#will probably be for nothing. but at least i would have tried
flemingsfreckles · 2 days
Replacement Part 2
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Other chapter HERE!
Warnings: none, language, it’s a tiny bit angsty I guess
WC: 2.7k
A/N: I’ve been struggling to write this to say the least… I’ve got certain scenes written, I’m just struggling with making those scenes come together in a fluid way 🤷‍♀️ hopefully things ease up and I’ll be able to get this series rolling
You spent the next day ignoring Jessie’s texts, thankfully not having practice today meant you could avoid Janine’s questions as to why you were being so stand offish to Jessie as well.
However when you did walk into the locker room the following day, there was Janine. You greet her with a smile and a wave and she returns with a cold glance and a whisper of a hello.
“What’s up with you today?” She’s sitting down in her cubby just a few over from yours.
“Why didn't you text back Jessie?” Her voice is hushed despite the locker room being nearly empty. You knew it was coming, you knew Janine would ask.
“I- '' You start to think, you couldn't sit here and tell Janine it's because you wanted nothing to do with her Canadian teammate. You wanted her to go back to London, back to where she wasn't a threat to your playing time, you wanted her anywhere else. Instead you play dumb. “I just, I opened the text late at night, I didn’t want to wake her if she was already asleep, and I guess I forgot to respond in the morning. That's my bad.”
She gives you a questioning look. “Alright, but maybe text her back, I really think you two would get along, I mean you'll meet her today so, forget it whatever.” You give her a nod and find your way over to your locker, noticing the locker next to yours, where Weaver used to be set up, is now empty, Morgan’s name plate is now sitting two lockers away. You ignore it and sit down, starting to change into your practice kit. You change your socks, shorts, and shirt before you make your way around and down the hallway to where all the boots were stored, you grab yours out and turn to head back to your cubby. You hear increased chatter coming from the locker room and when you walk in you see why.
Sinc is standing in the middle of the room holding the shoulders of a shorter player in front of her. You realize Jessie must have arrived given the line of teammates standing in front of her to greet her. You turn your focus back to walking toward your cubby, you sit down and begin unlacing your boots, occupying yourself with them instead of the excitement revolving around the new girl, you’d meet her eventually.
It takes two tries for you to tie your boots comfortably, accidentally pulling way too hard on the laces the first attempt, cutting off the blood circulation to your feet temporarily. As you begin to retie them you see a pair of feet come to stand next to you, facing the empty locker. You feel a bag get set down, you already knew what was happening.
“Hi.” you look up to see Jessie smiling down at you, she's got a hand extended out to you.
You take a second to look at her. You had never met her in person, you’d seen her play before but never been this close to her. She’s smaller than you thought she would be, you knew she wasn’t tall but you now realize that if you stand up her eyes would probably line up with your mouth. She’s got a hat on, her hair is down resting at a length just above her shoulders. The brown of her eyes is lighter than the brown of her hair and her face is covered in freckles. You look down to her big smile, looking at her lips for a moment before snapping out of your thoughts realizing you’ve been sizing up the girl for a little too long.
You reach out your hand, taking hers giving it a shake before you return your focus back to your shoes.
“Hey. Guess this is your cubby now?”
“Uh yeah, I guess they reorganized it for numerical order or whatever, I feel bad they had to shift everyone, I really didn't mind being at the end, it would've been fine. I didn't want to come in here and disturb the system, but the equipment team insisted. I guess it's easier for them, I don't know.” She rambles at you. “Sorry, I don't know why I’m telling you all this.”
You go back to fixing your shoes as Jessie gets ready for practice, you couldn't help but be annoyed by all of your fellow teammates making their way over to Jesies locker, standing conveniently in front of you to talk to her. You listened to them all say how they are looking forward to getting to know her, how they were excited for her to be joining the team, how they were excited for her to be bringing in talent into the midfield, unintentionally insulting you.
As the next few weeks of preseason training went by you could feel your playing time slipping through your fingers. All of those minutes falling into the lap of Jessie.
She was perfect and that pissed you off. You watched her everyday at practice. She was everything you were and also everything you weren’t. She was more tactful than you, she knew more about other players than you, she was faster than you, she rarely made a bad pass, hardly ever missed a pass coming to her, she made clean touches, she was an ideal midfielder.
On top of being a damn good player she was too nice. She was nice to everyone, all the time. It drove you crazy. She was especially nice to you. She would chat with you while you dressed for training, you thought maybe she’d get the hint when you only gave her one to two worded answers and never really initiated a conversation but she didn’t. She’d offer small words of encouragement during practice as well as helping explain what a coach was trying to get across to you, she’d answer questions in meetings and it seemed she always had the right answer.
During her second week, she walked in with Janine, two coffees in her hand before she made her way over to you. She extended her arm and before you could ask her what she was doing she explained for you. “Janine and I stopped for coffee, I figured we’d get you one too, Janine said it was one of your favorite places.”
“Oh, thanks.” You found the interaction a little weird but it was probably Janine’s idea anyway to get you the coffee. You look across the locker room and catch Janine’s eye before raising the cup and shouting her a thanks. You forgot about the surprise coffee incident until a few days later when Jessie brought you a muffin.
She once again stopped in front of where you sat, hand outstretched in your direction with a muffin in her hand. You recognized the muffin, lemon with a blueberry glaze on it. “Uh, Janine mentioned how much you like these when she and I were at the coffee shop a few weeks ago, she said they’re always out and it’s hard to find them, they had them this morning, I remembered so I got it for you.”
You looked from her to the muffin in her hand. The genuineness of her offer was frustrating you, she truly was just being a kind person, but to you it felt manipulative. Like she was trying to somehow get under your skin, into your brain, she brought you treats and coffees, somehow it would lead to your downfall. That’s what ran through your head every time she walked in with something for you.
“What do I owe you?” You reach for your wallet.
“Oh, no, nothing, it’s just a gift.” She shakes the muffin at you, you finally take it from her and she sits down into her cubby next to yours.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” You place the snack into your cubby for safe keeping, you were definitely going to eat that after practice.
“I just wanted to.” She responds with a smile before changing into her practice gear.
The small gifts didn’t stop. She’d bring you coffee or a snack every once in a while which you politely would accept but you couldn’t fathom why she kept doing it. You couldn’t lie, the more it happened the more genuine your thank yous became, it made you feel a little fuzzy inside when she’d hand it to you and your fingers would brush against each other. As if the two of you could maybe be friends at some point. But then you’d go on the field and that feeling would be gone as she would outperform you again and again. You’d see the coffee cup upon returning to the locker room and suddenly have the urge to throw it out, to not let Jessie continue to think you were friends, you weren’t, she was competition. The cycle of hating her, to being a civil acquaintance for just a little bit before training and then back to hating her on the field continued day in and day out, week after week.
You shouldn’t have been surprised when the first game came around and you found yourself as a substitute. You tried to keep your emotions at bay as Jessie’s name was listed in the position yours typically was. You clenched and unclenched your jaw, trying to ignore the frustration bubbling up. When you walk to your cubby Jessie is already there, getting dressed.
“Hello.” She smiles at you as she changes her shirt. Her tone happy, upbeat, of course she was happy, she was starting.
“Hey.” Your tone was the opposite, monotone, dull, no sense of excitement.
“Are you excited for the game?” Jessie continued on. You just shrug in her direction before putting in headphones and sitting down to put on your socks. “A woman of many words.” Jessie is still smiling at you when you look up at her. “Come on, be excited, it’s the start of the season!” She gently shakes your shoulder before turning away to go talk with Janine. You look across the room and catch Sam’s eye, she raises an eyebrow in your direction and you see her stand up quickly looking down at the ground.
Sam finds her way to your cubby. “What’s up with you?”
“Huh?” You pull a headphone from your ear and look up at her.
“You’re moping, you’re quiet, it’s so obvious you’re not yourself and you haven’t been.” She’s standing one hand on her hip looking down at you. She must’ve noticed the way you looked around the room to all your teammates standing within earshot. “Alright equipment office, let’s go.” She points a finger in the direction of the always empty office.
You follow her in and quickly hop on the desk, grabbing the pen that’s sat on it to begin fidgeting with it.
“Talk to me.” Sam crosses her arms leaning against the door.
“I don’t know.” You shrug, lying straight through your teeth. “Just in a mood, woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess.”
“Okay, bullshit. I’m not stupid. You’ve been waking up on the wrong side of the bed all pre-season, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know.”
“I think you’re lying. Are you unhappy here? Did something happen in your life? Because you’ve been weird for weeks and I’ve tried, Janine has tried, but you just shrug everyone off, so what gives?”
“Janine’s too busy with her now, I’m surprised she noticed.” You mumble it and you really don’t mean for Sam to hear it but she does. It was true though, you found yourself spending less and less time with Janine. Despite what she had promised you in the car before Jessie’s arrival, you felt replaced. You’d invite her out for a walk, she’d already be with Jessie, she’d invite you to dinner before conveniently mentioning Jessie would be there too. You felt like not only had Jessie come in and taken your spot on the team, she had taken over your spot in Janine’s life.
“Is that what this is all about? Her? Jessie?” Sam makes her way over to you.
You shake your head, it was, but it also wasn’t. It was more about the fact that you were being replaced, not just used as a sub. “I don’t know Sam.”
“I think you do, you just don’t want to say it.”
You throw your hands up toward the door. “It’s so obvious she’s here to replace me.”
“She’s not.” Sam tries to wrap an arm around your shoulder but you stand up before she can. You didn’t need her sympathy or whatever she was trying to do here. You were frustrated, annoyed, she wasn’t helping.
“Don’t lie.”
“I'm not!” Sam tries to explain to you but you don’t want to hear it.
“Hard to argue when she’s starting instead of me today.” Fed up with everyone, you push past Sam back into the locker room, not saying anything to anyone you throw on your warm up shirt and head out to the pitch early just to escape.
The game is relatively uneventful for the first half. You want nothing to do with watching Jessie play but it seems to be all you can do. Your eyes are constantly on her, as if none of your other teammates or the opponents exist. You watch how she effortlessly can make space for herself, how she can make accurate passes barely having to look at the other players, everything she does is clean. She makes an assist just before the half you cheer for a moment, happy to take the lead before a sinking feeling builds in your stomach.
The second half starts with you kicking your feet together as you sat on the bench still. It isn't until 30 minutes remaining that you get told to start warming up and it’s not until 61 minutes that you are standing next to the referee as Jessie’s number is lit up in red and yours is in green. She gives you a high five as you sub on but you don’t listen to the words she says telling you to do well.
You don’t do much for the remaining 29 minutes only getting a few touches, nothing good but also nothing bad. The game ends with a victory and you start walking around the pitch with your teammates.
Jessie finds her way to your side. “You had some nice passes.”
You look at her, feeling as if her comment is almost backhanded. It wasn’t backhanded, Jessie was genuinely complimenting your playing, she meant nothing negative by the comment, you did have some good passes. You just look at her, no smile, no words, nothing.
“You alright?” Jessie presses.
“Look, Jessie, I’m really not interested in talking to you right now.”
You can’t miss the look of confusion, hurt, and sadness across her face. “Oh, okay, I’m sorry.” She stops walking, letting you walk off ahead of her, you continue to walk alone around, signing a few things, taking a few photos but then making your way into the locker room.
You get undressed and shower quickly before coming back to your locker when Jessie walks up. The tension is obvious between the two, she didn’t greet you like normal, she barely acknowledges your existence. You look up to her. She still has a sad expression on her face, she refuses to make eye contact with you as she grabs her stuff and walks away. You notice Janine’s cold stare when she walks past you as you’re headed out of the room your backpack already packed and on your back.
“That was a dick move. She’s just trying to be your friend.”She mutters to you as you pass her. For a second you think about turning around, telling Janine how despite her promise to you that your friendship wouldn’t change, it had, how she had abandoned you the second Jessie showed up. You debate telling her you want nothing to do with Jessie, that you hate her but she’s too damn nice that you can’t outright shoot her down. But you don’t, you keep it in and continue to walk down the hallway. You open up the door to a rainy evening, leaving your head down you pull your hood up and make your way to your car.
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On Divergent Universe and Aventio
Okay, so I know that pretty much everyone has noticed the Aventio bits in the Divergent Universe video that was released a few days ago, but I wanted to take a moment to point something out in the famous question 2 section at the end.
