#i have personal beef with tails’ tails alright
modern-inheritance · 3 months
I ended up saying lots of words not related to MIC, sorry, but here
Alright, it turns out I'm spending my weekend cleaning, setting up and crafting a tail for my new coworker's chair which i found at a thrift shop.
He's been a fantastic addition to the embroidery room. Only minor beef I have with him is that he likes to run the singlehead at 800 rpm, but so does my boss, so I can only continue to warn him that it leads to more timing/alignment issues over time. But I can literally leave him alone in there and he'll do his singlehead work, fix thread breaks on my 6 head and keep up with hooping while starting new jobs. He ASKS QUESTIONS. I've told him like six times how proud I am that he picked it up all so fast and is always trying to learn more.
We have four chairs in the room, all office chair style with the wheels, but two are backless ones with just like a little 1/4th height lump across the back. I've got my chair (and that is MY CHAIR, he KNOWS, and Annie has given me her blessing as I personally bought the wheels for it after the old ones drove me nuts), and the regular wheeled chair in front of the computer that Annie usually uses, but Gremling has been using that one for half the week because the other one hurts his back. Annie's chill about it, but I want everyone to be comfortable, so i went out and found this used chair.
It's blue and black, and Gremling is also a pokemon fan like me! So I'm 3d printing the end of a Shinx tail, gonna paint it gold, and stuffing an old bit of black pillowcase edge to make a tail to attach to the back of it lol.
We have fun.
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be-the-creature-fan · 2 years
Wild Kratts Season 2.
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One sentence review (1 being the worse - 10 being a masters piece) Hope you enjoy :)
Bad Hair Day: It was an alright start to Season 2 but why did the WK crew leave the paint on the lion cubs for that long? 7/10
Race for the Hippo Disc: I'M SORRY BUT CHRIS SHOULD HAVE JUST LET ZACH DIE, it would have solved so many problems in future episodes (sorry zach fans) 8/10
Creature Power Challenge: Zachs drawings were hilarious but not as funny as Jimmy and Zach's conversation also acorn powers return (this whole episode wouldn't have happened if Zach was offed in the previous episode) 7/10
Neck and Neck: All I can think about is what would Martin's life have been like if they weren't able to fix the problem and how technically chronologically you can take off the suit at any time sooo.... ._. (6/10)
Happy Turkey Day: Chris and the WK kids trolling Gormond is pretty funny also R.I.P Martin's tail feathers. (8/10)
Termites v.s Tongues: This episode was overplayed on my local pbs station but the moment when Chris thought he was too late in saving was very heartwarming (but why did Koki and Aviva scream "help me" like that?) (4/10)
Bugs or Monkeys: I just love how when Chris looses Martin he's just like "Oh no Martin is gone ._. But when Chris is lost, Martin be like
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Also Martin with Grabsy are some of the best moments in the show (9/10)
Secrets of the Spiders Web: Donita creates a spider sweatshop, you know for kids ( and why did the WK crew send the fabric to Donita? She doesn't deserve it.) (7/10)
Shadow the Black Jaguar: (One of my personal favorite episodes because Jaguars are my favorite animals) The Jaguar CPS suit should be used more often if it's capable of turning into a Shadow like that. (10/10)
To Touch a Hummingbird: insert gif from THAT one scene (10/10) (Martin's trumpet 4th wall break was also great)
Rainforest Stew: Martin's Gormond voice is spot on, Chris sounds ummm... bizarre with sloth powers, but is it concerning that Gormond knows what the Kratt Brothers smell like? (7/10)
Seahorse Rodeo: Martin having an awkward conversation with Donita while Chris dies from 2nd hand embarrassment never fails to make me laugh. Also poor Dabio (9/10)
Speaking Dophinese: The dolphins were pretty cute but beef stems from them having a full episode of them saying Sharks are not the bad guys, but then in this episode they make a Shark the bad guy. (6/10)
Aqua Frog: Those Frog CPS are lowkey cursed and WHY didn't the WK Crew review Zach's invention journal? (F-f-f-frog/10)
Tortuga Tune Up: Robbed of a freshwater turtle episode just because Jimmy wanted to SEE TURTLES, though the shark chewing sound effect was very satisfying for me and I don't know why. (8/10)
Blowfish Blowout: I loved the water balloon fight intro and how it connects to the final battle, also poor Martin and Dabio. (9/10)
Snow Runners: Spends the majority of the episode thinking that we were getting our first Hare CPS then Aviva going JK and making a Lynx CPS for Martin and makes Chris suffer in a basilisk CPS while wearing Santa hat and bunny costume then almost getting his bucket kicked by a Lynx, I love it. (8/10)
Road Runners: An amazing homage to the Roadrunner and Coyote cartoons and HOLY CRAP! how did they not die from that fall? (10/10)
Rocket Jaw Rescuer of the Reef: How is Donita on the same intelligence level as Zach? (7/10)
Attack of the Tree Eating Aliens: Chris has a voice crack and gets his brain rattled while Martin chases himself. (10/10)
Rattlesnake Crystal: Jimmy almost kills the Tortuga and not gonna lie I was on the edge of my seat during the climax, and Chris almost dies. (7/10)
Skunked: HOW IN THE CREATURE WORLD CAN JIMMY MISTAKE A SKUNK FOR A CAT?! But to be fair how he was interacting with the skunk was very cute, also Zach loves tomato soup the more you know. (8/10)
Gilla Monster Under My House: WHY is Zach spying in on Children?! Also why did the WK Crew help Zach out again? (7/10)
Desert Elves: Chris' being a drama queen?!? I'm all for it (10/10)
Groundhog Wake Up Call: Finally someone mentions the dangers of deactivaing a CPS at the wrong time, also Groundhog Creature Powers lowkey sucks. (7/10)
Journey into the Subnivian Zone: Aviva and Koki destroys a habitat, R.I.P Freezy (8/10)
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emmacreatures · 2 years
This is a story I'm extremely happy about, featuring Ka'am and Recom Quaritch. __________
The whole group from Quaritch was chatting along as they'd all had gotten rather confident now that they had gotten their ikrans. Ka'am, who sat at the side at a window, sitting on the edge sideways, listened, sometimes rolled his eyes at how most were overly confident while he watched whatever happened outside. It wasnt just owning the ikran, they needed experience, but all those knuckleheads full of their testosterone saw this as a victory already. Ka'am on accident left a rather loud snort nor laugh as soon as he heard Lyle say he definitely could beat a few.. Making most of the group turn to Ka'am. "What was that Native?" he just asked with a rather unpleasant tone, making Ka'am turn to him as he stood up. "You all seem so very contident of yourself, but are forgetting the most important part. you'll need a lot more than just an ikran. Its called experience. You're underestimating na'vi" The man said, seeing Lyle stood up as he approached Ka'am whose tail was getting more active. "Is that so?" "A na'vi would just shoot you right out of the air with an ego as big as a direhorse's ass" Ka'am said quite out of the blue as Lyle wanted to pick a fight again. "who got so confident all the sudden" Of who are we speaking" "You son of a bitch-"
"THATS enough" Quaritch came inbetween.. Seeing the two escalated again.. Warning both as Ka'am's ears were flat, glaring but kept his head high.. "So what are you saying Ka'am" Quaritch said a bit threatening, to clear the room from any inconveniences. "if you want something really challenging and actually useful, and train you to know how to fly low and high, instead of just these few minutes you just got your ikran.. I know a way. but this.. is .. far worse than an avatar going after you. You'll need to be prepared for any attack below or above.. And I know a way to do so." Ka'am said. "This will be a personal approach, you dont see any avatar try this method to get you skilled in just under a day" Ka'am said very strict and with a soft smirk in the end, being in his element now. "Personal approach huh.. Well so far you seemed to want to have some beef with all of us, so why should we trust you with this?" Lyle said, for Quaritch would push against his chest to back off. "What kind of an approach are you implying" Quaritch said serious as ever, making Ka'am look him right in the eye. "you'll need to feel danger, see it approach before it happens. Whether thats an animal or na'vi trying to kill you" The man said, making quaritch narrow his eyes "how" "well it would be easy if i'd tell you? Pandora is unpredictable.. You'll never get a heads up, unless you learn it the hard way" Ka'am said.. "so whats your deal kid. how do we go about this" Quaritch said, for lyle wanted to get inbetween. "Colonel-" As Quaritch just shushed him by making a specific hand movement. "We'll start in the middle of pandora. tomorrow right in the afternoon. I'll leave earlier so I can prepare my part. We'll go until eclipse and after, if you all stay standing. Even natives rather back off from this, do dont expect your cockyness to get you far" Ka'am said, looking at Lyle for Quaritch tilted his head in a 'dont go too far Native.'
"real clever are we now..?" Lyle said as he kept wanting to create beef.. But as Ka'am didnt go into it.. like Quaritch warned him not to.. He raised his head in his own ways. "alright native. We'll go. We'll meet you in the forest-" "woah woah woah?! .. Colonel. He thinks he can just outrun us that fast... Where did your tracker even go hotshot" Lyle said as he pushed against Ka'am shoulder firmly as he approached and got inbetween the man and Quaritch. "How can we tell he wont escape us-" "Lyle." the man said threatening. "If he is stupid enough to decide to escape us.. We'll just go after him like christmas dinner, but he already knows that" Quaritch said, yet looking different at Ka'am than what he just said with his words. They made an agreeance not to long ago.. and this was a good moment to prove himself.. And therefor, Quaritch gave him space to start and trust him. see if he meant it, if he could rely on him now.
"So.. Do we gave a deal" Quaritch asked for confirmation, making Ka'am nod. "I suggest everyone to be in pandora on time in the afternoon" Quaritch said as a warning to everyone else, making Ka'am feel actually appreciated without Quaritch realizing.. Hearing the man's dangerous voice was something he appreciated.. Soon after that, all men and women went their ways, for Ka'am left to his own room.. As Quaritch was looking through some data, lyle approached him slowly. "Are you cooled off now Wainfleet" The man said dangerous, making Lyle frown. "you really feel confident about this colonel." Lyle said, a bit with disgust, but respect towards Quaritch. "Like.. What if he decides to lure us in a trap or such, or gets out of our reach. Despite I hate his guts, Pandora technically is his ground, that I cant deny, we all cant. He knows everything" "Well if he does, and he means his words, that means we'll get a far bigger insight than our friend spider does. Perhaps more than an usual na'vi can teach" Quaritch said serious, looking towards Lyle now. "But thats to be decided tomorrow." Quaritch said, looking outside of a near window to see the dark of pandora come in. "i'd suggest you get ready for whatever we may encounter tomorrow" the man said serious, seeing Lyle just nodded before leaving..
Quaritch just watched the night some more before he'd head out to his own room. letting his mind wander, focused but at times, small thoughts would pass of possibilities and more.. He was curious to how it would go tomorrow, what kind of outcome there'd be.
As the morning soon arrived, Ka'am was early out and about, having made a specific meeting point before he left a bit before the afternoon as mentioned before. The second he did, Quaritch did watch him leave on his own ikran.. Wandering what there was to be discovered by them in less than a few hours.
For the whole group of Quaritch arrived on the designated spot, the silence was quite strong. it was an open area in the middle of a thick grown forest, plenty of trees and rather more harsh ground to fly through in the first place. Everyone had gotten off their ikran's, telling them to stay near before they stood on 'standby' by holding their weaponry just in case any animal decided to attack them.. As quite some time passed, Some of the group started to doubt it all.. "I feel like he ditched us boss. You might've been wrong on this one" Zdog said, for he heard several agree.. But right as he wanted to say something back, they heard big thuds.. slowly coming closer.. "Shit.." Lyle whispered for they all stood ready to shoot, as within seconds of the thuds coming closer, a huge Thanator approached out of the bushes, screaming at them for the group was about to shoot.. But Quaritch noticed one small detail. "HOLD FIRE" he said as he noticed.. Ka'am, sit on the thing. He laughed a little, before letting the Thanator growl some more out of disgust towards the friends of quaritch.. "You should've seen your faces" the man said rather confident, in his element again for he was out here in the woods, with his favorite companion to ride. "not so tough are we now" he said, eventually letting the thanator kneel down so the man could get off easily. "the most fearsome predator in all pandora. Sounds like a good test for you guys dont you think" The man said, smirking softly before he'd approach the group. the thanator in the meantime circled them a bit, seeing some were a bit uncomfortable "i didnt know these were ridden by na'vi" Quaritch said for Ka'am replied. "they dont. Too dangerous. I just didnt click so much with the ikrans like most do. This lady gave me a greeting card as well when I tried" the man said honest, for Quaritch knew why he had the scar and chunk of ear out now..
"So whats your actual plan.." Quaritch asked strong, making Ka'am get straight to the point. "As you guys will have to call your ikran back that seemed to have flown off from the thanator.. You all need to get to the other side of this forest, one by one.. Which should take about 5 minutes each" Ka'am said, for Lyle glared "So whats so difficult about that." he said, making Ka'am turn to him. "Well the trick is, not to be caught by me, or well.. Her" Ka'am said as the thanator decided to get heard again by growling furiously at the group. "What!? Are you actually insane" "Thanators can crawl up on trees.. Run on the ground with a speed unlike anything else, they can swim, see it as an overal test against any danger you can come across with. If you can get through those 5 minutes without getting caught.. you should be able to sense and avoid danger which is why you're here" Ka'am explained, meaning real business. "It should give you the experience you'll need. Outsmart a thanator, you'll be able to outsmart any living creature, na'vi included" the man said, crossing his arms, awaiting who would finally start. "Unless.. You guys dont dare to do this." Ka'am said with a tricky smile and look. "Where do we start" Quaritch said powerful, confident on himself despite he knew this was definitely a tricky situation, but he started to see the potential of Ka'am now that he was allowed to get some freedom, wanting to see where this would lead.
"Alright Zdawg, was it? Feel free to start flying" Ka'am said for the lady rolled her eyes and popped her gum.. Before flying off.. Ka'am slowly got onto his Thanator, giving just a few seconds before with major speed the huge animal dissapeared into the woods.. For a minute she managed to dodge his attacks, but after the second, the thanator had jumped up from the ground, grabbing the ikran and pulling it firmly back on the ground. Ka'am made sure no one would get hurt, Ikran included, being very focused.. "You should've kept an eye below yourself.." he said to her, making her groan for she stood up after a big fall, trying several times as others followed, wanting to see if they could do it. But each time, Ka'am had a different approach, making this a real challenge like he explained.. You never know what someone's hit could be.
As the 5 started, Quaritch watched as he took his ikran to watch from above in the air, seeing the precision and speed of Ka'am with the thanator, narrowing his eyes as this definitely was a major learning curve. It was anything unlike he had experienced even in the marine. Ka'am was right on what he said, this was a real experience.. He didnt escape from them either. He meant his words. Something Quaritch would remember. To realize the man risked his own life, with betrayal to his own kind, to train the RDA.. the enemy of the na'vi. To be loyal towards him, with the respect he started to give.
He wanted to nail this, it even seemed fun in Quaritch' eyes in his own.. Dominant way. So far, all of his teammates seemed to not have gotten through the first 5 minutes.. making Quaritch eventually land on position. "I like to go now." The man said dominant and powerful, making Ka'am smirk once. "Very well.. You know the drill colonel. Dont get caught" the man said, for Quaritch actually smirked back. "I'd like to see you try" the man said for he started flying with his ikran, giving the man a few seconds before Ka'am started running with the thanator. Within a minute he was caught up, starting to tackle the colonel, first trying from below, but the man was alert enough to notice, and dodged the attempt.. 'oh this is gonna be fun' Ka'am smirked as he started to put more effort into it, seeing the Colonel certainly lived up to his name. The attempts became more complex, from approaching from above, till below, at the sides, throwing any parts of the woods, The colonel managed to avoid them all, having them end up with a crazy speed equally.. The colonel flew low, dodging every tree as he was as precise as one could think off, flying so steady, smirking as the thanator was right next to him, running with such speed to be right next to him, for Ka'am looked at the colonel with a smirk.. As this was just incredibly fun, even for him, he felt equally accepted. "Getting tired? Are you even trying Ka'am" the man said mockingly but said his name correct again, with a more feel behind it.. There it was again, the respect.. Making Ka'am narrow his eyes in a tricky way with a fun aftertaste, for it would be rememberd. Their energy seemed to flow in harmony together. "You wish. You're still some meters away from our end point colonel, dont get too confident" the man said, trying new tricks that had almost gotten the colonel, making a little impression towards the colonel, but right before he could make the final move that Ka'am was planning, the colonel did in fact manage to cross the finish line.
Out of bragging, Quaritch did let the whole woods know that he won, and rightfully so, Ka'am thought.. Breathing strong as this man proved himself to learn and adapt fast.. "Well done.." He whispered, to his Thanator, softly going over its neck.. Watching the man fly in more advanced ways now too.. But that sentence might've been meant to another too. Soon after that, his team was more confident to try again.. But the colonel was untouched by the thanator, unlike the rest.
The training went on for a few hours. Quaritch realized the man put alot of damn energy and complexity along being advanced in the way he knew how to go around the forest with a massive beast like that Thanator. He could tell this man had experience, possibly more than most na'vi he came across with. Remembering it all as he watched it all infront of him.
At last, everyone returned back to their stations, despite it was a good day, Ka'am was knocked out. Thanators can handle a lot.. But she too had her limits, and they both felt it. Everyone was pretty much knocked out, but the colonel seemed to have a magical way to charge himself energy. For him it was like as if he had been untouched, yet he was the most precise of the group.
Ka'am was planning to slowly head back to his room, but as he grabbed a drink from one of the stationairys, Quaritch who so happened to come into the same area, made a gesture to make the man come to him. "That was quite the training you had planned." Quaritch said serious, tilting his head a bit as he saw the man was exhausted, for a reason. "says the man who managed to get through in one try. You almosy made it seem like it was peanuts" "But it wasnt. It would've even been the perfect way to get rid of us all too.. With a killer beast like that. Yet you didnt" Quaritch said for Ka'am looked at the man more serious. "I know some of you doubted me.. Still do perhaps. But I stand for what I say" Ka'am said more serious. "I keep my word." The man said for Quaritch noticed the loyalty getting stronger and stronger, and it did not in fact, break. "Mm.." he said before following up. "how did you learn that" Quaritch asked. "Learn what." "The thanator" "I didnt. I just taught it myself." Ka'am said as he noticed a slight curiosity, so he continued his story. "For centuries, na'vi say to always avoid the animal, its the most fearsome predator for a reason. It will always try to kill you." "But an Ikran wasnt enough for you" Quaritch said to him, trickily. "I just wanted something else. I just needed to figure how to control her. It wasnt an animal that would listen right after you'd tame her, also something else that I had to figure out. She still tries to bite my head if she gets the chance despite the animals take one rider per lifetime. Its a love and hate relationship" Ka'am explained, seeing Quaritch hear honesty in his story, but it wasnt the full story. "So why did you really go for that animal" Quaritch said, seeing Ka'am start to look at the man in a less inviting way.. Vulnerability was slowly coming forward, Quaritch just knew how to talk. Quaritch knew how to interfere.. But started to feel a mutual respect, so for once, he didnt go further.. "Its late mm.. You must be tired. You're dismissed" the man said as he gave the man his space, making Ka'am watch the colonel walk out of the surroundings before he'd go back to his own room to get some rest.. But to notice the man didnt push for answers like he did previously, would be rememberd by the native..
As Ka'am had gotten in his bed. he opened his roof window, looking up as he rememberd the few minutes, that he was riding along Quaritch' in their challenge.. For a second, Ka'am forgot the man used to be an enemy to the na'vi.. it didnt feel like the man that commanded him around. It was the most fun the man had in a long time.. The energy was so strong, so in sync, for he eventually just shook his head and laid on his side. He must be too tired to even think of things like that; nor see them that way.. Before he knew he was knocked out... for the colonel was watching the dark again, letting thoughts wander in his own head in his own way.
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crimson-host · 2 years
Back again with my third one-shot, yesh, finally, thanks to a good awesome bestie friend of mine I have some encouragement to beat my procrastination with, off to my shitty story
---------Kuo Kuana--------
Ghira sat in his office, setting a sheet of paper on a pile of other papers, taking off his reading glasses he sighed and stretched "another day of paper work done" bring a big hand up to his neck as he popped it a little "wonder what Kali has planned for dinner" standing up he walked out of his office and down the hallway eager to see his wife when he stopped catching someone at the corner of his eye, turning to the backyard he saw a man curled up into a ball of bright vibrant yellow fur, letting out a bellowing chuckle he walked over to the man
"Jaune!" the ball of fur moved revealing it was a large fluffy blond dog tail, lifting his head revealed Jaune Arc, with two floppy dog ears having two traits thanks to his family's abnormally strong faunus roots, Jaune looked to the giant of a man and his eyes lit up "UNCLE!" within a instant Jaune jumped from his curled up position into Ghira's chest hugging the man, earning a happy playful laugh from Ghira as he hugged the boy back "glad to see you came to visit today" resting a hand on Jaune's head softly petting him
Jaune's tail began wagging like crazy, he always loved getting pats on the head, some Faunus saw it as degrading but to Jaune, his dad, half of his sister's, they were just signs of affection, like hugs, kissing, etc. and he always loved getting those, of course he only lets his family pet him but hey, the Belladonnas were family to him no matter what blood said, he looked up to Ghira "It was getting a bit noisy back at home so I figured I'd sunbath and snooze here" Ghira laughed a little more "That's quite alright, as my wife tells you time and time again, you are always welcomed here, now would you like to join us for dinner?" Jaune smiled brighter than the sun, for being a shy boy in public but with friends and family he was a warm fireplace "sure!, I love Auntie's cooking" then he half whispered "don't tell mom but Auntie's a little bit better cook" Ghira could only smile softly as his fatigue slowly faded and he began walking to his living room with Jaune wrapped on him like a newborn sloth
Kali was setting the dinner table, mainly fish, tho faunus aren't as animalistic as many believe, their preferences for food is slightly influenced, herbivore faunus for example prefer fruits, vegetables, and other greens but can still eat meats, they simply prefer plants more, in her family's case, fish were their preferences, they can eat anything like any other person but when picking meats fishes is where they prefer, her feline ears twitched hearing heavy footsteps sooner than most, her beloved was coming just in time, she stood up, brushed herself off she turned opened a door to meet her husband halfway and-she gasped "Jauncy!" she rushed over and hugged Jaune who jumped off Ghira and hugged each other "How's my little nephew?!" Ghira chucked knowing Jaune was here just two days ago but to Kali she doted on Jaune so much it was like mother and son, much to their dear friend Josephine Arc chagrin "hello dear, Jaune will be joining us for dinner" Kali squealed at this "Wonderful!, we have fish, some salads, some beef, soups, oh I hope our little kitten can make it oh it will be just wonderful!"
