#i have decided that i actually DO like the flash show & i will b continuing 2 yell @ it
pup-pee · 8 months
daily reminder that bart wearing nailpolish is canon & he does let others paint them 4 him
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sweetingtea · 13 days
The Sonic Movie 3 trailer came out and it is awesome!
I know it came out a week or so ago and I might be late into talking about it but rest assured I watched it 30 minutes after it came out.
I decided to start talking about it now because I want to put in my two cents about a certain topic.
At some point in the trailer we get this image of Tom:
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He’s screaming “Sonic!!” and then it immediately flashes to this image of Shadow:
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There is also this interaction with Sonic and Shadow:
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“What did you do?”
“What I had to.”
First of all, f🤬cking aura Shadow, holy sh💩t. That “what I had to” sent shivers to me timbers.
Second of all, why I’m making this post:
This has led people to believe that Shadow might harm Tom in some way or even killing him.
And I don’t think that is true.
Do I think that they might tussle around? Yeah. Do I think Shadow will straight up assassinate him? Hell no!
Now, I have seen people believe it and draw it but more as like a “this is a cool alternative but I don’t actually think it would happen”, but then there are others who genuinely believe that Shadow is going to kill Tom.
While there is nothing wrong with believing that, it raises a problem for Shadow’s overall character.
We all know Shadow is just misunderstood. Especially from Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails. Keep in mind that they are working with the very people that killed Maria—a little girl, Shadow’s best friend, and they have no idea 😀
I feel like if Sonic finds out about it, then there will definitely be conversations yet to happen, and not very friendly ones.
I kinda think this might be an image of Sonic looking around the Ark. Maybe this is when he finds out? However, that is not something I can really prove:
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One thing I will say: even though if we were in Shadow’s position and we might try to kill humanity too, I think we should all acknowledge that even though we can understand him it doesn’t mean we should agree with the path he has walked down on.
Anyway, Shadow = misunderstood. Got it. That is all a story for another time, I’m still here for something else.
I think we can all agree that Shadow has been through a lot, and I think some of the games do him justice for the way he makes up for his actions; finding out who is he is and honoring Maria’s wish, sacrificing himself and falling down to earth, going against Black Doom’s wishes, fighting Memphis, saving Sonic (multiple times), him and Team Dark, the Archie comics, and more.
We’re gonna ignore the Boom!Shadow for this one boys. He’s irrelevant. (lol)
While Shadow and Sonic aren’t friend or enemies. They’re by each others side to do the right thing. All Shadow wanted to do was the right thing and at the time he believed it was killing humanity.
I think what I’m trying to say is that Shadow has done some villainy sh💩t under the influence of what people showed him back to the accident of the Ark. However, he is not a bad guy and he doesn’t deserve to be the bad guy.
If they do this, if Shadow kills Tom, he will be an irredeemable monster to Sonic and even to me, and Shadow doesn’t deserve that treatment.
I don’t want to look at Movie!Shadow knowing that he killed an amazing character and the father to Sonic.
I also want to say, that when Sonic is talking to Shadow and asks him what he did, he sounds mad but he doesn’t sound mad enough to the point of Tom’s death kind of mad. Sonic would be f🤬cking furious. He would fr say “screw the power of friendship I’m about to END this B🐶TCH”.
I can’t say for certain that Tom isn’t going to die, but I really don’t think and want to believe that Shadow is going to be the one to kill Tom.
Like I said before, it’s tragic for what happened to him but we shouldn’t justify the path he’s walking on. Killing Tom is no excuse either.
I just don’t want to be disappointed. I have been looking forward for this movie for too long. I really just want Shadow to be the sweet little anti-hero he truly is.
While I’m here, I wanna circle back around to Tom screaming Sonic’s name. First of all, Tom is in a G.U.N uniform. Either he’s going in disguise or maybe the commander guy whose name I don’t care to remember gave him a position in the G.U.N forces.
In the first Sonic Movie, Maddie did say that there has been a Wachowski serving and protecting for 50 years. The same amount of time Shadow was in a coma. Maybe the commander recognizes Tom’s last name and offers him a position.
Maybe Sonic and co. find out about what they did to Maria and the Ark, and when confronting G.U.N, G.U.N decides to turn on them. Maybe that’s why Tom was screaming Sonic’s name, because he was about to get hurt. Remember, even though Sonic saved the world in the 1st movie, in the 2nd movie G.U.N still believed they would be a threat. Maybe G.U.N is using them in hopes they won’t find out about what happened 50 years ago. They’d be perfect against Shadow, they’re the same species! (Kinda…)
If G.U.N can’t defeat Shadow, maybe another powerful being can.
Anyway, those were my two cents.
Don’t take this post too personally please, if you wanna believe Shadow kills Tom, then by all means go off! I just wanted to show my perspective of things and how I see Shadow as a person.
Remember, opinions are opinions and we shouldn’t devalue anyone’s just because we don’t agree.
Take care! 🫶🏻
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himiabye · 1 year
The final? - Ep 1: How about my feeling?
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pairing: Jaehyun x reader; Jeno x reader. / FLUFF, ANGST, SMUT// Love triangle au.?
Word count: 912
Warning: Smut; curse words. This contains mature content! So minors DO NOT INTERACT! Thank you.
note: This is an opening ep so I do not want to put anything too strong here. Just want to give you guys an overall look at the situation between Jeno, Y/n and Jaehyun.
Please leave a comment about how you think this will go on. Thank you and enjoy.
Saturday morning
knock knock knock.
You’re sitting at your coffee table in the living room, trying to finish all the work so that you can enjoy your weekend the most. You open the door without knowing who decides to bother you on Saturday morning.
“ Jeno? What are you doing here? Also, you have the key why do you knock?”
He flashes you his lovely signature smile that melts your heart and it’s also the reason why you avoided him the whole week.
“ Well, first of all, I’m your best friend so do I need a reason to see you? Also, I miss you pumpkin, I feel like you’re trying to avoid me, which is weird so I think it’s better to knock on your door than just you know, use the key like usual. I know you need your personal space, too, pumpkin.”
You immediately feel sorry for abandoning your own best friend, or should I say your crush? Yes yes, you’ve just found out recently after a “daily” party at Johnny’s house. You realize you love your childhood best friend. 
“ Oh just continue to do your work, I just want to check on you. I bought you some tulips, all colours of course. I’m gonna clean for you a little bit then make us a meal, What ya think?” 
“ Uhm Jeno thank you so much but uhm.. I’m kinda busy and ..”
“ Yes, I know. And then you’re gonna skip all your meals and even… Okay enough talking just ignore me, I do my work and you do yours”. He finishes by giving your forehead a slight kiss.
And just like that, time flew. You two have your lunch like usual but you don’t feel right today, face to face with him. Your feelings toward him have changed, and you keep thinking about whether you should tell him or not. And when you make up your mind and decide to confess to him, he breaks your heart.
“ Hey Jen, actually I did avoid you last week, I’m sorry but the reason was my feelings for you, they changed. I li…”
“ Is it your father again? Did he pressure you with your brand?”
“No. And yes, work does exhaust me but what I’m trying to tell you is…”
“ Come to Johnny’s party tomorrow night. I want you to relax and keep yourself away from all the work, it’s the weekend. I also want to introduce Jane to you.” He cut you off. again.
“ Who’s Jane? Johnny’s sister?”
“No. It’s a new girl that John introduced to me. She is a journalist”.He smiles. That smile again. He smiles while talking about her. You lose. You officially lose.
You feel like a loser. Maybe he knew what you’re about to say so he has to tell you first. 
“ Y/n? Are you listening to me?”
“ Yeah... I’m just thinking about what to wear tomorrow and I definitely not gonna waste like last time.” 
“ Bet ya”. 
That night you cried yourself to sleep. Why does he have to treat you like that? He makes you feel so special then just drop you like that. 
Sunday night
“ Hey hey, our hot girl is here. Y/s is here guys”. Johnny rushes to the door and gives you his big bear hug while announcing. 
“ I’ve been waiting for you since the party started. You’re late pumpkin. I have something hot for you tonight you better get ready. See that fine man over there, the one with the dimples. He’s all yours tonight and maybe many nights after. That’s Jaehyun, the young and rich CEO of L.O.G Company. I showed him some of your pictures and pumpkin I have to tell you that man’s completely whipped”.
“ Oh John, you have to stop your blind date games, I’m an adult I know who is the best for me. And also I’m so busy right now with my brand and you know that.”
“ But look at his dimples”. Johnny makes a face that you know you cannot say no to him. Jaehyun is a fine man actually, he can also be a distraction to keep your mind away from Jeno. So why not give it a try? 
“ Nice to meet you, I’m Jaehyun.” He flashes his dimples.
‘ Oh he’s flirting’ you think. “ Nice to meet you too, I’m Y/n. Now tell me what did John babble about me to you hah? Well, let me guess. I bet I’m a workaholic perfectionist whom everyone is afraid to talk with right?”
“ Quite different from what I heard, I would say but I would love to know more about that”.
It’s weird. You’re interested in him. You totally forgot about Jeno for the past 2 hours when you “ got to know” more about Jaehyun. You succeed in keeping yourself sober tonight, but Jeno is on the other hand, totally wasted. 
“Hey Y/n it’s late, Can I drive you home?” Jaehyun asks. “ Uhmm thank you for asking but Jeno is kinda drunk here and I can not just leave him you know.”
“ Oh just let him drive you home”. Johnny appears after cleaning the kitchen. “ He has Jane, you remember?”.
Yes. Now he has Jane. “ But…”. 
“ Nah ah. no, but Y/n. Let this gentleman do his work, don’t you?”. John tries to convince you. “ Thank you so much Jaehyun. Please bring her home safely.”
this is my own work. please do not copy or translate this story without my consent.
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kenzirr · 4 months
Sunset Secrets
**Description:** JJ Maybank has always been the confident, carefree member of the Pogues. But when it comes to Y/N, the new girl with a captivating smile and playful demeanor, JJ finds himself flustered and tongue-tied. As the Pogues spend their days adventuring and their nights by the bonfire, JJ and Y/N's connection deepens, leading to moments of sweet romance and undeniable chemistry. Set against the backdrop of the beautiful Outer Banks, this story captures the thrill of young love and the magic of finding someone who makes your heart race.
**Warning:** This story contains mature themes and romantic scenes. Nothing bad really.
**Pairing:** JJ Maybank x Black!Female Reader (Y/N)
The sun had barely risen, casting a gentle pink hue over the horizon as the Pogues gathered at the Wreck for breakfast. JJ Maybank, usually the life of the party, was unusually quiet this morning. His eyes kept drifting towards Y/N, who was chatting with Kie at the counter.
John B nudged JJ with a grin. "Hey, lover boy. You're staring again."
JJ rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the blush creeping up his neck. "Am not," he muttered, taking a sip of his coffee. But he couldn't fool his friends. It was a well-known fact among the Pogues that JJ was hopelessly smitten with Y/N, and she had a knack for making him flustered in ways no one else could.
Just then, Y/N turned around, catching JJ's gaze. She flashed him a dazzling smile that made his heart race. "Morning, JJ," she called, walking over with an extra bounce in her step. "Sleep well?"
JJ's tongue suddenly felt like it was tied in knots. "Uh, yeah, I did. How about you?" he managed to say, cursing himself for sounding so awkward.
"Great, actually," Y/N replied, sliding into the seat next to him. She leaned in, her shoulder brushing against his. "I've been thinking about our walk last night."
JJ felt his face heat up. "Oh, yeah? What about it?"
Y/N's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Just how nice it was. And how I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime."
JJ gulped, his mind racing. He wanted to say something suave, something to show he wasn't a complete idiot, but all he managed was, "Yeah, me too. It was...nice."
Y/N laughed softly, her hand resting on his arm. "You know, JJ, you're really cute when you're flustered."
JJ's eyes widened, and he felt his blush deepen. "I-I'm not flustered," he stammered, trying to play it cool.
"Sure you're not," Y/N teased, her fingers gently tracing circles on his arm. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"
JJ tried to focus, but the sensation of her touch was driving him to distraction. "Uh, well, we were thinking about checking out the new fishing spot Pope found. You in?"
"Absolutely," Y/N said, her smile widening. "But only if you promise to show me how to catch the biggest fish."
JJ grinned, feeling a bit more confident. "Deal. But you'll have to pay close attention. It's all about the technique."
Y/N leaned in closer, her lips just inches from his ear. "Oh, don't worry, JJ. I always pay close attention to you."
JJ's breath hitched, and he felt a shiver run down his spine. Before he could respond, Pope and Kie walked over, breaking the moment.
"You two ready to go?" Pope asked, glancing between them with a knowing smile.
"Yeah, let's do this," JJ said, standing up and offering his hand to Y/N. As she took it, he couldn't help but marvel at how perfectly their fingers fit together.
Throughout the day, Y/N continued to tease JJ, finding every opportunity to get close, whisper sweet comments, or give him that look that made his knees weak. Whether it was showing her how to cast a fishing line or helping her over a rocky path, JJ found himself flustered and tongue-tied, much to the amusement of his friends.
By the time the sun was setting again, casting long shadows over the water, the Pogues decided to call it a day. They returned to the Wreck, where they settled down for another bonfire. JJ and Y/N found themselves a little apart from the group, sitting on a blanket spread out on the sand.
"You know," Y/N began, her voice soft as she traced patterns on JJ's hand, "I've never met anyone like you, JJ."
JJ looked at her, his heart pounding. "Yeah? How's that?"
"You're brave, funny, loyal. And even though you try to hide it, you're incredibly sweet," she said, her eyes locking onto his. "It's...refreshing."
JJ's throat felt tight. "I feel the same about you, Y/N. You've turned my world upside down in the best way."
Y/N leaned in, her lips brushing against his in a tender kiss. JJ responded eagerly, his hand cradling her cheek as he deepened the kiss. When they pulled apart, he rested his forehead against hers, feeling more content than he ever had.
"You know what, Y/N?" JJ whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "You make me feel like I can do anything."
Y/N smiled, her eyes shining with affection. "That's because you can, JJ. And I'll be right here, cheering you on."
As they sat together, wrapped in each other's arms, JJ realized that being flustered around Y/N wasn't a bad thing. It meant she made him feel alive, and that was something he'd never want to change.
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all of my “y/ns” are black bc i am, and we deserve some attention too. i just decided to be more specific 😛
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harlivycentral · 1 year
Harley & Ivy in Heroes in Crisis: Summary & Excerpts
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A continuation of my series of collecting summaries and excerpts of all the relevant comics leading up to the new solo run of Poison Ivy.
"Heroes in Crisis" is told very non-linerally, but I'll sort of cut to the chase with this one. It's a fairly widely disparaged arc, and you can search "Heroes in Crisis" on r/Comicbooks or r/DCComics if you want to see a million people breaking down why everyone hates it so much. I'm just here to summarize the parts of the story that are relevant to Harley & Ivy's continued plot!
CW for brief discussions of (time-travel aided...) suicide (which is averted/not shown)
Okay, fine, a TINY bit of editorializing from me. I overall don't like the characterization of Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy in this arc--at one point Harley says she "doesn't believe in trauma," which is... ??? (She is a [formerly] licensed therapist with an abusive ex-boyfriend. LMAO.) But we're NOT here to dwell on that, we're here to summarize the plot points that are relevant for following arcs!
In short, "The Sanctuary" is a super-secret facility that the Justice League created so that heroes could get "therapy." I say "therapy" in quotes because the "therapist" is a robot that they programmed to a) do talk therapy with the heroes b) each hero is kept separate from the others but has a special room that can manifest anything/person/scenario holographically (think The Danger Room from X-Men). Most of the heroes use this to spend time re-living their trauma. We DON'T have time to get into how poorly written this series is.
As we saw in my previous posts summarizing "Everybody Loves Ivy," Ivy was sent to The Sanctuary. In flashbacks, we see that Harley (agains the rules of the sanctuary) showed up to visit Ivy. We see her interrupting Ivy's "therapy" and hanging out in Ivy's room.
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However, by the time the series starts, everyone who was at the Sanctuary (except Harley & Booster Gold) was killed. Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are investigating. Harley has reverted to her most murderous clown self, and we see her trying to kill Booster Gold while speaking in nursery rhymes.
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We learn that Harley Quinn & Booster Gold are the primary suspects for the murders, but both of them think the other did it. It's revealed that Harley is acting so murderous and unwell because Ivy died.
We also eventually learn that it's actually Wally West (The Flash) who killed everyone. It was an accident; re-living his trauma caused a buildup of energy, which set off emergency alarms, and everyone in the Sanctuary who heeded the alarm and exited the sanctuary found The Flash outside, only to be killed when he couldn't contain the energy and released it in a burst that killed them all. We see that Harley was hanging out with Ivy in her personalized holographic room, but didn't go with her when the alarm went off, hence her still being alive.
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We get a scene where Harley mourns Ivy:
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We do get one scene that I really love. Harley is still trying to murder Booster Gold out of revenge, and she's being chased down by the Justice League. But then Batgirl appears, comforts Harley, and they decide to team up. Eventually, they realize Booster Gold isn't the killer either, start working with him, and realize that the Flash framed both of them to buy himself some time to make things right. They realize that, after five days on the run, he's going to go back in time, kill his past self, and plant the body at the crime scene to make it look like he wasn't the killer.
Louis Lane publicizes the existence of The Sanctuary, and during a voiceover from the Justice League addressing the public about it, we see the Flash discover the rose Harley dropped in the water while mourning Ivy. Over the course of a few issues, he plants it, and Ivy regrows.
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He then apologizes to Ivy, and we realize it's his future self talking to her, about to kill his past self.
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BUT Harley, Batgirl, and Booster Gold have figured out what's happening and appear in time to stop the Flash from killing himself. Harley sees that Ivy is still alive and they reunite.
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That's pretty much the end of their storyline. The Justice League shows up, Harley and Booster Gold are implied to have their names cleared while the heroes both comfort Flash but also cart him away to atone for his crimes (again, we don't have time to get into the mess that is this comic).
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We see them walk off together, and that's the end of that arc for them! Next up: Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (2019-2020)
Click here for my master list of posts excerpting Harley & Ivy's cameos in various Batman comics leading up to the current Poison Ivy run
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bengiyo · 2 years
My School President Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last time, Tinn got to spend a few nights with Gun and the rest of Chinzhilla at the school in preparation for Hot Wave. Gun now fully understands how whipped for him Tinn is, and we got to see Drunk!Gun try to throw hands with Kaljorn. Gun and Tinn have some of the better communication skills I've enjoyed, and their moment during Hot Wave after Tinn bailed on his mom (and the aftermath) was really good. Win and Sound are also on the rise.
I just love Tinn so much. The boy understands a moment. I also love Gun for keeping Tinn from getting lost in his head.
Of course Tinn has been counting the time they've been apart.
This has become so much more fun since Gun started actively flirting back.
I actually like Tinn's mom. She's not an antagonist or villain. She's just a bit overprotective. She does trust her son, though I find it hard to believe she doesn't know he likes a boy (Moms always know). Still, curious about how the lies will catch up with Tinn.
I love Gun and his mom's relationship. I am nervous that she doesn't actually have the meds Gun asked about.
Tiw and Por rising? I don't know why they have Mark committed to this floaty, but I'm okay with it.
Sound and Win are always going through it, I swear.
Time for the beach splash montage.
I like that Gun now instinctively moves towards Tinn when he's startled.
"We can't tell them, but we can level up our sweetness." Pulls out BL Juice. I love that we have just accepted that the product placement is here to stay, and have just decided to be ridiculous with it.
Por and Phat look so good this episode.
Mark is killing this role with just his face and body language in the background.
Oh, Tiwson. You are my favorite. I love that Tinn's best friend is also a Supporter.
Gun and Sound are so ridiculous. I can't wait to see what song these two come up with.
This is the first time I've been glad Tinn is around for the drama. He has useful perspective about secret crushes, and asks good questions of Gun. I think Gun has also been in need of a confidant.
Fourth and Gemini are really good together. I probably would have recommended channeling Sound's feelings into the song, and letting Win decide what to do after hearing it and making it through Hot Wave
Oh, I like the way Satang's voice broke as he thought about what Sound was really into.
Yak has been fun this episode.
Tiwson said, "Ah, the stupid is generational in this band."
Gun worrying about unreciprocated feelings hurting Sound and the band as he leans on Tinn is the exact kind of visuals I needed from this show.
Aw, and here I was thinking Sound and Win would make progress. Still, Sound tried a little bit.
Gun sharing with Sound was actually pretty brave, and also necessary if they're going to put genuine feeling into a song.
"I'll be the captain of your ship." I feel like these people are reading our comments.
Tinn is too much. My dude jumped straight from coming out to getting married. I can't get enough of this man.
Drinks seductively over the product placement apology.
That was a good Now Kiss Moment from Satang and Winny.
Tinn remains the best boy. Especially with The Warp Effect airing right now, Tinn stopping and leaving as soon as Gun said to resonates strongly.
I'm vibrating with anticipation for the moms finally meeting.
Looks like the secrets are out with Tinn's mom.
Please let Tiwson get in the water.
Por is serving absolute cunt in this outfit with the short shorts, the blue button-up tank, the glasses, and the raised briefs.
The cover dance B plot continues. I think I'm having the reaction to the dancing that others have to the singing.
I like Sound's song.
I'm glad Win isn't dense, and recognized that the song was about him.
Oh yes. Please flash back and give me a scene we missed. An umbrella sharing scene? Be still, my heart.
Oh my. Sorry to Intouch and Korn, but you've been defeated.
"I don't know if I feel the same way, but I'm willing to try," is something I'm glad is moving beyond Japan.
I like Gemini's voice when they don't over-tune it.
Alright, the notebook kiss was really special. Good job, boys.
Mmm, kinda nervous about next week and Gun's mom.
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yuricharisma · 1 year
Alright, so a friend asked me a question about how I felt about Birdie Wing now that Eve and Aoi are sisters. At first, I was like, how are they sisters, cause in my mind their fathers had different names.
Aoi's (supposed) father (I'll get back to supposed later) name is:
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Last name is Amawashi
Then, at the end of the episode, Eve remembers her father's name to be:
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Last name is Hodaka
While they do share Kazuhiko, the last name is completely different. However, they both look exactly the same. This could be a classic anime misdirect, bad writing, or something else we don't know yet.
Now on to my theory/hypothesis that Aoi actually isn't the daughter of Kazuhiko but is instead Couch Amuro's daughter. Here's my evidence, and remember this is a hypothesis I could be wrong, but let's also not forget we have an underground golf mafia in this anime so the skies the limit really.
Anyway, evidence A: Amaro and Aoi's mother are referring to each other by their first/given name.
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Now, as I understand in Japanese culture, this isn't something that two people who only know each other do, but is typically only done with couples and even then some couples only say "anata" (you or mostly translated as darling/honey/etc). While this is the mental talk thing in anime, I also want to point out no honorifics, and while crunchyroll may or may not put those in translation, it was not present in the voice lines. This leads me to believe they were intimate at one point.
Evidence A.2: A sort of a bridge to the first point is that Amuro said "Aoi" when she collapsed
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Now, this could have just been a spur of the moment concern. The other girl there was a bit shocked that Amuro said that, cause if I remember correctly, he only called her "Amawashi" before, as trying to hide any relationship to Aoi he had (again a hypothesis)
Evidence B: Aoi's collapsing issues are genetic from Amuro
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Earlier, when Amuro was showing Aoi her new swing, he only did three shots and shortly collapsed while walking away
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Aoi has been struggling the last couple of episodes and having the same issue.
B.2: Another side point here is Aoi's memories of her father.
Early in the episode, when Aoi is having a catscan or some checkup, she flashes back and remembers this:
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Later, she remembers that it actually wasn't Kazuhiko who said this but
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Now, this is probably a crack theory at best, but remember, golf mafia. Aoi is projecting who she thinks is her father saying meaningful things but is actually Amuro (her real father). This one is a bit out there, I'll admit, but both Kazuhiko and Amuro taught Aoi golf. My theory is that Aoi grew up thinking Kazuhiko is her father, and everyone (Kazuhiko, Amuro, and Aoi's mother) decided for promotional reasons and media attention that Kazuhiko would be labeled as Aoi's father and to also avoid a scandal.
So there we have it, we'll only know for sure later in the series, but I also wanted an excuse for Aoi and Eve to continue their yuri shenanigans. If they do end up as sisters, then I guess the ship is dead, and I can still have shipping the other golf partners, Aoi with her caddie and Lily with Eve's caddie (they are arm wrestling in the op)
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moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter Six: The First Hogsmeade Trip
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Summary: Beauxbaton’s biggest prankster has finally been expelled from the French boarding school. Having limited choices, Iris Evans is sent to join her sister at Hogwarts. As she adjusts to the new scenery, Lily’s twin makes new friends with a different array of people. Though there was no doubt that she would become friends with the Marauders.  
Word Count: 6796 
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SMALL, SPARKLING SPECKS OF ICY SNOWFLAKES BLANKETED the ground like a soft, fluffy duvet. The early Saturday morning was no different from any other Saturday at Hogwarts. Almost all of the students had decided to sleep in after having such a tiring school week. However, there were a few outliers who had decided actually wake up at a reasonable time. One of these outliers, not surprisingly, was Lily, of course.
She was already dressed in a warm jumper with jeans as she sat on her bed and read a book. She was trying to get a head start on her studies and homework for the weekend. Because Lily Evans was anything but a procrastinator. Wendy had woken up as well though she had yet to change out of her night clothes and it didn’t seem like she was willing to get out of bed at that moment.
Both Marlene and Iris were still sleeping soundly in their beds. The scarlet blankets swallowed both of their sleepy forms as they were deep in their pleasant dreams. If it was a school day, both girls would find themselves on the receiving end of Lily’s infamous wake up calls and drenched in water for sleeping in so late. However, on the weekends, Lily allowed her friends to sleep in for a while as long as they didn’t have something to do in the morning.
There were no Quidditch games that they had to attend or any “study sessions” in the library Lily usually forced them to go to on the weekends. Though as ten o’clock grew closer, Lily began to grow restless as she waited for her sister and friend to wake up. She tapped her slim fingers against the hardcover of her transfigurations textbook as she watched the two girls snore in their beds.
“Are you goin’ to just going to stare at them?” Wendy asked as she finally stood up from her bed and stretched. “Or wake them up? If we want to get to the carriages on time, they need to wake up.”
All the girls had agreed that they wanted to go to Hogsmeade the night before. Lily was extremely excited to show Iris around the small village down the hill from Hogwarts. She hadn’t been able to do it before because Iris had detention just about every weekend! She always cursed her sister’s knack of getting into trouble, and Lily also blamed the Marauders for enabling Iris and her past time. However, Iris hadn’t received any detentions from their professors which meant she was free to hang out with them in Hogsmeade.
Lily sighed and flashed Wendy a sheepish smile, “would you mind waking up Iris…?”
“And deal with her?” Wendy asked sarcastically with a scoff, “No.”
Iris proved to be a right terror in the mornings, and the girls never wanted to deal with her. On school days, they were usually able to deal with her with the Aguamenti charm and force her to get ready. However, the weekends were days where Iris never wanted to get up, and she proved to be a tough challenge for her roommates.
“Fine, I’ll do it!” Lily huffed and tossed her textbook onto her bed. She climbed off her bed and over to her sister’s bed. She shook Iris’ shoulders roughly, “come on, Iris. Get your arse out of bed!” Iris barley rolled over in her bed as she continued to snore loudly while she slept. Lily glared at her twin hotly. Curse her sister’s inability to be woken up! “I swear to Merlin, Iris.” She sternly said but received only a loud snore in reply. Lily rolled her eyes before ripping the covers off Iris to hopefully shock her awake. She didn’t want to use the water charm on Iris again. The reason being that it was a pain to deal with Iris as she moaned and groaned about being soaked. 
