#i have a few already from class but a lot of them aren't super useful in regards to practicals
camellia-thea · 1 year
bookbinding project for class begun. research underway. i have the supplies, and now i must make decisions.
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maplebellsmods · 2 years
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The Actor Overhaul Mod adds some new features to acting in Get Famous. I was super excited about the fact that there was going to be an acting career in the sims, but the career felt a little shallow after replaying it more than once. There wasn't much depth to it and I wanted to add some features that could make it more fun.
What is this mod?
Here are the new additions I have added with the mod.
Actor Dashboard
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I have created a dashboard, for actors and aspiring actors. This dashboard will only be available if you have the acting skill. The first option you can choose is Browse Acting Roles. It didn't make sense to me that you could only be an actor, or have gigs if you chose the career. So with this new menu, you can browse through different roles and sometimes make money. Some jobs can also increase your fame and reputation. Other jobs will decrease them.
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So with this new menu, you can browse through different roles and sometimes make money. Some jobs can also increase your fame and reputation. Other jobs will decrease them.
The next option is to sign up for the Ward School of Arts Acting Department. This will be in a separate section. Down below.
You can also take Local Acting Classes. This option was made for sims who may already have jobs and do not have a lot of time to focus on acting, but they still do what to increase their acting skill. The local acting classes are evening classes and you need to pay the $100 fee to attend each time.
Preparing Headshot, Acting Resume, and Demo Reel will increase your reputation and give you a boosting career-wise.
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One is more expensive than the other. So naturally the result you get from the more expensive one will be better. Once you gather all of those materials you will be able to submit to auditions and casting calls. This will give you more exposure.
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Finally, you can now hire an agent. The agent is useful for a lot of things. (If you want to join the EA acting career you will still have to select an agency. I was unable to separate the two.) When you click on the "Find an Agent" option and submit your info, an agent will contact you maybe 24 hours later or more. If you aren't interested in them, simply do not pickup. But if you are press "Ok" on the call. And you will have the option to "Schedule Meeting With Agent" in the 'MB Menu' category.
The agent will come where your sim is located (doesn't have to be at home). These are the interactions you can have with them.
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If you want to hire an agent. You can press hire on agent and they will now represent your sim. Keep in mind if you aren't satisfied with their work you can always fire them. There are a few things your agent can do for your sim.
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Now circling back to the Acting Student Career:
Your Sim can now join an Acting Student Career. I'd say it's a semi-active career. They do go to the rabbit hole for class, but there are interactions outside of that which make it more interactive.
First of all the first thing you have to do is to go to the 'Actor Dashboard', press on the 'Sign up Option'.
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You can press on get info, this will give your sim more information about how to join the school. Once you are ready you can click on 'Audition'. A Ward Student Recruiter will show up. Once they show you MUST choose the 'Start Auditions' option. Don't press on anything else.
This will start an event and there are goals your sim will have to go through. One of the goals, 'Sword Fight'. will require a this object.
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You can find it in BB. If you cannot find it, just look it up in the search bar. Finally, after you complete all of the goals you can cancel the event or wait it out. Once the event is over you will know whether or not your sim is accepted.
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If your sim is admitted with a scholarship you can find the job, in the 'Find Job' section. If you are not then try again. But if you have just been admitted you will need to pay the fee first and then you can join.
Once you join the career, each level has a different objective you need to do in order to move on to the next one. In total there are eight levels.
Here are the objectives for each level
- Level 2: Perform in School Production
- Level 3: Submit Paper on the History of theater
- Level 4: Plan and Produce a Production
- Level 5: Volunteer to perform for a charity
- Level 6: Book an acting gig
- Level 7: Get your demo reel, headshot and resume.
- Level 8: Find an Agent.
- All Levels: Pass Term Exam: This is a requirement for all levels. I recommend you do this last for each one of the levels. ESPECIALLY the last one.
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The first activity your sim will have to do is to perform in a school production. The way this happens is your sim will audition for a role first, and depending on how skilled they are they will be assigned a role. When your sim gets a role assigned to them they should go to practice for a while before performing in the production. If they don't practice or don't practice enough they will most likely not do well in production.
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The next step which is "Submit Paper on the History of Theater" will use the computer. In the 'Write' pie menu or your computer will be available. The options that are available for your sim will increase the score they may receive, but it isn't a requirement. You can also interview a celebrity and/or actor for this assignment. It isn't a requirement. Completing this step will give you more points, but it can be hard to complete because if you don't know celebrities it's hard to do this. So doing this will truly impress the professors! Once you are ready submit the paper and then you will be able to view your score once they are released.
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Plan and Produce a Production is an objective for Level 4 sims. There are a few things your sim must do to complete this objective. First of all, they have to choose a theme for their production. Then once are ready you can Start the Audition Process.
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If you are familiar with my other events mod you may be familiar with the 'Hire this Role'. So for this you will need to invite people or "hire" them to cast roles for the production. Once the event starts your sim will have a few options.
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This is an activity and not a timed event so you can take your time to interview sims, and hire them. For the 'Auditioners' you will be able to see them Audition. All you have to do is press on the 'Audition' interaction and then they will start acting. (If you press on the interaction and it doesn't work, click again and it should work)
When you have completed all the required activities you can cancel the event. The game will tell you the event was unsuccessful you can ignore this.
Volunteering to perform for a charity is pretty simple. There is a list of charities your sim will be able to go to. They are each available at different times and days, just select one, go to your performance and the goal will be complete.
The next objectives are objectives we have already gone over. But for Book and Acting there are gigs exclusive to Ward Acting Students.
On the last level, once you Find an Agent, you should then go to your term exam. Passing the exam will make remove your sim from the institution. Being a graduate of this school will increase your rep and fame.
Other Fixes
Aside from the new features I have also made some changes to some already existing features that I found annoying in the game. This file is optional and you will be able to delete it if you do not want it. I have changed the gig payout in the acting career. This way your sim will receive more money when they are higher up in the career. Fame will also decay at a slower rate. This way your sim doesn't constantly have to perform fame activities.
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Other Fixes
Aside from the new features I have also made some changes to some already existing features that I found annoying in the game. This file is optional and you will be able to delete it if you do not want it. I have changed the gig payout in the acting career. This way your sim will receive more money when they are higher up in the career. Fame will also decay at a slower rate. This way your sim doesn't constantly have to perform fame activities.
This really took a long time to make but I hope you enjoy it!
What else do I need for the mod?
Lumpinou's Mood Pack: Here
Maplebell Pie Menu: Download Below
Does this mod require any DLC?
Get Famous
Questions and concerns you might have?
Some of this is so inaccurate and doesn't reflect real life.
I tried to do as much research as possible about acting and info about how to get started with it. Some stuff may not mirror real life and that may or may not be intentional.
Will you add more to this?
I'm experiencing some weird bugs!
Let me know, please.
Report it here: Mod Bug Report
I have different questions about the mod.
If you have questions about something, let me know.
How to install the mod?
Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods <--- Unzip the file and make sure it's placed in this path.
Delete the "maplebell_actingoverhaulfixes(optional).package" if you don't want it.
Public March 26: Download Here
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crossdressingdeath · 7 months
I get the sense that a lot of those Durge players who basically treat Durge like edgy Tav and get mad whenever anyone brings up that Durge—yes, even their Durge—has committed just so many atrocities aren't super familiar with like. RPGs. Or if they've played RPGs it's RPGs where your character has no in-game background and no relevant connection to the plot beyond one thing. Y'know, games where the protagonist is just the equivalent of Tav. They don't seem to grasp that a character being customizable and a character having no canonical history... aren't the same thing. Let's use Dragon Age as an example; Tav is a lot like the Inquisitor in DAI, in that they have no relevant background with all extra dialogue they've got tied to their race and class (BG3 also adds backgrounds to it, but I don't know how much dialogue you get from those and the point still stands). There's no mention of their past, no interaction with anyone they knew beyond one war table mission or series of war table missions which involve one character they knew before. Who they are doesn't matter and you can do whatever you like because the story does not care and is not impacted by it. And there's nothing inherently wrong with that approach, personally I find the story tends to get a bit dull when there's no story hooks for the player character beyond "Uh... bad shit'll happen if you don't Do Something" but it's not bad. It's just not how Durge operates. They're more like the Warden in DAO (although a bit more defined than them). The details of their backstory are still up to you! But quite a few things are already set. We know the broad strokes of every potential Warden's life because it's all set up in the origins; it'd be stupid to insist that your Surana wasn't a Circle mage or your Cousland wasn't raised in a castle as the second child of the Couslands or your Brosca wasn't a Carta thug and complain whenever people talked about how all those things are in fact the case in canon, because that's all stated outright in the game. The exact details of what they did growing up, how they felt about it, what friends or enemies they might have made, all that is left up to the player but the broad outline of what they did is set. The game relies on that, because that set background is what gives the Warden a stake in the story that the writers can then use to make the quests hit harder.
Similarly, the fact that Durge did in fact do all those awful things is vital to the plot of BG3, because... well, let's be real here, there wouldn't be a plot at all if Durge hadn't willingly allied with Gortash and worked alongside him. We know they were a necrophile, Sceleritas says that outright. We know they genuinely cared for Gortash (whatever form that care took) enough to beg forgiveness from their father for getting too close but also fully expected to kill him in the process of burning down the whole world for Bhaal, the Prayer for Forgiveness makes that plain. We know they find roasted dwarf delicious, whether you pick the options to say that or not they have ambient dialogue in the goblin camp commenting on how good it smells. How they felt about those things is up to the player (if you don't want to play someone who used to be pure evil there's a lot of really fun mileage in exploring how they got to the point where they'd do those things and how they dealt with the things they did), but they did do them. Just like it would be stupid to throw a tantrum over people talking about Mahariel being raised by Ashalle after their parents died because Your Mahariel Definitely Wasn't when the game definitively says that yes they were, it's stupid to whine about how your Durge would never do those bad things when the game tells us outright that they definitely for sure did. If you can't handle that... just don't play Durge. That is why Tav exists, so people who don't want to play a character who's done legitimately awful things don't have to. Either play Tav or get over yourself, because being able to change Durge's name, race and class doesn't mean they stop being an origin character with a backstory of their own.
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mylittlesecrethaven · 3 months
I'm Making Fluff Headcannons Cause I'm Sad: Teachers
I really only like Crewel and Sam so.... let's hope I can do the others justice.
I'm scared I'm gonna write them like shit....
Trust me on this-
You ain't gonna be working a day in your fucking life
He's gonna get some other unfortunate student to do all the work for you
You won't even have to ask
Takes you on the most luxurious vacations ever
Frequently, too
You do hear a lot of "Aren't I so generous?"
And "Because I'm so kind~"
But honestly?
Towards you, he really is
Spoils you rotten
He does have this weird thing where he cries really easily when it's something to do with you
Happy or sad tears
Like, if you do something really awesome?
Tears of joy
If you get hurt?
Tears of sadness
Also spoils you
But on the lighter side
You'll still have to work
And do shit
But if you do well?
Well, you get a treat
In a metaphorical sense
Usually it's praise or something of the like
But if you do really well?
