#i had a cd of that but got rid of it when i did my Big room clean. then rediscovered my love for that album recently. OH WELL!!
lesbiangiratina · 1 year
I cant wait to fill up my cd rack then relocate my utena and gg cds which take up like a third of my cd rack and then fill it again
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iwritefandomimagines · 10 months
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pairing: jess mariano x reader
description: decorating luke’s for christmas reminds you how far from festive jess is. but it might also lead to confessions that put him much more in the christmas spirit.
warnings: little swearing. fluff !!!
author’s note: shoutout to i’ll be home for christmas in this imagine is because it’s my all time fave xmas film and i had a HUGE crush on jonathan taylor thomas as a child because of it. it’s also not super long but i made sure it’s not too short… anyway ENJOY! <3
“Y’know, I don’t see why you have to be such a Grinch,” you pulled the candy cane from between your lips as Jess scoffed, “All Luke asked was for us to put up a few decorations. Even he has more fucking Christmas spirit than you!”
Jess rolled his eyes, “Oh sure, because I’m usually so enthusiastic about stuff like this. How out of character of me,” he paused to touch his forehead with the back of his hand, “I must be getting ill.”
You tutted, placing the last of your candy cane back into your mouth with a crunch! and folding your arms across your chest.
He quirked his brow, waiting for a snarky response that never came.
Instead, you turned on your heels and headed over to the stereo, flicking the switch and resuming the Christmas CD you’d been listening to before he’d grumpily trundled down the stairs into the diner.
“Oh God,” Jess groaned, “Do you seriously enjoy torturing me?”
You scoffed, “Do you want the honest answer?”
It was at that moment Luke briefly poked his head round the corner, “What are you two bickering about now?”
You crossed your arms over your chest as Jess did the exact same thing, except with a huge wad of tinsel now attached to his sweater.
He waved his arm around frantically as you burst out laughing at his desperate attempt to rid himself of the sparkly red decoration, “For fu—,”
“Ask Ebenezer Scrooge over here,” you teased, freeing Jess of the tinsel by yanking it away as Luke rolled his eyes, “Just help her out, Jess.”
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
“Being a moron.”
“Fork found in kitchen,” you mumbled, earning a glare from Jess, “We’re nearly done, c’mon.”
Jess fought back a smirk, folding his arms again and shaking his head, “You’re a pain in the ass, Y/N.”
“At least I’m a festive pain in the ass,” you sing-songed, twirling tinsel around the cash register as he laughed at you, “Hey, I can see a smile there! He can smile! What a heartthrob. I could almost mistake you for Jonathan Taylor Thomas in I’ll Be Home for Christmas.”
“I look like who from what?” Jess contorted his face in confusion, unsure whether what you were saying was a compliment.
Kirk appeared out of nowhere beside you both, an inquisitive expression on his face, “Jonathan Taylor Thomas from the 1998 Christmas movie I’ll Be Home for Christmas. I have to say I think you’re wrong though, Y/N. He doesn’t have nearly as much of his boyish charm.”
You burst out laughing again, clasping your hand to your mouth as you watched Jess blush just a little as he stood slack-jawed.
“Boyish charm? I’ve got plenty of boyish charm,” Jess scoffed, puffing out his chest, “Why do I look like him anyway?”
“Oh, you don’t,” Kirk shrugged, “Y/N just has a crush on him and a crush on you.”
“Ok that’s quite enough from you Kirk,” It was your turn to blush crimson now as you gestured towards the tables, “We’re not even open yet. You—uh— just go sit down.”
“A crush on me, huh?” Jess was smirking now, and you couldn’t tell if the bubbling in your stomach was sheer embarrassment or excitement at the way he was looking at you.
Obviously, it was both.
You shook your head, “Oh, ‘cause you should totally trust Kirk.”
Jess quirked his eyebrow, “When it comes to town gossip, I’d say I do.”
You looked down at your feet, cheeks still incredibly warm and your heart palpitating so hard you were sure it’d burst out of your chest at any moment.
“You know, you’ve gone bright red. So red in fact that I think it’s put me in a festive mood,” Jess quipped smugly, elbow on the counter as he leaned a little closer to you.
You scoffed, “It took me being embarrassed to feel festive?”
Jess shook his head, and said nothing for a moment.
You wondered whether he was about to embarrass you even further, but his expression softened so much that it confused you.
“No, it took being told that you do like me,” he shrugged, but he was clearly not as nonchalant about it as he was trying to appear, “To save me the embarrassment of a not so festive rejection under the many, many Christmas lights— seriously why do we need so fuckin’ many?”
Your heart swelled at his initial words, but you rolled your eyes yet again at his grumbling about the Christmas lights, “It’s Christmas, Jess. And so pretty.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Jess was quieter as he spoke now, his eyes twinkling as he moved even closer to you, “So pretty.”
Now you were certain that every drop of blood had rushed to your cheeks, the intensity of his stare making you bite your lip and look away again.
His hand lifted up to touch your cheek, drawing your eyes back to meet his.
Your mouth had gone dry, and you couldn’t help but notice how carefully he watched your lips as your tongue swiped over them.
“You—I—We need to finish decorating and open up, Jess,” you stammered, but Jess wasn’t letting you get out of this conversation now.
“If it wasn’t for Kirk, I’d really like to kiss you right now,” he looked briefly away and saw that Kirk had seemingly entirely disappeared, “Oh, it might be my lucky day. Now I’m really feeling festive.”
You giggled, “Then what—what’re you waiting for?”
He didn’t waste a moment after that, immediately capturing your lips with his as you leaned into his chest.
The kiss was short lived, but you almost didn’t mind because your mind was racing at the fact that it was actually even happening at all.
Jess beamed across at you as you pulled back, your eyes locked on each other for a fair few moments of silence.
“I’m finally in the Christmas spirit, Y/N,” he sing-songed as he finally broke the silence, still staring intently at you as you shivered under his gaze, “So much so that I think I’d like to go watch the town Christmas lights being switched on tonight. If you’re up for it. If not, like, whatever. Just a suggestion. Since you love Christmas and—,”
You laughed, placing a hand on his bicep to interrupt his rambling, “I’d really like that, Jess. Even if you are going to drive me nuts complaining about the lights, it’d be nice to go. Like, together.”
Jess seemed pleased with that answer, a broad smile overtaking his face as he leaned in even closer, “It’s a date, then. And now we can get back to decorating.”
You bit your lip, “A date. Woah, Jess Mariano is taking me on a date to see the Christmas lights getting switched on. If I didn’t know any better I’d think I was still tucked up in bed dreaming.”
“I’m in your dreams a lot then, huh?” he teased, the smirk back gracing his features as you gently nudged his arm, “My nightmares, maybe.”
“Hm, guess you dream about that John Tyler guy more then,” he feigned offence, and despite mistaking the name you found his pout incredibly adorable.
You laughed, “Jonathan Taylor Thomas?”
“Don’t be jealous, Mariano,” you hummed, leaning into his side as you teased him.
“I’m not jealous,” he grunted, “What does he even look like anyway?”
You giggled, and he didn’t seem impressed by the way you went straight into your head thinking about the actor, “You’ll find out later when I force you to come back to mine and watch it with me after the lights are on.”
“No fuckin’ way!” he shook his head, and you forced a pout until he sighed, “Fine. Only because I like you. And I’m choosing our takeout if I’m going to be third-wheeling you and the TV on our first date.”
You grinned, “Fine by me. It’s a date!”
“A date? Finally, kid,” Luke reemerged for a moment again, poking his head around the corner of the kitchen.
“He’s taking me to see the Christmas lights being switched on,” you grinned, watching Luke’s brief shocked expression being quickly replaced by a small smile.
“The lights?” he repeated, and you nodded.
“I knew he liked you, I mean the whole town did. But it looks like he must really like you, huh?”
“Yeah,” you basically whispered, looking over at Jess for a moment and seeing him smiling softly at you despite his irritation at his uncle poking his nose in, “I guess he does.”
happy festive season guys!
this has been in the drafts for a couple weeks near finished but i’ve finally got it done now <3 might write some more festive imagines so if there are any characters you’d like to see that for then please let me know.
as usual — thanks for reading, here’s my masterlist if you’d like to read more of my stuff!
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snailmail444 · 4 months
My dad killed the rooster today.
When my mom wanted chickens he insisted. He pushed, and pushed, and pushed.
Get a rooster.
Get a rooster.
Get a rooster.
He wanted the rooster. He begged for the rooster. He insisted on the rooster.
And my mom said
You will hate having a rooster. I do not want a rooster. He will be big. And he will be aggressive. And he will crow all the time.
Get a rooster.
Get a rooster.
Get a rooster.
So she did. And he was a chick. He was small, and his feathers were downy, and you couldn’t tell him from the hens without looking.
What if he’s a runt.
What if he dies in his youth.
What if, what if, he’s not much of a rooster at all.
But he grew. Up up up. Until he was everything that was expected of him.
He was big.
And aggressive.
And he crowed all the time.
That was his crime. Being what he was supposed to be. He was as advertised.
And my dad hated him. He hated that rooster from the first crow.
Too loud.
Too loud.
Too loud.
And my mom said
I told you you would hate the rooster.
Yet the tune changed. It didn’t matter anymore. Everything that the rooster was there for didn’t matter. He was too loud.
Kill the rooster.
Kill the rooster.
Kill the rooster.
Every day. On loop, a CD with a skip in it. Get rid of it get rid of it get rid of it get rid of it get rid of it get rid of it
Kill the rooster.
Kill the rooster.
Kill the rooster.
We can sell him. We can put him out on marketplace. We can set him free. Please. Get rid of it. Get rid of it. Get rid of it. Get RID OF IT.
Kill the rooster.
Kill the rooster.
Kill the rooster.
We can just get rid of it. Please. Please. Get rid of it. We can sell him. Get rid of it. Get rid of it. Get rid of it. Get rid of it.
Kill the rooster.
Kill the rooster.
Kill the rooster.
We don’t have to.
I wonder how long it took to go get the gun.
To walk away, and find it, and load the bullets.
How long it took to go back outside.
And find the rooster.
Did he take it away from the hens first?
Or did they have to watch.
I wonder if he bellowed, if he crowed a last time.
If he committed one final crime, of being who he was supposed to be.
Or if he had no idea at all. If he didn’t even have the chance.
And I think about the feathers. If they gusted away on the breeze. Of if they stuck, downy, into the wound.
Did the blood spatter back onto my dads hands. Did it stain him, was it sticky, and hot, and fresh with life.
And I wonder what he did with his limp body. But I know the answer. And I don’t want to.
He got thrown away.
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jenniferconfessions · 1 month
Driving wasn't hard. you could put in a CD, let your mind just sit there and go into autopilot. like walking but without the mosquitos or sweat.
"this sucks, I thought you said new goth music is bland so I don't know why you bought this," Duncan said
or maybe driving was hard and Gwen was just a good driver. A guy who knew how to make a go-cart from scratch has a hard time figuring out parallel parking so maybe she just had a gift.
"my mom gave it to me for Christmas, I thought I should try it eventually" Gwen said
"it's not even a famous band, it's not like she found it a target, she searched for something this bad," Duncan said
"I thought you liked it, to be honest, you somehow weren't complaining about a twenty-minute ride," Gwen said
"so I can change it now," Duncan asked
"Yeah glove box," Gwen said
duncan pressed the button to eject the CD and instead of opening the glove box, Gwen heard him starting to wind down the window.
"done throw it out the window, my mom won't like it if she finds out I got rid of it" Gwen said
Duncan rolled up the window and went into the glove box. Gwen turned her eyes onto the road. he would probably pick something okay. punk and goth didn't have a lot of overlap but the music they liked out of each other's genre lined up with the broad range the other likes.
it was a slow-weening process for him to get into goth music but she was successful in infecting him.
too successful.
Because now Duncan has got picky and going into weirder and weirder sub sub-genres lately. the music that eventually started playing was living proof that she made a monster
"the hell is this?" Gwen said
it was weird, it felt moody but there was no emotion and why was there screaming with a guitar, an acoustic guitar?
"it was in your glove box," Duncan said
"I've never heard this, can you turn it down but also up, I can hear nothing and feel my eardrums bleed at the same time, did they make all the wrong parts quiet on purpose" Gwen said
"its bright eyes, its not that bad" Duncan said
"take it out, you're so picky, why is this the thing you're okay with?" Gwen said
"It's good, I don't know what you're whining about" Duncan objected but obeyed and took it out
"let me see the album cover, I've never heard of this and I don't know how it got in my car" Gwen said
Duncan shuffled a bit before putting it in the hand Gwen took off the steering wheel. gwen put it into her field of view. She was barely looking at it, busy trying not to crash but one glance at the album cover was enough to bring back memories.
it was some joke gift her brother got her 2 years ago. he said he was surprised that it was a genre and more surprised that Gwen didn't know it was a genre either, the family resident music snob.
