#i have encountered it so often by now over the course of 2.5 years it has started to sound natural to me
dummerjan · 2 years
an idiosyncrasy i see in english subs for so many thai shows is the use if the indefinite article when saying to take care: 'take a good care' i find it so charming and am so curious why that is
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scorbleeo · 1 year
Book Review: Attachments
by Rainbow Rowell
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Source: Google Images
It's 1999 and the internet is still a novelty. At a newspaper office, two colleagues, Beth and Jennifer, e-mail back and forth, discussing their lives in hilarious details, from love troubles to family dramas. And Lincoln, a shy IT guy responsible for monitoring e-mails, spends his hours reading every exchange.
At first their e-mails offer a welcome diversion, but the more he reads, the more he finds himself falling for one of them. By the time Lincoln realises just how head-over-heels he is, it's too late to introduce himself.
After a series of close encounters, Lincoln eventually decides he must follow his heart… and find out if there is such a thing as love before first sight.
ISBN: 9781409120537 (2012) | Source: Goodreads
A No For Me
I wonder, if I had read Attachments at its peak or when it was first published, would I have find it cute too? I hope not, but I don't really remember what kind of reader I was so many years ago. Now, I definitely do not find this romance cute, not even a tiny bit.
Reading Attachments pissed me off more often than not. It made me so confused in terms of how I felt about the book and the reading journey. For example, I hate Lincoln's obsession with Beth but any other time? I freaking love that man. That was pretty much how I felt the whole time reading this book, I might love the character but then they go and do something and I just hate loving them.
I started out liking Beth actually. Jennifer was the one who irritated me because what was her deal with the "pregnancy scare" when she refused to get a kit and take the test? But those feelings changed very quickly. I liked Jennifer a lot more after I started knowing her. On the other hand, the second Beth started gushing over her cute guy, I had no reason to like Beth. I don't care how neglected she was in her relationship with Chris, the way Beth gushed and obsessed after her cute guy was a form of emotional cheating I will never accept. That form of emotional cheating was lowkey reaching cheating. Personally, Beth is red flag walking.
There was also those email exchanges about Emelie. I understand there's a slight difference in today's society and the society when this book was published. So, I try not to fault this bit on Rowell's writing. Of course, that does not mean I have to like or accept it. I hated it. I hated how those women were belittling Emelie on things she had no control over. I hated that upon reading those emails, Lincoln looked at Emelie with similar lenses. I might have let it slip if Emelie was a mean one but she was such a sweet person and it was horrible reading about them bullying her.
Really, the romance part of Attachments is the part I hated about this book. Other than that, I actually enjoyed my time. I loved reading the book when Lincoln was doing anything else that does not revolve around Beth. Otherwise, it's weird and downright creepy. Reading those emails, I can accept. Following someone home? Big no. I just cannot imagine how was this a cute story.
If Attachments ended just as Lincoln caught Beth's eyes in the theatre, I might not have disliked this book as much as I did.
Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (2.5/5)
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queerlifevents · 2 years
Entry #1:
I often find myself drifting into the dark corners of my mind when I think about the next intimate encounter I have with my gf. We haven’t been together for very long but every time we cross over into sex I avoid being on the receiving end. It’s not because I’m a “touch me not” or anything like that. I just struggle with being that intimate with her. I enjoy pleasing her immensely yet when she hints at it being “my turn” I wanna just crawl into a hole. The few times she’s tried to please me have resulted in me breaking down in tears completely. Something in me just breaks. The frustration of not fully knowing what’s “wrong” with me stays in the back of my mind as she tries to help me climax. Of course, with no success and I feel horrible and empty.
“How can you know how to please others and not yourself?”
A question that echoes loudly in my mind.
“How did I get to this point?”
Well, it kinda starts back with my previous relationship of 2.5 years. I was with a man and had intentions of marrying him but there were several glaring issues that kept me from being truly happy with him. The main two being our sex life and disrespecting boundaries. The man I loved and viewed as my best friend over time became someone that I started to despise.
Any issues and concerns that I tried to bring up were often thrown back in my face. Any time that I’d try to open up the conversation for him to voice any concerns he’d say “no, I don’t have/can’t think of any”. However, that was far from the case. As soon as I made a critique about something he’d done that really bothered me he’d start listing the issues he suddenly now has with me. After a while , I’d simply shut down when things bothered me or get angry. It felt like the only time he really “listened” was when I’d cry. The conversation would typically end with him apologizing, saying he’d do better but his actions routinely feel short of any real change. I tried countless times to explain to him how things made me feel but it felt like talking to brick wall. Any boundaries I tried to set like no nudes or not asking my mom for my hand in marriage before meeting everyone in person were broken. The latter turned out to be my final straw with him and again, he’d say that he didn’t see what the problem was or just get angry because I’m not “over it” yet even though he apologized. Even after the split, I still tried to be cordial with him but boundaries STILL weren’t respected. It took me months to realize that once he couldn’t get what he wanted from me, he would block me on social media. Only to resurface sometime later to start the same bs again. It was always under the pretense of just wanting to catch up with a friend. Only after realizing what was happening, did I actually block him on everything. I’m sad to admit that it wasn’t until after meeting my gf that I could delete the pics of him and I together. Why not sooner? The reason is simple. I was over being with him romantically but I had a hard time letting go of our friendship. It takes me a VERY long time to trust people so to lose someone I’ve known for 3 years hurt like hell.
Honestly, given my “new” inability to receive pleasure from my gf, the sex turned out to be the biggest problem of all. It started off as fun and passionate (despite me not orgasming) yet slowly turned into me feeling like a sex doll. He would orgasm but never really asked me if I was okay or if I needed more time to orgasm. I remember breaking down in tears immediately after having sex and telling him that I felt empty because my pleasure wasn’t really ever considered. At this point, we had been together for a year. I definitely shouldn’t have waited so long to tell him that but he was the first guy I had been that intimate with and I was afraid of hurting his feelings. Eventually, those emotions did boil over and I think that was the beginning of the end of our sex life. Over the course of the next few months, we tried to spice things up with different positions and a couple toys here and there but nothing really worked for long. I think that this took a huge toll on his confidence. To the point where, he couldn’t “keep it up” or orgasm at all. I started to feel even worse about things and internalized it as being completely my fault. It got to the point that I avoided sex and him for weeks or months at a time which wasn’t hard to do because of our hectic Army schedules and we didn’t live together. He would make little comments or jokes about how long it’s been since we had sex. It had gotten to the point where we would argue about it. I just felt trapped. Fortunately, my time in the Army was coming to an end and I used my degree plan as a way to get out of the relationship without him realizing what the real reasons for me ending things were.
Fast forward a year and some change later, I met my gf. She’s literally the best thing that’s happened to me since I left the service and now I’m afraid of pushing her away because of my issues having sex. She often tells me that it’s ok and we don’t have to have sex if I don’t want to. “I like spending time and connecting with you whether sex is involved or not.” I want to fully believe her when she tells me this. I REALLY do but my ex said something similar too and I saw how much it destroyed him not being able to please me over time. I’m just scared that she’ll eventually leave me or I push her away because I can’t figure this shit out. Even just writing this makes me feel like an emotional wreck. If anyone has any advice on what I should do that would be incredibly helpful.
- M
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the-darklings · 4 years
yooo!!!! that 2nd part to the vampire au was soooo good, i think you should at least make one more, just saying. also, loved how you included more of john in this one!
𝙑𝘼𝙈𝙋𝙄𝙍𝙀!𝘼𝙐: 【01】| 【02】| 【2.5】| 【03】| 【3.5】|
wc: 4.1k 🤡
“The situation in the East keeps escalating,” the man beside you speaks and you listen silently, not letting any emotion show at his reproachful tone. “Camorra’s power keeps growing. The more treaties they establish, the more creatures they recruit into their ranks, the more their power peaks. You and Johnathan must stay focused. The High Priest says that this war is just beginning.”
“We are focused, Winston,” you say and wince when a jolt rushes through your body. Walking is painful and even with the mild warmth of the sun and gentle breeze brushing against your skin, a bead of sweat still trails down the back of your neck. Your back feels raw and inflamed but you fight not to let your discomfort show. “John has been away for two weeks dealing with the werewolves and—”
“And your little incident was deemed as a failure,” the older man cuts you off, glancing your way as his hands fold in front of him. “The Camorra Devil…honestly. What were you thinking? You’ve been told not to use the Holy Text. You’re lucky it was Charon that found you and not one of the many foul things prowling those streets.”
You huff a breath, clenching your jaw. “I'm aware. What was I supposed to do? Let the Devil drain that girl?”
“One human life is not worth your life,” Winston says sharply, his eyes narrowing. “You and Johnathan are the only Holy Hunters of your generation. You fail to realise your own importance.”
Stronger, faster, smarter, and with prolonged lifespans. You are not supernatural but you are hardly human either. 
You are neither. You are both. 
Your and Jardani’s names are known wide and far and being considered a legend before your death comes with a certain amount of scrutiny. Expectation. 
Something the High Priest, The Adjudicator, nor Winston ever fail to remind you of. 
“I thought the Holy Church protects all. Cares for all life equally.”
Winston’s head slants, the look in those old eyes knowing. “The Holy Church cares for the bigger picture. Which, at this time, is winning this war.”
He steps ahead of you and you watch his dark robes in the sunlight as his fingers brush over the rose petals. 
The Prayer Garden is in full bloom. It’s a site of reflection, of prayer, of hope and atonement. 
But the sickly sweet scent of flowers makes you dizzy so you try to slow your breaths, focusing on the man before you instead. 
“You will track down the necromancer again and remove him,” Winston states after few minutes of tranquil silence between you. “And once that is done you will return to the church for your Remaking.”
It slips out before you can stop it and your mouth snaps shut, a sting of regret following right after. Winston twists to face you, his eyes narrowed, and he pointedly glances around the garden, making sure that no one heard your slip up. 
At the church, there are no questions, only obedience. The will of the twelve priests and especially the High Priest himself is to be followed without questions or doubts. 
And their will is that you are not ready to use the Holy Text. That you need to undergo Remaking often—at least twice a year, if not more—and do so without question. Despite the agony of having to lay down on that cold slab of stone and feel the Holy Text being recarved into your skin anew. 
You’ve learned long ago how to stop the tears and the screaming. Not when you know that the High Priest’s hands will not be gentler for it. If anything, the blades always cut harder, more intently, and whether it’s to encourage or quell the anguish has always been beyond you. But the way the man always traces his work as if in reverence after never fails to leave you feeling dirty and used. 
It’s unfair that you have to go through it over and over again when Jardani hasn’t visited the catacombs in years. 
They say it’s because your power is less stable than his. That the Remaking simply keeps that potent holy power in your veins flowing freely so it never fails you. 
Yet it always makes you feel the opposite. Usually, you’re left feeling heavy and aching with pain for days after. Muffled somehow. 
Winston gazes at you for a long moment before nodding his head. “Come with me.”
You, as always, follow him without question and the priest is mute as you approach a more secluded area of the garden. Few wander here, and if they do it’s for reflection only.
“You have a fierce heart,” Winston begins and you blink, trying to focus on his words. “It burns right out of you. And while it makes you special, it’s also your greatest enemy. You feel too much. Want too much.”
His brief glance at you is telling enough. 
Winston has never spoken his suspicions out loud but you know he’s always suspected that the nature of your relationship has long since changed.
“Don’t bother. The less I know the better.”
His words are hard as the look in his eyes and your gaze lowers. 
He knows that if anyone found out the punishment that would befall you would be terrible. Brutal. So he doesn’t ask. He won’t risk it. 
Silence follows again and you swallow heavily, blinking at the heat of sun against your face. Gods above, even with your lightest clothes, you can’t help but feel like you’re cooking in your skin. 
Your back is twinging with dull pain and you silently curse the vampire prince for the thousandth time. 
Every since your encounter with the Camorra’s Devil, the prince has been appearing in your sleep every night. 
It’s been two weeks of him haunting every second of your slumber. 
Every night you escape by breaking out of his grip and every night he makes it harder to do so. He’s testing you, you know that. Seeing just how far that power in your veins can be pushed. 
He drives you near insane with his silky whispers and promises of joy and pleasure and power. With every sly suggestion and accidental caress. He never oversteps and that, perhaps, makes it even worse. You want to hate those green eyes. 
But he’s found a way to burrow himself deep under your skin. He marvels at your abilities, always eager to see more—as infuriatingly alluring as he is arrogant.  
Every night you awaken from your feverish dreams with your skin slick with sweat and your back aching. The Holy Text seems to itch for hours after, and the only way to suppress the raging fire in your veins is to submerge yourself in a tub of freezing water for at least half an hour. 
It’s gotten so bad that you see him in every dark corner now. Catch glimpses of his green eyes everywhere you look and hear a whisper of his voice in your ear wherever you go. However hard you look, however, he’s never actually there and you know that he can’t be. He is breathtakingly powerful but even he would never risk coming into the beating heart that is the Holy Church itself.
“Are you listening to me?”
You blink, snapping out of your thoughts and find Winston frowning at you, his lips twisted into a dismayed line.  
“What’s gotten into you lately?” he questions briskly, the heavy furrow of his brows telling a tale of his subtle worry. “You haven’t been the same since—”
“Your Holiness.”
Your address interrupts Winston’s shrewd words and you bow to your waist, gritting your teeth at the flare of agony through your back muscles. The High Priest, or The Elder as some still refer to him, expects nothing less. As one of his Holy Hunter’s you only have to bow your head, others have to get on their knees before the man. 
Something deep down in your chest scratches and snarls as you stare at the ground, your head ringing.
Do not bow to him—
A hand touches your chin, raising your head and effectively banishing the distant voice that sounds too much like the green-eyed prince from your head. 
“My child,” the man utters, his voice soft. You keep your eyes lowered respectfully but he raises your chin higher and you focus on him only, overlooking the familiar raven-haired man behind him. Even if your heart yearns to look at him. It’s been two long weeks without him after all. “It pleases me to see you out and about once again.”
“I apologise for any worry caused.”
The High Priest brushes his thumb against your jaw and something in your gut twists. 
Winston and your Jardani are quiet and you don’t dare to look away from the man before you. His white robes billow in the faint breeze, adding to the sounds of nature and trees.  
The man inspects you for a long, solemn moment, unblinking.
“I hope this can be a valuable lesson to you, my child,” he says, and there is just enough ice lacing his voice that it feels like one of your blades scraping against your throat. “My words are to be heeded. Always.”
Your heart hammering in your chest, you only manage to dip your head in small a nod. “Yes, Your Holiness.“ 
The man finally releases your face and you try to mask you relief. 
“Good,” he mutters, his dark eyes piercing. “I assume Winston has informed you of your next course of action?”
He doesn’t wait for your reply, his voice stern but tempered, “You will hurry with your task and then return for your Remaking,” he continues, pausing on the last word and something shifts in those dark depths just for a second as he scrutinises you. “I need my Holy Hunters strong and pure. This war will get worse before it will get better.”
A manic laugh almost bubbled out of you there and then. 
Pure. What a joke. If only he knew about the wicked, sinful things you and Jardani do in the folds of the shadows. If only he knew how your bodies tangle together till you can’t separate your edges from his as you drive each other to ecstasy. Smothering every whimper and moan and sigh, stealing and hoarding every moment between you out of fear that it might be your last. 
There is nothing holy about what you two do in the dark. Or perhaps you’re wrong. Perhaps the holiest thing about either of you is how you share each other. 
Because there is divinity to be found in the feeling of his mouth on you.
“Come, Winston,” the High Priest calls out, his gaze finally moving away from you and towards the older man. “Johnathan has returned with some interesting information regarding the werewolves. The Table must hold council.”
Winston dips his head graciously and the High Priest glances at you again before looking behind him where your Jardani stands clad in black. He’s like a storm could, an ink stain, marring a perfectly happy scene. 
“Do not disappoint me, my children.”
A warning if you’ve ever heard one, even if his voice remains amiable. 
You know better than to doubt its sincerity though. 
You both bow as one, and force yourself to speak the monotonous oath out loud, “I have served. I will be of service.“ 
You don’t look at each other the entire way back to the Northern Building. 
The Holy Church has massive, sprawling grounds with several buildings all blessed to withstand attacks from the darkest creatures lurking throughout the land. You doubt even Giovanni D'Antonio with all his endless, monstrous power could break through the wards etched into the very air here.  
You and Jardani keep easy, meaningless conversation as you pass other members of the Holy Church. Nuns and priests and healers. Forgers of weapons. Other hunters. Just human. Ordinary apart from being trained. 
You and Jardani are a different breed. Standing apart from everyone else here. 
You’ve managed to keep your relationship a secret by never giving anyone any room for suspicion. Except for Winston, clearly, but that man always had a gift of reading you both like an open book.
The Northern Building is special for one reason. That reason being that the entire structure belongs to the Holy Hunters and no one else. 
Of which there are only two in this generation.
You keep several feet distance between you, partake in dull, meaningless conversation that won’t catch anyone’s attention the entire way there.
But the moment the doors close you slam into each other eagerly, your hands greedy and desperate as you tangle in each other. 
Your back hits the door and you hold back a wince of pain as he kisses you with enough passion to stall your breathing. His warm sigh tickles your lips and you moan into his kiss, tangling your fingers in his raven strands. The heat between you, the tingle of pleasure that comes from simply kissing him, manages to dull the pain a little and you melt into his embrace. 
Your dark shadow. 
Gods above you’ve missed him. So very much. 
“I heard about what happened,” he whispers against your mouth when you part for breath and his thumb strokes down your cheek. There is a brief second in which his touch gets replaced by a man with cold eyes and eerily calm voice but you shake it immediately. “I worried. Are you injured?”
His other hand rests against your lower back and you ignore the pain that touch brings, focusing only on him. You lean forward, pressing a kiss against the corner of his mouth. 
“I’m fine,” you reassure him and tug on his hair, delighting in the familiar gleam in those dark pools. A desire for you. A flame that never stops burning no matter how much he insists that you shouldn’t do this—shouldn’t touch or kiss or fuck like the world is seconds away from ending. But he can’t deny you. He can never deny you. “Missed you,” you add because it’s true. 
His expression softens, the impassive man fading for your eyes alone. “I missed you more,” he tells you softly and lays a careful peck against your lips; fleeting and tender.
But you don’t want fleeting and tender. 
Your nails drag against his neck and his expression strains under your deliberate coaxing. 
“Jardani,” you hum quietly and kiss his jaw, pressing into him. “My Jardani. My umbra mortis.“ 
“You’re upset.”
You still. “I’m not.”
“The Remaking—”
Your voice is an icy, shaky exhale. Jardani just looks sad but a shadow lingers across his expression, too. He hates seeing you suffering. But this isn’t the outside world, he can’t kill those that would harm you. All he can do is wait for when you are brought back from the ceremony, swaying and delirious, and too weak and drained to do anything for the next three days. All he can do is hold you as you sob into his chest after, begging him to never let them touch you again even though you both know that there is no other choice. He doesn’t bother making you promises he can’t keep.
He touches your face then, your foreheads almost touching. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s agony, Jardani. I can’t—”
His fingers smooth over your hair, his expression dark, distant. “If there was another way…”
Your smile is bitter. “But there isn’t. I must obey or they will force me. And if they ever find out about us they will kill me or banish me—”
“No,” he cuts you off and this time his voice is lower, harsher; practically a growl that rumbles from deep within. “I would never let them hurt you. I would kill them all.”
You cup his face, desperate to have him closer. “I hate it here, Jardani,” you confess in a wet whisper. “This place is a prison. I feel like I'm suffocating here. Have been for years.”
He kisses your cheek and then again, trailing up. Your brow, forehead, nose; a handful of caresses at the time. Lastly, he kisses your lips, dragging you to him carefully and you hold onto him. Your shadow and sanctuary and home. 
“I will find a way,” he vows quietly against your quivering mouth, his voice a deep rumble. “I will find a way, moy svet.”
My light.
His mother tongue rolls off his tongue effortlessly and you shudder at the dark, reassuring blanket those words wrap around you. 
You kiss him again—all teeth and hunger and fingertips seeking his heat—and with his strength he picks you up easily, your legs wrapping around him soundlessly. 
You don’t make it to the bedroom.
You awaken in silk. 
You’re so used to it by now that for a handful of seconds you don’t stir, simply lying there. 
He isn’t beside you. 
A surprise.
He seems to delight in watching your expression when you wake up with him hovering near or trailing his fingertips down your arm. Once you woke up with his arm partially curled around you, holding you close, practically against his chest. 
You punched him right in his smug face. 
A downside of this being the dream world is that no real damage could be done. It still didn’t stop the swell of satisfaction you felt at the way his head snapped to the side, clearly haven’t had expected an attack even with his finely honed predator instincts. 
Or perhaps he simply didn’t see you as a threat. 
Or trusted you enough to lower his guard which was a thought you had banished the second it came because it was absurd. 
You had felt self-satisfied until he laughed, grinning widely, his cheeks dimpling. 
“You’re a delight,” he had purred and his lack of wrath had been as surprising as realising how appealing his smile is. “Now imagine what you could do with an immortal’s strength, hm?”
But he is not beside you this time. 
Your head slants and you find him sitting a little further away from the bed, bathed in the beam of light coming from a window overhead. 
It takes you a moment to realise what he’s doing. 
He's painting. 
A brush between those long, graceful fingers moves lovingly like he’s taking all the care in the world to make sure that whatever he’s trying to capture is done so to perfection. As if not one mistake could be afforded. 
At least this time he’s not naked. 
It took you a few visits to realise that you come to the dream world dressed in whatever you had fallen asleep in. 
Though the realisation that the vampire prince sleeps naked between his silken sheets had warmed something in your blood. 
“My mother was a great lover of art,” he begins conversationally, still focusing on his work. You sit up deliberately, watching the ripple of his back muscles as he shifts in his seat, facing away from you. “Personally, I never saw much appeal in it. Just a bit of paint on canvas, you understand? That changed after she met Eternal Death. There is indeed something, hm, extraordinary about creation in such a form.”
Your bare feet touch the floor and your fingers grip the edges of the bed as you observe him silently. 
From this angle, you finally get a glimpse of what he’s working on. 
