#i have one more of this outfit in my drafts but i think i'll post the next one tomorrow
khaotunq · 2 years
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idk i just think he's neat ⇢ First Kanaphan as Ryu (Wake Up Ladies, 2018)
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attleboy · 9 months
okay, doodle drop for the late night crew because i realized i actually have a lot more art piled up than i thought and i didn't post anything today
this gangle one was from today but the rest are old ... just wanted a bit of practice drawing her because i love her but she's really hard to draw man
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these are the first doodles i did of ragatha i did after i figured out the basics of how i wanted to draw her... they're like 2 months old?? which might not seem like a lot but it's only a few days after my first post here that gained significant traction so it's relatively old
i've changed how i draw her a lot since then but idk she's still cute here i think...
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and similarly, me trying to figure out how to draw jax... mainly an excuse to show off 'sports mode' bc i haven't had the opportunity to work that into a drawing since...
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this is an unfinished buttonblossom comic i forgot about... might finish it still but i'll give you some parts just in case i forget it again.. that way you at least have something... or you can like poke me w a stick until i finish it if that's what you really want idk
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ooo and here are the carnival pomnis that snowballed into the bug collection post!!
the left one was where i was first trying to draw her and i saw the possibility of a butterfly shaped hat... it's preserved exactly as it was when i got the idea because i immediately dropped everything to doodle the first draft of the outfit [on the right]... then i did... everything else lmao
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oh and here's the holiday card posts without text and the border i don't think i ever ended up actually giving you guys these
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okay that's all i think... goodnight
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junekissed · 1 year
happy ending
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member — husband!junhui x f reader genre — angst, fluff, hurt/comfort word count — 6.6k synopsis — a pointless argument escalates until both of you need some space, but it couldn't come at a worse time. warnings — female reader, planned pregnancy, there's a big argument but i tried to not make it too toxic (jun and reader have a happy & healthy relationship i promise), swearing, there is a happy ending lots of fluff !! notes — requested by anon — this has been sitting in my drafts for months bc every time i look at it i get shy and wanna change my mind but i'm proud of how this turned out so i'm posting it finally! i know pregnancy fics aren't everyone's favorite but this was honestly very comforting to write so i hope anyone who chooses to read can find comfort in it as well <3 also the last time i proofread this was like april and if i try to proofread it rn i'll get shy again and chicken out so if there's any mistakes pls ignore! i hope you enjoy :)
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you sat on the bathroom floor, trying to comprehend the weight of the news you held in your hand. you couldn’t believe it. you could? you couldn���t. 
after many months of trying to start a family with your husband, you had finally succeeded. the slim plastic stick with two tiny pink lines was the last piece of evidence you needed. it had been months of carefully tracked cycles, fertility doctors, and new positions that seemed too weird to actually do anything. but now, everything was finally falling into place.
you don’t know exactly how much time you spend sitting on the floor and staring at the pregnancy test; thinking, planning, and thinking some more. but when you finally stand up and place the positive test on the counter with shaking hands, it still hasn’t fully sunk in yet what’s happening. something you’d wanted for so long, and finally it was all right in front of you.
what do you do now? no— you know exactly what you need to do, and it’s a long list of things. the real question is, where do you begin?
you thought back to all the videos you’d watched over the last few weeks. somehow every social media algorithm knew exactly what you wanted to see, and it had given it to you in abundance; baby showers, gender reveals, those “get ready with me - new mom edition” videos. all getting your hopes up before you could confirm whether or not it had finally happened.
with your hopes high and expectations even higher, you were already beginning to plan how you would break the news to junhui. as your husband and your soon-to-be baby’s father, of course you wanted him to be the very first person to know, so you couldn’t wait too long to tell him. you couldn’t wait to see the look on his face.
maybe you’d get a little gift box and give the test to him before dinner. but, then again, it was literally a piece of plastic you’d peed on. surely you could give him… something a little nicer than that.
maybe you could buy a baby outfit and wrap it up for him. but you remembered he’d mentioned so many times about how excited he would be to pick out clothes once you got pregnant. you would want him to have the honor of picking out the very first one, going to the store together and looking through the whole section before finally settling on the perfect one.
what else was there you could do? bake a cake? make a crossword puzzle? buy him a t-shirt that says “dad-to-be”? so many ways you could do it, but none of them seemed perfectly right.
from the other room you hear the door opening, and hurriedly you stuff the test into a drawer, not wanting to tell him just yet. you need a plan first; waiting another day or two couldn’t hurt, so you’ll just have to figure out how to tell him later.
you flip off the bathroom light and stride into the hallway, barely able to contain the grin on your face. you’ve always been terrible at keeping secrets, and with news as big and exciting as this you have no idea how you’re going to be able to hide it from him for more than a minute.
but luckily you don’t have to wonder about it for long, because as soon as you see jun you can already tell he’s in a sour mood. 
you know it’s usually best to let him have some time alone when he’s upset, but not for too long because he starts getting frustrated with himself and won’t stop working until he’s exhausted.
but you’re still on a high after everything today, so you decide on being a little bit sweeter to him in the hopes that your happiness will be contagious and that it’ll lift his spirits, despite what was probably a really awful day at work.
you find him sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands, long fingers pressed against his eyes trying to block out the light.
“hey, junnie,” you call out, sitting down in a chair next to him. “bad day?”
“yeah,” he answers shortly.
“i’m sorry, baby,” you hum, putting your hand on his shoulder, but he flinches and your hand falls away in surprise. he’s never done that before. weird. you try something else. “um, any requests for dinner?”
“not hungry.”
“alright. well, i guess i can cook up some veggies and leave them out, you can heat them up whenever you get hungry.”
he moves his hands away from his face and onto the table, sighing as he leans back in his chair. “can you just— leave me alone for a while? i’m sorry.”
you nod and stand up. “no, it’s fine. i get it. i’ll bring you some tea later then, maybe. text me when you’re feeling better.” you reach out and gently touch his hand before walking away, leaving him alone at the table.
it’s definitely one of his worser days, you note, so you retreat to your bedroom to watch more videos on your phone, trying to bring back your excitement from earlier. hopefully later he’ll be more open and you can sit down and eat something, and maybe by then you’ll have come up with a good way to tell him the news.
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an hour passes and you come out of your bedroom to look for jun, having a question from one of your friends about the dinner you’d arranged to have together next week. but he’s no longer in the kitchen, so you peek your head into his office room and find him exactly where you expect him to be, trying to work himself to death.
you clear your throat before you enter, not wanting to startle him again. “hey, junnie, i know you’re in a bad mood, and i’m sorry to interrupt, but—”
“what do you want?” he snaps, never turning around from his desk. just from the way he’s hunched over his computer, he looks like the most stressed you’ve ever seen him, and your chest tightens with worry before your brain registers what he’s just said to you.
“i— excuse me?”
“i said, what do you want?” he repeats, still facing away from you.
you resist the urge to glare at him, knowing he’s probably under a lot of pressure, and you aren’t trying to add to it. “you don’t have to be rude, jun. i just came in here to double check about next weekend, minghao’s texting me.”
he finally lifts his head, slamming his hand down on the desk. “i’m really trying not to snap at you, but— jesus, you make it so fucking hard sometimes.”
you raise your eyebrows in disbelief, your voice lifting in tone. “well, i’m so very sorry to inconvenience you then, but i really don’t appreciate you talking to me like that, jun.”
“and i don’t appreciate you talking to me like i’m a child! when will you get it through your head?”
his comment stings, but you brush it off. “well, maybe if you’d just talk to me like an adult instead of throwing a fit and hiding in your office then i wouldn’t have to treat you like one!” you’re starting to get tired of how he retreats in on himself every time bad shit happens. all you want to do is let him know he doesn’t have to do it alone, and he’s just… exploding at you for no reason, so you don’t try to hide the snarkiness behind your words.
he scoffs angrily and stands up, towering over you at his full height. “oh, grow up! you’re so moody all the time and you expect me to just put up with it! as if i don’t have enough other shit to worry about, i have to worry about what you think of this and that and everything all the damn time!”
you’ve never seen him get so angry like this, and it’s almost scary how completely different this jun is from the jun you know and love. “okay, jun, fine, i’ll just—”
“no, don’t fucking “jun, fine” me. it’s like you’re doing it on purpose at this point, you act like everything is just so perfect and then when it’s not you act like it’s your job to fix everything! you can’t fix everything!”
“i said fine! just forget it, i’ll leave you the hell alone like you always want!”
he pushes past you and crosses the room in two strides, grabbing his keys off the hook by the door, his hand already on the doorknob. “i need to get some air. i’ll be back later.”
you fold your arms over your chest, trying to look unphased but inside your heart is breaking. “you’re really gonna walk out like that? you’re just gonna run away from this? real mature, junhui.”
he spins around, and the look in his eyes is cold. “if i don’t get out of this house right now i’m gonna say something i actually regret.”
and in a flash the door is slammed shut and jun is gone. you can hear his car starting up in the driveway, and seconds later everything is dead silent.
you stand frozen in front of the door, unable to move. you can’t believe it. you can’t. what just happened?
jun has never just… walked out like that.
his words ring in your ears; though your argument wasn’t very long, a lot was said in a very short time and you can’t even begin to think about how to process it as it starts to hit you all at once.
say something he actually regrets? what the hell does that mean? so he’s saying he doesn’t regret everything else, the cursing and the anger and the pointed words that were clearly meant to hurt you?
minute after long minute passes and you realize he’s not coming back anytime soon. finally you drag yourself away from the door, dropping down on the couch in a daze.
there’s never been a time where you and jun haven’t made up immediately after an argument. sure, maybe you take a little bit to cool down in your own space, but neither of you like letting the tension sit unresolved for very long. so what was it this time that made him leave without even a goodbye?
so many reasons, so many excuses, so many words you could’ve said instead. you shouldn’t have reacted like that, you shouldn’t have kept it going, you should’ve just left him alone. would that have made him stay? if you’d backed down sooner and just let him work through it on his own?
despite all the what-ifs and the doubts in your mind, your conscience won’t allow you to let him worry about everything by himself without at least offering your help. you’re a team, husband and wife, and you’ll be damned if you let him forget that. maybe you trying to help actually made things worse in the end, but at least you know you tried… right?
it’s not until you check your phone and realize that jun’s been gone more than half an hour that you finally let yourself cry. you’d been so focused on worrying about where jun was and whether he was okay that you’d barely even thought about what might happen after this.
will he just… come back and pretend nothing happened? will he come back and still be angry at you? it would almost be worse if he was calm and acted like everything was normal. would he even apologize? would you even apologize? of course you would. both of you said things that were fucked up, and you’ll be the first to admit it if it means this whole thing can be over. right now all you want is to have junhui back.
the tears keep falling but you don’t even feel yourself crying, your face rigid as the tears continue to stain your cheeks.
after an hour you force yourself to get up off the couch and move somewhere, anywhere around the house to try and get your mind off things. but you can’t erase his voice from your head, the look in his eyes as he walked out the door and the way his shoulders hunched from anger mixed with exhaustion.
you find yourself back in your bedroom and you fall onto his side of the bed, wishing you would wake up to find that this has all just been a very bad dream.
