#i hope everyone is having a wonderful wednesday <33
inkykeiji · 4 months
not to get super sappy on a wednesday afternoon but i am just,, so happy and so thankful and so warm to be a part of such a beautiful little community on here. everyone is so wonderful and so incredibly talented, and i feel really lucky to know you all, to have the privilege to engage with this special lil pocket on the internet, and to be able to read everyone’s work + share it with others. i cherish it all so much (ㅅ´ ˘ `) ♡
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thank you for tagging me today @orange-peony, and to everyone who tagged me last wednesday as well <3
i regret to inform you that i have made zero progress on all of my wips, and i am running out of snippets to share. but alas, the writer curse has befallen me and i simply cannot write.
but anyway, here are six sentences for today :)
One hour goes by, and I decide to go down for lunch, even though I’m not really that hungry —I’m not going to spend my day holed up in here just to avoid Snow.
As I enter the hall, I unconsciously look at Snow’s table, and I’m honestly surprised to see that he is not already there, gobbling down his food like there’s not tomorrow. Bunce and Wellbelove are here, though, and they both seem as confused as I feel, though I do a better job at hiding it.
After moving around some food on my plate, I decide to go back to my room and make another attempt at finishing my essay.
About half an hour later, I’m just staring at my notebook when I hear him stomping up the stairs, so I quickly grab the closest book on my desk and pretend to be reading, to make it look like I’m actually busy.
Merlin, what has become of me.
tagging and hoping y'all have a wonderful day @artsyunderstudy @blackberrysummerblog @larkral @valeffelees @prettygoododds @captain-aralias @mysterioussheep @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @ileadacharmedlife @thewholelemon @martsonmars @raenestee @ic3-que3n @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @nausikaaa @onepintobean @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @cutestkilla @lesbianmckinnonn @enbysiriusblack @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @facewithoutheart @ebbpettier @confused-bi-queer @letraspal @shrekgogurt @ionlydrinkhotwater @stardustasincocaine <33
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sarahjswift · 1 year
Twin Wounds Chapter 8
Hi everyone! I am attempting to follow a schedule; Wednesdays Twin Wounds updates and Fridays IWHAIWSA updates :)
I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's mostly fluff tbh but I was happy to write some of that after the end of last week's chapter...*shudders*
OH PLUS we start to see Aedion + Lysandra....👀👀
I hope everyone enjoys this update! If you have any prompts for Twin Wounds or IWHAIWSA - or honestly a whole new fic/oneshot - just comment it, privately message me or send me a request! :D
Word Count: 1.1k (I'm sorry it's small I just was at a bit of a loss for what to write and really wanted to get something out here for y'all)
Tag List <33: (It's growing! Everyone on here I love + appreciate so so much) @backtobl4ck, @aelinchocolatelover, @renxzs, @blue-bird17, @autumnbabylon, and @luell1q!! @luell1q is our wonderful new addition <33
Warnings: Language and bad writing XD
Enjoy! <33
“Aedion!” Aelin ran through the lobby and flung herself onto her grinning cousin. She laughed as he twirled her around, joy filling her. 
“Hey, Ae!” he laughed, and Aelin beamed as she looked at him. The male equivalent to her, they had been mistaken as twins as children because of their similarities - their tan skin, golden locks and Ashryver eyes. “How are you doing?”
“Fine,” she said, Aedion setting her down. She took his hand and led him out of the lobby and outside, apparently where the “visiting hours” took place. They both squinted in the sun, and Aelin pointed to the gaggle of people in the distance. “That’s my group over there. I get to miss group therapy today, thank the Gods. You saved me.”
“Can I meet them?” 
Aelin snorted for a second - but at the silence that followed his statement, she whipped her head around to him. “Huh?”
Aedion shrugged. “I wanted to meet the people you have to spend time with every day. And your friends, too.”
Aelin let out a dramatic groan but at her cousin’s raised eyebrow, she sighed and flung an arm over his shoulders, leading him to her group. As they approached, she suddenly felt apprehensive. Would they judge her for the familiarity she had with her cousin? Would Aedion embarrasser her and say something inappropriate?
“Everyone, this is my cousin, Aedion,” she said as they stopped. Her stomach was a flurry of nerves.
“Hello,” Aedion said with his - their - classic Ashryver swagger. “It’s so nice to meet-” he stopped, his face pale as though he had seen a ghost.
“Aedion?” she frowned. “What-” She followed his line of vision and saw his attention focused on Lysandra, the woman giving him a once-over. She inwardly groaned - she should’ve known. His cousin was the master at one-night stands, and she couldn’t count on two hands the amount of girlfriends he’d brought home. Nothing against that, but - 
“Really?” she hissed into his ear. “My therapy friend?”
Lysandra swung her hair over her shoulder and descended to him. Aedion’s eyes tracked her cat-like gait before flicking up to her emerald eyes. The whole group was silent, assessing them as they shook hands. “Nice to meet you…Aedion,” Lysandra purred, batting her eyelashes. Aelin stifled an eye roll as her cousin audibly swallowed.
The rest of the group was cordial to Aedion, and for some reason - or maybe because of a certain woman - her cousin insisted on spending the morning outside with her therapy group. But when Luca suggested he join them for therapy, even Aedion balked. 
“No way,” Aelin protested. “My cousin will not be joining our trauma dumping. That’s where I draw the line.” 
“It could be good for him to meet Rowan,” Luca shrugged, toying with a piece of his hair. He’d turned tomato red when Aedion had slung an arm around him, and she had a feeling why her group mate was so eager to spend time with her cousin.
“I-I’m not sure that would be best - plus, I’m most likely not even allowed,” Aedion stammered, rubbing the back of his neck.
He wasn’t, in fact, allowed, so the cousins lounged around the sunny area, soaking in the rays. They chatted and caught up, Aedion filling her in about his job on base, Aelin giving him the scoop with the patients. It was a good day, and she felt calm knowing he was near. 
The group was finished with their therapy too soon, and they ate lunch together in the cafeteria. To Aelin’s dismay, her cousin opted to sit next to Lysandra instead of her, leaving her sandwiched between Tiela and Selmer. 
“I know you weren’t allowed to go to therapy, but maybe you could meet Rowan?” Luca said eventually, sipping his peppermint tea. 
“What do you care so much?” Aelin snapped. Aedion shot her a look and said through a mouthful of sandwich; “I’d love to.”
Aelin didn’t know why she was anxious about her cousin meeting her hot therapist -she just was. She prayed she wasn’t sweating too much as the two made their way to his office, following Luca’s lead. They reached it and Luca knocked on the door. The rumbled “come in” made her heart beat faster. Luca gave them a nod - and a blush for Aedion - before scurrying back down the hall. Aedion gave her an encouraging smile and opened the door.
Rowan was sitting at his desk, hurriedly sweeping something off his desk - the half-eaten remnants of a Wawa BLT and a root beer. Just like me, she thought. It was her favorite lunch - or it used to be. He stood up when he saw them, clearing his throat and adjusting his wrinkled polo shirt. She couldn’t help admiring how the tightness of his clothes showed off his muscles.
“Hey, I’m Aedion,” her cousin said, shaking Rowan’s hand. “I’m Aelin’s cousin.”
“Ah, Aedion,” Rowan said, a light of recognition lighting in his eyes. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Do you know him?” Aelin asked, raising a brow. 
Rowan went beet red. “Erm, he’s…he’s in your file.” She shrugged off what the thought of her “file” did to her and observed his office, tuning out as the two men started in conversation. Except for the mess of his lunch, his office was immaculate. The papers on his desk were organized in multiple stacks, and the barely furnished room was near-sparling. He had a simple computer and a monitor, and one framed photo beside that. For some reason, her heart strained when she looked at it. 
Oh, shush, she chided herself. Of course he has a partner - he’s hot and young. You have no reason to be jealous. 
Rowan found he liked his patient’s cousin, but he couldn’t help but feel guilty around the man. Aedion obviously loved Aelin, and Rowan knew Aedion would punch him if he ever found out about his creepy crush. It’s be well deserved, too.
To his dismay, Aelin stayed mostly silent as they gathered in his office, the two sitting in folding chairs he’d pulled out. They went through stages of small talk before Aedion asked; “So, how do you think she’s doing?”
Aelin snapped back to reality and whipped her head to her cousin, nostrils flaring. Rowan felt a companionship with the man as Aedion flinched and shrank back in fear - he’d felt that multiple times during their sessions.
“I love if you waited until I was out of the fucking room before you talked about me,” Aelin snarled. 
“Leave, then,” Aedion shot back cockily. Rowan was impressed by the man’s nerve. 
“Fine. I’ll see you in another fucking month when you decide to drop by again,” Aelin near shouted, stomping out of the room. She slammed the door behind her with flourish, and Rowan winced. 
“This is going to sound weird,” Aedion said quietly, drawing Rowan’s attention back to him, “but it’s kind of a relief to see her angry. It’s better than the…shell she was in before.” 
Rowan smiled. “I know the feeling.”
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pansy-buttercups · 6 months
🌱General Information 🌱
Basic Introduction🌿
Heya I'm Markus, I also go by Moss. I'm huge plant nerd and violently obsessed with collective wildflower feildguides. I am by no meana a professional horticulturist or botanist (though I desperately want to be), Studying plants and growing them however is a major passion of mine!
I'm hoping that by posting on this blog, I can motivate myself to learn even more about plants and actually jot down some information for other people. I belive we all need to become way more aware of the hugely important role that flora play in out world and what plants are actually helpful and which ones are damaging (I'm looking at you invasive plants/monoculture forest/ect.)
Oh, also, the last thing to know about me is I desperately hope all oil, gas, and car company CEOs fricken 💥💥💥 Ahhhh cough on smoke.... yeah.....
