#i guess pretend is not the right word but more like ignore lol
makeste · 4 months
BnHA Chapter 425: New Normal
Previously on BnHA: Everyone was all “and with that we conclude our final battle for better or worse!! We will now commence our slow return to the new normal, beginning with our protagonist and deuteragonist who are miraculously more or less intact, albeit exhausted and mildly traumatized. Also the words ‘more or less’ are kind of doing a lot of heavy lifting there.”
Today on BnHA: The Big 3 and Aoyama are OUT. Shinsou is IN. The Tododrama is PENDING, and the mysterious figure in the shadows is UNIDENTIFIED. Also class 1-A finally becomes class 2-A and it only took them 425 chapters and TEN LONG YEARS. Can you imagine if this series had actually run throughout their high school experience like people once expected. “THE YEAR IS 2044 AND MY HERO ACADEMIA IS FINALLY WINDING TO A CLOSE.” There’s an alternate universe somewhere where this actually happened and we were all so very, very tired.
This is once again a shorter than usual reaction summary post, as opposed to my typical page-by-page liveblog. Not gonna have time to do those for a while yet most likely, but like hell am I gonna miss out on the last days of the series, so here we are.
Once again basing this off of @pikahlua’s spoiler translation summary here!
watching the eighteen inch tall Rat Principal standing at a podium overseeing this graduation ceremony is surreal in the most wonderful way. it’s like receiving your diploma from a sentient Funko Pop
I love how they established that Mic sitting there screaming at the top of his lungs is also a beloved U.A. graduation tradition, and that the senpais just roll with it while everyone else is in varying stages of trying to decide if it’s too late to transfer to another school
ngl sometimes I forget that Ochako and Toga were actually the second canonical f/f ship in this series. shoutout to Hadou and her adorable girlfriend whose name I absolutely cannot recall
absolutely wild that Horikoshi gives credit to Rat Principal for coordinating the entire disaster recovery nationwide. are you serious. the “world-famous” Principal Nezu?? you’re telling me this little capybara is effectively the secret president of Japan now or something. when does he even sleep
“the principal made great contributions to quirk morality education” is also a VERY interesting tidbit that I really want to know more about. “hey guys what if we did a better job at teaching people not to be dicks with their quirks” AND JUST LIKE THAT JAPAN WAS SAVED huzzah
“we lost many things, but we gained nothing” is both HILARIOUS and soundly depressing, but I can see what he’s trying to get at. still an odd choice for a graduation speech though. “our job is all about harm reduction, and we couldn’t even do that this time around, but in the future we hope to balance things out and maybe even get some net positive impact going!” lmao. again it’s all true, and in all honesty it’s spectacular that they managed as well as they did, all things considered. and I guess it would have been disingenuous to just ignore the reality of everything this particular school body has been through and pretend like everything is great right now. but I still can’t help feeling like there was probably a more inspiring way to get this message across lol
regardless of what he says, Aizawa 100% either bribed or threatened Rat Principal behind the scenes in order to stay with his class. and will do so again next year. he can and will keep getting away with it. he is never leaving these kids
and the sheer relief from all of them upon hearing it is all the justification he needs. these kids have four thousand nine hundred and seventeen accumulated traumas among them. they don’t need a four thousand nine hundred and eighteenth. this man is their father ffs. MINA WAS CRYING AND EVERYTHING
Kacchan watched that YouTube video about a dozen times until he managed to tie his tie all on his own with the one hand. and he did an amazing job. he’s such a model citizen now
also it looks to me like he has his right arm hidden in a sling underneath his shirt, which is interesting. if I’m not mistaken (and I very well could be, since it’s been a hot minute since I did any BnHA timeline math), the final battle took place sometime in early May, so this chapter is taking place roughly one month later. the hospital chapter took place about a week after the battle, so it’s been about 3-4 weeks since then. I really want to know what kind of shape Kacchan’s arm is in, but I guess Horikoshi will get to it when he gets to it
also, “we all gotta be together today” was a real wakeup call to me in that it gave me just an absolutely ridiculous amount of feels. just a totally unreasonable amount. and it’s like. listen, self. Kacchan has completed his character growth arc. he’s a team player and a leader who loves all his friends and they all love him in return. we’ve known this for years now. it’s an established fact. you can’t keep bursting into tears or whatever every time he shows it. this is no way to live your life. I need an intervention
anyways later this evening class 2-A is gonna have a celebratory movie night in the common room, and Kacchan is gonna fall asleep two minutes in peacefully surrounded by all his classmates, and they’re all gonna nudge each other and smile fondly and cover him with a blanket and stay up until 2am and Aizawa will have no mercy on them the following morning. it’s gonna be so wholesome you guys
(ETA: I decided to go back and have some more feels about this one tiny Kacchan panel, because apparently the four paragraphs I already wrote about it weren't enough. so the thing is, Sero's wonderment at Katsuki being out of the hospital initially read to me as half bemused awe, and half "oh boy, time to get back into our usual rhythm of antagonizing Kacchan!" but my second time around, I can't help remembering that all of Kacchan's classmates got to watch this kid getting tortured and strangled and stabbed through the heart in 4K. like, even if they were busy with their own fights at the time, there's no way they didn't see the footage later on afterwards.
and that had to have been traumatic for them. their friend literally died and was just lying there so still for so long afterwards. and him getting better and going back to his usual asskicking self later on doesn't just erase those memories, you know? especially with him having lasting, permanent damage afterward. not just his arm, even! like who even knows if his heart is going to be okay long term. when people get organ transplants they have to go on immunosuppressants afterwards because otherwise their body will try to attack the replacement organ. so I wonder how exactly it works when it's still your heart, but it's being held together by various bits and pieces of a spindly little floss man. idk, but I bet you it's still pretty rough.
anyway so long story short, I'm now reading this as one-third bemused awe, one-third joking antagonism, and one-third genuine "no seriously, is it okay for you to be here, please don't do anything to put your health at risk because we seriously cannot handle you dying on us again." and Kacchan's not even disagreeing with him lol, which has to be the most concerning thing of all. "they said it's okay if I rest." even he knows he's pushing it, but it was too important of an occasion to miss. anyway please take it easy kiddo.)
Aoyama leaving makes me sad but it makes total sense for his character after what he’s been through. he needs time to sort things out and continue down his own personal honor-regaining journey. respect
also glad to hear that it was his own choice and that both Rat Principal and Nao would have supported him if he stayed. I still to this day do not understand Naomasa’s actual level of authority lol. like, he’s supposedly a detective, and yet he seems to be personally in charge of every single important police operation, on like a national level. and he has the authority to make decisions like letting Aoyama go free. he is the law, literally
Aoyama trying to feed Deku some farewell cheese also took me out. like he just walked in there and was all “sorry everyone, I’m leaving, but I’ll still aim for the path of a hero and will one day return, don’t you worry!” and at some point in the midst of this tearful speech he made a beeline directly to Izuku and tried to give him some cheese that he apparently just had in his pocket or something. and Izuku was all “YEAH!” all solemnly but HE DIDN’T EVEN TOUCH THAT POCKET CHEESE. like he loves you and accepts you for who you are Yuuga but COME ON
at this point in the chapter it also became clear to me that Aizawa has his hair up in some sort of loosely assembled messy bun and that’s why it looks so especially flowing and gorgeous today. this is great cinema
and then AT LONG LAST, the admission of Shinsou into class 2-A. they tried everything they could to keep him out, BUT NOT EVEN THE END OF THE WORLD COULD STOP HIM. his rightful place
Ojiro’s scandalized response to hearing Fuwa refer to Aizawa as “Era-sen”, and then Fuwa subsequently revealing all of Aizawa’s secrets and Aizawa getting flustered and kicking her out, was one of the most delightful sequences I’ve read. “nooooo don’t tell them that, what the hell am I gonna threaten them with now”
Izuku has not even attempted to crack a smile since the final battle, aside from when he was frantically trying to reassure Kacchan in the hospital. I’m worried about him but also loving this a little bit, ngl. I am content to wait for you to eventually have a proper breakdown, mister Greatest Hero
also I singled him out on the whole not-smiling thing, but really this is true for just about all of them. my heart aches :(
were there really so many people freaking out over Izuku’s hair that Horikoshi felt compelled to throw in that “HEY DEKU-KUN, YOU SHAVED YOUR HAIR LIKE THAT DUE TO AN INJURY, RIGHT? BUT IT’LL GROW BACK, RIGHT!?” line in there lol. the hilarious thing is that this chapter was already in the books before 424 was released, so it means that Horikoshi anticipated the backlash ahead of time. the man knows his audience
and now for this mysterious little barefoot man randomly emerging from some rubble somewhere. who are you. fandom already thinks you’re everyone from Tenko to Hisashi lol. my personal theory is that he’s just a random citizen who’s hurt and traumatized and needs help. and unlike what happened with baby Tenko once upon a time, this young man actually will be helped by a hero in his moment of need, and it’ll be all hopeful and stuff because SOCIETY IS CHANGING FOR THE BETTER NOW HOORAY
or maybe he really is Tenko, idk. what do I know lol. don’t listen to me
lastly, Shouto out here immediately leaving U.A. after class and ruining my dreams of a class 2-A movie night. FINE THEN. GO AND BE WITH YOUR FAMILY my precious little life preserver. and I’m actually really, really excited to see what their endgame is actually, so yes, Horikoshi, bring it on please and thank you
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joeyalohadream · 2 months
Little angsty, pining!Gale fic
Sat down to right something and wrote this instead. I don't usually write anything that's not at least somewhat fluffy, but it's the mood I'm in lately, I guess. LOL. Sorry, I'll be out of my funk soon, hopefully!
Takes place in England, vague-timeline, but before Regensberg.
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“I was so busy this afternoon, I didn’t even have time to eat a thing. This wine will go straight to my head.”
Her voice is musical, her laugh bubbles after it in a charming cadence. John’s eyes crinkle at the corners and the skin of his face stretches with the force of the smile he directs at the woman nestled under his arm in the booth. 
Gale had started his night nestled under that same arm, in that same booth. 
John laughs with her, a quiet, fond chuckle, and tells her that food is an important thing to make time for. He pinches her chin between two fingers and makes her head move to where he wants it to go, whispers something in her ear that makes her cheeks flame and then he turns away to laugh at something Curt says. Gale’s palms are sweating.
Two days ago, after interrogation, John had watched him, concern heavy in his blue eyes, as Gale had pushed the food around his plate. He’d kicked him under the table and nodded at the untouched food in front of him when he’d drawn Gale’s gaze and then he’d lectured him on taking better care of himself on the walk back to barracks. He’d also given him a chocolate bar that he’d pretended to pull from behind Gale’s ear. And smiled at him with fondness in his eyes as Gale savored the entire thing, refusing even a bite for himself.
It made Gale feel important in a way not much else did, having John’s focus, his care. It made him feel too much and crave more. It was dangerous. 
John hadn’t gone out that night. He’d stayed in with Gale when he’d said he needed a quiet evening and they’d played gin rummy and talked about everything except for the war. His attention hadn’t drifted from Gale once until they’d finally called it a night and gone to bed.
Gale had laid awake wondering if he would star in John’s dreams and then fallen asleep feeling foolish. 
Now, Gale watches this beautiful woman watch John and he recognizes the look in her eyes. She wants his attention back on her, doesn't want to share it with the other airmen. He wishes he couldn’t relate. 
“You know, I have a friend, still sippin’ her drink with the girls, waiting for a handsome pilot of her own.” She says the words too loud, but her goal is achieved as John’s head turns to follow the sound of her voice and just like that, she has John’s attention while Gale has everyone else’s. 
She eyes Gale with a smile, red lipstick making her teeth look bright white. Gale wants to tell her that John isn’t hers. That last week it was a different woman sitting in her place and tomorrow it will probably be another. He keeps his face impassive.
He tries not to squirm even as he chooses to stay silent instead of outright balking at the idea of entertaining a woman all night. The pretending is harder to stomach than solitude. The toothpick in his mouth needs to be replaced. It’s too saturated and frayed from the extent he’s been worrying at it. 
As always, John comes to his rescue. 
“Buck here has a beautiful girl back home.”
He doesn’t. 
“He won’t so much as dance with anyone that's not her.”
He says it like he always does, like he finds it endearing. Gale hates the way he wishes his voice held some kind of bitter emotion. But as always, it is just warm affection in his tone when Gale is the subject that colors his words. It had started making Gale’s chest flutter somewhere around the time of their first promotion.
And he’d desired that tone and the man it belonged too long before they were assigned to the 100th. Ignoring it hadn’t worked, so accepting it and letting it consume a part of him that would never be shared became the solution. 
It's why he broke it off with Marge before shipping out, though he didn’t tell John that. Didn’t tell anyone that. She still writes to him, still wants to be his friend, and it’s easy for the men to draw the conclusion that he is loyal to a sweetheart back home. 
The woman under John’s arm rolls her eyes and then forgets about Gale immediately. 
She’s laughing at all of his jokes. 
Even when John pulls out his best material, Gale makes sure to give him nothing more than a smile. He’s been unable to help himself and has allowed soft huffs of quiet laughter on occasions that are becoming less rare. But Gale has never given him a full bellied laugh. 
Maybe he should have. He knows it’s a goal of John’s, to make Gale smile, to make him laugh. 
She’s touching his chest, the side of neck. 
Gale allows himself to be touched by John. Not at first. Physical contact hadn’t been a part of his life in a positive way before he met John. It took a lot to get to the point where his best friend’s method of expressing friendship didn’t make him want to recoil, didn’t make him flinch. It took a lot, but it didn’t take a long time. By the third week in flight school, he was craving the soft touches and starting to hate himself a little for it. 
He hardly ever initiates the contact himself. He’ll give John’s shoulder a squeeze. Let his hand linger in his grasp for too long when they greet each other. 
Maybe things would be different if he let himself touch with the freedom in which John did. But affection was something he soaked up like a sponge when it was from John and wilted at when it was from others. And it was something he’d never learned how to give or take. Thinks maybe John could teach him but he knows he’ll never ask him to. 
But things wouldn’t be different. 
Because he watches John’s hand trail from her shoulder, down her back and to her hip, fingertips grazing the soft curve of her body on its way down. He watches John smile into her hair and whisper something into her ear again that makes her cheeks flush to match her lipstick and then nuzzle behind her ear. He looks away as John’s fingers trail the hem of her skirt. 
And he imagines doing that to Marge or the girl across the room and all it does is turn his stomach. 
So, nothing would be different if he were able to touch freely or laugh loudly. He’s different and John’s not, so he’ll settle it all back down in his chest and try to think about all of it less. 
But he doesn’t have to torture himself by watching where this night will lead his best friend, so he slides out of the booth and heads to the bar to pay. 
“What’s got you so glum, Buck?” Everett Blakely’s effusively kind voice sounds off as Gale pockets his change and he gives the other man a raised eyebrow. 
“Pretty sure this is just what my face looks like, Everett.” 
“Nah, sometimes you smirk a bit.” Everett grins at him. “Besides, it’s all in the eyes, and you’ve got sad eyes tonight, Major.”
“Think we’re all entitled to bad nights once in a while, given the circumstances.” Gale plucks a fresh toothpick from his pocket to replace the one he’d ruined, catches John leading the woman onto the dancefloor and can’t help but follow his movements with his eyes. 
He wishes he was normal enough that the lives of the twenty men they’d lost two days ago was what was twisting his insides. Instead, it’s watching his best friend do a perfectly normal thing - flirt and twirl a girl around. Both realities of his reasons for hurting live heavy in his chest, like they’re located in different chambers, blessing him with the opportunity to feel different types of agony instead of just your average layer of pain.  
“Gonna head out,” he says, nodding at Blakely, who lifts his glass in response. 
John is in rare form this evening, giving up on dancing quickly and already guiding the girl towards the back door without a glance in Gale’s direction. 
Because he’s normal. And normal men don’t think about their best friends when there’s a pretty girl hanging on their arm. 
Bucky probably expects Gale to be waiting for him when he’s finished. Waiting to walk back together at the end of the night. 
Or maybe he’s not thinking anything at all about Gale. 
He’s the first one back. He’s always the first one back. 
The shower room is vacant, and he takes his time, but he’s still alone when he makes his way back into the barracks. He’s still alone when he changes into his sleep clothes and lays in his cot. 
And he is still alone an hour later when sleep refuses to sink her claws into him and drag him to some kind of relief. 
Men slowly stumble in, and Gale closes his eyes, giving the illusion of slumber. He listens to the nightly routines of the men around him as they prepare for sleep, actions audibly clumsier than most nights in their inebriated states. 
But drunken movements disturbing a quiet room are something Gale’s been hearing since he was a boy, so he finds them familiar and ignores the way they make his stomach tighten unpleasantly in anticipation. 
More time paces, everyone settled into bed and Gale still can’t sleep.
Shuffling footsteps, intentionally quiet in their movements are the only thing that alerts him to John’s return. His cot is within arm’s reach of Gale’s own, but he’d thought it would remain empty tonight. The feeling of satisfaction that bubbles up in him is ugly and bitter, but he lets it boil under his skin as John returns to his side in the end. 
Heavy, scratchy wool glides up the length of his torso until it rests under his chin. Strong hands tuck it under his shoulder blades and his hips. He tries to keep his breathing deep, feigning the same familiar pattern of sleep he listens to from John’s bunk each night to lull himself to sleep. A moment later, calloused fingers brush the product-less bangs off his forehead and run through the length of his hair. 
The tender gesture almost forces his eyes open. That aching, craving hunger for more of what John will give him is a living thing in his chest. Those fingers ghost over his hair one more time and Gale uses every bit of strength in himself not to push up into the touch, not to whine when it’s gone.
He hears John let out a sigh that sounds mournful and he doesn’t understand what any of it means. 
As John moves, most likely to turn away, Gale can smell her perfume. 
If he opened his eyes he’d probably see her lipstick stained on his mouth, his neck. Knows with a gut-wrenching certainty that it’s probably stained in more intimate places, and he wishes John wasn’t too drunk to go take a shower. 
Wishes it wouldn’t linger on him. Wishes it wasn’t on him at all. Doesn’t want to see the red of her lips on John’s when the new day dawns. 
Imagines if it had been him under John’s arm leaving the pub, there wouldn’t even be a visible trace of him in the aftermath. 
He’d be forgettable, inconsequential. Easy to forget. Easy to regret. 
He keeps his eyes closed and wishes John hadn’t come back at all. Is so glad that he did. 
A softly whispered “goodnight, Buck.” is breathed into the stale air of the barracks, and Gale lays awake for a long time after John’s breathing evens out into sleep, wishing he could join him in more ways than one.
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daddy-dins-girl · 8 months
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pairing: Dave York x f!Reader
No use of Y/N. No physical description of reader other than that she has hair long enough for Dave to grab... (mood board is for aesthetic purposes only)
Word Count: 5.7k
summary: You're a part-time nanny for the beautiful York family. The money is good, the job is easy, and on days when Mr. York works from home, well, those are more than enough incentive to keep you coming back. (Literally this is just PWP and I'm sorry, not sorry).
notes: the Dave York brain rot is so real y'all. I'm sorry, I know I owe you updates on other stories still! Also, this is my first moodboard EVER. How'd I do? lol.
warnings: 🔞 18+MDNI. PWP (this is basically just smut y'all). Infidelity (is it even Dave York if he's not cheating on his wife?). Implied age gap I guess? (Reader is mentioned to be in college but no actual age is specified. Dave is in his 40's). Dom!Dave York. Degradation kink. Cockwarming. Oral sex (f and m receiving). Protected p in v sex. Inappropriate behaviour during a Zoom call (Dave York is a menace and I will not apologize for that). One ass slap (as far as Dave goes I'd say this fic is a tame one).