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it’s after 10pm when you hear your phone buzz on the nightstand and you sit up in a panic, scrambling to see if it’s something from jun. your eyes sting from crying so much, and you blink away the remaining tears as you unlock your phone with shaking hands. your heart drops even further when you realize it is, in fact, from jun, but not the news you want to hear.
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you let your phone slip out of your grasp, tumbling to the carpet with a thud. when he’d said he’d be back later you had assumed that meant he’d be coming back tonight. clearly you thought wrong.
tomorrow seemed so far away; too much time to spend alone in a house that was supposed to be filled with happy memories, but now all you felt was pain. you felt it in your chest and in your stomach and in your head and everywhere. the whole room was suffocating, heavy weight crushing down on you from every angle.
you slide to the floor and pick up your phone. you don’t text junhui back. you’re not sure anymore if he’d even read your message. 
instead you type in your friend seokmin’s phone number, listening to the line ring as you wipe the back of your hand across your eyes.
as soon as he picks up, he can hear the anguish in your voice and he’s begging you to tell him what’s wrong, but all you can muster up is a soft, “can i stay with you tonight?” because you can’t bear to be in this house another second without junhui. 
and of course he says yes, and of course he’s immediately on his way over to pick you up. and of course he stops at mcdonald’s on the way back to his house to buy you something to eat, because you haven’t eaten and even though you don’t particularly have much of an appetite right now, seokmin would rather die than let you skip a meal, especially on a night like tonight when you could really use something to keep you going.
you throw your overnight bag on the floor of seokmin’s living room with a small sigh. in a haze you’d tossed in whatever items you thought you might need; a toothbrush, pajamas, something to wash your face with. 
he gives you space for a while as he pulls out the folding bed part of the couch and brings out blankets and pillows for you to sleep with. you don’t say it, but you really appreciate his help. he’s been one of your best friends for so long, and you don’t know what you’d do without him. 
you hadn’t thought about it while you were packing, but as you stand in seokmin’s bathroom you think about the cleanser you’d grabbed; your favorite one, the one jun had gotten you for your birthday last year and you’d never switched to another brand since. 
every single thing reminds you of him, and you push down a fresh wave of emotion as you scrub the foam into your skin, trying to wash away all your tears.
when you’re done getting ready for bed you find seokmin in the living room with a pot of tea. he was just trying to help, but unluckily for him, he’d made green tea. it was your favorite… but it also happened to be jun’s favorite.
and this time you can’t hold back your tears, and seokmin is sitting wide eyed and bewildered, wondering why you’re crying over tea, but he doesn’t ask. he just reaches out to let you hug him, and you squeeze him so tightly you know it must hurt, but he doesn’t say anything, just lets you hug him as hard as you can and lets your tears stain his t-shirt.
it takes another half hour for you to calm down enough to talk. you’d spent the time watching whatever was on tv, not really paying attention and instead playing everything back in your mind. seokmin had just sat next to you, quietly keeping you company until you were ready.
“jun and i… had a fight,” you say finally, interrupting the commercial playing on the screen.
“i figured,” he says, offering you a comforting smile as he mutes the tv. “do you wanna talk about it?”
“i don’t know. there’s not much to talk about.” you take a shaky breath, remembering it all one more time. “we both said some awful things that we didn’t mean. at least, i know i didn’t mean them. then he just… left, and he texted that he’d come home tomorrow. that’s it.”
you don’t tell him about the pregnancy test. you’ve mentioned once or twice that you and jun had been interested in starting a family, but you’d never gone into detail about it and you weren’t going to now. you still wanted jun to be the first person to know, even though you didn’t know when that might be anymore.
you tell him about other things instead, about your day at work and your plans for the weekend. eventually you finish your tea, and seokmin retreats to his own room and shuts the door with a quiet click, leaving you alone in the quiet of his living room.
it takes you a long time to fall asleep, but soon your exhaustion catches up with you and you let yourself rest, physically and emotionally drained. at least the silence here isn’t as bad as the silence at your house.
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across town in his friend seungcheol’s guest bedroom, jun can’t stop tossing and turning. he’s fucked up, he knows he fucked up, big time.
why did he leave? he shouldn’t have left. you had been absolutely right, he was running away from everything and it was stupid and dumb and immature. but in that moment all he could think about was what the next awful thing he might say to you was, and he knew if he had stayed for any longer he wouldn’t have been able to stop what came out of his mouth. he was out of control, and immediately he knew it.
not even the worst day in the world could make you deserving of all the things he said to you. you were the only thing that wasn’t bad in his life; even on shitty days like today, all you did was care about him. and all he did was hurt you.
jun barely sleeps that night, finally forcing himself out of the extra bed at dawn. he’d been too anxious to sleep, too frustrated with himself to do anything other than think about everything he did and wonder if you were okay without him.
he’d already gotten an earful from his friend last night, and he knew he was still in big trouble. the things he said wouldn’t just go away overnight. in fact, they’d probably gotten worse by leaving them to build up overnight, and again he’s kicking himself for ever leaving in the first place.
he packs up his things as quickly as he can, eager to get home and see you again. on his way out the door, he thanks seungcheol for letting him stay the night and he apologizes for bothering him so late.
“i’m not the one you need to apologize to. you better figure out how to fix this, jun.”
with a straight face he nods, bowing his head as he closes the door.
in his car, jun takes the long way home, trying to find an open grocery store. he knows it won’t make up for how he acted, but the very least he can do it buy you a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
he walks through the aisles, basket in hand, trying to think of something else for you. maybe he’ll get the ingredients he needs to make your favorite dinner tonight; he hadn’t eaten last night, though you had offered to cook for him and he’d shot you down.
he feels another pang of guilt at the thought, remembering yet another kind gesture you’d tried to give him that he’d brushed off like it meant nothing. it meant everything to him, and in the middle of the frozen vegetables aisle he swore he wouldn’t ever do it again. 
he’d taken you for granted, and he was so lucky that things hadn’t ended worse than they did. he could’ve said something truly unforgivable, or he could’ve even lost your relationship altogether. but he was still yours, and you were still his, and he would just have to work extra hard to make sure you knew how sincere he was.
he’d been a little worried that you hadn’t texted him back last night, seeing that you’d read his message but never responded. you were probably still hurt, and he didn’t blame you; still, he’d hoped you would say something back.
with grocery bags loaded full of ingredients for dinner and the special things he’d bought for you, the drive back home feels a little more hopeful.
he plans out everything he’ll do in the car. he’ll bring the groceries in and put them away quickly; it’s still fairly early in the morning, so hopefully you won’t be awake yet. he’ll arrange your flowers all nice in a pretty vase, and he’ll come in and wake you up with the best apology of his life and hopefully a really big hug. after the last 24 hours he really could use a hug, and he’s sure you could too. and then he’ll explain how sorry he is and how he didn’t mean any of it and then everything will be better again. yes, everything will be okay.
the first part of his plan goes perfectly. he sneaks into the house and when he’s met with silence he continues putting everything away, quietly so he won’t wake you up in the other room. then, he puts the flowers in a vase and with everything in place, he walks down the hallway to finally face you.
but when he twists the bedroom door handle, the bed is made and the room is empty. you aren’t there.
he frowns, leaving the room and poking his head into the bathroom, then his office. he calls your name loudly, hoping you’re just in a corner of the house and you’ll come out once you hear him. but no reply.
he goes back into the living room and sets the vase down on the coffee table, trying to think. you aren’t usually up this early, but maybe you hadn’t been able to sleep and you’d gone out for a walk, or maybe you’d gone to the store to get more cereal? 
a sinking feeling rises in his chest, and he walks back into the bedroom to confirm something, sliding open the closet door to check. your overnight duffel bag is gone.
he ducks back into the bathroom to check something else. your toothbrush isn’t sitting in the jar like it usually is. he slides open the bathroom drawer to check one more thing, and—
his hand freezes on the knob, staring at something in the drawer that wasn’t there before. he’s not sure it is what he thinks it is, but either way there it is, clear as day in front of him: a little white piece of plastic, sticking out from underneath a tissue. 
gingerly he pulls it out, holding it up to the light to see it better. when he sees the two pink lines he nearly drops it in shock, but he stops himself, setting it gently on the counter instead.
this is something special, something precious, and he knew he had to take care of it. you’d saved it for a reason; you could’ve easily just thrown it away once you knew the results, but you had kept it instead. were you going to give it to him?
he covers his mouth with his hand, still staring at the stick sitting on the edge of the sink. it was just a cheap piece of plastic, but to him it was the most important thing in the entire world.
he deflates when he realizes you’d probably been planning on telling him last night, before he’d blown up at you. if he’d been paying attention to anyone other than himself, he would’ve noticed your mood was happier than usual, your face glowing with contained excitement. he should’ve been paying attention.
there’s a sense of urgency in his stride as he dashes around the house, looking for any other sign of you, but it’s clear you weren’t there. there were so many places you could be, he can’t even begin to think of where to look. your parents, friends, family; hell, you could even have stayed in a hotel, alone and upset. he should’ve been there. none of this should’ve ever happened.
immediately he presses the speed dial for your phone, but of course– no answer. he calls again, and again you don’t pick up. he curses, resisting the urge to slam his phone down on the table in frustration. no, he has to stay calm. that’s what got him into this whole fucking mess in the first place.
he remembers that your parents are out of town on vacation, so you probably wouldn’t have gone there. you wouldn’t have gone to a hotel because you always lecture him about the importance of saving money “just in case”, so you wouldn’t have paid to stay somewhere. your sister is still in college and shares an apartment with three other people, so probably not the best idea either. 
that narrows it down to one of your friends’ houses; seokmin, who lives a couple blocks away, or joshua, who lives on the other side of town.
he figures seokmin is his best bet, so jun takes a deep breath and finds the contact in his phone.
“what do you want?” seokmin’s usually cheery voice has an edge to it today, and jun knows he’s picked right.
“is she there?” he asks anxiously.
“she is,” he confirms, and jun exhales, letting out the breath he had been holding in. “but she’s asleep still. i’ll let her know you called.”
“wait,” jun adds quickly.
the line is silent for a moment, and he’s afraid seokmin’s already hung up, but finally he gets a response. “what is it?”
"can i–are you sure? please," jun pleads. if he could just talk to you, just explain what happened and that he's so fucking sorry—
“hold on,” seokmin says, and the phone goes quiet again.
jun’s heart is in his throat as he waits for a response, and he stops when he finally hears your voice. “hello?”
he breathes a sigh of relief. “sweetheart. i’m so sorry.”
you don’t reply, so he continues.
“i’m glad you’re okay,” he starts, trying to put the right words together. “i shouldn’t have said any of that last night, and i shouldn’t have left. i didn’t mean it. i’m sorry.”
“thanks” is all you say, and he hates how small and sad your voice sounds. it’s his fault you sound like that.
“i found your test,” he bursts out, unable to hide his excitement any longer.
“oh." you pause, swallowing. "so… you know.”