“Go away…” Iris sleepily whispered as she stuffed her face into her pillow to shield herself from her sister as she no longer had her comfy blankets to hide under. She would be damned if Lily didn’t let her sleep in for a while longer. All week she had to deal with Mcgonagall’s rigorous lessons, Slughorn's energetic personality and Lily’s incessant nagging about school work. She was entitled to at least fifteen more minutes of peaceful sleep. 
“No,” Lily sasses and began trying to pull Iris out of her bed. “We all agreed to go to Hogsmeade today and to do that we have to take the carriages!”
Iris moaned out in protest, “I want to sleep!”
“Oh, get up!” This time Wendy chimed in from the doorway of the bathroom with her clothes in hand.
Iris grumbled as she knew that not only Lily but the rest of the girls would not leave her alone. “I wish I didn’t agree to anything.” She grunted as she started to regret ever agreeing to spend the day with her friends in Hogsmeade. All she wanted was to sleep! However, her friends seemed adamant about socializing outside. 
She glanced out the window next to her bed and groaned once again. She had a perfect view of the small, light snowflakes that fluttered down to the ground like white leaves. She shivered at even the thought of it being cold outside. Iris hated the cold. Plain and simple. She hated how her clothes became heavy and wet from the snow and how the wind always found a way to lick her skin even though she was covered head to toe!
“Stop moping and get changed, we’ll miss breakfast!” Lily ordered after seeing that Iris had succumbed to the fact that she was awake and not going back to sleep. At the mention of missing the most important meal of the day, Iris trudged out of her bed and towards her trunk to rummage through her things for an acceptable outfit. All the while, she grumbled and hissed under her breath about how her stupid friends were forcing her out of bed.
Now wearing a gold and red jumper with a thick scarf wrapped around her neck and a pair of jeans, Iris followed after her small group of friends as they all entered the Great Hall. It was obvious that not every student had come down for breakfast as they slept in and Iris envied the fact that they got to enjoy more sleep than her. They all sat at the Gryffindor table and started to pile their plates with breakfast. 
Iris had just started to lazily stuff her mouth with some bacon when her friends started to gush about their day later on. They began to speak animatedly about showing Iris all around the village. There were a few stores that peaked Iris’ interest like Dervish and Banges, Honeydukes Sweetshop and, of course, Zonko’s Joke Shop. However, she dreaded having to go into Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop. Hopefully, at some point she could escape their clutches and explore on her own. She had heard a few stories about the creepy, infamous Shrieking Shack.
She had heard the older students trying to scare the ickle first years with the legend of screeching that echoed from the abandoned building. Iris had to admit, there were a few times when she thought she heard, what must have been, inhuman wails from the shack during the night. She was extremely curious to find out what exactly could be screaming and why.
“...And it’s perfect outside, what with the snow.” Marlene’s comment drew Iris’ attention at the mention of the snow. 
She scoffed and glared at the brown-hair girl, “don’t mention the snow.”
The three other girls turned to the redhead with furrowed eyebrows. There was no denying the venom that dripped from her mouth as she spoke the word. “Why not?” Wendy asked.
Iris shook her head, “‘cause it’s… snow!” She flailed her arms slightly as if she had made the clearest argument about her obvious dislike for snow.
“What’s wrong with snow?” Marlene asked.
Lily sighed, “Iris hates the snow.” Ever since they were little, Iris had a strong distaste for the cold. Summer was her favorite season while winter was her least favorite. Lily could remember when they still attended a muggle school and Iris would refuse to go outdoors and play with any of the other children. While Lily enjoyed going outside and building snow forts, snowmen and having snowball fights with their muggle friends, Iris loved to stay as far away from the snow as she possibly could. 
“Hate the snow?!”
Iris rolled her eyes at her friends confused exclamation. “I hate the snow. So what?” She grumbled while trying to hide herself in her Gryffindor-styled scarf.
“‘So what?’ how can someone hate snow?” Wendy asked completely flabbergasted as there was clear disbelief flooding her eyes. She thought that it was completely unfathomable to even have a slight dislike for snow. Yes, she could admit that there were some downfalls to snow. During winter, you were more susceptible to getting sick due to the cold. There was also the fact that after a fun filled day playing in the snow, your clothes would be complete soaked and could be an inconvenience to deal with. The more she thought about it, she could understand why someone would dislike the cold.
“I just do, okay,” Iris shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t like the cold and the snow is extremely cold.”
Lily shook her head at her sister, “well, you’ll have to deal with it. You’re not getting out of today.”
Iris groaned and slumped in her seat, “please!” 
“You’re whining isn’t going to help you.” Lily sung as she started to eat her own breakfast.
“Begging might,” the arrogant voice of Sirius invaded their conversation as he sat himself next to Iris. His smirk was blinding the girls as they each flashed him an unimpressed expression at his remark. He leaned in close to the girl and continued on in a husky voice, “though I suppose you can beg to me for… something.”
Iris bit her lip and turned to him as she tried to keep in her snickers, “I think you’ll be the one begging for me not to stop-”
“Okay!” Remus exclaimed in order to stop the conversation that would more than likely continue between the two flirtatious teens. He was certain that nobody wanted to hear the rest of their conversation at all. For the entirety of the school year so far, they all had to endure the chats between their two overly playful friends. They always tried to outdo each other with flirts but Sirius was always the one to fall on his feet due to Iris’ quick rebuttals. Though he had to admit that that aspects of their verbal battles were quite entertaining. “Let’s talk about something different!”
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, “are you girls headed down to Hogsmeade?” James asked them.
“Yeah, we’re goin’ to show Iris around,”  Marlene commented as they all continued to eat their breakfasts. The bustle of the Great Hall started to pick up as a few more students started to come down for food. It was obvious that most of the older students were getting ready to go to Hogsmeade while the first and second years moped about not being able to go.
Despite the fact that she wasn’t looking forward to going outside, Iris was giddy about actually spending time with her friends outside of school. Every weekend, she either had to polish trophies without magic during the day, copy lines from her transfiguration textbook, or help Hagrid with some work close to the Forbidden Forest. (Helping Hagrid was always her favorite detention to serve.) She was actually looking forward to hang out with Wendy, Marlene and Lily.
The carriage ride to Hogsmeade was pleasant enough as the girls had all piled into one along with a few other students they knew. Iris spoke with some fellow classmates including an older student named Frank and his girlfriend Alice. The ride was short as it was only to the bottom of the mountain which meant that their conversations didn’t last too long. Even if Iris wanted to to continue talking to the older students, she couldn’t due to Marlene quickly pulling her away.
Her three friends started to drag her around the small village. Iris wasn’t completely happy with where she was forced to go. At least they went into Honeydukes to get some sweets otherwise Iris would have gone insane! 
Of course,  later on the girls were getting cold and wanted to go inside for a drink of something warm. Iris would have loved to go inside to shield herself from the flakes of snow that invaded her personal space. However, she wasn’t particularly thrilled that the shop that Wendy, Lily and Marlene wanted to go into was Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop. 
Her feet dragged on the snow covered cobblestone ground as the small group of girls headed towards the tea shop. Iris could tell that she wasn’t going to like the tea shop in the slightest bit. As soon as they stepped through the threshold of the shop they were all bombarded with the aroma of warm tea. There were a few tables inside the shop that were already taken by students from Hogwarts. A few of them looked to be dreading their presence in there just as Iris was. She could tell that really only the girliest of girls came to Madam Puddifoot’s. (Them and their boyfriends they forced to go with them.)
“It’s freezing out there.” Lily commented as she pulled her sweater closer to her while sitting down at one of the empty tables. It was obvious that the wind chill was still affecting her even though they had finally entered the shop.
“Nothing like some tea to warm us up, right?” Wendy pitched in as she sat down.
Iris sighed, “why couldn’t we’ve gone to the Three Broomsticks? This place is far to…” she looked around the small shop with a grimace, “pink for my liking.” Every wall was painted in the obnoxiously bright color and the longer Iris stared at it, she was starting to get a headache.
“We don’t go to the Three Broomsticks that much because the Marauders love to hang around in there.” Marlene started to explain. “Lily forces us to stay here just so she can avoid Potter.”
“And there is no way those boys would be caught dead in here!” Lily exclaimed with a smile. She thought that it was a devious plan she came up with a while ago in order to avoid her annoying stalker. If they did go to the Three Broomsticks, the Marauders would no doubt corner them into a booth and force them to actually spend time together against their will. In her view, they already suffer enough having to see the boys in school, they should all get a little break from them for at least some time. Madam Puddifoot’s was the perfect place for it!
Now, Iris on the other hand, she knew was a completely different story. From just looking at the expression that had washed over her twins face as soon as she stepped into the shop, Lily knew that Iris was regretting ever stepping foot out of the castle. She knew that Iris would much rather be in the Three Broomsticks with the troublesome Marauders scheming and causing some sort of chaos. However, she wasn’t going to have that! She wanted to spend time with her sister for a short while, at least. Even if that meant forcing Iris to go somewhere she would most likely despise.
“Iris just sit and drink some tea.” Iris obeyed the command as she grumbled under her breath about her sister and their stupid plans as she sat down at the chair next to Marlene’s. 
The girls all started to talk to each other animatedly about certain things. Marlene gushed about William like she had for most of the day, Wendy started to discuss their homework for the weekend, and Lily complained about James (which Iris noticed she did a lot of…). They ordered some tea to hopefully warm themselves up from how cold it was outside. 
They all indulged themselves in the sweet taste of their choice while they basked in the warmth of the small shop. Iris appreciated the warmth and the tea wasn’t terrible, but she was completely and utterly bored!
She didn’t like listening to the mundane conversation between her friends. She had given her input into their conversations every once in a while but it got to the point where she was not stimulated by the talking any longer. It felt like she was drowning in an ocean of bland words. She could feel the boring words that were lodged in her throat choke her to the point where she basically sat silent at the table while sipping her drink.
Finally, after enduring enough, Iris stood up and stretched her stiff legs. “Well, I have to use the toilet.” She came up with a quick excuse as soon as she finished her drink. The eyes of the other Gryffindor girls followed her movements with calculating stares. They could tell that Iris had had enough with their conversation and was itching to leave. She wrapped her scarf around her neck to cover her nose and mouth while making her way towards the exit. She breley gave the three other girls a wave goodbye before she disappeared from their sight and into the blanket of snow outside.
They stared at the door for a moment in silence before Wendy turned to Lily with a plain expression. “She’s not coming back is she?”
Iris turned back to the table and picked up her tea cup, “nope.”
While the snow continuously fell from the sky, Iris trudged through the cold to the best of her ability. She shivered every once and a while while trying to burrow herself further into her coat and scarf. After escaping her friends clutches, Iris could finally walk around the small village by herself. If she could, she would have gone into the Three Broomsticks to get a butterbeer or possibly swindle someone into giving her some Firewhiskey. However, it was far too crowded in the pub for her to even step foot through the door.
Instead she resorted to walking through the village. She had seen a few students that she knew from around the castle and chatted with them quickly before going on her way. As she continued on her path through the village, she found a small path that lead into the woods. She stood at the beginning of the path and stared at it for a moment. A smirk crawled onto her chapped lips as she gazed down the dark path. Without a care, Iris strolled down the path to where ever it would lead her.
Iris dodged low hanging branches that reached towards her while she skipped down the path. She didn’t think that the path was anything too exciting. It did hold an air of mystery because she had no idea where it would lead her. However, it provided her with at least some entertainment.
After a few minutes of walking along the barely visible path, Iris soon came to a small clearing. Along the edge of the clearing furthest away from her was a fence that screamed ‘stay away!’ From the creepy vines that crawled along it to the fact that it was almost completely broken, anyone would think of leaving at that point. But Iris only became more curious. She stepped over to the fence to see why it was placed there and what it tried to keep people from. As soon as she saw the tall, ancient building looming behind the fence, she understood why they would try to stop anyone from getting too close.
Iris stared with wide eyes at the Shrieking Shack as she tried to drink in what it looked like. The stories that she had heard about it didn’t do it justice. The broken, abandoned building was far more terrifying than what she had heard. She could already imagine hearing the wails and screams of agony coming from inside the building. It looked like one of the houses from the horror movies that she loved to watch with her father. She was so enraptured by the creepy building that she didn’t see the four figures emerging from the path behind her.
“Lost are we?”
Iris jumped at the sudden voice and let out a squeak. She spun around to face the people who had decided to follow her and glared at them hotly. The four Marauders smirked at Iris as she tried to hide the fact that James had startled her by coughing slightly and trying to hide her face into her Gryffindor scarf in embarassment. “No! I’m not lost!”
“No need to be afraid, love.” Sirius strutted over to the girl and swung and arm over her shoulders as he tried to get a good look at her rosy cheeks. “You’re safe now with me.”
Iris rolled her eyes at his words and smirked at his attempt to woo her. However, she didn’t remove his arm from her shoulders as she found herself warming up in his hold. Could it be because Sirius was wearing a tick coat that provided her warmth? Or could it be that her body started to heat up over the fact that Sirius was so close to her? She tried to toss away the idea of his proximity affecting her so much because she didn’t want to admit that it was even close to being true.
For a while, Iris had been drowning in denial ever since Lily pointed out that there was an attraction between Sirius and her. She became complete confused by the turmoil that had implanted itself in her chest. She didn’t want to admit that there was… something embedding itself in her heart because of Sirius. Nothing like that had ever happened before! It scared her slightly to be experiencing something that was completely foreign to her. It also didn’t help that her friends had taken the time to tease her as much as they could about her apparent feelings for the boy.
Unbeknownst to her, the same thing was happening to Sirius. He wasn’t new to the aspect of dating or anything of the sort. However, Sirius had never felt so… he didn’t know the word, but it was something! It was so strong that the other boys had started to notice how he was being affected by the redheads appearance and they took time out of their days to tease him for it. Sirius had seemingly lost interest in many other girls and only paid attention to Iris. Instead of allowing the group of girls who threw themselves at him to surround him all the time, he tried to spend as much time as he could with Iris. It was as if he had become blind to seeing every girl except Iris. Of course, unlike any other girl that Sirius has been with in the past, Iris actually gave Sirius a run for his money. Could it be because Iris actually posed a challenge to him that he was drawn to her? Most likely. After all, the thrill was in the chase.
“Leave her alone, Padfoot,” Remus commented with a shake of his head. “I don’t think anyone is safe when with you.” Everyone snickered at his comment as Sirius glowered at his friend.
Sirius grumbled, “shut it, Moony.”
“Did you four follow me out here?” Iris asked with suspicious eyes after she finally recovered from her laughter. The four boys instantly shook their heads no vigorously. From the fact that they had answered so quickly, Iris could tell that they were lying. She stared at each of their attempts of hiding the truth with a blank, unimpressed expression and came to a conclusion. “You followed me.”
James chuckled nervously, “no, no. Why do you think that we were following you? Which we were not.”
Iris rolled her eyes, “We’ve been over this hundreds of times, I’m not thick.”
All of their shoulders sagged as they knew that there was no hiding their intentions from the fiery girl. They couldn’t count the number of times that she knew they were lying about anything. They couldn’t fool her, no matter what!
Sirius cleared his throat, “and if we were?”
Iris looked up to him through her eyelashes as it became apparent that her attention was mainly focused on Sirius when she spoke. “I suppose I’d just have punish you.” 
A shiver ran down his spine as he tried to keep anyone from noticing how flustered he became. Though he wasn’t sure if it was because of the cold winds or of her statement. Sirius flashed her a saucy smirk, “and what does that entail?”
The three other boys rolled their eyes and shared an irritated expression. Leave it to those two to turn the situation into a flirting fest. “Never mind that,” James commented with a huff as he crossed his arms over his chest. “What are you doing out here, Iris? I thought that the girls were showing you around.”
Iris turned her attention away from the boy who still held onto her shoulders and shrugged, “they were, but they decided to drag me into Madam Puddifoot’s.” They all simultaneously shivered at the thought of that obnoxiously colored tea shop. “I could not stand a minute longer in there.”
“So you walked over to the Shrieking Shack?” Peter squeaked out in confusion.
Iris nodded her head, “only by accident really. Though who could pass up seeing the infamous Shrieking Shack?”
All of the boys shared an uneasy glance at her remark. Iris definitely should not try to get involved with the stories that she may have heard about the abandoned building. They didn’t want her to be caught in the crossfire of what really happened once a month at night. There were times in the past were there were a few close calls and people almost got hurt or killed. However, they were able to divert any sort of disaster from striking while keeping Remus’ secret safe.
“I’m guessing you’ve heard the stories about the building. Of course you have.” She said while begging the boys to come close so she didn’t have to speak so loud and could burry herself into Sirius side. She started to retell the story that she heard from the older students. “I heard from some seven years that once a month, at night, a cult kidnaps a first year and brings them to the Shack. Then they use the cruciatus curse on them the whole night before killing them!” 
It amused them that people told stories about what they thought could have been happening in the Shrieking Shack. Of course, it was off the mark when if came to what actually happened once a month. But they would rather have the rumors spread than letting it be known what truly happened.
“You don’t actually believe that, do you?” Remus asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn’t think that Iris was one to believe in silly rumors that were clearly meant to scare the first years. Though he could never be sure about her, for she was a loose cannon that nobody could really predict.
She shook her head in amusement, “of course not. I’m not some gullible first year! I bet whatever happens down there is far better than some cult making sacrifices.”
James nodded his head slowly, “right, well, why don’t we leave the shack alone for now.” He said as he wrapped his own arm around Iris as well which allowed both him and Sirius to lead her away. “Just to make sure that you don’t get kidnapped.”
“Perhaps some Butterbeer’ll warm you up.” Sirius commented as he could feel Iris cold body through his coat. “You must be freezing.”
Iris could tell that the boys were nervous about something. It obviously had to do with the Shrieking Shack, however, she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get some Butterbeer. “Alright, to the Three Broomsticks then?”
“To the Three Broomsticks!” All the boys agreed as they made their way back up the path and towards the bustling village in order to get their delicious drinks from said pub.
Five tall glasses of Butterbeer were placed down on the wooden table in the Three Broomsticks. As soon as they were placed down, greedy hands reached out to snatch each glass in order for the owners to take large gulps of the beverage. The slurred words of drunk wizards and witches filled the pub and mingled with the chatter of many Hogwarts students who munched on food and drank their Butterbeer or Pumpkin Juice.
The Marauders plus Iris all chugged their drinks with satisfaction as the liquid quickly warmed them up slightly. After the five of them had walked from the Shrieking Shack to the pub, James and Sirius went off in search of the barmaid, Rosemuerta, to order their drinks. (They also had hopes of sweet talking their way into getting some Firewisky from her. But just like in the past, they had no such luck.) They all sat at a booth that was tucked into a corner of the pub where they hoped they would get the most warmth.
Iris shuttered as the warm liquid moved down her throat and lit a fire to each of her frostbitten nerves. She moaned in delight, “I’ve been dying for a Butterbeer all year!”
James took a swig of his own Butterbeer, “I’m glad that we could finally get you one then.”
“We would have brought you here earlier if you didn’t have so many detentions,” Remus pointed out.
They all nodded their heads in agreement at the startment. “Do you have something against staying out of trouble?” Peter mused.
Iris’ eyebrows furrowed as she scoffed, “you’re asking me if I have something against staying out of trouble?” She asked as bewilderment washed over her rosy face. She gestured to James who sat to her right and Sirius who sat to her left (very closely she must add). She flashed him a teasing smile across the table where he and Remus sat. “Mate, you do realize who you’re friends with, right?”
Peter flushed in embarrassment at her questions as it had an obvious answer. He should have realized that all of his friends were used to getting in trouble. That and he was just as bad as them! He usually got into trouble just like them. Though they were usually the ones to drag him into certain situations that resulted in them getting detention.
Iris laughed at the obvious humiliation and shook her head at the poor boy. She would have continued to tease the boy if it wasn’t for the skittish and quick footsteps heading in their direction. She turned to see her good friend Severus walking over to them. Her eyebrows furrowed as she could see a certain air of uneasiness surround him as she could see his eyes searching around the busy pub.
Once his wide eyes found her own he sighed and rushed over to her. “Iris, I’ve been looking for you.” He breathed out in relief as he smiled brightly towards her. Of course, it swiftly dropped off of his face when he saw the glares the Marauders were shooting at him. “I see you’re busy though.”
Iris waved her hand dismissively, “not too busy to talk with you, Sev.”
“Are you going to really choose the snake over us?” Sirius asked in disgruntled amazement with his mouth slightly agape. He definitely didn’t like the fact that Iris seemed so cozy with the slimy snake. Sirius didn’t want to admit the real reason that he didn’t like Iris being friends with Severus. He didn’t like that Iris was even hanging around a Slytherin as they were known to be sketchy and deceptive while also being surrounded by dark magic. He also was slightly worried that there was a large possibility of Severus hurting Iris in someway. He didn’t want to see her hurt by some pathetically weak Slytherin. He may also been slightly jealous that Iris was willing to ditch him and the rest of them for Snivellus.
Iris’ eyes narrowed at him, “yes, I do, at the moment. After all, he is my friend just as much as you are.”
“But he’s-”
“Finish that sentence, Potter,” she growled, “and if it’s an insult, I’ll make sure you can never walk again.”
The boy’s eyes widened in horror as he clamped his mouth shut. It was obvious over the time that they knew her, Iris was quite protective of Severus which they could never understand. She usually retaliated against them if they so much as name called Severus during class. Merlin, that girl was terrifying!
“I-I don’t want to… intrude,” Severus said nervously as the astonished filled eyes turned back in his direction and hardened into glares once again.
Iris pushed James out of the booth, “no worries,” she stepped over the fallen Gryffindor boy and linked arms with her brother-like friend. “Off we go then.” With their jaws dropped, the Marauders watched as Iris sauntered out of the pub with the Slytherin attached at her arm.
The Gryffindor girl and Slytherin boy walked along the cobbled stone with arms linked. It may have been cold, however, Iris could barely feel the frigid winds that tried to bite at her skin. She was far too heated with how her friends reacted to the fact that she had decided to speak with Severus. They couldn’t decide who she decided to spend time with! They had no say in who her friends were! Who were they to think that? She didn’t care that there was some sort of rivalry between the group of them. She didn’t want to be dragged between their stupid little spat. She was unsure what it was even about!
“Iris?” Severus brought her out of her thoughts, “are you alright?”
She shook her head to try and rid her mind of the intense thoughts, “fine, those idiots can just be…” she sighed as she couldn’t find the right words.
“Horrible people?” Severus pitched in with a slight chuckle.
Iris thought about it for a second, “that’s putting it lightly.” She laughed, “I would’ve said bellends!”
The both of them dissolved into laughter as they continued to walk through the crowds of people who hurried through the village. As the two friends walked with each other and enjoyed each other’s company, they didn’t notice a figure lurking in the shadows behind them. They didn’t even see way their beady eyes followed their movements with an extreme amount of restlessness. 
“So what was it you wanted to talk about?” Severus licked his chapped lips as he removed his arm from Iris’ hold. Her eyes furrowed in confusion as she stopped to turn to her friend. “Is something wrong?” The concern that laced her voice was quite evident and the softness that was in her eyes would seem uncharacteristic of her unless you really knew her. Which Severus did. Just seeing the way that her eyes flooded with a sense of security that promised him comfort from her caused him to gulp. How could he do this to her?
“Nothing’s wrong,” he finally answered while trying to find the right way to phrase what he was trying to say. “I just… I was wondering if you’d been feeling weird at all.”
“Weird?” Iris mused with suspicion. “In what way?”
She could see the hesitation behind his words as he tried and failed a few times to speak again. “I don’t know, just weird?”
Iris thought about it for a minute and tried to figure out what he could mean. Was there a point where she felt… weird? “I don’t think so…” She thought about it for a moment longer before a thought popped into her head and her once soft eyes hardened. “Did Lily put you up to this?”
Severus, caught off guard, stumbled over his words, “wh-what? No, no, Lily didn’t put m-me up to anything!” Why she would think that Lily had sent him out to speak with her was beyond him. Though he supposed that it had to do with the fact that Lily was certain Iris had feelings for the Sirius Black. Did he like the fact that the girl he considered a sister may have feelings for one of the boys that tended to bully him? No, not really. However, he couldn’t control her feelings especially something as strong as love (which he knew Iris barely had any experience with especially any towards someone outside of her family).
Iris eyed him a long moment with suspicious eyes as she tried to see if he was telling the truth. Not seeing any lie etched on his face, Iris nodded her head and let the notion slide. “If Lily didn’t send you, then why are you wondering if I’ve been feeling weird?” Seerus opened his mouth to answer but quickly closed it when he saw who stood behind the redhead. Iris tilted her head, “Sev?”
“Spit it out, Snape!” A distinctly cold voice said right behind Iris. At the sound of the voice that Iris had the displeasure of hearing nearly every day, she turned with her jaw clenched. She came face to face with a smug smirk that she wished she could punch off of the ignorant boys face. 
She sneered at the slightly younger boy, “what do you want Regulus?”
The boy tsked at her tone, “don’t sound so annoyed with my presence, Evans.” His eyes did not waver from her own just like every other time he had ever spoken to her. And just like any other time, it was like he was searching for some sort of reaction. He advanced towards her further, and, like in the past, Iris did not shy away from him. Instead she kept her tall stance and had no intention of submitting to his attempt of being intimidating. “We both know you secretly enjoy our talks.”
Iris scoffed and laughed sarcastically, “please! I’d rather marry a troll before ever even enjoy standing in the same room as you.”
Regulus tsked once again but didn’t let the smug smile slip off his pale face. “I think you’ll be saying differently soon enough.”
Iris’ expression morphed into one of disgust. “Sorry to disappoint, mate, but that’s never going to happen.” She thought that he was delusional to think that she would ever stoop to the level of actually endure his presence without wanting to strangle him. With that said, she turned to Severus and flashed him a smile even though it seemed forced. “See you, Sev.”
The two boys watched as Iris disappeared and allowed herself to be swallowed into the crowds. She took quick, long strides in order to get away from the repulsive Slytherin that she had come to despise over the past few months. She was sure that if she had stayed even a few seconds longer and stared at that imbeciles face, Iris would have used a curse on him. And she didn’t want to be thrown out of another school.
Regulus smirked as he watched her retreating figure. “Is it working?” He didn’t turn to Severus and he already knew that the older boy was fiddling with his hands. He didn’t get a response, so he spun on his heels to stare at Severus intensely. “Well?!” The way that Regulus was able to intimidate Severus was quite pathetic. It also didn’t help that Lucius helped Regulus with scaring poor Severus into submission.
Severus gulped, “it doesn’t seem like it was strong enough…”
“What?” His voice was low and held a threat that Severus knew the younger boy would cash in on. “You said you made a strong enough dose!”
“I-I guess it didn’t work!” Severus exclaimed in exasperation as he flailed his arms, “I made sure that she took it yesterday at dinner. It should have taken effect today…”“Well, it doesn’t seem like it worked!” Regulus growled as he started to lose his temper. He took a deep breath, “make something stronger and make sure that it works!” Severus nodded his head vigorously at his order and scurried off in order hopefully get away from his wrath. Regulus shook his head and sighed. Snape better fix this, he thought in annoyance, he better get that stupid potion to work on her.
