#i have so many many thoughts on this but I will not get too deep so you guys wont get bored lol
roosterforme · 2 days
Vintage | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You love teasing your husband about his deep and unwavering devotion to his Bronco, but he's insistent that it would come in second place to you every time, and he intends to prove it. While you're away on deployment, he concocts a plan to get you behind the wheel of your very own vintage beauty.
Warnings: Swears, fluff, mentions of smut
Length: 2700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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"Sometimes I swear you love that thing more than you love me."
Your voice startled Bradley as he ran the wet, soapy sponge along the hood of his vintage Ford Bronco, pulling him from his thoughts. That was something you frequently said to him, jokingly claiming that you were the second love of his life. But you both knew it wasn't true. Especially not tonight.
"Hey, Baby," he whispered, coaxing you closer to him as he tossed the sponge back into the bucket. "Come here."
The setting sun painted your face with orange and gold, and he noticed the sadness in your eyes. He quickly wiped his hands on his jeans and then held them out to you, and you were in his arms in an instant. "Bradley," you mumbled against his chest as he squeezed you, getting your shirt a little damp in the process. But you didn't seem to mind. "I'm going to miss you."
Detailing and cleaning what used to be his dad's 1973 Bronco had become a way for him to relieve stress. He would get out the soap and turn on the hose when he needed a few minutes to himself. It was easier to be alone in his head, processing his thoughts and worries when he was washing the light blue masterpiece he'd spent so many years and a lot of money preserving. He always found himself in a better headspace to deal with whatever was troubling him when he spent some time with the Bronco. And today was no exception. 
"I'm going to miss you, too."
Sometimes it felt like the nearly five years you and he had been married were just spent alternating deployments. First he would be gone on an aircraft carrier for months on end, and then it would be your turn. You'd be sent abroad with the Navy before returning to him, and then the cycle would begin anew. Everything felt harder when you weren't around, and maybe that's why Bradley was out on the driveway right now instead of helping you pack for your early call time tomorrow morning. 
With your cheek pressed to his sternum, you cried softly. "It's only two months this time. And I'll have access to my phone. And I'll even be home in time for our anniversary. I don't know why I'm feeling so emotional about this."
He pressed his lips to your hair and whispered, "It's not like it gets any easier. You know that. I know that. It's going to feel like two months of hell on my end."
You sniffed hard then looked up at him with a little smirk. "At least you'll have the Bronco to keep you warm."
Bradley groaned and started to walk you backwards toward the house. "I mean, she's pretty and all, and I've definitely spent a night or two curled up around her gear shift, but I never gave her a diamond ring."
Your lips and your soft laughter against his neck sent a jolt of physical pleasure through his body, but he didn't want to rush this. He needed this to last, to hold him over for two months without your touch. Both of you tripped along to the bedroom where he smiled and whispered, "Let me show you that you're my number one girl. Let me prove you always will be."
Bradley was meticulous. He knew every inch of his Bronco, inside and out, but he knew you better. The sounds you made were prettier. The way you clung to him as he brought you pleasure was unparalleled. Your fingers laced with his as he connected his body with yours in the most intimate way, and it left him breathless.
"I love you."
Two days. He'd only been alone for two days, and he was already halfway through binge watching a season of a show that wasn't even that interesting. When he got home from work, he eyed up the couch and TV before ultimately changing into some sweats and heading back out to the driveway. He looked over the Bronco from hood to taillights, making a mental list of what she needed: new wiper blades, two new tires, and an oil change.
When he took his phone out to order the parts from his favorite website, he must have typed something wrong. It rerouted him to a vintage Ford resale page that left him staring at a sage green 1975 Bronco in rough condition. Man, she was still pretty though, with her original chrome and hubcaps. She was just an hour away, and the price wasn't too bad...
He glanced up at the blue gem in front of him. An idea started to take shape. He wondered how you would feel about it. With a smile, he ordered the wiper blades and oil filter that he needed and went inside to make dinner. But he couldn't stop picturing that chipped, green paint, and the vinyl that needed to be patched. 
If he knew he could get you hooked on a Bronco of your very own, he'd make this purchase. Two months to go. Shit, he might have just enough time to pull this off. He could practically picture you cranking the engine to life and waving goodbye as you pulled out of the driveway and took your Bronco for a spin. He wouldn't be able to say it with a straight face, but he'd say it anyway. "You love that thing more than you love me, Baby."
When he was stretched out on your side of the bed later that night, enveloped in your sweet scent that clung to the pillows, he closed his eyes and thought long and hard about what he wanted to do. It would be fun to prove to you once and for all where his loyalties lie. Or maybe it could just be a project that would keep him busy, and if you didn't like the idea, he could resell it after you got home. Either way, he drifted to sleep as he thought about you behind the wheel, and he knew it was too perfect to pass up.
"Hey, Baby," Bradley said with a smirk as he answered his phone.
"Bradley! I miss you like crazy!"
"I miss you, too," he promised as he looked at the rather beat up, green Bronco before him. He got it for a great price when he offered to pay cash, and the tow truck just dropped it off a few days ago. Half of the engine was taken apart on a tarp at his feet, and it was currently jacked up so he could replace the oil pan. But he thought it was gorgeous. "I have a little surprise for you when you get home."
"A surprise?! Tell me. You know I can't wait that long."
"Nah," he said, kneeling down to check the wiring for the headlights. "I think I'll make you wait this one out."
"What?" he laughed, wedging the phone between his shoulder and his ear as he slipped his work gloves on and pulled at the loose wire. "You know, this is what you get for always giving me a hard time about my dad's Bronco. I love you so much, Baby, I'll make you wait for the surprise. It'll be sweeter that way."
"You're the worst," you groaned playfully. "Now I'll be thinking about what it could possibly be the whole time I'm gone. I'll be wondering what you have up your sleeve."
"As long as you're thinking about me, I'm happy," he rasped, and your pretty sigh in response left him a little breathless.
"I'm always thinking about you. Promise me as soon as I get back, we'll go for a long drive? Up along the coast? Late at night?"
He loved that idea. It would just look a little different than you were probably imagining if he could get this thing up and running again in time for your return. "We'll make a night of it," he promised. "I'll pack some blankets, and we can sit in the back and look out at the ocean. Can't guarantee I'll be able to keep my hands to myself though."
"Mmm. That's what I'm counting on."
After about two weeks of watching a lot of YouTube videos posted by professionals, Bradley finally had the engine rebuilt. He was just waiting for some parts to arrive before he could put it back in place. "You're a needy one, aren't you?" he asked the green Bronco. "Nothing like her. She's a saint." He nodded his head toward the blue one before kneeling to replace the taillights. 
He was quickly realizing that the money he saved on the cost of the actual vehicle was being eaten up in the expensive, vintage parts. He was lucky he knew how to do most of this himself, even if it took twice as long. Today he was replacing the brakes and listening to a Motown playlist, and he fully realized that he felt calmest when he was with you or a Bronco. He snorted at how ridiculous that fact was as he scooted under the vehicle, but it was true. And having you tucked away in the back with the tailgate dropped, all wrapped up in a blanket while you turned him on just by existing.... well, that's when he would be happiest of all.
As the weeks wore on and the project progressed, the day finally arrived when it was time to try to start her up and take her for a little drive. Everything smelled like new rubber from the tires he'd just put on. The vinyl seats were still in bad shape, but when he slipped the key into the ignition and turned it, the engine purred to life.
Bradley's head tipped back as he groaned softly. "So fucking pretty. My god." He tapped the accelerator gently with his foot, enjoying the rev of the engine. He smoothed his hands along the steering wheel and the dashboard before he adjusted the rear view mirror to accommodate his height. Then he flicked the chrome switch and turned on the radio which he was surprised still worked.
My Girl by the Temptations poured from the speakers as the station crackled to life, and that felt like a very good sign. "Let's get out of here, Sweetheart," he whispered before shifting into reverse and leaving the driveway and his toolbox behind.
She was smooth and steady and everything he was hoping for. Would it ever fully compete with Goose's Bronco? Probably not. Was it worth the investment anyway? He'd find out next week when you got home. There were just a few things left to do before he dropped it off to be repainted and have the interior patched, and then she'd be good as new.
Bradley's phone rang in his pocket, and he smiled when he saw it was you. "Hey, Baby."
"Bradley! I miss you so much. I swear, if this thing was longer than two months, I wouldn't make it. What are you up to?"
"Oh, I'm just out for a little drive."
After eight weeks of nothing more than a few scant phone calls, Bradley was more than ready to have you home again. Maybe you and he could take a few days off from work. He'd help you catch up on some sleep after initially keeping you up all night. He already had some blankets ready to go as soon as you said you wanted to drive up to Carlsbad and watch the surfers at sunset before making love in the back of your Bronco.
Your Bronco. His wife's Bronco. It would take some getting used to, but it already made him smile every time he thought about it. With his hands on that familiar steering wheel, he drove toward the Naval base where both of you spent so much of your time. He waited, leaning against the light blue hood until you came running toward him in your uniform with your bags.
"Bradley!" you shrieked as you landed in his arms where you belonged. 
"I missed you," he promised, finally kissing your lips again after so many weeks. He felt your bag hit his foot, and he smiled as he tilted your face up for better access to your mouth.
"I missed you, too," you moaned softly, and he was already making the move to get you back home and remind you what you meant to him. But you dug your feet in outside the passenger door. 
"Where's my surprise?" you asked as you tucked your fingers into the top of his jeans and grinned up at him. "I've been thinking about it nonstop. Is it you?"
"No," he replied with a chuckle as his gaze drifted toward the Bronco. "You'll see soon enough."
You glanced at where he was looking, and you rolled your eyes before kissing his chin. "Did she keep you company while I was gone? She looks pristine, like you spend some time working on her."
Bradley kissed your forehead. "Just get in, Baby," he rasped. "The sooner we get home, the sooner your little surprise will make sense."
He knew the routine by heart now. The short ride home would start out with you holding his right hand and playing with his fingers while he drove. Then your hand would migrate to his thigh when the Bronco was about five blocks away. Then as soon as the tires touched the driveway, you'd unbuckle your seatbelt and make your way over to his lap.
The routine was important to him. He loved it. He loved taking you inside and directly to bed before coming back out much later to get the bags. He thrived on the return to normal life that was triggered by the routine. But today, he knew you weren't going to end up on his lap, and that was more than okay.
When your hand settled on his thigh exactly five blocks away from home, Bradley smiled. Your fingers crept up inch by inch as you leaned closer and whispered in his ear that you had their fifth wedding anniversary all planned out for the following weekend. You were playing with the zipper of his jeans by the time he could see the house, and he just waited for it. He was not disappointed.
"What the fuck is that?" you gasped, both hands going to the dashboard in front of you as you leaned to check out the freshly painted green Bronco as he coasted into the driveway. "Bradley?" you asked, glancing at him with wide eyes as he shifted into park.
He smiled and leaned over to kiss your softly parted lips. "This is your surprise. You're always joking about how much I love my Bronco, but I'll never love anything more than I love you."
You pressed your lips to his once before pulling away, shaking your head slightly. "So you got me one of my own?" you asked, jerking your thumb toward the green one.
He nodded and pulled his key from the ignition before pressing it into your palm. "Yep. She's all yours."
"Wait," you whispered, your brow creasing in confusion as you looked down at your hand. "This is your key."
"No, it's your key. The key to the green one is in the house. That's my key."
You gaped at him as your eyebrows shot upwards. "You're giving me your Bronco?"
"But," you whispered, turning to look out the window, "I can drive the other one."
"No, I bought the green one with myself in mind," he replied, taking your chin gently in his hand so you were looking at him again. "This one's better. She's sweet. Like you. She's yours."
"Oh my god, Bradley."
He was wrong; you did end up in his lap. Right where you belonged. His hands settled at your hips as you kissed every inch of his face while he laughed.
"I want to take her for a spin," you whispered, nudging him out of the driver's seat with your knee. "Go."
He smiled as he walked around to the passenger side of the blue Bronco, and he barely had the door closed before you started the engine and shifted into gear. "Pretty soon you'll love this thing more than you love me, Baby."
He gave you his Bronco. The green one was for him. That's how you know he loves you. I hope they do some nasty shit in the green one to break it in. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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daenysx · 2 days
imagine giving james a skincare sesh where reader is seated comfortably (on his lap ehm) and he lets her put all sorts of moisturizers, face masks and even lip balm on him and he secretly LOVES it and after they eat homemade cookies and watch their comfort show
thank you for requesting!! i had so much fun writing this, it's my skincare routine applied to james. i guess that means he's literally my boyfriend now (support my delusions please <3333) you can send me requests for james!
james potter x fem!reader, fluff
"are you ready?" you say, grinning. you carried most of your skincare essentials to living room, ready to give your tired boyfriend a nice spa day.
"yes." james walks out of the bathroom. "i washed my face."
"with the cleansing jel?"
"yes, baby." he sits on the couch next to you. you place yourself on his lap expertly, his face looks dry and clean. you lean to give him a kiss on his cheek, james settles down on couch with his back to pillows.
"okay." you say, clapping your hands. you're excited to give him a nice treating, he deserves all the best. you've never understood how boys have clear and smooth skin naturally, james certainly doesn't use as many products as you do, but he lets you do anything you want to him. skincare is like a therapy for you, quality minutes you spend on yourself. it's relaxing, taking care of your body without a single thought in your mind, you want james to experience it, too.
"let me just pull your hair back first." you say quietly, using tiny hairclips to secure his curls.
"why are you whispering?" he asks, whispering.
"i wanna create a relaxing ambience for you." you answer. "whispering is a part of it."
"oh." he teases. "okay."
you take your face toner in your hand, pouring some of it on a cotton pad. "close your eyes, jamie." you say, start applying it on his skin.
james relaxes into the pillow, his hands keep you balanced on his thighs. he likes how excited you get to take care of him, he likes being spoiled by you. your fingers are gentle on his face, almost invisible.
"now i'm gonna put on a face mask, handsome." you say, tearing the package of the mask. "it can feel a bit cold."
"that's okay." he mumbles. you place the mask on his skin carefully, adjusting the sides to cover his entire face. "what does this do?"
"um," you read the package. "it's for hydration mostly, and it has vitamin c in it."
"cool." he has no idea what vitamin c does for skin.
"we're gonna wait for 15 minutes." you say. "can i massage your hands while we wait?"
this must be some kind of special heaven for james. he gives you his hands blindly, you put on hand cream on the back of his hands and start rubbing it nicely on his skin.
james sometimes complains about how rough his hands feel, he washes them a lot and always neglects applying moisturizer. the cream feels good, like he has the skin of a baby now. you're being really sweet on him, he likes the way his muscles loosen up under your fingers.