“yes, i do know, baby. i’m so sorry, if i had known before—”
you cut him off, your tone suddenly rising with anger. “‘if you had known?’ so you won’t yell at me if i’m pregnant, but you’re just fine with yelling at me when you think i’m not? is that the only reason why you’re even apologizing to me right now?"
“no— fuck, no, of course not. i shouldn’t yell at you, period. and i’m not going to ever again.” jun pauses for a second, rubbing his hand over his eyes. he’s done nothing so far but make everything worse. “i really messed up, honey, and i’m sorry. i can’t say it enough. but— please, come home. i don’t want to talk over the phone.”
you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to will away the tears that threaten to fall again. you don’t want to cry about this anymore. “okay,” you say finally. “i’ll be home in a little while.”
“thank you,” jun says, and the way his voice breaks makes your heart sink. you can tell he feels awful about everything, and you do really, really miss him.
“…i love you," you add, changing your mind at the last second.
“i love you, too!” he says immediately. “i love you, too, honey. text me when you’re on your way.”
“i will.”
he says “i love you” twice more before you end the call. you sit in silence for a second, processing everything before you stand up off the couch and head to seokmin’s room to give him back his phone.
"can you take me home now, please?" you tell him softly, and immediately seokmin stands up and hugs you, his arms wrapped tightly around you.
"of course. let me know when you're ready."
half an hour later you find yourself in the front seat of seokmin’s car once again, this time sitting nervously in his driveway as he puts your bag in the trunk for you. you're still not sure if you're ready to face jun yet, but you know you have to.
reluctantly you unlock your phone and open your text messages with jun, your eyes landing on the text he'd sent last night that had gone unreplied. with shaky fingers you type out that you're leaving seokmin’s house, and jun replies almost instantly with a long string of heart emojis.
seokmin gets into the car and starts it, and you exhale and set your phone in the cupholder.
"are you okay?" he asks, turning to look at you. "because you can always let me know if you need anything. anytime, day or night."
"i'm alright," you say, taking a deep breath. "i'm fine. but thank you, seok. i really appreciate everything."
he smiles, shifting the car into reverse. "of course. it's no problem at all."
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the second he hears the car pull up outside the house, jun jumps up off the couch, smoothing his shirt down anxiously. through the window he watches seokmin hand you your bag and close the trunk, giving you one last hug before he gets back in the car. he doesn't drive away until you're at the front porch, and with a deep breath jun swings open the door, before you can even knock.
you both stand there in silence for a second before he blurts out another apology. "i'm sorry," he rushes to say. "i'm really sorry."
you give him a weak smile. "can i maybe… get in the house, first?" you ask quietly, motioning with your free hand at the doorway.
"yeah, i— yeah, shit, of course," jun says as he practically jumps out of your way, holding the door open for you to walk inside.
you set your bag on the floor by the couch as he closes the door behind you. the sound of the lock clicking seems too loud in the uncomfortable silence that settles over the room.
"can… can i give you a hug? please?" he asks, and you stay quiet but nod. 
he closes the distance between you in one stride and wraps his arms around you, squeezing you so tightly and holding you close to his chest. "i'm so sorry, honey. i didn't mean any of it. i promise."
"i believe you," you finally manage, your voice a little muffled from how he's pressing you against him.
he doesn't say anything more, just holds you and holds you, and it feels so good to be home where you belong. there's a lot that needs to be said, but for right now you don't need any more words. you're just glad to be back together again.
after a while you pull your head away from him so you speak. "i'm sorry."
"why are you apologizing? you didn't do anything wrong, baby. i'm the one that needs to be apologizing."
you shake your head. "no. i said some things last night, too. granted, not as bad as you, but…"
jun breaks out into a grin at your joke, and you feel your mood start to lighten. "…which is true. and i'm sorry."
"jun, you can stop apologizing now. i get it, you're sorry. you don't have to tell me a million times," you say, trying to laugh a little.
now it's his turn to shake his head. "well, i'm going to anyway. because i am sorry." you look away from him, feeling embarrassment start to boil up, but he continues talking. "i'm serious. i'll say it as many times as it takes to make it right."
you turn your head back to him, struggling to keep a straight face. "why did you leave, jun?" you ask softly.
he takes a deep breath, and still trapped in his arms you can feel his chest expand with the breath. 
"it was stupid," he says finally. "i left because i didn't want to stay and risk hurting you more. but i realize i did that anyway, by leaving. i was just… i needed some air. but i shouldn't have stayed away, and i'm not gonna do that again. i won't do it, ever again."
"i just don't want you to leave me," you manage, trying and failing to hide the crack in your voice as you feel your eyes start to well up with tears.
he hugs you tighter and one of his hands comes up to cup the back of your head, gently smoothing your hair with his thumb. "i know, baby, i'm sorry. i'm not going to, i promise."
you don't respond, but you know he's telling the truth. the last 24 hours have been hell for the both of you, and you don't doubt he means every single "i'm sorry" he's said.
"so…" jun starts, and you tilt your head up at him.
"so?" you know what he's going to say next, and despite the excitement you had yesterday you feel yourself dreading this part of the conversation.
"you're pregnant?"
you sigh, looking down and avoiding his eyes. "yeah."
he hums. "but you don't sound excited?" he asks.
"well, i was, last night."
"i'm sorry," he winces. "do you wanna tell me now and i'll pretend this didn't happen and i don't know about it?"
you shake your head. "no, it's fine. the moment's kinda… ruined, already."
he sighs. "yeah, i know. i'm sorry i ruined it."
"i said it's fine, jun."
"no, it's not fine," he says firmly. "it's one hundred percent my fault. this is important to you, and to us, and we should be celebrating right now. last night should never have happened."
"jun, it's in the past. it was messed up, but i forgive you," you say, lifting you head to look at him once more. "it's not a big deal. we're okay now."
"i just want you to be happy about it," he says with a sniff. "we've been trying for so long, and finally…" he trails off, staring at you with watery eyes. 
you smile at him. "i am happy about it, junnie. i'm so happy, you can't even believe."
"did you tell seokmin?" he asks, and his brows furrow when you shake your head no.
"no, i didn't. i wanted you to be the first i told," you say shyly. "i knew you would want to be the first to know."
"i love you so much," he says, still hugging you. he's never going to let you go, never again. "do you know how far along?"
"no, i didn't go to the doctor. probably like two or three weeks, though, if i've been counting it right."
"wow," he sighs, a smile on his face as he stares off into the distance behind you. "i can't wait."
you watch his eyes, practically able to see the thoughts running through his head. 
after a while he loosens his grip around you, moving to swipe at his eyes quickly with the back of his hand. "well—anyway," he starts, giving you an awkward chuckle. "i bought stuff for breakfast. if you haven't had any, yet. and i'm making dinner tonight, too."
before you can even respond his eyes widen, like he's just now remembering all the things he had planned, and he lets go of you, bounding into the kitchen. he returns seconds later with a huge glass vase full of flowers, practically tripping over his own feet in his rush to hand them to you. "and i got these for you, too. sorry they're not the best, it's all the store had this morning."
"junnie, if this is the best the store had, then i don't think i wanna see their best," you laugh, holding the flowers up and admiring the dozens of bright blooms. "this is gorgeous, but you really didn't need to get me anything."
"but i wanted to," he counters, still running around the room to grab the gift bag sitting by the couch. "consider it an 'i'm very sorry' slash 'congrats you're having a baby' gift."
you set the vase down on the table next to you and take the bag from him, pulling out the tissue paper and crumpling it into a ball.
"i didn't have a whole lot of time to look this morning, but i found these," he says nervously, waiting for your reaction.
from the bag you pull out a miniature plastic hanger holding a set of tiny pajamas covered in little kitties, attached to a matching set of striped orange socks.
"i wanted to be the first person to get you baby clothes," he explains as he fidgets with his hands. 
"i knew you would," you smile at him, setting the empty bag and the clothes on the table along with the bouquet of flowers. "and they're perfect. they're so… you."
you throw your arms around his neck, pulling him back in for another hug. "i love all of it. thank you, jun."
he grins, rocking you back and forth in his arms and leaving kisses all over your cheek. "i love you too, baby. i missed you so much. i won't ever do that again."
"i know," you smile. "now… you promised me breakfast, isn't that right? because i'm starving. crying is exhausting."
he laughs. "no crying anymore. and i did promise you that, so tell me: do you want blueberry waffles, or strawberry?"
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❯ i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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py-dreamer · 1 month
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so if anyone's concerned, no I'm not dead.
Thankfully the digital studio is intact this year (thank god I would've had another mental breakdown istg-)
to all my lovely marshiemallows, thank y'all so much for your patience omg!!!!
(and to all my mutuals, @furornocturna and @violetjedisylveon in particular I'm so sorry I haven't been responding or active online at all, I'm so sorry-)
But to sum it up:
I'm on holiday in my home country rn and have been having a blast personally. Meeting relatives, childhood friends, the food, familiar places ect.
and I'll admit I do have a lot of free time outside that but honestly I do feel a wee bit burnt out ngl.
And with my spare time, I've jumped down the demon slayer rabbit hole
(huh who would've guessed)
Basically it's all been a huge break for me.
But I will still post lmk stuff dw. Though don't be surprised if you see a kny thingy pop up somewhere in the dreamscape!!
And for those curious about the fic:
I'm sorry I haven't updated at all, the wips are still in my drafts. I have no formal posting schedule but after returning and getting some work sorted out I'll see what I can do! But no promises!
Regardless, about the pic then.
It is a WIP. It's a sketch for a shadowalkers piece (Wooh! Haven't heard of that au in a while eh?)
I have redesigned mostly Bai He's outfit and added a little pouch for Macaca. The change was mostly so I had more freedom to do different top designs for the new members of the fam!
If anyone has suggestions for outfit designs or accessories or jewelery, hair, anything! let me know pls!
This is just the WIP stage and I really want to achieve that semi-wild, untamed but mysterious and refined gypsy look.
(Also its a guilty pleasure of mine to dress up my characters in aus or just for the fun of it lol)
And fun fact: Wukong's the only one in the fam wearing shoes lol.
Another fun fact: That brick pattern rag he's wearing? Was once a part of tripitaka's cassock from their days on the mountain. (see shadowalkers lore summary for context)
I didn't forget their tails this time! Wheeee!!
Oooh! Ooooh! Also the top half of Wukong's body? I did that myself sans references!!! Woooooooh!!!
Not that there's anything wrong with references of course. Pros and beginners use them and I do recommend them for poses, ideas and such.
Though I am proud I could think of something off like memory and make it work! I think...you can tell me otherwise lol
(BTW this is the after of the main plot where shadowpeach reconciles, they escape the town and Bai He gains a new stepbrother!)
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herotome · 4 months
Devlog #142
Hi-ho, Wudge here.
Time to talk about these past two weeks worth of work. Haha... ah....... The good news is that there's quite a lot. The bad news is now I have to type it all out. 😭 The things I do for love (for Herotome) amiright.
Note to self I'm gonna have to carefully save drafts of post throughout because, again, it's A Lot.
