#i had the chance to buy some snacks.....
fabulouslygaybean · 1 year
it's official, im no longer allowed to have anything as my own unless i hide it deep within my room
#this is so fucking petty but im pissed#i bought five energy drinks yesterday only because it was 5 for $5. im broke as shit but i wanted to buy myself something as a treat.#i never buy myself anything anymore and i never really ask for anything either because my mom has to buy a fair bit for my friend#so this was the one and only treat ive allowed myself to get in a long while.#i drank one yesterday and put the rest in the fridge with a sticky note on them that had my name on it#and this morning i found my friend took from it without even asking. when they literally had my NAME on it and everything#im sorry. maybe id be fine with sharing if she had bothered to ask. but for the love of fucking god im pissed#she has a job!!! she has the money to buy herself nice shit!!!#i spent my last fucking $5 bill on this one fucking nice thing for myself after not buying myself anything for well over a month#and i can't even have that.#i took the rest up to my room and i gotta find somewhere to put them#i have snacks up here too because she tends to eat all my snacks before i even have the chance to try them so i have to hide them#ive struggled with some degree of hoarding tendencies for a while now and i thought i was getting better but over the past two months it -#- feels like all of my progress has been reverted#i know it's stupid to get worked up over fucking energy drinks. but its not even the drinks themselves that are the problem.#its just the fact that in my own home the only way im allowed to keep anything for myself is if i hoard it in my room and keep it hidden -#- because otherwise it'll be taken or used in some way#all without anyone even acknowledging me or the fact that these things are mine
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How to train your pet Human pt.2 (Yandere!Alien X GN!Reader)
part 1, part 3
CW: Abduction, imprisonment, yandere themes, death, pet/owner relationship, tickle torture, humiliation, sexual themes, angst
"There they are~" Kirtch bent to pick (Reader) up, lifting them easily like a child and carrying them with one hand under their butt. (Reader's) face scrunched up in embarrassment. They were wearing an ugly shirt, both baggy and synched tightly, flowy around the body but locked in place like a neck corset at the top and wrists. When Kirtch first presented the tacky gift, (Reader) had ran to hide, forcing Kirtch to wrestle the outfit onto them.
With all of the unnecessary buttons and ties, (Reader) was incapable of taking it off themselves, and was now sulking.
"I have a lot of duties today that cannot be completed in my office, so I thought you might enjoy coming with me so you don't have to be couped up alone." Kirtch gently knocked his forehead into (Reader's).
'Escape chance, escape chance, escape chance-' "Yeah, that sounds nice." (Reader) tried to contain their excitement, consciously aware of their heart beating loudly in their chest.
"Wonderful! I've packed a couple of toys to keep you occupied if you get bored, as well as snacks." He replied happily, seeming so pleased with himself as he briskly walked down the hall from his bedroom towards the main hall. The two passed by many other aliens walking up and down the corridors, none of whom seemed to be the same species as Kirtch. Everyone wore the same cloak, standing them out from the creatures in the shopping district, a uniform slightly lighter in color than Kirtch's. Most would pause while walking to rub a hand over where their noses should have been, and Kirtch would raise a hand in response.
"What are they doing?" (Reader) whispered.
"It is a sign of respect. I am their superior, so if they are not in a rush to get somewhere they are greeting me."
Fear tickled (Reader's) spine. "Are you guys in the military?"
Kirtch laughed, a high pitch clicking sound that almost sounded like a broken music box. "No. I'm just an upper level leader in our trading company."
They arrived in front of a decorated wall, and Kirtch squeezed (Reader) a little while smiling. "Now this is a very important meeting, I need you to be as quiet as possible, okay?"
(Reader) huffed. "I'm not a child."
"I know you aren't. You're a very sweet pet, who is most definitely a grown adult human."
They felt humiliated. It had been almost a month since they were bought by Kirtch, and they did everything in their power to not anger him or appear as though they needed "release". (Reader) constantly watched and waited for the perfect escape attempt, while fighting off Kirtch's affections in as non threatening a way as possible. Like they were emulating a cat. (Reader's) skin burned, but they held back their tongue.
The wall opened, revealing a board room (at least that's what (Reader) assumed it was), a bare room only decorated with a long table surrounded by stools. Kirtch sat (Reader) on the floor and pulled out a sack from the inside of his cloak. While they didn't want to immediately act the part of a good pet, (Reader) was curious as to what was in the bag. The first thing they pulled out, however, was a taxidermied cat. (Reader's) eyes widened, and they couldn't contain their anxiety, shaking as they stared into the cat's glass eyes. Was this some kind of threat?
"Do you like it? I've been meaning to buy you more human toys, so I thought you would appreciate a stuffed animal." Realizing that the 'gift' was not malicious, the nervousness immediately dissolved into mental fatigue.
"Oh. I get it. Stuffed animal. Yeah." They put the animal back in the bag, hoping Kirtch didn't think their exhausted smile was permission to buy more dead bodies.
More aliens entered the room, greeting Kirtch before taking their seats. (Reader) couldn't understand what the meeting was about, since they were all speaking in Kirtch's native tongue, but their voices and faces were tense. The meeting went on for well over an hour, but (Reader) found it surprisingly entertaining, dubbing over their conversation inside their mind like Mystery Science Theater, chuckling with how wild their hand movements were. It was very human of them.
(Reader) fucked up, accidently snorting at one of the angrier aliens. Although they didn't understand the language, one of his sentences sounded awfully like "Pineapple farts", and with how intense his face was, it made it seem like he was describing how his ass felt. Their sound was so quiet it was almost inaudible, but the alien still noticed and spun his head in (Reader's) direction so quickly his exoskeleton creaked. (Reader) bit their lip to hide a smile, turning away from the conference to pretend to munch on their fruit (?) slices.
The irate alien began ranting louder, and (Reader) caught a word they had heard from a few of the underlings they had been introduced to. Bah-blk. Human.
They snuck a glance towards the group very slowly to view Kirtch's expression, worried they may have angered him by interrupting the meeting. And indeed, his almost perfectly flat face was pulled into a scowl, but it wasn't aimed at (Reader).
"(Reader), pet, could you come here for a moment?"
His voice was light and smooth, as it always was when speaking to (Reader), but Kirtch's face was grave as he refused to break eye contact with the alien in front of him; said alien's shell glistened like he was sweating under Kirtch's glare. (Reader), not wanting to be punished later, left their spot on the floor and shuffled over to their owner. Kirtch pulled (Reader) into his lap the second they were within his reach, still staring daggers at the poor alien across the table.
He spoke to the offender, holding (Reader) lovingly with one arm as if to make a point. The man was panicked, waving his arms and sweating profusely, sounding apologetic. It wasn't enough, whatever it was he was saying. He referenced (Reader) as Bah-blk again, and then he was dead.
Before (Reader) could understand what it was that Kirtch had pulled out of his robe, a soundless shot was fired across the table, green blood splattering across the wall as the alien's head was pierced by some kind of projectile.
Everyone turned away, unsurprised by the killing. It was a lukewarm reaction, as though this wasn't the first time they witnessed someone die at Kirtch's hand. The body fell, head slamming into the table with a wet thud.
(Reader) didn't know what he had said, but to kill him... It was jarring. The young adult hadn't payed any attention to the tears dripping down their chin until Kirtch wiped them off. The roughness of his hand startled (Reader), making them flinch away from his touch.
For the rest of the meeting (Reader) couldn't pry their eyes away from the dead body lying across from them. It was a nightmare seemingly without an end, staring at a corpse while his murderer held (Reader) tenderly, rubbing his thumb on their side absentmindedly while discussing business with colleagues like it was a regular Tuesday.
If (Reader) was more aware, they would be disgusted with themselves for not fighting Kirtch as he picked them up to go back to their room, but they just wanted to go back to the safety of their *bed*, and couldn't force their brain to focus on anything else.
The bed was more like a twin sized pillow nestled in a metal cage, but it was soft and felt secure, like when (Reader) was young and thought that hiding under their blanket would protect them from the shadow people in their closet.
"Are you alright, (Reader)?" Kirtch asked, his voice full of concern.
(Reader) curled up, pulling the blanket tight over their face.
Kirtch sighed, and crouched down by (Reader's) bed. "(Reader), please don't be upset with me. If this is about my colleague, please know that what I did was necessary."
"Murder is never necessary."
"He tried to accuse me of not being.. as invested in the job as I should be. And that the reason for my lack of dedication was you. He used very strong language." Kirtch placed a hand on (Reader's) back. "I told him not to disrespect you. Yet he continued."
(Reader) began crying, shaking under Kirtch's touch. "Are you saying that I'm the reason he's dead?"
"Oh, pet.." Kirtch sighed again, pulling (Reader) out of the fetal position and into his arms. "I've always been incredibly interested in humanity. When I was a young child, there was a 'book' in my father's study about primitive species, and that's how I learned about humans. Did you know that you and I experience life differently from one another? Our brains function differently. We have different pain receptors; our brains' physiology are almost nothing alike; the diseases humans are capable of developing simply for existing are concepts we've never had to worry about. Even how we perceive the color spectrum, humans are so unlike any other sentient species I have met."
"I was so fascinated by Earth, especially by humans. We are not allowed to visit Earth as it is a restricted area, so much of what we know is recorded knowledge from captured defectors. My chances of meeting a human were next to none. Then, we had to dock in Dol-Hu, a shady planet only inhabited by criminals and those in hiding. And wandering through the market, I saw you."
"The one thing I've always wanted, for the past seventy years, I recognized you as a human immediately, even though you were so much cuter than I could have expected. You're so soft, and fragile, in comparison to my armoured flesh. You were bent over, but I knew from descriptions I had memorized what you were. As one who has always loved Earth, I am fluent in every Earth language we know of, so I was excited to communicate with you. I was so eager to have a piece of humanity. And now here you are."
(Reader) rolled over, their heart clenching painfully as they looked up into Kirtch's sadly smiling face. "I wonder what I look like through your eyes."
Their heart began doing somersaults in their throat as the tears continued flowing.
"You may have been the only human I've ever known, but I can say with confidence that you must have been the best humanity had to offer. I only want to give you the best life possible."
(Reader) wrapped their arms around Kirtch's midsection, sobbing loudly. His body didn't bend or squish under the full strength of (Reader's) embrace. And that was how (Reader) fell asleep, crying themselves into a nap.
When they awoke, they were alone, lying in the bed with the cat tucked into their arms. (Reader) left the room to find Kirtch at his desk, working on paperwork. The giant heard (Reader) behind him, and turned his attention on them, smiling as he held out his arms in an offer to pick them up. And much to his surprise, (Reader) willingly entered into his embrace, and allowed him to set them on his lap without pouting or making a fuss.
"I have a few more documents to look over, then I can play with you, okay?"
"Okay." Their voice was quiet and monotone, (Reader's) mind still fuzzy from crying so much before falling asleep.
"Are you still upset? Is there anything I can do to make you happy?"Kirtch laid down his work, trapping (Reader) in his arms.
"No.. you can continue working."
"You're more important than my work. I consider your unhappiness to be a crises."
Worry began to prick at (Reader's) skin. "I'm really fine, we don't need to play!"
Memories of the day (Reader) was bought flashed through their mind, causing them to go red and hot as they started to squirm in Kirtch's embrace. "I-I- didn't mean it like that!"
One hand left (Reader's) body to grab something from Kirtch's desk. "Don't fret, I recently purchased a new toy I thought would bring you joy."
(Reader's) eyes bulged out as they froze in anticipation, their heart hammering in their chest. But what Kirtch retrieved did not appear safe to go near any genitalia, a strange contraption formed of multiple thin prongs on a handle. Embarrassed that they had assumed something sexual was about to happen, (Reader) bit the inside of their cheek, puzzling over the strange discomfort they were feeling. "What's that?"
Kirtch raised (Reader's) shirt, and dragged the device across their skin, causing an involuntary shudder. It tickled.
"Ah! No!" (Reader) accidentally laughed, trying to push Kirtch away. He trailed the toy from their pelvic area visible above their pants to their left armpit. The light tingling sensation forcibly clenched their stomach muscles as they let loose a howl of laughter.
They couldn't breathe correctly, laughing so hard that their spasming abdominals made it feel like they were choking. But they couldn't stop, begging Kirtch to "knock it off" while their cheeks hurt from the smile they had. That damn toy tickled every inch of their body, not even noticing when Kirtch removed their pants. They kicked futilely, unable to break free from the assault. Their sensitive skin was almost becoming painful to the touch, but the laughter only got louder.
"pleASE! KIRTCH, stop!!" (Reader) heaved. Their whole body felt tender, highly reactive to each touch. Which made them aware of the fact that the only thing separating them from Kirtch's lap was a thin pair of underpants. With how they had been writhing on his lap, they were relieved that Kirtch didn't seem to have a dick that could become aroused from such movements.
(Reader's) smile fell. I have no idea how Kirtch's species reproduces. Maybe he can get erections, but he won't get one for me because he sees me as a pet. An animal. Their heart turned to concrete as it dropped out of its cage.
Kirtch halted his attack when he saw (Reader) go limp. "Are you tuckered out, pet?"
(Reader) tried to slide off his lap like jelly. "I'm done playing. I want to go back to bed."
"Alright, my stubborn little grump, what is it now? You were all smiles but a second ago, so what is it plaguing your mind?"
They tried to scrunch up their nose to prevent more tears from sheepishly forming. "I'm not a pet. I'm a human. I want to be treated like an equal!"
Kirtch's smile was replaced by a hurt scowl. "Is it so unpleasant being my pet?"
"No!" (Reader) interjected, not understanding why it pained them so much to see Kirtch upset, "I just want to, I just.. I don't know. This is confusing, and it feels.. weird. You're really nice to me, and sometimes it feels like... but then other times you treat me like I'm a cat. This isn't what I want. Either be a bastard and treat me like an animal or treat me like-" Their words caught in their throat. Treat me like what?!
A fearful kiss was placed on their forehead, ghostly with hardly any pressure. Kirtch's hands trembled on (Reader's) sides. "All I wish is to adore you for the rest of your life."
He pulled (Reader) into his chest, petting their back in a comforting manner. "I'll give you anything you ask for, I'll do anything you ask of me. Just to keep you happy, with me. You are all that I've ever wanted. All I wish is to care for you, and spend all my attention on you. If there is anything you want, please ask me. I need you to love me."
(Reader) felt so confused. Like a squid was destroying their gut, everything was uncomfortable and scary. They knew that Kirtch viewed them as a pet, he loved them how (Reader) loved their family dog as a child. But when they heard him begging for their love, it made them wish for an odd moment that he wasn't an alien. That (Reader) was sitting on their boyfriend's lap right now, a strange human man who sometimes infantalized them but only out of affection. Why couldn't this be simple? Why did (Reader) want him to kiss them right at that moment?
"I want to go home. I want to meet someone kind and fall in love." (Reader's) words stabbed Kirtch in places he never knew could hurt.
"I can't do that, (Reader)..." Kirtch's embrace constricted almost painfully tight. "You're all I've ever wanted. You can't ask me to let you go. I'll take such good care of you, you'll see. I have the rest of your life to make you fall in love with me."
They sat there, holding one another in agonizing silence, both loving each other in a way that they couldn't explain. The way their brains functioned didn't just mean that Kirtch could see a wider range of colors than (Reader), but the way their species experienced love was too vastly different for the other to comprehend. Despite Kirtch wanting to own (Reader), that was the greatest love he had ever felt, since his species did not pair bond and only mated when two beings agreed amicably that they wished to procreate. He knew that humans felt many forms of love, love for a mate, love for their offspring, love for a friend.. but to something that never felt any of those forms of love, Kirtch couldn't understand the difference between them.
"I love you, my little pet. And I will always love you."
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varpusvaras · 8 days
An AU in which Jason, upon returning to Gotham, gets really swept up into the whole crime lord thing, and never gets the time to go through with his revenge plan.
It starts small. He comes back and gets to work, and after a while, he has managed to carve out some of the crime from crime alley. This gets him noticed among some of the people there. One night, a group of thugs approach him, but instead of wanting to fight him, they want to work for him.
Jason, still fresh, with not much revenue coming for him yet, tells them that he isn't hiring because he cannot exactly pay them much. The thugs say that it doesn't matter, because they like what he is doing, and would like to be in on it anyway, and, well. If Jason has help managing other things, he can dedicate more time on his bigger plan, right?
Wrong. Things start to move much quicker now, and that means that more people come in and want to work for him. At this point Jason has money coming in, and he starts paying them, too, which makes more people come in, which in turn makes more money to come in as well. Jason can pay them more, and suddenly he notices a difference in many of the goons he has on his roster now. They seem happier. They joke more, many of them have better clothes on them, and they don't look so gaunt anymore, either.
Jason asks about it, once, and the goon tells him that they have had the money to buy actual groceries and new pair of boots, which makes living a lot more comfortable. They even got to buy their kid a new winter jacket! Now, if they save up a little bit, they will be able to get their kid new school books as well!
And Jason, Crime Alley boy Jason, who loved school and reading, feels his heart strings being violently yanked. Don't worry about the books, he says. I will take care of it.
At the end of the month, he has managed to organise a book delivery system for all the Crime Alley kids, where they get school books and picture books and science books about dinosaurs and angient Egypt and all that. He tells his goons that for every kid that stays in school for the semester, he will give them a bonus.
It works wonders. The amount of kids dropping out from school gets cut by 60 percent just during the first semester. The book system grows, and suddenly Jason finds himself pushing some money to get the old local library running again, to make things a bit easier. He even hires some people to run the system for him. Suddenly, he is like actually employing people. He needs an accountant. He hires one for himself, and then another one to run other funds.
Things just keep escalating after that. Local parent group starts to have meetings in the new library, and they put up a babysitting club and start a clothes exhange program as well, where you can bring all the clothes that are too small for you, and people get to take what they need home. A soup kitchen starts as well, first because the kids need snacks, and then it grows so much that Jason needs to find a place for it to run effectively and safely. Many local restaurants get into it as well, and their business starts to rise as well, because people who are fed and have warm clothes have more time and energy to seek for jobs. Many of them are still employed within just Crime Alley, though, because jobs elsewhere require an adress, and some people don't have those.
Jason thinks about himself, after his parents died, on the streets, trying to survive, and thinks never again. He tells his accountant to start budgeting for housing.
He needs to hire more people for it. He needs to run his crime empire, after all, he doesn't have the time for this.
He has so many people working for him now. There are a few thugs that were previously employed by other Gotham Rogues coming in as well, because they have heard good things about the Red Hood. The other Rogues are in and out of the prison or Arkham all the time and the pay isn't reliable and there is a high chance that you will get beaten up by one of the bats as well, and they don't really get offered medical services by their bosses, you know?
There's another thing. Jason now has to organize people to get first aid-training. And also get some sort of vaccination program going. And also get everybody dental.
It's all getting too much for him, really. He doesn't even have a high school diploma.
He mentions this to one of his goons one night, because they said that he looked stressed. Don't worry boss! The goon tells him. We will take care of things, if you want to go back to school! It would be a good example, too, for the older kids, who are still dropping out more than the little kids, you know?
So Jason goes back to school. God he loves school. He barely even thinks about his revenge plan anymore, because he is busy running his programs and studying and making plans with his goons.
He gets his diploma and then starts a community college so people can get degrees.
He then runs into an entirely new problem. The people look up to him, especially the kids. And now the kids also want to help him.
Jason, the second Robin, the bird with clipped wings, tells them no. Absolutely not. You are kids, go back to school, your bedtime is at nine.
He cannot control the older teens, though. They just tell him to fuck off and accept the help. Now train us, so we can start running the more specialized missions too. You can't be the only person jumping on rooftops. If you don't train us, we will do it anyway, dipshit. We ain't scared of you.
And suddenly Jason has his own vigilante team with him. His workers are unionizing. Some of them are actually running for the city council to get things addressed that need to be done the legal way. Crime rates have dropped by 70 percent around Crime Alley.
They can't really call it Crime Alley anymore, can they? It's Park Row again.
The bats are extremely confused by the new team. The Hoods, they call themselves. All of them with a red bat painted on their chests and fighting in an eerily similar manner to them.
Jason is not there on Thursdays. He is busy getting his English degree.
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veritasangel · 2 months
Taking care of you when you're sick
ft. Dabi, Bakugo, Deku, Shoto, Kirishima, Shinso
⋆ ˚。⋆ any pov (kids could be adopted in shoto's) ୨୧˚ warnings: all sfw except bakugo's
wc: 1.4k
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fwb - Katsuki Bakugo
What you and Bakugo had was nothing serious, just casual sex and nothing more as he always said.
He was always too busy with work for anything more.
And so there was really no need for him to come over when you were sick, right?
“What are you doing here?” you ask, voice hoarse as you open the door to see Bakugo casually walking in, hands full with heavy bags.
“Well you sounded like shit over the phone so thought I’d bring some things over to help.” he says as he begins unloading the bags, the inside contents varying from fruit, soup, medicine, and other useful things to random items that you don't even need, like those unnecessary curly straws.
“Uhh, thanks?” you question, “I’m not fucking you, you know?”
“Damn straight you’re not, I ain’t sleeping with someone who’s coughing their guts up. I’m not into that.” he blurts out, as he finishes emptying the bags.
You roll your eyes at his ridiculousness as he guides you to the sofa and begins setting up everything you might need on the coffee table.
“I got the day off work tomorrow so I’m gonna stay over tonight, you know just to make sure you don’t die or anything.”
“How nice.” you joke as you smile at him, “So you do care about me?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” he mumbles, pulling you onto his lap and flicking through the shitty tv shows that he always mocks you for watching.
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ex bf - Eijiro Kirishima
You two had broken up but also kinda not really, you still talk almost all of the time and occasionally end up in each other’s beds.
So it’s no wonder he’s the first over to look after you when he hears you’re sick, the two of you were basically still together without the title.
He's annoying but you love him.
“Pass the remote, this movie’s shit.” Kirishima says from where he’s leaning back on one end of the sofa.
“Get it yourself, I’m sick.” you groan, rolling over to your side.
“Oh yeah, right." he remembers, lifting his head to look at you, before sitting up to grab the remote and passing you a snack from the table, “You look cute like this, you know?”
“I look like a mess.”
“A cute mess.” he says, “my cute mess.”
“I'm not your anything, we broke up 3 months ago.” you raise your eyebrows at him.
“2 and a half.”
You turn your attention back to the TV, “Do the specifics really matter?”
“Alright sorry we can go with your rounded up 3 months then.” he says raising his hands in mock surrender, “My smoothie must've been good because your voice sounds better, you sound less like you smoke 30 a day.”
“You’re so charming.” you scoff but the affection in your tone is still there
“I love you too, my little snotty mess.” he teases before laying on top of you enough to almost crush you.    
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older bf - Dabi
Always feels uncomfortable when someone’s sick, like he doesn’t know what to do
Tries his best though because he wants to take care of you the way you do, him.
Usually ends up looking up what to do on google and then does everything and anything he sees.
“Touya what is all this?” you mumble as you open your eyes from your nap.
“Well I looked up all of your symptoms, a bunch of possible things came up, there might be a 50% chance you’re dying.”
“How reassuring.” you joke, a knowing smile on your face.
He rolls his eyes, “Well it’s probably just a bug but gotta' cover all bases, you know?” he says “Apparently ginger is good for nausea so there's ginger tea on the side, and some ginger biscuits, a carrot and ginger soup and then also some ginger shot thing, I don’t know but I think that’s good.” He rambles on as he runs you through everything.
“Now that you’ve rested, if you just eat and keep hydrated, then I’ll run you a bath and you’ll feel better in no time.”
“Well I don’t need all of that, but I appreciate the consideration. You didn’t have to buy all this for me though.”
“Oh I didn’t, I used your card.”
And you just laugh as you reach for a biscuit because of course he did.
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best friend - Hitoshi Shinso
Less vocal about his care but it’s there, you know it is.
Offers to do anything you need. Planned to buy groceries? He’s already out of the door to get them. Wanted to clean the house? He’s practically turned into a personal maid.
Will use his quirk to keep you in bed if he has to.
“You said you wouldn’t use you quirk on me again.” you sigh as you look at him with a raised eyebrow.
“No, I said I wouldn’t use it on you for no reason.” he adds in as he opens the windows in your bedroom. “Would you like some water?”
“I’m not answering that.”
“You already did.” he grins as you chuck your pillow at him, “Kidding, kidding, I don’t plan on using it again, as long as you do as you’re told and stay in bed.”
"Fine, fine." you give up. "Maybe I should get sick more often if it has you waiting on me hand and foot."
He smirks, handing you the pillow back, "I'd do that even when you're not sick, you know, if you actually let me, instead of acting all independent 25/8." he shakes his head, looking down at you.
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coworker - Izuku Midoriya
The two of you are both pro heroes that regularly work together and when he overhears one of his favourite heroes is sick? He’s straight there
He’s very caring and selfless of course
He's responsible enough to make sure everything is stable before he up and leaves his duties.
Asks how you’re feeling about 20 times a minute because his mind is racing.
“Izuku, what are you-”
“I heard you weren’t feeling well. Have you been sleeping? Did you get injured-” he begins listing off a million different things that could be wrong.
“Chill, it’s just a small cold, no big deal.” you reassure him.
“Well still…you work yourself too hard and it’s having an effect on your immune system.” he says disappointedly, “You can’t be a hero if you don’t take care of yourself, you’re as bad as kacchan, if not worse.” he shakes his head
He’s immediately making himself at home in your kitchen, preparing a soup and when you tell him there’s canned soup in the cupboard, he scoffs, “I’m making a vegetable soup that my Mum used to make for me when I was sick, it’ll do you much better."
"It's okay I-"
"No, buts. Go and relax on the sofa or have a refreshing shower. I'll bring it to you when it's done. Can't have one of my best suffering, can I?" he says as your eyes meet his and you can feel your cheeks heating up.
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husband- Shoto Todoroki
So tender and caring when you’re sick
He knows exactly how to take care of you and honestly probably knew you were getting sick before you did.
Has Fuyumi look after the kids so he can focus fully on you.
“No don’t worry, I have everything covered. Kids are gonna stay with Fuyumi for a few days and she’ll make sure they’re all sorted." He says, tenderly rubbing small circles on your hand.
"Touya offered to take them in but I don’t trust our little girls not to come back with some dodgy hairstyle with spray-in hair colour.” He jokes, earning you a small laugh.
"Good choice." you smile as he checks your temperature again.
"Since the medicine, your fever's going down slowly. Do you want another peppermint tea?" He says softly as he looks over your face with concern.
"No, just want cuddles." you mumble and of course he obliges. He's instantly under the duvet, pulling you in close to him as he wraps both arms securely around you.
"You're not worried about getting sick?"
"Nothing will ever keep me away from you, much less a small bug." he tuts as if it's obvious, kissing the top of your head.
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honeydazai · 2 months
୨୧·࣭࣪̇˖ taking care of you when you're sick
feat.: Dazai, Chūya, Ranpo, Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma
warnings: none!