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thenixkat · 5 days
another Kaiju no. 8 ep and that actually is a pretty cool opening theme. There's *implications* in the visuals of how it starts. Also the cgi rendering of the protag's monster form looks so much better in the last shot of the opening theme entirely b/c its darkly lit and the glowing blue lines are more extensive you know a design is fucked when the cgi version looks 10 times better
like fuck I think I'd rather see this show animated in cgi if the designs look that much better what the hell
also the lyrics involving fears of a loss of control would be a much more interesting story than what i know the thing goes with for Kafka's relationship with his whole being a kaiju thing. I wish dude would have to combat with being a generally decent guy but gaining the instincts of an agressive predatory animal. Like, don't have to be a superpowered evil side but a superpowered feral side or even just a touch of more feral/wild behavior would be nice
Just, I am a face-monster turn lovin bastich and I know what I like
edgy teen really told the guy who doesnt have lips currently and also a mouth full of fangs to flash the witness a smile to come off as less threatening. Obviously, it was not helpful wild, this design really just needs more glowy bits to be at least 50% better
Kafka has superstrength, which is *not* fully implemented in this sequence. Like if resting his hand on the wall destroys the whole fucking wall then his footsteps should be destroying the floor
like look at that a few quick fixes would make this design look so much better. Like more glowy bits, make all teh spines the same color. Also dont just stop the spines mid back and carry them down the damn tailbone decreasing in size as they reach his coccyx, dont half ass shit
the design feels half-assed. Like, that feels like a first draft. and just it only needs a few fixes to elevate it like i get this weird shapeshifting is a gag, it's just, Well, it's just not funny and continues to make me think about how bleh the mc's monster form is. But also why tentacles and also why are none of those bits glowing.
while panicking, fleeing, and uncontrollably shapeshifting the protag's tongue shoots out and catches and eats a bird.
again I know its a gag I just want more than a cheap gag, i guess ah… I see what was meant by juvenile tone. Kafka pisses through his nipples
the thing is these gags arent very good. I laughed at the end of last ep, but this is not funny. Kafka is weirded out by his nipple piss understandable ok that bit right there of Kafka realizing that he can't achieve his goal of joining the kaiju slayers if he looks like a kaiju b/c they'd kill him on the spot. I liked that bit
honestly, I think i'd like more seriousness in the beginning, b/c like there are people coming to kill him and his body has been fundamentally changed in a very drastic way. Like establish shit first, let it sink in, and then bring in the levity. also supersenses, or at least kaiju detecting and identifying senses yeah yeah the kaiju are natural disasters but if earthquakes were hungry and at least as smart as the average critter
Kafka decides to go fight the other kaiju instead of running from the kaiju killers and saves the life of a little girl and her mom fucking punches the other bigger kaiju so hard it explodes and rains blood. nice
the angsty teen: Yeah, ok, that is definitely something you should never do to a person ah this makes me so mad just more glowy bits would make this design better if we're not changing the proportions or adding a tail.
ok this series is a mixed bag for me. SOme bits are pretty good but there's so much that 'you could have done better than this'
you know what, I think I really would have preferred an alternate thing with Kafka being stuck in kaiju for the 3 months having adventures rather than a time skip and he's been shifting uncontrollably. Like maybe have him thinking about alternate ways to achieve his goal and being uncertain if he can become/look human again. Again it would be more fitting with his namesake.
Hell, it would help Kaiju no. 8 in the story build up way more of a reputation by becoming a weird friendly neighborhood kaiju that keeps getting away from the kaiju slayers.
And frankly his kaiju form looks like a dude in a suit, he could wear a disguise. Like, he'd probably stand out wearing a disguise but at least it would avoid folks hopping on their phone going 'there's a kaiju, kill it' immediately again, a mixed bag. There's good bones here, just how they're being used is disappointing
I'll probably look into fan content, but given how shallow and shipping-focused fandom is I probably won't find anything really satisfying there either
like with his canon design, this bitch could just wear clothes
like that would be a good deadline/goal for trying to turn back human-looking in an au where Kafka was stuck looking like a kaiju for awhile. Getting his shit together to try and take the exam to get in with the monster slayers which is the last time he can try b4 hitting the new age cut off i will assume based on the quality in his voice when he's talking as a monster, that along side the not having lips and a very inhuman tongue, that the mechanisms of his speech are very different with the biology going on there also imagine being like 32 yrs old and yer 17 yr old coworker, who calls you sir b/c he was raised with manners, declares you to be his rival. Wild
Yeah… I would very much have liked more story between this important event and the night bro turned into a kaiju. We're hopping along very quickly and I'd rather get to know folks better first cgi animated vehicle
this rude blond teen girl is using the supertech to move Kafka's car out of the spot she wants to park in b/c ot has her lucky number of the day. She rich too. I do not like this child she dented the vehicle, lifted the vehicle one handed and fucking threw it. Nah, I'd have to fight that child
aint no way. the fucking repairs. the towing alone. Good lords would have to beat that child's ass
a fucking nepo baby even i'd have to fight the fucking child the chick with the pet tiger feeds the poor thing kibble. Has it live in her apartment, which is way too damn small for it, and she sends it into battle with fucking kaiju without putting armor on the poor thing
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primofate · 3 years
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2K Followers Event: Pancake and Waffle Cafe Masterlist
Nutella Waffles (overhearing and misunderstanding a conversation/situation) MODERN AU ANGST
Characters: Childe, Kazuha, Thoma, Albedo, Kaeya, Zhongli, fem!reader
Warnings: not proofread :D, cheating, fighting, insulting, misunderstanding (duh), pregnancy, sexual innuendos, implying sex, mentions of sex, still SFW though, of course I bent the lore since it’s an AU
Notes: I had trouble with this so I decided to make it a modern AU. That’s also why it took so long. I think my brain is starting to run dry XD I mean, there’s only so much situations/conversations I could think of that could be misunderstood. Still, enjoy!
"Ah, sorry, Y/N, I can’t walk you home today... Maybe tomorrow?” Childe smiled at you, scratching the back of his head, his school bag swung over his shoulder already. He looked like he was in a hurry. 
It’s been a few days like this and you really didn’t know what was happening. You asked him if he needed help with stuff at home or if he was having a hard time with his homework and if that’s why he was always rushing off. He would just give you the same smile and wave a hand. “It’s nothing like that,” and then off he’d go. 
The next day, as you walk towards his classroom during lunchtime you hear him and his friends talking before you even reach the classroom door. 
“Zoe is totally cute,” Childe says. The voice he uses is something that he’d never used on you before. You freeze in your tracks and try to listen in more. “Wow, she really is! Great job picking her!” one of his friends said and it sounded as if they’d hit Childe on the back as a congratulations. “Let me see, let me see,” another one says followed by a gasp. “Have you taken her out yet?” Childe laughs nervously and you know all too well without even looking at him that he’s probably scratching his head. “No, not yet,” 
“Does your girlfriend know yet?” Someone else asks.
And then you hear a laugh that’s all too mischievous. All too playful. All too heart-wrenching. “She doesn’t know!” and they continue to laugh.
You turn away and try your hardest not to let tears escape from your eyes. It felt as if you were being laughed at. Like everyone knew that he was cheating. Everyone except you. It doesn’t help that there was a Zoe in the other class too. The way his friends laughed made your cheeks heat up in embarrassment and the tears you were so desperately holding back to finally flow through.
You ended up staying in the washroom for the whole of lunch time, staying in a cubicle for an extra few minutes, late for the next class.
Somehow you didn’t expect Childe to still show up in your classroom to pick you up for the day and walk you home. You stare at him at the classroom door, your eyes had already gone back to their normal shade, but still glossy. He doesn’t notice, he has a big smile on his face that mocks you. Ridicules you. 
“Y/N! Let’s go together today!” Does he feel guilty? Is that why he finally agrees to walk home with you? Cause he’s had his fill of Zoe already? You don’t say a word and exit the classroom, going past him. Childe blinks, and turns to watch you walking away from him. “Y/N?”
He walks after you, and takes his place next to you. He touches the strap of your backpack, as usual, and says “I’ll take this--”
“I got it,” you reply curtly and move away from him. He’s dumbfounded, eyes still a little wide at your sudden coldness. Now he’s getting anxious. Did he do something wrong? “H-Hey...Y/N, are you mad because I didn’t walk home with you the past couple days? See, I was just--”
“I’m not that petty!” You nearly growl at him, holding his gaze for a few seconds before walking off again. Your eyes are starting to prickle with more tears. You just wanted to get home. As soon as you can. Away from him. You didn’t have the heart to break up with him face to face. You liked him too much, you knew you wouldn’t be able to do it while looking at his handsome face. 
Then, he snatches your wrist and pulls you back towards him. The school hallways are emptying out, there’s a few students walking by who ignore the two of you. “Then what’s the matter? I don’t like it when we fight. At least tell me what I did!” 
You wrench your wrist away from his and start sniffing. He stands there, shocked at where your tears are coming from. Until you start talking. “I heard you, during lunch time,” his eyebrows furrow. “Lunch...time?” He mumbles, not following. “When you were talking about your cute Zoe!” He doesn’t say anything for a moment and that only confirms your fears. 
He’d been looking at other girls, and probably wanting them.
“...Y/N, Zoe is...” Childe scratched his cheek, averting his eyes away. 
“I don’t wanna hear it,” you try to turn away, but he doesn’t let you and holds your shoulders with his hands, staring straight at you. “My dog,” You were crying at this point, and when you hear his next words your eyes narrow. “W-What?”
“Zoe is my new dog,” 
“B-But your friend asked if you took her out yet...”
“Yeah,” Childe tilted his head, “for a walk?” As you start to connect the dots he takes out his phone and shows you the picture of a cute miniature poodle, it had a collar and a silver tag on it that said “Zoe”. You thought that you might cry again at how cute she was but you just glare up at Childe. “Well, I didn’t tell you cause I was gunna surprise you. I’ve been going home early these days cause we had to go visit the pound a few times and finalize the papers and everything...” 
“I-Is that true? Is that all it is?” You sniff, now wiping your stupid tears away. Childe smiles down at you and takes your hands away from your face, replacing it with his, thumbing away the streaks of wetness. “Y/N, no one can ever replace you,” you sniff and let him dote on you. You’d been missing him for a while anyway. 
“...Well except Zoe, maybe Zoe can,” he’s clearly teasing you and you don’t hesitate to lift your fist and punch him on the shoulder, earning a small “Ow,” from him followed by a laugh. “I’m just kidding, how ‘bout you come over and visit her today? It’s only her second day home!”
You’d made an appointment with your friend a long time ago. Just a quick lunch and catch up date. Thoma had graciously volunteered to drive you to the mall where you were meeting up with her.
“You sure you don’t need me to pick you up? It’s Saturday. I’m free,” he flashes you a smile, his eyes darting towards you only for a second before going back to the road. “I’ll be fine hun, I’ll take the bus home,” you reply to him.
Halfway through your journey he says that he needs to buy something from a convenience store, and so he parks the car properly and grabs his wallet. His phone is on the car phone stand and you pay no heed to it until a soft ‘ding’ makes you pick your head up to look at the screen. 
Your best friend’s name pops up, she’s messaged him and your blood runs cold.
“I’ll come over when Y/N’s gone,” the message read. Your heart is already at your throat, and you don’t know what to think. What is this make-believe situation that you’re suddenly in. Is this really happening? Your eyes dart upwards to look at the door of the convenience store. You could see Thoma was still looking at the shelves.
You gulp and you wonder what the right thing to do is. Invade his privacy and peek at his messages? Let it go? Confront him? Cry? Another ‘ding’ fills up the car.
“How long is she going to be out? The longer the better. So...” you couldn’t read the rest of the message, it being cut off but you were already spiraling down the hole of despair. How could he? Your sweet and loyal Thoma ended up going behind your back with your best friend. You thought you were going to be sick, you actually had to roll the windows of the car down to get some fresh air, just as Thoma came out of the convenience store door with a plastic bag. 
You couldn’t look at him. You couldn’t even be in the same space as him. You were going to cancel today with your friend, you didn’t think you’d be able to function properly. When he sat on the driver’s seat and saw you looking out the window, he didn’t think much of it and revved the engine up. “Ready hu--”
“Take me to my sister’s place,” Thoma blinked and turned to you, confused. “But, what about your lunch date today, dear?”
“I don’t feel like going. My sister’s place is nearby, just drop me off there,” Your hands were already typing a reply to the friend that you were about to stand up on, but you couldn’t even think of what to do or say. 
“Dear is everything okay?” He asked while backing the car up, arm outstretched to your side while he’s looking at the rear. He was appalled by your sudden mood change. You didn’t answer but he hears you sniff and he immediately stops the car again. “Y/N? What’s wrong?” He’s alarmed that you’re crying and he reaches to cup your chin and tilt it towards him but you move your face away from him. 
“Y/N?” he asked, the confusion in his voice is actually genuine and you can hear a bit of panic in it. “How long have you been seeing Aya?” you spit the words as if they’re poison and the car is quiet. You laugh bitterly. “I thought so, cat got your tongue, huh?” 
Thoma shook himself out of his confusion to say, “No, wait, I don’t know what you mean,” You scoff at him. You’re shocked at the amount of resentment you had, you trusted this man and yet this is what happens. “Yeah? Why is she sneaking into our house then?” You point at his phone, the screen is still lit up because of the messages and there were more coming in from your best friend. 
Thoma snatches the phone away from the stand and looks at it. Then, he deflates and slumps back on his seat. “Y/N, it’s not what you think,” You hate that line so much. You cross your arms and say, “Just drop me at my sister’s house,” 
The drive was quiet. You didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to push you but didn’t want to drop you off to your sister’s without explaining as well. So, just before your sister’s block, he parks on the side and unbuckles his seat belt, then opens your side of the door. “Y/N, listen to me,” he’s rarely this assertive, but you still don’t listen. He’s blocking your escape path. 
“It’s your birthday today,” Thoma starts and you blink, completely forgetting about it. “Ayu is sneaking in our house while you’re gone because we were going to set up a surprise for you.” He says slowly, as if he’s talking to a child. Your eyes widen, and you relax in your seat. He gives you his phone and urges you, “Go on, Y/N, you know my passcode right? I don’t hide anything from you, you can read the rest,” 
You hesitate, but accept his offer and type it in. 
“How long is she going to be out? The longer the better. So we can set up the balloons,”
“I got the cake don’t forget the candles and lighter,”
Thoma picks up his other hand that had the white plastic bag from the convenience store, he picks up the two items from inside. Birthday candles. And a lighter. 
Your mouth opens, but you can’t say anything and you only bury your face in your hands out of shame. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry Thoma, I--” He manages to let out a laugh and kisses the top of your head. “I’m so stupid. I trust you, I really do, I just--” now you’re not sure if you’re crying out of relief or embarrassment. “I’m so sorry,” You can’t say anything else and he only kisses you on the forehead again.
“It’s alright, you can make it up to me by going on that lunch date, okay? You deserve the rest. You haven’t cancelled yet have you? Let’s freshen up at your sister’s place and I’ll send you to the mall,” 
You nod your head, small smile on your face. This was gunna be one story to tell in the future.
“Oh and it would help if you act surprised when you come home,” Thoma adds with a full laugh that you join in on. 
"So how are you and Y/N?”
It’d only been a couple of months of the two of you dating. Kaeya was handsome, gallant and he knew exactly what to say to people. It wasn’t a secret that he was quite popular in school. 
Little old you was just another girl in just another class.
“Good, I think,” Kaeya responds, you smile around the corner, hidden from sight, knowing that he was taking a juice box break with his friends. “It’s a little annoying though,” your smile drops and your head tilts sideways in question. “I can’t keep her away and she doesn’t even realize how annoying it is,” 
Keep me away? You think. Am I too clingy? You hear them exchange words a bit more, but none of the other words process in your head. Their laughter spurs you out of your thoughts and you return to your classroom dumbfounded. 
When the bell rang for dismissal you immediately packed and walked home by yourself. Kaeya was confused when he arrived at your classroom door, and found that you weren’t there anymore. “...Hey, did Y/N go home?” he asked one of your passing classmates. “Yeah, she went out pretty fast,”
Now he was worried. Did something happen at home? He takes his phone out as he’s out the school building, tapping your name and calling, only for the call to not even connect. His brows furrow but nonetheless, he goes home for today and types in a message for you.
“Hey, you okay? Talk to me if you need something,” 
The next day, when he usually waits outside your door for you to come out, he realizes that you’re a little late and further realizes that you weren’t going to come out. He wasn’t about to knock on your door, your parents didn’t know about him yet. 
He tries to call you again but he’s met with the same result as yesterday. He sighs and looks up at the sky while he’s walking. He hasn’t seen you for nearly a full day now, and he doesn’t realize how long a full day is until now. He just wants to see your smiling face again and he starts to wonder if he’d done something wrong. 
By lunchtime, he’s sprinting towards your classroom as soon as the bell rings, wondering if you were there. Indeed, finally, he spots you in your classroom and his shoulders slump in relief only to tense up again when he sees a guy in your class talking to you, and you, smiling happily. 
“Y/N,” he calls out to you, waving his hand. You look away from your conversation to him and he notices how your smile turns into a tight line on your face. His own smile drops, but you walk out of the classroom anyway and address him. “Yes?” He blinks down at your tone of voice. “U-Uh... Wanna have lunch together?” 
“...But it’s annoying that I’m clingy right?” The two of you unconsciously move away from the door to out in the hallway, so that you’re not blocking the way of people coming in and out. He narrows his eyes in confusion. Where is this coming from? “I--No, what do you mean? I never said that,” 
“Yesterday, you said you can’t keep me away and it’s annoying,” you averted your gaze, feeling your eyes start to water. Kaeya reels back a little, replaying things in his mind, trying to remember if he said something like that. And, with a light bulb moment, his face breaks into a grin and slight laughter. You glare up at him, “What? It’s funny?”
Kaeya places a hand on your shoulder and explains while smiling. “Y/N, you didn’t listen to the rest of the conversation, did you?”
---What really happened---
“It’s really annoying though. I can’t keep her away and she doesn’t even realize how annoying it is,” he sips on his juice box again.
One of his friends pipe up, “Dude that’s a little harsh,”
Kaeya blinks. Once, twice and thrice. Until it dawns on him. “Oh, no, I meant that I can’t keep her away from other people,” he grins and leans both his elbows on the windowsill. “She doesn’t realize that she’s super friendly, and other people like talking to her a lot. Whenever I go to her classroom she’s always talking to different people.”
His friends make a sound of understanding. “I wish I could just keep her to myself,” and continues sipping on his juice.
“That’s really cheesy, even for you, Kaeya,” one of his friends say and the lot of them starts laughing.
---That’s what really happened---
It was your turn to blink at him, confused. “S-So...”
Kaeya pats your head and smiles. “You can ask my friends if it makes you feel better,”
A small blush crosses your cheeks and you duck your head to hide it. It earns yet another chuckle from him. Your moment is interrupted by another guy who approaches the two of you. “Hey, Y/N, if you’re free, do you think you could help me out with this? I don’t really understand it,” 
Kaeya just looks at the guy and sighs, then turns to you again. “See what I mean?” to which you just goofily smile at. 
“You saw what?”
Your hands freeze, holding the book you were reading open. The living room had gotten lively again, seeing as your little brother had come home from school. “I saw Kazuha with a girl,” 
You try to keep your face composed. It was a school day. You’d stayed home because you weren’t feeling too well. Your brother was saying it without a care in the world. He was just a grade schooler and telling you about the things he observed. He was looking through the fridge for something to drink. 
You didn’t ask more, but you were DYING to know more. Kazuha didn’t mention going anywhere today... You picked your phone up and wondered if you should ask him. Your phone had blown up this morning cause he didn’t see you at school and he was wondering if you were alright. 
But it seems that Kazuha himself was having a grand time too.
“So...T-The girl...Did they look close?”
Your little brother closes the fridge and looks at you while drinking from a milk carton. “Mm...They were holding each other...” You bit your lip as tingles run down your spine. They weren’t the good kind. It was the kind that you get when you watch horror movies and or a drama movie and a revelation had just happened. You were silent for a moment, but in your mind you were already thinking of how Kazuha looked with another girl. Holding each other? What did your brother mean? Like...hugging? Or...? But you couldn’t ask him about that, could you?!
You sighed out loud and slammed the book you were reading down on the table, just as your phone started ringing. “Kazuha,” you whispered under your breath and looked at your phone screen. Well...you believed in him, and you thought the best way to clear this up is to talk to him about it.
So, you grabbed your phone and retreated into your bedroom to talk to him. You picked up the call, “Kazu-kun?”
“Y/N,” he greeted. Even apart, his voice has this effect on you. Like he was really there and breathing into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You were sure that you were blushing. “How are you? Are you feeling better?” His voice is smooth and calm and you melt into your bed. “Yeah, a little,”
“Could I come over later? I just want to check on you,” You smile into your phone and close your eyes. Kazuha could never do that to you, you think to yourself. But still, you really wanted to ask. “Of course, I don’t think my parents would mind...Hey,” you start, your fingers nervously drawing circles on your pillow. “My brother said he saw you...with a girl,”
There’s silence on the other line, and you can hear him shifting a little. “A...girl?” He repeats the question and you bite your lip. He sounds unsure and now you were unsure too. “Yeah, he said that you were holding on to each other...or something,” Again some silence, until he makes a sound of understanding.
“Ah, he must mean Sango,” there’s a little lilt to his voice, like he was happy and you were a little jealous. “Sango’s my cousin, she came to surprise me for my birthday week.” Kazuha laughs nervously and adds a little hesitantly. “She...uhm...would like to meet you actually, is it okay if I bring her over today?” 
Your heart sighs in relief, as do you and you don’t realize that you’ve done that out loud. In the next moment though, you smile and nod, even though he can’t see you. “Of course! Bring her over!” 
Albedo (More fluff than angst)
Cleaning at home was one of the things you did to get your mind off of things. Some people would call it tedious, but to you, it was sort of relaxing. It was something easy to do, you didn’t need much of your brain, just motor memory. Folding. Laundry. Ironing. Sweeping. Basic chores.
But when you clean up in the bedroom you shared with your boyfriend, and found a neatly wrapped present, red wrapping paper and blue ribbon tied on the top with a tag that said “To: Leila” you’re a little dumbfounded.
Who’s Leila? Is your first thought. Your second thought is, what’s inside? You hold the nicely wrapped box in your hand and turn it all over, trying to get some type of hint. A flash of doubt seeps into your mind but you shake it away. Albedo isn’t like that...Is he? He’s always so dedicated to his scientific research and sure he comes home late sometimes but he always makes it up to you on the weekends...
So who’s Leila? You ask yourself again. And why hasn’t he mentioned it to you? Why didn’t he ask YOU to wrap it? Menial tasks like these were usually passed on to you. You bite your thumb just thinking about it, but in the end just leave the present where you find it.
Later that night as you’re fixing dinner, you aren’t as bothered by the gift as when you first saw it. But it’s still there at the back of your mind and it resurfaces to the front when you hear the familiar keys rattle. Despite that, as he snakes his arms around your waist from behind you can’t help but smile and melt a little, pressing back against him as he leans over to kiss your cheek. “...Smells nice,” he simply mumbles and closes his eyes, enjoying the warmth of both you and your home.
“Welcome back,” you say, while closing the lid on the pot and turning around to give him a proper kiss on the lips. He hums into the kiss as a response and pulls you away from the stove. “How’s your day?” he asks you first and you smile, because your day is nearly the same time and time again. “Fine, I did find a little secret though...” you start and peek up at his beautiful eyes. 
He nods to ask you to continue. “A present, nicely wrapped. and it’s addressed to someone called Leila,” He looks down at you and you stare at him. A moment passes by before he takes his arms back and go into his thinking pose. “...Leila...?” he asks, eyes averting from your gaze. You wonder if he’s pretending. You wonder if he’s trying to make an excuse up. “...I don’t--” and then his eyebrows twitch. “Ah,” he says and drops his arms to his side.
“We were invited to a birthday party, remember? By a co-worker,” he tucks in strands of your hair as he talks. “It’s her daughter’s first birthday...I don’t care much for such things but you insisted it’d be alright to go.” he chuckles a little. “Her daughter’s name is Leila,” 
You make a sound of understanding. Suddenly your hesitant thoughts wither away. “Hmmm? You could’ve asked me to wrap the present,” Albedo pulls away from you and towards the fridge, wanting a glass of water. “The wrapping wasn’t done by me, it was the shop, free service,” and so it made more sense.
And although you want to ask more questions, like where he got it, when and what’s inside, you realize it’s such a trivial thing. It was not worth that much time. A gift is a gift, and you turn back to continue making dinner while making idle conversation with him. 
Zhongli (Warning: Suggestive) (but this is also my personal favourite... aha...)
“Zhongli?” You arrive home a little early today, dropping your keys at the front shelf. You don’t hear him anywhere and you shuffle around your living room for a while, looking at the letters for today. 
He was on a work from home arrangement today, and he would usually be in his office. You were quite sure that he would’ve come out to greet you though, if he heard you. He must be busy at the moment. 
You’d wanted to wash your hands as soon as you came home, and went for the guest washroom. When you open the door, your eyes land on something on the counter, next to the sink. This bathroom was always kept clean for visitors. You liked to host people once in a while, or just invite friends and you took pride in having them comfortable in your house.
Your eyes narrow as you go closer and your hands pick up a pregnancy test that was lying there. 
It was positive.
You put it back down and shudder a little. You don’t remember getting a pregnancy test. You bite your lip and look at yourself in the mirror. You’re already jumping to conclusions, and you can’t help it. Who the hell would leave a pregnancy test in YOUR guest bathroom? Zhongli didn’t mention anything...
You sigh a breath out and close the bathroom door behind you, taking your phone out to text your best friend.
“There’s a positive pregnancy test in our guest bathroom,”
After a moment, there’s a reply.
“OMG Are you preggers?!”
“No, it’s not mine,”
The next reply takes a moment more. “Oh, maybe ask him?” and you know that your friend hadn’t known what to reply at that moment. Because a random positive pregnancy test in your guest bathroom was NOT a good sign. To top it off, you didn’t announce to Zhongli that you were coming home early today.
Your perk up when you hear noise from the other room. You open the bathroom door slightly, and hear the unmistakable low voice of your fiance, coupled with...the voice of another woman. You close the bathroom door again, not bothering to lock it, and sit on the closed toilet seat. You’re sitting there with nothing in your mind, unable to think.
A few minutes later the voices are louder, they’ve moved to the living room, right outside the bathroom you were in. You tense up, and your jaw tightens. You don’t want to see them. You don’t want to hear them. For a moment you wish that you didn’t come home early, and just pretend this didn’t happen, but the door to the bathroom door opens, leaving you eye to eye with a woman you recognize.
Luna was a beautiful woman. Long cascading brown hair, they’re wavy and stops right at her waist. Doll-like blue eyes and a slender body. She sees you sitting there and you feel stupid, but she just breaks into a grin. “Y/N!” she grabs you by the wrist and pulls you out of the bathroom before you could even say anything. You’re numb, so you don’t respond to anything around you.
Zhongli turns around wide-eyed to see you standing there meekly, not meeting his gaze. He still goes to you though and asks curiously. “When did you come in? I didn’t hear you,” he places a hand on your arm while Luna releases you, but you still don’t look up and he wonders if something happened at your workplace to make you come home so early. “Luna and Childe stopped by,” Zhongli says, in at attempt to cheer you up. You look up, and only then did you realize that Childe was there too, talking animatedly to Luna. You tilt your head sideways, “They came with a surprise. Ah, but it’s not mine to tell,” 
That’s right... Luna and Childe had been together for a while and then it hits you when Luna shows you the same positive pregnancy test you saw on the counter, and announces that she’s pregnant. Your eyes are wide. You can’t tell if you’re more relieved that it wasn’t what you thought or more happy for your friends. You feel horrible about it but you manage to crack a smile and went along with the festivities. The more time passed the more you were able to enjoy their happiness and by the time they left, that was the only time you sighed and let your shoulders slump, exhausted.