It's you. 
But not.
The woman depicted on canvas has your features. Your lips and nose and hair and colouring but—
But your eyes are something else. They look like they’re raging from within even though your expression is captured as calm and composed—almost empyreal. Your gaze is strong, consuming, sensual and fierce. It demands to be looked at. Respected. Admired. 
He’s painted you as you could be, you realise numbly, an immortal like him. 
His head turns towards you when you stand shakily on your feet, your fingers gripping the side of your nightgown tightly between your fingers. 
The vampire prince eyes you with a slight twitch of his lips as light plays across his tanned skin and wild curls. 
He’s dangerous.  
For the first time, you feel that understanding settle deep in your bones but—
“Do you not like it, amore?”
“I want to leave.”
If you didn’t know any better you would say that he looks disappointed at that. But it’s gone in a blink, whatever it is, so you can’t be sure. 
“You are free to leave whenever you please, bella,” he tells you dismissively, raising the brush back between his fingers. “Don’t let me stop you.”
Brushing past him, you let your fingers clench, trying to pull on the power in your veins. 
“I don’t want to come here anymore,” you bite out, glancing at him over your shoulder before turning to face him fully. “I'm done playing your games.”
Santino’s head tilts, humming in consideration, and it’s hard to think of him as a vampire—the enemy—when he looks so breathtaking in this blinding, warm light. When he looks so approachable, almost normal. 
“Hm. You are exceedingly attractive when angry,” he notes with a sliver of a smirk, peering at you curiously and the green of his eyes is piercing. “What other angry words are you going to bestow upon me, hm? I do so admire a sharp tongue.“ 
His attention transfers to your mouth and you scowl at him. 
”Enough, Santino.“
It slipped out. 
You’ve always addressed him as “D'Antonio” or “vampire” but never by his given name. 
His smirk disappears instantly, something stuttering across his expression; a flicker of emotion you don’t quite understand passing over his features. 
“Say it again.”
You don’t think you have seen him sound or look quite so serious.
“My name,” he utters, his gaze burning. “Say it again.”
Forcing oxygen into your lungs, you breathe a deliberate, vicious, “Santino.”
He’s in front of you in a blink and fear is not the reason why you step away. He stalks closer, his lips parted and you see his fingers form loose fists. 
It’s an order and your lips press together when your back kisses the cold stone of his room. 
This isn’t real, you try to remind yourself, it’s just a dream. But one’s mind has the power to make things real. The Dream Realm is just as powerful as any other reality. 
His hand braces next to your head and you stare at each other for a halted breath. 
His body is tense, coiled, his attention focused solely on you. With the light falling from behind him, it looks like a halo is caressing the crown of his head. He resembles an angel even if you know the devil lurks beneath.  
He leans closer and you exhale forcefully, your lips parting. 
“You,” he murmurs softly and you feel his fingertips brush up your bare arm, making goosebumps explode across your skin. “Are more dangerous than sunlight." 
You force your suddenly dry tongue to work. "I thought… that the sun doesn’t affect a pureblooded vampire like you?”
He’s close enough that you can feel his breath against your lips. 
Not real. Not real. Not real—
“No, it doesn’t,” he agrees lightly under his breath, the velvety promise of his lips brushing against the edge of your jaw. “Ah, but it’s very good at something else, bella. Can you guess what that is, hm?”
His lips part against the curve of your jaw, a puff of air tickling your skin, and your head tips to the side, his large hand coming to grip your hip. You’re not sure which one of you he’s trying to steady. 
His nose slips down, dragging against your skin and he freezes, inhaling deeply. A low snarl erupts from deep in his chest and he nuzzles against your neck intently. 
Through the dizzying haze, there blooms confusion, but then you remember the fact he can no doubt smell Jardani on you. Maybe even scent you earlier lovemaking. You would be surprised if the intensity of it didn’t leave a mark.
“It’s very good,” he hisses against your ear, his breath prickling against your skin and his fingers flex against your hip. “At making us weak.”
Choking down a gasp, you try to pull back but he ducks his head against your neck again, his lips pressing a featherlight kiss against your fluttering pulse. 
“They’re lying to you,” he reveals in a hoarse whisper when his head lifts and your eyes clash. He looks ravenous, wild. His eyes are more black than green. “You are so much more than they’re trying to convince you, amore. Let me show you. Let me." 
His grip on you constricts. 
You blink; once, twice, and bare your teeth at him before promptly snapping the tether between you in half.
There is a glimpse of fury before you are dragged back to wakefulness. 
You fly up into a sitting position, your skin damp and throat dry. 
Every inch of you tingles made only worse by an acute ache between you thighs. 
an: hahaha…….i’m in trouble :) also apologies for any mistakes. one edit only and done at 2:30am ayyyy. hope you enjoyed jfghfdg please don’t try and ask me why i’m actually trying to build a world/lore/plot because “i’m stupid” will always be the answer jhdfg. also I just really dig the feral/dark vibe of this AU so *shrugs*
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dndaddyissues · 5 years
im new to DMing, and while i seem to have gotten the hang of most things well, im super confused when it comes to running battles (especially when theyre my own monsters) how do i balance a battle? how do i tell how many enemies/how much health per enemy = fair for certain amounts of players? is there a chart or resource somewhere you know of, or is it all intuition? (bonus question: how long should normal and boss encounters last irl time wise?) thanks so much!
thanks for sending me this question! this answer is particularly huge… you have been warned. 
as usual, here’s the tl;dr:
- for an easy to moderate challenge, have the same (or fewer) number of enemies as there are players;
- for an advanced challenge, outnumber the players;
- lower your enemies’ AC to something that your players can hit 60-70% of the time;
- in exchange, buff your enemies’ HP;
- feel free to fudge hit points whenever you want;
- utilize the “minions” mechanic from 4th edition;
- for boss battles, introduce special bonus actions, reactions, and villain actions;
- combat usually lasts 3-4 rounds: plan accordingly;
- ask yourself: why is this combat happening? what narrative/dramatic and character stakes can i introduce?;
- and have fun!
i want to preface my answer by saying that i don’t enjoy easy combat – unless played for laughs/comedy, or used to foreshadow something plotwise (like a goblin scout’s death alerting the goblin horde at large), i hardly ever throw an easy combat encounter at my party.
so, the following advice is given with challenging the players in mind – either moderately, immensely, or impossibly. i guess i’m just a big sucker for jim murphy/matt colville-style DO OR DIE challenges. otherwise, what’s the point?
another preface: this answer is given in the spirit of avoiding the “slog” – the combat encounter where it feels like baddies and PCs are just stepping up to the plate, whacking at each other, and stepping back down. that’s boring. and boring combat is the worst. sometimes it’s unavoidable – we all have our off days, nothing wrong about that – but the less that it happens, the more fun that everyone has! right?
now, on to the answer itself!
first of all, i’ve already written an answer to an ask a little while back about combat that might be useful to you. click here to read about how to make more action-oriented monsters, especially for boss battles and random encounters that you want to feel significant and deadly.
second of all, here’s the 5e CR encounter calculator i used to use all the time. it’s extremely intuitive and has toggles for number of players, level of players, monster CR/EXP, and how difficult encounters would be rated (easy, medium, hard, deadly). 
third of all, i never use that calculator anymore.
over the course of the 2.5 years i’ve spent DMing 5th edition, there are three main things i’ve learned that can drastically increase, or decrease, the difficulty of a combat encounter. they are: # of baddies, armor class, and # of hit points.
regarding # of baddies. due to how the action economy in 5e plays out, the more creatures there are on either side of a combat, the bigger the advantage that side has. it’s just kind of how it works. so, an easy way to bump up the difficulty: throw more monsters at the players than there are players.
the one soft exception is boss battles. personally, i fucking LOVE having just ONE, super badass, super hard to kill, hardcore boss that the party gets to face down during crucial turning points in the campaign. it makes me feel like i’m running fucking Dracula in Netflix’s Castlevania against some lovable and deadly dumbasses. it’s great. it’s fun. it’s thrilling. to make bosses as challenging (and therefore rewarding) as possible, i highly recommend reading the ask i linked earlier in this reply. (click here for the link again.)
now, i say it’s a soft exception because i like giving my bosses minions. i basically utilize the 4th edition (i think?) “minion” mechanic where the AC, bonus to hit, and damage of all minion creatures are the same as regular versions of the creature. the only difference is, they have 1 HP. 
this can give the PCs the awesome feeling of wading through waves and waves of minions – say, dozens of zombies, as an evil lich cackles upon their raised stone dais 80 feet away. i don’t utilize this too often because then it can feel tiring to the party. but done sparingly, and with narrative stakes, it can be quite thrilling! (that maxim is also true for basically any kind of combat encounter in D&D.)
regarding armor class. obviously, the higher the armor class, the harder the challenge. if you can’t hit the damn thing obviously you can’t kill it. i personally like to pitch the AC of my enemies a liiittle bit lower, to increase my PCs’ probability of hitting. the exact number of the armor class will depend on your players’ level.
as a super general guide for players at level 3, 10-13 is easy, 14-15 is moderate, 16-17 is challenging (heavily favoring 17), and 18+ is very challenging/almost impossible. 
just so you know, i generally set my enemies’ ACs for a level 3 party to be 13 for less important creatures, and 14 for more important creatures. i’d probably set the AC to be 15 or 16 for a mini-boss, and 16 or 17 (if i’m feeling cruel lol) for a boss.
obviously, this scales as your party levels up, finds magical items, and gains special features and boons. i would scale the difficulty by 1 when they hit level 4 and get an ability score improvement, and then by 1 every 2 levels or so.
in other words, at level 4, i’d consider an AC of 11-14 to be easy, 15-16 as moderate, 17-18 as challenging (heavily favoring 18), and 19+ as very challenging/almost impossible. and by the time your party is levels 12-16, AC can often feel like it doesn’t freaking matter anymore because they’ll be able to hit, like, fucking everything. anyway.
there’s some nitty gritty mathematics about this if you like to get granular. this is a good video about dice math, armor class, and calculating advantage mathematically if that sort of thing interests you.
regarding # of hit points. honestly, i fudge this most times. because i like to scale my AC on the lower end, in exchange, i make my creatures fucking FAT. like, i’ll look at their stat block in the monster manual, and add 30-50% to what they already have. sometimes i’ll straight up double or even triple it.
for example, the spectator normally has 39 hit points, but i gave my spectator ~100, because it was a miniboss. i did, however, keep its armor class at 14 because that meant my players, at 3rd level, would be able to hit it 60-70% of the time. this strategy of mine tends to work out, because my players are usually able to dish out a LOT of damage per round. (we have a barb, a fighter, and a warlock in the party lol.)
something i did in the spectator fight, that i wish i didn’t do, was stay faithful to the number of hit points it had. the barbarian ended up killing it with a rather anticlimactic attack. i know for certain that my warlock, which was next in the initiative order, had this SUPER cool and character-relevant attack planned. what i would do differently, is keep the spectator alive just long enough for my warlock to do their cool fucking move, and have that move kill the monster.
and now for the big takeaway. combat, for me, is all about giving my players a chance to shine, be badass, utilize their class abilities, and be creative. just like any other aspect of d&d, such as roleplaying and exploration, combat is an exercise in collaborative storytelling (for me, at least).
i rarely introduce combat that doesn’t tie into an A plot, a B plot, or a side quest that the PCs are chasing. i don’t have anything against random encounters – in fact, i ran some RE’s in the second-most recent session – but what makes combat fun for me as a DM is the fact that it advances story, and potentially deepens the players’ understanding of their character.
so, before you throw your players into a combat situation, ask yourself: why? how can i make this narratively dramatic – and not just a slogfest?
bonus answer: most combat encounters will struggle to last beyond three, maybe four, rounds. especially if there are an equal or fewer baddies to the player characters. however, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. in fact, if combat went on for five, six, seven rounds, it can begin to feel like… well.. a slog.
so make the most out of your three, four rounds, and make each combat encounter unique! how about an environmental challenge? slippery ground, swinging axes, pools of lava, a sudden earthquake, a portcullis dividing the party, water filling the room.
or roleplay/plot-related challenges? maybe there’s a circle of mages attempting to summon a demon that are protected by enchanted suits of armor that the PCs need to hack through. maybe there are hostages. maybe there’s a powerful magical artifact that the baddies and PCs both want, and the challenge in the combat lies in who can most deftly and efficiently maneuver through the clockwork maze protecting the raised dais the item resides upon.
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maklerkassel12-blog · 5 years
Lengthy Expression Treatment Insurance Principles
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Health care costs and very long-term treatment expenditures are one of the largest issues now for a lot of people. Lengthy-term (LT) care insurance policy can aid defend you against the substantial fiscal possibility posed by the opportunity require for extended-phrase treatment companies both in a nursing house, assisted-dwelling facility, or in your own house. These policies can help you maintain your property for your spouse and/or heirs. They are procured for asset protection, to limit the dependence on other family members members, and to have some control of in which and how you will obtain prolonged-term treatment products and services. LT care goes further than health care and nursing treatment to incorporate all the aid you will require if you have a serious sickness or incapacity that leaves you not able to treatment for you. The US Department of Health implies that folks age 65 encounter at the very least a 40% life time threat of moving into a nursing household sometime in the course of their lifetime, and ten% will continue to be there 5 several years or for a longer time. The odds of moving into a nursing household improve with age, and currently 22% of men and women age 85 or more mature are in a nursing dwelling. Although more mature persons are additional possible to will need LT treatment, your need for it can appear at any age. The typical value of a non-public nursing household space is about $70,000-$seventy five,000 for each year. These expenses range substantially based on what element of the place you live in. The standard continue to be in a nursing residence is in between ninety days and four several years (ordinary is 2-2.5 yrs). Added benefits are commonly induced when you won't be able to conduct two "actions of day-to-day living" these kinds of as bathing, feeding oneself, dressing, getting from bed to chair, and likely to the toilet (and the problem is envisioned to last at minimum 90 times). Benefits can also be induced if you establish extreme cognitive impairment (like Alzheimer's). Usually are not I previously covered for this? No. Usually Medicare and most normal overall health insurance coverage options will not cover long-term treatment costs. Medicare supplemental insurance coverage (Medigap) also usually does not address LT treatment expenditures. Who should obtain LT treatment insurance policies? Who should not trouble? Rich men and women (with property in excess of $3M) that can afford care on their individual ordinarily never want to get LT care insurance policy (they can mainly "self-insure"). For a incredibly rich relatives if they are compelled to are living in a nursing residence for 3 yrs at $seventy five,000 per 12 months the whole price tag of $225,000 will not wipe them out. Some prosperity folks buy LT treatment insurance policies anyway for the peace of thoughts and for emotional motives. "It will allow loved types to treatment about you alternatively than caring for you" suggests Jesse Slome, government director of the American Association for LT Treatment Coverage. These with little property (underneath $300,000) also are not great candidates for the reason that they probable cannot afford the coverage anyway, and they have a smaller volume of belongings to defend. Medicaid may get in excess of protection soon after they have fatigued their belongings (dependent on the point out). Folks in the center in terms of wealth are superior candidates for LT care insurance coverage. Men and women who have no family nearby that could help choose care of them typically think about LT treatment insurance policies. One persons who have kinfolk close by and really don't truly treatment about leaving an estate could not want/want LT treatment insurance policy. If you have a relatives history of very long-expression incapacitating ailments like Alzheimer's, you ought to feel about this variety of insurance coverage (and more time duration of insurance policy) simply because all those kinds of conditions often lead to persons to need LT treatment for several yrs. When need to I acquire it? At what age? The normal range people today acquire this insurance plan is amongst ages forty five and 70. The premiums enhance as you get older (and are so extra likely to end up in a nursing residence). The premiums start out to boost specifically as you get about the age of 60 and are quite highly-priced at age 70+. If you really don't have a spouse and children background of continual health problems and you are in very good wellness you can most likely hold out till you are all around 55-60 several years outdated to purchase. What are the variables that ascertain how a lot my LT care protection will cost? What are crucial things to look at when buying for a coverage? 1. Duration of coverage (this can range from just a few yrs coverage up to unlimited or lifetime). Provided that the regular nursing household continue to be is ordinarily only a few years, life span coverage is possible far too a lot for most persons and is pretty highly-priced. Typically 2-6 several years of protection is enough. two. Elimination period of time. This is equivalent to the deductible on other insurance insurance policies. Your LT treatment plan does not commence spending out for a sure amount of times. This elimination interval is normally thirty-90 days. 3. What specifically is protected? Expert care and non-expert treatment lined? Does it protect help at property? Assisted residing? Adult working day care? Does the plan need a clinic stay just before this (home treatment) gain is available? Are pre-existing conditions excluded from protection? Is Alzheimer's included? Most procedures exclude protection for some psychological and nervous issues, alcoholism, drug abuse, and treatment immediately after self-inflicted personal injury. 4. Amount of money of coverage for each working day? The larger your each day benefit, the better your premiums. Common quantities included are $100-$two hundred/day of prices. The average price tag of a nursing dwelling is all over $200/working day. five. Inflation altered or not? This is vital and makes a massive variance more than prolonged time intervals. It also enormously will increase the price (and worth) of the coverage. Is the inflation security "compound" (raises by a established percentage every yr) or "uncomplicated" (increases by a set dollar sum just about every calendar year)? Compound inflation security is better. six. Is the policy certain to be renewable? Can you proceed getting protection as long as you pay back your rates? 7. How and when (soon after 90 times?) are premiums waived once you get sick? eight. Do you want a "shared care" joint coverage with your partner? These value a little bit a lot more than a solitary coverage but let either of you to use the total positive aspects. These guidelines are considerably less expensive than two unique insurance policies purchased independently. 9. How fiscally steady is the insurer? Check out the scores at A.M. Best's web-site. Several prolonged-expression treatment insurers have absent out of small business. Stick with remarkably rated providers (rated at the very least "A"). 10. Your age is a major component that establishes how high priced the plan will be. Other points to take into account? Make guaranteed your policy clearly describes when you will be qualified for protection and how your eligibility will be established. Make selected you know particularly what is and is not lined. Are dementia and/or Alzheimers covered? These LT care insurance policies are generally really intricate and have so several various choices that it is tough to get an apples-to-apples comparison across diverse corporations. Only purchase as significantly LT care insurance policies as you need to have. Some insurance policies organizations have been able to raise the rates on existing insurance policies more than time, and there isn't much you can do about it. It is quite challenging/highly-priced to improve insurers or guidelines as soon as you have had a plan for  Multiple Sklerose Versicherung many many years (mainly because you are older and a even worse insurance possibility). Customers fundamentally dedicate to an insurance provider and a policy for lifestyle. Claims are generally a judgment connect with. Do you actually qualify for advantages now? Will your insurance enterprise shell out up when you want it? The insurance company decides whether or not or not they will shell out for the care. You might not be making use of your plan for ten-twenty a long time. What will happen to your LT treatment insurance organization by then? Will it nonetheless be monetarily strong? What will take place to the US health care method over the up coming ten-twenty decades? It is absolutely sure to change considerably. Will there be universal health care by then which will involve LT care? How substantially will nursing households cost in ten-20 decades? How significantly will health care know-how improve over that time time period? There are plenty of uncertainties bordering LT treatment coverage in excess of such a lengthy time period of time. How significantly does it expense? This insurance is high priced, specially for folks in excess of age sixty five. It is hare to give figures for the insurance since the policies have so numerous variables. A nutritious fifty nine 12 months previous particular person can buy a coverage that pays $one hundred thirty/day for five many years of protection with a 5% inflation protection rider for about $one,one hundred fifty a calendar year. The similar policy for a 65 12 months previous may possibly pay closer to $two,000 per calendar year. Some more thorough insurance policies with inflation security can value a sixty five yr old as a lot as $four,000 for every 12 months. Premiums count on your age, health, and marital standing (less costly if you are married).  
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deathsmallcaps · 5 years
A talk about Haru
I know a bit about cattle (I live next door to a farm), and the lovely Kayla and Ellen’s @staytogetherpodcast often talks about how the characters resemble their animals in personality and such. So I just thought of some stuff that might interest them and other Fruits Basket fans. This is a bit spoilery (and maybe a little biased) so watch out.
The animal spirit is called an ox. An ox is a male who had finished growing and puberty before being neutered. (A steer is different - it’s done slightly before or during puberty, and they are more even tempered for males. Some people do use the terms interchangeably). That means yes, they do get a little more agreeable, and easier to manage, but they also were pumped full of testosterone once upon a time. So they are actually a bit more stronger (which is why they are used for plowing, etc.), harder to handle, and darker in color.
Darker because testosterone makes their fur turn dark brown/black in most if not all types of cows. Cows can be black but males are darker in breeds that aren’t always completely black. Haru turns into a Holstein (the basic black and white type), so it isn’t as apparent.
The darker the bull is, the more virile and attractive. Which may explain Dark Haru’s more open sexuality.
So I think it’s interesting that his more basic personality, Light Haru, acts more like his animal spirit than Dark Haru does. Light’s more gentle,etc. Was Dark originally developed as his more human side, and then maybe Takaya refitted it into the story in a different way? Idk.
Cattle can be extremely dangerous. The only animal more involved in human death (in America. Mosquitoes are even bigger problems in places with malaria) is the deer. True, we as a country interact with deer and cows more than, say, an anteater, but it doesn’t change the fact that cows are dangerous animals.
The mothers are fiercely protective. I think they beat bears in that sense (though bears can kill cows irl). Depending on the type of farm you live on (factory vs homestead etc) a cow may attack you if you even touch her baby. Assuming she gets to keep the calf, of course. (Dairy farms often take the baby away as soon as it is born so they can milk the mother and make sure there is no bond. This leads to socialization issues for the calves).
Bulls are more easily provoked, due to their testosterone running their brains. But in my inexpert opinion, you’d have better luck with some bulls than a lot of mom cows.
Cattle have hard heads that weigh at the very least fifty pounds. They also have horns. You can get impales and whacked out of the way at the same time. The average small cow weighs more than 500 pounds. They can easily crush your bones. The round bellies are more from their four stomachs than obesity, though they do have a good layer of fat. Possibly worst of all, they can kick their back legs in almost any direction. Horses pretty much just go straight back, but a cow can kick you sideways. And while they only have one row of teeth in the front, their back munchers could bite your fingers off.