Jaune spoke up "Um, I think she's out with Adam" this...quickly brought down the mood some, Ghira and Kali had....mixed feelings on Adam, he was a rather...strong headed and firey boy, but thanks to Josephine's influence he has simmered somewhat, little less extreme than some of the radicals that has infested their old organization but that has been some worries on their minds, Josephine Arc was a human, one of the handful of humans on Menagerie, her and half her daughters, the other half and Jaune we're Faunus from her Husband's side of the family, when the news came out that Julius of the great family, who fought the hardest and with the most heart back during the war who saved hundreds and hundreds of Faunus like guardian heroes, married a human it was...a shock to many, to Ghira and Kali they were overjoyed their dear friend Julius finally someone his special someone, and when they asked if they minded if Josephine wasn't a faunus all he said about it was "My family fought to protect everyone not just the Faunus, she could be a Schnee and I'd still fall to one knee asking for her hand in marriage" and with that the case was closed for the more accepting of the Faunus, seeing this as a great thing, a sign of cooperation was possible but unfortunately some of the more...extreme and bitter elements were furious saying Julius was betraying the Arc family legacy, at first they were mocked and ridiculed but as time went on this small minority grew and grew, saying Julius should divorce Josephine and remarry a faunus woman to 'restore his family bloodline's purify' his family bloodline but no one dared raise a hand against Josephine or her children out of fear of Julius Arc, he was a family man first and foremost, any harm to his family would incur the wraith of monster that would put fear into even Grimm, thankfully Josephine has been a positive influence on Menagerie for the most part, being kind, sweet, and empathetic to everyone, never judging anyone no matter their past deeds or appearance, a embarrassing nickname is Josephine the Saintess which embarrasses Josephine to no end, due to this the White Fang under Sienna has struggled with recruiting, yes the vial treatment under Atlas and the Schnee Dust Company helped recruitment efforts but when some of the radical elements preach about Faunus supremacy than that Humans should be the ones cowering in fear at their mercy it causes many that knows Josephine to imagine her branded by the Schnee Dust Company, slaving away in the Dust Mines, bruised and beaten, causing all to turn turn away and hesitant for such extreme, as for Sienna's opinion, Kali asked her and was shocked how angry she got "Anyone that would bite at Josephine is the reason why so many of us are in chained, we should be feared but not devolve into monsters" was her exact words, Kali disagreed with her little tiger's belief the Faunus and White Fang should be feared but grateful even she was drawing a line in the sand at senseless violence, especially the undeserving
"W-well if she makes it back in time she can join us for dinner" Kali would have to accept for now that her little kitten is love with Adam, and the three entered the dinning room and began to enjoy their dinner leaving a bit for Blake whenever she arrived..unfortunately she only arrived after Dinner was finished
Suddenly the night sky was lit up as a section of the Arc household blew up and caught fire, many began to panic and freak out, Ghira and Kali quickly being called and informed of what transpired, Ghira rushing to the residential district with some guards seeing the pillar of smoke in the distance, he rapidly sped up in the charge and his guards tried to keep up, eventually he arrived to see Josephine getting medical treatment for first degree burn in her back, and Octavia Arc, the second oldest, ordering people around organizing people to help fight the fire and to prevent further fire damage, he walked over to Octavia "Octavia!" he called our getting her attention as her tail flicked, she turned to Ghira with a snarl for a second before freezing and looking ashamed "U-Uncle Ghira!" he was surprised by the snarl a little but considering the circumstances he couldn't blame the girl "What happened? is anyone else hurt?" Octavia took a took breath "no, Azure was almost but mom protected her, she took the most of it, I think someone planted a bomb" this caused Ghira blood to run cold "H-how come?" Octavia answer only solidified his fear "when mom opened her bedroom door me, Bleu, and Coral heard the ticking of a timer all of sudden, Azure went to investigate and..." Ghira only had one guess, some of the radicals finally decided to try and remove Josephine from the picture, he looked to the fire and people actively fighting it and keeping it from spreading "Your father should be arriving tomorrow, he..." he let out a heavy sigh "I'll try and keep him from doing anything stupid, your mother will be put under guard back at the mansion, you and your sisters can sleep with us for the time being" Octavia spoke up "Wh-where's Jaune by chance?" Ghira answered to relieve her fear "back at my mansion, he ate with us and Kali gave him a room to sleep in, he's safe" Octavia let out a sigh of relief "oh thank the brothers" Ghira began helping with the firefighting effort like the girls and their mother was escorted to the mansion, Ghira could only hope he can hold his friend back from causing a bloodbath
--------The Next Day------
The talk with Julius went about as well as expected "Do not try and talk me Ghira, I'll make them pay for what they tried to good" Julius was currently with a grapple hold with Ghira "P-Please Julius think for a moment!" "I am thinking!, Thinking how I will tear all of them limb from fucking limb!" "But you don't know who were involved and who wasn't!" Julius and Ghira struggled against one another for a bit before Julius relented "Fine!, we'll talk with Sienna, but if I suspect she's holding out in us I won't hesitate to kill her" Julius stared at Ghira, normally he wasn't this vicious but when those precious to him were involved he wasn't afraid to become a monster "Of course, I have a dozen guards stationed and Josephine is receiving the best care possible, she'll recover and be safe" Julius took slowly and deep breaths then sighed "thank you.." Ghira shook it hand and gave Julius shoulder a firm squeeze "It's alright, I'd feel the same if Kali was attacked, we'll sort this out and bring those response to justice" and thus Julius and Ghira marched to the White Fang's base, ready to demand answer
-------White Fang HQ-----
Sienna was seething, practically boiling with rage, news of the explosion and fire at the Arc Household as quickly spread and testimony that the kids with strong hearing heard ticking only further rumors that it was a planned assassination attempted, one that seemed less rumor by the minute, before her was Albain brothers, she hated them, too conniving for her like, but she was glad they weren't involved, as they said "What purpose would Josephine's death serve besides turn all of Menagerie against the Fang?" morbid...but true, Josephine might have made recruitment more difficult but she never mistreated Faunus, to her everyone was equal and that we should all work together against the Grimm, this sentiment she could agree with, of course naive but one to work towards, one Atlas and Schnee Dust Company learned their lessons then people could move on to equality but for now this was the order of things "Our first priority is finding the ones that organized this attack, the damned fools costed us the Arc Family's trust, and Ilia's loyalty" Ilia, previously Amitola, now Arc, was adopted into the Arc family after her parents died in a dust mine collapse, her hatred of humans was...tempered with Josephine and her daughters, causing her hatred to be more...focused on specific humans, mainly the Schnees and people from Atlas, which made convincing her to join the cause easier, this drove a slight wedge between her and her adopted family, but after this, likely she will leave the Fang unless Blake, her obvious crush, begged her to stay "That is quite unfortunate, angering a Arc promises eternal grudge" Fennec stated, followed up by his brother "Best we can do is publicly denounced this attack and find whoever responsible and hand them off as a offering the patriarch of the Arc Family" a cruel smile spread across Sienna's face "And a sacrifice they will get when I find them" suddenly the doors of the throne room opened to reveal a guard "High Leader!" Sienna glared "What is it?" the guard wilted under the glare "G-Ghira Belladonna and Julius Arc has arrived demanding a audience with you" Sienna clicked her tongue "Send them in!" she then motioned for the Albain brothers to stand to the side which they do, and soon comes in Ghira and a angry Julius "Mr. Belladonna and Arc, what do I owe the pleasure?" Ghira was the one to speak to make sure Julius didn't say anything too..intense "We have come to ask if the White Fang had any involvement with the attack on the Arc Family" straight to the point, Sienna sighed "I did not order such a attack, nor have the Albain brothers, if someone ordered such a thing then it would have to be one of the warhawks or radicals with intense hatred for human, we will be investigating everyone and be searching for the culprit"
Julius fist tightened, he was enraged it was a member of the White Fang, something his family helped started and supported personally when Ghira was in charged...but he was relieved to know Sienna had no involved, from her smell and tone, she seemed genuine, he let out a heavy sigh "if that's the case, as of this moment, the Arc family shall be a resident of Menagerie no more" everyone present froze at this declaration "Julius, are you sure?" Julius turned to Ghira "yes, if my family are gonna be under constant danger of madmen and assassins, then I can't stay here anymore" the Albain brothers were shocked, this would be...a book to recruitment but also...a hit to moral if the heroic family were to turn their back on Menagerie, unless they could spin it, Sienna kept a stoic expression, she couldn't blame Julius, at one point she saw him as a father figure, and currently he had to choose between the Faunus and his family...and he chose his family, she can't blame nor fault him for that, Ghira sighed "alright, you can leave when Josephine is fully recovered, give you time for you and your kids to pack" Julius nodded "tho, where will you be headed?" Julius shot a look to Sienna and Albains "wherever you choose I'll send out the order to all sects to avoid" Sienna spoke, it would hurt the cause but...she owed Julius this at least, Julius turned to Sienna and his anger...relaxed, with a small thankful nod he turned to Ghira "Vale, maybe I can asked the Headmaster if I could get a job at Beacon, help train more Huntsmen" Ghira took a deep breath and nodded, Sienna turned to the Albain brothers "have the message be sent out that all White Fang are to avoid Vale, anyone that tries to operate in Vale will be excommunicated and shunned" the Albain brothers didn't like this but...better this than getting on the Arc eternal hatred, so they bow and leave, Julius turned to Sienna "thanks" Sienna remained quiet and turned away, a small blush on her cheeks, with that the two men leave to inform the others
Aaaaand that ends my third story, I may continue one of them but for now this is good
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
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when the math isn’t mathing
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tf2-simps · 2 years
Hiiii! So I heard you were taking requests? If so, how do the mercs react to a family member joining the battle field (like a sibling or something)
I am taking requests! I don’t do familial requests a lot so I hope these are alright!! I decided to do it as if the reader was their sibling!
Also I’m so sorry this took so long to get out, I got about halfway through before I realized I read the ask wrong and had to redo it auddisnfksn 😓
-gender neutral reader
TW/CW: some minor swear words
He hovers you a little bit, slightly because he wants to make sure you’re doin alright, and because he wants to show one of his siblings how cool he is
Maybe you’re being dominated by someone on the enemy team or they get a nasty kill on you, whatever beef you got goin on Scout will make it his mission to get vengeance
He acts as if he holds all the knowledge in the world about the different battle fields and weapons and such
Definitely teases you a bunch even while on the battle field
He will push you harder during training, try not to collapse from exhaustion
If you are okay with physical touch he will ruffle your hair a lot or do a lot of the playful headlocks
Will tackle you until you say “uncle” or tap out. A lot of rough housing
Dont worry, if you dont like physical touch he will still find ways to pester you. He also screams a lot around you
He will beat up people for you
Pyro will commit a lot more arson around you, whether you encourage it or try to yell Pyro not to do it is up to you
Pyro shows you everything. Pyro will show you the new really cool cosmetics that Pyro got, and will also show you the funny position the corpse that Pyro just killed had landed in
Pyro will give you pep talks whether you are in need of one or not
Pyro is Engi’s best friend, but will also tail you around and spy check a bunch and reflect any rockets headed towards you
“Ay, watch this” *proceeds to blow up about half the other team*
When he goes out with the other mercs or gets into some shenanigans with Soldier he likes to invite you to tag along
Lots of playful sibling rivalry
You two probably get each other sent to Medic a lot
Even if you can hold your own well in battle he still likes to check in on you occasionally
He will hand you his sandvich or such. Don’t try denying it because he will give it to you
He’s a little worried for you that you ended up in the same place that he was in, but in the end he knows his teammates are good and he is proud of how brave you are
He is protective over you. If someone did something wrong to you and you tell him then there will be no more left of that person to do something wrong
You? Here? Guess it runs in the family
Even if you grumble and complain about it or roll your eyes he will still babble to you about whatever invention or gadget he’s working on
You will have to stop him from getting killed. Somewhere along the lines Demo convinced him to figure out how many toasters and how many bathtubs it would take to create an electrical current strong enough to charge a phone
Pulls all-nighters and knocks on your door at 1am to tell you the most incoherent sentence ever and leave without any other explanation
Will probably ask you to baby-sit his birds and will give you a list thats taller than you on what to do and what not to do
He already holds back very little but around you he has no restraint. You two will be in the middle of a conversation and he will just randomly blurt out something that can only be repeated to satan
He goes to you whenever he is bored and probably asks you to pull all-nighters with him
He keeps an eye on you during the battlefield and usually will crossbow you from across the map
He isn’t necessarily more social, but he’s more open to your company if that makes sense?
If you’re sitting by yourself he’ll come up and sit/stand next to you or nearby
He says he’s just watching over you on the battlefield but really he likes to just be an ass to you but in the playful sibling way
He’ll reflect the pointer light from his sniper rifle off of a window or such and try and aim it towards you. Theres almost always a glowing dot somewhere near you
He is very weary about you being on the team. He was already concerned about one of his kids having to be here and now you?
He acts similarly to you the way he does with Scout in a sense. He is around you and watches over you, you just don’t know it 99% of the time
He considers you one of the few tolerable people on the team and will offer you some wine to drink with him. If you don’t do wine he has some oddly fancy water for you
He might not tell you but he laughs at you whenever you eat shit during the battles
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dmwrites · 2 years
“You know what I’ve always found super duper interesting?”
“Holy cheese and crackers!” Beef jumped so badly he fell directly into the ocean. He swam back up to air and choked out, “xB?”
xB was laughing, not in malice, one arm resting on the stone above the water to keep himself afloat. “Oh my- I’m so sorry Beef, I really am! I didn’t expect you to react like that!”
Beef took a few gulps of air and laughed too. “No dude, it’s chill. Lost in my own little world out here, only thinking about cards and maps- sometimes a dip in the sea is what a guy needs. Nice tail, by the way.” xB smiled shyly and ducked his head, swirling his huge fish tail in the water. “So, okay, what were you saying before? I can’t even remember a lick of it.”
xB chuckled. “Let’s go for a swim, Beef!” He grabbed Beef’s hand and tried to drag him underwater.
“Hey, hey, siren from mythology! Hold your horses, well, sea horses really, see what I did there? Eh? Eh? Anyway xB, I can’t breathe underwater, you know.”
“Potion of water breathing.” xB tossed him a bottle. Beef raised an eyebrow at him. xB sighed. “No nefarious intentions, I just haven’t talked to you that much, and I don’t get much water time in my caves. Please?”
“Alright, but just because you’re such a good guy like fifty percent of the time.” Beef replied, and downed the potion. xB grinned happily, grabbed Beef’s arm again, and pulled him under the waves. The two men swam, Beef doing a powerful breaststroke, and xB doing spirals around him. It was a simple joy, really, to be able to just exist in this silent blue world.
After a while, a small coral reef came into sight, and xB curled himself around some pink coral, and patted a spot next to him for Beef. Beef swam over and settled himself. xB looked off into the distance for a moment, which gave Beef time to take a real look at xB’s tail and scales. xB was such a quiet and solitary person most of the time, even more so with his underwater form, that this was a very rare sighting. xB’s tail was a beautiful blue-green color, like kelp deep under the water, inlaid with gold and muted rainbow veins throughout. It looked powerful- well, it had to be, Beef considered, considering xB had literally been swimming circles around him before.
“Hey now, you checkin’ me out, Beefers?” xB giggled, and Beef realized xB was watching him look at his tail.
“Oh, sorry man, I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just that your tail is super cool, dude! Like the scale colors are, just, wow!” Beef smiled at xB.
“You know, that’s kinda what i wanted to talk about with you.” xB swished his tail through the water, making the coral fans around him shimmy. “Scales.”
Beef cocked his head slightly in what he hoped was confusion. “Scales?” Something heavy settled into his stomach.
“Yeah man. I know last season was kinda odd, but i saw you once or twice, and I know you know exactly what I’m talking about.” xB’s tail was swishing even faster, like a small storm to the things living in the reef. “I don’t- I’m not trying to attack you, Beef, I just want to know what happened. I’ve never met someone who had something… similar, I guess.”
Beef put a hand to his face unconsciously, feeling the smoothness of his skin and for the beard that floated all around him. “xB, man, I- yeah, weird is an understatement.” He couldn’t stop feeling his face, tracing his eyes, nose, and mouth with shaking fingers.
“I’m sorry.” xB looked extremely guilty. “I’m upsetting you.”
“No, no, man, I’m sorry I’m like this.” Beef gave xB a small smile.
“Please don’t apologize for the things that have happened to you.” xB smiled back at him. “I didn’t realize. We don’t have to talk about it, Beefers. We can always just sit here and watch the fish traffic go by.”
“No, I want-” Beef sighed, even though he didn’t have to breathe air. xB passed him another water breathing potion regardless. “Being alone so much, making my maps and cards, it really forces you to think. There’s a lot of cool stuff that’s happened to me in my life, but also that whole thing was so… scary, honestly. Waking up every day to see more of my face becoming scales. Watching my own eyes become foreign to me. And then it was gone, just like that, all of a sudden. And it was so… it was like I woke up one morning and someone had shouted in my ear to go, and I went knowing only blurry bits and pieces of what happened.”
xB’s tail had slowed and was now curling and uncurling around the coral in a peaceful way. He was looking at Beef, deep in thought.
“So that’s why you up and left all of a sudden.” xB finally said, a hand tracing his own face, which was sprinkled with sparking scales. “Beef, I’m so sorry.”
Beef shook his head. “It’s gone, for now. Easy not forget when it’s not happening. But I don’t want to forget, but I don’t want to think about it right now, you know?”
xB nodded. “Well man, if or when you want to talk about it, I’ll be here, but until then, there will always be the fish to watch.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true. Thanks xB.” Beef replied quietly, and the two watched the fish swim by in calm, swirling patterns that almost seemed too beautiful for Beef to comprehend.
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seanfalco · 2 years
Out Shopping
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an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco & @super-unpredictable98​​
Word Count: 7k Warnings: smut, oral (f!receiving), anal fingering, anal sex, shower sex, choking, marking
[ masterlist ]
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"For a lot of you, opening night is in two weeks!"  
The director took a deep breath before continuing.  "You're doing great, but I need you to know this entire show like the back of your hand if we're gonna make it perfect.  Class dismissed!" he joked, clapping his hands together. 
Lydia had been slowly building a resistance to performing, the more she rehearsed, the less tired she was after each run through and she couldn't wait to use that while stage-dooring with the fans. ‘We're done early, going home’, she texted Win, since she'd been asking earlier what time practice would end.
‘Lucky I got here early then lol’, Win texted back, already catching sight of Lydia’s bright coloured pony tail.  Usually she just waited for her fiancé at home, but today Win wanted to get out of the apartment for a bit, plus she was hoping to take Lyddie shopping before returning home. 
“Mmm, Winnie...” Win’s Nathan whined, stretching, not yet ready to commit to opening his eyes yet as he reached for the closest warm body in the bed with him.
Lyddie's Nathan was still very much asleep; he was at that stage where any outside noises blended into his dreams. "Five minutes, Lollipop," he mumbled with a sigh, kissing the arm that embraced him.
Win’s Nathan hummed as he felt Win kiss his arm and he tightened his grip on her.
Lyddie's Nathan started to slowly wake when he noticed the person embracing him was taller than Win… and didn't have Lydia's breasts that he liked to lean against. "Lollipop?"
“Hmmm? Win?” Win’s Nathan asked groggily, squeezing the person in his arms tighter before he realized it definitely did not feel like Win.
Lyddie's Nathan slowly opened up his eyes.  "Jesus Christ!" he yelped, jumping away when he saw neither of the girls were in bed, and that the person holding him was his clone. 
At his doppleganger’s exclamation, Win’s Nathan gave a jerk, finally opening his own eyes to find his twin in his arms and he screamed, quickly scrambling from the bed. “What the fuck, mate! Where’s Win?”
"How am I s'posed to know?" Lyddie's Nathan shouted, running to the opposite side of the room as if he was running from the devil. "Oh my fuckin'... can't just go around holdin' someone like that!"
“I thought you were Winnie! I was deep asleep!” Win’s Nathan cried. “It wasn’t like I did it on purpose!”
"I know..." Lyddie's Nathan groaned, clenching his eyes shut. "Let's just never tell the girls about this, alright? It doesn't have t'be weird, you're me and I'm you so it's like... it's like masturbation."
“Agreed, they can never know!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, throwing a shirt over his head. “Besides, it’s not like I was gettin’ off or anything! I only have a semi cause it’s morning!”
"True, true... and I only kissed you, 'cause I thought it was Lyds! We're just gonna live our lives and forget it ever happened, it's not like it's the first time," Lyddie's Nathan shook his head, trying to forget the heart tattoo incident.
“Yep, yep, exactly.  It never happened!” Win’s Nathan agreed, catching sight of a piece of paper by the nightstand. “Looks like Win went to go meet Lyds, so they might not be back for a while.”
"Oh, did she say where they were goin'?" Lyddie's Nathan asked, looking over his clone's shoulder, but quickly backed off when he noticed how close he was, quickly making a b-line for the kitchen.
“Says she wanted t’take Lyddie shopping,” Win’s Nathan answered, following his twin out. “What’s Lyddie got for leftovers?” he asked, leaning against the counter, keeping his distance.
Lyddie's Nathan sighed as he opened the fridge. "There's some beef stew, mashed potatoes, rice..."
 “I’ll eat whatever,” Win’s Nathan shrugged. “So, what d’you wanna do while th’girls are indisposed?” he asked, pulling out a couple of plates.
"I don't know..." Lyddie's Nathan shoved everything in the microwave and hoped for the best. "D'you wanna play a game or somethin'? We could watch a movie if you'd like."
“Movie’s always good. I like watchin’ stuff from th’future,” Win’s Nathan chuckled.
"Yeah, me too," Lyddie's Nathan nearly burnt himself taking the plates out of the microwave. "Sometimes Lyds says some shit about the future, and I never know if she's jokin' or not."
“Yeah? Like what?” Win’s Nathan asked, nearly burning his own hand as he took the plate from his twin.
"She told me about creepy clowns walkin' around and nobody knew what was happenin', and one time the world stopped 'cause nobody could decide if a dress was gold or blue," Lyddie's Nathan snorted. "Sounds made up t’me..."
Win’s Nathan shuddered at ‘clowns’ before shoving a forkful of food into his mouth. “What d’you think mum’ll say when she finds out there’s two of us... and that we’re marryin’ two chicks?”
"Ow... I didn't think 'bout that," Lyddie's Nathan inhaled sharply. "I don't think she'll be too happy, she wasn't thrilled when there was just one, imagine two! She might faint again.”
“Yeahh...” Win’s Nathan agreed with a twist of his lips. “Though I think she’d like Win and Lyds.”
"She loves Lyds, she kept tellin' me that I finally found a good one," Lyddie's Nathan rolled his eyes. "She'll love Win too."
“I hope so...” Win’s Nathan murmured, setting his plate down. “Never got th’chance to bring her round t’mum’s yet. Dad seemed t’like her... maybe a little too much,” he grumbled.
"Same thing with Lyds! He never said hi t'her y'know?" Lyddie's Nathan shook his head remembering that night in the police station. "He turned t'me and asked 'who's the bird?', fuckin' gross, man."
Win’s Nathan groaned. “D’you think we should invite him... y’know, to th’wedding?”
"I wouldn't, it's not like he'd come anyway... specially knowin' mum's gonna be there and drag th’dog with her," Lyddie's Nathan scoffed. "It might be worse if he does show up, Lyds told me he caused a scene at my original wedding."
“Ohh, classic Mike Young,” Win’s Nathan grumbled, rolling his eyes. He’d been sort of holding out hope, especially after Jamie, that their dad might actually try harder, but it didn’t seem like it. 
"I don't wanna risk it with the girls, I want it t'be perfect for them," Lyddie's Nathan had been scared of the wedding, he wasn't even sure how it’d be done.
“Me too,” Win’s Nathan muttered. He’d been thinking about it a lot actually. “How... uh, I mean...” he groaned, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes. “Ah fuck...”
"We could try to pass it as a double wedding..." Lyddie's Nathan mused. "Or find a hippie officiant who doesn't care about that. Maybe we can do an alternative union, or somethin'."
