#i have other ships but im not like so invested i want more content for them. unlike these
hirokiyuu · 8 months
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finally updated my twst ship chart. i like putting jamil in situations
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Right here beside me
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,100+
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Synopsis: The weather is getting warmer, and you decide to enjoy the warmth of its radiance on the deck of the ship you serve on. Your crewmate joins you at your side, and you take the time to chastise him for interfering in the growing relationship between Oden and Toki while enjoying his embrace.
Themes: Marco x gn!reader, friends to lovers, unspoken feelings, physical touch, fluff, mutual pining.
Notes: @cyborg-franky said he was having a time recently and asked for some fluff for a gn!reader. I haven't written for Marco before, but I really wanted to do this for you. I adore your work so much, and you're such a positive influence to the community. I hope you like it. I also based it a little on this scene. I hope I do your boy justice.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @sordidmusings @writingmysanity
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The sea air gently caressed your face with a warm and gentle touch. Closing your eyes, you could taste the salt in each sea-spray brushing against the hull of the grand vessel you served on. Humming in contentment, you closed your eyes and elevated your chin to experience the full heat of the searing sun. 
The days were getting warmer, the sea was becoming softer with the lessening swell of rocking waves, and there was something in the air that the crew had noticed growing between two members of the crew. Oden and Toki had a chemistry the entire crew had witnessed blossom to a soft bloom, and it built a sense of unity aboard the ship to watch their easy rapport swell into something more. 
As you flung another sigh into the air, you felt a body slot itself down beside you in a swift plop, their shoulder immediately brushing with yours on the descent and rousing you from your silent solitude. Lulling your head to the side with a soft scowl of disapproval, your smile illuminated your face when you witnessed the smile of the man beside you. 
“Been watching Oden and Toki again, have you?” you hummed in a light tease towards the blonde man, “What are you planning, Marco?” His eyes widened and he swiftly cocked his head to the side. 
“What makes you think I’m planning anything, hm?” he hummed down at you, feigning shock and hurt on his face. You shook your head and raised your hand, gesturing to his face with your index finger extended.
“It’s all in your eyes,” you smirk at him before returning to your position reclining back to lean on the mast once more. Shaking your head to bask in the sun, you heard the man chuckle beside you in response. Marco mirrored your expression, leaning back and resting his shoulder against yours. 
After lingering in silence for a few more moments, Marco softly hummed down at you, “I noticed you don’t hold the same investment in the Oden-Toki situation as the others.” Slowly moving your face to the side, you gaze up into his eyes as he continues, “You don't like the match?” 
“I like the match just fine,” you smile in response, gently nudging his shoulder with yours, “I just prefer to let their courtship blossom without interference.” Marco nods, a lazy half-smile drawing up his lips as he leans against your shoulder. 
“I’m not interfering that much,” Marco admits, leaning more of his body against yours and shaking his head down at you, “Just ensuring they don’t get interrupted by Nekomamushi. It’s like he has a sixth sense on when to pester Oden, and I would prefer it if Oden had an opportunity to make Toki smile.” 
Humming in response, you lean in to Marco’s aura and gently close your eyes and linger a little longer. 
The relationship between you and the doctor was easy and laid back. You trusted one another, respected each other, and had no qualms in expressing your friendship towards the other in physical touch. It was Marco’s love language to give. Being a doctor, he often used his hands to demonstrate compassion for those injured, and provide comfort to those who needed it. 
His love language to receive was quality time, and he chose to drink his fill of it with you. He can’t deny the growing adoration and affection swelling in his chest each moment he sought you out. As he lulled his head on top of yours, he enjoyed the warmth of the sun kissing his skin while basking in the heat your body pressed into his. 
“Ah, I see,” you utter in a soft whisper, “Not interfering, just acting as a bodyguard.” Marco chuckled into your hair, gently nuzzling against your hair and tugging you closer. “Just a humble knight and loyal protector.” 
“That’s the role I’ve chosen, yes,” he wraps his arm over your shoulder before pressing his cheek to the crown of your head. You press your lips together in a tight-lipped smile as you fully relax against his chest. 
“And while you’re here with me, who’s ensuring Nekomamushi leaves Oden and Toki alone?” you hum in thought, turning your head up and gazing into his eyes above you. He smiled down at you in response, shaking his head and uttering. 
“I gave Oden an entire morning to flirt to his heart's content,” he confessed with a breathy huffed laugh. “Now I get to take a break, and enjoy hanging out with you.” You shake your head up at him before leaning back into his chest and closing your eyes. 
“I wonder what they’re up to now,” you utter lazily, feeling the warmth of his embrace gently shepherding you into a soft slumber. You yawn and nuzzle gently into his chest, sighing as you come down from the soft stretch.
“To be honest, I don’t quite care at the moment,” Marco retorted, joining his other arm over your torso and making himself comfortable while cradling you into his chest. “All that I care about right now is you, right here beside me.” 
He sneaks a look down at you, recognising the deep rise and fall of your chest to indicate deep slumber. His heart swelled up to his throat, a soft blush dusted his cheeks and his lips parted in soft shock. 
The feeling of true contentment and joy grew higher as he drew you in closer. Pressing his lips against your temple, he looked up to the sky and enjoyed basking in the warm rays falling from the cloudless sky. 
Watching on and snickering behind toothy grins: Jozu, Vista, Oden and Toki watch on with blushes rising to the apples of their cheeks, and cupping their hands in their chin. The only thing that could spoil them witnessing this moment of blossoming coupleship could be-.
“-Hey guys, has anyone seen Marco?” Nekomamushi’s rumbled drawl called over to the four members of your crew, “I’ve been looking for him everywhere, but I can’t seem to find him.” In a flurry of hands, and a wrangle of biceps and forearms, the giant lion-man was restrained and ushered away from the top deck where you and Marco lay in each other’s warm embrace. 
Slumbering peacefully, your blissful slumber grew with the rise and fall of your chests mirroring the waves ushering you to your next destination. Marco slept beside you, drawing you up into his chest and using the crown of your head as a soft pillow for his chin. While you laid your face in the crook of his neck and breathed him in with every breath, you dreamt of finding the courage to confess your growing affections for the blonde doctor. 
Only time will tell when you finally give in and profess, but for now there was this moment: you and him beneath the sun aboard the ship you both served on, with a crew that you loved, and who loved you in return. 
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could you write headcanons for father figure tim and brian with child ticci toby? i’m starved for content with them that isn’t a ship or with them all hating each other
Im gonna create a bit of a backstory for this AU happening too, im invested in the concept.
(The same events in Toby's backstory happened with his sister dying had his father becoming abusive happen in this AU except, Toby is around 6 when all this happens, I tried making this into a bit of a scenario followed by headcanons so I hope you dont mind.)
