#i intended to make the notes short n sweet but uh as you can see that didnt work out
poppyknitt · 5 years
Can’t Slip Now...- A JSE egos au story
(A Darkness and Desperation story)
This story contains heavy mentions of CHILD ABUSE, PHYSICAL ABUSE, and a fair number of other things related to those, such as an abuser manipulating people into thinking nothing bad is happening, etc. Please do not read this story if you get triggered by abuse or anything related to it, regardless of how much of it is needed to trigger you. I don’t want anyone to have any issues with anxiety and/or ptsd-related panic attacks or episodes as a result of my story, so please, please DO NOT read past this warning, as, i kid you not, the abuse literally starts in the first paragraph.
Marvin woke up, and realized he’d slept past his alarm before his mind properly registered the sound of his mother yelling at Jameson drowning out the noise of his youngest brother’s sobbing pleas. As soon as he understood what he was hearing, he shot up out of bed, and quietly darted out of bed and down the hallway. Henry, Chase, Jackie, and Shenny were all huddled together by the corner of the hall, since Chase was clearly having a breakdown, and Henrik wasn’t really much better.
Shen exchanged a knowing look with him, and hesitantly nodded, giving him the okay to try to intervene again, even though they both knew Marvin’s concussion hadn’t finished healing. He ran into the dining room, and immediately started desperately yanking at his mother’s arm to try to get her to let go of James, as she was choking him.
“Mom! Stop! Leave him alone! Don’t hurt him!” He yelled, even though he knew he wasn’t going to stop the crazy bitch by trying to interfere like this. Jackie was peeking in through the doorway with eyes as wide as the moon, obviously wanting to join his younger brother, but being too scared to do anything.
His mother suddenly snapped her attention to him, and he realized all too late how royally he’d fucked up. Next thing he knew, he’d been flung across the room, and he smashed painfully into the glass cabinet his mother kept a lot of meaningless porcelains in for no reason other than wanting to look much better off financially than she really was. His head slammed into the back of the cabinet with the sickening noise of a skull cracking, and his hearing was overtaken by agonizingly loud ringing. It didn’t take long for him to start registering the severe pain ripping through his body, but it was short-lived, as he felt something he’d been unaware of slipping away.
… Was this what death feels like? Was that why everything hurt so much? Was that why he couldn’t hear anything, not even the screams and sobs of his brother? Was… that why his vision was slowly fading away?
Silence. Darkness. All his senses failed. He couldn’t even feel his body anymore.
So… This is it, huh? Just like that, this is how we die? A horribly failed attempt to save James… got us killed?
… Why? Why does she hate us so much..? Why… does she hate our brothers so much..? What did they ever do to deserve this..? I’m the only one who hurts people… I’m the only one who kills… Why didn’t she just abort us all if she didn’t want us..?
… This really is the end for us, isn’t it..? Killed by our own mother… God… We didn’t even get to say goodbye to our brothers…
Not yet.
We can’t give up.
We have to pull ourselves together! We have to get up from this! We have to survive. For James. Chase. Henrik. Jackie. Shen. We can’t let them down. We have to be strong for our brothers. They need us. They can’t go through this alone.
Get up. Get ready for school. Have Shenny drop Jameson off at preschool for us. We have to save our energy as much as we can if we want to survive this. We’re gonna be late, but that doesn’t matter. We can hide our wounds with magic. We’ve done it before. This isn’t any different.
He opened his eyes, making a very small noise of pain. He looked around, to see his mother gone- most likely off to work now-, Shenny trying desperately to wake him, as Jackie did his best to comfort their younger brothers, all of which were either having a panic attack, sobbing uncontrollably, or just entirely catatonic.
“Marvin!” Shen exclaimed when he saw his eyes open, and hugged him. He winced, and Shen quickly let go, apologizing profusely.
“...issokeh…s’okeh...don’ apol’gize… y’re scared…” he mumbled, his words slurred heavily, “...wh’re’s th’cr’tch’s…”
“Crutches..? N-No, M-Marvin, you can’t go to- to school like this! Y-You need to go to the hosp-” Shen began to protest, but he shut up when Marvin glared at him for suggesting he go to that cursed place that claims to help fix people.
“No. no hosp’tle. don’trus’ th’ docs… they’ll jus’ scol’me f’r bein’ weak...”
“S-Sean, just get the crutches… we don’t have much time left, we’re all gonna be late if you stall us by arguing with his stupid bullshit again-”
“Last time this happened, he stumbled into class and collapsed! This time it’s even worse than just a concussion, you know that, right?!”
“Sean! Seriously! We’re more likely to get help for all this if we just let him carry out with whatever ridiculous idea he has.”
Shen sighed in annoyance, and rolled his eyes, “Fine.” He summoned some strings, and they quickly zipped off, going to find the crutches and bring them back. It didn’t take long for the strings to pull them in, and soon enough, they were all heading out. Shen held James in his arms as he walked, while Jackie walked ahead of them with Chase on his shoulder and Henrik holding his hand. Shen had to separate from them halfway to school, since he was responsible for taking James to preschool today.
After about ten minutes, Jackie was a long ways ahead of him, and the distance between them only increased as they got closer and closer. By the time he arrived at school, Jack was in class, as were Chase and Henry. He was the last one to get into the building, as it was probably around 8:50 AM, and classes had already started. He didn’t make it any farther than passing the office door, though, and collapsed on the ground.
Thankfully, a girl he recognized (but couldn’t remember why, due to the loss of blood accompanied by a severe concussion) rounded the corner soon after he fell, and immediately noticed him lying on the ground, his body beaten and bloody, with quite a few shards of glass still in his flesh, because they were buried so deep that removing them without a doctor there would surely kill him. She screamed out of fear and concern, and ran off, probably trying to find a teacher.
She came back after a few minutes, and pointed the custodian she’d found to him, but by then he had lost his hearing to the screeching sound of ringing and false voices in his ears, and couldn’t tell if anyone was talking. He saw more adults come up to them, one of whom immediately called 911, while the others tried to figure out how to get him somewhere safer or something. He closed his eyes, knowing he’d failed to tough it out like he had all the previous times his mother decided to direct her aggressions onto him.
He must’ve blacked out, because he woke up in an ambulance, with paramedics trying their hardest to stabilize his condition enough to get him into the ER before he died. He didn’t get to stay awake long enough to know if they managed to do anything, though, since he fell back into unconsciousness less than a minute after regaining it.
Beeping. That was the first thing he registered. Slowly, but surely, though, his senses all faded back in, and he realized he was in the hospital, and there were nurses and a doctor or two in the room with him. Panic set in, and the first thing he did was try to tear out the IVs in his arms, but the nurses noticed immediately, and rushed over to him, restraining him from getting the hell out of there. He started crying, his mind a mess of panic and confusion, as he could no longer recall any events that lead up to him being here. As far as he was aware, they were holding him here against his will, hell, probably even holding him for ransom until his brothers found a way to give them money, and it was still two weeks prior, when he got the first concussion.
They wound up sedating him after he refused to stop thrashing around, even as the other nurses and doctors ran over to try to calm him down.
The weeks he spent recovering in the hospital were hell. Every waking moment was spent either panicking, crying, or feeling nothing at all, except a burning desire to just run back home, and pretend none of this had ever happened. He’d regained the memory of trying to save his brother, but nothing else.
After the sedative they’d used on him wore off, he remembered sitting up in bed as one of the nurses kept an eye on him in case he tried it again, and bursting into tears, sobbing out that he wanted his brothers. He knew they couldn’t grant him that, but he couldn’t bear to be alone in the hospital room with a nurse. At this point he didn’t even remember why he was so terrified of hospitals, doctors, and everything else that involved medical attention. It had just become instinctive for him to try to get away from them by now.
He remembered the nurse coming over and trying her damnedest to comfort him, though.
“Hey, hey, calm down, sweetie, it’s okay… You’re gonna be okay…”
“I want my brothers- I-I wanna go home!” He’d sobbed, shaking uncontrollably as the nurse kept trying to calm him down.
“Your brothers are with your little brother right now, sweetie. They’ll be here soon, don’t worry.”
“W-Why are they with Jamie..? H-He’s not hurt, is he..?”
“... Your little brother was brought here due to serious injuries resulting from a couple of boys getting into a fight with him shortly after you were stabilized and put in this room. He’s okay now, but he has to stay in bed for a few days, and then he can go home, alright honey?”
“... N-No- D-Don’t let him go home with-without me- H-He- M-Mom might-” He started to protest, still sobbing, but a little less hysterically than before now.
“I know you’re worried about him… Your older brothers told us what happened. Don’t worry, we have it under control. Considering the overwhelming amount of evidence of abuse the officers who arrived at your school with the paramedics gathered from the statements they got from the adults on scene, and later from the staff at your brother’s preschool… I don’t think she has much of a chance of getting away with this.”
“S-She’s getting in trouble for this..?”
“Yes. You boys are going to be out of this situation soon, I promise. Now… Is there anything else you need, sweetie?” He knew she was changing the subject to get his mind off of the topic she knew was only bothering him more, but he didn’t care. He was too exhausted from crying so much to care.
“...what day is it..?”
“... Tuesday. You were out for nearly an entire day.”
“... okay…”
“You sure that’s all, sweetie?”
He nodded, though, he knew his expression and demeanor weren’t very convincing.
“... Okay… If you need anything, I’ll be over here by the door, okay?”
“... okay.”
After that, the head nurse decided that since the nurse who helped calm him down was the only person in the hospital he trusted, she would be assigned to keeping an eye on him, and helping him out with things like refilling the IVs or bringing him some food when needed. But, considering that he had a panic attack any time anyone else tried to interact with him in any way aside from bringing food, that may have been for the best.
… The trial was a whole other mess of a story, honestly. He remembered being brought out from the hospital to testify against his mother, but somehow, she managed to convince everyone that he was an ungrateful little liar, and all those reported injuries he and his brothers had gone to school with were just the result of them being wild little boys that liked to roughhouse. Ha. As if a fucking 11 year old boy would intentionally throw his little brother into a goddamn glass cabinet full of porcelain.
The trial wound up with the court siding with his mother, and she was allowed to go home with nothing but a stern talking to about ‘teaching her sons not to throw each other around’, while Jackie started lashing out and screaming that she was a fucking unstable psychopath and they should be arresting her for hurting his brothers, not letting her go with nothing but a slap on the wrist. The guards had to put him in handcuffs and drag him out of the courtroom to keep him from trying to kill the jury members.
Jameson was kept in the hospital for the trial, and Chase and Henrik stayed with him, since James was 5, Chase was 6, and Henrik was 7- all far too young to be allowed in the courtroom during such a heavy court case. And it was a good thing they were, since as soon as they found out that the court let their mother walk, and had instead wound up putting Jackie in juvenile for several months under the charge of attempted murder, Henrik had another panic attack, Chase had a mental breakdown, and Jameson went catatonic.
… God, this was all his fault, wasn’t it..?
-related topics, even if it’s only heavy shit. I do not want anyone to have any issues with panic attacks or ptsd-related episodes as a result of my stories, and I also don’t want you to suffer for any reason just to see this story, so please, please heed my warning, and do NOT read past this warning, as the abuse literally starts in the first paragraph.
Marvin woke up, and realized he’d slept past his alarm before his mind properly registered the sound of his mother yelling at Jameson drowning out the noise of his youngest brother’s sobbing pleas. As soon as he understood what he was hearing, he shot up out of bed, and quietly darted out of bed and down the hallway. Henry, Chase, Jackie, and Shenny were all huddled together by the corner of the hall, since Chase was clearly having a breakdown, and Henrik wasn’t really much better.
Shen exchanged a knowing look with him, and hesitantly nodded, giving him the okay to try to intervene again, even though they both knew Marvin’s concussion hadn’t finished healing. He ran into the dining room, and immediately started desperately yanking at his mother’s arm to try to get her to let go of James, as she was choking him.
“Mom! Stop! Leave him alone! Don’t hurt him!” He yelled, even though he knew he wasn’t going to stop the crazy bitch by trying to interfere like this. Jackie was peeking in through the doorway with eyes as wide as the moon, obviously wanting to join his younger brother, but being too scared to do anything.
His mother suddenly snapped her attention to him, and he realized all too late how royally he’d fucked up. Next thing he knew, he’d been flung across the room, and he smashed painfully into the glass cabinet his mother kept a lot of meaningless porcelains in for no reason other than wanting to look much better off financially than she really was. His head slammed into the back of the cabinet with the sickening noise of a skull cracking, and his hearing was overtaken by agonizingly loud ringing. It didn’t take long for him to start registering the severe pain ripping through his body, but it was short-lived, as he felt something he’d been unaware of slipping away.
… Was this what death feels like? Was that why everything hurt so much? Was that why he couldn’t hear anything, not even the screams and sobs of his brother? Was… that why his vision was slowly fading away?
Silence. Darkness. All his senses failed. He couldn’t even feel his body anymore.
So… This is it, huh? Just like that, this is how we die? A horribly failed attempt to save James… got us killed?
… Why? Why does she hate us so much..? Why… does she hate our brothers so much..? What did they ever do to deserve this..? I’m the only one who hurts people… I’m the only one who kills… Why didn’t she just abort us all if she didn’t want us..?
… This really is the end for us, isn’t it..? Killed by our own mother… God… We didn’t even get to say goodbye to our brothers…
Not yet.
We can’t give up.
We have to pull ourselves together! We have to get up from this! We have to survive. For James. Chase. Henrik. Jackie. Shen. We can’t let them down. We have to be strong for our brothers. They need us. They can’t go through this alone.
Get up, Peter. Get ready for school. Have Shenny drop Jameson off at preschool for us. We have to save our energy as much as we can if we want to survive this. We’re gonna be late, but that doesn’t matter. We can hide our wounds with magic. We’ve done it before. This isn’t any different.
He opened his eyes, making a very small noise of pain. He looked around, to see his mother gone- most likely off to work now-, Shenny trying desperately to wake him, as Jackie did his best to comfort their younger brothers, all of which were either having a panic attack, sobbing uncontrollably, or just entirely catatonic.
“Marvin!” Shen exclaimed when he saw his eyes open, and hugged him. He winced, and Shen quickly let go, apologizing profusely.
“...issokeh…s’okeh...don’ apol’gize… y’re scared…” he mumbled, his words slurred heavily, “...wh’re’s th’cr’tch’s…”
“Crutches..? N-No, M-Marvin, you can’t go to- to school like this! Y-You need to go to the hosp-” Shen began to protest, but he shut up when Marvin glared at him for suggesting he go to that cursed place that claims to help fix people.
“No. no hosp’tle. don’trus’ th’ docs… they’ll jus’ scol’me f’r bein’ weak...”
“S-Seán, just get the crutches… we don’t have much time left, we’re all gonna be late if you stall us by arguing with his stupid bullshit again-”
“Last time this happened, he stumbled into class and collapsed! This time it’s even worse than just a concussion, you know that, right?!”
“Seán! Seriously! We’re more likely to get help for all this if we just let him carry out with whatever ridiculous idea he has.”
Shen sighed in annoyance, and rolled his eyes, “Fine.” He summoned some strings, and they quickly zipped off, going to find the crutches and bring them back. It didn’t take long for the strings to pull them in, and soon enough, they were all heading out. Shen held James in his arms as he walked, while Jackie walked ahead of them with Chase on his shoulder and Henrik holding his hand. Shen had to separate from them halfway to school, since he was responsible for taking James to preschool today.
After about ten minutes, Jackie was a long ways ahead of him, and the distance between them only increased as they got closer and closer. By the time he arrived at school, Jack was in class, as were Chase and Henry. He was the last one to get into the building, as it was probably around 8:50 AM, and classes had already started. He didn’t make it any farther than passing the office door, though, and collapsed on the ground.
Thankfully, a girl he recognized (but couldn’t remember why, due to the loss of blood accompanied by a severe concussion) rounded the corner soon after he fell, and immediately noticed him lying on the ground, his body beaten and bloody, with quite a few shards of glass still in his flesh, because they were buried so deep that removing them without a doctor there would surely kill him. She screamed out of fear and concern, and ran off, probably trying to find a teacher.
She came back after a few minutes, and pointed the custodian she’d found to him, but by then he had lost his hearing to the screeching sound of ringing and false voices in his ears, and couldn’t tell if anyone was talking. He saw more adults come up to them, one of whom immediately called 911, while the others tried to figure out how to get him somewhere safer or something. He closed his eyes, knowing he’d failed to tough it out like he had all the previous times his mother decided to direct her aggressions onto him.
He must’ve blacked out, because he woke up in an ambulance, with paramedics trying their hardest to stabilize his condition enough to get him into the ER before he died. He didn’t get to stay awake long enough to know if they managed to do anything, though, since he fell back into unconsciousness less than a minute after regaining it.
Beeping. That was the first thing he registered. Slowly, but surely, though, his senses all faded back in, and he realized he was in the hospital, and there were nurses and a doctor or two in the room with him. Panic set in, and the first thing he did was try to tear out the IVs in his arms, but the nurses noticed immediately, and rushed over to him, restraining him from getting the hell out of there. He started crying, his mind a mess of panic and confusion, as he could no longer recall any events that lead up to him being here. As far as he was aware, they were holding him here against his will, hell, probably even holding him for ransom until his brothers found a way to give them money, and it was still two weeks prior, when he got the first concussion.
They wound up sedating him after he refused to stop thrashing around, even as the other nurses and doctors ran over to try to calm him down.
The weeks he spent recovering in the hospital were hell. Every waking moment was spent either panicking, crying, or feeling nothing at all, except a burning desire to just run back home, and pretend none of this had ever happened. He’d regained the memory of trying to save his brother, but nothing else.
After the sedative they’d used on him wore off, he remembered sitting up in bed as one of the nurses kept an eye on him in case he tried it again, and bursting into tears, sobbing out that he wanted his brothers. He knew they couldn’t grant him that, but he couldn’t bear to be alone in the hospital room with a nurse. At this point he didn’t even remember why he was so terrified of hospitals, doctors, and everything else that involved medical attention. It had just become instinctive for him to try to get away from them by now.
He remembered the nurse coming over and trying her damnedest to comfort him, though.
“Hey, hey, calm down, sweetie, it’s okay… You’re gonna be okay…”
“I want my brothers- I-I wanna go home!” He’d sobbed, shaking uncontrollably as the nurse kept trying to calm him down.
“Your brothers are with your little brother right now, sweetie. They’ll be here soon, don’t worry.”
“W-Why are they with Jamie..? H-He’s not hurt, is he..?”
“... Your little brother was brought here due to serious injuries resulting from a couple of boys getting into a fight with him shortly after you were stabilized and put in this room. He’s okay now, but he has to stay in bed for a few days, and then he can go home, alright honey?”
“... N-No- D-Don’t let him go home with-without me- H-He- M-Mom might-” He started to protest, still sobbing, but a little less hysterically than before now.
“I know you’re worried about him… Your older brothers told us what happened. Don’t worry, we have it under control. Considering the overwhelming amount of evidence of abuse the officers who arrived at your school with the paramedics gathered from the statements they got from the adults on scene, and later from the staff at your brother’s preschool… I don’t think she has much of a chance of getting away with this.”
“S-She’s getting in trouble for this..?”
“Yes. You boys are going to be out of this situation soon, I promise. Now… Is there anything else you need, sweetie?” He knew she was changing the subject to get his mind off of the topic she knew was only bothering him more, but he didn’t care. He was too exhausted from crying so much to care.
“...what day is it..?”
“... Tuesday. You were out for nearly an entire day.”
“... okay…”
“You sure that’s all, sweetie?”
He nodded, though, he knew his expression and demeanor weren’t very convincing.
“... Okay… If you need anything, I’ll be over here by the door, okay?”
“... okay.”
After that, the head nurse decided that since the nurse who helped calm him down was the only person in the hospital he trusted, she would be assigned to keeping an eye on him, and helping him out with things like refilling the IVs or bringing him some food when needed. But, considering that he had a panic attack any time anyone else tried to interact with him in any way aside from bringing food, that may have been for the best.
… The trial was a whole other mess of a story, honestly. He remembered being brought out from the hospital to testify against his mother, but somehow, she managed to convince everyone that he was an ungrateful little liar, and all those reported injuries he and his brothers had gone to school with were just the result of them being wild little boys that liked to roughhouse. Ha. As if a fucking 11 year old boy would intentionally throw his little brother into a goddamn glass cabinet full of porcelain.
The trial wound up with the court siding with his mother, and she was allowed to go home with nothing but a stern talking to about ‘teaching her sons not to throw each other around’, while Jackie started lashing out and screaming that she was a fucking unstable psychopath and they should be arresting her for hurting his brothers, not letting her go with nothing but a slap on the wrist. The guards had to put him in handcuffs and drag him out of the courtroom to keep him from trying to kill the jury members.
Jameson was kept in the hospital for the trial, and Chase and Henrik stayed with him, since James was 5, Chase was 6, and Henrik was 7- all far too young to be allowed in the courtroom during such a heavy court case. And it was a good thing they were, since as soon as they found out that the court let their mother walk, and had instead wound up putting Jackie in juvenile for several months under the charge of attempted murder, Henrik had another panic attack, Chase had a mental breakdown, and Jameson went catatonic.
… God, this is all our fault, isn’t it..?
Oh wow, look, for once a DaD fic i could upload because timeline shit won’t be confusing if I do!
But, also, side note: Part of the reason Marvin called himself Peter in his thoughts at the beginning is that his middle name is Peter, and when he was younger, a lot of the adults and kids around him would call him that instead of his first name. However, the other part of the reason is related to a mental disorder that I found out he has back in February. I will not go into it here because the explanation I would have to give is very lengthy, and, well, the disorder itself is one of those things that can be severely hard to wrap your head around, and I don’t want to put it here in case anyone has any issues from reading about it in my words, as I’m not the best at explaining things, even when I’ve researched them as extensively as I have the disorder in particular. The only reason I understand it to the level that I do is because I’ve known about the disorder since at least 2016, probably longer, and have done a lot of research on it, both from looking into many articles written by experts/professionals, and from looking into accounts of what the disorder is like that were made by real people who suffer from it. I do not, however, claim to know everything about it, nor do I claim that I know enough to say I’m an expert. I simply just write Marvin’s struggles with it based on what I have come to understand about him and how he works with his issues. Obviously, I can’t go into depth about it either, but just know that his struggles with it are not universal for all who struggle with it, so even though how it affects him is why he’s so erratic, unpredictable, and even murdery at times, he is an extremely rare case in the disorder, and the majority, if not almost all of, the people affected by it irl are in no way as dangerous as he is. He is a fictional character, and does not represent reality, though, given that he has magic and can control people with little purple threads, I feel like that should be obvious.
... i will also say this in the tags, but since i know almost no one reads tags: If anyone wants me to make a post about the disorder he has, how it affects him, and the details about his specific case, I will. However, unless you outright tell me that you want it, I will not, because I am not going to force something no one/almost no one wants, especially not if it’s as heavy and complex as the disorder. The same goes for all the other things I have discovered about him and his brothers since the last time i posted any DaD content, but have not mentioned on Tumblr, but moreso because of the ‘not if no one wants it’ than the ‘too heavy’, since the rest of it isn’t anywhere near the risk factor of that specific disorder, and can be discussed freely and openly without risking triggering or causing anything negative in anyone. But, of course, as I said, all of that will only be delved into if you guys ask me to. Yes. That means responding, or inboxing. I’m sorry if that gives you anxiety, and I don’t expect you to do it at all, whether or not it does, however, those are the terms, and I will not loosen them for anyone unless you wish to discuss it in private, and do not share it with anyone without my consent first.
and as for why i even wrote about it if it’s such a big deal? Because I literally can’t write DaD! Marvin without factoring it in. That disorder literally shapes almost the entirety of his character and personality, since it’s a disorder that severely affects how the personality forms. If I took it out of him, he’d loose every single quirk and trait that we love about him. He’d most likely be a hollow, 1-dimensional character, especially when compared to how he was prior to having it ‘removed’. So, to keep him from loosing eveything we love about him, he has to keep it, and I have to write it.
