#i had a cherry dress and it got fucked up in the wash :c
fleursdesmorts · 4 years
thank you 😊 @cosmiqueqi @kitmaarlowe and @bogpal for tagging me in this game !!!!
rules: bold the options that resonate with you.
[SOFT.] baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night | [14]
[DARK ACADEMIA.] neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story | [13]
[EDGY.] closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks | [17]
[70s.] colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding | [13.5]
[PREPPY CASUAL.] collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colourful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairylights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details | [10]
i’ll tag: @englishgradinrepair @gooby-quiznos and honestly any mutuals do this
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ekaterinatepes · 3 years
Nothing but the Best
Author’s notes: hello, and thank you so much for all your reblogs, likes and comments. I absolutely adore reading all your reviews. Thank you for taking a minute to comment. It motivates me to write and have a better understanding of how you see the characters and story development. Please know the tag lists are still open! Let me know if you would like to be added!
Suguru woke up around 6am. He figured you would be already out for your morning run and coming back soon for a shower and breakfast.
After making his bed and taking a shower himself, Suguru put on a pair of grey sweat pants and a black fitted t-shirt. His sleeve of tattoos partially exposed, his right arm covered in carefully designed Chinese, Japanese symbols, Nordic runes and dragons. Aside from the pleasant although chaotic aesthetic, the art work etched on his skin served as a form of seal or an amulet. Something to keep the darkness within in check.
He decided something simple was in order, knowing you, there wasn’t much that he could get away with making and expecting you to eat with your rigorous diet requirements. Scrambled egg whites with some parsley, cherry tomatoes, salt and pepper. For a drink he prepared a blend of that green juice you liked: with green apples, pineapple and celery.
The raven haired sorcerer set everything on the table and looked at his phone. I was 6:45am. You were already late. You usually were back home by 6:30am. Maybe you went out later and decided to extend your run. It was your free day after all.
Although… you usually made sure Suguru knew so he wouldn’t worry.
Grabbing his phone he texted you
***From: Sugu
To: Kitten 🐱
Breakfast is ready!***
Immediately he heard your phone go off in your room. Now, that was weird. You always took your phone with you to listen to music while working out. Did you perhaps sleep in?
Knocking at your door Suguru called “hey doll face! Are you awake?” No answer came back from the inside. He could not hear the shower running either. “Hey! I’m coming in” he announced but when he opened the door he found your room empty, your bed was still made and cold. Your phone on the night stand along with your apartment keys.
Fear coursed through his veins when he tried to check for your energy trail and found it long gone. You have been gone since last night.
“Fuck!” One didn’t need to be a genius to know Satoru had something to do with your disappearance.
Putting on his shoes he ran out the door. He had to find you before something bad happened. Gojo had not been in a good state of mind back in Japan, he didn’t even want to imagine what was going on in his head now that he had you so close. So stupid! Suguru should have kept a close eye on you instead of trusting that just because you were in the same apartment you would be safe from Satoru.
Your mouth was dry, your body overheated and sore. The sun hitting your face made you groan softly, you tried to turn around and continue sleeping but you couldn’t. Your body was trapped by heavy and strong limbs wrapped around you.
One pale and strong arm around your waist, the other supporting your head. Legs intertwined with Satoru’s. The platinum haired man laid behind you spooning you. He had you on a death grip.
Last night came rushing altogether, with the frenzied memories of the passionate sexual encounter you and Satoru shared. And of course that had not been it, in the middle of the night he woke you up with tender kisses on your thighs and his head between your legs, setting aflame your senses over and over again; he wanted to have you once more. Second round lead to third and soon the sun was rising by the time your sweaty and exhausted bodies curled together to fall asleep in each other’s arms.
You moved as softly as possible, trying not to wake up the sleeping sorcerer who snored slightly on your ear. Removing his arm from your middle section was first, then you proceeded to try and detangle your legs from his.He groaned and you stopped moving, looking behind you Satoru merely adjusted in his sleep and continued snoring lightly, allowing you enough time to leave the bed. Your clothes laid destroyed and scattered all over the floor.
Swallowing thickly you decided to grab a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt out of Satoru’s closet. You had to get out of there. NOW!
Barefooted you left the suite and walked down the main hall hurriedly receiving weird stares from the people you crossed on your way out. Taking the elevator down your hands trembled. ‘Come on! Come on! Faster!’ mentally hurrying the elevator until you reached the lobby. As soon as that door opened you sprinted towards the main entrance where the hotel taxis lined up. You got in one and gave him your address.
The drive wasn’t long, when you made it home you told the cab to charge the ride to Gojo Satoru’s room. You didn’t have anything on you to pay. The kind looking old cab driver agreed and left.
You were about to walk in when Suguru came rushing out with a frantic look in his eyes. The moment he saw you his stomach tightened, you were dressed in Satoru’s clothes, barefooted, with your h/c hair disheveled and all the marks that covered your neck, visible through the collar of the shirt you wore. Your e/c eyes looked at him, rimmed with tears when you ran into his arms. Geto held you tightly for a moment giving you the solace you needed.
“Come on y/n… let’s go inside” he whispered on your ear guiding you back into the building and towards the elevator.
As soon as you made it up to your apartment you broke down. Suguru had to pick you up and take you to the couch where he held you in his arms
“What happened Y/N?” He asked dreading the answer. Had Satoru forced himself on you? He didn’t even want to think about it. If his best friend had done that… Suguru would find a way to kill him.
You shook your head and tried to calm down enough to speak but that didn’t happen for the longest time.
Finally when it seemed you cried a river you avoided Suguru’s eyes, looking down you said “I… fucked up… “ it was a small whisper “I slept with him” you admitted “he showed up here last night and warped us back to his hotel and then… everything got out of control” you avoided saying that Satoru had tried to force himself on you at the beginning. You didn’t want to make things worse than they already were.
“I’m sorry…” you mumbled before you broke in tears once more. Suguru and you were not in a relationship but a part of you felt you had betrayed the possibility of a future with him last night.
Suguru swallowed hard, he had no right to demand anything from you, it wasn’t your fault you were in love with Satoru and not with him. He still chose to remain by your side because he didn’t have the heart to leave you alone when you needed him the most.
Crystalline blue eyes opened, he stared at the ceiling of his hotel room before a hand searched the spot on the bed next to him. It was cold and empty. He sat up like a spring, you were gone “Y/N!…” he yelled but you were not there anymore “fuck!” When did you leave? You didn’t even give him the chance to explain, to talk to you about what he felt and what he was willing to do to get you back. He didn’t want you to think last night had been a one time thing nor an ‘exes fling’.
It seemed he couldn’t do anything right. Last night had been… magical for a lack of a better word. He felt your love in your kisses, your tender and passionate touch, in your arms he felt redeemed, when you allowed him to have you Satoru thought…. he hoped to be on the way to get you back. Despite his mistakes and his guilt you welcomed him inside you once more and gave him everything.
He didn’t want all those hours of love making and love promises to mean nothing. He had to talk to you and he had to be ready to accept whatever it is you were going to say.
Grabbing the shreds of your clothing from the floor he inhaled deeply finding your lingering scent on them. Once more, the fact he almost forced you stabbed his chest with a piercing pang of guilt. Last night had been fueled by his jealousy. But when he realized what he was doing he changed his behavior and instead chose to show you how much he loved you, how much he needed you in his life.
Something in him was changing. Last night he opened his eyes to the monstrosity he was capable of committing. It wasn’t right to do this to you. He was inadvertently destroying the shards of your relationship.
A revelation washed over him like a bucket of cold water
He had to be willing to lose you if he wanted a chance to get you back. It had to be your choice. He couldn’t rob you of your autonomy just because he was going to lose his shit if you chose to leave him for good.
It took a few hours of getting ready mentally and preparing himself for what he was going to say to you. He wanted to talk to you and explain that what happened last night meant everything to him, he wanted to open his heart and lay it at your feet. He was afraid of what he was going to encounter. Will you reject him and tell him it was a mistake? Will you still push to go through with the divorce?…. Will you give him a chance to prove to you he was truly remorseful and willing to make changes to get you back?
He warped outside of the door of your apartment and rang the bell.
Suguru opened the door to see Satoru standing on the other side. His anger and frustration got the best out of him so he threw a punch that incredibly connected with Satoru’s cheek. The white haired sorcerer tumbled backwards but didn’t fall on the floor. He chose not to use his infinity on purpose, he owed that one to Suguru.
“What do you want now Satoru?” Asked his best friend while standing in front of the door, his frame blocking the access.
“Can I… talk to her?” Gojo asked in a tame tone, he didn’t come here to make demands, he wanted to fix things once and for all.
“I’ll talk to him Sugu” Your voice came from behind. Geto turned around to look into your eyes, doubt plagued his expression. He wasn’t certain it was the best thing right now. But before he could protest you continued “I’ll be alright… I have to do this…” squeezing his arm trying to comfort him Suguru sighed and nodded “I’ll be in my room if you need me” shooting Satoru a last warning glance he left walking down the hall.
See you've been changing, baby
In good ways and bad ways
Can't say what I say, it's far too late
And I think you made me, baby
Made me too nervous
Crying and this hurt and I gotta tell you why
“Come in…” Satoru followed you into your living room “y/n… I… I am sorry…. “ you were about to interrupt him but he lifted one hand asking you to wait “please let me say this..” agreeing you let him continue.
“I am sorry for all the pain I put you through, it was selfish and stupid. I never loved Sookie, it was always you. The only woman in my heart. And I know this sounds like a stupid excuse but it’s the truth. “ taking a deep breath he steeled himself for the next part. You were going to hate him but he had to come clean
“I was an idiot… I thought, before Sookie… I thought that maybe I was not really in love with you…. That… if I met someone else I wouldn’t feel this need… this terrifying addiction I feel for you… I was wrong. Everything intensified tenfold, I realized I love you more than anything in the world… more than myself. I wanted to fix everything but… it was too late because the damage had been done” swallowing hard Gojo continued “I failed you… as a husband, I know it has no forgiveness and yet… I cannot even start to think of a life without you in it. My days are miserable without you. I can’t sleep, I can’t think, I can’t function like a fucking normal person without you Y/N.
It hurt so much to hear his words. It made you feel like all the promises, all the love confessions he made before convincing you to marry him were lies. Why did he ask you to marry him in the first place if he wasn’t sure he loved you? What kind of sick game were you to him?!. You had to make a conscious effort to not sob. Biting your lower lip, forcing the tears to remain contained.
Almost as if he was listening to your thoughts Satoru continued “I fell in love with you the first moment I saw you Y/N. When I held you in my arms that night outside of the ballet studio in Tokyo, when I pulled you away from that car… I loved you. I just…. Was too stupid and too selfish to admit that to myself” he took a step closer and held one of your hands “I’m sorry it took so long for me to realize you were… you are all I need. Please Y/N, please forgive me. I can’t live like this anymore. The guilt and despair are consuming me alive” he said in a broken whisper. “last night meant the world to me… baby, I love you so much…” continued looking into your eyes with his azure orbs while he held your hand.
This was too much to handle…
It was one thing to think Satoru fell out of love and that’s why he found someone else. But it was another completely different to hear he had not even been sure of his feelings for you in the first place.
Pulling your hand away you couldn’t control the tears that escaped your eyes, like translucent cascades, pouring the pain you felt “leave….” You whispered looking at the floor.
“Y/N…. Please don-…”
You cut him “LEAVE!” A firm yell came out; half broken, half desperate. “You… you lied to me! All these years! Y… you lied to me! “ the statement was like a dagger straight to his heart. Spoken in a painful tone. He wanted to explain further but you cut him “I heard what you had to say now let me be…” the glacial tone in your voice froze the blood in Satoru’s veins. Your eyes hardened inclemently as you regarded this man who you once thought was the beginning and end of your life. You really couldn’t see the man you fell in love with in him. Not anymore.
Said I can do this all night, baby
Said I was actin' out of line, maybe
Can't put my trauma to the side
When you told me I was lyin'
Had me feelin' like I died, baby
I seen a grown man cry, baby
Just see you do it, ain't special, no
“Y/N..” absolute terror transfixed Gojo’s handsome features. Tears of despair running down his handsome pale face. Your aura was so cold and distant. He had never seen you like this before. “Please Y/N… I-…”
“I said… leave! And don’t come back. I am done with you. Good bye Satoru…” you turned around and walked away, disappearing behind the door of your room.
And I know it might mess you up
Hatin' me ain't gon' get you love
Ain't nobody gon' set you up
I ain't even gon' sweat you, love
And we'll never be friends like this
God couldn't forgive like this
Way I really went in like this
Thank God I ain't been like this
Suguru heard the loud exchange and came out. He couldn’t help but feel conflicted about his best friend. On one hand he was mad at him and wanted to kick him out himself, but seeing his desolate face as he stared at the closed door of your room made him feel bad for him. ‘You dug yourself in this hole my friend’ was all he could think “I think it’s best if you leave now Satoru..”
Gojo’s eyes were stuck on the door behind which you disappeared, his lower lip trembled, his hands shaking with anxiety, his heart contracting painfully in his chest, suffocating him. He needed.. he needed you but… you didn’t want him there. He wanted to say fuck it and steal you once more but he couldn’t solve things that way. No, you deserved more… better.
Without another word he warped away.
————-> Chapter 12
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Chase the Shadows Away (Taywhora) - Juno
Summary: It’s April 2020, the UK is in lockdown, and Tayce gets a hand-delivered letter from her neighbour Aurora which may change her life.
A/N: So this is set during lockdown and does mention covid, so please bear this in mind when reading if this will be a worry, but otherwise I hope you enjoy. CWs in place for alcohol, mental health mentions, and non-adherence to lockdown rules at one point. 
Otherwise it’s quite fluffy with some h/c. I hope you enjoy.
The first letter Tayce got was in early April.
She hadn’t had much post since the whole country had been locked down, no one allowed to move outside their front doors for more than once a day for threat of fines and penalties and even getting sick. Most of the letters she was getting this week had been birthday cards for her absent housemate. She’d put the various brightly-coloured cards and Amazon boxes in a pile outside Viv’s bedroom door, and gave the pile the middle finger every time she walked past it.
But today there was a plain, white envelope, with “Hi” written on it in glittery red pen, and when Tayce opened it, she found a piece of notebook paper that had been folded at least four times, and Tayce nearly threw it across the room with the effort it was taking to open.
This had better be worth it.
When she got it unfolded, she read the three lines in the same glitter pen, then again, and once more just in case.
‘Hi, I’m Aurora. I’m on my own in my flat 7D because my housemate moved home because of lockdown, and you seem to be alone too. Want to write to each other? X’
And Tayce couldn’t hold back the rush of emotion, as much as she tried - but she was alone, and she took comfort knowing only these four walls would see tears stream down her face.
Tayce was on her own in the flat.
In the day time she opened her work laptop, thanking god she was allowed to work from home; throwing a hoodie over her pyjama top just in time for the 9am meeting where her boss grinned at everyone and told them all to keep swimming and chin up and whatever other self-indulgent bullshit she had read in her How To Motivate Your Teammanual in the chapter about Managing Pandemics. 
Tayce was still surprised at how much bullshit her workmates seemed to swallow; all of them with the same broad smiles and straightened hair and shaved chins and eyeliner, for fuck’s sake - but Tayce copied them, knowing that not painting her own smile and her own eyebrows on was damning herself for the inevitable call and the simpering It’s Good To Talk conversation, followed by u k hun xx to be flashing repeatedly in the work WhatsApp group from all the team.
In the evenings, the only noise was the clink of the glass bottle against the wine glass. One glass was enough to make her a little sleepy, two was enough to make her dance, and three was enough to make her post something cryptic on her insta story and see if anyone DMed her. 
Sometimes they did. 
Joe liked to crack a few morbid jokes about how it was the apocalypse and we were all going to be dead by 2021, which didn’t help Tayce in the slightest. Ginny would message “You alright, bab?” at three in the morning, but never reply to any other message. Tia would send Tayce a picture of the banana bread she’d baked as if that would cheer Tayce up.
And Cherry sent her a message one time, telling her to look after her mental health, and then Tayce felt bad because Cherry worked for the NHS and only seemed to work and sleep right now, her insta photos showing her looking more and more gaunt, with #ClapForHeroes and #ProtectTheNHS appearing at the bottom of all her posts.
Nothing curbed the gaping black hole in Tayce’s chest, sucking everything that was good from her body and leaving her a shell.
Until the letter arrived.
Two days after she’d posted her own letter back to 7D, another letter arrived, in the same glittery red pen, this time addressed to her, with Tayce written on the front of the envelope this time.
‘Hi Tayce (sp?) nice to meet you, don’t worry I don’t know what to say either! Where in Wales are you from? I’m from Nottingham but I came to London for uni and didn’t leave! Are you still working rn? I got furloughed which is a bit shit. And my housemate is staying with her boyfriend so she can’t move back. Have you been clapping for the NHS? Someone on my floor was banging a pan or something!! Hope your ok? WB Aurora xx’
“I’m making a new friend,” Tayce had said to her mum on the phone later that night.
“In lockdown?”
“She’s delivering me letters.”
“By hand, mum.” Tayce forced a laugh. “You know. Through the letterbox like a normal letter.”
“I hope you’re washing your hands before and after you open them, are you?”
“Yeah, of course,” Tayce grimaced as she said it.
“Good. Stay safe. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
One of these days, Tayce thought as she disconnected the call, she might be able to say it without her voice breaking.
By mid-April, a full month since lockdown had started and two weeks after the first letters between them, Aurora had given Tayce her instagram handle, and Tayce had given hers in return. Tayce found herself spending all of her Good Friday skimming down the page on moreauroramore, looking through all of her new pen pal’s photos and trying desperately not to look like an idiot by accidentally double-tapping any that were obviously over a year old.
Tayce had pictured Aurora in her mind as being over-excitable, short, with dark hair and lots of dusty pinks and baby blues and other pastel colours as her aesthetic, maybe with pot plants and cat pictures and cutesy little slogans surrounded by hearts. Instead she’d found a smolderingly attractive woman with a ridiculously versatile and sophisticated sense of fashion; one photo in a rococo-inspired summer dress, and the next in a cerulean blazer, matching trousers, and stilettos. Her hair was platinum-blonde, but it was hard to tell her eye colour as she seemed to own a never-ending plethora of colour contacts; and the eyebrow ring in the early pictures was replaced by a silver septum ring in later ones. 
Her own insta looked quite plain in comparison, Tayce thought to herself. The landscapes she liked to post were interesting to her but probably not to the magnificent person on Aurora’s insta. The last picture Tayce had taken was of herself with her brother and niece in red rugby shirts just before the Six Nations was on; the last selfie before the last time she’d gone home which was … only February, she realised. 
February felt like years ago.
When Tayce had awoken the next morning, she was greeted by the doorbell, and an Amazon driver sprinting away the moment she opened the door. A letter was on the doormat, in the familiar red glittery pen, and a single chocolate Easter egg. 
‘Happy Easter Tayce. Don’t know if you celebrate but lol thought you would like some chocolate anyway! Don’t eat it all at once. Aurora xx’
It made Tayce’s gut wrench with guilt that she hadn’t thought to get Aurora one.
But it made Tayce even more pained, once she had clicked onto her instagram, to see that moreauroramore had liked all thirteen of the pictures she’d posted this year.
The zoom call at the end of April with the others from her uni group, saw not just Cherry missing, but also Ellie and Veronica.
“Ellie’s moving this week,” Lawrence nodded at the screen, “but that was all she’d tell me. She didn’t say where. Or if she’s staying in Dundee or anything. I just know she’s still trying to get her internet set up and I think she’s a bit stuck.”
“What about Vee?” Ginny asked in a low voice.
They all recognised the somber tone. They’d all taken it up. A change in their voices that all of them recognised in a kind of collective telepathic awareness. A hush in the calls, as if someone were dying, or had just died. Whenever anyone was missing, it was always the same worry circling all of their minds: what if it’s covid what if it’s covid what if it’s -
Tia was shaking her head. “It’s not covid,” she said, reading the minds of everyone through the internet, but her voice was still solemn as she continued. “I spoke to her mum. She’s -“
“Say depressed, Tia, it’s fine.” Bimini spoke gently, but not all of them were as open as Bimini was. Especially when it came to Veronica, who was a brick wall when it came to showing what she was feeling.
“She’s - not in a good place.”
“Say mental health,” Bimini said, shaking their head. “It’s okay to not be okay.”
“I don’t think that’s gonna make her feel any better, Bim.” Tia rolled her eyes. 
“We’re all feeling this,” Pip nodded. “We all need to talk to each other.”
“Veronica won’t. Not yet. We just need to be there for her when she does. Anyway, who’s done anything interesting? Anyone else been trying banana bread? Everyone managed to find bogroll from somewhere now? No one is having the same problem that Joe had when she -“
“I don’t think we need to go any further with that one, love,” Joe muttered.
“I’ve made a pen friend.”
Everyone sat in stunned silence at Tayce’s sentence, mouths open like fish at feeding time.
“A pen friend? What is this, 1986?”
“Shut up, Ginny. I think that’s kind of cute, actually,” Tia mused, tilting her head to one side. 
Tayce nodded. “Something a bit different. She lives in my block of flats. Two floors up from me. Been nice, to talk to someone, ever since Viv buggered off to her boyfriend’s house. Seriously, as soon as Boris announced lockdown she was jumping in her car and off to Liverpool.”
“You said she was a bit flaky,” Tia said sympathetically. “What’s your new pen pal’s name?”
“A-what?” Ginny raised their eyebrows. “Can we just call her Rory?”
“We should get her on a call with us when Veronica’s back. Ronni and Rory, sounds like Ant and Dec will have some stiff competition when they get wind of that.”
“Ginny -“ Tia began, but Tayce was trying to hold back a chuckle. 
‘Someone is talking about a street party on the 8th of May. Are you gonna go? I was gonna stay indoors but if you’re gonna go outside i will too xx’
Tayce knew she shouldn’t be thinking of meeting strangers outside her flat while the pandemic was ongoing, but she hadn’t seen a familiar human since March other than on a zoom call screen. 
‘Hi Aurora, yeah i will go outside for a little bit. Look forward to meeting you properly instead of over letters! Tayce’
And Tayce finally stopped hesitating, adding two kisses on the end for the first time.
The weather was meant to be lush for a May bank holiday, as Tayce knew because her colleagues wouldn’t shut up about it. Almost eight weeks of lockdown were beginning to show the cracks in all their faces - no more eyeliner, and even Linda in Accounts had stopped posting boomerang videos of her kids doing Joe Wicks workouts while she waved her arms behind them. 
So Tayce was over the moon when Friday rolled around and she could slam the Dismiss button on her phone alarm, turn over and sleep in until noon. Once she woke up though, she sat up with a jolt in her bed and realised she’d have to get ready; somehow it was important that she looked right today. 
It was a power play, she knew it. An armour. But there was just something about clothes that made her mood turn in an instant. Her favourite leather jacket was probably a bit too heavy for the warm sunshine - warm sunshine? In May? - so she opted for the black denim instead and a skirt that hugged her slender figure, leaving her hair loose and wishing she’d gone for a trim before the lockdown. Maybe she should take her scissors to it? 
