#i hope you all know im incredible greatful for u all
zhuhongs · 2 years
i need more dramas abt lesbians just living life and having normal jobs....
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sugrhigh · 3 months
BACKSTAGE - ( m.s )
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summary- your best friend caught the eye of the bass player in a band local to boston, your hometown, so you’re invited to the second to last stop of their US tour. they can definitely put on a show, and all of them are very welcoming when you meet them backstage. then there’s the asshole grumpy drummer with the inflated ego, who can’t seem to stop staring.
warnings- cursing, smoking, drinking, ???
band au (triplets are in their mid 20s)
drummer!matt x fem!reader (this song ^^ inspired me and it’s good af so i’m including it)
a/n: this has been brewing for a while and i kinda forking love this concept, i hope i brought it to life well! hope u enjoy and as always my inbox is open for whateva #kisses ****part 2 to come
@fawnchives @55sturn @teapartyprincess4two @l9vesick @sturnlova @cupidsword @junnniiieee07 @mattnchrisworld @cherrypostsposts
“are you sure you want to do this?” you ask her as you two linger by the bar at the back of the venue.
people are clearing out, all happily chattering after an incredible concert. you have to admit that it was a great performance, and the sold out crowd helped.
they’re a pretty talented band. and the bass player really wants your best friend.
all it took to get him interested was a single comment on one of his recent posts. adelaide is undeniably gorgeous, and she’s also built a decent following through her recent modeling jobs.
she stands out in any comment section and in crowds like these, so it makes sense that he hit her up. that’s why you’re here anyways.
mister bass player had invited you guys to the first of two sold out shows in this place. it’s the last stop on the band’s US leg, in their hometown, which happens to be where you and adelaide live.
“yes dude, for the hundredth time, im sure. and he’s waiting on us, so stop stalling. i know you have more balls than that.” adelaide gives you a pointed look.
you can’t help but roll your eyes. “i promise you i don’t care enough about what these guys think to be scared.”
“now that sounds more like you.” she teases as she pulls her phone out of her back pocket.
the light from the screen illuminates her face, and you watch as she taps something out quickly.
“chris said someone is gonna come get us.”
“can’t wait.” you smile sarcastically as you respond.
addy doesn’t even get the chance to yell at you about your attitude before a big buff guy dressed in all black approaches the two of you, dark hair slicked against his skull. SECURITY is printed across his jacket in bold yellow letters.
“you ladies enjoy the show?” his voice is deep, which matches his huge stature perfectly.
“oh, it was amazing! i’m assuming you’re jason?” adelaide beams at him, pushing her dark curls out of her face.
he nods once. “that’s me. you guys ready to head backstage?”
“yup, just lead the way.”
the two of you follow jason back down toward the front of the stage, around the protective barricade to a door that almost blends right in with the venue’s dark walls.
he knocks on it three times. another tall man opens it for him and ushers the two of you inside before people start to pay too much attention.
“dressing rooms this way.” the new guy leads you through the backstage area, down a narrow hallway until he stops in front of one of the doors. there’s a little placard with their band name on it, which is cute.
this time nobody thinks to knock, because it’s already pretty loud. once the door swings open the sound is even more overwhelming.
you count seven people, all sitting around on the couches and vanity seats in the dim lighting. three of them are nearly identical, which surprises you. you thought there were only two brothers in the band.
several bottles of champagne crowd the coffee table already, and they’ve only been off the stage for ten minutes.
all of them are watching the two of you now, and it makes you want to crawl out of your skin.
“look who it is.” one of the twins (or apparently triplets) that’s sitting on the couch sets his glass down and gets up to greet you.
his brown hair is long, longer than the others, hidden slightly by a black boston hat. he’s dressed in a celtics jersey and baggy jeans, clearly happy to be representing his city tonight.
“good to see you, chris.” adelaide smiles into his chest as he pulls her into a tight embrace that lasts for a few seconds too long.
“i promise it’s better to see you.” he smirks as he finally pulls away, not even trying to hide his gaze as he admires the way her outfit hugs her body.
then he turns to you, and you suddenly feel like a spotlight is shining directly in your face.
“it’s nice to meet you too, y/n. addy tells me you’re even cooler than she is.” chris says, wrapping his arm around your friends shoulder lazily.
“can’t argue with that.” you shrug with a grin, impressed that he remembered your name without having to ask.
he looks around and clears his throat, and the others stop chatting. “everyone, this is adelaide and y/n. introduce yourselves.”
one of the clones that was sitting beside chris speaks up now. “shouldn’t they know who we are?”
he looks directly at you with an uninterested gaze that’s somehow still so intense you almost lose your breath. he’s in all black, fluffy hair styled a bit shorter than chris’s.
his harley davidson muscle tee is cut off right above his black pants, revealing just the smallest sliver of his stomach as he leans back against the cushions casually. so many tattoos, so many rings.
it’s annoying that you notice this, even despite how pissed off you are at his stupid question.
“i hate to burst your bubble, but i wouldn’t be able to guess your name even if someone put a gun to my head.” you bite back without thinking, and laughter erupts around you.
“that’s exactly what you deserve for a dickhead comment like that, matt.” another currently-unnamed guy says.
he’s on the other sofa with the last of the carbon-copy brothers, arm around the waist of the beautiful girl that’s perched on his lap. the couple smile at you and adelaide.
“feel free to ignore him. i’m nathan, lead guitar.” he introduces himself.
“i’m his girlfriend jen.” the dark-haired woman chimes in, offering you a friendly wave.
“im nick,” the triplet sitting next to them finally reveals his name, “i’m not in the band, i’m just their tour photographer. my brothers got the musical talent.”
“kids a genius with a camera though.” chris adds, still sidled up against adelaide.
“names sam. i’m the singer.” a blonde boy with hair cropped close to his skull says with a nod.
he’s sitting on one of the vanity chairs that’ve been set up in a half circle, tipping the rest of his champagne back after he speaks.
“and i’m just his older sister gabby.” the girl beside him sticks her hand out, and you take a step forward to shake it.
“dont say just. and i love your necklace.” you compliment the barbed wire chain around her throat, and she waves her free hand at you, flushing slightly.
“you’re sweet.”
“it’s nice to meet you all. the show was fantastic, we had a blast.” adelaide addresses everyone with that award-winning grin you know and love.
chris leads her over to the couch and they sit down, pressed against each other like they’re attached at the hip. you have to admit it’s a little cute. you take the open chair next to gabby, opting to avoid sitting next to matt just to be near your friend.
“are you both from boston too?” sam asks, reaching to refill his drink.
jen gets up from nate’s lap to grab two more glasses from one of the cabinets, which is a kind gesture that you weren’t really expecting.
“yeah. we met in college and ended up staying in the city together.” you answer as he moves to pour your champagne next.
“that makes you what, 22? i am about to serve you alcohol.”
you can’t help but laugh, so adelaide answers instead. “we’re 25, but i’ll take that as a compliment.”
he puts his hands up in apology as you grab your glass. “so not recent graduates then, my bad.”
you can still feel matt staring at you, and when you meet his gaze over the rim of your drink he doesn’t shy away. your own eyes narrow slightly, because you dont understand why he won’t fucking quit it.
“what do you do for work?” nathan questions, and you finally break out of your trance to look over.
“i was in publishing for a bit, but i mainly model now.” addy responds first.
chris’s hand goes to grip her thigh endearingly as she sips her champagne. “can’t you tell?”
“stop it.” she nudges him slightly, though you can see a faint blush appear beneath her bronzed skin.
nate rolls his eyes before looking your way. “and you?”
“i’m a media manager for a few different brands.”
“really? like who?”
it’s matt speaking, you know even before you turn your head to meet his cold eyes once more. he’s challenging you, inked arms crossed over his chest defensively as he waits for an answer.
“well for one, those pants you’re wearing? i work with that company.” you reply bluntly.
you’d recognize those cargos anywhere, the faded star patches are a dead giveaway. matt’s face drops in surprise, and nick snorts, giving you a nod of approval that doesn’t go unnoticed.
“i can’t believe you work for vamped. we all get like, half of our wardrobe from there.” he admits.
“raiding her closet is a real treat, trust me.” adelaide makes it sound like a joke, but she actually does love to come over and steal all your favorite pieces.
it would be annoying if you didn’t love her so much.
jen smiles, cuddled back up on her boyfriend’s knee as she looks between the two of you. “i like you girls already.”
“yeah, and i respect anyone who can humble matt that quickly.” sam nods along in agreement, and you recognize that he’s talking about you in particular.
“oh, so i take it he’s like this all the time then?” your question is directed at sam, but you’re looking at the subject himself as you ask it.
“pretty much.” chris nudges matt with a silly grin, and he scowls in return, though he’s still watching you.
you can’t decipher what he’s feeling, what he’s thinking, and you don’t like it one bit. to be fair, you don’t know him at all yet, but you know the type.
you’ve met enough high profile people through vamped to understand that this kid thinks he’s some kind of god, probably because his friends tell him so.
but you’re not his friend, and you don’t owe him any politeness if he can’t bother to reciprocate it. you keep your eyes on him as sam redirects the conversation away from the two of you, another challenge of your own, and he finally looks away a moment later.
you take it as a win.
a few rounds of drinks later you can feel the heat creeping up your cheeks, blissfully tipsy as you continue to swap stories about anything and everything with the rest of the group.
chris and adelaide are in their own little world, whispering shit back and forth to each other like school girls.
matt hasn’t said a single word to you since you name-dropped your highest paying client just to embarrass him. he watches the rest of you interact, though that burning gaze of his always seems to meet yours anyways.
its driving you crazy, and you’re itching for a quick pause from the socialization, as nice as (almost) everyone has been.
“i’m gonna go for a smoke.” you address the group, mainly adelaide, and you’re met with a couple nods.
“same.” matt replies gruffly, and your heart falters.
of fucking course.
he pushes himself to a standing position before you can protest, or say anything really. his shirt is even more cropped now that he’s stretched to his full height, and you’re staring straight at his exposed happy trail and v-line. you’re pretty sure you see the top of a small tattoo by his hip.
your mouth goes dry, and you busy yourself grabbing your little purse from the floor.
“hurry back, i wanna hear more about this PR box fiasco.” gabby points a finger at you as you get up next, and you smile even though you know it’s a weak attempt.
“i’ll be quick.” you promise her.
adelaide gives you a little wave goodbye, which doesn’t quell your nerves as you turn to follow matt, who doesn’t wait for you to catch up.
he just throws the dressing room door open carelessly, letting it swing back so you have to stop it with your hand before it hits you. you glare at the back of his head, though you follow him in silence because you don’t know the way outside.
another security guard stands in the hall, and matt greets him with a quick nod as he heads outside, once again neglecting to hold it for you.
you mutter a quick hello to the man before stepping onto the little back patio. it’s the end of summer, edging toward fall now, so there’s just a slight chill in the air.
he’s already leaned up against the brick wall, situated on one of the steps down to the gated parking lot. for the first time tonight, he’s actually not looking at you, and it’s somewhat of a relief.
you dig around in your bag to retrieve your crinkled carton of cigarettes, flipping the lid open to pull one out and stick it between your lips. you’re about to put them away when matt clears his throat.
