#i have so many warm and fuzzy feelings now aaaah
hopelesslygaysstuff · 3 months
Hi, my mind can't stop with the idea of mommy Wanda trying to get reader of the bed to start doing their daily tasks. Its a torturing cold morning, reader pretends they are still sleeping, Wanda in a rush to get things done, she tries like three times saying to Reader get up but she loses her patience with this silly brat attitude. She sits in the bed trying to pull blanket off R but ofc the freezing air hits R's skin. Reader make a brat noise and throw a pillow but not thinking Wanda was too close it hits her face. No escape from now, she just says "you are being very agressive with me, sweetheart." R know it didn't hurt her but it is the end of this playing.
At the end, reader won't leave the warm bed after all, but not because they wanted, but bc Wanda would make sure to ruin reader until not being able to do that.
🫠🫠🫠 please can you use your writing super power skills to write it better? 😭😭 plsss pretty plsss I need more of this thoughts 🙏
(Gif that is not mine but I can't stop thinking😭😭)
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omg mean Mommy Wanda overstimulating you because you wanted to act all tough with her... she absolutely would do this!!!
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"Sweetheart, its time to get up," Wanda says, her low voice washing over you.
You can hear her moving around the room, and bury your head further under the thick comforter you'd wrapped around yourself. The tip of your nose is cold, the chilly air moving against the exposed skin of your cheeks. The bed was so... fucking... warm...
"I know you heard me, I want you out of this bed by the time I'm done with my makeup."
"Mmmphhh," you manage, feeling drowsiness take over your mind. A tendril of excitement appeared, and you bit your lip to hide a small smile as a plan started to form.
It was perfect. Wanda had been edging you for a few days now, and you were sure that she'd lose her patience to edge you if you were a brat. If you played your cards right, you were sure that you could get her to make you orgasm by the end of the day, and put a stop to the endless torture that was edging.
"What did I say," Wanda mumbles, having emerged from the bathroom. You barely hear her, your heart thumping in excitement. Then, it starts beating entirely too fast as Wanda rips the blanket away from you, exposing your heated skin to the frigid air of the room.
"No, aaaah fucking- goddamn it," you say, a few more curse words emerging as you fling your pillow in the direction of Wanda. It hits her square in the head, and you feel your eyes widen when she pins you with a look.
"You are being very aggressive with me, sweetheart."
"I'm sorry I-"
"No," Wanda says, her tone hard. "You wanted to stay in bed? Fine, but you're not leaving until I think you've learned your lesson. Understand?"
You don't understand, but nod anyways. It can't be that bad, right?
Wanda smirks down at you, your eyes glazed and unfocused. You can hear her start the shower, a mix of lube and cum dripping down your inner thighs. Her scarlet dildo and favorite vibrator are placed next to you on the bed, smelling like you as you tremble from the aftershocks of your multiple orgasms.
You can't even remember how many it was, your brain fuzzy and limbs limp as Wanda begins murmuring into your ear while she helps you towards the shower.
"Is that what you wanted? You wanted Mommy to fuck you until you're all braindead for me? I hope you enjoyed the orgasms, sweetheart, because you won't be cumming for a long time. I hope it was worth it."
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chemicalarospec · 1 year
just remembered you started as a phannie blog
Omg I was literally thinking about that as I failed to fall asleep!!! (I took a nap from 6 to 8 and now I can't sleep aaaah.) Good times tbh, I definitely felt the most community in the phandom... So many nice mutuals that aren't active anymore, aren't mutuals anymore, or just feel like completely different people now. I miss that era... At first on dsmpblr I made some new connections, but none of them lasted long... There was the tntduo server but we didn't really interact on tumblr that much. Near the end of dsmp i almost got some moots that were fellow mcyt-adjacents slowly moving on but I don't see any of them anymore. I basically only have 1 proper hearts and flowers 💕 🌼 (ie I have the warm fuzzies for them) mutual and you lol. Death Note hasn't really done it but I'm hoping whatever I get into next will have some community again.
(For my newer followers I made this blog in fall of 2020 hahaha - it was a small, chill phandom.)
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Week 3, Day 7
Safety cut, line breaks where the original posts ended.
The Final Day
“I bet you don’t even know what the word ‘nervous’ means.”
“‘Ey, why you gotta call me out like dat, Phones?”
I have missed these two. :’) For the record, I’m fucking terrified.
Beat. Answer your phone. It’s probably Rhyme. BEAT. THE PHONE. NOW.
Why. *facepalm*
I may have zoomed right past Kariya and Uzuki with Soundsurf before I even registered they were there. Thankfully the game didn’t let me zoom too far. >.>
I simultaneously have the warm fuzzies cuz ~teamwork~ and a yawning abyss of dread in my stomach cuz this is it.
I’ve always hated those last talks before the final battle. They make you so horrifically aware of exactly how much you stand to lose, even if you win.
I do not like that I have to go to Udagawa to meet Kaie. I am hella paranoid about that place. Aaaah.
Shout out to Hishima standing there to tell me he’s looking for someone? And then not telling me who? Bruh.
Kaie is waiting for someone who holds incredible power of the non-supernatural variety. So Rhyme or Shiki? Cuz everyone else is currently accounted for or VERY supernatural.
Well that was a weird detour.
An aside: Beat is all grown up and doesn’t flail at his full name anymore.
Beat Shiba. There’s no way this is real.
Oh now time has stopped. Good. THE PEOPLE ARE TURNING INTO NOISE WHAT. (This is about to descend into an unreadable mess I suspect. Sorry.)
How did I get a B I almost died. I think that meteor thing almost managed to hit eesh. Alright. Here comes the shit storm.
Oooh Rindo. Straight savage. I love his habit of throwing people’s words back that them. It’s the best kind of fuck you. It’s way too early to celebrate my dudes. There’s still no way we’re done.
“Executor”? Oh I do not like that.
Damn he died without going Noise.
I had really hoped Kubo wasn’t coming back. This was very naive.
4:44:44. Of course.
NO DON’T YOU HU- NEKUUUUUUUUUUU!! He. He. He killed… he erased Neku. No. no no nononononononoooooo. And the Inversion-!
What IS he?! (I think I’ve gone non-verbal oh dear)
Another Angel. It’s official. I hate the higher plane. I didn’t like them before, the whole business with how cut off the Composer is has always struck me as designed to fail and massively fuck up but this. This is so much worse.
Why?! Why would… Why would they decide to destroy Shinjuku and Shibuya..?
Shit, Rindo has been Kubo’s proxy. Shit shit. This is so much worse than the reveal that Neku was Joshua’s proxy. Joshua hadn’t actually DONE IT yet. This fucker has actively done it once and is in the middle of succeeding again. Oh god.
Minamimoto. He was looking for a way to consume and control the Noise Rindo was generating. That’s why he needed a sample. His first attempt didn’t work and it fucked him up, like the Plague Noise have been doing all week. Shit I really hope he’s had time to figure it out. I vote we go back, un-erase Neku before I throw up, find Sho, get him fucking cooperate for once in his existences, no that’s not a typo he’s died like 4 times, then destroy the pin before Fuckwad here can call the Noise out of it. 
We’ll only get one shot though.
I’m gonna unpause now.
Okay watching Shoka get got like that. That was. Extremely unnecessary. 
I do not envy Rindo having to explain all this oh boy.
It just registered that we’re about to try to kill AN ANGEL. Fuck me. I remember Panthera Cantus. Oh boy.
I don’t know how well talking to Shiba is going to work, when he’s probably the way he is because Fuckwad did something to him on a Soul level.
Lmao that went poorly. Shocker. And now, a scavenger hunt across time~
The scavenger hunt has yielded
Hishima and Shiba used to be     good friends but Hishima refuses to be overtly helpful
Rhyme has mad hacking skills     and Beat still hasn’t looked at his damn phone
“Must be from a higher     plane. Everyone from up there is some kind of weirdo, let me tell you.”     KARIYA. WHAT. HOW MANY HAVE YOU MET!? Also like, most of the Reapers     aren’t supposed to know about this shit. I remember the secret reports     very well thanks. Only the Composer knows they exist.
Coco called Fuckwad a must,     dusty, crusty old cretin and this gives me LIFE. Otherwise was very     unhelpful.
Uzuki just had an ‘oh my god they were partners’ moment re: Hishima and Shiba and I’m half giggling cuz my brain made it a meme and half having Feels cuz “things go south with your partner and then that’s it?” halp my emotions.
