#i just figure that would be a lot to deal with
drchucktingle · 3 days
On your blog you've talked about dealing with chronic as a result from the stress of masking your autism.
It's a bit of a different situation, but my little sister (who we've begun to suspect has adhd) has been experiencing chronic pain in her arms and legs. I may be totally off base, but I was wondering if a similar stess might potentially be a factor in her pain.
If you're willing, would you mind talking about how your pain affected before you found a way to manage it (I tried searching your tumblr, but not much came up, so sorry if I'm asking a question that's already been answered)?
Thanks either way, I love your books. Love is real!
sure buckaroo GOOD QUESTION. i have had chronic pain in some form or another for LONG TIME in a number of STRESS RELATED WAYS. in past it has been cracking teeth from clenching dang jaws while i sleep and things like that, but a few years ago it was FULL ON BODY PAIN AND TIGHTNESS like every muscle was clenching up. went to the doctor over and over all kinds of dang specialists and it was very difficult to figure out what was going on. eventually landed on a sort of nebulous trot of STRESS but i can get more specific.
there are several things about me that you would never know just from looking or even talking to me for long times. i am a bi buckaroo, i am a non-dysphoric trans buckaroo, i am an autistic buckaroo. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE THINGS IS EITHER HIDDEN AUTOMATICALLY OR I AM SUCH AN EXPERT AT HIDING THAT IT IS SECOND NATURE
autism presents its trot in many ways, so my words do not apply to all, but my version is EXTREME ORGANIZATION AND ENDLESS WORK ETHIC. in way of freud (which is a silly way but sometimes good for symbolism talk) i have what you would call an OVERDEVELOPED SUPER EGO which is a double edged sword. i can write 100s of books at an incredible pace, but also feel like my body is constantly collapsing in on itself
this is not really something i consciously think about much, but eventually these health problems started creeping up. it was all from carrying this mystery tension in my body, because while it feels EASY for me to mask i believe all that tension goes somewhere and it stores up and stores up and stores up.
so i think the HEALTHY way that i have found to deal with this (i think of it as releasing the steam valve a bit so the boiler does not break down) is ART. this space where i am allowed to be CHUCK TINGLE and write without obsessing over the spelling or punctuation, or to loudly express my queerness, or explore gender, and to let my neurotypical mask down DIRECTLY RELIEVES my chronic pain because it literally makes my muscles relax.
when i started out this ARTISTIC TROT as chuck i used a LOT of metaphor to keep my privacy, with different words or different versions of people for different things, and buckaroos found this very funny. as a way to express myself artistically i also liked this metaphor trot a lot, but i have also found that the LESS metaphor i paint over my life as chuck, the better it is for my health. if you have noticed, i talk less about some of the parts of my life that were metaphors, or maybe you have seen that my voice has relaxed a bit in interviews, or that i carry myself a little differently over time, this is partially why. (there is another artistic reason that was a planned trot from the beginning and it has to do with my feelings as a young autistic buckaroo of not fitting in on this timeline, but we can dive into that later).
anyway, as PRACTICAL ADVICE i would say that FINDING A SPACE TO EXPRESS YOURSELF WITHOUT FEAR OR MASKING has been the number one trot for me. that can be a pink bag over your head writing hundreds of erotic shorts, or that can be just laying on the ground howling your heart out, or doing whatever stim you need to do.
i will also say that ONCE I REALIZED IT WAS MUSCLE TENSION getting a physical therapist helped a lot. because there are two sides, you have to start releasing steam from the steam valve, but at the same time youve also gotta start HEALING THE DAMAGE. so i think stretching and techniques like that can be very helpful.
hope that helps buckaroo LOVE IS REAL
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sinofwriting · 22 hours
Cover It All Up - Charles Leclerc
Words: 2,214 Summary: As she starts to get ready to meet her boyfriend's mom, she can’t help but be nervous considering that last time she met a boyfriend’s family he dumped her all because his parents didn’t approve of her.
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Masterlist | Emergency Dental Fund
After the disaster of Lando Norris, she had told herself no more British men and no more F1 drivers. She had at least stuck to one thing.
Charles was different from Lando. The only thing they really seemed to have in common was that they both were F1 drivers and competitive people. But where Lando would get stroppy when she beat him in paddle or during their one bowling date, Charles would laugh, grinning at her as he kissed her in celebration, telling her how easy she made it look, despite that sometimes not being the case at all.
It wasn’t that Lando had been a bad boyfriend, he had been nice, just not for her. Or rather she wasn’t for him.
She thinks about it as she stares at herself in the mirror, regretting the sleeveless top she bought to meet Charles’ mom. It was pretty, the color complementing her perfectly, there was just one problem. The lack of sleeves. Meaning her tattoos were showing.
She had lost count how many she had after getting her first one when she was eighteen and then getting three more within that same month. She had some on her thighs as well, a tattoo on the back of her shoulder and a small one on her ankle.
