#i have too much stuffs to draw i get distracted easily hate myself
Hey dillo! I’m so sorry if this inconveniences you or anything but I accidentally sent in an ask for your round up event trying to swipe up on a notification 😭 (it was the one where the person said they hated being micro managed), so if you could answer this one instead that would be great. I’m gonna try to recreate it as best as I can.
🪕 - 🅡🅘🅓🅘🅝🅖 - ships, tell me a little about yourself (personality, general description, likes/dislikes, gender preference) and i'll ship you with somebody from the outsiders!
Personality- I’m kinda quiet depending on who I’m with, like if I’m with one of my irl friends who I’m close with you can’t get me to shut my mouth but the second I’m around someone I don’t like or don’t know you can’t get a word out of me.
I struggle with social anxiety and anxiety general, and I don’t take medication for it even though I probably should look into getting some to help with my anxiety. My anxiety can be a little weird as well. For example if I go to a sit down restaurant I can order what I want with no problems at all, but then other times the second I see the waiter/waitress my anxiety skyrockets.
I also have random moments were I feel really overwhelmed and like things are going awry and I’ll get frustrated really easily and admittedly have a bit of an attitude, but then other times I’ll be feeling myself even if I look crappy at the time. I can also get frustrated and anxious really easily if someone is micro managing me. I literally HATE being micro managed SO MUCH.
I also can be really easily entertained, and can sometimes getting distracted and off topic easily, as well as get bored of something very easily which causes me to switch interests quite frequently sometimes depending on the topic and how interested in it I am.
General description- I’d say I’m little over average height but not by much since I’m 5’5 (if I remember correctly I think I looked up what the average height for women is in America one time and the answer was something along the lines of 5’4).
I have kinda have medium-ish length hair, my hair is brown and it goes to my shoulder maybe a little bit past my shoulders, but I usually keep it back in a bun.
I’m not the tannest either since I don’t go places very much. I’m a bit of a homebody, I’d prefer to stay home and relax then go out and go somewhere fancy and what not. I do enjoy going on walks though, I could literally walk around town for hours and not get bored as long as the weather is nice and it doesn’t start raining half way through my walk or my legs don’t start hurting from how much walking I’ve done.
I’m also not the skinniest, I’m about 142-142.2 Lb. when if I haven’t eaten yet and about 145-145.8 Lb. depending on what I’ve eaten and how much I’ve eaten.
Likes- Some things that I like would probably include reading, and drawing even though I don’t really draw or read that much cuz I either struggle to find inspiration to draw and I’m also kinda picky with the stuff that I’ll read.
I also like to write, but like with drawing, I often struggle to find inspiration or motivation to write, and when I do write I’m very critical of my work which causes me to abandon whatever I’ve written half way through (sometimes not even half way through).
I also really like to watch movies too and have a ton of favorites.
Dislikes- Some things that I don’t like would probably be having to touch anything that’s dirty depending on what it is because I’m a bit of germaphobe. For example I could handle my dirty laundry with no problems but when it comes to touching someone else’s dirty clothes I stall so bad it’s ridiculous.
Another thing that I hate is certain textures, especially things that feels soggy, slimy, or anything like that I hate it so much.
I also have a mild case if trypophobia, so anything with clusters of holes I don’t necessarily hate depending on the image someone shows me, but if someone shows me something like a hand or any part of the human body with holes in it I feel very out of place and like I wanna bleach my eyes.
Another thing I really hate is arguing and yelling, I get super anxious when I hear people yelling or someone arguing with another person, or when someone yells at me I can get really anxious.
I also really hate having anxiety because it’s one of my life’s biggest inconveniences, and sometimes my anxiety can get so bad at times that I literally can’t eat no matter how hungry I am.
Gender preference- I don’t really have a gender preference when it comes to dating someone else. As long as they like me and I like them and things work out between us then cool, I’m happy with the relationship, and if things don’t work out then at least it was worth a shot to try dating but unfortunately things work and that’s fine.
When it comes to how someone refers to me, I don’t really care although I would prefer either she/her or she/they.
Sorry if this was confusing I tried to make it not be confusing as best as I could so I hope succeeded in not making it confusing. Also could I be referred to as 🍒 anon if that okay? Anyway I hope you have a good day/night!
I've got you covered, don't worry! And totally! That emoji is all yours now :D Sodapop for the ship! I think he'd help you work through some of that social anxiety and overwhelmedness, he's sort of outgoing so you can use him as a buffer for the social situations- he'd probably try and yank your hair from the bun, just cause he likes seeing it down, and he hates when people yell too, so you don't have to worry about big, shouting fights-
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weenwrites · 2 years
My match-up request! ^^
I would prefer the match up to be platonic
I'm loud, I love making other people laugh seeing others smile make me happy, I'm usually the one talking thru the entire conversation being so overly energetic while doing so, I attach myself to others a little too easily, I tend to get agitated when people I don't like become overly friendly with me, if you're my friend I will care for you till you tire of me. [My mbti is enfp]
My main hobby is art I really love drawing I also really like collecting tiny figures for example, tiny cows or tiny dogs anything tiny is mine
Likes: Cold weather, the smell of fresh laundry, silence, lazing around, horror movies, meeting new people, scaring people (its especially funny when you sneakily walk up them whisper in their ear and they turn around and jump)
Dislikes: cigarette smell ( I hate it when people just straight up smoke near ur face), beer/ any type of alcohol, getting agitated by people who know I have a limit and then getting pissed at me when I burst in annoyance
Asexual (she/her)
My love language consists of play fighting, scaring you sneakily doing so (its too funny not too), bumping my head somewhere on you, writing letters or making some sort of cute craft for you, buying you things
Mix of match of both autobot and decepticon
Ps. I really love your work, thank you so much
I match you with Smokescreen and Breakdown! I'll keep it under the cut, but I hope you like it!
He wouldn't mind that you're loud, and honestly he's the same, he enjoys seeing other people laugh and smile and he'd strive to make you happy too. He enjoys having enthusiastic conversations with you about anything, and with that I doubt that the two of you would never run out of things to talk about.
He is a WIMP whenever it comes to horror movies, but he would enjoy watching them with you, simply because he's curious about human culture. He'll always pretend that he isn't scared, but once the movie gets to a jump scare or something like that, he'll flinch.
It can be pretty easy at times to startle him. All you have to do is disappear out of sight—which is pretty easy (for him to lose sight of you is the human equivalent of losing sight of a fly)—and then spook him the way you scare others.
He thinks that the little gifts you give him are really neat, and he keeps them all in his habsuite. Whenever the two of you can't go outside, he'd want to help make little crafts too, maybe you could teach him, and later he could get around to making one for you in return.
Whenever you draw, Smokescreen can get a bit nosy and curious as to what you're drawing. He'd think it's really cool that you're this creative and can do stuff like make crafts and draw things.
The fact you're loud makes him think you've got spunk, which means he'd like you and he'd think you're neat. He'd enjoy lazing around with you whenever he'd get the chance to, and usually during those times are when he can really chat with you without anything or anyone distracting him.
It's a bit harder to spook him than Smokescreen, but just because it is doesn't mean it's impossible. There are times at which you do scare him from popping up unexpectedly, but it doesn't startle him too bad.
Speaking of startling, he hardly gets scared during horror movies, (probably because the horrors of war are nothing compared to what's on screen) but at times there are parts that do frighten him a bit. The two of you could either pull up into a drive-in theater to watch any horror movies playing, or perhaps just watch one in the private confines of his habsuite.
He does enjoy play fighting, however given the fact he's like several times your size, he can't really. But he does gently "attack" you with his hand and just playfully wrestles you to the ground.
There are times where he's too occupied with his work to talk, so those would be times where any letters you write him would come in handy to keep in touch. He does try to write back whenever he gets the chance, but he isn't much of a writer. Neither is he too good at arts and crafts, but that doesn't mean he can't appreciate what you make for him.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Hello Dot! Congratulations on 1.5k followers. I am very excited for your matchup event! May I have a request for matchup type 1 with Ensemble Stars? I'm sorry if this is a little bit long...
My name is Dawn. I'm an INFP-T girl who likes cute and pretty things. I enjoy drawing and designing costumes. I like listening to music and singing. I'm rather wild if left to my own devices (because I like rock and niche edm), but if someone tells me to sing for them I'd be really shy (lol). I also like sweets, and sometimes I go on walks after school to find cute stores and cafes to visit. I like cute animals too, like cats and dogs and bunnies. I like all colors, but my favourite is pastel colors or bright colors like hot pink and cyan. I figured I crave cuddles and kisses too, even though I never really got a lover to test if I really enjoy these activities.
I dislike loud noises, and I'd get overstimulated and nervous if left for a long time in a noisy environment. I also dislike mean people, or those who act in a threatening behavior in general. I don't hate cold weather, but I get cold really easily and it's quite annoying. I have insomnia and find it hard to sleep and as a resuot I'm quite sleep deprived 😔.
Ummm small story about me, had a rough childhood because my classmates and parents were pretty mean to me, and for a long time I was afraid of being judged and hurt, so I bottled up my feelings and closed myself off. But I realized it would be lonely and sad if I just drown in negative feelings, and that instead I should heal and use my understanding and experience with being hurt to comfort others, and be kind and strong no matter what.
I seek a partner who is gentle, affectionate and loyal. And maybe someone who'd let me draw silly doodles on their hands or notebook (I'm sorry, it's one of the things I must to in my lifetime).
Thank you very much and congratulations again! Have a wonderful day!
(hey Dawn Idk if you're bi/pan, or not, but I genuinely thought this was the perfect match for you. If you want a different one though, let me know! I won't be offended!)
I match you with Arashi Narukami.
Just two cute girls living their cute girl life? Yes! Going to cute cat cafes, buying cute outfits for each other, living their cutesy life? Excellent!
Arashi enjoys making costumes! I can totally see you drawing and designing stuff together, then making them together. She's proud to show off her skills, while at the same time is more than excited that you are so creative!!!! Design matching cute looks for the both of you. She might die. (Or squeeze you to death in the tightest hug you've ever felt)
She's a cuddler. I've decided. She likes to hold you close, and feel your heartbeat against hers. In cold weather she'll do this to keep you warm, but she also just does this when she's noticing your having trouble sleeping. She'll sing new Knights lyrics she's been working on under her breath, and will rub your back, until you, hopefully, drift off.
Arashi's job means the both of you have to go to loud places sometimes. But she's really good at feeling the needs of those around her. So she'll make sure to keep an eye on you. If it looks like it's getting to be too much, she'll make her graceful exit, causing all the fangirls to swoon over your loving knight.
Your dream is to doodle on her notes and her hand? Sweetheart, she's so in! When she has music rehearsals, sometimes they can be long and grueling, especially if the harmonies aren't going exactly as they should. But it makes it easier when she flips the page, and there's a little gift from you. If you guys are in a loud place, and she can't get you out of there, that's when she'll offer a pen and her hand as distraction for the time being. Again, the fangirls are SIMPING.
Your face was pressed to her chest, so that you could hear her heartbeat. She ran her fingers through your hair and absentmindedly hummed a song. Sometimes this would work. Sometimes, her scent, heartbeat, and voice would help you drift off. Today was not "sometimes".
"Rashi?" You looked up and she opened her eyes, as though she was starting to drift off instead.
"I don't think this is gonna work tonight," you whispered.
She nodded and shifted, like she was going to separate from you. So, naturally, you buried yourself deeper against her.
"Alright," she laughed, "What does my Dawn want to do instead?"
"You're warm," you muttered, making her laugh again.
"I thought this wasn't working?"
"That doesn't mean I want to stop cuddling. It just means I'm not sleeping!"
"Fair point. Do you just want to chat then? Or…"
She pulled out the pen she always keeps on hand, and gave it to you before brandishing the back of her hand.
"My perfect knight," you laughed, beginning to doodle.