“Can you imagine? Being played like that… and then having everyone just abandon you like you’re nothing?” It wasn’t until Fuckwad said what he is that I stopped being out for blood. I was assuming that whatever had happened to change Shiba, he had played a part in it himself. But if someone that much more powerful came and started messing with his head and his soul then yeah, he deserves to be snapped out of that and to be himself again. If what he became isn’t his own fault, if it wasn’t because he messed with something he shouldn’t have, then yeah. Make this stop. Then we’ll see.
Damn Hishima going straight for the jugular. Respect.
We got our cease-fire for now though. Shoutout to Neku casually reassuring him we’ll fight him to the death if shit doesn’t kick off. Like that’s totally normal. Aiya.
A thought, as Fuckwad is gloating over how screwed we are: Minamimoto want’s to “approach infinity”. Which in this case might not mean ‘I want to be Composer’, it might mean ‘I’m trying to make the jump to Angel’. In which case… That would be very good for us, I think. Certainly couldn’t be worse, at any rate.
(Exact line I’m on: If you thought that Noise gave you a good beating last time around, just wait till you see it now. You kids are in for a world of hurt. (No, I am not typing out his weird lisp thing.))
Oh gooooooooood damn it not again.
OH MY GOD SHOKA IS- SHOKA IS SWALLOW!?!?! HELLO!?!?!? I had completely forgotten Swallow even existed with all the madness.
Hello giant beam of light what??? I am massively confused. How. What. I do not understand what is happening. What is. GOING ON.
This post is long as fuck I’mma just make a new one.
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sweetlittlevampire · 4 years
Rima’s Wangxian Fic Rec
So I’ve compiled these specifically for @inessencedevided , but hey, we’re all here to spread the love, so please, share and reshare to your heart’s content! :D
I’ll start with “Personal Favourites” - there are many more that I would consider a Personal Favourite, but I’ve picked those specifically because I thought you’d enjoy them. AU fics will also be included, because there are some real gems out there, and some still take place in canon universe, but with a twist, so...yeah.
Main pairing is Wangxian; I somehow don’t tend to read much else. ^^;
This thing is going to be loooong, so please find everything under the Read More. And feel free to let me know if a link doesn’t work so I can fix it.
Personal Favourites
爱不释手; never let me go by yiqie
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Length:  68713 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s summary: “Wei Wuxian has certainly hoped so ardently in his two lifetimes, for so many different things, in so many different ways, that he could have summoned the demon to his front door with his bare hands. His eyes wander to Lan Zhan, settle on the back of his head, the blue-black curtain of his hair. Oh, how he has hoped.”
A case fic! And one of my personal all-time favourites as well! It is so well-crafted, with an engaging and captivating plot, a TON of OCs who actually do contribute to the story, and a few scenes that are so beautiful I could weep. Got hyped up on twitter, and rightfully so. It’s a delight to read.
Rabbit Heart by  Suaine
Rating: Mature
Warning: N/A
Length:   56590 words in total
Chapters: 6
Status: Completed
Author’s summary: “ Wei Wuxian walks his lonely road, but he’s not going to leave Lan Wangji entirely alone. That would be boring. “
Another case fic! Set after the show’s ending, Wei Wuxian goes his way, but leaves the paper man behind to keep Lan Wangji company. I loved this one to pieces - it has intriguing subplots and will make your heart melt several times.
Those are actually thonly two case fics I’ve read so far, but for more, be sure to visit @wangxianfics ‘s Case Fic section. It has many more, and I am planning on reading several of them.
the earth remembered me by  remux
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:  30321  words so far
Chapters: 2 out of scheduled 4
Status: Ongoing
Author’s Summary: “All around him, summer throbs like a heartbeat, undeniably alive. Wounds begin to heal. And Wei Wuxian, with sweat on his brow, feels ripe. Wei Wuxian, with his hands deep in the soil and mud between his toes, remembers something simple and primitive and utterly transformative: It feels good to make things grow. OR: Wei Wuxian’s travel guide to finding your place in the world.”
This fic changed me. Like, literally. It’s still ongoing, but I don’t even care. It’s not a case fic, but I’m 100% sure you’ll love it. It’s pure poetry and catharsis, and it hurts so much, but it’s so necessary. I think I cried several times while reading each of the chapters, and I’m eagerly but patiently awaiting the next one. It follows Wei Wuxian’s journey after he leaves the Cloud Recesses in episode 50 and tells the story of what he does and experiences before he returns back to Lan Wangji. So it’s absically only Wei Wuxian, Lil’ Apple, and the people they meet along his way.
Begotten by  ecorie
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   37279  words
Chapters: 6
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “He’s mine.” He echoed what had once been teasingly said in jest, and added, “This is my son.” Against all odds and without a choice, Lan Zhan brings A-Yuan back to Cloud Recesses. Xichen keeps his brother’s secrets, and shields the child when Lan Zhan could not.“
Also known as: Filling in the blanks with everything that happened in those 13 years. I loved this one. Wangji = Best Dad, Sizhui = Best Son.
Canon Universe
(not necessarily canon compliant though)
the soft animal by  cafecliche
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   5046  words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “You don’t think that’s strange?” he says. His voice, his new voice, is familiar now. But sometimes it almost startles him, hearing it come from his mouth. “It’s been nine months. I’ve used them almost every day. I should know how long these legs are.” (Or: Wei Wuxian has a plan to train Mo Xuanyu’s body. The results aren’t quite what he expects.)“
A very interesting take on Wei Wuxian, and how he comes to terms with his new body. Something I had not seen previously explored, and I really loved how the author handled it.
Come let me love you (Come love me again) by  obsessivereader
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:  9105   words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “The notes from the dizi cut off as Wei Ying goes absolutely still. Over the quiet whisper of the wind through grass, Lan Wangji can hear the rapid beat of his own heart. Wei Ying's hands drop to his side slowly, so slowly, as though time has slowed down for both of them. He turns, a look almost of fear on his face. And then...And then, Wei Ying smiles—slow and beautiful and warm and relieved as though Lan Wangji standing before him is a treasured dream fulfilled. "Lan Zhan," he breathes.“
A “What happens after the end of the last episode?”-fic. I’m kind of a sucker for those. This one is very sweet and tender; I absolutely loved the interactions between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, and the gentleness of it all. I also adore the song it’s been titled after (”Annie’s Song” by John Denver, if you’re curious).
Death of a Ghost by  Gotcocomilk
Rating: Explicit
Warning: N/A
Length:   107397 words in total
Chapters: 30
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “There was a ghost that haunted the decks of Lotus Pier, it was said. If you stepped across the wooden planks at night, walked along the endless docks and flying purple banners, he would appear. He was always in darkest black, dressed as specter and shadow. In the emptiness where a face should be was a thick fog, features washed away and leaving behind only glimmering red eyes. He looked ferocious as a ghoul, it was said. Jin Ling thought he looked sad.“
Full disclosure - I am five chapters into this thing, and I am already recommending it, I am that intrigued. There is some serious Yunmeng Bros stuff in there which I think you are going to love, and the interactions between said ghost and Jin Ling are - aaaah! Cannot wait to continue!
wrap your name tight around my ribs by  sasukepositive
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   8728 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “ In true Wei Ying fashion, his return comes with a dose of mischief. “
Another “What happens after the end of the last episode?”-fic, with a good dose of Wangxian family feels. In fact. the whole thing is a huge chunk of feels. A very soft, delicate, and sweet fic, which will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy.
please linger by  sasukepositive
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   5636 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “ When A-Yuan begins crying, Lan Wangji knows it makes sense. He understands that crying will not harm him — he logically knows that. However, A-Yuan’s little face turns red so quickly that it leaves Lan Wangji a little panicked.“Ah,” he begins helplessly, stepping forward in an attempt at — something. He doesn’t know what. “It’s okay.” or: sometimes the man you love assures you that his mysteriously acquired child will nap until he gets back from shopping. for sure. “
If you liked the Dad Date Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had with A-Yuan in Yiling, then you’ll love this one. It’s a fill-the-gaps fic in which Lan Wangji returns to Yiling several times to see Wei Wuxian and A-Yuan. Still follows canon events though, hence the bittersweet ending, but it is still so so lovely.
I hope that you will come and meet me by  feyburner
Rating: Mature
Warning: N/A
Length:   28385 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “ The second time Lan Zhan said Wei Ying, come back, Wei Wuxian did. “
Another one of tehse post-show-canon fics. I love everything feyburner writes, and this was the first fic of theirs I came across. I love the feeloings described in it, and just how sweet it is. One of those fics in which the way the mature part is executed just makes the whole thing even sweeter.
Alternate Universe
(but sometimes within the canon universe?)