"you're an angel." he says, a deep sound coming from his throat when you press a tight spot between his thumb and forefinger. "my fucking angel."
you smile, giving the same care to his other hand. james feels his hands go numb when you're finished. you clean the remnants of the cream on your hands before taking the mask off his face. "there you go." you put the used mask aside. "feels good?"
"i feel like a baby."
you laugh. "you're gonna be like a baby when i'm done."
it's a nice promise, james likes it very much. "i'm gonna apply some under eye cream now." you whisper. "you have no dark circles, i'm so jealous."
"it's because i actually have a sleeping schedule, lovely girl." he smiles. "something you lack, you know."
you massage his face a little bit before applying some moisturizer. you don't think any more products are needed for james, his skin is already perfect and the mask takes care of a lot of things. you want his face to be relaxed, so you keep your fingers on his cheeks. he smiles a lot, there are little lines on the corners of his lips and eyes that start forming. you can't help yourself, you kiss his lips softly. he immediately reacts but you pull yourself back, focusing on your work.
"what's the point of relaxing if i'm not gonna get a kiss?" james frowns.
"you'll get your kisses." you promise. "when i'm done."
applying moisturizer is so easy, his skin is glowing now. you make sure you cover every little spot on his face. "it smells good." he says. you nod even though his eyes are closed. "it really does." you say.
"and now," you put the cream away. "lip mask."
"lip mask?" james opens his eyes. "how will i kiss you if i have something on my lips?"
you laugh at his dramatics. "it never stopped you before. you always ruin my lipstick, remember?"
"not the same thing."
"come on, be a good boy for once." you tease. james parts his lips in shock. "once? this is a vile accusation."
you stop him, putting on a tiny bit of lip mask on his lips. he presses his lips together clumsily. "it tastes nice. is that strawberry?"
"you're not supposed to eat it!" you laugh. "leave some of it at least."
"mm, okay." he says. you fix his hair, and put a kiss on his cheek. you hand him the remote before leaving his lap. "i'm gonna bring you some cookies, can you pick a show?"
james nods, watches you clean up the mess through sleepy eyes. his skin has never felt this soft, he wants to pinch his own cheeks. he opens up the show you both like as he waits for you.
you come back with a plate full of cookies. james pulls you into his lap again. "i'm gonna eat just one." he says smugly. "i can't ruin my lip mask and i don't want crumbs on my face."
you laugh. "you're getting really good at this skincare thing."
"thanks to my angel." he says, he kisses your cheek three times. "i love you so much."
"i love you, too, baby." you say, your hand in his curls. "i can do it anytime you want."
"good, because i don't think i can go on without this anymore." he says like it's so obvious. "now, i remember i was promised kisses."
you settle down on his lap. "i don't wanna ruin your lip mask."
"it's not ruining, babe." he disagrees. "i'm willingly sharing my lip mask with you."
you laugh until your chest hurts.
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chvoswxtch · 3 days
pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
summary: in the aftermath of your fight with frank, you get more than one unexpected visitor.
warnings: swearing, lots & lots & lots of angst
word count: 4.4k
a/n: it's getting juicyyyy. friendly reminder y'all voted for a double drop this week, so chapter twenty one is coming this friday. enjoy. ;) as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
[previous chapter] | [series masterlist]
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“You keep frownin’ like that, you’re gonna get wrinkles.”
Lifting your focused gaze from your computer screen to the source of a familiar voice, the creases etched along your forehead deepened at the sight of Billy standing in your office doorway, leaning against the frame with his hands tucked into the pockets of his perfectly tailored suit pants and that signature vain smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“What are you doing here?”
“Good to see you too, darlin’.”
Billy let out a dry chuckle, crossing the threshold over towards your desk in just a few quick strides. Leaning over your desk, Billy stretched his hand out to brush his thumb along the space between your eyebrows, effectively smoothing out the crinkles of concentration coupled with confusion. The gesture caught you off guard, and you blinked a few times in surprise as Billy unbuttoned the middle button on his dark gray suit jacket before sitting down in the chair in front of your desk.
“There, that’s better. Now, how ‘bout you at least pretend to be happy to see me.”
Billy arched one of his dark brows, that same smirk still gracing the edge of his lips in a silent tease. Looking over at him, it occurred to you that there always seemed to be some hint of mischief lingering in his deep espresso tinted eyes. Leaning back in your chair and folding your arms over your chest, you gave him a pointed look.
“What can I do for you, Billy?”
“Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine today.”
“I could be worse, if you’d like.”
Billy’s lips split into a full blown grin, and he let out an amused chuckle at the sass dripping from your dry reply.
“Nah, I’ve seen you pissed. I’d prefer to stay on your good side, sweetheart. You wanna tell me what’s got you in such a pleasant mood this mornin’?”
Being around Billy just made you think about Frank, and thinking about Frank only reminded you of the fact that the two of you weren’t in a good place right now. He swore to you the night you confronted him that he was going to wrap this job up as quickly as he could, but that meant he had to devote all of his time to it, which resulted in him being around even less than he had been last month. 
Two weeks had passed since you’d last seen Frank in person. When you woke up in his bed the morning after you’d shown up at his apartment to confront him, he was already gone. He’d left a note on his pillow saying that he would call you soon, but that call didn’t come for four days, and neither one of you had much to say. You thought hearing his voice after being apart for a while would make you feel better about the whole situation, grant you some sense of relief or jumpstart a spark of acceptance you couldn’t find beforehand, but it only made you even more pissed off about what was happening.
And then the call you had with him two days ago really set you off.
Frank had been trying to keep the conversation light, and there was an apologetic tone to his gruff voice, but you couldn’t bite your tongue. The more you sat alone with the vague explanation he had given you, the more his promise of reassurance felt like fraud. You drew blood first, like you always did, but after a round of back and forth passive aggressive exchanges, Frank lost his own temper and went on the defense.
“For Christ’s sake, what else you want me to say, huh? How many other ways I gotta apologize?”
“We shouldn’t even be in this situation right now, Frank-”
“Yeah, well we are, and you’re gonna have to find a way to deal with it cause it ain’t changin’ any goddamn time soon.”
Frank’s aggressive retort only incensed you further. The stress of the current job combined with the growing rift between the two of you eroded his patience into raw frustration, and you were matching his verbal lashes blow for blow.
“Just deal with it? Just deal with you being away and hiding things from me?”
“That’s the job sometimes, alright? You know first hand the kinda shit I gotta do. You know what my world’s like. I told you I was gonna do what I could to get this handled as soon as possible-”
“But this isn’t your normal job, Frank! Stop using that as a fucking excuse. You’ve never had to disappear to God only knows where before, and you’ve never kept secrets from me-”
“Oh for fucks sake. You think that’s what I’m doin’? Makin’ excuses? That’s bullshit and you know it. I told you what I could-”
“And that’s supposed to be enough?“
“It was enough for Maria.”
Those five simple words stunned you silent. They struck a nerve you didn’t even know existed, and Frank, blinded by his aggravation, just kept hacking away at it with his verbal arsenal.
“Ya’know, she never gave me this much fuckin’ shit, and she had to deal with way worse than you. I was away from her and the kids for months at a time, couldn’t tell her a goddamn thing ‘bout what I was really doin’, and she was never on my ass the way you are right now-”
“I’m not her, Frank!”
The only sounds on the line were yours and Frank’s labored breathing, shallow and heavy from yelling and exhausting your vexed emotions on one another. For several moments, neither of you spoke a word, until finally you broke the silence by gritting your teeth and delivering one last blow.
“You know what, don’t fucking call me again until this shit is over.”
Frank, being the stubborn ass that he was, hadn’t attempted to contact you to smooth things over or to apologize. It infuriated you, but in the same breath, you didn’t want to speak to him right now. 
Still, it wasn’t fair of you to take your sour mood out on Billy. He hadn’t done anything wrong. You were upset with Frank, not him. Letting out a deep exhale through your nose, you slowly dragged your palm down your face before leaning back in your chair. You hadn’t noticed how stiffly you’d been sitting until you felt a dull ache in your lower back.
“I…sorry. There’s just…a lot going on right now. I’m spread kinda thin so, I’m…a bit on edge.”
“A bit?”
When you shot him an unamused look, Billy let out a light chuckle and held up his hands in a show of faux surrender.
“Alright, alright. I didn’t come to here to fuck with ya. I actually came to ask a favor.”
An expression of surprise swiftly coveted your features. What could you possibly have to offer Billy Russo?
“A favor?”
Billy leaned back in the chair, adjusting the lapels of his suit before crossing his left leg over his right knee, placing his elbows on the arm rests. Maybe it was because your office was familiar to him, or maybe it was because he was so rich he felt like he owned everything, but Billy had a way of being able to make himself comfortable no matter what setting he was in. Fixing his deep brown eyes on you, that signature smirk of his graced his lips once again when he caught your look of intrigue and confusion.
“As you know, Anvil has a government contract with Homeland Security. It was a big deal for the company, and it’s proven to be a damn good business investment. As a matter of fact, it’s been so successful, that I’ve been meetin’ with a few other branches negotiatin’ another expansion, and recently closed a deal with the CIA.”
“Don’t government contracts kinda defeat the whole private military operation thing?”
“I didn’t hear you complainin’ when that Homeland contract brought you to me.”
Rolling your eyes at the smugness in his voice, you reached for the nearly empty iced coffee sitting on your desk.
“It wasn’t a complaint.”
“Anvil is more than personal protection, darlin’. It’s also convoy security, tactical operations, tailored training, and more. Most of our military contracts are outside of the U.S, so havin’ two on American soil is a huge deal.”
“If you’re trying to sell me on investing, I hate to break it to you, but I think the number currently reflecting in my bank account would make you cry.”
Billy let out a deep chuckle at that, his lips stretching open into a tooth bearing grin. Giving a faint shake of his head, he ran his right hand along the top of his head, smoothing his perfectly styled raven hair back into place.
“That’s not what I’m askin’.”
“Then how do I come into this, exactly?”
“The news hasn’t hit the media yet. Anvil’s hosting a Veteran’s Charity Ball this Saturday night, and I’m gonna make the announcement then. That, pretty girl, is where you come into play. I’d like you to personally cover the story.”
Looking across your desk at Billy, you could see by the look on his face that he was serious about wanting you to cover the piece. A slight furrow nestled between your brows at the idea.
“Why me?”
Billy cocked his head to the side, a sparkle of mirth in his eyes and a sly smile tugging at the edge of his mouth.
“Why would I ask anyone else? You know me, you know the company-”
“Which is kind of conflict of interest-”
“I already cleared it with your editor. You bein’ under the protection of Anvil is classified through Homeland, and since we’re a private company like you mentioned, our records ain’t public. Besides, your editor seemed pretty confident you could write without bias. Look, I want you on this. I’ve read the work of some of the other journalists here, and I gotta tell ya, even if I didn’t know ya, I still woulda picked you.”
Hearing that Billy had already talked to Ellison about this was a surprise to you because Ellison hadn’t mentioned it at all to you. When had Billy talked to him about this? Why hadn’t Ellison told you? Perplexity shrouded your features as you looked over at Billy.
“Ellison didn’t say anything-”
“I asked him not to. I wanted to ask you first, in person. He gave it the green light, but ultimately, it’s up to you if you wanna do it.”
Being kept in the dark seemed to be a recurring theme in your life lately that you weren’t happy with, and it stirred up dull embers of irritation from your fight with Frank. A part of you didn’t want to do it purely out of immature spite, since Billy indirectly had a hand in creating the chasm currently deepening between you and Frank. But that wasn’t fair to Billy. You owed him your life as much as you did Frank and Dinah. Billy played a vital part in keeping you safe and protected from the Defenders of Freedom, and recording Steven’s confession ended up being the smoking gun in proving his involvement.
After a moment of silent contemplation, you let out a light exhale through your lips.
“Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Don’t get too excited, now. It’s only a fancy party with an extensive open bar and catering from all of the best restaurants in the city.”
Trying to fight the smile that threatened to escape across your lips, you looked over at Billy and arched one of your brows.
“Are you trying to bribe me to write you a good article, Mr. Russo?”
“Is it workin’?”
Billy’s mouth was stretched in a wide, wolfish grin, showcasing the top row of his dazzling pearly white teeth. His dark brows were raised slightly up his forehead, and he had that familiar devilish twinkle in his eyes. Giving a soft shake of your head with a dry laugh, you crossed your arms over your chest and relaxed back in your chair.
“What time?”
“Starts at seven, I’ll send a car for ya ‘round six-thirty.”
“You don’t have to do that, I can take a cab-”
“C’mon, you’re doin’ me a favor.”
“Hey, I never agreed to write a good article. I might make you look terrible, just for the fun of it.”
Returning your teasing smile with an amused grin, Billy chuckled with a shake of his head. As he stood up and fixed his maroon tie, he motioned towards your office door with his head.
“Alright, c’mon.”
Staring up at him with a puzzled expression, you let out a soft laugh while he buttoned the middle button of his suit jacket.
“I’m takin’ your bratty ass to lunch. Maybe after some food you’ll be a bit nicer.”
Making a show of rolling your eyes in faux exasperation, you stood from your chair and locked your computer before closing your notebook.
“No promises.”
“Well in my experience, you’re more tolerable when you’re fed.”
“Keep talking. Your article is getting worse and worse.”
“I’m sure a few glasses of expensive champagne will fix that.”
Billy turned to take a step towards the door and then abruptly paused, turning back to look at you with another teasing grin.
“Oh, and do me another favor, would ya? See if you can get Frankie to drag his ass out and make an appearance. I think he’s forgotten how to use his phone.”
The mention of Frank’s name instantly tarnished the light hearted mood Billy’s banter had put you in. Letting out a dry scoff, you slipped your phone into your purse and pulled the straps over your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t hold your breath. That job you and Madani have him working has not only turned him into a ghost, but also a complete dick. I’ll let you deal with him.”
Tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, you started to round your desk when you looked up and caught the expression on Billy’s face, and it made you stop in your tracks. His sharp features were suddenly void of their usual playful warmth, and there was no charming smirk etched onto his mouth. His lips were set in a firm line, outlining his chiseled jaw that was covered in a perfectly trimmed dark beard, and his dark brown eyes looked nearly obsidian. 
“The job with Madani?”
There was a faint serrated edge to his tone when he spoke, but you didn’t miss it. Billy’s stare was intense, and you realized he probably thought that you knew something you shouldn’t. Crossing your arms over your chest, you let an irritated exhale escape through your nose as your gaze drifted towards the window of your office.
“Don’t worry, he didn’t tell me anything. Not where he was going, not what he was doing, nothing. So whatever top secret thing you two have him doing, it’s still top secret, alright?”
