#i had a teacher tell me i needed to bring my own tissues to school in front of the entire class once
snzluv3r · 6 months
i am allergic to so many things that i encounter daily at work and i’m basically sniffling and sneezing within 20 minutes of getting there. it’s so bad that i’m starting to get self conscious about how often i’m using the work tissues and worrying that my boss is going to ask me to start bringing my own because of how fast i go through them
(though the work tissues are basically one ply sandpaper that not only hurt but do not catch Anything)
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exquisiteserotonin · 1 year
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Word Count: 4.5K
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Summary: After an altercation Ellie has at school, Joel visits you to have a talk
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ only (MDNI, PLEASE), angst, some violence, coarse language, brief talk of losing children and spouse (if this triggers you), Oral sex (Fem receiving), Squirting, PiV sex, Hurt-Comfort sex, Creampie, no use of y/n
A/N: Not-beta'd. I wrote this very, very quickly a few days ago when I was in some kind of incredibly weepy, hormonal mood or perhaps it was the full moon. Either way, that is why there is so much angst. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to share it today, but here we are. Real tears were shed during the writing of this fic. I'm a wife and a mom, hence why there is talk of reader once having a husband and children (Sorry, if that's not your thing or if you cannot relate). This generally follows canon except that Ellie and Joel are more fully integrated right away to the Jackson community.
Read on AO3
Take My Love, Take it Down
Screams, cries, and murmurs filled the freezing Wyoming air. A sharp pain took hold of your chest, creeping up your neck, and over your back as the sounds reached your ears. It sent you in a wave of memory and panic and was followed by the constant crunching of snow under a few shuffling feet. Clutching your chest, you took a few deep breaths as your charges came running towards you calling out your name. Well, your last name anyway. As their teacher, they didn’t get the privilege of knowing your first name. 
“She punched me!” One of your older students cried out as a few of his peers pushed him forward presenting him to you. 
You winced as you saw blood streaming down his nose, mixed with cold tears that were falling down his face. Other children watched with intrigue as you pulled a few tissues from your coat pocket, bringing them gingerly to his face, gesturing for him to hold pressure to his nose. 
“Who punched you, Carter?” You asked as holding gentle hands to his pale freckled face. 
He and several other students pointed in the same direction, fingers towards your new student, Ellie. You saw her standing a few yards away, her coat disheveled, the knees of her jeans scattered with dirt, and her face red from the cold, but also, mostly, from her anger. A sigh escaped you as you put your hands on your hips. Gently, you gestured for your other students to return to recess while asking your assisting teacher to bring Carter inside to clean up. 
“Ellie, could you come here please?” You requested, beckoning her over with what you hoped was a welcoming gesture.
“It wasn’t my fault, he started coming at me telling me what I should do and how I should be and I--,” her voice was fast and full of rage and pleading. 
“Ellie, stop,” you stated, a natural calm imbued in the tone of your voice, “let me see your hand.” 
The last words that fell from your lips must have been the perfect disarmament, since her response was to hold her hand out to you immediately. You pulled another tissue from your pocket and began to wipe away remnants of blood on her knuckles. Upon closer examination, any injuries she may have sustained were minor especially compared to what she had inflicted on Carter. 
“Carter can be a little much, can’t he?” you added, keeping your gaze on her. “I’m sure whatever he said or did, you've every right to feel the way you did.”
Her eyes lit up in relief at your words. It was a familiar look that you had seen before from your students. The look that lit up when they thought they were about to get away with something. You stilled yourself, holding back emotions that began to well up within you. It was a familiar look you had seen from your own children. 
“But just because someone wronged you doesn’t mean that your automatic reaction should be to hit them.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Ellie shouted at you. “This place sucks, with all your peace, love, and harmony shit.”
“Ok, you know what? You need to go inside, Ellie,” you stated, somehow retaining your calm. “In fact, everyone we all need to go inside; recess is over, time to get back to work.”
You waved for your students to line up, while pointing at a space directly in front of you with the expectation that Ellie would take the lead. Begrudgingly, she did, the remainder of the students falling in line behind her. 
As you trudged through the snow back to the school house, you turned to Ellie, “I think I’ll have to talk to Tommy or Maria about this.”
“Why?!” She snapped and then added, “Just because they got me in here doesn’t mean they’re family.”
“Well then, I guess I have to talk to Tommy’s brother,” you countered, “Joel, right?”
“Go ahead and do it then,” she retorted, “but he’s not my dad either.” 
You shrugged but nodded, listening carefully to her words. You never mentioned anything about him being her dad. You just knew that they’d shown up at the gate and were now the newest residents of your quiet community. 
Your one-room classroom buzzed with the chaotically happy energy so often found in a classroom. Thankfully, the rest of the day went without incident. Having students from a very young age to teenagers was not something you were used to. It brought a different kind of chaotic energy that was, at the very least, interesting to observe. The mix of pretend play from your youngest students and the giggling gossip from your oldest students represented life in a world that felt like nothing but death. That’s what everyone told you, anyway.
They didn’t even need to tell you, really. You saw it in their eyes; the way that children and their parents greeted you on the street with their eyes crinkled at the corners with joy and gratitude. It should have made you happy. It made you happy in your life before this. Sometimes you wondered to yourself why you were teaching again. No, most of the time you wondered why you were teaching. 
You replayed the memory of how it happened as you walked home. 
First Maria asked you. 
“No, I don’t think so.”  
Then Tommy asked you.
“No, I really don’t think I’m the right person for the job.”
Then Maria and Tommy asked you. 
The exhaustion that overcame you from their consistent requests eroded what little resistance you had. Their arguments and evidence were hard to defend against especially since you’d been a teacher and that the children in the community loved you. Out of some strange sense of obligation, you refrained from telling them that each day you were just going through the motions. You were like a robot completing an assigned task. Because doing, thinking, or feeling anything else was just too painful. 
You reached your home, a cozy little cottage that was more than enough for you. As you closed the door behind, you felt a tight pain in your chest similar to what you felt this morning. You strangely thought of Ellie, then thought of your boys, then your husband. It rose to your throat and it was suddenly hard to breathe. You rushed to the kitchen, filling a glass with much needed water. 
A loud knock on your door had you startled. Grabbing a pistol from a kitchen drawer you made your way to the door. The knock came again. 
Looking through the peephole allowed you some relief when you saw a familiar, rugged-faced man, with salt and pepper hair standing at your door. It was Joel Miller, Tommy’s older brother and Ellie’s apparent caretaker. You opened the door, pistol still in your hand. 
“Hello, I don’t think you’ll be needin’ that,” he gestured towards your gun, “though I won’t hold it against you if keep it nearby.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry” you nodded, “force of habit—please come in.”
You gestured for him to have a seat at a small round dining room table. You placed your gun away in a nearby drawer, observing Joel as he looked around your house. You winced as his eyes settled on a photo of you, your husband, and two children. Reluctantly, after his brief overview of your home, he moved towards your dining room table. 
“You’re probably wonderin’ why I’m here,” he said, taking a seat and spreading his legs in a way that you could only describe as hyper-masculine. 
You clenched your teeth beneath tightened lips as it spurred inexplicable feelings discomfort and disgust. They prodded at you simply because you had noticed. 
“Surprised, yes,” you said, trying to hide the trembling in your voice,“but I think I know why.”
“Ellie gave that boy a bloody nose.”
There was something in his voice, in that Texas drawl that sounded almost like…pride. 
“Yes, I know, I was there,” you acknowledged in exasperation, “I’m sure she had her reasons but I don’t think it warranted violence, Mr. Miller.”
“Joel,” he corrected, “I agree, but you have to understand where she’s comin’ from, ma’am.”
“Alright, Joel, can I get you some water?” you offered. “Please don’t call me ma’am, it makes me feel old.” 
You gave him your first name along with a glass of water. 
“Ellie’s been through a lot,” his voice was hushed and gravel-like as he gave his excuse, “you can’t hold it against her for tryin’ to stand up for herself.” 
“Joel,” you said calmly, tapping into the part of your brain where you held the voice you used when talking to parents at conferences, “we’ve all been through a lot here, doesn’t give us the right to start punching people in the face.” 
“You don’t know how good you’ve got it, though,” he continued, incredulously, “sittin’ pretty in your perfect little town, with your perfect little job, in your perfect little house---you don’t really know what’s out there right now.” 
Your hands began to tremble at the words, traveling up your arms, to your neck. It was as though someone lit a burner inside you and your blood was the fuel. Red and hot, like living lava from the volcano of you, it threatened to erupt. 
“You haven’t seen the things that I’ve seen,” he grumbled, standing up to pace around your home, his right hand trembling, “or done the things I’ve done.”
“What do you want a medal ‘cuz you’ve smuggled shit and killed some people in the process?” you scoffed and advanced on him. “You know, you roll up in here, saying you’re here for family and you come in to my house, Ellie’s teacher’s house, making excuses for her to bash another child’s face in and you expect me to give you sympathy because you’ve got people’s blood on your hands that you chose to spill?”
“I did what I had to survive,” his voice grew in volume as you stepped closer to him, “and I’m teaching Ellie to do the same.” 
“And I am doing exactly the same thing,” you growled at him. 
The way his left eye twitched and the way he moved his jaw told you that he wasn’t expecting that answer. Beyond your control, you felt tears start to sting the corner of your eyes. A sudden feeling of helplessness and shame overcame you as felt the sudden urge to explain yourself to a man you had only known in passing for a few days. 
“I’m not stupid, Joel; Maria and Tommy are my friends, my good friends,” you spoke, not moving from where you stood. “I know what you lost and I know you know…”
The hatred you felt for yourself amplified as the tears fell freely from your eyes. Your view of Joel was blurry from your tears as you tried to find your words again. 
“I know you’re not stupid, I saw you looking at my photos, so you know what I’ve lost,” your lips trembled and stumbled at every word. “I have nightmares all the time and I see them--and how I had to l-leave my, my boys.” 
A broken shell of you was all that was left. Maybe Joel was right, maybe you were just a broken shell in a perfect town, with a perfect job, in a perfect house. All of it perfect from the outside, but none of it real. You drew your hands to your face trying to stop the tears from falling from your eyes as Joel stared back at you. You spotted a flinch here and there as he tried to gather the knowledge to comfort you. 
“I’m sorry, I--,” he said as he reached a tentative hand towards you, but you shook your head and finally took a step away from him. 
“This is how I’m trying to survive, Joel, to try to make things better, but I’m just---just  fucking it all up,” you said through tears. “Everyday, I’m doing this job that your brother begged me to do and everyday I wake up and it’s never real. And these kids, they’re depending on me and asking me to help them with the simplest things and I can’t; my chest hurts and I can’t breathe, and I fuck up, and I fail, and I lose everything.”
The tears were falling so freely now that you can’t even see Joel. All you heard is how loud the silence is, louder than the tears and labored breaths that are escaping from you. You tried to mumble something unintelligibly to Joel. An apology. An explanation. But you’re certain it just comes out in even messier sobs. The next sound that floats to your ears is the creaking of your floor beneath Joel’s booted footsteps as he moves towards you and unexpectedly grabs you by the arm to wrap you in the tightest embrace that you’ve felt in the longest time. 
Tears stained his leather jacket and shirt as you cry into his chest. He spoke nothing. His comfort came in the rise and fall of his chest as he breaths, in the way that he somehow manages to understand to caress the back of your head and your hair, and in the way that his hands rub your shoulders as he squeezes you tighter as if doing so might somehow expel some of your pain. And somehow it did, if only just a little bit. It was enough to allow you to wrap your arms around his waist in return. Your hands explored his back, rubbing up and down to give him back some of the comfort he had given you. 
Everything is still dark behind your closed eyes that are still buried in his shirt. With one quivering exhale, you managed to look up to find him looking back at you. His eyes that were tight with stoicism and anger when he stepped through the threshold of your door had changed. Round, soft, deep brown, and glossy with the onset of tears. You knew them like an old friend because they were just like yours, because they’d seen the same horror and felt the same pain. You took your hands from his waist and cautiously brought them towards his face, learning more with your eyes before he gave you the slightest nod as a form of permission. With your fingers, you gently caressed the wrinkles on his forehead tracing down to his temples until you wiped away the tears that had managed to escape from the corners of his eyes. You held your hands at his cheeks, keeping hold of his gaze with your own. He brought his hands to grip yours, rubbing his thumbs on your wrists before his fingers met your forearms with a touch that was beginning to awaken something inside you. 
“I reckon we’re more alike than we are different,” his words were a cathartic confession. 
You nodded, uncertainty still circling around you as you caressed his face and began to lace your fingers in his dusty-colored hair. It seemed to be all the permission he needed to dive forward to kiss you as he held your face gently in his hands. But you needed more, as quickly as he had moved in to kiss you, you began to peel his jacket off his broad shoulders, throwing it on a chair at your dinner table. A determined, almost dangerous stare filled his eyes as he discarded the flannel shirt beneath his jacket. You pulled off your sweater and blouse in one skillful move, tossing it without a worry as to where it landed. You were left standing before him only in your jeans and bra.  
An obvious hunger had taken over you both, as he lunged at you grabbing you by the waist and pulling you in for a kiss less chaste than the last. Your lips held onto each other, tongues exploring and tasting each other through the remnants of salty tears. You hooked your hands into his belt loops, grabbing him by his ass to push his hips towards yours, feeling his cock beginning to twitch and harden with need. 
“Bedroom,” you commanded breathlessly. 
He nodded and then lifted you as you leveraged yourself against his chest and shoulders as you wrapped your legs around his waist while he kept his mouth on yours. He threw you on the bed, eliciting a quiet yelp as you bounced on the firm mattress. You shifted yourself further up the bed as he crawled towards you. Pushing yourself up to your knees you moved towards him pulling him to you by his shirt with desperation. 
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” you sighed, gently pulling it over his head. 
He smiled and let out a breathy chuckle. It was the first time you’d seen him smile since the moment he reunited with Tommy when he and Ellie first arrived in town. This was different, of course: a little playful and a little dirty and something you hoped, at least in the moment, was just for you. 
“Sorry, y’know it’s winter,” he chuckled again as his lips were back on you. 
His hand cupped your breast and then his mouth traveled to your shoulder. You lowered your back to the bed, allowing him to come down with you, his arms pushing himself up on either side of you to get a better view for him to admire your body with his eyes. With a gentle touch of your finger nails, you caressed his forearms and triceps. Your eyes studied the broadness of him and how his chest looked especially strong as he propped himself over you. 
“I’m gonna apologize, ya know, before we---,” he warned quietly, “it’s been a little while.” 
“I reckon we’re more alike than we are different,” you whispered, repeating the words he spoke moments before he kissed you. 
Faster than you could think, he was on you again, somehow expertly unclasping your bra as he rolled with you in your bed sheets. You helped him unbuckle, unzip, and pull off his jeans, laughing as he clumsily kicked them off with his boxers somewhere on your carpeted bedroom floor. With an involuntary bite of your lip, you admired his large, uncut cock as he moved towards you, this time helping you unbutton and unzip your jeans. You lifted your hips as he slid your jeans from them, taking your underwear with them tossing them on the floor to join his. 
You stared at each other for a few moments, drinking in the view of each other’s bodies, maybe even holding a picture of it in your head to keep as a memory to hold on to forever. 
“You sure ‘bout this?” He asked, giving you one more chance to make a smarter, level-headed decision. 
“Joel, please,” you implored, your fingers dancing in his hair, “I need this, need you.”
He brought his face close to yours, first pressing his lips to your forehead in a sweet kiss before giving you an equally gentle kiss on your lips. Everything else he did with his mouth however, was anything but sweet and gentle. He led with his tongue, first at your neck and then between the valley of your breasts until he tasted each one, swirling his tongue around the pebbled surface, lightly biting at them with his teeth. The anticipation of where his tongue was leading left you panting. The softness of his lips paired with the coarseness of his mustache and facial hair was the perfect contradiction. Your breath hitched as he kissed your mound, stopping there long enough for you to panic about what he would do next. 
“Joel, is everything ok? Is there…is there something wrong?” You propped yourself up on your elbows to look down at him. 
“Not at all, sweetheart,” he murmured his voice full of marvel like he’d seen a dream, “just admirin’ the view.”
You smiled and before you could say anything else, his mouth was on you. You closed your eyes and threw your head back, as he worked on you first with a broad lap of his tongue through your folds. He works through them at a torturous pace, pitiful moans echoing through your quiet bedroom. And then he moved faster as he savored you, finding your clit poking at it first with a pointed tip of his tongue until he took it between a tight purse of his lips, sucking on it  furiously until you cried out for him to give you more. He swiped a few more heavy stripes down your folds until his lips are on your clit again, sucking and humming, the vibrations making your already sensitive center weepingly wet. 
“Oh god, god, Joel,” you moaned, your hands grasping at his hair, “I haven’t felt this good in so long.”
You cried out incoherently as he chuckled and returned his attention to your clit, maneuvering two fingers in and out of you as his lips continue to suck and vibrate on the most sensitive part of you. He continued to move his fingers in and out of your folds at an agonizingly fast pace. You whimpered helplessly, crying out his name over and over as he worshipped your cunt like his own personal idol. The pressure from his mouth intensified on your clit as his fingers pulsed in and out, in and out until you cried out seeing stars. A hot gush of liquid came out of you covering his face and hand, dripping onto your ass and onto the sheets beneath you. 
“Shit…fuck, Joel, Joel!” You wail, clutching at the sheets from your orgasm. 
He let go of your clit with a gentle kiss that makes your body jolt from overstimulation. Your body was still writhing from your climax, your breaths were still fast as you tried to bring yourself down. Opening your eyes, you lay in a misty daze as Joel crawls towards you, wiping his face and facial hair with the tips of his fingers and the pad of his thumb, taking one last lick of your essence. You hadn’t seen anything so erotic in years and you pulled him close, your chests pressed together as you took him in a long and sensual kiss. 
“Oh sweetheart, we made a little mess,” he growled as he positioned himself over you. 
“I--I forgot I could do that,” you said, still coasting on the high of your last orgasm. 
Joel breathed out with a low and sexy, but at the same time sheepish. You looked at him, seeing his cheeks slightly pink with a mixture of pride and humility. 
“Glad I could help you remember,” he replied with a smirk,that quickly changed into a heavy groan as you pumped his girthy cock. “Fuck sweetheart.”
“Need to feel you inside me, Joel,” you pleaded, bucking your hips up to his. 
“Yes, baby,” he grunts as you wrap your leg around his thigh. 
With a sudden urge you sat up and held him close, kissing him fervently and rolling over him so that his back was on the bed. Your fingernails gently scratched his expansive chest as you straddle him. His eyes gleamed with anticipation that evolved into pure pleasure as you lowered yourself down onto his cock, unable to keep from moaning with the feeling of him stretching you. You bounced on his cock and grind on him with the tightest of circles. 
“Oh, fuck, Joel you feel so good,” you cried, your pussy fluttering with each bounce. 
“Come on, baby,” he groaned as he started to buck his hips up into you with the same rhythm of your bounce. “Keep ridin’ me, you feel so good.”
Moans and slaps of your skin are all that fills the air in your room. You grabbed at his thighs, feeling ecstasy with each bounce. To your surprise he sat up and grabbed you by the waist, thrusting into you and rolling you over so he’s back on top. For a brief moment, his cock left you and you felt suddenly empty. He settled over, pushing your bent legs up towards your chest. The pad of his thumb easily found your clit again and with a few slaps of his cock at your folds, he was pushing into you again. His hips rocked into you in a new found depth and pace as his thumb continued to circle your bundle of nerves. In this position he felt even wider than he had before and your heart and mind raced with each desperate thrust Joel made. That magic feeling began to will within you again as Joel’s pace became faster and faster. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, I don’t think I can hold on much longer,” he growled through thrusts, grabbing your hips tightly and angling them upward. 
“Oh god, Joel, please, baby,” you cried, knowing you were right there with him. “Take what you need, baby, please take what you need.”
Neither of you could speak anymore. You’d evolved into an orchestral union of bodies, reaching out for each other and crying out each other's names with each grind, push, and thrust. And like dying stars, you exploded together in your orgasms, crying out praise and gratitude for it all and each other. The way his cock pounded in and out of you so easily and how it mingled with your sticky sweetness took you away for a moment. You began to shake uncontrollably and pulled his face close to yours. 
“Oh fuck---I, sweetheart---” was the last thing he moaned before looking to you for a final answer to a question unspoken. 
“Come inside me, Joel, it’s OK,” you assured, shaking as he gave one, two, three more thrusts to fill you up with him before he whimpered into the crook of your neck. 
You collapsed together on your bed, a tangle of heavy breaths and intertwined limbs. For the longest time, you bathed together in your naked silence, pulling up your quilted comforter over your bodies that were starting to get a little cold from the tiniest bit of winter air that you could feel through the walls. 
Through closed eyes you listened to Joel’s heartbeat through his chest where you had rested your head. He had taken your hand and rested it there, gently caressing it with his. More little comforts came to you in the form of him nuzzling your hair with his cheek and kissing your forehead. You could fall asleep like this, but being awake was more fulfilling in every possible way. 
“Hey,” you heard his voice whisper as he caressed your hair and then your shoulder, “you asleep?”
“No,” you murmured, waiting and wondering about his next words. 
“I’m sorry about Ellie,” he apologized. 
“Mmm, it’s okay,” you replied and then added, “just give her time, she’ll find her way.” 
Heart beats and deep breaths and caresses between words. 
“I think so,” Joel’s voice was rough but more resolved than how he had spoken when he came to your door, “I think with your help, she will.” 
You smiled, feeling tears again slip from the corners of your eyes, a cleansing exhale leaving from your lungs. “Thank you for the vote of confidence.” 
He shifted, squeezed your shoulder, and brushed your hair out of your face until you were looking up at him. 
“Hey, baby,” he said softly and then kissed you, his fingers caressing your skin, “you take what you need.”
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daydreamingfuel · 1 year
Freak Like Me
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Chapter 6
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
AO3 // previous // next
Y/N has just moved to Hawkins from England with her parents and is starting at the high school in the final term of her senior year. Eddie immediately takes a liking to her and they become fast friends, deciding to take her under his wing and falling to her charms. This is Hawkins however and things are never quite as they seem...