So Haru should probably be broader, but his height makes sense. I do think he’s taller and less skinny than the other characters. I realize it was Takaya’s Art style, and all of the male characters eventually become long bois and do fill out near the end.
He is also really good at fighting so there’s that.
Cattle give off a lot of heat - even when they aren’t all fuzzy and long haired like those highland cattle, they are often (not all breeds) comfortable in 40F (five-ish Celsius) and often stand outside in the snow. That doesn’t mean you should leave them in the elements, of course, but they’re tough animals.
Which kind of makes me laugh because Haru is always wearing a jacket and he should be over-heating.
Cattle drink a shit ton of water. One gulp is probably about 2-3 liters. Haru should be chugging all day.
Cattle are like the opposite of horses, with wide barrel bellies, narrow-ish shoulders and hips and butt that slants like a roof in New England. They are hard to ride bareback. They must’ve put a lot of effort in keeping Yuki on top of Haru lol.
Cattle are also very curious, intelligent, mischievous and playful. Even the mamas, when they are heavily pregnant, will still kick around some. Anything they can lift with their horns/head? It goes flying. The steer next door likes to drink half his water (his tub holds about a hundred gallons so it’s huge) and then flip it over to dump out the rest, just so he can knock it around his field. Then he complains very loudly about dying of thirst. he understands consequences, just doesn’t care about them.
His mother was very tricky. But that’s another story.
The steer (his name is Moo, used to be little moo when he was a calf) has horns, and likes to go around to plant life (mostly weeds, because that’s what his owners allow him to play with) and just rip that shit up. He swings his big head around when he gets excited, and when he’s very excited/surprised he bucks around in a circle, just like his mother did. he likes to sneak up to windows when its dark outside and press his nose against it, so when you look out the previously unoccupied space to see a large face smearing itself against the window (cow noses are often wet because they lick themselves and eat their own boogers) at 11:00 at night. just to see you scream and act all surprised about it.
(some friendly cows like to pretend to be scared)
When a cow encounters something new that isnt easily identified a s a threat, they circle it and snuff it and its very cute.
So Haru trying to get a rise out of people just for kicks is very true to cow behavior and I love it.
Cattle are also extremely loving and bond easily. When Moo was born, the only other cow he’d ever seen was his mother, and he was surrounded by miniature goats. So for the first year and a half of his life (he’s 2.5 now) he genuinely thought he was a goat and tried to play with them, even acting like he didn’t enjoy the rain to fit in. Unfortunately for Moo, goats are extremely family based and exclusive of other beings who aren’t related to them/bring them food, so he wasn’t accepted by the goats. (Female Goats are basically a clique - if you try to introduce a doe they don’t know, that doe is shunned most of the time [and often the loners do not band together] but they try to stay with the herd.)
This may be why Haru is so protective of others, like Yuki and Rin, etc.
Unless you anger a cow, they will probably not hurt you on purpose. Cruelty is really only a human/maybe cat thing and sometimes, your foot was just in the way and they didn’t see it. A lot of them don understand how truly large they are. 
Cattle have rough tongues like cats and use them to groom themselves and each other. Moo loves almost everyone he meets, and gives them hugs with his neck (if you stand at his shoulder he’ll curl his neck around you, which is great because then you an hug him back) and stinky, slobbery tongue baths. 
When a cow is grooming you, their already large, round eyes get really wide and they look very sweet and blissed out.
I bet Haru likes to groom people.
Anyways, thanks for reading! I think a good amount of this kind of explains Haru, Also, if for some reason you read this without ever hearing of the Stay Together Podcast, you should check it out! It’s funny and well-thought-out and you can really tell that the hosts are re-enjoying the story. 
If you have any questions about cows, goats, chickens or horses (though I am the least knowledgable about those) let me know!
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theinquisitivej · 5 years
‘Avengers: Endgame’ – A Movie Review, and a Reflection on Endings
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Endings are rarely the definitive final word.
A person’s story can come to an end, but the stories of the people around them and the world they live in carry on, even if that one person isn’t there anymore. That realisation conjures up a whole tangled mess of emotions, but it is the natural way of things. It’s not right to want everything to end with you. In life, we make the most of the time and energy we’re given, and if you make enough right decisions, get lucky, and dedicate enough of yourself, you’ll hopefully get to go with the sense that you did okay, and that those you leave behind are going to be alright. Endings in fiction are as infinitely variable as any other feature of artistic expression, but in narratives with expansive casts or fleshed out worlds, they often leave us with the feeling that we’d only have to stay a little longer and there would be more stories to explore. Just as the real world is bigger than any one lifetime, successfully-established fictional worlds feel much larger than any one set of characters and their narrative.
         For the last eleven years, audiences have enjoyed a series of blockbusters featuring an impressively varied range of stylistic approaches. At their best, these films are deeply satisfying and affecting, delivering poignant moments about characters coming to terms with their own flaws and trying their best to do the right thing. But when considered together, these films have never entirely felt resolved, with each one going out on a lingering note of “just wait for what comes next”. The story was never over for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, because another film was never far away. And now that the grand conclusion has finally come and $2.5 billion worth of us have watched and re-watched it, things are just the same as ever, and yet we’re at a moment that we’ve never seen before and are unlikely to see again for a long time. We’ve reached an ending of the story that begun with Tony Stark and his box of scraps in that cave in 2008. The story is over. But there are more stories to come.
Yes, there will be spoilers ahead. But I say again: this film has crossed over the two and a half billion dollar mark. I’m pretty sure if you’re reading this, you’ll have contributed your drop or two to Marvel’s bucket. So let’s talk about the movie.
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         I appreciate the efforts of Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely as screenwriters, Joe and Anthony Russo as directors, and the input of every person involved in deciding the final shape of Endgame’s story to make its structure noticeably different to that of Infinity War. The previous Avengers film is a constant juggling act, relying on the viewer taking to Thanos as a central thread around which the rest of the film is hung. We’re either seeing the various steps Thanos is taking along his journey, hearing about what kind of man he is and what he intends to do, or seeing characters who are consistently on the back foot as they frantically scramble to strategically and mentally prepare for an opponent they’re not ready for. By this point in the series, we’ve been conditioned to expect to see things primarily from the point of view of the dozens of characters aligned with the Avengers, but Infinity War is messy and fractured when you look at it from the perspective of the heroes. And that’s the point – our heroes are fractured, and so there’s no unified effort against the villain as he single-mindedly pursues his goal with continuous success. The Avengers are a mess, and they lose. Thanos is the one who seizes control of the narrative, undoing the decisions and sacrifices made by the heroes as he dictates what his ambitions are and why they are so noble… and because viewers are susceptible to sympathising with the person who names themselves the hero and takes the reins of the narrative, far too many people bought Thanos’ rhetoric. For a year there, we really were seeing think-pieces that said “maybe the genocidal zealot who emotionally manipulates people is right”!
         But Endgame’s structure deliberately contrasts against Infinity War’s. Whereas Infinity War is about heroes being separated and the catastrophe that follows in the wake of this disunity, Endgame presents its heroes as a group of grieving people who are unified through their shared regrets and resolve to overcome their despair together and work towards a singular objective to try and fix everything. The Avengers are disassembled in Infinity War and reassembled in Endgame. As a result, the structure is comparatively more uniform. You can clearly differentiate the film into three distinct thirds – the five-year time skip that shows life on a mournful Earth still coming to terms with half of life being eradicated, the Back to the Future Part II time-travel mission as characters revisit scenarios from previous films, and the big blowout battle where every surviving main superpowered character in the entire franchise is dumped into one battle for your viewing pleasure. Each third offers something different, meaning you cover all of the ground that you’d want to in a dramatic, energetic, and emotional close to a blockbuster saga with literally dozens of characters who are all key players. Each third is impressively balanced, and they all act as strong supporting columns for the film as a result.
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         However, because these thirds are as distinct as they are, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll come away saying “I preferred these two parts over that third part, which felt okay but a little unnecessary”. Personally, I think there are plenty of themes (grief and a desire to revisit the past, putting guilt and trauma to rest, and of course, the strength of unity) and character arcs (Nebula finally choosing to integrate herself into a group of people who value her and literally killing the old version of herself who wanted only to please her abusive father-figure being the stand-out one) which help gel each of the film’s three segments together without much resistance. But I have encountered multiple people who have expressed the sentiment that they really liked two thirds but they could take or leave another third – inevitably, which third is which always varies. I can imagine that, if you’re not getting a lot out of one of the segments, Endgame will certainly make you antsy for the film to return to what you felt it was pulling off more successfully. The three distinct thirds can result in a fragmented viewing experience for some audience members. On the other hand, I felt that the clearer, more focused structure not only made the film seem less jumbled than its predecessor, but also made it a suitable companion-piece to Infinity War and its Thanos-centric structure.
         The emotional response I have to Endgame is not the same electric glee I had from seeing the first Avengers, though moments like Cap picking up the hammer, the cinematic equivalent of a double-page spread of every single MCU hero charging towards Thanos’ army in one image, and “she’s got help” all sparked that feeling off inside me with more intensity than I’ve felt for a long time. No, what I feel more than anything about the MCU right now is a paradoxical sense of melancholic yet nevertheless delighted satisfaction. A part of that comes from the strengths of that first third, which, despite my sincere claims that all three sections gel together successfully, is nevertheless my favourite segment of the film (with the possible exception of the epilogue, but we’ll get to that). In this review’s opening paragraphs, I talked about endings not being the definitive final word as life and the world must always carry on. My reflection on that was primarily positive, but in this opening hour, we see the sad alternative form that this concept can take. Thanos killed half the universe and was killed in retaliation – the conflict ends, as does the hope of repairing the damage done by this tragedy. But the universe doesn’t end even with half of its inhabitants being gone. As Steve succinctly says, the survivors have to keep moving forward, “otherwise Thanos should have killed all of us”. It’s an outlook that Steve encourages, even if he can’t fully believe it himself, because he thinks it’s the best way for people to regain control over their unthinkable circumstances. The setup for Endgame presents us with a universe that died a half-death – everything ended for half its population five years ago, while life for the other half of the population persists, and they are trying their best to make sense of that.
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         That struggle with grief, both on a colossal and a personal scale, is what unifies every single character, but the difference lies in how they respond to that grief. Black Widow throws herself into her work to try and keep the good that superheroes can do going, but her efforts feel as if they aren’t enough, being told by Okoye that the natural tectonic shifts she’s reporting on aren’t something you actively address with a strike squad and that you have to “handle it by not handling it”. Hawkeye was always the simple guy involved in the Avengers who was kept grounded by his family. Without them, he has nothing to keep him rooted, no home to return to, so he goes in the complete opposite direction and becomes a dedicated avenger in a literal sense, dolling out punishment fuelled by his frustration without any of the purpose and direction that he gained from his connections to friends and family. Hulk / Banner actually come out of this having made some progress, deciding to meditate on what they learned from their losses and literally come together in their grief to become one being, Professor Hulk. Tony and Pepper make the most of the luck they managed to find together, but are both keenly aware of all those who weren’t so lucky, wanting to get back what they lost but keep what they’ve found, which is remarkably human and understandable. Thor… hm. Okay, yes, Thor is a mixed bag. In all honesty, I loved Thor in this film and was empathetic towards his depression and anxiety attacks. I also love that Thor gets to stay as he is and still be shown that he is indeed worthy to wield Mjolnir and fight in the battle alongside all these other heroes without having to change who he is. But I do acknowledge the issues that numerous viewers have raised about some of the jokes made by the other characters being at the expense of Thor’s weight, and how they found it uncomfortable, and, in instances, meanspirited and harmful. I love the current version of Thor and feel Chris Hemsworth injected even more bubbly charm and infectious spirit to his character while blending it with the genuine pathos Thor was going through with remarkable talent. But the film’s tendency to use the character’s weight as an opportunity to make jokes about him being fat is not ideal. I’m glad to see Thor continue as he is into further movies (though it is possible that they’ll say he lost weight between Endgame and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3), but I sincerely hope we DON’T see the fat-jokes continue as they are. The lighting, music, and performances of everyone in the cast all contribute to this palpable sensation of immense loss, which communicates not only what’s at stake in this epic conclusion, but also how each character involved has been changed by what they’ve had to go through since Infinity War.
         But that only touches on the melancholic side of things; why do I also feel delighted and satisfied as I take in these sombre themes? Well, to put it simply, this one sticks the landing by closing the right doors in the most appropriate way while keeping other doors open in a balanced approach that seems so right. Tony Stark sacrifices his life after declaring “I am Iron Man” one last time, putting everything of himself into doing the right thing when so long ago he enjoyed a life of zero-accountability and kept his work on weapons technology at a safe distance. The image of his first arc-reactor in its memento case reading “Proof that Tony Stark has a heart” floating on the water at his funeral destroyed me at both viewings, because not only have his actions proved this fact as well, but we see numerous people all around this site as they pay their respects, showing the hearts of so many characters we care about who were connected to his. And Steve Rogers, the soldier who could never sit down if he saw a situation pointed south, after standing up against a galactic tyrant and his army, first alone and then with the support of countless men and women rallying to him, finally lets himself rest. Not many people have talked about the new horizons Steve takes in in this film; when the surviving heroes take Rocket’s ship to the Garden Planet, the camera makes a point of focusing on an extreme close-up of Steve’s eye as they travel through hyperspace. Even after nearly a decade of familiarity with this new era, the man out of time, a kid from 1940s Brooklyn, is seeing things that he could’ve never imagined. He’s come so, so far. I can think of no better conclusion than for him to return back home.
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          But the film’s epilogue isn’t just concerned with closing the curtain on these heroes as they sit down to rest. Just as these stories end, we see hints of what stories are yet to come for other heroes. In the sequence where the camera pans over the countless faces attending Tony’s funeral, it’s fitting that the last hero we see (before Nick Fury steps into frame under the veranda, concealed in the shadows at the very end, much like his very first entrance as a post-credits tease at the end of Iron Man) is Carol Danvers. Having made her debut just months ago, she is the most recent addition to this universe, so her position at the back of the line reflects that. Her placement halfway up the steps she’s standing on suggests that she’s acting as an embodiment for the road to the future – she is literally on the next step for the series of films Marvel will make as they move forward. And she’s not alone, because other heroes will continue to thrive and flourish as their stories continue. Sam is handed the mantle of Captain America, and what’s achingly beautiful about this exchange is the attitude of the two men involved. Sam views Steve as his friend first and foremost, so he is sincere when he says he’s happy for him. But Sam also respects Steve so much as the man who deserves to be Captain America. Much like how Mjolnir can only be wielded by those who are worthy, Cap’s shield becomes a sacred relic that should only be worn by the right man for the job. And when Steve gently encourages Sam to try the shield on, knowing full well what it means to the world and to both of them, he does so as both Captain America finding the right man to fill his position, and as Sam’s friend Steve, telling him with assurance that he really is one of the best people he knows. When Sam confesses that he feels like the shield belongs to someone else, Steve responds with elegant purity “it doesn’t”. Everything at the core of Captain America, the bravery, the conviction to always stand back up and fight no matter how much it pains them to do so, and the responsibility to always look out for the little guy, are all qualities which never belonged to Steve and Steve alone; those virtues can belong to anyone, and Steve tells his friend that he recognises them in Sam. I cannot wait to see the good that Sam will do as he follows his promise to do his best.  
         Tom Holland’s Spider-Man has been developing a mentee / mentor relationship with Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man since Civil War, and here it culminates in a bittersweet arc that lays the groundwork for what I expect will be some fascinating and impactful characterisation in Far From Home in a few months’ time. Tony mourns for Peter most of all, viewing him as a surrogate son who has much of the same inventive genius and drive that he has, with the addition of some compassionate heart and level of responsibility that is far beyond his years. Peter has it in him to be better than Tony, and Tony knows this. So it’s understandable why the loss of that kind, youthful spirit and his limitless potential would hurt Tony so much. In Tony’s dying moments, we share Peter’s tears as we see how much this connection means to them both and realise what is being lost. But we know this is exactly what Tony fought for – the chance for the next generation to live and grow. Holland’s performance when we see Peter return to school hints at his sense of disconnection, as his expression creates the impression that he feels like a stranger in a place with which he once felt so familiar. With the support of his friends, especially Ned, he will find his way in the next step of his journey.
          Endgame provides definitive endings for the journeys of characters we’ve been following for more films than we see most actors get to play Bond, but it also manages to cast a hopeful eye towards the future without compromising its position as a neat conclusion to everything up to this point. In fact, its simultaneous handling of reflective closure and moving forward with renewed purpose makes for a remarkably poignant milestone. Stories rarely strike such a balance between meaningful finality and the uplifting excitement of wanting more stories and knowing you’re going to get them. And that probably sounds shallow and frivolous because, at the end of the day, we’re talking about a successful studio delivering a hyped-up film that promises to be a finale but also serves the financially driven purpose of pitching you a dozen other films and TV series. But through the efforts of over a decade’s worth of dedicated storytellers and creative artists, this series has come to mean more than just another substantial drop in Disney’s bucket. It’s become a fictional world that a massive audience has fallen in love with in the same way that people did with Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Chronicles of Narnia, Mass Effect, and a hundred other worlds. We’ve rooted for these characters and cried at some of their most emotional moments, and we’ve grown to care so much about the MCU that it represents a living, breathing world for us. And this kind of ending just makes that proximity to reality that much closer. Stories end and lives come to a close, but they often do so in the middle of other people’s lives and stories. After all, Yinsen’s sacrifice in the MCU’s first film, Iron Man is the end of his story, but his death acts as a foundational moment for the man that Tony would grow to be – his ending is a part of Iron Man’s beginning. In Endgame, heroes pass away, lay down arms, or choose to step down from a position they no longer feel a need to hold onto. At the same time, other heroes move onto the next step of their journey, accept new responsibilities, and accept the titles passed onto them from those who know they will do a fine job. It’s a beautiful encapsulation of the natural balance between life and death, between the end of the old and the beginning of something new. It’s the balance that Thanos strived for but never fully understood, as he wanted to cultivate life but in his obsessive crusade ended up sewing nothing but death. It is only right that the heroes are the ones to achieve that balance through their actions and connections with one another.
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Final Score: Gold.
Avengers: Endgame is overflowing and self-indulgent, but it has every right to be and more than earned it. There are missteps, and there’s room for disappointment over the direction that certain characters are taken in, most notably the original version of Gamora ultimately staying dead and staying the victim of an abusive father-figure who seizes all agency away from her, or Thor arguably continuing to veer away from where he was at the end of Thor: Ragnarok and his new weight being an excuse to make cheap jokes that feel uncomfortable. But it is also a well-structured film that offers three distinct tones that are all equally engaging, and its delightful moments of humour and momentous action strikes a grand and immensely satisfying chord with its examination of grief and the natural interrelationship of the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another. It is as significant a landmark for this fictional series as any invested viewer could hope for. It’s a hell of a thing to have come this far, and I can’t wait for whatever comes next.
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your-dietician · 3 years
A child mental-health fix takes early action, more help
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/health/a-child-mental-health-fix-takes-early-action-more-help/
A child mental-health fix takes early action, more help
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In most ways, Symone is like any other 17-year-old looking forward to her senior year in high school and what life may bring after — college and a career in music therapy or entertainment law, she hopes.
Her teenage years have included some notable highs. She shared the national spotlight as part of the Detroit Youth Choir, which was given a key to the city for “being the Heart, Soul and Spirit of Detroit.” 
DAY ONE:Mental health crisis: Children at breaking point during COVID-19 pandemic
DAY TWO:Michigan emergency rooms confront ‘tidal wave of sadness’ among young patients
And yet, Symone said, she can suddenly feel despondent. It comes “randomly,” she said: “It’s like a mind battle.”
“I can have the best day ever, then suddenly I’m sad,” she said. “Like I want to be dead. I want to be dark. I can’t feel light, and I can’t feel happy.”
Which is why she offers this simple plea: “Don’t give up on people with mental health” issues.
In this series, Bridge Michigan and Indianapolis-based Side Effects Public Media have highlighted critical gaps in mental health resources for children and teens across the Midwest — that includes a shortage of psychiatrists, therapists and inpatient beds, and the warehousing of children in hospital emergency rooms as they wait for specialized treatment. It’s a system further strained by COVID-19. 
Fortunately, nascent efforts are underway at the state and federal level to improve access to treatment. They range from placing more psychologists and social workers in schools, to encouraging more medical residents to pursue careers in child psychiatry, to deeper investment in public health, including funding for more psychiatric beds to help thousands of families with a child in despair. 
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Some say the timing is right for an overhaul. Federal COVID stimulus funds can fuel the effort in ways not previously possible, including more money devoted to behavioral health as students across the country prepare to return to classrooms in the fall.   
Here are seven ideas or legislative plans that may ease the burden and allow more young people like Symone to thrive:
More psychiatrists, sure. But how?
Pick just about any state and there are not enough psychiatrists who specialize in child or adolescent treatment, especially in rural areas. 
The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists recommends 47 child psychiatrists for every 100,000 children. In Michigan, there are 11 per 100,000 children; in Indiana, it’s even worse at 6 per 100,000.
While the number of child psychiatrists has risen nationally in the past decade or so, there are still precious few and they tend to practice in more affluent, better educated and metropolitan areas. A 2019 study in the journal Pediatrics found that 70% of U.S. counties had no child psychiatrists. For example, and as Bridge has reported, Michigan’s rural Upper Peninsula, more than 300 miles long, has zero child psychiatrists.   
Another impediment: Child psychiatrists tend to begin careers near the East Coast and West Coast cities where they trained, said Dr. Sanya Virani, a trustee with the American Psychiatric Association.
So how might policy makers get more medical residents to choose this field? A greater focus on financial incentives such as student loan forgiveness or higher reimbursement rates might help, particularly if they are targeted to practicing in hard-to-reach regions. 
Becoming a child psychiatrist typically requires five years of training beyond medical school. That means many newly-minted child psychiatrists enter the workforce with mountains of debt.