What this blog is about☘️
I plan to mostly use this blog to help share gardening tips, information on native plants, general ecology posts, horticulture/Agricultural/permaculture all the plant growing cultures and stuff, sustainability, and conservation Just generally, anything to do with plants and our precious earth's ecosystem, I suppose. However, as I live on the West Coast of B.C I want to focus a lot on my local native flora and ecosystem!
That's probably going to be a big point of the blog so if you too are a B.C West Coast Flora Fanatic rejoice!!
More Information under the Break🌱
Scheduling plan (That I will hopefully follow)🌧
Floriography Friday🌸Fridays
The history of flowers and their meanings are always a little bit tricky and varied depending on place to place. That's the beauty of it, though that one flower can mean a thousand different things depending on where you are, the color, what other flowers accompany it, even where it worn! Plants have always been important symbols in our art and culture.
(Possibly) Your homes Native Plants Apprication Day🌿Thursdays
Send in submissions of a plant native to where you live that you think needs some more love or that you just really this is neat! Of course if there are no submission a random place will be picked for Native Flora Apprication Thursday!
West Coast Native Flora Wednesday🌱Wednesday
Cause we can all appreciate our native flora a little bit more, and maybe next time you're out you may even spot one yourself! Every Wednesday there will be a post detailing a random native plant of our wonderful West Coast <33
Gardening Tuesday🍅 Tuesday
Whether you're growing tomatoes or tulips, everyone can sometimes use some advice on what to do with their garden plants. From companion plants to what's the best P.H. for your crops, Tuesday is the day to look out for! On this day, there will mostly be some gardening tips posted, and also, alongside submissions, I will be open to send in any exciting gardening news or updates you've may have. Send in pictures of your biggest strawberries or your seedlings you've been waiting weeks to pop up. It's all welcome here :).
Alongside these, there should be regular updates on what seeds to sow at any given time, frost dates, conservation/sustainability projects you can support, community garden information and updates, and of course random sciencey plant facts and shitposts <33
Oh yeah also fuck of if your any of the below💥
-Bigot ( Racist/Sexist/Homophobic/Transphobic/Ableist/Zionist, General asshole) , Captalist suck up, Cop kiss ass, Mega Corpration lover, Government Stan.
Please do intract though if any of the below apply to you☘️
- Love nature, have a garden, have a passion for flora, belive in hope for future, hate big companies/governements for ruining our planet, love native plants, support your local communities , love hopepunk. are a bee, have a xylem and a phloem <33
Tags Masterlist
[To Be filled in Later]
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
fang my dearly beloved <3 i think most of my stuff for school is set up, i have an appointment with advising to register for classes and hopefully there’s enough space so i can get a dorm! i have to call the financial aid office to see if they can help me a little bit with tuition but i think either way it’ll be a hefty amount </3 btw i wanted to tell you my birthday is on wednesday (just in case <33) and i’m supposed to have my birthday party on saturday if it doesn’t rain and all goes well! i love you a sickening amount and i hope you’re doing well and enjoying your time off of school! mwah mwah kissing you all over your face always <3 -kiri comfort anon
ohhh my god anon my most greatly beloved!!! i hope everything goes well. i know it sucks and is a major pain in the ass but at the very least most finacial aid offices will offer you more with enough harassment. you really have to hound them about it but it usually works out and i hope that's the case with you
ALSO. IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY WEDNESDAY!! im going to wish you early so i don't forget!!! i love you more!! please have the most wonderful birthday and everyone pls wish anon happy birthday in the replies!!! i am enjoying being on break but not having much to do is making me kind of stir crazy. mwah mwah mwah!
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
hi! I just sent in a request so if you don’t get to this I totally understand I just really like your writing 💗 I was wondering if I could get a wreath though? Fandom: Wednesday
I’m a girl and I use she/her pronouns, I’m around average or on the shorter side for height, for gender preference I like guys and girls so I don’t mind too much but I’d maybe prefer a guy for this? Either way though I’m sure I’d be happy with the pairing! c:
personality wise I would say I’m a bit shy or reserved but I open up a lot when I get to know people, I try to be kind and helpful to everyone but I have a bad habit of people pleasing/having a hard time saying no because of this. I like comforting people and I love caring or helping the people I’m close too especially. I would say I’m a pretty creative person as I love art and music. I like drawing and I play the guitar and violin! Additionally, I love games and movies and talking about them and I also bake when I can (I really enjoy baking stuff for people I’m close to). Like I said I love art and I enjoy going to museums or talking about it too!
sorry I wrote a lot but thanks so much and congrats on 200 followers! You totally deserve it your blog is honestly so nice c: happy holidays! :D
Hi honey!! You can send in as many reqs as you want <33
Sorry your last ask isn't out yet I've been backed up!! But tysm,, and happy holidays to you too!
Wednesday Mashup! -> I give you,, Xavier Thorpe!
- Obviously you got art in common, I don't think he's the Museum type but he is for you!
- He probably likes to sit in and draw whilst you play the violin/guitar
- And Ajax loves you because you always bring him and Xavier sweets
- He likes how helpful and caring you are
- But he's also a brutually honest fell when need-be and helps you with people pleasing (but not in a pushy way bc people pleasing is hard enough without nagging 😭)
- I feel like he's the video game type,, so he'd enjoy talking about and playing games with you!!
- You guys could have marathons hed watch anything as long as you guys were together frfr
- I also think your initial shyness helps draw him to you,, like he's always after the really out there girls whom never act shy
- and then he tries to talk to you and he realizes,, woah she's so cool I have to get her to open up
- Plus you guys would just do everything together
Hope this works,, thank you again, you're so lovely!! <333
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dollycas · 1 month
Sunday Salon / Sunday Post – A Week in the Life of Dollycas – Weekly Rewind – New Arrivals
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The Sunday Salon is a Facebook group that has become an informal week-in-review gathering place for bloggers. It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature. You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz. The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYONE! I hope you had a wonderful week! My dad passed away on June 12, 1988, at just 63, the same age I am now. My Facebook Memories unearthed this treasure this week, making me smile to remember his accomplishments. Surprise! Mr. Dollycas and I are away for a fun family weekend with most of our kids and grands. We all needed it badly. The weather has us rearranging some things, I really hate it when it rains during the day! I will tell you all about it next week! How was your week? Weekly Rewind - August 12 - 17, 2024 Monday - My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #33 – 2024 Tuesday - Booked on Murder (A Haunted Library Mystery) by Allison Brook #Review / #Giveaway – Great Escapes Book Tour @AllisonBrookML @crookedlanebooks Wednesday - Cozy Wednesday featuring Peach Tea Smash (A Tea Shop Mystery) by Laura Childs #Review / #Giveaway – Great Escapes Book Tour @BerkleyMystery @laura.childs.31 Thursday - Sticks and Scones: A Bakeshop Mystery by Ellie Alexander #Review @StMartinsPress @BakeshopMystery Friday - THE COMPLETE KANSAS COZY MYSTERIES BOOKS 1–6 (American Cozy Crime Box sets) by CHARLENE WEIR #Spotlight / #Giveaway Saturday - Case of the Bayfront Murder: A Macaroni on Wheels Mystery by S.K. Derban #GuestPost / #Giveaway - Great Escapes Book Tour @s.k.derban @awriterofmystery Happy Reading! Read the full article
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causenessus · 1 month
GOOD MORNING (im writing this at like 11:00 am so idk if this is considered morning)!! i hope you're having a good school dayyy! im gonna be in the same boat as u come wednesday 😞
long yap session incoming- i actually like using your inbox to talk bc it feels sm more fun 😋 like i love seeing u and your mango anon talk through your asks its super sweet to see it pop up on my feed n i always find myself giggling if i read through it SO IM COPYING THEM CAUSE THEYRE SUPER COOL‼️‼️‼️
YOU MENTIONED BEING GOOD AT WII GOLF AND I WAS LIKE "woah i haven't played on a wii since like 2017" its actually insane... i have sm memories of playing w my cousins on the wii BUT WE NEVER PLAYED THE SPORTS we were always playing likeee mariokart 8 and smash and we were so competitive... i distinctly remember my entire family collectively losing their minds when i had managed to beat my oldest cousin in smash one time IT WAS SO FUNNY PLS but like mentioning wii unlocked core memories omg
so like.. i had my first session of tryouts as of now and i think they went okay!! i fumbled a couple serves so idk im scared of the coaches they're a liiiiittle mean sometimes BUT BESIDES THAT I THINK ITS GOING WELL YAYAY
its super daunting knowing a bunch of the people there when you've literally just started playing cause it feels like they're like "ooo.. why would she only start playing now..?" but everyone who's trying out has been super nice so far :))
after we had first session i went w one of my friends to a ymca and we ended up messing up our knees from diving sm so i think we're cooked come next session HAHAHAH but honestly i think it's worth it because i had lots of fun doing that it may rival being in an actual game
ANYWAY I HOPE YOURE HAVING A GOOD DAY!! make sure u eat and drink water!! <3
GOOD MORNING ‼‼‼ (it's 3pm) BUT ANYWAY thank you!!! and aa good luck that's coming up soon </33 and that's okay LMAOO I LOVE THE LONG YAP SESSIONS EVERYTIME I OPEN MY INBOX AND SEE ONE FROM SOMEONE IT'S THE BEST THING EVER!!
and PLEASE wii sports was like a last minute thought i had right as i was answering that part of your ask last time and it brought back so many memories for me too!! most of the time i played tennis or like that sword fighting game and i would get SO amped up about it like some random npc named cream cheese would kill me and i'd be like throwing myself onto the bed (our wii was in the basement and it's also like our guest bedroom) and punch it and be like "YOU STUPID CREAM CHEESE FREAKING CREAM CHEESE I'M COMING FOR YOU CREAM CHEEESE" i have no idea why i was so aggressive 😭😭😭 but i remember that so vividly. i loved mario party!! and i had a giant just dance hyperfixation during quarantine like i worked all night once on that game just to get 5 stars on promiscuous LMAOO
AND I'M GLAD YOUR TRYOUTS WENT WELL!! and that everyone was super nice <3 coaches can't expect perfection from you!! and i remember at least at my high school they had like three or four teams so i feel like your chances should be great!! <3 i also wanted to start volleyball during i think 7th or 8th grade but then just never did 😭😭 like i bought knee pads to really seal myself in that i'd start it and then just completely fumbled but it's okay bc a lot of the volleyball girls at my old schools were MEAN one of my best friends used to play volleyball and she'd always tell me about how toxic it was and the coach was also someone's dad so that girl got on varsity or whatever and yeah...i think i'm good i would not survive that environment 😭
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wildchild00me · 1 year
Open Heavens 26 July 2023: [Wednesday] Devotional By Pastor E.A. Adeboye – Fear God II
Click HERE for Previous Open Heavens Devotional 2023
Open Heaven 26 July 2023 TOPIC: Fear God II
MEMORISE: Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy. Psalm 33:18
READING: Psalm 96:1-9 (KJV)
1 O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth.
2 Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day.