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So, as most probably already know, this is what I'm talking about. Aventurine puts up a sign that says "Find Ratio", when asked who the Trailblazer could team up with. This in of itself confirms Aventurine see Ratio as an ally, but what happens before it is just as important.
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This is where Owlbert first puts forwards the question. Now, nothing particularly special happens in the prior one. Everyone gives pretty standard answers for their specific characterizations, Screwllum's is the only one that's helpful, and Ratio and Aventurine give their typical responses pretty quickly.
That changes however for the second question.
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Aventurine does not answer immediately, unlike everyone else, including Ratio. Which means he had to think about his response.
Further evidence of this comes from Aventurine's pose when the question was first asked.
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He's doing a thinking pose (also sort of mirror Ratio lol), and he doesn't do this for the other question (so it isn't some sort of default animation). And given that his responses to question 1 and 3 both related to money/bribes, he did not put this same level of thought into them.
It's also pretty easy to miss due to Sparkle transforming and everything, but if you look carefully...
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He looks at Ratio, or in the very least glances in his direction, possibly to look at his sign. However, it also exists the possibility that Ratio was the first person he thought of when thinking of a good teammate.
And then a moment later...
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Ratio glances back, which leads Aventurine to put up his own sign.
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Now, Ratio staring back could mean many things. It could be that he started staring at Aventurine because Aventurine was staring at him. It could be that Ratio noticed that Aventurine hadn't answered yet, and was urging him to do so. Or, dare I say it, he saw Aventurine hadn't answered yet, and was concerned about him. Ultimately, there is no way to determine the true reason, given that none of the G&A guests talk.
But it is extremely telling that Aventurine, who could have just tied it back into money again, was the only guest who gave a specific person to team up with. And it was Ratio, not one of his IPC coworkers, not a member of the Astral Express, but Ratio. Someone who, at some point, Aventurine believed that Ratio would not understand his methods so much so that he forced him to point a gun at his chest, as seen in the infamous Final Victory Lightcone:
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(Please note that, in the short video for this lightcone, Ratio tries to pull the gun away from Aventurine, but Aventurine pulls it back).
And assuming that Aventurine was reading Ratio's sign card, there exists another possibility.
As seen above, Ratio responds with the phrase "Walk Your Own Path". This is in line with pretty much everything known about Ratio. His main motivation is to "cure" foolishness. He wants people to overcome their problems. He's a teacher, a strict one, both metaphorically and literally. His role in the interlude quest before Penacony was to both push the Trailblazer to figure out what was going on with the researcher's disappearances and step in if things went south. It's also why one of the reason he gives Aventurine that note in the main story (that, and that they were likely being watched by the Family) instead of telling him directly. Every interaction, voice lines, and the fact that Ratio does not wear his plaster head in any scene he appears in with Aventurine, implies that he does not see him as foolish. He knows Aventurine is capable. Hell, in the most final Penacony main story mission, he says Aventurine is his responsibility or something along those lines (unprompted, mind you).
But it also relates towards Aventurine's backstory. Aventurine, for all his good luck, has had one sucky life. But he also has fought tooth and nail to survive, through gambles and wagers and money and being quite literally sold away to live. In that sense, his life also has never been his own. But I think he managed to regain some hope by the end of Cats Among Pigeons, and of course, Ratio's note, which told him to live (in a Ratio way).
So imagine: Aventurine sees Ratio's response in the video, thinks about what he would do, what he would do following his own path...and says to find Ratio.
Now, it could true that I am pulling at threads here, but there is evidence of trust. In one way or another, these two emotionally constipated too smart for their own good dumdums care about each other and show it in the most convoluted ways imaginable. And for the that reason, I think that these two mentioning each unprompted on multiple occasional, this video included, is very telling. They're important to each other. They went from shaky allies to two people who will bring up the other in conversations. Hell, I already made a post about the cake cats, and how in Divergent Universe, what this video was explaining, gambling got added, which could have only been done by Ratio, because let's face it, Screwllum would not.
These b*tches gay.
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Their reactions to Sparkle's shenanigans.
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leo-gold-hotchner · 2 days
Dating app
Long time no writing!!!!
Aaron Hotchner X G.N. Reader
The BAU team was quietly doing paperwork. From time to time, Reid or Morgan went to the kitchen to refill their coffee cup, and Prentiss yawned and stretched. While supporting your chin, you flicked your fingers as drily watched photos of 'potential date partners'. Of course, at first, you were reluctant to sign up for a dating app, especially what you live for; you had the right to be cautious about meeting a stranger from an app. But you didn't want loneliness to become your life partner. Your finger halted in the air, and you forced yourself not to scream or jump out from your chair in surprise.
You stared at the photo on the app. Then you looked back at your boss' office. Hotch was in his dark office, looking down at his desk with only the lamp on.
You looked at the photo and the name.
It was Hotch.
You quickly observed other photos. Then you realised something was off. All 5 photos were taken from a distance. Not too far, but still, there were no selfies or face-close distance photos. Even if it was Hotch, if he signed up for the dating app, he would've at least tried to take a selfie, wouldn't he? Maybe an imposter?
You tapped your desk and then looked around. Thankfully, your friends were occupied with their own stuff, and they weren't interested in what you were doing.
Should I?
You looked back at the Hotch's office again. Would Hotch really sign up for a dating app? One way to find out. Hotch would probably leave his office to grab you if it was really him. After all, your photos and name were on the profile anyway.
'Hello, handsome.'
You messaged him. You didn't know how long he or an imposter would take to reply. Besides, you were regretting writing 'handsome'.
Your body winced as you nearly jumped out from your chair as soon as you saw 'read' appear on the chat.
'Hi, there.'
You tilted your head curiously.
As if Hotch didn't know you. You looked at the office, and you blinked. Hotch was looking at his phone now. What the hell?
'What do you like to do during free time?'
If you were drinking, you would've been spitting at the message. You looked back at the office, and Hotch was indeed typing something on his phone.
Was it really Hotch?
You texted the dating app Hotch for some time, and you weren't sure if it was really Hotch or not. You just wanted to grab him and ask him. The dating app Hotch didn't seem to know about you, and Hotch behaved as if nothing happened at the office and during cases. Your friends could sense something was happening, and you were agitated. They asked, and you just told them you were fine. If Rossi or Morgan find out, they will ask Hotch directly, showing him the texts you've been having with the dating app Hotch. If it were really Aaron, it would embarrass him, and you wanted to spare that for Aaron.
Shoot, when did I start to think of him as Aaron?
You banged your head on your desk. The dating app Hotch insisted on calling him Aaron. You shook your head against the desk and could feel your friends' eyes staring at you. But you didn't care. You needed to know if the dating app Hotch was real Hotch or not.
"A trouble in paradise?"
You rolled your eyes at Morgan's comment. You turned off your phone screen before Morgan could come and look into it.
"I wish," you scoffed. You sat up straight and crossed your arms behind your head. "Just a puzzle."
Reid silently came to your side in his chair at the mention of a puzzle.
"Not that kind of puzzle," you chuckled.
"Relationship, huh?" Prentiss grinned with her pen in her mouth.
"Maybe?" You replied with a mysterious smile. "Too early to tell, I think."
"But you'll tell us when it's the time?" Morgan asked. "Penelope will love to hear about your story."
'Aaron, it's been two weeks we've been texting.'
'Don't you think we should meet and have lunch or something?'
'My bad. I should've asked first. Let's have lunch. I'll tell you after checking my schedule.'
'Nice. I'll be waiting to hear from you!'
You looked at the screen.
Finally, the time to check if the guy is really A… Hotch or an imposter has come.
You were there first. The dating app Hotch told you where he booked the restaurant, which was in his name. You were playing with a black straw in the water glass while a block of ice was in your mouth, rolling over your tongue.
"L/N?" A dumbfounded voice called you in surprise.
You looked up, and it was Hotch. It was really Hotch. The real Aaron Hotchner, the boss of yours, the leader of the BAU of the FBI. He was staring at you with his mouth ajar. Your mouth was also hung open. You didn't realise the water from the ice was flowing over, which looked like drooling. As soon as you realised the cold feeling on your chin, you quickly cleaned it with the tissue.
"You are real Hotch." You pointed a finger at him.
Hotch made a funny face, then laughed.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
It was your time to make a funny face. Then you took your phone out and showed him the texts you've been having on the dating app.
"You've been texting me…?"
Hotch snatched your phone and read the text for a minute. Then you saw the realisation in his eyes.
"So it was you they set me up with."
"My son and sister-in-law." Hotch returned the phone to you and sat in front of you. "If they set me up with you, they must have liked the text you were sending."
You opened your mouth and closed it several times.
"Sorry about this," Hotch smiled bashfully.
You weren't about to say you asked for a date to check if he was real or not.
"But you knew it was me with the photo but still asked for a date?"
"You not gonna reject now, would you?" You asked.
"Of course not," Hotch smiled softly. "How we got here doesn't matter. We're here for a date lunch, aren't we?"
You could feel blood flushing your cheeks.
"We aren't here as colleagues. Relax," Hotch smiled.
"Then can I call you Aaron?" You asked bashfully.
"You were doing it on the app."
"But it wasn't real you."
Hotch blinked at you and laughed. He looked like a different person. He was so relaxed and smiling more.
"Of course you can. If you still want to continue this, I'm open to it."
It felt like he had read your mind, but it didn't matter. You wanted to get to know Aaron.
"Because I'm not gonna say no, Aaron," you grinned like an idiot.
"F/N, I'm looking forward to it." Aaron mirrored your grin.
Aaron rubbed the back of his head as he was called by his son and sister-in-law.
"Dad, you need to go here!" Jack shoved a phone in front of his dad's face.
Aaron read the screen. It was an address of a restaurant.
"A restaurant?"
"We made a reservation in your name. Go there by 1pm on Thursday, please," Jessica informed Aaron while checking her wallet.
Aaron stared at Jack's unbelievable aunt. Only Jessica can make a request sound like an order.
"Who are you setting me with?"
Jack just grinned at his father.
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houseofevanbuckley · 20 hours
Just after the army Tommy tried the whole picket fence life.
He found a girl and got engaged. He hid himself hard, so hard he almost forgot most days that this wasn’t the life he dreamed of.
Emma was a nice girl. Worked at the local library while Tommy went through the fire academy.
Tommy was not necessarily happy, but he was content until one day when she surprised him with a very small box at diner.
A small box that contained a positive pregnancy test.
It was the first time he felt real happiness in this relationship. He grabbed her then and pulled her up in a hug, twirling her in the air as they both giggled.
It was the happiest months in his life, taking care of her, watching her body change, seeing his child develop, organizing the guest room in a baby room.
Emma’s labor was difficult. As he held her hand, encouraging her, tears in his eyes he watched as it took all of her strengths. The baby came out and Emma started to bleed. To bleed way too much.
Nurses took the child away while surgeons started to work on Emma right there to get her ready for surgery. She didn’t make it to operation room.
He went home two days later with his son, Eric.
It takes him months to reorganize his life, taking a break from the academy while he takes care of his boy alone. Emma has prepared so much, they already had a nursery picked, and a doctor.
She had made a whole binder of information for them to use.
It’s the first time he cries at home, as he looks into it, reading all her hard work. Sadness and guilt eating at him.
He never truly loved her, not as much as she deserved. He was nice to her and gentle, always. But it was not enough.
He cried over this sham of a life for a long time until Eric started to cry in the next room.
At least something good came from it.
The first time Tommy goes to a gay bar three years later, he doesn’t make it to the guy’s place. They’re making out against the guy’s car when his phone ring and it’s his babysitter name on it.
He answers it immediately, “mister Kinard, I’m sorry to bother you and it’s probably nothing but Eric vomited a few minutes ago. I cleaned him up and he doesn’t have any fever but I wanted to tell you.”
“Thank you Juliet, I’ll be right there.”
He doesn’t wait for her answer and just hangs up, and turns to the guy, “sorry, my son is sick, I have to go.”
He sees it then, the look that will haunt him for a while. Which is ridiculous because to this day he still doesn’t even know the guy’s name, but he sees it. The way his face drop, how his mouth twist in a grimace “oh, you have a son… sure you should go”
In the end the guy leaves Tommy even before Tommy can move.
He goes home and free Juliet. His son is alright, just something he didn’t digest right and it came back out.
It takes him 2 more years to bring back somebody home. It went great. The guy didn’t mind that Tommy had a son. He knew the guy’s name this time and they had been on a few date. Real dates.