The Michigan State Loan Repayment Program offers up to $200,000 over eight years to medical professionals practicing in underserved areas. And this year, the program is prioritizing loan forgiveness for inpatient pediatric psychiatrists. MIDOCS, a collaboration among medical schools to boost training slots in Michigan, also offers loan forgiveness.
Of course, psychiatrists are only a single point on a larger spectrum of care. Loan forgiveness programs also are used to lure other critical staff, such as social workers or therapists who have racked up student debt.
More inpatient beds 
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As COVID-19 began to catch the world’s attention in December 2019, Beaumont Health broke ground on a $40 million, 100,000-square-foot, 144-bed behavioral health hospital in Dearborn, near Detroit.
Officials say the facility, expected to open this year, will include 24 beds for children with depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, autism, anxiety, bipolar disorder, substance abuse orders, or other mental health problems.
That will help ease a logjam of young people in emergency rooms awaiting beds, particularly in populous southeast Michigan. The hospital also will train psychiatrists — adding the first six psychiatry residents this year and ultimately training 24 at a time, though it’s unclear how many will specialize in children and adolescents. 
“It’s terrible to watch these kids in crisis. We just don’t have enough resources right now for them,” said Dr. Whitney Minnock, medical director for the pediatric emergency room at Beaumont Royal Oak.
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Still, 24 beds is limited help.
Even if every one of Michigan’s 334 pediatric inpatient psychiatric beds were used — and they’re not, often because of lack of support staff — Michigan’s bed capacity still falls far short of what’s needed, experts said. The regions where beds are most scarce — such as  northern lower Michigan and the Upper Peninsula — are five to 10 hours from the new Dearborn hospital.
Use one-time federal stimulus funds
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and some lawmakers have proposed using Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds to boost behavioral health services in Michigan.
A House budget proposal passed in May would set aside $220 million for sweeping infrastructure improvements, including $100 million to expand long-term pediatric psychiatric inpatient services. 
That would add as many as 120 inpatient beds for youths, said Laura Appel, vice president and chief innovation officer for the Michigan Health & Hospital Association, an industry group.
The MHA and Republican state Rep. Mary Whiteford, a registered nurse who has pushed for years for better mental health services in Michigan, helped drive the plan.
Another $85 million in the plan would build a new psychiatric center for children, replacing the aging Hawthorn Center, the state-operated inpatient facility in Northville, for children and adolescents, Whiteford said.
The budget proposal also called for $15 million in renovations to hospital emergency rooms, which would, among other things, make them safer and more secure for suicidal patients as they await treatment.  
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So, for instance, ERs could be outfitted with rooms without door knobs or clothes hooks that patients in acute distress could use to hang or harm themselves. 
Appel said people with mental illness also need an area set apart from the typical chaos of a busy ER, with soft or natural lighting to help calm agitated patients, similar to environmental features found in psychiatric facilities. 
At Grand Rapids-based Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services, the living and treatment areas have specialized furniture that is too heavy to throw. Staff consulted a botanist to ensure the indoor plants — designed to offer a soothing, outdoor feel to large spaces — are not toxic to a child who might try to eat them, a spokesman said.
The Michigan Legislature left for summer break this week without finishing the state budget. But lawmakers did finish work Wednesday on a school spending bill, setting aside $240 million to place more psychologists, school social workers, school counselors and nurses in schools.
These positions are “essential” and schools are “uniquely suited to assist youths with mental health concerns,” noted the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigan, a public affairs research group. The CRC released its own findings this week on child mental health care services, noting the lack of school staff available to assist students in crisis. Other researchers have expanded that idea to include integrating behavioral health into primary-care pediatric settings as well. 
In May, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced $3 billion in American Rescue Plan funding to support mental health and substance use grant programs across the U.S. That included nearly $42 million of new funding for community mental health centers in Michigan and more than $25 million in Indiana.
That followed $2.5 billion in SAMHSA payouts to states in March.   
Intervene early 
Mental health advocates say it’s critical to intervene early with those most in need.
Boosting school- and home-based programs helps identify and treat mental illness sooner, before a young patient falls into crisis, Dr. Michelle Morgan, a retired psychiatrist in the U.P., recently told residents at a community meeting in Eagle River.
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Early action also helps law enforcement, especially in rural areas that operate with just a handful of officers each day.
Sheriff Joe Brogan of Baraga County in the U.P. told residents at the same meeting that when officers respond to a person in mental distress other emergencies get missed. “We don’t have anybody answering calls for service,” he said. 
Michigan is one of several states working to provide police with training to better identify mental illness in people they encounter and get them into treatment centers for evaluation and help rather than sending them to jail. 
Indiana has turned to a program called “high-fidelity wraparound” as a way to address complex behavioral issues in young people so they don’t get to the point of needing inpatient care. 
Under the wraparound model, a case manager is assigned to coordinate a child’s care, which might involve therapists or other medical professionals as well as social workers, teachers and parents. Indiana’s Medicaid program offers this service to qualified families. 
Wraparound services are useful when traditional methods of supporting a child’s mental health needs are unsuccessful. The goal is to deescalate a problem before it reaches crisis stage, said Ebony Reynolds, clinical officer of Detroit Wayne Integrated Mental Health, which manages providers for families in Wayne County.
Families “deserve a system that’s responsive to their needs, rather than just getting thrown whatever it is this system has to offer,” said Kimberly Estep of the National Wraparound Implementation Center. 
Another key to early intervention is round-the-clock access to mental health support, said Whiteford, the state representative. She sponsored legislation that led to a 24-hour Michigan Crisis and Access Line that opened in April in Oakland County and the Upper Peninsula.
The crisis line, which also takes calls from those who who dial the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, will be accessible across the state by fall 2022.
“It folds all these hotlines into a one-stop shop for anybody who needs help — from a police officer to a nurse in an emergency room to a mom worried about her child,” Whiteford said.
The line will also have access to Michigan’s Inpatient Psychiatric Bed Registry, allowing callers — from ER staff to parents — to learn sooner if there is an available psychiatric bed or service in their area.
U.S. Sens. Debbie Stabenow, a Michigan Democrat, and Roy Blunt, a Missouri Republican, helped lead an effort this spring to earmark $489 million in federal funds to expand Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers, part of a federal network that can immediately screen people in crisis, regardless of their ability to pay, and get them help. Of the amount, nearly $20 million is headed for Michigan to support efforts at five Detroit centers.
Early intervention part two: school screenings 
In 2018, the Lansing-based advocacy nonprofit Disability Rights Michigan filed a class-action suit, K.B. v. Lyon, accusing the state of Michigan of “staggering failures to provide needed mental health services to thousands of children and their families.”
Kyle Williams, director of legal advocacy for the advocacy group, said one crucial step in addressing systemic failures is a universal screening tool that would identify children in need, trigger a full assessment, and connect them to services before they spiral into crisis. It could be used by school counselors for a child acting out in class or staff at a juvenile justice facility after a child has been picked up by police, he said.
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A child in crisis “doesn’t have the time to wait three years for an intensive service array,” Williams said.
“If you don’t pair home- and community-based services (with inpatient care), you’re looking at a cycle in which kids end up in an ER bed, return to the community, and keep destabilizing, then return to the ER again,” Williams said.
Details are still being hammered out in a settlement agreement in the lawsuit after several extensions — the latest extension is to Sept. 1.
Ease bureaucracy
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Parents have enough worry when a child is in crisis. But many are forced to change jobs or quit to become full-time advocates for their children as they work through layers of bureaucracy, said Jane Shank, executive director of the Lansing-based Association for Children’s Mental Health.
“Parents get beaten down a little,” she said.
As it stands now, Medicaid funds flow through Michigan’s mental health managed care system which is made up of 10 Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans, or PIHPs, throughout the state.
They pay for treatment and services at local Community Mental Health Agencies, which, in turn, may contract with other providers. With each layer, accountability disappears, according to critics.
Rep. Whiteford said she would replace the state’s 10 managed care organizations with a single oversight body — moving the state closer to a fee-for-service health system and making the state accountable rather than diffusing accountability through layers of managed care bureaucracy.
It also would lead to “significant reduction in administrative costs,” according to the nonpartisan Michigan House Fiscal Agency. Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, whose overhaul plan includes privatizing much of mental health care, and who also wants to downsize or eliminate the PIHP managed care system.
Critics argue, however, that such plans replace one layer of a bureaucracy with another and that projected cost savings are exaggerated.
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“It’s a different terrain across the state — the availability of services, the availability of staff,” said Kevin Fischer, of the Michigan chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
He said the Whiteford and Shirkey plans include good ideas, but he worries about moving to a single managed care system or oversight agency.
Locally run managed care matches local needs to the best local resources, he said, saving money and providing better care.
“The people in Houghton or Marquette (in the Upper Peninsula) know what they need better than the people in Detroit do,” he said.
More telemed to reach distant children 
The field of telemedicine dramatically expanded during the pandemic, in part due to relaxation of regulations by the federal government and private insurers amid COVID-19. 
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study noted a 154% increase in telemedicine usage in March 2020, as the pandemic first hit, compared with the previous year. Telemedicine can be useful for people without reliable transportation or from rural areas without a nearby provider. It can also help parents avoid taking time from work to transport children to therapist appointments. 
With so many regions in Michigan and Indiana lacking in mental health providers, strengthening telehealth can help improve access to care. 
But barriers remain. Indiana-based research shows Black and rural populations are less likely to have reliable internet or a home computer. And despite a year of remote learning, children may have more trouble engaging with mental health professionals on the computer. 
It remains unclear whether private insurers will continue to pay for telehealth visits once the pandemic fades. Policies can differ by insurer, state or particular plan. Many states, including Michigan, have enacted parity laws that require insurers to equitably cover in-person and telemedicine visits. 
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polyputthekettleon · 4 years
Month 1 on HRT Round Up Post
It's been one month since D started HRT! There have been some really cool things happening, along with the occasional big and little bumps (lots more on those in other posts). Based on what I've read, her body has responded VERY quickly in comparison to many other people's experiences. For what it's worth, she's in her mid-thirties and had a pre-HRT testosterone level of around 300, and has only been taking estradiol, not an anti-androgen. Additionally, in case it helps clarify things, she and I are polyamorous, I am very sexually and physically expressive with my partners and having a lot of sex and touch in my life is important to me, and I'm about a 2.5 on the Kinsey scale (I can feel sexual attraction to people across the gender spectrum, though I lean a bit more androphilic than gynephilic). Also, my emotional experience of this past month was incredibly heightened, thanks to my anxiety running out of control (so much so that I'm now taking pills for it, phew!), and the stuff that felt like HUUUGE problems for me may be far less of a huge deal for other people.
Month 1 On Estrogen
Week 1
The night she got her prescription was pure joy. The clinic she went to practices informed consent for hormone therapy, and in my partner's case that resulted in her only having to go to two appointments -- one initial consultation so her provider could order lab work to make sure she was healthy (she made sure to fast the morning prior to her appointment, so she could get her blood work done right away!), and then a few days later, an appointment to make a treatment plan and get her prescription. She declined an anti-androgen to start and made a plan with her provider for her to take 2mg of estradiol daily. We walked out of that appointment with her *bouncing* all the way to the car because she was so excited, picked her prescription from the pharmacy the moment it was available, and she took the pill while we were still in the drug store's parking lot. I have never seen her so happy and at peace than after she took that first pill. Seriously -- in the face of such beautiful, sublime JOY, any lingering anxiety I had been feeling over the changes that these pills might cause and what those changes could mean for my relationship with her dissolved faster than that blue tablet under her tongue (at least for the next few days). She was euphoric, and I rose right with her.
After 3-4 days, she would feel warm and tingly and extra cuddly starting about half an hour after she took her pill every morning, and her nipples were feeling more sensitive. She also described feeling like she had more emotional energy and generally just feeling very happy, and characterized it as her brain going "NOM NOM NOM NOM ESTROGEN," as it finally received the hormone that had been missing. It was so exciting and fulfilling for me to get to witness her joy, and we shared some *really* enjoyable touch and sex during this phase. In one I will say, in one encounter, she described her skin as feeling "on fire," and pretty much everywhere I touched or kissed made her gasp and moan. It did not suck, AT ALL. Something else that had started to shift prior to HRT became really significant and noticeable to me at this point (I'm including it because aspects of it may have been impacted by her hormones changing): she became less interested in penis-in-vagina penetrative sex (she uses different terms for her genitals, but I'm using penis here for clarity), and started preferring to orgasm under her own stimulation, or just skip the orgasm entirely (there were lots of "mini orgasms," though, and those were super fun). As someone who gains a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from being an active participant in my partners' orgasms, and who has felt a LOT of anxiety over how HRT was going to impact my sexual connection with my partner, this change was hard for me to sit with, and I struggled to feel sexually connected with her as this became more commonplace over the course of the week (pre-HRT and during this first week, we tended to have sex at least every other day, sometimes a couple of times a day). Additionally, in the back of my mind, I was worried about what things would look like if/when she lost her sex drive, whether it would come back, and how I would feel if penis-in-vagina sex entirely stopped being an option for her and me. It had always been something she and I enjoyed immensely with each other, and I felt SCARED that without that particular flavor of interaction, our connection would suffer. This was quite different from what I observed in her response to the possibility of no longer getting erections -- she stated that while she would prefer to still be able to become and stay erect, she was "along for the ride" wherever the hormones would take her.
Within 7 days, her energy really started to dip, and I noticed that she was no longer waking up with erections the way she had prior to taking HRT. She started splitting her pills in half so she got some estrogen in the morning and some in the middle of the day, which helped with her energy levels somewhat, but she still slumped HARD whenever the estradiol had been fully processed by her body, and she looked and acted absolutely exhausted and out of fuel at night.
Week 2
By 10 days, her sex drive was nil and her energy was super low between estradiol doses. This coincided (unsurprisingly) with her not experiencing any erections and also having zero desire to receive touch in a sexual context. The lack of energy and sexual desire also reduced her interest in giving touch, sexual or otherwise. This hit me hard: between her exhaustion and the inaccessibility of one of our favorite ways to connect, I was hurting and missing my person, a lot. I also really struggling to feel desired in my relationship with her, since she literally wasn't feeling desire, even when she very considerately provided occasional sexual stimulation to me (and expressed her enjoyment at seeing me enjoy that stimulation). It was very challenging for me to attempt to receive from a partner who didn't want anything given back when previously in our relationship sex had always been very much about an exchange of pleasure, and the experience brought up a lot of feelings of shame on my end. This week was HARD to get through, and I credit therapy, friends (including folks on here), and my very lovely other partners as the support that helped me get through without directing all my anxiety her way and/or remaining in a near-constant state of crying (though there was a fair amount of that, too). For her sex drive vanish so soon after starting hormones, and for it to feel so completely gone felt VERY disorienting to me, and it kicked off a fresh wave of fear and feeling like I was losing my partner*. I found out later that she was missing our sexual connection too, and honestly, it felt really, really good to hear that I wasn't alone in feeling frustrated about the absence of her sex drive - I wish I had asked her sooner and hadn't tried to bury my feelings. [* For the record, before someone goes off in the comments about it: I know that I have not lost the person who is my partner, and that she is living more as herself than ever before, and that this is a beautiful, happy thing that is happening in her life. I know, and I am ecstatic for her. HOWEVER, grieving the loss of the male persona I thought was my partner for two years is a feeling that I have been working with, and if there's anything that years of going to lots and lots and LOTS of therapy have taught me (heh, I must be in my 30s!), it's that it's important for me to feel and acknowledge ALL of my emotions without judging myself for having them or attempting to censor them, so that I can actually process stuff and not get stuck. Thanks for coming to my TED talk!]
Somewhere between the 2- and 3-week mark, she reached out to her doctor and asked if she could increase her estradiol dose because her energy was so incredibly low and was impacting her work and her ability to show up for her kids. The doctor agreed and increased her prescription to 4mg a day. She tried just taking two whole pills, one in the morning and one in the middle of the day, instead of continuing to split them, but she found that breaking the estradiol up into 4 doses of 1mg apiece and spreading her doses 3-4 hours apart helped her energy and mood feel the most stable (note: there are 1mg estradiol tablets out there, for those who don't want to mess with splitting their pills). The increase in estrogen did indeed improve her energy levels -- it also made her INCREDIBLY emotionally volatile for a few days after increasing her dose. She described the feeling as wanting to cry and kill everyone at the same time. It reminded me of the hormone drop I experienced in the days after I gave birth, and her other partner compared it to her own cis experience of PMS mood swings. Once my partner's body adjusted to the new level of estrogen, the random crying spells stopped, BUT she has expressed that it's now just generally easier for her to cry, and I've observed that she gets teary more often these days than before she started HRT. Another thing she noticed at this point is her muscle strength starting to lessen, which I understand felt bittersweet for her. Since deciding to start HRT, she's been working to reframe muscle loss as not being something that's going to keep her from doing the stuff that she enjoys (woodworking and blacksmithing, in her case), but instead being something that may ask her to learn a different approach to some of her work. That reframe has seemed to be empowering and reduced the feeling of HRT's effects meaning a choice between transitioning in the way that feels best to her and her being able to pursue her passions. One more thing: somewhere around this point, I noticed a shift in her body's smell. She started to smell sweeter on her skin. Just a subtle note, but definitely a change.
Week 3
Around the beginning of Week 3, her sex drive started to make an appearance again, along with occasional erections. She had been taking Cialis prior to starting HRT, but has since stopped, so it isn't clear how much of the change in the behavior of her erections is due to her antidepressant's side-effects no longer being countered by ED medication, and how much is due to lower testosterone levels. That said, her penis is now less likely to become fully erect, and her erections seem more easily impacted by her emotional state than before; if she's feeling really, really good they tend to happen, but a shift in mood can make her penis flaccid very quickly. Her feeling aroused also doesn't always equate to her getting or sustaining an erection anymore, which is more similar to my experience of how cis clitorises tend to behave. I felt a HUGE sense of relief when her sex drive returned, and my perception is that she was quite happy about it as well. That said, while she has a sex drive again, it's different than it was before - her libido seems to be lower (though of course, this could also be for non-hormonal reasons), and instead of having sex 3-6 times a week, we're having sex 1-2 times a week (if a two-week sample size is enough to judge by, and it might be higher if we saw each other every day, but alas, the perils of polyamory 🤷🏻). While she and I have continued to enjoy penetrative sex sometimes, that way of interacting is making up a smaller portion of our sex life than before. I'm enjoying, and she says she is also enjoying, me approaching her body more like how I approach sexual interactions with cis female partners --- lots more touch and kisses and nibbles all over her body, making sure to emphasize her breasts and nipples with both my hands and mouth, and lots of oral and manual stimulation on her entire pelvic/genital/upper thigh region, anywhere that seems to feel good. Her stomach and neck/back areas started to become more sensitive during this time as well. It's been really exciting to explore and find new spots to touch and play with on her body.
Also by Week 3, it became undeniable: her breasts started to grow!! Just teeny ones, but it became clear that there is more fat there than there was before, and they hang like breasts do when she lays on her side (in their gorgeous teeny tiny way). They also started hurting more; prior to this week her breast tissue been sensitive and a little sore, by this point they felt sore to brush up against or tap on them. Righty started out bigger than Lefty, but Lefty started to hurt too (and spoiler alert: by Week 4 Lefty showed more growth). I've been avoiding putting too much pressure on them, and I'm being extra careful when I handle her breasts and nipples. Another change: one day, I noticed that her skin on her back had become softer to the touch, as well, which was kind of the coolest, most magical thing for me. For whatever reason, I hadn't believed the thing about estrogen making skin softer, but sure as hell, there the proof was right under my fingertips, super soft skin. It was WILD. One more thing that happened this week: her ejaculate tasted sweet. Especially her pre-cum, which was sweet like sugar. Her cum was less tangy than usual, but not really to the point of the candy-sweet that I've heard some people talk about. Still a definite different flavor -- and when she came back into the bedroom after cleaning up post-sex, she said it smelled different as well.
Week 4
This past week (Week 4), she shared that me running my hand over the bottom of her ribs on her stomach was feeling particularly erotic to her, which is something that previously didn't do anything pleasurable for her, and that the physical sensations of touch in her genital area and when she orgasms have changed, becoming more spread out. Orgasms are definitely seeming to be rarer than they were pre-HRT, but she also seems to be feeling more readily sated with sensation without orgasm. I am also adjusting -- honestly, it's so nice to have ANY sex back in our relationship, I am just happy that it's happening when it happens!! She also noted that when she ejaculates, the little globules in her cum that she's used to seeing aren't there. Her breasts have also progressed all the way to SORE now, and she can fill out the cups of a AA bra she bought. I can feel the difference on her chest; there is a distinct dip between her breasts that used to be much smaller, and I love running my hands (LIGHTLY) all over her chest. Finally, at the very end of this week, I realized with absolute delight and surprise (as well as some passing disorientation weirdness, because her face looked different than the face I'm used to seeing) that I could actually see something different about her cheeks. They really are looking fuller and softer, just ever so slightly. And she says it seems like the circles under her eyes have lessened a bit. Maybe it's the increase in nutrient-rich food she eating and the improved sleep she's been getting -- or maybe it's the subcutaneous fat shifting around courtesy of estrogen. Or both! Either way, it felt really cool that when I saw a FaceApp feminized picture of her that she made way back at the beginning of her gender exploration journey last year, I had to do a double-take before I concluded it wasn't just her with a particular make-up look on or something. It's not so much that she looks exactly like that image (though they do have a lot in common); it's more that I see the HER in her face, instead of the HIM I used to see, and judging from HRT's effects so far, I am certain that more and more people will be able to see her too. And I am so very excited to be there for it.
0 notes
mcmansionhell · 7 years
McMansion Hell Does Architectural Theory (Part 3): British Palladianism
Hello Friends! Today we’re going to talk about a rather short-lived movement in late 17th, early-18th century architecture: British Palladianism, which is v “Palladio is great and I, an aristocrat, will only pay you if you design in reference to his style.” Of course it goes deeper than that, so, let’s begin! 
In previous installations of this series, we’ve talked about the Italians and the French, but what the heck was happening in Britain all this time? Well, the answer is:
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Seriously. The dang Brits were at war all the time - colonializing everything, sinking all of Spain’s ships, creating their own cool church bc their king wanted a son etc. 