Ok so, we'll start off with some Mia stuff.
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Outfit concepts!! Some of yall may recall I struggled hardcore with her hero outfit, but I think it's finally getting somewhere?? After uh... I allowed myself to use black. :') I had it in my head that Dart is the only one who can wear black-- but how unfair is that?! There's a limited number of color families in the world, characters should be able to borrow colors from each other in accent colors! So, I'm much happier now that I've gotten over that mental hurdle.
On the right is a 'party'/gala outfit. I have a few events in mind where the LIs can dress up and look nice, so this is a concept for that...!
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I also made a bunch of these... cut-out images, so highlight her injured hand in-game... ....... Then I realized I could literally just. Show her full sprite and pan it down. Then add a lil spotlight/vignette effect if I damb well want to. :| So uh. I'll be throwing all these out I guess....... It was a learning experience!!!!!! just a bit of a painful one hahaha.
Moving right along, expressions.
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I got through a huge set of Griffin and made some new mouth shapes for Mia! Much to my dismay, Mia's lips are rather more detailed and thus take a bit more time to render..... but I'm getting the hang of it.
I also have been coding in these new expressions for the Mia and Warden scene in the federal center lobby.
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Here's a preview! Maybe I can make a gif of a few branches to crosspost to Ko-Fi...
As for Griffin - I haven't started coding in any expressions yet, but I did set up all his PNGs and can show off the full set here:
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The pictured tool is by Feniks - wonderful, wonderful way of seeing all the expressions at once and quickly converting a specific mood from image into code (which you can see in the lower rightmost corner). I highly recommend it for any renpy devs who are have an overwhelming surplus of character expressions!
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And I experimented with a ghostly text effect (using altered code from Wattson's dripping effect). It's hard to read at the moment and I dont love it - in Herotome it will likely have a proper outline and I might use a special font. It's inspired by this one artist named Endling - back in my teenybopper deviantart days, he had this comic with a big bad wolf character who would talk like this--!
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And of course, updated art of these fools (as seen in my last not-devlog last week)
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I also wrote.. a decent amount... did a fair amount of outlining/plotting.... and Remnantation and I made progress on a new Griffin CG... I designed some other potential NPCs.......
...... You can tell I'm running out of steam for this devlog, I'm sure. I think that'll do it for now.
Stay safe and keep warm,
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steamberrystudio · 3 months
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07/07/2024 Tumblr Devlog
Hallo everyone!  Time for the tumblr update! Whii~iich I think I may have skipped a couple - it looks like I did that annoying thing where I wrote up an update and *forgot to post it*. 
Sorry about that! 
So what have I been doing lately? Well. Lemme tell ya.
I wrote 23,000 words this week, for one. I am ded. ┗( T﹏T )┛
But let's jump into the details because in the most recent update I see, I was still revising chapter 10.
Finished revising, proofreading, and formatting chapter 10
Revised Asher ending sequence
Revised Daaz ending sequence
Finished drafting Kav's endings sequence
Finished drafting Noel's ending sequence
Finished drafting Raif's endings sequence
Worked on a ton of UI changes and improvements
Worked on some sprite tweaks
Received some new BG art!
So as you can see, lots of writing progress since my last update. 
I finished revising chapter 10 and coding it. It turned out to be 88,000 words coded.
I revised and formatted Asher and Daaz's ending sequences into the game. Those two were already drafted and just needed to be cleaned up and put into Renpy.
The remaining four character still needed to be drafted but I had paused to revise the entire script so I could make some necessary plot fixes before I tried to draft the remaining endings. 
With that done, I've moved into finishing up the draft.
Currently I have Kav, Noel, and Raif drafted and Yren in progress.
And that will be all the main game content complete!
The current un-coded word count amount is 625,000 words. 💪
So I have completed some CG work since my last update but the main thing I've been working on art-wise is UI updates and changes. 
A lot of small changes to the general aesthetic as well as implementing a lot of small additions I've been contemplating for a while as QoL improvements.
Such as a little indicator that shows when you are in a "character branch" and things like that.
I've also made a few small tweaks to some of the sprites - mostly just making their expressions a little more dramatic since they were reading a bit flat to me. And, of course, adding new outfits. Always new outfits. LoL
And of course, new BGs from both artists.
Background are around 76% complete currently.
Other Stuff:
I guess UI goes in here too since in addition to the "art" aspect, there's the implementation aspect as well.
Once you change the look of something that has to be coded in, of course. 
I ended up deciding that I want to experiment with moving the sprites around a bit more - mostly moving them a bit closer and then further away depending on the scene, what's happening, and how many characters are on screen in a given moment.
There are several benefits to this including keeping the screen from being static for long periods but also, there are a couple of characters that the player will really benefit from being able to see their faces up close (mostly Raif and Yren).
So yeah - in addition to redesigning some of the screens, I have also been implementing those changes bit by bit.
The game definitely looks quite different now. I recently saw a playthrough of the current prototype that's on Itch and was astonished because I forgot how it looked when it was first released. Ha ha. It's gone through a lot of changes. 
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Noel no longer matches the ceiling, for one! Amazing.
Upcoming Weeks:
I will be working on finishing up Yren's ending sequence and hope to get that done in the upcoming week - which means another heavy writing week. 
As I've said elsewhere, I have been calling them "ending sequences" but in reality this is the last three chapters of each route which is about 20,000 words total for each character. I have about 3000 words of Yren's done and I'm actually only shooting for about 15,000 for the rough draft because I invariable add dialogue and variations when I edit, which means I have to undershoot the draft so I don't overshoot the word count during revision.
So yeah, I'll be completing Yren's final three chapters, then revising Kav, Noel, Raif, and Yren and formatting them into the game, which will give me the "final" word count for the project.
And then I will be "done" with the writing (in quotes because...you're never done with the writing until it releases. LoL
I should definitely be done with drafting and revising by my next update here but I can't really say what I'll be working on by that point. Probably...UI and CGs. Not sure.
We'll find out in the future I suppose! See you then!
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1000sunnygo · 1 year
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Has anyone noticed that we never had a chance to properly see Law's second "signature" fit, one he wore during the timeskip before and during his time as a Shichibukai? He probably wore it the longest, albeit during his offscreened activities.
Similar to Onigashima, he draped a coat over his shoulders.
So much thoughts went on it to never eventually use it. What was the point.
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Time to read Japanese for ants. Texts on the left:
"D will bring up a storm", "I'll grab what I want for sure".."monster arm?" His arm seems a bit deformed in that image too so who knows what's up with that + I don't trust my reading skills Oda marked a star on the final version, "Shichibukai" written on top.
Apparently he spent a lot of time on deciding his post timeskip hat. There's also this interesting bit of info in the Osaka exhibition log book noting that he wants Law's sideburns to be more distinct? thick? A user on Twitter noted this recently, that Oda commented while making Z's design that "sideburns are Manly".
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Law wore a yellow top under the punk hazard coat in the manga. Anime Law, though, wasn't wearing it.
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Oda drew the genderbent Law (left) in a similar fit, she's actually wearing the coat this time - but missing her tattoos and had no painted nails. The volume was released during late Dressrosa so this outfit was still the "default" post timeskip Law outfit in Oda's mind. Merch developers changed the fit to his Dressrosa coat for the Fem Law figure.
The fact that Doc Q's genderbent Law had the nails manicured and painted is both hilarious for what it is and a possible implication that Oda could be inspired by an existing, suggestive genderbent Law figure that released 6 years ago. Bet he owns one 🤨
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In relation to my previous theory that the extent of Law's involvement and character depth was decided along Punk Hazard arc, I don't think Oda thought too deep about Law's tattoos and heart symbol when he decided Law's default Shichibukai fit for the timeskip. Law had to wear a coat during Punk Hazard for the cold weather and a heart-themed costume during Dressrosa for story purposes, followed by a casual shirt and the Wano yukata. Rather than purposefully avoiding it, Oda simply didn't have a chance to incorporate the default post timeskip design that he planned for Law.
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The Onigashima fit could be a "modified" version of that very old design, now his characterization properly conceptualized and laid out and thus feathers instead of a regular collar as a nod to Corazon. His tattoos are also visible for a similar purpose.
There's so much to unpack in character designs. I wish we had access to more drafts and notes.
Oda never got to use the timeskip outfit he originally designed for Law due to various reasons, mainly because when he designed it, he didn't know what Law's role during the timeskip would be. The design gradually became obsolete, So he simply modified it to the Onigashima fit that's closely personalized based on the unplanned developments Law received along the way.
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aioliravioli-69 · 6 months
Detective Noir AU
Alright, this au has been sitting around, waiting for me to finish it but chances are, I never will :((
So instead, I'll just post what I have so far
This was inspired by that one comment on the au post the author made(at this point you could consider me a stalker for the amount of hours I've scrolled through her feed💀)
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First things first, none other than our main character himself, Detective Hollow!
I made him the detective in this one mainly because I was basing it off of the theory that if there was no heroine the keyholder would simply become the hero instead(don't remember where I read this but I'm guessing it was the webtoon comment section).
I also my have just really wanted to draw him in an overcoat
gonna be honest, I did little to no research going into this AU, the thing I most tried to learn about was the femme fatale so I could get a good view on how to design Buddy
Speaking of the femme fatale:
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Seems like someone got caught in the spotlight!
And before you ask, yes, those are pants. Weird ones, but pants nonetheless. I swear, I hate lighting when it's from the front. Frontal lighting can go fuck itself. Please ignore the little help lines I put in
Honestly, Buddy's outfit was probably the hardest part of this one. I wanted him to look slutty, but I didn't want to make it TOO slutty, but I feel like I may have added WAYY too many folds in his pantsuit and I kinda messed up on the overcoat lol. The diamond on his chest was inspired by the diamond on the villainess key more than anything and I tried to incorporate that into his gloves too.
Anyway, have some potential outfit sketches I made:
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the two I thought might come off as too slutty and
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the ultimate winner of the outfit ideas
As you can see the diamond chest window and fur coat were a mut in this outfit and I'm pretty happy with the end result
Y'all know how the femme fatale usually has to seduce the main character a.k.a. the detective?
Well, y'all know me so have an extra just for you <33
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But I'm not done just yet!
Remember how I said that I made Chase the hero because of the lack of a heroine in the story? Well...
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I did some more surface level research(and I mean very surface level) and decided to adapt the trope of the girl-next-door archetype for him!!
Don't think it suits him, since they usually just sit pretty and wait for the detective to notice them, but they do have badass roles once in a while and I live for those!!!