She held the only scissors she had to hand - a pair of craft scissors - and wondered what her hairdresser mum would say if she knew that her daughter had taken non-styling scissors to the 30-inches of hair that she had. 
No - better not. Her mum could give her a go over once the lockdown period had ended.
Someone was playing tunes on a speaker already when Tayce came down the stairs, dragging the garden chair Viv had left behind and brushing the digestive crumbs off it. One of the neighbours she recognised from her floor handed her an ice-cold can of Fosters which she sipped, not really enjoying the taste but relishing the freedom of it all. She knew to keep two metres from everyone, and she knew Cherry would absolutely murder her if she disobeyed that rule.
As soon as Aurora came into view from the block of flats, Tayce knew that keeping to the two metre rule would prove a little harder than she had first thought.
Aurora’s insta pictures showed a fashion model trapped in a little box on a screen, striving to get out - but in the flesh, she looked as if she had just rolled out of the living room after a Tiger King marathon. The grey jogging bottoms paired with the crop top and zip-up hoodie were probably too warm for today - 23 degrees, the radio kept repeating - but she made them look so effortless and stylish that Tayce suddenly wanted to buy some. Her platinum hair was piled in a messy bun, dark brown roots showing but the lackadaisical nature made it seem like Aurora meant it that way.
On her insta page, Aurora was way out of Tayce’s league; but here in life, she seemed a lot more accessible, a lot calmer, a lot more real. 
Maybe it’s armour for her too. All this perfection in the photos. God. Why did I wear this?
She dropped her own deck chair down a reasonable distance from Tayce, taking another can of Fosters from the same neighbour and cracking it open. She took a swig, wiped her mouth on the back of her hand, and waved.
“Hi, Tayce. Here we are, then!”
“Yeah,” was the only thing Tayce could think of in response. Really cool. Very clever.
But Aurora was talking animatedly about how much she’d missed the sun, as she pulled a pair of sunglasses from her pocket and leaned back against the deck chair, claiming “Tesco are having them on sale - two for £12, so I got two - what else am I gonna do on furlough other than sunbathe!”
And the more the Fosters flowed - their neighbour’s 24-pack almost completely gone before 5pm, he seemingly wanting to give a can to the whole block - the more Aurora opened up her life history to Tayce. 
How much she wished she was still in Worksop and could go on the long walks into the forest. How she’d give anything to hug her mum, a care-worker, and how she FaceTimed her shielding grandad every Sunday at 6.30 just after he finished his tea. 
But most of all, how lonely it was every single night being alone in a flat in a huge city. Aurora dabbed her watery eyes with her thumbs as she described how much she loved everything that London had to offer when it was full of people, not dead to the world like it was now - and in this hollow place that lockdown was, she’d discovered that a city - any city, however exciting - was just a built-up area if you had no one to share it with. 
Tayce hadn’t expected to cry. She’d cried maybe once or twice this whole time in lockdown, still too numb to have taken everything in that was happening. But the moment she’d opened her mouth, suddenly the Fosters had started talking for her too, and she was spilling out her worries onto the pavement below them as Aurora rubbed her back. 
How her mum was furloughed from the hairdresser and her dad was always out in the lorry up and down the country. Her brother and sister-in-law, and her niece, were all still fine in Newport, but Tayce had missed her niece’s birthday, having to settle for blowing her a kiss down FaceTime and promising her through gritted teeth and cold fear that she’d give her the biggest cwtch ever as soon as this was over.
But now Tayce was in tears again, this time on Aurora’s shoulder, releasing her sorrows onto this woman who she had only exchanged written words with; now seeing her true soul laid bare in emotions that just refused to stop once she started. Aurora’s gentle hands ghosted through her hair, but then gripped Tayce tightly to her chest, planting a long, tender kiss on her hairline. 
How had this happened? How had social distancing become this? Two people, thinking they were islands, clinging to one another for dear life?
Tayce held her for too long.
Aurora’s hands froze as she realised what she had done at the same moment Tayce had.
Cherry is gonna kill me.
Aurora walked with Tayce back to her flat as the sun was setting. It was nine in the evening, the heat finally starting to break, and both of them were aching and tired, spent from their tears. Aurora gave Tayce’s hand a gentle squeeze but said nothing else, her eyes red underneath her sunglasses, and Tayce had felt herself harden once again, turning the key in the door and closing the outside world back to where it should be.
After two weeks had passed, both of them not developing any symptoms after their contact, Tayce had an idea. 
She put the letter through the letterbox in 7D at midday when she broke for lunch, and had a reply by half past one, a new record for Aurora.
‘Tayce, I’d love to form a support bubble with you. I thought you would have one already thats why i didn’t ask! Want to put on a film tonight and just chill? Bubble bud? Aurora xx’
So Tayce saw inside Aurora’s flat for the first time that same evening. After work, she practically sprinted up the stairs, thankful to get away from more of u k hun xx and her still-simpering colleagues.
It was very clean, as if it had only just been cleaned that day - freshly-washed surfaces, hoovered carpets, a sparkling bathroom - and Tayce marvelled at how tidy and orderly things were, a stark contrast from her own living space which had evolved into a nest of mess by now. Aurora’s living room and kitchen space were one area, with a mismatched sofa and chair facing the tv screen, hooking up a PS4 - Tayce hadn’t counted Aurora as a Dishonoured player either. The wall opposite the window was filled with small pictures of past fashion models - Kate Moss, Agyness Deyn, Cara Delevigne - all with matte black frames which had obviously been painted in lockdown, as one was on the coffee table drying over a copy of Hello magazine.
“My housemate’s not coming back, I can see it happening now,” Aurora shrugged, “so why not make the house the way I like it while I look for someone else to live with?”
Aurora poured Tayce a huge glass of wine, and that was followed by another; while she topped up her own glass liberally and kept shifting on the sofa as if trying to get comfortable. Tayce, for her part, took the chair instead, while Aurora tapped on the PlayStation controller to try to get Netflix up. The more she drank, the more cumbersome the controller seemed to become in her hands, until Tayce leaned over and took it away from her, Aurora’s fingers lingering a little too long on it before relinquishing.
When Aurora got up, meaning to pour them both a fourth glass of wine, she slipped on something and tumbled into Tayce’s lap in the chair, tittering something that sounded like “god I’m clumsy” through the giggles that came from her, unable to stop. Tayce slapped her on the back as she started coughing, but as that died down, Aurora straightened up, picking up Tayce’s hand in hers and drawing her up and away to join her on the sofa.
Lockdown had been so fucking lonely.
Aurora’s hand in hers was all Tayce needed to dissolve every wall she was still rebuilding from May Bank Holiday.
Aurora’s eyes were on her, she knew; through her peripheral vision as she tried desperately to cling to her focus on whatever episode of Tiger King this was.
When Tayce finally met her gaze, she averted it, turning her face to the window opposite them. Almost … playfully.
So Tayce looked back at the TV screen, but Aurora’s hand squeezed at hers, thumb in her palm pressing right in the centre, the pressure somehow travelling all the way to her gut. Tayce turned back to her, and this time Aurora did not look away.
“God, you’re gorgeous.”
Aurora looked at her through her eyelashes, lips parted in a smirk, curiously searching Tayce with her gaze as if wondering what her next move would be.
Tayce blinked incredulously. “Me? Like this? What do you mean, I’m gorgeous? Have you seen yourself?”
“And that accent, oh my days -“
“Go to Newport, we all sound like this.”
But the wine was hitting hard now and oh god lockdown is so fucking lonely and Tayce’s feet on the floor suddenly felt unsteady and Aurora was so fucking close to her on the sofa -
Once the hangover was gone, the memory of rest of the night felt like a dream, or maybe a nightmare. Tayce wasn’t entirely sure when she’d gone back to her flat, but she had, long before night had fully fallen and long after she was sure the burgeoning friendship she was finally making with someone lay in tatters two floors up from her.
The wine had washed away the strength she’d had, leaving her raw and vulnerable, and all the affection that had been growing since Aurora had first held her bubbled and burst into life. And Aurora must have felt the same magnetic pull, drawing them together across the sofa, nail marks still present in Tayce’s back that she could see in the mirror, a bruise forming on Tayce’s collarbone as Aurora had dipped a little lower. 
It had been Tayce who had halted it - not because she hadn’t wanted to, but because she couldn’t decipher how much of this was affection and how much of this was just two lonely people, starved of company, starved of normality, seeking and clinging to it in any form.
And now it was the following day, and Tayce still didn’t know.
The group call at the end of the day was interesting. She stretched over the back of the sofa in her living room to grab her water, and that must have been enough to flash a sliver of skin. 
“What’s that?” Lawrence asked loudly, prompting everyone else to go quiet. “Tayce? What’s that on your chest, hmm?”
“I didn’t see anything.”
“You’re not wearing your glasses, Ginny, you can’t see shit. What’s that on your chest? Why d’you have a bruise there?”
“Hi!” Ellie’s voice as she joined the call unexpectedly saved Tayce any further embarrassment; everyone shrieked when she came on, having missed the last two zoom calls following her move. “Thank God my internet is working now, I’ve missed all your faces!”
Tayce silently thanked Ellie’s timing and contentedly listened to the rest of them as they chatted about everything and nothing that they’d all missed. All of them were there; even Cherry showed up about twenty minutes in to wave at them and blow them kisses, her face even more pallid than before; before ducking back out to go to bed. 
Only Veronica was still missing.
“She’s been messaging me,” Tia explained, “and she said she’s feeling a bit better, but since she got furloughed, she’s feeling like there’s no point getting out of bed or getting ready because there’s nowhere to go.”
“Send her some love,” Tayce said, but Tia snorted.
“You send her it! She’s gonna feel better if she knows we all miss her.”
It was true though, Tayce realised after they all disconnected. They all seemed to be drifting apart, no more energy to continue with these online gatherings, even though there were so many virtual meetup groups and apps that there almost seemed to be no excuse now.
She looked back through her phone messages. She hadn’t messaged Veronica since early April, taking her silence as a sign that she wanted to be left alone; but what if it wasn’t? Veronica was a closed fist, everyone knew that. And Tayce’s brother? Again, early April, and a quick call the week after for her niece’s birthday. 
Lockdown, and self-isolation, seemed to be one and the same. 
So Tayce spent the rest of the afternoon sending messages to everyone she had neglected since then. Maybe they would reply, and maybe they wouldn’t - but there was no harm in reaching out, no negative consequences. 
By the end of the day, she was fielding messages back and forth from everyone she thought she’d lost through lockdown, the grey cloud over her head starting to lift, the fuzzy feeling disappearing and clarity settling in. She felt light, lighter than she had in weeks; and warm as the summery days they were getting in this late-May spring.
Towards the end of the day, she got a message back from Veronica at last.
Veronica: I’m doing ok. I got up and went for a walk today just to the park and back. It’s really nice although my hay fever sucks. Thanks for checking in on me i appreciate it x  Veronica: Oh also Tia said you had a hickey on the group call haha tell me what her name is x
Tayce was surprised to realise she was grinning at the phone as she read Veronica’s message, her fingers stroking the mark on her collarbone as if to savour the vivid image that it sparked in her head.
It was three days after their drunken kiss on the sofa that Tayce had another letter through the door. The same red glittery pen, the same scrawl, but the writing a little smaller as if Aurora wanted to diminish herself.
‘Hi Tayce. I’m really sorry if i came on too strong this week. Can we go back to friends? Want to hang out tonight, bubble bud? Aurora xx’
Tayce swallowed down the part of her that immediately rose up and cried that she … didn’t want to just be friends. 
Then it hit her.
God. I only met this girl properly this month. What’s wrong with me?
But she replied and immediately started clearing the house. 
She put the pile of Viv’s birthday cards and presents from the hallway floor into a cupboard under the sink, giving it the middle finger again; put the six-weeks worth of laundry on to wash; cleaned all the dishes; and dragged the hoover out of the tiny airing cupboard and got to work on the carpets. The hard floors she swept, and carried the bin bags out to the communal bins, all before midday.
“Who needs Joe Wicks workouts?” She muttered to herself, panting, as she tugged some marigolds over her hands to sort out the rest of the kitchen. 
By the time it was six, and time for Aurora to arrive, Tayce thought the house looked much better, and honestly, she felt much better too. The little spring clean she’d given the place had cleared a little clutter from her head as well. 
It’s nothing to worry about. She’d just coming over for food and -
Tayce grimaced as she realised she hadn’t thought of what to do for food. She thought back to the beans on toast she’d had at four and kicked herself for not thinking of that. Dominos was still delivering, so she brought up the app and busied herself looking through the list of pizzas.
Aurora hadn’t arrived by ten past six, and Tayce started to worry.
Maybe she’s changed her mind.
But Tayce refused to let that thought take any root. She looked at the clock, which of course seemed to slow down from having eyes on it, and firmly told herself that she would message Aurora at quarter past if she wasn’t here before.
With a minute to spare, Aurora turned up, grinning merrily and waving the bottle of rose in Tayce’s face.
“Hey bubble bud! Sorry I’m late, well I’m always late, sorry in advance if you expect me on time for anything!” Aurora took a step inside and her jaw dropped. “Wow, your place is well nice!”
“Thanks,” Tayce grinned, although she wasn’t sure what Aurora was looking at. Tayce wasn’t allowed anything on the walls from what her landlord said, but Aurora wouldn’t stay still - checking out the titles of the handful of CDs Tayce had brought down to London with her; scanning a nail along the books on the shelf above the TV.
“It’s nice to hold a book sometimes,” Tayce shrugged, “rather than just read it on the kindle app.”
When Aurora got to the kitchen, Tayce cringed. She’d have to confess.
“I haven’t got in anything to eat. Only - only some bread.”
“And pot noodles,” Aurora added, opening a cupboard and helping herself to the contents as if she’d lived here her whole life.
“And pot - oh, are you thinking, maybe …”
“No way!” Aurora slammed the cupboard door and grabbed her keys again. “Be right back!”
Ten minutes later and Tayce was at the hob over the oven with Aurora, dicing onions while she cut up a red pepper, mince that Aurora had grabbed from her own fridge was out and ready to go in too.
“I needed to use that up anyway,” she shrugged. “Please tell me you don’t just eat bread and pot noodles, Tayce, please. I need to give you a cooking crash course if you do! Didn’t you learn to cook at uni? Or didn’t you do much cooking before you went? Oh my days - no fry the onion off first, with the garlic - I’ll chop the mushrooms, Jesus Christ pot noodles …”
“I know how to cook, give me some credit!” Tayce murmured, but she couldn’t stop smiling. “I just haven’t been to the shop yet, it’s been a long week.”
Aurora closed her eyes and hummed in appreciation. “Just keep talking to me, please.”
“What about?”
“Anything! Your life, your family - I don’t know, house prices, I don’t care - but that accent, ugh -“ Aurora shivered.
“Yours is cute, too,” Tayce smirked.
Aurora looked at her reproachfully. “You’re lying.”
“Yeah, I am.”
It was no use. The air was full of electricity, static around them, and before Tayce knew what was happening, suddenly they were kissing again, this time stone-cold sober, while the onions burned shadows into the bottom of the pan.
Viv gave her notice on the flat at the start of June. 
“I just can’t afford to live here anymore,” she explained, sighing, when she got back and started to pack up everything in her room. “I’m gonna see if I can get some work back home.”
Tayce was numb, although she knew Viv didn’t mean it personally. It wasn’t her fault that she’d been made redundant straight after the lockdown ended, and it made sense that she wanted to be near her family. It was now four months since Tayce had seen hers, and she missed them every day, although she had been sticking religiously to her new routine of calling her parents every Saturday night and her brother’s family every Sunday afternoon. 
“I’m sorry that’s putting you in a tight spot, Tayce,” Viv muttered, hugging her, and Tayce hugged her back.
“Can’t be helped,” Tayce replied, which was all she could think to respond with that wasn’t an inarticulate growl in frustration.
Viv was adamant she would pay her final month’s rent, and pay her half the utilities even though she wasn’t there. But she had to go home.
“How was your move?” Tayce asked Ellie on the next group call on zoom.
“Shite,” Ellie replied, “but partly because we struggled finding someone to move us. There’s plenty of places around, plenty of places to rent and stuff, because everyone’s moved back to where they came from.”
“You’ll find somewhere else to live, bab,” Ginny murmured in a soothing voice to Tayce, stroking the side of the laptop screen as she liked to do to show affection now that she couldn’t hug anyone. 
“I know,” Tayce sighed. “It’s just a pain in the arse.”
She wasted no time. One of the spare room websites was always open in the background, and she was refreshing, looking maybe a little further out from central London to see if anywhere was cheaper, but nowhere was.
Then she spotted the dot in her own block of flats, and clicked the advert.
That’s - that’s Aurora’s flat.
Now she remembered. Aurora had mentioned something about her housemate moving out! It must now be official. 
She read through the advert - how was it £50 cheaper than what she was already paying? - and looked at the contact name for the housemate, and there it was in black and white pixels: Aurora Martin, use form below.
Grabbing a piece of notebook paper - one of the last bits left, she’d been ripping them all out to write to Aurora - she penned a letter, one of what might well be the last ones, and jogged upstairs to post it through her letterbox.
The response came back to her in less than an hour, a new record for Aurora.
‘Tayce! I’d love it if you wanted to move in here! OMG. My landlord will want references from yours, but if you can get them quick then he can approve you really fast, he’s working from home. OMG you made my day. Come up at 7pm xx’
“Work contacted me today too,” Aurora beamed as she settled with Tayce on the sofa. “They want me to start back next week! Can’t wait. Need to get that coin again now! I mean, I’m dead grateful, you know, that I still have my job and I was on furlough so the government paid most of my wages, but it will be nice to have the full package again!”
“What is it you do again?” Tayce asked.
“Oh - I work as a fashion buyer. But because fashion’s kind of stopped right now, most of the designers are shut. Reopening now, especially the ones in mainland Europe! Can’t wait to be on the phone to them all again.”
“Wait. You speak to designers in other countries?”
Aurora nodded. “I speak French and Spanish.”
“You -“ Tayce was dazed. “I didn’t know that!”
“Well why would you? I mean you’ve only known me a couple of months!” Aurora laughed, and leaned back closer to Tayce, her perfume overwhelmingly sweet in the air. “You’re not gonna know everything about me yet, bubble bud.”
“No,” Tayce purred, “but I can’t wait to find out.”
By the Monday after the move, early July, Tayce was all set up to go. She’d moved the bed into the corner as she liked it, arranged her books into a rainbow as she liked them, and unfurled the posters she’d been unable to hang in her last flat, mostly punk bands that she liked, Bimini’s band’s poster, and the noticeboard with all the tickets tacked to it of all the gigs she’d been to. The vanity with the mirror that she’d brought from home fitted perfectly next to the window so she could do her makeup with natural light; and it was large enough for her work setup, which was where she was now.
The flat layout was almost identical to the one she’d just left, and the room was the same one - Aurora having the slightly bigger room - but it felt a lot more comforting, knowing she wasn’t alone here any more, knowing she had a little more freedom in decorations, and knowing that the hollow feeling in her chest was starting to slow down for good.
She turned off her work laptop at five as normal, which was when Aurora came in. Tayce pulled her in, giving her a peck on the lips. 
“They’re gonna love you, I promise.”
Aurora just made a moan in the back of her throat and put her face in her hands, shrinking away from the vanity.
Tayce turned on her personal laptop, logging into zoom and connecting to the group chat. Her monthly uni call was set to half four today for some reason, and everyone else was already all there.
“Tayce! We wondered where you’d got to!”
It was Veronica’s voice, and Veronica’s face was in the top left. She still looked a little tired, and the shirt she was wearing looked suspiciously like a pyjama top, but she was here with them all, and this was a big step for her.
Tayce beamed at her. “So good to see you!”
“The move went alright then, bab?” Ginny asked.
Tayce nodded. “And there’s someone you should meet.” She pulled Aurora into frame, who still looked uncharacteristically shy for a moment before waving at the people on the screen. “This is Aurora.”
“Aurora!” Tia squeaked. “Like the princess!”
Aurora rolled her eyes. “Yes.”
“So we’ve got Rory and Ronni here together at last!” Lawrence exclaimed, while Veronica gave the camera two fingers.
But Tayce just grinned at her friends on the screen, far apart but together in this strange way. Aurora’s nails dug into her shoulder, still a little nervous, but even that was fading as she got more comfortable. 
Aurora had been right - the city was just a lot of bricks in intricate patterns without someone in it that made it a home. 
And this just might be becoming one.
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bakugou-tm · 5 years
fate’s design; bakugou
Okay so this was one of the few ideas I had going on but this one I had after I heard about the live action Tangled being made (literally wanted to be cast for that so bad). But anyways the reader has a healing quirk from her hair just like Rapunzel’s when she sings the song, and you can find out the rest as you read ;)
word count: 3000+
warnings: kidnapping, mad angst but a happy ending :-)
Emotion was a long lost friend of yours.
When you were younger, your life was filled with emotion.
The joy you felt when your family came over for summer cookouts and you got to play in the pool with your cousins while the sweet smell of meat burned on the grill. The sadness you felt when you had to reveal to your parents that you flunked your first math test. The anger you felt when your father ate the last cookie you had made with your mother that weekend, though it was quickly resolved when he returned to the store with a fresh batch.
All of these emotions, no matter good nor bad, you were at bay with. Content with even. Because at that time it was just so nice to.. feel something. Anything.
How you wished you could feel again, have a family again, a life.
That was all ripped from your grasp when you felt your very last emotion: pain.
The day was just like any other, you were walking home from school on sixth year in primary school. Your classes were beginning to grow harder, but thanks to your helpful friends and wise parents you had no troubles. After all, you and your peers were preparing for high school.
You remembered how excited you were for high school. Getting to meet new friends, join new clubs, play new sports. Perhaps you watched too many cliché high school movies, or maybe you had been too naive.
Probably the ladder.
You took the same path you always took, crossing through pretty neighborhoods with large historic trees and cracked sidewalks that brought back memories to your youthful days.
Just as you turned the corner you felt that feeling of comfort in your chest upon seeing the rustic color of your home, the smell cherry blossom tree overwhelming your senses as it did every afternoon.
You allowed the faint breeze to flow through your long soft locks, the occasional blossom falling far from the tree and into your hair.
You would always think... silly flower, you don’t belong in my hair. You belong in the tree with your family.
Walking peacefully down the street you made sure to skip over each crack, the knacking fear of the old children’s tale still in the back of your head.
To you it was just like any other weekday, the same old routine, same old walk, same old emotions.
But that day was far from normal, it was the last day you had the luxury of feeling.
You remembered the way a shiver ran up your spine when you felt someone entwining their fingers in your long locks. You remembered the way your parents ran outside at the sound of your shrill screams. You remembered being held back as you were dragged into a rundown van, your poor excuse of trying to escape proving to be useless. You remember having to watch your parents get engulfed in flames, their screams of agony filling your ears which over-rid the sound of tape being slapped across your mouth and body.
But the one thing that really swam in your mind like poison was the torn blossom that laid much to peacefully on the palm of your hand as tears of pure fear danced down your cheeks.
Silly flower, you don’t belong here.
Things have never been the same since that day. Sometimes you tried to think back on that day, those memories, just to try feel something again. But it never worked, nothing worked.
