#i have a lot of other hcs that are very important to me but they're not niche enough for a hyperspecific poll
bearhugsandshrugs · 9 hours
Hey, what is this change in Raphael fanon you’re referring to? I think I noticed the same thing, but I wanted to make sure. Please don’t feel pressured to answer if you’re not comfortable with the question 🫶
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I really liked your take on him and feel like nobody writes him like that anymore (the other writers who did also stopped).
Hey! Let me preface this by saying that this is in no way to dunk on the fandom. I think it's pretty natural that as time progresses, certain fanon takes "stick" / gain more traction / become more popular. It's also not to say that my perspective of the character is "good" and another is "bad", it's more that the current dominant fanon perception of Raphael (and Haarlep) doesn't resonate with me.
Over the past months, most part of the Raph!fandom that is visible to me seems to have arrived at the conclusion that Raphael is smitten with the player character, rather than him being a manipulative fiend that uses charm to get what he wants. That leads to characterizations of him where he "loves" a Tav/Durge/OC, where his actions get attributed as driven by that player character (as opposed to them being an important tool to him).
As someone who's written a somewhat softer Raph in my own fic (and I only barely made that work for myself by making him human, and the ending – SPOILERS – very much is intended to contradict any perception of him being selfless/in love/able to love how humans love) I don't think it's true of his character.
Him being able to love is an interpretation that I don't personally agree with. Of course people can HC that! More power to you!!! Have fun with it. It's just a take I don't enjoy because to me, it takes away a lot of the complexity and a core part of his canon personality.
Related to that there's, again, from my pov, an infantilization that comes along with that.
Raphael as incapable. Raphael as a helpless plaything for Haarlep. Raphael as a dork. Raphael as comic relief. Raphael showing up because he "loves" the character instead of manipulating them. And so on. Same as before: It's, to me personally, a reduction of his character, and quite frankly, boring. He is more powerful than this fanon version portrays him. He is more frightening, and ruthless, and evil, as fanon seemingly wants him to be.
For Haarlep it's even more so that he gets reduced to that funny side character. The darker sides of that character often gets left out. Again, the dominant fanon perception of that incubus feels very one-dimensional and underserving of the complexity and outright shrewd brutality Haarlep displays (and probably needed to survive for this long under Raphael's roof).
They're both evil characters. But they can't be in the current discourse. They're getting washed into a softy, funny, cutiepie version. And that's not what I think the characters are.
To some degree this also happens to Gortash btw. But I digress.
Again. Not saying this read on the characters is bad, it's just one I personally don't agree with, and that I don't find interesting.
Now to the part about people enjoying my take on him in my writing. First, thank you so much for saying that! I really appreciate it. And I mean, I do see that Keeping Score and Folie á Deux are still two of my most-read fics to date, with tens of thousands of hits altogether. But the thing is. People don't comment on finished/older fics, not to mention reblog them lmao. I'm pretty sure that Folie has gotten 50-65% of its hits after even the expansion (chapter 6) was written. Did it get any comments since then? Ha.
Keeping Score also got a significant number of reads after completion. But I can count the number of people (!) on one hand who commented since I finished it end of 2023. So. Unless you tell writers you enjoy their work, we won't know. Because I cannot tell who clicks on the fic and leaves again, or who devours it all in one sitting.
Sorry for the tangent. It's just a pity to hear now, all those months later, that there are people out there who liked my depiction of Raph when I was pretty convinced that no one actually cared. Anyway!
I hope this doesn't start any drama, because legit, I don't have beef with anyone. I am happy that character is giving so many people joy. I have my Gorty delusions to keep me entertained. But you asked, so here's a long answer, hoping I gave enough context to make it understandable.
Happy headcanoning and shipping, everyone <3
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mitskijamie · 4 months
some more incredibly niche headcanons i couldn't fit on the poll/are too random for anyone to agree with me
Roy owes Phoebe over a million pounds in swear-word money by the time she goes to college. He eventually just buys her a house and calls it even
Bumbercatch has an identical twin and they're totally exactly like the creepy twins from the shining
Roy was arrested for public urination in his 20s and his mullet mugshot is the lads' favorite image to ever exist. they make like a billion impact font memes of it
Jamie likes to buy stuff for himself that he couldn't have as a kid. Toys/stickers/snacks/coloring books/etc. He thinks it's weird and embarrassing and doesn't tell anyone, but it's just a healing/comforting thing because his childhood was so awful
Keeley's favorite color is actually purple, but pink has become her brand and it's too late to change it now.
Roy is a message reactor. Why would he use words when they made a feature specifically to allow you to avoid using words. His text exchanges with Jamie are like "Can I have toast with jam for a snack" "Roy disliked a message" ":(" "Roy disliked a message"
Roy hates going to the dentist. That shit is private. No one should be poking around in there, much less with little lights and cameras. Violation
Rebecca unironically reposts minion memes on FaceBook. This one sends her every time
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arolesbianism · 4 months
Y'know what the most fucked up abt the whole B111-1 detail is to me? Its a god damn coin flip if it implies some seriously heavy details abt her character and just general morals or if it means absolutely nothing. If it's meant to imply that she was the person who volunteered for the memory transferal trial then it'd not only further showcase that she's fully aware of the duplicant situation, but it'd also imply that she's Been aware of Nikola's fun lil project even if only on a surface level. It could also just be that they stole her dna too and she doesn't know shit. As much as I want to argue that it'd make more sense for it to be the latter due to the fact that she's the Only character to have that fun dash number situation in Any of the logs and it's only in the one we can presume to be quite late in the timeline, I can't deny that it could just as easily be an error or meant to imply smth else. In particular, there's a lot of oni logs that had mistakes and inconsistent details that had to be fixed later, so while I dont actually believe it was a mistake, I can't fully deny the possibility. Nails waking up and deciding to write a log that would redefine so much of what we know if they talked abt it in even 2% more detail
#rat rambles#oni posting#ofc knowing who thay first human trial was done on is the most important to me personally but like also#theres so much juicy duplicant worldbuilding thats Almost talked abt and Kinda implied#I dont talk abt the dupes from a lore perspective very often but they are genuinely tragic to me#and it's not even my typical ooo identity bullshit thing because well. they probably don't even know What they are#its more so how just generally fucked up they are genetically#like they Are humans like obviously they're literally clones but so much work was put into making them not humans#physical cuts to make them easier to mass produce is just the start of it clearly a lot of work was put into taking away their free will#they also likely heavily rely on their cranial chips to navigate as thats likely how the printing pod communicates with them#remember its pitch black underground and while I do hc that they were altered to have somewhat better night vision that doesnt mean a whole#lot when theres like actually no light in your environment because you're trapped underground#and in general I imagine dupes have worse eyesight partially as a consequence of the better night vision#their brain chips act pretty much entirely as recievers for commands and information from their printing pod#due to the ability for artificial memories to be imprinted a lot of space was able to be relocated to other functions in the chips#but they hadnt actually managed to get that many memory blueprints onto the pods outside of some bare bones basics#aka basic language and survival information#as such your average newly printed dupe will only naturally know how to build and do certain things#some do know more than others tho as some other memory maps did make it in but not as a built in part of all prints#hense why some duplicants start with skill tree skills unlocked already#and thats also my bullshit explanation for the skill unlock animation#anyways I often times think abt how olivia eventually goes into sleep mode and how gameplay wise that doesn't mean anything but in universe#it'd probably have some pretty gnarly consequences including the dupes likely not receiving further signals and commands#they in theory could probably still manually acess the database of their printing pod in the case of emergencies#but given that they tend to see their printing pod as a maternal figure thats kind of like their mom going into a coma#olivia is not beating the deadbeat mom allegations smh
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Can you do a one shot where male reader feels like hc and xl don’t really need him and starts distancing himself from them. He thinks they are perfect for each other and that he is a nuisance ruining the relationship between them. He takes comfort to a friend who has liked the male reader for a really long time. Hc and xl see this and get jealous. Wondering if the reader doesn’t like them anymore and feels sad. Seeing the reader looking happy in the comfort of someone else.
Creating Space
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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Ugh I love angst so much. It hurts so good 😭
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC
Some people may say being in the presence of the two strongest and revered people creates a lot of pressure. It's never been a problem for you. You've always enjoyed being in the presence of your two lovers. Xie Lian, a powerful and elegant martial god. While His Cheng is a powerful and suave ghost.
You love them very much.
But you lied, it is kind of pressuring. There's nothing wrong with your lovers of course! It's just that they're so strong and popular on their own. You aren't a very powerful god and you aren't a very powerful ghost. People don't know you. Most times your name is "That's the crown prince's lover, or that's crimson rain's lover"
You could live with this, it's not like you had a desire to be seen by the world. People just tend to forget about you. A lot of people don't like you exist so most of the time they accidentally exclude you from your own relationship. It just seems like an impossible place to reach. What could you do to seem important as well?