“can i bum one?” he asks softly.
it’s the least aggressive he’s been all night, and it throws you so off guard you can’t find anything to say back so him. so you just nod slowly, grabbing another cigarette for him and passing it over.
“you got a light? couldn’t bring mine in.” you mutter, though your words slur because of the cig that’s between your teeth.
matt nods, ruffling his hair with one hand as the other slips into his back pocket. he pulls out a red disposable lighter and ignites it in one swift motion.
he holds it up to your mouth, burning the end of the thin roll of tobacco. he’s staring at your lips, thinking about how soft they look wrapped around that filter paper.
matt doesn’t want to be wondering what it would be like to feel them against his own, because you embarrassed him. he hates being embarrassed, especially by someone who walked right into his dressing room like she owned it.
you’re unlike any girl he’s ever met, and he’s fucking entranced.
you inhale, glancing to meet his blue eyes as the smoke fill your lungs, completely unaware of his thoughts. it’s familiar, and it calms you down a little bit.
you pull it from your mouth to exhale, watching as he lights his own before slipping the plastic device back into his pocket. he slumps back up against the wall, kicking one leg up to steady himself.
it’s silent again for a moment while you both enjoy the brief hits of nicotine, letting the clouds swirl up into the night. you both go to ash at the same time, and he breaks the tension first.
“so, what did you think of the show, sweetheart? your friend spoke for you, but i’m sure you have your own opinion.” he says, one side of his mouth tilted up.
you weigh up his statement, rewinding to an hour ago. you guys were in the upper wing, right by the stage in the front row. the view was great, and the energy was definitely there.
you remember matt, sweaty and focused as he banged on those fucking drums like his life depended on it. your eyes were drawn to him for a lot of the performance, to the intensity he brought to the stage.
that was before you knew about his superiority complex, though you should have been expecting it. he is, after all, a rising rock star.
“it was good.” you reply bluntly, shrugging as you bring your cigarette back to your lips.
he fully smiles now, though it’s not a warm one. then he follows your lead and takes another drag as well, his tattoos shifting as his muscles flex and relax due to the movement.
“don’t fucking humor me.” matt finally says seriously, and you narrow your eyes.
“i wasn’t, but it doesn’t matter either way. you think you’re the shit regardless.” you snap back.
matt softens a bit at your tone, but he’s also backed into a corner. you confuse him, because you’re impossible to read. that’s never happened to him before, and it’s annoyingly enticing.
“you don’t know a damn thing about me.”
“i know your type.” you argue sourly, sucking in another mouthful of smoke.
he turns his full attention to you now, shifting so he can look you right in the eyes. you wish it didn’t intimidate you so much, but the way he’s been leering at you all night makes you sweat.
“and what type would that be, hm?” matt goads.
you nudge at the concrete with the toe of your sneaker, pausing briefly to compose your answer.
“you’re arrogant, which either comes from the fame or the praise, or most likely both. in fact, you’re so cocky that you probably can’t be around anyone without patronizing them. i bet they all tell you how talented and badass you are, but you wanna know what i think?” you ask him, taking a hit of your cigarette for dramatic effect.
and it works. matt is hanging onto every word, waiting for you to deliver the final punch as you take a step closer, blowing the vapor toward him.
“i think that the whole time, they’re just waiting for you to shut the fuck up.”
for a second the world is still, and neither of you move an inch. he’s just studying you, eyes skipping across your face like he’s trying to commit it to memory.
“you want to know what i think?” he questions you quietly, and you can’t help but watch his lips as they move.
so pretty and pink, and you know he would taste like tobacco and sweat. you want to give in, but you won’t. one thing about you is that you’re stubborn, and you refuse to make the first move for this asshole.
“i think you like it.” matt finishes, so close to your lips now that he’s practically whispering his words against them.
just as you think he’s about to kiss you, to give you the power you crave, he tosses his cigarette to the ground and snuffs it out before stepping around you.
the only reminder that the moment was real is the door slamming shut behind him.
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little-critters-snips · 3 months
i fear the mess of posting these without a number. oooo pink text
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WE START WITH THE AMAZING @oliwas !!!! WHO DREW THE CUTEST CATNAP!!!!! (also i loooooove zaza catnap keep em coming) and human dogday with vitiligo is sooooooo me. we r soooo alike i swear.
also human catnap and dogday kissing is GREAT. AMAZING. INCREDIBLE. THANK U @cheesy-sunny-days for EVERYTHING!!
i drew the girls for diversity/j LMAO
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ALSO @fandomsoda WITH THE GAYS!!!!!!! WE R FULL ON WINNING TODAY ON THE BOYS DEPARTMENT TODAY!!!! love the continuation btw gotta stay on theme LMAO
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okay. i dont know who drew these cuties BUT IF YOU DREW THEM CLAIM THEM THEM PLSPLSPLS THEY R SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE (i hope its actually a different person and not me confusing artstyles i am kind of blind rn)
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ok........................i love you all so much!!!!! we have seen a comeback for the sun and moon motif duo. and i think its great!!!! the silliest little guys!!!! until next time!!!
if you didnt get a chance to draw this time, dont worry!!!! im trying to do these every weekend and they stay up till monday heheh
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feralforriddle · 5 months
nobody makes me feel things.
summary: tom riddle x y/n, first person. tom starts to get really confused as to why he was feeling so many things for the sweet ravenclaw girl. but he seems to soften up pretty quick, leaving you just as confused.
a/n: my first ever fic! please give feedback if you enjoyed in the comments. this is probably super messy but i just kept typing lol. i hope u enjoy :3.
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'what do you want.' he says, staring at me with his dark, cold glare. i gulp, immediately regretting my decision. picking at the skin around my nails, i pluck up the courage to ask him.
'um, i was just wondering if you were still tutoring people?' i ask, looking up at him anxiously. he stares at me for a second, seemingly very confused. or is he happy? angry? honestly, it's really hard to read him. impossible even.
'yes. i do, why?' he steps closer to me, looking down and crossing his arms. it's almost like he is trying to kill me. doesn't he realize how handsome he is?
'i am struggling at the moment in potions, a-and i know you're really smart in that subject. i was wondering if you'd help me?' i ask, trying to sound confident but failing miserably. why is it so hard to talk to him? obviously everybody knows what tom is like. he has almost zero friends, and he doesn't seem to care about making any.
but i have always been intrigued by him. always watching and admiring from afar. always found him exceptionally handsome. never found any courage to talk to him, though. so now is my chance to get his attention.
do i really need help in potions? not really. it's definitely not my most successful class, but i could probably still pass without his help. but the idea of him teaching me, maybe he could show me how to make potions too, standing behind me and guiding my hands-
okay, no. i am getting truly distracted now.
i have just always been so infatuated with him. my friends call me crazy for trying this, and that they have never seen him interested in any girl before him. i have seen him glance at me before, staring a little longer than just an accidental glance. so part of me is really hopeful he sees me the same way. and i don't have enough confidence to just ask him out, which is why i thought a study session would be good.
'i can help you. what is it you need help with the most?' he says, surprisingly softer. a slight glint in his eye. it did not last long though, he returned to his usual glare.
'mainly brewing the potions, getting things perfect. sure, i get it right but, you always seem to make them perfectly' i say, complimenting him lightly to see his reaction.
i did not get much of one.
'yes, mine are perfect. i can help you. i will ask professor slughorn if we can use the potions room after class hours, he won't mind i'm sure.' he says, nodding down at me once.
i smile brightly up at him, 'thankyou tom! i'll meet you there today around 6pm then?' i ask, beyond excited to get to spend more time with him.
he nods, squinting his eyes lightly at me before turning around and leaving. he certainly is a unique boy. i turn to return to the great hall and finish my lunch.
i was itching for 6pm to come faster, wiggling in my seat in my final class of the day. i need to make sure i look pretty, too. i am incredibly nervous to see him, and be alone with him too. my cheeks go red at the thought. i am probably thinking of this way differently to tom, he probably isn't even excited. but i don't care, i just wanted him to see me, to notice me.
as soon as class ended, i sprinted back to my dorm to get changed and freshen up. putting on a clean white shirt, my slightly tighter one for no particular reason at all. and my ravenclaw skirt, pilling up a little further up my thighs than normal. i do light makeup, and ruffle my hair and im ready. this is very unlike me. i never dress like this, and to be honest i feel embarrassed but i want to catch his attention somehow.
it's 5:50pm, so i grab my study books and quill, and head quickly to the classroom. he arrives just seconds after me.
'hi tom' i smile.
he stares at me for a second, glancing down at my outfit. 'what are you wearing?' he says, glaring at me for a second.
'just my uniform..' i frown, looking down at myself.
tom's head erratically turns around, checking nobody is around. 'you walked down here like this?'
'get inside, quickly.' he opens the door for me, and i rush inside, very very confused as to what is happening.
he looks at me again as i sit at the desk where he clearly prepared things. 'why did i have to rush in here?'
'because i don't want anybody else to see you like this.' he grunt, putting his books down before sitting beside me.
'why's that?' i say, a little hope bubbling inside of me that maybe it's because he only wants to see me like this.
'you ask too many questions. lets just focus on this' he says, avoiding eye contact with me.
the whole study session i was incredibly nervous. i couldn't write properly because my hands were shaking so much. my cheeks constantly red through the whole thing. i sigh as he packs things away, 'thankyou for helping me, tom'.
'it's okay' he says nothing else before heading to the door.
i don't know why, but he seems even less interested after that. he is barely talking to me, his body language is just telling me he is uncomfortable. maybe he figured out my little plan and it put off by it? maybe he really just doesn't like me back. maybe i'm just not confident enough for him?
perhaps i should stop trying so hard.
i grab my own things and walk to the door with him. 'i-i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable tom, i'm sure you figured out what i was doing' i say with as much courage as possible. i feel ridiculously embarrassed. he looks at me and says nothing.
his face indicates nothing. nothing whatsoever. i take a deep breath. looking at him with glossy eyes, rushing out of the potions classroom and back to my dorm.
i jump on my bed, pushing my face in the pillow and letting a few tears go. i thought it would work, i really did think he might like me back. i was stupid to think so. he doesn't really feel anything for anyone. and i made such a fool of myself, trying to flirt or complimenting me, wearing this revealing uniform. oh god i want the ground to swallow me hole.
i just curl up into a ball and fall asleep soon after.
tom on the other hand, is left feeling very very confused. he doesn't know why he feels this way, why did he get a pang in his chest when he saw my glossy eyes? why couldn't he seem to breathe properly around me? he has never felt this way for anybody and he doesn't know what to do.
the next day i head to breakfast, nervous about seeing tom there. he always sits at the end of the table alone, so it's inevitable he will see me as i walk into the great hall. i try and get there as early as possible, hoping i arrive before he does.
but no, he is sat there, and his head shoots up the second he sees me walk into the hall. my cheeks flush insanely red, my hands beginning to sweat a little as i feel his burning gaze on me.
i rush to the table, sitting by myself at the end too, not really wanting to tell my friends what happened.
tom sees me sitting alone and furrows his eyebrows. before even thinking, he stands up and walks over to sit directly opposite me on the ravenclaw table. i look up at him and panic.