You followed the same routine everyday. Wake up, eat whatever scraps you could get, sit in the corner silently with no thought in mind, wait for one of the injured villains to come in, sing your song, heal them, hope they didn’t ask for much more from you, sleep, repeat.
You used to hate it so much, helping the people that took your life away against your will. Knowing you were the power of the sick people that ruined other people’s lives everyday. But at this point, you didn’t even know what it felt like to hate.
All you knew how to do was sing that sickening song and sleep. Nothing sounded the same anymore, nothing felt the same, nothing tasted the same. The bottom line was, nothing was the same.
And for six years that was your mindset, nothing would ever be the same. This would be your life til the day you die. That is, if you were lucky enough to see death’s doors.
But one day that mindset changed, your life changed forever. Thanks to the boy with crimson eyes.
You sat in the corner of your room, your bottom growing numb against the hardwood floors but you couldn’t care less.
Admittedly your room had gotten some upgrades since you first arrived here. From 11 to 18 you had finally been able to see a bed again, but it mattered not. The bed felt the same as the floor at this point.
Your (e/c) orbs were glued to the floor, your eyelids forcing themselves open pitifully as you traced the outlines of the hardwood as you did everyday.
With your room being below ground, probably in the middle of some rundown city, you weren’t able to hear much of what was going on in the outside world. Sometimes you would imagine what was happening, what holidays were going on and what families were spending time together.
It probably felt nice.
When a loud bang arose from upstairs, your eyes merely flicked to the door with uninterested. Probably one of the villains getting in a fight. Their hideout was in a rundown bar of sorts, this leading to the buffoons always being a drunk mess.
All you could do was hope that they would be sober enough when they had their daily visit with you.
The banging only proceded to get louder, shouts filling the air but you simply ignored it. Letting your head lower to the ground again as your (h/c) locks showered along your face.
Through everything you’ve been through, one thing that never changed was your hair. No matter how much you tugged and pulled at it, wishing it would fall out and end this misery you called a life: it remained.
Soft and gentle as ever, the strands never bothering to move out of place as the cascaded down your smooth shoulders.
It made you absolutely sick.
As the banging grew closer to your door you swore you almost felt a bit of curiosity fill your mind. But who were you kidding, you knew it was only your mind playing tricks on you.
Even as new voices filled the air and quirks seem to go off every which way, you failed to believe it was anything of your concern. You had been tricked long enough, you wouldn’t dare fall for hope again.
Curling your scratched up knees to your chin you let more of your hair cascade around your face, hoping to drown out the sounds and maybe even fall asleep.
The vibrations along the walls were surprisingly lulling to you, your head leaning against the cold concrete as you let your (e/c) irises see the last of this damp room for today. 
But apparently your luck was runnign short today. Just before you could doze off into what freedom you had, the door slammed open.
Your eyes blinked open slowly, your (e/c) orbs peaking up to see which villain you had to heal today, only to see a figure you didn’t recognize.
He was dressed in a uniform, perhaps a villain you’ve never met? But he had no serious injuries, what else could he be here for?
One thing that stuck out to you was the slight confusion and horror that was washed over his expression as he looked you up and down.
If you had any bit of feeling left in your body you would almost be intimidated by the handsome man, his crimson iris’ slicing through you as his lips formed into a snarl showing off his near perfect teeth.
“You’re the flower they’ve been talking about?”
The sound of the word flower made you grimace, the word making you sick to the stomach as a quick flashback of the broken blossom in your hand so many years ago came to mind.
When arriving this the dungeon you now called home, the villains took note of the many blossoms in your hair from your tree at home, deciding to give you the nickname “flower”.
The word you once loved now made you sick.
Your flinching didn’t go un-noticed by the man before you, his eyes narrowing into mere slits as he clenched his fists.
“Sick bastards.”
Before you knew it he was walking over to you, extending out a palm to you awaiting you to take it.
He stood there, his eyes glancing back at the door to make sure no other shitty villain was coming before he glanced back at you only to see your body shoved even further into the corner.
His eyebrow rose in confusion as he shook his hand in an annoyed manor. What the hell were you doing?
“I’ve already done my job for today, please let me rest until tomorrow.” You spoke with quivering lips, only leading the ash blond to click his tongue.
“I’m not here to use you I’m here to get you the hell out of here, I’m a damn hero.”
In that moment you had never felt so overwhelmed in your life. So confused and unsure what to do. Hero? There was such a thing? How could this be real? You were sure your doomed life had been planned out, what was going on? Could life not let you chip away in peace?
The so called “hero” before you was growing impatient. He quickly crouched down on his toes, letting his arms lay across his knees as he looked at you with stern eyes, mumbling something about this being shitty Deku’s job.
“Listen I’m a fucking pro-hero okay? We’ve been chasing this case for months, hearing that the League of Villains had a secret weapon called their “Flower” that’s been the source of all their success these past few years,” The man explained with a sigh as he grit his teeth, “We expected you to be an actual flower, not a damn human, but it turns out these assholes are more disturbing than we expected.”
Your eyes felt glazed over as he offered his hand out once more.
“Now I need you to fucking trust me so I can get you out of here got it?”
For once in these past long years... you felt something. You felt the warm salty water dance across your cheek. You felt the rough rubber of this man’s glove as your slender fingers slid across his own. You felt... damn you say it.. hope.
Swallowing what saliva you had formulated in your mouth, you gave a quick nod before completely taking his hand and allowing him to lift you up from the floor.
One moment you were in the room you had lived in for six years, now you were running down the hallway. Nothing was in your way, it felt so surreal.
This had to be happening for a reason, maybe this was a test. Were they going to kill you if you betrayed them? Who were you kidding, killing you would be the easy way out. They needed you.
When the sight of stairs came into sight your eyes widened, you remembered those from your first day here. Upstairs, outside those doors was the real world.
For a quick second you almost felt like smiling, like screaming from pure joy. But you should’ve known what that would lead to. As a bullet sunk through the chest of the hero before you a scream did end up releasing from your chest.
But not from pure joy.
The hero sunk to his knees, his free gloved hand grasping his now bloodied chest before falling to the ground.
“Now now look what you’ve done flower, you know we have strict rules to keep you safe here.” The villain spoke before you, his gun flicking around his finger as if it were a toy as he began to walk towards you.
So the universe was still playing tricks on you, it wanted to make sure that you knew life still could be worse. And it was, it just kept getting worse and worse.
At least before you didn’t have to see the lifeless bodies that you had caused, but now as you saw the hero before you losing any sign of life in his crimson orbs you felt as if your body was being torn up from the inside. Just like when you saw your parents.
“Come on now flower, let’s get you back to your roo-”
A loud explosion from upstairs was heard causing you and the villain to stumble to your feet. Glancing up you noticed that heavy amounts of dust and ash from the cement walls were clouded around the villain before you.
In that moment you saw two choices. Two choices that life had bestowed upon you. You could either wait for those five seconds and allow the villain to take you back to that prisoned hole.
Or you could safe this hero and possibly have another chance at life. But why would you even try. Had you not learned after six years that life was not in your favor? What was even the point?
As your (e/c) eyes flicked down to the lifeless hero you wanted so badly just to lay beside him and give up, accept the cursed fate stowed upon you.
But as you looked into his crimson eyes, the only thing you could see were the eye’s of your parents. The lifeless look across their expressions as they screamed in pain from the intense flames engulfing them.
Back then you were too weak to do anything about it. You had to watch that happen and allow your life to become what it was. You... You couldn’t do that again.
Gritting your teeth you dragged the hero through one of the now broken down doors, hastily wrapping your locks of hair around his chest as he coughed most likely from pain, holding at his wound.
You narrowed your eyes intensely and focused on making sure you hair wrapped around every inch of his wound.
The ash blond hero narrowed his own eyes up to you weakly, fighting to speak as he watched you maneuver around his corpse.
“W..What the hell are y..you doing?” The hero rasped, his hand trying to grasp around your wrist in an attempt to stop you, “Get the fuck out of here, save... save yourself!”
You simply ignored his pleads, tightening your locks of hair before inhaling deeply.
“Flower, gleam and glow, let your power shine..” You spoke softly, your eyes closing in focus as the hero before you gave you a crazed expression, “Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine.”
Initially the hero was disturbed by your soft singing, wondering if this was some sort of song of lost hope. How could you accept your fate like this? He couldn’t seem to plug anything together until he noticed your roots of your long (h/c) locks glow a bright golden color, the bright effect slowly cascading down your locks like a waterfall.
“Heal what has been hurt, change the fates’ design,” You sang peacefully, channeling your quirk’s energy to the man’s injury, “Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine...”
Upon those words of the song your gentle (e/c) eyes opened slowly to glance down to the hero beneath you, his eyes growing wider as a mix of shock from your quirk’s magic and his sudden energy being brought back to him.
“What once was mine.”
The ash blond failed to notice his steady breathing once again, rather focusing on your hair’s golden shine fading away as your locks began to loosen from around his chest. His eyes followed down to his once bloody chest to now see the hole from the wound completely gone.
Suddenly it all made sense.
You were their healing flower, the source of their power. None of the members of the League of Villains were being taken down because they had unlimited lives. That’s why they had no fear running into battles, they knew they had no risk. Because they had you.
The young hero wasn’t sure if it was from the purely radiant song you sang, or maybe it was the action that had become of the song, or maybe now he was realizing just how truly beautiful you were inside and out. As if he had known you for years. But there was one thing he knew for sure.
Sitting up from his laid down position, the hero gently held both of your palms into his own as he gave you a gentle yet stern look.
“Flower, I will protect you at all costs, from this day on. You will never see the likes of these sick bastards again. We’re going to survive this and I’m going to be your damn hero.”
What was that feeling? The overwhelmingly warm surge through your chest. It felt as if he you had been stabbed in the heart, but it wasn’t pain you were feeling at all. In fact the warmth was spreading through your entire body, as if something inside you had been reawakened.
Part of you wanted to feel concerned about it but you just couldn’t with the other thought swarming in your head.
The hero just called you by the name you swore you would hate for the rest of your life, and yet you felt nothing but trust in the man. The word you swore would always make you feel sick... made you feel hope. 
And for once in six years you allowed the corners of your lips to rise as you took his hand and spoke the first words of your new life with this crimson eyed man.
“I trust you hero.”
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
Unforgettable-Chapter One
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 Also on AO3                       Special thanks to @statell​ for all your help
Chapter One
Short flouncy skirt, tight strapless top, boyfriend jacket, bare legs, high heels, curled lashes, red lipstick, and wild black hair.
“Oh my God Beauchamp, you have outdone yourself.”
“Claire! You are late for your own party! Time to go!”
“Okay, okay, let’s go.”
Claire smiled at Geillis and Laoghaire when they gushed over her outfit. The three of them were notorious fashion smashers who could not give a rip about fitting in. Her friends looked bomb tonight, very fitting for her favorite club and last night out for two years.
I will go out in style tonight, she decided.
Entering the club they heard the loud roar from friends, causing enough of a disturbance to make heads turn in their direction. Claire scanned the crowd and smiled at the good looking men, it was her weakness after all. Bodies were hugging and shots were pounded and then it was time time to dance. Claire grabbed Laoghaire and pointed at Geillis and they pushed into the center of the dance floor to get their groove on. After five songs Claire headed back to the table and was pulled into Rupert’s lap showing her a cherry in his palm.
“Lovely! Lay down your bets people, Geillis will cover up to one hundred dollars!” Geillis shot her a look and she shot one back, I got this, no worries.
Someone dropped a second cherry into Rupert’s palm and a fifty-dollar bill was slapped on the table. Claire looked up at a dreamy cowboy in a Stetson and felt her panties melt off. She smiled and took the challenge pushing both cherries into her mouth. Mister dreamy sat down and watched closely and four minutes later out came two cherries tied together. Dreamy turned them this way and that smiling at her parlor trick.
“Care to dance…miss…”
They swayed to a slow song while she took inventory of dreamy. Stunning hair and height, handsome face, but alas, she wasn’t feeling it. When he walked her back he pointed in the direction of his table and asked her to join him. Claire smiled and said maybe later. Shots came to the table and her friends toasted her as they slammed them back.
Laoghaire spoke in Claire’s ear that her cousin was here and she should say hello. She pulled Laoghaire into her lap and kissed her on the mouth before standing up to meet her kin. She was used to looking eye to eye with most men so when she saw a massive chest her eyes kept going up. Square jaw and cleft chin, yummy blue- oh my God eyes. She quickly surveyed the table and then put her arms around his neck to speak into his ear.
“I’m sorry but newcomers are required to kiss someone with dark hair and it looks like I am the only one at the table with dark hair. Let’s get this over with so you can get on with your night.”
She pulled his laughing mouth down on hers for a sensuous soft kiss that he was in no hurry to end. His arms came around her and his kiss deepened and then suddenly it was over. Claire told him that was fine and announced James was one of us tonight. Geillis started screaming it was time to dance and pulled her to the dance floor. They waved and hollered at their favorite DJ and he spun their favorites for the next hour keeping them on the floor shaking their ass.
Claire pulled Geillis back to the table before passing out from heat exhaustion. More shots were ordered and more friends came until the table had no seats left. She tapped cousin Jaime on the shoulder and motioned to his lap. He laughed and pushed away from the table so she could sit. Ooh, an unexpected delight was her short skirt being pushed this way and that by her constant twisting in Jamie’s lap. Before long she was in direct contact with the denim covering Jamie’s thigh and decided that was spectacular.
Someone produced an old Instamatic camera and the friends burned through three rolls of film, toasting and kissing each other, hugging and smiling. Because it was Claire’s going away party, most of the pictures were of her and various friends and all of those were on the lap of Laoghaire’s cousin.
She felt his hand move down her leg and she looked at him smiling.
“I have to go Sassenach, work tomorrow. I wish I could stay.”
“I get it, someone has to be responsible to remind all of us that we are hopeless miscreants. I suppose you have to take your lap with you? Alright, James.”
She kissed him and held his cheeks to keep him on her lips. The minute she broke the kiss she shot out of his lap heading for the dance floor.
It was an extraordinary night. Geillis left a bit early to pursue her new love interest and Laoghaire and Claire stumbled out to Laoghaire’s car after last call.
“Laoghaire, your staying on my couch tonight. You are much too drunk to drink alone… drive alone. Thankfully, I am with you and will keep you on the road, at least to my apartment.”
“Alright, but I’m up and out early for school tomorrow. Thank God I don’t have hangovers. Is there anything ye need help with, gettin ready to leave?”
“No sweetheart. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow to clear me for my shots, and then the shots of course, and I’m done. If I'm completely ready one day before I leave it keeps the anxiety at bay, ya know? Good night sweet one, thanks for bringing your cousin, he is a gorgeous man that one.”
Once she tucked Laoghaire in she closed her bedroom door to send a text message to Joe. He would be sleeping but he would see it in the morning.
C: Everything still super groovy? I will see you in three days, can’t wait.
Claire flopped down on her bed and fell asleep with her clothes on. It wasn’t the first time. The next morning she was racing around the apartment trying to find something to wear and finally opened some boxes to find clean clothes. Late, as usual, she pushed the UBER driver to hurry but he couldn’t find the doctor’s office. Geillis set the appointment for her but failed to mention how to get there. Flush with frustration she pulled out her phone and set the navigation. Five minutes later she stood winded at the reception desk signing the check-in sheet.
Waiting to be called, she mentally ticked items off her to-do list and remembered the last conversation with Joe.
“Very primitive Claire. Lucky if we have electricity to run the lights and sterilize the instruments. Weather is nice. Ninety degrees and ninety percent humidity.”
Since she followed him all over the globe, she wished he would be more discerning when choosing his next post. Maybe I will pick next time, she thought, two years from now when we get ready to leave. I wonder if he would follow me? I would never put him to the test. I can’t live without Joe so where he goes, I go. Hearing her name snapped her out of her daydreaming.
The nurse mumbled something about my being late for the appointment as she pulled Claire’s hips to the end of the examination table and secured her feet in the stirrups.
“I’m sorry, the UBER driver got lost. I don’t suppose the doctor can fix chronic tardiness?”
“The doctor will be in shortly Claire.”
Claire pulled her phone out of her purse and checked her messages. Typing a quick response to one of them she heard the door open and doctor washing his hands. she clicked send and looked up at what had to be a joke, a very bad joke.
“What the hell are you doing here in that white coat inching toward my business end?”
She watched the color drain from his face. He was as shocked as she was. Christ on a crutch, how did this….Geillis!
“I’m doctor James Fraser and you are here to verify no pregnancy, pap, and clear ye for shots before ye travel to… Honduras!”
“Stop! Don’t come an inch closer, please stop. This is a mistake, I need a real doctor, a better doctor, I mean a doctor I don’t know. Sorry, I have to go.”
“Sassenach, I am a professional, no need for embarrassment.”
“I hardly believe that the way you are giggling, and would you please just stand still while I think.”
“I can do better. I will see my next patient and give you some time.”
When he disappeared out the door she jumped off the table and wrapped the ridiculous fitting gown around her then paced the small room. She was so freaked out and really couldn’t think at the moment so she dialed the diabolical Geillis for help.
“Geillis! I need another doctor's appointment, today! This doctor is Laoghaire’s cousin who came to the bar last night. I can’t let him bury his nose in my cooch. Can you find another doctor…”
“Don’t be silly Claire. I see him for my yearly and he’s great, not to mention drop fucking dead gorgeous. No Claire, it's him or no one because ye wait until the last minute to do everything. Just bite the bullet and let the man do his thing.”
“Why do I feel manipulated right now?”
“It took some doing to get him to the bar last night so maybe that’s it. He is my going away present for my short term best friend.”
Claire was speechless. Geillis was right, it was her own fault. If she was going to leave in three days she had to get through this. She climbed back up on the exam table and melted into her misery.
“Sassenach, have ye decided what to do?”
He walked to the end of the table and put his elbows on her knees. “I can probably do this without lookin if that will make it easier for ye.”
Claire knew she had run out the clock and had no choice in the matter but that did not ease her humiliation. He waited patiently while she tortured through the inevitable decision to get this over with. shutting her eyes tightly she told him to hurry. I never have to see him again, she thought, he is a stranger to me.
“Hurry please.”
It was over in a matter of minutes and doctor Fraser was pulling his gloves off and wishing her well. The door clicked shut and she was alone to dress and get the hell out of there.
On her way home, she considered how few men in the world were truly handsome, fewer still were those with a body you wanted to bounce off of. The rarest of this small, endowed group were those with a good heart. The triple threat as it were. Doctor James Fraser was a triple threat and she wanted a second helping before disappearing into the jungle for two years. She leaned back in her seat and asked the driver to push up his speed. She needed to call Laoghaire and ask a favor.
Claire looked at her buzzing phone and smiled at the caller ID.
“Miss Beauchamp this is doctor Fraser.”
“Oh please, call me … whatever it is you call me.”
“The message says yer havin complications from the procedure today.”
“Yes, complications, what should I do?”
“Can you explain what’s amiss, do ye have pain?”
“Not yet but I’m afraid that may be happening soon.” She held her breath and waited.
When he spoke again his voice sounded softer and more interested. “I dinna want to send ye into the jungle with unresolved health issues Miss Beauchamp. Perhaps ye would meet me for dinner to discuss the problem. I believe that is best at this stage.”
“Do you mean tonight doctor?”
“For tonight I need a promise of a short skirt and high heels and ye agree to cheer my team to victory in the playoffs.”
There was silence on the line and Claire was breathing from open lips. She heard his deep voice, “can that be arranged Sassenach?”
“That would be fine I suppose. Where is the game, I will be cheering from the stands.”
She wrote quickly and ran to the shower before plowing through her boxes for a short skirt as requested by the good doctor.
She was late getting to the game because she was late for everything. Walking toward the bleachers she saw the doctor’s impressive ass as he bent in a huddle with his players. Claire was amazed at the little people hanging on his every word. He broke the huddle and scanned the crowd quickly. His head snapped back to black combat boots, bare thighs, and a short skirt. She waved and smiled, calling out “GO…” oops, she leaned toward the lady next to her and shouted “Wolverines!!”
Claire was in her fan zone, having a great time. When doctor Fraser’s team was running the ball toward the goal she was on her feet cheering them on. With less than two minutes left in the game, Jaime pulled in a fresh player and spoke into his ear as he nodded his head. He shot a look at Claire catching her biting her nails, wide-eyed. Jamie managed to look at his player in time to call a code they had practiced a thousand times and the team came together in a formation that broke all the rules of the game.
His new player kicked the ball hard into an area without players as a teammate was running to take possession. Once the ball was securely underfoot the kid passed the ball to a teammate who specialized in high-flying aerial kicks. The player ran for the goal, twisting just a foot from the goalie and looking into the sky as the ball came down like a rocket. He kicked it into the net and the stands erupted. The kids on Jamie’s team almost exploded on the field. With wide eyes and huge smiles, they searched the crowd for their coach, to say, oh my God it worked, you were right, sorry we doubted you.
Jamie strode to the coach of the opposing team with his outstretched hand and a humble smile. He was aware of the all too rare moments to demonstrate sportsmanlike behavior. Claire scanned the field for his clump of kids and smiled at their jubilation. As Jamie walked back they ran to him clamoring for his attention. Claire watched their mouths closely, “thank you, coach,” “You were right coach,” “sorry I was an asshole coach.” Claire thought she had a handle on the situation and she stood in the stands and smiled down at this handsome man.
Jamie was shaking the hands of the parents and smiling as he tried to extricate himself from the well-wishers. His gaze was stuck on the smiling Claire and one of the fathers figured it out.
“Is lovely legs your post-game party Fraser?”
Jamie looked at him dubiously, “somethin like that.”
Like Moses parting the red sea, the man cleared the bodies between Jamie and the bleachers and stopped several kids from going after him.
Claire sat in the bleachers and watched him approach with a smile for the hero. Jamie took inventory of her frilly feminine skirt, lace-up trench boots, ribbed wife-beater, jeans jacket, red lipstick, a bit of mascara, and those amazing eyes.
“Ye were the best fan we ever had Sassenach. Can I rent yer services?”
“Yes, of course. I’ve always fancied myself a professional fan.” As she walked down the stairs her skirt popped up above her thigh with each step. Jamie was transfixed watching the feminine lace and army boots under it. She stayed a stair above him and laid her arm across his shoulders as her lace bounced. Jamie liked the feeling of a woman’s arm up there and having to look up to see her face.
“I like yer boots Sassenach”
“Christ, my apologies. You asked for high heels but I couldn’t find any in my boxes and I was already late. These are standard issue for where I’m going with the traveling nurses program. I hope you’re not disappointed, Jamie.”
She bounced down to the ground level and looked up at Jamie who studied her inch by inch. Claire felt a wave of arousal move through her and Jamie saw the millisecond she gave into it.
He looked into her eyes and saw a free spirit, playful and vulnerable, yet honed by something big. Somehow she chose to forget her embarrassment of that morning because it suited her to do so and then she set her cap for a bit of fun with him. He was truly honored this beauty would choose him.
“Will ye feel safe on my couch for five minutes while I shower and change?”
“That depends. Will you be feeding me tonight?”
“Absolutely, anything ye like.”
“I like whisky and fine hors d'oeuvres”
“Perfect, me too.”