"why did you play this, the album cover isn't good and it was probably underneath every other CD" Gwen said not bothering to add that he didn't like trying new music to the list of things stopping him from choosing that album
"I heard it before, liked it and thought you liked it too," Duncan said shrugging with his voice.
gwen dropped the album into her lap so she could swap her hands off the wheel and wind down her window. She picked up the album off her lap and slipped it through the window gap.
"Hey, I know you hated it but I could a had that!" Duncan said
"Sorry that was just instinct, I threw it far enough to land on the sidewalk, some other freak will find it and give it a new home," Gwen said "How did you even discover that band, it was hard enough to get you to listen to goth music"
"I was forced to listen to it or I would get kicked out, I'm not sure if he was just good at it but it's not bad for making out background noise," Duncan said
"just make out with the guy again, second time around you might be able to make it to track twelve" Gwen said
"no he made out for like an hour, he got up at one point to replay the CD," Duncan said
"gross, I thought you would get shy and shut up when I made the coming early joke," Gwen said
"no it was just making out, I was too tired to do anything else after," Duncan said "didn't even get to 3rd base"
"We've got to stop hanging out, you're getting too comfortable to tell me this stuff," Gwen said
"I thought you would be a little interested in making fun of him," Duncan said
"I don't care about the random creep you found at a basement party, stop trying to get me to ask," Gwen said
"… oh I forgot to tell you," Duncan said
"I'm not asking, I don't care" Gwen said
Duncan's house was 5 minutes away, I don't care if that million I won isn't drying up any time soon, I'm going to make him pay for gas this time.
"no, I forgot to tell you," Duncan said
"I don't believe you, you're just trying to tease me enough to ask," Gwen said
"no I forgot to tell you and now I'm teasing you now that I remembered," Duncan said
Gwen's eyes were focused on the road but she knew Duncan was grinning.
"then say it, I'm not dragging this bit out any longer" Gwen said
"I'm seeing Trent," Duncan said
gwen turned her head the second she heard that name, barely giving time for Duncan to recompose his shit-eating grin.
she turned her back to the road milliseconds later swerving out of the road.
"you almost made me crash!" Gwen said "YOUR DATING MY EX BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!"
"yeah, he started posting emo stuff on Instagram so bullied him in the comments and the rest is history," Duncan said
"And you didn't tell me!?" Gwen said
"that's the part you care about?" Duncan said
"well yeah…" Gwen said
wtf, that's something you get permission for right, he was pissy when I started hanging out with Courtnery more and now he is dating my ex
"he said you would have a bigger reaction to that," Duncan said
"you told him you're friends with me but not me that you are dating him," Gwen said
"I forgot" Duncan said and Gwen heard him shuffling his hand into his pocket
"Oh, are you gonna show me a picture now? "Gwen said
"I'm getting gas money, were here," Duncan said
"What?" Gwen said
she just turned the corner to see his house. autopilot brain I guess. She pulled up and turned to Duncan when she slowed down.
"were you gonna get permission at one point or something" Gwen asked
"no, you haven't talked to him in a year, I thought you wouldn't care as much," Duncan said
"well I do, and you should have at least… stop laughing," Gwen said
he was giggling a little when Gwen turned to him but now he full blown cackling
"no it's funny, you look like I just found out I killed a puppy" Duncan said unclipping his seat belt.
"shouldn't we talk about this" Gwen said
"Nah, I got a date I got to get ready for" Duncan said opening the passenger door.
"wait a minute, let me think for a second Gwen said raising one hand to vaguely gesture but forgetting to figure out what she was trying to express
"nah" Duncan said hopping up and placing 20 dollars onto his car seat. he at least looked back once on his way up to his house but only to say "It's funnier to end it like this"
he opened his house door and shut it behind him before Gwen could think of anything to say.
am I supposed to just drive home now?
my ao3 account was hacked so im posting my first duntrent fic on tumblr i guess.
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wordsarelife · 10 months
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pairing: tasm!peter parker x gn!reader
summary: you and peter both struggle to find the perfect gift and end up proving why you belong together
warnings: reader is risking her health and safety
notes: this is a bit ridiculous, but it's christmas time, so whatever huh?
"what about a cd?" gwen pointed at the stand to your right. the shop was filled with multiple things you could gift someone, just not peter. you wanted your gift to be meaningful and you just couldn't get it right.
"no" you shook your head "he probably owns every cd in the world already"
"what about a sweater?" gwen asked. you knew she wouldn't just give up like that. she had made it her mission to get the perfect gift for you. she thought if she would just name various things she knew peter liked, it would make eventually click.
you shook your head once again and gwen sighed. "you know he isn't the president, right?" she raised her brows at you "he will certainly like anything you get for him"
"i know" you said "but i don't just want him to like it, i want to make him speechless at how perfect it is"
"i don't think such a gift exists" gwen noted "why don't you just draw something or make your own mixtape?" she suggested
"peter is far better at drawing than i am" you shrugged "and i cannot deal with computers, you know that"
"okay" gwen nodded "then think about something that connects the both of you. perhaps something only you guys even know about?"
"ugh" you threw your head back, trying to think of anything "there is nothing, my mind is literally just blank"
"okay" gwen took you by your arm and walked you out of the shop "we're not getting anywhere with this"
"where are we going?"
"central park" she answered simply "where you guys met, maybe that'll help you"
"sure" you shrugged your shoulder "might be worth a try"
the way was shorter than you had anticipated and a few minutes later you were standing at the exact spot you and peter had run into each other.
"and..?" gwen wondered
"give me a minute" you turned around yourself, looking at everything like you had done that day.
there were memories quickly flashing through your mind, a boy with a skateboard, a book flying in the air, a wheel falling off a board.
"the wheels" you exclaimed suddenly
"huh" gwen looked up from her fingernails with raised brows "the what?"
"the wheels" you repeated even more excited "when peter and i ran into each other, meaning literally ran into each other, one of the wheels of his skateboard losened and fell off. we didn't find it, so i bought him a new one"
"so what's the plan?" gwen asked crossing her arms, looking at you suspiciously after she saw your face light up. "no" she shook her head
"come on!" you pleaded "that would be the most romantic gift ever!"
"you really think that wheel would still be here a year later?"
"maybe" you shrugged in a sing song. "where's the romantic in you, gwen?"
"i am romantic" gwen exclaimed offended "just not hopeless, like you are"
"you go look there, i'll search here" you directed and gwen gave in with an eye roll.
it took you about three hours to give up. there wasn't anything close to a wheel laying around in that park.
"what did i tell you?" gwen asked when you guys had sat down on a bench "it's gone"
"well" you pushed your hair out of your face "there is still one place we haven't checked" your eyes darted to the little pond next to you
"no, y/n" gwen said "it's december!"
you took off your scarf and mittens, putting them down on the bench "it's romance!" you argued.
gwen watched in horror as you got out of your jacket. "no, this is madness! you're going to freeze to death"
"i don't care" you got rid of your sweater too. the last piece of clothing you were willing to remove in public. "your apartment isn't too far from here, i'll be fine"
"y/n" gwen shook her head once again "please don't make me tell peter that you died"
"i won't" you assured, before you slowly walked into the water. "ooh!" you bellowed "yeah, this is cold"
"i told you!"
"too late now, anyway" you muttered and with one last look in gwen's direction, you quickly immersed into the water, diving through it and searching for a hint of the lost wheel. you had almost shrieked from happiness, when you really did make it out, right beneath you.
you jumped up from the surface, the treasure right in your hand "i got it!" you called and gwen looked up in surprise as you climbed out of the water.
the adrenaline rush was gone as quickly as it had come and you were shivering. "it's so cold" you stuttered.
gwen quickly pulled the jacket over your shaking form, while she was holding her phone to her ear. "she is shaking, so much. i don't know what to do" she spoked into it.
"who are you talking to?" you asked, while you felt like icicles were growing on your whole body
gwen didn't answer you. she just watched you worriedly, while she gently made you sit on the bench. then she took off her jacket and put it over yours.
"what are you doing?" you once again went unanswered.
"when are you going to be here?" gwen asked into the phone.
"now" a voice behind you said, which prompted both you and gwen to turn around.
"peter" you exclaimed in surprise.
"y/n" peter was by your side in a second "what were you thinking?" he seemed to be more asumed than angry, which was a relief to you.
"i wanted to surprise you"
"well, you did just that" he pointed to his backpack "i brought fresh clothes and the suit, come on" he took your hand. "are you getting home?" he asked gwen, who nodded and waved you both goodbye.
peter walked you to a toilet nearby so you could change, when you came out, spiderman was already waiting for you. he swung you both through new york, until you arrived at his place.
after you had showered and changed into your pyjamas, peter was ready for you to explain what had been going on earlier.
"i'm sorry you had to come and get me" you apologized "i was stupid"
"it's no problem" peter assured "by why the hell did you decide to go swimming at the end of december?"
"because of you" you smiled. you could almost see the question marks popping up beside peter's head, so you opened your bag, taking out the wheel and holding it in his direction.
"a skateboard wheel?"
"the skateboard wheel you lost when we ran into each other"
"it was still there?"
"yup" you smiled "just at the bottom of the pond"
"you're an idiot" peter shook his head "you risked your own health to get me this?"
"of course" you shrugged "you would've done the same for me"
peter smiled and got up from the bed. the next second he was holding a book in your direction.
"the book-"
"- i ruined when we met, yeah" peter nodded "it's even signed, i got it off ebay"
you laughed "this is so much better than my stupid idea"
"well" peter said shrugging "i might not have nearly died while getting this, but i'd say your gift is pretty amazing too. thank you, even if you are an idiot"
you laughed "luckily you came and saved me"
"i'd always save you"
taglist: @twistedhistory @bakingintheshire @mqstermindswift @taygrls @athenalikethegoddess
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turtleations · 4 months
Interview with Mayuko's mother, Kishi Kazuko - Translation
This one comes with a big "Thank you!" to magnetklaue, who proofread it for me and helped me get rid of typos and some awkward phrases.
The Interview was posted on 1 May 2018, the interviewer was Fukui Shiho. The original post is here.
On we go:
20 Years after the death of X JAPAN’s hide: His secret history with a girl with an incurable disease, “The Promised Cheesecake”
The bond between them, inherited by YOSHIKI
On the 2nd of May, it has been 20 yeas since the sudden passing of X JAPAN’s guitarist hide. He has fascinated the world with his bright red hair and his yellowhearts-guitar. When tracing hide’s steps, one girl stands out: Kishi Mayuko, who was battling GM1 gangliosidosis, an incurable disease. She was the 23rd person worldwide to be diagnosed with this disease, and the doctors had told her that she was unlikely to live to be twenty. In 1995, while fighting her illness, Mayuko got to fulfil her dream to “meet hide, the person she admired”, with the help of “Make a Wish Japan”, an organisation that fulfils the wishes of children with incurable diseases.
Their interaction continued after this, and even after hide passed away, his friends and associates kept spending time with her. Eleven years after hide’s death, Mayuko also left this world. There is a place in Wakayama-prefecture where you can still feel the two of them breathing: “Lemoned Café”, run by Mayuko’s parents. The first floor houses the café, and the second floor a live house, with posters and goods related to hide displayed everywhere. We interviewed Kazuko-san, Mayuko’s mother.
When did Mayuko-san start liking hide-san?
She came to like him when she was hospitalized in the fifth year of primary school and listened to a CD of our older daughter while in hospital. She listened to CDs all the time, and when she got to come home for the weekend, she also watched videos in her room. She especially liked X JAPAN and hide-san, and aside from that, she also listened to the CDs of artists hide-san had said were good.
How did you meet hide-san?
There is a volunteer organisation called “Make a Wish Japan”, which is “fulfilling the dreams of incurably ill children aged three to eighteen”. I had been told that her illness would be difficult to treat with current western medicine, and so I thought, “I want to make at least one of her wishes come true” and called them up. Things got moving from there and it turned out we’d be able to meet him. I called around September 1995 and informed them that I was getting tickets for the concert on 31 December at Tokyo Dome, and they suggested, “Let’s have the meeting there.”
What did you talk about with hide-san?
When Mayuko told him “I’m going to be hospitalized in February, so please write to me”, he said, “I will, because we’re friends.” After it was clear that she would get to meet him, Mayuko spend two months knitting a scarf for him with her hands that could barely move. She gave it to hide-san and he wrapped it around himself right there and then.
The person she was dreaming of was right there!
During that time, the press was around for about fifteen minutes, and once they were gone, hide-san said, “Let’s go to the afterparty together.” That’s where the interaction with hide-san started, and he also introduced her to his band members as “My friend Mayuko”.
It’s hard to believe that he introduced her as a friend! He could just have ended it after those first fifteen minutes with a “See you later!”