Because of all this dang war, architecture in Britain for a long time was a messy hodgepodge of stylistic elements. Examples range from Henry VIII’s Windsor Castle Gatehouse (OG Tudor, though ostensibly Gothic) to the more classically-oriented but still rather Gothic Old Somerset House (completed in 1552) (demolished).  According to Mallgrave’s Architectural Theory (a great anthology), most of the classically inspired elements on pre-17th Century British buildings can be traced to Italian or French artisans. Oh well. 
Early English Classicism (Late 17th Century)
It wasn’t until the 17th century (v late) that classicism became a big deal in England. The first real-deal English classicist was the badass-ly named Inigo Jones, who actually went to Italy for a year (1613-14) where he encountered the work of Palladio for the first time -- which, needless to say blew his damn mind. Jones became the first British architect to have designed buildings in accordance to Vitruvian teachings and classical proportions.
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The Dude Jones got into architecture through a weird angle: he was first a prominent set and costume designer for several English theatres. His Italian journey proved fruitful for him career-wise - many of the higher-ups were impressed with Jones’ knowledge of Italian aesthetics, and he was shortly appointed as the Surveyor to the Prince of Wales, before hella upgrading to being Surveyor of the King’s Works in 1615.
Jones’ earliest known architectural work (appropriately called Queen’s House), built for James I’s wife, Anne (who died before it was finished), was the first ever classically styled building in England. I mean, it’s great - just look at it. 
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Photo by Bill Bertram (CC-BY-SA 2.5)
While Jones would go on to design a smattering of buildings, a great deal of his work was lost both in the English Civil War and in the 1666 Great Fire of London. Despite these minor setbacks, Jones’ is still considered to be among England’s greatest architects whose influence would span two centuries worth of British architectural technique.
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Get it? It’s lit? Because half of his stuff got torched? I’m sorry.
As far as architectural theory goes during this era of budding classicism, the closest clue we have is the work of Henry Wotton, the British ambassador to Venice, who got so hellaciously sloshed on Italian architecture while he was there that he decided to write a book about it called The Elements of Architecture (1624), outlining his special interpretation of classical architecture. 
Wotton’s book was mostly a translation of Vitruvius with a little bit of Renaissance thought (a la Alberti and Palladio) thrown in. The most well-known snippet is his translation of the Vitruvian triad as “firmness, commodity, and delight” - an architectural catchphrase that often finds its way into contemporary architectural histories, though more accurate translations have been proposed:
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Change in this line of thought came with Jones’ later successor, Christopher Wren. Unlike Jones who was rather rigorous in his classicism, Wren was a bit more...capricious. In fact, he even built in the Gothic style at the end of his long career (the dude built 45 churches alone) - a move that would have likely put Perrault and Blondel both in an early grave. 
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Dude doesn’t even need the sunglasses, he’s throwing so much shade in this pic.
Wren’s ideas about architecture, encapsulated in his Tracts on Architecture (1670s) are varied. In Tract I, Wren opens up with the ballsy af statement: “Architecture has its political Use,” - that is, buildings form the national identity of a country and inspire patriotism amongst its citizens. This itself is a hot take, but it gets even hotter.
Like Perrault, Wren’s ideas about beauty are split into what he calls “natural” and “customary” beauty. Natural beauty consists of geometry, aka Proportions, following in the Platonic tradition® of an absolute beauty or harmony, inherently pleasing to all of us. Customary beauty, however, is more vague - Wren describes it as: “the use of our Senses to those Objects which are usually pleasing to us for other Causes, as Familiarity or particular Inclination breeds a Love to Things not in themselves lovely.”
Basically, we like certain things for some dumb reason like feelings and stuff.
In his second Tract, Wren gripes about architecture being “too strick and pedantick.” This makes sense, because Wren was really into blending a variety of interesting styles together, which was perhaps problematic to some.
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Enter the Moralists
One person who was particularly sick of Wren’s sh*t was Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury, who, in addition to being an Earl, was also a writer and philosopher. (He was notably taught at a young age by none other than John Locke, the guy you learned about in Civics class once.)
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Shaftesbury hated (!!!) the Baroque stylings of Wren’s late work, as well as the next generation of architects including John Vanbrugh and Nicholas Hawksmoor, deeming the pair’s Baroque-leaning Blenheim Palace “a new palace spoilt.” In fact, he wrote a very amusingly scathing essay in 1712 basically saying that Britain was literally *THE BEST* at all of the other arts except for architecture, after which he proceeds to take a huge dump all over the architecture of the day.
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Photo by Derova, (CC-BY-2.0)
Shaftesbury tried to sniff out a philosophical basis for Platonic thought regarding absolute beauty and harmonic proportions. What he came up with is essentially moralism, claiming that in order to be able to perceive the naturally good and beautiful ideas in art, one must themselves be naturally good and beautiful on the inside.™ Good taste comes from good inner resolve® to be true to what we know is true beauty and not be swayed by the evils of fashion™ blah blah blah.
The Height of British Palladianism 
This line of thought continued within what was now deemed British Palladianism (a movement whose discourse consisted mostly of wealthy Earls tutting at each other). British Palladianism saw several architects (Colin Campbell, Nicholas Du Bois, and William Kent, specifically) launch their own careers by releasing translations or new editions of works by Vitruvius, Palladio, and Jones, respectively with some pithy bits in the introductions haranguing the “ridiculous mixture of Gothick and Roman” of the previous generation thrown in for good measure.
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Like all movements, the Palladian movement had its own shadowy figurehead, who funded the work of several of the architects working in the 1720s - Richard Boyle, Third Earl of Burlington.
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Burlington was extremely wealthy, and spent most of his time being a total dilettante architect, traveling to Italy to collect manuscripts of Palladio and the like. In fact, Burlington fired Colin Campbell (the English Vitruvius!!) from working on his Piccadilly Villa because apparently Campbell’s classicism was **just not pure enough** for the good Earl, who decided he should just build his damn villa himself.
Burlington’s ruthless aesthetic commitment had a huge impact on the contemporary architects of the day, most of whom he fired. Of the ones he did not fire (aka he did not hire them in the first place), Robert Morris, the most prolific writer of the Palladian movement, is perhaps the most significant. Morris’s work chronicles not only the dawn and spirit of the movement but also its decline.
Morris’s 1728 essay “An Essay in Defense of Ancient Architecture” is about exactly what you would expect:
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(((Tutting intensifies)))
The essay of course devolves from tutting critique to legit 17th century fanfiction:
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I-Inigo-sama!!! <3
The End of an Era, I Guess
Jokes aside (yours truly used to ship historical figures back in my 7th grade fanfiction days and is not proud), Morris would take a rather different tone in 1739, in an essay commonly cited as a hint to the movement’s end, “An Essay upon Harmony.”
This essay breaks away from the Platonic ideas of absolute beauty, and instead breaks beauty up into several different categories - a relativist aesthetics coming from a contemporary movement (mostly in landscape architecture) called the picturesque, or picturesque theory, which will be the subject of next week’s post.
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“In Harmony,” writes Morris, “there are three general Divisions, which may be distinguish’d by the Terms, Ideal, Oral, and Ocular.”
The Ideal is of course numbers and, duh, proportions. Oral harmony is how things are related to each other, with a v Plato allusion to musical harmony. Old news, right? 
But it’s Ocular harmony that offers a glimpse into what will ultimately be a much more powerful movement, spanning (serious, not dilettante) philosophy, art, and of course architecture: the picturesque and the sublime, supported by John Locke & Co.’s empiricism (but we’ll get to that).
Ocular harmony is the harmony of nature in its natural state - both “Animate” (animals, insects, also beauty and perfection, apparently) and “inanimate” (hills, woods, valleys, scenery - “noble, rural, and pleasing.”)
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Morris’ ideas are ones of subjectivity, blind sensation to what is and is not lovely, rather than dictated ideas of aesthetic morality. He later goes on to say that in architecture, “The Proportion should be with respect to the Situation; the Dress, Decoration, and Materials should be adapted to the Propriety and Elegance of the Situation and Convenience…”
If that’s not the antithesis to Burlington’s objective classicist purity, I don’t know what is. And so, the bell finally tolls on British Palladianism.
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Photo by Chris Nyborg, (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
I hope you enjoyed this bit of (admittedly long-overdue) tutting. Stay tuned for Wednesday’s Maine McMansion, and next Sunday’s installment where I trash talk a bunch of dudes who are way too into gardens.
If you like this post, and want to see more like it, consider supporting me on Patreon! Not into small donations and sick bonus content? Check out the McMansion Hell Store - 30% goes to charity.
Copyright Disclaimer: All photos without captioned credit are from the Public Domain. Manipulated photos are considered derivative work and are Copyright © 2017 McMansion Hell. Please email [email protected] before using these images on another site. (am v chill about this)
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justwravel-blog · 5 years
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15 Incredibly Useful Travel Tips for Egypt! Below you’ll find my top travel tips for Egypt along with a little personal advice sprinkled on top. I hope you find these Egypt travel tips helpful. If you find these tips to be helpful or you have some tips of your own, please be sure to leave a comment at the end of this article. Egypt is one of my favorite countries in the world for a variety of reasons. I’ve visited the country on four different occasions over the course of the last few years and three of those visits were 3 weeks or longer. While I love this country to pieces, it also should be known that it’s one of the more difficult countries I’ve ever traveled to. Ready to learn more about my top 15 travel tips for Egypt? Let’s get started.
Travel Insurance
When preparing for a trip to Egypt your first priority should be to make sure you make the small investment towards your health and well being by purchasing a flexible, reputable and affordable travel insurance policy for your trip. Not only will this travel insurance policy cover you if your bags are lost/stolen and if your flight is delayed/canceled, but you’ll also be covered for all medical and injury-related issues as well. Let’s face it. No parents, family or friends want to have to cover the cost of you getting MedEvaced home from the middle of Egypt. As you know, in life, things happen. Do yourself a favor and get your coverage now so you can rest assured that you’ll be taken care of in the event of a serious emergency in Egypt.
Hire an Egypt Tour Guide
Planning a trip to Egypt isn’t as easy as you’d think. From accommodations to transportation and planning all the smaller logistics, there always seems to be a major disconnect somewhere along the way. As you know, I’m more of an independent traveler than anything else and I rarely recommend hiring a tour guide. If there’s one place in the world that I would recommend hiring a guide, it’s in Egypt. Why? Because Egypt is a very unique and difficult country to travel to if you don’t have any prior experience. In order to be sure that you have the best trip possible, my advice is to head on over to my recent article:
Bring Your Haggling Skills
One of the most important skills you need in order to have a positive experience in Egypt is the skill of haggling and negotiating. Everything is negotiable in Egypt and it’s expected so don’t worry about offending anyone with your offers. From buying water at the corner store to shopping for souvenirs at the market to non-metered taxis, haggling is absolutely necessary.
Bring Your Own Toilet Paper
Bring your own toilet paper. Trust me on this one. You’ll be hard-pressed to find toilet paper in most restrooms in Egypt. The toilets have a built-in bidet spray nozzle for those who forget to bring toilet paper along but who the heck wants to walk out of the bathroom with a wet behind? Not me. That’s for sure. I think it’s safe to assume you wouldn’t either. To avoid this sticky situation simply stop into a local shop and pick up a roll of TP and take enough to last you the day when you’re heading out to explore.
Use Uber in Cairo
Did you know Uber operates in the city of Cairo? If not, well now you know. What’s even better is that you can get your first ride free (up to 70 EGP or approximately $8 USD) when signing up for a new Uber account. While taxis are generally safe and easy to use, Uber is definitely your best bet if you’re looking to move around the city without worries. All you have to do to take advantage of this Uber first ride free discount is the following:
Beware of Scammers
Be careful who you trust in Egypt. Many people are out for your money. That being said, you should be able to figure out who is genuine and who's not after the first few minutes of conversation. If a person mentions a single thing about money, simply move along. Personally, I’ve met some of the most genuine people in the world during my travels to Egypt, so I highly recommend that you attempt to initiate a conversation with the locals. Note: If someone approaches you and starts to tell you that he owns a perfume shop, or mentions the Arabic word “baksheesh” which means “tip” in English, tell them “La, Shukran” which means “No, thank you.” in English and simply walk the other way.
Always Ask for Prices
Ask the price before buying water, soda, candy, and anything else that you can imagine buying at a convenience store. If you’re used to paying a lower price in other shops for your item, haggle with the shop owner a bit to get a little closer to the local rate.
Use the Cairo Metro System
The Cairo Metro system is surprisingly one of the more efficient metro systems that I’ve encountered on my travels. Be aware that it’s rare that you’ll run into other foreigners on the metro. I’ve taken the metro countless times and never once saw another tourist or foreigner. Considering you’ll be a minority, expect the train to go silent at times and when you look up, the entire car will be looking at you out of curiosity. Did you know that the Cairo Metro system is the first of two built and completed metro systems in the entire continent of Africa?
Wear Comfortable Shoes
Walking shoes or comfortable sneakers are best when planning a trip to Egypt. Sure, you can wear flip flops or sandals from time to time but please realize that the streets of Cairo and the majority of Egypt are dirty therefore you’ll be sure to return to your hotel with a pair of dirty feet.
Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands
Carry hand sanitizer with you when you travel to Egypt! You’ll constantly be touching doors, handrails, and currency while you’re in the city and you won’t be the only one touching these things. Remember, there are an estimated 20-25 million people in Cairo. Be sure to wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer whenever you don’t have the opportunity to make a bathroom stop.
Watch Your Step
Watch where you’re walking while exploring the city. The streets of Cairo are not maintained well. One time I got really lucky and avoided breaking an ankle or worse after my foot and half of my leg fell into a hole in the sidewalk while walking through the city. This was not your typical pothole, this was a hole that engulfed half of my leg to above my knee. Dangerous isn’t even the word for the streets and sidewalks in Cairo. Beware.
Stay Hydrated
No worries about drinking tap water because nobody drinks it (including the locals). During your trip, you’ll be buying lots of bottled water. You’ll need it to brush your teeth, drink during the day and maybe even some to pour over your head after being in the extreme heat all day. Note: As a foreigner, you’ll be charged anywhere from 4 to 10 EGP for a “big bottle” (1.5, 2 liters) of water depending on where you purchase it. Trust me, you can get these bottles for 2, 2.5 EGP. Just haggle with the shop owner and you’ll get it for 2 EGP. If they say that it’s 4, or 5 EGP just tell them that you buy water down the street all the time for 2EGP and they’ll usually have no problem selling it to you. Just be aware of what the real “Egyptian” prices are for certain items and you’ll be fine.
Eat Where the Locals Eat
There is a universal rule for consuming food in foreign countries. The rule is to only eat at street stalls and restaurants that are occupied by locals. If there’s nobody in the restaurant during what should be a busy time of day, avoid it. If there’s a line of locals standing in front of a street stall, get in line because you know that it’s not only great food but it’s also very affordable.
Cross the Streets with Confidence
The driving and traffic in Cairo will be shocking to you when you first arrive. Crossing the streets is quite intimidating at first but after you get used to it, you’ll be crossing the streets without issue. Trust me, there’s a science to it! Don’t bother getting assistance from the “Tourist Police” when crossing the roads as it’s not necessary. Note: If you’re wondering why a police officer is asking you for baksheesh (tip) it’s because they probably just did something for you that you thought was a kind gesture (like escorting you across the road). This happens often so be prepared.
Respect the Dress Code and Culture
If you’re planning on traveling to Egypt please do your research before you leave. Many foreigners arrive in Egypt and dress like they’re still in their home country. This type of behavior can and will attract more unwanted attention, stares, and even perhaps physical advances by Egyptian men. In order to blend in a little more and avoid disrespecting the culture, my best advice is to choose your clothing carefully. Females:
Be sure to keep your knees and shoulders covered at all times.
Bring a scarf to cover your hair when visiting mosques and other religious sights.
Always remove shoes before entering a mosque.
If you’re visiting a mosque and do not have something to cover your shoulders, legs (from the knee down), and hair the staff will likely provide you with an oversized robe.
Bikinis and other swimwear are totally acceptable to wear while at the resorts on the Red Sea.
Wearing shorts when exploring the city isn’t a problem but you’ll need a pair of long pants or jeans for the evenings as well as when you visit someone's home or get invited to an event.
Sleeveless shirts, tank tops, and gym attire is not acceptable. Don’t be that guy.
Think light, comfy and layers for the chilly nights.
Swimming trunks and other swimwear would be acceptable to wear at the resorts or wandering around town in the destinations on the Red Sea.
Check Egypt Tour Packages from USA
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2020 Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshops
The 2020 Costa Rica Workshops Are Bought Out!
Get On The Waitlist ASAP!
WOW – All the workshops (6 weeks / 60 individuals) bought out in less than 36 hours! In case you still want in, we highly advocate jumping on our waitlist (type at the bottom of this web page). Whereas all the spots are presently spoken for, we are nonetheless waiting on deposits and we all the time have a few that fall via every year (as well as two or three sudden cancellations between now and the workshop). The sooner you join the wait record, the better your probability of getting a spot.
The Journey Of A Lifetime!
I’m excited to announce our new 2020 Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshop!  This once-in-a-lifetime photograph workshop will happen on Costa Rica’s lovely Osa Peninsula, a location Nationwide Geographic calls, “The most biologically intense place on Earth.” A powerful claim, however just some hours on website is enough to make a believer out of any skeptic. The truth is, I feel the Nationwide Geographic statement might not do it justice!
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As a full-time wildlife photographer, I’ve been to various unimaginable places, however I’ve to inform you – I’ve never skilled an setting that was so extremely goal wealthy and numerous as the Osa Peninsula. This is really a workshop experience that you will all the time keep in mind! Once I went to guage the situation for a possible workshop, I by no means dreamt I might find yourself capturing over 14,000 pictures in slightly below every week’s time!
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What can you see and photograph? Though there are never any ensures with wildlife, it’s very possible you’ll see fairly a couple of of the species listed under – heck, you may even see all of them after which some! The truth is, the Osa Peninsula harbors 2.5% of the biodiversity on the planet, although it solely covers less than 1/1000th of 1% of the surface area of the earth! There are over 463 species of birds and 140 species of mammals – think of it as Disneyland for wildlife photographers! For just a small pattern of what I captured, take a look at the Costa Rica gallery here.
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Here’s a short record of a few of the more widespread species you’re more likely to encounter.
Howler Monkeys White-Confronted Monkeys Squirrel Monkeys Spider Monkeys Sloths (two / three toed both stay within the area) Anteaters Toucans Scarlet Macaws (largest inhabitants in Central America) Tree Frogs (numerous – however especially the Pink-Eyed Tree Frog, probably dart frogs as nicely) Lizards / Iguanas Parrots / Parakeets Numerous Raptors (Caracaras, Widespread Black Hawk, And so on) Snakes (professionally dealt with) Numerous Songbirds (Cherry, Golden-Hooded And Blue-Gray Tanagers are right at the resort!) Hummingbirds (tons of fun)
And that’s only a style – you by no means know what you’ll see!
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As for the workshop itself, the aim is twofold. First, I would like YOU to fill your reminiscence playing cards with as many unimaginable photographs as attainable within the time we have now and I’ll do every thing in my energy to make that occur. Second, I need to train you as much as I can about wildlife images.
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As a dedicated wildlife photographer, more than 90% of the pictures I capture annually are of wildlife. I’m a specialist, and in terms of getting critters in your reminiscence playing cards, I have a wealth of ideas and tips up my sleeve that may make it easier to accomplish that aim. Additionally, and as lots of you already know, educating images is what I do – simply take a look at my in depth collection of blog posts and movies to get an concept of how I convey myself and my info.
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In this workshop, I’ll not only make it easier to get the shot, however I’ll additionally share ideas and tips you should use to seize the special moments of any wildlife encounter. We’ll take a look at every part from digital camera and tech settings to artistic methods – it’s the whole package deal, and I feel you’ll actually take pleasure in it. At every wildlife encounter, I’ll be there to guide you and help in capturing these wall-hangers! Additionally, while I’ll take a shot here and there, in the course of the workshop, I’m NOT there for my own photographs, however for YOUR photographs. I’ve heard of nightmare workshops where the trainer was more curious about his or her own photographs than that of the individuals – that is NOT the case here. YOUR pictures are the precedence for everyone involved.
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In addition, we’ll even have skilled guides along to assist locate wildlife – and let me inform you, their capacity to seek out wildlife borders on the supernatural (you’ll see for yourself that last line isn’t simply advertising hype). I delight myself on my potential to spot wildlife, but these guys put me to disgrace. They know the world and may persistently find and hone in on wildlife of all types. Plus, they are super-knowledgeable about each facet of the rainforest; from fauna to flora, they will inform you all about it. Oh, and they’re a blast to hang around with – you’re gonna love ‘em!
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Finally, our residence base shall be Crocodile Bay Resort – and it’s just unbelievable! The property itself is gorgeous, and the truth is, you possibly can (and do) see nearly every animal I discussed on the record above. Some of my greatest photographs have been captured right there at the resort, and a few of our capturing will take place there. Heck, on our final morning there I was capturing howler monkeys that have been less than 20 ft from my rest room window. (The truth is, I was barely involved they could try to be a part of me!) Plus, the employees there’s jaw-droppingly outstanding. Everyone seems to be super-friendly and all the time makes you are feeling welcome. I wish all resorts have been this good!
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Right here’s the rundown from start to end:
Day 1 Arrive in San Jose Costa Rica
On the primary day, you’ll fly into San Jose, Costa Rica (most flights arrive within the late afternoon or evening) and luxuriate in a night on the lovely Double Tree lodge. It’s an unimaginable facility and provides you the right alternative to take a seat back, loosen up, hang out by the pool, and get a great night time’s sleep.
Day 2 Arrive At Crocodile Bay Resort
That is the place the fun really begins! You’ll fly over on a small 12 seat “puddle jumper” within the morning, enjoying unimaginable views along the best way. (Maintain your cameras out!)