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng say you do plenty of important things by loving and taking care of them but it doesn't feel like that. You don't really do anything for them either. Neither of them needs protecting. They can protect themselves and each other just fine, and they go out of their way to protect you too.
Xie Lian is kind and keeps you and Hua Cheng calm. Assuring the both of you, and making sure everyone feels loved. The level headed of the three of you. Hua Cheng is very protective, and goes out his way to do things out of devotion or love. You can't do anything to compete.
Your relationship doesn't go as deep with them either. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are just so wrapped up in each other it doesn't seem like there's room for three. They're already perfect by themselves and it doesn't look like they need you at all. You don't have a clue on why they even love you.
You've tried to make yourself more outgoing in the relationship? Trying to help them on missions or, help them with daily activities. You've tried taking over household chores like cleaning or cooking and yet it seems fruitless.
They always tell you that it isn't necessary. Someone else will take care of it. Hua Cheng has other people clean the manor, and Xie Lian would gladly cook by himself. They obviously don't need your help in missions, you'd probably just get in the way more than help.
You don't have a very outgoing presence in bed either. Very often Hua Cheng and Xie Lian do everything for you. Sometimes you try to give them pleasure instead. It doesn't matter if it's something little or big, your lovers shake their heads and say that it's a silly thought. You don't need to do anything they'll do it for you. Your lovers give you pleasure, they give each other pleasure. You want to give them pleasure too though.
These thoughts have been at the back of your mind for a while. That Xie Lian and Hua Cheng don't need you. These thoughts make you a little more clingy, a little more desperate. They haven't changed how they act towards you though. You just don't want to feel useless.
"A-Lian please, let me tag along. All three of us can go on the mission together. Like uh, like a date or something!" You follow Xie Lian around the kitchen, trying to persuade him into changing his mind. It isn't working, it never does.
"A-n, me and San Lang can do it. We won't be long, promise. Just stay here" Xie Lian smiles at you and kisses your head. But you don't want to take this for an answer. You want to help! With something. Anything! It feels awful to just sit around while your lovers do every little thing for you.
You huff softly, watching your lovers get ready without you. "A-Lang you don't agree do you? Please tell A-Lian to let me tag along. I'll make sure not to get in the way!" You try persuading your ghost lover instead, gripping onto his arm to make him look at you.
You already feel humiliated. Begging like a child to join your lovers in something even though you're a grown man. San Lang shakes his head, " Getting in the way isn't our concern baobei. Gege is right we'll take care of it and be back home soon." He kisses your cheek.
You're left in Paradise Manor alone while your lovers leave off somewhere. You should be happy, you feel selfish actually. Anyone would be happy that their lovers do everything for them. Anyone would be happy to be taken care of all the time for the rest of their lives. You just can't...
Soooo you decide instead of sitting at home why not just follow your lovers out! It's not like you would be harming anything, maybe they'd even be delighted to see you. It's a better idea than sitting here doing nothing.
That's exactly what you do, you follow your lovers. With quite a bit of distance and making sure to be careful. You eventually find them, of course not in a good situation. They're busy fighting off wrathful ghosts and you make sure to stay far back. You don't want them to get hurt or anything so you'll just wait over here until they're finished.
That doesn't go well either. One of the ghosts notices you. It strays from the fight without notice from Xie Lian or Hua Cheng. Instead it comes for you, it's not like you're weak! You yelp from the surprise attack from the ghost, but otherwise you easily slay it down. All you were left with was a few deep scratches on your face. Whoo, It nearly got your eye!
You're feeling pretty proud of yourself until a pair of hands are gripping your face, and you notice Hua Cheng looking over your wounds. Even though you have some deep scratches you're smiling anyways. You just killed a ghost! A wrathful one at that!
Before you can exclaim your celebrations Xie Lian is dabbing medicine on your wounds with a furrowed brow. "What are you doing here y/n! We told you to stay home!"
Your smile falls, as your lovers both frown at you. You don't understand you did great! It was only a wound, everyone gets wounds sometimes! "I-I wanted to help" the word mumble from your lips, and Xie Lian finishes dressing your wound.
"How did that fair for you? We were doing just fine without you y/n, but now you're hurt" Xie Lian exclaims, flushed by nervousness and frustration. He had only wanted to keep you safe. He didn't mean to say it like that. It was a slip of the tongue. He hadn't meant it in hostility but you take it as such anyways.
"You two do seem just fine without me" you purse your lips, and back up. You're just upset, obviously Xie Lian would never mean such a thing but right now you can't help but take it as such. You've been suffering with these thoughts for weeks!
You quickly use what powers you do have to make a quick pathway and teleport away. Running away? Classic move but it feels better than sitting in front of your lovers disappointed faces. You just need time to get your feelings together so you decide to visit a friend's place.
You and Mu Qing know each other pretty well and you're great friends! Even though Mu Qing won't admit that. He's actually loved you for a while but you love Xie Lian and Hua Cheng and Mu Qing would never break up your happiness. He's been working on moving on so of course you can still come over and complain to him.
This time you just lie in his arms for a while. You spent some time just getting your thoughts together and stop crying. Then you tell Mu Qing what happened. He calls Hua Cheng stupid and says Xie Lian is oblivious with an eye roll. Mu Qing is actually good at advice and comforting you.
On the other end your lovers are very upset with themselves. Hua Cheng wanted to immediately come find you but Xie Lian told him it was better to give you space. They know you inside and out and Xie Lian knows you need time to get your emotions in order.
After a few hours Hua Cheng decides time is up though and breaks into the heavens again. Just because. Does it count as breaking in if Xie Lian let him in? Nah. They know where you are, unfortunately. They know you're with Mu Qing. Hua Cheng doesn't like that one bit. He's very capable of jumping to the conclusion that Mu Qing is trying to manipulate you while you're vulnerable but Xie Lian assures him otherwise.
Xie Lian makes Hua Cheng wait outside of Mu Qing's palace. Things would only blow off the hinges if Hua Cheng and Mu Qing fought. Xie Lian goes in by himself. He eventually finds you, not like it was hard. He isn't too happy to find you in Mu Qing's arms. Happy and comfortable. He hasn't seen a smile like that on your face in a long time.
Xie Lian ignores the lingering prickles of jealousy and walks into Mu Qing's room without invitation or notice. "A-n t's getting late, let's go home? Please?" He's relieved when you take his hand. Honestly it's nerve-racking. He hadn't meant to say such a harsh thing and then you went to someone else who is obviously much more capable at making you happier than they are.
Xie Lian and you join up with Hua Cheng again. You spend most of the journey back staring at the ground. You're ashamed, you feel like you overreacted. You were being dumb. Maybe they're angry at you and yet all three of you still hold hands. And yet when you get back to Paradise Manor, you all get ready for bed. And yet Xie Lian helps you disrobe and Hua Cheng checks your wounds before you lie down. And yet all three of you end up in the same bed, entangled in each other's limbs. Just like every night.
You all talk about it, words mumbling quietly in the dark room. It's a long conversation of "I'm sorry" and "I love you". You want to talk about your feelings more. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng want to make sure you don't feel left out or they're being distinct. The night ends with kisses and cuddles.
So maybe nothing was really ever wrong, and it would all turn out just fine. Because they've always loved you and you always loved them. Something like this isn't a big enough obstacle to take you away from them.
