#i have not-so-secretly been drawing humans this whole time!!
godbirdart · 1 year
oh also hey i know you literally JUST closed commissions but i'm curious ! would u ever be willing to draw humans (sauce cat flavored) for commissions or would comms be exclusively for feral/anthro characters?
oh i'm more than happy to take commissions for human characters!! i just don't display em in my commission price guide because, well... half my example gallery is men flirting, fighting, or on the ground. i can't advertise that!!
case in point:
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that and my demographic is probably 75% furries and furry-adjacent. i honestly haven't put much thought into whether or not people might be interested in commissioning me for human / humanoid art aH
casual note for new followers: yEAH so, i draw fanart sometimes. @sauce-cat started as a throwaway where i'd shove my human art practice, but now it's the designated human OC / fanart posting alt.
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thenightwolf51 · 10 months
"Danny was born a Wayne" AU except he's Bruce's grand uncle. The result of a one time drunken affair, shortly before Kenneth Wayne's death, to a young unmarried woman who gave the baby up for adoption.
(Whether the Fenton's, and therefore Amity, were just ahead of their times or the DC timeline is shifted a bit so that DP happens in its cannon era is up to you. Dealers choice, though now that i know about her i just love badass widowed prohibition leader Laura Elizabeth Wayne)
Danny grows up knowing hes adopted and loved by the Fentons but something (dealer's choice) happens and he loses his family and friends (maybe the whole town goes too?). In an attempt to avoid a Dan situation he flees into the Infinite Realm and doesn't stop.
He just wanders, time passes in its weird Realms way, not that Danny truly notices. A protector spirit thats lossed everything it protected. Its a wonder he doesn't fade and he actually might've if it wasn't for his human side.
But its a tug at his core that brings him from his near catatonic wandering. Gone before he can even understand it but enough to shake him back to himself. Enough to know that hes nowhere near ready to go anywhere familiar so he continues on, his wandering no less pointless but at least he's aware again.
What feels like a relatively short time later he gets another tug, and this time he manages to follow it.
He follows it invisibly through a natural portal that drops him somewhere in New Jersey and all the way to a fancy hospital room in the gloomiest city he's ever seen.
In there he sees his half brother Patrick Wayne, though he wont figure out their connection for a few more years, holding little Agatha. She's adorable in her little dress and pigtails and her sweet face causes that familiar tug he recognizes from what must have been six years ago given the girls age.
Then a nurse comes in and hands a little bundle to what must be the mother (whos name i cant find) and Danny takes one look at the little core tugger who brought him here and just melts. Even without knowing yet that this is his last remaining family, his instincts latch on and he vows to protect and care for the Waynes.
And he does.
He finds his forgetful brother's documents and keeps Aggy company when everyone else is busy and soothes baby Thomas so his poor sister-in-law can get some more sleep. He ices fevers and bruised knees and helps on later games of hide and seek.
He very rarely becomes visible and only to the children. His grief over the Fenton's convinces him its better to protect his new family from the shadows.
Danny explores every inch of the manor, including secret passages and an underground cave system. He claims a forgotten room in the back of the attic as his own, which over the years fill up with knickknacks, heirlooms, and pictures of the family. Even a gift or two from Agatha, who hadn't stopped believing in their shadowy guardian like her brother did when Danny felt they were too old to see him without drawing suspicion.
The manor becomes his haunt and he always knows where each family member is within it. And when any guests have some no good intentions.
And when baby Bruce is born tugging at his core and with the bluest little eyes, he welcomes the fussy little thing. And makes sure dear Martha never knows just how fussy baby Bruce really is, otherwise she might've never had a full nights sleep.
Danny blames himself for not being there when Thomas and Martha die, and promises to never leave Bruces side, practically becoming the boy's living shadow. Watching over him as he gets older, secretly aiding him in his training. Danny feels a bit of pride when Bruce takes some inspiration from the old stories Thomas told him of the shadowy Wayne family protector when creating his Batman identity, glad his nephew still remembers him even if he hasn't shown himself since the now young man was six.
Danny continues to protect and care for the family in a variety of ways over the years even as the family grows.
Lightening Alfred's workload, softening Dick's falls, calming Jason's temper both pre and post pit, hiding Tim's coffee when the boy hasn't slept in far too long, providing plenty of shadows and hiding nooks for Cass, helping Damian hide the litter of kittens he found.
And no one seems to know he's there, except maybe Cass and he's pretty sure Alfred has been know since he first started working for the family. No one knows, that is, until Duke Thomas moves in and lookes right at him watching invisibly from the sidelines.
(@omnicrafts @dcxdpdabbles @hdgnj @ailithnight @nelkcats @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 i dont know, the main point of all this is that Danny's been protecting the Wayne family for decades and no one, except maybe Alfred, knew until Duke moved in)
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crystal-moon-101 · 2 months
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A while ago I had made up a Zak for each day of the week to match Zak Saturday and Monday for fun, and because I wanted to give Zak some more AU similar to how Ben gets a lot of them. So not only do they all have different last names, but each have their own backstories and colour theming! So I hope you enjoy my little AU concepts.
-Zak Saturday-
Classic original Zak. I decided to draw them all when they're 11, start of the series vibes. So that's why he doesn't look like the ways I normally draw him currently, since those are when he's 14. Nothing different with his design here, beyond still giving him those vivid orange eyes.
-Zak Sunday-
Also known as Zak Argost, having been taken in by the man after he had a certain encounter with Zak's parents, resulting in their deaths. When Argost found the young toddler, seeing the start of Zak's power, he was happy enough to take the child with him and use his powers to his benefit. Due to being taken when he was very young, Zak doesn't remember his parents at all, fully believing in anything Argost tells him, the only family he has. So he happily helps his guardian in keeping cryptids tamed during Weird World shows, or during trips to learn about them, even if Argost puts Zak in more danger than he should. Due to his appearances on Weird World, Zak is a celebrity of sorts, even if he doesn't get to go out often. Argost also gives him a lot of gifts, keeping the child in a positive mood to keep him under his thumb. So Zak truly believes that Argost cares about him.
Though things start to turn when Argost finally decides it's time to hunt down Kur and take his powers, hiring Van Rook and Doyle on the mission. This leads to Zak and Doyle getting to know each other, with Doyle feeling protective over this random kid for some reason. Eventually this leads to him taking Zak away when this whole Kur business gets out of hand. While Doyle can't seem to convince Zak that Argost doesn't care about him, the pair do at least agree to try and find Kur first, Zak worried that even Argost shouldn't handle such powers. However, only time will tell if the pair discover the truth behind their unknown family history.
-Zak Monday-
The good old twisted gremlin of a child, Zak Monday and his family were a result of the smoke mirror. They come from a world that twists the very nature of people, a poor reflection of their negative aspects. If you're naive, then your mirror self is incredible dumb. If you're a bit of a perfectionist, then your mirror self is a control freak. And Zak Monday represents the twisted doubts of Zak feeling like a monster, so why have any doubts when you can be the monster?
I decided to change Zak Monday a bit to have the green eyes and green shirt with his own logo, cause I liked the idea that after his first appearance, they switch back to what they're suppose to look like. But other than that I kept the concept of him looking just like Zak, minus the inverted hair colour.
-Zak Tuesday-
The young naga is the son of Rani Nagi. Born solely to have Kur's soul enter and be a host, but whoops! Looks like Kur's memories aren't there, but that wasn't going to stop Rani Nagi, who thinks if she keeps at her plans, eventually her son will become the old cryptid king she once knew. Even going as far as to solely call her child Kur, who secretly calls himself Zak due to him often watching humans in the shadow, curious about them and wanting a name for himself. Zak Tuesday has a lot of identity issues, not helped by his mother's teachings towards him, ignoring all his dreams and personal thoughts. Eventually he just got really good at lying rather than convincing Rani Nagi.
However, the young cryptid prince is suddenly kidnapped by Argost one day, as he figured out where Kur's soul was currently living. Zak knew he would have died that day if not for Drew and Doc recusing him, having been chasing Argost over this Kur situation. Though they're a little surprise that upon meeting the new Kur, they find it's just a young naga who really doesn't know who he is. At first Doc and Drew didn't know what to do with him, but Zak begged them to not send him back home, and let him stay at their place until he could figure things out. He wasn't foolish, he knew the nagas were planning a war, and he wasn't keen on being the face of it all. So now the Tuesdays just have a snake living around the house, but they can't exactly complain as he is a well mannered guest at least. And perhaps the house doesn't feel so lonely with him around either.