WHOLE FIC TAGS & WARNINGS: gratuitous use of Y/N (I'm not sorry), friends to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, eventual smut, semi-fix-it-fic, angst, injury, canon dialogue and events used, canon graphic violence, no main character death :)
Chapter Tags & Warnings: Y/N's backstory - illusions to SA and drugging but no graphic detail, trauma flashbacks, Eddie and reader have a heart-to-heart-bonding moment, Patrick gets vecna'd in the lake, mass amounts of swearing and sexual innuendo and tension, two idiots in love in hiding, insecurity, anxiety, reader has baggage, Eddie is protective.
Chapter Word Count - 6.1k
A/N - I had writer's block for a while, so another 2-month gap in uploads, sorry. apologies in advance, this chapter is incredibly dark, and you may need tissues. I had my best friend proofread the trauma flashbacks to ensure that it wasn't too much to read emotionally but still, Heavy Trigger Warning for mentions of SA.
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“Wait!” Eddie stopped her before she could launch into her story, “Let’s get you off the floor first.”
Slowly and shakily rising from the floor, Eddie managed to get a still out-of-it Y/N back to the boat, carefully sitting her down. Frantic eyes checked over her constantly, looking for any signs of another attack. Her red raw bottom lip was pulled between her teeth, hands fidgeting in her lap which was bouncing rhythmically.  “Eddie, what I’m about to tell you…it’s really dark, I just…I don’t want you to think any less of me…”
“Sweetheart, there are very few things on this earth that could make me think less of you, I can handle it.” His voice had a slightly playful lilt to it, wrapping her hands in his ring-clad ones.
Y/N took a deep breath, eyes fluttering as she tried to keep her thoughts in check, “Before we moved to Hawkins - before my dad got this new job - there was an incident at my old school.” Eddie nodded as she paused, silently encouraging her to continue, letting her fiddle with his rings as she continued to speak, “I didn’t use to look or act like this…I was a preppie. I thought I had to be to survive, and I promised myself that when I started at Hawkins High, I would be myself, completely, and I’m so happy that I did because I found you and I’ve never felt more comfortable in my own skin but…what happened, it still haunts me.”
Y/N’s perfectly manicured nails tapped against the desk absentmindedly to the song in their head as the teacher at the front of the classroom talked the classroom through the imagery in one of Shakespeare’s sonnets. A note slid itself onto the wooden surface from beside her. She smirked to herself before even opening the note, knowing that it came from her boyfriend sitting beside her.
‘You still up for Saturday? Haven’t stopped thinking about what I’m gonna do to you, baby.’
Theo stifled a laugh as Y/N blanched at the words before quickly scribbling a response and passing the note back, readjusting her posture as he read the note.
‘Of course, I’m up for Saturday, but you can keep those thoughts in your head.’
‘Come on! It’ll be a laugh, I’ll be gentle.’
‘You know I want to, I really want to, but I do not want my first time to be at a party where anyone could overhear us or walk in.’
‘But that’s part of the fun baby, come on I wanna make you scream for the whole house to hear.’
‘Drop it or I’m not coming at all. You can have me all to yourself another night.’
‘Alright, jeez, loosen up a bit baby, I was just teasing.’
By Saturday night, 3 days later, unbeknownst to Y/N, Theo had told his friends all about his plans for the evening whilst not bringing it up again to her at all, acting the perfect gentleman. The party hosted by a member of the school’s popular boys, a friend of Theo’s, was in full swing by the time Y/N arrived, flouncy baby pink dress skirting her thighs sweetly. She mingled and danced and laughed, Theo’s arm slung around her shoulder, hand slowly getting closer and closer to her chest with every hour.
As the night went on, Y/N started to feel time moving slower and slower, despite having not drunk too much of anything and mostly sticking to non-alcoholic beverages. Most nights like this, she chose to be able to remember what had happened and hated the headaches that followed when she didn’t.
“Theo, can you take me somewhere to lie down? I feel dizzy…” Y/N slurred slightly, leaning on him, and feeling the rumble of his laugh in his chest. Not hearing his response, she let out a small yelp of surprise as she was suddenly guided to an upstairs bedroom, “Thank you…you’re so good to me…”
Y/N took a shaky breath before letting out a bitter laugh, “‘You’re so good to me’. What bullshit…”
Eddie was silently fuming in his seat, hating every word that spilt out of Y/N’s mouth with eyes like thunder, as she continued the story.
Waking up the next morning, Y/N blinked harshly and groaned as the sunlight hit her face. The more awake she becomes the more horrifically aware of her surroundings and exposed state of being she becomes. Memories of the previous night came flooding back to her in a daze of blurry images and incoherent phrases, making her sick to her stomach. Theo waltzed into the room wearing only sweats and a smug smirk, eyeing the powdery pastel pink of her dress discarded in a corner along with her underwear and shoes.
“Morning baby, sleep well?” The implication dripping from his voice twisted at her insides, despite the seemingly sweet words. All she could do was sit there, clutching the duvet to her exposed chest, staring at him in complete and utter betrayal and hatred.
Breathing growing heavier with rage, Y/N managed to control her emotions enough to speak somewhat calmly, “What happened last night, Theo?”
The boy in question sauntered over to the bed and perched next to Y/N on the bed, making her shuffle away in disgust. “Don’t be like that. You were practically begging me to get you in bed last night,” Everything about his being made her skin crawl, instantly feeling an intense need to scrub every trace of him off her.
“No…I wanted to sleep, I was dizzy…I don’t even know why, I barely drank,” Y/N urged, the door looking miles away from where he had caged her in on the bed.
His laugh, cocky and victorious rang in her ears, “Oh, baby…you were being so fucking uptight, I just wanted to help you relax a little,” The world around her blacked out. “God, you were so clingy, it was almost too easy. ‘Oh, Theo, you’re so good to me…make me feel so good…’”
“I- I didn’t- what did you- you didn’t, please tell me you didn’t.” Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably.
Theo groaned in frustration and rolled his eyes. “Are you really crying right now? I’ve been nothing but good to you. And I remember all those nights we talked and talked on the phone as you told me every single one of your dirty little fantasies, you’re a little freak. I know you wanted this. You asked for this.”
Y/N rocked herself back and forth slightly, her grip on Eddie’s hands vice-like; Eddie looked as though he was about to commit homicide. His mind raced with all the different ways he could hurt the person who hurt her without a single care. Breathing heavily, Eddie gulped down the growing lump in his throat, knowing that despite his rage, all his energy should be focused on the girl in front of him. He calmed his racing mind to take in her state, and almost crumbled. She was a wreck. Their eyes were frantic as she relived that memory in her mind, tears streaming freely down her face, still shaken from the panic attack and more so from the vicious words circling her head.
“I got out of there pretty fast after that.” Y/N sniffled, pushing away the painful memory, “On Monday, back at school, I tried to avoid him, but it was impossible, we shared so many classes and I ended up walking straight into him. I tried to walk away but he pulled me back, he- he told me that if I tried to tell anyone, nobody would believe me. He’d told his friends and they’d told basically the entire school, not that they needed to. Half the school had already seen me all over him at the party and jumped to their own conclusions about what happened when we disappeared. Everyone thought that I’d, like, begged him to-” She took a deep breath to calm herself, “It was torture, none of my friends would look at me the same after, and so many people talked about what they thought happened, I couldn’t escape it, so I became a recluse. Stopped talking to everyone, just went to school, did my work, tried to ignore what everyone was saying and got the hell out of there without saying goodbye when dad got offered his job here.”
“He should be in fucking jail for doing that to you. Actually, no, fuck that, he should be six feet under.” Eddie furrowed his brows, mystified by the sad tale, and wondering why or how anyone would be capable of hurting her in such a violent manner, “Why did you think that I would think any less of you?”
Y/N laughed in hysterical relief at his protectiveness and understanding, gazing at him with such adoration that he thought he might explode, before it faded into anxiety all over again, “Ever since that day, there’s been this voice in my head telling me that I deserved it. That I ruined everything, and that I’m going to keep ruining things, because I’m just some horny bitch who couldn’t keep her legs closed and made everyone hate me…” her voice came out as barely a whisper, “that I, fundamentally, don’t…deserve to be loved. That everyone is just going to use me and leave me.”
Eddie pulled her into the tightest, safest, embrace. She breathed in his scent, stronger from being in hiding but still very much Eddie, and allowed her eyes to fall shut as she nuzzled into the juncture of his neck. One of his ringed hands cradled her head as his other arm locked itself around the small of her back, his head resting on hers once more, the curtain of his hair falling over her face. Trembling hands held tightly onto him as he let her cry into his neck. Whilst his mind spun with the new information, his heart ached – wanting nothing more than to make sure that nothing like that ever happened to her again, and knowing that his own actions hadn’t made it any easier.
“After it all happened,” mumbling into Eddie’s neck, just loud enough for him to hear, she tried to further explain herself, “I didn’t report it, I was too scared, but my parents knew. They’d heard from other parents when it had circulated the school and sat me down to talk about it. Mum was pensive, but I could see on her face that she was in pain for me, despite not saying anything about it. My dad…well, our relationship has never quite been the same…I think he partially blames me for what happened, thinks I was too reckless, that I should’ve never got involved with him in the first place…he always hated Theo.”
“Anyone that could even somewhat blame you for that is just as much a douchebag as he is,” Eddie stated defensively, hands flexing as he barely stifled his temper, bumping her dad up his mental list of people he hated.
She pulled herself off his chest to look him in the eye, “You really believe that?”
Eddie stared down at her in disbelief, “Of course I do.” She smiled softly, leaning back into his touch.
Their surroundings started to phase back into reality, and quite quickly became all too aware of her own skin and the things touching it, snapping her out of her self-pity. With a sigh, she pulled herself up, and started rummaging through her backpack, stuffing a clean pair of underwear in a pocket, having packed them earlier in case a ‘you-never-know’ situation occurred, “Does Rick’s house have a shower we could use? I’d quite like to get this grime off me.”
“Uh- Y-yeah, follow me.”
Sneaking out of the shed, for fear of lurking townies, they made their way up to the house, Eddie pulling a key out of his jacket pocket. The house had a lingering herbal scent, as though it had seeped into the walls and taken up permanent residency, that made Y/N snicker slightly. Eddie strolled pretty casually through the house, knowing the floor plan with his eyes shut, and led her through to a back room where the den was, overlooking the lake, attached to a small bathroom. Opening the door for her, Eddie guided her into the small, tiled room. It wasn’t particularly new or fancy looking but it was clean enough, and towels were stacked in a tall wooden cabinet near the door that she could use.
“I’ll be quick…don’t want to be here long enough for anyone in the area to notice,” Y/N thought out loud and Eddie hummed in agreement, saying that he’d knock if they needed to make a quick escape back to the boathouse. Deciding that it’d be quicker to not wash their hair, Y/N scrubbed at her body with the generic-looking soap in the shower whilst keeping her hair as dry as possible. The warm water wasn’t quite hot enough, but got the job done and she was out of the shower in under 10 minutes, despite having spent the first few figuring out how the shower worked, trying to make it hotter and then having a little cry before actually washing.
Eddie paced the length of the den as she showered, keeping an ear out for any signs of movement around the house from potential townies. Despite the horrific things he’d seen happen to Chrissy and being in hiding for her presumed murder, the story Y/N had told him about her past was all he could think about. Why anyone, how anyone, could do that to another person? How he wished he could punch the asshole in the face, repeatedly, with iron knuckles.  How utterly terrifying it must’ve been. His head couldn’t help but also go back through every one of their conversations and encounters, searching for any sign that he had made her feel uncomfortable in any way, for any sign that she didn’t want what he wanted. But when she appeared back in front of him, skin flushed from the steam, clothes clinging to her slightly differently from the precipitation, any thoughts of doubt fled his mind. She looked at him with utmost care and respect, her body pulling itself into his personal space like gravity. 
“In different circumstances, we’d be sat on these sofas, probably high as kites, watching some stupid movie that Rick has in his collection, right now.” Y/N sighed wistfully at the thought of doing functionally nothing with him, curled up in peace and safety.
Eddie smiled, moving impossibly closer to wipe a stray water droplet from her hairline running down towards her temple, “Wouldn’t that just be perfect, considering our last movie night got ruined by this mess.”
Y/N laughed dryly. Everything she had planned for that night, flew out the window pretty fast and had been flying just out of reach ever since, feeling more and more like a pipe dream with every day that passed. “We technically have all the time in the world right now, to talk about everything but…God, it just-!” She cut herself off, frustrated with the world. “Every fibre of my being is still so confused and tired and angry about this whole fucked up situation, but all I can think about when I’m with you is you. It would be so much easier if you didn’t take up so much of my goddamn brain space.”
She collapsed face-first onto one of the old, blanket-draped, sofas and let out a muffled noise of frustration. He cautiously sat next to her, thigh by her head and arm hanging off the back of the sofa above her. “Do I really take up that much space in that pretty little head of yours?” His voice was slightly cocky and teasing but with that underlying sincerity and insecurity that had made her so infatuated so quickly, and eased her frustration somewhat.
“Yes.” She answered into the sofa, making him chuckle. She lifted her face up and out of the fabric, “Don’t laugh.”
Eddie grinned at her cheekily before it faltered, “Sweetheart, I’m honoured, truly. I don’t deserve it.”
“Shut up, yes you do Eds. If I didn’t think you deserved that time or energy I wouldn’t be here. Dumbass.” Annoyance dripped off every word, but he knew that it wasn’t malicious.
“Someone’s cranky,” She flipped him off, which he returned, a smile trying to force its way onto her face, but being stubbornly repressed. “How are you feeling, anyway?”
“Grim and still anxious, but better having showered,” she sighed pulled herself up to sit, legs touching his, right as her stomach grumbled loudly, “We should probably eat something. I brought all our favourite snacks but there’s also some leftovers from Mum in my backpack-”
Eddie’s face lit up, not saying a single word before pulling her up and dragging her back to the boathouse where her bag was. If there was one thing that Eddie had grown extremely fond of from having Y/N in his life, apart from Y/N themselves and everything they did together, it was her mum's cooking. No matter what she made, he was almost guaranteed to love it. Even the things he wasn’t so sure about he ended up loving. “I don’t know how she does it, she must have magic in some capacity to make vegetables taste good,” he had said one night after she made a veg-packed pasta dish that he knows he would’ve hated if anyone else had made it.
“Eds, ease up, you’re gonna pull my arm out the socket,” Y/N whined as she was pulled behind the man on a mission. They sat in the boathouse sharing the tub of leftovers, that were somehow still good even cold, in comfortable silence, too hungry to talk between mouthfuls. Once devoured, Y/N stuffed the empty box and cutlery back in her bag and collapsed against Eddie, trying to find a comfortable position to get some rest. Ultimately, they found themselves in an all too familiar position, her head on his chest, one of his arms curled around her back and the other behind his head, their legs tangled. Though intimate, the position was comforting and lulled them into a false sense of security. Any other time they had cuddled like this, it was in the safety of one of their rooms after a long night of studying, food, and D&D prep, whilst they listened to music and talked until it was time for the other to leave for the evening. Sometimes, they cuddled up like that under her smoking tree, stargazing deep into the night. But snuggled up in the boathouse in hiding, it meant something different to them both.
“Weirdly enough, the rocking of the boat in the water is oddly soothing…is this how babies feel in the crib?” Eddie broke their comfortable silence.
The question made her scoff into his shirt, shaking her head slightly. “You know, you come out with some right odd shit? But yeah, probably.”
He hums in acknowledgement, before asking another question, “Are you scared?”
“Terrified. You?”
He paused, deliberating how honest he should be. Of course, he was scared. The whole situation was mortifying, and what was scaring him just as much, was how much danger he had put her in. The thought of losing her, of what happened to Chrissy happening to her, made his blood run cold. She could be at home with her mother, peacefully unaware of any of this, safe and out of harm’s way. If only she had chosen another lunch table. If only she hadn’t joined Hellfire. If only she hadn’t taken over every waking thought he had. They wouldn’t be in this mess. But…
But then he would be alone in hiding, alone in his fear. With only Dustin to keep him in check and safe, from a distance. A long and very silent distance. Banished though he may be, at least he wasn’t banished alone. And there was no one he would rather be banished with than her. It was selfish of him but in that moment with her safe in his arms, being on the run wasn’t too bad.
“Not as scared as I could be right now.” His eyes closed, heartbeat picking up as the words fell from his mouth. With her head to his chest, she could feel the skip of his heart and smiled a little. Not another word was said as they drifted off to uneasy sleep.
Waking up every few hours, as noises from the woods made it hard to sleep, eventually, Y/N felt as though she had rested enough and woke up a final time to sunlight pouring in through the arch and windows. Eddie had been awake for a while, having been woken up by sounds of movement in the trees and, though nothing came of it, he couldn’t get back to sleep for much longer after that. His body ached from the wood of the boat, and the tarp hadn’t done much to help keep him warm in the early hours of the morning, but the warmth from Y/N’s body and the sound of her soft snores, as she dozed, helped to take the edge off. Pulling her closer as her eyes finally fluttered open, he gazed down at her, sunlight kissing her sleepily pouted face.
“Mornin’, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured huskily, what little sleep he had caught in his throat.
She closed her eyes again and buried her face into his chest, one hand gripping the fabric as the other played with a near curl of his hair, “Mornin’, honey.”
“Killing me here,” He groaned at the softness of her early morning state, “If this is what it’s like to wake up with you, I never want to wake up alone again.”
She laughed lightly before sitting up and feeling just how stiff she was, letting out long whines and groans as she stretched as much as she could without leaving the boat. As she stood to stretch out her legs and back properly, she thought out loud to herself “Need to pee…” before wandering to the door of the boathouse.
“Where d’you think you’re going?” Eddie questioned, tilting his head with a raised eyebrow. He had propped himself up with his arms behind him slightly, watching as she moved to the door.
She looked back at him in bewilderment, “The bathroom? Gotta go.”
“Be quick, okay? Then back here, it’s early but we can’t be too careful.”
The day was going to be long, and though they were in hiding, they still needed to be human. Luckily, she had food covered and Eddie had found a hiding spot with access to plumbing. She scampered up to the house and back as fast as she could, the adrenaline of potentially being caught had her moving inherently faster. Trying to find ways to pass the time, they spent the day slowly snacking on the supplies Y/N had brought, talking about ideas for the next campaign, discussing theories for what the others were doing – “Knowing Dustin, he’ll have gone full detective, you know, like how he is whilst trying to figure out the next move in D&D?” Y/N had suggested, causing Eddie to laugh with a strange fondness at the thought of the freshmen - and coming up with silly games to keep them occupied, deigning to go to the house only when absolutely necessary, and rarely alone. The conversation didn’t dare breach anything too heavy, already anxious enough and clinging on to any sense of normalcy between them, though the reality was creeping back in with every hour. Sleep that night was more uncomfortable from the lack of any real food, Eddie promised to check Rick's cupboards the next day before drifting off to sleep. Sounds of their stomachs grumbling pulled the pair from their slumber. Y/N reached for her nearly empty bottle of water and took a sip, savouring it before passing it to Eddie who finished it off.
“How many of these do we have left?” He asked, playing with the bottle as he watched Y/N rummage through the bags and rationing out what food was left.
She pulled out another large bottle of water from one of the bags and put it down on the workbench, “This is the last one. God, I hope the others are okay, I thought they’d at least check in to see if we’re still alive or needed more food.”
“They left a walkie for us.” The black device stood on the workbench, taunting them, “I’ll try to get a hold of them in a bit, right now I’m too hungry to care about trying.”
Digging into their breakfast of slightly stale toaster waffles, both of their minds raced, feeling as though their luck was running out. They spent most of the day like they had spent the last, only more on edge. It was past noon before they decided to venture back up to the house, needing some hot food no matter how gross it might be. Rick’s kitchen seemed to have been abandoned long before his arrest, with dust on the counters and shelves and a mostly empty fridge. Y/N jumped up to sit on the counter as Eddie rummaged through the cupboards. Watching him riffle through the abandoned kitchen made a warm domestic bubble settle in her stomach, knowing inherently that it was something she would never be tired of, holding dear all the mundane life moments she had with him, whilst she still could.
With each drawer and cupboard he opened, he muttered a small ‘nope’ to himself before finally opening the cupboard above the oven and inspecting a can, “Yeah,” he snorted, “You’ll do.”
“What are we having, chef?” Y/N watched as he pulled a saucepan from a cupboard and turned on the stove.
When the contents of the can were slowly heating, he turned to her, “A nutritious meal of spaghetti hoops. It was all I could find that wasn’t a potential biohazard.”
Once the hoops were sufficiently hot, they wandered into the living room passing the pan and spoon between them, neglecting to properly plate up the food in sheer hunger. Eddie’s agitation wasn’t fully squashed by the meal, however, “Throw me the walkie…I’ll try to get a hold of Henderson…” He fiddled with the knobs as Y/N collapsed onto the sofa with the hoops, wrapping themselves in a blanket thrown haphazardly onto the backrest. Eventually, he got it to the right channel, holding down a button to talk, “Hey, Dustin, this is Eddie the Banished. You there?”
Static. Silence.
“Dustin, can you hear me?”
“Dustin?” He tried again, getting more impatient, “Earth to Dustin.”
“Hey, it's Nancy.”
Y/N recognised the voice of Nancy Wheeler, Mike’s older sister. They had only briefly met a handful of times when it was her turn to pick up Mike from Hellfire, she never stayed for long. Only once had she actually gotten out of the car to greet Mike, and that was when he was stalling and talking to Eddie about the campaign for a little too long for her liking, practically dragging him back to the car with a silent nod at Eddie and Y/N as she went.
“Wheeler! Hey.” Eddie sighed in relief of finally getting a response, Y/N jumping up to stand with him by the door, saucepan in hand, “Um, we’re gonna need a food delivery, like, really soon, unless you want us going out into the world.”
“No.” an immediate response from Nancy, “No, no, no. Don't do that. Stay where you are, and we'll be there as soon as we can.”
“Thanks, Nancy, we were starting to get a little worried,” Y/N took the walkie, “How is everything?”
There was an almost palpable silence before they heard Nancy’s voice again, “We’ll tell you when we see you.”
The pair locked eyes, “Well that’s never a good sign.” Y/N mused, deciding not to hold down the walkie button so Nancy couldn't hear.
“Listen, um…” Eddie pinched back the radio, “Can you pick me up a six-pack?”
Y/N stared at him in exasperation for a few seconds before walking away and eating more of the now slightly cold spaghetti, flopping down on the sofa.