◇Tim and Brian with Adoptive Child Toby◇
• If they didn't hate The Operator before they certainly did now. Recruiting a child was absolute bullshit.
• He appeared near their hideout in the woods, passed out with the mark of The Operator on his arm.
• At first Brian suggested trying to find Toby's parents, only to find the house going up in flames.
• "Brian we've got to keep him...who's gonna take him?
• He looked over to the boy now sleeping in Tim's arms. It had been hell to calm him down once he woke up, he was crying and thrashing so bad his tics were starting to hurt him.
• Brian knew their way of life was way too dangerous for a child, but with Toby's evident disabilities, trauma and him being marked now...foster care wasn't looking like an option either. The system would eat him alive.
• "Okay...okay yeah we're keeping him."
• They both divided their time taking care of him so they could not fall behind on The Operator's tasks, Tim took the mornings and afternoons while Brian took evening and nights.
• Toby himself never spoke unless it was his tics always choosing to gesture with his hands instead, but eventually he had slowly opened up to them, eating with them hugging them both goodnight. He even started climbing on Tim's Back and staying there while the man did tasks. It was rather cute, Brian had to admit.
• He''d gained back some energy since the incident, thankfully. He often listened to Tim's CDs and Brian's ramblings about Film-making intently. At some point they even started having movie nights together.
• On some level, they had become a little family.
• Until one day where Tim was late to come home. Brian paced the living room, it was 8am he was supposed to be back by now, hed left voicemail after voicemail and no response.
• Maybe the cops caught him, maybe The Operator grew tired of him, all manner of thoughts started swimming in his mind and he went over to Toby's room.
• The walls were lined with shelves of children's books which all stolen from here and there, Toby looked to be asleep in bed.
•Both Brian and Tim wanted to give Toby some semblance of a normal childhood. Games and Books were like escapism, except much better than the drugs and alcohol they both dabbled with in their past.
• Brian leaned down so that he was eye level with the mound under the blanket. "Hey buddy, Tim's not back yet so im gonna need you to stay in your room and lock the doors while I go look for him okay?"
• No response, Brian removed the blanket.
• Shit.
• He'd never run faster in his life, even qhen hia lunga threatened to give out stopping wasn't an option, thorned branches grazed his flesh as he searched wildly for his boys.
• Until he saw them.
• Tim was leaning against a tree as he held what looked like Toby's jacket to his bleeding head, Toby himself was hugging him tight.
• Brian let out a sigh of relief and ran up to them, leaning down to inspect Tim's injuries.
• "Christ Toby, don't ever do that again-" he cut off when Tim put a hand on his shoulder. He looked down to see a gauze wrapped around Tim's leg and the emergancy kit they usually kept back at the cabin.
• Toby was just as worried if not more, and for good reason too. He looked up at Brian, eyes filled with fear, as if exoecting to be punished but Brian's gaze only softened, he reached out an arm to ruffle Toby's hair.
• Tim beamed at them, then winced trying to get up. Noticing, Brian helped him to his feet. He rested his weight on Brian while his free hand held Toby's.
• "What do you say after you guys get me on the couch we have movie night ey kid?"
• "Y-Yeah, can...can we watch Star wars?"
• Of course, Star wars then became a new family favourite.
• Brian's the usual cook of the house while Tim just buys food whenever he can. Toby really likes Brian's cooking but likes Tim sneaking him Mcdonalds nuggets a little more.
• Brian usually reads to Toby to help him sleep after a nightmare, sometimes ends up falling asleep near the bed because hes so exhausted.
• Tim and Brian have been confused for being a married couple in public like 7 times by now just because of Toby.
• Brian got Toby a small camera as a gift and he juat kinda..snaps pictures of anything and everything, the camera roll ranges from Tim sleeping to some random cat he saw outside.
• They started homeschooling him since getting the cash for Toby's schooling was proving too difficult, its going great except when Toby asks Brian for help with Math qhile Tim's gone and Brian sucks ASS at Math.
• Tim sometimes carries Toby on his hips because his back gets sore from carrying Toby or other work, Which has led to Brian joking about Tim being a mom (he lowkey is)
• Overall they're both amazing dads despite having to murder and steal for a living now.
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fuutaprotectionsquad · 8 months
Yknow I feel like I should have a main post where I share my Milgram opinions/verdicts (thought of this bc i was writing my sister's opinion on the milgram characters). So I'll go character by character.
Will anyone read this? I don't know but its here
Haruka: I relate to him a bit (shitty mother, intrusive homicidal thoughts, neurodivergence). I def feel bad for him but hes still really guilty in my mind. I just think the whole killing for attention thing is a really dangerous mindset you can't just get out of, especially if you're being told you're not in the wrong. And it definitely seems like he doesn't actually feel bad for the girl he killed, just feels bad because people are mad at him for it. Idk. But I enjoy his dynamic with Muu a lot, even tho its toxic i just think its really interesting. But I wish him the best and he deserves a hug. His songs are mid tho (/hj i like them)
Yuno: I love her personality and I think shes so fun, but I honestly don't think about her a lot compared to the others. But I love her and specifically enjoy her dynamics with (obv mostly in fan content) Kazui, Mahiru and Fuuta. Her and Fuuta are such a good platonic ship (romantic is fun too). Innocent vote, obv. I like her songs, but Tear Drop moreso than Umbilical.
Fuuta: Oh my god I wonder what I think of him. In all seriousness he's a major hyperfixation of mine at like every given moment. I adore him and i think he deserves better and to be innocent. Like he feels so guilty for what he did and he didn't know any better, everyone around him was encouraging his behavior and praising him for it. But then it got too far and all his friends abandoned him and blamed him like. Poor fuuta :( and he's like 100% right when he says him and es are exactly the same. On another note, major fan of 0309 (romantically, but either way works), and also love his dynamic with Haruka, Yuno, Mahiru, Amane and Es. His songs are both in my top three (backdraft being #1)
Muu: Tied for my fav character(? Fuuta might beat her idk) I love her personality and vibe and everything just ❤️❤️ queen shit. And her queen bee design is gorgeous. Typically my favs are men but shes one of the first women ive hyperfixated on this much. Again, love her dynamic with Haruka, not from a like. healthy relationships could make the characters better standpoint, but from a story perspective its interesting. But yeah guilty. As for her songs, INMF is my #2 and i like After Pain
Shidou: Honestly I used to be kinda indifferent about him and just found him to be boring but then I rewatched his voice dramas and read some fics and I like him more now. I feel really bad for him bc he went through a really shitty situation which he felt he had the power to change and was stuck in a shitty moral dilemma bc of it. And in the end he did shitty things to save those he loved and it didn't even matter. He feels so guilty and doesn't deserve it. Innocent <3. Also romantic 0507 ftw (0506 is cool too). Him and Amane are silly too. As for his songs i like them, but they're not my fav
Mahiru: i like her, but im not too like. invested in her ig. But i feel bad for her :( she just wants to feel love and like. clearly she did something wrong but she didn't know she was. She never intended to hurt anyone. So innocent. Unless we find out she like. did something really fucking bad then maybe guilty. But in I Love You it implies it was a mutual toxicity so it probably wasn't something super terrible? But anyway. I love her with like all the characters cuz shes just so fun to see interact w others, but specifically with Yuno, Fuuta, Shidou, Amane and Mikoto.