3 Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.
4 For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.
5 For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the Lord made the heavens.
6 Honour and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.
7 Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength.
8 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts.
9 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.
Open Heaven 26 July 2023 MESSAGE:
We started discussing the fear of the Lord yesterday and today we will look at some of the blessings that come to those who fear Him. Our memory verse says:
Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy. Psalm 33:18
The Scripture above reveals a very huge blessing that comes from fearing God. The blessing is that the eye of the Lord will be upon everyone that fears God. This revelation implies several great things amongst which is that when the eye of the Lord is upon an individual, safety is guaranteed.
Also Read: Open Heaven 25 July 2023 – Fear God II
Hebrews 11:6 says that God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. The Bible further says: “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3). In other words, the eye of the Lord sees everything—even the plans and moves of the wicked who want to harm you and He knows how to deal with them.
In today’s Bible text we are enjoined to fear the Lord above all gods because they are ordinary works of men (Psalm 96:4-5). We should also note that some people have made human beings their gods – probably for fear of what these people could do to them. Psalm 56:11 however, says: “In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me“. Psalm 118:6 says also, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?” Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to fear God and not man (Matthew 10:28).
Another demonstration of the fear of the Lord is in verse nine of our text: “O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.” There is no true worship of God without holiness. This is where those who overstretch grace miss it. Obedience is synonymous with holiness and the Scripture says to obey is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22). Therefore, we must watch out for our worship – whether it is premised on the fear of the Lord or mere hypocrisy. As you commit to fear the Lord at all times, His presence will never depart from you, in Jesus’ name.
Open Heaven 26 July 2023 Prayer Point:
Father, please put Your fear in me and let me receive the blessings for it, in Jesus’ name.
Open Heaven 26 July 2023 HYMN 18: Praise To The Lord The Almighty
1 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation!
Come, all who hear; now to his temple draw near,
join me in glad adoration.
2 Praise to the Lord, above all things so wondrously reigning;
sheltering you under his wings, and so gently sustaining!
Have you not seen all that is needful has been
sent by his gracious ordaining?
3 Praise to the Lord, who will prosper your work and defend you;
surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend you.
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
if with his love he befriends you.
4 Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore him!
All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him.
Let the Amen sound from his people again;
gladly forever adore him.
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starrrberry · 2 years
thoguhts on wednesday not coherent
so like wedenesadaus kinda annoying at first but i do like the show so as i watched i was like hell yeah !!! im hooked and wednesdays getting a bit better tbh so then i KEPT watching and oh my god. wonderful. wednesday is still my least favourite character but shes tolerable and TYLER. god hes my favourite ever idec hes a monster who eats ppl hes so pathetic <33 and also i cant see wednesday and enid together even though everyone says it ? i can sooo see wednesday and tyler hating eachother but in that ;) way ykwim. god i love this show wednesday still pisses me off thoigh, enid is <333, BIANCA !!! UGH I HAVE SUCH A CRUSH ON HER i fucking HATE xavier hes so ick i hope they pair him with wednesday ALSO the love triange ???? so unnecessary tbh. anyway love love LVOE tyler hes the best and i have a bit of a crush on him. ALSO EUGENE AND PUGSLEY BESTEST EVER !!!!!!!!
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Happy Hump Day!
First of all, it is called ‘Macaroni Cheese’ NOT ‘Macaroni AND Cheese’ or ‘Mac & Cheese’! I speak English NOT American! (Well, I try to!)
Very happy to say that I now have two bookings for 2023 and two bookings for 2024! Love it!
My diary is usually 100% accurate. It guides me through every day and every week. I would be lost without it. It’s a fairly sacred document for me, rather like those artefacts Harrison Ford seeks in ‘Raiders Of The Lost Ark’ but, this week, I have screwed-up! I thought I was going out to an event this Thursday but it’s actually next Thursday! For someone as anal as me, this is very distressing. I hate making mistakes.
Many thanks to everyone that read yesterday’s status. Some people can’t even face it and just say, “Good morning!” I am a nerd. I’ve always been a nerd. When I was a kid, I had scrapbooks full of newspaper clippings. That’s why I retain so much information. Naturally, I create scripts for myself on Saturday because I can’t remember EVERY date, and the last thing I’d want to do is give out the wrong information! God forbid! Last week, my friend Ray Kane mentioned the two-hour Michael Jackson tribute and wondered when it was, and then my friend Charlotte Rabin said, “So, when is the two-hour Michael Jackson tribute?” “When would you like it to be?” I asked. “Next week!” she quickly replied. I aim to please, so that’s what we’ll do.
Last night, I watched this very full-on, in-your-face comedian called Paul Chowdhry. Didn’t make me laugh. Not my cup of tea. He did this whole predictable Michael Jackson routine, doling out the same old theories about Michael’s sexuality. What about the music producers and music executives that will only help young, female artists if they get sexual favours in return? Within the music industry, that is almost a time-honoured tradition. They always worried me more than Michael Jackson. And, yes, The Trouble encountered such men!
They say that a woman’s beauty is her hair. Imagine if you could no longer have a hairstyle because your head had to be covered? The Iranian regime is not just oppressive, it’s misogynistic. These male, Iranian rulers do not like women, they do not trust women. They want women to preserve their modesty because they have no control of their men! An Iranian rock climber who refused to wear her hijab at a competition in South Korea is being sent straight to the notorious Evin prison after returning home. Elnaz Rekabi, 33, competed at the Seoul tournament on Sunday without her state-mandated headscarf, in a sign of solidarity for the nationwide protests in her homeland sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody. This woman represented her country at an international sporting event, and just because she expressed her solidarity with the women of Iran, sadly, protest is against the law. In a dictatorship, there is no room for personal opinion. It’s not culture. Culture is a thing of beauty. This regime is evil masking as religion. This religion is a million miles from any kind of spirituality.
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom of my status. Many people don’t like reading. It’s too much hard work. So, I thank you for giving me five minutes of your day.
Have a wonderful and well-endowed Wednesday. I love you all. Yes, a crazy, bald man loves and cares about you.
0 notes
finelinevogue · 3 years
hi ellie hope you’re okay🥰 i was wondering whether you could do a blurb with just lots of random moments with harry - like conversations and just the fluffy stuff please thank you.
i decided to do just like lots of random conversations between the two. there’s about 5 or so conversations and some of them are to do with tour and some are just random but yeah i hope you enjoy;
this was so fun!! let me know what your favourite conversation was afterwards i’d love to know <33
All Too Well
“Oh my god.” You repeated for he seventeenth time.
“Babe. What are you so freaked out about?”
Harry was currently sat on one end of the sofa, laptop on his legs as they were stretched out onto the coffee table in front of him. He was busy doing some promotion work for his new brand Pleasing, but all he could hear, except from Notting Hill playing on the TV, was the sound of you freaking out over something. You were sat on the other end of the couch, curled up with your knees to your chest as you continued to be excited.
“Harry.” You said dramatically, turning your head towards him as you refreshed your phone another time to see nothing.
“Y/N.” He responded, chuckling at how serious you were being.
“The All Too Well music video is dropping in like 2 minutes and I want to cry already.” You spoke seriously, because that’s genuinely how you were feeling.
To say you were a hug Swiftie was an understatement. You absolutely adored her and her music. She was a huge influence on the music industry. Some would even go to say she is the music industry. You were so proud of her and All Too Well was one of your favourite songs off Red from the beginning, so to have a beautiful re-recorded version along with a ten minute version too and then now a music video. Well, you couldn’t love the woman more even if it tried.
“Swear you love her more than me.”
“Well obviously H.” You said, rolling your eyes and returning your gaze towards your phone. Your screen was now loading and the video was appearing on your screen. “Oh my god it’s Dylan O’Brien.” You spoke - well, screamed - at your phone.
“I have no chance against these people.” Harry shook his head and got back to his work as you continued to freak out.
Once the video ended you had to take a moments pause. You couldn’t move because of that cinematic masterpiece and the impact that it left on your entire being. You didn’t understand how something as simple as a ten minute film could actually be that good. Taylor was a genius and a goddess. There was nothing she couldn’t do. You breathed before posting it again.
“Harry.” You spoke after you’d watched it a third time.
“I can’t believe you ever ended things with Taylor.” You tutted him. You knew there was no bad blood between H or Taylor and the two got on really well with each other to this day.
“Wha— But then I would’ve never have met you.” Harry shook his head in disbelief, confused as to why you were annoyed at him for not being in a relationship with someone else.
“But she’s Taylor Swift.” You exaggerated her name to make a point.