-Zak Wednesday-
Some of you might recognize this one, but this Zak is from my old Zur AU, where Kur was reborn via the Kur Stone due to it being an egg, and Zak is a dragon that shapes between human form and dragon form. I decided to update him, making him Zak Wednesday now, with a pink theme! I also decided that instead of Kur being reborn, I wanted to shake things up a bit and have it that Zak was directly Kur's son. His mother is unknown, and as Kur saw how the world was at the time, he put Zak's egg into a stasis situation until it was discovered again. After saving it from Argost, the egg hatched among the secret scientist, leading to them chasing the child of Kur. But upon using his shapeshifting abilities to look like a child of Drew and Doc, they just couldn't help but adopt him on the spot, siting there was no sense in blaming Kur's son over what happened years ago.
The growing dragon is very playful with a cheeky personality. He exhibits a lot of draconic behaviors, with a wild and free spirit. He is aware of his family history, but he doesn't like to think about it, unsure in how to view his father based on the stories he's heard. Besides, Doc and Drew are his parents, and that's all that matter to him. Though perhaps this sudden appearance by Argost, claiming he was going to far Zak's father, has been a bit rattling to deal with.
-Zak Thursday-
When Kur knew he was going to die, and also knew his soul wasn't able to live the mortal realm, he made plans to make it so his reborn self would both be born in hopefully a better time, and be without his memories. It was better that way, so that his new self could live a lovely life without the sins from his past. But that didn't exactly pan out properly, as Kur was reborn and sadly remembers everything. It took him a while to understand this growing up, his young human mind not processing it until he was roughly 7-8, and even then he needed time to think about it. And now he's a depressed 11 year old who now has to be stuck with the fact his plan didn't work, unable to run away from the person he once was. Doc and Drew found out the truth when Zak tried running away one day, their son sitting them down and telling them the truth in hopes they'd just leave him, it would be better that way. But to his surprise they disagreed, as he was still their son, Kur or Zak, and it would be too dangerous to leave him alone.
So now Zak lives with his parents? Are they really his parents? The family keeping this dark secret to themself, even from the other scientists. Doc and Drew still reach out to their son, doing their best to connect with him, but he can't help but push them away. He doesn't deserve this, and they deserve better. However, their secret might come out after Argost stole the Kur Stone and now hunts for Kur, not realizing the truth right in front of him. So now the family tries to get the stones back, wanting to protecting Zak/Kur from others finding out. Doesn't help that he has to go through being a child again with such dark memories lingering in his head, feeling tired and overwhelmed with the world. Hasn't he suffered enough?
-Zak Friday -
In a world where Kur and cryptids successfully wiped out humans, the king ruled the lands for a while after, before one day he mysteriously vanished. Many concluded that he had died somehow, the details unknown, but this lead to a prophecy that one day their king would return, leading to many claiming to be him, or praying that they will be him for the power and wealth. In this universe, Zak and his family are all cryptids, with Zak being a a Chuvash Dragon, Drew and Doyle are Epimeliads, and Doc is a Gargoyle (Other characters are also cryptids in this timeline). Zak is a serpent like dragon that breathes fire, as a very twistable body, and can freely shapeshift. He's heard about the legend of Kur returning, but frankly he thinks they don't need him, even if the cryptid world has been shattered without a king for years now.
But when a yeti named Argost claims that Kur is back, being backed up by the Nagas, everyone starts to gossip and run around trying to figure out who the new Kur is. So maybe it's best that Zak doesn't tell the whole world about his sudden new powers to control and communicate any fellow cryptid is walks by.
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Succession Preference: Having a S/O With a Kid
A/N: I made the kids all different ages, from infancy to teenage, just to make it a little more interesting! I hope you like it, my love! Thank you for requesting! Feedback is appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
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Connor is delighted to know that you have a child. He practically raised his siblings, being their big brother is the most important job of his life. He takes care of people. He doesn't know that much about babies, but he's an eager learner. He never wants another child in the world to feel like he has ever felt, to he loved so little for doing nothing wrong, for being born. He may or may not baby proof the entire house despite the fact that all your baby can do is maybe roll on their back they're so young. Despite him being a Roy, you're not afraid to leave them with him. He loves their little baby noises, especially their laugh. He can't get enough of their overjoyed squeal. You find Connor on the couch, warning you to be quiet. The baby's been asleep on him for hours, and he'd rather let his whole body go numb than dare wake them. He loves them like he loves you.
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Kendall had two kids of his own, though you've seen from experience that he's not the most hands on father. Still, he tries to make an effort with yours, like he does his. He plays with them and their toys, whatever they're obsessed with at the moment: dinosaurs, cars, dolls, art, etc. You love to watch them bond, even if he's overthinking everything completely, like he did with his own. Kendall is so sure he's doing something wrong, that he'll ruin them the same way his father ruined him. You have to remind him a lot that he'd nothing like his father, that your child adores him. They call him Kenny and always draw pictures of him on the moon, with dinosaurs, even once as a princess. He doesn't admit it, but he's got every single one hanging on his fridge, next to his own kids old artwork. You both come with your kids, no exceptions. You wouldn't be you without them, too.
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Shiv only ever dealt with teenagers when she was a teen herself and those brats were her brothers. Despite the mask she wears of cool confidence, she is actually very worried about making a good first impression on them. She loves you so much, like she's never loved anyone. She knew you had a kid going into it, but she never expected it to be serious enough for her to meet them. She changes her outfit four times. In the end, they think she's okay. That's about the best reaction either of you were hoping for. They're going through a bit of a phase atm, but they secretly think she's cool. She makes a lot of jokes to get them to laugh and enjoy her sarcasm. You tell her time and time again that they really do like her company, they're just a teenager. They're not known for showing too much interest in anything that isn't their friends and phones.
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Roman has no idea what to do with your toddler. He doesn't understand why you cut up their grapes or why they enjoy stupid tv shows or why they can only wear one sock at a time, but he makes an effort in his own way. He watches those shows with them and plays with them, mostly questioning the practicality of their toy phone, and reads to them before bed/a nap. He really does like you, a lot. Anyone attached to you, he cares about, even if it's a tiny human who coughs in his face and licks his watch. They're growing on him, but they love him. Where's Ro-Ro? They ask constantly. He hates to see them cry, it breaks his heart, and will jokingly call you a monster for saying no them, even if it's for their own safety like putting their toy in the microwave or jumping on their bed. He definitely wants to spoil the hell out of them, just to hear them squeal in delight.
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therealmlpguy · 8 days
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The Enigma of Amigara Fault: They are soulmate, they are destined to be one, but the hole will change Owaki till he is not even more human
Star Wars:
Leia and Tarkin are an insanely dysfunctional match… He is a 64 year old highly ranking military leader and politician for an authoritarian/fascist regime (the Galactic Empire) which usurped the galaxy’s government in the same year of Leia’s birth. She is the 19 year old crown princess and Imperial Senator for the peaceful planet of Alderaan, and secretly uses her status in order to spy and deliver supplies and information for the Rebel Alliance— a small, plucky band of freedom fighters seeking to overthrow the Empire and return democracy/peace/freedom etc. Could I make it anymore obvious 😐 It’s very heavily suggested in the film, and shown in supplementary material (books, comics, etc) that Leia and Tarkin have always hated each other’s guts. Tarkin has long suspected both Leia and her family, the royal house of Alderaan, of being rebel agents/sympathizers. In the book Leia: Princess of Alderaan we see him stalking them about it and trying to exploit Leia’s vulnerabilities to get her to crack.
He invites her to to his office for tea and basically implies that he will have her parents assassinated and install her as a puppet ruler of her planet in their stead. She’s also sixteen at that point. Then, at the beginning of the main film, Leia— now nineteen— gets captured by Darth Vader while on a mission— Vader is also kind of sort of under Tarkin’s command at the time. Leia is taken to the Death Star— a giant battle station which can blow up planets, which Tarkin has been given charge of— and held as a prisoner. There she is tortured using spooky sci-fi devices for information about the rebels, including the location of their base, which Tarkin and Vader want to destroy. Vader’s the main torturer but it is clear that Tarkin is involved in supervising the whole thing and may have participated directly off screen. (The torture includes stuff like: injecting her with hallucinogenic drugs that make her believe herself to be in super duper pain (like she’s on fire), shocking her, pinching and poking her with stuff, etc etc). Leia does not tell them anything.
When Vader reports back to Tarkin that he hasn’t broken Leia, our crusty villain is not pleased. Until he comes up with a worser more evil plan…. And so he has Leia brought to the bridge of the station to show this evil plan off. He orders her execution and taunts her about it while creepily touching her face, then blows up her entire home planet of Alderaan in front of her as an elaborate means of psychological torture. Keep in mind Alderaan is full of a ton of civilians who have nothing to do with the war. This is a war crime. Beforehand a horrified Leia feigns breaking and giving him the rebel base’s location in order to try and buy time to save her people; Tarkin thinks she told the truth but still destroys Alderaan anyway because the planet she named was “too remote to provide an effective demonstration” of the Death Star’s capability. In short he has no respect for life and wants to see her suffer.