The one Chase has taken on doesn't though sadly :')
I decided to go with Charlie Hollow for this one because it sounded more like something the timid and 'pure'(yuck I know, but sadly film noir movies often prop up comparisons between the femme fatale and the girl-next-door, this being one of them) girl next door would have
Overall I tried to make this one as cutesy as possible because, why not lol
Lastly(I apologise, I made this in a rush because I was running out of motivation)
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The distance between Buddy and the detective sure did close QUICK-
Originally I was planning on adding Deacon as a police officer and now that I think about it I could technically fit Prunella in here as well, but I just don't have any willpower left to keep this thing alive
My art blocks been acting up recently and I can't even pick up the pencil without immediately wanting to put it down :((
I wish I could have continued this and maybe I will someday, but until then this'll just stay in my drafts
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gingermaple · 9 months
hi im trying to keep it professional here but may i request you to talk about your thought process/design inspirations behind your Tango? I don't think I've ever loved a Tango more than i love yours
i'm so glad you like him so much!!! he's definitely one of my favourites to draw :D
most of my mcyt designs follow a similar pipeline, where i create a first design that is simple; based on the skin, my impression, and common fanon ideas. then later down the line i throw all of that out the window and shoot them with my patented Creature Gun.
so originally, tango was just A Guy. (see this post for an idea of how he looked) until i woke up one day and decided that he needed to become an absolute fucking critter.
i went into my very first draft of a new design with a few basic ideas that i wanted to follow:
Generally small, but have his clothing/accessories be big
Have the red glasses be a major design element
Be some form of lil critter with a tail, paws, and big ears
Be as shape as possible (this was the most important aspect to me)
Here was my very first pass with those concepts in mind:
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More under the cut:
the first thing i realised was that i accidentally inverted the red and black on his outfit, the second thing was that he had come out looking somewhat rodent-like, so i decided to build upon that idea in my second draft, as well as further exaggerating his glasses and proportions:
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i liked this much better, but decided he still wasn't shape enough, so after even more stylization, i eventually got to a point where i was happy, and we ended up with the critter of all time!
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along the way, i also ended up with a rough idea for what he even was, that being a hybrid of my own made up rodent-adjacent mob that would live in the nether. which i ended up sharing an idea for in this post, thought i'll probably expand further upon the idea in the future.
overall i am insanely happy with how his design turned out, and i'm overjoyed that other people feel the same!
please never hesitate to ask me about my designs/my design process! i have so many thoughts that i'd love to share and a lot of the more fully fleshed out designs have a good amount of concept art that likely won't be seen outside of these sorts of asks.
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withoutyouimsaskia · 1 year
Decisions (Sandman One-Shot)
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​GIF: Originally posted by @teenwolf-theoriginals​​​​
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x gender neutral reader
Summary: One-shot. Reader self-insert. Established relationship. Newly married. Fluff. You and Morpheus are due to attend an Endless family gathering and you ask Morpheus for points on what to wear.
Warnings: suggestive themes?
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Hello there! I'm still riding the high from meeting Tom at Basingstoke Comic-Con on Saturday (drabble post about the experience here) and it has boosted my creativity enough to finish this WIP that has been in my drafts for 2+ months. Thank you, Tom <3
Sandman Masterlist
You huff an emotion laden sigh into the air as you stare at the neatly displayed garments before you. Over thirty minutes have passed since you made the decision to open the wardrobe and try to choose an outfit.
You have run your fingers over each item at least ten times now in the hope that one of the textures would prompt you into committing. It’s been fruitless and now, you are standing in front of the gaping hole formed by the parted doors and feeling as if the clothes are taunting you.
Despite being wholly frustrated, you are reluctant to give up and come back to the task later with a clear head. You are going to be in the same room as all of the Endless siblings for the first time in a matter of hours and an urgency has taken hold of you.
You hear footsteps coming from the hallway and you immediately identify them as Morpheus'. Your unease turns to nausea. Surely it couldn't have been time to go already?
A quick check of your wristwatch allays your fears a little. It was not as late as you had feared. You plop down to sit at the foot of your bed; your frantic search does not need an audience. However, your tension still remains in your frame and you know it will not be long before it is noticed and queried.
As soon as your husband takes one look at you after entering the room, he walks straight over and says, "You appear troubled, my love."
You shake your head, forcing a smile. "Everything's fine," you answer breezily.
Morpheus picks up on your feigned nonchalance, astute gaze then falling to the anxious way you are unknowingly twisting your wedding band around your finger.
He speaks your name and the sound of it is like a whisper of the wind. You chance a peek at his face, his blue eyes overflow with concern.
Your shoulders slump in defeat and you immediately spill the truth of the situation.
"Actually, I'm struggling to decide what to wear for this evening."
"I would recommend something that you feel comfortable in," He replies softly.
You move off the bed, repeating the adjective in your mind as you pick anxiously through the clothes once more.
It's futile.
"I need some kind of brief to work to." You turn to fix him with an imploring look. "Please."
Morpheus begins to sense that your agitation might be masking something deeper. He decides to be open with you about his own feelings in the hope that you may open up in return.
He comes closer and takes both your hands in his.
"My only stipulation for this evening is that you sit between myself and my elder sister."
You protectively edge closer to your partner. His words give rise to a desire to understand if there is subtext accompanying his statement.
"Do you feel nervous?"
He pauses. "Not nervous. Apprehensive is a more apt descriptor."
You nod before admitting quietly, "I think I may be feeling the same as you, Morpheus."
His right hand finds your jawbone. "I'll be right there to support you."
You smile crookedly. "And I you."
He rubs small circles on your cheek with his thumb.
"We can also leave whenever you wish."
"Can we have a cut and run safe word?"
Morpheus is amused by your phrase, and the corners of his mouth pull up ever so slightly.
"I welcome it. What would like to choose?"
You contemplate silently. "How about if I call you Dream?"
You never use the name Dream for your husband, it has always been Morpheus. The name he had offered when you had first met. To use the alternative that his siblings used seemed like a smart choice; it wouldn't draw attention if you had to say it in anything other than a whisper.
"Dream," he confirms.
With some decisions made and comfort provided, you turn back to the wardrobe. You sigh once more as dejection rears its head.
"I shall be wearing this, if it is of any help to you."
You look round to see Morpheus gesturing to the outfit he has just willed into existence. He is sporting a black, flowy sleeved chiffon shirt. The buttons are done up all the way to the top, accentuating his perfect neck. His signature jeans and lace-up boots complete the look.
The change in your demeanour is like a match being lit. Your lips part, a solution forming in your mind.
"So smart casual?"
You are looking at him with such a hopeful expression. Heartfelt reassurance is the key; he can see how much you need it right now.
"Yes," he replies with an encouraging smile.
You now approach the wardrobe with confidence; posture straight, eyes up. Morpheus listens to you talking quietly to yourself as you pick your way across the rack from left to right.
“No, no, no… Ahh, there you are.”
You triumphantly produce a black shirt from a hanger, the sleeves of which are embroidered with delicate constellations and crescent moons, and a pair of black jeans from the adjacent drawers.
Morpheus places himself in a nearby chair and from his newly seated position, he watches you swap the oversized green jumper and blue jeans that you are wearing for the just-selected outfit.
You struggle for a moment in securing the cuffs of the shirt but soon you are standing in front of the mirror and smoothing the front of the garment down.
You turn to the side to inspect your profile. "What do you think?"
Morpheus comes up behind you. You maintain eye contact through the mirror.
"Perfect," he whispers in your ear. "You are perfect."
A heady blush spreads at his words. His arms slip around your waist
“Thank you for helping me.”
“You are most welcome, my love.”
It is impossible to keep your attention off of him. His own shirt is sheer enough for you to see his toned torso beneath.
His image, coupled with the combination of him suddenly kissing your neck has your stomach dropping deliciously. He continues until you are weak and dazed with pleasure.
You breathlessly turn to face him. Lust smoulders in his celestial eyes.
You have left the top two buttons of your shirt undone; Morpheus touches his fingers delicately to the exposed skin.
"I fear I may struggle to get through even the first course with you looking like this, my love," he murmurs.
You rest your palms on his chest.
"The safe word is there for you too, My King. Say the word and I'll go anywhere you want."
A low groan rumbles under your hands as well as in your ears. Morpheus leans in so he is mere millimetres from you.
He smirks flirtatiously. "Very well, my sweet dream.”
He then closes the remaining distance to hungrily press his lips to yours.
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aahsokaatano · 5 months
A Brief Examination of Margaret Houlihan and Gender
(aka I'm doing my rough draft of my essay on tumblr bc I can ramble here)
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I spent 6 weeks watching all 251 episodes of M*A*S*H with the aim of critically analyzing Margaret Houlihan, and more specifically how she is referred to throughout the series. I was initially doing this with the idea of tracking the change from "Hot Lips" to Margaret, but I got more than I bargained for - I really forgot how often she's referred to as a man or in a gender neutral way, and it's super interesting, so under the cut is a list of quotes and some light analysis.