“I know, it's stupid as shit, drinking right now,” He said pointedly, not taking his eyes off Y/N as she stared back at him over a spoonful of hoops, “but a cold beer would really calm my jangled nerves.”
“Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back.” Nancy ignored the request, seemingly distracted by something, and they were once again met with silence.
Eddie panicked, “No, don't you da-- Wheeler? Wheeler?”
But she was gone. Eddie cursed to himself before collapsing into the space next to Y/N, and taking the saucepan from her to finish off the rest himself. “Was the beer request necessary, Eds?”
“Look, if we’re gonna be stuck here for longer than a week, I’d kinda like to spend at least some of it not sober,” Eddie grumbled into his pasta, knee bouncing. With a sigh, she slid her hand onto his restless leg to soothe him a little, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder lightly. “Although…”
“Fuck off, Munson.” She denied him, the smile ever present in her voice, making him snort a laugh.
Once back in the boat house, with the empty can of spaghetti Eddie had brought back with them, the pair resided themselves to setting up camp for the rest of the day, settling back into their hideaway routine. From the sound of things with the others, or lack thereof, Y/N slowly let it settle in her head that they might be stuck for longer than she first imagined. It had already been an exhausting couple of days, and they were both getting antsy, waiting for the shoe drop.
Sometime in the afternoon, Eddie started a little game for himself, throwing things he could find into the empty spaghetti can from increasing distances. At first, Y/N just ignored the rattling sound of the can before it became too much, and she resigned herself to join him instead. They took turns trying to beat each other at the shot, nudging the other to make them miss, bickering as they did and keeping score.
Eddie was beating her 4-2 when tires on the path to the house made them immediately stop and duck down from the window above the bench they were sitting on. Eddie, slowly peering over the edge, looked out to see if it was just Steve in the Beemer but immediately crouched back down, “I don’t think it’s Harrington.”
Shaking slightly, Y/N peeked out through the window just as a familiar unfriendly face came into view getting out of the car, and ducked back down to whisper to Eddie, “It’s Jason. And I think he brought friends.”
“Shit…shit.” As Y/N took a few deep breaths, Eddie checked on the group outside, “They’re going into the house, we might have to make a break for it.”
Y/N nodded quickly before scrambling to collect anything important as Eddie tried in a desperate attempt to contact the others, “Hey, Dustin. You there?” He took frantic glances out of the window as he spoke, “It's Eddie. You remember me, right?” His eyes locked with Y/N’s as she came to stand by him once more, essentials in pockets in case they needed to run. “Hey, if anyone's there, I really think we might be in a bit of trouble here. Okay? Wheeler?” He hit the radio hard against his hand, as he sunk back down to crouch beneath the window, “Anybody?!”
“Eds, we’ve gotta try to stay calm, too much noise and they’ll come down here,” Y/N implored and reached for his hands. He put the walkie down, brushing her hands away before pulling her into him. She whispered into his chest just loud enough for him to hear, “They might give up after searching the house and realise we’re not there…”
“Let’s hope so,” Eddie whispered back, closing his eyes, and trying to focus his panicked breathing, his arms wrapped tight around her.
The sun set as Jason and his friends searched the house, the night growing darker and colder as Eddie and Y/N huddled ever closer. Eventually, when the moon was high in the sky, his curiosity got the best of him again. Eddie peered back through the window for any more signs of movement, the glow from the lights in the house alerting him to the townies ever-persisting search. Gripping the walkie tightly, he tried the others again, the desperation and fear fuelling him, “Dustin? Please. Are… Are you there?” After being met with yet more silence, only the sounds of the water against the boat to listen to, he gave up, “Never mind.” Placing the walkie down on a bench in the wooden vessel they had been sleeping in, he rounded it and called Y/N over softly, helping her into it before clambering in himself.
Trusting him implicitly, and not wanting to leave his side, Y/N followed his lead and silently helped him unhook the boat from its mount and started to paddle out onto the lake. They barely got 30 feet into the water before they heard a call from the bank, “Hey, Freaks!” Jason had finally found them. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Fuck.” Y/N could feel her heartbeat pick up more, as Eddie scrambled to reach the engine, cursing to himself. Faintly, Y/N could hear bodies in the water, swimming over to them, as she tried to tune them out and focus on her feeble attempts to row the boat solo as Eddie argued with the boat engine, which had obviously been attached and installed by Rick himself.
No longer caring about being heard now they had been seen, Eddie tried emphatically to get it to work, emphasising each word with a pull of the starting cord, “Just come on, you piece of shit.” Weakly, the engine spluttered in response but did not roar to life the way they wanted it to, “Come on. Gotta help me out here, man. Come on. Come on, you piece of shit!” He tried harder to bring it to life, but nothing worked, “Come on! Goddamn it!” He hit the engine in defeat as Jason and his friends swam ever closer, “Nope? Okay. All right. Okay.”
Scrambling back over to the bench to help Y/N, and almost falling over in the process, he picked up an oar and joined her in rowing away from the two boys in the water, gaining on them. Together, they managed to keep distance between themselves and Jason in the water, but it didn’t stop Eddie from shouting at him to ‘stay back’ and threatening to hit him with the oar if he did start coming too close for comfort, standing up to get more leverage to swing at him.
“Come on. We almost have them,” Jason called out behind him but stopped swimming when there was no response, looking back over his shoulder, “Hey, Patrick. Patrick!”
Y/N stopped rowing and turned around to see what the kerfuffle was about, just in time to see Patrick be pulled under the dark water of the lake, seemingly by nothing. With only the moon's reflection on the lake to illuminate the water, the group could only just see each other without straining, let alone movement below the water. Gripping the oar in one hand and the leather of Eddie's jacket in the other, Y/N scanned the gentle waves of the water frantically for any sign of Patrick beneath the soft currant. But found nothing. “Eddie, it’s happening again,” Y/N curled into herself as a cold chill ran down her spine as the air grew thick with apprehension.
Jason continued to call out for his friend, getting increasingly more terrified, until suddenly Patrick's body lifted 10 feet into the air above the lake. Dropping the oar and staring up in horror at the boy’s body suspended in mid-air above them, illuminated in the moonlight, Y/N let out a terrified scream before she registered Eddie’s shouts and then a loud splash as he fell backwards into the water from the shock. “Eddie!” Y/N shouted and, in complete disregard for her safety, dove in after him. She managed to grab his arm and keep a hold of him as he flailed to try to keep afloat.
Kicking for the surface, Y/N gasped for breath, as Eddie coughed to dispel the water from his lungs nearby. As Patrick's bones started to snap, they lurched backwards in their fear and found themselves clinging to each other in the cold water. Jason cried out for his friend, as he watched in disbelief as his body contorted, suspended in mid-air above him. Patrick's body buckled and bent out of shape limb by limb as his eyes were gouged out from behind his skull, his jaw finally dislocating before her was dropped mercilessly back into the lake, with a loud splash. Dead.
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jamesbuchannan · 3 years
What, Like It’s Hard? | p. one | j.b.b
Summary: Y/N’s boyfriend breaks her heart, calls her dumb, and she decides to go to law school. Also, she spills her coffee on a cute boy :)
A/N: If this sucks pls tell me I will rewrite it.
Pairings: Future Bucky x Stark!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of breakup, self doubt, if there’s more please let me know.
previous part: prologue
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You had sat in your room for weeks. What the hell just happened? I mean, you’re Y/N Stark goddamn it. You’re beautiful, you’re smart, your father is Tony Fucking Stark.
Your friends would peek into your room occasionally to make sure you were still alive, bringing a fresh box of tissues along with them. Yeah you were sad because he broke up with you, but it was so much more than that.
“Sweetie, you can’t sit in here for the rest of your life and wallow over some guy,” Meg stated. You knew she was right, but she also didn’t understand.
“Meg, it isn’t just because he broke up with me. Sure, it hurts like hell. But it’s why he broke up with me that hurts more. How could he say those things to me? I’m just as smart, if not smarter, than he is!”
“I know, sweetie, he’s an ass,” she sighed, “What would make you feel better? Smoothies? Spa day? Watch Gavin Porter play field hockey shirtless?”
“Getting into Harvard.”
Your academic advisor was absolutely perplexed.
“Y/N, we have spent years working on your masters in education, why the sudden switch? Are you sure this is what you want?”
“I’m not giving up my dreams of becoming a teacher, I just think I can do both,” who said you couldn’t go to Harvard while also teaching the minds of todays youth full time? “I swear I can do this.”
“Okay, this sheet of paper here has all of the information you’ll need for the LSAT,” she hands it across the desk, “it will have study information, exam times you can sign up for, and it says there is no cutoff score, but you need to shoot for higher than a 173. You also need to have a few good recommendation letters and a good essay. Good luck.”
Studying was the worst part. What if you’re doing all of this for nothing? What if Kyle was right? Maybe you aren’t smart enough for Harvard.
No, you’ve made it this far. You have studied your ass off, wrote an amazing admissions essay, and have had countless professor write recommendation letters. You’ve got this.
This is the monologue going through your mind as you sit there with your freshly refreshed screen.
Click Here for Your LSAT Score.
“You want me to do it?”
“No, I need to do it,” you sigh, “thanks Meg.”
Holy shit.
“Holy shit!” Meg yelled, “You did it, Y/N! I’m so proud of you!”
Next came your acceptance letter. It all began to feel so real. How is it that in a span of a few months you decided you wanted to go to Harvard, and now you’re holding your acceptance letter?
“You promise you’ll call every single day?”
“I promise, Meg. I’ll even call you on the days where I have to stay up till 4 in the morning studying some boring murder case,” you guys have been hugging for a solid 4 minutes now, “I’ll especially call you if there are any cute boys.”
“Ugh! You better. I need pictures, for science,” she giggles, “and hey, remember, you’ve already proven Kyle wrong. Forget about him.”
“Yeah, I will. I just wanna see his face first.”
The ride wasn’t that bad and your dorm room is pretty nice. You have your own room, which is great seeing as you haven’t had to share a room since freshmen year. You spent the whole first day making your room more personal, needing to feel some form of home.
Luckily, you were able to get evening classes, your first class starting at 4pm. It fits perfect with your schedule at the local elementary school, having gotten a teaching job in the Kindergarten department. You’re worried about the time and workload, but you believe in yourself.
It was around 6am as you head towards the parking lot, away from campus. Suddenly, you run into someone full force, knocking your coffee onto your shoes and this stranger.
“Fuck! I’m so sorry! I am such a fuckin’ klutz.”
You look up in the midst of your rambling to see a massive, behemoth of a man. Great, now you look like an idiot in front of this beautiful man.
“It’s okay, genuinely, it’s fine,” he laughs a bit, “Why are you walking off campus at 6am, do you not have class?”
“Um, yeah, I have class later. I’m on my way to work,” Why are you telling this stranger your schedule? God, he’s making you so flustered.
“Work? What, daddy doesn’t pay your tuition?” your face falls a bit, and he can tell, “That made me sound like a douche, didn’t it? It’s just, most of the students here don’t work while in school, they usually don’t need to.”
“I’m a kindergarten teacher. And yes my dad does pay my tuition, but I teach because I love it.”
“Wow, well I admire that. I can’t imagine being a teacher while being in law school. Well, I’ll let you get to work, but it was nice meeting you. I’m James, but my friends call me Bucky.”
“Well, James, I’m Y/N. Hopefully I won’t spill my coffee on you again.”
masterlists: if you’re crossed out, check your settings. if i forgot you, pls lmk!
master: @criminallyautumn
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evieonic · 3 years
I love your blog!! I was wondering if you would write about platonic Yuuji getting tickled by Gojo & Megumi? Tysm!
Hi Anon! I'm so sorry it took so long to get this posted, I had a tough time coming up with ideas and then I got sick but it's all good now! Thank you for your patience. This is what I came up with, I hope you enjoy it. This fic can also read on ao3 if you'd prefer to read it there.
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Remedy For A Broken Heart (Published:  08/15/2021)
Pairing: Platonic only, characters: Gojo, Yuuji, and Megumi
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Trigger Warning: None, though technically contains a break-up and non-consensual tickling though it's all in good fun.
Length: 1595 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
Summary: Yuuji's heart got broken by some chick at school and absolutely refuses to go to class. Megumi takes it into his own hands to get the strawberry blond happy again by calling Gojo-sensei who has some... talented tickling fingers.
------------------------------------ Megumi sighed as he stared down at the miserable sight below him. Yuuji was curled up in his bed with the covers over himself, completely ignoring the world. There were tissues littering the bed with tubs of empty ice cream on the nightstand. There was only one explanation for a sight like this.
Yuuji… got his heart broken.
“Yuuji,” Megumi sighed once more, pulling off the covers, “I know your heart is broken and the world seems to be ending, but you still have classes.”
“No!” Yuuji grumbled, pulling the covers back over his head with a yank, “tell them I'm sick or something.”
Megumi rolled his eyes, “Yuuji, it’ll be a good distraction.”
Yuuji only curled further into his bed, completely ignoring the boy. Megumi had never seen Yuuji this depressed before. It honestly concerned him. He placed his chin in his hand, his other on his hip as he took a moment to come up with an idea. What could possibly cheer up Yuuji? Talking about girls wouldn’t help, it’d only remind him of his loss. Maybe ice cream? No, the poor boy has had enough. A movie? No, he wouldn’t focus.
His mind raced with ideas until bingo, he had it. He smirked slightly as he folded his arms over his chest, “alright. Suit yourself.” He took his phone out of his pocket, dialing his emergency cheer up number. He knew it was going to work because Yuuji had done the exact same thing when Megumi was feeling down.
He grinned slightly as the familiar voice answered, “hello?”
“Gojo-sensei, I apologize for bothering you so close to class…,” Megumi began. He always felt a little bad for calling Gojo for anything that seemed minor.
“Hey, don’t worry about it, I'm here to help! What can I do for you?”
“Well, Yuuji got his heart broken so he refuses to go to class, so I was wondering if you could-” Megumi hadn’t gotten most of the words out when Gojo suddenly hung up. “H-Hello? Gojo?”
Megumi lowered his phone, looking at the ID in confusion, about to redial Gojo’s number when suddenly, their dorm room door was blown off of it’s hitches, hitting the wall with a hard impact.
“AYO I HEARD SOMEONE WAS SAD IN HERE,” A voice yelled and Megumi immediately realized what happened. Gojo had kicked down the door.
“Gojo-'' Megumi started, anger evident in his voice, but he was interrupted by Yuuji suddenly perking up, frightened by the sound of their door crumbling down.
He blinked. He glanced at Megumi, then glanced at Gojo.
And then he realized exactly what they had planned.
Megumi couldn’t help but smirk as he saw Yuuji suddenly remember that the last time Megumi was sad, he had called Gojo over and the two of them practically tickled him to death, making his sadness go away. Megumi had sworn revenge ever since that day. Today was a perfect opportunity.
“W-Wait,” Yuuji began, sinking back underneath his covers as Gojo’s eyes narrowed at him, “w-wait, there’s been a mistake, I’m-”
Gojo was making a beeline to him now.
“W-WAIT, I’m fine! Gojo, I’m- eheh !” Giggles were already catching in his throat, bringing a smile to Megumi’s face.
“Nurse, hold him down!” Gojo ordered. Megumi immediately obeyed, though cringed at being called a nurse. He held Yuuji down by his arms while Gojo yanked his covers away.
“N-N-NO! I’m fine, Gojo, I’m good!” Yuuji stammered, panicking before turning his gaze to Megumi, giving him his finest death glare, “why did you call him, you traitor?!”
“Revenge,” Megumi said.
“How?! You needed that and you know you did!”
“Well, you also need this so…,” Megumi shrugged, “point denied.”
Gojo hummed in thought as he straddled Yuuji, looking at him and thought, “hmm, I see, I see. I can see the sadness is located here,” he poked at Yuuji’s chest, right where his heart was, “we will need to prepare for an emergency tickle session.”
“Yes doctor,” Megumi nodded, falling into the scene Gojo was creating.
Yuuji only looked at them both as if they were idiots, “the fuck is wrong with you two? Can you please let me just be sad in peace, it’s okay to be sad every now and then- it’s healthy!”
“See, now that’s a symptom of extreme sadness, which means you’re too far gone,” Gojo said seriously, shaking his head. “He’s worse than I thought. Are you ready, nurse?”
“Yes doctor.”
“Can you two at least not be weird about this?!” Yuuji complained once more but Gojo ignored him, rubbing his hands together as if he was about to use a defibrillator on him.
“Clear!” He shouted before placing his hands on Yuuji’s sides and wiggling his fingers about.
The effect was immediate. Yuuji squirmed and thrashed about, forcing Megumi to hold on tighter, keeping him pressed on the bed as laughter filtered out of his mouth. “GAHAHA-! Nohohohohoho!! Staaahap! Staahp!” He giggled, trying with all his might to buck Gojo off, but the teacher was unfortunately too heavy.
“Seems like the medicine is working, nurse,” Gojo said, a hint of a smile on his lips as he continued his attack, “perhaps we should administer it to all locations of depression.”
“I agree, doctor,” Megumi smiled, nodding as he watched Yuuji smile with glee, despite the fact that his happiness was somewhat forced right now.
“I think I can see this being a huge problem area,” Gojo said, digging his fingers into Yuuji’s ribs, making him cackle with laughter, “oh yes, this whole area is pretty bad.”
“P-Pleehehehese,” Yuuji wheezed out, gasping for air as Gojo continued his treatment, “I cahahan’t breeeeathe!”
“Oof,” was all Gojo responded with.
“Well are you not sad yet?” He asked, halting his fingers for just a moment.
“I’m more pissed off than anything,” Yuuji grumbled, panting and glaring at his teacher.
His teacher only raised an eyebrow before thrusting his hands underneath Yuuji’s shirt, his fingers scribbling against Yuuji’s sensitive skin, making him howl with laughter. “NOOOAHAHA! Y-YOU BASTARD!”
“Nurse, he’s becoming critical!” Gojo grinned. “I need a hand stat!”
Megumi smirked, immediately catching on to what Gojo meant, “yes doctor!”
Yuuji caught the look in his eyes, squirming more vigorously in attempt to get away, “oh no, no you don’t, no you fucking don’t, don’t you da- PFFFAAHAHAHA!!” he erupted with laughter, the sound turning into a wheeze as Megumi, wiggling his fingers around his armpits, stimulating the sensitive nerves there. He had his knees pressed down on Yuuji’s hands, preventing him from moving his arms and keeping him vulnerable.
“T-T-T-This is t-t-torture, ahaha!” Yuuji wheezed, the words barely audible.
“It’s called medicine, actually,” Gojo said, “thought I guess depending on the medicine, it is torture.”
“Y-Y-You’re - ahahaha! - b-both - heh - s-stupid,” Yuuji giggled, his words distorted. Gojo and Megumi both only smiled down at him.
“Sorry, what was that?” Gojo smirked
“Are you going to stop being sad?” Megumi asked, digging his fingers into Yuuji’s sensitive nerves, gently moving them to his neck, scribbling underneath his chin. “Are you going to get out of bed, make yourself happy and go to class?”
“Y-You cahahahan’t just autaha-automaahatically make sohohomeone hahappy!” He whimpered, trying with all his might to yeet them off but having no luck. He simply just had to lay there, as their fingers sparked up giggle after giggle. It was so unfair.
But finally, after a while, Megumi and Gojo both slowed to a stop. Yuuji made a breathless giggle, his eyes wet with happy tears as he blinked a few times before glancing at them both, confused, “Y-You… finally stopped?”
“Depends. Did we cure the sadness?” Gojo asked with a smile.
“If I say yes, will you guys sto- AHAHA!! WHA- HEY?!” Yuuji glared at the sudden tickling done by Megumi. He only smirked, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
“Just making sure you know we can keep going with this treatment all night long,” Megumi said.
“Yes,” Gojo nods, “I am the top rated doctor in the nation, I don’t let my patients leave when I know they need more treatment.”
“I hate you both.”
Megumi chuckled and rolled his eyes, “come on, Yuuji. I know it’s rough, but you can’t stay like this.”
Yuuji sighed, finally letting himself lose the sad attitude. He was sad that he got dumped but to be honest, he didn’t really like the girl anyway. It just hurt his ego more than anything. He slowly nodded, “okay, I’m fine.”
“Is that the honest truth?” Megumi asked, moving his fingers slowly in a silent threat.
“Yes!” Yuuji said, “It is, I swear.”
Gojo and Megumi exchanged a look of doubt before finally nodding. “Okay,” Gojo shrugged, “we believe you. Now we can go get you ice cream.”
“Eh? Ice cream?” Yuuji said, instantly perking up from that.
“You know how doctors give their patients lollipops at the end of their treatment? I don’t have any lollipops so… ice cream,” Gojo said, getting up off of the poor young boy, Megumi quickly following him.
“You know if you just gave me ice cream first, I would’ve been easily healed,” Yuuji said, rolling his eyes as he sat up.
“You’ve been eating ice cream all day with that same sulky look in your eyes, ice cream wouldn’t have the same effect as it will now,” Megumi said, smiling softly as Gojo nodded, completely agreeing with him while Yuuji glared.
“Again, I hate you both,” he pouted.
“Yes we know. Now, where do you want your ice cream?”
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Hinata accidentally hits yn in the face with a volleyball during practice
Character: Hinata
Warnings: TW blood, broken nose, having to go to the hospital,
Requested: No
Word count: 1,240
Reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated but please don’t repost my works.
Disclaimer: I do not own haikyuu or any of the characters.
Yn smiles as she, yachi, and Kiyoko take detailed notes on the team that will be given to them after practice. “Woah they are amazing” yachi says as her eyes light up in excitement as Kageyama sets a ball to Hinata and he spikes it over the net. “I agree” yn says smiling as she keeps her eyes on her boyfriend shoyo Hinata. “I could watch them play for hours and never get bored”. Kiyoko chuckles and tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Just make sure you two pay attention and write down all that we need for our training meeting after this, alright” she says with a smile. “Don’t worry we will” yn says smiling back at her.
Suddenly a loud yell rings out that echoes through the gym. “Managers duck”, someone calls out loudly. Yachi and Kiyoko duck down but yn stays right where she is looking around. “Duck where”? Yn gasps as something with a lot of force behind it hits her square in the face and she is thrown back onto the floor by the impact l. “Oww my nose” she yells out going to grab at her nose. She gasps as she pulls her hand away to find that blood is covering her hand.