Claire decided Jamie Fraser smelled like heaven when he was clean and she kept pushing her nose into his neck to breathe deep. Jamie watched her skirt rise higher on her thigh and relished the intense arousal of having her mouth so close to his neck. They hit five of Edinburgh’s best for shellfish, aged beef, sushi, greek, and Mandarin. It was in the Mandarin restaurant that she gave up her side of the booth to sit across his lap and feed him delicacies with expert use of chopsticks. One bite followed by a kiss and Jamie’s hand found it’s way to her knee and then higher.
“I am so stuffed I don’t think I can walk but let's try. I knew you would be so fun to go out with. Thank you for agreeing, I had the most wonderful time.”
Claire decided to satisfy her curiosity. She would not be coming back to Edinburgh when her commitment was up and would never see any of these people again, including Jamie Fraser. She clutched his arm as they walked to his car.
“Why did you choose a career in pussy?” She leaned into his ear, “do you love it that much?”
He looked at her genuine interest and smiled. “I love bairns and families as well as female reproduction. It is very rewarding to see a woman through her pregnancy safely and catch the baby she has wanted all her life.”
“That is totally sweet but how do you deal with the jealous husbands when your face is buried between her legs under a sheet?”
Jamie cleared his throat uncomfortably, “I have not thought of it that way Sassenach.”
“I have thought of little else.”
She pulled his arm around her waist and stood on tiptoes to kiss him. His kiss was soft and exploratory as he touched her face and looked into her eyes. She tried again using her tongue and hoping he would give in to his brutal side. That is the orgasmic side where the party starts. She had no need or comfort with the emotional side. It scared her, it was needy, it would want to plant her somewhere and grow her into a smaller version of himself. She tried it a couple of times and decided that life was not for her.
“We should get going. I have two days before I leave and a week of work to do.” When they were at her door Jamie asked why she invited him out tonight. He liked her and didn’t understand her sudden distance.
“To see that awesome game, eat exotic food, drink the best whisky, and fuck. I have a desire for you that is completely carnal. Before she could get her key in the lock Jamie grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled her head back to receive his crushing kiss. He licked from her collar bone to her mouth making her groan. Pulling her up he felt her legs go around his waist and grind down on him.
While they were otherwise distracted, a male neighbor walked toward his apartment next door feasting on the erotic dance happening in front of Claire’s apartment. Jamie rolled his eyes at the stranger and said move along as best he could with Claire’s tongue in his mouth.
Jamie took her keys and opened the door tripping over a box directly in his path. He spun in midair so he would land on his back taking most of the impact. He looked up at Claire straddling him, “I want ye lass.”
“Well, we finally agree. I believe you are already acquainted with my pussy, care to return the favor handsome?”
Before the night was up Claire would experience the lethal combination of a strong finger rubbing her G-spot while a wicked tongue flicked, soft lips sucked, and nipples were pinched. Jamie reclined on her headboard with a fistful of Claire’s hair guiding her mouth to his balls and then telling her to open her mouth as he exploded down her throat.
When Jamie could breathe again he looked at Claire and recognized the signs of a booty call. Fidgety, suddenly silent, and glancing at the clock. This was the worst part of casual sex for Jamie. No warmth, vacant eyes, an empty heart, and guilt he had done it again.
“Your a beautiful girl Sassenach, will ye be comin back to Edinburgh when yer tour is up?”
Jamie shook her hand, “I wish ye all the best miss.” He grabbed his jacket and left without another word. He had zero respect for women like Claire who buried their heart in concrete and just disconnected from their emotions. A man was just like a job to them. Some were amazing and fun and others were drudgery but she got an orgasm paycheck after which she enjoyed her freedom and answered to no one.
He stared at the road ahead, hating his sexual need that put him in this mood time after time. He dated two girls in college that were in love with him but they could not compete with medicine. He thought about them often, the way they would hold him, run their fingers across his skin, kiss him breathless while being so fragile. They made him feel like Hercules but his plan did not include commitment at that stage so he ultimately hurt them and moved on.
Jamie dropped into his bed and thought about Claire in the dark. She was exotic and beautiful, daring and spontaneous. Most women were so afraid of saying the wrong thing they didn’t say much at all, forcing him to pry each word from their mouths. Those dates were uncomfortable and regrettable as he shook their hand and said goodnight. Not with Claire. When her mouth opened it was anybody’s guess what was coming out and he loved it. He loved her free spirit and her ability to accept each moment as it came taking everything she could from it. The bold initiation kiss at the bar was so Claire. He smiled in the dark remembering her demand for a kiss because he was a newcomer. Claire decided what she wanted in each moment and then asked for it. Why couldn’t all women own their power that way? He slept fitfully, dreaming of the wild and beautiful Claire Beauchamp.
Claire watched the door close behind the handsome doctor and felt very strange about the way he left. His sudden distance and shaking her hand, calling her miss. What the hell was that all about? Why did he opt out of intercourse? It was the closest she would ever come to couples love when two people were heart to heart clinging to each other. She wished for that brief moment of pretend with him and her neediness for it surprised her. She wondered if she had made an enemy tonight. Why did she care? She would never see these people again and if Jamie felt bad about a romp with her that was his problem. She got up and headed for the shower.
Feeling fresh and clean Claire wrapped up in her favorite robe and made Chamomile tea to fight off her anxiety. She opened her book but her thoughts kept going back to the date with Jamie. He was such a gentleman and made sure she was having fun all evening. She told him about following her best friend Joe from post to post with traveling nurses. She watched his eyes get dark and mentioned Joe was a devout gay man. She wondered what his reaction was. The disappointment she was attached or annoyance he was pursuing another man’s woman? She would never know. When she sat on his lap and fed him mandarin delicacies he looked at her like she was the only woman in the world. Christ, that’s it! He charmed me and I am feeling the residual of that eye contact and arousal.
“Jesus Christ, it’s one in the morning and I have got to get some sleep.”
Claire laid in her bed and kept her nose to the pillow he used. That amazing scent was with her in her dreams all night and by morning she knew what had to be done.
Jamie dragged himself to the field for the last game of the playoffs. His team was psyched to win and he was yawning. Not a great start and he shook his head to clear it. With the game underway and a very skilled opposing team, he was struggling to stay motivated.
Jamie jumped up when his team took the ball and ran it toward the goal. They needed a goal and he held his breath. As he watched every player move the ball down the field he heard a familiar whistle and voice shouting “go wolverines!” He looked in the stands and there she was, his almost perfect date. He smiled at her and felt his heart ramming in his chest. What is wrong with you Fraser, he thought. She will rip your heart out and jump on a plane.
Claire watched his eyes and saw his interest so he didn’t hate her completely. What she was doing there was anyone’s guess as she didn’t know herself. Looking online earlier she saw the playoff schedule and just showed up to cheer them on. The Wolverines scored and Claire launched to her feet calling out the player numbers that rocked. The average age of the team was fourteen and there was enough testosterone flowing through them to notice her short skirt and pretty legs. Normally Jamie would notice a shift in the energy of his team but he was under her spell as well.
When he couldn’t stand the distance anymore Jamie climbed the stands and she offered her hand. He looked at the eyes he had missed all night.
“Nice surprise Sassenach.”
“Well, you did ask me to cheer for your team and I love the little buggers, playing so good tonight.”
“I appreciate the support. I wish I could sit up here with you but I can’t.”
“What would happen if I sat down there with you?”
He held out his hand and walked her down the stands to sit on the field with him. He gave her tidbits of history on the prominent players and noticed she never took her eyes off the kids. It honestly looked like she was enjoying the game instead of waiting for a chance to have his attention.
Claire could not read Jamie’s energy and wanted to ask if he was happy she came. What do I friggin care, she wondered. Get your head on straight with mister gorgeous. You are here to exorcise him from your head and that is it. Tomorrow, Honduras, and two years of hard work with Joe, I can’t wait, so why am I here again?
The game ended, Jamie’s team won with one game left to play for the state championship. The kids were so excited and blushed fiercely when Claire mentioned how well they played. She gave out smiles like they were free and the kids were eating them up. Jamie noticed many of the parents watching her as well. He felt a moment of pride that she was with him and then mentally kicked himself for thinking that. By the time they could extract themselves he was mentally exhausted.
“What time is yer flight tomorrow?”
“Not until two in the afternoon.”
Jamie looked at her skirt and remembered running his hand under a similar garment and touching her round ass and flat stomach. Her lovely core was shaved clean and glistened with interest. He shook his head again.
“Well, what would you like to do Sassenach. Since ye didna run to an UBER after the game I ken you need my attention. How can I help ye?”
Jamie cringed at the harsh sound of his statement and noticed a flicker of insecurity in her eyes. He wanted to take her places she would never forget but he couldn’t and being this close to her was making him a little crazy.
“To be honest, I don’t know. Can I fix you dinner and just talk to you for a while?”
“Home cooking?”
“Oh, yea, I gave my entire kitchen to charity so we have to do it at your house. That is if you want me to cook for you.”
As wonderful as she was, Jamie was not in the mood for another sexual encounter that would make him feel like shit all day tomorrow. He looked at her beautiful eyes and missed her already.
“I am big on honesty Sassenach. Tell me what ye want from me tonight.”
When he saw her blush his heart melted right in his chest.
“I’m rather good at forgetting people but it didn’t work this time. To be honest, I don’t want to take my infatuation to Honduras, I fear it would be very hard to live that way, missing you. I am poison to relationships, that’s why I don’t have them anymore, so this will be a favor to you as well.”
“Like a dual exorcism ye mean.” Jamie held her soft hand and looked up at the sky. “I would be happy to help but I have no food to cook.”
“I will pick up some groceries while you take a shower. It won’t take me any time at all.” She ordered an UBER and kissed his cheek.
Jamie laid on the couch for ten minutes to rest and question his motives in allowing this tonight. She seemed so genuine and her honesty impressed him. She wanted to learn enough to forget him after tonight and resume her heartless life. Well, he could say the same about her, he decided, so stop thinking and get in the shower!
Claire let herself in and admired the trendy apartment once more. It was the perfect bachelor pad for a young, single, handsome doctor. She rolled her eyes at the thought of how much action he got here followed by the same argument she had with herself all day. What do you care, he probably gets a lot of pussy and more power to him.
Jamie emerged from his shower letting the aromas of food fill his lungs. It was not something that happened often and he enjoyed knowing she was here in his kitchen. He opened his mouth to say something and realized she was dancing with her earbuds in. She held a large salmon to her chest and slow danced with it, her head back, eyes closed, having a moment with the fish. Jamie felt a scary shift in his existence wishing he had not seen it. Then she freaked out and dropped the fish.
“Sorry, when I turned around and saw you it shocked me. Good thing I hadn’t taken the fish out of the package. See, floor is still clean.”
“What are ye makin Sassenach?”
“Your favorite, Salmon, with asparagus and baby red potatoes, which doesn’t sound Scottish by the way.”
“I spent a year at Columbia during my medical training and learned to enjoy the healthy foods they eat. Of course, nothin can replace bangers and mash but it will put ye in an early grave.”
Jamie pulled out two glasses and filled them with a very special whisky. He watched Claire’s face as she rolled it in her mouth and swallowed with a smile.
“I better get the fish ready before I start dancing with it again.” Another blush.
They talked about their lives, growing up, college and working in their chosen career. She told Jamie about her parent's death at age five, growing up with Uncle lamb in the farthest reaches of the globe and coming back to civilization at sixteen years old.
“I didn’t fit in very well at first. When I started nursing school I met my friend Joe Abernathy and we have been joined at the hip ever since.”
“What would happen if Joe settled somewhere and quit traveling?”
“Then I would work there and probably start being responsible. Saving money and stuff like that. “If you own an estate in the country why do you live here?”
“My sister Jenny lives there with her husband. It’s too far away to be called to the hospital in the middle of the night to deliver a baby.”
“You have been practicing medicine for three years and you are thirty-three? Did you want to be an astronaut but couldn’t make the cut? Seriously, what were you doing from eighteen to thirty-three?”
“Seven years of university and medical school. The rest of the time I was earning money for my education.”
Jamie thought about telling her the truth. It was something he would do if she were not leaving the next day forever. He ached to tell her everything but that was absolute folly. Even if she were madly in love and camped out on his doorstep, the odds she would accept who he was during those missing years were stacked against him.
The conversation continued through dinner and dishes, each taking turns describing their lives up to this point. Jamie poured two Drambuie over crushed ice and invited her to sit on the sofa.
“That was a delicious dinner Sassenach, thank you so much.”
“My pleasure. I love this drink, what is it?”
Jamie watched her amazing eyes as he described the drink is made from Highland Heather honey and scotch. Very sweet and perfect after dinner. She watched him talk and her face revealed her inner struggle to get past this infatuation with him.
“How are you doing Claire? Are ye feeling better? Ready to get to Honduras tomorrow?”
She walked on her knees across the couch and pushed her face into his. Jamie breathed her in wanting so badly to touch her but he couldn’t. Claire held his cheeks and looked into his eyes.
“I’m a hopeless mess, it’s not better, I don’t know why I am crushing on you so badly. If I wasn’t leaving tomorrow I would ruin this relationship in a couple of months because that’s what I do.”
Her mouth was so close to his he could feel her breath on his lips. She wasn’t letting go of his face so he kissed her. It was enough to touch her lips with his so he kept it light and struggled not to crush her to him.
Claire was feeling the energy from his kiss. He moved them into a comfortable kissing position and they just kissed and enjoyed the close proximity.
“This reminds me of high school when we would kiss for an entire afternoon,” she giggled.
“Is this helping Sassenach?”
“I don’t know because I can’t remember what we ...”
She kissed him halfway through the sentence so it took some time for her to say it. Jamie could feel his resolve slipping and he held her tighter as he deepened the kiss. Sending them both into the higher plane of arousal.
“Sassenach.” He held her cheek and brushed his thumb across her lips. It is borderline torture at this point. Are ye feelin better?”
He watched her deer-in-the-headlights look and he loved her vulnerability. She was soft and sensual, giving into her crush and delighting him with every kiss. Jamie took a deep breath and pulled himself off the couch. He took a long sip of his drink and watched her fuss with her clothing that had shifted with their kissing.
“Well, I should go.”
“Thank ye for makin dinner Sassenach.”
She stopped and looked up at him. “Why do you call me that?”
“It’s… yer British accent. Sassenach means outsider.”
“I see.” Her wide eyes were telling him a story of her fear that she would miss him and that it would hurt. Her vulnerability was killing him and he threw caution to the wind and kissed her again. No more push back, his hands explored her body again until he picked her up and carried her to his bed. His kisses were intense and she was panting his name while pushing his shirt up. Jamie shook his head hard and stayed her hands.
“I will see ye to your car or ye can stay all night with me, it’s yer choice mo chridhe.”
She pulled her shirt off and pulled his head to her. She hated sleeping with other people in the bed but sacrifices had to be made and she believed this would solve her problem.
Jamie took his time. Removing each piece of clothing followed by kissing and tasting the newly exposed skin. He pulled his shirt off and felt her nakedness against him, and kissed her some more, wanting this to last as long as possible. When he entered her they both groaned with the exquisite feeling. He watched her eyes and kept his strokes slow and deep. She arched her back and ground her pelvis into his thrusts, pushing her legs farther apart. “Harder Jamie, right now.” Jamie picked up his speed and felt a pleasant bump in his arousal. Claire grabbed his face and pulled it within an inch of hers. She was panting and looked him straight in the eye.
“I know what you want, I want it to. I say we exit Sunday school and fuck like champions. Let it go, baby. If I say, uncle, I stay for another month. Jamie was too close to his orgasm and this opportunity would not be wasted. He got up and ordered her to stay as she was. He dropped his body within an inch of hers and pressed his forehead to hers.
“I’m takin a shower so we can start over lass. You can opt-out of this and just turn on yer side and I will spoon ye to sleep. It’s a wise choice. Stay in this position and I will rock your world.”
Jamie grabbed a tie on his way back to the bed. He was smiling and excited she had not opted for sleep. Once the blindfold was on he spun her into an erotic tornado with his tongue, and fingers, pulling her so high and placing light kisses on her breasts and stomach while she floated back. Jamie twisted her beautiful body into positions of extreme pleasure and brutal penetration making her come again. Just before his release, he spun her back to face him and removed the blindfold. He kissed her deeply and watched her eyes as he thrust into her soft wetness before going rigid in his release.
“My God yer fun. No ‘uncle’ so ye must sleep mo chridhe, yer plane leaves in twelve hours.” He pulled her into his chest and pulled the quilt over them. Ordinarily, this position would shoot Claire right out of bed and out the door, no matter what she promised. Tonight, she felt comfortable and drifted off to sleep. Throughout the night, Jamie would reach for her and pull her back to him, running his hand up her leg or down her arm before falling asleep again.
Jamie’s eyes opened at five in the morning, his automatic wake up before his rounds started at six. He tried to pull his arm out from under Claire without waking her but she moved into him and threw her leg around him. Not a word was spoken. He pushed into her body and savored every moment, knowing he was falling in love, and she would never come back. When he emerged from the shower, she was gone.
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Summertime Magic
So, I saw the gif below and thought of a brilliant idea. It’s about 90 degrees out here in my neighboorhood so here is a one-shot about a young woman trying to cool down this summer but she sees something that can heat it up even more. 
Something to hold y’all off until I post more of my series for “CONNECTED” and “Beauty and the Panther”.
Pairing: N’Jadaka x Black Thick Reader
Recommended Listening: Summertime Magic by Childish Gambino
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  The weather that day was unbearable to point everyone and anyone can walk outside completely nude and no one bat an eye. In a small one-story rented home, a young African American woman had finished her last yarn loc and finally got to rest. She lied there on her stomach, behind in the air with nothing but her undies and a crop top on. The AC was on full blow mode but the sweat still dripped down her forehead. She was in the middle of watching “Black Mirror” when she heard a car pull up her driveway; honking and blasting Tyler the Creator. “Y/N! I know you ain’t shit blood. Let’s go out”, a female voice said. Y/N looked out her window to see her best friend, Kesha, peeking through. She lifted up her window and said: “girl, it’s too hot to be out right now.” Kesha rolled her eyes and said “c’ mon, please. We can go to the store around the corner and chill at the beach. My ac is on and it is beautiful outchea. Now, get dressed and bring ya ass. You got thirty minutes.” 
   Y/N rolled her eyes and finally took a quick shower, slipped on a yellow short sundress and sandals to show off her bright peach color that matched her coffin-shaped acrylics. She placed a few golden clamps in her hair and was out to the car. “Oooo yes. I am feeling the locs” Kesha complimented as they made their way. “You finished them finally, huh?” Y/N nodded. “Yes, finally. It took all night but finally got it done.” Kesha raked her fingers through her box braids and told her “I may need a touch up in the first two rows. How much you gonna charge me?” Y/N looked at her braids and said “hmm, thirty. Sound good?”
“Yeah, thanks Y/N/N. I have a date next week and I gotta look good.” She looked at Shay and asked: “with you?” Kesha blushed and said “Ricky from down the street.” Y/N’s eyes bugged out. “Ricky?! Sandra’s Ricky?” Kesha raised her finger covering her friend’s mouth.  “Used to be. Ricky dumped her months ago because she got comfortable saying nigga.” Y/N put her arm out her window and looked out. “That’s what happens when niggas date woman o other races. Hoes out here think just because the get black dick in them that is the automatic ‘n-card’. They pulled up into the parking lot of the store before Kesha fixed her gloss and observed her cocoa skin in the mirror; they both got out and walked in. 
   “Exactly. Meet you at the register.” Y/N went to the cooler to observe the drink selection. She caught the reflection of an unknown figure standing behind her.  She made her way to the icee machine, grabbed a large cup and mixed Cherry with Coca Cola flavored. She grabbed a straw, taking it out and sliding her glossy lips around it. She turned around and was startled to see the strange man. “What up, baby? Who told you to look that fine?” Y/N rolled her eyes and said “bwoy, bye. I don’t know who you are and I don’t care.” When she was about to walk away, he grabbed her arm tightly and said “come on. I know your ass ain’t got a man.” 
   All of a sudden, a tall man in a vintage Fresh Prince jersey, black basketball, and Air Force ones stood at 6′2. Broad shoulders, muscular legs, dreads braided back with a nice fade and all, stood behind Y/N. “You aight, baby girl? I was looking for your cute ass.” He gently took her hand in his big one but she did not snatch it back. All she can do was melt into his touch while looking up at him. The stranger looked at the harasser with a brow rose and asked: “ya ain’t tryna be all on my girl, are you?” The man nervously laughed and said “Nah, big man. I didn’t-” The man slid her hand down the woman’s round waist and asked “Princess, is homeboy here giving you problems? Want me to rough his ass up like that last one?” He made his chest bounce when he said it and it made her wonder if anything else can bounce. 
   She shook her head and he said: “Nah, lemme hear that voice I love so much.” She blushed and said “no, it’s okay. Thank you though.” The man took his sucker out his mouth and smiled. He looked back to the guy and wrapped his arm around Y/N’s neck. “C’ mon, baby. Lemme buy yo snacks and let’s get the fuck outta here.” As they walked away, he looked back at the guy and raised his brow.” Y/N placed her snacks on the counter (a snicker, a spicy pickle and a bag of Cheddar Ruffles) with her drink and pulled the money she made from her last client out her bra; the man stopped her. “I got you, don’t trip.” He handed the cashier a twenty, got his change, got Y/N’s bag and held her hand as they walked out. 
    He walked them over to his pine-green Ford Explorer and leaned on it. “What’s ya name,” he asked and she said “Y/N” with her hand out. The man saw the creeper walk out and pulled her closer to him. “I’m N’Jadaka. Homeboy is right behind us. Just start giggling” he whispered and she did so but it was a genuine one because he breath was on her earlobe. The man turned the corner and N’Jadaka slowly let go. “Sorry about that. Nigga was tripping back there. Ya alright” he asked and she smiled sipping her drink. “I’m fine. Thank you for helping me out. I would have sprayed his ass but I left my keys in my homegirl’s car.” N’Jadaka looked back and looked at her, eyes traveling from her feet to her locs. “How long you been growing yours?” She laughed. “Unfortunately, it isn’t mine. They are yarn locs.” 
    His head tilted to the side and he said “oh shit, they look more natural than mine. I like ‘em. You should grow real ones. They fit your cute face.” She blushed and said “thank you. Who does yours?” He shook his head. “Eh, no one out here. I used to go out a barber up north but gas getting expensive.” That’s when he got the idea. “You know how to do dreads and maybe a line-up?” She smiled and said “yeah, let me see. Hold this real quick.” She bent his head down and got on her tippy toes. He placed his right hand her hip as Kesha was about to go to the car but stopped so she can watch. 
   “Hmmm, they look crotched but most likely twisted and locked. Can give you a hot oil treatment and a nice wash. A few are actually locking together which isn’t bad but they can get natted quick. I can charge about, eh, 75 and that’s with the fade, too. You don’t need a fae right now but we definitely gotta get these dreads right, N’Jadaka. I can give you my number and you can make an appointment. I have a few tomorrow but I can squeeze you in for Friday, sounds good.” He took his blow pop out his mouth and said “yeah, we can do that. What time you want me to come?” She took her drink back, sipping it and said “come over at eleven am. It’s gonna take a while.”