There was a long pause of silence, and your annoyance started to fade into a feeling of perplexity when you looked back at him and saw a look in Billy’s eyes that you didn’t know how to read. There was a sudden coldness to him, and an emotion you couldn’t decode hidden in his steely gaze. The tense quietness in your office sent an uneasy shiver down your spine, but then it was like a switch was suddenly flipped, and Billy reverted back to the version of him you’re familiar with.
He plastered that charming smirk on his lips again, but you noticed this time, it wasn’t accompanied by the usual mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Trouble in paradise?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you dropped your gaze down to the floor for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh.
“I don’t like being lied to, or kept in the dark. I know your line of work is…complicated, I just…I thought Frank and I didn’t have any secrets between us.”
“Sometimes lyin’ and keepin’ somethin’ hidden is the only way to protect someone from the pain of the truth.”
Lifting your head, you met Billy’s intense gaze with an incredulous and inquisitive look.
“You really believe that?”
“Trust me, some secrets are better left buried, darlin’.”
»»———  ———««
The following evening when you came home from work, all you wanted was a long soak in a hot bath and an entire bottle of wine. The stress of the last two weeks wasn’t just taking a toll on you emotionally, it was also physically manifesting in your body. Closing the front door behind you, the lock sounded with a click when you twisted the oval knob, and you lazily tossed your keys onto the side table in the entryway before carelessly tossing your purse onto it as well. 
Coming around the corner into your living room, you nearly had a heart attack when you were suddenly met with the sight of a large figure sitting at your dining table, waiting in the dark. Clutching at your chest in panic and jumping nearly two feet in the air, your voice came out in a shrill shriek.
“Jesus Christ, Frank!”
Frank didn’t physically react to your outburst. He sat as still as a statue in one of the chairs, slightly hunched over with his thighs spread wide, his forearms resting just a few inches above his knees. A bit of dark stubble coated his cheeks and sharp jawline, and his grown out hair was a tousled mess of ebony waves resting against his forehead instead of being pushed back in their usual style.
The swift scare of Frank’s intrusion, his silent treatment, and the lingering resentment you’d been harboring for the past two weeks had you glaring at him.
“How the hell did you get in here?”
His deep brown eyes were fixated on you and his plump lips were set in a stubborn line. Frank’s rugged features were even more pronounced in his resting semi-permanent broody expression. Wordlessly, he lifted one of his large hands, showcasing a set of keys on a ring pinched between his thumb and index finger. One of which, belonged to your front door. 
After everything that had happened at your last place, you couldn’t stay there anymore. You’d quickly moved into a new place that happened to be closer to the Bulletin, and as far as you knew no one had died in it, and there weren’t lingering bullet holes under the paint. Frank had helped you move and set up your security system for you again. You’d forgotten that you’d given him a spare key so he could get in while you were at work.
When you crossed your arms over your chest in a defensive stance, Frank caught the pissed off look on your face, and when you opened your mouth to lash out at him, he quickly cut you off with his rough voice before you could get a word out.
“Said not to call. Didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout comin’ to see ya.”
The snippiness of his comment made you narrow your eyes in his direction. Clenching your jaw, you pursed your lips tightly as your face contorted into a portrait of annoyance. You were about to snap back at him when you noticed out of the corner of your eye that there was a packed bag sitting on the dining table next to him.
It was yours.
Eyes flickering between your bag and Frank, you stared at him in a mixture of irritation and confusion.
“What the hell is that for?”
“I gotta leave town for a bit. I told ya I’d make sure you were taken care of while I was gone, so you’re gonna stay with a friend of mine.”
“And you didn’t think to ask me if that was something I even wanted to do?”
“It ain’t up for discussion.”
Frank hadn’t been this cold towards you since the early days of when he was your bodyguard. For a moment your exasperation evaporated, wondering if things between the two of you were worse than you thought. Picking up on the slight change in your body language and facial expression, Frank let out a deep exhale through his large nose and slowly stood up from the chair.
“I can’t do what I need to do if I’m worryin’ ‘bout you bein’ alone here, alright? It’s just for a few days.”
“Frank, I’m not in any danger anymore. No one is actively trying to kill me. If you’re that worried about me being alone, Billy can stop by-”
The aggressive tone of Frank’s voice and the roughness of his tone caught you off guard. Frank glanced away from you, his eyes darting around your living room for a few seconds before they finally returned to you. His left hand was tightly grasped in a fist, but on his right, his index and middle finger twitched. A sharp exhale escaped his large nose, and his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip quickly before he spoke again.
“Look you wanna be pissed at me, be pissed at me, but don’t put yourself at risk cause of it. Maybe you’re right, yeah? Maybe you ain’t a target no more. But I’d rather know you were safe than have to deal with the fact later on that I shoulda done more. I ain’t takin’ that risk again.”
It was like a light bulb went off in your head when he spoke that last sentence. In the midst of your own tangled mess of selfish feelings, you hadn’t once stopped to think about how Frank felt about all of this. A sinking feeling of remorse settled in your stomach hearing the frustration but also the lingering pain in his voice when he spoke. 
I ain’t takin’ that risk again.
He’d had his entire family ripped away from him in one single moment, right in front of his eyes, of course he was fucking paranoid. From your perspective, Steven was facing life in prison, and all the remaining members of the Defenders of Freedom were gonna rot with him, so you didn’t think you had anything to be worried about.
But Frank saw danger everywhere. He anticipated it. He planned for it. And that’s what he was doing right now. 
Frank was doing the exact same thing he’d been doing every single day since he met you: keeping you safe.
Letting out a deep sigh, you looked down at the floor for a moment to gather your irrational thoughts and rein in your impulsive emotions. When you raised your head, your eyes flickered from the packed bag sitting on your dining table back to Frank’s unrelenting stare. Running one of your hands stressfully through the roots of your hair, you made a faint gesture of throwing your hands up in concession.
“Alright, well if you’re not leaving me with Billy, I’m assuming you’re not taking me to Madani either. So, does Matt know I’m coming?”
Frank’s steely expression crumbled at the mention of Matt’s name. He pulled a face like you’d just asked a ridiculous question, a furrow of annoyance and confusion settling between his thick brows.
“You think I’d leave you with him?”
Letting out a dry scoff void of humor, you rolled your eyes with a shake of your head and folded your arms across your chest.
“Just because he’s blind-”
“It ain’t got shit to do with him bein’ blind.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“The problem is I don’t trust him to keep his fuckin’ hands to himself, and I ain’t lettin’ him pull that ‘poor blind orphan’ shit on you.”
A look of surprise crossed your face as your brows lifted slightly up your forehead, and it took every ounce of self control not to laugh or show any indication of amusement. Frank wouldn’t leave you in Matt’s care because he was worried he would…hit on you?
Letting out a grunt, Frank grabbed the handles of your bag in his left hand and swiped it off the table.
“He’s too preoccupied at night anyway.”
“Doing what, exactly?”
“Bein’ the goddamn Devil. C’mon.”
When Frank walked past you towards your front door, you turned around to watch him, narrowing your eyes in irritation.
“Can you at least tell me who you’ve employed to babysit me then?”
Frank paused at your front door, which he took up the entire frame of, and his head dropped between his shoulders for a moment. You could hear him audibly voice his frustration with your attitude when he let out another sharp exhale before turning to look at you over his shoulder.
“A friend of mine.”
“Yeah, you said that. A friend of yours, that you’ve never mentioned before. Do I have to have some kind of top secret security clearance for you to tell me their name?”
There was a scowl on Frank’s face as he glowered at you, turning around to face you fully. He dropped your bag on the floor with a light thud, scrunching up his face for a moment as he inhaled sharply through his large nose, cocking his head to the side.
“Christ. This what you wanna do right now, huh?”
Returning his glare with just as much vehemence, you let out a dry and humorless laugh as you gestured around loosely.
“No, Frank. This isn’t what I want-”
“Look you wanna keep bustin’ my goddamn balls, fine. But do it from the truck, yeah? You can antagonize me with your bullshit all you want while I drive, but we got somewhere to be.”
Clenching your jaw, your hands balled into frustrated fists at your sides. For a moment the two of you were locked in some kind of silent staring contest. You were so sick of every conversation with Frank lately turning into an argument that ended with the two of you at each other’s throats. You didn’t have the patience to combat his stubborn dedication to being a self righteous asshole. Gritting your teeth, you stormed forward and grabbed your own bag as you brushed past him out your front door, swearing under your breath.
Frank pursed his full lips and nodded his head, turning around to follow you after forcefully shutting your front door behind himself.
“Yeah yeah, get in the goddamn truck.”
tags: @thyme-in-a-bubble @day-dreaming-goddess @messymissy @itwasthereaminuteago @strawberry1042 @queenofthenoobs @wanda2themax @xcastawayherosx @avengerstower-houseplant @stevenknightmarc @ponyosmom35 @babygal-babygal @wellwwhynot @oldermenaremyreligion @combustiblemeow @tired-night-owl @fairykiss32 @danzer8705 @calkissed @fxckahs-blog @lemon-world1 @polskiperson @imperihoe @v4leoftears @harperdoodle @spideyvibez @joalslibrary @cherry-berry-ollie @sorrowfulfragmentation @kdogreads @sumo-b98 @blackhawksfanatic @gloryekaterina @whistle1whistle @starbritestarlite @callmebrooklynbabes @hallway5 @scarletfvckingwitch @bifuriouslatina @soupyspence @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @wonwoosthetic @linguist-breakaribecca @nerdytreeflower @mrs-bellingham @smhnxdiii @s3riou2 @slavic-empress
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exhaslo · 2 days
Over-Time Ch7
(CEO!Miguel x Shy/Clumsy!Reader)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4,Ch5, Ch6
Warning: MINORS DNI, sexual thoughts, eventual smut, slow-burn, mentions of sex, bullying, cussing, fluff
The lobby was filled with loud chatter as the morning crew was heading out for lunch. The chatter soon came to a silence once the main doors opened. The loud clicking of heels took over the lobby as everyone remained focus on the individual who entered the building.
"A little birdy told me Lyla was on vacation." The person spoke, their lips curled into a smile.
"Yes, ma'am; however, Miguel already has a new secretary."
"So I've heard. I'll be heading up-"
"Sorry, but you can't. Miguel gave us strict orders to not allow you past the lobby. I'm sorry, but you must leave." The receptionist warned the woman.
"Tch, what a bother. Very well, I'll just have to bump into him or that little mouse."
As fast as the woman entered, she left. Soon, whispers filled the lobby as everyone assumed that you were in deep shit. No one but Lyla had survived that snake.
At least you lasted two weeks on your own.
This was driving you crazy. Ever since that incident in the elevator, Miguel had been really handsy with you. The man oozed sex appeal and he was using every last drop of it to torment you. There had been times where you wanted to kiss him, but you couldn't.
He was your boss!
No matter how many times his hand stroked your cheek. No matter how long his hands stayed against yours. No matter how tender his grip was against your waist. No matter how close his sweet whispers were to your ear...
You couldn't.
Miguel was giving you so many mixed signals. His kind personality often confused you with his loving tone, but then...Miguel would get strict and push you away. He was so confusing and you just wanted answers. You wanted to know if it was okay for you to have these feelings for him.
"Sir, are you ready for your next appointment?" You asked, entering Miguel's office.
"I suppose. It's only going to be another fruitless venture of trying to get me to invest in a stupid plan. I don't suppose you have a way for me to avoid such troublesome idiots?" Miguel asked with a soft chuckle.
"Hm..." You pushed your lips forward as you thought, "You really shouldn't, but what if we pretended an emergency came up for your Fall Banquet?"
Miguel approached you with a smile, his hand resting on your back as he led you out. You could melt against him if he let you.
"Oh, Miguel, you're tie."
You noticed his crooked tie and proceeded to fix it. As you did, you could feel your heart racing as Miguel stared at you. His hands resting against yours before bringing them to his lips. You could feel your heart in your throat.
"Aren't I lucky to have you, hm?" His voice was low.
You squeaked as you tried to take a step back, but ended up tripping over your heel. You gasped as you nearly fell back, but Miguel had managed to catch you in time.
"S-Sorry-ah!" You whimpered as you tried to stand.
"Well now, I suppose this works too."
Gasping softly, you wrapped your arms around Miguel's neck as he picked you up. Your face was probably a million shades of red as he carried you out of the office.
"Now, now. Can't have my precious secretary injured on the job. Let me take you to first aid."
You whimpered only in protest, but proceeded to cover your face. This was embarrassing, but you couldn't help but smile. Miguel was far too good for a clumsy one like yourself.
Miguel was impressed by his own self control. After almost kissing you in the elevator, Miguel had to hold back greatly. That still didn't stop him from touching you. Oh, how he wished for more. How he dreamt for more.
But this was enough.
Taking you to the first aid floor, Miguel was concerned for your ankle. He found you adorable whenever you would get clumsy. It wasn't like you did it on purpose, but it was so amusing. Sometimes Miguel wanted to get you riled up just so he can watch you.
A sadist sometimes, but that was just Miguel. As he stepped off the elevator, Miguel glanced down at you. Hard working as always. You were in the middle of sending an apology message to his greedy business partner for missing the meeting.
"There....hopefully they will understand." You whispered. Miguel nodded towards the nurse as he placed you down on a bed,
"Understanding or not, they have no choice. It's my business they want, so they have to wait."
"Dumb question...But where does Alchemax stand...in the business world?"
Miguel glanced up at your innocent gaze. No matter how many times you asked, Miguel loved how naïve you were. He loved the fact that you still had no care for his status as a CEO, or that of his business. You just came to do your job.
"On top of the world," Miguel hummed.
He took your heel off, chuckling towards your complaints. The nurse was busy doing other stuff, so Miguel had to take care of you. Who else would he trust with someone as precious as you?
"Ah-" You whimpered in pain as Miguel pressed against your ankle.
"Swollen, but not broken. My dear (Y/N), you must be more careful alone. Be clumsy when I'm around, alright?"
"I-I was," You stuttered in embarrassment.
Miguel resisted a chuckle as he started to massage your ankle. You could only whimper in pain as he did so. Listening to your little whimpers made Miguel's mind wander. He leaned closer to you, kissing your ankle.
"M-Mig-" You covered your mouth as your heard the nurse talk to another patient.
Miguel's gaze focused on your expression. How seductive you were as you covered your mouth while your face burned red. His kisses trailing up from your ankle to your inner thigh. It was hard for him to focus as you trembled against his touch.
Stroking his hand against your thigh, Miguel resisted a groan as he felt up your skirt ever so slightly. You laid back against the bed, closing your eyes as you withheld your whines.