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The moment you fall sick, DAZAI gets all the more annoying, obnoxious to the core as he whines about how unfair it is that you're sick and he's not — translating to “that you don't have to go to work and he does”. He might just use your sickness as an excuse to stay at home himself; after all, when you're in this critical of a condition, he has to be by your side at all times, right? Just in case of an emergency. Surely Kunikida and the President agree.
Taking care of others or even of himself isn't what he's particularly good at, though he will pretend to be absolutely certain about cuddling being a certain cure for any illness. If you threaten to give him the cold shoulder otherwise, he'll also go to the pharmacy and buy you medication, though he will either complain about it, or he'll play it up to be his God-given mission to save his stunning girlfriend's life.
“Hm? What do you mean, bella? Of course I've got the President's 'okay' for staying at home. Taking care of you is most important, after all, don't you agree? .. Don't be mean, I am taking care of you. I made you tea just now, didn't I?"
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CHŪYA really doesn't like it whenever you're sick. While he's faced a handful of way more threatening situations before, he can't help but worry when you whine about your head hurting and your throat aching, about your stomach acting up or your vision blurring. It's not his fault that you're on his mind all day — he just wants you to be well. Is that too much to ask for?
Naturally, that translates to him being awfully good when it comes to him nursing you back to health. He wouldn't describe himself as a natural caretaker, but he is, in a way; he's protective and caring by nature, and he makes sure you're relatively well before he leaves for work every day. You don't just get the best medication on the market, but also energising meals made by him with the help of authentic recipes from elderly women he found online. To not fully lose his image, he half-heartedly complains occasionally, though his words are immediately redeemed by his beaming smile when he notices you're faring better.
“Jeez, that's one annoying cold you've got. It's been, what, like two weeks now and it's still not gone. Whatever. I've found this new soup recipe, though. It looks promising enough, doesn't it? I'll try to make it for dinner.”
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RANPO admittedly is rather bad at taking care of you. To be blunt, he much prefers it when you coddle and spoil him, not the other way around, though he tries in his own ways — which mostly include sharing his snacks with you and being near you despite the risk of getting infected himself.
Unfortunately, you're not spared from his usual honesty; when you look downright awful, dark circles underneath your eyes, he will tell you just that. If you flake out on any dates the two of you had planned previously, he will whine, but at least he won't hold a grudge. While he's not particularly committed to being a caretaker, he at least stays by your side and brings you medicine and painkillers.
“You should eat more, y'know. Yes, I know you're nauseous. You've said so about twenty times already. You won't feel any better until you eat and drink enough, though. That's common sense.”
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Naturally, FYODOR is more than simply good at taking care of you whenever you fall ill. With his age, it's no wonder that he has quite some experience and knows of many ways to heal you, though some of them might include disgusting homebrewed potions. You're best of just not asking what they're made of if you want to have any chance in downing them.
Unfortunately, his approach to helping you regain your health is more clinical than loving. He takes wonderful care of you, but he's not the type to cuddle with you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear while you're sneezing and coughing. If you ask sweetly enough, however, he might just read you a bedtime story or two.
“What is it, dear? I was just going to get you a new glass of water. .. Ah, I see. Do you really want me to stay that badly? Alright, then. Though me remaining by your side won't give you an excuse to skip taking your medication.”
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It's no surprise whatsoever that NIKOLAI is not the most caring guy, simply put, and he might just tease you about being sick throughout the whole ordeal. He can't help it; you glaring at him, exhausted and sneezing, makes him giggle. Still, he's not all bad — he revels all the more in your surprised expression when he presents you with homemade soup, a family recipe, or so he tells you, and he smiles, content, when you admit that it tastes rather lovely.
With his ability, it's easy for him to get whatever you might need, whether that's food or a cup of tea or a bucket to throw up in, from the kitchen without moving from your bedside, so be prepared to spend quite a lot of time with him in the next few days — or weeks. Though, luckily, he's there to entertain you, not the other way around; when you say you want to curl up and just sleep the sickness off, he'll just keep watch next to you, silent and calm. After all, he does want you to feel better.
“Hmm, what did you say? You like my cooking? I'm honoured, doll! You're too kind! How about a quiz about what I put in there — poison, carrots, red beet, or all three? Ah, not feeling up for it, are you? What a shame. It's all three, if you're curious. I'm just kidding, of course. Don't you worry your pretty little head.”
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SIGMA is the best choice for who to go to when ill. Not only is he kind and caring, he's also responsible and organised and, if you follow every step he tells you — eat his home-cooked soup, drink this medicine, sleep for as much as possible, take hot or cold compresses, inhale water with herbal essences —, you'll be at full health again in no time.
Even though he unfortunately can't stay at home all day to be by your side — duties at the casino call, even though he'd much rather not go —, he tries to spend as much time as possible with you, telling you about what has happened that day and how much he looked forward to being home with you again while your eyes flutter closed. When you've almost fallen asleep, his lips gently press against your forehead, even if that means he risks getting sick himself.
“Are you feeling better yet? No? Well, that's to be expected. It's only been a day, after all. I've brought you some more medicine, as well as some soup. Here, give it a taste, will you?”
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@chxrry-doll @irethepotato @beandaifuku, @the-foreigner , @ranpobb, @arixsux, @dei-lilxc , @atsyushi @satoruislove @pastelsbaby @marina-and-the-memes @texchou @shiggysredhead @savagemickey03 @rosepxtlz @nikolaiswife @okura-s @ladykatakuri @lunerenzo @berywritesstuff @xelia25 @yuuotosaka3 @double-black-dazai @alice0blog @fyodorstolenushanka @ttaiyaki @itsnovariella @C4xcocoa
@black-rose-29 @fyodorscumsock @ayshaashaya @qxxstuff @serenareiss @atsvsh1 @dilucshandholder @reiikonee @1-800-mocha @xvocadooo @hexiisexii @cupxfcxffee @jodidann @Happymoon16 @yumidepain @nchuuyahq @janeinerz @Aaronthegreatestsimp @fanfiction-waifu @KimxKiba @Morigumy @villainouspotential @ashthemadwriter-uwu @mrsdostoevsky @nikolaisgoofyahhhat
@yeonwoomyheartbelongstoyou @hellgirlwhore @c4xcocoa @lyrstybsd @angelsrunes @wuaoqu @disa-ster @aspookyscaryghost @nikolaisboner @urgodmoon @polish-anon @arisu-chan4646nsfw @eroscastle @somnobun @birbysaur @senpaible @hyunlixie143 @dababyurmom @4nthonyyliving @brokeniced @nikolaisdove @dxwnstxr @scinclaitnoir @snips18 @flowzel @satohruu @squigglewigglewoo @rainy-dazie @itzashlyn123 @rheeeeeeeesiees @eggcoreloser @mariaace @mello0cat @warriordemigosworld @thescrunkly @ainegueneres @maroj23 @dazaiserectnips @little-miss-chaoss @saeandscaralover @munch3025 @maidenkikyo
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ja3yun · 3 months
i'm so curious to know what kind of boyfriend you think jake would be?
oh baby i have thought about this every day for a long ass time, so buckle up! (also some smut so mdni!!!)
sunghoon vers. | heeseung vers. | jay vers.
okay so first and foremost, i think yes, he is clingy, but controversially i believe he keeps his cool at the begining of a relationship. when you go on dates with him in the first 1-2 months he is out to impress you and although he's still super sweet and caring, he would make sure you're vibing in the same we he is, getting to know you and your personality so he can judge how to approach it, especially if he really, really likes you. once he knows you both connect well enough, i think that is when he goes into the puppy mode that we all know and adore about him.
after you guys are together, or at least exclusive, he would be so touchy but in such a 'i just like to have contact with you' way. so if you are walking he would grab your hand loosely or if someone was coming in the other direction, he would kinda place his hand on your back or arm to guide you out the way. sometimes he won't do it intentionally, he just subconsciously loves skin-to-skin contact.
cuddles! loves them, can't get enough and i don't think he would care who cuddles who, he just loves it (again, back to the skinship thing). he would hug you from behind, on the couch, lay his head on your lap, if you'r in bed i think he either has you lay ontop of him or vice versa while you watch a movie, if you sleep, he will have a leg or arm drapped over you like he starfishes the bed etc etc. physical touch is absolutely a love language of his.
quality time is another way he expresses love. he might not get to see you often between work etc. but he will always make time, even if its coming over to yours for dinner, even if he can't spend the night, he will make sure he is a presence in your life. he is with another member or his family a lot, so i do think he loves being in the company of others even if you do nothing but scroll through youtube videos together and sit in silence, he appreciates you just simply beside him. he would also just love doing mundane things with you, like shopping for groceries or getting a midnight snack when you both can't sleep. he just loves being around you any chance he gets, he would be w someone he is super comfortable with, like a best friend, so you would do everything and nothing together when you had the time.
more under cut
he doesn't love bomb but he loves hard like, he would fall in love at a nice pace, each day of texting and dates you would get closer and closer and then boom! he realises he is in love and that would be it for him. jaeyun would show you love in both subtle and obvious ways, kisses, cuddles, running errands without being asked, picking up your favourite snack when he's going to see you later, carrying a hair tie or lip bam in his pocket in case you forget yours, buying cologne that you like and wearing it exclusively when you're around, etc. this doesn't mean he can't be very dense sometimes! he is still a man after all and he's going to miss your signals. it's an endearing trait so you never get mad but i think you could say smthn to him, dropping hints about wanting to go on a trip or smthn and he would not pick up on that, instead accidently focus on the wrong part of your sentence: example, 'i think jeju would be fun, i've always wanted to go orange picking' and he would come home with a carton of oranges and be so proud of himself lmaoo
you need to get along with his family and friends, no doubt about it. he will make it such a bit deal and then tell you 'no pressure' lmao, but he seriously wouldn't introduce you if he didn't think they would like you. his mum (and riki/hee tbh) are who you need to get approval from, he values them so dearly that he would ask them thoughts. because he is a mums boy, she's gonna be a bit jarring at first bc thats her baby but eh, if you're nice and treat him well you'll be grand. once you get the go ahead, he's gonna take you to EVERY family outing, or at least invite you, you'll become part of his family so easily because he wont give you the chance not to.
so funny!! will make you laugh even unintentionally but will get pouty if you laugh a little too hard at him, esp if he makes a mistake or says something dumb. he doesn't want his ego bruised but he can take a laugh. texts memes and jokes to you, yapping 247 and making it so easy to fall in love with him.
it's going to be an up and down relationship, arguements, quiet nights, blow outs, passionate love, you are never going to have a straight forward relationship. he is hot headed but it just means he cares, and sometimes you aren't going to see eye to eye but i don't think that is a bad thing. with each fight and make up comes a stronger connection and deeper understanding, which is only going to make his soul attach to yours on a much deeper and intimate level than if it was a cutiful relationship w rainbows and kitten kisses. he loves to communicate but only after he has had a strop and a huff first lmaoo
i'm sorry to say this but you and his job are far apart. he keeps everything seperate, so that means no backstage or taking you on tour. you're going to be a secret for a LONG time (public wise). i think jaeyun would value the idea that he could be normal with you, like he's jake sim on stage but when he comes home to you, he just wants to be sim jaeyun. he will speak about work with you but it won't be all you talk about, he'll talk about it the same way he would if he worked in a supermarket; tell you the drama, key notes, who argued w who blah blah. but once its out his system, he'll leave it there. jaeyun is so down to earth and humble that being a celebrity would come second to being your boyfrjend when you're together.
kisses!!! loves them, he doesn't have those beautiful, plump lips for nothing, he is going to use them - on your lips, cheek, forehead, neck, anywhere he can plant a peck, he will. he's a pepper kisser, meaning he does quick bursts in a short amount of time, smooching you until you giggle and push him away. he appreciates the innocence of kisses and how it's just a lovely way to punctuate his love for you. he doesn't care if people are around but i think he respects a group environment enough to not be necking you at the dinner table, instead, he kisses your knuckles while you speak or place a kiss on the top of your head when he leaves to go to the bathroom.
making out is a different story though, when you're alone and he gets horny (which is a lot), he would devour you, causing you to lose your breath quickly because he's sucking the air fom your lungs out of pure heat. he starts slow, lips covering yours and staying there for a while longer than needed, then he would sweep his tongue into your mouth. i think he kisses in two ways: messily, where he just can't get enough of you and it gets a little desperate and saliva-y, and also delicately, his tongue brushing over yours smoothly while his hand softly feels your skin under his. he loves kisses in any form, i do think he is more a smoocher though (sorry tongue jaeyun lovers). w his tongue being a focal point of his stage presence, you think i would say the opposite but idk. when he makes out w you though, you're gonna literally be there for HOURS.
bowchikawowow: now, he has a high sex drive but that doesn't mean he's fucking you everywhere and anywhere, he loves a quicky, of course he does but if he can, he'll wait until you get home and fuck you so good. he is sensual and i think he values passionate, intimate sex a lot of the time, but on occasion, he'll be so horny that he just fucks you into the mattress without a second thought, cumming being his only goal. he can go a long time but oral will take up a massive chunk of your night. if you follow me, you will know i am a MASSIVE jake muncher proclaimer, he loves to eat you out; this is where is tongue becomes the vip. he's a devourer, loves to lap you up and hear you moan his name. i think he has a bit of an ego (in a good way!!!) and hearing you call out his name is gonna make him want to go on forever. he likes it raw, no question but i don't think he has the willpower to pull out every single time, so he's either going to go for ultra thin condoms, or you will both discuss birth control options (if men could get the pill, he would take it).
loves to cum inside though, the feeling is sensational. he loves to see it drip out of you, i think part of being a bit clingy comes a smidge lots of possessive qualities and this is one of them, seeing his claim on you, knowing that it's him that gets to see you this vulnerable and stuffed. he wouldn't be a plugger i don't imagine, rather just enjoys the view of your pussy absolutely covered in his essence.
aftercare i think is a hit or miss, he either goes all prince charming, or he's too far gone in his own pleasure to care. he'll ask if you're okay and if you enjoyed it (every time lmao) but he wouldn't be running your bath or whatever. his aftercare is more kisses and cuddles, showing you how much he appreciates and loves you. skin-to-skin after sex is a must! he's going to cuddle into you and whisper how much he loves you (and your body) which can sometimes lead to another round depending on how tired he js.
bedtime is for pillowtalk, asking the most random questions, and confessions. he's a senstive soul even id he doesn't show it all the time and a little vulnerable so when it gets dark and you're surrounded by silence, his mind will have time to think. he trusts you completely, especially a few years in, you're his confidant and lover, there isn't a worry or thought he won't share with you no matter how small. he values your opinion and your heart so if he is having a hard time, he's laying his feeling out to you in the cover of night. if you act uninterested, he will close off and not mention some aspects of his life again so it would be important to really listen and understand him (as he would with you)
he is going to love you like it's the easiest and hardest thing in the world, the relationship will never be boring and you will find a lover and friend in him <3
i went too far w this but i have so many thought about him and this 😭 it might not be accurate, i mean, i dont know the man but these are my opinions!
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
You take care of their hair
You x One Peice Characters
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Luffy, Buggy, Mihawk, Sanji, Zoro, Usopp
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Buggy hair is long and truthfully very beautiful. He takes pride in it secretly even if he doesn't let anyone know- When you get there and start taking care of his hair it flourishes.
"You have such pretty hair!" Yoj gush as you moisturize the long blue locks
He is like a l'oreal model at this point and will step out to do shows with his hair down sometimes. Loves it when you wash his hair too and will make cute noises when you scratch his scalp. Enjoys the nice scents you add to his hair as well.
"Oi- I like the Candy Apple scent more-"
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Oh Sanji is a sap for this, Taking your willingness to care for his hair as a show of love- however that's for you to decide if it is.
"If this is how we say we love each other I gladly accept~"
His hair can be a bit tricky, It's a lot thicker then most would assume and can hold scents of whatever he was cooking. Paired with the fact his hair will be lighter on top compared to the bottom due to the sun bleaching it. However he does love it and finds cleanliness important.
"Vanilla please my love~"
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He is a struggle- Getty Luffy lanky ass in the bath is a pain in the ass and washing his hair is even more troubling. His wide curls like just act as a magnet for everything it seems and you have to go picking through it.
"Is this a damn cookie?!"
Once you get his hair to be a untangled it's really pretty. Dark shiny curls that reflect the sunlight like a halo. While he still fussed he's more willing as time goes. Will randomly talk about whatever comes to mind, or eat snacks as you comb through his hair.
"I like the Ocean Breeze soap more (Y/N)"
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Oh Zoro- He tries to dodge you every chance he gets. It takes you catching him when he was hiding in the storage closet and ended up falling asleep.
"You smell like a barn- Move you ass..." You will threaten. Making him grumbled but comply non the less.
He's just as bad as Luffy but will just sit and pout as you wash his hair. Luckily it's short but it can get very oily- especially with how much he trains. You will also help him trim his hair, keeping it as even as possible. While he doesn't say it, he does appreciate the care. Will fall asleep as you do his hair.
"Mint- Mint is fine..."
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While you do wash his locs for him most of your time is spent separating and retwisting them. Buying good oils for his hair and spending a least and few solid hours retwisting the new growth on his hair.
"How does your hair grow so fast?!"
You question as you sort through the locs one by one and every two weeks washing them and reapply products to them. Usopp appreciates the help truthfully, since it takes away something he has to do for himself. He will tell stories as you do his hair, talking about made up adventures and tell jokes.
"Hmm I am tied between the Coconut scent or the Passionfruit both remind me of this amazing adventure I had once-"
He picks both.
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Mihawk is used to doing his own hair, smoothing it back to fit under his had with ease. However when your jolly ass appears it seems you must take control of the situation.
He doesn't mind however, enjoying the pampering. Enjoys the sensation of you running your fingers through his hair. His Hair needs some serious moisture so you add a small bit of oil to it, Especially since his hair is surprisingly thick, dense and likes to frizz. It's not surprising to find some fuzzies from his hat in his hair as well.
"Your hair spikes up so much- Like a chicken ass-"
Will grumble in disagreement of the comparison however continues to let you handle his hair, will also take care of his beard and adds nice beard balms as well as line it up for him- If he feels like letting you. Will read while you do it and sip his favorite wine.
"The bergamot scent is very nice-
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neo-percs · 11 months
CHERRY POP:: ( day 17 )
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WARNING:: fingering, fem! Reader, dom! Jisung, innocent! Reader, corruption kink, oral, fingering, teasing, edging, virgin! Reader.
SUMMARY:: studying with the boy who has a bad reputation within your peers, yet seemed so nice and harmless in your eyes.
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You had heard about boys like Jisung. He was mean and liked to mess with peoples heads. But it was hard to believe when you sat next to him and he'd been nothing but sweet to you. He let you copy his notes after you took a sick day, he would give you small snacks from time to time, and even asked how your day had been going.
He had done almost everything under the sun to make sure you knew he had an interest in you. From letting you copy his notes and borrowing pencils, to bringing small snacks for you to share. He even went out of his way to buy a pack of bandaids because you always get paper cuts.
But the sad reality was that you were all to naive and bubbly in the mind to even catch his drift, he hadn't had a chance to even insinuate he had a sort of infatuation with the idea of pounding you stupid while you cry.
But the sad reality was that you were all too naive and bubbly in the mind to even catch his drift, he hadn't had a chance to even insinuate he had a sort of infatuation with the idea of pounding you stupid while you cry.
But then Jisung got his chance. Your professor had assigned that your deskmate would be your partner and that you wouldn't be given time during your lecture to work on it so you would have to meet up in your free time to get the work done.
And after an exchange of words the both of you decided to meet at Jisung's apartment to work together from scratch and finish while managing to get a good grade.
The last thing Jisung was worried about was his grade to be completely honest, he was focused on one thing, you. So when you sat next to him in your cute little sweater vest and crème plaid skirt that rode up your plush thighs while you skimmed over pages of the book your project was on he couldn't focus on anything but you.
And you had realized he had been looking at you for a while when you looked out the corner of your eye, the proximity between the two of you who had been so small. You both sat at the wooden desk right beside each other, you couldn't help but giggle at the sight of him looking at you so softly "what?" You ask in a curious tone while your eyes meet his gaze.
"Huh?" He asks, completely dazed as he blinks "you were staring Jisung" you whisper, Jisung only clears his throat and grabs the can of soda with a straw inside. "Can't help it" he mumbled as he caught the plastic straw between his teeth and let his lips wrap around it while drinking the carbonated drink inside.
"Why?" You ask tilting your head subtly as your hair moves a bit out of place. "I just need a bit of help" he feigned with a lost look on his face. You only lean closer to look down at his worksheet to see a few words scattered along in black pen messily while most of it had been blank.
"I can help. The page numbers in your notes have all the answers" you tell him as he picks up the thick book the both of you had been reading the past few weeks with your class only now having to work on the project. He flips through the beige paper on a small hunt to find the page written in his note.
Jisung had decided to contribute. He would rather still have a good grade on this project rather than you doing all the work, although it was hard to focus with your skirt riding up your thighs that had been pushed against his leg as you tried to look into his book and highlight some of the answers.
But as time went on Jisung had grown tired of watching you look down at the book and decided to take matters even further into his own hand. His fingers brushed against your plush thigh sending goosebumps up against your skin. As you shivered you looked up at him, your eyes flickering from the book to him as you had trouble deciding on exactly how you felt about his cold fingers rubbing up and down your thighs tickling you almost.
"You're very pretty, you know that right?" Jisung said as he tried to lower his head and catch the look on your face while you annotated in your notes to get some of your own answers. "Thank you-" you answered shyly hoping your face didn't get flush or your lips bite back the smile you wanted to put on so badly.
"No really! You're very cute" he said as his tone dripped in amusement, yet you hadn't caught the whim of it because his pale nimble fingers brushed some of your hair away from your face. You look up to see his dark brown eyes looking back with a look you had never seen before.
You shy away from him as you look away in hopes the conversation would stop. But it doesn't because Jisung is stubborn, his hand finds itself cupping your face and turning your head to face him. "Look at me" he demanded, his tone was stern, and who were you to disobey it?
When you look up at him with large doe eyes he can't help but feel his cock twitch in his pants at how cute you looked. "You don't have to be shy with me, I promise I can take care of you" he whispers just above a whisper as his eyes look at your plump and glossy lips. "Take care of me?" You ask, feeling your mind being scattered all over the place.
"Mhm, I can show you if you want" he nods as his fingers catch your chin in a small grip and a boyish grin that sat perfectly on his red stained lips from his soda. You nod in response, you wouldn't take any other way, Jisung was being selfless in your eyes as he offered to take care of you.
He smiled as he leaned in closer and you could feel his warm breath on your face as his cologne engulfef you. His nose brushes against yours as he closes the distance your lips press against each other.
Although you were fairly inexperienced in intimacy you tried to kiss back but you were stiff. Jisung only pulled away cooing at your desperate face. "Slow down. Let me guide you" he said, caressing your face as he pecked your lips.
"Okay" you say as you lean forward once more letting your lips gently collide, his lips move softly against yours, tilting his head Jisung deepened the kiss letting his tongue pushing past your lips and brushing against yours.
You let out a small whimper as your hand grabs onto his thigh which he didn't mind at all. Jisung thought your eagerness was so cute it turned him on. He couldn't help but let his hand trail to the back of your neck pulling you closer.
Your breathing was in shambles as you felt something weird that makes you shiver and clench your thighs together. Pulling away you press your forehead to Jisung's as you let out a small whine squirming in your chair.
"I feel so weird- I need help" you whine as you push your skirt between your legs hoping to relieve yourself of the sudden feeling inside your panties frustrating. "Yeah? You need my help?" He asked as his fingers trail your knee and up your thighs.
"Mhm, make it go away please" you practically moan as your hips shake, you clench your fist in frustration as it bunches up your skirt. "Can you lift your skirt so I can help you?" He asks as his large hand grasps one of your fists, rubbing gentle circles into your skin with the pad of his thumb.
"Okay" you whisper as you push your thighs together, slightly flustered at the thought of Jisung wanting to see under your skirt. Lifting it up Jisung's brown eyes were bestowed with your cute white panties, a bow on the elastic band, like a present just for him.
Jisung can't help but smile when he sees the dark patch growing as the seconds pass. Your body shivers at the way his brown eyes bore into the view of your clothed pussy and it makes you snap your thighs shut.
His lips pursed while his eyes didn't seem to move from your pantie clad crotch which you were tryin to hide from his vision. "Jisung- I've never done stuff like this, and you're making me nervous" you whine. He could only chuckle as his hands moved to your thighs as he rubs comforting circles onto your skin.
"It's okay. Remember I'm taking care of you. You trust me with your body don't you?" He asks as his eyes move to meet yours and in return he is greeted with a soft gaze. Jisung needed to see tears in your eyes from how good he fucked you. You only nod at his questions making the pinkette huff out a small laugh.
"Then open your legs so I can help you. I promise it might hurt a bit but I'll make you feel real good baby" and you shutter at the pet name he had assigned you and push your legs open regardless. This time Jisung wastes no time to tug at your panties and push it against your clit teasingly which earns him a delicious moan that fell past your plump lips.
Your legs quiver at the pressure on your clit, letting out a shaky breath you look between your legs and see Jisung pulling at your panties and pulling it to the side finally letting your pussy meet the warm air of his bedroom. Jisung could only bite back and groan at the view of your pussy glistening under the small desk lamp on the wooden table you both had been turned away from.
"Stand up" he says breathlessly, you listen to words eager to get rid of this tingling feeling between your thighs. "Sit on the desk" he directs as he pushes both of the chairs away from the desk as he waits for you to plant you butt on the wooden desktop. And just as you do you legs spread mindlessly and look up at him like a deer in headlights.
Paying no mind to the look you give him he lets himself move between your thighs so you can longer shut them, his hand makes no its way under your skirt with no hesitation. His middle finger glides against your slit feeling your slick stick to his fingers. You close your eyes and suck in a deep breath.
"It's okay, I'm gonna get rid of the weird feeling for you" he coos as he lets his ring finger and middle finger rub your clit with minimal pressure not to overwhelm you. Your eyes shoot open at the sudden pleasure as you release a breathy whine.
"Does that feel good?" He questioned as his fingers rub circles on your clit with ease as the slicked sound of your pussy greeted his ears. "Yeah, it feels really good. Please don't stop" you moan as you open your legs wider. Oh how Jisung loved the way you were falling apart and he hadn't even done anything major.
Pulling you closer to the edge of the table Jisung got down onto his knees he moved his fingers away from your pleasure seeking parts now as he had the perfect view. His hands wrap around your thighs as he looks up at you "is this okay? I can eat you right?" He asks as he kisses your inner thigh.
Your hands grip the edge as your knuckles turn a pale shade. "It's okay" you nod and watch as he smiles "good" he says back as he rips his gaze away from your face and down to your pussy with no regard for anything else going around you all.
The heat of his mouth nearing your pussy he licks small stripes against your clit before he sensually licks from your hole to your clit, and sucking on your clit with fervor.
You moan as your head falls back against the wall. The sounds you make are so pleasurable to his ears. He presses his nose on your clit, inhaling your scent deeply before his tongue dives inside your waiting pussy. You pull onto his hair, writhing against his face.