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ecstacy-appleofmyeye · 4 months
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cabin 15//hypnos children headcanons!!
a/n: the hcs will be edited and updated as i come up with more of them
most demigod kids get claimed after an important event—like percy when he won the capture-the-flag game—others get claimed in fancy ways, usually the symbol of their godly parent appearing above their heads—like leo and piper when they first came to camp.
not hypnos kids, no.
they get claimed in their dreams, or at night—when most campers are already asleep so there's no one to witness it.
like some—in rare occurrences—Hephaestus kids are fire resistant, or how some Aphrodite kids have charmspeak, there were times where a children of hypnos with wings came to camp*(will talk in detail later). others were equally amazing, and a bit intimidating. they could put people in comas or wake them from one.
a lot of hypnos kids suffer from insomnia, narcolepsy and some have had/have sleep paralysis demons. tho it's very uncommon for them to get nightmares, since they have dream manipulation.
when a camper has so many nightmares that they can't even sleep properly, their first option is always the hypnos cabin.
in ‘the lost hero’ it says that the cabin smells like fresh laundry and soft violin music always plays in the background so they atmosphere of the cabin is always relaxing and it manages to lull you to sleep if you aren't careful
also the beds are always comfy for everyone sleeping, the sheets are hot/cold depending on the weather and the kid’s preferences, but they're always soft like you're hugging clouds.
there are many flower pots with poppies insides and they always smell fresh no matter how long they've probably been there.
i bet lots of them know how to do those calming massages that relieve tense muscles
the hypnos kids are fun to be around when they aren't sleeping or sleepwalking (i hc that clovis sleepwalks and one time he had a face full of mud after he tripped on a root at the strawberry fields)
ahem, anyway
most prefer to hang out in their dreams. you basically get to do everything you can do in real life without worrying about injuries or money.
i think most of them would have blond/light brown hair with gray or blue (maybe green?) eyes. they're pretty average in height. most aren't that athletic and are more artistic (they're besties with the apollo kids they told me themselves actually)
they have an unspoken solidarity with the hades/nyx/hecate/thanatos kids. being kids of the underworld gods was bound to get you some nasty and fearful stares from others, so they always made sure to have each other's backs.
thanatos kids are literally their cousins (from their godly parents’ side) so they feel particularly close to them. they think of them as honorary members of the cabin and they're always welcome and vice versa.
like i was saying, they prefer to hang out with their friends in their dreams, but they also like to take walks along the lake or be with the apollo kids at the arts and crafts
it's also not uncommon to find at least one hypnos kid at the peagasus stables
they're very sweet and loyal to their friends. they're also very willing to help, when they aren't napping inside a canoe
being a child of a minor god doesn't attract a lot of monsters and being a child of an underworld god, most monsters from the underworld know best than to underestimate kids of hypnos.
they don't need to fight a lot, but they're pretty good at it. a lot of them are fast learns and they also have time to practice in their dreams if they want too.
hypnos kids either have freckles or moles
source: me
trust me on this one
they like chocolate on everything. not even a specific type of chocolate, white chocolate, milk, dark chocolate, lactose free chocolate, chocolate milk etc.
they're great friends with nyx and thanatos kids. and some apollo kids too. they also get along with nico and hazel
*now i mentioned that some hypnos kids have wings like their father does.
i think they'd be a very soft/faint colour with a gradient. like a baby(or pastel) blue that fades into light gray. others have had darker coloured wings; dark purple that slowly fades into lilac, or dark blue that fades to the colour of the morning sky.
winged kids of hypnos always had a strange fascination with birds (many thought that they were aphrodite kids 'cause they liked doves and other birds)
they also had a strange obsession with gathering bird feathers and they always got scolded to not pick them put with their bare hands cuz it's unsanitary
some of these kids liked feather pens too for the same reason.
their least favourite food was chicken because they pitied the poor bird :(
edit(09/02/2024): every hypnos kid has this calming aura around them that makes others to zone out and sometimes fall asleep. they don't do it on purpose, it's a weird thing they naturally do.
underworld kids are usually closer to their parents, since they don't have as many responsibilities as the 12 olympian gods(tho they still do important jobs)
it isn't uncommon for a hypnos kid to be visited by their dad in their dreams.
sometimes that happens when they haven't arrived at camp yet. it's a way for Hypnos to watch over his kids and see how they are. many hypnos kids have had dreams were an odd figure with wings follows them around.
it's unsettling but since dreams are also their domain they felt calm (for the most part).
since hypnos is nyx's son, children of hypnos get small blessings from nyx. they're very close to her, and she loves all her grandchildren like her own kids.
some of the blessings include seeing in the dark (hence why most hypnos kids having light coloured eyes).
lots of hypnos kids listen to (mostly) calming music (ex classical, instrumental music).
there is a small cabin somewhere in the back that always has warm milk to help them sleep if they need to.
they get very clingy and grumpy when tired.
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Do you think you could do like a characterization of the Familers?
Everytime I try to think about their personalities and how they would interact with each other, or M6, or Mc I just feel like I don't get it right. Like I've got like the very basics but that's like it
Malak is a crazy
Chandra is spoiled
Faust is a wildcard
Ianna is protective
Pepi is energetic
Idk Lucio’s familars ( i cant spell one of their names) but they are kinda like wild dogs, they do whatever they want
EVEN THEN, I still feel like some of these are wrong or don't cover most of their character or I'm mischaracterizing them on accident.
Could you maybe do some more Familers mini headcannons?
Like what do the Familers do when M6 is sad?
What do they do when Mc is sad?
How do they interact with each other on a day to day bases?
( I think you might have done one of these actually )
But I have more
What do they do when M6 or/and MC gets hurt?
What do they typically do during the day and/or What do they do when they aren't with M6?
How would they respond if M6/Mc was in a dangerous situation/attacked | How are they when M6/Mc is ill?
Some of these are probably answers in their routes but it's hard to remember/recall. I do wish they were in their respective routes just a little bit more than they are so I could get a could grasp of their personalities.
What I really want is just like a written out basis of what they are like? I don't even need the Mini headcannons ( but I do like them) Their personalities is just what I have a hard time grasping because it not like right in front of me or I'm not constantly reminded of it like the Li’s that I just forget or mischaracterize them.
So if you ever have the time and or patience, I would love if you could just write about their personalities or just more about them in general. They are right hand to the Li’s and I love them so much and I tried using the wiki but I don't trust it because apparently some of the info is just flat-out wrong. I love reading you headcannons and mini headcannons because I feel like you do the Li’s justice and this account is keeping the Arcana fandom alive. I'm very sorry that this is a really long ask and my grammar my be wrong in some areas.
I'd like to thank you if you've read through everything. I hope you keep making Arcana content in the future as me and many others really do enjoy your content and takes on the characters.
Hi friend!! I hope you're ready for the full scale essay under the cut XD
(also, you are more than welcome to request some mini-hcs with the M6's familiars - please feel free to submit them individually so I can sort and try to answer them ^.^)
The devs don't go hugely into detail about how familiars work, exactly, but here's what we know: First, how in-tune to magic you are does affect how involved your bond is, but people still have familiars whether or not they have a lot of magical ability. Second, the bond makes the most sense if you think of it as being similar to a "soulmates AU" setup. The person and animal involved have a natural connection with the potential for a full-fledged familiar bond, but how that manifests changes depending on the effort and type of bonding that happens.
There's also a consistent pattern when it comes to vibes and personality, with the familiars being very similar to their respective humans. I'll go familiar by familiar from here ^.^
Julian and Malak are (unfortunately) not very in touch with each other. Julian doesn't speak of him much beyond referring to him as "the raven", and while it's clear that they're more in sync than the average human and animal would be, Julian tends to find it more uncanny than comforting. Malak, in turn, tends to get quickly annoyed by this when his genuine attempts to help and protect and connect get consistently thwarted. He shares Julian's values and habits, constantly keeping watch (anxiously or otherwise) over his person and the people important to him, and often flying beak-first into situations that seem out of control with little regard for his own well being. Malak and Julian have the capacity to cover each other's blind spots. Julian is quicker at analyzing and navigating social situations that sometimes send the bird into a frenzy, while Malak is aware of magical happenings that Julian is completely blind to.
The two of them share an anxiety about the world being a constantly dangerous place and noble mindset focused around doing the right thing and protecting the people they love. The big difference is that Malak doesn't doubt his own abilities - as generally anxious as he acts with all his ruffling feathers and screeches, the raven doesn't hold himself back because he thinks someone else could do better. If anything, he's often pushing Julian to get over the self-deprecation and join him already. Unfortunately, neither of them has figured out how to listen to each other yet, which means more often than not they just get on each other's nerves. Given MC's ability to help Julian navigate things of a magical nature, they could very easily become the communication bridge between the two.
It's pretty heavily implied (if not canon) that Faust is the child of Asra's parents' familiars, Chimes and Flamel. She was given to Asra as an egg and hatched on one of their birthdays, and the two have been inseparable ever since. They have an incredibly strong bond, enough for them to send memories to each other, have conversations, communicate across long distances, and even share emotions. Faust loves Asra, herself, and MC almost equally, and in Asra's route she happily becomes MC's companion when Asra isn't around to do so. She also appears to have her own capacity for magic, frequently blipping from one realm to another as she pleases.
The best way (in my head) of describing her vibes are that one honorary younger sibling who is also the instigator best friend. While she's borne witness to Asra's toughest moments, she's received such excellent care and attention that she doesn't seem to have nearly the same levels of trauma - or maturity. Reading about her feels a lot like what I imagine reading about a teenaged Asra with a much kinder life would feel like - whimsical, mischievous, creative, impulsive, unpredictable, and carefree to the point of recklessness. She's still learning what it means to have limits (re: going off on an unannounced adventure, only to be caught and held hostage by the Devil) but when push comes to shove she's suprisingly dependable (re: sabotaging the ritual, right under the Devil's nose).
Due to her being so accessible to MC's character, she has a level of plot influence and general content that comes closer to a main character than the other familiars. It gives fan work more content to work with, but also less space to take its own creative liberty.