“So if I left you, you’d be okay if I started dating Taylor instantly?” Harry questioned, not quite believing this conversation was actually happening.
“Babe if you don’t, I will.” You answered.
“You are the weirdest person i’ve ever met.” Harry chuckled, shaking his head at you and your undying love for Taylor.
“Yeah, but y’love me so.”
“Of course I fucking do. Now get over here and let’s watch that music video together.”
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Yorkshire Brew
It was a Wednesday evening and all you could think about was Friday.
Work had been going too slow this week and you wanted it to be over already. Your boss was starting to annoy you and your colleagues were just slacking recently, so you often felt very isolated and bored. Coming home to Harry made everything better though, especially since he loved a good rant.
“And then Camilla had the audacity to make a cup of tea for everyone else in the work room but me.” You explained to Harry, waving your hands around dramatically to get your point across.
Harry was currently stood washing the dishes from this mornings breakfast, whilst he smiled as he listened to your ramble on about your day. He loved moments like these when he was just Harry. He was just your boyfriend and nothing more. You absolutely loved how mundane it was too.
“You did tell Samantha that Camilla was having an affair with her husband though.” Harry pointed out, doing his best to see the situation from both sides as usual.
“Oh so you’re taking Camilla’s side now?” You asked, slightly frustrated.
“No. I never said that.” Harry placed the last dish on to the draining board and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you in comfort. “Just trying to understand how someone can be so cruel to my favourite person.”
You smiled and kissed his chest lightly.
“Sorry for ranting.” You sighed, still hugging him tightly. His warmth was everything and you absolutely loved being so encapsulated within him. He smelt like coffee and perfume. He smelt like home.
“Don’t apologise. It’s good to get it out.” He kissed the top of your head once, before moving away and over to the kettle. You sighed a big sigh, letting the last of your stress leave your body so you can put the argument to rest forever. “Y’want a cuppa?”
“Please.” You responded, leaning against the kitchen side. You ran your hands over your face and rubbed your eyes free of the tiredness.
Whilst Harry was pottering with getting milk and what not, he noticed you stood to the side still stressed. He smiled sadly, hating to see you in such a troubled way, before abandoning the tea making and walking over to you. He placed his hands on either side of you on the counter, leaning down to lean his forehead against yours. He looked towards your eyes, waiting until you dropped your hands to look back at him.
“I love you.” Harry started by reminding you of the most important thing. You smiled and watched his eyes sparkle at the sound.
“I love you, too.”
“It was a bad day today, but you got through it and i’m proud of you. You’re strong - stronger than you think. Tomorrow will be better, I promise.”
“Thank you H.” You tilted your head to catch his lips, slowly moving the pair together in unison. You loved how soft and gentle he was, making sure he didn’t force himself too much but also not too little. He tasted sweet, as always, making you want to kiss him forever and ever. Pulling away you hummed in delight, feeling more relaxed after his near warmth.
“Anything for you.”
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“I can’t write songs.” Harry sighed for the fifth time in twenty seconds.
He was currently sat on the couch in his home studio, Tyler swivelling around on the chair in front of all the technical boards as Mitch sat in the chair across from him with a guitar in his lap.
“Bro, maybe you need a break?” Tyler suggested, knowing Harry had been going at this for hours and hours now.
“Management want an album by next Spring. I have basically no time left. I have two, maybe three songs, at the moment.” Harry groaned, running his hands over his face to wake him up.
“Well where’s your inspiration mate?” Mitch asked.
As if just on cue, you walked through the door carrying a tray of hot chocolates. Each of them layered with whipped cream, mini marshmallows and a tiny gingerbread man for an added bit of festive fun. Tilly, your ginger cat walked in after you and straight over to Mitch. Your cat was very fond of Mr Rowland and you think it had something to do with his cat loving wife too.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I thought a hot chocolate was in need since you’ve been cooped up in here for hours.” You said, moving over in front of Harry and placing the tray down on the table. As you took each mug off individually, you felt Harry’s arms snake around your waist and squeezing tight.
“Mm.” Harry mumbled against your back and you couldn’t hear a thing he said.
“What was that babe?” You asked, trying to turn around but he was holding on too tight. He was such a man baby, but you couldn’t deny how much you loved him when he got all cuddly and soft like this.
“He’s got a pout on because he thinks he can’t write songs.” Mitch explained, making you smile as you watched Tilly perch herself contently on his lap.
“Nonsense.” You told him off, reaching a hand around your back so that you could stroke the soft mop of curls on top of his head.
“It’s true.”
You tried to leave, but Harry was having none of it so instead you let him take you backwards so you could sit on his lap. His arms still hugged your front and your hands went to play with his his. His rings became interesting to twirl around and it made you smile as you felt his breathe tickle your neck quietly.
“So take a break.” You suggested.
“That’s what we said.” Tyler nodded his head in agreement with you.
“You overwork yourself H.” Mitch added.
“Listen to the professionals.” You told him, knowing that Tyler and Mitch would know what they were talking about.
“No.” He grunted, still pouting like a baby.
“Fine, listen to your threatening wife. Take a break. Drink your hot chocolates. Then come back to all this. If you don’t, you can say goodbye to that Great British Bake Off marathon tonight.”
With that, you were out of the door, calling Tilly with you, and back to chores around the house.
It wasn’t until four hours later that Harry came running to you elated. He’d written three songs and had melodies for two of them. Plus he had some ideas for future songs too. You hugged him because he’d listened to you. You kissed him because you were proud of him. You spent the evening alone with him because he was completely yours. You smiled because of one sentence he softly spoke to you;
“Couldn’t have done it without my inspiration.”
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Ink and Skin
Laying in bed with Harry was one of your favourite things to do.
Just peacefully resting by one another’s sides was a feeling that couldn’t be matched by anything else, other than maybe his lips. He was your morning and your night. He was everything warm and comforting in your life. You felt blessed to have a man as good as Harry laying beside you.
Harry currently sat up in bed, back against the headboard, as he scrolled through his phone. You were laying next to him, head on the pillow with an arm draped over him to trace over his beautiful tattoos. He was currently searching through tattoo inspiration on Pinterest, like you’d suggested, because he’d become very fixated on getting a new tattoo recently. Although he had so many already, he claimed he still didn’t have enough yet.
“Ooh how about this one?” Harry asked you, pointing the phone in front of your face. It was a beautiful piece of delicate flower work, that looked like a vine with lots of little flowers growing out of it.
“It’s beautiful, but where would it go?” You asked, moving from tracing his butterfly to tracing his laurels.
“Around m’ankle. Or down the spine o’ m’back.” Both sounded painful to you.
“But you’d never see them.”
“That’s the point of this one though.” He shrugged his shoulders, bringing his phone back to him.
“So what’s the meaning behind it then?” You asked, knowing there was always a meaning behind Harry’s tattoos.
“You.” He replied very quickly, turning his attention away from his phone and towards you.
“Yeah. Okay.” You replied sarcastically.
“No. I mean it.”
“Well then why are you covering me up then? Kinda sounds like you’re ashamed of me.” You huffed, stopping yourself from stroking him and turning your body to face up towards the ceiling. You were pretending to be annoyed at him whilst he explained himself.
You waited a moment before turning your head back to him, seeing him raising an eyebrow and smirking at you. You hated how cocky he looked at you so you returned to staring at the white ceiling above. It didn’t take long, however, for Harry to come and lay over you. He hovered over you as he made eye contact with you, still smirking at you.
“Y’gonna continue to pout or are y’gonna listen to me?” He asked, making you furrow your eyebrows as you momentarily decided on your answer.
“I’m listening.”
“The tattoo is of flowers because it’s meant to resemble new life and new beginnings. They represent you and the future life I look forward to us having. I want it in a place that’s private to me, because I want our life to be as private as possible. I want it to be just ours. I want you to me just mine. I want to keep a little piece of you, us, me even, to myself. Is that okay for you?” He teased and he knew that you knew that you were in the wrong.
He looked at you, waiting for an apology for your moody behaviour. He stayed hovering over you, waiting and waiting.
“I’m not apologising.”
“Oh? No?” Harry teased sarcastically, leaning down lower.
He leaned down further, until he was right next to your ear. His heart best could be felt beating against yours. The blood was rushing all over your body at the new added heat that he was providing your body. He licked the bottom of your ear lightly, before biting it softly.
“Baby, i’ll have you apologising all too soon.”
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Pumpkin Spice Latte
It was another day off from tour for Harry and that meant Starbucks and walks in the park.
You often loved spending time with all of Harry’s band and friends, going out for dinners and parties. However, did miss the time that you got to spend solely with Harry too. He was often so busy that it meant you had very little time with him, only seeing him in the evenings and such. However on this tour, Harry made sure that on his days off they were reserved for you only.
You’d been doing loads of fun things with each other, now that you had the time to. You’d been bowling, golfing, mini-golfing especially for you, shopping, wine-tasting and star-gazing. Your favourite activity was always the casual ‘let’s get a coffee and go for a walk’ though. It was just you and Harry together, feeling unconquerable against everything and anyone.
“Hi, what can I get y’all today?” The Starbucks’s worker asked you and Harry, so you shuffled forwards in the queue.
“Wait what do you want babe?” You asked Harry, who was still looking at the board.
“Um, i’ll- what are you having?” He asked.
“A pumpkin spiced latte.”
“Are they nice?” He asked, never having tried one before.
“I like ‘em. Too sweet for you I think.”
“I’ll just have a regular latte then, but oat milk please.”
You nodded your head and turned back to the lady. “Sorry,” they should their heads as if to say you were no bother, “can we get a regular pumpkin spice latte, please, and then just a large latter as well but with oat milk on that one?”
“For sure. Are they to go?”
“Yes please.”
“And would y’all like to try our new blonde roast today?” They asked, pointing towards the new coffee beans.