'why are you sitting alone?' he says, staring at me.
'um, i just didn't feel like talking to my friends this morning' i gulp, frantically trying to avoid his gaze. he glances down to see them all staring with their jaws dropped.
'pathetic.' he mutters.
'you think im pathetic?' i say, eyes softening at him.
'no, quite the opposite' he mumbles, nodding his head down the table. 'that is pathetic'. my cheeks flush a little as i giggle at him. looking back up at him, i give him a soft smile.
'why did you come over here, tom?'
'because i don't want to see you sitting by yourself.' he says, taking a bite of his breakfast. 'come on, eat something. we have class soon'.
i do as he says, of course, but i am also extremely confused as to what is happening. from how he was acting yesterday, to this? i am very confused. but secretly i am really enjoying this.
'so, how about another study tonight?' he says bluntly. my eyes nearly shoot out of their sockets and my heart nearly came out of my chest.
'o-oh, um sure' i smile, covering my nerves.
'and you can wear that little outfit again. just don't let anybody see you on the way'. i nod quickly at him. and we quietly had breakfast together. he walked me to my class, which left my hiding my smile under my hand in class.
i take a deep breath as i wait for tom to arrive outside of the class. i tap my feet on the floor in anticipation. my god, am i nervous.
'get inside, quick' he says, opening the door for me again.
i smile a little, rushing inside and sitting back in my normal seat. but there is nothing here set up to study like last time. he raised an eyebrow at me and slowly walks over as i look at him confused.
'what are we doing today tom if there isn't anything here?' i ask, turning to him as he sits beside me.
'oh i think we both know studying isn't the reason we are doing this' he says, turning to me slightly.
i almost choke on the air.
'i don't know what you've done to me, but i can't stop thinking about you' he sighs. 'it's awful, really. i haven't ever felt this way before, i was up most of the night figuring my feelings out. now i worry i am stuck, wanting you with me at all times when i can't'.
'yes, you can'. i jump to answer. 'just give me the word and i'm yours'.
'mine?' he hums, as i stand up and stand in between his legs, looking up at him.
he puts his hand on the side of my face. 'i hope you know what you've gotten yourself into. I'm not easy, darling'. he sighs.
'i'll get used to it' i smile.
'if i see any other man in the same proximity as you, i can't promise i won't hex them'.
'id like that' i hum.
'come here' he murmurs, pulling me closer into him, connecting his lips onto mine. and i melt. i've been wanting this for so long. his tongue swipes against my bottom lip, deepening the kiss as my hands wrap around his neck, pulling him to stand with me and wrap his arms around my waist.
'lets go back to my dorm. i have my own dorm because i hate everyone.' he mumbles against my lips. i giggle at him, pulling back and nodding. 'lets go' i agree.
the next morning, i walk into the great hall for breakfast. tom's eyes find mine as he gives me a very small, but cheeky grin.
he stands up and walks over to my table before i can sit down.
he grabs my chin, pressing a kiss against my lips softly right in front of all my friends. as if to prove a point.
'see you in class, baby'.
i smile at him as he walks back to the slytherin table. i look down at my friends,
'what on earth?!' they shout.
a/n; and we're done! please give me feedback if you liked this, or not. my first ever fic ahh! <3 love u angels.
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fairyhaos · 1 month
good morning guess what!!!! today marks the 1-year anniversary of user fairyhaos 🥰🥰
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crazy to think that one whole year ago, i was making this account and posted a svt hc for the first time and, now, 365 days later, ive grown and become a blog that's frankly astonishing in size. i just wanted to say thank you to all of u for being here with me! i did not expect this blog to grow at the startling and amazing rate in which it did, and im so grateful because it's because of all of you that this has happened. <3
from little platonic headcanons to follower events to having a tracked tag to even making gifs now (!!! how did that even happen pls) ive learned so much during this year alone, and it's been utterly incredible to go on this journey with all of you 🫶 you all mean so much to me, truly.
i was thinking of maybe doing something for this day, but im gonna be honest, i couldn't think of anything 😭 but just know that i love u all a great deal and if there's anything that u wanna do to celebrate, im all ears!! you're all so, so precious to me, and i really do want to do something to celebrate this blog's birthday!
and ofc, is this really an celebration post by fairyhaos if i don't talk about my moots?? you've all made the experience here even more wonderful and im rather ia these days (cries) but i miss u and im thinking of all of u always ^_^
@etherealyoungk @weird-bookworm @rubywonu @blue-jisungs @haecien @slytherinshua @icyminghao @wheeboo @eternalgyu @y-ves @trblsvt @idubiluv @odxrilove @arafilez @soonhoonsol @dalkyeom @gyuswhore @hannieheartuu @h-ao @hannyoontify @jeonsupershy @jeonwon-wonwoo @kyeomyun @leech4ns @chwedout @vcrnons @boosari @meowonhao-main @mesanthropi @mirxzii @17isrighthere @wonwoonlight : u are all the people who mean theee most to me, and im so grateful to have known all of you!! 💗
and how can i forget everyone else? thank you to everyone: all of my readers, all of my anons - named or not - and anyone who's ever interacted w me, my fics, my gifs, anything at all.
one year with this blog... insane. you've all brought me unspeakable amounts of joy in this year alone, and i hope to be able to give that back to u all tenfold in the future 🫶
💌 - yena xx
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Ahhh i dont really know how Tumblr works (this is my first time requesting someone) but i see that ur request was open
i want to request an academic rivalry trope hcs with riddle or Azul or both (bcs i absolutely LOVE the way u write them 😞 it makes me giggle)
Thank u in advance and have a great day or night (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
SUMMARY: Riddle & Azul with an academic rival!!
COMMENTS: omg i love you for this!!! this is one of my favorite tropes ever and these two are so emotionally constipated they wouldn't know what to do with themselves. i hope you have a lovely day too anon <33 and im so glad you like how i write them hehe azul is the loml so it means a lot when people say that!!
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Riddle doesn’t know what to do about you. He feels so incredibly frustrated every single time you score higher than him on a test because he should be better. How can he pride himself in being Heartslabyul’s Housewarden if he can’t even be at the top of his class?
So what does he do with that frustration? He studies harder and harder because clearly he isn’t trying hard enough. His health deteriorated, and if it wasn’t for Trey, Riddle would be even more of a wreck.
Then he finally does it. All of that work culminates into Riddle finally scoring a point higher than you on his Magical History exam. He stares at the board smugly, really admiring his name above yours (which is how it should be, in his mind.)
You approach the board too, and he expects you to say something about how you’ll score higher than him next time or how you can’t believe he’s finally beaten you, but instead, you nod cheerfully and walk away.
You just walk away. You don't even look at him. You’re satisfied with yourself?! Riddle feels rage bubbling up in his chest, and he almost screams at you right there and then in the hallway. What is wrong with you?!
It doesn’t help matters when Crewel assigns a huge project that's to be completed by two people, and places you and Riddle together. He’s so hell-bent on avoiding you the entire time, even when your face grows annoyed at his inability to cooperate.
“This project is a long one, you know.” you tell him one day, staring daggers into the side of his skull, “It takes six months to complete. If you want to get a good grade you’ve got to lay down your pride and talk to me. I’m not put up with this for half a year.”
Riddle hates that you’re right. He hates it so much because he’s always supposed to be the sensible one. He’s studied the rules over and over and yet you stump him. You make him wrong.
Is he wrong to resent you for that? Is it wrong to want to destroy your pride? Is it wrong to hate that you seemingly get everything you’ve ever wanted so easily while he’s worked hard for it?
Is it wrong that he wants to cooperate so hard and so efficiently with you that you take back everything you said to him?
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Azul wants to get you in his debt so BADLY. He isn’t at the very top of his class, no. That title belongs to Riddle, who has refused his offers for a contract time and time again. Maybe there’s something you want, though.
He will find it. He will examine you every day and pick apart every insecurity and moment of sadness. That smart little brain of yours may be good for tests, but when it comes to manipulation, you have nothing on Azul.
It’s a small comfort if nothing else. You may have the entire school wrapped around your finger and the Leech twins might be fascinated with you, but that doesn’t matter.
Well, it doesn’t matter until you show up at the Lounge of your own volition. Azul is shocked when he hears the twins call your name, and you enter his VIP Room looking far too calm.
Floyd almost hacks up a laugh from laughing too hard when you ask for tutoring. Azul is baffled as Jade snickers, wondering why the person who outscores Azul continuously would ask him for tutoring.
But this is his chance. And so he writes up a contract, asking for something vague because he doesn’t know what he’ll need from you yet but he’s certain you’ll come in handy in the future and suddenly—
You wrinkle your nose and hand the contract back to him, pointing at one of the conditions. “I don’t like that one. Change it.” you say, and Floyd starts cackling again because no one has ever read them that closely.
It’s a condition that states you will come to the Lounge whenever Azul summons you. It’s vague enough that the signer may not realize he truly means whenever, but outlined enough to make them assume that it only applies to the time frame in which the main part of the contract is in effect.
It’s sneaky, and you caught it. Azul’s eyebrow twitches as he stares at you, forcing a smile on his features. Why, of course he can change that for you! What would you like it to say instead? You should know that he’s on home turf right now, and he never loses in the comfort of his VIP Room.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Peaky boys and reader who teases them all day and then gets a portion of flip flops or rough fuck.
My morning starts with me going to your profile and watching updates. And my heart blazes when I see that something has come out. You're great!! 🖤
Ohhhh lovely what a sweet little message! Im sorry i know u sent this ages ago but im only just getting round to it now!! I’m so so sorry its taken me so long. I hope you'll like these <3
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🌿 Not a forgiving man. At all. He can hold a grudge and he does not appreciate being teased... 
🌿 Especially not when he’s told you 100 times that he's busy, that he’s got a lot of work he should be focussing on, yet you still insist upon visiting him in his office, sitting yourself down on his desk so that he has no choice but to focus on you and not the work in question. 
🌿 When he asks what you’re doing and you can hear the impatience in his voice so you open your legs slowly to show him you aren’t wearing any underwear, he struggles to hold back his temper... he can’t believe you’re really messing with him right now...
🌿 He also can’t believe he’s managing to resist you right now. 
🌿 Sending you away is the last thing he wants to do but he does, his hands firm on your knees as he pushes your legs back together and refuses to show you how much he wants you. 
🌿 If this is the game you want to play and you really think you can push your luck teasing him, then he’s going to tease you back twice as hard.