Yes, he could. At first, I thought, “This is all there is to it.” But our interactions continued ever since.
That must have made you happy.
It did. He even continued to use the scarf she gave him that day. Hide-san’s mother told us, “Since he’s always wearing the same kind of outfit, that scarf is very useful to him.” Even when he went to the US, he always put it in his suitcase, she said. I heard that one time, when there was a lot of luggage, his manager took the scarf out, but hide-san said, “Not this one!” and insisted on taking it with him. After his death, the scarf was returned to us as a memento, and we still have it.
How long did that relationship last?
Two and a half years, from our first meeting until hide-san died. However, I think we made very meaningful memories in that time. Even after Mayuko passed away, some of hide-san’s friends continued to give live shows on the second floor and write “Mayuko, I’m here!” onto coloured paper. But I think that was because they thought, “I respected hide, and Mayuko was someone he adored”. I feel like Mayuko herself appealed to them as well, but for the most part, it was hide-san’s greatness that drove them.
It’s because they were both wonderful. Do you have any memories with hide-san you want to share?
We first met on 31 December and received a letter from him in January. It read, “I’m going to Los Angeles, but I’m grateful that I got to meet Mayuko at the Dome, because thanks to this meeting, I was reminded of things that I had forgotten." Her birthday was on the fourth of March, but she spent it in the hospital. Hide-san was overseas at that time, but he came to visit her at the hospital one day ahead of his scheduled return.
What kind of person was hide-san?
A caring one. When we first met, we were gathered in the waiting room until we went to the afterparty, and he asked, “Mayuko, aren’t you thirsty?” There was a cooler box in the corner of the room, and for an artist as big as hide-san, it wouldn’t be at all unusual to ask someone from the staff to get it. But he did everything himself. He got out some Oolong tea, opened the tap, put in the straw, said, “There, Mayuko.” When it came to his own guests, he did everything on his own. His stance was that the staff came for the purpose of making music, so he wouldn’t have them do anything else.
He was a kind person, wasn’t he?
There’s more; in order to avoid causing a commotion, his visits were kept a secret from anyone but the attending physicians and the nurses. But one day, there was a boy who was very depressed because he had been readmitted to the hospital immediately after being discharged.  Upon seeing this, a nurse tried to cheer him up by telling him, “hide-san will come to see Mayu-chan tomorrow, maybe you can get his autograph.” And so, word got around. Everyone was lining up in front of the visitation room, holding coloured paper. There were 12 or 13 people in line, but when the situation was explained to him, hide-san had everyone come in one by one, took two pictures with each one, gave them his autograph. He did that for about four hours.
Even though he was insanely busy at that time.
He was. But he also made the children that were there very happy. On the morning of the day Mayuko’s condition got critical, I said to hide-san on the phone, “She might not make it.” When I told him, “If she could just hear your voice, even on the phone, one more time,” he rushed over immediately.
He was in Tokyo at that time?
Getting there took him about two hours. When I went to escort hide-san to the entrance of the sterile room, I found that his parents had also come. I couldn’t help but burst into tears.
So it wasn’t just a relationship between hide-san and Mayuko-san, but also between their families.
Yes, we are still in contact with each other.
What is the story behind your store’s signature dish, the “Promised Cheesecake”?
There was a notebook in which we wrote about our feelings as parents, about Mayuko’s condition and all, and on the first page of it, hide-san wrote a message. It seems he learned from someone that Mayuko loved cheesecake, so he left the message “Let’s have a cheesecake together that’s so amazing it turns into cheese.” However, he passed away before Mayuko was well enough to eat cheesecake again, so they never got to eat it together. When we started our shop, we served cheesecake because she liked it. Later, when Mayuko passed away, I put a lot of cheesecake in her coffin, saying, “You can finally eat cheesecake with hide-chan.” When someone heard that story, they said, “You should turn that story into a decent name,” and so I came up with “The promised cheesecake”.
That’s a wonderful episode.
The fact that he wrapped that scarf around himself, and came rushing when she was in critical condition… There’s so much more. The last time we saw hide-san was after X JAPAN’s Last Live, when he invited us to the afterparty at his office. At that time, Mayuko just had a transplant and couldn’t eat raw food. Hide-san said, “Mayuko can only have food that has been cooked, right?” and handed us cooked food, saying, “Here, this is for Mayuko.” After that, he got food for me, my husband, and my older daughter, saying, “Anything is fine.” I think he was worried that we might be too restrained to eat much. It seems that he liked making people happy, and he did everything by himself. We were the first to leave, but he came to see us off to the car.
When his fans come to the café, I tell them a lot of stories like this. I want to convey to them, “Your beloved hide-chan was such a wonderful person.”
Hide-san really was wonderful, wasn’t he?
However, the people around X JAPAN and hide-san are all like that. The seventh anniversary of Mayuko’s death came up in 2015, and we were discussing doing something for it at the store, when GEORGE (Abiko Shinonkai, LADIESROOM), who often performs on the second floor, said, “If we put word out, everyone will come. We might not be able to schedule it for Wakayama, so let’s do it at a live house in Chiba”, and we did a two-days event. PATA-san came on both days. YOSHIKI-san had something else scheduled, so he sent a video message. TAKURO of GLAY also send a video message. J-san, SUGIZO-san, and RYUICHI-san of LUNA SEA also performed on stage. There were so many others who participated.
At the time of her funeral, PATA-san and INA-san were among those that came for it. When we told the people of hide-san’s office that she had passed away, they closed the office in Tokyo and everyone came as well. They also send a fax to the music industry, because “Mayuko-chan was one of us, so we will let everyone know.” Then, we received flowers from all over the country, around 80 bouquets or so. I was surprised. That they would go that far for us.
Were there people who acted ungraciously towards Mayuko-san out of jealousy?
When the story of her meeting hide-san through Make a Wish was aired on TV, they checked the contents of the letters meant for us at the TV station, because “there might be some nasty ones”. But there were no such letters at all, so the people from the station said, “It’s probably okay to send them directly” and passed them on to us unopened. Even then, there was not a single on that I didn’t like.
That’s amazing! Even though he had so many fans.
Yes. There even was one person who wrote, “I used to refuse to go to school, but I started again when I saw Mayuko working so hard.”
Mayuko-san was an inspiration.
I got this kind of comment several times. Also, Mayuko never said it was hard. A nurse once asked her, “Why do you never talk about how exhausting and painful it is?” She replied, “If I say it’s hard, hearing that would make it even harder for my mother.”…
Both hide-san and Mayoko-san were caring people.
That’s probably where they were on the same wavelength.
Even though she was still in her teens and it was difficult for her.
About a year after her transplant, her condition became critical. At that time, the boy in the next room was also in a bad state, and it was a situation where people would wonder, “Which of them is going to die first?” When Mayuko heard that the boy was celebrating his ninth birthday those days, she asked me, “Please buy ten flowers, one for each year, with money from my wallet, and give them to him.” When I told her, “He’s nine years old,” I got the reply, “He worked hard to make it to nine years, so it matters if he gets even one day closer to being ten.” It’s the weight of a single day that only a child battling illness can understand.
In that sense, when hide-can gave us hope, he didn’t speak of things far in advance. When he says, “I’ll call you the day after tomorrow,” doesn’t it make you think that you will do your best until the day after tomorrow? It’s not, “We’ll do this after you get better.” Instead of speaking of vague big things, he would talk about simple goals that were within reachable distance. He was someone who encouraged people that way. I guess that was the way hide-san was thinking.
They were both really amazing. Hide-san also registered as a bone marrow donor.
That’s right. There was a press conference when he did, but hide-san hadn’t intended for it to become such a big deal. When they heard, “Hide-san says he’s going to register as a donor, how should we go about that?” from someone at the office, people started to talk about it. Someone who happened to know about this matter set the conference up, and afterwards, hide-san was angry, saying, “I didn’t want for it to be this way, I was going to do it just like anyone else.” That said, eight people from his staff at that time and from those who came for the news coverage ended up registering as donors as well.
What did Mayuko-san think when she heard about hide-san’s donor registration?
I told her about it, thinking it would make her happy. But when I did so, she bust into tears. As a matter of fact, because she was herself a recipient of a transplant, she couldn’t register as a donor for the rest of her life. That’s why she said, “I can’t have a donor card with hide-chan.”
I guess those were feelings only she could have.
She said, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get that card. I was taken aback.
When did Mayuko-san learn about hide-san’s death?
On the day he passed away, she had an examination at the hospital. She had turned her mobile phone off for the examination, and when she turned it back on afterwards, she immediately heard from a friend that he had died. She called his manager right away and was told, “Yes, it’s true. We wanted to let you know before you heard it from anyone else, but we couldn’t get through.” She had actually been planning to go to the pub run by hide-san’s parents in Yokosuka that evening after her hospital visit, and she had heard that “if circumstances allowed it, hide-san might be there too.” (After hearing about this death) Mayuko was so depressed she didn’t speak, didn’t eat. The morning of the next day, I received a phone call from hide-san’s mother, who asked, “Will it have an impact on Mayu-chan’s health, what happened to hide?”
Even though her own son had just passed away, she was so concerned about Mayuko-san.
Both parent and child were so kind. So, when Mayuko went to Tsukiji-Honganji (where hide’s body was laid to rest), a lot of people talked to her there. One musician told her, “I used to go drinking with hide, and before we got drunk, he would say, ‘Now that Mayuko’s condition has improved, I am a little more at ease’, and then he’d drink.” Others also told her this, and even a work friend from L.A. let her know that hide-san told them, “If Mayuko’s health gets a little better, I want to show her around Los Angeles.”
It’s sad to hear stories like that.
But, you see, everyone was like that. When the time came for the final parting at Honganji, YOSHIKI-san took Mayuko’s hand next to the coffin and said, “Mayu-chan, until now hide has taken care of you. From now on, all of us are going to do that.”
YOSHIKI-san took good care of Mayuko-san as well, even though that time was painful for him, too.
When we returned to the waiting room from the venue of the afterparty that first time we met, YOSHIKI-san was there. When hide-san asked him, “What’s up?”, he said, “I was waiting for the two of you,” and the three of them walked on holding hands. He also came to our house after hide-san had passed away.
You are all connected by your feelings for hide-san, aren’t you?
It’s amazing how that relationship continues even now, isn’t it? When hide-san died, I thought that would be the end of it, but it has kept going past that point. Even now that Mayuko has passed away, it’s still going on. I am grateful for that.
Back then, Mayuko was exchanging mails with hide-san. Really short ones, like Mayuko telling him, “I started to keep goldfish” and hide-san sending, “Lately, it’s been raining all the time.” It was all trivial. But, in the period between X JAPAN’s breakup being decided and the announcement being made, hide-san told her, “Mayuko, your mails really comforted me.”
They were connected to each other in their hearts, weren’t they? A lot of people come to Lemoned Café, but what kind of place do you want it to be?
For some reason, even people who come here for the first time end up calling us “Mom and Dad”. There are even people who come from far away, so we want to keep it open as much as we can. Everyone is coming, so I want to continue doing this event for an entire year.
The day of the interview was the monthly anniversary of Mayuko's passing. The customers at the café ranged from people who had met Mayuko in person to high school students who had come to the café for the first time in April, and it was impressive to watch them chat cheerfully with each other. When asked about Mayuko, they all said, “She was a really kind girl, like an angel” and “She was a mysterious person who makes me feel like the bad side of me is being cleansed when I talk about her.” One woman said, “There are a lot of sacred places, but this one feels like home.”  Even now, the memory of hide and Mayuko-san lives on inside many people’s hearts.
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ran-orimoto · 2 months
Who would the Frontier kids meet and hang with from other series?
Since yesterday it was Odaiba day, I will finally reply to an ask from this Anon, whose identity I know because @teclajellymon isn’t skilled at hiding secrets lmaoooooo. She wanted to only ask about Izumi and Junpei but she had to act like a chameleon, you know ahahahha.
Happy Odaiba ( in late *flops* ) !!!
• Takuya: I mean, you’d think a googlehead should be placed by the side of another one. And I do understand that, the official did the same as well, but can I change the rules a bit? I want to see Takuya and Sora interacting, because Sora reminds me of Rin from Yes!5 and Rin from Yes!5 is voiced by the same woman voicing Takuya, who also said she wished Takuya was a girl like Ri-
OK. I just think they’d share they football passion together and it would be cute? Besides the fact aesthetically they would look really pleasant together, they both also are fire themed. I’d like to see them playing together and if Taichi wants to join, why couldn’t he?
Still, among the googleheads, I think the one I would like to see interacting with Takuya is Marcus…? I want them to kill each other, yes?
