#i hope he gets dropped by everyone who knows him
claypgeon · 10 hours
little norris — f1 grid
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pairing. f1 grid x norris!reader
summary: everyone loves when landon’s little sister attends races, especially the racers. 2.4K
warning; multiple people are interested in reader. fluff. reader gets so extremely spoiled.
notes; i got kinda lazy towards the end :( hope you all still enjoy! thank you for reading, comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated :)
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“What do you mean little norris is here?” Carlos Sainz spluttered, looking around the group of men, seeing the same bewildered expression on their faces.  
It was two hours before the race, Charles, George, Oscar, Max, Carlos, Daniel, and Lando were catching up inside of Mclaren’s hospitality, that was until Lando dropped the bomb, his sister, more well known as little norris, was there. 
“Yeah, I’m going to go meet her at the gate,” Lando muttered, turning around to the couch and picking up his phone before pocketing it. “You could join me-” he turned back around, only to find that the space, which was previously occupied by his friends, was now completely empty. Looking around, with furrowed brows, he scoffed, “Assholes.” 
Walking up to the gate, Lando smiled at the sight of his baby sister, he was well aware of the cameras on them. And while he was very well used to it, you still seemed slightly uncomfortable. It had been a while since you had come to a race, a year or so. So being around this many cameras, was not your usual day-to-day. 
Still, you smiled brightly walking up to your big brother. Greeting each other, you hugged tightly, although you hadn’t been at a race for more than a year, you had Lando had seen each other less than a week ago. Only a year apart, you two had always been close, basically being best friends since your birth. 
“Can you explain why your friends are very persistent about me visiting them today?” you questioned, now in the great comfort of Mclaren’s hospitality, you sipped on your orange juice, raising a brow to your brother. 
Confused, Lando questioned who and what you were talking about. You explained that for the past ten minutes or so, you had been bombarded by messages from some of his closest friends. All begging you to visit them. 
“Those Muppets!” Lando scoffed loudly, shaking his head in disbelief. “The second I brought you up, they ran away to do god knows what!” he rambled.
You shrugged, pausing for a second before pulling yourself up with a groan. Lando watching your movements in confusion. “Where are you going?” 
You avoided eye contact, pursing your lips, and slowly walking towards the exit. “You’re going to see them!” Lando pointed an accusing finger at you, standing up and staring at you with betrayal.  
You sped up, looking over your shoulder with a frown, “I’ve missed them!” 
.  .  . 
Your first pit stop was the Ferrari garage. Charles had been the most persistent of the group, pleading with you to meet Leo, his new puppy. 
You felt out of place in the sea of red, but you trotted through, making it up to hospitality with only a handful of dirty looks. 
“Mon Amour!” a loud, excited voice broke through your thoughts. Charles. Smiling brightly, you look up to find Charles quickly making his way to you, the brightest smile on his gorgeous face. 
He wrapped his arms around you with lightning speed, swaying side to side, placing what felt like hundreds of kisses on your cheek. “It’s been too long,” he murmured sweetly. You laughed, leaning deeper into his chest, “You visited me two months ago.”
Two months ago, you were met with the surprise of a very cheerful Charles in your college dorm, claiming he ‘couldn’t go another day without seeing your face.’ He had only stayed for a day in a half, but you had to admit, it was nice to have a distraction from your studies. 
“Too long.” He murmured once more. You pulled away, choosing to ignore the deep frown on his face. You reminded him of what you came here first for; Leo. With a pout on his face, he led you to where a cute tiny puppy stood on the ground. 
Getting on your knees, you cooed, “Oh you’re so beautiful.” you muttered, too entranced with the adorable puppy, to see Charles slip away for a quick moment. 
Charles walked over to a Ferrari employee, continuously turning to make sure you were still focused on Leo. The employee slipped him a tiny paper bag, Charles thanked him, and without another word, he walked back over to you. 
You continued playing with Leo, ignoring Charles, making him scowl. He was aware Leo was cute, but wasn’t he cuter? 
“Amour?” he called for you, looking up, you raised a brow, and he held out his hands for you, pulling up. “I got something for you.” he led you to the red couch, placing you down as if you were a delicate doll. 
And it started. You thought. Every time you would visit the paddock, you were bombarded by different gifts from some of Lando’s closets friends. Not that it bothered you. It was probably wrong, but getting so much attention, by so many gorgeous men, ignited a flame in you. And you never wanted it to stop.
“Oh, yeah?” you batted your eyelashes up at him, and you visibly saw him gulp. He sat next to you and nodded vigorously while handing you a small paper bag. Looking inside, you saw a velvet box, your eyes widened. Jewelry?
Pulling out the box, you blinked at Charles, he smiled at you reassuringly. Opening the box, you gulped loud enough for someone on the other side of the room to hear. You were used to nice gifts from Charles, but this? This was next level. Inside the velvet box was a tennis bracelet that no doubt cost more than your entire outfit combined. 
You blinked, looking up at Charles, who was staring down at you with puppy eyes, “Do you like it? We can exchange it if you don’t. It just…your brother only told us you were coming like ten minutes ago, and I needed to get you something-” you cut off his rambling, by placing a small kiss on the corner of his lips, he instantly froze. 
“I love it.” You breathly mumbled, carefully taking the bracelet out of the box, “Help me put it on?” 
.  .  . 
You were beaming as you walked out of Ferrari hospitality and into Carlos’s garage. The bracelet Charles had gifted you was gorgeous, and it made you feel like you were walking on air. Lando could die, and you would still be shining. 
Arriving at the garage, you frowned, not seeing Carlos anywhere. You spent the next five minutes looking around, but no trace of him. Just as you turned to leave, you saw him. He ran into the garage with a giant bouquet of red roses in hand. He looked around urgently until his eyes landed on you.
Everyone in the room noticed how when he set eyes on you, it was like he became entranced. His eyes looked you up and down about ten times, in between the time when you walked over to him. 
You didnt speak, instead choosing to bring him into a tight hug, smelling of his expensive cologne. You spent the next seconds in each other’s tight embrace. Out of everyone on the grid, other than your brother. You knew Carlos the longest, and it was evident with how tightly you clung to each other. 
You felt the bouquet digging into your back, pulling back, Carlos instantly held it out to you, “Para ti,” for you. 
“Thank you, Carlos,” you took the flowers with a pouty smile, they were bigger than your head. 
“I got you something,” he muttered, pulling you towards a corner in the garage, shielding you from prying eyes. You tilted your head, eyes trailing down to his perfect lips, he reached into his back pocket, pulling out two tickets. 
He wordlessly handed them you to, taking the flowers with one hand. You stared at the tickets confused, you gasped, reading them. Greece, June 15, one-person ticket. You flipped the ticket looking over the other one, Greece, June 15, one-person ticket. You looked by at the Spanish man, with a gasp, “You didnt.” 
The man smiled, leaning closer, “I did.” he whispered, placing a deep kiss on your forehead. “For us?” you held up the tickets, needing clarification.
“For us.” he confirmed. Holy shit you were going to Greece. 
.  .  .
You hadn’t been in the paddock for more than thirty minutes and you already had a tennis bracelet, a bouquet of flowers, and a trip to Greece. 
Then came the ethical dilemma. Was it okay to take all these gifts, knowing they were given to you with the intent they had, probably not. Did you care? No. 
Some might call you shameless, but you didnt care. You loved feeling loved. You loved knowing you had these men wrapped around your finger. You loved knowing they would do anything for you. 
It had been this way for years, them buying you things with the hopes of a relationship. And you weren’t planning on putting a stop to it any time soon. It might seem impossible, but you loved them all. And you didnt see why you had to pick one. Why couldn’t you have them all?
And it’s not like they don’t know about each other. They do. Each one of them are aware of the others. That just makes it all more competitive. And with more competitiveness, came more gifts for you. Perfect.  
“Max!” you laughed, feeling someone pick you up from behind. The broad shoulders and ruff hands gave it away. You heard him let out a deep chuckle, leading you to some high chairs. 
Once he placed you down on the chair, you were finally able to get a good look at him, he was perfect as always. “Hi.” you whisper as he wraps his arms around your waist, with a content sigh. 
“Hi, schatje.” he leaned into your neck, placing small kisses, not caring about those around you too. 
“How are you?” you whispered, placing your hands around his neck, but he didnt answer, he focused himself on your right wrist, where the bracelet Charles had gifted you lay.
Silently, he turned to you with a raised brow. “Charles?” he guessed with an eye roll. You nodded, giggling brightly, “It’s cute, no?” 
“Yeah, adorable.” he grumbled, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his phone. You frowned, not liking how his attention wasn’t on you. That was until he handed you his phone, nuzzling back into your neck without a care in the world.
You took the iPhone, holding it up to your eyes. “A boat?” you questioned looking down at a smiling Max, he hummed, nodding. On the phone was a page, dedicated to what you assumed was selling boats. 
“You bought one?” you whispered in wonder, swiping through teh pictures of said boat. It was huge, with three stories: the bottom deck, the middle deck, and the very top deck. Your eyes widened looking at the price tag. Holy shit that was a lot of money. 
“For you,” he mumbled, placing a final kiss on teh side of your neck before standing up straight, looking at you expectingly. 
You froze. No fucking way. This, this was crazy. “Max-” you started shaking your head, but his puppy dog’s eyes froze you in place instantly. 
“Just take it okay?” he leaned his forehead against yours, “I need to one up Charles.” 
.   .  .
“Daniel!” you laughed in joy as he wrapped his arms around you swinging you around. 
“Little Norris!” he cherred, carefully placing your feet on the ground, and pating your hair down with a beaming smile. 
He stood staring for a smile, admiring your beaming smile as you looked up at him, “How did you get even prettier?” he wondered in amazement. 
“The same way you got prettier.” you grinned cheekily, he blushed, taking your hand and learning you out of the garage. 
“Remember when you told me you wanted to take golf lessons?” he reminisced, waving over to some fans who were calling out for his attention with his free hand. 
You nodded thoughtfully. You had talked about wanting golf lessons for years, never having the time to actually do them. 
He stared down at you with a glint in his eyes, you paused, gasping with a big smile, “You didn’t!” 
He laughed, wrapping his arms around you once more, “I thought since you were finishing school soon, it was the perfect time.” 
You stared up at him in adoration, “Have I ever told you how much I adore you.”
“Hm.” he whispered in your ear, “I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”
.  .  .
“Don’t you look pretty?” Georges’s voice cut through your thoughts, as he walked over to you, placing a deep kiss on your cheek while holding your hands. 
You thanked him, pulling him down to the couch, and leaning against his chest. Yawing. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, “Tired?” 
You nodded, closing your eyes, “It’s so tiring being wanted by so many handsome men..” you sighed dramatically, George laughed loudly, leaning against your back as his body shook in joy
“Cheeky girl.” he giggled, before placing a smooch against your head. “Ready to know what I got you?” he whispered. 
You rolled your eyes with a smile, “I guess..” you sighed, turning to him, and giving him a chaste kiss on his cheek, letting him know you were just joking.