“Um, sure yeah.”
“Then that’ll be $8.89, please.” They requested.
You reached in your bag to pull out your pursed, but Harry was already coming in to pay via his phone. He nearly got there too before you hit his arm out of the way.
“Stop, i’m paying today.” You argued.
“Oh give over.” Harry tutted you, trying to reach his hand back across you towards the paying machine.
“Harry, I swear to God.” You huffed, looking over at the woman apologetically.
“Fine. I’m paying for dinner then.” Harry put his phone back in his pocket, not wanting to cause an argument in public. More importantly, he didn’t want to start an argument with you, because you meant too much to him to get petty over something about.
“We’re not even going out for dinner tonight.” You tapped your card on the machine and made your way over to the collection point, after you’d taken your receipt and thanked the woman again.
“We are now.” He chuckled.
“You’re not funny.” You said firmly, putting your card and purse back in your bag before turning to stand and face him.
“Baby, I have more money than makes sense. $8.89 isn’t going to hurt me.” He explained.
“Yeah, but it frustrates me that you think it will hurt me.”
“I never thought of it like that.” He answered, watching as you turned your back whilst rolling your eyes.
You immediately felt him come snake his arms over your shoulders as he stood closely behind you. He hated you being upset, but worse than that hated you being upset with him - especially when he was the one that caused it. He kissed your cheek from the side and watched as a small smile took over your face. That was enough for him to smile too. He kissed the top of your head too, almost like a promise that he wouldn’t let this argument happen again.
“I’m not angry at you, by the way. I love you more than a stupid coffee argument.” You told him, leaning back slightly to feel more of his warmth.
“I love you too, m’flower. Just always wanna take care of you, that’s all.” He swayed your slightly in his hold, making you place a hand on top of his on your chest and sway with him. You were lucky that some soft jazz music was playing too.
“You do, H. Promise you, y’really do.”
That afternoon you proceeded to drink your lattes and talk about everything and nothing. You loved how random your conversations were and how pointless some of them were too. You spent hours in each others company, until your feet got cold and Harry decided that he would take you for dinner. You went to a sandwich shop and Harry made sure to spend exactly $8.89 to show you that money didn’t matter. Only the two of you did.
Two equals, who were madly and equally in love with each other.
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lmanburgbeloved · 3 years
hi! i saw your requests were open and was wondering if you could maybe do a cc!sapnap x gn!reader in which they both have a crush on each other and they pretty much know but aren't officially dating, and how they always need to be touching and just near each other when they're with their friendgroup? tysm if u do this and have a rlly amazing day <33
hi!! i really liked this request so it ended up being 1.6k words haha, and i hope you have an amazing day too!! i hope you enjoy <3 :]
a cc!sapnap x gn!reader
word count: 1.6k
summary: being in love with sapnap and sapnap being in love with you
warnings: lots of swearing, use of Dream’s real name once, talks of sex but no smut or implied smut
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flying to Florida last minute was not what you thought you would be doing at 3am on a Wednesday, quite the opposite actually, right now you're in a plane getting ready for take off when two days ago your plans were to sit in a discord call with Sapnap and watch Hunter x Hunter, the show he's been dying to show you.
so when he told you they were flying George out and he panic bought you a ticket, how could you say no? it's Sap! you'd actually get to see Sapnap in person again, which understandably made you very nervous, because the first time you met, it was awkward, you've had a crush on him for so long it felt that meeting him in person was nerve wracking, but when you got home from that trip he asked you to hop onto discord to talk about the trip, where you both without actually saying it pretty much said that you like each other, Dream constantly makes fun of you both for being "edaters" which Sapnap always gets defensive about, but you didn't mind it, i mean it wasn't your favorite, but his best friend was acknowledging that the both of you are practically dating, that's enough to make you the happiest person in the world.
Sapnap told you that you'd be staying with him and Dream in the second spare room they had since George would be staying in the main guest room, but he also told you that you're welcome to just stay in his room if you wanted since the room you were given is "a shit room compared to mine", as he said.
you knew it was his way of asking you to stay in his room, and you did not decline, which made you both pretty excited.
when you eventually arrived in Florida it was late at night because of all the delays they had, you mentally wrote down to kick the snows ass for it.
walking down the hallway, small bag on your shoulder, you see the place where you collect your luggage, conveyor belts with suitcases spiraling at a slow speed.
you spot your trusty black hard shell suitcase but when you head over to grab it you see a man pick it up, quickly picking up your pace you start jogging and dodging people "hey! you! that's my suitcase!" you yelled as nicely as you could, hoping this was just a misunderstanding and not a robbery.
you catch up to the guy and tap his shoulder, he's facing away from you getting ready to talk to the guy in front of him but was cut off by you, out of breath you speak up "i think you accidentally stole my suitcase" putting your hands on your knees and looking at the floor you try to catch your breath, which was hard in this stuffy place, it also doesn't help that you are very nervous to see Sapnap again knowing how he feels about you.
"i'm sorry to scare you love, i just thought i'd grab it for you, i was getting ready to text you that i had it with me so we could get out quicker" you looked up quickly, and smiled, there he was, "you're prettier than i remember" the blush on his cheeks is now very visible to everyone "gross, get a room" you looked behind him and upward to see a green eyed blonde "hi Dream, it's nice to meet you in person too" you say dripping with sarcasm causing him to laugh and give you a hug, suddenly you felt arms wrap around you both and then suddenly even more arms wrapped around you.
after a couple seconds there was a British voice in your ear "just so you know i talked Sapnap into getting you the ticket" you laughed and everyone pulled away, you all started walking to the car, the whole time talking about stuff you'd normally say in discord, you started by holding onto Sapnap's pinky with your own, then in the car you were holding hands, and walking in the house you were holding onto his arm while holding his hand.
Dream said he'd bring the luggage in for you both since he knows how much you both just want to sleep.
you heard your name being called and when you turned around he continued "where do you want your luggage? spare room or Sap's?" you smile "Sap's room" you received a quick squeeze on your hand from Sapnap.
you were tired, and he knew that, so he led you to his room and watched as you walked over and flopped on his bed, deciding to join you he crawls on the left side, you quickly flipped and curled up close to him, face in his chest, arms wrapped around you, a kiss was placed on the top of your head, and just like that, you fell asleep.
waking up the next morning you quickly noticed Sapnap wasn’t there, but you heard the sounds of three loud boys from what seems to be the living room.
getting up you went to his closet, ‘he won’t mind’ you think to yourself as you sift through his hoodies to see his corpse one, grabbing it and putting it on you head out the door and into the living room.
“Sap?” you ask quietly but loud enough that he should be able to hear, you finally come to the end of the hallway that leads into the living room to see Sapnap on one couch cheering on George as the British boy was play fighting with Dream, and surprisingly looked like he was winning.
walking over you sat next to Sapnap, putting your hand on his thigh, palm facing upward, while he took the hint and held your hand you started cheering “kick his ass Dream!” which caused Sapnap to laugh and cheer harder for George, now recognizing he didn’t want his ‘player’ to lose, “lets fucking gooo George!”
you and Sap were laughing and enjoying your time, when Dream ended up winning you went to get up to high five him, but two hands grabbed your hips and lightly sat you back down, this time on his lap.
you were nervous and overthinking, not wanting to mess up, but two arms wrapped around you, then a chin was sat on your shoulder “relax love” and so you did.
you looked over at Dream who was looking at you both with a smile “i’d high five you but i’m currently trapped” once you said the trapped part you leaned into him more and rested your hands on his arms, rubbing your thumbs on his wrists.
you and the boys just kept taking about how cool it was you are all together hanging out and not having to see each other’s faces on a screen, “George wanna make a bet they sleep together while they are here” you let out a high pitched noise out of embarrassment “Clay! shut the fuck up!” and while you were freaking out from embarrassment you felt a rumble on your back and the sound of Sapnap laughing really hard, causing you to relax a bit and let out a quiet laugh, you held Sapnap’s arms a little tighter without realizing, that caused him to realize you were a little more uncomfortable than he first noticed.
holding you closer he looked at Dream “you make everything weird” he said in a joking tone but little did you know he gave him the look of ‘please stop’, and he did once he saw that you were really red.
you normally were fine with these jokes! you’ve even made them yourself! why aren’t you now? is it because you’re in person? you know Sap wouldn’t make a move like that while you were here so why aren’t you laughing along with the jokes?
you all continued to talk about over stuff, the conversation drifting to the subject of Avatar: The Last Airbender since you and Sapnap planned on rewatching that together while you are here.
“all i’m saying is that my type is definitely season 3 Zuko” you said with a shrug. George chuckled “that explains why you’re into Sapnap” without thinking you relaxed a bit more from earlier and just said “no i’m into Sapnap, cause, have you seen him?” George tilts his head, Sapnap stiffens a bit, and you continue “the guy is just perfect, personality, looks, humor, ugh” you felt a kiss on your shoulder then heard him tell you that you’re a simp, which you did not deny.
about a week into staying with the boys you were swimming in the pool with Sapnap, you just looked at him after he said a ‘your mom’ joke to you, and it slipped out your mouth before you could process it “i’m so in love with you, my love, will you make me the happiest person and be my boyfriend?” he stopped swimming, set his feet on the bottom of the pool and smiled “i wanted to be the one to do this, you little shit” that caused you to laugh “that doesn’t answer my question Sap” he then swims toward you, stopping right in front of you, placing his hands on your cheeks, looking you straight in the eyes “i would love to be your boyfriend, because i am so in love with you too” he then leaned in, and it was peaceful, the kiss made you calm and excited at the same time, it was nice.