Kouji: He’s kinda easy, because I really like that Cd cover where he stared at Yamato playing his harmonica, dreamy eyed. I know it’s kinda lame Kouji is being put with a loner wolf, so I’m taking a safe route, but I honestly can’t get rid of that image printed in my head. Hmmm someone else, someone else, idk. Help. Maybe he could meet Takeru? If he met Yamato, he would meet Takeru as well and Takeru has got a Patamon. Since Kouji was often seen getting Patamon’s attention in the original season, Takeru’s would bring him memories.
• Izumi: Of course, when it comes to your favs you have got ton of ideas. Ton. Let’s say I will write a little bonus down here for Junpei and Izumi, so, for now, I’ll just temporise ahhahah. Many pair Izumi with Miyako, but I would honestly be curious to see how a meeting between Ruki and Izumi would play. Once a friend of mine drew Izumi and Ruki collaborating in modelling together (Ruki was the photographer, Izumi was the model of the photoshoot), but I want to picture them together more because Seki Producer liked saying Izumi “is actually more similar to Ruki than Mimi”. How? At what extent? What did you mean, SekiP? We will never know imo, but maybe if Ruki and Izumi got to know each other…
• Junpei: OF COURSE, same identical tale as old as time like when it comes to Izumi. So many ideas for my boy, I’d make him even meet Taichi and I think they’d go along. During my Adventure 01 “rewatch”, I truly found myself spotting a piece of Junpei in so many characters ahaha. Taichi has got a scene in which he drives some kind of crane in a factory and Frontier’s episode 5, the one in which Junpei drives one as well, blatantly is a homage to that. Needless to say, Junpei has also got something in common with Jyou, whom he met in an official comic (during which Junpei doesn’t miss the chance to compliment Izumi in front of strangers and in her absence lmaoooo); moreover, in the first Frontier ending, Junpei reading his homework on the stairs is another clear homage to 01, to a scene focusing on Jyou, though I can’t recall which episode it was and I apologize.
Still, and I’ve already said it, I ABSOLUTELY want Junpei to meet Ruri. I want him to become envious of her little detective life and bugging her by sticking his nose in whatever digital mystery she’s on. The Great Detective Shibayama meets the fantastic Ririrun! I need to draw them *wants to explode*. Maybe Junpei could affect Ruri with his fantasies about owning a series, who knows.
Junpei would also so funny with Miyako, I swear. The 02 x Frontier pic did place them in a mirroring position and I just adore it lol. They can eat together while talking about their crush, even if Miyako does yell much more than Junpei lmao. Bingo. I think Junpei would admire her technological skills and would evolve in Bolgmon to gain maths intelligence lmao x 2.
• Tomoki: I have played the Takeru card and I don’t really care? Because I want Tonoki to join the Tamers younger kids for once, though we know nothing about Ai and Mako, and unfortunately about Shaochung as well. But ehy, we can come up with headcanons and make these babies have fun. If Impmon acts as a bully like usual, Tomoki will have someone to deal with, though…
• Kouichi: He doesn’t give me any problem like his twin (good boy, Kouichi). Thanks to some people from this fandom, I have jumped on the boat of Kouichi and Hikari, not necessarily on a shipping level. I can see it. I can see Juri boarding as well, but Juri is way too hyperactive to Kouichi’s tastes imo. Hikari is a bit quieter and more considerate. He would put him at ease just like his twin does www.
• Bonus: Koumi x Junzumi
And here I can say : aren’t shippings ending with umi so beautiful at this point ?
Talking again about my 01 rewatch, I can confirm to myself early Mimi does remind me of Junpei a lot, which is a sacrilege but, ehm, seriously…???? I don’t blame some dude playing in their stories about Junpei being a Jyoumi son, because he’s really a mix of them. People usually like connecting Junpei with Koushiro (and I do too lol) because of the electric/thunder bug theme, but I also adore creating scenarios for Junpei and Mimi ahahah, two spoiled kids coming from rich families always complaining about needing to eat, sleep, getting disgusted so easily….Two needles stuck up your butt, speaking bluntly ahahha.
I have got a lot of ideas about Junzumi x Koumi . In my hcs Izumi will open a restaurant someday and I do believe Mimi would love visiting it. Then, she would invite Izumi to her cooking tv show and Junpei would stop underlining how wife is much better than this Mimi Tachikawa who has come from who knows where. Do you know my wife won two contests, is Gambero Rosso’s favourite guest, her restaurant received compliments from both Terramadre and Slowfood-
Junpei, shut up and let the girls play.
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preciadosbass · 1 month
20/8/24 [4X DIYS — draft from yesterday, key + significant photos at end]
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nobody asked, but regarding yesterdays journal - i actually went to sleep at 3 because i got distracted with patrick stump gifs. i was supposed to just be looking for a few blue coloured ones [raa having a colour themed blog is so annoying // there’s so many cute gifs of musicians that aren’t blue/black and i cant change the colour and therefor cant use them =(] but lost track of time. meaning i was absolutely exhausted when i woke up [8:30]
after waking up, i went outside to say goodmorning to boris and scrolled on scenemo/alt diy tiktoks until i got a message from N ‘apologising’ for yesterday. i say ‘apologising’ because i know they didn’t mean it, and they also said they deleted the photos of me immediately. which isn’t true as i saw them press the send button and then put their phone away. they wouldn’t have had time to delete them before whoever saw them, saw them. this means my mum has told her mum, which i’m super embarrassed about. i don’t like people knowing i’m upset about anything they’ve done/someone they know has done. i’m just still worried about it because i know those photos looked so bad and they sent them to so many people. and now, it dosent matter if they get rid of them because whoever those people were have already seen them. i’m so humiliated.
anyway, i carried on scrolling on scenemo/alt diytok until 10:40 when i finally got dressed while listening to my sleeping with sirens live cd. today i wore my purple asking alexandria shirt, a pair of striped purple and black tights, blue ripped shorts, knee high converse, my my chemical romance [danger days] zip up hoodie, my can tab bracelet, a falling in reverse bracelet, and dark blue skull bracelet, a two row studded cuff, diy kandi + elastic bracelet, sleeping with sirens and panic! at the disco bracelet, and last but not least a spiked kandi cuff. [photos at end]. i haven’t made kandi jewellery in a while because i’ve run out of beads, but once i start seeing my other prevision again, i’ll buy some more. today i’m going to reptile experience/possibly going on a long car ride with my dad so i can listen to music full blast without worrying about anyone hearing.
i couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that there’s stupid photos/videos of me going around to strangers. i know it seems like i’m overreacting, but having photos taken of me is such a big deal in my mind and this whole situation makes me feel like the world is ending. i hate seeing my own face and knowing that other people do aswell. the thought itself disgusts me, i only like pictures of my outfit and sometimes that’s too much. after getting dressed, i did my hair and then went outside with boris at 11:20. the weather was being weird and one second it was boiling hot, and the other freezing. but that’s just the uk for you.
i stayed with him until 11:50 when me and my mum left to go out. boris has started meowing everytime i come out to see him and it’s really really cute. i also took a few videos of him before getting in the car. on the way to reptile experience, i listened to early fall out boy + american beauty/american psycho fall out boy, and a little bit of letterbox tradgedy. when we arrived, everyone was having their lunch so i went into the reptile room and said hi to boris #2 [the bearded dragon] and the other visible animals. i also took a few photos of various animals to put in this journal/this weeks recap [photos at end]. along with observing all the other stuff in the room, like the stuff for the horses/ponies.
once everyone in the other room had finished their food, me and my mum went out to the kitchen/sofa area where the rodents live. S [the lead crew member, she’s lovely], put out some ripped up pieces of newspaper and treats for rat enrichment and set all 4 on the table everyone was sat around. we were told not to pick them up [i think it’s because everyone apart from me was really young and rough with the animals], and just let them come to you. i watched as they had their snacks and scurried around the table and sofa that was just by where i was sat.
three came up to me all at once and hoarded around my bracelets. S said it was due to the shininess of the can tab one, and maybe the smell. i let the rats crawl over my arm/lap/wrist and took a few photos. while doing so one in particular kept on sniffing my phone camera lens so the videos look really silly XD — i took a few bits of the newspaper for an upcoming collage as i found a few paragraphs of writing about true crime and that’s one of my interests. [this feels weird to write, i just find the psychology aspect of it interesting]. once the rats were put away and the enrichment was cleaned up, S & A [the other crew member, the one that makes me feel sick of jealousy due to his looks etc] took out pinecones, some lard, and some birdseed.
i already knew what was coming so i moved my bracelets further up my arm and tied bits of string to a few secreted pinecones. we were then told that we were making bird feeders. i covered the pinecones in lard and then rolled it in a sunflower seed based mix as it had the darkest colours. i made five as S said i could make two for the farmer’s gate and three to take home, yipee // once i was done, i looked at a few of the drawings on the wall. a lot of them were illustrations of five nights at freddy’s animatronics. which gave me an idea to also draw animatronics on small bits of card and line them wherever there’s an empty part of my wall. at 1:40, we walked round to the farmer’s gate and hung the pinecones around the wood. [picture at end] S gave me two that had already been made by various people attending, so when we went back round to the buildings and it was time to leave i got to take home the five that id made!! we headed for home at 2:11 after thanking all the workers. on the way back i stopped off to get low cal boba [photo at end cuz it looks just as good as it was]
in the car, i sorted through the photos taken there into an instagram collage to add to the end of this journal + my weekly recap. [photo collages at end]. i also listened to quite a lot of panic! at the disco’s vices and virtues. we [me and my mum] arrived home at 3:20. i didn’t end up doing for the drive with my dad because it would’ve been around 7 hours in the car, and that’s too long for me to be away from boris in the car unless i’m going away. and even that’s a stretch. i stayed outside with boris until 3:50 when i decided i’m going to put up my bird feeder. i took the pinecones outside and called my mum out to try and work out where i should hang them/what i should hang them from. my mum spawned this plant holder thingy and asked me if it’d be any good. i didn’t have another option and it was an alright improvisation so i went into my room to work out what part of the garden’s bank i can see from through my window.
once i’d worked out a suitable place for it to go, i brought it up to the bank and supported the legs with a few bits of scrap wood planks. then i hung the five pinecones along the frame of the flowerpot part. [photo at end] i finished within -10 minutes and then went back inside to my room. when i first got in, i took my stuff out of my bag to give my dad his battery pack and accidentally got scrap bits of purple-like wood all over my bed. id snapped them up yesterday while at the creek for an idea i had. i thought i might aswell make it now, so collected them off my blanket and got my hot glue gun ready. the idea was to glue them around the metal tin that a candle rests in. which is stupid, because this particular wood is the most flammable in the uk so i most likely wouldn’t even be able to burn it. anyway, i collected a few more bits of stick from the garden and lined them around the tin. i finished at 4:30 and took a few pictures of the finished product. [photo at end]
once again, something else useless i settled on making, but at least it looks cute. i watched two youtube videos :[the rest of ‘Q&A time !!! :D’ by nico vamp, ‘a day in the life | fake 🩸 + pictures’ by maya malice, and then almost two more videos from the same youtuber [[‘a day in the life + randumness :3’, & ‘my problem with scenecore’.]] while listening to the last video listed, i made a collage with receipts from charity shopping on thursday + the bits of newspaper i collected today. i hid a secret message in there [its just ‘meow’, photo at the end] and put together the word ‘empierces.’ which means to pierce. get it? like pierce the veil? anyone?? [photo at end — finished at 6:35]
then i listened to the entirety of falling in reverse’s new album [again] — while doing so, i drew lolbit, RWQFSFASXC, and the puppet from five nights at freddy’s on some card. i put it along the side of my doorframe beside pictures of kellin quinn and pete wentz. [theyre so bad you don’t get a photo] then i went outside with boris at 7:35. he was being his usual polite and cute self and i could also tell he was very happy because he was dribbling at ton xp // he let himself in at 7:50 so i didn’t get to spend much time with him on the driveway, but i followed him inside, checked he had food, and wrote 4 paragraphs from this journal. after finishing that little bit of writing, i saw frank iero’s new instagram post + story like WTF IS GOING ON I FREAKED OUT. LIKE WHATS HAPPENING AT MIDNIGHT FRANK?? i went to see him [boris] again at 10 after looking through scenemo/alt tiktok and letting my phone charge a little.
he stayed out with him my for barely any time before he let himself inside to eat. i came inside with him, and during this one of my cousins pulled up to our house as he got me some of my safe food because otherwise i won’t have anything at all to eat tomorrow and it’ll be really easy to faint if the weather isn’t perfect. him and my mum spoke about the holiday that me and my immediate + extended family are going to. he left at 10:45 and then i had a bath. i usually don’t mention washing [etc] as it’s a boring thing to write about/the same everytime. its not like with the questions about boris or when i wake up because that changes. i’m just mentioning it today as there’s nothing i can fill in the spaces of this journal with.
then i collected a few green day [billie joe armstrong] gifs and went up to my sisters room because i swore she was playing the hello zepp saw themetune on keyboard. it turned out she was, i watched her play it and then came back downstairs again. while i was on the sofa, she started playing something else and asked me if i recognised it. it was numb by linkin park, but i got it to confused with another song of theirs that sounds similar at the start. i went up because she wanted me to watch her play it and she followed on the song with ‘centuries’ by fall out boy.
after she’d finished, i went back downstairs to get myself some icy water, speak to boris, and then do my teeth before having a nap. i put on a timer for 10 minutes because i said i’d check up on him every once in a while but when i woke up it was bright outside and my phone was in the same place i left it before my nap. it turned out i never woke up and never got to say goodnight to boris so i freaked out when i realised. i would’ve gone to sleep at 1.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, prevision/keyworker i have to see instead of being taken back into mainstream education, questions about boris/i ask my parents questions about my cat to verify he's okay + will be okay in the morning. its a compulsive thing and i'm hopefully going to be tested for OCD in the future.