“Yeah maybe,” Win’s Nathan agreed, picturing how each of the girls would look, his heart aching for it. “Ughh, what’s takin’ ‘em so long?” he whined, flopping back amongst the cushions.
"What? Am I that horrible t'spend time with?" Lyddie's Nathan mocked, following his clone to the couch. "I thought we were havin' some quality twin time... d'you have any ideas for the honeymoon?"
Win’s Nathan glanced over at his clone. It wasn’t that he disliked spending time with him, he just missed the girls. It was kinda odd when they weren’t around. “We could always go t’one of those fancy beach resorts. Or maybe Spain? Italy? I dunno man, somewhere warm, where they can wear bikinis all th’time. That is if we ever let em leave th’bedroom,” he laughed, waggling his eyebrows.
"I like the way you think..." Lyddie's Nathan bit his lip in excitement. He missed the girls as well, but he enjoyed those moments when it was just the two of them. "We could go to some tropical paradise, I've always wanted t'drink from a coconut."
“Ha!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, “Me too! Oh man, it’ll be great. Other important question. Bachelor party? Thoughts?”
"I kinda wanted t'do somethin' classy, like cigars and poker..." Lyddie's Nathan leaned back with both arms behind his head. "I've never smoked a cigar, and I can't play poker, but we can figure it out."
“Eh, how hard can it be?” Win’s Nathan laughed. “I’d say we should go back t’Vegas, but I’m banned for life.”
"Man... how th’fuck did you do that?" Lyddie's Nathan widened his eyes. "I did some pretty questionable shit over there, but none of them got me banned."
Win’s Nathan chuckled nervously. “Got arrested for cheatin’, didn’t exactly stick around for the court date after I posted bail,” he explained.
"Oh, so you got caught... not gonna lie, I probably would've if Lyds wasn't there," Lyddie's Nathan admitted. "She watched me like a hawk the entire time t'make sure I wouldn't mess it up, that's how we got the money for this flat."
Win’s Nathan crossed his arms over his chest as a sour expression crossed his face. “Yeah, well, I shouldn’ta trusted Nikki t’be my gamblin’ partner,” he grumbled. “I wanted t’surprise Win, so I let her sleep.”
"Yeah, Nikki hates our guts, dunno why..." Lyddie's Nathan could think of a few reasons, but none of them big enough to justify her rage. "Don't worry, man, next time the girls go on tour, we'll just casually skip Vegas, or we could use our power t'get you in."
“Yeah, no kiddin’. I would like t’go back to Vegas sometime,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed. “Hey!” he yelped, sitting up suddenly. “I just thought of somethin’! If we could use magic t’get me back into Vegas, why can’t we just magick our marriage certificate or whatever!”
"We could do that..." Lyddie's Nathan grinned, happiness filling him the more he thought about it. "The girls are gonna lose it when we tell them! We can actually get married, all of us! Well, almost all of us, but y'get it," he corrected.
“Hell yeah!” Win’s Nathan cried, high fiving his twin. “I’m a genius,” he boasted with a huge grin.
"Let's not exaggerate..." Lyddie's Nathan taunted. "You're okay, we both know I'm the real genius in this household."
“Oh right, that just means I’m the one that’s good at sex,” he pointed out, remembering what Lyddie’d said the other morning. “Ha!” he exclaimed, pointing at his twin.
"No! I meant I'm the sex genius of this household, you're the genius of less important matters, like... like taxes and shit," Lyddie's Nathan argued. "Just ask the girls when they're back!"
“Jokes on you, I know nothin’ about taxes!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed. “And I will!” he announced.
"Prepare for a rude awakenin', mate..." Lyddie's Nathan quirked an eyebrow smugly.
"Hey babe!"  Lydia ran to give Win a hug after seeing the text. "We live two minutes away, you didn't have to pick me up," she said despite being very happy with the surprise. "I missed you!"
“I missed you too!” Win exclaimed, squeezing Lyddie back. “I was actually awake and figured I’d come get you, plus I wanted to walk a bit.  Maybe we could look at a couple shops on th’way home?” she suggested hopefully. 
"Sounds nice, did you have anywhere in mind?" Lydia asked before kissing Win's forehead and taking her hand. "The Manhattan Mall isn't that far if you wanna go... what are we buying?" 
“Perfect!  I thought we might pick out a new outfit for you, for your birthday,” Win suggested. 
"Aww, you're so sweet." Lydia took Win's hand as they crossed the street heading to their destination.
“Y’know, I don’t think we’ve ever been clothes shopping together,” Win mused as they walked into the mall, passing several stores til they found one that had some cute clothes that matched Lydia’s aesthetic.
"Yeah, I don't think so either." Lydia couldn't stop smiling.  "Soooo, what type of outfit should I get?  Cause, I don't know exactly what we're doing, so how can I possibly dress for the occasion?" she teased.
Win thought for a moment, they’d be both inside and outside, and it was starting to get colder out. “Maybe a skirt and jumper with some leggings,” she suggested, letting her hands slide over some of the hanging clothes. 
"Okay..." Lydia agreed, looking for anything colorful or covered in sequins. "Y'know, Thanksgiving is coming soon, I was thinking we could do something special." 
“Oh yeah,” Win nodded, “It is, isn’t it? I can’t remember having ever really celebrated before,” she murmured. “We could make a dinner together... if you wanted.” 
"That's what I was thinking!  We could make dinner, then cuddle under the blankets watching some feel-good movie... I wanna show you guys how thankful I am for having you," Lydia said, mindlessly looking through a pile of jumpers. 
“That sounds absolutely perfect,” Win agreed with a sigh. “Did y’find anything you like yet? This skirt’s kinda cute,” she said holding up the plaid pleated one she’d found. 
"Yeah, I like that," Lydia nodded, grabbing a baby blue jumper with pink hearts all over it. "I love that combo, I'm gonna look like Baby Spice," she giggled. "She used to be my fashion icon as a kid."
Win laughed. “Scary Spice was always my favourite,” she said, following Lyddie to the changing rooms in the back. “You always look so cute no matter what you wear,” she murmured, fixing her hair as she caught her reflection.
"Not as cute as you, babe." Lydia gave Win a quick kiss before starting to undress. "Are you not buying anything for yourself? I was looking forward to watching you change," she joked.
“Oh, I wasn’t planning on it, but if you wanna pick out something for me, I will,” Win replied with a grin. “Or I could just take my clothes off for the hell of it,” she laughed.
"That's always a plan," Lydia put on the new outfit and looked at herself. Something about that jumper was making her feel odd. "The skirt is very cute... but I think I might go with a sexier top, I can't get sick anyway," she chuckled nervously.
“Okay…” Win said, tilting her head to study Lyddie’s reflection. “I’ll pick something else out for you and myself if y’want,” she offered, taking the jumper to return to the shelf. 
"Yes, please, like a crop top or something with cleavage..." Lydia sat down, it was weird, when she envisioned the outfit, it was nice, but when she saw herself in it, that was another story. 
“You got it, babe,” Win exclaimed, hurrying out to find something else. Five minutes later she returned with a low cut black top for Lyddie and a similar outfit for herself. “How’s this? Better?” she asked, holding the top out for Lyddie. 
"Much better," Lydia smiled, putting it on. "You have great taste," she took a deep breath, looking in the mirror. "I was aiming for Baby Spice and landed on young me.  Remind me to never put on an oversized jumper again." 
“I was gunna ask what was wrong with it,” Win mused as she undressed, bending to pull the skirt up around her hips. “I thought you looked cute.” 
"It just didn't feel right."  Lydia thought about trying on some high heels, but she didn't need to get any taller. "I haven't worn oversized anything since I was fourteen.  It just doesn't look good on me." 
Win finished dressing and frowned slightly. “You wear Nathans’ oversized shirts,” she pointed out, coming to stand next to Lyddie at the mirror. 
"At home, yeah.  I'd never wear it out without a belt or a corset," Lydia explained, admiring Win's reflection. "It makes me feel like the most undesirable person on the planet," she laughed. 
“Uhm, hate t’break it t’you, but you could be wearing a burlap sack and I’d still be crazy attracted to you babe,” Win countered with a grin. “Even if you didn’t have your colourful hair or wore glasses, I’d still be right here by your side, beggin’ t’shag you senseless.” 
"Winnie..." Lydia blushed, looking down to avoid her eyes. "You haven't seen me with glasses, I left them in England just to make sure I would even think about it. Glasses can be sexy, but not on me. You just say that 'cause you love me, and I love you too." 
“You’re right, I do love you,” Win murmured, raising up on her toes to kiss the corner of Lyddie’s mouth. “But even if you were just some girl I’d never seen before and you looked like that, I’d still be attracted t’you. But it’s okay if y’don’t believe me,” she said fondly, stepping back to admire her. 
"I want to believe you..." Lydia smiled, draping her arms around Win's neck. "I guess we'll find out in a few years. Si had a vision a while ago when we were at the Brooks Atkinson that I'd get to be Dawn in Waitress, for that I'll need short brown hair and glasses." 
“Sounds good,” Win quipped, snaking her arms around Lydia’s waist.
"You are so amazing, you know that? It should be illegal for someone so sweet to be so hot, and funny, and talented, it's not fair for the rest of the world," Lydia murmured before gently pressing her lips to Win's. 
“I’m not all that,” Win protested weakly, not wanting to pull away. 
"You're so much more," Lydia whispered. "You make me feel so special, I don't know how you do it, but you do... I love you." 
“You deserve to feel special,” Win murmured against Lyddie’s lips. “You’re the best woman I could ever ask for. I love you too, babe.” 
"You're gonna make me cry," Lydia only half-joked. "I can't believe I'm gonna have to pick my wedding dress without your help, that's gonna be a tough one."  She took one last look in the mirror before changing back into her clothes. 
“What? Why would you have t’pick it out without me?” Win asked with a frown, undressing as well. 
"You can't see your bride in her dress before the wedding, neither can I... it's bad luck." Lydia knew it was a silly superstition, but she didn't wanna risk it. "I'll have to go by myself or take the girls with me." 
“Oh, right...” Win murmured, biting her lip. She hadn’t thought of that. She didn’t wanna go without Lyddie, but if it meant that much to her, she didn't wanna upset her. “Are you... a little overwhelmed with everything we’ll have t’plan?” she asked hesitantly, pulling her jeans back up. 
"Well kinda, I don't know what we're gonna do, how we're gonna do it, but at the same time it's exciting, isn't it?" Lydia looked at the three rings stacked on her finger. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with all of you, and I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress." 
“I can’t wait either,” Win breathed, trying to imagine how beautiful Lyddie would look. “C’mon, let’s go pay for these,” she said, opening the dressing room door. “After this, wanna grab a coffee or something?” she asked, not ready to head home yet, selfishly wanting a little more time with Lydia to herself. 
"Sure, I want something sweet, like those little cake pops from Starbucks, or brownies." Lydia’d been avoiding desserts in preparation for the opening night, but it wouldn’t hurt just this once. "And then maybe we could take the 6th Avenue on the way home, the walk is a bit longer, but we get to pass next to the Bryant Park." 
“Perfect!” Win exclaimed, paying for their new clothes and pulling Lyddie with her. Soon Win had a coffee in hand while Lyddie snacked on her treat. “What d’you think the boys have been up to while we’ve been gone?” she mused.
"I don't really know what boys do together... watching porn, playing video games, sleeping," Lydia suggested, tilted her head as her thumb made circles on the back of Win's hand. "Thank God I left some food for them, so they don't burn the entire building down tryin’ to make something." 
“Very good idea.  I know you all like to joke about my cooking abilities, but I trust them even less in the kitchen,”’ Win laughed.  “I’m glad they’re getting along now,” she added, her voice sobering.
"Aw c’mon, you're getting so much better in the kitchen, I actually like your food!"  Lydia leaned against Win, kissing her cheek softly. "It makes me happy to see them having fun, they really are like a pair of twins... it's so cute to watch." 
Win smiled as she sipped her coffee. “They really are, I’m glad he gets to sort of have a brother again,” she mused, looping her arm with Lyddie’s as they walked. She was glad Lydia had suggested this route; the park was lovely. 
"Yeah, let's just hope his mum doesn't have a fit when she sees the two of them," Lydia laughed, distracted by the crunchy sound of the fallen leaves. "She freaked out about his power, imagine if she knows about the multiverse theory." 
“Well, her boyfriend’s a dog, so I think she’ll be able t’handle a little more weird news,” Win laughed. “Though, you know, I’ve never met her... not officially. Like I saw her at his... funeral, but...” Win trailed off, not wanting to think about that. 
"Ah yeah, they should be getting married soon too, like next year I think. She's gonna love you, she loves me," Lydia mused, looking up at the gray sky, “and you're a lot more lovable," she teased. "One day you'll meet my mum too, at least I hope so." 
Win squeezed Lyddie’s arm. “I’m sure I will,” she said, smiling softly up at her fiancé as they neared their building. 
Before Lydia reached for her keychain, she pulled Win close. "I can't seem to find my keys... maybe after a kiss I'll remember where they are."  She wanted to enjoy the last few moments of Win's undivided attention.
Win cocked an eyebrow at Lyddie, a smirk snaking across her face. “Well, if that’ll jog your memory...” she mused, pulling Lyddie close and pressing her lips firmly to hers, deepening the kiss willingly, her hands lingering at her finace’s waist.
"Here,” Lydia pulled the keys from her back pocket, slightly dizzy with the feeling of Win's lips, "let's see what the boys didn't destroy while we were gone." She opened the first door.
Win slipped her hand in Lydia’s, twining their fingers together as they made their way back to their apartment door.
“Wait,” she said, stopping Lyddie as she tried to put the key in the lock. “One more kiss,” she pleaded.
"As many as you want, sweetheart."  Lyddie placed her hand on the back of Win's neck before their lips crashed once again. Their passionate kiss was only interrupted by the unmistakable sound the boys causing of a ruckus in the apartment.
Groaning, Win reluctantly pulled back, breaking the kiss. “We better see what they’re on about,” she muttered, letting Lyddie open the door. As soon as Win and Lydia stepped into the room, Win’s Nathan jumped up. “I’m th’sex genius! Tell him!” he exclaimed. “He’s just th’regular genius!”
"I don't know what I was expecting..." Lydia looked at Win. "What are you two even saying?" 
"Y’know, the other day, that thing about one of us bein' smart, and the other bein' good at sex! He thinks he's the sexy one! Tell him, Lyds!" her Nathan rushed to kiss her neck and prove his point.
Win glanced over at Lydia, trying to hold back her laughter as her Nathan approached, biting his lip seductively. "Tell him, Winnie. I'm th'best at sex, right?"
"Both of you are the best at sex, that was a joke! Every time Simon and I would disagree on something like that, dad would say: one of you is right and the other gets a cookie," Lydia laughed, mussing her Nathan's hair. "Don't worry, you're both irresistible."
Win's Nathan pouted, glaring over at his twin. "I feel tricked," he muttered with a sour twist to his lips.
"Aw, poor baby, what do I have to do to make you believe me?" Lydia squished his face between her hands.
"I can think of a few things," he replied, his lips twitching as Win rolled her eyes.
"And what things did you have in mind?" Lydia drawled. 
"Hey! Not fair!" Lyddie's Nathan protested. "Y'know she likes the pout, that's playin' dirty!"
"Why don't y'take off your clothes and I'll show yeh," Win's Nathan winked, ignoring his brother and pulling Lyddie into the room. 
"Oh my God," Win muttered, carrying the shopping bag inside as she pressed the door shut with her back.
"Can y'believe that shit?" Lyddie's Nathan watched as his clone disappeared into the bedroom with Lydia. "You don't think he's better at sex, do ya?"  He took the bags from Win, trying not to sound too insecure.
Win gave him a long suffering look before stepping into his space, taking his hands in hers. "No, I don't think he's better," she murmured, catching his eye. "I think you're both amazing, just in different ways."
"I'll take it... maybe we're just both geniuses," Lyddie's Nathan nodded slowly. "Any chance y'wanna take your clothes off too?"  He gave her a hopeful look.
“Mayyyybe,” she teased, letting go of his hands to slowly lift the hem of her shirt.
"Shower or couch?" Lyddie's Nathan asked, hypnotized by the sight of Win's thighs.
“Whatever you’d rather, mister sex genius,” she laughed, letting the rest of her clothes drop to the floor.
"So, what did you wanna show me, Natty?" Lydia threw her leggings across the room. 
“Wanted t’show you my sexual prowess, so you don’t forget who th’real sex genius is,” he purred, getting naked as well.
"I remember saying you're both sex geniuses..." she mumbled, too distracted by Win's Nathan. "But I'm not opposed to that, you can show me." 
Tossing her down to the bed, Win’s Nathan practically leapt atop her, pulling her legs open, his mouth dragging down the inside of her thigh. “I love you, Lyddie, you’re so fucking hot, babe,” he groaned against her skin as his hands wandered higher.
"Oh, I love you too," Lydia breathed, arching into his touch, her fingers buried in his curls. "Please, baby, I want you so bad," she begged, hoping he would understand what she wanted. 
Not one for drawn out foreplay, Win's Nathan buried his face between Lydia's thighs, lapping at her clit eagerly, his fingers sliding into her, pumping several times before he switched tactics, pulling out to circle her other hole, easing her into it like the last time.
"Nathan..." Lydia didn't expect that, but she wasn't complaining, she wanted to feel the way she felt that day. "That's so good, Natty, you're so good to me." 
“Yeah? Y’like that?” he asked, lifting his face to look at her. “I wanna make y’feel so good,” he murmured, pressing slowly into her, working her til he could fit two fingers while he sucked at her clit. 
Lydia gasped, carefully watching Win's Nathan's movements. "Yeah, I love it when you fill me like that." She’d been reluctant to try taking both Nathans at the same time like Win did, but she wanted more. 
“You want more, Lyddie? Y’want my cock?” Win’s Nathan asked, eager to give it to her. “
"Yes! Yes, please, Natty, I want you," Lydia whined, squirming. "But..." she wasn't sure if she ever made that request before. "Be gentle with me?"
“Course, love,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, bending to place one more chaste kiss to her cunt before crawling atop her to reach in the bedside drawer for a condom and some lube, pausing to kiss her thoroughly.  Wrapped and lubed up he pressed his tip to her hole, watching her face carefully as his thumb circled her clit. “You ready?” he asked breathlessly. 
"I'm ready," Lydia felt a mix of excitement and anxiety though she knew everything would be fine. Win's Nathan (just like her own) could be a huge asshole, but he was a caring one. She trusted him to make sure she was okay and to stop if she wanted, he said it himself, he wanted to make her feel good. "I love you." 
“I love you too, Lyds,” he replied, his expression softening as he said it, grinning down at her before he slowly pressed into her. Taking his time, centimeter by centimeter, letting her adjust as he filled her. “Fuck, you’re so tight. This tight little arsehole’s all mine,” he groaned, fighting not to come already. 
"All yours..." Lydia threw her head back with a loud moan. It felt weird at first, but after she got used to it, she started really enjoying herself. "Kiss me," she nearly whispered, looking back at him, his words still sending shivers down her spine. 
Still moving slowly, pulling out to slide back into her, the slow pace and her tightness almost too much, Nathan obeyed, leaning forward to kiss her, hoping it would distract him so he could hold out longer, wanting to make sure she felt just as good as he did. “Fuck, Lyddie, you’re such a good girl,” he murmured against her lips. “You’re takin’ my cock so well,” he groaned, bracing himself with one hand so the other could continue to massage her clit. 
Lydia moaned into Win's Nathan's kiss, feeling her pleasure building up fast "I wanna be good for you," she whimpered. "I'm getting close, keep going, Natty, please, I need you." 
“I’m close too, sweetheart,” he mumbled, keeping his thrusts measured while his fingers mashed desperately against her clit. “Fuck, I need you too. You’re so good t’me. So good.” He could feel his climax building. “Come for me Lyddie, please!” 
"Oh, Nathan!" Lydia cried out, letting that delicious rush take over, capturing his lips again to avoid screaming too loud with the intensity of her climax. "Come for me, daddy," she panted, not even stopping to think before the words spilled out of her mouth. 
At Lydia’s words, Win’s Nathan’s eyes shot open and as if it were a switch being flipped inside him, he came almost instantly, crying out in pleasure as he gave several last jerky thrusts, filling the condom. “Holy fuck,” he exclaimed wearily, pulling out of Lyddie and looked down at her in wonder. “Where did that come from?” he exclaimed, panting. “Not that I’m complainin’, just... Jesus.”
"I don't know," Lydia laughed, hiding against a pillow to cover how red she was. "I couldn't help it, it just felt... oh my God–” She wanted to disappear, but at the same time she was glad he seemed to like it. 
Nathan quickly pulled the condom off, tossing it in the trash can before pulling the pillow away from Lydia’s face so he could see her. “You have no idea how fuckin’ hot that was. Please, call me that again when we’re... y’know,” he begged, peppering her with kisses. 
"I thought I had that one under control, the one kink I managed to hide from you all," Lydia pulled him close with a giggle, still trying to hide from him. "But I'll do it if you like it... that was really good, I didn't think it would be, but it was." 
“Wait, so y’never called th’other me that before?” Win’s Nathan asked incredulously, feeling rather special, pulling Lyddie into his arms. 
"No, I was too embarrassed, but you did just take my virginity.”  Lydia kissed the beauty mark next to his collar bone. "Well, half of it anyway, I was feeling kinda... vulnerable." 
“Aw baby,” he cooed, running his fingers through her long hair. “I love yeh so much. I feel incredibly lucky t’share this with you...” he murmured, looking up at her through his long lashes. 
"You're so sweet, sometimes I forget how adorable you can be." Lydia twisted one of Nathan's curls, pressing her lips to his jaw. "Next time I could do it to you... if that's something you want." 
Nathan’s eyebrows rose. “I’d like that,” he replied, swallowing. It had been a while since he’d been pegged and the thought of another first with Lyddie excited him. “You look so hot with that strap-on on.”
"We can certainly make it happen." Lydia stretched before carefully sitting up. "I'm so thirsty, do you want something?" she looked back before taking his shirt and putting it on.
"C'mere," Lyddie's Nathan took Win's hand as they headed to the bathroom. "Let's relax a little, shall we?"
“That sounds nice,” Win murmured, letting Lyddie’s Nathan lead her, trying not to look too excited.
"I bet it does."  He smacked Win's ass before turning the shower on and stepping in and taking her hand. "Y'look so sexy right now,"
Win stepped into the shower after him, tripping slightly to land against his slick chest, the water soaking them both.
"Careful, Winnie." Lyddie's Nathan held her close before leaning in to kiss her, his hands sliding with ease up and down her body.
"Guess I can't help falling for you," Win joked, grimacing at how cheesy the line sounded as soon as it came out of her mouth, quickly pressing her face to his chest as she wrapped her arms around his back.
"That's so cute!" Nathan chuckled, he wanted to hold her forever, but he also wanted to fuck her until she screamed. "Turn around for me, sweetheart, against the wall."
Win obeyed, pausing to take one of his hardened nipples into her mouth, flicking her tongue against it before biting down gently. As she turned, she looked at him seductively over her shoulder, swaying her ass enticingly as she bent over.
"Fuck, Winnie," Lyddie's Nathan growled, smacking her ass once more, harder this time. "Y'love bein' a little tease don'tcha?"  He wrapped one arm around her, his fingers quickly finding her clit, massaging it slowly.
“Yeah, you like it too,” Win said with a cocky smirk, gasping as he touched her.