“Is something the matter?” Zhongli asked. He noticed how your smiles were a tad bit forced. How you seemed to enjoy everything but also seemed to be on edge. You turn to him and shook your head. “It’s...stupid. It’s my mistake,” but he holds on to your waist and urges you to tell him.
And you tell him. How you came home and saw what you saw in the guest bathroom, what you thought it was and how you felt. The only thing you can feel now is embarrassment and shame. You couldn’t even feel happy for your friend. Zhongli only smiles and combs his hand through your hair. “It’s the normal reaction,” he reassures you, again trying to make you feel better. You only respond with your own hug but his next sentence makes you flustered, all thoughts of earlier gone as he whispers into your ear.
“Would you like your own positive pregnancy test?”
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peachycoreroo · 3 years
the forbidden fruit | zeke yeager
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summary: zeke was like a second father to you and you were his favorite little girl. maybe, it wasn't normal to like your dad's best friend that much, but who cares if it's normal when it feels this good.
pairing: dad’s best friend!zeke x college fem!reader
genre: smut, pwp
word count: 5.4k
warnings: age gap, vaginal penetration, lowkey pseudo-cest bc you call zeke 'uncle', daddy kink, oral fem!receiving, fingering, oral m!receiving, mini degradation, praise kink, a few spanks, choking, zeke spits in your mouth, usage of ‘slut’, ‘whore’ and ‘slutty’, bunny as a pet name, kinda exhibitionism?, manipulation, corruption kink, dub-con vibes but you actually want it, jealousy, mentions of alcohol, smoking, dumbification, manhandling, unprotected sex (pls wrap it up kids), creampie, size kink
authors note: this is for @weepinglevi​‘s adult movie tropes collab, thank you sm for letting me join!! def check out the other amazing fics in this collab<3 this is a lot darker than my other stuff so far, but i had so much fun writing it, so enjoy my first piece for aot!! here’s a link to my masterlist
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uncle zeke, or uncle zuzu as you liked to call him when you were still a child, has always been your favorite person since you were little. technically, you weren’t blood-related, but you might as well have been with how integrated into your family he was.
him and your father were best friends since middle school and you did call him ‘daddy’ a lot back then as a three-year-old, when you couldn’t grasp the concept of him not also being your dad. he was there for your birth, your childhood, your embarrassing teens and now even for your 20th birthday.
you don’t exactly know when the thing happened though.
one day, you were all a big, happy family and the next you suddenly realized, how attractive zeke yeager really was. maybe, it was the way you noticed that he was so much more athletic and broader than your father as they walked around your pool in their swimming trunks on a hot summer day. maybe, it was the way you suddenly became aware of how tall he really was, when you tried to reach a cup on a shelf too high, only to feel his presence directly behind you with his chest against your back as he reached his arm above your head and grabbed the cup, only to hand it to you with a teasing ‘you should really try this thing called growing. i heard it does wonders against high shelfs.’ or maybe, it was the way you finally registered how his gray eyes shamelessly checked you out as you walked around in your flimsy crop tops and shorts, barely covering anything.
it was so wrong, but that didn’t mean you would stop your little teasing. your dresses got shorter and shorter, dropping your keys on purpose on the way out just to flash him your lacy panties. hugging him longer than usual as he was leaving, just to press your breasts up against his hard chest. you wanted him to know you weren’t a little girl anymore. you wanted his mind to be filled with lewd thoughts about you. only you.
even when you left for college, you couldn’t stop thinking about the blond man, especially when you were in your bed late at night, with your hand stuffed in your panties and your mouth whimpering his name into the pillow. images of him, with his hard cock in a large palm, pleasuring himself with you on his mind, groaning your name, always brought you to an orgasm, but it wasn’t enough. you knew the only way to quench your need for this man was by having him, no matter how rotten your desire was.
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at last, it was finally your birthday, and you couldn’t wait to get home and act upon your ploy to seduce zeke yeager. it was a foolproof plan really. nobody would even suspect you were trying to rile your favorite uncle up, and he would only react, if he wanted you just as much. what better gift for your birthday, than ultimately having the forbidden fruit you’ve been trying to deny yourself of for so long.
“happy birthday, angel!”, your family exclaimed excitedly as you came downstairs. you quickly scanned the room to see uncle zeke already sitting in his usual spot on an armchair in the corner of the living room, getting up and joining your parents at the bottom of the stairs when he noticed your presence.
knowing that he was there, you finally smiled happily, thanking them softly before being pulled into a tight embrace by zeke. “yeah, happy birthday, angel”, he lowly murmured into your ear as he pressed you firmly against him, goosebumps erupting at his slightly suggestive tone.
“thank you, uncle zuzu”, you whispered back, squeezing him tight, hoping to get the message across that you were more than happy to be in his arms.
alas, you were forced to part as your mother shoved him to the side to embrace you, your dad jokingly complaining about you going for a hug with your favorite first instead of your parents, in the background.
“well, i can’t help that i’m so much cooler to her than you”, zeke retorted playfully, earning him a light-hearted punch to the arm from your father.
the rest of the day felt like an eternity. it’s not that you didn’t enjoy spending time with your parents, especially if zeke was there, but the prospect of getting the blond male to act upon your, hopefully, mutual desires, had you looking at the clock more times than you would like to admit.
“are you waiting for something?”
you quickly snapped out of your daydreams of what could happen later, as the man with the main role in them sat down closely beside you, your thighs brushing against each other. you couldn’t help your gaze lingering where your skin touched before blinking up at him through your lashes, only to see him grinning down at you, clearly amused by your stare. time for the first part of the mission.
“oh yeah, i’ll be going clubbing with a few friends later.”
“clubbing?”, zeke pressed with a frown, “and your parents are letting you?”
zeke has always been very overprotective of you. your dad joked that it’s because you’re basically like his daughter, but you hoped it was more than that. that’s why you were counting on his overprotectiveness to eventually lead you to the desired outcome of the day aka you, stuffed full of his cum.
“mmm, yeah. it’s my 20th birthday uncle zeke, not my 10th, you know. i’m an adult”, you retorted provocatively before getting up. “’m gonna go get ready.”
you could swear you felt his irritated glare burn into your back as you made your way upstairs, grinning at the first bit of your plan succeeding.
the second step, was your appearance. just a week before that, you went shopping for the shortest dress you could find, ready to turn heads, or specifically, one head. shower, hair, makeup, baby pink lace underwear, see-through tights, black dress. you haven’t felt this hot and confident in a while with college forcing you to wear hoodies and sweatpants all day every day. no way in hell were you going to make yourself suffer through endless lectures in cute skirts and dresses.
five minutes before your friends came, one of your essential male friends included, you decided to head downstairs to make sure zeke had enough time to admire how hot you looked.
as you came downstairs, you could hear your dad exclaiming ‘look at my beautiful girl, all grown up’, making zeke turn around. goosebumps erupted as you felt his eyes slowly trail along your figure, your skin tingling where his gaze burned into your exposed skin.
you did a full spin, showing off your outfit to the three people in your living room, but only caring about the opinion of one. to your disappointment, you didn’t quite get the reaction you wanted, with zeke turning back around to your mother, continuing to talk about whatever.
no matter how much you hated it, you couldn’t stop the jealousy crawling up your tightening throat, making you sick with disgust. you knew your mother was just as much as a friend to the man of your desires as your father, but it didn’t stop you from feeling this way. you wanted his eyes on you and not some other woman, even if that woman was your own mother.
as if on cue, the doorbell rang out, your mood immediately lifting at the chance that the third step of your plan finally elicits a much-craved reaction from zeke.
you opened the door, your best friends immediately throwing themselves at you, screaming their congratulations and complimenting your attire. just like you hoped, the boy you’ve been friends with and flirted with since high school, jean kirstein, was the last one to congratulate you. he hugged you tight, leaning down, whispering a low ‘happy birthday, pretty girl. you look good enough to eat’, at the same time as your parents and zeke came into the foyer.
the hug you shared with jean lasted just a tad too long for it to count as appropriate, with you giggling excessively at his comment just to be sure that zeke heard it. and as you parted to say goodbye to your family, your flirty friend kept his strong arm around your waist, as though it belonged there.
you don’t miss the way zeke glared at jean’s arm around you or the way he had the slightest frown on his face as he told you to ‘have fun and be careful’, but when you turned around and left the house to get into jean’s car, disappointment filled you when you realized that the blond male didn’t do anything to keep you from going. all this planning and finger crossing for nothing. ‘happy fucking birthday to me’, you bitterly thought, as you drove off into the night, mood already completely ruined.
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after hours of trying to enjoy the end of your birthday even for a bit, you finally had enough. jean took you home, trying to make out with you on the backseat of his car in the parking lot, but as tempting as the idea of letting him fuck zeke yeager out of your mind sounded, you couldn’t bring yourself to. the fact that today was supposed to be the day you got your dad’s best friend right where you wanted him, was enough to make you crave a nice shower and your warm bed. you couldn’t wait for this day to end.
when jean pulled up to your house, you parted ways with a quick kiss and a cheeky promise of tomorrow, before making your way into the house. it was already 3 a.m., so you were sure everybody was already asleep, as you quietly made your way inside.
“there you are. welcome back, pretty girl.”
at hearing zeke’s raspy voice out of nowhere, you flinched and let out an unvoluntary squeak. what was he doing here?
you brought your hand to your heart, feeling it hammer against your chest, your eyes snapping to the spot your dad’s best friend was sitting in, in the kitchen. “uncle zeke! you scared me, what are you still doing here?”
as you made your way into the kitchen, you finally noticed the empty tequila bottle on the table and your unconscious father, snoring on the coach in the living room, just a few feet away.
“mmm, wanted to make sure you come home safely after your dad passed out, so i waited for you”, he casually retorted while his grey eyes inspected you from head to toe. smeared lipstick, a light sheen of sweat on your skin and your dress hiked up dangerously high on your thighs.
feeling small under his calculating gaze, you once again looked at your sleeping dad and gestured towards the bottle. “guess you also had a wild party going on?”
“mh, your dad’s just a lightweight.”
the air inside the kitchen was heavy and suffocating. you knew something was wrong with the way zeke wouldn’t stop staring at you and only answered with short sentences, his usual playful chattiness nowhere to be seen.
trying to get rid of the awkwardness and your nervousness, you asked: “where- uh, where’s mom?”
“asleep”, was the short answer you got, making you even more uneasy than before. “oh, w-well. i’m gonna go and also hit the hay. thanks for staying up for me uncle zeke, good night.”
this one word made you halt in your tracks just as you were about to turn around, making you look questioningly back at him. what you didn’t expect however, was to see zeke yeager spread his thighs and pet one of them with a simple ‘sit down, angel.” somehow, the pet name sounded condescending as it left his lips, but that didn’t stop your pussy from clenching at the sight of him with his legs wide open, looking positively inviting like never before.
your gaze quickly flickered towards the unconscious figure in the armchair, but even that couldn’t stop you when uncle zeke was offering you to sit on his lap, like you dreamed of for so long.
your legs slowly took you towards the spot he was sitting in, only for him to pull you on one of his thighs as soon as you were in his reach. his arm wrapped tightly around your waist, while the other found its place on your thigh, your heartrate skyrocketing at the close proximity.
not really knowing what to do with your hands and where to look, you once again brought your gaze to your dad in the living room, having the perfect view of him from your position on zeke’s lap, your fingers interlocked in your own lap as to not touch him too much.
“how was the party?”, he questioned seemingly nonchalant, but his tone had a certain edge to it, that made you feel as if you were being scolded.
you chuckled nervously, keeping your eyes locked on your unconscious father, as you started uttering: “oh, uh… it was- “
only to have zeke’s palm grab your cheeks, squeezing them together in a pout, as he turned your head towards him, forcing you to focus your gaze on him.
“did you fuck him?”
zeke was watching your expression closely when he practically growled the question, taking note of how your eyes widened, your breath deepened, and your thighs automatically pressed together as the meaning of his imposing words settled in.
the jealousy could practically be grabbed as it rolled off the blond male in waves and you knew, that if you wanted your birthday wish to come true, you had to play the part of the innocent and unsuspecting little girl.
“wha-? no!”, you exclaimed supposedly offended and distraught that he would even ask such a thing, as best as you could with your lips pressed together in a pout by his large palm.
the man’s dark grey – were they always this dark? – eyes narrowed as you seamlessly pretended to not know what he was hinting at, but the way you immodestly battered your eyelashes at him, one hand finding it’s way onto the palm that was squeezing your plush thigh, showed him at you weren’t as oblivious as you feigned to be.
“no, huh?”, he chuckled darkly, his hand leaving your face to push you down onto your knees between his legs instead, “then you’re not against helping your dear uncle with a certain issue, or are you baby?”
stammering out a little confused ‘what?’, you quickly checked whether your dad was still asleep, only for yeager’s palm to return to its place on your cheeks, squeezing them once again as he yanked your head back towards him. “don’t act like a brainless, useless slut, angel. it really doesn’t suit you. you’re my smart little girl, aren’t you?”
the sickly-sweet tone he used worked like a charm on your praise-starved brain. you wanted to please him and be his good girl, no matter what it took.
looking up at him with big, wide eyes, a drop of drool fell from your pouty lips onto his jean-clad crotch when he tightened his hold on your cheeks as you nodded like an obedient little toy, making him smile proudly.
“that’s my girl. now,”, he declared, unbothered by the tiny wetness seeping into his pants, his veiny hands made quick work of his belt and zipper, “show me how much you want to help your uncle zeke.”
just the sight of him whipping out his hard cock out of the confinements of his jeans and boxers, was enough to make a small pool of wetness gush out of your cunt, not that it mattered anyway. your lacy panties were already long soaked just from sitting on his lap.
zeke’s cock was longer and definitely thicker than you could’ve ever imagined, bigger than any you’ve ever taken with a prominent vein running on the underside, the tip flushed in a pretty pink. the saliva collecting in your mouth at the prospect of having him down your throat soon made you swallow hard, while you waited for his next instructions, not wanting to disappoint him by acting impulsively.
seeing his best friends’ daughter so submissive and eager-to-please on her knees between his legs as said best friend laid, passed out, just a few feet away, made zeke’s cock twitch. he knew it was sick and wrong, but he has always been a weak man when it came to you.
“go ahead, sweetheart. make uncle zeke feel good.”
at his permission to go, you nearly lunched forward, your pretty lips coated in sticky lipgloss instantly wrapping around the sensitive tip of his dick, making him groan deeply somewhere in the back of his throat.
you alternated between swirling your tongue around his cockhead and slowly sucking, as zeke put a cigarette between his lips, lightning it. normally, you hated the foul smell of nicotine and complained numerous times about how much you hated smokers but… the sight of it dangling between his thick fingers, as his other hand lost itself inside your hair, guiding your head to bob up and down on his length, awakened something deep in you, that you didn’t even know existed.
it didn’t help that while every other person reeking of smoke repulsed you, the same scent clinging to zeke brought you a sense of comfort. the fact that he also looked hot as fuck doing it, certainly didn’t hurt.
above you, the tall man made sure to let his eyes wander to your father from time to time, mostly keeping them locked on your lewd expression and your full lips wrapped around his cock though. he knew that the man a few feet away was a heavy sleeper, especially when drunk, so he wasn’t afraid of letting you know just how pleased he was with you.
“that’s a good girl. doing so good for me, want me to cum down your throat, sweetheart?”  
you mumbled a small ‘please’ around his cock, causing him to groan huskily as your vocal cords vibrated against his sensitive tip. knowing he was almost there, you hallowed your cheeks and tightened your throat, wanting him to lose himself in the inviting warmth of your mouth.
as soon as zeke felt himself teetering at the edge, he couldn’t stop himself from quickly putting out the cig in his hand and holding your head still with his large palms as he started frantically thrusting up in your mouth. having zeke use you to chase his own high made you clench around nothing as you gagged around his length, doing your best to try and keep your jaw slack just so you could hear the man praising you again.
at the feeling of you choking on his cock, zeke’s head fell back as he moaned hoarsely, the sound going straight to the fire in the pit of your stomach already forming just from sucking him off and hearing his erotic grunts.
on the next thrust inside your warm, wet mouth, zeke emptied himself in the back of your throat with a low growl of ‘good fucking girl’, making you whine around his dick. the blond pulled you off as you started coughing, instructing you to ‘swallow, angel.’ being the whipped, little toy you did as you were told, looking up at him as you licked the remaining cum of your spit covered lips.
zeke smirked at your sensual display, whilst he stood up, pulling you up to your feet, only to push you against the dinner table and impatiently smash his lips against yours.
you had half the mind to think about how he didn’t even seem to care that his sticky cum still lingered in your mouth as he kissed you before your brain completely shut down because you were making out with zeke yeager.
strong palms wandered up your thighs under your short dress, cupping your ass while the flimsy fabric rode up as a consequence of his wandering hands. the display of strength as he easily lifted you up on the hard surface behind you, made your head spin. everything this man was doing had you weak in the knees and if you weren’t already seated, you were convinced your legs would’ve given out underneath you.
as yeager made room for himself between your thighs, spreading them in the process, your arms found their place around his broad shoulders, pulling him down even closer towards you as you tasted the whiskey and smoke on his slightly chapped lips. you could hear his soft chuckle at the displeased whimper you let out when he removed himself from you, before tracing his thumb faintly over your clothed clit. just that slightest contact with your puffy bundle of nerves had your hips twitching up, your face heating up at the obvious display of his effect on you.
“aww, is my slutty little baby desperate for her favorite uncle?”, he asked in mock empathy, ripping your tights like it was nothing, before his eyes soaked up the sight of your baby pink lace panties completely ruined by your slick.
“i see you were ready for something to happen today. were you hoping the little boy from earlier would fuck you?”, he almost snarled the question, before adding: “or were you hoping for me, bunny? are these pretty panties just for me?”
as your core gushed out more of your juices at the pet name, you obediently shook your head at his accusation of you dressing up for jean, mewling out: “y-you, daddy. only you.”
zeke closed his eyes to compose himself when his cock twitched alive once again at the sweet melody of you calling him daddy. he knew this was the point of no return. he could’ve stopped this before, he was sure of that, but not anymore. not when you oh so sweetly called out for your daddy to take care of you.
in one swift motion, your panties were gone and thrown into a dark corner of the kitchen, the only light illuminating the space coming from the turned-on lamp in the foyer from when you came home. forcing you to recline back as zeke lifted your legs up on his muscular shoulders, you shuddered as his hot breath hit your drenched pussy.
after just one kitten lick to your core, you heard zeke’s pleased hum, mumbling something along the lines of ‘just as sweet as you, bunny’, but you couldn’t tell for sure because the very next second he was diving tongue first into you, sucking, licking, and slurping like it’s his last meal. the moan that left you at his intense ministrations was downright pornographic and you could only clench around nothing as his large palm came up to silence you.
“as much as i’d love to listen to your cries, sweet thing, gonna wake your parents up if you keep at it”, he muttered against your sensitive clit, the vibrations only making you mewl against his hand.
your hands tried to find purchase somewhere, the hard surface of the table, your plush thighs, before your nails finally got a grasp of his blond locks, using the leverage as an advantage to push his face even further into your slick cunt.
the obscene, wet sounds that echoed in the room were making your face heat up, but the embarrassment didn’t stop you from grinding desperately against his tongue, his thick beard rubbing painfully but oh so deliciously against the delicate skin of your inner thighs.
when you felt two of his thick fingers probe at your entrance before pushing in, instantly hitting that one spot inside you, you threw your head back as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, thighs trembling against his head as you reached your peak around his digits. your back arched off the wooden table, thighs snugly pressing against the sides of his head, almost suffocating him in the process, while you moaned a long, high-pitched ‘daddy’ against his palm.
zeke yeager could proudly say that he’s had his fair share of women, but the sight of you, succumbing to the pleasure he was providing you with, was by far the most erotic he had the privilege of witnessing. the mix of your cross-eyed expression, your sloppy cunt clenching impossibly around his thick fingers and your body twitching from the aftershocks of your orgasm, only fueled his desire to see you go dumb on his fat cock.
a hard slap against the fat of your right thigh caused you to squeal, your legs sliding down from his shoulders, completely limp from all the spent energy. zeke leaned down, once again capturing your lips in a heated make out. his warm tongue still had the distinct taste of your release on it as it slipped between your lips, his full beard soaked in your juices scratching against your cheeks and chin, but you certainly didn’t mind as long as you could have him between your legs, mouths interlocked.
“wanna see your cute lil’ ass while i wreck you, bunny. can you turn around for daddy?”, he questioned, voice raspy, but he didn’t actually wait for an answer, grabbing your hips in a bruising grip and flipping you over on your stomach, ass pressed up against his crotch already. not being able to control yourself at another clear display that his muscles weren’t just for show, your hips automatically grinded back against his painfully hard cock.
another strong blow was delivered, this time to your bouncy behind, your small mewl echoing in the large space. “slutty, desperate whores aren’t appreciated here, bunny. thought you were daddy’s good, little girl? guess daddy was wrong about you”, zeke sighed in faux disappointment, knowing you would do anything for him to keep praising you.
“n-no! am your good, little girl! ‘m sorry, daddy, please don’t leave”, you practically sobbed out, to drunk on his touch to realize the manipulative undertone in his phrasing.
smirking victoriously, the blond tenderly smoothed his huge palm, with his fingers covered in your already dried up essences, over your ass check, his fat tip nudging against your soaked entrance, whilst he shh-ed you, promising that he’s ‘not gonna leave you bunny, ‘m all yours.’
at the promise of him belonging to you, your eyes rolled into the back of your head, just as yeager decided to push his aching dick into your tight pussy. at the first bump against your gummy walls, you both knew no one would ever be able to compare. it was a tight fit as he continued to push past the resistance of your cunt, hissing at the continuous contractions around his sensitive cock. no way in hell, he thought to himself as he already had to hold himself back from cumming as if he were some virgin all over again.
when he finally bottomed out, his patience was close to non-existent, so without waiting for you to adjust, he started thrusting in you like a mad man. your hands flew out to grab the other edge of the wooden surface to have some kind of support, as his powerful thrusts made the whole table shake and drag across the tiled floor.
“’s too much, daddy! slow down!”, you wailed, knowing full well that this was exactly what you waited for all this time. the dark chuckle that left his panting and grunting mouth told you that he was also very aware of the fact that you didn’t actually want him to slow down, so the only reaction you got, besides his acknowledging chuckle, were his thrusts picking up in speed.
after another strong hit to your jiggling ass and a groan that sounded suspiciously like ‘such a perfect ass’, zeke leaned over you, completely covering you with his large frame. his hand found its way to your front, giving your tits a quick squeeze through your dress, before continuing its journey up, finally settling around your neck.
as it constricted around your neck, thick fingers expertly pressing against the pressure points, restricting the air flow oh so deliciously, your spit-covered lips fell open in a silent ‘o’, the act lurching you impossibly closer to your orgasm. at this point, the only coherent words you were able to formulate were ‘yes’, ‘daddy’ and ‘please’, causing the tall man’s chest to fill with pride at your dumbed out state.
“my cute, submissive, little bunny. have i fucked you stupid with my cock?”, he teased, only to get his confirmation by the lack of response on your side, too far gone to process that he asked a question.
the rhythmic clenching of your warm core reminded him that his dick was practically begging him to let it stuff you full of his sticky cum, so as his grip on your throat and hip tightened even more, he let his carnal desires take over as he rutted impossibly faster inside you.
every thrust caused his fat tip to poke harshly against your cervix, the feeling of pain only fueling your pleasure, as you silently took all your favorite uncle was giving you. somewhere in the back of your mind the thought of your father sleeping just in the next room flew around, but it quickly got fucked back out by zeke’s fat cock.
at the next rough plunge inside your warm walls and the low growl of ‘cum on daddy’s fucking cock, bunny’ directly beside your ear, you came undone with a loud moan of his name. you were pretty sure the force of your orgasm made you blackout for a second, because the next time you came to your senses, zeke was shooting his load inside your inviting cunt directly at your cervix, your name leaving his lips like a prayer.
you were exhausted. your whole body shook and twitched, your stomach hurt from being pressed against the edge of the dinner table for so long, sweat dripping down on the surface from your face and neck.
suddenly the room was way too quiet, safe for the heavy breathing and your occasional whimpers. slowly, zeke pulled out, only to spread your cheeks apart to take a good luck at your abused pussy pushing out his white cum. it slowly trickled down your legs, mixing with your leaked juices on the tiles beneath your feet.
not having the energy to move, you let the blond male pull down your dress back over your ass, listening to the rustle of fabric and belt clicking as he got dressed again. just as he gently helped you stand-up again, you could hear a yawn coming from the doorway that led to the living room.
“what’re you both doing?”, your half-awake father asked as he made his way through the kitchen past you to get to the foyer. your nails dug into zeke’s muscular forearms as the panic of getting caught formed in the pit of your stomach, only to hear the older man murmur a casual, seemingly sleepy ‘she just got home, gonna go sleep now’, as though he wasn’t blowing out your back just a few minutes prior.
with an unsuspecting ‘’aight, night you two’, your dad disappeared in the shared bedroom with your sleeping mother.
“fuck”, you breathed out, stressed at almost being caught and your legs buckling, only for zeke’s strong arms to hold you up right.
“hey, look at me, angel”, the male softly demanded, gaze tender as your eyes met his. “i’ll bring you to bed and clean up here, okay? don’t worry about a thing.”
a sleepy, but happy smile stretched itself across your lips at him caring for you so deeply.
“open your mouth, sweetheart.”
without second-guessing the request, you obediently opened your mouth, only to feel his saliva hit your outstretched tongue. the taste made you mewl needily as you realized what it all meant. you were his and he was yours.
zeke chuckled, amused by your blissed out expression, before pecking your lips, picking you up and caring you to your room with you mumbling a satisfied ‘best birthday ever’ against his neck.
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Sensei (Jiraiya x reader) SMUT
Pairing: Jiraiya x Reader
Word Count: 2580
Warnings: Masturbation (female), cum, oral (male receiving), dirty sex, sensei kink?, praise kink
A/N: I'm not even sorry
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Starting your ninja training older than everyone else meant you always felt like you were behind. While all the other students became chunin in their mid-teens, you were 18 before you even took the exam.
That being said, you were older than most of your sensei's previous students.
It didn't used to bother you as much as it did now. Sure, you were sad before that you felt as if you were falling behind the other students. However, now you were worried for another reason. You were worried that Jiraiya saw you as a kid.
He was used to having young students, and he saw them in many ways as his children. You assumed he had the same kind of relationship with you, despite your age. This was fine at first, but the more time you spent with your sensei the more you wanted him to see you differently.
For your part, you had begun seeing him differently already. You took notice of his broad chest, his strong arms. He was trying to teach you a new justu, showing you better form.
Jiraiya was pressed against your back, his arms around your own so he could move your hands to the correct position. His hot breath fanned against your neck, making a chill run up your spine. To him it was no more than teaching a student, but for you it was the moment you began to see him as more than your teacher. Feeling his strong chest pressed up against you ignited a fire inside of you, one that still had not dimmed.