🌿 He’d lure you in, bringing you so close to him, then he’s whisper something incredibly dirty in your ear. He’d tell you to go home, go to your room, undress and wait for him, he'd promise you he wouldn’t be long
🌿 “If I come home and you have so much as a sock on you’ll be in trouble and not the kind you’re hoping for angel...”
🌿 And then he’d make you wait ALL day as punishment so that you weren’t sure whether he’d forgotten about you or not. 
🌿 But trust me when he does get home you’re in for the roughest fuck of your life. He’s going to exhaust you so that you’ll know never to interrupt him and tease him again. 
🐻 Loves winding you up more than he cares to admit. In fact, the more he can tell you want him the more he wants to tease you. 
🐻 He knows you so well that he can tell just from the smallest change in your demeanour that you’re pining for him... and he will use that against you. 
🐻When he notices out the corner of his eye that you’ve dropped something on the floor on purpose so that you can bend down and give him a view to remember, he will make sure not to let you catch him looking, in fact he’ll make a show of busying himself somewhere else so that you know he really isn’t bothered by your efforts. 
🐻He can keep this up all day... if you want him, you’re going to have to straight up beg him because he will purposefully ignore all your hints and subtleties just to torture you
🐻And if you don’t give up and start begging he will basically corner you into admitting to your tricks. 
🐻 “Are you alright there poppet? You look like you want to tell me something... yeah actually, you haven’t stopped giving me those eyes all day... why don’t you come here yeah...”
🐻He’ll let you think for a moment that you’re finally going to get what you want but that isn’t how this is going to work. He’s going to tease and tease and tease. 
🐻He’d turn his chair, pull it away from his desk and towards you, “Come on then darlin, come sit here in your old mans lap, talk to me yeah... don’t just float around my office giving me them eyes... you never know, I might be able to help...eh?”
🐻He’d make you sit in his lap, make you balance with your legs either side of one of his thighs and he’d make sure to apply just enough pressure making you squirm in his lap as he spoke to you. Then he’d draw it out, he’d have his hands on your waist and hips holding you still and in place, smirking at you, knowing he’s stopping you from being able to rub yourself on his thigh. “Now then poppet, why don’t you tell me what's going on... what you looking at me with those sad little eyes for... what do you want?” 
🐻He’d be trailing his fingers over your skin, the cool metallic touch of his rings leaving goosebumps wherever they went. 
🐻 He won’t let you go until you’ve admitted to what you want, and even then, he’d just lean back in his chair and tell you to show him how badly you wanted it, he’d make you get off grinding on his thigh, or have you sit on his desk and touch yourself, the whole time all you want is for him to touch you. 
🐻 Might give you what you want if you put on a good enough show, but the chances are he’s going to make you edge yourself for a very long time before he decides you’ve earned a spoiling. 
🍂 You don’t really believe you’d get the chance to tease him?
🍂 Seriously, the first attempt at teasing him and he’s going to flip you over his desk and fuck you till your mind is blank and hazy. 
🍂 He might seem on board with at first, he might laugh when you sit in his lap and grind on him before getting up, trying to leave him with a hard on and no satisfaction... but he isn’t going to let you go and you know it. 
🍂 “where do you think you’re going darlin... get back here...”
🍂 If you don’t do as you’re told you can expect him to respond with force, getting up and following you out of his office, picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder, carrying you back and throwing you down onto his desk ready to teach you a lesson. 
🍂 “You want to play games do you darlin, you thought you’d come down here and try to tease your Arthur did you? Well love, that ain't how this is gonna work...” 
🍂 He’ll fuck you, hard fast and rough, fucking you from behind and spanking you, bending over you so that he can growl in your ear, so many degrading things. 
🍂 “Wanted to try and be a little slut did you, wanted to play at being a fucking whore well I’ll make a whore out of you yet love, I’ll make you a fucking good whore...” 
🍂 Won’t be quiet about it and will definitely use the racket you’re making to further your humiliation and punish you for misbehaving. He’ll remind you that everyone can hear you making all this noise, that everyone will know now how much of a little whore you are. 
🌼 He can’t lie, he likes it when you try and tease him, in fact he loves it when you try to tease him. He likes all the effort you go to, he thinks its cue how desperate for his attention you are. He will ignore you at first just to make you work even harder
🌼 And, he’s a bastard about it, because he loves to tease you right back. Every time you make a move and try to tease him he’ll out manoeuvre you, luring you in, making you think he’s falling for your tricks and then just when you think you’ve won hell make his move, trick you into letting out a little moan for him when he slips his fingers between your legs and catches you out, or when he drags his teeth over the sensitive place on your neck only to push you away and pretend he’s hardly noticed you at all. 
🌼 He will do it all day and what's worse, he’ll laugh at you. The more sexually frustrated you get the more he’ll tease and laugh because it’s so entertaining to him seeing you get flustered and frustrated and needy for him. 
🌼 He doesn’t know why you always fall for his tricks either, you’d think a clever girl like you would know the fifth time he tells you to come sit in his lap and tell him what you want, that you’d tell him to fuck off. That you’d know he was only going to kiss your nose and smirk like a teenager saying something like “too bad sunbeam, that ain’t gonna happen...” and yet somehow he manages to dangle just enough hope in front of you that you fall for it every time. 
🌼He’ll keep it up until you’re all teary eyed and sulky, until you genuinely look a little bit like you can’t take his teasing anymore. But before you get what you want he’ll have you on your knees beneath his desk looking up at him with wide doe eyes, telling him you’re sorry for being a tease and begging him to let you get what you want. 
🍀 He's just as impatient as Arthur and he doesn’t like playing games however, he won’t respond at all like the Shelby because a) he isn’t about to lose his temper over sex and b) he would be worried about scaring you or being too aggressive with you
🍀 Also he knows what you’re like, he understands this game you like to play and he knows that if he’s patient and bides his time then he’ll get everything he wants and more. 
🍀 He won’t really let you tease him though, at least he won’t let you frustrate him. He’ll enjoy how tactile you are with him and of course he’ll let his eyes linger on you when you walk with those swaying hips or you let the collar of your blouse slip down to reveal your shoulder. 
🍀 He’ll let you inspire that possessive nature he has when it comes to you, he’ll let you wind him up and up and up until he’s about to snap and then when he’s really riled up he’ll steal you away somewhere the two of you can be alone. 
🍀 There’ll be no words at first, just his body trapping you between him and the wall, his lips on yours his tongue pushing its way into your mouth, teeth colliding, biting your bottom lip. 
🍀 He’d be just as desperate for you as you are him and he’d definitely take control, fucking you against the wall one hand on your hip the other on your throat. 
🍀 He’d be so soft dom! about it, getting as close to you as he possibly can, holding your wrists above your head with one hand, making you look into his eyes the whole time, telling you not to close your eyes, talking you through your high with little demands and lots of praise. 
🍀 If anything he’s rewarding you for being such a little tease. 
🍀 The one thing which would potentially have him snap would be if in order to tease him you tried to flirt with another man, or you ignored Bonnie in favour of talking to other men, even if you weren’t flirting with them. That would bring out his competitive side and his jealous streak and then you’d really be in for it. He’d fuck you hard until you could hardly think anymore all the while telling you that you’re his girl, you belong to him. Asking you who you belong to, making you say it and then forcing you to quiet with his fingers or tongue in your mouth.
🍀 Overstimulates you as "punishment" he'll keep making you cum over and over, not letting youbrest, watching as your eyes roll back and your body shakes. He loves watching you loose control and exhaust yourself cumming for him and when you're sobbing and mumbling all tired and fucked out that it feels "too good" he'll talk so soft and sweet to you, "good girl, just one more baby you can take it, i know you can, just one more for me little dove,"
🐀Doesn’t like being teased by you, you’re his girl and he wants you to be obedient and respectful. 
🐀 That being said he loves it when you show him how much you want him, how desperate for his attention you are. He knows that because you’re desperate for him you will do whatever he tells you and he loves the control over you he has
🐀 So if you’re being particularly naughty that day, trying to distract him, or trying to flirt with other people in front of him to draw his attention, he will snatch your wrist and take you to the bedroom where he will command you down onto your knees, deep throat fuck you until you’ve tears running down your cheeks. 
🐀 But here's the thing, once he’s cum he’s going to coax you back up to his level, he’s going to let you think that he’s about to take pity on you and reward you for being so good for him and then
🐀 he’s going to sit down, pour himself a glass of whiskey, and have you climb into his lap, sit on his cock... when you’re expecting him to fuck you he’ll just smirk and shrug. 
🐀 “Not just now eh love, someones got to teach you to be patient,” and then he’ll have you cockwarm him indefinitely. He’ll sit there with you balanced on his cock, forcing you to feel him going soft inside you, making you squirm and holding you still so that you can’t grind against him or get any satisfaction yourself... you’ll have to sit there being very still and well behaved even when you feel him getting hard again... every now and then just as you’re beginning to settle down in his lap he’ll twitch inside you and wake you right back up again
🐀 Then finally he’ll ask you whether you’re sorry, make you promise to be a good girl from now on. He won’t let you cum though, he’ll just say something like “maybe next time sweetheart,” and then leave you on your own to teach you a lesson. 
🐀 He'd better not come back to find you trying to satisfy yourself or there will be serious trouble
☘️ Doesn’t like to be denied anything because he’s lowkey spoiled and entitled. If you try to tease him he’ll be like... “the audacity :o” and he won’t know what to do.... at first
☘️  He’ll be pretty quick to think up a way to punish you, the whole plan being to make sure you know never to try and tease him again
☘️ At first he’d straight up ignore you, at least he’d try to, he isn’t very good at hiding the way he feels and his frustration would be so clear on his face and in his demeanour. So you would know you were winning. 
☘️ Then he’s start his assault on you, subtle at first, little caresses and touches, double meanings when he whispers something dirty in your ear. 
☘️  It won’t matter whether you’re alone or in a room full of other people, his tactics will be the same
☘️  He’d slide his hand up your skirt slowly, really slowly, maybe making it a little further up every time he tried it, before dragging it away and pretending as if he hadn’t done a thing. 
☘️ He’d have you sitting beside him, opposite Tommy Shelby, forcing you to try and keep quiet when his fingers have slipped between your thighs and are stroking over the lace of your underwear.
☘️  he has so many little tricks to build you up and up and up only to deny you satisfaction every single time. Each time he tries something its more intense and yet still with no reward.
☘️  By the end of the day you don’t know what to do with yourself, you’re up and down so much you’re exhausted, your poor heart and clit cannot take much more of these acrobatics. 
☘️ He will not let you sleep, once you’re in bed together thats when his fun and your punishment really begins. He’ll keep bringing you up, taking you so close to your high only to pull away and give you nothing, leaving you begging for him to let you cum. 
☘️ He’ll edge you like that until you’re crying and begging for him to stop but like Isaiah he won’t let you cum, he’ll make you suck his dick and have you apologise for being a little tease and then afterwards he’ll ask you whether you’ve learnt your lesson. 
☘️ “Are you going to try all that nonsense again y/n or do you think you’ve learned your lesson now?”