Season 1
"Oh, sorry baby." / "Major to you!" ("The Pilot" s1e1) Neutral
"You're dismissed!" / "Thanks, Mother." ("The Pilot" s1e1) Feminine
"One lady in our outfit..." ("Dear Dad" s1e12) Feminine
Season 2
"You are no gentleman!" / "Good thing you are." ("Divided We Stand" s2e1) Masculine
[Margaret speaking on behalf of Frank] "That's pretty strong stuff, Frank." / "It's true!" ("L.I.P. (Local Indigenous Personnel)" s2e7) Masculine
"You've emasculated me for the last time!" ("Carry On Hawkeye" s2 e11) Masculine
"Margaret Houlihan; nurse, friend, and all around good egg." ("Carry On Hawkeye" s2e11) Neutral
[Radar calls Margaret "sir" - this is something that he ends up doing for several more seasons] "Men are sirs, women are ma'ams!" ("Hot Lips and Empty Arms" s2e14) Feminine (with Masculine connotations long-term)
Season 3
"You know, for once I agree with him?" / "I [Margaret] said that." / "I know." ("Rainbow Bridge" s3e2) Masculine
"Speaking man-to-man, Colonel," ("There is Nothing Like a Nurse" s3e10) Masculine
"He's a creep." / "She's a creepette." ("The Consultant" s3e17) Feminine
"I know you didn't volunteer because you're a married man [...] Well, I'm a married man, too, Frank. Married to the Army." ("Aid Station" s3e19) Masculine
"I'm not just Major Margaret Houlihan, army nurse. I'm also Margaret Houlihan - frail, vulnerable, sensitive female." ("Aid Station" s3e19) Feminine
"Don't think of me as a woman!" ("Aid Station" s3e19) Neutral/Masculine
Season 4
"When I was five, I had a crying fit because they wouldn't let me have a crew cut." ("Deluge" 4.23) Neutral/Masculine
Season 5
"He [Donald] calls me his little plebe." ("Margaret's Engagement" s5e2) Neutral
"I'm an engaged person!" ("Margaret's Engagement" s5e2) Neutral
[Speaking to a newborn baby] "Major Houlihan is here to help you." ("The Abduction of Margaret Houlihan" s5e6) Neutral
"Anybody can open with a pair of 10s if they're wearing civilian boxer shorts." / [...] / "I'll open for 25 cents." ("Dear Sigmund" s5e7) Neutral/Masculine
"Margaret, when you're sick, can't you call me Frank?" / "You know I'm an engaged person." ("The Colonel's Horse" s5e11) Neutral
"Margaret, I'm as taut as a watch spring." / "Your state of tautness s no longer a concern of mine, Major Burns. I happen to be an engaged person." ("Hawkeye's Nightmare" s5e13) Neutral
"Sure, nurse..." / "Nurse?! You're talking to a major!" / "Sorry. Would you help us move this guy into pre-op, Major?" ("Post-Op" s5e23) Feminine/Neutral
Season 6
"A head nurse who is part seductress, and part Attila the Hun" ("The Winchester Tapes" s6e4) Feminine/Masculine
[the nurses to Hawkeye] "Do you think you could talk to Hot Lips?" ("Images" s6e9) Feminine
"Hot Lips Houlihan: blonde landmine." ("Patent 4077" s6e16) Feminine
"Congratulations. You're still a major, Major." ("What's Up, Doc?" s6e19) Neutral
Season 7
[about her divorce] "Best thing that ever happened to me. The weight of the world is off my shoulders! I feel like a new woman!" ("Peace On Us" s7e2) Feminine
[BJ] "The king is dead." / [Hawk] "Long live the queen." / [Margaret] "You bet." ("Hot Lips is Back in Town" s7e20) Feminine
"I'm going as far in this man's army as any woman can go. Maybe even general!" ("Hot Lips is Back in Town" s7e20) Feminine
Season 8
"I'm a woman, and I can tell you what it's like for a woman to be away from the man she loves." ("Too Many Cooks" s8e1) Feminine
"To be a woman, with the rank of major..." ("Are You Now, Margaret?" s8e2) Feminine
"Hot Lips?" / "Yeah, that's a nickname she picked up." ("Are You Now, Margaret?" s8e2) Feminine
"Hot Streak Houlihan strikes again!" ("Life Time" s8e11) Neutral
"I'm just as much a major as any other major. You'll notice these leaves come in gold, not pink for girls and blue for boys." ("Stars and Stripes" s8e14) Feminine/Neutral
"What do you suppose I am deep down?" / "Deep, deep down? A woman." / "Go a little deeper." / "A major." / "I'm me. Sometimes a nurse, sometimes a major, sometimes a woman in love... sometimes all three at once." ("Stars and Stripes" s8e14) Feminine/Neutral
[speaking to an infant] "Hello there, sweetheart. I'm your Auntie Margaret." ("Yessir, That's Our Baby" s8e15) Feminine
Season 9
"What's the matter? She isn't man enough to bring it in [to the men's showers] herself?" ("Bless You, Hawkeye" s9e17) Masculine
[speaking to Margaret] "You know, you don't get to be a high-ranking officer, to run an O.R., to command respect, unless you've earned it." ("The Foresight Saga" s9e19) Neutral
Season 10
"I know everybody thinks I'm tough, demanding, insensitive, cold, callous, crabby - feel free to disagree at any time!" / "Think of it this way; maybe you are all that stuff, but deep down underneath, I think maybe there's some more stuff that's... pretty good stuff. You know?" ("The Birthday Girls" s10e11) Neutral
Season 11
"I do not need the help of a nurse." / "It's a good thing I'm a lady or you'd need a nurse, buster!" ("Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen" s11e16) Feminine
Total Counts:
Feminine: 19
Masculine: 12
Neutral: 17
These aren't all of the quotes I collected during my rewatch, or the only thing I was paying attention to, but it definitely caught my interest. And laying out like like this, by season, you can really see the trends ebb and flow. Margaret is portrayed pretty firmly as feminine/neutral through the first season, but season two introduces the running joke of other characters referring to her as "Frank" and using he/him due to how often she speaks on his behalf, as well as Radar calling her "sir" rather than "ma'am." She sticks even more firmly to referring to herself neutrally in season five, calling herself an "engaged person" rather than an "engaged woman" on three different occasions.
After her marriage and Frank's departure, Margaret is referred to more femininely again, but she doesn't refer to herself as a woman until season 7, after her divorce. I find it especially interesting to compare "The Abduction of Margaret Houlihan" in s5 and "Yessir, That's Our Baby" in s8; both deal with very young infants and show us Margaret's interactions with these babies. In s5, she refers to herself as "Major Houlihan" to the baby, but then in s8, she's "Auntie Margaret." Between these events were her marriage and divorce, and Margaret's self-confidence being boosted by her work on herself and her duties as head nurse.
BJ refers to Margaret loosely in masculine terms in s9, and it's the first time the joke has been really touched on since s6, when Charles compares her to Attila the Hun. This is the last time anyone refers to Margaret as masculine, with the final two seasons having her presented either neutrally (by rank) or femininely (as a "lady").
Margaret's character journey actually can be tracked through this list of quotes pretty well. She's more of an antagonist when she's referred to more often with masculine terms, and as she develops into a more traditional protagonist, the narrative refers to her with more feminine terms. The fact that Margaret herself is most likely to use feminine terms when she's at her most confident in herself is definitely interesting, and I think says a lot about how her confidence is tied into her self-image.
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marvelgirlstories · 1 year
Hi, I realized that I accidentally saved this to my drafts instead of posting it. 🥲🥲 This is the George Weasley fic that I wrote to celebrate one month on Tumblr. ❤️❤️❤️
Enjoy Xxx
George Weasley x reader (dating)
Cute Date
Warnings: Bad language, Fred scaring people, George being sad
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It was a sunny Friday and you were slowly dying in the north tower, where you had divination. You were sat next to George bored as fuck, trying not to fall asleep. You were just about to close your eyes, when George passed you a note.
Hey gorgeous,
Are you free tonight?
Yes Yes
Go on a date?
Yes Yes
Pick you up at 7.
Your loving boyfriend,
George Fabien Weasley
You chuckled as you read the message and saw the possible answers. Georges face lit up when he saw the message, even though he knew you wouldn't turn down the opportunity.
After divination you finally got to speak to him. He pulled you put of the way of all the people wanting to get down to the great hall for lunch. You were about to say something when he kissed you. The kiss lasted about 20 seconds before you broke it. "So pick you up at seven?", George asked. "We literally have the same common room", you answered. "I'll take that for a yes.", he said. "Dress code?", you wanted to know. "Nothing to fancy", he replied. "Ok.", you said leaning in for a kiss.
You were finally ready at five to seven and so you went down into the common room because George couldn't come up to the dorm. You were wearing your favorite outfit to wear outside of school. You had glammed it up with some jewelry and make-up and you did your hair.
He was already there and you could see how his eyes shone when he saw you. But as he made no move to go over to you, you sat down near the golden trio and tried to help Hermione help Ron and Harry with their homework.
At seven he walked over to you. "Wow, you look stunning", he said, before pulling you in for a deep kiss. "Get a room", Ron shouted and George pulled away ready to yell something back. But Hermione got there before him hitting Ron on the head with a big bit of parchment. "Don't worry about him", you said,"I was promised a date!" "Come on then, gorgeous!", he said, leading you out of the portrait hole.
"Where are we going?", you asked as you both went down the stairs. "Shhhh", was what he said. When you stood in front of the corridor with the one-eyed witch, you knew where this was going. "Oh no. No. Not Hogsmeade.", you said, before you could stop yourself. George turned around to face you. "Well, I mean... If you don't want to we don't have to.", he answered, trying to hide how much it hurt him. But you knew him to well to think he didn't mind. "No, George. Fuck! That's not what how meant it." You internally cursed at your self. You lightly kissed him. "I was just worried. I thought we might get caught. But then I realized you would of thought of that. Because my loving boyfriend, George Fabien Weasley thinks of everything." "If you are sure...", he said. "Don't worry, handsome. I will always go along with your crazy plans." He smiled. "Come on, then!", he said opening the tunnel.
He stepped in first, then helped you down. After he closed the passage, he took your hand. "You ready", he asked. "Of course", you replied. He took out his wand. "Lumos!" "Come on!", he dragged your arm as he started to run. You joining his pace.
You ran for about two minutes before you slowed down to a walk. After a while, you got to the end of the tunnel. "Ok. Let's go!", he said. You two snuck up through the storeroom and into the main shop. The owner wasn't there. He was probably up stairs. You two made your way to Zonko's and then two the Three Broomsticks. Madam Rosmerta gave you extra cream with your Butterbeer. "You are the first Hogwarts students that have snuck out tonight.", was her reason. "This is really nice. Thank you so much!", you said to George. "It isn't over yet, love. There's more to come.", he replied. "Well, I'm looking forward to it.", you said, kissing him softly.
When you had both finished your Butterbeer, you went outside. "You ready for the rest of the date?", he asked. "Always", you answered. He grabbed your wrist and lead you back to Honeydukes. After you snuck back down the tunnel. He took out his wand, ready to light it up. "Wait!", you said. He was about to ask why when you kissed him passionately. Taking your time, tasting the Butterbeer you both drank. His tongue ran along your bottom lip and you let him in. He pulled away just before it became a major make out. As you whimpered at the loss of contact, he reasoned you with: "There plenty of time to do that later." He lit up his wand and you carried along the tunnel. He went first and then helped you up back into the corridor. Suddenly you heard a voice. "Well, what do we have here?"
You both froze "Umm...", you were about to say something when Fred appeared. "Fred! You idiot! You scared us to death!", George shouted. "I thought you were Snape.", you added. "Keep your voices down", was all Fred said back. George was just about to lunge at Fred, but you held him back. "Leave him alone.", you said,"It was kind of funny!" "At least someone has humor around here!", Fred exclaimed. "Don't test my patience.", you shot back. He put his hands up in defense. "Have fun, you two.", was the last thing that he said before he crept away. "Come on, gorgeous. Let's get out of here before Filch or his cat finds us.", George said. "Where are we going?", you asked. "It's a surprise!", he replied.
"Well, considering we are going up the only stairs that head to the astronomy tower, it's not much of a surprise, is it?", you commented. "Ok, cleverclogs. Whatever you say!", he answered, half annoyed, half amused. You where about to say something back, when you stopped in your tracks. You had reached the top of the tower, but your mouth dropped all the way to the bottom again. "Do you like it?", George asked, not being able to read your face. "I love it! It's beautiful!" He had set ups beautiful picnic area with candles, pillows, blankets, a picnic rug and all of your favorite foods. "I didn't know what...", but he didn't get any further, because once again you pulled him in for a kiss. "Wow!", he exclaimed, when you finally pulled away.
He lead you loosely by the wrist to the rug covered in blankets. George picked up a chocolate-covered strawberry and fed it to you. You both had an amazing time eating, laughing and having fun. It was so nice to relax instead of studying or catching up on homework. Then George put on your favorite song. "May I have this dance, madam?", he asked standing up and bowing in a truly gentlemanly style. "Of course.", you said. As you two slowly danced across the room, you rested your head on his shoulder. "What did I do to deserve him?", you thought. "Everything", he replied. You looked up startled. "Did I say that out loud?", you asked. "Yes"
When it was finally time to go, he took you to his dorm. Everyone else was asleep, so it didn't matter. "Thank you so much!", you said while you were cuddled up in his bed. "Of course. I love you.", he replied. "I love you too"
You both fell asleep, enjoying your last moment as before the next school day together.