"Don't forget it," she teased
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iexistfor1post · 3 days
The more I take the online tests and read the symptoms of ADHD in woman the more I see myself in those symptoms
(This was getting long, so I added a read"more)
Well most symptoms as I am not one to try really hard if I don't care for the thing
It would make sense for me to have ADHD as one of my older brothers has it
Since I mentioned the online tests
I keep getting moderate to high because surprise i am indecisive with answers so my answers slightly change on what I am feeling atm
I hate the idea of taking meds as I already take anxiety meds (which i think are helping )
At the same time I have no social life
The few symptoms I think don't fit are research rabbit holes because while I look things up and occasionally go deeper I normally just skim a website or 2 for the answer I was looking up
I don't believe how a perfectionist in any way
While I do think I am slightly bad at time (when I am not in a panic) I am someone who has to check my calendar and I always arrive early to stuff
I'm not even joking... kinda cause for years and especially in high school I was like haha I definitely have adhd with how distracted I am
Looking at a actual symptoms list and being told woman mostly have the inattentive kind just... hits
Like folks can tell you when I get excited about what I want to talk about it lose some volume control
The symptom of interrupting made me laugh because I always have to try so hard not to interrupt
I want to speak about something I am obsessed with atm
When people talk about hyperfocus or whatever I never know if it fits because from what I can see when they stop hyper focusing on one thing they move to another
When I get really attached to something and it kinda takes over my life I still interact with other things I love
(Depending on the thing as minecraft anything I really am bad at staying interested when my brain is done focusing on it)
Like currently i am obsessed with warrior cats and all I have been doing for almost a year is drawing cats
Mostly just cats
The year before that was qsmp which that died kinda quickly around the purgatory thing
Back to symptoms
I really do make some small and dumb mistakes just because my brain just didn't wanna work
Like earlier today I was changing the tortise's heat bulb and I forgot how to put the cord behind the tank and instead plugged it in and then was trying to squeeze the lamp behind the tank when there was no space 😅
I really do lose things easily if I just set the item down and didn't put it in a designated spot
I am really bad at directions and while I swear I know my left from my right when I was learning to drive a few years ago my brain apparently forgot 🙃
(I turned left when dad said right for example)
(Also my dad told me directions and I immediately turned the wrong way)
I talk a lot and my coworkers could tell you that... and my family
Which is funny because I am bad at dealing with crowds and loud noises... more specifically at my home though occasionally outside my house it frustrates me
With me getting into online shopping was a bad thing because I am normally good at not impulse buying... too much
Now, however, I am buying too much 😰
My brain can't deal with quiet or peace because I always begin singing
I wish it wasn't Christmas songs atm but better than Yankee Doodle and Oh My Darling Clementine
I know I am fidgety but most of the time it is non intrusive as it is just me playing with my hair ties or hair, even lightly tapping my feet and hands
Also working in retail i also sway my body when I am not leaning on something
Though I then begin to kinda swing on the half wall
Yeah unless I have my phone or I am drawing or helping a customer I wiggle a lot
I am a messy person in everywhere but the living room, kitchen, and bathroom
Also dude in school I was (and still am) really bad with procrastination
If something was due at 11:59 I was working from 7pm until then to get it down
Cause like I would start most things, then procrastinate then get it down
Occasionally, with things, I was even looking forward to do
Part of the problem is i have trouble doing multiple things at once
Like with aquabeads I was doing them for like 2 weeks then interest died again
I adore drawing cats however one project i have been doing with someone just has me stuck
They say it sounds like burn out cause I wanna do the thing but can't
which is making me more frustrated because I have been doing other things to chill
Like drawing my own characters, playing a game i haven't in like a year, etc
Then I say "Oh I will draw the cats [in the project] tonight"
Then I just don't ://
They are understanding, but I am not being nice to myself
I have no idea if this is a symptom but man I rarely ever studied in school
Also any "studying" was me cramming stuff into my brain
Yet somehow besides most math and maybe ap __ history I got mostly B's and A's
Somehow in stats i got a B overall and on the midterm despite getting a couple D's on homework
Also Geometry is dumb because I still don't understand it and it was the only class I was ever failing
My algebra 2 teacher imo sucked because this man saw his class not doing the hw and he instead decided to just stop grading hw. If you had it done you could use it on the test
I did the extra credit for that class just to make sure I would keep my c+/b-
Also cause it wasn't math it was just write about something you learned
My brain just buffers when letters are in the mix
Like I can count by 12 in my head fine and I think fractions could be fun
This may be my anxiety but I need lists of things I need to do and occasionally I need step by step directions for my comfort
Man i remember back in 5th grade when someone called me quiet cause dude when I am excited I am loud
Most days I am quiet but that is because I am bad at interacting with people.
I am both loud and quiet
A consistent thing for me haha
But yeah I am a mostly quiet and shy person as I am not comfortable a lot in public
Not like i wouldn't wear pj's out but that is different
When my brain thinks I need social I will chat a lot
Like all the way back in 8th? grade i was alone in a class with no one i knew and like day 3 I started talking and befriending the girl next to me because I just can't stand my brain apparently
I am getting so sleepy 😴
I can make acquaintances but I have trouble saying friends ://
You know i swear i was fine before I moved in 4th grade
I used to go to friends and now I don't 😕
Oh before I forget I do the shaking hands thing when anything make me wound
Which one day a customer asked if I was hurt
I wasn't as I was just frustrated with a coworker so I was trying to I guess shake of the nerves??
Also I don't really know how me having anxiety med affect anything as the websites I read say that yeah lots of women with adhd could also have such and such
I just don't know how it effects me as my memory is bad with a few thinsg
Ok i need to sleep as I am falling asleep typing this
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absinthe-and-tea · 3 years
Hii, you wrote slashers and s/o with big boobs, but what about the opposite? S/o with small boobs who is insecure about that and feels less like a woman?
Btw I love your writing and your headcanons. They make my day ♥
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I myself have pretty tiny boobs soooo- also I got this request twice kinda so I hope you guys dont mind me putting them into one ❤ Also super happy you like my stuff!!
P.S. I got half way through this and had to start over cause Tumblr deleted my progress 🙃
Slasher HCs || S/O W/ Small Breasts
Warnings: N//SFW
Jason Voorhees
He loves you no matter what. Honestly he loves how small they are. They easily fit in his hands, making it easier to touch all of you in a shorter amount of time.
If he sees you're down about them, he'll wrap his arms around your waist and pick you up gently. He'll then proceed to cover them in kisses.
He can't speak so he often uses his hands or mouth to praise them in other ways.
Loves running his thumb over your nipple to watch the small bud harden from his touch.
When you're intimate with him he makes sure to give them lots of attention. He prefers using his hands, loving how soft they are.
He's always loved them so he'll always continue to touch them and whatnot.
Michael Myers
He's fairly indifferent about them. He prefers was anyways.
Doesn't really compliment them or pay much attention to them the first time you two are intimate.
He doesn't notice how you feel for a while but when he finds you criticizing them though, it's fair game.
Will start coming up behind you, running his hands up your sides and to your breasts to engulf them in his large hands and gently squeeze.
He loves messing with them, that includes lightly pinching them. But he loves using his mouth on the more. Beware, he will nip and bite just hard enough to get a reaction from you.
Even after he's convinced you they are perfect, he'll continue touching them abd whatnot cause he'll have realized how much he likes them on you.
Brahms Heelshire
He's a manchild. And it shows. He definitely prefers bigger but he's alright with small breasts too.
100% has an oral fixation. Meaning he'll suck on them a lot. Whether he's partially laying on your lap or if you're on his lap stradling him, he's gonna have his mouth on them.
He'll say something about wishing they were bigger, not thinking about how it would make you feel.
If you start wearing sweaters more often or staring into mirrors longer, silently judging yourself, he'll start to take notice.
He'll start to grope them more and give them more attention while whispering how much he loves them.
He's an ass sometimes. But he loves you and your body. He'll make sure you know it too.
The Other
He's not home often and when he is, he spends a lot of time with his daughter but the moment its just you two, he's immediately walking towards you like a predator stalking it's prey.
He doesn't care about your boob size at all or if you have a nice ads. He just loves you.
When you cuddle, he'll always have a hand under your shirt. Either resting on your tummy or one of your breasts. Usually the latter.
If he sees how much you resent them, he'll show his love for them and your vidy in general by getting you lingerie.
The moment he sees you in it, you're getting thrown on the bed and getting the best night of your life.
Prepare to always be worshipped.
Vincent Sinclair
He loves them. No matter what, you are his muse. His inspiration.
He loves putting his hands on your sides and gently running his thumbs underneath them, against your ribs. Almost like he's sculpting a masterpiece.
He adores that they are small because he can pull your body even closer to his. He loves feeling all of you.
He prefers using his hands on them but he will gladly suckle on them as well. He's a bit shy though so you'll have to tell him you want it.
Absolutely hates that you feel badly about habing small boobs. So, he'll make countless sculptures, paintings, and drawings of you. He'll have so many things of just you that it feels as though he knows your body better than yourself.
Bo Sinclair
Another ass man but a nice set tits is great too. And that includes yours.
He enjoys them. How soft they are especially. His hands are very rough from doing mechanic work on the side so he enjoys the difference in softness.
If you say anything bad about them or judge them, he'll sit you on his lap and suckle them until you're writhing on top of him from sensitivity.
Not afraid to grope you in front of others or slide his hand under your shirt. Your his and he'll make that known real quick.
Loves to leave bitemarks and bruises on them to show you how much he likes them and how much he fully claims them and you.
Lester Sinclair
He likes boobs in general. Small or not. He just really likes the soft mounds.
Loves the feeling of your soft, squishy flesh under his hands and your hardened nipple brushing against his palm.
Gets super wide-eyed and excited if you wear lingerie that lets your breasts hang out. He'll sit there in awe until you get on his lap.
The moment you're on him, he's on you. Licking and nipping them softly, his hands gently groping and squeezing.
His heaven is either his head between your legs or against your breasts so expect him in either place at least once a night.
Solomon Goode
He worships every bit of you. You are his love after all and he would do anything to make you happy.
He enjoys the fact he can hold you close to his chest without large breasts in the way.
Enjoys teasing you every so often when in passing or not busy with work around the house or garden.
Seeing you topless makes his throat go dry and he begins hesitantly walking to you. You'll have to give him the okay to touch you but once you do, his mouth is attached to one of your nipples. His hand moving to rub the other.
He loves your softness and the smell of flowers that seems to surround you without your knowing. Being so close to you and tasting you is intoxicating to him.
Will always compliment them when he gets a good view. He'll never let you feel down about yourself. And if someone does something to make you feel that way, oops. Where'd they go?
Harry Warden
He's so happy anytime he can touch them. For a while though he won't take his gloves off, afraid you'll find him repulsive.
Though once he does and he feels the soft flesh for the first time, he'll never want to let go.
He loves the small mounds almost as much as he hates Valentine's Day. Between the softness of your flesh and the way your nipples harden at his touch, he's completely addicted to them.
Enjoys covering them in kisses while he praises you and compliments you. You're his precious lover after all.
Expect him to compliment them every time he sees you once he realizes you think they aren't perfect. They are gorgeous. Just like you.
Bubba Sawyer
Absolutely loves them. He couldn't even mildly dislike anything about you. You're perfect in his eyes. He'll even make you sundresses that show them off perfectly.
Though be careful when wearing said sundress because he'll get distracted by you really quick, causing him to forget about his work.
When laying in bed he'll always have a hand on one of your breasts subconsciously. Not even on purpose most times, he just wants to hold you.
Definitely another with an oral fixation. He enjoys gently playing with your hardened nipples with his tongue when in a more intimate moment.
Won't publicly do anything like groping because he's a good boy but will attempt to compliment you. You'll know what he's trying to say when he does.
Thomas Hewitt
Very handsy with you once your relationship starts to take off. Your breasts being something that fascinates him despite the size.
When you two are cuddled up in bed he will lightly run his fingertips over them to watch the goosebumps form and your nipples harden.
His favorite thing to do is grab your sides and use his thumbs to rub the little nubs. His eyes will wonder from your breasts to your face, wanting to catch the faces you make.
After a while he'll attach his mouth to one, his eyes never leaving your face. He adores how much pleasure he can give you from something so small.
His opinion when you bring up how you feel about them is "Good things come in small packages."
Eddie Gluskin
Well you already have a one up on his exes. They didn't even have anything at all. Barely even mosquito bites.
He'll run his fingertips over the mounds, lightly pressing down to see the small squish it makes.
You're his perfect bride. His Darling. So different from the whores he was with before. Your body is something else to him.
The mounds may be small but boy does he praise them and cover them in affection.
If you ask, he'd be happy to add an modifications to your wedding dress to make you feel better about them.
Though he'll need to do a lot of... Researching... To make sure he gets the measurements right.
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 2
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WC: 1728
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: mentions of sexual themes, alcohol consumption, past relationships
You and Laszlo had easily fallen back in your work routine during the first week back. His course load was almost identical to that of the previous semester, and so he didn't mandate that you come to classes like he had during the fall. Even so, you insisted on attending like usual.
Taking your seat at the back of the lecture hall you watched as he moved around the front while he spoke. You were supposed to be sorting through the information cards the students had filled out. Not much was actually getting done, as you were highly distracted. His right hand typically found home in his trouser pocket so as not to draw attention. But his left? You licked your lips. Of course you loved both of his hands, but with his favoring the left side you developed a certain affinity for the limb. Oh what his hand was capable of, you reminisced.
Your sigh must have been louder than you anticipated, as Laszlo’s eyes snapped in your direction. “Perhaps if you are bored you should keep your noises of displeasure to yourself,” he said with a quirk of his brow. His face held a look of annoyance, but his eyes told you otherwise. He knew exactly what you were thinking about based on the sound you made and it amused him to no end. You knew he meant nothing by the harsh statement. He did so to maintain his staunch reputation in front of the class.
Biting your lip you issued a “sorry, professor.” Even from across the room you could see the brief flicker of heat in his eyes at your 'apology'. To everyone else the encounter would probably leave them shitting themselves, but you knew better. Even a small success such as this was to be celebrated in your mind.
You had been hoping that you could push Laszlo to be a bit rougher with you sometimes. He would often restrain himself when you were intimate, but you had an inkling that underneath he was just itching to let go. By no means were you ever left unsatisfied, he made damn sure of that. You wanted to kick things up a notch; you wanted to see what he was capable of.
He cleared his throat. Picking up where he left off, he began “as you can see, within psychology there is no single truth. No one theory that can fully or definitively explain who we are, why we are, or what becomes of us. That is why we must always ask of ourselves the purpose of our nature and our choices. This term will be a glimpse of seeking answers to our questions. In the meantime - you have a quiz on Monday for the parts of the brain and their functions. Do not be late or come with excuses, I do not give makeups often, if ever. Have a nice weekend.”
With that the young underclassmen all shuffled out to go spend their weekend most likely partying, rather than studying. You really couldn’t blame them, as this section of Introductory Psychology was in the late afternoon. As an undergrad you would have probably done the same on a Friday night.
Both you and Laszlo packed up your things from your respective areas of the room. Once the last student was gone he called out to you. “Sara and John want to meet up this evening, would you like to accompany them or do you have plans?”
“Will you be there too, or are you too busy with paperwork and stuff?” He had been complaining of having a list to work through this week with some new documentation requirement the university put out on the professors. You trek down the stairs to meet him by the front desk.
“I think it would be odd of me to invite you out in the event that I would not be there myself,” he quips back. His hand comes to rest on your side.
You hum in response. “I feel like I haven’t seen you all week.”
He chuckles at you, “you’ve spent every day with me.”
“You know what I mean.” Peering around to ensure no one was present, you lean up to give him a quick kiss. “What time do they want us there?”
He checks his phone for the text from John. “In half an hour.”