The entire time this scene happens he’s being very cold and clearly taking sadistic amusement in Leia’s pain and in getting to kill all these innocent people. He also invades Leia’s personal space a lot in a very creepy way. We can see that Leia— who is genuinely a very brave girl— is pretty scared by him at this point. But also very angry. The moment he finds out Leia’s information was a lie he becomes enraged (he can excuse planetary genocide but he DRAWS THE LINE at getting tricked by a teen girl he’s holding captive) and demands that she be terminated (executed) immediately. Fortunately da boiz (Luke Skywalker Han Solo Chewbacca Obi wobi etc) arrive on the Death Star just in time to save the beautiful princess from dying of Terminal Old Man.
She leads said boiz back to the real rebel base and delivers the plans to the Death Star so that they can blow the thing up. They blow it up, killing Tarkin. TL;DR -This ship is between a very young girl and a very old man and that’s the least of their problems -They hate each other and are political enemies. Moreover he kind of borderline stalked her as a teen. -She was captured and became his prisoner. He had her tortured for information. -when she didn’t break, he blew up her entire planet, killing 2 billion innocents solely to traumatize and spite her. -He sentenced her to be executed, and she played a vital role in the battle that led to his actual death. Both have strong intentions to kill the other. There is not a UNIVERSE in which the relationship between these two wouldn’t be something messed up and VILE. That is a big draw for them. They have a weird sort of chemistry. I love them sosososososoo much. Hopefully this educated you on how messed up they are. Like sure your enemies to lovers ship is good I bet but is your bad guy an irredeemable fascist who killed 2 billion people because your heroine made him mad??? Probably not. 
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twirlyeyebrows · 2 years
Hiiiiii 🤗 I hope your doing well I was thinking about some ideas for one piece and maybe headcanons for the straw hats (mainly luffy) with a child/teenage cremate who is shy and fearful but loves the crew
They will stutter hide behind them l
Go on adventures with them
And we could see the strawhats fight over them occasionally
they don’t talk about their past but they were scared of people before due to issues but they have hope in humans but are kind and help out with things like strategies I just think it would a wholesome yet fun idea to work with
Also if you want it to be more interesting you can make them overprotective or maybe yanderish the possibilities are endless!
Feel free to ignore!
this is such a cute request omg !! tysm <3 i had a ton of fun writing these and i hope you enjoy { sorry i just chose a few of the straw hats, if you want the rest shoot me another request and i can do the whole crew :) }
✶ Shy Crewmate w/ Straw Hat Pirates Headcanons ✶
♡ Content Warnings: N/A
♡ GN Reader
♡ Word Count: 1.3k
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♡ Luffy ♡
✶ Luffy has always been your favorite member of the crew, but you'd never tell the others that.
✶ You find yourself clinging to him the most. His carefree way of life amazes you and you wonder what it feels like to have no fears. This wonder draws you to him more than anyone else.
✶ When enemies (or anyone, really) get too close, you find yourself getting angry and jealous. You try to suppress the feelings but they always cause your blood to boil until you lash out at the opposer. Sometimes it ends well, sometimes it doesn't, but Luffy always gives you a pat on the back that makes it feel worth it.
✶ You see him as the hilarious older brother you never had growing up. He helps calm you down in times of need and he tries his best to be patient with you, even if he often fails. It's the thought that counts.
✶ During heated battles you (very reluctantly) stay away from him. He’s always facing the danger head on and you know you can't let yourself get too involved with the fighting… Though sometimes if there's not enough time for you to make a safe escape, you'll end up with your arms wrapped around his neck holding on for dear life as he punches his way to victory. These are secretly some of your favorite moments. It gives you the sense of adventure you crave but are too fearful to seek out on your own.
✶ Luffy always saves a spot right next to him for you at the dining table. More often than not he'll unintentionally eat a good portion of your meal, but you're too timid to point it out to him. Plus, you're more than happy with what Sanji provides anyways!
✶ It may take a while (a long while) for you to come out of your shell a little bit, but once you do it's non stop goofy duets between you and the rubber man.
✶ He’ll never leave you out of the crowd. Even if you're trying to cower behind him, he'll pull you into the group huddle and make sure your voice is heard. It can be overwhelming at times, but you know it'll be helpful in the long run.
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♡ Zoro ♡
✶ You don't talk to Zoro all the much. He's a muscular, straight-faced, sword wielding “pirate hunter” and all of those traits mixed together scares the hell out of you. Despite this, every interaction you've had with him as been nice, so you know deep down he's a kind soul (even if appearances make that hard to believe).
✶ Most of your interactions with him include trying not to trip over him while he's sleeping on the deck in the middle of the day.
✶ The other times mostly consist of his insanely quick reflexes saving you from falling off of high buildings or into the water.
✶ You can recall one time early on in your induction to the crew where he was on night watch and you sleepily stumbled onto the deck, still trying to get the hang of being on the ship. He bluntly invited you up and with a little bit of hesitation, you agreed. The two of you mostly sat in silence and simply looked at the stars in the night sky, but you remember feeling an odd sense of comfort from the man. Since this time, you often think about asking to do the night watch with him again, though your nerves get the best of you and you can never seem to spit out the words you want to. Maybe one day you'll have another nice night in the crow’s nest…
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♡ Sanji ♡
✶ Sanji always makes it a point to make sure you're feeling as comfortable as you possibly can.
✶ He’ll bring you special snacks when you don't ask for them, he'll cook you extra servings since he knows Luffy always takes yours and you won't tell him to stop, and he’ll always makes sure you're full before you leave the table after every meal.
✶ You feel as though you can confide in Sanji a little more than the others. You don't know much of his past and he doesn't know yours, but you can tell you both have something in common, even if it's unspoken.
✶ His presence is calming and you never feel pressured to change while you're around him. He doesn't mind your stuttering or fumbling over words- he's always patient and caring.
✶ You'll never understand his crazy obsession with women and quite frankly, you never want to. It's something you've learned to block out and you try your best to avoid him when he's making a fool of himself.
✶ He’s always the first to rush to try to help you out of a sticky situation, he'd never be able to live with himself if something bad happened to you. He feels almost a parental sense of responsibility for you. Because he was cheated out of his childhood, he doesn't want you to be cheated out of yours.
✶ You view Sanji as your more responsible “older brother” or maybe even a little bit of a father figure. You've never had someone care for you so much and it makes you feel so welcomed.
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♡ Usopp ♡
✶ You and Usopp are kindred spirits. You two always try to stay out of trouble and are probably the two most conscious people on the crew.
✶ You both notice the tiniest details in everything that's going on. An enemy mysteriously moved from one place to another? Both you and Usopp are keenly aware of it. The group split off into smaller groups to divide and conquer? This chills you and him to your bones. Everything that goes unnoticed by the rest of the crew in battle, is spotted out immediately by the both of you.
✶ You find comfort in Usopp’s nearly irrational fear of everything. Him making up fake illness names to try to explain these fears never fails to make you crack a small smile even when you're terrified. Him being scared of everything makes you feel less alone.
✶ In your free time he'd try to teach you how to draw if you wanted. You accept the offer every once in a while and even though it can be stressful learning to do something new. Luckily, he’s extremely understanding and doesn't mind going over one step multiple times until you've got it down. Many of these drawings end up being pinned up in the kitchen or in various Straw Hat’s rooms.
✶ During most adventures and fights, you try to stick with Usopp as much as possible. Though he may not be the most reliable in combat, you know his intelligence and slingshot can get him far. As a bonus, you know he's always going to try to stay away from trouble as much as you are. And it never hurts to have a like minded rational person around!
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♡ Robin ♡
✶ Robin has essentially adopted you as her own child.
✶ Much like how she thinks of Chopper, she thinks you're absolutely adorable and will go to any length necessary to protect you at any cost.
✶ She has a talent for getting you to a place of serenity when things get extra overwhelming and she'll always take the time to work things out with you.
✶ She’s extremely analytical in her ways which can be frustrating at times when her points clash with your emotions, but the majority of her advice is extremely valuable to you. You never take her help for granted even if sometimes it's unwanted.
✶ After Usopp, you try to stay glued to Robin the most. You know she can and will protect you with her life, though the danger that comes with her name scares you a little too much for comfort. You know that following her will lead to trouble, but sometimes it's worth it.
✶ You love sitting on the deck and watching sunsets with her as she reads you a book or lists off random facts about whatever it is she wants to teach you. Before joining the Straw Hats, you hadn't learned much about the world and Robin has become your personal teacher.
✶ Most of your survival skills (excluding the ones you learned on your own before joining the crew) come from Robin and her well rounded knowledge. Her intelligence amazes you and you often ask her for help with common practices, to which she cheerfully provides.