Hope you like it ♥️😘 See you all soon. Xxx
@kandis-mom @felicitylemon
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cadybear420 · 6 months
Performance for fluffember🤍
The Voice of an Angel
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Fandom: High School Story (Original Trilogy)
Pairings: Aiden Zhou x Evie Ayana (female HSS MC), maybe with a small side of Ajay Bhandari x Cher Lee (female HSS:CA MC)
Characters: Aiden Zhou, Evie Ayana (female HSS MC)
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Additional Tags: Fluff, Singing, Performance, Dancing
Word Count: 2,128
Summary: On Evie’s 18th birthday, Aiden and the jazz band whip up a little surprise for her. Takes place approximately between HSS:CA 2 and HSS:CA 3 (though my memory of the HSS:CA timeline is a little more fuzzy).
A/N: First of all: to the anon who sent the prompt, major apologies for sleeping on it for so long. Coming up with writing ideas is a bitch, but it is something I want to do more often. And there was also that one time when Tumblr turned off editing for answers to asks, which carried over to the draft post for this for a while. Second of all, I’m fucking obsessed with this song from Doctor Who (“My Angel Put the Devil in Me”, from the Series 3 soundtrack) and I think Evie and Aiden would be as well. Third of all, yes this is a belated birthday fic for Evie, but I’m glad to get it out before the end of Evie’s birthday month at least. Also haha both Evie’s birthday this year and in the setting of the fic were on a Friday. Fourth of all, arghrghrargh my first time writing a fic where one character sings to another AND does a choreographed dance to it too. It’s a lot more difficult than I imagined lol. 
(Also, the outfit I imagine for the other jazz band kids)
Prompt: Performance
Source for prompts here. Even though it's long past November, I'll still accept prompt suggestions from this list year-round.
Tags: @inlocusmads @aces-and-angels @aria-ashryver @lover-also-fighter-also @jerzwriter @choicesmc @3rdstreetfrank @dutifullynuttywitch @lovealexhunt @lilyoffandoms @peonierose (as this is the complete version of this WIP and this challenge bit), and @choicesficwriterscreations
Friday, March 8, 2019. The day of Evie’s 18th birthday. She’d been planning to host a birthday party at one of her favorite restaurants in the city, starting in the early evening after school. Almost everyone she knew from school was invited. 
It was late in the afternoon now. Evie took one last look at herself in her new outfit– a navy blue suit with a purple floral necktie– and grinned, before dashing to the living room. There, her dad was checking his phone. 
“Alright, I’m ready to go!” she said. 
He turned to her. “Actually… we can’t leave just yet…”
She pouted. “What??? But Daaaad, the party starts at 5 PM and it’s already 4:45!”
“The people doing the decorations are… taking a bit longer than expected.”
“It’s a bit awkward to go to a party when they’re still putting decorations up, isn’t it?”
“That’s true,” her face softened. “Do the other guests know?”
“...yep! I’ve just told them, in fact.”
“Okay… but how long do we have to wait?”
“Shouldn’t be more than… ten to twenty minutes?”
Evie pouted again. 
“It’s not that long…”
“Okay, fiiiiine, I’ll be patient…”
“And I’ll be doctor!”
Evie winced. “Dad, NO…”
About twenty minutes passed, and then finally, her dad said it was okay to start driving to the restaurant. After a fifteen minute drive, they arrived, and Evie wasted no time going in. 
The room was alive with upbeat music, purple decorative lights and flowers, and many of Evie’s friends. It seemed like just about everyone she’d invited had shown up– her main friend group, her teammates, her friends from the other cliques and Hearst, Cher and her friends from theatre, the seniors from last year who hadn’t gone away for college… 
And all of them greeted her with a big “Happy birthday, Evie!!!”, in unison. 
Evie inhaled, beaming at her friends. Many of them ran over to hug her, a few others cheered for her. 
Then she saw Emma and Cher push their way through the crowd and grab her by her arms. 
“Evie! There’s a special surprise for you, right now!” said Cher. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah!” said Emma. “Just come with us…” 
The crowd parted, making way for Emma and Cher to pull Evie to the opposite side of the room. As they did, the party music slowly faded out and the lights began to dim. 
“What the–” Evie started. 
“Shhhh. You’ll see soon enough!” Emma replied. 
When they made it to the opposite end of the room, a warm spotlight turned on over her, and there she saw it. The jazz band, all set up with their instruments and dressed in matching snazzy black-and-red suits and… devil horns? Yes, devil horns. 
And at the front of it all… was none other than her beautiful boyfriend Aiden, all dressed up and holding a microphone. 
Evie just about stopped in her tracks as she took in his outfit– a snug, ivory-colored flapper dress that had silver beads sewn into intricate patterns, and hung just barely above his knees. Along with that, he also wore a couple of matching long pearl necklaces, a fluffy white halo accessory over his head, and winged eyeliner.
“Wow…” Evie felt her breath catch. “Aiden, you look–”
Just then, Aiden signaled to the band… and they started to play. 
Evie grinned broadly, her eyes immediately lighting up at the familiar upbeat jazzy tune, and watched intently as her boyfriend danced towards her, in steps that were careful and rhythmic, yet lively. 
Then the tempo slowed, and he held the microphone to his mouth and began to sing. 
“I'm a country girl, I ain't seen a lot… But you came along, and my heart went pop! You took a little streetcar to my heart… And an apple of love fell off my apple cart~”
Evie’s cheeks flustered at his melodious voice. This wasn’t the first time she’d heard him sing– he’s sung to her plenty of times, and they’d practically been doing Evie-Aiden duets since the day they met. But this… this was different. Aiden had never done a solo singing performance for her before, let alone one that involved a bit of dance as well. 
“You looked at me, my heart began to pound… You weren't the sort of guy I thought would stick around… Hey, but it don't have to be eternally… My bad, bad Angel put the Devil in me~”
And his singing voice was all the more different this time around too. Even later into their relationship, as Aiden had become more confident about his singing, there was always still a hint of nervousness in his voice when they sang their duets. But this time, he sang loud and clear. Like he was owning the stage. 
Aiden performed a small twirl before stopping, his eyes meeting hers as he began slowly walking up to her, making her heart jump a little.
“You lured me in with your cold grey eyes… Your simple smile, your bewitching lies…”
As he sang that verse, he reached out and grabbed onto her bright purple tie, making Evie’s face heat up as he began tugging on it gently and pulling her closer to him. 
“One and one and one is three… My bad, bad Angel… the Devil in me~!”
The tempo picked up again. Aiden let go of her tie and took her hand in his as he broke out into energetic dance movements while still singing the lyrics to the song, the skirt of his dress swishing about as he swayed gracefully to the instrumental music. 
Evie squeezed his hand and matched his movements, her pulse racing now.  All the while, the crowd watched with excitement. When they came face-to-face again, she was giving him an almost drunken smile.
Soon enough, Aiden broke from her hold and turned around, sashaying slightly as he started stepping away from her… before looking over his shoulder, catching her gaze once again. 
“My bad, bad Angel~ you put the Devil in me~”
Aiden shook his butt side-to-side to the beat, giving Evie a knowing look that made her cheeks brighten. The music slowed, and he turned around to face her again. 
“So, now my dear, I ain't the girl you knew… 'Cause the Angel's got Heaven, but I get you…”
He sauntered back up to her.
“And the tree of life grows tall, you see… My bad, bad Angel… you put the Devil in me~!”
The beat slowed to a more gentle, relaxed tune as Aiden placed his arm over Evie’s shoulder. 
“Oh… You put the Devil in me~”
Aiden gestured towards Evie’s arm, and she placed her arms around him, taking hold of his waist as they began to rock together. 
“You put the Devil in me…”
Gently and smoothly, Aiden broke out of her hold and took her hand again. Lifting her hand, he twirled himself under her arm, then placed himself backwards against her body– all without missing a beat. 
As Aiden continued to sing, Evie wrapped both of her arms around his middle, embracing him from behind. Aiden pressed back against her and placed his free arm over hers, almost as if to hold her arms in place, as they began to sway side-to-side together again. Evie practically melted into him, his body warm against hers. 
“You put the Devil in me…”
Then, the song picked up again. 
“You put the Devil in… me~!”
He swiftly yet carefully broke from her hold again, and danced in a circle around her as he sang the last few verses of the song. She turned to follow him, their eyes locked onto each other yet again, as he gave her an almost sultry gaze. 
“My bad, bad Angel, you put the Devil in me!”
At the final note, the lights slowly faded back on. Aiden stood in front of the now cheering crowd and took a huge bow, grinning proudly. 
Once he straightened back up, Evie finally let out a high pitched “EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”, bouncing up and down before leaping onto Aiden, sweeping him up into her arms, and spinning him around. Aiden gasped, dropping his microphone with a loud *thunk*– but then quickly held her face in his hand and pulled her in for a passionate kiss, prompting the crowd to cheer louder. 
After a moment, Aiden broke the kiss. “Happy eighteenth birthday, Darling~”
Evie squeezed him tighter. “Aiden, that was…” She took a deep breath, a starstruck look in her eyes. “Your singing is amazing… I mean, I’ve heard you sing before, obviously, but…”
A slight but visible rosy tint grew on his cheeks. 
“But I’ve never done a singing performance for you, I know. I figured it was about time I did.”
“And you were fucking amazing. I’ve never heard you sing like that before… like, you were already good, but I didn’t know you were this good…”
“I mean… practice makes perfect, after all…”
“That’s true…”
He planted a small kiss onto her lips, making her whole body warm up. 
“And what made you choose that song from Doctor Who for your first performance? I mean, obviously I love the song–”
“That’s just it. I know how much you love the song, and the episodes it came from.” He chuckled softly. “And, I mean… I don’t blame you. It is a fantastic song.”
Evie’s smile grew wider. “God, Aiden… I fucking love you.”
“I love you too, Evie.” 
They pulled each other in for one more kiss, holding each other tightly, before she set him down. 
“And I love your outfit too… you look absolutely gorgeous, as always~”
Even as Aiden beamed at her so brightly, his cheeks turned as red as the other band members’ devil costumes, prompting Evie to giggle.
“Well… I have been having a lot of fun trying on new outfits…” he said, softly. 
At that moment, Ajay and Cher popped up beside them. 
“Hey… if Aiden likes singing, dancing, and dressing up in fancy outfits now… you think we could convince him to join the upcoming spring musical?” Ajay said. “His talent would just be unmatched…”
Evie and Aiden turned towards them. 
“The next play’s gonna be a musical?” Evie said. “I’ve been wanting to act in a play, but, uh… I don’t think I’m ready for one that involves singing…”
Aiden raised an eyebrow at her. “But we’ve literally been doing duets ever since–”
“That’s different. I can sing alright when it’s more casual, but in a professional musical performance? I’m not that good.”
“You should still consider it!” Cher chirped. “If not an acting role, you can always still be an assistant director or a techie…”
“That sounds much more my speed.”
Cher turned to Aiden. “You should definitely consider trying out for a singing role, though!”
