#i guess her friend had her son go train and it really helped
etherealstar-writes · 4 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: seven
part one here
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the REAL karate kid
good afternoon losers
and y/n <3
the imposter
good afternoon you dumbass
and hello to you too y/n
the REAL karate kid
how are you y/n?
the imposter
eh i'm doing fine i guess
is everything alright
the imposter
i got fired from work today 😔
what happened?
if you don't mind me asking
the imposter
so i told ya what i do for work yeah?
well i've worked for this company for the past
whole year as their main solo media manager
and then my boss found out that his good old
friend's son was looking for a job and he's also
a photographer and social media manager so he
decided to fire me and hire him instead to
keep his relationship strong with his old friend
the REAL karate kid
that really sucks
your boss sounds like a terrible person
the imposter
yeah he was a really difficult person
i am kinda glad tho ngl
i don't have to see his annoying face ever again
but back to job hunting again 😔
if it makes you feel better
leah got head-shotted in the head
by lessi during training
the imposter
i really hope someone got proof of it
i gotcha
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got K.O-ed lol
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this isn't funny
i got a full on concussion
i'll get you back russo
the REAL karate kid
not my fault you're a terrible defender 🤷‍♀️
the imposter
them calves 😮‍💨
has anyone ever asked you
to step on them?
um y/n is there something you'd
like to share with the group ...
weirdly enough yeah
i have been asked that
it was actually just y/n asking
on a secret account
the imposter
don't expose me like that 😩
every time i open this group chat
i get deeply concerned for you all again
i don't even know who y/n is and i feel like
i should be concerned about her as well
the imposter
i thought we were getting along well 😔
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well if meado is concerned then
i guess she's offering to pay for
our therapy so let's go gang
the imposter
why do guys always train and
play football together?
oh you know
we just like to play football together at times
it's fun
the imposter
okay ....
who am i to judge
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
so guys
i have done something
oh no
that is never a good sign
le tissier
okay i'm intrigued
this is gonna be bad
the fact that she's using the group chat
without y/n is not a good sign
is she about to introduce her new wife
to us or something? did you like run away
and get married in vegas or something?
we literally saw her yesterday georgia
so if she had then that would be
insanely impressive
is that why you weren't at training today?
ella looked very lost today
it was worrying
i ran away with y/n and we got married
not yet anyway 😏
but back to the point
leah was also in on this
oh like that's any better
excuse me??
here we go
you know how y/n's looking for a job yeah?
well leah and i thought we'd put in a
good word for her in our media admin so
that you know .... maybe she can get
offered a job here and you know we can
actually meet her and get to know her irl ....
that is actually ....
the most decent idea i've heard from ya
yeah fr
oh my god y'all are such simps
shut up
i do wonder when y/n will find out about
who we are or if she ever will
nah she's got to find out soon with
the euros starting next week?
i reckon we tell her after the euros
well that shall be eventful
part eight here
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oneatlatime · 6 months
Bitter Work
Life took me out at the knees for a couple of weeks but I'm back! I'm hoping this is a nice restful episode after the relentlessness of The Chase.
I have to say, Toph's nicknaming skills are on point. I never would have thought of Sugarqueen, but it fits perfectly.
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This is me. Every morning.
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Full nose plant from Appa.
And the beat up Sokka quota is fulfilled. Very funny Toph, but completely uncalled for. If someone had catapulted teenage me 50 feet into the air while I was trying to sleep, it would have been fully justifiable homicide.
Aang is always trying to run before he can walk. What was Iroh always saying to Zuko about basics? Aang needs that speech too.
I was really on the ball in my post about how airbenders aren't homicidal, actually. Rock is a stubborn element. Yay me!
Aang earthbends = Earth bends Aang.
Seriously, how did he mess up that badly?
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Thank you Zuko for the incredibly obvious exposition that's somehow completely in character. Interesting to see that Iroh and his son had brown hair, but Zuko seems to have black hair. More hair variety in the Fire Nation than I thought.
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Tangent time! I love the contrast in social intelligence (I guess that's the term?) in this scene. Zuko wakes Iroh up with an infodump, some bad tea, and then gets straight to discussing strategy. Iroh's first actions are to compliment the bad tea, then dispose of the refill in a way that won't hurt Zuko's feelings (probably not necessary, as Zuko seems to be the type that's oblivious to all things other than the task at hand when he's focused). Iroh, injured and awake for all of 15 seconds, jumps straight to actions that help look after his nephew. And Zuko is trying! That's why he made tea! But still, he doesn't even ask if his uncle's feeling ok. Zuko has such a massive gap in his education - he can probably reel off the specs of all Fire Nation battleships, but he doesn't know how to be a human person. Contrast that with Iroh, and especially Katara, who makes friends and connections with such aggressive forwardness that she's at times more steamroller than teenage girl. It's funny how privilege plays into this too - Zuko comes from probably the single most privileged (on paper) family in the world, yet it's the children of the impoverished water tribe who have the more well-rounded education/socialisation.
"She's crazy and she needs to go down" go a full belly laugh out of me.
"What if I came at the boulder from a different angle?" Jesus I was REALLY on point with my post about the airbenders. Credit where credit is due, this show has such good writing/worldbuilding that viewers have picked up what Toph is laying out in this episode already. Also a little bit of stealth character work in there - since Toph is putting into words what we've been thinking this whole time, she now reads as trustworthy. This show is so good. So thought out.
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Maybe it's just VLC being weird, but methinks Katara is having some trouble with her eyeball.
Katara STOP BABYING HIM. This is why I don't like Aang having a crush on her.
Honestly it's refreshing to have Toph giving it to Aang straight, no softening the blows.
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I really like this texture.
Sokka's club is a giant bottle opener. Or at least a multitool.
oh this is going to be haybending all over again.
They are totally going to have to nerf this girl. She could defeat the Fire Lord right now.
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Earth beats water tribe
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Someome who knows more about tea than I do: Why are both pots necessary?
"requires peace of mind" well that's out. Sorry Zuko, we'll have to get you a taser instead.
"So we're drinking tea to calm down?" "not it's to get the nasty ass taste of the sludge you brewed out of my mouth. I mean yes." For what's looking like an extended training montage, this episode is far funnier than it needs to be.
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I pretty much don't notice Zuko's scar anymore (it's just part of his character design) then every so often a certain frame of animation will come out of the blue and remind me that this kid's missing half his face. I don't know if it's intentional on the part of the animators, but his scar is prominent this episode.
So it sounds like bending lightning actually corresponds with how lightning in our world works. Neat.
In an absolutely Shocking turn of events (pun absolutely intended), Zuko fucks it up. Fucking shit up: the autobiography of a Fire Prince. Has a nice ring to it.
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Toph I know you go hard, but maybe apply a sense of proportion to this?
It kind of looks like Aang's about to be run over by a giant scoop of caramel ice cream.
Toph is such an interesting mishmash of bluntness and emotional intelligence. I don't think I've seen a character like that before.
Zuko being self aware for once! Everything always does explode in his face. Except when he's being the Blue Spirit. Seems he's more capable then.
It's a tragedy that this boy wasn't around for the emo movement. He would have single-handedly sustained Hot Topic.
Zuko going "WHAT TURMOIL?!?!?" is like Katara going "I'M COMPLETELY CALM!!!!!" last episode. Also got a laugh out of me.
"I'm as proud as ever." OF WHAT?!?!? What could he possibly be proud of? He's a homeless fugitive with a stolen horse bird and a half-dead uncle that he can't even properly brew tea for. The self-delusion is strong.
Is pride the source of shame? Honest question, I don't know.
There's a surprising variety of trees in this part of the Earth Kingdom. Where Zuko and Iroh are there are fluffly hardwoods, probably deciduous; Toph's training ground is ringed by cartoon pines.
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This whole bit is too cute for words.
"Now come back boomerang" This is a training episode, it's not supposed to be this funny!
Are there voice acting awards? Like voice acting oscars? Sokka's actor needs one. Or several.
I should have waited to answer the ask about airbenders and just copy pasted Iroh's speech here. Except for the water = change bit. That doesn't make sense.
What can I possibly say about Iroh's speech? It's the thesis for this show in a single paragraph.
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Are characters' eyes a different shape this episode? Aang's eyes change colour all the time, but everyone's eyes seem more cat-like.
I do love me some constructive bullying.
Sokka is so refreshingly self-aware while still totally oblivious. He is meat and sarcasm, but he's so much more!
"Have you got any meat?" He said that in an Irish accent.
"You're gonna pull my fingers off and I don't think the rest of me is coming!" Do you ever come across a sentence that is so obviously an innuendo that your brain trips over itself trying to decipher it?
Sokka's hair must be so fluffy. It's got so much volume.
Why can't he go get Toph? I think being stuck in a hole outranks avoiding an awkward encounter.
"You must not let the lightning pass through your heart, or the damage could be deadly." Foreshadowing?
Today in 'things Zuko thinks it's acceptable, nay, expected, for parental figures to do' - attempted murder as a teaching method! What went on in that palace?
Is this the closest Sokka's come to dying?
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He's earthbending the air! Doing air but earthlike. You know what I mean.
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I thought she was levitating.
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Toph is so smart. She does the airbender thing and comes at the problem from a different angle. Telling Aang to stand up for himself doesn't work? Fine. Let's bully him into standing up for himself. And it works!
This episode's MVP is Sokka's patience.
"You tried the positive reinforcement, didn't you?" uhhhhh sure!
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Appa getting vengeance for Sokka. Nice.
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Theatre kids.
I wish Zuko would just have the breakdown he's obviously hurtling towards so we can get started on the rebuilding arc. Every time I think he's a rock bottom, he keeps digging.
Luten is Katara. Let's not read too far into that one.
Final Thoughts
I defy any episode from this point on to fulfill the Beat Up Sokka Quota as thoroughly as this one did.
In a lesser show, the 'Aang learns earthbending episode' would have had Aang & Toph as the A-plot, and Sokka & Katara doing something completely unrelated as a b-plot, and probably no Zuko at all. Sokka does have his own thing going on this episode, but the fact that they managed to weave in both water tribe siblings so organically is so satisfying. Of course a team member struggling to learn a new skill would seek out his friends. Of course his friends are in the area, observing the lesson to varying degrees. It feels so much more real to have the characters who aren't 'useful' that episode still there, rather than conveniently absent.
Zuko was very Zuko this episode. He's correct that he needs more training for his inevitable next encounter with Zuko jr., but Iroh is also correct that Zuko is a bundle of issues held together by a different bundle of issues. Not to jinx it, but I thought I detected a hint of self-awareness from Zuko this episode, although it seems to have occurred despite his best efforts to suppress it.
Iroh's Zuko-wrangling skills were sharp this episode, despite being injured. And his wisdom was off the charts. Zuko was also not as annoying as I usually find him, and unlike in Zuko Alone where I found his quieter self to be out of character, it fit this episode. Maybe he's turned over a new, quieter, leaf? I loved "she's crazy and she needs to go down" both as a joke and as a statement. Shared blood doesn't trump someone's actions, and I'm glad to see a show meant for kids acknowledge that. Although, given that this show has no problem depicting objectively BAD parents and families, I can't say I'm surprised.
In a testament to Jack de Sena's skill, Sokka get a soliloquy this episode and pulls it off flawlessly. Kudos to the animation team for making Sokka's face fit the words so well. Double kudos for whoever had the balls to approve 'stick Sokka in a hole and put an apex predator on his head to force self-reflection' as a plotline.
There was a lot of exposition from a lot of different characters this episode, but it's mostly unnoticeable. It just makes sense that that's what they would be talking about at that point in time.
I think I said it above, but I'll say it again: the worldbuilding in this show is phenomenally well done. How do I know this? Because I was able to construct most of Iroh's monologue before watching this episode, just by paying attention. This show rewards focus and attentiveness. (Almost) nothing that Iroh said was not something the audience has already observed for themselves. Not heard, but observed. That 'show, don't tell' thing.
This episode was way funnier than it needed to be too. Not just the obvious stuff like *inhales*
but tiny one-liners buried mid-conversation and character interactions too. Momo turning into a reed didn't have to be there, but it was, and it was funny. It wasn't exactly restful, but it was a relief to have an episode that really didn't move around after The Chase.
What I like most about this episode was that it went farther than it had to. This was a training episode. It could have been just training. Anyone familiar with training episodes would expect just training, and be satisfied with just training. But Avatar said 'nope, we'll do better than that' and organically incorporated a heap of character stuff, worldbuilding from multiple perspectives, humour, multiple characters undergoing self-reflection, the next step in the domestication of Zuko, what I'm hoping wasn't a heap of foreshadowing, and pretty backgrounds as the cherry on top. They didn't have to go so hard, but Avatar always goes hard. I like that.
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certifiedredhoodlover · 6 months
I hate that I love you
Damian Wayne x fem!reader
TW:enemies to lovers trope, kinda mean Damian, insults, fight scene, a bit of angst at the end, happy ending.
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Everyone on your league's knew you hated each other. You both knew you did. Or did you? It was complicated really. It was pure chaos when you were around each other.
Ra's al Ghul was an old friend of your grandparents. He and your grandpa made the league's together. Now his granddaughter and your mother continue the legacy.
Talia al Ghul was a strong women, powerful even. You liked her. Her son? Not so much. There are a lot of names you could address Damian with. One of them is spoiled. He was such a spoiled little brat and treated you like you were no one.