"You're right about that, love," Lyddie's Nathan purred, kissing her neck and kneading her breasts while the tip of his cock teased her entrance. "Tell me, what you want, Winnie."
“I want you t’fuck me til I’m screaming,” she replied, arousal coursing through her as he teased her folds. “I want you t’fill me. Use me, Natty,” she begged, so different from the other day when she wanted him to be gentle.
"Naughty little thing..." Lyddie's Nathan took both of Win's hands, pinning her against the wall and pressing his body against her. "Be a good girl for me and tell me when you're close," he demanded while slowly filling her completely.
“Ahh—“ Win cried, moaning as Lyddie’s Nathan pushed into her, holding her so she couldn’t move. “Yes, Natty,” she gasped, surprised at just how commanding he could be. She’d never seen her Nathan like that before.
"Hmmm you feel so good, baby girl," Lyddie's Nathan murmured, his other hand making its way to Win's neck, his fingers just lightly pressing into her skin, but without choking her yet. "Look at’cha... so beautiful, so well behaved for me."
“Mhmm,” Win whined, heat filling her as his hand circled her throat. With each rough thrust she rocked against the wall, the water not quite drowning out the lewd slap of his skin on hers as he pounded into her from behind. “Please Nathan,” she whimpered, her legs shuddering.
With a smirk, Lyddie's Nathan slightly tightened his grip on Win's neck while thrusting firmly into her. "That's right, Winnie... y'like that? Does it feel good?"  He had only done this once to her, and the first time was slightly traumatic, so he just wanted to make sure everything was okay.
“Fuck yes. Yes, it feels good! Just like that, please Nate! I’m so close!” Win cried, her voice hoarse with his hand tightening against her throat. She was seeing stars already, the heady mixture of pain and pleasure filling her. “God, please!” she whined.
"Come for me, baby, you've been so good, my good girl deserves it," Lyddie's Nathan kissed the back of Win's neck, mercilessly slamming into her, each vigorous thrust pushing him closer to the edge.
Win cried out as her orgasm slammed into her, intensified by the lack of oxygen, and she gave a loud keening whine, unable to articulate words.
"Jesus, Winnie, you're so hot," Lyddie's Nathan moaned, pleasure blurring his vision for a moment before he was able to focus again. "Are you okay?" he immediately let go of Win's neck and took her in his arms.
“I—I think so,” she murmured weakly, though her legs felt like water and she was still a little lightheaded. “God, that was hot, babe,” she panted, holding onto him.
"Yeah, it was..." Lyddie's Nathan turned the shower off and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around Win's limp body to keep her warm. "Y'did so good, I love you so much, princess." 
“I love you too, Nathan,” Win replied, pressing a kiss to his wet chest. She didn’t know what it was about him that made her so eager to obey, to please him, but she liked it. He made her feel safe, even with his hand around her throat.
"Let's sit down a bit, alright?" Lyddie's Nathan wrapped a towel around his waist and carried Win out to the couch, unsure if the others were done or not. "I'll get some water for ya," he ran to the kitchen.
“Thank you, babe,” Win murmured as he returned, taking a sip of the water. “Am I gunna have a bruise?” she asked, her lips curling at the thought as she snuggled against him.
"I think so," Lyddie's Nathan smiled, kissing her forehead. He sure loved to be rough, but the aftercare was always the best part. "I could always make it disappear..." he teased.
Win pouted up at him. “Please don’t, at least not yet. I want them t’see,” she murmured, kissing his neck lazily.
"Ah, I see... y'wanna show off, y'little tart," Lyddie's Nathan laughed. "Okay, I like it."
"Is everyone decent?" Lydia knocked from the inside of the room. 
"Absolutely not," her Nathan shouted back.
Win’s Nathan pulled his boxers on before following Lydia out to the other room, finding Win curled up in his twin’s lap on the couch, still wet from their ‘shower’.  “Jesus Win,” he exclaimed as he caught sight of the darkening bruise around her neck. How hard had he choked her? he wondered, his stomach flipping slightly.
"Oh yeah, look at that," Lydia lifted Win's chin and placed a kiss to her neck. "I love it when he does that. Don't worry, honey, it's not bad," she turned to Win's Nathan before heading to the kitchen while her Nathan watched her, rather proud of himself.
Win’s Nathan chewed his lip, unable to quite tear his gaze from the bruise as he took a spot on the couch. “Does it hurt?” he asked. 
“Mmm, not really, it’s just a little tender,” Win mused, pulling Lyddie’s Nathan’s arms around her as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “I’m fine, babe, really,” she assured him, grinning sleepily, worn out. When Lyddie returned with her own water, Win’s Nathan caught her, pulling her into his lap as well.
"Careful," she moved to find a comfortable position. "I'm also a little tender," she whispered in his ear before kissing his neck. "So I see you had fun," she took Win's hand. 
"That's an understatement..." her Nathan gloated. He thought it was hot to leave bruises, if Win wanted she could always borrow Lyddie's power. He didn't really understand why his clone got so upset.
“Mhmm,” Win hummed contently, eyeing Lyddie and the way she shifted in Nathan’s lap, her expression tensing for the briefest moment. “What about you, hmm?” she asked, running her thumb over Lydia’s knuckles.
"Oh you know... it was fun," Lyddie grinned, trying not to look too excited. "We had a good time." 
"Seems you were right then," her Nathan didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, “we are both sex geniuses."
Win laughed. “You really are,” she agreed, curious exactly what all her Nathan and Lyddie had done, but if she didn’t wanna say, she wouldn’t press. “So what did you two get up to while Lyds and I went shopping?” she asked, eyeing both Nathans curiously.
"Talkin', y'know, wedding stuff and whatnot." Lyddie's Nathan shrugged. 
"Aww, you two were planning wedding stuff? That's so cute!" Lydia cried. 
"Yeah, we were thinkin' maybe with a little magic, we could get married, like legally."
“Wait, really?” Win asked, sitting up straighter. “That’s amazing!”
“It was my idea!” her Nathan exclaimed proudly.
"You're full of great ideas..." Lydia pulled him closer. "It's gonna be perfect." 
"Hey! What are you sayin'? That I don't have great ideas?" her Nathan folded his arms. 
"No, sweetie, both of you have great ideas," she got up to take the empty glasses to the sink. 
"That's right," her Nathan exclaimed, giving her a playful smack. "Jesus," she hissed. "Easy there."
“Yeah, careful killer,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, watching Lyddie as she passed.
"Wha- Lyds! You're always complainin' I don't hit you hard enough!" Lyddie's Nathan shook his head. 
"Well... today you gotta be a little more careful,” she chastised, fighting a smirk.
“Lyddie!” Win exclaimed. “Did you let him fuck you in the arse?” she cried.
"Wait, what?" Lyddie's Nathan nearly screamed. "Did ya?" 
"I might've..." she snapped back, unable to look anyone in the eye.
“Did you like it?” Win asked, reaching for her hand. In her excitement she hadn’t meant to embarrass her.
"Yeah, it was good, did you?" she asked Win's Nathan, knowing his response.
“D’you even have t’ask? It was amazing. You’re amazing,” he insisted, wrapping his arm around her.
"You too, babe... now, enough about my arse!”  She leaned into his embrace, feeling her cheeks burn.  "We're gonna get married, for real, that's exciting!"
“I can’t wait,” Win sighed. “We should probably start planning.”
14 notes · View notes
corysmiles · 3 years
Friendly Giant - Puffy and Foolish side of the story:
Would there ever be a moment where one of the crew members or Puffy fell into the water, and Foolish scoops them up, placing them back on board? (What if Puffy accidentally fell when trying to give Foolish some of the meat-?)
Tossed to the Sharks
Friendly Giant AU- Admiral Puffy Spinoff
Giant Foolish- Tiny Puffy
CW: language
Notes: I didn’t plan on writing an actual fic about Puffy but this ask was just too good to pass up
As soon as the crew disappeared into the lower parts of the ship to sleep Puffy got to work.
The twinkling stars above her lit up the deck in pinpricks of light while the steady rocking of the ocean tried desperately to knock her off her feet. Even so, she marched across the deck like a steady machine, throwing almost-spoiled meat from their food barrels onto the wooden floor. The smell was rancid and the sound of it slapping against the deck was disgusting, but she knew Foolish wouldn’t mind. And the crew mates wouldn’t notice the absence of a couple pieces of spoiled meat.
As the pile grew steadily she stretched her arms up in the air, taking a deep breath of the freezing air. The bristly feeling of fresh air in her throat was refreshing after so much time in the belly of the ship. Her crew always complained about the darkness of it but there wasn’t much she could do so far from their home.
They’d been out there for weeks with still no sign of land. But they’d stay out for at least a month more. She really hoped that this time they’d find the land they’d been searching for, and it didn’t hurt that this time they had a new “crewmate” following them along. Even if the crew wasn’t fully aware of their new giant “friend.”
Puffy stomped over to the edge of the ship and stared down into the dark churning water. A long winding shadow passed underneath which would scare any reasonable sailor.
But Puffy didn’t become admiral for being reasonable.
“Dinner time!” she whistled before chucking a large slab of beef into the water.
It didn’t even touch the surface before a flash of dark gray scales burst out from the water. All Puffy saw was the reflection of moonlight against jagged teeth before the leviathan disappeared again. The only sign he was still there was the occasional iridescent fin that popped up through the water.
“Still hungry?” Puffy called out as she hauled another large chunk of meat into her arms.
Almost immediately the tip of the giant’s massive tail poked out of the water. Even the tip was easily three times her height, and when it splashed down again small drops of water fell against Puffy’s skin.
The admiral grinned as she stumbled towards the edge with the meat tucked under her arm. When she got close enough she could just barely see the reflective gloss of Foolish’s eyes from under the water. It was weirdly cat-like but she didn’t really mind.
“Got a couple more for you big guy,” Puffy smiled as she pushed the meat up onto her shoulder. Slowly she trudged forward until her chest pressed against the railings. The harsh rocking of the ship didn’t help her catch her balance, but she thought she’d be fine. She was a sailor after all. She was used to it.
Except the storm above them didn’t seem to agree. The moment she felt the meat leave her hands a wave crashed into the ship. She frantically tried to grab onto the rails but the water slammed into her body and before she knew it she was tossed into the sea.
A loud scream left her mouth as water flooded her lungs. She tried to push herself to the surface but ever time she got close a wave would push her head back underwater.
She tried to scream for help but it only let more water into her throat.
She was going to die.
The thought crashed into her like a bomb. She clawed again at the surface, but there was no use. Every moment she spent under the water was a second closer to her death.
There was nothing she could do…And no one was awake.
Slowly, she felt her vision darken as she lost her last breaths of air. She couldn’t even feel her arms anymore, everything felt numb.
That’s when a weight slammed into her sending her flying into the air. She gasped like a fish out of water the moment she hit the surface, feeling the world come back to her like an explosion.
The heavy weight pressed into her chest as she fell back into the water, but this time her head stayed just above the surface. When she looked down she saw giant curved claws wrapped around her chest.
“Oh my- are you okay?” Foolish gasped as two giant eyes peered at Puffy.
The admiral blinked away her confusion as she recognized the person- well, giant- in front of her.
“You saved me,” Puffy breathed before she let herself relax into his massive hand.
“Yeah- yes of course,” Foolish hummed. The scales above his eyes scrunched down at her words.
Puffy smiled and pressed her face against the cold wet scales covering the giant’s fingers. She wouldn’t tell Foolish but part of her had feared that he would mistake her for another piece of meat…She doubted she’d feel much different to him in his mouth.
But even so the giant held her like she’d break at any moment as large concerned eyes bore into her own.
Carefully, she felt herself be lifted until she was dangling far over the water. Foolish nudged his face against her chest before dropping her back down onto the deck of the ship. The feeling of solid ground under her was like a breath of fresh air.
“Are you going to be okay?” the leviathan murmured nervously as his tail wrapped around the side of the boat keeping it steady.
“Mhm,” Puffy nodded. She knew the giant was worried but she was so exhausted she could barely finish her thoughts.
Nearly dying did that to a person she guessed.
“Alright uh okay,” Foolish mumbled, “I’ll stay here just sleep, okay?”
Puffy nodded again before letting her head fall back against the wood. It was nowhere near as comfortable as her bed below deck, but the thought of getting up made her feel sick. The floor would have to do.
Just before she drifted off to sleep she felt a heavy weight rest over body like a blanket. With blurred eyes she saw the smooth tip of Foolish’s tail rest on the deck beside her as it draped over her body.
She wrapped her arms around the thick muscle and within seconds she was out.
The leviathan only unwrapped it’s tail from the ship when the sun rose over the water again.
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tempenensis · 4 years
Jujusanpo #8
They go to Sendai! Itadori eats too much and get stomachache even though they have mission. Title is “Business trip to Sendai”. Translation under the cut.
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Itadori (I) : “Ooh, after long time not going home, this place is nostalgic after all. I’m home, I’m home, I’m home… Welcome home, welcome home, welcome home…”
Kugisaki (K): “Oi, Itadori…”
I: “See? Just like I said, it’s like Tachika—”
K: “Roundhouse kick! How can there are two Parco?!”
I: “Whaat?”
K: “This place is too urban! Never say that you are from countryside again!”
I: “It’s not a countryside! That’s why I said this place looks like Tachikawa when we went there!”
K: “Uugh”
I: “Eh? What is it?”
K: “Nothing here really feels like ‘City of Trees’ (1). This place is just Tachikawa.”
I: “I said only in the front of station. If we walk out a little bit, you can actually feel the ‘City of Trees’. Sendai is a good place, you know.”
K: “What are doing? Boasting? Don’t act like you are city people.”
I: “Then what should I do…?”
K: “By the way, where’s Fushiguro? Is he lost?”
I: “Huh? Now that you say it, he’s not here.”
K: “Oi, look over there. He’s alone messing alone with his phone. Is he playing erotic game?”
Fushiguro (F): “No, I’m not. I’m looking for beef tongue restaurant.”
I+K: “Beef tongue restaurant.”
F: “Didn’t you guys said you want to eat it?!”
I: “O-oh. My bad. You’re right.”
K: “So?”
F: “Ha?”
K: “Did you find the beef tongue restaurant?”
F: “I found it.”
K: “Why are you getting angry?”
F: “You should understand at least that! By the way Itadori, aren’t you one of locals? Don’t you know any restaurant?”
I: “Uhh… I didn’t really eat out a lot…”
K: “Locals actually don’t eat out that much, right? So, how about that restaurant?”
F: “For now, let’s go inside the station. The restaurant is called ‘Gyuutandoori’. It seems to be a famous restaurant and a lot people goes there.”
K: “Eeh? Isn’t better to go to other place that isn’t for tourist? I want to go around the city and feel the ‘City of Trees’ atmosphere!”
F: “Tch. I thought you’d be like that. How about here?”
K: “Ooh, a restaurant founded in ’52..”
I: “Aah, I know this place. It’s famous among the locals.”
K: “The restaurant that said to be the first to started business and the ancestor of beef tongue. Hm. Nice. Then, it’s decided.”
I: “Yes, let’s go!”
. . .
I+K+F : “Let’s eat!”
I: “Delicious! Is this a lie? Is beef tongue really taste this good?”
F: “Even if you say it, I don’t care.”
K: “The strip is fine, the smokiness too, this is a perfect beef tongue. On top of it, it’s simple salt taste.”
I: “Uh oh. I think I can eat twenty bowls of rice with this.”
F: “If you eat too much, you won’t be able to do the mission.”
I: “I’m coming to the mission, too! It’s alright!! Excuse me, seconds please!”
K: “By the way, why is it beef tongue goes with barley rice? It does also come with yam…”
F:  “After the war, when the American army left Sendai, beef tongue and tails was left to the Japanese to be used. For that reason, beef tongue and tail soup were made into a set meal. After that, there was food shortage and white rice was substituted by barley rice.”
I: “The first person to thought of eating beef tongue was a genius.”
K: “The soup and soup stock are nice, it also has meat.”
F: “The misokatsu (2) also seems to be famous.”
K: “I also want to taste the one with strong taste but…”
I: “Well, since we took the trouble to come here, why don’t we try it?”
K: “If you eat too much and can’t move later, I‘m not taking care of you.”
I: “I told you, it’s alright! Excuse me, one misokatsu set meal, please.”
K: “The set meal? Fushiguro, what about the next restaurant?”
F: “Huh?”
K: “Since we took trouble to get here, let’s go to Sendai sweets, too!”
F: “Google it yourself!”
. . .
I+K: “Ooh, three colors!”
F: “This shop was founded during Meiji era, the three-colored mochi with zunda(3), sesame, and walnut fillings is famous.”
K: “If we’re talking about Sendai sweets, it can only be zunda mochi. Zunda is edamame, right? Why do you think sake snack(4) is made into sweets?”
F: “I don’t know.”
I: “But you somehow always end up telling us. Fushiguro is really kind.”
F: “It doesn’t matter if you end up not listening.”
K: “What is that, are you saying I never listen when you are telling me stuff?”
F: *ignore her, eating* “Hmm.. this walnut tastes good.”
K: “Listen to me! Anyway the right way is to eat the zunda first.”
I: “Hm. Hm. The sesame mochi is good too!”
K: “Oi!”
I: “Eat quickly, Kugisaki. Otherwise we won’t be able to go to the next shop.”
K: “Haa? You still want to eat?”
I: “Since we took the trouble to come here. I never eat a lot of local specialties. Oh! There’s also oshiruko (5)! Excuse me, one oshiruko please!”
F: “Kugisaki, you said you wanted to enjoy Sendai gourmet too, right? Just eat it already. We’re running out of time.”
K: “I’m eating!” *eating* “Zunda tastes delicious. The edamame is good, don’t look down on edamame’s potential.” *gulp* “Yosh! Next!”
I: “Wa-wait, I’m still— I’m squeezing it—”
. . .
K: “Eh? Why cold noodles?”
F: “Cold noodles seems to come from Sendai.”
I: “Eeeh?”
K: “You really don’t know a thing about locals. By the way, the place where cold noodle comes from… it keeps getting farther from ‘City of Trees’ feelings.”
I: “Um. Cold noodles is delicious! This taste good! Excuse me, gyoza and shumai, and Mappo too please.”
K: “How much are you eating?”
I: “Well, we ate sweets before? Now that we eat something salty, I’m getting hungry again.”
F: “You… you are really going to hurt yourself when we get to the mission.”
K: “Usually people choose three types.”
I: “I said it’s alright! Don’t underestimate my strength.”
K: “I don’t care.”
F: *sigh* “This cold noodles… eaten with sesame sauce is the most delicious.”
K: “As expected.”
F+K: *eating*
. . .
F: “Oi, Itadori. Oi, what are you doing?! We’re going to be late to mission!”
I: “Sorry.. wait a minute… I ate too much after all…”
F: “I told you so. How stupid can you be?!”
K: “Trying to hold back from buying and eating but finally gives in huh.”
I: “That last Kikufuku zunda with fresh cream now felt unnecessary. Mochi is dangerous— This is the first time in my life my stomach feel this full.”
K: “I thought you are an idiot, but I don’t know your stupidity goes this far.”
F: “I never saw an idiot like this.”
K: “Too stupid.”
I: “Don’t call me stupid too much.”
F+K: “What goes around comes around, stupid!”
(1)   City of trees (Mori no miyako) is Sendai city’s nickname (2)   Misokatsu : cutlets seasoned with miso (3)   Zunda : edamame cream. The one recommended and bought by Gojo when they went to Yuuji’s school lol. (4)   Sake snack : the snack eaten with sake when drinking. Edamame is a staple drinking snack. (5)   Oshiruko : red bean soup served with mochi
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
You Never Walk Alone | Chapter 3
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Poly!AU?, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Student!reader, Omega!Seokjin, Alpha!Yoongi, Beta!Hoseok, Alpha!Namjoon, Omega!Jimin, Beta!Taehyung, Alpha!Jungkook
Summary: You live a quiet life in your late grandfather’s cabin in the woods. You go to school just to graduate and get your diploma, not to make friends or stand out from the crowd. That was until one day, you enter your home to see a pack of wolves that need shelter.
You’re enjoying a nice picnic with Jimin when all of a sudden, you meet his 6 brothers and they all seek shelter in your home. 
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“Jimin. Would you like some fruit?” You asked as you packed your bag full of food. Jimin barked, wagging his tail. Honestly, he wasn’t even crazy about food but the fact that he could share something with you excited him.
“Alright, someone loves his fruit.” You snorted and packed bananas, grapes, apples and a small knife inside your bag. You made sure all the food containers were securely closer and you filled up two water bottles with cold water, one for you and one for Jimin. 
“Ready?” You smoothed down the skirt of your sundress. 
“Yes!” Jimin jumped. You laughed and patted his head. Jimin walked slightly ahead of you out of pure excitement. He led you to a spot right by the lake. 
“Here?” You took the blanket out of your bag and laid it down. To weigh it down, you put the food containers out. Jimin also sat his butt down on one corner to help you. 
“I got it bubba.” You winked and placed a container down. Jimin almost smiled in satisfaction and moved closer to you. 
“Thankfully the weather is perfect today.” You hummed. 
Jimin sat beside you, panting as he stared out into the lake. You ate your chicken sandwich while you put out some beef mince mixed with rice for him. You stopped eating when you heard him gobbling out the food and burying his entire face into the container beside you. When you laughed, he looked up at you, blinking in confusion.
“You’re so messy, Jimin.” Reaching out, you removed the rice grains that stuck to his nose. 
He shook his head, snorting while you moved away in laughter. You continued eating your sandwich while he finished his own food and was even licking the bowl clean. 
“Slow down, bub.” You stroked his head. He huffed at the sight of his now empty bowl but started eyeing his sandwich. 
“Hey, hey. No eyeing. This is mine.” You held your sandwich away. 
“No! Jimin! No!” You laughed as he put a paw in your lap to give him some leverage. He stood over you, his large weight and body making you fall back onto your back. You squealed as Jimin leaned down to eat the sandwich out of your hand. 
“No!” You shouted. Jimin moved back to his spot as you watched him eat the rest of your sandwich. You glared at him. 
“Yah! How dare you!” You slapped him repeatedly. Jimin just ate your food until all that was left where the breadcrumbs on the mat. He looked at you and you crossed your arms. 
“I’m not talking to you.” You scoffed, turning away as you ate some fruit. 
Jimin came behind you and you felt him put a paw against your back. You continued to ignore him but a small smile was on your face. Jimin continued to whine and whimper for your attention. Then you felt him rest his head on your shoulder, his fur against your ear and his damp nose touching your cheek lightly. His whines and whimpers got louder. 
“Excuse me, personal space.” You ducked out from under him. His ears folded down and he pawed you gently. 
“Alright! Alright! Geez. Here.” You broke half of the banana you were eating and held it out. Jimin’s ears perked up as he gently licked it up from your hand, chewing happily. 
“I wish we could stay here forever.” You threw an arm around his neck and leaned against him. 
“Her hugs always feel good.” Jimin closed his eyes.
“You know, I haven’t been here in a while because the last time I came here was with my granddad. The tide was high and he taught me to skip stones. When he passed away, I tried coming again but it felt lonely to just sit here alone.” Tears pooled in your eyes. 
“Don’t cry, (y/n).” Jimin turned to you with soft eyes. He gave a low whine and nudged you with his nose gently. 
“But now, I have you.” You leaned in to kiss his muzzle. He licked your cheek lightly and you smiled, ruffling his fur. You stood up and walked to the edge of the lake. Jimin walked over and stood by your side. 