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yuikomorii · 9 months
It's unfair that some characters do not get as much spotlight, but our Fandom isn't responsible for that. Rejet, as a company, made a decision to portrait Ayato as the main lead.
Does that means he's better, and that his route/character development is written to perfection, while others aren't "good enough"?
HELL NO. Absolutely not.
Some parts of Ayato's development with Yui felt really rushed imo, or the main conflict on CD Dramas getting "solved" (if there's even a resolution) with 0 lessons learned.
We should see all characters equally for their difficulties, as well as acknowledge their flaws. But everyone has their favorites. Sometimes, we just want to praise them for the sake of praising instead of analyzing everything/every character so thoroughly. It's okay.
Do what you enjoy!! Don't let others talk down to you.
I hope you are alright ♥, you did an awesome, informative post that has been seen and agreed with by many people. Time to pat yourself in the back for a job well done.
Don't forget to hydrate, and I wish you the best.
// To be honest, I think the anime is the only occasion when not everyone gets enough spotlight because their routes are as long as Ayato's. Everyone receives a lot of content, and DL got so much merch that I doubt anyone will be able to gather every piece of their favorite character. ^^”
I have never seen anyone saying that Ayato got the best development, because he definitely didn’t. After the curse got broken, he started acting like a normal teenage boy. His true face was described by Rejet as “pure-hearted”, therefore I don’t think there’s much room for personal improvement when you have always been brave, empathetic and self-sacrificing. Nor can they totally get rid of his impulsiveness or occasional arrogance, since everyone needs to keep some flaws. However, it’s true that, while he doesn’t develop incredibly, he does mature a lot throughout the games. I guess that’s one of the reason why his smile starts fading away game by game. After all, he begins to see things exactly as they are.
While it’s true that his DF route is considered by Japanese players as the best written one in the franchise, it’s still very weak compared to routes from other otome games. I truthfully believe everyone deserved better routes, given that they’re all so rushed for unknown reasons. Maybe it’s just me but I feel like most of the time everything escalates too quickly?? And some conflicts between the characters are so random and just there to add unnecessary drama.
Furthermore, whenever new official art comes out, I'm always excited to see how others react to their best boys. I really like seeing people thirst for their favs and I believe more people should do so, without the fear of being judged.
Last but not least, there will always be characters who go through more horrible stuff than others, yet people should understand that this doesn’t make their trauma the most important. Even in real life, it’s not good to invalidate someone’s feelings only because someone else “had it worse”. I understand that it’s amazing how some people manage to stay resilient, but not everyone is like that. On top of that, the jokes about the Diaboys’ traumas I’ve seen in this fandom will never be funny. I hope nobody is planning to post such things again because ew—.
Thank you for your ask, it was interesting to read! I’m glad my post helped others understand him better!! I wish you the best too. 💕
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [13]
chapter thirteen, act two: anobrain
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November 1st 2013
Tommie has always felt like out of all the places in America, New York would be scariest. It's big and that's where all the big American crime drama shows she watches are set, with things like the mafia or random serial killers.
But no, LA, is by far, the scariest place she has visited.
With people screaming as you pass by, strangers trying to sell you CDs and monks handing out bracelets. The dress up characters (something she used to be afraid of as a child), getting handsy as you walk through the touristy parts creeped her out, and if one more person tried to hand her a flower she was going to scream.
Not even Times Square was this bad.
Her anxiety was getting the better of her and the deeper they got into the walk of fame the more she clung onto Matty’s arm.
He’d sensed her anxiety a while back and had kept closer as the other three oblivious men (of course men, what anxieties do they need to have while walking down a street in the night) walked on ahead.
“Do you want to turn back?”
She shakes her head, “I’d rather not go back through all of them.”
He grins as they get closer to the loud music of this pub a friend had recommended, “Almost there anyway, we’ll get a taxi back from right outside when we’re done, yeah?”
She nods quickly, “Okay.”
His hand lifts to play with some strands of her hair, she’d had a shower before they left and hadn’t had time to dry it, so it was a curly wavy mess.
“I like your hair like this.”
He nods, pulling on it and watching the curl bounce back into place, “It’s messy but put together at the same time, like you. It suits you.”
Tommie stuck by him all night, they both shared a drink, they only did one shot, a couple ciders, and had two G&T’s.
About an hour after Tommie had finished sipping on her orange gin and tonic she and Matty had ordered an uber from right outside and gone back to the hotel, leaving the other three in the bar, all of them too far gone with John running around after them.
In the lift Tommie sighs, leaning back against the wall as she kicks off the heels that George’s date for the night had let her borrow.
She leans down to rub at her left foot while struggling to undo the strap of the right one at the same time.
Matty gives a lopsided smile and kneels down to help her, he taps his knee and she holds her weight on the railing so her aching foot doesn’t take all the weight.
It’s a little hard in her tipsy head but she manages to hold herself upright.
He carefully undoes the strap, slides off the heel, and then delicately places her foot back down, his hand following his movements up her bare leg slowly as he stands.
Her shoes now in his free hand until she stands upright and shoves it into the pocket of his skinny jeans.
“God,” She groans and grimaces, “Did you see that one couple?”
He nods, “The ones that were practically having sex on the table?”
She nods trying to rid the image of the girl lying flat on her back with the guy on top of her, “What ever happened to hello?” She wonders.
“Boys and girls in America have such a sad time together; sophistication demands that they submit to sex immediately without proper preliminary talk. Not courting talk — real straight talk about souls, for life is holy and every moment is precious.”
She rolls her eyes, “Stop quoting that book all the time, you twat.”
“Can’t help it,” He shrugs, “Read it so much it's engraved in my brain. Like you with fantastic mr fox. Guarantee you could quote that film word for word.”
“I can’t.”
He nudges her hip with his, “Don’t lie, you definitely can.”
She shrugs her shoulders, “Maybe a few scenes.”
She looks him up and down, “Are you not hot?”
“I’ve been told I am.” He says cheekily leaning to her.
She rolls her eyes, shoving him out the lift when it stops on their floor, “I meant warm, physically, it’s bloody boiling out here.”
“You just think that ‘cause you’re ginger.”
“No, I think that ‘cause I’ve sweat through three t-shirts today.”
She groans as she tries digging around in her pocket, “What?”
“I’m sharing with Ross, he has my key card.”
He pulls his from the back pocket, “I was supposed to be sharing with George until he ditched me for that bird he met a couple days ago, so I have a free bed.”
She smiles, following him inside, “Life saver, you.”
She faceplants the first bed she comes across but he tugs at the foot that hangs off the bed, “Uh uh, my bed’s always the one closest to the door.”
“Why? You gonna fight off any attackers with that pigeon chest?” 
He laughs sarcastically, “I was thinking more if anything goes wrong I can run out the fastest.”
“My knight in shining armour, you are.”
He says nothing, just aggressively throws her a pair of shorts an old the cure t-shirt, she’s halfway through pulling it, looking at her tired face in the bathroom mirror that she realises it's her own shirt she lost about four months ago on the tour.
She rips open the bathroom door and he looks up, “What?”
“I’ve been looking for this top.”
“It’s mine.”
She shakes her head, “No, Adam bought me this when you guys went to that concert a couple years ago. It was my christmas present, my mam spilt wine on it and it stained, look!”
She shoves the stain into his face and he leans back, pushing his glasses up on top of his head.
“Well, it looks better on me anyway.” He says, holding back the smirk.
She grins and pushes him so he falls back on the bed, “Ow, not funny, think I landed on the remote.”
He winces and she feels slightly bad, slightly.
“Pull me up so I can get dressed.”
“Get up yourself.”
“Think it’s only fair after the attempted assault I just endured.”
Rolling her eyes she holds her hands out and he grips them both, he starts pulling himself up but he uses all his body weight to fall back and pull her down with him.
She laughs, bending his arm awkwardly to hold him down, “Tap out.”
He tries to twist around but only ends up with her overpowering him even more, “Tap out. I’ll break your arm, Roddy, not even joking.”
He flips her off and they play fight for a while giggles and tickles being passed around until eventually she pinning his arms above his head and panting heavily.
She grins down at him but there’s no humour on his face, his eyes are lidded, head slightly tilted back to stare up at her.
“I won.”
He bites down on his lip and she watches as he has some internal battle behind his eyes as they flicker around her face.
She leans back a little, grip loosening, “Matt-”
He moves forward quickly, sitting up, one hand holding him up on the bed, the other circling around to her back to hold her there as his lips land on hers.
It’s a quick and harsh peck, his bottom lip between hers, their noses pressed into each other's cheeks creating indentations of each other.
He pulls back, doesn’t say a thing as he looks at her, assessing her.
He knows her.
He knows that the softness of her eyes means she at least didn’t hate it. Knows that the crinkle on her one eye means she’s thinking it over.
And he knows that that smile… he knows that that smile will be the death of him.
She moves forward, both her hands in his hair as she brings him closer, leaning backwards until she’s lying flat on her back and he’s on top of her.
His hands are everywhere all at once.
She’s addicting, her taste, her sound, everything about her, he can’t get enough.
One moment his hands are threading through her hair, the next they’re on her face, thumbs rubbing across her round cheeks, then they’re travelling down her arms, down her rib cage, her waist, he wants to touch parts of her no one's even thought of touching before.
He wants to know everything. 
He opens his eyes, moving back so he can look, like really look, not like his usual fleeting glances where he’s afraid he’ll get caught.
She lifts herself up on her elbows, trying to chase his lips but he stops her, “Wait, I want to see you.”
She giggles, “I’m right here, Matty.”
“No, I want to see you.” He moves to kiss her cheek, “Explore you,” A kiss on her jaw, “See the way you work, the way you move, hear the way you sound when you cry my name.”
She slaps his chest, but then curls her hand around his white t-shirt to bring his lips back to hers, he mumbles into her lips, “You’re so addicting.”
“That’s just the oxytocin, darling.”
He groans into her ear, biting down on her bottom lip and pulling back, “Call me that again.”
“What? Darling?”
He nods, leaning back to pull his t-shirt off and toss it across the room, “Come here, darling.”
He smiles into the kiss as he pushes her back, their teeth clashing together as he pushes her top upwards.
She doesn’t have a bra on, and he feels himself grow harder when his hands meet her breast.
She arches her back, pushing her hips into his own, “Matty, I’ve-”
He moves his kisses to her neck, “I know. We can stop.”
She shakes her head quickly, hands gripping his shoulders, encouraging his arms to go higher, “No, no,” She shakes her head, the words leaving her lungs in one breath, “Please.”
He moves his kisses to her collar bone, tugging down on the neck of the t-shirt but still telling her, “One word, one word and we’ll stop, Tommie.”
“Just go slow,” She says, chest pushing into his, her hands squeezing his upper arms, “Be gentle.”
“Always with you.”
When Tommie thought of losing her virginity she didn’t think it would be in a hotel room in LA with her cousin’s best mate.
She thought it would be a drunken one night stand with a complete stranger to get it over and done with.
She’s glad it’s Matty.
She trusts Matty.
He finally peels the t-shirt off in a painstakingly slow manner, letting out a low guttural groan at the sigh of her bare chest in front of him, “God.”
 His hands move to her shorts, tugging them down and throwing them to the pile, “One word, Tommie.” He says again, moving further down the bed to pull her underwear off too.
She doesn’t say anything, lets herself get lost in the  feel of his hands and the fabric pooling at her ankles.
She doesn’t say a single thing until his hands are on her again, “Please.”
He nods, “Gonna go slow, baby,” He kisses her between her thighs, “Nice and slow.”
It was slow, and gentle, but fast and rough at the right times.
It was a mix of his moans and her loud screams of his name as they both allowed themselves to come undone around one another.
It was a mix of hands and mouths roaming each other’s bodies, exploring across freckles like stars on a constellation map.