Your league was one of the best. It trained you to be one of the best. And you were, you knew you were. Damian didn't seem to think so though.
That's how you ended up here. Standing in front of each other, katana in hand, ready to strike. Your rage has been building up slowly ever since he came to the league alongside with his mother. It was time to let it out.
"Let's see how much of a nobody you truly are." His constant insults had stopped bothering you long time ago. Striking first was never your move but you couldn't help it. The sound of your katanas meeting each other filled the room. You gazes were stuck on each other. The tension between you was noticeable.
Tearing your gaze away from his, you quickly striked again trying to catch him off guard. And you did. Letting out,a not so silent, gasp he tripped from the impact and hit the floor. As quickly as you could you kicked his katana away and pinned his hands above his head.
"Guess I'm not as bad as you thought I was Wayne." You snapped at him and kept eye contact, eventhough the tension was still there. His shoulders slumped, his hands seemed to lose strength and his features softened. You were confused. Was he giving up that easily? He never did.
Standing up, not bearing to look at him anymore. As you picked your katana up and got ready to leave, a hand on your shoulder stopped you from doing so. Turning around you looked at Damian with a blank stare, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being interested in what he has to say.
Looking at you deep in the eyes he took a deep breath and said. "This is not how it was supposed to go. I never intended to make you hate me. But.. you were and still are so stubborn! It irritates me so much..." Before he could finish you interrupted him. "I didn't stay just to listen to your insults." You snarled and turned to walk out the door again.
Calming his breathing, Damian took a step forward turning you around and pinning you to the wall. "I love you. I do. So much that it hurts." Looking at him with your mouth agape in shock, you couldn't believe what he was saying. Laughing bitterly you pushed him back harshly. "Is this some kind of a sick joke? Are you fucking playing with me?"
Damian stood there looking at you, eyes filled with tears. Not only because you didn't believe him but because of anger as well. How could you think that he would joke about something like that? Do you think so lowly of him?
"I would never lie about something like that. Do you desire me as much as I desire you? Or do you actually feel pure hatred towards me?" He asked looking at you with a hopeful look on his face. Oh how he wished you felt the same. He begged the gods inside of him. He never wanted anything as much as he wanted you to be his.
Seeing his genuine look, you wondered. Was he actually telling the truth? Does he actually love you? Taking a shaky breath, you risked it. Pulling him towards you, you kissed him passionately. Wrapping yours arms around his neck you pulled him as close as possible. The kiss was magical. Both of relaxing in each others embrace. Finally realizing how stupid you both were.
Pulling away from each other, a dazed smile graced both of your faces. The love in your eyes was visible. Finally, the tension was no longer there. Only love and adoration.
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[OKAYY IT'S DONE ANON!! This made me feel so many things while writing it I swear. ]
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sarah-yyy · 1 month
Sarah jie jie, In Blossom rec or no?
this is a real tough question to answer hooooo boy where do i start??
i mean, for starters, the premise of the show is actually really fun, and i like it a lot so far!! let's talk a little about this:
(spoilers for the first 2 eps in its entirety which covers the background/setup of the story)
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this is yang caiwei. her dad was a minister who was framed for one thing or another, demoted, and subsequently murdered. she was disfigured in the process, and ended up in the city of heyang where she grew up to be a corpse bearer training under a coroner.
yang caiwei has been betrothed since she was a little girl to:
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pan yue. this boy is the son of a concubine so his relationship with his dad is very meh. when yang caiwei's family got into trouble, pan yue's dad quickly cut off all ties with them. this led to yang caiwei being turned away at the door p harshly when she came to pan yue for help. pan yue himself though has loved her since he was a boy, and has been looking for her for 10 years!!
ANYWAY these two find each other. he wants to marry her. ofc he does!! she's his 白月光, and he wants to love and protect her!! he's disowned his family so that he can do this, he is ALL IN BABY. he's only found her again for all of 10 minutes and he's already planning their wedding in his head lbr.
she is calm and composed and v sensible because of the way she had to grow up. this whole thing seems too good to be true, and also she might be harbouring some ~feelings over the way he just cut her out of his life when she needed him the most. the yang caiwei she is now just wants to live her life as normal.
the chemistry is 😘 at this point, and i am so invested in their relationship. at this stage, i was still thinking she was the second female lead and was like. huh. this is going to be one of those shows where i'd ship these two more than the official couple i guess??
anyway enter:
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shangguan zhi. sister of pan yue's best friend, who is obsessed with pan yue, putting it mildly. she also has this ~thing about her own physical appearance - essentially, she thinks she needs to look and act perfect to be worthy of pan yue's love. this involves a lot of witch doctors and v unhealthy dieting and scrolls on how to smile the perfect way and walk the perfect way. y'all get the gist.
shangguan zhi hears that pan yue is getting married (to someone ugly at that!!!) and loses her shit. she decides the way around this so she can be with her yue-gege forever is-
(you guessed it!!)
-body-swapping with yang caiwei, and pushing yang caiwei (and also the shaman who actually helped her with the swap) off a cliff so that nobody ever finds out.
to her credit, it actually works!! she swaps bodies with yang caiwei, and marries pan yue.
what she didn't account for was being murdered on her wedding day.
ANYWAY. the actual yang caiwei, now in shangguan zhi's body (😭), survives the fall from the cliff, rushes to the wedding with the intent on stopping the wedding and getting her goddamn body back, and reaches just in time to kinda sorta witness shangguan zhi's murder.
cue her thinking that it was pan yue who killed shangguan zhi (she knew the whole wedding thing was too good to be true) and pan yue thinking that shangguan zhi had something to do with yang caiwei's death (after all, she was obsessed with him and had a whole fit over him wanting to marry someone else).
everything about this premise was *chef's kiss*. give me a bucket of popcorn and some comfy pillows, i can watch this all day.
except my dudes shangguan zhi (and subsequently yang caiwei-in-shangguan-zhi's body, let's call her shangguan caiwei for now) is played by ju jingyi. 😞 zhhz played yang caiwei TOO WELL my friends, so that when jjy took over, shangguan caiwei felt like a whole different character. it's a bit difficult to reconcile yang caiwei and shangguan caiwei tbh, which made watching the third ep onwards a bit jarring, especially after zhhz set the character up so well.
it's not like......fatal to the show. i mean. i went in expecting nothing from jjy (rightfully i think 😑) and i wouldn't say i am disappointed by it just because i was prepared to be ehhhh about her going in. i'm still watching the show mainly because i like the plot and also, and this is a big factor that i truly cannot stress enough:
liu xueyi looks so good in this show hoooooo boy
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look at this!!! is this a face i would suffer 30+ episodes of jjy for??? apparently it is!!
tl;dr: love lxy + like the plot + dislike jjy = still watching and will likely finish the show. is it a rec?? conservatively, i'd say soft yes??? i mean. a huge part of me watching this show is because i'm entertained by the shenanigans, 😍 over lxy, and daydreaming about an alternate universe of the show where we have zhhz instead of jjy as the female lead. it's not something to watch seriously though!!
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whatisthatmae · 1 year
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Neteyam x Vitiligo Metkayina! Reader
Part 1
Authors note: my second post!! Hopefully this doesn’t disappoint! Enjoy!
Pronouns: She/Her
Y/n pov
I was on my way to hunt some fish to eat for dinner when I heard someone blowing the horn for some odd reason. I got up from where I was and then I see people rushing to see what had arrived at our shores. I stop what I’m doing and go see what the commotion is all about. Once I got there I see my parents, Ronal & Tonowari, and my siblings Tsireya & Ao’nung. I had skipped my way over to where all the people from my clan were, swinging my tail a bit side to side,only to see some new comers. They looked like they were from the Omatikaya clan from the forest.
My siblings were beside my parents by the time I arrived. I skimmed my gaze over the new comers only to see what looks like to be their eldest son looking my way. I look at him a bit confused, mostly because he was just..staring at me. Either way I at least tried to give him a small smile. I don’t really like new comers, or anything new that comes to our clan. My attitude is similar to my mothers so at first I don’t really like them,but I at least have some heart to be nice..unlike her.
She had been looking over these new people with a judging look on her face. Even though I wasn’t the one she was looking at, it made me nervous. Her whole gaze, just makes me nervous. My mother, and the boys mother started growling at each other when my mom got to close to what seems like the other woman’s mate I assume. Toruk Maktou has apologized for the woman’s behavior, blaming it on the flight on the way here.
After a while of talking, my father declared that me and my siblings will help the new family learn our ways. I was not really happy about it because I have better things to do, I am the second eldest child in our family. I am training under my mother to become the next Tsahík. “Father, you do know I have other things to do, correct?” I said with a scowl on my face. Me and my father have butt heads a lot ever since I’ve gotten older. “It had already been decided.” He said sternly.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. I told my sister Tsireya to hurry up so we can get this over with. We showed the family to their Marui & I felt the older brothers gaze on me again. I don’t know what exactly he’s looking at me for though. Maybe it’s because my skin is sort of different? I don’t know. But I try to ignore it the best I could until the day was over. After a while their parents went with mine to go learn elsewhere, while me & my sister teach their children.
After their lesson I tried to leave as fast as I could. I honestly like to keep to myself, it just feels better that way to be alone. When I was on the shore I felt someone tap my shoulder for a moment. I turn around & guess who it was. Yup, the older brother who I still don’t know the name of. “ Yes? Do you need something before I leave?” I asked, being as polite as I could. “Yes actually.” He said, I raised and eyebrow for him to continue. “Could you tell me your name? I’d at least like to know the name of the person I’m learning from.” He asked. I sighed and told him what he asked for. “ My name is ____” I said back to him.
“I was wondering if you would like to be friends? The other people I’ve met here are being… should I say, rude?” I hum in acknowledgement and nod my head. “Yes, that’ll be fine, I guess. I really must get going though. My mother would be furious if I’m late.” I said in a hurry. “Oh, we’ll I’ll see you around then?” He asked curiously. “ Yes, you will. Goodbye!” I tried to put a smile on my face that looked at least a bit real. “Bye!” He said back.
It’s been a few weeks since the Sully’s have showed up on our island. Me and Neteyam have been getting to know each other better, and it’s been working. I’ve been opening up to him about this recently, like how I’ve been so stressed to keep up with my mothers expectations. He relates to my struggles too, which makes me feel better to say the least.
Neteyam has been getting better at his lessons too. I’ve taught him very well since he’s learned in such fast time. I’ve taught him every ting I know from riding an ilu, to hunting. I don’t really know what else to do when we “hang out” anymore…if you can even call it that. He says the we “ should hang out outside of the lessons” since their is nothing else that I can teach him.
Neteyam’s pov
Recently, I’ve been hanging out with ____ a lot. I’ve been making excuses to hangout with them or even just for the simplest things. Lo’ak is thinking that I like her, and I’m starting to see it. ____ is very mysterious, and interesting. She doesn’t really like to be out much with other people, and she has this fierce type attitude. Sort of similar to her mothers, just more..dialed back.
Today I made ____ a gift. It’s a bracelet from the shells from the shore that tuk and I found a few days ago. “Who is that for?” Lo’ak asked. “It’s none of your business, Lo’ak” I rolled my eyes at him while walking towards the place where me and ____ are supposed to meet. “ Its fine, I have a pretty good guess on who it’s for” he said. I huffed and kept waking. “Look big bro, someone’s gonna snatch ____ up and take her one day . Might as well and confess soon.” He said. “And why do you say that?” I asked. “ One of her brothers friends mentioned that he had a crush on her yesterday. So I suggest you hurry up and do it while you have the chance.”he shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I sighed and just kept walking until I see ____.
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an-au-blog · 6 months
We've all seen Sora take the kids and marry Zeff or leaving Zeff custody of Sanji but hear me out: Sora doesn't die and is the one to break Sanji out of the dungeon and escapes with him. They're in some no name town in the East Blue and Sanji sneaks on to Mihawk's little coffin boat to loot him and take it back to his mom and gets caught. Mihawk walks him back to Sora who apologizes profusely and Mihawk can see that shes ill and that they're clearly out of their depth and for whatever reason, his mind cannot fathom it honestly, he offers to take the Kuraigana with him. Sora and Sanji agree too, for whatever reason, maybe they're scared because they know who he is, or they're just that desperate. Either way they agree and leave with him.
They make a supply stop a couple islands away because Mihawk realizes they have nothing except a shared back pack of clothes and that's it. Sanji is trying not to hide behind his mom from Mihawk but he's a kid who's been through a lot and Mihawk reminds him of his brothers and Judge. Mihawk gets them a few outfits and picks up some more food because of how thin they both are. When they check into an inn and Sanji's asleep Sora finds Mihawk and thanks him and says she had to save her son.
Not even a month after they're all settled in his home Mihawk finds himself extremely endeared to this duo and hopes they never leave, it takes him another three to say it and Sora cries happily and Sanji nods. Sora has taken over most of the cleaning and Sanji cooks with Mihawk a lot and Sora has improved greatly. The dynamic isnt perfect by any means but it works for them. Sometimes Sanji's nightmares will wake Mihawk up before they wake him up so Mihawk will sit with him until they do or he calms down. Sora knows a lot about caring for weapons and instruments so she'll tune the piano or clean his antique swords.