“Yn are you okay”!! Yn looks up to see Hinata running at her at full force. “Shoyo what happened?'' she asks, her voice coming out a bit weird. “I’m so sorry” he wails as he throws himself at her and hugs her. “I spiked the ball and since I used too much force, it came over here and hit you in the face”. “Shoyo it’s okay” she says still a bit in shock so the pain hasn’t fully settled in yet.
Coach Ukai and takeda sensei rush over to them. “Alright, back up a bit Hinata,” Ukai says. “I need to check something”. Hinata pulls back slowly and yn can see that he is shaking and his eyes are full of tears. Ukai gives yn a tissue. “Here stuff this up your nose”. She nods and put it into her nose. Ukai winces as he takes a good look at her nose. “Uh teach I think her nose is broken,'' Ukai says as he stands up and helps yn to her feet. “What, I actually broke her nose,'' Hinata yells as he really begins to panic.
“We need to take her to the hospital then to get her nose checked out,'' Takeda sensei says. “I’ll go too” Hinata says, his eyes filled with worry. “It was my fault yn got hurt in the first place”. Yn reaches over and takes Hinata’s hand in hers. “Thanks for offering to go with me shoyo, I would be scared to go “alone. Hinata frowns at her sadly. “It is all my fault you have to go to the hospital”, he whispers, clutching tightly onto her hand. Yn frowns and kisses his cheek. “It was an accident shoyo it could have happened to anyone that was standing in this area”. Hinata’s shoulders slump. “Yeah, but it happened to you” he yells.
Coach Ukai and takeda sensei run back into the gym. “We got a car and we will take you to the hospital,'' Ukai says and turns to look at the rest of the team who all seem worried for yn. “You should all head on home seeing as I don’t know how long we will be at the hospital”. The team nods and heads out of the gym and as they leave they give yn their best wishes in hoping she will be okay even Tsukishima did it though he did say it begrudgingly as if he was forced to do so and yn knew he meant well.
Yn and Hinata head out to the car with the teachers and during the entire car ride Hinata holds yn’s hand in his, worried that if she let go she would realize that he was a bad boyfriend and he was worried that he would never forgive himself for that mistake because he had hurt the girl he cared about.
When they reached the hospital hinata wouldn’t let go of yn’s hand so they had to take him in the back with her along with coach Ukai and takeda sensei.
Hinata frowned as he was told that he had to sit in one of the chairs by the bed and that he could not sit right by yn on the bed so he had to let go of her hand as he sat down in the chair. The entire time they were waiting, Hinata’s foot was tapping the floor and his shoulders shook as he was anxious to hear what the doctor was going to say.
After yn had her nose x-rayed the doctor came back in to tell them that yn’s nose was indeed broken and that she would have to wear a splint on it so it could set in place for the next few weeks. As the doctor left the room to get the nurse who would bring in the splint Hinata burst into tears. “I’m so sorry” he yells. “Please, yn forgive me'' he says bowing to her. “Shoyo please stand up and look at me” yn whispers. Hinata stops bowing and rubs his hand across his nose trying to dry his running nose. Yn reaches out for Hinata’s other hand and clasps it gently. “You have to understand shoyo, I was the one who didn’t duck”. “But I hit it” he mumbled, looking away as he is too supern to face her. “Shoyo I still love you, you know that right”? she says. “Even if I broke your nose with a poorly hit volleyball” he asks weakly as he timidly looks back at her. “Yes” she says, smiling at him. “I know that you would never hurt me on purpose and I trust you one hundred percent”. Hinata wails as he hugs her and buries his face in her neck. “I love you too yn”.
“Ahem” coach Ukai says coughing loudly and with their faces bright red yn and Hinata pull away from each to look over at the embarrassed coach and teacher. “Sorry I forgot you two were there” Hinata says, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. “Oh that’s very obvious”, Ukai says as he laughs.
The nurse with the splint enters the room and Hinata holds yn’s hand the entire time while the nurse adjusts the splint to fit her nose and she tells yn how she will have to take care of it in order for her nose to heal and set correctly.
Coach Ukai drives them all back to their houses first dropping off takeda sensei and then he takes yn to her home. “I called your parents and told them what happened in the gym today” Ukai says. “Okay” yn says. As she turns to leave she smiles and turns back to Shoyo. She kisses him and pulls away. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school alight Shoyo” she says. “Uh yeah I’ll see you tomorrow” he yells as yn heads into her family’s house. Coach Ukai laughs at the bright blush adorning Hinata’s face. “You really love that girl don’t you kid” Ukai says, starting the car back up so he can take Hinata home. “Yeah I really do”, Hinata whispers as he stares out of the window dazed with happiness.
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After All This Time || Chapter Four
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word Count: 2128
CHAPTER WARNINGS: hehe i don't wanna spoil it, but angst, language, case talk, the usual
A/N: This is the longest chapter so far, and honestly it took less time than some of the other ones. I got really into it.
@kingofthetwats @wanniiieeee @uwu-sebastianstan @piggyinthesea @yoshigguk @thatisthemagic @errorcosplay67 @ivebeenthinkingboutu @big-galaxy-chaos @rynfoxsleeps @phoenixsnape1 @mojofun @pachiibatt @enjoymyloves @thenewnormalforensicator @word-scribbless @zezezena @chelseyjoyce @ellyhotchner @lora21
AS ALWAYS, Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!
* * * * *
Halfway to the drive you remember to ask, "So who are we interviewing at the school?"
"James O'Malley, who is the principal, and Margaret Solokowski, one of three first grade teachers." His response is automated as he looks to the right out the window.
Your mind drifted back to the case from when you were only nine. It was the reason you wanted to be involved with S.W.A.T or the FBI.
Your brother was playing in a sand pit at the local playground when you turned around to go buy the two of you some ice cream cones from the truck driving slowly past.
There was a priest with a group of nuns walking through the park, discussing something about the "Lord's Will". You didn't believe in any of that stuff then, so you rolled your eyes and told the nice man what ice creams you wanted.
"There you go, kiddie."
"Thank you!"
Spinning on your heel, you licked your own ice cream as you went to get back to Joey, your brother.
Something was wrong though. When you looked, he wasn't there anymore. He had been playing with a group of three kids, and none of them were there anymore. Turning back around you remember the Priest had been driving away with the nuns. You saw the two other childrens' mothers crying and talking, flailing their arms wildly at each other.
"Joey? Joey where are you," you wandered around the play set for a minute and started crying when you couldn't find him.
Wandering up to one of the adults scattered through the play area, a mother with a small baby in her arms, and said, "Can-" a sniffle before, "Can I borrow your phone? I need to call my mom."
"Of course, honey," she shuffled the little girl to her other hip and grabbed the phone from her other pocket. "Here you go sweetie. Is there anything else you need?"
"No. Uh, thank you. I'll bring it right back."
Taking a few steps away you called your mother's house number, suddenly grateful for the pressure she had put on you from a young age to remember her house number and her cell number.
Hey, honey,- what? What's going on?"
"Mom, I can't find Joey. He's not here. I just walked ten steps to get our ice cream and he's- I can't find him, mom. And the other two kids were gone too. I don't know what to do, he's gone. Mom-"
"I can't find-"
"Y/N!" You finally stop rambling and quiet down enough to hear your mom's voice and your own heartbeat. "We'll find him, okay? Tell whoever's phone this is what happened, and then wait there for me okay? Ask the lady you borrowed this from to call the police and help you explain what happened and I'll be right over there okay? It will take me five minutes, okay?"
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you too, Peanut."
Hanging up the phone you do as she told you and explained your situation to the kind woman with the baby. She agreed to help you call the police, even though the other parents had probably already done it.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
"Y/N? Hey. Y/N! You missed the turn..."
You snap out of your flashback and look around you at the road.
Hotch let out and annoyed puff of air and pointed to the road that you were about to drive past. "That's our turn. You know, to get to the school. That's right there."
Mumbling under your breath you turn the signal on and slam the breaks after seeing there was no one behind you. You smirk to yourself when you see that the man in the passenger seat had to throw his arm out so as not to hit the dashboard.
"Agent, if you do not drive this vehicle with care, I will personally revoke your privilege of driving on the clock," he threatens as he adjusts the lapels on his suit jacket.
You ignore him and park in front of the school, getting out and straightening your own blazer.
"You let me do the talking, L/N." He declares as he brushes past you, not bothering to hold the door on his way.
Murmuring under your breath, you follow him in.
Almost immediately, you are stopped by someone from campus security and flash your badges in reply. The guard simply nods and sends you through, pointing to the principal's office.
"Mr. O'Malley? I'm SSA Aaron Hothcner, and this is Agent L/N. We are here from the BAU in Quantico investigating the homicides that I'm sure you've heard about. I was wondering if we could ask you a few questions about the victims; they were all students here." Hotch's air of professionalism was back full force rather than his childish antics only five minutes ago.
O'Malley shakes his head slightly, a red tint coming to his ears as his eyes scan the clock. "Actually, I don't have the time right now. I have another meeting coming up shortly-"
"Sir, your meeting isn't for another fifteen minutes," the secretary states before turning back to you and Hotch, "Surely that's enough time for you and your partner to ask him a few questions?" The young woman looks at you when she speaks, her eyes silently pleading. She must know something as well.
"No, Anne. I really don't have time for that-"
"Hotchner, if you want to talk to Mr. O'Malley, maybe I could ask," you pause, reading her desk tag, "Ms. Brink a few questions?"
She nods her head eagerly, and as much as Hotch wanted to argue, he has seen her desperate look as well and would have suggested splitting up if you hadn't.
"I was just about to say that. Mr. O'Malley is there somewhere we could go that's a bit more private?" Hotch questions, signaling behind him, "If that's a break room that would be perfect."
O'Malley nods, standing up. He walks towards the door, opening it as he turns back to look at the you and Hotch. There's a glint of something in his eyes and-
And he's running.
"Go! Hotch, go, go, GO!" Before you even finish urging him to chase the principal he's running after the man. "Anne, if you know anything suspicious about James O'Malley you need to tell me, and you need to tell me now."
Tears well in the younger woman's eyes as she nods, fists bunching in the skirt of her peach colored dress. "He, uh. He has made- you know. S-sexual advances on a few young girls. He did the same to me, b-but when he d-did it to me he said he would kill the next girl that w-was in here if I told..." Anne breaks into sobs as she hangs her head low.
"Anne, listen to me. None of this is your fault. You were only trying to protect these girls and yourself. This has been extremely helpful, thank you, Ms. Brink." Gently you reach over and squeeze her hand, sliding a box of tissues towards her before quickly slipping out of the office.
Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you call Garcia.
"BAU Sperm Donation: You jack 'em, we pack 'em. How can I help you my pretty?"
You don't have time to laugh, though you so badly wanted to. "Pen, I need to to pull everything you can find about James O'Malley. He's the-"
"School principle of Opportunity Elementary. He's 37 years old, comes from a highly religious background- Papa Bear was a Priest. He- oh boy. Oh no. This is not good." You hear computer keys clacking on the other end before you prompt her to keep speaking.
"Yeah, Pen? What's not good?"
"This guy," she clicks her tongue, "And his entire recent history when you deep-dive in my Fancy Google. This guy is on review for child molestation and rape charges."
You slam your fist against the nearby wall and curse lowly, "Do you have any large property in his name? Anything big enough to have some sort of shrine, or altar? Also, with enough room to... oh God... cleanly chop off a-"
"Ah! AH! Stop! I get it. I'm looking."
After a moment she sighs, "Bingo! 142 Walnut St. right outside of the town that the school is in. Twelve minutes and forty-three seconds from your current location. I'll ping the directions to you and notify the rest of the team. They are slightly further away, so you and your partner should get there first. Hurry, Y/N, he might have another kid there."
"Bye, Pen." You hang up and start running to the SUV, surprised to see Hotch there, already waiting in the passenger seat. You wonder why he hadn't sat on the other side and remember about the key in your pocket.
Getting in, you slam the door, not bothering to buckle and say, "Take my phone and pull up the directions from Pen. That's where our guy is going, she think he has another child based on video footage from this morning's video feed of the back entrance of his office."
Hotch surprisingly doesn't argue, instead doing exactly as he was told while you sped in the direction you had come from before.
Withing ten minutes you had made it to the house, not saying a word to Hotch as your mind ran through all of the possibilities of what you'd find. This was your first child case since you moved to the BAU and honestly you weren't handling it very well.
When you made it to the barn, you snatched your gun from your holster and kept it aimed towards the ground. Motioning to Hotch you signal that he should go left and you will go right.
Clearly, he didn't like you making all the calls, but he was so upset about losing the guy the first time around that he didn't have it in him to command you down.
Beginning your move-in, you start to circle the barn just how you had told Hotch and kept your gun up as you crept towards the final turn to the back of the barn. Out of the corner of your eye you see the rest of the team start to jog over to the barn from the forest behind the bar, they must have decided to use a different entrance as hopes to catch O'Malley off guard.
Taking a moment to steel yourself you keep your back against the side of the barn before spinning in a quick step to raise your gun again and aim at the final possibility of where he could be-
But it was just Hotchner.
"L/N, he must be inside, turn back the way you came and we'll go in together." His voice is stern as you nod in compliance and turn around, raising your gun as you see a little boy. With a gun trained on him...
It's Joey. Joey is there dead in front of the church, a big cross burned into his chest... his five year old body.
That's all you see, just like that day so many years ago. That's all you see, so you jump forward in front of him and you-
Fall. You fall. And you can't tell why.
Blood, there's blood under you. Who's hurt?
"Y/N! Oh my God, Y/N!" Anything between your name being said the first and second time is lost in your fuzzy ears.
You don't realize why the voice is yelling at you until you feel the burning, fire-like pain, radiating up your left side.
After a moment, you feel hands on your shoulders, one of them moving to slap you in the face a few times to get your eyes to open, which they did.
"Hey, you need to stay awake. Okay? Y/N! Open your eyes. Look at me." Emily transfers her hands to your hip, pressing down on the wound there roughly. Your body instinctively crunches up to get away from the new, uncomfortable pain, but Emily presses down on your chest, keeping you to the floor.
You try to mumble something, but the second your mouth opens, it's as if you completely lost your voice.
"Shh, Y/N, you're going to be okay, you just need to keep your eyes open okay?
"What the hell, Aaron?! You were standing right there, man, why didn't you go to her?! She was fucking shot and you just stood there! You're our leader, start fucking acting like one!" You can't pick out all the words, but you can tell that it's Derek's voice and you smirk to yourself.
The last thing you heard before passing out was Derek ripping into Hotchner like you'd been waiting to for months.
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staysdarkhours · 4 years
students on duty; Bang Chan
warnings: Dom!ClassPresident!Chan; Brat!Fem!reader; classroom sex; spanking; blowjob; face fucking; oral; unprotected sex(stay safe pls); slight hair pulling; spitting; dirty talk; overstimulation; choking; i think that’s it
word count: 1747; proof read: i think so; requested: ye!
You placed your hand on your boyfriend's thigh, his muscles tensing up immediately at how bold you were. It was no secret you two were dating, the whole school knew, but Chan wasn’t as comfortable with being touchy in public as you were, and you took full advantage of his weakness. He tried his best to continue talking to Minho, the teacher was paying more attention to his phone rather than the class, it didn’t really bother you though, most days it worked in your favour. “I’d die for Baskin Robbins Maple Nut” “Yeah I’m sure you’d like some nut” Minho’s suggestive comment earned him a playful punch to the arm. When the bell rang the teacher got up and wished everyone a nice weekend before quickly exiting the room, passing the responsibility of the class to Chan, who nudged your hand off of his lap to stand up. Your eyes followed him as he made his way to the front desk of the room.
“You’re really gonna make him mad Y/n” Minho turned to you “What do you think I’m trying to do?” you shot back. Minho was the only one of your friend group in your class, and he was well aware of your shenanigans. “Watch this” you said, just as Chan was finishing up his short speech, you stood up and instead sat down on Minho’s lap. The boy didn’t seem to mind your “friendly” gesture, the class president was clearly bothered though, shooting glares at you every once in a while.
“Alright everyone, I know you’re dying to go home, so I’m gonna wrap this up quickly, remember to bring your favourite candy on Monday for the celebration and have a nice weekend- Oh and the students on duty today are Y/n and I” he threw a harsh look in your direction. Minho held your waist to lift you up as he got up “Would love to stay and have some fun sweetheart but I think someone’s not very happy with you” he tilted his head towards Chan before waving at you with a wink and walking out of the classroom. You started to clean up while the other students left the classroom, waving bye to your friends and pretending you didn’t feel the class president staring a hole into the back of your head. As soon as the last person that was in the room left and closed the door Chan walked over to you, pinning your body between his and the desk. You could already feel his hard dick through his pants.
“Channie” you whined breathily, he was staring daggers into you “Don’t try to act like my bitch now” you bit your lip, contemplating what to do next just to irk him further. You grazed the outline of his dick in his pants, he grabbed your wrist instantly, turning you around and bending you over the desk causing your skirt to ride up, exposing your thong to him “You just can’t seem to behave can you?” He landed a hard smack onto your ass “You’re going to count these, got it?” another hard slap “Yes sir -One..” slap “two” slap “three”. The sting was intoxicating, he got to 30 before he decided it had been enough for now, you could feel your ass was gonna be bruised the next few days. 
He turned you around again, pushing you down to your knees. You eagerly took to undoing his belt and zipper, producing a chuckle from you boyfriend. His cock sprang free from the confines of his underwear, your mouth watered at the view, and you took no time to wrap your lips and hands around his shaft, licking the tip before taking him in your mouth fully, making him shiver and sigh in pleasure. “So hungry for my cock aren’t you” you looked up at him from your position, with each bob of your head you took him deeper into your mouth. He was breathing heavily, relishing in the feeling of your tongue swirling around him. He groaned, grabbing your hair and shoving his cock to the back of your throat, your nose touching his stomach. Tears brimmed your eyes, he was fucking your mouth roughly, only giving you a second to breathe when he pulled out only to snap his hips again. “You like this don’t you whore? Anyone could walk in right now and catch you choking on my cock” you whined at his question. He took his cock out of your mouth, watching as saliva mixed with his precum dripped down your chin.
“Channie please” you mewled, your voice raspy from the abuse it had been subjected to. He took pity on you, if only for the time being, he grabbed you by your waist, hoisting you up on the desk and opening your legs. He stood between them placing his hands on the desk on either side of you, “You’ve been such a brat today you know that?” he growled, you observed his face, only centimeters away from yours, but failed to find any trace of real anger, he was having just as much fun as you were, “I don’t know what you’re talking about” you cooed, he laughed a fake laugh, taking your hair in his hand “You better keep quiet now, or I’m going to have to punish you when we get home if anyone hears you, got it?”, you clasped your hand over your lips, nodding enthusiastically “Good, better keep that promise princess”. His free hand dipped under your skirt, fondling your pussy through your damp underwear, “Aw you’re so wet, you probably want to get caught don’t you you little slut”, he moved your underwear to the side and was playing with your clit, you hummed a response, only paying attention to his hands and the wonderful feeling they produced on your body.
He slowly lowered his head, keeping eye contact with you as his tongue dipped out, licking a strip up along your slit, gathering your wetness. You squeezed your eyes shut and pressed your palm harder against your mouth in an attempt to keep quiet. Chan didn’t seem to be in any sort of rush, taking his time with lapping up your juices, giving you kitty licks along every bit he could reach. Finally his lips wrapped around your clit, flicking his tongue over your sensitive bud, making your legs quiver. You were so eager to cum, and the thrill of knowing someone could walk in, your high hit you before you knew it. Chan held your legs open whilst sucking on your clit, tongue still moving to help you ride out your orgasm. You ground your hips into his mouth, feeling yourself squeeze around nothing. He didn’t stop though, he didn’t even give you a chance to calm your breathing, instead he stuck two fingers inside of you curling them immediately. You started to shake from the overstimulation, the sounds from your throat were getting harder to contain every time he would thrust his fingers into your cunt, hitting your g-spot perfectly with every stroke. The vibrations of his moans against your pussy is what sent you over the edge the second time. You were trembling from his touches by now, you grabbed at his hair desperately, the boy looked up at you from his position “You think that’s enough slut?” you shook your head “What do you want?”. He knew, and you knew that he knew “Please Chan” he smirked “Please what? Act like a  good bitch and beg”
“Please Channie fuck me” you panted, he was not impressed though “You can do better than that and you know it” damn he was persistent “Please fuck me, please fuck me right here, where anyone could walk in and see me getting fucked by your big cock, please Channie” he looked a little happier with this response, grabbing the base of his cock and lining himself up with your slit. His hands gripped your hips as he stretched you out, you bit your lip in order to not let out any of the sinful sounds that would alert everyone in the school to what was happening in classroom 5. He took hold of your neck, cutting off your much needed air supply. “You really think you were being so funny back there don’t you? Embarrassing me in front of the whole class” You found yourself panting heavily under him, a knot formed in your tummy for the third time. ”Open your fucking mouth” you did as told, immediately swallowing when he spat in your mouth. “You want them to walk in right now don’t you? What a dirty little whore.” he grunted, his own orgasm had been held off for too long, so to say he was fucking the ever living life out of you would simply be an understatement. The sounds of skin slapping mixed with an occasional choked out whine bounced off the classroom walls. Chan was breathing heavily, with every stroke he felt himself getting closer to filling you up with his seed. His hips started to stutter, knowing he won’t be able to last much longer he used the hand that wasn’t preoccupied with your throat to rub your clit feverishly. You dug your nails into his back as your third orgasm took over you, your body shaking as his muscles tensed finally letting go, spilling his cum into you. He only took a few seconds to calm down, pulling out and watching his cum leak out of you as you laid on the desk exhausted. He quickly went and grabbed some tissues from the teachers desk, handing them to you to clean up. “Maybe I should act like a brat more often?” you chortled, making him laugh as well.
At the moment that he buckled his belt and you were straightening out your skirt the bell rang, not even 10 seconds later the door swung open a pair of familiar eyes peering in from behind the door frame, “Are you guys done? I didn’t think you’d actually do it in school” Minho shot both of you a faux disgusted look “Please tell me you weren’t just standing in front of the door that entire time” you begged “Fuck no that’s gross, I just didn’t wanna walk home alone, I waited in the front of the corridor, keeping watch” the boy winked, “now are you guys done? Let’s go get that Maple Nut”
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toastedkiwi · 4 years
Wrong Cards
Summary: on a fateful day, Chris meets you.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Teen!Reader
Warning: angsty, death, gun violence, blood, shitty childhood.