Chandra is always hovering, and yet rarely directly involved. We know that Nadia used to be able to speak with her similarly to how Asra speaks with Faust, but she doesn't remember how. There's a wall between the two of them that they both seem to want to breach, but given the circumstances, they just haven't found the time and resources to do it yet. However, it's clear that they know how important they are to each other - Chandra seems to live at Nadia's beck and call, despite seeming so distant, and Nadia dedicates much of her personal time and interests to caring for her. They rely heavily on each other as allies in uncertain times (re: Nadia trusting Chandra in multiple routes to be her eyes and ears and carry her most important messages).
Chandra certainly has Nadia's independence, initiative, and desire for companionship. She's often seen on alert on the fringes and ready to step in and help take control of chaotic situations. However, where Nadia responds to a desire for companionship by initiating connection, Chandra is more reserved. She's present, she's paying attention, but she's not actively connecting until she's invited. She, like Nadia, has become accustomed to living in a Palace filled with with intrigue and uncertain loyalties, and it plays out in her reticence. She's much more likely to communicate interest by watching intently from a distance than by approaching and interacting. Over time, if MC is able to help Nadia find the way to communicate with Chandra again, they'll likely become her confidante in her efforts to be a good familiar.
The best way to describe her and Muriel is trauma bonded. (Which, given Muriel's past, is arguably the bond that lets him receive the support he needs from her best.) They're both loners, both uninterested in connection until it's proven to be worthwhile, and both deeply distrusting of other people's motives. Inanna is Muriel's breaking point twice. First, when he's expected to kill her in the Coliseum (how they met), and second, when she's horribly injured trying to protect the heart of the forest. Both of those moments with her push Muriel to recognize his priorities and actually act on them. As a result, they have a deep mutual respect for each other - and a stubborn emphasis on still being their own people (or wolf). Muriel refers to her as his friend more easily than as his familiar.
Inanna as a character, however, seems to hold onto some of the traits that Muriel has buried under his trauma. She's more adaptable than he is, quicker to accept change, and considerably more hopeful and optimistic. She's faster to act (often the one prompting Muriel to follow through, when he'd rather continue thinking), and she's nosier. Where Muriel analyzes and then quietly judges while respecting someone's decision, Inanna analyzes and then does her best to assist any kind of good change. Whether that's leading MC to Muriel when he's injured and would rather be left alone, or expressing the affection towards them that he's still trying to hide, she acts like a big sister. Independent, a bit of a bully, fiercely protective, and loyal beyond measurement. She doesn't need to bond with MC through Muriel, she can do that herself.
Portia met Pepi on Mazelinka's ship, as she was on her way to hunt down her older brother and beat some sense into him. The two of them bonded instantly, and when the time came for Portia and Mazelinka to part ways, Pepi gave up the life of a ship cat to stay by Portia's side. Portia doesn't seem to be fully aware of Pepi being her familiar and sees her as more of an uncannily well-bonded pet. At least, until her own route, where Pepi learns how to speak. Up until that point Portia just seems to see Pepi more as an unusually intelligent cat that she likes to talk to. The two of them are each other's family, Pepi always ready to lend a helping paw with unruly birds, and Portia always happy to spoil her with snuggles and treats.
Pepi has Portia's optimism, love of mischief, and dauntless attitude. However, they differ somewhat in how they view themselves. While Portia struggles to see herself as the main character of her own story, often fading into the background in order to support someone else, Pepi is more than happy to take center stage. This cat can and will prioritize her own needs and preferences if she thinks nobody else is going to do it, and it often lands her in trouble (re: stealing your heartsong festival gift, seeking out nap places that give her access to forbidden fishies, etc). She's quick to make her own friendships, and when you and Portia start your new life together, she'll consider you one of her family as well. Thanks to her retained ability to speak (upright ending) you'll never have to go without a conversation partner again.
Mercedes & Melchior
Lucio, unfortunately, didn't realize these two were his familiars until after he'd met you. While a large part of his menagerie building was his search for a familiar, he failed to notice how those two in particular were so attached to them. Thankfully, they're never on their own given how closely they stick to each other. Their lack of a strongly developed magical connection with Lucio doesn't really stop them from being able to communicate. They vibe with him on a similar act-first-think-later wavelength, having such little interest in impulse control that it's impossible not to know what they want. All you know is that they're hellbent on accomplishing it and on getting out of whatever consequences they invite with a pair of large, shining puppy eyes.
Besides their impulsiveness and chaotic nature, Mercedes and Melchior share Lucio's tendency to live in the moment and focus on life's pleasures. However, they also have the emotional intelligence and undying loyalty all good dogs do. When Lucio was "dead" they spent three years guarding his wing and trying to find help for him, and when you join him in his search for answers, they'll remain with you and empathize with you regardless of the dangers involved (re: one of them going with Lucio to get help, the other staying next to you and whining when Valdemar has you strapped to a gurney). They instinctively track your emotional state and are often the reason Lucio notices how you're doing as quickly as he does. For all their bratty behavior, their doggy bodies are overflowing with love for the people they care about and nothing makes them happier than being with them. Don't mistake love for respect, though - they take orders from nobody.
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starsurface · 3 months
Pt 3/3 of the Babyspace Regressor Hcs!! :D
Some might be a bit out of character, but I don't like imagining Bi-Han as this mean, spiteful lover. Don't get me wrong, he isn't perfect and definitely needs to work through some issues, but he'd probably, eventually, realize that screaming at you for little things doesn't work in a relationship.
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Bi-Han w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
❄️ He does adore you, even if he doesn't always tell you
❄️ Actually really likes baby regressors because he thinks they're less matiedence
❄️ Like, don't get him wrong, he'll love you no matter what headspace you regress to
❄️ But he doesn't have to chase a big kid around the house, or have to pick up after craft activities (which he'll still do because he loves you)
❄️ But he does prefer to just lay back and cuddle, maybe watch some cartoons if you want
❄️ . . . Unless you're an active regressor like Tomas, he's gotta keep on his toes!!
❄️ You were just sitting beside him, how on earth did you crawl all the way to the kitchen and start chewing on a fork in the minute he looked away??
❄️ You just giggle and show him your new fork friend, which he'll take away because he's a big meanie >:( (and he doesn't want metal in your mouth)
❄️ Is much more willing to buy you regression items than to buy himself stuff
❄️ Your his baby, of course he's going to spoil you
❄️ If you mention you like something, or look at it too long, expect it on your bed with a little note
❄️ No ifs or buts, he likes spoiling you and he's gonna do it >:(
❄️ Doesn't NOT like leaving you with others
❄ ️You're his baby!! He doesn't trust others to babysit you!!
❄️ Will also act like your the one dependent on him (no one believes him, he's just as clingy as you some days)
❄️ Although he gets really busy sometimes, so unfortunately you do need a babysitter (being the Grandmaster takes up a lot of his time unfortunately)
❄️ Tomas and Kuai Liang are his go to babysitters
❄️ ^ And surprisingly Raiden? He's very good with regressors, especially babyspace regressors
❄️ Favorite CG nicknames are Dada and Bi
❄️ Got super confused the first time you babbled in front of him and wondered if you were trying to tell him something important
❄️ ^ Don't worry, he got better over time
❄️ Babble encourager, but also gets so lost sometimes
❄️ Completely panicked the first time you needed something and all you could do was babble
❄️ Favorite nicknames for you are Snowflake, Sweetheart, Honey, and Little One
❄️ Doesn't really like going outside while your small
❄️ Not because he's embarrassed or ashamed of you (and he'll freeze anyone who dare thinks otherwise) but because it's easier to regress inside the comforts of your own rooms
❄️ Although if you wanna have a snow day . .
He won't say no
❄️ He'll take you outside, probably making you wear an outfit that you can barely move in, and will help you make a small snowman and snow angels
❄️ Usually he doesn't do PDA (massive cuddle bug behind closed doors though) but if your clingy out in public, he won't belittle you, that wouldn't be nice
❄️ You better believe you aren't leaving his side when your small
❄️ No Sir, he has a constant watch over you!!
❄️ What if you got hurt? Or crawled and touched something you shouldn't have? He can't chance it!!
❄️ Because of this, most times he'll carry you around on his hip or have you snuggle up to him
❄️ If you're super clingy, that's great!!