"Oh- fuck" you manage to whimper out you tug at his hair as he groaned, your eyes shut as you moan, Jisung groans hearing the foul language fall past your lips unexpectedly with neediness dripping from your tone. His hand moving from your plush thigh under your skirt, his thumb rubbing harsh circles on your clit he pulled away, licking your clit once more his middle and ring fingers make way to your entrance.
Pushing in slowly you groan at the penetration, easing your tight walls around his thick fingers the slight burn and foreign feeling makes you whine. He pushes them deeper; you feel the cool metal on his rings all the way at the knuckles of his fingers as it grounds you from the euphoric feeling.
Pulling his head from under your skirt he looks up at you with your juices on his swollen lips and on his chin his fingers begin to move opening your eyes you look down at him feeling his gaze as he watches you react gasping as the feeling you grind down against his fingers "you like that? Hm?" He says as he licks your essence off of his lips.
His hair now disheveled as his cheeks were blooming with a soft blush, you nod eagerly "yeah? You want me to go faster for you?" He coos feeling you clench around him at the sound of his lewd words. "Come on, say it. Tell me what you want" he demanded, making you clench harder "yes please" you say, losing your mind on his fingers as you absentmindedly grind down on his.
He hums as he lifts your skirt bunching it over your hips he watches his finger get sucked inside of you. Moaning at the sight with sparkling eyes. His fingers hitting all the right places stuffing your pussy as the sloppy sounds of his fingers pounding into you as if you were his personal fuck toy.
"So good just for me right?" He asks as his tongue finds its way back to your clit, he looks up at you choking on your moans "only you I promise Ji" you say feeling a familiar pressure build in the pit of your stomach. "I feel something," you whimper.
sending tingles down your body before he licked big stripes of your cunt, sucking on your clit, his tongue working wonders on you. "It's okay just let go, cum on my fingers" he says possessively.
His thumb replacing his tongue as he rubs circles on your clit, your hips shake as your mind is clouded with the sudden rush of your orgasm. You let out an almost pornographic moan as he continues to pump his fingers in and out of you until you ride out your high.
"Good girl" he coos as you grip his wrist as overstimulation starts to creep in. Waiting for you to come down he slowly removes his fingers as he is eager to taste you. Jisung's dripping fingers make their way up to your clit as his mouth makes its way to your puffy lips. he pushes his heavy fingers on your clit as he adorns your lips with light pecks and kitten licks before using his free hand to pull them apart and licking your hole. his mouth sucks you hard in its endeavor to suck out whatever your pussy allows him.
Your hips buck at the feeling the sloppy sounds make your head spin. one of your hands moves to grip the hair on the back of his head and you push his face into yourself even more "oh god" you say shivering at the feeling. Pulling away his eyes look up at you while his lips attach themselves to your thigh that still sat on the wooden table, he bites and sucks the skin on your thigh in different spots leaving red and purple spots to bloom into hickeys as the hours pass.
Pulling away he lifts his fingers still covered in your cum up to his lips sucking on them becoming addicted to the way you taste. "You taste so good" he mumbled as he stood up showing the tent in pants that seemed to grow. And once your eyes meet the bulge your eyes visibly widen.
You had no idea what you did to Jisung but his mind was in a haze "what about you?" You ask looking at the obvious boner sticking "I wanna help you" you whisper while your hand weakly reaches out to touch at him. And just as your fingers raze the bulge you see his thigh twitch.
"Are you sure you can take it?" He asks as he begins to fiddle with the button of his jeans. "I know I can" you watch the button come undone and the zipper being pulled down. You could only see the elastic band of Jisung's boxers but regardless you were still nervous.
Everything moved so fast yet here you were on his desk pushing back the books to the other side of the desk without any regards for the cherry soda can that had sat idly. You almost giggled in shock as you didn't even realize Jisung had pulled his jeans down to his ankle and was fisting his cock in his hands while looking down at your pussy that still had been on display.
You looked down seeing how tight his fingers wrapped around his length while translucent liquid seeped from his tip down his shaft. You reach your hand towards his fist and push it away, trying for yourself to do exactly what you saw, the slight squelching of his precum making friction with your hand had you clenching around nothing.
"Like this? Does it feel good like this?" You ask looking up at Jisung who had his eyes closed and his bottom lip caught between his teeth while his breathing was heavy. His hands now hold up the hem of his shirt while his hips buck into your hand.
"Mhm, just like that. Keep going" he says in a raspy voice. Fuck Jisung was gonna lose it hearing the way you giggled as you felt him twitch in your palm. "It's so pretty" you whisper to yourself as you move your hand harder. Jisung couldn't believe he was drunk on the feeling of your hand and he didn't even put his cock inside you yet, which brings him to his next conclusion.
"You know what would make me feel so much better?" He asks as he opens his eyes to look down on you. "Hm?" Your question is just barely focused. "What if I made both of us feel good at the same time Hm? You like that idea baby?" He asks. And there it was, the butterflies in your stomach churning "as long as it makes you feel good Ji" you mumbled.
God it was like you were heaven sent. He pulls your hand away from his shaft as he finds himself getting comfortable between your thighs once more his hand finds place at his base as he presses his tip to your clit rubbing his precum over it, your heavy breathing put Jisung in a trance that nobody has ever had before.
Before he could even push his tip to your entrance he opens the drawer beside him grabbing a condom and while the both of you exchange looks Jisung uses his teeth to rip open the pack and letting the wrapper drop the floor as he slides the condom over himself.
"You ready?" He asked giving you one more final look in hopes you wouldn't back out but also letting you take a chance at voicing you wanted to stop. But the smile on your face as you said "I'm ready" with a nod make Jisung smile proudly as his ego boosted beyond normal levels.
He pressed his tip against your entrance watching as it sinks inside your tight walls. The both of you hiss as your both looking down to we're you had been connected. You let out a small whine at the stretch where as Jisung slowly let himself push inside you slowly letting you get accustomed to his size.
Your hands move to his shoulders as your nails dig crescents into his skin, Jisung didn't mind he knew you were in pain, he decided to buck his hips just a bit to ease the pain you felt from the stretch. "Can I move more?" He mumbled as his hands hold your waist. You felt your walls ease around him so you take a deep breath. "You can move" you answer.
His hips gyrate as he thrusts into you slowly, the sound of your pussy squelching makes you feel slightly embarrassed, but your thoughts are irrupted by the pleasure which earns a moan from you. "It feels- good" you let your moan rip through your throat like a knife. "Yeah? I make you feel this good?" He asks with a foggy mind.
His hips rock into yours as his mind is clouded with the sweet smell of your perfume, his head drops into your shoulder as his lips leave small wet kisses. "You feel so fucking good" he groaned as he begins to suck on a small spot on your neck.
Your rigid walls rubbing against his shaft while you were already so tight and warm just made his eyes roll back while his hand mess with the buttons on your shirt to get the fabric that had kept your warm skin from touching.
Jisung was choking back moans as he pulls your shirt off of you and dropping it onto the desk besides you. Your head was tilted back as you let the pleasure wash over you like a wave. You wanted to drown in the ocean that was Park Jisung, and from the way his hand falls to underneath your thigh to hike it up onto the desk and he stroked deeper inside you he definitely wanted you to.
"Faster" you moan as your hand entangled itself into his hair pulling on his hair as your heavy breathing into his ear. "Yeah? You want me to fuck you faster? You're so greedy and we barely started- fuck" he groaned into your neck as his mind is blank.
How could you make him feel so good and you didn't even know what you were doing? Was it the way you moaned into his ear? Maybe the way your pussy felt around him as his hips are now sharply moving into you as his pace speeds up? Or maybe it's the way you were so easily falling apart on his cock as you come closer and closer to the edge of your orgasm.
"Yeah, it's so deep and it feels so good" you giggle out as you moan, your lips were swollen but that wouldn't stop you from biting them. You try to desperately roll your hips against his which makes Jisung lose his mind even more.
"Does it? Huh? You like it when I help you like this?" He asks as he leans back holding onto your thighs watching your cheek bounce almost spilling from the bra as he holds your hips still giving harder thrusts "Yes, yes, yes" you practically sob as his hips begin to deliver faster thrusts inside you. "So good" he moaned as his head pushes back into the nape of your neck you tilt your head to the side to give him more space.
You feel the warmth of his tongue licking a stripe on your bare skin slowly he began biting and sucking leaving behind trails of hickeys. "Oh fuck" you moan as you let your fingers slide through his hair your eyes roll back.
His hips buck into you harder and deeper making you clench down on him harder as you moan "you're so deep" you say while arching your back as the desk thumps against the dry wall a harsh sound of his thighs meeting yours resided in the air.
"You feel so good like this" he groaned as his hands grip your waist harder the feeling of your warm wet walls gripping him so good just puts his mind in a sudden state of cloud 9. The way you tugged his hair and dragged your nails across his bare skin made him want to cum so bad.
"please—" you begged as your head lulled back against the wall and your moans pushed him further to go harder and faster. You moan as you feel like your on the tipping edge of your orgasm, your hand falling in between your thighs to rub your clit in hopes to boost your hopes of cumming.
Pushing your hand out of the way stubbornly Jisung pushes the harsh pad of his thumb against your clit rubbing it as he moans out in the way your hand tugs his hair. Biting his swollen lips he pounds into you harder making your back arch even more your chests are pressed together.
The room was now warm as the sticky sound of skin slapping and the desk pounding against the wall was pretty much anyone could hear neither of you had shame in anything you did. The way he pounded into you could make it seem like a pornstar was just doing child's play.
"So fucking tight" he groaned as his hips sporadically thrust into you at a sloppy pace to feel your walls practically suck him back in.
The way your walls around his dick was absolutely delicious to ran he couldn't help but moan as his thrust pick up "oh my fucking god- you feel too good" he gasps as his thrust become deeper and sharp.
With each snap of his hips the sound of skin on skin resided in the air along with breathy moans, his eyes settled down on your where you were connected and watching how he disappeared inside you with every thrust.
Your moans were like a symphony to his ears and he just couldn't get enough. His lips press against yours out of desire to feel you, his tongue licks the underside of yours sucking on it while you moan into his mouth.
His dirty words make you clench around him tightly as you nod eagerly "it feels- so good" you gasp hoping that the feeling would never end. The small nipping of his teeth on your skin almost pushing you over the edge.
"I want you to cum for me, let that big feeling go and it would make me feel so good baby" he moaned as he practically slams into you so hard he begins to tip the metal can filled with the long forgotten carbonated drink.
And the mention of that feeling had began to build in the pit of your stomach "I feel like I'm gonna explode" you cry out as the pleasure drives you to tears as they cloud your eyes.
But that didn't stop Jisung from letting his hands trail to your back and unhook your bra, dropping it onto the floor with the rest of your clothes he took his shirt off as well.
Your sweet moans and whines were bringing him equally as close but he wanted to- no he to see you fall apart on his cock while you cum. And the way your bare chest bounced pushed him even further.
The way his pelvic bone made friction against your clit had your head spinning while the knot in your stomach was close to coming undone. And the feeling of Jisung's tongue against your nipple had sent shivers down your spine as you grip his hair harder.
"You like that? When I fuck you hard like this?" He asks with a hard gaze up at you who was nodding "oh you're enjoying this so much baby" he coo'd as you babble in coherent words in response to his dirty ones that sent you into a spiral.
"I'm gonna- oh god! It feels so-" you bite your lip as your eyes roll back. The sudden shock of your orgasm at instantly shut you up as Jisung chased his orgasm as your warm tight walls spasm around him. "Mmh, it's okay, you're doing good" he whispers as he feels himself being pushed over the edge by your whimpers while he fucks your through your high.
And like an artist playing in white paint Jisung spills his seed into the condom as a guttural moan as his jaw slacks. As he gives you a few more harsh thrusts. His last thrust is so hard that the desk nearly puts a hole in the wall, lucky for him the only thing that happened was the soda can with the cherry flavored drink inside spilled over onto the wooden floors and his desk.
The both of you sit in silence as you wrack your brains. Jisung realized how pussy drunk he had gotten as he slipped out of you slowly taking off the condom he tied it and threw it in the trash without a second thought his focus was on you. He rubs comforting circles on your thighs as you breath heavily with your eyes shut.
Your skin was glowing, and the warm lighting of the sun on your skin did all kinds of justice for you. "I'm so tired- I think this project can wait a little while" you say lazily as the feeling of soreness sinks in.
"Alright then, let's get you in a warm bath and some comfortable clothes. We can finish the project when you feel better okay?" He says as he moves away from you and your body warmth to grab his boxers "okay" you say content with his plan.
You watch him disappear into the bathroom connected to his room as you look at the 'cherry pop' can sit on its side still leaking with the red drink on the floor which you knew would grow sticky if nobody cleaned up.
And as time ticked away you watch droplets of the red liquid fall into a puddle on the floor.
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kazuhaiku · 21 days
when you're sick
warnings: gn!reader, fluff, sick!reader ノ pairings: sakura, suo, umemiya, kaji, togame x reader (separate)
notes: im back once again with a headcanon drabble ^__^
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does not really know what to do
it's a given that sakura never really had the chance to take care of other people before he came to furin, so when he finds out you're sick, the first thing he does is ask nirei what to do (though reluctantly. he almost ran away after saying "what-"). suo and nirei almost laugh at sakura's face, seeing how red it is, but they give him good advice.
he does his best picking out which medicine to buy that is fitting for your cold, buys some soup from his favorite restaurant, and even buys your favorite manga to keep you company while he's out in school.
you really can't help but smile when sakura hands you these items. he rubs the back of his head nervously, scared that none of the stuff he chose were right for you, but you gently affirm him that these are all perfect. you even gave him a kiss on his cheek as a reward. he stays to help you do simple tasks and gets really worked up when you try to get up.
"don't get up! you're still recovering."
"'kura, i'm fine."
"no you're not! now stay right there."
he's got medicine at the ready. he keeps a separate pouch at home for the different kinds of medicine that suit your needs. it honestly shocked you at first when you texted suo that you aren't able to meet up with him for the day because you are sick and he suddenly appears in front of your doorstep in just ten minutes.
suo is carrying the medicine pouch, some towels, and even some snacks so you don't get bored of soup and healthy food. he takes care of you really well, changing the towel on your forehead every few hours. he also reminds you to take your medicine on time, which leads you to healing faster than normal.
"have you drank your medicine yet?"
"mhm, you reminded me like five minutes ago."
trust me when i say that umemiya will panic. i mean, even if you say that you only have a small cold, umemiya will abandon everything he's doing just to go and check up on you. he doesn't even stop by the pharmacy to buy you medicine because his only priority right now is you.
when he reaches your home, he barges in, quickly calling out that it was him before making you panic. he walks to your room and almost cries when he sees you on the bed.
"baby! are you okay? does it hurt anywhere?"
"haji, it's only a fever."
"a fever can be fatal! you never know what it will lead to! have you drank your medicine? eat enough food? drink enough water? you're sweating like crazy come on let's get you changed."
you can't protest because umemiya is already carrying you out of your bed and sits you down on the table in the bathroom. he grabs a fresh towel and gently pat your face, arms, legs, and body. honestly, the best person to be around with.
he panics but doesn't show it. when he receives your text that you aren't able to make it to your date tonight because of your sickness, kaji's heart drops to his stomach and freezes on the spot. if he's on patrol, his vice captains will look at him, confused as to why their captain is frozen in his place.
"kaji? what- HEY! where are you going?!"
he ignores their cries, running straight for your house. he makes a quick stop to the pharmacy and everyone's favorite bakery to buy some medicine and your favorite bread.
when he reaches your house, he knocks on your door, catching his breath while he waits. when you open the door, kaji sees your weak form barely holding yourself up to greet him.
"kaji? what are you doing here? aren't you on patrol right now?"
"wanted to be here... with you."
he would be able to tell that you are sick from the way you're pausing when he asks you a question. you're in the middle of eating dinner with him, the usual plan, but for some reason tonight you've been acting a bit off.
not like it's a bad thing or anything, but from the way your cheeks are a bit red, togame can tell that you're not feeling well.
"baby, you okay?"
"hm..? yeah, i'm okay. why?"
"you sure?"
"um, i might be feeling a bit sick- but i promise i'm okay! we can continue our date after this."
"no, we are not," togame sternly says, quickly asking the waiter to ask for takeaway. "we're going straight home and you're going to be resting. we can continue our date there."
a sad expression appears on your face, feeling guilty the date ended early. togame notices immediately and immediately rubs soothing circles on your hand. "come on, don't give me that look, baby. don't be sad. 's okay, i don't mind staying at home for tonight."
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pbueckerslover · 5 months
paige bueckers gf head canons pt. 2 ༘⋆🌷🫧💭 ⋆˙
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pairing(s): paige bueckers x female!reader
warnings: language, mentions/talks of sex, fluff
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-loves braiding your hair any chance she can get
-secretly loves being little spoon and laying in your arms
-will always take care of you when you’re sick or on your period (she’ll buy you all of your fav snacks, drinks and anything that will cheer you up)
-when you’re on your period she’ll rub your stomach and back because she understands the pain and just wants her girl to feel better
-will binge your favorite tv shows and movies with you
-takes you shopping whenever she feels like it because she knows you deserve that princess treatment !!!!
-loves to surprise you when you haven’t seen each other for a while (she’ll make a big deal out of it and buy you things, take you out to dinner, decorate your place, etc.)
-always touching you in some way because she just can’t keep her hands off of you
-definitely makes you do tiktoks with her and kk and will teach you the dances
-loves taking bubble baths with you it’s her fav thing to do to wind down after a long day
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nsfw warning!!! (18+)
-strap game goes CRAZYYYYY
“want you to ride my cock baby” “taking my cock so well babygirl”
-her fav thing to do is take care of you especially after you’ve had a long day “let me make you feel better baby, i know just the thing to cheer you up”
-loves it when you take control like it’s literally the most attractive thing you can do in her opinion
-jealous as hell!!! even if someone stares at you for too long she’ll drag you out of wherever you are and once you get home you know you’re in for a long night
“you’re all mine baby” “nobody will ever fuck you as good as me you got that?”
-morning sex with her 🤭🤭🤭
-she absolutely loves it when you wear lingerie or something sexy for her and she thinks you look so pretty in it but all she can think about is ripping it off of you
-whispers the nastiest shit in your ear when you’re in public just to see you get all worked up
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⇾ be sure to check out my masterlist if you enjoyed! any type of interaction is appreciated :,)
⇾ ty for all the love on part 1!! i’m having sm fun w/ these headcanons so lmk if you have any specific suggestions :)
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bunnis-monsters · 1 month
I really love your writing and the way that you portray the reader 💕✨
I just wanted to drop this doggy bag of ideas at your door and you can do with them what you will!!
Warnings: MDNI, fem!reader, slight colorful language, most of it is suggestive, the last one is more explicit
My favorite/comfort vibe: the character genuinely loves the reader and doesn’t make “I hate being married” jokes, the Gomez Addams type of guy. Always supportive and never disrespectful. More loyal than a dog. Literally being rude or hurtful is not even in their operating system. Pure embodiment of gentle chivalry. Maximum dose of respect human beings and living creatures juice every morning. I literally can not get enough of this trope
It’s the old west and that rancher with a spotted tail and a large set of horns sticking out of his head is looking mighty fine as he wipes his freckled chest and neck with his patterned bandanna. You, a sweet young lady who is just passing through the town, offers him some water to drink. He accepts it with gratitude and chugs it down. You try not to stare at the lump moving in his throat, or the stray drop of water that you feel jealous of, it getting the chance to caress his skin instead of you. You try to play coy, but he takes his deep breaths into his large muscular barreled chest, he smells your sweetness and can look down and notice your legs shuffling closely together, your cheeks looking a little more flushed. He wonders if your other cheeks could flush the same way. His patterned ears flick and he tries not to get too excited as his tail swishes back and forth. He gives you back your canteen and offers you a ride to your temporary lodgings. Maybe he can convince to stay indefinitely, maybe he can convince you to do it by his side. <3
The og type vampire! Dracula but a himbo/science genius that studies you to learn about humans. He made a special trip to the village to buy more candelabras for you to move around and 3 more long flowy dramatic gowns that accentuate your curves and allow the moonlight to caress your soft skin just as he wishes to caress you. He leaves your favorite snack lying fresh for you in odd places, he seems to think this is all you need to live in way of nutrition, I mean, he only consumes one thing right? He assumes it’s the same for his little human. Cue hijinks of her escaping to the village to eat and teach the vampire how to take care of humans, and her learning about his vampire ways and his fancy new witchcraft (which is just sciencey things). He loves garlic but is severely allergic to it. Literally has been looking for a formula to cure it for like so long, it’s basically the only reason he got interested in science. He mumbles about cheesy garlic bread when he is in one of his rare sleeps.
The protective punk/gang leader pixie! with nasty ass styled jet black hair (and a hauntingly beautiful shimmer to it) protectively grabbing his girl by the waist, pulling you close as an “accidental” foul baseball narrowly misses your face. He glared back at the team who had just realized that they chose the wrong person to pick on, their smirks sliding off their faces. He does enjoy a good game! He likes to use his baseball bat (decorated with dragonflys that you made to match his wings) for more…unsavory things. He’ll be stopping by the afterschool meet to teach them how one could really use a bat, with them as the kind, totally willing volunteers :) He comes home to you with strange stains on his white tank top, you try not to stare too long at his slender and molded waist, perfectly framed by his high waisted fitted denim jeans. He catches you looking though, and gives you a “c’mere baby doll and gimmie some sugar” an annoyingly smug smirk plastered across his horribly perfect face. You were already glued to him, cursing yourself for loving such an insufferably wonderful and rough and tough fool.
The succubus! Butler who literally never stops thinking about you. Who is with you from sun up to sun down to serve you and care for you in any capacity that your little heart desires. Literal doormat, might actually fantasize being a door mat for you tbh? Loves seeing you in elegant and lavish shoe wear, he hates dirt for existing and never wants your feet to touch an unclean floor. Would literally pass out if someone inconvenienced you. You just roll your eyes and smile. You pat the space between his horns, pulling him close to your chest and resting your head atop his, gently reminding him again that you live in a reasonably priced apartment in a reasonably priced area and you never asked for a butler or to be treated like royalty and that he can relax and just enjoy your company. (He literally just showed up one night and decided he wanted to be your butler). He won’t hear of it though, you are a goddess that must be attended to! Don’t take this from him, it makes him so happy to be of service! You begrudgingly allow him to spoil you once more. This time though, you manage to trick him (you didn’t, all you did was ask) into the bathtub with you where you press your bare chest flush against his back and softly scrub his chest with a softly scented product. You insist that this is his reward for being such a dutiful and kind partner, and he’s glad that the bubbles hide the situation happening between his legs. You’re just as happy to help him with that too, reaching around front and reminding him again how beautiful he is and how lucky you are to have him in his life and he literally went feral, water and bubbles coating the tiles as you two tangle around in the water. The next morning he bring you breakfast to eat on the balcony, he happily watches you eat your meal, happy to see you eating and getting full just as he did to you last night ;)
The Undead!Soldier that never wanted to be sent off to the war in the first place and constantly looks at the photo in the heart locket you gave him and wishing to come home safe to your arms. Wishing to free himself from endlessly reviving in different places where he becomes a part of an undead army, only to be defeated and re animated again, praying to one day respawn somewhere close to you, where you can be his light and save him from this dark and endless maze. When you finally manage to free him, you took him to the local necromancer to get put back together, you guys couldn’t find his ring finger so the necromancer threw one in for free. It had a cryptic and eerily familiar tattoo on it resembling a small yellow creature with blue overalls. A shiver went down your spine and you cringed, the two of you went to another necromancer the next day to get it replaced immediately.
The town crook, swiper no swiping type bitch. He has a large fluffy gray and black ringed tail and a cute matching set of ears. His jaw is sharp and his fingers are dexterous, he can never seem to keep them to himself. It’s hard to get something of yours back once he’s managed to sneak it away from you and into his stash. You’ve certainly been spending a lot of money and time buying new undergarments. One night, you catch him rummaging through your panty drawer. He stops like a deer in the headlights. No, not because you caught him, took you long enough anyways. No, it’s that nice little lingerie nightie that you’ve got on. Now just who did you wear that for? He’s no stranger to your clothing habits (him? A peeping Tom? Nooooo~) You surely must have worn it for him!! You’d never admit it but you did wear it in hopes of stalling him long enough to get a good look at your secret admirer. He blushes profusely as you stalk closer to him, studying the planes and details of his handsome face up close. His fingers twitch uncontrollably by his sides as he desperately fights to keep them off you without your say so. He can smell your sweet scent up this close and- what are you doing to him?! He’s about to make a mess in his pants and you haven’t even touched him yet! Your arms playfully clasped behind your back as you lean back and walk over to the bed, stopping before it. You slowly tease the panties down your plush thighs and flick it in his direction without looking, sliding your soft legs underneath the covers. “Come back soon lover boy” you wave him goodbye as he hops out of your balcony window into the night, a dainty pair of panties worn across his face. The next morning, you awoke to a collection of expensive jewelry and colorful stones mixed with various and obscure snacks, a ringed tail peeking out from atop your window/
the out of luck wolf!mutt street fighter with nothing to lose finding the girl of his dreams when he meets eyes with a widowed Governess. She never actually met her late husband but at the wedding, he promptly left to serve in a far off war and never returned. The Governess publicly shamed and pitied all the same in the eyes of the people. He didn’t care about any of that, he didn’t care about her status or that she was once married or that she probably wouldn’t even recognize who he was if she saw him again. He hasn’t seen her since he was just a scrawny runt, beaten and bruised just as he is today, but with the difference of being able to defend himself now. He remembers your sweet chubby cheeks and plush arms that always felt so safe to be in. You two were just children, him a dirty street urchin, and you, a daughter set to inherit a duchy upon marriage. You to had lost touch as you got busier with your studies and began to grow up. He had honestly let you fade from his mind as well over time. But he’ll never forget when he saw you again. Now fully grown with eyes so striking that you reminded him what life was supposed to feel like with a single spark. His barren and brush covered heart caught fire and the only thing that could quench it was getting a taste of you. He manages to find ways to insert himself into your life and get to know you again. You like to read? He never learned how but he’d be happy to try if you did it with him! Otherwise doesn’t see the point. Wants to impress you with his fighting skills and never understands why you get upset for his safety and getting roughed up. He came back alive right? What’s a few more scratches? (He also loves it when you play nurse on him, he loves being doted on). Nobody understands why the widowed Governess would hang out with a mutt like him, he’s quick to silence the rumors and hate, and you’re growing suspicious of how eagerly he allows you to bandage him. He clicks his teeth when he notices that you’re catching on. He needs to be careful, this is the only time he feel like he can get close to you and get a whiff of your scent. He always feels bad that he’s dirty and smells of the streets. Maybe with time, you can tempt this sweet stray into your safe and open arms, where you can help clean him up, and instead of a street fighter, he’s a dude in a nice suit that he has already managed to fuck up, fighting in the street with the bus boy he tripped into. You’re at the snack table minding your business and letting him get his energy out, getting ready for when you two have to release some different energy in the comfort of your shared home later that night.