@antis-loyal-puppet @rorald-brody @chaoticcrimsonrose @tiny-septic-puppet @startschantingpma @septic-dr-schneep @insaneangel18-blog @ihaveanunhealthyteaaddiction
(extra tags, as requested by duders on a few discord servers: @geewriter @abyssshifter )
I know I don’t normally do taglists in trigger-heavy fics, but uh,,, seeing as this is the first fic I’ve been able to post in so long... I figured I oughta do it. Also, I apologize a whole heckin lotta oopsies for the entire f--kin’ short story’s worth of an author’s note at the end, but uh,,, i knew i couldn’t leave all that out in the air without making it look like i have several major plotholes where I really, honestly, do not have any. I have worked my ass off on developing Darkness and Desperation for the past four months, so I really don’t want people to assume that I’ve made a story and bullshitted my entire way through both the backstory and the actual storyline-
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melodyschaos · 2 years
Oh! Oh! I wanna request!!
Bouquet of Hearts/Macaque/Gender neutral pls!
Author's Note: This one's short but sweet, but I thought I'd see what an added image looks like on a post. Hope the cuteness makes up for it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After careful contemplation, Y/N decided to do a bit of a surprise for who they picked. When they called up the selected suitor, they turned all the lights off in their apartment and waited. When the floor began glowing a slight purple, they were wriggling with excitement. Macaque emerged from the shadow portal and looked around, confused. "Y/N? You here, bud?"
Hopping from the couch to his back, Y/N yelled "BOO!!!"
It was only Macaque's reflexes that saved Y/N from being dropped. "Someone's excited! Jeez, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"
"Sorry, I just wanted to surprise you!"
"I take it you picked me, then?"
"Well then," Macaque swapped Y/N from getting piggy back rides to being held in his arms, bridal-style. "It's a good thing I picked up something special just for you." With a kiss to Y/N's forehead, they were sat down on the couch. Macaque dug in his scarf and pulled out a small velvet box. Seeing Y/N's expression, he laughed and said, "It's not what you think, you can take a breath. Nah, I'm not gonna propose to you...yet." Opening the box, Y/N was presented with a beautiful moonstone ring:
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"Do you like it? It reminded me of you instantly. Here..." He took Y/N's hand and slipped the ring on their middle finger. "Again, it's not for marriage, but I do want you to keep it as a promise."
"What kind of promise, Macaque?"
With that devilish smile, Macaque took the now-ringed hand and kissed the back of it, bowing over it like a gentleman kissing the hand of their intended. "That I'll be faithful to you and to you alone. No matter what, even if we have such a bad fight you can't stand me for another second, this ring signifies a promise that I will always love you."
Y/N's face was completely red, their smile big and bright. Macaque stood up, picked up Y/N bridal style once more and asked, "Now who wants to go get some ice cream to celebrate?"
"I DO!!!"
116 notes · View notes
The Queen, The Creep
Johnathan Byers x Fem!Reader part 1
Warnings: She/her pronouns, SMUT, shitty writing, oral (fem and male receiving), p in v sex, REMEMBER COVER THE MEAT BEFORE YOU BEAT.
Author announcement: this is my first smut fic and im a virgin so either way this is gonna be shitty. lowercase intended
johnathan was known for being a creep. a perv. a stalker. that didnt stop y/n. she teased him endlessly. knowing that he had watched her pleasure herself multiple times before. one day, she was wearing her favorite outfit. she teased jonathan with that too.
,,hey johnathan?"
,,u-uh yeah?"
,,can you help me with photography? ive been learning, but i think that you can help me better than my teacher"
he stayed silent for a second. you raised your arms and your shirt raised up, showing him your tummy and a little bit of your bra.
,,hello? earth to johnathan?"
,,uh.. yeah i can help you."
you then got on your tiptoes and whispered
,,be there at 2. you know the way."
then you left but you winked at him first.
as jonathan was making the way towards his car, he saw a note on it saying to play a track that they left. when he did, it had all hjs favorite songs on it with Should I Stay or Should I Go playing first. when he got there, he approached her door and knocked. as she swung open the door, she was wearing a sports bra and shorts.
,,hey johnathan. my eyes are up here."
,,a-ah! sorry"
he mumbled out as she giggles.
,,well come on in sweet boy"
as he came inside he set down his camera and started explaining how to do photography.
as she started to get bored, she decided to tease the perv beside her, creeping her hand up his thigh. when she got to his cock she started palming him through his pants
,,and th-" he got cut off by a moan
as his face flushed, her movements did not falter untill johnathan grabbed her wrist.
,,whats wrong, pretty boy?"
,,d-dont get yourself into something you cant get out of. i c-cant let my self do anything past what you started if you don't want to."
,,well i do want to"
as soon as she said that, his lips met hers. they started kissing and the moment their breath became limited, they pulled away, breathless.
,,fuck- lets go to my room. that way no more pervs than you can see me"
as soon as they got into her room, she pushed him onto her bed and started unbuckling his pants.
,,shit- are you sure you want this?"
,,ofcourse i do johnathan. now shut up and let me bring you pleasure."
as soon as he shut up, she got his belt off and began bringing his jeans down. she then started kissing over the tent in his boxers. he let out a whine and she slapped his thigh as a silent way of telling him to shut up.
she then removed his boxers and his hard on slapped his shirt as it got freed from its cage. she then spit on his dick and used her hand to rub in her saliva. when she decided that that was enough, she took him into her mouth.
,,fuck! just like that princess"
she was bobbing her head as he rested his hands on her head. as he was holding himself back from rutting his hips up into her mouth, she hollowed her cheeks and he almost came on the spot.
soon after, he came with a moan of her name.
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skzsauce01 · 3 years
For You
Anniversary Request Special
Description: You and Minho are a little more than just an heiress and her bodyguard, but you know your parents would never approve of a relationship like this unless...
Warning: anxiety, injury
Word Count: 2.1k
Pairing: fem!reader x bodyguard!Minho
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He is buttoning up his shirt after a warm shower when his phone buzzes. He smirks at your caller ID on the screen before picking it up. “What, miss me alr—”
“Hi. Sorry to bother you.”
Minho drops his smile and grips his phone tighter at the tone of your voice. Panic bubbles in his chest. “Is something wrong?”
“No, it’s not like that. I’m just… out right now, and it got dark a little quicker than I thought. I know you’re off the clock on Sundays, but—”
“It’s okay. I'm coming to get you. Where are you?”
“I’m near the 7-11 near your house. The one with the blue umbrellas in front.”
“Okay. Go inside for now. I’m coming.”
“Alright. Thank you, Minho. And sorry.”
“Don’t be; it’s my job. Call again if something happens before I get there.”
“Alright, I’ll be there shortly.”
Minho doesn’t even bother drying his hair and dashes out the door. He runs and runs, unease crawling up his skin, but when he sees you through the window of the convenience store, his stomach completely drops. There you stand with your shoulders hunched, arms wrapped around yourself, and knees bowed in, a stark contrast to the proud heiress he is used to seeing. 
The worker who is leaning over the counter seems to be saying something as Minho bursts in. “If you aren’t buyin’, pay for your loitering with cha number, sugar.”
Minho slaps a bill on the counter and takes a bag of chocolates. “There. She’s a customer,” he hisses. Turning to you who looks shocked by his sudden appearance, he asks, “Are you okay?”
You nod dumbly. 
“Okay. Let’s get out of here.” He puts a hand on the small of your back and guides you to the door, using himself to shield you from the eyes of the worker.
He thought you’d relax a little after getting away from the creep, but your posture remains closed off. He wants to ask why but does not know if you’re ready for that yet. Instead, you break the silence first.
“Thank you for coming, and sorry for ruining your Sunday.”
“Y/N, you know I’m always ready to be by your side.” 
He looks for clues. You have on a deep blue dress, minimal jewelry, and light makeup. In other words, effortlessly enchanting, but that’s not important; you went to something fancy but not overly formal. A first date? Minho’s heart starts racing at the thought. He needs to know. “What were you doing out here by yourself?”
You bite your lip. Instead of answering, you tug on the cuff of his shirt gingerly with the tips of your fingers. “I-is it alright if I don’t talk about it?”
His chest breaks at how fragile your voice is. He stops in his tracks and looks at you.
“I-is it not?” you squeak.
“Of course it is.”
“Then why are you—”
“You look like you need this.”
He steps up to you under the streetlight and wraps you into a hug, gently stroking your back.
“Minho!” you gasp. “What if someone sees?”
You’re an heiress. Your choices of men are Chan from JY Group, Changbin from Seo Enterprise, or even Jisung from Han Motors. Lee Minho the bodyguard is definitely not on that list even if your heart is taking flight from this small gesture of endearment.
“Why does that matter?” he hushes you.
“If Father finds out, you’d lose your job.”
“I’d rather that than not be able to be here for you when you need it,” he says plainly and holds you tighter when you try to push him away.
Gradually, he feels you give up and give in to his embrace. Finally, he feels you begin to shake as tears escape your eyes.
“It was so scary,” you whimper. “I was so scared.”
Your words are like hammers battering his chest,making it impossible to breathe. He holds you tighter and speaks quietly, letting the vibration of his voice calm you.
“It’s okay. You’re okay now. I’m right here. Nothing can hurt you.”
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You arrive at the gates of your house, an empty bag of convenience store chocolates between your fingers.
“Father can’t know what happened. Are my eyes swollen?”
He turns you by the shoulder so he is directly looking into them. “Not at all. They’re—”
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees your father approaching, and cuts his sentence short. “Good evening, Mister L/N,” he greets.
“Ah, Minho. What are you doing here on a Sunday?”
“I found Miss Y/N around my neighborhood and thought it best to escort her home.”
“You found her around your neighborhood?” 
“Yes, I was just taking an evening stroll.”
“Evening stroll?” he echoes yet again. The old man looks at the younger one’s wet, unbrushed hair.
Minho can’t do a thing but cough nervously, knowing how weak his lie is.
Thankfully, your father does not comment further. He looks between the two of you and smiles to himself. “Alright. Since you’re here, you should escort her all the way to the house.”
“Yes, sir,” Minho bows. When he straightens up again, he grins at you. “Shall we go?”
You nod with a smile of your own. “Thank you, Minho. Really.”
“Like I said, I’m always here for you.”
He cheekily takes your hand in his and hides it behind his back in case your father turns around.
“Oh, and Y/N?” he whispers.
He swipes an eyelash that fell with your tears from your cheek. “They’re not swollen; they’re beautiful.”
Your father coughs loudly in front of you.
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The following week, you accompany your parents to a showing of the latest models of Han Motors. Of course, this means Minho is to lurk around in the shadows and follow you all night. At least, that’s what he’s supposed to do instead of being dragged out to the main floor by you to discuss which refreshment tastes the best.
“You know, if you wanted to spend time with me, you could have just said so,” Minho teasingly whispers into your ear.
“Shush and try this.” You roll your eyes and stuff a truffle-topped cracker between his lips. 
Minho chews for a moment before commenting, “Not great. Better than the cherry thing earlier, but the truffles your uncle gave you last time was better.”
You take one and mull over it yourself. “You’re right. This one’s too sweet.”
“Like someone I know,” he sighs off-handedly.
You snort. “I can’t tell if you’re talking about me or yourself.”
He raises a brow. “Oh, so you think I’m worthy of being called ‘sweet?’”
“Good gracious,” you roll your eyes.
The two of you have tried less and less to suppress your flirting. Thankfully, most of your comments are made in indecipherable whispers or behind closed doors, so most people haven’t noticed, but those who did definitely have a thing or two to say about it.
“Y/N!” Your mother’s voice breaks your conversation. 
You walk quickly past displays of shiny luxury cars to where she is. “Yes, Mother?”
She looks past you at Minho. “This does not involve you.”
Without missing a beat, he bows. Before he leaves though, you flash him a hand signal. Stay nearby. 
“You should meet the Hans’ son tonight,” your mother tells you after Minho is gone from her sight.
“Mother, I’ve already met him at my birthday party last year.”
“Yes, but this time, meet him as a man like you’re supposed to, you understand?”
“Mother, Jisung already has his eyes on—”
“Madam Han!” your mother calls before you can even finish your sentence. You close your eyes to roll them and let your shoulders slouch, knowing exactly what is going to happen.
The said woman walks over, her son in tow to help his mother introduce new cars. “Madam L/N! It is good to see you.”
First the sweet talk.
“Your face is smaller every time I see it. How do you do it?”
“Oh, you flatter me!”
Then an indirect indication of true intentions.
“It’s the truth! You simply must tell me your secrets. In the meantime, let’s have our children play amongst themselves.”
Madam Han quickly understands her implication. “Of course! They must be bored being around us old ladies. Jisung dear, take care of Miss Y/N, won’t you?”
“Yes, Mother,” he promises obediently.
You watch as the two women walk away in a fit of faux compliments. Despite leaving the two of you alone, you know they have hawk eyes on you to make sure you do as they intend.
“So,” you decide to play along, “we, uh, meet again, Jisung.”
“Yep.” He clasps his hands in front of him and looks around nervously. Not much of a conversationalist, you note.
“Tell me about this car.” You motion towards a blue SUV nearby.
“Ah, yes!” You can see the boy light up from having something he can actually talk about. “This is the Model YG. It is a family car, but it certainly does not leave out the power and class of a…”
You soon tune him out. You both know you have no interest in cars anyway, and he’s just glad to have something to fill the silence with. Your eyes begin to wander, and you catch sight of something darting around. You first pass it off as your imagination, but when you see it again, alarms go off in your head.
You grab the arm next to you. “Minho.”
Jisung looks at you inquisitively. “I’m Jisung.”
“Sorry,” you apologize. “I need to find my bodyguard. I think there’s something—”
Just then, a low whistle cuts through the air. You look up and see the giant chandelier above you beginning to tilt.
Unfortunately, you are right at the center of the whole structure. You bolt away right behind Jisung, but there is just no way your stupid heels can keep up with his powerful strides. There isn’t much time. You aren’t going to make it. You can hear the lower hanging parts of the light structure crashing and shattering when someone tackles you to the floor, shielding you with his own body.
He lets out a hallowed gasp as a metal rod strikes him in the back. He struggles to regain his breath but keeps his eyes trained on you.
“I’m okay. I’m okay,” you repeat, knowing that’s what he wants to hear most. 
It’s your turn to worry about him now as he continues struggling to breathe. You help him sit upright, trying to avoid touching the million shards of glass impaling his skin. 
“Miss L/N!” You turn and see Jisung calling you from the perimeter of the mess. Thankfully, he does not look too scathed. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m—”
“Get away from my daughter!”
Amidst the panic and army of security running about, everyone looks up at your mother fuming on the second floor. It is only then you realize how intimate your position with Minho is. You’re seated between his legs, turned towards him, and he has his arms around you, using your body to press on his spazzing diaphragm.
A new voice directs everyone’s attention. “Are you crazy?” It is your father this time, pulling his wife away from the railings. “He just saved her! What are you doing?”
“Jisung was supposed to save her!”
“Jisung saved himself! Can’t you see? Minho’s the one who’s willing to risk himself for our daughter. What more do you have against that?”
You blush under the eyes your parents’ conversation has put on you, but Minho does not back down. He keeps you covered as you shrink in embarrassment. 
“Jisung just needs more time with her!” your mother continues. “He’ll learn to love her!”
“Like you ever learned to love me? How many years have we been married? How many years have we tried to learn to love? Do you really wish the same thing for our daughter?”
A wave of gasps ripple through the building. Security has caught the criminals who sabotaged the convention, but no one cares. You can feel your stock prices dropping. You and your family are going to be on the front cover of every gossip magazine tomorrow. You struggle to find something— anything— to distract the crowd from what was just said. You need something big— something even bigger than your father’s confession.
In the midst of your dilemma, it is Minho who speaks first. “Let’s date.”
Another gasp echoes across the crowd. At least that did the trick.
“What are you doing?” you whisper-scream at him.
“What?” he says not-so-quietly. “Your father’s giving me permission. We might as well make it official. I promise to protect you and cherish you for the rest of our lives. What do you say, Y/N?”
Jisung is the first to start chanting, “Say yes! Say yes!” and is soon joined by the rest of the party-goers. Your mother nearly faints and your father beams proudly.
“Okay,” you finally agree.
“Then kiss me,” he prompts, and you do. 
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seulgiology · 4 years
dangerous love | jeon jungkook
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pairings: mafia leader!jungkook x female!reader
words: 3.7k
genre: ze smut, a bit of fluff
warnings: shower sex, oral sex (fem receiving), fingering, dirty talk, manhandling, choking, overstimulation, cursing, multiple orgasms, soft aftercare uwu
a/n: is this admin 2 writing smut?? yes it is beautiful people, admin 2 is here with some flavorful smut. i love writing smut but like it takes me a while and i’ve been working on this for over a week ,,, oops. i kinda rushed it though so im sorry. um uh hopefully you guys like it like i do :)). 
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, idols, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. thank you and enjoy :)
--- The clapping thunder being heard throughout the city had you clutching onto the strap of your purse tightly. You quickly look around you for any suspicious acts and are relieved when you find none. People around you were rushing to their cars or finding shelter for the oncoming thunderstorm. However, there you were getting some ramen late at night when there is a fully stocked kitchen at home. 
With everything except ramen. Courtesy to your boyfriend who remembers everything except to buy ramen. Hence why you do all the grocery shopping.
You instantly regretted leaving the house because it felt like eyes were on you. Especially because you were alone now. Jungkook had told you not to leave the house because he was going to e busy tonight and he wouldn’t be able to travel with you. But you didn’t think that going to the convenience store would be such a worry. 
Your fingers itched to grab at your phone to call Jungkook to come and get you but you didn’t want to interrupt his plans. Even though it had been a few hours since he had left with a lingering kiss on your lips and a promise to be home later. You’re sure he should be on his way home now and he would lose his shit if he came home and you weren’t there.
Hearing footsteps behind you that you didn’t hear before, you discreetly look back and curse under your breath when you see it’s someone with a dark hood following you. Fear crawls up your spine and you indistinctly grab at the gun on the holster on your thigh, the weight reminding you that you’re at least a little bit protected. 
You speed up your steps and start to take a shortcut onto the busy street, hoping to lose the person you hope is not following you. When you make sight of the luxurious building you happen to live in, you all but jog in there. You don’t pay attention to the person at the front desk and get into the elevator that was opening with people leaving. You slip in just as you see the person following you get caught up in the people coming out of the elevator. 
A big sigh of relief is released and you slump against the elevator wall, closing your eyes shut. Your hand leaves your thigh and you stop clenching the bag that holds the ramen so tightly in your hands. When you make it to the penthouse level, which is the one you live on, you exit the elevator and walk down the short corridor. You enter the code and step in, kicking off your shoes and tossing the bag of ramen to the side along with your purse. 
Just as you neatly place your shoes, you hear someone start to enter the code. What the fuck? You think to yourself as you place yourself on the wall against the wall, taking your gun and holding it up to your chin. Whoever it was about to come in was sure to regret it.
When the door swings open, you don’t get to see who it is because the door closes quickly after like it usually does. You point the gun at the person in the dark, the obvious cocking of it gaining the persons attention and soon you feel the cool butt of their own gun against your forehead and they’re pressing you to the wall harshly. With quick hands, you grab at the knife behind your back and hold it to their neck. 
“I’ll slit your throat if you don’t tell me who you are in five seconds,” you harshly say and press the knife harder. “Y/N? What the hell are you doing?!” the shocked voice of your boyfriend is heard and when the light is flicked on from beside you and you’re met with the face of your boyfriend. 
“Oh, my god Jungkook I’m so sorry,” You rush out, pulling your weapons away from him and them back where they previously were. Jungkook removes his gun to and hums at you impressively.
“As hot as you holding a knife to my neck was I should be concerned as to why you were in the first place. Is everything okay?” Jungkook asks while crossing his arms across his chest. You take note of the thin and long black coat he wears over his black turtleneck and dark jeans, black boots adorning his feet. His hand tattoos are evident and you lick your lips as images of his other tattoos swim through your mind, and arousal spikes just at the thought of his strong hands around your throat. Anyways-
“I thought someone was following me,” you admit without thinking, and when Jungkook asks why you answer. Again, without thinking. “Because when I left the convenience store, I could’ve sworn someone was following me.”
“Didn’t I tell you it wasn’t safe out tonight,” Jungkook scolds with his eyebrows narrowing down as he snatched the bag off the floor, dark hair falling in his face that he roughly pushes back. With a roll of your eyes, you follow him as he walks to the kitchen.
“But there wasn’t ramen in the house and I was hungry for something as simple as it,” you say and Jungkook scoffs at this. You watch as he takes his coat off and places it on one of the stools. His muscles are practically ripping through the soft fabric of the turtleneck and you almost whine at the sight.
“I don’t give a fuck if there wasn’t juice in the house Y/N. I tell you these things to keep you safe. You out at night alone without me is dangerous,” Jungkook says, clearly irritated with you. You lean against the kitchen bar and watch him roll up his sleeves to his elbows, revealing more of his tattoos. 
“Did everything go good tonight at least?” You ask genuinely interested and also to sway him from the issue at hand. Jungkook hums in agreement after taking a big gulp of water he snatched from the fridge. You can tell he was upset at you and you understood why but he should understand how much you love ramen by now.
“I’m going to shower,” Jungkook tells you and walks towards you. You look up at is frame towering over your small one and smile. Jungkook softens and leans down to kiss you, holding you to him by a firm grip on your jaw. The kiss doesn’t last as long as you want it to and you’re chasing after his lips when he pulls away. 
You stubbornly grab his face and kiss him again, this time leaning on your toes and wrapping your arms around his neck. Jungkook makes a noise of approval and places his hands low on your hips. Your lips move together sensually and when Jungkook’s hands wander down to your ass to give it a squeeze, you moan into his mouth.
Before things can get further, however, he is pulling away from you and you whine at the loss. You flutter your eyes open for them to be half-lidded and Jungkook grins at your blown-out pupils, your eyes screaming for you to fuck him. The way your body is moving towards him alone and he knew you were about to start pleading for him. 
“Not right now baby,” Jungkook dismisses despite his own growing arousal in his pants that was starting to strain against the confines of his jeans. The look you were giving him had him wanting to bend you over the counter and fuck you so good but he had to restrain himself. He was still upset with you after all and he couldn’t let you have your way right now. Even if it was what he wanted right now too. 
Yup, a cold shower will surely help him right now.
You huff childishly as you watch your boyfriend walk away from you. You mock him under your breath while taking your weapons out. You place the gun and knife on the kitchen island with a light noise and sigh. Trailing after Jungkook to your bedroom, you hear the shower water start from the bathroom attached to your bedroom. 
When you enter the room, you catch sight of his gun on the bed and you move it on your vanity. You stand in the middle of your room with pursed lips and crossed arms, glancing from the bathroom door to the bedroom door, contemplating on whether you should just go make your ramen or join Jungkook in the shower. 
With a nod to yourself, you start to strip out of your clothes and when you’re done, you tie your hair in a bun on top of your hair even though Jungkook was most likely going to take it out anyways. You push open the door to the bathroom that was already ajar and quietly slip in, going unnoticed. 
You slide open the shower door and get in, the man who is supposed to be a mafia leader not even knowing you’re sneaking up on him. It almost makes you want to laugh. But as you put your hand on his shoulder and he doesn’t even twitch a bit, you know he knew you were coming. 
“Hey,” you greet softly, wrapping your arms around his wet and strong body. Jungkook looks over his shoulder to glance down at you and you gaze back up at him with a sweet smile. He turns around in your arms and his dark eyes slowly rakes over your body. The look sends chills down your spine in the suffocatingly hot shower and you feel your clit throb to life. 
“What are you doing in here?” Jungkook asks in a low voice, turning you and pushing you against the shower wall to the point where the water is now drenching you. You slide your small hands up chiseled chest and rest them on his shoulders, biting your bottom lip in feign innocence.  