Kazui: Hes so fun i love him. Like all he wants is to be honest and be himself but he feels pressured to lie and then finally he tells the truth and his wife fucking kills herself like- jeez- poor guy. Like following the gay theory, i get why she mightve done it (imagine being told the romance you built your entire life around for like 20 years was all a lie, and that your husband never actually loved you and just pretended to and every time you kissed or something he was just pretending like. that sucks poor hinako) but its so awful that he had to go thru that. But anyway innocent, kazui come out we accept you. And stan 0507. Song wise cat is easily #4 but. half is ok ig
Amane: Yknow i love amane but I also hate her and i think part of that might be the fandom? idk. I feel sorry for her bc she grew up in such a shitty situation but also i think shes beyond the point where we can uninstill those ideologies. Like shes 12, not 5. And amane says it herself that she has as much of a free will as everyone else and that her decision to kill/stay in this environment should be valued. Not that i think she should remain in this abusive situation, but she's not just some innocent kid whose being manipulated, she knows what she's doing. Hence, guilty. I don't think either vote will change her or anything so im voting with my honest opinion. As for dynamics, i love seeing her interact with all the other prisoners, but especially Shidou and Fuuta.
Mikoto: I love mikoto a lot but im so on the fence about his verdict. Ive been voting him innocent but theres still a part of me thats like. debating it. Bc he shouldn't have to be punished for John's actions, and it sucks that that's the situation hes in, but its that or more murders are left to occur. The main reason i say innocent is under the idea that John could go dormant or just stop fronting as much if we reduce mikoto's stress (like he says will happen i think). But hes so complex and fun i love mikoto. Specifically i love romantic 0309 but also his dynamic w the smoking group and mahiru. Also i love his songs.
Kotoko: I love her but also fuck her for hurting fuuta (and mahiru too but mainly fuuta). She annoys me bc she was so quick to almost murder several people based on a preliminary verdict that was made using little information. Like she knew this wasn't a concrete verdict, but attacked them anyway. I get her ideology of "kill people who evade justice to protect the weak" but only when they've actually done bad things (ie. the guy kidnapping the little girl). But when she doesn't know what they did and knows the person accusing them doesn't either???? Like bruh. But i like her character shes fun. I like seeing how she interacts with es and everyone she attacked. And songs, harrow is okay and i really like deep cover.
Whew im done.
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souji-upseta · 8 months
yo my name is nyx, it's my birthday today (2/3). my birthdays have sucked SHIT the past few years for reasons that are depressing—
—cringe is also dead, i killed her myself, and i'm still grieving her loss. its been very hard for me—
—since i am the protagonist of Me and can do st abt this, this year i turn 31, and i will at some point turn 31.4, with all of this in mind, what do i want for my birthday? i'll tell you:
to talk about homestuck.
i'll do that, anyways, but you'd be doing me a gift by giving me a prompt to follow, and to feel slightly more validated in my inability to shut up about my hyperfixation.
so i'm asking YOU to talk about homestuck with me.
talk to me abt homestuck? ask me my headcanons. my thoughts. my relationship to the work. tell me yours. expect nothing that's profound, and plenty that's stupid.
i'm even turning anon on, for the first time in 6 fucking years. where making this happen.
this never expires btw. today is my birthday, but, for story purposes, let's say that it's still my birthday after it isn't, bc i will still want and, if i am honest, NEED you to talk to me about homestuck for years onward. i'm very metatextual like that.
i get the feeling it's going to be a long day.
>Nyx: Be the other guy.
You are now the other guy! What will you do?
>Web Tumblr User: Inbox Tumblr user souji-upseta?
>Mobile App Tumblr User: Do that, but hyperlink is unavailable?
you are now nyx again, and i am now me, and i need to exposit some lore.
as in, some starting points to get u going, since "homestuck" is a very broad subject:
•i'm a massive massive slut for the epilogues and post canon content/hsbc. pesterquest is too good for this gay earth.
•dirk is my fav, ALL of the dirks, all of them, and it isn't even close. my fav relationship is the canon platonic/familial one between dirk and dave. i fucking love the striders. dave is my 1.5th fav.
•im more invested in dave's relationship to corndogs (and corn dogs) than you even know.
•mspa reader is my second fav after the striders, bc they are a good thembo friendsimp and also bc they are me and they are You. i might be biased. i love You. i love me. i love us. we're fucking gr8.
•im pretty canon-compliant, so my fav ship is dirkjake as exes (for now), and my fav ship as not-exes is panquadrant (canon) davekat.
i'm also really fascinated by rosemary and would welcome more opportunities to learn abt and talk about them but if homestuck makes a statement about anything it's to let the women and the sapphic characters tell their story (thats a joke, talk to me abt them too)
•june eg(g)bert real.
•i'm fascinated by classpects and the applications of paradox space's classpecting and extended zodiac system when applied to real life, since our only experience of those fictional systems is in linear dimensions of spacetime, and our only experience of astrology is as a species that in-universe cannot experience the sign caste system the same way the fictional aliens that created our species in their own image do. skaia knows, but we sure as fuck don't.
•i'm a former prince of heart (2012-2020) and a current knight of space, and my aspect is light. that is a thing that actually makes perfect sense for the reasons i just said.
don't ask me about vriska serket or (vriska) serket. not bc i'm not willing to discuss dark or problematic characters (hello, lanque bombyx) but bc:
for one, she can speak for her damn self, and has, tyvm.
for two, talking at length about a problematic character in any positive capacity marks you as an enemy of the state if that character is a woman, and being an enemy of the state is way too much fucking pressure for me for reasons i already explained as soon as i told you i'm a knignt of space. i wouldnt make a very good enemy of the state. it'd be an unhealthy blackrom relationship to the detriment of us all.
for three, i can just give you all my opinions/headcanons on vriska that matter:
•she's greasy and gross and unkept af but not unclean or unsanitary, like, she bathes, she smells fine, she changes her clothes, but she's got the troll crust punk aesthetic absolutely on LOCK. she doesn't comb her hair.