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welcome-to-tracy · 1 year
Headcanons Obey Me: «I don't love you». Part 1.
Synopsis: MC breaks off her relationship with one of brothers because they no longer loves him. There's probably leaving them for someone else.
GN!Reader. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan.
A/N: Hi! I started writing this at four in the morning, just because I wanted a little angst. Ahhaha.
— To say these words to the Avatar of Pride seems almost impossible.
— But you make up your mind when he says that Diavolo will invite you both to one of his parties as a couple.
— «No. I don't love you, sorry».
— Lucifer can't immediately believe what he's heard. However, he quickly pulls himself together and closes his eyes: «Okay. May I ask why?».
— «I love someone else».
— He doesn't ask anything else. Demon nods, ostensibly respecting your decision, puts his hand to his chest and says that you have nothing to worry about.
— You hurriedly get out of the office. As soon as you slam the door behind you, you hear a sound as if someone is overturning furniture and smashing the whole room.
— Lucifer is absolutely calm every time you see each other. Polite questions about how you are doing and whether his brothers are bothering you; invitations to dinner and even help with your studies.
— But you see how every time he clenches his palm into a fist for several seconds and clenches his teeth.
— He may not show it in front of you, but his brothers see a dark aura that actually comes from Lucifer and will be with him for the next hundred years.
— He buries his nose in the documents when he sees you flirting with someone else and wants to tear that someone apart, but for your sake he is ready to just accept it.
— To be honest, Lucifer hates you. He wants to strangle with his own hands: you hurt his pride, but... Every time you smile (even if not for him), he feels like he's in love.
— When you say you don't love him, he thinks you're joking. Lol, how can you not love the Great Mammon, you dumb human.
— But you explain to him that this is not a joke and then he does not understand why. What did he do wrong? You see how the carefree smile disappears from Mammon's face and you see the sincere misunderstanding in his eyes.
— «T-this is just no... nonsense! You just sa-said some stupid thing again, you...»
— «Sorry me...».
— You go back to your room, leaving Mammon alone.
— You don't know it, but he's actually going to his room right now and crying.
— He will really try to get you back and draw your attention to himself. But when he realizes that it's useless, he just gives up and goes at the casino.
— In fact, Mammon stopped coming to your room. He is very hurt and he does not react so strongly to insults from his brothers.
— The next time you see him, he tries to joke and pretends that he is the same as before, but you notice how he looks away because he can't look at you.
— He secretly dreams of hearing you say "I love you, Mammon!" again and seeing you smile just for him. But you won't say that.
— Dumn, you're the most violent person in the world, you just absolutely killed this guy and destroyed the remnants of his self-esteem, what's wrong with you, bitch?!
— You were sitting in his room when Levi with a twinkle in his eyes, was telling you about a new MMORPG based on a popular anime that he watched recently.
— Out of habit, he gently took your hand and smiled happily. It was hard to tell him about the breakup at such a moment, but you knew you had to do it.
— «Levi...».
— «...It's just SUPER immersive. The graphics are so good that I'm LITERALLY confusing the game with life, we should to go into it together somehow and...».
— «LEVI!», – he only stopped talking when you screamed.
— «Yeah, MC? Something happened?»
— You exhaled, and then said what you've been wanting for a long time. You don't love him anymore.
— Both of you are silent for a while, and then he smiles tightly and nods.
— «It's okay, I'm just a nasty otaku. I knew sooner or later you'd figure it out and just leave me. I'll be fine».
— You see the drops of tears trembling on his eyelashes. Maybe you even want to comfort Levi (or not), but in any case, the demon asks you to leave his room, and you realize that now is not the time to argue.
— He hesitates to do this for a very long time, but a week after your breakup, he asks in the chat what the reason is. Besides the fact that he is, of course, so vile, pathetic and worthless that it's just a shame to be in a relationship with him.
— «I'm just in love with someone else».
— You don't get an answer.
— Levi hates it. Enrages. Annoy. He's jealous. Angry. ...and he's in so much pain.
— The next time he sees you with someone else, the Avatar of Envy assumes its demonic form, but calms down when he sees your scared and disappointed face.
— He apologizes, looks down and returns to his room. He probably won't be out of there very soon...
A/N: Levi suddenly turned out to be the longest???????? I just feel so sorry for this boy, gosh, you made him believe that you loved him, and then you left him so cruelly. You're just such a bitch, baby! 😭😭😭
I will try to write the second part!!
If there are any grammatical errors, then write to me in the comments or messages. Remember that English is not my native language. :^
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beels-burger-babe · 1 year
I just read your dnd fic so I figured I would ask
My mc has always been a cleric, Like Solomon is a sorcerer(or wizard whatever) so what I'm asking is how the brothers and dateables would react to an mc who is really good at healing people with magic put is just like too nice for devildom
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Good question! (Also, cleric main gang let's go!) I think some of them would take advantage of it. Like Mammon, at first, definitely, tries to use it as a way to make money and gets you to heal him after all of his punishments from Lucifer. Asmo tries to see if it can heal skin imperfections, so if he has hickey that he doesn't want to be visible, or "diavolo forbid" any acne (there's nothing wrong with acne, but it's Asmo's worst nightmare) he would go to you for a little boost. Levi, similarly, might see if you had anything that could adverse sleep exhaustion so he could stay up longer without sleep and binge more games and shows. But others, like Beel and Satan, would be fascinated. Beel thinks it's so so cool and loves that you have powers that help people and that loves silently watching you work. Satan has a gajillion questions about the practice, and studies the way you cast, what you use, the effects, etc. By the time you leave the Devildom, he has a whole book on it. Lucifer pretends he doesn't care, but he's secretly impressed and values the skill. Something like that could've saved a lot of people during the war. Without his consent, he feels more assured by your presence being in his family home. Belphie was the opposite at first. He resented you for having an ability that if he had it maybe Lillith wouldn't be dead. He resents that a human of all creatures has such a gift and thinks it's selfish that your puny body gets to hold this talent. But after everything, he treasures it. He sees it as something precious and rare and is thankful to have it, have you, around. Diavolo LOVES it. He thinks it's so so cool, and when he first learned about it would definitely purposefully get hurt just to see you heal him. Hands down. For this very reason, your skill exhausts Barbatos. He appreciates the efficiency and applicability of your magic, and is interested in discussing it, but he's too busy chasing around Dia from getting himself hurt, again.
The angels, of course, see it as more proof that you're a good person. They smile at the presence of such a pure gift in a place like the Devildom, and they try to exchange methods and techniques with you. Similar to Satan, Simeon in particular is curious about the actual mechanics behind your magic where it draws from. Where Luke just sees it as another reason to ensure you leave the Devildom untainted and uncorrupted.
Finally Solomon is impressed to meet another magic-using human. The two of you exchange stories and conversations about life in the human world and how you hide your talents while still using them to help others.
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o-chunks-appreciation · 3 months
I would like to hear your in-depth thoughts on O'Chunks, Count Bleck, and Super Paper Mario as a whole!
Woah this is just gonna be a big ramble on how much I love the game and why.
I’m gonna start with Super Paper Mario as a whole, I’m a really big fan and I have been since maybe around 2016 or so. I was vaguely aware of it as a kid but after watching a cosplay chess (its where you get a bunch of cosplayers to roleplay and they’re on a big chessboard and they act out in character to defeat each other until there’s a winner or sometimes even a subversion of plot) video that had a Dimentio cosplayer in it I decided to look into the game. By that point I was no stranger to jester characters, I used to rewatch the Marx fight from Kirby Super Star Ultra all of the time so I was immediately going through SPM play throughs, fanfic, fanart. It’s a game I seem to be thinking about all of the time for months and years on end without a break lol. It admittedly catches my attention more than the other Paper Mario games, I’m not sure why, perhaps because it’s so visually different in aesthetic and character design. I enjoy its silly moments and it’s dramatic lore, but I also have a very specific issue with some parts of the lore being vague in Carson’s stories specifically. He’s always ending his stories in a question or talking about how much of a mystery these stories are. Maybe it’s on purpose and maybe this is also wishful thinking on my end, but sometimes I theorize that maybe they were going to reuse some of SPM’s lore for another game. I uhhh can’t say much about the game play because I’ve been enjoying SPM through play throughs.
On to O’ Chunks!
I think he’s in last place in terms of fandom popularity in terms of the Castle Bleck cast. Honestly I sort of get it, he’s not conventionally attractive and most artists sort of struggle with drawing older, bald, and bearded characters. Especially back in 2007 when the game was released when the anime art style was very popular on Deviantart. You could turn everyone else in castle bleck into a cutesy attractive anime character since their designs are just vaguely human enough for you to make your own little interpretations but with O’ Chunks you can clearly see he has a very human design so you can’t really make a Gijinka of him like you could the others. I think there’s something cool yet funny about that though, like he’s some unchanging force throughout everyone’s interpretation of the cast. (But I think it would be really cool as well to see people stray from his main design and interpret his design in the same way people would the rest of castle bleck)
He’s played off as sort of a joke character and then you read up on Carson’s stories of him and then it’s all like Woahh this is the same dude we’re talking about?? Funny characters that are secretly tragic is a trope I really like.