Letting his dick do all the talking, Miguel climbed over you. His hands still against your thighs as he trailed his kisses against your neck this time. You moved your head to the side, shaking slightly.
"You're letting me be selfish again," Miguel whispered against your ear, "It's so hard...to hold back."
"I-I....I did....say that you could," You whimpered softly. Miguel groaned lowly,
"Alright, next I believe I saw our CEO," The nurse spoke.
Miguel immediately got off you and sat beside the bed. He fixed his suit as the nurse opened the curtain, her head still glued to the clipboard. You quickly sat up, trying to cover your flustered expression.
"A-Actually....I may have...sprained my ankle," You said shyly.
"No worries. Let me take a look."
Miguel started to tune out as the nurse took care of you. His attention was focused on your lips. You didn't care about his status or anything, but yet you let him have his way with you. It was a no brainer that you liked him.
Hell, Miguel was falling hard for you, but even he knew that this was wrong. Miguel was taking advantage of you. He needed to stop, but at the same time, he wanted you. Miguel could see you at his side as a partner and maybe even a wife.
"Let me get an ice pack, I'll be right back." The nurse spoke before leaving.
"(Y/N), be my date for the Fall Banquet." Miguel spoke calmly, as if he wasn't about to fuck you a second ago.
"Huh? Are you sure?" You questioned. Miguel just smiled,
"No doubt in my mind would I love to have you by my side."
Oh, his words were making you melt. How could you not share feelings with this god of a man. Perchance, this would be a good opportunity to try and kiss him? Miguel was no stranger to sharing his desires...maybe you should be brave and do so too?
"I-I would love too, then." You chirped. Miguel stood and kissed your hand,
"Then I believe we should start dress shopping. Can't have my date being outshined by anyone else."
"You...You don't have too!" Miguel was making your heart race again.
"I'm a selfish man, you know this by now. Don't you want my eyes only on you?"
Your eyes widen as you looked into Miguel's gaze. Your breathing shuddered as you bit your lower lip.
"Then it's settled. We shall go dress shopping as soon as your ankle heals."
"Hehe, thank you sir."
"If Miguel won't see me, then I'll have to approach him. No one deserves the Fall Crown but me."
Hehe, slow burn gonna eat ya'll alive.
Gonna be on a one month hiatus outta state! See you all soon!
Next Chapter
@timidquindim @decentsoupperson @ivkygirly @reader-1290 @daddyfroglegs @eepybunny0805 @ddreabea @iamperson12280 @migueloharasoulmate @tojishugetiddies @koko-1025 @hyeinwluv85s @daisy-artfield @migueloharastruelove @a-lil-whore @hcqwxrtss123 @the-pan-liquid @tojisfav @pochapo @bubblegumfanfictions @brighterthanlonelythoughts @ghstypaint @mangoslushcrush @synamonthy @scaleniusrm @moonspectorx @dorck26 @a060403 @lunablackcosplay @soraya-daydreams @lovefanfic1 @mymrsweirdnessshipperstuff-blog @pretty-pink-princesss @corpsebridenightamare @razertail18 @gachagator @droolingmuttt @miguelsfavwife @ryzguy06 @raideaters-blog @manishkaworld @keidilla @byjessicalotufo @pigeonmama @k3ythesapphic @acesangels @stealingyourturts @angel-xx-1 @amberbalcom14 @ofmenanduhhhwellmen @oscarissac2099 @keepghostly @zeyzeys-stuff @k3ythesapphic @nightingale1011 @uncle-eggy @safixiovi @flaps200 @dahehow @weirdothatwritess @gerblinradio @electronicchaoschaos @mafiaanomaly @keyisloved @unwrittenletter @reader4life @leenasgirl200 @oscarissac2099 @mari0-o @cinnamoro1l @leryg0 @hizzielover @resident-clown @girl-of-multi-fandoms @sana-408-blog
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thewayitalknj · 3 days
Just a quick blurb I just thought of while watching a WWE PPV ; Enjoy!
Okay but just imagine you and the gang hanging out. They all know you're in love with Eddie and they've been trying to get you guys together for months. Doing stupid little things like leaving you alone in a room, having you sit next to each-other wherever you go. You understand and appreciate the sentiment but now you're getting annoyed, tired even ; because you know deep down Eddie would never date you and only sees you as a best friend.
You've seen him go through so many relationships throughout your friendship and whenever it never worked out he always came running to you, just to allow himself to be upset with what happened. And it killed you ; but you were always there for him ; and he was grateful.
You all decide to go to Lovers Lake to rent a cabin for a week during the Summer. And the gangs antics continue. They 'accidentally' put you in a room together, they had you getting things for the bbq together, and of course on the whole ride up you were sat together.
You were at your breaking point one night. Jonathan, Eddie and Argyle were out by the campfire while you and Steve were getting things from the kitchen with Nancy and Robin.
Steve laughs grabbing the chocolate and looks over, "You know, a campfire is a pretty romantic setting for you and -"
"Would you please just STOP?" You yell, practically scream while throwing the marshmallows on the countertop. They all look over at you, shock written all over their face from your sudden outburst. "Look, I know this has been going on for awhile but it needs to end. I'm sick of it, okay? It was fun in the beginning but it's been a long ass time and nothing has changed ; nothing will change. He will never see me as more than a friend, and I've come to terms with it ; and you should all too." You point to them, holding back tears as your voice begins to crack. "I'm suddenly not hungry anymore, I'm going to go shower and head to bed." You make your way upstairs, slam the door and bury your face into the pillow ; trying to keep your muffling and crying to a minimum.
Your friends watch as you leave. Once they heard the bang from the second level they look over to the outside door ; And Eddie is standing there.
"Did you, hear all that?" Robin asks.
"Loud and clear." He whispers, staring at the top of the stairs.
Quick Notes - if you want a Part2 just message, comment? Idk, I'm still new to writing on here lol.
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blingblong55 · 10 hours
Softly enchanted - Simon "Ghost" Riley
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---- F!Reader, fluff, established!relationship, birthday girl!reader, ----
A/N: Happy birthday to all the June pookies <3
The week leading up to your birthday is a whirlwind of anticipation and subtle planning on Simon’s part. You’re vaguely aware that he’s up to something, but every time you try to pry information out of him, he only smirks and changes the subject. It's adorable the way he tries to hide away his plans and you let it happen.
It starts on Monday morning. You’re getting ready for work when Simon leans against the bathroom door, watching you with an amused expression. “Got any special plans for your birthday, love?” You glance at him through the mirror, raising an eyebrow. “Why do you ask?”
He shrugs, feigning nonchalance. “Just curious. Thought maybe you’d want to do something different this year.”
You smile, turning to face him. “Honestly, Simon, I just want a quiet day at home. Nothing too fancy.” You did enjoy last year, he and you cuddled in bed, watching a shitty comedy film on the tablet he gave you two birthdays ago.
His eyes twinkle with mischief, the oh-so-same stare he gave you many moons ago when he asked you to be his wife. “Are you sure? It’s your birthday, after all. You deserve to be spoiled, lovie.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “You always spoil me. Let’s just have a simple day, okay?”
He nods, but you can see the wheels turning in his mind. “Alright, lovie. If that’s what you want.”
Throughout the week, Simon continues to drop little hints and ask questions that make you wonder what he’s up to. On Wednesday, you’re curled up on the couch with a book when he sits down beside you, a thoughtful look on his face.
“When you were a kid, what was your favourite birthday?” he asks suddenly.
You glance up, surprised by the question. “Hmm, probably the ones where we went to the carnival. It was always so much fun, with the rides and games. I miss those days.” It's questions like these that remind you of why he and you fell in love. He always asked good questions, wanting to know you more by your memories and emotions than anything else.
He nods, filing the information away. “Sounds like a great time.”
On Thursday, you find him browsing something on his phone, a secretive smile playing on his lips. “What are you looking at?” you ask, leaning over to get a peek.
He quickly locks the screen, chuckling. “Nothing you need to worry about, birthday girl.”
You narrow your eyes at him, playfully suspicious. “You’re planning something, aren’t you?”
“Maybe,” he says, his grin widening. “But you’ll just have to wait and see.” What is ironic is he can keep military plans and secrets to himself without even letting his body tell you otherwise but when it comes to you or anything that surrounds you, his body gives him away. His smile is wide as he tries to keep in all the little lies he's been planning.
By the time Friday rolls around, you’re more curious than ever about what Simon has in store. He’s been extra attentive all week, making sure you’re happy and relaxed. That evening, as you’re getting ready for bed, he wraps his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Looking forward to tomorrow?” he murmurs, his breath warm against your skin. You nod, leaning into his embrace. “As long as I’m with you, it’ll be perfect.” He presses a kiss to your neck, sending a shiver down your spine, “I promise it will be.”
The sun filters through the curtains, casting a soft, golden glow across the room. You stir, feeling the warmth of Simon’s arm wrapped around you. His steady breaths are a comforting rhythm, a reminder of his presence. You nuzzle closer, not quite ready to leave the cocoon of warmth and safety his embrace provides. “Morning, birthday girl,” Simon’s deep voice rumbles softly in your ear, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine.
“Morning,” you murmur, smiling as you feel his lips press a gentle kiss to your forehead. He pulls you closer, his grip tightening slightly as if to say he never wants to let you go. “Any special requests for today?” he asks, though you’ve had this conversation before. You shake your head. “Just want to stay home, something simple and private.” Simon’s eyes soften as he looks at you. “If that’s what you want, lovie, that’s what we’ll do.”
It was times like these he could give you the world at the plea of your voice.
The morning passes in a blur of lazy kisses and whispered sweet nothings. The two of you cook breakfast together, bumping hips and sharing laughter in the small kitchen. You’ve always cherished these quiet moments, when the world outside seems to fade away, leaving just the two of you in your little bubble.
After breakfast, you both settle on the couch, and he surprises you with a small box wrapped in delicate paper. "Open it," he encourages with a mischievous glint in his eyes. You unwrap the box carefully, revealing a beautiful necklace with a pendant shaped like a heart. Your breath catches. "Simon, it's beautiful." He helps you put it on, his fingers grazing your neck, sending shivers down your spine. "Not as beautiful as you," he murmurs, his lips brushing your ear.
Lunch is a cosy affair at the dining table, simple yet perfect. Simon surprises you with your favourite dish, a testament to how well he knows you. “How did you know?” you ask, marvelling at the spread. He winks. “I’ve got my ways.” In truth, he had heard you talk with your mum about craving that one dish you ate as a kid and still adored. After all, he is a military man, he has his own ways of knowing everything.
After lunch, you settle on the couch, cuddling up under a blanket as you watch a movie. Simon’s fingers trace idle patterns on your arm, his touch sending sparks of warmth through you. You’re content, happy to spend the day in the comfort of your home with the person you love.
As the afternoon sun begins to set, casting long shadows across the room, Simon sits up and stretches. “Fancy a pizza for dinner?” You laugh, shaking your head. “We just had lunch, and you’re already thinking about dinner?” He grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “What can I say? I’m a planner.” He truly was a planner, always needing to know the next move before it even happened.
“Alright,” you agree, not suspecting a thing. “Pizza sounds good.” You grab your jacket, and Simon does the same, leading you out to his car. The drive is peaceful, the radio playing softly in the background. You lean your head against the window, watching the scenery pass by. It isn’t until you see the bright, colourful lights in the distance that you realize something’s up. “Simon, where are we going?”
He glances at you, a small smile playing on his lips. “Just a little detour.” As you get closer, you recognize the familiar sights and sounds of a carnival. Your heart skips a beat, memories of childhood birthdays flooding back. You turn to Simon, eyes wide with disbelief. “You listened?” you ask, your voice barely a whisper. “Of course, I did, lovie,” he says, parking the car and turning to face you. “Happy birthday,” he takes your hand in his, kissing it and caressing with his thumb the ring he oh so proudly gave you.
Tears spring to your eyes, a mix of joy and nostalgia overwhelming you. “I can’t believe you did this.”
He reaches out, brushing a tear from your cheek. “Anything for you.” Hand in hand, you walk through the entrance, the vibrant energy of the carnival washing over you. The smell of cotton candy and popcorn fills the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and music. You feel like a kid again, the world around you bursting with colour and excitement.
You stop at a game booth, eyeing the prizes with a gleam of determination. “Think you can win me one of those?” you tease, pointing at a stuffed bear. Simon chuckles, stepping up to the challenge. “Watch and learn.” To your delight, he manages to win the bear on his first try, presenting it to you with a proud smile, “for the lady.” You laugh, accepting the bear and kissing him on the cheek. “Thank you, my hero.” The two of you spend hours exploring the carnival, riding the rides, playing games, and indulging in all the treats. Simon’s hand never leaves yours, his touch a constant reminder of his love and care. Every time you catch his eye, he’s smiling, his happiness infectious.
At one point, you stop by a booth selling colourful balloons. Simon insists on buying you one, choosing a bright red balloon that contrasts beautifully with the evening sky. You carry it with you, its string tied to your wrist, feeling a giddy sense of joy every time it bobs in the air. As the night falls and the stars begin to twinkle in the sky, you find yourselves at the Ferris wheel. Simon buys your tickets, leading you to the gondola. You settle in, the seat rocking gently as the wheel begins to turn. The higher you go, the more breathtaking the view becomes, the carnival lights sparkling below like a sea of stars.
At the top, the Ferris wheel pauses, leaving you suspended in a moment of perfect stillness. You turn to Simon, your heart swelling with love and gratitude. “This is amazing,” you whisper. He smiles, his eyes soft and full of affection, “I’m glad you think so. I wanted today to be special for you.” You lean into him, resting your head on his shoulder. “It’s perfect, Simon. Thank you.” He wraps an arm around you, holding you close. “Happy birthday, Y/N,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against your hair.
Tears well up in your eyes again, but this time they’re tears of pure joy. “This is all I ever wanted,” you confess, your voice trembling with emotion. “To feel free and happy, just like when I was a kid.” Simon tilts your chin up, his eyes locking with yours. “You deserve all the happiness in the world, lovie. And I’ll do everything I can to make sure you have it.” You kiss him then, pouring all your love and gratitude into the embrace. The world around you fades away, leaving just the two of you, suspended in your little universe. When you finally pull back, you’re both smiling, the connection between you stronger than ever.
As the Ferris wheel resumes its gentle rotation, you snuggle closer to Simon, basking in the warmth of his love. You watch the world go by below, feeling a sense of peace and contentment that you haven’t felt in a long time.
The ride ends all too soon, but the magic of the evening lingers. You walk hand in hand back to the car, your heart full to bursting. Simon opens the door for you, helping you in before climbing in himself. The drive home is quiet, and both of you are lost in your thoughts. When you finally pull into the driveway, you turn to Simon, your heart overflowing with love. “Thank you for today,” you say, your voice thick with emotion. “It was perfect.”