After that day, everything about the way you saw your sensei changed. Previously you hadn't cared much for the way the "Pervy Sage" chased women. You only cared about it in relation to your training, annoyed when you were unable to find your sensei. Now you found yourself jealous when he slunk off to bars or brothels alone, feeling as if he had chosen the option of being with other women over being with you.
You knew these women meant nothing to him, and many didn't even reciprocate his advances. Even so, there was already another woman that actually did mean something to him: Tsunade.
There was no way you could compete with her. She was another of the legendary Sannin, having trained with Jiraiya when they were young. Not only was she admirable for her strength, but she had also spent many years forming a bond with Jiraiya that you felt you could never attain. You knew how he felt about her, and despite the feelings being unrequited it hurt you more deeply than you would ever want to admit to him.
Tonight was nothing special. Another night, another village you would spend the night alone in. Jiraiya was already off for the night, no doubt to "gather intel" for his newest Icha Icha book.
You sighed, laying back on your bed in the room you had rented for the night. Your heart ached a little as you looked to the other bed in the room, one that would most likely stay empty tonight as Jiraiya found a bed elsewhere.
Giving up on feeling sorry for yourself, you looked around the room for something to do. You didn't feel like training, having already gone at it all day. You'd already eaten too, crossing that option off your mental list as well. It was times like this that you wish you had a hobby to bring on the road with you.
Glancing back over at Jiraiya's empty bed, something caught your eye. It was his newest publication, another of the Icha Icha series. You had to admit, something about the series had always intrigued you. Before you had always been too shy to pick up a copy, worried about what others might think of you. It's not like you had to worry about Jiraiya coming back tonight when he would be so busy.
You snatched the copy off his bed, flipping it open. The first few pages weren't bad, simply two characters going about their day together. However, it was only a couple more pages in when the characters made it back home and shut the door behind them.
It was filthy.
You had known the kind of content in these books, and had known the type of man that Jiraiya was. He wasn't one to tiptoe around a dirty word, but you had no idea just how dirty he could be in his writing. You read on.
He reached his hands up her blouse, taking a delicate, hardening nipple in each hand. A cry of his name escaped her hips as he began to gently rub circles around them, smirking at her reaction.
As you read the words on the page, you could feel yourself becoming more and more aroused as each word went by. You could almost feel Jiraiya's hands on your body, copying the movements of the characters.
You felt a flash of heat through your body, down towards your womanhood. Without feeling them you already knew your panties would be soaked. Knowing it was Jiraiya who had wrote this was making your mind run wild, imagining he were doing all of these things to you.
You continued reading, moving the book to your non-dominate hand so the other could crawl up your shirt. You grabbed your boob in your own hand, reading on. You flicked a finger across one of your nipples, relishing in the feeling of how hard it already was. You stifled a gasp at the touch, feeling dirty. The situation was giving you a rush, and it was turning you on more than you had been in a long time.
You couldn't stop reading, as if you were possessed. All you could do was read page after page, the actions escalating.
She undid his pants, puling them down to let his hard cock spring free. All she wanted was to take it into her mouth, and she did. Swirling her tongue around the sensitive tip she tasted his precum, only urging her to continue.
You pictured the scene in your head, imagining what it would be like to take Jiraiya into your mouth that way. Imagining it only made you more turned on, thinking about looking up at him through your lashes as he bucked his hips towards you, fucking your mouth.
He lined himself up at her entrance, holding back from slamming into her wetness. He slid his cock along her folds, teasing her until she begged for it to be inside of her.
You moved your own hand down into your panties, soaked just as you had expected. Your body lit up as you reached for your clit, rubbing small circles around the sensitive bud. A soft moan came from your throat, only making you wish Jiraiya were the one to ease it out of you.
You moved your fingers further downward, rubbing along the outside of your pussy. Lost in the moment, you didn't even hear the door creak open.
It had been a long night for Jiraiya, and a lonely one at that. Any girl he tried to flirt with denied his advances, and he hadn't even gotten any intel on the mission out of it. He decided to call it a night, walking back to the room he had rented for the two of you.
He expected you to already be asleep, as you usually were on the nights he returned. However, as he reached the door he heard more than snoring coming from the room. At first, he thought he had remembered the room number incorrectly.
For a moment, Jiraiya stood outside. Was there a man in there with you? He decided to peek inside, wanting to see if he needed to go and get his own room for the night.
Opening the door, his eyes went straight to you. He felt his eyes widen so large he was afraid they would pop out of his head. You were laying on your bed in only your panties, and from the sounds in the room he could tell they were already soaked through. Your breasts were on full display, making him wonder why he didn't look at them more often. In fact, he began to wonder why he didn't look at you as a whole more often. He was no stranger to finding younger, though of-age, women attractive, but something about being your mentor had made him block you off in his mind.
Now, as his eyes darted from your breasts to your pussy in an attempt to take it all in, he was mad at himself for not letting himself be attracted to you sooner.
Then he noticed your other hand. In it was a copy of his latest novel, and based on how many pages were left you had just gotten to the good part.
His dick had already begun to press on his pants from the sight of you, but now he knew what had made you feel this way.
It was him.
"Glad to see you enjoy my writing," he said cockily.
"Glad to see you enjoy my writing," you heard . Your hand froze in place as your eyes flashed to the doorway. To your horror you saw Jiraiya standing there. How much had he seen?
You shrieked, grabbing the blanket at your feet so you could pull it over your exposed body.
"Easy, it's not like I haven't already seen it now." He teased.
"What are you doing back tonight?" You barked, trying to hide your embarrassment with anger.
"I just wish I'd waited a little longer to come back, maybe you would have already had your panties off."
You knew these were the words of a pervy old man, but you couldn't help the way you felt as you heard them come from Jiraiya. Finally having the courage to look at him, you noticed how dark his eyes had gotten. Looking down, it was hard not to notice the tent forming in his pants.
You had thought you were already as turned on as you could have been, but seeing the way he looked at you was on another level entirely. You had always wanted him to look at you this way, wanted him to desire you.
You let the blanket fall, exposing yourself to him again. You tried not to show your excitement at the way you could see his smile grow as his eyes darted back to your chest.
"How about you take them off for me, sensei?"
You thought you had given the older man a heart attack. He froze, something you figured uncommon for a man so experienced as Jiraiya. He only faltered for a moment, quickly regaining his thoughts and making quick strides over towards you.
He did as you asked, tearing your panties from your body and rubbing his calloused fingers against your pussy. You moaned at the contact, rolling your hips towards Jiraiya.
"You like that?" He asked, "do you like it when your sensei touches you like this?"
You could barely respond, merely nodding as he elicited another moan from you. He leaned towards you, capturing your lips in his own. In the same moment you reached towards him, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
"Fuck Jiraiya," you moaned as he began kissing down your neck towards your breasts. Jiraiya smirked at your reaction, knowing what he was doing to you. He pulled away just long enough to undress his torso, coming back to lick a circle around your nipple. One of your hands roamed his chest, running your fingers over the scar you found so sexy. The other buried itself deep in his thick, white hair, trying to pull him closer to you.
He took a nipple into his mouth, sucking on your tit as he lazily rolled his tongue around the bud. You continued to moan, urging him on.
For his part in the matter, Jiraiya hadn't felt this young in a long time. Sure, he'd had a run-in or two at a brothel, but nothing like this. Something about this felt more real to him. He knew all of the noises you made for him were genuine, and all he wanted to do was make them get louder.
You felt yourself reaching closer to orgasm as Jiraiya pulled away, taking off his pants. You raised your eyebrows as he exposed himself, met with more than you had expected. For a moment you were worried it wouldn't fit.
"Get on your knees for your sensei."
You did as you were told, getting on your knees so that you could take him eagerly into your mouth. You thought back to the earlier pages in the book, swirling your tongue around the head of his cock.
"Fuck Y/n," he groaned, trying to push more of himself into your mouth. "Your mouth feels so fucking good baby."
You moaned around his cock at the words of praise, sending delicious vibrations through his body.
Looking up at Jiraiya, everything was even better than you had imagines. His hand was in your hair, pulling you further onto his dick.
"That's right baby, get this dick nice and wet so I can fuck you."
You did just that, excited when he pulled out of you mouth. He pulled you up off the floor as if you weighed nothing, pushing you back on the bed.
"Do you want this baby?" Asked Jiraiya, lining himself up.
"Yes sensei," you moaned, teasing him and trying to push your hips closer to his. "Please fuck me Jiraiya."
At your words he pushed himself into you, going slowly enough to let you adjust to his size. When you were ready you started rocking your hips against his, begging him to move.
He began thrusting in and out of you, his thighs slapping against yours in a way that made your pussy throb.
"Jiraiya," you moaned, already feeling close to orgasm after being so close earlier in the night. You could tell he was feeling the same, the tightness of your wet pussy driving him crazy.
Jiraiya looked down at you, watching your tits bounce as he fucked you in a way he had never imagined. Your eyes rolled back and your mouth parted as he thrust into you, only adding to his ego as well as his own pleasure.
"You're gonna make me cum looking like that," he grunted. All you could do was moan in response, holding eye contact with him long enough to feel his thrust falter a little.
The tension was building up in the pit of your stomach until Jiraiya shifted, hitting your g-spot as he thrust. You couldn't hold on any longer, walls contracting around his cock as you screamed his name. He didn't last long after that, your pussy clenching around him pushing him over the edge. He pulled out, spilling over your stomach as he finished jerking himself off.
As he finished, he leaned down to press a kiss to your tired lips. Something about the action felt almost domestic, and you couldn't deny the butterflies in your stomach.
"I'm glad I brought this with me," joked Jiraiya, motioning to the book that lie forgotten on the floor.
"Me too," you teased. He smiled back at you with sleepy, satisfied eyes. This would be far from the last time, you were sure. And you couldn't wait for the next one.
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somnambulants · 3 years
i love your writing!! could you maybe do something with exes to lovers with nat?
word count: 3.9K notes: thanks for the request! i’m glad you like my writing! i also may...have started thinking about writing a second part because im super attached to this fic. let me know if thats something you guys would be interested in!
“Barton, you’re such a –“
Your world stops turning at the sound of that voice, everything else becoming static. It doesn’t matter that you’re standing in a room full of people that you’re supposed to be impressing.
It’s been over ten years since you’d last heard that voice.
Vaguely, you know that Captain America is speaking to you but the only thing you can pay attention to is her.
You turn slowly, and the second you lay eyes on her you know for sure.
It’s definitely her.
You see it the second she spots you too.
In all the time you’d known her, she’d always been so much more proficient at hiding things than you but you still see the way her eyes widen as she takes you in and the way her face shifts into something that resembles shock before she manages to mask it.
You startle a little, having now somehow completely forgotten that Captain America was next to you and that you were in the middle of a tour of your new workplace the second you’d landed eyes on her.
Oh god.Your new workplace.
Your new workplace that was also clearly her workplace.
As she approaches, you futilely look for every possible way you can escape. “This is Y/N. Fury’s informant while Agent Emery is on reconnaissance. Y/N this is Natasha Romanoff.”
Natasha? Romanoff? Absurdly, you have the sudden urge to laugh.
She really couldn’t have come up with a better name after fleeing the country all those years ago? It’s a surprise to you that you hadn’t heard about her sooner with that alias.
Pushing that thought away and hoping that your face shows the professionalism you’re trying to convey, you straighten your spine and clear your throat. “Nice to meet you.”
Captain America’s eyes flick between the both of you. Maybe you’re not doing as good a job as you’d thought.
Natalia-Natasha takes the hand you extend to her and shakes it. “Likewise,” she says, and you hate the way your body still reacts to her voice all these years later; hate the way her touch still makes you feel.
Even more so, you hate that you don’t know what it is you’re feeling more of as you look into her eyes: fury or heartbreak.
She makes a flimsy –well flimsy to you – excuse and leaves the conversation after that. You watch her walk away, clenching the hand she’d touched into a fist as you resist the urge to put it through the wall next to you.
Somehow you think you’d have a hard time explaining it to the man still standing next to you, who is now watching you with a thoughtfully puzzled but not suspicious expression.
Not yet, anyway.
Your dreams that night are fitful and full of her. The first time you’d met, you’d been nothing more than children.
There are no children in red room though. Only fighters and a fighter, she definitely was.
You? Not so much. You’d never been designed to last more than a day in that place and you wouldn’t have, if not for her.
Natalia throws you back against the mat, again and then again and again. Each time you stand up with more difficulty until eventually, she throws you down so hard your vision blurs for a second.
You never had a chance against her, something you knew before you even stepped foot into the room and you know they must have known that too when they set you up against the most experienced fighter here.
It’s abundantly clear you’ve been set up to fail.
The next time she hits you, your legs give out beneath you and you can’t bring yourself to get up this time, even though you know what’s going to happen to you if you don’t.
You know how this works.
Bracing yourself for impact, you close your eyes and wait. It’s pathetic. You know.
The final blow never comes. When you finally crack open an eye, you find Natalia, arms crossed, just gazing down at you.
It might have been your imagination but her eyes don’t seem quite as hard as they had been before.
She extends a hand after a second of her just watching you and you watching her. A little part of you is convinced it’s a trick; that the second you take her hand, you’re going to fail whatever test this is.
Still, against your better judgement you take her hand and, rather than the macabre images playing out in your mind, instead she actually helps you stand, surprisingly gentle as she does so.
She gives you a second to reorient yourself and then her whole demeanour changes, turning cold and stiff as she crouches down back into a fighting position.
“Try again.”
Just as abruptly, you’re thrown into another and another. Quick flashes of the past that still haunt you.
Natalia taking you on your first mission.
Natalia holding your hand as you cried over the body of the first man you’d killed.
Natalia lying beside you on your mattress, running her hands through your hair gently when your nightmares became so bad you’d go days without sleeping.
Years and years of training. Years of bruises and broken bones. Mission after mission. Somehow, it’s all maybe not-quite worth it but it almost is – almost – because of her.
When you kiss her for the first time, you think that might be the first time either of you has had any control over what you do with your bodies. 
You can't remember a time where you'd had something you'd ever wanted and you wanted her so badly.
You can’t get enough of it. Or her.
And then, one day, you wake up and she’s just... gone. 
The next morning, feeling irritable and exhausted from your disturbed sleep, you walk into the avengers training room and find the one person you’d been hoping wouldn’t be there.
Of course, your mind spitefully whispers because of course it wasn’t enough for the universe to thrust her back into your life but it had to throw her in your face too.
When you enter, she has her back to you but you know she knows you’re there by the way her back stiffens slightly.
You watch as she stands up straighter at the words you throw at her back, unable to help yourself: “What is this? Babysitting duty? I think we’re passed that, aren’t we?”
She turns to you. “I usually come here early,” is all she says. She doesn’t respond to the bite in your voice.
You make a non-committal sound and then just decide to ignore her, stomping past her to make your way to the far corner of the room. You work by yourself in peace for about ten minutes before you hear the sound of footsteps and all of a sudden she’s in front of you.
“I need a partner,” she says. 
You have the urge to laugh in her face, before it strikes you how cathartic it would be to punch her right now, no matter how childish it might be, so you stand, letting the weight you’d been holding drop back to the floor with a loud thud, and follow her across the room.
You both crouch down in anticipation and you take a second to really look at her.
Her expression is unreadable. The pang you feel when you realise that surprises you.
There had been a time when you’d known her like the back of your hand and now she's nothing more than a stranger standing in front of you.
It hurts a lot more than you’d thought it would.
This continues for weeks. You don’t know why you let it happen but you do. You get up early; you go to the gym; you spar with her and then you fulfil the duties you’d been hired to do.
It’s almost easy to slip back into that headspace of your whole life revolving around her. Because it does. All you do is think about her when you’re not around her.
Over those weeks, you still barely speak a word to her because at least if you don’t speak, you have some kind of power.
To your surprise, she lets you ignore her, lets you pretend you don’t hear her whenever she speaks and you resent her a little more for that. You’d rather she hated you as much as you want to hate her.
It would make it all so much easier.
Eventually, though, you break.
You’re not strong enough to ignore your desire to know everything; to know how she’d ended up here. And why she’d clearly cared enough to stick around and try and save the entire world when you, a single person, hadn’t even been worth enough for her to stay.
“Why,” you pant, mid spar one morning. She’s kicking your ass, as usual. “Why here? Why the avengers?”
You’d sworn to yourself you’d never ask her this question but the yearning to know has been burning inside you since you’d walked into this building over a month ago now.
Equally as breathless, Natasha drops the careful façade she’d had up and looks at you with those eyes; the ones that could have made you do anything at one point in time. You’re not convinced they still couldn’t. “I wanted to do better… be better than what we were…. Isn’t that why you’re here, too?”
That answer hurts you more than any of the hits she’s landed on you this morning. And there’s been a lot. She’s still the superior fighter, even if she had left so long before you.
God, those words hurt to hear. Especially to have you lumped in with the clearly bad part of her life, whether it was her intention or not.
Maybe that’s why you say what you say next. Maybe there’s a little part of you wishes this whole situation would hurt her as much as it hurts you.
“How… uncharacteristic of you,” you ignore the last part of her sentence because honestly: you don’t know why you’re here. You feel like you’ve been lost and drifting your whole life and the only thing that had ever made sense to you was her.
You know your bitterness has bled into your voice with your words but you don’t make any effort to mask it. And if you can hear it, she definitely can too.
In the blink of an eye, she stops sparring with you, straightening up quicker than even you can catch. You let out a breathless huff of air as she grabs the front of your shirt pulling it so you’re forced forward until you’re almost nose to nose with her.
You hate that for a split second, before you can control yourself, you lean in slightly. As much as your mind can’t stand her, your body has no such feelings and it still wants her. You know you have no hope of hiding it from her so you don’t even bother.
“You don’t know me,” she says. The words come out of her mouth fiercely but the look in her eyes is soft, beseeching, like she wants you to hear her. “I'm not that person anymore.”
Like it matters.
It’s like you’re suspended in time for a second, and all you can think of as you look into her eyes is of the woman you knew.
You hate that you still miss her.
There’s a flicker of something in her eyes that you want to believe mirrors the torrent of emotions currently taking over you – the sadness, the anger, the grief – but you know better than to have hope when it comes to her.
You know all too well how it ends. And you’ve had enough of false hope.
Typically, in a fight, you know Natasha would come out on top – has every time -- but she’s never had your anger directed at her the way it is now and she isn’t expecting the way you’re practically vibrating with it as you shove her away, so hard that she stumbles backwards, only just managing to stay on her feet.
“Clearly,” you spit at her as you straighten up, and start walking towards the exit.
You know she’s still just standing there in the same spot. You can feel her eyes on you.“Yeah, run away,” she mutters under her breath.
It’s the first time she’s shown you the attitude you’d been giving her for weeks and her reaction is justified, you can admit it, but you don’t care.
You spin around, fury overtaking you as you advance on her until you’re pinning her against the wall behind her. “Sorry,” you hiss, glaring into her eyes. “I forgot you’re the only one who can do that.”
“That was different.”
You laugh. It’s not a nice one. It sounds like an injured animal trying to claw it’s way out of your throat. 
“Why? Because it was you doing it? Excuse me for not being —“
All of a sudden, she’s kissing you. Or you’re kissing her.
Either way, you’re kissing and you don’t know how exactly it happened but you know that you can’t get enough of her; can’t get her close enough even though there’s no longer even an inch of space between you.
She flips your positions, tugging you closer, and you’re abruptly bathed in cool air as she rips your shirt off you, shoving you against the wall.
Your heart picks up rapidly as she kneels in front of you, easing the rest of your clothes off in one fluid moment.
“I hate you. So much,” you tell her as you step out of your pants and it’s not convincing even to you. Still, you repeat it again and again as she kisses down your body – so tenderly and gently that your voice starts to wobble.
You hate it. You hate her.
She looks up at you from in between your legs, now on her knees. It’s such a vulnerable position that you find you can’t look at her and you have to close your eyes. Natasha digs her nails into your thighs as she forces them apart.
“Look at me,” she demands. Her grip tightens until you obey; you know you’re going have crescent shaped bruises tomorrow. Her gaze is soft and tender and just all consuming. You know there’s no coming back from it. You’d never had a chance, even back when you didn’t mind not having one. “Don’t look away.”
You don’t, not even when she finally, finally, touches you and your head falls back against the wall. 
You hold her gaze the entire time knowing how incredibly stupid this is and not caring at all about how much you’ll regret it later when you’re thinking straight.
And regret it, you do.
You stop working out early. You walk the other way in the halls if you see her. You know people are catching on that something is going on between the both of you; have caught multiple avengers giving you quizzical looks whenever you’re in the same room and it makes you feel even worse than before.
You channel all that regret into something more meaningful and commit to doing a damn good job at what you were actually here for. And you do. You can admit you do a fantastic job.
Every time you hand a report in or come back from a mission, you swear see a glimmer of approval in Fury’s eyes. Something you’d heard was notoriously hard to come by.
You must have done something really shitty in a past life though because after weeks of throwing yourself into your temporary duties, you walk into your temporarily office and are immediately flagged down by Fury, who debriefs you on the details of a mission he’s sending you on.
You’re thrilled for about three seconds until you see the name of the person you’re going with.
Agent Natasha Romanoff.
Fury is looking at you with a scrutinising expression when you look up from the file. Every time he looks at you it’s like he can see inside your soul. “Is that a problem?”
You grit your teeth and force yourself to smile. “Of course not, sir.”
It is a problem. A big problem, in fact.
You don’t speak to her on the flight there. Even though it’s only the two of you confined in the aircraft. You don’t even so much let yourself look at her. You can feel her looking at you multiple times, though, even though she’s piloting and should only be looking at the course in front of you.
There are no words exchanged between you all day beyond the times you absolutely have to speak. 
At least not until you reach the tiny hotel room you’d been given.
The second the door closes behind you both, she turns to you and opens her mouth and maybe it’s cowardly but you cut her off before she even start speaking.
“I’m going to have a shower,” you say and flee the room with your entire carry-on, worried that if you pause to sift through your things, she’ll keep talking.
Still in the same spot, the look on Natasha’s face when you emerge from the bathroom is full of clear exhaustion. You hate the way it makes you feel. Empty. Sad. It’s exhausting for you trying to convince yourself you hate her.
“I’m sorry I left,” she says and you freeze. “I wanted to come back. Find you. I just didn’t know - i didn’t know if you even wanted me to.”
You’ve wanted to hear those words for so long. Now you have you don’t know what to do. “Why did you leave?”
She hesitates. The look in her eyes tells you you’re not going to get a full answer. That as open as she’s trying to be, you still don’t get to know why she abandoned you. “It’s a long story.”
The evasion stings. “An apology means nothing if you won’t tell me why.”
It’s an unfair thing to say. You know that but you don’t really feel like being fair right now.
You chance a look up when she doesn’t respond and find her looking down at the floor. It makes you wonder what — or who — she must still be protecting by not telling you. 
It becomes apparent that she’s not going to say anything else after the silence between you drags on long enough that the tension in the air becomes almost unbearable.
You don’t want to give her the satisfaction of seeing the tears in your eyes so you flick the light off and turn the lamp on your shared nightstand off, throwing the both of you into immediate darkness. It’s definitely too early to be sleeping but you don’t care.
Eventually, after laying there rigidly for what feels like hours and listening to the sounds of Natasha tossing and turning in the other bed, you finally fall asleep and are immediately thrown into dream after dream that quickly turn into fitful nightmares.
Nightmares that may be more aptly called memories. After one particularly bad one that thrusts you back into consciousness, you bolt upwards, still half asleep. 
You only narrowly manage to avoid bumping straight into Natasha, who’s hovering above you, because of her hand on your shoulder holding you in place.
You flinch away from her instinctively and she backs up to give you a little space.
The only sound in the room is your heavy and desperate gasping for air. Natasha, now perched on the very edge of the bed, bites her lip, looking at you as if she knows exactly what you’d been dreaming about.
She probably does. It doesn’t take a genius to guess.
“Are you –"
“I’m fine,” you say flatly. You stare up at the ceiling, absently counting the tiles as you try to slow your breathing.
You’re hyperventilating, you know it, you just can’t get yourself to stop. You’re also sweating, it’s disgusting. You can feel how all of your clothes are stuck to you. Your hair flattened to your neck.
If you hadn’t been dealing with this for so long, you’re pretty sure that you’d think you were having a heart attack instead of a panic attack.
But you have. Been dealing with it. It’s just something you’ve come to expect now. You just never thought she’d be here to witness it.
All of a sudden, as you’re still trying to calm your breathing, the bed dips below you.
Your eyes fly open in shock to find Natasha sliding onto the mattress beside you, still on top of the covers.
Gingerly, she rests her head on the pillow next to your head and fixes her gaze on the ceiling.
It’s slight but her hand brushes against your own a few minutes later.
You suck in a breath between your teeth, but despite yourself, you let her move closer, until she’s so close you’re almost touching, and you can hear her quiet breathing.
Against your better judgement, you let your eyes slip closed again. Seeming to understand you’re not going to push her away, Natasha shifts closer, until you’re both shoulder to shoulder, the way she used to lay next to you when you had bad dreams when you were kids.
She grabs your hand, and slowly, hesitantly, she moves it to her chest where you can feel her heart thrumming rapidly under your fingertips. Surprisingly, it still works; you breathe in and out, in out in out, in time with her heartbeat.
You must at some point fall asleep because all of a sudden you can hear birds chirping outside the window and the sounds of people outside in the street.
When you open your eyes, you expect to find the spot next to you empty and the covers unruffled, as if she’d never been there at all but to your shock she’s still there beside you, awake and on top of the covers.
The circles under her eyes make you think she must not have slept at all.
You slide out of the bed and head towards the bathroom without saying a word, where you turn the shower on and just sit under the spray for what must be at least an hour, letting the water run over you and trying not to think.
This time when you return, she’s gone.
The rest of the mission goes smoothly. If nothing else, you both work well together as a team. You can still read her movements like a book, and she knows to anticipate what you’re doing before you even know yourself.
The days go fine. The nights not so much. You don’t speak about it but every night you’re woken up by the same dreams and every night you wake up to find her kneeling beside you.
If you were stronger willed, you would’ve shoved her away the first time, but you can’t bring yourself to. Maybe it’s a little selfish but you can’t find it in yourself to care. 
The last night of the mission is when you finally break, though. Something shifts in the air when you wake yourself up gasping and meet her eyes. The same eyes that had been blank and lifeless in your dream. 
You know she feels the shift as well by the way she’s looking at you, cautiously hopeful.
You don’t say anything though and neither does she. You just lay there, side by side, and watch each other carefully for what could be seconds, or it could be hours.
Her eyes are begging wordlessly: Truce?
Despite yourself, as you gaze back at her, you find yourself giving in. For tonight at least.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
A Little Voice Told Me - Pt.2
Poly! MC Summary: Words hurt and leave their scars. MC learns this the hard way after hearing some not-so-nice whispers about them while on a date with Beel. How are they supposed to be the partner of the seven lords of the Devildom when they just don't measure up? Part 1: HERE, Part 3: HERE ***Good Golly!! Y'all really like the angst, huh? Here you guys go. Cry your hearts out and enjoy! - B*** Beelzebub woke up the rest of his brothers early the next morning. While most of them attempted to flip him off or threaten him at the initial disturbance, all it took was him saying that they needed to talk about you for them to shoot out of bed. In a matter of minutes, all of them, except Levi, were seated around the breakfast table. "If we're talking about MC, why aren't they here?" Satan asked while poking at a piece of fruit. "I don't know about you, but I personally don't feel right talking about them behind their back." Belphie scoffed and laid his head in his arms. "It's not like we're gossiping about them or anything. They were acting off last night, and Beel thought we should discuss what we're gonna do about it." Beel nodded, "They pulled into themself halfway through the night, and was upset but kept brushing me off whenever I tried to talk to them about it." Mammon huffed and crossed his arms. "Maybe they just didn't feel like they could talk to ya about it," he rose to his feet and began to walk towards the door. "I'm the first! I'm sure I can get it out of them, easy peasy! I'll just head in there and-" "Mammon, sit down!" Lucifer hissed. Mammon grumbled under his breath but did as told. Lucifer sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "We've talked about this. Stop bringing up the whole 'first man' thing. MC is in a relationship with all of us. Not just you." The second-born pouted and stabbed an egg with his fork.