I think it’s really silly how everyone plays into his “chunking” catchphrases like Count Bleck saying: "Very well, O'Chunks. I'll leave the hero-chunking to you. Do not fail Count Bleck." Or Dimentio saying: "Mmm... I do enjoy a good chunking...", it’s really fun that the other characters are willing to hype up O’ Chunk’s catchphrases.
Also I think everyone sort of just glossed over the fact O’ Chunks was begging to die because he didn’t want to go back to Count Bleck and tell him he got defeated for the second time and only changed his mind after Dimentio shows up and talks a bit and afterwards he’s all like: “yeah I wouldn’t kill myself unless the count told me to.”
In conclusion he’s a really cool and underrated character and I like him a lot!! (If you couldn’t already tell by the blog theme and name lol)
Finally on to Count Bleck!
Wahhhh I love his lore and story it’s sooo bittersweet I want to fall to my knees dramatically anytime I think of it. He definitely seems like the type of guy that thought he didn’t care about his crew and everything they’re all doing was purely business because he’s just so caught up in his whole depressive world ending shenanigans that by chapter 8 he’s sort of surprised that he likes his minions as much as they do.
He’s still very much a bad guy, wiping out whole worlds and also lying to his very loyal group about making a way cooler world afterwards, and also on top of that even manipulating some of his minions unfortunate circumstances to get them on his team. (I.E: O’ Chunks) but I will let it slide this time because he’s a cool character to me.
All the memory sections of the game are so cute until it hits chapter six and then it’s like….ouch my feelings. He was mourning her so bad he would’ve unknowingly killed her if he’d succeeded, damn. But he didn’t so they got their nice little happy ending, and they’re just so cute together yaayyy!! (I’m in love with the picture of them under the tree at the end of the credits and I totally start to tear up when I see it with the credits music)
He’s a really interesting character and I can’t find myself finding another Mario character that inflicts this same emotions his lore gave me.
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cookinguptales · 28 days
Also, when I say things like "if you don't follow my guidelines, I'm not even going to answer you this time," I don't mean like. oh, this person accidentally borked the formatting a little or forgot a detail! jail for mother for 1000 years!
I mean more like this person who once sent me a request almost four weeks after I'd closed requests and managed to ignore not just every guideline I laid out but I think the whole spirit of these tarot nights.
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(name removed bc I really do not harbor any ill-will towards this person! but I also... am not going to do any of that. lmao)
Like... please at least read the posts I make about why I do this! I'm not psychic, I can't answer specific questions, I do a basic three-card draw, and everything I do here is for fun, not to help you find a specific person or thing.
I say this every time, but I like tarot cards because they speak to innate human archetypes. As such, I think we can probably see a little bit of ourselves in any spread. I don't think I can use tarot cards to tell your future, but I do think that you should pay attention to the response you have to whatever I say.
There's that old saying, right? If you want to make a decision, flip a coin -- then see which outcome you hope for. If you're disappointed to see heads, then you know you were secretly hoping for tails. And there's your decision.
I see tarot similarly. When I start bringing up these topics that affect us all, like love, money, health, etc. you're bound to have some kind of response to it. And I think that response will tell you more than I ever could.
If I say "seems like you have an unhealthy relationship with money lately," you may think "oh man, I have been spending too much" or you may think "oh man, I have been kind of stingy lately" and if that's the first thought that comes to your mind, maybe you should examine it. Maybe it's something that's been weighing on you without you realizing it.
I think tarot readings are a great way to organize your own thoughts to understand what you might be subconsciously thinking or feeling. I do not think I can use these cards to tell you who you're gonna marry one day!
Finally... I'm doing this for free and for fun and because I like spending time with everyone. But you guys gotta understand what kind of thing is okay to ask for for free. Asking me to write a fun lil reading for you after I've offered to do so? Sure, okay! Asking me to write a full-on psychic research paper to your exact specifications? That's basically a writing commission!
So uh. Let's all just look at the pretty cards and have some fun this weekend, okay? And please, please actually read the guidelines!
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xephyr-your-sticks · 10 months
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Good evening, Revalink Nation. I am once again back on my bullshit!
Have some modern-day human AU dumbasses! There's a little fic I'm working on for this AU as well, but with how many ideas i have for this thing, something tells me it's not going to be very "little" 👀. REGARDESS, there's some fun little deets in the read more, as well as one more drawing! ^^
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• I like to think that Link would be the captain of the colour guard. Those of my oldest followers, the ones that have followed me since I was an undertale ask blog, know full well that I was in colour guard my freshman year of high school. Lots of peeps put him as captain of the fencing club, but I mean, HEY, CG involves its own types of saber and rifles! Plus, it helps make things just that little bit more unique ^^
• That being said, Revali is, predictably so, captain of the archery club. You can take the bird out of the archer, but you can't take the archer out of the bird.
• They share a college dorm together, and for the first month, Revali spends it acting like he couldn't give two shits about this tiny little twink of a boy, but then suddenly shifts gears one day when a particular short black woman with red cornrows has a Talk™️ with him.
• Link promised Revali's Nana when he first moved in that he would cheer Rev up whenever he was in a sour mood. So Revali's disdain for him is quite confusing, given that they hardly know each other at that point. He's convinced for that whole time that Revali hates him because of his tourettes, (He later finds out that Revali actually does understand sign and that he hated not being able to read Link's expressions. It's amazing what happens when you actually tell people how you're feeling and why!)
• Before the Very Mysterious Young Woman who's Definitely not Mipha reams into Rev, the only time he was cordial with Link was when food was involved.
• Like seriously, when Link was cooking, that was the ONLY time for that first month where he felt he could talk without stuttering or messing up his words.
• After that first month, Link starts leaving notes for Revali in places he commonly was, or attatched to meals that were then placed outside their door. They're not typically anything special, just little words of encouragement, praises of his accomplishments, even empathy for a particularly rough day. He puts the words he can't quite get verbally out into writing because, at least that way, there's no perceived embarrassment when he speaks.
• Revali. Keeps. Every. Single. Note. He reads three very specific ones over and over again at night once he gets all of them. The rest, he keeps safe in a little wooden music box that his mother gave to him (it plays song of storms), and he'll go through and read those too from time to time. They're secretly his favourite. Link has no idea he keeps them at all.
• They start dating some time after an extremely important archery competition. The CG was off on the sidelines watching the competition, and Link sprints over to slam himself into Revali the moment everyone else on their school's side of things begin filing onto the field. That's when Revali truly learns his own feelings.
This is a good deal of points in my fic, and I've been working on it on and off between playing TotK, working, and packing up to move. If anyone read this far, thank you for listening to me ramble!!!
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giggleeclown · 8 months
I’m really good with anything. I saw you mentioning there is not enough stuff for pap so fire away!
A set of lee, ler and switch Papyrus drawing and fanfiction prompts under the cut!
Oh you have unleashed the flame
I’ll give you a lil of everything so you have options, hehehe. (And if anyone else wants to give these ideas a shot, to write or to draw, go ahead! I probably won’t write these. Just please credit me if you do anything with these prompts!)
Lee!Papyrus Prompts:
(Someone of your choice) wants to ‘test something’ on papyrus. So he, gullibly and eagerly, holds still and allows them to.
Sans wonders if after all these years Pap is still ticklish. He has a plan to catch him off guard.
During Papyrus’ first cooking lesson with Toriel, he seems to be taking it too seriously and gets discouraged and stressed. Luckily, Toriel knows how to show him that cooking can be a lighthearted, non-stress hobby.
Sans has a stressful day, and Papyrus’ laugh improves his mood. He decides to use him as a stress toy.
On the surface, Papyrus experiences a thunderstorm for the first time, and is deathly terrified. Frisk shows him there’s nothing to worry about with a few tickles.
(Someone of your choice that isn’t sans) touches Papyrus’ exposed spine, curious of how the bones feel. His squeak raises some questions.
Frisk wants to show Papyrus their special attack.
Sans discovers that Papyrus makes funny noises when he’s tickled for long periods of time, such as snorts, squeaks, screeches and others. They cause him to laugh, too, so both of them are laughing happily.
Papyrus has the hiccups. (Someone of your choice) knows how to get them to stop.
Papyrus claims he’s too old for a bedtime story to try to be tougher. (He’s determined to be tougher to join the royal guard.) Sans takes this as an opportunity to mess with him and ‘cries’ into his shoulder that ‘he’s sad that he’s not his little brother anymore’ (just makes goofy sobbing noises and nuzzles his face into his shoulder and neck) until Papyrus admits he’s wanted a story the whole time
Papyrus detests that Sans calls him a goofball in front of their friends. Sans wants to prove to them how dorky his little brother is.