He might get you a gift
He's gotten you several dogs
And you've only been together a few months (or in a friendship, if you're wanting platonic)
Also loves teaching you potions and stuff
Yes, he's strict when he teaches you
But you still get your little treat after you finish the potion correctly
You're his living mannequin, btw
That sounds creepy
But it's not
He just loves putting you in all his new outfits he creates
Seriously, you're entire wardrobe is now filled with stuff he made
He's already gotten you your own cat
And said cat is already best friends with Lucius
Also, be ready to become a history nerd
Cause he's gonna get you books
Mainly history books
And a shit ton of them
Also, I know it's a thing where student fall asleep in his class
And yes, it could be because it's boring
But it's also because he's got one of those voices
Y'know what I'm talking about
One of those voices
That you just love to listen to
When it's not about history
And he'll talk all you want
Much more strict on you than Crewel
But it always surprises everyone when he's super soft with you
Cause he can be super super soft
Like a kitten at times
Dad jokes
I am a firm believer that this mans is the king of dad jokes
And he runs all of his dad jokes through you
Multiple times
And sometimes they're funny
And other times....
They're just stupid
Aside from that, he's a really serious guy
When it comes to athleticism, that is
Trust me, you'll be fit if you're around him
Exercise, even if you hate it, is something he'll make you do
But he won't push you super hard
He'll give you a small goal to reach
And once you've reached it, he'll up it
He's very easygoing for you compared to his students
He does drag you into his shenanigans more than he should
But you find them fun
And he always finds a way to make you laugh at some point during his little schenanigans
Loves making you laugh
Also loves you making him laugh
Eccentric mans
Just has the most random stuff
And gives you the strangest gifts
Every day
But they always end up being practical at some point
You don't know how he does it
But you've always ended up using the gift at some point
Has you running the shop for him when he's gone
Doesn't even warn you about shit
He trusts you can handle anything
I mean, nothing from his shop has killed you yet
You've gotten a few scratches, but he's always apologized for them
And given you a treat for holding up the shop while he was gone
He does that anyway, but still
He has his own little ticks, I guess I could call them
They're like these strange little things he does for no reason
Like, there's a certain part of the floor he taps twice with his foot every day
There's a certain item he always has in stock even though nobody buys them
He has a thing where he winks every time he hears certain words
You don't know why he does it
He won't explain why either
But you kind of think they're cute
*pain* agugaugahgaugauagha
I fucking sucked on that for everybody but Crewel and Sam.
I tried to keep it mainly platonic, but idk.
These kinda suck.....
*sigh* fuck me fucking hell augaugahaguaga
This is my least favorite of these that I've done.
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maladaptivewriting86 · 5 months
Welcome Home - September Ch1
Eddie Munson x Reader, friends to lovers, slow burn
Also posted on ao3! This is part 1!
Summary: Reader has moved to a new city/state every few months since she was born. She shows up to Hawkins in '85 having to repeat her senior year after learning nothing last year due to changing schools 3 times.
Eddie is repeating his senior year as well, lucky for him. He meets reader in class two weeks into the year and is immediately drawn to her due to her I-don't-care attitude and her Metallica t-shirt.
The two hang out often, studying, drinking, smoking, and healing their respective traumas. But how long does reader have before her dad announces that they're packing up and leaving Hawkins forever, leaving Eddie and the new friends she's made behind forever?
Reader uses she/her pronouns but is non-binary. The term didn't exist in the 80s so she describes it as "I'm only vaguely a girl, you shouldn't really think of me as one."
Reader is AFAB, there will be references to anatomy (smut), but for the most part, she's not really "girly".
AU, the upside down doesn't exist, Eleven and Will aren't mentioned (sorry).
CW for this chapter: mentions of parents with substance abuse issues
AN: This is absolutely just self-insert for me but I really like it and maybe it will be relatable to a small number of people or just entertaining, I don't know. But thanks for reading either way!
I'm planning on each chapter being somewhere between a day to a week of in-story time. Some might be super long and others kinda short, I'm not sure. This is my very first work that I've ever written so I have no idea how its going to work. Each month will have its own chapters (all contained here in this one work) and the story will just kinda flow through the months that reader is in Hawkins. Bear with me, this all might change at some point haha. I have a lot of ideas though as this is literally just my maladaptive daydreams put to paper. Eddie makes my brain melt. Enjoy!
Walking out of the school office with your class schedule in your hand you sigh, taking in the new surroundings once again. This is the eighth high school you've been to in the past four years, and the second time you've been a senior in one of them. After moving three times last year and missing so much of your first senior year, you had to start from scratch in a new school, Hawkins High. Pretty boring to name a school after the city, but you've seen it done so many times that you don't give a shit anymore. Just as long as this is your last one.
The receptionist in the office had pointed you in the direction of your assigned locker and handed you a sticky note with the combination on it. Memorizing the numbers on the gross-yellow paper, you head in the direction she told you to go. 982, 983, 984, 985... 986. That was yours. You stop in front of it and rest your head on the door as you look down and turn the lock in the correct order. You had no faith that this year would be your last, you already accepted that if you couldn't finish high school on your second attempt, then you would just drop out and figure out what to do after that. School is fucking tiring.
The bell rang to signal change of classes and students began to flood the hall. Already missed the first period and study hall, off to a great start. As you pop the lock open and step back a little to open the door, a solid body slams into your side and a book goes sliding down the corridor.
"Hey, watch it freak!" The body yells at you.
You turn to look at who just walked into you. It was a girl with platinum blonde hair in a super high ponytail; a cheerleader uniform; and her tits on full display, absolutely breaking the dress code.
"Sorry, didn't realize you liked to walk with your eyes closed." You grumbled as you rolled your eyes and turned back to your locker, beginning to unload your binders from your bag. She walked into you , that was definitely not your fault.
"What?" She snapped. She took a few steps to the side so that she was right next to you continuing to stare at the side of your face, and at your Metallica shirt, and your ripped black jeans, and dirty shoes. She instantly clocked you as someone who was beneath her so she narrowed her eyes and gave a sickening smile. "Ohhhh... great, another freak to join the freakshow. Just watch yourself okay? And don't get dirt on my uniform." She accented the last line by wiping down the front of her skirt with her hands aggressively a few times before stepping away and bounding down the corridor with her group of friends who looked identical to her, ponytails swishing in unison as they walked. One of them stopped to pick up the book that was dropped and handed it back to who you assume was their leader. All five of them turned to sneer at you before continuing on their way.
"I fucking hate cheerleaders." You thought to yourself as you closed your locker and looked at your schedule again. Your second class was English. An easy enough class, after a bit of a rough start in the hall.
As you entered your classroom you made your way to the desk at the front where the teacher was sitting.
"Hi, I'm y/n. I'm new, I just moved here yesterday and I was told to introduce myself to my teachers when I got to class so... hi." You said quietly to your new English teacher.
"Well hi! I'm Ms. Davies, it's nice to meet you. I'll write your name into the class list. Can I see your schedule?" She seemed way too smiley and chipper for your liking, but at least she didn't seem like she was going to be a hard-ass.
You handed her your schedule and she nodded and confirmed that you were in the right class. She copied your name down on her attendance list and then stood up, handing back your schedule.
"Please don't-" before you could ask her not to, she began announcing your name and welcoming you to the class.
"We have a new student today! Y/fn. Everyone please be kind, she'll be a little bit behind as we've already gotten through two weeks of curriculum but I'm sure she'll catch up quickly!" Smiling, probably very proud of herself for embarrassing you, she turned to you and pointed to an empty pair of seats at the back of the class. "You can take a seat back there... I would say 'next to Mister Munson' but it seems that he won't be joining us again-" just as she said that, a boy with long, curly, brown hair, a denim jacket adorned with pins and patches, ripped jeans, and absolutely no school supplies walked into the class. "Well, never mind. Here he is." She said, a little surprised by this guy's sudden appearance.
Keeping your head down to avoid the stares that you were most certainly receiving, you made your way to the back of the class and sat down in one of the seats Ms. Davies had pointed to.
The long haired boy's eyes hadn't left you since he walked through the door. He also made his way to his seat and sat down just slightly after you. "Metallica fan eh?" He said, nodding to the t-shirt you were wearing.
"Yeah." You said, a little more blunt than you meant for it to sound. "One of my favorites." You added, noting that most of the decor on his vest were metal bands.
"You've got good taste." He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, clearly not intending to pay attention to the class.
"Thank you." You said, honestly. "You seem to as well," pointing at one of his pins, you said "Judas Priest is pretty good too."
The boy beamed. He was honestly really cute, especially when he smiled and his dimples were on full display. He squeezed his crossed arms tighter and wiggled a little, obviously a little giddy, and leaned over to you a bit "I like you. I think I'm going to annoy you for the rest of the year." He said with a sort-of-joking-sort-of-not tone.
You let out a soft laugh and smiled back at him. "Sounds good." You replied, somewhat sarcastically, though you also weren't going to say no to gaining a friend immediately. Especially one who seemed to have the same taste as you. 
He extended one of his hands toward you, intending for you to shake it. "My name’s Eddie." He introduced himself smoothly, his name sounded so royal leaving his tongue.
"I'm y/n." You replied, shaking his hand gently. His fingertips were a little rough, he probably played guitar. "I guess you missed when my name was announced to the world by Ms. Davies up there." You let go of his hand and gestured lightly up to the front of the room where Ms. Davies was writing something on the board. Something you're already not learning.
"I did miss that, unfortunately. I'm sure it wasn’t embarrassing at all and everyone was all 'hi y/n! Welcome to Hawkins High! We hope you have a wonderful time here! Go Tigers!'" He raised the pitch of his voice when he imitated the students, making you laugh a little harder than before.
"That's absolutely horrifying! You make them sound like a cult! I'm glad they didn't say that to me, I think I would've walked right out the door and never came back!"
"I think anyone would!" He chuckled. He looked very pleased with himself that he made you laugh as he leaned back in his chair, arms crossed again, but still smiling wide.
As the two of you settled into comfortable silence, you took your notebook out of your bag and attempted to take notes on… MooBath ? With the fantastic mixture of Ms. Davies’ terrible writing, your terrible eyesight, and your lack of glasses, the board at the front of the room was nearly unreadable from where you were sitting. Squinting your eyes and leaning forward you could make out that it was actually MacBeth that she was teaching, not something a cow would say while getting cleaned.
“Forgot your glasses at home?” Eddie asked softly. 
“No, I don't have any. Can't afford them.” You said simply, trying not to make a big deal over the fact that your parents didn't care enough about you to spend less money on their addictions so they could actually take care of their child. 
“Oh. Well that sucks. You should sit closer to the front then.” He said, like it wasn't the most obvious solution. 
You laughed lightly, “I would've but this was the only seat open and I doubt anyone would be kind enough to move just for me.” You looked back at him, he looked very comfortable leaning back in his chair, his eyes still fixed on you. 
“Don't ask ‘em then. Just sit. We don't have assigned seating so you can sit wherever you want.” He shrugged and leaned forward, putting his crossed arms on the desk. “Plus it would be fun to see the cheerleaders whine about not getting their way.” A somewhat devious smile spread across his face. 
“We'll see.” You said with a small smile, turning your attention back to the teacher. You decided that after missing the first half of the lesson you should at least try to take notes from just her voice alone. It was a struggle, she talked very fast and went on plenty of tangents that didn't have much to do with the subject matter. By the end of the class, you had about a page and a half of notes that you were only 60% confident in being correct and a bit of a headache from squinting at the board. 