  “Cool, I can come after my session at the gym” he handed her his phone to put her number in. She gave back to him and said “there you go. Thanks, again for the help and buying my stuff for me. That was sweet. I can pay you back.” He shook his head and said “don’t worry. It was my pleasure.” He put his cherry sucker back in his mouth as his eyes landed at the car behind her; he smirked. “Someone is waiting for ya, Y/N.”  She turned to see Kesha nosey self watching and once she was caught she slipped in. “Text me so I can save your number, okay?” He nodded as he got int the driver seat and pulled off. 
   “Sooooooo, who was that nice looking brotha” her friend asked. Y/N looked over at Kesha and said: “just a man who help me out.” Kesha smiled rolling her eyes “mhmm, a fine man to add” as she started the car. When they made their way to another location, Y/N’s phone vibrated:
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  She smiled to herself as she saved his number. A fine man indeed, she agreed with her friend in thought.
Alright, loves. I love this so much btw. But let me know what y’all think and if I should do a chapter two and turn this into a series. I got A BUNCH of good ideas for this.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 85 Xs1)
"Day 12: Chicago"
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Considering how intoxicated they got all day and night yesterday, it's surprising that Luna and Colson are awake before any kind of knock hits their hotel room door. It's probably because of the uncomfortable, tangled positions they'd found themselves in from last night.
Getting comfortable at the top of the bed, they snuggle together. Colson running his fingers through her golden hair as they talk about different things. He wants to fly his tattoo guy out to meet them in Kansas City on Thursday.
"Think it'll hurt?" Colson asks Luna about the head tattoo he wants.
"Hmmmmph...." Luna giggles to herself.
Remembering the pain, Luna touches the back of her head. Just above the divit that slopes into her neck, at the very base of her skull, about three fingers wide and long, she has the replica of an old CA license plate tattooed there. Instead of numbers, it has the word WARD, like a vanity plate. A registration sticker sits expiring in the bottom right corner on June of 1999. The hidden piece is the only ink Luna has for her mother.
Known as Lizard or Izzy. Patti and Robert never named their daughter. The forgotten baby was named by a nun in the orphanage she was raised in. Never being adopted and always a ward of the state, Luna's mother's name legally became Elizabeth Ann Ward. Patti feeling immense guilt when her daughter contacted her regarding her grandchild, she legally changed Luna's name as soon as she adopted her after Izzy's death. The marking being the first tattoo Luna ever got. Never forgetting her true home. Or that first sense of insatiable pain. Always keeping her hair long, only three other people know that she has it. One of them being the artist. Colson isn't one and neither is her grandmother. Having gotten it done the summer she turned 14yrs old with Jackson and Opie, the undercut grew out just enough by time she'd come home to NY. That wasn't the only first for Luna in The Summer of 2005. That same year, Jackson got his first bike, teaching her how to ride and handle a gun. It was also the first time Luna ever had sex. Popping her cherry with Jackson on a warm late July night. It had been a wild summer filled with surprises, love and rebellion. Luna gaining and losing many different things in those three months. Springing into action a long series of events.
"YEAH. On the back of your skull? You're gonna feel that vibration through your teeth, eyes, ears... It's gonna hurt like a Motherfucker." Luna says with a smile playing on her lips.
"Shit, I didn't think of it like that..." Colson admits, not noticing Luna's detail.
"You'll be fine. Don't act like you don't like a little pain." Luna lifts up, biting his lip.
"Mmm... " Colson pulls Luna into him.
Kissing her deeply, Luna feels her body flush. Pushing up and climbing on top of him, she pins him down against the bed. Lightly biting along his neck. Each one a little harder as she makes her way to his nipples. Making Colson laugh and squirm as she drags her hands down his body as she bites his tattooed sides and stomach.
Holding his hard dick and excited eyes, Luna licks the bottom of him from base to tip with her wide, sopping tongue. Keeping his eyes in place with her antagonizing blue, Colson groans out. She gives him a wicked smile and a devious look before she lightly squeezes his cock and sinks her teeth into the meat of his thigh. Hard but not too hard.
"Ahh!! You fucking bitch!" He jerks. Laughing, while grabbing her. Colson carefully lifting and flipping Luna on to her back. "I'm gonna fuck you up!" He claims as she giggles.
Holding her down, with one large hand planted in the middle of her chest with a long arm, Colson slips his tongue up through the warm folds of Luna's pussy. Tasting peaches, he smiles before biting her back on her thigh.
"Motherfucker!!" Luna shrieks
Colson throws both of her legs over his shoulders. Coming back up to her face, he presses his tongue into her mouth. Aggressively kissing her as he holds her down.
Enjoying his dominance, Luna finds his cock with her hands. Grabbing it, she shifts her hips as she guides him inside. Pulling his blonde hair back, making him groan out as he starts to fuck her.
"Jesus FUCKING Christ, Loons!!" Colson growls into her ear, as he pulls out of her grasp to gnaw on her neck.
Luna claws the tops his arms, keeping her left leg straight. Her right leg grips his neck, curve of her foot resting perfectly on the back of his head. Driving into her deeply. Colson and Luna buck against each other hard as their teeth nip and hands grab at each other's bodies.
"Fuck. Oh, Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, FUUUUCK MEEEE!!!" Luna cries as Colson happily follows directions.
Making them both cum. Dropping her legs from his shoulders, Colson stays between them. Laying on Luna's right collarbone. He can see the bandage for her gunshot wound.
"Fuck..." His stomach churns as he looks in the other direction. Hating everything about it.
"Do you need a dress?" Colson pops his head up after a moment.
"A dress?" Luna asks, confused.
"Yeah... For the wedding. Shit. I guess you need two, hunh? He moves off of her to lay on his side.
"Awww..." Luna kisses his sweet lips. "Yeah... I uh, I don't know yet. I have an idea of what I want... But... I don't know... You?" She asks.
They haven't made any solid plans regarding either event. The only thing in place is their word, a twisted guitar string, an already scheduled festival and an almost dual residency for one of them. All with the idea of being legally married sometime next month.
"Don't you dress me?" Colson honestly asks her.
"Are you fucking five?" Luna asks him with a gnarly look. "Am I supposed to dress you?" She gives him a terrified look.
Both of them laugh, neither knowing what the fuck they're doing. THIS is gonna be a hot mess, they agree.
"We need help." Luna admits. "At least for after TownHall... We can wing EstFest."
Colson agrees with her again. They want to have a gathering afterwards at The Cleveland House for those who attend the small ceremony.
Wrapping his arm around Luna, pulling her into his chest, Colson kisses her head.
"We're getten' married, Kitten." He hums into into the top of her head.
Luna smiles, resting deeper into him. A wave of euphoria washing over her. A happy Yup escaping her lips. Neither of them ever expecting this in their lifetime. Colson a forever player. Luna thinking her heart was broken.
Hearing the knock, they get up. Burning and banging it out again in the shower. Luna snorting Percocets as Colson rails his own Adderalls.
Passing joints back and forth as they get dressed. Colson in loose grey pants and a Metallica shirt. Luna in all black skinnies and a tank.
Sliding on her red Vans, she pulls on the red baseball hat and her leather. Colson slapping her ass as she yelps walking out the door.
Colson's playing a sold out show at the Aragon Ballroom tonight.
As The Crew and Tech finish setting up, Luna and everyone hangs out in the parking lot. Most of them boarding around. All of them burning.
Luna stops as she feels her phone ring. It's her grandmother. Leaning up against the wall, Luna takes it.
"Hey Mom-Mom..." She greets Patti.
Patti asks Luna how the tour's going. Luna telling her Wild, like any other. Her Mom-Mom always appreciating Luna's candidness. They go on to touch base that Luna spoke to her therapist, Kylie, last week. She reassures her grandma that she did and will this week also. With that Patti cuts to the chase. She wants Luna to do her a favor. Luna hates her grandmother's favors.
"Seriously, Mom-mom?" Luna sighs with annoyance.
Patti wants her to fly out to NY next Tuesday and appear on Ellen. Always thinking her connections are the right move for her granddaughter's career. It's exactly how Luna ended up on Riot Records.
"What if Ash isn't available?" Luna tries to wiggle out of it.
Her grandmother pisses her off when she tells her that's Just Fine, Ellen wants to interview her, not Ashley.
"What the FUCK, Mom-mom? You know I don't like doing interviews. And on fucking daytime TV. You gotta stop doing this shit to me, Man. Did I not just flip shit in my room over feeling too looked at.....? You fucking suck right now....." Luna complains.
Pressing on Patti tells her it's good exposure for Nightmare and her cause. That Luna knows Ellen as a family friend and that she won't cross any boundaries. Sometimes she can be an old dick.
"Yeah. Clearly you've never watched her show." Luna angrily retorts. "I'll do this one, but Mom-Mom, that's IT. DO NOT commit me to anything else before asking me first." Pressing it even further, Luna throws in a zinger. "What did you always tell me?... Hm? Not to ASSUME anything... because it makes an Ass outta You and Me.... Next time, I'm gonna say No and you're gonna be mad when you look like an Asshole." Luna tells the older woman.
Blowing Luna's threats off, her grandmother tells her to watch her for the producers phone call and that she'll see her when she gets home. They exchange I Love Yous and GoodByes before hanging up. Still leaning against the wall, Luna grabs her skateboard and looks down. Thinking about her conversation with her grandmother.
"This is fucking bullshit.... I don't wanna fucking go on TV.... Ahhhhh!!!" Her brain screams. "Ash better be able to fucking come."
Calling Ashley, she can't. She'll be in Europe somewhere with Dom. Luna zones out of the conversation once she doesn't hear what she wants.
"MOTHERFUCKER.." Is all she can think.
Colson had noticed when Luna had first stopped skating. Looking over at her again, he stops himself. Holding his board, he watches her. She seems irritated by whoever's on the phone.
"Nobody better be fucking with her." He thinks, dropping his deck to skate over to Luna. "And it better not be fucking Tommy.... Or Jackson..." Colson can feel a fire lighting in his belly.
"What's up, Kitten?" He asks.
Gliding up to her, as he stops. One foot on his board, the other on the ground. Letting her's rest against her leg as wraps his long arms around her body.
"My fucking grandmom booked me on Ellen next Tuesday and Ash can't go with me." Luna complains into his chest.
"Shit? Again without asking?" Colson pulls her out of his chest.
"Yeah..." Luna sighs.
"Come're." Colson tells her.
They both let their boards go as he lifts her up. Luna wraps her arms and legs around his naked upper body. Burying her face into his neck. Inhaling his sweet aroma. The mixture of coffee, weed and his deodorant makes her nipples hard.
"I fucking hate when she does this." She whines.
"I know, Kitten." Colson comforts her as he kisses the side of her hat. "You just performing or you gotta sit down too?" He asks.
"I gotta sit dooowwn..." Luna continues to pout.
Colson can't help but chuckle. Luna tells him to Shut Up as her phone rings again. It's another NY number.
Sliding off of him, she takes the call as he skates off. Giving her a minute. It's the producers from The Ellen Show. They want Luna to perform Nightmare and THAT Type along with an interview. Luna agrees to all but THAT Type. She refuses to continue fueling this Bleta flame. Guaranteeing she'll have something for two sets, Luna unhappily hangs up.
"And now I gotta write a whole new FUCKING song...." Luna thinks, annoyed.
Flipping her deck over she goes to find Sam. She's rail sliding, ollieing and skating around the parking lot with Colson, Rook and Baze. Luna decides against saying anything at the moment. Choosing to rip her emotions out using the trucks beneath her feet instead.
Inside the ballroom, Colson goes over last minute specifics with Tech before he hits a light rehearsal with The Band.
They don't really need it, but they like to check the acoustics in new venues. Watching from SideStage, Colson asks Luna if she wants to try out What I Got.
"Yeah, why not? I wanna play lead on this one though." Luna says, tossing off her hat with her leather.
Walking over, she picks up a guitar and slides the strap over her shoulder. Striking it. She begins to play a different song with her own lyrics.
🎶Luna's 26yrs old🎶
🎶But Tuesday🎶
🎶She'll be a whore🎶
🎶Even though she already🎶
🎶It's fucking the wrong way🎶
Luna stares at Colson as she snarls at the next lyrics. She's still pissed at her grandmother.
🎶Don't be afraid🎶
🎶In the quickness🎶
🎶You get laid🎶
🎶For your family🎶
🎶Get paid🎶
🎶It's the Fucking wrong way🎶
Letting the guitar hang off of her, Luna sighs. Arms rests on the Fender. The 30s and time help Luna not notice the light pain in her shoulder. Colson walks over and kisses her forehead.
"I don't think that's really a duet, Kitty." He says with a small smile.
"I know..." Luna sighs again. "I'm just frustrated. I gotta come up with a second song by Tuesday."
Leaning the top of her her head into his chest as the instrument separates them. He rubs her back asking her Why. Understanding when she explains not wanting to use THAT Type.
"What about the one you sent me? Brooklyn Bitch?" He asks, lifting her face by the chin.
Looking up at him she says No, pulling away. Hands flittering in frustration. She'd have to change too many things and it's the complete opposite tone and message of Nightmare. Whatever it is, it needs to send it's own independent, strong musical statement. Another reason she doesn't want to use THAT Type, it's negative as all hell towards women and so far removed from Luna's platform. She needs something new. Something to hold hands with Nightmare. Sighing again, she places her head back against Colson's bare chest.
"Wanna put figuring out a cover on hold for a sec? So you can write this one?" He asks.
Looking up again, she asks If He Minds. Shaking his head, Colson leans down to kiss Luna. Lifting the guitar from around her neck.
"Come on... Lemme get you high, Baby Girl." He smirks.
Slapping her ass. He grabs one cheek, holding it tightly as they walk across stage.
Rolling her eyes, she feels her pussy swell from his grasp. Luna loves the way he man handles her sometimes, even distracted.
"I fucking hate when you call me that." She complains.
There is ONE person who calls Luna Baby Girl and they're the highest on her shit list.
Sitting on one of the couches on The Bus, Colson fires Luna up a joint. Handing it to her, he lights his own. Slouching down, Luna hits it as she kicks off her Vans. Swinging herself around, Luna lays back on the couch as she places her legs across his lap.
Colson slips her socks off and starts rubbing her slender feet. Pressing his large thumbs into her balls and high arches. Both still getting high. Luna closes her eyes, running her left foot over Colson's semi until he can't stand it anymore. Fully hard, he looks over at her asking Yeah to her smirk and shrug.
"YEAH!!" Colson shouts as he pounces on her.
Tickling and kissing her all over, Luna wiggles and laughs as they try to undress each other. Scooching all over the couch. Colson pulls her skinny jeans off and throws them across The Bus.
"Was that really necessary?" Luna laughs.
"Yes." Colson confirms as he dives back on to her.
Kissing and teasing each other, they wrestle around on the couch. Luna squirms too far off it, taking them both down onto the floor with a THUD.
With more space to control her, Colson bites Luna's neck as he dips his cock inside of her. Luna thrusts her hips up into him as she moans out in pleasure. They're tongues play in each other's mouths as they move their bodies together. Pulling back, Colson grins down at Luna.
"Told you I'd fuck you on the floor." He smirks.
"You motherfucker!" Luna bursts.
Gripping his waist with the leg wrapped around it, Luna pushes off with her right. She rolls them over using her right arm as leverage and left for force. Popping his dick back inside of herself once she's on top, she pulls up her right knee to protect her new crab. Dropping her hips and left leg, Luna pushes Colson all the way inside of her. Pressing on his chest with her hands, she rocks her hips in a titled circle.
"Who's fucking who on the floor now, C!" Luna taunts his groans.
"You're such a fucking biitchh..." He growls, enjoying her pussy controlling his cock.
"Yeah. But you love this fucking BITCH, don't you?" Luna provokes Colson while riding him faster. "Don't you."
Colson grips her hips tighter with a loud Yes. Bucking hard against him, they're both on the verge of cumming.
"Say it." She demands.
"I FUCKING LOVE YOU, YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Colson shouts as Luna fucks him with authority.
"FUCK YEAH, YOU DO!!" She cries out before they both cum. "Holy Fuck balls, Bunny...."
Luna pants, dangling her head backwards as she leans her hands on his thighs. Still grinding into him. Colson admires her heaving chest and enjoys her warm pussy and soft moans.
She's startled when he comes flying up, wrapping his arms around Luna's body when he hears The Bus doors open. Quickly tucking her inside of him, she's not sure what's going on until she hears his firm YO.
Next comes a "Bullet? What the fuck, DUDE? Why... You know what.... Get the fuck out, I'll be talk to you in a minute." Colson says to whomever walked onto The Bus.
"Who the hell was that?" Luna asks once he releases her.
Colson runs his hands through her hair. Pulling her in for another kiss.
"My boy, Bullet... Come on, let's get dressed. I'll introduce you." He tells her before he kisses her again.
"MY MAN!!" Colson exclaims dapping and hugging a large bald man.
The guy is HUGE. Benny and Colson are the same height but Benny's got an easy 150lbs on Colson. This dude that Luna's watching, has at least another three inches on them both. An easy fifty pounds if not more of solid muscle on Benny. He's not huge, this man is a mountain.
"Kitten!" Colson catches her attention. "This is Bullet. Bullet, meet Luna Smith, THAT Brooklyn Bitch. And as of next month my fucking WIFE." He grins with pride.
"Hi!" Luna gives the man a bright smile as she shakes his hand. "How do you guys know each other?" She asks.
Colson explains how Bullet is his other bodyguard.
"Ooohh... They called in you cause of OUR reckless asses." Luna calls him right out, putting two and two together.
"Naaahhhh..." Bullet shakes his head with a smirk.
"Mhhm... Well, at least we greeted you with a fucking bang-bang." She snarks, making Colson and Bullet erupt into laughter. "I gotta start working on this song. Catch you in a bit?" Luna asks as she kisses Colson.
He nods in agreement, kissing her back as she tells Bullet It's A Pleasure. Heading off to find Sam.
"Imma like this one..... She's a little pistol." Bullet thinks of his first impression of Luna. Noticing how Kells had stopped to cover her tattooed body when he walked in on them. He'd never done that before with any other female Bullet's walked in on him with. Just kept on fucking. "If she is what they say she is, I guess I'd wanna keep that ass to myself too." He muses to himself. Acknowledging that Kells's Girl is not only sassy but STACKED as he watches her walk away.
🎶Did we ask//You for It//When we begged//Was it nice//While we were//Asking for It//Did we beg you twice🎶
Luna's in Colson's dressing room, sitting on the floor with her guitar, notebook, a joint and a pen. She's trying to write a new song. Wanting the same message as Nightmare, but melodic wise is trying to return to her roots. That raw energy. She doesn't want any mixing done. Just to run it straight through. That hard hitting garage feel.
"FUCK.... I'm so glad Sam's already here. I need a fucking bassist..... There's no way I'm pulling Tim in for this....." She thinks as a pain shoots through her heart.
Luna's original band, Dysfunctional Baggage consisted of four members. Luna on lead guitar and vocals. Justin on rhythm guitar and back up vocals. Sam, obviously being the drummer and Tim, Justin's bestfriend, their bassist. They had formed in 2011. Playing local NYC spots. Doing small East Coast tours. None of them wanting to be famous, having only the need to create music. And they did. A lot. The Band cut four albums on their own before they disbanded in 2015. Justin and Tim's addictions overshadowing their work. That's when Patti pushed Luna onto Riot Records as a solo artist. Locking her into a four year, three record contract. Sam had stuck with Luna as an unsigned artist, not wanting to be pigeonholed but still create with her friend. Having lost Justin within the first year of her contract, the three records sound nothing like Luna. They're very dark and bluesy instead of energetic and empowering. Justin's suicide never going public but Luna's words making it abundantly clear to their fans. It had wreaked her. Had she not been forced to create, she probably would've lost her music also.
Ashleigh pops her head in.
"You're on in 15, Loon." She informs her.
"FUCK! Okay. Thanks Ash." Luna responds.
Looking at her mess on the floor, she doesn't have time to clean it up. Pulling her clothes off, she dresses for The Stage. Throwing on a corset, booty shorts, thigh highs with a garter, a random flannel and knee high boots.
Keeping her hair loose, she pulls on her leather before heading out to perform with Colson.
"God DAMN!!!" Colson's mind flashes as he takes Luna's hand, leading her from the piano. "Imma fuck the shit outta that ass TONIGHT." He thinks as he raps to her.
Bouncing around the stage together, playing off one another, Colson feels his dick growing hard as Luna snakes around him. He pulls her into him. Poking her lower back with his raging cock. Reminding her of LA.
🎶Let me paint the picture. Counter in the kitchen. Taking all your clothes off. Findin' my religion. You're my pretty little vixen and I'm the voice inside your head. That keeps telling you to listen to all the bad things I say🎶
They hit the chorus together. How they want each other forever. Throwing their arms up as they laugh and sing about tattooing each other on their bodies to take each other wherever.
The Band exploding around them with lights and smoke. The crowd going wild when Luna grabs Colson's chin. Belting the last chords.
🎶I'm all in🎶
🎶There is no maybe🎶
Colson grabs her ass, pulling her into him for a strong kiss. Their bodies ripping chords on his guitar between them.
"I love you." Colson whispers to her, whipping her around to face the crowd, he holds her against him. Arm around her neck. "Give it up for my soon-to-be Bride, THAT BROOKLYN FUCKING BITCH!!!!" He screams.
Luna grins and shakes her head. Thanking the crowd as Colson kisses her cheek and releases her.
"Kill em, Bunny." She tells him before trotting OffStage.
That's exactly what he does for the next 45mins. Jumping into the crowd, climbing up random shit, performing his fucking heart out.
Luna doesn't bother to head back to the dressing room. Standing in between Sam and Ashleigh, she hits the bottle one hands her. Then a joint from the other. Singing along with them, enjoying the rest of the show.
"Thank you, Chicago!!! You were fucking sick!!!" Colson shouts before coming OffStage after encoring Sail.
Luna throws up a Bye to Ashleigh and a confused Sam as he tosses her over his shoulder. It's a scene her and Ashleigh know all to well.
"Get that shit off, NOW." Colson demands after setting Luna back down on her feet.
"What 'chou do before me?" She asks as she strips.
"There is no before YOU." He tells her as he scoops her up.
Sliding himself inside of her, Colson presses Luna up against the dressing room door. Sucking all over her neck as he bounces her off of his dick.
Luna cums for him easily with the way he talks to her and the way his cock treats her. Her walls gripping him tight, she makes him cum with her.
Sitting down on the couch, Colson's still inside Luna as she rests her head against his bare chest and neck. Quietly enjoying each other for a moment.
"What do you wanna do tonight?" He finally asks her.
Lifting up, she grins. "Same thing we do every night, Pinky.... Take over the fucking world."
Colson laughs out an I Love You before flipping her into her back and fucking her again on the couch.
With a school bag full of liquor, drugs and toys, that's exactly what they do. Take over the fucking world as Colson, Luna, Sam, Baze, Rook and Slim rip their boards around DownTown Chicago.
"I didn't know you grind!!!" Luna grins as Slim cruises beside her.
"Bitch, black men do everything!" He laughs.
"Shut the fuck up." Luna tells him with a grin and a shake of the head "Why your bitch ass never come out with us before then, hunh?"