Woops Mihawk is in love and suddenly has a wife and child he didn't think he would and Newgate is going to laugh at him. Doesn't even necessarily think of the implications or anything just tells them at dinner over their plates. They don't leave until Sanji decides to go work at Baratie when he's a teen and then joins the straw hat crew. Life goes on. Everyone thinks Sanji's an orphan still since he doesn't talk about his parents. His parents read the paper.
When Perona appears Sora confirms it's not her pink haired daughter but she'll take another. And then look! Zoro's here, Sanji's nakama and the kid Mihawk almost killed, how charming. Zoro's really confused because Mihawk in the castle is different from the master training him and he's a lot softer and kind towards Sora. Sora asks them both about their adventures in pirating and such.
Zoro asks point blank if she's Sanji's mom and she laughs and mentions how that's so Sanji to not talk about them and Mihawk mentions how smart that is because otherwise oops, they're either down a son or Mihawk's bounty is unfrozen. Sora jokes that need two more to make up for the other two she has and Mihawk tells her that they cannot keep collecting kids.
Zoro is absolutely gonna kick Sanji's ass.
That's a whole-ass fix right there, damn! I actually love any au where Sora doesn't die, I don't wanna see her go ngl hahaha ':)
And I genuinely think she can melt almost anyone's heart. But have you thought about the Sanji repressions??? He's already canonically bitchy but now he'll have all the sass from Mihawk as well????? I think that'd be absolutely hilarious!
Plus that would mean that Mihawk was going to the Baratie to check in on his son, that's so cute omg :') And that could also be an excuse for why he didn't kill Sanji's "new friend" during his fight with Zoro.
Also why do I feel like Mihawk would try his damned best to make Sanji call him father instead of dad and Sanji would do it just to spite him.
Sanji: thanks for uh... you know... not killing my new crewmates
Mihawk: I guess it couldn't be helped
Sanji: Whatever, bye dad
Mihawk absolutely not having the heart to correct him at this point:... yeah.
Also Sora adopting Perona during ts makes me so happy. She would brush and braid her hair thinking if she'll ever have the chance to do it with her biological daughter. So that only makes her want to savour every moment with Perona while she can. And I think Perona would love Sora as well, she loves cute and pretty things so they'd make a great dynamic just absolutely driving Mihawk up the wall by redecorating... or as he calls it "ruining the aesthetic" or his castle.
Also... for the haha's: Sanji knowing way yoo much about swords would confused the hell out of Zoro. Not to mention that once Zoro finds out about his connection to Mihawk, I feel like he'd want to fight him even more than he already does. Bonus if Sanji is actually a really skilled swordman.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 4 months
Can i request a Billy Gunn fic with some NSFW? Possibly he and reader were old friends when he worked for WWE but they reconnect after a long time and get close to each other again and maybe a wrestler cuts a promo on him and says something about y/n and he snaps and kinda confesses his feelings he has for her.
Old Flame
An: This ended up to be way longer than I thought it would be. I decided to play a different route with this request
Summary: Billy and Y/n "dated" (really just sex) a while ago and Billy hates how he let Y/n slip through his fingers all those years ago because he was afraid of commitment. What happens when she shows up in AEW and he relies he still loves her.
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Word count: 2K
Warnings: SMUT (18+) Billy Gunn X Female reader, Mentions of Sex and sexual acts, mentions of alcohol and spiked drinks, 18+ themes
Main Masterlist Billy Gunn Masterlist Part 2 Part 3
I had mixed feelings about having Y/n in AEW, sure it was great to see her after all these years but it was strange since how much we had both changed. I remember when I first saw Y/n after all our years apart. I was backstage at dynamite when I saw her, jokingly said to my sons “That chick over there looks like Y/n” and once she turned around I noticed it was indeed her. I felt my stomach drop. She looked different, older, well of course she looked older we were both way older now but she aged like fine wine, still gorgeous as ever. When I asked what she was doing backstage at Dynamite she explained that she was there to help the young talent in the women's division, along with teaching her daughter how to wrestle. I was happy for her but for some reason I was nervous.
The first few weeks went by fast and I barely ran into Y/n which I was secretly grateful for. That was until my sons, The Gunns joined bullet club gold. Although we didn’t work on screen together at the end of the day they were still my children. I guess the boys did some digging and found out about the little fling Y/n and I had all those years ago. I tried to explain to them that it was years ago, way before they were even born, for them to leave it alone, but they knew I obviously wasn’t over it since I had been practically avoiding Y/n. The boys thought it would be funny to ask Y/n to train them even though I already taught them everything they needed to know. So here I am sitting across the ring from the woman I let slip through my fingers years ago. 
“So Y/n, I heard you and my dad used to date back in the day” Austin said. I store daggers at him, but he didn’t care, instead he gave me a smirk, wanting to see how far he could push me before I broke. 
“I wouldn't say we dated necessarily” Y/n said, as she corrected Colten’s grip, making the choke he was practicing on his brother more effective. “Sure we went out on a few dates but we didn’t date. Your father didn’t want to commit to a relationship” Her words stung, the story she told had no effect on her but I still hated myself for it even if it was 30 years ago. “So you guys were just fuck buddies then?” Colten asked. “COLTEN!-” I yelled but Y/n cut me off. “I guess you could say that, but your father was a gentleman and always bought me dinner first” 
To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement. I was just about to leave when Y/n called out “Come on Billy, don’t be such a baby. They are just messing with you” I continued to walk pretending not to hear her, she came up to me and grabbed my arm, forcing me to turn and look at her. As I towered over her, I felt like I had gone back in time. Back to the time where I fucked everything up years ago. 
“Y/n I’m sorry!” I yelled out to the poor girl who stood beneath me with tears in her eyes. “I should have known you were only using me to get your dick wet” She yelled back, her words laced with venom. I knew it was only a matter of time before she would ask to be more than whatever it was we had going on but the truth was I was so scared to mess things up between us I didn’t even realize the hole I dug myself into until it was too late. I was trying to protect her but instead I hurt her. 
This little buddy system started a few months ago when a very drunk Y/n admitted that no guy she had been with had made her cum. One day after a PPV we all went out for drinks when Y/n’s got spiked, luckily for her it wasn’t too bad but boy did she say some crazy things. 
Being a good friend I took her back to my hotel room before she could embarrass herself too much and she ended up passing out right as we stepped foot in the room. Carefully I placed her on the bed and removed her shoes before tucking her under the covers. 
When she came to, she was confused. “Did we fuck?” was the first thing she asked me, noticing she was in my bed. “No, but you wanted to” I told her, Y/n looked at me confused. “Someone spiked your drink at the bar. I took you back to my hotel room to keep you from embarrassing yourself” I told her truthfully. “Oh god, what did I say?” “Nothing much, just that you have never had an orgasm before” “Great” “Don’t worry, I'm sure I can help you with that problem” I told her with a smirk.
I couldn't deny the effect she had on me, she was perfect in every way. Seeing her in my bed didn’t help my crush on her. As we made our way back to the hotel she kept rambling about random things and even suggested that we sleep together. I knew that wasn’t her talking, she was drugged and wouldn't remember a thing in the morning. Even though I liked her, no way would I take advantage of her in such a state. I wanted to get with her when she was fully sober, wanting to have something real not just an impulsive booty call or being so fucked up we woudn’t remember anything in the morning. 
So I waited until the time was right. I sat in my private locker room fantasizing about Y/n when I heard someone knocking at my door. “Who is it?” I yelled through the door. To my surprise it was Y/n herself. “It’s me! Are you almost ready to go?” She asked me “Yeah, just give me a minute!” I said before opening the door to let her inside. When I opened the door I saw the shocked look on her face. “Well someones excited to see me,” she said as she looked me up and down. I was confused for a second until I looked down noticing I was fully hard. “Shit!” I could feel my face get red. “Don’t worry, it happens to everyone. You don’t have to be embarrassed” She told me reassuringly. I quickly grabbed all my things, changing the subject. “Do you want to get room service tonight instead? I don’t really feel like going out tonight.” 
The two of us sat in my hotel room in silence. Y/n was first to break the silence. “Does it hurt?” She asked, referring to my still hard cock. “It doesn’t hurt, just uncomfortable” I told her, the effect she had on me still being shown. “Do you want help with it?” I almost choked when the words came out of her mouth. “What?” I asked in disbelief. “Do you want some help with that?” She repeated as she got up from her seat, deciding to sit on my lap. “We could help each other out?” I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 
Everything happened so fast, before I knew it we were tangled in each other, frantically taking off  the others clothes fighting for dominance. “You have no idea how long I have wanted this,” I told Y/n. I could tell by the look on her face she was shocked by my size. “Don’t worry I’ll take good care of you” I told her reassuringly. I wanted to take my time with Y/n. I placed delicate kisses down her body before settling between her thighs. Kissing and sucking her inner thighs before inserting myself in her. I started with slow thrusts, trying to keep my promise of being gentile but she just felt so good, I needed to feel more, I needed to make her cum, I needed to make her have an orgasm so good, she could never be with anyone else, and that’s exactly what I did. My thrusts were hard, the grip I had on her hips as I pounded into her would bruise but neither of us cared. The two of us a moaning mess, my ears where filled with praises that left her lips. “Fuck, you feel so good, you fill me up so good” I could tell by the way she fluttered around me her words were true. “Fuck Y/n” I called out. I could feel she was close. “That’s it baby” I praised “Right there, You're close. Just relax baby. I need you to relax for me, don’t fight it” I told her as I continued my assault on her pussy. I reached my hand between us to play with her clit. That put her over the edge. “That’s it baby, I got you, let it out, let it all out” I told her as I continued to fuck her through her orgasm before I pulled out, cumming all over her chest. 
That became our routine. After shows we would either go out for dinner or order room service then have some crazy sex. As the weeks went past I found myself falling in love with Y/n and it terrified me. I was scared I was going to hurt her so I pushed myself away. I didn’t even realize it but I had become distant with her. Looking back on it I was kind of a jerk, I was never one for aftercare but with Y/n it was different, I almost found it better than sex, it was more intimate. That was why I fell in love, so, I became distant after sex, I acted like I didn’t care but I cared too much. When she asked what changed I avoided the question, when she asked to be more than just sex I turned it down without thinking. By the time I realized what I did it was too late. 
“I’m  Sorry Y/n!”  I yelled out to the poor girl who stood beneath me with tears in her eyes. “I should have known you were only using me to get your dick wet” She yelled back, her words laced with venom. I knew I fucked up. “Y/n wait! I didn’t mean it.” I yelled but It was too late. She was already grabbing her clothes that were scattered around the room and left before saying “And to think I was in love with you” 
Since that day at the training facility I couldn't get Y/n out of my head. She was all I thought about 24/7. That day replaying over and over again. But tonight I had a Trois match with the acclaimed against top flight and action andretti and I knew I needed to focus on the match, not Y/n. The match went well, another successful title defense until we were interrupted by bullet club gold. Austin and Colton were obviously still not over how I picked the acclaimed over them, the two of them alongside Juice Robinson requesting a title shot. I was going to say no until they brought up Y/n. “Of course you would say no Billy. I’m honestly shocked you are still with the acclaimed, I know how you are with commitment. I mean you let the love of your life slip through your fingers because you were scared of commitment. I wonder what Y/n would think if she knew you still beat yourself up about it 30 years later. Now you are all alone, still wrestling when you should be retired because you have no one to go home to”  Their words stung but they were true “You want a title shot? FINE, Next week Bullet Club Gold Vs The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass!” I yelled back at them! 
I sure hope Y/n didn’t hear any of that. 
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aonungyoufuck · 1 year
For you the world {end}
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Part one
You hadn’t meant to Talk with Neteyam’s siblings. And its not that you hated them at all. You truly loved them as if they were your own siblings. But maybe the fear of his parents subconsciously made it almost a little bit more scary to face them. 
Really you hadn’t meant to bump into them without Neteyam present. 
It really wasn’t a bad thing. You just had Tsu’ru on the sling behind your back while you were picking molluscs and barnacles off the socks on the shore while Rotxo, bless his heart, was carrying the basket. 
This was a standard. Usually collecting things to help in healing brews  and or to gain materials for Ronal when she asked. 
And having Neteyam and Ao’nung leave for hunting parties. It was often times Tsireya and or Rotxo to help you And with Tsireya with her Tsakarem training.. Oftentimes it was really just Rotxo. 
His eyes often times laid to your babe when ever he saw that he was getting fussy. And lucky for you he would make the little thing laugh. 
So caught up in the moment that you didn't noticed that you had walked straight into the lessons that the sully kids were having. 
“y/n! Uh.. Hello” Your friend greeted you as you stared at the Sully’s that fear deep in your core. 
Rotxo greeted the kids. Before looking at you “Y/n if you need there’s another place to go if you need to collect ingredients” 
You smiled at him. Taking the basket from his hands before asking him to get Tsu’ru out of his sling. 
“It is alright. ‘Teyam wants his siblings to know Tsu’ru” You say with a gentle smile waving them over. 
A little skittish and afraid that you’d take it back they approached cautiously. 
Tsu’ru let out a yawn before scrunching his face up in an angry pout for being rudely awoken. 
“I know i know, Be angry at Uncle Rotxo” Rotxo remarked laughing a little seeing the little thing stick its mouth out to him. 
Now all of them surround you and Rotxo. Looking at Tsireya excusing the distraction. 
“Tsu’ru. This is your Family” You explained taking him from Rotxo’s arms and lifting him to look at all of them. 