The bell finally rang while Ms. Davies was mid-sentence. It startled her a bit but she dismissed you all and wished everyone a good rest of the day. On to lunch!
As you packed up your things and exited the classroom, Eddie stuck right by you chattering away. “Hey you should come sit with me and my friends for lunch! You'll fit right in! They're metal fans too!” He seemed to have a ton more energy than he did in class for some reason, or maybe he was quiet on purpose so that you could try to take notes. 
Stopping at your locker to exchange your books for your lunch, you smiled at him “Okay, I'd love to.” Why not? Worst that could happen is they hate you and you spend your time at another school completely alone. Best case? You gain some friends for a bit, until you have to pack up and move to another town in a month or two. 
You could feel that Eddie was practically vibrating as he led you to the cafeteria, eager to introduce you to his friends. He kept his hand on your shoulder like he was afraid you'd run away or get lost on the short journey. Approaching the long lunch table he waved his hand toward a few younger boys on the left, probably freshmen or juniors, and ordered them to “Scoot!”. They looked at him like he asked them to sacrifice themselves. “I said scoot!” He repeated, now using both hands to usher them all down one seat. 
“Well, you don't have to-” you tried to stop the disruption of their natural seating but Eddie just waved at you stating “They're fine. Have a seat!” He beamed once again when you took your seat, every single boy at the table staring at you like you'd just appeared out of thin air. 
“Friends, this is y/n.” Eddie gestured to you like he was unveiling a masterpiece at a museum. The rest of the table greeted you with tentative “Hi.”s. One guy in a leather jacket, on the opposite side of the table asked “You managed to bring a girl to our table? How'd you do that man?”
You chuckled a little “Well, I'm only vaguely a girl, you shouldn't really think of me as one if that makes you more comfortable. You can call me whatever you want, honestly. I’ve heard it all. But I wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with cheerleaders and doing my makeup and giggling and shit. I'm not into all that girly stuff. But uh… anyway… hi.” You gave a little wave and looked at everyone around the table. Most of the older guys looked similar to Eddie in terms of clothing style. They looked pretty metal and some of them had jackets like Eddie. The younger boys were a little more toned down but they seemed to fit in really well with the general vibe of the table. 
Eddie smiled at you as he pulled up a chair and sat at the head of the table, like a king, you thought. “y/n here, is a new kid. Just moved in from…” He looked to you to finish his sentence for him. 
“I don't even know, I only lived there for three months. Somewhere in south Indiana. Started with a B I think?” you shrugged. You genuinely couldn't remember the name, and the city itself was already a blur in your memory, as with most of the cities you've lived in. 
“Bloomington?” one of the boys to your left asked. He had very curly hair tucked up into a hat that said Thinking Cap .
“Yeah, sure, that sounds right.” You replied, opening your lunch bag and taking out the sandwich you made this morning. “Pretty boring place if you ask me.”
“Hey, wait, are you the one that just moved next door to me?” Another boy to your left asked. This one had shoulder length black hair and bangs, it kind of seemed like he was trying to look like Eddie if you were being honest.
“Probably? I just got here, dude. I don't even know my own address, let alone yours!” You laughed, trying not to sound mean, but wanting to get the message across that you don't know anyone or anything in this town. You took a bite out of your sandwich and looked towards Eddie, who was once again leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed, looking at you.
Eddie laughed and adjusted his sitting position so that he was leaning back just a little bit more, legs spread apart like he owned the place. “She’s new, like I said. But I think she fits in with us already. An outcast, a metal head, possibly a freak like yours truly.” He meant “freak” in the same way that the cheerleader had meant it when she walked into you at your locker; a person who doesn't conform to the normie bullshit and instead proudly displays their true self to the world.… that's probably how he meant it, you think. 
“I appreciate that, Eddie.” you said, smiling at him. Something in his eyes flashed as you said his name, fear? Arousal? Just simple appreciation? You weren't sure.
The rest of the table appeared to accept that you were part of the group immediately. It seemed that Eddie was their leader and they would follow his every word. Again, like he was a king. Unlike other “kings” you had met, Eddie actually seemed to take pride in being a leader; he accepted the responsibility and he cared about his “subjects” a huge amount. He certainly had power, but his friends respected him and his ideas. It felt very fair. 
“So what do you guys do in this town?” You asked between bites of your sandwich. “Sex, drugs, alcohol and loud music?” You were only half joking with that suggestion, they were the main things most people did in every place you've been to, but you were looking for more of a “places to go” answer.
“I mean, you're pretty spot on.” The guy right across the table piped up. He had sort of poofy hair and a plaid vest that had a bunch of pins on it. “We’re in a band so… we’re the loud music bit.” He gestured to Eddie and the two other guys on his side of the table.
“Woah really?” You were honestly a little excited about this information. “I assume a metal band, yeah?”
“Duhhhhh!” Eddie droned, rolling his eyes dramatically. “Nothing else is worth playing.”
“Well, slow down there cowboy.” you laughed, “Other music is good too! Doesn't all have to be sick guitar solos and screaming your lungs out. Sometimes it's nice to chill out to some Elvis.”
“Oh god.” Eddie suddenly looked scared and sick as he stared directly at you. “I was wrong… you're secretly… a normie!” He dramatically flailed his arms and pretended to pass out, like the shock of your extended music taste had killed him. The whole table laughed at him, you included. The sheer drama of this man was keeping you hooked, you were already having fun and you had only just met him. He was comfortable to be around though, like you’d known him since childhood. When he opened his eyes and sat up, you were the first thing he looked at, your smiling face, laughing at his little act.
“You should come watch us play some time!” The guy in the plaid vest offered.
Pulling your eyes away from Eddie, you answered, “I’d love to! Where do you play?” You absolutely would love to see them play! You just hope that they’re some kind of good.
“Every Tuesday at a bar called The Hideout. It's a little far from here.” 
“Oh… well I don't have a car, anyone I could hitch a ride with?” You asked, looking around the table. The younger kids probably didn't have cars either but maybe they had other friends who went to see the band play.
“We can drive you.” Eddie answered quickly. “You can be our first groupie.” You think you saw him wink at you.
“Hold on, really? You never offer rides to non-band members. Something about the sanctity of the van or something?” Plaid vest looked shocked at Eddie’s immediate offer.
“Yeah, well, I've made an exception.” Eddie waved his hand and his words were accepted.
“Really, you don't have to if that's not your thing. I can find my own way there some time, or I'll watch you play someplace else. No biggie. Don't make exceptions for me, I'm not special.” You pleaded. You really didn't want to just force your way into their group, it could end badly if you pissed people off. You could handle being alone or kicked out but you wouldn't be able to handle being the reason the band or the friend group broke up.
“No, really, it's fine. If we bring you along then you'll be forced to listen to our whole set and then maybe we'll finally have a fan!” Eddie explained. “We play tonight if you want to come?”
Suddenly feeling a bit overwhelmed, you pulled away, “I… can’t tonight. I have a lot of unpacking to do. I still have to find all my clothes.” You laughed a little uncomfortably. “Next time though, yeah?”
Eddie looked a little saddened by that, but understanding nonetheless. “That's okay!” He reassured, “Next time.” He gave a warm smile to let you know he wasn't trying to pressure you.
“We- we also have a DnD club!” Thinking Cap kid said excitedly.
At this, your eyes brightened. You'd played DnD a few times at different schools, they always ended on cliffhangers though, because you left before the campaign could really get going. “Really!?” You asked. “That's so cool!”
Everyone at the table got excited then; asking you if you were serious, what kind of character you played, if you've ever DM'd, just question after question, none of them getting answered. You laughed as the boys bombarded you with queries and Eddie progressively got more and more annoyed with them. 
“SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” He yelled, silencing the table immediately, and a few others next to yours. He was standing now and he turned to you, “You're lying right? There's no way you're actually into DnD.” He looked a little hesitant waiting for your answer. Hopeful, maybe, that you were telling the truth. 
“No, I'm not lying! Honestly, I've played a few times but none of the campaigns I've been a part of have gotten anywhere because I moved before we could get to the good stuff.” You explained. 
“Ho-ly-shit!” Eddie said, emphasizing each syllable. “You're perfect. You're actually perfect. Sent from heaven, we've gained an angel, boys!” He raised his arms to the air like he was praising a God, the table roared with excitement again. Then he dropped his hands down onto the table with a bang! Making you all jump a little. 
Suddenly very serious, he leaned into his hands, looming over you slightly and asked “What's your class and level?”
Realizing he was quizzing you, or maybe this was a hazing? You answered immediately, “I play a Half-Elf Paladin named Sebastian. With my limited amount of play time I've managed to eke him up to level 5.” proud of your answer you lifted your chin up to Eddie, showing him you weren't lying and you definitely knew your shit. 
The table was silent again, watching the two of you battle. “Backstory?” He questioned. 
“Sebastian was abducted by a group of thieves when he was 15. He spent 20 years under their command, being the muscle to their brains. One night, the thieves’ camp was raided and Sebastian joined the raiders’ side, killing the people who took him hostage. Now, he's sworn an oath to kill or punish every thief or criminal who holds prisoners or slaves captive. He’s also searching for his lost parents that he was ripped away from.” You held eye contact with him the whole time you told your story. Your character's backstory was something you were very proud of and you weren't going to let him make a fool of you. 
Eddie leaned back away from you, sitting comfortably in his chair again. “Not bad.” he praised. “I'm thoroughly impressed. I guess we can add ‘nerd’ to your list of qualities that make you fit in here.”
You smiled at him, a warm feeling in your chest growing as you felt the validation from him. “Thank you. I wear that title with pride.”
“Okay! So she's joining us right!? This is fricken awesome!” Thinking Cap shook his clenched hands in front of him in excitement. 
Still staring at Eddie, you raised an eyebrow to him, questioning if he wanted you to join or not. 
“That's up to her.” He stated. “I think it's clear that the invitation is open.” 
Glancing at the table full of smiling guys, all of them on the edge of their seat, waiting for your answer, you simply said, “Then I accept.”
The table roared a final time and you received a few pats on the back and a few “Welcome to hellfire!”s. Meanwhile, Eddie was grinning from ear to ear, trying to play down his excitement, but you could see the way he squeezed his crossed arms together, the same way he did when you talked about music in class. He was definitely happy that you said yes. 
When the excitement finally died down and everyone settled into a lighter conversation, Eddie scooted his chair closer to you and whispered somewhat close to your ear. “If we're too much for you, you can tell us to back off. I didn't mean to bombard you with so much shit on your first day. You just seem really cool, and that's rare around here, so I wanted you to have some equally cool friends.”
Turning your head slightly to look at him, you noticed how comfortable he was with being so close to you. And how comfortable you were with it as well. “I'm enjoying it actually,” you whispered back. “I've never felt this welcome before.”
“Good.” Was all he said as he moved away from you, showing off his dimples again with a smile. 
You finished your lunch while listening to the multiple conversations happening around the table. Two boys were bickering, three were talking about guitar solos, and Eddie and Plaid Vest were discussing something very quietly. You thought to yourself “Okay, I definitely think like it here for once.”
“Hey, lunch is almost over,” Plaid Vest announced, looking to you. “What class do you have next?”