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hyunsvngs · 2 months
Hey juno!! Sorry I never talk on here (I'm very shy lol) but i am having thoughts. and I'm beginning to go feral AKDHDJ
Okay okay so I imagine this with Minho or Jeongin (maybe both. Im a slut for both) but imagine reader is a cat hybrid. But in a society that deems hybrids as kinda taboo yknow? So reader keeps it hidden, like always wearing hats to hide their ears and/or baggy bottoms to shove their tail into. Maybe reader and the boys are roommates or just like close friends or whatever but they're hanging out at home and one way or another end up play fighting, which ends in readers cat features to be revealed and the boys are immediately like. duh. that explains so much, the sharp nails the napping the love for milk etc etc. But also. They think its so incredibly hot. And even hotter how flustered reader gets. I think jeongin would be the one to say "cats out of the bag now, huh?"
Anyways the boys have never met a hybrid before so theyre all like "can we touch ur tail/ears?" And reader agrees despite knowing how sensitive they are. Ofc reader gets super blushy and flustered and horny at the boys petting them. I think Minho would be the first to notice. But of course being the wonderful friends they are, they just gotta help reader out!!! And the whole time theyre scratching behind readers ears or lightly tugging on their tail saying shit like "be a good kitty for us, okay?" or "you gonna purr for us, cat?"
Erm. Anyways. Sorry if this is weird or bad or anything I am by no means a writer i am simply a horny cat boy✊😔 I hope u have a great day!!
SEXYYYYY!!!!!!!! SO SO FRINKING SEXYXYYXXH but yes. i think mimo would be obsessed with u being a hybrid lol i refer back to my december collab minho fic 😜
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saelestia · 6 months
brief mention, i dont interact with a good chunk of people on here, but I felt it was right to include you all nonetheless. have a great new years, as I hope 2024 is filled with a good change in your lives and a year of better things than the year before, I tried to include everyone who has work up, but on the off chance I did miss you, I love you nonetheless, and think your work is awesome !
if you want to be removed js lmk! in no particular order
starting with . . .
@eijirhoe - dani ; me n dani have been mutuals for forever, and i think its incredible that to this day, we remain interacting occasionally, and checking in on each other, happy new years dani ily n i hope u enjoy the following year, as i hope it could include us talking more asw !!
@slay0368 - sarah ; i doubt you and i have interacted, but you seem fun and I would love to start interacting with you more, one of the rare ones that still loves tokyo rev, and I'm glad that tr is still thriving :3 happy new years !
@milkistoshi - milki ; writes the yummmiest smau for bllk, im acc obsessed, and one of my few bllk mooties, however i will still interact the fuck outta the smau, bc its that good, happy new years milki ! &lt;3
@offbrandkyoya - tri ; you write such a good gi smau, im still trying to catchup on reading it because you're very on it, with posting and keeping it going which I admire n think is pretty awesome, happy new years, I hope its filled with lots of happiness, and more interactions between the both of us !
@katsukike - blake ; my baefy fr, my first collab, my first mutual i really interacted with on this account, I have such admiration for you, and I'm honestly glad you and I connected, you're really cool, and your energy is such a fun one, also we have a mutual dislike for toji, its a sign happy new years snookums! &lt;;3
@pupkashi - jess ; you have on of those pfps where you just know who it is whenever you show up in the notifs, cutest headcanons, n I love ur works so much, oh em gee n ur theme is so cute too guguhuhu ! have a wonderful new years jess !!
@httpshujii - ray ; okok so, another tokyo rev mutual, you seem so sweet, n i'd love to start talking to you more !! your works are so tooth rottingly good, they feel so much like rom-coms, n I like that ! happy new years !
@cursingtoji - sandy ; oh my god the theme is so brain scratching, and your nails oh my god are so freaking pretty n the cutest random thoughts about the characters n I live for it, happy happy new yearsssss !
@astruoise - nadeen ; okay so ur theme, i love the colors n it makes me happy cause its so like CRISPY? idk. its so yum, but u and I haven't interacted a whole bunch, but when we did it was definitely an interesting conversation, it felt good to know someone had the same views as me for a situation, so that's fun! your blog is so cute, and you seem rlly sweet, happy new years !
@httpghostface -bunny ; argues w me over whos more cunty between gojo n dazai, you're so funny n your energy is so inviting, you've always been sweet to me, n I rlly do appreciate u ! dazais still cuntier btw, maybe your opinion will change in 2024, speaking of which, happy new years !
@kittytoru - bon ; we barely interact which sucks so badd, but your smau short scenarios r so ngh like they're so good n I love them, your red theme is so iconic, and its actually so pretty, happy new years I hope to interact with you more !
@awniiie - awnie ; you have no works up, but I'm excited for when the day you start posting comes, imma be the first to hype it up, as i don't have much to go based on, can i just say your theme is so inviting uguguhuh on a new note, have a wonderful new year, awnie !
@kakujis - pibby ; everything about your blog scratches my brain the right way, your writing style is so engaging too and I cant wait to see what you bring into the new year, in which I say, happy new year !
@angelsinmystomach - kokoa ; cutest ever, silly billy who does silly billy things, but either way, you're so chill n silly n its so sos sososos nice talking to you, sometimes you catch me off guard with what you say, n its a good surprise every once in a while, best writings and always sends me the drabbles n ideas that pop into your head, its so cutie, lovely theme, and writing, you never fail to amaze me ! happy new year lovelyyy!
@s-cara - fae ; dedicated scara fan and im here for it, we've only recently become mutuals, but I hope that as time goes on we form some kind of connection aside from our mutual liking of scaramouche! happy new years fae !
@diviennelaw - div ; we recently became mutuals, and it was all because of how much I loved your theme colors, you write sukuna so deliciouslyiylyyk guugughghhh !! happy new years div !
@imissyuuji - mika ; lord, theres so much I could say about how much I genuinely like mika, your energy is just so inviting, and you're literally the sweetest n kindest person ever, I hope 2024 takes it easier on you, aswell as a new start for whatever it is that might need to be better for you. happy new years mika, you're so cool, your blog is so cool, n I love all the stuff you write ! &lt;33
@fxshigurosbae - kristen ; i audibly gasped when i saw your theme its so fucking gorgeous words don't describe how glorious it is, aswell as ur fics, so yum like ohmigod, as I don't have much to say, have an amazing new year !
@drak3n - sena ; obsessed w ur blog, its all such amazing content n I was acc surprised when we became mooties and oh em gee like ur blog is so cute, n mysterious but like you write so well ugguhu, so on that note, have a wonderful new years !
@tojipie - adah ; the way you write toji is like the only way i can read him and feel something, its something about the way you write him and I've been holding this innn ughhugug, happy new years !
@sugudollz - ash ; ur so cute n ur blog is so cute n omg everythins is just so cute, but shit u write everything so good n sexy like hello?!! anyways, happy happy happy new years !
. . .
if i continue with writing, my fingers are going to fall off, I hope everyone has an awesome new year to come, and I hope we all interact more during it ! <3
happy new years everyone, yours truly, rain.
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ghouloflove · 1 year
when worlds collide.
in other words, the only female member of the biggest korean band in the world goes to formula 1 race in monaco with a friend; only to meet a certain ferrari driver.
pairing: charles leclerc x oc/fc (reader is an idol)
authors note: hello hello, this is me simply trying my attempt at sm aus! lately been fixated on f1, even trying to learn more about:) ofc a tiktok popped up abt charles then opps down the rabbit hole 🕳️ n recently found out that Wi (squid game actor) was at monaco this year so obviously I was like…..somethings cooking. then the 10th anniversary came for bts then again….something is being made. anyways hope you all like! (trying my best on remembering on certain ascents of the kpop social media goes cuz i'm not thatttt deep into it anymore!)
ps. soyeon is the actual name of the fc, i simply changed it to kim soyeon. check her and group out, G-IDLE! annndd her signature emoji is 🐻‍❄️! ALSO Monaco Grand Prix takes place three races into the 2023 season, for the sake of appropriate posts 🥴 this little sm au has its own race schedule for special purposes because lord knows I don't do well with dates so !!! but Im pretty sure all the race dates are the same, just the races switch spots :) and of course, google translated korean, french and italian will appear.
part two. part three.
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liked by rkive, wi_wi_wi, soye0nssloot and 4,589,890 others
s0ye0nnn monaco 🇲🇨 f1 race weekend with wi ! met some cool people and had some great laughs. first time but definitely not my last kekee
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wi_wi_wi why not redbull though!?
rkive we must go to one together!
view 53,389 replies
s0ye0nnn 🙌
luvusoye0n wowoww wishing u hadn’t gone on charles curse home race 🥲 he’s great tho!
tomholland2013 wonderful seeing you again! glad you had fun!
scuderiaferrari it was an absolute pleasure having you visit and chat with us at the padlock! 😎 team Ferrari, yes?
view 12,456 replies
s0yeonsluvr shes got incredible taste, as always 😌
charleslec01 idk who she is, except shes in a band but i like her already lol
mysticalyeon holdupholdup….chat? with who👀
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letsgossip_kpop [ ASIDE FROM GOSSIP, LET’S UPDATE ⬆️: Kim Soyeon, the only female member of BTS (an international sensation group), has recently attended the Formula 1’s Monaco Grand Prix over the weekend. With Wi Ha-Jun, star of Squid Games, she was spotted chatting with her previous co-star from the animated film Onward, Tom Holland and others such as Actor James Marsden (who she has been rumored to be featuring in a film with as his on-screen lover). It seems her most talked about conversation even by her close friend, Wi Ha-Jun—was with the Ferrari team and drivers, Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz. There are no sources on what the conversation contained but her friend Wi Ha-Jun comment on her recent instagram post suggests her team is now Ferrari, “Why not redbull though?!” Perhaps there will be more to be said once she and fellow member, Kim Namjoon, attend a Grand Prix together as shown in her comments. Will this remain just an update or turn into gossip? Stay tuned! - from your admin 🌱]
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charlecssss sooo….shes the only female in BTS? i remember seeing her around them all time pictures or videos of them came up but like…???
f0rmulatypee1 nice to see someone like her status get familiar with the sport, but hopefully she’ll turn team Redbull 🙏 the winners 🏆
k.f1.pop i was literally just saying what if F1 drivers had photocards 👹
letsgossip_kpop UPDATE ⬆️: Charles Leclerc, and Carlos Sainz have followed Kim Soyeon’s social media (Instagram and Twitter). Other drivers such as Lewis Hamiliton, Lando Norris and Zhou Guanyu have followed her before her recent introduction to Formula 1. (Admin 👾: my worlds have collided!)
maxverssstp fuck outtaa here, cirnge 🤢
lalaaland noooo this was the only place away from the freaks in kpop🥴
s0yeonnnbby idk y ppl r hating like…shes like everyone else, trying have a good time n yet ppl r mad that drivers r starting (AND BEEN) following her????🤠
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s0ye0nnn 10 years of pain. of comfort. of love. of heartbreak. of the highest of highs, to the scum of the earth lows. of questions, “can you do this?”, “is this the end?”, “can you handle this?”.
this group went from strangers to friends to family. i was the odd one out, most definitely. i was a girl in a group with seven boys. i was originally meant to leave the company but the man who believed we could become something pushed me into the group. it was strange—then it wasn’t.
year after year, we slowly formed a family. with one thing in common: we loved music. music has always been in my blood, even in my blood family. my found family has created melodies , poetry hidden in symbolic instrumentals and videos descriptive of what is and what is not.
within that, we found others like us. others that may not be in musical industry but found their place and home in our music—that is you, ARMY.