His little legs dangled off your arms as he kicked them out. Tail wagging as he looked at you before back at them. 
“This is your uncle Lo’ak and your Aunties Kiri and Tuktirey” You said waving them closer . nodding as Tuk began to touch his feet. 
His little gummy smile made their hearts melt.
And that’s how Neteyam found you. Talking with Ao’nung was a regular thing and he had asked his brother to not pick on his siblings for anything. 
It was a little surprising that so far he’s respected his wishes. 
He watched as Lo’ak was carrying his pudgy son and there was a sense of pride in his chest. 
He’s accomplished his dream. Sure sooner than expected but still he’s now a father. 
So he along side Ao’nung decided to join in. There was that awkward silence that followed. But he finally smiled, laughing a little as brought them all in for a hug. 
Tuk now is not letting go of him. Watching as Tsu'ru was passed around like a rock. 
Neteyam watching as his little son pulled at Ao’nung ear. “Its nice to have you all here” 
“We missed you Neteyam!” Tuk admitted clinging harder to him. 
“Yeah bro. Dad and mom never said why you left. But seeing how you dont talk to them. I can guess why” Lo’ak spoke now being handed Tsu’ru again letting him play with his braids. 
“I hate to say it but your parents are stupid for not letting this little gift have his parents” Tsireya spoke. She hated talking ill of anyone. But seeing how both of you came to them…It broke her heart even more. 
“Yeah. I dont blame you if you dont ever want to speak with mom or dad again” Kiri said 
Tsu’ru gave out a whimper. Yawning before letting out the tiniest cry. Quickly he was handed back to you. 
“Ma little warrior. Are you hungry?” you asked as if he could answer before adjust him as he latched on. 
Neteyam watched before lowering his ears, and looking at his family. “ I don’t want to forgive them” 
You looked at him. His eyes softened as you placed a hand on him. “Not unless you want too” 
You felt all eyes on you and truly it felt a little bit like an attack. But feeling Tsu’ru’s hand grab at your top makes you come back to the reality you have. You had almost lost him. Had almost lost the precious life that you had made with the man you love and as much as you wanted to forgive them for the sake of the family. The kids and Neteyam himself. You couldn’t you wouldn’t
For you almost lost Tsu’ru to begin with let alone your own life. To imagine a life without this little being. This little life. You felt sick even thinking. 
“I cant”
“We dont blame you Y/n” 
You felt at ease. Letting a few tears fall before looking down at Tsu’ru, who had fallen asleep while still suckling. 
“I think its time for us to go home. Little guy here is tired and i still need to deliver that material” you spoke feeling Neteyam stand up and take the basket that was next to Rotxo. 
“Aw do you really have too?” 
“Unfortunately Tuk tuk” You said patting her head. “But we’ll talk another time. We got time to make up!” You said kissing her head as you waited for Neteyam. 
He hugged all his siblings tightly afraid they’d disappear before bidding goodbye. 
“My parents tried to talk to me earlier” 
“And what did you say” 
“Nothing”  He paused looking at Tsu’ru who was still suckling. “I didnt have words to say to them” 
You nodded. Looking at him before giving him a kiss “It’s alright Ma ‘Teyam, we have each other” 
You guided him to the Tsahik murai. Announcing yourselves before stopping at the entrance. Unfortunately there was Jake. You Hadn’t hated him before. You were never afraid before but seeing him sent a shiver up your spine as you felt Neteyam wrap his tail around yours. 
“Y/n.. Welcome! sorry about.. Well, did you bring the supplies I asked?” 
You coughed feeling his gaze fall on your sleeping babe. “ yes. Thank Rotxo for helping me too. Tho im sorry i couldn't get the clams under the water” 
“No no dont be. Tsu’ru isnt prepared for the water” 
You nodded handing her the portion she had asked before Turning back to your mate. 
“Y/n.. Neteyam i” 
“We will be going now Tsahik. Thank you” Neteyam cut off Jake as you two headed out. You held his hand in yours bringing him back to reality before handing him Tsu’ru. You wouldn’t be able to face them. You couldn’t but unbeknownst to you. It would happen sooner Rather than later. 
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You two had stopped your make out session as you heard the shells of the entrance of your Marui ring. Neteyam giving you one last quick kiss before clearing his throat and letting them come in. 
You bit back a hiss. Jake and Neytiri in front of you as they handed you a basket of gifts. Things they no doubt brought from your old home. 
“What do you two want?” Neteyam asked Pushing Tsu’ru in his basket behind him. Wrapping his tail with yours as he had always done to comfort you. 
You lowered your head. Your hair falling as a veil to cover your face. You were weak. But not with him with you. 
“Neteyam. We are here to talk if you are willing to listen” 
He paused biting his lip before speaking again “How long for Ma Y/n” 
“You have thirty minutes”
The two sat in front of you. It felt a little ironic to now hold such power over them. Now staring daggers at them as they had done a long, long time ago.
“We want to first start out by apologizing for the things we said years ago” 
“I am sorry, I should not have ever even suggested you two break your bond” Neytiri cut in as you saw her bow on the floor her figure shaking
And no doubt in your mind the sight breaking Neteyam, you knew how much he adored his mother and to see her this way no matter what hatred he may harbour. It was still his mother. 
“I am sorry for causing you to almost lose your son. I understand if you dont ever want to forgive this action of mine. I know I never could if it were me instead of you” 
“Son. We dont ask you to forgive us. Im not asking you to forget the things we said. But im asking for your understanding. The world had changed for me. And i never thought of changing it for the both of you” 
You silently closed your eyes listening to their pleas. 
Neteyam let go of his breathe that you hadn’t notice he was holding. Before rubbing his temple and speaking. 
“I dont, I dont understand. All my childhood you spoke of the wonders of falling in love and how you two manage to have it outside of costumes. How it was love at first sight and yet. Yet you wanted to not let me have that” 
He took hold of your hand 
“I had it when i first saw her. When she spoke to me it was as if the sun was beaming down at me. And it was so much more than that when i was told i was going to be a father. I thought of you two too always have my back. To always see how much i love Y/n And yet you ripped that away from me. You Dragged me away. You almost caused my son. MY pride and my joy” 
He began to cry. And in that year you were here. You had never thought you'd see him cry like that again. 
“My son. The very thing i ran away for. I dont think you understand that if you had taken him away from me, Eywa knows what would have happened. Eywa knows what i would have done. The very thing i live for. I dont think i myself can ever forgive you for that” 
You rubbed your thumb on his hand looking at them before glaring at them. “Im sorry but i think its time for you to go” 
Without much argument both of them silently left. Bidding you goodbye and leaving their basket of gifts. 
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The following days were nice. Sometimes you stayed in your pod and cleaned up while Neteyam was doing his job. Other times you had Dropped off Tsu’ru with Rotxo or Kiri while you continued to help Tsahik with some materials. 
Tonight tho you were all gathered at the shore like it had been a few days prior. Your little babe in his sling. Head resting on your back as he had fallen asleep.
“I think its time for us to go again” Neteyam said, watching as his little legs kicked. 
“Aw. But why” Tuk whined as she often would whenever you would have to take her little nephew away.
You smiled at tuk who whined and groaned as she stood on the sand now. “ You know what? Why dont you all come and have dinner with us?  I dont mind making some more food. Plus you guys enjoy some more Tsu’ru time” 
Tsireya smiled agreeing as she said no point in finishing lessons now. Ao’nung However Excused himself to get some more food for the rest of the people. 
You scolded Neteyam for letting him go at it alone instead of helping. But he couldn’t help it as was when Tsu’ru was born he had become much more clingy. 
“I’ll go get some fruit if you want Y/n” 
“Thank you Rotxo id really appreciate it” You said smiling watching him go. 
“I swear that’s our oldest one” 
“Oh hush, I still can’t believe you said Rotxo is like our child” 
“Am i wrong?!”
You smacked him with your tail. Letting everyone in to your Marui before going in and Gently setting Tsu’ru in his basket. Letting Tuk gently rock him back and forth and staring at him. 
“Watch him well for me okay?” you said as you began to prepare what food you had. 
Metkayina food was much saltier and bitter than Omatikayan food. But you learned to live with it. 
“Tsu’ru is very cute. Kinda pudgy tho” Lo’ak commented watching the little babe sleep. 
“Of course he’s cute. I make cute kids” Neteyam said back. Gloating a little “you’ll make troublemakers” 
“Oh wooow” 
You stifled a laugh as you watched the brother’s interact. You Looked at kiri as she was also staring at Tsu’ru like Tuk. 
“Eywa’s really blessed you brother” 
“She has” 
“By the way i was meaning to ask one of you. How is Ku’kuri” you asked out of the blue. 
Tsireya rose a brow at your question as she had no idea who you were referring to. “She has found herself a mate actually. Before we left She had announced she was pregnant. I wish we knew you two were here or else we would have delivered a message from her” Kiri commented 
Neteyam and you smiled. You often found yourself thanking her for her kindness and he will to not say a word. And you couldnt help but feel so happy for her to have found her happiness. 
“That’s good. She deserves all good things her ways” Neteyam spoke. He often also missed his friend. But also thanked her in his mind for allowing him to have this future too. 
“I cant believe she’s having a baby. Hopefully one day we can go and see her” you suggested.
“Are you two thinking of having other kids” Tuk asked innocently as You stared at neteyam before raising a brow. 
“Maybe Some other time. Id like to enjoy having a small family” You said stirring your clay bot at the broth you had been making. “Plus seeing as How Neteyam jokes about Rotxo being our oldest i think im set now”
“Why Rotxo?” 
“Neteyam kinda had to make sure the guy didn’t get himself killed or in trouble like a child…or like you Lo’ak” You said preparing the portions now watching as Rotxo came in with a few branches in his hair. “How and why did this happen” you asked him taking the fruit from his hand and cleaning out his curls. 
“ and how y/n treats him. It started out as a joke” Neteyam commented back. 
Tsireya now came to help with the food while you struggled to take out branches and leaves from Rotxo’s hair. 
“I cant wait to have a family of my own” Lo’ak said  
You could only smile at him. Greeting Ao’nung who finally came in with some more fish. 
Telling him to dry himself off before taking a seat. 
You gave Tsireya a look watching as she blushed a little before you two continued to make food. 
Hearing the family speak, talk and fawn over your little babe. Warm your heart. 
You allowed that once he had awoken that they could go ahead and play with him. Not the brightest of ideas but really nothing bad happened. 
It was just watching them fight over his attention. Making him laugh, giggle and pull at their tails. 
It was nice to have the pod be as lively as it was this day. It was nice to see your little boy smile and make a bond with his aunties and uncle. 
It was nice to have a family. You looked at Neteyam watching as he saw how Lo’ak held his son and made him ‘fly’ as the rest of them laughed along and played along with Tsu’ru. 
Eating all together before they all began to yawn and fall asleep on your floor. 
You couldn't help but laugh, taking Tsu’ru from Kiri’s arm and set him in his basket to sleep. 
“Oh lo’ak isnt gonna believe this” you heard neteyam say as he Saw his brother and Ao’nung sleep on each other  while everyone else was around them. A cuddle pile and it was a little amusing to see the two who hated each other sleep so close together. 
“That’s enough Ma ‘teyam” You scolded. Cleaning your pod. 
You saw him place the large blanket on them before kissing your neck as he guided you to your own little corner with your son. You watched how he gentle slept. Breathing in an out before speaking. 
“You know i wouldn't mind having more kids someday”
“I know you wouldn’t. Mom and Dad still want to … reconcile” 
“I know”
“Do you want to give them a shot?” 
“No.. at least not right now. Okay?”
“What ever you want Ma Y/n"
Taglist: @brooklynscherry-z / @alerouxstyxsblog / @coconut-dreamz
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adhd-merlin · 3 months
merlin S1 rewatch: episode 10 ⚔
how could I not love the tale of the weird misfit who returns home one day, bringing with him an even weirder assortment of friends, to teach everyone how to fight back against the oppressors who have been stealing their resources?
but enough about a bug’s life. let's talk about the episode.
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• I see Hunith throwing herself at a bandit and I immediately go “oh that’s where he gets it from”. I love you Hunith, you mad gal <3
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• Hunith’s audience with the king is interesting – not just because she’s pleading with the man who would kill her son without a second thought if he knew about his magic, and she goes so far as to call him “a good king” and “a caring man” while doing so, but also because Uther seems genuinely sympathetic, even if unwilling to intervene. I think that says something about Uther – I think in the eyes of the people who don’t care much about sorcerers and their ilk, Uther is a decent, perhaps even a good, king. Certainly not the tyrant that Merlin and Morgana consider him to be (justifiably so).
• “I wish that Camelot was able to help people regardless of how far away they lived”, Arthur says, almost as if there were a prophecy about a united Albion under his reign
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• “I want to make him pay for what he did to you” -> when Merlin sees Kanen is ON SIGHT. I love protective Merlin.