❄️ If you want a tiny bit more independence, just tell him and he'll change according to your preference
❄️ His favorite activity is cuddle time, where he can swaddle you and hold you for hours
❄️ But if you like playing a bit more, he can do tummy time
❄️ Would prefer you laying on him, but he guesses he can buy you a playmat 😒 (he'll look for the best one with little to no hesitation)
❄️ Finds it funny if you try to eat his nose, but will redirect you to a paci or chewie
❄️ If you ever regresser because of his anger issues or such, he'd feel so terrible
❄️ Tries his hardest to make it up too, he never meant to hurt you like that
❄️ Doesn't yell at you while you're small, but there have been a few close calls
❄️ Luckily, he's learnt a bit how to control his anger, and will instead give you the most nastiest ‘Knock it off’ glare if your being naughty on purpose
❄️ Although honestly, your so small and tiny, you rarely ever get the glare
❄️ How could he punish a baby for their crimes? You never meant to knock over your plate of food, he understands it was an accident
❄️ If you use diapers, he'll always make sure to have an extra box in his closet just in case
❄️ Another CG that's very sweet and comforting when it comes to diapers
❄️ Although warning, his fingers are really cold >:(
❄️ Actually, he's really cold in general
❄️ If you wanna cuddle him, you'll have to wear a few layers (a fuzzy onesie should be fine)
❄️ He'll also wrap you up in a few blankets before cuddling with you, just in case
❄️ While he does keep most of his intimidating persona (it's hard to drop, even around you) he does try to be more gentler because of how tiny you are
❄️ If you call him out for It, he'll pour and deny it, calling you silly
❄️ If someone else points it out, they're frozen on spot (Johnny almost missed his photo shoot because of it)
❄️ He'd use his powers to make you little snowflakes!!!
❄️ Like Rain, doesn't like using his powers for reasons he deems ‘silly’
❄️ But is also very prideful in his abilities, and adores showing them off
❄️ I just feel like he'd really like tapping your nose when you do something funky
❄️ Doesn't give much verbal praise, more kisses your temple and gives you a treat
❄️ If you want verbal praise though? Just tell him and he'll try his hardest
❄️ Man is usually a very tough and strict guy, but you melt his icy heart <3 (hehe)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I actually really like Bi-Han. Some people make him super mean (and I'm not saying he's not) but it gets intense sometimes. :(
Hope you enjoyed!! :D
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sophsicle · 7 months
so curious because i’ve been thinking about this for a while. but the marauders fandom has changed soo much since you wrote choices, specifically in terms of characterization and hcs for characters and things like that, and i was just wondering whether, if you wrote choices now, today, in this day and age, you’d change the characterization of characters like barty and evan? especially because they’re protagonists in kyd instead of the occasional antagonists in choices, they’ve really done a 180 persona wise. obviously bc kyd is an au, there’s a whole lot more creative liberty when crafting them and playing around with the “good” side of canonically “evil” characters (which i’m assuming is what you did), so i’m just curious. if u had to go back to a canon compliant story, having written them the way u did in an au, what, if anything, would you change?
Yeah the evolution of characters is honestly very interesting to me, especially because when I wrote Choices I personally had never read Barty or Evan in a fic. And I chose them as Regulus's friends largely by chance. And I don't know if I would have used them in aus the way I have if the fandom interpretation of them hadn't grown.
that being said, in canon i would write them the same. Like I actually think I did with them both what I wanted, that Barty is this cruel self-centred boy who's so desperate for his father's approval that he's gone rotten with it. Like everything he does, in a twisted way, is about his dad. and that to me, is Barty Crouch jr,
and Evan, while i feel a little uneasy with the way people ended up interacting with that character, I also do like. Cause he is charming, and he is a good friend to Regulus, and he has a sense of humour about what they're doing, but too much a sense of humour, this is a joke to him, this war, peoples' lives, it's funny. he is your quintessential spoiled rich kid who lacks complete empathy for other people (in someways regulus is also like this). but i like that you see, from reg's perspective, how these objectively bad awful people, still have friends and families and relationships. i like that complexity
so yeah, like it's possible I might have given them more screen time if I was writing it now, but they would still be bad guys. fleshed out well rounded bad guys. But bad guys. cause i think that's important to the story i was telling there.
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crescentfool · 2 months
What are your ryomina headcanons? I've loved these two since I played P3 FES, and I'm so excited to get back into the fandom^^
hi!! thank you so much for the ask, welcome back to the p3 fandom, it's always a delight to see new and old ryomina fans alike! 🥺💛💙
as for headcanons, here's a "few" i that i tend to come back to a lot! my interpretations of them are influenced from both the source material and other's fanworks, so i've linked to them as i saw fit! hcs in no particular order under the cut because oops this got long (900 word bullet point list, mentions of reload content up to 1/1)
minato's hair is dyed blue (hair originally brown, you can see it in his roots!) and he has a beauty mark on under his left eye. i like mirror imagery and there's definitely a few arts i've rb'd that portray them this way :) (e.g. this one by feliichu and this one by marasschino)
as far as i'm concerned the bathhouse scene from the manga where ryoji's hair down = similar shape to minato? that is canon to me. this art from xierru is a fun depiction of hair down ryoji :D
ryoji is homeless. everyone say thank you foxmulder_whereartthou for this awesome fic it's why i have the headcanon! but like seriously. we have no idea where ryoji lives and i could believe this.
minato dying at the end of the game is sad to an outsider's POV BUT!!! ryomina gets to be together in death for the rest of their lives (this illustration from mafuwara is a gorgeous representation of them as nyx avatar + the seal)!
speaking of the seal, they are like telepathically communicating to me in the great seal together. (mymp3 had a comic wip with this. give it a looksie :D)
ryoji likes cuddling with minato because he's warm :) (something something orpheus has fire affinity, minato is warm by extension and ryoji is cold because he's death)
ryoji's camera roll is filled with pictures of minato! ryoji... loves life, to me. and i feel that photography and journaling are perfect ways of expressing gratitude and capturing the moments in life that are most important to you :3
my other favorite activity for these two is stargazing- i feel like it's something they could appreciate either in life or death (looking at the stars from the great seal...)! they do a bit of this in the fic eurydice's vow by crescentmoontea (P5R spoilers, takes place in third sem it's a very fun fic concept).
between ryoji and minato i feel like ryoji was the one who fell in love first- and it doesn't really click in place for minato that he loves ryoji until december hits (appriser reveal + ryoji transforming into thanatos). its about the realization that ryoji was with him for his whole life and that he gets him like no one else does.
ryoji is like a sad and wet puppy who is so scared minato won't like him back. he is so scared of being rejected by minato to me like. this boy straight up deflates after he does his "i know i said i wanted us to be friends, but... i actually want to be something more." / "what about you?" on 12/1 ???
AND SPEAKING of wet puppy ryoji. ryoji is like. every animal in the world to me. he's a bird. he's a cat. etc. and also ryoji knows every language in the world ever and uses it to express his love for minato. see this fic from superheroics to see what i mean.
both of them are lactose intolerant. "this isn't lactose, it's milk!" i definitely think ryoji would make himself sick eating ice cream and milk he doesn't know what lactose is. (i made a silly poll about this once and the tags were very entertaining.)
i see minato as transmasc or nonbinary depending on the day (schrodinger's headcanons babey they're simultaneously true and not true at the same time!!). either way he's not cis to me and ryoji is like. His Gender. anyway go read this fic by nail_gun for t4t ryomina :D !
ryomina are WEIRD GUYS TO ME!!! they are so strange and they understand each other better than anyone else because of the circumstances of their relationship!!! if you asked them to do the "i wonder what i taste like" meme i think they'd start biting each other (affectionate) tbh but that's just me.
after ryoji gives minato the music box in 12/31 on reload, minato listens to the music box every night in january. this boy has insomnia and also chronic illness to me (things that housing death does to you). but i think he finds comfort in the melody and memories he made with ryoji.
in general, i think it's fun to imagine minato taking ryoji to places and show him things he's interested in! i feel that ryoji takes a lot of interest in minato's life, this isn't really a hc because in reload, minato DOES give ryoji a tour of the school (11/9) and possibly port island (11/12). but ITS CUTE OK! (tangentially related fanwork: this series of doodles from vinnigami: 1, 2, and 3)
not a hc but minato's kindness is like the backbone of their relationship and i think we would not have the ryomina we know and love today if minato wasn't such a kind soul. oh minato.... we can learn so much from you... like ryoji did!
anyway! that's all the hcs that i could think of, thank you for the ask! i had a lot of fun answering this, these two mean a lot to me 💛💙
i hope you don't mind the links to the fanart and fanfic as well, the fanwork people have made for ryomina have really made an imprint on me! if you want to see more of them, i definitely recommend looking through my tag for them because oh. i got a lot of them reblogged alright 😂 (<- SOOO NORMAL)
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its-still-cuppi-cakes · 10 months
I have a few personal hcs of Guy that I'd like to share
(Some I have adopted from others that I've found on here, but I will have my opinion on them)
Guy is a huge starwars and avengers nerd. He probably has many action figures, clothes and merch of the characters in his room before honey and him started dating. I feel like the terrible roommate they had once messed around with them as a "joke" and Honey called her out on it and made her apologize for it. And pay for any of the damages she caused.