“Then we better get going before he hogs all the pretzels,” you crack.
The two of you made your way from the university to the old pub a few blocks down the road. Students didn’t come here often, as it was geared towards the older and less rowdy crowd. It was perfect for the four of you though. You had even gotten on with the owner, Cyrus, and his niece Joanna, who often worked the bar.
You sat in the booth next to Laszlo; Sara and John opposite you. The first 45 minutes or so were spent going over the events of the past week back. Eventually, the conversation slowed.
“I think I should get us another round. What do you say?” Sara asked the table. You slid out from your side offering to give her a hand with collecting the new beverages. Laszlo watched as you walked alongside her to the bar, laughing at something Cyrus had said to you. You always looked so beautiful when you were laughing.
“So…” John began, getting his attention. Laszlo turned to face his friend. “I heard a rumor.”
“You know I don’t put credence into such things, out with it John.” Clearly whatever he wanted to discuss he didn’t wish to say in front of your presence. Despite his words Laszlo did have some trepidation about the upcoming conversation. Could it be about you? Maybe you two weren’t being delicate enough with keeping the relationship subtle?
John looks over to the bar where you and Sara are still procuring the drinks. “Karen is in town.”
He relaxed at the turn of events. “Ah, yes. She is guest lecturing at the university while she conducts research of some kind in the city.” Laszlo is matter-of-fact in his response.
John studies him for a minute. He looks concerned. “It’s been what, four years since you last saw her? Or have you seen her yet?”
“I have not. Why do you ask?” He brings the near empty glass to his lips to take a sip of the harsh liquid.
“Well, Laszlo, I just mean that you two were serious for a long time before you moved out here. In fact I had figured you would settle down with her. You left her in Austria to come here, after all,” he explains quietly.
Laszlo cocks his head in confusion. “I don’t see how that would be a concern. The dissolution of our relationship was mutual - she stayed in Vienna; I came to New York. We did not want the strain of attempting something long distance and we both came to the same conclusion on the matter. And it has been four years, John, as you so kindly reminded me. I have moved on and I am quite content now.” His tone was nonchalant.
He is happy. You were vibrant, and thoughtful, and he couldn’t say that he had felt this lighthearted in years. His years with Karen were wonderful, but in truth they didn’t compare to what he had now with you. For once he felt hopeful for what the future with you could bring. It wasn’t as strong a consideration with Karen.
John holds up his hands as if to defend his words. “I’m glad for that, truly. She’s wonderful for you and I can see that. I just worry that Karen’s presence might cause a resurgence of emotions or whatnot with you. Sara and I would hate to see things fall apart for the two of you after everything,” he gestures towards where you stand with her. “Are you going to tell her about Karen?”
Laszlo nods in understanding. “I appreciate the concern, John. But I assure you, I view Karen strictly in professional terms now. I look forward to hearing about her studies here as they could be illuminating for my courses.” He sees movement from you and Sara as you begin your return. “I do not see myself withholding information regarding my past with Karen, but I don’t know that I find it necessary to bring it up as of yet.” John’s nod is faint, as though he disagrees but isn't willing to say so. The conversation is cut short by you setting drinks on the table.
You all stay another hour at the bar. Laszlo’s thigh rests against you, his right hand atop your own leg. Occasionally you can feel the way his thumb lightly strokes you through your jeans. He makes it hard to pay attention to what Sara is saying to the group; little bolts of lightning shoot up your leg and to your core. When your legs clench Laszlo doesn’t seem to notice.
Aside from the growing arousal within you, the soft clink of the index finger of his left hand grabs your attention. A steady tap tap tap as he hits the side of his whisky glass. The movement brings you back to your thoughts during his lecture earlier, how the thick digits with their calloused tips drive you absolutely mad when they brush against your skin. You swallow.
This time Laszlo is aware of your state. His eyes shift to you from where he sits to your left. The two of you hadn’t had time or energy to be intimate since that night he took you to Delmonicos. The lack has taken its toll as you give him that look.
Abruptly Laszlo faces the others. “I would hate to cut our evening short, but I have more paperwork to fill out by Monday for the Dean. I would rather get it done so that I may enjoy my weekend. John, Sara.” He nods his farewell as he nudges for you to move out of the booth. You hold back your giggle at his insistent need to get home.
John looks slightly confused with the suddenness of your departure. A look of understanding comes over him with a whisper from a smirking Sara. With a wave the two of you leave into the cold January night.
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blockgamepirate · 4 years
On Philza and Tommy
I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a while but I just didn’t wanna rewatch ANY exile streams because they genuinely make me so depressed and anxious but I finally forced myself to rewatch the one where Phil visits Tommy. Or I say “rewatch”, I actually never saw the whole thing before, I kept popping in and out of the stream while it was live bc of the aforementioned anxiety and shit..
Anyway, I’ve seen arguments over the topic of whether Phil is a terrible person for not helping Tommy or not. And I wanted to offer my take on it. So I’m just gonna go through the arguments:
1: “Phil is Tommy’s dad and has a duty to look after him“
I’m not gonna spend too much time on this because for one thing it’s not really canon and for another, I actually don’t think it’s the relevant issue here. Even if Phil was Tommy’s dad, Tommy has already basically been living independently for a while. And even back when Phil and Will were still talking about the family relationships being canon, Phil said as much: that he doesn’t have authority over his boys, they’re independent people.
2: “Phil doesn’t even know Tommy and it’s unfair to ask him to look after a stranger”
I legitimately have no idea where this take came from or what it’s based on. I feel like it’s so obvious that they knew each other from before Phil even joined the SMP. Tommy recognises him right away (1), they act very familiar with each other, Phil immediately attacks Dream when Dream blows up Tommy’s house (2), Tommy tries to convince Phil to join NLM but Phil is torn because he’s friends with both Techno and Tommy (3), they plan to make their houses in NLM next to each other and Phil helps Tommy build his (4), Phil specifically gives Tommy one of the three friendship emeralds he has (5)... Also OOC Phil refers to himself as basically a father figure to Tommy (6).
The reason their relationship becomes colder is because Tommy doesn’t approve of Phil staying friends with Techno. I think this is made pretty obvious too. Tommy gets upset with Phil when he sees him hanging out with Techno (7) and when Phil comes to visit him in exile, Tommy immediately acts cold towards him and accuses him of being Techno’s friend before softening a bit when Phil gives him gifts (5).
1: I assume you’ve all seen this one it’s in Tommy’s video
2: Philza’s Twitch Archive: Nov 16 (around 03:44:30)
3: Tommyvods: Tommyinnit speaks to Philza’s wife (around 37:40)
4: Philza’s Twitch Archive: Nov 18 (around 18:55)
5: Tommyvods: Tommy Is Holding It Together in Exile with Dream (around 24:35)
6: Philza’s Twitch Archive: Jan 27 (around 01:20:30)
7: Tommyvods: Tommy & Wilbur make Tubbo a gift and he hates it (around 19:30)
3: “Phil didn’t help Tommy at all while he was in exile“
Oh shut up, watch reference video 5 again. He brought Tommy tons of useful shit, a stack of coal blocks, 8 iron blocks, diamond boots, how was he supposed to know that it would all get destroyed by Dream? When asked, he also helped Tommy with his projects at Logstedshire.
4: “Even if Phil isn’t Tommy’s father OR his friend, he still has a duty to save an abused kid”
Okay this is finally getting to the actual point.
So I wanna refer back to video number 5 up there on my references list again and I’m gonna go through that stream here:
- Ghostbur brings Phil over to meet Tommy
- Tommy is mad because Phil is friends with Techno
- Tommy gets distracted by Phil’s new clothes and the vision of Tubbo reappearing
- Phil gives Tommy a bunch of presents, including “Tommy Slippers“ (for the cold) and a friendship emerald from Techno. Tommy is excited about the slippers, somewhat apprehensive about the emerald until Phil assures him that it’s a gift from him to Tommy, not from Techno
- Tommy decides that Phil is his friend after all
- Dream shows up and acts all casual and friendly, Phil greets him politely but doesn’t interact much with Dream unless prompted to
- Tommy asks Phil and Ghostbur if they’re even real because he keeps seeing Tubbo
- Phil asks if Tommy has been drinking the sea water
- another vision of Tubbo, only Tommy and Ghostbur see him
- Ghostbur shows Phil around while Tommy tells Dream not to tell Phil about the beach party because it’s a surprise
- Tommy asks if the reason why Phil didn’t visit earlier was because there wasn’t a path and if the path made it easier for him and Phil says yes, because he didn’t actually know how to get there before
- More Tubbo hallucination shenanigans which I’m gonna cut out from now on, just assume that it keeps happening
- Phil tells Tommy not to drink the sea water, Tommy goes “I DID DRINK THE SEA WATER BECAUSE IT TOLD ME TO!“
- Tommy asks Phil (and also Fundy who showed up) to leave the VC so he can talk to Ghostbur and Dream alone (about the secret beach party plan)
- Tommy is happy about the fact that the path he made seems to be working and people are coming to visit him
- Dream notes that they aren’t even really hanging out with him so they might just be visiting Logsted, not him (which... Tommy literally asked them to leave them alone so they could plan, Dream is just blatantly trying to fuck with his head) and Tommy deflates and agrees that Dream is probably right
- Ghostbur invites Phil and Fundy to help decorate the beach (not telling them what for but it’s like super obvious that they’re planning a party) and they do
- all five of them work on the beach for a whole while and goof around until the end of the stream
So from Phil’s point of view Tommy is acting kind of cold towards him and doesn’t seem to particularly want him around (combined with the fact that he later doesn’t get an invite to the beach party that Tommy was obviously planning). Phil brought Tommy basic survival stuff and the slippers to keep him from getting cold, not knowing that all of that is going to get destroyed by Dream anyway. He seems a bit worried about the hallucinations but assumes it’s because Tommy’s been drinking sea water and tells him to stop doing that. He also notes that Tommy looks kind of rough but doesn’t push the issue.
Meanwhile Tommy is being manipulated by Dream into believing that Phil didn’t actually come to visit him, even as Phil is literally visiting him, with named gifts and everything. And he’s already doubting if Phil is even really present because he keeps seeing Tubbo who isn’t actually there so Phil could just as well be a hallucination too, or he could easily be convinced later that Phil was a hallucination.
Basically Phil sees that Tommy is having a hard time but there’s no obvious sign of anything being wrong besides him not taking very good care of himself and feeling lonely. Tommy says he hasn’t been sleeping and that he’s been drinking sea water (which is probably a joke but anyway). Him and Dream seem to be very friendly with each other, they even keep having all these secret chats that Tommy is telling Phil to leave for.
So.... assume this is your friend who you’ve recently had a bit of a falling out with. What kind of conclusions would you draw and what would you do? Honestly, yes, Tommy’s condition seems pretty worrying, but everything just points to him being lonely and depressed about being exiled, which isn’t really something Phil can easily fix other than just visit him more. But then Tommy gives really mixed signals about whether he actually wants Phil there or not (which is because he’s planning the party but Phil doesn’t know that) and then when Phil finds out about the party he doesn’t get an invite to it (because Dream stole the invites but, again, Phil doesn’t know this). So Phil just kinda has to decide whether to go there uninvited and presumably unwanted, or just vibe and wait to hear from Tommy. Meanwhile he has stuff to do with Techno who DID invite him to hang out.
Also Tommy seems to be doing better, he’s very excited about his beach, he’s excited about the fact that he’s getting more visitors (not just Phil but Fundy too) and he’s convinced that there will be more now that there’s a path. So as far as Phil is concerned, it seems like things are getting better and Tommy might end up doing okay after all, despite everything
As a sidenote also, Phil is a bit of a hermit, right? I feel like that’s fair to say about his character. He doesn’t mind hanging out with people but to him living alone in the wilderness isn’t a bad deal at all. Obviously he understands that Tommy is not like him and needs company but you can see how he might not see the situation as all that urgent. And you can argue about what Tommy’s canon age actually is but he’s been living independently and taking care of himself like an adult during his entire time on the server, this shouldn’t really be that different. Obviously the fact that he’s exiled is bad and upsetting for him but there’s nothing Phil can do about that either. He doesn’t have control over L’Manberg or Dream.
And I just wanna point out that all of this is exactly how abusive relationships work, right? Dream is deliberately distancing Tommy from everybody he knows and making him think that Dream is the only one who cares about him. And that shit can be really hard to pick up on. It might just seem like your friend is becoming kind of distant and has different friends now. And I’ll tell you, even if you DO see the signs, it’s really hard to decide when or how to intervene, or if you’re just paranoid about it.
It’s easy to say Phil should do this or that when you’re watching Tommy’s streams and KNOW what’s happening, but try to put yourself in Phil’s shoes for a second and actually think about what you’d do in a situation like this. Also please do so while assuming that Phil is a real person with his own life to live too.
You can say that he should have been more worried and more suspicious of Dream and gone to see Tommy anyway, that’s fair. But that’s a normal human mistake and also something pretty much everybody else should have done too by that logic. And Tommy was not being very receptive to help because he was being manipulated by Dream. Honestly this was probably something where Tommy needed to figure out for himself to break free. Which he did. (And speaking from a narrative perspective: that was the best possible ending to that arc. Tommy finding his own strength and willpower again, on his own.)
I’m gonna leave this here but I might reblog with more points (or make a new post). It does take ages to go through the vods, though, and I only made it up to December 9th so far.
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kpophours · 4 years
Sweet Night (M)
➵ Stray Kids: Bang Chan x fem. reader / one shot, college AU, camping trip AU / fluff, smut / REQUESTED
➵ warnings: slight cursing, explicit mentions of sex (slight public teasing, orgasm denial, oral: receiving, slight choking)
➵ word count: 6k (lol oops)
a/n: after a few anon requests/inquiries, I decided to write this one shot as the second part to Way to You - you can absolutely read this on its own though.