At one point, when Matty had flipped her over, a pillow beneath her stomach, his hands pushing her shoulder blades down he’d leaned forward and quietly whispered (while still inside her). ‘You have a group of freckles shaped like a moon.’
He’d slowly traced his finger around the crescent shape on her shoulder and then leaned forward to place a kiss there.
“I know.”
Then his lips had moved to the tattoo on the other shoulder, her own words from her poem and coincidentally their song lay there.
He kissed the tattoo, lips slightly open and pushing into her skin before he dragged his bottom lip up towards the nape of her neck.
Only glancing back at the words once more before he pushed himself deeper into her.
‘I love you, don’t you mind?’
But now they lie silently beneath the covers of the bed closest to the door, he pushes the hair from her face, kissing her temple as she allows herself to nuzzle deeper into him.
She yawns and he carries on playing with her hair, “Yeah, baby?”
“You know what I was saying like oxytocin and serotonin and stuff?”
He hums, “It’s not the chemicals.” She mutters quietly, “Just you.”
He smiles to himself, listening to her breath even out as she finally falls asleep, he pulls back to look down at her, head tilted as he gives her forehead one last kiss. “Good night, beautiful girl.”
Then, shifting further down the bed so he can comfortably rest his head on her chest just above her heart, he allows the sound of her to consume him until he falls asleep.
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 6 months
Was Disney better than Nickelodeon?
Okay, the Walt Disney company as a whole does have a history of racism, sexism, and p*dophilia for the 100 years it's been around but when you put their kids channel against Nickelodeon, it's the only time that they weren't the bad guys. Yes, til this day Disney is still one of the greediest corporations of all time, but this is the only time I will stick up for Disney, as a Disney hater! DISNEY CHANNEL WAS NOT AS BAD AS NICKELODEON!
A lot of people like to blame Disney for being just as bad as Nickelodeon, but Dirty Dan Schneider did NOT work for Disney, and Disney fired a few people when The Sprouse twins spoke out about. Unlike Nickelodeon, Disney channel was more protective of their actors/actresses. Unlike Nickelodeon, the Disney channel shows had less dirty jokes and the young actresses were dressed less-revealing than Nickelodeon girls. Most of the Disney shows also had more values and lessons than Nickelodeon ones. I'm absolutely in love with shows like Bear in the Big Blue House, Good Luck Charlie, and Austin & Ally (all Disney shows) however, I can't even watch a full episode of iCarly without getting triggered... and I used to have a freaking DVD of iCarly. (Anyone got any ideas on crafts to make with old DVDs and CDs, let me know). There was even some stuff in Dirty Dan's shows that triggered me as a kid (Sam being too aggressive in iCarly, all the bra and panty jokes, the episode of Kenan & Kel where Kenan lost his pants, and the foot fish thing in Victorious) although there was one Disney show in particular that triggered me that and that was Jessie. Jessie is literally the ONLY Disney show form my era that I say is almost as bad as Dan Schneider shows. At least the kids weren't being abused on set though. If I were to bring back all the Disney channel shows from 2006-2014, Jessie would be the only one I'd say no to. It can go with all the Dan Schneider shows, even though it's not perverted, just really racist and stereotyped. By the way, I met an actress on the show and she was super nice in real life. I also feel bad for Cameron Boyce, because i heard he was really nice too. I'm not blaming the actors on Jessie, just the writers and producers.
I'm gonna put a list eventually about Disney and Nickelodeon shows that I'd want to bring back, and ones I'd get rid of but yeah, I hope you understand my perspective now, and know a little more.
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sugolara · 5 months
𝙎𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜, 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙧
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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“Are you doing okay? Have you left like you always said you would?” Shoto had a hand on his forehead as he leaned further into his palm. His brows furrowed in concentration, but it was hard due to the rotters being killed behind his room. 
Since Tomura has officially welcomed him, he was no longer in the small cold room. He had been allowed to have privileges and with that came a room that had everything you would want, well, almost everything as he was still missing someone.
A week had gone by since he hasn’t seen his friends. The last sight he ever saw them was when his teachers and a friend had been brutally murdered. He could vividly remember that day, it was hard to make the thoughts disappear. 
He’s tried to get the vision out of his head, playing the radio with outdated cds to escape his mind, but even then that did nothing as he still had to be remembered by Tomura and his goons. He wanted to smash their stupid faces every time they laughed and there were times where he wanted to get rid of them but Dabi had to hold him back, saying the time wasn’t right.
“As much as I want to say I’ve been doing good, I haven’t. I wish I could tell you that I’m happy, that I’m here with my brother having a happy reunion and remembering the days of when we were both children.” Shoto shutted his eyes tightly as the growls got louder. 
He took a deep breath, his fingers clutching on his hair as ignored the laughter coming from behind his bedroom. How could someone have fun playing with someone who used to be humans? He found it absurd and concerning. 
He then opened his eyes where they shifted to the crumbled up dirty paper in front of him. He had to laugh at himself as this would be the fifth time he wrote her letter. None of them seemed perfect and he could feel the one he was writing becoming unworthy. He doubted she would even receive these letters as he has no idea of when he would be allowed to go back to Sorston. 
“My brother keeps telling me to wait for the right moment. I think he knows I’ve been writing to you. We don’t speak as often as Tomura keeps him busy. There are times when we do speak, but it’s not a cherishable moment.”
He leaned in his chair, his eyes looking at the wall in front of where a pegboard was hung. There was still previous stuff that had been left behind from the man who used to reside there. Tomura had mentioned that the man had been decapitated and displayed for his community to see. The reason why? Betraying him.
Shoto lifted his arm where he picked up a drawing, made by a kid. There was a house on a hill, with a father and daughter holding hands and smiling. Butterflies had been drawn and the sun was at the corner, smiling.
He flipped it around to where he saw a note that read, “To my dad, the best daddy I could ask for!” 
He didn’t know why, but the paper had Shoto feeling sad as his head hung low, letting a soft sigh out. The drawing was clutched in his hand as he stared at his dirty shoes. The faint sound of laughing was heard until it finally disappeared.  
“It feels like I have no one here with me.” Hearing a knock on his door, Shoto wiped his eyes and placed a book on top of the letters. He let the drawing fall to the ground as he reached for the door. 
Seeing Dabi on the other side had the younger male return to his desk, with an exasperated expression, “How long?”
The raven-haired male closed the door and leaned on it, his eyes glanced to his desk where he could see a couple crumpled up papers. He shrugged to his question, “Don’t know.”
“I can’t spend another week here.” Shoto annoyingly said as he glared at him. He just wanted to see her.
Dabi again shrugged as his eyes peered at his window, “It doesn't matter what you want. What any of your friends want. He’ll always get his way and your friends dying was just a warmup. So you tell whoever it is you're writing to, to get their shit together.”
The bi-coloered male scoffed, “You’re his right man, can’t you help me see them. Even if it’s just for a short while?”
“You won’t have to wait for long. We’re supposed to receive our supplies sometime this week.” Dabi leaned away from the door and placed his hand on the knob, “Tomura needs us.”
Seeing his brother exit the room, Shoto followed after him with his gun hitting his hip everytime he took a step. He closed his doors and walked down the halls that barely held any lights. “You’ll never get these letters, but I hope you wait for me.”
A bullet flew, lodging itself in a rotter's head just a few steps away. F/n grinned as she placed her sniper rifle down and smuggling looked at Katsuki, “Fourth one down.”
The blonde rolled his eyes and lifted his rifle. He looked through the scope, looking for a rotter and upon finding one, he pressed the trigger, the casing fell to his feet while the bullet flew. Though upon seeing it graze the rotter, Katsuki could hear F/n let out a chuckle and sniped the one he missed. 
He ended up glaring at her, “You’re a fucking cheater.”
“Sucks, to suck.” She shrugged with a smug face.
Before Katsuki could pounce on her, they were both hit with tiny rocks. They looked down below them where they saw Izuku. His arms were crossed as he gave them a scolding look, “You’re supposed to be on watch. Quit playing around.”
The blonde glared down at him, “It’s boring as hell! I’d rather be building the walls than be stuck with her!”
The girl squinted her eyes at him as Izuku shook his head, “Kacchan, you asked to be put up there, remember?”
“Yeah, Kacchan.” F/n quietly said as she placed her fist near her mouth to muffle her laugh as Katsuki turned to her with a scowl. “What did you call me!?”
The male below continued to shake his head as he saw his childhood friend furiously shake his lover all while she let her body go limp, trying to hide her smile. The blonde didn’t know of their relationship, so Izuku needed to let him know that F/n was off limits.
Upon seeing them, he would have felt jealous considering he knew the blonde's feelings for her, but knowing that she chose him outdid his jealousy, though he can admit, there was a twinge of bitterness in him just seeing her smile at someone who was not him. 
It didn’t matter. She was with him, not with his childhood friend. His jealousy would soon evaporate once he informs Katsuki of their situation, “You guys only have five more minutes, so please, pay attention. Otherwise someone will die.”
He quietly added the last comment as he moved towards Ochaco who was on the other watchtower. He climbed up the ladder and stood beside her, letting her get rid of the dead as he watched the people down below build the walls. 
HIs eyes then peered at the girl next to him. A pink hue settled on his freckle cheeks, “Hey…can I tell you something?”
Ochaco let the rifle rest in her hands as she turned to him. Seeing a blush stain on his cheeks had her heart beating, “Sure, what is it?”
Izuku placed a hand on his nape, suddenly feeling embarrassed, “I know this is long overdue, but, I can’t help that a part of me feels…guilty. Guilty for moving on from you so quickly and leading you on the first day we saw each other.. I even talked about the girl I was interested in, to you, knowing how we felt about each other.
We both liked each other, heck, you probably loved me, so seeing me with someone who wasn’t…you, had to hurt.” He then looked at her, feeling bad as he could see her crestfallen face, “And I’m sorry, for making you feel that way.”
She blinked her tears and turned away. She then let out an awkward chuckle, her fingers gripping around the rifle, “Izuku…I was never in love with you. What I had for you was just a silly crush and whatever happened in the past stays there. I’m not mad at you for finding someone, but I’ll admit that it did hurt to see you move on so quickly.
“But the more I watched you both from afar,” She turned to look at him, her eyes peering behind him where she could see F/n sniping the dead and Katsuki looking at her with same look she gave Izuku in high school, “...you were happy and I wasn’t going to ruin that. I think I only liked you, because I admired the way you put yourself.”
She ended lastly with a small smile. The watch around her wrist began to ring and she began to walk towards the ladder, “Our day’s up. You should tell F/n and Katsuki.”
Izuku watched her leave. He felt relieved, yet almost sad to know that he couldn’t reciprocate her feelings. But, perhaps this was for the best as she didn’t need anyone to fill her loneliness and that she can survive just by herself. 
Yeah, Izuku smiled as he climbed off the tower and proceeded to F/n, informing them of their next position. Ochaco would be just fine without him. 
As the two males entered the home, F/n sat on the porch where she opened a book that she left the previous night. She wasn’t reading, she instead looked at the view in front of her which displayed other houses. She had been deep in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed the sun had gone down.
She could hear a few people laughing and their shoes scraping against the road. A few birds were chirping as they sat on the roof of the porch above her. She would have been annoyed, but considering what today was, it sounded peaceful.
Hearing the door beside her open caught her attention. She shifted her eyes to the book in her hands. Skimming by a few paragraphs to pretend she was reading. The book was boring and she had to question Izuku’s taste in them.
“Are you ready?” Izuku softly said as he looked at F/n sitting on the front porch with a book in hand. His brows furrowed upon seeing her appearance, “You’re not even dressed.”
“‘Course I am.” She said, smiling as she continued to look at the book, “I’m not going.”
“F/n..” Izuku said as he took a seat next to her. What can he say to convince? Nothing, but letting her know he was there for her should help, even if it's just for a moment. 
He took her hands in his, leaning in to her as he gave her a sympathetic look, one that she hated, “I understand if you don’t want to come, really I do. He wasn’t someone you just met, he was someone you spent your entire life with, someone you shared memories with. Family will always be family, even through death.”
She blinked as she stared at him, letting the male finish, “Saying goodbye to Hanta one last time would help you move on. It's the start of the healing process.”
She glanced to her side as Izuku stood up, giving her a kiss on her forehead before heading off, “Either way, I’m sure he’d understand if you didn’t come.”
She watched his leaving figure, the birds that were chirping were no longer singing as one of them flew away. She could hear the other one walking on the roof. She wished to hear them once again.
The front door opened again and out came Katsuki. He looked at the girl as he crossed his arms, “You’re seriously not going? That’s a bit fucked up, isn’t it?” 
She glanced away from the road and shrugged, going back to her book, “Y’know no one is there, right? We’re basically saying goodbye to dirt and, like, flowers.”
The blonde rolled his eyes as he took a seat of where Izuku last was. He stared ahead where a few people were walking by. He was unsure of what to say as he wasn’t one to be known for comforting people, “At least…it will feel nice. To just…say goodbye.”