We’ll meet you at the lobby and get you checked in instantly. Once your gear is dropped off, we hit the convention middle the place I’ll have a presentation that covers the way to photograph the wildlife of Costa Rica. Wildlife images in Costa Rica is usually a problem and I would like you to be completely prepared when the action begins unfolding in your viewfinder. When the superb moments happen, I would like you to know EXACTLY what to do to safe the shot. In any case, you don’t need to miss an unimaginable photograph since you weren’t absolutely instructed beforehand!
After the presentation, it’s time for a scrumptious lunch and then an afternoon photograph stroll so you’ll be able to turn into snug with the brand new methods discussed in the presentation.
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Day three – Full Day Of Capturing
Immediately we’ll head out to the countryside very first thing within the morning  and uncover some unimaginable wildlife with our skilled guides. We’ll take pleasure in touring in a set of 4WD automobiles that can get us in all places we need to go. All through the day, we’ll be driving via totally different places and stopping along the best way once we see fascinating wildlife (some days, it’s so lively we stop every 10 to 15 minutes). There’s no telling what we’ll see on a given day, however the variety is unimaginable.
Alongside the best way, our guides will give a blow-by-blow of the forest and surroundings we’re driving by means of. We only ask that you simply maintain your jaw off the ground of the truck
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Day 4 – Reptile And Amphibian Day (often with some birds and mammals too!)
Immediately we’re up shiny and early again and off to one in every of my favorite places where we’ll uncover even more wildlife! You’ll have the opportunity to photograph quite a lot of snakes (wild snakes which might be within the arms of knowledgeable handler and released once we’re completed), numerous frogs (probably even poison dart frogs), and a large number of birds as properly.
It’s on the prime of a mountain overlook and the variability will maintain your shutter snapping your complete time. I captured a few of my favourite photographs on this location and it’s by far considered one of my favourite spots!
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Day 5 – Optionally available Excursions And Afternoon Picture Evaluation
The morning of this present day is set aside for many who need to do their very own non-compulsory excursions by means of the resort (not included within the workshop worth, however very reasonably priced). We frequently have individuals who need to target a selected species or groups of animals (just birds, simply monkeys, and so on.) and this lets you work immediately in the direction of that objective – or you’ll be able to take the morning off should you choose. I may also use this morning to help anybody who has technical problems with their gear. (Occurs greater than you assume!)
Lunch is on the resort and we’ll spend a part of the afternoon doing a gaggle image critique, answering tech questions, and fixing any images points. If we end early, we’ll take a stroll across the resort in late afternoon and see if we will turn up something exciting
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Day 6 – Morning And Afternoon Shoot
On day 6 we’re back at it again beginning on the Osa Interactive Gardens where we’ll uncover ample macro prospects together with potential hen and mammal opportunities. This website is usually colorful frogs, lizards, and bugs (especially butterflies), but you never know what you’ll uncover!
From there, it’s again to the resort for a delicious lunch after which again out on the street for more! In the afternoon, we’ll hunt for monkeys, birds, and anything we will discover along the best way. Deliver additional memory cards!!
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Day 7 – Boat Tour
We prime off our final full day of capturing with a three hour boat tour on the Sierpe river. We embark on a pair of pontoon boats and slowly glide down the river, always stopping for the wildlife we uncover along the best way. The shoreline is loaded with critters and the shutters fly continuously!
The wildlife along the river is accustomed to the boat visitors and sometimes allows an incredibly shut strategy. You’ll need additional memory playing cards for this present day!
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Day eight – Fly again to San Jose and home
You’ll be up vibrant an early right now in your flight back to San Jose and then residence.
What dates are you getting in 2020?
Might 29 – June 5 – Bought Out June 6 – 13 – Bought Out June 16 – 23 – Bought Out July 17 – 24 – Bought Out July 25 – August 1 – Bought Out August four – 11 – Bought Out
What’s the talent degree?
This trip is greatest fitted to photographers who have at the very least some expertise with their cameras and have accomplished no less than a some wildlife images. Costa Rica is among the most challenging places on the planet and while I can information you although the robust stuff, remember that we do have 10 individuals so it’s essential that you’ve some experience beneath your belt.
First, you ought to be snug with working your digital camera. You also needs to be acquainted with – and capable of change – the next choices on your digital camera:
Publicity Modes
Publicity Compensation
AF Modes / Areas
Metering Modes
Drive Modes
As well as, it is best to perceive what shutter velocity, F/Stop, and ISO do.
Briefly, the objective of this trip is to teach wildlife images, not the fundamentals of images.
For those who’re not sure if in case you have the right talent set, contact us.
Are the animals tame?
Nope. Many individuals assume that is kind of like a zoo experience where we head out to a location and the animals are just dripping off the timber. That’s not the case – this a wildlife workshop, not an tour to the zoo
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If you need a zoo-like experience, this journey isn’t for you.
Nevertheless, in case you like and settle for the the thought of photographing wild animals, you’ll have an unimaginable time! Positive, we will’t predict what we’ll see or once we’ll see it, however the area is loaded with wildlife and it’s all the time a blast!
What’s included?
All meals / meals (offered at / from the resort – on full days, the resort packs us a cooler, you get to select what you need them to pack)
Non-alcoholic drinks (offered at / from the resort)
Lodging throughout the workshop as outlined above. Observe you possibly can come early / stay later however your package deal only consists of the nights for the workshop
Ground transportation
Flights from San Jose to the resort and again to San Jose
What’s not included?
Your flights from house to San Jose and from San Jose again house.
Alcoholic drinks
Excessive baggage charges
Gratuities / ideas
Airline fees / insurance / passports / private bills
Any further tours, actions and so on. not expressly mentioned in the workshop
Any further nights accommodations that happen beyond the time-frame of the workshop dates (but it is cool to stay an extra day or two)
Laundry (there’s an on-site laundry service)
Any emergency providers, if crucial. (There has never been an evacuation in the historical past of the resort, rest straightforward).
Any meals you determine to have outdoors of the resort.
Some other bills not explicitly coated in the “What’s Included” part above
Can my spouse / member of the family come and keep at the resort?
Sure. For a further $1500 your spouse or family member can share your lodging all through the workshop, nevertheless, they will be unable to hitch you on any workshop activities. That stated, consider there are tons of different activities on the resort, or they will simply sit back and loosen up when you’re collaborating in the workshop.
What number of members are in the workshop?
With a view to give you the greatest expertise attainable, we’re limiting the number of individuals to only 10 individuals. Reserving shall be finished on a primary come, first serve basis – nothing is held until a deposit has been positioned.
What ought to I put on?
The weather in Costa Rica is scorching and humid. Like actually scorching and humid. Like, Florida in July, solely hotter and more humid. And it likes to rain at the least as soon as a day. So, I like to recommend avoiding something cotton – it just gained’t dry and it will really feel scorching and icky (that’s the technical term BTW). I like dry-fit fashion shirts (I have some from Eddie Bauer that work nicely) and shorts (Columbia makes some good options with their “Omni Wick” and “Quick Dry” water shorts). You’ll be able to put on lengthy pants in the event you like, nevertheless, be sure that they are of the lightweight and quick drying variety.
Once I go, I take the next:
Shorts (notice – many individuals choose light-weight lengthy pants) Brief Sleeve Dry-Fit fashion shirts Lengthy Sleeve Dry Fit fashion shirts (for solar safety if we’re out on a sunny day – shirts with SPF safety are really helpful) Non-cotton undergarments (critically, sweat-soaked underwear sucks) Lightweight hat 2 pairs of light-weight climbing footwear (preferably waterproof) Light-weight raincoat Lengthy socks (we typically use rubber boots offered by the resort and you’ll need a pair of long socks)
What should I deliver for photograph gear?
Remember this can be a devoted wildlife journey, so that you’ll undoubtedly want your huge glass. Using full frame, you’ll need no less than 400mm, nevertheless, I HIGHLY advocate 500mm ~ 600mm or extra. One of many tremendous zooms is an effective selection like the Nikon 200-500, Sigma 150-600, Tamron 150-600, or Canon 100-400. When you occur to have an enormous prime that’s even higher – I exploit my 600 F/4 all the time and it works out extraordinarily properly.
I also HIGHLY advocate a macro lens – we’re going after quite a bit of wildlife that’s anyplace from dime to greenback measurement. Stick to a focal length of 100mm or longer. (Notice – in a pinch you possibly can definitely get by with most tremendous zooms for macro work).
I also highly advocate taking a short zoom for snapshots and it’s all the time attainable an excellent landscape opportunity will crop up. Something like a 24-70 can be simply superb.
Since it can be wet at occasions, you also might want some kind of “rain jacket” in your gear (or at the least borrow a towel out of your lodge room).
As well as, you’ll doubtless need a tripod and monopod (I used both quite a bit, but if I had to decide one, it might be the monopod).
With regards to cameras, you’ll want as new of a DSLR as you possibly can muster, ideally one thing from the final 3~4 years. We end up in a variety of tough lighting situations, typically requiring good dynamic range and good excessive ISO. So, the newer, the higher. Any current Nikon or Canon is simply high quality.
Oh, and don’t overlook additional memory cards and batteries!
What sort of non-photography gear ought to I take?
You’ll want your laptop computer / card reader for positive – we take a TON of pictures and also you’ll need to offload them at night time. I’d additionally advocate a further backup system, corresponding to an exterior onerous drive or giant reminiscence card (I exploit a large SD card for backup and maintain it on my individual always).
You’ll also want:
Bugspray (the bugs really aren’t dangerous in any respect – more often than not you gained’t need it, however doesn’t harm to have it)
Knee pads (optionally available)
Small reflector (non-compulsory)
Sunscreen (High SPF – the solar might be brutal)
Do I want to speak Spanish?
By no means. I find out about a dozen words in Spanish and I obtained along simply positive. Everybody you’ll cope with speaks English.
Is it protected there?
Completely. Everyone seems to be tremendous friendly and never as soon as did we really feel “unsafe” in any method.
Is there a whole lot of climbing?
No, not on this workshop. Most of our images is completed near the automobiles, with some strolling at the resort. Nothing too strenuous in any case.
Is the world full of vacationers?
Nope, under no circumstances. Positive, there are visitors there, but I was amazed at simply how few vacationers have been within the area. It’s one of the causes I needed to go to this location – no “competition” for critters!
Will there be alternatives aside from wildlife?
Simply to be 100% clear – this can be a wildlife images workshop, so the critters take precedent. Nevertheless, that doesn’t imply you’ll be able to’t seize a nice panorama or two when you’re down there. The truth is, the docks are an unimaginable location for sunrise.
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What’s the climate like?
We’re going to be down there in  (Might-Sept), so it’s scorching however not as dangerous as it gets from Dec-April. Nonetheless, anticipate scorching and humid circumstances with rain probably. The good news is that we’ll probably have an excellent bit of overcast that may permit us to shoot all day in respectable mild.
Is any of this topic to vary?
Sure. We might choose to rearrange / modify the schedule based mostly on weather, unexpected circumstances, or simply higher alternatives so that you can get a better choice of pictures. The first objective is for YOU to get as many great photographs as attainable, and any schedule change can be based mostly on meeting that objective.
What’s the worth?
The worth is $4985 per individual (or $4307 for double occupancy) with a deposit of $1500 per individual due upon reserving (Word, for those who e-book within 90 days of the trip, your complete cost is required upon reserving.) Again, this is fairly inclusive and consists of:
All meals / food (offered at / from the resort)
Non-alcoholic drinks (offered at / from the resort)
Lodging all through the workshop as outlined above. Word you’ll be able to come early / keep later however your package deal solely consists of the nights for the workshop
Ground transportation
Flights from San Jose to the resort and again to San Jose
For single occupancy, you’ll have your personal personal room
Word that you may be answerable for the flight from your own home to San Jose Costa Rica. Examine together with your favorite airline for current charges.
Additionally observe that the rate for double occupancy (two workshop members sharing a room) is lower per individual, coming in at $8614 for two ($4307 every). So, get a good friend to do the workshop with you and also you each save!
What if I have questions?
Ship ’em to us by way of our contact type and we’ll get again to you as quickly as you possibly can. Word that this is only for questions – to sign up, use the shape under.
How do I enroll?
Fill out the form under to start out the signup course of should you’re able to e-book / put down your deposit. Thanks!
Our 2020 Costa Rica Workshops are bought out. Should you nonetheless need in, we extremely advocate jumping on our waitlist (type under). While all the spots are presently spoken for, we are nonetheless ready on deposits and we all the time have a few that fall by way of every year (as well as two or three sudden cancellations between now and the workshop). The earlier you join the wait listing, the better your probability of getting a spot.
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lovefuturisticmgtow · 5 years
2020 Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshops
The 2020 Costa Rica Workshops Are Bought Out!
Get On The Waitlist ASAP!
WOW – All the workshops (6 weeks / 60 individuals) bought out in less than 36 hours! In case you still want in, we highly advocate jumping on our waitlist (type at the bottom of this web page). Whereas all the spots are presently spoken for, we are nonetheless waiting on deposits and we all the time have a few that fall via every year (as well as two or three sudden cancellations between now and the workshop). The sooner you join the wait record, the better your probability of getting a spot.
The Journey Of A Lifetime!
I’m excited to announce our new 2020 Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshop!  This once-in-a-lifetime photograph workshop will happen on Costa Rica’s lovely Osa Peninsula, a location Nationwide Geographic calls, “The most biologically intense place on Earth.” A powerful claim, however just some hours on website is enough to make a believer out of any skeptic. The truth is, I feel the Nationwide Geographic statement might not do it justice!
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As a full-time wildlife photographer, I’ve been to various unimaginable places, however I’ve to inform you – I’ve never skilled an setting that was so extremely goal wealthy and numerous as the Osa Peninsula. This is really a workshop experience that you will all the time keep in mind! Once I went to guage the situation for a possible workshop, I by no means dreamt I might find yourself capturing over 14,000 pictures in slightly below every week’s time!
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What can you see and photograph? Though there are never any ensures with wildlife, it’s very possible you’ll see fairly a couple of of the species listed under – heck, you may even see all of them after which some! The truth is, the Osa Peninsula harbors 2.5% of the biodiversity on the planet, although it solely covers less than 1/1000th of 1% of the surface area of the earth! There are over 463 species of birds and 140 species of mammals – think of it as Disneyland for wildlife photographers! For just a small pattern of what I captured, take a look at the Costa Rica gallery here.
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Here’s a short record of a few of the more widespread species you’re more likely to encounter.
Howler Monkeys White-Confronted Monkeys Squirrel Monkeys Spider Monkeys Sloths (two / three toed both stay within the area) Anteaters Toucans Scarlet Macaws (largest inhabitants in Central America) Tree Frogs (numerous – however especially the Pink-Eyed Tree Frog, probably dart frogs as nicely) Lizards / Iguanas Parrots / Parakeets Numerous Raptors (Caracaras, Widespread Black Hawk, And so on) Snakes (professionally dealt with) Numerous Songbirds (Cherry, Golden-Hooded And Blue-Gray Tanagers are right at the resort!) Hummingbirds (tons of fun)
And that’s only a style – you by no means know what you’ll see!
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As for the workshop itself, the aim is twofold. First, I would like YOU to fill your reminiscence playing cards with as many unimaginable photographs as attainable within the time we have now and I’ll do every thing in my energy to make that occur. Second, I need to train you as much as I can about wildlife images.
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As a dedicated wildlife photographer, more than 90% of the pictures I capture annually are of wildlife. I’m a specialist, and in terms of getting critters in your reminiscence playing cards, I have a wealth of ideas and tips up my sleeve that may make it easier to accomplish that aim. Additionally, and as lots of you already know, educating images is what I do – simply take a look at my in depth collection of blog posts and movies to get an concept of how I convey myself and my info.
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In this workshop, I’ll not only make it easier to get the shot, however I’ll additionally share ideas and tips you should use to seize the special moments of any wildlife encounter. We’ll take a look at every part from digital camera and tech settings to artistic methods – it’s the whole package deal, and I feel you’ll actually take pleasure in it. At every wildlife encounter, I’ll be there to guide you and help in capturing these wall-hangers! Additionally, while I’ll take a shot here and there, in the course of the workshop, I’m NOT there for my own photographs, however for YOUR photographs. I’ve heard of nightmare workshops where the trainer was more curious about his or her own photographs than that of the individuals – that is NOT the case here. YOUR pictures are the precedence for everyone involved.
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In addition, we’ll even have skilled guides along to assist locate wildlife – and let me inform you, their capacity to seek out wildlife borders on the supernatural (you’ll see for yourself that last line isn’t simply advertising hype). I delight myself on my potential to spot wildlife, but these guys put me to disgrace. They know the world and may persistently find and hone in on wildlife of all types. Plus, they are super-knowledgeable about each facet of the rainforest; from fauna to flora, they will inform you all about it. Oh, and they’re a blast to hang around with – you’re gonna love ‘em!
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Finally, our residence base shall be Crocodile Bay Resort – and it’s just unbelievable! The property itself is gorgeous, and the truth is, you possibly can (and do) see nearly every animal I discussed on the record above. Some of my greatest photographs have been captured right there at the resort, and a few of our capturing will take place there. Heck, on our final morning there I was capturing howler monkeys that have been less than 20 ft from my rest room window. (The truth is, I was barely involved they could try to be a part of me!) Plus, the employees there’s jaw-droppingly outstanding. Everyone seems to be super-friendly and all the time makes you are feeling welcome. I wish all resorts have been this good!
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Right here’s the rundown from start to end:
Day 1 Arrive in San Jose Costa Rica
On the primary day, you’ll fly into San Jose, Costa Rica (most flights arrive within the late afternoon or evening) and luxuriate in a night on the lovely Double Tree lodge. It’s an unimaginable facility and provides you the right alternative to take a seat back, loosen up, hang out by the pool, and get a great night time’s sleep.
Day 2 Arrive At Crocodile Bay Resort
That is the place the fun really begins! You’ll fly over on a small 12 seat “puddle jumper” within the morning, enjoying unimaginable views along the best way. (Maintain your cameras out!)
We’ll meet you at the lobby and get you checked in instantly. Once your gear is dropped off, we hit the convention middle the place I’ll have a presentation that covers the way to photograph the wildlife of Costa Rica. Wildlife images in Costa Rica is usually a problem and I would like you to be completely prepared when the action begins unfolding in your viewfinder. When the superb moments happen, I would like you to know EXACTLY what to do to safe the shot. In any case, you don’t need to miss an unimaginable photograph since you weren’t absolutely instructed beforehand!
After the presentation, it’s time for a scrumptious lunch and then an afternoon photograph stroll so you’ll be able to turn into snug with the brand new methods discussed in the presentation.
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Day three – Full Day Of Capturing
Immediately we’ll head out to the countryside very first thing within the morning  and uncover some unimaginable wildlife with our skilled guides. We’ll take pleasure in touring in a set of 4WD automobiles that can get us in all places we need to go. All through the day, we’ll be driving via totally different places and stopping along the best way once we see fascinating wildlife (some days, it’s so lively we stop every 10 to 15 minutes). There’s no telling what we’ll see on a given day, however the variety is unimaginable.
Alongside the best way, our guides will give a blow-by-blow of the forest and surroundings we’re driving by means of. We only ask that you simply maintain your jaw off the ground of the truck
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Day 4 – Reptile And Amphibian Day (often with some birds and mammals too!)
Immediately we’re up shiny and early again and off to one in every of my favorite places where we’ll uncover even more wildlife! You’ll have the opportunity to photograph quite a lot of snakes (wild snakes which might be within the arms of knowledgeable handler and released once we’re completed), numerous frogs (probably even poison dart frogs), and a large number of birds as properly.
It’s on the prime of a mountain overlook and the variability will maintain your shutter snapping your complete time. I captured a few of my favourite photographs on this location and it’s by far considered one of my favourite spots!
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Day 5 – Optionally available Excursions And Afternoon Picture Evaluation
The morning of this present day is set aside for many who need to do their very own non-compulsory excursions by means of the resort (not included within the workshop worth, however very reasonably priced). We frequently have individuals who need to target a selected species or groups of animals (just birds, simply monkeys, and so on.) and this lets you work immediately in the direction of that objective – or you’ll be able to take the morning off should you choose. I may also use this morning to help anybody who has technical problems with their gear. (Occurs greater than you assume!)
Lunch is on the resort and we’ll spend a part of the afternoon doing a gaggle image critique, answering tech questions, and fixing any images points. If we end early, we’ll take a stroll across the resort in late afternoon and see if we will turn up something exciting
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Day 6 – Morning And Afternoon Shoot
On day 6 we’re back at it again beginning on the Osa Interactive Gardens where we’ll uncover ample macro prospects together with potential hen and mammal opportunities. This website is usually colorful frogs, lizards, and bugs (especially butterflies), but you never know what you’ll uncover!
From there, it’s again to the resort for a delicious lunch after which again out on the street for more! In the afternoon, we’ll hunt for monkeys, birds, and anything we will discover along the best way. Deliver additional memory cards!!
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Day 7 – Boat Tour
We prime off our final full day of capturing with a three hour boat tour on the Sierpe river. We embark on a pair of pontoon boats and slowly glide down the river, always stopping for the wildlife we uncover along the best way. The shoreline is loaded with critters and the shutters fly continuously!
The wildlife along the river is accustomed to the boat visitors and sometimes allows an incredibly shut strategy. You’ll need additional memory playing cards for this present day!
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Day eight – Fly again to San Jose and home
You’ll be up vibrant an early right now in your flight back to San Jose and then residence.
What dates are you getting in 2020?
Might 29 – June 5 – Bought Out June 6 – 13 – Bought Out June 16 – 23 – Bought Out July 17 – 24 – Bought Out July 25 – August 1 – Bought Out August four – 11 – Bought Out
What’s the talent degree?
This trip is greatest fitted to photographers who have at the very least some expertise with their cameras and have accomplished no less than a some wildlife images. Costa Rica is among the most challenging places on the planet and while I can information you although the robust stuff, remember that we do have 10 individuals so it’s essential that you’ve some experience beneath your belt.
First, you ought to be snug with working your digital camera. You also needs to be acquainted with – and capable of change – the next choices on your digital camera:
Publicity Modes
Publicity Compensation
AF Modes / Areas
Metering Modes
Drive Modes
As well as, it is best to perceive what shutter velocity, F/Stop, and ISO do.