Merman Lan Wangji!AU by  FleetofShippyShips ( @fleetofshippyships here on tumblr)
- which is a series of connected fics, and not one long fic with chapters, hence why the formatting is different here. 5 entries so far; ungoing. Teen And Up Audiences
...which is definetely a personal favourite of mine, - you might have noticed, since I’ve been drawing a ton for this particular AU. But since I don’t know if yu’re into merfolk!AUs I didn’t list it up there with the personal favourites.
It is following canon so far, only that Lan Wangji is, as the title suggests, a merman - with secrets.
I adore the atmosphere of this series so much, and the way Zoe writes it is just so beautiful. It’s a story in which I could live, and if you’re in for the ride, I can assure you that there will be many surprises to come.
Welcome to Gusu  by  perkynurples ( @bilboo here on tumblr)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   30853 words so far
Chapters: 5 so far
Status: Ongoing
Author’s Summary: “ Deep in the lush forests of Gusu hides an aging resort that hosts dozens of children every summer for an unforgettable couple of weeks. It’s where Lan Wangji grew up alongside Wei Wuxian, and when his childhood friend (for the lack of a better term) surprisingly returns years later in the position of Senior Counsellor, seemingly hell bent on causing the same kind of mischief that got him kicked out of Gusu in the first place, but also taller, broader and tanner than ever before, Lan Wangji knows he’s In Trouble. Or, this fic has it all: longing looks over campfires, found family dynamics, ill-timed skinny dipping, teenagers inappropriately shipping their counsellors, LAKE MONSTERS “
Annie wasn’t lying when she said this fic has it all. What started as some kind of crack fic turned into something beautiful that completely owns my heart.  The interactions between the characters are so heartwarming, and while I sense that some major drama is going to occur soon, I also know that this will eventually have a happy ending. It’s delightful, and it does belong to my personal favourites as well.
Some of You by  tangerinechar
Rating: Mature
Warning: N/A
Length:   60640 words
Chapters: 7
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “Lan Wangji gets drunk and tweets a love confession, Wei Wuxian panics, and all of twitter decides to matchmake Lan Wangji and his mystery guy. “
A social media fic! And a hilarious one at that! If you’re in the mood for an extra panicky, extra obnoxious Wei Wuxian? This is the fic for you. It has one of the sweetest love confessions ever. There’s some background Xicheng too.
Window Shopping by  thunderwear
Rating: Explicit
Warning: N/A
Length:   18000 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “Lan Wangji didn't look out across the other apartment building often, but now, as he scooped up his escaped rabbit, he looked over only to see a piece of paper taped to the window of the apartment across from him. It was written on purple construction paper in big block letters, like a child had written it. WHAT'S YOUR BUNNY'S NAME???“
I did already rec this one to you, but WHO CARES? A Quarantine fic! The first one I came across, and I loved it! A friend of mine thought Wei Wuxian was OOC, but I disagree - he didn’t exactly grow up in the same circumstances as in canon, and his life situation isn’t 100% the same, so I still think it fits. A-Yuan makes an appearance, and the interactions between Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, and the boy are just so very cute!
Home is Where the Heart is by  Alipeeps ( @alipeeps here on tumblr)
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:  10036 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “Wei Ying’s expression is tight and unhappy, his entire body held rigidly away from Lan Zhan.He doesn’t look at Lan Zhan as he says, “You don’t have to worry, Lan Zhan, I’m never going to touch you.”The distaste in Wei Ying’s voice makes Lan Zhan’s blood run cold.“Just because our families have arranged this marriage, we don’t have to be together… like that…” Wei Ying’s mouth twists unpleasantly. “It can be a marriage in name only. A...” he swallows, looking like he might be sick, “...a business arrangement.”
Arranged Marriage AUs are also one of my weaknesses, especially if the two soon-to-be-married people are actually in love with each other but have yet to confess, This one does the trick. It’s modern era with no cultivation, and the mutual pining is REAL in this one.
what else is there? by  mme_anxious
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   12917 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “Did you hear the terrible news? Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian has gone beyond the pale! He has murdered Hanguang-Jun!”This is the first thing the swan hears flying over Yiling, and it sets him to hissing. It’s the kind of sound he would never make as a human, but as a swan—a mute swan— hissing is the only form of communication available to Lan Wangji. So he hisses. -Jin Guangyao transforms Lan Wangji into a swan. Only an act of love will break the curse.”
A fairytale!AU based on Swan Lake. You might have seen my Swangji drawing; this is the fic it was drawn for. It takes place in canon universe and is super lovely and magical. I may have cried a bit.
all your life you’ll dream of this by  Attila ( @attilarrific here on tumblr)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:  22668 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “Lan Wangji should refuse. He should. He looks back down at the mask. Beneath it is the soft creamy paper of the invitation. He could present this at the door and slip into the palace and—“Go see him, Wangji,” Lan Xichen says quietly, and Lan Wangji feels his resolve crumble beneath him”
Another fairytale!AU - this time, it’s loosely based on Cinderella, with Lan Wangji as Cinderella and the forehead ribbon as glass slipper. Such a lovely lovely fic. May also have cried a bit; it’s heartfelt and magical and so warm and sweet.
Love wakes me by  dea_liberty
Rating: Explicit
Warning: N/A
Length:   42812 words in total
Chapters: 4
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: "It starts with a bet. All mistakes, Wei Wuxian thinks, start with a bet. It’s starts with a bet and ends with Wei Wuxian losing everything. Nine years ago, Wei Wuxian made a bet with disastrous consequences. Now, he is part-owner of the popular and eclectic Yiling Cafe, years and miles away from his old life, making the best of things and trying to leave the past where it belongs. When Lan Wangji walks into his cafe by accident, Wei Wuxian finds himself doing what he thought he'd never do again; reclaiming some small part of his past, and hoping for a future he'd given up as lost.”
If someone had told me that I would fall head over heels in love with a Coffee Shop AU, of all things? I would have laughed...yet here we are. I’ve read this thing in one sitting and cannot stop thinking about it. I absolutely have to reread it; it’s slowly but surely becoming one of my personal favourites.
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Happy Birthday to Me pt 10
While he was gone, I kept dancing with A-Lian and making faces for her to giggle at. It worked quite nicely until she heard the obviously very familiar sound of her parents singing. Instantly deciding she was tired of her poor uncle’s antics in favor of wanting to be held by her mother (fair) I shuffled her along to the stage. She waddled the last few steps to her mom who immediately swooped her up. Jin Ling had already ascended to his rightful throne in his father’s arms again, his favorite place that evening it seems, and the two doting parents started to dance along with their song (which was, fittingly enough, “I wanna dance with somebody”. Pff)
Somewhere near the end of the song Lan Zhan finally came back with the promised sweets. He looked a bit concerned and mildly heartbroken to find that A-Lian was no longer with me. When he asked where she had gone I just pointed up to the almost obnoxiously perfect family picture on stage. (Obnoxious because of the peacock, and almost because Shijie is always perfect and never obnoxious.)
The king demanded that he get to sing a song so before they could be shuffled off the stage they were allowed to sing a rather off-key rendition of “twinkle twinkle little star” with A-Ling belting his little heart out and A-Lian babbling her best to follow along. 
It was so adorable that I had to look at something else or I’d end up crying again. So instead I started poking at the cake that was still being held by the steadfast Lan Zhan. 
I’d barely managed to shove a huge bite in my mouth when I felt a forceful yank, taking me away from my cake and my Lan Zhan! Unacceptable!
Turns out it was, of course, my darling little brother telling me it was my turn. RUDE
“YOu could have at least let me finish my cake, Asshole!” I grumbled at him once I was finally able to swallow the lump of frosting that had jammed my mouth shut. 
(Gamby yelled at me to watch my language so close to the kids. Oops. Sorry Gamby)
I got shoved up on stage then despite my continued protests. SangSang asked me what I wanted to sing and after a moment of thought there really was no other choice for me. 
I know it’s a meme. 
Okay I get it. Alright? He-Man and lol and whatever. Haha. BUt for real, 
“What’s Up” from 4 Non Blondes fuckig SLAPS okay?
And I’ve loved it WAY longer than it’s been a meme! Fuck you He-Man! (Yes I’m aware I used the meme in question on my blog once. I am a multi-faceted human being and am perfectly able to compartmentalize thank you).
So the song starts off pretty quiet but after a few seconds Gamby all of a sudden shrieked like an excited teenager and practically begged me to sing it too. 
So obviously yes, right? I’m not gonna say no to a duet with Gamby!
Oh it was so FUN! We were both really hamming it up in the best way and sometimes barely even able to sing it because we were trying so hard not to laugh. 