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You haven’t had the easiest life. In all your 14 years on this earth, it’s been hell. You’ve been on the streets. You’ve been moved around all over the country and put into homes only to be shooed away. It became very apparent that nobody wanted you or cared. Not even teachers. You’ve dealt with abuse, bullying, pretty much any nasty thing that a kid shouldn’t have to deal with. A kid should be loved and wanted and taken care of but it seemed like you ended up with the short straw way too many times. Until you met Chris.
It was dark all around except for the parking lot light. You and Issac had gotten into a scuffle by these gangsters— wannabe gangsters. Punches were thrown along with threats. Then a gun went off. He was this 12 year old you met— he lost his home and his abusive parents. You were looking out for him. You had gotten in front of him and took the hits and beatings. But Issac took the bullet.
Chris heard your crying and calling out for help. He ran. He pulled out his phone and came around a truck to see the scene. Your hands are covered in blood as you’re doing chest compressions on your dying friend. He can tell that you’re way too young and Issac is way too young to be shot. You’re just kids.
“Help! Please!” You begged.
Chris dials 9-1-1 and presses call. He pulls off his scarf and gets on his knees. He puts his scarf over the wound that oozes blood. He holds it down with one hand while the other holds his phone and he already feels the warm blood soak through the fabric.
“911, what’s your emergency?” The operator asked.
“A- A kid’s been shot,” Chris said as calmly as he could for you. “He’s losing a lot of blood. You gotta hurry.”
“Where are you, sir? And is the shooter still around?”
Chris gives the street and said, “I don’t know. Probably.”
He’s told to stay on the line so he puts the phone on speaker and puts it on the ground. Chris can see that you’re struggling.
“Switch with me, kid,” Chris said.
You looked up at him with a quiver of the lip. You nod and it’s a quick switch. He’s doing chest compressions and you’re applying pressure to the wound.
“What happened?” Chris asked.
“I- I can’t tell y-you,” you said.
You both hear the sirens of the cop cars and the ambulance. He looks at you to see your own face has been beaten. Your bottom lip is slit and bleeding. You have a cut over your right eye brow and it’s also bleeding. Your cheek is starting to bruise already.
“What happened?” Chris asked.
You kept your mouth shut. The ambulance rolls into the parking lot following a cop car. The paramedics rushed over. The cops immediately asked where the shooter is and you pointed the way to them. They head off and the paramedics take over. Chris has to pull you away from Issac. More cops show up.
“No pulse,” one of the paramedics said. “Shocking to 200. —Clear.”
You clenched your jaw tightly as you watched them try to bring your friend back alive. A cop is trying to talk to you. You haven’t slept in days. You haven’t had a proper meal in months. You don’t even know what day it is. And you’re numb.
“He’s gone,” are the words that you hear.
You screamed and cried. Chris stops you. He can’t believe the situation he’s in at the moment. He doesn’t know you at all. He doesn’t know the kid that’s dead on the wet asphalt of the parking lot. He just wraps his arms around you. You fight against him but you’re weak. You’re not that strong and Chris is an adult who religiously works out.
“Stop, stop,” Chris said. “He’s gone.”
You cried harder and managed to put all your strength into clutching onto Chris. He’s keeping you on your feet. If he wasn’t holding you, you’d be running till you have to stop and then you might be dead somewhere else.
~~~~~next day
“Y/n, you’ve got a visitor,” Andrew, a nurse, said coming into the room.
Chris Evans followed behind with a giant gift bag. You recognize him from last night. The one person who came when you called for help.
“Hey,” Chris said coming into the room. “I got you something.”
You’re left alone with the actor. He places the bag in your lap. You’re very confused. You’ve never have been given anything in these 14 plus years on this earth. It’s a first.
“Why?” You asked.
He sits down on the edge of the bed and faces you.
“Just open it,” he said.
You squinted at him. He grabs the pink tissue paper and tosses it behind himself.
“There,” Chris said. “Now, you pull out what I got for you.”
You pull out this LEGO set and Chris pulls away the now empty bag. You look at the front. It’s the Super Hero Airport Battle with Captain America, the Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, War Machine, and Antman.
“Why are they fighting?” You asked. “Superheroes don’t fight each other.”
“You haven’t seen the movie?” He asked.
You shook your head no and said, “I’ve only seen Iron Man 3.”
“Really?” He asked surprised. “Just Iron Man 3?”
“Yeah. That was when I had parents that wanted me,” you said and you looked back at the box of legos.
“What happened?” Chris asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“They’re dead like Issac,” you said. “They died in a fire. The house burnt down.”
“That sucks,” Chris said looking at you.
“I know,” you said. “Now, you didn’t answer my question. Why are they fighting?”
“There’s this document called the Sokovia Accords. All these countries wanted all the superheroes to sign them,” Chris started telling you. “And make the superheroes liable for their mistakes. The governments of the countries wanted to tell the heroes where they can go help and where they can’t even if people need help.”
“That’s stupid,” you said.
“Right. It’s pretty stupid. So, Iron Man, War Machine, and a few other Avengers signed the accords but Captain America was like, ‘fuck that.’ And so the Avengers were split,” Chris said. “They had one team— Team Cap, obviously the best team and they had another one- Team Iron Man.”
“Who wins?” You asked.
“Nobody. They’re divided,” he said simply.
“All because of the government?” You asked.
“Pretty much,” Chris said.
“Thats fucked up,” you said.
“Language,” he said.
“That’s messed up!” You corrected sarcastically.
“Much better,” Chris said with a shit eating grin on his face. “Why don’t we get started on building the set?”
He pulls over the table. You sit yourself up crisscross even though there’s pain in your ribs and abdomen but you haven’t asked for any painkillers. Chris gets onto the bed more invading your space.
“Take off your shoes, you wild animal. Haven’t you learned anything?” You sassed.
He immediately takes off his shoes giving you this exaggerated annoyed look. He gets onto the bed and sits across from you crisscross. You try to pick off the tape. He lets you struggle trying to get open the box.
“What’s your favorite superhero?” Chris asked but he has a feeling that it’s Iron Man.
“Whoever can get the stupid ass box open,” you said putting the box on the table in between the two of you.
Chris chuckles and takes the box. He rips it open and tears the back wide open.
“There we go,” he said putting it on the table.
“That was obnoxious,” you said looking at him.
He just smiled cheekily. You just shook your head.
“Alright, lets get building,” Chris said rubbing his hands together.
“You sure you didn’t bring this so you could build it yourself?” You asked.
“Excuse me?! I’m helping you build it,” he said and mocked offense.
“Sure,” you said sarcastically and taking out the instruction book.
Chris rolled his eyes. He knows for a fact that he’ll come back tomorrow to visit you.
“What’s your favorite movie?” Chris asked.
“Iron Man 3,” you said opening bag one on the table.
“I know Iron Man,” he announced.
“Are you trying to impress me? Like I don’t get it. I don’t even understand why you’re here and why you’re in the bed across from me or why you’re trying to get to know me by asking questions,” you said. “Don’t you have something better to do instead of spending time with a stupid ass foster kid that nobody wants?”
“First of all, you aren’t stupid. You’re smarter than you think you are. Secondly, I want to spend time with you. I want to get to know you,” Chris said.
“No, you don’t. You just feel bad for me,” you said.
“Honestly, yeah, I do feel bad—,” he said.
“Get out,” you said without hesitation.
“Let me finish,” Chris said.
“No! Get out!” You yelled pushing the legos off the table. “I don’t need you! I don’t need your fucking pity!”
“Y/n,” Chris said.
“GET OUT!” You screamed.
He sighs and slides off the bed. He grabs his shoes and quickly puts them on.
“GET OUT!” You yelled.
Chris finally leaves. Your jaw clenched tightly and tears streamed down your cheeks.
“Dude, you literally kicked out Captain America,” Andrew said shaking his head.
“Leave me alone!” You yelled.
~~~~~next day
Chris walks into the room with a fuzzy blanket, his iPad Pro, and a bag of snacks. The LEGO set is built and off to the side on the table. You’re so far in the bed on the edge that you might fall off. You’ve also been crying. Chris puts the things he brought on a chair except the giant fuzzy blanket. He covers you with the blanket. You looked at him with your eyes red and puffy.
“I told you to get out,” you said.
“That was yesterday,” Chris said grabbing the snacks and his iPad. “Today is a new day.”
He kicks off his shoes and puts the snacks in your lap. He gets into the bed. You try pushing him off. But he’s a 38 year old man. He plants himself right next to you laying on top of the blankets.
“I do feel bad. No kid should’ve seen another kid die or be shot, Y/n,” Chris said opening up his iPad. “I don’t know what else you’ve gone through but I know that it sucked for you and it’s unfair. You should be dealing with high school drama instead but you got dealt the wrong cards, kid. It’s not fair at all.”
He looks at you to find that you have this frustrated look on your face as tears streamed down your cheeks. He puts his arm around you and pulls you into his side. You bury your face into his side and shut your eyes closed tightly. You choked out a sob. His other arm wraps around you and he holds you tightly as you cry.
“You’re gonna be alright,” he said softly. “You’ll make it through all of this.”
You continued to cry and Chris did his best to soothe and console you. He honestly doesn’t know what he’s doing. He just knows he’s gotta protect you.
“Let’s watch a movie,” Chris said as you calmed down a bit.
“W-What movie?” You asked quietly.
“I was thinking Iron Man 1,” Chris said opening his iPad back up.
“You- you have it?” You asked with your eyes lighting up.
“Yup,” he said nodding.
He opened up the collection of movies he houses on the iPad. He scrolls through until he finds it. He taps on it and plays the movie. He looks to see that you’re already entranced. It brings a smile to his face and he turns his focus back on the screen.
The two of you crashed as the credits of Iron Man 2 rolled on the screen.
“Would it be alright if I adopted you?” Chris asked when you two woke up from your impromptu nap.
“Don’t be saying shit like that if you don’t mean it,” you said immediately sitting up and looking at the actor.
“I mean it, Y/n. You don’t have to be dealing with terrible foster parents or being homeless cause it’s better than the other places you’ve been. I got room in my house,” Chris said sitting up. “I got air conditioning.”
“You’re- you’re lying. You don’t want me,” you cried.
He wrapped his arms around you and held you close. You tried your hardest to fight against his hold but he doesn’t budge.
“When have I lied to you?” Chris asked as you cried into his shoulder. “Have I lied to you since we met?”
You shook your head no and he rubbed your back.
“Then I’m not lying now. I’d like to adopt you if you let me,” Chris said.
“O-Okay,” you sniffled.
Chris smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
~~~~few weeks later
You were first greeted by a very happy Dodger. He jumped on you which freaked you out and you tensed up looking at the dog warily.
“Dodger,” Chris said grabbing Dodger by his collar.
He gently pulls Dodger away and you went back outside. He looks over his shoulder to see you descend down the porch steps. He puts down your backpack that has all you have in it and he takes Dodger outside with him.
“Dodger is very excitable. He loves people,” Chris said sitting down beside you but giving enough space in between. “Sit, Dodger.”
Dodger sits down planting his ass on Chris’ foot. Chris chuckles and pets his furry friend. He makes sure that Dodger doesn’t do anything to you.
“You okay?” Chris asked looking at you.
You shrugged your shoulders and looked away. You sniffled and tried your hardest not to cry. Chris watches as you hold yourself with your arms wrapped around yourself.
“I- I don’t w-want to get attached to him or- or you,” you whimpered with your voice trembling.
Chris slides closer and wrapped his arms around you.
“It’s okay to get attached, Y/n,” Chris said.
“B-But everyone dies!” You exclaimed looking at him with tears streaming down your cheeks. “My parents died. My sister died. My adoptive parents died. Issac is dead! He died right in front of me. Everyone I get attached to dies, Chris. You’re just gonna be one of them.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m not immortal and neither is Dodger and neither are you. Death is inevitable and you’ve dealt with it a lot. The world hasn’t been kind to you,” he said running his fingers through your hair. “You’ve lost so many people and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Y-you don’t know that,” you said.
“You’re right. I don’t but it would be a dick move on the world’s part,” Chris said.
You let out a small laugh as he pulled you into his side more. Your arms wrapped around his torso.
“C’mon, let’s go inside,” he said.
You nodded but you don’t move. He chuckles. He stays put for a little longer and holds you.
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jesswritesthat · 4 years
hey babe! i love your writing so much!!! so i recently watched kaguya-sama: love is war and i was wondering if you could do a headcanon of kuroo, bokuto and atsumu where their crush gets sick and they visit her and she drags them into her bed to sleep with them? you can decide how it ends. thank you so much in advance if you do end up writing this! i love you and take care of youself💞
Hello lovely! Thank you so much for this, I’ve never seen Kaguya-Sama but it sounds really cute. Also take care of yourself too and I hope these are okay! Much love 💕
Summary: Bokuto, Kuroo and Atsumu checking up on their sick crush headcanons
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Bokuto Kōtarō:
• Has felt like he's been missing something all day but couldn't quite decipher what it was until Akaashi mentions how you're off sick.
• Thats when your phone is bombarded with ‘urgent’ messages inquiring about your wellbeing to the dramatic extent of:
[ Kou: (N/N)! You haven't answered me yet, are yOu StiLl AliVe?! ]
[ (N/n): no ]
[ Kou: Aw, can I have your cool headphones then, since you won't be needing them anymore? 😁💕 ]
[ (N/n): Wow Kou, I'll haunt your dumbass at Volleyball games for that. ]
[ Kou: Even in death, your support means everything to me. ]
• Despite his nonsense he kept updated with you throughout the school day by sending memes in hopes of raising your spirits. The most peace you got was during Volleyball Club time - the Ace too invested to message you at that point.
• At the end though he calls his team for a serious discussion and they're all expecting major improvements on their gameplay ready for Nationals.
But no.
"What can I get (N/n) to make her feel better, this is crucial. I need only good ideas!"
• They all knew about his crush on you, he wasn't exactly secretive about it but you were none the wiser. Even so, Fukurōdani offered what advice they could to their friend because like him, they cared about you too.
• "Akaashi picked up your schoolwork." Bokuto says as he walks into your room, waving the papers and placing them on your side.
"And you didn't think to take notes for me?"
"Nah, I wanted to bring you good stuff."
"Fair point."
• Bokutos likely brought everything he could find once he went home and changed/showered - he's got flowers, your favourite snacks, drinks, medicine and some movies to cure your boredom. Like how much do I owe you???
He's says it's fine though, in return you have to be better by tomorrow.
That's not how it works Kou.
• You're both seated on your bed watching some shitty movie when you start getting a bit sleepy and you just want warmth.
"Can you give me a hug Kōtarō? I just need a hug, I know how weird that sounds..."
• Doesn't even think twice about it, he practically tackles you onto the covers which elicits lovely giggles from you - the potential of him getting sick too isn't even considered, he's just focused on being with you and making you feel better.
• His arms are so warm and they’re beautiful, you forgot how toned he is and you grow so comfortable in his embrace. He’s also really relaxed about it and is calm enough to ramble on normally - except when you nuzzle against him during a cold shiver. Bokuto full on freezes mid sentence, releasing a cautious breath prior to changing the subject.
• It’s obvious he’s content with you though, and surprisingly falls asleep first which makes you laugh. Kōtarō keeps a strong but delicate hold on your body and is subconsciously receptive enough to your every move. You adjusted yourself slightly which stirred him, his voice is much huskier than before due to sleep but remains concerned.
“Can’t you sleep (Y/n)? I can-“
“I’m fine, you’re keeping me warm.”
• With a nod of understanding he’s gone again and you follow shortly afterwards, the both of you unintentionally making the nap a sleepover. Which you only realise the next morning - still in his arms even if the position has changed. You take a few minutes to enjoy it.
• Miraculously doesn't get sick, his immune system must be immortal as he's brimming with energy once he gets up. His radiance is actually contagious as you feel much better in yourself too and his vibrant attitude really motivates you for the day despite being physically exhausted from beating the flu.
• "Your partner is going to be blessed if you bring them breakfast, I mean talk about amazing." You comment as he brings up a plate that he’d crafted in your kitchen, which is surprisingly decent. You suppose he must keep his body fit somehow.
"My crush will have to do for now."
"Wait I - ah, you have a crush on me?"
"Hah, didn't you know? I never tried to hide it or anything."
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Kuroo Tetsurō:
• Notices your absence immediately, he's observant by nature but especially where his crush is concerned and he isn't afraid to contact you before class starts.
• "Hey (Y/n), it's Kuroo, are you running late today?"
"Hnn, I'm not gonna make it. I tried but I feel awful - Sickness: 1, (L/n): 0." Already by the grogginess in your voice he can tell you're under the weather and winces at the sound of you stifling a cough.
"Ah geez, go to bed would you? And drink plenty of water, I'll inform the teachers and everything."
"Thanks Tetsurō, I owe you one."
• Will message you at regular intervals throughout the day regarding your health with cute little reminders. You were on his mind frequently, he’s lowkey worried okay?
[ Tetsu: Drink water, and eat breakfast if you can. ]
[ (Y/n): Yeah yeah I have, go learn something. ]
[ Tetsu: Why are you replying? Shouldn't you be sleeping it off - I don't want your germs. ]
[ (Y/n): Sharing is caring. ]
[ Tetsu: Oya? It took a cold for you finally admit you care, so is it gonna take a pandemic to say you love me? 😏 ]
[ (Y/n): 🖕🏻]
• Is actually considerate enough to tell you he'll swing by after practice, and asks if you want anything from the shop so you give basics like water and tablets. Comes equipped with the extra notes he's taken from all of your shared classes and requested papers from teachers in those you don't, so you're not falling behind.
• Aside from the bare minimum you requested, he chucks your favourite snacks on your desk stating that it’s important to keep morale high too. Liar. He just wanted to do something nice for you.
• Checks your temperature despite your protests of not being a child, he only does this because it vexes you and Kuroo finds that cute. As a silent apology for teasing the Hell out of you, he’ll make you some tea and you both get lost in conversation.
• Notices you’re starting to doze off, rest you should’ve had instead of texting everyone - but ensuring everything is fine, he’s about to stealthily exit until your fingers grasp his wrist and tug him back slightly.
"Stay Tetsurō..."
"You'll likely regret that request once you wake up."
"S'ok, it's you."
• The strength you have when tugging him into bed with you catches him completely off guard and he’s actually blushing - doesn’t know what to say but knows he has to at least maintain some composure.
“So uh, never knew you wanted me this badly.”
“Ugh shut up dumbass, I can feel your rapid heartbeat from here.”
• Kuroo goes all shy, you’ve wrapped your arms around his waist and are comfortably leaning against his side and he absentmindedly runs his fingers soothingly up and down your arm to settle his own nerves.
• It’s peacefully silent, simply enjoying one another’s company before he hears your muffled sniffles indicating you’ve fallen asleep and a soft smile graces his lips. If you were his, then he’d definitely kiss your forehead, and lips to be honest, but the fact you aren’t leaves him with a disappointed sigh.
• You both end up taking a nap, waking up wrapped in each other’s arms and noses practically touching which startled the Captain - Kuroo literally falling off of your bed with a yelp much to your amusement. Afterwards, he departs suggesting you get more rest, get better soon and he’ll see you at school next week.
• At least that was the plan, which altered with the text exchange the following morning.
[ Kuroo: Sharing is not caring, I wanted your snacks not your sickness! ]
[ (Y/n): RIP us. 💀 ]
[ Tetsu: You owe me one remember? I've got the house to myself this weekend so would you like to suffer together? I have blankets, entertainment and food. ]
[ (Y/n): Beats sniffling alone, I'll bring the tissues and drugs. ]
• So, you went over with a trail of sneezing in your wake and ended up snuggled with Kuroo under a blanket with a variety of games gracing the TV as you skilfully passed around the tissues. Aside from being ill, spending time like this with him was perfect.
• "Sickness: 2, (L/n) and Kuroo: 0..."
"No, Kuroo: 1.”
"How so? You K.O. a sneeze or something?"
"I got to spend the day with you didn't I? That counts as a win in my book."
"Tch careful, anyone would think the Scheming Captain cares~"
"I do smartass, I care about you a lot (Y/n)..."
Tumblr media
Miya Atsumu:
• Atsumu wasn't one to act needy in any way, the only excuse for him to contact you in regards to your absence was to do it with a remark and hope you'd elaborate.
[ Atsumu: Yo, are ya ditching me to survive English on my own? That's cold (Y/n) 😭 ]
[ (Y/n): Sorry 'Tsumu, I'm too busy dying to care rn. Have a fun missing me loser. ]
[ Atsumu: Hah you wish, you alright tho? ]
• You're good friends but he's never really expressed genuine concern about you before, not verbally anyway. You thought the final "K" after you'd told him you were gonna rest would be the end of it.
So you were beyond surprised when he rocked up to your house later that evening.
• It took everything you had not to mock him for his embarrassed stature, solely flustered by the fact you'd seen him so considerate. Admittedly you were also exhausted and probably couldn't think of a snarky reply anyway.
• "What's up? Was there homework or - ugh, or something?"
"Huh? Oh I dunno. But uh, I got 'Samu to make you some Okayu, and a Umeboshi Tea since it's good for colds and stuff."
• Totally pestered Osamu all day to help him make you something and had to do stupid favours in return but Atsumu will deny it if you ever ask.
• “I love how you don’t care what you look like when you have guests over.”
“Take your stupid backhanded compliments and shove them up your pretty litt-“ You bite back, flipping him off in the process while Atsumu remains proudly victorious.
“Nah ah, is that any way to speak to the man who brought you dinner?”
“It’s the way to speak to the man whose currently annoying me.”
“You’re welcome, this is revenge for ditching me in class gorgeous~”
• Despite how irritating he could be, Atsumu stuck around for a bit to make sure you ate everything he’d brought and taken the appropriate medication.
• “Oh yeah, I brought that movie you were talking about the other day. Figured it might pass the time a bit.”
“Thank you! I’ll give it back once I’m better - thank you so much ‘Tsumu.”
Your excitement was endearing, and he had to collect himself a bit since admiring such little quirks was out of the question - his crush was bad enough as it is.
“Wanna watch it now? I haven’t got anything to do so I can give you spoilers.”
“Sounds good - and not a word!”
• You spent the afternoon watching the film and playfully wrestling the blonde in order to shut him up whenever he made an attempt to spoil it - he would never, but provoking you was too funny.