Briefly, the objective of this trip is to teach wildlife images, not the fundamentals of images.
For those who’re not sure if in case you have the right talent set, contact us.
Are the animals tame?
Nope. Many individuals assume that is kind of like a zoo experience where we head out to a location and the animals are just dripping off the timber. That’s not the case – this a wildlife workshop, not an tour to the zoo
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If you need a zoo-like experience, this journey isn’t for you.
Nevertheless, in case you like and settle for the the thought of photographing wild animals, you’ll have an unimaginable time! Positive, we will’t predict what we’ll see or once we’ll see it, however the area is loaded with wildlife and it’s all the time a blast!
What’s included?
All meals / meals (offered at / from the resort – on full days, the resort packs us a cooler, you get to select what you need them to pack)
Non-alcoholic drinks (offered at / from the resort)
Lodging throughout the workshop as outlined above. Observe you possibly can come early / stay later however your package deal only consists of the nights for the workshop
Ground transportation
Flights from San Jose to the resort and again to San Jose
What’s not included?
Your flights from house to San Jose and from San Jose again house.
Alcoholic drinks
Excessive baggage charges
Gratuities / ideas
Airline fees / insurance / passports / private bills
Any further tours, actions and so on. not expressly mentioned in the workshop
Any further nights accommodations that happen beyond the time-frame of the workshop dates (but it is cool to stay an extra day or two)
Laundry (there’s an on-site laundry service)
Any emergency providers, if crucial. (There has never been an evacuation in the historical past of the resort, rest straightforward).
Any meals you determine to have outdoors of the resort.
Some other bills not explicitly coated in the “What’s Included” part above
Can my spouse / member of the family come and keep at the resort?
Sure. For a further $1500 your spouse or family member can share your lodging all through the workshop, nevertheless, they will be unable to hitch you on any workshop activities. That stated, consider there are tons of different activities on the resort, or they will simply sit back and loosen up when you’re collaborating in the workshop.
What number of members are in the workshop?
With a view to give you the greatest expertise attainable, we’re limiting the number of individuals to only 10 individuals. Reserving shall be finished on a primary come, first serve basis – nothing is held until a deposit has been positioned.
What ought to I put on?
The weather in Costa Rica is scorching and humid. Like actually scorching and humid. Like, Florida in July, solely hotter and more humid. And it likes to rain at the least as soon as a day. So, I like to recommend avoiding something cotton – it just gained’t dry and it will really feel scorching and icky (that’s the technical term BTW). I like dry-fit fashion shirts (I have some from Eddie Bauer that work nicely) and shorts (Columbia makes some good options with their “Omni Wick” and “Quick Dry” water shorts). You’ll be able to put on lengthy pants in the event you like, nevertheless, be sure that they are of the lightweight and quick drying variety.
Once I go, I take the next:
Shorts (notice – many individuals choose light-weight lengthy pants) Brief Sleeve Dry-Fit fashion shirts Lengthy Sleeve Dry Fit fashion shirts (for solar safety if we’re out on a sunny day – shirts with SPF safety are really helpful) Non-cotton undergarments (critically, sweat-soaked underwear sucks) Lightweight hat 2 pairs of light-weight climbing footwear (preferably waterproof) Light-weight raincoat Lengthy socks (we typically use rubber boots offered by the resort and you’ll need a pair of long socks)
What should I deliver for photograph gear?
Remember this can be a devoted wildlife journey, so that you’ll undoubtedly want your huge glass. Using full frame, you’ll need no less than 400mm, nevertheless, I HIGHLY advocate 500mm ~ 600mm or extra. One of many tremendous zooms is an effective selection like the Nikon 200-500, Sigma 150-600, Tamron 150-600, or Canon 100-400. When you occur to have an enormous prime that’s even higher – I exploit my 600 F/4 all the time and it works out extraordinarily properly.
I also HIGHLY advocate a macro lens – we’re going after quite a bit of wildlife that’s anyplace from dime to greenback measurement. Stick to a focal length of 100mm or longer. (Notice – in a pinch you possibly can definitely get by with most tremendous zooms for macro work).
I also highly advocate taking a short zoom for snapshots and it’s all the time attainable an excellent landscape opportunity will crop up. Something like a 24-70 can be simply superb.
Since it can be wet at occasions, you also might want some kind of “rain jacket” in your gear (or at the least borrow a towel out of your lodge room).
As well as, you’ll doubtless need a tripod and monopod (I used both quite a bit, but if I had to decide one, it might be the monopod).
With regards to cameras, you’ll want as new of a DSLR as you possibly can muster, ideally one thing from the final 3~4 years. We end up in a variety of tough lighting situations, typically requiring good dynamic range and good excessive ISO. So, the newer, the higher. Any current Nikon or Canon is simply high quality.
Oh, and don’t overlook additional memory cards and batteries!
What sort of non-photography gear ought to I take?
You’ll want your laptop computer / card reader for positive – we take a TON of pictures and also you’ll need to offload them at night time. I’d additionally advocate a further backup system, corresponding to an exterior onerous drive or giant reminiscence card (I exploit a large SD card for backup and maintain it on my individual always).
You’ll also want:
Bugspray (the bugs really aren’t dangerous in any respect – more often than not you gained’t need it, however doesn’t harm to have it)
Knee pads (optionally available)
Small reflector (non-compulsory)
Sunscreen (High SPF – the solar might be brutal)
Do I want to speak Spanish?
By no means. I find out about a dozen words in Spanish and I obtained along simply positive. Everybody you’ll cope with speaks English.
Is it protected there?
Completely. Everyone seems to be tremendous friendly and never as soon as did we really feel “unsafe” in any method.
Is there a whole lot of climbing?
No, not on this workshop. Most of our images is completed near the automobiles, with some strolling at the resort. Nothing too strenuous in any case.
Is the world full of vacationers?
Nope, under no circumstances. Positive, there are visitors there, but I was amazed at simply how few vacationers have been within the area. It’s one of the causes I needed to go to this location – no “competition” for critters!
Will there be alternatives aside from wildlife?
Simply to be 100% clear – this can be a wildlife images workshop, so the critters take precedent. Nevertheless, that doesn’t imply you’ll be able to’t seize a nice panorama or two when you’re down there. The truth is, the docks are an unimaginable location for sunrise.
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What’s the climate like?
We’re going to be down there in  (Might-Sept), so it’s scorching however not as dangerous as it gets from Dec-April. Nonetheless, anticipate scorching and humid circumstances with rain probably. The good news is that we’ll probably have an excellent bit of overcast that may permit us to shoot all day in respectable mild.
Is any of this topic to vary?
Sure. We might choose to rearrange / modify the schedule based mostly on weather, unexpected circumstances, or simply higher alternatives so that you can get a better choice of pictures. The first objective is for YOU to get as many great photographs as attainable, and any schedule change can be based mostly on meeting that objective.
What’s the worth?
The worth is $4985 per individual (or $4307 for double occupancy) with a deposit of $1500 per individual due upon reserving (Word, for those who e-book within 90 days of the trip, your complete cost is required upon reserving.) Again, this is fairly inclusive and consists of:
All meals / food (offered at / from the resort)
Non-alcoholic drinks (offered at / from the resort)
Lodging all through the workshop as outlined above. Word you’ll be able to come early / keep later however your package deal solely consists of the nights for the workshop
Ground transportation
Flights from San Jose to the resort and again to San Jose
For single occupancy, you’ll have your personal personal room
Word that you may be answerable for the flight from your own home to San Jose Costa Rica. Examine together with your favorite airline for current charges.
Additionally observe that the rate for double occupancy (two workshop members sharing a room) is lower per individual, coming in at $8614 for two ($4307 every). So, get a good friend to do the workshop with you and also you each save!
What if I have questions?
Ship ’em to us by way of our contact type and we’ll get again to you as quickly as you possibly can. Word that this is only for questions – to sign up, use the shape under.
How do I enroll?
Fill out the form under to start out the signup course of should you’re able to e-book / put down your deposit. Thanks!
Our 2020 Costa Rica Workshops are bought out. Should you nonetheless need in, we extremely advocate jumping on our waitlist (type under). While all the spots are presently spoken for, we are nonetheless ready on deposits and we all the time have a few that fall by way of every year (as well as two or three sudden cancellations between now and the workshop). The earlier you join the wait listing, the better your probability of getting a spot.
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The post 2020 Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshops appeared first on Android Blog.
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psychedelic-killer · 5 years
2020 Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshops
The 2020 Costa Rica Workshops Are Bought Out!
Get On The Waitlist ASAP!
WOW – All the workshops (6 weeks / 60 individuals) bought out in less than 36 hours! In case you still want in, we highly advocate jumping on our waitlist (type at the bottom of this web page). Whereas all the spots are presently spoken for, we are nonetheless waiting on deposits and we all the time have a few that fall via every year (as well as two or three sudden cancellations between now and the workshop). The sooner you join the wait record, the better your probability of getting a spot.
The Journey Of A Lifetime!
I’m excited to announce our new 2020 Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshop!  This once-in-a-lifetime photograph workshop will happen on Costa Rica’s lovely Osa Peninsula, a location Nationwide Geographic calls, “The most biologically intense place on Earth.” A powerful claim, however just some hours on website is enough to make a believer out of any skeptic. The truth is, I feel the Nationwide Geographic statement might not do it justice!
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As a full-time wildlife photographer, I’ve been to various unimaginable places, however I’ve to inform you – I’ve never skilled an setting that was so extremely goal wealthy and numerous as the Osa Peninsula. This is really a workshop experience that you will all the time keep in mind! Once I went to guage the situation for a possible workshop, I by no means dreamt I might find yourself capturing over 14,000 pictures in slightly below every week’s time!
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What can you see and photograph? Though there are never any ensures with wildlife, it’s very possible you’ll see fairly a couple of of the species listed under – heck, you may even see all of them after which some! The truth is, the Osa Peninsula harbors 2.5% of the biodiversity on the planet, although it solely covers less than 1/1000th of 1% of the surface area of the earth! There are over 463 species of birds and 140 species of mammals – think of it as Disneyland for wildlife photographers! For just a small pattern of what I captured, take a look at the Costa Rica gallery here.
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Here’s a short record of a few of the more widespread species you’re more likely to encounter.
Howler Monkeys White-Confronted Monkeys Squirrel Monkeys Spider Monkeys Sloths (two / three toed both stay within the area) Anteaters Toucans Scarlet Macaws (largest inhabitants in Central America) Tree Frogs (numerous – however especially the Pink-Eyed Tree Frog, probably dart frogs as nicely) Lizards / Iguanas Parrots / Parakeets Numerous Raptors (Caracaras, Widespread Black Hawk, And so on) Snakes (professionally dealt with) Numerous Songbirds (Cherry, Golden-Hooded And Blue-Gray Tanagers are right at the resort!) Hummingbirds (tons of fun)
And that’s only a style – you by no means know what you’ll see!
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As for the workshop itself, the aim is twofold. First, I would like YOU to fill your reminiscence playing cards with as many unimaginable photographs as attainable within the time we have now and I’ll do every thing in my energy to make that occur. Second, I need to train you as much as I can about wildlife images.
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As a dedicated wildlife photographer, more than 90% of the pictures I capture annually are of wildlife. I’m a specialist, and in terms of getting critters in your reminiscence playing cards, I have a wealth of ideas and tips up my sleeve that may make it easier to accomplish that aim. Additionally, and as lots of you already know, educating images is what I do – simply take a look at my in depth collection of blog posts and movies to get an concept of how I convey myself and my info.
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In this workshop, I’ll not only make it easier to get the shot, however I’ll additionally share ideas and tips you should use to seize the special moments of any wildlife encounter. We’ll take a look at every part from digital camera and tech settings to artistic methods – it’s the whole package deal, and I feel you’ll actually take pleasure in it. At every wildlife encounter, I’ll be there to guide you and help in capturing these wall-hangers! Additionally, while I’ll take a shot here and there, in the course of the workshop, I’m NOT there for my own photographs, however for YOUR photographs. I’ve heard of nightmare workshops where the trainer was more curious about his or her own photographs than that of the individuals – that is NOT the case here. YOUR pictures are the precedence for everyone involved.
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In addition, we’ll even have skilled guides along to assist locate wildlife – and let me inform you, their capacity to seek out wildlife borders on the supernatural (you’ll see for yourself that last line isn’t simply advertising hype). I delight myself on my potential to spot wildlife, but these guys put me to disgrace. They know the world and may persistently find and hone in on wildlife of all types. Plus, they are super-knowledgeable about each facet of the rainforest; from fauna to flora, they will inform you all about it. Oh, and they’re a blast to hang around with – you’re gonna love ‘em!
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Finally, our residence base shall be Crocodile Bay Resort – and it’s just unbelievable! The property itself is gorgeous, and the truth is, you possibly can (and do) see nearly every animal I discussed on the record above. Some of my greatest photographs have been captured right there at the resort, and a few of our capturing will take place there. Heck, on our final morning there I was capturing howler monkeys that have been less than 20 ft from my rest room window. (The truth is, I was barely involved they could try to be a part of me!) Plus, the employees there’s jaw-droppingly outstanding. Everyone seems to be super-friendly and all the time makes you are feeling welcome. I wish all resorts have been this good!
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Right here’s the rundown from start to end:
Day 1 Arrive in San Jose Costa Rica
On the primary day, you’ll fly into San Jose, Costa Rica (most flights arrive within the late afternoon or evening) and luxuriate in a night on the lovely Double Tree lodge. It’s an unimaginable facility and provides you the right alternative to take a seat back, loosen up, hang out by the pool, and get a great night time’s sleep.
Day 2 Arrive At Crocodile Bay Resort
That is the place the fun really begins! You’ll fly over on a small 12 seat “puddle jumper” within the morning, enjoying unimaginable views along the best way. (Maintain your cameras out!)
We’ll meet you at the lobby and get you checked in instantly. Once your gear is dropped off, we hit the convention middle the place I’ll have a presentation that covers the way to photograph the wildlife of Costa Rica. Wildlife images in Costa Rica is usually a problem and I would like you to be completely prepared when the action begins unfolding in your viewfinder. When the superb moments happen, I would like you to know EXACTLY what to do to safe the shot. In any case, you don’t need to miss an unimaginable photograph since you weren’t absolutely instructed beforehand!
After the presentation, it’s time for a scrumptious lunch and then an afternoon photograph stroll so you’ll be able to turn into snug with the brand new methods discussed in the presentation.
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Day three – Full Day Of Capturing
Immediately we’ll head out to the countryside very first thing within the morning  and uncover some unimaginable wildlife with our skilled guides. We’ll take pleasure in touring in a set of 4WD automobiles that can get us in all places we need to go. All through the day, we’ll be driving via totally different places and stopping along the best way once we see fascinating wildlife (some days, it’s so lively we stop every 10 to 15 minutes). There’s no telling what we’ll see on a given day, however the variety is unimaginable.
Alongside the best way, our guides will give a blow-by-blow of the forest and surroundings we’re driving by means of. We only ask that you simply maintain your jaw off the ground of the truck
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Day 4 – Reptile And Amphibian Day (often with some birds and mammals too!)
Immediately we’re up shiny and early again and off to one in every of my favorite places where we’ll uncover even more wildlife! You’ll have the opportunity to photograph quite a lot of snakes (wild snakes which might be within the arms of knowledgeable handler and released once we’re completed), numerous frogs (probably even poison dart frogs), and a large number of birds as properly.
It’s on the prime of a mountain overlook and the variability will maintain your shutter snapping your complete time. I captured a few of my favourite photographs on this location and it’s by far considered one of my favourite spots!
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Day 5 – Optionally available Excursions And Afternoon Picture Evaluation
The morning of this present day is set aside for many who need to do their very own non-compulsory excursions by means of the resort (not included within the workshop worth, however very reasonably priced). We frequently have individuals who need to target a selected species or groups of animals (just birds, simply monkeys, and so on.) and this lets you work immediately in the direction of that objective – or you’ll be able to take the morning off should you choose. I may also use this morning to help anybody who has technical problems with their gear. (Occurs greater than you assume!)
Lunch is on the resort and we’ll spend a part of the afternoon doing a gaggle image critique, answering tech questions, and fixing any images points. If we end early, we’ll take a stroll across the resort in late afternoon and see if we will turn up something exciting
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Day 6 – Morning And Afternoon Shoot
On day 6 we’re back at it again beginning on the Osa Interactive Gardens where we’ll uncover ample macro prospects together with potential hen and mammal opportunities. This website is usually colorful frogs, lizards, and bugs (especially butterflies), but you never know what you’ll uncover!
From there, it’s again to the resort for a delicious lunch after which again out on the street for more! In the afternoon, we’ll hunt for monkeys, birds, and anything we will discover along the best way. Deliver additional memory cards!!
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Day 7 – Boat Tour
We prime off our final full day of capturing with a three hour boat tour on the Sierpe river. We embark on a pair of pontoon boats and slowly glide down the river, always stopping for the wildlife we uncover along the best way. The shoreline is loaded with critters and the shutters fly continuously!
The wildlife along the river is accustomed to the boat visitors and sometimes allows an incredibly shut strategy. You’ll need additional memory playing cards for this present day!
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Day eight – Fly again to San Jose and home
You’ll be up vibrant an early right now in your flight back to San Jose and then residence.
What dates are you getting in 2020?
Might 29 – June 5 – Bought Out June 6 – 13 – Bought Out June 16 – 23 – Bought Out July 17 – 24 – Bought Out July 25 – August 1 – Bought Out August four – 11 – Bought Out
What’s the talent degree?
This trip is greatest fitted to photographers who have at the very least some expertise with their cameras and have accomplished no less than a some wildlife images. Costa Rica is among the most challenging places on the planet and while I can information you although the robust stuff, remember that we do have 10 individuals so it’s essential that you’ve some experience beneath your belt.
First, you ought to be snug with working your digital camera. You also needs to be acquainted with – and capable of change – the next choices on your digital camera:
Publicity Modes
Publicity Compensation
AF Modes / Areas
Metering Modes
Drive Modes
As well as, it is best to perceive what shutter velocity, F/Stop, and ISO do.
Briefly, the objective of this trip is to teach wildlife images, not the fundamentals of images.
For those who’re not sure if in case you have the right talent set, contact us.
Are the animals tame?
Nope. Many individuals assume that is kind of like a zoo experience where we head out to a location and the animals are just dripping off the timber. That’s not the case – this a wildlife workshop, not an tour to the zoo
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If you need a zoo-like experience, this journey isn’t for you.
Nevertheless, in case you like and settle for the the thought of photographing wild animals, you’ll have an unimaginable time! Positive, we will’t predict what we’ll see or once we’ll see it, however the area is loaded with wildlife and it’s all the time a blast!
What’s included?
All meals / meals (offered at / from the resort – on full days, the resort packs us a cooler, you get to select what you need them to pack)
Non-alcoholic drinks (offered at / from the resort)
Lodging throughout the workshop as outlined above. Observe you possibly can come early / stay later however your package deal only consists of the nights for the workshop
Ground transportation
Flights from San Jose to the resort and again to San Jose
What’s not included?
Your flights from house to San Jose and from San Jose again house.
Alcoholic drinks
Excessive baggage charges
Gratuities / ideas
Airline fees / insurance / passports / private bills
Any further tours, actions and so on. not expressly mentioned in the workshop
Any further nights accommodations that happen beyond the time-frame of the workshop dates (but it is cool to stay an extra day or two)
Laundry (there’s an on-site laundry service)
Any emergency providers, if crucial. (There has never been an evacuation in the historical past of the resort, rest straightforward).
Any meals you determine to have outdoors of the resort.
Some other bills not explicitly coated in the “What’s Included” part above
Can my spouse / member of the family come and keep at the resort?
Sure. For a further $1500 your spouse or family member can share your lodging all through the workshop, nevertheless, they will be unable to hitch you on any workshop activities. That stated, consider there are tons of different activities on the resort, or they will simply sit back and loosen up when you’re collaborating in the workshop.
What number of members are in the workshop?
With a view to give you the greatest expertise attainable, we’re limiting the number of individuals to only 10 individuals. Reserving shall be finished on a primary come, first serve basis – nothing is held until a deposit has been positioned.
What ought to I put on?
The weather in Costa Rica is scorching and humid. Like actually scorching and humid. Like, Florida in July, solely hotter and more humid. And it likes to rain at the least as soon as a day. So, I like to recommend avoiding something cotton – it just gained’t dry and it will really feel scorching and icky (that’s the technical term BTW). I like dry-fit fashion shirts (I have some from Eddie Bauer that work nicely) and shorts (Columbia makes some good options with their “Omni Wick” and “Quick Dry” water shorts). You’ll be able to put on lengthy pants in the event you like, nevertheless, be sure that they are of the lightweight and quick drying variety.
Once I go, I take the next:
Shorts (notice – many individuals choose light-weight lengthy pants) Brief Sleeve Dry-Fit fashion shirts Lengthy Sleeve Dry Fit fashion shirts (for solar safety if we’re out on a sunny day – shirts with SPF safety are really helpful) Non-cotton undergarments (critically, sweat-soaked underwear sucks) Lightweight hat 2 pairs of light-weight climbing footwear (preferably waterproof) Light-weight raincoat Lengthy socks (we typically use rubber boots offered by the resort and you’ll need a pair of long socks)
What should I deliver for photograph gear?
Remember this can be a devoted wildlife journey, so that you’ll undoubtedly want your huge glass. Using full frame, you’ll need no less than 400mm, nevertheless, I HIGHLY advocate 500mm ~ 600mm or extra. One of many tremendous zooms is an effective selection like the Nikon 200-500, Sigma 150-600, Tamron 150-600, or Canon 100-400. When you occur to have an enormous prime that’s even higher – I exploit my 600 F/4 all the time and it works out extraordinarily properly.
I also HIGHLY advocate a macro lens – we’re going after quite a bit of wildlife that’s anyplace from dime to greenback measurement. Stick to a focal length of 100mm or longer. (Notice – in a pinch you possibly can definitely get by with most tremendous zooms for macro work).
I also highly advocate taking a short zoom for snapshots and it’s all the time attainable an excellent landscape opportunity will crop up. Something like a 24-70 can be simply superb.