•it would have been funny if she did even more bad things
•aradia did nothing wrong. vriska did but the meme is funny even if someone needs to take that meme out back and shoot it for the good of humanity.
•she should beat up ultimate dirk, and my reasoning for that is bc that would, also, be really fucking funny if she did
•john has both punched her in the face and hugged her, and now that john has punched aranea in the face, all that's left is for june—i assume she will have come out of her egg(bert) by then—to hug aranea and complete the circle of stupidity.
•she is trans yeah but she doesn't wanna get into it, she doesn't have to, and neither do i.
•vrisrezi most important relationship in homestuck.
there. you already got me to talk about vriska at length, and you didn't have to try. moot issue.
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shiverandqueeef · 1 year
dipping my toes into the alex rider fandom bc i like the actor who plays yassen in the tv show, and of course there is a significant contingent of fandom who ship yassen and alex. i expected that just based on the book series' target age demographic, along with the particular dynamic between the characters (not quite allies not quite enemies a secret history tying them together, he's a cold-blooded killer who makes exceptions for alex because alex is special. that shit is what teenage fanfiction dreams are made of).
there is also a not-insignificant pushback against shipping an adult and 14 year old. Makes sense! I get it. but the thing is. having only spent a day or two in the alex rider tag i can already say with confidence that the overwhelming majority of yalex fans are themselves roughly the same age as alex rider. It's a fandom that skews young. and when it comes to engaging with fiction as a young person, it's normal for teens to use characters their own age with whom they can identify as a method of exploring their own sexuality. imagining and writing about romantic and/or sexual scenarios between a character close to your own age and an older character you find attractive is pretty standard stuff.
the very first fanfiction i ever posted? rin/sesshomaru from inuyasha. for context if you aren't familiar with the show: rin's exact age is not given, but she is very clearly a child. sesshomaru is not only an adult but also her father figure. at the time i was writing fanfic of them falling in love, i was around 12. i romanticized the idea of a girl my own age being the most important person in the world to a handsome mysterious character i had a crush on. and it was fine. I wasn't an adult fantasizing about children, I wasn't supporting grooming or influencing anyone into thinking children and adults being "in love" irl is in any way okay. I was a kid trying to figure out why i was suddenly feeling nervous and shy around boys when just a year ago i didn't care about them one way or the other. and using these two fictional characters with a dynamic that appealed to me (morally ambiguous man who doesn't care about anyone or anything except for this one girl he protects and loves seemingly despite himself because she's special) was a perfectly healthy outlet for me to imagine what it would be like to hold hands or kiss someone i liked.
Obviously now as an adult, the idea of shipping rin/sesshomaru has zero appeal, and the fact that canonically they do end up in a romantic relationship when she's older quite frankly skeeves me the fuck out. but i just didn't see it that way as a kid, because of course I didn't.
I keep thinking about 12 year old me, in the early stages of discovering her own sexuality, and how upsetting it would have been to receive online harassment for trying to explore it within the safety of fiction. And while 12 is younger than what i would put the average yalex fan at - probably between 14 and 19 - the principle is the same, only with more explicit content than the hand-holding stage i was at as a 12 year old.
anyways. all im saying is maybe try to understand why a fandom comprised of mostly under 18 year old girls would be invested in writing/reading stories exploring their sexual and/or romantic fantasies using fictional characters as surrogates, alex and yassen in particular; a morally ambiguous man who doesn't care about anyone or anything except for this one boy he protects and loves seemingly despite himself because he's special.
maybe don't blame them for the existence of pedophilia (maybe that's something you should blame on pedophiles). and actually you know what maybe stop condescending to teenagers as though they aren't capable of discerning reality from fiction and understanding the nature of their own fantasies. maybe just leave them be and blacklist the appropriate tags so you don't have to see anything you don't want to.
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thefourfan · 1 month
sorry for sending a uh message again but
i feel like animaticlock is dying or som???
it doesn't hzve a lot of content for it/about it anymore
i feel like this is due to people just getting tired of the ship of hyperfixating on different things, like im obsessed with gravity falls rn. But I still somewhat like animaticlock?
idk it just doesn't make me as happy as it used to..
and it's rlly a shame cause i like both shows but im really just getting tired of it
same with the shows,,,, but that's only because i rewatched them too much lol
its a shame the ship is dying tbh
me when the when
random but
yapper x listener ahh gif 😭😭🙏🙏
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Yeah I've been noticing that too...
It's been frustrating me a little bit because I still very much have a hyperfixation on the ship and it's been becoming increasingly harder to find new content of it 😭
Ofc, people can move on from Animaticlock if they want, it's their accounts and they can do whatever makes them happy but MAN I'm starving out here ×_×
I've also noticed that whenever people do post stuff for the ship now, it gets significantly less attention than it did back in June.
I calculated some statistics to see what the average number of notes for posts under the Animaticlock tag during this month so far are compared to the first 12 days of June:
Average for August: 14 notes
Number of August posts: 17
Average for June: 92 notes
Number of June posts: 18
Surprisingly the number of posts in the first 12 days of these two months were about the same, but as I suspected, the attention these posts received significantly declined. Keep in mind that these time periods are only 2 months apart from one another!
Aninaticlock is absolutely on a decline right now, which sucks for everyone who's still hooked on the ship but I think we should've seen this coming:
I agree with you, I think people are getting tired of it, and I think I might know the reason why. Animaticlock is a crosship, and thing with crosships is that they, in almost all circumstances, NEVER get any sort of canon interactions. While we did get two crossover videos involving the actual voice actors, this videos aren't canonical. While some people can will through that and stay fully invested in a ship like that, a lot of people can't. A lot of people need at least some sort of canon interaction to keep them excited in the ship because it makes it way easier to see exactly what their dynamic is like.
Animaticlock is special in the way that it managed to become a popular ship at all despite this. However, it was still unlikely that most shippers would continue to be as into the ship as they were when they first got hooked on it because of what I explained about crosships earlier (plus other reasons like getting new interests/hyperfixations that pull them away from it), so it was nearly guaranteed to have a decline, and that's exactly what's happening right now.
I'll still continue to make more Animaticlock stuff despite this tho, dw lol I'm not done with the ship yet
Also I literally love that GIF sm it's so SILLY ^_^
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skrimbloz · 9 months
Heyooo :)
For the ask game: ❤️ and 🎨
Hiyaaaa!! :D
❤️ “What’s your favourite ship?”
I am a basic bitch and my favourite is lava, I mean they just work so WELL yknow? They have very different personalities but when put together are both idiots and I love them for it :3
However recently I’ve also been really liking Nya x Pixal so would say they’re equally #1 atm. It’s cute and there needs to be more content for it :)
🎨 “Do you have an Ninjago OC?”
