorts of confused, but she still enjoyed whatever the hell was happening between them.
It was cut short, though, as George had walked through the threshold of the dorm and saw their slightly compromised position. 
“Bloody hell!” He exclaimed, and Y/N sprung up immediately, his twin’s arms falling limply at his sides at her sudden movement. 
“Erm-” She mumbled, trying to move away, but Fred had none of it. If at all, his grip on her thighs tightened. 
She could feel his body shaking from the laugh he was trying to hold in, and smacked him on the chest, “Fred! Stop that!” 
“What?” He laughed, “It’s not like he saw anything, did you, Georgie?”
George, who was still trying to process what he had just witnessed, blinked a couple of times before shaking his head in disbelief, “Good Godric, so this is why you two have been acting so odd lately?” 
“Well, it’s not as if we’re bloody dating,” Fred rolled his eyes, but Y/N felt her heart skip a beat, “We’re just having some fun s’all.”
She swallowed the lump that was suddenly in her throat and gave a feeble nod, “Yep. Just some fun.” 
It was a pretty good bad idea  Wasn’t it though?
Y/N didn’t know why she began avoiding Fred. 
To everyone else in the school, all was well. The teasing between them hadn’t stopped. The little jabs at meals, in classes, or out in the hallways still happened. She was still a prefect and took points from Gryffindor whenever she caught the twins outside of curfew or running from Filch. They were both still beaters who played for their respective teams and shot remarks mockingly at one another out on the pitch.
Outside of those moments, though, Y/N made it a point to walk the other direction when she saw him walking her way, with or without his twin. She would slip out of shared classes as soon as the bell rang and their professor dismissed them. She even went as far as hiding in a spare broom closet once, when she was doing her prefect rounds and heard his telltale laughter just around the corner. 
They hadn’t shared a moment alone in a few weeks and Fred had wracked his brain trying to figure out what he did wrong. Their set-up had been practically perfect before she started avoiding him. Stolen kisses and the excitement of sneaking around with her were some of the best times of his life there in Hogwarts. He hadn’t had the Gryffindor courage to tell her how he really felt, but at least they shared intimate moments alone, away from prying eyes and judgemental stares. 
Instead, now he had taken to staring at her whenever he could, replaying all of their previous interactions to find out what went wrong between them. 
“Oi, quit staring at Y/N before McGonagall takes points from us for not paying attention to her,” George hastily whispered one day.
“I’m not doing anything wrong,” Fred defended, his eyes still locked on Y/N. She paid him no mind, unconsciously twirling the quill in her hands and chewing on her bottom lip. 
He thought she looked stunning. 
“I never thought I would say this,” George groaned softly, “But you’ve gotta listen in class right now or else we’ll lose even more points and everyone’ll be right chuffed. We can figure out your dumb bird problems after.” 
With a roll of his eyes, Fred finally brought his attention back to what their professor was going on about. He’d worry about whatever was going on with Y/N later. 
“I think it’s simple, really,” George shrugged, later on in the day when it was just the two of them in their dorm. He leant back against the headboard of his four-poster, an image of calm and nonchalance. 
“On with it then!” Fred exclaimed, the exact opposite of his twin at the moment. He fidgeted from his position on his own bed, his foot tapped anxiously on the hardwood floor and his hand kept running through his already disheveled hair. 
George couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His own twin, all out of balance because of some bird. 
But it wasn’t just any bird, he knew, it was Y/N. And if it had to be any bird in the whole school for Fred to become this mess of feelings and uncertainty, at least it was because of her. George always knew that their rivalry would either end in them realizing their feelings for each other or them hexing each other to death. 
“Grow some balls and just tell her how you feel, you daft git!” He exclaimed, humor sparkled in his eyes. 
“Be serious here, George,” Fred groaned and pushed his face against one of his pillows. 
His twin rolled his eyes, “I am being serious! It’s obvious she fancies the balls off of you, so just ask her out on a date or something and save us all from this awkward dance the lot of you have been doing for the past few weeks.” 
George’s words rang in Fred’s mind for longer than he liked to admit. 
One night, as dinner was coming to a close, he’d had enough. He spotted Y/N getting up from her seat at the Slytherin table and stood abruptly from his half finished meal. As she exited the Great Hall, he followed her out and into the drafty corridor.
“Y/N!” He yelled before he could stop himself. 
She paused briefly, shoulders tensing at his call to her. Instead of turning around though, she picked up her pace. 
Fred cursed softly, “Y/N, I know you can hear me!” 
As his legs were much longer than hers, he caught up to her quickly. Still, she paid him no mind and continued her on her way, “What’s got your wand all in a knot, Y/L/N?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Weasley.” Came her reply. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, Y/L/N,” He rolled his eyes, “You’ve been ignoring me recently and I can’t think of anything that I’ve done wrong.”
“I don’t know about you, but I’ve been actually paying attention to my classes and doing all of my coursework, that takes up most of my time these days.” She shrugged, turning a corner and continuing her fast pace, “And I’m not at your beck and call, Weasley. I’m not yours.” 
“You could be.” 
Y/N’s resolve seemed to be taken away with the tide as he muttered those words aloud. In fact, she was so shocked at what he said that she quite literally had to stop walking and merely stared at the redheaded boy. 
“Don’t be daft, Weasley.” She managed to choke out after a few beats. 
He turned to face her and Y/N had never seen him look so serious before. Fred was usually the louder twin, the more explosive one, the one who acted first and thought of the consequences later. But now, now she could see that he had nothing but genuine intentions as his eyes scanned her and gauged her reaction.
She huffed, unwilling to let her walls down for even a second. It was too frightening, telling the person she had spent much of her formative years rivalling with how she truly felt about them. In fact, despite her act, she couldn’t get it in her to look him in the eyes.
“This, whatever this is, you know that it isn’t a good idea.” She tried to argue, but as the words left her lips they seemed to carry no weight in them. 
“It’s a pretty good bad idea if you ask me.” He said with as much conviction as possible, “C’mon, Y/L/N, you gonna back down from a challenge?” 
That sparked a fire in her eyes that he had missed seeing, one that said she meant business, “I’ll say yes to you on one condition,” She said. 
“Take me out on a date first.” 
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