He reaches over, taking your hand in his. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, Y/N. You deserve it.” You lean over, kissing him softly. “I love you, Simon.” He smiles, his eyes shining with affection. “I love you too, lovie. More than you’ll ever know.” With that, you head inside, ready to end the perfect day in the arms of the man you love. As you fall asleep that night, you can’t help but think about how lucky you are to have someone like Simon in your life. Someone who listens, who cares, and who loves you with all his heart.
The next morning, you wake up feeling light and joyful. Simon is already awake, propped up on one elbow as he watches you with a tender smile. "Good morning, birthday girl. How does it feel to be a year older?" You stretch and yawn, a grin spreading across your face. "It feels wonderful, especially after yesterday. Thank you for making it so special."
"Anything for you, lovie," he says, leaning down to give you a sweet kiss. "How about we continue the celebration with a special breakfast?"
You sit up, your curiosity piqued. "Special breakfast?" He nods, his eyes twinkling. "Pancakes with all your favourite toppings." You follow him to the kitchen, where he prepares a stack of fluffy pancakes, topping them with fresh berries, whipped cream, and a drizzle of maple syrup. You can't help but laugh at the sight. "You're spoiling me, Simon."
"That's the plan," he says with a wink. As you sit down to eat, you take a moment to reflect on everything Simon has done for you. His love and thoughtfulness have made your birthday unforgettable, and you feel a deep sense of gratitude. After breakfast, you decide to go for a walk in the nearby park. The sun is shining, and the air is crisp and fresh. Hand in hand, you stroll along the paths, enjoying the simple pleasure of being together. Simon stops suddenly, pulling you close. “You know, Y/N, yesterday made me realize how much I love seeing you happy. Your smile is the best thing in the world.”
You blush, leaning into him. “You make me so happy, Simon. Thank you for everything.”
He kisses you softly, his eyes full of love. “I’ll always do my best to make you happy, lovie. That’s a promise.”
You continue your walk, talking about everything and nothing, savouring the moments of peace and contentment. When you finally head back home, you know that this birthday will be one you’ll cherish forever. The rest of the day is spent in blissful relaxation, just the two of you enjoying each other’s company. As the sun sets, casting a warm glow over the room, Simon pulls you into his arms once more.
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” he whispers, his voice full of love and promise. “Here’s to many more.” You smile, feeling your heart swell with happiness. “Here’s to many more,” you echo, knowing that as long as you have Simon by your side, every day will be special.
Tags: @liyanahelena @johfaam0 @froggy-anon @goldenmclaren @ghostslillady @moonsua1 @rvivienner @Krinoid24 @iruzias @night-mare-owl-79 @alxexhearts @juneonhoth @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @strangepuppynightmare @defnotlpuluvyou @enarien @Simonssweetgirl @luvecarson @nellsbobells @willowaftxn83-87 @ikohniik @nobodys-coffee @strawberrychita @sae1kie @queen-ilmaree @pbcartii @Llelannie @Macnches2 @bbyfimmie @avidreadee123 @talooolaaloolla @skelletonwitch @bittermajesties @Nyx_Flower @1234beeandpuppycat @sparky--bunny @honestlyhiswife @the_royal_bee @beansproutmafia @soapybutt17 @asianbutnotjapanese @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @anonxasian @born4biriyani @thegreyjoyed @mychemichalimalance @marshiely @sleepyycatt @gh0st-hunt2r @believeinthefireflies95 @noodlezz-bedo @alexaseeraj @trinthealternate @vampsquerade @azkza
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drurrito · 2 days
Move Along
AN: literally just wrote this bc i refuse to journal!! I'm also off a melatonin gummy so all mistakes are mine
Warnings: it's angsty, a little suggestive, probably cursing
Wanda rides out her high while you watch from below. She falls over with a dreamy sigh, her arm falling across your chest and her fingers curl against your neck. You pull her in closer with a kiss atop her head. You let her mindlessly play with the hairs on the nape of your neck for a few moments until you catch the vacant look on her face.
"S'wrong?" you mumble, not really expecting anything to come of it. Wanda doesn't say anything for a few beats, and that makes you turn towards her, lifting her chin with the softest grip, her eyes choosing to look at the lamp on your nightstand.
"Vis asked me to come see him in Hamburg," she's still not looking at you.
"Oh? Like a weekend trip?"
"More than a weekend trip," she shrugs, "for the summer, said I'm too far away for his liking."
"You guys talk like every night, don't you?" you tilt your head, cocking a brow.
"That's not the point," she lightly flicks your ear. You both have had this flirtationship/friends with benefits thing long before Vision ever came into the picture. You weren't used to competing for someone when he came around, you still aren't. Wanda used to think it was cute how you always acted like you were at the top of her roster--because you were--at least until Vision proved to be a top contender. You never hit the gas, but you never hit the brakes either. You've just been cruising like always, and Wanda absolutely factored that in when she was making her decision about Vision.
"Y/n," Wanda eyes finally land on yours, her hand moves down to cup your cheek, her thumb grazing against your skin.
"It's getting serious, between me and him."
"Okay," you knew this is what she was getting at the whole time, she's always been too nice to just come out and say things like this.
"What am I supposed to do about it?" You gently grasp her hand and prop yourself up on your elbow, "he's sweeping you off your feet from miles and miles away, and I'm just, here I guess."
"There's nothing else you want to say to me?" Wanda sits up too, she wraps the sheets around herself while you sit there at the crossroads you hoped to never reach.
It was always going to end this way.
Maybe, deep down, you hoped that by the time this day would come that you would have figured out the right way to go about things.
But you haven't and that's on you, so you have to take this on the chin and keep it moving like you used to do.
"When do you leave?" You turn to face Wanda in time to watch her shoulders droop.
"Thursday," her reply is curt. You wince, it's Tuesday.
"So this is it then?"
"You're not even going to try to keep in touch?" Wanda frowns while you chew on your lip.
"And talk about what, Wanda? How amazing it is to live with the guy that has way too much money to shower you with gifts for so many lifetimes?"
"It's not about the money y/n-"
"It's the effort, I get it. But I've been here, Wanda--more than Vis has, even."
Wanda opens her mouth like she's going to say something, but she just sighs instead. You're right, you've been here, but not in the way she needed, wanted you, and you both know that. You never bothered to evolve beyond a fuck and a flirt, and Wanda realized she had to give up on waiting for you at some point.
She just didn't expect for it to happen so soon.
Wanda reaches for your hand, taking it in hers when you don't pull away.
"I'll always remember this, us," she lifts your hand to her lips and releases it with a kiss. Your jaw twitches with an emotion you thought was long-lost. Wanda moves to get up from the bed, but you still her with a hand on her own.
"Stay? Just for tonight?" You curse yourself with how much that resembles begging, and you barely have the courage to look Wanda in the eyes while you wait for her answer. After tonight, nothing will be the same, so the least you can do is just savor what's left of it now.
Wanda's eyes soften, you'll always be special to her. She wordlessly nods and climbs back into bed with you, pulling you close to her chest. Wanda pretends that she can't feel your tears on her skin. You finally relax and fall asleep after a few minutes of her whispering sweet nothings into your ear while drawing patterns across your shoulders and back.
As much as Wanda wishes things were different between you, she knows that life will leave her behind if she keeps waiting around for something more to happen.
You wake up, the other side of the bed is the coldest it's ever been.
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melancholy-valley · 22 hours
hiii, this has been stuck on my head for days so i just had to write it.
word count: 1.7k words
pairing: prohero!iida x afab!reader
cw: sorry this is a lot of just smut.. no real plot
not proofread, sorrryyyy :’)
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ProHero!Iida who was never one for intimacy. He was always too busy with work and running his firm, never having time to look into relationships aside from the practicality that they could bring; double incomes, continuing bloodlines. They weren’t his thing.
ProHero!Iida who’s attention was captured by you, the newest hire at the firm. Something about the way you carried yourself was so captivating to the young hero.
ProHero!Iida who found himself sneaking unnoticed glances at you when he could. Making excuses to talk to you when in the office. He figured he would wait for you to take initiative, show some interest. After all, relationships weren’t his thing.
ProHero!Iida who noticed his glances getting returned, met with a smile from your pink glossed lips. Starting more idle conversations, too distracted by the sweet notes of your perfume to speak of anything notable.
ProHero!Iida who slowly works up the courage to ask you to drinks one night, having much more of a fun and special night than he could have ever expected. The mood between the two of you at work had uplifted, being much more light for the two of you.
Drinks now becoming a common meeting place for the both of you after work or on the weekends. Iida, after many pep talks in the mirror, had now begun to muster up the courage to ask you to something more formal, more personal.
“[Name]! Good thing I caught you.” Iida spoke, catching you as you were headed toward the door. “Hm?”
“Apologies, but would you..like to go to dinner with me tonight?” He trembled just a bit.
He cut the silence that followed, thinking he may have gone too far.
“Well, I understand you had a long day actually- I’m sorry for asking so soon, it must be-”
“I would love to!” You interrupted. “That sounds very fun Iida, what time works?”
He smiled, a newfound passion filling him.
ProHero!Iida who couldn’t deny the feelings he had for you anymore, especially after your dinner. Acting like an excited teen boy, letting his desires and thoughts of you consume him deep into the night, later than he would ever think of staying up. Pants and whines filled the hero’s dark room as he palmed his length through his boxers. He felt so..dirty touching himself to his dear colleague. At the same time, he couldn’t help himself. You were the first person he had felt this way about. A heavy sigh left his parted lips as he finished into a nearby towel, still thinking about you.
ProHero!Iida who, now more than ever, wanted to be around you. You had gone on multiple dates with the broad hero, your feelings growing stronger day by day, as were his. One night though, when the two of you were getting ready to leave the restaurant Iida you had just eaten at, he invited you over.
“[Name].. There is something I have been meaning to ask you. If you are comfortable with it, would you accompany me back to my house?” He avoided eye contact and rubbed his arm nervously, expecting rejection.
You were flushed, not knowing what to expect. With how you felt about him, there was no way you could say no. So, you smiled and accepted.
ProHero!Iida who led you into his home, making sure to offer any comfort he could. Drink? Blanket? Was the light too bright? Too dark? You sat down on a couch in the main room, him following next to you.
“[Name], truth be told, I don’t know exactly how to say this.” he started, “I..when I wake up in the morning I think of you. I think of you until I walk into the firm and see you smiling, and the second you’re out of sight I cannot help but let my thoughts continue. You are so dear to me, and I’m not sure I have ever felt like this for anyone. You consume my very being, and I brought you here to tell you that I, I have feelings for you. Feelings that are too strong to hide anymore.”
You couldn’t hide your smile, feeling the same exact way as him. Not to mention how sweet and personal his confession was.
“Tenya,” You paused, searching for the right words to say, “you have no idea what those words mean to me. I would be lying if I said I had no feelings for you, and it makes me so happy to hear that you feel the same.”
ProHero!Iida who couldn’t believe the words that escaped your mouth. His breath hitched, and he found himself scooting closer to you on the couch. The two of you were now painfully close, the room filled with the slow breathing coming from you. Then he asked.
“Can I kiss you?”
And all at once he cupped your face and met your lips with his. It started off slow, an innocent deep peck. The kiss deepened and his hands moved from your face, snaking around your waist, pulling you closer.
He pulled away. “[Name].. please,” he spoke, keeping eye contact. “I need you. Let me have you, please.” his voice was now filled with desperation. He made his way to your lips again, then your cheeks, feathering slow kisses along your jawline and down your neck.
“Tenya..” you breathed.
“Do you want me to stop?” He pulled back.
“No, keep going..please.” You whined. You knew how pathetic it sounded, but you couldn’t help the growing heat in your lower belly. You needed to feel relief.
ProHero!Iida who leads the two of you to the bedroom, laying you down. Who takes his time removing each layer of clothing, leaving small kisses in between. The sight of you under him, red and covered by nothing more than a sheer bra and matching panties.
He noticed your attempt to rub your thighs together, trying to relieve the growing pressure.
He smiled, “Let me help you.” He searched for permission in your eyes, only proceeding when you nodded yes.
He wasted no time, dipping his hand into your panties, fingers teasing at your slit. “You’re so wet [Name]..” He rubbed your slick around, finally taking one of his fingers and dipping it inside of you, curling it ever so slightly.
“F-fuck Tenya..” you cursed, embarrassed that all it took to get you hot and bothered was a single finger. He brought his other hand under your bra, prodding at the hardening bud. The combination of pleasure surging through your nerves was almost too much to handle. You already felt yourself nearing your finish. You couldn’t help but whimper under him.
He smiled, knowing he had to be doing something right, and slid another digit in. Watching your face contort as you came undone from just two of his fingers inside you. You grinded your hips down on his hand, needing that final push before you could finish. Your orgasm soon came crashing down on you.
“Oh I’m-!”
“Goooood, that’s good. Ride it out.”
He watched your body intently, noticing how your back curved as your orgasm surged through you.
Your moans were replaced with heavy breathing as he pulled his fingers out and stood up, beginning to undress. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him when he got down to just his boxers, tenting as his erection pressed almost painfully against the fabric.
And he was…big.
You too stood up and made your way over to him, first planting a kiss on his lips. Him leaning down, wrapping his muscular arms around your bare waist. Your hand travelled down, touching his erection through his boxers.
ProHero!Iida who watched your face as you pulled down his boxers, watching his throbbing cock spring up and slap his abdomen. He hissed as air hit his dick.
ProHero!Iida who wasted no time helping you remove your bra and panties, the two of you now completely bare.
You laid down, he followed, now laying next to you. “[Name].. if you don’t mind, could you follow my lead for a moment?” He asked shyly, “Of course. I trust you.”
He rolled you over on your side, his cock now pressing behind you, resting on your back.
“I’m going to enter myself now.. if you need me to stop please don’t hesitate to let me know.”
His arms locked you in place as he wrapped them around your waist tightly. Ever so slowly he put his tip in your warm entrance, moaning at the new sensation.
ProHero!Iida who was now buried deep inside you, relishing in the shape of your walls and and how perfectly they housed him. He dreamt of you, of this very experience, but you far exceeded any expectations.
ProHero!Iida who thrusted inside of you, quickening his pace gradually. Replacing the lewd wet slapping sounds with small words of praise, the position you were in making it easy for him to whisper and nibble on your ear.
ProHero!Iida who wished he could listen to nothing more but your moans and whines, see nothing more than your smaller frame unraveling with his touches.
“You’re doing so good, take it just like that..”