He handed you his phone, you quickly scanned through the screen. You opened your mouth in shock, throwing his phone down on the couch, “You got me land on the fucking moon?”
.  .  . 
 “Like the actual moon?” Oscar gasped, staring up at you with an open mouth, he was lying on your chest, you were both in his small drivers room, passing time.
“The actual fucking moon.” you laughed, shaking your head. You had just finished recalling your encounter with the others, Oscar sighed, “How am I going to top that?”
You frowned, “I don’t think anyone would ever top that. I mean…” you shuddered, “it’s the literal moon Oscar. The moon.”
“That is pretty cool.” he leaned closer to you, “But I’m still going to live the rest of my life trying to top that.” 
You smiled at him, suddenly bashful, “You don’t have to.” 
“But I want to.” he held your hand with a teasing smile. “Ready for the spa day tomorrow?” 
That was Oscar’s gift to you, a very luxurious day with him, where he will take you shopping, get you pampered, and eat at the best restaurants Monaco has to offer. 
“I’m so ready.” you groaned, “Walking around all day was exhausting.” 
“But worth it, no?” he glanced at the tennis bracelet on your wrist, you giggled, nodding vigorously, “Totally worth it.”
tag list; @tinyhrry @bokutos-babyowl @ririyulife @iamspeed16 @inblurtub @lillysbigwilly @w00d1and @evie-119 @rexit-mo @annabellelee
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Give Into The Temptation
Oscar Piastri x Fem!Norris!Reader
warnings: ‼️‼️⚠️⚠️SPOILERS FOR TWISTED HATE BY ANA HUANG ‼️‼️⚠️⚠️, cursing, SMUT
Thank you to @forevercaffeinated-lee for this idea! I hope it meets your expectations <3!
Slight enemies to lovers
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When I first met Oscar I thought he was cute and he is but my god was he so full of himself.  
Now don’t get me wrong, I love a man who’s confident and knows what he wants but Oscar was not that.
Oscar was cocky, full of himself and sometimes downright disrespectful. I usually let it slide because I didn’t see him often so I didn’t have to deal with it, emphasis on the word usually.
I’ve been on the road with Lando so far this whole 2024 season because he had asked me to tag along, he something about missing his twin sister or some bullshit like that, in reality everyone knew that I was here because he liked the way I made his meal preps and not the person that’s currently doing it now.
This is the week of the Monaco Grand Prix and Lando has been out all day with his trainer all day doing whatever the trainer made him do all the while I’m stuck at the condo alone.
I was chilling out on a pineapple floaty in the pool when I heard the front door open. I'd decided that I wanted to play a prank on Lando so I snuck out of the pool and quickly dried myself off before quietly sneaking into the condo. I'd heard rustling coming from the bathroom and that gave me the perfect chance to scare him. I waited against the wall for about 45 seconds before I heard the door open, I waited for a second until I saw a taller figure step out the bathroom and with a big leap I screamed 'Boo' at the man in front of me.
However, I didn't get as much joy from scaring Lando as I thought I would and that was only because I didn't scare Lando. I scared Oscar.
"Ah! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Oscar screamed as I still stood in front of him, placing his hand on his chest as if to slow down his heartbeat.
"What are you doing here?!" I screamed back in total shock and anger that he was here. I mean how did he even get the key? Only Lando and I had a key?
"I'm staying here this race weekend dipshit. You know this." His attitude evident, as always.
"Obviously not, seeing as I'm JUST NOW FINDING THIS OUT!" I shout. I'm so frustrated, I wanted to have a nice weekend to support my brother and hopefully only see Oscar when needed, but turns out I'm gonna be spending the WHOLE weekend with him.
"That's it, I'm going back out by the pool." I scoffed while I dragged my feet dramatically out to the backyard.
Back out by the pool, I was laying on one of the lawn chairs and I decided that I was going to try and finish the book I was currently reading 'Twisted Hate' by one of my favorite authors Ana Huang.
While I was reading, I was so deep in thought that I hadn't heard the patio door open and Oscar come out. At least not until I heard a big splash in the water and felt drops of it land on my legs.
"You muppet! I'm reading here!" I shouted as I took the towel I brought out to dry my not-so-wet legs. Oscar looked displeased with me as when I looked up I saw him rolling his eyes at me.
I continued reading in peace and quiet for about another 15 minutes before my timer went off indicating that I should go apply more sunscreen before I get too burned. I let out a annoyed groan because my book was just getting good so I quickly got up and went into the air conditioned condo to the living room to grab the spray on sunscreen, applying it before walking back outside.
Opening the back door, I was quickly met with a sight of Oscar with a towel around his waist and my book in his hand.
"Oscar, put my book down now!" my face just as red as a tomato at the thought of Oscar reading the previous page of the two characters fucking. Part of me didn't want him to know what I read on my free time but part of me wanted him to have read it so that he learns not to pick up and read random books.
"Twisted Hate? I think I've heard of this book." if my face was red before, it must've been a shade of hell right now. How did he know about this book? Maybe someone said it was a good series? Did he know about the pure sex written in it? So many questions flooded my head but before I could question what he meant by what he said he continued talking
"Yeah, Jules ends up telling Josh that she was the one that took the painting. Josh was mad at her at first but then they had make-up sex. Turns out he didn't forgive her and 'broke up' with her mid orgasm and kicked her out." My face fell in shock. There's no way this bitch just fucking spoiled this book for me. No, he's making shit up. There's no way he'd know what was going on in the book, someone could've told him about the 'break in'. Oscar loves to get under my skin and this would be a good way he could do it.
A scoff left my lips as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Yeah fucking right. That's a good one Piastri, and to think I almost believed you. Wow, this is a new low for you." I laughed as I snatched my book from his grasp and gathered my stuff. I was going to finish my book in the comfort of my well air conditioned room until my brother comes back and we go out to eat.
It had been about 30 minutes since my last interaction with Oscar and I was sitting against the headboard of the bed under the covers reading. I was having a good time in the quiet of the room while reading until I got to a part that eerily started to sound like what Oscar told me was going to happen between Jules and Josh.
I kept reading because I didn't want to believe that Piastri was THAT disrespectful to actually spoil my book for me. Sure enough that Aussie dipshit did in fact spoil my book for me. With an angry grunt I peeled myself away from the book and left my room. I was going to find Oscar and kill him.
I searched the house with so much anger in me I felt like I was going to explode. I finally spotted Oscar still out by the pool except this time instead of being in the water, he was sun bathing. Lord knows he needs it because of how pale he was.
Swinging the patio door open I started yelling " OSCAR JACK PIASTRI!" The volume of my voice and the slam of the door startled Oscar and he quickly locked his phone before chucking it on the lawn chair next to his. "YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING BASTARD!" A slight smirk plastered on his face as he saw how mad I was.
"Finally get to the part I spoiled for you?" he looked so cocky right now and all I wanted to do was to punch him right in his sexy face. No, stop Y/N don't think like that.
"You're a cunt Oscar. I want to never see you again!" I stomped my foot. I looked like an angry toddler when they wouldn't get their way.
"Oh that's cute. We're rooming in the same house this weekend and in case you forgot, your brother and I are on the same team so that's not happening." I watched as a small laugh left his incredibly sexy and slightly plump lips.
As much as I wanted to be mad at Oscar I couldn't help but want to swoon for him right now. He'd gotten out of the pool not that long ago because his body wasn't wet anymore but his swim trunks and hair were still damp. That nasty smirk still plastered on his sexy face, his damp curls laying in every direction, his perfectly toned chest on display, the damp swimming trunks sticking to his hard cock. Wait, is he hard? Was he watching porn before I came out??
"As much as I'm flattered that you're checking me out, my eyes are up here princess." Oscar called as he snapped his fingers at me before pointing to his eyes when I finally looked up.
Did I just get caught checking out the man I hated the most while I'm trying to be angry and yell at him?
"As if. I- I would never check you out. You- You're the last guy I would want to find attractive." I swallowed the lump in my throat as I watched Oscar slowly start to walk in my direction stopping right in front of me. He was so close I could feel his breath on my face, none of us moved and I don't think either of us wanted to. Oscar raised his hands to rest on both sides of my face, leaning in but stopping right before our lips met.
"Really? So why aren't you backing away from my touch?" He was so close to me and all I wanted to do was have the most rough and dirty sex with him right now. "You hate me right? You know they say there's a blurred line between Love and Hate."
"I" need you "I would never love you" I'm trying so hard not to give into the temptation of falling for Oscar but it's so hard. Oscar might be harder but I don't want to be the first to give in. I left heavy calloused hand on my waist and gave it a small squeeze which caused a pathetic small moan to escape my lips.
"That moan that left your mouth just now says otherwise," Oscar and I made eye contact just before he turned his head to whisper in my ear "just say the word and I'll fuck you 7 ways to Sunday before your brother gets back" His hand slowly sliding down my front before they got to my bathing suit bottoms, stopping right above the elastic.
A whimper left my lips before I could stop it. "Is this fine?" Oscar said as he grabbed my chin to look up and face him, a small nod of approval was what I gave him but that wasn't enough "No princess, I need words. Is this okay with you?" Even when we're so deep in this intimate moment he's getting on my nerves.
"Yes," I said breathlessly as I placed my hand on his and guided him underneath the fabric of my bikini bottoms "I need this, I need you so fucking bad." I whispered as I had leaned into the crook of him neck to leave small and delicate kisses.
A heard a groan leave Oscar's lips as I started to suck the skin of his neck to litter his gorgeous skin with hickies.
"Mmmm, fuck. I need you right now." Oscar moaned right before he smashed his lips to mine. The kiss didn't last too long before Oscar picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started to make his way to my room and slamming the door once we were in. Oscar placed a hard and firm slap to my ass before tossing me on the bed.
"You're so sexy, did you know that?" Oscar started talking while slowly crawling towards me leaving kisses in his wake, started by my feet "I've always dreamed of fucking you since I met you" left a kiss just below my knee "I've jerked off to the thought of me fucking you in my drivers room, making you scream my name so loud they can hear you in the grandstands" kissed my clothed pussy, causing me to jerk my body up "and the thought of filling you so full you're carrying child." kissed my stomach "I've thought about taking you at so many events." kissed my breasts "I thought about us getting caught while I'm fucking your mouth." kissed the under side of my jaw before looking in my eyes "I thought about us getting married and just fucking like rabbits everywhere I can take you" He kissed my lips before biting my bottom lip
"Do it." I said breathless as Oscar leaned down to kiss my cleavage, the second those words left my mouth I felt him freeze.
"Which part?" He searched my face for an answer
"All of it." In 0.2 seconds flat his lips were on mine in a hungry kiss before he licked my bottom lip for entrance which I happily granted him access to. Our tongues fought for dominance but his ultimately won, as we made out I felt an ache in my core that I needed to get rid of. I bucked my hips up to rub against his hard cock, it didn't last long though as one of Oscar's hands pressed firmly on my low stomach pressing my lower half into the mattress.