“I want to shower with my boyfriend,” you whisper as your hands make it in his wet and long hair. Jungkook’s eyes darken at the statement and his hand’s grip at your waist tighter, almost causing you to whimper but you hold it back. “So don’t look at me like that and let’s shower. There’s way more than enough room in here for us,” you remind him with a wink after pushing his body off of yours.
You step forward to grab your loofah but in a blink of an eye, Jungkook is grabbing your wrists and pinning them behind your back, pressing you against the shower door but this time with his chest pressed against your back. You gasp at the feeling of his hard cock poking your ass and you moan brokenly. His grip on your wrist is unforgiving and when he trails his other hand up to wrap around your throat, you tilt your head back in absolute pleasure and close your eyes. 
“I don’t think I heard you correctly sweetheart. What was it you said, again? Did you ask me not to look at you?” Jungkook whispers in your ear with a rough edge to his tone, biting at your earlobe and causing you to moan. When you don’t directly answer him, he bucks his hips into yours and it makes your body press against the glass more, your boobs becoming uncomfortable but you’re enjoying this too much to stop it. 
The feel of his dick sliding against your lips that is dripping wet with arousal makes you restless, trying to move your hips back but Jungkook squeezes your throat tighter. “N-No,” you answer through gasps of breaths, and Jungkook hums lowly at the answer.
Jungkook lets you go but you stay against the glass to get a grip of yourself. Jungkook was going to be the death of you for sure and if he doesn’t fuck you tonight, then you would shoot him in the dick with his own gun. 
This time when you go to grab your loofah, Jungkook lets you and he continues to wash his body like nothing happened. You look down at his dick that is shamelessly hard and you crave for it to be in you or for it to have your lips wrapped around it. You look away before your boyfriend could notice and your quick to wash your body, not paying any attention to your hair since you had washed it the night before. 
Just as you’re finishing up with rinsing your body off under the water to rid of the soapy suds, Jungkook’s hands are on you again. His hands massage into your body and you sigh contently at the feeling, leaning onto his chest. After he stops his soft movements, you lean up and press your lips on his. Jungkook holds you close to him with his hands on your lower back, your wet chests pressing together in a way that feels good to both of you.
Just the feeling of your body on his alone has him going into override. 
Your tongues dance together fervently and you press your body against his more when his hands grab at your ass, squeezing it hard due to your wet and slippery bodies. Jungkook cups your pussy from behind and you gasp into his mouth, jolting at the unexpected action. His other hand is on the side of your neck and tilts it to the side as he removes his lips from yours, ghosting them down your neck and he starts his ministrations on your clit. Your eyes roll closed at the glorious feeling of his fingers giving you attention. 
He runs his finger teasingly through your lips and when he makes contact with your clit, he rubs it lightly. Not nearly enough for you, so you try to grind down on his hands but a little nip at your neck warns you not to. Your mouth is open in silent pleasure and Jungkook coos against your skin. 
He backs you against the wet shower wall again and moves his hand from your pussy. “Jungkook,” your voice comes out in a whine and he lifts his head so his eyes are on you again. You watch with wide eyes as your boyfriend sinks to his knees before you. He smirks at you while spreading your legs apart.
Jungkook gazes at your glistening pussy with a salivating mouth and he doesn’t hesitate to lift one of your legs over his shoulder. He doesn’t give you any warning before he’s attaching his lips onto your clit and you jerk in his hold, a low whimper leaving your lips at the pleasure that shoots up your spine. 
Jungkook is relentless with the teasing movements of his tongue and you tug on his wet hair. He goes from sucking on your clit to flicking his tongue in and out of your entrance teasingly and your legs were trembling, about to give out on you. 
“Ah, w-wait,” you try to pull him back due to your oncoming orgasm, however, your boyfriend has other plans because his finger is circling your entrance. You cry out when the first finger thrusts inside you all while his tongue is still lapping at you. Your head spins with the overwhelming sensation and you knew he wasn’t going to stop. 
His name comes out in gasping breaths on your lips and as he curls the second finger inside of you, you come undone. Your eyes are squeezed closed and mouth open but not producing any noise. Jungkook hums in approval on you as he rides you through it with gentle motions of his fingers and your body protests at the sensitivity of overstimulation. 
Your body slumps against the wall tiredly as Jungkook stands from his position, his fingers still lazily pumping inside of you despite your whining protests. His mouth crashes onto yours in a hard kiss that you respond to with the same ferocity. You moan at the taste of yourself and the feel of his fingers still working inside of you, scissoring you and unexpectedly adding a third finger. You gasp into his mouth and arch your back, wet chests pressing against each other. 
“Want your cock,” you whimper against his lips, clenching around his finger tightly as they curl up into you and rubbing against you. 
“Yeah? Beg for it,” Jungkook husks out and you whine again, grinding down on his fingers desperately. When you don’t respond, Jungkook wraps his hand around your throat yet again but squeezes harder this time. When your lust-filled gaze meets his, Jungkook’s dick gets even harder if that was even possible. Your lips are swollen from the hard kisses and cheeks flushed from the heat of the shower and recent orgasm, pupils were blown out and your hair was in wet tendrils around your shoulders from the scrunchie falling out of it.
“Please,” you whisper loud enough for him to hear. “Want you to fuck me so good, please… Please, want your cock so bad,” You beg shamelessly, your nails digging into his forearm, your eyes struggling to stay open. 
You moan quietly when his fingers slowly leave you but you’re left empty. Jungkook hikes your leg up over his waist and aligns his cock to your dripping entrance, rubbing it over your folds. “Jungkook, please,” you lead, gripping his biceps, and Jungkook pushes into you slowly. Your head drops on his shoulder and a broken moan passes your lips, leg tightening around his waist. 
Jungkook pushes the rest of his cock in you and hisses as you swallow him in your warm, wet walls. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groans out. You moan at the painfully delicious feeling of him stretching you out. 
“Faster,” you breathlessly stutter out and Jungkooks growls under his breath at the demand, gripping onto your thigh and fucking into you harder. Your moans came out in low, high-pitched sounds that were getting higher the more he thrust into you. 
He held you to him as he fucked you, your nails clawing down his back and when he lifted up your other leg to wrap around his waist, you squealed at the feel of him going deeper. He now held you up against the shower wall, drilling up into you with deep thrusts. You chanted his name through whispers, pants, and moans the pleasure becoming too much. 
“You always… feel so… ngh… fucking good,” Jungkook groans against your neck at the feel of your clenching walls around his cock. “Such a good girl for me,” Jungkook praises, and you clench him tighter at the words, the feeling of him so deep inside of you making your head spin.
“So close,” you whimper, nails digging into his back, and Jungkook groans at the sting from the brief pain. “Please, please please,” you beg through a sob, tears filling in your eyes. Jungkook is kissing you before you can beg anymore and one particularly hard thrust that hits your spot has you coming all over his dick. 
“There you go baby,” Jungkook whispers against your lips but you’re too far gone to even pay notice to his words. He gently works his dick inside of you as your spasming body jerks in his hold from the orgasm that had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
Jungkook pulls out of you slowly when you have calmed down but you weren’t done. With shaky legs, you turn around and press your hands against the glass of the shower door that is fogged up. “You’re so fucking perfect,” Jungkook says from behind you, watching as you present yourself to him and look over at him with a heavy gaze. Jungkook steps closer to you and doesn’t waste any time sliding back into you. Your back arches at the feeling but Jungkook is wrapping his strong arms around your middle, holding your bodies close together as he bottoms out fully in you and you feed off the feeling of fullness it gives you. 
“Look at you, so greedy for my cock,” Jungkook whispers in your ear with a rough edge to his voice. His cock constantly hits your g-spot and your pussy is being abused beautifully. “Fuck, fuck Y/N,” Jungkook mans lowly into your ear, trapping your earlobe between his teeth. When his fingers make contact with your swollen clit, you let out a sob and tears spillover. 
“I’m close baby,” Jungkook says through heavy breaths and his hips start stuttering in their movements, chasing after his release and not giving up on his fingers assault on your clit.
“Come in me,” You moan out and that seems to do it for him because, with one pinch of your clit, he’s spilling his load into you and you’re coming for the second time on his cock. Your body tenses up and your vision sees stars as your walls clench him unbelievably tighter. 
Jungkook holds you to him, still planted inside of him as your tired body slumps against him. Jungkook pulls out of you and kisses your shoulder when you wince at the sensitivity. “Let me clean you up, yeah?” Jungkook’s large hands are soothing your body and you nod tiredly, allowing him to clean the cum dripping down your legs. 
You two finish in the shower with him saying soft words of praise in your ear and he wraps you in a fluffy towel once out, drying his body off and putting on some boxers and sweatpants. He takes his time in drying you off and loathing your body in your favorite lotion. 
“I love you,” you say as he pulls one of his shirts over your head after he had put some panties on you. Jungkook smooths your hair out of your face and smiles, heart softening at the girl he loves more than anything. 
“I love you too baby,” he whispers, kissing your lips softly and you sigh contently. Jungkook wraps you in his arms once you guys are under the soft blankets and he rubs your back, gently humming to ease you into sleep. 
“Goodnight, my love.”
3K notes · View notes
humans are space orcs (with magic!) *skillz to pay the billz pt 1*
5wow i have been gone for a hot minute but i think i’m gonna tryn write more on here, but school’s starting up again soon so we’ll see how that actually goes. anyway, without further ado, here is another short story or sum, based on how some people can cook, and how some absolutely cannot
also i had to resist so hard from writing that’s what she said at the end so i will have to console myself with writing it up here.
The VIV Narrtor was docked at a WayCenter Station for repairs after a gamma burst from a neutron star had fried nearly all the sensors. As it was the humans had decided to designated this as their “vacation” and had put their money together and were renting a small abode for the duration of the repairs. Not wanting to miss out on any possible research, Drerzii had insisted that he and Tygeria rent the room across the street from the humans. 
And so Tygeria found herself the windowsill with a pair of “binoculars” as the humans called it, in her hand. Currently the humans weren’t doing much, in fact it appeared that only one of them was up and active. Uhris, clad only in his undergarments, was in the sustenance preparation room, making ready the pot of dark, steaming liquid that the humans drank every morning. She and Drerzii had suspected it to be either some sort of religious ceremony or a necessity of their species, much like how the dular always had to eat from a plant native to their planet before they ate anything else or they would die. However, neither of them had mustered the courage to ask the humans. If it was indeed a private matter, it might not be appreciated if they suspected they were being studied so thoroughly. And an angry human was not something Tygeria wanted to see. 
As she observed, the rest of the humans slowly arose from their slumber, except for Taurus. Being the largest of them all, Tygeria suspected that he likely needed more rest than the rest of them in order to move his mass around. She noted her thoughts on a holotablet. 
When she resumed her observations, she noted that Uhris was preparing sustenance, and quite a large amount. He must be feeding the entire group. It was strange she thought, since his records didn’t indicate that he had been trained in sustenance preparation, but he seemed quite adept in his actions. Perhaps he had trained in secret, hoping one day to be employed as a sustenance prepare. These “chefs” apparently were quite coveted in any group. 
The group spent most of the morning hours indoors, but what they were doing exactly Tygeria couldn’t say exactly. They were certainly enjoying themselves at the very least. Around midday Uhris and Enara walked out of the building. Tygeria leaned forward, her interested piqued. “Drerzii, Drerzii! They’re headed this way.” Her carapace tingled with mixed fear and excitement. They’d been found out. Surely the humans would be angry at being spied on. Drerzii rose from his resting state. 
“My dear Tygeria, you surely must be mistaken. The humans-” He stopped as he peered out the window, “Oh. You’re quite right Tygeria. But do calm yourself, I doubt they mean us any harm. Likely their simply curious. Their species’ natural inclement is towards curiosity rather than violence; however, I suppose we should be prepared. There, I have a clear line of communication to command should anything happen.” 
Tygeria appreciated his actions, but her carapace still tingled. A minute later there was a knock on the door. She walked quickly across the room and opened the door. Uhris and Enara stood in the entryway. 
Uhris switched his hand from scratching the back of his head to giving them a little wave. “Uh hey. Anne pointed out that you guys were staying across the street from us, and we all agreed that we couldn’t just let you guys stay here.” It was exactly as Tygeria feared, the humans were angry about being spied on. Drerzii’s flashing colors echoed her fear. “So we- Drerzii you okay? You’re putting on a whole light show my dude.”
“Oh, yes, I’m quite fine. For the time being at least.”
“Erm, yeah, whatever that means. Anyway, we’re about to have lunch, so we wanted to know if you guys wanted to join us. We might do something later, but we haven’t decided what yet.”
Tygeria lowered her head so it was on eye-level with the human. It didn’t make much of a difference to her, what with her infrared vision, but apparently it was a human gesture. “You don’t intend us any harm?”
The two humans looked on in confusion. “N-no? I mean why would we want to hurt you? We just wanted to know if you wanted to eat with us, but if you don’t that’s fine too.”
Tygeria was taken aback. Did they not know? “Because we were obs-”
“Of course we would be delighted to enjoy you for a meal. I unfortunately am unable to consume at the current moment, but I would be delighted to participate in your fellowship.”
“Oh. Great, well you guys can head on over then. Enara and I are just going to get some groceries, but we’ll be back in just a few minutes. The door’s unlocked so just head right in”
And so the humans headed off toward the provisions center of the station while Tygeria and Drerzii made their way to the humans rooms. Upon entering the room they were met with ferocious laughter. The terrifying sound of mirth coming from all three of the humans. Taurus, who apparently was in the middle of a story glanced over towards the door, his predatory eyes moving by pure instinct. He motioned with his hand. “Come on over guys, I was just telling them about when I managed to get a screw jammed up my nose.” It took a few minutes of recap for Tygeria and Drerzii to understand the situation, but it was incomprehnsible why the humans found it so funny.
Uhris and Enara arrived shortly after the story was finished. Both had bags filled with consumables in both hands. Taurus hooted from across the room “Uwu, y’all look like a couple, walking in with your groceries.”
Uhris breathed heavily through his nose, what Tygeria believed was called a “snort.” “If I was Jason maybe we’d be a couple.” At that comment Jason started coughing and Enara’s face grew red. Perhaps, Tygeria thought, this has something to do with them ‘liking’ each other.
“Anyway, we’re going to get started on lunch. Y’all just sit tight. Also Tygeria you should be able to eat this, we got food that’s edible for you too.” She clicked her thanks.
It was very considerate that the humans would use sustenance that she would be able to ingest as well. She was, however, concerned. Among her kind she was known to have rather specific preferences. However she couldn’t risk offending the humans by not eating any sustenance they prepared. But as they worked in the kitchen, her olfactory senses began to tingle. The smells of whatever it was they were making piqued her curiosity. How could one prepare food so that it would have such a smell? Was this some form of communication between human. Perhaps it was just a byproduct of whatever processes they were using to prepare the sustenance. 
She peered over to see both Uhris and Enara moving efficiently through the kitchen, handing each others utensils and ingredients as they worked. Occasionally one of them would take a small utensil and taste some of the sustenance, then make a small adjustment to the ratios of ingredients. Sometimes they would ask each others opinions or hand something off to the other. Tygeria was astonished at the ease with which they hurried through their movements. Uhris placed his creation in the heating unit and turned to the rest of them. “Alright, so this should take just a few minutes to bake, and then we’ll be good to go.”
Taurus set out dishes for everyone to eat on, except for Drerzii, who had declined on account of his metabolic processes not being in service for the time being. Once Uhris had deemed the time to be right, he carefully pulled the sustenance from the heating chamber and placed it upon the table. Enara came from the kitchen and placed what she had prepared next to Uhris’. “Just wait for it to cool down and then go ahead and dig in.”
With a laugh Jason raised his hand, “So what exactly is it that we’re eating.”
Uhris bared his teeth, then quickly changed his expression to be less frightening for Tygeria and Drerzii. “What we have here is a magherita flatbread, made completely by hand, with non-native ingredients. I subbed uthara for tomatoes for both the garnish and the sauce, and used tehari cream instead of cheese. And the crust is, actually I don’t know what it is, it just said it could be substituted on my holotablet. But Enara, tell them what you made.”
“What we have here is a fruit salad, also made with ‘non-native’ ingredients, as Uhri put it. And I put in some of the spices they had at the compound for some added flavor.”
Jason laughed, “So basically we’re having alien pizza and alien fruit salad? This is really gonna be the test guys.” With that he took out the first section of the ‘flatbread’ and took a bite. His eyes opened wide and he made a sound deep in his throat. With a mouth full of food he said, “Oh yeah, thish ish the sh*t you guys.” 
What exactly that meant, Tygeria wasn’t sure, but the rest of the humans began consuming the sustenance, and so Tygeria took one of the squares and took a bite of it herself. Her carapace tingled with delight. The flavors burst in her mouth, sweet and salty combining perfectly. She hummed with delight, this was beyond what she would have imagined the humans to be capable of. She then took a portion of the ‘fruit salad’ and ate some of that as well. It complimented the flatbread in a way that she didn’t know was even possible. She quickly secured another few servings, making sure she would have enough for later on. She would have to savor the taste whenever she had the chance. But she couldn’t help but to hum even more as she continued to feed on it. 
“Well it looks like we have one very happy customer.” Uhri said.
* * *
The rest of the day the group simply stayed indoors and talked about a myriad of subjects. Enara’s skill in the kitchen had come about simply because she liked to cook as a past time. It was, as she said, “A pleasure to see my work put smiles on faces. And even better if I can make the food healthy.” Uhri had apparently worked in his family’s business of making food for special events, something called catering, and had picked up his skills from his years helping around the kitchen. He volunteered to make another meal for dinner, but before he could start Anne stopped him. 
She stepped into the kitchen and turned to him “It’s been a while since I’ve made anything for anyone else, but I’d like to try to make something for you guys.”
Uhri shrugged, “Knock yourself out.” Tygeria was startled by this. Why would Anne hit herself so hard as to knock her unconscious? She was about to raise her concern when Uhri spoke, “I didn’t mean it literally. It’s a human saying, kind of like good luck, or go right ahead.” 
She hummed her acknowledgement, but was still confused as to why anyone would say this. 
Taurus paused, “Wait Anne, I didn’t know you could cook.”
“Well I did live by myself for two years in college. And I got sick of instant ramen after the first semester, so I had to learn.” 
This made sense to Tygeria, humans apparently had to fend for themselves once they reached a certain age. Their parents would assist but for the most part they were on their own. Next to her Drerzii trumpeted with delight. “Why, Tygeria I have been fastidiously taking notes of this whole occasion, and I would like to mull over them with you later. We can see what our thoughts are, but this entire time has been so enlightening.”
A few short minutes later Anne huffed out of the kitchen a steaming platter in her hands. The smell coming from it was just as strong as the one coming from the earlier dishes, but not quite so delectable in nature. Anne plopped it down in the middle of the table and introduced the dish. “It’s a bean casserole, or at least as close as I could get to one with what we have.”
Jason was again the first one to take a bite. He slowly pulled his utensil out of his mouth. Anne beamed, “So, what do you think?”
Jason shook slightly, “It’s definitely something else. You’ve got a real flavor there I’ll tell you that.” He timidly placed another portion in his mouth, shutting his eyes as he did so. 
The others began to eat, and had similar reactions. Slow, and usually taking a drink of water after every bite they had. It was a completely different reaction to what they had before. Before she could take a bite, Drerzii whispered in her ear, “Tell me what it tastes like.” 
So she  put a large portion on her plate, and another large portion in her mouth. If it was anything like the bliss she had tasted earlier she would have to start eating the humans food more often. Unfortunately, it was nothing like what she had eaten earlier. It was as if whatever the flavor was meant to be had become evil and was attacking her mouth. And the way it felt, it was incredibly dry, parching her mouth. She quickly grabbed a cup of water and downed it, trying to suppress the taste and texture. She turned to Drerzii and spoke quietly, not wanting to offend Anne, “It’s awful. I would not recommend trying it.” She looked back to see Anne staring directly at her. Her predatory hearing must have heard Tygeria’s report. 
“Is it actually that bad? I know I might have fudged some of the spices, but was it actually that bad?” 
Tygeria started to panic. How could she tell the human that it was possibly the worst thing she had ever tasted? Humans were easily offended when it came to things they made themselves. It wouldn’t do for her to insult the food. But she could thing of no other honest alternative. Right as she was about to confirm, Taurus spoke. “To be honest Anne, it’s not great. It’s pretty dry and you overdid it with the flavoring. But trust me it’s not as bad as my grandmothers cooking. That was a culinary nightmare. I can at least eat this.” 
Anne nodded, liquid gathering at the bottoms of her eyes. Tygeria tilted her head, she had heard that liquid spilled from humans eyes when they got emotional, and the action even had a name. So she asked, “Are you going to cry?”
Instantly Anne stood straight, and shook her head. “Throw the food away. I’ll just go out and grab something pre-made.” With that she dashed out the door. 
“Did I say something wrong?”
“I mean, yeah, you aren’t really supposed to ask people if they’re going to cry.” Taurus said, “But at least we don’t have to finish the food. God it was disgusting, I thought I was going to throw up.” 
Enara struck him on the shoulder. “Don’t say that, she tried her best.”
“I mean am I wrong?”
Enara raised her hand as if to cuff him again, but slowly let her arm down. “No, not really, it was pretty terrible. I’m going to go find her, but let’s do try to cheer her up when she comes back.” And with that Enara rose and left the room. As soon as she had Uhris spat out a slimy, semi-chewed portion of the food. “That shit was nasty, I couldn’t bring myself to swallow.”
Tygeria wondered how any human could take the risk of attempting to prepare sustenance of the potential for disaster was this, this massacre of the tastebuds.
353 notes · View notes
sup-hoes-its-me · 3 years
Adore You II (Yamato x Reader)
A/N: secret admirer Yamato fic. said that this one would be short, but i once again have gotten carried away. Here is the ending. It should be cute. thanks for reading. 
Word count: 3200
It had been a long day at the bakery, full of kneading breads and selling cupcakes and just generally doing some busy work around the store. Life was uneventful, except for the moments she arrived at her apartment in the evenings just as the sun was setting, and she’d find a new gift lying on the ground or a note taped to her door.
 It was nice, having these little surprises either at the beginning or ending of her day. In fact, she was growing all too used to the confidence boost the sweet love letters gave her. 
Apparently, she was beautiful. She was strong and kind and generous and funny, and so many other things all stated and elaborated on in these notes. She was high off those letters. They made her feel just a bit better about herself. Even after long days of work where her hair was falling out its tie and her skin dusted with flour and chocolate frosting smeared across her dirty apron, she still felt on top of the world.
Every day she grew more and more curious as to who was leaving those notes lying around. It really could be anyone, even someone she barely knew. In that case, she had no idea what she would do. Yes, the person in question seemed nice, but she didn’t exactly feel comfortable dating someone she didn’t know or like. 
And if it was someone she knew, what would she do then? Could they stay friends after all this mess? She would try, but would it be too awkward for them to be around her after spilling their feelings over and over again?
Just thinking about the outcomes of this secret admirer situation was overwhelming and she avoided the thought. She would just enjoy the acts of admiration from the comfort of her own home.
It had actually been three days since the last gift was left outside her door and she was beginning to grow excited. If he was gone for another few days, surely she could go around and figure out who was on a mission for the entire week. The turning point was almost here, she thought. Only a few more days until she could find out. It was both scary and exhilarating to think about.
As she rounded the corner to her apartment, walking up the metal stairs, she expected nothing at her door once again. That only made sense. Definitely not a person standing there, no way.
She certainly did not expect to see Kakashi standing at her doorstep, holding a bouquet of flowers. Just as quick as she had seen, she ducked back behind the wall, hand pressed to her mouth to shush her gasp.
What the fuck…
That was definitely him, she confirmed in her mind. The same white hair, mask, jounin vest, everything. Her heart raced and she felt panic creeping up her neck. How could this be? Kakashi was her friend, and only her friend. She thought that had been established a long time ago. There was nothing intimate going on between them, and she never anticipated there would be. 