"Cuz I do what I WANT!!!" He laughs mimicking Luna as he pushes off to gain more speed.
"Why wanna be like me???" She teases him, gaining her own speed and sailing past him.
Stopping abruptly, Luna yells "SAMMMMMYYYY!!!"
She's found a park. It may be gated but Luna found a park. The Boys watch as Luna tosses her board and bag over the fence. Next goes Sam's board. Luna's almost up the fence as she reaches down to help her girl.
"I guess we're going to the park..." Colson shrugs after watching The Girls disappear. "Heads up!!!" He yells before tossing his board over to them.
Following suit, Colson and The Boys hop the fence too.
Inside the park, Luna and Sam climb up the jungle gym. Sam finding and sliding down the slide first. Luna going down sideways calling for Squish The Lemon. Everyone one running towards her. Rook and Sam take one set of steps as Slim and Baze find others, running across the jungle gym to the slide. Colson beats them all when he climbs up the side. It only takes Colson's weight to knock Luna off.
Scrambling back up to the top, they hoot and holler as they slide and slam into each other. Knocking each of them to the ground. Luna's stuck between Baze and Rook as Slim comes tumbling down against Sam. It's Colson's force that sends Baze and Luna flying into the air. Both hit the ground laughing.
"YOU WIN!!!!" Luna calls out, not bothering to get up off of the warm summer ground.
"Lezzzzz goooo!!" Sam shouts, pulling her up and towards the swings.
Luna LOVES to swing. It's the ultimate childhood release for her. The six of them all grab a swing, pumping their legs hard as they breeze through the air. Flying high.
"On three, who can make it farthest!!" Baze shouts out the challenge.
Dipping into the air faster as they glide, Baze calls ONE! TWO! THREEEEEE!!!! Sending them all flying into the night sky. Surprisingly, they all land on their feet. Colson winning having lept the farthest. Slim a close second.
"Guess white men can jump." Luna sticks her tongue out at Slim before she grabs Sam's hands and runs off.
Jumping onto the Merry-Go-Round. She calls The Boys over. Slim and Rook jump on with them as Colson and Baze do the hard work of pushing. Running around full force multiple times, they jump on too. Colson grabbing ahold of Luna and a bar as The World spins around them. Laughing as the warm summer air whizzes by them.
All of them lay back, dizzy as the sky starts to move slower. Passing the bottle and multiple joints amongst them.
"Is this the shit you do when you guys disappear??" Slim asks as he hits a joint, enjoying the childishness of the night.
Colson, Luna, Rook and Baze erupt into laughter. Yes. Yes it is.
"I Cone-Fought Loons in Detroit!!" Rook laughs. "I bet I'm the only person in The World who's whooped her ass!!" He states to the others laughter and Luna's Fuck You.
"What fun shit you got in the bag tonight, Looney?" Colson asks.
"Ahhhh... Idk. I think I have a football!!" She pops up off the metal toy.
Digging through her bag, she pulls out a Nerf football to everyone's excitement.
"WORD!!" Slim shouts, jumping up as Luna tosses it to him. "Colson gets Luna so I get Sam..." He starts picking teams.
"Aight.... I get Rookie." Colson agrees, popping up too, pulling Luna up with him.
"What the fuck, yo!?" Baze asks as last pick.
"You wit me Truck, let's rock these Fools!!" Slim reassures him.
Picking goal lines, they can't agree on touch or tackle. The Boys calling touch while The Girls holler Fuck That, Tackle. Colson declaring tackle it is.
They run a couple plays. Luna and Sam displaying that not only can they catch a football but each can also spiral one. Running around competitively against each other, Luna tackles Sam with no thought. Stopping their fourth down.
"FUCKING LUNATIC!!!!" Rook screams in excitement.
If you haven't realized yet, Luna and Rook are tiny people best friends. Both adoring and finding each other hilarious.
They're in the middle of another play when they see lights and hear a Hey.. What Are You Kids Doin'!? Grabbing their boards and Luna's bag all six of them haul ass. Tossing their shit over the fence as they all escape.
Laughing hysterically as they shoot off into the Chicago night. Rounding a few blocks, they slow down. Colson firing up a joint as Baze does too. Luna pulling the bottle of whiskey back out of her bag. They cruise back to the Aragon as they continue to enjoy each other, passing joints and the bottle between them as they continue to get fucked up. Slim happy he came out.
"Wait. We're outta fucking alcohol???" Luna asks once they're back on The Bus. "How is that possible!??"
It's 2A. There is NO WAY they're hitting the road dry.
"Hold The FUCKING Bus." She directs Colson. "Let's go." She states grabbing Ashleigh and Sam's hands.
Chicago is the joint you wanna be in if you need alcohol late night. After a short search, Ashleigh finds a package store only three blocks away. With the bottle of Jameson still in her bag, Luna demands Ashleigh down it. She needs to be on their level.
Always the responsible one, Ashleigh doesn't mind when Luna demands she cut loose. Pouring the last eighth of the bottle down her throat.
Linking arms, The Girls laugh as they burn a joint trying to follow Ashleigh's GPS. They only get lost for fifteen minutes.
Relieved, giddy and drunk, Ashleigh, Luna and Sam drop to their knees in the whiskey aisle. Praising the Liquor Gods. Not caring who's around.
Each grabbing three handles. Six whiskeys and three tequilas. They head to the counter. Sam and Luna losing their shit when Ashleigh mistakes a Captain Morgan cut out for a person. She's drunk.
"We gotta get you out more, Boo." Luna laughs, throwing her arm around her.
After paying, they stumble down the street. Ducking their heads together as they laugh.
"Take me with yooou next time... I'm so tired of being the Moooooommmm... I had so much fun just being fucked up with you the other day." Ashleigh slurs.
"I got you, Sugar." Luna beams, wrapping her arm around Ashleigh's swinging waist.
They're a block away from the venue, when they're approched by four men.
"What do we have here???" One asks as they circle The Girls.
Word limit ( 1 of 2 )
To be continued......
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Girls (Chloe Frazer & female reader (maybe x Samuel Drake, kinda?))
Description: Chloe Frazer. She was a woman of many names, many jobs, and many looks. But sometimes even she had to rest from her life full of adventure. Especially when Samuel Drake introduces her to his friend.
A/N: I am so sincerely sorry. I just couldn't hold my pansexual ass from writing! I am into Chloe a big, big time. She, to me, is at the same level of sexiness as Samuel. And that's something. And this will probably have more parts!
@missdictatorme waiting for your bitching, alright, love? (GO CHECK THIS BAE OUT)
Warnings: Reader is a serious bisexual mess in here. I mean it. And a love triangle for sure.
Mood for this: Cherry Cola by Kuwada or Girls like girls by Hailey Kiyoko, or whatever you’ll like more, love! 
Word count: 3 800 (-/+)
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A big, flat hand slapping her bloody cheek as she was barely standing on her feet was everything to make her fall on her knees. This was the end of the line and she knew that she can't save the situation under any circumstances.
"Oh lord," - she looked at the man, smiling and slowly wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth. Chloe's body hurt so much it was almost unbearable. Her muscles were constantly tensed even tho she only kneeled on her legs. - "I don't recall telling you that I like it rough." - Chloe tried to hide the pain behind the smile as some macho man kicked directly into her chin.
Where for the heavens was he? Where was Samuel Drake and what the fuck was he doing? He disappeared three minutes ago and it felt like if she was waiting for death.
All of a sudden, Samuel sprinted out of the nearest corner and wrapped his forearms around that man's neck, making a tight tie. That man was huge and he tried to fight back, but Samuel held him tightly as he was collapsing to the ground slowly, his eyes twitching as he watched Chloe on the ground.
"What took you so long?!" - Chloe whisper shouted at Samuel when he slowly helped on her feet again, brushing her shoulders from the dirt. He tapped her back as she started coughing, making sure that she can stand on her own. - "A minute longer and some grass would grow on me!"
"I was having the time of my life with other dudes," - Samuel grinned and put a cigarette on his lower lip, lighting it up with a single movement of his fingers.
"I thought you left me behind." - Chloe laughed. - "But you would be fucked in the butt, I have the thing we came here for." She tapped her butt and slowly walked away from that place. She was glad because this gig was almost endless. It almost cost Samuel and Chloe everything. Chloe was too tired to keep her eyes opened, her body was in pain and Samuel looked like a serious piece of shit.
That was a week and a half ago. Since then, they both somehow patched up and left that hell to get their money. And it was a serious lot of money that they got. Both of them decided to take at least two months of recovering before starting another project, as Samuel called their jobs.
They slept through most of the time, refilling their energy to away when they could hold their eyes opened for more than half an hour. After that busy week of sleeping and doing absolutely nothing they decided to meet at a near pub. Chloe thought that they'll be going through their funniest stories of the gig, but Sam called her just minutes before their meeting.
"Hi, miss Dragon Slayer!" - He shouted into that phone and Chloe growled because his voice was too share and she was still half-asleep. They planned to meet up about two hours from now, so what was his problem? Chloe has tidied up beforehand, she bought some champagne and orange juice to prepare Mimosa from, she baked some Indian Lasagna and she washed every single of the dishes.
Chloe was planning to don't end alone that evening - whether it would be a man or a woman, she will not be sleeping alone.
"Hi, dickhead?" - She growled to her phone and smoothed her hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, so, that pub meeting. Is it still a thing?"
"I guess so. What's gotten to you, man?" - Chloe sat on the bed and she was angry that Samuel woke her up and she knew, that she is not going to fall asleep again. At least she had the time to have a proper, nice, long bath to make herself look like a human being again.
"There's one lady, my friend. I mean, I would like to know her better, you know what I'm saying?" - Samuel tried to avoid explicit words, but he felt like that he isn't expressing himself enough. - "I would like to have some benefits with her. Her name is Y/N and she’s soooo fine! Those legs and that ass, Chloe I swear..." - He sighed deeply and Chloe felt that that was the moment where she should stop him.
"Cut the chase and get to the point, I'm getting angry. You woke me up and I'm not in the mood for your disgusting sexual fantasies." - Chloe stood up from the bed and stretched her long legs full of muscles. She was a finely toned woman with the best ass which you'll ever see. Chloe cracked her knuckles and she slowly walked to the fridge, opening it up. She was naked as always, letting her messy bun jumping next to her jaw and letting that late sun lightly smoothing her skin in a tone of fair cinnamon. 
"Can she come with me today?" - Sam asked and Chloe could feel that his voice is unsure and nervous. He must've really liked that girl when she gave him those feelings. Chloe smiled as she took the milk out from the fridge.
"So you want me to help out? You want me to be your dating consultant?" - She joked as she poured the milk into a bowl, searching for some müsli in her cabinet.
"Gods, no. I just want her to have some fine evening, making her a bit drunk and then nuzzle her in my bed." - Samuel said in a dreamy voice and Chloe smiled. - "You know I can be a bit impatient at times, but I don't want to scare her away."
"I see, cowboy. You can bring your lady with us. I'm interested in her, she must be really nice if she has this effect even on you." - Chloe asked amusingly.
"Don't you try to lay one of her flirting looks, Frazer!" - Sam screamed out and laughed. He was pretty sure that Y/N, that was his friend's name, is not into stuff with a girl. He wouldn't mind a threesome with her and some other woman, but he was kinda sure that Y/N would not appreciate an action like this. Frazer laughed as well and they said good-bye to each other.
So Sammy boy was into a girl. That made her happy. Samuel seemed to be excited about her, which made her excited as well. And interested.
Those two hours were running slowly, Chloe cleaned herself, she ate breakfast and she chose some sexy, tight clothes. She needed something to lure men and women to look at her, considering her offer which she served with a wicked smile. Something to catch their attention. 
Chloe was always a partial exhibitionist and she was a little attention whore; all of her friends knew that. The more looks she received from the others, the more attention she got, the happier she was.
After she finally put that outfit together, she sat on her balcony with her feet leaned on the railing, sitting there only in a long shirt with her wet hair put to a low ponytail as she sipped a glass of red wine, looking at the city drowning in that beautiful golden sunshine. Her tomcat, Mr. Skittles sometimes came to look at her with his silver fur, meowed and left inside to lay on her couch again. But it was time to go meet up with Sam and his little twinkling star too soon, so she got up and left to dress.
Chloe let her raven-colored hair fall around her round face, which made her eyes wider, it made them look deeper and even more lust-filled. She slowly licked her full lips and revealed more of her boobs by lightly tugging her tight black top with straps under her collarbones. She considered herself being closed to a sex bomb.
She stood alone in front of the pub and waited for those two, checking her watch all the time. She wore tight blue jeans and some black sneakers, only to ruin that bombshell look by a black jogging bag. That was Chloe just being herself - a decent woman who was up for adventure anytime. She watched the tips of her shoes, frowning a bit as if something was on her mind.
Chloe snapped as she heard the tone of Samuel's voice. It was one of the arousing ones when he was telling a story. She could vividly imagine how his lips formed into a smirk and his eyes were shining like the stars on the night sky. Chloe looked in their direction and almost fainted when she saw that girl that he was walking with.
Chloe hasn’t got a single idea what drawn her eyes to Samuel’s find. Maybe it was her Y/E/C eyes lined with a thin eyeliner and mascara, maybe it was her lip showing the tip of her tongue as she laughed. She was cute, a bit smaller than her and Sam, looking like an angel between all of the people next to them.
Suddenly that promise she made to Samuel about not thinking about her in any of her typical ways was really hard to keep. Chloe stared at her as if she never saw a woman. That girl looked like a treasure; Samuel's interested could be explained easily. Even her mind was too distracted thinking about all of the positions she could make look good and feel good.
After that thought, Chloe shook her head and tried to get those invasive thoughts out of her mind. So she shoved her hands in the back pockets of her jeans, smiling at those two as they were getting closer.
Y/N had tight jeans on, white Converse shoes which were covering the area above her ankles and a loose shirt with white and blue straps on. Her hair was also loosed on her shoulder and she had a big smile on as she was listening to Samuel telling her a story. Y/N straightaway looked like a tourist from a movie about Italy. That was a woman who could be considered a bombshell.
"And there she is!" - Sam cried out loudly and he pointed on Chloe. Y/N gave her a shiny look with a big smile as Chloe caught her attention. - "This is my partner in crime and a woman who saved my ass many times." - Sam put a hand around Chloe's shoulder and shook with her a little and Chloe laughed, looking at Y/N with a stunned face. Chloe looked like a lovesick puppy who somebody let alone on the street. And Y/N was a fucking angel.
Y/N unintentionally copied the was Chloe stood and shover her fingers onto her bum as well. Chloe found it seriously cute. 
"Miss Chloe Frazer." Sam pointed onto Chloe’s face with his finger as she watched Y/N, which has a blank, unreadable expression on it. She was mesmerized and amazed.
"Sam told me only nice things about you!" - Y/N offered Chloe her hand with long fingers and smiled a bit wider. - "That's nice." - Chloe took her palm in hers and she looked at Sam with unbelieving expression when a smirk grew on her round, full lips. He told Y/N something about her? 
"He wouldn't be even able to tell a single bad word about me. I am the definition of perfection, love." - Chloe bumped into Sam's shoulder as she was still holding Y/N's hand. Any of them realized that Chloe could only feel how nice it felt and that her hand was nice and gentle. All of a sudden, Y/N's face snapped into a huge smile.
"I can be so rude sometimes." - Y/N laughed and finally shook her hand in a firm matter. - "My name's Y/N Y/L/N. I am Samuel's friend." She looked at Sam and even though Chloe didn't want to let go of her hand. Samuel looked that over, letting that slip under his eye.
"Shall we get inside?" - Y/N asked and slowly stepped into the door of the pub, slowly smoothing the hair behind her ear, eyes flickering between Sam and Chloe.
"Sure." - Samuel showed them his flirting smile which was mainly for Y/N and let Chloe go in just a moment before him.
Chloe already knew that place like her own and this was the first time of her getting nervous. It was because of Y/N - she was practically forced by Sam to look at her bum, being perfectly formed for Chloe’s hand, shaking a bit as she was walking forward. This evening was getting forward too badly for her personal taste as they were both eyeing the same girl.
Y/N lead them to Sam and Chloe's favorite table in the corner of the room. If was a natural instinct, she wanted to have some privacy and she wanted to hear what they wanted to tell her. Y/N sat in between them, having a totally innocent gave, giving them both a big smile.
Each of them ordered one big beer and Sam, Obviously trying to succeed with his goal, ordered each of them a shot of the strongest vodka they had. He knew really well that Chloe's body handles alcohol well, but he knew that Y/N wasn't as good in that drinking game as she wanted them to believe.
They got along pretty well, Chloe and Y/N. Chloe was feeling like a parasite when the evening started, as she watched Samuel trying to seduce Y/N. Chloe was unsure from the start around her as she tried not to watch her for a long time, she was nervous when Y/N leaned her elbow into her forearm and let their places touch without Y/N even noticing that she touched Chloe. 
But Chloe panicked, watching that little spot more and more frequently.
And because of that small contact between their bodies, Chloe wasn't at all able to concentrate on any of the other humans in the pub. Chloe was afraid that every time she walked to the toilettes she would lose Y/N's elbow on her forearm. But as soon as she sat back next to her, that elbow was touching her naked skin through the shirt's material.
Y/N burst out of laugh many times during the evening as Chloe and Sam were slowly slipping into that drunk mood which both of them were enjoying. Chloe loosed her fear of talking with Y/N openly and she even felt the urge to have Y/N's attention on her when she was talking with Samuel. But the promise to let her alone was still popping in Chloe's head.
During the evening, as Y/N drank more and more, she was leaning into Chloe's arm as she laughed and said to Sam many times, that he's a dork and that he's unbelievably stupid. Y/N was physically leaning directly into her with a smile in her eyes, so Chloe just casually threw her hand next to her waist and let Y/N back lean into her torso.
Samuel was too drunk to notice, so Y/N slowly leaned her head into Chloe's shoulder, smiling at him.
"I need to pee." - Y/N tried to stand up, but she almost fell on Sam. She hid her laugh into her palm and Sam supported her with his hand and he gracefully watched as Y/N entwined her fingers with him. Then she turned to Chloe. - "Do you want to be my princess and help me?"
Chloe stood up on her heels and looked at her.
"I think that I am more the knight in a shiny armor type. But let's go love." - Chloe offered Y/N her palm and she held it with her fingers as she entwined with her as well. They slowly went to the toilets with lots of laugh, giggles and stumbling over their own feet. At one point, Y/N almost threw Chloe on the ground when she was falling, hugging her with a happy laugh.
Somehow they made it to the restroom even if it was unbelievable. Chloe used that little time out to pee as well and they met again to wash their hands. Y/N was looking shyly at her with a huge smile; it was too hard for Chloe to pretend that she didn't see that. 
“I am really enjoying this night out, haven't been drinking in forever,” - Y/N sighed as she slowly dried her hand, watching Chloe still washing them as if she was about to perform a surgery.
“Yeah,” - Chloe gave a quick look, wondering about her again. They were alone in the restrooms. This was a kingdom where Sam wasn't allowed to go - so it wasn't that bad to think about the taste of her lips, right? Chloe could smell her gentle, girly perfume perfectly and she saw her lacy white bra through the fabric of the shirt. Was she a bad friend? 
Chloe watched her fingers fidgetting through the water and gulped, she felt the urge to change the topic immediately. 
“You and Sam. You’re getting it on, huh?” - Chloe lifted one of the corners of her lips, giving Y/N a smirk. Y/N looked into the mirror and she was silent for a long while. 
“Does it seem like we are?” - She asked Chloe in a quiet voice as her cheeks got slowly red. Her hand moved closer to Chloe’s sink and her eyes were pinned to her own fingers. 
“I don’t need to be a detective to figure out that Sam is into you big time and that he’s trying to start something with you.” - Chloe finally stopped the water and looked on Y/N, she was sure that she made the right thing. She directed Y/N’s to Samuel’s direction. But Y/N looked like she was stuck inside of her thoughts until another woman stepped to the toilettes, smiling at them and being also drunk as hell. 
“Oh shit.” - Y/N sighed and closed her eyes firmly just to open them the next second, looking Chloe directly to the eyes. - “I will presume that this is a really fucked up situation then.” She whispered and the next second, all of Chloe’s answers were answered.
Their bodies melt into a tight embrace as Y/N closed her eyes and circled her hands around Chloe’s neck, gently tugging her hair unintentionally.  She tasted like beer and vodka, her tongue was as gentle as her touches and when that little angel moaned into her mouth, letting Chloe control the situation. 
Chloe was actually stunned for a while, feeling that beautiful woman’s body on her own, boobs on boos and hair twisting together. But after the first shock, she felt her hands roaming over Y/N’s waist and hips, making the shirt completely soaked in a minute. She enjoyed every inch of her, slowly traveling to her bum and sitting her on that wet sink. 
“I liked that, I truly did love, but,” - Chloe whispered when their lips parted and Y/N was panting for her breath with a smile on her face and red cheeks. - “But what about you and Sam? You have some type of chemistry, I can see it.” Chloe looked into her eyes and caressed Y/N’s jaws with smooth, quick moves. 
“I like Sam in the same way he likes me.” - Y/N smiled at Chloe, playing with a lock of Chloe's hair. - “It would be a lie if I say that I didn't think of him in that way. Heard that he's really good in bed so it's natural for me to think about that” - She rolled her eyes. - “But you caught my eye in front of the pub. I mean... Just look at you. Those lips just begging for my kiss, those eyes which undressed me the whole evening and that stunning body.” - Y/N moaned as she cupped Chloe's waist and shyly moved her hand to her left breast, sticking her nose into her cleavage, which made Chloe giggling as she smoothed Y/N’s hair. 
“I would lie if when I would say that I wasn't imagining you this evening in Samuels position as well.” - Y/N smiled and Chloe felt like the pride in her rose up. She saw that Y/N’s smile widened as a thought crossed her mind.
“Let’s have a date. Just you and me. Some food, quiet place by the beach, maybe having some fun on the carnival?” - Y/N shrugged her shoulders and Chloe slowly nodded as she leaned for another kiss from those lips before they will have to go back to Sam.
“Can I join in, girls?” - Another woman voice joined their conversation with a laugh. Y/N slowly realized that it was that girl who came a few minutes ago and she just wanted to wash her hands. So she slowly got off the sink, still holding to Chloe's waist, leaning her head with a smile into her shoulder. - “You're a cute couple. I somehow always wanted to try it, but never got an actual chance to.” - The girl smiled and Chloe shrugged to say literally anything. 
“Thank you. My girlfriend is very lovely.” - Y/N bumped into Chloe and left the restroom as both of them were getting back to Samuel. 
“Where were you, ladies?” - Samuel threw a hand over Y/N’s shoulder as soon as she sat next to him, making her smile a little. She was still watching Chloe, traveling her leg with the tip of her shoe as she watched Samuel smiling. 
“I am getting tired, aren’t you, baby girl?” - Samuel entwined his fingers with hers and she only hummed, because she was watching Chloe with an intense stare. His nose was deeply buried in Y/N’s hair and even tho it made Chloe jealous, she wasn't hers and she knew she kissed her before Samuel, which made her a bit cooler. Her foot was in her lap and she could feel that beauty’s fingers massaging it firmly as she looked into her eyes as well. 