Which was kind of an achievement navigating between his son and Gerrard to organize it. Gerrard who he went to great lengths to hide his son’s existence from. Paying babysitter extras, nursery, neighbors. He had spreadsheet. Excel’s creator would be proud of how much he uses it to organize his life and his son’s.
The date they have in the evening goes so well. He frees Juliet again when they arrive home.
They’re making out in the kitchen, his date’s hand is already in his opened pants when they hear a “dadddyyyyy” and the noise of little feet on the floor.
Tommy has just the time to closed his pants before Eric barrels in the kitchen, gummy smile and arms raised as he jumps on his dad.
He sees it again, that fucking grimace. It’s hidden quickly and replaced with a polite smile but still, he can’t unsee it.
He walks Hank back at the door and let him go.
He knows Hank won’t text him anymore; to be fair he doesn’t think he’d text him either now anyway.
Two more years and he hears Evan Buckley talking about going out to find hot chicks together. And it pains him in other ways.
He knows how close Buck and Chris are, how he takes care of him, cares for him. And he thought that maybe for once he could find somebody that would embrace Eric existence, welcomes him.
But Evan isn’t ready. Not for a relationship with a man. And definitely not with a man who has a child.
And then he gets a call. From Evan. And he drinks that awful coffee and maybe it’s not as doomed as he thought. Not when Evan decides to embrace himself so much, so fast.
Their hands are clasped together on the table as they smile to each other, “I have something to tell you”
“Sure,” says Evan with an encouraging nod.
“I… I have a son,” he says and looks intensely into Evan’s eyes, into his face.
And his sees his smile widens even more if it was possible, “is that right ?” To Tommy’s nod he adds “I can’t wait to meet him!”
And he can only see sincerity on Evan face and some curiosity, and his chest finally relax.
“He’s with a sitter now. I’m part of that big brother program and I often have some of the kids there as babysitter. It gives them some cash and get them out of their foster home for a while. Not that they’re bad but, sometimes it’s good to be alone and not share a space with 6 other kids. Anyway, we could… we could go to my place. If you want to ? Not in a, you know” he makes a vague gesture with his hand, “way but so you can meet him”
Evan chuckles and nods, “I’d love that.”
They take their coffees cup and throw them away before leaving the place.
And when they arrive at Tommy’s little house and he opens the door. When they hear the sound of feet on the floor and a little boy comes out running to Tommy he can only see a big smile on Evan’s face and maybe, maybe he’ll finally get that picket fence family in the end.
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theorphicangel · 9 hours
bookshop owner!reader with tattoo artist!suguru is actually brainrotting my mind.
coincidentally, the two stores are directly opposite each other and you can’t help but be drawn to the simple tattoo parlour across.
in bold, the name of the parlour stands above, clean and glistening windows with italic writing promoting to customers. if you squint you can spot artworks displayed in the window, even from afar you can tell how detailed and professional they are.
you’ve never been one for tattoos, your excuse being that you have a low pain tolerance for getting them. but in reality? you’re scared of the idea of a tattoo being permanent , the idea that you’ll get a tattoo you’ll regret or the design will come out ugly or that it’ll—
“do you need help with that?”
a silky voice interrupts your thoughts as you stood staring at the the shop with a cardboard box in your hand. the box contained one of the last piles of books for the store, new arrivals were to come in the next few weeks finally filling up the shelves.
a tall, long raven haired man stands besides you with nothing more but a friendly smile on his face. he stands in a large dark blue sweater, a paper cup of coffee in his hands probably from the local cafe on the same street as you.
it takes you a few seconds to snap back into reality, noticing piercings on his bottom lip and eyebrow.
“I’m fine! thank you.”
“I can take that in for you or at least hold the door open.” the stranger suggests, raising a brow.
a shift appears in pit of your stomach — would it hurt to say yes?
“that would be great, actually.” you return a friendly smile.
as you make your way inside with the assistance of the coffee scented stranger, he begins to make conversation, helping you to the back rooms. “you interested in the tattoo shop across the road?”
you let out a huff, “oh no, not for me. tattoos seem…” you pause for a split second attempting to find the right word, “regretful.”
“how so?”
you ignore the teasing charm of the stranger and continue to give your explanation.
“well for one… it hurts like shit.” you start, “and what if the designs don’t come out the way you want or the person tattooing you messes up? now you’re stuck with this permanent mark on your body, it just seems like a waste of time and money to me anyways.” you huff, finally placing down the box amongst a pile of identical boxes.
the scent of old wood and dust fills your nostrils. The building was older than most among the street yet it still held some sort of modern look. cosy and comfortable was the atmosphere you had wanted to create for your bookstore and it took you ages to find this hidden gem, sending the deposit almost immediately.
the stranger lingers by the doorway of the back room of the store, his dark hair tied up into a man-bun yet it doesn’t fully restrain the few locks which seem to escape. he’s pretty, you muse, as he opens his mouth to speak again.
“maybe this would be some bad news for you but I actually own that tattoo parlour.”
he says it in a lighthearted tone but that doesn’t stop your stomach from dropping any harder.
awkward silence swiftly crashes into the two of you, your face heats up in record time.
you fucking idiot—
“it’s nice to meet you.” the stranger finally speaks, outstretching a hand and as he does so, his sweater rides up his arms a little where you see black ink begin to pattern across his skin.
“shit, m’ so—
“don’t worry about it, s’ not for everyone.” he smiles again with that friendly smile you saw outside. you shake his hand tentatively hoping that he wasn’t offended by your comments. his palm feels soft in yours, fitting into his perfectly. quickly you pull away before you get too absorbed in your thoughts.
“call me suguru.”
you repeat his name and for a second he swears there’s nothing but pure nectar in your voice.
in a reply you introduce yourself and a flash of white teeth come your way in a full grin. he tries out your name for the first time too, adding a compliment.
“I’ve been wondering when they were finally going to sell this building. ” he begins. “I think a bookstore is perfect for this place.”
your face heats up again and Suguru asks for a tour. the store isn’t fully ready yet but you’re hoping for an opening at the end of the month.
“I hope to get an invite.
“Of course, we’re practically neighbours, you’ll be the first to know the date.”
“glad to hear it.”
as he leaves, you wave him over to the other side of the street watching him open up his store.
for the first time in your journey you can’t help but feel a tiny spark inside of you that makes you feel excited for the change coming up ahead and in particular, getting to know this suguru more…
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join my summer event here!
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aniesvision · 1 day
wanna bet? (chris sturniolo x f! reader)
part 3!
click to read part 1 and part 2
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warnings: enemies to lovers trope!, teasing, suggestive, smut!, being a bit possessive over here (just a lil bit tho), p in v, no protection (don't do this), a bit of praising, happy ending!
a/n: wanna bet? is now over :( it was fun to write it, i wanna do more long fics. im also not sure if some parts made sense but i tried. friendly reminder that english is not my first language!
synopsis: matt and nick are back! and now the bet thing is (almost) over, in the end it turned out way different than they expected.
He rolls his eyes and I giggle. We took our baths, almost innocently. Nothing else happened, and we even talked like normal people do. We got out of the bathroom, got dressed and went upstairs to the living room, where Nick and Matt were, sitting on the couch. They looked at each other suspiciously and then back at us.
-So you're all alive...? —Nick asks, confused to see that we both arrived together, from Chris's room, with wet hair.
-Yes, Nick, we're alive. —Chris replies, sounding annoyed.
-Wait, since when are you guys here? —I ask, remembering the bet.
Maybe I won, even if it doesn't matter anymore.
-About forty minutes, I think. —Matt replies, suspicious.
I look at Chris, who covers his face with his hands and lets out a deep sigh.
- I love you guys so much. —I say to Matt and Nick while laughing at Chris's reaction.
-You guys made me win a bet and now he has to do everything I want for a week. —I explain quickly, seeing Chris look at me a little stressed.
-I thought we agreed that this bet was no longer worth it.
-You thought you had won and I accepted your request. And now you'll have to accept mine. —I look at him intently, trying to send him a message that only he would understand by the way I looked at him.
He looks at me slightly confused, but didn't say a word, knowing that we'd discuss it later.
-Can someone explain? —Nick asks, confused and wanting to know what was going on.
Matt also looked at us confused, but not so interested in knowing like Nick was.
-We made a bet, if he won I would owe him one, if I won he would do everything I wanted for a week. Then we thought he had won, he already made the request he wanted and I accepted it, now we saw that I was the one who won for a short time, so thank you very much.
Chris rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh, watching me intently with an expression that could almost confuse me with anger if I didn't know exactly what he was doing. I walk a few steps to the side, getting closer to Chris and whispering in his ear.
-You'll have to make me cum at least twice every day for the entire week.
He holds his smile, biting his cheek and locking his jaw, taking his eyes off me and walking to the couch, sitting in the middle of the brothers. Without saying anything, I walk to the kitchen, taking a can of pepsi that the boys brought and sit down next to Nick, who took turns looking between me and Chris, still not understanding much.
-You're not telling me what happened while we were gone? —Nick looks straight at me, hoping I'd tell him all the details, but this time I couldn't say anything.
It would be better and funnier to keep it a secret for now, just as I agreed with Chris.
I open the can, taking a few sips and looking at my friend with a smile.
-Nothing happened, we just made a bet and fought as usual. And I won, so I'm going to make sure this is a very long week for Chris.
I look at Chris with a sarcastic smile, who just looks at me without reaction and turns his gaze to Matt, bringing up some random subject. I knew he was probably making a giant effort not to look suspicious and I was holding myself back from laughing.
-You guys are weird. —Nick says, rolling his eyes and ignoring the situation. I felt relieved that he didn't insist on knowing more, not knowing if I was going to be able to keep this character under pressure for long.
I pick up my phone and start to mindlessly navigate through social media, distracting myself and talking from time to time with Nick. The hours went by and it was already super late.
-I think I'll go to bed, you coming? —Nick asks.
The two of us always shared his bed when I slept at their house. I was supposed to leave today, but I ended up staying late without even realizing it and didn't want to drive home alone.
-I'll go later.—I give him a smile and he smiles back, walking up the stairs to his room.
Matt had already locked himself in his room a few minutes ago, so once again it was just me and Chris in the living room. He looks at me intently, as if afraid to say something. I get up from the couch, glancing at him before going to the kitchen and throwing the empty pepsi can in the trash. Without saying anything, Chris followed me and turned my body so that I could look at him. Our gazes met and he took turns between my eyes and my lips before pulling me in for a long and heated kiss.
-My room. —He says, guiding me down the stairs again by the hand and locking the door as soon as we pass through it.
He kisses me again, already running his hands over my body until he takes off my shirt and throws it on the floor once again.
Soon enough our clothes were back to the floor and he was on top of me, aligning his dick with my entrance and thrusting all of him at once, making sure to cover my mouth with his hand to prevent me from moaning loudly as he starts to move faster and deeper.
-Fuck, you're so hot, I'm glad you're all mine now. —He whispers in my ear.
I close my eyes and bite my lips to prevent myself from moaning too loud, letting out a few hisses from time to time. Chris uses his hand that previously covered my mouth to trace circles on my clit, making me grip his hair and arch my body, begging for more.
-Chris, fuck, don't stop, please. —I plead, between moans, seeing him smile and increase the speed even more.
I left scratches that would definitely make red marks on his body, but I didn't care about it now, neither did he.
Chris was impressively good, he knew exactly what he was doing. He was so good that he made all the other guys I had sex with look pathetic.
-You look so beautiful moaning my name and begging me to fuck you. Even prettier now that you're all mine.
His words triggered my thrid orgasm of the night, his name escaping my lips like a mantra as he looked at me like a starved man looks at a meal.
-Good girl. —He smirks.
His own orgasm followed right after, a whine leaving my lips as I feel him shooting his load inside me and pulling away to collapse on the bed beside me.
After we caught our breaths, I let out a giggle, making Chris look at me confused, but with a tiny smile.
-Maybe it doesn't take much for me to stop hating you after all, you just gotta fuck me like that more times.
I shrug, making him smile and pull me in for a kiss. We put our clothes back on and went back to bed.
-Stay here tonight. —He asks, looking at me intently, his eyes showing me that he meant it.
-Nick's gonna be suspicious if I don't come up. But don't worry too much, we'll have plenty of time to sleep together along the week.
I press a quick peck on his lips and leave his room, walking up the stairs with a smile on my face.