"Impatient are we?" A small moan left my lips "Don't worry baby, I'm gonna take good care of you" Oscar took the hand that he had pressed against my stomach and moved it to take off his swim trunks before moving that same hand to undo the knots on the strings on the sides of my bathing suit bottoms. Undoing two double knotted knots with one hand was supposed to be hard but Oscar made it seem easy, and hot. Super super hot. Oscar peeled the bottoms off of me and chucked it to God knows where in the room.
Oscar grabbed his cock and fisted it a few times before lining his tip to my entrance before looking in my eyes once again asking for permission
"Oscar, please fuck me. I can't wait anymore" I whimpered. At this point I don't care how pathetic I sounded, I had a hot man in front of me about to fuck me and I needed him.
That was all the confirmation he needed before he slid his cock so deep in my cunt I felt like I could feel him in my throat. He was big and thick, not too big but my god was he thick. My walls stretched in a delicious pain as I adjusted to his size. A quick tap to Oscar's bicep told him all he needed to know before he pulled out and slowly slid back in. He kept going at a slower pace before I spoke up.
"Oscar," I moaned
"Yeah baby, what do you need?" He leaned in to kiss my collarbone
"I need you to fuck me faster" without a second thought Oscar pulled out and slammed into my pussy, easing the aching throb thats been there for a minute.
My walls stretched with each hard and rough thrust of his cock and I enjoyed every minute of it. Oscar had one hand on my hip and used it to guide my hips up to meet his every thrust. Oscar kept fucking me raw and rough for about another 2 minutes before he abruptly pulled out.
A disappointed groan left my lips at the feeling of being empty but that didn't last long because Oscar ended up flipping me around and forcing me on all fours. I turned half my body to face him and I watched he stood on his knees and aligned himself with my entrance again and grabbed my hips and thrusted his cock in me.
A loud moan left my lips as I felt so full of him again. Oscar set a blistering pace as he rocked his hips in and out of my dripping pussy. Oscar slowly withdrew his cock from my pussy before slowly pushing his girthy cock back in making sure he'd bottom out. Even though Oscar was bottomed out he kept pushing himself deeper in me which caused me to reach behind me to attempt to grab ahold of his thighs in hopes to pull him closer to me to make him go impossibly deeper in my cunt.
Oscar finally started his thrusts up again and was fucking me so hard I'm pretty sure the bed was moving. Each thrust sent my body jerking forward and I felt like I was on fire. I could feel a familiar tightness in my tummy as Oscar keeps his merciless pace going.
"Gonna cum for me sweet girl?" Oscar's hand brushed up my back and rested on my shoulder.
"Mmhmm" was all I could muster, Oscar was fucking me so good I couldn't form coherent sentences. I felt Oscar pull out of me before quickly flipping me untilI I was on my back and he thrusted right back into be with so much force.
"I wanna see your pretty face when I make you cum. M'gonna ruin you for any other man." I can't focus, I'm so close to cumming and I need this release.
"I don't want any other man" I murmured "Oscar, I'm so close. Choke me"
I didn't have to ask twice and the second his calloused hand gripped the flesh of my throat and gave it a gentle and slight squeeze my walls clenched around his cock and my body shook as my orgasm washed over me. Oscar kept fucking me through my high as he chased his own orgasm. I could tell Oscar was close just by the way his hips stuttered against me. I was going to tell Oscar to pull out and to cum on my stomach but before I could say anything he spoke up
"Can I please fuck your mouth and cum in it? Please I need to cum so bad" Oscar whimpered
"Please" was all I said before I watched him pull out and quickly made his way up to my face before he shoved his cock in my mouth and started to roughly fuck it.
He didn't last that long and after a few thrust he shoved his cock to the back of my throat and used my used his hand he had placed behind head to shove my face closer to his body until my nose was touching his skin as he spilled his cum down my throat.
Oscar pulled out of my mouth and watched me as I swallowed all his cum. He placed a kiss to my lips before having to pull away due to my phone ringing.
I picked up my phone and looked at the caller ID "Oh shit, it's Lando" I pressed the answer icon and placing it on speaker "This better be good, I'm reading" I said into the phone
"I'm gonna be back at the condo in 20 so get ready for dinner and while you're at it wake up Oscar, I called him 4 times but he isn't answering. He's a heavy sleeper." I had to refrain a chuckle from leaving my lips
"Okay, I'm gonna wake him and then take a shower. Bye, I love you too." I hung up before turning back to Oscar
"Yeah, I forgot I threw my phone on the other lawn chair." he said as he rubbed the back of his neck "And no I wasn't watching porn, I was watching videos of you being interviewed at movie premieres. I can't help it, you're just so hot." Oscar mumbled as he leaned in to kiss my lips again.
"We have to get dressed Oscar" I mumbled against his lips as I pulled away "I smell like sex and I want to wash my hair so I gotta go now." I got up from my bed and was about to walk towards my bathroom before I felt a firm slap on my ass causing me to jerk forward with a yelp
"I'm gonna fuck you so good when we get back, I hope you know that"
I MISSED YOU GUYS (I just posted two days ago) I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS!!
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti@dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy
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jimvasta · 2 days
Humans and their pets
The sentient races of the universe have just about started to get their heads, or approximate similar in function body parts, around the odd nature of humans but only recently have humans begun to bring other Earth creatures into space with them.
“Don't worry about Fluffy, he's totally ship trained.” the human designated Bradley spoke with frightening casualness about the creature sat at his side. It's muzzle was level with his hips and it's forward facing eyes showed it had predator history just as much as humans did.
“It has fangs.” Captain Mota'tog was unimpressed. The permissions were correctly stamped on the file and yet such a creature hardly appeared inoffensive.
“He does not, he's not poisonous. Of course some of his teeth are sharp, he's an omnivore.”
“He's a hunter.”
“He mostly hunts biscuits. He'll scavenge in the canteen from anyone soft enough to feed him. He's a certified well-being dog. People stroke him, he's got really soft fur, it makes them feel better. Look, he's wagging his tail, it means he likes you.”
Mota-tog whistled uncertainly.
“Oh wow!” One of the human engineers arrived at the airlock and dropped her bag as she stared at the dog. “So cute!”
Fluffy jumped round, tail wagging furiously, nuzzling in as the woman buried her hands in his warm soft fur.
“You are totally gorgeous. You're so fluffy and beautiful, you're like a little polar bear. You're here to stay, yes you are.” the woman happily baby talked to the dog who was more than half her size.
Bradley looked at the Captain and indicated. “See. Dogs make us happy.”
“You do all the care for it.”
“Of course.”
There were some false starts with the rest of the crew who were not so trusting of the huge pack hunter in their midst, but over the next few months they slowly learned to trust that the worst he would do was beg for food off their plates at meal times. Some of the braver aliens even began to pet him.
Then an alarm sounded.
Everyone raced to their emergency stations.
Bradley was in the cargo hold, his duty was to check the cargo was safe and secure.
He had quickly trained Fluffy to sit in a corner out of the way. It kept him safe in case anything shifted. The last thing he wanted was for his pet to get hurt by moving cargo.
The clang of magnetic grabs was deafening.
The alert was for a boarding raid.
Bradley cracked his knuckles and picked up a pry bar.
Through the rest of the ship there were varying degrees of panic.
A few of the other species could fight but most looked to the humans, having learned the way they fought when cornered and knowing their best hope to survive was to stay back and wait for the screaming to stop.
“What the fuck is that?!” the shout was shock and outrage. More anger than fear in the moment.
Crouching as it came through the main airlock was a creature taller and broader than anything else on the ship.
“Star spirits preserve us,” Mota'tog whistled. “A Batath.”
“It's a bloody troll is what it is.” Martins snapped.
Everyone froze as they heard the snarling and growling.
It was not coming from the Batath.
Fluffy arrived at speed and leapt, not caring can his opponent was huge. His fur was already matted with the blood of pirates and this was just another opponent.
The humans charged.
The Batath could only concentrate on one enemy at a time, it was used to picking off creatures as they ran, not fighting them off as something had its teeth deep around a knee trying to rip it apart.
The pirates ran when the Batath fell and the gore covered humans turned to face them.
Bradley let himself drop to the deck. “Don't worry, I'm fine. Good boy, Fluffy.”
Mota'tog shook his feathers as he watched the dog go back from snarling killing machine to placid fuss receiver. “I swear to the spirits, all Earth creatures are insane.”
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The Malicious Daughter Is Back! - 4
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
Chap 1, Chap 2 , Chap 3 , Chap 4 ,-
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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Bucky was speechless after you kissed his hand, even though it was through the leather gloves.
You let go of his hand. "Was that too much? Sorry, I’m just overwhelmed by the offer you gave."
“I take that as a yes?” Bucky asked, still processing.
“Well yeah, didn’t I seal it by kissing your hand? I thought it was clear.” You smiled, a hint of playfulness in your eyes.
Bucky chuckled softly. "That's a new way to accept an offer, but joke aside, I’m grateful you accepted."
You lowered your guard, leaning back slightly. "So what happens next? I have to say, I won’t do anything that makes me a homewrecker."
“Oh gosh, nothing like that,” Bucky reassured you, his tone earnest.
“That’s a relief.” You let out a breath, feeling more at ease.
Suddenly, Bucky's phone rang. He picked it up and saw the caller ID: "Victoria." He bit the inside of his cheek, not wanting to talk to her at this moment. However, he didn't want to ignore the call either, as his fiancée would quickly learn that he had no feelings for her.
He excused himself to answer the call. "Hello?"
"Hello, my fiancé. I apologize for bothering you, but I heard something that doesn't sit quite right with me. I heard that you are with my older sister?" Victoria asked, her voice calm and cheerful, though her perfectly manicured fingers were crumpling a few papers nervously on the other end.
Bucky felt like he had just been caught cheating. "I am. I have something to discuss with her because of what happened last night."
"Oh, I see. Alright, I won’t bother you. See you soon." Victoria ended the call, smirking as she looked at her phone. She knew Bucky's reputation—quiet and calm but ruthless if disrespected. She remembered how you embarrassed him last night and thought perhaps he was giving you a warning.
Victoria felt a tickle of satisfaction, believing Bucky understood her without her needing to lift a finger. She felt lucky to have him as her fiancé.
Bucky, not entirely sure what had just transpired, felt relieved that Victoria didn't seem suspicious and quickly ended the call.
He returned to you and saw you chatting with the waitress and his secretary. In seconds, you had already become close to new people.
Unlike you, Bucky’s circle of friends all had to undergo background checks before he could trust them.
"Let’s talk in the car. I’ll drop you off," Bucky suggested.
"Sure," you agreed, thinking this would save you transportation money.
Inside the luxurious car, you felt like you were being enveloped by the comfortable seat. Even if you worked for 20 years on your teacher’s salary, you wouldn’t be able to afford this car.
Bucky wore his reading glasses and read a document. He spoke to you without lifting his head. "Tomorrow, after your school is over, I’ll pick you up, and we'll meet my psychiatrist."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise.