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It’s like you have developed a Pavlovian response to even seeing his name pop up on your screen with the notification alert. You practically start drooling before you even open it to see what he’s said or sent you, you just can’t help yourself. There’s a heat that runs through your veins and you feel it down to your toes, the rush that comes over you over the simple four words displayed across your screen.
Incoming Message: Mr. York
You tap the message to open it and can’t even pretend to ignore the heat that floods your abdomen when you click again and open the attachment inside. The attachment your employer just sent you.
You bite your lower lip as your gaze quickly darts around the room, ensuring nobody is around to see your reaction. The girls of course are with you but they’re planted directly in front of the television, currently mesmerized by Elsa, for the third time this week, not that you’re counting, while you sit dutifully behind them on the sofa. Mrs. York is out shopping or getting her hair done or running errands or whatever it is she does for most of the afternoon that requires you to be here to watch the children. You don’t mind. The money is good, the job is easy, and on days when Mr. York works from home, well, those are more than enough incentive to keep you coming back.
You’re more than a babysitter, more like a nanny, however not full time. You don’t live there, just spend a few hours there each weekday and you’ll watch the girls on occasional evenings or weekends when needed. You pick the girls up from school each day, bring them home and sometimes one or both of their parents are home but busy, or sometimes neither of them are there. You do things like the girls' laundry and prepare their dinner as well as their school lunches for the next day and some light cleaning tasks like the girls' rooms or cleaning the kitchen after you’ve made their meals. It was a good gig that worked well around your current class schedule and the money was much better than what most of your friends made to keep themselves afloat, working in restaurants or retail jobs.Not to mention the added benefit of your job.
Today, lucky for you, is a work from home day for Dave. Mr. York. And the message he sends you leaves no room for interpretation, you know exactly what he wants. You stare at the picture a moment longer, the dark navy blue of his dress slacks with the very obvious outline of his hard-on straining against the fabric. His hand sits on top of his thigh right next to the bulge under his pants and the gold band around his finger on prominent display does absolutely nothing to dissuade you as you push yourself up from the sofa.
“Girls I have some of your laundry to finish up, just keep watching your movie ok and I’ll be back in a little bit” you tell them sweetly and Molly casually acknowledges you with a wave of her hand, Alice not bothered enough to look up from the screen.
Honestly, thank god for Frozen.
You smooth down your skirt as you walk down the stairs to the finished basement and turn the corner to the only firmly closed door in the house. Mr. York's home office. It was off limits to everyone. Everyone except you, when you were invited of course, and the text he just sent you might as well be an embossed formal invitation printed on expensive cardstock.
You don’t bother knocking. You can hear his low voice through the door. It’s muffled and you can’t make out what he’s saying but you know he’s speaking and must be on a call.
A boring conference call.
Your favourite.
You can’t help the smile that tugs at the corners of your lips as you carefully push the door open, ensuring to be quiet and gently push it shut behind you. You don’t bother locking it, not anymore. You had once, the first time, and Dave ensured you that it wasn’t necessary. The girls knew this room was off limits because “Daddy was working” and Carol, if she did bother to come down here at all, would be sure to knock first to not interrupt Dave while he was working. You think he secretly likes the thrill of it, doing absolutely depraved things with you in his family’s home behind an unlocked door, knowing that his wife could walk in whenever she wanted. Of course it’s not something he would ever want his children to see, but it's been engrained well enough in their heads by now not to come down here that he knows he doesn’t need to worry about it.
You turn around from the door after closing it and see him casually leaning back in his office chair, elbow resting on the arm of it while he rests his face on his hand, a bored expression on his handsome features. His government-provided laptop sits open on his desk and you hear a mixture of voices flooding through the speakers though you don’t pay any attention to what they’re saying. You stand near the door still in the middle of the room and begin to unbutton your blouse, ignoring the little flutter in your tummy when you notice Dave sits up a little straighter in his chair. It’s a routine by now. You know what he wants without either of you needing to speak a word. Of course it’s not always the same when you step into this room, but when Dave is on a conference call, this is what you do.
All buttons undone you shrug out of your top and waste no time in undoing your bra next, letting the straps slide off your shoulders as you toss it carelessly to the floor. Next you pull down the zipper to your skirt and tug it down your legs along with your panties, not bothering to waste any time.
Dave likes efficiency. He also likes you completely naked, always, regardless of his level of dress or what the two of you might be doing. Even if he wants you under his desk sucking his cock where he can’t really even see your body, you will be naked while you do it and he’ll likely be fully clothed with just his belt open and zipper pulled down. Those were Dave’s rules. And you were nothing with him if not obedient.
You smile coyly at him as you make your way towards his desk and he pushes his chair back slightly further as he mumbles some confirmation over the speakerphone to his underlings. You know you don’t need to worry about the laptop or the Zoom call he’s currently in, Dave had a little black security sticker placed over every camera lens on all the larger electronics in the house, always taking his privacy seriously. Even the girls' tablets had the camera lenses blacked out.
He puts a single finger to his lips as you walk over to him, signaling to you that you need to be quiet, be his good girl, but of course you already know this. You nod your head slightly as you reach him, hands instinctively running over from the top of his chest up his broad shoulders as you swing one of your legs over him until you're straddled on his lap. Your hands slide back down his front, all the way down until you reach his waist and quietly unfasten his belt, popping the button open on his slacks and sliding his zipper down. Dave helps you by slightly lifting his hips, enough that you can shove down the material of his pants and boxers just enough to set his waiting cock free. You love that even when he’s working from home he is always dressed sharply in a business suit. Today his jacket is off, hung around the back of his chair and his shirt sleeves are rolled up to his forearms but aside from that, everything, including his tie, is perfectly in place.
Dave York, ever the professional, as his personal employee gets situated to sit on his cock during a conference call.
Once he’s on full glorious display for you you look up at him, waiting on his confirmation. That slight nod of his head he gives you that says ‘go on sweet girl, sit on my cock’. Deep brown eyes stare back at you and you wait, unmoving, until he lifts his hand and presses two fingers to your lips. You dutifully open your mouth, inviting them in and suck, wetting them with your tongue and saliva for a few long seconds until he’s satisfied and pulls them away. He immediately brings those same fingers down between your legs and slowly drags them through your folds, a smirk crossing his lips when he feels how wet you are already, how you don’t even need his fingers to be ready to take him. The truth is you were uncomfortably wet before he even sent you that text. The anticipation, the waiting, the wondering if today’s a day when he summons for you, it was enough to have you already worked up.
Despite you being ready he takes a few seconds to leisurely circle your clit with his thick fingers and you have to bite your lip to suppress the moan that wants to come out. You know you need to be quiet, it’s another one of his rules. If he wasn’t on an active call you are allowed to make some noise, he likes it even, but just not loud enough that your voice carries upstairs. His hand not currently working between your legs slides past you to the computer at his desk and you hear the tap of a button and you know he’s hit ‘mute’ on his call.
“Going to be a good girl for me, nice and quiet, right?” He asks and you nod your head.
“Yes” you whimper, sounding wrecked already despite that he’s barely begun.
“That’s good. I unfortunately need to be an active participant in this godforsaken budget meeting and will need to unmute from time to time and god help you if you start moaning like some bitch in heat and somebody hears you, I’ll turn on my camera and let them watch what a slut you are for my cock, do you understand?”
“Yes sir” you nod your head enthusiastically. “I’ll be good”
God the way he speaks to you when you’re together like this, maybe you should be concerned with how hot it gets you but you’re not. You know of course it's just talk, it's a persona he puts on when you’re intimate together and he gathered very quickly early on how much you enjoyed it so these are the roles you play when you are together. Truthfully Dave is respectful towards you, always has been, before and after the first time you’d hooked up. You chalk it up to him needing a different kind of release than he can get with his wife, the mother of his children. He needs a break from reality. From white-picket fences and playdates and fortunately for you, that’s where you came in. Call it ‘Daddy Issues’, call it whatever you want, but when Dave got a little mean with you or called you names or got rough with you, well, you’re honestly worried you’ll never again feel the sexual satisfaction that you get from this man. Nobody else could possibly measure up.
“I know you will baby” he smirks at you. “Now come on, you know what I want” he says and then taps a button on the keyboard again as he clears his throat and begins speaking to his colleagues again.
It should be scientifically studied how Dave droning on about quarterly budgets and fiscal year-ends can get your pussy absolutely dripping for him.
You do know what he wants and when his hand leaves the apex of your thighs you reach into the desk drawer beside you and pluck a foil packet out of the small wooden box he keeps nestled inside his desk (using protection is another one of Dave's rules so there's always a stash nearby in his office). Once you’ve torn it open and carefully rolled the condom down his thick shaft you lift yourself up just enough to hover over it before you sink down and are fully seated in his lap, buried to the hilt. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck and you lean your head down to rest on his shoulder but otherwise you don’t move. Dave doesn’t want to fuck you. At least, not right now. He wants you to be his good girl and keep his cock warm for him until his call is over and then he’ll decide what he wants to do with you. You hope the call isn’t a long one but sometimes in the past you haven’t been so lucky. Sometimes you sit here for five minutes, sometimes for thirty. Either way, you’ll be good while you do it and not move, otherwise Dave will become upset and punish you. And unfortunately punishment for you means he gets to come and you don’t, so you’re very careful now not to be punished. That lesson has been learned.
The meeting continues and after a few minutes Dave grows bored of his colleagues. You see it on his face and how his head falls back against the chair. Though you’ve barely been paying attention, even you know that they’ve just been talking in circles for the last five minutes.
“All right enough, let’s move on I don’t have all day” Dave suddenly barks at his computer and you hear several “yes sir”’s and “sorry sir”’s and flipping of papers as they switch topics to the next article on their agenda. Dave is still annoyed and bored and you know this because he snakes an arm between your bodies and his fingers are suddenly between your legs again where the two of you are joined. You lift your head from his shoulder again and pull back just enough so you can look him in the eyes as his fingers slowly begin to press at your clit. You pull your bottom lip through your teeth and your brow furrows slightly as he gently teases you and this… this is new. He doesn’t normally play with you when you’re meant to just be sitting still for him and honestly it terrifies you a little bit, knowing you can’t make a sound.
He’s still off mute as he occasionally responds to his colleagues and seemingly ignores the desperate plea your eyes are giving him as he rubs torturously slow circles around your little bundle of nerves. God he’s going to make you cum and you’re not allowed to utter a sound. A sly grin pulls at his lips and you know he’s enjoying this. Watching you squirm in his lap, desperate to please him as you focus every ounce of your concentration on not moaning out loud but Dave knows your body so well by now, like he’s fine tuning an instrument he’s had for years. You bury your face in his neck as your hands cling around the back of his head and the hand not between your legs comes up behind you, rubbing comforting circles across the span of your lower back. If it weren’t for the fingers at your clit and the cock buried inside you you’d feel like a small child being soothed and you might as well be because despite your best efforts, tears well at the corners of your eyes that you know Dave can feel drop hot against his skin. He’s making you feel so fucking good, but not good enough that it’ll get you to come and he knows that. He’s left you teetering on that edge as he plays with your clit with practiced precision and you need to come so badly you’re literally reduced to tears, the tight coil in your abdomen desperate to snap but can’t quite get there. He’s toying with you, and he loves it.
Your mouth mimes a desperate ‘please’ when you pull back again to look him in the eyes, hoping he’ll take pity on you. You must look a mess, tear-stained cheeks and he has to be able to feel the way your thighs are literally trembling. The smug grin hasn’t left his lips and for a moment you think he’s going to continue to torture you, but to your elated surprise he leans a bit forward to speak into his computer.
“All right everyone I think we’ve accomplished enough for one day, let’s pick this up on Monday, yeah? Have a good weekend everyone”
He doesn’t bother to wait for any of his colleagues to reply, just slams his laptop shut and shoves it aside with a sweep of his arm and you yelp out in surprise when he suddenly hoists you up and off of his cock, placing you down on your back on his desk. You whimper at the loss of him inside you but don’t have another second to complain before he shoves his chair back as he gets out of it and kneels to the ground in front of you.
“Oh fuck” you whimper, lifting your head up as far as you’re able to and reaching a hand out to place on his head.
“You were such a good girl for me, weren’t you baby?” he grins up at you from between your spread legs and you desperately nod your head in agreement. Honestly, you were proud of yourself.
“Good girls get rewarded, isn’t that right sweetheart?” he asks and you nod again.
Dave pauses for a moment and then his gaze lifts upwards to the ceiling. “Frozen?” he asks, knowing that his children are essentially mindless drones when their favourite movie is playing on tv and won’t come looking for you.
“Yes” you breathe out, your voice shaking. God, you need him so badly.
“Good” he grins again. “Want to hear you baby” is all he says before he dives in head first, literally, his mouth and tongue going straight to your core.
He begins greedily lapping at you, tongue pushing through your folds before he brings it up a little higher and swirls the muscle around your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your hips cant off the desk without your permission and you hear him chuckle before he places a strong arm across your waist.
“Easy baby, let me take care of you”
And take care of you he does. He takes his free hand and inserts one thick finger inside your wet heat, beginning a steady pace of fucking you with his single digit before his mouth closes around you again, sucking your clit into his mouth and a loud moan followed by a string of curses leaves your lips, your hands clutching into the short stands of hair at his head. Your orgasm floods over you within seconds, already being so close from the earlier teasing and Dave moans into your cunt when he feels your walls pulsing around his finger.
“Fuck,” he groans into you, apparently pleased with you and himself. His finger continues working inside of you, at a slower pace thankfully and his arm around your waist leaves you and disappears behind the desk where you can’t see it but you know where that hand is going and you let out a little whimper, causing Dave to chuckle against you.
“What is it sweetheart? Tell me”
“Want your cock” you whine. “Please” you add, because Dave likes it when you have manners.
He presses a single kiss to your oversensitive centre before he finally pulls back and gets up from the floor, settling back into his chair and looking at you expectantly.
“Well go on then” he nods towards his aching length that now rests against his clothed belly, the condom long discarded. You assume he took it off not long after he pulled you from his lap so he could jerk himself off with his free hand while he ate you out.
You quickly scramble off of the desk and onto your knees, greedily taking him into your hand and mouth, not needing to be asked twice. Your hand wraps around the base while your mouth envelops the rest of him, taking him as far down your throat as your gag reflex allows.
“Eager today” Dave chuckles from above you before a small groan escapes his lips when your tongue comes up to press into his already leaking slit.
“Fuck, the mouth on you…” he tuts, hand coming around to gather your hair so he can hold it back from your face and get a better view of how you take him down your throat. You continue to suck and lick and swallow him down, your hand moving in tandem with your mouth to ensure you reach all of him and he groans, head falling back against the headrest of his chair. The hand not holding your hair back presses down on the top of your head, forcing you further down his cock. He likes to hear you choke and gag on him, likes to see the spit and saliva and drool run down your chin and hear those debauched noises that leave your throat when you take him so deeply. Tears pick at the corners of your eyelids as the head of his cock knocks against the back of your throat and he forcefully pulls your head back, tilting it so your gaze finds his and you see the satisfaction stretch across his lips as he watches the fat tears hit your cheeks.
“Good girl. Good fucking girl” he practically growls at you before yanking you off of him. You gasp for breath once he’s pulled you from his throbbing member, your hands coming up to rest on his knees to steady yourself as you catch your breath. You know you had him close to that edge so the fact that he’s pulled you off of him has you instantly flooded with arousal again, knowing that today he wants to finish inside of you rather than in your mouth.
“C’mere” he grunts, grabbing you by the arm and hauling you up to your feet as he also stands from his chair. The moment you're both up he pulls you forward and his lips crash against yours, shoving his tongue inside of your mouth to hungrily taste you. You can’t help the little whimper that escapes you when you taste yourself on his tongue and his lips curl into a smile at that.
He pulls back after a few seconds and begins to kiss and nip along your jaw and upwards until his lips and breath are hot against your ear.
“Turn around for me sweetheart, bend over”
You follow his request immediately, turning in his arms and bending over the desk until your top half is fully resting on the smooth, hard cherry wood surface and your feet are planted firmly on the ground. Dave’s dark brown leather shoe comes between both of your feet and he hastily kicks them further apart, spreading your legs wide for him and your breath catches in your throat for a second before you let out a little giggle at how eager he is to have you. His hands go to your hips and he angles you just right so when he steps forward his cock slides right between your folds and you let out a low moan at the friction it causes. He lets you feel him bare for a few more passes through your folds as his right hand leaves your hip to begin rustling around in the top desk drawer again. You have to bite back the words that are on your tongue, ‘don’t use one, just take me’ because you figure if he wanted to fuck you raw he would have by now. Dave is always careful and for the most part, always in control of himself but sometimes you wish he’d just let go and be reckless with you. It’s not really even that reckless, you argue with yourself. You’re on birth control and Dave knows this because he’s seen the little square patch you wear on your hip for three weeks of the month. He’d asked what it was as his fingers delicately traced the shape and you’d told him. A simple “hmm” was all you got from in response. And aside from that, Dave was the only person you were currently sexually active with and you’re pretty sure Dave knew that as well. There was so much Dave seemed to know about you. It would probably be almost unsettling if you really stopped to think about it so you just didn’t. You were happy to stay in your little bubble of blissed ignorance, so long as it meant Dave would continue to show you the attention you craved from him.
You turn your head back just in time to see him ripping the package with his teeth and then his hips pull back from you just enough so that he can roll the condom on before he’s back, pressing forward and teasing at your entrance again.
“Ready baby?” he asks.
“Mmm hmm” you nod weakly, desperate to feel him inside you finally. “Please”
With that final uttered syllable Dave thrusts forward, entering you in one swift motion and burying himself to the hilt with a single rough snap of his hips and all the breath gets knocked out of your lungs as your upper body is shoved slightly further up the desk. He stills for a moment once he’s fully seated inside you and lets you adjust to him, his left hand rubbing soothingly back and forth on your hip.
“That’s it, take my cock so good sweetheart, fuck” he groans, tossing his head back and now you’re not sure if he’s stopped moving for your sake or for his own. “God damn, love this tight fucking pussy” he practically growls before he rolls his hips back before snapping forward again. He sets a hard, rough pace from there, stealing the breath from your lungs with each snap of his hips and the guttural noises that leave your throat each time he hits that spot deep inside of you sound downright sinful as they bounce off the four walls of the small office.
Not quite as sinful, however, as the smack that reverberates in the room when Dave’s hand lands a sharp blow to your right ass cheek as he continues to pound into you from behind.
“Ah!” you cry out, sounding positively wrecked, because you are. “Fuck, oh my god, ohmygod”. You’re reduced to a whimpering, whining mess within minutes as Dave bucks into you with reckless abandon. His fingers dig so deeply into your hips you know for fact they’ll leave bruises. You manage to turn your head slightly back to look at him, and what a glorious sight he is. Neck veins prominently on display as he tilts his head slightly back but still manages to keep his hard gaze on you. His teeth are bared and there’s beads of sweat at his forehead from his exertion and it’s enough to send you catapulting over that edge. You come long and hard with a wrecked sob leaving your throat as your walls pulse and contract around him.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck” you cry out, hands stretched above your head to hold onto the edge of the desk for dear life as your orgasm crashes over you.