We had a stellar audience too, all looking comically enraptured by the song, swaying in time to the music. I think SangSang even pulled out a fake lighter ap on his phone to hold in the air as he swayed. 
The song ended to energetic applause and we both took our bows dutifully before  Gamby pulled me into another tight, tight hug. 
“It’s our song,” she said in my ear. “I used to sing this to you when you were just a sprout!”
Okay hold on. 
Sorry the memory of it made me well up again. 
So you have to understand. I have always LOVED this song. Not just, like, liked it or thought it was fun or anything. I LOVE this song. Like top 5 forever. Maybe even number 1. Just. 
This song for me. It comforts me. I don’t remember anything from my early childhood but this song made me feel nostalgic. Safe. I found it when I was like… 15? 16? And just it was SO familiar. 
It turns out that Gamby and Mom used to sing it together with me all the time. The feeling I was getting whenever I heard that song. It was her. And it was Mom. The feeling I get from that song is the feeling of being loved by my parents. With no expectations. Nothing to repay. Just pure love. 
I don’t remember my mom. But I have that now. I have that feeling. 
Okay I’m fine. I’ve blown my nose and we can carry on. 
So I’d mostly re-composed myself by the time I found Lan Zhan again only to discover that he’d just stood there the whole time just…. Holding the cakes. 
I freaked out a little due to my honestly a bit overly-emotional. I took the cakes away and set them aside so I could rub his arms while scolding him. (Did I really do that? Why?? Ugh I’m an idiot)
I told him he could have put the cakes on the table or something and that his arms must be tired! I think I just wanted an excuse to touch him more.  But I was a bit high on adrenalynn and the liquor was still making me a little warm.
So I’m gonna blame it on that. 
While I made a buffoon of myself, Jiang Cheng and Huaisang did a cover of Meatloaf’s Let me Sleep on It. 
It was hilarious. They had taken the energy that had honestly started with “My Heart will Go On” and just cranked it all the way up to 11. It was so good to see Jiang Cheng just having FUN without having to worry what he looked like for once. 
He always has to be on his best behavior. It must be exhausting.
But now, with Nie Huaisang playing the part of the overly-pushy love interest asking him to ‘love her forever’ and Jiang Cheng pleading for more time to consider back and forth. Ah it was amazing. I rested my head on Lan Zhan’s shoulder while I watched it, feeling pleasantly warm and just honestly so loved. It struck me again just how many people had come here just to celebrate me. I still can’t wrap my head around it. 
I held Lan Zhan’s hand as I thought about it though, lacing our fingers together because I can and it’s free. I sighed after a while, just feeling so content. I told Lan Zhan as much and was rewarded by a hand playing idly with my hair. 
“I’m glad you are,” he said. I could feel the words rumbling in his chest. “You deserve to be.”
I looked up at him then, all indignant because how dare he ruin a perfect moment by embarrassing me like that (he ruined nothing. I just like being dramatic). But then I realized just how close we were and my protests just kinda never found their way past my throat. I traced every feature of his perfect face with my eyes, longing to do it with my lips instead. The urge was almost tangible. For a second it almost felt like I might die if I didn’t press a kiss to every part of his face I could. His forehead. His nose. His cheeks. His eyelids. His chin. His lips.
I leaned forward a hair when he spoke and broke the spell. 
Thank god.  
I think he asked me why I was staring or something. It’s the only thing that made sense, but I didn’t really hear him due to the fuzzy static in my ears. I got up quickly lest I fall into a stupor again. Curse you Lan Zhan. Curse you and your perfect face. I looked around the room to find something to latch on to and my eyes fell upon the tragically under-utilized photo booth!
It was one of those fancy ones you see at all the weddings and big parties now-a-days. The kind that’s a huge mirror that you can write on and with like the props and stuff. 
I immediately decided that there was nothing in the world I wanted more than to immortalize that frustratingly perfect face next to mine and I dragged him over to the photo booth. 
We had already agreed we needed to fix our ‘lack of selfies together’ problem after all, didn’t we?
By the time we got here, we’d been beaten to the punch by the beautiful Wens. Wen Ning and Wen Qing were making funny faces in the mirror with A-Yuan and aaaah my heart!
I don’t think I’d EVER seen Wen Qing pull faces like that. I’m so glad I get to keep those photos forever. With that in mind I realized I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to be included! So naturally I photobombed! Well. More I bodily shoved them to the side to make room for me to starfish in front of them.
I suppose I should have anticipated the vicious crack to my head even if it was my birthday. Wen Qing’s finger snaps are murder!
Mortally wounded, I crawled my way back to Lan Zhan so that I might at the very least die in his arms. 
I complained that Wen Qing was being mean because she was and that I was going to have a bruise on my forehead for the rest of the night! Mostly I just wanted to see if he would kiss it better for me. 
He actually did. 
WHY MUST MY PLANS ALL BACKFIRE ON ME???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Wei Ying.exe has stopped. Please wait while we reboot the system.
Would you like to submit an error report? Yes | No
Oh I must have been so red. I was still riding on that ‘It’s my birthday I do what I want’ feeling though and it spawned the following word vomit. 
When he asked me if it felt better.
I told him
“I think I need another kiss just to make sure. You wouldn’t want the birthday boy to be incapacitated for the rest of his party, now would you?”
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I heard the sound of the lovely Dr. Wen gagging behind me. Fair.
But then we were saved by my hero A-Yuan who ran up to hug Lan Zhan’s fucking anime legs and thanked him so sincerely for healing his Xian-Gege. 
“You’re so right, A-Yuan! He’s great like that!” said, kneeling down to pat  his back approvingly and ruffle his already party-ruffled hair. 
Then I noticed that we had somehow managed to edge into the frame of the photo booth and the countdown to the next picture had started. I tried to warn Lan Zhan to get ready but turns out that was the WRONG action. He looked up at the exact worst possible moment so when the mirror showed us back our picture it showed me yelling, A-Yuan looking into space, and Lan Zhan’s face morphed into a hideous slug monster. 
This set A-Yuan to giggling right away, claiming that his bunny gege was a monster!
Lan Zhan growled at him, playing along, which got me going.
Lan Zhan is NOT allowed near kids anymore! My heart can’t take the strain!
To cover up my newest surge of emotion, I demanded we take some proper pictures! 
Wen Ning, angel that he is, took A-Yuan away so we could have pictures with just the two of us. Lan Zhan looked ready to protest, so for the sake of my poor heart, I pressed the ‘picture’ button to distract him. I gave him an arrow that said ‘birthday boy’ on it, which we barely got pointing in the right direction in time, and grabbed a lovely handlebar mustache for myself while claiming to be DaGe and told him to smile. 
Bless his soul he actually did. I don’t know how he manages to tolerate all my stupid antics. Somehow he always seems to be able to take me in stride while staying (mostly) unruffled. I should take lessons. 
The picture came out perfect! ♥ 
So Naturally I demanded a million more. 
We did a few with props and a few without. And some silly faces and some serious faces. And some faces that were so serious they circled back to silly.  Lan Zhan was a real champ and went along with all my hijinks. 
Then I remembered the tree incident that everyone yelled at me over. 
If he catches me I’ll…..
That sentiment was so strong. I don’t even know how that thought ends. I’ll what? 
I still don’t know. 
This time I at least gave him some warning. 
 I told him to hold out his arms so I could jump into him in a much safer recreation of the tree yeet. 
The picture snapped right as I landed in his arms and I remembered to look just in time so that I could grin at the camera and not Lan Zhan in an attempt to be slightly less obvious. When the picture came back though Lan Zhan was looking straight at me. Probably trying to make sure he didn’t drop me. But fuck. 
I’m keeping that one in my wallet once we get them printed. 
Apparently my leap got the attention of the rest of the party because suddenly EVERYONE was there. It was like a clown car with everyone squishing in to see how many of us we could fit in a single picture. Ah it was amazing. We grabbed some props for added panache and I managed to wrangle it so that Lan Zhan and I were still in the middle with all my friends and family squashed around us. 
In a brilliant idea on how to save space, I decided that I should just get as close as possible to Lan Zhan and gave him a big fat smooch on his cheek. I was rewarded when I saw the end result with what had to be the best picture ever taken. 
Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng had their hands in each other’s faces, trying to push each other out of frame, each of them barely managing to stay in the back corners of the picture. 
Below them and to the left, DaGe was looking entirely too pleased to be squished in that close to Lan Xichen who was holding at least 7 different props and looking ecstatically excited. Wen Qing and Shijie were next to each other on the front right, holding A-Yuan and A-Ling respectively. The four of them were holding up peace signs, their faces all close together to try to fit in the picture. 