Y/N and Chloe said goodbye in front of that pub, Y/N slowly kissing both of her cheeks and then letting her lips slam on hers rough and fast before drunk Sam could see it. 
And even tho they have left together and it was obvious what is about to happen, Chloe watched them with a smile. Because she was looking forward to a date with an incredibly hot and cute chick which made her brain shut down completely..
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csigirl3137 · 6 years
Halloween Fun
Pairing: Sam x Female Reader (established relationship), Dean
Warnings: Dom & Sub, Spanking, Fear, Chasing, Rough sex, aftercare, fluff
Word Count: 2,671
Authors note: Just some Halloween smut from my perverted brain. It eventually turns into fluff. Enjoy!
  “You really should be careful little girl. Don’t you know the monsters come out on Halloween?” Sam’s voice was low and dark in my ear as he pushed me up against the wall in a deserted hallway of the bunker. I let out a whimper as he nipped my neck, and then pulled me into a bruising kiss.
 “You’ve been teasing me all night with those damn ponytails and that little plaid skirt. So, I think, before I fuck you so hard you can’t form a coherent sentence for a week, we should play a little game. If you can get back to your room and lock the door before I catch you, I won’t punish you for teasing me all night. You’ve got 30 seconds to run Princess, and then you’re fair game.” Sam let go of me, stepping away so I had room to move around him. I wasn’t sure he was serious about this though. One look at the smirk on his face and the lust in his eyes told me he was deadly serious.
 “Now you’ve got 25.” His smirk was only getting darker. Panic shot through me and I fled like a scared animal. I had to hand it to Sam. He wasn’t making this easy for me. The hallway he’d dragged me down to for what I assumed would just be a make out session or a quick fuck against a wall, was really back there and out of the way. It was one of the most unused parts of the bunker. I rounded a corner and was confronted by a wall and a hallway to the left and a hallway to the right.
 SHIT! I wasn’t all that familiar with the back parts of the bunker and I hadn’t been paying much attention to which direction we’d came when he dragged me down here as he was carrying me, my legs around his waist, his fingers inside me, his lips on mine.
 I took a chance and turned left. I was halfway down the hall when Sam turned into my hallway from another corner. I let out a little shriek and sprinted back the way I came. Oh god damn I hated running in heels, even wedges. It was hell and it made me a lot slower than I would have been in a normal situation. Sam’s laughter echoed behind me as I ran away from him, the acoustics of the bunker making it feel like I was in a scene straight out of a horror movie.
 “You’re almost making this too easy baby girl. Come on! Give me more of a challenge!” Sam called after me, his voice sounding farther away than it should have been, given the pace he normally ran at. There was no doubt about it, with the dimly lit bunker hallways and everyone else being in the main area, this was creepy. But it was also hot as hell and I was seriously soaking between my legs. Half of me wanted to just raise a white flag and surrender to Sam. But half of me was also competitive as hell and wanted to win.
 I reoriented myself with where I was as the sounds from the Halloween party we were holding got louder, and was almost to my room when I ran straight into a wall of hard male muscle.
 “Whoa, whoa, sweetheart. What are you running from?” Dean’s hands wrapped around my arms, steadying me on my feet. I was panting slightly as I’d been running for a few minutes straight.
“Dean, Dean, man you gotta let me go.” I wiggled in his grasp. I could see my bedroom door. It was down at the end of the hallway we were standing in.
 “Y/N, what are you running from?” Dean locked his eyes on me, his hands still wrapped around my biceps.
 “Oh Dean! You got her.” Sam’s deep voice was moving towards us and I struggled wildly in Dean’s grasp.
 “Dean let me go!” Panic was racing through my body as losing closed in on me. I saw recognition of what was going on dawn in Dean’s eyes as Sam advanced towards us. Sam looked like a hungry wolf and I was feeling very much like a bunny or something that was about to get eaten. I started to struggle in Dean’s grasp again. It still wasn’t effective and I was suddenly hit by the fact that I was going to lose this game.
 “Sorry sweetheart.” Dean gave me a smirk, turned me around, and shoved me straight towards Sam. I stumbled straight into Sam’s arms. They wrapped around me and pulled me backwards into his body, feeling like steel around me.
 “Damn it Dean! You traitor!” I screamed as Sam picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and made his way back towards his bedroom. Dean was watching us go, laughing harder than I’d ever seen him laugh. I flipped him off, both hands and resigned myself to my fate. Sam had won. I was going to get my brains screwed out.
 Sam stepped into his room, kicked the door shut behind him, and set me on my feet.
 “You’re mine now baby girl.” He pulled me to him, his lips descending on mine for a passionate heat filled kiss. I could feel desire burning through my veins as his hands landed on my hips, pulling my hips closer to him. I twined my arms around his neck, fisting hands in his hair as the hard bulge between his legs pressed into my stomach.
 “Sam…” I whimpered into his mouth as his grip on my hips tightened and his tongue ran over my bottom lip. Chills ran down my spine and I willingly parted my lips to let his tongue duel with mine.  
 “I’m going to punish you for teasing me with this little school girl costume of yours.” His voice was low with a dark and deadly edge to it and I suddenly got the impression that nothing that happened tonight was going to be gentle. He bit my neck, making me cry out. Spinning me around, he had me bent over the bed, my skirt flipped up and ass exposed, faster than my lust clouded brain could comprehend.  
“Oh yes you definitely need to be punished for this.” He tugged on the g string I was wearing. “Just wearing a g string under a skirt this tiny? Really Y/N? What if you’d bent over and someone had looked up your skirt?” He fisted his hand in the g string and with one harsh yank it was just a pile of red lacy shreds on the floor. He wrapped my ponytails around his hand and yanked my head back. I let out a little squeal of pain and surprise as my breathing quickened, my eyes widening as I stared straight ahead. “You dressed like a common slut and I’m going to punish you for it.” Sam’s voice was dripping dominance and I knew that there was going to be a wet spot on the bed after this.
 “Do you think you deserve to be punished baby girl?” He asked, his free hand caressing my bare ass, my ponytails still wrapped around his other hand.
“Yes… yes sir.” I stammered.
 “Don’t make me ask you to repeat that.” He snarled as he yanked on my ponytails for emphasis.
 “Yes sir! I deserve to be punished!” My voice was an octave higher than normal and my nipples were uncomfortably hard. My clit was pulsing and I just wanted to have him buried inside me. That wasn’t going to be happening anytime soon though.
 “Damn straight you do. You had everyone in there staring at you, wanting you. I don’t like people wanting what’s mine.” Sam snarled as his hand descended on my ass with a loud crack. “Count!” He snapped.
 “One!” I yelped. Crack!
 “Two!” Crack!
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 Sam spanked me 20 times before he decided it was enough. My ass was cherry red and fire was dancing over my skin. Tears had escaped from my eyes and tracked down my face. But I loved every second of it. I loved every single spank and every single bit of pain that went with it.  
 Sam released my ponytails and stepped back. He hadn’t ordered me to stand up, so I didn’t dare do so. There was some rustling behind me, followed by a metallic clink on the floor. A few seconds later, Sam was pressed up against me, his body hard against my ass as he shoved inside of me.
 I let out an involuntary scream at the sudden huge intrusion, my body attempting to stretch to fit his full length and girth inside me. He wasn’t really in the mood to allow me that. He fisted a hand in my ponytails, yanking my head back as he slammed into me again.
 The pace he set was fast, brutal and punishing.  He would yank back on my ponytails as he pulled out and loosen up his hold as he slammed back home inside my wet aching pussy. I loved every single second of it.
 I was moaning loudly, begging, and whimpering and Sam was growling his approval from behind me as he continued to fuck in and out of my wet aching core. He slid his free hand around between us and started to finger my clit.
 “Oh my god Sam!” I whimpered as his finger swirled around my clit and he continued to piston in and out of me.
 “Are you gonna cum princess? You gonna cum on my fat hard cock?” Sam growled as he increased the speed of his fingers on my clit.
 “Oh god Sam! Yes! Sam! I’m gonna cum!”  I was screaming as I felt my orgasm building. The sensation of Sam’s fingers on my clit, his thick, hard, huge cock inside me, the burning, stinging pain I still was feeling in my ass and my hair fisted around his hand had me flying closer and closer to the edge every second longer that this went on.
 “Sam, oh god, Sam, please I’m gonna cum.” I was basically crying as he continued his bruising, punishing pace.
 “Good. Cum.” Sam’s voice was low and lust filled. I felt everything that had been building, come to a head. I started to tense up, my walls clenching around his cock as pleasure raced through me, making me tremble and spasm, ripping a scream from my throat. Sam let out a low primal growl as my orgasm forced his. He held me tighter as my orgasm continued, and he exploded, hot, warm, and wet inside me.
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 “Oh my god Y/N.” Sam pulled out of me and caught me as my knees gave out finally and I started to involuntarily sink to the floor.
 “Hey, hey, Y/N.” Sam gently turned me around, setting me down on the edge of the bed as he tilted my chin up so my Y/E/C eyes met his. “Are you alright?” He asked. “I was a little rough with you there.” He looked and sounded concerned. I just let a goofy sexed up smile cross my face.
 “I’m more than alright. I’m great.” My smile got bigger as relief crossed his face.
 “Oh thank god. Okay, I’m going to get a warm wash cloth. Just wait here.” Sam dropped a kiss on my forehead as he smoothed some stray strands of hair out of my face and then gently and lovingly kissed me. The warm feeling of happiness rolled through me as he stepped back away from me.
 “I’ll be right back.” He zipped his pants back up and left the room. I let myself fall backwards onto my back on the bed as the smile continued to stay on my face.
 Five minutes later Sam returned to the room with a warm wash cloth, a plate of food in his hand, and a plastic bag over his wrist. He set the food on the dresser along with the bag. Moving towards me, he gently spread my legs again and wiped between my legs.
 “Thanks Sam.” I smiled at him, returning back into a sitting position.
 “You’re welcome. So, I brought food and two bottles of water. Also, I stopped by your room and grabbed your hair brush, a sweatshirt and some flannel pajama pants. I figured you would want to change out of your costume before we fall asleep.” He smiled at me, his eyes full of love, his personality completely different than the one I’d been dealing with about 20 minutes ago.
 “Thank you so much.” I couldn’t help the relief that flooded my voice. Confusion crossed my face as he knelt at my feet though. “Sam, what are you doing?” I asked as he lifted one of my feet onto his knees.
“I’m helping you get undressed.” He replied while he worked on unhooking the ankle strap of my black wedge heels. Feelings of happiness, love, and adoration raced through me as I watched this giant man who’d been so rough with me before, being so gentle and loving to me now.
 I loosened my black tie and unbuttoned my white button down as Sam removed both my shoes and my white lace thigh highs. He took my shirt and tie from me and set them in a pile on top of my shoes, which were sitting next to the dresser now.  I removed my white lacy bra and skirt as he handed me the sweatshirt and flannel pajama pants.
 Pulling on my sweatshirt while he set my bra and skirt with my other clothes, I got the sweatshirt situated and then turned my attention to my pants. I worked on putting my pants on while Sam gently took my hair down out of my ponytails. He grabbed my brush, shaking his head as I reached for it.
 “Here, sit down on the bed and turn around.” I sat down with my back to him like he’d asked and was surprised by him gently running the brush through what was left of my ringlet curls. I let out a series of happy, non-sexual moans while he brushed through my hair, turning the curls into soft waves and then ran his fingers through it to make sure he’d gotten all the rats out.
 He dropped a kiss on the top of my head to let me know he was finished.
 “Sam, you are seriously the best boyfriend on this whole freaking planet.” I complimented him as I turned around, a smile still on my face. He winked at me.
 “I know.” He handed me a bottle of water. “This is for you. Drink some of it before you lay down.” He kissed me on the forehead as I twisted open the bottle of water and took a drink. Closing it, I looked back up at him with that dopey smile still on my face. He took the bottle from me and set it next to the plate of food.
 “I love you Sam.” I said as I burrowed under the covers of his bed.
 “I love you too Y/N.” Sam gazed at me with the same love and adoration I was feeling, in his eyes. “I’m going to change my clothes and then I’ll be right back and we can crash.” He bent over the bed, kissing my forehead again and gave me a gentle smile.
 While he changed clothes, I laid there waiting for my big sexy boyfriend and thought about how, despite everything, I really was the luckiest girl on this whole planet.
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hellimagines · 7 years
Worth My Time--Billy Hargrove
Request: “Hey i was wondering if you could do a billy hargrove story where the girl reader ends up meeting billy whenever hes out looking for max and he shows up at her house but max isnt there and he comes in bc the reader gives him directions to the next house & she just got out the bath (pretty much the whole scene with mrs wheeler in ST2) except the reader is the sister and they never seen eachother before & they’re both really turned on with one another and end up fucking then. thanks so much!!! (cont.) also in the story i just sent in can billy have short hair like dacre really does but everything else can be billy lol if that makes sense! sorry forgot to add that in.”
Summary: When a certain blond interrupts your bath, it’s safe to say you’re a little mad.
Warnings: slight smut, cursing
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Wheeler!sister
Word Count: 1,207
A/N: I’m sorry this isn’t full smut. I’m sort of burnt out when it comes to Billy smut, so I’m really sorry!
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It was late, around 8 o’clock or so, and you found yourself submerged in your warm bath. Your (h/c) hair was pulled into a messy bun, making sure none of the dry strands came in contact with the water or the scented bubbles. You had never felt more blessed in your entire life. For once, you were the only one home. Your parents were out on a date night (the first one they’d had in months), your twin sister Nancy was out on a rendezvous with Jonathan Byers, and your younger brother, Mike, was out with his friends. So you were left on your lonesome, chin deep in cherry scented bubbles with your Signature Soy candles releasing sea blossom and peach dahlia aroma’s. You could feel yourself drifting off, bubbles fizzing at the tips of your fingers and occasionally floating high enough to pop on your nose.
But then. Then the most obnoxious knock you had heard came from your front door. Your eyes flew open, anger bubbling higher than the ones in the bathtub. You waited, not making a sound. There weren’t any cars in the driveway, so maybe the visitor would think nobody was home and leave. But then there was another knock, more incessant than the last. Then another. And another.
“Oh for the love of…” you grumbled, pulling yourself out of the bath. Bubbles clung to your wet skin, and you didn’t bother washing them off- you wouldn’t be entertaining your guest for long anyways. You ripped your black, velvet robe from the back of the bathroom door and haphazardly wrapped it around you. It formed a perfect V down your chest, stopping slightly below your boobs. The robe kept them covered, but you didn’t pay much attention to it as you stormed down the stairs, making sure your visitor could hear your angry stomps.
You swung open the front door, with full intent to wreak havoc on the person in front of you. However, the only thing you could muster was, “What the fuck,” when you were met with Billy Hargrove. He stood at the front door, his red shirt barely buttoned past his belly-button, and his leather jacket around his shoulders. He had cut his hair recently; the once long, curly blond locks were now short and wavy. His eyes racked up and down you, a lazy smirk forming.
“Hello to you too, Wheeler,” he grinned, propping his forearm on the door frame, leaning forward a bit. “Didn’t mean to catch you at a good time,” he snickered.
“Then leave,” you snapped, beginning to shut the door. But his boot had shoved its way through, keeping the door from closing.
“Can’t do that, doll,” he sighed. “Ya see, my little sister, Maxine, has gone missing,” he said sadly, a false expression on his face. You rolled your eyes, cracking your jaw in annoyance.
“You and I know damn well you don’t give two shits ‘bout  Max,” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. Unbeknownst to you, this only made your unsupported boobs lift up, your robe slipping slightly. Billy’s smirk grew, as he struggled to keep his eyes trained on your own.
“That’s where you’re wrong, babe. I care about Max. And I’d very much like to find her. You wouldn’t happen to where she is, would you? Only take a moment to get an address,” he grinned, briefly flicking his eyes over your shoulder to confirm that nobody else was in the house. You thought for a moment. You could just give him the address of the Byer’s easily, and send him on his way. It would only take two minutes, at most.
“Hurry up, it’s freezing,” you snapped finally, opening the door wider for him. Billy came in, eyeing you as you shut the door and began to walk to the kitchen.
“Wouldn’t be so cold if you had on more than that robe,” he snarked, leaning over your kitchen counter. You snapped your head up at him, giving him a glare.
“I was having a nice bath before you showed up, actually. I didn’t exactly have time to get dressed,” you huffed, ripping off a piece of paper from the tablet hanging on the wall. You reached into the kitchen drawer and pulled out a pen.
“Didn’t mean to disturb you princess,” Billy snickered, watching your every move. You rolled your eyes and returned to the counter, leaning across from him.
“She, and the others, should be at the Byer’s. They usually play Dungeons and Dragons here, but because Will’s been having a tough time lately, I guess they went there,” you explained to him, beginning to write down the address. Billy couldn’t hear you. He was too focused on the way your chest pressed against the countertop, your hand furiously scribbling down words. The black robe had slipped off your shoulder slightly, and he could see faint traces of bubbles in the divet of your collarbone.
“Well,” he said slowly, removing himself from the counter, “if she’s over there and just playing a board game, then I guess she’s not in any danger,” he said, moving himself closer to you. You looked up at him, your eyebrows furrowed.
“Hargrove, what the hell. You drive all the way over here, make me get out of the damn bath, stand in the cold while I’m dripping wet, only to tell me ‘it doesn’t matter’? Are you shitting me?” you exclaimed, slamming the pen down on the counter. Billy was right beside you now, his blue eyes no longer trying to hide their gaze as they travelled your body.
“Mhmm… Let me make it up to you,” he hummed, reaching a finger out to diffuse the bubbles in your collarbone. Your skin shivered at his warm touch, your cold body wanting to get closer.
“And why should I do that? What makes you think you’re worth that kind of time?” you asked, quirking an eyebrow as he stepped forward, his hand sneaking around to your waist. He jerked you closer, your hands slamming into his chest.
“I’ll show you I’m worth that kind of time,” he whispered, before leaning down to kiss you roughly. A small gasp escaped your mouth, but you reached up to run your hands through his hair, tugging at the short strands.
His hands gripped your hips, lifting you onto the counter behind you, the cold marble causing you to shiver. His mouth nipped from your lips down your jaw, sucking a dark mark at the edge of your jawline.
“I can’t cover that up, Hargrove,” you yelped, yet the legs you had around his waist pulled him closer.
Billy smirked against your skin, making his way down to your chest. “That’s the point, doll face. Now shut up, your bath is gonna get cold soon,” he purred, pulling the velvet material of your black robe away from your boob, exposing your nipple. Instantly he pulled it closer to him, sucking on the sensitive flesh. You tilted your head to the side, using your grip on his hair to keep him in place as you moaned quietly.
If this is what kind of time Billy Hargrove was worth, than you didn’t mind at all.
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wishingfornever · 6 years
1/19/2018 – No Contact:  In Between Important Dates
30 minutes until tomorrow.  You’ll see what it is then.
I woke up this morning, at about 1.  I was in full clothes, the computer was on.  I closed it.  I had an erection and it hurt because my pants were tight and I couldn’t lay properly.  So, my manhood was a bit sore.  I undressed and got in bed.  I felt myself, just to check in.  I felt… longer than usual.  I was beaming before I went to bed.  Incredible, no?
Sorry, I’m sure people aren’t interested to here.  I wasn’t proud of my penis because it was bigger.  I was told by Dennis that if you gain weight, your penis gradually gets smaller.  Not sure how true that is.  But I thought about it, and it being longer?  Yeah.  Maybe I lost weight.
I’m not sure how much but I’m positive I’m gaining again.  I’ll measure this week.  I’ve started exercising again.  Sort of.  I got 30 pound weights.  Not sure if I mentioned that.  Just doing sets of 20 with them.  Nothing major.  I never felt so weak.  Soon, I hope to never feel so strong.  ;)
In high school, my natural dumbell weight before major exercises were 35.  30… that’s a downgrade.  I haven’t done much of anything since then.  A lot of… lying around.  Doing nothing.  Depression.  Not good.
Of course, I also didn’t bathe a lot then either.  I only moved around when I had to.  Depression does that and it was untreated for so long.  I’ve showered more than I have in a long time.  I smell bad smells and I hate them.  I can’t stand them.  Not because my nose is delicate but I’m reminded that I smelled bad, just as they do. I smelled the same as this person in front of me.  I was disgusting.
Probably how I got this skin condition.  When I noticed it, I was in a major depressive episode.
I smell something now.  Not sure what it is.  I don’t like it.  It’s in my room.  Smells like shit.  >:C
Max might have pooped in the corner but dog poop is far stronger than people.  Maybe my underwear?  Can’t be, just changed it.  My pants?  Just put them on?
The bed?  Yeah, maybe.  I guess I should wash the sheets this week, too.  Not tomorrow.  Sunday.  I work tomorrow.
Heh… so, an old friend of mine messaged me.  I searched for her name to see if I messaged her here.  I really should start doing that. Eleanor, my old Scottish friend.  Old… she’s younger than me.  Of course, if you ever get messaged by someone, they want to ask you for something.  People… they tend to not speak to you unless they have to.  Some you’re close with just want to gab, but mostly you get a message from someone you know it’s about business.  Small talk is such a hassle to them.
That’s why I try to plan it.  I go into the conversation, approach it gently.  Try to build it up.  I wait to bring it up.  Unfortunately, that means I sometimes never get the chance to bring it up, so I have to wait again… then I stop messaging them again.  Even if I don’t get to ask what I want.  Usually, I’m depressed when I need something.  I try to be self-reliant but it’s not that easy when you’re feeling low.
Of course, this was proven true.
As I try to, she eased into it.  However, she was a bit early and just BLATANTLY sent 26 or 28 pictures of barely dressed women she affectionately referred to as “Whores.”  Seems her boyfriend was looking up these girls on instagram.  His name with “boobz” followed after it, so it’s not a surprising thing to see.
Backing up… she began basically by apologizing for not speaking to me. Asked how I was, told her I was a pawn of capitalism and told her the US sucked fucking balls, and she said, “Yes, it does look like that.”  More dialogue took place, but that was the gist of it.
Anyways, she tells me she’s been taking anti-depressants which is already weird.  She’s one of the few people I’ve discussed things in depth heavily.  She’s… been around when I’ve had depressive episodes.  At one point, I opened up to her and she sort of said, “Can’t help you.”  She didn’t really have depression but I get she may have anxiety because she’s always worrying about something and she’s SO self-conscious.  Like, very low self-esteem. Claimed to have never been depressed though, so she didn’t understand me and couldn’t relate really.
That said, I’m already surprised but it seems her boyfriend had gone on instagram and was liking all these pictures of barely clothed women. One of these girls was a black woman so I was like, “Well, at least he’s not racist” in my head.  I laughed but I kept it to myself. I had to constantly reassure Eleanor that she was more than pretty. Stereotypical poetic bullshit that keeps women from getting too rambunctious.
She asks if she was beautiful.  More beautiful than the girls he was looking at.  I told her, “As your friend, I ask, ‘Do you have to be?’
As a male, I tell you, ‘Yes. You are WAY more attractive than these bitches.’