ProHero!Iida who makes sure you finish on his cock before he even thinks about cumming. The sweetest sounds fill his room, his ears, he wants right now to please you more than anything.
As you cum, he continues a steady pace, riding you through it. “Mhm, that’s it.” he grunts, pulling his cock out and pumping it a few times before finishing on your ass.
ProHero!Iida who rushes to draw you a bath and clean you up, preparing you a set of sleeping clothes. He bathes you, apologizing if he went overboard and still showering you with praise.
“You did so good, such a good girl for me.”
ProHero!Iida who lays down next to you, watching you until he’s sure you’re asleep. He feels he can now rest knowing you’re okay. He kisses your forehead once before nuzzling into you and falling asleep too
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ghost-bxrd · 1 day
A lamentation happened earlier tonight.
I didn’t even notice, not until the call came in, too busy scrubbing the [REDACTED] servers of the new sightings.
I don’t remember making it to the console room after that. Only that I was trying really fucking hard not to throw up, hoping to god it wasn’t any of them. And if it was—
The camera feed was muddy at best. No certainty over who had died to cause so many mer to congregate and sing, but everyone was so excited. Ecstatic. No one had ever caught their singing on tape before. And everyone was talking, theorizing, like none of them could feel the bone deep sorrow in every note. The looping voices bearable only because the audio had filtered the dangerous frequencies. Like none of them cared that a mer had to have died for this kind of “phenomenon” to occur.
In that moment I wished desperately for this entire goddamn facility to sink to the ocean floor.
And for every single person inside to drown with it.
I think I excused myself, then. Or just left without saying anything. I might have broken down in the restroom, or lost some time, because the next thing I remember is [REDACTED] hauling me to my feet and away. Telling me to get a grip, that they’re fine.
And then he shoved me back into the room with all the damned chatter but— I saw it, then. On the screen. A flash of blue, the slope of a shark’s dorsal fin, the glimmer of red scales, there and gone again…alive.
I will have to thank [REDACTED] for covering for me. Food poisoning, could have thought of that myself.
I need to stop expecting the worst. They can take care of themselves. And I’m doing whatever I can from my end.
— find a better hiding spot.
——Fuck off! Quit snooping through my stuff!!!
File Notes:
Personal file, recovered from the sunken remains of the [REDACTED] research facility, Researcher: [REDACTED], Researcher status: deceased, [REDACTED] status: missing
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berryz-writes · 7 hours
Better than cupcakes
Azriel x reader
Summary: Azriel is your mate and you don't know it. Your also a baker which makes things more complicated. Not to mention Eris liking you as well. Will you realise Azriel likes you just as much as you do him?
I also really want cupcakes rn. Ignore any mistakes or feel free to tell me. ily all. MWUAH💕 i just want azriel. why can't he be real
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I piped another cupcake, the dark purple icing coming out perfectly. I put it to the side and before I could start on another one Cassian walked in a big smile on his face. I didn't hear the bell because of how concentrated I was on trying to get these almost perfect, otherwise I would have locked the door before he could have come in.
"It smells delicious in here. Any failed testers you want me to finish?"
He came up to the counter and sat down on a stool eyeing up my creations "I was wondering when the garbage disposal would arrive" I muttered before pointing to a tray to the side where a few uneven and ugly looking cupcakes sat. He merely grinned back and reached for one, taking a bite.
"Just as good as I expected" He said rolling his eyes dramatically. I smiled and nodded my head "I know...but you say that to everything. I need someone proper to test them"
Cassian frowned, tucking in his wings and reached for another cupcake to demolish "You should take my opinions seriously you know. I'm actually a professional chef at home"
I raised an eyebrow "Making tea for Nesta once in a while doesn't count" His smile dropped and he went into some sort of deep thinking.
"Azriel's waiting outside. Should I get him to try some?"
I nodded "Why's he waiting outside? Tell him to come in" Cassian nodded his head, taking another cupcake on his way out. I iced a few more before he came grumbling back.
"He won't come in. Says he needs to leave and doesn't have time for cupcakes"
I frowned "He'll have time for cupcakes if i tell him to! Where is he?" I put down the icing bag and grabbed a cupcake. Cassian pointed to the door "Just outside the door"
Before I left I narrowed my eyes "Don't think I haven't counted how many there are"
He gave me a mischievous grin before I walked out the café and found Azriel securing his daggers in place. A sign he was about to set off into the sky.
"Azriel!" I shouted, quickly walking and slightly skipping over to him. He turned around his hand covering his eyes so he could block the sun, shading his eyes.
I lifted up my cupcake and smiled "I made cupcakes and I need someone to try them"
He raised an eyebrow "Wasn't Cassian in there just a few moments ago?"
I sighed "Yes but he's Cassian. He eats anything. I need someone who'll give me proper feedback"
Azriel thought about it, his eyes raking over my hopeful expression. "Fine" He muttered, taking the cupcake. He nodded toward something behind me "What's that?" I turned around and found nothing of interest.
"What's what?" I asked turning back round. He shook his head "Nothing" He muttered, chewing slowly before swallowing.
"How was it? Too sweet? I think you had too much icing in that bite, maybe try some more?" I asked, waiting for him to say something. Anything.
"It's....interesting" He finally said. My smile dropped "Really? Was it that bad? What should I change? I knew it was too sweet. Or was it something else?"
Azriel shook his head slowly "It was one of the worst things I've had in a while"
My slight despair turned into shock.
My mouth dropped open "WHAT? Are you being serious right now? You don't even know the basics for cooking don't come to me with the bullshit of it being the worst thing you've ever had, honestly-"
His hand covered my mouth before I could carry on anymore. The warm press of his hand on my lips making me stop immediately. His lips were turned up into a small smile "You wanted the feedback y/n. Can't take it anymore?"
I crossed my arms and waited for him to let me speak. He didn't, merely moving closer to me and looking down at me with those warm hazel eyes. I opened my mouth and bit into his hand so he'd move away which surprisingly he did. I smiled with triumph until I remembered what he had previously said.
I narrowed my eyes "You aren't trying any more of my treats again"
"Whatever will I do?" He replied sarcastically, a small smirk on his gorgeous face. I clenched my teeth together, lost for words and wanting to wipe the smirk off his face.
"Go away" I finally mustered. I cringed internally, that was the worst thing I could have thought of. He looked at me instead of replying, his hazel eyes glowing amber in the sun light.
"Do you really think I was being serious?" He finally said, moving closer to me so there was only an inch's space between us. I crossed my arms waiting for another sarcastic comment or for him to joke but he didn't.
"Yes?" I replied, unsure of the answer myself.
He let out a sigh and shook his head "Really, y/n. Your cooking is just as gorgeous as you. The cupcake was delicious"
I wish I had a more sensible response but when was I ever known for my maturity?
"Really?" I was grinning and trying to ignore the part where had called me gorgeous otherwise I would be in deep shit.
He nodded his head, a small smile on his face too. Gods he was so pretty. And his lips...I shook my thoughts away and gave him a quick hug. He smelt like wind and smoke and deliciousness. And honestly? I wanted to keep hugging him forever. But that wasn't possible.
I stepped out his embrace "Thanks for the feedback Az. I should get going"
Azriel nodded his head "...you should" He looked at me with such an intense gaze that I just wanted to melt into the ground, not to mention the sun beating down on us making me even hotter. He finally turned away and winnowed into the darkness so I could no longer see him. If I hadn't been such a dumbass and blindly in love I would have known he hadn't tried the cupcake at all.
I placed the last tray on the table and looked at my creations.
"They look absolutely divine" Feyre said coming over to look at the cupcakes. I had iced them with dark purple icing and sprinkled small stars on top. I felt like they matched the star fall theme perfectly.
"Thank you. I probably would have more if Cassian didn't keep eating them" I said, looking over at him. He was holding out his hand and convincing Nesta to dance with him. I assumed she wanted to save her feet because we all knew when Cassian was even the slightest bit drunk he was a hazard to be next to.
"Y/n? I think someone wants your attention" Rhys said making his way over to me and Feyre. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was talking about. He dipped his chin, gesturing behind me and I saw Eris, a glass of wine in his hand and talking to Lucien.
"So he decided to show up?" I asked. He had been invited for the past few years or so after having built stronger ties with the night court and his younger brother but I had never seen him actually accept.
"He decided to show up so he could see you" Feyre replied, giving me a small wink. I let out a sigh. I hoped she was joking. I liked Eris. I really did. But as a friend. Someone I could laugh with and spend time with. I was hoping Feyre was wrong but whenever she played love match, she was always right.
I made my way over to Eris who raised his glass "Finally made your way over here?" He asked.
I shrugged "Your bright red hair is hard to find in a crowd like this" I teased. His smile grew slightly "Your looking radiant today. The dress suits you"
I accepted the compliment "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself"
He rolled his eyes "I never look bad. That's not a word in my dictionary"
I let out a laugh at his dramatics. "We should plan to meet up sometime. We're friends after all" It pained me to add the last sentence but I had to. I wasn't going to let him think there was something between us when there wasn't. It wouldn't be fair. His warm amber eyes turned slightly cooler.
"We should. Your a good friend y/n" His smile was still there but it seemed slightly put on. A slight façade.
Before I could reply however a shadow brushed at my shoulder making me pause and shiver at it's sudden coldness. I turned around my eyes seeking out Az but I couldn't find him. Really these shadows had a mind of their own. Another one had joined at this point and they were gently circling my wrist and pulling me toward the house.
"I have to go but I'll be back. Don't have too much fun without me" I called to Eris. He shook his head and gave me a small smile "I would never".
I followed the shadows until we reached the balcony. Azriel was stood looking out into the gardens and at everyone partying the night away. His wings were tucked in and I didn't notice as the shadows left me to join him.
I cleared my throat to announce my presence but he didn't turn around.
"Why aren't you down there?" He asked. I moved toward him and stood near the railing.
"Your shadows brought me here. Plus I'm tired anyway" I replied. I wasn't that tired but I wasn't going to miss the chance to talk to Azriel. Not to mention the view was always best from here.
"They like to meddle" He muttered back. At this his shadows disappeared completely as if annoyed with him. I bit back a smile and continued looking at the night sky and everyone under it, sneaking glances toward Azriel.
"Did you try the lemonade?" I asked, breaking the silence between us. He nodded his head "It was nice. Helped stop the wine making it's way into my system too quickly"
I nodded "I was going to get some more...do you want a glass?". Azriel turned to me and tilted his head slightly, his arms resting on the balcony railing.
"If you wouldn't mind"
I made my back downstairs and grabbed two glasses of lemonade which were fizzing slightly, trying not to knock into Mor as she danced like....well like a lunatic.
"Here" I passed Azriel the glass and he thanked me. Instead of turning back to the view he looked at me instead. His stare made me slightly nervous which is why a small laugh escaped me "What?" He put the lemonade to the side.
"You look so goddamn beautiful tonight" His words were quiet but I still heard them. A warm blush made it's way onto my cheeks.
"Thank you" I replied looking anywhere but at him. He moved closer to me, his silent movements slowly backing me up against a wall with no escape. I held my breath as his thumb gently moved over my lips.
"I want to rip this dress of you. I want to do a lot of things. Do you know what they all have in common?" His eyes had darkened, as his hand moved to my throat, loosely holding me in place.
I shook my head slowly, all capability of speaking having left my mind after he had me against a wall, a hand gripped around my throat.
"All those things include you" He whispered. I felt a shiver run down my spine at his voice so close to me, his fingers moving over my pulse.
"So what's stopping you?" I finally asked, hoping for my sake this wasn't just a joke and he genuinely wanted me. His lips turned up into a small smile "Nothing"
He leaned in and captured my lips in a sweet kiss, making me melt into him completely. His hands moved to my waist as he pinned me against the wall, his chest against mine. Gods he tasted divine. Better than any cupcake.
We broke apart, my breathing heavy after being in heaven for the past minute. I looked at Azriel and when I did a small tug, a small piece of happiness filled me. As if the fae I were looking at now was the reason I felt complete. My eyes widened in realisation "Your my...mate" I whispered.
Azriel's eyes closed and he took a deep breath "I know, love" I stood frozen for a second. He did? How long did he know? I shook my thoughts away. Did it matter? I had found out now and I wanted him whether he was or wasn't.
I leaned in to kiss him once more to show him exactly how much I wanted him, his hand resting on my hips. I never wanted to leave his arms again.
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izelascendant · 7 hours
Chapter 3 - À Trois
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Rating | Mature Summary | What happens between the four after Tashi's injury. Pairing | f!Original Character x Art Donaldson x Tashi Duncan x Patrick Zweig Tags | Competition, Love Triangles (Squares?), Jealousy, Plot, Emotional Baggage, Smut, Exes, Unresolved Tension, Complicated Relationships Word Count | 2.5K Author's note | SMUT warning! What can I say, I've been a nasty girl. I always get so shy writing smut, lord. Next chapter will be the last of the series, I think they all need to take a chill pill - lol.
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Part 1 of this series - Sportsmanlike
Unsportsman like on AO3 | Chapter 1 - Atlanta, Chapter 2 - Spring Blooms, Chapter 3 - À Trois, Chapter 4 (final chapter)
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Her mind races with thoughts and doubts, questioning whether this decision is wise or not. Her occasionally impulsive and spontaneous nature had led her down many paths—but this one seemed different. Spending the night in a married couple's hotel room was uncharted territory, especially when the couple in question was Art and Tashi Donaldson.
The resurgence of emotions she's felt in the past few weeks has been unavoidable, and the chance to experience both Art and Tashi again has left her conflicted. The question lingers in her mind—Why pass up this opportunity to be with them both?
She gets ready earlier than necessary, scrubbing every square inch of her body vigorously in the shower. She styles her hair meticulously and applies her most expensive lotions and perfume, wanting everything to be perfect.
She studies herself in the mirror, questioning her own actions. "What am I doing?" she murmurs, feeling her anxiety rising. Doubt creeps into her thoughts—what if Tashi really just wants to talk? And what about Art's kiss? Has Tashi been pulling the strings all this time?
As her eyes meet Tashi's in the hotel lobby, she feels a final wave of anxiety wash over her, but it quickly disappears into the background when Tashi laces their fingers together and leads her up to their room. There is a sly smirk on Tashi's face, one that she recognizes all too well.
Tashi observes her closely, noticing her breathing. "You seem nervous," she remarks, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. As she speaks, her fingers brush against her copper hair, a gentle and familiar gesture.
They stand together in the spacious elevator, the only two people in the enclosed space. She returns Tashi’s smile with a deep breath, feeling the flutter of anxiety in her stomach. "A little."