Front Left was Jin ZiXuan with A-Lian, rubbing their noses together and looking admittedly adorable. 
The front center had MianMian and Qin Su making innocent doll eyes at the camera, their hands laced together and their cheeks squished up against each other. Directly in the back center Gamby and Aunty Yi were imitating them perfectly.  
To the middle right sat Wen Ning looking like he was just happy to be included. He’s such a sweetie. 
And right in the center of all that commotion was myself and Lan Zhan. I was planting the most obnoxious kiss I could manage on his cheek and he was grinning like the sun. 
My God.
After celebrating the best picture ever made we all somehow managed to disentangle ourselves from each other, with many knocking elbows and a lot of laughter. 
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ghost-town-story · 3 years
Currently obsessed with integrating Below into Band AU, whoops
(Will be rambling beneath the cut lol)
Aiden, wrapping his mic wire around his arm: “There’s something in the water, it washed away my pain. I lost all of my power, there’s nothing left to gain”. Swapping out with Brian because that poor boy cannot scream to save his voice but still yelling the lyrics without his mic. (Devastation)
The Past is Dead, c’mon. The whole band yelling those backing vocals. Just. Having fun, jamming out, constantly moving because there’s no way they can stand still with that energy. Brian suddenly coming in to scream the line “Anything it takes to feel alive!”
Something about Aiden or Brian singing “I don’t want to be so sympathetic now.” Just. Aiden “I’m stronger than this”. Brian “Don’t you dare fucking pity me”. Aaaah. Brian would definitely have such a hand in writing these lyrics bc holy hell they fit him so well. (Fed Up)
“And I'm starting to feel concerned When I disappear, no one will care About a single word that I put in the air 'Cause I'm know saying that I'm hurting's getting old, I can tell” Theo latching onto Brian: I care, you dipshit. You have at least five other people who care about you. (No Return)
Phantom Pain would be fun because I’m still getting tripped up by that intro into the chorus, which honestly? Considering Band AU SWS also pulls inspiration from DGD? Yeah Aiden’s having fun with fucky time signatures and syncopation lmao
Skin honestly sounds like it could be about a closeted kid. I know it’s not, but it sounds like it. The queer subtext is there. I mean, come on. “I’ve been sleeping on the floor of my closet again.” “I’ve been burying it down in my system again.” “I’m so uncomfortable” being repeated so many times in the song. I could write an entire fucking essay about the queer subtext in this song, but I’ll stop there lol. But just. Brian my poor forced-in-the-closet/forced-out child. Struggling with his sexuality, with labels, still not wholly comfortable with everything but at least now he has company, he’s not alone.
Aiden has to shelve some songs until Brian joins the band, because he Does Not have the voice for them. Philosopher King (by DGD) is one. I Won’t Give It Up is another. Ashe never liked the band, always tried to convince Aiden to drop it, to give it up. Eventually Aiden gets fed up (heh) and writes half a song, concludes he doesn’t have the voice to give it justice, and shelves it for a later date. (He always says later. He always has a little hope that one day, he’ll be able to do those songs justice, or they’ll find an unclean vocalist for their band.) Four years later, they stand in a practice room, and Brian backs up Aiden, giving the lyrics that extra edge he always wanted as he yells “What I’ve made is all that I have, and I won’t give it up for you!”
The Band AU SWS lyric chat is a thing of wonder between Aiden, Theo, and later Brian, just for firing off snippets of lyrics as they pop up. Brian doesn’t do vulnerability (excluding when he’s too drunk to have a filter), but there’s something about seeing Aiden and Theo go back and forth over lyrics, and (though he would never admit it) a bit of a warm fuzzy feeling when he sends a line and Aiden replies with “!!!!!!”. So maybe they wear him down a bit. Just enough for Brian to send off a few lines. “Pulling away from my emotions now” “Choosing silence just to escape my insecurity, but the quiet only makes me crazy” “I’m crumbling under the pressure”. Theo, texting Brian outside of the lyric chat: I’m coming over Which is how Brian finds himself with a weighted blanket named Theo cuddling the hell out of him.
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
Are there any specific one shots you recomend?
hajdkgfglkhfjgh deep breaths. DEEP BREATHS
okay. let’s. START HETGUFCDK OVER I GUSES. FUJCKL. iliterally hurt my hand slapping a wall with rage oh my gfod it hurts
okokokokokokok enough keysmashing im fucking. ok. look. look. im so bad at reccs. im sorry bro this has been in here forever because the second i read it i forget every fic i’ve ever read. so i’m just gonna give you a list of amazing fics off the top of my head and im def gonna miss some other amazing ones but ther’es not much i can do fdghkljfgh
okok so first of all. EVERYTHING by @tothetrashwhereibelong​
a comprehensive list:
He made a promise - Magnus deflects his feelings and pretends he’s fine and okay and keeps givinggivingGIVING to keep the people he loves close. Alec notices and initiates the Communication. Soft, sad, and beautiful, deals with past abusive relationships and current very loving ones.
Miscommunication - Ragnor fakes his death! Magnus… doesn’t know it was fake. Cue angst at the Malec wedding. Gorgeous, sad, amazing exploration of Ragnor and Magnus’s relationship and tangentially also Malec and Alec interacting with Ragnor. Mostly the former, though.
negative space - Raphael-centric exploration of his asexuality, and his relationship with Magnus. Beautiful, sad, wonderful, gorgeous, and I love it. There’s quite a few amazing Magnus-focused tidbits, but it is more focused on Raphael, and rightfully so. Iconic. Honestly one of my fave fics. Also! Includes trans Magnus, like all of their fics do, which is very sexy of them
I’d do anything to have it (but you handed it for free) - again, one of my favorite fics ever, oh my god. Mundane AU with amazing characterization and featuring Alec’s tux kink. A stunning blend of “oh no we have to go on a date for charity….how sad……👀” and “With the help of his found family, Magnus deals with the horrible abuse of his ex-girlfriend, Camille, when she shows up again to cause trouble and be a nasty bitch”. Also!!! Trans and Muslim Magnus! Y’all!!!!
Home - Post-Edom reunion sex. Fluff, angst, happiness. Really just highkey desperate and emotional sex, it’s so fucking good.
(Nothing) Quite Like It - Brat tamer Alec doms bratty sub Magnus. Iconic, hot, amazing, and with so many tasty kinks lkfdgjhfgkhj. again, one of my favorite smut fics, and TRANS MAGNUS Y’ALL. YES
As I’m Sure They Thought As Well - more bratty sub Magnus and Bantz. Funny, hot, AND in-character
Gold by @tenderalec​ - Magnus feeling bad about his warlock mark thanks to a certain vampire bitch, Alec being the fuckin best. (Not technically a oneshot, but I’d reccomend his other fic, Open, too. It’s about Magnus being trans and coming out to Alec and there is sex and communication.)
Purer Than Any by @magnuscaresalot​ - Magnus with wings! Cute and warm and fluffy. Honestly fucking adorable and full of warm fuzzy feelings. Some light angst but in the good way with lots of comfort to match the hurt.
is it okay to see my life in your eyes? by @manzini - TWI Magnus spends time chilling in cat form, and then his boyfriend walks in. Cue adorable and fluffy interactions. There’s no reveal if you’re looking for that, but honestly, worth it. It’s so fluffy I WANNA DIE.
Touch by @centaurianwisdom​ - Magnus being touch starved and Alec being a comforting supportive boyfriend dfgkjdfg
ok i’m also gonna say i recommend anything by mistilteinn but a lot of their things are serieses(??) not technically oneshots, so here’s some of my favorite standalones from them:
Handmade love - Magnus getting deep into subspace and taken care of like he deserves. Hot and wonderful, with gentle dom Alec.
Words don’t come easy - Mundane AU where they both work at a bookstore and there’s mutual pining, some really mild sort-of-enemies to lovers, awesome characterization, hot smut scenes, and exploration of Camille being the piece of shit she is. ICONIC.
Like a force of nature - Alec eats out trans Magnus!!!! AAAAH y e s . SO FUCKING GOOD. 
Such a dream - consensual somnophilia and feminization done right….so fucking wonderful. There is daddy kink if that’s not your thing, but it’s pretty light
these are just some of the fics i can think of, and from a quick search found, but like, there’s so many more people and if you’re not on this list i’m sorry i’m really just trying to throw shit together lkfhgjgf
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strawberryeuphie · 6 years
i was tagged by @buttercupagere​ and didnt realize until now! 😳😨 well, better late than never!
🌸💗🌱 age regression asks 🌱💗🌸
1. Do you have a caregiver?
yes! my boyfriend ~ 
2. What is your regression age?
4-6 i would say, but i tend to be 6 more often! 