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• I love this so much you. “Most powerful sorcerer on Earth” well to his mama he’s just a little boy. have you considered that
• Merlin almost decapitating Arthur lol. It’s a good thing Arthur has good reflexes or this would’ve have been a much shorter story
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• When Arthur ruins Merlin and Will’s little reunion and Will is immediately unimpressed
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• “Am I the only one wondering who the hell this is?” > Will really interrupted Arthur’s speech to loudly ask “excuse you who the fuck are you??” and I love him for it
• The fact that Merlin just straight up slept on the floor. Like I get it, they are poor, but you’re telling me he had nothing all the years he lived there? not even a straw mattress, nothing?? because that sounds kind of weird. I mean alright, I’ll accept it, but I think it’s weird. I think if you had to sleep on the ground every night for years you’d try to make yourself a bit comfortable even if you never “knew any different”
• Anyway, I guess that explains why Merlin was reluctant to part with his bed when Alice moved in with him and Gaius. “I’m not going back to sleeping on the floor thank you! I love beds now”
• MERLIN: “Life’s simple out here (...)” / ARTHUR: “Sounds… nice” / MERLIN: “You’d hate it” -> I like that Arthur was trying really hard not to say anything rude about Merlin’s old life, and that Merlin was like “it’s alright you can say it sucks”, because really he wasn’t cut out for that kind of life either. It’s also funny that Arthur later tells Gwen he fantasies about being a farmer, like SIR BE REAL. You'd hate it.
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• Arthur pretending to eat Hunith’s food. Making fake noises like a toddler. Spoiled brat behaviour
• WILL: Why did you leave? / MERLIN: It wasn't what I wanted. My mother was worried. When she found out you knew, she was so angry. → it sounds like Will actually didn’t know about Merlin’s secret for very long before Merlin had to leave. And the fact that Will has to ask Merlin why he left implies Merlin did it without even a goodbye or a made-up excuse. Merlin’s departure being apparently so rushed because Hunith feared for his safety means that the attitude towards magic in Ealdor isn't actually very different from Camelot’s, despite it not being officially outlawed.
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• Arthur is a good leader!! and in this episode he shows it in big ways, like in his “Battle of St. Crispin speech” moment, but also in more subtle ways, like when he notices during training that Matthew is a hopeless fighter, and instead of dismissing him he takes him aside and goes “Matthew my friend I have a special task for you :)”, as a way of keeping him away from the fight while still making him feel useful, and without hurting his pride. (Sadly, this backfires later.) I know the fandom likes to joke about Arthur being a dumbass but he can be very perceptive (at times). And he is good at strategic thinking.
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• No comment. Just Gwen and Morgana sharing blankets. They are very good pals.
• Merlin telling Arthur: “We're going to make Kanen rue the day he ever came to this village” hits different when I remember he said he wanted to make Kanen pay for striking his mother
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• “In this circle, we're all equals” → a circle is very much like a round table in this way
• I love moments like Arthur’s Rousing Speech™ – because they show why he is the one destined to unite Albion. He’s capable of inspiring people and gaining the support of those who initially disliked him (Merlin, Gwaine, Will himself, to name a few), because he is noble of heart, and brave, and caring, etc. And yeah, he’s also a brat at times, but to be fair to him he’s 21. And he has a shit father.
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• “Food is scarce for these people, you shouldn't turn your nose up at it!” → Gwen is no shrinking violet okay!! She will lecture the prince, if the prince is being a brat. I’m thinking about Arthur telling Agravaine “I don't want a queen who spends her days floating around the castle agreeing with my every word” in ep 4x09. He loves Gwen because she’s not afraid of calling him out! (same goes for Merlin)
• GWEN: “I have faith in you. I mean. We all do” / ARTHUR:
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• Arthur helping Merlin with his armour is a very sweet moment. I can’t believe Merlin was about to tell Arthur he had magic here. HE LITERALLY WAS ABOUT TO TELL HIM I'LL NEVER BE OVER IT
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• Battle. Battle. Another kill for baby Merlin (!).
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• I’m not entirely sure what the windstorm did to be honest, it didn’t seem to kill anyone it just… scared the bandits away? Anyway, that doesn’t matter. Willing suspension of disbelief and all that.
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• Arthur’s face when he marched up to Merlin and Will like “THAT WAS MAGIC WHO DID THAT?? IT WAS ONE OF YOU TWO”. This man is NOT ready for the truth (and yet Merlin was prepared to confess AGAIN. He was literally about to do it I HATE THIS SHOW)
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• (sigh) well how convenient
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• LISTEN I know Will was pretty much dead anyway but I can’t get over how NOBODY tried to do anything for him like?? They just put him on a table? And stared at him? Not even trying to do anything or. I don’t know, offer a word of comfort. If I were Will I’d be offended to be honest.
• Will’s last words being “Merlin, I’m scared.” EVIL
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Merlin: *watching his best friend’s body burn on the pyre* Arthur: well when were you going to tell me he was a sorcerer
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• "When the time is right, the truth will be known. Until then, you must keep your talents hidden. It's better for everyone.” → kind of funny how Hunith went from "you should tell Arthur, he'll understand, he cares about you :)" to "never mind, BACK IN THE CLOSET!!" And by funny I mean tragic.
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jaozendry · 1 year
"Loving you is hard sometimes": PART 2
Pairing: Damian Wayne x Bat Family!Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral, has been part of the Bat Family for a while.
TAGS: @aesthxticneko
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Type: Mild-angst
Warnings: swearing, blood, wounds
Summary: The both of you have been avoiding each other for a few weeks now. One day, Damian confronts you and challenges you to a "friendly" one-on-one. Due to his anger issues, Damian accidentally harms you badly. After recovery, Dick decides to make the both of you attend therapy.
"So, who would like to start?" a blonde woman asks after taking a pen and opening her notebook. Damian sits across from you, crossing his arms. An awkward silence occurs for a few seconds. "Why do you think you're here?" she asks again. Damian turns to you, waiting for a response. "Well, I guess I'll start." you sigh, attempting to break the ice. "Well, I think we're here because of some issues the two of us have been having... with each other." you explain awkwardly while Damian stares at you weirdly. "Would you like to describe what those issues are?" the therapist asks, turning her attention towards your friend. He remains silent. "This is a safe place, Damian. We are here to help you resolve your problems." the woman explains. You look at your friend, crossing your arms as well. He looks back at you and rolls his eyes. "This is a waste of time." he grumbles. The woman sighs and goes through her notes.
"Well, Mr. Grayson filled me in a little about what happened during the last few weeks." she adds. "The two of you have stopped talking after a mission and after training, Y/N was found on the floor, bleeding, with a wound to the stomach." Damian immediately looks at the ground. "Would any one of you fill me in on what happened on the mission first?" Damian patiently waits for your answer once again. "I tried helping him out during the mission and he just wouldn't accept it, I guess. He says he doesn't need help with anything when he clearly does. I mean, he almost died on that mission before I intervened." The lady nods her head while listening to you and taking notes. "And, in the Batfamily, we do everything to help him out and he pretends like nothing ever happened. I guess I just had enough of his bullshit."
The therapist finishes writing her notes. "I see." she says. "How does that negligence affect you?" she asks you. "I guess it hurts me because he just doesn't notice the efforts I do for him, or anyone's, really." Damian finally speaks up: "Shut up! I do notice your efforts. They're just... unnecessary." he declares while looking at the floor. "I don't need any help. At all. Just accept it." You turn to him in disbelief. "Can you just accept that you do need help?!" you finally snap. "I've been pouring my heart out for you all these years and all I get in return is shit! You may be the grandson of Ra's al Ghul or even the son of Batman, but you're not invincible! Batman needs help, Ra's al Ghul needs help, everyone needs help! You just accept it!"
Damian rolls his eyes. "God, you're insufferable." he grumbles. You turn back to the therapist, fuming. She has a shocked expression on her face. "Well... I think it's better for all of us if we just end it here for today."
"So, how'd it go?" Dick asks you while driving. "Terrible." you reply. "He can be a real pain in the ass sometimes." Dick laughs. "Yeah, true." he chuckles. You look at the window. "Does it still hurt?" Dick asks. "What? The wound or my feelings?" you ask him, still looking at the window. "The wound." he replies. "And also, can I ask what even happened in there? A nasty wound like that doesn't just grow overnight." You sigh. "Well, he wanted to spar after a few weeks of not talking. I went easy on him, but I guess he didn't. I don't know, kid has a lot of unresolved anger issues." You turn to Dick, tears in your eyes. "I can't take it anymore, Dick." You lean on your arm. "Am I doing something wrong?" Dick turns to you. "No, you aren't. Damian's just a little asshole sometimes." You wipe away your tears.
"God, why am I still in love with him?"
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dongfuck · 1 year
Mistletoe - n.jm
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pairing: crush!jaemin x fem!reader
genre: fluff (yes, no smut. sorry not sorry)
wc: 2k
note: try to guess what netflix movie this was HIGHLY inspired by after you’ve finished reading it ;)
taglist: @smuchsmut , @jenojammin , @goquokka , @nctgirlok297 , @johnniverse , @matchahyuck , @220513080208 , @ablackbtsstan , @jwinm , @tyongspice1
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Jaemin was your best friend. He has been since the first day of middle school. You know everything about him and he knows everything about you too. But what he doesn’t know is that you have a huge crush on him. You’ve always thought of confessing to him but you were afraid that it will ruin the relationship you have with him so you decided not to. You were being so obvious but he doesn’t seem to pay any attention to the way you were behaving and you felt the utmost furious about it.
You know he only sees you as a friend and nothing more but you can’t help but hope that he has the slightest bit of attraction towards you. It was Christmas and you were invited to a small Christmas party at Buckley’s Lodge. The place was highly to your liking. It wasn’t modern nor was it high-tech like what most people preferred nowadays, but it was rather cozy and simple and you always feel at home whenever you visited the lodge. Oh and did I mention that Buckley’s Lodge is owned by one of your closest friends? Haechan got married a few years back with a lovely girl he met when he was studying in London. Her name is Noelle Buckley and she is the absolute kindest girl you’ve ever met in your whole life.
Long story short, after they got married, Noelle’s father, Thomas Buckley gave the lodge to his one and only son-in-law knowing that he would take good care of it. Now, you might be wondering, are you really going to fly all the way from Korea to London just for dinner? Technically, no. You and Jaemin agreed to further your studies in Liverpool so it was merely a five hour distance if you take the train. Jaemin had let you know that he would be picking you up at around four and it was currently three-forty. There is approximately twenty minutes until Jaemin arrives and you know how sensitive he can be about time.
Exactly twenty minutes later, you heard your doorbell ringing and you knew it was Jaemin. The moment you opened the door, you were astounded. He looked exquisitely handsome in the black suit he was wearing. It was simple and plain, yet ravishing and classy. “You going to a dinner or a wedding?” you commented as you locked the door to your apartment. Walking out of the building, Jaemin himself judged your appearance. “Same goes to you. You look like you’re about to walk the aisle.” He snorted. To be honest, you weren’t wearing anything too extravagant. You chose to wear a long-sleeved plain satin white dress that reached just slightly under your knee with some pearl jewellery. Jaemin’s hair was neatly gelled to one side whilst yours was perfectly curled and adorned with some hair decorative that complimented your dress.
“It would’ve been favourable if you’d complimented my look. I took my time picking this outfit, you know.” you said playfully. “You look beautiful.” he praised. “And you’re quite the looker yourself, Na Jaemin.” laughing it off, you and Jaemin entered his car before driving off to the airport. Yes, you guys settled on taking a flight since it would be faster and more convenient. Though, you should’ve though of getting dressed in London ‘cause now everyone’s gonna look at you and think that you’re some newly-wed couple going on an immediate honeymoon. Besides, your clothes would get all wrinkled. But it’s a one hour flight. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
An hour passed and Jaemin had woken you up from your slumber. The moment you woke up, you immediately looked for wrinkles on your dress, releasing a relieved sigh when you spotted none. “Well someone looks horrible.” Jaemin snorted in your face. “Dick!” you frantically searched for your hand mirror in your bag before checking your reflection on it. You hair was a mess! After getting off of the plane, you stopped by one of the restrooms to fix your hair. Thank god your curls weren’t ruined. Stepping out of the ladies’, you spotted Jaemin leaning against a wall looking like an awfully good looking bachelor.
You looked at your wristwatch and saw that it was already fifteen minutes into six so you harshly slapped Jaemin’s arm to indirectly tell him to hurry up. Of course, he would never get the hint. “Ow! What was that for” he rubbed the ache in his left arm and cringed at the pain as you groaned in annoyance. “Hurry up, the party starts at seven!” you pulled Jaemin out of the airport before calling a taxi.
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The drive to Buckley’s Lodge took almost an hour and but the time you reached the place, it was seven twenty-two. You entered the lodge and the first thing you catch sight of was Mark Lee accompanied by his cousin, Jeno Lee. “Mark! Jen! How are you guys?” Jaemin instantly pulled them into a bro-hug as they chatted. “I see Y/n’s your date?” you heard you name being mentioned by Jeno. “They’re always together, the fuck you mean?” Mark nudged his cousin’s shoulder. “I know, I know.” Jeno rolled his eyes playfully at Mark before a small chuckle was heard from Jaemin. “Have you guys seen Haechan?” he asked and looked at them expectantly.
Mark seemed to be recalling where he last saw Haechan which he then replied with, “He was by the sweets a second ago.” Yeah, you definitely know where the sweets are. Thanks a lot, Mark. “The sweets are at the lounge.” Jeno smiled at you dashingly as if he could read your mind. “Thank you, Jeno.” you returned his smile. “Okay, lovebirds, I’m cold. Let’s sit by the fire, Jen.” Mark wrapped his arm around Jeno’s shoulder and urged him to walk but Jeno stood his ground to let you know, “You look stunning tonight, Y/n.” before walking away with a smile.