The girl glanced at him, seeing his peaceful look was unfamiliar to her. It was then she remembered that she wasn’t the only one who lost someone. He, Izuku and Shoto lost someone as well. She began to feel guilty, a feeling she never thought she'd have again.
“Anyways,” The blonde stood up, his figure was tense as he felt her eyes on him, “we’re heading to Pink Cheeks for a while. They’re making dinner and were supposed to head there after.”
Before he left he gave her a glance, an embarrassment blush on his cheeks, “..I’d like it if you came.”
She watched his retreating figure and when he was no longer in sight, she rose from her chair and entered her home where she then walked up the stairs and headed for her room. She changed out of her work attire, wearing something that could be considered nice.
She brushed her hair before leaving the home and following after the two males. Her feet let her take her to the funeral and a part of her didn’t know why she was even going. 
Maybe it was to be there for Izuku and Katsuki as they also lost someone or maybe…she was doing it for herself. Forgive and move on. 
When she arrived, she could see people placing flowers down. Mostly everyone of Class–3A was there as well as the council team. She couldn’t see Nezu when she moved to be next to Izuku. She figured he was busy or too ashamed to even be here.
Below her feet was Hanta’s grave. She ignored the people who said their goodbyes or mentioned their favorite thing about them. She stared at the bundle of flowers placed on top of the dirt. 
It was beautiful. She had to appreciate the fact they put in the effort to make it mesmerizing. Even by adding a few trinkets so that when the sun hit, it would give off a glowy aura.
Seeing a single flower come to her view, she glanced at Izuku as he gave her a warm smile. Her eye twitched as she took the flower in her hand, the other hand then grabbing his and squeezing it before looking back at the grave. 
So long Hanta.
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How do you think the Lost Boys would handle technology if they reach 2000s? Like cameras -- would they get caught sooner because of it? Or cellphones -- would they even have one? Would they even be able to use it/charge it if they did?
(Assuming that vampires in this universe specifically don't appear in mirrors or film because of silver being used in the production of both...)
I think, once the digital age is alive and well and suddenly they can appear on camera, it's going to be a love-hate relationship.
On one hand, Santa Carla has one hell of a security camera sabotage scheme going on. Every time a new camera is installed, its cord is either sliced clean through or the lens is spray-painted black, and no one is ever seen doing it! Eventually, the shopkeepers learn that outside cameras are just not viable in this town, so they leave the damaged ones up as deterrents for the tourists and only keep functioning ones pointed directly at their cashiers.
Cellphones, at least at first, are a novelty. The boys have telepathy, who needs a phone? But occasionally Paul and Marko get ahold of two phones and play around, calling each other back and forth, telling stupid jokes, or pretending to be important businessmen until the batteries run out and they toss them like trash.
When GPS gets introduced to cellphones, Max gets a little nervous about them. (He has always got the latest model, but only keeps it with him between work and home.) He worries that tracking the phones will make it easier for police to find bodies or evidence. So now the Boys are told, "No mucking around with cellphones, especially the ones you pick up off victims. In fact, destroy them immediately and toss them in the sea."
Now, I have no doubt that these rascals have Max-flavored Demand Avoidance, and suddenly cellphones are a forbidden fruit. David may insist on tossing victims' phones, but now Paul, Marko, and even Dwayne are lifting phones off people on the boardwalk.
The first time they realize they can order pizza delivery to just about anywhere is a revelation. They get a blood bag delivered, the pizza they ordered for free, any other pizza that may be in his car, and all the cash that he's received that night. Max loses his mind when he finds out.
But THEN, camera phones become widespread, and suddenly they can take photos and record videos of each other. Even David can't resist this. So there are photos of Paul jumping off cliffs, and Marko records the pigeons cooing and strutting and David is checking his hair, and there are photos of Dwayne modeling his new jacket...but they still don't have electricity, so eventually the phones die, but these they keep. Like an old archive, there's a cellphone graveyard in the cave that they can't really use, but can't bring themselves to get rid of. Maybe on occasion, they pull one or two out and find a public outlet in a diner or something to charge them. The service has long been canceled, so they can't call or text, but the photos are still there.
I remember back when I had an old Nokia phone, I had a bejeweled trial on it, but my parents didn't even pay for texts, much less games. So I just played that bejeweled trial over and over, anytime I got bored. I can see Dwayne or David fucking around on the games, even the trials when they're standing by their bikes, having a smoke, waiting for the other two to return.
The availability of porn steeply increases the local cellphone theft rates.
When MP3 players become widespread that's an entirely new revelation. Suddenly they don't need all these tapes and CDs, or this bulky CD player. It's just this neat little device that fits into their pockets. Suddenly the need to keep a device charged is stronger than their short attention spans. Sure they keep the boombox around for the cave, but the personal players are so useful. Now when David's in a mood and they can't use the stereo, they can go to their little corners and still jam. When someone is feeling broody, they can take their player and go for a walk (or a flight). This may prompt them to work out a generator setup with outlets in the cave. Or maybe they just include a stop by some public outlets in their nightly activities.
I don't think computers or laptops will really hold their interest too much. They may enjoy grabbing one at the library every now and then to look something up or add music to their players, but otherwise, that just seems like a waste of time. I think portability is the name of the game for their technology usage.
Kindles and eReaders though, I think that's going to be a hit with David and/or Dwayne. They keep books in the cave, they may even prefer to read physical books, but there's probably some difficulty keeping them from molding in the wet sea air and getting damaged from repeat readings. Plus the eReaders can fit just so many books into such a tiny space. (The image of David reading on a tablet in his wheelchair is just so vivid for me, rn.)
But also consider: some types of touch screens having difficulty picking up on their touch, lmao
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ishifted-jdayz · 3 months
um. okay. hi. uh. i just shifted. just came back really. fuck dude. jesus christ.
okay um. so i shifted to my "wr" which is basically a ranch and i can do magic real easily and stuff and. it was so interesting coming to there. i was like. sitting up and everything was hazy at first and then i blinked the like. sleep out of my eyes and it was all so real.
there was sun coming through the curtains just how i imagined and the carpet felt right beneath my feet and it smelled like such fresh air, nice and cool. i ran my hands along the wall to really like. ensure i was there and i like. laughed incredulously and was like holy shit. bc i made it. oh my god dude i made it.
i ran outside to see if i was where i was fr and i was. i could see the ocean and the forest and the line of trees that blocks the train tracks. i could hear bugs and birds chirping and i was so. the warmth of the sun on my skin was crazy. i stayed out there for a while. i was in a white like. dress thing? like an undergarment from the 1800s. i was breathing easier i didnt have any allergies. i ran all the way to the beach to dip my toes in the water and fill my hands with sand.
when i got back i was like. so excited. i wasnt even hungry but i made myself be in order to eat in the kitchen. i made my favorite dish (im autism and have it all the time) and was just. beside myself as i watched it rotate in the microwave. i looked at all the cds i have and i turned on the tv. ive been watching criminal minds in old reality lately so i pulled up season 3 bc i hate that gideon left and i pulled up s3 in the one where gideon Didnt leave. and started watching that while i ate and looked around.
ive got a ton of plants next to my couch and i touched them all. the piano plays just like the one in my old reality, and i finally fucking found the sheet music i had forever ago and could never find. and i played it pretty easily and god man. it felt so fucking surreal. all my favorite books were on the shelves and i knew if i took one and pressed my hand against it and said "know" id know it all as if i just read it but i didnt really want to.
i looked in the bathroom and that was fucking cool as shit. the bathtub was so big and the windows were huge (no one comes here unless i want them to so its fine). i found a box of my jewelry including a ring i had to get resized in my old dr but it fit perfectly. the water was perfect and cool under my hands GUYS it was literally so cool.
and my cas room. its just how i imagined. so its like a old ass room from like the 1700s wood floor seems kinda dusty. but theres a mirror and i can enter sort of create a sim mode and change everything abt my self. first thing i did was get rid of my chest and MAN. FUCK. THE EUPHORIA. i started crying. had to take a whole couple minutes to come down from that. and then i started messing with my hair length and type and color and freckles and eye color and height and all this stuff and it was really cool. my ass is so fat now btw SLAY. and i just. looked at myself. and felt truly at home. like even though i look different now i feel more Me bc i Chose it. and anyway.
walked outside again bc i put on diff clothes in the CAS room and wanted to see my horse. its in a little pocket dimension sort of bc i dont want to constantly need to take care of them or have them around but when i want them around they are and i got to see herrrrrrr. shes also a beauty and i love her so much. and my cat pib was there and its just. guys its so fucking freeing. to know that everything i want is there.
went back inside and upstairs to the bedroom and man. i havent done much irt redecorating yet bc i wanted to do that myself but. i have a desk and a computer up there and immediately started up the sims 3 (my favorite game) and started playing and NO LAG. IS SO FUCKING EPIC GUYS. IM SO STOKED. and i played for a while and kept criminal minds on in the background until i got bored and then i went downstairs and ate and started watching. the secret season of black sails (my favorite show) and dudeeeeee that was crazy oh my god. ik why i cant see it in the my cr for meta reasons but now i SEEEEE now i understand........
and then i remembered my library and i ran over to that and dude it was so PRETTY. and i grabbed some music theory books and some language (letters and grammar) books and did the "know" thing and lets just say i know mandarin and japanese and french and gaelige and hebrew now. and im gonna do more when i get back but BRO its just so cool.
and i got a glass of fresh iced tea and went outside and watched the sun set on my porch and pib came up and my old dog bella (whos both old and not old now) and i started crying a little bit and then i went to sleep. and decided to come back here to update yall bc ik i can go back easy af now (bc i came back to a reality where i Can) so. anyway very fucking excited. so fucking happy. one billion out of ten.
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yayforocs · 5 months
CD #3
A throat clears, and for a minute, the only sound is the soft whirring noise of a crank being turned.
Eventually, though, there’s a breath in, then out, and then a voice.
“So I think I learned what a ‘supernatural thriller’ is today, heh…” There is no smile in the laugh. There’s a noise of uncertainty. “I- So- It’s-” A sigh. “From the beginning, yeah…”
“When we went to the world for today, Zeta- that's Shantil, she prefers to go by her last name- had told us that it was going to be a ‘supernatural thriller’, which now I think means ‘scary magic’, essentially. With ghosts. It was… It was a uh…. I forget what it was called, but it was- we started out in this room covered in posters, an’ then this train showed up, which is like this big machine used to transport a buncha people at once, an’ then suddenly we were on it, like I blinked and then suddenly Voltage was in my face tryna shake me, so I guess I- well, Mask, too, he went to her after I responded, so I guess something happened to us an’ we blacked out? But when we woke up, we were on the train, which I didn’t learn was even called a train ‘til later, but-”
“Anyway, there were a buncha different rooms in the train, an’ each of ‘em were themed to a ghost that had died on it- like one was pink an’ the ghost- Nikola? I think? Was like magically writin’ all over the walls an’ stuff, and there was another one that was a yellow maze, an’ another had this paper sculpture in it, an’ one- well, we went into it once, an’ it was all black an’ had what I guess was the last one in it- but it wasn’t a human ghost anymore. It was this black monster thing with red eyes an’ it kept popping up an’ chasin’ us all over the train as we teleported from room to room. It didn’t start once we got in the room, though, it was goin’ way before we ever found it. Voltage had had a run-in with it before he woke me an’ Mask up, so we were running pretty much from the start of it.”
“We had to figure out a buncha clues and get everyone’s name so we could- right, yeah, yeah, because it um- the monster thing would take memories. It’d completely wiped the other ghosts on the train, they couldn’t even remember their names, we had to like. Give ‘em back to ‘em. An’ then when we figured out the last name- or- really, that the last name left had to be the name of the monster, because it was a human once too- we were able to team up with one of the ghosts- the purple one, I… I don’t remember what her name was, but she knew spells an’ stuff, an’ we were able to team up with her an’ get rid of the monster- and…”
“I- I wasn’t thinking, it was stupid, she’d said she could summon it or whatever so I thought it’d appear in the circle, the- the magic circle thing, an’ didn’t think about it coming through one of the doors, an’-”
“I’d- so- it-”
There’s a long breath in, and a long breath out.
“I put myself on the other side of ‘em, b’cause they were gonna try to hold it off if it didn’t work, and honestly I can’t do magic, I don’t have magic, so I thought I’d put myself where I could do what I’d done last time we ran into it there an’ just be ready to throw my dagger at it an’ run so I could distract it for ‘em, an’-”
“I mean, I- I guess I did- be a distraction, I just- didn’t think it’d come from behind me, is all. Don’t even know what it took, just that it took something, an’ it’s driving me nuts. I feel like I remember everything, but that’s just ‘cause I don’t know what I’m missing, and I know I’m missing something.”