Aiden put his hand on his chin thoughtfully. “It could be fun… I know Evie doesn’t want to sing in a musical, but imagine if we got lead roles together…”
“Oh, perhaps I could be convinced now…” Evie said, before smirking playfully. “But, let’s be real. Put Aiden in the musical, and he’ll probably just upstage all the other singers with how good he is. He’ll make everyone else look like chumps.”
“Hey!” Cher exclaimed, her face scrunching up into a pout. “Are you saying I sing like a chump?”
“What– no, I–” Evie’s face fell. 
Cher dropped her pout and grinned again. “Kidding! You probably have a point… I do sing every now and then, but it could use a little more work. Especially since I’m planning to go for an acting role in the musical, of course.”
“Well, if we can’t get Aiden in a singing role for the musical, perhaps he can be a musical director and help coach the actors who are a little more inexperienced?” Ajay suggested. 
“Actually… that’s a great idea!” Aiden said, his face lighting up. “I’d love to do that!”
Ajay beamed. “Oh, perfect! We’ll talk to Mr. Olson on Monday.”
“I’ll need some time to think about it… but I’ll let you know if I do decide to accept.”
“Sounds good to me!” Ajay reached his hand out, and he and Aiden shook hands. “Anyways, great job on your performance, Aiden! And happy birthday, Evie!”
“Yeah! Happy birthday, Evie!!!” cheered Cher. 
“Aww, thank you both so much!” 
Evie gave each of them a warm hug before they walked off. Aiden placed his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek, and she turned back to him.
“Thank you so much, Aiden. For being the best boyfriend ever, and for giving me this awesome birthday.” 
“It’s my pleasure~” Aiden hugged her tighter. “But… there’s still more, of course. Ready to enjoy the rest of your birthday party?”
“Oh yes!”
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC Origins
Thanks @tabswrites here!
Rules: post the origins of how you came up with the name, personality, and design of your OCs!
I'll do Kelsey and Hye-Jin this time!
The original form of Kelsey appeared in the first draft of TSP, and she was Kelly's best friend Nellie. Kelly being the original Maddie. Like Kelly, Nellie was also eight years old and didn't do much, but she was one of the leads in the second book, which I still have not found. Nellie had blonde hair in a bob cut, blue eyes, pale white skin, and wore rectangular purple glasses. I don't remember what she wore. She had the ability to fly. I think her design stayed mostly the same in Draft Two, but I feel like I never described her. I gave her the last name Newman, and I also changed her powers to be force-fields. My sister was the one who told me to change her name, since she didn't like the name Nellie, so I changed it to Kelsey (and I don't remember if it was her suggestion or not). I thought Kelsey Newman still sounded like a good name, so I kept it. In Draft Three, I gave Kelsey very vague powers that I just described as "magic," but this is where Kelsey's design actually begins to look like it does now, and I finally aged her up to eleven. I cut her hair short and choppy and made her glasses black. Her personality finally decided to begin to form, but that doesn't mean it was good. In Draft Four, Kelsey found herself becoming a POV character, and that's when her voice came out a bit more. Her narration became a little sassier, and I was able to get her voice down pretty well. I solidified her powers as reality warping, which helped shape Kelsey's storyline, though I eventually gave it the name essokinesis. I also gave Kelsey some makeup. Draft Five was mainly started so I could work more on character, so I was finally able to get Kelsey down a little. While I kept her narration, a lot of it was internalized on Kelsey's part, so her exterior was written to be a lot shyer, and that strong voice only showed itself occasionally. I made her softer side stronger as she became responsible for taking care of her younger cousins. Design-wise, I tweaked her makeup and outfit slightly to fit more into the modern tween emo vibe I was attempting, and even after some debate I recently thought it would be fun to dye her hair, thanks to an incorrect assumption by @illarian-rambling that I actually really liked. Kelsey has come a long way, and I really like where she is now.
Other Kelsey: OC in three, Picrew (blonde), questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo
While she's not in Part One, I wanted to talk about her in the same post as Kelsey. Hye-Jin made her first appearance in Draft Two as Alexia's friend Lucy Karry, who went to another school. Lucy had the ability to control the weather. Lucy was given one personality trait: shy. Which is more than most characters got in the first few drafts. Lucy was always East Asian and specifically had Korean descent, but design-wise that just meant beige skin, dark eyes, and thick black hair that I think was shoulder-length. Like everyone else, nothing interesting was going on. For Draft Three, I gave her nothing more than a shout-out as Lucy Harris, and I kept her ability to control the weather, but she never made a physical appearance. In Draft Four, I temporarily had her be named Lucy Day in her shout-out, but I realized early on that if she was Korean (or I guess at this point, the Alii equivalent of that), I should reflect that in her name, and I changed her surname to Song. Lucy did not make an appearance until Part Two, where she was revealed to have a new power like Kelsey: mimicry. Lucy stayed quiet and shy, but she didn't have a lot going on, and I struggled to give her something interesting to do. But her design slowly got better. I did give her more basic clothing, where she wore black and white, but that didn't seem to fit. Eventually I decided she'd wear pastels and also gave her a high ponytail and bangs. In Draft Five, when working with the characters, I figured her out a little more, though it didn't sink into place and become easy until I changed her name to Hye-Jin. For some reason, Hye-Jin was easier to write than Lucy. It was like I finally knew who she was. I kept her hairstyle, but I instead made her color palette be duller cool colors plus pale colors, which really helped her out, and I've been having fun describing her outfits. Personality wise, I love where she's heading. Making her a helpless romantic and have a long list of crushes was fun, but also giving her the same shy, sweet personality on top of other quirks such as a love of reptiles and strong self-confidence was very fun. I love writing her now, when before she wasn't like that.
Other Hye-Jin: OC in three, questionnaire one, bingo
Other Origins: Lexi and Maddie, Ash and Gwen, Noelle and Rose
Tagging @melpomene-grey @chauceryfairytales @leahnardo-da-veggie @sarahlizziewrites @dyrewrites
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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Johnny Cage x Writer Reader: Basically What The Author Going Through
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Warning: Venting. Title is self explanatory ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your eye twitched as you hear the front door to the studio open and close. Just another noise is needed to distract you. Again! Fucking frustrating.
"Baby, I'm home!" Johnny calls happily for you, grunting as he drops his duffle bag aside, filled with his props or outfits or guns, or wherever the fuck job he came from today.
You didn't call back. Grumbling as you forced yourself to lock in on the page before you. You were about to pull out your hair. Nothing has came to your mind for the past hours... days.... WEEKS!
Only one draft is needed nearly one day a week. So why are you always scarce?
Footsteps thumped to your little office den. "Oh, don't tell me you're still nesting here." Johnny enters and frowns as he was very much told silently.
The death look you gave him just checking up on you.
"Y/n, you're still trying to think of what to write for your paper-"
"You don't get it, you pretty boy bastard!" You hissed.
"Easy, easy." The actor held his hands up in pacifist. "Okay, if it's this bad, why don't you just... step down for a bit. This was an off and on thing for you, right?"
"Okay, yes! It is an on and off hobby for me. But I start caring too much. I don't want to stop, at the same time, I can't keep up. And if I can't keep up, I'll have to redo it all over again."
You pace around the room and speak so fast for him. The concerned blind guy only just follows you with his eyes. Looking at you like the weird hysterical young woman you are.
"It's not like I can force myself to just write ANYTHING. I'm too bougie to be posting dog shit plots. It gets obvious." You add on.
"Okay, are your emails open for your readers? Maybe they can help-"
"𝐍 𝐎."
"Okay, got it." Cage cleared his throat and looked away.
"I already feel pressured since I don't feel that motivated. I don't need more pressure being added onto me like that. I don't miss that feeling."
You stop to breath before furrowing your eyes.
"My emails are always opened to my beloved readers. I like hearing what they have to say and think of my work. But I know the second I decide to take requests, I'm going to be the next Cory."
"Who?" Johnny raises an eyebrow.
"Okay, okay!" You held your face in your  hands and took deep, deep breaths. Finally, you'll stop talking very fast and crazy.
"I... I don't want to stop posting stories. But... without any passion to write... and how I can't think of what to write. I don't think it's possible anymore. I keep telling and telling that I'm running low on pages, that writer's block is itching me, I still force myself to keep up the every six days expectation. And I end up having to post something I feel is crappy or too overused."
You stopped there not knowing what else to say. But it felt some sort of good on your part.
Johnny got to speak. "Look, Y/n. I get what you're saying. And it's okay if you end up slowing down. You'll get back to it whenever your mind is ready. But you can't be too harsh with yourself because that's what makes the fun turn into some nasty prison cell, whatever."
He pats your shoulders reassuringly.
"There's so many other important things you have to do in life. So, who cares if you post a day late. Or two. Or a month. Or maybe even a year and a half. It's your call. Tell all those self expectations to fuck off!" He half jokes and holds a middle finger up with the exclaim.
"Right." You smile.
Wow that feels so much better our chest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you :') I wish my creativity didn't go down otherwise I would try harder.
It's like the only time I get motivated is if I'm feeling freaky and decide to write about Fujin, and thats an example of overused. Ik some of yall like it, but I try to post different characters.
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steamberrystudio · 1 year
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Halloo~oo everyone! Just popping in for a quick tumblr update on GS (trying to be more consistent over on this site! 🤔 ).
In my last update, here, I was incredibly close to finishing the rough draft for Yuu's route. that is complete now. And I've been working on editing. I got sick mid-way through this week (feeling better now) so that slowed me down.
But I am about halfway through with the edit. A little less. Like...45% done editing. Yuu's route is coming in at 115,000 words uncoded at the moment. We'll see where it ends up when the revision is done.
Unlike some other routes I don't think Yuu is going to need to really heavy revision passes. I think it'll need one heavy revision, then a mild line edit and proofreading.
Most of my editing so far has been really focused on continuity and smoothing out character development. I haven't had to do any major shifting around of events.
I have sketched out one CG and have started compiling references for sprite variations (new outfits/hairstyles for Morgan and Yuu). So yeah, that's about where the route is currently. Drafting complete, revising underway! When the revision and proofreading is done, I'll start coding the route in and move to art!
A quick WSC update:
At my last update, I had finished up with Daaz's content for the shared part of the route and was getting ready to move into his exclusive chapters. I'd had a new idea and was considering if it was possible and how it would work.
I did a lot of brainstorming for this idea and have decided to move forward with it. It's added in some new (and cool, imo) lore elements that I'm excited to explore.
Something else I did for this project was start solidifying revision concepts.
For anyone who has not followed me or been with me for my previous projects, my revision process tends to be pretty extensive. I rewrite huge portions, delete massive sections, and inject large amounts of new content. (I don't think this is abnormal but for people not familiar with the development process of a VN it might seem weird to focus so much on revisions.)
I have been essentially plotting out some necessary changes (some of which are substantial) for that part of the process. I have a whole new timeline of edits and everything.
So yeah, that's kind of where WSC is at the moment. Now that I've done a lot of prep work for the end of Daaz's route I'll draft that and move on to finishing up Noel's content!
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm hoping that by my next post here I'll be in the middle of coding Yuu's route!
That's all for this update. See you in a couple of weeks!
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