Oh hooo hooooo I have started working on one alright - heres a sneaky peak at a rough design vv
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Hes called Cade and is a dragons rising OC, kind of self-insert but also not really? I think he’d live in the crossroads :>
And also a mechanic!! Bc I literally obsess over any inventor/mechanic character from any peice of media ever
Does he have goggles AND a visor? Yes. But I think the visor would be like a hologram type thing and functions similar to the one in Tony Stark’s suit just less sophisticated bc my OC is not a billionare heh
No elemental power because I wanted to focus on the robot and mechanical themes in Ninjago rather than the Ninja and elemental stuff
There is a robot OC to go along with him called Jett but I only have a messy sketch of them together atm and I need to rework her design
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Cade makes Jett as he lost all his family and freinds to the merge, he put traits of each of them into her so he still feels connected to them
I dont have much in terms of plotline for them other than I want there to be an arc where Cade has to accept that Jett has her own identity as she grows and becomes different to the traits he coded into her. It’s pretty bittersweet as he’s so proud of Jetts development but also misses his family so damn much rip
They both have shoes that double as roller-skates and Cade’s primary weapons are cool lil laser space-guns (not actually from space </3), while Jett has her laser guns build into her arms
Still need to figure out why they need that stuff, though Cade has a bit of a stealing habit so ig that’s enough of a reason when stealing from the wrong ppl heh
Also need to figure out If they’ll have any relevance to the Ninja team and how, they deffo wont ever be actually part of the team but it’d be nice for em to be there helping out temporarily
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astro-break · 9 months
Thoughts on the 11th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8 | Ep. 9 | Ep. 10
eyyy separating them into their gumis! the gentaro and jyushi interaction is cute and i love how worried jyushi is about hifu thats so sweet of him
i love how thats the part that kuko focuses on www
LMAO ramuda's cute
i love how ichiro's accent just slipped out a bit there its cute
hm i still think kaibyakumon is in the right
Hey look at that! we finally got why kenji is so invested in them. would have liked to see more of the three but ill take what i can get
honestly i wanna ship akira and satoru so bad wwww they have so much ship potential
YES. THANK YOU RAMUDA. just let them destroy each other my goodness
idk if this show wants to villainize or humanize kaibyakumon. like on one hand everyone's against him on principle but i don't see why they should be?? Ramuda is right, hes the answer to 90% of the casts outside problems
i love how samatoki is probably the only consistent character here and just wants to be the one to punch the government in the face www
ugh i really wanted ramuda to have won that argument. it suckksss they really went with the most boring path
poor doppo, i feel so bad for him
even poor hifumi can't stand to watch ripp
i love seeing rio in his element, hes kinda cute like that
lmao rei being waving off his own son as if hes just a brat
man i do hope that they get their just revenge. it would be nice but unfortunately impossible just because of the nature of this sort of anime
wow for all that talk of stealth rio just blew up a whole wall
hmm i don't like the last two songs as much but there is intresting wordplay to be found in ciaro's verses, especially one as an anti-governmental piece
damn so it seems like the last three episodes will be just the gumis going to each place and fighting off the others
oooo theres a bit of rio's rap ability on show with that shelter
ey look at that!! I did sort of predict the mass hypnosis! granted its subliminal messaging but im fine with being wrong once in a while
damn theyre still gay after death
the "whos gonna answer my questions" has the same vibe as "who else will I eat icecream with?" thing from kingdom hearts wwww
bro i want a season just about these two idiots
hmm intresting design for scuro i do like it
man now i really do like akira and satoru. they're cool. I hate this bc i know in the end they'll die and kaibyakumon will get his ass kicked to preserve the status quo. i do hope that the anime does use this as a jumping off point tho bc the premise is pretty fun
tho they probably won't. as i said status quo as long as the source material still insists on the current status quo of keeping chuuoku in power. The drama CDs do seem like its building towards a conclusion but its not enough for any meaningful change yet.
tho the anime is original content and thus exists in a separate sphere from the CDs. Its entirely possible that they may move ahead and start shaking things up but i doubt it
lol why the dotsuhon ed they got so little screen time this episode ripp them
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ablogofsapphicpanic · 9 months
Hey There! A little birdie told me you’re anxiously awaiting the fic. I am also anxiously awaiting this fic to finish. What was going to be a cute little 8k one shot has now exploded into something that’s 25k+ or maybe more by the time I'm finished editing.
Good news is you’ll definitely get the first half by the 22nd (est…15k...probably more words, so hopefully that's a good chunk for a part 1). I’m a slow editor and want to do this ship justice since there’s not enough content about Emerie and Mor in this fandom. 
The second half will come first week within the new year if not sooner. There’s some smooching and some other stuff that needs to happen. You know?! 
The better news is the Gale-off went well... just in case you were wondering. When I'm revealed, I'll fill you in on the details!
Also a hint to my identity is you know me. 
Here’s a little snippet btw: 
Emerie stood at the entrance to the clearing for a moment and cleared her throat.  "Didn't realize you'd be out here."  Morrigan gave her a playful grin, "I would eat all the chocolate otherwise."  “I don’t know. Gwyn is a big fan of it too." Emerie said. Mor gave an exaggerated scoff at her teasing.  " Consider this as me giving her a head start before I show up, then." The two laughed and Emerie’s unease seemed to melt away.  "Why are you out here? I thought you'd be with Nesta,” Mor finally asked. Emerie's wings twitched a bit at this. "I needed a bit of air, things are getting rowdy in there."  “Already?” she smiled.” Emerie shrugged, though Morrigan wasn’t surprised. Cassian hadn’t stopped talking about the ceremony for days and she was certain Rhysand had already cracked open some champagne. She knew Rhysand had asked Nesta for her preference and she hadn’t cared. She wouldn’t partake but she didn’t mind if others did. Thank the mother for small favors.  "You can come sit if you'd like, '' Morrigan said, patting the seat next to her. "I don't bite." At this, the Valkyrie rolled her eyes.  "I'd like to see you try." she murmured. 
I’ve been telling everybody that will listen that I’m anxiously awaiting the results of the Gale-Off 😂😂 I’m very heavily invested in this low-stakes drama in your friend group, okay? Some of us don’t have lives.