Before I could open Nick's door, my phone vibrates with a new notification and I unlock it to read.
"gn pretty girl, come kiss me goodbye before u leave tomorrow"
I smile even more, typing a reply.
"pack some stuff, ur leaving w me tomorrow, I'll make an excuse about the bet we made to matt and nick so they don't find it too weird, ur staying with me all week pretty boy"
I open Nick's door, seeing him lying in bed scrolling through with his phone and he soon breaks into a smile when he sees me. We talked for a few minutes until we fell asleep.
When I woke up the next day, I warned Matt and Nick about the bet me and Chris made and said that he would come back with me 'cause he needed to do everything I asked during the week. They laughed, thinking it would be torture for Chris to stay with me for so long.
Back to my place, along the week, Chris treated me like a princess all the time, it almost felt like we were a couple. The dynamic between us changed so much so fast, but it was way better like this. We got to know each other without all the fights and arguments, and I actually started to like him. He showed me parts of him I had no idea that even existed, and how he was making me feel, the way he now talked to me and all the cute things he'd do or say was something unexpected by me.
He also kept his promise to make me cum twice a day, some days even exceeding that amount. Surprisingly, this was the best week I've had in a long time, and it was with him.
tags 💕
@fratbrochrisgf @aaliyahsturniolo1 @sturnsvlg @edgemaster696 @user9383738392 @bigbeefybitch @riowritesitall
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I just got the best idea! Vampire villain with a strong moral code who refuses to feed on blood, making themselves weak with hunger. Hero notices and purposefully cuts their finger on villain's fang to get them to eat🤍
The villain had never thought they could be overpowered by a human. It was terrifying to say the least.
Once the blood was in their mouth and the hero's hand off their throat, the villain started to suck on the hero's finger involuntarily. The instinct was ancient, something older than the vampire themselves. They had forgotten how good fresh blood tasted.
However, they could collect themselves pretty quickly.
"You're stupid," the vampire whispered. "You had a perfect physical advantage. You could have killed me..."
"Take more," the hero said, pushing their finger into the villain's mouth quick enough to make them gag. This time, the villain grabbed their enemy's wrist and nearly pushed them off their hips.
"I'm good," they said through gritted teeth. The vampire didn't really enjoy it when the hero was so adamant about absolutely everything they did. The hero always found a way to get what they wanted. They were a pain in their ass. Annoying and heroic.
"You're still pale," the hero said. "Interesting..."
They pushed the villain's chin up and managed to slip one finger under the villain's upper lip, lifting it to examine the villain's fangs as if they were a doctor.
"I am a vampire," the villain reminded them. "Sunlight doesn't turn me to ashes but the sunburns are out of this world."
"And you are sure you are fine?" the hero asked. They turned the villain's head to the right and then to the left, continuing their examination. Christ, they even put their hand on the villain's chest to search for a heartbeat.
"I'm great, just - get off, will you?" The hero stood up but the villain still needed a moment. They feared they would pass out again if they stood up.
They looked around the room but there was nothing. No furniture. Just a door that looked like it couldn’t be opened from the inside.
What a joke.
"You know," the hero said, hands on their hips, "this is actually quite interesting. I certainly didn't expect my dear nemesis to end up in the same cell as me. I guess they wanted you to eat me. A little grotesque if you ask me."
"But not too far-fetched," the villain said. They pushed themselves up but ended up leaning against the wall. "Hunger turns everyone into an animal."
"You still don't look too good," the hero said. Once again, they kneeled beside the villain. Their hand raked through the villain's hair and stopped on their forehead.
The villain didn't know why the hero was always so touchy. They never crossed any boundaries and the villain actually welcomed those soft hands on them, but still...it was strange. Strange to feel someone's warm skin on theirs like this.
"How much blood do you usually drink?"
"God, I don't know...I'm trying to quit." The hero stared at them. The silence was uncomfortable and the villain didn't know if they had said something wrong.
Then the hero huffed.
"And you say I'm the stupid one." They rolled their eyes. "So, severe undernourishment, I guess. That's why you're so weak."
"Ey, I am alright-"
"Which makes this even more baffling. What is an undernourished vampire doing in a supervillain facility?"
"What is an annoying hero doing here?"
"Saving a dumb vampire, apparently."
"Ugh. I was experimented on," the villain said. The hero had probably saved their life. That was something the villain certainly did not want to think about. Gosh, the hero was so annoying with their caring nature and their stupid curiousness. When they looked at the hero, though, they looked horrified. "No, all of it was voluntary. I got some money for it in return. Nothing bad, really."
"I got caught when I tried to steal some documents. They weren't that nice to me." The hero lifted their shirt and the villain saw two giant fresh bruises. The hero's ribs were definitely damaged.
"Shit..." the villain mumbled. "Scoot over. Are you okay?"
They let their fingers ghost over the hero's skin. Unsurprisingly, the hero flinched and threw their head back, cursing quietly.
"Looks broken. We need to get you out of here," the villain said.
"Wait, the experiments...they knew you were trying to quit with the blood?" the hero asked. They let their shirt fall down again but the villain couldn't help but think about the bruises.
Their own injuries healed pretty quickly. But they had totally forgotten that this would take days, maybe even weeks for the hero to get better. Humans were so fragile. They feared the hero could fall apart any second.
"...yeah, they encouraged it even."
"Great," the hero said. "This is the next phase of their experiments, then."
The villain stared at them. They thought they were on rather good terms with the company.
"Wait, you don't mean..."
"Yup. They really want to see if you'll eat me," the hero said. "Which also means we are definitely under surveillance."
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First Dates With.. (One Piece)
First dates with Crocodile, Mihawk and Robin, characters decided by the recent poll I did to see what characters people liked. I'll do a second round of those polls in the future, with a slightly bigger audience for this sort of thing and set to seven days each
Reader is gender neutral for all three shorts
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Crocodile had a sense of all things expensive, and it was hardly a stretch to believe that the same thing would apply to the way he treated you. He'd courted you not so gently, with daring touches and flirtatious words, and now you were finally doing something together officially. You'd figured you knew him well enough to know what to expect by now, and it turned out that you were right. He'd taken you out to a richer area of Alabasta, far from the capital and closer to the west coast, where affluent people lived away from the general riff raff. You supposed if Crocodile wasn't so busy attempting to take over the country, he'd probably want to live here too.
The restaurant was gorgeous, and you'd expected that you'd be taken somewhere exactly like this. Grand chandeliers, golden decorations, waiters dressed in the finest fabrics even for their working uniform. It was gorgeous, there was no doubt, though perhaps a little high brow for you. After all, you were what these people considered riff raff.
He'd made a reservation, and followed the waiter without concern for fitting in or price. This was what it was to date a man like him, and it was a nice change of pace compared to men who never showed up or expected you to all the work to keep the relationship going, but doubts crept in too. You sat without a word to the waiter, and took the menu in hand - it didn't even have prices on. "If you were worried about ordering the cheapest thing available, stop. Money is no issue, you know that." Crocodile said with a smile, the soft kind that you knew he didn't show to anyone else. It made you feel special. You didn't reply, just laughed and shook your head, and read over the menu for what you wanted.
He ordered for the two of you when the waiter came back around, sensing your discomfort, and once the waiter was gone, he struck up a conversation. He started with familiar topics, like the casino, and his warlord meetings, and your tension began to ease. It didn't take long for it to feel like you and Crocodile were the only ones in the room. "He's obsessed." You remarked with a laugh, quickly moving some hair from your face. "It's disgusting." Crocodile replied with a grimace, glancing up as the waiter returned with your food. You each took your plate, and you looked down at it with a smile. It looked damn good. "Well, nothing more about him then, because this food certainly isn't."
You ate mostly in silence for the first few minutes, enjoying the flavours, and the quiet company that Crocodile was so good at proving. He didn't need to say anything, just his presence was enough. "Did you see the newspaper yesterday?" You asked after a minute, pausing between bites so you could speak without being rude. "I'm not sure I did." He remarked, head slightly tilted with curiosity. "New rookie bounty released, pretty high for someone so new, and coming from the East Blue." You said, setting your fork back down on your plate so that you could use your hands to speak without making any mess. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." "Not for you, of course, but it doesn't hurt to keep an eye on rising stars." "You seem interested in him, or optimistic at least." "Well, he's a D. They're all interesting."
Everything with Crocodile seemed to come easy. He was so unapproachable, so frightening often, a harsh and dangerous man. Not to you. He'd decided that he liked you, and so he treated you like royalty because he'd decided that you deserved that. He tried not to lose his temper when you were involved, and never as a direct result of you - he never apologised if he did lose his temper, but he made sure to check in on you, and make sure you were okay afterward.
The rest of the meal went off without a hitch, and the meal was perfect. You couldn't complain about anything that Crocodile did for you, even his displays of wealth were done with careful consideration for your interests and tastes. You opted not to get a dessert, the main course was perfectly filling, and instead decided to take your leave. Crocodile paid out of earshot, so you couldn't concern yourself with what he'd spent.
The best part of the night, however, was when Crocodile effortlessly scooped you up into his arms, holding you close and tightly. "What are you-" "Just trust me." Crocodile said softly, a smirk on his face that promised mischief, and then he turned to sand. He travelled swiftly across the Alabastan desert, with you kept safe and sound in the centre of the storm, far better transport than any camel or crab you could've commandeered. You screamed and howled with laughter, after you recovered from your initial shock. It was almost magical.
He deposited you directly outside your door, gracefully setting you down and returning to his solid shape. "Are you alright?" "It was worth trusting you." That sentiment seemed to shock, or maybe even scare, Crocodile. He took your hand in his and gently kissed your knuckles. "I'll see you again soon." He practically promised, then once again he turned to sand, carried away on the soft evening breeze, toward the casino once again.
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Being invited back to Mihawk's island was an honour, really. He had been so polite, and openly given you the chance to refuse his invitation, but of course you hadn't. He'd offered you his hand to help you into his little coffin shaped boat, then climbed in after you, untying it from the dock and setting sail. Despite the small size of his boat, you had no fear of danger, because he was there to look after you and make sure that you were just fine. There was no risk when Mihawk was there to protect you. The sail was nice, with the sea breeze blowing gently over your skin, the salt in the air, and the warm beams of the sun gently beating down on you.
Kuraigana was not as nice as the open ocean, but it was exactly what you'd been expecting it to be. It was dark, gloomy and overcast - at least there was less risk of skin cancer from the sun. Probably. But, it was quaint in a way. You knew he was the only person living there, and that he had taken to cultivating the land in order to grow his own produce for times that he couldn't sail for fresh produce from other islands. He also lived in a castle which was a huge bonus in your books, even if it was dusty (you hadn't asked about the dust, because you didn't dare, but there was no way he was keeping an entire castle free of dust that would be a full time job for one guy).
When you arrived, he docked with ease, and helped you back up and out of the boat. A date, in his own home, rather than some fancy restaurant or in a park on some nice summery island. Instead, you'd be dining at the table he used every night, eating a meal that he'd prepared himself - because not only is he the world's greatest swordsman but he also cooks - and then you'd spend the rest of the evening in front of a warm fire before heading to sleep in a spare bedroom because he refused to ferry you back to your island in the dark, that was a risk he didn't want to take.
Like a true gentleman, Mihawk offered you his arm to take, and you dutifully hooked hand around the crook of his elbow to be guided up to the castle. It wasn't so bad, you'd expected the island to be colder, and yet it was a perfectly comfortable temperature. You could hear the hooting of the humandrills amongst the trees that Mihawk had already warned you about, and so the sound didn't worry you. Apparently they'd come to some sort of civil agreement to leave each other alone, which suited you just fine. The castle was cleaner than you'd expected, though sparsely decorated which you had expected, only the necessities like a rack for Yoru and candles to keep the place lit in the entryway.
You headed right to the dining room after you'd both taken off your shoes and Mihawk had taken your coat to be hung on a stand near the door, and it was a large room. A dining table sat in the middle of the room, far larger than you thought he'd need considering he lived here alone - when it struck you that it was likely none of this was Mihawk's, rather having been left behind by whoever had lived here before. You took a seat at the table, though pulled it out to be more comfortable, while Mihawk set a record to play on the other side of the room. The music was less classical than it looked like he'd enjoy, more so rock in style, and you found yourself interested in all you were learning.