The wind blew against your form, lightly pushing your hair back. Jimin looked up at you and your beauty. 
“Y-You...” Jimin was stunned. You looked down at Jimin, tilting your head in confusion as he just continued to stare at you. Jimin opened his mouth but couldn’t speak.
“Y-You’re my m- OOF!” Jimin was suddenly tackled by something. You screamed in shock, backing away in fear. 
“J-Jimin!” You screamed in horror as another wild wolf stood over Jimin. This wolf was bigger and a darker brown with black tips on his ears and tail. 
“T-Tae?!” The smaller wolf stared up at his best friend and beta wolf. His mind link was working again! Taehyung gave the same grin that he always had. Jimin turned to see your still shocked and scared expression, pushing Taehyung off him. He bumped his muzzle against Taehyung’s and Taehyung jumped up, putting his front paws around Jimin’s neck playfully. 
“Are you okay?” You asked Jimin. Jimin trotted over to you while Taehyung just stared, his head tilting at you. Jimin put his head under your hand so you could pet him. You smiled softly at him. 
“You... know him?” You bent down in front of him and Jimin let out a bark. 
You tried your best to hide your hurt and sadness with a smile. Of course, you were happy for Jimin to find a pack member but then, that meant you were alone again. 
“C-Congratulations... Jimin.” Your voice shook. Jimin blinked in confusion at your sudden change. What was wrong? 
“I... just remembered that I have some work to do.” You headed back to the picnic mat and bent down to pack everything up into your bag. Taehyung and Jimin stared at you. Jimin didn’t like your sudden coldness. You were giving off such sad emotions. 
“It... It was nice having you around, Jimin. Maybe... I’ll see you again soon.” You turned away before you could cry. 
“W-What...?” Jimin’s jaw hung open in shock as he watched your rushed form head back through the forest. He let out a sad whimper. 
“Who is she?” Taehyung asked. 
“Someone who took care of me and loves me. I need to go, Tae.” Jimin started walking in the direction of where you went to go back to your cabin. Taehyung followed behind him. 
“What about the hyungs and Jungkook?!” Taehyung barked. 
“I...I need to make sure that she’s okay.” Jimin ran to the cabin. Taehyung continued to follow him, not wanting to lose his brother again. Jimin went to the cabin and pawed at the door while he whimpered but you didn’t answer. Taehyung sniffed the area, the house was empty, there was no one inside. The two of them walked away. 
“Maybe she’s just walking.” Taehyung comforted. 
“Let’s go find the hyungs and Jungkook first. Where are they?” Jimin asked. Taehyung led the way. 
“We’ve been hiding in a cave. We’re getting a new house built nearby. They’ll be happy to see you again.” Taehyung jumped over a tree root and Jimin followed. 
“I couldn’t hear any of you through the mind link. But luckily I could see your crystals when I went to the lake.” Jimin said. 
“That’s weird but usually, strong emotions do block the mind link.” Taehyung explained as they came before the entranceway of a cave. As the two wolves entered deeper into the cave, Jimin could hear the familiar squabbling. Jimin couldn’t help but smile. 
“Hyungs! Jungkook!” He barked. 
“Jimin?! Is that really you?” All 5 wolves turned and rushed to him. Well, some were limping over. 
“Jin hyung! Hobi hyung! Are you okay?” Jimin panicked. 
“We were hit hard that even our sped up healing is taking a while. How have you been, Jimin? You look good.” Hoseok smiled despite the pain in his leg. Jimin thought about you and your sad expression. 
“I’ve been with a human. She found me the night I ran away and has been taking care of me ever since. She’s really nice, not like other humans! At first, she’s cold and seems like she doesn’t care but she’s really funny, loves to laugh and... vulnerable. I like being around her.” Jimin couldn’t help but smile at the thought of you. 
“Does she... know?” Namjoon asked. 
“Not yet. She’s fragile so I don’t want to scare her. It’s only been like 4 days.” Jimin shook his head. 
“Why don’t we go see her? Her cabin is near here. She’ll help Hoseok hyung and Jin hyung! This cave is not a good place. Maybe she’ll let us stay there until the house is built.” Jimin suggested. 
“I don’t know...” The pack members looked at each other uneasily. 
“Trust me! She’s not like other humans!” Jimin persuaded. They nodded their heads and followed Jimin to your cabin. He led the way. When they passed by a big, open field, Jimin saw in the middle. 
“J-Jimin?” You wiped the tears from your eyes as you looked at Jimin. He barked and ran towards you. Smiling, you opened your arms and let him jump at you. You wrapped your arms around him and laughed as you fell on the ground, letting him stand over you. 
“You’re back.” You smiled. There was another bark and you sat up to see 6 other wolves there, the same wolf as before with them. 
“Is this your pack?” You asked and Jimin barked. He nudged you to stand up and pushed you over to them. You bent down in front of them, holding a slightly shaky hand out. 
“You’re hurt.” You saw the white wolf with a layer of gold on his back limping. 
“Let me treat you?” You offered. Jimin barked and jumped. You walked back to your cabin with Jimin by your side, the 6 others following behind you. 
“Wait here.” You put your bag down and went to the kitchen. The 6 sniffed around the area. Jimin’s scent was definitely prominent in here, he was telling the truth. You offered him shelter. 
“Come. Whoever is injured.” You sat down. You scrolled on your phone to research on how to treat wolves. Hoseok gave Jimin an unsure look, who nodded back at him. He stepped forward and you gave a small smile. Opening the first aid kit, you took the bandages out. You saw a similar cut on his leg as Jimin had on his side. 
“This may hurt.” You warned and purple sprayed the wound. The wolf pulled away but you stroked his back comfortingly. 
“It’ll be okay. I’m sorry.” You hushed. Taking the gauze, you wrapped the bandage around his leg. When you were done, you assumed that was all until the light grey wolf stepped forward. 
“You’re hurt too?” You cooed. 
Jin lifted his front paw. When you touched it, he let out a growl. It was definitely inflamed and warm to the touch. You stood up and went to get an ice pack. The first thing you did was wrap his paw then gently laid the ice pack over it. You held your hands out. 
“Sit here. It’ll help take some pain off.” You cleared up and went to the kitchen to wash your hands. Turning, you saw the 7 wolves staring at you. 
“Huh?” You blinked.
“She’s amusing.” Jungkook scoffed. 
“Told ya~” Jimin sang as he headed over to you. His brothers watch as you bent down to ruffle his fur with a smile as you cut some fruits. You didn’t have much feed 7 wolves. 
“Have this first while I figure out what I can give you all. Sorry, I wasn’t expecting to feed 6 more wolves tonight, other than Jimin.” You sighed as you laid the fruit down. They sniffed and took a bite while you sat on the couch, keeping your distance and munching on a banana. Jimin jumped up and came to you, staring at you.
“You have some there! Why do you have to take mine?” You complained. Jimin just stepped closer to you. 
“Fine! Fine! Just take it! Food nabber.” You rolled your eyes and broke a piece off, holding it out to him. Jimin smiled in triumph and gobbled it. You shot him a dirty look as you ate the small leftovers of your fruit. 
“I don’t know if you’re here to stay but I’m glad you’re back, Jimin.” You ruffled his fur. 
Standing up, you cleared the empty plates that you used for the wolves and went to wash your hands. 
“I’ll be in my room. If you guys need me, Jimin knows where to find me.” You smiled and went upstairs to your room. You fell back on your bed, putting a hand against your chest. You were feeling overwhelmed. All of a sudden, there were 7 wolves in your home instead of just 1. 
“It’s alright. Calm down. They’re Jimin’s family and just needed your help and shelter.” You huffed.
“Jimin, are you planning to tell her?” Namjoon asked as Jimin sat back down. Jimin sighed, hanging his head low.
“I should but I don’t want to scare her. She’s... already going through so much.” Jimin sighed. He didn’t even get to declare what he wanted to declare at the lake because of Taehyung’s interruption. 
“She’s nice, Jimin. You’re right. She isn’t like the other humans.” Taehyung smiled. 
“I told you.” Jimin nodded in agreement. He left his brothers to go upstairs. Using his nose, he squeezed through and pushed the door open. You were humming to yourself as you arranged your bookshelf, so absorbed that you didn’t even notice Jimin entering. Jimin didn’t bother you, curling up on your fluffy carpet and just watching you. 
“Woah. You scared me there, partner.” You stepped back. 
“Jimin, are you happy to have found your family?” You asked and he lifted his head, wagging his tail. 
“Well, I’m happy you’re happy.” You giggled. You laid down, using his middle as your pillow. You snuggled into his warmth as he looked back at you with so much adoration and affection. 
“Sleep, (y/n). You’ve been through a lot today.” Jimin put his head down. His slow heartbeat was able to lull you to sleep. 
“You’ve really grown attached to this human, huh?” A voice said and Jimin lifted his head, careful of not moving too much to disturb you. 
“Hyung... I don’t know...” Jimin faced the all white wolf. 
“You’ve only been with her for 4 days and you’re so enchanted by her. Why are you so enamoured by her? Do you not remember what humans do to us? Those hunters? They’re humans. They’re all out to get us, Chim.” Yoongi growled lowly. 
“That’s different, hyung. (y/n) wouldn’t hurt us.” Jimin shook his head.
“And how are you so sure?” Yoongi glared.
“Because she cried when I left with Tae to find you. If she was going to hurt me, she would have taken the chance to when she found me injured. She wouldn’t have helped Jin hyung and Hobi hyung.” Jimin argued. 
“You’re hiding something.” Yoongi’s eyes widened in realisation as he moved back slightly.
“You’re hiding something. Taehyung said your mind link was blocked but mind links can never be blocked, especially one that is as strong as ours. It can only be blocked by... strong emotions.” Yoongi’s eyes travelled to you. 
“I don’t know either, hyung.” Jimin lied. 
“Come downstairs. We’re having a meeting.” Yoongi turned and walked downstairs. Your head had rolled off Jimin’s body so thankfully, he could get up without waking you. He stood on your bed and grabbed your blanket, pulling it over your sleeping form to cover you. Turning to give you one last glance, he walked downstairs to meet with his brothers. 
By the time you woke up, the sun had set. You were lying in your room, alone on the floor, with the blanket over you. 
“Jimin?” You called. There was no replying sound. Rubbing your eyes, you stood up and tossed your blanket back on your bed as you headed downstairs. There were no sounds. 
“Jimin?” You called again, searching the kitchen, bathroom and living room. You even went outside to find it empty. 
“Jimin...” You whispered and fell onto the dirt. He...left? 
You felt a lump in your throat. Once again, you were alone. Jimin had probably left with his pack, go back to the wild where he belonged. You didn’t own him and he didn’t owe you anything. He didn’t need to stay now that he was reunited with his brothers. 
“A goodbye would have sufficed.” You chuckled bitterly as you wiped your tears. There was a howl, followed by leaves crunching. 
“Jimin?” You turned around, only to be faced with an unfamiliar wolf. He growled at you, bearing his canines as he stepped towards you. His eyes glowed red and you scrambled back. 
“S-Stay back!” You shouted. 
This wolf snapped his jaws at you as you gulped. He leapt forward and almost got your ankle but you reeled your legs back. This was how you were going to die. 
Suddenly, there was a flash and 7 wolves stood in front of you. They flashed their canines, growling and hissing. You knew them, well, one of them. It was Jimin! The bigger, black wolf brother of Jimin barked at the enemy and he ran away. You sighed in relief, bursting into tears as you wrapped your arms around Jimin, crying. 
“I...I thought you left again! I was so scared! I... I... I... thought I was going to... die.” You cried into his neck. Something wet touched your arm. 
“H-Hello. Sorry.” You faced Jimin’s brother, wiping your tears in embarrassment. The dark grey wolf was also bigger than Jimin. He panted, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth as he whined. 
“Thank you. I’m fine.” You chuckled. You held your hand out and Jungkook looked at Jimin, who nodded. 
“Just put your head under your hand. She wants you to do it only if you want to.” Jimin explained. Jungkook ducked down slightly, putting his head under your palm. 
“Your fur is so soft.” You said in awe. 
“Thank you for protecting me. Sorry, you had to see that. As I always tell Jimin, I’m a little crazy and overboard sometimes.” You turned to all 7 of them, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly. Standing up, you dusting your clothes and went into the house. The 7 followed. 
“No more beef, bub. But I’ll mix chicken and pork.” You tried to console as Jimin poked his head into the freezer to see what meat you were taking out to cook for their dinner. 
Jimin scowled, giving you the same flat look. You raised your hands in defence as you took out the packs of mince to thaw. 
“Your fault for not warning me about guests.” You shrugged and cooked some rice. Looks like you’ll have to go grocery shopping again soon. 
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duskyskz · 3 years
50/50 - Chapter 1
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Warnings - Toxic relationship, verbal/physical assault (NOT with main pairing), eventual smut but very very slow burn, boxer minho, trust issues reader, development on dom/sub dynamics, sex education to a degreedetailed tags to come with individual chapters.
After the final straw in your patience and self confidence leads you to moving in with your neighbour, you spend months unlearning bad habits and opening doors you shut yourself out from in your last relationship.
Word count: 5.5k
Minho watched as you picked up the corn cob, placing it gingerly in the basket on your arm, moving onto asparagus sprouts. How own hands are empty, not yet having decided on the groceries he craves that week. Instead he watches, from the irritated skin on your wrist to the focus of your eyes as you inspect potato bags in the next stall over. He’s just a neighbour from the same apartment complex, he’s seen you a handful of times at most before the current week yet since he started noticing your steps he can’t seem to stop.
You breathe out heavily, adjusting the basket on your forearm and he stills, frowning when you readjust the woven handle once more along your arm. There’s a coloured faintness there, and traces of fingerprints that make his stomach twist inside out uneasily. He knows your name, as of a few days ago. It looks like it aches. It’s still an urgent boundary to cross, what he’s about to suggest.
“You could stay the night with me, if you want. If that’d be easier.” He’s only a step behind you, having followed you quietly down most of the farmers’ market now. The sunhat he recognises you from by now bounces among the sea of hagglers on a wednesday morning. “I know fights in relationships can be rough, so if you need a place to crash for the night, my couch is free.”
You wish you could tell him how much you cannot possibly do that, but Minho’s offer is so innocent and well-intended you don’t have the heart to outright decline. “Thank you, Minho, but we’re fine. I’ll be alright.”
He doesn’t need to read into your smile to understand the rejection, trying not to let it phase him at the implication you’d be going home again that night. He knew better than to ask if you needed help carrying your bags after the first time he’d offered and your knuckles turned white.
“Alright. But you know my flat number if, right? If something happens.”
“If something happens.” You promise, and leave him with a nagging sense of discomfort as your dress fades into the morning crowds.
You don’t think of doing it as you enter the concrete building block and pass the elevator to the staircase. It would be too inappropriate, too out of the question to even consider. A night at another person’s house? At another man’s house, even more so! No way would you consider breaking a rule like that. You couldn’t step out of line like that. Yet as you passed the third floor, one you now knew held the possibility of the unexplored, you hesitated for a moment.
No, surely it wouldn’t be worth the scolding you’d get after. Would you even be able to sit still for an hour, without twitching? The handprint shaped bruise on your wrist still aches dully with the weight of the food basket as you open the door to your shared apartment two floors higher. You no longer notice the relief that sags your shoulders when you realise the house is empty apart from your own presence. You take in the respite of silence while unpacking the vegetables, trimming the corn cob for stir fry later in the evening. It's followed by bamboo shoots and chicken breast, which you’ve just about got simmering when the front door clicks open.
You hear him before you see him, taking as long as you can to plate the food before turning to face the man you shared a home with. He doesn’t return it, eyes glossing over you to inspect the dinner plate you slide before him.
“You know I prefer rice noodles.” He tuts out, frowning. His feet come up to rest on the other chair, but you weren’t going to sit at the table anyway, opting to linger by the counter. “And beef, your chicken sucks.”
He chews loudly, groaning as if to make sure you’re aware of your culinary inadequacy, but his face never lifts from the plate. He wasn’t wrong, really. Your cooking was barely edible enough to provide nutrition and you didn’t know how to make it better.
He keeps talking still, even as his pointer finger comes in contact with your forehead to accentuate his point with a harsh poke that makes you lean backwards against the counter top.
You don’t apologize. It’s better to not make any noise, you’ve come to learn, keeping your head toward the floor and body still and you’re almost impressed with yourself when the plate is thrown into the sink by you with a piercing clatter, not caring if the porcelain splits
The food is half eaten, but you don’t comment on the waste either. You’ll eat alone later, but the mess makes your exhaustion rear its head again when you think of cleaning it.
You know it’s no longer love that stops your words in your throat. The fluttering in your heart froze up into apprehension first, then fear and indifference. The physical alterations hurt, but they were only skin deep. They only lasted a few days, and once the ache faded you wondered if you felt the pain at all. The verbal attacks, that made your head hurt more. But you stopped talking back, because then they stopped faster.
The door slams again, rattling the walls loud enough to make a point of your boyfriend’s absence and shining light on all your failures as a partner. He wouldn’t be back tonight, or maybe even the night after that. You let your knees turn to cotton, slumping to cold kitchen tile. You don’t clean up the noodles in the sink. You’re not hungry enough to eat your own portion.
In a burst of conflicting emotion, you feel yourself stand and head to your bedroom. Maybe it’s the tiredness that made a home in your bones, maybe it’s the stress rattling them every time you’re in his presence, watching your step and calculating his every action before it happens. Maybe it’s the lack of all of that when you push your partner from your mind and let your heart betray you for a second to think of softer brown eyes instead, living in the flat two floors below you. It’s some twisted amalgamation of it all, probably, that makes you pluck your mascara from the bathroom, alongside a toothbrush and (on second thought, in case of emergencies) minimal changes of clothing into your backpack. You haven’t had use for it in a few months, not having gone further than the main streets of your own town in that time. It still fits enough for a weekend trip, and the weight of it hangs on you heavier than the clothing you packed would allow.
Would you really do it?
Minho could be mad at you for changing your mind, and maybe you couldn’t take that. You’ve developed a defence mechanism for one person, but could you for another so quickly? If his voice raised at you, you’re sure you’d cry on the spot like you used to the first few times in this house, too. But maybe you wouldn’t have to, maybe he wouldn’t even be home after you’d rejected his offer. He had no reason to be home, so you’re just going to check and confirm there really is no chance and no hope of you escaping this hellhole, that’s it. Your hopes would be rightfully crushed and you’d return with your tail between your legs, clean up after dinner, and head to bed like the fool you are.
Locking the door after you, as your housemate didn’t bother to, you trudge down two flights of stairs to the last door down the corridor, marked with a cat-paw print welcome mat and burgundy painted door. You knock twice with shaky fingers, and the sound is so light you wonder if he’d have heard you even if he was home at this late hour.
“Jisung, I said not tonight!” There came a shuffling from the other side of the door, and you were seized with fear of facing the other possibility - that Minho was no longer considering you’d come by, as you told him you wouldn’t, and he’s going to yell at you for ruining his night. The thoughts lurched forward at you as his footsteps grew louder, pounding in your head so loud your eyes blurred so instantly you couldn’t focus on the door opening and Minho’s silhouette against his low living room light.
“Y/n?” His response comes stalled too, letting a beat of silence pass between you as no words left you. He wasn’t shouting yet, so you took the chance to apologize as quickly as you could before the situation worsened. Your limits were thin tonight.
“I’m sorry, I know I said I wouldn’t come and that’s really stupid, I’m sorry.” Your thumb dug into the strap of your backpack at your feet. “It’s really late so I’m sorry if I woke you -”
“No, it’s okay.” Minho protests before you can word your final ‘sorry’, moving aside to reveal the rest of his hallway. “I wasn’t asleep yet. Come in.”
And that’s it. You expected more, to be honest. Some kind of questioning at least, scrutiny at your visual (and mental) state.
You don’t enter right away, thoughts wooshed out of your head. You don’t even think if he’d scold you for leaving the door open so long, but Minho just waits in the hallway, giving you space to cross the threshold of his home when you’re ready, watching as your expression blanks once the door closes behind you and he has to ask if you need help for you to take off your shoes and break out of the thought train. You hang your coat among his, after asking if he’s okay with that, and doing the same for your shoes. You hold your bag close, resting it on your lap as you sit down on your neighbors couch.
Minho looks the same as he did this morning, grey hoodie and equally nondescript jeans with a pale wash ending just below his ankles. He hangs around the hallway a few meters away from you, and you can tell he’s thinking about what to say before he voices his thoughts.
“Did something happen?” You hadn’t expected him to be so direct. You didn't consider this scenario beforehand, so you couldn’t answer instantly. “You said you’d come then. If something happened.”
“I’m not sure.” You decide to answer truthfully, though he may be unhappy with the vagueness of the statement. “Nothing out of the ordinary happened tonight, so…” You let the sentence trail off, but he knows the implication.
So I’m not sure why I came.
“That’s fine. Nothing has to happen for you to visit a friend.” Minho accepts your hesitance easily, and you’re instantly grateful for his keen senses. “It is late, so I’m not sure if you ate yet?” You shake your head. “I have some lunch leftovers I was going to heat up if that’s okay with you, though.”
Lee Minho was a glorious cook. Michelin level, you’d go so far to say, had you ever been to a Michelin star restaurant in your life, but you were convinced he’d qualify. Turns out his leftovers consisted of seared steak, grilled vegetables and an assortment of flavoured rice balls, which he served you with cucumber salad you saw him purchase at the market earlier that day. This was more elaborate than any meal you’d attempted to cook in your life, and you’d tell him so were you not so occupied devouring it. Minho didn’t think you noticed him glancing at you across the table, but the amazement in your eyes filled his heart entirely. He’s seen you look content, happy even on days he’d catch you by the vegetable stalls and spark conversation despite your brisk pace.
After he’d washed up, insisting you remain seated (which filled you with visible unease, to both his amusement and greater concern) you were forced to address the trickiest part of the night. You’ve had sleepovers before, but never with a boy. Never as an adult.
Stunning you for the second time that evening, Minho seemed to harbour no such fears.
“You can sleep in my room if you’d like, and I’ll move to the couch for tonight; but if you’re not comfortable with that, I’ll bring some blankets out for you into the living room.” The ease with which he approached the subject settled into your own head, and you nodded at his suggestions.
“I’d like to sleep here, please.” You pat the couch you’ve gravitated to after eating, quickly becoming the centerpoint of the apartment to you. Minho leaves for the few minutes it takes him to prepare a fresh duvet and pillow cover and you take the moment of isolation to break through the dam of thoughts clawing at your brain since arriving an hour ago. You weren’t sure if the time went by rapidly or dragged on. You only let yourself take in minimal information about the situation - taste of the food, the colour of his kitchen tile, the fabric of his clothing and softness of his living room rug. Small, manageable pieces of the greater dilemma you didn’t want to give attention to yet.
Midnight air mingles with your sigh as you lean back on your hands and tilt your head toward the window. Minho kept his curtains open for a glimmer of the nightlife. There wasn't much to see from the 3rd floor, but yellow light still flickers over rooftops and storefronts.Your musings are cut short when a mountain of bed covers drops beside you, delicately placed at the opposite end of the sofa. He must have switched off the other house lights on his way back, letting only the shy orange lamp illuminate his profile.
“The bathroom is on the left in the hallway, and my room is at the end of it, the last door to your right.” You note his directions in your head, nodding to show you’re listening. “Alright, I - I’ll let you sleep.”