“Shit baby… shit” Dave curses and you know your orgasm nearly brought his own on as well. Another low growl escape his lips before he’s hauling you up by your arms. “C’mere”
Your limbs might as well be made of Jello after how hard you just came so fortunately for Dave you’re very pliant in his arms as he all but manhandles you around. He pulls out of you and turns you around before he hauls you up and off the desk. He backs up just enough to sit back down in his chair and pulls you down on top of him, situating you just right so you’re sat right back on his cock the same way you were earlier and you cry out again once he has you speared on his dick.
“Ride me baby, bounce up and down on this dick, come on” he urges you on, sounding wrecked himself and it’s enough to give you the gust of energy you need to comply. Your hands go to his shoulders to hold on and his go to your hips to help you raise them just slightly before he slams you back down into his lap and then repeats the motion, over and over.
“That’s it, oh fuck” he seethes through gritted teeth. “Such a good girl for me, oh ride that cock baby come on” he encourages and your eyes roll back in your head at how deep he hits inside you. You think you actually feel a third orgasm coming on and Dave must sense it in you too because the next thing you know his thumb is at your clit, rubbing frantic circles as he begs and pleads with you to give him ‘just one more’. And you do just that. With a cry of his name leaving your lips you come a third time, hands clutching desperately at his shoulders as he fucks you through it and then his arms wrap tight around your lower back and he presses you firmer into his lap as he pushes a few final deep thrusts into you until he finally stills, a shuddering moan released from the back of his throat as he spills inside the condom.
You stay just like that for long moments afterwards. Dave’s arms wrapped tightly around you and yours around his neck, your face buried in his shoulder and his nuzzling into the side of your face. Dave isn’t exactly a cuddler. At least not with you or in your experience with him yet. Typically when your done he slides out of you and likes to get the condom off and get himself cleaned up immediately, dismissing you to get back to whatever you were doing but today he seems content to just hold you and you’ll greedily take every second of it until he regretfully pulls away from you like you know he has to.
You're so blissed out in your post-orgasmic state that you almost don’t even hear it when he murmurs the words against your ear.
“Come away with me”
Confusion laces your tone as you push back from him just enough to search his eyes for answers “What?”
“I want you to come away with me” he repeats, clearer this time but you still don’t understand exactly what he means. He sighs and raises a hand to gently push your hair back behind your ear before his hand lands softly on your cheek. “For a weekend. Let’s get away. I’ll say I have a work trip or something and we can just… be together. No interruptions, no… fucking Olaf the snowman singing in the background while I’m trying to fuck your brains out” he adds teasingly and you can’t help the full belly laugh that escapes you.
“Do you mean it?” You ask after a moment. You want to believe it. A whole weekend with Dave sounds like fucking heaven, but you don’t want to get your hopes up if he’s just talking madness because he just blew his load and isn’t thinking straight.
Dave shrugs. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while” he remarks casually, thumb softly stroking back and forth at your cheek. “What do you say?”
“I say yes, of course!” You practically squeal, surging forward and stealing a kiss from his waiting lips. You kiss for long moments. It’s not a frenzied kiss like you usually share but it’s still heated and before long you’re forced to pull away when Dave’s cock twitches from where it’s still buried inside of you. You unfortunately both know you don’t have time for another round and so you regretfully pull apart, Dave gently lifting your hips to pull you off of him. He takes the condom off, tying it off at the end and tossing it into the small trash can under his desk before he carefully stuffs himself back into his underwear and rights his clothes. You gather your own clothes and quickly dress until you’re presentable again and then wander back over to where Dave has sat back down in his chair, undoubtedly going back to work for a couple more hours.
“Thank you” you whisper before you lean down and plant a kiss to his waiting lips.
“I’ll text you. About our… plans” he says and you smile warmly at him.
“Looking forward to it” you remark as you slip out of his office and back upstairs to check on the girls.
True to his word Dave texts you a week or so later, giving you very vague details on your trip. It’s just dates he’s told you to blackout, a friday through sunday at the end of the month and that he’ll pick you up at your place Friday at 3pm. No other details, not where you’re going, what you need to bring or pack or what type of clothing you’ll need. You assume you won’t be going far, a local hotel is most likely, but you’d at least like to know if you’ll be going anywhere nice for dinner, what kind of wardrobe you need to bring.
“What should I bring?” You settle on asking him when you reply to his text and a stupid grin forms at your lips from his simple reply.
“Just a toothbrush baby, won’t be needing anything else for what I’ve got planned for us 😈”
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taglist: @janaispunk @nerdieforpedro @anotherpedrolover @survivingandenduring @vabeachazn @axshadows @suzdin @yorksgirl @lincolndjarin @pedroshotwifey
thanks to @saradika-graphics for the page dividers!
I might turn this into a little series? But it would literally just be PWP lol. Not much storyline. Just for when I need to get the Dave York brain rot out lol. So if you wanna see more of these two (or see their little getaway) just lmk!
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thelov3lybookworm · 9 months
Remember me? (Part 11)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Summary: Under the Mountain, Y/n met the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand. She was scared of him, but soon she found out that he wasn't who he pretended to be. Despite her efforts at not falling in love with him, she fails. It's not that bad as he loves her back.
But now he's gone, and she's left alone with nothing.
Except for a very adorable reminder of him.
Tw: secret pregnancy, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: honestly dedicated to @thehighladywrites because we love High Lord Eris in this house 😏😌🫶🏻
also, i feel like this timeline ca be confusing because i honestly dont know what im doing lol so just so you all are aware, this part is supposed to be based on the time just before feyre has fled the night court 😉
(Not edited as i am going to slee, sorry! ignore any mistakes ❣️)
The curtains were parted to let in a gentle autumn breeze which toyed with the ends of Y/n's hair, and she huffed gently when she felt someone watching her.
She finished adjusting the covers around the sleeping Fin, taking her time to smooth out the creases before she straightened, turning to find Eris leaning against the doorway, his arms folded across his chest, his eyes trained on the softly snoring boy on the bed.
And he was shirtless.
Y/n told herself it was not that big of a deal, that she had seen plenty of men naked, but seeing that pale expanse of skin covering those hard earned muscles, something shifted in her belly.
He glanced at her, blinking when she stepped forward. He straightened when Y/n continued walking forward, and his arms fell at his sides when she passed by him.
Her brows furrowed as she glanced at him and found a blush covering his face.
"Eris? Are you alright? Is your magic malfunctioning or something?"
He shook his head, still standing in the doorway. She paused to turn an watch him.
"You look a little red, you know. Are you sure you don't have a fever?"
He shook his head again, glancing back at Fin once before he inclined his head towards the corridor leading away from the boy's room.
To say Y/n was concerned and confused would be an understatement.
Eris closed the door to Fin's room gently, then grasped Y/n's hand, hesitantly, tugging her towards a large window nearby.
Y/n whirled towards him the moment he stopped walking. "Eris? What is going on?"
He didn't say anything, simply pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of the pants that hung dangerously low on his hips.
Y/n's frustrations finally got the best of her. "Are we playing charades, Eris? Or did someone cut off your tongue?"
He sighed. "I did not want to be the bearer of bad news, but I guess I still am as I brought you the letter. It's from Feyre. Forgive me for reading it, but it was open when it fell onto my desk."
Y/n's heart slowed down in fright. It... It could also be something good, right? It didn't have to be about her leaving Rhysand. It could be about him getting better and apologizing...
Y/n knew how stupid it was, really, to hope for that.
And even if that hope had really come true, Feyre was responsible enough to not send the letter practically in the middle of the night.
Y/n opened the folded piece of paper, her eyes moving frantically as she read it and searched for words that would soothe her worries.
It was all in vain.
Y/n, I can't live here anymore. I will soon be winnowing to autumn with Nyx. I hope you don't mind.
Y/n suppressed the rage that reared its head in her chest, taking a deep breath as her eyes rose to meet Eris's.
His eyes held the same sadness she felt and was sure were displayed in her own eyes.
"I have weakened the wards enough for both of them to come through without any harm coming to them, and have already ordered the servants to prepare quarters for them to live in. You don't have to worry about much."
Grateful, Y/n moved without realising what she was doing. One moment, she was standing facing him, the cool autumn air curling around her, and the next, she was surrounded by warmth, her face buried in his shoulder, her arms thrown around her neck. He stiffened, but moments later, he relaxed with a heavy sigh, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Thank you." She mumbled onto his welcoming skin, tightening her hold, knowing she shouldn't.
She felt him nod, and she pulled back to glance at him.
If there was any chance Y/n had been mistaken before about him blushing, she wasn't now.
He definitely was blushing, as red as the colour of the leaves in the court he ruled.
"It- it's nothing."
Despite the heavy news that they had received, Y/n felt her lips curl. "Are you blushing, Vanserra?"
He huffed. "Of course not. Why would I blush?"
"You know," Y/n began as se stopped leaning on him and straightened, though his hands tightened on her waist, as if unwilling to let go. Y/n chose to remain silent on the matter. "It is not nice to lie. Did your mother not teach you?"
He leaned his head closer, a smirk forming on his lips. "She might have, but she also focused more on how to treat the female you love the right way. Must've forgotten about the lying lessons."
Y/n blinked, her face going hot. But before she could say anything, she felt Eris stiffen under her arms. He pulled away instantly, tearing his hands through his hair.
"She's here."
Y/n nodded, her hands falling heavily to her sides.
"Let's go welcome them."
Part 12
Remember me Taglist: @holb32 @awoa1 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @luvmoo @we-were-beautiful @eerievixen @zoe2 @fussel9913 @j-pendragonx @thesnugglingduck @jesssicapaniagua @devilsnightz @esposadomd @littleffawn @mandowhatnow @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @princesslolaasworld @asemkta @cat-or-kitten @txzii @bunnyredgirl @theofficialmadman @leeknows-wife @aria-chikage @amygdtjhddzvb @azriels-mate123 @inky-clover @kemillyfreitas @12358 @justdreamstars @cuethedepession @princessvesta @fides25 @nocasdatsgay @acourtofbatboydreams @stained-glass-eyes0708 @glaciuswduo @wallacewillow0773638 @cassie6392 @quackitysdrugdealer @txzii @anuttellaa @coisas-da-dani @hnyclover @sassyslytherinshai @historygeekqueen
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
Eris taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Going to vent to you because this seems like a safe space for Armand sympathizers lol…
LIKE obviously Armand is doing all the wrongs, he didn't have to agree to literally any of this, blah blah etc etc BUT GIRL. if the guy i had been casually dating for two years because he had great benefits one day revealed to me that he was a child sex slave, the thing i would not do is be like 'wow, i guess what you're secretly saying is you want me to turn our relationship into an unnegotiated 24/7 TPE huh'.
And then when he came to me in a panic to tell me his life is falling apart and his employees are plotting to kill him and his protection isn't going to last much longer and i should flee the country for my own safety because he's the most vulnerable he's ever been since the time he was abducted by the crazy torture cult, the thing i absolutely would not do at that moment is surprise him by introducing that dynamic into our relationship completely out of nowhere and then order him to stay right here because I've got a totally cool plan to outmanipulate his enemies and I'll be his master now :)
And then I orchestrate a series of hot public encounters where i blur the lines of being angry and disgusted with him right up against ignoring the boundaries he sets and telling him to do whatever i want wherever i want. and because i never bothered to ask him, i don't know if he's genuinely into it or if it's because i've weaponised his trauma when he's feeling unstable, but like, he's the one who manipulated me into doing this anyway by telling me his sad backstory, so actually i'm the victim here??
AND THEN when I tell him my awesome idea of turning a nazi collaborator into a human eating monster machine and I want him to do it even though he is clearly revulsed by this idea from every angle, I'll berate him endlessly for refusing and be annoyed with him because by saying no he's making me turn her and that's not cool bro, and when he begs me not to do it, or at least not to tell him because it's breaking the rules and he's vulnerable to the machinations of the coven rn, I'll shut him up with my dom routine, and then tell him to come watch because he'll realize he does actually want it after he does it.
and when he asks me whether this is a genuine invitation in this moment or if I'm ordering him to do it and will be upset if he doesn't, I'll be so hurt and angry with him because wow, I can't believe after months of using my nonconsensual game of acting like his childhood master to get him to do things for me, he's acting like I'd use my nonconsensual game of pretending to be his childhood master against him, fuck you for trying to manipulate me right now you worthless piece of shit </3.
like even daniel, the most neutral and ethical judge of whether it's okay to make someone a vampire, can tell the only reason he'd set his one boundary at murdering and cursing another human being for eternity is because it's not hot or convenient, and not because of 500 years of witnessing the most insane vampire maker shenanigans known to Europe.
and then the entire audience claps because honestly i'm just trying so hard and my boyfriend just keeps fucking it all up for me and taking away my choices. literally what else could i have done in this situation :(
AHHHH ANON U ATE THIS UP ‼️🙏 and Yes this is absolutely THE safe place for Armand sympathizers!! I am the Armand sympathizer king and u have just brought me an Armand sympathizer gift lined with gold and jewels and placed it in front of my thrown and I’m knighting u Armand sympathizer general as I bow before u
ur so right and it’s actually so crazy to me that this isn’t a more popular take. it’s insane to me bcus im remembering how seriously this fandom was taking Claudia’s s1 sexual assault and how sensitively it was being discussed and now these same ppl r insisting that it’s unfair to “demonize” Louis for preforming non consensual bdsm with a csa victim without any safe word or prior discussion specifically because he told him about his csa and Louis found a chance to leverage control in this relationship. I saw someone insisting that it’s ridiculous to interpret Louis as sexually exploitative for being a pimp because he was a nice pimp and he was self aware about how pimping was bad and like ??? 😭😭 how do I even argue with that, that is just so absurd I’m lost for words. No guys he was one of the good pimps because he “didnt take advantage of his position” (😭⁉️) and he knew that it was wrong to sexually exploit vulnerable women and just chose to do it anyway so see it wasn’t that bad. And because Louis knows sexual abuse is wrong and chooses to do it anyway despite this he clearly isn’t mirroring the sexual abuse Armand experienced in his non consensual power play dynamic with him because uh yeah he wouldn’t do that ig 😭. It’s not like Louis canonically is capable of using sexual exploitation to manipulate people’s vulnerabilities for his stability and gain. Like guys book Louis also felt guilty for being a slave owner and knew it was wrong 😭😭 am I gonna hear “it’s unfair to say Louis being a slave owner was indicative of his negative traits cuz he felt bad about it” come out of ur mouths 😭⁉️cuz oh my god I hope not 😭 “Louis was only a pimp because pimping was his way of keeping his family afloat and asserting the masculine identity he felt obligated to preform for his safety” and he is doing the same thing with Armand guys obviously??!! He is taking advantage of armand’s history of sexual abuse to keep himself safe from vulnerability with the coven and to assert his masculine identity as a shield like 😭 and that doesn’t stop what he’s doing from being wrong like no fucking shit. He’s a complex character and his actions come from a place of fear and not straight forward evil, but that doesn’t mean u have to defend literal sexual abuse to analyze that and to enjoy Louis as ur favorite character 😭 I keep saying this but louis is a great character and there’s nothing wrong with him being ur fav but it is pretty mf weird to insist that everything he does is ok when things that he do include like, non consent 😭
I feel ur annoyances so hard anon, it’s driving me a lil crazy rn cuz in s2 ep6’s wake i have barely seen anyone discuss the Louis fucking Armand in the coffin scene like it was pretty shitty and abusive and not like, non complexly hot and fun and nothing else. Like, Armand has been panicking for a while and insisting to Louis that he is loosing respect from the coven and therefore his control and he’s in danger because of it, and Louis decides to stroll into Armand’s office unannounced, demand he strip for him immediately, demand again without any room for argument when Armand says he can’t, and then fuck Armand in view and ear shot of the whole coven in a degrading power assertion that Louis knows will put Armand in even more of a vulnerable and compromising position, like ?? I get it read the pages to me while I fuck u was pretty hot but omg can we talk about this with some nuance 😭⁉️ this is possibly the most overt instance of Louis not asking, *demanding* that Armand sexually submit and preform for him specifically as a grab to assert dominance over the coven. And Armand of course won’t say no, he’s been quite literally trained to believe that he has services that people r entitled to take from him at any time because he’s a product to be used. He also believes that saying no is not an option because submitting to the master will keep him safe, and Louis I think knows this to an extent and knows that taking advantage of this will help him stay afloat. I believe that this scene was a significant contributor to Armand deciding to betray Louis, because Louis’s actions *do* put him in danger with the coven and cause him to loose his position of power (Santiago mocking him for getting fucked by Louis cough cough). And Armand at this point is realizing, I can choose to be in a relationship with Louis that is causing my sense of stability and safety to fall apart, or I can choose to regain my position of power by forgoing Louis and getting to retain my safety. When u think about it like that it makes perfect sense for him to do that 😭 and I’m tired of seeing takes treating Armand like he’s a sneaky little snake and not a cornered animal
on the subject of Daniel because u mentioned him at the end there, oh my god it has pissed me off since the beginning how a lot of people act like Daniel is the embodiment of the neutral, unbiased correct word of god figure who is just telling the audience how it really is. Like?? No??? 😭😭 Daniel is a shitty journalist and a shitty person, he’s borderline racist and ignorant, he is not looking to expand his perspective or approach his subjects with any empathy or nuance because he decided going in that he hates them and they r bad, which is like?? Defeats the entire purpose of the affective journalism that he is trying to preform 😭😭 He is NOT the guy u should be getting ur takes from, he is a character like any other, he is not a source for correct analysis or meta or unfiltered truth.
But anyways lol, not to be personal and vulnerable in the gay vampire sex tv show post but it’s rlly disheartening for me to witness this blatant excusing and downplaying of a sexually abusive dynamic as someone who has experienced a very similar type of “but was it technicallyyy non consensual though..?” Sexual abuse. Like guys pls 😭🙏 I thought that “bdsm dynamic that merges with actual, genuine grabs for control and blurs the line between fun sex and real demands or anger” was like considered unambiguously bad? 😭 There asses do NOT have a safe word. In conclusion anon u r everything to me and everyone else um USE UR BRAIN🔥🔥🔥🔥
thank u sm for the ask OMGG ur so well spoken and correct and I enjoyed reading ur ask so so much
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ijhyo · 1 year
NEWS FLASH! — teaser
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in the months he’s been running through seoul stopping crime as the masked superhero sonic, beomgyu’s managed to keep his identity hidden. that is, until, you ask him to secure an interview with the speedster for the school newspaper. what is meant to be a once off deal results in beomgyu having to spend more time around you, both in the suit and out, as a new threat emerges threatening your safety and the city’s.
PAIRING. superhero choi beomgyu x fem reader
GENRE. superhero au ; college au ; secret identity ; fluff ; slight angst ; reluctant friends to lovers
WARNINGS. swearing ; kidnapping ; injuries ; nsfw jokes reader hates sunghoon so be warned ; action scenes ; mention of panic attacks but no one has one
WORD COUNT. est <20k
FEATURING. yeonjun (txt), sunghoon (enhypen), yeji + yuna (itzy), sumin (stayc)
A/N. what's up my people! i told you i would have another beomgyu fic for yall didn’t i? this is wayyy overdue (was supposed to be for a collab event but um. anyways! the fic is more than half finished rn so let's all cross our fingers that i'll be donw before may. speaking of!! ty ty mayjay @tyunni for the header 🫶🏾 check this out too idk lol. okay, okay im done byeeee
TAGLIST. @pr0dbeomgyu @xiaoting999 @yyx2 @soobin-choi @4junmain @tsupuffs @yjwfav @mykalon @junityy @iyeonjuni @fairybinie @fallingforhoon @hanlvkes @soobisms (send an ask to be added)
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In case it wasn’t clear, Universe, when Beomgyu said morning he meant eleven o’clock. Earliest. Not ass-crack o’clock and getting woken up by incessant knocking on his door.