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Also I’m 👀👀👀 at that hint 👀👀👀 excuse me while I spend my whole shift trying to piece it together (and probably fail miserably)
There is NO RUSH at all but I am soooo looking forward to reading this and giving you ALL MY LOVE. I am so glad you’re taking your time to do them justice and from that snippet that time is PAYING OFF
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
hello travis! i have never been super invested or interested in any specific dndads ships (except oakworthy but thats different because its less that i ship them and more like im watching a car crash and cant look away) but i always love seeing you talk about ur ships. ummm ive seen you talk about normscary i think? maybe? anyways yeah if you wanna talk about them this is your excuse lol :]
OAKWORTHY REALLY IS A CAR CRASH YOU CANT LOOK AWAY FROM. i think its fair to not be too into shipping!! i am just a hopeless romantic and also have just like. wanted to be a romance novelist on and off for a long time so HKJFDHGJKFHGJKD shipping comes naturally to me ... though thinking back. maybe shipping came before the romance novelist aspiration
ANYWAYS. normscary my sisyphus boulder normscary?? my beloveds??? oh my god i could say so much about normscary. warning for some spoilers going forward for recent episodes!!!
nyx has been taunting me (affectionate) by sending me a lot of queerplatonic normscary content so i have been thinking about them a LOT recently... obviously i am a . more . romantic shipper for them but I DO REALLY THINK. CANONICALLY. they lean very queerplatonic and i absolutely ADORE that <33 they have such a neat dynamic to me and i love watching them bounce off of each other. to me they are akin to the two cardinals in my backyard that fight constantly but are never seen apart.
in a general sense, qp or romo or whatever strange other thing they are, i think normscary mostly appeals to me because they are so defensive of each other in canon. normal never gives up on scary, even when she is frustrating him beyond all belief. scary LITERALLY SAID that only SHE is allowed to be mean to normal which is just SO. THAT IS LIKE. LITERALLY A ROMANCE CLICHE BUT WHATEVER. I WAS REGULAR AND WELL-GROUNDED ABOUT THAT, BETH MAY (obligatory "its also a cliche for friendships"). even as their friendship has gone through such a rough patch, when scary got the last anchor, normal went in to comfort scary alone. he did not push her and just provided all the help he could give to her, was there for her, made sure she wasnt overwhelmed and that scary had a private space to express her feelings if she needed to. that entire moment was EVERYTHING TO ME. SHAKING QUAKING HYPERVENTILATING.
and of course i am obsessed with them swapping shoes in the newest episode <3333 they wear the same clothing size to me . they just do
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rilli-luci · 1 year
What does Pro/Shipper Mean?
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I’m only typing this cause I had to explain to a friend why the label of pro/shipper is so controversial and I like to act on the benefit of the doubt that some people may not be informed so under the cut I’m gonna explain this and why there’s so 
I’m not really gonna debate the morality of it but I am going to just explain the general gist of the term and WHY a lot of people don’t like the word and I hope it helps some people when it comes to fandom labels.
Reblog if you want but please do not come to my inbox or IMs to debate this topic. This is an information post ONLY. Not a discussion one.
Warning before you read, this post will cover Problematic Ships with triggering topics. They are mentioned for the sake of information. But I don’t want to unintentionally trigger anyone.
Going to start with the fact that this word has changed meaning over time. When I first got into tumblr rp and heard this term, it meant a completely different thing than it does now. And I think this is important cause when words change meaning and people just may not know, it can lead to a lot of misunderstandings that could be avoided if people just y’know...communicated. But that’s besides the point.
Pro/shipper at some point USED to mean one who supports a specific ship or shipping in general.
I’m currently very much so still in my Owl House hyperfixation so I will be using ships from this fandom to better explain the point. So if you are a big fan of Goldric (Hunter x Edric) then you were considered a pro/shipper for that ship. The opposite of this would be an Anti-Shipper as you did not like this ship. There was nothing generally wrong with being pro or anti as long as the ship was not problematic. Most of the discourse came from Antis sorta flooding the tags of the ships either due to their pettiness or tumblr’s shitty tagging system.
HOWEVER that is not the case now. Roughly around the 2010s (I like to think it happened somewhere around 2012-2015) the word changed its meaning.
That’s because people who supported what are called Problematic Ships.
These are your ships (with examples) that ignore canon sexualities of one or both parties of a ship (such as Hunter x Amity), are in/cest (Such as Lilith x Eda),have inappropriate age differences (such as any ship regarding a minor and an adult), those that display abusive dynamics ( such as Lilith x Belos ), etc. Ships that generally will make the average fan feel uncomfortable.
Some people who highly enjoyed problematic ships started using the term Pro/Shipper as a way to either defend their ships or justify their reasons as to why they were okay.
At this point the meaning has changed.
Pro/shipper NOW means one who supports a ship or shipping deemed problematic and/or believes in the freedom to create and consume fanworks with such elements.
Now content with toxic or abusive dynamics is more of a gray area, they’ve sorta always existed even before fandom culture became what it is today and it of course isn’t just purely tied to ships (For example, Hunter and Belos have this dynamic but are HOPEFULLY not a ship). Its all dependent on if the person making the content genuinely ships it or is making content for some other purpose that’s far less problematic and its complicated and definitely a case by case basis. But for the previous problematic examples, well there’s really no reason to ship in/cest now is there? Its just pretty gross. 
So when a person says “I’m a pro/shipper” today while there is a good chance they’re very much so meaning the first definition, it may be automatically assumed by others that they mean they are the latter. And for those other people, they may not have the energy or time to invest in meeting this person and learning what they think a pro/shipper is and if they still stand by that label if they know the connotations it presents. Its generally safer to them to just call it a lost and not interact.
So if you read this and  you still think this label is for you, then this is the sort of risk you are taking by taking on this label. Does it suck? Maybe, depending on who you are. But like I said, this post is meant to inform people and I’ve done just that.
Words have power now and days, more than people know. Especially when it comes to labels.  And when words change meaning like this one did, then I feel its important that everyone gets on the same page.
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elisedonut · 9 months
fic author interview
Thank you for the tag @mirrorofliterature I'm tagging whoever feels like doing it!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
42,741 words.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Raspberry Muffin Flintley - 139 
at least we're trying Flintley - 104
Rhododendrons and False Indigo Harry/George - 102 (why its only been up a week wtf)
Anyone But You Draco/Percy - 98 
Storytime Naps Perciver - 96 
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah! unless it's just asking me to make more then i tend to get annoyed and ignore it but i don't get very many at the moment so i tend to stay on top of it pretty well
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Deceased. i guess? it's really the only one I got
i don't write angsty stuff much
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
most of what i write barely even has AN ending I do a lot of open endings
i think the closest I've gotten to a complete story story have been A Shell for a Mate and Camera Cutie and they both end pretty happy
7. Do you write a cross-overs?
I have not as of yet! if I ever do it's probably going to be an isekai type scenario because it seems like the most fun to me
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I still have not shockingly
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes im not very good at it and am still learning on that front most of it tends to cut before smut really happens or is just jacking off
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you co-written a fic before?