Bucky explained, "He knows my condition, and I hope bringing you to meet him will help us find a solution." His voice sounded serious, a little desperate.
"Have you had this disorder since you were little?" you asked.
He flinched, his hand stopping mid-motion as he was about to flip the paper. "It started when I was 12 years old," Bucky replied, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.
His expression turned grieving. You knew this was the moment to stop asking questions; after all, you’d just met him for the second time. There’s a limit to how personal you can get with someone you barely know.
The car stopped in front of a small house. It looked old but cozy, especially the garden with its many flowers. Bucky wondered if it was you who took care of all the roses.
You rolled your eyes, "It was my grandma who has the green thumb."
Bucky glanced at the flowers. "Pretty. I’m grateful for your cooperation, but I hope none of this gets leaked to outsiders."
So he was giving you a warning. You made a gesture of zipping your lips. "My lips are sealed." Then you closed the car door and headed to your house.
After he saw you enter the house, he told his driver to start the car.
You watched the car drive away from behind the curtain.
"Is that your boyfriend, my Ophelia?" The cheerful voice of an older woman startled you. You jumped, turning to see your grandma, Cassandra, standing beside you.
She smiled at you, happiness evident in her eyes, but you couldn't share her joy. To your grandmother, you were her daughter, Ophelia, your mother, who had passed away years ago.
Life had been cruel to her, taking away her only daughter, her son-in-law ignored her, and her business at the same time, which took a significant toll on her. The final blow was dementia.
She didn’t remember you at all. At 70 years old, her mind had regressed to when she was 40. Because of the striking resemblance between you and your mother, she thought you were Ophelia.
You sighed and put on a smile for her. "No, he's just a friend."
Cassandra giggled. "Really? Your father will be jealous when he hears this. Uhuk... uhuk..." She started coughing. You bring her to sit on her chair.
Your heart clenched each time you heard your grandma cough. It was getting worse.
She needed surgery, but you didn't have the money.
Having a rich father like Jonathan was useless because you didn't have access to your money. The reason was clear: Genevieve and Victoria.
She really hated you and wanted you to starve to death.
You quickly put a blanket on Cassandra lap and turned on the air humidifier to help ease her cough.
As you added the eucalyptus and lemongrass essential oil into the humidifier, your eyes caught the family photo on the wall. It was a picture of your family—your dad, your mom, and your grandparents—standing in front of your childhood home. Everyone was gathered to celebrate your birthday. But now, it was all just a memory.
You clenched your fist, feeling a surge of determination. Soon, you would get what was supposed to be yours.
The next day after school, you went with Bucky to see the psychiatrist. But before that, the school was in an uproar because of the clothes you were wearing. You, who always dressed like a vampire hunter in jeans, combat boots, a grey shirt, and a black jacket, were now wearing a casual outfit with a vintage aesthetic.
You wore a cream-colored blouse tucked into a high-waisted plaid skirt paired with brown loafers and a light brown blazer with elbow patches. Your hair was styled in soft waves, and you carried a small leather satchel. The change in your appearance left everyone talking.
Jimmy couldn’t believe you were the same teacher who always yelled at him. “Who are you?”
You replied with a smirk, “Your worst nightmare.”
Everyone nodded in agreement. Despite your elegant outfit, you still commanded authority.
Bucky also noticed the change in your appearance. “You look different.”
You explained, “I don’t want your psychiatrist to think that I could be a bad influence on you.”
“Fair point,” he nodded in agreement.
After a while, both of you arrived at the destination, a fancy clinic. The receptionist, already accustomed to Bucky's appointments, greeted him warmly. “He’s waiting for you.”
Bucky led you to the room, which was bright and comfortable, conducive to a relaxed atmosphere. The walls were painted in calming colors and adorned with abstract art, and the furniture was modern yet inviting.
There was already someone sitting in the chair, holding a pen and a writing board. It was Dr. Javier, who had known Bucky for a long time.
Javier waited until both Bucky and you were seated. "You told me that you had a breakthrough. Is it her?" he inquired.
Bucky nodded, taking off his leather gloves and putting on a pulse oximeter on his finger. He then reached for your hand, and you placed yours in his.
Javier widened his eyes and adjusted his glasses. Bucky showed no signs of panic attacks, and his pulse appeared normal. "Wow. Incredible. How long has this been happening?" Javier asked.
Bucky replied, "Three days."
"After you touched her, you mentioned trying to shake somebody else's hand. Did the panic attacks suddenly reappear then?" Javier inquired further.
Bucky confirmed, "Yes."
Javier wondered what made you so special. Suddenly, he moved closer to you without warning.
You exclaimed, "What the-?"
“Interesting,” Javier nodded. “I can think of one reason: your body fragrance.”
You were taken aback. Did you really smell bad? You started sniffing your clothes. They were still new; you had only worn them three times, and they had been dry cleaned.
Then you remembered, “I am surrounded by buckets of sweat and cigarettes.”
Being around students who smoked and sweated a lot due to their frequent sports activities made you open all the classroom windows to get rid of the smell.
Bucky found it difficult to accept that his disorder could be triggered by your body odor.
Javier felt as though four eyes were judging him. He cleared his throat. “Ahem. Your case is one of a kind, Bucky. Perhaps her scent doesn’t trigger your trauma—” He didn’t continue when he felt someone glaring at him.
Trauma? Bucky’s trauma? You wondered what Javier meant.
Bucky crossed his arms and changed the subject. “So the solution to my disorder is the smell of a locker room?”
Javier raised both arms, trying to calm down his patient's anger. “I’m not saying it’s the solution, but it could be.”
Bucky sighed heavily. What kind of nonsense was this? But the way he met you was also out of the blue. His life is full of surprises now.
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Author Note: Poor Cassandra. 🥺 Also the reader is a non-smoker.
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Okay. I kinda want to walk through what I think is happening in each of their heads during the conversation. For my own sake, mainly, but who knows, maybe someone else will find it useful. Spoilers ahead, obviously. (Also fair warning that this is long and I expect nobody to actually read it; this is mostly for me.)
So let's establish first where they are when Blitz arrives.
Blitz hates himself. He's on the path to healing after making up with Fizz, but it is a very long road ahead. So if you can imagine it as a spectrum where "hates self" and "loves self" are on opposite ends, maybe he's not all the way at the hates self end anymore, but he's still pretty darn far over that way. So Blitz is arriving thinking he's unlovable, that he makes everyone's lives worse, and that Stolas is possibly getting bored of him. We also know from his half of the duet that he genuinely looks forward to these full moon nights and likes their arrangement. Makes sense. It provides him with the comfort of what he thinks is the closest he can get to an actual relationship where all he has to give is something he knows that he can and that he's good at (sex). He wants to keep the arrangement going. Yes, for a way to earth, but also for Stolas. This, in Blitz's mind, is the only way he gets to keep him.
Stolas is likely unmedicated for his depression, since this show doesn't show us things like him being out of his pills as just a throwaway joke; it's important. Anyone who has ever had depression knows that it just loves to remind you of the worst things about yourself, most of which aren't even true. It tells you that you're worthless and unlovable. We can see this in the way he's covered everyone but Octavia in the artworks in his home, mirroring Blitz scribbling himself out of photos. He's been in a dark place. But Stolas is also being so brave, ready to ask Blitz to love him anyway. To choose him of his own free will, the way it should've always been. His depression is making it hard, but he's going out on the limb anyway and hoping Blitz will catch him.
"I need it back...permanently."
Blitz starts panicking. He reacts like a puppy that's been told it's a bad dog. He starts promising that he can be good, he can do better. He can fuck Stolas like nobody else can.
Stolas rebuffs the advance and this is interesting to me-- Blitz slips into his dom persona a little, trying to regain control of the situation. He calls Stolas "bitch" and pushes his legs apart, lowers his voice to be seductive. And it alllllllmost works, just for a second, as Stolas blushes and starts to fall under the spell of it all. But then he gets himself back under control and reasserts this new boundary.
Blitz immediately drops the act and starts to beg with genuine distress, tears in his eyes even, and up until this point, I won't argue with you if you try to tell me that it's all about the grimoire. I disagree, but I'll let you get away with telling yourself that. Right up until this point.
Because this is when Stolas holds out the crystal and everything changes.
Their fucking leitmotif or whatever you call it, I don't know music terms, it starts playing, changing from the dramatic, ominous music before. Blitz starts inspecting the crystal like he doesn't believe it's real.
Let's be clear: he knows what an Asmodean crystal is and what it does. He's seen them before at least twice, both in 2x05. So it's not that he's in disbelief or confusion about what it does or that it exists. It's that Stolas is giving it to him that's taking him aback.
"You no longer need my grimoire." "Whaaaat?"
Because all Blitz is hearing is "you don't need me now. I can be rid of you without guilt."
"I don't understand. Why are you giving me this? Am I not fucking you good enough? Because I can always do better."
Let's take a second to pretend we're in a world where Blitz has zero feelings for Stolas. That this has always just been about getting to earth. In that world, Blitz never says this line. In that world, Blitz splits right here. He has the crystal in his hands. He knows what it does. He is officially 100% free at this point.
But we don't live in that universe and this line proves it. Blitz thinks he's being cast aside and instead of seeing it as his chance at freedom from Stolas, he's begging to be kept.
I can do better. Don't throw me away.
"I care...very deeply for you. And I have for some time."
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This is the face Blitz makes after that. The entire time Stolas is talking, he keeps looking between Stolas and the crystal while making this face, like he literally can't process what is happening. Of all the things he expected to happen tonight, this wasn't even on the list. And remember: Blitz hates himself. Blitz genuinely believes he is unlovable.
Have you ever experienced something so surreal that it's almost like you left your body during it? Like your brain literally couldn't process that this was happening to you, so it's almost like you dissociate to the point that you feel like you're watching it happen to someone else? Because things like this don't happen! Not to you. These are things you see on TV or hear happening to other people. But to YOU? There's no way it's real.
"You don't have to stay here with me."
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He looks ALARMED. Scared. The thought that he's about to lose Stolas genuinely startles him. He doesn't want what he thinks is happening. He doesn't want to be cast aside. If his choice is this or the chains, he'd rather the chains.
But. That's not the choice he's being presented. Because Stolas adds,
"But I want you to."
And Blitz's brain, his traumatized, mentally ill brain...just can not process that. No one wants to keep him. He's a commodity to be bought and sold and has been since his father sold him to Paimon as a child (which, by the way, I'm fairly convinced he thinks was Stolas's idea, not Paimon's). Maybe even before.
So his defense mechanisms kick in from this point on. Default to what's comfortable. It must be a sex thing! There's no way Stolas means this, so it's gotta be some weird roleplay. Well, he can do that! He can swoon and say he loves him (and if that hits a little too close to the truth, then fuck you, no it doesn't) and it's fine because this is fake. This can't be real, because things like this don't happen to someone as "worthless" as Blitz believes himself to be.