The highelf!pervert!artist in his mansion with an garden containing an insurmountable amount of foliage and beautiful landscaping, eyeing his sweet plump little maid from afar, savoring the sight as he paints your soft figure onto the canvas. He hisses as his hand softly brushes up and down his member, the skin with a shimmery undertone and a flushed mushroom tip, long and monstrous. He stops and lets his poor leaking cock go again, it swings down and the weight of it almost seems to stall it from popping back up against his softly defined abdomen, some precum staining it sheen. He furiously paints you, his enhanced eyesight allowing for him to see across the courtyard, his studio conveniently being directly across the way from your room, when you lay on your back, your hand between your plush thighs, his sensitive ears picking up on your soft gasps and moans that occasionally sound like his name. It has to be his name right? Surely you must be doing this to him on purpose!! He finishes the last paint stroke that he needs to complete his first coat, he quickly moves his pillow to the window with a bench built in underneath it. He wastes no time bucking his hips in to its softness, imagining that it was you, he sees you struggle to get your release and he just can’t take it anymore. You’ve known each other for years, you were his favorite maid and the only one that he ever paid attention to. You sure took your sweet time getting comfortable with him, he’s positive that in the past few months, you’ve been deliberately teasing him and trying to get his attention. Surely that’s why you must be driving him insane like this?? Unbeknownst to him, you were just that fucking clueless, but don’t worry, he’s about to come and show you exactly how he’s feeling towards you! When he gets his hands on you, it’s game over for being apart from him. He’s always going to want his pretty little muse to be within his line of sight! How else is he going to paint that lovely portrait of you if you keep closing your legs? Here, he knows a few ways to help you relax!~
Sorry for the long ass ask, I just wanted to share some ideas with you since I’m too lazy to ever do anything with them. I hope you’re doing well and getting all the rest and hydration you need!
For now imma share these ideas with y’all and ask which one y’all like best!!
Comment below what you’d like to see me expand on :3
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amelee23 · 1 year
Stray kids and their sneaky love antics | Fluff, Comedy
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Pairing: Stray kids members X reader (reader is implied to have periods in Felix's part but other than that no pronouns are used)
Genre: Fluff, comedy, bullet point
Warnings: sNeAkY bois, pranking and blaming it on ghosts, lino opens your bags without permission, overprotective behavior (??), they're all playing dumb, Jeongin is one feisty boy, periods, food (sweets) , lots of TEASING
Length: 2k total
A/N: It's all just for fun I swear 😂 I couldn't sleep last night so I came up with this lmao
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Chan who always puts spare change in your jacket pockets
Maybe he noticed how you always seem to freeze on the spot or apologize awkwardly every time cashiers ask you if you have any change
Or maybe this is just his way of giving you money in a way you don't notice so you won't scold him for spoiling you (again)
You don't notice it at first, but you do breathe a sigh of relief when you actually do have some coins on your next purchase
And the next one...
And the next one after that...
Okay hold up, what the-
Is your jacket pocket an endless well of fortune??? You're taking out coins but they keep coming back???
Nah just joking of course you realized it was Chan
Especially since one day you caught him, like a gremlin in the dark, hovering around your jacket in the hallway
"Whatcha doing, boo?"
He jumps and tries to splutter some excuse to you but you're not impressed
"Ah, I wanted to ask you, do you have some spare change by any chance?" You tease him and he bursts out laughing and turns beet red
"You caught me!" He exclaims, still laughing as you drag him out of the dark to cuddle with you
"You sneaky coin goblin" you tease him further and ruffle his hair
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Lee know who always puts packets of sweet biscuits in your purse/ backpack
It's a habit for him, he's a caretaker - packets of snacks for all of his kittens (you included)
You told him you liked those packets of biscuits you bought from the supermarket last time
And you told him you get hungry often when you're not home
Lino buys biscuits. Lino puts said biscuits in your bag. And then he acts like nothing happened, of course
So when you come home one day, and look inside your bag and go "oh, how'd this get here?" he shrugs his shoulders.
"Aren't they yours?" And you're like sir what
"No? Maybe someone put them in my bag by mistake?"
"No no I'm pretty sure they're yours." He answers and you're like. Oh. I see how it is.
"And you had absolutely nothing do to with them, right?" You tease, and he purses his lips and shakes his head no
"Well then if they're mine, let's eat them!" You explain, and Lino snatches them out of your hand lmao
"No, I'm pretty sure they were there so you can eat them when you get hungry outside."
"Wow it's so weird you know that considering you had nothing to do with them!" Oh he's trying so hard to keep a straight face but he's failing
So you put them back in your bag and actually keep them as an emergency snack. And then send lino a pic with the empty foil saying "thank you <3" and he literally replies with "thank the ghosts not me. I told you I had nothing to do with it."
The ghosts continued to put biscuits in your bag
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Changbin who always carries around a fanny pack with a tiny bottle of water inside in case you get thirsty outside
Changbin often showcases his care for others by looking after their health
Sometimes he can be a little irritating and pushy, always telling you to exercise and eat this and that and what not
You came to a compromise eventually, you're not gonna work out with him but you're gonna go out often and go on many walks
After all it's quality time, right?
But no no the mans come prepared
Always. Wether it's an intended walk for exercise or a walk for romantic vibes or you're going to the mall, doesn't matter
He always has that teeny tiny water bottle with him just so he can go like "you thirsty? I gotcha babe" lmao
Because as Changbin always says, "soda doesn't help with your thirst, only water does" 🙄
He's no fun sometimes but you still love his overbearing ass <3
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Hyunjin who "accidentally" gets paint on the clothes of his you like sleeping in so that you could keep them
They say there's two stages to falling in love with a man
First, you fall in love with him.
Second, you fall in love with his clothes
And oh boy that hoodie of his was looking mighty fine that evening
And the evening after
Hyunjin could swear you growl louder than Kkami if he tries to take his clothes back
Well then oOps. He mighty have accidentally painted wearing that hoodie and might have accidentally stained it with paint (weird that the stain looked like it was made with a brush, huh.)
You were like, "Oh no! We can wash it??" And he was like this paint is really hard to get out of the material, so you just HAD to keep it as your sleeping hoodie now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But then it just so happened you also caught a crush on a shirt of his one day
How'd that one also end up stained with paint???
A whole ass mystery
But oop looks like that shirt can't be worn outside anymore either, what a shame.
Hyunjin smiles to himself as he sees the collection of his clothes that are purely reserved for you, sitting on the shelf he's dedicated to you.
They're just clothes after all. Objects. He doesn't care about them, he can replace them. But you're everything to him
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Han who always comes up with new nicknames and endearment terms, each one sweeter than the other
You can't lie. At first it was kinda cringe
The way he was all like "ah, my sweetie honey poo, my shiny golden angel, the first ray of sunshine of spring warming up my heart"
Ok, dork lmao
But they always made you laugh
And he loved seeing you happy
Some days he wouldn't do it and you'd instantly notice
It became a necessity, okay? To hear what ridiculous, creative mishmash of words he could throw your way
So you'd go outta your way to ask him, "so what am I to you today?"
And Jisung's brain is buffering  "Uh, my lover?"
"Just your lover? What happened to being as soft and sweet as creme brulee?" He said that once. Yep.
And his eyes light up! He scoots closer and picks up your hand to kiss it
"You're the reflection of everything I hoped I could deserve in this world. My crystal ball of good fortune"
How does he keep coming up with these, nobody will ever know
But your goofy lyrical genius will do anything for you
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Felix who knows your menstrual cycle by heart and always carries pads with him
It's not that Felix paid extra attention to when you were talking about your period. He just ALWAYS paid attention to what you said
He's a man of detail
So he was listening to you, always offering to help you out with whatever you were craving or needing, and eventually he began to note down your cycle in his calendar and that somehow lead to preparing in advance every month
With snacks, asking you if pms is bothering you, if you're irritated, hungry etc
And of course he'd buy you pads for the house that's just a granted
But on top of that he also had an extra pack at his place from which he'd take one or two pads and put them inside his backpack for emergencies
He'd advise you to check if you can take days off in case the pain is too bad
And he won't push you to go out AT ALL
It's like he had two modes: boyfriend mode and older sister mode 😂
All in all he's not afraid to put in effort and he's a literal angel I'm telling you
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Seungmin who keeps putting candy in the pockets of your pajama pants
This one started out as a prank
He had no other choice but to get a couple of candy because the shop he bought from had no change to give him
And he won't just give you the candy, duuh
You had a habit of throwing your pajama pants on the back of a chair
His eyes landed of them and the plan locked in his head
He literally sat there and watched you put on the pants clueless. And then he URGED YOU to come to bed exasperatedly
But you were uncomfortable??? Something was poking your leg??
You take out the candy and squint at it in the dark
"What is this doing here?"
"I know right, why do you have candy in your pajamas, you weirdo."
Oh THE GLARE you gave him
Seungmin had an epiphany that night. That messing with you is fun. Oh boy.
He waited before doing it again, of course. He had to keep you on your toes
But this time you caught on the moment you pulled up the pants up your leg
"Kim Seungmin!" You exclaimed while laughing and he feigned innocence yet again. You still haven't eaten the candy from last time, so with a bunch of candy in your hand, you dropped them on the bed and began unwrapping one as you guys watched Netflix
"If you keep buying them, let's at least eat them, you fiend."
"Ew I don't want your gross pant candy." But he ate it after you thew a pillow in his face
But one time he put an entire candy cane in there and it was just jutting out of your pocket like a Christmas stocking and you literally broke into a laughter fit for 15 minutes straight
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Jeongin who will pick a fight with any person who interrupts you while you're speaking
Jeongin began to get angry on your behalf ever since you started dating
He's usually so calm, so chill
But suddenly!! if someone messes with his baby say goodbye calmness
That one guy who closed a door in your face? Literally scolded a stranger for closing a door in someone's face like that
God forbid someone pushes you on the street
He will literally sit there and teach people manners lmao
But if there's one thing about manners he hates, it's being interrupted while speaking
But if YOU get interrupted while you're speaking?
W a r
"Do you need to clean your ears? Someone was speaking."
Literally how DARE THEY interrupt his sweet angel
You could literally be talking to him about pigeons and he'd still think it's the most important thing he's ever heard
The amount of times he's sassily shushed people so you'd be able to finish one goddamn sentence
He's so disappointed in society, can you tell?
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If you like what you see, consider donating so I can keep writing!
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anadiasmount · 7 months
doing the calling my boyfriend ‘husband’ trend on jude while you do a grwm + diml !! just know he’d be so shy and giddy 😚😚
OHHH MY GOD!! YESS!! our hubby indeed 😣🤞🏻
your day had consisted of pure media filming, for your tiktok, instagram, youtube, and a small blog you had owned. you woke up early so film a get ready filming bits of you and your boyfriends private life, making breakfast, walking outside and working out together, cooking, and now doing a get ready.
you’d seen the popular trend circling around where you called your boyfriends husband on tiktok, especially that one video that made you physically wince and pained you with the one guy being passive aggressive and denying it. you with jude that wouldn’t be the case.
because any chance he got he would call you pet names and his girlfriend. ‘my girlfriend’, ‘my girl’, ‘my angel’, ‘my dearest girlfriend’, ‘my wifey’, all that. he often got teased at the internet, not afraid of hiding and showing his protectiveness of you, a hand on you at all times or letting them know you were his.
jude had left quickly to pick up some shoes he’d ordered, which gave you plenty of time to hide a extra camera and your phone to record his reaction to the prank. while you waited you showed of new sets of clothes that came in, along with other pr packages that were sent to you
jude hand returned when you were finishing your brows, handing you a blue gatorade and snacks to munch on as you filmed, greeting the camera and giving you a peck on your lips. “sorry guys, my handsome and lovely husband just brought me some goodies,” you apologized showing the treats and opening them.
even though you couldn’t see, you felt and sensed jude tensing and pausing what he was doing. “as you know and have seen, i will be launching new items soon on my blog! my husband jude has helped me organize this drop for months so i’m super excited for you all to see and buy!” you smiled blending out your baking powder underneath your eyes.
jude smiled inwards, looking at you who was distracted by perfecting your contour and blush. he asked himself if this was one of your pranks or if it just naturally fell from your lips, either way, he couldn't hide the adoration built in his chest at hearing you call him 'husband'.
he didn't understand why all of a sudden he felt nervous and unable to look you in the eyes, with shaky hands as he attempted to open his own snacks and bottled water. he felt a hot and loving sensation in his chest, having the urge now to be close to you.
you heard jude shuffle around, grabbing a random bean bag and sitting next to you where you were almost finished with your makeup. he complimented how you looked, asking questions about what you used and if you were close to finishing. you smirked knowing you had a small reaction out of him, jude was now all soft and charming.
hours later, you were editing all the content from your phone and camera onto your laptop, sitting on the kitchen island as jude was busy away cooking. you felt like continuing the prank so you grabbed your phone and did just that.
"welp, it's the end of the day! I'm very much tired but i made a lot of content for you guys so stay tuned! on the nights we're together my dearest husband cooks for us, and tonight he's making chicken with pasta," you say kinda loudly, walking over to judge and laying your head on his bicep.
jude cleared his throat, letting out a nervous chuckle and smiling shyly. he nervously stirred the cause, listening to you blabbering about your day and skincare products. "i have to pee, but i'll leave my husband to explain the recipe and what he's making," you say in a hurry, leaving jude with words in his mouth and the phone, as you ran off.
you watched from a corner a stuttering mess of jude as he went on and on listening to the ingredients and spices he mixed for dinner. grabbing your phone with his free hand showing the mess in the kitchen and the food that was almost ready to be done.
you acted like nothing happened, pecking jude's cheek when returning. "i have a question," he said curiously avoiding eye contact with you, leaning on the counter. you interlocked your hands resting them under your chin with innocent eyes. "is there a reason you've been calling me your husband today?"
"you don't like it?"
"no baby i do! but i was just wondering since you never call me that... you did it earlier today and i noticed it," he said, you tried not to laugh on the spot at his uneasy state. "am i your husband? need to know because i can't recall the day we got married," he joked.
"it's a tiny prank," you admit seeing jude roll his eyes and lean away from you. "of course it is," jude said seriously with a small frown on his face. you followed him apologizing over and over again with a laugh, jude feeling a small pang of sadness wave over him. "jude," you call out, trying to get his attention but he refused moving or backing away.
"prank or no prank, i hope you still know your my hubby, that's what i have you saved on your contact handsome," you admit, seeing a glint of happiness reach his brown eyes again. "really?" you nod, "I'll show once you say bye."
he quickly said bye, kissing the camera on turning it off, grabbing you, and setting you on the marble counters. he kissed you deeply, blowing your breath away at his certain dominance, your heart warmed as he gently grabbed your left hand and placed the slightest kisses on your ring finger.
"i hope you know that one day i'll be your husband, and you will be my wife forever."
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jade-jini · 7 months
“My Ex’s Best Friend”
Kim Chaewon x Reader
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Prompt: Your best friend NingNing is excited to introduce you to her new girlfriend (who turns out to be someone from your past) and to her best friend (who you expect to see more often in your future).
Genre: smut. Fluff. A little angst maybe?
TW: Public sex. Some dirty talking why not. Idk what else to put her I’m bad at this.
Also this has kinda a continuation (plot twist tho), go read it if you want I mean 👀👉🏼👈🏼.
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You haven’t seen NingNing this excited about a girl in such a long time. It was such a change. A cute one, you thought. From not giving a fvck who she took to her bed to calling this mysterious girl “my girl” whenever she talked about her to you.
She explained to you how they met at the company she was currently training at, they became close in there but sadly the girl moved to another company. However, they kept in contact and eventually ended up becoming something more serious. She didn’t mention her before because she wanted to make sure it was actually serious before introducing her to somebody as important as you. When she said this you couldn’t help but to hit her shoulder ‘cause this girl was really turning her into a softie apparently. You were genuinely excited to meet this Yunjin girl already. The name bringing you some bittersweet memories of your own, but regardless of this, you were still so happy for your best friend.
At least until you actually met the girl. Wtf.
“Yunjin, this is Y/n, my best friend. Y/n, this is Yunjin. The girl I’ve been telling you about.” Your best friend said with an excited smile while holding your ex closer to her. Both you and the tall girl tried your best to hide the shock in your faces when you looked at each other for the first time in such a long time.
Yunjin and you have known each other for a looong time. After spending years as an exchange student in Korea, you traveled to New York during a summer. You wanted to simply relax. To let go, to not think too much about anything. It was your summer to be free. Of work. Of school. Of everything. That’s how you met Yunjin, a local girl who was born her own free spirit, and for whom you instantly fell. “New York days” you called it when you talked about it with NingNing. The thing is, you never really gave too much details about it to your friend. You played it as if it was just some adventures you’d have with some girl, nothing too important. In reality tho, it was, in the words of your heart, the best relationship you’ve ever had. A relationship that officially lasted just a summer, but the best experience both of you ever had. From random late night dates, going to the convenience store to buy snacks and eat it together in your back seat, looking at the stars and talking about everything. Going to the beach early in the morning, enjoying the cold water and the warmth of each other’s bodies. Sneaking in her room to give her the best sex she could get, and also the best cuddles. Dates to vintage music stores, listening to her sharing her dream of being a musician, and even listening to her songs as she played the guitar.
You didn’t know why you never really told NingNing the truth. Maybe you just didn’t wanna look too emotional when you first mentioned the girl. You and NingNing weren’t that close back then. And eventually, you just didn’t think it would make any difference since you weren’t expecting to see Yunjin ever again. But Yeah. She was important. And more than just some “girl you hooked up with from time to time in your summer in New York”. She was the first girl who made you cry when you had to of course breakup and say your goodbyes ‘cause you had to go back to Korea. ‘Cause you never thought there was a chance she’d be here too.
And she was also your best friend’s new girlfriend. Fuck.
But c’mon! You were over her! You’ve been over her for a long time already. God it was shocking to see her with NingNing, but nonetheless she was your friend’s happiness now. What could you do? Ning was happy, so you were happy. And they look nice together! You felt incredibly awkward as the third wheel, and even a little jealous. Not in a weird way tho, you just wished you too could have a pretty girl next to you at the moment, somebody who could distract your mind and heart from whatever that was starting to form in there, somebody who-
“Oh! Chaewonie is here!” Yunjin said after checking her phone, interrupting your train of thought as she opened the door and let in some girl who-
Some girl.
Nah that wasn’t just some girl. That was THE girl. That was a beautiful and so Fuckin hot girl and - who was this girl?!!!
“Ok guys, let me introduce you. Unnie this is Yi Zhuo, my girlfriend. And y/n, she is... she’s her best friend..” the tall girl said and thankfully the awkwardness was overshadowed by your best friend excitedly saying hi while hugging the short- haired girl, who mirrored the excitement. They seemed really happy to meet such an important person in Yunjin’s life. But again, who was this girl? And how could you get her number in your phone right now?! “guys, this is chaewon. My bestest best friend”.
“Nice to meet you, y/n” the girl said as she gave you a sweet smile.
Best friend? Uh oh.
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I mean c’mon. Was it really that bad? Yunjin moved on. And with your own best friend! Was it that bad that you were looking at her best friend and the only thing you could think about was how perfect her clothes would look on your bedroom floor…
Ok calm down, y/n. You almost sound desperate you thought. Weren’t you tho
You all were currently hanging out at night around the city, enjoying the privacy 2:00 am gives. You guys were driving around chatting, sharing drinks (you Ofc, as the designated driver, were doing your best not to drink too much) and enjoying the music. NingNing Ofc wanted to sit with her girl so Chaewon ended up being your passenger. After driving around for a little bit you guys decided to stop at an empty little playground. If anybody saw the view there they’d either laugh at 4 clearly drunk dumbasses playing like kids, or they’d call the cops. NingNing and Yunjin couldn’t be more closer and playful with each other. Playing tag you’re it and holding each other while laughing. The view was so confusing for you.
You knew you were happy that your best friend found somebody who makes her feel like this. But it was.. uneasy to see it being with your ex, with the only person that made you feel special and understood once. What were you exactly sad about? You didn’t miss Yunjin, right?
You shook your head as you sat down on a bench. Sighing, you looked at the beautiful sky, getting lost counting stars.
“Hi there.” You heard a voice you were still not used to. “What you doing?” Chaewon asked while hitting your thigh in a friendly matter and sitting next to you, imitating how you looked so focused on the sky.
“I got tired, I’m just waiting for those two little toddlers to get tired too i guess” you joked, making her laugh. The cute sound of it made you look at her, already getting your heartbeat a little accelerated.
“Right? The adoption center didn’t tell me they were gonna be so hyped” she joked along making you laugh as well. You saw her shivered a bit. “Are you cold?” You asked her, already removing your jacket.
“Ah! You don’t have to..” she said softly, but you insisted, already placing them over her shoulders and she smiled at you “thank you”. (What you didn’t know is that was her plan actually).
You always had a thing for people using your clothes. You didn’t know if it was a possessive side of you or what, but it always had an effect on you if you were attracted to that person. For some reason your clothes always looked better. Chaewon probably noticed your eyes on her, ‘cause she was smiling at her mischievously.
“I’m sorry I-“ you started but she just laughed.
“It’s ok, you’re cute” she interrupted you, now with a little more flirtatious tone. You gulped, her eyes for some reason getting a shy side of you. She seemed to enjoy the effect she had on you. Licking her lips, she sat closer to you, her eyes hypnotizing you.
Chaewon and you talked for a bit about how long you’ve known your best friends. You learned her and Yunjin were training to debut together in a new group, but they had met before at a survival show, so they go a long way back. They only got close after starting training together at their new company. Yunjin clearly never mentioned you before, and you didn’t know exactly how to feel about it. For one side, it was sad that she never mentioned you to such important people in her life, but on the other side, the less people who knew about you guys, the best, you guess.
“How long do you think it’ll take until one of them throws up?” Chaewon said, getting you out of your head.
“If they do, I ain’t cleaning shit.” You said with a worried expression and a raise eyebrow. Your face making her laugh, once again the sound of it just giving you a warm feeling in your chest.
Surprisingly sooner than you’d think tho, the couple ran out of energy, and sat next to you two as they tried to catch their breath.
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You went back to NingNing’s house ‘cause the two other best friends were gonna get their bags. The plan was to do that, get them home, and then come back to spend the rest of the night at NingNing’s. But of course, her gf had something else in mind.
“Hmmm I wanna stay with you babe~” she’d say to Ning, hiding her face against her neck. She was clearly drunk, and so was your friend, who looked at you with an apologetic smile. You simply rolled your eyes and shook your head, knowing what it meant.
“Let’s go, Chaewon. I’ll take you home. I think our best friends want the night alone.” You said while opening the front door. The short-haired girl said her goodbyes to her best friend and yours and got in the car with giggles after probably teasing Yunjin about whatever was gonna happen once the couple were alone. Great.
“Here, put your address please.” You asked her and she did, although a little hesitant at first. As you started driving, she was resting her head against the seat while looking through the window quietly. You assumed the alcohol was already making her sleepy, but it was more than that. Wonie didn’t want the night to end. Not yet. She didn’t feel like going home. She didn’t feel like ending the night away from you.
“You know “ she started, catching your attention after a few seconds of comfortable silence “Sometimes I wish I could find something like that. Like what they have. Doesn’t have to be a relationship ‘cause I don’t think I want that at the moment but, I guess it would be nice to have I don’t know, a person. You know what I mean?” Chaewon explained to you, who were listening mindfully to her words. Taking advantage of a red light, you looked at her, and she was already looking at you. “I don’t really wanna go home tonight, y/n. do you?”
You gulped, and simply shook your head. She signaled with her head the empty parking lot of the park you were at earlier that night with your friends and without having to think about it twice you parked there. You looked at Chaewon again, and she was carefully analyzing your reaction to her next words, feeling brave but mostly impossibly dragged to you.
“Then what should we do now?” she whispered, her face getting closer to yours until you could almost taste her mint breath mixed with whatever sweet drink she had. Fuck. It. (As in, the expression, not her face- anywayyyy).
Chaewon in one quick movement was already straddling you, making your heart beat so fast. You felt like a teenager sneaking out. You were having a little rush of adrenaline again after so long. And you liked it. I mean, who wouldn’t die to have such a pretty girl on your lap like that. Seeing your expression, Chaewon couldn’t help but giggle a bit before taking your lips in a deep kiss. Both of you moaned on each other’s mouths, the taste of your tongue on hers driving her insane already, making her so sensitive that every subtle move you did under her was making a sweet noise escape from her lips. You grabbed her waist, keeping her as close as possible.
Once you separated a bit to catch your breath, you looked into her eyes and could see the reflection of your lust in them.
“I swear your lips were made to kiss mine” she said in between a little giggle, leaving more kisses on your lips. You smiled at her, wondering how could someone be so cute in this situation, and making the mistake of remembering there was a person who once made you wonder the same thing.
You shook your head a little bit in order to get that thought out of your head, and went back to focusing on the girl in your arms at the moment. As Chaewon starting eagerly kissing your neck while undoing your shirt, your hands went under her skirt to her ass, grabbing it and leaving some spanks from time to time, making the girl whimper against your skin.
“Harder, please…” she begged, and that turned you on so much that you couldn’t help but to make her get on all fours. The sudden change of position and how easy it was for you to handle her like that made her squeal in excitement, knowing she was gonna have a lot of fun with you. Your hand once again impacted against the pale skin, harder than before this time. Chaewon cried, but you saw her pushing her ass closer to you, in a way of asking for more you assumed.
“You like it rough, princess?” You asked teasingly, your hips against her ass as your hands felt it and went up and down her back. She didn’t answer, instead just left out a little whimper as you saw her head softly nod. You just clicked your tongue at that “Use your words, I don’t read minds” you told her, your tone still the same. She whimpered again before murmuring something “what was that?”
“I said yes.. i like it rough, ma’am.”
“That’s a good girl.” You said as you pulled her hair to make her look at you and steal another deep kiss from her. Your hands traveled to her panties, removing them quickly and throwing them somewhere in your car. Fixing her position, putting her ass up a bit, you saw her glistening pussy and you could feel your mouth drool. Suddenly you felt like you haven’t had a single drop of water in your whole life. Not losing any time, you started eating her out, moaning at the perfect taste the girl had. “God that’s such a good pussy” you groaned while spanking her once again. “Come here, open your mouth.” You told her, pulling her hair to get her up, and making her suck on two of your fingers. Chaewon made sure to give a show for you, sucking and licking on them like she was giving you a blowjob. So sensual as she looked into your eyes with a look that was begging for something, and both of you knew you’d give her that and more.
You were biting your lip as you looked at her, the feeling of her tongue around your fingers was turning you on so much that you almost couldn’t wait to feel it on the rest of your body. “That’s.. that’s good, turn around for me” you asked her, and you saw her smile mischievously as she obeyed, returning to her previous position. You sighed at the view of her bare ass up like that for you. Slowly putting your fingers inside and hearing her long soft cry, you decided to tease her other hole with your other hand, slightly brushing with your thumb to see if she was ok with it.