“George you owe me 50” Dream yells at the Brit
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softiejoon · 2 years
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i. les miserables
pairing ; namjoon x reader, ot7 x reader (platonic)
genre ; fluff, comedy
tags ; college!au, bookstore bakery!au, head baker!jin, baker!yoongi, bookstore employee!hobi, bookstore manager!namjoon, baker!jimin, bookstore employee!taehyung, baker!jungkook
warnings ; mentions of food (and bad puns), oc is having a not-so-good day, everyone being generally embarrased
summary ; it's just your luck when a storm has you rained in – making it the cherry on top of an already bad day. but the unexpected warmth of your favourite bookstore, and the people within it, provides more comfort that you could have hoped for.
word count ; 1.5k
a/n ; i hope this makes up for missing joon’s birthday <33 here’s the first part of a series i was planning to post, but wasn’t sure about whether i would continue it
if you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me ☕️
.・゜-: ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ✧ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ :-゜・.
today is an unusual day, namjoon notes, casting his gaze out the window at the brewing storm. for a number of reasons, but most notably, you.
on a usual day, namjoon hears the bell above the entrance ring on monday and wednesday mornings, along with the occasional thursday evening on your way home from class. he is used to watching your entire being glow as you step foot into the store. eyes lighting up as they scan the shelves, admiring the covers of the latest titles. your fingers run themselves along the spines and synopses as you weave through the shelves, mapping out a unique route each time – sometimes you start in contemporary and finish all the way in the back at classics; or you might skim through nonfiction before finding yourself sidling through crime and fantasy. namjoon can't help but notice the look of wonder on your face. it is the way he looks at books too. it is the way he sometimes catches himself looking at you.
today, however, that look of wonder is completely absent. namjoon throws a glance to the clock at the chime of the bell. 10 minutes till closing, on a tuesday afternoon. he frowns. worse still, you do not plot an adventurous course through the genres, nor pause to inspect the weekly staff picks. instead, you dart straight to the back, where namjoon finds you desolate on the floor next to the works of victor hugo.
"everything okay?" you startle at the voice, scrambling to your feet to meet the concerned expression of the cute bookstore employee. "you didn't happen to just finish les mis, did you?"
"uh–" you're caught off guard. "oh, no, no." you suddenly come to your senses, gaze centring on the clock behind him. "oh, you're closing, aren't you? i'll go–sorry–i didn't realise how late it was." before the words have comprehensively fallen off your tongue, you're turning your body towards the exit.
"wait!" a soft voice calls you back. "i just wanted to make sure you were okay. bad day?" he ventures.
"yeah," you sigh out. "just one of those."
the cute employee nods, sympathetic. he follows your gaze outside, where the rain comes down in torrents.
"why don't you wait out the storm here? i'm sure it will pass soon," he offers.
"no, no, i couldn't." you begin shaking your head, but the dread fills you just as fast as the huge droplets come spattering down. you grasp the distinct cavity in your bag – right where your umbrella should be. at your inward groan, the downpour seems to heighten, and you silently curse the pathetic fallacy.
he sees the crestfallen look on your face. "what's wrong?"
"it's just...nothing seems to be going right," you admit. "not even coming here could help today." you cough up a wry laugh.
the sheer spectrum of emotions you have made the cute employee of your favourite hangout witness to is almost embarrassing.
his eyes widen with an idea, a dimpled grin spreading across his face. your heart involuntarily picks up speed. "let's not give up just yet. have you tried jin's latest creation?"
he doesn't give you time to answer or object, beckoning you with fervour, "come on!"
☾ ・*˚⁺‧͙ :-゜・.
with no choice but to follow namjoon – as the badge on his sweater reads – you find yourself surrounded by the mouthwatering scent of fresh bread, entering the bakery portion of the store.
"jin!" namjoon calls out.
emerging from the back, in an apron thoroughly dusted with flour, is a handsome man with dark hair.
"what is it, joon? please don't tell me you've broken something this close to closing." his forehead creases with worry.
"no, no," namjoon laughs, shaking his head. "but it is pouring outside, so we're all stuck here for a bit. this is...oh–" he turns to you, realising in his haste he hadn't even asked for your name. a hand finds the back of his neck in embarrassment as he mumbles a soft apology, dipping his head. you refrain from smiling.
"hi, i'm y/n," you fill in. "sorry about the trouble."
"no, not at all. nice to meet you, y/n." jin grins, shaking your hand with a flour-covered one. "whoops, sorry about that." his laugh is infectious and you can't help but shake your head to indicate there's no harm done.
namjoon pipes up, remembering his original intention for leading you here. "hey, i was wondering, did we have any more of your trials from today? i think we could probably use an unbiased opinion."
jin brightens, nodding. "just did a whole tray with some slight modifications. i'd love to hear what you think," he says, turning to you.
as if suddenly remembering something, jin swivels. "excuse me." there's a perfectly pleasant smile on his face before he heads for the back, shouting, "stay out of my buns, jeon!"
☾ ・*˚⁺‧͙ :-゜・.
when jin returns, it's with a younger boy and tray full of aromatic bread in tow.
"y/n, this is jungkook – our youngest employee and resident food inhaler. jungkook, y/n. the rain has trapped us in for the mean time," he adds by explanation.
"hi." the boy gives you a shy wave, which you return.
"and this"–jin presents with a flourish–"is my latest stroke of genius: the supertuna bun!" you lean closer to inspect the creation, a soft glazed bun with a well of tuna in the centre, topped with a thin slice of egg and careful sprinkle of chives. you don't miss the fish-like shape of the garnish.
"woah," you breathe out.
jin grins. "go ahead. i'd like your honest opinion."
"really?" at his nod, you thank him and reach out to lift one off the tray. taking a slightly self-conscious bite with the three pairs of eyes on you, you nearly melt at the way the flavours sing in your mouth. the bun is perfectly balanced, savoury with just the right amount of sweetness, and cloud-soft. when you've chewed and swallowed, jin releases the question that's been threatening to spill from his lips: "well, what do you think?"
"this is amazing," you say simply, because it is.
jin's ears grow increasingly pink as you relay your review to him, causing namjoon and jungkook to snicker quietly. he pays them no mind though, hanging on to every word you say, entirely pleased with your reaction.
"you don't think the tuna flavour is too strong?" he asks for the third time.
"nope, nothing fishy about it." the quip slips past your lips before you can think to stop it.
jin pauses, his silence catching the attention of the other two men. "did you just...make a food pun?"
you wince, suddenly wishing you had risked it in the rain. before the spiral of thoughts can suck you in, jin's laugh shakes you back to the present. you're surprised to find it's not directed at you, but is instead because of you. it's difficult not to want to be the constant source of his joy.
"y/n, you have no idea how happy i am to finally meet someone with a sense of humour."
you smile, wobbly. "you're a fellow pun enthusiast then?"
"only the greatest." he lifts his chin, hitting his chest in a playful show.
"i don't know, seems like you have competition, hyung," jungkook chips in.
"what about me?" namjoon interjects.
jungkook makes little effort to suppress his chuckle. "you try, hyung," he says, giving him a pat on the shoulder, which causes all except the man in question to break out into giggles.
☾ ・*˚⁺‧͙ :-゜・.
after an hour of conversation and no shortage of dad jokes, the storm finally settles into a drizzle, light enough for you to make your way home relatively warm and dry.
"thank you again." you bow deeply to jin and namjoon in turn, unable to suppress the smile that graces your lips. "for the shelter, and helping turn this into a good day."
you're about to sink into another bow before taking your leave, when jin startles you with a proposition.
"do you want to work here?"
your head snaps up in shock. "what?" you ask dumbly.
"well, you mentioned you were recently looking for a job," jin rushes out, "so if you wanted, we'd love to have you on board." he scratches his neck, suddenly shy. "i could use a taste tester who provides useful feedback"–his gaze slides briefly to jungkook–"and someone clever to help name the rest of the creations. i'm sure joon would appreciate another pair of knowledgeable hands in the bookstore too." namjoon nods along enthusiastically.
you don't know what to say, focusing on willing the moisture from your eyes. "i...really?"
all three men express their agreement, and you make the mistake of looking into jungkook's awaiting doe eyes.
the light mist floating outside only makes this feel more like a dream, as your lips form the words in a trance.
"i'd love to."
© softiejoon | let me know what you think | support me here
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ailendolin · 2 years
Whump Wednesday - 33 - BBC Ghosts
Title: Heat [AO3]
Characters: Thomas, Humphrey, Kitty, Jean, Nigel & everyone else
Prompt: Thomas fainting - Prompt by this lovely anon here.
A/N: This is based on my headcanon that Thomas can feel the cold / temperatures. Hope you enjoy it, anon!
Prompts are open, so if you want me to write a story for you as well just send me an ask with the fandom, characters and your prompt. I’m writing for Ghosts, Yonderland, Horrible Histories and Bill at the moment.
Six Idiots Whump Wednesday / Fluff Friday masterlist is here.
“Are you all right there, mate?”
Thomas blinked as if waking from a dream. As the world around him slowly came back into focus he realised he was standing outside on the lawn under a brilliant, bright blue summer sky. Just a few feet away from him, Kitty was gently swaying her skirt from left to right. She seemed to be waiting for him to do … something but Thomas had no idea what that could be. The sunny smile slowly faded from her face and he tried his best to remember why he was here when suddenly, someone cleared their throat from below. “Down here, mate.”
Startled, Thomas looked down and found Humphrey’s head resting in his hands.
“Humphrey,” he said, surprised. How come he had not noticed him before?
“You went away there for a moment,” Humphrey said in a tone that was a touch too soft and understanding before he repeated his earlier question. “Are you all right?”
Thomas blinked down at him, not quite understanding where he could have gone when he was right here. Then the memories came back to him: he remembered Kitty, with Humphrey tucked under her arm, asking him to play volleyball with her; remembered finding it impossible to say no to her pleading eyes even though he knew he should. And he remembered giving in with a sigh and then following her outside into the unrelenting heat.