He. Needs. To wear. Glasses. But he doesn't like wearing them because of how they feel on his nose so he wears contacts. He does wear them when he's writing though! And he looks good too. He probably has those ones where it's prescription and bluelight. And an all around black frame.
He's a lego builder! He also collects Starwars and Avengers lego sets. And some other types of sets that he thinks looks cool.
He has a caffeine addiction. He drinks so much caffeine Honey has made it a rule where he can only have two cups/cans of caffeine each day. Which is a lot better than 5.
Has hair ties/hair clips for himself because his hair gets in the way when he's looking down to write, type on his phone or work.
Has pins on his apron for work. One says "My pronouns are he/him" and anytime someone comments about it, he just says "Well I am an English/creative writing major so pronouns are important to me." Just to make them mad.
Is called "Son" by Max, his boss. Idk why but I feel like Max loves him like his own. Has called him "Dad" by accident. Now him and Rosa call him "Papa Max" as a joke.
I feel like he forgets his lunch a lot and Honey brings it to him, claiming they're gonna stop and let him starve, but never actually does stop because they like seeing his face when they have his starwars lunch box at hand as they walk through the door.
Has bad acne that Honey helps him take care of. They definitely have skin care date nights. They do have matching skin care headbands.
Can be very stylish. But chooses not to. He likes wearing tshirts and jeans all the time.
Reads before bed. Reads to Honey to help them sleep. Reads. (Someone plz draw Guy reading the hobbit)
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. I'm so normal about Guy. Goodnight.
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smytherines · 29 days
do you have any hcs for precanon curtwen? how they got together, what they were like etc
Oh for sure I do!
I think they were probably paired up together for missions over the span of a couple of years, and had all this romantic & sexual tension that they convinced themselves was all in their heads, before they actually got together. They had long enough to build a friendship, a partnership, and they're both afraid enough of the consequences (both personally and professionally) that they don't want to even consider making a move.
I always imagine it as something goes wrong on a mission, someone gets hurt, or maybe they have a spectacular success and are high on adrenaline, and Curt impulsively kisses Owen because hey, this guy is attractive and Curt has a crush. Owen is just kinda stunned by it, and Curt pulls away like "oh shit he's gonna kill me," but really Owen has been infatuated with Curt for ages and just assumed Curt wasn't interested.
I could see Owen having an inkling that Curt is into men, but assuming that if someone as cocky and confident as Curt hasn't made a move, it must mean he isn't interested. So Owen has just been pathetically pining for him. I think Curt has been pining too, but because he just kind of assumes in that young closeted queer way that nobody else is "sick" like him, that confiding in anyone will get him in trouble. And in my headcanon, Owen is bisexual, so perhaps he's had affairs with women and Curt assumes that means he isn't interested in men.
Anyways, I love thinking about them in a relationship, even though it breaks my heart. Because realistically Curt and Owen probably only saw each other a handful of times per year, so everything they manage to build together is based on these little stolen moments. I think they start casually hooking up, killing time on missions, but it very quickly becomes something more. It almost has to. You don't get a lot of time to date as a spy, and even less as a gay spy. So even just the act of repeatedly hooking up by default sorta makes them the most important relationship in each other's lives- especially because they were such good friends first.
I personally don't think pre-fall curtwen were as toxic as a lot of people think. I don't really see any evidence of that in A1P1. I mean they both seem to be little freaks who get off on danger and violence, and I'm sure constant distance and secrecy and danger took their toll, but for me A1P1 shows two men who love and respect each other, even if they bicker and mess with each other.
One thought I keep coming back to is that they sneak off for movie dates, mostly because I love classic films and get really into imagining them reacting to the many gay subtext films of the early 50s. I think they sit in the darkest part of the theater and only their legs are touching, and maybe if there's nobody there one of them will put his hand on the other's thigh and it's almost a real date.
I think they'll go to bars- not underground gay bars specifically, but bars where a lot of queer people just happen to congregate, and sit at a booth or a table, and drink together and find little ways to be discreetly affectionate.
I think Curt thinks it's adorable that Owen is a kind of a nerd, and tries his best to pay attention when Owen goes on a ramble or a rant about boring tech stuff (but gets bored and starts trying to make out with him instead). I think Owen is fascinated with how Curt's mind works, how he's seemingly so chaotic and disorganized, but in a crisis he is absolutely cool and calm and comes up with clever, creative solutions for problems.
I think they loved each other, they knew each other so well that one could barely finish a sentence before the other picked it up. I think they were a bit codependent, and the distance started to gnaw away at them towards the end, but they were each other's favorite person in the world. They trusted each other more than anyone else on Earth. They missed each other desperately, but tried their best to put on a brave face every time they had to part. I think they sent each other coded love notes and presents and found excuses to request each other on missions. I think some of their pillow talk included imagining little scenarios where they could run off together and never have to be apart again, and it starts as a fun thing but gradually gets sadder and sadder for them as they realize how impossible that would be.
(That's all I have time for right now but I might pick this back up later)
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kaisfruit · 6 months
junkrat x lucio wholesome hcs PLEEAASEEE PLEASE PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏
Boombox (Junkrat x Lucio) Wholesome HCs
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A/N: IK THIS SAYS ANON BUT THIS IS MY BFF YALL THX U FOR REQUESTING POOKIE ILY <333 also this just kinda turned into boombox hcs in general im srry qwq warnings: junkrat is his own warning that's it
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I'm just in love with them. I need to get over that first before I type ANYTHING
Lucio staying up with Junkrat when Jamison is really into whatever he's working on at the moment
To be honest, seeing Lucio get tired makes him feel a bit bad and it ends with them both going to bed bc it's okay if Jamie is sleep deprived but it can't be his fault that Lucio is as well. That won't do at all!
And i see a lot of ppl being like "Lucio helps calm Jamie down <3"
Lucio is an enabler.
Lucio: Hell yeah. Lemme get my phone
No one else is allowed to find the video funny tho
That's right. Lucio def notices how everyone in OW treats Jamie (idc im projecting here. WHY IS EVERYONE SO MEAN TO HIM IDC IF HE'S A CRIMINAL HE'S FUNNY)
DVa can maybe find it a bit funny, but that's cuz she gets BFF privileges
Lucio constantly hitting Junkrat with the "hold on, this song reminds me of you-"
Eventually he just makes a whole playlist
Junkrat has it blasting constantly in his workshop
That or he has every song by Lucio on shuffle
Now, Jamison's,,,talent,,, is a bit harder to show affection with
It took Lucio a long time to really grasp Jamie's love language, but now he knows that 99% of the time that Junk's bombs towards him are romantic
The other 1% are accidents and Lucio is the only person Junkrat apologizes to
He doesn't even do that for Roadhog, so this is a very rare honor
Junkrat is so on board with Lucio being a freedom fighter
"HELL YEAH! fuck the government! down with the enforcer! BLOW THEM UP!"
The enthusiasm is much appreciated, but Lucio does have to explain in detail what he's really fighting for
Junkrat's chaotic nature is just on board with anything
And, despite being the resident yapper of overwatch, he really does like listening to lucio telling him abt things he wasn't aware of while being in Australia
Lucio's telling him so ofc it has GOT to be important, yk?
Sorry this is all just such word vomit. They're my two mains and I just....love them both sm i cant
They're just such a chaotic duo together
Like yeah, Lucio is a pretty chill guy but god does Jamison bring out the worst in him sometimes. They're perfect for eachother
On the rare occasion, Lucio can get Junkrat to settle down long enough for cuddles <3 ofc the lad is still a bit twitchy but it helps him realize that maybe this isn't so bad
Lucio shows Junkrat a kind of love Jamison has never seen before and Junkrat helps Lucio learn that it's okay to lose his cool sometimes
They just compliment each other so well
TL;DR Lucio and Junkrat are so good for each other I will throw hands over this
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chrxnicdaydream · 5 days
have some silly skk wedding hcs bc. idk i just wanted to yell w someone abt them
chuuya cries in sporadic bursts the day of but taken altogether it's like 3 hrs of hysterical sobbing
dazai doesn't cry at all because he slips into like a shocked fugue state the second he sees chuuya but he DOES bawl like a baby the next morning
nobody who attended remembers past like hour 4 of the wedding and six months later they're still uncovering some of the wild shit they did during the afterparty. this is because the wedding staff accidentally became part of the celebration and the photographer, who was supposed to record the whole thing, ended up sleeping with one of the cast. it was kunikida.