Blitz is trying to protect his own heart here, but what Stolas is hearing is rejection. Blitz playing it off as a joke must mean that Stolas is a joke for ever thinking Blitz could love him back. And why would he? Stolas doesn't see himself as lovable, either. One of his earliest memories is of Blitz "using" him to steal from the palace, never knowing that Blitz was only doing so on his father's orders, just as Blitz probably doesn't know that he was bought on Paimon's order, not Stolas's. He's a commodity, too.
Stolas's depression immediately puts him in a place where he can't see past his own pain and self-loathing. Blitz not immediately jumping into his arms must mean that all the worst things he thinks about himself are true. Blitz sees him as the monster he fears he is.
So he pulls himself together and starts to walk. And again, Blitz could leave here if he didn't care.
But the strangest thing happens. Blitz realizes that Stolas meant it. He even asks,
"Wait, you were being serious? Hold on, Stolas. What the fuck?"
He's trying to talk it out. He's trying to have the conversation. He's hurt and confused and in disbelief but he's not running from this. He's not letting Stolas walk away from him because he wants Stolas, and he's actively trying to keep him. They have to talk this through, and Blitz of all people is the one trying to pull Stolas back into the conversation.
"The fact that you couldn't believe that I could have these feelings about you, the fact that your first instinct is that it's always about sex, that's enough to know what this is."
See, what we have to remember is that Stolas doesn't have all the information we do. He hasn't seen the crossed out pictures, he didn't witness the flashback to the fire that killed Blitz's mom. Stolas hasn't watched Blitz cry himself to sleep or drink himself into a stupor after what he perceived as a public rejection at Ozzie's. Neither of them have all the information about each other that we, the audience do.
So when Stolas, who doesn't know that Blitz hates himself and thinks himself unlovable, hears that Blitz thinks there's no way that Stolas could love him, what Stolas hears is "you, Stolas, are an unlovable monster in my eyes."
It just confirms all the worst things Stolas thinks about himself. It's a literal, "it's not you, it's me," situation, but Stolas can't see that because he doesn't have all the information.
And here's what's even more interesting. Blitz doesn't think it's over like Stolas does. He's not rejecting Stolas.
"Fuck you, Stolas. You spring this feelings bullshit on me, are you fucking kidding? Can I get a fucking minute to think after everything you put me through, you pompous, rich, asshole?"
This is Blitz saying that this is all very unexpected for him, but he's not saying no. He's saying "give me a minute, let me think. Don't take my first reaction in the way that you are. I was surprised. I was in disbelief. Give me a fucking minute to PROCESS."
But by this point, it's too late. Stolas's self-loathing has taken the driver's seat in his brain and all he can hear is that Blitz hates him, that he is unlovable, that he's a monster, that he's all the things he feared were true, and the person telling him that is the person he cared (second) most for in the entire world.
Blitz's defense mechanism is fight. Stolas's is flight. And so when Blitz unloads on him like that, Blitz is trying, in his own messed up way, to have the conversation. To work this out. To be honest for once and see if they can get somewhere now that the dam has been broken. While Stolas...his instinct is to flee. And since he's the one with the magic portals, guess what happens?
"I didn't realize you think so low of me."
You can tell by Blitz's reaction that he realizes they're not having the conversation he thinks they are. He realizes in that instant that Stolas isn't going to yell back with him. They're not going to scream at each other until they get it all out of their systems and reach a catharsis. He's hurt Stolas, maybe in a way that they can't come back from, and he immediately shifts his demeanor.
"Stolas, wait. I'm so--"
And then it's over. He's been kicked out of the palace. Thrown aside, just like he feared he would be.
And each of them are left feeling like the other thinks they're a monster, because neither of them realize that the only person who thinks they're a monster is themself.
I gotta go lie down, jfc.
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Pre-war Cooper Howard x Reader
I made a post not too long ago asking someone to write this and was like fine I'll do it then 🤣 hope it isn't god awful
You guys are conducting an affair and one day on set Cooper notices some bruises on you.
Warnings - your husband isn't a nice man, nothing crazy but there's the aforementioned bruises
Cooper tried to keep his mind wandering back to you. He really did. But after yesterday's haphazard filming with new scripts he was worried. Were you ill? Were you being written out of the show? No. You were a fan favourite of course not.
He'd spent the whole of yesterday ‘fighting’ the cobra tail bandits. The episode was meant to feature you and the script was charming. Your character - ‘Elizabeth’ - and his - ‘Clint’ - would've finally admitted their feelings for eachother. The no-nonsense doctor forcing herself onto his horse and insisting she could help.
It wouldn't have won any awards but he thought it was a good plotline.
Instead he was told that you were ‘beat up’ by the bandits and he would be wreaking havoc. Which again wasn't awful but he found that he liked your company.
You'd been hired completely because you were a woman. It shut down the angry mail and your natural charisma and ad-lib one liners caused hoards of fan letters. You were immediately accepted as the ‘woman doctor who takes no bullshit and proves herself’. Elizabeth was a triumph.
“What’re we shooting now?” Cooper asked the director.
Oswald answered, wafting the cloud of smoke that forever surrounded him. “We’re gonna run through you finding (Y/N). You speak to Donnie and then he points her out and you run over there.” Oswald pointed with his cigar hand over to Donnie who was being placed on the ‘saloon’ steps. Donnie's face had been made up with bruises and dried blood. Oswald then gestured across the sandy set to where your mark was. Cooper could see the back of you, talking with your make-up crew and he let out a sigh of relief.
“So no cameras on this one then?”
“No, run through the full scen-” Os cut himself off with a chesty cough. “You know what to do.”
Cooper hoisted himself upon Sugarfoot as he watched everyone slowly get into position and as your face came into view he gasped. He had known you'd be in the same makeup that Donnie had but he hadn't realised the anger it would cause him. He hated to see your delicate features marred and sore. Hated the messy hair and torn shirt.
Cooper took a steadying breath and mentally told himself to use these emotions. He was a professional and yeah, sure, he and you may have been conducting an affair. However neither of your marriages were happy. He had to get his affairs in order before divorcing Barb and you had never loved your husband. Your father had married you off to further your career and it did work but at what cost?
“Alright are we all ready?” Gwen's voice cut through the chatter. “Three… Two.. One.”
‘Clint’ jumped off of Sugarfoot and ran to ‘George’.
“Hell, man, what happened to ya?” Cooper's hands shook Donnies shoulder. “George?!”
The man underneath let out a rattly cough. “Sheriff?”
“George.” Cooper pulled the man so he was upright. “It's gonna be okay.”
“Wai-” He coughed again. “They've doomed us. They go- they got Miss Liza.”
Cooper let his eyes widen and his face drop. “Wha’d’ya mean?”
“Ove- over there.” Donnie lifted his arm vaguely in your direction before it fell back on his thigh.
Cooper let his eyes follow Donnie's hand and he let a shuddering breath out at the crumpled body. “Liza!” Cooper abandoned Donnie to sprint over to you. It wasn't a long set so he was there quickly (the team would make it look longer) skidding to a halt at your side. Sand flew as he landed by your left.
Cooper’s hands hovered over your body, ‘Clint' didn't know where to touch. He settled one hand on your chest to try to feel for her heartbeat and the other on your shoulder. Cooper couldn't feel your heart so he lent his head over your, his ear by your mouth and smiled. His head was already by yours and it took almost nothing to rest his forehead upon your own.
“Liza?” The hand on your chest found your cheek. You let out a low moan, indicating that you were alive.
Cooper was swift with his movements, scooping you up as he rose to full height. “Don't you worry Liza, you're gon’ be fine.”
And that was the scene.
Gwen let out a round of applause and Oswald nodded. “Yes, just like that, Coop.”
“Let's reset and film George and Clint.” Gwen called out.
You were still in his arms as he looked down at you with a grin. “You know, that makeup sure is good.”
“Oh, thank you.” Your cheeks heated. “I'll let Sarah know.”
“Yeah it's much better than Donnie's.” He craned his neck to get a closer look.
A laugh escaped you as you shoved him. “You can put me down now.”
Cooper raised a brow. “Now, when have you ever had a problem with me carrying you?”
You just laughed at him again. Despite his question he did place you delicately on the sand.
“Where were you yesterday?” He straightened your ripped shirt.
You looked up at him through heavy lashes. “Did you miss me?”
“Course I did, sweetheart.” Your lips pulled into a coy smirk and he was called to shoot with ‘George’.
The scene with Donnie didn't last long but there was the shot on George, the shot on Clint, the wide shot and all the reshoots. So it did take longer than expected. Cooper felt antsy, he wanted to shoot with you. God, this was bad. He knew he liked you but he should be professional enough to get through this.
“Right, that's about all of Cooper running I can't handle.” Oswald stopped Gwen trying to get another take of ‘Clint’ sprinting to ‘Liza’. Cooper was thankful as he tried to calm his breathing.
Skidding to your side and repeating his actions from before he and you took direction tirelessly. Most of yours was to ‘look deader.’
“Now, Coop you'd be angrier. The Cobra Tails have beat and possibly defiled your woman.” Os had tried to coach Cooper into playing it more angry but Cooper disagreed.
“I get what you're saying but the anger comes later. Clint is relieved that Elizabeth is alive. Clint doesn't care for anything else at the moment.” Cooper argued. “He just wants her safe, he couldn't live with himself if she wasn't.”
The statement was pleasant enough in itself but paired with his gentle hand stroking your swollen cheek… you'd fallen head over heels for this man and your husband wouldn't stay in the dark too much longer. In fact you're fairly certain that Tuesday night was because of your handsome co-star. You didn't care. Cooper was worth a shove here and a slap there. Did that make you mad? Probably.
Cooper had you in his arms and was filmed running towards ‘Liza’s surgery. Her sister was hiding upstairs and came down at the sheriff’s yells.
‘Prim’ promised to keep ‘Liza’ stable.
“Swear it.” ‘Clint’s voice boomed.
‘Prim’ was washing away the blood with a damp cloth. “I swear!”
“Primrose,” He grabbed her arm. “I ain't joking.”
Her eyes bore into his, both equally angry. “Me neither.”
And that was it with this part. You were expected to change for the reunion as Cooper and Darlene did a few more takes. They had another scene when he returns and asks about ‘Liza’. It's a cute scene showing a familial bond between the two characters. ‘Prim’ confides that she was so scared her sister would've died and ‘Clint’ agrees. There's more dialogue and knowing Cooper adlibs but the overall scene really highlights their individual relationships to ‘Liza’ and how, despite them always being at odds, similar the two are.
Cooper was taking a sip of water when you were brought back in. You were wearing a loose white gown, with your hair unpinned. The bruising on your face was less than before.
They laid you on the bed and fanned your hair out. This was a big thing apparently, so Gwen stated. “Her hair is always up in the braid. It's a sign of her professionalism. The only time it's sorta down it's when Clint dances with her at Rhonda’s wedding. But it was still half braided, it shows that she is mentally - and obviously physically - letting her hair down around him.”