Lucifer rolled his eyes at his brother's antics and looked back at Beel. "Something clearly happened during the date. Do you have any ideas at all at what it could've been?" Asmodeus stirred a swirly straw around in his drink. "I mean, I would be pretty upset if I spent three hours of my evening at a barbaric sporting event too," Asmo chuckled and smirked. "The only good thing about sports is that you get to see all those rippling muscles of the athletes in action." Beel scowled at his brother took a bite out of the omelet that was on his plate. "It wasn't because of the game. MC loves coming to my Fangol games and was having a blast with me until halftime. Something had to have happened while I was gone." Asmodeus opened his mouth to counter the statement when Leviathan came rushing into the room carrying his laptop. Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the sight, "What have I told you about devices at the table?" Leviathan shot him an annoyed look as he plopped down in one of the chairs. "This isn't about table etiquette. This is about MC," he looked over at Beel and Belphie. "I think I have an idea on what may have caused them to start distancing themselves." Everyone perked up in interest at the news; each one of them eager to know what was distressing their loved one so much that they felt like they couldn't talk to them. "Well are you going to tell us, or are you just going to sit there?" Satan quipped, his anger beginning to get the better of him as he sat on the edge of his seat. Levi gave him a flat look before he typed a few things on his keyboard. "I was doing a raid last night trying to keep my mind off of what might've happened with MC and decided to ask my party members about it," Leviathan's expression darkened as he began to explain. It was clear to everyone that whatever was said, wasn't taken lightly by the otaku. Rather than reading the conversation out loud, he turned his laptop screen for all his brothers to see. Leviachan: Gaaah! I just can't focus on the game tonight. My partner came back from a date tonight and has been acting kind of sus. There's definitely something bothering them, but they refuse to tell anyone. Ruri-Chans-Husbando: Dude, you're talking about that stupid human right? Why are you even with them? You shouldn't give a Normie like them the time of day. Waifu-Addict: Exactly! Listen, we've all been talking and you need to drop that whore. They're totally just using you and your brothers for your titles and power. The demons read in horror and rage as the chat room filled with messages from the members of Leviathan's party all saying similar garbage about you and degrading you in every way they could think of. Satan stood up and began to pace near the table as he used every inch of his self-control to keep himself from lashing out. "I want names, Levi. Who are they and why do they seem to think it's okay to talk about MC like- like that?!" Satan snarled as he curled his hands into fists. Levi tsked and crossed his arms, as Lucifer took the laptop to look more closely at the messages. "You say that as if I haven't already used my 'title and power' as Grand Admiral to have my men collect and imprison them. They're at the navy base waiting for us to get our hands on them as soon as we sort this whole mess out." Belphie growled, now sitting up and wide awake. "Get our hands on them is right. No one gets away with this shit," Asmodeus glared at the computer as though it had just dyed all of his clothing brown. "Rotten brats. They're all just jealous of stunning MC. Ugh, Diavolo, haters are the worst." Beel pushed his plate away from himself as he frowned deeply. "As disgusting and horrible as this is, what does it have to do with MC getting all quiet during our date?" A low rumble came from Lucifer as he handed the laptop back to Levi. A fiery hatred was burning brightly in his eyes as he gritted his teeth. "If a bunch of anti-social shut-ins are going around talking about our dearest MC like this, I believe Leviathan's point is that others probably are."
"Ouch. I wasn't going to say it l-like that, but yes," Levi winced and continued, "MC probably overheard people saying something about them. I mean, if people said that crap about me I'd probably hide in my room and not come out for months!" Mammon, who had been surprisingly quiet during all of this, had a very serious expression on his face. "Right, and we don't want MC to go through that. For Diavolo's sake, they've left alone to overthink this enough," Mammon stood up and headed towards the door again, Satan hot on his trail. "I'm going up to there to talk with them. Ya'll are welcome to come with, but you ain't stoppin' me." "Actually, Mammon, you're not. We should wait until MC comes to us," Lucifer interrupted. An animalistic snarl tore its way from Satan's throat as what little self-control he had snapped. Wrath incarnate lunged himself at Lucifer, grabbing his older brother by the collar of his cloak. "Are you serious, Lucifer?! You're seriously putting your stupid pride first, now?!? MC needs us!" Lucifer growled and pushed Satan off of him as he stood to size him up. "No. What they need is to not feel pressured to open up when they aren't ready! We can't make them feel like they can't come to us!" Mammon scoffed from where he stood in the back. "Oh, cause that's perfect logic! News flash, oh wise one, They ain't gonna come to us if they're thinkin' they're a burden! But you wouldn't know anything about that would you?!" Lucifer's eyes widen and he took a step back in shock at the statement. "What is that supposed to mean?" Mammon and Satan both opened their mouths to put Lucifer in his place when Beel all of sudden cleared his throat loudly. All three of the angry demons turned to snap at him but froze as they saw you standing in the room behind them. They instantly straightened themselves up gave you their full attention. The air seemed to lay still between you as everyone waited for the other to make the first move. As with almost every situation, it was Mammon who broke the silence. He took a step towards you. "MC, I was just coming to get you actually. There's somethin' we all wanna talk to you about." They could hear your breath catch in your throat as you took a step back. Panic filled your eyes the moment the words left his mouth. "O-Oh. I, um, I was actually just going to grab an apple and then head off to RAD for class. M-Maybe we can talk afterwards?" Satan frowned as you walked past him towards the fruit bowl. "MC, it's the weekend." You stopped mid-step. An uncomfortable tension filled the room as the obvious excuse was exposed. The brothers waited for you to move, to speak, to do something to give them any sort of sign for what you wanted them to do, but you just stood there, still like a statue except for the tremors in your hand. "Come on, Darling," Asmodeus spoke softly. His face clearly showed the hurt and concern that was coursing through him. "Everything's alright, I promise. We just need to talk about a few things." The brothers had thought of a number of ways you could've reacted to them confronting you. Lucifer thought that perhaps you would snap at them and distance yourself further. Mammon, Levi, and Asmo expected a few small tears followed by a cuddle session. Satan imagined a slightly more dramatic telling, like something from one of his novels, that ended him being your hero and massacring all those who dared speak ill about you. Beel thought perhaps you could talk over a bunch of comfort foods that allowed you to remain calm and feel safe. Belphie had hoped that perhaps you hadn't believed what you overheard, and the two of you could laugh at how idiotic even the idea of them not loving you was. But you, breaking down into tears, sobbing the words "I'm sorry" over and over again? None of them had expected, nor were prepared, for that. ***Apparently this is now going to be a three-part series. This part was interesting to write. I fully believe that if the brothers were in a poly relationship with the MC they would definitely bicker and argue about
who knows MC best and who had the better date whenever MC isn't around. Honestly, they probably have a score chart 😅 I hope you guys liked part 2! Keep an eye out for part 3, where MC finally opens up to the boys and we have some hurt/comfort times \uwu/ ***
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burnedbyshoto · 3 years
go the distance
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(will you) go the distance
— You’re perfectly content in life except for the fact that you are not dating Deku. When his best friend won’t help you out, you turn to the dark side to get what you want.
pairing: pro hero!midoriya izuku x bad villain!reader
warnings: 18+, nsfw, smut, manga spoilers, pro hero!au, villain!reader, ofa usage for sex lol, size difference, manhandling, public sex, slight degradation and praise, deku eats his cum outta ya pussy, big dick deku, corruption but make it opposite, deku is a pervert change my mind
word count: 12,715
a/n: well, yall already knew I wanted to make this fic a reality, so here it is for bnharems villain collab!! check out all the already amazing stories if you haven’t already. thank you to kara, sky, and jo for reading this for me because lmao im ass rn. I’m gonna go to bed because I partied a bit too hard last night.
your quirk: distortion – can make afflicted persons vision shift 6 cm to the left or right at the cost of having their own vision shift the same way
“Breaking news: We have yet another report to add to the slew of attacks this month, this comes just days after we broadcasted rumors of a villain running rampant over the city. This spate of attacks has put the entire metropolitan area at a standstill, road closures, and damaged property making it difficult for commuters to get to work in the morning. 
“Road maintenance endeavors to do its best to keep the city running, but it seems futile when these attacks continue to increase. The entire city was brought to a standstill by the mysterious villain who has still not been named, but reports show they are nothing like we have ever experienced before. 
“Where are the heroes now? Who will save us from the terror overwhelming our city? 
“Every day the crime toll continues to rise and we have no one here to protect us. The Hero Public Safety Commission assured us earlier in the week that the crime rate would go down, that the top Heroes are out there protecting our city, but if so, where are they? Is it really safe to go out anymore, who can we trust? Would you put your life in the hands of a Hero today? When they have proved our streets are no longer safe. We still have no information on what is going on, or who is involved, but we must remain observant. We will continue to report the latest news as we receive it, but for now, we must implore you to heed the warnings of the city-wide curfew that is soon to be implemented. If anyone has any information on these occurrences in the city, please send them to us or contact the police, you can remain anonymous. The safety of our citizens is what is most important, stay vigilant and don’t go out unless it is absolutely necessary. One thing we know for sure: we can no longer rely on Heroes to protect us. The streets of our once-great city are no longer safe, we are no longer safe.”
The female reporter closes her eyes, despite still being on the air, her eyebrows furrowed as she exasperatedly sighs.
“Was that good enough, Mirage?”
You look at her with a pout, your eyes then clenching shut as your lips move with unsaid words as you motion for the cameras to stop rolling. You tilt your head right and left, muttering a bit.
“Did that seem better to you this time? I don’t know, I don’t think it was scary enough...”
You open your eyes to see the exasperated reporter looking at you as if she personally sought to end you right where you were sitting.
“You are the worst villain I’ve ever encountered,” she deadpans, and you laugh in agreement.
You weren’t really a villain.
If you must put a label on what you were, you would say that you were the best PR head any hero agency could ask for. You were, after all, the top student graduate from UA’s Business Course and had been ushered into a condensed agency the moment you were finished taking your graduation pictures. 
And well, if you are actually curious about the… villainy, you would like to uphold and continue to stress that you weren’t a villain! You were just a public nuisance – like those stupid YouTubers – with the ability to garner Pro Heroes’ attention! People had no reason to scoff at what you did on the daily.
You took both of these jobs very seriously!
It was like being straight out of a comic for you!
A simple – hopefully should the heroes you’re in charge of not be stupid – nine to five job by day, and a badass, crime-committing, sexy as shit villain by night! How could anyone ever hate you for your lifestyle! How could anyone ever hate you?!
But we are all noisy people, and everyone wondered just why you became a villain because you had a beautifully stable job with an impressive salary! Why would such an amazing woman such as yourself dabble in the evilness of humanity? 
Well, you did have an answer for the public.
“Why do you engage in evil, villainous schemes?” the reporter deadpans, absolutely and utterly not being paid enough to humor you in this forced interview.
The public loved drama, pizazz, a little showmanship even from what they deemed humanities worst! So, you told the world why you chose to be evil instead of good:
“Because I want to be!” you grin, flashing a pose as you make your away from the interviewer you had very much illegally forced to interview you. “And because a hero killed my cat!’
Of course, that was a lie! Why would you ever hand over the real reason as to why you decided to become a villain! You’d be laughed right out of Japan, possibly be murdered by a horde of fangirls!
For you see, there was one reason and one reason alone as to why you decided to take your place within the villainy hall of fame. Why you chose to do more in your day outside of your already demanding job.
And that one reason was: Pro Hero Deku, civilian name Midoriya Izuku.
Now, trying not to come off as some creepy, weirdo, stalker fangirl, you could fully admit that you were in love with the stupidly large hunk of a man that debuted as an official pro a year before you graduated from high school. 
You remember how the world was finally recovering from the year-long nightmare that had ensued. To be honest, you were stupidly surprised you had even managed to graduate, given that most of schooling had become somewhat of a joke.
It had been in the evening, the clear blue sky becoming ruby red and blood orange as you made your way out of campus. The air somehow smelled of sweet hay and gasoline, but you didn’t mind. There was hardly anyone out at this time, most students had made their way home already, and the only sounds were the moving cars of businessmen just trying to get back home.
There really wasn’t any reason to suspect anything to go wrong, this was a simple daily walk back home after school that wasn’t like any other. But then there had been a loud pop, an ever louder screech, and finally, you managed to whip your head in time to see a car tumbling through the air straight at you. 
There was hardly any time to think, even less to react, and the only thing you knew was that you were not going to survive.
You braced yourself, eyes clenching and body curling, your mind screaming because this was not going to be the way things ended. But before it could happen, before the car could come down upon you and squish you like a bug under a shoe, something picked you up and you were weightless.
Waiting for an impact that never came, the tears that were endlessly streaming down your face were suddenly stopped by rough, warm fingers smoothly wiping them away.
“Hey, it’s okay! You’re safe now!” a voice says softly to you, endearingly warm and comforting. “I’m here, don’t worry.”
“Am I… did I die?” you whisper, unsure if you even want the answer, your eyes remaining closed because you refused to open them up to some angel that could confirm your death. “God, what an embarrassing way to die!”
“Oh – um, no! You’re not dead! I promise!” the voice laughs brightly, just softly enough that you believe him and not be entirely horrified by the amused reaction. Your eyes crack open slowly, just barely peering back into the world, still half praying you weren’t dead. But all you saw was green. 
Green eyes, green hair, green clothes.
You blink, once, twice, realizing only then you were staring into the eyes of a boy about your age.
He had curly hair, freckles littering his face, and eyes that easily pierced through your very soul.
Without meaning to, your breath stopped, frozen in your lungs as you were captivated by a handsome man with a curving, beautiful smile. 
“See, I told you it was okay!” he teased you, head cocking to the side as he grinned largely.
The action itself seemed to strangle the strangest noise out of your mouth as you realized suddenly and immediately that your face was burning and all you could think was:
A cute hero rescued me, a cute hero rescued me, a cute hero rescued me, acuteherorescuedme!
“Sorry about that scare! I would’ve caught that car sooner, but I wasn’t paying attention to who was around!” the green boy apologized, bowing deeply in front of you in his apology. “There’s a commotion just up ahead, so I recommend you take the next road over.”
You nod numbly, unable to conjure even the slightest hint of your voice again as he stood up to his full length. He was average in height it seemed, taller than you, but still not towering. The hero looked behind his shoulder, those big green eyes focusing onto the distance, onto something you couldn’t even begin to imagine – or see, really. He blinked and turned back to you, smile gone but the gentle aura to him remained, but now his face, his mouth, was underlined with a sense of urgency and engagement to whatever sent a vehicle tumbling your way.
“Which train do you take home?” he asked, eyebrows relaxing from his stern position, as his smile picked up again. “I’ll take you closer to your station!”
“B train,” you manage to wheeze out – unable to be the reason why he was held up but also confused as to just what he could do to get you closer to the station that was at least a mile away from here.
“Perfect! I know where that is!” he laughs for just a moment, and before you could even ask if this was going to be some escorted thing – because you definitely did not need it – his arms were fastly secured around you, and suddenly you were weightless.
A cold wind rushed against your face, nipping at your nose, cheeks, and ears, sending your hair flying around – into your mouth! Oh, you were screaming! You were soaring through the skyline, being held by some hero you couldn’t name, and you were screeching at the top of your lungs.
Making the mistake of looking down, your arms were suddenly around his shoulders, your voice growing even sharper and louder as you squeezed against his body and refused to let go. His hands, despite the gloves, were warm on your back, and his soft chuckle warming you from nose to toes as he secured his grip on you.
“I got you,” he spoke, “I won’t let you go, I promise.”
Those words don’t exactly ease you, but there’s a comfort to the genuinity to his words. You nod nonetheless, your face buried deep into his neck. The cold wind continues to whip around you, the only thing sounding in your ears is the cruel whipping wind and quiet city below.
“I’m landing now,” he informed you, body shifting in the wind, and reflexively, you clung even tighter to him, expecting the similar stomach dropping motion of a roller coaster going straight down. “You’re – ack – c-choking me!”
The knowledge of that, hearing the strain and entirely unhidden sound of him choking against the current chokehold you had on him, you released him entirely with a shriek of your own. Was it a smart move? No, definitely not because you were how many hundreds – if not thousands – of feet in the air with a quirk that could not, and would not save you.
“It’s okay! I’m fine!” he quickly said, his arms shifting around your waist as you felt your body weight drop just the smallest bit. To which your focus landed to the concrete floor so far down, and you began screaming again. He panicked just a bit too. “Y-You’re okay too! We’re landing! We’re landing!”
Soon, but not soon enough, the concrete floor came underneath your feet, and you practically felt your knees buckle underneath you. The train station behind you was practically invisible, and you felt the floor come in contact with your knees, and you collapsed onto your hands and knees. You could feel the tears streaming down your face as you wheezed and panted, unable to move from your position. 
“Hey, look, we made it!” he laughed gently, probably being said in hopes that you would feel better. (It did make you feel slightly better, his laugh was light and pretty to listen to.) You could feel him approaching you, iron covered red shoes appearing before your vision. Looking up, you saw that the young hero was crouching, his face holding a wobbly smile that was earnest, worried, and full of unspoken hope. “I do need to get back, but before I do, are you good enough to be left alone?”
You blinked your soaked eyelashes at him, still largely unable to say anything at the cute hero in front of you who had a few scratches on his cheek, right below his freckles.
“Y-Yeah, um,” you say, your tongue cotten and lead in your dry mouth. “I-I’ll be fine, I think.”
The green eyed hero nods, offering you a hand and assisting you to your trembling legs, “That’s good to hear!” he chirped, his wobbly smile becoming a grand, bright grin. “You were really brave! I was impressed!”
Now, you were an idiot at times, but even you could spot a stupid lie. Still, hearing it said with such honesty, as if this hero who was no taller than five foot eight truly believed it, made something bubble in your chest, and soon you found yourself laughing.
“No need to lie to me, h-hero,” you manage to speak between stammering breaths, “thank you for saving me, though. I appreciate it.”
You grin crookedly at him, and to your utter delight, he reciprocates it.
“It’s the least I can do. I’d offer to take you home but… I’m not quite finished yet,” he says, and you can only nod, the conversation obviously reaching its last strides. You watch as he floats up, his eyes looking at you, but somehow focused how many miles away from where he had brought you from. “Stay safe?”
“I’ll try my best,” you agree to his question, hands clasping before your lap. “Finish the job quick, hero?”
He grins, “I’ll try my best.”
You feel a breathless sort of laugh escape you as you watch him beginning to shoot back up, but a sort of horror shoots through you as you rush forward, running right after him, hands cupping around your mouth as you scream:
“What’s your name?!”
The blur of green in the air freezes, and you stop running as you see green eyes and freckles focusing back onto you.
“Deku! My hero name is Deku!”
You stop at the curb of the street, eyes focused on the sky as the green eyed hero named Deku grins one last time before shooting off at a speed probably much faster than when he held onto you. The wind blows around you, and you can only feel the heat sitting on your cheeks and the way you’re smiling as you stare after his figure that's long, long gone.
“Deku...” you whisper to yourself, ignorant to the world of commuters beginning to appear at the station. “Thank you.”
And thus came the very apparent and obvious day in which you fell head over heels for Pro Hero Deku.
Now some people called you a stupid fangirl, obsessive stalker, and sometimes, yeah, you were obsessive and weird about your slight infatuation with a stranger. It was strange, you knew that! But you also knew that you had practically no chances of ever being able to woe the man behind the image of Deku because Midoriya Izuku practically existed as Deku 24/7.
After you graduated from high school, you were put into the same agency that was currently holding Deku. Without tooting your own rom-com obsessed horn too much, you fully expected to walk in and be handed Deku’s file as his PR manager and be able to thank him for not only saving you all that time ago, but also eventually sweep him off his feet. 
But your reputation preceded you well, probably too well, because the first day you entered the office and was handed your list of three clients to work with, neither one was for Deku. Being a PR manager for heroes was hard, a job that practically held no set hours because, unlike your typical celebrities, heroes had no type of privacy or protection. They were constantly under the spotlight, being viewed by adoring fans and scornful critics. Your job served as the first line of defense for heroes against the public, and there were some heroes that were quite hilariously easy to work for because they were genuinely good.
The older PR managers typically held the quieter, easy tempered, or less combat heavy heroes. These heroes typically never had a bad thing said about them, their job was a glorified PA job but even less because there was no expected demands from the heroes they had to take in. Unless, of course, a hero wanted to do some sort of public event they hadn’t considered. 
But there were the louder, quick to temper, or the heavy combat heroes that while made you an insane amount of money, also brought you a near 120 hour work week because there was so much to do, so much to consider, so much to keep your eyes on. There was the constant slander, the people who hated the louder, quick to temper heroes because they didn’t like their attitude, completely disregarding that they had been unsafe and a liability the entire time the hero was dealing with them. The talk shows that took months to convince to allow for an interview because they heard false rumors, and so you have to practically wrestle a boa constrictor to get a measly five minute interview done. And then the combat-heavy heroes… no one would ever shut up about building damages and how this hero broke his nose while he was stealing a store! 
Not to mention having to have every single piece of social media on your phone, set to notify you whenever your clients names were brought up so that you could look at it. You’ve seen more than enough lewd drawings of your clients to last you a lifetime, enough fanfiction, and fan edits that left you with blazing cheeks and the need to never look at your client ever again. But mostly you checked each and every update because you were their first and only line of legal defense on these sorts of things.
You’ve taken down leaked nudes, fake news, and qualmed rumors and speculations.
It was hard.
So when you were shown to your desk on your first day and three files were handed to you, you were shocked to see the hero names you would be working with.
Phantom Thief
Somehow, without having yet to speak with a single one of your now current clients, you knew that you were going to have your work cut out for you.
“Good luck newbie!” the woman who gave you the initial tour chirped, clapping you on the back. “You got this!”
Good lord.
Without much to do other than reading through the three’s files, you realized that you already knew a bunch about two of three of your clients. DynaMight and Shouto were two heroes that you knew teamed up with and hung out with Deku a lot, both on-field and off-field if any of the out of costume pictures said anything. Because of their connection with Deku, you had at one point learned a bit about them.
You knew that Shouto was a crowd favorite. He was tall and sweet and a complete airhead at the best moments despite him being smart. Controversy still surrounded his character, despite all the good he did, because of the past history that was brought out about his father Endeavor and his brother Dabi. The country couldn’t figure out where they stood in terms of that reveal. Endeavor did a lot before the reveal, and continued to rise up to everything in his path despite the skeletons in his closet being thrown out for the world to see. They neither forgave him, nor hated him, they only watched and waited. Then Dabi, of course, was seen as a could-have-been version of Shouto, and many tried to ask if he was really a hero and not actually siding with the League. After all, why on Earth would he be defensive of his father too?
The public had an unmoving image of Shouto based on anything but who he was as an individual, and you decided immediately that it would be your job to fix that. He was also, after all, a dear friend of Deku, so you’d do anything.
Phantom Thief was your easiest of the three clients. A relatively well mannered man who was kind and a bit weird in a fun way. He had a great sense of self and was a reliable person on the field. He made a great hero, but you could see the way his spirit blazed with an unspoken rivalry between him and the other two of your clients. Well, it seemed like he was the best until his former self appointed rivals came into the picture, but that was hardly ever, and according to Shouto, he was way worse back in their first year. 
The greatest scandal he’s had so far in your three years of working at their agency was the one time he was lied to about a quirk and accidentally copied a woman's quirk that gave her the ability to change her cup size. Safe to say that Phantom Thief accidentally broke a few buttons on his shirt and was unable to stop civilians from snapping pictures. 
But of course, the one that had you practically crying yourself to sleep nightly for more than one reason was Dynamight.
You’d known about him the moment you looked up Deku on your phone.
They were practically a hero duo in everything but name. They were always seen doing the same things together, whether that be on patrol together or maybe getting dinner, most of their top recorded fights were done with each other by their sides. You had also learned that they were childhood friends, and you practically vibrated at the thought that even though Deku was not your client, the chances of meeting him were still astronomically high.
There was no way you wouldn’t not meet Deku!
But you were wrong, so very, very wrong.
Turns out the hero duo in everything but name meant that Dynamight refused to let Deku be anywhere near him in the agency – the very small amount of time they spent in here. The few times they were in the same room, Dynamight absolutely refused to be interrupted because that was their paperwork hour. You had only ever been blessed with seeing green curls turning the corner as Dynamight gripped your forearm, refusing to let you follow.
“Like hell I’ll let you distract the shitnerd,” he stated simply, his red eyes narrowed as he stared down his nose at you. You opened your mouth, ready to defend your not so innocent intentions. “I’m not stupid, so don’t pretend like you won’t try anything.”
Your jaw snapped shut.
Safe to say that you couldn’t do anything about Deku so long as Dynamight was around.
But Dynamight as a client was exhausting to put it kindly.
There were so many opinions and thoughts and issues and praises coming from everywhere. Hell, even the fucking Americans and westerners had caught wind of the Wonder Duo at one point and while you were well knowledgable on their opinions on Deku, the ones on Dynamight were the ones that you had to focus on now.
People still called him a villain, so many unhappy with the fact that he still screamed and cursed and threatened. There were many conspiracy theories that he was working with the long dead League of Villains. They turned their nose up at the fact that he was childhood friends with Deku, claiming that no way an asshole like him could have ever been friends with him. And of course the bullying revelation that had come out shortly after your debut. 
That had been a trip, one that had you even shocked as Dynamight approached the table in front of the media, his body calm and composed. You had watched as he simply said he owed nothing to the media, that he had already done all that he could to deserve his atonement and deserve Deku’s forgiveness. He had spoken clearly, concisely that it wasn’t any of their damn business as to what he did, and if he apologized to them, the unaffected, the ones that had nothing to do with his early years of bullying Deku, of his previous weakness and insecurity, it would be a waste of his breath. 
It isn’t to them he should ever be apologizing to anyways.
You had watched as he stood up, face calm, and hands shoved into his pockets as he stood and walked away despite the screaming reporters. You had wanted to stay longer, have your own hand in damage control, but a swoop of green came in and Deku was at the microphone eyebrows furrowed as he pointed a finger at them all and said that his past with Kacchan was between him and Kacchan only, and his decision to forgive Kacchan were his and only his.
You didn’t hear the rest, didn’t even get the option to hear the way the hero you loved defended the hero you worked for – his childhood friend.
Dynamight had grabbed your elbow and dragged you out of the room with him, the metal doors clanging closed the moment fierce green eyes met yours.
You watched in the company car as Dynamight looked outside the window, one elbow on the doorframe holding his chin; his gaze focused sharply on nothing but the passing sidewalk. Had it not been for the way the hand on top of his lap trembled, you would have thought he was perfectly okay.
Neither one of you talked about that again.
But just because you didn’t talk about it again, didn’t mean the world was the same. People claimed he brainwashed Deku, others demanded that Deku beat the shit out of Dynamight. You knew that Dynamight would want nothing to do with this, but you would stay in the office (an almost useless, empty office as most PR managers did their business at home) for hours long after you were supposed to be gone, practically arguing with someone who only existed behind a screen and didn’t even care that much – but you couldn’t stop.