Tashi slips the key card into the slot, opening the entrance to their room. She pauses before they step inside, turning to face her. "Art and I both have nothing but good experiences shared with you." Her words are reassuring, a subtle reminder of the intimate moments they all share.
“Thank you for inviting me. I—I’m sorry about running off yesterday; it just caught me off—” She begins to speak, attempting to explain herself, but her words falter as she follows Tashi into the room and her eyes fall upon Art, waiting quietly near the doorway.
His casual greeting cuts through her ramblings, bringing her train of thought to a halt. "Hi." His single-word response holds a subtle smirk, as if he can't help but find her nervousness endearing.
She answers his simple greeting with a soft, almost timid "Hi" of her own, her eyes nervously darting between him and Tashi. As Tashi takes off her jacket, she feels a sense of being taken care of. She can't help but notice the shift in roles between them—how the tables have turned since their teenage years—Art, once the shy and susceptible one, now stands confidently before her, while she finds herself feeling flustered.
"No hard feelings, yeah?" Art gazes at her, his voice smooth.
“None at all,” she replies, a small smile playing on her lips as she feels heat rising to her cheeks.
Tashi intervenes, gently resting her hand on her shoulder. Her voice is a gentle command. "Come with me. I'll show you around." She then glances at Art. "Art will get you a drink."
Art nods and goes towards the mini bar to fix her a drink, his eyes fixed on her as she moves away with Tashi.
Following Tashi through the expansive layout of the hotel room, she takes note of the space. It's more like an apartment than a room, complete with a living room, a kitchenette, and multiple bedrooms. Everywhere she looks, she can sense the careful attention to detail paid by Tashi in setting everything up for the evening. The atmosphere feels almost nurturing, as if she's being gently guided and taken care of by them both.
As they enter the bedroom and Tashi shrugs off her robe, revealing a dark blue silk slip dress that accentuates her slender figure, she can't help but gaze at her, impressed. "You look beautiful." The words escape her lips in a soft murmur, her eyes roaming over every inch of Tashi's figure.
Tashi moves closer as her hand cups the side of her face, and her other hand finds its place at her waist. "Not as beautiful as you." A playful smirk curves her lips as she speaks, her gaze never breaking contact.
Her smirk matches Tashi's as she brings her lips close to hers, a hint of challenge in her eyes. "You're fucking crazy, Tash." Her words are spoken in a low purr.
The years of pent-up longing for each other seem to break into a passionate moment as they meet in a kiss filled with burning desire. Tashi's hands hold her body tightly against hers, guiding her toward the bed with a fierce hunger. She can hardly catch her breath as Tashi's lips move relentlessly against her own.
“You couldn’t wait for me?” Art's voice cuts through like a sharp knife, interrupting the heat between them. He casually strides across the room, taking care to place the drinks down on the desk in the corner of the room, before looking up at them with a smug smirk on his face.
Her gaze moves from Tashi to Art, her lips glistening and slightly swollen from Tashi's relentless kisses.
Tashi's voice is soft but playful, and her gaze is fixed on her as she speaks. "I'm just warming her up for you."
Those words send a chill through her whole body, and she can almost immediately feel her arousal growing at the thought. She relishes the sensation of being the center of both Art and Tashi’s desires, feeling wanted and desired by them both.
Art makes his way to the edge of the bed and gently grips her chin, tilting her face up towards him. There is a newfound confidence in his manner, an air of dominance that she has never witnessed before. Without breaking eye contact with her, he leans down and plants a kiss on Tashi's lips.
Tashi, with a satisfied grin, rises from the bed and moves over to the armchair strategically placed at the foot of the bed, positioning herself perfectly to watch as things unfold. The realization hits her suddenly—Tashi's role in this scenario becomes clear. Tashi is a cuck , and she gets pleasure from orchestrating the scene, gaining control in the process. She can tell that Tashi thrives on feeling in command—a true control freak.
"Undress for him." Tashi's command resonates with authority, and there is no room for disobedience.
She needs no convincing—the thrill of the situation is enough to send her pulse racing and excitement coursing through her body. Art's eyes roam over her body, a silent gaze that leaves her feeling both exposed and desired. As she moves around on the mattress of their bed, stripping herself of all her clothing items. Art, who’s sitting at the edge of the bed, palms himself through his pants.
"You want her badly, don't you, baby?" The words hang in the air—a statement more than a question.
Art’s movements are slow and calculated. "So badly," he responds with a low growl, the sound sending a shiver down her spine.
Art has a different demeanor with her this time around; his behavior is almost harsh and demanding. He fucks her with a ruthless edge, as if he's using her to let out all his pent-up anger and frustration. He has her pinned into a helpless position, practically folding her beneath his touch. Her legs are propped up on his shoulders as his grip is firm enough to pin her down to the mattress, pounding his hips into her relentlessly.
Tashi continues to observe from the sidelines, enjoying the scene unfolding before her eyes. The sight of her struggling and overwhelmed in desire—her face flushed, head rolling back, grabbing the sheets desperately—as she reaches the brink of overstimulation. Despite her struggles, Tashi can't help but appreciate how captivating she looks at this moment, her expression a mix of both pleasure and pain.
Art presses his hand meticulously against her lower abdomen, the metal of his wedding band warm against her skin as he thrusts into her at just the right angle—allowing him to feel his length practically poking at her cervix. She whines and cries, rolling her head over to Tashi’s side, noticing how she now has her hand between her thighs, attending to her own needs as she watches the two.
The plea escapes her lips—a desperate plea for mercy—for release. "Tashi, please." Her voice is thick with tears as she looks up at Tashi, her eyes pleading.
"You're taking it so well, baby." Tashi whispers softly, her gaze fixed on her, her tone filled with praise and reassurance. 
She reaches up, her grip tightening on Art's chest as she desperately clings to him. He responds by leaning down, his voice a low murmur as he utters the words, "I've got you, don't run." Despite the firmness in his tone, there is a hint of tenderness, a reassurance that he's there to ground her. He repositions himself to pull out and uses his fingers, curling them up inside her, hitting that same spot that makes her fall apart and gush onto his hand.
Tashi watches the mess being made, the way she soaks up the sheets, crying for mercy, and the way Art’s length twitches at the sight as he skillfully uses his fingers to drive her crazy. She feels the mattress dip as Tashi sits down beside her on the bed, a gentle presence at her side. Tashi's hands reach out to caress her face, a soothing gesture.
“Where do you want it?” Art’s breathing is slightly ragged as he rubs himself through her wet folds; his gaze is focused and determined.
“Inside, inside me.” She gives the green light, her gaze flickering between him and Tashi.
Tashi watches in satisfaction as her husband slides back inside her, holding her hips in place and groaning as he reaches his climax. It's as if everything comes together in a perfect culmination of the scene, a satisfying conclusion to the game Tashi had orchestrated. “That’s it.”
After showering her with gentleness and comfort, Tashi then leans in and plants a quick kiss on her lips, the action like a sweet reward for having been a good girl and taking it all. She then turns her head towards Art, her smile soft and genuine, and presses a gentle kiss on his lips, expressing her gratitude for his participation in the scene.
To top it all off, she gently pushes Art aside to lower herself between her legs and lick out the remnants of her husband from her core. It’s a filthy, almost sinful move, but the vulgarity of it all adds to the experience.
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As the heat of the moment subsides and the sensations fade, shame begins to creep its way into her mind. The realization of how vulnerable and exposed she has been sinks in, and a flush of embarrassment washes over her.
Art moves across the room, a towel wrapped around his waist, and offers, "You can take a shower here." His voice is casual, as if he's simply providing a practical solution to her current situation.
Tashi pipes up from the edge of the bed, chiming in with her own suggestion. "We can also set you up in the spare bedroom, no problem at all."
She responds with a soft smile and a gentle chuckle, expressing her gratitude for their hospitality but explaining her intention to leave. "I appreciate it, but I think I'll just head back home," she says, her voice nonchalant. Despite their offer, she seems eager to put some distance between herself and the intimate scenario they had just experienced.
As she leaves the hotel and steps out onto the dark, windy street, only one person comes to mind. She reaches for her phone to dial the number.
“Patrick?” Her voice comes out hopeful as he picks up her call.
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aranock · 11 hours
I'm tired.
Just sort of in general I am exhausted. I know I put on a brave face a lot, but the hate does get to me. The constant unceasing hatred both offline and online gets to me. I'm human idk what to say. Been thinking a lot about the Bilbo quote, I might be paraphrasing, "I feel like too little butter spread across too much toast."
It's pride month, I should be feeling happy right? I convocated finally after a brutal long degree I should be feeling happy right? I like how my body looks for the first time in my life shouldn't I feel happy?
And I know that's not helpful, that feelings are not a should thing. And yet I feel it anyway :/. Not that I do not feel happy, I would say on average I am better than I have been at any other point in my life. But it does get to me.
I was invited to dinner with a former family member, a blood relative that breached every boundary I placed and even went so far as to accost me in a public space. It's hard watching someone lose all love for you the more you become yourself. Being told I'm an embarrassment to my parents by creeps online stings a lot more now that I had a blood relative say it to my face while aggressively yanking my jacket so I couldn't get away. I know its a lie, I know that this person saying that hurt my parents as much as it did me. Alas, anxiety rarely responds to facts or evidence.
Everytime it feels like I'm fine and over it; this person manages to weasel their way around boundaries to fuck up my mental health for a week. And the thing about chronic illnesses like mine is they flare up quite horrendously when you get stressed and anxious. Anxiety means waking up to acid burnt throat from reflux.
It makes my voice dysphoric all day.
I think deep down one of my greatest fears is that I am unlovable, that everyone around me secretly hates me and is just waiting for the excuse to finally be rid of interacting with me. I am terrified that I am a burden. Mortified by the false belief that I am broken.
Despite how horrific my childhood adolescence and some of my early adulthood were, my family was at least a safe place. I recognize that I was privileged to have that. With that said I think the reason this whole thing has rocked me so much is that it violated that one last place I felt safe. It has made me doubt the love of those I never thought I would.
Sometimes transphobia feels like drowning, and if you try to swim for air everyone decides to shove you further down cause actually it's proof you are faking needing breath.
I text someone anytime I go run errands, just to make sure someone knows. Had too many experiences of hate. I get anxious when I go to get groceries; will this be the time I get hit by a vehicle driven by a far right transphobe, am I going to get called a slur again, will the store staff get suspicious of me and search through all my groceries to make sure I actually paid for it. But please, tell me how I don't know what its like to be oppressed. When men sexually harass, catcall, creepily hit on, follow me around clearly I am not at all experiencing sexism. Obviously the real worst thing in the world is that women "cancel" people on the internet, and trans people exist. Did they think sending me hateful articles would suddenly make me go "oh yes clearly its all in my head, please genocide my community, I stand for nothing and have the moral backbone of a slug."
I don't really know why I'm writing this, I dont usually feel or desire to express something like this publicly. I will probably delete it later. Maybe I disappear into writing cause its easier to deal with the feelings that way. That at least then someone gets something out of my pain. That maybe it helps to condense emotional mountains to the mole hills of short strokes of a pen or presses of a key. To let them explode outward in a flurry of thoughts and words that others look at and say "I too have felt this, you are not alone, you are not wrong for feeling this way."
Anything to take the weight of it all off my chest for a second.
Because I am tired.
I'm exhausted really.
I don't want to be brave or strong or resilient. It's tiring to bear the weight of that and a billion projections. Atlas does not bear the heavens upon his shoulders because he is strong or brave. He bears it because he has no other choice. Because people put it on him.
I just want to exist; that is apparently too much to ask for as a trans woman.
If you are concerned, please don't worry I'll be fine, I was fine every other time after all. This too shall pass. But right now it hurts.
And I have had my fill of hurt for many lifetimes.
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dia-souls · 15 hours
📓 Rukiyui fanfic 📓
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Pairing: Ruki 📓 and Yui🌸
Author: Admin Afra
Genre: Romance, Dramatic
TW: Tragedy ending, mentally issues
Admin's Note: Returning to writing after several months is like a dream for me. This is my first fanfic after several months. I'm so glad to be back and I hope you like it.
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With Her Memories
The sunrise seemed brighter than ever. A gentle breeze was blowing and gently shaking the curtain of the room. The sound of soft laughter could be heard in the room, which was like the joy of a happy couple.
The breeze became stronger and was shaking the blonde girl's golden hair. Her face looked like a goddess with the sunlight shining through the window of the room, and her laugh was beautiful and full of life like spring flowers. She was in the arms of the man she loved more than anyone else and was smiling gently at him while holding his hand.
Yui: Wow.... my god, that was really beautiful. This was the best story I have ever read.
Ruki: It wasn't bad. It was not bad as a romance book. But there are many better books that have a higher story potential. I think I should read some better books for you to get acquainted with the real spirit and violence of the world.
Yui: .... Ummmmmm.... Ruki, this is too much. This is just a book. I think you took it very seriously.
Ruki: True, but I prefer to read better and more useful books than ordinary and weak romance stories.
Hearing Ruki's words, Yui puffed her cheeks and turned her head away from Ruki as a sign of displeasure.
Yui: Do you know what? You are not romantic at all. I thought that after reading this book, you will also be motivated to kiss me?
Ruki: What do you mean?
Yui: It doesn't matter. You can't be romantic.
Ruki smirked and put the book away. He gently placed Yui, who was still in his arms, on the bed and brought his head close to her. So close that their lips were only a few millimeters apart.
Ruki: Do you want to see a romantic man? I will be the most romantic man in the world for you, Yui.
Ruki placed his lips on Yui's soft lips and kissed her gently.
*smooch* *smooch*
Ruki: ... mmm... nn... Yui, your existence is as important to me as the whole world. I will give you whatever you want.
Yui: Ruki, we are not going to be separated again. Right?
Ruki: Never. If the world comes to an end, if my heart is separated from my body, if I have to go to hell or if I have to die, I will not let anyone take you away from me. You are mine forever, Yui.
Yui smiled softly and wrapped her arms around Ruki's neck and snuggled into his arms. She was holding Ruki tightly and smiling. It was the best feeling in the world. The feeling that Ruki once lost because of the vampire king and had to pay a heavy price to get it back. But it doesn't matter at all. He is now with his beloved Yui and that is all that matters to him.
Ruki: ... Yui always stay in my arms. Always give me this warmth and love. Please never leave me alone again.
Yui: Ruki by my side. I promise to be by your side forever.
Ruki was still hugging Yui. He did not want to separate this love and warmth from himself. It was the best feeling in the world. He never wanted to lose this feeling. Yui was the girl who lit up his dark heart. He never wants to lose this light and warmth.
After a few short minutes of them being in each other's arms, Ruki pushed Yui onto the bed and looked into her bright eyes and smirked.