He gets up and feels a crick in his neck from falling asleep on the couch. Expecting to see Yuna ready to collect his form that he has not yet filled out, Beomgyu straightens out his shirt, trying to make it look like he didn’t just roll off his couch. He has a total case of bed hair, but that’s hot, right? If he doesn’t draw attention to it, he can pretend it’s on purpose. Girls like messy hair.
With that in mind, Beomgyu opens the door with all the confidence in the world, his winning smile ready on his face, only to fall the moment he sees who is standing outside his room.
“I have a proposition for you.”
You wave a dismissive hand in his face and he swats at it petulantly like it’s a fly. “Please, save the pleasantries. Let me in, yeah?”
“What the fuck, Y/N?”
You, decidedly, were not Yuna. Where Yuna was all soft and shy smiles, here you are, deadpan expression and scowl all over your face.
“What part of that was pleasant to you?” Beomgyu bites out but steps away from the door anyway.
“You fill out that form yet?” you ask, looking around his room. If you were any other person, he might feel a little self conscious about how messy it is, but, as it stands, he’s just annoyed. What are you even doing here?
“No,” he responds curtly, eyeing said form precariously. He doesn’t understand why you even care, honestly. It’s like your sole purpose in life is to annoy him. “What do you want?”
If you can hear the clear irritation in his voice, you ignore it. “Imagine my surprise when my sweet, innocent little freshman—who I graciously took under my wing, mind you—texts me at ten PM asking about extra yearbook club forms because a ‘super cute guy just dropped by’...only to find out that it’s you.”
Beomgyu’s brain flits between a smug Yuna thinks I’m cute and— “You’re Yuna’s Junior Head?” The last bit was meant for his head but judging from the look you’re giving him, he said it out loud.
You just stare at him blankly, clearly unimpressed. “You should count yourself lucky that I didn’t just throw all the extras away once I found it was for you—” Beomgyu scowls— “but I guess I was feeling charitable. I came over to drop it off last night but you weren’t here.”
Shit. Yuna being in his room while he wasn’t here was manageable. She seemed too nice, too kind, too had basic human decency and wouldn’t go through his shit. You, however? Beomgyu wouldn’t put it past you to leave a dead rat or something under his pillow. He doesn’t say any of this though, in case you didn’t plant a dead rodent somewhere so as to not give you any ideas. He just shrugs noncommittally. “Went out.”
You hum. “Figured. Which is why I was so surprised to see this.” You pull out your phone and turn the screen to him, the gallery app opened up and there on the screen is—
“What the fuck, is that a dick pic?”
“What?” You turn the phone to stare at it, mouth hanging open slightly.
“Oh my god, did you take an unsolicited dick picture of me? What the fuck, Y/N? That’s, like, so uncool, what the fuck?”
“Oh, relax, it’s not yours. You should be so lucky.” Beomgyu has half a mind to strangle you right then and there. You swipe at the screen a few times before huffing out a breath and showing him the screen again. “This is what I was talking about, my god.”
And it’s him. Sonic. In his famous and easily identifiable blue and white suit, the grey embroidered lightning bolt running down his entire spine, body halfway out of his bedroom window, about to start his patrol. Holy shit.
Beomgyu can feel his eyes bulging out of his head. No, no, no, this can’t be happening. He’s been so careful! Sure, sneaking out of his window almost every night wasn’t the smartest idea but he had limited options! And he always made sure that there was no one around on the streets and he was literally as fast as light. He never had to worry about anyone seeing him because he moved faster than the brain could compute. This was never supposed to happen!
You hum, either oblivious to his internal panic or simply not caring, it’s not clear. “Interesting, right?”
“Uh…” Beomgyu says smartly.
Pocketing your phone, you clasp your hands together in front of you. “Now, this is where my proposition comes in.”
He groans dramatically, already preparing himself for the worst. “What do you want?”
“Get me an interview with him. With Sonic.”
“What?” Okay. He did not prepare for that.
“You heard me,” you say, shrugging, as if what you said was a completely normal request. “Otherwise this photo gets posted and the whole school finds out that you are Sonic’s secret bootycall.”
“I’m his what?”
This is insane—You are insane. Beomgyu would have laughed out loud at the absurdity of the situation if you weren’t standing here in front of him, arms crossed across your chest, clearly serious.
He baulks. “No, I am not getting you an interview with Sonic, are you insane?” It isn’t even a serious question because Beomgyu knows the answer to that. You are a citizen of Crazy Town, Population of One.
“Well, why not?”
“Aside from the fact that there is literally nothing I would rather do less, I don’t like you.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “I’m not crazy about you either, believe me. But you clearly know him.”
“That’s inconsequential and can’t be proven.”
“I have literal photographic evidence of him leaving your room.”
“Gah!” Beomgyu feels like he’s nine years old again, arguing about one thing or the other with you in class to the annoyance of your teachers. You always had a knack for getting on his nerves and it doesn’t help that the two of you were put in the same class every year for school. Even when his family moved from Daegu to Seoul and he thought that finally he was free from you, you had transferred to the same school as him.
He genuinely thinks that the two of you aren’t able to have a normal conversation without arguing. (It was actually suggested by one of your high school teachers that it might be best if you just join the debate team together. Bad idea. Him and you on the same team? Yeah, right.)
Going to college has been a sort of safe haven from being around you all the time, even if you did, once again, follow him to the same exact school. He’s just glad that the two of you are doing completely different courses and that the campus is big enough so it is almost virtually impossible to run into you. That is, of course, when you are not tracking him down to his room. “What do you even want an interview with him for?”
You look like you want to fight him. He can see your jaw clenching and your eye is twitching a little, a telltale sign that you are reaching your patience with him, and he is prepared to get into it with you when you uncharacteristically let out a frustrated groan and proceed to throw yourself onto his couch.
“Ugh!” you whine, pressing the heel of your hands to your forehead. “The newspaper committee has this stupid, dumb as fuck, running competition for all the junior editors to decide who will be Editor in Chief next year and stupid, dumb as fuck, Park Sunghoon’s stuff keeps getting chosen over mine because ‘No one wants to read about how there is no hope to stop global warming, Y/N. People want to believe they can make a difference. Why don’t you write about plastic straws instead, like Sunghoon?’ and—Ugh!
“Up until now my plan was to just, like, kill Sunghoon so the spot would go to me by default, but now I can interview an actual superhero and no matter how many stupid fucking turtles Sunghoon writes about saving, there is no way he can get a front page over that. So. Get me that interview.”
Beomgyu blinks dumbly, physically recoiling. “Uh. Okay…”
“Okay?” Your eyebrows furrow.
“Not okay okay, just…okay. Like, woah, okay, that’s. A lot.” Beomgyu thinks that this might be the most you’ve ever said to him in one go that did not include you cursing him out or complaining about how annoying he was. It was weird and a little disconcerting. He didn’t like it.
“I know.”
“It’s the most you’ve ever spoken to me in one go.”
Your face twists up at that. “Gross. Don’t make it weird.”
“You’re the one asking for my help, remember.”
“No, no, this is blackmail,” you correct, wagging a finger in his face and he slaps it away.
“You can’t even prove it’s my room.” He knows it’s futile, that he really has no choice but to give in, but just like the sun can’t help shining, he can’t help fighting with you.
“Oh, please, the people at this school are stupid and will believe anything. Plus, now that I’ve seen what the inside of your room looks like, I can just work a little photoshop magic and add things that are recognisable, have your friends comment on how the room looks a little familiar, and boom. My work is done.”
Beomgyu studies your face carefully, looking for any cracks that prove your bluffing, but he knows you and if there was one thing about you, you never bluffed. Everything you said, you meant. Fuck, he can’t let that photo get out. You might believe that he’s not Sonic and that he just knows him, but others might not and it would only be a matter of time before someone makes the connection between him and his superhero persona.
You raise a single eyebrow. Beomgyu sighs loudly, defeated. This, he tries to rationalise, is the lesser of two evils. “God, fine. I’ll get you that interview.”
“Great!” You jump to your feet with a flourish, very clearly satisfied with yourself and Beomgyu’s scowl deepens. You hold a hand out for him to shake and he pointedly ignores it, not that you care. “I’ll text you where he should meet me. Pleasure doing business with you. Also, get that form handed in. And stop seducing my freshman!”
He watches as you leave his dorm and feels like he’s just ran three laps around Seoul (and yes, he’s done that before). Throwing himself onto his couch, he covers his face with a cushion and lets out the most frustrated scream of his life, then abruptly stands up. Walks over to his door. And locks it.
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
My Little Man (Steddie X You) (Part of HFOD and SS Universe)
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A/N: I guess you guys would call this season 3? Lol. My angst hella took over as well as some feelings I've been dealing with lately.
Enjoy please <3.
Part of this Universe
Warnings: Demon Steddie & Human Fem Reader, No SMUT in this one, FLUFF, they love each other and their son. Demon Steddie is navigating how to be human while taking care of a pregnant Y/N.
ANGST: More or less the normal level of angst that comes with this series. The theme is grief and PTSD (from a soldiers perspective). Y/N is still struggling with the notion of her parents not being there to see Ellis grow up and the guys (especially Steve) is struggling with being raised how they were and taught to fight. Eddie struggles with feelings of enabling because of everything they went through.
The dreams probably have the most feels. They talk to their loved ones and Ellis says goodbye. Steve has nightmares that involve his dad being a dick (of course) and something that happens within one angers Eddie (blood briefly mentioned).
Word Count: 6398
"Don't you know I love you more than life itself Don't you know that you're my pride And I would not have you walking through this world Without me by your side
Go to sleep my little man Don't you weep my little man"
3 Months Pregnant
Steve sits on the bench outside of the library he had just exited from, sighing heavily as he closed his eyes and threw his head back.
Ever since the three of you got home, he and Eddie had been doing research on which human job they would best be suited for in your realm but were struggling to find much of anything. For him, it was even more difficult since he was raised to be a solider. He genuinely didn’t know how to do anything else and it didn’t help that even though you explained a lot of human behavior, he still felt slightly ignorant with many things. 
“May I sit?” The demon jumped at the sound of a gravelly voice beside him. “Oh, shit. Sorry, son. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, it’s alright. Um, please.”, he gestures towards the area beside him causing the man to flash him a thankful grin as he takes a seat. 
“How long?”
“I’m sorry?”
“I asked how long. I know the look of a fellow veteran trying to figure out how to adapt to a civilian lifestyle. How long has it been since you saw combat?”
“Oh, uh, it’s…it’s been a few years. But I did it the bulk of my life.”
“I can imagine with you being so young. I bet one of your parents was a solider as well?”
“Wow. Yeah, that’s amazing. How did you…?”
“I told you, son. I know the look.”, the man chuckles as he extends his hand. “Truman Duvall; Ex Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army.”
“Steven Harrington. Um, Sergeant in the US Army. Well, Ex.”, Steve laughs nervously as he hopes his memory of things he’s learned about humans in the past is still up to date.
“Nice to meet you. If I may ask, what were you thinking so hard about specifically?”
“My girlfriend is pregnant and I’m trying to find a job so I can help support my family. I want my son to have a better life then I did but I have no idea where to start.”
“Congratulations on the little bundle! I have four myself, two of them grown and out of the house already. My wife pretends like she’s glad they’re out but she misses them.”, he laughs. “I don’t know if you would be willing but down the street here, we have a recreation center where veterans go to relax and let loose. They’ve been looking for a counselor to lead the group therapy. I think you’d be a good fit.”
“Yeah? Um, I guess I could…”
“Look, you don’t even have to make a decision right now. Why don’t meet me there tonight? We’re having a little party get together thing. Of course, you can bring the girlfriend and you both can meet the person in charge. See if you feel comfortable.”
“O-Ok. I, um…” Steve pauses as he debates on if he should tell the truth about Eddie. That was a fight they had when it came to going home. He had been afraid that they would have to hide their relationship and he never wanted to hide or be hidden when it came to the man he loved. But this is also where he wanted to raise his son and he didn’t want to cause a commotion before you four even had a chance to settle in. What would Eddie do?
“Can I bring my boyfriend as well? He’s a veteran to. We actually met during our tour.”
Truman’s mouth pouted out ever so slightly as his eyebrows lifted in surprise. 
“Oh, um, sure! The more the merrier.”
“Steven, oh my God, that’s amazing!”, you exclaim as you wrap your arms around his neck. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Hang on, now. I don’t have a job yet but…”
“Don’t sell yourself short, bud.”, Eddie grins from his place on the kitchen counter. 
“I hope it’s ok that I kind of…announced…our relationship. We actually didn’t talk about what we wanted to do but I know if we had stayed in our realm I’d want to be honest.”
The long-haired demon opened his arms and Steve promptly placed himself between his legs with his back against his chest while Eddie rested his chin on his shoulder. 
“I’m glad you did. I love you and I’m not hiding that.”
“Me either.”, you smiled as they beamed right back. 
Suddenly, the happiness drains from your face before you turn and bolt towards the bathroom. You three had been home for a couple of months and within the past week some of the normal symptoms of pregnancy began springing up such as the morning sickness you were currently experiencing. 
“It’s alright, baby. Get it all out.”, Eddie tries to sooth as he holds your hair into a makeshift ponytail. As soon as you were finished, you fell back into his arms and thanked Steve when he handed you a bottle of water. 
“This is normal, right? Humans get nauseas like this.”, he asked. 
“Yeah, honey. It’s normal. I’m alright. I think I’m going to take a nap so I can be 100% for tonight.”
“Y/N, you don’t have to go.”
“No, Steve, I want to go. I want to see where you’ll be and the people you’ll be around.”
“Steve! You made it.”, Truman shouts excitedly as he reaches out to shake the boy’s hand. “You must be the girlfriend.”
“Hi. I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N. What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman and this is your…boyfriend? Right, son?”
“Yes, sir. This is Edward.”
“It’s nice to meet you. Steve said you’re a veteran as well. Were you a sergeant like himself?”
“Oh, uh, no. I was more of a private I guess you’d say. But we spent a lot of time together especially on the battlefield.”
“Wow and for you two to still be so close and find a relationship through all that chaos! That’s amazing. I always tell my wife if she met me during my tour she would have hated me. A lot of civilians don’t understand the headspace you have to fall into to do what we have to do.”
Both demon’s nod in understanding and you can’t help but softly smile as you watch them interact with the other people around them. Steve was definitely in his element and you could tell in some way he felt more comfortable in this setting because he was around beings who seemed to understand what they both went through. As his new friend spoke, his eyes remained intense and focused as he absorbed everything he said. 
Eddie excused himself to grab some drinks but became distracted talking to another couple and began to laugh at something they were saying. The first time you met him he expressed a particular distain for humans but he seemed to open up more since they were freed, finding something interesting in each person he interacted with. 
“Hey, this is my girlfriend Y/N.”, he introduces when you walk over to check on him. “Y/N, this is Lisa and Shawn Bennett. Lisa did a tour in the Air Force flying jets and Shawn was a DJ overseas.”
“Oh wow. For the military or just on your own?”
“For the military. I’m kind of like that Cronauer guy they made the movie about. I read the reports and played music I thought would lift the troops spirits.”, the man explains. 
“Kind of like me.”, Eddie whispers in your ear making you smile. “What do you two do now if I may ask? Steve and I have been searching for employment but we have no idea what would fit us.”
“Well, I actually own a store of my own selling books and comics; things like that. I’m a bit of a nerd.”, Lisa laughs. 
“And I teach media and music courses at the local community college up here.”
“That sounds like a lot of fun actually. Are they looking for another music teacher because Eddie is an amazing musician.”
“Yeah? Unfortunately, they aren’t but you should consider maybe starting your own business as well. You can teach kids to play guitar or any other instruments you know and you can do it from your house or maybe the music store downtown is hiring.”
“Are you looking for a job to, Y/N? I’m trying to hire someone to help me with my shop.”, Lisa offers with a smile. 
“Oh, I’d love that. I’m, uh, I’m actually pregnant though and I wouldn’t want to leave you stranded after you just hired me.”
“That’s fantastic! Don’t even worry about it. You don’t seem very far along yet. I can teach you the ropes before you give birth and that way when you come back, you’ll already know what to do!”
As you glance at Eddie, his eyes widen with encouragement as he nods his head. 
“Ok, I’d love to work for you.”
Lisa claps and gives you a big hug as your demon beams behind you.
“Hello fellow veterans, spouses, and partners! Glad you could all join us tonight. I hope you are having some much needed fun! I do have just a quick announcement to make. I would like to introduce you to Steven Harrington who is new to Hawkins and after speaking with him I feel like he will be a great addition to our center here as the group counselor.” The man at the podium smiles as he gestures towards the demon and everyone around the room claps. “Steve, why don’t you introduce yourself?”
When he hesitates, you gently push him forward, urging him softly before he relents and nervously climbs up the makeshift stage. 
“Um, hi. Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve been seen by so many people.” The people chuckle as you and Eddie grin knowingly. “Like Thomas said, I’m, uh, new to Hawkins but my girlfriend is from here and my partner and I thought it would be better for her to be back home where she felt safe with her family so we can start raising our own. I-I-I…shit I used to better at this.”, he chuckles before glancing your way, your gentle smile comforting him. 
“I was raised in a military household. My dad was a solider so that’s what I was expected to be. As soon as I was able, he handed me a weapon and commanded I train to be the best. There was no wiggle room there. It was all or nothing. When I saw war…I shut down and did what I had to. I took no pleasure in killing, contrary to popular belief.”
“The worst part about shutting down that way was how it flowed into my every day. I was as an asshole to everyone including women I dated and people I trained… except for some of the people closest to me…Robin, Chrissy, and Eddie. When Edward and I got out…I felt so out of control…so lost. I lost my identity and everything I knew. If I didn’t have him by my side… Then we met Y/N and without her we literally wouldn’t be here today.”
Steve paused, looking out into the crowd, and realizing he may be talking too much. 
“Sorry. I’m sorry. Thank you so much for this opportunity and I’ll do whatever I can to help.”
The people in the room clap as he steps off the stage and you immediately wrap your arms around his waist as Eddie lightly caresses his cheek. 
4 Months Pregnant
You beam at Eddie as he softly strums his instrument. That day after Shawn suggested it, he went down to the music store in town and applied for the job as a guitar instructor. After playing and showing off for them he got the job. He loved hearing the kids try and play reminding him of the children he watched over with Steve during their war. 
Today was everyone’s day off so they were being lazy in bed with you in your pajamas and both demons in nothing but their sweats. 
“Ok, this thing here says for humans you should be feeling him move around now.”, Steve announced as he gestured towards the book he was reading. 
“I haven’t felt him move yet unless the occasional nausea is him saying hello.”, you giggle. Leaning over him, you grab his hand and place it on the middle of your stomach. “Talk to him.”
“Uh, I…hey, Ellis. It’s, um, your daddy. I’m not scaring him with my voice, right?”
“No, baby.”, you grin as you pet his head. “This is how he’ll get used to it though. Hearing and seeing you both in your demon form.”
“Buddy, you have no reason to be afraid of us in any form. I’m sorry your dads aren’t as beautiful as you and your mom but—”
“Hey, speak for yourself.”, Eddie teases making you laugh. “I’m a sexy motherfucker.”