Also no.
13. What's your all time favourite ship?
I'm a big multi shipper so don't really even have one within one single fandom and you want an overall??
right now 99% of what i think about is Percy ships
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but think you never will?
hmm if i say all of them do i lose my writer card?
but i do have alot of things I've started because the mood hit that i just can't see myself going back to like i have 3k for an amnesia memories au that has just been gathering dust since that original sprint of inspo hit
15. What are your writing strengths?
??? i come up with fun concepts i think? or at least they're fun to me
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
the writing part really I come up with far more ideas then I would ever be able to write hence why I still post alot on here but also like making the idea an actual story story and not just a small slice of a story
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I'm too lazy for it overall.
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter so far it's the only fandom I've written for
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I'm not sure i ofc have a list of Percy ships i want to try which is currently
Dudley, Seamus, Justin and then ofc the two that constantly give me trouble when i try to pair them with Percy, Remus and Harry
but like outside of Percy ??
i have fandoms but most are dormant as of now like i love Idolmaster and stay caught up on the music but the idea of writing fics for it is like eh if anything it would be Makio/Soichiro tbh i miss them
I finished rwrb and enjoyed it a ton but with the firstprince being canon my brain just doesn't care that much to even seek out content for it because that's how my brain works
its canon so i don't feel the need to read (or by extension write) like 1000 different scenario's for them to get together
like people who stay fully invested in canon couples are powerful because my interest in them in a fanon sense goes out the window every time
i feel like if i ever did do something with rwrb it be an isekai since they are both into HP so it be a very typical get transported into your favorite series story i think that would be fun
i will never do it but fun idea
the ships i like for Danganronpa would probably get me killed/j
like i am with Percy now i was a big Chihiro multi shipper in my DR days before settling on ChiMaru as my favorite for them
20. What's your favourite fic that you've written?
controversial pick but Secret Fantasy 
i put so much work into it KNOWING no one was going to care about it because it's incest but i care about it damn it!! its the longest fic ive written as of now and i had so much fun with it and still think about it alot
less controversial pick is Camera Cutie  because I'm Colin kick at the moment though it is a bit more like messy since it was a pretty early one
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luzdelsols · 10 months
hiya!! indulgently posting a rp search ad looking for anyone who is interested in writing gale dekarios from baldur’s gate 3 against an original character/tav (half elven female druid)! and i would be more than happy to write a canon bg3 companion (or any oc idea you have should that be preferable!) against your original character in a multi-muse rp on discord in return (aka playing multiple characters between just the two of us!) if interested, IM me or like this post and i’ll reach out to you! some additional details for what i'm looking for are under the cut!
i (she/her) am 28, so i'd prefer my rp partners to be at least 21+!
i prefer to write f/f, m/f, and nb relationships
i am happy to write or headcanon nsfw content but prefer to have a rich multi-muse experience containing all kinds of plotting, themes, and otherwise! i am also more than happy to use a fade to black method, or a mix of both! partner comfort before all else!
additionally, i prefer shorter replies to novella replies! especially in a multi-muse setting, longer replies can get cumbersome or overwhelming, particularly in threads that have all our characters in them. keeping replies to around 1-2 paragraphs (or less, i'm totally fine if you want to reply with just dialogue if the moment calls for it!! i am also known to go over/match my partner if we're writing a particularly important thread and it gets lengthy because of that 😂 im just here to have fun!) tends to help keep the rp progressing better in my experience! quality over quantity!
i am 100% ready to be invested in your original character and the canon character or oc you'd like me to write against them! i want you to have fun and indulge and just have a blast exploring backstories, relationships, side plots, and all the rest! i hope to see the same interest and attention in my partners as well, please don't reach out if you're only wanting to double to get the ship you want and don't genuinely have any interest in writing the other ship.
lastly, some themes i prefer to avoid in rp include: explicit themes of sexual abuse/assault, child abuse, animal abuse, slavery, and nsfw content that is age inappropriate or unclean
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edalynn · 1 year
hiii you dont have to answer this but i just wanted to say its really nice seeing other people give critiques of hun//tl0w, i find it really hard to find solo hunter content these days and it makes me sad that his character has been essentially reduced to a ship by the fandom, you know? hes a big kin for me so im def. feeling ways. anyway i hope you have a nice evening! 🫶
!!! I’m glad to be of service, anon 😭 I really. Am so bothered by the fact that it’s so hard to find art that’s just Hunter and just about Hunter. I’ve even seen art of just Hunter and op tags it or the comment is something like “he’s probably thinking about Willow💕” and like… why?? If you wanted to make h//l art, make fucking h//l art. And it’s because they act like, and believe truly, that it is unquestionably canon and there’s no chance there’s another part of the fandom that might not like seeing h//l shoved fucking everywhere. I talk a lot about how I hate seeing Willow reduced to a ship, but really Hunter being reduced to ship fodder bothers me way more because, not gonna lie, im way more invested in Hunter’s character as much as that may be shitty to say lmao. Also, im sorry that this is the character you kin’s fandom legacy 😞 to be boiled down to nothing but a pretty boyfriend in a bland ass ship. Like genuinely, I know how much that sucks. All Hunter kinnies are welcome on my blog as long as they can tolerate my own kin bs!!
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rescue-ram · 2 years
hello pleaseeee i need to know all ur thoughts on bunny/andrew i literally saw the one post u had on them yearsssss ago and i became so invested with the possibilities and i think ur the only other person who is also invested in it? literally every other person ive talked to about the charioteer doesn't get it like not really and theres no content dor ot out there zero nothing idk i think it has sm potential but ig no one else sees it (i think i might be kinda out of it rn bc im just realising this sounds a bit insane but god. i rlly do want to talk about andrew/bunny with wnother person)
Oh my GOD HELLO!!!
So fair warning I am going to go absolutely bananas at you because I have zero faith in my ability to be coherent about this ship, but PLEASE let me know your thoughts on Bunny/Andrew, they started as a laugh but now they're the OTP and I would love to know your thoughts
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(Me explaining the layers of Bunny/Andrew)
So insane statement number one: what I love about Bunny and Andrew is how dialectical they are. Pure perfect yin yang of a couple, mirror images in every way.
While Ralph and Andrew are often described this way, I don't think that's entirely accurate- they are actually extremely similar characters, both physically (blonde, light eyed) and in bearing, both are 19 when Laurie first kisses them. But where Andrew is young and seemingly untouched by life's troubles (SEEMINGLY, he is very much touched), his clear eyed pragmatism becomes cynical pessimism in Ralph, who's been beaten, isolated, and damaged.