“Goodnight, Minho. Thank you.”
He lingers by the doorway, balancing from one foot to another with an unfocused gaze. You don’t budge as he watches you, though he doesn’t seem to realise he’s staring at your feet, then your hands and face until your eyes meet halfway.
“I’m glad you came here. It’s good that you’re here.”
You don’t know how to reply to that statement, so you don’t say anything, and Minho leaves you with another soft goodnight and a flood of anxious thoughts.
Night fell rapidly, so much that when you switched off the remaining lights and laid to sleep. You were so stressed it made your head hurt, but the emotional toll made exhaustion greater, and you fell asleep within an instant. Minho’s duvets were plush, so big and fluffy you couldn’t see your own hand when you pressed down on the sheets. As you faded in and out of coherency throughout the night, a weight appeared by your feet. Too tired to be alarmed, you opened your eyes only when the warm pillow stood up, patting its way over to your stomach. It purrs against your cheek, whiskers tickling your nose as you blink back at it. It’s not surprising Minho has a cat - you’d picked up feline mannerisms in his behaviour before. It was endearing, now seeing the same slow blink in the eyes of the creature responsible for his habits.
It nudges its little head into your raised palm, rubbing against your hand. You give into the request happily scratching behind its ears, urging it to lay down next to you so you both could go back to sleep. The cat’s long body gives you something to focus on, easing the remnants of nerves from your brain.
You wake up more rested than you had been in weeks, despite pressure cramping your shoulder from the small couch you’d slept on. The living room is warmed by morning sunlight, though you’re not sure what time it is yet. You have no missed calls, and just one message from a student confirming the time of your session today. Creaks resound when you stretch, straightening out your bones from the night . The cat is nowhere in sight, but Minho must already be awake by the sounds coming from the adjacent room and you’re struck with embarrassment that he may have seen you sleeping. He would have walked right past the room, and since no door stood in the wide archway, he probably saw you drool right onto his pillowcase.
You consider sneaking out right then, grabbing your possessions and darting out the hallway, but you couldn’t leave without thanking him for letting you escape yesterday and for feeding you.
“Oh, hello.” The cause of your inner turmoil dips his head through the doorway, wiping his hands on a dishcloth. “How did you sleep?”
“Good, thank you.” Your knees bump against each other as you sit, patting down your hair. Minho looks well rested too, though his own hair isn’t combed yet and he’s not dressed to leave the house. Grey shorts this time with a plain white shirt hang off him, and he looks perfectly at home like that, humming a greeting at the floor when the cat you’d nestled into last night curls around his feet. White and ginger patches cover it’s fur, it’s belly a pure cotton shade as it rolls onto its back at your feet.
“You already met Soonie, right?” He laughs, pointing at your sweater, and belatedly you realise light-coloured cat hair clings to every inch of the fabric at your front.
“He came in to sleep here last night.” You pick at the frizzy hair to no avail. “I’m sorry if it got on your duvets, though…”
“It’s fine, my bedroom is covered in hair no matter how much I brush them out.” He joins you on the sofa next to the bundled bedsheets, placing the cat gently on his lap. Soonie makes himself content atop his legs, white paws dangling from the side. “I made breakfast for when you’re ready, and if you need to shower - I’ll grab you some towels.”
A shower did sound good, so you accepted his offer eager to strip from the clothes you slept in. Sweat was already making your sweater cling to your skin, and the cat hair combed through the fibers wasn’t doing the itching any favours. Not wanting to use up too much of his hot water, you rinsed yourself in record time. You packed your toothbrush, but not any shampoo, so you skipped out on washing your hair - taking Minho’s shower gel would be too much. You didn't want to go too far in his hospitality, and now he even cooked for you twice.
How could you repay that?
How were you supposed to make that worth his time?
You turned off the water then, not wanting to let your thoughts make you stall in the hot stream. You skipped out on wearing your sweater again, clothing yourself in the vest you had underneath and the pair of jeans you had last night. Feeling lighter now that the grime of sleep was washed from your skin, you looked around Minho’s bathroom before exiting. It was plain for sure, but accents of his personality lingered in the kitty paw-print of the shower mat, mint-scented shower gel and matching shampoo-conditioner set.
You’d never dwelled on whether Minho was a 3-in-1 shampoo user or not, but the knowledge he had dedicated creams and gels for each job reassured something inside you. It suited him. Yet the knowledge felt intimate, as if seeing the brand responsible for his mint and tea tree scent was encroaching on a level you weren’t supposed to know about as his neighbour.
You stood just beside the kitchen entrance, watching Minho set different dishes around the table top. Every flat inside your complex had similar layouts, so you were already familiar with the structure of his home. Still you watched, accidentally memorising the cupboard he stored his cups and cutlery.
“You can sit down, you don’t need to wait.” You faced his back, but he must have felt eyes burning on him. You sat down quickly, considering his words. Minho didn’t seem to mind a lot of things. It was unusual, being made aware of just how much instruction you relied on in unfamiliar settings.
And Minho smiles so much. It sets all your self preservation nerves on edge, analysing for underlying motive in his movement and sentences. You could clean his house if he asked, and replace the ingredients he used for your food. That would be the least you could do, and you’d settled on going about it as soon as he left for work - if he would leave. You had no idea what he did with his life apart from keeping you company on morning grocery hunts. But he was just so darn polite! He asked if you wanted any hot sauce, offered to butter your toast, even cleaned your dishes for you (again) that you had no idea what he could expect in return.
“Hey,” He calls over from the sink, “Give me a list of things you like so I can plan dinner later.”
“Why would you need that?” You still, glancing away from his mug collection.
“I only know you like courgette and hate leeks,” Wiping his hands on his jeans, he leans against the cupboards looking at you intensely. “And...you will be here for dinner, right?”
Would you be here that long? You weren’t expecting to. You’d go back two floors above and clean up the spilled noodles from last night, as your partner would have not, regardless of whether he’d returned home or was still out doing his mystery business. Minho frowns when you don’t answer, crossing his arms as you bow your head. You don’t want to anger him now, but how could you stay here any longer?
“Why would you want to go back there? It’s bad for you to be around that.” You know that, both at surface level and deeper - but how were you supposed to disappear? Sourness spread through your bones when you unearthed the feeling. You’re really scared - and you have been scared for years, but you never considered the feeling as such because opportunity never presented itself to escape. To admit you had to escape from something would be to admit you feared it, that you had been hurtt. You don’t know if you’re ready for that process.
“I don’t have anywhere else I can be, I still have things at that house, I can’t just leave.”
“You can.” Minho contradicts you immediately. His voice is level, gentle and coaxing, even though a strong resolve trembles in it. “You can stay with me as long as you want to. You don’t have to pay rent or anything, since I don't have a spare room but you can take my bed or stay on the couch if you like. Stay here for a few days, just - to feel better. It’ll make you feel better.”
He’s come to sit across from you, enough to give you space but enough for you to see worry lines around his eyes as he speaks. “I’ll give you space if you need it, just let me know if I can make things easier for you.”
“I’ll have to go grab a few of my things, I only got bare essentials yesterday.” Minho perks up right away, as if no tension hunched in his shoulders just seconds prior. It’s not as hard to agree as you thought it would be. You’re terrified, yes, of a step you know won’t end here. But you’re also more rested than you’ve been in so long, and the strain of all the stress become routine for the past years that you’re willing to grasp any straw at breaking the cycle. And Minho was nice. Everything you’d read between the lines of his actions was kind.
“Okay. Let me give you my number so we can talk while I’m not here, and you know - if anything happens, call me.”
You did go to fetch more of your things, after reassuring Minho it would be best if you went alone. If someone else was home, you could pass off your absence as work-related - it would be harder to explain why you weren’t alone.
His presence would just cause issues, and he eventually agreed to leave you on your own after you promised you had his number saved. You would also pay rent, but about ⅓ of it - on his insistence you got no proper room but a living room couch, and at your insistence you’d be using his utilities and house space. Your neighbour - housemate?- had to leave to do his own occupations, but assured you he’d be back within a few hours to help you.
You thanked him again for everything before he left saying you’d send him a list of your favourite food when you were done packing, and you set about your own tasks. He’d left the house keys with you, making the point of you more likely to be home before him.
They weighed heavy in your hand, the implications of the trust in his gesture more than the object itself.
You didn’t have a lot to move, but the transfer still takes you a few trips up and down concrete staircase. The majority of your haul is books, your own towels and toiletries. You’d have to perform an impromptu closet clearout, quickly deciding which old pieces to keep and which were better left in the past. Since Minho’s flat was similar, but inhabited one person only, his furniture would be cast to contain belongings of one. Working from home meant you were spared the task of office clothing or showy pieces, so all you had to part with was a few aged sweaters. You grab your laptop, a selection of favourite cups and plates so you don't have to borrow Minho’s all the time - though was it really borrowing if you would share the house?
You hurry as much as you can, but it still takes three trips up and down to completely transfer all traces of your life to the flat below. By the time you’re done, you decide to clean the small apartament to make organisation easier. It’s rapid work when you focus and separate Minho’s laundry without thinking about it. Darks, lights, and the sparse touch of coloured denims among his closet. Then you hoover, and by the time you finish hanging up the damp clothing on the balcony, it’s a while past lunchtime.
The turning of a lock swipes tension over your shoulders before you recognise Minho in the hallway, shuffling off his running shoes and hoodie. You meet him halfway, wiping your hands on your jeans to rid the laundry moisture.
“Hi,” His skin is flushed as if he’d been running, sweat sticking to the baby hair around his forehead when he smiles to greet you. Minho looks worn out, shoulders pulled high and taught. His breathing is laboured as he walks into the house, and only when he passes the threshold does he release the air in his lungs to slump in one of the barstools. “Did you get your things?”
“I don’t have a lot, so it only took a few trips.” You nod, following him to the kitchen. “I put most of them in the living room for now, though…”
“That's fine, we can go through the drawers and make space for you after we eat.” He reassured you, seeing you tug on your sleeves. “You didn’t send me a list of things you like to eat, so I got things I remember you buying instead.” His voice lilts into a pout as he looks at you, lips jutting into a pout before reaching into the bags he brought.
A strange feeling climbs higher and higher up your throat with every item he stacks on the counter and you wonder how much he actually spent on just foods you like. It grows stronger when you recognise your coffee brand, the cookies you got last week as he bumped into you that morning. A selection of fruits you used in a cake you gifted him last month, and sundries to fill the cupboards with.
“I can’t cook.”
Minho looks up at your confession, pausing from arranging the food.
“I mean, my cooking is edible at best.” You elaborate, looking away from his face to his hands as you lamely explain. “I could never, uh, make it taste good.”
“I’ll cook then.” Minho nods, shelving the sauce jars. Your eyebrows pull together and he must have noticed your hesitance, turning on his heel towards you. “Or I can teach you, slowly.”
“You can help me cook, and I’ll show you how to season different foods. We’ll start with things you like, so you already know how they’re supposed to taste. Then we can go from there.”
You want to ask if he’s sure, if it’s not a bother to have you around while he works to have someone hover around him needing assistance, but you do want to learn - If your food could taste half as heavenly as Minho’s cooking did, you’d be content. So you agree and he cheers at you, excitement contagious. And before you know it’s coming, there’s a surge in your heart at the sight of him again that makes grinning back at him a thoughtless action.
Cooking with Minho is more eventful than you expected.
When you watched him before, he navigated the kitchen with a practiced ease that made your awkward stumbles all the more prominent.
“Where do you keep knives?” He hands you a small knife, it’s green handle foreign in your palm.
“My hands keep slipping…” You fumble with the peeled onion as Minho tends the rice, tipping in a spoonful of white wine. The sting makes your eyes water, hazing your vision of the offending white bulb.
“You need to hold it with your other hand so it stays still, like a claw.” His hair was still damp, but now the moisture was from the shower he took before starting your lesson rather than sweat. You could recognise the mint scent in his shampoo and how it spilled over to his clothing, and no matter how reasonably awful it should have smelled mixed with raw onion you were cutting and the steam of boiling rice, you couldn’t get enough of the sensation. Minho acts open around you, treating you like a friend he’s known for years rather than an acquaintance from the farmer’s market. Only a day passed since you entered his home yet you felt so seen in his eyes. You must have been testing his patience not being able to cut a straight carrot slice without his help, but he never raised his voice above a patient hum. Sure, he did laugh a few times when your cucumber sticks came out triangles rather than evenly cut stips, but even his humour came without bite. His laughter was never at your expense, and it was kindling your heart alight at an alarming speed.
Minho (and his flat) became comfortable to you rapidly, and in the passing days your interactions all came more naturally than the last. Minho would leave around noon and come home just after 7pm, looking like he ran a marathon while you’d finish up your studies and the few zoom tutorials you teach for extra income. Despite his initial apprehension, he was grateful you took on cleaning duties so easily - he still insisted on doing the dusting and cleaning his bedroom himself, but it made you feel better to have some kind of input into house upkeep when you couldn’t contribute in many other ways. In the mornings he’d pass by the living room and you try your ebay to already be awake to spare yourself the embarrassment of Minho seeing you drool in your sleep, and in the evenings you cook together. Minho insists on increasingly difficult recipes, and you try to keep up despite recurring failures.
Five days into your coexistence, Minho is late.
Of course, you’ve only been part of his schedule for a week, but his arrival never differed by more than a few minutes - the gym he worked at was just a few blocks down the road. Tonight you wait with your phone in hand as 8pm rolls around, thumbs hovering over the call button. He did tell you to call him in case anything happens, but did that go both ways? If something happened to him, would he let you know too?
You knew he would not.
You weren’t nearly as reliable in that department, and it’s not like you could do much else than call emergency services - something he would surely do himself if he could call you in the first place. You can’t quite bring yourself to sit on the couch, leaning against the doorway to the living room with your eyes on the front door so intently you almost forget to blink by the time the handle starts to turn.
The unlocking click echoes in the silence you’ve sat in for the past hour and you shoot up, straightening your posture when the door finally gives way.
A/N: Sorry this is a day late, I was exhausted yesterday when I got home so had to delay it a little bit but now we're started! As you can tell this will be an incredibly slow burn, but I hope you enjoy the ride and see the development grow because I promise the deeper build up is worth the wait.
Tags: @healinghyunjin @lizsvcks @glitteryskzstraykidsdream (can't tag for some reason;;) @changbinscypher @spilledtee @linours
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
After watching some anime, can I request the brothers and Side characters with an MC that makes really great bentos in their aesthetic with their favorite meals? MC could make Lucifer a fancy dish of steak done to his favorite temperature, side dishes are organized neatly, and the bento is red and black to match his design or she made pink/pastel treats for Asmo is a very cute bento that matches his style. I think it would make their day when they receive something so cute from the human
ABSOFRICKINGLUTELY! ANON! I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU! However, I write gn! Whenever possible, so I hope you don't mind. Also, I've only made bento once, so I did a tinny bit of research. Most of them stray from traditional bento, however I tried to make sure I had the four components, (protien, carbs, salad/veggies, and fruit) (except Asmo), and different cooking methods for each. Some of them I forgot to explicitly say what colour the box was, so I'm sorry about that. I didn't do Luke because he had a role in Simeon's, and I blanked. (Sorry) Also, some of them have links bc I started to lose inspiration and motivation to write the same thing over and over again bc brain juice went bye. Hopefully I did this justice, I may have gotten a little carried away...sorry for rambling.
MC Makes Bento For The Boys
Lucifer had been working non-stop for the past few weeks
You had barely seen him, as he was so busy going back and forth from the castle, meetings, and he had banned everyone from his office. It had gotten so bad that he would "postpone" his meals, but nobody had seen him eat in a while.
You had a lot of spare time, so you did meal prep for the whole week just for Lucifer.
It was a little past noon by the time you finished, (and made Beel swear he wouldn't touch the food because you would treat him at Madam Scream's later), so you decided to make a bento box for Lucifer's lunch today with some leftover beef and rice you had.
With your protein and carbs taken care of, you prepared some roasted asparagus to add some colour to the box as well as a couple of carrots. You also added an umeboshi plum on top of the rice to match the colour of the box. (A/N I personally don't mind umeboshi on it's own, but if anyone wants to try it, I highly suggest you eat it with rice or have water on hand 😂)(oh yeah, umeboshi is a small, sour, pickled plum.)
In the final box you arranged a couple of orange slices, strawberries and grapes.
Satisfied, you brought the box and a glass of water up to his study. You didn't even bother knocking, knowing he would just send you away anyways.
You were greeted by a low growl. "Get out."
You rolled your eyes. "No. You need to eat Lucifer, and I'm not leaving until I know you've finished this."
"I don't have time for this MC. I have to-" he was cut off by his stomach rumbling.
He blushed slightly, and continued to busy himself with work.
"Please? I hate seeing you overwork yourself like this. Have you looked in the mirror lately? When was the last time you slept? Eaten? Had something other than coffee? Have you even gone to the bathroom in the past 48 hours?"
He sighed, folded his hands under his chin and looked up at you through disheveled raven locks.
"...you really aren't going anywhere until I eat." It wasn't a question, rather a statement with a trace of relief in it.
You extended the bento box out to him once more, though this time he accepted it.
"....thank you MC.....this is quite delicious. Perhaps once I'm done my work I can take you out to Ristorante Six to show my appreciation."
You pushed his hair back and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"Once you're done your work, you're going to sleep. That's an order, sir."
He silently cursed himself as he felt himself blush again
You were planning to stay until he finished, but then you heard Mammon and Levi fighting.
"I'll take care of that love. Make sure you drink that water too. Also, I prepped meals for the rest of the week for you, so you have no excuse to not eat. I bribed Beel, so they should stay there, but as an extra precaution I got Satan to teach me a protection spell. I didn't tell him what it was for, so it should be fine."
He watched you close the door behind you and wondered what he did to deserve someone like you.
He was complaining to you because his actions finally caught up with him, and tomorrow he had to go out and repay some witches with time and favours, (being a bagboy), instead of money
He started belly-aching even more when you told him you weren't interested in joining him.
Luckily you were on dinner duty tonight, so you had a legitimate excuse to leave his pity-party
However while you were making dinner, you decided to show Mammon a little bit of sympathy, and set some rice and pork cutlet aside that you could use later.
After dinner, Mammon followed Lucifer, trying to convince him to give him money.
So you had ample time to continue working on his bento.
He had a three compartment wooden box
You scooped the rice into the box, put the cutlet on top, and two thinly sliced pieces of lemon on top.
You cut up some yellow, red, and orange bell pepper to put in the top left corner of the box
In the last compartment, you cut up golden kiwi, pineapple chunks, and a couple blueberries
You were about to put it in the fridge, when Mammon came screaming into the kitchen.
You sighed. "It was supposed to be a surprise Mammon! I made lunch for you for tomorrow, because you're going to be doing some running around and who knows when you'll get a moment to yourself? I was going to cast a spell on it to keep Beel from eating it, so it would have lasted overnight too... I just want to make sure you have something healthy to eat and so you don't have to spend money on take out. If you don't want it though, I'll just give it to Beel..."
He blushed furiously. "Ya don't gotta worry bout me, silly human. The Great Mammon can take care of himself! But-uh, I'll probably end up taking it anyways, because it's umm, it's free food! And Mammon ain't about to pass that up!"
He tried to grab it, but you pulled it close to yourself and turned, blocking him.
"You only want it because it's free? Ok. Fine. You'll have to pay me if you want it." You teased
He whined a bit. "Aw come on, ya even said ya didn't want me spendin money tomorrow! And ya said it was for me! MC, this ain't fair!"
"I didn't say you had to use money."
The next day while Mammon was out and about, trying to carry multiple bags of stuff for the witches, he happily ate his food, a light blush on his cheeks as every bite reminded him of the way you felt against his lips yesterday.
Levi had lost out on another draw despite having spent copious amounts of money on the tickets
As such, he had locked himself in his room to temporarily drown in his sorrows
You decided to make Kyaraben, character bento, for him. (Kyaraben can also refer to animals, real life celebrities, or natural settings)
(I would do Ruri- Chan but I have no fricking clue, so here's a link to a recipe for Pikachu Kyaraben because that's what you did instead)
Hesitantly, you brought your creation to his room and lightly knocked on the door.
"...I don't wanna talk to anyone right now."
"Levi, it's me. I brought something to cheer you up! At least let me give it to you if you don't want me to stay."
You could hear some scuffling and mumbling from behind the door. "I highly doubt there's anything a normie like you can do to help."
You tried to brush that off, because, ouch, but you knew he was upset so you tried not to take it to heart.
He was pouty as he opened the door, his demon form on display.
His expression immediately changed when he saw the bento in your hands.
"WOOOOOAAAHHH!!! THIS IS FOR ME??!! YOU MADE ME BENTO??!! This is something straight out of anime!!! Uh...uhm...d-do you maybe w-want to share it?"
The last part of his sentence had him blushing furiously, and he refused to look you in the eye.
"Sure. Maybe we can watch that anime you texted me about a couple days ago too."
His eyes lit up with joy as he used his tail to gently grab your wrist and pull you excitedly to his couch.
Once he had arranged everything to his liking, he sat down and bashfully accepted the bento.
At some point, he asked if he could feed it to you, however, there was only one pair of chopsticks
Blushy otaku very much enjoyed the bento, not only because it was like his anime, but also because it was you who made it.
He also got a couple indirect kisses, and could not focus on anything but that for the next few days.
You and Satan had been spending a lot of time together lately because he was helping you study for a test
Thanks to Satan's tutoring, you had managed to get a much higher score on the test than you had imagined.
As thanks, you wanted to make a kitten Kyaraben
You found him in the library at a desk, hunched over a book, studying some foreign language.
He was so engrossed in his studies that he didn't notice you right away, so you tapped him gently on his shoulder.
"Ah, MC. I'm afraid I missed you coming in. Are you alright?"
You smiled and nodded. You brought the box out from behind your back with your test papers on top, the mark clearly visible.
"I couldn't have gotten that mark without your help, so I made you some bento as thanks. I hope you like it."
His eyes widened in surprise. "Oh MC, that wasn't necessary. Spending time with you was enough for me, but thank you."
He slid the lid off the bento and chuckled when he saw what you had done.
"That's quite clever kitten. Perhaps next time you can show me how to make it?"
His pet name made you blush a bit, but that didn't stop you from agreeing.
You two spent the next few hours discussing different meals you guys could learn to make together.
Asmo had been taking you shopping lately, hyping you up and helping you destress with spa nights
In return, you decided to make a dessert bento box in a pretty pink container.
It was a square container split into nine compartments.
Across the top three compartments, you arranged a rainbow of mochi.
On the bottom three you arranged a rainbow of macaroons.
In the two outside compartments left, you put a mini Wicked cupcake in each
Finally in the middle, you arranged Hershey's kisses into a heart.
Satisfied, you made your way to his room and announced your presence at his door.
"Come in darling~ I'm just finishing up my nails!"
You let yourself in and settled across the table from Asmo.
"I brought you something. I just wanted to thank you for helping me out lately and show you how much I appreciate you!"
You placed the box next to him so he could see what you had done.
His squeal of excitement almost decimated your eardrums, however moments later you were enveloped in a very tight, heartfelt, "smooshy" hug, but his elated expression made up for your temporary loss of hearing.
"Ohh MC! You're so sweet!!!! These look delicious, let's share them!! Just let me take a picture first with my favourite snack!!"
You sat back and expected him to pick up a cupcake, but yelped as he pulled you into the frame.