She loves her tattoos, there isn’t a single one she regrets but as she looks at them now, she does. The shame and embarrassment from meeting Lando’s parents still has a spot in her mind.
They barely had spoken to her during the dinner, their eyes lingering on her tattoos, the multiple piercings in her ears. Her words had seemed to fall on deaf ears, her compliments, and questions. She hadn’t been surprised when a day later Lando told her that they didn’t approve of her. It made her laugh. Lando’s parents not approving of her because she had tattoos and a few piercings in her ears. She had been surprised when he broke up with her in practically the same breath.
“It’s just a lot, isn’t it?” He gestured at her. Blood had rushed to her cheeks. “What do you mean?” “Well,” He chewed on his lip for a second. “The tattoos, the piercings.” He shrugged. “It’s just a lot, a lot to see, to deal with.” That had made the blood rush more, knowing he was referring to when she got her last tattoo. “And besides.” He continued. “I can’t really be with someone that my parents don’t approve of. It would never work.”
The memory has her eyes stinging, she had never felt so small or embarrassed before. Taking her top off, she puts it back on its hanger, placing it back in the closet before looking at its contents. There wasn’t much. Charles had tried to get her to bring more stuff to his, but she had figured one suitcase was more than enough. It filled the two drawers he gave her, she ignored the existence that those two drawers belonged to a dresser that was hers, and her clothes that had to be hung up fit perfectly in the section he gave her. She also ignored that they didn’t fit perfectly, tons of free space around them.
As she looked at what she brought with her, she sighs. So much of her wardrobe was short sleeves, tank tops, and sleeveless things, all to show off her tattoos and here at Charles’ she only had one top that had full length sleeves.
It was cute, it just wasn’t the top she wanted to wear, she had imagined wearing when meeting Charles’ mom, but it would have to be the one. Pulling it off the hanger, she quickly pulls it on, just barely resisting the urge to make a face as she looks in the mirror. She forces her eyes away from the mirror as she begins to take her piercings out, including her fake septum one.
As she takes her helix out on her left, she sees Charles behind her.
“You’re putting different ones in?” She makes a humming sound. He smiles, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “Can I pick again?” She can’t help but smile at the question, leaning back into him for a second. “You can pick something for my lobes. I’ll be wearing this top.” He frowns as he looks at her tray of jewelry. “I thought you wanted to wear the one you bought yesterday.” “It didn’t look nice on me.” “Well, that can’t be true.” He lightly scoffs, before holding up a pair for her approval. She shakes her head at the opal earrings, but opens her hand for him to place them in. “Next thing I know, you’ll be giving me earrings with your number.” He flushes at the comment, looking away from her. “Charles!” He grins at her laughter, wrapping himself around her again, watching as she puts the earrings in. “You look beautiful with my number on you, mon amour. I can’t help but want to see you in it all the time.”
“Can I not pick another one?” He asks after a moment of her fiddling with her earrings, the backs of them always giving her a little more trouble. “Like uh,” he taps a spot on her ear, trying to remember it. “Your conch.” She shakes her head, turning in his arms. “I’m not wearing any others today. You can pick all of them tomorrow.” His eyebrows raise, “Including this one?” His hand goes between their bodies to gently press at her navel. “Including that one.” She kisses his cheek. “Now, are you ready to go?” He nods, eyes darting around her face, drinking her in before he frowns. “Amour, you aren’t wearing any other piercings?” She shakes her head, stepping back. “I’m not wearing any others today.” “I thought you just meant your ears, I didn’t think you meant your fake ones.” His frown deepens. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen her go anywhere and only wear one visible piercing. “Is everything okay?” “Yeah.” She tells him. “Just not feeling today.” He looks at her, something not feeling right, but he nods. “Okay.” He kisses her forehead. “Let’s go then.”
As they walk to his mother’s, he can’t help but look at her. Not just because it’s hard for him to not look at her, which it is, because something is wrong. He’s never seen her cover up her tattoos when it hasn’t been cold out and he’s never seen her with so few piercings. It just isn’t her. It’s not who she is.
Her grip on his hand is also a little tight and he can see her fingers on her other hand constantly rubbing at her palm. She’s nervous, he realizes, feeling a bit stupid. He had thought that he had calmed the worst of them, but now as they grow closer, he fears he hasn’t.
Maybe he hadn’t told her enough how excited his mom was to meet her, to see her. She had so many questions about her tattoos and her piercings, where she got the fake ones, and so many other things it made Charles' head spin. He had never seen her so excited to meet one of his girlfriends before.
“She’s going to love you.” Charles tells her as they reach the front door, pressing a small kiss to her cheek. “Promise.” She smiles at him, her nerves bleeding through. “Okay.” He presses another kiss to her cheek before opening the door.
“Maman!” He calls, stepping inside. He wants to go further in the house but knows better than to leave the entryway with his shoes on. Bending, her hand still in his, he loosens the laces of his shoes with his free hand before getting them off. Staying bent over, he loosens the laces on hers as well, smiling at the large sigh she gives.