Thomas squinted up at the glaring sun and felt the world tilt at the edges of his vision. He wet his dry lips and closed his eyes for a moment, waiting for the feeling to pass. Why did it have to be so hot today? He loved summer as much as next person – it was his favourite season, after all; right after spring – but there was summer and then there was whatever hell this was. He probably wouldn’t mind so much if he had an escape from the heat but Alison and Mike had left the house just after breakfast to spend the day at the lake, and Alison had told them in no uncertain terms that they were not to be disturbed unless there was an emergency.
“And by emergency I mean like a burglary. Or a fire. Needing someone to switch the discs on the DVD player does not count as an emergency. Is that clear?”
Thomas wondered if this counted as one. He felt like he was floating; his mind kept chasing thoughts left and right without ever lingering on one for too long. Everything felt uncomfortably hot: his skin, his parched throat, even his clothes. He desperately longed to go to the lake and submerge himself in its cool waters until the blood in his veins no longer felt like it was boiling but he knew Alison wouldn’t like that, wouldn’t want him there, light-headedness or not.
So Thomas had stayed by the house, in the heat, and silently endured.
The world around him suddenly tilted to the left without warning and Thomas’s eyes flew open – when had he closed them? He caught himself just in time and somehow even managed to hold onto Humphrey’s head. When the world finally stopped spinning around him, he offered both Humphrey and Kitty a shaky smile that took a lot more effort than it normally did. “There’s no need to look at me like that. I’m quite fine.”
“Yeah, no you’re not,” Humphrey said, but not unkindly. “You’re literally swaying on your feet, mate. Making me feel quite a bit seasick, actually.”
Thomas forced himself to stand still. “Sorry.”
“It’s the heat, isn’t it?” Kitty asked quietly. “You are red all over. Like a lobster! Oh, I never should have asked you to play with me, Thomas. I am so dreadfully sorry.”
Red like a lobster – his cousin had once called him something similarly unflattering. Not for the first time Thomas silently cursed his pale complexion. What would Alison think of him if she saw him like this? Would she shrink away, disgusted by the way he looked? Or would she perhaps laugh at him like Francis had that one dreadful summer when Thomas had fallen asleep in the sun with a book half covering his face?
He shuddered at the memory.
“Maybe we should head back inside,” Humphrey suggested gently. “It’s almost time for Improv Club anyway, isn’t it?”
Thomas frowned down at him, a half-formed spark of recollection lighting up in the back of his mind. “Haven’t you been banned from Improv Club?”
Humphrey did one of his shoulderless shrugs that shouldn’t be possible but somehow were. “I’ve been banned from participating. Doesn’t mean I can’t stay and watch.”
Thomas supposed that was fair enough. He adjusted his hold on Humphrey’s head and walked over to Kitty who was still wringing her hands guiltily even though none of this was her fault.
“Perhaps you would grant me a rematch tomorrow?” he asked, hoping to put her mind at ease. “It seems I am not at my best today.”
Kitty’s answering smile was a little wobbly but sincere. “That’s all right. We can play again when it’s a little colder.”
With that her smile returned and she turned around and skipped ahead towards the house. Thomas chose to follow her at a more careful, slower pace. The moment he phased through the door he breathed a sigh of relief. While it wasn’t much colder inside the house, the sun was no longer directly beating down on him and for a few seconds Thomas simply stood in the merciful shadows and breathed. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so tired to his bones, and without meaning to he closed his eyes.
“Why don't you skip Improv Club and lie down for a bit?” Humphrey suggested quietly.
Thomas forced his eyes back open and gave him a quizzical look. “Huh?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way but you don’t look so hot right now, Thomas.”
Thomas couldn’t deny that lying down sounded tempting but today was his turn to act at Improv Club and he had been looking forward to it all week. He refused to let some blasted heatwave get in the way of that, even if he was, admittedly, not exactly in the ideal state for fast and quick-witted reactions. His thoughts were so slow and sluggish they might as well have been moving backwards but he hoped that would change once he’d sat down for a few moments.
He forced another smile to his lips and looked down at Humphrey. “I will. Later.”
Humphrey sighed but didn’t argue.
The others were already there when they arrived. Instead of squeezing himself between them on the sofa Thomas decided to lean against one of the tables instead and placed Humphrey’s Head next to him. He wasn’t quite as comfortable as he’d hoped he would be but at least his shaking legs didn’t have to carry his weight anymore – and he was there. That was all that mattered, really.
“Right, then!” Pat began with a bright smile. “Welcome to Improv Club. Today, Kitty and the Captain will start us off with a tale set in a restaurant and then Thomas and Robin will improvise a plane flight!”
“Can I be a princess?” Kitty asked, already on her feet. “Because I want to be a princess.”
Pat smiled at her. “You can be anything you want, Kitty. That’s the beauty of improv.”
She clapped her hands excitedly and let out a happy squeal that made Thomas wince. He closed his eyes, willing the pounding in his head to go away. If only they could open the windows and let in some fresh air. They didn’t really need to breathe, obviously, but the room felt awfully hot and stuffy to him – almost like a tomb no one had opened for a thousand years.
He was only dimly aware of the scene Kitty and the Captain were enacting across the room from h im. Their voices seemed to be overlapping and running together the longer he listened and somewhere in the far back of his mind, Thomas realised he was drifting off again, just like he had during the Volleyball game. He tried to shake himself out of it but it took the sudden rush of applause when Kitty and the Captain were done with their scene to pull him back to the present. Belatedly, he clapped his hands.
“Thank you for this wonderful scene!” Pat said. “Who’d have thought a princess would own a restaurant and employ an actual dragon as her cook! Well done with the fire-breathing noises by the way, Cap.”
The Captain cleared his throat, clearly pleased with himself, before he and Kitty went back to their seats.
“Next up: Thomas and Robin!” Pat announced. He gestured towards the area that functioned as their stage and mimicked talking into a radio. “Your plane is ready for take-off!”
That was Thomas’s cue. He pushed himself away from the table but before he could take even one step the ground started swaying under his feet again and the room began to spin. For a moment Thomas felt like he was on a ship, completely at the mercy of the rolling waves of the sea. Then darkness crept in on the edges of his vision and he staggered backwards. Desperate to hold onto something, Thomas blindly reached for the table behind him. His hand briefly touched something soft before it passed through the wood and then he was falling, falling, falling–
His head hit the ground with a dull thud and everything went dark.
Blearily, Thomas cracked his eyes open. He looked up at the underside of the table above him and blinked, trying to get it into focus. A little spider was busy building a web by the table leg to his left and Thomas watched it in detached fascination until he heard his name again. He turned his head to the side.
“Humphrey,” he said, feeling a sense of déjà vu. “What are you doing on the floor?”
“You swept me off the table when you went down, mate,” Humphrey said.
Oh, Thomas thought.
“Sorry,” he said, faintly aware of the others talking all over each other somewhere above him and to his right. “It seems I should have listened to you, Humphrey.”
Maybe he could stay here and rest, now that he was lying down already, he mused. Robin would have to fly their imaginary airplane alone but Thomas had no doubt he would figure it out. Or perhaps Mary could become his co-pilot, or Julian. Thomas was pretty sure Robin would prefer that anyway. Thomas was never anyone’s first choice for anything, after all. Always the odd one out – tolerated but never liked, never loved.
His heart hurt at the thought.
“Oh gosh, is he all right?” Kitty asked from somewhere to his right.  
“What’s wrong with him?” That was Lady Button.
“It be the heat,” Mary said. She sounded oddly subdued, almost as if she pitied him.
There was some murmuring Thomas couldn’t quite make out, and then Pat said, “We need to cool him down.”
“Well, it’s not like we can put him in a cold bath, now can we?” the Captain said.
“Julian could turn on water,” Robin suggested.
Julian huffed. “No, Julian can’t because Alison installed those fancy new motion sensor faucets, remember?”
Robin made a disappointed noise. “Right. Forgot. How about fridge? Is cool in there.”
“I don’t think Thomas can stand up right now, mate,” Pat said.
There was a moment of blessed silence. Thomas closed his eyes and willed the throbbing pain in his head to subside. 
“Didn’t he once say our touchs be cool?” Mary mused.
“Yes but we’d need to touch bare skin or it wouldn’t have much of an effect,” Pat reminded her.
“So?” Julian again. “I don’t see why that should be a problem–“
“No,” Thomas murmured, turning his head away from them and trying his best to curl in on himself despite the heat. The mere thought of someone undressing him, of them seeing, let alone touching his wound made him more nauseous than even the heat. He didn’t want their hands all over him.
Then he realised he wouldn’t be able to stop them if they ignored his plea. His breathing hitched and his body began to tremble as his heart leapt into his throat
“It’s all right,” Humphrey suddenly said, his voice almost painfully soft. “We won’t do anything you don’t want, Thomas. Promise.”
“How about the lake, then?” Lady Button asked after a beat. “That would cool him down, wouldn’t it?”
“Too far away,” Mary said. “He be needing help now.”
They all fell silent again until the Captain cleared his throat. “We could take him to the basement.”
“Could work,” Robin said. The others murmured in agreement and before Thomas knew what was happening, hands gently but firmly grabbed him by the arms and pulled him to his feet. The pain in his head pulsated worse than before and he groaned as the room started spinning again.
“Just let me rest.”
Someone gently patted his hand. “In a moment, Thomas.”
The next few minutes were a blur of spinning hallways and tilted stairs. At one point Thomas squeezed his eyes shut to try to escape the vertigo but the darkness only made the feeling worse so he opened them again and watched helplessly as Julian and Robin not so gently dragged him through the house. By the time they finally descended the stairs to the basement his stomach was churning so badly with nausea Thomas was sure he was going to throw up, ghostly nature or not. He felt awful and just wanted to lie down and not move ever again.