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Your eyes fly open as soon as the song starts blaring from somewhere beside you, and you blindly fumble for the alarm clock, thankfully managing to find the off-switch quite quickly. This very annoying clock was a horrible yet also kinda thoughtful birthday gift from Chan’s roommates, as it’s quite possibly the loudest one on the market, meaning it is able to wake literally anyone. It could probably even wake Dracula from his deep slumber in the depths of his castle somewhere in Romania. And while Chan might not be a vampire, he isn’t one to wake easily either, so this extremely loud alarm clock was the only solution your friends had been able to come up with. Which sadly means you experience something close to a heart attack every morning - or well, at least a few times a week, as you do still spend some nights at the apartment you share with Jisung. 
You fall back into the pillows, heart still racing from the sudden noise. Pale sunlight filters through the curtains and into the otherwise dark room. You groan, blinking against the rays of light hitting you straight in the face, and turn around to cuddle into your boyfriend’s broad back. He hums, only half-awake himself, and turns around to wrap both arms around you, leaving a lazy kiss on your forehead. 
Suddenly, there’s a crash from somewhere in the house, and you jump. Chan sighs deeply, and murmurs “Hyunjin, probably.” under his breath - it’s no secret that his roommate is a walking disaster. You don’t answer, only pressing a soft kiss on his naked chest. “How’d you sleep?”, he asks, one hand beginning to trace gentle patterns on your bare back. “Like a rock - which was exactly what I needed after my midterms.”, you answer, and he nods. “You more than deserved that, babe. I’m really proud of you, by the way. I’m sure you aced all your exams.”, he says, and you can’t help but smile at his sweet words. You look up at him, gently cupping his cheek, and kiss him. He basically melts against you, pulling you even closer towards him, and bites down on your lower lip to slide his tongue into your mouth. Before this can end in a steamy morning make-out session, there’s a knock on Chan’s door. He groans and draws back from you, expression grumpy. “What?”, he then yells, shooting daggers towards his door. “Just wanted to make sure you’re up, we’re supposed to be leaving in an hour!”, Felix answers, sounding way too cheerful so early in the morning. “Ugh, I hate morning people. Just once I want to get up in the morning without having to go through the seven stages of grief first.”, you mumble, your warm breath tickling Chan’s neck and making him giggle and wiggle away from you. “Yeah, we’re up!”, he quickly answers Felix, who shuffles away from the door, before turning towards you again, “Wait, aren’t there only five stages of grief? What are your extra two?” “Denial part two and astral projection.”, you answer, and Chan laughs before giving you a soft smile, brushing some of your hair out of your face. 
“Breakfast?”, he then asks, and you nod. “Absolutely. I need coffee, and lots of it.”, you agree, and he rolls his eyes. “I swear, by now there’s definitely coffee running through your veins instead of blood.”, Chan mumbles, before jumping out of bed to grab his underwear from the floor. You just chuckle and follow him, but can’t seem to find your bra anywhere. “What the Hell…”, you mumble under your breath, twirling around once in a desperate attempt to locate it. “Uh. Looking for this?”, Chan asks and you follow his gaze. You both burst into loud laughter when you spot your bra happily dangling from the ceiling light. “Well, we had to be very fast yesterday evening. Clothes went flying, and quite literally it seems.”, you say, lips twitching while you stand on your tiptoes to get your bra, and Chan nods in agreement. “Very fast indeed - but we couldn’t let the others begin the movie night without us! We had valid reasons.” He grins and wraps both arms around your waist to pull you close to him again, giving you a quick peck on the lips. When you want to deepen the kiss, he draws back again, expression stern. “No time for that, we have to get ready, eat breakfast and you still need to pack some of your stuff before we can leave. And we don’t want to let the others wait, right?” You sigh and pout. “No, we don’t, apparently.”, you just answer, and wiggle into your jeans and turtleneck, finally ready to leave the privacy of Chan’s room and get something to eat.
The scent of fresh coffee and pancakes greets you when you arrive downstairs, and you inhale deeply. Felix is standing in front of the stove, humming a soft tune under his breath while working on making the tower of pancakes beside him even taller. He turns around when you enter the kitchen, giving you his signature sunshine smile. “Morning, Y/N.”, he greets you, “Slept well?” You nod and peek over his shoulder. “Yup. And have I ever told you how much I love you?”, you ask, stealing a piece of pancake directly out of the pan, and Felix tries to swat your hand away before he chuckles. “Shouldn’t you say that to Chan, not to me?”, he replies, and your boyfriend, just entering the kitchen behind you, sighs deeply. “She’s an opportunist, meaning she’ll tell anyone she loves them if it means she gets what she wants, so beware. I actually rarely hear her say it to me.”, Chan says warningly, and you shoot him a dark look. “Oh shut up, that’s so not true. I tell you I love you at least once or twice a day, you needy baby.”, you grumble, and just then, Minho joins the small kitchen party. “Needy baby? You’re not talking about Hyunjin, are you?”, he asks, ruffling his crazy bed hair while filling a mug with coffee, sighing contently when he takes the first sip. You grin and shake your head, before taking a mug out of the cabinet yourself. 
Said roommate also enters the kitchen just then, face looking quite puffy. You raise both eyebrows. “Did you cry yourself to sleep last night?”, you ask, and take a sip of coffee to hide your shit-eating grin. Hyunjin throws you a dark glare, and crosses both arms in front of his chest. “No. But I did have a slight mental breakdown after realizing I probably failed my last exam yesterday, so I decided to treat myself to some late-night-ramen, and now I look like this.”, he points at his face, beginning to pout, “God just hates pretty people, he’s clearly punishing me for my dashing looks.” “Or maybe he just doesn’t like narcissists.”, Jeongin offers when he enters the kitchen, shoving Minho out of the way to get to the kitchen cabinet almost overflowing with mugs. You decide it’s finally getting too crowded in the kitchen, and leave it again. You’re absolutely not a morning person, and can’t deal with the boys’ constant bickering without having experienced the positive effect of the caffeine you’re currently consuming. 
Seungmin is sitting on one of the sofas, currently scrolling through Instagram and apparently trying to like every cute puppy pic in existence. “Morning.”, you greet him and take a seat beside him, peeking over his shoulder and cooing at an extremely cute baby golden retriever. Seungmin just greets you with a curt nod of his head, not being a morning person either, and keeps scrolling. Minutes later, Felix enters the living room, balancing a giant plate of fresh pancakes in front of him while all the other boys follow him like stray dogs. “What would you guys even do without Felix cooking for you all the time?”, you ask, mouth watering when you inhale the delicious smell. “Starve and die.”, Seungmin deadpans, while Jeongin answers: “We’d have to look at Hyunjin’s ugly bloated face every day because we’d solely live off ramen.” Hyunjin hits the back of his head for that, but the younger boy just shoots him his cheshire cat grin. “I mean, I could cook too, I guess.”, Chan says, frowning, and everyone bursts into loud laughter. “Wow okay, I’ll try not to take this personally…”, your boyfriend grumbles, and sits down at the dining table. You slide onto the chair next to him, and pat his thigh affectionately. “I love you, babe, but you literally didn’t know how to whisk eggs when we wanted to bake cookies last week.”, you say, and Chan sighs. “That’s... sadly fair. But I could learn!” 
“No offense, but we actually like our kitchen intact - thanks for your humble offering though. If Felix should die unexpectedly, we might get back to you.”, Minho answers, and before the situation can escalate into a playful bickering battle, Felix yells “SO, WHO WANTS PANCAKES?!”, successfully managing to distract everyone. 
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One and a half hours later, everyone is packed and ready to go - you’ve planned this little getaway for almost two months now, everyone having finished their first round of exams at this time of year and being able to just relax for a bit. For some reason, the boys had wanted to go camping, and as you, Jisung’s girlfriend Lina and Hyunjin’s girlfriend Marie were clearly outnumbered by the boys, you hadn’t really had the chance to disagree with them. But you honestly don’t even mind, having gone camping lots of times already and just being happy to enjoy some time with your closest friends. Only Changbin won’t be able to join you guys, as he’s currently doing an internship and wasn’t able to request some time off. 
Chan is just about to lock the front door to the frat house, when Jeongin zooms past you, yelling for his older roommate to wait. “I forgot something extremely important!”, he explains, almost breathless, and disappears into the house again. “What’s he getting now?”, your boyfriend wonders, and shoots you a questioning gaze. You just shrug, and let your bag fall to the ground, too lazy to hold onto it while waiting for the youngest of your group. A few minutes later, Jeongin comes back, a huge grin on his face and a giant stuffed animal in his arms. Chan blinks a few times, and opens his mouth to say something, but he gets cut off by the younger boy: “You guys can cuddle with each other, but I’d rather throw myself off a cliff than cuddle with Minho, Felix or Seungmin, whoever I’ll end up sharing a tent with. But I do wanna cuddle with someone, so Mr. Sunshine it is.”, he explains stoically, and you just nod in support. “I totally get that, plus I wouldn’t be too sure that Minho doesn’t just turn into a bat or something like that during the night. He’s at least part demon, we all know that.”, you say, and Jeongin giggles. 
You’re truly prepared to give him anything whenever he smiles at you like this, his eyes almost disappearing, teeth almost blindingly bright. While you detain from squishing his cheeks, you do poke the dimple on his left one, being too endeared by him. He swats your hand away, of course he does, but you still bask in the victory of having poked his cheek. One thing to cross off your to-do-list for today. 
“Okay, let’s go to the others.”, Chan finally says after locking the house, and without you having to say anything, he takes his and your bag and walks over to where the others are waiting beside the cars. Chivalry is not dead and you’re ready to swoon over your amazing boyfriend. “Okay, we still have to pick up Jisung, Lina and Marie.”, Chan says after he’s put your bags into the trunk of his car, “So, who’s gonna ride in which car?” “Well I obviously want to ride with Marie.”, Hyunjin says, a goofy smile on his face - they have been together for almost a year now, but he’s still very much extremely whipped for her, but luckily, she seems to feel the exact same way -, and Minho murmurs a sarcastic “Shocking, really.” under his breath. “I want Jisung and Lina in our car.”, you quickly say, and Chan gives you a short nod. Of course you’d say that - Jisung is your best friend after all, and you’ve grown quite close to Lina as well. You’re also good friends with Marie, but Jisung just wins this round - not that you’d ever tell that to his face, he’s too cocky as it is, no need to push his ego even more. “Then Minho, you take Hyunjin, Marie, Felix and Seungmin, and I take Y/N, Jisung, Lina and Jeongin, okay?”, Chan suggests, and everyone agrees. Five minutes later, all the bags are safely stored away and everyone has taken their seats. Being Chan’s girlfriend means you get to ride shotgun, something you’re more than thankful for, knowing how crowded the backseat is going to be once you’ve picked up Jisung and Lina. “See you in a bit!”, Felix yells through his open window, and flashes you his extremely cute gummy smile. You wave at him, immediately returning his smile, and successfully ignore Minho’s mock salute and cocky grin while he backs out of his parking spot, almost cutting Chan off.
Twenty minutes later, Jisung and Lina are squished into the backseat with Jeongin, all three having bright smiles on their faces. “Road trip, whoop!”, Jisung yells and gives you a high five, “Happy to have a few days with y’all before we have to face the sad reality of probably having failed most of our exams!” Lina beside him rolls her eyes. “Stop being so dramatic, I’m sure most of us will have aced everything.”, she says, and Jisung wraps his arm around her and kisses her temple. “Sorry, but I have literally only one functioning brain cell and I use it to overthink.”, he explains, yelping when she playfully tickles his side. You chuckle at their bickering, and hit play on your road trip playlist - a second later, Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody fills the car, all of you immediately beginning to sing along. “LET’S GO!”, Chan yells over the sad attempts of everyone trying to imitate Freddy Mercury, and backs out of the parking lot. You smile and interlace your fingers with his. He cheekily returns your smile, and raises your intertwined hands to his lips to press a soft kiss against your knuckles. Over a year of being with him, but you still swoon over this simple yet sweet gesture. Yes, you’re just that whipped for your boyfriend, and what about it. 
It doesn’t take long for you guys to arrive on the interstate, you and Jisung trying to trump each other's impressions of Beyoncé singing Single Ladies (and failing miserably, sorry Queen B). Your belly almost hurts from laughing with your friends, and you can’t wait for the rest of the weekend to begin. 
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Minho’s car arrives before Chan’s, and of course he’s gloating about it the second you guys join forces again. But you can let him have this small victory, and decide to just ignore him for now, helping Chan get the bags out of his car and to the campsite. It’s quite cold, the air crisp now that the sun is slowly beginning to set again, but you brought lots of blankets and sleeping bags, so you should be fine. And at least the weather means there aren’t any other campers here right now, so you have the whole area, including the washing rooms, to yourselves, which is nice. 
Setting up camp takes longer than anticipated, mostly because Jisung somehow manages to crash into his and Lina’s almost finished tent twice, which means they have to start from the very beginning again. She truly has the patience of a saint, simply smacking him over the head rather playfully before picking up the sad remains of their tent to begin the whole building process again. Chan and you, having gone camping lots of times already, are quickest with finishing your tent, so afterwards you offer to help Jisung and Lina with theirs, while Chan does the same for Minho and Jeongin. Marie, an experienced scout, has set up hers and Hyunjin’s tent in record time as well, and takes pity on Felix and Seungmin, quickly building the tent for them. After an hour, your camp has successfully been built, and everyone begins to search for firewood.