당신의 삶을 우리와 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다. 여전히 우리와 함께 걸어주셔서 감사합니다. 모두가 돌아올 때까지 기다려 주셔서 감사합니다. 💜 ( translation: Thank you for sharing your life with us. Thank you for still walking with us. Thanks for waiting for everyone to come back. )
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rkive beautiful words, 작은 곰 🐻‍❄️🤍
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s0ye0nnn 최고에게 배웠다 ! 🐨🤍 ( translation: learned from the best! )
b0anggtans enough to amke a grown woman 😢
thv 🐻‍❄️❤️
biassssjk the last photonnnn!!!!! idk y but thats so cute 🥹
purpuryouuu 10 yearsssss 😅 been here for 5💜💜💜
charles_leclerc Just began listening to your discography! Can’t wait for your future projects, solo and group! ❤️ Happy 10 years 😆
view 1,098 replies
s0ye0nnn come visit korea! some behind the scenes? 👀
cl16lucyyy aaARIAN WHAT U DOH G HERRE!?! 💀😭
f14liferrrr no charles!!! stay Way from kpoppiess! 🚫
tagged rkive
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liked by rkive, wi_wi_wi, charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, and 5,098,450 others
s0ye0nnn Australian Grand Prix 🇦🇺 with joonie! 🐨 was very fun, nice views and such great company (on and off track?) !
view all 1,098,762 comments
rkive mercedes....🐻‍❄️
view 15,098 replies
s0ye0nnn hushhhhh k.f1.pop RM knows whatsup
scuderiaferrari It was an absolute pleasure having you with us! You must come again, lucky charm!
danielricciardo Despite opposite teams, it was so cool to meet and chat for awhile! Good laughs 😁
s0yoyoens slayed everyone, ate, left no crumbs, walk me like a dog!!!!!!
charles_leclerc I think your words helped a bit, haha 😉 Coming to next one?
view 5,647 replies
s0ye0nnn noooo, your talent! and of course, this is my new obsession! 😍 s0yeonmyluv SHUT UO NOW omfgggg WHAT WORDS?// KET ME INNNNN formula1n1mv charlesssss....you're approaching new and scary territory !!!
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authors final note:
i really hope you all enjoy this! this is sorta one of the social media au where it's a somewhat slow build because lets be honest, just meeting once and dating right after aint happening, plus who doesn't love the subtle growth of a friendship ;) oh and this universe of kpop are actually treated like humans by their company and can date but of course, haters are going hate plus Kim Soyeon is THAT bitch. ofc you are be her, that is essentially the purpose but i kinda dislike "y/n" idk just kinda makes it hard for me to make everything look good but dw just close ur eyes and imagineeeee, soyeon is just a fc for the posts keke. if you want to be tagged in the next part, comment and i'll do it! PART TWO IS ALREADY IN THE MAKING, LITERALLY ALMOST DONE WITH IT.
guide: i am always open to constructive criticism. i'm always down to learn how to better and try to implement them.
--and that world is yours, until next time.
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beefboyandbabygirl · 11 months
this is my first (1st!!) ever request so im sorry if im not clear or if anything is too vague.. </3 just had a thought about virgin!svt member (any one of your choice) x experienced but shy reader?? like they usually tease each other like crazy and reader is kind of cocky and all bratty (basically all talk) but when it comes to actual sex they're unexpectedly crazy shy and the member just 😞😞 cant get enough... im just curious about how you'd write the dynamic :) it can be vice versa as well! feel free to write about whoever comes to mind when you read this!
- anon 🐱❤️
oh my gooood im so honored to be ur first request hihi <3 i hope u like it!!
Show me how
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
pairing: seungkwan x fem!reader
genre: smut, first time, fluffish
warnings: unprotected sex, handjob, mentions of oral, kissing, mentions of making out, veryyyy slight degredation, mentions of restraint, mentions of masturbation
beefboy quotes: "kitten wants seungkwans cock🤧" (im sorry for including this but it made me laugh) "IM WET".
wordcount: 1k
a/n: phew this was a difficult one. im practising writing more detailed smut and do a little less plot lmao. beefboy says its working so im going to trust i did okay haha.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why this is happening right now.” 
What you had told Seungkwan was true. You were fairly experienced when it came to sex. However, experienced didn’t exactly equate to confident, even though you might have given him that idea. And it wasn’t on purpose. It wasn’t like you had tried to fool him, or pretend you were something you weren’t. All the dirty secrets whispered to make him blush, the not-so-accidental brushes of your ass over his crotch or fingers over his chest, were done out of pure love and adoration. You liked to tease him, and he absolutely loved when you teased him. 
You just wanted his first time to be special, and now you were afraid it was all ruined. 
“No, why are you apologizing? You’re doing great.”
He was laid out beneath you, already all sweaty and glowy from the heavy makeout session that had prompted the current situation. A large hand gently came in touch with one of the thighs straddling his torso, silently saying it’s okay, we’re okay. And his pupils were all blown out, and the room was dimly lit and humid. It was beautiful and perfect. He was perfect, and you were ruining it. 
It all felt completely upside down to you. That he was giving the reassuring words and the calming touches when he was supposed to be the nervous one. He didn’t look nervous at all. He sported that confident smile, the inquiring tilt of his head and he was shirtless underneath your bare thighs. 
“I just feel like I've let you down. Like I made you expect all these things for tonight, that I was supposed to be all dominating, and sexy and what not-”
“Babe, you’re literally so fucking sexy.” 
“Oh yeah, suddenly having a mental breakdown in the middle of your boyfriend's first time. So sexy of me.”
Without replying he grabbed you by the hips, giving them a gentle squeeze and locking eyes with you for permission. Your ‘yes’ was barely a whisper. Slowly, he shuffled you further down his body, so you were positioned over his cock. His hard cock. Really hard and also, really big. Not that you were surprised. 
“You feel that?” 
None of you were even moving, not even the slightest, and yet sparks of pleasure were rushing through you. He could probably feel the wetness soaking through your panties and onto the fabric covering his hard dick, but for the first time that night, you didn’t care. You didn’t care that you were nervous, you didn’t feel like you had a single expectation to live up to or promise to fulfill. He was hard, and you had barely done anything, which made you both incredibly relieved and wet. 
When he noticed how your shoulders suddenly dropped and your jaw unclenched, he too felt all his muscles loosen up and a held back sigh escaped him. 
“You did that baby, made me so hard. Because you’re so sexy, and beautiful and hot-”
“Okay okay, I get it.” Your attempt at shutting him up was to lean down for a kiss, but he just continued to ramble and mumble onto your lips, and you realized you shouldn’t keep him waiting much longer. 
“Can I take these off?” You asked, your voice quiet as it spilled onto his lips while your fingers hooked onto the waistband of his boxers. 
“Yes, f-fuck, please.”
Before you could even have the chance though, he was ripping them off himself, so you instead took the opportunity to take your panties off, leaving you both fully naked.
“How- How do you want me?”
His question barely registered with you as his dick entered your line of sight. You had seen each other naked a few times, sure, but only for short moments while changing clothes or walking in on the other showering. Now his dick was so up close you could see every vein, every drop of precum leaking down his shaft, and you hadn’t even noticed you were practically laying on your stomach, crosseyed and nearly drooling at the sight. 
“Don’t look at it like that.” 
His voice snapped you out of your cockdrunk trance and you somehow managed to tear your eyes away from his cock. 
“I’m just admiring it.”
“Yeah, I can tell, but please don’t look at it like that for much longer, or I’ll actually cum untouched.”
You giggled lowly before crawling further up his body again. Your noses were touching and his heavy breaths tickled your lips as your hand dragged over his nipples, down his abs until it reached his cock. 
“That’d be so hot”, you whispered. Your boyfriend let out a breathy whimper in return, one you so badly wanted to hear again, so you wrapped your fingers tightly around his cock, squeezing until he was throbbing so hard you could have been convinced it was his heartbeat going straight into his dick. 
“You like the sound of that? I could touch myself in front of you, have you tied to the bed so you can’t touch me yourself, see how long you’ll last…”
He was already close. Embarrassingly close, but what was he supposed to do? For weeks before you asked him out he would simply think of something gross, like Vernons three week old laundry or the floor in the subway, whenever he accidentally popped a boner around you. But now, that was actually impossible. He couldn’t think, couldn’t see, couldn’t feel anything but you everywhere, in every corner of his mind. 
“Please, I’m so close…” The way your hand alternated between squeezing him at the base and going up and down in a fast motion, was making him dizzy. 
“I know, I know. You’ll get what you want”, your hand let go of his cock, as you resumed your position from a few moments ago, straddling him, but now with no layers of fabric between you. Your pussy radiated actual heat, and occasionally a drop of your wetness would fall onto his abs and trickle down towards his v-line, and if he didn’t get your pussy around him now he would probably faint. 
“Remind me what it is you want again?” 
This wasn’t your usual teasing. Even though your words were bratty as always, they were now laced with something different, something loving. You were smiling adoringly and your eyes were sparkling, and even though you were being so cruel, you were still so doting. 
“I Want…Want your pussy. Need it.”
You rewarded his answer with a quick kiss, before lining your entrance up with his cock and sinking down slowly. Seungkwans facial expression twisted into one of pleasure and he was muttering profanities into the air. 
“Feel okay?”
He felt more than okay. He had never felt better, but if you began to move even a single inch, he would cum, and he didn’t wanna be that guy. 
“Yeah- Yeah I’m fine just, fuck, give me a second…”
“Hm? But I thought this was what you wanted?”
Seungkwan knew you weren’t actually denying his request. You weren’t moving, and you wouldn’t unless he wanted you to. You were testing him. You had a goal, and once you went for something, there was no way Seungkwan could convince you otherwise. 
“I do! I do, I just don’t wanna-”
“But I do.” 
Your hips began to swivel back and forth on top of him. The subtle movement would have been barely noticeable had he not been so sensitive. 
“You can cum Seungkwan, it’s okay. I want it.”
When he didn’t argue further, when he looked at you with pleading eyes, you kept going, escalating the speed of your hips more and more, until your boyfriend was a wonderful mess underneath you, writhing and moaning desperately. 
“Cum for me, Seungkwan.”
Your words were the last tug pulling at the knot in his stomach. He was releasing inside of you, coating your walls in white and tensing every muscle in his body. It was only after the fact he got to see it, his eyes struggling to open from how tight they were shut, and once they landed on his cum dripping down your plush thighs onto his stomach it was as if the high just kept running through him. 