Ruki: Well Yui... let's continue.
He pressed his lips to Yui's soft lips again and continued to kiss her. A deep and long kiss that left a trail of love saliva.
Ruki: You don't have to be jealous of fictional characters. I will be the most romantic man in the world for you.
Yui: Hahaha... Ruki, you are so cute when you are jealous.
Ruki: Huh? Don't you think you are the jealous one here? Hahaha, I won't let you be jealous, my angel.
Yui: Ruki... I love you.
Ruki: Me too Yui. I love you. As much as the world and even more than that. I love you more than anyone, my sweet angel.
Ruki continued to kiss Yui. The sound of their sweet laughter could be heard and the golden color of the evening made it more dreamy. It was all Ruki's world. A world that he never wanted to lose.
A beautiful morning started with a bright sunrise. The sunlight on the bright face of the blonde girl looked like a dream and it was like an angel on earth. The goddess who was sleeping peacefully in the heart of her lover.
Ruki slowly opened his eyes as the sunlight hit his eyes. He saw Yui sleeping like an angel in his arms. It was the most beautiful sight in the world and Ruki didn't want to spoil it.
He gently pushed Yui's hair away from her eyes with his finger and kissed her forehead. He caressed her cheek with his finger and called her name softly.
Ruki: Yui... my beautiful angel please wake up.
Hearing Ruki's voice, Yui slowly opened her eyes.
Yui: Mmm... Good morning Ruki.
Ruki: Good morning Yui. Come one, let me help you to put on your clothes.
Yui tried to get up but the laziness of sleep stopped her. Until Ruki heard Yui's stomach rumbling.
Ruki: Haha... Yui, are you hungry?
Yui: Hmmm... Ruki, can we have breakfast first and after that we get ready. I'm still tired.
Ruki smiled softly and kissed Yui's forehead again and caressed her.
Ruki: Of course we can. You rest here while I go to the kitchen and make you a great breakfast. You just wait for me.
Ruki kissed Yui one last time and left the room. He was going to the kitchen to make breakfast for his dear Yui. The thought that Yui was still alive and breathing kept him alive and he didn't care at all if Yui lost the ability to walk.
He was cooking with a smile and thinking about Yui. Yui's thoughts kept him calm. It kept him alive and happy.
Ruki was still cooking. He prepared a large dish full of delicious ingredients and proudly looked at his work of art until Kou entered the kitchen. Kou was very surprised to see Ruki in the kitchen. Ruki rarely came out of his room. Recently, he only stayed in his room and did not want to see his brothers.
Kou: Uh.... Ruki-kun. You finally decided to come out of your room. Hahahahaha, I haven't seen you in a long time, it seems like today is the last day of the world.
Ruki: Ahhhhh... that joke wasn't funny.
Kou: Come on, Ruki, do you know how long it is.... Oh, look at this big and delicious dish. Ruki did you make this?
Ruki: Of course. Ehat do you think?
Kou: Umm....it looks really delicious ok so let me try it. I'm very hungry.
Ruki: Don't even think about it, it's not for you.
Kou: Ohhhh.... Ruki, don't be stingy. You can't eat this alone.
Ruki: This is for Yui, not me. She is very weak. I have to give her good food to regain her health. Do you understand?
Kou: ....??? Yui...???
Ruki: Of course. Well, I have to go now. Yui is waiting for me.
Kou: Ruki.... listen.... Yuma and Azusa and I miss you two so much. It is better to come out of your room. We would like to see you two more.
Ruki: Sure... I miss you too, but Yui is more important now. You forgot? She can't walk. I will take care of her until she recovers. Now I have to go back to her faster.
After Ruki finished his sentence, he picked up a silver tray full of delicious food and went to his room.
*knock knock*
Ruki entered the room and saw that Yui was still sleeping. He turned to Yui and placed the food tray on the table. He kissed Yui's forehead to wake her up.
Ruki: Yui, wake up, I made you a delicious breakfast.
Ruki was gently smelling Yui's hair and whispering to wake her up and Yui was giggling. Yui's eyes were still closed but she was laughing. Ruki stroked her again to wake her up.
Yui: Ruki... come lie down next to me. Let's sleep together again. After we wake up, we eat breakfast.
Ruki smiled softly and lay down next to Yui. He held her in his arms and buried his head in her soft hair. He smelled her smell and fell into a dream paradise. This heat and this smell was the best feeling in the world.
Meanwhile, the Mukami brothers in the living room:
Yuma: So it happened again?
Kou: I was very happy after seeing Ruki come out of his room. But it seems that it is not yet time to be happy. And I don't think there will ever be a time to be happy.
Azusa: You mean... we... lost our... brother?
Yuma: Who cares? As long as Ruki is fine and smiling, let him stay like that. Even if he stays next to a body that is not breathing. This at least keeps him alive and that's enough.
The room was getting hotter and hotter. It was almost noon and Yui was still sleeping. She had been sleeping in her Ruki's arms for years. Her eyes were opened only for Ruki and her smile was visible only for Ruki. Maybe she would never breathe again, but Ruki could feel her breath and warmth and hear her smile, and that was enough for him.
Yui was sleeping in Ruki's arms. Ruki was embracing his life. They were sleeping next to each other and no one knew when they would wake up.
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aforestescape · 2 days
konig - unplanned pregnancy
…just because i got my birth control removed and i’m in the mood for it
content includes: unexpected pregnancy, afab!reader, gn!reader, pervert!konig, fat!konig supremacy, mentions of co-erced pregnancy, descriptions of sex
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you and konig at this point have spent a few months being friends with benefits. it was entirely your choice not to cross any boundaries past that. a decision that konig vehemently disagreed with but he kept it to himself. now wasn’t the time to pressure you into dating. he could enjoy your days hanging out or studying together. the texts in the middle of lecture to meet at your dorm for a quickie between classes.
no matter your conversations on relationships and you being steadfast in not wanting to date, konig knows that you’re his. maybe it’s a bit malicious, the joy that goes through him as you sit on his bed in tears. head in your hands as you try to speak past the need to sob at your predicament.
you should’ve known. should’ve been more careful. with the amount of time you two spent in each others beds or really any place you could manage privacy. betting on all the plan b’s you’d taken to keep your from getting pregnant even though you were aware it wasn’t safe to take so many frequently.
all the times you’d moan out around him. nails digging into the rolls on konigs back as he pounded into you. his own pathetic whines echoing in the space with yours. strings of english and german. asking, begging you to let him cum inside of you. to let him fill you up, how gorgeous you’d look swelling with his seed.
he loves the idea. thinking of you round and glowing with his baby. maybe even twins, they run in his family after all. wondering if they’d have your skin complexion or his pale freckled one. if their hair would grow in ginger like his as a baby only to change to a deep brown when he got older. if they’d have your love for reading or his for video games. if you’d look at them with as much joy as you did your nieces and nephews.
it was something he’d hoped he’d be able to convince you with time. you’d spent so many months at this point with each other. he’d let you cry in his chest when you were having a hard time. let you complain about classes to him and he’d spoil you with his money. eager to show you how well he could take care of you if you’d just give him a chance.
surely you’d realize soon enough he was the one person for you. and he’d thought about this outcome too. trapping you with him for life. if you wouldn’t date him, wouldn’t admit the feelings he was sure you had for him then he’d just take matters into his own hands. it’d be so easy to knock you up. you were so greedy when it came to his cum. quick to get on your knees and worship his thick cock. eager to lick the copious amounts of cum from your hand after giving him a handjob.
everytime he begged to cum inside of you, to mark you as his he could fill you tighten up around him. your perfect cunt milking his cock till he was overstimulated and whining into your neck.
he’d recall the times you’d ask him to cum for you, to fill you up whenever he had to take his hard and leaking cock into his own hand.
think about how good you always look rolling your hips as your soaking cunt rubbed against his fat stomach. using him as a toy while begging for his cum as if you weren’t denying yourself. a part of him angry to be wasting what’s yours. wasting his potent seed when he could be filling your perfect body up instead.
so konig could hardly hold back the joy he felt as you sobbed next to him on his bed. arm wrapped around you in comfort as you tried to speak through your tears. crying about being pregnant, how you both should’ve been more careful. you’re still in school, both still studying for the separate futures you wanted to build. and now those plans were taking a sharp turn with two little pink lines.
he’d rub your back as you cried into his chest, tears soaking his shirt. mind already filling with baby names and how he’d introduce you to family. they’d love you, he knew it. his family would easily accept you with his babies swelling inside of your belly. you’d grow to love and accept him now, you had no choice.
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once again found a finished work in my drafts i forgot about whoops. have a few more so i’ll prob post something tomorrow, hope you enjoyed🙈🫶🏽
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canirove · 2 days
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 17
Previous chapter | Next chapter (coming out on Friday)
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"Oh my god!" Adele screamed before jumping into Mason's arms. 
"Addie, you knew about the party. If you wanted me to hug you, you just had to ask" he smirked.
"Shut up" she replied, hitting him in the chest.
"Happy birthday, Adele. And sorry about scaring you" her dad chuckled.
"Thank you. And don't worry, it's my fault" she said, giving him a hug.
"Happy birthday, old hag!"
"Love you too, Luca" she said, rolling her eyes.
After getting hugs from Mason's parents and Alex, only Elizabeth was left, an awkward silence in the room. 
"Oh, come here" she said, opening her arms and walking to where Adele was standing. "I'm so sorry about earlier."
"It's ok" she said, hugging her back.
"No, it isn't. But I saw those photos and you and Mason together being so cute, that I thought…"
"It's ok, mum."
"Aren't you angry with me, then?" Elizabeth asked, moving to look at her daughter.
"I am not, no. I can't be angry with my best friend on my birthday" she smiled.
"Oi!" someone said behind them.
"Why did that sound like…"
"I thought I was your best friend!" Jourdan said, walking into the living room.
"And I thought I had told you to stay there until we were ready!" Luca replied, rolling his eyes.
"What are you doing here?" Adele asked.
"I am your birthday surprise" she smiled.
"You… what?"
"Him" Jourdan winked before nodding towards Mason.
"Happy birthday, Addie" he said, giving her her favourite smile: the one that was all dimples.
"May I have your attention, please?" Luca said while hitting his glass with his fork and standing up.
"Be careful, those aren't ours" Elizabeth told him.
"Sorry, mum" he smiled. "Anyway, I wanted to do a toast in honour of my dear sister Adele. May we annoy each other for many years. I love you."
"Aww, I love you too" she smiled.
"To Adele!" Luca said.
"To Adele" everyone repeated, raising their glasses.
"I would also like to say something if I'm allowed to" Mason said, looking at Adele.
"Of course" she smiled. 
"Ok, so… umm… I'm a bit nervous" he chuckled as he stood up.
"C'mon, you can do it" Adele said, holding his hand. She knew what he was going to say, they had talked about it on the beach. 
"Ok" he said, taking a deep breath. "Adele and I are together. But like for real now, we aren't faking it. We love each other and we are together as boyfriend and girlfriend. Real boyfriend and girlfriend. Because we are in love and…"
"We get it, Mase" Luca laughed.
"Yes, ok. Well… umm…"
"I think we should do a toast" Jourdan said, also standing up. "To Adele and Mason finally being together."
"I'll drink to that" Luca said. "I was tired of waiting, I thought you were going to make it official the day of the wedding."
"What?" Adele laughed.
"We all knew you were together. Or at least in love. You two were the only ones who couldn't seeing it."
"More like just Adele" Mason chuckled.
"Hey!" she replied, hitting his arm.
"It's the truth and you know it" he smiled.
"Can we toast now?" Jourdan said, still standing.
"Yes, let's toast" Elizabeth said, getting up from her seat. "To Mason and Adele finally being together. May happiness follow them wherever they go."
"Thank you, mum" Adele smiled.
"To Mason and Adele" Toni said, also getting up.
"To Mason and Adele" everyone else repeated before raising their glasses and drinking.
"I think now we deserve a kiss from the couple, don't we?" Luca said with a mischievous smile.
"This is not a wedding banquet, Luca" Adele said.
"Oh, c'mon. Don't be a party pooper. Kiss, kiss, kiss!"
"I hate it when you do that."
"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" he insisted, Jourdan and Alex joining him.
"Ok, fine! But just one" Adele said.
"We'll leave the rest for when we are alone" Mason laughed, putting down his glass before cupping Adele's face and kissing her, everyone cheering. "I love you, Addie" he whispered against her lips.
"I love you too, Mase" she giggled before kissing him again, Luca in the back now complaining about that being two kisses.
But neither Adele or Mason cared. And they didn't care either when they kissed again after she blew out the candles of her cake. Or when they went to the garden and kissed while watching the fireworks Luca and Alex had gotten for her. 
The only thing they cared about was that, like everyone kept telling them, they were finally together. For real.
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twistedwriting · 2 days
Leech Twins Angsty HC
"Do you two ever argue?"
A question Jade and Floyd are asked rather often but neither have ever answered the question before. This time was different, Jade smiled and took a deep breath, ready to answer as Floyd chirped in: "Nah, we never argued in our whole time. Why?" The tone was indicating the student to leave as soon as possible if he valued his bones.
Why did he lie?
"Why did you-", Jade tried to ask but Floyd yawned. "We never argued in our life, not even once. I'll go find Goldfishie~"
Jade was left alone, speechless and confused. 'Did he forget? Or maybe he pretends that it never happened?', he thought.
There was a single time they argued.
As a child, Floyd has caused a ruckus within their neighborhood many times and most of the time, Jade was scolded for it. "Control your brother!", "You cause nothing but trouble!" and many other sentences were no stranger to the young eel - Most of the time, it was unjustified because they keep mistake Jade for Floyd and Floyd for Jade. One day, after an intense scolding, both of them meet up on their usual hiding spot.
"Let's go bully the crabs of the neighbors!", Floyd was most excited but Jade, who was just scolded, got angry. "Why do you always have to mess with everyone? It's always me who gets blamed afterwards! I even got spanked this time because of your nonsense!"
"Don't be such a grumpy sea slug! It's just a bit of scoldi-", Floyd couldn't even finish his sentence as Jade grabbed him harshly. "A bit of scolding? A bit of scolding! The whole neighborhood hates me because of you! I.. I wish you wouldn't be my brother! Being an only child would be so much better!"
Just as he finished screaming his words at Floyd, he knew it was the worst he could've done. His eyes widened as he saw the tears in Floyd coming up. "Fine then!", he yelled back and dashed off.
Jade was too shocked by the situation to react. Once he got out of his freeze, he rushed home to tell their parents. It took them multiple days to find Floyd, injured and lost in a shipwreck.
Ever since then, Jade swore himself to never cause an argument between the two of them ever again.
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