“What?”, Steve’s eyes shift up excitedly. 
“You didn’t feel that?”
When he shakes his head, you place his hand closer to the side you felt movement, gesturing for the other demon to do the same.
“Say something else.”
“Hey Ellis. This is your other daddy and I assure you we are very handsome.”
“Holy shit.”, Steve exhales as he grins up towards his partner. “That’s amazing.”
“I’m glad you agree, kid.”, Eddie smiles.
6 Months Pregnant
Eddie growls at the crib he was trying to assemble as his glowing red eyes glare at the instructions again. Over these past couple of months, you three had made your dad’s old room your bedroom and begun shifting the room you used to sleep in into Ellis’s. 
Going off his personality from your dreams, you painted the room blue with images of guitars along the base boards and up along the ridges of the ceiling. Near where his crib would be, you put up pictures of everyone in his family that loved him including Robin, Wayne, Dustin, and everyone who had passed that he had been conversing with these past six months. 
The boys were able to get everything a baby would need from your realm but also from theirs including those books that Eddie had wrote and some toys demons normally played with at a young age. 
“Whoever invented these contraptions should be tortured for eternity.”, Eddie grunted as he tried again putting a few of the pieces together. 
“You guys don’t have cribs in your realm?” 
“Yeah but they were like boxes essentially. Or at least mine was. I’m sure Steven had gold porcelain or some shit.”
“No.”, Steve chuckled as he took the wrong part from his partner’s hand and handed him the correct one. “I had a regular little wooden thing with soft blankets.”
“I wish I could see what you two were like as kids.”
Since they left Maeve, they weren’t able to snap memories into your head like they were before. It hurt them more than you because you always seemed curious about them and they wished they could show you everything from their point of view, not Henry’s or Mirage’s. 
“How much did Mirage show you?”
“She showed me big events more than anything. Steve always looking for his parents especially your mom. She did play sword fight with you once and you looked so happy until your dad yelled at her for ‘ruining your training’.” You rolled your eyes as Steve pet your head and sighed. “Eddie, I did see what your uncle told me about with your mom singing to you.” The demon’s glow receded in his eyes as he glanced your way with a small smile. 
“Until my father told her to shut up?”
Tilting forward, you crawled over his work to kiss his lips making his smile widen as he caressed your face. 
“What about your parents, honey?”
“Both my parents were amazing. My dad always loved to make us laugh. He liked being a girl dad and my mom exploited that.”, you giggle. “She would make him wear tutus while I would do his makeup and they both would dance.”
A tear left your eyes and both demons promptly gave you their attention. 
“I’m sorry you guys don’t have your parents here. You both deserve better.”
“Baby, it’s ok—”
“Eddie it’s not okay.”
“Will you let me finish?”, he jokes. “It’s ok because I had my mom and I had Wayne. Then as I got older I got my other family. Steven, Robin, Chrissy, and even Dustin. Now, sweetheart, I have you two and Ellis. I couldn’t be happier.”
“I agree. I’m thankful for the memories I do have with my mom but the kids I trained and beings I fought with…that was my family. I’m so excited to see what’s in store for us, you know. See what Ellis is going to do with his life.”
You smiled as you kissed their lips before you wince and lean away. 
“Ow. Little butthead is kicking my side.”
“Hey, kid.”, Eddie teases as he tilts towards your tummy. “Why don’t you stop hurting your mother and come help me make your torture technic of a crib.”
8 months Pregnant
You, Steve, and Eddie walked into the house you three had been in so many times these last few months except now it was completely empty. All the furniture and everything was completely absent as you entered the living room full of people.
Everyone in the room moved out of the way to where Eddie’s mom was hugging her grandson to her chest as he sobbed. 
“I don wanna go!”
“You have to, baby. Your mommy and daddies need you now. They’ve been waiting so long to see you.”
“Mom?”, Eddie asked as he stepped towards her. “What’s going on?”
She softly smiled as she handed him to your father who spun him around as he chuckled but your son just buried his face further in his neck. 
“Come on, little guy. Your parents have made you an awesome bedroom and knowing my daughter she’s going to show you so many amazing things.”
The little boy shook his head as your dad kissed his temple before handing him to your mom. 
“Steven, remember, you once told me that everything would be ok and you were right. I’ve watched you both take care of my baby and I assure you, you both are going to be more than ok. You are going to be amazing parents.”
He beamed at him as he wrapped his arms around the demon and pulled him in for a hug. 
Your mother grinned as she reached out to touch your face as you started to cry. 
“I’m scared to do this without you.”, you whisper. 
Your parent’s smiles widen as she kisses her grandson and places him in your arms. 
“We’re not going anywhere. We’re always right here.”, she soothes as she points to Ellis’s forehead. “Right behind that door, honey.”
“I love you.”, you son coos as each grandparent reciprocates his affection. 
As both your demons come to your side, you look down to no longer see a toddler but a newborn baby wiggling in your arms. Steve gently pets his head as Eddie reaches for his tiny hand that immediately clings to his finger. 
All of your eyes shoot open but yours is followed by a grunt as you place your hands on your stomach. 
“Fuck! I think…”
They don’t waste any time as they collect you and your things before rushing towards the hospital. 
“How long are they going to keep him back there?”, Eddie growled as he held your hand.
“Calm down. Y/N said this was normal. They need to clean him, check his vitals, and all that.”
“Yeah, but Steven, what if something comes up in those vitals that frightens a human.”
The other demon’s eyes flash red in warning in his direction as a low rumble leaves his chest. 
“Maybe we should have had him in your realm.”, you respond groggily as your heavy eyes shift their way. 
“Baby, don’t let Edward scare you, ok? He’s fine. He’s got more human in him right now than anything. Dustin said he would grow into his demon parts.”
“He also said we’re the first couple ever to do this so…”
“Edward Munson, I swear—“, Steve’s anger was cut short when the door to your hospital room opened and a nurse casually sauntered in.
“Hey Munson-Harrington family.”, she smiles. “We have little Ellis here fast asleep and everything looks good. Mommy, how are you feeling?”
“Like I gave birth.” The nurse laughs at your joke as your demons roll their eyes. “I’m alright. A bit exhausted.”
“Yeah, that’s normal, sweetheart. Good news is your baby is in perfect health. Would you like to meet him?” Your eyes fully open as you sit up, smiling softly when she places him in your arms.  “I’ll come check on you three in a bit.”
Tears start to fall as you fully take him in. Right now, he seemed like a completely normal child with soft skin and just a sliver of brown hair poking out of his blue beanie. 
“Hey, honey. You’re so handsome. I’m your mommy.”, you coo in a whisper as you kiss his forehead. “Oh my god, he smells so good.”, you laugh as you look their way. 
Eddie was the first to step forward, sitting beside you on the bed as he caressed his son’s chubby little cheek with his finger. 
“Holy shit. He’s so soft.”, he breathes. “You’re perfect, kid.”
Steve finally takes a seat as well and reaches out to feel his tiny hand. 
“He’s warm to. Is that normal?” When you nod, he almost breathes a sigh of relief. “Ellis, we’re your daddies. You ARE perfect, oh my god.”
The baby squirms a bit in your hold giving them pause before pulling away. 
“I think that was his way of saying thank you.”, you smile. 
3 Weeks Old
“Fascinating.”, Dustin muses as he rocks Ellis in his arms while swaying around the living room. “He really does look just like a little human with the soft skin and everything. Nothing has stood out?”
“Can you stop analyzing our baby and just enjoy him?”, Eddie snaps as he sighs. 
“No, nothing.”, you giggle, answering his question. “And so far he seems to eat but not as much as normal babies.”
“How so?”
“Babies are supposed to eat every two hours; we’ve been feeding him every six. I was worried at first but we just took him the doctor and she said he was healthy. When I tried to give him a bottle every two he would cry and push at my hands.”
“Interesting. That has to be hard, Y/N. Him not being able to verbally tell you things like that. I hated when my kids cried in general but you…you still have that whole trial and error thing going.”
Glancing towards your demons, Eddie had fallen asleep with his head nestled in Steve’s lap on the couch who was already napping when Dustin arrived. 
“It is. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us though and I know they do to. I’ve been keeping a record like you suggested should this ever happen for anyone else.”
“Good.” When he notices your gaze shift again, he takes a seat on the floor beside you and lays Ellis on the blanket between you both. “Everything ok with you three?”
“Yeah, I’m just a little worried. They were both already so protective over me and now that he’s here… Steve’s been having nightmares. He pretends he doesn’t but I hear him groaning in his sleep and feel him wake up. I asked him the other night if he still has access to my dreams and he said he can’t find the door anymore.”
A tear fell down your check as Dustin reached out to comfort you. 
“As I’m sure you’ve noticed, Eddie’s attitude has been a lot shorter lately. He’s exhausted and worried about the three of us. He triple checks everything to the point that I find him asleep on the floor by Ellis’s crib because he’s too tired to make it back to our bed and would just rather be closer to his son just in case.”
“What about you? Besides the worry I mean.”
“I know I’m probably being paranoid but sometimes I feel like we’re being watched. It may just be because of our dynamic. I know not everyone is excepting like the new friends we’ve made but no one has said anything… I don’t know. Just…mom brain maybe.”
“Hm, maybe. Keep an eye on that. From what you’ve told me, you’re always pretty intuitive. Wouldn’t want to miss something you know?”
5 Weeks Old
“Oh my god, Y/N, look at him.”, Lisa coos at Ellis as she holds him in her arms. 
“Are you alright, Steve? You look like you haven’t slept.”, Shawn chuckles. 
“Yeah, I’m doing alright. Just…little guy keeping me up.”, he forces a smile. 
Your friends were having a get together for veterans and their families and since Steve worked at the center you suggested you three should go and be seen. Truthfully, you thought it would be good for them both to get out of the house as well as having him specifically spend some time with his new veteran friends to talk about anything that may be weighing on his mind causing his nightmares.
As the night wore on you noticed their soft grins return to their faces as he and Eddie mingled with the people around them. They radiated warmth as they talked about their son and everything he had done with his short little life so far.
“Have you guys started baby proofing yet? I swear when my daughter started crawling it was like she knew which areas were the bad ones!”
“Oh no, not yet. He did smile at Y/N the other day. Ellis has a beautiful little grin.”, Steve boasts.
“At that age usually it’s just reflexive. They see you guys smiling so…”
“Isn’t that all babies though? Like that’s how they learn?”, Eddie genuinely asks as the dads around him laugh. 
“Yeah but who knows some babies are different! You may just have an extremely happy baby who couldn’t wait to show you guys how much he loves being here.”
Time passed and a few of the guests left, leaving the main few that you had really gotten to know. You all sat in the living room while Eddie patted his son’s back as Ellis slept soundly. Steve tenderly petted the baby’s head as you beamed at them from your place in the chair across from them. 
“So how has everything else been going?”, Thomas asks as he chugs back some of the beer in his bottle. 
“Everything has been good, man. Just focusing on them, ya know?”
“Yeah, I understand. When my son was born, that first night I checked on him every hour on the hour. Then for some reason I kept checking on my wife. I knew our son needed us both and I kept thinking ‘What if something happened to either of us?’”
“I can understand that. I, uh, before Y/N and Steve, I lost a lot of people I loved and there was nothing I could do. Now that Ellis is here…it would kill me if anything ever happened to him.”
“Do you have nightmares about it? About losing them?”
“I don’t but Stevie here does.”, Eddie answers causing Steve to toss a glare his way. 
“I do but it’s fine. It’s not a big deal.”
“I had them to. Sometimes I would dream they were on the battlefield I fought in. I would run to them but I could never quite reach them.”, Thomas sighs at the memory. “What do you dream about?”
“It’s fine really.”
You’re not sure if anyone else heard but you and Eddie did as the demon’s voice fluctuated to his real one for a split second.
“It’s ok, Y/N. Like I said, I get it. If you talk about it, it gives it validity right? You’d hate to manifest something like that into existence. Someone killing Y/N and your son.”
Steve’s eyes closed as his head ticked to the side. 
“Ok, Tom, I appreciate what you’re trying to do but I’m putting my foot down. You’re going to push him too far and he’s already got enough on his mind.”, Eddie defended rising to his feet and handing you the baby. 
“Ah, you’re the enabler I imagine. You allow him to shelter his feelings so he doesn’t have to deal with them.”
“You’re damn right I do. You humans have no idea what we’ve been through!”
“Interesting word choice. Is that how you separate people from your experiences?”
“Come on, guys, let’s head home.” As the long-haired demon grabbed his boyfriend’s arm, he remained frozen in place. Kneeling in front of him, he cupped his face in his hands. “Steven, it’s ok alright. You don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to. Let’s go home and get some sleep, huh?”
When the demon finally opened his eyes, Eddie’s widen in fear; he knew this look all too well. As subtly as he could, he got to his feet and towards the front door with you trailing after him. 
Once the wind of the outside hit your faces, he expanded his wings, cutting you off as he vanished into the air.
“Edward, baby, are you ok?”
Eddie nodded from his place on the floor next Ellis who was sleeping soundly beside him. After laying down as well, he softly smiles your way as he continues caressing the baby’s open hand. 
“DO I enable him, Y/N?”
“I just…we went through so much… Every day I had to watch the man I love breakdown. Even when we were out, summoners never treated us with any kind of respect. They knew we wouldn’t be there for long. In our realm, he was hero and with one choice, he was banished and imprisoned…because of me.”
“No, Eddie. Everything you two went through was because of Henry. He killed Chrissy and framed you. Jason didn’t give Steve much of a choice. He was going to disobey orders and hurt you.”
“I always tried to make it up to him… I tried not to show my feelings, pretending I didn’t care we were trapped. Pretending I wasn’t scared and just as angry as he was. I’ve done that my whole life, Y/N. When my mom got sick, I did everything I could to make her laugh so she wouldn’t see how devastated I was. Every time my father came home upset, I acted like I was tough but I was fucking terrified, baby. I was so scared.”
A tear fell from his eye and your immediately wiped it away with your thumb.
“When he fled, I was afraid for my uncle. I didn’t even think twice when I signed up but I was positive I wouldn’t last a month out there on the battlefield. Steven and Robin helped me become a better fighter. With Chris I pretended to be more together than I was. She had enough on her plate at the time and I wanted her to feel safe.”
“It seems like that’s why you pretend, Eddie, so the people you love feel safe.”
Sitting up, he started to cry harder and you immediately crawled to him, curling up in his lap as you held him in your arms. 
The sound you recognized as a portal opening grabbed both your attention as you called Steve’s name.
“Hey, no, sorry. It’s just me. I have him here though.”, Robin answered as she came around the corner with the demon leaning half-conscious around her shoulders. “My girlfriend sent me a message saying he was there at the bar. He had been babbling about how human drinks aren’t strong enough and something about you two and Ellis.”
After leading her to the bedroom, she gently placed Steve onto the mattress. When Eddie entered the room, she smiled when she saw your son’s wide eyes looking back at her.
“He woke up.”, the demon announced as Ellis yawned to emphasis his point. 
“You need to let your parents get some rest, booger.”, Robin coos as she pokes his nose making him smile. 
“Some of our friends said for human babies around this time smiles like that are a reflex.”
“Yeah but he’s not entirely human and that beautiful, drool filled grin didn’t seem reflexive.”, she responded. “It seems like he can handle the demon skin since he’s letting us touch him.”
“Yeah, I think that’s the potion.”, you nod as you reach out to tickle the baby’s chin. “Thank you for bringing Steve back, Robin.”
Softly smiling, she leans down to kiss your forehead.
“Seriously, you and Ellis are so soft—”
“Ay yi, ma’am. This human is ours.”, Eddie playfully scolds as he swats his hand in her direction. 
Loud banging and clinking echoes behind the door you’re looking at as smoke occasionally slips through the seams. Taking a long exhale, you reach for the handle but someone tapping your shoulder startles you as you turn and smack the person’s face. 
“Ow! Jesus woman. How many times are you going to pop me?!”, Eddie whines as he rubs his cheek. 
“Edward, how did you—”
“I don’t know. I’ve been looking for the door for months. Maybe you finally calmed me down enough to know what I’m looking for.” Nodding, you kiss his lips. “So what’s the plan?”
“I think…this is Steve’s door. I don’t know. I’ve been trying to access his dreams but I haven’t been able to.”
Holding your hand, he carefully turns the knob and you both step through. Glancing down at his attire, Eddie realizes he’s suddenly in his old battle armor and you both are on the battlefield they fought on all those centuries ago. 
“Why am I not in armor?”
“I mean, you weren’t there, baby.”
“What the fuck are you two doing here?!”, Steve’s father shrieks above you as he lands on his feet. “Leave. NOW. My son needs to learn his lesson.”
“YOU’VE been giving him his nightmares?”, you growl.
“Not exactly. He started having them on his own but I’ve been fueling them.”
Shifting your gaze behind him, you both watch as Steve slaughters enemy after enemy, panting as he slowly tires himself out.
“Steven! Do better! You think these fuckers are going to show mercy on your son?! You have to do what I taught you to get the truth!”
Eddie gripped Bill’s throat and angrily threw him to the ground. 
“You made your hell his hell, you fucking asshole. He told me all about you and everything you did to him. You ruined his life enough! Leave him be.”
“Please. He’s doing this to himself. He’s worried about you two peasants and that thing. I’m making him better. Stronger.”
Grabbing a sword from the ground, you lift the handle and point the other end towards his throat. 
“You heard him. Leave Steven alone or else I swear to God, Bill, I will find a way myself to keep you in hell.”
Growling under his breath, he tried to stand but you and Eddie forced him back down with your weapons. Huffing he suddenly disappeared as well as every other solider that had fallen around the other demon. 
“Ed-Edward?”, Steve panted heavily when you noticed you both there. “Y/N? What are you…? It doesn’t matter. We need to get to Ellis or else Henry’s going to kill him. We have to—”
“Baby, look at me.”, Eddie tried to soothe as he cupped his cheeks in his hands. “You’re dreaming ok? Henry is gone and Ellis is in his crib fast asleep.”
“N-No. No? I can hear him. I can hear him crying! Can’t you hear that?!”
“NO!”, the demon growls loudly as he shoves the man he loves hard backwards. “Who are you?! You’re not Edward. Y-You’re…You’re trying to trick me. Are you Mirage? Did Henry and his dad hire you to stop me?!”
“Steven…”, Eddie cried with worry as he threw the sword he was holding to the ground and held up his hands. “Sweetheart, please, it’s me. I promise. I would never hurt you like that. I would never keep you from our son.”
As he tried to step forward, the other demon shoved him to the ground.
“I-I-I need to get to my son.”, Steve sobbed as his voice cracked. “I know you’re not Eddie. Tell me where he is.”
When he didn’t answer, he pulled back and pushed his weapon downward. 
The sound of your grunt filled their ears as your eyes met Steve’s wide glassy ones. When you both looked down, blood drenched his sword where it had pushed through your stomach and around your back. 
Looking up at him again, you smiled through the pain as blood dripped from your lips. 
“Why…why does it hurt?”
The three of you opened your eyes at the same time as you sat up clutching your stomach. Lifting up your shirt, there was no wound but it felt so real. You could still feel the stinging pain lingering on your skin. 
Eddie’s head slowly turned meeting Steve’s still shocked expression as is mouth hung open in shock. 
The long-haired demon’s growl cut him off as his eyes glowed bright red. 
“Take us to another realm that we can fucking damage NOW.” You didn’t say anything as Steve rose to his feet with his head hung preparing a portal for them to go through. “Stay here.”