3. How many stuffies do you have?
way too many to count..... on my bed alone theres at least 15, in my room at least 25, and waaaayyyy more in storage. over 300 for sure... >~< lots of them are from when i was young though! 
4. What’s your favorite Disney movie to watch when regressed?
tangled! ♡
5. Do you like to listen to music when regressed? If so, what song(s)?
sometimes ~ nothing in particular, just video game and cartoon osts or upbeat girl group kpop songs, or learning kindergarten songs! 
6. Who’s your favorite Disney princess?
oooh... belle and cinderella, i can’t choose! 
7. What’s your favorite TV show to watch when regressed?
sofia the first, caillou, sesame street, rugrats, bubble guppies, my little pony, reading rainbow, mickey mouse clubhouse, gravity falls, spongebob squarepants, angelina ballerina, the goodnight show with nina and star, and the loud house!
8. Do you like reading stories/oneshots about age regression? If so, what is your favorite one?
hmm... not that i know of! it’s been a long time since i read anything (namely fanfiction) involving age regression. 
9. What outfit(s) do you like to wear when regressed?
dresses! i like long ones, short ones, colorful ones, poofy ones, monochrome ones, collared ones, nature-y ones, princess-y ones, overall dresses, and more! i wear dresses and nighties 97% of the time when i regress ~ 
10. Would you rather spend a day at the playground or at the fair?
playground, for sure! i love things that aren’t costly and aren’t too crowded or loud or with lots of fast rides or tall rides... hehe ^_^,
11. Do you have any age regression gear? If so, what is it?
sippy cups, loads of pacifiers, two plate + bowl + flatware sets, pull-ups and goodnites, books, some kids clothes that fit me, a onesie from amazon, a teether, some rattely toys, books, dollies, plushies, kids snacks, kids sunscreen, baby wipes, baby soap, bath toys, a canopy, bed pad, siderails.... uhhh... i think that sums it up? 
12. What’s your favorite candy?
flavored gummy candies (any kind without gluten) and plain chocolate (any flavor)! 
13. Do you like bubble baths?
yes! very very veryyyy relaxing ~ 
14. Would you rather eat a PB & J or mac & cheese?
PB&J for sure! i get gluten free ones all the time ~ 
15. Do you watch age regression YouTubers? If so, who?
i havent been watching any recently! anybody want me to check theirs out or start my own...? 
16. Would you rather adopt a duckling or a chick?
a chick! 🐣🐥 peep peep peep! they are like little puffy popcorns bouncing around with tiny feeties and they are bright yellow and fuzzy and sleepy and i love thems! 
17. Do you like using pacifiers when regressed? If you don’t have any, would you be willing to try?
i use them! i have dermatillomania so pacifiers help me from biting my skin or picking it, because i have something else to kinda focus on if that makes sense...?
18. Disney, Dreamworks, or neither?
both ~!! why choose?
19. Does anyone IRL know you’re an age regressor?
20. What would your dream age regression playroom look like?
hmmmm... lots of windows for sunny days, painted lavender, butterfly decorations, disney princess pottery barn kids bedding on a white wooden daybed with side rails for napping, a plastic table for tea parties and arts n crafts, fluffy pink and butterfly rugs on white carpets so my knees dont hurt when i play, a plastic princess toy chest that you can also sit on, my canopy corner with big beanie bags where i can read all my books that are on shelves, an essential oils diffuser for relaxing scents, bunk beds for my american girl dollies, barbie dreamhouse for my barbies, fairy lights all over, princess dress up closet and vanity, foam mat and jumbo playmat and maybe even a playpen for really stressful days so i can have my own lil space and make it cozy! 
21. How did you find out about age regression?
i’ve always doen it without realizing and didnt really get why everyone else around me was “growing up” so fast. i played pretend and played with toys and only watched cartoons until 14 years old. once i was on tumblr a few years later i saw “d//d//l//g” in someones blog description and wondered what it was, i looked it up and saw a lifestyle similar to mine visually but also really different, so i secretly would check the tag from time to time and be really happy but also feel i didnt quite belong... then of course, discourse emerged and morality issues started occurring and i found cglre and age regression and felt much better about making my little blog and sharing my joy of childhood and regressing and bettering my mental health with others! 
22. Describe your perfect age regression playdate.
playground time on a sunny day, going to the disney store/a toy store and then getting ice cream or another snack we can eat, playing in playroom together...! also a sleepover. cuz bubblebath and pajamas time and warm milkies and the goodnight show together and pillow forts... waaah! 
23. Would you rather play with stuffies or dolls?
aaaah! both! stop with hard questions waahhhhh 
24. Do you like reading books when regressed? If so, which one(s)?
oh gosh i love to read! i have old books for my childhood that my parents saved, and i still read them now. my favorites right now are kevin henkes’ mouse books, the jumbo disney books with multiple stories in them, and little golden books, but theres also some other random ones i cant remember right away ahaha!
25. Bottles, sippy cups, or neither?
sippies for me ~ but i like the stage 2 (?) nuk bottles!
26. Do you like chocolate milk?
YES ~ chocolate almond breeze is... so yummy
27. Describe your dream stuffie. (Color, animal, size, texture, etc.)
puffy, big, soft but not too fluffy, a kitty cat, any color... oh i already have hims! hehehehe 
28. Onesies or overalls?
ummm... onesies! 
29. If you could have any mythical creature be your best friend, what would you choose?
do mermaids count? mermaids! i cant swim well so my mermaid friend could help me learn ~ 
30. My Little Pony or Paw Patrol?
my little pony ♡
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companionwolf · 6 years
I saw your ask replied to Webkinz and wanted to tell you happy belated birthday and I hope you join Webkinz again. It's free. :)
Aaaah Anon, thank you! I was surprised they answered, and so quickly too, but it made me feel warm fuzzy feelings— like how this ask does! ❤️
I might join again; I wish I could access my old account because I had many ‘Kinz on there but I don’t remember the password (only the email + username tied to the account) and it’s been a long long time... it’s probably expired by now, haha.
But if I do join again, I want to have the plush of the new friend and the code... call me old fashioned, but I love to be able to snuggle the ‘Kinz I have and the purely digital buddies just don’t cut it! And the code entering is nostalgic.
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analisegrey · 6 years
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For @badthingshappenbingo
@stellagains asked: “Hey! I absolutely ADORE your works! If it hasn't been claimed already, I'd love to see Sensory Overload for Shiro for the #badthingshappenbingo! Can't wait to read all the rest of your fics when they come out <3”
Aaaah *flails* thank you! Hope this is up to standards :)
So...as a preface, when I wrote “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine (It’s not a problem)”, there’s a chapter (chapter 4 specifically) where Shiro is kidnapped and under the influence of something, and when Allura asks how he feels, he responds, “I feel everything.” Someone commented that his rescue and what follows could have been much worse/more traumatic...
And you know what? You’re right. *evil grin* What follows is a branched off ‘what could have happened instead’ of that event. Enjoy!
(one last note: I’d wanted to do a fancy version with some of the text in different colors...I couldn’t make that work here, but thanks to @bosstoaster‘s immense help, I was able to get it to work on AO3. So if you’d like the full experience I’d intended, go check it out there as well!)
Shiro doesn’t remember getting taken, just waking up on a bed. He isn’t restrained, but there are aliens around him, circling the bed, which is disconcerting to say the least.
“We will not harm you, paladin. You have many broken connections.” Long slender fingers touch lightly to Shiro’s forehead before brushing his bangs back, and he can’t help the flinch at the unfamiliar touch. “We will fix them, so you may regain full access.”
“Wait, you’re going to what?” Shiro tries to sit up, but is gently but firmly pressed back down. Before he can try again, there are light fingertips on his temples, and things go a bit weird; suddenly there are voices and feelings and sensations in him that he’s pretty sure aren’t his, but feel just as real and solid as his own, and oh god, what are they doing, what are they doing?
“Sedate him so he does not disrupt the process.”
“No- no! Don’t-” He twists, but the hands are back, stronger than they look, holding him down as a compression injector comes into his peripheral vision and presses against his neck. He’s still spitting curses and struggling when he feels the injector trigger-
Shiro goes still, and the hands holding him down pull back, leaving just the points of contact on his face. The world feels a lot more warm and fuzzy than it did a moment ago, and the sensation of other people in his head isn’t so bad; it’s like having company over, just in his mind instead of in a physical space.
He realizes after a moment that he’s just staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the ceiling, and he feels, well, pretty good, actually. There’s a sense of overall well-being that he’s unaccustomed to, a sense that everything will be fine, that everything is fine, and that he really shouldn’t be bothered about anything.