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Felix decides to make a giant pot of spicy chili sin carne for tonight’s dinner, and as soon as all the plates are filled, your conversations slowly dwindle down, everyone too busy with eating. “Lix, you’re a cooking genius, Gordon Ramsey found jobless.”, Marie says around a mouthful of chili, giving the blonde boy a bright smile and the thumbs up. He waves her compliment aside, blushing profoundly. “Thanks, but it’s honestly not that difficult - you just have to follow the recipe, if you’re too scared to improvise.”, he murmurs, and she throws a small piece of kindling at him. “You should really learn how to take compliments.”, she teases playfully, and he shrugs. “Okay, okay, I’m the best cook ever.”, he says sarcastically, and Minho raises one eyebrow. “Whoa, now don’t get ahead of yourself.”, he replies, and Felix smacks him over the head. “You can’t cook at all, so for once, you should just stay quiet.”, you say, and Minho sighs dramatically. “What can I say… We all have our weaknesses. I, for example, am extremely good-looking and tragically funny.” 
You almost choke on your chili because of his audacity, and lift your fork in front of your face, staring through it and at Minho, who just frowns at you. “What are you doing? Why are you looking at me through your fork?”, he asks, obviously confused by your behavior, and you give him a lopsided smile. “I’m pretending you’re in jail, it’s spiritually healing.”, you explain, and Chan beside you bursts into laughter, the others following him quickly. Minho begins to pout and sticks out his tongue at you, always the mature one. “It’s okay if you don’t enjoy my dashing looks and hilarious humor, not everyone has good taste. That’s why you picked Chan over me after all.”, he claims, and you answer by throwing a piece of wood his way, making him squeal and dive for cover. Just then, the flames of your fire flicker and slowly begin to die down. Seungmin, Jeongin and Hyunjin stand up to go get some more firewood, but somehow, the latter one’s shoe gets caught between two logs and with a loud yelp, he tumbles to the ground. “What the Hell is he doing?!”, Chan groans, and Jeongin deadpans “Sadly his best.”, before he begins walking over towards his friend to help him, but Marie is faster, already dragging her boyfriend up from the ground with tears of laughter in her eyes. Hyunjin’s cheeks are red from embarrassment and he murmurs something about nature being out to get him, before he, Marie and the other two boys disappear into the forest to get more firewood.
The rest of the evening is filled with playful banter, soft guitar music from Jisung, and funny childhood stories. Lina soon begins to nod off, her head resting on her boyfriend’s shoulder while he continues to strum a soft tune on his guitar, humming along. When he notices his girlfriend is about to wander into Morpheus’ realm though, he’s quick to place the guitar back into its bag, and wraps both arms around her. “I think it’s time for us to retire, huh?”, he says, leaving a gentle kiss on Lina’s forehead. She blinks sleepily, and smiles up at him. “It’s pretty safe to assume that at any given moment, I want to go back to sleep - so yes, I agree, time to retire.”, she answers, and Jisung chuckles, before standing up to declare: “Well, we’re off to bed now!” Minho and Seungmin boo immediately, while Jeongin murmurs something like “Old people” under his breath - even though he’s literally only one year younger than most of you guys. 
“So, as I’m legally required to kiss my homies goodnight, y’all getting some smooches!”, Jisung says, already walking towards where Hyunjin and Marie are sitting, bodies entangled and breaths mingling. Hyunjin looks up and shoots his friend a murderous look. “I swear, if you kiss me, I’m going to dump you into the river.”, he threatens, but Jisung just grins. “How about you dump your girlfriend instead and run away with me? We’d make such a pretty couple.”, he says, making Hyunjin roll his eyes. “Bro, no offense, but I’d be the pretty one in this relationship, and while everyone can clearly see you already have quite the experience being the ugly one in a relationship” with that, Hyunjin first points at Jisung and then at Lina, who bursts out laughing, “I don’t think I’m ready to hear your constant whining about my face being prettier than yours. So thanks, but no thanks, I’ll stay with Marie.” “Wow, I feel so honored and loved right now, babe.”, Marie says sarcastically, “But does this mean you think you’re the pretty one in this relationship as well?” Hyunjin goes into instant panic mode, quickly reassuring his girlfriend that she’s far prettier than him, while she tries to keep a stern expression on her face, but everyone can clearly see the way her lips twitch. She just loves teasing Hyunjin, and you honestly can’t blame her for that, especially not when it’s just so easy. 
“Okay, goodnight, then!”, Lina interrupts their playful bickering, and gives everyone a soft smile, before dragging Jisung towards their tent. Everyone wishes them a good night and sweet dreams as well, and then Seungmin clears his throat. “Time for some ghost stories, don’t you think?”, he says, voice low and grin almost evil when his eyes find Hyunjin, who immediately falls silent. Everyone knows he’s a huge scaredy cat, which is quite funny seeing as his own girlfriend is a big fan of horror movies and stories. Truly a match made in Heaven. Seungmin just raises one eyebrow, expression challenging - but when no one contradicts him, he begins to tell his first ghost story. 
It doesn’t take long until Hyunjin is pretty much sitting on Marie’s lap, shooting daggers at his friend while his girlfriend is trying very hard not to laugh at him. You yourself cuddle closer to your own boyfriend, smiling when he presses a soft kiss against your temple. Your eyes rest on the big bonfire, following some sparks drifting into the dark night sky from time to time, and you sigh contently. This, right here, is your happy place - in the midst of your friends, just laughing and joking with them, not a care in the world. Midterms lie behind you, and you’re currently not even thinking about your grades for once, your anxiety at rest. This trip was truly a great idea, maybe even Jisung’s best one so far. 
“Okay, wanna hear a really creepy one-”, Seungmin begins, and Hyunjin has finally had enough, standing up and taking Marie’s hand into his. “Well, goodnight!”, he says, a determined expression on his face, and pulls his girlfriend towards their tent. Marie suppresses an amused smile at her boyfriend’s dramatics, and waves at everyone, before following him inside the tent. Seungmin just grins evilly and shrugs. “He’s so soft hearted.”, he then says, and leans back, obviously content with his work. “Okay, maybe it’s three demons, not only two.”, you murmur into Chan’s ear, and he chuckles. You’re always joking about Minho and Hyunjin being demons, as they’re constantly testing your nerves by just being themselves, plus they were definitely the main plotters behind the plan to get you and Chan together - not that you’re complaining about it as their plan had worked pretty perfectly and in your favor. “In the end you’ll probably find that I live with six demons.”, your boyfriend murmurs, and begins to play with your fingers. You shake your head. “Oh no, Felix is definitely an angel, not a demon.”, you disagree, and Chan nods. “Okay, that’s true. The others though… Well, time will tell, I guess.” “Or holy water.” He just laughs and gives you a quick peck on the lips. When you want to deepen the kiss, he draws back. “Later.”, he murmurs against your lips, his deep voice rumbling in his chest, and you shiver involuntarily. He grins at your reaction, before turning his attention to Seungmin’s new ghost story again. 
You on the other hand feel hot and bothered all of the sudden, and decide to tease your boyfriend a bit. So you place your hand on his thigh, not moving it for some time, until you slowly slide it higher, bit by bit. At first, Chan doesn’t seem to notice or care, until you’re getting dangerously close to his crotch. Then, he quickly leans forward so the others can’t see what you’re doing, and glares at you. “What are you doing?”, he asks, voice low, and you smile innocently. “Nothing.”, you answer, and have finally reached your desired destination, slowly beginning to palm his semi over his jeans. “How about you be a good girl and stop?”, he breathes out, but you know he doesn’t actually want you to stop - you know him well enough for that by now. Still, you decide to play along. “Oh, I’ll gladly be your good girl.”, you whisper, and quickly withdraw your hand. He groans at your words and the sudden lack of contact, and locks eyes with you. “Tent. Now.”, he grits out, and stands up, pulling you with him and hugging you from behind so your body hides his erection from the others. “We’re tired too, so goodnight!”, he says in a fake cheerful voice, and you have to hide your shit-eating grin while innocently waving at the others. “Oh you’re in so much trouble now, babe.”, Chan murmurs into your ear while you walk towards your tent, and bites down on your lobe. You feel arousal gather between your legs, stomach jolting at his words. You and Chan have a very playful relationship, full of bantering and loving jokes, and your dynamic in the bedroom isn’t that different - there’s a lot of bickering too, you being a total brat at times, while he’s more on the dominant side, enjoying making you obedient.  
As soon as he closes the tent behind you and turns around to watch you with an almost predatory gaze, you know you might have been a bit too forward at the bonfire. But it’s too late to back down now, so you simply raise both eyebrows, a challenging expression on your face. “So you think touching me like that in front of our friends is okay?”, Chan asks, his voice low and dark. You tilt your head to one side. “I mean, you didn’t seem opposed to it, to be honest.”, you answer, and now he’s the one to lift both eyebrows. “I want you out of your clothes, now.”, your boyfriend orders, and for once, you follow his command immediately, knowing this is for your own good this time. So you quickly wiggle out of your jeans and take off your jumper, shivering in the cold night air. Only left in your panties and bra, Chan smirks to himself, before crawling over your body and beginning to kiss you slowly. You gasp into his mouth when one of his warm hands finds your waist, drawing lazy circles against it, before traveling higher to cup your breast over your bra. His thumb rubs over your clothed nipple before pinching it, hard, and you arch your back, breath hitching. 
“So, let’s see how quiet you can stay while I eat you out, hm? Remember, the walls of the tent are too thin to mask any noises.”, Chan whispers against your lips, before he suddenly descends down your body. Oh no, you know you’re screwed. He’ll try to make you scream his name, but while you’re quite open about sex and have no problem talking about it with your friends, you definitely don’t need them to hear you during the actual act. Maybe you shouldn’t have teased your boyfriend after all - but it’s too late now, he’s determined. He spreads your legs, and begins to leave soft love bites on the inside of your thighs. You’re trembling already, and it’s not because of the cold alone. Chan always has this effect on you, no matter how often he touches you - you’ll never get used to it. He plays with the hem of your panties, until he finally drags them down your legs, his warm breath hitting your wet core. You begin to squirm, impatient to have him finally touch you where you need him most. He smacks your thigh, the crack resounding through the tent, and you yelp. “Chan.”, you hiss, and he grins cheekily, before suddenly pressing his thumb to your clit, beginning to draw lazy circles against it. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and you clamp one hand over your mouth to mask any noises. 
Chan soon replaces his thumb with his mouth, sucking on your clit like his life depends on it while simultaneously sliding two fingers inside your heat. A loud moan tears from your lips and you bite the inside of your cheek, trying to stifle your noises but already failing miserably. You feel Chan smirk against you, and then, he slips a third finger inside you, curling them upwards and picking up the pace. You buck your hips against his gentle ministrations, skin feeling too hot and too tight already, goosebumps rising all over your body. It doesn’t take long until you begin to tremble, your high approaching rather quickly, and you’re this close to finally snapping, when Chan draws back from your core, face glistening with your juices, his smirk almost devilish. “I can’t hear you, babe, are you even enjoying this?”, he murmurs, back to drawing lazy patterns on your clit with his thumb. You feel frustration wash over you, and shoot him a dark glare. His grin gets even wider, before he completely withdraws his hand from your heat to suck on his glistening fingers. You close your eyes for a few seconds, trying to gather your wits, until Chan slaps your thigh again. “Look at me, baby.”, he says, voice dark, and your eyes snap open again. You begin to pout. “Please.”, you mumble, trying your best to appeal to his softer side, “I’m sorry I was a brat earlier. You know I can’t be loud or the others might hear us.” Your boyfriend just hums, hands ghosting over your thighs and leaving goosebumps in their wake. “Too bad, I guess you can’t cum tonight then.” And before you’re able to reply anything, he dives back in-between your folds. 
You throw one arm over your mouth, and bite your own soft flesh to suppress any noises. It takes little to no time until you’re close to your orgasm again, but for the second time tonight, Chan draws back in the last possible second. You’re almost ready to cry with frustration now, eyes glistening with unshed tears. When your boyfriend sees this, he softens a bit and leans towards you to press a gentle kiss to your lips. “This is what you get for being a brat.”, he murmurs, and you bite down on his lower lip, making him groan into your mouth. “Please.”, you whisper and try your best puppy eyes on him. He just smirks again, finally ridding himself off his shirt, jeans and underwear. When he’s fully naked in front of you, you sigh, eyes raking his beautiful, defined body. Unlike you, Chan actually enjoys going to the gym - and his effort pays off. “Stop drooling.”, he says, sounding way too pleased and cocky in your opinion. So you quickly sit up, and wrap one hand around his hard cock, already leaking with pre-cum. Good to see you’re not the only one being affected by this, you think and grin. You begin to slowly jerk him off, spreading the pre-cum over the rest of his cock as lube. He groans, lower lip pulled back between his teeth and eyes almost black with desire. Finally, he’s had enough, and pushes you on your back again, hovering over you. “There’s condoms in the bag behind you.”, he murmurs, leaving gentle kisses on your neck until he finds your sweet spot, beginning to suck on it. You moan almost inaudible, fingers fumbling for said bag to retrieve a condom. 
Just seconds later, Chan rolls it over his cock, and then, he aligns himself in front of your wet core, teasingly rubbing your clit before you shoot him a pleading look. He finally sheathes himself into you with one swift motion, and you both moan out loud at the feeling. You quickly cough to cover the noise, making Chan chuckle and press a kiss against your forehead. “You’re okay?”, he asks, and you nod, biting down on his neck and leaving a hickey. He groans and finally begins to move, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back into you, immediately hitting that spot. Your fingers wrap around his biceps, needing something to hold onto while he drills into you. Suddenly, he pulls out of you to sit back on his knees, wrapping your legs around his hips, and thrusts back into you at an even deeper angle, simultaneously picking up the pace. One of his hands snakes towards your neck and he wraps his fingers around the base of your throat, using just enough pressure to make breathing harder for you. When his thumb begins to circle your clit again, you close your eyes, clamping one hand over your mouth to mask your almost obscene noises. 