just to be obnoxious ranpo proposes to poe and chuuya has to be held back by a crying w laughter dazai from Physically Attacking Him
dazai insists on having a bouquet to throw, which he purposefully angles for akutagawa to catch. atsushi faints, lucy's face progresses from angry -> considering in real time (they r a throuple real)
chuuya picks his best man/maid of honor fairly easily (hirotsu and kouyou duh) but dazai basically told the ada to figure it out amongst themselves and come back to him with their decisions (he's lazy/genuinely didn't know who to pick and wanted to outsource) and there was Actual Violence
lots of drama over whether or not to invite mori and verlaine. turns out to be a nonissue bc all verlaine does is cry in a corner about a) rimbaud and b) holy shit my little brother is getting married and after hour 6 mori and fukuzawa disappear from the event (neither they nor anyone else remembers this. very lucky)
ango receives an invitation with no context and has like 3 mental breakdowns about what this means for his and dazai's relationship
7 hours in (it was a long party) kenji's cow somehow shows up (he swears up and down it wasn't him, everyone's very confused the next morning)
it was a sunset wedding, dazai wore white and chuuya wore blue
adam and shirase and some other members of the sheep are there. adam makes fast friends with kyouka, meanwhile the former sheep are very narrowly spared dazai's wrath, mostly bc he keeps forgetting they're even there. it's a big wedding
tachihara tried to drunkenly breakdance, gin laughed so hard she thought she got heart palpitations and was afraid for her life. she went to look for mori and walked in on him and fukuzawa. none of them remember this but now gin feels a vague sense of horror every time she looks at her boss and she's not really sure why
yosano tries rizzing kouyou up and fails by any normal metric (yosano: please please please please please please please please please please) but kouyou is Tipsy and Charmed
dazai does indeed burn the marriage certificate (TRY RETURNING ME WITHOUT A RECEIPT, CHIBI!!). chuuya is so in love he starts crying again
higuchi and tanizaki had philosophical discussions about life on the rooftop and accidentally solved the secrets of the universe. they do not remember this
kunikida returns from his steamy rendezvous with the photographer and immediately sets his sights on ango. drunk kunikida knows what he wants (twinkish men) and when he wants them (now). there is a reason one of the most important ideals in his notebook is to Not Drink
the guild is there and are generally having a good time until fitzgerald sees tsujimura (only there as ango's plus-one, got abandoned bc of drunk kunikida's machinations) and calls her a blue-haired liberal, and hey, what's a party without a brawl in the middle of the dance floor
between the guild and the wedding staff half the people at the party weren't even invited. which is why the doa and hunting dogs are also there
kenji, kyouka, q, elise, and aya are having a Kids' Party in a separate room with adam as an extremely enthusiastic babysitter (well, more like occasional check-in-er, he's swinging back and forth between the parties). tecchou joins them after a while and has a great time, as all except aya are extremely fascinated by his unholy food combinations
bram and lovecraft kickstart their enemies-to-lovers arc the second they set eyes on each other
fyodor, dazai, kajii, and nikolai start up a game of Knife Monopoly, to everyone's surprise the extremely determined caterer sweeps them all. sigma is smitten at once and immediately starts to flirt with her (the caterer is a milf who is seduced by sigma's transgender rizz, sigma will eventually have an entire 'convincing the stepkids' family movie arc)
teruko FUCKS IT UP on the dance floor, haruno is so impressed she immediately falls into her first disastrous sapphic crush
hirotsu and natsume mutually agree to restart their homoerotic situationship without ever even actually saying two words to each other, someone has to take skk's place now that they've more or less gotten their shit together
katai wasn't there physically but was supervising through security cameras. he's the only one who will ever know everything that happened that night and deleted the footage due to trauma :( sorry katai
tsujimura and mushitarou bond over how desperately they Do Not Want To Be There
skk Try to have a romantic wedding night(/morning, given how long the afterparty stretched) but they are both too drunk, chuuya trips and falls flat on his face and dazai laughs so hard he throws up
omg i started yapping and then i just didn't stop. i didn't even know i had this many thoughts in my head. i am sending this before i can regret it feel free to delete if u want to
anon. THESE ARE SO GOOD OMG???? i could literally visualize a whole fic just by reading these hcs
adding my comments under the cut so it doesn’t get too long 🫣
ok first of all… the skk crying hcs??? CANON OMG im so obsessed
Ranpo turning skk’s wedding into his engagement party is so true of him. he absolutely would
Dazai totally would insist on a bouquet to toss, & him throwing it at to Akutagawa is so funny 😭
KENJI’S COW IM SOBBING it reminds me of that wan episode where Atsushi asks Dazai what Yosano needed & he was like “… a cow!” boba eyes & everything
i had never thought of Adam & Kyouka being buddies but my life is changed now tysm for this revelation
NOT GIN BEING SCARRED BY ZENKU SKK 💀 someone get my girl outta there
ok but tipsy + charmed Kouyou is a vision
Chuuya tells Dazai that burning the marriage certificate means they’re not married anymore & that’s when Dazai finally breaks down into tears
ok Higuchi & Tanizaki is another duo i never considered and i LOVE IT???
omg i love the kids party & skk are both good with kids so they definitely would make sure the kids are taken care of 🥹 Adam would be such a good babysitter, and Tetchou too??? omg giving me fic ideas with this one
super invested in this caterer x Sigma arc tbh
ykw i was thinking abt bsd rarepairs the other day & couldn’t figure out who to ship Teruko or Haruno with… should’ve thought of this honestly
now that you mention it… i actually love the idea of Tsujimura & Mushitaro but i think it’s mostly bc her hair matches his suit PFFT
skk’s ideal honeymoon = SLEEP 😫
i’m so glad you didn’t stop yapping non, this was so wonderful tysm i feel blessed 🥹🩷 please feel free to yell abt hcs or say hi anytime!! 🫶🏻💕💕
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those-crybaby-tears · 7 months
OMG HIII im so excited for a creepypasta writer :3 may i please request you write for hoodie nd masky, reader also being a proxy!!!! it could be general hcs or whatevs, up to you!! if you dont want to do this req, its ok, if u want me to req smthn else u can always pm me
HIII and thank you so much! I hope I complied with your request (sorry if I didn't).
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Characters included: Reader (as proxy), Slenderman (named sometimes as Boss), Masky and Hoodie + mention of other proxies.
Small Warnings: mention of kidnapping, mention of dizziness, actions of light bullying, mention of broken bones, deep cuts, bruises, killing and curse words. Proxies are not kind toward newbie at all :(
⚠️Writer's Notices⚠️: I think I expanded the request without intending to? I'm not sure about that. I just like to give a lot of informations about the characters, so I also put a very light backstory of the Reader. I hope this doesn't bother you and, of course, if you wish, you can skip everything and go to the part that interests you the most. I'm not judging. Please enjoy!
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You are probably in contact with kids/young adults who saw Slenderman;
Maybe a babysitter or a psychiatrist;
The fact is that you will never encounter proxies initially;
It is very important for Slenderman to decide for himself his servants;
Toby had once brought a girl into the mansion unbeknownst to Boss... Let's say she stayed for a short time;
Of course, Toby doesn't remember her anymore;
One day someone tells you about this strange, tall and thin man who appears in their dreams and in the woods;
However, one day you were normally on your way home when you started to feel dizzy;
And... surprise! Shortly afterwards you were in a dark office without any kind of light, forced to listen to a faceless man;
You don't remember much about how you get there but your attention, of course, is not centered on that small detail;
Most likely because you have a very good intellect and you reason efficiently;
The Big Boss really needs proxies like that;
Not an athletic person? DON'T WORRY! Slenderman already knows everything about you and what type of training you need, he already comes up with a training program just for you!
(Be grateful and don't try to run away, this tired old man ain't got no time to come and haunt you) :(
One surprise after another, apparently! (actually, you could easily imagine what is about to happen);
You are entrusted to some proxies who will take you under their "protective" wing;
These proxies are: Masky, Hoodie, and Toby!
But mainly Masky and Hoodie since they are the only ones who have actually done any training when they arrived at the mansion;
Toby isn't very present because he doesn't care much and would still struggle to have an initial relationship given his Antisocial Personality Disorder;
But don't worry! He'll get used to you soon!
They are slightly heartless bitches :(
(they're actually "somehow" nice to you but not too much);
I mean they would help you with training but make fun of you whenever they can;
This mainly Masky;
Hoodie simply giggles meanly and nods;
(This is honestly me);
I say this for your own good, really;
If Masky notices a sniffling or shining eyes from tears that would like to fall... you will find out what hell is;
You will no longer know what dignity is...
"Awwww, don't tell me our little newbie is going to cry, right?" it may be the phrase you'll hear the most;
Masky will basically yell it in the presence of ALL the residents of the mansion just to give you a reason to cry more;
"Come on Masky, can't you see that the frail little thing here is shaking? Give them some personal space."