Since it can be wet at occasions, you also might want some kind of “rain jacket” in your gear (or at the least borrow a towel out of your lodge room).
As well as, you’ll doubtless need a tripod and monopod (I used both quite a bit, but if I had to decide one, it might be the monopod).
With regards to cameras, you’ll want as new of a DSLR as you possibly can muster, ideally one thing from the final 3~4 years. We end up in a variety of tough lighting situations, typically requiring good dynamic range and good excessive ISO. So, the newer, the higher. Any current Nikon or Canon is simply high quality.
Oh, and don’t overlook additional memory cards and batteries!
What sort of non-photography gear ought to I take?
You’ll want your laptop computer / card reader for positive – we take a TON of pictures and also you’ll need to offload them at night time. I’d additionally advocate a further backup system, corresponding to an exterior onerous drive or giant reminiscence card (I exploit a large SD card for backup and maintain it on my individual always).
You’ll also want:
Bugspray (the bugs really aren’t dangerous in any respect – more often than not you gained’t need it, however doesn’t harm to have it)
Knee pads (optionally available)
Small reflector (non-compulsory)
Sunscreen (High SPF – the solar might be brutal)
Do I want to speak Spanish?
By no means. I find out about a dozen words in Spanish and I obtained along simply positive. Everybody you’ll cope with speaks English.
Is it protected there?
Completely. Everyone seems to be tremendous friendly and never as soon as did we really feel “unsafe” in any method.
Is there a whole lot of climbing?
No, not on this workshop. Most of our images is completed near the automobiles, with some strolling at the resort. Nothing too strenuous in any case.
Is the world full of vacationers?
Nope, under no circumstances. Positive, there are visitors there, but I was amazed at simply how few vacationers have been within the area. It’s one of the causes I needed to go to this location – no “competition” for critters!
Will there be alternatives aside from wildlife?
Simply to be 100% clear – this can be a wildlife images workshop, so the critters take precedent. Nevertheless, that doesn’t imply you’ll be able to’t seize a nice panorama or two when you’re down there. The truth is, the docks are an unimaginable location for sunrise.
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What’s the climate like?
We’re going to be down there in  (Might-Sept), so it’s scorching however not as dangerous as it gets from Dec-April. Nonetheless, anticipate scorching and humid circumstances with rain probably. The good news is that we’ll probably have an excellent bit of overcast that may permit us to shoot all day in respectable mild.
Is any of this topic to vary?
Sure. We might choose to rearrange / modify the schedule based mostly on weather, unexpected circumstances, or simply higher alternatives so that you can get a better choice of pictures. The first objective is for YOU to get as many great photographs as attainable, and any schedule change can be based mostly on meeting that objective.
What’s the worth?
The worth is $4985 per individual (or $4307 for double occupancy) with a deposit of $1500 per individual due upon reserving (Word, for those who e-book within 90 days of the trip, your complete cost is required upon reserving.) Again, this is fairly inclusive and consists of:
All meals / food (offered at / from the resort)
Non-alcoholic drinks (offered at / from the resort)
Lodging all through the workshop as outlined above. Word you’ll be able to come early / keep later however your package deal solely consists of the nights for the workshop
Ground transportation
Flights from San Jose to the resort and again to San Jose
For single occupancy, you’ll have your personal personal room
Word that you may be answerable for the flight from your own home to San Jose Costa Rica. Examine together with your favorite airline for current charges.
Additionally observe that the rate for double occupancy (two workshop members sharing a room) is lower per individual, coming in at $8614 for two ($4307 every). So, get a good friend to do the workshop with you and also you each save!
What if I have questions?
Ship ’em to us by way of our contact type and we’ll get again to you as quickly as you possibly can. Word that this is only for questions – to sign up, use the shape under.
How do I enroll?
Fill out the form under to start out the signup course of should you’re able to e-book / put down your deposit. Thanks!
Our 2020 Costa Rica Workshops are bought out. Should you nonetheless need in, we extremely advocate jumping on our waitlist (type under). While all the spots are presently spoken for, we are nonetheless ready on deposits and we all the time have a few that fall by way of every year (as well as two or three sudden cancellations between now and the workshop). The earlier you join the wait listing, the better your probability of getting a spot.
Please inform others about this publish:
The post 2020 Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshops appeared first on Android Blog.
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softsadsheep-blog · 5 years
2020 Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshops
The 2020 Costa Rica Workshops Are Bought Out!
Get On The Waitlist ASAP!
WOW – All the workshops (6 weeks / 60 individuals) bought out in less than 36 hours! In case you still want in, we highly advocate jumping on our waitlist (type at the bottom of this web page). Whereas all the spots are presently spoken for, we are nonetheless waiting on deposits and we all the time have a few that fall via every year (as well as two or three sudden cancellations between now and the workshop). The sooner you join the wait record, the better your probability of getting a spot.
The Journey Of A Lifetime!
I’m excited to announce our new 2020 Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshop!  This once-in-a-lifetime photograph workshop will happen on Costa Rica’s lovely Osa Peninsula, a location Nationwide Geographic calls, “The most biologically intense place on Earth.” A powerful claim, however just some hours on website is enough to make a believer out of any skeptic. The truth is, I feel the Nationwide Geographic statement might not do it justice!
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As a full-time wildlife photographer, I’ve been to various unimaginable places, however I’ve to inform you – I’ve never skilled an setting that was so extremely goal wealthy and numerous as the Osa Peninsula. This is really a workshop experience that you will all the time keep in mind! Once I went to guage the situation for a possible workshop, I by no means dreamt I might find yourself capturing over 14,000 pictures in slightly below every week’s time!
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What can you see and photograph? Though there are never any ensures with wildlife, it’s very possible you’ll see fairly a couple of of the species listed under – heck, you may even see all of them after which some! The truth is, the Osa Peninsula harbors 2.5% of the biodiversity on the planet, although it solely covers less than 1/1000th of 1% of the surface area of the earth! There are over 463 species of birds and 140 species of mammals – think of it as Disneyland for wildlife photographers! For just a small pattern of what I captured, take a look at the Costa Rica gallery here.
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Here’s a short record of a few of the more widespread species you’re more likely to encounter.
Howler Monkeys White-Confronted Monkeys Squirrel Monkeys Spider Monkeys Sloths (two / three toed both stay within the area) Anteaters Toucans Scarlet Macaws (largest inhabitants in Central America) Tree Frogs (numerous – however especially the Pink-Eyed Tree Frog, probably dart frogs as nicely) Lizards / Iguanas Parrots / Parakeets Numerous Raptors (Caracaras, Widespread Black Hawk, And so on) Snakes (professionally dealt with) Numerous Songbirds (Cherry, Golden-Hooded And Blue-Gray Tanagers are right at the resort!) Hummingbirds (tons of fun)
And that’s only a style – you by no means know what you’ll see!
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As for the workshop itself, the aim is twofold. First, I would like YOU to fill your reminiscence playing cards with as many unimaginable photographs as attainable within the time we have now and I’ll do every thing in my energy to make that occur. Second, I need to train you as much as I can about wildlife images.
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As a dedicated wildlife photographer, more than 90% of the pictures I capture annually are of wildlife. I’m a specialist, and in terms of getting critters in your reminiscence playing cards, I have a wealth of ideas and tips up my sleeve that may make it easier to accomplish that aim. Additionally, and as lots of you already know, educating images is what I do – simply take a look at my in depth collection of blog posts and movies to get an concept of how I convey myself and my info.
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In this workshop, I’ll not only make it easier to get the shot, however I’ll additionally share ideas and tips you should use to seize the special moments of any wildlife encounter. We’ll take a look at every part from digital camera and tech settings to artistic methods – it’s the whole package deal, and I feel you’ll actually take pleasure in it. At every wildlife encounter, I’ll be there to guide you and help in capturing these wall-hangers! Additionally, while I’ll take a shot here and there, in the course of the workshop, I’m NOT there for my own photographs, however for YOUR photographs. I’ve heard of nightmare workshops where the trainer was more curious about his or her own photographs than that of the individuals – that is NOT the case here. YOUR pictures are the precedence for everyone involved.
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In addition, we’ll even have skilled guides along to assist locate wildlife – and let me inform you, their capacity to seek out wildlife borders on the supernatural (you’ll see for yourself that last line isn’t simply advertising hype). I delight myself on my potential to spot wildlife, but these guys put me to disgrace. They know the world and may persistently find and hone in on wildlife of all types. Plus, they are super-knowledgeable about each facet of the rainforest; from fauna to flora, they will inform you all about it. Oh, and they’re a blast to hang around with – you’re gonna love ‘em!
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Finally, our residence base shall be Crocodile Bay Resort – and it’s just unbelievable! The property itself is gorgeous, and the truth is, you possibly can (and do) see nearly every animal I discussed on the record above. Some of my greatest photographs have been captured right there at the resort, and a few of our capturing will take place there. Heck, on our final morning there I was capturing howler monkeys that have been less than 20 ft from my rest room window. (The truth is, I was barely involved they could try to be a part of me!) Plus, the employees there’s jaw-droppingly outstanding. Everyone seems to be super-friendly and all the time makes you are feeling welcome. I wish all resorts have been this good!
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Right here’s the rundown from start to end:
Day 1 Arrive in San Jose Costa Rica
On the primary day, you’ll fly into San Jose, Costa Rica (most flights arrive within the late afternoon or evening) and luxuriate in a night on the lovely Double Tree lodge. It’s an unimaginable facility and provides you the right alternative to take a seat back, loosen up, hang out by the pool, and get a great night time’s sleep.
Day 2 Arrive At Crocodile Bay Resort
That is the place the fun really begins! You’ll fly over on a small 12 seat “puddle jumper” within the morning, enjoying unimaginable views along the best way. (Maintain your cameras out!)
We’ll meet you at the lobby and get you checked in instantly. Once your gear is dropped off, we hit the convention middle the place I’ll have a presentation that covers the way to photograph the wildlife of Costa Rica. Wildlife images in Costa Rica is usually a problem and I would like you to be completely prepared when the action begins unfolding in your viewfinder. When the superb moments happen, I would like you to know EXACTLY what to do to safe the shot. In any case, you don’t need to miss an unimaginable photograph since you weren’t absolutely instructed beforehand!
After the presentation, it’s time for a scrumptious lunch and then an afternoon photograph stroll so you’ll be able to turn into snug with the brand new methods discussed in the presentation.
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Day three – Full Day Of Capturing
Immediately we’ll head out to the countryside very first thing within the morning  and uncover some unimaginable wildlife with our skilled guides. We’ll take pleasure in touring in a set of 4WD automobiles that can get us in all places we need to go. All through the day, we’ll be driving via totally different places and stopping along the best way once we see fascinating wildlife (some days, it’s so lively we stop every 10 to 15 minutes). There’s no telling what we’ll see on a given day, however the variety is unimaginable.
Alongside the best way, our guides will give a blow-by-blow of the forest and surroundings we’re driving by means of. We only ask that you simply maintain your jaw off the ground of the truck
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Day 4 – Reptile And Amphibian Day (often with some birds and mammals too!)
Immediately we’re up shiny and early again and off to one in every of my favorite places where we’ll uncover even more wildlife! You’ll have the opportunity to photograph quite a lot of snakes (wild snakes which might be within the arms of knowledgeable handler and released once we’re completed), numerous frogs (probably even poison dart frogs), and a large number of birds as properly.
It’s on the prime of a mountain overlook and the variability will maintain your shutter snapping your complete time. I captured a few of my favourite photographs on this location and it’s by far considered one of my favourite spots!
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Day 5 – Optionally available Excursions And Afternoon Picture Evaluation
The morning of this present day is set aside for many who need to do their very own non-compulsory excursions by means of the resort (not included within the workshop worth, however very reasonably priced). We frequently have individuals who need to target a selected species or groups of animals (just birds, simply monkeys, and so on.) and this lets you work immediately in the direction of that objective – or you’ll be able to take the morning off should you choose. I may also use this morning to help anybody who has technical problems with their gear. (Occurs greater than you assume!)
Lunch is on the resort and we’ll spend a part of the afternoon doing a gaggle image critique, answering tech questions, and fixing any images points. If we end early, we’ll take a stroll across the resort in late afternoon and see if we will turn up something exciting
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Day 6 – Morning And Afternoon Shoot
On day 6 we’re back at it again beginning on the Osa Interactive Gardens where we’ll uncover ample macro prospects together with potential hen and mammal opportunities. This website is usually colorful frogs, lizards, and bugs (especially butterflies), but you never know what you’ll uncover!
From there, it’s again to the resort for a delicious lunch after which again out on the street for more! In the afternoon, we’ll hunt for monkeys, birds, and anything we will discover along the best way. Deliver additional memory cards!!
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Day 7 – Boat Tour
We prime off our final full day of capturing with a three hour boat tour on the Sierpe river. We embark on a pair of pontoon boats and slowly glide down the river, always stopping for the wildlife we uncover along the best way. The shoreline is loaded with critters and the shutters fly continuously!
The wildlife along the river is accustomed to the boat visitors and sometimes allows an incredibly shut strategy. You’ll need additional memory playing cards for this present day!
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Day eight – Fly again to San Jose and home
You’ll be up vibrant an early right now in your flight back to San Jose and then residence.
What dates are you getting in 2020?
Might 29 – June 5 – Bought Out June 6 – 13 – Bought Out June 16 – 23 – Bought Out July 17 – 24 – Bought Out July 25 – August 1 – Bought Out August four – 11 – Bought Out
What’s the talent degree?
This trip is greatest fitted to photographers who have at the very least some expertise with their cameras and have accomplished no less than a some wildlife images. Costa Rica is among the most challenging places on the planet and while I can information you although the robust stuff, remember that we do have 10 individuals so it’s essential that you’ve some experience beneath your belt.
First, you ought to be snug with working your digital camera. You also needs to be acquainted with – and capable of change – the next choices on your digital camera:
Publicity Modes
Publicity Compensation
AF Modes / Areas
Metering Modes
Drive Modes
As well as, it is best to perceive what shutter velocity, F/Stop, and ISO do.
Briefly, the objective of this trip is to teach wildlife images, not the fundamentals of images.
For those who’re not sure if in case you have the right talent set, contact us.
Are the animals tame?
Nope. Many individuals assume that is kind of like a zoo experience where we head out to a location and the animals are just dripping off the timber. That’s not the case – this a wildlife workshop, not an tour to the zoo
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If you need a zoo-like experience, this journey isn’t for you.
Nevertheless, in case you like and settle for the the thought of photographing wild animals, you’ll have an unimaginable time! Positive, we will’t predict what we’ll see or once we’ll see it, however the area is loaded with wildlife and it’s all the time a blast!
What’s included?
All meals / meals (offered at / from the resort – on full days, the resort packs us a cooler, you get to select what you need them to pack)
Non-alcoholic drinks (offered at / from the resort)
Lodging throughout the workshop as outlined above. Observe you possibly can come early / stay later however your package deal only consists of the nights for the workshop
Ground transportation
Flights from San Jose to the resort and again to San Jose
What’s not included?
Your flights from house to San Jose and from San Jose again house.
Alcoholic drinks
Excessive baggage charges
Gratuities / ideas
Airline fees / insurance / passports / private bills
Any further tours, actions and so on. not expressly mentioned in the workshop
Any further nights accommodations that happen beyond the time-frame of the workshop dates (but it is cool to stay an extra day or two)
Laundry (there’s an on-site laundry service)
Any emergency providers, if crucial. (There has never been an evacuation in the historical past of the resort, rest straightforward).
Any meals you determine to have outdoors of the resort.
Some other bills not explicitly coated in the “What’s Included” part above
Can my spouse / member of the family come and keep at the resort?
Sure. For a further $1500 your spouse or family member can share your lodging all through the workshop, nevertheless, they will be unable to hitch you on any workshop activities. That stated, consider there are tons of different activities on the resort, or they will simply sit back and loosen up when you’re collaborating in the workshop.
What number of members are in the workshop?
With a view to give you the greatest expertise attainable, we’re limiting the number of individuals to only 10 individuals. Reserving shall be finished on a primary come, first serve basis – nothing is held until a deposit has been positioned.
What ought to I put on?
The weather in Costa Rica is scorching and humid. Like actually scorching and humid. Like, Florida in July, solely hotter and more humid. And it likes to rain at the least as soon as a day. So, I like to recommend avoiding something cotton – it just gained’t dry and it will really feel scorching and icky (that’s the technical term BTW). I like dry-fit fashion shirts (I have some from Eddie Bauer that work nicely) and shorts (Columbia makes some good options with their “Omni Wick” and “Quick Dry” water shorts). You’ll be able to put on lengthy pants in the event you like, nevertheless, be sure that they are of the lightweight and quick drying variety.
Once I go, I take the next:
Shorts (notice – many individuals choose light-weight lengthy pants) Brief Sleeve Dry-Fit fashion shirts Lengthy Sleeve Dry Fit fashion shirts (for solar safety if we’re out on a sunny day – shirts with SPF safety are really helpful) Non-cotton undergarments (critically, sweat-soaked underwear sucks) Lightweight hat 2 pairs of light-weight climbing footwear (preferably waterproof) Light-weight raincoat Lengthy socks (we typically use rubber boots offered by the resort and you’ll need a pair of long socks)
What should I deliver for photograph gear?
Remember this can be a devoted wildlife journey, so that you’ll undoubtedly want your huge glass. Using full frame, you’ll need no less than 400mm, nevertheless, I HIGHLY advocate 500mm ~ 600mm or extra. One of many tremendous zooms is an effective selection like the Nikon 200-500, Sigma 150-600, Tamron 150-600, or Canon 100-400. When you occur to have an enormous prime that’s even higher – I exploit my 600 F/4 all the time and it works out extraordinarily properly.
I also HIGHLY advocate a macro lens – we’re going after quite a bit of wildlife that’s anyplace from dime to greenback measurement. Stick to a focal length of 100mm or longer. (Notice – in a pinch you possibly can definitely get by with most tremendous zooms for macro work).
I also highly advocate taking a short zoom for snapshots and it’s all the time attainable an excellent landscape opportunity will crop up. Something like a 24-70 can be simply superb.
Since it can be wet at occasions, you also might want some kind of “rain jacket” in your gear (or at the least borrow a towel out of your lodge room).
As well as, you’ll doubtless need a tripod and monopod (I used both quite a bit, but if I had to decide one, it might be the monopod).
With regards to cameras, you’ll want as new of a DSLR as you possibly can muster, ideally one thing from the final 3~4 years. We end up in a variety of tough lighting situations, typically requiring good dynamic range and good excessive ISO. So, the newer, the higher. Any current Nikon or Canon is simply high quality.
Oh, and don’t overlook additional memory cards and batteries!
What sort of non-photography gear ought to I take?
You’ll want your laptop computer / card reader for positive – we take a TON of pictures and also you’ll need to offload them at night time. I’d additionally advocate a further backup system, corresponding to an exterior onerous drive or giant reminiscence card (I exploit a large SD card for backup and maintain it on my individual always).
You’ll also want:
Bugspray (the bugs really aren’t dangerous in any respect – more often than not you gained’t need it, however doesn’t harm to have it)
Knee pads (optionally available)
Small reflector (non-compulsory)
Sunscreen (High SPF – the solar might be brutal)
Do I want to speak Spanish?
By no means. I find out about a dozen words in Spanish and I obtained along simply positive. Everybody you’ll cope with speaks English.
Is it protected there?
Completely. Everyone seems to be tremendous friendly and never as soon as did we really feel “unsafe” in any method.
Is there a whole lot of climbing?
No, not on this workshop. Most of our images is completed near the automobiles, with some strolling at the resort. Nothing too strenuous in any case.
Is the world full of vacationers?
Nope, under no circumstances. Positive, there are visitors there, but I was amazed at simply how few vacationers have been within the area. It’s one of the causes I needed to go to this location – no “competition” for critters!
Will there be alternatives aside from wildlife?
Simply to be 100% clear – this can be a wildlife images workshop, so the critters take precedent. Nevertheless, that doesn’t imply you’ll be able to’t seize a nice panorama or two when you’re down there. The truth is, the docks are an unimaginable location for sunrise.
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What’s the climate like?
We’re going to be down there in  (Might-Sept), so it’s scorching however not as dangerous as it gets from Dec-April. Nonetheless, anticipate scorching and humid circumstances with rain probably. The good news is that we’ll probably have an excellent bit of overcast that may permit us to shoot all day in respectable mild.
Is any of this topic to vary?
Sure. We might choose to rearrange / modify the schedule based mostly on weather, unexpected circumstances, or simply higher alternatives so that you can get a better choice of pictures. The first objective is for YOU to get as many great photographs as attainable, and any schedule change can be based mostly on meeting that objective.
What’s the worth?
The worth is $4985 per individual (or $4307 for double occupancy) with a deposit of $1500 per individual due upon reserving (Word, for those who e-book within 90 days of the trip, your complete cost is required upon reserving.) Again, this is fairly inclusive and consists of:
All meals / food (offered at / from the resort)
Non-alcoholic drinks (offered at / from the resort)
Lodging all through the workshop as outlined above. Word you’ll be able to come early / keep later however your package deal solely consists of the nights for the workshop
Ground transportation
Flights from San Jose to the resort and again to San Jose
For single occupancy, you’ll have your personal personal room
Word that you may be answerable for the flight from your own home to San Jose Costa Rica. Examine together with your favorite airline for current charges.
Additionally observe that the rate for double occupancy (two workshop members sharing a room) is lower per individual, coming in at $8614 for two ($4307 every). So, get a good friend to do the workshop with you and also you each save!
What if I have questions?
Ship ’em to us by way of our contact type and we’ll get again to you as quickly as you possibly can. Word that this is only for questions – to sign up, use the shape under.
How do I enroll?
Fill out the form under to start out the signup course of should you’re able to e-book / put down your deposit. Thanks!
Our 2020 Costa Rica Workshops are bought out. Should you nonetheless need in, we extremely advocate jumping on our waitlist (type under). While all the spots are presently spoken for, we are nonetheless ready on deposits and we all the time have a few that fall by way of every year (as well as two or three sudden cancellations between now and the workshop). The earlier you join the wait listing, the better your probability of getting a spot.
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