She waited until he was gone before she walked to her apartment and picked up the flowers and note. She swore that this wasn’t Kakashi’s handwriting, but now she wasn’t so sure. Maybe it was and she was just remembering wrong. Why was she even questioning herself though? Right in front of her eyes, she saw Kakashi leaving flowers at her doorstep. The answer was clear as day.
Kakashi was her secret admirer.
The more she thought about it, it made a little sense. He always accepted her free baked goods, but she always just assumed he didn’t feel like buying his own bread. And he walked her home from the store on more than one occasion. He was nice to her every time they hung out. All of those things she always just assumed were normal friendly things to Kakashi, but she found herself questioning his every move now. 
Oh man. Oh shit. How would she even go about confronting him? He was such a cool and collected guy, she would feel awkward rejecting him. Would he be angry? Another thought crossed her mind for a moment. Maybe she shouldn’t reject him. He was a very smart and kind man, and he always knew what to say even in the worst of moments. He was reliable and strong and forgiving.
Maybe she should just go for it. 
Yeah, she cared for Yamato a lot, but why keep trying for someone completely unattainable when another guy she got along with was ready to give her the entire world? From the way he spoke in his letters, he liked her for a long time and intended to make her his long term girlfriend. It broke her heart that the man she spent years longing after didn’t feel the same way, so much time wasted. It really sucked.
She had been lonely for so long that the thought was more than tempting. 
It was all way too much to think about.
She entered her apartment that night with a lot to ponder before she fell asleep, tossing and turning with the knowledge that Kakashi was in love with her. How could she sleep knowing that? She would have to talk to someone else first before deciding what to do about everything. She would wait for Yamato to come back and help her out. He’d know what to do. 
It had been days since she found out about Kakashi and this entire mess. Yamato was due to be back today, and she was counting the minutes. She already asked off work for the rest of the day so she could get all her business sorted out. There was just too much to do and she couldn’t wait until night time to get it all done. 
Awkwardly enough, on her way to see Yamato, she ran right into Kakashi outside the grocery store. He was carrying quite a big bag of food items, and she nearly knocked them all right out of his arms. She yelped, jumping back about two feet to keep her distance. Being so close to him felt nerve-wracking. 
“Y/N, what’s up?” he asked, his eyes scanning her up and down. “You look nervous."
“Me, nervous? Psssshh, of course not. Why would I be nervous?”
“I don’t know. That’s why I asked.”
She stood there for a silent moment, her eyes drawn right on his face. He didn’t look different. He looked like his normal, cool self, definitely not like a man in love with her. He was damn good at hiding how he felt. She rubbed the back of her neck, her eyes averted now to the wall beside her. “So, uh, what’s up with you?”
“Nothing much, Just got back from a mission and I’m going to be home for a few days so decided to get some groceries.”
“Oh, really? How long were you on that mission?”
“It was only 2 days.”
“I see…”
Why was she asking? She saw him. There was no way he was on a mission that night. He was right there. Maybe all this questioning was a sign that she wished this was all some sort of mistake, that it wasn’t Kakashi at her doorstep, or maybe they were pranking her. A cruel and unlikely prank, but still, it was a possibility.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he questioned and he leaned in just a bit closer to get a look at her face. The woman found herself getting flustered. Quickly, she pressed her hands to his chest and pushed him away. 
“I’m fine. Just stay over there.”
“Yeah, you’re definitely not fine but whatever you say.”
She bit her lip, not knowing how to diffuse the situation. He was right, as usual. Things were definitely not okay, she just wasn’t ready to face the reality that he loved her, not here in front of the grocery store in the broad daylight. That was meant to be private. She couldn’t reject him like that, it would be humiliating.
“It’s nothing, Kakashi. I’m just...getting sick is all, so you shouldn’t get so close.”
But he persisted. “Sick with what?”
“I don’t know, the flu?”
“Hmm,” he nodded, but his eyes were all knowing and she found herself wanting to slither away on the ground and hide in an alley for a while. “You’re on your way to see Tenzo, right?” How? How could he have known that? She swore, this man was getting on her last nerve with his smartass attitude.
“Yes. How could you tell?”
He smirked through his mask, shifting the weight of his grocery bag to his left side. “Well, he just got home today, and the only reason you’d be walking that fast is so you could see him,” he replied, and she nodded grumpily, her arms moving to cross over her chest.  “I’ll let you go. He should be leaving the Hokage Tower soon, I just saw him heading in that direction.”
She thanked him before continuing on her path to go find Yamato. She was actually glad to be done talking to Kakashi. It felt way too weird talking to him knowing all the things he was secretly thinking about her. Plus, he was getting annoying with all the questions. She just wanted to find her friend and talk through her options.
It saddened her, but Yamato was never going to like her back and maybe Kakashi was the best choice for her. In this town, if you got to 25 without getting married you were pretty weird, especially if you weren’t a shinobi. Villagers get married off so quickly, it’s just part of the small town nature of it all. Parents want grandchildren, and it’s easier to live off a two person income. People got married young. 
Societal pressure would definitely be taken off her back, that’s for sure. It just wasn’t exactly as she had planned. One sided love.
Yamato was indeed walking home from the Hokage Tower when she spotted him after having wallowed in her own thoughts for the entire walk over.
“Yamato!” she called, running up to him. He stopped in his tracks, feeling himself growing warm again. She was just as beautiful as the last time he saw her, granted that was only a week ago. He wanted to give her a hug, having missed her for the last 7 days and all, but he refrained. He had no idea how she would react. Knowing her kind nature, she would hug him back, but then what would she think? He liked her? It was too embarrassing.
He looked down at the young woman and smiled. “Y/N, did you need something?”
“Yes, it’s really important. Do you think we can sit down somewhere more private?”
Oh God. Whatever she wanted to talk about, it couldn’;t be anything good. She wasn’t smiling, and normally she would have work right now. She wasn’t going to take off work for nothing. He nodded, and she silently dragged him over to the tea shop, her eyes flickering around to make sure Kakashi hadn’t trailed behind her. She took a seat at one of the tables and motioned for him to sit across from her.
He did as she asked, sitting cross legged on the floor, his hands secretly being wrung over and over again under the table. “So what did you need to talk about?”
“I know who my secret admirer is.”
Here it goes…
“Wait, what?” His eyes shot open, and he froze. He was not expecting that, not at all. How could he? Yamato was Y/N’s secret admirer, it didn’t make sense. He made sure Kakashi knew to leave the flowers on her doorstep in secret, there was no way he would mess up something so simple. He was an S-rank ninja for a reason. 
She nodded, her eyes almost as wide as his. “Yeah, I know. I couldn’t believe it when I saw him.”
“What did you see?”
“When I was coming home from work, I saw him outside my door with a bunch of roses and a note. It was in the same handwriting as all the other love notes, so I know it’s the same guy. I-I just can’t believe it’s Kakashi.”
Yamato knew he should have confessed right then instead of asking, but he couldn’t keep himself from knowing the truth. “Well, how do you feel about him? Are you going to accept?”
She sighed, her eyes trailing down to the side. “That’s the hard part. His words, in those letters, they made me feel so special and loved. If Kakashi feels that way about me, surely he can make me happy for a long time,” she told him softly, and he could feel his heart tearing in half with every second that passed. He put in all this effort, and for what? For his friend to steal the girl right from him. He felt a terrible pain in his stomach, and he had to keep the discomfort from reaching his face.
“So, you’re attracted to him?” His worst fear. He knew the ladies liked Kakashi. He was suave and handsome. It would make sense if Y/N liked him. Who didn’t like Kakashi? 
His own self-esteem was diminishing. Out of all the outcomes he had thought up in his head on how this confession would go, he never expected it to end up this way. 
She shook her head. Carefully, she explained, “It’s just that I’ve loved someone else for a long time, and I’m not ready to give up on them. I know I should, but I just can’t.”
It was time to tell her. His hopes were low, but her confession left him feeling like there was a chance. He wasn’t planning on telling her any time soon, not until he was positive she liked him back, or even wait for her to figure it out herself so she could come to him. He really wasn’t one for expressing his feelings like this. He was Anbu, that wasn’t their way of life. 
He was scared. Scared of the rejection and then what would follow. The fallout and the avoidance. The dissolving of their entire friendship. Yamato was afraid of what this one little woman thought of him, and it took everything in him to  muster up his next words.
“Y/N, your secret admirer is not Kakashi, it’s me. It's been me the whole time.”
Her lips quickly fell into a frown, and he knew that wasn’t a good sign. She tilted her head to the side and asked, her brows furrowed deeply, “How could that be? I saw Kakashi with my own eyes.”
“It’s because I asked him to fake it for me until I got back from my mission,” he groaned, “You said you were going to wait until the next time there was a big break in the gifts coming and then figure out what shinobi it was; well, I was just on a week long mission and I didn’t want you figuring it out so soon. I gave Kakashi some flowers and a note and asked him to leave it there sometime in the middle of my mission, to throw you off my scent.”
“Yeah. I guess I should have anticipated Kakashi being late and you finding out, but I hadn’t.”
“Yamato-” Y/N felt relief bubble up in her chest. If Yamato was really her secret admirer, then she had nothing to worry about. It seemed things had worked out too perfectly in her favor. She loved him, wanted nothing more than for him to reciprocate her feelings. And he had. He had spent countless hours planning little surprises for her in the hopes that it would make her happy.
Her heart felt over the moon with happiness. No one had ever went out of their way for her, not like this. But Yamato was different.
“Y/N, I care about you. I care about you a lot, as you can tell from all the letters I wrote for you.” He paused, his eyes rolling to stare up at the ceiling, too nervous to meet her own which were filled with shock. “I know we live completely different lives, and I know you’d rather be with that other guy, but that night you got drunk and you told me you wanted a man to sweep you off your feet and that you were lonely, I thought I’d try.”
“I got drunk and told you I was desperate for a man? When...When did this happen?!” Admittedly, she felt a shot to the gut at that one. How embarrassing. Perhaps, that wasn’t the first thing she could have got from his confession, but she needed to know.
“I don’t know. A month ago?”
“Damn, I’m so embarrassed.”
He groaned once again, covering his eyes with his hand and mumbling, “Yeah, me too, Y/N.”
“Why are you embarrassed?” she asked, noticing his red face and neck. “Yamato, I want to be with you. You are the other guy.” 
“You really don’t have to lie to save my feelings.”
“I’m not lying. Admittedly, when the first gift you left was a bonsai, I immediately thought it could be you because 'tree', but I couldn’t be sure so I waited. I wanted it to be you the entire time, but I just couldn’t see someone as strong as you falling for a simple baker. I thought you’d be into other shinobi. I mean, they are more interesting than little old me.”
He reached over the table to grab her hands, and immediately he cringed. All this drama was making his hands sweat, and he didn’t want her to think of him as the sweaty hands guy. He scolded himself immediately after having the thought. She’s not gonna care, don’t be so nervous. Tell her how you feel. 
“Stop. Y/N, all I care about is you. You are the most beautiful, smart, kind, and interesting woman I’ve ever met. You’re amazing. You work so hard at the bakery. You aren’t simple at all.”
“Please, just be with me. It took me a lot of courage to tell you how I feel, just say yes and accept that I love you for you.”
“O-okay. I’m so happy. I just can’t believe this is happening.”
A smile grew on his lips, and she let a goofy one take over her own expression. He never looked this happy, and she realized it was all because of her. Her heart  jumped in her chest, and she squeezed his hands, feeling herself growing warm with happiness. His sweet words filled her ears and she laughed. “I promise I will treat you like a princess. I will not let you down.”
“Okay. I promise to treat you like my knight in shining armor.” His heart fluttered again. She was the one for him. He was sure of it. His cold exterior had grown soft and warm because of her, and he loved it. He loved her.
They ordered their tea and sat their just relishing in the fact that for once, everything worked out for the awkward, terribly lightweight baker and her anxious, ungracefully stupid shinobi that she was hoping for all along.
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ssa-babygirl · 4 years
Out of My League [Part 1]
Pairing: High school!Spencer Reid x Popular!Reader
Word count: 3.7k (god i don’t shut up do i)
Summary: Spencer begins tutoring you in chemistry, and the two of you bond (I would say no pun intended but fuck it that was GOOD so I’ll say pun intended)
Warning(s): Mentions of bullying, mental illness, some swearing, I made one joke about herpes??? sorry if thats a sore spot with anyone, light angst and pining, Reader POV
Author’s Note: Here it is, folks!! The first official part! I’ so grateful for all the feedback I got on the prologue, I’m glad y’all are liking it, I hope you like this part just as much!! Next part I’m gonna have some baby spencer, and by that I mean whole ass adult spencer that just looks baby
[Previous Part] [Series Masterlist]
You absolutely despised chemistry. It’s boring. It’s simultaneously stupid and ridiculously complicated. You weren’t dumb, you were a decent student in all your other classes, but science was never your strong suit. You preferred literature over litmus paper any day. Unfortunately, your failing grade was bringing down your entire GPA, just below the requirement for you to stay on the cheerleading squad. Your coach recommended you get a tutor, or else you were off the team. So you went to the library to see the peer tutoring program, and all of them were booked. The next best thing would be the kid genius in your class. He was probably a better first choice, honestly, but you figured he’d be booked with other students too.
He wasn’t like other kids in your class, not just because he actually cared and was a good student, he was also twelve years old. The kid was a prodigy. He was bullied a lot because of this because no one really understood him. That’s probably why he looked so terrified when you approached him after class one day.
“Hey, Spencer!”
His eyes grew wide as he stared back at you, saying nothing.
“I was just wondering if you were available for tutoring?”
“Oh, uh, um, y-yeah, in chemistry?”
“Yeah, what are your rates like? Like say we do an hour every other day, how much would that be?”
“Oh! N-no charge.”
“The first couple of sessions can be a trial run, I don’t want your money if you’re not benefiting from it.”
That made you smile, this kid was so nice and you just wished that people actually cared about that instead of the dumb shit they bullied him for. Sure, he was skinny and short and dorky and you know, a literal twelve-year-old boy, but if someone would take time to know him, they’d see he’s a good kid.
“That’s sweet of you, but I don’t wanna waste your time if you have other students.”
“I don’t, so that shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Great! Are you free after school today?”
He nodded and avoided all eye contact before scurrying out of the room to his next class.
You met up later in the library. You greeted each other politely with simple hi’s and hey’s and nothing more. Then it was time to pour over your books for an hour and try to force the puzzle pieces into place and hope something finally clicked. Balancing molecular equations physically hurt. Just when you thought you got it all right, Spencer reminded you that you still had to balance the oxygen, which was always bonded with something else, which threw off the whole equation. Every time you made a mistake you just let out a groan and set your head on the table.
“It’s a lot of math, a lot of people have a hard time with it, don’t feel bad.”
“I’m so fucking stupid.”
“You’re not! It’s an easy mistake.”
“You don’t make mistakes like that.”
“That’s because I’ve been taking advanced math classes for the past two years, I’m good at this stuff.”
“You’re good at everything, you're a literal genius.”
“There are people who aren’t geniuses who are good at this sort of thing, just look at Johnny Abrams in our class. He answers every question Mrs. Gustin asks and I once saw him put his backpack on his car’s roof and start driving ‘cuz he forgot it was there. He’s just been practicing. That’s why we’re here, right?”
He always reassured you. Always told you that you weren’t stupid. You weren’t dumb. He always smiled when you got questions right and told you you were doing a good job. When your hour was up, you said goodbye and went home. 
Spencer’s mini lectures aside, most of your sessions were sparse in the conversation department. The first time he went off on a side about some chemistry facts, you couldn’t keep up. You just sat there, jaw hanging while he went into detail about saponification, which wasn’t even in this lesson.
“Sorry, I’m rambling.”
“Did we learn that in class? Cuz if we did, I’m screwed.”
“No, not yet at least.”
“How do you just… know that?”
Spencer avoided your eyes once again, something he did more than spouting random facts, “I read a lot.”
That’s how it happened the first time. All it took was you asking one question about different types of reactions for him to launch into another spiel. You figured you’d have to know it at some point, so you started writing down whatever you could catch from his fast-paced speech, taking notes in bullet points.
“And that-- Oh. Y-You don’t need to do that, that’s not even on the curriculum.”
“Well, I gotta keep up with you somehow, right?” You glanced up from your page and flashed an almost challenging smirk as you saw him stifle a smile as he avoided all eye contact with you, as per usual. He then cleared his throat and got back to the actually assigned chapter.
The more he went off on tangents, the more he realized you weren’t stopping him. He was actually able to make chemistry sound interesting to you, which is strange, but it was easier to understand through how he explained it all. Something told you that he wasn’t used to having someone listen to what he said, because he just lit up when he talked about this stuff. He was clearly passionate about it, so why would you make him feel bad about it? He always apologized, but you always reassured him it was no big deal. 
You didn’t know it at the time, but the kid was falling hard. This pretty, older girl was paying attention to him and didn’t think he was annoying? The bar may have been on the floor for young Spencer, but you were perfect to him. Eventually, he was able to look you in the eyes when you spoke to one another, he even smiled at you when you joked with him. That was another thing: you joked with one another now. You both warmed up to one another as your sessions continued. You said hi to each other in the hallways, you ruffled his hair as a greeting, he accepted your high-five requests every time you got something right.
You still didn’t talk outside of class much, which is why he was caught so far off guard by you calling his name from across the cafeteria as you approached his table.
“Hey, dude! Is it cool if we squeeze in an extra session today? I got a test tomorrow.”
“Y-Yeah, no problem, but, uh, it’s Thursday. Don’t you have practice after school?”
You did. And you had to be there because you had a competition this weekend.
“Yeah, I was wondering if we could meet after?”
“When does it end?”
“Library closes at four.”
“I know, but would it be too much of a hassle if I just… Pick you up tonight and we head back to my house to study?”
You could physically see his brain shut down in his eyes. After he realized he needed to respond, he picked his jaw up off the floor and gulped hard.
“Or you can stay after and hang out at practice and I can just drive you home?”
“Y-Yeah, um, yeah, tha-that works, I can, uh, yeah, we can do that.”
Spencer brought his books and homework and tried his hardest to not make it obvious he was staring at you while you danced. You looked like you were having so much fun and he loved seeing you happy and smiling with your friends like that, it was hard for him to look away and focus long enough to read a sentence, which is saying something, considering it does not take him long to read a sentence. 
After practice wrapped up, you told him to go wait by your car while you changed out of your uniform. The girls in the locker room were talking just as loudly as always, only this time, it was about something you actually cared about hearing.
“I mean, really, what was that little creep doing watching us today?” You heard one girl sneer.
“So fucking gross, I don’t wanna know where his prepubescent head was.” Another girl laughed.
You had to step in. You had to say something.
“I’m his ride home. He’s my chemistry tutor and I have a test tomorrow, so back off the kid, he didn’t do shit to you anyway.”
The squad learned to watch their mouths around you after that.
The neon glow of the golden arches shone through your car’s windows as you pulled into the McDonald’s drive-thru line.
“This isn’t your house,” noted Spencer, sounding confused.
You grinned, “Oh, shit… no way! Wow! I’m so glad my tutor is a genius! I would have never guessed this was not my family home!”
He let himself laugh for a moment, “Okay, okay, fine. Why are we here?”
“Uh… to get food? Duh.”
“But what about your food at home?”
“My mom’s visiting my dad, he works in D.C., and I haven’t gotten a chance to go grocery shopping this week, so I can’t cook for you. What do you want?”
“You don’t have to get me anything.”
“No, I insist, it’s almost dinner time. Lemme get you something. As a thank you for squeezing in an extra cramming sesh?”
“It’s fine! Really.”
“Hey, Reid, come on,” you attempt to stifle a stupid giggle as you gesture to the rather large window displaying the playroom inside, “you are a guest in my home!”
Spencer shakes his head and chuckles, but doesn’t dare let you think he found you funny, “I’ll have chicken nuggets.”
“Happy meal?”
He tried to look offended at your clarification, but he quickly dropped the facade, “Yes. Extra fries, please.”
“Of course, buddy.” You pulled up further to the ordering station, catching a glimpse at the menu and the ads they had displayed on it, “Oh no way! They have Strawberry Shortcake toys! I used to collect those when I was a kid!”
Spencer saw the look on your face and couldn’t help but smile at your childlike excitement, “Do you want my happy meal toy?”
You bit your lip and hesitated before throwing all shame to the wind and saying yes. Because it was Spencer. He got excited over chemistry, he had no right to judge you on your old Strawberry Shortcake doll collection.
After you got your food, you drove back to your house, and you ate together at your kitchen island while Spencer quizzed you on the last chapter. He had asked you eighteen questions so far, and you had answered all of them correctly. 
“Okay, this last one is for the Strawberry Shortcake--”
“Her name is Orange Blossom.”
“Whatever, this last one is for the Orange Blossom toy: Which type of reaction is represented by this equation?” He showed you his notebook where he had written a molecular equation.
“Correct! Now balance it.”
Your shoulders slouched as the pride drained from your body.
“Please don’t make me.”
“This is going to be on the test, Y/N, you have to know it.”
“What’s one wrong question, really?”
“You and I both know she’s not going to put just one balancing question on the test.”
“Fine.” You grumbled, grabbing a pencil and sliding his notebook closer to you. You worked it out after a few minutes, but everything looked right, and judging by Spencer’s proud grin, everything was.
He reached for the figurine, still in the plastic bag, and handed it to you, “You’re gonna do great tomorrow, Y/N.”
You took Orange Blossom from his hands and danced around the kitchen with it, overwhelmed with the sudden feeling of confidence you gained from nailing this practice session. You heard Spencer’s small laugh from behind you, causing you to turn around and face the boy as he lovingly mocked you.
Studying at your place became a regular thing after that, even when your mom was home. She loved him. She always invited him for dinner if she was home. He rarely took her up on the offer, but it was nice having him around the house with you. Study sessions turned into just plain hanging out. You spent more time bonding over Doctor Who than chemistry some nights, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
When Alexa Lisben invited him to meet her at the football field you were skeptical. You had good reason to be. She was never very nice to you or Spencer. You were able to be civil with her for the sake of the cheerleading squad, but something about her just didn’t sit right with you. You tried to warn him, but he wouldn’t listen. He seemed offended at the notion that Alexa would do something horrible to him. How dare you imply that the only reason someone would be interested in him would be to pull a fucked up prank?
“I’m not like you, Y/N, I don’t have a line of people waiting around for a date, no one’s ever had a crush on me before, and-and now that someone other than you is being nice to me, you’re telling me that they have some sort of ulterior motive?”
“Spencer. I know these girls, I’ve seen the guys they go for--”
“And I’m not like them?”
“No! You’re a sweet kid, you’re nothing like those guys and they’re gonna take advantage of that.”
“I really wish everyone would stop saying I’m just a kid!”
“You’re not! That came out wrong--”
“Listen, Y/N, I’m going whether you want me to or not, so if you really want to keep babying me, by all means, stay after and wait with me.”
“I don’t wanna baby you!”
“So stop it!”
You didn’t want to fight with him anymore, you weren’t his mother. “Ok, Spencer, fine. I’m sorry. You should go. How about you meet me in the library after and you can tell me all about it over McDonald’s? My treat.”
He warmed up and agreed.
So you waited in the library until four, and then you started to get worried. You went to grab something from your gym locker before you left to look for him and heard some girls from the squad gossiping about “the little dork.” Your blood started to boil as you heard the way they talked about Spencer. Your jaw only clenched harder as you recognized one of the girls’ voices as Alexa Lisben’s.
You poked your head around the lockers that divided the aisles and tried to manage a calm voice, “Hey Alexa? Spencer actually said he was meeting up with you today, do you know where he is?”
She just laughed and said, “I can’t believe you actually care about that loser.”
“He’s my friend.” All attempts to remain level-headed were tossed aside, “Where the fuck is he, what did you do to him?”
You could feel yourself starting to cry. It’s your fault, you weren’t there, you tried to warn him, but now you don’t know where he is or what he’s thinking or--
“Check the field.”