Reaching into your back pocket, you pulled out your schedule. “Ummm… History, with O'Donall.” 
“NO WAY!” Eddie yelled from right beside you, startling you a bit. “So do I! Let me see your schedule!” 
You handed the paper over to Eddie and both he and Plaid Vest (you really should have asked everyone’s name) looked over every class. “None of those are with me, unfortunately.” Plaid Vest said, slightly disappointed. The end-of-lunch bell rang and students began packing up their lunches, returning their trays, and leaving the cafeteria. “I'll see you later tho!” He waved at you with a genuine smile and left the cafeteria.
“You’ll never fucking believe this, but we have every single class together!” Eddie said excitedly.
“No way.” You said flatly, you did not believe that one bit. The rest of the table started packing up their things as well and heading out. Everyone gave you a polite “bye” on their way out.
“I'm serious! Well, except for first period, but the rest of today we do! I’d show you my own schedule but it's in my locker.” Eddie insisted. He stood up as you did and kept to your side as you made your way back to your locker to gather your things. 
“So what you're saying is: I'm never going to get rid of you?” You joked, opening up your locker.
“Oh absolutely!” Eddie said with a devilish grin on his face. “Guess you and I have to be friends forever now.”
“Well… forever for me might only be a couple months before I move again, but I think I can handle you for that long.” You teased, pulling the last of your class stuff out of your locker and shutting it.
“You're going to move again? You just got here.” Eddie asked. You both started down the hall towards history class, Eddie leading the way.
“Well, I've moved probably near fifty times in my eighteen years of life, so… it's not unlikely that I'll move again.”
“FIFTY!?” Eddie yelled
“Calm down,” you laughed at his sudden outburst, that number usually surprises people. “Yeah something like that. Makes it hard to keep friends.” You said, sounding a lot sadder than you meant to.
“That fucking blows. Why do you move so much?” Eddie was genuinely curious about you, he was leaning in and listening to your every word.
“You'd have to ask my dad. He pisses off a lot of people and then we’re forced to skip town before he gets his ass beat.” You explained. “He's not in trouble with the cops or anything, just like… landlords, neighbors, bar owners, liquor store employees… pissed off a mayor once too.” God your dad’s a mess.
“Wow, what an asshole.” He stepped through the doorway of your history class and held his arm out in front of him, waving you through like you were royalty. It made you laugh, and made other people stare.
“You're telling me.” You said, exaggerated. You walked past Eddie and quickly made your way to the teacher at the head of the room, wanting to introduce yourself quickly this time so that there weren't so many students in the room for her to announce your presence to.
This teacher, once again, confirmed that this was the right class and welcomed you to Hawkins High. As she finished writing your name on the attendance sheet, a shrill voice let out an exasperated “UGH!” from behind you. 
“This is my seat, you freak! Go find a trash can to sit in, or better yet! Go jump off a bridge!” The same blonde haired cheerleader who had smashed into you in the hall was currently screaming at Eddie, who was sitting at a pair of desks in the third row with his feet on the table, not looking at her at all.
“Miss Blackwell! That is enough! None of these seats belong to anyone! Please find another desk to sit in. Mister Munson has already chosen that one.” Ms. O'Donall stated, sternly. She then sighed and added, “And thank you for joining us today, mister Munson.” sounding like she was annoyed that he showed up at all.
The cheerleader and her friend stomped away from Eddie who was now smiling at you, very proud of himself. They sat down at a different pair of desks which caused another two students who had just walked in, to be upset and move back a row, they caused another two to move, and another, and another, and another. Eddie had just disrupted almost every student’s seating habit single-handedly.
“What are you doing?” you whispered to Eddie as you took your seat next to him. “You really wanted to hear the cheerleaders whine huh?”
“Of course! It sounded like fun when I suggested it, and I didn’t think you would do it, so I did.” He took his feet off the desk in front of him and leaned toward you so only you could hear him. “Plus, I figured this was a good spot, you can see the board from here right?”
Did he really just force some cheerleaders to move seats just so that you wouldn't have to sit at the back of the room and squint to see the board? “Eddie!” You whispered, scolding him a bit. “You did not just do that so I could see the board.” You were looking him directly in the eyes, searching for some other explanation than kindness towards you, someone he just met.
Eddie just shrugged his shoulders with a big smile on his face and leaned back in his chair, assuming the same position as he seemed to always do, arms crossed, legs spread.
You continued to stare at him, bewildered that someone would do that for you. A loud voice pulled you away though, “Miss y/ln. I don't think today's lesson is on mister Munson’s forehead, so could you face the board where it actually is, please?” Ms. O’Donall, who you now know will be a hard-ass, was looking directly at you, lips pursed together. “Sorry.” you said quietly, and turned to face her. She nodded sharply and went back to the lesson. You heard a few giggles from behind you, probably the cheerleaders. 
You took out your notebook and began copying the notes Ms. O'Donall was writing on the board, trying your hardest to not look at Eddie. Something in your head kept wanting to stare at him, to get closer to him, to really make a friend this time around. But you knew if you did that, it would end in heartbreak when you were dragged off to another city with your parents. So you pushed it all down. Hanging out with the boys won't be so bad, there's no harm in having fun, you just won't let yourself get too attached to them and the break will be clean. Hopefully. 
The rest of the day went by smoothly. You managed to get some notes from Ms. O'Donall on the two weeks that you missed so you wouldn't be so behind. And your last class of the day was biology, probably the only class that you learned anything in during all of last year, so it felt like more of a review than new information. Eddie chose to sit you near the front in biology as well, though no one yelled at him in that class, which was honestly surprising. 
When the final bell rang, Eddie followed you once again to your locker. “How did you understand a single thing that Mr. Grinnell said?”
“I've been through it before. This is my second senior year. Fuck every other class, but bio? That's my shit. Well, and art, but that doesn't count.” You explained, pulling your jacket and backpack from your locker. 
“I dunno, I've been through it before too, but I think it made even less sense this time around.” He rubbed his forehead like thinking made his brain hurt. 
You closed your locker and placed your hand on his shoulder. “If you need some help, I don't mind. After all you've done for me so far, I think I owe you something. We can help each other finally finish our senior years. Well… help each other for as long as I'm here.”
Eddie pulled his hand away from his face and looked up at you. “You serious? Because I think I could really use the help. I'm dumb as shit so it might be a challenge, but I'm not gonna say no if it means we get to hang out.” He seemed to be excited about your offer. 
“Yeah, I'm absolutely serious. Gives me a reason to stay away from my house and my parents.” You really hated sitting around the house with your dad who was always drunk and mad, and your mom who was always high and stupid. “But not tonight though, I really do have to find my clothes or else I'll be showing up to school tomorrow in this exact outfit. Plus, you have a gig to get to.” You smiled at him warmly, making sure he knew that you weren't just being nice for the sake of it. You really did like the idea of having someone to keep you on track in school, and you had no problem with helping him do the same. 
“Deal!” He excitedly accepted and stuck out his hand for you to shake. 
You took his hand and gave it a firm shake. “No taking that back now, we've made a deal!” You said, pointing at him. 
He grinned. “Scout's honor!” he swore, raising his hand to place it over his heart, his other hand still holding yours. 
The two of you made your way outside, ready to head home. “Need a ride?” Eddie offered. 
“No, that's okay, I'll walk.” You politely declined. 
“Are you sure? If you live near Wheeler, that's a pretty far walk!” Wheeler must be the kid you moved in next to. The one with black hair that looked like Eddie’s. 
“Honestly, it's not that bad of a walk. I made it to school that way.” Granted, you were late two periods, but that wasn't entirely your fault. You didn't have your alarm clock unpacked yet and you woke up later than you meant to. “It's pretty straightforward. Plus, it's how I usually learn the city. If I get lost, I'll just wander till I find my way back.”
Eddie looked a little worried for a moment so you patted him on the shoulder and reassured him, “I'll be fine. Promise. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah!?” 
He hesitated for a moment but you could see him decide against arguing with you. “Alright then, yeah. See you tomorrow, y/n.” He said, nodding and smiling. 
“Bye, Eddie.” You gave him a big smile and a little wave and headed off in the direction of your new house. 
The walk home took about 20 minutes, plenty of time to sort out your head and take note of all that had happened in the day. You made six friends in one day, definitely a new record for you! You joined a DnD party, possibly became a groupie, pissed off some cheerleaders, and gained a study buddy. There's a good chance that this town wasn't going to be the worst you've ever stayed in. But the looming question of “just how long will this last?” would never leave your mind. 
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eldritchamy · 27 days
omg i completely forgot about the grand folia hotel. i read it when it came out, it rewired my whole dang brain, and then i moved on. aaaa im gonna go reread it right now even though I've been up all night and need to sleep (there aren't any plants around to stop me from making self-destructive sleep cycle decisions muahaha). thank you for your post about it! also if it's alright to offer a recommendation, Hospitable Takeover on Readonlymind.com was the second ever HDG fanfic and in my opinion greatly informed the tone of the setting in 2021 and 2022. It's also just super cozy and comfy and a perennial favorite of mine ^w^
You're welcome for the brainworms!
I understand completely, I'm not sure WHAT chapter 10 did to me but I think my brain is a torus now. I didn't THINK I had a free use kink (I PROBABLY still don't, at least as a participant), but I didn't think I had a PETPLAY kink either until this fucking universe started turning me inside out a few days ago.
I'm already rereading The Grand Folia Hotel myself because I feel like given the plot there's a lot more to get out of it by reading it through a second time (somehow I didn't realize that Phoebe was basically in a perpetual lesbian bluescreen from the moment she stepped into the garden in chapter 1).
Plus it was just EXTRAORDINARILY HOT and I can't wait to watch Phoebe/Amaranth get broken all over again.
It's a shame the story didn't keep going into the ongoing corruption and implantation past her initial surrender, the characters had such good chemistry with each other that I'm really craving more of them. Would have LOVED a chapter or two (or six) of newly implanted pinnates, especially with how amused Celosia was by the fact that they fucking tricked her into taking them at all. Celosia and Phoebe are fucking perfect for each other.
Her revenge must have been DELICIOUS.
And GOD Becca must have been so fucking smug about it once Phoebe was ACTUALLY a floret. I need to know the teasing that happened once she got her real implant.
This is what I meant in a previous post when I said I was "frothing at the cerebellum" to read it again. I'm going actually insane.
Which, as many new people are I'm sure rapidly learning about me, means it is Once Again Infodump Time, because I suffer from a terminal case of Someone Needs To Shut Me Up With A Kiss disease. (I am also a long sufferer of Capitalizes Letters For Emphasis syndrome.)
I'm like the free use kink of infodumping, a bunch of people seem to have figured out how to make me do it almost on queue, and they do it, because they think it's cute. I don't DENY that it's cute, but god does it seem to cost me a lot of the time that I meant to spend reading about the good little florets.
I CAN'T keep taking an hour to write every goddamn post I make about HDG. WHEN WILL I SLEEP? More importantly, WHEN WILL I FINISH REREADING CHAPTER TWO? It took me four extraneous paragraphs to even mention that the read more continues exactly from the train of thought I left off on an aforementioned four paragraphs ago! God, I need help.