“Should I- Can I try to eat you out? Can you show me how?”
You hadn’t had expectations of cumming tonight. This was about him. That being said, you were hardly surprised that he wanted to return the favor, selfless as always.  
Your mind wandered to just a few moments ago, when you were so worried about ruining this moment. About making him uncomfortable, or doing something wrong, or not living up to his expectations. Now you were realizing that this hadn’t been about expectations at all. It had been about trust. Seungkwan trusted you enough to be his first. To show him how. 
And there was nothing more sexy than being trusted.
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bosinclairsgff · 1 month
hey there how are you doing ? :D hope everything is going great with you and in your life <3 i want to send a request if u still take these if not then im just dropping this words of appreciation and encouragment <3
lemme tell you that your writing is amazing and a super immersive experience with out fav slashers and your depiction are soo freaking accurate *_* , i was just reading your headcanons on how slashers smells like and how they react to self harm it brought tears to my eyes <3
i was like damn thats exactly how imagined it , tho the Herbert one was a little colder lol , i thought he would break at the end but he didnt (ouch) lol but ig actions speaks louder than words with him ^^
so here's my request if u feel like it <3 i just remember we never get enough of Herbert ,so , either a one shot or headcanons style, as you like ^^
so NSFW Herbert WestXFemreader who is his newly girlfriend , and his fan and numéro uno supporter to his theory (myby even helped alot as a scientist herself ,cuz i see him more likely to fall for someone like himself bcz look at the size of his ego lol ) but how would be like the touchy-feely side with him? the feelings side and the seggs in particular ;)), im curious about how u envision reader leading him to explore their sexuality and more kinks together 3:) ,,, like uhh idk bondage ?(him receiving) ik too basic lol but basically add any kinks you see fit him 3:)
Thanks so much for all the incredibly kind words! I hope I can give you what you want! I have a tiny bit of writers block so I’m sorry if this is t exactly what you wanted 😟🫶🏻
Herbert West NSFW Head canons
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- Herbert is definitely a virgin when you meet him. He’s never really cared much for sex or anything like that. Sure he’s jerked off a few times but it never did much for him.
- You are the first girl who makes him nervous and feel something he’s never felt before.
- Herbert probably doesn’t know a bunch about kinks and stuff, you’d have to teach him.
- The first time you guys sleep together your on top, riding him. He’d last surprisingly long. Herbert wouldn’t know how to touch you so you’d have to put his hands on your waist and tell him to help move you. He’d do as he’s told and make the cutest whimpers.
- His sex drive isn’t super high but now that he has you he finds himself getting horny more often. He still gets nervous about bringing up sex and other things so he usually hints at it but ultimately let’s you bring it up.
- You’d have to show him different kinds of kinks. Also, he’s a switch after a while he’d get more confident and would want to be on top, be in control. He likes it when you tie his hands to the bed frame and please him like that. He’ll struggle when he gets close to cumming and pull at the ties. He just wants to touch you so bad.
- I also think Herbert would like watching you touch yourself in front of him. He’d like to instruct you and tell you how good your being for him.
- Herbert doesn’t care for quickies, unless he’s very busy and will continue to be busy all night/day. Then he’ll bend you over his desk and fuck you real quick.
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unregisteredskybox · 3 months
[@ysines becuz u asked :D] im gonna preface this rant by saying i think side order was GREAT!!!! i love roguelikes i love splatoon this was a dlc MADE for me,
that being said! the lore was obviously, unfortunately, not the focal point of the dlc, especially the final boss being [spoilers!] another sentient ai. i love the little guy, but tartar [my wife] did it better. so UNDER THE CUT will be a long rant as to what i would make for the final boss of the DLC, along with some art I made for it!!! Oh, and that final boss?
Order, a sentient collection of Eight's memories that deems ITSELF to be the real copy
alright, now that i have your attention, let me go into depth as to how this all began, side order spoilers obviously:
Marina created the Memverse to help all the octolings from the metro of course, but more specifically, her friend Eight. The entire memverse was based on their memories, using them as the "blueprint" for all memcake related technology, since theirs were fully intact. Not only that, but since Eight was not only unsanitized, in a right state of mind, and an incredibly capable fighter, they were the perfect basis for those CLIMBING the tower. if the memverse is brain surgery, than Eight's brain was the example used. makes sense? This is where thing's get weird, however. Eight's memories are embeded within the memverse itself, interconnected with all aspects of it. Functionally speaking, a part of their SOUL was in the memverse, a soul with lots of desires, dreams, and determination. They fought through kamabo co. after all, their soul wouldn't be so easily tamed. Marina allotted too much control over to Eight's memories, so as soon as the memverse was online, they were alive. Alive...
And alone.
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The memverse was just booting up, and considering how big it was, it would likely take hours, maybe even days. Days that Not-Eight would have to spend wandering an unfished world alone, devoid of any meaningful colour. It was designed to be monochrome as it was easier to retain memories when climbing the spire, without significant colour to distract the climber. Worst part was, this individual was eight's memories BEFORE octo expansion, so the last thing they remember is falling after fighting agent 3, waking up here. Through time, other memories would spark creation within the world, from the sanitized octolings who helped on the project, but it was still a long and lonely time for Not-Eight. However, as I said, they're the blueprint for this world, and was interconnected with it, so they had a form of control. It wasn't a conscious decision, but rather, the unbearable feeling of loneliness caused the simulation to pull people IN, hoping to satiate the desire for connection the god of this world demanded. And, with our Eight also being integral to the memverse, the system decided the perfect fit would be to bring in their best bud Agent 4! ...Who Not-Eight didn't know because they've never met.
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But, after a quick explanation, Four, smart as they are, picks up on the situation: something went wrong in the Memverse, and Eight only remembers her previous memories, and not her current ones. Alright, they've got it completely wrong, but it's the logical conclusion. The two do find solace in each other, however, as they wander the Memverse searching for...anything really. As this happens though, something starts to happen to Not-Eight. This entire time, they've felt like something was missing. Like when you wake up from a dream, and feel like you can remember it exactly, yet it immediately fades away. That, but constantly. They assume Four's story is correct, since it would explain the feeling, but it doesn't offer them any comfort. There's also Not-Eight's emotional state, since they've been wandering the memverse for days now, and Four's only done it for maybe a few hours. It's taken a toll on their mind, and by proxy, the Memverse itself. Remember, it's connected to them, their loneliness was why Four was here in the first place. As such, with their desire to be fulfilled, to remember something, the Memverse starts to overwork itself; it brings the spire into existence, the Jelletons, all of the challenges, much faster than it should, all for its God that doesn't even know it's a god in the first place. With this speed comes mistakes, or in computer terms, glitches. Just as Not-Eight's mental state effects the memverse, the memverse's stability effects Not-Eight. They start to, if only gradually, undergo a process known as Bleaching; when a Soul and Body are separated into two individual beings, the soul in the memverse, and the body outside of it. [This replaces greyscaling.] But, Not-Eight doesn't have a body, just a simulated one to house their soul. That means, while attempting to climb the spire with four, they start to deteriorate. Pieces of them glitch away, corals grow and cover their face, and features just disappear. It's an incredibly painful process, one that Four doesn't really understand, so they try to solve it in the only way they know how: getting to the top. It's hard, especially considering they have to carry Not-Eight up there, and have no colour chips [Only weapons they summoned the same way Pearl did], but they make it to the control room. Pulling up a monitor, they scroll to a section covering the Admins of the spire. Marina, Pearl, Four themselves, and...two instances of Eight. One of them is glitching out, so that's the one Four goes for, not bothering to question why there were two. They click the button to reset the palette, but...that was probably the worst thing they could've done. In an instant, Not-Eight's mind was flooded with the code of the entire memverse, it's innerworkings, what it was currently processing, and their identity. They knew within an instant that they were just MEMORIES, a shadow of another person. Yet, they also knew how much power they had over the world. Without another word, they immediately Bleached Four, creating the Parallel Canon boss and Order Defense Force. They knew that the "real" Eight would come for them, to subsume them, to replace them, so they would need defenses. Though they acted like a tough general on the outside, in reality, Order was horrified. They were, mentally, a fourteen-year old child who failed to escape to the surface and instead fell into what was practically Hell. A cold, barren landscape with no colour or emotions, a place where they would die by being assimilated into another person. The mask placed on the Parallel Canon boss wasn't something to control them, as they already had that power. Rather, it was to make other beings look more like themselves after they began to decompose. This, is Order, the commander of the spire:
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The red bits on their body are pieces they can no longer use due to the Bleaching, which is basically trying to separate their soul in two, considering they don't have a body. All facial recognition they once had has been wiped clean, and they're more coral than octoling at this point. Now is when Eight and the rest of the gang enter the memverse, but how Order presents themself is different. They're still a dignified smoke cloud, as they were after Marina, but they harbor an irrational sense of hatred towards Eight, one that isn't cold or orderly. Boss fights are now, as many people have suggested, Eight fighting the person the palette belongs to. Inky clones of Marie or Big man, who dissipate into a cloud of smoke once you defeat them, with Order taunting/insulting Eight after the fact. However, palette orders are slightly changed, as the last one you get before Eights is Four's. Now, the Parallel Canon boss up to this point would've been the hairless clones specifically, because Order is saving Four for last. Once Eight reaches the top, Order does another monologue, and brings out Four in hopes that Eight's emotional attachment to them would make them give up. [It does not, as Eight is INCREDIBLY used to fighting their brainwashed friends.] Once Four is defeated, they're freed from the Bleaching/mind control, and exposes Order's identity in their fit of rage. Now, Order did genuinely like Four, so seeing them express such hatred for them puts them in a really terrible mood, especially considering Eight is one step closer to replacing them.
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at this point, Order freaks out, and Eight probably would as well, considering that they look exactly like each other [Though Order's freakout is more anger and Eight's is more confusion.] Order's one goal now is to kill Eight and replace them before they can do the same. It probably has some sort of AM I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream esque monologue [can you see the inspiration? i love it so much] and deems itself to be the one true "eight." After escaping the tower, with a bit of exposition from both Four and Marina, the entire group basically figures out what's going on. Their respective reactions, however, are a little different, mainly between Eight and everyone else. Most of the group feels sympathetic for Order, as they're a 14 year old who's only known loneliness, the fake sunlight, and is currently at risk of being replaced as a person. Eight, however, has NO sympathy for Order whatsoever, an opinion they would definitely voice. They toiled and troubled through Kamabo Co and the spire just to get their memories back, but now their friends are arguing that they shouldn't? That they should remain without memories just to keep a fake person alive? I've been writing this with more of a story perspective than a gameplay one, so this would probably cause some divide in the group. How the Memverse works to me is after freeing Marina, all of them could come and go from the simulation as they please, like a normal VR. And, because I loooove angst, I could see Eight sneaking into the simulation when everyone else is gone and fighting Order themselves, since no one agrees with them.