Chaewon was a little surprised at the feeling but didn’t reject it as she pushed closer to your hands, enjoying the stimulations. Therefore, you decided to add your mouth to the game, teasing her asshole with the tip of your tongue.
“A-Ahh, y/n…” you heard her moan. You looked up, to make sure she was ok “more, please…”
Oh. Oh.
“Whatever you say, princess” you answered with a soft giggle before going back to your job. Your fingers moved at a decent pace, following your tongue as you ate the girl out. The sweet sounds coming out of her, slowly become more desperate, multiple “more”, “faster, please” only motivated you to keep going until your roughness had her grabbing the seat hard to steady herself.
“Fuck, y/n, so good, please…” she said in between loud whimpers. “Close..” you heard her say.
“Close? You wanna cum already, pretty girl?” You asked her, looking at her as she looked back, and receiving eager nods and soft pleads while she pouted “Aww you’re so cute, how to say no to you?” You cooed, her pretty eyes melting your heart. Picking up your pace, you fingered her fast and deep, your other hand now back to spanking her ass to then softly caress the zone, and your mouth now attached to her clit for more stimulation.
It didn’t take long for Chaewon to finish hard with a long loud moan, leaving her breathless. The sensation of her pussy tightening around your fingers and the taste of her orgasm leaving you addicted. After cleaning her up with your mouth (more for you than for her), you cleaned your own fingers. As the girl lied there for a bit, you were ready to just take care of her and take her home so she could rest if that’s what she needed.
But surprisingly, Chaewon had other plans.
“You’re so fucking good, you know?” She cutely giggled while slowly going back to your lap, hugging you by your shoulders. You smiled at her, your eyes almost looking like little crescents. “Ready to go home?” You asked her while passing your hands across her back. The girl looked confused “home? But, we’re not done yet though, are we?” She said while kissing your neck, her hands going to your zipper.
“I-I mean, I thought maybe you were tired already and just wanted me to take you home you know” you tried talking, but the way she moved on top of you and the little bites she was leaving on your skin were taking your breath away.
“What, you think I’m just a pillow princess?” She whispered in your ear, making you gulped. “Lay down for me baby, let me make you feel good too.” She said and didn’t have to repeat herself.
“Yes ma’am” you told her as you rested on the seat, your arms under your head. Chaewon quickly removed your pants and underwear, and put your shirt up so she could play with your chest.
“Hmm this is bothering me.” She said while taking your bra off without taking your shirt off too, just ‘cause she thought the view of you with your shirt up was hot. You were impressed at how fast she did that, but couldn’t process anything as her mouth went directly to play with your nipple.
“Holy fuck..” you sighed while receiving stimulation in such a sensitive zone for you. Chaewon switched from one nipple to the other, taking her sweet taking enjoying the feeling and taste of your tits in her mouth and hands. “They’re so fucking pretty” she whispered against your skin, leaving a soft bite in one of them that made you jump. Chaewon giggled at your reaction, and brought a finger to your mouth so you could do what she did earlier and make it wet. Her mouth continued her job while she looked up at you. After you made sure to lick it nice and wet, her hand traveled down your body, playing with your clit.
Soft groans and moans escaped your mouth as you fought to keep your eyes open, the sensation being too good, but so was the view of her sucking on your tits. You stroked her hair softly while she was there, but felt her go down your body too, leaving a trail of kisses everywhere. The anticipation turning you on more and more (if that was even possible).
Once the girl was between your legs, she left a slowly and long lick all over your pussy. “Fuuuck… Wonie..” you moaned at the contact. She did this a few more times, each time loving the reaction you had. “Please stop playing with me, please” you begged her and her smirk made you scared for a moment, thinking that maybe she was into torturing you like this.
“Aww but you have such cute reactions, baby” she cooed, and you decided you could play the same game as her. If she wanted cute.
“Please Wonie, please…” you asked her with the cutest pout you could do, almost looking like you were gonna cry. You saw her as she whispered a little “fuck..” and rolled her eyes, giving up.
“Fine, fine! Such an impatient one, aren’t we” she teased before finally giving you what you wanted, messily eating your pussy out. You squealed, while grabbing her hair to make sure she stayed right there. The way she looked up to you, pure lust in her eyes, was just extra stimulation for you. The feeling of her lips and tongue traveling all over your pussy, and the vibrations that her moans caused, they were building up your orgasm rather quick. You didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol you had earlier (even though you barely had any) or just how amazing chaewon was with her tongue, not slowing down even for a second to let you catch your breath.
“Your pussy tastes so good, y/n” she said while replacing her mouth with her finger on your clit for just a second.
“Oh my god, Wonie…” you moaned loudly.
“Mhm that’s it, keep saying my name baby” the girl said and you obeyed.
Her mouth attached to your cunt, reaching every sensitive spot making it hard to stay still. Your hands kept moving, from her hair, to your nails on her back, to even scratching your own chest because of how insanely good she was making you feel. The view she was getting only pushing her to eat you out more eagerly, moaning against your pussy and that just made everything feel even better if that was possible.
Coming in her mouth and she took it all so well her eyes were rolling ‘cause god didn’t you taste amazing. Seeing you lying down on that backseat, trying to catch your breath just made her want you more and more. She needed to have you all night and that was her plan.
“Hey, should we maybe you know, take this to my place?” She asked, looking at you with those sparkling eyes and how could you say no to chaewon? When you wanted her just as much?
Such a cold night in Seoul, but neither of you felt anything else than the warmth of each other’s bodies as you learn every centimeter of that beautiful girl. And the fact that your ex and your best friend were probably in the same situation? Didn’t cross your mind once.
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gojoux · 1 year
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· Pairing: Geto Suguru x Reader
· Summary: The girl you're supervising for a mission is a spoiled brat princess. Once her eyes met your boyfriend, she becomes obsessed with him. You decided you've had enough once she took the chance.
· CW: 11.6k (sigh) // Fluff. Angst. Annoying behaviour. Act of deception. You and the girl having a beef. Jealousy. Suggestive themes. Implied and mention of sex. Implied past oral sex. Mention of genitals lmao.
Female reader, uses she/her pronouns, called ‘girl’ and ‘miss’.
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“Excuse me, but what?” You look at your teacher, Yaga, after he tells you what your next mission is.
“You heard me. Your next mission is to look after one of the higher-ups' grand-daughter. Her parents are going out of town for a five days, and they want you to look after their only daughter.” Yaga explained once more.
“Your job is to keep her safe from cursed spirits. She's not a sorcerer therefore she can't use cursed technique, but she does see them.” He adds.
“But, why me?” You complain but make it sound as polite as you can since he's the teacher. “Shouldn't I be going on a mission to exorcise cursed spirits around the city instead?”
“You're the only one available right now,” Yaga answers straight to the point. “Anything else you want to say?”
‘The only one available, my ass.’ You curse in your mind.
“How about Utahime-san? She doesn't go much on a mission, right?” You try to bargain, hoping he would change your position.
“That's exactly why you're assisted. You're a frontline sorcerer, Iori is not, she's a support. What would happen if a cursed spirit attacked?” He answers sternly, not buying your suggestions.
You huff at the reasonable answer he gave you. “Any more questions?” He looks at you intently. “No.” You shake your head. Yaga nods at your response, “Good. You're dismissed.” 
You turn around to walk out of his office before he speaks again, “Three million yen of reward will wait for you if you complete this mission.” 
You stop your track, turning back to him slowly. “Three million yen?" You repeat as if in disbelief. “For taking care of a rich man's daughter?” You ask again.
Yaga nods at you for confirmation. “Just another piece of information.” He said. “For motivation purposes.” He adds tad a bit quietly.
‘Well, I'll be damned.’
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You walk side by side with your boyfriend in the school's hallway, heading out to grab some snacks and drinks before heading out to your respective missions.
“What about your mission?” He asked, looking at you. “Anything special, or just some lower-grade curses?”
You huff in annoyance. “My next mission is actually to look after the grand-daughter of one of the higher-ups because her parents are out of town. You know, keeping an eye on her from cursed spirits.” You shrug. “I hope she's not a brat.”
“Oh? So you’re just a glorified babysitter for now.” He chuckles. “Don’t screw up now, okay?” He said playfully, then looked at you and smiled. “Are you at least getting paid extra?” He then adds in a joking tone.
“Hey!” You nudge his side with your elbow. He chuckles again, smiling brightly before looking at you and stroking your cheek.
“If I had a yen for every time you make that face, I'll be able to buy myself a house.” He said with the most teasing tone. “But seriously, is that all you’re doing? Looking after a girl? It can't be hard, right?”
”Yeah, but she's the only daughter from a rich family, her parents paid a lot for this.” You answer.
”So, they're rich? Do you get to be fed delicious food, perhaps?” He suggest with a sly smile.
“You just earned yourself the easiest mission ever, love,” he then said with a small nod. “Well, that depends on the princess you're going to babysit.” He jokes a bit while still leaning close to you with a smirk.
“I could lend a hand for you if you want?” He jokingly asks you with a wink.
“Please, do. I'll split the mission's reward with you, just a bit, though.” You shake your head at the thought of something that might happen in this mere mission or is it just you overthinking. 
“I have a feeling I'm the one who's going to have a hard time.” You let out a harsh sigh before shaking the negative thoughts off your head. “After that, we can get some good food.” 
“I'm just messing around. I'm not taking your reward, love." He chuckled a bit, patting your head. “So long as I’m with you, it’s already a reward.” 
Then, he thought for a moment before nodding. “Hey, maybe we can also cook some good food ourselves.” 
“What do you say?” He asked. “I can show you how to cook some dishes that my mom taught me.” He smiles sweetly at you.
“Really? That sounds wonderful. We can do that, too.” You nod at his suggestion. He pats your head again in response.
“So, are you excited to have a new job as a babysitter?” He asked you while walking, a little smug smile appeared on his face again. “I'm sure you can manage.” He added.
“Or... Do you want me to try babysitting you first to see what it's like taking care of a child?” He asked you jokingly, looking at you.
“I'm not a child.” You pout at him as you both walk closer to the vending machine.
“Hmm? You're not?” He asked with a teasing smile, knowing that you were being affected by his comment. “Are you sure? I'm seeing a certain toddler in front of me right now.” You huff at his words.
He reaches into his pocket and takes out a few coins. “Say, do you want anything, love?” He asked you, then looked at the vending machine in front of you and the snack options.
“Cola, please.” You step closer, standing next to him. “Such a spoiled little girl.” He said jokingly before chuckling. He inserts the necessary amount of coins and waits for the cola to drop down.
“And snacks.” He took out some more coins and put them inside of the machine before getting out some chips for the two of you.
“Here you go, my child.” He said jokingly before handing you a can of cola and some chips. “Don't eat too much.” He ruffles your hair gently.
“Yes, Father. Thank you for the treats.” You play along with the game and kiss him on the cheek as gratitude. 
He takes out his food, looking at you while he talks to you. “So, I guess we both have our own missions now. Who do you think will have it easier first, me or you?” He asked you, trying to initiate a little conversation.
“You.” You roll your eyes in annoyance. “I'll be stuck with a brat here instead. The only child of a rich family is not far from being spoiled after all.” You complain once again.
“You never know.” He said while eating his snack. “This person could be the sweetest thing on the face of the earth, but with the way you're talking, she probably senses your dislike for her, which will make her act out in return.” He said, still joking around with you to ease your mood about the mission.
“Please, don't jinx it.” You groan at the thought. Geto chuckles at your reaction. “Maybe this brat of a princess can be your bestie, you'll never know.” He said playfully.
“And if the brat ends up acting up like you're expecting them to, you can always ask Daddy for help.” He teases you more. “I think I will.” You roll your eyes.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket, you take it out with your free hand to see that you got a text from Yaga, saying that the rich man's daughter you're assigned to has arrived at school, which means your mission starts now. 
“The brat is here. I'll see you later, okay? Be safe on your mission!” You give him a short kiss on the lips. You gathered the snacks on your one arm and hold the cola on your other.
“I'll see you later, love.” He replied with his soft smile, waving goodbye to you. “Don't worry about me, I'll be back before you know it.” He added.
“Just be a good babysitter, okay?” He then smirked playfully, still waving goodbye to you. You wave back as you walk towards Yaga's office again to begin your task.
Once you reached the office, there's Yaga standing with a girl beside him outside of the office's door. They turn to you at the same time, expecting your arrival.
Did Geto really jinx it or did your instinct come true, you don't know, but you're cursing fate and whoever has sent this evil spirit to your presence. 
“Oh, how kind of you.” She grabs your chips and cola from your hands. The one that your boyfriend bought for you, and this brat thought you bought this for her.
‘It's the first day, come on. You can do this.’ You mentally cheer yourself. Pessimistically.
“This is Hanada Yui, the girl you'll be looking after.” Yaga introduced you to the girl as she held the chip close to her chest. “And this is (L/N) (Y/N), the one who is going to look after you for the next five days from now.” He adds, introducing you to her.
She looks young, but not far younger than you. She dresses well with expensive brand clothing, as expected from a child coming from a rich family.
“Nice to meet you, Hanada-chan.” You forced a smile, trying to be friendly with her, grimacing at the word ‘nice’ since you know it's not true at all.
“You, too.” She answers casually, a small smile gracing her face, you're not sure if it's genuine or not, but you brush it off, trying not to care so much.
“Alright. She's yours now.” He said to you before pointing toward the girl. Yaga walks closer to you before leaning a bit closer, “Be nice to the girl, okay?” He then said to you before looking at the girl. “Try to have a conversation with her, too.”
Yaga knows that you're not exactly the friendliest around new people, let alone the ones that don't strike well with you.
“Yes, got it.” You nod at him, assuring him and yourself. “Good, good.” Yaga gives you a small approving smile before excusing himself, letting you both talk with each other.
Yui, on the other hand, looks up at you with a slight pout. “So, you're my babysitter?” She asked you, her arms crossed in front of her and still holding onto the chips and cola. 
“I thought so.” She said, sounding disappointed. “I was hoping for a hot guy who's going to look after me.” She shrugs, her decorated pigtails moving as she tilts her head to the side. 
“How long am I stuck with you, by the way?” She asks. “Five days.” You answer shortly, trying to not let any annoyance come out of your tone.
“Ohh, that's long.” She groans as she eats the chip. After a while of her eating her chip in silence, she suddenly asked you a question. “Why are you even a babysitter in the first place? Shouldn't you have a real job?” She asked you, curious at your response.
‘Because I'm not.’ You grumble to yourself in your mind.
“You can see curses but you can't use a cursed technique, that's why your parents sent you here and assigned me, a Jujutsu sorcerer, to look after your safety. It's my mission.” You explain to her.
“Well, that's boring.” She looks at you in disapproval. 
“Why can't you at least play games with me?” She said to you while continuing to eat her snack. “I'm sure they pay you to let me have fun, I don't see the reason why you want me to just sit here all day. Do you plan on watching me until I sleep?” She asks you while sounding slightly annoyed.
“I'll do whatever you want.” You answer her, keeping your cool together. You just know that this brat is going to be a pain in the ass.
“You'll do whatever I want? No way. You're probably just trying to mess with me. I mean, you already seem like a boring babysitter to me.” She said while giving you the most unimpressed look ever. 
“Hmm...” She looks at you curiously, tilting her head while looking at you with her arms crossed. She then grins at you when she sees that you're actually taking her words seriously. 
“You'll do whatever I tell you to do, right? You're going to be my slave the entire time.” She then says with a smirk, and by the way you two are interacting, it seems like this is what she wanted.
‘Babysitter to slave? What a downgrade.’ You roll your eyes.
“Whatever you said, princess.” You answer with a hint of mocking. It's official, you got beef with this brat.
“Oh... Did I strike a nerve there?” She asked you with a smirk, clearly enjoying this. “I like you.” With her still smirking at you, she finally finishes her snack and hands you the empty packet of chips, looking at you while waiting for your response.
You grab the trash from her, “You're welcome.” You smile sarcastically at her as walks past you. You roll your eyes once more behind her back before following her.
“Hhmm... Alright, what should we do next?” She asked you, clearly looking for some fun. “Oh, how about a shopping spree?” She suggested.
“I think my wardrobe needs a bit of improvement. Don't you think so?” She said, expecting you to obey her orders.
“Yeah, sounds good.” You answer her, clearly not enjoying it. From now, you just have to answer her straight on, not entertain her ego even more even though Yaga just told you to be nice and talk with her.
“Ohhhh, you're actually going along with my idea, huh? I thought you'd be more resistant. Well, this is going to be fun!” She said with a slight snicker.
“Hurry up! We don't have all day!” She yelled at you as she walked ahead. It seems like she's the one in control of the situation right now, which might become a big problem if she keeps on treating you like that.
Yui wanted to go to the mall for shopping, and who are you to deny that? Your job is to look after her anyway, which means you'll be stuck around her to your own dismay. Good thing you're going to get paid well with this mission.
After the assistant manager drives to the mall and drops you both off, she excitedly enters the mall with you following close behind her.
It seems like Yui has a specific place in mind where she wants to go. She quickly makes a beeline towards a boutique store, pulling you along by the sleeves of your uniform.
“Come on, hurry!” She said as she opened the store door for you. “You better get me everything I want, okay? It's your job after all!” She said, looking at you with a smug smile before stepping inside the store.
“I thought the little princess was rich? Did Daddy not give you enough pocket money, sweetheart?” You answer mockingly with an equally smug smile. You're not going to let this brat have whatever she wants.
“Hmph.” She grunted once she heard your comment. Your words got to the little princess. She made a pout on her face, crossing her arms in front of her while letting out an angry groan.
“Of course, he gave me money! I just don't want to use it.” She said, trying to act tough. “Why should I use the allowance my daddy gave me when I could use your money instead?” She said, sounding bratty now.
“Oops, sorry, didn't bring any.” You pull the inside of your pockets out from your uniform, showing nothing with a feign apologetic tone.
It seems like that's not the right answer to say at the moment as Yui's expression immediately changes, her eyes widening as she lets out another groan of annoyance. She was pretty obviously expecting you to be her piggy bank, but that was quickly put to a stop.
She then tugs on the cuffs of your uniform sleeve aggressively, almost pulling your arm, before speaking to you in an angry voice.
“What?! So, you're saying that you're my babysitter but you didn't bring any money?” She asked you, sounding outraged by your reply. “How are you going to buy things for me then?” She then said, sounding demanding. “You better fix your mistake!”
“The garbage outside is free. I could get you that.” You shrug, looking around the boutique, not giving in to her bratty needs.
The comment you made clearly stung her heart, causing her to ball up her fists with anger.
“How dare you suggest to get me garbage, are you mocking me?” She said, her tone becoming a little more aggressive than before. “I'm not some poor kid that you could trick into thinking that getting garbage is even a good idea.” She then said, her voice getting raised a little.
“Now, let's find something to spend your money on.” She then added, pointing at you to get moving.
“Alright, alright.” You lift your hands in defense, letting her pull your uniform sleeve by force once more. “Good, you're understanding.” Then she just walks forward, expecting you to follow her.
She starts looking for something that she'll like while you're left to look after her and make sure she doesn't get into trouble.
She quickly walked over to a dress rack, and without even looking at you, she started to pull out some dresses that she wants to try
“Hm... I think I'll get this red dress.” She said to you, pointing at the red dress on the mannequin. “What do you think?” She then asked you, seemingly wanting to hear a response from you. 
“That's pretty.” You look at the dress she's pointing at. What an expensive-looking dress with an equally expensive price.
This got her smiling a little bit. “You really do think it's pretty?” She asks you while still looking at the dress that she's currently pointing at. “Do you want to go ahead and pay for me?” She adds with a proud smile.
“Oh, what's the limit again? Can I get more than one dress? Hmm... I'm sure you have enough to pay.” She said before looking at you with a cheeky grin.
Oh, how you want to wipe that off her face.
“Yeah, I'm filthy rich after all.“ You cross your arms smugly. “Pick any clothes you want, princess.” You play along with her game.
She seems happy to hear that. “Great! Then, I want this green dress as well.” She said while pointing at the green dress near the red dress. “And also those shoes, they'll go great with my dresses.” She added, pointing at a pair of white shoes.
“We might as well get some accessories too. Let's see...” She strokes her chin, looking at the accessories. “I'll get this headband and... How about... This one, this one, and... This one?” She picked more dresses out of the rack. “Is that a yes on my request, Miss Babysitter?” She then asked you still with a smug smile on her face.
“Yes, princess.” You roll your eyes. She keeps going here and there. You followed her with boredom, choosing to stay on your phone. After she was done, we went to the counter to pay. 
“How about you wait outside while I pay for this?” You offered. She tilts her head in confusion but does exactly what you ask her to do.
You wait at the counter, holding the things that she's chosen to buy while the saleslady is scanning the barcodes to price them individually.
“What a funny girl.” You shake your head, eyeing her from inside the boutique to make sure she doesn't go anywhere, and there are no cursed spirits around her. 
“The total would be three hundred forty-six thousand yen.” The saleslady put the clothes and accessories in the bag. You give her the credit card, watching her intently.
“With the name Hanada Yui?” She asks to make sure. “That's right.” You nod, trying to hide your sly smile. “Just type in the code here.” She turns around the card swipe machine for you to enter the pin.
The thing about being a sorcerer, you got to learn how to be sneaky and smart, never let them know what your next move is. That is exactly what you did.
While Yui was busy, you sneak inside her purse, grabbing the card from one of the pockets. You're kind of surprised she doesn't notice, well, that's what people do when they're too focused on one thing. You spend your time on your phone to search for the numbers of her credit card and get the code.
‘Filty rich, I wished.’ You chuckle at your words earlier.
Poor girl really thinks you're buying all her stuff, which she chooses many on purpose, even though you feel bad for deceiving her.
“Thank you for shopping.” The saleslady gives you back the card along with the bags with a respectful bow which you return.
She waited outside while you paid for all of the dresses that she picked out. When you got out of the store, she looked at you, expecting you to hand the dresses to her.
“It took you forever.” She said, not seeming too pleased by your actions. “Are you trying to make me unhappy? Because it's working.” She added, still not getting the dresses you bought for her as she looked at you with an annoyed expression.
“Here you go, princess.” You hand her the bags full of clothes and accessories she bought. “Wanna go back now?” 
She took the bags you gave to her while looking at you with a surprised smile. “Thank you, Miss Babysitter.” She said, sounding much more pleasant and bratty in a way.
“Of course, I want to go back. What? Do you think I'll willingly spend the entire day out here?” She sound annoyed by your question.
“Oh, right, I don't have to worry about that.” She then said, smirking once more. “Since you're my babysitter, you'll be with me for the entire day, whether you like it or not.”
You let out an annoyed sigh, dialing the same assistant manager to pick you up from the mall. As you wait, you got a few text from Geto.
I just finished the mission in Yokohama. Heading to Hachioji right now.
How was the babysitting duty, love?
You smile at his texts before typing,
Okay, stay safe ( ੭ ˘ ³˘)੭‎♥
It's horrid.
After a while, he read the your response and replied back,
I'll be back after a day. Be a good girl, okay? ♥
Tell me about it.
Yui seems to be curious on why you're smiling while on your phone, “Who are you texting?” You look up from your phone with a shrug, “No one.”
I'm always a good girl!!!ヽ(`д´;)/
I will later.
You put your phone back into your pocket as the car arrived. You wonder what tomorrow would be like with this brat around.
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The second day doesn't get any better. This spoiled brat Yui keeps demanding things, and the more she does it, the more irritated you become.
“Can I have that?”
“Can we go here?”
“Can you buy me this?”
She keeps on asking you in a pushy tone, but you can't refuse her demands if you want to accomplish your mission. 
She still doesn't show any signs of calming down as she keeps on giving you multiple different requests for you to do. She seems to be trying hard to make your mission harder than it actually is.
She's not just asking for normal stuff either, like eating snacks or drinking cold drinks in the afternoon. No, she asks for the latest fashion accessories, the newest phone model, or the trendiest hairstyle.
In other words, she's the most bratty princess you probably have seen, which makes your mission harder than you'd think.
“I thought I'm your babysitter? Not your sugar mommy?” You look at her ridiculously, refusing the things she wants. Expensive stuff? Hell, no.
“Awww, Miss Babysitter doesn't wanna be my sugar mommy?” She asks you, putting on an exaggerated fake-cute voice. “Are you too poor to buy these things for me?” She asks you mockingly.
“Oh, I suppose I am, that's not good.” You feign the act of being sad, putting a hand to your forehead for the dramatic act, before relaxing back against the couch, crossing your legs.
“I'm starting to doubt you're actually rich when you keep refusing to use your own money.” You say, trying to get a rise out of this brat. “Is your credit card actually zero?” You feign surprise.
She tilted her head in confusion for a few seconds before her face suddenly grew tense with anger. “You dare say that I'm lying about being rich, huh?” She asks accusingly.
“I'll show you, Miss Babysitter.” She reached for her handbag before taking out a big bundle of money. “Look.” She shows you the money. “Is this zero to you?” She asked with a smirk on her face, wanting to hear your answer.
“Oho...” You chuckle at the sight, amused by her reaction. “I've seen more.” You say nonchalantly as if you're not impressed.
‘Yeah, Gojo's money when he lost a bet.’ You snicker to yourself.
“More? Who do you think you are?” She asked, offended by your remark. “Are you trying to say that you're richer than me?” She said like a spoiled princess. “You want to play the ‘I'm superior to you’ game now, huh?”
You let out a yawn, choosing to play on your phone instead as you relax on the couch, letting her talk whatever she wants. She doesn't seem to like your behavior right now, especially since she's trying her best to make you entertain her.
“Hey! Aren't you supposed to be looking after me?” She snapped at you, wanting your attention. “It's your job, isn't it? I thought you'd been hired to look after my safety, not to sit on the couch and be lazy!” She added with a scolding tone.
“Do you want to get fired? You won't get paid if you don't look after me.” She said, trying to intimidate you.
“Jujutsu sorcerers don't get fired, smartass.” You answer nonchalantly as you keep playing with your phone. “What do you want me to do anyway?”
This seems to make her even more angry again. “Is that how you react when someone hires you? By ignoring their orders?” She asked you, sounding annoyed.
“As I said before, you were hired to look after my safety. Now, do your job, or I'll complain to the teacher!” She then said, sounding a little bit more stern with her words as she looked at you, waiting for your response. “Do I really need to give you instructions, Miss Babysitter?”
The princess is angry again. Text you later (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
He replied soon after you sent him the text,
wwwwwww alright. Later, love ♥
“Okay, then, princess. What would you like to do?” You put your phone down, leaning against the couch with your attention on her.
Her frown is replaced by a smug smile when you finally give in. “Can't you be imaginative by yourself? Do you need me to tell you what to do?” She asks you sarcastically while crossing her arms in front of her with a smug smile.
“But, I could give you some ideas on what to do.” She added before uncrossing her arms. “There's a cute cafe nearby. We could go there and have a chat. What do you say?” She sounds somewhat sweet as she says this.