• You settle down later on, putting on a mindless tv show for background noise before collapsing onto your bed with groan. Atsumu raising a smug brow at your exhausted state as he threw his jacket on.
• "Wanna sleep with me?" It was innocent, at least you didn’t think much of it then.
"Do I what now?" He was smirking, thankful that your panic left you oblivious to the blush crawling up his neck at the mere insinuation alone.
"Sleep wit- ohh I did not think that through! I meant sleep in my bed, next to me, to help me drift off. Maybe it's the sleepiness or medicine but I really want you Atsumu..."
"Not helping your case at all." Again he smugly responded, dropping his jacket to the floor with a sly smile.
"Stop smirking and just hug me okay? Then you can leave and tease me about this later."
• Atsumu isn't awkward about it, subduing his nerves enough to pull you into his arms as he sits up - dutifully ignoring the butterflies in his stomach due to your close proximity and the intoxicating smell of your hair.
• Atsumu becomes unintentionally soft, his fingers slowly begin to glide through your hair and he hesitates when he feels the hum of contentment you release before continuing. Your whole body just relaxes against his and he subconsciously does the same, not even realising he was this tense around you - was his body always like that in your general presence?
• As you start quietly talking about nothing and everything, he notices a weakness - you’re a lot more open when drowsy and god he wants to take advantage but knows you’ll remember the questions he asked and murder him for it when you’re able.
• Intead he attempts to protect any dignity he thinks he has left with you - jokes on him, it’s absolutely none. You guys are way past that level and he knows it.
“You better get healthy quick, not that I care but English is really borin’ on my own ya know?”
"The people you truly care about must be really lucky to have you 'Tsumu..." The mumble is enough to make him roll his eyes, but he waits until you’re asleep to reply.
"Yeah... you are..."
[ Masterlist ]
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staranon95 · 3 years
DinCobb Week Day 3: New Experiences (SFW)
for @dincobbweek a lil bit of ENBY!Cobb
AO3 Link
see me not as i am (but who i wish to be)
The first time they felt envy for another was when they were eighteen—still an owned individual, still a slave, still a man in a sense.
Their owner’s wife had returned from shopping in Mos Eisley, in the richer districts Cobb themself couldn’t go to.
They watched as the lady’s handmaids took her dresses out to hang them properly, and for a moment then, Cobb wondered what it would be like to feel that fabric against their skin, to see how the dress would drape over their body. How it would hide their broad shoulders. How it might make them seem smaller and more dainty. Just everything that wasn’t them at that point in time of their life.
They would never go anywhere near the lady or her dresses. That wasn’t their purpose in the household at that time. They wouldn’t have any time to explore that part of themself until years and years later. After they fought for their freedom and fought for the lives of others. Until the story of their life showed on their body in rigid muscles and myriad of scars and scar tissue.
They live the life of Mos Pelgo’s Marshal. A beloved and feared figure who means to protect and serve the citizens who call this dusty little place home. They seem to know, however, that their Marshal is more than just what they appear to be. It’s easy for them to see that outside of their role as Marshal, that Cobb Vanth is a soft spoke individual. Who smiles easily and dotes after the kids in town like they’re their own. Who holds themself not like the Marshal in their off hours, but someone approachable.
What the town comes to realize is that their Marshal is not a man. Cobb doesn’t think of themself as a man. They know themselves as Cobb first and foremost and then the Marshal. The Marshal has required them to be more than themselves. More imposing. Louder. Stronger. And they’ve enjoyed it. Being the Marshal has given them a sense of strength and power in a way. But when the Mandalorian arrives in town, things begin to change.
The deal is worth it. To trade the armour for killing the krayt and brokering a peace agreement between Mos Pelgo and the neighbouring Tuskens. But even then, it’s not the Mandalorian’s ability to delegate that draws Cobb to him. It’s his openness, his accepting nature.
“Town’s people think a lot of you,” he says in that soft timbre of his.
“Been their Marshal for a while now.”
“They think highly of you. I’ve also learned that they refer to you as they. Do you prefer that as well?”
Cobb looks to him, partially in shock because not many people ask. For the town’s people, it’s habit. For outsiders? Cobb hasn’t really cared to explain that part of themselves to outsiders. They don’t see the point in it, and most don’t care to know, but the Mandalorian, he’s different.
“I do,” is all Cobb says on the matter.
The Mandalorian nods once, then says, “I never introduced myself properly to you.”
“Wasn’t exactly a situation where introduction were required.”
“Still, I’d like you to know me. My name is Din.”
Cobb nods. “Nice to have it.”
They work well together, Cobb thinks. They move in sync. They’re able to anticipate what the other is thinking, and through it all, Cobb thinks about how they’ve never connected to someone else so well before.
But then it’s all over. They’re handing over the armour. Din is heading away with the Child, and Cobb will be left in Mos Pelgo to put everything back together.
Without the armour and now with the established peace between their people and the Tuskens, Cobb finds their workload to be significantly less than what it once was. They realize they’re spending more time helping out in homesteads, filling in for the school teacher, and less of the patrolling they used to do. They have more free time on their hands. They can relax and think of themselves for the first time in a long time.
They find themselves looking in their bathroom mirror running a hand over their beard in the mirror. It’s overgrown some. They haven’t considered touching it in days and now . . .
They grab their razor and begin to shave it off, leaving their face clean shaven for the first time in years. They’ve forgotten how sharp their cheekbones are and the point of their chin. It makes them look different without facial hair. Like a new person almost.
Jo notices when they meet up for coffee later that morning. “Shaving accident?”
They smile wryly. “Nah. Just needed a change.”
“Might want to double up on sunscreen then.”
They settle into their life more as Mayor of Mos Pelgo rather than Marshal these days. They start growing out their hair a bit. They start looking at new cuts of clothing whenever they happen upon a seller in Anchorhead or Mos Eisley.
And then one day, the Mandalorian Din shows up on his doorstep looking for a place to stay.
Cobb can’t deny him, and so ends up with Din sitting in their living room after being gone for months.
“I had nowhere else to go,” he says. “I figured . . .” He looks to Cobb with a certain naked vulnerability without his helmet on. His eyes are impossibly brown, deep and warm.
“You’d always be welcomed here.”
Din nods. “Thank you.”
The build up of their relationship is a slow and gentle affair. They’re both older people, Cobb pushing into their fifties and Din edging further into his forties. But they know each other and they know what they want, so it’s easier to fit together, to bring their lives together.
“I like your hair,” Din says one night when they’re in bed together. He raises a hand to tuck a lock behind Cobb’s ear. Then his fingers drift down Cobb’s jaw. “It looks good on you long.”
“I’ve always wanted to try it longer,” Cobb muses. “Never had the space to.”
“It’s nice.” Din presses a kiss to their forehead, and Cobb falls asleep with Din’s fingers in their hair.
It’s with Din’s constant and gentle support that Cobb garners up the courage to say one day, “Do you think I’d look good in a dress?”
Din looks up from where he’s repairing one of his vambraces at the table while Cobb finishes dinner. “Do you have one?”
They shake their head. “I’ve thought about it, but.”
“We should head into town tomorrow then. See what they have.”
Din is looking at them from the table, nothing but that open and accepting look he always has when it comes to Cobb.
Mos Eisley hasn’t fallen into disrepair like Mos Espa has, and now as a free person, Cobb is free to visit those higher end clothing stalls and shops like the lady of the house once did decades ago. There’s a lot to look through and choose from. Different colours, different textures, different cuts. They choose something that’s practical for their day to day life. It’s long, down to their ankles, but of a flowy material that won’t trap any heat. The sleeves cut just above their elbows. There’s a vee cut in the front, and the colour is a soft cream. They buy that for themselves and notice that Din makes a purchase himself, but won’t tell them what it is.
“Later,” he says, so they trust him.
They first try on their dress at home when it’s just them and Din ad they’ve seen to their work for the day.
Din is back up on the bed, looking at Cobb in admiration as they strip down to their briefs and pull out their dress. It feels like relief as the fabric falls over their shoulders and down past their hips until it hangs around their ankles. They run their hands down over their chest and torso and down to their hips before looking in the mirror.
The dress sort of shifts their shape a bit. From how it hangs on their hips it pulls away from their broad shoulders. It makes them look more feminine, makes them feel it as well.
Then they turn to Din, feeling how it swishes at their ankles.
Din is wide eyed and speechless at first, his eyes roving over Cobb’s body and the dress. “You’re, you look.” He runs a hand over his mouth and then sits up on the bed. “Can I . . . touch you?”
Cobb nods. “Please.”
Din stands and moves in to gently set his hands on Cobb’s waist. He’s always had big hands, but like this it makes Cobb feel even slighter, like he could pick them up easily.
“How do you feel?” he asks.
They hum and run their hands over his shoulders. “I feel good. Nothing different, but good.”
Din smiles. “I’m glad.” And he leans in for a kiss.
They don’t learn about Din’s purchase for a while yet, and they nearly forget about it until much later when they’re stepping into the bedroom after a long shower and seeing it on the bed.
They come up to Din as he cooks in the kitchen, hugging him from behind until he asks, “What’s brought this on?” And as he looks over his shoulder he sees it. Sees the red strap of it where the silky dress hangs off of Cobb’s body with its slit up the leg.
“Saw your little gift,” they say.
“I just, it’s not like.”
They kiss his cheek when they see his blush on their cheeks. “I love it.”
Din turns in their arms so he can fully see the dress on them, the thin straps, the thin material.
“You look good in red,” he says.
“Don’t I know it, darlin’.”
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blush-and-books · 4 years
Hi! I wasn’t sure if you were still taking requests but could you do #22 for Juke? Make it angsty if you want I’m in that type of mood today 😂
From this prompt list: Kissing someone’s cuts/bruises/scratches etc. High school AU, Luke is ~edgy~, Julie is the best friend in the whole world and he has every reason to be in love with her (which he is). IDK if you’re still in an angsty mood but I made it angsty. I also went off with this one because I was having too much fun. Thank you <333
“Guys, please don’t tell Julie.”
It was early in the morning before school, and Luke was hunched over one of the dirty sinks in the bathroom while trying to nurse his bloody nose. Alex was twirling one of his drumsticks between his fingers in a nervous habit, and Reggie was propped up against one of the stall dividers. 
Luke’s face was bruised and bloody from both his nose and his own scraped knuckles that keep brushing against his cheek on accident. 
“She’ll find out,” Alex sighs, and Luke glares at him through the mirror.  “Fuck, Bobby will probably be bragging about it,” Reggie adds. 
Luke, Reggie, and Alex had been planning on going into the music room before school to quickly test out some new material that they had been working on with Julie for their rehearsal after school that day. Normally, the music teacher lets them go into a practice room and mess around, but this morning, their teacher was distracted: By Bobby Wilson. 
AKA their ex-bandmate.
Who they had found with the music teacher, hunched over a computer, playing a recording he had made of a song with eerily familiar lyrics. 
He had recorded songs that Luke wrote when they were all still in a band. And he was showing them off to their music teacher as his own. 
Their music teacher was singing Bobby’s praises, telling him how proud she was that he was developing a career, and then she excused herself to go make some sheet music copies for one of her classes -- and that is when Luke made his entrance. 
Long story short: Bobby had a black eye and some cuts on his face from Luke’s rings, and Luke had a bloody nose, some busted knuckles, and a bruise blossoming on his cheek. 
And the last thing he wanted was Julie, his best friend, finding out. She would be so mad. 
“Well then just let me handle it, please,” Luke spits. “Don’t go running to her saying ‘Luke and Bobby beat each other up-’”
The door to the boys bathroom flings open -- and an angry girl with dark, curly hair storms in. 
Julie Molina. 
While, under any other circumstances, Luke’s day would be made just by seeing her -- he knows it’s about to get a lot worse.
“Lucas Michael Patterson, you better have a fucking valid reason for getting your ass kicked or I swear to God-”
“Bobby? Seriously? I thought you decided he wasn’t worth your time?”
“If you’ll just let me explain-”
“Maybe we should go,” Reggie cuts in. Luke rounds on him. 
“You-” He points at Reggie, then Alex, “you two weren’t supposed to tell her.”
Julie speaks up again. 
“You told them to hide this from me?” “I texted her SOS as soon as we broke you and Bobby up,” Alex explains, avoiding Luke’s eyes. “Sorry. We thought she would know a little more about first aid then we do.” 
Reggie walks over to the door, and Alex follows him before Luke can tear into them more.
“Thanks, Julie,” Reggie says right before grabbing Alex’s wrist and pulling him out of the room. Luke is left alone with Julie -- and Angry Julie is not a fun Julie to be around. 
“Jules, I-”
“Save it.” 
She puts her backpack on the floor and surprisingly pulls out a bag of bandages and a container of rubbing alcohol. A small package of tissues follows, which she instantly passes to him to hold to his nose. 
Relief fills him. They’re the soft kind -- not the sandpaper stuff that the school keeps in the bathrooms. 
“Thanks for… Doing all this,” he mumbles, voice nasally. Guilt pangs at his chest when her scowl deepens and she still won’t meet his eyes. 
“Well, I knew you wouldn’t have gone to the nurse, and someone needs to make sure you don’t get an infection.”
She’s right. The nurse means admitting he got into a fight to a school employee, admitting he got into a fight to a school employee means suspension, and suspension means an upcoming raging argument with his parents. 
He’s filled with a burning warmth when she suddenly grabs his hand -- still not making eye contact with him. His knuckles are pretty torn up, and Julie starts to remove his rings one by one. 
Luke’s heart breaks a little at how much he wants to lean into her while watching her do it. He wants her to do this again, preferably when she’s not mad at him, preferably in his room or in the studio while they write songs. 
“Now,” Julie finally speaks up and breaks his trance of distraction. “What happened?”
As he inhales a deep breath, he slowly removes the tissue from his nose, which has minimized it’s bleeding. 
Luke’s cut off by a stream of cleansing alcohol running over his cuts and stinging every square millimeter of space. 
“Fuck! Ow!” Julie’s face remains expressionless as Luke tries to pull his hand away, but she keeps it firm in his grip. His breathing gets heavier as he tries to face the pain. “Okay, I know I fucked up, I’m sorry. I deserved that. Let me explain.”
Another drop of the alcohol splashes on his knuckles. As he hisses, Julie gives him an expectant look. 
“I’m waiting, Patterson.”
With a few more deep breaths, Luke starts. 
“We found out that Bobby recorded our songs. My songs. Songs that were supposed to go to Sunset Curve, and he stole them, and recorded them, and played them for Ms. Harrison.” Julie’s grip tightens on his fingers. He hopes she understands his anger. “And she was just so happy about it, and was giving him all these compliments, and… When she left, I confronted him, and he was being a dick, and I just… Got mad.”
Julie finishes pressing a towel to his knuckles to wipe away some of the blood, and begins to softly wrap a bandage around his hand. Her touch is more gentle than it was a minute ago. 
“Who threw the first punch?” 
Luke sighs. 
“I did.” The bandage is tugged tightly around his knuckles. “He said that I’ll never have a band ‘with that Julie girl’ that’s worth anything close to what Sunset Curve was, and that he was making a success out of what wouldn’t have been.” 
The bandage loosens. 
“I’m sorry that Bobby is a song-stealing asshole,” Julie finally says, finishing up the bandage on his right hand. Now, time for his left, so he turns fully towards her and lifts the hand towards her to take. His heart flutters when her fingers wrap around his, but it’s quickly killed by the pierce of the rubbing alcohol. “But you know you shouldn’t resort to violence. You should be the bigger person.”
“Being the bigger person doesn’t exist when you’re a teenage boy,” Luke retorts, only to be defeated by a strong pour of the alcohol once again. “But you’re right. I know you’re right.”
“As I always am.”
Well, he can’t argue with that one. 
“As you always are.”
Finally, Luke catches a small smirk on his best friend’s face, which fills him with relief. Temporarily, his attention is taken off of his burning knuckles as she calmly finishes wiping away the blood and beginning to wrap a bandage around his left hand. 
“At least tell me you kicked his ass,” she says, out of the blew. “I want to know it was worth it.”
Even in the current situation, Luke grins wider than he has all day. Julie never fails to bring it out of him. 
“I mean, not to brag, but he definitely looks worse.” Julie looks up at him, clearly wanting a full description of the other party’s injuries. “His knuckles are trashed too, but I got in a black eye and my rings tore him up pretty good. He looks like he got attacked by a raccoon.”
“As he should,” she thinks aloud. Luke nods vigorously in agreement. 
They stand in silence under the aggressively fluorescent lighting of the bathroom, and Luke spends the next thirty seconds just staring at Julie like a lovesick idiot. She looks tired (like all of them do, every morning -- they’re teenagers for God’s sake), but her hair is down and curly and beautiful, and her sweatshirt looks beyond cozy. 
Suddenly, Julie lifts Luke’s mummified left hand to her lips and presses a light, slow kiss to it. Followed by another one. 
And then, she finally looks up at him through her long eyelashes, which takes his breath away completely. Her feet shuffle a small step closer to him, and for a moment he panics that she’s going to kiss him, or he’ll lose his self control and kiss her, but what she does instead makes his heart pound just the same:
She lifts herself onto her tiptoes and kisses the oval-shaped bruise painted across his cheekbone. 
His hand, with a mind of its own, comes up to cup the back of her neck and keep her as close as possible, which she doesn’t fight. Instead, she brushes her nose against his, and today just went from being the worst day ever to the best day ever, and-
The school bell rings. 
Julie pulls away. 
Hastily, she’s tucking her medical supplies back into her bag, and avoiding his eyes once again. 
“Try not to get in another fight, please,” she sends him an awkward smile as she zips her backpack, “I only brought the two bandages.” And before he can even blink, she’s gone.
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thewatermelloncat · 3 years
The Show Can’t Go On
Summary: With strict parents Rosé is subject to going to theatre rehearsal while sick. Denali thinks it’s a stupid idea and takes matters into her own hands.
Author’s Note: I originally didn’t plan on posting this because I sometimes feel like I write too many sickfics but some lovely people on AO3 encouraged me to write more.
Warnings: None
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Being in the room feels uncomfortable. But Denali knows that no one there is as uncomfortable as Rosé. Which makes sense because it’s uncomfortable because of her.
Not that it’s her fault. The poor girl had taken the day off of school, struck down with a bad cold, only for her parents to bring her in after hours for theatre rehearsal.
There is no doubt that she should still be in bed, where she had texted Denali that she had wanted to stay as she was driven over. But her parents being very influential in the theatre community would have their daughter show up to every rehearsal, regardless of it only being a final read-through of the script – especially seeing that their daughter holds the lead role.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
School rules state that any student on campus should wear their uniform but their teacher hadn’t disciplined her when she’d come in a little late bundled up in hoodie with a jacket thrown over.
Rosé had mumbled a hoarse apology as she made a beeline for a desk at the back of the room. Denali had been a little hurt by her not wanting to sit in the desk she’d saved next to her, but she understood why she’d want to sit alone.
“How are you feeling, Rosé?” Ms Visage had asked her. Rosé’s parents having called to let her know the situation.
“I’ll make it through” she had tried to smile convincingly but it hadn’t worked.
Ms Visage nodded but looked even less convinced than Rosé. Though she said no more on the subject. Rosé’s parents being promenient benefactors of the school’s theatre program, she didn’t find it in her best interest to speak out against their wishes.
From across the room Denali had flicked her what she had hoped to have been a welcoming smile since she hadn’t seen her all day, but it ended up being a tight-lipped smile of sympathy.
Rosé had tried to smile back at her as she pulled out a chair, it was no more convincing than her first. Her eyes sad and tired.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After Ms Visage had outlined the plan for the afternoon and answered questions, they got straight into it, flipping open the pages of their script.
The majority of the cast had memorised most of their script by now and just had them as a backstop in case they forgot. It was light hearted with people laughing when someone messed up their lines before they were encouraged to try again.
Though no one struggles as much with their lines as Rosé.
The girl who could recite a paragraph back to you after only reading it once wasn’t in the room that day. Denali could tell how out of sorts she was, reading most lines from the script despite having recited them to Denali flawlessly without prompt a couple of lunchtimes prior.
Her voice wasn’t so great either. Cracking and at times barely above a whisper before she cleared it behind a fist before continuing through her lines. Though the cast could understand her well enough if they read along the script as a guide while she said them.
“… that’s nothing to sneeze at” –
A cast member’s line is interrupted as Rosé stifles a sneeze between her thumb and forefinger.
“I’m so sorry” she smiles sheepishly as she sniffles against the back of her hand and the room laughs at the irony.
As the laughing continues, Rosé is passed a box of tissues handed over through the cast from Ms Visage’s desk. She nods appreciatively to the last person who handed them to her before taking a few and blowing her nose softly.
“We all right to continue?” Ms Visage calls out when the room is settled. Mostly directed at Rosé who nods.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Really, she wasn’t all right to continue.
From there it only got harder for her to deliver her lines effectively. Sneezing and congested breaths beginning to interrupt her almost constantly. Denali could tell she was getting frustrated as she was forced to stop her lines midsentence to regain her composure.
“Now that’s a deal that seems worth taking” – Rosé pauses to sniff into the back of her hand. “But I guess… but I guess” she repeats the line before her breath hitches and she turns into her elbow, “hih’chh!”
She sniffs as she turns back to the page, immediately starting to read again. “I’ll leave that up to you” she barely gets the line out before she turns away to sneeze again. “Heh’mph,…” she stays shielded behind an elbow, waiting, before she convulses forward again, “hih’tchh!”
“Do you need a minute, Rosé?” Ms Visage interrupts the read-through, concern in both voice and expression.
Rosé nods quickly before pushing herself out of her chair, muttering out a quiet “thank you” as she swiftly exits the room.
Denali’s stomach twists uncomfortably as the door closes behind her and it’s a few seconds before Ms Visage gets the cast back on track.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Three minutes and Denali’s final line for a while goes by and Rosé still hasn’t come back. Worry starts to sink deeper into Denali’s stomach as she fidgets her fingers while staring at the clock. After watching the second hand tick past another minute her eyes move over to meet Ms Visage’s and she is fixed with a particular look.
Denali nods as she knows it’s her go-ahead to follow after Rosé. Without a word she gets up from her desk and makes her way out the door to the bathroom down the hall where she knows Rosé will be.
“Rosé?” she calls out when she steps into the tiled room.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be out this long. I’ll be back in a minute” Rosé explains quickly, looking away from where she had been staring at her reflection in the mirror.