"I said with my favourite snacc MC, and I meant it!!" (Yes, he still took a picture of the bento)
You wanted to plan an outdoor date for the two of you that wouldn't require you to excersize.
So you decided to try and make Koraku Bento, or picnic bento, but even bigger in hopes you would be able to temporarily satiate Beel's hunger
Because you were making so much, you needed multiple boxes, and a couple days to prepare, so you asked Simeon if you could work at PH so Beel wouldn't get to it early.
Of course, he agreed
Day one, you prepared five different fillings for the Onigiri you were planning to make: sha-ke (salted salmon),umeboshi (Japanese pickled plum), okaka (bonito flakes moistened with soy sauce), kombu (simmered kombu seaweed), tuna mayo (canned tuna with Japanese mayonnaise)
Day two you prepared three large protiens, (chicken, beef, and pork), each enough to fill about two containers each. You cooked each of them differently. You also cut up/prepared vegetables you wanted to use for tempura.
Day three you woke up early in order to be ready to take Beel out after his game. You made rice and finished making the Onigiri, (which Luke was adamant you let him make with you).
And Simeon helped you make the tempura and a beautiful salad to accompany everything else.
However, now there was a lot of stuff to carry and you wanted to greet Beel out of his game.
So the angels took care of transporting the food to the roof while you went to get Beel
"Why are we going to Purgatory Hall? Are we having dinner with the angels?"
"Not quite. The date I wanted to take you on had a slight change of plans. We just need to get to the roof-"
"Do you want me to fly us up there?"
You considered it for a moment then agreed. If nothing else, you would be avoiding Solomon.
Once you landed, appreciation for the angels swelled as they had laid everything out so beautifully.
"...oh. It looks like someone else is doing something up here. It smells really good, so we should probably go. I don't want to eat someone else's food and ruin their night by accident....again." He tried to leave, but you pulled on him gently.
"I'm glad you think it smells good. This is for you! I made it for you, and the angels helped me bring it up here when I went to pick you up."
His eyes widened. "...All of that...you made it for me?"
You couldn't help but smile and nod at his bashful expression.
He hugged you gently. "Thank you MC. I know that took a lot."
"It was worth it! You haven't even tried it yet. Come on, I'm hungry!" You giggled.
Beel's stomach growled in response, causing a slight blush to light his cheeks. You're so good to him❤
Belphegor (this has a bit of crack energy, I'm sorry. So will Solomon's😅)
"MC....can you pass me my D.D.D?"
"MC....can you give me a massage?"
"MC....can you switch my laundry for me?"
"MC....can you pass me my pillow?"
"Belphie, I love you. I understand you're the Avatar of Sloth. But what the actual fuck? Your pillow is under your arm, just move it under your head. I've already gotten up, like six times to do stuff for you."
He groaned. "But it takes too much effort!" He smushed his cheek into his arm and attempted to give you puppy-dog eyes.
"Sorry, only Beel can pull that off. If you want your pillow moved less than a foot, you're going to do it yourself. You of all people should now how frustrating it is to get up as soon as you sit down."
He groaned again and grumbled as he moved his own damn pillow.
You tried to relax a bit. Normally your time with Belphie consisted of cuddles, movie nights, planeterium visits, or just plugging into some music and enjoying each other's company, like you were trying to do now.
Until you made eye contact with him again.
He was going to ask something-
"MC........... can you get me a snack?"
Dear God, he was not gonna like this.
"Of course Belphie. I'd love to."
You made your way to the kitchen with new found energy.
You were going to make Shikaeshi Bento (revenge lunchbox)
Basically, it's supposed to be inedible or embarrassing, and be used to convey anger or overall dissatisfaction
So you grabbed his bento box, dumped uncooked rice into it, cracked an egg and left the shell in the box. You used purple food colouring to make a heart.
You brought the box up to Belphie, who was surprisingly still awake
"That was quick."
You grunted in response and walked out
"Hey why are you leaving?!"
A few seconds later, you heard, "MC! ...WHAT DID I DO??!! I JUST WANTED A SNACK!!...MC PLEASE COME BACK I DON'T WANNA GET UP!!"
So, usually Barbatos is in charge of making sure the Demon Prince eats
However, you told Barbatos that you wanted to make something special for Dia
"My Lord would thoroughly enjoy anything you made for him. He's been very busy lately, so I'm sure he would appreciate the kind gesture."
Barbatos graciously gave you precedence over the kitchen, giving you full access to everything you could ever need or want.
You decided to make him bento with your favourite protein
One compartment you filled with rice, using sesame seeds and an umeboshi for garnish
You arranged pieces of your favourite fruits in one of the smaller compartments
Then you made your favourite type of tempura, and prepared the sauce to go in the last two compartments
You asked Barbatos where Diavolo would be, and he escorted you to his office.
"My Lord, MC has come to speak with you."
Diavolo's head shot up and his face lit up with delight as he watched you walk through the door.
"MC! A welcome surprise. How are you? Is everything alright?"
"Everything's fine! I actually just wanted to give you something." You gave him the black box.
"I made bento with some of my favourite things...you mentioned wanting to get to know me a little bett-"
You were cut off by Diavolo crushing you in a hug
"...My Lord, MC needs to breathe."
"Ah, my apologies MC. This is the most wonderful, meaningful thing anyone has ever given me. How can I adequately express my gratitude? Simply name anything you want, and it shall be yours."
Once you had regained your breath, you gave him a small smile.
"Anything? Could I trouble you for your time?"
"MC, Lord Diavolo must finish his work in a timely matter. I can clear his schedule for afterwards."
"Barbatos, could they stay long enough for us to share the wonderful meal they've prepared?"
Usually Diavolo's begging and sad eyes™ would be powerless against him, however the soft spot he had for you and your much- less-seen sad expression were enough for him to bend this once.
"My Lord, I'll be back in an hour. I'm afraid that's all the time I can allow."
He stepped out, and allowed a small smile form on his face as he heard the two of you celebrate, also knowing that later on he would be listening to a very happy prince recount everything you two talked about and how much he loved you.
You, the brothers, and the other exchange students had been invited to the demon lord's castle for another event
It wasn't for another day, but you felt your chest tighten as you remembered Barbatos
Did he even get to eat those days when everyone was there?
You didn't want to take that chance, and decided to set up a small, filling bento box.
It only had three compartments, so you stuffed each one.
One had rice and meat.
You made some sushi and tamagoyaki to go on top.
For the last compartment, you made a simple chickpea salad.
The next day, Barbatos welcomed you all to the castle, as per usual.
However, this time he stuck around once the brothers and others had left.
"I...Well you already know, but this is for you!"
He nodded and graced you with a smile. "My knowing does not take away from my appreciation MC. Admittedly, nights like this are very demanding. I will repay you later. Thank you."
He tried to walk away, but you yelled after him, "You're not supposed to repay someone for a gift! Just take it!!"
He smiled to himself as he started to eat some food.
Perhaps this night would not be as taxing as he thought
You had been experimenting new dinner recipes with Luke at Purgatory Hall; you were watching him while Simeon was away.
"If we leave these leftovers out, Solomon will get to them and ruin them."
"....why don't we make bento for Simeon? He's coming back tomorrow, isn't he?"
Luke beamed at you. "Okay!"
He went to get a small bento box divided into fifths (two large bottom compartments and three small top ones).
"Ok, so in one of the big ones, we can fit the rest of the rice."
Luke nodded. "Can I use this?" He held up a star-shaped cookie cutter.
"Of course!" You helped him mould the rice into a stable star shape.
He looked so happy designing stuff, you let him take the lead.
By the time you were finished, it was easily the most stunning dish you had seen.
"Wow MC! We should do this more often!" He was very proud of himself, and rightfully so. "I can't wait to give it to Simeon!....Is it ok if I give it to Simeon? It was your idea, so it's ok if you want to do it instead..."
You just smiled at him. "You can give it to him, you did most of the work anyways. For now though, you need to get to bed."
He pouted slightly, but complied.
The next morning you woke up to Luke speaking very animatedly to Simeon.
"Yeah! We tried a bunch of new things, and then MC suggested we make you a bento box with the leftovers, and it turned out really well so I can't wait for you to try it!!"
You leaned against the kitchen doorframe observing the interaction.
"Thank you Luke, it looks wonderful. Good morning MC. I hope you slept well. Thanks for ba- for helping Luke while I was away."
He smiled gently at you before Luke was trying to get him to try the bento again.
He took a bite and smiled at Luke.
"It's delicious. You guys must have put a lot of love into it, as always." He looked directly at you at that point, but Luke was too elated to notice the silent exchange between you too.
"Don't get mad at me! You agreed to test spells with me!"
"You asked me when I was half asleep Solomon! I also meant later, not right away!"
"Well, you're not a frog anymore, so I don't see what the problem is."
.... No, you weren't a frog anymore
That didn't mean you were happy about being a frog in the first place.
You texted Simeon, 'Who's on lunch duty today?"
"Me. Why?"
"I'll make us bento. We can picnic, the exchange students, that is."
So you spent the next little bit making normal bento for the three of you.
"Simeon said we should probably leave in five minutes" you thanked Luke and started on Solomon's.
You made Shikaeshi bento; you cracked four eggs and aligned their yolks into a rather phallic shape, added way too much fish oil, and threw a few sesame seeds on top.
However, once you made it to the picnic grounds, Solomon opened his box and gasped.
"MC, you know me so well!" And proceeded to drink right out of the box, the rest of you looking on in horror.
"I thought you were mad at me and you were going to give me something disgusting like Mac and Cheese. I guess all is forgiven. Thank you!"
At that point you couldn't even stay mad, that was just disgusting.
Aye, I hope you liked it anon, not sure if this is quite what you meant but....yeah.
Love y'all!
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emospritelet · 3 years
Heatstroke - chapter 23/24
I was planning on this being the final chapter, but it got away from me, so it's the penultimate chapter instead :)
Last time, Gold and Lacey banged :D
Word count: 3,721
Gold made her dinner, fillet steak with a sauce made from beef stock, red wine and rosemary, alongside soft, creamy mashed potatoes and carrots glazed with butter. They drank wine with it, rich and red, and afterwards carried the dessert upstairs to bed, where they took turns spooning dark chocolate mousse and raspberries into their mouths until their lips were sticky and sweet. Gold watched as Lacey sucked the last of the chocolate mousse from her spoon and dropped it into the glass dish with a contented sigh.
“That,” she said. “Was pretty bloody amazing. You can definitely cook.”
“Thank you.”
He set the dish on the nightstand, handing her a glass of wine, and Lacey wriggled, sitting up against the pillows as she took it. Darcy had curled up at the end of the bed with his tail over his nose, and Lacey gestured at him with a foot.
“You do realise now he’s been up here, he’s probably gonna spend as much time sleeping in your bed as he does mine,” she said, and Gold grinned.
“I don’t mind that too much,” he said. “Maybe he’ll keep the mice away.”
“No sign of that so far,” she remarked. “Not that I’ve seen any mice. Only rats.”
“You’ve seen rats around here?” he asked, surprised, and she shrugged.
“I saw one the day I moved in,” she said. “Standing on his hind legs, bold as brass. Not the best welcome gift, to be honest.”
“I don’t suppose it was.”
“Yeah, Darcy came to get me to chase it off,” she said casually. “So if you’re hoping he’ll deal with any vermin that turn up, you’re out of luck. Turns out he’s a coward.”
Gold laughed.
“Well, he’s a very handsome coward,” he said. “If we get a rodent problem I can always deal with it another way. I can’t say I’ve seen any rats here, though.”
“I guess it might have wandered in from the forest,” she acknowledged. “I was worried there might be a nest of the little buggers, but I haven’t seen any since then. It was definitely male, though. All big balls and unimpressive cock.”
Gold blinked as a feeling of déjà vu washed over him.
“Really?” he asked neutrally.
“Yeah.” She wriggled onto her side, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Have you ever seen a rat’s balls? They’re huge!”
“I can’t say I’ve looked all that closely,” he said, and licked his lips. “Uh - you said his - other equipment - was somewhat lacking.”
“Yeah. Minuscule.” She held up her little finger. “Still, I guess they manage okay, right?”
“Right,” he said, and hesitated. “And this was the day you moved in?”
“As I was carrying my stuff in.”
“Uh-huh.” He sucked his teeth, nodding slowly. “You - didn’t happen to mention this to Miss Lucas in the bar that night, did you?”
“Huh.” Lacey pursed her lips, a vague expression on her face. “Yeah, I did. Why?”
Gold sighed heavily.
“Because I might have thought you were talking about me.”
Lacey stared at him for a moment, mouth slightly open, then burst out laughing. It bubbled out of her, washing over him as her eyes sparkled with mirth, and he felt a little of his awkwardness melt away.
“You thought I was telling Ruby about what you were packing?” she giggled, and he shrugged.
“Let’s just say I overheard your conversation and made some assumptions.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what you get for eavesdropping,” she said, and pushed up on her elbow. “Wish you hadn’t?”
“Yes,” he admitted.
“Good.” She planted a kiss on his cheek. “Because your assumptions were shit.”
“That happens more often than you might think,” he said, and she giggled again.
“Oh, but I’m definitely telling Ruby about your junk now,” she said, and winked at him. “She did ask for a blow by blow description if you and I ever got up to anything.”
“In that case.” Gold put down his wine. “I’d better give you lots to talk about.”
Lacey stretched, eyes closed, mouth widening in a grin as she felt the press of hot flesh against her own. She was nestled in soft sheets, Gold’s arm around her waist and his cool breath on the back of her neck, making her shudder in pleasure. Morning light was shining through a tiny gap in the curtains, sending a shaft of golden dawn across the bed and making the pink walls glow. The bed smelled of musk and sex and the faintest hint of his cologne, and she wriggled, turning in his arms to kiss his chest. At the touch of her lips he inhaled sharply, body stiffening as he woke, and she heard a contented rumble from deep in his chest as his arms went around her.
“Morning,” she said, and sucked at his nipple.
Gold jerked, snickering, and tugged her close against him so that she had to kiss back up his chest to get some air. He pushed her onto her back, one hand sliding down over her hip to squeeze her rear as his mouth found her ear.
“Morning,” he murmured, and Lacey moaned as he sucked at her throat. His hand strayed to her hip again, sliding along the crease at the top of her thigh, and she caught his fingers in hers before he could reach between her legs.
“Really interested in where your mind’s going,” she said. “But I need the bathroom. And coffee, to be honest.”
Gold pulled back immediately, rolling onto his side, and she slipped from the bed, drawing on his discarded shirt. He was watching her with a sleepy-eyed grin, his hair dishevelled and a day’s growth of stubble on his cheeks. It made her want to crawl straight back in bed with him.
“I guess I’ll make the coffee, then,” he said. “You want some breakfast?”
Lacey sighed.
“Does that mean getting up?”
“Doesn’t have to.”
“Well, alright then.”
She winked at him, making his grin widen, and trotted off to the bathroom.
When she returned he had already gone downstairs, and she poked around on his dresser for a hairbrush, dragging it through her curls and teasing out the knots that had formed over several hours of the best sex she’d ever had. Gold had stamina. He was also extremely generous, and wanted to please her, which was a first in her experience. She could see herself falling deeply in love with the guy if she wasn’t too careful, and was surprised to find that the idea didn’t bother her. Glancing in the mirror she shook out her hair and set down the hairbrush, sending her reflection a satisfied grin. Apparently Ruby was right. I do want more than hot crazy sex. Although the hot crazy sex is amazing.
She padded downstairs, following the sound of him clattering around in the kitchen. The scent of coffee was drifting towards her, and she took a seat at the kitchen table, watching Gold in his silk robe as he made scrambled eggs and spooned it onto hot buttered toast.
“Hot sex, great coffee and a delicious breakfast,” she remarked, as he set a plate in front of her. “How is it you’ve been single for so long?”
Gold chuckled, sliding into the chair opposite.
“My son would say it’s because I’m completely dense and have no idea when someone is interested,” he said.
“Well, he’s not wrong about that,” said Lacey, making him grin. “Although I guess I shouldn’t really tease you about it. Pot, kettle, and all that.”
He grinned at her, eyes gleaming, and she felt herself fall in love with him a little more. She turned to her breakfast to stop herself blushing with the thrill of it. The eggs were soft and buttery, seasoned to perfection, and she made a noise of approval and cut a piece of toast, pushing it into the growing pool of melted butter and popping it into her mouth. Gold was watching her over the rim of his coffee cup, and she took a sip of her own and set down her cup.
“Any chance we can finish that interview today?” she asked. “I had other questions to ask and you kind of distracted me with orgasms.”
He smirked.
“I have to open the shop at some point,” he said. “Can it wait until later?”
Lacey pursed her lips, trying to hide her smile.
“You want me to come over tonight, is that what you’re saying?”
“You’re the one that wants to interview me,” he said, one eyebrow flicking. “Maybe I’d be more inclined to open up if we were more - intimate.”
His voice had dropped to a low purr, and Lacey squeezed her thighs together.
“Okay, but no distracting me this time!” she ordered, gesturing with a fork. “I have to get some stuff on tape I can actually use! I don’t want Sidney weaselling out of this pay rise he promised.”
Gold pressed a hand to his heart with a wounded expression, and she wrinkled her nose at him. He turned back to his breakfast, a tiny grin on his face.
“I suppose he’ll have you covering the mayoral election,” he said, and Lacey nodded, chewing and swallowing.
“There’s gonna be a debate next week.”
“Really?” Gold pulled a face. “So maybe that’s why I’m starting to hear whispers against Regina.”
“Whispers?” Lacey sat up. “What are they saying?”
Gold took a drink of coffee, setting the cup back down and sucking at his teeth a little.
“The rumour,” he said, “is that money has gone missing from the accounts. Not a huge amount, perhaps a few thousand dollars, but enough to trigger an investigation. The whispering I’ve heard is that it’s the Mayor herself getting greedy. Trying to maintain a lifestyle she can’t afford on the back of hard-working townsfolk.”
“That can’t be true,” she said in disbelief. “It’s election year. There’s no way the Mayor would risk her position, right?”
“Regina and I have certainly had our differences,” he agreed, “but I don’t believe for one second that she’s been stealing town funds.”
“Me neither,” said Lacey. “I think it’s Zelena stirring shit.”
Gold gave her a slanted grin, cutting a piece of toast.
“And where’s your proof of that?”
“Don’t have it yet,” she admitted. “But a friend of mine gave me some info on her New York dealings that makes all this sound kind of familiar. Given what you told me last night, I think we can guess that there’s a personal element as far as Zelena’s concerned.”
“So what’s your plan?” he asked.
“I guess we could tell Regina what she’s up to,” said Lacey. “Give her a chance to stop Zelena.”
“It’ll just look like dirty politics if it’s Regina against her rival,” he said, and she nodded in agreement.
“Okay, how about this?” she said. “We tell Zelena what we know. Maybe it’ll make her stop scheming and leave town.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“Then we go to the town,” said Lacey. “Let them all know what she’s up to.”
“Difficult to do that without evidence,” he said, and she shrugged.
“Maybe we’ll get a confession.”
“You think she’s going to reveal her diabolical plan to you in some sort of tell-all interview?” he asked, with a grin, and she sent him a flat look, reaching for her coffee.
“Not in a million years,” she said. “She can’t stand me.”
She took a sip of her coffee, setting down her cup.
“But she might tell you,” she added.
Gold drummed his fingers slowly on the counter top, eyes fixed on the shop door. The clock on the wall opposite showed that it was nine-thirty, and he was expecting a visitor. Right on time, the door opened, the bell above jingling as Zelena stepped into the shop, a predatory smile on her face. She strode towards him with purpose, and Gold eyed her with a flat stare as she leaned on the counter, pushing her face towards him as though hoping for a kiss of greeting.
“Mr Gold,” she said, in a breathy voice. “I can’t tell you how thrilled I was when you said you wanted to discuss my election campaign.”
“Well, before you get too excited,” he said. “I want to talk to you about these rumours against the Mayor.”
“Rumours?” She tried to look puzzled, but it was unconvincing.
“The ridiculous talk of her embezzling town funds.”
Zelena gasped, hand to heart.
“She’s been stealing from the town?” she said, in a hushed voice. “Well. About time someone else took over, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Don’t play games with me,” said Gold, in a bored tone. “You know she didn’t do it.”
“That’ll be for the investigation to determine,” she said smoothly.
“Which you’re hoping will overshadow the campaign and leave you the victor.”
“If the people of this town decide they want me rather than her, who am I to deny them?”
Gold sighed heavily, pushing back from the counter and walking around it. Zelena turned to face him, and he grounded the cane between his feet.
“I know what you’re doing,” he said. “I’m a little unclear as to why.”
“I’m running for Mayor,” she said, showing her teeth in a somewhat manic smile. “As I said, it’s all about wanting to help the town. Family values, that sort of thing.”
“Really?” said Gold. “That’s interesting. Especially as the current Mayor is your half-sister. Perhaps those family values only stretch so far, hmm?”
Zelena’s mouth fell open, eyes wide with shock, and he bit back a smirk.
“Interesting how differently your lives turned out, isn’t it?” he went on. “You raised in England by your adoptive parents, Regina over here with your birth mother. I suppose that must sting, being abandoned. As I understand it, she left you at the kids’ home in Boston with a note saying she had to give herself her best life and she couldn’t do that with a baby.”
Zelena’s eyes widened further, her jaw tightening.
“How the hell do you know that?” she demanded. “Who told you?”
“I have my sources,” he said. “Which I obviously won’t reveal.”
“That slut of a reporter’s been poking her nose in where it doesn’t belong and then selling to the highest bidder, I suppose,” she said bitterly, and he felt his fist clench around the handle of his cane.
“If you mean Miss French,” he said evenly. “Then no. My information predates her arrival in Storybrooke.”
Zelena drew herself up, brushing her hands against her skirts as though ridding herself of something unpleasant.
“Well,” she said. “My tragic history is none of anyone’s business.”
“It’s my business when you try to use it to take over my town.”
“Your town?” she said, letting out a humourless laugh. “Did you become Mayor when I wasn’t looking?”
Gold smiled coldly.
“Regina may have the title of Mayor,” he said. “But I’m the one with the power around here, and I’d prefer to keep it that way. Disruption, disputes – family drama – it hurts the bottom line.”
Zelena took a step closer, licking her lips. It was repellent, but he made himself meet her eyes.
“Well, if you could see your way to supporting my campaign,” she said throatily. “I’m sure we could - work something out. Help each other, so to speak. Perhaps we can discuss it over dinner.”
She reached out to touch his chest, and Gold stepped back smoothly, resisting the urge to swat her hand away.
“I try not to get involved in politics.”
Zelena looked as though she’d bitten a lemon.
“And yet,” she said. “Here you are. Getting in my way.”
“I know where I am with Regina,” he said. “She may be a little hard-headed at times, but she has fairly good judgement, and a genuine concern for her citizens. You have neither.”
“Perhaps I’m just untested.”
“Perhaps you’re unstable.”
She clenched her jaw, her eyes flashing.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re incredibly rude?”
“Usually I get ‘heartless’,” said Gold. “I like to think I’m merely a good judge of character.”
“And you judge the Mayor’s character to be better than mine?”
“I imagine most of this town does,” he said calmly, and Zelena sniffed.
“In case you haven’t noticed, most of the residents of this town are incredibly stupid,” she said. “Small-minded. Stuck in the past and terrified of change. It didn’t take much effort on my part to find bad feelings towards the Mayor.”
“Which you’ve no doubt been exploiting.”