Mihawk disappeared to cook, and it didn't take long, maybe a half hour for him to prepare the meal. He brought out spaghetti in a delicious red, wine-based sauce (very Mihawk) served with what you were fairly sure was sea beast meat. He also presented a side dish filled with garlic bread (not a vampire then, good to know), as well as the rest of the bottle of wine that he'd used to cook for the two of you to drink. You took your first bite and almost moaned - he wasn't just a cook, he was a brilliant cook. Better than most you'd encountered. You ate with enthusiasm and vigour, happy to sit together in silence aside from the music playing in the background - you'd replaced the record with another one at some point while he was cooking.
"So, you made that pretty fast, all things considered." You remarked when all your pasta was gone, and a slice of garlic bread was in your hand. "Most things I have pre-prepared and frozen, so that my day can end with ease whenever I return from where I've been, especially since I frequently take long trips away from home." He replied, sipping at his wine, casually reclined in his chair. "Smart. You're an amazing cook by the way." "Thank you, dear." He'd never called you that before, and it made a little buzz shoot up your spine, and your face turn warm. Dear. You liked it.
He took away the dishes once you were both done, and you followed after him, intent on helping him clean up. You refused to let him turn you away. While he washed, you dried, and in no time everything was done and returned to where it belonged. He then led you out to the living room where you curled up in matching arm chairs in front of the grand fireplace he'd mentioned, once again listening to music, and now enjoying books. A perfect night, if you said so yourself. And you did.
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You'd offered to organise the date, since you were the one to suggest going on a date to begin with, but Robin had insisted that she wanted to plan it, and you couldn't find the strength to deny her. You had no idea what to expect, but you found that you didn't mind too much. She surprised you a day after the ship had docked at another island, and told you to meet her in the town centre at midday on the dot. You could do that. You spent the morning with Sanji, while he took stock of what the ship had and needed, you cleaned the surfaces and sharpened the knives, just to offer a helping hand where you were needed. Just before midday, you left the ship to locate the town centre.
There, already waiting, was Robin. "You're early." She said, standing from the bench she'd been sitting on to reach out for you. "Well I wasn't going to be late." You replied with a smile, leaning in to kiss her cheek. It may be your first date, but you and Robin had known each other for some time now, affection came easily between you two. With your hand in hers, she gently began to guide you away from the square and the fountain at its centre, into the town.. and then back out of it on the other side. You had no idea where you were headed, but you had nothing less than the utmost trust in the girl you'd chosen to call your own.
She guided you away from the town, into the trees at the edge, and through them. She did it easily, as if she'd done it a hundred times before even though you knew it was the first time that either of you had been to the island. Just one of her many talents, you supposed, and that was why you cared for her as much as you did. She was incredible. You bobbed and weaved between the trees, over rotting stumps and roots grown out of control, all while hand in hand. When you passed through the trees, finally, the light shining down on you again, you were in a large open field. You weren't sure you'd ever seen grass so green, and the flowers growing amongst the blades were beautiful, creating the perfect spot for a date. You scanned over the area, and finally your eyes fell on a blanket, and a basket.
With a warm smile, Robin gently tugged your hand to keep you moving, and you followed once again as she led you to the blanket she'd set up, where there was a basket of food and drinks provided by Sanji, and some of the local market stalls. You sat down first, still amazed by the scenery, unable to take your eyes away from the natural beauty. And then Robin stepped into your sightline and you had to wonder how anything could've distracted you from her beauty. She sat beside you, and you reached out to squeeze her thigh. "You like it then?" She asked, reaching for the basket to pull a flask full of cola kept cool inside for the two of you to drink. "It's beautiful, just like you." You replied, and she laughed airily. You weren't sure either of you had stopped smiling since you'd met up in the town centre. You took a cup from her, filled with cola, and the cold of the drink cut up the heat of the day. It wasn't an unbearable heat, but still the cool drink was welcomed.
The two of you ate, drank, and shared idle chatter, talking about the crew and the town, and what islands may be in your future. Things always came so easily with Robin, you never had to worry about what she was thinking or whether you were doing the right thing. There was no wrong thing to do. She'd been intimidating when you'd first met, but now you struggled to remember why aside from in battle, she was so gentle, and gorgeous like the perfect flower. You wanted to kiss her - so you did. You leaned in closer, waiting for her to finish her sentence before you sealed your lips together, a smile on your face all the while. She rested a hand on your upper thigh, happy to kiss lazily under the sun - you were in no hurry after all.
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cheeseceli · 6 hours
Boyfriend Jungkook
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook X Gn!reader
Genre: fluff, headcanons
Request: can i request a headcanon of what jungkook would be like in a relationship? thank you <3
Warnings: mentions of being hit by a car (jokingly), not proofread
A/n: I miss Jungkook 😭 | fundraiser
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‌He 100% fell first
‌And besides falling in love first, he also took the initiative
‌Kinda like the seven mv scenario
‌He was determined to get you to like him
‌Bro is also the embodiment of all love languages mixed, but I think he's more of a physical touch and service acts
‌I see him being very clingy, even when you're around other people
‌But specially when it's night, right before you both go to sleep
‌And also right after waking up
‌You'll be wakening up to his hugs and kisses
‌And acts of service because have you seen this man? He's always doing everything to everyone
‌You get scary dog privileges lmao
‌No creep on the street ever stares at you once they see Jungkook following you like a shadow
‌Among the boys, I think he's the one who'd get jealous the most
‌Of course, nothing too bizarre nor extreme
‌It's just that he'll immediately cling on you once he doesn't like the vibe of the person who's trying small talk with you
‌And then he does that thing with his eyes where he's just like 👁️👁️
‌Introduces you to the boys and his family as soon as he can
‌And the boys knew everything about you before even meeting you for the first time because my bro jungkook could not shut up about you for a mere second😭
‌But at least that gave them a really good first impression of you
‌If you had a good sleeping schedule before... I'm so sorry
‌It's all about going to sleep at midnight and waking up at 3 am
‌But he's trying to get better at this 😭
‌It's actually kind of sweet because he feels like he can sleep better next to you
‌There was this one time where you were extremely tired and went to bed at 7 pm and he went as well?? And he actually slept all the way through??
‌Spams your phone with texts all the time
‌In all possible social medias
‌+99 notifications on Instagram, tiktok, twitter and whatever other social media you might have
‌Also texts you the most random things through his day
‌"I almost got hit by a car would you believe it? Btw, are you still free tonight? I was thinking about going out for dinner"
‌And if you think about this in a scenario where he's an idol
‌I think he'd be able to hide your relationship for a while, but soon enough people would find out about it
‌He's just SO proud of being with you
‌And the effects of your life on his are just so obvious
‌Even if people didn't find pictures of you two together or this sort of thing, they'd still think Jungkook was dating someone
‌And the fact hybe never denied it just adds to the whole thing
‌But if people ever find out about it and then those crazy "fans" start to attack you, Jungkook is ready to sue anyone tbh
‌Sings all the time as well
‌You have exclusive serenades sung to you every day, you're that lucky!!
‌And constantly tries to impress you
‌Like yeah, you're married for 20 years now and he's still playing football like his life depends on it just because you're watching
‌Overall he's just the sweetest and most devoted bf to ever exist
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: husband Chan
Thank you for reading!
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @butnotmontana
Credits for images 1 2 and 3
Dividers by @thecutestgrotto
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Burning Hearts Chapter 19
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: You’ve spent a year with Law and the Heart Pirates now. Law is still pressing to unlock the full capabilities of your devil fruit powers as a mythical loan type, but you’ve got other things on your mind. You’ve uncovered Law’s plan to kill Doflamingo, but you’ve resigned to stop him and accept the way things are meant to be. He needs you. Your heart lies half with Law, but half at home with the Straw Hats. 
Taglist: @zoros-fourth-sword @cottoncandyloverrrr @airwolf92 @nothing-but-brass @tuskjohnny
WC: 4200 This should have been two chapters but idk I'm the author.
Burning Hearts Chapter 19: Finally
— — 
You couldn’t sleep that night. You had spent a year here with Law and his crew. How could you keep the secret that he was planning to abandon his own crew to take on Doflamingo alone? It was surely destined to fail… as strong as he was, you knew he was no match for the dangerous warlord. 
You tossed and turned until the sun rose and you threw the comforter off your body in defeat. You had to meet Law for training. You couldn’t let him know you knew about his plans… not yet. You didn’t know what to say. Do you try to convince him to stay? Do you tell the rest of the crew and have them join you in your efforts?
Law was so stubborn. He’s changed his mind less times than you could count on two hands. 
*knock knock*
You hopped out of bed and scurried to check the peephole in your door. It was Law. You suck in an anxious breath. 
You let him in. 
“Hi.” You say shyly as you close the door behind him. 
“Hi back.” He says with a slight smile. 
You try to return the smile but fail to look in his eyes. You backpedal a few feet and lean against the back of your bed. 
“So…. What’s up?” You ask as he stands awkwardly in your room. 
“I.. was wondering if you wanted to take the Tang out with me tomorrow night? Just us? Like… a date, maybe?” Law took a step towards you and placed a gentle, cold hand on your waist. 
“I… yeah sure.. should I pack anything?” You flinch involuntarily and he recoils his hand. You still haven’t made eye contact, keeping your eyes at Law’s chest level. 
“Probably just an overnight bag…” Law takes his free hand and tilts your chin up softly so you can meet his gaze. “You okay?” He asks. 
“Yeah, just didn’t sleep well.” You lie. “Makes me kind of jumpy, I guess.” You feign a laugh, obvious to both you and Law that it was artificial. 
“We don’t have to go out tomorrow, we can do it some other time-“
“No! It’s okay.” You respond quickly, not wanting to draw more attention to your distraction. “I have a bunch of work in the garden to get done. So I would have to skip training today in order to finish in time to go out tomorrow…” You couldn’t help but at least try to give yourself an out. You move over to your desk and start putting on your apron and grabbing your gardening tools. 
“That’s fine.… well I’m going to be gone tonight but I’ll have the snail if you need me. I’ll pick you up tomorrow when the sun’s down, I should be back by then.” Law tries to push past your skeptical tone. 
“Where are you going.” You state firmly, finally make eye contact with Law and you stop shuffling through your gardening gear. You straighten your back and look deep into his grey eyes. 
“I have a meeting.” Law swallows. “World government stuff.” Law’s eyes flick to the floor, to the east wall of your room, then back to your harsh gaze. 
“Hmm.” You huff. Should you bring it up now? What was even the point? He’d never abandon his plan for you, so you probably shouldn’t bother. He was trying to be sweet… ask you out for a late night submarine trip alone… but he was still lying to you. You could tell. 
Love had been clouding your judgement- no, lust? It wasn’t love. You barely knew him, you were realizing now. Lust had been blinding you to the fact that Law only cared about his own goal. A man that cared about you wouldn’t haul his ass to a foreign country to let himself get brutally murdered after abandoning his lover and his loyal crew… you knew that much. 
There was an uncomfortable silence. 
A dry, choking feeling crept up your throat. You couldn’t show him that you knew.. he couldn’t know that you were upset… not yet. You sniffed, swiped your face with your hand to fake an innocent runny nose. 
“Right well, see you tomorrow then. I have to get to work. Have fun at your meeting.” You usher Law out of your room and close the door behind the two of you. You start walking quickly down the hall with your gardening tools in your arms before he could notice the tears welling in your eyes. 
“Yeah. Tomorrow, then.” Law mumbles as you walk away. 
But unbeknownst to you, of course Law had seen the tears.
— —  
You toiled away all day in the garden. Winter was here but you still had potatoes and winter melons to tend to along with the hardy evergreen plants. You threw yourself into your work to take your mind off of Law. Things had been so good until you discovered his plans to invade Dressrosa and the finality of your ‘relationship’ had become so real in your mind. 
The outdoor plants were fed and happy so you retreated to the shed where your prized plants were kept warm against the elements with heat lamps and hydroponic irrigation (a complicated system that Penguin had helped you set up). 
You spend the next hour or so trimming your marijuana plants and didn’t notice the sun setting outside the frost covered greenhouse windows. You reach inside your jumpsuit pocket and retrieve your rolling papers. 
You sigh and slide down against the shed’s wooden wall in a damp corner of your makeshift greenhouse. You roll yourself a joint as carefully as possibly with shaking, anxious hands. 
With trembling hands, you placed the joint between your chapped lips and fished out your butane lighter. You looked down and ran your thumb over the lighter’s gold engravings, and smiled weakly remembering the thoughtful crew mate who had gifted it to you years ago now. 