“Alright, we can go there.” You get up from the couch. She seems delighted to hear your approval. “That's the spirit. Let's go there now.” She said excitedly, and with that, you both walked out of the dorm to get a ride from another available assistant manager and go to the said cafe that she mentioned earlier.
Once you manage to reach the cafe, she takes a seat and beckons you to sit down with her. “Come, sit down with me. I want to get to know you better.” She says to you, sounding pleasant. You sit in front of her right across the table.
“Now, let's begin by getting to know you first, Miss Babysitter.” She leaning towards you a little bit. “What do you like to do in your spare time? And are you in a relationship currently?” She asks you while looking at you with a small smile.
“Well, I like watching movies in my spare time. Maybe rest when I have no missions or school work.” You shrug.
When you didn't answer her last question, Yui made a curious sound. “Oh, then you're single?” She asked with a smirk on her face.
“You want to know?” You ask back teasingly. “You still didn't answer the last question, aren't you in a relationship? Don't be scared.” She sounds a little bit frustrated.
‘Damn, she's pushy as always.’
“I am.” You smile smugly. “He's a Special Grade sorcerer, he's on a mission right now.” You answer with a sense of pride.
“I see.” She leans back into her chair and crosses her arms. “So... You're saying that you're in a romantic relationship with some Special Grade sorcerer right now, huh?” She asked you, trying to make you tell her about the sorcerer she's talking about.
“How about you? Do you have any hobbies?” You avoid the topic. She seemed to be in a bit of a mood after hearing your reply, trying to change the subject.
“I asked you a question, I want you to answer that first. Tell me about this Special Grade sorcerer.” She asked you. “And no, I don't answer your questions while you're not answering mine.” She added, sounding a little bit more annoyed than before.
“Why would you want to know your babysitter's love life, hm? You wanna know if he's a hot shot or something?” You answer teasingly. Yui let out a groan while rolling her eyes.
“I should've known you won't give me a straightforward answer.” She said, annoyed. Her frown slowly changed into another smirk after you answered her question like that.
“Actually, I'm curious to know what kind of man your boyfriend is. Is he cute? Is he handsome? Does he have a great personality?” She asked you, sounding a little bit sarcastic while holding back her giggles.
“He's all of that.” You lean back on your seat, crossing your arms as well. Rubbing to her face about your boyfriend.
She raises both of her eyebrows in surprise, seeming to be a little bit frustrated now after hearing your answer.
“Wait... You serious? You actually have a hot boyfriend? He's both cute, handsome, and has a great personality?” She looks like she couldn't believe what you just told her. “No wonder you won't tell me about him.” She said with a pout on her face, crossing her arms and looking at the table.
“What? You jealous?” You snicker at her reaction, knowing exactly where this is going.
“Jealous? Me? Jealous over your boyfriend? Ha!” She answers sarcastically, shaking her head while looking at you. “I'll have you know that I can steal your boyfriend when I want to.” She added arrogantly while looking at you with a smug smile.
“So, you might want to watch what you're saying, otherwise, you might find yourself without a boyfriend by the end of the day.” She said sarcastically but a little bit intimidating at the same time.
“My boyfriend doesn't like bratty girls. Sorry, you don't have a chance.” You answer back with a feigned sympathy tone.
Her face turned into a displeased one upon hearing what you said. “What did you just call me?” She asked you, her voice sounded a little bit shaky as she gripped the arms of her chair very tightly.
“I'll have you know that I'm not a bratty girl at all.” She's defensive and a little bit prideful while giving you a cold stare. “You shouldn't assume that your boyfriend doesn't like bratty girls just because you don't like them.” 
You shake your head in amusement. “Whatever you said, princess.”
We spend more or less two hours at the cafe. Yui also leads you towards the arcade since she wants to play there, this time, you really paid for it.
You can't lie, you did enjoy playing the arcade with her despite her attitude problems. After it gets darker, she requested another meal at a restaurant before heading back to the school dorm.
It's 10:34 PM once you head back to your room after assisting Yui to her room. You plop down on the bed, drained after the day. 
Not long after, you heard knocking on your door. You get up with a groan, walking towards the door, ready to be greeted with the sight of Yui with her night cravings.
But to your surprise, you see your boyfriend, already home from his mission. “I'm back.” He opens his arms wide with a smile on his face. “Suguru!” You quickly jump into his embrace.
“Aww, you missed me, too, love?” He asked, holding you close into his warm body. He gives you a long kiss on your forehead before leading you back inside your bedroom before closing the door.
“I've missed you so much.” He rubs your cheek slowly while he stares at you lovingly with his soft eyes.
He chuckled slightly as you jumped into his arms, wrapping his arms around your body to hold you.
He laid you down on the bed as he lay beside you. “How was your day?” He asked you sweetly, caressing your hair.
“Tiring.” You groan, remember how you're babysitting a bratty girl who's almost the same age as yours. “The brat did give me a hard time, but she was okay today.” You've been talking about this through text, and he wants to hear it directly from you.
He chuckles lightly at your reply. “Oh, that girl again?” He asks you in a playful tone. “I see she got you all worked up, huh?” He looks at you amused.
“So, what did she do this time? Or should I say, what didn't she do this time?” He asked, curious and teasing at the same time.
“She asked if I have a boyfriend or something. She doesn't seem pleased when I answer her.” You shake your head with a dry chuckle. “Are you interested in bratty girls?” You caress his cheek with your thumb, remembering Yui's words from earlier.
He raised an eyebrow in surprise upon hearing your story, “What did she say when she found out that you're in a relationship?” He asked you while stroking your hair lovingly.
“And no, I'm not interested in bratty girls. Well, when you are being bratty, then yes. You're the only one for me.” He added in a flirty tone before leaning in to kiss your lips. “Good.” You said after returning the kiss. “Because she said she can steal you from me.” You huff.
“Steal me from you? She said that, huh?” He asked you with a chuckle, still stroking your hair. “She really thinks that she has a chance to be with me?” He asked you in a bewildered voice.
“Right? Glad you think so, too.” This time you lean to kiss him first. “Don't worry, my love. I'll always be by your side, only you.” He said assuringly. 
“She can keep trying but she won't succeed.” He gave you a kiss on the forehead before adding, “She probably just said that just because she wants to make you jealous, darling.”
“Yeah, I know that.” You frown, your hand slowly sneaking under his t-shirt for comfort, feeling his toned abs and cold skin. Seems like he just took a shower before coming here.
He lets out a hum as he feels your hand touching him underneath. “Ah, you're a one handsy girl. What's getting you in the mood, darling?” He seems to be enjoying the moment as he leans closer before kissing you.
He takes off his t-shirt and tosses it to the side, holding your hands onto his chest to feel his body more. “Mmm... Forget about the bratty girl. Let's enjoy each other.” He whispers to you, the mood starting to get intimate. “Let's focus on us.”
He lets out a small groan of pleasure as you pull him into an even deeper and more passionate kiss, one that could lead to something more. He closes his eyes in bliss as he deepens the kiss, his hands gently caressing your waist.
He makes no attempt to stop you, allowing the kiss to go on for as long as you want it to. He immediately holds your body in place, wanting you to be on top of him instead.
He looks at you as he continues to kiss you, his hands traveling down your back before he holds both of your hips. He starts to unbutton your sleeping shirt, his eyes still looking at you.
“Let me give you a good time, darling.” He says in a seductive voice. His eyes traveled slowly from your shoulders to your hips, his tongue teasingly sticking out for a moment before he finally took off your shirt and threw it beside him.
“My princess deserves to be treated like a queen tonight.”
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In the morning, you wake up at the continuous knocking on the door. You snuggle onto Geto's bare chest, ignoring the sound.
You're still tired after last night, and you can't even think straight right now. But the knocking is getting louder and it's starting to annoy you.
Geto wakes up as well after hearing the knocking sound. He looks at you while lying down on the bed, annoyed.
He groans, bothered by the knocking sound, so eventually, he gets up from the bed and puts his pants on. “Hmm... Who's knocking so loudly like this...” He adds, still sleepy.
He heads to the door and opens it slightly, only to see Yui, standing outside. She seems surprised to see a man, a very handsome man opening the door of your room, shirtless even.
Geto is only wearing his pants, showing off his gloriously upper body from his v-line, abs, and chest. Not to mention there's a bulge from his pants since he doesn't wear anything underneath. His long hair is disheveled across his shoulder.
She just stares at Geto silently for a moment, then starts to blush as she turns her gaze away from him, feeling a little bit embarrassed at her actions. After a moment, she speaks up.
“W-what are you doing at (Y/N)-chan's room?” She asked, still looking away as her face looks a little bit red now.
“What are you doing? Knocking on someone's door this early.” Geto answered back, leaning against the wall. His face is not pleased after being disturbed in his sleep, especially after the mission and intimate moment with his girlfriend last night.
She looks up at Geto now, her body in a more confident position. She raises an eyebrow at his reply. “Why? I'm checking in on my babysitting assignment, she's supposed to take care of me by now. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?” She replies angrily.
“Plus, I've been hearing some noise coming from this room. Is it normal for you to let your assignment make all the noise at such an hour?” She adds with more annoyance in her voice. “I could've been sleeping instead of hearing all that noise.” A scowl appears on her face.
“Ah, right, sorry for that. We were busy last night.” He gives her a small apologetic smile, even still in his half-sleep state. She seems to be flustered upon seeing Geto's smile.
"A... ah... I see. You were busy last night doing... things." She looks away once again as she blushes slightly. “Well, at least, you're sorry. As for the noise, make sure it won't happen again.” She says while looking back at him.
“I expect you to be a proper babysitter. That means, no noise past your bedtime. Is that clear?” She asked while sounding a little bit like an annoyed teacher.
Geto shakes his head with a chuckle, starting to know why you're always rambling about this girl over the text. She has quite an attitude, and he knows you don't like being on the receiving end.
“Got it, princess~” He replied with the same tone you used on the nickname. Yui can't help but feel even more flustered at the nickname this handsome man just called her.
“What were you two doing last night? What do you mean ‘busy’?” She crossed her arms, always wanting to know everyone's business.
“Having sex?” Geto answered casually, saying the most obvious thing. “Why?” 
“What?!” She exclaimed as she looked at him in shock, her eyes widened at his sudden answer. 
“That's... A bit inappropriate for you to say in front of someone.” She then said, sounding a little bit embarrassed for him. “I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't like it either.” She added.
“I know my girlfriend, she doesn't mind.” He chuckles at Yui's reaction. “By the way, what do you need this early?” He asked, back to the topic. 
The answer seems to fly out of her mind once she sees Geto like she's charmed so badly that she got a few seconds of amnesia.
“N-nothing... Just tell (Y/N)-chan that she's late for babysitting. She need to accompany me, right now.” She crossed her arms in annoyance, yet her eyes are somewhere else, trailing over Geto's body, and he doesn't seem to be bothered even though he noticed.
“She's still sleeping. Do you mind a bit later?” He offered. “Are you still busy?” She raised a brow before mumbling under her breath, “Fine, then.” She said before walking away.
He could only raise a brow for what just happened before letting out a sigh and closing the door. He takes off his pants before climbing up the bed with you, cradling your body against his.
“What does the brat want?” You ask him sleepily. “She wants you to accompany her.” He answered you, still sleepy as well.
"I told her that you're still asleep, but she doesn't seem to believe me. She probably thinks that you're busy with...” He then said as he pointed at himself, wanting to imply that you're busy doing intimate things with him.
“But I told her that I'll convince you to accompany her, so please wake up.” He said to you in a stern voice, but he's definitely smiling.
“Ah, yes, my babysitting duties to take care of the brat.” You groan before slowly waking up. He smiles at you, laying his head on the pillow, “Yeah, she's really persistent in having you accompany her.” He said while rolling his eyes playfully.
“Yeah. Two more days and I'll be free from this miserable duty.”
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You noticed how you feel less annoyed with Yui around. She doesn't seem to need your company like she always whined about. And you suddenly come to the realization that this brat is paying attention less to you, and is locked onto her new target.
Your boyfriend.
You frown as you sit on the dorm's living room couch, crossing your arms and looking at their interaction as you slump against the couch.
‘This little brat...’ 
Geto seems to be aware of Yui's presence as he looks at her while she's clinging to him, and the way she occasionally leans towards him is making him uncomfortable. “Why are you clinging to me like that?” He asked Yui with a curious look on his face.
He doesn't want to say anything mean to Yui, but he also doesn't like the way she's clinging to him. 
“Do you want me to buy you something?” He added, confused but a little bit annoyed at the same time. “You shouldn't be so clingy with strangers, you know?”
“Let's get to know each other more, then!” Yui exclaimed happily, her personality changed when she was with him compared to when she was with you. 
Geto seems quite troubled by this suggestion. “Why should we get to know each other more? I mean... you're already being clingy with me right now and I barely even know your last name.”
"You should be thankful I'm even tolerating you right now." He said in a stern tone. Not even a few seconds after, he sighs for a moment before deciding to give in to her demands.
“Alright, let's get to know each other more.” He said in a soft tone, sounding somewhat reluctant, but he didn't want to come off as rude.
You could see him roll his eyes while talking to Yui. “What do you want to know about me? I'll answer your questions sincerely. As long as it's not too personal.”
Yui seems to still be thinking about what to ask, but she eventually comes up with a question to ask. “Okay... Um... What's your type? Oh, and don't be embarrassed about your answer.” She asks him in a soft tone, a tone she never uses with you.
Geto raised his eyebrows in surprise upon hearing her question. You roll your eyes in annoyance at the sight. What kind of shameless ass would ask a man his type when his girlfriend is right here? The brat.
He thinks about his answer for a moment. “Well, I think I have a thing for nice and beautiful girls.” He said, looking at you when he said the word ‘beautiful’. “Which means, my girl right here is my type.” He added with a loving smile as he looked at you.
He noticed your annoyed expression, turning to Yui again. “Why did you ask me about my taste in women? Do you want to know if you're my type or not?” 
“Yeah!” Yui answer. “Do you think I could be your type?” She asks in a flirty tone. You roll your eyes in annoyance once more at the sight.
Geto looked at Yui and you while rubbing his chin, trying to come up with the right answer. Instead, he gets an idea. He just wants to mess around with you, wondering how you'd react if he responded to Yui's flirting.
“Hmm... I'd say, yes, you're definitely my type.” He said with a flirtatious tone while looking at Yui, clearly trying to get you jealous.
“Who wouldn't love a cute girl like you, right?” He then said while stroking Yui's hair, looking at you while doing it. He wanted to see your reaction to their small flirting.
He kept entertaining her for a while, right in front of you. Responding Yui's flirt with his own with the gesture he only uses with you.
‘What the actual fuck?’ You scoff in disbelief. The audacity of him to mess around like that.
You're already been annoyed for the past two days stuck with this brat, and another annoyance just added to the list of your headaches.
Can't stand the sight any longer, you get up in a harsh manner before walking away, every step of your feet is hard against the wooden floor with how irritated you are.
He smiles a little bit while looking at you, noticing that you walked away after feeling annoyed.
“I see that my darling is jealous.” He said with a smile on his face before looking back at Yui. “I guess I'm going to spend the entire day with Yui, then.” He said in a playful tone while looking at her, wanting you to get even more jealous.
You frown at his words, clearly not entertained as you keep walking, not minding his comments.
He seemed to notice that you were hurt by his words as his smile turned into a soft one and got off the couch to catch up to you.
“Hey, sweetheart. Don't feel sad.” He said while reaching out to you, pulling you into a gentle hug from the back.
“You know how serious I am when it comes to our relationship, right? And I'm just joking when I was talking to Yui, you should know that by now.” He said, sounding a little bit defensive. “I was just trying to make you jealous.” He then added while caressing your hair gently.
“Yeah, I know. Why shouldn't I?” You pull yourself away from his grasp, starting to get mad at him. “Darling...” He called out to you, sounding a little bit disappointed when you pulled yourself away.
“If you know I was just trying to tease you a little bit, then why did you get mad, huh?” He asked you while caressing your arms. “I'm just trying to have some fun with you, my sweetheart.”
“I'm not in the mood, Suguru. Thank you for that.” You glare at him before walking away.
He widened his eyes in surprise when you called him by his name instead of his usual nickname, knowing that you're seriously mad right now.
“Love... Can't we just talk things out?” You can feel him following you while trying to talk to you, he still calls you by your nickname even though you called him by his name earlier.
Before he could catch up to you, Yui grabs his arms. “Just leave her, okay? You still have me.”
He looked annoyed as Yui grabbed his arm, causing him to stop in his tracks for a moment, giving her a stern look on his face.
“Stop trying to get me away from my beloved, Yui.” He looks at her, pulling his arm out of her grasp.
“Hey, hey!” Yui holds his arm yet again to hold him back from going after you, this time with more force, like how she did with you on the first day at the boutique. “We were talking before, right? Shouldn't we continue?” She smiled at him cheekily.
He lets out an irritated groan. “You really have a lot of boldness for a brat, you know that?” Yet she doesn't seem amused by his words.
He wants to talk to you and resolve this problem between you two, but it seems the brat is not letting him go that easily. He decided to give you space for a while.
“Fine, okay. We will continue, but after that, I'm going to try to talk to my girlfriend again, alright?” He said to Yui with a serious look on his face. “Yeay!” She gladly pulls him back to talk his ears off.
A few hours have passed and they're still at it. That brat keeps clinging to him wherever goes, like a parasite. You watched from afar this time, the girl has someone who's looking after her right now, why bother staying close to that nuisance?
The longer you watch her and Geto together, the more you feel frustrated and annoyed.
Geto was smiling, and Yui, at some point, laid her head against his shoulder while giggling at something he said.
“What a joke.” You mumble under your breath, feeling irritated. It almost felt like they don't even have a care in the world like they're not even thinking about being in a relationship with you or that you're right here.
Once the day comes to an end, you enter your room with a frown on your face, not planning to talk with Geto since you're still pissed at him for what he did earlier. You lay on the bed and tried to calm down, wanting to cool off a little bit in the room first.
After he escorts Yui back to her room, he lets out a sigh, “No wonder she's in a bad mood.” He shakes his head, understanding your behavior, because, damn, being close to that girl really drains your energy. Maybe she does have a cursed technique after all.
He walks towards your room, hoping to finally talk to you after making you wait for so long. He decided to not go in immediately but instead wanted to wait for a few minutes in case you're not ready to talk yet.
“Love...” He says to you from the door, not even going in yet. “Are you ready to talk?” He asked softly, guilty and worried about what he did earlier.
“Go away! Go with that brat you're having fun with earlier!” You yelled from your room, not even moving an inch from your bed.
He flinches a little from your sudden yell, slightly surprised by your tone as he tries to speak up once more. “But, love, you know I was just joking around, right? I just want to mess around with you.” He said in a soft tone while scratching his head.
“Is it really that bad?” He asked you, sad from your reply. “Please talk to me, love.” He added softly.
You keep on quiet, too tired to deal with this, but he's persistent. “Darling?” He calls out to you again, still standing right outside the door of your room.
“Please, could you just listen to what I want to say? At least give me a chance to explain.” He sounded desperate, wanting to fix whatever problem you two were having right now. “I just want to talk and spend quality time with you, is that too much to ask?”
His face filled with disappointment as he hears your silence outside the door, unsure if he should just enter and try to talk with you or not.
He sighs, trying to figure out what to do before he decides to try and enter your room in a moment. He hesitates and then, he finally does it. He slowly opened the door and entered the room without saying anything.
“What do you want?” You heard the door open and close. “I want to talk to you.” He said, somewhat defensive from your tone toward him.
He looks at you for a moment before sitting near your bed, deciding to stay in your room for the moment to talk things out. “Darling, you need to understand that I'm just trying to have fun with you. I wasn't being serious when I was flirting with Yui earlier.” He said, sincerely.
“I know.” You mumble. “I'm just not in the mood, okay? That brat gave me a hard time, I don't need my boyfriend adding the fuel.” You grumble, not even looking at him. He seems more relieved to hear that you understand his intention, but he didn't know how to react to what you just said.
He sighs before laying down on the bed and turning his body toward you, still looking at you. “I'm sorry that I have made you feel this way, darling. You're right, I wasn't thinking about your feelings at that moment.” 
“Fine. Now just go to sleep or whatever.” You mumble, your back is still on him. “I can't, love.” He immediately answered.
“Do you know how worried I am right now? I don't want to lose you over something like this.” He added. “You're not. I'm not that dramatic.” You answered shortly before silence fill the room again.
“Are we really going to sleep like this? I don't want to leave things like this between us.” He said while stroking your head from the back.
“Talk to me, love.” He's desperate from your continued silence. “You're so difficult to handle sometimes.” He said in a playful tone, hoping to lighten up the mood between the two of you.
You pout against the pillow at his words. He chuckled softly at your response before he slowly lifted his body to move your front so he could see you.
“Do you always have to be like this when you get moody?” He said in a teasing tone before he started to poke at you playfully. He can't help it, he always feels like poking you whenever you pout and act like a child.
He suddenly stops poking you and sits down, sighing loudly before he speaks up again. “I'm sorry, love.” He said again. “I didn't know this would turn out to be a serious issue. I thought you would laugh or play along with me like you always do whenever I tease you.”
“Can you forgive me?” He asked in a pleading tone. You only nod against the pillow, “Okay.”
“Is that really all I get?” He whispered with a soft chuckle while trying to joke with you. “I know you're still a little bit upset with me from what I did earlier.” He went silent for a moment. “Could you smile for me, please?” He asked softly as he looked at you with a smile of his own.
“Not in the mood.” You mumble the same words again. “Just hug me.” He gives you a small nod and moves even closer to you before opening his arm and pulling you in for a warm hug.
“You're not allowed to move away from me, okay?” He said playfully before kissing you on the forehead, stroking your hair gently while still hugging you.
“You don't need to talk or smile if you're feeling moody.” He kisses you again on the forehead. “I just want to feel your presence here right now.” He said before giving you a squeeze in his embrace.
“She's going to cling all over you again tomorrow, don't get attached to her, okay?” You mumble with a hint of worry.
“Attached to her?” He asks you curiously while stroking your hair. “Is that what you're worried about?” He chuckled softly.
“Darling, why would I be attached to her? You're the one I love, and I love you for a really long time now. I'm only treating her like another girl, nothing else.” He added without sounding offended by your possible accusation.
“Now, don't get jealous of her, please.” He then said while smiling sweetly at you, wanting to reassure you that he loves you and only you.
“Yeah, okay, whatever.” You nuzzle your nose to his chest before looking up. “Kiss me. I miss you today.” 
“You're such a child, aren't you?” He chuckled at your demand as he got closer to you, leaning in and planting a soft kiss on your lips before he deepened the kiss.
He presses you closer to his body as his other arm wraps around your waist, holding you in place while he was still kissing you, causing him to moan softly.
His hands are now grabbing your body, wanting to feel you more. He's holding you tightly while his lips and tongue are still playing with yours. He breaks off the kiss briefly and lets out a deep breath before he continues kissing you again.
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Just like you predicted, Yui is all over your boyfriend again. This time, you're not as annoyed as yesterday after getting his assurance last night.
“Suguru-kun~ Let's walk around?” She clings to his arm as she speaks with her exaggerated sweet tone.
“Uh... Sure, I guess.” He said, sounding a bit unsure of his answer. He starts to figure that Yui can be very persistent, but it's not worth it to push her away so he gives in.
You followed closely from behind. Seems like you're no longer looking after her from cursed spirits, it's more like looking after her so she won't do anything beyond the line with your boyfriend.
“Miss Babysitter! I'm thirsty, buy me something to drink.” She turns around to talk to you, again with the demanding tone.
You roll your eyes with a sigh, ”Yes, princess.” before you walk away to find the nearest vending machine.
He looked at you when Yui asked you for a drink, not liking the way she talks to you, it makes him irritated by how demanding she was. “You can't buy it yourself?” He asked her with a raised brow.
“It's her job as my babysitter, isn't it? She's paid to do that.” Yui shrugs, not seeing the problem with this. 
“You know... You can ask her in a nicer way, Yui-chan. I'm sure she will get you a drink without your demanding tone.” He advises Yui in a soft tone, like how he would scold Gojo for the way he talks.
“But, I'm being nice, though? I didn't ask a lot, didn't I?” She answered as if it was a normal thing to her. He was a little bit stumped by her remark, not expecting her answer to be like that.
“You could've said ‘please’, Yui-chan.” He chuckled softly without sounding annoyed. “But, seriously though... You should be nicer.” He switches his tone to a stern tone. “Don't ask it like that, it's rude.”
“So boring!” She whines. “Ah, by the way, I've been wanting to say this since last night, but I like you.” She lets go of his arm and steps in front of him.
He stares at her, both surprised and shocked at her sudden confession right in front of him. “What? You like me?” He asks back, somewhat confused.
“You... What do you mean?” He said in a rush voice, trying to process his thoughts right now since he doesn't know how he should respond.
“Do you mean you like me as a person or...?” He then said, still sounding confused and unsure about what was going on with Yui right now.
His eyes then widened as he finally realized what she meant with her confession, not believing what he just heard.
“What?” He sounds surprised and more scared this time, also wondering if she just made a move toward him.
“You can't be serious, right? You do know that I already have a girlfriend, and I love her.” He brushes it off after a while with a small chuckle, thinking that her love confession was just a joke of some sort.
Yui's face quickly turns into an annoyed one when he doesn't seem to take her confession seriously. “I'm serious!” She frowns at him. “I'll prove it to you.” She reached his shoulder before leaning up to kiss his lips.
He flinches back when Yui leaned in quickly to kiss his lips, taken by surprise by the sudden action that the brat just did. He stepped back, looking at her with a mixture of surprise and disappointment.
“Yui, what are you doing?!” He said in a hurried and panicked tone, asking her what she was trying to accomplish by kissing him right now when he already has you as his girlfriend. “What was that for?” His tone turns cold by the second, still trying to process what Yui has done just now.
At the same time, you just come back and are greeted by the sight. You slam one of the three soda cans that you just bought in anger, which it's supposed to be for her.
“What is this?” You glare at them. Geto immediately turns at you, wanting to explain himself and what the brat, Yui, just tried to do earlier.
He notices your angry look, but he can't really say anything against you. You have the right to be mad after what Yui was trying to do.
“Darling, I can explain everything. She's just... trying to get a reaction out of me...” He explained, sounding worried and desperate. “It's nothing like what you think it is, love!” He continued, the panic in his voice as clear as day.
He pulls himself out from Yui's hold and quickly walks towards you, holding both of your hands in tight grip. “Darling, please, trust me. I would never do anything that would hurt you like that. I love you, I only love you!" He looks at you seriously, still with a hint of panic and concern in his tone.
“So?” You turn to Yui, still standing there as if she did nothing wrong. “What does my pussy taste like?” You ask Yui straightforwardly, tilting your head to the side and crossing your arms as you glare at her.
Both of them instantly freeze at your vulgar and embarrassing question to Yui, as she lets out a surprised yelp at your word. She didn't expect this to happen, and she didn't expect a harsh word like that from you.
“If you want to taste his dick so bad you should have kissed me instead.” You look at her in disgust. Yui's eyes widened as she heard what you said and that you were serious about it.