Coming around the bed, he waited for the other demon to finish as you peeked into the world they’d be going to. It was completely baron with nothing but white as far as the eye can see. 
“Fitting.”, Eddie responded in anger as he and the other demon walked inside. 
As the portal began to close, you quickly got up and jumped through right as it disappeared. 
You knew Eddie may be mad but after what happened this wasn’t something you were going to let them handle alone. 
@tlclick73 @tiannamortis @steeldaisies @goodhappyfriday @paleidiot @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@strangerthings64 @howlingco @eddiesguitarskills
@prettypeachsworld @nailbatanddungeon @notlempet
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joels-shitty-puns · 11 months
The Key To Your Heart - Track 8
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Musician!Reader
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Series Summary: After writing your feelings for Pedro into a song, it gains a lot more popularity than expected. Ultimately it brings both criticism and support, with new possibilities around the corner.
Series Warnings: 18+ only (MDNI). Alluding to sexual scenarios. Kissing. Fat shaming, name calling. Mentions of food, weight loss, weight gain, dieting, weighing, potential eating disorder, food guilt. Potential for puns/dad jokes (name of my blog, and the fic) should give that away. This is my first fic which should be its own warning, lol. Also some cursing. Mentions of masturbation (f) maybe more smut later idk. Sadness, reader is pretty depressed. Poor body image. Rude people. Bullying-ish and just lack of support? Anxiety. Age gap! Reader is in her mid 20's, Pedro is current age (48).
Other stuff: Reader is plus sized. AFAB. Inexperienced. Also has a dog, but you can pretend it is another creature probably. Further, in case it isn't clear, italics almost always are the reader's inner thoughts!
Word Count: 2.8k
Series List: Here!
Miss Chapter 7? Here!
Hi all! I know this one took a lot longer than previous. I was on vacation and then went straight into my work week. I almost thought about ending it after the last chapter but I realized there's still some loose ends! Also I gotta say I'm really overthinking the voicing for Pedro, but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless. This chapter entirely got away from me and wasn't the plot I anticipated, haha. Once again, thank you all for reading. I love all the comments, messages, and asks I get about my story and it honestly blows me away. Please continue to like, reblog, and let me know what you think! Love to you all!
Also I made dividers! Weeehooo
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The rest of the evening was filled with kisses, cuddles, and sweet nothings whispered to each other through smiles. It was just a quarter after midnight when Pedro finally pulled his lips away from yours and looked at the clock. Turning to set his forehead on yours once again, he quietly spoke.
"I should probably get home, Princesa," he punctuated with another kiss.
You let out a whine, but knew you weren't ready for it to move much further than this too quickly. "What time is it?" You kissed him.
"It's already after midnight." He kissed.
"Hmm," you hummed with another press of your lips to his. "And I never even turned into a pumpkin." Kiss.
"I don't think that's how the story went, mi amor," he ran his hand over your hair, kissing your lips, your cheek, below your ear, and finally your neck.
"Mmmm," you sighed, tilting your head to give him better access. "I can't really think clear enough about how that story went right now." You ran your fingers through his curls.
He kissed down your neck again a few times before gently nibbling your earlobe. Your breath caught in your chest.
"We should really slow this down and call it a night," he whispered directly into your ear. You felt his nose brush your hair and his warm breath on the side of your face. 
You sighed with a pout of your lips. You knew he was right. It was too soon into the relationship - or whatever this is - to go any further. But damn, would you be lying if you said you didn't want it.
"I know, baby. I know." He sighed in response, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
He pulled back, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, and adjusting in his seat, pulling his sweater down further over his waist. You tried to ignore it, but you couldn't help letting your eyes drift down a little lower towards the area he was trying to cover. He placed his hands in his lap, clearing his throat. You looked back up at his face, noticing his cheeks turning a pink hue.
Guess I'm not the only one feeling a little excited here, you thought with a smirk at the idea of you making him react this way. You rubbed your thumb across his reddened cheek. "Don't worry, baby. Me too," you sighed, feeling a little antsy and frustrated yourself. His eyebrows raised, mouth pulling into a mischievous sideways smirk. 
The two of you let out a nervously happy laugh. "Maybe… I could take you on a real date soon? If you would like that?" Pedro asked, looking at you once again with those big brown eyes. "I would love that, Pedro. More than anything." You pecked his lips once more, running your hand over his bicep.
He kissed you back before pulling away with a small laugh. "Okay, I gotta go, baby. I'm enjoying this a little too much, and we should probably cool it down." He gave another nervous laugh.
"Sorry," you giggled. "You're kind of addicting, and you don't know how long I've waited for this. Kissing. Mutual feelings. Romance…" you trailed off with a grin.
"Love?" He asked, holding your cheek and giving a soft smile.
"Yes. That too." You closed your eyes, leaning into his cheek. "But that still sounds so wild to me.  I'm scared to say it to you in case you'll change your mind, or realize you don't feel the same, or that it's too soon for… that word, or…" you rambled quietly, your insecurities creating a wall you know all too well.
"That just isn't true, sweetheart. I know it's soon, and we technically just met, but we've been talking for several months now. We've talked nearly every day. I started to realize I might love you a while ago, but seeing you for the first time over video really made me know for sure. Getting to meet you in person somehow even made me fall harder," he held your hand in his.
"After just one meeting? I mean, it's just… people that have known me for years haven't felt that way, and someone like you? Someone famous and beautiful and so much more experienced and mature than me… I just.. I don't want to push you away, but I can't help but worry that you'll change your mind or it isn't real and it's all just going to… vanish," you looked down at your connected hands, closing your eyes to swallow your emotions.
"Hey.. don't do that. Don't put yourself down or build those walls. I fell in love with your music and your voice the first time I heard it. Getting to know you through text and finally talking to you on the phone, getting to learn all your quirks and your sense of humor, your personality. You. I don't know how anyone could not fall in love with you, and I was scared to let it happen. I told myself not to get wrapped up in relationships. That it would just cause more heartache that I couldn't go through again. But somehow you lured me in like a siren and I couldn't ignore it. I heard your song and wanted to know you. I talked to you and needed more. I don't care that you weren't famous before, and that you don't have a lot of experience with relationships. And any other insecurities you have can just go away, because they aren't true. You are beautiful. You're funny, smart, sweet, and you have the most beautiful voice and heart of anyone I know. I knew you were beautiful before I saw you, and I fell so hard when I finally saw you for the first time."
"Pedro…" you blinked at him.
"The constant thought that you already loved someone, and it, to my knowledge, wasn't me, hurt every day I talked to you. But I couldn't stay away. I just kept wanting to be closer. I want to be with you. If anything, I wonder why you would want to be with someone so much older than you. Someone who can't love you the way you deserve, without paparazzi and fans and spotlights. I hope you won't change your mind. Because despite my best efforts to avoid relationships, I fell in love."
You had tears in your eyes as you looked up from your lap to meet his eyes. "I love you Pedro."
"I love you too." He kissed your lips once again, and as he pulled away, he said your name in a whisper. "Believe me, having to stop kissing you is just as difficult for me too. Maybe tomorrow I can take you on that date?" He asked, standing up with your hand in his.
"I'd love to go on a date with you," you smiled at the ground, cheeks heating. 
"Great! I'll talk to you tomorrow," he kissed your cheek before kneeling down to give Skipper a gentle rub and receiving several wet doggy kisses. The two of you laughed as Pedro stood, wiping his face on his sweater. "What can I say, I like kisses from everyone in this household." He winked.
"Okay cheeseball, get outta here," you gently shoved him before giving a final kiss and waving goodbye to him.
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The next day, you were sleeping in, feeling relaxed and happy, like you finally could rest easy. It was around 11 AM when your phone rang, waking you up from your deep, peaceful slumber. Blinking your eyes open to see the morning sun beaming through the window, you stretched and grabbed your phone, looking at the clock as you did so. It was Pedro calling.
Cheerily, you answered the phone, though your voice betrayed you, still sounding groggy and cracked having just awoken. "Morning Pedro!"
"Baby… were you crying?" He asked, sounding concerned.
"What? No? I just woke up. Why would I be crying after having such a nice night with you?" You giggled.
He didn't laugh. In fact, he was a bit quiet. Unusual for the bubbly personality he usually was. "Pedro?" You asked after a beat of silence, suddenly feeling nervous.
He sighed and said your name in a tone that sent a chill down your spine. "I think you should check your phone. It's… something's happened. You should see it yourself. I just… I'm so sorry. I hope you'll forgive me."
Your blood ran cold. What is he talking about?
"Pedro, I don't under-" he interrupted you. "Please. I'm sorry. Just, you should read through everything and think things through. I hope you'll still want to call me back and talk. Goodbye. I love you." He hung up the phone.
With shaky hands, you looked at your phone. 45 missed text messages, 10 of which were from Pedro. 200 notifications on your personal Instagram. 20 emails. 
What the hell?
You first opened Pedro's texts.
"Baby. I'm so sorry. I should've never dragged you into all this, I'm so sorry."
"I'm sure you've seen by now, I'm so sorry."
"Please forgive me."
"I know you probably want your space, but I hope you're okay. I love you."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm getting worried"
"Can we talk?"
"I hope you're just asleep or something."
"I never meant for this to happen."
What. The hell. Happened?
The other messages were from family and friends, all seeming to be freaking out about something. Still confused, you finally came across your answer.
News articles flooded your page. 
"Pedro Pascal Seen Leaving Party with Mystery Woman"
"Pedro Pascal Enjoys Halloween Party with Date"
"Pedro Pascal: New Girlfriend??"
"Pedro Pascal: Matching Costumes with Unknown Girl"
Oh shit.
Photo, after photo, after photo. You kept reading.
"Mystery Girl's Co-Worker Speaks Out!"
"Unknown Woman Is Pedro Super Fan"
"Pedro Pascal Dating Obsessed Fan?"
"Pedro Pascal Being Stalked By Woman"
Okay this is getting absurd. 
You clicked on the coworker article. Sure enough, your coworker, one you always thought was rude, had thrown you under the bus. Your name was out there now, thanks to her. "She and I go way back. We're practically besties. And yeah, she's totally in love with Pedro Pascal. Obsessed even."
That. Bitch, you thought angrily.
It was time to call your agent, Rose. You already had several missed calls from her, and she knew all about Pedro and your crush. She had become your confidante. You dialed her number and she quickly answered on the first ring.
"Rose! What should I do? There's pictures of me everywhere. My name is out there. My coworker commented on it. I haven't left my bedroom yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they've found out where I live. I'm so scared. I don't know how to deal with this kind of thing."
You were on the verge of tears.
"First of all sweetheart," she calmly answered in her southern twang, "take a deep breath." You did what she said, though it hardly seemed to help.
"Second of all, I've been working on some fixin' since it all caught wind this mornin'. Things are startin' to calm down. Nobody seems to know that you're that singer, either. They just think you're some girl who managed to meet Pedro. But, I will say I think this may be the push you need. It might be time to tell the world, sugar. How you choose to do that is up to you, but don't you worry, I'll put out the fires."
You took a deep breath and sighed. "I think you're right. It was only a matter of time."
"Have you talked to Pedro yet?"
Shit. Pedro.
"Sort of. He called and woke me up. He apologized and basically hung up, telling me to call when I read everything. But I had a bunch of texts from him. He kept apologizing."
Rose clicked her tongue. "That poor sweet man. None of this was his fault. You know that too, right, darlin'? This is just what happens in show business. It ain't fair, but it also isn't his fault."
"I know that, Rose. He didn't do anything wrong. I got so caught up in all the headlines that I immediately called you and forgot to call him back. I bet he feels awful. I should get back to him. I hope he's okay, too. He only seemed concerned for me, but most of those headlines were actually about him and his dating life. I can't believe I put him through that." You suddenly realized what he may also be feeling after his confessions last night about avoiding relationships, and the inability to give you privacy from paparazzi.
Rose sighed. "Now if you don't call that sweet man, I will! You two lovebirds are perfect for each other. Apologizin' and feelin' awful for one another when neither of ya did anything wrong. Go get 'im. And hang in there, love. It'll all work out, trust me."
Your cheeks heated at her words about you and Pedro. "Thanks Rose. You always know what to say."
You two hung up and immediately you called Pedro.
"Pedro… I'm so sorry."
"Hon- wait what? Why are you sorry??"
"Those headlines were about you too, and your dating life and history. I hate that you were dragged into all this drama."
"Honey, no, please don't worry about me. Are you okay?? I know this is new for you and some of those articles were pretty mean. And that coworker of yours!? Clearly not a friend. How are you feeling?"
You took a deep breath. "Honestly, P, I'm so stressed. But I talked to my agent and she really talked me down. She said she's been playing crisis management all morning and it's dying down. But she does think it's time I tell the world who I am."
"Oh… babe. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I was so selfish, I just wanted to see you and I didn't think about the consequences. I should have known this would happen."
"Pedro, please don't feel bad. None of this is your fault. She's right, it's time. I couldn't keep it a secret forever. And the party was not a great experience, but honestly, last night was one of the best nights of my life."
"So.. you still want to be with me?" He asked, cautiously.
"What? Yes, what kind of question is that? I love you, Pedro. Of course I want to be with you. Did you change your mind?"
"No!" He answered quickly. "I want to be with you."
"Good!" You smiled for the first time since seeing all the turmoil today. "I guess I better figure out my plans for the big reveal. I have some ideas, but…" you trailed off, pausing a few seconds.
"What is it, baby?"
"I don't want to make you feel like you have to if you don't want to, but… would you come over? I think I'll go on Instagram live, and I don't want to be alone. You don't have to be in the shot, I just want your presence there. You make me happy. Just you, me, and Skipper together today."
"Of course. Anything. I'll be there."
"Thank you, P. Give me an hour?"
"Perfect. I'll see you then. I'll bring you breakfast."
"Thank you, Pedro. You're really too good to me."
"No such thing, mi amor. You deserve it."
The conversation ended, and you showered, thinking through your words for the internet. Picking out the perfect outfit and place in your house for the big reveal, it wasn't long before the hour was up and Pedro was knocking on your door with breakfast and drinks in hand.
"Yum! Thank you, Pedro." You helped him carry, and then kissed him deeply, pouring all your love into the kiss, letting all your stresses of the day fade into pure love. He kissed you back, pulling you in closer by your lower back. "I wasn't sure if you were too stressed to eat, so I got things that would be okay to reheat, or leave out until you felt up to it."
"You're the best, you know that?" You rubbed his cheek.
"Mmmm, that's yet to be revealed, mi amor" he raised an eyebrow and winked, pulling you in for another kiss. You giggled, feeling bubbles of nerves and butterflies in your stomach at his implications. But now was not the time for those thoughts. You had more pressing matters.
Pedro noticed your stress shift. "You ready?" He asked while squeezing your arm. "I'm about as ready as I'm gonna be, I guess," you shrugged. "Let's do this." You stated, him answering with a curt nod.
The two of you made way to your music room, setting up your tablet in the right place near your desk. He sat in a chair just on the other side of you, outside of view, but close enough to make you feel more at ease. He was even close enough to hold your hand under the desk if you needed. Meanwhile, Skipper sat under the table near your feet, willing to keep you company when he could tell you were unhappy.
"Here we go," you breathed. You clicked the button to go live, and the stream began.
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Want more? Track 9: Here!
Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more!
Taglist: (Want in? Let me know!)
@pedrotonin @starcrossed02 @lightupsketchersperson @cartoon-garbage04 @tyferbebe @maryfanson @gwendibley84 @faithfullyyours2000 @brilliantopposite187 @hc-geralt-23 @jenniferpendragon @winchestergypsy90 @red-red-rogue @theendwhereibegin @lottieellz101 @oliversaurus @kyga01 @milly-louise @titabel @taz-97 @stefanibear003 @marantha @fandomoniumflurry @ilovemybrown-eyedbabygirl @leiadjarin
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yikimiki · 1 year
Ok but what about popular bully!eren x popular cheerleader bully! Reader??? They find out about each other by some other people and they end up together
⚠️ quick warnings for descriptions of bullying, reader is a little bitchy and mean but Eren is fully a horrible douchebag. Mentions of misogyny, harassment, etc. Smut. Mentions of weed. Bickering.
I did a little twist. They kind of hate each other lol
You fucking hate Eren Jaeger before you even get the displeasure of meeting him — his reputation is a cloud of putrefaction that reaches people before he has the pleasure to do so. And you’ve seen him around the halls of the campus, terrorizing freshmen and borderline harassing girls until they basically run away from him and his group of troglodytes. You’ve seen it all. So you have a good amount of evidence to know that he’s a total douche.
Not that you can judge — most people would say the same stupid things about you. Though you like to believe that you and Eren aren’t of the same breed. He’s a stupid bully. You just like to give unwanted constructive criticism that ends up giving people a new perspective about life. And if they can’t handle the heat and, like, transfer schools or take meds or whatever, that’s simply not on you. But you would never hit another guy for a minor inconvenience. You’re so much better than that.
The point is that you hate — hate, hate, hate! — Eren. And you hate even more that he steals all the attention away from you every time that his stupidly pretty face appears anywhere. And you hate that he looks at you at every game you cheer, hate that you like the way his eyes move up your mini skirt. You hate that you crave his attention so badly, and hate even more that it’s become a pathetic habit.
“Thought you’d at least pretend as if you’re hard to get,” Eren mumbles, all heavy eyes and slurred words, as you place yourself on top of his thighs. You roll your eyes and decide to ignore him, instead working on undoing the zipper of his jeans. He chuckles. “God, you’re fucking horny. Are you in heat or what?”
“Don’t pretend as if you don’t want to fuck me, Jaeger. I bet this is the first pussy you get since someone had enough pity to pop your cherry years ago,” you say, rushing to push the fabric down his thighs. “Now shut up.”
You two have less than twenty minutes before someone notices your mutual absence and a crowd gathers in front of the one house bathroom that has been suspiciously closed for a long time. The downsides of popularity, you guess. And no way in hell you’re letting your reputation — and your flings with half of the football team — be thrown into the trash like it’s nothing. Especially for someone as gross as—
“Eren!” You hiss, a shock running through your body as his fingers plunge inside your pussy. He’s quick, even stoned out of his mind, and it took him less than a second to push your panties aside. “You’re fucking gross.”
“Hm, right,” he says, one hand landing on your shoulder. Eren presses down hard, and you get down on your knees — yeah, you got the message. “I like you more when your mouth is full.”
“Gross,” you repeat.
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bakery-anon · 1 month
✧. ˚Calcu-Hell➶˚
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warnings. fem reader, reader is stressed man (math does that to a person), maybe overuse of the name pretty girl but who can really blame me?, be nice <3
words. 593
a/n: this is not for me to be perceivable- this is for molly bcs she said she wanted an Akaashi fic and I had time to kill on my bus ride home <3 I hope you like it Molly <33333 (no pressure if you don't though, in which case kindly ignore this post lol)
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The minute Akaashi made his way through the threshold of your apartment he knew something was wrong. The lights in the living room were off, flicking the lights on he blinked his eyes a few times to adjust. His eyes scanned the room, looking for your blanket clad form on the couch but not seeing it there, your blanket still folded neatly over the arm. His keys clink as they drop into the ceramic bowl, one side chipped from where you knocked it off the table a few months ago. 
He made his way through the silent house, feet barely making sound over the wooden floors. Quickly making his way to the office door he knocked lightly and opened the door just enough to peek his head in. He smiled slightly as he saw you hunched over the desk and furiously scribbling on a piece of paper. 