“I think I’m gonna go home tonight. See if I can figure it out. An’… Honestly, I’ve… kinda been avoiding goin’ back, b’cause like- What do I even say to them? Would they believe me? I-I mean, I guess Kale an’ Kid have prob’ly dealt with weirder things, considering – the- god- thing- an’ they both just kinda seem- weirdly knowledgeable about a lotta things, honestly- but Tab would- …Or, well, no, I- I guess she might, since she had like- talked about dimensions and stuff. So. Mm. But they’re gonna be so- I don’t think they’d want me to go back. But I dunno if I even wanna come back after that. If- if there’s stuff like that here, then- am- I’m still gonna remember them after a couple months, right? Years? How long is- I mean, the other party’s been here for twenty an’ they’re still goin’ strong, so- it- it could be a while, right? If stuff like that is here, that could- that could really change a person that drastically- would- would I still be the same?Or- if that was just a- a one-time thing, like… I mean, it- it prob’ly was. It was just in that- world, or- whatever.”
A sigh.
“Or maybe I just- won’t say anything ‘til I know what to say, an’ just… be home. That… sounds kinda nice, actually. I- I think I’ll do that. I’ll just be home. An’ if they ask, I’ll just- figure it out, I guess.”
The whirring slows, and then stops.
Aron blinked, and realized she was- she was in her room. Her room- and Tab’s, of course. Sitting at the desk, blueprints laid out- though the wings were still strapped to her back. She stood and took them off, as well as her bag, and put them in their corner where she usually stored them. Didn’t make sense for her to be wearing them while she was just looking over the blueprints, and the longer she could last without questions asked, the better. She just knew they’d not be happy with her running off by herself- though she was with a group so she wasn’t exactly by herself- and not want her to be in the extra danger that she was clearly putting herself in. She’d lost a memory, after all, and the back of her neck still hurt from where the thing grabbed her like that. She didn’t know if it’d left a mark- oh gods, she hoped it didn’t. She’d noticed a bruise around Voltage’s neck… was that from his run-in? Did she have one, too?
She reached up and lightly touched her neck, then less lightly as she realized that yeah, while it still hurt, it didn’t feel bruised. Maybe because she’d been dropped so quickly. Her sigh of relief let her hand and shoulders fall back down.
She looked around the room.
She looked around the room.
[My bed] [.91m] [Tab’s bed] [.92m] [Black oak door] [1.22m] [Retractable paraglider wings] [.61m] [Note: A gift from Something Owner, whatever that means]
Good. It did work, it was just- something weird with the universe, she guessed.
But it did seem that she was the only one here currently, and she was antsy about it. Aron needed to see someone- anyone would do, just- after that, and not knowing what she forgot- gods, she hoped she still remembered who all her friends-
There was a knock at the door.
She whirled to face it, and had to force herself to not rush to the door and to not rip it open- after all, her coming to the door to answer would be an oddity in and of itself, considering who'd called out to her, but she couldn't not, not now.
She opened the door to see Kid.
And she grinned.
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eeclare · 9 months
Headcanons: but a Lot
I made a pinterest board for the belchers & co. and saved pics that i feel represent the characters lol and they have inspired me and my latest Bobby borger headcanons :) enjoy
You would think that bob would have the wicked classic rock cd collection but irl that is our lovely lady Linda
She isn't the BIGGEST classic rock fan but her dad was and she just kinda picked it up
makes her feel nostalgic, y'know
but generally she's more of an 80s pop and show tune enthusiast
and she’s def an overall kinda gal
With a classic red long-sleeve? Yes pls
when she wasn’t allowed to keep buying porcelain babies she switched to ceramic birds for a little while
And she fs has a bird feeder hanging outside the kitchen window
Linda sometimes gets her nails done
Bright red and LONG
sometimes a french tip but that’s only when she’s not feeling the long guys
And red lipstick is a must ofc
she discovered that red was her colour and just let it overtake her
Cherry pie and a little bit of ice cream go a long way in her book
But her fav food and breakfast most days (when neither she or Bob are in the mood too really cook) is Tomato toast
Sometimes with cream cheese, but mostly just toasted with butter and season with salt and pepper
She just can’t get enough of it she loves tomatoes and she loves bread so it just works
The medicine cabinet in the bathroom is full of her clutter and crap lol
No true medicine to be found (other than bob’s prescribed pills ofc)
lots of nail polish, for when she can’t afford to get her nails done
One for her bday gene made her a ceramic tooth trinket box
to keep all of his teeth in, obviously
Keeps forcing her family on “quick” three hour hikes
she STILL tries to knit, esp after how great the kids’ reactions were to the one she made for Christmas
Whenever she and the kids are waiting around for bob to make thanksgiving dinner she puts on the thanksgiving day parade on TV
her fav float is snoopy
Ideal boblin date? Wine in the eve on the beach with chocolate and strawberries
she one time heard some teenager say that they were “frickin’ zazzed” and now she says it all the time
She doesn’t know cut her some slack 😭
It makes Louise pee herself laughing lmao
When Linda is behind the grill she gives the burgers ketchup smileys
One time she got drunk and made a pope hat out of paper and tried to put it on little king trash mouth
….it went about as well as you would expect…
Bob tries to do the NYT crossword
When he gets his new phone she discovers the mini cross words and the app
linda literally could not get him to turn the phone off lmfaoo
eventually tho he gets her into wordle and now they play together nightly
I say they play 'together' but they actually play against each other
Like, hardcore
His fav. Halloween candy that the kids would get are those burger gummies
The kids had never actually had one until Gene hid a few in his socks bcs Bob would take them all before they even had the chance
he’s a cool dad. (tm)
Bob’s got this one Jean jacket that is so filled with holes it’s unsightly
But he just will not get rid of it lol
Why? Who knows
his ideal thanksgiving dinner is one of those idealistic 70s thanksgiving ads
Genuinely bob’s heaven
once for his bday he was served a burger with candles in it
linda thought it was funny
(so did bob)
i think that he secretly loves making spaghetti
Esp spaghetti Bolognese idk it just feels like a very Bob coded dish
When he serves the kids eggs and bacon he makes them a little smiley face AWWWH
Louise gave him a world’s okayest dad mug which he uses
the glove compartment in the car has one of those flip through cd cases and it is just FULL of pirated cds lol
In his younger days he was a big fan of Levi’s jeans
He’s saved them all for when Gene is big enough to wear them
Or whichever of his other kids are interested ofc he doesn’t judge
Hates that Linda let’s the kids watch the thanksgiving day parade
He just thinks that it perpetuates the fact that thanksgiving has turned into a capitalist’s dream
“It’s the principle, Lin!”
One time Gloria gave her one of those sand animals (ykno the ones)
And now she can’t get enough of them
I also firmly believe that she never gets her ears pierced lol
But she was incredibly tempted to when she saw those spiky rainbow earrings in Clair’s
Secretly Louise fs enjoys linda and Gene’s spa days and facial routines and she often participates
Hair wrapped up in a towel, face mask and everything
when linda makes them all go on those loooong “short” hikes Louise occasionally finds a bone or two
Which she (incorrectly) bleaches and keeps in her room obvi
If it were up to her shoes would be a never
Loves the feeling of grass on her feet
When she was a toddler Linda would put her in those purple jelly sandals
Sensory hell for her
BEGS Bob and linda for a hamster or Guinea pig or ANYTHING but alas, fails miserably
Chronic frog catcher
Gene, who is terrified of frogs, hates it
genuinely the bane of his existence
she eventually upgrades the walkie talkies to further range ones
Bob one time went into a comic book store and found a gummo figurine and gave it to Louise and she loves it
But he did have to convince her to keep it in the box
“It could be worth A LOT one day Louise”
Louise got into rainbow loom
Not as a fun little hobby but as a black market business
frond caught her tho so rip that
As a “middle schooler” she collects anime figurines
the cute ones, not the sex ones
As well as horror movie figurines
When she was a kid she was obsessed with those light up shoes lmao
Personally I believe that Louise eventually needs braces for a couple years
But she convinces Bob and Linda that she loves/wants to keep her gap tooth so they get them removed early
Collects silly bands
Always covered in bandaids (but like, the colourful kind)
She eventually starts to paint her nails
Each finger is a dif colour
She likes to collect creepy porcelain dolls too
She’s a big collector, if you couldn’t tell
Paul frank t shirts for daaaayyyys
Big graphic novel/manga reader
She almost convinced Bob to let her get a frog
But again, gene
She hates socks but I firmly believe that she will wear tights/stockings if she absolutely has to
Has a few of bobs old band tees (gene has most of them)
Went through a phase where she constantly drew shit with chalk outside the restaurant
Some of it was cute, some of it was plans for world domination
Tina also gave her a little star necklace for her 13th bday and Louise literally never takes it off
(cuties pies)
Big graphic novel enjoyer
and im hoping this isn't too niche but she really enjoys courtney crumrin specifically
I may be projecting here a little tho bcs that was MY fav graphic novel when I was her age lmao
Has three tamagotchi pets that he keeps on a keychain that he keeps in his pockets/backpack
So. Many. Hawaiian shirts.
Loves super hero comics
Not a graphic novel fan though
Also likes collecting super hero action figures
Sour patch kids are his fav candie
Has the most narrow bed
has to sleep with a fan on at all times
not just cuz the noise makes his senses go brrr and helps him sleep
but because he is also a very sweaty boy
twinning with tina fr
Huge 80s vibe always
All of his pencils have bite marks all over them lol
Genes a nervous test taker
his palms get sweaty knees weak arms are heavy
on that note, he lowkey gets into rap
any rap: mumble, freestyle, mainstream
He wears his red converse until they literally falls of his feet
Has buttons and pins on all of his jackets/sweaters
Yugio fan??
Wears his white socks in the grass all the time
Drives linda CRAZY
Over alls are a staple in his wardrobe
same with flannel button ups
Bob thrifts Gene an acoustic guitar for his 14th bday
so he learns to play the guitar! He’s kind of a natural
okay so he's not THAT good but he's good enough
He also gets a cheap mini synth at some point and it replaces the casio just a little bit
Has to get braces and sticks to it
The bands are always funky colours, often in a rainbow order
Has a bunch of vintage Jean jackets
After his red converse finally fall apart he transfers to blue knock off converse with orange laces
Has at least three bags full of discount candy at all times
He went through a space phase so he’s got planet stickers on the wall by his bed
Gets a cassette player and tapes for his bday at some point
From Linda
And at some point thrifts himself doc martens
Obsessed with the muppets
Esp animal and janice
Lana stan
Tons of bobs old band tees
becomes a SoundCloud rapper as a joke
But why is he lowkey good 😭
Gets a pink bike
“I’m cool bcs my mom says so”
Thrifts himself a cheapo electric guitar and covers it in stickers
Sounds like shit but tbh it works
When she was little Linda made her a canopy for her bed
It’s kinda patchy but that’s okay it suits her
Tortoise shell glasses become her jam in high school
Still has a classic black pair as a backup
Always worried
Has a notebook/journal on her at ALL TIMES
Multiple unicorn figures
And porcelain horses (from Linda ofc)
Her chariot doll stays on her desk and/or nightstand
Her room is a hot pink, not a baby pink lol
It’s a little obnoxious
Loves lip smacker
Never gets rid of her bangs
But she does grow her hair out a little bit past her shoulders
Thinks it makes her look older
Paul frank t shirts that she hands down to Louise over time
Emergency phone becomes her phone lol
She does put a horse sticker on the back and she loves it
MLP themes pencil case is the mlp think she owns
Most of her school supplies is horse related, tho
Lisa frank stickers
Likes the classic vintage my little pony dolls
Horse shaped birthday cake
Teal nail polish when she’s feeling fancy
But she consistently has clear polish on
Makes Tina feel classy
She lowkey collects plastic farm animals lol
She read the perks of being a wallflower once and it became her whole personality for about two weeks
Blue collared shirts with jean shirts
Or an overall dress
Has a locket with a drawing of jerico that she made
She wears it pretty often lol
Jimmy jr’s school photo sits snugly on the other side
Loves 80s windbreakers
Her fav is blue with a yellow stripe across the shoulders
Star shaped barrette that Louise found for her on the sidewalk lmao
Called herself ‘ghost girl’ while she was pretending to be a so-called bad girl
Poofy 80s pink prom dress that’s passed down to her from Linda
Can write in cursive rlly well
So many unicorn plushies
Put beads on her shoe lacss
She has three blue t shirts with an embroidered rainbow on them
She loves them and wears them all the time
Enjoys playing solitaire
Still big into drinking coffee lol
Linda made her a pony keychain out of felt and she uses it as an accessory
i.e. hangs it off of her overall dress, belt loop, backpack, etc
swiftie?? she just vibes with the music so hard
esp folklore
She's so sweet and relatable i just love Tina so much
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