Usually Cooper would let the woman talk his ear off yet something nagged at him. “So isn't it wrong that the first time Clint sees her with her hair down is because she almost died?”
“No, it shows that this is the final straw. She won't pull back next episode. She's decided that life is too short and she likes you. Well him.”
Cooper just hummed and readied himself again.
Gwen counted them all in and Cooper sheepishly opened the door to ‘Liza's bedroom. You were breathtaking. It was actually becoming somewhat of a hazard to him, your beauty causing his brain to flatline, forgetting lines and marks and everything that wasn't you.
“Elizabeth?” He whispered gently, completely missing where he was meant to hover and delicately sitting at your side. “Liza?”
Your brows furrowed and you slowly blinked your eyes open. He'd had the privilege of seeing that. You and him lying in an expensive bed, half dozing knowing you both need to leave but loathe to. It didn't matter for Cooper really, he was a man, he was allowed to stay out late but he knew you'd be ridiculed by the press so he forced himself to sit up and forced you to copy his movements.
Cooper was back in the shot, his eyes roaming your bruised face. Maybe this affair affected you in more ways than he thought. Your bruises weren't fake, he could tell. There was only so much the makeup department could do. No, these were real. Wh-Was this why you were off yesterday? Did the crew know? Everyone was particularly secretive with why you weren't in.
“Clint?” You spoke again. “You okay?”
Cooper Howard was never really one to stick to the script. He pulled you in for a bone crushing hug. “Liza.”
You patted his back to the best of your ability and Cooper pulled away just enough to look you in the eye. “I thought I lost you.”
“‘n here I thought you'd be jumping for joy.” You spoke the dialogue that was meant to have been said as he hovered by the door.
“Never. I-” He cut himself off going completely off script, unsure if it was Clint or Cooper speaking. “You're not allowed to get hurt. Not on my account. I can't have you- you can’t-”
“Shhh.” You smoothed his hair. “I'm fine.”
He shook his head and pulled you in for a kiss. The characters were meant to share a kiss but it was a peck on your forehead not the steamy, tongue tangling snog he planted on you. You both broke apart for air and there was something behind Cooper's eyes.
“‘cause I love you.”
“And cut!” Oswald let out a whoop, “now that is television!”
Gwen rounded everyone up to reset and your makeup team was there to touch your face as the hair people replaced your locks. Cooper was given the same treatment after they practically dragged his ass back out the door.
The scene ran again and again and again but the last four words didn't feel any different. Your heart fluttered every time the words were uttered, each time more convincing than the last.
It was late when Oswald declared ‘hometime’ and you were allowed to leave.
Cooper snagged your wrist and loudly asked to run lines, the age old excuse to be alone in his trailer. You agreed and after a quick change found yourself on the steps of the trailer. You'd been in here more than you'd been in your own. It was almost a waste of money to have one but you had to keep up appearances.
Cooper opened the door before you could knock and let you in, he'd barely shut the door before the words tumbled out of his mouth. “Divorce him.”
“Wh-” Where did this come from? Both of you knew the deal of your affair was that his wifes company funded his movies and your husband funded yours. The fact that the two of you were on this show was a mere coincidence, one that the director did not mind in the slightest. His little project had the largest budget to play with in television history and you're sure most went in his pocket.
“I know this isn't makeup.” Cooper's hand barely touched your cheek. “You're hurt and I know it was him.”
“I can't leave him.” Your hand wrapped around his wrist.
“You could.” His eyes grew hopeful. “You know I want to leave Barb, if we were both divorced-”
“That's a nice idea.” Cutting him off, you stepped back, arms hugging your middle. “But we can't Coop. You know we can't.”
“I'll buy a farm, we could leave this industry.” Cooper could see the conflict waging beneath you. He knew you wanted nothing more than to be with him but it was hard for a woman to restart her life. “I love you.”
“And I love you.” You nodded in agreement. “But this isn't- we aren't-”
Cooper didn't let you finish, he pulled you in for a hug, fingers creating patterns on your back in an attempt to soothe your worried mind. “Just let me say it. I. Love. You.”
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fabbyf1 · 3 days
on to happier things.
happy friday, besties!
i'm 10k into lestappen+oscar pt2 (affectionately known as wap 2) and i think i may be nearing the halfway point...? kind of? getting closer to the halfway point, at least. but it's also a kate fic, so who the fuck knows if that's true or not.
i hope to finish this in the next few days, but to hold you over...
snippet under the cut :)
also, disclaimer i guess, don't steal my fucking dialogue? lmfao sorry I'm done being petty now.
Max turned to Oscar and said, “What do you think? Fifteen?” 
Oscar seemed to weigh it over, his head bobbing back and forth in thought. “Yeah, nah, maybe ten?” 
“Yeah, ten,” Max agreed with a firm nod of his head. He looked back at Charles with a blinding smile as he asked, “Do you have ten minutes to spare, baby?” 
Not really. “Yes.” 
He did not have ten minutes. 
“Whadda’ we reckon?” Oscar asked Max, smirking at him and completely ignoring Charles. “Mouth?” 
“Yeah, and I could—” Max gestured vaguely toward Charles. 
“Perfect,” Oscar agreed, and the more they ignored him and talked in shorthand, the more turned-on he was getting. This was a thing they had started doing a few months ago. They had gotten so comfortable around each other that they didn’t need to use complete sentences to plan where everyone would go. It was as if they had some weird, horny telepathic connection with each other that only ever benefited Charles. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
He definitely didn’t have time for this. 
“Walls are thin,” Max reminded Oscar, pointing a thumb over his shoulder toward one of the thin walls. 
“Yeah, keep him busy,” Oscar replied, grinning as he held up his fist to him. 
Max snorted and fist-bumped him, and then Oscar dropped to his knees. "Oh my god.” Charles gasped, his legs already feeling like they were going to give out.
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starsignchaser · 2 days
@jegulus-microfic | June 1st | Pride | word count: 778 happy pride everyone!! no matter who you are, how you identify, who knows or who doesn't, I am so grateful I get to share this pride month with you. lots of love to you all <3
“Potter! Let’s go, Sirius is gonna kick your ass if we’re late!”
Unable to take his eyes away from his reflection, James grips the edge of the bathroom counter tightly.
“My ass? Why is he gonna leave you alone if we’re both late?” His voice comes out with the slightest tremor, no matter how hard he tries. Suddenly, a tuft of black curls appears to his right and he now stands shoulder to shoulder with his boyfriend. His lovely, beautiful, handsome, brave boyfriend. 
“No offense, babe, but you know he would never hurt a hair on my head,” Regulus smirks at him, making eye contact through the mirror. However, barely a second passes before the smirk drops, and a small crinkle forms between his eyebrows.
“What’s going on in there, huh?” The shorter boy turns towards James and pokes at his temple, “Are you feeling okay? We don’t have to go if you’re not up for it.”
But James knows that he doesn’t really mean that. This is their first pride parade as a couple and for all his dark mysterious silences, Regulus has been visibly excited about today for weeks now. From the parade itself to the community center booth they were meant to be volunteering at that afternoon, and especially the drag queen performances at their local dive bar that evening, James had never seen Regulus so openly enthusiastic about spending so much time in public. Yet, here he was feeling like his stomach was about to pop out of his eyeballs. 
“No, no. Of course, I’m up for it. We’re going to have a great time!” He’s trying his best to sound confident but he knows it’s not cutting it. Regulus grabs his hand and lays his other hand on his cheek, pulling his face down until their foreheads almost touch.
“Jamie, talk to me.” his boyfriend asks, rubbing his thumb along his cheekbone, just below the glitter James had rubbed on only a few minutes before. “You can tell me anything, whatever it is we can figure it out.”
“I don’t,” James squeezed his eyes shut, frustrated that he couldn’t find the words. “I’ve just… I’ve never gone to Pride before. I don’t feel like I belong, or - no, it’s not that, but what if I do something wrong? Or what if people can tell that I don’t fit in? You and Sirius and Remus have all gone to Pride before, you are so much more integrated into the community, you have so many connections, and I only just figured myself out this year! How am I- What am I-?”
“Breathe, baby. Take a deep breath with me, yeah?” Regulus brought James’ hand to his chest and took a deep breath, hoping it would force the taller boy to focus on his breathing. After a few seconds, James was able to breathe normally on his own.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve said something earlier, I just didn’t know how.” James winced and tried to step away but Regulus wouldn’t let him.
“Listen to me, love. You belong at Pride. You are meant to be there. You are just as much a part of this community as anyone else. You belong there for so many reasons but most importantly because you are a beautiful, wonderful, queer man. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, then they are the problem, they are the ones who don’t belong.” Regulus stepped closer, moving to wrap his arms around James’ waist.
“ And, baby,” he smiled, “my Pride would be incomplete without you. And if that means we spend Pride sitting on our couch watching shitty queer movies and making out, then that is what our Pride will be. And I will still be the happiest man on earth to celebrate it with you. But don’t hold yourself back from going to Pride because you think you “don’t belong” because I will tell Sirius and he’ll double kick your ass.” 
Even with tears prickling in his eyes, that finally got a bit of a giggle out of James. The weight that had been settling on his chest all morning was suddenly gone. He grabbed at his partner’s waist, squeezing at his hips, before dropping a kiss to the tip of Regulus’ nose. He could do this. He could do anything with this man by his side. 
“Thank you, my love. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“You’d be just fine, darling. But I’m so happy that I’m lucky enough to be with you.” Regulus smiled, his eyes crinkling with his joy. 
“I love you, Reg.”
“I love you too, James. Now come on, we really have to go!”
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wedielike · 1 day
Prompted by @eclecticexperthottub-blog: Oyei introduces Cher to Yoryak/the gym team
Read on AO3 or:
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather do this alone?”
Oyei looked up from the photograph in his hand, one that had lived in the office for as long as he could remember. It was a simple picture—him and Yoryak and their mom on the a beach somewhere. He couldn’t have been more than five years old there, but he remembered the trip. Yak had been barely old enough to speak but he’d babbled happily and tried to eat sand despite their mother’s attempts to stop him.
The picture had gone up in the office not long after and Oyei had left it on the desk even when he’d taken everything over. He wished she was around to make life easier, the way she’d always been able to.
He glanced over at Cher as Cher propped himself on his shoulder and gazed at the picture too.
“Why would I do it alone?” he asked finally, setting the photo back down on the desk and turning to gather Cher in his arms. He fit perfectly, snug and safe in a way the girls he’d tried to date never had. He could even drop a satisfying kiss to the top of his head and it didn’t feel like a lie when Cher raised his chin to look at him.
“Coming out can be hard,” Cher said slowly, arms circling around Oyei’s waist. “Not for me, I mean. My mother knew the second I popped out because I was so fabulous.”
“It’s true, you are,” Oyei agreed with a smile. He’d known the minute he’d seen Cher in that jewelry shop, propped on a stool, textbooks spread across the counter as if school was more important than selling necklaces. He still remembered the way Cher had looked at him, slightly skeptical, only momentarily lingering on the muscles in his arms. “And I’m not coming out. I’m just introducing you to Yak.”