You felt your cheeks slightly heat up at the compliment and the corners of your lips slowly curled up into a small smile. “Oh God, don’t tell me you actually liked his compliment.” Jaemin rolled his eyes at you. “And what if I did? It was decent. Why? You jealous?” you smirked slightly. “You can suck my dick.” and with that he stormed off to look for Haechan. Jeez, who hurt him? Tailing behind Jaemin, you spotted Haechan talking to one of the guests before his eyes landed on the two of you. “Jaemin! Y/n! It’s been a while!” he engulfed the both of you in a tight hug as he eyed you guys with adoration. “How’d you guys get here from so far?” Haechan questioned.
“Oh it wasn’t that far.”
“We took the plane.”
You made eye contact with Jaemin and squinted your eyes at him. “I see, I see. Why didn’t you tell me you were taking the plane? I really could’ve paid for the flight ticket.” said Haechan. “Oh, it’s fine. It really wasn’t that expensive.” Nope. It was. “Then at least let me pay for your flight back.” he insisted. “No it’s ok—” you were cut off by Jaemin’s annoying voice (no offence Jaem). “I mean, if you insist.” He shrugged before you hit his right shoulder. “Ow! Why do you keep hitting me?” he winced in pain as Haechan laughed at the interaction.
“Some things never change.”
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Slow music played in the background as you looked at the few people dancing in front of you. You moved your head to the rhythm of the music and can’t help but smile softly at the situation you were in ; side by side with Jaemin along with a glass of Rosé as music filled your ears. The lodge was almost empty now considering it has gotten a bit late and the only ones left were close friends. Nothing could feel better than this. Or so you thought. “You wanna take a walk?” Jaemin whispered softly to you. “Yeah, sure.” you took the coat that Noelle had lend to you before walking out the lodge with your best friend.
Your footsteps littered the snowy ground as the crunch of your steps filled your ears. “It’s a cold night, isn’t it?” Jaemin commented with his hands in his pockets. “Well I mean, it is snowing.” you giggled softly. “Oh shut up.” Jaemin himself couldn’t help but laugh along with you. You spotted a bench next to a lamp post and decided to sit on it. Buckley’s Lodge is located at the very top of a mountain and is a perfect stop for skiing trips so you could almost see everything from here.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a hand on yours. It wasn’t too common for the two of you to be holding hands but tonight felt a tad bit different. “Y/n.” he called for you quietly to which you hummed as a response. “Look at me.” he said. Carefully, you turned your head to face him before waiting for his next word. “To be completely honest with you, We’ve been best friends for quite the amount of time now and I just think you’re absolutely perfect just the way you are. No matter how annoying you can be at times, you’re still the one I adore the most. So what I’m trying to say tonight is that… I’ve fell for you, Y/n. Harder than ever and I can’t help but feel slightly jealous when you swoon over other guys. I-I just felt like I had to get this off my chest before it’s too late.” Jaemin released a breath of relief as he looked at your intertwined hands.
“Fuck— I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Jaemin.” you chucked seeing him in this state. “It’s fine.” you held his hand tighter in your hold as he met your eyes. “And as a response to your heart-felt confession, look what I brought.” you held your free hand out for him just to show the mistletoe with a red ribbon in the palm of your hand. “I found it on the way here.” Handing the object to him, he took it without hesitation before staring into your eyes for confirmation. “You know what to do.” you urged him to continue. He seemed nervous at first but when you planted a small peck to his lips, he was surely taken aback but also more confident.
Biting back a grin, Jaemin lifted the mistletoe and held it just above your heads with his left hand. “You surely are one of a kind.” he leaned forward to close the gap between the two of you before his lips finally landed on yours. He released his hand from your grip gently and moved it to the dip of your waist and pulling you in deeper. Smiling into the kiss, you took your right hand and placed it just over his shoulder to keep balance. Just then, you felt something drop on your head. Pulling away from the kiss, you saw Jaemin picking up the mistletoe that fell from his grip with a nervous smile. “Oops, sorry.” he laughed awkwardly.
You couldn’t help but let out a small giggle at the way he was acting. This really is the man you love. “What’s so funny?” he furrowed his brows playfully at you. “Nothing, just, Merry Christmas, Jaemin.” you said with a smile. Returning the smile, he replied with a giddy voice. “Merry Christmas, Y/n.” As the moon lit the white night, you couldn’t help but wonder what challenges you’d have to go through during this journey of bumpy roads but one thing you were sure of is that you were doing it with Jaemin, and Jaemin only.
And to wrap it all up, that is how your story begins.
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definitely more on the simpler side of my works but i did enjoy writing this so i hope you enjoyed reading this too. and don’t worryyy jaemin’s the only one without some filth :)
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scalproie · 2 months
So. I can't stop.
"What's a mother?"
The two souls, previously deeply engaged in their conversation, flinched at the voice of the young hellborn prince, who was peeking just behind their seats, brown eyes huge and eager to learn about the world.
The souls shared a look, and would no doubt be sweating if they still were in a possession of a body.
"Well, um... y-you see, Your Highness-"
"There is only me and you."
"You said that already, Father!"
The sparring room always made Jin feel small, smaller than he was anyway. His father only ever trained him in a single corner. Jin had no idea why it was even called that in the first place: Kazuya never granted access to it to anybody, and even then, no one admidst all levels of Hell was even close to be his match.
The room was mainly used for training anyway: it was important to Kazuya that Jin was proficient in their family's fighting style, so he personally took to supervise his son's education himself. Jin loved those sessions, not for the complex forms and stances he had to practice over and over, but because he got to spend time with his dad.
And Kazuya was always more patient with him during these moments, for some reason.
Hence why training time was also synonymous with interrogation time.
"I know it's just the two of us, its just-"
"Mind your feet."
"It's just that everyone I know has a mother. Or had one anyway. Or even is one. Everyone had one except me. Even Hell Embodied acts like your-"
Jin felt the intensity of Kazuya's stare. The Drop it. stare, he dubbed it. Right. However Hell Embodied acted toward its king aside, making any subtle mention of Jin's grandmother, whoever she was, was coming dangerously close to the topic of Jin's grandfather, and that was a big no-no.
Jin closed his mouth and swallowed, until Kazuya's eyes left him to go back to scrutinizing every little movement of his son, dealing him easy blows to block.
"Keep your elbows up."
"I-I guess I just want to figure out more stuff about myself. I mean I don't even know what I'm supposed to be the god of."
"You're my son. That's all that matters."
"Maybe, but if you could just tell me where I come from or how I came to be... I don't know, I just want to know more."
"You haven't earned the right to know more."
Kazuya never lied. Jin knew as much because it was one of the first thing his father taught him: to never lie.
For Kazuya, lying was just a way to hide weakness, and if you had to hide weakness, then you were just weak. And if there is one thing Jin, at his young age, learned that his father hated more than lying, it was weakness.
So, as Jin will find out later in his life, in order to keep the truth away from him, Kazuya simply would not say anything, if he could help it. Coming up with that sentence was a time and lifesaver.
"But you never tell me how to do that!" Jin pouted sadly. It was useless on Kazuya. "What can I do to earn it?"
He barely had the time to finish voicing his question that Jin was swept off his feet and landed hard on his back with a yelp.
"The first step would be not to leave such obvious openings, Jin."
"Maybe it's just like for us phoenixes!"
Xiaoyu was sitting on the windowsill in front of Jin, swaying her legs back and forth. Jin lifted his chin from his knuckle and turned his head around to look at her.
"What do you mean?"
Xiaoyu was his first friend his own age. Well, who aged alongside him, however slow they were. Who even aged at all really. She might also have just been his first friend ever.
She started showing up at the House of the Dead not that long ago, she was a young phoenix and, by her own admission, her bubbly happy-go-lucky personality usually gave her quite the issue to stay out of trouble on the surface. It doesn't help that she never really had the fear of death either.
She was still strong enough to climb back out of Hell on her own, though it often took almost as long for her to get out than for her to spend time on the surface before dying again.
Jin loved her visits because she always spoke in great lengths of what was on said surface and whatever she had seen and experienced, and he was always more than happy to listen. Even if his father had the same disdain for her as he would a mere pest, Jin respected her and even bore a bit of admiration.
"When we die, we turn into a pile of ashes, right? Well, if you divide the pile in two and someone very close to you bury half of it in the ground, when next you rise out of your ashes and you dig where half of you was buried, you will find an egg and that's how you get a baby phoenix! No mother involved! At least, that's what my yeye told me."
"I'm... not sure it works that way for us." Jin wasn't sure it worked that way for pheonixes either.
"It could though! You gods are such weird creatures. And besides! It would make us have something in common."
Her honest smile made him smile in return. Maybe she was right, maybe his origin being so vague did not have to matter so much if she could take her own in spades. Maybe he could just enjoy being himself.
The hole in the most profound part of his soul begged to differ.
Still, he appreciated her attempt to cheer him up more than he could ever tell her. With her black and orange foreign clothing and sheer warmth that emanated out of her, she was like a literal ray of sunshine that never would've made its way to him otherwise.
"Or maybe you can count the mother as the one who bury the ashes?"
"Wait, did you just imply you hatched from an egg?"
"Can I help you with anything, Father?"
Jin was pacing besides Kazuya's desk. He was a polite young man, never wanting to impose, as reserved as his father was, but eventually even he could not deal with his own boredom any longer.
"Could you still teach me anyway? Maybe that way I could, you know, fill in for you in case you ever wanted to... take a break?"
Well that was another unsuccessful attempt at purpose-seeking. Jin paced the halls of his home, having done so more times than he could count. Maybe that was his fate, haunting the House of the Dead. How ironic.
He even considered going chatting with his father's annoying jester, so something was clearly wrong with him.
He found his salvation in two shades having trouble with repairing one of the gemstones counting device, and he happened to have a knack for this kind of tinkering. After the two souls thanked him, they informed him his services might be needed somewhere else, in an adjacent wing of the house that Jin never went to often for lack of anything interesting over there.
He made his way to the location that was way, way more secluded than he expected. To his surprise there was no one but him there. Just him, and a door bearing a busted sigil of his father. Evidently the thing that needed repairing.
Well, nothing he can do about that one, but it meant that whatever door it was sealing was now open, and if it was a storage room for one of his father's fabled collections, then at least he would have some story to tell, and some bets to win.
He barely cracked open the door when his nose was assaulted by unknown and vivid smells.
What he saw inside blew all that he thought he knew away.
He stepped inside shaking like the leaves he stepped upon, not quite believing his eyes. Grass? Plants? Were those... flowers? And that-
Jin gasped. "A tree..."
As he made his way deeper inside, no daring to touch anything, focused on the massive cedar tree in front of him, he felt a weight upon his chest.
Eugh. What was this place?
Neverminding the unease, he kept going forward, toward the tree that felt more and more like it was calling him.
He stopped a moment in the middle of the garden. It felt like.
It felt like he belonged.
He raised his hand without meaning to, like the blood inside it was attracted to the bark. Like it was yearning for it.
It was almost burning at the touch. And yet. And yet it was smooth. It was strong.
He looked at his hand. That wasn't his hand. It was slender, softer.
Then it was like he was projected out of his own body, except it wasn't his body. It was a woman, with long black hair, dressed in white, her back turned to him.
He couldn't breathe.
She slowly turned around, and her face brought back old, old, old memories. Of some place else. That barely lasted a second.
He looked at her eyes.
Dark, rich brown.
"What happened to my mother?"
All heads turned to Jin as he stormed inside the throne room, the last to lazily do so was Kazuya's.
"I ought to keep you busy if all you're gonna do with your endless time is bothering me with pointless things."
"I found the garden."
Oh, how Jin basked in the pause that information gave Kazuya.
A simple motion of the king's hand was all it took for all souls present to clear the room. Even as people hurried past him, Jin kept his eyes on his father, who was doing much the same.
When the place was empty save for the both of them and the doors closed with a heavy sound, then Kazuya spoke again.
"How did you-"
"She's out there, isn't she? She's on the surface, is she from there?" Jin felt manic. All this time, all this time, at any moment, Kazuya could've told him, all along he could've relieved the void in Jin's heart. Jin never felt such anger, the back of his eyes started to hurt, something threatening to break out. "Does she know about me...?"
Kazuya stayed silent, it was clear on his face that he, too, was wrestling with many many thoughts at the same time. He had many things to say, and he picked the worst option.
"You do not have ea-"
"Enough! You keep saying that! All my life you've been saying that!"
Jin was through with trying to earn. Jin was going to get.
"Father, if you say I haven't earned the right to know one more time I swear I'll-"
Kazuya slammed his hands on the desk before him and rose from his throne. As much as Jin steeled himself for this confrontation, he could not stop his body to jerk back at the sound. It wasn't that he was scared of his father, no, it's just that Kazuya rarely ever shouted, never really needed to, so to hear him lash out that suddenly was... shocking.
What Jin hated more than his own reaction though, was the strange feeling in his chest upon hearing his father say his name for the first time in what felt like forever.
Unaware, or not caring, of the turmoil happening within Jin, Kazuya continued:
"Tell me how you will succeed in demanding anything of me where even the so-called "strongest" have failed before you? Tell me what you plan to do as you defy your king, your kin? There is only us. There will only ever be us. Are you that eager to write the next chapter of our family's bloody legacy?!"
Jin fell silent.