“What’s this, now?” a familiar voice asked, pulling him from his miserable thoughts. Thomas squinted at the darkness in front of him. It was blissfully cool down here and, completely exhausted, Thomas allowed his weight to rest against Robin’s side and sighed in relief.
“Thomas need help,” Robin’s voice rumbled in his ear. “He’s too hot.”
“Oh, he certainly is,” one of the female villagers grinned, making Julian laugh.
Thomas couldn’t see it but Robin glared at both of them. “This serious!”
“I know, I know. Sorry,” Julian said, not sounding sorry at all.
There was a little commotion before a different voice said, “Put him over here.”
Jean. That was Jean. She had always been kind to him.
With Robin and Julian’s help, Thomas gathered up the last of his strength and staggered towards the corner on the far side of the room she had pointed at. He let them lower him down and desperately hoped they would finally leave him alone now. There was no way he would get back on his feet now. His head was still throbbing as if someone had opened a forge in it and all he wanted was to drift off into unconsciousness so the pain would finally stop.
Cold, gentle hands lightly touched his face. “Hey.”
Thomas cracked his eyes open. He could just about make out the contours of Nigel’s face in the dark.
“Nigel,” he rasped out. “Sorry for barging in here like that. I … I don’t feel so good.”
“I know,” Nigel said softly. “We’ll try to make it better, okay?”
Thomas closed his eyes and leaned into his touch. “Okay.”
He felt the others crowd around him. Some of them reached for his hands, others for his calves and ankles but no one made any move to undress him or touch his chest. Thomas was grateful for that. For the first time since he woke up that morning, he stopped feeling like he was burning up from the inside. He could have sobbed in relief.
“Why didn’t he go to the lake?” Jean asked quietly from somewhere to his left. Thomas thought it might be her holding his hand and tracing gentle, cooling patterns against his skin with her thumb.
“Too far away,” Robin answered at the same time as Thomas murmured, “Alison wouldn’t want me there.”
The basement fell silent. It was the sort of silence that hung heavily in the air and made Thomas wonder if he’d said something wrong. It was the truth, though – Alison had said herself she only wanted to be disturbed in an emergency. And no matter how awful and out of sorts he’d been feeling all day, they all knew he wasn’t in any real danger and would be fine eventually. He always was so this wasn’t a real emergency.
“I’m sure she wouldn’t have minded,” Nigel said at last, his tone soft and reassuring. He pulled back his hands so he could wrap an arm around Thomas and gently guide his head onto his shoulder. “And you are always welcome down here too, Thomas. I hope you know that.”
Thomas hadn’t. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had been truly welcomed anywhere.
“Thank you,” he managed to whisper.  
He stayed in the basement for the rest of the day. The others went back upstairs eventually, presumably to tell Alison what had happened, but Thomas didn’t have the strength to follow them, not yet. He turned his head into Nigel’s shoulder. “Nigel?”
“Can I stay a little longer?”
Nigel’s arm tightened around him and someone lightly patted his knee. “You can stay for as long as you like.”
The other plague ghosts murmured in agreement and Thomas relaxed.
“Just until nightfall,” he mumbled. “I’ll get out of your hair then.”
He fell asleep long before the sun had set and the first stars twinkled into existence. The villagers didn’t wake him, not even when Alison came downstairs to check up on him. They watched over him all through the night, and when morning came and the sun rose above the horizon again, promising another warm summer day, they were there when he woke up too.
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ms-m-astrologer · 4 years
Transiting Mercury stations direct!
Timeline (current events in bold)
Friday, January 15, 07:56 UT - Mercury enters pre-Rx shadow, 11:01 Aquarius
Wednesday, January 27 - Mercury enters “Storm” (moving less than one degree per day; this is like the actual retrograde getting an early start, sigh)
Saturday, January 30, 15:52 UT - Mercury stations retrograde, 26:29 Aquarius
Monday, February 8, 13:48 UT - Sun-Mercury inferior conjunction, 20:01 Aquarius
Sunday, February 21, 00:52 UT  - Mercury stations direct, 11:01 Aquarius
Saturday, February 27 - Mercury exits “Storm” (this is when the retrograde will “feel” like it’s over)
Friday, March 12, 05:09 UT - Mercury exits post-Rx shadow, 26:29 Aquarius
Mercury’s function in our charts is to serve as our inner computer program, which we can boil down to: 
Input -> Process -> Output
That means we can equate Mercury’s retrograde periods to “debugging,” or to upgrading the software. Something about the ways we learn, think, and communicate needs work. If you think about Merc Rx this way, it’s much easier to deal with!
So - I don’t think this was a particularly awful Mercury retrograde, do you? There were the usual computer snafus, but nothing really horrible. Nothing that made anybody’s life difficult for longer than thirty minutes, tops. Maybe it was because both the benefics (Venus and Jupiter) are in Aquarius, too? Although Saturn is there as well - but perhaps Venus and Jupiter together means that Saturn was overruled.
Anyway, most of the aspects happening while Mercury is in its post-retrograde shadow, happen with Lady Asteroids, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, and the Nodes. We can’t see any of them with our naked eye, and I’m wondering if their effects will be more subconscious. The one and only “visible” planet involved is Jupiter: there’s a third and final conjunction between the two. What do you all think?
Tuesday, March 2, 05:58 UT - Vesta Rx/Virgo inconjunct Mercury/Aquarius, 15:02 (15 degrees 2 minutes)
Third of three. By this time, Mercury is not only direct, it has left its “Storm” phase, where it moves less than 40 minutes a day. We’re probably all thinking, “Why isn’t anything straightened out yet?” There could be some situation we still need to “adjust” a bit.
Placements affected lie between 14:02 and 16:02 of all signs; Aries and Cancer may feel it especially keenly.
Tuesday, March 2, 23:33 UT - North Node/Gemini trine Mercury/Aquarius; South Node/Sagittarius sextile Mercury/Aquarius, 15:38
Third of three. We can get some crucial piece of information now, and/or something is clarified, so that we can move on with whatever Mercury-type things we have going on. As with all the flowing aspects, we really need to be paying attention - they can flow right past us, and we’re none the wiser.
Placements affected lie between 14:38 and 16:38 of the yang signs Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
Friday, March 5, 03:27 UT - Jupiter/Aquarius conjunct Mercury/Aquarius, 17:32
Third of three. These were first conjunct on January 11, and next on February 14. These third and final aspects always bring closure of some kind. Whatever that amazing, mind-blowing idea was, we’re now finally in a position to nurture and grow the seed. The Moon in Sagittarius (Jupiter’s sign) will sextile this conjunction over the 5th/6th; we may acquire some remarkably wonderful long-term intellectual goal.
Placements affected lie between 16:32 and 18:32 of all signs, and between 1:32 and 3:32 of the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
Monday, March 8, 02:11 UT - Mercury/Aquarius semi-sextile Neptune/Pisces, 20:31
Third of three. This is another one that we may not really “feel,” although it’s more because of Neptune’s fog. It is also a waning, 12th-House semi-sextile, which kind of doubles down on the fog and confusion. Again, the Moon (in Capricorn by now) will act as a kind of trigger for anything that happens. Make sure both sides of your brain are tuned in, if you want to take advantage of this one.
Placements affected lie between 19:31 and 21:31 of all signs.
Monday, March 8, 09:58 UT - Ceres/5:52 Aries semi-square Mercury/20:52 Aquarius
While Ceres was in Pisces and Mercury was in pre-retrograde shadow and then retrograde, the two planets made a semi-sextile. Therefore this semi-square may come as something of an unpleasant jolt. Did we forget something important? Keep in mind that Ceres is also approaching Chiron - which did make three semi-squares to Mercury. There may be some apologizing to do.
Placements affected lie between 19:52 and 21:52 of the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius; and between 4:52 and 6:52 of the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
Monday, March 8, 13:28 UT - Juno/Sagittarius sextile Mercury/Aquarius, 21:01
Third of three. Given the “nasty surprise!” nature of the previous aspect, we may well be in need of some skills at negotiation. We have (I hope) learned to communicate with our partners, or at least to trust our partners a little bit.
Placements affected lie between 20:01 and 22:01 of the yang signs Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
Wednesday, March 10, 02:10 UT - Chiron/7:44 Aries semi-square Mercury/22:44 Aquarius
Third of three. In order to be able to move on to the bigger and better future, we’ll have to let some things go - and this semi-square seems to be all about that bittersweet realization. I’m not sure what’s harder to accept: something that helped you, and that you cherish, isn’t going to help someone else; or your wounded ego refusing to acknowledge that not everyone has to like the same things you like.
Placements lie between 21:44 and 23:44 of the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius; and between 6:44 and 8:44 of the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
Wednesday, March 10, 23:01 UT - Eris/Aries sextile Mercury/Aquarius, 23:45
Third of three. Whatever was ticking us off, as we went into this retrograde, we can now express clearly (if not always politely). If we’re tired of putting up with bullshit, I think this can be the day when we stop putting up with it. Aries is hot, and Aquarius is cold - if we’ve been working on doing both at once, if there is something we are that angry about - we may finally be able to pull it off today.
Placements lie between 22:45 and 24:45 of the yang signs Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
Saturday, March 13, 01:41 UT - Pluto/Capricorn semi-sextile Mercury/Aquarius, 26:18
Third of three. Again, this is pretty subtle, and we’d have to be making a conscious effort to tap in to the energy. But, after all the trials and tribulations of the past two months, do you feel smarter? Is your mind a little deeper, a little more powerful? If so, and even if not, what are you going to do about it?
Placements affected lie between 25:18 and 27:18 of all signs.
For planning ahead purposes, the next Mercury retrograde will be between May 14 and July 7, between 16:08 and 24:43 Gemini.
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