Papyrus is crying in his room, secretly thinking he’s a failure. Sans comes in to comfort him and cheer him up.
Child!Papyrus falls down and gets hurt. He begins to cry, but Child!Sans hates to see him cry and quickly tickles him to get him to laugh instead and forget the pain.
For once, Papyrus has a nightmare where he loses Sans. He needs physical comfort from his brother, but Sans takes it to another level.
Child!Papyrus is eager for Santa to come, and won’t go to sleep. (Older Child, maybe Teenage?) Sans has to get him to sleep somehow.
Papyrus comments on how fluffy and soft Toriel’s fur is after a good hug. Toriel can’t resist.
Frisk gets a random call from papyrus. Turns out he accidentally called them while in a tussle with Undyne. Frisk hears him get the hell tickled out of him. Papyrus realizes all too late that frisk has been listening in.
Undyne sneak attack tickles Papyrus in public, leading to embarrassment.
(Character(s) of your choice) find out how badly tickle teases and baby talk make Papyrus falter.
Sans remembers fondly of how he used to make Papyrus anticipate his tickles. It still works.
After all these years, papyrus is still scared of the tickle monster.
Papyrus gets raspberries from someone who isn’t sans (has lips and lungs) and realizes how different it feels. He goes into hysterics.
Sans can’t resist the fact that his goofy brother fell asleep with one arm over his head. He tickles him in his sleep and melts over his sleep-giggles.
Ler!Papyrus Prompts:
Sans reminisces on how Papyrus used to be smaller than Frisk. Papyrus becomes irritated and lifts Sans up, tickling him in mid air.
Papyrus loves to squeeze the squishy, ticklish human!
Sans wants to go out to Grillby’s. Papyrus has his ways of getting sans to stay home and eat with him.
Sans is having a nightmare. Papyrus gently tickles him in his sleep to make him calm down.
Papyrus is a hungry tickle monster. Frisk had better watch out!
Frisk is curious of how sans and papyrus can breathe air despite not having lungs. Papyrus eagerly shows them through raspberries.
Papyrus is curious of the human’s appendages that he doesn’t have. (Ears, stomach, cheeks). He decides to investigate.
Papyrus just wants to hear his brother laugh.
Undyne needs a good reason as to why she should let papyrus join the royal guard. He has a convincing strategy.
Papyrus is on a ticklish rampage, wanting to ‘spar’ his friends with tickles. (Lee(s) of your choice)
Sans won’t help and do housework with papyrus, so he’ll just have to make him.
(Character of your choice) is on the verge of tears. Luckily, the great papyrus is a master at comfort!
Sans is falling asleep at his sentry station… what better way to wake someone up than to give them a few tickles?
(Character of your choice) realizes Papyrus’ scarf tickles their neck when he hugs them. That gives Papyrus inspiration.
(Character of your choice) starts a tickle fight with papyrus. When he takes his gloves off.. they know he means business and is determined to win.
Papyrus discovers Undyne is ticklish. She can’t summon her green attack (or about 100 spears) fast enough.
Papyrus chases a very eager and very ticklish frisk on a high speed chase around the house!
Undyne has a sore spot on the back of her neck from training. Papyrus offers to (platonically) massage it out for her. He soon realizes the reason for her squirming.
Papyrus has a feather duster that was used to clean Sans’ dusty room one second… and used to clean Sans the next.
Sans, frisk and Papyrus all compare hand sizes. The fact that Papyrus’ are so much larger gives him an idea.
Frisk is crying, which causes papyrus to lift them up and comfort them. After they’ve calmed, their vulnerable position gives papyrus an idea.
Sans is asleep, papyrus gets a childish sense of mischief, deciding to sneak attack his brother with a raspberry through his shirt. His belly laughs are so worth it, even if sans gets a little annoyed.
Teen!Sans has a birthday present for Child!Papyrus. The little guy won’t back down until sans lets him open it early.
An annoyed Papyrus prods at a very drunk Sans in Grillby’s, not expecting him to be ticklish there. Sans becomes giggly, accidentally causing a scene.
Switch!Papyrus Prompts (more than one lee/ler)
Sans and Papyrus go to a human doctor for the first time. They didn’t expect check ups to tickle so much!
Asgore is trimming that hedge in the shape of Papyrus’ smile… but needs him to model and hold still. Sans just happens to stroll by… and make that very difficult. Papyrus gets distracted… and eventually retaliates on sans, forgetting about the hedge. Asgore has to break them both up in the tickliest way possible.
Sans is bored while Papyrus is watching MTT, and so he begins to crack jokes during the commercial break to annoy his little brother. Annoyed, Papyrus tickles Sans until the commercials are over. But the moment the show comes back on, Sans lunges at Papyrus. Soon, the show is long forgotten.
Neither Sans or Papyrus are tired one night. Sans, feeling mischevious, begins to tickle Papyrus’ neck. It eventually devolves into them chasing each other around the house, taking each other to the ground with tickles.
Papyrus and Sans do the ‘try not to laugh’ competition.
At a sleepover between Papyrus and (character(s) of your choice), tickle antics unfold.
Frisk is confused about Papyrus’ bones, Papyrus is confused about Frisk’s skin. Antics ensue.
That annoying dog, always getting into the brothers’ house!
Sans picks on Papyrus for his squeal, Papyrus picks on Sans for his snort.
Undyne and Papyrus’ once tactical but playful spar slowly devolves into a very determined tickle fight.
Papyrus wants to find Frisk’s tickle spots, but frisk is just as curious, and eventually retaliates.
I’ll probably add to this, but there are these for now! Feel free to do with this prompt list what you please, just please credit me! 💕
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jaegerisim · 11 months
TW: internalized homophobia, manipulation, panic attacks and mileven making out (sorry y'all, it's for the plot and this the last chapter they'll do it. I pinky promise 😔 we'll get onto the Henderhop the next chapter 😀).
Also the whole diary thing in this chapter I've ripped off of the actual HP lore. 🥲 I also ripped off the whole byler fight from the s3 fight. 😞😞😞
Will was not especially happy to board on the Hogwarts Express unlike his future sister, El, who was bouncing up and down with excitement. Will had gotten to know her over the summer and despite his initial jealousy, he liked her a lot. She was sweet and caring with shoulder-length brown hair and big eyes.
Will really couldn't blame her for being so joyful, she was dating Mike after all, the most loving and perfect human-being ever and as her brother, he was happy for her. Yet, whenever he saw them together or heard them talk over the phone, his guts burnt with jealousy. El was a constant reminder of how Mike would never be his to love.
Normally sitting in a compartment with his friends would make Will happy but lately being with them made him feel alone.
Thus, the train ride had been, in Will's humble opinion, absolutely miserable. With Mike and El, in the seat next to him, not being able to stop kissing for 5 fucking minutes and Mike constantly shoving Will against the window to make room for their gross make-out session. To make matters worse, in the seat in front of him, Max and Lucas were loudly arguing but every 7 insults, they'd began to make-out sloppily.
It was as if both couples were in an intense competition of who could gross Will out more. Mike and El were clearly winning because at least Lucas and Max kiss lovingly while Mike and El just, ew.
Will was growing bored and he he'd brought his wizards chess set on board since it was one of his favorite games. Mike loved it too, and so maybe he wanted to play. Will remembered fondly how the both of them used to play it in Mike's basement. Secretly, Mike's basement felt more like home to Will than the house in which he lived. Since in Mike's basement he felt safe and mostly, loved.
So Will tapped Mike's shoulder in a poor attempt to draw his attention away from El. He was met with Mike huffing annoyed.
"Mike, do you wanna play wizards chess?" Will offered with a small smile.
"But now's not the time" complained Mike, throwing his head back.
"Is it? Is it not the time, Michael?" interrupted Will.
"Well, can I at least kiss El one last time?" giggled Mike.
"Oh, God." Max facepalmed.
Mike kissed El and reluctantly began to play. He constantly rolled his eyes, huffed and complained. Will tried to not feel hurt by his best friend's behavior but when Mike began to mock the game, something inside Will snapped.
"Fine! You win! Congratulations!" Will sneered as he got up from his seat, to leave.
"Will, I was just messing around!" Mike tried to stop Will from leaving but the other boy wasn't taking it. "Let's finish for real!"
"Just forget it Mike" sighed Will packing up the wizards chess.
"But I want to keep playing, ok?"
"I said forget it Mike, okay?" Will exclaimed "I'm going outside"
Mike put himself in between Will and the door.
"Move!" growled Will, pushing Mike and brushing passed him.