Here's where I split the timeline a little, because honestly? I don't know how this should end! I could see two options, option 1. With plenty of time and convincing, they learn to coexist, Order eventually becoming like a little sister to Eight and the two of them living in harmony, completing each other. Option 2? One of them kills the other, permanently, and basically absorbs their mind, memories and bodies, just fitting with the personality of whoever won. IDK!!! I could draw smth for both maybe? Or if you, the lovely reader have any ideas???
And if you have any questions about this (or the aforementioned ideas) don't be afraid to drop an ask!!!!!!!! ooough that was long. thanks for reading : D
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crushedsweets · 9 months
Hello! I hope you are well!
Do you think it’s possible for you to go into Jeff and Nina’s relationship please? Like are they together or is like Jeff taking advantage of Nina liking him so much?
Sorry if you’ve already done this! I love your writing, you’re so talented 🕸️ x
its actually crazy to me that i havent actually written a thing about jeff and nina oh my god. thank you by the way you are so sweet. of course tw for manipulation, abuse, etc
nina is a year or two younger than jeff, and was only around 12-13 when she found out about jeffs murders and rampages. since she was like 7, she was always obsessed with horror movies, gore, eventually true crime and stuff . . just awful things that kids shouldnt have access to but thats what the internet does
she started behaving incredibly weird after her obsession with jeff began (though she was always odd). just really creepy true crime fan behavior in school, acted completely rebelious and eventually cut a shallow smile into her cheeks. her parents were livid and sent her to her to live with her grandparents in Mississippi.
eventually she realized jeffs brother moved to alabama, a state away. she was 18, at the lowest point in her life, and there was now speculation that jeff died after his most recent murder in the arkensaw household in tuscaloosa, alabama.
SO SHE MOVED. stole a ton of money and jewlery and stuff from her grandparents, barely managed to secure a dingy apartment in tuscaloosa, and she went On The Hunt.
she's constantly spamming fangirl rhetoric on creepy forums and catches jeffs eye. dunno exactly how, but he ends up meeting up with her, where he realizes she was just. perfect ? like, he found her annoying from the getgo and knew she was a weirdo, but he knew how easy she'd perfect to manipulate, how much shit he could get from her, and she immediately was like 'COME HOME WITH ME ILL MAKE U DINNER' . so he does. theyre about 19-20 here.
they never actually date in the traditional sense. neither of them asked the other out, jeff doesnt even touch her if he doesn't have to. he does not love her. but nina truly, fully, completely believes they're together. she swaps between calling him her boyfriend and fiance. she tells all her coworkers about how 'oh my boyfriend finally proposed! im engaged guys!' and 'ohh we're thinking about kids..!! he said he wants a girl:)' and all of that. which its all lies, she just lies and lies and lies all the damn time about how great jeff treats her and how in love they are. she does it to all the other creeps too for a period of time, telling toby and nat about how kind jeff is to her and they know shes lying.
jeffs not really mean to her most of the time. she'll make him food, do his laundry, she's lied to the police for him, she's probably been an accessory to murder ... definitely actually since she's cleaning and bleaching his bloody clothes... so he's Nice (?)
by nice i mean like. he'll let her sit and rest her head on his shoulder, let her hold his hand, let her say she loves him. he'll joke with her sometimes, play video games with her, bring her on walks or whatever. wore a bracelet she made for him once. (emphasis on once). he tells her she's pretty if she asks
but again, he's using her - just for a place to stay, some extra money, and he'll even send her on runs to go get weed or something from dealers that give discounts to pretty girls. he won't hug her, won't buy her things, won't help clean up, etc.
NONE OF THIS IS SHIPPING OR ROMANTIC LIKE ITS ALL REALLY SAD AND HORRIBLE. most of the creeps are inherently violent, half are murderers, almost none have any emotional regulation . . theyre just very . yeah.
which is why eventually, he kinda like, loses his shit - he starts screaming about how she's a dumbass who threw her life away for him, how he doesnt give a shit about her, he's shoving chairs around, knocking things off tables. eventually he stabs her, once in the side of her stomach, and leaves.
nina knows jane from the other creeps and calls her as she's frantically trying to fix her own wound, and jane swiftly gets her. jane doesnt like her but jane has morals and knows jeffs mistreating nina - but ninas losing her shit when jane mentions a hospital and refuses to go to the ER, so she ends up in jack's cabin getting stitched up.
theyre all kinda shocked that jeff didnt just kill her. its real weird for him to stab her once and leave, but jeff knew how far ninas devotion went and completely expected her to grovel at his feet and beg for forgiveness, and now he can continue using her just like before . but nina twisted it in her head and convinced herself 'oh its because he loves me! he didnt kill me because he loves me! BUT HE'S MAD AT ME AND I CAN'T FIND HIM AND WHAT IF HE'S WITH SOME OTHER GIRL I NEED TO FIX THIS' but literally nobody wants to help her 'get back' with him because like ...... why would they ?????
so she gets onto whitepages, finds liu, and ends up on his doorstep.
that's where my drawing of her crying on lius kitchen floor comes from
ive kinda hit a point in the story where like... this part is the 'current' plot ??? like this is where we are at in this very moment . so i have nothing concrete for the future...
but overall she does get over him, thats probably where ill put more emphasis on her friendship with nat/toby and her eventual little sister type relationship with liu... i just need to figure out how to do that without it coming off as like 'and she went to therapy and everything was fine !^_^'
i want jeff ... to be... vbery miserab;e....... basically.
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okkalo · 1 year
Hey!!! Remember me from the 'love at first sight' drabble? Let me tell you, it was SOOO GOOD! Literally had me screaming and shouting. Anyways, can you do a part2 where the boys ask reader out and how their date went? Sorry if this is a bother but once again feel free to decline. Thank you and have a great day!
hi again anon! im glad u liked it omg 🤭🤭 and yes i can do a part two!! thank u again for the request <3 i hope u have a good day/night!!
i forgot i wrote this in drabble form last time and started writing so many headcanons 🙃 so i had to delete them all and rewrite it in actually sentences,, so sorry for the wait </3
first part here!
characters: sae, rin, nagi, chigiri
a mystery allure
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you both had agreed over facetime to finally go on a date with each other. he suggested you both to the cafe where you guys first met and then walk around town afterwards. and so, that’s what you guys did. you noticed he got the same order in between his talks of football. yes, he talked about football. it’s the only thing he really knows how to talk about. you’re going to need start a topic if you don’t want to talk about it, he’s pretty clueless otherwise.
afterwards, you both walked to the beach. at that point conversation started coming more naturally, no longer forced football talk. you both sat down, admiring the view and talking about whatever came to mind. he even goes as far as letting your legs touch. if you don’t retract at that, he goes even farther and let’s his hand touch yours.
it was a calm date and he would undoubtedly, though awkwardly, invite you to another one.
you both finally met a year after the blue lock project. it was a coincidental meeting, really. rin happened to bump into you and shidou during your hangout in town. shidou, of course, needed to tease him in front of you about how he reacted to your picture. feeling somewhat bad, you decided to give him your number.
he is incredibly bad at texting. and he knew. he decided the best way to get your attention was to invite you out to a date with him. and he’s not much better with date ideas.
you both go to a park at first, sitting and giving each other basic questions to get to know one another. it hadn’t been too bad. then, both tired of sitting, you walk around. at that point the conversation got awkward, rin never being one to talk to people in the first place.
it wasn’t until you both got hungry and decided to go eat some place of your choosing that the conversation got easy again. though, it is important to note that the conversation involved rin (jokingly) dissing your food taste. your food taste could literally be the same thing but he will want to diss it. he only does it to create a natural conversation for himself and make it more comfortable. from there on out, the conversation went well.
won’t initiate any touch with you. he’s also too scared to ask you out on another date, your lack of reactions making him doubt himself. if you ask him he would immediately say yes, however.
you guys had actually gotten really close before he had asked you to go on a date with him. so, it was no surprise to you when he wanted you to come to his place for the date. it was also no surprise when he struggled to stay awake during the movie.
i mean, how could he not? with you, someone he found immense comfort in, so close, the lights low. it didn’t help that you let him rest on your shoulder either. he still found it to be a good date, even if he was asleep for half of it. probably tried to kiss you after he woke up too, still in a hazy state.
you guys easily started talking thanks to the movie hangout with his sister. there was never a struggle with conversation and he enjoyed being around you. you had come over to hang out with sister again and he instantly joined you guys. he asked you out when she went to the bathroom, suggesting to go to his favorite cafe.
the date went well, there were no awkward points in the conversation as you both shared a treat of your choice. even after finishing, you both still stayed, conversation still going on. this lasted for half an hour until you both left the cafe and ventured through the city.
you guys had no destination, wondering wherever your feet carried you while continuing to talk. it was late when you both decided to go home. he, of course, walked you home. once you reached your place he asked you to go on another date, expressing how much he liked this one.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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sixosix · 28 days
hello six!!!💋💋hope ur having a great day so far !!! uhhhh so like i have a request request (??) so in thawed right, can i have their ages and some timestamps????? like how old were they in *this/*that scene. doesnt have to be canon in game tho🥰. cause i just reread thawed(again, the whole thing, i know) and i noticed that my drawings are inconsistent with their age HAHHAHHSHD
mainly when:
when arlecchino took mc in
lyney and lynette first joined the HOH
when mc got burnt
how many years they spent together in the HOH w mc(if u want, you can add how long it took for mc to warm up to lyney)
divorce arc #1(when mc got her vision)
how many years mc spent w rosalie
when aether first met mc
if you cant do it tho, thats fine too🙏🙏🙏this is mainly because i want to draw them as accurate as i possibly canHAHHAHHAHS
(so uhm, for some reason tumblr wont let me send this ask un-anon-ed so uhhhh yeah.)
-akagi (the priest)<33
HELLO AKAGI OUR FAVORITE PRIEST(how do u not get sick of thawed like genuinely LMFAOO i have to reread it all the time when i write a new chapter and i… I CRINGE SO HARD😭) ALS IM SO SORRY FOR REPLYING SO LATE I LIVE YOU
ngl i was so vague w their ages on purpose because i am so incredibly lazy but since the series is nearly ending and youre asking me, ill do my best!
arlecchino took in mc when she was around 8 yrs old lets say!!
lyney and lynette joined HoH when they were around 10? (assuming theyre 20+ now, and they met Cesar 10 years ago canonically)
but this is assuming they met cesar around the same time they joined HoH because Cesar mentioned the twins talking about Father
MC got burnt: 12 years old, lets say
MC starts acting strange (intimidated by lyney) around 13 yrs old (aka the same age she left the House)
they spent about 2–3 years being friendly (as friendly as MC can get w lyney anyway!) before it went to shit
and they meet again when lyney/mc are 20–22!! aka their current age for the game
that would mean aether met mc around 20–22, and mc has spent about 7–9-ish years w rosalie
but this is all assuming that lyney got his vision at such a young age! i have a feeling that ingame he actually gets it when hes around 18
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