You push down the pangs of remembrance and light the joint. You take a long drag and let your head fall back against the wall. 
You exhale and catch yourself letting out a sob. You bring your hand to cover your nose and mouth, trying to keep it all in. Tears stream down your cheeks and slip over your fingers like water in a creek after a heavy rain. 
The door creaked open. 
“Hey… D? Are you in here? People are eating dinner and wondering where you are…” Ikkaku’s voice comes from the doorway. 
Ikkaku scans the shed and finds you clutching your knees to your chest in the corner, obviously crying. 
“Oh, honey…” Ikkaku’s curly hair bounces behind her as she rushes over to you and squats down next to your huddled form. “What’s wrong?” She reaches out to push your grey streak of hair out of your eyes gently. 
“What the fuck am I doing?” You manage to choke out after removing your hand from your mouth. You lean into Ikkaku’s chest and sob harder. She pulls you close into her arms. 
“It’s okay… let it out…” 
Ikkaku lets you cry violently into her body for several minutes until she finally pulls you back and wipes snot from your nose with the off-white sleeve of her jumpsuit. 
“Now what did he do this time? I thought he was taking you out tomorrow night?” 
“I-I can’t go.. it’s too much.. I’m leaving soon….” You whisper between sniffles. 
“Soon? In a year?” She cocks her head and asks. 
You nod. 
“Baby that’s then, this is now. Love has never had a place in the New World. It’s the shitty nature of it all. You’re going to have to make a choice. Do you want to just be happy for a year and then miserable forever, or miserable forever starting now?” Ikkaku tries to dry your cheeks the best she can with one hand as she strokes your back with the other. 
You cry harder at the thought of making that choice. 
“Just go with him. If he’s asking you to go, it’s because he needs you.”
You look up through wet eyelashes at your friend and weakly nod. 
“T-thank you…” 
“Any time. Now finish up in here and I’ll bring dinner to your room. I don’t need all those nosy ass boys gossiping about why you’re upset.” 
— — 
The Next Day…
You leaned with your forehead against the steamy shower tile fore awhile. Ikkaku’s words rang in your ears. “Do you want to be happy for a year and then miserable forever, or miserable forever starting now?” 
All you wanted more than anything in the world was to give yourself fully to Law, body and mind… but you couldn’t stop that gnawing feeling in your gut about the heartbreak you’ll inevitably receive hearing about his death. You had to push it aside as much as you knew it would hurt one day. But Ikkaku was right, you would regret it for the rest of your life if you didn’t see how far this could go. 
With a sigh you finished shaving your legs and trimming everything else, washed off the remaining body wash and turned off the scalding water. Steam radiated off your damp skin as you stepped out of the shower stall. 
You dried off and applied your favorite vanilla cashmere lotion all over your freshly smooth skin. As apprehensive as you were… he did refer to it as a date after all…
You got dressed in something cozy, not wanting to doll up too much due to the cold, and packed a small bag of overnight essentials. You tossed in your hair brush, tooth brush, fresh underwear and leggings, and an ornate cigarette case full of rolled joints and your butane lighter. 
You wave bye to Ikkaku and Penguin on your way out, Ikkaku giving you a sympathetic, comforting smile. 
You push open the heavy metal door to the base and pull the hood of your sweatshirt up to keep the brisk air from nipping at your ears. You could easily fly to where Law asked you to meet him and be there in a quarter of the time, but for your mind was telling you to walk. You trudged through the frozen field to the dock and cleared your head with each fall of your boots. 
— — 
Eventually you made it to the dock where indeed the large yellow submarine was anchored and waiting for you. You flitted up to the top deck and let yourself in the door. You slinked through the metal corridors of the ship and ended up at the control room. 
You knock twice but open the door immediately, feeling anxious. 
Law was standing with his back to you the same clothes he was wearing when he left. He turned upon hearing you open the door. He drops his hands from the wheel of the ship and stepped towards you. 
“Hey..” He sighs out softly as he starts to smile tiredly. You see that the bags under his eyes were even darker than usual. He looked exhausted. Law lifted his arms weakly towards you. You instinctively throw yourself into his embrace. One hand wrapped around your torso tightly while the other immediately went to grip the back of your head to pull you closely into him. You could tell how much he really did need you right now. 
Oh gods! You were so selfish! All you were worried about was your own inevitable heartbreak that you didn’t even think about how taxing this whole thing would be on Law. Bringing up so much past trauma and so many bad memories compounded with the thoughts of his own mortality… you almost teared up at the idea of him struggling with his feelings alone. 
“Missed you…” Law mumbled into your neck after giving it a quick kiss and a nuzzle. 
“Gods… must have been some meeting… you look like shit…” You say softly, still caught in his tight embrace. Law chuckles. 
“You could have said something like ‘I missed you too.’”
“I know I could have. I said what I said.” You smiled as you pulled back so you could look at his tired face. You cup his cheek gently. “Let’s just get out of here.” 
— — 
You look curiously at the abyssal ocean out of the Tang’s front windows as Law had been piloting the ship for some minutes now. Occasionally you see a fish or eel skittering out of the way in the dim blue light coming from the submarine’s windows illuminating the surrounding water. 
“So where exactly are we going?” You asked without turning away from the bay windows. 
“Nowhere.” Law responds before you hear different knobs and switches being turned and flipped behind you. 
“I beg your finest pardon?” You ask as you turn towards Law and rise to your feet. 
Law steps toward you and brushes your hair over your ear before kissing you gently. 
“I’m tired of everything getting in the way. No one can bother us out here.” Law leans back in to kiss your lips more firmly this time. You put your hands on his chest. 
“So you’re planning on wooing me at the bottom of the ocean?” You cock your head. 
“At this point it seemed like the only option… that or maybe the moon…” Law leans in again but this time kisses your jaw and down your neck. You huff out a laugh.
“And who is going to be piloting the ship while you’re indisposed?” You ask.
“It’s on auto-pilot, obviously.” Law remarks as he runs his hand through your hair. 
“Okay okay lover boy, you need to go clean up and change first.” You pull yourself from his grasp.
Law rolled his eyes. “No no, come on, off you go.” You turn him by his shoulder and push him towards the door to the hallway. “I’ll wait in your room, I promise.” You smile softly as you both enter the ship’s main hall. You playfully push him off to the bathroom and you turn to your right and enter the captain’s quarters. 
The captain’s chambers on the tang were a mirror image to his bedroom at the base. A rough hewn wooden desk was surrounded by bookshelves along the walls, the surface of the desk messily covered in papers. On the opposite side of the bedroom was a queen sized bed fitted with navy sheets and a quilt, made with surgical poison. The only difference from Law’s room at the base was the large windows that allowed for a fine surveillance of the ocean floor on the starboard side of the ship. 
You slipped off your sweatshirt over your head and dropped it to the floor. In just your sports bra and leggings, you flop onto Law’s bed on your stomach and gaze at the sea life floating around the windows. You notice a family of seahorses in a row frolicking across the sea floor and smile. So cute the little ones were as they followed their father in a neat row… You rolled onto your back and grabbed your cigarette case out of your pocket. 
You curled your feet up onto the bed and lit a joint. You laid back fully on the bed and watched the fish swim past as you smoked. You had no idea how much time passed, but you were down to half your marijuana cigarette. The door to the bedroom swings open. 
“I had a feeling you’d be doing that.” Law comes in with jeans hung low on his wait and ruffles a white towel through his wet hair before throwing it towards his desk. 
“A submarine ride is far more enjoyable under the influence, I’ve learned.” You smile and sit up and cross your legs. 
Law smirks. “I can’t argue with that.” Law walks towards his desk. He pulls out a drawer and roots around for a moment before fishing out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He sets them on his desk and uncorks the whiskey. He pours two hefty glasses before bringing them over to you on his bed. He hands you one. 
“Is this technically sailing while under the influence?” You remark as you take the glass from Law’s outstretched hand. 
“I’ve violated several world government laws in the last few hours… I don’t think this one matters that much.” Law clinks his glass with yours. 
You outstretch your hand that contained the half joint. “A little? One puff?” You goad Law. 
“After what happened last time and I thought I had to switch my breathing from automatic to manual?” Law raises an eyebrow. 
“That was over 100 milligrams of straight herb, this is just a hit. I promise you’ll be fine.” You gesture the lit joint towards Law again. 
Law rolls his eyes and takes the joint form your soft fingertips. He inhales and passes it back to you.
“Wow, if you could see yourself a year ago…” You chuckle. Law exhales a large cloud of smoke and takes a swig of his whiskey. 
“Shut up.” 
“Make me.” You playfully retort and take a sip of your drink. It burns your throat but it helps you push the feelings of anxiety aside. For tonight it would just be you and Law. 
Silence goes by again and you snuff out the joint. 
“Daisy… I need to tell you something…” Law says as he turns his body fully towards you, his eyes still on the rocks glass in his hand. 
“Oh?” You inquire… knowing he’s going to tell you of his plan to kill Doflamingo and you were going to have to act surprised, how the hell were you supposed to-
“I love you.” 
The world stopped. You pick up your head and look at Law in the eye, suddenly incredibly sober. What did he say?
“W-what-“ You manage to get out, but it sounded more like a cough. 
“I love you, Daisy. I-I don’t know how else to tell you how I feel I just.. you don’t have to say anything back, I just-“ Law stutters out after seeing your shocked expression. He shuffles closer to you on the bed and places his hand on your cheek. You weren’t even remotely prepared to hear that phrase from Law’s lips… shit, anyone’s lips, as long as you were alive. He was being foolish… he couldn’t possibly mean it..
“Love me enough to stay away from Dressrosa?” You spit out without thinking. 
Law’s tender hand recoils from your face. 
You grab his hand and return it to your cheek. 
“I know I can’t convince you to stay… I just want you to stop hiding it from me…” You say as you nuzzle your blush-tinted nose into the warlord’s cold palm. 
“Y-you know…” Law whispers.
“I do. I don’t want to talk about it right now. We have a long time, don’t we?” You smile and press a kiss against Law’s lips. 
“W-we do… Daisy I… I do love you… I don’t know what else to say… I’m sorry…” Law says as he presses his forehead against yours and paws at your hips. You could almost swear you saw a wet twinkling in his eyes. 
“I love you too, Law.” You say softly up at him, unsure of the words even as they left your lips… but they felt so natural. It felt foreign. You bring your fingertips up to your lips to try and even believe that you said it out loud.
You lay back against the pillows and pull Law on top of you with your arms around his shoulders. “I want you, Law.” 
Law flops a bit clumsily on top of you. 
“A-are you sure?” He asks. 
“Yes.” You say confidently. “Please make love to me.” You grasp his hat and toss if off to the side of the bed before pulling him into a searing kiss. Law returns the kiss by slipping his hot tongue into your eager mouth and letting your head fall fully against the pillow behind you. 
Law kisses down your jaw as he pushes his hands under your torso to remove your bra. Once discarded, he pulls down your leggings and leaves them on the floor with the rest of your clothes, leaving you fully exposed. 
Law leans back and sucks in a breath as he sees your naked form before him. He freezes in place. 
“And you?” You chide as you pull at the button of his jeans. 
Law snaps out of his trance. 
“R-right.” Law undoes his pants and pulls them down swiftly along with his briefs so that you could both finally see each other bare. He approaches you again on the bed and strokes your thigh, not looking you in the eyes. 
“Wow…” You couldn’t help but remark. 
“I-it’s alright?” Law asks nervously. 
“It’s more than alright.” You couldn’t help but chuckle as Law’s impressively large member bobbed eagerly in front of you. You swallowed at the thought of that fitting inside of you… not having anything bigger than a single finger for several years. “I-I just might need a little help…” You smile and grab at Law’s wrist. You bring his trembling hand to your sex, encouraging him to touch you further. 
“Right… of course…” Law returns to his analytical self as he begins to stroke up and down your naked slit with two fingers, warming you up to his intimate touch. You shudder a bit at his cold hands, but you warm to them quickly as you feel Law’s tender touch grip your breast with his other hand. After a few moments of rubbing through your wet folds, Law inserts his fingers inside of you with precision, like he had been preparing for this very moment. 
“Oh!” You gasp out. 
Law pinches your nipple in one hand while he gently taps into your sweet spot with the other. He stretches your walls delicately and gently while he slowly coaxes more wetness from your insides with his fingers. 