“Well, that’s politics,” she said airily. “Can I help it if the townsfolk have had a difficult year and I remind them that while they struggle to pay their bills, Regina Mills and that wife of hers are lounging around doing heaven knows what on the taxpayer dime?”
“What is it you think they’re doing?” asked Gold, puzzled. “Mallory is a lawyer. Regina is the Mayor. They both earn a respectable living and I’m fairly sure neither one of them is lounging around.”
“Respectable?” she said, raising an eyebrow. “Well, that’s not the concern I’ve heard from some of the townsfolk. There’s talk of some seedy club that’s been approved by the Mayor to open next month. Queens of Darkness, or something?”
“Yes,” said Gold patiently. “It’s a gay bar. So?”
“From what I hear there is deep concern amongst the townsfolk about the image of Storybrooke,” she said. “I’m told it could attract all kinds of perverts to the town. Think of the poor children.”
Gold stared at her, then burst out laughing.
“Are you expecting to challenge Regina on some sort of morality grounds?” he asked. “Good luck with that. No one but a tiny, bigoted minority cares that she’s a lesbian. If you think you can win with their votes alone, you’re wasting your time.”
“I think the family values crowd is more numerous than you might believe,” she said. “Something tells me I’m on the right track. Outrage is so easily manipulated and weaponized, don’t you agree?”
Gold stared at her for a moment.
“So you don’t care about being Mayor at all,” he said. “You just want to take it away from Regina.”
Zelena smirked
“Can you imagine the look on her face?” she asked. “Because I have a little scene in my head that I’m hoping will play out on election day. I’m announced as the winner in a landslide victory, the simpletons that voted for me erupt with cheers, and she runs out of the town hall crying.”
“Clearly you don’t know her very well,” remarked Gold. “Why do this? You don’t want this position, you clearly don’t give a flying fuck about any of the townsfolk, why go to so much trouble to take it from Regina?”
Zelena rounded on him, nostrils flaring.
“Because she deserves it!” she hissed. “Because she had everything that was supposed to be mine! Because she was given the world on a silver platter and even that’s not enough for her!”
Gold shook his head.
“You’re saying that like any of this is Regina’s fault,” he said. “She can’t help it if your mother abandoned you. If you have to take your anger out on someone, surely your mother is the place to start?”
“Well, I can’t very well talk to her about it, she’s dead!”
“Then let it go,” said Gold patiently. “Stop blaming your sister for the two of you having a terrible parent.”
“This life should have been mine!” said Zelena, eyes flashing. “She doesn’t deserve any of this!”
“My thoughts exactly,” he said dryly. “You won’t beat her, you know. The town has supported Regina for years because she does a good job. They won’t simply choose you because you bat your eyelashes at them.”
“Well, maybe they’d prefer a Mayor who isn’t corrupt,” she said. “I think you’ll be surprised at what the townsfolk might want, when the truth is presented to them.”
Perhaps so, he thought. Aloud he said: “You know as well as I do that there’s no truth to the corruption rumours.”
Zelena smiled brightly.
“Do I?”
“Yes,” he said evenly. “So unless you’ve planted a bunch of phoney evidence, this vendetta of yours is doomed.”
Zelena had pursed her lips at his words, and he wanted to shake her.
“You’re telling me you have planted evidence?”
“I didn’t say that.”
Gold sighed heavily.
“I don’t even know why I’m trying to help you,” he said, almost to himself. “Why don’t you just leave town? Go and live your life and stop worrying about what you think you’re entitled to.”
“I will destroy her happiness!” spat Zelena. “If it’s the last thing I do!”
She whirled away, red curls tossing, and stomped towards the door.
“If you try to bring her down,” he called, making her pause. “I’ll stop you.”
Zelena swivelled slowly on her toes to face him, a smirk twisting her lips.
“Oh, really?”
“Really,” he said. “I’ve taken time out of my busy day to try to make you see sense, but I can just as easily talk to the entire town.”
She laughed at that, eyes gleaming with mirth.
“The reclusive Mr Gold, whom the entire town distrusts, is going to convince them that their beloved charity queen is really a fraudster with an axe to grind?”
“Yes,” he said simply.
She looked him up and down briefly, pursing her lips, and took a step forward.
“Go ahead and try, then,” she said. “You’ve no proof.”
Gold held her gaze for a moment, then nodded.
“You’re right,” he said. “I don’t.”
Zelena nodded in satisfaction.
“In that case, I think we’re done, don’t you?” she said. “Unless you want to take me up on that offer of dinner, of course.”
“I think not,” he said coldly, and she sniffed.
“Your loss,” she said, and flounced off, the bell above the door jingling on her way out.
Gold stared after her, shaking his head, and heard the click of heels on the floor behind him.
“Well.” Lacey’s voice made him turn. “That was interesting.”
She was leaning in the doorway, the curtain to the back room draping the curve of her hip, and he smiled.
“Did you get it?” he asked, and she held up her camera.
“Every word.”
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the-himawari · 3 years
A3! Mizuno Kaya - Translation [SSR] The Company President of April 1st (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Sakuya: It’s the General Affairs department! Please excuse us!
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Izumi: !
Tsuzuru: Got the stepladder… Here. Go ahead, Sakuya.
Sakuya: Yes!
Izumi: (Woah, he climbed right up the stepladder and he’s replacing the fluorescent bulb that went out…!)
Sakuya: Change complete!
Tsumugi: Thank you.
Azuma: Fufu, as usual, I feel healed by Saku’s cute, smiling face. It’s so relaxing when the General Affairs department comes by.
Tsumugi: I know what you mean. They’re refreshing and pleasant, just like a spring breeze, right?
Itaru: Here’s the list of today’s visitors.
Chikage: I’ve also inputted the data, so please check it over.
Citron: I’ve sorted all sorts of documents and organized them all beautifully!
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Tsuzuru: I ordered the additional equipment as well.
Sakuya: And I tidied up the file room.
Homare: Ahh, you have my gratitude.
Guy: Thanks to the capable General Affairs department, the Secretarial department also has an easier time with our work and it’s a great help.
Izumi: (That's what you expect from professionals who improve the work efficiency of the employees.)
Chikage: By the way, is Mr. Sleepy-head here actually helpful to the Secretarial department?
Izumi: (Mr. Sleepy-head?)
Hisoka: I’m working properly even if you don’t tell me to.
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Chikage: You haven’t been dozing off, have you?
Homare: Hisoka-kun works properly as long as you give him marshmallows.
Chikage: What about the trouble you’re causing your coworkers?
Hisoka: It's none of your business, Chikage.
Tsumugi: Hisoka-kun and Chikage-san from General Affairs are from the same hometown.
Izumi: I see, that’s how it is.
Tasuku: Hasn't this guy been playing games during work again?
Itaru: Haven't you been doing muscle training during work again?
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Izumi: Umm…
Guy: The Secretarial and General Affairs departments also have modest conflicts in some cases.
Citron: Now, now, don’t fight, everyone! We’ll calm everyone with one of our General Affair’s specialty Manzai acts! Let’s do this, Tsuzuru!
Tsuzuru: Hold on, Citron-san! …Good grief.
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Citron: Hello~, it’s Citron & Tsuzuru’s CITRUN! I’m thinking of making a bento for lunch tomorrow.
Tsuzuru: Oh, that sounds nice. What are you gonna put inside?
Citron: A vegetable terrine, lobster bisque, tilefish poêle, red wine braised beef tail…
Tsuzuru: Um, what kind of bento is that! Isn’t that a full course meal!
Citron: …Flavoured onigiri.
Tsuzuru: ONIGIRI!?
Izumi: Ahahaha.
Tsumugi: Fufufu! The General Affair’s specialty Manzai shows are really funny.
Guy: Indeed.
Izumi: (…Wait, huh? Speaking of which, from a while ago, the President’s been…)
Mizuno: …
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Izumi: (EH!? It looks like he’s hiding with only his head peeking out from behind his desk…) P-president Mizuno…?
Mizuno: …!
Citron: Ohh, President?
Tsuzuru: I knew it was a bad idea to show President Mizuno our Manzai… Sorry for always showing you something so boring.
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Mizuno: THAT’S NOT IT!!!
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Izumi: …!
Mizuno: TSUZURU-KUN’S MANZAI IS WORLD CLASS!! So much so I’d like to push it with all my might with the company…!
Tsuzuru: You don’t have to go that far. But I appreciate it.
Izumi: (Ehhh… The two of them have a really friendly air around them…)
Tsuzuru: Ahh, sorry for surprising you. Actually, Mizuno and I are childhood friends.
Izumi: Oh, I see!
Tsuzuru: That being said, I should keep my manners properly in check while at the company. Sorry for acting so over-familiar with you, President Mizuno.
Mizuno: N-no way! Please don’t worry about it! You don’t have to use formal speech either! Even if you call me President, compared to Tsuzuru-kun’s magnificent humanity, I’m just…!
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Izumi: (President Mizuno looks all flustered…)
Tsuzuru: I’ll work hard so I can be even more helpful to you, Mizuno.
Mizuno: Thank you. I will do my best too. Tachibana-san, my apologies for the late introduction. These guys are the members of the General Affairs department.
Sakuya: It’s very nice to meet you!
Izumi: I’m Tachibana Izumi. Same here, nice to meet you!
Citron: Ohh, the rumoured new hire. I’m Citron! I want to get along! You’re definitely, definitely welcome at the General Affairs section~!
Chikage: The General Affairs department is fun and noisy too.
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Itaru: We hold game tournaments sometimes, you know? Wanna be our player 7, Tachibana-san?
Tsuzuru: We’d be really happy if you joined us.
Sakuya: Welcome! Let’s do our best together as colleagues at MIZUNO Enterprise! If there’s anything you don’t know, please ask me anything, any time!
Izumi: Thank you so much!
Itaru: Now then, I guess we should head out… Oh, hm?
Masumi: …
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Izumi: ?
Itaru: Masumi? Oiii, Masumiii.
Masumi: I’ve found… my soulmate.
Mizuno: Soulmate?
Tsumugi: Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure Masumi-kun’s been staring at her the whole time since he entered the President’s office…
Masumi: I joined this company in order to look for my destined partner. And now, I’ve finally found them. You’re my…
Izumi: Ehh, ehh?
Masumi: I love you. Marry me.
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Izumi: EHHHH!?
Masumi: Join the General Affairs department. I want to be with you. I’ll file paperwork and order various things with you. Then we’ll go on outings, listen to music together, and we’ll think about the things we’ll need for our married life. The two of us will spend lots of time doing different things together…
Itaru: LOL, that had nothing to do with General Affairs halfway through.
Citron: Is this love at first sight!?
Sakuya: Masumi-kun, calm down!
Tsuzuru: What are you doing in front of the President…! I’m so sorry! Come on, let’s go!
Chikage: Then please excuse us.
*door closes*
Izumi: T-that surprised me…
Tsumugi: Ahaha…
Mizuno: I was shocked too… But Usui-kun is a very outstanding person.
Guy: Alright, we will be on our way as well.
Azuma: Right.
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Tsumugi: Let’s make today a great day too.
Mizuno: Yes, thank you very much.
*door closes*
Mizuno: So, I’ve shown you all the departments within the company; what do you think?
Izumi: I thought that it’s really amazing. Everyone is so professional… Honestly, I’m not confident I’ll be as helpful to the company as they are.
Mizuno:  What’s important isn’t to be useful to the company, but that you, Tachibana-san, yourself, are able to have fun working without any worries. As you’ve seen today, every department plays an important role within the company—. But everyone wasn’t able to work so competently from the very beginning. Even so, you will eventually find a role that suits your aptitude, and you’ll be able to work comfortably. In other words, no matter which department you’re assigned to, I’m sure you will find a role that will make the best use of your own unique strengths! So let’s find that role together.
Izumi: President Mizuno… (Once again, I’m glad that I got to join this company…!) Yes…!
Mizuno: —san, Director-san… Director-san?
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Izumi: Hm… (This is the MANKAI Dorm…?) Hah, President Mizuno…!?
Mizuno: P-president…?
Izumi: (Huh… Oh, that was a dream just now.) (I had a meeting with Mizuno-san scheduled today, but I was reading documents until late last night so it looks like I nodded off.)
Mizuno: I’m sorry for disturbing you. The manager let me inside.
Izumi: Oh, that’s what happened. I’m sorry for showing you my embarrassing appearance.
Mizuno: Oh, no. You must be tired… I apologize for taking up your time while you’re busy.
Izumi: You see… The truth is, I had a dream where Mizuno-san was the President of a company
Mizuno: EHH!? No way, I’m still just an inexperienced intern…! It’d be unthinkable to succeed my father…!
Izumi: Still, in my dream, you filled the role wonderfully.
Mizuno: T-thank you very much. That’s too kind. Imagining myself as a President is an exaggeration… But in the future, 100 years from now, I want to become a splendid, capable person who can pour all my efforts into entertainment. So that’s why I will continue to improve myself from now on as well.
Izumi: (Mizuno-san… He really does have a President's capability...!)
1. So it's come to my attention that a lot of people have never heard of a sleeve protector. It's like this (but the one Tsuzuru is wearing is made of cloth, not plastic):
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Workers and students wear them in various different contexts to keep their sleeves clean (i.e. when doing handiwork, when you're writing so the ink doesn't smudge on your sleeve, etc.) 2. So you're telling me Mizuno was watching Tsuzuru like this... I--
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haworthiaace · 4 years
Magic Misfits AU
Ok so basically we made an au based off of the fact that Scar kept calling his village the village for magical misfits. Scar finds out that he somehow ended up on a server for magical misfits, and now he’s created a sort of safe haven within the server, so naturally they flock to it. Some hermits don’t surprise him, the ones that don’t really bother making an effort to hide their magic, or the ones who can’t hide it. But some hermits deeply confuse him. Chaos ensues. 
TLDR Scar becomes a magical therapist for the hermits
Scar is a wizard, he doesn’t really specialize in anything besides his crystals, which is why he’s able to help with a variety of magical issues. He ends up becoming the one entrusted with everyone’s secrets and problems, which makes him Stressed, but he enjoys helping his friends.
Both Xisuma and Evil Xisuma are shapeshifters, with the ability to change their appearance, but not their size. X keeps his appearance hidden from the hermits, which of course inspires wild theories ranging from eldritch abomination to biblical angels, but X won’t reveal if any theories are true. The only ones that know are Hypno (explained later) and Scar. Scar found out when Xisuma showed up hurt at his doorstep, without enough energy to keep another form. Scar was sworn to secrecy afterwards, and he deeply enjoys listening to other hermits pester him for answers. X actually just looks startlingly average, to the point that he’s unwilling to reveal himself solely because people expect him to be something a little more intimidating, and especially now with the ridiculous rumours the hermits have started.
EX doesn’t hide his true form (which is identical to X’s), but of course the hermits don’t believe him, thinking that it’s just another disguise, and EX won’t confirm or deny because he thinks it makes them more afraid of him. (It doesn’t) He’ll also frequently try to impersonate hermits to destroy the server from the inside out, but he is a terrible actor (so is X) and rarely gets far in his plans.
Mumbo and Grian are fairies, but they’re originally from different communities (courts? I really don’t know much about fairies) so they don’t know the other is a fairy until Grian’s hermit challenges initiation. They can shrink into a smaller form that has wings, but it takes quite a bit of effort to switch between forms. (also fun fact: if mumbo is a fairy that means hermit challenges is a magically binding contract)
Iskall is just. Completely human. His prosthetic eye is powered by magic, (and maintained by Scar!) but other than that he’s just a dude. However, he has very strange things happen to him all the time because he’s befriended not one, but two fairies, and he hasn’t noticed either one. He finds that he often has abnormally good luck, and his lost objects will mysteriously turn up as soon as he complains to his best friends about it. He asks Scar if he knows anything, but Scar, not wanting to break Mumbo or Grian’s trust, has to play dumb while also helping Iskall with his ‘problem’.
Now this might come as a shock but. Ren is a werewolf. It may not be unique but it is fitting. One full moon near the beginning of season 7, Ren showed up at the village around sunset, and frantically insisted that Scar let him stay the night in an unoccupied house. So Scar let him stay, and the next morning Ren explained his Situation. So now Scar helps Ren be as comfortable as possible on the night of his transformation and the day after they just chill together.
Stress has her potion brewery, and she’s the first one on the list to fall into the category of Not Having Frequent Magical Emergencies; she just goes to the village to hang out because hey why not? It’s cozy, plus Scar helps her brainstorm potion recipes over cookies and hot chocolate. Scar comes to her often needing a potion (usually of the healing variety) because someone Fucked Up.
Tango is also human, but at some point he was cursed, and his vision started to literally turn red until it was all he could see. The curse was halted thanks to Zed and Impulse, but the red eyes still remain. (Though thankfully his vision returned) They aren’t sure what the curse would have done if it wasn’t stopped, and they’d be happy to never find out.
Zed is an elf, and while he does have a little bit of magic, it wasn’t enough to stop whatever was afflicting Tango, so he turned to more demonic methods. When Tango’s sight got really bad, he summoned a demon (Impulse) and offered his soul in exchange for a cure to the curse. Impulse did the best he could, restoring Tango’s vision but leaving the red eyes, and then left with his price. Zed’s health slowly started declining: he had basically no energy or life due to the separation from his soul. So Tango summoned Impulse back and asked for Zed’s soul back, but it couldn’t be returned without reversing the deal, and Zed wasn’t willing to do that. So Tango ‘asked’ Impulse to stay with them for a while so Tango could convince Zed to back out of the deal. It turns out that being near his soul (kept by Impulse) returned Zed’s energy, and Impulse decided he liked these two so they became a trio, and joined hermitcraft soon after.
Quite often 2 members of team ZIT will wake up Scar in the middle of the night because they accidentally did something to the missing member (banished Impulse, sent Tango to the shadow realm, etc.) and they don’t know what to do. Scar has a ZIT protocol. It’s used far too often. They also constantly try to figure out what the more human looking hermits are. They do not often succeed.
At night, Bdubs turns into a sleep paralysis demon looking creature, and he (unwillingly) curses people to sleep for a completely random amount of time. After an Incident with Wels in season 6, (that’s the reason for his ‘nap’) he makes sure to sleep as early as possible every night. He thankfully isn’t affected by this while in the End or Nether.
Alright lads here’s the angsty one. Beef has the midas touch, meaning everything he touches turns to gold. It works much slower on living creatures than on inanimate objects, but it still works on living things so that’s Not Good. He makes sure to wear special enchanted gloves that block his curse while wearing them. At some point he goes to Scar in a panic because he accidentally touched Etho with his bare hands, (Etho handles this surprisingly well) and Scar helps him fix Etho. (It’s minecraft rules. They just cut his arm off and it comes back.) After that they put a curse of binding enchantment on Beef’s gloves.
Cleo is still a zombie, and she sometimes gets Scar to help her with Zombie Problems when Joe isn’t available. The first time she showed up outside Larry with her (severed) arm held in one hand Scar nearly jumped out of his robes, but he’s pretty used to it by now and will just go inside to grab a needle and thread.
Joe certainly is something! Nobody is quite sure, even Scar. All Scar knows is that Joe knows way too much about everything, and yet he keeps asking Scar to help him translate Galactic. (Joe is secretly trying to teach Scar the language because he feels that it’s important for magic users to know, especially ones so versatile like Scar) Joe is some kind of oracle who receives visions of the past, present, and future, which is why he knows so much, and he’s also at least dabbled in almost every kind of magic there is. He’s a bit of a cryptid.
The local mad scientist is Cub, who does all sorts of weird experiments, and makes inventions that combine magic and technology in disturbing yet wonderful ways. He also got cursed by his pyramid, so now he has comically bad luck. It doesn’t usually cause any serious harm, just shenanigans. He of course embraces this and finds it funny as hell.
On top of Doc’s regular strangeness, (creeper hybrid, cyborg, goat whisperer?) he also for some reason attracts a frankly unreasonable amount of kitsunes. Nobody knows why, but he can be seen in the shopping district being trailed by no less than two foxes with varying amounts of tails. It’s really very cute, and the mystery of it infuriates the more investigative hermits. (Cub and team ZIT mostly)
Etho is a demigod, although nobody knows what god he’s descended from. (including Etho) He has the fun ability to grant others’ wishes, but because of his personality he chooses to twist these wishes and turn them into fun little pranks that technically give the person what they want, but not without annoying them first. He also doesn’t reveal this ability to the others, leaving them even more confused whenever he uses it, which isn’t often because it does drain him quite a bit.
False, being the badass she is, is a valkyrie. She towers over most of the hermits, and between her height, wings, and blazing sword she’s quite intimidating. Despite this, she’s still very sweet, and would never seriously hurt her friends on purpose, but enemies are a whole different story.
Hypno at first seems totally human, but he actually comes from a world full of magic, each person having their own individual ability. Hypno’s ability is to absorb/ cancel out magic, which means that no magic can affect him, and he can also choose to stop any magic by touching the target of the magic. This got him exiled from his world, but he found a new family in the hermits. Because he isn’t affected by magic, he can see through Xisuma’s disguise, but he just assumes that he sees the same thing as everyone else. He hangs out with Beef when he needs comfort because he knows Beef can’t accidentally hurt him.
Jevin is,, slime. Not a minecraft slime, he’s just a pile of sentient slime held together by magic. (Necromancy? probably) Hypno likes to mess with him by touching small parts of him and disrupting the magic so a chunk of his arm falls off. Scar then has to fix it, but it’s still funny.
Keralis has the power of hypnotizing people by looking into his eyes. (Nothing but his eyes) He of course uses this power for mischief, although nothing actually bad. Usually uses it to ‘convince’ people to buy a book or seven. He also sometimes does it on accident, in which case he drops them off at Scar’s until they snap out of it. Team ZIT keeps asking him to hypnotize X so he’ll reveal his true form, but Keralis doesn’t want to force him to reveal that, plus he finds their attempts at figuring it out entertaining.
XB is an unfortunately forgetful selkie, and most of his visits to Scar are because he lost his coat in one of his shulker boxes again. On one memorable occasion he arrived in a panic after losing his coat again, and Scar had to spend about 5 minutes trying to suppress his laughter enough to tell XB that it was on him.
TFC doesn’t have magical crises, much to Scar’s relief. He’s just a humble earthbender living in the mines, occasionally coming out to the village to ask Scar for a crystal to help his back pain, or to give the poor man an afternoon of peace. In fact, Scar turns the tables by asking TFC for magical help with terraforming, which he’s glad to offer in exchange for all that Scar does for everyone.
Wels is a bard, which makes his sea shanties even more powerful than they already are. When Hermitgang came out, a hole was blown in the G team base, much to the surprise of everyone inside at that moment. Hels is also a bard, but he prefers rock music over sea shanties. Diabolical was an actual magical duel, and it probably looked sick as hell.
Bonus: Jellie is secretly a powerful eldritch being, and is the only one with magic that can affect Hypno. It’s a good thing she’s interested in getting pets and treats rather than destroying the server, because she probably could. She casually hops between worlds whenever Scar isn’t around, going on delightful little adventures. Scar takes quite a while to figure this out, and loses his shit when he does. When she got struck by lightning, she just turned up totally fine the next day and Scar didn’t question it too much.
I’d like to thank the discord for helping with ideas, ya’ll are so creative and i appreciate you all <3 ( @skywillsometimeswrite @bigbadantianti @justletmeplayminecraft @badtimeswithscar @aceacebaby12345 @litabattoir @icewolfstar @burntmagicc @dicerxll @dioritegang @cut-the-string @anntonka @shadeswift99
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