"Will, come on! You can't leave!" floundered Mike.
Bet, thought Will with bitterness.
"Listen, I said I was sorry, all right? It's a really cool game! I'm just busy with other stuff right now." Mike was clearly trying to excuse his actions but Will wasn't having it.
"Yeah, Mike, that's the problem: you guys are always busy and you're ruining The Party."
Will was finally getting to say all those things he'd felt over the the last month but hadn't told anyone out of fear. Out of fear of hurting Mike, but now Will couldn't give a fuck about Mike and his stupid feelings.
"That's just not true!" Mike shot defensively.
"Really? Where's Dustin now?" Will asked crossing his arms over his chest.
Mike remained silent as he pursed his lips.
Will asked this fully conscious Mike wouldn't know. Dustin was hanging out with Steve, someone who Dustin had bonded with over the summer. Will knew this because his brother Jonathan was Steve's boyfriend, and had told Will, Dustin tagged along on many of the couple's dates.
"See? You don't even know and you don't even care." Will spat "And obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him. You're ruining everything and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?"
Will shouldn't have called El stupid, he knows but in the heat of the moment and with all the bubbling anger he felt, he couldn't care less.
"El's not stupid! It's not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike yelled.
That felt like a blow in the gut, leaving Will breathless and trembling. This meant he was weak and men shouldn't be weak (or so his father had taught him and Jonathan). Still, as much as it hurt, he wouldn't cry. At least not in front of Mike.
Mike must have known he fucked up because his voice became softer and quieter.
"Look, I'm not trying to be a jerk, ok?" Mike whispered but Will scoffed. "But we're not kids anymore, I mean, what did you think, really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? That we were gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?''
Something in the way Mike said it sounded almost desperate and pleading.
"Yeah, I guess I did." hissed Will with venom and ironically Mike seemed more heartbroken than the brunet.
Will turned around on his heel and ran away towards the bathroom, trying to swallow the lump of rage he felt in his throat.
He truly was alone, he has no one to go to. He really didn't feel like going to his brother or mother and Robin was probably annoying (read: flirting with) Nancy.
When he opened the door and entered the bathroom, he sat under the sink and curled on himself. His breathing grew heavy as he repeated "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" over and over like some sick mantra, until someone gently tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up and saw Professor Creel looking at him concerned.
"Will? Are you ok?" the teacher asked sitting down next to Will.
"No, not really, Professor." he answered. He felt comfortable with Professor Creel, he was the head of Will's house, after all.
"Call me Henry." smiled the blond "Not feeling too good, huh? Well, I can't have Slytherin's best Beater not feel good, now can I?"
Will chuckled feeling proud. At least someone seemed to appreciate his Quidditch skills.
"You know when I feel sad I like to write about it in my diary. Here, I'm gonna give you this notebook so that you can use it as a diary, ok?"
Henry handed him a black notebook.
"Um, yeah, ok. Cool" Will took the notebook and held it gingerly.
"Well, I best be off. I was having quite the discussion with Professor Argyle about a muggle herb called cannabis." smiled Henry.
Will didn't care about Mike saying Henry was untrustworthy, Henry was a great person who cared about Will unlike Mike, his former best friend.
Henry got up and left the bathroom leaving Will alone, once again.
Since Will had nothing else to do he decided to go inside the nearest stall, sit down and write something in the diary. So he took out the spare quill and ink he always had on himself. After all, he was an artist.
"Hello, my name is Will Byers." he wrote.
His writing disappeared and instead another message appeared.
Hello Will, I'm 001.
Will stared at the notebook in shock.
"Are you alive?" Will wrote, quickly.
You could say that, yes. I'm a trapped consciousness inside of this diary, more precisely. Still, I once was a Hogwarts student, which I’m guessing you are, right?
“Yes, I’m from the Slytherin house and starting my third year!” he corresponded.
I was a Slytherin too, the best house. If I do say so myself.
Will chuckled, was Slytherin truly the best house? Everyone seemed to despise them. Yeah, there were a couple of assholes in the house, like Billy and Troy, but weren’t there assholes in every house?
Will could name a few ones out of the top of his head: Steve, a Gryffindor, used to be an asshole until Jonathan and him got into a fistfight; Fred Benson, a Ravenclaw, had apparently done some pretty fucked up stuff too; Jason Carver, another Gryffindor, was notorious for being extremely stuck up and throwing wild parties in the boy’s dorm (there were also rumors of him cheating on his girlfriend, poor Chrissy Cunningham, with several girls).
"Well, do you mind if I tell you something? You can’t tell anyone, though.” Will scribbled in his cursive writing.
Sure. Who would I tell anyways?
“Ok, well the thing is that….” Will recounted what happened with Mike and the further in the story, the tighter he gripped his quill. When he finished, he waited to see 001’s response:
That kid sounds like such an ass, not gonna lie. You should really stop considering him your best friend. Best friends don’t treat you like absolute garbage.
Will pondered this, and really, 001 was right.
This “conversation” kept on going for the rest of the train ride and school year. Will avoided The Party, except Max, at all costs and constantly run away to “talk” with 001 (much to Mike’s disgust and jealousy).
The year went by swiftly until the very last week of June, during which, Billy had begun a fire in the Forbidden Forest in a desperate attempt to break up Max and Lucas. Fortunately, neither Lucas or Max had been harmed but Billy died. The fire was known as The Great Fire of ‘85 and it left Max completely devastated. Mostly, because her step-brother had tried to murder her and Lucas for being an interracial couple. This left her with a huge emotional burden she’d only told Will.
Thanks to 001 he’d realized that he didn’t need to be friends that weren’t from his own house. 001 had taught Will new and more powerful spells, he’d also taught Will about how being a Slytherin mean being the best.
Now, Will was determined for Max to meet 001, his other best friend, and for him to teach Max all the things he’d taught Will. So he asked a delighted Professor Creel for another notebook for Max, who reluctantly accepted it. After a day of using it, she admitted to having loved the present.
Max and Will liked to gush about 001’s appearance and while Will imagined him as a handsome man, Max imagine him as a sickly old man. They loved their new friend and thought that 001 was the only friend they needed.
In their innocence, they both believed to have met an angel or even god, when they’d actually made a deal with the devil.
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waddlehekk · 1 year
Admittingly, I prefer early gremlin Manga Goemon before Shin Lupin since Goemon became more stoic over time and the 2-parter Shooting Goemon and Goemon Star almost soured me on his later portrayal. However, I likely missed the point of the chapters. Later chapters highlighting him saving Zenigata and being too good to participate in the human filth race reversed my negative opinion, and I also wonder why manga Goemon's other skills with shuriken, iron-thread traps, etc. are overlooked too often.
Hey, thanks for the message! I can help explain the importance of Goemon's techniques and why they're only in the manga, and the way Goemon’s character changes in Shin. Sorry if this is too long lol.
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If you haven’t checked them out yet, I really suggest you read Chapter 62, “Chasing Tail”, and my post about “Drifting Chronicles 1-3″. I get why you didn’t like much of his portrayal in “Shooting Goemon” and “Goemon Star” with how serious he is. I thought his reaction to Nami trying to sleep with him was funny at least, and I love the idea of him enjoying the ocean. There’s also a line I really like from Lupin that Tokyopop cut out where he tells Goemon, “Yes, her eyes were as clear as yours.” It was instead changed to a really weird comment about liking Nami being underage. These chapters mainly exist to offer a little context behind Ryusei, which was just briefly brought up being made of a shooting star in the first chapter (thank you Tokyopop for also cutting this out). They also kind of speak on how stubborn/determined Goemon can be, which chapters 120 and 137 show.
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About Goemon's techniques, the chapter "A Day Without Killing" is very important, not only because how it is the basis for Goemon's growth in Shin and is referenced in "Goemon Prison", but also because it establishes that Goemon is okay with leaving behind part of the world he grew up in, primarily because he is accepting of new ideas. In the chapter that introduces Goemon, unlike what the Tokyopop translation says, he actually says he thinks it's okay to adopt Western culture for the good that it is, though he is shown to be naive to it, and he just wishes that Lupin and Jigen can recognize Japanese culture with it too. This is unlike the anime where he is typically depicted as disliking Western culture. I think Part 1 may have originally been going for something similar to the manga with how Goemon was using a radio secretly when his master wasn’t around, but it seems this idea was abandoned. His different hair color in the manga also implies that he isn't purely Japanese.
His techniques like with shuriken, iron-thread traps, and his most frequent one, throwing his own sword with a string attached to it, aren't really samurai techniques and yet are used anyways because Goemon is not actually a samurai in the manga, he's more like a swordsman, but the anime insists instead on Goemon being a samurai. He’s never even called a samurai in the manga. Goemon's rejection of certain samurai practices while retaining others aligns with both his open-minded perspective and his choice of leaving his masters because the manga as a whole represents the idea of freedom, particularly with Lupin, who as stated by MP, aligns with no style or nationality. In the anime, Goemon did not reject his master, he was instead rejected by him, and so it makes sense why he does not use these techniques.