He floats, and he has only the vaguest sense of himself separate from everyone else; it’s like he’s one with the universe and everything in it, and he knows that’s hokey, but it also rings so true to him that he can’t imagine how he never saw it before. He’s humming along, content, when he notices the first thread of unease. He has nothing to be concerned about, though, so he’s not sure where it’s coming from. It starts to get stronger, wisps of dismay, unease, panic, concern, and he doesn’t know why he’s feeling them except something...no, someone, is coming, and it’s bad, it’s so bad, this wasn’t at all what they intended why won’t she let them finish, they’re so close to done, all their hard work will be ruined, and-
He whines at the touch to his shoulder, hunching in, and why does that feel wrong, why- oh, she’s not connected, she’s not part of the Circuit, and it’s like being touched by the void, it’s so empty, cold, terrifying, alone-
He’s vaguely aware of raised voices, the swell of sensations and emotions around him making him dizzy, but he doesn’t know how to anchor himself. Hands pick him up and he struggles again, this isn’t right, this doesn’t feel right, it’s familiar and nice, but also alone and disjointed.
His shirt rides up as he struggles, barely an inch or so, but one of the hands carrying him makes skin contact, and it’s like screams in his head, swirls of anger, rage, fear- how dare they touch him, how dare they do that without his permission after everything he’s been through and now they dare-
The hands shift, and the noise in his head dulls, but he can still feel the emotions roiling through, overwhelming, and he’s drowning, he’s suffocating, he can’t-
And then it gets worse.
He’s being carried, and his head starts to get louder, the emotions tugging at him like a rip tide. He thinks there are more people surrounding him and he wants to run, to hide somewhere alone and quiet, but he can’t move, too overcome, and he’s being set down on something soft, he thinks, but it’s hard to feel anything physical when his brain is so full, and someone touches his face and I’m going to hunt them down and make them pay, why didn’t I stop them in the first place, he’s a goddamned trouble magnet you’d think we’d know better by now why do we let him out of our sight I’ve already lost him once I can’t do it again-
-oh the dear lad what did they do must take care of him,must take care them all, hopefully this will pass soon he’s been through so much in his short life, and humans aren’t as hardy as Alteans it’s amazing how tenacious they are-
-and he’s feeling everything, every emotion, every stray thought, where there’s skin contact he can feel what the others are feeling, and it’s so much, it’s too much, how do they all feel so much, turned up to eleven and screaming and lonely and all the time-
There’s a brief sting in his neck, and he gratefully lets himself get swept under by the chemical calm that rolls over him like an incoming tide.
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skinks · 7 years
Pure Moments i want to remember about my conversation with nothing,nowhere the other night that will be of no importance to anyone else, but where else am i gonna put them huh, it’s my blog:
he had a fractured, or maybe it was a broken ankle? he broke it running and while on bedrest watched all of stranger things in two days. they made him take his cast off at customs lmao
likes synthwave. likes kavinsky!!!
i can’t get over this but he’s smol, like 5′5′’ or 6" maybe
when he first came over and hugged me he was like “aaaah you got the hoodie!” and i told him i had my reaper shirt on too and he said “oh you’re doubled up!!” skdfkjlskdj
it was a GOOD HUG MY DUDES no one arm dealio, no sir, he came at me with his arms out and we HUGGED. i probably said “hi, oh my god”
i think i managed to stutter about how amazing the set was and how much i loved the huge drums, and he was like “oh thanks yeah, we tried to make it-” and that’s when the others came over
one of them asked where the tour was headed next and he couldn’t remember so he went RUMMAGING down the front of his multiple huge layers til he found his lanyard, peered at it, and said “…. birming-ham?????” cute™
said “harry potter is sick” and then got really excited when we told him about the studio tour in london
has cute lil pointy TEETH
im p sure he’s vegan, and he’s big into nature and outdoorsy ecofriendly living, and talked about wanting to start a kind of sustainable community. said he’s rly interested in, and wants to teach bushcraft “and like…. chopping wood” but he said it so lamely after all the passion, it was funny as fuck. someone said he should visit the isle of skye and he was like “that sounds like something from skyrim!”
he said he saw us in the crowd cause we were being… Fairly enthusiastic
said his family are really supportive; i asked if his parents like his music and he got this really shy look and nodded, then told us he went home recently and opened the door to find them playing his album and he was like “mom you’re embarrassing me”
i mentioned this in my other post but i can’t believe we like the same fucking philosopher, how goddamn wanky is that
the other girl had done her own n,n print on her shirt and he took photos and when we were on the train home she got notifications saying he liked the posts on ig…. a sweetheart…
when we were talking about other soundcloud musicians i mentioned loving his collab with yung jza and he said “oh yeah, that dude is super underrated”
he told us his old rap name in like 2006 was “average joe” lmfhgkshfsk
he went to film school, and i saw an opportunity to ask him something i’d always wondered about. on this collab album he made with a producer called oilcolor, there’s a song that uses a sample from a movie, so i said “of all the movies, i was not expecting The Vow” and he started laughing and said “that was oilcolor! he was like ‘i think this’d be tight’ and i was like ‘hmmmmmmmmmm’ and he was like ‘nah trust me, this’ll be tight’ and i was like ‘…….yeah, this is tight’”
it was rly fuckin funny how he said it. saddest emotrap boy n,n thinks the vow starring channing tatum and rachel mcadams is tight
he’s made mountain dew commercials, but now he gets to make music full time which is awesome
i asked if he listened to metal and he said sometimes he skates to older stuff, like iron maiden, and he asked what i’m into and i promptly FORGOT EVERY METAL BAND I’VE EVER HEARD and i said “uhhh, like, more modern stuff” and he went “like gojira?” and i agreed and he said something else but i couldn’t hear
he likes the movies the revenant and captain fantastic
at one point we were talking about the merch (when i bought my hoodie the merch guy asked which shirt i had and i showed him, and he was like “aw man, i’m his friend and i don’t even have that one!” lmao) and i said that i liked the shirt his merch guy was wearing, and we were all peering over at the dude when he looked up, and n,n was like “we’re just making fun of you, don’t worry” jghskdgllhgfhafd
he used to do muay thai!!! i meant to ask if he liked martial arts movies but i forgot :’( next time fer sure
told us Xclusives about upcoming music, shhh
we talked about music a ton obviously and i mentioned this soundcloud rapper collective called disaster club cause i’ve been listening to both their songs all summer and he was like “disaster club? i’m in disaster club” and i thought i misheard him so i was like “wh-what? no fuckin way!”. he said something like, he’s on the producing side but he should try and get on a track and it blew my mind a little
he’s learning the piano, we were talking about making music and i said i played it and he was like “that’s so cool! i’m trying to learn”
he was just… so open about his life, for someone whose persona surrounding the music is so anonymous and defensive, it was really wonderful. plus he was super patient about photos and other ppl coming up to our little convo
one dude came up and was like “you’re welcome back any time, any venue, small venue, my house, my bedroom……… uh- my spare bedroom” and he just laughed and thanked him the dude was actually tungle user suppressyourdemons and in fact said: “ "You're welcome back to the uk at any time, your band can stay in my bedroom (then thought that sounded sketchy) so said spare bedroom" “ sorry i misquoted you my dude, joe was appreciative regardless
shdjjfjckfjsg I forgot that at one point my new pal cammy told him that he listens to his stuff at the gym and n,n was laughing cause his stuff is Sad and totally not workout music, and I was like "so people think you're sweating but it's actually tears?" and he laughed more. I stole that joke from a post about drake but whatever, it made him laugh 
OH YEAH i didn’t realise at the time but he signed my album by underlining his name with a lil reaper scythe… cause skully/reaper motif… idk that’s super goddamn adorable to me. i’m hugging it to my chest rn because two days later i’m still an emotional wreck
he gave my pen back and was like “that is a dope fuckin pen by the way” or something to that effect, then i DROPPED IT and he went to pick it up but he had a broked up foot so i did instead
i know this is all mundane as fuck to you if you’re reading this but i don’t waNT TO FORGET ANYTHING! nothing fuckin nowhere was gonna get my pen for me cause i’m a doofus! he hugged me twice lads! fuck!!
i asked what his favourite video was to make and we joked about the hearse in skully and he was like “yeah that’s just my regular car”
we were all talking at once about our favourite songs of his and i said “bedhead always makes me cry” and he was like “aw man, bedhead? that’s old school” and he looked pleased ;u; 
said he basically wears Hiking Dad clothes all the time
he was great at listening to everything we had to say, he would look and focus on each of us, just as interested in us as we were in him and i’m so so so soosososoo happy i got to experience all of this
fhskjglsgkj while we were talking about disaster club, for some tangential reason i mentioned kpop because one of the verses in a disaster club track starts by quoting exo’s kokobop, and before the word “kpop” was barely even out of my mouth he was like “shimmy shimmy kokobop?”
nothing,nowhere, who i think by now you know means a great deal to me, quoted exo lyrics at me. there’s a reason the whole night feels like a surreal hallucination and that’s why i’m writing all of this down
i mentioned how, when he still had a tumblr i’d written a post and he’d reblogged and replied to it AND HE REMEMBERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was like “oh yeah, that was a long time ago!”