“C-Chan, I’m so c-close.”, you say in between two moans, and he grins, murmuring a “That’s my girl” under his breath before deepening the angle even more. He suddenly pinches your clit once, and that’s all it takes for you to finally tumble over the edge, his name leaving your lips maybe a bit too loud this time. He quickly leans forward to seal your mouth with his, chasing his own high while guiding you through yours. Not long after, he groans and presses his forehead against yours, shuddering a bit while releasing into the condom. He stills inside you, both your breaths mingling, hearts beating fast while you try to come down from your high. Chan smiles, brushing some of your hair out of your face, and gives you a soft, sweet kiss. “I love you.”, he murmurs, and you return his smile. “Love you more.”, you whisper back, and he chuckles. “Impossible.” 
Before you can begin to playfully argue, Minho’s voice cuts through the night “Next time we’ll build the tents far away from each other, y’all are nasty for doing it with us sitting almost right next you.” Both you and Chan freeze, before you burst out laughing. “WE HAVE ZERO REGRETS.”, you yell back, hearing the others groan. “WELL, YOU REALLY SHOULD THOUGH!”, Jisung complains from somewhere to your left, and you hear Lina starting to giggle. You groan and bury your face into Chan’s neck. “They’ll never let us hear the end of this, will they.”, you murmur against his soft skin, and he shakes his head. “Nope.” You sigh and lean back. “Well, it was still worth it.”, you say, and grin up at him. Your boyfriend just smirks and leans down to kiss you again. “Oh, definitely.”
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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hii can i have a ship from stranger things?
i'm a 17 year old brunette bisexual genderfluid (afab) with short, black hair and brown eyes. i'm on the taller side and have an hourglass body shape (and unnecessarily thick thigs). i have a septum piercing and i really like wearing jewelry. my style could be considered grunge and i like wearing oversized stuff. my hearing is quite damaged because of listening to music with a very high volume. i unfortunately vape and smoke pretty often :/
i'm a little shy when meeting people at first but i get more comfortable each minute passing by. people usually tell me that i'm funny and a tad sarcastic. i'm a little short tempered and very emotional. my toxic trait is that i never back up from a argument, even if i'm the wrong side (typical entp i guess). i'm a big people pleaser though, i do my best to keep everyone happy. i have a pretty bad relationship with my parents, which is why i've gotten used to spending the whole day in my room. i'm a huge procrastinator and my grades arent the best, but hey, i try my best to fix myself! i'm a little ditzy, a bimbo, if you will. i'm a picky eater and i like my food done in a certain way or else i can't eat it and stuff. i trust very quickly and i crush on people easily too, but i'm very very loyal. i absolutely hate talking about my future (what college i want, what i want to major in etc.) and talking about my problems make me very uncomfortable. i usually choose just to bottle them up inside. i choose to distract myself with my hobbies, which are listening to music and reading or drawing. oh and, i absolutely love baking and doing DIY stuff!! i love gifting my baked goods and crafts to people i love, and if they react positively it always makes me very happy!
my favorite song is Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) by My Chemical Romance but if we were in the stranger things universe it would definitely be Ever Fallen In Love by The Buzzcocks!
my ideal date would be going to the movies then baking cookies with my date and then eating them while listening to music and chatting.
I got a little carried away there, sorry about that! have a good day!
Very solid choice on the favourite song my friend! We're all here for getting carried away, don't worry<3
I ship you with Steve Harrington!
At first, no one really expected you two to get together, least of all you and Steve. The person over there that never talks to people outside their friend group (which they defend loyally to everyone who dares to wrong them) and school's most popular boy? Not so much
But then, the year after Nancy you run into him at the store. You were there buying flour and baking soda (someone forgot to stock it up and you were craving some sweet sweet cupcakes) and Steve was doing God knows what. And because he was flustered because he ran you over and occasionally lost the mind-mouth-filter, he blurted out a compliment on your jewelry. Which confused you into actually answering normally and somehow sparked a conversation that led to you promising him a sample of your cupcakes.
From then on it's history. You start bonding over your sweet baked goods and the fact that Steve doesn't know shit about them but happily consumes them, never shy of a compliment. The best way to someone's heart is to the stomach - or at least that applies to you two.
Unlike you feared, Steve doesn't even comment on your eating habits, he actually accommodates you whenever you two are not eating at your place. He learns how you prepare your favourite dishes and surprises you on your first anniversary with a homemade meal and a movie marathon of your choice. As long as you two are together, Steve doesn't need the big swooping-off-of-your-feet kind of dates or really anything associated with the high school standard of relationships. You both know that you're in love and you show each other in the ways that are meaningful.
Join the celebration
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
This pandemic has brought out the worst in me. My sleeping schedule is a mess (I go to sleep at 6am and wake up at 2pm), I'm barely able to get out of the bed, I can barely do the dishes and take out the trash, I spend too much time on YouTube and inside my head, thinking about all the stuff I wanted to work on but being unable to do it.
My memory has also gotten worse - if it's not something I'm not obsessed with then I'll not remember the details. I was trying to snap myself out of this hazy floating by trying to focus my mind at least on reading, which is something I absolutely love, but now I'm unable to focus even on a plot I find interesting and intriguing, my mind immediately starts to wander, or I need to do at least 2 things at once (reading and checking Reddit, or reading and listening to some ambient music). I've also started to not finish stories where I once used to read a book a day.
I know the theory of what I should be doing, but that's it. I'm unable to JUST DO it. I think my Te is trying to motivate me by trying to wake up my conscience, but it's not enough. I hate this because I know I can do things and concentrate and be responsible and productive, but because I'm fine and all my basic needs are met I don't have the need to pull myself together. I used to fuel my 7 by travelling and observing people, but now that we need to stay home, and I have covid (so my friends bring me groceries), my 9w1 core sloth is all too happy to be left alone, with my devices.
I know that this pandemic brought pandemic fatigue with it, plus it's spring and I'm always tired in spring (plus my years-long medical issues with thick blood and low blood pressure), but it's driving me crazy that I could've gotten better at my hobbies and could've reached some of my goals by now only if I DID things. Things that used to work don't help anymore. And then I don't even stay mad long because some new video distracts me.
Is there something from a mbti perspective that can help to start doing things and concentrating on them? (For context I'm an ENFP 9w1 7w6 2w3)
Also thank you so much for this blog, thank you for helping lost souls find their way and be better people, both inside their head and outside when interacting with the outer world ❤️ I haven't been studying mbti for that long but so far I've seen so much valuable information on your blog, and for free!
Are you mad enough at yourself yet to change your behavior?
That's really the bottom line here, because you KNOW that YOU have to start being responsible and doing things and not just wasting your time... but YOU are the only person who will force yourself to do things.
A couple of thoughts. First, I recognize this phenomenon / brain fog. It happened to me several times last year during the pandemic (where I am, things are opening up, so hopefully they will soon for you as well) and I hated it. My mind was unclear, I had lots of things I needed to do but could not focus on any of them. It was, to be honest, a Si grip, which yanks you out of Ne-dom (possibilities, excitement about doing projects, seeing things made real) and turns your intuition into a "fog." There's no access to Fi (do I care about this? if I care, am I a principled person enough to do it?) and no Te (how am I going to prioritize my tasks?), just Si (I'm comfy doing nothing and feeling depressed) and flits of Ne, which only show up as being bored, easily distracted, etc. So some of this is a Si grip, and some of it is general depression (being unfocused, sleeping in late, not taking care of yourself, no motivation even for things you love, unable to finish things). You need to approach it by dealing with both -- getting back into your stronger functions (Ne: envisioning possibilities and finding a purpose, Fi: drawing upon your character and who you want to be and what you care about, to take action, Te: making a plan, forcing yourself to do what needs done, and keeping track of your progress to self-motivate) -- and by recognizing and admitting that you are depressed, and asking what you can do about it.
Second, you have built up some BAD habits during the pandemic. I get it. I fell into some of this as well last autumn, when I ceased being my usual productive self and started leaving work (from home) at 3pm every day. I developed a bad habit of just watching television, which numbed my brain and ultimately bored me. It's only now that I have hope and can go to the store without a mask on that I am feeling happier (my little 7 wing rejoices and has PLANS) and can work through into the late afternoon. I'm re-establishing a schedule that is productive throughout the day instead of allowing myself to "meander" in life. So what you need to do is look at your habits. Make a list of them. Look at what you told me: basically, it is I have become undisciplined, my sleep schedule is bad, and then I wake up late and feel lazy so I don't do anything. What is ONE THING that would jolt you into a different routine? Go to bed on time. Set a time every night, shut off all your devices an hour ahead of it, read a book until you get sleepy, and go to sleep. Wake up at a decent hour. If you wake up at 7am instead of 2pm, your body won't fall into its usual "welp, afternoon is half over, guess I'll watch YouTube" habit. It will go -- wait, what new habit are we forming? Breakfast? Then work?? Okay!
Lastly, and this is HUGELY important for an ENFP -- decide the night before what you are going to accomplish or work on tomorrow. Why? It prepares your brain to know what is expected from it. Unless I do this each night, and have a notion of how I am going to spend my time, my Ne goes ?!?! and I get very little done or waste three hours trying to decide what to do. But if I say, "Okay, tomorrow I am finishing chapter four," I usually finish chapter four (and then some). Today, I have to work at my paying job. I knew this last night, so I am mentally clear and prepared to focus only on the task at hand. I don't treat today as "mine." It belongs to my employer. I know what I am going to do, I intend to do it, and when I get home, I know what else I can work on. Learn to create this habit each night before bed. Decide what tomorrow is going to be like and commit to it.
As for tasks you don't want to do that still need done -- just do them. You can spend 2 weeks avoiding them, or spend an hour and get it over with so you don't feel like crap about yourself because you have kept avoiding it for weeks. Decide, "Tomorrow, I am doing that thing first thing in the morning," and then do it.
You will find that when you start setting yourself tasks (Te) that your Ne starts working properly again -- it will become more focused, less hazy, and more interested in what you can contribute, rather than just mindless "consuming." It's fine to have a down day now and again (even so, it's also useful to have a vague idea the night before of what this day will contain, even if it's fun -- it's fun and exciting to anticipate things) but your life NEEDS structure, or you won't do anything.
I hope you can pull yourself out of this, because you won't be happy unless you do. ENFPs need to get things done, contribute, feel like they are moving forward, and have something to show for their time. Without it, they will get angry at themselves -- as you well know.
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
Hello, i just found your blog and got interested, so i'm going to request a match with one of the twisted wonderland boys (if u don't mind ofc)
My first language is spanish, and i'm 5'3, i love history and learning about places and their traditions. I don't talk too much, but i'm a really good listener and I can easily detect when somewone is hiding something- not feeling ok.
My hobbies are usually reading books or manga, drawing when i have time.
Sometimes I feel like people will abandon me or that they think i'm not a good friend, and that affects my friendships a lot.
(i don't know if this will help, but my friends say that sometimes i give stuff when i actually need/want it myself, and how i would rather see others happy.)
Another problem that i have is that i hate how i look, but comments from other people don't affect me.
I hope this helps ^^;
Your prince charming is. . .
Riddle Rosehearts!
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I feel you and Riddle are very compatible for one another and you seem just the type of person he needs to keep him in check! Riddle is a very strong willed person with high expectations of others and on himself.
So you almost balance that out and remind him that he doesn’t need to get too worked up. Riddle holds you in high regard as his partner and cares very deeply for you.
It’s pretty easy for him to get attached to certain people as he hasn’t received much affection in recent years nor during his childhood. So he does his best to be the greatest boyfriend he can be! You are his partner so it’s only natural you deserve the best!
This includes your feelings. Now he’s not the best at consolation, but one thing Riddle’s got down is honesty. He knows his true feelings for you and he makes that very clear. While he know it’s not easy to change one’s opinion he at least want you to know that you are truly beautiful in his eyes.
If you’re still feeling down Riddle will do his best to distract you from those pessimistic thoughts. He’ll brew you a hot cup of tea and read you your favorite book, or manga if you’re really feeling down. Or maybe you can catch up on some spare schoolwork.
Long story short, he’s absolutely lovestruck.
Of course, he’d try to control his temper a lot more when you’re around. The last thing he wants is to frighten you. Although, even now that you’re dating he still gets all fussy around you.
He invites you to all the tea parties: makes sure you get the best seat at the table. He’s a lot more lenient whenever you’re visiting the dorm, you both go on walks in the rose maze, have tea time together, study dates are a big thing! The whole package!
Everyone at Heartslabyul is definitely grateful to you, as you’re the only that can calm him down. You’re the King to the Queen and as Riddle’s King, you hold his heart. Just as he holds yours.
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lcvemalfcy · 4 years
Underneath the Mistletoe || D.M
summary: draco asks you to be his date to the yule ball in attempt to win a bet and you find yourselves underneath a mistletoe
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
warnings: none, all fluff!
word count: 1.4k
a/n: heyyy! this is my first time publishing on tumblr as i normally do so on wattpad so im still really new to this. sorry if this isn’t that good lmao i kind of tried writing differently in this piece but i hope you enjoy!
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the sound of students speaking to one another in hushed voices mixed with the soft flipping of pages filled the silence of the library as you sat in the corner, quill in hand, working on your essay for your astronomy class.
you enjoyed the environment, allowing your body to absorb the calm and peacefulness of it as you let out a sigh. you were slightly struggling with completing the essay, unsure of how to further elaborate on the topic of it. the silence was suddenly interrupted as a loud group of slytherins entered through the doors, quickly being scolded by madam pince.
you continued on with your essay, trying to ignore them as you brainstormed ideas to write about. from the corner of your eye, you saw an all too familiar blonde approach your table, pulling out the chair in front of of you, allowing himself to be seated across from you.
"malfoy," you bluntly greeted him, your eyes not once leaving your paper.
"l/n," he greeted back, hands starting to tap on the table in front of you.
"can I help you?" your head finally lifted from your paper, back hitting the seat and arms crossing as you dropped your quill, irritated by how distracting the boy was being.
"actually, you can," a small grin formed on his face, causing you to roll your eyes.