“Rosie” Denali’s sympathetic tone invalidates Rosé’s sentence as she shakes her head at her.
“Denali” Rosé reflects, turning toward her friend with a helpless expression.
“You’re so sick, Rosie” Denali points out although it’s obvious.
Part of Denali had expected Rosé to shake her head and deny it like her parents had taught her to do. So, it shocks her a little as Rosé shakes her head for an entirely different reason.
“I don’t want to do this” Rosé bites at her lip.
“You shouldn’t have to do this” Denali steps forward as tears well in Rosé’s eyes. She’d seldom seen her friend cry and knows that it’s the illness and exhaustion getting to her.
Rosé sniffles as she steps into Denali’s embrace. “I feel really horrible” she admits quietly next to Denali’s ear.
“I know” Denali runs a hand up and down her back to comfort her. “I know.”
Rosé sniffles again as a tear splashes onto Denali’s shoulder.
“Do you think your parents would pick you up if you called them?” Denali asks then pulls away when she feels Rosé shake her head.
“They have some networking thing over drinks that they’re going to” Rosé explains to Denali’s expression of confusion. “They’re going to pick me up on the way back.”
“Do you have a key?” Denali asks.
Rosé nods, brushing the remaining tears from her eyes.
“I’m going to take you home.”
“Denali, we need to stay and” – Rosé is quickly cut off.
“Rosé, you” Denali makes a point of announcing, “need to be in bed.”
Rosé opens her mouth to argue but instead of her introductory breath turning into words, she turns to sneeze heavily into an elbow. “Hih’ishchew!” it bends her double and sets her immediately coughing into her sleeve.
Denali fails to bite back a quiet moan of sympathy. “That just proves my point.”
Rosé says nothing but sniffles as she walks over to the paper towel dispenser and pulls one out to blow her nose. With it thrown in the bin, she leans both her hands on the counter top, closing her eyes and breathing exhaustedly.
“Come on, we’ll go tell Ms Visage” Denali steps up beside her, taking her by the arms.
Rosé sniffles again, not raising her eyes from the floor, and this time listens to Denali and lets her lead her along.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
They step back into a near empty classroom, the rest of the cast let out for a brief intermission. When the door shuts behind them Ms Visage looks up from her desk and Rosé opens her mouth to speak but coughs behind her wrist instead.
“I’m going to take her home” Denali says before Rosé can try to speak again.
Ms Visage nods acceptingly and eyes Rosé worriedly.
“I’m sorry” Rosé rasps before sniffling, pushing both her hands into her pockets.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. You did well for even trying to come here today” Ms Visage dismisses. “I’ll call your parents and let them know that I sent you home.”
“Thank you” Rosé says appreciatively, knowing that her parents wouldn’t accept her going home for any other reason.
“Go get your things” Ms Visage sends her off.
Rosé nods with a thick swallow before she makes her way to pick up her script and clear the tissues off her desk. Meanwhile Ms Visage talks with Denali about what she needs to go over in the second half of the script, while Denali grabs her own things.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” Denali nods a goodbye, shouldering her bag.
“I’ll see you then” Ms Visage agrees as the two students make their way to the door. “Oh, and Rosé?” she calls out, making them both stop in their tracks. “I’ll give you an extension for the drama assessment next week. Make sure you get some rest.”
Rosé can’t think of any words to say but she smiles appreciatively with a nod before she and Denali step out the door.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“All set?” Denali turns toward Rosé in the passenger seat as she sticks the key in the ignition.
Rosé nods as she clicks her seatbelt in.
“Hold on, look at me” Denali instructs, noticing a growing flush on Rosé’s cheeks.
She does and Denali reaches out to place the backs of her fingers against her forehead. Making a sound of pity at the heat of her skin, “you have a fever.”
Rosé purses her lips in tight smile as she looks away again.
“Are you cold?”
“Little bit, yeah” Rosé says faintly as if she is just realising the fact.
Denali nods and adjusts the heating at the control panel. “I’ll have you home soon.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Here we are” Denali announces as she pulls up against the curb beside Rosé’s driveway.
Rosé inhales deeply, taking her head away from leaning against the window as Denali slows to a stop and activates the handbrake with finality.
“Home sweet home, yeah?” Denali tries to get a smile out of Rosé and it only just manages to work.
Rosé nods tiredly as she unbuckles her seatbelt and slides out of the car, pulling her keys out of her pocket. With a shaky grip it takes a few goes to insert them into the keyhole and by the time she’s done it, Denali has caught up with her from locking the car.
“How long until your parents get back?” Denali asks.
Rosé stops in the doorway, pulling out her phone to check the time. “Maybe an hour?” her last word is choked out in a cough before she covers some more into an elbow.
“Inside” Denali prompts, whether or not Rosé hears her or not. Taking her by the shoulders and guiding her through the entryway into the kitchen.
By the time they reach the bench, Rosé has regained her breath and moves off to fill a glass of water at the sink.
“Are you crashing in your room or on the couch?” Denali asks as Rosé tentatively sips the contents of the glass.
Mid-swallow, Rosé doesn’t verbalise an answer but she nods her head in the direction of the stairs, signalling to her room. As Rosé puts her glass down, her phone buzzes from the bench and she picks it up.
Habitually Denali’s eyes travel towards the sound but she only gets to read Mum before the good angle of the screen is gone. Then her eyes move to study Rosé, her expression dropping further, before she clicks the lock screen and it goes black as she puts the phone down.
“Denali?” Rosé asks hesitantly and Denali already thinks she knows where this is going. “Can you stay with me… just until they get back?”
“They not happy?” Denali doesn’t even have to guess.
Rosé shakes her head in confirmation, averting her eyes away from her.
Denali purses her lips sadly. Rosé’s parents were a strange kind of strict, lovely people but a bit hard on their daughter when they shouldn’t be. Over time they’d found that they were less so when Rosé had friends over, so Denali’s answer is a no brainer.
“Of course,” she accepts and Rosé smiles appreciatively. “Let’s get you to bed.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
She didn’t think they’d be angry, just disappointed, and she isn’t in the mood for a lecture. That is what Rosé had told Denali as she got her settled into bed and tucked beneath the covers. After that it hadn’t been long until she had drifted off to a fitful sleep, waking herself up coughing every now and again. While Denali had settled next to her atop the covers, reading a book that she had found lying at the end of the bed.
True to Rosé’s estimate it was around an hour before the sound of a car pulls into the driveway. At the covers moving beneath her, Denali looks down at Rosé beside her, eyes now open as she shifts nervously.
“It’ll be alright, Rosie” Denali assures her softly. “I’m right here.”
The words of reassurance seem to work as Rosé hums quietly and her eyelids slowly fall closed again. Though they don’t stay closed for long.
A minute later after the sound of footsteps stop climbing the stairs, the door pushes open and more light floods into the dimly lit room.
At the sound of her mother’s voice, Rosé opens her eyes and shifts her head to look at her standing in the doorway.
“I know you were worried about your voice not holding out, but you could have stayed to observe” and there is the tone of disappointment Rosé had been expecting.
Before Rosé can even think of a reply, coughs bubble up in her chest and she raises a fist out from her blankets to shield them behind. At her friend sounding so miserable, Denali places a hand comfortingly on her shoulder, tracing small circles with her thumb.
“Oh Denali, didn’t know you were coming over” Denali’s sudden movement is met with a tone of surprise.
“Hi, I’m not staying. Just until you got home” she says brightly before speeling off a partial truth, not taking her hand away from Rosé. “She really isn’t doing well so I wanted to make sure someone stayed with her. I’m surprised it took Ms Visage so long before she sent her home.”
At Denali’s words Rosé’s mother seems to reassess. “Why didn’t you tell us how bad you were feeling?”
“I did” the amount of bite in Rosé’s tone just breaches over subtle.
Her mother cocks a brow at the tone but moves onto address Denali quickly. “Did you want to stay for dinner? It’s a bit late but we’ve brought some back.”
“No, it’s okay” Denali dismisses, shuffling off the bed. “My mums got some waiting for me at home.”
“If you’re sure?”
“I am, but thank you” Denali smiles as she picks up her keys from Rosé’s draws.
“Nali, stay” Rosé begs weakly.
“I don’t want to be a hassle” Denali says hesitantly, but still places her keys back on the draws.
“We wouldn’t offer if we didn’t mean it” Rosé’s mother says and Denali smiles but bites back a laugh, knowing that Rosé would have been about to say the exact same thing.
“Text your mum and I’ll bring something up” the decision is finalised before Denali can speak and Rosé’s mother leaves back down the stairs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Before Denali knows it, she’s holding a bowl of noodles, sitting cross-legged on the bed, making small talk with Rosé’s mum as she sits at the edge of the mattress. Waiting for the thermometer to beep so Rosé can finally get her dinner which she hadn’t been allowed until her temperature had been taken.
At the shrill tune the thermometer is taken from Rosé’s mouth before she can move and her mother announces “38.2°C.”
“It’s not bad” Rosé notes quietly.
“It’s still a fever, Rosé” her mother warns seriously. Raising a hand to her forehead before Rosé bats it away. “Alright, I’ll leave you alone” she relents before she stands and leaves the room.
“You wanna watch a movie?” Rosé asks Denali, not really in the mood for making conversation.
“Yeah” Denali says, reaching down to pick Rosé’s laptop off the floor beside the bed. “What one?”
“I don’t know, you choose.”
Denali nods as she types in Rosé’s password which she had told her awhile ago and she somehow still remembers. “This one?” she asks, hovering the mouse over a movie that she thinks they’ll both like.
Next to her Rosé nods and Denali presses play.
While the movie plays on the screen Denali has no problem quickly polishing off the rest of her dinner while Rosé slowly chips away at hers. When she’s done, she places her bowl on top of Denali’s on the bedside cabinet before leaning tiredly against Denali’s shoulder. Feeling her friend’s arm wrap around her.
“Sometimes I wonder if people in movies have brains?” Denali mentions after a character makes an obviously bad decision.
“Hmm” Rosé hums as she shifts to pull away from Denali, who won’t let her. “Denali, I’m gonna sneeze” Rosé warns and Denali finally lets her go.
“Hih’akshew, ik’shew... ik’sheww” Rosé directs into a handful of tissues she just had time to pull out from the box beside her. She sniffles congestedly before blowing her nose. “I’m sorry, this is so disgusting.”
“You’re sick, Rosie” Denali says, wrapping her arm back around her. “You can cough and sneeze as many times as you like.”
“Except I don’t like any of it” Rosé sniffles before they settle back into silence.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Should we switch it off, Rosie?” Denali suggests, noticing Rose’s eyes fighting to stay open.
Rosé would have protested because the movie is nearly over but she knows she isn’t going to hold out much longer, so she nods instead.
Wordlessly, Denali stops the film and closes the laptop lid. Then helps Rosé pull the blankets over her shoulder as she settles down before hoping off the bed and grabbing her keys from the draws.
“Thanks for dropping me home, Nali” Rosé mumbles half into her pillow as Denali makes for the door.
“You know it’s not a problem” Denali stops walking for a second. A sympathetic smile appearing on her face as Rosé’s eyes slip closed. “Sleep well my Rosie.”
18 notes · View notes
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You're a good girl, well behaved.
Absolutely not the type to rail random guys in nightclubs.
Until you are.
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Aizawa x Reader, eventual polyamorous Erasermic x Reader
Rating: This chapter is Gen, no smut at all. 
Trigger Warnings: None in this chapter.
AO3: Here | Want to support me? I have a Kofi
Chapter: 3/16 (all chapters)
“Good evening, Listeners! It’s 7PM on this fine Wednesday night and I hope you all are doing a-o-kay!”
Hizashi leaned back from his mic and pressed the cheer button on his soundboard.
“Tonight it is my absolute pleasure to announce a brand new segment to our show! I have a guest in my studio tonight. Please raise your hands, paws, flippers and/or wings for (Name), my lovely colleague from UA!”
He waved to you and you leaned forwards towards your own microphone.
“Pleased to meet you everyone,” you said, Hizashi clapping boisterously in the background. “It’s a pleasure to be here.”
“Cute, so cute!”
His excitement was contagious and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“(Name) is a very special guest,” he said, pushing the ‘ooooo’ button on his soundboard. “She’s the guidance counsellor at UA. (Name), why don’t you tell the listeners a little about what you do?”
“Well, the welfare and wellbeing of our students is of course our top priority at UA,” you said, “and so my role is to ensure these needs are being met. If they’re feeling pressured or struggling to find agency opportunities or simply unsure of their futures…”
“Of course,” said Hizashi. “Now, Listeners, (Name) has kindly offered up her time for this new weekly segment, which I’m going to call ‘Support Mic’. If you, my wonderful listeners, or anyone you know have a problem and require a sympathetic ear, please send them anonymously through my website or texting service and (Name) and I will advise to the best of our ability. Sound good, (Name)?”
“Alright then, we’re going to take a short break and after that we’ll go through your submissions,” said Hizashi, bringing up the next song on his playlist. “If you can’t join us, please enjoy your evening, PLUS ULTRA!”
“PLUS ULTRA!” you echoed and Hizashi laughed out loud.
“So CUTE,” he cried out, before muting your microphones and playing music. He pulled off his earphones and you did the same, reaching for a glass of water.
You were now two months into your job at UA and the time had flown by. You had transformed your office into a space that felt more like your own and familiarised yourself with the names and faces of just about every student at the school. The previous guidance counsellor had been a woman in her eighties, retiring as opposed to taking on a new role and as a consequence your resources and day to day activities needed updating to reflect the modern climate.
None of it would have been possible without the help of your colleagues. Even Shouta, who had said at most half a dozen words to you since leaving your house, had sent the rather more vulnerable students in your direction.
The agony aunt segment was your idea and Hizashi only too happy to include it in his regular radio show, with the caveat that you bought him a beer the next time you went to the izakaya.
Truthfully, you didn’t expect very many requests to come in, so it came as a complete shock when you refreshed the website and found thirty had already arrived in the first two minutes.
“P...Plus Ultra,” you murmured.
Support Mic was only a half hour segment, but you could easily have gone on for so much longer. Hizashi had done nothing but coo over you since you left the studio.
“Waaah, (Name), you were a natural!”
You had been so very nervous before the broadcast. You’d expected to stumble over your words or get no questions at all. In the end you answered so many questions and talked so much that it felt like you had swallowed a bucketful of gravel.
“Thank you,” you said, packing up your purse, “for having me, I mean. That was a lot of fun.”
“Did you want me to drive you home? It’s getting late.”
“No, it’s fine, I don’t live far.”
“Well, if you’re sure,” said Hizashi, “see you to-morr-ow, sweet listener!”
You waved goodbye and continued up the street, reaching into your purse for your train pass, only for your blood to run cold when you realised it wasn’t there.
You rummaged through packs of tissues, chewing gum, pepper spray and more to no avail.
“Where is it,” you mumbled, grabbing your miniature torch and shining it on the contents.
You thought back to the last time you had seen it, when you arrived at work that morning. You had dropped your purse down on your desk when you saw Hizashi arriving and hurried after him to verify your studio appointment. It must have fallen out then and you sighed, turning the other way to go back to UA.
As a kid you had always been afraid of the dark. You were the one who squealed at ghost stories during sleepovers and had to hide your face during scary movies.
You liked to think that you had gotten braver as you got older, but that was far from true. You still didn’t like taking late night trains or watching horror movies with your friends. You definitely didn’t enjoy walking the empty corridors of UA.
Pull yourself together, (Name)...
It’s just the school. No one’s here. No one can-
Somewhere in the distance, you heard a door slam.
“Ofuckofuckofuckofuck,” you stammered, picking up your pace and rushing off in the direction of your office. Your shoes clattered against the hard floor and you were sure you heard a second set in pursuit.
You threw yourself into your office and closed the door behind you, immediately rushing to crouch under your desk. Someone, or something, hovered outside. You could practically see the newspaper headlines: Guidance Counsellor Found Dead in Violent Attack .
Every cloud had a silver lining, you supposed. You could see your train pass on the cabinet.
Whoever was outside your office rattled the handle and then stepped inside and you clapped your hands over your mouth to stifle any sound.
What could you do? None of the teachers were around and your quirk wasn’t suitable for fighting. Suddenly, you wished you had agreed to Hizashi walking you home. You took a deep breath, willing yourself to do something. You weren’t a teacher or even a pro hero, but you couldn’t sit by and do nothing.
But what could you do?
The intruder’s footsteps grew closer and you reached for your purse, frantically digging through it for pepper spray. Even if you couldn’t fight off this assailant, you could disable them just enough to get away and raise the alarm.
You tightened your grip on the can and released the cap with your thumbnail.
It was now or never.
You bolted out from underneath the desk with a screech and sprayed the intruder with a faceful of pepper spray, causing them to cry out in pain. You covered your face and ran for the door, only to fall flat on your face, arms and legs bound. You struggled against the bindings, rolling over onto your back to get a good look at your attacker.
You didn’t know what you had expected, but you definitely couldn’t have predicted the sight before you. It wasn’t an intruder...it was Shouta and he was desperately rubbing his eyes and cursing. The material binding you was his scarf.
He paused, lifting an arm from his face and squinting down at you. He took in the sight of you, frozen on the floor with your arms and legs bound in place and sighed, returning it to its regular state.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, getting back to your feet, “I thought-”
“What the hell did you think you were doing?” he snarled.
“I thought you were a villain!”
“That’s really not the problem here,” he said. “What are you even doing here?”
“I...I forgot my train pass,” you said, wringing your hands. “I’m sorry. I should have just bought a new one.”
Shouta continued to rub his eyes with a groan and you reached out for his arm.
“Come with me,” you said, “that’ll just make it worse.”
You weren’t a hero, but there was something you could do.
You guided him to the empty staff room and murmured yet more apologies as you turned on the lights. Shouta curled up on the couch, rubbing his eyes and cursing under his breath.
You stole glances as you ran a cloth under the tap, chewing your bottom lip and feeling more than a little bit guilty.
“Here,” you said, squeezing excess water from the cloth and walking back to the couch. “This should help.”
You knelt down beside him and dabbed the cloth over his eyes as gently as humanly possible, wincing at the sight of how red and puffy they had become. You’d never used pepper spray before and almost certainly used far too much.
Shouta groaned in discomfort the moment the cloth touched him, but remained perfectly still.
This was the first time you had been alone since the reset and you found yourself tongue-tied.
You had slept together twice now, yet you still found it difficult to read him. He was the human embodiment of still waters and you had no doubts that his innermost thoughts were as much of a tangled mess as your own. He was just better at hiding them.
The morning of the reset, you had given up on sleeping. You were unable to stop thinking about the man in your bed; the man you thought you would never see again but would have to see almost every day.
You hadn’t been able to sleep after that, instead putting in a load of laundry and getting an incredibly early start on breakfast. When Shouta rolled out of bed at 6am, you had washed and dried his discarded clothes and folded them on your bedside table, as well as putting together an enormous breakfast and fresh pot of coffee.
“So,” you had said as he rubbed his eyes. “The reset.”
“Yes,” he said, dragging on his shirt and giving it a confused sniff. “Tomorrow is day one.”
That was the last he said on the matter and the longest conversation you had had in months.
Until now, of course.
“Does it still hurt?”
You sat back on your heels and lowered the cloth onto your lap, watching as Shouta squeezed his eyes shut and then, very slowly, attempted to open them. He immediately seemed to regret it, for he flinched and began to squint.
“I’ll get more water, just a-”
You moved to stand up, only for him to take hold of your arm.
“Why would you try and confront a villain without help? You could have gotten yourself killed.”
“I wasn’t going to fight,” you said. “I was going to raise the alarm.”
“Oh, and then what? You’ve exposed yourself to the villain without knowing what their quirk is. They could have set you on fire or gassed you or something.”
You weren’t a student, he wasn’t your teacher, yet somehow it felt like being in detention.
“I don’t know,” you said.
“You need to be more rational in these things,” said Shouta, closing his eyes again. “Running head on into danger gets people killed.”
You were quite glad he’d closed his eyes. You couldn’t stifle the smile breaking out across your face.
He wasn’t angry at you at all. Stern, yes, though only out of concern for your safety.
“Good job I had a big, strong Eraserhead around to protect me,” you said, booping his nose with the cloth before getting to your feet. You expected him to protest, but he stayed silent, barely moving even as you ran the cloth under the cold tap.
“You’re not a pro hero,” he said.
“No, I’m not.”
“Then why are you here...in a school for pro heroes?”
You switched off the tap and squeezed excess water from the cloth.
“Are you questioning my credentials, Professor Aizawa?”
“Not particularly,” he said. “It’s important to know the strengths and weaknesses of your team.”
“You could have looked at my file, you know.”
“Too much hassle. I wanted to ask you in person.”
You returned to the couch, cloth in hand. You got the impression that this was a test. Perhaps he already had looked at your file and was suspicious of you as a result. You wouldn’t blame him in his position, given the nature of your quirk and role in the school. He cared about the students far more than he would ever let on.
“Well,” you said, dabbing his eyes. “It’s true I’m not a pro, but I do have a quirk. It’s not… a particularly conventional one, though.”
Shouta stayed silent, waiting for you to continue.
“My quirk is a lie detector,” you said. “I can force people to tell the truth.”
“How do you activate it?”
“I say a little phrase.”
“Show me.”
He squinted at you, watching your body language. You were familiar with this dance; people learning what your quirk was and immediately wondering if you had used it on them without them realising. You got the feeling it ran deeper with Shouta. He wasn’t as interested in seeing your quirk as how comfortable you were using it on other people. Were you the type to proudly abuse your power? Did you take it lightly?
In truth, you weren’t comfortable using your quirk. Not at all.
“Tell me,” you said, goosebumps breaking out across your skin at the activation. “What’s your happiest memory?”
“There was a roof,” he said, without a moment’s hesitation. “My friends were there-”
You chose that question as you had believed it would be harmless. The horror in his eyes as he realised what he was saying, though, made you wonder if you had made a terrible mistake.
He clamped his mouth shut, eyes shining red.
You realised your skin no longer tingled. He’d erased your quirk.
“I…I’m so sorry,” you said, immediately overwhelmed by guilt. “I didn’t-”
“It’s fine,” he said, closing his eyes. “I’ve given it back now.”
It wasn’t fine, though. You had seen enough to know that. You clenched your hands in your lap, all too aware of the water soaking your skirt.
“I’m sorry,” you said again, unable to think of anything more coherent.