He shuts the door silently behind him, you must not have heard him over the stress of getting the paper done. He could see your furrowed brows and how your teeth were worrying at your lip. His fingers tap your shoulder and he chuckles lightly as your figure jumps. “Keiji,” your voice is tired as your head turns to face him. 
“Hello pretty girl, what’s worrying your pretty head huh?” He bends down so he’s leaning over the chair and can see the abused paper: equations, eraser marks, and even a small tear at the top left corner are present with just how long you’ve been working on it. His hand rubs gentle circles on your back as you sigh and lean into the touch. 
“I feel like I’m in Calcu-hell. Why did I sign up for this class again?” Your hand flies up and pinches the bridge of your nose as you groan. Akaashi lets out another soft laugh and leans towards you to kiss your forehead. 
“Because you’re smart,” you go to cut him off but he grabs hold of your hand and tilts his head as he gives you a knowing look. “You’re so smart, and funny, and I love the way your face lights up when you get a question that was stumping you right. You signed up for the class because you wanted to prove to yourself that you were smart.” You frown at him and roll your eyes. He lightly flicks your forehead. 
“I don’t have to prove myself to anyone.” 
“I know that pretty girl. You’re very good at math, I know that.” He nods his head and he can see the scowl on your face exaggerate, he knows you’re forcing yourself not to smile at this point. “You’re very good at Calculus and everything you set your mind to. I love you even if you are stubborn as a rusty door.”
You grumble and he smiles. “It’s not fair. I’m just trying to be upset over calculus and you have to come in here and be all sweet. How dare you.” Your eyes narrow at him and your arms cross. “How unreasonable of you.”
“Yes, I know. It’s very unreasonable of me.” He grabs the extra chair and sits down next to you. His hold reaches for yours again and even though you’re pretending to be mad you lock your fingers together. “Now, what are we working on?” He adjusts his glasses on his face and looks over your shoulder.
I guess Calculus isn’t so bad if you have a boyfriend who loves you holding your hand while you lose your mind. You’ll just lose your minds together.
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taglist. @hiraethwa @akaakeis @mollyrolls
guys if this was bad don't tell me lol, this was more writing exercise than like fic
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medlarmeadows · 2 months
I Still Love You (Do You?)
prince!Charlie Slimecicle x lady-in-waiting!reader
Synopsis: You succumb to your injuries after an attack at the palace. Charlie is there by your bedside when you wake up.
Warning(s): mentions of explosions, stabbings, and injuries, emotional angst, unrequited-ish love
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: This fic expands on the other prince!Charlie fic, but can be read alone! This takes place a few days after the first fic, but still within the week-long festival the royal family was hosting. Sorry that I used the same screenshot lol, couldn't be bothered to take a new one and this man does not have enough non-goofy sad pictures for me to use (please send if you have any plsplspls). Enjoy!
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You wake up with a groan. Your mouth and throat were dry, and there was a dull throbbing in your side. When you open your eyes, you’re grateful to see that the room was softly lit by the late afternoon sunlight streaming in through the windows.
Furrowing your brow, you try to remember the events of the night before:
Small explosions rocked the palace grounds. Dirt was spit up from the ground and festival decorations were torn or set on fire.
Hooded figures were attacking festival goers, both royal and common. Blood was spilled, chaos enveloped the scene as people frantically tried to flee.
You were rushing both Princess Amelia and Prince Charlie to a safe room. Along the way, a hooded figure rammed into your body at an awkward angle. The attack sends you stumbling, but the attacker was quickly subdued by the guards who were with you.
You made it to the safe room with other members of royalty and nobility. Jumping into your duties, you check on Amelia to make sure she was uninjured before helping the other servants present treat other injuries.
When somebody accidentally elbowed your side, white light blinded your vision from the sheer pain that shot through your body. You doubled over before falling and passing out.
“You’re awake, thank gods,” a voice to your right jolts you out of your memories.
You turn to see Charlie, his brown hair still messy from the chaos of the night before, his lavender dress shirt and black suit pants dirtied and slightly torn. He was sitting on what looked like the most uncomfortable chair in the palace, and seemed as though he hadn’t slept at all.
Yet, he looked as handsome as he always was.
You suck in a breath.
“Are you injured?” you ask him before he can get another word in.
Charlie chokes out am almost-laugh, surprised by your question.
“Am I injured? What – I’m not the one in an infirmary bed,” he responds incredulously.
“Where’s Mels? Is she okay?” you continue, worry for your princess causing you to ignore his remark as you push yourself with your arms to sit up.
The dull throb turns into a sharp pain, and you curse as you pause in your movements, breathing heavily through the pain.
“What happened?”
Charlie sighs, before standing up from his chair to lean over and help you scoot up into a more propped up position. You go stiff as he approaches.
Sighing again, he says, “Let me help you.”
He meets your gaze.
You take a beat to still your heart, still apprehensive and very very guilty, and relax, giving him a nod.
As he props you up (and you pretend not to notice how the warmth from his arms seep into your bones even through your clothes), he explains what had happened:
“Do you remember the hooded person that rammed into you as we were running? He was trying to go for either Amelia or me, but you were in the way. I guess he had a knife that cut into your side, but you didn’t feel it because of adrenaline and the chaos of everything around us.”
He runs a hair through his already messy hair and all but collapses back into his chair.
“Gods, Y/N, you could’ve died if nobody noticed your injury. You had lost so much blood by the time you collapsed – I don’t know how you were still up and tending to other people with that hole in your side.”
Charlie pauses, and you see the hand that was resting next to yours twitch. He retreats his hand and leans back in his chair.
“Do you know how devastated I – Amelia would be if you died?” he choked out, not meeting your gaze.
Silence fills the room as Charlie hangs his head, refusing to look up at you. You frown at him, taking in his tired state.
It didn’t make sense why he had probably sat by your bedside for the whole night. It didn’t make sense why he was so worried.
“Why do you care?” you ask, your hands coming to your stomach to fidget and pick. “I broke up with you. I ignored you for two years as you tried to piece our friendship back together. All I’ve ever done these past two years is push you and Mels together for the sake of a union neither of you want. Why do you care if I live or die?”
Charlie raises his head and catches you picking at your cuticles. Instinctively, he reaches for them, pulling them apart gently and cradling your hands in his. His sincere gaze falls on you, and despite yourself, you can’t seem to look away.
“You might have broken up with me. You might have thrown away two years of happiness together for the kingdom. But I know you, and I know you didn’t do any of that out of hate.”
“Charlie – ” You start to protest and pull away, but his hands tighten around yours just barely, a silent plea to let him finish. And you do.
“I know that you’re stupidly selfless and loyal,” he continues, a thumb soothing over the back of your hand like he’s trying to write his truths into your skin until they become yours. “And you would place the happiness of other over yours. But I’m selfish. So, despite the past two years of avoiding me, despite all that you did to drive me away – ”
He takes a shaky breath, closing his eyes like he’s gathering strength, before he looks at you again.
“I still love you.”
Your lips part as you stare at your worst nightmare happening in front of you in real time.
“Charlie – ” your voice breaks a little.
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t still love me,” he pleads with you, leaning closer. “Tell me you don’t still love me, and I’ll leave.”
You stare at a man who looks starved in all ways but physical. A royal prince begging a lady-in-waiting for a chance to live again.
“Your parents would never allow it,” you try to reason. “Duty would never allow – ”
“And if it wasn’t for duty?” he cuts you off. “If I wasn’t a prince and you weren’t a lady-in-waiting? Ignoring everything around us, do you still love me?”
You swallow hard.
“I can’t.”
“You can’t, or you don’t?” Charlie presses. “Please don’t lie to me again.”
You can feel his hands shaking as they grasp yours. Or maybe, yours were too at the sheer weight of his plea.
A stone sits at the base of your stomach. Guilt pushes the stone up your throat to choke you for what you are about to do.
Staring straight into Charlie’s eyes, you say:
“I don’t love you anymore. I’m sorry, Charlie.”
The way Charlie’s expression crumples makes you want to take back your words and apologise over and over again. But the weight of the king and queen’s threat still pressed down on your shoulders:
You will face the consequences of your actions should you fail to bring Prince Charlie and Princess Amelia together.
He retracts his hands from yours, and you immediately feel colder. Even the sunlight streaming in had disappeared as the sun slowly set beyond your line of vision. Shakily, he stands.
“I really hope that was the truth,” he whispers, looking at you with glassy eyes. “I really hope that you’re happy.”
And he leaves. Leaves you with ice in your bones that you froze with your own words. Leaves you with an emptiness in your soul that you hollowed with your own hands.
Leaves you with a broken heart that you smashed on your own accord.
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good7luck · 10 months
My quick personal thought on Noe in VNC manga latest chapter 61.5
(more under the cut)
I do NOT think Noe "pretended" to not notice the racism towards Dham in the office because he didn't "want" to accept the harsh reality that his "good" fellows are being bad / racists. It didn't happen...yet, at least.
I'm rather sure Noe simply, sincerely had NO "concept" of the racism ITSELF towards Dham AT ALL. "They probably still don't know their individual name each" was the ONLY and "best" guess Noe could ever make ON HIS OWN, within HIS (extremely limited) "common sense".
Noe does NOT realize the word Dham was being used like a slur purposefully in THEIR context, because Noe believes it's "by definition" not inherently an offensive term. They're Dhams, it's who they are, what's the problem? Vani is a human, so there's nothing wrong to call him human, cuz it's what he is, isn't it? But yeah, it's weird to keep calling all of them as just Dham when they all have their own name, let's fix it now!
Well, Noe does not have the same view / experience as other characters, much less we audience. He tends to listen well, but he's not always good at catching the hints / full context quickly. Of course, Noe hated to be called only "vampire" on and on by Vani in the previous arc, but Vani was clearly super hostile and seriously fighting Noe to death at that time, while this is happening "in peace", so Noe couldn't possibly imagine the people were hostile, "too", just in a different or "softer" form, perhaps? Or Noe failed to notice it because it's not directly about Vani lol
I get that it's very tempting to call Noe "stupid / annoying" etc for not noticing the "obvious" malice. But it's NOT obvious to him, unfortunately; he's plain ignorant and oblivious for real, because he literally has had NO chance to learn until now. He can't magically know what he doesn't know. He isn't even a genius character. This is the first time Noe witnessed the subtle and explicit racism, and honestly...I highly doubt if even now he truly understands that he watched people being openly bigoted and that it's never from their "innocent ignorance" as he first believed. Sadly, it indeed doesn't help that those people are the ones who Noe does NOT see as an enemy.
Noe never heard of Ruthven, who "can't" be unknown to anyone. Noe genuinely believed everyone else (Vani & Domi) was lost, when it's actually him alone who was lost. This is the Noe we're talking about!
Shapeless One didn't teach Noe anything about Dham and the prevailing racism (which is surely suspicious and irresponsible). It seems he at least didn't tell Noe that Dham should be oppressed / hated, and thankfully Noe has grown up not to discriminate people merely for race. Since he arrived in Paris, Vani has never bothered Dante and others for being Dham in front of Noe, either. But yeah, now Noe should get to know more and face the unjust reality that the Dham has to deal with.
"Noe should've known better because, Archiviste!!" I feel he believes that it's NOT the same and mostly the matter of the "rightfully creepy" (he thinks) "ability" of the memory-reading (for now, at least). When you think about it...no VNC character has negatively reacted to Noe for being Archiviste so far (and like, most of them barely know in detail or get interested a little) - except Vani XD and we all know Vani currently doesn't care, as long as Noe doesn't try to drink his blood. Astolfo hated Noe, but it's because he equally hates any "vampire".
However, in regards to Dham, people are loudly making "the existence ITSELF" a huge problem, including their mere "appearance" difference. People "discuss" their "right to exist", which is similar to Jeanne, Bourreau, the slaves. Yeah, I suppose Noe has been kinda "lucky" not to be the target of discrimination...until now. I won't be surprised if Noe still doesn't understand what makes Dham "deserve" all the disgust when they don't even have any "disgusting" ability "like his". I'd like to also add that...Noe might've been safe solely thanks to his (problematic) "guardian" Shapeless One, the (in)famous & powerful vampire that no one can casually ignore, similar to Ruthven ^^;;
In short, I think Noe did NOT "forcedly" "choose" to "ignore" the racism and try to make an "excuse" for his "cannot-be-racist" fellows "instead"; how can he "choose" to believe "otherwise", when he doesn't even notice the deep racism "specifically" towards Dham in the first place? Though I can agree that it'd be hard for Noe to properly process what's going on in the office because he unconsciously believes the fellows he trusts wouldn't be "weird" or "malicious" to other fellows "for an unreasonable reason".
This was written quite quickly, and I might regret it and remake a similar post later...or not XD
Thank for you reading my current personal opinion!!
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x11, part 3. RJK edition.
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Listen. LISTEN. The boy feels so lost & his home is PEOPLE. Roy & Jamie are RIGHT. THERE. I NEED it. I need not only Jamie having vulnerable moments with Roy, I need Roy to be able to talk about it and/or at least hold Jamie and mean it. I need to see Jamie hugging both of them and feeling safe, and loved, and HOME. I need Jamie to know that he belongs, and he's good, and he deserves all the good things only.
This is honestly such a huge topic & I've been thinking about it from time to time. Jamie/happiness please and thank you. And somebody quietly take out his dad so Jamie can process it and let out a sigh of relief. I know it's not that easy, I've been there, still going through it tbh, a lot of trauma and feelings, but still.
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Babe, your hair is beautiful & I love it, don't listen to that.
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Keeley: puts even more pressure on Jamie to the point where Jamie is even more overwhelmed.
She's no better at it than Roy lol. Made it worse somehow.
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"If only I could have a friend who'd stick with me until the end. And walk along beside the sea, share a bit of moon with me."
Those friends:
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I can't get over the fact that Roy acts like a human towards Jamie? Like, it's the most "I care about him A LOT" & humane thing we've ever seen at this point, I think? Especially after that weird string episode that I often just want to ignore?
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"I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly."
I find their reactions so interesting? Keeley is straight up bored and tired. Roy is crying which is even in character, after he watched Love Island with Jamie in it & all those yoga sessions and drinking wine after. Jamie is... one eye red. Jfc, someone hug Jamie and be there for him. Just unite all three already. While Keeley can have her beauty sleep, Roy and Jamie can have spend their time together.
Not sure if I should watch You've got mail, but yeah.
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Are we gonna ignore this? The way Roy looks at Jamie. The theme of Roy being so worried about Jamie that he brings Keeley in and he tries his absolute best to help Jamie and make him feel better. Like, I always shipped them, but right now it feels more than ever justifiable? Not like I imagine it but the way it's RIGHT. THERE. It's not one sided. It's "I care about you, too, and I'm trying to make ti right." Maybe a kiss or two would set it into the right direction, but still. Baby steps (at the end of s3).
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???? Ot3???? Poly canon when???
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"...share a bit of moon with me."
is this the new "Let's get lost"? For ot3 this time? C'mon. How am I supposed to ignore this? It's so romantically coded.
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Roy, you very much can if you don't kiss him and if you keep pretending you and Keeley are not dating again. Like, talk to him. Invite him in. You two are fools. Keeley sees it though.
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There goes "I care about you" again.
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Jamie is such a sweet and gentle boy. Making sure he didn't push either of them.
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Seriously though. He. Him. And his hair (unironically). And his rings.
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Jamie's smile getting wider, heh. The neighborhood he grew up in? Or the neighborhood his mom ran away to from James?
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Jamie is the best sunshine of all the sunshines. Both Jamie and Roy being dressed in black :)) They really are so alike.
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I feel honored to finally meet Jamie's mom. Wow, she and her husband seem so different from James, and you can see why Jamie is the way that he is. I still have questions on why Jamie was abused so much by his dad while his mom is right there & judging by Jamie's words she only wants Jamie to be happy. But then again, maybe he really is like that, "I wanted to tell her, but I knew it would hurt her. So I let it hurt me." Which is heartbreaking, but it is what it is, I guess.
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This episode Trent met Ted's mom, and Roy and Keeley met Jamie's, and "it's lovely to FINALLY meet you BOTH." I am NOT letting this go. Like, Jamie just decided to take his best friends for a ride and introduce them to his mom. Ahhh.
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spideyharrington · 2 years
summary: you’ve been friends with steve harrington since freshman year in highschool. and you’ve also been in love with him since then. but you realize he would never love you back, so you decide to put some distance between the two of you without explanation.
warnings: cursing, self esteem issues, attachment issues, abandonment issues, emotional angst to fluff !
A/N: ignore nancy in the gif 💔 this is not proofread cuz i’m tired and lazy. also it’s been quite awhile since i’ve written but i’m feeling extremely attached to steve still and also needed to get some of my own emotions out lol
word count: 3.3k exact :)
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It was yet another sleepless night. Your brain too wrapped up in anxious thoughts to even let you think about closing your eyes for more than a few seconds. So you listen to the rain hitting your window and let the thoughts take over, deciding you needed to stop pushing them away. You weren’t sure how long you’d been staring at your ceiling for, but you were shaken out of your thoughts by the phone ringing. It’s one in the morning who the hell is calling? You thought as you went to answer the loud device.
“Hello?” You sounded drained.
“Couldn’t sleep either huh?” Steve sounded almost as drained.
“Nope. Why’d you call?” You hadn’t meant to sound so short but you’ve had quite a rough day at work and didn’t feel like talking. Usually Steve would make you feel better immediately but lately being around him, even hearing his voice, has just made your heart hurt.
“Figured if I was awake you probably would be too.”
“Okay… So why call? Just to test your theory?” You joked but there was hardly a joking tone present.
“I guess I just wanted to hear your voice. Helps me clear my thoughts sometimes,” he ignored your joke, “are you alright?”
“Yeah Steve. Just peachy.”
God why am i being so rude to him? He didn’t do anything?
“Was work bad today?” He knew better than to take your tone personally.
“Yeah. Nothing new though. Just people being assholes.” You didn’t feel like talking about how your day at the video store went. You’re pretty sure you even scared Robin with how irritated you were getting, considering Robin was silent half the shift and she always has something to say.
“I’m sorry princess. Anything specific-“
Princess… A name he initially used a joke, to call you dramatic or pretend like you were asking for so much as if you believed you were royalty, that he’s been using on a more regular basis lately. God you hate that name.
“Steve I’m really tired. I gotta go.” You felt bad for cutting him off but you couldn’t pretend to give a shit about work right now. Not when you knew that’s not what was really bothering you.
There was a beat of silence, Steve being surprised at you cutting him off and the tone you had, “okay. I hope you sleep well. I’m here if you need me.” He knew you weren’t sleeping soon.
“Yeah you too. Goodnight.”
When Steve hung up he couldn’t shake the awful feeling he had that he had done something wrong. Usually he doesn’t worry about that with you. You’re always so kind to him and reassuring, knowing he blames himself easily for really anything he can. But tonight just now, that was new. He hated it. He hated not being able to make you feel better.
After falling asleep sometime around four in the morning, your alarm went off at six thirty for work. Needless to say you ended up flipping off your alarm clock and going back to bed. You woke up again to the phone ringing, but you decided to ignore it, completely forgetting why your alarm went off. About your shift at Family Video.
To say Steve was anxious when he arrived at work to see Keith instead of you, was a huge understatement. Not even because he hated working with him, but because you were weird last night and now you didn’t show up to work. You haven’t missed a day since you started there.
“Hey Keith. Where’s y/n?”
“Thought you would know Harrington. She decided not to show up today.”
“She didn’t say why?”
Keith laughed, “she didn’t even call.”