AND Phoebe never even saw herself in a mirror ONCE in the story! I want to know what happened the first time she saw what the Class Gs were doing to her! (Do you think Celosia put her in Doll Mode and made Amaranth pose in front of a mirror and be perfectly still, watching her own blank expression obediently while Celosia and Jazz just relentlessly caressed her with every imaginable affection? Do you think Phoebe's wake up trigger was Amaranth saying "Good dolls know they are deserving of love. I'm a good doll and I am worthy of love"? Do you think, beyond the moment when she accepted she was meant to be broken by Celosia's will, that that was the moment she understood what it meant to be put back together, and it was the moment she truly felt, and for the first time could not deny or run away from, that she was the happiest she'd ever been? Because I DO think that happened. And I need it.)
It even would have been nice to see INDRA further along in her own corruption later on. Altiss seemed like a good influence on her, it was really sweet that she had that nice moment with Phoebe at the end of the Matinee.
I'm STARVING for more of that specific story, it was SO good. (Keysmasht, if you ever see this somehow, how much of my soul do you want for a few more chapters? I'll beg.)
Hell, I might beg for permission to write those chapters MYSELF someday. That story is too good for there to not be more of it.
Thanks for the recommendation! I can't BELIEVE I've never heard of this setting before now, it's extremely my shit (apparently) and I'm loving the discovery of new, interesting content that I can not fucking put down. Judging by the tags on my posts, and a friend on discord, flinging myself headfirst into all of this has inspired a few other little seedlings to follow me into florethood.
Recommendations from people more familiar with the setting and stories are definitely welcome, though I can't promise I'll get to any one particular story soon.
Abscission and Divaricated come up in a lot of recommendations for lore reasons? But I've been putting off some of the longer stories like those and Dog of War because they're HUGE commitments and it's so hard not to consume as many stories as possible.
Except, of course, for the fact that I keep rereading the ones I've already gone through because I like what they did to my brain.
I'm struggling not to make TWO other ones I've already read (the original and Inosculate) the next ones on the list after rereading Grand Folia.
Hospital Takeover sounds like an EXCELLENT recommendation, I LOVE cozy and comfy stuff within a primarily kink setting. I'm SO glad the second one I ever read was A Normal Grocery Run During Which No Domestication Occurs. I adore the way SapphicSounds writes dorkier more nervous Affini, and I'm glad I got to see THAT QUICKLY how much of a tonal range there was in HDG stories.
Sleepy Bitch also sounds cute, so I wanna do that one soon.
Also the reading of any particular one is slow going because unfortunately my brain is absolutely churning with ideas of my own. I'm VERY tempted to do a pinnates one because I'm absolutely HOOKED on that concept in particular. I already know one of their names and I just came up with a great title for the story while ...rather vividly imaging a very intense domming scene.
I do want to read a fair bit more before I try my hand at writing one, though. While I've got enough domme in me to feel like I could do some of the Affini taunting justice (seeing Akash in the first story use almost the exact domming style I go for was... enlightening, to say the least; now I know why I get such good keymashes out of my teasing victims), I want to have a bit more confidence in the world itself first to make sure I get it right.
But it's far from the first time I've considered writing erotica. I definitely have the brainworms for it at the moment.
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ladymariayuri · 9 months
your m+ posting always makes me wanna try it but it still scares me so hard as someone who rarely does dungeons and has never done m+ before (even tho i’ve raided a lot and am fine w that). do you have any tips on how to get started w m+ or anything for people new to it?
OMG YAAAAY okay i can actually give you tips that helped me because i didnt do a single m+ dungeon until late bfa, and i didnt do anything above a 10 until shadowlands season 2 which was also the first season i started doing like "high" keys if you want to call it that. but i always really wanted to try it all of legion and most of bfa i was just so scaredpilled and terrifiedmaxxing. ok anyway AUTISM BLAST READMORE OF DOOM
#1 thing i would recommend is doing a youtube binge of a bunch of guides for the current season's dungeons thats aimed at newer players or people unfamilliar with the m+ environment and then going in on a regular mythic or a +2 until you personally feel comfortable and think you have a grasp of whats going on. you can watch as many guides as you want but nothing's going to teach you like throwing yourself in there and doing it for yourself. idk if youve done dawn of the infinites before it was turned into m+ (or at all) but it had a few more mechanics and quirks for some bosses and they were a LOT harder at the time (morchie, chrono lord deios, and manifested timeways come to mind). my first time doing it my friends literally summoned me after the first boss because their tank dropped group and needed one and i had to learn everything on the fly with them explaining it over voice and while it was horrifying it was a good learning experience. for this season specifically, this video is a decent "cheat sheet" for all of the bosses and their mechanics that you can just skip through for a general idea of things, and this playlist consists of videos for each dungeon that are super in depth and basically explain what's going on from dungeon entrance to dungeon end. trash packs, dangerous abilities, what each role should be focusing on, bosses and their mechanics, etc
you said you already raid so i don't have to preach the whole "know your class" thing but m+ is an entirely different beast from raid requiring a different mindset and your personal responsibility pretty much skyrockets across the board. tank is pretty chill in raid but in m+ it's much harder because you have no cotank and you're the one calling the shots and setting the pace and you're sort of expected to know exactly what you're doing and how you're going to do it and if it deviates at all from what they expect you better be able to prove it wasn't a bad idea. i dont heal in raids so i dont really know how it is but i can't imagine that going from 5~ cohealers to none makes you feel any better and being able to compensate for everybody else's mistakes that aren't a literal 100-0 oneshot is pretty much required and very much not for the weakhearted. as dps you go from one in a million to expected to do your job because a dps in m+ who doesnt do their job (ccing, not getting hit, using defensives) is a lot more noticeable and problematic than a dps in raid who doesn't do their job because a bad dps in raid is just mildly irritating but a bad dps in m+ can make or break the run
across the board for all roles i think the #1 mindset change to adopt is a much heavier focus on mob control and having the proper utility to survive both mobs and bosses. this usually boils down to taking every cc talent you can spare the points for and sometimes sacrificing damage to take a talent point in being able to dispel diseases, or purge etc. you can usually get away with not taking the right utility talents in raid unless it's something like stampeding roar or darkness because you probably have somebody else who can do it for you. you can't really get away with that in m+ because you're running into situations where you have to interrupt or stun or purge or slow or knockback or run away or heal yourself or press your immunity button from the moment you put the key in until the last boss dies and you often have to exhaust every button available to you as soon as it's ready. sometimes its not enough, sometimes everybody's all out of buttons, and you just have to survive until things die. if you watch m+ streamers at all then you already know things are just constantly happening all the time and it never stops but most streamers play in coordinated groups with voice chat which reduces the difficulty of these dungeons by like 50% imho. if you're pugging then you have to play the game like everybody else in your group is a fucking idiot (which is just going to be true most of the time) and plan around the possibility that you have to do the job of 5 people
if you want to know what other people are running or what the best setup for your class is in m+, i recommend cross referencing between the m+ sections of both icyveins and wowhead, your class's discord, and subcreation.net and seeing what seems to be a common denominator between all or most of them. emphasis on cross referencing because most of these have their flaws. class discords are objectively super helpful and up to date but are usually full of freaks detached from reality who are physically incapable of doing anything except circlejerking. subcreation is a data website that just shows what most people are rocking irt talents/gear, and while i personally use it religiously many people advise against data websites because they don't give the big picture on why people are running x and/or y. i dont see a problem with that, it's just best used in tandem with other resources. i don't have any negative things to say about wowhead or icyveins, they're just authored by different types of hosts (wowhead guides are often maintained by one person who's really good at what they do naturally, icyveins guides are the product of class discords and thus are sort of a group effort). i personally like to refer to wowhead more because there's a lot more little comments and notes by authors explaining the rationale behind why x is good and y is bad or maybe if you're this type of player you'd prefer this instead of that. again, you might know all of this as a raider, but idk the extent of your raiding experience and it doesn't hurt to bring it up just incase. here's the subcreation page for havoc dh, which is my main, to give you an idea of what that website provides. i think an underrated benefit of subcreation stems from it "hiding" all of the talent points that are taken 99% of the time, so anything that remains is usually a flex point for a reason you have to figure out through the other resources listed. to use havoc dh as an example, the flex points in the class tree are usually just different choices made with utility (aoe fear, longer throw glaive or throw glaive that slows enemies, longer spectral sight etc), but in the spec tree there's only one flex point, and there's 3 different options that all fill the same niche (your burst aoe button) but are WILDLY different in how they play. i know why theyre picked and when, but if i didnt, id probably look at icyveins and wowhead. and to use havoc dh as an example again, glaive tempest is rarely mentioned on those websites compared to fel barrage and essence break, and if i wasn't very familiar with the class i'd be a bit confused. so that's where i'd go into the class discord and literally ctrl-f "glaive tempest" lol. i think this is honestly more relevant in m+ than in raid because raid is going to be focused on single target builds 99.9% of the time, but you need a mixed damage profile in m+ and that just naturally leads to more diverse builds that do different types of damage. the same thing can apply to healing and tanking though. m+ healing has a higher emphasis on "on-demand" spot healing, 1-5 target group healing but no more than 5, and damage is going to be more relevant here than in raid. m+ tanking will start to prioritize generating as much threat as you can in a very short amount of time to multiple targets, anything that will help specifically make you tankier vs multiple targets for an extended period of time, and crowd control, which is usually not something you see in raid.
do it scared. if youre scared to do it bad you still have to do it scared. there's no way to stop being scared than to do it scared. tell people you're still learning mechanics in a +2 and they will either not care in the slightest or be more than happy to explain things
a quick "shit, thats my bad" is like an irl soothe. will instantly diffuse any potential conflict unless somebody's just a cunt. then they're not worth your time. make a macro to say "oops mb" if you have to. it shows that you're not a dick and you are cognizant of your own abillity to fuck up and are therefore aware of what the correct thing to do was
in turn, dont be the cunt unless somebody is a cunt to you first. flaming people is worth it approximately 1% of the time. you probably aren't inclined to do this while you're still scared but wanting to punch your monitor because some dipshit just failed the easiest mechanic in the world is eternal in both raiding and m+ once you know what you're doing. there will come a point where somebody dying at a bad time to stupid shit is going to ruin the key. (thankfully you don't reach that point until the mid 20s, but people will act like that's true much sooner than that). they probably know they fucked up and you likely don't have to say anything more than "gg". there is also a point where it is expected of everybody to be able to do things with a moderate amount of intelligence. if somebody dies to a very easy to avoid ground aoe multiple times that most everybody in your group forgot could even one shot because it's that easy to avoid, yes, a little bit of "wtf are you doing you idiot" could be warranted. if you're the one dying to stupid shit, pull out the "mb dunno whats up with me right now" and clear your head. if somebody else is the one dying to stupid shit, accept you can't do anything about it besides be mildly irritated.
build good habits for mechanics early. unfortunately in a +2 and honestly for most keys until the high teens / low 20s depending on your gear, shit is just going to tickle and you're not really going to notice it. other people also just aren't going to do mechanics most of the time unless it is an actual intentional pass/fail that will most likely kill you or wipe you on every key level. i think the best way to circumvent this is to treat every swirlie like it will kill you, like every frontal will kill you (unless it's a designated tank frontal and you're the tank, and even then, treat it like it will kill you and mitigate it), like every unkicked cast could kill you, so on and so forth. obviously this is much easier said than done.
sort of related to the previous point, i also believe that you don't really learn to respect a mob or a boss until it turns around and slaps you for 2x your health bar. it's like a fun hidden reputation bar. you start a +2 tyrannical black rook hold with the risen arcanist being at 0/10000 "what does this guy even do" and one day in your first +25 bolstered fortified black rook hold the risen arcanist will arcane blitz you for 7 million damage when you have 800k hp and suddenly you're 10000/10000 "im going to have nightmares about this mob for the rest of my life" and you will have learned a valuable lesson. then, and only then, do you understand on a fundamental and atomic level why the risen arcanist must be treated with the respect that it demands, and what cooldowns you have to reserve for it in the next run. this is just a part of putting in the reps and doing it scared and just jumping right in. you will learn over time what mobs you HAVE to respect and which ones are allowed to get a few casts off or live a bit longer in favor of the more threatening ones. you will also learn which boss abilities are just a rough slap across the face and which ones are Literally 9/11 which will just instantly fucking kill you with no hope of ever surviving without pressing your biggest defensive, which sometimes means you just have to rawdog the slaps across the face so that you dont get instantly fucking killed by Literally 9/11. guides will always tell you this sort of thing and what to watch out for but just like how you dont really learn mechanics from reading about it, you dont learn that a +25 tyrannical iridikron's stonecracker barrage is just going to fucking kill you if you dont do something about it and it probably will kill you even if you DO do something about it and that's just the reality we live in and your next step is to find out if you cuold have done anything more to prevent it.
ok thats enough typing from me. if you ever have specific questions you can always send an ask again. i wish u luck i lov dis game mode i hope u enjoyed my autism wall of text <3
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livingfast04 · 2 years
Hi, I have a question for the moster au!