"you see, parkinson has a bet going on with me that I won’t be able to get a date by the time of the yule ball, obviously, I denied her claim.”
“and you’re telling me this because?” you could honestly care less about his drama, all you wanted was to finish this damn essay as your brain was already tired enough.
“if you couldn’t tell, I want you to be my date to the yule ball.”
you took in his words as you leaned over the wooden table towards him, “and what’s in it for me?”
“isn’t being my date more than enough?”
you scoffed at his question, picking up your quill as you began to work on your essay again, tired of the boy’s cockiness.
“I’ll finish your essay for you, I can tell you’re struggling a lot,” he chuckled at your paper, causing you to quickly cover it with one arm, using the other to lightly hit his “and I’ll buy you whatever you want on our next trip to hogsmeade.”
you smirked, fully pleased with his offer. “you got yourself a date to the ball, Malfoy.”
“great, I’ll pick you up by your dorm at 7.” he pushed his chair out from beneath the table, ready to leave when you stopped him before he could.
he gave you a questioning look, “here is what I started so far of my essay. I expect to have it back by friday.”
you placed the parchments into his hands, giving him a small sassy smile before turning to pack up your belongings. “unbelievable.” you heard him snicker before leaving.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧
you stared at yourself in the mirror, smiling to yourself before leaving your dorm to meet up with Draco. you could see him waiting at the bottom of the stairs, eyes lighting up once they landed on you.
you watched as he observed every little detail of your dress, how the silk green material hugged your body before smoothly flowing down your legs and how elegant it looked worn on you.
he observed your hair, how it effortlessly bounced as you continued down the stairs. your face, how much beauty it captured tonight.
once you descended down the stairs he took his hand in yours, leaning down to press a soft kiss on it. “you look truly stunning tonight if I do say so myself.”
you giggled, “you don’t look so bad yourself, malfoy.”
the two of you left for the great hall, conversation flowing easily between you.
entering the great hall, arm in arm, you observed the elegantly decorated hall and its beauty, almost unrecognizable, as you walked over to the slytherin table where his group of friends sat. a small cheer for his best friend could be heard from blaise while pansy rolled her eyes due to her loss in the bet.
“despite the fact that I hate you right now, she’s not so bad malfoy,” she winked at you as she shoved 10 galleons into draco’s hands, it’s not like they both weren’t already rich enough anyways.
he let out a chuckle, shoving the galleons in his suit pockets before turning to you motioning towards the center of the hall, “care to dance?”
the both of you left for the dance floor, dancing with one another as the music flowed easily throughout your body.
you didn’t want to sound too cliche, however it seemed as if the world around you was on pause as you danced with draco. the night felt magical as it continued on, lights twinkling above you.
the upbeat music steadily turned into a slow song, your arms wrapping around Draco’s neck as his arms wrapped around your waist. you wouldn’t be lying if you said the action didn’t fill your stomach with butterflies.
the two of you made eye contact for a while, swaying along with the music before you asked, “so why did you ask me, out of all girls, to be your date?”
“I guess you could say that I always found you attractive. hell, you’re probably the hottest girl at hogwarts. you have a snarky personality which somewhat makes you even more attractive, if that’s even possible.”
you blushed as his words reached your ears, looking away from embarrassment. his fingers grazed your chin as he turned your face towards him, making eye contact with one another once again.
you felt as if you were lost in his blue-grey eyes and felt yourself drawing nearer, when the song suddenly ended and turned upbeat once more. you and draco snapped out of the trance you both seemed to be in, furthering the distance between the two of you before continuing to dance.
the night slowly turned to an end as the students around you began to leave, tired out from all the dancing.
you and draco left the great hall hand in hand, walking towards the slytherin common room full of happiness as you had had so much fun with draco, more than you had anticipated.
you suddenly stopped walking, causing draco to stop shortly after and look behind at you.
“I had a lot of fun tonight, draco.”
“woah there l/n, I think we’re going too fast to already be on a first name basis,” he chuckled as you suppressed your smile, lightly hitting his arm like you did back in the library.
“I had a lot of fun too, I would like if we could hang out again some time. you could accompany me to the next hogsmeade trip, I mean, I still have to get you your stuff after all.”
“of course! how could I forget?” your smile grew even bigger before you glanced towards the ceiling above you, only to notice a small plant above the two of you.
“draco, look, we’re standing underneath a mistletoe,” your voice grew smaller as you watched him look up, his infamous smirk forming on his face. “well, you know what that means.”
he stepped in closer to you, hand softly grazing your cheek as his eyes glanced down to your lips, before closing the gap between you and him.
the kiss was soft and passionate, your stomach exploding with more butterflies, causing you to feel even more giddy than before.
the kiss lasted a few more seconds before you pulled away, in need of air. as soon as you did, a smile could be seen on both yours and draco’s face.
“yes! I knew you could do it man!” you immediately turned around behind you to see blaise, cheering on his best friend as pansy pulled him away, giving the two of you a look that said “sorry” before disappearing past the corner.
you and draco shared a look before bursting into laughter, you taking draco’s hand into yours. the two of you continued to have a good time even after the ball as you goofed around in the hallways until you finally made it to the dorms.
you hated to admit it, but you were glad draco had confronted you in the library that day.
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
hi!! i love ur blog omg🥺 may i request a matchup for haikyuu, bsd and bnha? (haven't read any of the mangas)
personality: i'm an intp, but i'd consider myself an ambivert, it depends a lot on who i'm with. my love language is touch and quality time. i care a lot about people even though it might not seem like it. i play rpg (like dungeons and dragons) so i can kinda interpretate some stuff and i think that's cool. some people say i'm funny, i don't really think so. i'm very anxious to myself but i don't show that to most people, to those i prefer to appear more relaxed. when i get a jumpscare i try to act tough but i look stupid😼 also i love cats!!
i'm a girl, bi, and i prefer to be matched with male characters :D
appearance: 5'7, brown hair with a hidden blue, brown eyes, glasses. I'm not skinny skinny but i think i can consider that i'm "kinda" skinny. and i have really white skin
likes and dislikes: i really really really like music 'cause it calms me down, i also play ukulele, a lil bit of piano and i'm getting back at singing. i like video games and anything that can distract me from my thoughts/anxiety. i don't like people who lie a lot, sounds that are way too loud (i get scared easily and it makes me kinda nervous), and i hate to feel vulnerable, i feel like i wouldn't be able to protect myself
type of person i'd prefer: someone who i can be myself without fearing judgement. someone who would protect me would be nice too. someone who i can trust and that will trust me too (i have a lot of trust issues). also, idk but sometimes i wanna be alone but i also don't? like i want someone to be near me but i just don't wanna be talking too much, someone to be comfortable with.
i'm a very anxious person, also have mood swings and i get scared kinda easily, so someone that can calm down would be nice too, sometimes is hard to do it myself.
ideal date: staying home watching a movie or playing something, or going for a walk at the beach when it's like sunset/midnight. or just walking around of town when the sun is setting already.
fun stuff: i'm really interest in editing photos and videos! and also drawing. my mother language isn't english, i'm actually from brazil:D ur blog is international so cool 😎 lol. i also really like disney villain songs? and musical songs too idk i feel like i'm in a movie. and my favorite band are the arctic monkeys, but i also really like queen. and i like musics like hatsune miku or kikuo. my music taste varies a lot
also when i say i play video games, i play a lot but that doesn't mean i'm good at them🧍
thank u in advance!! love ur work💕
Sorry this took so long but I hope you like your matchups!
Your Haikyuu match is Kuroo
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Kuroo is someone you can sit with for hours and not need to talk to
He loves to listen to you play music
His music taste is pretty erratic too so he is fully open to listening to whatever you recommend to him
Kuroo is one of the most open minded people you will ever meet, not to mention how relaxing it can be just to be around him
Will do anything to ensure you're comfortable, especially in unfamiliar situations
Your BSD match is Oda
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Oda is a very calm person and is instinctively protective
He is definitely someone who knows how to deal with anxiety and anxiety attacks
He isn't very talkative so being able to sit and just relax with you is very important for him
He loves hearing you talk about the things you love, your music, whatever RPG you're playing, etc.
Will listen to you talk all day if you want
Your BNHA is Shinsou
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Shinsou has a lot of experience with anxiety himself and definitely knows a lot of ways to help you cope
He is actually very encouraging and loves watching you do your hobbies or trying something new
You two would definitely adopt at least one cat together
Shinsou likes video games and is actually quite good at a select few of them and doesn't mind at all if your bad, you both can play together for hours
His love language is definitely quality time so spending as much time with you as he can is a must
We sound kinda similar so I might have given you my crushes on accident, I can redo it if you want!
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electro-kins · 3 years
Could I get a kin matchup for Genshin, IDV and TBHK? :0
I'm a Girl, 5'1 (I know I'm short shush), ISFP-T, and my signs are Sun-Gemini/ Moon-Pisces/ Rising-Capricorn!
I'm suspected to have ADD/ADHD, but I haven't had a diagnosis yet so I can't say for certain!
Starting off with appearance related stuff:
I'm short of course- I usually have shoulder-long, wavey/curly(ish) black hair that always seems to just be super wild for some reason, I'm a bit chubby! I prefer casual clothes because mmm I don't like being fancy and standing out,,
Ok enough of that!! It's time to get into the real deal and that's my personality ✨
I'm very different depending on where I am actually!
IRL/with strangers (or in school) I act more like a loner. I'm pretty reclusive actually- I do not like being social IRL at all like,, seriously I hate interaction there because I just feel super awkward and aaaaagh- but I like typing out and writing stuff to communicate! It's a lot easier than tryna talk since I tend to stutter
But online/With my friends I'm very different! I'm a lot happier and comfortable too since I really appreciate my friends.
I'm also super chaotic- I joke around a lot and love to tease my friends! ESPECIALLY on their spelling mistakes- as long as they're comfy with it of course!! But uhh; sometimes if they write a plea to stop in a way that I understand it as a joke I might not stop until I realize;; I'm still super sorryy
And talking about that!! I have a dumbass problem with overwhelming guilt so I tend to blame things on myself and feel super bad about it even after reassurance :(
So anyway!!
As I said before, I really love my friends, so I'm super caring about them! — to a fault.
I may go to extreme lengths as to like maybe uhh- ignore someone till they go to sleep, etc.
But I'm learning to be a bit more easy-going with that!!
And some more general stuff:
I'm super impulsive, an equally impulsive spender, easily distracted, and I tend to space out a lot!
I really love to draw and I've been doing so for 11 years! Mostly self-taught!
I also really really like music, especially certain video game music, jazz and swing! Im not the biggest fan of remixes!!
Of course, video games can't be excluded from my hobbies! I'm currently in love with, of course, genshin, Horror RPG Games and Rhythm games! I rather play Singleplayer since multiplayer is stressful-
Uhhh yeah I think that's about it- I'm so sorry for making this ask really long!! Please stay safe and take your time! :D
you kin...
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hihiii thanks so much for the request <33 when it comes to similarities in appearence, mitsuba and luca both have shoulder length hair!! all of these characters would love socializing online and feel more comfortable there than in person, where it feels awkward to them. when they're with people who they're comfy with, they're chaotic and joke around a bunch!! they'd share the same hobbies as you and (๑>◡<๑) would be easily distracted, sometimes impulsive and space out often. i hope you're happy with the result!!
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avanalae · 4 years
Sunlight Through the Leaves
Hello, all! I am still alive, tho not without issue. But I have made it to another birthday. Go me! I feel so old these delays, as 30 creeps ever closer. :((
Anyway. This is a fic for Yufei for her birthday. So yes, this is VERY belated. But hey, we're celebrating our birthdays together this way! 😊 This is totally as planned. 😬
Fandom: Hayden’s Notes
Characters: Hayden Carter, Jason Wolfe, Original Creature(s)
Pairings: Very Pre-Wolfden (Hayden/Wolfe)
Warnings: Wolfe is an asshole, Unconscious & Reluctant Pining
Rating: G
Summary: Hayden Carter is a brat and one day will get some respect punched into him. One day. Today is not that day, trapped in this forest as they are. But at least the trees aren’t about to jump out and eat them. Wolfe would rather the walking tree branches would go away, but at least Carter is going to get them out of this mess.
He hopes.
Wolfe is annoyed. Very annoyed.
He’s frustrated about this whole situation and is annoyed at himself for being frustrated.
It's an endless cycle and it’s very frustrating.
His jaw clenches again and he wishes he could get out a cigarette. However, he’s aware that it would be asking for trouble. There is a high chance of danger and offense here, and he can’t chance it.
Not in these woods.
One of the small creatures tentatively approaches him, looking up from its diminutive height of just under a meter. Its bipedal body is made entirely of tree roots, making it easily blend in with the forest. Though the sharp branches that curl from the head, covered in foliage make it a little less creepy. Especially when the leaves partially obscure the void-like cracks in between the roots of its “face" that Carter claims to be their eyes.
Speaking of Carter, Wolfe looks away from the creature to the man. He’s sitting on a fallen tree, letting several of the creatures crawl all over him. One of them is on his knee and there’s one on his shoulder, who appears to be braiding his hair.
Carter doesn’t have his glasses on at the moment, and he has to avert his eyes lest he get caught staring again. Making up excuses for that the fist time had been embarrassing, and any time he can avoid the boy’s mocking is a job well done. It also helps him avoid any introspective questions on his own part.
Wolfe feels a slight tug at his pants and he looks down at the thing. It’s still looking up at him, the closest any of them had been to him so far. Sighing internally, he allows it to tug him along.
The mission they had been sent on did not go at all the way they had expected, but he supposes it could be worse. Though he’s going to have problems later coming to terms with the things he’s seeing now at a later date, when he’s not in the middle of all of it. Grumbling quietly, the thing tugs him to sit next to Carter on the log.
Carter frowns but restrains himself. This is impressive until he turns to the one who had pulled him over and says, “No, we don’t need to be closer. I’d rather he was farther away, actually.”