“Shit, Law-“ You groan in pleasure and grip Law by the hair on the back of his neck with both hands, bringing his head close to you. He grunts and begins to place messy kisses down the column of your throat. “F-faster… honey please…” You beg as you buck your hips into Law’s precise touch. Law obliges and pulls his fingers into your g-spot firmly and quickly, you feel the pressure of your orgasm built faster than you were anticipated. 
“Law, I’m- I’m-Fuck-“ You cry out as you reach your peak. 
“Yes, give it to me…” Law presses his face into yours and captures your lips in a needy kiss as you release all over his waiting palm. Chilly doctors fingers finally warmed by your insides, he pulls himself from you slowly. You breath heavily as you come down from your high, giggling slightly as you relax your head on the pillows of Law’s bed. 
“Good , b-baby?” Law awkwardly asks, realizing he’s going to now be asked to perform for the main event. 
“Yes… but I want you now. Please…” You grab further down Law’s back trying to pull him up over you fully. He shifts in compliance with your touch so your hips are aligned. “I can take it…” You whisper as you sign Law’s weeping cock up with your entrance. You couldn’t believe this was really happening… but you knew this was what you wanted…
“Y-your legs are shaking… are you sure? We don’t have-“ Law stutters out as he unconsciously rubs his head against your soaked pussy. 
“I want this. I want you.” You assure him. “Just do it.” 
Law nods. 
He pushes into you fully to the hilt in one swift motion. 
“Ahhh-“ Law groans the instant he feels your wet walls wrapped around him. 
“Fuck-“ You cry out, not fully physically or mentally prepared to have a man inside of you or on top of you again, regardless of who it was. You slam your eyes shut and your body goes rigid. Law senses your change in demeanor. 
“O-open your eyes. It’s just me.” Law whispers down at you as he supports himself on his arms above you. “It’s just us…” 
You open your eyes. 
Seeing Law gaze at you with such adoration and lust, all insecurities and past anxieties melted away in his ice crew eyes. You bring up your hand and cup Law’s jaw. 
“I love you, Law…” You whisper. 
“I love you too, Daisy.” Law replies as he gently pulls himself out of you and begins to tentatively thrust his hips. “So much…” His eyes move from your mismatched ones to where his cock was settled inside of you. “Shit-“ 
“Oh, fuck, Law…” You moan at the feeling of his thick length sliding in and out of your tender walls.
“I-I can’t last…” Law stutters out, embarrassed. 
“That’s okay…” You reassure your anxious lover and stroke his back. 
“Fuck!” Law quickly removes himself from you and you gasp at the sudden absence of sensation. You crane your neck down and see that Law gas empties himself all over your stomach, ropes of cum shooting so far that it decorated the underside of your breasts. 
Law collapses on top of you, sandwiching his own spend between the two of you but not caring enough to move. Law rolls out of you, pulling you into his chest without cleaning of either of your messes. 
You laid in his embrace for a long time, just enjoying the feeling of his sharp breaths and sweaty skin against yours. This man loved you, and you loved him… and so it shall be… until the end of things…
— — 
*A/N* WOOOO THEY DID IT! 19 CHAPTERS LATER!!! THANKS FOR STAYING ALONG FOR THE RIDE YALL! It’s gonna get angsty in the next chapter ugh I’m sorry guys… but enjoy the sexy time and the fun while we’re here! I promise there will be better smut in the future this was just their cutie pie first time :)
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muscle-red · 2 days
* Warnings: amab body, Fae reader, Reader is referred to with I/You, etc, Yuu is a separate person, Reader kinda an OC, unprotected sex, degradation, overstimulation, a long plot, Lilia’s a Top, slow burn, Spoilers if You haven’t read book 7.
* Word count: 1009
A/N: This is probably gonna be a story. This has been in my head for some time. The smut won’t be in this one but I’ll make more parts!
┆ Lilia Vanrouge/ General Vanrouge x Male Reader ┆Part 1
Being In the middle of the woods should’ve been a red flag as soon as you opened your eyes Cause One second, You were At NRC then the next You were at a random forest being aimed at with weapons. I mean at least you were with People.
You glanced at the group surrounding you and the people with you. Yeahhh the odds weren’t looking so well.
Silver. The boy You never really interacted with. He was sorta Hard to talk to. His face gave off the impression that he didn’t want to be disturbed. He look quite Approachable when sleeping but why would You wake up a sleeping person? You noticed he did it a lot and I mean A Lot. Maybe he had narcolepsy? You never thought much of it. I mean why would you, You never talk to the boy so it isn’t any of your business.
You then glanced at the other green haired male within your group.
What a loud mouth he was. You often catch him yelling in the hallways and seemingly having a strong harden expression on his face whenever he made eye contact with everyone in class. He was a first year so you guys had most of your classes together while the other silver haired boy was a second year. They were both in your dorm last time you checked. You would think being in the same dorm would mean you guys knew each other really well but in this case? not really.
Then finally Your eyes met the other Person in your group. Yuu. A magic less student that seemingly appeared out of thin air. No home, no family. You kinda felt bad for them. Imagine having nothing and being in a mysterious place with No Knowledge of anything. Now that was a total nightmare. They were a first year as well as you interacted with them on some occasions so you were familiar with their Situation and Arrangements. They were nice from what you can tell but the other 2 were a mystery.
You then Took your eyes off the random group that seemed to have roped you in some kinda crazy situation and finally looked at the people with masks and weapons that were obviously wanting you guys dead. They all wore different masks with seemingly different animals.
One stood up and Made way to your group. They were on the shorter side and had long black locks with red highlights. How pretty. You always liked the color red.
You couldn’t see their eyes nor face but you can tell they were studying your group’s movements.
“ HUMANS!-“ Another in a mask screeched.
He was taller than the one studying you and had a mask related to a fox due to the Snout on his mask. His sword was raised as if ready to strike us any moment where we stood however before he could, The shorter one raised his hand and turned away from our group to stare the other one down, well he tried to.
“ You fools… Take a closer look at the energy around them. They have been blessed by our people. They are not the enemy.”
His voice was deep and familiar.
“Blessed…? Who are you…?”
“However, they still raise suspicion.” He ignored Silver’s question and turned away from his comrade. He had quite a big sword compared to his small body and it Was a beautiful shade of green.
Sebek’s eye’s widen when his eyes made contact with it.
“A magical lithic…!?”
“Quiet, Human. You are not to speak.” The Black haired masked figure Said, once again shutting down Whatever we had to say.
The rest of the group with them looked down upon us and started Yelling out questions expecting us to explain every single one.
“Who are you children? Answer me.”
“Speak now if you do not wish to get hurt.”
Yuu’s cat, Grim, which you now noticed was here Started struggling and proceeded to yell out about not wanting to be eaten and you couldn’t agree more.
“W-we mean no harm. We are just students from a magic school!”
Sebek was able to Stammer out and you couldn’t be more grateful. Your voice just seemed to disappear and couldn’t say anything so for once, you were grateful for Sebek’s voice.
“We’re from Night Raven College, We have our IDs with us if you’d like to check!”
Great thinking yuu!
“Night Raven College, you say…?”
“Yes, from the Sage’s Island…”
“I’ve already said I’m not interested in a school founded by humans!, You wish to “teach” me magic when all your lot can do are childish tricks? Sending in lackeys as if the letters weren’t enough. How absurd. You really think you have anything you can teach me? Don’t look down on me, brats.”
“Ehh??? We never said anything! Where is this coming from!? “
Oh god, why did you have to say that. You couldn’t help but Facepalm in your head. Great thinking *Reader*.
“N-No, we’re-”
“I’ve got my hands full dealing with those pesky Silver Owls. I don’t have time to play your silly games.” He cut silver off once again and glared as if ready to just let his comrades kill us and move on.
“I’ll let you off just this once. Get out of here, humans.”
And with that, you guys took the opportunity to Run quite a distance away and blow off the Air that you guys so badly needed. It felt intoxicating being near strangers especially ones threatening you with weapons.
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thefirstknife · 1 day
Helloooo sorry this will be a long ask. So i was thinking about the spooky memory rooms the Witness shows us in the campaign (eg. the Ghost room, my personal favorite) and my mind landed on the Starhorse one. Even if you ignore the giant horse statue right in the middle, the room is obviously about Xûr and the Nine. There's a lot of scales buried with the gold and they all have the symbol of The Nine, which is just one of many examples. So i was wondering, do you think the Witness showed us a room entirely dedicated to that just because it's one of our many memories, or because maybe there's something more going on? Why would the Witness specifically make a room about the Nine when it could've picked so many other memories? It's not like we're super involved with The Nine, and Trials of the Nine was part of the 30th anniversary pack which is pretty much just a huge easter egg, so why specifically that? I've always wondered about potential Witness/Nine connections or involvements of the latters with our story (i once saw a video, i think it might've been Byf's? anyways, it said that The Nine were the ones who somewhat orchestrated Uldren's escape from the prison and also Cayde's death, as in it wasn't just a casualty). I think it could also be foreshadowing, because if you take that and the codename "Frontiers" for the next storylines then it gives me the idea that we'll venture out of Sol, and maybe run into the Nine? Or at least be more involved with them. They also had their whole plan revolving around Gambit, which I don't think we ever got a proper explanation for. How did Gambit help them? Since that scene where Orin tells Drifter to keep playing the game is also mentioned in the False Idols lore tab it HAS to be relevant for the near future. For my own sanity. Anyways I'd love to know your thoughts! Sorry again for the super long ask.
We don't currently know much about it, nope!
I personally don't think it has much to do with some new secrets of the Nine or the Nine being connected to the Witness. In my interpretation, the room with treasures, especially when paired with the Witness' dialogue, shows that the Witness doesn't truly understand us or what we do. It saw us enjoying loot and rewards and treasures (the Nine stuff probably serves as the most direct visual link to it; we literally go to a game show to receive outrageous amounts of loot) and it thinks that if it recreates that, we will join it.
It basically tried to tempt us with the same thing that we receive from other factions, thinking that we are in it for that and nothing more. It's desperation. I think the treasure room was supposed to just be symbolic and mimicking the easiest thing the Witness could copy, which was dares stuff (also a little bit of meta thinking, but they made those models for Xur's new space so they also put it there).
The Nine shouldn't really be connected to the Witness, generally speaking. I'm not sure about Uldren's escape, but it IS confirmed that one of the Nine participated in helping Ghaul take the Tower in the Red War, and it was punished for doing so. The Nine appear to have two factions; one that helps us (they send Xur and the Emissary) and wants to understand the Light, and another that is kinda... not really against us, but they don't really care about us.
I'm not sure about frontiers because from the little we understand about the Nine, they are tied to our solar system. Literally. They are a sort of sentient consciousnesses formed from dark matter and gravity of our planets; in a way, they ARE our planets. They depend on life in the system to also live; this is why one of the factions wants to be free of their dependence on living matter. This is also why one of the Nine who helped Ghaul was punished because if the system was destroyed, so too would they have been. This also implies that they would not want to be aligned with the Witness, especially with the Witness taking planets.
With Gambit, from what we can understand, they were involved in seeing us prepare to fight to defend the system in the future. Same with Prophecy dungeon. In both places they helped us understand Light and Dark, and to learn using them both to get stronger. Gambit was one of the first places that had us utilising Darkness abilities (experimenting with Taken stuff) to show us that there is no difference between Light and Dark fundamentally or morally, it's just about how we use it. The same was repeated in Prophecy. From what we can tell, the Nine are invested in seeing us win to keep protecting the system, which means protecting them. Though again, some among them would rather seek a way to free themselves from being dependent on us and organic matter.
But honestly, the story could take the Nine in any direction and find a way to explain it either way. They're a really bizarre concept. I do wonder if they're planning something in the future because they did drop the stuff about the Emissary a few times last year (if I remember correctly, there were at least 2 mentions in Season of the Deep) and now again with False Idols. In False Idols, it feels like it's mostly about just Drifter reminiscing about Orin, but all other mentions also focused on Orin before. Maybe some hints about us saving her in the future? It's possible!