Was that it? Is that what the neglect, the distance, the privation was about? Was Kazuya expecting Jin to kill him for good eventually? To take his place? Was that all Jin was to him? A future rival? A threat-in-waiting? Did he thought so lowly of him?
Was he scared of his own son?
That selfish fool, that stubborn old...
Kazuya feared that Jin would kill him?
In this moment, Jin just might.
"Why keep-"
"Speak up."
"Why keep me at all then? You could've just gotten rid of me ages ago, threw me away far from this place, and you, there could only just be you" The sarcastic tone Jin wanted to carry gave way to something more coarse, more raw. Neither father nor son were good at hiding their true emotions. "You could've freed yourself from all... this."
Knowing the answer to this emptiness, this missing piece, that Jin felt for all his life was finally within reach gave him the courage to go on, to openly provoke Kazuya for the first time.
"Is that what you did? To her?"
The only thing Jin heard next from his father was a spark.
Then the pain registered. A shock so brutal and intense Jin could feel spasms reverberating throughout all of his body, long after he realized his father's fist was already gone. His fingers kept twitching on their own, his teeth clenched on their own, his eyes shut on their own.
He dropped to the floor, clutching at his abdomen when he recovered the control of his hands, and when he could breathe once more he fully tasted the metallic smell of the surrounding electricity.
Right. The King of Hell was the son of the old Lightning God, first.
Kazuya was now towering over Jin. Has he always been that fast? The fist that was lodged just a second ago below Jin's chest still clenched and shaking at his father's side, his facial traits were sharpened by the ominous red glow of his eyes. His voice was glacial.
"Hellborn Prince, you are to be confined to your chambers until told otherwise. Do not expect to be let out anytime soon."
"I'm going to leave, Father, I'm going to break out of this place," Jin managed as he struggled to get off the floor, his own voice burning with determination. "You cannot keep things as they were, you cannot keep me here, I'll leave even if it kills me."
The massive doors cracked open to let in the previously dismissed servants. Suddenly the silent throne room became loud again as guards swarmed in, their captain Bruce kneeling and lending a worried hand to help Jin up. Kazuya turned around to walk back to his throne.
"Take him."
Jin swatted Bruce's hand away as he got to his feet, eyes boring a hole to the back of his father's head, before following suite and making his own way for the open doors.
Take him? What is this. Is Jin officially a prisoner now? Those are still his chambers. He doesn't need anyone to take him to his own chambers. What his father should very soon worry about is how to keep him in them, that is a promise.
As he was about to exit the room, Jin took a last glare in the direction of the throne. Kazuya had just resumed dominating the room, seated upon it once more. He was also staring at Jin.
Deep brown eyes met sharp red eyes once more.
I will leave, even if it kills me.
Jin walked out.
Kazuya rested his chin on his knuckle.
"It will."
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dotthings · 10 months
So this is it. Last episode of Gotham Knights.
Thank you to James Stoteraux and Chad Fiveash for a fantastic finale. And to all the writers and cast and crew who made this beautiful DC series.
Season one gave us a taste of all the places this could go and what this show could be and it was SO GOOD I'm sorry there won't be more of it. There's only a few DC live action TV series that have worked for me over the years, Gotham Knights is among them.
"Batman chose well. Gotham needs its Robin." I LOVE this. Carrie's mom trusting her to look after herself, to stay alive, having seen her daughter in action as Robin, and asking her daughter to go save lives and trusting her to survive in return.
Commissioner Soto!! Knew!!! So...maybe she was the Gordon analogue in this continuity. All this time.
What finally made Harvey give himself over to the Two Face personality, what finally made him fully snap -- HE DID IT TO SAVE HIS DAUGHTER AND THOUSANDS OF LIVES IN GOTHAM. This is a really brilliant re-imagining.
With Turner's parents, I got that there was more to the story. Batman was defending himself from assassins. I didn't expect this version to have Batman actually have killed them, because the Batman doesn't kill idea is so seminal in most continuities including this one--this Batman also had the do not kill code.
He's a precise highly trained fighter, who has a strong code about not killing. So in that fight, something went wrong, he was in deadly peril, or, in defending himself, did something he didn't intend to be a kill, but wound up killing them.
Misha Collins and Olivia Rose-Keegan are hitting it out of the park in all their scenes. Duela with Harvey, Duela with Two Face, two very different dynamics and both riveting.
Misha getting to play Harvey as a regretful father who wants to save his daughter and thousands of lives and make amends and then Misha getting to play completely unhinged scarred, murderous Two Face and Misha floors it in both directions.
Sadly, because it's the CW network and a superhero show, the critical awards people won't even look at it. But I'm betting industry folks will take note anyway. Bravo, Misha.
I didn't expect Turner to actually be dead, and that tactical team had French accents so I expected Henri Ducard. Still enjoyed that reveal at the end. Guessing they're going with the comics background as inspiration (and would put their own twists on it--and not Nolanverse.) Henri Ducard trained Bruce Wayne. He's not a good guy, but he helped Bruce. I like how this show's plan was to have him train his son too.
And Turner, who wants to live up to his father's legacy, becomes a legacy and inspiration for his friends, to Duela, to keep fighting for Gotham, like Bruce did, like Turner wanted.
I can only guess what the S2 plans were. It's hinting Turner becoming a new kind of Batman eventually, not sure by S2.
The Knights are going to be pissed he didn't tell them he's alive.
The Two Face and Duela stories I'm sure would be riveting.
Steph/Harper and Duela/Turner getting more development and drama. Harper enrolling at Gotham Academy. Cullen would get a boyfriend.
Beyond that, it's a wild card. Two Face likely as a significant villain, but perhaps one who goes after other villains, who ultimately acts to preserve Gotham. Maybe some Owl remnants would be in play?
As it stands, I'm grateful. I got to have this, as a DC fan. I didn't go into this solely as a Misha fan. The bulk of my perspective of this show was as a DC fan, and it was good and I am going to keep saying it was good.
I love the team, I love its beautiful, candle-lit, aged, gothic, old stones and hidden dark corners and dirigibles and pre-war towers Gotham style. It gave, in my opinion, what is the best filmed take on Harvey Dent I've ever seen. The most nuanced and compassionate and unhinged and heartwrenching and frightening and gloriously fun to watch.
And it gave me this amazing and wonderful version of Carrie Kelley's Robin and I think I will miss her most of all.
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bucket-barnes · 3 months
What a fool you were
Guess who was feeling Stabby 😀…it was me. I crave violence and have some lingering bisexual rage against Harry Hook- here’s some angst! Hope you like poison!
TW: someone’s gonna die and I do not shy away from trying to make you cry. If you’re unable to handle depictions of sickness and death, feel free to pay this no mind and keep scrolling. If you’re here to let me make you cry, read away.
(Characters: sea three, sorta but not really core four+ben, hook siblings, lost revenge crew)
He was a fool
He was an absolute fucking fool
They were sent on a diplomatic mission in Camelot, King Arthur wasn’t willing to comply with some of king Ben’s new laws regarding the…villains. Uma and her pirates had been sent to deal with the problem, since, no one would dare mess with Uma and with her entire crew to back her up, there was no way this could go wrong…right?
It took ten minutes for the meeting to derail and turn into a battle. King Arthur refused to compromise and Uma wasn’t backing down, after a few pointed comments at the young sea witch, sword were drawn and a fight ensued
Metal clashed with metal, swords and daggers flew across the room, breaking statues and knocking lights off the walls, one pirate’s sword ended lodged in the round table. Uma was preoccupied, fighting two knights at once, it was honestly child’s play for her. The knights were trained to fight with honor and uniform, Uma was trained by pirates, to never let her enemy know her next move, it was almost too easy
And then she heard it…that unmistakable yelp
Uma turned around and saw Harry collapse to the ground, his hand clasped over his abdomen…and a knight, with a now bloodied dagger clutched in his hand
Uma saw red. In a flash, the knight was pinned to a wall and the room went silent, weapons clattered to the ground, and knights tossed up their hands in surrender. The lost revenge crew were gathered in a circle around Harry…he wasn’t getting up
Uma ran to her first mate. He was lying on the ground, his hand shakily covering his wound, his breath was uneven and his forehead was beaded with sweat. Uma moved his hand, and then she saw it…dark purple mixed in with red
No…no, no, no. Not him, anyone but him
Uma’s hands began to tremble, traveling up to Harry’s cheek. She looked up at Gil, who already had tears in his eyes
“…Call Ben” it was supposed to sound like an order, but it came out as more of a desperate plea. She looked at Jonas and didn’t have to say a word, he simply nodded and lifted Harry into his arms.
The next couple days were dark. Ben had called every doctor in Auradon, all coming back with the same answer, that there was nothing they could do, it was a kind of poison no one had ever seen before and nothing they tried was working. Mal begged, pleaded with Hades, her own father, to do something, anything to save her friend…but not even the gods could help…all anyone could do was wait. Wait for the inevitable
Uma never left Harry’s side. She stayed with him on the ship, crew members rotating shifts on guarding the door of the captain’s quarters, if they weren’t guarding the door…they were saying goodbye
Harry had changed a lot in the past few days, both physically and mentally. His skin had become a sickly pale, almost like porcelain, his once piercing blue eyes were now cloudy and distant. He didn’t talk, he really only had the energy to mumble and whisper, even then his words would often be interrupted by coughing or moans in agony. He’d try to put on his same suave exterior, not wanting his loved ones to be sad when he eventually passed, though there was only one time he couldn’t keep it together
…with his family
His father was off getting drunk somewhere, unable to cope with losing his only son, his boy. Harriet and CJ were there. Harriet held his hand and knelt down to kiss his forehead, her own eyes glassy with tears, trying so hard to stay strong and not cry in front of her little brother…she could really only manage one phrase
“I love you” the words coming out as a choking whisper. Harry squeezed her hand as hard as he could, as if to tell her “it’s ok”
It was much harder when it came to CJ. Callista Jane, his baby sister, she really did look younger to him. Her features looking more innocent and child-like as she held her brother close and cried into his shoulder
“Please don’t leave” she cried. Harry let a few of his own tears fall as he whispered “…I’m sorry” he couldn’t make that promise, he knew his time was coming, that no one could do anything about it…all he could do was apologize
Harry’s last day was peaceful. It was just him and Uma in the captain’s quarters, she held his hand while he looked into her eyes and smiled, it was a weak one, but he could still see her and that’s all he needed. Uma didn’t let him talk, she knew it’d be too much energy for him and she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible, however much time that was
Harry managed to muster enough strength to tuck a piece of Uma’s hair behind her ear, he always loved her hair. Seeing those teal waves always made his day, whenever she asked him, he’d help her braid it, he loved watching it blow in the wind…he’d miss that…he’d miss her
It took some convincing, but Harry got Uma to lay with him, wanting to hold her one last time. She had her head on his chest and his face was buried in her hair, taking in that one last smell of the sea. They laid in silence, coming to terms with the inevitable. Uma took to listening to Harry’s heartbeat. It was uneven and strained, like his body was fighting to keep going. She began to notice a pattern
One, two…three, four. For every two beats, there was a pause, almost like a very slow, ticking time bomb of death, she stayed on his chest for the rest of the day, her tears falling on his skin as the pattern broke…and his heartbeat faded
One, two…three, four
One, two…three…four
One, two…three…
One, two…
Numb, that’s what she felt, Uma felt numb. She felt Harry’s hand still wrapped around her arm, it felt cold and empty. She slowly moved his arm and sat up, she stroked his cheek…and she moved a little closer
Maybe, just maybe…
…Maybe the fairytales are right…
Ooooo~ it’s open ended~ you decide how it ends! Is this penance for writing this sappy piece of shit? Yes, do I regret it? We’ll see in the morning! If I made you cry that means I did my job. If you’re wondering “Bucket, where did you get this demented idea?” I couldn’t tell you, but I hope you liked it! Even if I just made you sob
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neverwritewhatyouknow · 9 months
Fuck it, here’s a post about Ted Malawer.
Playwrite, trained opera singer, literary agent, and co-writer for RWRB.
I knew nothing about him prior to about fifteen minutes ago.
He wrote one play called Daddy Issues: a gay romp through history starring Adolf Hitler!
The synopsis: Von Blergh is an aspiring Jewish artist in New Rochelle. Adolf Hitler is an aspiring artist in Germany. As they mature, their lives intertwine in ways neither of them thought possible, leading to the discovery of love, the pursuit of passion, and their own coming-of-age and ultimate destruction. A fast-paced, dark comedy set against a historical re-imagining of the early-to-mid twentieth century.
The reviews say it’s a lot of fun.
Now, when I think Hitler, I don’t think “lots of fun.” Call my opinion unpopular, I guess. And I’m not immune to comedy, The Producers had an entire thing about a Hitler musical (Springtime for Hitler, anyone?), but that was the joke. The Producers made fun of people making Hitler shows because it’s weird, it’ll make money, but it’s weird and harmful. Ted’s play is tagged as being a satire… but that doesn’t matter, it’s still a play about Hitler finding love and then starting the Holocaust over a breakup. Ted said, let’s downplay the entirety of a genocide that killed 6million people, because I can make it gay and funny.
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Anyway so Ted made gay Hitler fanfiction. It starred Robin De Jesús, who I personally really love and have seen basically every film he’s in, but uh, were there no gay Jewish actors in New York who wanted to play Hitler’s love interest? Hmm… wonder why.