Another reality revealed, but this time it's Hoodie's fault;
He probably won't yell it like Masky, but he'll still say it in a higher-than-average tone of voice;
If they notice that you are actually very neutral and don't care about their nasty comments, they will simply stop;
After all, it's no fun if there are no reactions;
Basically, they will just give you the advice you need to improve;
However, you may also have a short fuse!
Maybe you shouldn't point it out, you might unintentionally push yourself further, and since Masky also has a short fuse, you could start a fight with him;
If there's Hoodie nearby he'll stop Masky before killing you (but you'll have some deep cuts, bruises and, at worst, broken bones);
However, in the absence of Hoodie/other proxies, you will be killed without much scruples;
Butttt... consider yourself lucky because usually Hoodie and Masky are together all the time, either for tasks and because they have established a good relationship and don't spend much time with the other residents;
Above all they are good instructors;
They know when you've reached your limit and will stop you if they see you're going too far;
They will give you advice and plan a diet if they see that it is necessary;
It could have been worse, couldn't it?
As said before, they would certainly help you a lot;
Both with advice and by encouraging you to keep going;
(they will become more and more familiar with this as time goes on);
However, I like to imagine that Hoodie does the exercises with you, both to keep fit and to be an example for you;
Masky observes the two of you, smoking his cigarettes;
In some cases he will join you;
(he made a bet on who does the most running laps with Hoodie);
"You know, Y/N, Masky has never been able to beat me in a running challenge", Hoodie usually makes fun of Masky;
"For fuck's sake, just shut up!" and Masky responds in a bad way;
While they may seem quite calm while training you, don't forget that they are professional assassins;
You don't really want to see them when they have to torture/kill someone;
But one day, for sure, you're going to see that because, ops!, from now on you are a proxy;
Good luck with that!
Okay, that's all about our two favorite proxies!
I really have to write headcanons about their backstories because I've honestly always wanted to do that.
I hope you enjoyed this!
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HEAAAADCANNNONNNNNNNNNNSSSSS I need more 🫣 im a repeat offender
Can you please do HC for Ominis and Sebastian’s kinks 😳
A repeat offender?!?!?! For me??? AWWWWW 😘 (I love repeat offenders, keep coming back)
Sebastian is the type of guy who is up for trying anything once. The few that he ends up liking the most would be:
Bondage - Yep, I said it. Our sweet Sebby loves letting go of the responsibilities of dominance every once in a while. He not so secretly loves when MC ties him up and he can do nothing but take what she gives him. He also loves to tie her up, but IMO it doesn't happen very often, him being too impatient to do it properly.
Along that same note, Sebastian is most definitely a Dom/sub dynamic kind of man. In my opinion he's 100% a switch, happily controlling a scene, or being submissive to MC. He loves the feeling of trusting power he gets when he's in Dom mode with MC. Telling her exactly what he wants her to do, knowing that she'll do it, only for him, is a huge confidence boost. In a (true/honest/good) Dom/sub relationship, the sub really holds all the power in sexual moments, giving the Dom all of their trust to take care of them. Sebastian loves being on both sides of that, earning her trust, and giving his own to her when the world is on his shoulders, needing a break from his responsibilities.
Impact play- Sebastian mostly likes spanking, the sight of his red handprint blooming on MCs ass is incredibly satisfying, a fleeting way of marking her as his own, her needy groans an added bonus. *I think Sebastian would make an EXCELENT Daddy Dom, but that may just be the Little in me talking. If you want me to expand on Daddy Dom Sebby let me know😉 **Also I want to make sure to add that Sebastian knows the importance of and is phenomenal at giving aftercare. Whatever is MCs favorite way to come down after a rough scene, making sure she feels his love after. Whether it's cuddles, a bubble bath where he gently messages the marks he left on her, or just whispering the reasons he loves her while he softly kisses her. Aftercare for him is usually just MC holding him until he's ready to face the outside world again. Omi is a bit tricker for me on this one, I honestly have a hard time seeing him being into many kinks that Sebastian is not, but let's give this a shot
Wax Play - I have no idea why but I think he would love the sensation of hot wax dripping onto his skin. Maybe it shows him that a small amount of pain isn't always a bad thing. 🤷‍♀️ Okay that was a short one for Ominis 🤦‍♀️ So let's talk about kinks they have in common
Public sex - maybe not an actual kink, but exhibitionism seems too strong. Neither boy minds getting frisky in a public place to some extent, if it means getting what they desperately want, the risk of being caught only making it better. Their favorite ways include, fingering MC in the back of class or in the library when she has been teasing them too much, quickies (or not) in the showers, and maybe a few hand jobs down by the lake. **I just finished a chapter of Sharing is Caring that is entirely about the trio having public sex.** Okay now that I've typed all this I think I've changed my mind about exhibitionism being too strong a word 😆 but hey, they're just young, dumb, full of cum teenagers, so desperate for each other and as someone who herself engaged in a little public sex today, I cannot say I blame them.
Erotic Asphyxiation - We all know that Omi and Seb have no reservations about wrapping a hand around MCs pretty little neck, but that's where it ends in my mind.
Just a touch of Verbal Humiliation - They love calling MC their little slut and sometimes even a whore. But ya know what, a strong girl like MC actually really likes it. They aren't wrong, and they know it's only for them, which makes it even better.
Nonny, I would just like to say I looked up a lot of kinks to do this ask justice there are a few I wish I hadn't discovered I hope you enjoy my choices
Also I feel like I gave a lot of myself away in this 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️😆
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shoukiko · 4 months
Hi, you can keep this unanswered and not post it, but I want to help you understand the thought behind some of the points in your criticism post. Before I start I want to apologise if I come off as blunt and rude, that's not my intention and I'll try my best to show my tone as unthreatening but I'm autistic and not a native English speaker, which complicates things lol
*general you used throughout the ask
First, I want to start with this: they all are part of the army. You don't need to dig much to see you'll rarely see a "morally upstanding" person in the army, be it because they're cheaters, abusers, compliant with all that or they're (insert -ist/-phobe category here). UK military spouses are 3 times more likely to experience intimate partner violence (IPV). I'm not saying the COD characters need to be written like that, but it wouldn't be "unrealistic" if we take real life statistics into account.
Second, and maybe the most important thing, everyone writes COD characters OOC. The majority of the active fandom on Tumblr and tiktok have seen gifs and 10min out of context clips from the game at best. It's to be expected to not frequently find something actually in character for a lot of the guys. Especially with characters that are just operators like König, Nikto and Krueger. In their case everything is and isn't OOC at the same time because we just... Don't know these characters. We lack characterisation past maybe 1-3 traits about them. I'd argue that's why the fandom liked König so much, other than being masked, he's the perfect paper doll! You can dress him up in whatever characterisation you want and it probably won't contradict his canon (because he barely has one and what he has is quickly misinterpreted (anxiety disorder turning into shyness for example)).
Now specifically on your "How are you going to hc a victim as the abuser?" - simple, whether you like to accept it or not is up to you, but it's not far fetched for victims to become abusers later in life. Just look at serial killers statistics - 74% of US serial killers were psychologically abused and 42% were physically abused as children and later in life followed a similar pattern brought to an extreme. Or on the other hand, a tamer example would be generational trauma because that's how we get that (grandparent was abused and because that's all they know, they implement it in bringing up their child who, for the same reason, implements it in bringing up the grandchild and so on).
The final thing I want to say is, it's good to block people who you don't vibe with. Doesn't matter if it's because they wrote something that personally disturbed you or you simply don't like their blog theme or you see them too often in the tag. Personally curating your experience is key in fandom, utilise the tools Tumblr has given us. Of course as you and others have mentioned that's impossible without some assistance from the other side. Tagging is extremely important (tagging with the correct words without censoring!!! Or the filter won't catch! Rape, noncon, incest ✅; r@pe, n*nc*n, 1nc*st ✖️✖️).
I hope this isn't too messy or long aaaa
I really appreciate you taking the time to type this up and actually speak to me about this, your input is very appreciated. /gen
I do think I could've done better on that post since I wrote it in the heat of the moment, all characters are written OOC and it was ignorant of me to say
"Maybe read the characters backstories and actually take their past into consideration because you guys kinda look dumb for making these characters so OOC."
I hope ya'll can really take the time to see my POV, I did not mean. any harm, I've come across some gross things, but blocking and filtering tags so much as begun to be tiring.
My main issue is tagging, without tagging I am left with getting triggered by random posts because the first few sentences may include something on my trigger list.
That's all I want and also what a lot of other people want.
Writing is meant for anyone and everyone, a form of art and perhaps a for of therapy.
Please tag your work, you are not the only person on the internet.
Thank you for reading!
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