Geto then looks at you, feeling surprised by the way you confronted her right now. “Darl—” He started, wanting to say something, but then he stopped, letting you do the talk and let out your frustration at her. 
“Don't you dare talk about such things, (Y/N)-chan! I only want to be close to him because I like him, not because I want... something else." She said nervously, clearly not telling the truth, before she started to tremble when a mixture of fear and embarrassment washed over her.
“Yui-chan, what makes you think you can try to kiss me without any hesitation? You need to learn that everyone has boundaries, including yourself.” He looks at her disappointedly as he scolds her once again.
Yui's face turns red from how angry and humiliated she is after being confronted like this. And for the first time in four days, she doesn't know how to talk back like she usually does.
“I'm sick of her ass. I really am.” You take out your phone, quickly texting your upperclassmen. “I'm switching with Mei-san. She knows how to handle a brat like this one.”
“Go back to your room! I'm not assisting you again this time.” You raise your voice at her after days of keeping your annoyance back. She looks at you wide-eyed, ready to complain but when she sees how Geto looks at her, she shakes her head and runs away to the dorm.
He nods, glad that you made a good choice. “Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea. Mei-san is a good choice... I think she'll be able to handle Yui.”
He then looked at where Yui is going, wanting to confront and advise her more about her behavior, but he doesn't want to continue talking to her for too long, as he knows it will only lead to another argument and possible trouble.
He turns to you, sensing your silence while you're busy on the phone. “I'm sorry about Yui, love... I know you're still mad at me, but, please, hear me out.” He looks at you, wanting to talk to you right now as he wants to clear out this misunderstanding between the two of you.
Eventually, he walks to your side and stands close behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He then leans on your shoulder before kissing it gently. “Are you angry... with me, too?” He said in a quiet tone as he gently caressed your hair with his free hand.
“My baby...” He sighs softly when you don't answer and takes your hand gently on his own. “Can you look at me, please?” He pleads, wanting to see your face, hoping to get a chance to see your beautiful smile again.
“I'm upset.” You put your phone down. He lets out a small chuckle as he looks at you. “I know, you just gave me ‘the look’ of your sulkiness just now.”
“Still, can you look at me for a little bit? Even if you're mad at me at the moment, I still want to see your beautiful smile... I miss it.” He said softly, stepping in front of you again as he held your cheek.
“Mei-san wants the reward of my mission in return.” You pout, showing him your text with Mei-Mei, another reason you're upset.
3,000,000 yen for 5 days? Interesting. I'll take the last-day offer, then.
I'm expecting the 600.000 yen in return~
“Huh.” He reads her text. “Well, that's Mei-san for you. She loves money more than anything else.” He said in a light tone.
You look at him again. “You know, I really want to wipe your lips after that kiss with Yui.” His eyes widened at your comment. He then lets out a small chuckle, feeling slightly embarrassed by your comment.
“But, she forced herself onto me.” He said, guilty but still wanting to make things clear. “I'm sorry... If you want me to wipe my lips, then you can do so anytime.” He said, not refusing your offer.
You smile at him, cupping his face to give him a long, deep kiss. He let out a soft sigh, enjoying the feeling of your kiss, even for a moment. “This lips... Is mine to taste...” You say between kisses.
“Mmm...” He lets out a soft sound in response to your action, leaning toward you even more. He returns your kiss, making sure that it's deep and full of affection for you. His eyes were closed as if he just wants to savor your kiss as much as possible. He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around your body while caressing your back. 
“Mm, I needed that..." He said softly after you two broke off from the kiss, looking at you with a smile on his face. He kisses you again, one of his hands going up to the back of your head to deepen the kiss.
You pushed your tongue against his lips to part them open, letting your tongue enter his mouth to savor him. “Mmm... Love that... Your taste...” He murmur between kisses before he pressed his lips more against yours with a bit of aggressiveness, wanting the kiss to be as fiery and lustful as he feels inside from this moment of the kiss.
He slowly moves both of his hands to your hips and pulls you towards him, wanting to feel you closer to him. He starts to kiss you down your neck, his lips trailing down your throat, nibbling the skin of your sensitive spot, his teeth lightly grazing against the delicate skin around your skin until it leaves a mark there before licking it.
“Speaking of taste...” His lips trail back up from your neck to your cheek, kissing the side of your lips. “What did you say I tasted like?” He reminds you of what you said earlier, wanting to hear it again.
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Got carried away with this 😮‍💨 It's originally longer, but I decided to cut some parts and replaced it with shorter words because it's already long enough 😭
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2K notes · View notes
almonds, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: You're having a really shitty day and it ends with Jeon Jungkook cumming on your ass. Oh, some stuff happens in the middle. You eat some almonds. Yeah.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; acquaintances-to-lovers; mentions of fasting (restricted eating for the day); reader is the hot girl bro of her friend group (yup); so much TENSION; JK is def a shy mess and reader teases him just because he's cute; smut w/o penetration (fem reader, semi-public sex in a rented photo studio space, m-receiving oral, handjob, fingering, forearm kink, nipple play, m-masturbation, cum-eating, multiple orgasms, overstimulation); non-idol!BTS – hobbyist photographer!Jungkook x model?reader
“You seem annoyed.”
“Just had to tell someone I didn’t want to date them and then had to deal with a grown man’s hissy fit. Well, I guess that doesn’t make him grown, does it? Hmph. Anyway.”
You threw your jacket aside with too much force and exasperation. It flew off the chair and shot into Jeon Jungkook’s legs.
“Sorry,” you muttered, hurrying over and yanking your black-and-scarlet leather bomber off the ground, dumping it firmly on the seat of the foldable chair. “Sorry. It wasn’t that serious. It was simply unnecessary and a waste of time. I also hate being late. Sorry, again.”
“N-No, I mean… we don’t have to do this today. If it’s too much trouble for you.”
You didn’t know Jeon Jungkook that well and yet here you were. You knew of him. He was friends with a lot of your friends, but both he and you were introverted and were the type to be in own your own worlds. There wasn’t much chance to interact with him and you didn’t think to. Also, your male friends got a little weird if other guys approached you too readily, even if they personally knew them. Some macho man shit or something. You didn’t know.
“It’s no trouble. Really.”
You rubbed your forehead and placed your backpack on the table. Maybe you needed a snack. No, now was not the time. You hadn’t eaten at all today. Specifically, for this. You didn’t know Jungkook well, but you did know he was helping another of your friends who was a tattoo artist. He had a photography hobby and he had tattoos done by said friend, so they asked him to take some artsy shots for their tattoo and piercing studio. Your forward helix was done by the same guy on a drunk night (not that the customers were going to know that… also the piercer was the drunk one and you were the sober one, so, honestly, who was the problem), and so were your double helix piercings (sober day and you paid him like a responsible human being), all on your right ear. Since you didn’t have tattoos, you didn’t think you would be asked, but.
As your friend put it, “I don’t want to look at only dudes on my walls. I’m sure my customers don’t either. I need at least one hot girl. Be a bro.”
Okay, bro.
“I was only trying to buy some almonds and I got accosted by this guy I was talking to, then I had to stand there through this guy’s sobbing as the register was malfunctioning and it was all very annoying,” you sighed, then put a pin in the (literal) sob story. It (he) was irrelevant anyway. “But I am free of him.... hopefully… and I’m sorry I’m late. I didn’t expect that to happen today, hah, I simply wanted some fuckin’ almonds.”
You had bowed with your apology. Upon finishing your last remark, you yanked the small packet of almonds out of your bag and slapped them on the black canvas accusingly as if they were the ones that caused you a lot of trouble. As if it was the almonds’ fault, not some dude that couldn’t take the hint and comprehend that you didn’t want a relationship with him.
Maybe you male friends getting a little weird were on the right track.
Also, maybe you should stop trying to sneak behind their backs and meeting guys through apps.
The silence lasted a few seconds.
A very tentative, “You like nuts?”
You suddenly remembered Jeon Jungkook was standing next to you. Oh, right. “Ah, I heard models eat raw almonds on shoots to curb their hunger,” you chuckled sheepishly, looking up at him and realizing, once again, that there was a lack of closeness preventing you from being too comfortable. He was taller than you and was gazing at you with big, round eyes and a curious expression. You cleared your throat before speaking again. “Since I’m wearing a crop top, I didn’t want to…” You trailed off, hoping he understood.
He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, mussing up his hair. “Oh, yeah, I’ve been doing intermittent fasting so I would…”
Your eyes connected with Jungkook’s and you both stopped talking.
It was only then that you fully processed the man in front of you.
He was wearing a ribbed white tank top that very much showed off his built frame. Whenever Jungkook happened to be at the friend gatherings, he was the type to always wear baggy shirts and loose pants. You had heard before that he worked out a lot, but you had never really thought about it because he preferred to be a fabric mountain in public. Understandable that he enjoyed being comfortable. But now you were taken aback by the close-fitted top and his tapered, straight-leg, dark blue jeans, complete with messy black hair falling over his forehead and grazing the nape of his neck. He typically wore beanies and baseball caps at the get-togethers, probably to avoid styling his hair. All that to say that you weren’t prepared for Jeon Jungkook to look…
Like a model.
He seemed to sense your visual analysis and started, placing his arms over his chest awkwardly as if that was going to block anything. His arms were muscular too. There were no tattoos on his left arm – for now (you knew his type). His entire right arm was a sleeve of them. Deep black and vibrant color, lively tattoos that spread all the way up to his shoulder, ending with crowning petals resembling a floral mandala reaching almost to his collarbone. His hand even had a few small tattoos, the most notable being the sheepish emoji with the squiggly smile.
“Oh, y-yeah, I t-thought… er…”
You didn’t interrupt.
You simply stared at him.
It was unnerving him and it was beginning to greatly amuse you.
“I mean, to take photos of my sleeve and stuff… and you’re so… uh.”
You looked down at yourself. “You said I should wear black and white if I could.” Tight white cropped tank with a thicker, more rigid construction so you didn’t have to wear a bra. Exposed midriff and mid-rise black jeans with a slight flare to accommodate your high-heeled black ankle boots with silver buckles suggestively coffin-shaped.
Hey, you had to have some personality even in a bland outfit.
Jungkook was malfunctioning a little.
“Y… Yeah…”
He also had two rings pierced on the right side of his lip now. He only had one when you saw him last. When had he gotten the second? Your eyes tracked the silver hoops interestedly as Jungkook gulped, revealing the little mole underneath his lips. He had another one on his nose, several on his right cheek, and one on his neck. Hmmmm.
“I was thinking the m-majority of the photos would be black and white… and I would just take some shots of my arm in color later.,” he was saying, backing away from you and into the rented studio space, to the white backdrop and bright lights. There was a camera tripod and monitors set up already. In the center of the white background was a rectangular white pedestal. Probably to sit on to aid with posing. Everything was going to be torso up it seemed.
You followed him, scanning the room. “Oh, I should check my make-up, huh,” you thought out loud.
Sudden heat.
“No, I mean, it’s better if it’s natural, there’s a little–”
You were still standing absolutely motionless as Jungkook brushed his thumb against your left cheek, leaving a trail of prickling skin and a hot sensation pouring down your spine. When did he–? And what was with this earnest, concerned expression? Not quite making eye contact yet, but suddenly realizing what he had done as the silent seconds ticked by. His shaking irises slid towards you, immediately apologetic, but too embarrassed to speak.
Jaw completely slack, mouth open, completely frozen.
“I, um,” you coughed, waving a hand loosely. “It’s a mole. Next to my lip.”
It seemed, to the shock of neither party, that Jungkook had understood that way before you even said it out loud. Probably because he had attempted to wipe your moles away with his finger. Awkward. His thumb was still lingering by your ear.
“O… Oh.”
Yeah. Oh.
“I don’t really wear foundation,” you tried to clarify. “Only on special occasions.”
Jungkook’s face was quite close to yours. He had to bend down a little to be eye-to-eye. He was really staring, similarly to how you were analyzing his body earlier. It wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable and you didn’t view it as invasive since you had partaken in the same act earlier.
It was just…
Giving you a racing feeling throughout your veins.
“Your skin is so smooth and pretty already,” he murmured in that deep, dreamy voice of his, almost inaudibly, like he hadn’t meant to say it.
The tops of your ears were abruptly on fire. You had to force the word out.
“T… Thanks.”
You were still clutching the packet of almonds as if they were life support.
The sharp crackle of the plastic cut through the silence. Jungkook jerked, pulling his hand back, and you let out a silent breath, surprised at the suspension of the unpredicted moment. Both looking away from each other, and you didn’t dare look back to check how he was doing because you were internally scolding yourself. It was only the current circumstances. The way the chips fell today was throwing you off your game. You weren’t being professional, not that this was an overly professional setting, but you expected yourself to be professional or at least not intimidate the shit out of someone you were about to work with.
Wouldn’t want weird vibes the entire time.
You wanted to say you were sorry again, but it seemed unnecessary and you would rather show your apologies with action. You shoved the packet of almonds in your pocket.
Damn almonds.
“So, um, what would you like me to do? I’m not a model, but I can follow instructions.”
You forced yourself to face him and not make it weird. It wasn’t a shameful moment and there was no reason to act ashamed about it. At first, Jungkook didn’t move, big peepers and all, but you firmly walked over to the white background and stood there in front of the camera lens, seeing one of the monitors was facing you. You weren’t in focus. You backed up to the rectangular pedestal and now you were, skin glowing under the bright lights, looking inquisitive at the arrangement. Raised a hand. The image was flipped rather than mirrored. Ah, okay. You played with your reflection for a moment while Jungkook hurriedly went behind the camera and fiddled with the settings.
Neither of you said anything about the…
You left the spot for a moment to hurry back to your backpack. Water, extra clothes in case an outfit change was needed, pocket hand sanitizer for the bus, another package of almonds. You fished out your makeup bag and felt around, taking out the two black hair clips inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Lotus flowers. After a moment of consideration, you unhooked your white gold hoop earrings on your lower lobe piercing and put on the pearl lotus flower earrings you had brought with you. They were tiered and dangled on thin silver chains, waterfalling against your neck. You placed your other earring set in a small black velvet pouch and pocketed them in your right jeans pocket, just in case Jungkook thought the dangling ones were too distracting. As a last thought, you plucked the hand sanitizer from your bag and squirted some on your hands, rubbing them together swiftly.
You had messed with your piercings, after all.
You hurried back, pulling your hair away from your right ear, peering at the monitor. Tucked your hair behind your show ear and placed the hair clips accordingly so all your ear piercings were on display.
“I thought it would be good to show off a little,” you mentioned absentmindedly, frowning as you noticed the chain connecting one of your helixes to your higher lobe piercing was tangled. You carefully pulled the strand of hair away and swept it back. Hadn’t thought of bringing hairspray, shit. Hopefully–
You froze, your hands framing your ear.
Looked up and Jungkook was gawking at your narcissistic use of the monitor.
“Ah, it’s just… there’s no mirror…” Your eyes shifted, rueful in your vanity. “I could go to the bathroom and…”
“N-No, it’s totally fine,” he sputtered. You sensed movement and looked back to see him waving his arms frantically. “I didn’t even think of any of these things, like accessories and hair and stuff… I was kind of hoping that you already knew what you liked… and stuff…”
Even though you weren’t originally close with Jungkook, there were parts of your personality that you just couldn’t hold back.
Like teasing.
“You said and stuff twice,” you snickered.
Immediately, Jungkook gave you this look of puffed cheeks and indignation. “Hey!” Then he seemed to realize his childlike outburst and flushed, shaking his head quickly. “Argh…”
You laughed, dropping your hands and relaxing your shoulders. Better to move along with this newfound tension than the previous one. You straightened and turned your body, right side with all your piercings facing the camera, the ornate earrings catching the light.
“Come on. Let’s start.”
You had thought it would be weird, modeling like this, but it was much easier since you weren’t supposed to look at the camera. With a purpose and your willingness to continue, Jungkook instructed you to tilt your head and move your body. It was quick considering it was primarily your right profile. He asked for movement of your hair and head so there was some life to the photos rather than just the stills. Once you sat on the pedestal and moved your head, he brought the camera tripod closer and stepped around it, holding the small remote in his left hand.
“I did a few solo shots before you arrived,” he was saying, concentrated on the task at hand. “Just to test lighting and stuff. Do you want to review? Or should we move on?”
“Do you like at least one of them?” you chuckled, turning your head back.
Jungkook was bent over the table, bringing the wireless mouse over so he could change the window and scroll through what was taken. You had a brief moment of looking at his shoulder blades and back muscles before ripping your gaze away, seeing your own face in a filter of black and white. Oh. It hadn’t really sunk in that this was photography until this moment. You almost didn’t recognize yourself.
Was that you?
“This one is good. And this one.”
Lips. Jawline. Lowered lashes. Hair curling along the other shoulder, creating that kind of wild devil-may-care fantasy. The choice of mother-of-pearl shone even in the black-and-white. For some reason you had thought of your role in this as quite small – Jungkook was the tattooed one, after all – but there was a mood created here. Calm yet definitive. On the edge of rebellious.
Maybe you had been chosen for more than just being the bro hot girl.
“Do you think we need more?” you asked, not knowing the answer.
Jungkook chewed on the left side of his lower lip, puffing his cheek cutely. A thinking face. “I don’t think so? There’s going to be mostly drawn art and finished tattoo photos on the walls. As far as I know, our full-body pictures are going to be blown up but used very sparingly. We’re just there to be pretty.”
You didn’t miss a beat. “So, you think you’re pretty.”
You saw his shoulders flinch. “T-T-That’s just what I was told,” he stammered, tongue-tied.
“It’s okay, I think you’re pretty,” you casually interrupted. “Then this is probably enough. How do you want to pose for the couple photos?”
You took a second to stare at yourself for another moment and turned your head, lifting your gaze. Not trying to make it weird. Round, dark brown eyes with curls of black hair over his brows. Lips parted and quickly shutting as you made eye contact. Someone was silently telling themselves to get a grip.
You were about to get close.
It was already weird just standing in the frame with him. Deep breath. It would be no good to stand here like self-made scarecrows. Come on. It wasn’t like you would be forced to interact with him every day after this. Plus, you already started with a bad impression. The sooner you finished, the sooner you would be able to go home and treat this like any other day.
“What about…”
You backed up. Jungkook squeaked but you ignored it, taking his right arm and placing his hand on your left shoulder so it crossed over your body and he held you against his torso. Again, you didn’t have to look at him or the camera. You only took a moment to adjust his forearm and not think about how solid it was before turning your head to the left and pulling back your shoulders to lift your chest.
Your ass touched the front of his pants.
You tapped his thigh impatiently.
“Ah, r-right…”
You tried not to think about how deep his voice was or how you could feel his chest vibrate from the tops of your shoulder blades against his pecs. Nope. You heard the sound of the camera and tilted your head again, raising your chin, and did not think about how nice he smelled. Like fresh laundry detergent but not overpowering. You swept your hair back so your collarbones were bare, putting your hair between him and you.
Jungkook angled his body so he wasn’t chest-to-back anymore.
Then you attempted not to stiffen as his arm slid across so that his elbow was above your breasts, no, pressed against them, the grip on your shoulder tightening and suddenly his bicep and forearm were pushing your tits together through your crop top.
The right side of his body pressed against your back and you felt his breath against the crown of your head, his chin resting on you, um, but still you didn’t say anything, his leg shifting forward and now his thigh was pressed to your ass and the back of your leg, UM?!, and Jungkook exhaled, slow and with a shudder.
You did not interrupt.
Stood shock still.
It didn’t so much bother you as it confirmed some things.
“Ah, s-sorry, I should have as–”
“It’s fine,” you replied automatically, not wanting to get into it, glancing at the monitor. The preview was small but even at this distance it was effective. Worth it. “Do whatever you think would give a good result. We have to try things,” you muttered, untangling yourself a little. “Let’s…”
Fuck it.
You turned around.
For a brief glimpse, you spotted Jungkook’s shocked expression, but you avoided it, planting your hands on his waist. No, that wouldn’t do. Your arms felt like they were in the way. You slid them back, over his sides and up, fanning your fingers out. Centimeters between your body and his. His right arm was now along your back, but only loosely, and with his musculature it wasn’t laying quite right if you kept this current distance between each other. You could tell from the way his upper arm was positioned against your shoulder.
You pressed to him.
Chest to chest.
Angled your head so your cheek faced his face and your eyes fixated to the side, not looking at him. But you could feel him. Feel the shallowing of his breath against your cheekbone. Feel the solidness of his body in your arms. Feel his shoulder muscles under your fingertips tense. Like you were really hugging him, except you weren’t.
Not really.
“Put your arm around me,” you said softly but firmly.
“With your thumb in my right back belt loop.”
You felt Jungkook’s entire body stiffen.
Your eyes darted to the side and you glared at him from your peripheral vision, seeing beautiful expressive eyes far too close but never mind that. “Come on. It’s a tattoo and piercing shop. Provocative, remember?” You looked away again, to your right. Steeled your voice and sharpened it. You could feel the damn almonds in your left jeans front pocket. You should have put them in your bag.
For fuck’s sake.
“Do it.”
You had asked him to do it but you still weren’t prepared for his fingertips to brush the top of your ass and his palm rest against your hip. You lifted your pelvis away from him, pressing more into his torso, involuntarily closing your eyes. Too weird to stare out wide-eyed anyway.
“Just tell me when you’ve taken it.”
Seconds that felt like hours.
You could tell he was taking the photos. You felt his arm shift. Tilt. Another. His hand moved up and you managed not to shiver. Nudging your head with his nose. You followed the movement obediently. You weren’t going to make this any weirder than it already was. His touch barely on your hot skin. Held your breath.
“O… Okay.”
You moved back and you felt Jungkook also release a tense exhale. He didn’t back away from you though. You tried to think of another pose. Maybe if you just laid your hand on his shoulder as if you were about to walk past him and.
You jerked back as Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest and yanked his white tank top up and over his head. Arms flexed, tan skin and inked patterns. You bit back the surprised sound that threatened to escape, looking away quickly and snapping your jaw tight.
“Wha–What are you doing?” you forced out as evenly as you could, snapping your head as Jungkook flung the article of clothing aside like it was goddamn litter. Um, hello? You gawked after it as it skidded across the floor, missing the table just so.
“Shit, I missed–”
You whipped your head back and Jungkook froze, as if he only now noticed you were real human being and not a prop. Now you were aimlessly standing there with a shirtless Jeon Jungkook that you had been getting closer to, but wasn’t this too close, he was too fit and attractive to…
Oh, fuck.
You really hoped he hadn’t noticed your glance at his hard dark nipples and toned abs. It wasn’t exactly something you could ignore. You weren’t curious. Really. His pecs were right in front of your face. Still, you didn’t want to be seen as disrespectful or creepy.
Your jaw was slack.
On cue, an inappropriate thought popped into your head.
And you said it, because, well, you never missed an opportunity to tease.
“This is exactly how all porno vids start, Jungkook.”
Oh, come on. Not that casual tone. And why did you add his name with familiarity like that? That was so unnecessary. Now he was turning fifty shades of red. Great. None of that helped. Of course not. And you chose the crass term over adult films. Maybe you were too much of a bro. You cleared your throat and looked away, trying to break the tension with a soft chuckle.
And, of course, you both spoke at once.
“Ah, why did you…?”
“I mean, you said provocative, so,” Jungkook blurted out way too fast. “I had fasted because I thought it would be good to take off my… uh…” And now you witnessed the processing of that idea in real time. Hm, taking off your shirt for a photoshoot? Great idea. Taking it off in front of a woman you only kind of knew? Er. And in front of a woman that he…
You looked at him.
Jungkook immediately shut up.
You could see he was mildly regretting yeeting his tank top so far.
This couldn’t end if you didn’t get a grip. So, you got a grip and stepped up, half of your body covering his chest, your left side to his left side. You saw him stiffen, but you ignored it, looking straight ahead to the white paper backdrop behind him. Told yourself to breathe. Then you turned your head and you were staring at Jungkook’s left ear. He had three earrings on this side, but they were plainer compared to the five thicker huggies on his left. He stood shock-still, unsure of what to do even though this was his idea.
“Turn your arm so it shows the tiger lily.”
His head jerked and suddenly Jungkook was looking back at you.
You were so close that you could see his moles clearly, especially the one underneath his soft parted lips.
“You… You noticed the tiger lily?”
It was on the inside of his forearm. You had seen the vibrant orange under your lashes and immediately recognized the distinctive shape. You stared into those chocolate irises, barely moving your lips.
“You like them?” you whispered.
Your breath and his breath, mixing.
“It’s… It’s my birth flower…” Jungkook mumbled, dream-like.
He was both a striking and adorable man.
You smiled.
Not breaking eye contact.
“Take the photo.”
A second of hesitation.
“Ah, r-right.”
But Jungkok didn’t look away.
You felt his left hand by the bulge in your jeans pocket. Those damn almonds. Felt him press the button and wondered why the fuck you were still carrying deez nuts, but those thoughts came and went, not dawdling because you were under Jungkook’s gaze. Not overbearing, not trying to feel you out, but, rather, relaxing as you watched him, curious. That was the word.
You leaned in closer, pressing your hip to his.
These goddamn almonds.
Placed your fingertips on his collarbone, casting shadows over his neck and jaw.
His chin tilted down, and now your lashes were lowering and so were his. Heavy with a mood. Acting. Just acting, you reminded yourself. Your brow barely touched his. Nearly nose-to-nose. You felt his hand shift a little, but at this point that was his job to press the button and your job to pretend like this chemistry was natural. His scent really was lovely. His sheets must smell just like him. Must be nice to lay in them and wake up with him beside you.
You whispered into the still air between you and him.
“I don’t really like this side of my face,” you murmured.
Those dark eyes flickered to yours.
“Looks good to me,” Jungkook said delicately.
Your fingertips slipped over the curve of his muscle.
He gasped under you and he tried to hide it, letting his eyelids slide shut. He couldn’t see you now. Couldn’t see you tilt your head just a little more. The faintest movement. His hair brushed against your forehead and temples. The distance between your lips and his was so narrow that you could feel the metal of the silver rings as you spoke once more.
“You can’t hide from me just because you close your eyes.”
A moment of closed lids.
Those brown irises rising beneath coy lashes.
A second.
You took a step back, mid-smile.
Jungkook’s right hand shot out and gripped your waist, pulling you back.
It happened all at once. The wispy exhale leaving your lungs. The warmth of his touch and strength of his tug making you collide with his body. Your hand stopping yourself, pressed against his sternum, molding to the curves. Your face suddenly centimeters from his, a soft gasp falling from your lips, and those round brown eyes went wide as if he only now realized that actions have consequences, as if this wasn’t the expected result, as if his bold move wouldn’t be met by a bolder one.
The movement had been so fast that strands of his black hair were still falling back onto his forehead.
You angled your head and kissed him.
Not the quick flitting peck that toyed with emotions but the press-to-heart, inhale-and-caress kiss, your hand sliding down, the pad of your middle finger stopping on his nipple. Not moving it, but he shivered against your touch, muffled whine under your lips, and your other hand grazed his hip, fingers dancing along the waistband of his jeans. No hesitation. Mature and sensual, his hair against your temples, yours whisking over his arm, your crotch to his hip.