You sprinted out to the football field and saw him stripped down to his briefs, blindfolded, and tied to a goal post. You could kill Alexa. You actually considered turning right around and unleashing hell on that locker room, but your friend needed help. He was crying so hard he didn’t hear you coming until you called his name. You immediately went to untie him and grab his clothes from the fence beside him.
“You were right.” He sniffled, “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, I’m not mad, I’m sorry, I should have been there, I could have helped you--”
“No, you couldn’t. There were too many people.”
“How many were there? Who did this?”
“Y/N, please--”
“No, Spencer, tell me what happened.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it!”
You know when to stop, so you just shut your mouth while he got dressed, “Get in the car, I’m taking you home.”
You didn’t say a word to him as he buckled his seatbelt and you could tell he appreciated it. You just drove to McDonald’s and got him his usual. You parked in the parking lot and ate your food in almost silence, save for the radio in the background.
“You don’t have to tell me what exactly happened, you could pretend none of this ever happened, I won’t mind, it’s okay, but I just need you to know, Spencer, say the word and she’s dead. I have so much dirt on her, you have no idea, I can destroy her.”
“Okay, I won’t. At least give me names. I will personally make sure none of those boys ever get a date again.”
“Y/N, please.”
“I’m serious, I’ll tell everyone they have herpes.”
“I know you are and that’s what scares me, please don’t, I don’t wanna make things worse.”
You decide to drop it because if he doesn’t wanna talk about it, he needs a distraction.
After you finish your food, you ask him “Your house or mine?”
“Yours. Please.”
You drove back to your house and got yourselves set up on the couch in front of the TV, turning on an episode of Doctor Who that you had recorded. You made him popcorn as he curled up on your couch, clutching a pillow. You were mostly quiet for the rest of the night, but when you did talk, it was to ask him a question about the show or if any of the science was accurate. It was the best you could do to keep him mind off things. Eventually, he fell asleep and you felt too bad to wake him. He got up by himself around midnight, jolting awake as if from a nightmare, and considering how the last few hours had been for him, it probably was one.
“Hey, bud, I’m here, it’s me.” You didn’t touch him, knowing he got overstimulated sometimes when he got really stressed, but he felt around for you on the couch next to him, needing to know you were really there this time. You patted his hand when it reached across the cushion for you.
“What time is it?”
“Way too late for you to be here, let’s get you home.”
He nodded, slowly rising to his feet and looking for his backpack, which you reminded him he had left in the car. Your hand hovered above his head for a moment before he lazily drifted into you as he walked. You took this as an okay to touch him, so you ruffled his hair before loosely slinging an arm around his shoulders as you guided him to your car.
The drive back to Spencer’s wasn’t too long, thankfully, because you were sure his parents would be furious with him and the kid’s been through enough today. You wanted to take all the heat without making them think you kidnapped him. The lights were still on when you pulled into the driveway. They were probably worried sick about him.
When you knocked on the door, a frantic woman with short blonde hair opened it. When she saw Spencer, she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into the house, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Who are you? What are you doing with my son?”
“He didn’t do anything wrong, Mrs. Reid. I’m Y/N, he’s been tutoring me.”
“How do you know me? Spencer, what did you tell her?” She looked at him and back at you, “Get off my property and stay away from us!”
“Mom, she’s a fr--”
“Go up to your room, don’t come out.” She didn’t sound like an angry parent reprimanding her son, she sounded almost... scared.
A million alarms were going off in your head, and you needed to try to get through to her, “Ma’am, I’m sorry, he was helping me study and we lost track of time, it’s not his fault.”
“I don’t care, I don’t know you, get off my property!”
You decided it was best not to argue, so you hurried back to your car and drove home as quickly as possible so you could shower and go to bed and pray that Spencer would be okay tonight.
Your phone rang early the next morning. You rolled out of bed to answer it, sprinting to the hall table to take it off the stand. Checking the caller ID, you realized it was from a number you didn’t recognize. Answering it, you heard Spencer’s voice on the other side.
“Hello, this is Spencer, is Y/N home?”
“Yes, you woke me up on a Saturday morning, where else am I gonna be, kid?” Your voice was scratchy as you struggled to fight off the sleep still clawing at your throat.
“Sorry about that. I was just calling to apologize for last night.”
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.”
“N-No, I’m not in trouble, I just wanted to explain why my mother was all--”
“She was worried, I get it.”
“N- she… My mother is a paranoid schizophrenic, she doesn’t do well with strangers. She doesn’t even remember what she said to you last night, she was having one of her episodes. She was just confused.”
You didn’t know how to respond. You were so shocked by his sudden revelations, you just stayed silent. You didn’t want him to think he scared you, so you had to say something. And apparently, that something was “Oh.”
“She wanted to apologize, but she’s just a bit embarrassed, so I called for her.”
“N-No, it’s okay, I…” It was suddenly so hard to say you understood because while it made sense to you, you wouldn’t fully understand what he or his mom was going through, you didn’t understand it, but Spencer didn’t seem to mind. He was just glad it didn’t bother you. After the events of yesterday, he couldn’t afford to lose you.
“Tell her I’m sorry I scared her.”
“Will do. She said you could come over so she could apologize personally and meet her if you want.”
“I’d love to. And Spence?”
You felt him take pause. You never called him that before, “Yeah?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t wanna scare you.”
“You wouldn’t scare me, dude, you can tell me anything.”
“I promise. I’ll see you Monday?”
Spencer nodded, but you couldn’t see him, so he spoke up through the lump in his throat, “See you Monday.”
Taglist ~~~~~~
(Lmk if you wanna be added!!)
@lawnmoa @ellvswriting @reidsmyhusband-emilysmymistress @baby-pogue @rottenearly
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
anything for you [miya atsumu x reader]
pairing: miya atsumu x fem reader
genre: fluff
warning(s): n/a
word count: 1.5k
overview: your boyfriend does everything he can to make your special day as great as possible
notes: a commission for @tsumue​! happy birthday lia ❤️ I hope you have a wonderful day and that this helps brighten it just a bit! sending you lots of love!
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The sound of the front door to the apartment swinging shut awakens you from your deep, peaceful slumber. Rubbing your eyes to bring your surroundings into focus as you sit up with a yawn, you glance over at the alarm clock on your bedside table. You’ve woken up a bit later than usual, you find—much to your satisfaction, since you’d needed the rest after a long and tiresome week—but it’s the sharp, blue numbers displayed above the time that draw your attention. The date is a special one that makes your heart leap with excitement and brings a smile onto your lips.
With a newfound energy, you slide out of bed so you can march over to the bedroom door. Shuffling down the hallway towards the kitchen brings your significant other into view and widens the grin on your face. “Whatcha doin’, ‘Tsumu?” you inquire in a sing-song voice, making your way over to where he’s standing in front of the counter, lifting small boxes out of a plastic bag.
He jumps at the sound of your voice and whirls around to face you, caramel colored eyes wide with shock. “H-Honey! Thought you were still sleepin’!” With far less subtlety than he probably intended, he throws a dishtowel over whatever it is he was unpacking before asking, “I just got back from practice ‘nd trainin’, so, uh… wanna do me a favor ‘nd close yer eyes real quick?”
His clearly frazzled state elicits a small giggle from you, and you decide to play along by shutting your eyes and waiting patiently as you listen to his footsteps travel around your shared home. Soon enough, you feel something come to rest atop your head that feels like a headband, and a small object being placed into the palm of your hand.
When Atsumu tells you to open your eyes, you see him standing in front of you, a fluffy, pink party hat on his head and a small party popper in his hand. Pointing it away from you, he pulls on the string to unleash a wave of confetti and streamers with a loud pop, and you do the same with the one you realize he’s given you in the spirit of things.
“Happy birthday, (f/n)!” he cheers, dumping a clump of confetti over your head and pulling you into a tight hug. His lips meet with yours as he pulls away so he can give you a few, affectionate kisses. “Love ya, baby.”
Your heart flutters in your chest at the tenderness behind his actions, and your fingers tangle themselves in his golden head of hair so you can bring him closer to you to reward him with a few more pecks. “I love you too,” is your gentle response given with a grin that spreads across his own lips as well, “Thanks, babe.”
“Please, hold yer ‘thank yous’ til the end,” he notes with a snicker, “Or else you’ll be givin’ a lot of ‘em today.” As he brushes a few pieces of brightly colored tissue paper off his Team Japan sweater, he makes his way back into the kitchen. “Gimme a sec, ‘kay?”
While he messes around with what he’s brought home, you wander over to a mirror in the entryway to check what’s on your head. To your amusement, he’d placed a headband on you that reads, in silver letters extending atop your head, “It’s my birthday!��
Once he’s finished with his task, he calls you back into the living room where you’re greeted with a plate of your favorite dessert. Plunged into it are two, burning candles that read out your age, and he gestures for you to join him so he can serenade you with what is always an off-tune rendition of Happy Birthday. He tries, and that’s what matters, which is why you pull him into a tight hug before the two of you dig into your sweet meal.
“Hey,” he mentions after you’ve both scarfed down your breakfast treats, “Why don’tcha go ‘nd get the shower runnin’? I’ll be there in a minute.”
You furrow your eyebrows at him and tease, “You’re the stinky one between us, ‘Tsumu.”
“Which is why I’m comin’ in with ya!” he groans, “Now, go on. I’ll clean this up.”
Rather than continuing your banter with him, as you normally would, you decide to go along with his plans and head into the bedroom. His hand planting itself firmly on your butt before you walk away doesn’t surprise you, and you simply chuckle as you smack it away playfully. It’s not long after you’ve stripped off and gotten into the shower to freshen up that he comes to join you and snatches the soapy loofah out of your hands so he can work on lathering you up instead. And when the two of you have finished enjoying each other’s company beneath the warm water, you find another surprise waiting for you on top of a set of comfy pajamas he’s laid out over the bed for you.
With wide, (e/c) eyes, you reach for the bracelet resting atop one of your—his­—favorite sweaters, and Atsumu carefully fastens it around your wrist for you. Gently, he kisses the back of your hand while you admire the way the dainty jewelry looks against your skin. “Atsumu…” you murmur, still in awe of how beautiful it is, “I love this so much.” It’s hard not to thank him for it, but you know he’ll tease you if you do, so you settle for showing your appreciation by showering him with kisses.
“Looks perfect on ya,” he comments when your lips separate, “’nd I bet it’ll go great with my sweater.”
A giggle bubbles in your throat as you take a moment longer to fawn over your newest accessory before getting dressed. In the brief silences that linger in the room during the pauses in your conversation, you swear you hear the television on in the living room. Noticing your gaze drift towards the door brings Atsumu to attention, and he rushes out of the bedroom to investigate. However, when you hear the sound of an argument echoing through the door—instigated by your boyfriend’s clear, “Oi! What the hell are ya doin’? Turn it down!”—you’ve already formed your suspicions, which are confirmed when you wander outside.
Standing in the center of the room, beneath an array of multicolored streamers and a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY! sign is none other than Osamu—a party hat perched atop his head of dark hair and a plate of what you’d had for breakfast in one of his hands. When he sees you, he puts the dessert down for a moment to place a noisemaker in his mouth and give it a blow as he shoots off another party popper.
“’Tsumu offered you some food in exchange for doing this, huh?” you mention after the two of you break away from a hug and he’s offered you his warm, birthday wishes.
He nods and chuckles before saying, “But, even if he hadn’t, I woulda stopped by anyway. Giving you a pat on the shoulder, he offers, “Next time ya come over to the restaurant, yer meal’s on me if ya wear that headband.”
“What about mine?” Atsumu butts in.
“It ain’t your birthday, ‘Tsumu,” is his quick retort, “Anyway, I’ll be leavin’ you two lovebirds alone now ‘nd gettin’ back to work. Hope ya have a nice day, (f/n).”
With that said, he grabs a container from your kitchen to take his unfinished dessert in before heading out again, only stopping to take a few photos of you and Atsumu together beneath the sign he’s put up when his twin nags him about it. Once he’s gone, your boyfriend makes a quick trip to the bedroom to grab, you soon find, layers of blankets that he tosses onto the floor.
“Blanket fort?” he suggests, a bright smile lighting up his handsome features.
Enthusiastically, you accept by helping him rearrange your furniture to construct a small hideaway beneath layers of blankets. After you’ve ensured that it won’t collapse in on you, the two of you fill it with pillows before grabbing a laptop to watch movies on and climbing inside. Atsumu reaches out towards you, welcoming you into his arms so he can pull your body flush against his and ensconce yourselves beneath a blanket.
Giving you a squeeze and pressing his lips to the crown of your head, he murmurs, “Wanna just stay like this for the whole day?”
You hum with approval as you nestle your head in the crook of his neck and pepper his exposed skin with tender pecks. “I would love to.” A short silence befalls the two of you, during which he takes to tracing little circles along the small of your back with his fingers. “‘Tsumu?”
“What’s up?”
“I know the day’s not over yet but thank you—for all of this. I really appreciate it.”
Directing your gaze upwards at him brings your eyes to his, and the loving look he regards you with fills your body with warmth. The kiss he plants on your lips is tender and soft, and he seals his gentle expression of affection with the words, “Anything for you, sweetheart.”
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fun fact that didn’t make it into the story: most of the guys from the team bought you a gift, and omi’s was a pair of team japan socks since he got worried about you when you said your feet were prone to getting cold.
masterlist ⭐︎ treat me to a coffee!
taglists (see pinned post on my blog for form)
general: @dinablossom, @newfriendjen, @devlovesiwa-channn, @ohbyunhunn, @aftcrlust, @mister-future, @kyleclxin, @kac-chowsballs, @osamusmiya, @nit-sir-hc, @arixtsukki, @shinsurou, @ichorizaki, @dominikmagnus, @yamagucji, @krynnza, @tendo-sxtori​
atsumu: @pretty-setters, @misora-msby​, @why-aminot-dead, @lotsoffandomrecs, @tsumue, @heyhinata
161 notes · View notes
luvlyrv · 4 years
Just Vacation Girlfriends (Seulgi x Fem!Reader)
Genre: Fake dating, fluff
Summary: You and Seulgi enter a precarious fake dating situation, hijinks ensue. Except the hijinks aren't light-hearted, but rather deeply personal and intimate experiences. What are you and Seulgi really?
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Hi, it has literally been 5 months since I last wrote lol, I'm sorry. It's not like I hate writing it's just that there were other things I could and had to do. I apologize for taking so long to upload again, especially for the amount of feedback I got for my first post! 68 followers and 90 notes! I know it may seem like rookie numbers to some but I really want to thank you all. I'm having my winter break now so I should be able to post a lot during this short period. If I'm lucky I may be able to semi-consistently post during the school year as well ;). Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes/wtf moments I'm writing at 3AM and have slept for two hours total for the past 40 hrs, cut me some slack please.
Date: 12/24/20
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The chops of your knife against the cutting board were interrupted by your phone ringing. You stop making dinner as you look over your shoulder to your phone a couple inches away on the counter. Your eyebrow perked up as you read the caller ID, it was Seulgi. Of course, you immediately set your knife down to talk to her.
"Hey Seul, what's up?"
"Hi..." Seulgi began to yawn. "I just wanted to hear your voice today."
You can't help but to let out a small smile as you felt your face getting warmer. Luckily Seulgi wasn't actually there to tease you about it.
"Ah, well, here's my voice. Is it relaxing enough, your majesty?"
You can hear a faint and muffled sound of laughter from Seulgi before you hear her tired voice through the speaker again.
"Hm, well I guess that'll do. I'm actually calling to make sure you wanna come with us on vacation again."
"Of course I do, I've been going with you guys for years. I'll make sure it works with my schedule."
"Yeah, I know that and I'll send you the dates, it's just that..." Seulgi let out a long sigh, "there's some other things you need to know."
"And that would be?"
"Pretend to be my girlfriend."
"Please, Y/N. It'll just be for a week. I know it's a lot to ask but I need it."
You're speechless for a bit and deliberate on what to say next. Not wanting to worry your friend with your silence you ended up just saying, "Yeah, uh okay, I can work with that... why though?"
"You know how dating is like. Not a lot of time, not a lot of privacy. My parents understand this but they're still worried you know? They worry about how my future will be like if I'm spending basically over a decade just working. Something about it takes time to find the right man, settling, babies, blah blah blah. If you pretend to date me that'll ease their worries and I won't even have to worry about a scandal since it isn't real and only my parents would know anyways. Besides... we're close enough where we can pull this off convincingly, right?"
You take a second to think. It was a strange situation to be in, but as far as you knew you would only have to pretend for the week you would spend with her family. Her family wouldn't be seeing either of you after then, and maybe you could also fake breakup if things get sticky. With Seulgi's last statement... it was true that you've been really close with her and her entire family since you were both little. All it would take would be amping up the friendly touches and banter.
"Yeah, we are. Alright. I guess we should iron out the details about our fake relationship later though. You kind of sound like shit. Rest up if you can."
"Talk to you soon, Y/N."
With that, Seulgi ended the call and you were left with dinner still unprepared and a lot on your mind.
* *
The plan was to go to the airport and fly out to the island with Seulgi, where you could rehearse your story until you would meet up with the rest of her family and go about the vacation as normal. Except for the not so minor detail of you having to be Seulgi's girlfriend.
Seulgi sits by the window as you sit next to her. You try to get comfortable, but you really can't. There's a churning mixture of nervousness in your stomach. Even though it was all pretend, it was hard to imagine yourself trying to make it look real. Although you and Seulgi both felt like it would be easy to pull it off convincingly... there was something you couldn't quite place tugging at your heart-strings.
Your thoughts are interrupted as you hear her sweet voice.
"When did we start dating?"
"Uhm, ah, I know this! It was... er-"
"July 7th."
Seulgi begins to look at you. Her eyes are filled with both a pleading look and a disappointed look. She starts quizzing all the little, and very fake, details of your relationship. You answer them correctly for the most part and Seulgi's mood seemed to improve knowing you weren't completely hopeless. You're starting to get into the swing of things when all of a sudden Seulgi asks something completely unexpected.
"And what's our favorite position in bed?"
You felt your face immediately heat up as your eyes opened wide in shock.
"I- I mean, uh, what?"
"K-kidding of course." Seulgi says this with a smile, yet she seems to shake a little. Maybe she was also surprised with her sudden crude sense of humor. She begins to reach down and grab a small book from her bag. "I think we'll be good for now, just relax until we get there."
You just nod your head in response and slip in your earbuds.
* *
Although it wasn't like you have never spent a vacation with Seulgi, things felt weird.
First was the way her family treated you, especially her parents. The both of you walked into the beach house hand in hand. Her parents were completely unbothered. Later that day when eating dinner, Seulgi decided it was time to announce your relationship. As the conversation at the dinner table seemed to finally be dying down, she set down her fork and began to talk.
"Guys, listen up, I've been holding onto this news for some time now, but I really wanted to do it when everyone could see each other. What I've been wanting to say is... " It seemed to you, that maybe just for a little moment, Seulgi was trying to steel her nerves.
"Y/N and I are dating."
Silence. The two of you were met with utter silence. It wasn't the type of condemning and judging silence, but rather one of indifference. Everyone seemed completely unbothered with this news. The silence was thankfully quickly broken by Seulgi's mom.
"Well, I'm glad you guys have finally sorted your feelings. I'm sure you're both very happy now." Her mom said it with a small but warm smile. Everyone else seemed to nod in agreement. You couldn't help but to ask, "No big congratulations? What about the fact that we're both girls? "
Seulgi's brother laughed a little before talking.
"I mean... sorry. We can act a bit more excited if that's what you want. It really is something to be celebratory about... it's just that you don't usually clap for a fish when it swims, right? You know what I mean? It's just all a bit... expected and natural. As for the 'we're both girls' I don't care, and everyone else probably doesn't either."
To say the least, that was not the reaction that you and Seulgi expected. After dinner the two of you were stuck trying to think about what it all meant. You guys were also both stuck with the fact that you'd share one room and one bed for the rest of the week.
Again, it wasn't like you haven't done things like share a bed with Seulgi before. It was just that the relationship business was getting stuck in your head. Everything normal suddenly felt dangerous. Things like even looking in Seulgi's way felt like it took caution. That night, it was decided that there would be a pillow barrier between the two of you.
By the third night the pillows were all on the floor as the you hung onto each other for warmth, finding comfort in the contours of the other's body.
Things like this kept on happening. You would set up arbitrary rules to feel normal again and destroy them all within a blink of an eye. You just kept on acting on things without intending to.
For example, the other day Seulgi woke up early to cook breakfast. You couldn't help but to feel the absence of her body and warmth and followed her out to the kitchen soon after. Even though you were in a half-asleep state your feet found their way behind Seulgi and your arms snaked around her waist.
You burrowed your face into the crook of her neck. Taking in that familiar and oh-so-comforting scent that is Kang Seulgi. Since when did her scent make you feel at home? Since when did you feel so at ease with her? You had a sneaking suspicion that it has been this way for a very, very long time.
These thoughts didn't matter though, as your body began to move with hers to the soft music she had playing from her phone. She didn't try to resist your touch at all. Instead, it seemed that she melted under your touch, with you seeing her shoulders dropping and feeling her backing in further to your embrace. Before you knew it the serene moment ended when Seulgi finally finished cooking breakfast.
You would frequently hold hands whenever the family was around, yet even though you could spend your free time wherever with whoever, you were attached to Seulgi's hip and she to yours. You two would always end up doing something together, or perhaps you would do nothing, and instead just enjoyed the fact that the other was there while quietly still holding hands.
Holding her hand quickly became your best comfort. Her soft and warm hands seemed to fit perfectly with yours, fitting together just the way you'd want them to. Something about her hands electrified you every time.
The once seemingly distinct line between platonic feelings and romantic feelings began to get blurrier and blurrier with each passing second. This doubt and confusion culminated when going on one of the last outings planned for the vacation.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, during the outing a spontaneous couple's event was hosted. Your mouth began to dry up as the host looked at you and Seulgi, urging each other to kiss.
As far as everyone else knew, you've been dating for a decent amount of time now. Enough of an amount of time for them to assume you had kissed already. You looked into Seulgi's eyes in distress. You could feel the host boring his eyes into you. You could feel practically everyone's eyes staring in anticipation.
Seulgi drew her body closer and that was when you knew your fate was sealed.
* *
A couple hours later and you're back at the house now. Laying in the bed you've shared for the past few nights you finally look at her. She looks back at you with waiting eyes. Slowly you reach your hand up from under the blankets and softly laid it on her soft cheek. She responds by placing hers on top of yours.
Staring at the deep brown of her eyes, you take it all in. You feel heat radiating from her body. You watch her body rise and fall with a mix of a calm yet eager breath. The close proximity that the two of you share is something that was typical, yet so different in the moment. With bated breath you finally say the unspoken words. The words that should've been said long ago. The air and sound barely passes through your lips.
"I love you."
The two of you close in, giving the lightest kiss in the world. There was barely any pressure but you could feel her lips touching yours. Even though you've kissed already, this one meant so much more. Even if this was such a small and innocent kiss, it was the shyness of it all, the realization that it means something that made your heartbeat race.
Putting your foreheads together, Seulgi said with a quiet voice.
"It's been like this since forever, hasn't it?"
"Yeah. Let's keep it that way."
In the back of your head you wonder, was this to please her parents or was this to please her?
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miracle-sham · 3 years
Amidst the Howls of Death, Your Divinity Gives Me Breath.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 1, Day 2: Protection} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] |
| Marinette, Jason, Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian are all unfortunately familiar with how danger lurks around every corner in places like these. But perhaps their instincts can be ignored for just one evening of rest? |
| Or a Priestess, a Gunslinger, and his family, walk into a creepy inn. |
| Word Count: 2,789. |
| Warnings/Tags: Swearing/Explicit Language, Mild Gothic Horror, Implied/Referenced Background/Minor Character Death, Pretend Character Death, Fantasy & Magic Au, Romantic Fluff, Sharing a Room/Bed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Kissing. |
| A/N: Another fic with a playlist, so check it out if you're curious to the songs I listened to when writing this! And have look in the end notes if you want to read a short descrip of what inspired this piece! |
| If you want to be tagged in future oneshots/fics or a specific Au, then feel free to send me a dm and or ask! |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
As soon as Marinette, Jason, and his family had entered the ramshackle hamlet, they all could tell without a doubt that there was something not quite... right about the place.