Is there controversy regarding humans and monsters in fiction (books, movies, etc.)? Like a human writing a love novel between a human and a vampire (like Twilight) and they receive backlash because what does a human know about vampires? Does writing a book automatically make them an expert on all vampires? How do the vampires feel about it? The same goes for if a monster wrote about other monsters. Like a mermaid writing about faes and hellhounds. Like each monster being a bit protective of their species in fiction because nobody else is really going to understand than themselves.
In all my planning and then world building. I did not think about this-
And now I'm mad that I didn't think about this. Meaning I've spent the last several weeks, trying to answer this question.
Short Answer, Yes.
Long Answer- Oh, my god you absolute genius.
I realized, I touched on this briefly with all of this being super inspired by Frankenstein (praise be Mary Shelley), and then mentioning the book like- a little too much. Was reading it for a Class, and was super frustrated with the teacher- and I coped with it my own way.
They are a lot of controversy regarding writing Monsters in books that are not written by monsters. Specifically if they are not the type of monster written in the book. Or whenever they are presented in any type of media.
Will remark- Movies and TV shows are an acceptation to this, mostly because they have to hire those types of Creatures to play those parts. Thought about this one a lot, and that was a long legal issue with discrepancy's and discrimination within the Filming industry with letting Humans play roles of Creatures. And then not telling creatures rightfully have those roles.
Books! In fiction-
No one cares about general pairings. Vampire - Human, Werewolf - Vampire, Human - Witch. Witch - Vampire
And so on.
It's more of a Creatures that aren't super open with their general happenings. Or a, they don't truly mind as long as it is not written from the perspective of the creature- (brief moment where my power goes out for maybe 5 seconds, and then my wifi takes 30 minutes to come back on- had to copy paste all of it into an offline google doc. Apologizes if the format is fucked.) Most don't mind speculation, roughly done research. As long as it is told as another creature looking in on a different creature. It's when, lets say a Werewolf, writes book or such from the point of view of a Dragon- It's when discrepancies show up and people get angry. Because while yes, that is a Monster writing a book about well A monster's story- it's not their type, and their experiences with life are completely different. You used Twilight as an example- I say, from the way like- vampires are more in media, as well as how this Au's vampires work. And people are very aware of that, at the point the book is released. There's very little talk about it being, such a huge piece of like- Inaccurate standards- and more it circles the Vampire covens because everyone thinks its hilarious. So I think it just depends. In the 80s? They are all very, very feral and protective when it comes down to their species. It's very frowned upon for other monsters to write about other monsters as if they know more, and it's even more frowned upon when humans do anything monster related. However not the other way around, because they've already picked apart that certain human looking monsters are humans, but also not- but saying they can't write books about human hero's and human villains. Is saying they aren't human at all. Most Monsters don't actually care to write about humans. There are few monster published books about humans falling in love with Monsters- than there are human published books about monsters falling in love with humans. There's all sorts of different standards. A lot of controversy, a lot of discussion about it. And a lot of things are considered taboo- or just simply frowned upon. But there are no real laws about what people can publish- humans and no-humans. In Fiction. outside of fiction there are heavy rules, regulations, consent, permission, permits, laws. Though! more common to see co-author's on extremely popular fiction novels. Different species of Monsters will band together to write a series, or just a novel. To show case both different voices, write their creature in their most accurate way. Humans and Monster also do this! It's very common for there to be a general- "If you have a monster based idea, toss the idea to another writer. see if they want to co-author it." I think- I covered, most of what you asked??? I got excited when you asked- and then I got a little carried away- Ha.
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revvnant · 5 days
when did mike's pyromania first manifest, and did it cause him problems in his youth (i.e setting fires and getting in trouble for it)
so first off i'm probably not going to say anything that's new to you sidney, but for people who aren't into it, pyromania / pathological fire setting is not super well defined or understood by medicine; it's a very broad term that covers a lot of conditions that cause fire setting. i've seen definitions that exclude mania and psychotic episodes, but treatment designed around both, and literature that draws close links between the latter and pathological fire setting specifically. i'm not gonna get into the evaluation part of it because i'm still doing research, but just to preface, i'm drawing partially from what's focused on in the four factor fire scale / firesetting questionnaire. u of kent's recent research on this is generally publicly available.
so i don't know that i would even technically class michael as a pathological fire starter, in that it's not the most prominent of his issues and the fires we see him set seem to be well-thought-out and intentional. that said, he strongly hits the 'personal identification with fire' aspect of the scale. i just want to draw a distinction between like... fire being mike's preferred m.o. being a headcanon of mine, and me using canon to say that he's a pathological fire setter. i don't think his two known instances of setting fires / participating in setting fires constitute compulsive or pathological acts in and of themselves, as they simply make sense on their own for getting rid of an offensive building and The Killer. because we get so little for michael in fnaf, i choose to connect him with fire, and i also think it's a double-edged sword — he's highly flammable and fire can permanently kill him, so he can't just do whatever with it; so the compulsions i think he has are tempered by fear of accidentally melting or self-immolating. i think that's an extra factor that other fire setters usually don't share, created by the supernatural elements present in the story.
moving on to my actual headcanons, i think he had a childhood fascination with fire spurred in part by other people making comparisons for him — hotheaded, hot-tempered, short fuse, firebrand, etc. it worked its way into his psychology and first manifested as sneaking cigarettes. he enjoyed lighting them, watching them burn out, the smell of smoke, and the sensation of smoking them ( specifically the sort of acrid taste and feeling in the mouth and lungs ). he grew to like putting them out as well, and the small fires he could start by doing so. i already believe he liked to hang out at the dump ( this is an it / donnie darko reference, we must have our 80s representation ), so it provided him with ample opportunity to start lots of small scale fires. it never escalated past that; he never set fires at school, for example, though he may have been tempted to. he also never set them at work, because electrical fires are sort of a different beast to him and william drilled into his head how dangerous those are. his pride as a mechanic prevents him from setting them. at home, he channels it by being in charge of cooking and the fireplace and is usually satisfied by the flames on the stove.
writing this out has me like wow this is actually his best-managed issue. he has so much going on with his temper and physical altercations that he doesn't really have room for arson. his go-to is always punching and he's psychotic and terrified of going to jail, so it never escalates to revenge fires. but i think he deeply emotionally connects with fire in a few different ways:
the act of destruction. it is cathartic for him to watch something be reduced to nothing, specifically by burning. sparks and ashes appeal to him. contrast with william's affinity for bones and blood as a means of disposal; michael definitely has these as a motif, and is an eleven on the body horror scale of course, but in terms of what he likes, he would see fire as vastly preferable to getting crunched in an animatronic. he acknowledges that it is probably immensely painful and an awful way to go, but on a psychological level, he sees it as less messy and more permanent than other forms of physical trauma.
heat and unpredictability. the way that fire moves and spreads and soaks up oxygen and repels people from it feels very personal to michael. i often describe him as having burning synapses, or a mind on fire, because i think that's how he experiences his own psychosis. his neural forest is being razed. he experiences internal activation and discomfort as heat and dryness, and so when he sees fire, that feels like an externalisation of his feelings. as someone who is kind of shit at expressing himself in a healthy way, fire becomes a sort of shortcut for having to convey distress.
control. as a person with minimal control over his own life, setting a fire is an act of rebellion and an assertion of power. because what the fuck are they going to do about it? he decides what gets destroyed ( to a degree ), he makes it happen, he has the lighter and he can threaten to drop it at any moment. and what he burns is, well, burned. that's extensive damage that's going to be around for a while. it's going to have a psychological and monetary cost to fix. it's going to scar. the damage has to be acknowledged in some way — in a way that the damage being done to michael rarely is. it is an extremely effective way of forcing people to listen to him.
this has gotten long but. basically. no he didn't get in trouble because he was too busy getting in trouble for things like brother murder and assaulting customers, and that cycle didn't often leave room for things like setting fires either as attention seeking or vengeful behaviour. instead it mostly manifested as self-soothing. i think he burned his hands on the stove and oven a lot semi-intentionally. i think his friends were very worried about the dump fires. i think that, while the fright and simulator fires make sense outside of mike being into arson, they also serve as a manifestation of his feelings, the ultimate impossible-to-ignore fuck you, this is how i feel ( fright ) and fuck you, these things are gone forever and you can't hurt them anymore ( simulator ). they made him feel powerful. he just needs to be careful because he's 2x weak to fire.
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fractured-shield · 4 months
Requesting for the WIP Bingo—
Half coherent ramblings about langauage
*grabs popcorn and a blanket* okay I’m ready!!!
ok so!! *pulls out my super long disorganized notes document and spends like 20 minutes looking for the right notes* I'm gonna put the map here too just for ease of access
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So first of all, we have the god-tongue, Vakran, which originated in Vehtel Eromel, the city on the western expanse where the five four gods live. It's spoken by any mage or priest who serves in the city, and known to varying degrees by common people in the surrounding kingdom of Vinahri, and a bit less-so in Fairalme further east. On the eastern expanse, it's exclusively used by mages, sort of in a church-latin kind of way: used in written manuscript and recitation but not casual conversations, since they've long since stopped trading with the western half of the continent. The Lochieru dialect is essentially a heavily modified version of Vakran (like sharper consonants and less dropped/modified sounds), so it gives them an edge in actually learning spoken magic, but makes them sound sort of off-putting to other mages...in addition to the whole "they worship the banished fifth god and the dragons that god created" thing.