Seeing Dynamight’s shaking hand had really done a number on you.
“The hell are you still doing here, eyelashes,” Dynamite asked from the dark entrance of the floor. “Go home already, don’t waste your time.”
You had startled at the initial intrusion, but you immediately relaxed seeing the smudged paint around red eyes and blond hair. You barely kept your gaze on him before turning back to your computer and continuing your argument.
“I’m not wasting my time, I’m doing my job,” you remark, eyes squinting at your keyboard because your vision is definitely blurry. “I’ll be heading out soon anyways.”
“God you’re fucking annoying and stubborn!” Dynamight barked, the heel of his hand slamming into his forehead. “This is exactly why I won’t introduce you to the fucking nerd!” 
“What?!” you shriek, suddenly looking at your client as if he had personally attacked you – and in a way he did. “What do you mean you won’t introduce me to Deku because of that?! I’ve already met Red Riot, Chargebolt, Cellophane, and Pinky through you!”
“Yeah, because they’re not stubborn idiots too!” Dynamight accuses, jamming a gloved finger at you as he begins stomping your way. You startle, your chair shooting backward as the explosion hero makes his way towards you at alarming speed.
“What are you—?!” you shriek, hands flailing about as he grabs you by the collar of your distressed shirt.
Dynamight lifts you up to your feet as if you were a sack of flour and you grasp onto his forearm.
“I might tell you that you’re the most annoying and stubborn bitch in the world, but you’re not worse than fucking Deku,” Dynamight sneers, his red eyes narrowed and stern. “I’m not going to let you meet him until you learn how to give or you’ll hurt him, and I’m not going to be part of any reason as to why he gets hurt again.”
Your jaw dropped, clearly offended, but you closed it just as fast; the weight of his words made you a bit sad, even for just a bit.
“You’re kinda cute when you care for Deku, you sure I’m his biggest fan?” you tease, grinning at the hero to which he rolls his eyes.
“Shut the hell up and go home already; it’s annoying seeing you fight a losing battle that’s none of your damn business,” Dynamight simply said, putting you back onto your feet and blocking out your desk. 
“I’ll go home on the condition that for my birthday you at least consider introducing us!” you say, unwilling to move from your spot. “I’ve been working for you for three years! You’ve kept me away for three years!”
Dynamight’s stare didn’t even shift the slightest millimeter, his red eyes unamused as you groaned in grief and annoyance.
“I’m stubborn? Have you met yourself?!” you grumble snatching your jacket and purse from the hook on your cubicle and shoving them on. “My names God of Explosion Murder: Dynamight and I am Stubborn™ but will never admit it.”
You continued mocking your long time client and most definitely friend if you dared to say so, and dragged the heel of your foot all the way to the elevator to which you were joined by Dynamight. The trip down the elevator is silent, and you keep your gaze locked on the closed doors, unwilling to even look at the hero next to you.
Soon enough, the elevator reached the ground floor, and you got ready to walk out.
“I’ll consider it,” Dynamight said as the elevator doors opened. “Also, fucking stop calling me Dynamight, Bakugou’s fine.”
He walked off the elevator with his hands shoved into the pockets of his pants.
“Thank you, Bakugou!” you shriek, your lungs failing you at the thought of finally being introduced to Deku! You hadn’t moved from your spot from the elevator, your chest hammering with the thought of getting to meet Deku.
“Don’t get your hopes up, you’re still irritatingly stubborn,” Bakugou merely calls over his shoulder before lifting his hand in a halfhearted wave before stepping out of the glass door.
That brought you back to reality just a bit and you scowled, knowing you would have to go beyond and above to prove that. 
But you see, there were many reasons to cry about having Bakugou as your client. Besides the stinkhole of his previous bullying, people just were not understanding his typically prickly exterior. You had to go head to head with reputation tarnished, had to slap fangirls away who demanded that Bakugou degrade them where they stood. It was hard to not be stubborn as not only his PR manager but his friend, and in less than a month, still plenty of time before your birthday, you had already grown irritated of the meeting-Deku-card he waved over your head.
“Mei, if I have to go any longer than this, I will die and hope I am reborn as Deku’s new guardian angel,” you pouted, chin pressed against a cold metal tabletop. Your hands being used as glove models for one of your best friends Hatsume Mei. “It’s first of all impossible getting anywhere near him with his guard dog Bakugou literally stopping me whenever I’m within a ten foot radius! And then I’m not even sure what will happen when we do meet again! Would I even be able to talk to him?!”
“Why wouldn’t you? You talk to all my babies with me! There’s practically nothing you can’t do,” Mei laughs, smacking you against your back before returning her intense gaze back to the gloves. “Deku’s uh… I actually can’t remember him but I’m sure he’s a great conversationalist! I think he helped me with the Sports Festival my first year.”
 “That was Iida,” you laugh, wiggling your fingers as Mei demanded. “You’re so bad with names and faces, I’m impressed you know mine.”
“You saved my baby, of course I remember you,” Mei turned her grin towards you, “but come on, why can’t you get with him besides this Bakugou guy?”
“Well, he’s just like Bakugou! He’s practically married to his job! Their schedules basically match together perfectly! There’s literally only three hours a day while they’re on the job that they’re not together! And that’s when they patrol their own parts of town because there’s hardly any activity they don’t need to be attached by the neck.” You explain and rant, your cheeks puffing as you stand up and allow Mei to run further tests on the glove. 
“Sounds like you gotta become a villain to woo this hero guy, huh,” Mei spoke, eyes focused on the glove as you pointed a finger at the far wall and watched as a beam exploded from the fingertip and pierced through the steel wall like butter. “Too bad you’re a goody two-shoes or else I could make you some serious villain gear and make you a fearsome villain to then prove that Hatusme Mei’s babies and creations are untouchable and the best in the world! Muah-ha-ha-ha!”
You know her words are more joking than serious, but that doesn’t stop your eyes from widening. Your body shifts over to where she was standing and you screech pointing at her and just narrowly missing setting off the laser again. 
“What’s it?” she asked, completely confused.
“You have to make me a villain!” you exclaim, rushing over to Mei, who is eagerly waiting for her babies returnal especially since it ran perfectly. “You have to make me near-invisible gear that can keep me going toe to toe with Deku until I can seduce him!”
“You want to turn evil?” Mei questions, finger pressing quizzically to her chin. “That doesn’t seem right.”
“I am definitely not villainous to pull that off, but like I pretend to be a villain so that he talks to me and we can like get to know each other!” you exclaim, you’re unable to keep from hopping up and down on your feet, your grin unfathomably bright. “It's practically a romcom in the making!”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Mei laughs, altering the band of fabric around your waist. “You do know heroes and villains hardly speak? It’s more like… ‘I’m more powerful,’ ‘No me!,’ ‘No, ME!’”
“Um, I’m pretty sure that’s not true, but whatever! I’ll figure out a way!” you continue on unaffected because this plan was genius! Especially if you had Mei in your corner?! Her recent development of not using such… steampunk designs made her creations elusive and dangerous to own. Hence why she was an extremely sought out manufacturer, by villains and heroes alike. “And if I can go toe to toe with Deku of all people, you’ll know that you and your babies are the undeniable best!”
“Hm, that is promising,” Mei agrees with a nod as she forces you around. “Is this Deku guy all that good?”
“He’s the one you made the iron soles for!” you chirp and watch as the recognition and challenge spark immediately in Mei’s yellow eyes.
“Oh,” Mei chuckles, turning away from you and looking at her pile of made babies. “This would be good.”
“So we have an agreement?” you grin excitedly. 
“Give me a month, and we’ll have your debut!”
Fuck Bakugou for thinking you weren’t good enough!
You hadn’t expected the initial phases of villainy to be quite as hard as it was, if you were being honest. The late nights at Mei’s personal lab made sure to keep your plans a solid secret, but you had to prepare for the wild range of what Deku’s quirk entailed.
There was smoke, something you were already used to working in because of Bakugou and his quirk. You’ve navigated quite a bit in his smog, and as long as you knew where you were, you would be fine. 
There was also that danger sense, which allowed him to know when things were coming – something that shouldn’t be too big an issue considering you weren’t actually attempting to extract danger onto him. 
Blackwhip was a big issue. How far or how much could you do if he even grabbed a hold of you. With sleuthing and the help of Mei having files on everyone's quirks, you were able to find information that blackwhip was a creation made of energy. Meaning that Mei was now making some type of destructing material to lessen the energy of the quirk, allowing for you to escape should he attempt to capture you this way.
Float was stopped by having most of your fights occur within a confined area, which was needed for you anyways! You didn’t need to be caught by anyone else but him! You didn’t actually need to land in jail – you would prefer to not be handled by anyone but Deku, actually.
Then of course the stupid superstrength and superspeed, both of which you knew you could handle with your quirk. You’ve been head to head with people with quirks similar to that before, and you knew your quirk was tricky enough that you’d manage to slip right past his fingers just fine. After all, you knew full and well that the Deku who took down S class villains was worlds quicker than F class villains – aka you.
You would be fine.
But today was day one, first of how many days it would take to get Pro Hero Deku, aka Midoriya Izuku to fall in love with you. 
You were dressed in a black and purple bodysuit that was definitely not inspired by Shego from Kim Possible’s costume. Your hair was dyed purple by a special spray Mei created that would be washed out by the end of the day, but wouldn’t ever give away that it was fake. You wore a mask over your eyes, and grinned seeing that you couldn’t see a fleck of color on your irises. 
And with far too much confidence, nauseating excitement, and unjustified attitude, you marched down towards your first spot, ready and adopting the identity of who you were about to become.
It was time to act. Deku and Dynamight were on different patrol routes right now, and you sent your threat, readying for the moment for the man in green to come in with the desire to stop you. With the very real threat of stealing every puppy within the tristate area being broadcasted within the area unless and hero bests you, you waited for your savior to come and stop you.
“I am here to stop your villainous acts, you villain!” a voice shattered the silence just as it shattered your heart. You looked over your shoulder to see some hero you couldn’t name standing at the other stairwell entrance with his fists clenched and ready to fight. 
You groaned, shoulders crumbling with your well hidden disappointment.
“I wasn’t looking for you!” you exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at the flabbergasted hero who was just trying to figure out what was happening. “Where’s Deku?!”
“He’s – he’s not here yet,” he stammers, eyes wide. “It’s not his day anymore to patrol this area?”
“Aw fuck!” you complain, pouting at the realization that you had messed up. “Okay, I’ll be back later, please don’t come back. Bye!”
With a small wave, you easily stepped through the door to the stairwell next to you and left, your threat empty and the hero victorious despite not actually stopping you. And unfortunately, although you had wished and prayed even, this was not the last time a screw up like this would happen.
At the threat of destroying all the cats in the area, you had another hero show up, not Deku, and you groaned and left before they could even finish their call of stopping you.
You then threatened to poison the watering system, to which you found out that Deku was held up at another major villain threat in a different city. You groaned and stomped off after that. 
Then there was the time you swore you would increase the overall temperature of the city per one degree celsius should your demands not be made. Shouto answered that one and you immediately walked away the moment you saw the familiar head of red and white coming your way.
Time and time again you kept being caught by heroes you could not care about, being confronted by no names and nobodies. It was tiring, and Mei was beginning to sigh just the smallest bit whenever you showed up to try yet again.
But you weren’t a quitter!
You would win!
This was your last attempt at getting Deku to notice you.
After threatening to wrap all the citizens in the area with a giant froot by the foot, you were almost sad to say that the heroes ignored your cry for chaos and no one had come to check on you.
You sat outside the building you used as your trap for Deku, pouting into a hot dog that the neighborhood's grandma gave you because you looked like you needed something to eat. It’s a good thing you weren’t actually a villain or else they’d be fucked, you bitterly thought as you took another bite of your food. 
It had been a month of empty, no Deku appearances, and you were going to bite the bullet and pretend to be not stubborn just so stupid Bakugou of all people could introduce you.
You kicked your feet as you sat on the staircase, humming as you watched the empty streets bend with the wind. It was quiet, beautiful, peaceful.
“YOU!” a voice shrieked to your left, and you watched a pudgy, red nosed man racing over towards you, a flash drive clenched in his hands. “TAKE THIS! RUN! DON’T LET THE HEROES TAKE IT!”
You gawked at him, feeling the small plastic device being shoved into your hands as the man collapsed at your feet. You squeaked when you heard a voice yelling stop and you bounced to your feet, turned into the building and raced in.
Your breathing was erratic, heart in your throat as you raced up the stairwell, unable to begin to imagine what the hell the information on the flash drive held. You were practically hyperventilating as you reached the floor you had come to know extremely well, and you stood near the window with shaky hands and legs.
What did you take?!
“I’m going to need that back, I’m afraid,” a low smooth voice said from behind you, and you froze immediately. Old anxiety overcome by a new anxiety, one that made your stomach flip and blood burn. 
Turning around, you felt awestruck to see the one man you’ve been waiting for… for fucking years now, really, to appear before you, finally be there. In the flesh, completely, entirely. Your jaw dropped, your gaze looking down from your clenched hand that held the USB to the way that Deku looked at you with warm eyes that were underlined with steel that made you want to drop to your knees, confess everything, and beg to be his. God, he was so fucking tall. He had only been about five foot eight the last time you had actually talked, and now he was at least a foot taller. His teenager haircut was long gone, now replaced with his curls trimmed at the nape of his neck before filling out on top – not quite an undercut. He had more freckles now, surely. His skin just a bit tanner, a scar trailing from his cheek to his jaw. You knew there were more scars, just as you knew that there were dimples when he smiled.
You wanted to have him between your legs while you begged for mercy, holy shit.
Tucking the USB into your pocket, you tilted your head as you will yourself to relax.
“I went through all the trouble of getting it... I think if I’m going to hand it over quickly, I deserve to know what’s on it, no?” you tease, your confidence coming out of nowhere while a smile spreads ever so largely over your features. Deku’s eyes widened just a bit, shock overcoming his green eyes.
“I’m sorry, but that’s confidential,” Deku stresses, taking a step forward toward you. You click your tongue, taking a step backward while grinning.
“I don’t think that’s what I asked for,” you giggle as you watch Deku’s face go through an array of emotions before settling onto one – curiosity.
“What do you want?” he asked, apparently entirely ready to discuss any and all terms and conditions with you.
“Honestly?” you reply, tapping a gloved finger to your chin as you ‘think.’ Deku, however, nods. His stance relaxing, becoming one of preparedness but not the takedown he had previously entered with.
“A date with you.”
You watch as Deku’s eyes slam wide open, his jaw dropping immediately and he stammered. Oh, how your heart soared and how you felt giddy and wonderful as he seemed to slip and slide on his own tongue!
“A-A date?!” he ends up almost shrieking, his head shaking left and right. “T-That’s a total lie! You can’t possibly – well, no! Please tell me the truth!”
But you were giddy, practically drunk off the fact that you were making the most powerful hero in the world blush like a little schoolboy. You suddenly were on the offensive, stepping towards your hero who was much larger than you with power and drive behind each step. And it must have been the way you stared him down, the way you walked towards him at blank range with such brimming confidence that Deku takes a step back. But it’s something that makes you want to laugh as the heel of his foot gets caught on a raised tile, and you watch the mountain of a man tumble to the floor.
You’re on top of him immediately, hands pressed to his shoulders, knee settling near his crotch with most of your weight so he got the idea to not do anything funny. The USB sits between your fingers, and you lean over his flushed face that looks up at you with wide eyes.
“Actually, I changed my mind, I know what I want,” you say instead, nose ghosting over his. “Everytime I decide to do something… naughty… I want you to be the hero on the case to stop me. You and just you.”
You lean in closer, so close that you could see the specks of gold in his green, green eyes.
Deku hasn’t spoken, and you’re pretty sure his chest isn’t moving as you press your breasts against his.
“Understood, De-ku?”
Your teeth tug at his bottom lip and let go as he nods.
“Good, good,” you grin, sitting up on his chest and taking the USB in your fingers and slipping it into his utility belt. “Take good care of that for me, I’ll see you next time, hero…”
You had only managed to flash a quick wave before disappearing through your usual door, hoping and praying to god that whatever the hell possessed you would continue until you reached Mei’s. It wouldn’t hit you until much, much later than you had stunned Pro Hero Deku speechless within the first meeting.
Hell, you thought giddily as you answered Bakugou’s call about how he probably just got into a bit of a messy situation, maybe you do have the potential to woo him like this. 
Thus truly began your descent as the villain Mirage.
It was quickly accepted and discovered that the moment you stepped into that costume and colored hair that you were the prey for Deku and Deku only. Most of your interactions with Deku occurred within buildings, and you used Mei’s gear to gain the final laugh each and every time to allow for you to escape. There were times, however, where you could be seen racing through the sky. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop as Deku followed after you, leaping, tumbling, and even catching you at times. 
You flirted with him heavily, allowing yourself to be caught so that you could bat your pretty lashes and press your chest against his. It didn’t matter how professional he was, how good at his job he was, Deku was a pervert – so obviously a pervert it made slipping away almost too easy.
But because you had the world-renowned, world known Pro Hero Deku as the only hero on your case, soon the small block who had to play victims to your horrendous crimes became only a small percentage of people who were watching your crimes. These near daily crimes (or inconveniences/botherings as the people on the internet say to defend you and your actions) are becoming both a worldwide sensation, and so, it took nothing for you to continue having Deku at your feet and the world chipped in. So you agreed to do interviews, forcing uneager reporters to do segments on you so that the hype behind you and Deku’s relationship grew.
You didn’t want him to leave you, not until you got what you wanted, and unless you were an idiot, you were nearly positive you were almost there.
Why would you say that?
Well, a few reasons.
The first came about a week after you had first met Deku again.
You had joyously gathered the means to create a machine to shave down an eighth of an inch of everyone's shoes in the entire country of Japan without their knowledge. You had ever so evilly explained that the point of this was to ensure that for a full day, everyone would feel off and unbalanced but would not know why.
You had said this, grinning widely as you turned around to see Deku standing there attempting to fight off a very amused smile. 
“I don’t think that would be all too evil, Mirage,” he called out to you, arms folding across his chest as he watched you set up the machine to do exactly what you said you would do.
“Mm, that’s what you say now, but just wait until you’re one of the losers stumbling around,” you say back, grinning as you turn around for just a second, wagging the knife at Deku from the distance. 
“Well, regardless, you know I can’t let you do that,” Deku laughs just slightly, and you grin, standing up.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yes, so I’m going to have to ask you to stop right there.”
You giggle.
“Make me.”
You’re not sure what happens, but there’s dodging and weaving, spinning and sliding. You’re practically wheezing from how hard you’re laughing as Deku can not manage to land a finger on you with the help of Mei’s items and your quirk. It all comes to an end when instead of dodging, you throw yourself right at him, and Deku has not anticipated that. 
His eyes are wide open and you fiercely grin as he falls back onto the floor, unbalanced and only slightly frantic. You have the knife pointed at his neck, the dull blade sitting gently on his skin.
“So, Deku,” you taunt teasingly, your teeth burying into your bottom lip for just a moment at the sight of the dark flash in his green, beautiful eyes. “Tell me one thing, or I’ll continue on with my vile plans.”
“Are you single?”
The second attempt came a few many weeks later. 
You had gathered about 75 tons of glitter bombs and were in the current process of making them one. You had plans of setting it off over Tokyo so that for practically the rest of eternity, the entire city would have glitter everywhere. The only thing is that you did have to glue the glitter bombs together because, well, no one made super giant ones.
“This is so annoying, there’s glitter everywhere, and I’m only ten glitter bombs in!” you complain to the ‘empty’ room but knowing full and well that Deku had appeared through the broken window at least five minutes ago.
“If it’s annoying to you, then shouldn’t you stop?” Deku replied and you grinned. 
He really couldn’t stay quiet, huh?
“Well, if it’s annoying to me, then that means every one of my victims will also find it annoying. Win-win situation.” you say, turning around towards him and winking. Facing back towards the glitter bombs you scowl, “stupid fucking glue gets everywhere, too!”
“Regardless, you know I can’t let you do that,” Deku said as leveled as he could although you swore you heard a laugh in his voice.
“Just try and stop me,” you reply back stone cold.
You stand up and watch as Deku stands up from the windowsill and sighs just a bit too heavily.
“Guess I have to,” he says and shoots out before you’re well prepared.
Typically, and probably in any other situation, this would have been the end. Pro Hero Deku had come at you with the speed and power as he took out any other Class F criminals, but unfortunately for him, and definitely fortunately for you that glue was EVERYWHERE.
Deku’s hand was stuck onto your arm, and your chest was glued to his stomach, and you swear you never quite got the strawberry Deku references until right now.
The perverted hero burned scarlet, his face practically simmering with heat as your body became undeniably stuck to his. You had to fight off the vindictive smirk, the practically snarling grin as you could feel something hot and heavy twitch at your hip.
“Fuck,” Deku wheezed.
“Fuck, yeah,” you grinned.
Deku could not look you in the eyes for about 10 more interactions following that, but you counted that as a win. But undoubtedly, your starred and favorite memory of it all was something that occurred just last week of the current present events.
You had stood on top of a building, threatening the entire government of stealing (i.e., cutting off) the aglet of their shoes and sweaters and then removing all the laces so that it would result in their wasted time and entire humiliation!
“I don’t think most people even know what aglets are, to be honest,” Deku said from behind you. You turned around to see that he was standing there with an unsuppressed grin. “It’s not a good enough threat.”
You go unfazed by his judgement, choosing to instead bat your eyelashes and push your hair behind your ear.
“Not a good enough threat, and yet, you’re still here?” you tease, enjoying the way pink flushes to his cheeks.
“Where else would I be?” he says, and you have to ignore the way your stomach fills with butterflies. 
“You’re not cute when you flirt back,” you deadpan, biting your tongue harshly when he says ‘hey!’ “Enough chit chat, let me kick your ass now and then do what I need to do.”
Unlike probably what is 95% of the time, you made the first move today. 
You were on the offensive, jabbing and weaving, sweeping and punching. Deku’s green eyes were nearly black as he watched you, analyzing and taking in your movements, countering them all without so much of an issue.
“I still don’t get your quirk,” Deku grunted as his hand swiped at the empty air. “Why won’t you tell me?”
“So then you can turn me in to the government who are still salty about their aglets? I don’t think so!” you say with a laugh, rolling out of the way as Deku lunges forward. “Try again, baby, I have full faith that you’ll get it.”
Deku puffed out a chuckle and lunged again, his huge gloved hand swiping at you, with nearly accuracy despite your quirk being on. But… he wasn’t exactly perfect.
Cold air hit your breast and your jaw dropped as your very exposed breast appeared before you and Deku. Pro Hero Deku had torn the breast of your costume, the costume that you purposefully did not wear a bra for because you had wanted this exact scenario to play out.
“DEKU!” you screech, pretending to be modest and covering your tit as Deku finally yanked himself out of staring at your breast and whipped around. 
“Oh my god, I am so sorry! I didn’t think that was going to happen! I didn’t even mean to look at your boob! It just sort of all happened too fast and it was very shocking! N-Not that you have an ugly boob or anything because actually I think you have a very great boob! But oh my god, I need to shut up please ignore me!” Deku spoke so fast in a matter of five seconds, and you couldn’t even tell him to come back as he sprinted away.
His ears burned red and you swore even as he was gone, you could still see the red of his ears illuminating the sky.
You laugh.
“What a perv.”
And so, we are back to the beginning.
Back to how you forced a local news channel to read your demands so that you could hopefully take your final bow as Mirage forever.
With the threat of having a machine that would make dogs bark at a frequency for hours on end until humans eardrums broke then bleed. You made your way to your typical building and hummed as you waited. 
The world outside was the same as always.
There were a few people out, a few cars driving through the street, and a few birds chirping here and there.
It was peaceful.
“Don’t you think the new reporter thing was a bit dramatic?” Deku chuckled from behind you.
You were used to him approaching like that, used to him trying to portray being elusive and cool. In your opinion, it just made him dorky.
“No such thing as being dramatic when I’m trying to go head to head with the greatest hero ever,” you respond back effortlessly. You spin on your heel and look back at Deku, who is leaning against a doorframe that he most definitely is slouching on so that the top of his head doesn’t hit the frame. “Hi, Deku.”
“Hi, y/l/n,” he says with a soft smile, one that's slightly victorious, one that makes your stomach knot in a pleasant way.
“Ah, you discovered my secret identity,” you observe, grinning as you begin approaching Deku. “Should I be scared?”
“Probably not, I don’t think I could do anything to you,” Deku sighs, pushing off the door frame and walking towards you too. “You’re pretty amazing, y/l/n.”
“Let’s prove that then,” you grin while zipping forward.
As if the both of you knew that this was the end of the line, the final confrontation, the battle this time was different. It was showy, flirty, full of spins and side steps, playing a game of cat and mouse while dodging and weaving. You laughed as blackwhip dissolved around your costume, and you frowned as he began using more of his power to get from point A to point B much quicker.
You’re not quite sure how it happened, what exactly you did wrong, or maybe Deku just finally figured out the pattern you used for your quirk because suddenly you were being tackled from behind. You shrieked as the two of you went down, his body flushed on top of you, his chest pressing to your shoulders. 
The both of you were heaving, panting, completely out of breath from the five minutes you took playing around. He holds your wrists in one hand, pinned above your head, and the other one is on your waist. You were trapped beneath him, unable to move the absolute unit of a man above you, arms and hips weak to his weight. You shoved your hips up, attempting to shift some of his weight off you, but you froze as he choked on a breath by your ear.
Your ass was pressed against something hard, thick, and hot.
Ohhh fuck.
It was happening.
Holy fucking shit.
Your breathing hitches as you thrusted your ass up again, confirming you were grinding on what was definitely Deku’s hardening cock. And once again, Deku makes the prettiest, most embarrassed gravelly grunt at the back of his throat and you feel like every strand of resistance and strength snaps.
The hand on your waist pulls you even closer against his crotch, and there's lips pressing against your neck, and you absolutely lose it. 
He kisses your neck sloppily, teeth nipping at your exposed flesh, and you grind against him, moaning and thrusting back as your body feels like it's on fire. He wanted you! He wanted you and your plan to woo him worked!
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” you keen breathlessly. “Wanted you so badly, Deku.”
“Fuck,” Deku curses, his hips thrusting back against your clothed ass with power you couldn’t fucking wait to feel. “I wanted you too. Wanted you so badly, but didn’t think – holy shit.”
His hand that pins your wrists lets go of you, and moves to grab your jaw. You nearly fucking melt as his full lips slam against yours, and you moan as his lips move against yours. There’s something indescribable about how he’s kissing you, the want, the need, the months of suppressed tension bursting through every move and curve of his mouth. It doesn’t matter to you that you’re pressed up against the concrete floor, you feel like you’ve been placed into another world, an area where you can never come back.
Your arm reaches behind you and buries into his soft curls, you tug at them as your ass circles against his thrusting hips. His tongue slips into your mouth, and you whine at the hot, wet muscle in your mouth, and it sends your head spinning. You can’t take it anymore, you need him, want him flushed against your front.
“Can I fuck you?” Deku asks swollen lips pulling away from yours, his mouth frantic and trailing kisses up your cheeks and down your jaw. “Please, I wanna fuck you so bad. Wanna fuck you on the floor and against the wall. Can I make you mine?”
You nod your head frantically, unable to come up with the words to say in order to tell him yes.  
Deku laughs breathlessly and flips you over so that it’s your back against the floor now. 