Where Andrew and Ralph are continuous, bleeding into each other in Laurie's narrative, Andrew and Bunny are polar opposites. Andrew is not consciously gay, pure, virtuous, honest to a fault. Bunny is overtly self-consciously gay, indulgent, gossipy, mean spirited, totally willing to fight dirty. If Andrew is untouchable, Bunny is getting his handprints all over him. And the way they come together!! Although Andrew and Laurie have kissed and begun to talk about things, it's Bunny storming up to Andrew and yelling "I FUCKED YOUR CRUSH WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT" that really makes it real, that brings blood into it. Andrew awakens to his sexual identity through his love for Laurie, but it's jealousy of "Ralph"/Bunny that pulls the trigger!
Just excerpting the part of Andrew's letter that deals directly with Bunny's interaction with him.
I want you to know it is true if he says that when I hit him it wasn’t even self-defense. There is a belief, which I expect he shares, that a pacifist who has behaved like this must see at once his ideas were wrong. I should have thought there could hardly be a better way of proving they were right. But if that were all I had to tell you, of course I could have written days ago.
...Well, about Ralph. He isn’t like I imagined, so I found it hard to picture you and him as great friends. When he told me it was much more than that, I felt—I don’t know a better way of expressing this—as if I’d had an anonymous letter. I got one once, after my Board. It is like something from another world, but it has touched you, and the touch is real. So then he said why did I pretend to be shocked when I was only jealous; and that was when I hit him.
He didn’t hit me back, he just laughed and walked off. He had a right to. I knew before he was even out of sight that there could be only one reason for what I did. What he had said about me was true. He wanted to see what I would do, I suppose, and I did what he expected. But it taught me something. The thing you want to kill is really in yourself. That is why people become cruel in war, because they are doing what I did.
Screaming, howling, recognition of the self through other, etc. Me fighting the sleepies to elaborate on these thoughts, that essentially come down to the lack of animus Andrew holds towards Bunny, despite everything, and the insight suggested here that Bunny's bad behavior is driven more by jealousy, fear, and loneliness then malice.
Anyway anyway ANYWAY the insane Andrew Epic I AM still working on it WILL be done one day has really come to focus on Bunny/Andrew in resolving what does it mean to be faithful?
Ok, so starting at the beginning of the outline- Andrew is working as a stretcher bearer in London during the Blitz. He runs into Bunny, who he still thinks is Ralph, and attempts to reconcile with him. Bunny is still bitter and heartbroken, and continues messing with him, ultimately culminating in Andrew losing his virginity in a very awkward hook up Andrew is wrestling with the very serious question I will purposefully phrase humorously, "How do I have gay sex in a god honoring way?" and Bunny is driven absolutely apoplectic by the perceived hypocrisy of this, and by Andrew continuously coming back to him no matter how catty he gets. As they start to build a real relationship, Bunny starts to realize he's in too deep and worries if he reveals he's not really Ralph Lanyon, Andrew will leave him.
There is a LOT of middle plot I have outlined and partially written- Andrew goes on the front lines with the ambulance service as he writes about and loses contact with Bunny for a time (Bunny gives him a whole song and dance about censors and military intelligence, rather than trying to explain why he can't address letters to Ralph Lanyon), they reconnect after the war and try and make a go of it, but it gets way to real and intense for Bunny, who gets skittish and walks out without telling Andrew anything. Andrew freaks out, fearing that "Ralph" has been arrested or killed, and encounters homophobia when he tries to file a missing person report on his "roommate". After talking with Dave, he goes to serve in a mission hospital in Kenya (fun facts, there are more Quakers in Kenya then anywhere else in the world, and I am actively debating how much to get into about the late colonial atrocities that occured there at this time period).
In 1950ish, Andrew once more runs into Bunny, and is so relieved to see him alive and well that it shocks Bunny, who assumed he'd be furious if they ever saw each other again. Bunny successfully dodges questions, continuing to pass himself off as Ralph- at first justifying it to himself by saying he doesn't want to ruin Andrew's relief or his memories, that he wants to let him down gently this time, etc, but he keeps putting off either breaking off with him or telling him the truth because he likes the escape from being himself, likes the way it feels to be loved by Andrew, tries to pretend he's not in love himself. Bunny is genuinely frustrated by Andrew's increasingly public role as a peace/nuclear disarmament activist, the potential scrutiny it could attract, the judgment he feels compared to Andrew's high moral standards, etc. Andrew is genuinely annoyed with "Ralph"'s caginess, his refusal to commit or meet Andrew's friends or introduce Andrew to his, etc.
In 1960, something genuinely bad happens to Bunny- he's outed in some way and is arrested/fired, I'm working out the details. He has nothing left but the half-life he's been maintaining with Andrew. At this point it comes to a head, and Andrew finds out the truth. He's initially completely broken by the news and is heartbroken and furious that the man he's been in love with for almost 20 years has never once told the truth, has never even told him his name... But then. The reframe. Andrew has always expected things from Bunny, but Bunny just wanted Andrew to be himself. Andrew has been living his own life, regardless of how it made Bunny feel, while Bunny willingly gave up his entire identity to be with Andrew. Is Andrew a hypocrite, or does he love Bunny unconditionally, regardless of who he is or what he's done? Who is really the faithful one, Andrew who has only ever had one lover, or Bunny who kept coming back, trusting in Andrew even though he had no reason to?
As Andrew tries to articulate this, Bunny things he's given his lover a nervous breakdown and sticks him in the bath with a glass of whiskey and calls Alec to calm him down.
At that point they're able to have a real, honest relationship. Andrew brings Bunny to the meeting and comes out- he gets disfellowshipped for his troubles, but takes it sanguinely because "God knows I love you." The notoriety he gets here puts him in touch with "like-minded" Quakers, I have a reconciliation between them, Ralph, and Laurie, it'll be cozy.
But yeah, these are all the thoughts about Bunny/Andrew I can gather tonight. Normal people project normal trauma onto their blorbos, I've got an unpublished word doc that is half gay sex half narrativized commentary on the Letter to the Romans 😂
But please please PLEASE let me know your own thoughts- the TLDR about all this blathering is I love the contrast between Andrew and Bunny, the potential for drama, and how Andrew in canon is most himself when faced with adversity and the natural challenges Bunny would bring would depend and mature his character, while I think Andrew could be an affectionate, patient lover who could be really good for Bunny's insecurities. What do you think could draw these two together??
(Also I headcanon Bunny's name is Barnaby Botts. Horrible name he refuses to go by, Barnaby shortens to Barney shortens to Bunny, AND I initially picked Barnaby just for the connection to Bunny but then I remembered if means the son of comfort or in Greek son of the Paraclete and the part of my brain responsible for drawing insane religious parables all over these two had a field day with that.)
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