I KNEW IT WAS HIM WHEN THEY CAME ONSTAGE AT FIRST FOR TWO REASONS! (u gotta remember i’d never seen his face before except for his skullface in the skully video) he was wearing a misogi hoodie, who’s another great soundcloud producer, but the font was like a black metal band lmao. the second reason was his nose. a good nose
the boi’s got Incredible cheekbones. he’s cute as hell but then i’m biased
put his arm right round my shoulder for the photo so i did the same ahhhhhhhhh
i told him how, when i first started listening to his music my main thought was always “is this dude ok?!” and he told us he’s doing better and putting it all into the music and tbh it’s a relief, like. listening to his music has always been cathartic for me,but at the same time i’ve worried about whoever was behind all that pain, for him to be able to write so clearly about depression. but he’s doing well! he said so! i’m extremely glad!
we were talking about the next time he’d be back in the uk and i said hopefully i’d have an n,n tattoo by then and he laughed and said “i don’t even have one yet, and it’s my band! i need to get one”
then we were all joking about something and i said “when you get even bigger, don’t forget about us” meaning the three of us there and he was like “i won’t!”
then he thanked us so goddamn gratefully for coming and said he had to get his cast boot back on his ankle, and i know, i know i am AWARE of how juvenile this sounds but when he hugged us goodbye he hugged me first. i know i was to his immediate left, but it still left me warm and fuzzy
LIKE!!! if that’s how nice it feels to be hugged by someone you’re a fan of, someone to whom you’re, well, just a fan - hugging a s/o must be magical
i’ve hugged so many friends this year. and troy baker. AND NOTHING,NOWHERE! TWICE! 
ok bye
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2, 3, 10, 16, 17, 18 for the fic writer thing!!
Aaaaah,thank you~!!!! >w
2. what fics (that are currentlyupdating) are your favorites in the fandom you’re in
…I haven’t been actively readingfanfic in over a year because I haven’t had the energy to keep up withmulti-chapter fics. Occasionally, I still read oneshots, though. ;;n;;
3.  name 3 underratedfic authors in your fandom
There are alot, I’m sure! I haven’t been keeping up with fics lately, so I really can’tanswer this question accurately. (Also, questions like these are so unfair, ohmy goodness, I just end up wanting to name everyone and promote their work andshower them with all my love because they deserve it!) I’m… actually not evensure how many of the underrated fic authors from back when I was still activelykeeping up are still writing Boueibu fic now. But… I think I can name a fewfrom that time. Sorry if I’m too out of date!
@freezingdreamer- This s1e10 Yumoto metahad me hooked and I still think about it a lot! I regret that I haven’t readmore of their fics yet, but I was skimming some of the writing on their blogand I just absolutely adore the creativity and cuteness in them!  But the ones that really get me in the feelsare the ones that explore a character’s inner thoughts and how that contributesto their actions in a situation. I am a huge sucker for it!
@feicastro32- I love how they write about Io and Ryuu! It’s either so sweet and precious itmakes your heart explode from cuteness or so bittersweet and angsty it breaksyour heart instead. ;;w;; I wish I had the energy to keep up with everythingbecause I feel like I’ve been missing out on so many amazing things all thistime. >v
As for somenewer (or at least more recent) fic authors, I also very recently came acrosssome writing from @cupkayke and @yufuin-ens and I love the way they portray thecharacters so well! Both of them write very cute fics focusing on characterdynamics that are so intimate and intriguing I can’t help but get drawn in. Theygive my heart a warm fuzzy feeling~
10. alternate universes, canon divergence,or in-canon?
ALL OF THEABOVE! I LOVE ALL OF IT! HOW CAN I LIMIT MYSELF TO JUST ONE? I WANT ALL THE THINGS!*grabby hands* They are all excellent ways to explore characters, differentdynamics, and story arcs~
16. first fic you remember reading inthe fandom you’re in?
I think one of the first Boueibufics I read was from the very early days when there were maybe only 2 or 3pages of fic on FFN and AO3. (Aaaah, nostalgia~ ;;v;;) After I binged the first6 eps (which were all that had come out by the time I found the show anddecided to watch it), I immediately went to FFN and found the few fanfics thatwere there.
The first one I remember reading wasIoryuu, of course, and I remember it being about the two of them as kids at aschool dance together because everyone was big on speculating how they couldhave met as kids around that time. And I think it was Ryuu who kept gettingpicked on by the other kids for looking too much like a girl, so Io decides togo up to him and asks something like “Will you dance with me,Cinderella?” Forgive me if it was actually the other way around. It hasbeen about 2 years since I read it, so my memory is fuzzy.
It was a really cute short fic, butI can’t remember what it was called (it may have actually been called“Cinderella”/“Dance with me, Cinderella” or something alongthose lines) and when I went to look for it again I couldn’t find it. So, Iwonder if it was deleted. *cries* It was really adorable and one of my favoritefics. ;;v;; Seriously, if anyone remembers/recognizes what fic I’m talkingabout, please let me know!
But the first Boueibu fic I read on AO3 was World Domination  by starwhale97 and tbmd1066. At least that’s what myAO3 History tells me. (If that wasn’t it, then the actual first fic I read onthere may have been deleted long ago before I noticed and I just don’t rememberbecause my brain is just a jumble of fond memories with no names attached.) The beginning of this fic has a “Pinky and the Brain” kind of vibe to it, which is hilarious.It’sa lot of crack and it made me laugh. Kinshirou is disgusted, Arima is high, and Akoya is passive-aggressive and very gay. Zundar did not sign up for this. XD
17. any crazy first-time fanfictionexperiences?
For Boueibu? Not really, I don’tthink. My experience with fic in this fandom has been pretty tame. Thankgoodness.
But in general… back in my HighSchool Musical days at the height of my obsession, I officially got into fanfic(although I was technically writing fic years before I even knew what it was)when I created and account on FFN. Somehow, I ended up hopping between HSM fic andFlight 29 Down fic (among other mostly Disney-related things), and I ended upgetting really into one Flight 29 Down fic that the author stopped beforefinishing.
So, I was really excited when theauthor said they were going to rewrite the fic. And when the first chapter wasposted, it was definitely a really great start, but I misread the author’s noteand thought they said the rewrite was just going to be that one chapter.Basically, an entire multi-chaptered fic condensed into just one chapter thatdidn’t resolve any of the plot. So, because I was young and inexperienced (onlya wee inexperienced teen who was so new to being able to use the internet foranything other than school research), I ended up leaving a review saying that Iliked the first chapter but I thought it was a letdown that they were onlygoing to stop with the one chapter after all the hype they built up for it(that review was mostly incoherent drivel).
I was dumb and I only realized mymistake MUCH LATER when I had already embarrassed myself by getting into a passive-aggressiveargument with an “anonymous reviewer” who called me out for beingrude. (Rightly so, mind you. I had been pretty rude and undeservingly bitter withthat first review.) This argument went on for some time through each of thesubsequent chapters that were posted and it basically went something likethis…
Anonymous (who I’m almost 99%certain was the author or one of their friends calling me out for being an assfor everyone to see): *throws insults at me about how I’m immature,self-entitled, and clearly need to get a life*
Me: *tries to defend myself for myfandom interests while simultaneously apologizing to the author for how rudethe anon was for arguing in the comments WHILE I WAS ALSO ARGUING IN THECOMMENTS*
Me, eventually: *apologizes to theauthor for being an ass and genuinely begs forgiveness for my sins*
Yup. *shudders* I never did anythinglike that again because I learned my lesson and I’m still entirely embarrassedthat this incident happened in the first place. I feel awful for causing theauthor so much trouble and being an ungrateful little shit. u-u
18. a detail you’re really proud ofputting in one of your fics
UM, I can’treally answer this one either because all of the details I’m especially proudof are foreshadowing… and, by talking about them, I’d completely ruin thesurprise. And of course most of the fics those spoilery details pertain to areones that are still in-progress or haven’t been posted yet. Aha. ^^’
Feelfree to send me more~
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