You moved your left thigh forward.
Jungkook yelped into your mouth and drew back, his cheeks flushing pink.
Your hand slid across his bare back and pulled him back against you. You and him now entangled in a ying-yang embrace, no one able to escape. Traced a circle around his hard nipple and you could feel the trembling against your chest, hear the sharp inhale, watch him bite back a whimper. Your lips and breath followed his jaw as you spoke.
“Now, where do you think you’re going?”
His hand on your waist tightened.
You raised an eyebrow to his stunned expression that seemed more like a cover-up than it was honest. Not a cover-up for ill intentions, no. He was trying to hide something else. Excitement. Ah, that wasn’t it either. You stared into those expressive eyes. Read him like a book. He was…
You smiled.
Pressed your thigh against the hard bulge between his legs.
Jeon Jungkook was horny.
“I…” He completely paused with his mouth open. You waited, dancing your nails over his spine. “I was… I was going to…” His face was getting redder. He was still clutching you, his expression telling you that he couldn’t believe that you had taken that last moment from him. You ticked your head.
“Go on then. Kiss me like you mean it.”
You wouldn’t have held it against him if he didn’t. Wouldn’t have been salty about it. You could be wrong, after all. Could be, but weren’t, because Jungkook’s brows furrowed, a spark of annoyance flaring through his expression. Flint to flame. You tilted your head back. Making him reach for it.
A sliding clatter.
Your head whipped to follow the sound. The small camera remote shot behind your bodies, hitting the backdrop, stark black against white, and then you felt strong fingers slide into your hair, turning you back to a playful smirk adorned with two silver lip rings.
Jungkook kissed you.
A little bit of desperation, a lot of defiance, and the electric taste of uncertainty, the fear of coming on too strong, but you did him one better, rolling your body into his and pressing back to him. Breathing in his scent, running your fingertips over his skin. Hooking two fingers on his belt loop and pulling him closer even though he couldn’t be any physically closer. It wasn’t enough. The tip of your tongue flitting between his lips, gently asking for more.
His sweet gasp addictive, saturated with the wind of the butterflies in his heart.
You ran your thumb along the top of the waistband, stroking his hot skin, and slipped your tongue into his mouth. His tongue brushed up against yours, sending a delicious wave of shivers through your chest, and you exhaled into his throat, low and slow, tasting him, savoring his quivering whimper, trapped in the heat under bright lights and electric tension. His left hand cupped your head, deepening the kiss, more, another, tongue against tongue, body against body, pulse beating in harmony.
You broke the kiss, but only to breathe and cross your arms.
Pulled up, inside out, stripping off your top and casting it out of the way, your hands already taking Jungkook’s wrists before it hit the ground. He stared down, wide-eyed, sputtering, and you pressed his palms to your sides, shivering at the contact of another. Guided him up, up, gliding your fingers over his and closing them around your breasts.
Jungkook gawked at you, jaw completely slack.
You smirked. “Wanna take a photo like this?”
His eyes narrowed. A touch possessive. It made your smirk grow.
“Fuck no.”
Your chuckle was cut off by another one of his kisses, respectively hard and soft from his piercings and his lips, insistent and heated. His hands squeezing, and you sighed approvingly, letting go so he could explore, running his fingers over your hard nipples. Moaning with you, kiss after kiss, breaking the chain to look down and awe at the way his hands framed your breasts, following the curve, pushing your large nipples with his index fingers, and he groaned, his eyes hazy, kissing you again, harder, hips to hips, that hard bulge fitting between the space of your thighs. Rolling his body into yours, chasing your lips despite you not moving away. Pleas hidden in his thin breath. You hooked a leg around his thigh and you saw his eyelashes flutter, moaning into your mouth, needy and wanting.
“What’s wrong?” you purred.
Grinded against him, lightly thrusting, way past suggestion at this point, stings of pleasure racing through you as his fingers flicked at your nipples, those brown irises glassy and unfocused, struggling to get his bearings.
“O-Oh… fuck…”
You fanned your fingers over his sides, sliding down his shapely back, your touch slipping under the top of his jeans.
“Don’t you wish?”
A shadow of confusion, but you simply rocked his hips into yours, digging your nails into the top of his ass and making him gasp, pressing up against you. Your lips hovering over that trembling mole under his lips, placing a single chaste kiss on his skin.
Airy chuckle.
“I didn’t plan to fuck you, so I didn’t bring protection or anything,” you explained, bouncing your breasts into his muscular chest. “I’m sorry but I can’t take that risk just because you’re cute and I like the way you taste.”
His defeated whine was too delicious to resist.
You wanted to feel this heat a little more. Stare into those eyes a little longer. Too fast, other people would say. Fuck off, you would say. Those large brown eyes, that dreamy curious expression, that racing feeling from two electric hearts entangled with lustful friction down below, and you couldn’t ignore it any longer.
“I have some ideas of things we can do.”
You led him back, making him lean against the rectangular pedestal.
“Poses, if you will.”
The way Jungkook smiled make the world sparkle with mirth.
“You cool with that?” you asked, not wanting to continue if there was no desire. His erection threatened to rip his damn jeans, and yet you wanted to hear him say it. Took his hands from your chest and placed them behind him, helping him catch the corners so he didn’t topple over. Placed your hands over his, stroking his knuckles. You lifted your head and Jungkook caught your gaze.
Biting the side of his lower lip and wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
“I’m cool with you.”
Couldn’t help but smirk, leaning in. Lips and tongue and the slow fuck of his soft mouth, devouring his whines as you traced his body lines. His thighs. His sides. Down the center of his chest, your fingertips grazing, your lips leaving his and feathering down his neck. The tremble of his pecs now under your kisses, even the raging beat of his heart, his shallow breath skipping as your tongue tasted him, intoxicated by his scent and the way his body followed your every touch, wordlessly begging for more.
His moan was low and throaty, tapering to a whimper as you unbuttoned his jeans.
Unzipped them, breathing hot over his clothed section, pressing your lips to the strained fabric.
Even here, he smelled intentionally clean. Pure. Physically, anyway. Mentally, you doubted it, mostly because Jungkook was practically humping your face in impatience as you wiggled the top of his jeans down his tense thighs.
“Please… anything you want… please, please, do it…”
You pushed his black boxer briefs down.
Washing a burning hot exhale over taut skin and straining veins, making sure to look up at him to see Jungkook checking to see if you were satisfied with what you discovered, then immediately turning red when you caught him, tucking his chin against his shoulder to avoid your gaze. Black hair falling over his eyes. Biting his lip hard, trying to keep his cool.
You licked the dark red head expectantly.
His hips bucked. Gasp torn from his lips. The strong taste spread over your tongue, pre-cum and lust, and you cocked an eyebrow as Jungkook carefully ticked his head back, looking down at you from his peripheral vision, the left side of his lower lip caught between his teeth. He was a sizeable length and girth. Nothing you couldn’t handle and dismantle.
You closed your lips around the swollen head and teased the slit.
Tongue swirling, taking him deeper. Slow, wet, running wet muscle up and down from tip to base, rubbing that thin skin just under the head with persistent pressure and then all the way down to flick out against his balls. Hard then soft. Fuck. That prickling sensation sliding down your back was not a good sign. Molding your tongue to his cock, taking him deep, digging your own grave in the way that everyone hoped for when touching someone for the first time.
The taste, the scent, the lust.
The earnestness of him trying to hold himself back, wanting to succumb to your tight mouth and persistent desire rather than heedlessly chase his own pleasure. Trusting you and trusting that you could get him there.
You wanted to hiss, have some common sense, but your mouth was full of his dick so that wasn’t happening.
“You’re so hot, oh, fuck… fuck…”
Glanced up and saw Jungkook was staring down at you, your face, your tits, your knees planted down firmly. Your hands were on his thighs, keeping him steady as you took him in your mouth, deep to hit your throat and squeeze around the head, up across the roof of your mouth with your tongue rubbing against the underside, your lips catching at the base of the tip and brushing against the throbbing skin, his moan hitching, so sexy, so dreamy, so sublime in its rawness, unfiltered and untainted by expectation.
You hadn’t expected to suck off Jeon Jungkook in the middle of the photoshoot either.
Life finds a way.
There wasn’t room or time to laugh at your inappropriate thoughts so you went back to focusing on keeping that pressure, that building pace, pulling your shoulders back and driving them forward to diffuse the impact of the force you were exerting. Close, hearing it in his rough voice. Seeing his head tilting back, black hair and tan skin glimmering with sweat. His toned chest flexed, his shoulders strained, and suddenly you realized that it was your name in that needy, desperate tone. Your name falling out of shaking lips, followed by so good, fuck, you’re so good. Your name melting into his moan, filling his lungs, each breath drenched with potent, carnal desire. You were used to that.
What you weren’t used to was this sudden unbearable craving to hear Jungkook say it again.
And again.
Him, specifically.
He came with a groan, his head falling so far back that you could barely see his face, his hips thrusting up and your lips closing in. Thick spurts, messy spasms, squishing saliva and cum into the back of your throat. Strong and surprisingly delicious. An obvious tingle dispersing up the insides of your spread thighs, the pulse of his shuddering length mirroring your lower body.
Want me more.
Licking all around, swallowing, gripping his shaking hips so he couldn’t escape you, encouraged by his delicate but still compliant whimpers. There was an undertone here. How long? How long had he felt these sparks? How long had he dreamed for them to become fire? Was it after your bodies had touched or after you walked in and took off your jacket?
Before that?
You pulled back, your tongue lingering, swirling around his stiff, twitching length.
Those glassy brown eyes would tell you anything right now.
“I don’t want to stop here,” you murmured, staring into the windows of his soul.
“Please, d-don’t…” Breathless, panting, erotic. “I–”
Your fingers wrapped around his girth and pumped him.
Calmly leaned in and curled your tongue around his balls, scooping them into your mouth, all while twisting your hand. Base to tip, creating a tight seal with the residual saliva. He wasn’t prepared. You could visibly watch the ecstasy ripple up from his core to his shocked expression, his eyes rolling back and his head falling, flushed lips quivering, hardly breathing as you held both with his balls with your lips and danced your tongue over them. Rapid strokes. Wet slick. Switching from one and then the other, humming to provide a strumming vibration. Changing the direction of your tongue and the pressure of your lips before switching again, from left to right, all the while keeping a firm, steady pace on his cock.
“Oh, s-shit, what, a-aaah… Your m-mouth is insane, wha…?”
Chasing a feeling.
His high and maybe it could be your pride, your ego, whatever. Sin. The immense satisfaction of watching someone unravel. Jungkook made it beautiful, surreal with his deep but clear voice, dreamy with his hard body lines and soft trembling against you, trying so hard to be so good and not disturb your hard work so he could get the most out of it.
So he could savor your desire for him.
So he could bask in it.
So he could want it more.
“I-I, ah, I’m gonna cum again, please, please, please let me cum in your mouth, ple–”
The fuck was Jeon Jungkook so stupid hot for?
The slight irritation must have shown on your face and it did nothing to stop him, his head snapping back and suddenly he was burning under your gaze. You popped your mouth off and left a trail of spit down his legs, sliding your tongue out to hover under the dark purple-red head of his throbbing cock, pushing him to the edge, hard, fast, racing, I’m so close, you’re so sexy, oh, fuck, that racing prickling down your spine and a heady haze invading all your thoughts, the kind of haze that made you forget common sense, forget the earlier events of the day, and forget even the previous apprehension of being so close to someone you didn’t know too well.
Now you knew a lot.
He could see it and you could feel it, the warm streak streaming across your tongue, another splattering before you pressed the flinching head to your mouth, hearing his ragged moan and hiking whimpers, oversensitive and overstimulated and willfully drowning in it, feels so fucking good, your lips are so soft, a-ah, swallowing and grazing your lips over him, faint but so wet, sucking off your saliva and replacing the wetness with kisses, making his body twist and writhe, unable to take it all but wanting to, needing to so damn bad that he thrust into your face, smearing your cheek with leaking cum and spit.
Jungkook moaned so fucking loud that you swore security was about to walk into the rented studio space and catch you pinning him down.
“Hey, hey,” you chided, crawling back up his body, gripping his shoulders. “Don’t lose your mind–”
His lips collided with yours and silenced your words, lip piercings electrifying the contact, kissing you again and again, surely tasting himself but you had no time to warn or complain, suddenly feeling hurried hands fumbling with your jeans, slipping, stumbling, too much haste and too much lust, mumbling against your lips.
“Stop me, stop me if you don’t want it,” he was saying and there was no need, but you appreciated him saying it all the same, fighting with his grasp to undo the fastenings yourself, and then his fingertips found your hot skin. You sucked in a tight breath. Jeans heavy enough to fall down your thighs, and then two fingers hooking on each side of your barely-there, bikini-cut black panties, a second and then gone, now shivering at the rush of cool air on your damp heat.
The moment before he touched you.
Your gaze caught his under lashes, and his eyes shifted back up to you, his lips brushing against yours.
“I don’t think I’ve ever wanted someone this fast and this bad,” he gasped.
Honestly, you couldn’t really think about anyone else but Jeon Jungkook right now.
“Me neither.”
You grabbed his right hand and shoved two of his fingers into your pussy.
Middle and ring finger, gasping at the full feeling and the slick ease, pushing him up to his knuckles right away. The response was immediate. His eyes widening, your inner walls closing in around them, your juices dripping onto the silver ring on his index finger, hoping he was okay with that. Thankfully, it was a plain band so there wasn’t much irritating friction when you began to roll your hips into his hand. He thrust upwards, shooting a wave of pleasure through you, and you snapped your head up, exhale laced with the sting of hunger.
“S-Sorry, I got excit–”
You grabbed his head and shut him up, driving his fingers into you to indicate the deep and intense pace you desired before diving into his lips, catching his tongue and sucking on it. You had expected him to be strong and he did not disappoint. It was a rough ride and you rode it with ease, with wild greed, with commitment of your full body, hips and back and teasing his tongue, one hand tangled in his hair and the other gripping his hard forearm just in case you needed to tell him to adjust or stop.
His muscle was like iron.
You glanced down, seeing ink shadowed by your vicious grip. He must work out. Had to with this amount of control and how hard he was flexing right now. Looked back up and Jungkook was watching you, curious of your attention shift, and then you felt his forearm pulse.
Teasing you.
A flash of mischief in those dark brown orbs.
You narrowed your eyes and nipped at his lower lip.
Still felt him smirk though.
But there was no time, inhaling sharply as you came in violent pulses, your pussy molding around his fingers and squeezing tightly. Your slick juices sticking to the inside of your thighs despite his hand being there, your skin tingling hot even with the aggressive air conditioning, your lips pressing into his. Shuddering, eyes closing, heartbeat pounding in your throat, alive.
“F… Fuck…”
Jungkook didn’t scold you about your unladylike language, at least.
“Can I…?”
He asked you something but the afterglow was leaving you lust-drunk, simply agreeing and turning around. His wet fingers trailed over your hip, your thigh, and then back to where they had been between your legs. His other hand on your lower abdomen, pressing your ass back and you finally understood, half-smiling when you felt his semi-hard cock sliding between the dip in your ass. His whimpering gasp, letting go of your torso to adjust himself behind you. Now the wet head was tucked in the space just under your tailbone. An obscene scene, his two fingers sliding back into your pussy, ah, so full, and his hand returned to your chest, pinching your nipples. His forehead hit your shoulder, forcing you to arch your back.
His moan heated your shoulder blades, desperation pitching as he rolled his hips into your ass.
“F-Feels so good, your skin is so soft–”
You reached back and pushed the sides of your ass together, creating a deeper channel.
“A-Ah, oh, fuck, fuuuuuuuck…”
You were about to say something but then you realized the camera was still on.
The remote was meters away so no photos were being taken. The monitor was still on though, and you could clearly see yourself with Jungkook’s left hand all over your breasts, your hard nipples pinched and tugged at, his tattooed forearm over your lower belly and crotch while you held your ass in position for his hardening cock to rut behind you.
Your hair was a gotten mess, leaving your face in tangled shadow.
The top of his black hair was balanced on your shoulder.
His forehead was pretty damn sweaty but you didn’t even care.
His hand between your legs slipping, the two fingers now atop your swollen clit, rubbing softly, harder, your voice hoarse with exertion, and he did exactly as you asked, building up the pace, your nipples stiffening even more at his actions and causing sparks to dance in your blood, your breath shallowing, falling into it, letting go, your hair tumbling back onto his shoulder and closing your eyes, diving into the pleasure, wave after wave, feeling him harden against you, his strong thighs behind yours, somehow holding you up through sheer willpower.
You gasped his name, delicate and breathless, and Jungkook moaned behind you.
Slick becoming slicker, the scent of sweet-sour lust saturating the air, sticking to the insides of your thighs.
Should have brought a damn condom.
His hand left your tingling chest and you felt the head of his cock throb, smearing even more pre-cum between your ass. The aftershocks of orgasm stung through you, leaving you faint and woozy. He kept rubbing against your skin, rock-hard, whimpering, mumbling under his ragged breath.
It took you a moment to realize he was talking to you.
“Can I… Can I cum on your ass? Please? Please, I…”
Was it possible to fall in love with someone for being an insatiable horndog?
You had to laugh. It sounded more like an airless wheeze. Nice. If that didn’t lock him down, you next words had to be the ticket.
“Are you a freak?”
You turned around to face him and Jungkook shrugged, chewing on his lower lip.
“I am now?” he admitted in uncertain question.
You grinned. “Lucky you, ‘cause so am I.”
Then you pointed to the active monitor to remind him that the camera was, in fact, still on, enjoying every second of his face turning shades of deeper and deeper pink with his hand still around his hard dick. He had such adorable wide-eyed shock. You yanked him up, both of you still entangled with your pants down your shins, and yet it was just a fun obstacle at the time (although much later you would wonder why you hadn’t simply kicked them off). Shuffled to switch places, balancing your lower abdomen and crotch on the top of the rectangular pedestal, bending over with your ass in the air.
This was probably the best action this studio was getting in its entire existence.
Blessed, truly.
You turned your head to make sure you were in frame, not putting much pressure but just enough to not fall over, arching your back to have your breasts look their best, exposing their full perky shape, reaching back to spread your pussy lips for Jungkook to look at as he jacked off.
You were, as they say, a generous sex goddess.
You smirked as his attention was completely diverted from the equipment, forgetting to be embarrassed, his jaw dropping as you flexed your opening, letting out a shaky breath as you heard the wetness echo in the silence. Tightening your core, releasing, and you could see his grip tense, moving, his lashes lowering. The pleasure was palpable from the heavy scent of sex to the sound of hand on taut skin. Jungkook was standing slightly beside your legs, every so often grazing the dripping, tender head to the top of your ass, moaning wantonly at the contact. You could clearly see the rapid movement of his arm, could sense the speed and power and desperation, fiercely chasing orgasm with his eyes roaming over your back, ass, pussy, back up to the monitor to stare at your obviously hard nipples, and if someone walked in right now you would most certainly snarl at them to wait for Jungkook to finish.
They would probably be too shell-shocked at this literal porno-vid-to-real-life to even say anything but never mind that.
You stiffened reflexively as you felt his searching fingers glide over your slit. Checked and his eyes were rolling back, groaning as he felt your muscle control, mumbling something about wanting to put his cock in your pussy so bad, not right now, I can’t, I can’t, I w-wouldn’t last, a-ah, I have to be good for you, shivers racing through your body at the suggestion, a craving created, and you gave in, sighing dreamily, his finger circling your sensitive clit, the pulse thudding under his touch, and you moaned for him, asking for it.
Which was how you ended up orgasming again with Jungkook stroking your clit and shooting out a stream of hot cum over your ass, pitching forward and smearing it up your back.
Dripping all over you.
“D-Don’t stop…” you gasped out.
Not shying away from the overwhelm and instead aching for it.
His fingers pumped in and out of your wet tightness, your walls spasming at the extended pleasure, barely registering him lifting himself up so he didn’t crush you into the pedestal, rocking your hips back so he struck deeper, harder, and then you yelped, hazy vision clearing suddenly at the feeling of hot tongue to your back.
The surprise made you freeze as you spotted Jungkook in the monitor.
His dark eyes followed yours as he licked his cum off your ass, devious mouth trailing kisses.
An intense high bolted through you and you gasped, knees buckling, pussy clenching around his fingers and throwing your head back, drawn-out moan bursting out of your lungs, clutching the corners for balance and perhaps just to orient to reality, the impossibility and sinfulness of the situation blossoming into a vicious orgasm that crawled up your legs, your arms, chewing throughout your lungs, mounting pleasure as Jungkook pulled a finger out to press against your clit.
He must have felt it.
His warm moan heating your lower back, the delicate pad of his fingertip sensing the brutality of the throbs ransacking you. Even you were witness, the camera monitor revealing everything, seeing the tendons of your neck pop and your collarbones prominent. Lashes low, pink tongue sliding out of your flushed lips, the memory of his unique kiss lingering and making you dream of him already.
You had run out of witty things to say.
Thoughts in general currently obsolete.
Your hands slid down, still shaking from the fallout of the afterglow.
“L-Let me… Let me go to the bathroom and get you something to c-clean up,” Jungkook panted, attempting to get to his feet very unsteadily. You made a noise of agreement, breathing hard although not very loudly, pushing your hair back. It was doomed. You were hunched over and the tousled wave simply fell back, but you let it be because at the moment post-nut clarity was setting in.
You just fucked Jeon Jungkook in the middle of the photoshoot.
Pushing off, standing on legs that had the structural integrity of soft tofu, wondering why you also had brains of soft tofu as well. For fuck’s sake. What happened to getting a grip? You yanked at your jeans, not quite pulling them all the way up yet. How old were you now? Surely true adults aren’t this deranged. Surely over the years you would have learned to not fuck a guy you barely knew. And completely sober!
Your stomach growled.
The hunger was not only sexual, it seemed.
Your hand hit the left pocket of your jeans. The crunch of plastic. You frowned, reaching in and pulling out a small package of almonds. You stared at it. Wow. Seriously. The mascot on the almonds looked way too jovial for how disheveled you were right now. You stomach clawed at your insides upon seeing the food.
Fuck it.
Jungkook came back to you holding the handful of almonds and chomping away.
The plastic was on the ground. Actual litter. You would pick it up later. Eat first. He was still shirtless. You wondered if he ran into anyone. You found that you didn’t really care as long as he only thought about you. Seemed like he did, because he skidded to a stop, looking terribly concerned.
You popped another almond in your mouth.
Shit, you really liked him.
His brows knitted together. “I got some tissues. And paper towels, in case your back…”
You took the tissues and wiped between your legs, still holding the unsalted nuts with your left hand. “I probably need a shower. No one is gonna know you came on me anyway.” Chew, chew. Damn, you super liked him. Shit. Jungkook hovered next to you, not wanting to leave. You usually hated that but not with him. Oh, no. You pretended that you weren’t going to give up all responsibilities to fuck him seven days a week even though you barely knew him. Well, you knew what he was like in bed.
Really fuckin’ good.
Technically not in a bed yet, but, eh, semantics.
“I’m really hungry,” you remarked.
“Me too,” Jungkook nodded, but he was still stuck to you, as close as he could be without clinging onto you. Trying to be cool about it. You glanced at him and he looked away quickly, feigning like he hadn’t been staring. Your jeans weren’t buttoned, but they were hanging off your hips. Ah, that explained it. You hadn’t handed him the wad of used tissues despite him clearly showing that he would help you with that gladly.
You fisted the rest of the almonds.
No, not actually.
Fine, you dumped the remainder into your mouth. Chewed thoughtfully. “I have a question and I want a truthful answer,” you mused, directing your gaze at him. Jungkook peeked back through his curls of mostly dry black hair. Must have wiped off his sweat. “Did you plan this?”
He shook his head very quickly and straightforwardly. “No, I didn’t. I swear.”
You believed him. “Never thought about it?”
His hesitation was glaringly obvious.
You waited.
“Y-Yeah… but it was hard to approach you… and I didn’t even think you remembered me.”
You frowned. “Of course, I remember you. I’ve seen you often. You’re not easy to miss.”
His ears were bright red. “O… Oh…”
You thought about it. There weren’t many opportunities for Jeon Jungkook and you to be alone. Then… The cheerful trickster face of the tattoo artist popped into your head.
You frowned slightly. “Did he plan this?”
The possibility seemed to have dawned on Jungkook. He looked surprised and then confused. “I never said… was it that night, when we were drinking at four in the morning…?” His dark brows furrowed. “I don’t remember what happened that night…”
You stared at him.
He slowly slipped from his thoughts and looked back at you, somewhat terrified at your intensity.
You told him exactly what you thought.
“You’re an idiot.”
He sputtered. “H-Hey!”
You shrugged. “Still wanna fuck you though. With condoms. Wanna come back to mine?”
“Actually, we should grab something to eat first because I can’t live off only almonds. I’ll die.”
It wasn’t until you were fully dressed and Jungkook was yanking his tank top back on did you look more closely at the monitor screen. After clean up and kisses and light teasing (much to Jungkook’s dismay but he better get used to it if he wanted to be around you), you peered at the narrow column of previews on the side, tilting your head at the last one taken.
He was scrambling around behind you, snatching something off the ground. Oh, right, the camera remote he threw. “Huh? Ah!” You heard a thud and swearing. Must have run into the pedestal in his haste to get to you. You ignored his chaotic grumbling and used the mouse to click on the preview, expanding it.
Oh, you know.
Just you and Jeon Jungkook kissing for the first time in high definition.
You raised your eyebrows as he bounded up behind you, what, what, what, then skidding to a dead stop, centimeters from your crouched form. You stuck your tongue in your cheek. He must have pressed the button when it happened.
Turned your head to look at him.
Those big peepers shifted awkwardly.
You blinked again, agonizingly slow.
“Uh… Yeah…?” he cautiously answered.
You straightened and crossed your arms, giving him a look. Thoroughly intimidating. Jungkook blinked very fast and looked like he was trying not to enjoy it, which did not help you in maintaining the front. This fucking little shit. Or, rather, tall and muscular – never mind. You clicked your tongue and ticked your head to the screen.
“What were you gonna do with it? Frame it?”
He shrugged veeeery slowly. Raising his hands with his shrug as he replied.
You tried not to snort in laughter. It was very difficult. Sigh. He was so freaking annoying. And what was worse was that you liked it. Fuck. Maybe you hit delirium. Damn almonds. You wouldn’t have been so weak for Jeon Jungkook if it wasn’t for those fuckin’ almonds creating your aggravating morning.
That had to have been the fattest lie you have ever told yourself.
“Can you just have a meal with me so I don’t have to tell everyone the reason we’re dating is because we fucked during the photoshoot?”
He started speaking very fast and stumbling on his words, Busan satoori slipping out. “Oh! We’re dating? Yes! I mean… yes, please! Wait… are we going to your place too, I mean, I would like to but I understa–”
You should remember you got yourself into this, bro.
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