“Answer my question,” he said, far more gently than the first time. “Why did you come to a school for pro heroes?”
You thought about the scars on his body; the flash of horror at what should have been his happiest memory.
“Because,” you said, “heroes are more likely to get lost.”
Shouta glanced at you out of the corner of his eye and you blushed, worried you had said something embarrassing. He reached down into your lap for the cloth and placed it on his face.
“It’s getting late,” he said. “You should go home.”
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry about me,” he said, “I still have some stuff to do.”
“Can I at least make you some coffee?”
You reached for your purse, albeit reluctantly, making sure to check and double check that you had your train pass. You couldn’t believe how much chaos it had caused.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything? I can get you some candy from the vending machine.”
Shouta had rolled over onto his side with his back to you and waved you away.
“Don’t think too much about it, just go.”
The school corridors didn’t seem so scary on your way out. The shadows didn’t seem quite so dark, nor your footsteps so loud. You were too distracted to truly pay attention, racking your brains for some way to make it up to Shouta. Perhaps you’d bring him lunch one day or make him his favourite snacks. Hizashi would know the kinds of things he liked to eat. You decided to ask him in the morning.
The lights were still on in the 1-A homeroom and you peered inside as you passed. From the looks of things, Shouta had been in the middle of marking. That wasn’t what drew your attention, though.
In his haste to leave the room and investigate the commotion, he hadn’t bothered to switch off the radio on his desk, instead leaving it to play to itself. Hizashi’s voice was more than a little distinctive and you knew within seconds that it was his show.
“ Now then, listeners, it’s time for our nightly poll! Tonight is a really difficult one, submitted by user rokstar88. When reborn into your next life, would you rather have no hair on your body at all or be completely hairy, like a yeti? Results are in after this short break.”
83 notes · View notes
soldrawss · 4 years
Does Big Bro!Mikey AU have an april or no? I think it would be nice for Mikey to have a bff april!!
April is a part of this au, yes! She started out as just a classmate of Mikey’s, they had the same homeroom in high school before Mikey dropped out the summer before his Junior year. They hadn’t really kept in contact, mostly because she only knew him by proxy (Mikey was nice and friendly to everyone, April of course included, but they didn’t have much in common, and their main friend groups were different, so they didn’t hang out much) and when Mikey all but disappeared without an explanation, she kinda just figured he moved or something, and left it at that, not giving him any thought for the next three years.
That is, until she meets him again, in the halls of Hunter College, looking like he was gonna collapse at any minute, which he kinda does, into an empty bench at the schools outside cafe and lounge area. April waffles for a few seconds, because ‘holy shit is that Mike Hamato?’ before biting the bullet and making her way over to say, “Hey, Michael right? Hi, it’s been a while. It’s April, we had homeroom together freshman and sophomore year. I haven’t seen you since Savanti Romero’s pool party. How are you?” And his smile is a slow, automatic thing at first, more out of common politeness than anything else, but then it grows into something much more genuine and glacier melting when he responds back, “April, hey, yeah, hi! Wow, has it really been that long? Man, it seems like just yesterday you were fishing Mondo and me out of the pool after one too many chicken fights. It’s good to see you!”
And catching up seemed so easy, April was almost surprised they hadn’t been better friends in high school. Though, she suspected that was mostly due to Mikey’s incredibly easy charm and naturally inviting warmth. (Dude could make friends with just about anyone)
He was a little different than how she remembered, a little more weather-worn and tired, a kinda weariness that hung off his shoulders like heavyweights. But there was still a bright shine to those penny-colored eyes, and when he smiled, it was with all the dimples and joy that she remembers so clearly from when she was 15. Holding back a laugh at the Hamato kid that was preforming springing handstands across the cafeteria just to draw attention away from the impending fight between two of their more hotheaded classmates and ease the tension out of the air in a ridiculous but effective manner.
She doesn’t ask why he left high school, it doesn’t really occur to her to ask, but after 2 hours of talking (April not even realizing she was missing her history class because she was so caught up in their catching up) he offers the information anyway.
His dad died. When he was barely 16, and he was left alone with 3 baby brothers and no other family that could help take care of them, and oh my god, he just dropped out of school to get his GED like it was the most common thing in the world and he went to work, what, 2, sometimes 3 jobs just to make enough money to support them all and April didn’t mean for tears to start pooling up because that so wasn’t fair to Mikey at all, if anyone should be crying, it should be him, but Mikey just looks a little shy and bashful about it all. “It was hard, but we got through it. And hey, now I’m working at like, this really prestigious Italian restaurant, super classy and everything! And they pay me more than I’m probably worth, but I’ll get my culinary degree in like a year, and then after that, a lot of things will change,” He says like everything in the world is just that easy, handing April a few tissues from his book bag and giving her one of those genuine, if not a little crooked, smiles of his.
Mikey promises to have lunch with her again (because April absolutely refuses to let this dandelion haired lunatic walk away from her life a second time and practically demands that they hang out again) since they both have the same free time before their respective classes at the college, and makes a show of saving her number with probably a few too many emojis as a contact name just to make her smile.
And what turned into a promise for another lunch date turned into almost a daily routine, them having lunch together on the bench, talking about classes and teachers and jobs and April’s problematic little kitten she affectionately named Mayhem and Mikey’s little brothers who are probably equally as problematic but he doesn’t have a say in what their names are, and things are fun and casual between Hamato and her.
That is, until two months later, when April gets a call from Mikey at 5pm on a Saturday.
“Donnie’s sick,” Mikey says almost breathlessly, and even without the context, April was already springing to her feet just at the sheer tension and concern in Mikey’s voice, like a taught wire about to snap. “I can’t get off work for another few hours, but I don’t want to leave him by himself with a fever. And I know this is like, putting you on the spot and really awkward and you can totally say no if you want to, but I don’t know who else to call and,-”
“Mike, it’s ok. Breathe hun,” April is saying, not unkindly pushing Mayhem off her lap and reaching for her backpack off the floor in her dorm room, stuffing a few random things in it before grabbing her jacket and her car keys off the counter. “Text me your address. I’ll be over there in 5 minutes tops.”
And it’s more of a promise than a fact, because his building is technically 20 minutes away from hers, but April makes it in 10 just by spite alone (and maybe driving a little recklessly downtown) and knocks on the door of the little apartment on the 6th floor, unit 404.
It takes a hesitant second, but then the door lock clicks open and April is greeted by warm brown eyes and a freckled face that reminds April so much of Mikey that it takes her almost a full 10 seconds before she introduces herself with an automatic smile. “Hi sweetheart, I’m April. I’m a friend of your older brother Mikey.”
Raphael, if April remembered Mikey’s brothers correctly, didn’t really need much convincing to let April in after she mentioned he was a friend of Mikey's, and doesn’t hesitate to pull her into their little apartment, leading her to the bedroom that the twins share with a small but tight little fist around hers.
“Mikey called and said you were coming. Leo’s atah sleepover, but Donnie’s in here. His head’s still hot and his voice is all scratchy, even though I made sure that he took the medicine Mikey left out. And he won’t eat anything I give him,” the 7-year-old reports diligently, much more mature than April had expected from the young child. 
April’s been babysitting since she was 11, and considering how all the neighborhood kids around her block adore her, she likes to think that she’s got a pretty solid Ph.D. in knowing how to take care of a sick pre-teen who wants nothing to do with her. So the heavy-lidded and red-eyed glare that Donatello shoots at her from under his covers is duly noted but otherwise ignored as she gently knocks on the door and slowly follows a much less hesitant Raphael into the bedroom.
It takes a while, a long while, for Donatello, no, Donnie, to warm up to her, but he gets there eventually, with the help of Raphael, Raph, who’s hanging off of Aprils shoulders, having warmed up to her almost immediately simply because ‘any friend of Mikey’s is a friend of ours Dee! Don’t be mean and eat some soup!’
After realizing that Donnie just had a little cold, and was in no real danger even with a fever, Raph seemed to cheer up immensely, and was more than willing to help answer all of April’s questions about what medicine Donnie had taken, any allergies, the last time he ate, and even helped her make some egg drop soup since they didn’t have enough ingredients of chicken noodle, which Donnie put up a fight about, but eventually took after one look of Raph’s puppy dog eyes.
Donnie was out like a light 15 minutes later, after taking some night time cough medicine and April sent a reassuring text to Mikey two hours later when his fever finally broke, to which Mikey replied with an explosion of heart emoji’s that April couldn’t rightly decipher other than he was happy about it.
Mikey got home at 11 that night, and April had to flag him down quietly from where she sat trapped under a sleeping, pj clad Raph on the couch; a Jupiter Jim movie marathon playing on the tv. 
“Thank you so much, April,” Mikey said to her in the kitchen 20 minutes later, handing her a cup of hot tea. He had efficiently plucked Raph off of April’s lap like a pro with years of experience, putting him into his own bed before checking on a still sleeping Donnie, whose face was no longer a burnt red from his fever earlier. “I don’t know what I would have done without you. I don’t get my paycheck till next week, so I can’t really pay you right now, but I brought home some chocolate mousse cake from my work that you can have until I can-” “You didn’t tell me you worked at Huesso’s!” April didn’t shout, because there were two kids sleeping down the hallway, as she grabbed the bag Mikey had offered to her. “Dude, their deserts are like, crazy good! I love their cheesecake, but they’re stupid expensive and you have to get a reservation like, 4 months in advance to get in.” And April uses the change in topics as a distraction because there was no way she’d let Mikey try to pay her for helping out, she didn’t even want that to be an option. April didn’t do this for the money. She wanted to help out Mikey out. She liked Mikey. She thought he was funny and charming and had a heart big enough to cradle the entire world if he was as big as all the love he has. And she adored being around his baby brothers.
April grins at Mikey when she opens the box, and slides her finger over the glossy frosting of the cake and licks her fingers of the chocolatey goodness before she says, “Listen, if I could convince you to bring me home deserts from this place, then I’ll hang out with the boys anytime you want me too. You have my number, literally call me anytime, for any reason, and I’m here.”
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bedbellyandbeyond · 4 years
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Little One
(Story Post)
“Are you excited?” “You can’t even begin to know how excited I am.” Fay was driving Rheni into APID to be present for Camilo’s ultrasound. The procedure wasn’t entirely necessary but the couple bugged Sydryn frequently enough about checking the baby’s position and letting Rheni see it before the imminent birth, and the dragon finally caved. Fay had already gotten in trouble for bringing Rheni to APID with them for Dari’s birth without the proper permissions, so this time they’d done everything by the book and so they couldn’t be late without suffering severe consequences. Fay hadn’t himself had a real chance to leave home since his twins’ birth so it was a relief to him as well, getting out and stretching his legs. Dusty stepped in to help Dari with the kids in his stead. He too liked the change for the day as without his boss around, he’d basically been everyone’s assistant in Fay’s department and he didn’t much like running around doing errands for people he didn’t really know. Plus, it was a chance for Grey to have a play date with Fay’s kids. “Can you believe it, Fay?” Rheni said. “Me? A dad?”
“Not to be smug, but I can,” Fay stated as he parked his car. APID's underground parking made it safe for Rheni to step out of the car without being seen. “The kids love you. In fact, just the other night when you had your phone date with Cami, Katia got upset that I was the one reading the bedtime story instead of you. I’ve practically been replaced.” “You haven’t, I swear… When you’re at work, all they cared about was making things to show you when you get home, whether a drawing or a dance or new signs they learned… Oh, I suck at ASL. I don’t think they get that not everyone knows it.” “They don’t get out much to meet people,” Fay explained. “That’ll change soon though, if I have anything to do with it. My children are not going to become recluses like Dari… Dari's not going to become a recluse like Dari.” Rheni frowned and watched Fay as he got out. “…Fay, don't you think you're putting a lot of expectations on Dari that he just might not be able to meet?” Fay's visage tensed and he turned to the slime man. “Why?” “Well, I mean, before the twins, I’ve basically been home alone all day with Dari and, you know, we talk and he just feels like all the changes you want him to go through aren’t realistic or even necessary,” Rheni explained. “And he feels like he’s made a lot of good progress already and why can’t that be enough?” “He has made good progress,” Fay said. “He’s a much more open and much more functional person than when I met him. And as he is might’ve been fine before. If we didn’t have kids, maybe he could’ve just stayed home all the time, be mostly self-sufficient, garden, and all that… But now we do have the kids. And a lot of them. And there are laws. And kids need to be in school. And on top of that, our children are merspawn, and merspawn have their own needs that need to be met, and I’ve been ignoring a lot of rules from my community to cater to Dari’s needs, but there will come a time where their needs are more important and he needs to bend as well.” “Oh, well, I mean… Yeah, I guess it’s more complicated,” Rheni said. “But why can’t he homeschool them?” “Homeschool… I can’t…” Fay’s frustration knotted his forehead. “If I even thought homeschool was a good idea, they would still need a good teacher. I managed to get Dari to finish his high school equivalency, but beyond that, I really don’t think he’s capable of running homeschooling for our children. He would need to prove that he can do it. And even if he could do it, I still don’t want them to be homeschooled. I don’t think it would be healthy to keep them away from other children. They need to learn to socialize with other people, not just their own family and family friends. I want them to be able to pursue anything they want to have or be in our society and they won’t be able to do that if the only people they ever talk to are us and the only lessons they ever learn is that they should only ever want to be home.” “Hmm, yeah… I mean, I get your point, but maybe you need to talk to Dari about it again, because he's not feeling great about it,” Rheni said. “I know…” Fay pointed to the exit. “Can we go inside though? This parking lot is not warm and I am a fish.” “Yeah! I was waiting for your lead, to be honest,” Rheni said. They headed inside and checked in through security. In the elevator, Fay sighed and leaned against the wall. “I've cut him off.” “Hm?” “No more children.” “Oh. Yeah, I know.” “On top of not wanting to have more children, and not feeling capable of having more in our life, I also believe that when’s he’s not busy being pregnant, Dari has more time to improve himself. And he can say he’s good enough as he is, but I also know he wants to improve because there’s things he wants to do that are just out of reach right now…” The elevator doors opened into the lobby for the medical ward. Camilo was already there talking to Köbi, but he looked over as they came out. He looked tired with a big crew neck pulled down tight around his overburdened middle, but he smiled when he saw his boyfriend run up to him. “Cam, hey! How are you?” Rheni asked, grabbing his boyfriend by the waist and kissing his cheek. “I had a rough night honestly, but I'm okay,” Camilo said. “How are you?” “Super excited. I want to see our kid,” Rheni said grinning. “It's all I've been thinking about since Syd confirmed we could.” Camilo nodded. “Yeah, you better thank them for making the time.” “I will!” At that, Sydryn came out and waved them in. “Good, you're both here. Let's go. Fay, are you joining us?” “Oh, no, just dropping off the slime. I want to check in on my replacement.” “Oh, thanks, Fay!” Rheni said waving. “I'll text you when it's over.” “Alright. Have fun, you two,” Fay said before going to call the elevator again. The couple followed Syd into the radiology room where the sonogram was set up. Since Camilo's classes had taken up a lot of his time, he hadn't visited Rheni in a while so the slime man couldn't keep his eyes off him. He found himself admiring even just the way Camilo carried himself over to the exam table. “Cam, please take this as a compliment, but you have such a cute pregnant waddle,” Rheni stated. Camilo immediately blushed. “Is it really that noticeable? I thought I was trying not to…” “You're 39 weeks pregnant,” Sydryn stated. “To attempt to change how you walk would likely only cause more strain on your body.” “39?!” Rheni exclaimed. “Are you seriously that far along?” “Yep… We're in the end game. This kid is classified full term and I am ready for this to be over,” Camilo said. “Okay, but like, I knew we were end game, but this is like…Portals are open, ‘I am Iron Man', end game. Like, it's that far in,” Rheni said, starting to feel sweaty, even though he couldn't sweat. “You could have the kid any day now, right?” “Technically, yes,” Sydryn said. “Though you have a March due date.” “Well, as long as it's not in the middle of an exam, I will welcome this kid any day,” Camilo said, climbing up on the table. He flipped up his shirt, exposing his belly. Marcita had worked her magic and he didn't have a single noticeable stretch mark because of her lotion concoction but his navel was a speckled button and his linea negra had darkened a bit. “You've gotten so big since I last saw you,” Rheni said going over to stand beside him. “Yep… Thankfully, I shouldn't get any bigger…” Camilo remarked. Sydryn repositioned the ultrasound's screen towards the couple and then prepped the wand with gel before placing it on Camilo's abdomen. “Ooh, this is it,” Rheni said excitedly, holding Camilo's arm. “Calm down, you're a little too worked up,” Camilo said, feeling Rheni's grip tighten. “Sorry, sorry… Oh! Is that the baby?” Syd's hand paused with the wand pushed in deep into As Camilo’s side. The screen beside them showed the profile of the baby, tucked into little ball. “Is she in the right position?” Camilo asked. “Yes, I could already tell from the shape of you, but the image can confirm it,” Sydryn explained. “I assumed since this will be the last ultrasound before you're due, you'd like pictures?” “Of course!” Rheni said, his eyes glued to the screen. “I can't believe that's really inside you, Cam.” “Right? Believe it.” Sydryn used the mouse connected to the monitor to highlight where they were going to take the picture. “Camilo, hold your breath for me.” Camilo did as told and the doctor took some pictures quickly. “That’s enough, thank you,” Sydryn said, letting the boy breathe. “Everything still looks good. The foetus is at the right stage of development for your pregnancy. I don't see signs for any congenital abnormalities or birth defects. Your fluids are the right level.” “Oh, that’s all good,” Rheni said. “But is that it?” “There's not much more to look at,” Sydryn stated, taking away the wand. “Camilo's healthy. The baby’s healthy. Prepare for the birth.” “Well, thank you for making time for us,” Camilo said, grabbing a tissue from beside the table to wipe his belly. “I'm sure you're really busy.” “I am. That's why we had to keep this short,” Sydryn stated. “Aoife told me you weren't feeling well a week or two ago, so I'm glad you're back on your feet,” Camilo said. “You are feeling better, right?” “Yes, for now. You have no need to worry for your own health,” Sydryn stated. “Now, as much as I'd love to keep talking, I do have other patients to see.” Camilo put his arm out for Rheni to grab and pull him up onto his feet. Rheni helped him willingly. “And the pictures?” “Köbi will print as many as you'd like at the front desk,” Sydryn said. “Or, actually… I'll make sure he knows how. I'm a little too used to Aoife's competence, I suppose…” “I think Köbi's doing a good job,” Camilo said. “You're too critical of him.” “Without Aoife and even Reid around, this medical ward is an absolute nightmare,” Sydryn stated, leading them out. “I don't have enough time or energy for it…” “What about the doctor who covered when you were sick?” “She's from another branch of APID abroad. She was only visiting. We're looking to hire more physicians but, well, it requires very high qualifications that few can meet.” “That's a flex,” Rheni chuckled. “We get it, you're irreplaceable.” “I am, but I wouldn't be replaced. We just need someone qualified enough that I can train. I was hoping I might groom Köbi for it, but he's turned out to be quite the upward battle…” When they got to reception again, Köbi was following a video on his computer on how to do corn rows. He smiled to them as they approached. “How was the ultrasound?” “It was really cool!” Rheni said. “Köbi, this is a sterile ward,” Sydryn reminded. “Put your hair up and wash your hands.” “Ah, es tuet mr leid… You’ll have to let me braid your hair later though.” Köbi paused his video and went to wash his hands at the sink in the back of the cage. “Anything I can help with?” “We'd like to get some pictures printed from the ultrasound,” Camilo said. “Oh, cool!” Köbi came back to the front. “Sounds good.” “Do you remember how to do that?” Sydryn asked. “Sure, um…” Sydryn sighed and let themselves into the cage to help. In the meantime, Camilo and Rheni took a seat in the waiting area. “Hey, we never followed up on your family stuff,” Camilo said. “Safe to say, you're waiting until after this kid is out?” “Yeah, but actually, you just reminded me! Um…” Rheni pulled out his phone. “I did some snooping. And now I'm on the same Overwatch team as Timothy Zhao.” “Timothy?” “My brother.” “Oh! What? How did you find him?” Camilo asked. “I said, I did some snooping,” Rheni said. “It didn't take too much though. These kids put pretty much everything on social media. Found Michael's Facebook, found his brother’s name, found Tim's Instagram, found his public invite to his Discord channel, joined his Overwatch team.” “So you're stalking a fifteen year old.” “He just turned sixteen, and no, I'm befriending him. He's my brother.” “Did you tell him?” “Not yet. I mean, it's not like he'd believe me.” “Yeah, so you're stalking him.” “Come on, I'm just trying to tell you about my brother.” “Okay, okay. Tell me.” “He's a good kid… I was worried I was gonna get one of those screechy yelly kids who are like a nightmare to play with, but he's really calm and smart.” Camilo sighed. “So… If Michael went missing six years ago, then Timothy would've been ten when he went missing. That would be so difficult to deal with at that age…” “Yeah… I think I need him to see me first…” Rheni said. “I feel like a smart kid like that's more likely to believe it's me than adults who are set in their ways, you know?” “I get it… But they all need to know you're alive. They all need that…” Camilo held his stomach. “Losing a child can't possibly be easy to come to terms with.” Sydryn came up to them with two long envelopes. “We printed several copies. Enjoy.” “Thanks, Syd,” Rheni said getting up and taking the envelopes. “It means a lot, really.” “Don't mention it,” Sydryn said. “So, I imagine you're going back home with Fay from here?” Camilo asked his boyfriend. Rheni nodded. “I figure we might be here a bit… Fay's not the best when it comes to the staying at home part of paternity leave.” “Well, um, I'm taking the afternoon to study a bit but I think I might be free to visit afterwards,” Camilo said. “Are you sure you want to travel that much in your condition?” Rheni asked. “I don't think it's much of a distance, but honestly, I welcome anything that'll start my labour,” Camilo said. “I'm very much done with this whole pregnancy thing…” “It's overrated, huh?” Rheni joked, rubbing Camilo's belly gently. “Completely. Yesterday's news. Passé.” Rheni chuckled and kissed Camilo's cheek. “I can't wait for our baby to be here.” “It's unbelievable to think that even as soon as tomorrow, we could be parents,” Camilo said. “But right now, I'm still a student and I gotta go study.” Rheni nodded. “Okay. I'll let you go for now.” He gave Camilo another kiss. “Call me later please.” “I will.”
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