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accopara · 2 days
Scout oneshot that i would probably find really cringe later.
this shit has been rough. a week of unstoppable battles sucked the hell out of everyone included. this whole thing was born doomed, but there is nothing we can do about that. it sells, it's worthy and gives a sheltering from the government, that, by the way is already a huge bonus isn't it? this was the only thoughts keeping scout up on his legs even when it hurts, but a blessing came in a really unexpected way. the BLU had to shut down for a while cause of some conditions, but Jeremy knew for sure, that the only condition leading them to cover and run - was their own fear. those motherfuckers will never learn not to mess with RED, but maybe later they will.
scout was coming down the stairs, tiredly rubbing his eyes, while the ring in his ears raised. everything was slightly blurry, head hurts and things. with every step he heard voices in his head rise, and it wasn't a good start for the night. a few meters in a hallway led him right to the medical office. Jeremy's heart rate raised immediately with a thought of having to tell medic about another thing bothering his body right now, and he wouldn't do this if it wasn't so bad. a soft knock on the door and Jeremy peeked out of it, searching for Ludwig with a quick glance. medic was there the whole time, but just busy doing something with his fridge right now.
– Hey, yo, doc, great uh... night, yeah?
scout said, making his grip a bit tighter, mentally preparing not to tell too much. it would be weird would it?
– Oh! herr scout, how unexpected.
Ludwig gave his teammate a wide bare smile, with a little sparkle in his eyes. it wasn't a common thing to accept patients at the time like this, but medic never minded doing this, after all, it was just a better timing to go a tiny bit wilder on his experiments, especially, with a person like this. no matter how much scout would doubt this, but Dr. Ludwig was the only one receiving some more information and secrets. alway sucks to admit this, but he was just a good guy to brag about something, he would just listen for hours, but today wasn't any standard situation, so it just needs to be handled differently. doctor noticed a raw silence as an answer, so decided to speak up first. nobody comes here just to chit-chat after all, right?
– So vat brings you here? muscle pain or just came for a small talk?
– Good guess, but nah. it's the thing uh, with my- with my sleep. i mean i slept bad
– Interesting.
at this point Jeremy just allowed himself in, trying to walk straight and appear as chill as possible. he settled down on a couch and smiled, scratching his head.
– Well yeah, my head kinda hurts, but- but it's not the issue, just feelin pretty active now. ya'know, needin some shit to knock me off to sleep, nothing too wild tho, I need to be up early tomorrow!
– Uh-huh, I see, I see. vell, i can look for somesing to help, but from ze ozer side i could just study up your brains a little to fix zis issue forever mein fruend... but of course, consentually...
he rambled about this more to himself, than to scout, grabbing his freshly sharpen saw, and turned to the patient, touching a point with gloved finger. his smile started to look more like a grin, but it was met with Jeremy quickly shaking his head
– Uh- no! thanks, but no. that's a sick plan, but i want my brains being whole, alright? can you just give me like a pill or something and we all good?
he tried to smile back, just not to be too disrespectful, but couldn't do more than some kind of a crooked smileish expression of a dying inside man. voices in his head were still bothering him, but scout just tried to ignore the whispers. it felt like much of annoying thing, rather than worrying, at least, he thought so.
– Hm, vell vell, you can alvays change your mind, just keep zis idea ja?
Ludwig received an active nodding, making him satisfied and finally getting to his glass cabinet.
" could it be a poison? "
someone spoke in Jeremy's head, making his leg to start twitching. it wasn't his thoughts, at least it felt like someone else's words, and even more, it was just making him confused. these weird things started not so long ago, and at first it was pretty harmless. some thoughts just wasn't consistent with his own, but that never bothered scout before, just made him feel not in the right place. he thought, that this wouldn't be for long, that this is just tiredness finally kicking in, but later it became an issue. a week of pure insomnia made him look like a vampire, but non the less - he started seeing spiders.
really strange thing, considering that spiders couldn't just live in this wasteland, it's not that spiders in New Mexico wasn't a thing, but speaking about such a specific place like this? no, a big no. even waters here are toxic, so the question is - how's so much spiders could've live in a place like that? the answer is - that's impossible, in any condition it was an impossible thing, considering that nobody on the base was complaining about finding any spiders.
but he did. he lied every night in his bed, staring at the ceiling hole, almost hypnotising it. he remembered this hole very clearly. it was born accidently by himself, and always served as a reminder of how cheap their terms of conditions were. he always was joking about the cartboard walls and ceilings, decorating this hole with some silly stuff and always tried to find a way to plug it with something, so he wouldn't be soaking wet at the rainy days. but since then he looked at that hole different every night this whole week. one day a large spider came inside of it and disappeared, but the other - a massive colony of little spider were crawling out, spreading on the white ceiling. they looked really small, like they just hatched from the eggs. he watched them silently to come out and be gone.
he saw them everywhere, and it means literally everywhere on the base. not to be too flashing with this, scout asked multiple people carefully "have you seen any spiders around lately?" and was caught up with surprise receiving "no" as an answer.
the spiders. they were everywhere, they were in the cups, in the shoes, in the cabinets, in his bed, in his mind. a huge amount of spiders were living in every corner of the base, but nobody saw even one.
it seemed like spiders were only his problem, and should stay a secret.
one day the voices in his head told him, that the spiders were crawling under his foreskin. they were screaming violently, crying to the sick stage
and he had to.
– Herr scout?
he snapped back to reality, hearing medic's voice. obviously, it looked awkward from the outside, but it doesn't seem to bother Ludwig at all. he was holding a jar of valium in his hand, trying to give it to his patient
– What's that?
Jeremy said, hardly looking directly at the person in front of him.
– Valium, notsing too wild, as you asked. although, i could've give you a much better sedative, but since you asked. tsk.
– Oh, well thanks then!
scout nervously grabbed a small container of white pills. he shook it a bit, smiling at the sound and got up.
– You're the best, as always, doc. owe you one.
he escaped the office pretty quickly, banging the door behind as he tried to just close it. Jeremy leaned against the wall, slowly getting down on the floor. his heart was racing so hard it ached. he couldn't get this out of the head. a whole colony of small black spiders, making their way in and out of the all holes in Ludwig's cold pale face. they ate a part of it, exposing his skull on the left side, with some of the bitten flesh starting to rot. he covered his mouth with both hands, but quickly began to cough. a spider with some bloody scraps fell out of his mouth.
fucking spiders.
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natandacat · 2 years
Here is a promise that if this very prestigious university keeps telling me to just drop out since they can't do anything about covid, I am going to make so much noise about it that it will ruin the Dean's holidays :)
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magentagalaxies · 18 days
going to a comedy open mic tomorrow mostly to watch my friends (it's at a cool venue that my improv troupe performs at once a month and a few improv troupe friends are doing standup there) but when these friends were asking if i'd be interested in coming they were like "btw there's usually a ton of open spots on show days if YOU want to do something... and they're not strict about it only being standup either, people have done character pieces and sketches etc like they embrace the weirdness... and they're not strict about time limits you could probably do anything between three and eight minutes... sometimes if there's not enough people signed up they'll even let you go twice..." and i'm like god damn it i thought i was gonna take a break from aubrey but this setup is like tailor made for an aubrey appearance lmao
#still on the fence about it bc the burnout i experienced at the beginning of may extended to aubrey#especially bc so much of my aubrey stuff is comedy about gender and my brain was more in ''set everything on fire'' mode#and i think i've gotten to a good place with that burnout but i still haven't worked on any aubrey stuff since i got home from college#but even still even tho my mental health is better than it was a few weeks ago#recently i have had this horrible insomnia where i haven't been able to fall asleep at night in over a week#(i've made up for it with naps but still i am not mentally 100% rn. i've tried so many things and nothing has worked.)#so that's my justification for *not* doing aubrey tomorrow. however.#i reeeally need to get more performance experience bc there's only so much you can develop a sketch character without performing them#and this venue is so good. it's an art gallery like an hour away that's designed to be part gallery and part performance venue#especially for comedy. like the venue owner is this veteran comedian who used to work with bobcat goldthwait and a lot of other big names#and it's a low-pressure environment bc everyone there has seen me do comedy before with my improv troupe#but they still haven't seen me do aubrey at all so it's bringing a new side of my comedy to some of my main collaborators#like this is so much better than my previous aubrey performances bc they were all either#1. shows in CLASSROOMS with a bunch of my classmates who generally don't get my comedy (very clique-ish)#or 2. a guest spot on a show at a coffee shop where everyone knew each other except me#plus the biggest thing for me is the lack of a strict time limit. like as much as having a good 3-minute monologue can be#i think aubrey is a character you need to get to know a bit longer than 3 minutes. and a lot of my stuff is long while also being very tigh#like not every monologue is like this but my best aubrey monologues are almost like aubrey is telling you a sitcom storyline#and removing too many lines makes the whole narrative jenga tower fall over#and as much as i want to figure out how to make every monologue a good starting point#having the chance to perform multiple monologues if i get to go twice so that they can build off each other would be perfect#idk i'm not sure how often the open mics are there. at least monthly tho i might be missing next month's depending on when i'm in toronto#so like this wouldn't really be my only chance. but yeah i'm on the fence about whether to bring aubrey back for a performance tomorrow#i probably wouldn't do new material. i'd do the 5 minute version of my uncle reg monologue bc it's the one that's worked best so far#and if i get to do multiple. maybe i'd do the ''nom de plum'' monologue bc i think it's also very strong#and it has a good callback to uncle reg#but idk i also think doing the song would be very fun and on-theme since it's pride month and the song is a satire of rainbow capitalism#tho i'd probably have to rework the monologue that leads into the song bc even tho i loved the concept i don't think i articulated it well#or i could write an entirely different lead-in and make the previous monologue (''C/H/M'') a separate thing to revise later#which would probably go better and somehow be less work to write. but even so i don't know what the venue's sound setup is
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toytulini · 18 days
thinking about my oc Bytte. and. her gender is Aro. her Aromanticism is inextricable from her gender experience.
#toy txt post#i love to make an alloaro oc whos a woman navigating a usually masculine role in society far before we ever coined aromanticism#whos Aromanticism informs so much about her but with no language to adequately describe it she doesnt really know how#and so she does kinda blow up her relationships by accident bc she does Want human connection#and what she Wants is to fuck someone whos friends with her and chill about it who will just be fucking Normal about it#and Not Make It A Big Thing and also for other people to not make it a big thing and they can hang out and be friends#but never fucking domesticize her. and its in part a rejection of the misogynistic role of Wife in historic (and even modern) society of#course but its also a rejection of the relationship hierarchy of Wife. of the romanticization. bc of her circumstances the only role on#offer of course has been Wife. but in the hypothetical situation where she was offered the role of Husband? she would at first probably#accept that. in theory. it sounds fine. sure. but if she tried to LIVE like that. to Live even as a Husband. it would Also be Wrong. to put#any of her relationships into that framework is to fundamentally ruin them forever. and she is living in a society that wants that to be#the only framework. anyway its crazy how ive made a character like that exactly Twice at least#(Bytte and Lucille. Bytte is a bit more genderfucky than Lucille. Lucilles gender is also ugly violent scary woman. for reasons)#both of these characters rn are cis. well. not /cis/ cis but theyre afab and women bc i want to explore that but i am thinking lately about#a transfem take. to explore. ive considered it and i dont think i want that for Bytte? all that means is watch out for future ocs#i could do a character very similar to Bytte as transfem and it would be really good but theres something about#and honestly it would probably make more SENSE for Bytte? due to gender roles in like ancient sparta or whatever?#but if shes transfem in sparta i think there would be subtle nuanced differences in how ppl interact w her that i dont necessarily want for#her? if that makes sense. i know this reasoning sounds weak in a vacuum but i Promise i have way more characters than this and i do want to#explore things differently. i promise there are complex transfem characters in witchverse and also complex characters whos asab im not#decided on yet. there are some im not sure i ever want to be decided on? the downside of being incredibly specific about fictional#characters is that it doesnt leave you all room for headcanons#sorry. good news is you can go make your own ocs about it 👍 idk. much to explore. much to think about#also sometimes a ''''cis'''' character CAN have a fun gender to play with honestly its just that mainstream media Never does#so theres no good way to be like no but listenn i swear its fun#anyway this is all moot cos im not a fucking writer im just making up little guys and doing nothing#also anyway. i think my gender is also aro and a little ace. personally. also before u get mad at me about these 2 ocs being like#probelmatic aro rep or smth: 1) aforementioned its moot anyway im not even a writer 2) these arent the only alloaro ocs i have its just#funny that i made this one twice lmao 3) my brain is huge. my ocs are rad. suck my ass. ♡#if only i Was a writer tho god. thered be sooooo many aro characters fr fr
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