And just like you want him to, Deku comes down to reclaim your mouth. Hot, open mouthed kisses, teeth tugging at your lips and hands grabbing your waist. His hands are huge against you filling up the space between your hip and your waist without an issue. Your legs wrap around his waist, feeling entirely small underneath him, but entirely ready to be fucked by him.
His lips move expertly against yours, teeth nibbling at your lips, mouth then sucking on your tongue. You can’t keep the continuous moans from leaking out, can’t keep yourself from staying quiet as your eyes flutter open and see green eyes so dark they look black, staring down at you with the intensity of a predator. 
You were his prey, and you would present to him at the drop of a hat.
His body is hot, heat rolling off of his hero costume in waves, making you feel like you were near burning against him. And the heat between his thighs sits at the bottom of your ass, thrusting up and grinding against you so that you don’t forget even for a moment that you are making him this way. 
“I always knew you’d have such a pretty moan,” Deku mumbles as his fingers find the zipper to your costume and begin to tug it down. His lips trail down your neck, biting and nipping at the newly exposed flesh. “Knew you’d look so pretty under me, waiting to be fucked into submission.”
The words spark something within you, your eyes fluttering as your hips grind just a tad bit faster and you whine. 
“Aw, is that what you wanted this entire time, y/l/n?” Deku asks, his grin pressed against your collarbone. “Wanted to be stretched out and fucked until you can’t anymore?”
“I want it,” you gasp, your fingers burying deep into his curls. “I want you, I want it, I want your dick in me already!”
“Not into foreplay?” Deku chuckles just a bit, tongue then tracing up your neck. 
“Oh I am,” you snap, fingers finding the zipper of his own costume. “You can find out later how much I’m into it, but right now, I have been wanting you for years, and you will not make me wait any longer!”
Deku only nods frantically, and it's a mess of limbs, sloppy kisses, and clothes as the both of you strip to nothing. 
Deku’s in between your legs, one hand pressed to the back of your knee, the other gripping what you believe is his dick because it makes everything in the world freeze as you see it. It’s huge, so thick that his hand wraps around it in a nice grip, and it long, curling up to his abs, curved and veiny. 
“Holy shit,” you squeak, your cunt already clenching at the thought of taking that in. 
“Are you ready?” Deku asks, the hand on your leg moving away for a moment as he cards his fingers back through his hair. “I don’t have a condom, though.”
“That’s fine, I don't care,” you dismiss his words, eyes too focused on the flush cock in his hand. “I don’t think I’ll live after you kill me with that anyways.”
Deku laughs just a bit, his dimples flashing as he leans in and kisses you deeply. You tremble underneath him, feeling so small pressed up against him, and you mewl when you feel the head of his cock pressing between your folds.
“Put it in,” you gasp, leg lifting and wrapping around his waist, “put it in! I want you to fuck me until I can’t walk, do you understand?!”
Deku nods, and with a sense of frantic need, his hand guides his cock into you.
It feels like you’re splitting in half. The girth of his cock stretching your walls out to the max, and he’s only going in. You scream loudly, both in pain and pleasure because it hurts so good.
“Take it, baby, take me all in,” Deku pants, his hips pushing out small, tiny thrusts to ram his cock further and further into your twitching cunt. “That’s i-it, holy fuck, that’s it! You’re taking me all the way in. F-Fuck… you’re so amazing! So fucking perfect!”
Tears are pouring out of your eyes, and your nails are tearing into his back, you sob slightly overwhelmed with his cock and the absolute pleasure of finally getting what you want and it being so much better than you thought. Your cunt throbs almost violently as Deku’s cock finally hits your cervix and your eyes roll to the back of your head as he thrusts in further, lips attempting to claim yours. 
“Fuck me, Deku,” you beg, hips beginning to slam and fuck up onto his cock. “Please! I need you!”
“Such a desperate little villain though,” Deku sighs, teasingly, giving you one strong thrust for good measure. It goes a long way though, the power behind his thrust and thighs promising you a bruised ass, thighs, and cunt makes your mouth water for more. “I need you to promise to never do anything like that again and be a good little manager for Kacchan.”
“Be good and stop being Mirage, or else you won’t be fucked.”
There was no hesitation.
And just like that, Deku’s soft smile curves into a knowing, fierce smirk, and you can do nothing as his hands press to the back of your knees and he begins thrusting his hips into you. And it takes you completely out of control. 
It’s a messy, frantic dance, your body holding onto his, your lips pressing against his, desperate and needy for his, and he is basically trying to imprint his body onto yours, the concrete, and the walls. Your bodies are so foreign to each other, and yet, when he fucks into you just a bit hard, just a bit faster, you come undone, back arching and toes curling as you sob his name.
It’s overwhelming to know that he can read you this well and for you to have never fucked him before. It’s empowering to see that he likes every forced and involuntary squeeze and clench of your cunt. He loved when your nails dug into his skin, raking their existence against the plane of broad muscles and scars. 
Deku curses your name as you clench around him, his hands moving to your jaw so that he can lift your face to kiss him just so. He kisses you with a heated passion, a need that strips your entire being bare, and his hips slam so loudly against you, the slicked wetness is squelching and slapping with every grunt and moan.
In and out his cock goes, and you praise him and his cock.
You praise him for making you feel so good, for stretching out your pussy with that fat cock of his. You beg for more, and more, and more. You want every snap of his hips to send new colors to your vision, and every echoing squelch of your meeting, sloppy sexes only adds to the blabbering, unmanaged sentences from your lips. 
“Harder, faster, more!” you beg, practically wailing against his shoulders, needing him more and more. The concrete hurts against your back, but you don’t care. You don’t care if he breaks your back, it’s a fall you’ll take. “Don’t hold back! Don’t you dare hold back!”
“Fuck, you’re crazy,” Deku gasps, his sweaty brow burying into your cheek. “I won’t though, I won't. Be ready, I’m not sure if you can take it.”
Before you can snap back that you can in fact take it, Deku’s weight falls heavier onto you and the angle shifts just slightly, and your words are ripped right out of your throat for a pitched, window shattering screech. Deku fucks into you with a new power, some untapped strength as greenspark falls from his skin as he ruins you for anyone ever again.
Your voice begins to scream out, the feeling of his vicious, thick cock snapping into you, shoving your shoulders further and further into the concrete was sending your head spinning. Your body is convulsing as he fucks you with new vulgar need and strength. But before you could scream your praises, Deku’s fingers shove into your mouth, and his other hand wraps around your neck, silencing your words and noises as he fucks up into you again and again and again.
“So loud, angel,” Deku smirks, fingers stroking and pinching your tongue as saliva pours endlessly from your mouth. His voice isn’t strained however, doesn’t have any indication that he’s out of breath or ready to tap out and that nearly makes you go insane. “I can’t wait to see everything that makes you look like this… you’re so pretty when you’re getting fucked.”
Your head is spinning, the heated tightness in your core clenching and throbbing as his conquesting cock never once stops or lessens. It just grows and grows and grows. His cock twitches in you, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as he lets out a deep moan. 
“Such a good and wet cunt you are,” Deku gasps as you gag against his fingers that press roughly against the back of your tongue. Your vision feels hazy, but you feel like you’re on cloud nine as his hand on your throat opens and closes, demonstrating his power over you. “I’m so glad you went through all this hard work to get me to fuck you.”
You can’t speak, so you nod desperately, you were so happy you did this too. 
Your hips buck up into him with sheer stubborn drive to get him to toss his head back and moan, you wanted to see him unhinged too. Your eyelashes flutter, as his hands remove themselves from your face, and they move to your hips to help you out. But the building tightness and demanding need in your cunt was growing louder, hotter, completely undeniable. Your teeth sinking against his skin as you whimpered loudly, absolutely pathetically as you shifted faster, fucking against him harder.
“I-I’m so close,” you manage to moan out, and a sharp escape of air comes from his nose at that revelation.
Deku nods, his head moving so that his forehead rests against yours as he looks deep into your eyes. “I need you to look at the way your belly bulges while I fuck you before you cum, I want you to watch it bulge as you cum.”
You whimper, the strain in your neck almost insufferable as you peer down at your hastily exposed stomach, and you nearly faint at the pornographic, near-insane image of your stomach bulging with his hammering monster of a cock. And just like that, the tight heat in you snaps without a hitch, and you come tumbling down from the heights of your building orgasm. White heat and light spread through your body, your jaw slacking as you moan loudly, screaming his name as you convulse against him, body entirely limp. Deku, who was barely hanging by a strand, completely loses it when your core clenches like a vice against him. 
Hot, thick ropes of cum spurt from his cock, his heavy, shaking gasps the only thing you can hear as he fucks into you once, twice more for good measure he collapses onto his forearms above you. It’s hot, almost too hot as he lays on top of you, the sticky fluid of his cum radiating against your already blazing walls, and for a bit, there’s silence.
Deku is the first to move afterward, and you whine as he pulls his cock out of your sore, abused pussy. You make a noise of curiosity then fear as Deku spreads your legs even more open and moves so that his head is face to face with your cum filled pussy.
“What are you–?!” you screech as Deku takes a lick out of your dripping cunt.
“Fuck, this does taste good,” Deku smirks as he once again licks your overstimulated pussy and you sob. “Besides, who said we were done?”
“Everyone, this is my girlfriend y/l/n y/n!” Izuku happily introduced you to his group of friends.
“What the hell?!” Bakugou screamed, thrusting a finger at you and all you did was laugh.
So much for not being stubborn, huh.
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
“Mr. Coffee-Shop-Hotshot”
Pairing: Hikaru Hitachiin x f!reader Genre: fluff, angst, smut Warnings: jealous and possessive Hikaru, unprotected sex (wrap it up), a dash of degradation, choking, and I think that’s it lmao Summary: You’ve been dating Hikaru since high school but that doesn’t stop him from getting jealous of your coworker at the coffee shop Word Count: 4.1k words  A/N: characters are aged up!! Prompt #72 from my 1k Followers Event: “You’re Mine.”
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You and Hikaru have been sweethearts since high school. The thing is, when you two first started dating, no one thought it was going to last, seeing as how you two were literally enemies until Hikaru kissed you to shut you up. After that kiss, you two avoided each other until Kaoru tried talking to you while pretending to be Hikaru. You weren’t blind though. You could tell it was Kaoru instead of his twin. You played along until the end though, only revealing you knew it was really him until he got his point across. His point was “I’m sorry for treating you so poorly. I’m just not very good with feelings and I didn’t know how to face you after the kiss without arguing with you.” You figured that Kaoru wouldn’t say something like that unless Hikaru felt that way himself. So, you grew a pair and talked to Hikaru after he was done with the Host Club. 
“It appears I’m going to be the man in this relationship.” was the first thing you said to him, to which he scoffed at because A. if anyone is going to be the man, it’s him and B. who says you two are in a relationship? 
You just kissed him and that easily proved your point. From then on, you two started dating, to everyone’s surprise. Just because you two were dating though doesn’t mean you two stopped fighting. While everyone else has their honeymoon phase, you two went right to the old married couple stage. They weren’t ever serious fights though. One time you two argued about who had better eyes. Hikaru couldn’t admit to you that it was definitely you and you couldn’t admit to him that it was actually him, so you both claimed that it was yourselves. 
After that phase ended though, you two went into the honeymoon phase, which just confused everyone, including you and Hikaru. Suddenly, him leaving his used cup on your bedside table didn’t bother you anymore. You’ll just bring it down with you when you go downstairs. Hikaru realized that he didn’t mind you having your clothes thrown out in every other direction in his room anymore. His maid will just clean it up anyway. No harm done. 
The honeymoon ‘phase’ was more annoying to everyone than the old married couple phase. Now, instead of you two arguing who wants the last piece of candy, you two are ‘arguing’ about who gets to kiss who last. It makes everyone gag. Honey senpai seems to think it’s really sweet though. 
That was four years ago and now, you two are just as bad now as you were back then. Everyone, luckily and unluckily, decided to go to the same university. It is way out of your price range but that wasn’t going to stop your boyfriend of four years from getting you to go there. “I’ll pay off all your bills, babe. Don’t worry,” he’ll always reassure you despite your worries and nagging. You refuse to let him pay for it all though, so you got a job. 
It was actually pretty easy to nail the job, seeing as how it’s at the coffee shop where you and the gang always went for energy boosters and to study. You were already friends with the manager from going in there so much, so when you asked if they were hiring, they practically hired you on the spot. 
Hikaru didn’t like you having a job though. 
“Why do you even work here? I can pay for everything, babe. You don’t have to worry about it. So why don’t you just quit? I miss hanging out with you,” he complains every time you leave for work, when he shows up to your work, and when you come back to your shared apartment. His argument, in your royal opinion, is stupid. If anything, you see him too much as it is. I mean, you already live with the guy and have half of your classes with him. What more does he want from you?
It took him a month to finally accept the fact that yes, you will pay for things yourself, and no, you are not quitting just because he wants you to. Once he realizes that you can secretly give him free coffee though, not that price ever mattered to him, he was happy. “Okay, but I also want a free muffin,” he finally agreed. 
It was like that for maybe half a year before new problems started to arise. Your boss hired a new guy who you don’t even know the name of yet but, oh, Hikaru hates him already. “I don’t like him. He smells like too much Axe body spray and he has a weird, purple piercing in his eyebrow. And! And, he has a tattoo. A tattoo! Who does he think he is,” Hikaru complains to you while you try to do homework. He had gotten your schedule mixed up and when he went to go see you on your day off, he ran into the new guy. You weren’t surprised that he could tell he’s new since Hikaru is practically there as much as you are. He knows everyone and, of course, everyone loves him. 
Not this guy though, apparently. 
“When he gave me my coffee, it tasted off! Then, I realized, he didn’t add sugar! I didn’t say anything about sugar!” he continues to rant, making you sigh and set your pencil down. You turn to face him now, placing your hand over his and soothingly rubbing your thumb over his smooth skin. 
“Baby, I’m sure it was an accident. He’s new, remember? I’m sure he just forgot to add it,” you reassure, giving his cheek a kiss once he takes a deep breath and lets it all go in one breath. 
“Fine. I guess you’re right. But if he messes up again, I won’t hesitate to say something next time!” You giggle at this and nod your head, giving him a proper kiss this time to relax him even more. 
“Okay, baby. You do that,” you tease before going back to your homework. This, of course, was just not okay. 
“Babe, we’ve been studying for hours. Let’s take a break,” he coos, moving closer to you and starting to place kisses along your neck. You try to ignore him and focus but your boyfriend knows you too well. Knows your body too well. 
“You mean I’ve been studying for hours. You’ve just been talking and playing on your phone,” you tease, a gasp ripping from you when he sucks and nibbles on your sweet spot. You feel him smirk against your skin, his hands coming to squeeze your thighs. 
“Fair point. Makeout with me a little and then, and only then, will I study,” he bargains, making you roll your eyes. 
“Fat chance,” you decline him as you playfully push him away, making him whine loudly. 
“But baby—”
“No. Study and then, and only then, will I makeout with you,” you bargain right back, a smirk of your own coming to your face. 
“You’re wicked,” he says with a dramatic gasp and a hand across his heart. When you don’t reply or even react, he groans before finally picking up his pencil. “Fine! You better take your shirt off too then,” he snaps before focusing on his work. Most of your study sessions go like this. 
The next day at work, the new guy, Ritsu, came in in the middle of your shift. Your boss introduced the two of you once he put his stuff away in his locker, the guy seeming nervous for his next shift today. You smile at him and shake his hand, reassuring him that you’ll help him out today. He seems to relax at this, thanking you before starting to get to work. Whenever he had a question or messed up, you were right there to help him. The day, overall, went pretty smoothly you think. 
At the end of your shifts, he grabs his things from his locker before walking to the front with you. “Do you need a ride home?” he asks as he walks over to his motorcycle. You smile at him but shake your head, taking your phone out of your pocket to check your messages. 
“No, that’s okay. My boyfriend is picking me up and taking me out to dinner. Thank you though!” you reply with a sweet smile, Ritsu flashing you a smile back as he climbs onto his motorcycle. 
“Okay, good. I didn’t want you walking home alone at night. I heard there was a robbery a couple of roads away from here,” he explains as he pulls his helmet on. 
“Oh yeah. It was at the corner gas station. That’s so sweet of you to think of me though. I’ll be sure to let you know if I ever need a ride!” you thank once more. He nods as he turns the vehicle on, bidding you farewell with a salute before pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road. 
You check the time and see that you have a few minutes until your boyfriend gets there. Luckily, he seemed to have left early because, within the next minute, he’s stopping right in front of you. “Well, hello there, good lookin’. Do you need a ride?” he playfully flirts. You hum and pretend to think about it as you walk over to his window. 
“Well, I don’t know. Are you going to show me a good time?” you playfully flirt right back. He hums as he happily lets his eyes trail over your body despite your hideous work clothes. He didn’t seem to mind them though. 
“Oh, you have no idea, baby. Don’t tell my girlfriend though.” You scoff as you burst into a fit of giggles, lightly hitting his arm before going to the passenger side. 
“Well, that depends. Am I prettier than her?” you reply, batting your eyelashes at him as you slide into the car and pull your seatbelt over your body. He hums and nods his head, putting the car in reverse as he replies. 
“Oh, most definitely. She’s like a fat cow,” he jokes, making you scoff and hit him again. 
“I don’t think your girlfriend would appreciate you saying such things about her. What if I decide to tell her what you said about her?” you argue, crossing your arms over your chest as if you’re mad at him. You know for a fact that he’d never cheat on you. You always tease him that he’s too obsessed with you. ‘I love you! I’m not obsessed with you! There’s a difference!’ he’d always argue to your joking jab. 
Before he can leave the parking spot, he stops the car to look at you with this new glint in his eyes. “What if I eat you out so good that you can’t even remember your own name, let alone mine?” he whispers right into your ear, his tongue licking around the shell of your ear. You let out a shaky breath, not expecting his sudden change in this little game you two were playing. 
“I doubt you’re any good,” you sass, it lacking the power that you want it to have. He pulls away from the side of your head to make eye contact with you again, his eyes shining with a newfound lust. 
“Well, I’ve only ever been with my girlfriend, so it’s possible. You should hear the way she screams my name though. She’ll cum three times from my mouth and fingers alone before I even give what she really wants inside of her,” he says lowly, your eyes moving to watch his lips as he talks. You press your legs together, already starting to feel arousal bubbling low in your gut. 
“Is she any good in bed?” you decide to ask, bringing the attention off of him. You wait for him to say something along the lines of ‘no, she’s horrible’ but it seems he decides to stop playing your little game all of a sudden. 
“She’s better than good. She sucks me off like I’m a popsicle and she just got out of the desert. She’s always so desperate to unravel me but I never do only because I know it works her up even more. She then starts acting like a brat, trying to get her way. We both know that’s just her way of annoying me to the point that I punish her. Mmhm, her screams sound so good when her face is shoved into our mattress,” he replies, his voice dropping an octave or two. You gulp at this, feeling your panties dampen with your slick. 
“No wonder she’s your girlfriend,” you whisper, your throat suddenly too dry for your liking. He only hums before continuing with his driving, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it once you two get on the road. 
“What do you want to eat? I’m kind of in the mood for Mexican,” he says to you as if he didn’t just make you so horny that the only thing you can think about is having him inside of your mouth instead of food. 
“That sounds fine,” you say softly, trying to think of anything but that. He smirks at the way you sound, which is slightly wrecked, and starts to head in the direction of a Mexican restaurant that you two like. That night ended, of course, with him deep inside of you and grunting out all sorts of deliciously dark things into your ear. 
Things continued on like normal for a while. You went to work but didn’t get to work with Ritsu again for a week, so Hikaru never ran into him again. The day you did work with him though, he seemed to be struggling more than usual. So, when there was a break in customers, you decide to ask him what was up. 
“Sorry. I got into this fight with my girlfriend, Mei, this morning,” he explains, a frown hanging heavy on his face. You nod your head, only too familiar with that feeling. You and Hikaru don’t have serious fights a lot but you, obviously, have them just like every other couple. 
“It’s okay. I understand. Do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can give you my opinion or some advice?” you offer, wanting to help him feel better. He thinks about your offer for a moment before sighing and giving in, starting to tell you everything that had happened that morning. You two occasionally pause to help a customer but always end up focusing back on his situation. As a woman yourself, you look at his story from her point of view and figure out what might be the cause of her frustrations. 
“Okay,” you say once he finishes his story, “I think I see what the problem is.” You then tell him what you think and what he should do to mend their relationship. After hearing your advice, he realized what he did wrong and gets so excited that he hugs you. 
“Thank you so much! It all makes sense now! No wonder she was so upset! You’re seriously a lifesaver! I owe you one!” He hugs you tightly, making you giggle and return the hug. 
“It’s no problem at all,” you reassure. You two pull away when you hear the bell ring, automatic smiles coming to your face to greet your new customer. Your eyes widened when you saw your boyfriend instead though. A very angry and brooding boyfriend at that. “Babe? What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t going to be here for another hour?” you ask confusedly, walking around the counter to give him your usual hug and kiss. 
His eyes are on Ritsu though. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Do you not want me here? Am I interrupting something?” he snaps, his eyes squinting at Ritsu as he says this. Your brows furrow at his words, stopping in front of him and dropping your arms since it’s obvious that he’s not going to give you a hug. 
“What? Well, I’m working but—”
“Oh, sorry to bother you then. I’ll let you get right back to it,” he snaps, turning his glare to you before leaving without another word. He doesn’t stop or turn around when you call after him either, making you sigh as a frown comes to your face. 
“What’s up with him?” you mumble, trying to think as to why he would be mad. That’s when it hit you. You hugging Ritsu? Did that upset him? But why? You hug guys all of the time. Well, not all of the time. And then again, they’re his friends too or your family. You snap out of your daze when the bell jingles again, signaling a new customer. You sigh and go back behind the counter, smiling and greeting the customer happily. Guess you’ll just have to talk to him about it later then. 
When you get off work and you get back home, you find that Hikaru isn’t home. You think back to what he was telling you yesterday, remembering him telling you his plans for today. You check the time on the microwave before looking at your fridge for any notes. He doesn't have any plans right now that you are aware of and he didn’t leave a note telling you where he was going or when he’ll be back. Maybe there was an emergency? That just makes you worry more though.
You let it go with a heavy exhale, trying not to read too much into it. You don’t have to know where he is every second of every day. 
You go to your bathroom to take a shower and get the smell of coffee off of you. You end up accidentally using his body wash though, the smell of cinnamon and ginger filling your nostrils. It’s not your favorite but it’s what he’s been using for years. He pulls off the smell really well though. 
You step out of the shower and wrap yourself up in a baby blue towel, leaning against the sink to look at your skin in the mirror. After applying some lotion to your body to make you feel extra nice, you leave the bathroom. You stop at the door though when you find Hikaru sitting on the bed, his feet still on the floor and his hands hanging between his knees. Now you’re even more concerned. Normally, he would’ve jumped at the opportunity to take a shower with you but now he won’t even look at you. 
“Hikaru,” you call out softly to him, seeming to bring him out of his daze. You walk over to him and come to stand in between his legs, making him sit up straighter. His eyes glaze over your bare collarbones and neck, something spurring to life in his eyes as water droplets cascade down your soft skin. 
“You’re mine,” he says suddenly, his eyes snapping to yours. Your eyes widen a bit at this random declaration, your brow raising curiously at him. 
“What?” is your brilliant reply to him. You gasp when he stands and switches your positions in a flash, the back of your knees hitting the bed before you fall back onto it. You gape up at him, your hands clinging to the front of your towel. 
“You heard me. You’re mine!” he growls, his hands snagging your towel away from you before you can even attempt to stop him. His eyes wander your body, a dark look in his eyes as he takes his sweet time admiring your naked body. 
“Hikaru,” you breathe his name, goosebumps crawling over your flesh. He hums in response, one of his knees coming to the bed so he can lean over you, his fingers starting to trace random lines and patterns into your skin. 
“That’s right. Say my name, baby,” he coos, his fingers coming to tweak your nipples. You moan his name in response, back arching up into his hands. He watches you with attentive eyes, not daring to look away from your lewd expressions or wet hole for even a second. He loves how quickly you react to his touch, your body always craving his as much as his craves yours. “Who do you belong to?” he asks as he crawls completely over you, staring into your eyes as he lets his hands crawl down your body. 
“You,” you whisper breathlessly. 
“Who?” he growls, suddenly shoving two of his fingers into your drooling heat. 
“You, Hikaru!” you cry, back arching when he slips a third finger in. He hums lowly as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, scraping the pads of his fingers against your g-spot to get you really moaning for him. 
“That’s right, baby. You’re all mine, now and forever,” he whispers before pulling his fingers out, making you whimper. He brings his dry hand up to your throat, squeezing it lightly as he stares into your eyes. “Shut up! Dirty whores like you don’t get to cum until I say so,” he hisses, not letting your neck go as he uses his other hand to remove his pants and boxers. “‘M gonna fill you up, remind you that you only belong to me,” he mumbles, his hand frantically trying to pull his member free. 
Your brows furrow at this as you bring your hands up to his chest. Before you can question him though, he starts to push into you. You both groan in sync as he slips inside, your eyes rolling back into your head for a moment. You forget about his words for now, your brain only thinking about the way he feels inside of you. 
He just barely bottoms out before he’s already pulling back to thrust back in, starting a frantic pace. You moan his name loudly, your nails lightly scratching his chest, causing him to hiss. He keeps up the frenzied pace, your breasts bouncing with each thrust. 
You both cum almost at the same time, Hikaru finally giving you permission to cum after denying you your orgasm over and over again. He keeps true to his word, pushing deep inside of you and coating your walls white. He stays inside of you for a while, his chest heaving as he tries to get air back. He slowly releases your throat, and instead brushes his fingers against your cheek. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, his eyes shining with regret. You’re confused for a moment, thinking that that’s some of the best sex you’ve ever had. Then you remember his words from before, how he kept saying you’re his and that no one is going to take you from him. 
“What’s going on, my love?” you whisper, still a little breathless. He looks away from you, starting to worry his lip between his teeth. 
“Don’t leave me for him,” he whispers, and if you weren’t just a couple of inches away from him, you wouldn’t have heard it. He pulls out of you then and moves to lay beside you, putting his back to you. 
“What? Hey. Hey, look at me,” you say worriedly, pushing yourself up onto your elbow as you use your free hand to gently trace random shapes into his back. It takes him a minute but he eventually turns onto his back, staring at the ceiling instead of you. “What’s all this ‘leaving me’ talk about? We’ve been dating for years, Hikaru. Why would I want to leave you for someone else?” you ask with furrowed brows, starting to run your hand through his hair to help soothe him. He leans into your touch, his eyes finally meeting yours. Despite your reassuring words, he looks scared, worried. 
“What about Mr. Coffee-Shop-Hotshot? You seemed to like him a lot,” he grumbles, his mouth turning into a scowl just at the thought of the man. You can’t help but smile at how jealous he is, your heart swelling with the amount of love you hold for the man before you. 
“You dope, he was asking me for advice about his girlfriend. That hug happened because he was thanking me for basically saving his relationship,” you inform, a smirk on your face as you watch the realization come over his face. 
“Oh,” he squeaks out, his face turning sheepish and red. You snort and move to lay your head down on his chest. 
“You’re such an idiot. You should know by now that you’re the one for me, idiot and all,” you tease, gently rubbing his chest and abdomen. He huffs and wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly to him. 
“Whatever. As if you wouldn’t get upset if I was hugging another girl,” he accuses. 
“You act as if another girl would even come near someone as ugly as you,” you tease, obviously joking. 
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