Even in the dying light of the day, it was obvious that every window and door were boarded up. A few even had stone or iron bars nailed or soldered across any and all potential points of entry—chimneys included. Some buildings were half-collapsed beneath the weight of their own rotting timbers, others looked unnaturally clean and newly constructed, most however were somewhere between the two extremes. But regardless of how new or decrepit the buildings appeared, each and every single one had at least some form of large scratching or claw marks gouged into the wood and stonework.
The first thing the Wayne family and Marinette had all agreed upon, was acquiring rooms for the night from the only inn in the hamlet. One of the nicer buildings albeit, but just as foreboding in its own sense due to the deeper and more extensive scratch and claw marks along the exterior.
Inside, the innkeeper was undoubtedly strange, eyeing them each with an odd look in his eyes, and an empty grin. Giving him an off-putting appearance that certainly wasn't helped by his slow and methodical cleaning of kitchen knives, from just behind the bar.
Wheezing, the innkeeper tilted his head to one side, staring the family of six down. Voice like gravel, he rasped. “Tread carefully 'round these parts, travellers. There's been tales of your kind vanishing in the dark, followed by the howls.”
“Our kind? What do you mean by our kind?” Dick questioned sharply, narrowing his eyes and subtly curling his hands into fists by his sides—hidden by his deep blue cloak.
“The howls? What howls?” Tim asked curiously, a few seconds after Dick, eyes twinkling with the thrill of a mystery to unravel.
The innkeeper chuckled. “Curious lot, aren't you. I'm afraid that won't do you any good 'ere.”
“Is that a threat?” Bruce rumbled, adjusting his pose ever so slightly to put himself between his four sons plus pseudo-daughter in law, and the innkeeper. So that should anything happen, he would be first in the line of fire instead.
“Not if you pay for rooms tonight, stay quiet, and watch yourselves from straying in the dark.” The innkeeper replied, still grinning emptily as his chuckled subsided.
Tim ducked around Bruce's side to stare at the innkeeper. “You didn't answer our other questions! What do you mean by our kind and why did the previous travellers disappear followed by howls! How did you know that the howls follow disappearances?”
The innkeeper pulled out a whetstone and began sharpening the knives without looking, as his gaze snapped to Tim. “I only answer questions from paying customers, boy.”
“Father! I do not wish to stay somewhere as suspicious as this contemptible establishment.” Damian hissed, keeping his voice low as to avoid the hearing of the innkeeper, and tugged on the edge of Bruce's black cloak.
Jason edged a hand towards the hilt of one of his flintlocks. He leaned closer to Marinette to whisper in her ear. “For once, sweet priestess, I'm with the demon spawn, I don't want to stay here any longer than strictly necessary. This wretched fucking place reeks of ancient necrotic magic.” He wrinkled his nose before adding, “and not your goddess' other half's kind of ancient necrotic magic.”
Marinette frowned, glancing around the inn with ill ease. “I can feel what you mean, my dear knight. Whatever is causing the necrotic magic is definitely not holy by any means. But as far as I can tell, the magic was stronger outside, it's almost muted somewhat in here.”
“Forgive me, sweet priestess, but that doesn't ease my nerves at all.” Jason scoffed.
She rolled her eyes with a quiet snort of laughter, “I wasn't trying to, my dear red hooded knight.” She steeled herself slightly, mirth fading, “though what I am suggesting, is that we purchase rooms for the night. Whatever the source of the magic, we're most likely safer in here than out there. There are no claw marks on the inside after all.”
“For the record, I hate when you're right about these things, my holiness.” He growled, glancing around to confirm her statement.
“You say that as if I hate it any less than you.” Marinette countered, “now let's go intervene before another impending scuffle gets us kicked out of what is possibly our only safe shelter for the eve.”
“And miss out on free entertainment? I cannot believe you.” Jason snickered.
She shoved him good-naturedly before striding past Bruce and up to the counter, imposing in her own right even in comparison to the rest of the family. She cleared her throat to draw attention to herself and stared down the innkeeper with all the sharpness of a storming sea upon rocks. “You will answer all our questions if we purchase rooms, correct?”
The innkeeper squinted at Marinette. “Aye, girl.”
She pursed her lips then nodded. “How much for lodgings then?”
“We've got a room with a double bed, three with a single, and two twin rooms.” The innkeeper responded, empty grin curling into something more twisted, “The singles are a gold each per night, the rest are two gold each per night.”
“That pricing is outrageous!” Damian scowled.
Narrowing her eyes, she ignored Damian and hummed. “I see,” she glanced back at Jason and raised an eyebrow.
He nodded in return.
“Then I will purchase the room with the double bed.” She stated, plucking two gold coins from her purse and placing them upon the bar counter.
The innkeeper nodded, sliding two keys over to her. “Excellent choice, my lady, your room is on the left at the very end of the corridor upstairs.”
Jason prickled at the addressing title given to her, gripping the hilt of the gun he had reached for with whitening knuckles.
Marinette picked up the keys and stared coolly at the innkeeper before taking a few deliberate steps back until she was once more beside Jason. There, she handed him one of the keys.
Silence permeated the room for a minute as the rest of the family communicated through glances and facial movements alone.
Bruce sighed, breaking the stalemate, and placed four gold coins on the counter as well. “We'll take two singles and a twin as well.”
The innkeeper chuckled, passing four more keys over. “Wise decisions, Traveller. The twin room is the last door on the right along the corridor upstairs, and the two singles are the first two doors on both sides.”
“Now answer our questions,” Dick demanded.
The innkeeper glowered at Dick. “What I meant by your kind, was that you're the kind of folk who trouble follows. The travellers that poke their noses where they don't belong. And as for the howls, I wouldn't know. I've never seen what makes it because I stay inside where it is safe. Those who don't stay inside... well their screams, remaining bloody streaks, and disappearances are evidence enough for me.”
Marinette grimaced. “I am going to retire to the room now.”
Jason startled at her words and stared at her concern. “I'll, uh, join you. If you don't mind.”
“You don't have to for my sake.” She responded.
“It would ease my conscience if you weren't to go up alone.” He grit out.
She bowed her head for a second, “then your company would be most appreciated.” She began to make her way towards the stairs up to the rooms.
Before she reached the first step, the innkeeper called out. “My apologies, my holy lady, I did not intend to discuss such gruesome conversations before you that would offend your delicate holy constitution.”
“I appreciate your concern, however, I think you will find it was not my delicate holy constitution that was offended, as much as it was the wish for some privacy after a long and tedious journey. Thank you very much.” She spat in response, voice as acetic as an alchemist's corrosive acid.
The innkeeper raised his hands in a placating manner. “My sincerest apologies then, my lady.”
Marinette took that as a cue to continue upstairs, with Jason on her heels.
Once they reached the door, Jason snarled. “How dare that fucking bastard call you his lady, I'm going to put a bullet through his fucking skull.”
She sighed and went up onto her tiptoes so that she could place a kiss on his lips. “Perhaps wait until after we sort out the cause of the ancient necrotic magic plaguing this place. Though I'd like to rip his tongue out his mouth before you get to have your fun.”
Jason unwound marginally beneath the kiss, his fury was still palpable, however. “Hmm, I would like to watch you do that, my love.”
“Of course you would. Now, let's enjoy some much-needed privacy together. As much as I adore your family, there is only so much time spent travelling I can spend with them without wanting some peace and quiet to cherish you, my knight.” She remarked, opening the door with the key in the meantime.
Lounging upon the double bed, Marinette hummed as she gently carded her fingers through Jason's hair—his head resting on her lap and a soft smile gracing his face as he gazed up at her.
She paused her humming, face creases in mild displeasure, as a loose lock of her hair fell across her face. After a few half-hearted attempts to blow it out of the way, she closed her eyes and sighed—fingers twitching to a stop.
Jason raised an eyebrow and reached a hand up to her face, cupping her cheek for a few moments before tucking the loose lock of her hair back behind her ear. “Something on your mind, sweet priestess?”
“Ah. No, not really, no. I was just…” She sighs, lips twisting with faint distress, her earlier mask of determination faltering in the privacy of their room. “I'm worried about you. About this place. It's not safe and I'm worried if we fight anything here, whether it be the cause of the howls, a godforsaken Akuma, or even those creepy fanatics again, you're not going to make it—survive another close call.” She inhaled sharply. “I dread to think that should it come to it, the resurrection rituals won't work for you any longer.” Tears springing to her eyes as she voiced her doubts.
Jason frowned, “Oh,” He fumbled for words, shifting himself up into a sitting position so he could properly cup both sides of her face, and pull her into a gentle kiss on the lips. Pulling back, he took a deep breath, “oh, my holiness. Oh, my love. As long as I've been by your side, you've never let me fall, and your goddess and her pantheon don't seem like they'll let me die anytime before you. Not after the deal we struck, and I promise you, my priestess, that I don't intend on ever breaking that deal.”
“I know my knight, I know.” Marinette mumbled, tugging Jason into a tight hug as soon as he pulled away from the kiss, “but will there be a choice? Have you not forgotten your revival sickness we've yet to find or create a cure for? And not to mention the rumours about what has happened to the others who were also brought back by that awful Lich!”
Grimacing, he idly rubbed the back of his neck. “How could I fucking forget, I've hurt everyone I care about, especially you, thanks to that…”
She hummed once more. “And yet, none of us blame you for that, my love.”
“You should.” He argued weakly.
“I will never!” She retorted.
Their conversation lulled as they relished in the other's embrace.
Minutes passed before Marinette pulled away from the hug. She huffed, fingers twitching and nose scrunching up. “Jason, my red hooded knight, and love of my life.”
Jason squinted at her, “Yes…?”
“Wou— Can— What if I—.” She frowned, searching for her words, before settling on words she knew by ritual. “It would ease my mind if you were to be bestowed with some form of protection magic. Would you accept such a blessing from me?”
He remained silent for a few moments. “Of course I would, sweet priestess. I trust you, and I trust your goddess and her pantheon.” He closed his eyes and glanced away. “But shouldn't you save that magic for yourself, or when we're out in the fucking fray.”
“My powers will replenish come dawn, and the protection will last until then. I'd rather be certain in knowing you'll be safe whilst we sleep here.” Marinette answered, leaning forwards to cup his face in her hands.
Jason opened his eyes and looked back over at Marinette. “Alright,” he reluctantly conceded, “but only if it can also be applied to you.”
She stared at him then rolled her eyes, the corners of her lips twitching upwards in amusement. “I shouldn't have expected any answer but that from you. Luckily I've still got enough divine power to cast those two protection wards on the both of us.”
“Good!” He grinned cheekily.
Rolling her shoulders, Marinette mentally went over the incantations that would be used in this specific warding. She locked eyes with Jason and tilted her head to the side, “you first my knight.”
Squinting at her suspiciously for a few seconds, he eventually relented and shrugged. “As long as you've got enough divinity to protect yourself after, my holiness.”
“I will, trust me.” She responded, closing her eyes for a brief second before muttering the ancient celestial words of the language of the guardians. Her eyes filled with holy light, glowing like two sparkling suns. Whilst her hair began to shimmer and float as though underwater in sun-dappled waves. Swiftly she made an elegant hand gesture as continued to murmur the incantations. The shimmer in her hair and glow of her eyes flared for a split second as her words and hand gestures crescendoed, before flickering out like a snuffed candle.
As the golden radiance faded from Marinette, a similar golden glow began to settle around Jason. That too faded but a split second after appearing.
“Your powers never cease to amaze me, my holiness,” Jason murmured, staring at where the soft golden glow had radiated around him. Carefully he moved to hold her hands in his own so that he could press gentle kisses to them.
She giggled, blushing profusely. Although a smirk formed on her lips at his words. “Oh? Then where was this adoration of yours, my knight, when I magically mended those noble finery clothes of yours that were so unfortunately ripped just the night before we were to attend a masquerade, hmm?”
“Hey! Fucking–! Argh!” Jason sputtered for a second and then twisted around to grab a pillow from the bed, throwing it at Marinette. “Just cast the fucking protection ward on yourself!”
Marinette cackled as she fell back against the bedding from the impact of the pillow. She dramatically threw an arm over her face and cried out in mock distress, “oh no, oh dear! It would seem I have been most verily betrayed by mine own knight who was sworn to protect me, and yet! Here I lay, bloodied and betrayed! The world is fading from my grasp, I see the light of my goddess and her pantheon beckoning! Oh, whatever shall I do?”
“It would seem my last assassination attempt failed, sweetest priestess. Fear not! I shan't fail you again.” He declared equally as theatrically, grabbing the other pillow and throwing it at her as well.
“Ah! I have perished. What a shame, I am unable to cast that protection ward on myself now. Oh no!” Marinette continued, flopping onto her side and sticking out her tongue in mock death.
Jason snorted, “My assassination may have succeeded, but I cannot live with myself in this world without my love any longer. With this knife,” He stole back one of the pillows, “I shall perish besides the light of my life! Bleh.”
He flopped against the bedding beside her, a few seconds passed before the two of them burst into more laughter.
A few more moments passed before he elbowed her lightly. “Come on, your turn!”
Marinette wheezed and waved a hand, muttering the incantations between breaths. The radiance glowed around her, eyes and hair glimmering as they did before. Then as she reached the end of the incantations once more, it all faded away again. “Happy?”
“Indubitably, my love.” He responded.
She pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Good!”
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
| Fun fact: this was supposed to be longer but I wasn't happy with how the last part was going and so I cut it. So if people enjoy this one, well I'll just have to finish the follow-up piece to this fic, won't I. Ironically the part that was cut got more into the gothic horror and the main reason behind the title but I decided to focus on the romantic fluff as the end point instead. Flowed a little bit better. |
| This piece was inspired by a d&d campaign i joined for a few sessions. It was set in a creepy little hamlet with an incredibly creepy innkeeper who forced our party into signing a contract before we could spend outrageous amounts on gold just for a single night's stay. And uh turned out the dude was a demon we just sold our souls to, and then all but one of the party ended up leaving the inn to try our chances against the horrifying plague-like monsters outside, aka the whole reason we brought rooms in the first place! |
| Also feel free to send me any asks or comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I’ll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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softkuna · 4 years
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𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃-𝙰-𝙱𝙾𝚈𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙳! 𝙴𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑... 𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙰 𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚈𝙾.
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Anxiety was a fun thing to deal with sometimes. You know - like when you triple checked the details of the test date you had scheduled today. You pressed a hand to your chest as you woke your phone. Eyes were glued to the pin on the map that your date, Hinata Shoyo: Rental Boyfriend, put on it. You thought maybe, just maybe, he canceled last minute or after seeing your face IRL. A chill ran through you and you muttered to no one in particular, “God, how embarrassing would that be…”
  As you swiped through the app, you pat all around your neck, your cheek, your collarbone in a few nervous motions. Sure, you knew the area. Sure, you went out a few times to sketch the roads for a comic or two. But as you stood, cool fingers drumming nervously along your skin, it all felt unfamiliar.
  A voice cried your name out, jolting your attention away from insecurity for a moment. You squinted, thinking you misheard. The wind! That’s all it was. Just as you were about to check your phone for the nth time, you caught a glimpse of tangerine. Through the hoard of 9-5ers, five fingers raised in a wave until a broad shoulder shimmied its way through the crowd.
“H-Hinata?” His name came out a lot more hushed than you intended and you could feel the heat of your cheeks. Oh no. He’s cute. Duh. You knew he was. He had a profile picture and some extra pics that you and your friend scrolled through the night prior. One caught your eye in particular; it was with a dog that wasn’t his according to the caption (and the added note of ‘but imma get a big boi some day’’). There was another with a guy with short black hair. They all radiated a type of warmth and welcome to them even if those around him seemed ready to punch a wall - a trait not missed out on in person.
  He beamed, taking your hand in his as though it were as natural as the sun shining, “Hey babe!”
  The words put a bar in the cogs of your mind, stopping all rational thought.  Babe. Babe?! Oh fuck. I’m babe! Oh wait. Yeah that’s right. You rented him to be your boyfriend. It’s supposed to be natural. You scolded yourself for forgetting that simple fact. 
Hinata laced his fingers through yours and you could feel the slight dampness of his palm. The thought that he may be as nervous as you put you slightly at ease. It would make sense as he didn’t have any reviews or ratings or anything. He was new! A beta-boyfriend babe!
  It took a moment or two for you to realize that not only was he guiding you down the sidewalk, but you had been staring at nothing but your shoes the entire way there. Shyly, you apologized. 
  “For what, babe? Oh! Wait! I didn’t get to mention yet,” Bright eyes burned with excitement as they tilted over his shoulder, “That’s a cute dress!” He genuinely thought so, too. Trying to act all coupl-y with a stranger was definitely weird, but, like anything he tried, he wanted to put his best effort in. Hinata wasn’t sure on what to expect, truthfully. When looking at your profile after the booking was made, he was caught off guard by how cute you were. In person seemed even worse. Better? Hell if he knew.
  As a lanky waiter shuffled you both into a booth, you were off put by your boyfriend slipping in next to you. Right smack dab next to you. Thigh touching thigh and the heat of his sent a shiver up your spine. You placed a hand on your chest again and spent more time reading a menu than you thought you ever had before.
  Hinata’s expression fell thoughtfully as he saw the slight shake in your slender digits and the way your teeth gnashed at your lower lip. He tilted his head with a small laugh and a nudge to your ribs with his elbow. The corners of his mouth piquing to such a point you could practically feel the mischievousness from it, “Play along, ‘kay? Kay?”
  Suspiciously, you peaked over the top of the menu roof you made with a nod. As the waiter returned, a strong muscled arm wrapped around your shoulder and snuggled you close. Mouth falling into an ajar ‘o’, your confusion was as palpable as his joy, “It’s my girlfriend’s birthday today! You guys got some cake, maybe a candle or OOOH a song?”
  “Hinata!” You smacked his head with the menu, “It’s n-“
  He brought a finger to his lips to silent-shush you, lashes dipping in a wink. You smiled pleasantly, yet awkwardly at the waiter and in the least convincing tone, chimed,  “It’s my birthday. Yaaay.”
  “See! How could you deny that!” His sheer and pointed enthusiasm made up for your lack thereof.
  The waiter, not buying any of it but needing the tips to pay his rent, congratulated you before excusing himself. Ten minutes later, two others trailed behind him singing a specialty birthday tune. In their hands rested the most delicious looking chocolate cake. To say you inhaled that thing would be an understatement. It was creamy, rich, everything you could’ve wanted in a cake.
  “Take a bite!” You offered a forkful to your date, one hand below to catch the droppings. Obliging gleefully, he did.
  “‘m pwetty bad wif dates but I saw you like fweets!” The words came between chews, and he gestured here and there as he swallowed, “Glad you liked it cause we got five more restaurants to try!”
  “Excuse me?!”
  And just like that, Hinata whisked you from one restaurant to another. Each one was slightly ritzier than the last and with each one, he could see the tense scrunch of your shoulders melt away. 
He made you feel safe and you started to joke with him more openly, smile more frequently, and sarcastically quip at him. He liked the way you smacked his arm every time he called the waiters over too dramatically. He liked the way you acted surprised they’d come around the corner with cakes and songs. You managed to melt his heart with the cutest ‘Oh! Babe!’ whenever he tried to genuinely surprise you. He adored watching your eyes light up whenever you got a taste of each decadent sweet. It would be an outright lie to deny that you feeding him made his heart flutter, too.
  You clung to Hinata’s arm, cheek resting heavily on bicep as your stomach decided to churn all the sugar you ate like it was a tilt-a-whirl. He patted your hand, thinking you were just trying to be cute, “So, what made you want to rent someone?” 
  The night sky took over the afternoon sun. Tiredly, you gazed up to your ‘boyfriend’, letting a moment of silence occupy the time it took to get over the small wave of nausea, “This is… embarrassing.” You chuckled softly, letting your fingers fall onto your neck, “I uh… never dated someone before. I have a date set up and got so anxious I almost canceled three times. I really want to put myself out there though and be more comfortable.“
  “Is that why you were so red?! I thought I was meeting a cherry when I saw you! All like –“ His hands flew to his cheeks in a damn near perfect imitation of you and your voice, “-i-i-it’s n-n-ot m-my-“ before he could stutter the rest out, you interrupted with a loud and embarrassed groan. His laugh hissed passed teeth, “It was cute! You’re adorable, ya know?” The words slipped out so naturally and with such warmth that you wondered where the act was put down and where it was picked back up.
  “As I was saying,” you jested with a light hearted eye roll, “My friend was really worried about me. I mean, it’s not often you’re a date-virgin in your twenties.”
  Hinata pursed his lips, thinking about it, “Ya know, maybe it is weird - ” You felt your heart stop and your comfort crack just slightly. You probably would have laughed had it not been for the wave of heat then ice that swept over you, “- that someone as… as…” His lips pursed as he tried to find a word. Your anxiety built with each delayed second. In a grand gesture, his arms swang back, “WH’BAM as you never got asked out before!” Despite your death grip on him, the ginger still managed to hop on cue, “’sides! You got a pretty good friend looking after you!”
  “Heh,” You laughed, “Guess you’re right, but wh’bam?”
  “It just makes sense!” He slapped your hand a few times with the soft palm of his, “Okay okay! Now, we’re going to that one!” A finger pointed to a fancy black double door. 
  “Hinata I-“ You began to protest, feeling your palms dampen and your stomach curdle. 
  “Don’t worry about price! I got it!” He tugged at your arm.
  “N-no, We need to-“
  “You’ve been having such a good time! We can do one more!”
  “Just come over h-here-“
  “This one has the best cake from what I read! It’s not too expensiiiiiiive.”
  The end of his sentence tumbled out of his mouth like the night’s worth of cake and frosting tumbled out of your gut. Directly onto the ground. And on the expensive nude heels your friend leant you. And on Hinata’s own pricy looking sneakers.
  There was a moment of silence as you lit the coffin of your pride and watched it sail away into the ocean. (Goodbye sweet trait, it was nice while it lasted. Rest in Pieces.)
  Hinata blinked. The event registered in his squirrel brain like a dial up modem. She just threw up. It’s on my shoe. It’s on her shoe. OH NO I MADE HER THROW UP! Red alerts blared as he whipped his head around, making the biggest display of ‘nothing to see here’ that could’ve been humanly possible. All too easily, he slid an arm under your knees and scurried around for a place to sit. It took about ten minutes for him to find a bench on an empty walkway. He sat you down and patted your head with long, sweet strokes. Each pat, while good natured, went unnoticed as your intestines tried to murder you in cold blood.
  Hinata sprinted for the convenience store and bought the first couple of antacids he could find, along with some anti-nausea medication and water. A small bit of sweat broke out along his brow as he dashed back to you. Agile as a leaf in the wind, he squatted right in front of you, hurriedly dumped everything out of the double-bagged plastic bags to give to you. He stuttered out his menu of medications and you down some of them with water.
  “Hey, heeey,” his gentle voice cooed to you, both hands rubbing your arms in soothing motions (a little roughly, but he’s trying), “It’s okay, you’re okay, you don’t need to cry!” You waved a hand, lips parted as you waited for another wave to hit which never came. You thought he’d make fun of you, laugh in your face about how pathetic this was, but it never came. For some reason that made you even more emotional. He was just a rental boyfriend. He didn’t need to deal with this. Instead of quitting then and there, Hinata took a seat right next to you and pulled you to his chest. Your back flinched reflexively as a calloused hand rubbed calming circles along it. He started talking about a time he was at a volleyball game and had the nervous-shits so bad he nearly had to sit out.
  “That’s… disgusting,” The words came out as a half-laugh, half-cry. You wiped your eyes, ignoring the makeup now dripping down your face from sweat and tears.
  “You’re telling me! Tanaka called me ‘little-shits’ for two months after that!” His laugh was contagious, spreading warmth through your fingertips and toes. It was rare to meet someone who had such a natural talent to make you feel so wholly accepted.