So I mentioned Vinahri and Fairalme in the west speak varying degrees of Vakran, but Fairalmin is their native language. In Vinahri, it's got more of a slow pace with a heavier rhythm and uvular r sounds to it, and the further you get to the Fairalmin coast it's more like...imagine the rhythm of a west wales accent and some of the vowel sounds, smushed on top of an irish accent but specifically something around galway. i realize that's incredibly specific and convoluted but it makes sense in my head and this is important to me bc Idhren's originally from the Fairalmin barrier islands lmao. it used to be a sort of trade language, but the trade isn't there anymore because the coastal kingdoms on the eastern expanse also aren't there, so it's pretty rare to hear on the eastern expanse now.
And speaking of that, in the eastern expanse the three original elf kingdoms (Linador, Ngelorim, and Silorn) spoke Cenaith. The new ones formed from their remnants in the last war do too, but like...you can tell the someone's age based on what their Cenaith sounds like. Older speakers have a lot stronger regional accents, if you're familiar you can be like "that's a middle class accent from the city of Thiamal in Ngelorim" but with anyone born after the most recent war, they grew up around a bunch of varied accents from all three kingdoms and sort of have this distinct "I think someone in your family was from that region based on that one single slang word you use but you sound like your accent is influenced by like ten things" kind of vibe. Since like, elf kingdoms and all, and there's such slow dialectical shift in any instance other than a huge upheaval that changes what accents everyone grows up hearing.
There's also Common, which is the trade language of the Hyse (humans) that was adopted by the Alliance council once the two Hyse kingdoms were allowed to join. It comes from Ilgost, and has a ton of variation in accents compared to Cenaith. And there's Riddana, which is spoken in Rhorn (although Common is also pretty...common there). It's got a lot more of a germanic feel to it I think, just based on vibes? And then there's Ikhanan which is spoken near the eastern shore and by a few isolated groups elsewhere and I still need to figure out a lot of what I'm doing with that, but it's a shared tongue of goblins and dwarves since they've historically coexisted in that area.
Also like, final note (although I'm sure I've forgotten something), Therien's accent is an absolute mess. She's already got that muddled post-war young person Cenaith accent, but with hints of her father's Fairalmin accent, and when she speaks Common you can tell Cenaith is her first language but there's a very noticeable Riddana undercurrent to it too from her time spent there and it's very confusing to anyone who doesn't know how she ended up with such a weird style of speaking
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How have they kept Odalia from catching on that they’re friends? Also, have you considered doing omakes for this AU of moments like this that don’t fit well in the main story? No pressure or anything, just curious.
Well things are better between Amity and the twins to start off, and their help makes a fair amount of difference.
In cannon the strain in their relationship seemed to stem from the pressure Amity was feeling causing her to resent that they can get away with their pranks and stuff, her trying to get them in trouble for once, them retaliating against her, her telling on them for their retaliation, and rinse and repeat with their parents either not noticing or not caring about that cycle.
But since Amity has a reason to rebel as well, she's less invested in actually keeping to Odalia's standards, and doesn't want to try and expose how Ed and Em aren't living up to them.
Ed and Em were thrilled to learn their little Mittens was sneaking around behind Odalias back, passing notes to Luz through library books, volunteering to tutor Willow after school back before she transferred to the Plant track, and have been very willing to help Amity sneak around Odalia, and she helps them as well.
Another, rather surprising...ally isn't the right word for Boscha, but she does actually help cover for Amity, even though she kind of hates her guts (feelings mutual).
I'm going to be expanding on the world building a bit in HS au, and something I'm going to be doing is showing how magic isn't meant to be neatly compartmentalized into nine different categories. Magic is supposed to be Wild.
I mentioned in DoaF that Luz has a lot of classes that overlap with Willow and Amity, but only has a general class (like history or math) with Gus, and that's bc Abominations and Potions have a lot of overlap, as do Plants and Potions.
Boschas parents in HS run a Potions company that makes different types of serums made specifically to be used on Abominations, to help Abominationists get their goo to the right consistency or texture or level of stability that they need for their job or whatever it is they need to do.
Their company is partnered with Blight Industries as a supplier for these very useful serums, and since their company is a fair bit smaller than the Blights, Boschas parents are super insistent that she maintain a good relationship with Amity so they don't risk losing that contract.
So even though Boscha would rather give up Grudgby forever than help the S1-Hexsquad, she and Amity actually have to work together to trick their parents into thinking they're still best friends. So they'll help cover for each other out of self preservation.
All that plus Eda applying the skills learned after decades of being a career criminal to help means Odalia is currently none the wiser, and is more invested in chasing Amity around with a bottle of hair dye than in who she's hanging out with at school.
And I actually have been considering posting outtakes and scrapped ideas for HS au and DoaF! Bc I have quite a few of them already, including a version of Eda finding the kids from Eda's perspective instead of Luz's I wrote when I was writing Chap 2.
Since I'm still hammering things out for later down the line (I have an overall plan with a few major plot beats I'm settled on, and ideas for how everything else is gonna go, but I only have up through the S1 events and a little into S2 of HS au concretely planned out) I'm going to hold off on posting any of those until I get things settled a bit more, since I don't want to put something out as a scrapped idea, only for me to get a new idea that means I can incorporate that scrapped idea, but now I've spoiled it and told everyone I'm not using it.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 11 months
ok so basically
my roommate told me that she and her summer bridge roommate are thinking about moving into a dorm together this semester, bc the summer roommate is having problems with her current roommate. now normally, i would be fine bc i think myself a nice person, however... this just brings up all my complaints that i had tried to keep quiet about
one, she is the one who insisted on bringing the fridge and microwave from her home so we wouldnt have to rent it (she'll be taking those with her and btw we're only allowed one fridge and microwave per room)
this really isn't a major complaint but she's a recent turned vegan and makes it seem like such a disability and that she's 'helping the world' by being vegan. i get it if it's a health thing or religious but just because you chose to not have the joy of real cheese doesn't mean you're oppressed bbg
adding on to the previous point, ig since she brought the fridge she thinks that she needs to use every. inch. of space of it. like this girl buys entire shelves of food from the store and gets confused when i say i couldn't fit my lunch for the next day in there. like yes, you did bring the fridge (bc you insisted) but these things are supposed to be 50/50 arrangments
she also takes up like 75% of the room. im glad i chose to loft my bed bc now my desk in under there and my drawers but if i hadn't, we would have a major problem. she brought what feels like her whole room plus a few items. i thought i had overpacked but guys, she has so much shit. her desk is covered in things bc she doesn't have a place to put them after already using most of the "shared" storage she brought (and told me not to worry about bc before move in i had expressed just normally fears of moving in)
she has a giant fucking scooter that takes up even more space, keep in mind our room isn't exactly the biggest. and i already have a vendetta againts people who ride bikes and scooters around campus. i do understand that it's easier and for some, a stressless way of getting to class, but when the sidewalk is packed with students walking and you push through on your bike or scooter i want to scream.
she's also like never in the room bc of being with her bf so im stuck in the room cleaning everything that SHE BROUGHT and when she is in the room, she makes offhanded comments about where i put my stuff (i keep everything i own in my little area, and yes sometimes it gets messy but i literally have no space)
and she never really uses all these things she brought??
this is just me lol but im super sensitive to smell and her food, when she makes microwave food, smells horrible and lingers. you might think im being dramatic but guys ive literally thrown up bc of the smell
this is weird: she firmly believes that catholics aren't christian? that led to me trying to explain the history behind abrahamic reglions and the different secs of christianity but she just brushed me off with a "i know an ex-catholic who said they're not christian"
has severe only child syndrome
now, if (probably when) she moves out, she'll be taking everything she brought with her
since she moved in before me bc of her summer program, idk how much space she truly takes up but ik that she's taking the fridge, the dehumidifier, the microwave, the 'shared' storage drawers, the filtered shower head (i bought the sink one), a lot of the cleaning supplies that she insisted on bringing bc she only uses 'sustainable' products, the big trash can that i said i would buy but when i was at the store she texted me and said she already bought one, and our 'shared' water filter
side note: she was always comparing me to her summer roommate, sometimes to the point that one of my friends had to tell her to stop bc i was visibly uncomfortable
and ik it sounds like i hate her and that im just being bitchy, but we are friendly it's just i don't think she's self-aware of a lot of things.
also, last thing: she makes being from texas her entire personality. i genuinely believe she doesn't know that texas is bigger than most european countries with how much she generalizes it's population
i lied, this is the last thing: she mentions a lot how "she's not like the basic girls" which irks me
ok 'rant' over! ik i sound like a bitch and im sorry but i wanted to get this all off my chest.
idk if anyone will have questions but if you do, i'll answer them lol
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foxgirldoll · 10 months
Been meaning to put this anon I got about tf games on my main on here for a bit, in case anyone else is interested.
I can't vouch for most of them as I have not played most of them, as a heads up
Heres the anon in its entirety (under a readmore because it's long. Also I fixed a typo in the first paragraph that would have made one of these games harder to find):
I saw you ask about the other games I recommend. I mentioned princess trap because it had recently gotten an update, and it will probably be my favorite game if it gets consistent updates. I didn't mention the other games because the ask was already getting long and I didn't want to overload Roxy. You asked though so the floodgates are open. I mostly use a site called TFgames (dot) Site if you don't already know about it so you can find the games there.
You likely already know magical camp if you're aware of the site, but for completion sake I'll mention it. It's a long running RPG maker game which was unfortunately put on permanent hiatus recently. You play a normal guy who is accidentally transported to a boot camp for magical girls and have to blend in until you can escape. Lots of content, great writing, good art, good worldbuilding, highly recommend. Maybe avoid losing to the bosses. The loss scenes aren't super tasteful. You can get the most recent build in the updates channel on their discord. For some reason it wasn't updated on the site. I was genuinely sad the game went on hiatus.
Little bitch academia takes a lot of inspiration from magical camp, and the developers seem to have been working together in some capacity. RPGmaker, decent combat. A guy ends up in a magical school and is assigned to a class for witches. Lots of ecchi, not much actual porn, I don't think you can even have sex in the game. The story was interesting though. It's overloaded with lolrandom early 2000s type humor which was weirdly enjoyable. Definitely not for everyone.
Between seems promising so far. RPG maker, alright combat. A guy and his coworkers are sent to a mysterious void. Again, the story seems interesting so far but not much actual porn.
Crossdressing in Camelot is alright. RPG maker. Lots of sex scenes, some of them are good. Decent writing.
The last of the kitsune was alright. I didn't get super far. Lots of sex scenes, but honestly too much dialogue.
Timeless Pantheon was amazing. RPG maker game with adequate combat. You play an earth man mistakenly summoned to a technomagical world where houses have to fight in tournaments for money. A rare completed game. Loved the story. Light on sex scenes until the end. Follow the walkthrough for the hidden events, it's worth it.
Better Earth is alright. RPG maker, forgettable combat. People are constantly experiencing full TFs but the player character never has sex. Lots of art scraped from the internet. Surprisingly strong gender binary. Everyone becomes a girl with a vagina, no intersex options at all.
Oathbreaker is pretty cool. It's a tactical RPG like fire emblem, but there's a few slow TFs going on. No sex so far. Made by Icarune. Their games are always interesting. Lots of different styles of gameplay, half decent writing, the art style takes a bit of getting used to. I get good vibes from them but they rarely get super spicy.
Superhuman was pretty fun. A visual novel that's more of a power fantasy than anything. You're a college guy that gets Prototype style shape sifting. Unfortunately the sex change TFs are temporary and only for certain events. Really long, I didn't reach the end after hours.