“As your boyfriend,” Cher added, an eyebrow rising, and Oyei paused.
He supposed that was coming out of sorts. He wouldn’t be able to take it back. Maybe that was why he’d felt nervous all day, waiting for Yak to get home from school. Even Cher hanging around the gym hadn’t helped settle him, usually a fairly good distraction from his problems.
“I don’t want to do this without you,” Oyei said finally, pulling Cher’s hand to his lips and pressing a kiss along his knuckles. Cher rolled his eyes at the corny gesture, but he smiled, that little pursed smile he did when he was trying not to be amused by how dumb or horny and sweet Oyei was. “I don’t want to do anything without you.”
“We’re not attached at the hip,” Cher said, though their bodies would disagree with that as Oyei tugged him closer, holding him tight.
“Not yet.” If Oyei had his way, Cher would never leave his side. He just had to get through the hard part of telling Yak so they wouldn’t have to sneak around anymore. The sneaking had been fun, for a minute, but Cher deserved better than that. He deserved to be loved and taken care of and Oyei wanted everyone to know that he was the one doing it.
Leaning in, he tilted his head to the side, hopeful when Cher lifted his chin, accepting the kiss to come. But the rattle at the office door forced them apart, a quick jerk backwards, a knee-jerk reaction from Oyei that he didn’t like when Cher’s eyes cast aside.
“Hey!” Yoryak stepped into the office a second later, already in his workout clothes. “What are you doing in here?”
Oyei glanced at Cher, who seemed to have composed himself. The nerves were back in full-force as Yoryak glanced between them.
“Are you a new client?” Yak asked when no one said anything. Cher was just watching Oyei, and he knew he it was responsibility to say something. He could feel his heart beating in his chest even though he knew, he knew everything would probably be fine. Yak had never given any indication that he was homophobic, but there was always a chance. And the last thing he wanted was to lose the last bit of family he had.
“This is Cher,” Oyei said finally, reaching over to guide Cher closer. “I wanted you to meet him because—” He actually swallowed, a gulp that betrayed any coolness he had left. He was worried about how Yak might react, if he would no longer be the protective older brother. Yak just looked confused when he paused, glancing between them. Taking a breath, Oyei slipped his hand around Cher’s waist, and Cher’s gaze shot to him. “Because he’s my boyfriend.”
It felt good to say it out loud, even if his heart jumped into his throat as the words left his mouth, as he saw them penetrate Yak’s brain. He was glad to have Cher beside him, even if he said nothing and let Oyei take the lead. He had to. It was his brother after all. His little brother who he’d helped raise, defended him from bullies, and trained him to be a boxer.
“Oh,” Yak said after a minute, eyebrows up, not quite surprised, not quite confused. “Cool.”
“Cool?” Oyei repeated. That was all he got? Yak wasn’t exactly the type to be enthusiastic about his feelings, but surely there was something more than ‘cool.’
“Great?” Yak tried again, and beside him, Cher raised a hand to hide his smile, but Oyei wanted more than just cool. “Good for you? He’s very pretty.”
Oyei scoffed, more annoyed now than nervous. “Is that what you would say if I introduced you to a girl?”
“No. I’d say ‘good luck,’ but he looks like he can handle you.” Yak glanced at Cher, up and down, a satisfied jerk to his shoulders.
“You little asshole,” Oyei said, but he couldn’t be completely serious, too relieved at how well Yak was taking this. He didn’t seem to care at all.
“P’Yei,” Cher interrupted, a hand clasping in his, and that made Oyei pause, a flood of happiness washing over him as he glanced at Cher. Cher turned to Yak, though, giving him a quick wai. “It’s nice to actually meet you. And don’t worry, he’s not the one that needs to be handled.”
Oyei didn’t bother hiding his grin even as Yak’s eyebrows went up, almost impressed, a bit like he didn’t want to know.
“Cool,” Yak said again, as if he had no other words, smiling slightly. “So are we gonna train today or what?”
Oyei shouldn’t have been surprised that Yak took it so well, but he was still glad and relieved and happy as he nodded. “Yeah. Go get started on warm-ups. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Yak nodded, turning to Cher before he left. “If you could distract him for, like, ten minutes, I could get some bubble tea.”
“Hey,” Oyei called after him as he left, but Yak was already gone, and Oyei frowned as he turned back to Cher. “You’re not going to gang up on me.”
Cher smiled, rising on his toes, and Oyei took the opportunity to press a kiss to his cheek. “Of course not. You’re my boyfriend.”
“I am, aren’t I?” Oyei asked, hands reaching for Cher’s hips as they hit the desk. Reaching down, he lifted Cher up, and Cher didn’t complain as he landed on the desktop, arms circling his neck, that alluring slant to his gaze as he beckoned Oyei in closer.
He was and now Yak knew too. He’d tell the rest of the guys eventually, or maybe he’d just invite Cher to show up whenever he wanted and let them figure it out on their own.
For now, he took advantage of the empty office, Cher nestled in between his legs, his soft pouty lips calling to him as he leaned in. All that mattered was that Yak was cool with it (maybe too cool) and that he’d finally said it out loud. He’d been afraid, worried, nod sure what would happen, but as he pulled Cher’s chin up, he couldn’t help smiling. He couldn’t have asked for much more when it came to Yak, but when it came to Cher, there were so many more things he wanted to ask.
“What?” Cher asked, eyes half-closed, anticipating what was next, as Oyei paused, smiled.
“Nothing,” he answered, happiness swelling in his chest, and he closed the distance between them finally, and kissed him.
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wellthebardsdead · 21 hours
Lucy: *walking along side commander Zhalk as he proudly lines up some of his best men, the cambion visibly confused as his arch duchess stops and asks each of them their names and makes small talk before moving on* Yes. These men will do nicely. Listen up! When you reach the shadow cursed lands, and you will know when you reach them, trust me. Keep your moon lanterns high, guard the tieflings with your life and thus is very important. If you encounter a group called the harpers. Do not kill them! Ask them to guide you to Last light inn. Allow Zevlor or even the children to vouch for your entry if a woman named Jaheira is suspicious. And if you encounter a group of cultists belonging to the absolute. Kill on sight. No mercy. You’ll know them when you see them. But-… if a drider, is amongst them. Capture him unharmed. I need to talk with him. Alright?
The cambions: *nod* Yes your grace!
Lucy: hm, Sczark. Repeat my orders back.
Sczark: *a cambion at the end of the line, smaller than the others but still capable, quickly stands to attention* Moon Lanterns high, protect refugees, spare harpers, get to last light, kill cultists, capture drider.
Lucy: very good. Right, I’m satisfied.
Sczark: *giddly nudges the soldier next to him* she remembered my name!
Lucy: *looks to Zhalk* the cult cam hypnotise targets if they’re not careful. Make sure they’re all prepared.
Zhalk: You needn’t worry my lady. You have my word… *looks to the refugees* this is… a perplexing situation for me, you understand… You are, the polar opposite of Zariel.
Lucy: well I’ll take it as a compliment.
*several days later*
Lucy: *arrives to last light seeing everyone made it alive and safe, her cambions all flying over to greet her and the group, and all immediately drawing their weapons on jaheira as she tangled her in vines* STOP! HALT! YEILD! STAND DOWN! DROP WEAPONS! WHATEVER ELSE JUST DO IT!
Zhalk: *snarls looking equally confused and enraged at jaheira before lowering his sword along with his men*
Lucy: *sighs with relief* you sensed the tadpole right? You have one, in a jar?
Jaheira: indeed I do?… *holds it out watching it squirm*
Lucy: watch… *snaps her fingers blocking the connection*
Jaheira: how did, how did you do that?… it stopped reacting?
Lucy: I can block out the signal for now. Put it to sleep sort of… but I need it if I’m going to get into moonrise. The elderbrain these things are spawning from is there-
???: What in the hells do you think you’re doing?!
???: oh gods let them go right now!
???: they’re the ones who saved us!!
Lucy: *looks up and smiles as tears well in her eyes seeing everybody alive and coming to save them* It’s okay, I’m alright.
Zevlor: she’s the one who saved us and the emerald grove! Her cambions are the ones who brought us here!
Mol: yeah! She saved two of my friends! One from a harpy! And one from a mad druid! Didn’t leave a goblin standing neither! She didn’t make a fuss about thieving either! I pretty much trust her with my life!
Lia: You let her go right now or I’ll take you all on myself!
Rolan: that’s a terrible idea lia but- we are alive because of her… so let her go.
Cal: can everyone please just calm down-
Alfira: Calm down?! This lunatics about to kill our only hope of making it out of here alive!
Lucy: Nobody is killing anybody… not yet at least. There’s a traitor in your numbers and I know who. And I can prove it. With that very tadpole.
Jaheira: … *releases her* Let’s head inside, you’ve earned yourself the benefit of the doubt.
Lucy: *sighs with relief and nods* thank you. Let me check in with everyone and make sure they’re alright and I’ll meet you inside.
Jaheira: very well. *walks off*
Lucy: *watches them go before spotting a very worse for wear cambion amongst the numbers* Sczark? Oh sweetie pie what happened?!
Sczark: *somehow a brighter shade of red than he already is* y-you still remember me your grace?!
Lucy: of course I do what kind of boss would I be if I didn’t remember your names at Lea- oh right- *pulls out the bag of soul coins she’s accumulated, each randomly appearing for every enemy she’s killed and hands a couple to each of the cambions* here your payment- I don’t know the value is that enough?
Zhalk: *staring wide eyed at them in his palm* y-yes your majesty-
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floofyfungi · 1 day
I know its a few months late but-
in Miracle when Novastorm takes Alexis Starscream nearly melts off one of her limbs however when Dirge Thrust and Ramjet nearly kill her intentionally they are just given half rations and are told to work forges, instruct flight drills, and shield duty.
This felt kinda lenient and more merciful considering it seemed like they committed a much more heinous act. Is there something to this that was more severe than I realized or are they useful enough Starscream didn't want to cripple them? Something else?
This is a really good question! Thanks for the ask <3
Essentially, the reason why Dirge got off light was because Starscream primarily blamed Skywarp. It was Skywarp who kidnapped Alexis, Skywarp who put her in mortal danger. Skywarp's blatant disregard for Alexis' well-being signalled to the other seekers that she was fair game. She must be if Starscream's own trine was treating her as expendable.
Comparing these incidents digs into decepticon culture in the Miracle AU. Novastorm's plan to keep Alexis as a pet enraged Starscream far more than Dirge just trying to kill her. Dirge is a decepticon, of course he tried to kill the organic Skywarp dropped on his back. To Starscream's mind Dirge was just being a decepticon. In contrast, Novastorm found a little organic wandering around the base and, instead of informing her superiors, decided to keep it for herself. That is a level of disrespect Starscream can't tolerate.
Ramjet and Thrust were following their trine-leader. Their goal was to defend Dirge from the Rainmaker trine, Alexis was never their target (even if they did indirectly put her in danger). Out of everyone Starscream is the least angry with them.