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Ok about Goemon becoming “stoic” over time, I kind of disagree because it isn’t exactly stoicism he’s growing into, though I honestly first thought that with the perspective of how Goemon is in the anime and how episodic it is. Sure, maybe MP was influenced by the Parts 1-2 a bit, he did start drawing Goemon closer to the anime years after the manga finished likely due to how much more recognizable it is, but there’s a very different theme being told and I think it’s really more that Goemon is still the same person as he was originally, but he’s been broken emotionally. The manga is very episodic with its adventures but there are some continuities throughout it. He’s still very silly in the beginning of Shin, but he certainly seems as though he has matured a bit.
Chapter 31, “Strange Bedfellows” is when Goemon is tortured nearly to death for the secret to Lupin’s weakness, but he refuses to say it, instead smiling and saying he trusts Lupin. When Lupin saves him and hugs him, it’s the most serious he’s ever been in the manga (have you ever noticed that in each manga in the series Lupin only really freaks out when he thinks Jigen and Goemon are hurt). I think it’s from this chapter where Goemon starts becoming more serious, and understandably so. Even then, though, he still refuses to kill at times. Then there is Chapter 100, “Hardened Steel”, which pushes Goemon even more as he ends up going on a murder spree for the child that died. He may be morally conflicted, and his hair, like it has before, covers his eyes to show he is upset.
Towards the end as the stakes get higher, he suddenly becomes more cheerful like how he used to be, but there are hints of something not being right. He appears upset when the others don’t notice, his fighting ability becomes stronger, and at least one of his eyes are always covered by his hair with often both being covered. He only ever covered his eyes in the past when he was upset, so why would he now start covering his eyes while holding a smile on his face? I think it’s because he’s just trying to cheer the others up while hiding what he feels. Before the end is reached after the special San Francisco arc, Goemon manages to prove himself deadly when training against Jigen as he balances an apple on his head, slicing and dodging bullets while sitting down, and even lands a knife on Jigen without him noticing, then he uncovers and takes down the fake Lupin, and after that in the last 2 fights before the ending, he takes over the fights entirely to save Lupin and Jigen. He's gone a long way from how weak he used to be.
I REALLY don’t want to spoil the ending of Shin Lupin and what Goemon says in it, but it does reveal how Goemon truly feels about himself. I picture him as a pure-hearted young man slowly torn apart by the harsh world around him, and in a way, he is forced to become the killing machine his masters wanted him to become. It’s tragic because he really doesn’t belong in the criminal world he’s in.
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drusilla-carstairs · 2 years
Dru and Ash (Morgenthorn!!) headcanons because I rightfully cannot get them out of my head today:
I’m on the boat saying that Dru and Ash will be our first enemies-to-lovers relationship in the Shadowhunters books but here’s how I think it will go:
Ash, brainwashed by Janus (the only person he thinks that he can trust) and under the thumb of his mother, meets the TWP gang accidentally
Curious, like he was in today’s SOBH letter, once out of faerie for whatever reason, goes looking for Dru, and accidentally gets a bit too close.
Kit, Ty, Thías (and whoever else they’re with) are stunned at the sight of him, but Dru reacts first. He looks strikingly like his father, so she doesn’t recognize him as the little prince she met at 13 at first. She sees Sebastian.
We know that in TWP, Dru will be battling her trauma/anxiety from TMI and TDA days, so seeing the Sebastian of her nightmares—the man who stole her older brother, who indirectly killed her father—she does the first thing she can think of and throws a knife at him.
He dodges, of course, shocked and frankly appalled. Ty grabs Dru’s arm to stop her from throwing another, and they ask who he is/what he is doing following them.
Ash leaves before even answering. Kit thinks they should follow, but they don’t.
They meet again later, once things are going to shit, and Ash has realized that maybe his mother doesn’t want what’s best for them. He offers his allegiance to the TWP gang (a great parallel to Kieran in TDA) though is still tied to Janus without their knowledge.
They waffle on their decision but eventually one or more of them (not Dru) agrees that he is an asset that should stay with them, but be watched.
So, while Ty and Kit go on a side quest, Ty asks Dru to keep him in her room. Dru can’t say no to her brother, so, very reluctantly, she agrees.
Dru wonders how the hell she ended up harboring another boy in her bedroom secretly, especially one so arrogant that he keeps putting his boots on her bed.
Ash is amazed that Dru does not seem to be affected at all by his powers. He tells her as much. She rolls his eyes, sarcastically calls him an angel and says that not everyone can love him.
He is a little bit smitten 👀
Flash forward past some plot and some mutual respect, if not trust, growing. Maybe even some mutual saving each other’s lives action.
Dru finds the picture by accident. Ash always keeps it on him. Maybe he’s injured and she finds it while trying to help bandage his wounds. Maybe he has to change into more casual human clothes and she finds it in his cloak. Maybe he drops it and she picks it up, stunned and confused.
She can tell it’s a drawing done by Julian—she can recognize his art anywhere—but knows that it can’t be recent. Julian doesn’t even like Ash (if he even knows that he’s around the TWP kids at this point).
Maybe it’s then that she puts the pieces together and recognizes Ash from when they were kids.
She, obviously, immediately confronts him and it’s the first time that she sees him flustered. He reaches for the paper to snatch it back but she keeps it from his reach, demanding that he tell her what’s going on. Is this some sort of plan? Has he been duping them this whole time? Is he working for the queen?
“Drusilla! It’s not- I was a child. I was fascinated by you. How… How could I not be?”
Dru is absolutely stunned because. No one has ever spoken about her like that. She didn’t even have a friend (beyond Jaime for a very short period of time) before the academy. She was nobody.
But not to him?
And that’s all I have now but. You can see why I’m obsessed with them.
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broodwolf221 · 7 months
been talking theories with @arlathvhenan and i think i've firmed up my personal theory re: the titans/the forgotten ones. that said... i'm not suggesting this is Canon or will be, more like it's an interpretation, one i happen to be RLY into.
the forgotten ones are spirits
the forgotten ones ARE the titans
solas - fen'harel - alone could travel between the two
solas is a forgotten one - and thus, a titan. more on how the fuck this can POSSIBLY work coming up!
the "song" the dwarves hear is the titans' heartbeat, drawing them towards lyrium veins
lyrium is the titans' blood
judging from the mural in trespasser, something was removed from the center of a titan
titans have hearts
hearts full of blue lyrium 'blood'
say the evanuris removed a titans' heart, killing it in an attempt to gain its power
they brought it to the surface
where the blue lyrium turned red and corrupted
symbolism moment: when human blood meets air, it turns from blue to red (this is not actually accurate, but is a common misconception and could still easily figure into symbolism)
the corruption sank into the evanuris
red lyrium is the source of blight
a murdered titan - a murdered forgotten one - is the source of blight
even wrt the line about andruil bringing the blight back from the abyss, it still kinda tracks. if andruil brought the heart up herself, she might have been the first one to be affected by it
slight alt: if andruil attacked a titan but didn't kill it, its blood could've gotten on her first - maybe that's what drives her "mad," why mythal takes the knowledge of the abyss from her?
given lore, the forgotten ones can and do appear on the surface, looking something like ancient elves. maybe not their specific features, ears, etc., but not omg that's a titan wtf
if they were spirits, i'd argue they could create forms which allowed them to roam aboveground
OR: alt. version i prefer:
spirits are not JUST spirits but spirit/demons. two halves that are natural sides to one whole. what if the 'small' form forgotten ones took held one aspect, while the 'large' (titan) form held another? ie, a spirit walks while a demon is underground, or vice versa? nothing bad about it, just a natural facet of their being
pre-veil, switching facets was easily done
post-veil, perhaps they're locked in place. whatever was in whichever body remains, cut off from its other half
in which case... solas, the solas we know, is either pride or wisdom, with his other half sealed away in a titan deep underground
so: which is he? he's gentle, so my gut instinct is to say wisdom, but...
he calls himself solas. he calls himself pride. he has a plan that will restructure the entire world and the confidence to carry it through.
i suggest: solas is pride. he's a demon. but not in the sense that it's a bad thing, in the sense that it's a natural aspect of who he is in full. im NOT saying he's evil or secretly evil or anything. i AM saying he is pride.
his line to the inquisitor, about him not wanting them to see what he becomes? he's trying to become whole. and he probably doesn't know what that will mean, who - or what - he'll become.
he is the six-eyed wolf. he is the pride demon. he's not searching for that, that's him. he's searching for wisdom, for his other half, for the part of him that's been sleeping all this time
after he brings down the veil he gets to become whole again
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