Steve’s anxiety only grew. He immediately went to the phone in the back, calling you. If rang for what felt like an eternity. No answer. He called again. Okay, he called a few more times.
Your phone wouldn’t stop ringing. You looked to your clock, it was twelve pm. You reluctantly got up to answer.
“What?” You already knew it was Steve. He was the only one who would call that many times in a row.
“Y/n what the hell?” You could hear the panic and slight relief mixed with a hint of anger.
“Mind telling me what i’m being yelled at for?”
“Yelled at? I’m not-“ you heard him inhale, you knew he was pinching the bridge of his nose, “does your shift at work today ring a bell?” You couldn’t even tell which tone he had that time.
“Shit. Sorry. Slept in.”
“…That’s it? That’s all you got?”
“Jesus Steve I’m so sorry you had to work with Keith. I’ll get ready and head over there, calm do-“
“I don’t give a shit that I had to work with Keith, y/n. I thought- I was worried something happened.”
Shit. Now you were really being an asshole. You know how anxious he gets when someone isn’t where they’re supposed to be and don’t give a reason. Not after all the scary shit you’ve been through. He immediately assumes the worst. Even if it does seem slightly irrational, neither of you are sure what exactly is rational anymore.
“I’m sorry. Seriously I just went to bed so late and i stopped my alarm without thinking. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m really sorry.” You felt like crying. You know the panic he was feeling when he didn’t see you and when it took ten calls for you to answer. Steve could hear that through the phone.
“It’s okay. Sorry I got a bit too anxious over nothing. Take your time, yeah? I’ll be alright with Keith for a little longer.” His voice was much softer again.
“I get it Steve. Please don’t apologize, I think you’re allowed to feel that way after everything you’ve been through.” Steve felt himself relax a bit, your reassurance made him feel better after worrying all night about doing something that had pissed you off.
You arrived at work thirty minutes later somehow. Steve smiled when he saw you and you tried to smile back but you knew it wasn’t very convincing.
“You’re lucky you’re good at knowing what movies customers would like. Otherwise you’d be kicked to the curb y/l/n.” Keith pointed at you, sounding surprisingly less angry than you’d expected.
“Sorry Keith. Won’t happen again I swear.”
“Better not.” He mumbled and walked through the back door to his car.
“Hey. Would you rather sort and restock or check out customers and rewind these?” Steve held up a handful of tapes.
“Doesn’t matter to me.” You shrugged. Steve knew you preferred to sit and rewind the tapes when you were tired and / or anxious. So he stood up and gestures towards the chair he was previously on.
“the rewinding is all your princess.” He did a funny bow and attempted to sound british. Though it was definitely Australian. It actually would’ve been really impressive if Australian is what he was going for.
“Do I get a koala too?” You smirked and it took Steve a second to realize the jab at his accent.
“Wow ok I see how it is I do something kind and you repay me with a snarky comment.” He put his hand over his heart and pretended to be offended. But his grin gave him away.
“Oh I’m sorry. Thank you Steve Harrington! My savior!” You put your hands together and pretended to fawn over him, laughing.
God Steve loved your smile and your laugh. He’d sell a kidney to see it 24/7.
When Steve was away stocking the romance section, your thoughts came back. Your depressing mood resurfacing. You were trying to keep your distance a bit, but he kept pulling you back in with his warm smile and his stupid Harrington charm.
You joked every now and then for the rest of your shift, but Steve could tell your mood had changed again. You knew he knew by the look on his face. A weak smile that you knew was the same you were giving him.
“Try to get some better rest tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“No promises. And yeah.” You lied. You had already decided halfway through your shift that you wouldn’t come in to see him on your next days off, including tomorrow, like you usually did. You were going to make it four days without seeing him. You were going to try not to call him too, but you knew better than that. You knew he’d end up calling you. If not to talk then to check you’re alive.
You waved goodbye and drove home. Deciding to watch a comfort movie before falling asleep earlier than you thought you would. Probably from the lack of sleep from the previous night.
Steve looked up every time the bell on the door rang, waiting to see you. The highlight of his day. Except every time he looked, it was never you. Robin noticed of course.
“Alright Steve. This is getting a little pathetic. Even for you.”
He gave her a confused look.
“I know you’re waiting for y/n to walk through the door. We have fifteen minutes till we’re closed. I don’t think she’s coming in today dingus.”
“She just- She usually comes in.”
“Steve you saw her yesterday. She’s probably busy. Maybe Eleven is making her build a fort with her again.”
Steve just shrugged and worked on rewinding the last few tapes. It was oddly a comforting thing for him to do when you weren’t there. It reminded him of you.
When Steve got home he called you just like you thought he would.
“Hey Steve. Sorry I didn’t stop in today. I am alive and I’m fine. Just had a lot of shopping to do.”
“No it’s okay. You have a life outside of that store.”
It was silent. Neither of you having much to say. Then you spoke up, “You okay?” You could hear something off with Steve.
“Yeah. I just hope you’re okay. You know you can tell me anything.”
“I know Steve. I’m okay. Just in a bit of a rut I guess.”
“If you need anything just call. Please.”
You swear your heart cracked at the way his voice sounded. You know he hates not being able to help, “I will. Promise.”
The third day you didn’t show up to say hi to Steve and Robin, Steve decided to not call. He decided to leave you alone, assuming you needed distance or something. Even Robin was confused and a bit worried. Mostly worried for Steve.
“Steve?” He jumped a little when Robin put her hand on his shoulder, jolting him out of his thoughts.
“Yeah? Sorry, was thinking.”
“I can see that. What’s going on?”
“Y/n’s been… weird. She’s been quiet. Which is normal for other people who are around her, but not for me. She’s always making so many jokes when we work together and she always comes in on her days off just to mess with me and pick a new movie to watch. She always calls too. To tell me about whatever movie she watched. But she’s basically been ignoring me. Did I do something? Please tell me if I did something stupid Rob.”
Robin felt her heart sink when he looked up at her searching for answers. He looked like a kicked puppy. She couldn’t find it in herself to tease him.
“She hasn’t said anything to me bud. I’m sorry. I can talk to her though if you-“
“No!” He cleared his throat, “no, it’s okay. I don’t want her to think we’re talking about her when she’s not here.”
“But we are-“
“You know what I mean. Just… Maybe see if she’s okay. But don’t bring me up.”
“I’ll drop by her place tonight then I’ll call you. I’m sure she’s just stressed or something.” She gave him a reassuring smile.
You were surprised to hear a knock on your door at ten that night.
You opened the door to see Robin.
“Robin? What are you-“
She barged in.
“Okay just come on in then…” You mumbled confused.
“What’s wrong with you?” She didn’t sound angry, but she didn’t sound happy.
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh come on. That shit doesn’t work on me. You know what I mean. Why are you avoiding Steve?”
“Avoiding Steve? I’m not-“
“Almost not showing up to work when you worked with him, making your phone conversations hours shorter than usual, not coming in to say hi,” she was listing evidence on her fingers.
“Okay, okay I get it.” You threw your hands up in surrender.
Robin raised an eyebrow waiting for your explanation.
“Look, you know I have feelings for him. I’ve just been… Thinking about it lately and how I need to move on.”
“Move on? Why?”
“He obviously doesn’t feel the same wa-“
You were cut off by Robin’s laughter.
“What is so funny to you?”
“You really think that dingus isn’t head over heels in love with you too?”
“Woah woah woah first off I never said I was-“
“Oh you don’t have to.”
“Can you please stop cutting me off?”
“Can you please stop being so oblivious? Steve has been sitting there for the past three days sitting there rewinding tapes and watching that front door line a goddamn hawk. He misses you y/n.” This was probably the softest you’ve ever heard Robin talk.
“I know he cares about me. I know we’re close. And I don’t wanna lose him. But I’m tired Robin. I’m tired of reading into every little thing he does and trying to make my feelings obvious to him when I know he doesn’t feel the same way!” You spoke softly at first, but then your voice betrayed you. Cracking at the end as you raised your voice unintentionally.
“I think you need to talk to him. Seriously.” Robin was still speaking softly but she was more stern this time.
“Fat chance.” You mumbled.
“Y/n, I love you, but if you hurt Steve I swear to god… He’s been through enough as it is and you of all people know that. Too many people have left him. I genuinely don’t know what would happen to him if you left him too. He trusts you more than anyone. More than me. More than any of the kids, even Dustin. Don’t fuck this up. Don’t fuck him up.”
And with that, she left. Left your house and left you to think.
On your fourth and final day off you were planning on how to talk to Steve when you worked with him tomorrow. Unfortunately you didn’t get too far when you heard an aggressive knock on your door. You opened it expecting to see Robin.
“Robin I get it I’m going to-“ You stopped as soon as you saw Steve. A very upset looking Steve.
“Y/n I didn’t wanna bother you but this is killing me. I can’t stand not being able to call you and rant about whatever Dustin or Robin did to piss me off that day. I can’t stand not listening to you rant about whatever movie you just watched. I can’t stand not being around you everyday. I don’t even know what I did and I’ve been trying so hard to figure it out but I can’t. I’m sure I did something really fucking stupid per usual, but please tell me what it was so I can fix it.”
“Stevie you didn’t do anything wrong.”
He looked so lost and confused. You gestures for him to come inside. Your parents weren’t home yet.
“Then what- What happened?”
“Fuck.” You muttered and Steve looked so anxious you just wanted to hug him and tell him everything is fine.
“Would you just trust me if I said it’s me and my brain and has nothing to do with anything you did?”
“Y/n that’s not a good enough reason and you know it. Why can’t you just talk to me-“
“I couldn’t stand being so close to you all the time knowing how strongly I’m in love with you okay! And knowing you don’t feel the same.” You didn’t mean to blurt it out like that. But there it was. And you couldn’t take it back.
“How would you know that i don’t feel the same?”
“Because why would you?” You laughed like he just offended you, “you could have any girl you want. Why on earth would you choose me?”
“Because you actually give a shit about me. You’ve been there for me when my so called friends weren’t. When my parents weren’t. Hell, you were there for me when Nancy wasn’t. You stuck with me even when I was a total asshole-“
“You were never an asshole Steve. Not to me. You know that.”
“And that’s what I love about you. You always see the good in people even when literally everyone else knows- thinks they’re an asshole.”
You couldn’t hold back the tears welling up at this point, “You know how much I hate everyone who made you feel like that right?” You weren’t even upset about exposing your feelings, you were upset over the fact that Steve still sees himself like that sometimes.
“I know. And if it weren’t for you I’d probably never forgive myself for how I was. But you showed me that I’m really not that guy. I’m not that “King Steve” everyone talked about in highschool. If you weren’t there for me throughout that time up until now, I’d still be such a mess.” He chuckled a little. You didn’t find it humorous however.
“Please don’t give me the credit for that. I just pointed out what you already knew was behind those walls. Fuck! I’m so sorry Steve. I know everything you’ve been through I know about all of the assholes who left you and here I am avoiding you for such selfish reasons!” You were fully crying at this point. How could you do what you hated so many others for doing?
Steve just quietly walked up to you and out your face in his hands, wiping the tears, “It’s okay y/n. I’m okay. I didn’t think you were abandoning me. I just thought I’d done something stupid to upset you.”
“I’m still sorry for making you anxious about it. For the record I don’t think you could ever upset me. at least not for more than ten minutes tops.” He laughed which made you smile.
“You know how much I look up to you yeah?”
“Y/n you don’t have to-“
“I know. But I need you to know. I mean I already blurted out that I love you, so I might as well keep going,” you paused to look into his beautiful dark eyes, making sure he absorbs your words, “you’re the most selfless person I know. You’ll do anything from letting someone rant to you for hours over something silly that upset them, throwing yourself into portals to hell. You pay such close attention to people you care about that you know every little tell-tale sign that somethings wrong. You know I get quiet when I’m anxious, you know what songs to play to help Max when she’s in a mood, I think you’re the only person Mike has ever gone to for advice. You’re so-“
Steve must’ve understood your point because suddenly he was cutting you off with a kiss that took you by surprise, but you quickly reciprocated.
“God I love you so much y/n.” He smiled against your lips.
“I love you so much too Steve.”
“Yeah you made that pretty clear.” He chuckled and you playfully slapped his arm.
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plegg-culture-is · 9 months
Fannish plegg carton culture, specifically protogenic-endogenic plegg culture that later finds itself to be full of permanent resident soulbonds is —
In very very early childhood:
*Projections literally playing H.O.R.S.E or whatever that basketball game is. Of course the main fronter never played, because they are too short.*
"Huh!! Well I mean those barbecue sauce was spicy before but it's 0.05 seconds later and I feel completely different as a person and also this barbecue sauce is no longer spicy. Oh well. The teacher called me a liar over barbecue sauce so I'm gonna be a shithead to them and have a meltdown"
In middle school:
"What would Gohan do if he was in this world???"
"What would Jayfeather do if he were in this world??"
*Has full-ass slow changing "see through my eyes" quasi-ceremonies based solely on vibes since we didn't have innerworld completely built yet*
*Chasing each other in hallways and all people saw was a small autistic child running for no reason lol*
"Why the fuck can I never feel my face when something horrible happens to us me? Also I relate too much to Silver from Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver"
In high school:
"Yep just Gon and Killua from Hunter×Hunter chillin' over there. Nobody can see 'em and these feel pretty distinct from hallucinations considering I can't literally see them. Eh. Maybe just imagination."
*Checking out a pro-endogenic blog in 2015* "Yup I am just a curious singlet"
*Still chasing ourselves through hallways just less or more hidden because people are stupid.* Why the fuck am I so angry all of the time. Why the fuck do I feel like there should be more to all of this.
"Hhhh Illumi Zoldyck from Hunter×Hunter patting my head is completely normal. So is pretending I am Ethan from Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver I'M NOT PRETENDING ThOUGH??? I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO CALL THIS all I know is I am definitely Ethan, , not Ethan? And Illumi Zoldyck is petting my head and we are working at a McDonald's right now. What the fuck is happening" *Proceeds to ignore this and never tell anyone until we are today years old*
"My vitriol for Hisoka Morrow of Hunter×Hunter has three sides to it. I hate him and his canon. I have no clue how to explain the other two sides to this and I cannot stand my friend obsessing over this character" *Proceeds to also ignore this one too, and never tell anyone until we are today years old*
In university:
"Hey 30 year old Gladion idk if you're actually a figment of my imagination anymore but yeah sure your sister Lily and her daughter Mei can chill in here in this brain for awhile. Does this mean I'm genderfluid lol?" (Narrator: this is, in fact, NOT what genderfluidity is supposed to feel like.)
"Oh well I guess Itonai from Assassination Classroom is just decided to sleep in the bed tonight. Get the fuck off of my bed ya lazy bum. Noooo it's just wei — get back in our head you freak (//lovingly, platonic)"
*Just feeling fucking uncomfortable around sysmedicalists but especially the sysmedicalists who were anti-endogenic as well (yes there are pro-endogenic sysmeds!! Uhm but definitely not plural, nope)*
"I am now talking to these projections while brushing my teeth. Lucifer from The Devil Is A Part-Timer has literally crash-landed into our brain along with Emilia Justina. Wtf?"
*Discovers the word endogenic yet again and gets the weird euphoria again*
*Maybe our late second year at university, at fucking 11PM, after anime club finishes — Kusuo Saki just fucking chilling on top of the table via projection* "Heeey so remember that one time in high school where you had weird daydreams about that pink-haired psychic boy and the blonde with drills? Welp, Mami Tomoe picked me up on the way here —" *Queue freakout of the main fronter at this point*
SO ANYWAYS that is. Uh. Some Stuff(tm) yaaay, anyways the good thing about this is we don't think our queer shit would ever, ever be as fucking weird as our plurality shit in the context of the societal context and chronological context we, Rusanya, live in, so figuring out we're aceplex (since we found the plurality first and asexuality is more of a veil) was mostly just an "AHA okay then lol" and we just kind of slap every label on the planet onto us that we like that we think applies, both on an individual and collective level. :D
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mimbotomy · 6 months
Thank you @lazuliquetzal for the tag! 🩷
How many works do you have on AO3? 10! Which feels small because I have more than three times as many WIPs rattling around in my google docs rip
What’s your total AO3 word count? 561,190
What fandoms do you write for? AC Odyssey! Except I write so many crossovers so I have a couple other fandoms on my AO3 as well. I also have WIPs for AC Valhalla, House of the Dragon, and ATLA. Fun fact, I also have Odyssey crossovers planned for two of those fandoms, and I'll let you guess which two 😜
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Rebirth - My beloved, my baby, I swear I am still writing this My Miraculous Ladybug fic - I wrote this seven years ago and like to pretend it doesn't exist Assassins, Atlantis, and Avengers - Unfortunately on indefinite hiatus, but I've gotten so many nice comments on it recently that I've been thinking a lot about it! The Children of Kephallonia - MY FAVORITE FIC OF MINE EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS I'M SO PROUD OF THIS ONE Not a Malákes Ravenclaw - Absolutely ridiculous I can't believe people actually like this (it's so fun to write tho 😂)
Do you respond to comments? I do my best but I'm not actually the best lol
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Of my published fics, The Lioness, but only if you read the first chapter and ignore my ramblings in the second chapter about how SPOILERS deaths would change canon.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? There is No Escape...! It technically has the same ending as my other Kassandra drags Phoibe out of the Underworld fic, but this fic has a planned sequel called the Electric Boogaloo, so I think it's obvious which one I had more fun writing 😂
Do you get hate on fics? One or two negative comments but for the most part people have been really nice to me! Which I appreciate, because I am a smol anxious bean who just wants friends 🥰
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have a few bordering on spicy scenes, but no real smut.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? BOY DO I HAVE CROSSOVERS I have so many crossovers, like too many crossovers, all putting the queen of my heart Kassandra the Eagle Bearer in another universe and making her the main character she is clearly supposed to be. My craziest one is probably my AC Odyssey x Harry Potter crossover, but I am now hesitant to call it crazy because it now seems to make sense to me??? So maybe I'm going crazy???
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope again!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Once again, nope! But I honestly think co writing a fic would be so fun to try, at least once.
What’s your all time favorite ship? Kassidas. I always liked it but it has legitmately taken over my brain the last year. I blame @aeide's amazing Kassidas' fics
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Assassins, Atlantis, and Avengers. It's on indefinite hiatus right now because while I have an outline and even a few scattered scenes written, actually writing it seems impossible right now. But I hold out hope that I will come back to it one day!
What are your writing strengths? Character relationships! (At least in my opinion lol)
What are your writing weaknesses? Does constantly going back and rewriting chapters because I slightly changed my idea and want to foreshadow things better count? If not, I could be better at setting the scene and not just imagining it in my head.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Definitely not opposed to doing so, albiet through google translate because I am truly terrible with languages, but I always try to keep it short and I include translations in the endnotes.
First fandom you wrote for? Miraculous Ladybug. I sometimes like to pretend that fic doesn't exist because I feel bad that I forgot what I had planned/never finished it.
Favorite fic you’ve written? THE CHILDREN OF KEPHALLONIA I feel like I really came into my own as a writer when I started plotting out this fic and I'm really happy with my worldbuilding, character relationships, misc narrative choices, and just how my writing style has improved from my first fics. If you want to read any of my fics, I recommend this one.
I vaguely remember doing this exact tag game at some point, but time is an illusion and I have no idea when this was! So if I tag you and you did this recently, do not feel any pressure to do it again!
Tagging @aeide, @uhhhyaenbyjade, @zephyrwolf5, @ithinkthiswasabadidea, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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