Another factor is Alexis actually got hurt during the Novastorm incident. Novastorm left her covered in bruises and in considerable pain. Whereas with Dirge, Alexis got a few scrapes but nothing so dramatic (Starscream is unaware Laserbeak had to catch her). Though Starscream did still send a blast of fire at Dirge that only missed because he dodged.
Half rations is a serious deal for a seeker class dragon. Their frames require a lot of energon. The Coneheads are essentially going to be starving while doing some of the least desired jobs in the fortress. Tasks far below their station and ones Starscream specifically selected based on how much Dirge, Thrust, and Ramjet would hate them. This punishment is an example of prolonged humiliation and torture. If they break and try to sneak some extra energon, Starscream will stop being so 'nice'.
This punishment is a warning to the Coneheads. And the final reason why it is so lenient is because Starscream needs the Coneheads. They are the highest ranked of the trines after the Elite trine. Dirge, Thrust, and Ramjet are senior officers critical for maintaining order over the larger seeker armada.
In addition, crippling the entire trine could have caused lower ranked trines to make a power grab against the Coneheads. In the Decepticons might makes right, and considerable infighting could have been sparked by the power vacuum. Starscream has seen it before. So soon after Slipstream’s betrayal, Starscream can't afford to wait for the infighting to settle down. This guy has schemes he needs to get back on track, Megatron isn't going to die without some help. He'd also prefer to keep the Coneheads, as they are loyal to him before Megatron.
Hope this helped explain Starscream's differing reactions. If Dirge had actually maimed Alexis or, god forbid, kill her, the results would have been very different.
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silawastaken · 3 months
tw// mentioned sexual assault+underage drinking
Fuck georgenotfound. Fuck George Davidson.
Silence is not consent, never fucking has been. Regardless of her age, regardless of whether she was drunk or not, he should have asked.
I don't know what the fuck he was thinking, but Caiti barely looks over 18. He should have asked her age, should have asked for consent, and shouldn't have supplied a minor with alcohol.
Women everywhere have always had it drilled into their brains 'if you're uncomfortable, laugh it off and stay polite otherwise it's more dangerous'. With someone with a platform and the influence such as his, he should have been aware of stuff like that, and been mindful that his following and influence would be potentially intimidating to a younger and smaller creator, especially one that idolises him, and that it may hold a factor in their ability to make reasonable decisions. Even if Caiti had consented, it was his responsibility to ensure that she wasn't consenting out of fear or peer pressure. If he saw her friends were pushing her to do something, he should have stepped in as the responsible adult in the room.
A firm reminder that George is, and was, an adult. He was a 27 year old man at the time. This was not a stupid mistake made by a teenager or young adult who doesn't fully understand the boundaries of consent. It was a fully grown and matured adult man, taking advantage of a drunk minor.
Even if he had been Caiti's age, or not understood, Caiti still 100% deserved a full whole hearted apology, and not once did he actually apologize to her. He hasn't made a little mistake, he's ruined a life.
He isn't cancelled, he's committed a fucking crime. He deserves to be in prison, not on a trending page on twitter.
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socksandbuttons · 8 months
looking and staring at the fact bloodmoons jealous of lunar being brought back but not him but also disregarding the entirety LUNAR was the one to promise him a body.
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running-in-the-dark · 11 months
had a conversation about gym class with my friend who I went to school with today - it was depressing but also nice to hear that her experience with it (at that particular school) was just as bad as mine.
I don't think the way my school treated gym class was entirely normal tbh. it was completely different to the school I went to after, anyway. and everyone I talked to there only knew gym class to be a pretty fun, lighthearted thing. at my old school it was only about achievement, you had to be perfect, if not you were usually yelled at. and if you couldn't participate because you were feeling a bit ill (but not enough to stay home from school) you were ridiculed and/or insulted in front of the whole class. this happened with every gym teacher we had over the whole 9 years there.
it felt like two hours of punishment, there was nothing good about it. and it made at least the both of us feel like any kind of exercise/sport, especially in a group setting, was terrifying - for years after. even my much more positive experience at the other school I went to didn't make that go away.
#maybe my school really just sucked#I mean I already know it did. but maybe it did in even more ways than I thought#maybe it's a Gymnasium thing. idk. any Germans please feel free to comment if gym class at your school was like this#and it wasn't just because we were bad at sports or anything. I got very good grades in gym class at the other school. and my friend does a#ton of different sports now and everything#I remember there was a girl in my class who got a 1 (the best grade) in every other class and a 4 (out of 6) in gym class. and the teacher#was so fucking awful and gleeful about it. he made fun of her so much.#I'm pretty sure I was about to get a 6 in gym class right before I dropped out - and that definitely played a part tbh. I just couldn't#spend one more second with that gym teacher. he was horrible and gross and mean (and sexually harassed girls at another school! but of#course he was still allowed to teach at our school!! ľ#anyway. gym class was the worst part of my (already not great) life from 11 to 19 so I hope all my old gym teachers break both their legs :)#except one. he was really nice to us and didn't do any of the stuff the others did. but we only had him for a year in between all the other#ones so it wasn't enough :(#like one of our (female!!) teachers would loudly make fun of girls who said they couldn't participate because they were on their period and#in too much pain.#in front of everyone. when we were like 13.#I hate that woman more than any of the others.#lol it's funny how like half of my issues are because of my parents and the other half is because of that fucking school#I will never forgive my mother for forcing me to go there and never letting me change schools even though I asked to for 8 fucking years#personal
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arthur-r · 8 months
falling asleep worked i did it for three hours. now what i’m still tired i just also wasted the day and looked stupid to my roommate….
#like im glad i slept but also. same problems as before#although my french teacher emailed me back said i should go to office hours. which is a proper response to my email#wikipedia guy texted me back with details like an hour after i texted but also like two or three hours ago#gonna settle the score by bringing a $20 bill tomorrow then i won’t feel so weird and guilty#but no i feel so fucking stupid and gross for like. i was crying so close to my roommate so i had to fall asleep#or else i’d be standing up with tears in my eyes next to my roommate which is worse#but i just. i dont know. like he thinks i’m just lazy. i’m always asleep i never tell him why#i dont know. good morning i hope everyone is doing well#there are two people i usually get dinner with and one is out of town and the other i think his parents are here and also things are weird#translation things aren’t weird i’m just weird and feel guilty for being such a weird person#anyway i just. college?? what am i doing here????#i talked to my mom this morning she says that she felt the same way during college and that she should have dropped out way earlier#which. not helpful?? what do i do after i drop out?? i am someone who can’t hold a normal part time job and my only HOPE is ending up being#i mean anything really just something that requires a lot of prior experience!!#and the college is paying me really good to go to school but only if i stay full time#so i cant just lower my course load because that will actually make everything worse instead of better#idk. going to french teachers office hours tomorrow and will figure out time for linguistics teacher too and will get my LIS grade back up#(that one is just simple that one is i missed two discussion posts but there are ten more to come and also tests and stuff. i’ll be ok)#idk. and i still want to go to my LIS teachers office hours and ask how he became professor of rare books print culture and information bias#that is a good set of things to be a scholar for. and he’s curating collections at the same time as being my teacher#so idk. professors don’t seem as stupid and uppity as they used to. and i think i want to do that someday#plus with the salary jump from librarian i can feasibly become a major donor to local libraries to keep that influence around shdhdf#(although. if i get paid by the school (!!) to get a phd in print culture who says i don’t become a fancy librarian with that??)#i dont know. this is so stupid because i get so excited about the prospects and then i go back to the present and i’m flunking out of school#my grades haven’t been this bad since the height of COVID i thought something about me had gotten better but apparently not#like literally who went and made me traumatized?? why did you have to do that?? now i can’t be a normal person?? shut up!!!!#idk. just feel like if i weren’t having panic attacks about the fact that people are safe and kind here (and therefore must be hiding their#true intentions and taking advantage of me) then maybe i would have remembered to take my french test#idk. i’m tired and want to go home. sorry for venting all day i hope everyone is doing okay#vent cw
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daisynik7 · 9 months
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When Nanami gets jealous, he gets mean. 
One day, you’re checking out at your favorite bakery, chatting with one of the new employees you just met the other day. Nanami stands beside you, already eyeing the poor guy suspiciously, sliding his arm around your waist, as if to make it even more apparent that the two of you are together. Still, this goes unnoticed; the man says something flirty, along the lines of I made this bread special for you today, I hope you enjoy it. He seals his fate by giving you a brazen wink, and you’re surprised that Nanami manages to keep his cool, though you can feel him tense up next to you. Before he can say anything, you pay quickly, grabbing your baked goods, fleeing the scene with your husband fuming silently in tow. 
The following week, when you suggest going to the same bakery the next morning for breakfast, Nanami is especially enthusiastic when he agrees. It doesn’t strike you as odd, until later that night. 
You’re cuddling in bed, and as usual, you both start getting handsy with each other. He slips beneath your top, flicking his thumbs against your perked nipples. His mouth grazes your neck, licking at your pulse points. You giggle, ticklish at the sensation, but then he nips at your skin with his teeth, immediately sucking on the spot hard. You whine his name, squirming at the sting. “Nanami!” 
“What is it, sweetheart?” His mouth is hot on your ear, one hand trailing down between your legs, rubbing your pussy through your panties. “You don’t like it?”
You do, of course, so you say, “I do like it. Just…no hickies. We’re seeing people tomorrow.” You’re referring to your friends, who you’re meeting for dinner. But Nanami has someone else in mind. 
“But that’s exactly why I want to,” he growls, sucking on your neck again, making his mark on you. “Everyone is going to know you’re mine.”
And how can you deny him when he’s being so fucking naughty right now, slipping his fingers inside you, grinding his body against yours, leaving more love bites on your neck and across your collarbone. When he gets on top of you, folding you into a mating press, pounding his cock in and out of your sloppy cunt, you can’t help but notice his gaze flitting to the hickies he’s left on your skin. His pace increases, marveling at his pretty little slut imprinted by his kisses.
Even that is not enough. No, he has to mark you up in every way possible. After he fucks you into three orgasms, clit swollen and rubbed raw by his thumb, he’s ready to bust. He pulls out of you abruptly, dropping your legs back onto the bed, crawling up to straddle your chest. He strokes his cock in his fist as you watch him, moans pouring out of your drooling mouth, hungry for it. It doesn’t take much longer for him to shoot his load onto you, painting your love bites in his pearly white cum.
The next morning at the bakery, you greet the employee, Nanami beside you with a small grin on his face. It takes a minute of idle chit-chat for the man to notice, pointing at his own neck to ask, “Are those...?”
Before you can answer, your husband slides his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him, smirking at the employee. “Ah, well, I made these special for you last night, I hope you enjoy it.” Nanami gives you a loud smooch on the cheek, grabs the pastries, and leads you out the door, leaving the man too stunned to speak and you with your face buried in your hands, mortified. 
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