Through the familiar annoyance, he hears the creature make odd creaking and rustling noises. They’d been doing this off and on, with Carter always responding afterwards, so presumably this was their way of speaking. It was odd, but he’ll probably try to blot this experience from his mind later, so he will deal with it for now.
“No,” Carter says sharply, gaining Wolfe's attention. He looks oddly embarrassed. “No, he is not. I don’t know why you get that impression, but its false.” The creature on his shoulder tugs at his hair, making the younger man wince. “Seriously!”
Wolfe can’t take it much more and caves, “What are they saying?”
Carter huffs and looks away, crossing his arms in an oddly defensive gesture.
It’s kind of cute.
Wait, no. Carter is not cute. Wolfe wants to frown at the thought, and ends up having to play it off when he realizes that he is actually frowning. “What, are they criticizing you? You led us into this, after all.”
Carter practically snaps his neck turning to look at him so quickly, eyes blazing. “I’ll have you know that I wouldn’t have had to ‘lead’ us anywhere if the RSS could get their information right!”
“How were we to know that wearing certain colors can provoke things like that?” Wolfe snaps back.
The younger man throws his hands up in exasperation. “Gee! I don’t know! Maybe by asking literally anyone who knows anything about arachne?! And she wasn’t provoked, you idiot!”
“It came right for me!”
“She thought you were propositioning her!”
“WHAT?!” Wolfe can’t help the grimace and shudder.
“She wanted to scent you, not eat you!” Carter growls, mumbling a moment later, “At least not yet.”
“That is not reassuring, Carter!”
“We you didn’t have to draw your gun like that! It’s your fault we had to run!”
“Well, sorry for trying to defend myself! I can’t get back up like you can from that stuff!”
At this point, they’re both standing and several steps apart, facing each other. So, when Carter chucks his pen at him, it hits Wolfe square in the forehead and bounces off with a satisfying “thwack" before disappearing into the underbrush.
Throwing a hand to his forehead, Wolfe growls, “You-!” But he falters just a bit at the look on Carter’s face. Just enough to stay his tongue and instead of lashing out anymore, he turns and sits down harshly on the far end of the log. He cups his head with his arms braced on his knees and tries to take deep breaths.
The movement of the log is barely there, but he can tell that Carter has sat down on the other end, much farther away this time. There is a long, drawn out silence while the two calm and try to work out their thoughts. Wolfe hadn’t noticed it until then, but the area had gone quiet. Likely due to how loud their argument had gotten.
There’s a soft rustle, and some life starts to slowly pick back up, ending the eerie stillness. Wolfe rubs his face, exhausted. He’s not going to apologize. Neither of them is, but that’s no surprise. He’s not entirely sure he’s sorry, anyway. Or what he would be sorry for, exactly. In his peripheral, Wolfe sees Hayden hunched with his forearms braced on his thighs.
They are alone in their frustrated silence for a minute or more before he notices one of the tree-things pop out nearby. It approaches hesitantly, and Wolfe doesn’t know or care much about how it seems to be looking between the two of them. It ends up approaching Hayden… Carter. He turns his head just enough to see the thing reach up to him, holding something. A brief pause lets Wolfe see that it’s Carter’s pen before he’s startled by the man exhale loudly, ending in a raspy chuckle.
Carter gently takes the pen and Wolfe looks away, back into the trees. He hears a rustle followed by a hum from Carter and wonders if he’ll start talking again.
The rustling of the tree-things picks up as several of them come back out from their hidey-holes. They all mostly approach Carter, but two stay further away but sit in a way to indicate that they are watching him closely now. The scowl twitches on his lips but he fights it.
The problem with Carter is that he’s far too good at riling people up. It’s troublesome and damn annoying. The kid is sharp as a whip and his tongue more so. He hates the way Carter can strip people down so easily – strip him down. He hates it.
Jason Wolfe does not like feeling defenseless.
And yet…
He grumbles, glancing away from the trees back over to Hay- Carter. The kid is sitting up now, no longer curled in. There is one of the tree-things in front of him that he seems to be talking to and another on his shoulders. There’s one more behind him, handing something up to the thing on his shoulders…
Flowers. They are putting flowers in his hair.
Wolfe watches with some kind of fascination, from interest or horror he isn’t sure. The one on the ground is picking the flowers from their surroundings and handing them up to the creature on Carter’s shoulders, who braids them in. Had he been paying more attention, he might have thought that this was the same tree- thing that had been braiding his hair earlier.
Carter suddenly looks over to him and Wolfe feels something catch in his throat. He tries to swallow it back while the young man blinks at him before scowling in a way that looks more like a pout. The flowers are forming a crown along his head, with some small ones slipping a bit from their position to creep down his bangs, framing his face.
He looks so young, like this.
The thought hits Wolfe uncomfortably. Having known the man for just a while now he’s been getting over some of his anger, but in moments like this…
The black sclera enhance the vibrant green irises and he is reminded by the fact that something must have happened to this kid to get him here. Sometimes, in moments like this, he wants to know. Maybe even more than just for leverage.
Wolfe’s head snaps back once again and the pen flies off into the forest once more. Carter’s growl grabs his attention, and he realizes he let himself get distracted.
“Now that I have your attention, Wolfe, why don’t you tell me when you’re ready to leave?” One of the tree-things rushes through the brush after the pen. The one of his shoulders is creaking unhappily, tugging at hair to perhaps try to wrangle it back into place.
Carter snorts, “Yeah, the saplings are willing to lead us out of the forest and direct us to the closest residence. Then you can contact RSS and tell them you messed up the job and they need to get us out of here.”
“I-?!” Wolfe growls, tensing up in preparation to start another fight. His rebuttal is interrupted, however, by handful of flowers. They don’t make it very far, but they didn’t really need to, as the tree-thing that had been gathering flowers is now on the log next to him, having thrown them at him. Its leaves are shaking just a bit, and it waves its appendages at him in some sort of scolding gesture.
Completely stunned, Wolfe doesn’t look away from the only slightly menacing tree branch in front of him until he hears an odd noise. Looking up, he sees Carter.
With his shoulders up and arms around his stomach, turned just a bit more towards him, Carter is laughing. But it’s a tone completely unfamiliar to Wolfe and it stuns him just as much, if not more, than the creature had. Carter’s mouth is opened to breathe, lips turned up in a grin. The motions agitate his hair and Wolfe doesn’t – can’t – blink as a few of the flowers fall, tumbling across flushed cheeks.
“You-!” Carter giggles. “You look like a troublemaker being scolded by his mother! I never took you for anything less than rule-abiding, Wolfe!”
The stick creature had stopped waving at him and instead starts climbing up onto him. Wolfe jerks, but doesn’t react violently as Carter’s smile fades just a bit into concentration, watching him. He knows if he throws the thing off of him the man will make him regret it. So, while he grunts and twitches, he lets the damn thing climb up to his shoulders, where it starts pulling on his hair.
His eyes widen and Carter bursts into laughter once more.
“M-My hair! What are you doing?!” Wolfe stops his hands from going up past his shoulders but it’s a near thing.
“He just wants to braid your hair, too, Wolfe!” Carter cackles.
Wolfe sputters, “What?!”
“He thinks that braiding and adorning your hair with moonflowers will make you calmer.” Carter grins at him sharply, “These flowers are precious to them, you know.”
No, he did not know, you brat. Now he can’t shred them to pieces, either!
Carter’s laugh turns more into a condescending chuckle, likely guessing what he’d been thinking. Wolfe is distracted by a sharp tug of his hair and he has to hold back again when his first instinct is to lash out. His restraint is rewarded by the tugging gentling just a bit.
“Carter, how do I stop it?” he grits through his teeth.
‘Hm,” the man hums. I don’t know, why don’t you ask him?” Wolfe wants to punch that smug look off the brat’s face so badly, but a tug on his hair and a soft scent distract him once more. The brush of petals along his temple makes him twitch.
“Mm, yeah,” Carter comments, after a pause for his own hairdresser to readjust itself, “I think we’ll have to put a bit of a hold on leaving for now. That’s a shame.”
Wolfe grunts, angry and annoyed, but makes himself look away from the pain in his neck just a bit more than an arm’s reach away. Hopefully, Carter will be lenient enough to not mock him afterwards. But if he does, Wolfe can bite back easily enough with how lovely he looked with all those flowers in his hair.
He meant how stupid he looked.
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justjessame · 3 years
Starting Over Chapter 18
The box took both Connie and me to drag out of my parents’ room because I refused to have this “party” she mentioned in their room.  We pulled it into my bedroom and Bryn’s eyes lit up at the sight of the wrapped packages peeking out of the top of the box.  
“Don’t you dare, little girl,” her mama admonished, “these are Brooke’s presents.”  
The pout that popped onto Bryn’s face was worthy of a medal, so I asked if she’d like to help me with the burden of unwrapping my bounty.  With a squeal that probably made dogs howl a few blocks away and an addition of hand clapping, she hopped onto my bed and waited patiently for me to join her while Connie rolled her eyes at the two of us.  
“I’m pretty sure I only gave birth ONCE,” she squinted at the both of us, but her grin came back easily as she pulled out the first package and handed it to me.  “THIS one,” she tapped its ‘Happy Birthday’ wrapping paper, “is the one that’s MOST important so open it first.”  
It was kind of big, which made me curious about why it was on top.  Mom hated things to be out of sorts.  Big on bottom and angled to smaller on top, that way nothing got broken or squished.  It was heavy too.  Offering a side to Bryn, telling her to be careful of the paper, so she wouldn’t end up with a horrible cut, we worked to get rid of the paper first.  The box under it gave nothing away, since it was just plain cardboard, clearly repackaged by my parents.  
Opening it, I felt the breath leave me and my eyes started burning.  “He didn’t JUST put out feelers,” Connie offered, sitting down on my other side, while Bryn’s tiny fingers were gently touching the shiny black and silver that was waiting inside.  “There are cards inside of people who were interested in talking to you.  And he went to EVERY single store, talked to ANYONE who claimed to know anything about the best equipment, this is the best camera and accessories, Brooke.”  It was, I knew it was, because I’d coveted it during my school years, high school and college.  The electives I’d allowed myself to play with had been photography and THIS camera was the dream.  
The rest of the gifts were just as thoughtful.  Mom had bought me the things that mom’s think to buy their daughters - perfumes, pretty clothes, and the silly kitschy stuff that dads don’t always think about.  Dad kept picking up more accessories for the camera.  Tripods, flashes, he even bought me antiques - things he knew I’d find joy in.  Connie was right, my parents had known me more than I knew myself.  
We had lunch, sandwiches and chips, before we moved to the shed.  I had no idea what was waiting for me.  I mean, what could my dad possibly have left to surprise me with after all THIS?  
He had TWO things, actually.  Because Dad was nothing if not an overachiever.  Once lunch was finished, and Bryn was cleaned up and ready to go outside, I grabbed the key to the lock and we headed out.  
“Still having Demetri do the yard?”  Connie asked, taking stock of the hedges and the grass.  I nodded.  “He’s not doing too bad, but you might want him to pay more attention to that one -” she pointed to a side that I didn’t notice and sure enough it was a little off.  
“You’re such a -” I snorted, but then sobered, because I was an adult now too.  Shit, that was sobering.  Unlocking the shed, I braced myself.  The shed was actually basically a garage that my dad used as his workshop.  So I knew it would smell like wood shavings and varnish, which was a scent I associated more with him than his cologne to be honest.  
As the door opened, I was distracted by the dust motes dancing in the sunlight for a moment, but then the flashed on something shinier and my mouth dropped open.  There, in the space where a car SHOULD have always set, but usually our family car had set at the curb was a car alright.  Just not the car I remembered, since it had been totaled by the asshole who killed my parents after a night out on the town.  
It was gorgeous, but I’d never seen it before.  “They had Joey and his brothers working on it for awhile,” Connie’s voice seemed to be coming from down a LONG tunnel.  “Your dad said you said something about liking this model -” 
I’d been thirteen.  Dad and I were out together, while Mom was having a girls’ day.  He’d taken me to a car show and I was enjoying the day with him, looking at the different cars, the oldies and the weirdly macho looking ones too.  I’d seen it from across a field and just lit up, or so he told the story that way anyway.  A ‘66 Mustang GT Convertible in candy apple red.  I’d been mesmerized and Dad had jokingly - so I’d thought - promised that he’d get me one, one day.
Well, here it was.  In the shed.  The same candy apple red, the same convertible top.  And all I really wanted?  Was my dad to be beside me to tell me that I was glowing and to laugh about it.  
It took me a few more beats to get my shit under control so I wasn’t falling completely apart.  The car was pointed out, so I could drive into the alley and onto the street and NOT into my backyard and through my damn house.  Connie had the keys, but she told me there was a set in Dad’s bedside table too.  
That wasn’t my only surprise in the shed.  My dad had actually partitioned off the side, so the car fit perfectly, his workbench was still there, but he hadn’t really been in the creative mood while I was gone - saying he’d get back to it when I came home and got my damn car out of the shed.  It was in this sectioned off part, a room of sorts, that my other present lived.  
A dark room, in case, “you want to work with the photographs ‘old school’,” Connie offered, showing me the chemicals he had stored appropriately.  “The paper is over here -” she showed me, and I was more than impressed.  “Your mom helped, she looked it all up and came in here and set it up.”  
All of this work, on the off chance I came back.  A car, and a possible future - ‘just in case’.  I looked around the room, the overhead lamp the only light since they truly understood the assignment of “dark room”.  My parents were amazing and I -  I felt like a weight was being added to my chest, like I was losing the ability to draw breath.  
“I wish they were here,” it came out a breath, but I meant it so much.  “I -”  
“I know,” Connie came over, she was holding Bryn, but that didn’t stop her from hugging me too.  “I know, Brookie.” 
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