  After about 10 minutes, the medication began to fully settle your stomach. The bag was tossed into a stray trash can. Hinata had barely even realized that his chin was perched on the crown of your head as he talked about other embarrassing stories (including the time he got pegged in the nuts during training camp). The warmth of you in his hold simply belonged and he didn’t want to let go just yet.
  “Thank you,” you peered up at him with eyes so pretty and a smile so kind he wanted to kiss it then and there.
  “For what?” His head tilted again. If he were a puppy, his ears would flop with each tilt.
  “Being so sweet to me for my first trial date. Even if it’s your job, you really went above and beyond. And uh…you know-” You kicked your shoe to his.
  The athlete ruffled his hair, feeling a blush creep to his cheeks and ears at the thought of being your first date, “Don’t need to thank me for it! I had a blast! You’re pretty warm too!”
  “Thanks?” You sputtered a small laugh before checking your phone and the time. It was nearly up. As per request, a text of your location was sent to the friend who started it all.
  For a while, you rested in Hinata’s hold, savoring the rich batter of comfort and calm it baked you in. He chattered on about this and that, exchanging a remark here and there when you poked fun. 
Once you pulled away from him, he couldn’t help but miss the feel of your mold on the palm of his hand like a volleyball right at the precipice – right in his reach. You checked your violently buzzing phone, confirming the spot where you were sitting to your friend. 
“Who was that?” Hinata asked, a boyish hint of pouting sad laced underneath his natural curiosity.
“My friend,” you answered, popping another antacid in your mouth, “our time is up, so she’ll be here soon.”
 Those words were a bitter sound, one that reminded Hinata that this wasn’t real. This was a bet that he wanted to win. One that he secretly cursed. In all reality, he wanted to have fun and when he saw that you booked him, he didn’t know what to think. Dating wasn’t really his thing. He rarely had time to when it came to practice and had it not been for the bet, he probably wouldn’t have sought someone out at all, let alone someone as out of his league as you.
  The headlights of your friend's car came into view. Just as you went to take a step forward, a strong hand circled around your wrist. In a swift movement, you turned to look at the culprit. 
  “Just make sure to rent me again if you have some time, yeah?” Hinata’s smile held a hint of something you couldn’t identify. 
 Nevertheless, you returned the sentiment, “Of course!”
You parted with a long hug.
As the car pulled away, Hinata flicked through his phone. Once the dates were done, each point of contact would be deleted automatically. A reasonable company policy that felt like a sour punch to the gut.. A small twinge of sadness came over him, but he knew that if it was meant to be, you’d find your way to each other again. In the mean time…
   𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃-𝙰-𝙱𝙾𝚈𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙳 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎.... 𝟷 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐!
  He was going to kick Atsumu’s pancake ass!
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 “Sooooo~ How was the ‘date’? Looks like you two got along!” Your friend’s voice rang as she shimmied in her seat in excitement, brows wiggling in expectation.
  “Oh shut it!” You cried in false annoyance, “I threw up, can you believe that?!” Dramatically, she gasped, listening as you recounted the events of the boy who was the sun itself. Finalizing your long winded tale of cake-filled adventure, that same warmth spread across your chest, lapping small butterfly wings at your stomach, “I had a good time. I… definitely feel more comfortable with the idea of putting myself out there now.”
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jeonsjiddies · 4 years
kiss me through the phone (m) | ksj
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summary-  Jin’s away on tour and you’re feeling a little...needy, so you guys have Facetime sex.
rating- explicit 18+
word count- 1.5 K
pairing- seokjin x reader
genre- fluff, smut, angst
Warnings: factime sex, daddy kink, dom!jim, sub!reader, long distance
Part One: Sleepless Serenade (they can be read separately)
It wasn’t your fault, you woke up this way. You weren’t intending to wake up with a wet patch on your underwear, you didn’t purposely dream about riding Seokjin until both of you were ready to collapse. You didn’t plan any of this. You tried to ignore the slick between your thighs, you tried to be good, but during your nightly phone call with your boyfriend, you couldn’t keep your mind off the dull ache in your core. A small whimper left your lips involuntarily as you listened to his sexy voice as he spoke, telling you about his day.
“Are you alright, baby?” he asked.
“I’m fine, sorry.” you bit down on your lip as your cheeks flushed.
“What was that noise then?” he wondered.
“I, uh... “ you coughed uncomfortably, then mumbled. “Iwokeupreallyhorny.”
“You what?” Jin asked.
“I woke up really horny!” you huffed.
“Oh… did you have a dream or something?” Jin’s tone changed to a teasing one.
“Yes…” you sighed.
“Was my pretty baby dreaming about Daddy’s cock?” he purred.
“Yes, fuck Jin. I miss you. It felt so real and I woke up so wet.” you whined. “I need you.”
“Mmmm… I miss you too baby. I’m getting hard just thinking about that pretty pussy, all spread open for me...” Jin moaned quietly.
“I wish you were here.” you groaned, writhing against the sheets, squeezing your thighs together to get some friction.
“Me too baby. Fuck, the things I’d do to you if I could right now…” he groaned, “touch yourself for me.”
“What?” you asked.
“Finger that pretty cunt for Daddy.” he repeated, his tone holding authority, which had you leaping into action.
You shimmied your sleep shorts and underwear off, letting your fingers slip through your soaking folds, mewling out loud.
“Mmm… good girl.” Jin hummed in approval, and you could hear him shuffling out of his boxers, a hiss leaving his plump lips as he wrapped his hand around his own member. “Fuck, I need to see you. I’m switching to Facetime.”
No sooner than the words had left his mouth, the notification popped up on your phone, and you answered the call, immediately being graced with your boyfriends beautiful face, plush full lips caught between his teeth and eyes screwed shut in pleasure. He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw you.
“Mmm.. there’s my pretty baby.” he smiled lovingly.
“My handsome baby.” you countered with a playful smirk.
Jin blushed and captured his bottom lip between his teeth with a smile, then his smile turned into a smirk and his eyes turned hooded.
“Show me what you’re wearing.” he grinned.
You panned the camera down to show your naked body and you heard Jin suck in a breath, a low groan emitting from deep in his chest.
“Your turn.” you whispered seductively.
Jin’s camera moved and you watched as he displayed his wide shoulders, taught chest muscles, and stomach, before panning down to show you his length, erect and leaking precum. Your wanton moan echoed throughout your empty bedroom, your mouth watering.
“I miss your dick, I almost forgot how big you are.” you whined pathetically, fingers toying with your clit.
“If I wasn’t so turned on I would be offended.” Jin scoffed.
“When are you coming home?” you groaned.
“Three more weeks baby. Then I’ll fill that pretty pussy up every night. Just three more weeks.” he promised.
“Ugh I can’t wait.” you sighed.
“Me either, I wish I could be there to make you feel good, since I can’t be, start playing with your clit for me.” he told you.
You set the camera up on your nightstand, making sure Jin had a good view of your body, and turned so your spread legs were right in front of the camera before you let your fingers dance over your swollen bud, spreading your slick onto it for lubrication. Jin let out a low moan at the sight, and you used your free hand to tug and pinch at your nipples like he always would.
“I miss your boobs.” Jin whined, “it’s not fair that they’re right there and I can’t suck on them. Ugh, play with those perky nipples for me”
“I’ve got something I want to suck too…” you giggled, wiggling your eyebrows suggestively.
“Mmm… I need those pretty lips wrapped around my cock, right now.” Jin groaned.
“Three more weeks.” you threw his words back at him, and he whimpered.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, why don’t you be a good girl and start stretching out that tight little cunt for Daddy?” he instructed.
You slipped a finger inside your entrance, noting how it wasn’t as thick or long as Jin’s and didn’t feel nearly as good, it would still get the job done. Watching Jin’s eyes glaze over with lust as he watched you, you added a second finger, scissoring yourself open for his viewing pleasure, wishing more than anything he was the one knuckle deep inside you.
“You’re doing so good for me baby, being such a good girl for Daddy. You look so beautiful.” Jin praised as he languidly stroked his shaft in time with your fingers pumping in and out of yourself, little moans leaving your lips.
“Mmm.. you’d fill me up so much better, Daddy…” you mewled, knowing the word would drive your boyfriend crazy, “I want you to fill me up with that big, fat cock and make me scream, wanna feel your cum drip out of me.”
“Oh fuck.” Jin whimpered, his hand coming up to tease at the head of his cock, which you watched as your mouth watered with the intense desire to wrap your lips around it.
At Jin’s lewd noises, you sped your fingers up, chasing the tightening coil in your lower tummy, but Jin was quick to cut you off.
“Ah ah, better calm down, you know you can’t cum without Daddy’s permission.
“Ugh… Jin… I need you... “ you pant, slowing your fingers down and obeying his directions, he was always the one in control.
“Show me how wet you are, show me your fingers.” Jin tells you, and though it is a demand, his voice is soft.
You lift your fingers in front of the camera, slowly separating them and watching Jin’s face contort in pleasure as your slick was displayed for his hungry eyes, slowly slipping down your parted fingers. Your neglected heat throbbed and you pressed your thighs together for some relief, having your impending orgasm ripped away.
“Mmm… now pump those fingers in for me, nice and slow baby.” Jin tells you, and you do as he says, no matter how much it was killing you.
Jin teased and tortured you for a few more minutes before you noticed his breathing getting more ragged and you knew he was getting close, so he instructed you to speed up and pinch your clit, and like the good girl you were, you obliged his request, moaning his name quietly.
“Jin, Jin, please… please I’m so close, please let me cum.” you whined, using all your power to hold off the orgasm that was threatening to take control of you. “Please!”
“Cum for Daddy.” Jin croaked, and you did.
White spots coulded your vision as your back arched off the bed with the pleasure that washed over you. Though Jin could make you feel 100 times better, it still felt pretty damn good. You fell back against the bed, panting.
“Taste yourself, taste yourself and tell me what you taste like.” Jin groaned, arm furiously working his throbbing dick that was threatening to explode with his own orgasm.
You made eye contact as best you could through the screen and brought your fingers to your mouth, wrapping your lips around them and sucking them clean, letting out a lewd moan at the taste of your juices.
“Tastes sweet, wish you could taste.” you purred.
“Fuck I miss that sweet pussy. Oh shit! Y/N!” Jin cried out as he came, ropes of cum shooting up and landing on his taut stomach, making a huge mess, which you loved.
“Oh fuck you look so hot right now.” you praised as Jin milked himself dry, collapsing and taking deep breaths.
“You’re so messy…” you mused. “Wish I could come clean you up.”
“Y/N,” Jin whined, “Give a man a second before you make him horny again.” he joked.
“Sorry baby, I’m insatiable when it comes to you.” you giggled.
“Mmm.. I’m going to destroy you when I get home.” Jin purred.
“Just three more weeks.” you sighed wistfully.
“Three more weeks.” he promised.
Finally satiated, you drifted off into a calm, peaceful sleep, where you dreamed of Jin, his strong arms wrapped around you, and all the plans you had for when he was finally home.
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spiderling-space · 3 years
For Malleyuu Week 2021
Day 3: Hurt or Comfort 
This short fic is between my MC, Natalie Croft, and Malleus. Written in 3rd perspective from Malleus' POV.
This is slightly inspired by this idea
Italics indicate thoughts
Malleus Draconia & Natalie Croft
"Malleus," Natalie greeted him, smiling and waving "oh, you addressed me by my name which means this is gonna be a serious talk." She shook her head and adorned a faux serious expression.
After spending a long time together, Malleus started to pick up when Natalie was being playful, sarcastic or stern. While she was trying to humour him, she made a correct statement. What he intended to say was crucial for him.
"It is," He affirmed the gravity of the situation serenely. "I would be elated if you agree to meet my grandmother." 
She tilted her head, furrowing her eyebrows. "I uh... What?"
"I told my grandmother everything about you. She requested to see you in person in order to get to know my special friend." Malleus clarified her confusion. That was right. He wrote about his special friend in his letter to his grandmother. All those moments they spent together, all the activities they did together and all the emotions she made him feel. She was truly a special friend as Lilia explained the type of relation he had with Natalie.
Her expression softened "Aww," she patted his arm, beaming at him, "thank you!" To his contempt, she withdrew her hand. "I'd love to meet her! When can I meet her?" Her excitement to meet his only relative was fluttering his heart gleefully. 
"I will be going back to Valley of Thorns during spring break. It would be magnificent if you choose to accompany me."
"Of course!" Malleus was overjoyed to hear her response. "Oh wait!" She touched his shoulder before he apparated away, making eye contact. Her beautiful green eyes were glinting with mischief. "So you think I'm special?" She flipped her hair with her hand, a bright smile adorning her face before winking at him, making his heart skip a beat.
Malleus became accustomed to her teasing, in fact, he sometimes yearned for it since he knew she was that way only with the people she deemed close. However, right now he just needed to send a letter to his grandmother, notifying her that his special friend agreed to meet her during the break. Getting away from her question was just another perk. "Farewell, Natalie." He chuckled before apparating to his room.
The first day of spring break arrived in the blink of an eye for Malleus. Lilia and Silver were first going to go to Lilia's house in the forest, taking a break from knight duty while Malleus was already surrounded by multiple Royal Guards. Meanwhile, Sebek was going to stay with his parents even though he insisted to continue being his knight. Malleus knew that boy needed a break but was too proud to admit so he ordered him to spend time with his family. 
Then there were just him, Natalie and Grim who would go to his palace. He had ordered a special room to be prepared for her and Grim, filling the room with her aesthetics and ordered the cooks to prepare her favourite meals. He wanted to impress her and show her a  glimpse of the life she could have in Valley of Thorns. He also took Grim's preference into account as he knew Grim was holding a significant place in her heart.
"Nice," As Natalie's melodic voice filled the Magic Mirror room, Malleus started to get excited, yet showing a stoic expression on the outside. "Last time, students were going back to their homes, this place was like a circus."
"The others don't want to accidentally bump into me. Headmaster Crowley doesn't want the students to experience fear as they return home so he arranges my return home earlier than others." He explained casually.
"That's so cool! You won't get squashed between people and move freely!" Natalie added as she was pulling her 2 large baggage, clearly having a hard time with it. "Grim! Stop sitting on the case and help me push!" It was an amusing scene for Malleus but he didn't want her to force herself so he flicked his hand and her baggage started to float towards the Mirror. "Gosh, I wish I was able to do that!" He was always delighted to see her impressed by something he did or said. She looked around the room as if she was searching for something. "Where is your baggage?"
He chuckled, such a silly question, "I do not have any need to bring any of my stuff as I have everything I need in the palace." He then took a note of her baggages, it looked heavy in human standards as she was having a hard time moving it, knowing that she wasn't a weakling. "Do you plan to move in completely?" He had an opportunity to tease her so he had to take it.
"Oh my! You figured out my secret! How did you know?" She answered with the most exaggerated shocked expression he had ever seen. He knew she was only joking but a part of him wanted this to be the reality. He let out a small laugh to let her know that he understood her joke. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you. I have hidden a body there and I was planning to dump it in Valley of Thorns." So she wished to continue with her silly jester. "Fine, I'll tell ya. As you see, my clothing is different than usual." he nodded in agreement, he had noticed everything about her the moment she walked in. "I noticed that you cover your skin and I thought that it might be something cultural so as you see, I am covering more of my body. In my luggage, I have clothes in different styles that I'll wear if it is okay by Valley of Thorn's culture. I didn't want to be disrespectful towards you or your culture." His heart melted at that moment. She was sensitive towards his homeland and it was further proving that he chose the correct person. "Other than that I have my shoes, personal hygiene, feminine hygiene, ibuprofen, Grim's stuff, makeup, hair care products, hairdryer, hair curler, sunglasses, slippers, pyjamas and so on." He didn't expect a literal answer and was impressed by her dedication to her needs on vacation. Though, he didn't understand some of the items she listed.
"Since you have arrived, we can finally go." Malleus extended his hand towards Natalie, waiting for her to hold it as they went through the mirror. The second her hand touched his, grabbing it, Malleus felt a jolt run through his hand. He searched Natalie's face to see any reaction that would indicate she felt the same way but she was busy with holding Grim's paw and one of her luggages. He didn't want to wait any longer as he grabbed her other luggage and imagined his home before going through the mirror.
"Not gonna lie here, I'm nervous about meeting your grandma. I feel like I'll mess up and leave a bad image of me." Malleus somewhat understands her worry, his grandmother was the one who would give her blessing to their relationship and she was known as the fae with the highest standard.
"Do not worry, Natalie, my grandmother knows how dear you are to me." He tucked in a strand of her red hair behind her ear. He wanted to hold her face there and then but now was not the time. He placed her hand interwoven with his arm and signalled the guards to open the door.
"You didn't even tell me how I should address her!" She whispered hurriedly as two Royal Guards opened the door of the throne room with their magic. There were no usual guards inside the room. He assumed she wanted to meet his special friend privately. As they walked inside the room, the door was closed.
Malleus' grandmother was nowhere to be seen as they neared the Dragon Throne. Then suddenly, he felt a shift in the magic behind them, indicating that his grandmother had arrived. "Malleus, my dearest!" His grandmother opened his arms waiting for a hug. He didn't make her wait, he let go of Natalie and walked towards his grandmother, hugging her tightly.
"Good afternoon," He greeted her before turning towards Natalie, extending his hand toward her direction. "This is the one I talked about, Natalie Emilia Croft." He spoke proudly, the moment he had been waiting for had arrived.
However, something didn't go as he imagined. Natalie, the person who always had something to say was standing there like a statue, eyes wide and not moving. He could hear how fast her heart was beating and thought it must be the sheer excitement. "Natalie," She didn't give any reaction again so he took quick steps to near her. "Natalie," he tried once again, touching her shoulder and shaking delicately.
"Huh?" Natalie got out of her trance. "Oh..." She shook her head as if it would clear her thought. Then she giggled, putting her hand on his bicep lightly. A cute smile formed on her face as she looked up at him. "Malleus, you told me we would meet your grandmother," she then withdrew her hand and turned towards the other fae in the room, "You didn't tell me you had a sister!"
Malleus was confused, trying to understanding the situation. He could sense that his grandmother was as confused as him but she was the one that recovered first. "Sweet little human, your flattery will not work on me."
Natalie took a few steps towards his grandmother. "I was only telling what I see, a goddess on Earth-ah-Twisted Wonderland." Something was off with the way she spoke. Her voice tone and expressions were way different from the way she spoke with him. "I am so sorry. I was enthralled by your beauty that our introduction was cut short. I am Natalie Croft, a friend of Malleus from Night Raven Collage. Lovely to meet you!" Natalie extended her hand toward his grandmother for a handshake. He didn't even pay attention to what Natalie said about their relationship. All of his attention was focused on his grandmother, waiting for her reaction.
His grandmother didn't shake Natalie's hand. Instead, she lifted her eyebrow, scrutinizing her as if she was trying to decide if Natalie was lying. "I am Maleficent Draconia, the Queen of Valley of Thorns and Malleus' grandmother."
"I am sorry, I have no idea how I shall address you properly. Where I am from, we only used Queen Elizabeth or the Queen, I have never had a chance to speak directly! Oh boy, I'm speaking quickly but it's because I cannot contain my excitement to meet you." Maleficent was known as a strict person so he was worried that she would disapprove of Natalie now.
Luckily his worries were farse. Maleficent chuckled, "Is this how you charmed my grandson's heart, little human?" She asked, lifting an eyebrow.
"I'm 170 cm so I am not really little," Natalie let out a little laugh, "I wouldn't say I charmed his heart per se. He is my friend and I behaved the same way I behave towards my other friends. He and some other people mentioned that people are afraid of him but, to be honest, I've never seen Malleus do something that would make me fear him. Also..." Natalie was talking about him but he lost his focus the moment she said that he wasn't treated special. He could see the same confusion on his grandmother's face.
"Little girl!" Maleficent's voice boomed, he could feel her magic in the air. "Did you admit you treat the others the same way you treat my grandson?"
Natalie gulped, "Y-Yes..." 
"So you admit you cheated on the person you are courting?" If things accelerated, he would step in between them. However, a part of him wondered the same question.
"Courting?" Natalie was confused. "I have read medieval setting books, I know that word." In all honesty, Malleus was impressed that she could form a coherent sentence in front of an angry Maleficent. "There is a misunderstanding. I am not courting Malleus or anyone. We are simply friends."
His grandmother calmed down as he heard Natalie sighing in relief. "Well then, we will converse again but first, Malleus," Maleficent looked at him, "Escort Natalie somewhere where you can have a private conversation. There is something you have to resolve." She apparated on her throne.
Malleus nodded, walked to Natalie's side, offered his hand. She held his hand once again and he ignored the sparks he was feeling this time. He apparated them to his rose garden before they sat on the bench. "Natalie," he started, "What did you mean back in the throne room?"
"Can you answer my question first?" She asked in the most sincere voice he had ever heard. He nodded in agreement. "Did you... tell your grandma that we are dating, I mean courting?"
"I could not contain my happiness and she loves to hear the changes in my life. I did write her letters mentioning all the activities we did for our courtship, you inviting me to places where only two of us are, us taking nightly strolls, you hugging me and kissing me."
"I- I only kissed your cheek as a thank you!" She answered apprehensively. Then took a deep breath. "You and I from different worlds and cultures that caused a misunderstanding to happen between us." She wasn't making any sense. Lilia told him all of them meant they were courting. "Everything we did together, me hugging you and giving you a kiss to a cheek are all friendly gestures. I-" She gulped, lowering her eyes momentarily before taking his hands into hers and making eye contact. "I don't see you that way."
"What way is that?" Words left his mouth before he could stop himself.
"I don't have any romantic feelings for you. I only see you as a friend." Natalie said only two sentences but it felt like she tore his heart from his chest and stabbed it. "You have been nothing but kind to me. You are the only person who was not mean to me ever. You have no idea how much that means to me."
If I mean so much to you, then why do you not want to be with me? Mean thought plagued his mind.
"You are one of the closest friends I have ever and I appreciate it truly." 
You do not seem to appreciate me as you break my heart.
"But I have never ever seen or thought of you anything more than a close friend." 
Malleus looked at her face to see if she was joking. As much as he wanted this to be a cruel joke, he saw that she was serious. But he wanted to try one last time. "Is there a chance of you to change your mind?"
She bit her lips, before plastering a smile on her face. "I cannot command how my heart feels, Malleus. I am sure you can understand that."
I understand it very well, Child of Man. A part of him was angry that she rejected him while the other part of him was upset that he assumed how she felt about him and their relationship were completely wrong. He wished he could tell his heart to stop loving her as more than friends and to seize aching but even with all the magic he had, it was impossible. He just needed some time alone to process all of these.
"You are free to explore the palace." Malleus had said as he retreated his hands from Natalie and stood up. Anyone would understand that he was upset as a lightning storm started over the palace even though he had stoic expression. "I have a matter to take care of, until then Croft." He bid her farewell before apparating to the mountains of Valley of Thorns.
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nowoyas · 4 years
Floriography 2
first - next
A/N: so y’all probs saw my posts about this, but ‘Walks Through the Garden’ has been renamed to ‘Floriography’ moving forward! we start to see a lil bit more of the magic in this chapter. I’m still ironing out details for the magic system but I’m having fun with it <3 we also see a little bit less of the flower symbolism. unfortunately, there’s only so many flowers in the world and I don’t wanna repeat flowers a bunch. (also not every scene is like... conducive to starting and ending with flower meanings >.<) sorry if that’s a huge draw for this series! I do plan on keeping with the flower symbolism whenever I have a proper opportunity for it, though!
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Summary: Izuku has a request of your parents. (prince!arranged fiancé!Izuku Midoriya x princess!Reader)
Warnings: uh none really? some mild shitty gender roles as expected of being a female in a monarchy, mildly shitty dads
Word count: 3300+
Sweet peas thank the recipient for time spent together. White violets tell the recipient, "let's take a chance". Yellow water lilies signify a growing indifference, while a wilted flower carries the opposite meaning.