The rest of these are on itch.io
Unholy Arts wins the award for best world building in a porn game. It's an ongoing sex battle simulation game where you have to dominate your competitors, or choose one you want to win and try to befriend them. Honestly the gameplay kinda sucks, but the characters are all top tier. By default the main cast become futas at the beginning of the story, everyone starts as a female though.
Tales of androgeny by majalis is pretty good. It's sort of an exploration based RPG. The combat system is a little weird. They were an artist and story writer team before doing games so there are lots of good scenes. Really long though. I'm not sure about the story, it's locked behind patreon.
Full service shop has excellent writing and art. It's a visual novel set in the future where cybernetic limb replacement is common place and you're a girl going in for a new thing. I didn't get to the end but I think it's pretty short.
Hardcoded is cool. You play as a trans robot in a cyberpunk dystopia. You explore the city and make friends, and you get a day job. Excellent art, decent writing. Maybe too long, the story was kinda depressing. Lots of coping with oppressive mega corporations controlling the world. The characters were all just trying to get by. I didn't finish it but it didn't seem like there was any hope in the world other than hanging out with your friends.
Mice Tea is pretty good. Visual novel where there's a tea that makes you a furry. I only played the demo, but I was promised gender fuckery. The actual game costs money. I might actually buy it though, which would make it the first time I've spent money on porn.
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Okokok. If ur alright with me blowing up ur inbox. This is a romance in New York. I'd say Dally is like 15/16 here. I know the timelines a little screwy but im willing to ignore it cause everything else works so well. Imma just call the main character M/C because i dont know what else to do. So M/C is a kid from the better side of New York. Their folks arent great but they are pretty rich. M/C is dating a guy their family thinks would be good for them but they don't really like him. They spend a lot of time on the bad side of new york trying to get away from it all. Only a few of their friends know where their from. The first song on the album is kinda explaining the character.
Verse 1
Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise.
m/c is tired of this whole petty gossip thing the upper class have going on.
Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised.
They hate having to doll up for the cameras, they just want to do whatever without having to worry about how other people view them.
Now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it,
Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it.
They pretend to be all cool and tough and stuff but their actually pretty vulnerable. Someone who's just desperate enough to be a danger to themself and those around them.
I'm headed straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there's an old man sitting on the throne there saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
They want to make something of themself outside of their family's shadow.
I'm headed straight for the castle
They got the kingdom locked up
And there's an old man sitting on the throne there saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut.
There aren't many opportunities for someone like them in this kind of world, people don't expect them to do anything but sit there smiling for the cameras.
Straight for the castle
buuut they are determined to make something of themself despite these barriers.
Verse 2
All of these minutes passing, sick of feeling used.
They can practically feel the time passing. They want to do something.
If you want to break break these walls down your gonna get bruised.
They have walls up, essentially. But its also a challenge. They want someone to come along and care enough to want to see all of them.
and the rest of the song just repeats itself. I'm really sorry for how long this was. I have so much more ideas for this if you can put up with super long posts.
(Who am I? I am not this confident in real life.)
That’s so cool?? And like?? Such an interesting line to follow?? I’m invested in that dude. What else you got for me? Please share!!
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
hiii, im an argentinian jewish person, im going to a jewish school currently and have been since 6 years old, im curious because in our lessons we never learned about golems or jewish folklore, and i want to know more, could i ask where you get your information please? (not mad, sorry if it sounds like it just very curious abt culture)
a lot of what I know about Jewish folklore is stuff I learned on my own time / things I've researched online myself. again, since they're mostly myths and folktales, they probably wouldn't be taught in Hebrew school. similar to like, how you wouldn't learn about leprechauns or faeries in a Irish studies class.
usually I'll hear about a topic or myth in passing or online, and I decide to do further research on it myself.
I actually first heard about Behemoth and Leviathan from a game called Katana Zero, several years before I started my conversion. I knew they were mythical monsters, but I didn't know anything else beyond that. so I decided to look them up. and I discovered that they were mythical chaos monsters created by god at the beginning of creation. I had also already learned about golems in passing before.
I hadn't made the connection until someone online pointed out that the Regi trio seemed to be based on golems. and looking into it, I noticed that groudon kyogre and reyquaza was based on the Behemoth the Leviathan and the Ziz. it was super interesting to make that connection, and honestly, that's what I hope my post about that does for people. it'll help them go "oh yeah, now that you mention it" and inspire them to do more of their own research.
but to answer your question, where do I get my information. it's all over the place. but a good guide is to just search online to learn more. some of the sources I used for finding info on my original post include Britannica, JMBerlin, a few passages from the books titled The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg, and Putting God on Trial: The Biblical Book of Job by Robert Sutherland, and a translation of the Book of Job. and while I do use Wikipedia sometimes, I don't use it as a main source. always take everything you read on there with a grain of salt. use the sources cited on Wikipedia rather that Wikipedia itself.
yeah, you aren't really gonna learn about folktales and myths in Jewish school. but there's tons of books and articles online that you can learn from. and if you're looking for a recommendation, the book Lilith's Cave by Howard Schwartz is a great retelling of many Jewish myths and folktales.
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delastiny · 2 years
At 22:29 or as they would call it 10:29 pm
I have decided I will write out the Danish education system starting with the basics and then going into more detail about like, mainly the secondary part of the system
Dedicated to @faintvibes if you ever wanna read it
So there are three parts, two if you don't continue with a higher education.
Primary - lasts 10 years
Secondary - lasts 3 years
And the third part would be the highest education.
So basically primary is sort of put into parts, you have year 0 to year 2-3 being put together, year 4 to 6 being put together and year 7 to 9. There are certain classes which start at year 3 and ends in year 8 (Jesus christ right) and some classes last all 10 years. There's a few different unique classes which focuses on design or hardiness to give us experiences outside of normsl academics, and then we have math, Danish, English, history, social studies, religion (because we are a very Christian based society religion is a core subject in primary) and of course some science subjects
Now I think the Danish primary system heavily fails in their science department and part of it is because teachers aren't getting paid enough so therefore those who do get degrees in for science will go else where for higher pays. It's unfortunate and some of us (such as me) didn't have Biology at all for the three years I should've had it since there were no Biology teacher. (Still mad) (still got A+ in secondary) (who said you couldn't become super good at Biology in a year)
The secondary part is kind of different. During the start of year 7 you get introduced to the opportunities after primary, in year 8 you get more information and year 9 you get it drilled into you (even though I think Danish schools could do way better at guiding people when it comes to education)
So our secondary system isn't like the American system, we don't just have a singular high school you have to attend.
We have pathways, different schools offers different pathways.
Our pathways are divided into vocational pathways and gymnasium (high school) focused pathways
I introduce, gymnasium:
STX - Standard Student Exam
HHX - Higher Trading Exam
HTX - Higher Technical Exam
HF - Higher Preperation
Pre-IB + IB - International Baccalaureate
EUX - a mixture of gymnasium and vocational school
And I introduce, vocational:
EUD - Vocational education
EUX - a mixture between gymnasium and vocational
Now, you may ask, what are the differences, why are there so many, how do you even choose. Personally, I love having these choices, instead of going through a standard student exam where I would have to have more religion, more about ancient artifact, sports for three years. I got to choose a higher technical exam, where I DONT HAVE TO HAVE SPORT AT ALL
Let me get more into them individually
STX - Standard Student Exam
So, STX, The standard, made in 1850, pulled down from university level to a Latin school, to have some good ol education for the Danish boys.
Now going past all the major history such as girls being allowed into schools, and all of that, I will focus on the modern day version of STX and what it entails.
So the core subjects get described from A - 3 years, B - 2 years and C - 1 year. It's basically how long you have them, so the core subjects in a STX:
Danish A
History A
A third language A/B
English B
Mathematics B
Ancient artifacts C
Social studies C
Religion C
Sports C (last three years FOR WHATEVER REASON)
Biology C
Physics C
Oh wow, ok a lot of C subjects, that's also just very, STX. They are mainly spread out between their first, second and third year so they can have them at different points. As you can see it is also obligatory to have a third langauge, these are often either beginner which would require you to have them all three years therefore A Level, or continuation, which means you have had said langauge in primary, and therefore it is B level because you are already experienced.
Now the core subjects aren't all because STX also have study tracks which adds some subjects.
The study tracks in STX specifically focuses on:
Social studies
Examples: Social studies A, Math A. Social studies A, English A.
Examples: Math A, Physics B, Chemistry B. Math A, Biotechnology A, Physics B. Biology A, Chemistry B.
Examples: Music A, English A. Music A, Math A
Examples: English A, French continued B, Spanish beginner A. English A, French continued A, Latin C. Greek A, Latin A.
So depending on the study track of your choice, you could get a whole lot of different subjects.
Oh yeah
The first three months of STX
The first three months of a STX you go through these basic courses, you do that at every gymnasium except for HF and IB. At STX the basic courses are:
Natural Science Course (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
General linguistic understanding
HHX - Higher Trading Exam
So HHX, initially made as an experiment in 1888 and officiated in like 1920. Used to be a vocational school before in 1994 they made both HHX and HTX official gymnasium pathways (recent babies)
HHX, as you may guess, is extremely business and economic focused, as reflected in their core subjects:
Danish A
English A
A third languages A/B
International Economy B
Business Economy B
Math B
Contemporary History B
Sales B
Business Law C
Social studies C
Informatics C
As you can see, no science, just a bunch of economics and business and that's great for the because that's what they love. Of course obligatory langauge.
Now study tracks are put into three boxes
Economics and Sales
Example: Sales A, Business Economy A. Sales A, International Economy A. Sales A, Innovation B. International Economy A, Business Economy A.
Economics and languages
Examples: Spanish/French A, International Economy A. German A, International Economy A.
French A, Spanish A. German A, French B.
Yeah, HHX
And of course, the basic courses, the first three months:
Economics Course
General linguistic understanding
HTX - Higher Technical Exam
My love <3
So HTX, made as an experiment in 1982 and officiated in 1988, made into a gymnasium pathway in 1994. Had quite a short run as a vocational pathway but damn, only forty years of existence.
This pathway, is extremely science and technology focused, the perfect fit for Donnie. As of course, reflected in the core subjects:
Danish A
Technique A
Math B
Physics B
Chemistry B
Technology B
English B
Social studies C
Biology C
Informatics C
Absolutely best part.
HTX feels like a love letter to me
For it's study tracks, it is put into boxes of three yet again:
Applied Science
Examples: Math A, Physics A. Math A, Chemistry A. Math A, Programming B. Math A, Biotechnology A.
Examples: Communication/IT A, Programming B. Communication/IT A, Design B
Examples: Technology A, Design B. Technology A, Social studies B. Technology A, Math A
As a extra mention, if you choose a study track with Communication/IT A, it replaces Informatics C.
And now for the basic courses:
Science course
Product development (introduction to technology)
Fun little facts, HTX is the gymnasium pathway that focuses the most on real world applications and its often noticed by how well students from HTX do anywhere, because we are so good at working in groups (due to constantly having to do it) and trained in practical work flows.
Thrilling conclusion
Ok so for right now I only did the main big three, I will do the remaining another day since I do need sleep unfortunately, hope you enjoyed the read.
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