And as a poet, I tell you, ‘You are more than beautiful. There is so much to you, so much your feet carry, so much behind your eyes. Your smile so sweetly with such gentle, deep eyes... It's easy to get lost when sharing your gaze. The thought of holding your hands, feeling your soft touch grazing lightly over my skin excites me. I'm driven crazy by your image. All because you are more than beautiful, Eleanor. You are divine.’
Choose your answer.”
She apologizes explaining she’s really upset.  Angry is the word she used.  I tell her not to.  Let it all out.  She asked what I would do in her situation.  I told her to be patient with her BF.  Watch him. See what he does.  If he makes no effort to change then he won’t change.  If he wants to change then he’ll try to change.  I also tell her that he can’t be told to change.  If he was told then he’d do it regardless and wouldn’t commit.  He needs to change on his own accord.  So, he should be on a sort of silent probation.  Ironically, I couldn’t help but think of Esther and Dennis.  This is the sort of thing Dennis should have told Esther but that’s not how it went down.
I crack a joke talking about how one of the girls had resting bitch face.  And she did, I really didn’t think she was that attractive but I’m also kind of shallow, I guess.  I continue to tell her to be patient.  Then I ask if she were feeling better.  Told me, “Yeah I’m fine. You ok” trying not to be the center of attention.  I point out that she dodged the question.
I know what she’s feeling.  Tell her I’m well but I’m concerned for an old friend of mine.  Tell her that this friend is going through a rough time and I want to help her and let her know that I’m here for her if she needs it.  I ask her if I should be subtle or just flatout tell this mysterious other friend of mine.
She says flatout.  Otherwise, she might miss it.  Told me my friend would appreciate it and I shouldn’t worry.  I responded by saying, “Hey, Eleanor. I'm here. I'll always be here. You're a good friend to me and you've been with me when I was going through hard times myself. I figure the least I could do is be there for you.”
She was around but she felt awkward when I needed someone to talk to and no one else was around.  Really, I overplayed her role in my depressive fits but it’s good for her morale.  I know what she was feeling.
Before I had to build up her self-esteem by telling her she’s pretty, I shared two poems.  One was my classic go too that I wrote about autumn.  The other was one I wrote about sex bots sort of.  It’s a touching poem about how there is no love if you’re a robot.  Here it is:
The wind blows, yet I can not feel. Through these narrow eyes, I ask if I can see. The creaking... the creaking that I hear. These are my bones. My arms reach out, grasping for nothing yet something is still there. It's lost to my touch yet held in my hand, a desperate spirit of the abyss. The cold I know is that of my flesh, my body pulled from the earth and tossed to the fire. My birth was a cosmic mistake and my death is an inevitable correction, never to be embraced in life. Even in the flames, there is no warmth. Even in the night, there is no rest. There is only steel.
Yeah, it’s not that long.  But it was enough to make her cry.  It’s how she felt. I told her it was about sex bots and she was like, “Oh.”  I shouldn’t have told her.  I bet it made her feel dumb.  Not my intent but I think she shrugged it off.
After the telling her I would be there for her, we discussed a bit more about her taking medication.  Told me she’ll tell me tomorrow and she couldn’t be bothered tonight.  I’m curious.  Worried, even. She apologized again for not being around when I needed a friend.  I don’t think she realizes how often I needed a friend but I told her to stop apologizing because she’s putting herself down.  She feels guilty and I don’t feel wronged because no harm was done.  Her apologizing is just her thinking she’s a bad person.
Asked me my favorite color.  I suspected this was to change the conversation and could be a nod at one of my most common questions I like to ask.  Filler, something to just fill the gap.  She feels like crap for complaining so she’s asking about me.  I ask her her favorite ice cream.  Ben and Jerry’s Vegan brownie.  I tell her Cherry Garcia, preferably non-dairy.  She says she’s proud of me because she’s vegan.  I remind her that my reasons are my own and I don’t have her discipline to be vegan.
I ask if she’s alone which she replies, she’s watching TV while he sleeps and then tells me if he likes those girls so much then they can cook his food and wash his clothes.  Then tells me she’s mentally ill.  I can relate, Eleanor…  I can relate.
Regardless, I tell her that I won’t judge.  How could I?  Not that I’ll let her know that I can’t.  All she needs to know is that I’m supportive of her and her relationship.  Her bf is dumb but deserves a second chance.  She appreciates that I won’t judge.  Tells me I’m one of the best people she knows in her life and that the phone will be next to her.
Bringing up life like that… pretty extreme.  I do that a bit when I’m thinking suicidal thoughts.
I tell her I’m flattered but her frustration has my attention right now.  I tell her I’ll stay up a bit longer than usual.  If the thoughts in her head gets too loud and she has thoughts that aren’t normally her own, then that’s the time to message me.
Some time passes…  I know she’s just… crying.  Watching TV, probably eating ice cream and just crying.  Stereotypical for a reason.  So, I share the following song… and write the following poem:
It’s cold outside.  From where I sit, I can barely see from the back of my eyes.  Before me, the tunnel into the abyss.  A path I’ve feared for so long, I now welcome like an old friend.  My name is called, echoing from the dark road and spoken by my own familiar voice. There is only one path yet I’ve never felt so lost.  It’s cold outside.  My name is called, yet I can not walk.  I can not stand, I can not see, I can not move.  Held back by the lingering burdens in my head.  I can not move.  I can not think.  I can only endure the yelling in my own head knowing it’s only my own voice that yells. The anger, the sorrow, the regret.  The pain of my very existence. It’s cold outside.  These words are not my own.  These words are reminders and reflections but they’re not my own.  My body shivers, my head rocks, and I’ve lost control.  I don’t know how long I’ve been crying but I need to stop.  It’s cold outside.  Every step I take is towards a destination I’m not aware of.  I carry myself blindly, no concern for where the journey leads.  The world feels so empty yet so filled with clutter.  I no longer control my body.  I’m no longer at the helm, no longer the celestial pilot.  I am yet another voice, floating in the abyss.  I can not move.  I have no power.  I can only see myself move.  I can not think.  I have no reign.  I can only hear myself think.  I can not scream.  I have no strength.  I can only feel myself scream.
It’s so cold outside.  But that doesn’t matter anymore.
That’s the end.  Told me that was literally her right now.  I told her I know. Told me I’m such a talented writer.  I wrote what I felt when I felt suicidal.  It’s hardly that poetic.  I should have used “wander” at some point.  Dumb.  >:C
She tells me I made her cry and that she felt lost.  Told her I know.  It hurts in ways she can’t describe.  She tells me she’d give anything to be herself again.
I know.  I know, Eleanor. It’s alright.  It’s alright to cry.
She asks, “Have you been through depression. Like I know you have, but may I ask how you feel?”  I think she worded it wrong, looking back.  Probably what I felt?  Hard to say.  I answered using present tense and as if my feeling was irrelevant with depression at hand.
Told her I was concerned and not depressed right now.  Told her I know what she’s feeling which is why I wrote it.  The song…  Esther and I watched the Tales From the Borderlands playthrough of Cryoatic. We did so together.  That song was part of the OST.  It makes me feel very sad.  It was powerful in the game but… it’s more to me because Esther.  Not to say my loss was more significant than the loss of a fictional character.  I’m trying to say the song means more to me now than it did as it played.
Ironic that I had to explain that…  She later began to recount how she’s such a privileged white girl and she has no reason to cry.  Told me about mothers with stillborn infants, people who watch their parents die, cancer, and then herself… bitching about nothing.  She told me about how her mother talked about people getting a divorce and their parents are dead and they have 2 kids and a dog.  Um…  Specific example?  Alright, lady, calm down.  Let your daughter bitch.  It’s okay.
Whatever. Eleanor immediately asked what my plans were this weekend.  Told her that I’d try to get her to smile again.  Then I told her to ignore her, “mum!” because that’s irrelevant.
Time passes by as well as filler text…  I’m sleepy at this point. Gotta do laundry.  Before I go, I ask if she’s feeling better.  She says she is.  Calls me a really good person… this entire weak. This ENTIRE weak.  People have been nice to me.  They’ve complimented my smile, my politesse, my demeanor, my everything… They’ve said I’m such a nice person and every time they say that I remember that Esther thinks I’m a narcissist.
I’m honest with Eleanor.  Tell her I’m glad she thinks so… maybe I’ll convince her otherwise later this week.  Maybe she took that as a flirt but no.  I’ll explain that there are some people out there who think I’m a narcissist and I’m a dangerous person to associate with.  Then I’ll tell her that sometimes, I think they’re right.
That was basically it.  We exchange a few more words and then we part ways.  Current time 3:00am.  Laundry is done.  Stopped talking 2 hours ago.
It’d appear that somewhere within that time as I wrote everything, she broke down a bit more.  I saw her picture was gone from Facebook and thought she either removed me because of something I said or she deleted her facebook.  Neither, it’d appear.  Then I realize, “Oh, wait… her Facebook photo had her BF in it.”  Then I check her Facebook and sure enough, she’s single.
And she just messaged me.  Told me she found more.  Went a bit more psycho.  D’oh!
I was hoping she’d give him a chance.  But she found more…  Turns out, however, that he had a history for this sort of thing.  Not sure, maybe we’ll talk about it later.  For now, she and I are just talking.
Eleanor has friendzoned me.  I should mention this.  I’m fine with this. Let’s just chat.  Honestly, she’d break up with me in an instant if she saw my FB messenger.  Yeah, I talk to a lot of girls.  >.>
Talking to two old schoolmates, Ariel, an airsoft buddy, and an old friend with benefits.  Strangely, I’ve only slept with one of them.  Hrm…
But I want to sleep with all of them.  Yeah, why not?  A bit more than sleep with with Ariel.  And I might be open to a relationship for the others but we’d have to see.  And that’s only on Facebook within the last few days.  During Esther?  Yeah, I didn’t speak to any of them.  Including Ariel, sort of.  :/
Eh. I can’t win.
Regardless, Eleanor is very sensitive.  I think she’d get jealous if I were to chat with Ariel.  Not sure.  Of course, maybe I can explain things? Don’t know.  I’m not planning to meet her, of course.  I don’t intend to.  And Eleanor friendzoned me already.  This hypothetical situation is more for me saying I’m a bad boyfriend and Esther was right to dump me.
I’m not being nice to myself.  I’ll stop.  ><
I get worried when Eleanor doesn’t get my message right away.  Not because something bad happened but because it has been doing this nice and pleasant… thing.  Where she sends me a screenshot of her conversation with her now ex.  D’oh!
I tried to be impartial and tried to help and tried to get her to calm down and give him one more chance.  But it’s not working.  She’s upset.  Earlier she asked me if she was getting out of hand, asking if she were reasonable.  I wasn’t sure I could answer that question fairly so I told her whatever I tell her will be biased.  Eh. :/
She used to smoke cigarettes.  Started when she was younger.  Just smokes pot now.  She asks if I smoked, told her no because my dad does.  I’ll tell her about what happened soon.
I made her legitimately laugh, though.  That’s good.  That’ll be good for her because of this entire ordeal.  Wasn’t even that funny, we were talking about how shitty British food was and how curry was popular.  Then she mentioned how it had to be after the UK sacked India and I said, “The UK didn’t sack india.  They were just… curry-ous.  ;)”  She told me she actually laughed.
Puns… I prefer when they’re shitty.
Finally managed to get a chance to sleep.  Didn’t expect her to message me. I’m flattered she did but I stayed up an hour longer than I had to.  It’s 4am now.  Going to get a quick bite and then go to bed. Tired…
Oh, fuck!  Laundry!  D’oh!
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csigirl3137 · 6 years
Halloween Fun
Pairing: Sam x Female Reader (established relationship), Dean
 Warnings: Dom & Sub, Spanking, Fear, Chasing, Rough sex, aftercare, fluff
 Word Count: 2,671
 Authors note: Just some Halloween smut from my perverted brain. It eventually turns into fluff. Enjoy!
  “You really should be careful little girl. Don’t you know the monsters come out on Halloween?” Sam’s voice was low and dark in my ear as he pushed me up against the wall in a deserted hallway of the bunker. I let out a whimper as he nipped my neck, and then pulled me into a bruising kiss.
 “You’ve been teasing me all night with those damn ponytails and that little plaid skirt. So, I think, before I fuck you so hard you can’t form a coherent sentence for a week, we should play a little game. If you can get back to your room and lock the door before I catch you, I won’t punish you for teasing me all night. You’ve got 30 seconds to run Princess, and then you’re fair game.” Sam let go of me, stepping away so I had room to move around him. I wasn’t sure he was serious about this though. One look at the smirk on his face and the lust in his eyes told me he was deadly serious.
 “Now you’ve got 25 seconds.” His smirk was only getting darker. Panic shot through me and I fled like a scared animal. I had to hand it to Sam. He wasn’t making this easy for me. The hallway he’d dragged me down to for what I assumed would just be a make out session or a quick fuck against a wall, was really back there and out of the way. It was one of the most unused parts of the bunker. I rounded a corner and was confronted by a wall and a hallway to the left and a hallway to the right.
 SHIT! I wasn’t all that familiar with the back parts of the bunker and I hadn’t been paying much attention to which direction we’d came when he dragged me down here as he was carrying me, my legs around his waist, his fingers inside me, his lips on mine.
 I took a chance and turned left. I was halfway down the hall when Sam turned into my hallway from another corner. I let out a little shriek and sprinted back the way I came. Oh god damn I hated running in heels, even wedges. It was hell and it made me a lot slower than I would have been in a normal situation. Sam’s laughter echoed behind me as I ran away from him, the acoustics of the bunker making it feel like I was in a scene straight out of a horror movie.
 “You’re almost making this too easy baby girl. Come on! Give me more of a challenge!” Sam called after me, his voice sounding farther away than it should have been, given the pace he normally ran at. There was no doubt about it, with the dimly lit bunker hallways and everyone else being in the main area, this was creepy. But it was also hot as hell and I was seriously soaking between my legs. Half of me wanted to just raise a white flag and surrender to Sam. But half of me was also competitive as hell and wanted to win.
 I reoriented myself with where I was as the sounds from the Halloween party we were holding got louder, and was almost to my room when I ran straight into a wall of hard male muscle.
 “Whoa, whoa, sweetheart. What are you running from?” Dean’s hands wrapped around my arms, steadying me on my feet. I was panting slightly as I’d been running for a few minutes straight.
“Dean, Dean, man you gotta let me go.” I wiggled in his grasp. I could see my bedroom door. It was down at the end of the hallway we were standing in.
 “Y/N, what are you running from?” Dean locked his eyes on me, his hands still wrapped around my biceps.
 “Oh Dean! You got her.” Sam’s deep voice was moving towards us and I struggled wildly in Dean’s grasp.
 “Dean let me go!” Panic was racing through my body as losing closed in on me. I saw recognition of what was going on dawn in Dean’s eyes as Sam advanced towards us. Sam looked like a hungry wolf and I was feeling very much like a bunny or something that was about to get eaten. I started to struggle in Dean’s grasp again. It still wasn’t effective and I was suddenly hit by the fact that I was going to lose this game.
 “Sorry sweetheart.” Dean gave me a smirk, turned me around, and shoved me straight towards Sam. I stumbled straight into Sam’s arms. They wrapped around me and pulled me backwards into his body, feeling like steel around me.
 “Damn it Dean! You traitor!” I screamed as Sam picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and made his way back towards his bedroom. Dean was watching us go, laughing harder than I’d ever seen him laugh. I flipped him off, both hands and resigned myself to my fate. Sam had won. I was going to get my brains screwed out.
 Sam stepped into his room, kicked the door shut behind him, and set me on my feet.
 “You’re mine now baby girl.” He pulled me to him, his lips descending on mine for a passionate heat filled kiss. I could feel desire burning through my veins as his hands landed on my hips, pulling my hips closer to him. I twined my arms around his neck, fisting hands in his hair as the hard bulge between his legs pressed into my stomach.
 “Sam…” I whimpered into his mouth as his grip on my hips tightened and his tongue ran over my bottom lip. Chills ran down my spine and I willingly parted my lips to let his tongue duel with mine.  
 “I’m going to punish you for teasing me with this little school girl costume of yours.” His voice was low with a dark and deadly edge to it and I suddenly got the impression that nothing that happened tonight was going to be gentle. He bit my neck, making me cry out. Spinning me around, he had me bent over the bed, my skirt flipped up and ass exposed, faster than my lust clouded brain could comprehend.  
“Oh yes you definitely need to be punished for this.” He tugged on the g string I was wearing. “Just wearing a g string under a skirt this tiny? Really Y/N? What if you’d bent over and someone had looked up your skirt?” He fisted his hand in the g string and with one harsh yank it was just a pile of red lacy shreds on the floor. He wrapped my ponytails around his hand and yanked my head back. I let out a little squeal of pain and surprise as my breathing quickened, my eyes widening as I stared straight ahead. “You dressed like a common slut and I’m going to punish you for it.” Sam’s voice was dripping dominance and I knew that there was going to be a wet spot on the bed after this.
 “Do you think you deserve to be punished baby girl?” He asked, his free hand caressing my bare ass, my ponytails still wrapped around his other hand.
“Yes… yes sir.” I stammered.
 “Don’t make me ask you to repeat that.” He snarled as he yanked on my ponytails for emphasis.
 “Yes sir! I deserve to be punished!” My voice was an octave higher than normal and my nipples were uncomfortably hard. My clit was pulsing and I just wanted to have him buried inside me. That wasn’t going to be happening anytime soon though.
 “Damn straight you do. You had everyone in there staring at you, wanting you. I don’t like people wanting what’s mine.” Sam snarled as his hand descended on my ass with a loud crack. “Count!” He snapped.
 “One!” I yelped. Crack!
 “Two!” Crack!
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 Sam spanked me 20 times before he decided it was enough. My ass was cherry red and fire was dancing over my skin. Tears had escaped from my eyes and tracked down my face. But I loved every second of it. I loved every single spank and every single bit of pain that went with it.  
 Sam released my ponytails and stepped back. He hadn’t ordered me to stand up, so I didn’t dare do so. There was some rustling behind me, followed by a metallic clink on the floor. A few seconds later, Sam was pressed up against me, his body hard against my ass as he shoved inside of me.
 I let out an involuntary scream at the sudden huge intrusion, my body attempting to stretch to fit his full length and girth inside me. He wasn’t really in the mood to allow me that. He fisted a hand in my ponytails, yanking my head back as he slammed into me again.
 The pace he set was fast, brutal and punishing.  He would yank back on my ponytails as he pulled out and loosen up his hold as he slammed back home inside my wet aching pussy. I loved every single second of it.
 I was moaning loudly, begging, and whimpering and Sam was growling his approval from behind me as he continued to fuck in and out of my wet aching core. He slid his free hand around between us and started to finger my clit.
 “Oh my god Sam!” I whimpered as his finger swirled around my clit and he continued to piston in and out of me.
 “Are you gonna cum princess? You gonna cum on my fat hard cock?” Sam growled as he increased the speed of his fingers on my clit.
 “Oh god Sam! Yes! Sam! I’m gonna cum!”  I was screaming as I felt my orgasm building. The sensation of Sam’s fingers on my clit, his thick, hard, huge cock inside me, the burning, stinging pain I still was feeling in my ass and my hair fisted around his hand had me flying closer and closer to the edge every second longer that this went on.
 “Sam, oh god, Sam, please I’m gonna cum.” I was basically crying as he continued his bruising, punishing pace.
 “Good. Cum.” Sam’s voice was low and lust filled. I felt everything that had been building, come to a head. I started to tense up, my walls clenching around his cock as pleasure raced through me, making me tremble and spasm, ripping a scream from my throat. Sam let out a low primal growl as my orgasm forced his. He held me tighter as my orgasm continued, and he exploded, hot, warm, and wet inside me.
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 “Oh my god Y/N.” Sam pulled out of me and caught me as my knees gave out finally and I started to involuntarily sink to the floor.
 “Hey, hey, Y/N.” Sam gently turned me around, setting me down on the edge of the bed as he tilted my chin up so my Y/E/C eyes met his. “Are you alright?” He asked. “I was a little rough with you there.” He looked and sounded concerned. I just let a goofy sexed up smile cross my face.
 “I’m more than alright. I’m great.” My smile got bigger as relief crossed his face.
 “Oh thank god. Okay, I’m going to get a warm wash cloth. Just wait here.” Sam dropped a kiss on my forehead as he smoothed some stray strands of hair out of my face and then gently and lovingly kissed me. The warm feeling of happiness rolled through me as he stepped back away from me.
 “I’ll be right back.” He zipped his pants back up and left the room. I let myself fall backwards onto my back on the bed as the smile continued to stay on my face.
 Five minutes later Sam returned to the room with a warm wash cloth, a plate of food in his hand, and a plastic bag over his wrist. He set the food on the dresser along with the bag. Moving towards me, he gently spread my legs again and wiped between my legs.
 “Thanks Sam.” I smiled at him, returning back into a sitting position.
 “You’re welcome. So, I brought food and two bottles of water. Also, I stopped by your room and grabbed your hair brush, a sweatshirt and some flannel pajama pants. I figured you would want to change out of your costume before we fall asleep.” He smiled at me, his eyes full of love, his personality completely different than the one I’d been dealing with about 20 minutes ago.
 “Thank you so much.” I couldn’t help the relief that flooded my voice. Confusion crossed my face as he knelt at my feet though. “Sam, what are you doing?” I asked as he lifted one of my feet onto his knees.
“I’m helping you get undressed.” He replied while he worked on unhooking the ankle strap of my black wedge heels. Feelings of happiness, love, and adoration raced through me as I watched this giant man who’d been so rough with me before, being so gentle and loving to me now.
 I loosened my black tie and unbuttoned my white button down as Sam removed both my shoes and my white lace thigh highs. He took my shirt and tie from me and set them in a pile on top of my shoes, which were sitting next to the dresser now.  I removed my white lacy bra and skirt as he handed me the sweatshirt and flannel pajama pants.
 Pulling on my sweatshirt while he set my bra and skirt with my other clothes, I got the sweatshirt situated and then turned my attention to my pants. I worked on putting my pants on while Sam gently took my hair down out of my ponytails. He grabbed my brush, shaking his head as I reached for it.
 “Here, sit down on the bed and turn around.” I sat down with my back to him like he’d asked and was surprised by him gently running the brush through what was left of my ringlet curls. I let out a series of happy, non-sexual moans while he brushed through my hair, turning the curls into soft waves and then ran his fingers through it to make sure he’d gotten all the rats out.
 He dropped a kiss on the top of my head to let me know he was finished.
 “Sam, you are seriously the best boyfriend on this whole freaking planet.” I complimented him as I turned around, a smile still on my face. He winked at me.
 “I know.” He handed me a bottle of water. “This is for you. Drink some of it before you lay down.” He kissed me on the forehead as I twisted open the bottle of water and took a drink. Closing it, I looked back up at him with that dopey smile still on my face. He took the bottle from me and set it next to the plate of food.
 “I love you Sam.” I said as I burrowed under the covers of his bed.
 “I love you too Y/N.” Sam gazed at me with the same love and adoration I was feeling, in his eyes.  “I’m going to change my clothes and then I’ll be right back and we can crash.” He bent over the bed, kissing my forehead again and gave me a gentle smile.
 While he changed clothes, I laid there waiting for my big sexy boyfriend and thought about how, despite everything, I really was the luckiest girl on this whole planet.
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