Your fiancé is two people in one body. You've learned this after just one dinner—there is Izuku, the prince, and then there is Izuku, your fiancé. The man you ate dinner with—Izuku, the prince—is distant, speaks in practiced words to fit into the mold he has been expected to grow into. Your fiancé Izuku is kind, almost meek. But he looks at you, sees you.
This much, at least, you can know from a single walk in the palace gardens together.
The morning after your meeting, you prepared a bouquet to be sent to him—sweet peas, white violets, and a single wilted water lily, just alive enough that you can see that it was yellow before it wilted. You'd arranged it by hand, carefully tying an iris around it before having it sent on to Izuku. You learned that same day that the date of your wedding was already set—at the end of the year, you'd be married.
Nine months until you no longer have a fiancé.
Nine months to, hopefully, fall in love with him, so that you can actually enjoy your own wedding.
Your fiancé is someone much more agreeable than you'd hoped, but still you find yourself wishing you were actually in love.
Not that he's making that hard. Every day in the month since your meeting, you've received a single flower and a handwritten note from the prince himself, each reading little things like "ignore the meaning of this one, I just thought it was pretty, so it suited you" and a short little blurb about how his day's gone. You've ended every day with a flower from him, and in the mornings, you send one back with your own short letter and ignore the amused looks your attendants share when they think you're too focused on composing a response or picking a flower to notice.
This morning is different, however. This morning, you magic off your response just after you've been dressed and prepared for the day and receive one immediately.
Sorry for the short notice, but do you think you could request an audience with your parents in my stead? I wish to see you again. My father has requested that you join me on my next trip through the countryside, so that you may learn your new kingdom before our marriage. If it's alright with you, I, too, would like for you to accompany me. Please let me know at your earliest convenience—I have the whole day. :) -Izuku
You smile, leaving your room with the note in hand. At breakfast, you set down your spoon and glance at your parents. "Mother? Father? Izuku has requested an audience with you, whenever it's convenient."
Your parents share knowing glances before your father turns back to you with a smile. "So you've been communicating with the young Prince."
"P-perhaps I have."
"That's good to hear. We'd love for him to visit properly, moreso than merely to have his audience and leave."
Your mother nods. "Invite him over for dinner!"
You blink slowly. "Oh, well, if that's the case, then I'll let him know once I've finished eating."
And you do—before you can be properly sat down for your morning tutoring session, you grab a piece of paper and write him back.
My parents said they'd be more pleased if you came over and spoke with them over dinner tonight. Is that okay?
Smiling to yourself, you doodle a little carnation at the bottom of the note. 
Note: it's not striped.
You receive your response in the form of a beautiful drawing of a better carnation. In the bottom corner, it reads:
This one's not striped, either. I'll see you around sunset. (It's not yellow, either, right? This one's red.) :)
Despite the fact that he's completely blown your little carnation doodle out of the water, you can't help but smile fondly, feeling the tiniest amount of heat rush to your cheeks.
Carnations, when solid in color, indicate acceptance or "yes" to an answered question. Yellow ones invoke disappointment or rejection, while striped carnations are a clear statement of refusal. Red carnations are used to tell the recipient: "my heart aches for you".
You shift anxiously. Sunset is soon and you're ready for dinner. You'd be lying if you said you weren't really interested in this proposal of his—to get out of the palace for a while, spend some time talking with your fiancé properly, maybe even away from prying eyes so you can talk to him when he's not posturing and trying to act all princely? Of course you're interested. You'd be a fool not to be!
Eventually, you cast aside nervously pacing around your chambers to get some fresh air in the garden. (You're explicitly not waiting for Izuku's arrival, and no one can prove otherwise.) Naturally, you're accompanied by your guard, who watches from afar, hand on the hilt of his sword in preparation for the slightest thing to go wrong.
To his credit, for a second you think that it does. One moment, you're leaned over the fountain, investigating your reflection in the water and toying with a loose lock of hair, and the next, runes swirl in the air in front of you, green and orange wisps that foretell a teleport about to arrive. The brief scent of peaches and lemongrass is quickly overpowered by the scent of ash and gunpowder that follows, but you have just enough time to recognize the first before it's drowned out.
Eijirou is quick to pull you back and away, sword at the ready in case of intruders, but you grab his arm with a frown, intending to tell him about the familiar scent before he tries to cut someone down, and more importantly, you should move them from the water before there's a teleport mishap.
"Eijirou, wait–"
"It's alright, your highness," he says firmly. "Please step back."
You bite your lip, watching with anxious eyes as the runes finally take proper shape, dropping from their swirls two familiar faces, who land directly into the fountain with a loud splash.
"Eijirou, stand down," you order quickly, willing yourself not to swear as you rush forward. Speaking of swearing, Izuku's knight ('Kacchan', you think he was called?) is doing an awful lot of that as he climbs out of the fountain and extends a hand to help Izuku up.
The minute both men are out of the water, you curtsy with a profuse apology and begin focusing your magic. After rigorous magic tutoring earlier today so you could finish early, you're a little bit close to being tapped out, but you should still have enough left to dry them off. 
You breathe in slowly as you lightly touch their arms. On an exhale, the excess water pulls away from both of their bodies and clothes. You struggle with the hair, but it's better not to pull all the water at once. Carefully, you will it back to the fountain, your runes dutifully carrying it away.
"You have my deepest apologies," you say quickly as you pop up on your toes to reach Izuku's hair and try to work out all the water with your magic. "I hadn't thought that you'd be using me as a teleport point, or I'd have not been standing so close to the fountain! In just a moment longer I'll have you cleaned up, so please hold still."
Izuku is silent as your fingertips brush his scalp, his eyes fluttering shut as you focus on the water. Frowning, you bring another hand up to assist you. His hair's so thick, pulling the water from it is nothing short of a struggle. Meanwhile, Eijirou focuses on helping the other knight dry his own hair.
With the water finally obeying you and pulling away from his curly locks, you have the moment to realize just how soft Izuku's hair is. It looks more like a mop than anything from a distance, but now, you feel almost like you're petting a kitten, a sensation only furthered by the fact that he's literally pressing his head into your hand. You honestly don't doubt that he'd be purring if he could.
Once you're properly done drying him off with a little magic, you remove one hand from his head to stifle your giggle. The other lingers in his hair just a moment. "Sorry, you have really soft hair. Did I miss any spots?"
You're careful to look him over for any wet spots on his clothes. His hair is back to its usual fluffy mess, causing you to wonder how much time his attendants must spend trying to tame it on a daily basis. When you're both satisfied that he's dry, you quickly pull the rest of the water out of his knight's hair and return all of it to the fountain.
"I really do feel the need to apologize again for that. I thought to pull your runes away from the water, but..."
Izuku shakes his head with a smile. "No, really, it's all right! I should have told you ahead of time that we'd be using you as the anchor point for our teleport. We must have startled you."
"Perhaps a bit, but once I realized it was you I was reassured!" You shoot him your best grin. "Are you two ready? I can go inquire as to when the dinner will be ready before announcing your arrival, if you'd like."
"Ah, yes, please," Izuku stammers. "I wouldn't want to rush your chefs, however—"
Izuku's cut off by the sudden swirl of familiar teleport runes in front of you. The smell hits your nose before you recognize the inky blue, and you crinkle your nose in distaste at the smell of seaweed. Your father's runes. What materializes isn't him, but a simple note, not even written in his own handwriting: Whenever Prince Izuku arrives, dinner is ready and waiting.
You smile. "Ah! Perfect!" You carefully stick out your tongue, pulling forth just enough magic to pull off your favorite new trick: teleporting just enough ink to a page to write without a pen. Izuku just arrived. I'll escort him to the dining hall.
You send back the note with a wave of your hand. "My father says that dinner is already prepared for whenever you arrive, my prince." You say the last two words in a playful tone, grinning at him mischievously and offering one arm to him. "If it pleases his highness, I'd be honored to escort you to dinner."
He chuckles, looping his arm through yours. "By all means, lead the way, m-my dear."
You giggle as you lead him out of the gardens. "You were so close to a smooth delivery there."
Izuku rubs the back of his neck with his opposite hand, blushing lightly. "S-sorry. I'll do better next time."
"I think it's endearing, actually," you comment, hiding a laugh behind your hand when he lets out a choked noise in response. "Only change if you want to, my prince."
"H-hey! Who's courting who, here?" he whines desperately, hiding his face. You toss your head back in a laugh. "Oh, but that actually reminds me!"
Izuku stops suddenly, turning to you and producing a single sprig of forsythia. He tucks a lock of hair behind your ear, and quickly pins it in place with the yellow blooms. "There. They suit you, Princess."
Your cheeks tinge pink at the sudden gift, worsened by the way he smiles and laughs lightly at your expression. "There, now I'm not the only one blushing."
With that, he pats your cheek, turns, and heads toward the door, opening it for you with sparkling eyes. 
"Wh—hey! I'm supposed to be the one escorting you, you little—" With an indignant squawk, you scamper after your fiancé, cheeks still burning red.
Forsythia symbolizes anticipation.
"So, Prince Izuku," your mother says, carefully setting down her soup spoon to peer across the table at your fiancé. "My daughter tells us that you wished to speak to us?"
Izuku's calm and collected as he sets down his own spoon and swallows his food. When he's ready, he opens his mouth and speaks in even, princely tones that don't suit the Izuku you've come to know through his letters. You suppose this means that he's in 'Prince mode'. "Yes, that's correct, your majesty."
Your mother wrinkles her nose in distaste, waving her hand in front of her face as if she's smelled something unpleasant. "Oh, please, dear. If you're marrying my daughter, I'd rather you treat me like family."
"Oh, of course, ma'am. I didn't intend to offend you. I was surprised, actually, that you allow [name]—I mean the princess to refer to you so directly. My father insists on being addressed by his title at all times, no matter who is speaking to him, so I assumed you'd be the same..."
Your mother laughs. "No, nothing so strict. There are plenty of ways to command respect without the sort of iron fist King Hisashi rules with, if you don't mind my saying."
"Mother," you hiss. "Please refrain from insulting Izuku's father in front of him."
"Oh, no, it's all right, [name]," Izuku says. "I know my father isn't exactly... popular when it comes to others' opinions of him. It's refreshing to be far enough from his influence that I'm actually made aware of it, however."
Your father speaks, the first time since the two of you entered the room to eat. "You never answered the question, Prince."
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at how overtly protective he's acting. Moons, he's the one who arranged your engagement to Izuku!
Izuku swallows, and from your proximity, you can see him reigning in his stutter to answer. "...yes. My apologies. I wanted to ask if you'd grant your permission to allow your daughter to accompany me on my seasonal trip through my father's kingdom. My father has historically insisted on these trips to encourage my growth into my role as heir to the kingdom and, hopefully, to build a sensible rapport with my people before I take the throne myself. Since Her Highness and I are to be wedded this year, my father has agreed that it would be ideal for her to join me, so that we might grow closer and our people might learn her face before the wedding occurs. And I, personally, would love to have her company on this excursion."
Your father eyes you with a raised eyebrow. "I assume your betrothed spoke with you about this ahead of time, [name]?"
You nod. "Yes, father. We spoke about it briefly through letters, though I haven't yet requested the full details."
"How many guards typically accompany you on these excursions, Prince?" your mother asks, a hint of interest in her voice.
"It varies depending both on time of year and the prevailing public opinion, but there's always at least four. I'm fairly proficient in combat, and the guards chosen to accompany are all those whom I trust and have been chosen through several combat trials to determine their ability to provide adequate protections. We try to keep the detail low, to prevent from straining resources for travel and not draw too much attention during my travels. If necessary, I'm sure my father would be happy to increase the numbers to ensure your daughter's safety."
"My daughter doesn't know her way around a sword," your father says darkly. (Patently false, but he doesn't need to know about your habit of watching the guards during their training when you have the time, or the fact that Eijirou is more than happy to show you your way around a blade when he accompanies you about the castle.) "If I allow this little excursion, it will be your head if she doesn't return to me unharmed."
"Father, please don't threaten my fiancé," you groan. "I am capable enough with both offensive and defensive magic to defend myself—"
"[name]," he says sharply, not sparing you a glance. "The men are speaking."
Wounded, you snap your mouth shut and return to your food in silence, keeping a trained ear on their conversation and an eye on Izuku, who seems to have gone stock-still at how you've just been addressed.
"Of course, your Majesty," Izuku says, voice strained. "I would never dream of allowing harm to come to her."
A tense silence falls over the room, until finally, it's broken. "The excursion would be followed by a week's stay in the royal palace, if your Majesties and her Highness are all in accordance. I proposed this to my father as a way to allow her Highness to meet with my family and acclimatize to the palace, rather than merely the surrounding kingdom." Izuku's knuckles are white as he grips his spoon.
"I'd prefer to speak with you about this matter in private, Prince," your father says through gritted teeth. You wither under the atmosphere, eyes glued carefully to Izuku as he barely conceals a glare in response.
You're suddenly regretting all the anticipation you'd had for this meal.
"Meet me in the palace gardens before you leave," you'd whispered in Izuku's ear as he left the room at the end of dinner. He nodded then, before following your father to his study with Kacchan in tow.
Your father is an imposing man when he wants to be. Izuku has to remind himself to stand firm, to not give off a moment's glimpse of weakness to the man standing across the room from him.
"If I'm being honest, I'd hoped that the son of the infamous King Hisashi would have been a bit more like his father," the man says, hands folded behind his back. He lets out a sigh, as if it's somehow inconvenient for him that Izuku doesn't demand fear from others or threaten another's life or livelihood at the smallest slight.
Yeah, I get that a lot, Izuku wants to say. Instead, he simply nods. "I see."
"It is not unappealing, per se, for my daughter to marry someone like you," he continues, "but it would be ideal if you could properly set her into her role. She plays her part well, but my daughter is always pushing. She treads the line of her limits, as you saw when she spoke out of turn earlier."
"I'd have to disagree, your Majesty. I don't think [name] was out of line at all," Izuku says firmly, surprising even himself. "I don't know enough about her skills in combat well enough to properly defend them, but if she felt the need to stand up for herself, then I'm glad she acted upon it. What's the point in living if she's to be a quiet little doll who ‘stays in line’?"
Your father doesn't turn his head to look at Izuku, sighing yet again. "I don't think we'll ever see eye-to-eye on this matter. Perhaps it's best if we simply–"
"Did you want to speak further about the excursion?" Izuku interrupts coldly. "I'd be happy to give more details if you have any concerns, but my father would be upset if I returned without a proper decision. He's a busy man, as I'm certain you know, and preparations can't effectively be made if we don't know how many will be attending."
"...color me impressed, Prince Izuku," your father says. "I wasn't aware you had a spine."
"I find it more sound to not play all my cards at once, your Majesty."
"[name] may accompany you for your little trip. Her personal knight—I'm sure you're acquainted—will accompany her. Let me be clear that I was serious about your head should she not return."
"I was serious when I said that I wouldn't dream of letting her come to harm." Izuku's gaze is challenging as he meets the man's eyes.
Your father finally looks Izuku in the eye, one eyebrow raised. "See to it that you don't, your highness."
Taglist: @tooloudarts​ @zylith-imagines-and-fics​
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
Sunset Swerve - Part 7
Pairing: Luke x OC
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: none?
A/N: This one’s a little shorter but I’ve been waiting to get to this part for a while now. It’s got some good Jordan and Luke backstory. Fair warning, I totally cried writing this so like, I’m sorry. As always, let me know what you think!
Part 6  Masterlist
When Jordan finally returned to the garage it was empty. She’d gone with the intention of explaining her side and apologize. She’d never meant to break up the band, truthfully it was one of the best things that had happened to her since she died. She’d thought they’d ditched Julie and herself to get revenge on Bobby, she would’ve gone back to get them if she’d thought there was even a chance that they were still at the creepy Hollywood Ghost Club. To make matters worse, Purple Suit, Mr. Covington or whatever, made it sound like they didn’t even get answers about Bobby.
She popped back into Julie’s room to grab her book, fully intending on waiting in the garage until they got back. She made it a couple of pages before she felt another jolt like she had last night. She groaned again, setting down her book in favor of clutching her chest.
By the time the guys came back, Jordan was still clutching her chest, though the pain had faded. Her face was scrunched in concentration as she tried to figure out what could possibly be causing them- she had no physical body so it couldn’t have been normal chest pains or cramps or anything like that. It felt like somebody had given her an electric shock.
“Woah, Jordan are you okay?” Alex exclaimed worriedly, rushing to her side to check on her.
“Yeah,” she groaned, rubbing her chest before removing her hand completely. “I’ve just been getting these painful jolts since yesterday.”
“You’ve been getting them too?” Reggie gasped, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of them and Jordan nodded. “Guess it’s not related to the pizza.”
Jordan furrowed her brows in confusion. “Pizza?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Luke spoke, glaring at her from the doorway. “What matters is what you think you’re doing here.”
“I came back to apologize assh-“ she stopped herself, taking a deep breath and starting over, nicer this time. “I thought you guys had gotten your answers and gone to get your revenge on Bobby, that’s why I didn’t come back to get you. I thought you knew you were ditching us, I’m sorry.”
She looked between the three boys sincerely, hoping her apology would be enough to put them on good terms again.
“We get it,” Alex said softly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, “You had no way of knowing.”
“Yeah, and the band wouldn’t be the same without you,” Reggie added cheerfully, the two boys then turning to look at Luke who Jordan was afraid to look in the eye.
“Maybe if you didn’t always think the worst of us this wouldn’t have happened,” Luke said stubbornly and Jordan sighed, wanting so badly to argue in her defense but knowing it wasn’t the time.
“I’m sorry,” she just repeated quietly, looking up at the boy and she watched his angry façade crumble. “Are we cool?” She asked quietly.
Luke nodded, “Reggie’s right. Like it or not you’re part of the band now. Just don’t expect me to be nice to you all of a sudden.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Jordan smirked, thankful to have things returning to normal.
“Ooh! We have a gig tonight!” Reggie announced excitedly, scrambling to his feet to show Jordan the flyer.
They all crowded around her to watch her reaction.
“Oh, what so a coffee shop open mic is cool but a school dance is lame?” She asked, teasing the guys.
“This place will be packed with producers,” Luke said defensively, crossing his arms over his chest as he pouted.
“Wait, for real?” Jordan asked, sitting up straighter at the news and they nodded. “Oh my gosh, this is insane! We’re gonna get signed!”
“Now all we have to do is get Julie to rejoin the band,” Alex said, dampening the mood and Jordan slouched forward again.
“Right, well, if you guys apologize and explain yourselves I’m sure she’ll understand,” Jordan said hopefully and they all nodded, the guys beginning to formulate a plan.
As soon as Julie stepped into the studio the guys were ready, immediately breaking into their little apology song. Jordan smiled at how dorky but sweet it was from her position off to the side on the couch.
“In case you missed it, we’re really sorry,” Reggie said and the guys all nodded.
“Yeah… I got that part.” Julie said, frowning at the boys.
“Yeah, we’ve been here for three hours,” Alex added and Jordan nodded despite the fact that no one was looking at her. They really had been stating in that position for three hours. She would’ve made fun of them but it gave her some peace and quiet to read her book.
“We almost sang to your little brother,” Luke said.
“He comes in here a lot. Mainly to use the bathroom,” Reggie explained and Jordan shuddered.
“It’s not our favorite part of the day,” Alex said, pursing his lips.
“But, Julie, it wasn’t okay that we flaked on the dance last night,” Luke said, getting the boys back on topic. “We know we let you down.”
“Yeah and, and none of us wanted to disappoint you,” Alex said, “You and Jordan are the best things that’ve happened to us since we became ghosts.”
Jordan aww-ed quietly at that, making a mental note to hug Alex later.
“So, in hopes that you’ll rejoin the band, we booked a new gig,” Luke announced, handing her the coffee shop flyer.
“A mega-important, life-changing gig,” Reggie added with his signature grin.
“Check it out,” Luke explained, pointing to the flyer. “Tons of managers go here to listen to new bands. All we gotta do is blow them all away and then we’re living the dream.”
“So, this means a lot to you, huh?” Julie asked, looking up from the flyer to stare at the guys, her face hardened.
Jordan frowned at that. Clearly, the apology hadn’t been as effective as they’d thought it would be.
“Kind of how playing in front of my whole school meant a lot to me.” Julie continued and Jordan watched as the realization of where this conversation was going dawned on the guys’ faces.
“That sounds like sarcasm,” Reggie gasped, processing the situation out loud, “I’m starting to think our plan isn’t working.”
“Look, we know we messed up,” Alex said, ignoring Reggie and trying to save the situation.
“But we need you in the band,” Luke finished.
Julie rolled her eyes at that.
“Of course you do. Because without me, no one can see you guys playing.” She spat, staring Luke down. “Y’know, I thought the music we were writing was special, but you’re too obsessed with your past to even care.”
“I do care!” Luke exclaimed, nearly shouting at the girl and Jordan sucked in a breath, worried about where this was going. Luke and Julie both had quick and fiery tempers. “Our band has a real chance at greatness. I’m not gonna let that get away from us again.”
“Uh-huh. Right.” Julie said, clearly not believing him. “So then why did you bail on me to get back at Trevor?”
When Luke didn’t answer Julie continued.
“I’ll tell you why,” she said angrily. “Cause there’s only one thing that you care about and that’s yourself!”
She spun on her heel after that, stomping out of the garage.
“Julie wait!” Jordan called after her, jumping up off the couch to follow after her but stopping short of the doorway when she didn’t stop.
The studio was silent for a moment, everyone worriedly looking at Luke who was staring up at the house dejectedly.
“Dude, she didn’t mean it,” Alex said quietly but Luke didn’t respond, merely poofing away.
Jordan didn’t stick around much longer, only long enough to hear Alex remind Reggie of what day it was. She nodded solemnly at the two boys before poofing away herself.
“What are you doing here?” Luke asked irritably when Jordan poofed in next to him.
They were resting on the extended kitchen counter the Patterson’s had between their kitchen and dining room while his parents moved around the two rooms.
She shrugged. “It’s your birthday. Even after we told them we hated each other your parents always invited me behind your back and my parents always dragged me kicking and screaming.”
When the Pattersons had moved in down the street Jordan’s parents had been so excited that she’d have someone her age to play with. What they hadn’t anticipated was Luke putting a spider in her hair the first time they met and the pair forming an immediate hatred of each other. Still, their animosity hadn’t stopped the Moss’s and the Patterson’s from doing whatever they could to make Luke and Jordan friends so Jordan came to every one of Luke’s birthday parties and he hers.
Luke gave a watery chuckle at the memory before the pair lapsed into silence.
“Do you hate me?” Luke asked quietly after a moment. “For leaving when you…“
Jordan cut him off with a shake of her head.
“No.” She said softly but sure. “Maybe if you had left after my parents…” she cleared her throat, looking away to hide her own tears that were forming in her eyes. “No, I could never hate you for a decision you clearly regretted from the start.”
Luke nodded thoughtfully at that and Jordan reached out, placing her hand over his that was resting on the countertop. She hoped the small gesture would be comforting.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,” Jordan began to sing softly as Mrs. Patterson carried the cake over to the table. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, Luke’s favorite. “Happy birthday dear Luke, happy birthday to you.”
Luke turned his hand over to squeeze her own before hopping off the countertop to join his family at the table. When his dad finally lit the candle Luke leaned forward to blow it out, leaving his parents shocked and confused. Mr. Patterson relit the candle and Luke slid into the third chair. Jordan wiped the tears that were falling down her own face as she watched the Patterson’s, unknowingly reunited for the first time in twenty-six years, tearfully blow out the candle together.
Jordan leaned forward, squeezing Luke’s shoulder lightly as they watched his parents eat a slice of cake in silence. As she moved to pull away he reached over to cover her hand with his, holding it in place. As they sat like that in the silence that was somehow both deafening and comfortable Jordan thought back to the thin line Julie had mentioned the other day in the band room and whether or not she was walking it as carefully as she had thought.
Part 8
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx
Sunset Swerve Taglist: @oopsiedoopsie23 @angryknightstatesmantrash @onlygetaway @deni-gonzalez @advicefromnixxxx @brooke0297 
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