Ted wrote a little thing and described the Jewish character as the following: “He is neurotic and hungry — in other words, Jewish.”
Ah, yes, the classic “Jews are neurotic” thing haha. While you’re at it, why don’t you make a joke about women staying in the kitchen and someone taking your wife. Calling Jews neurotic is dead. It’s a dead joke. It’s dumb, it’s untrue, and it’s old. It’s a stupid, stupid stereotype joke that has become literally the biggest way Jews can be presented in media.
He then uses the whole “First they came” poem(?) as the basis of the opening, but changes all the words. First They Came is a WW2 writing about how they come for the groups you’re not and if you don’t speak out, by the time they get to you, there’s no one there to help you. It’s powerful. Anyway, he says “they came for the Jews but I didn’t speak out because I had a nose job, a good one, so I could pass.”
Ah, yes, Jews have big noses, but once you get yours ripped off you can hide your Jewishness and no one ever has to know you were a Jew. Isn’t it so great to pass? What the fuck, Ted. Come on, man.
More, the character refers to himself as Anne Frank on PrEp.
Says that he would rather be buried in a Jewish cemetery than get a tattoo. In some places you can’t be buried if you have a tattoo since it’s technically against religion rules, but that’s pretty relaxed nowadays from what I’ve seen. Like, pretty sure only the really religiously places might reject someone on tattoo basis. It was in the context of saying that the main character made a group of friends, but they dropped him when he wouldn’t get a tattoo, because he’d rather be buried in his family plot. So basically saying that by picking his religion, he loses all his friends. Basically Ted is saying that if you pick being overtly Jewish over fitting in, you lose out.
But then it talks about, of course, the overbearing mom wanting her son to be a doctor and never leave home. Because of course all Jewish moms are overbearing and want a doctor in the family. I’m literally so over these stereotypes.
Mention about temple membership being expensive. That made me laugh, because it is kinda expensive. Butttttt also, you don’t have to pay for weekly services. Those are free. You can join a temple and pay, you get better high holy day tickets that way, your kids can go to Hebrew school, etc, but the majority of temples just let you walk in. Because we’re not, like, a money making organization. But obviously Ted had to make sure the audience knew that Jews have a whole money thing going, so he made sure to talk about how expensive going to temple is. Tell us more how you feel there, Teddy!
Talk about low self-esteem and a bad stomach.
I think Ted has low self-esteem and takes it out on himself by writing some…interesting…stuff.
Ha ha ha another classic Jew™️ moment. A bad tummy. 1. There are genetic things (I’m not a doctor don’t ask me) that make Ashkenazic Jews more prone to gastrointestinal problems, but NOT everyone!!! 2. I repeat not. Every. Jew. Has. Stomach. Trouble!!!!!!!!! Every race/ethnicity/group of people has shared genetic markers, that’s how DNA works, and different races have different issues. But, god, it’s so damn annoying for this to be what Jews are known for. I swear to god I’ve had people ask me if I should be eating something because I’m Jewish, like, what the fuck? Anyway, Ted thinks Jews are only a collection of stereotypes.
Hasidic drag queen named Torah Portion murdered someone. First off, lazy name. You can do better than that. There’s like a bunch online. Regardless. Torah Portion is a terrible drag queen name. And is more telling that Ted is saying that the Torah killed someone. We’re seeing his inner thoughts here for sure. This is a man who does not like his Jewish religion or being seen as visibly Jewish. Plus, Hasidic being specified really shows what he thinks of the other branches of Judaism.
Lastly, the Jewish character says he’s done a lot of mitzvahs, like selling a blind girl to the zoo.
Because Jews love money and are awful people haha, right Ted?
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So what’s the point of this post, I’m sure you’re asking. It’s to show that self-hatred is big in the Jewish community. It’s the whole “I’ll punch myself so you don’t have to” thing. It’s why there’s so many Jewish comedians. We can make fun of ourselves so you don’t. It’s a survival thing. But, there becomes a time when it stops being for survival or for comedy, and it becomes believed by society and by that Jew themself. Ted wrote these things because it’s what’s expected of a Jewish character. To be full of stereotypes. He wrote a gay Hitler play, I don’t even have any idea where to go with that. So, it’s easy to see that Ted is someone who is embarrassed by who he is, and hides that in self-deprecation on stage. It’s literally the self-hating Jew trope that some Jews use to pretend that they’re not different, they’re not like those other Jews, they’re cool Jews. Well, Ted, imho you just seem kinda like you hate that you were born Jewish and, like, kinda gross with your Hitler fanfic
When RWRB erased their only Jewish character for the screen, was it Ted saying to do so? Because I don’t want a man who thinks exploring a Hitler romance is funny or saying that a nose job means a Jew isn’t really a Jew anymore because they can pass, making the calls for which Jews get to exist and which don’t. Like, Jews are so little good representation, and based on Ted’s past stuff and the fact that RWRB literally erased their Jewish character, it really looks like the brain trust there (Matthew, Casey, Ted) don’t think Jews are worthy of anything better. That Nora couldn’t possibly be Jewish onscreen, because she’s not riddled with stereotypes (I mean… not any more than usual and easily changed), instead she was a strong character first and Jewish second. Which, to Matt, CMQ, and Ted, I guess they don’t think a Jew can be that
So, Ted, what the actual fuck?
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miscfandomwrites · 26 days
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Pairing: Eddie Brock / Venom x Bodyguard! Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of a stalker, 
Words: 1.8k
Tagging: @tyler-t0t
“Alright so here’s the basics: This is going to be a tandem interview, so there will be questions directed to both of you and separately, there’s also some talk of there possibly being a point where we go through your daily routine for either a day or a week but we really don’t know the full details about that yet..” Eddie told me as he walked in, a notepad and coffee in his hands and some paper tucked under his arm. 
“I’ve heard about that, I know Jenny would be okay with it, depending on the day...or the week. It varies fairly often, especially with fashion week coming up.” I replied, sipping the cup of coffee Jenny had got for me once I was inside and had sat down with her. 
“Now that everyone is finally here, I believe we can start the interview now.” The director, whose name I believe was Matthew, said as he gave an annoyed glare to Eddie. 
“Do you know if they actually decided on anything as far as the routine goes? I know this isn’t typically a fashion magazine, but I think winning that award last month might have something to do with it.” Jenny whispered as she leaned my direction, still looking at the camera and the crew.
There wasn’t going to be anyone in the spotlight besides us, and apparently we were going to be drawing random interview questions from a jar, like something they do off of buzzfeed. 
“Not that I’m aware of, I think they’re going to see the reaction this interview gets then they’ll go from there.” I replied, gazing around the room. 
“Alright, we start filming in three..two..one..and we’re live!” the direction shouted.
“Hi, my name is Jenny Lemon, and this is my best friend as well as my literal bodyguard, (F/N) (L/N), and I guess we’re going to be doing a live interview today!” Jenny’s bright voice carried through the room and the director gave us a thumbs up, motioning on for the rest of the introduction and the questions. 
First it was the really simple ones, ‘How did you two meet?’ ‘How did both of your careers start?’ and then dove more into the modeling side for Jenny, which she happily answered. I knew there was going to be some questions directed towards me, but I felt that it mostly was just going to be about how she got to where she was, and the basics of what I do. 
I was, however, not expecting that after half an hour of questioning her that it was my turn to be interrogated.
“So, Miss (L/N), let’s talk about you now!” Eddie said as he dragged a chair into frame, sitting next to me holding his notepad and pen, giving me a grin I couldn’t help but to return.
“What’s it like to be your best friend's actual bodyguard? It has to be a bit weird, but I imagine it comes naturally to you now as it did before her career - and yours - really took off. “ he started.
“Well actually..” I started.
Just a couple questions about the basics of it, how I became her bodyguard, the training I had to go through, mostly about how it’s changed as she rose upwards in fame. When she started gaining more attention, so did I. After a while I ended up getting modeling offers, some with her, some different. I also ended up getting stories and reports done about me and my work, how exactly to be a bodyguard, the training, what I do daily to make sure she’s safe, about who trained me, etc… 
There’s definitely been some offers for me to work for other people, or to train other people, but in the end I always turned them down. She’s my best friend, I’m not going to leave her for some bozo’s son who has anger issues and drinks too much.
“Are there any stories about how you have had to protect her from other people or crazy fans?” He asked.
I sighed and looked over to Jenny, who nodded to me as she sipped her apple juice. 
“Last year there was this man who thought that Jenny was the perfect...wife for him, and he wanted to take her for himself. You’ve probably seen the story about how he was arrested, but as far as I know, no one really knows what happened that night besides her, him, and I.’
Him, as well as the other reporters turned their full interest upon me, now completely focused upon my story.
“We were going out shopping, hitting up Starbucks and Target, all the usual shops, when I noticed a man following us. Along with several other men. They were at every store we went to, and if not inside, waiting outside. After two or three shops I got suspicious, and ended up talking alternate paths through the city to get to places. Not the type of typical paths either.”
“Just to add in, whenever I’m out and don’t want to get noticed, I dress differently. I’m talking about different makeup, different hair styles, clothing, and the works. And I don’t really need anyone besides (F/N) there with me, because I know she can handle almost everything.” Jenny cut in 
I nodded and continued. “I told her about it, and we decided on one more shop then take a different path home, and if on the way home they still were following us, then we would make them lose our trail and get ahold of authorities. Walking around the last shop, he came pretty close to us, enough to where I was reaching for my weapons. He stopped once he saw was I was doing, smiled at her and I, and backed away. I didn’t see him after that, so I thought that was the end of it. We headed back home, thinking he was gone and got scared off..but I knew that smile meant trouble.”
I took a breath, and shifted in my seat before I finished the rest. “He ended up breaking in later that night, thankfully both of us were in the kitchen, and I managed to get her out of the mansion before calling the police, but I stayed to make sure he didn’t leave. He got into her room and was looking around in her things, but stopped once he saw me. A conversation which consisted of mostly cuss words from my end, and him repeatedly telling me that she was going to be his wife, whether I liked it or not. He had chosen her, so it was going to be her. The police got there just before it got physical, and he went peacefully with them. He did say to me that he would be back, and I told him I had a bullet with his name on it if he did.” I finished, sipping my coffee and glancing around the room.
“And this man, do you know if he is still in prison?” one of the other reporters asked me. 
Both Jenny and I looked at each other. “No, we don’t know.” I replied. 
“That sounds hectic.” Eddie said, scribbling down some more notes. 
“Alright, and just to wrap it up, we’re going to be doing a special piece on the daily lives of these two! The model and the bodyguard! That’s all for now, folks. Cut!” the director said as he came up behind us, setting a hand on each of our shoulders and smiling at the camera. Another fake smile from both of us, and then we got up.
I pulled Jenny to the side. “We didn’t agree to that daily life thing, did we?” I asked her.
“No, we didn’t. And since it’s live, we can’t exactly take it back now either..”
“Fucking directors. Fucking media..that isn’t right.”
“We can argue to get paid for it. They would be coming onto our property anyway, so if they didn’t pay, we could argue for trespassing.” 
“Right, but how would that look to the media?” 
She sighed, rubbing her forehead and closing her eyes. “And this is why I hate fame sometimes.”
“It’s a love hate relationship, Jen.”
“Ah! Ladies!” The director waved us over, talking with a small group of people. “We were just wondering what day next week would you like for us to be over?” he asked.
Both she and I faked a smile, and she responded with next tuesday. 
“We should be heading home, we need to prepare some for the other shoots we have today.” I lied to him, shaking his hand. Bastard. 
“Oh, I was hoping you’d stay for an extended written interview.” he pushed.
“We’re pressed with time, so unfortunately I’ll have to decline the offer. Thank you though.” I replied. 
I nodded to him and after making sure we had everything, I went over to the scruffy reporter before we left the room.
He glanced up at me, smiling as he leaned back in the chair. 
“So, The Model and the Bodyguard huh? That’s a pretty catchy name.” he said. 
I shrugged. “Not the best, but not the worst. Rating of a seven on a one to ten scale for me.” I sighed, finishing my coffee. 
He nodded. “I was asked to interview you next week, just you personally apparently. I guess they want me doing a special on just you, then there’s someone doing a special on Jenny, but there’s also talk of doing another daily with both of you.” 
“Sounds like we’ll be pretty busy next week then.” 
He nodded. “Anyway, is there any way I could get your phone number? Work number would be fine, I know you don’t want to give out your personal information to a random stranger, let alone a reporter.” 
I could feel the small guilt trip, and the whole ‘you can trust me’ and to be truthful, I wanted to, but also, he’s a reporter. So yeah, work phone. 
I took out one of the business cards I had on me and handed it to him. “Oh wow, a business card. Talk about fancy..” he muttered as he typed the number in his phone. 
“Alright well, we need to head out. So I’ll talk, or see you later.” I told him.
“Yeah, see ya around bodyguard.” he said with a smile, giving me a small salute as I started walking away. I tossed my empty coffee cup as I met Jenny at the door of the office and we headed out, both of us talking about the interview and the rest of the day. 
“Did you hear what one of the reporters said? She literally called you cold and heartless.” Jenny told me as we got into the elevator. I put a hand on my chest and faked exasperation.
“Me? Heartless? How dare they!” I mocked, throwing my hand over my forehead and sighing.
Jenny chuckled as she pushed the first floor elevator button. “So dramatic”
“More than you sometimes.”
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