Standing straight he nearly jumps at the sight of his mom watching the two of them, a fond smile on her face. “Maman!” He greets, giving a squeeze to her hand before letting it go to hug his mom.
Wrapping his arms around her, he expects for her to murmur how much she’s missed him, fuss about his hair, press a kiss to his cheek, while she hugs him back, but all she does is give him a quick squeeze before moving out of his arms and past him. He looks at her wounded, but she doesn’t notice, enveloping his girlfriend in a hug, whose eyes widen before she returns it.
“Oh, you look beautiful, Y/N. I was so happy when Charles told me you’d be coming today.” “Oh, thank you, Mrs. Leclerc.” “Pascale, please.” She says, finally pulling away. “Have you eaten? What would you like to drink? Come sit.”
Charles watches, mouth slightly dropped as his mother ushers her into the kitchen, completely ignoring him. She always asked him that, and told him to sit, no matter that he had grown up here. He was one of her babies, she always said, before gently pinching his cheek.
“Water is more than fine, Mrs. Leclerc.” He hears her laugh as he enters the kitchen and sees them sitting at the table. “Please, call me Pascale.” She smiles at his mom and he can feel the love he has for her grow more as she reaches for his mom’s hand, taking it in hers for a second. “Pascale.” She says, “Water is more than fine. And I have something for you.” “Oh, there is no need for that.” Charles watches, surprised as he sees her reach into her purse and pull out a jewelry box. He had no idea that she had brought something for his mom. “Charles mentioned that it can be hard to find nice topaz and opal jewelry.” She says, voice quiet and Pascale opens the box. “It’s beautiful.” She breathes, carefully taking it out of the box.
His eyes widen as he sees the necklace in his mom’s hand. It was stunning. The topaz perfectly framed with opal. He had never seen anything like it.
“Mon amour,” the words are breathless as he shakes his head. “How did you?” She ducks her head, “I wanted to give something to you,” she looks at Pascale. “That represents all of your kids. It was hard to find, but I’m happy I did.” Pascale places a hand over her heart, tears stinging her eyes and she puts the necklace gently on the table before wrapping her arms around the girl. “Thank you, ange. Thank you so much.” Charles watches as she melts into the hug, her nerves finally seeming to leave her and the sight of the two most important women in his life embracing makes him breathe easier, his own nerves disappearing.
“Now,” Pascale starts, pulling away. “Charles is going to pour us some wine.” “Maman,” he tries protesting, but she continues ignoring him and he huffs before letting his feet lead him to where the wine glasses are. “And you are going to tell me all about your tattoos.” “Oh.” She looks shocked and Charles brows can’t help but furrow. “You of course don’t have to.” Pascale rushes to say. “I just have seen so many pictures of them, from Charles and your Instagram, and would love to see them and hear about them. Your piercings as well. I had no idea you could get such good fake piercings.” “No, I-I would love to tell you about them.” Her eyes glance over to Charles, who is concentrating on pouring wine. “I was just a bit nervous meeting you with all of those things. I didn’t know you had an interest.” Pascale looks at her in confusion. “Since Charles showed me your photos, I have wanted to meet you. You are such a gorgeous girl and you make him so happy. And I love your tattoos. Did Charles never say?” She shakes her head. “No.”
“Charles!” He stops, eyes wide, just about to set the glasses of wine on the table. “What?” “You never told her that I love her tattoos? Charles!” “I thought I had.” He defends, putting a glass in front of both of them before sitting in the chair next to his girlfriend, his arm immediately coming up to rest on the back of her chair as he presses a quick kiss to her cheek. “I’m sorry, mon amour.” “It’s okay.” She tells him, with a small laugh. She turns her head to look back at Pascale. “Really even if he had told me, I might have not believed him.” She pauses, taking a sip of a wine. “The last time I met someone’s parents, they didn’t care for my tattoos and piercings. He broke up with me over it.” The older woman scoffs, shaking her head. “Their loss and our gain. They are lovely from what I’ve seen.” “Would you like to know about my favorite one?” “Yes!”
Charles watches fondly as she pushes up her left sleeve, exposing a myriad of tattoos before pointing at the one just above her wrist on the inside, telling his mom all about it. It’s a story he’s heard before, more than once, but just like his mom he can’t help but listen intently as well.
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ceesimz · 1 day
I'm a Star, How Could I Not Shine?
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This is just a lil soft blurb I got the idea to write tonight, I still have my other story in the works and I'm loving creating it :)
Life was hardly fair, that much you knew. But it seemed like the last few months had been especially harsh on your girlfriend. And it was a hard watch, almost agonising to see her come home a shell of her true self everyday.
Today, though, it reached its peak.
Work was being a lot kinder to you; you typically had a lighter load than Alexia but the past few weeks had kind of been a breeze, you were promoted to a new branch and it was a dream to be there. So, as you watched on from the sidelines as the media tore Alexia apart, inventing new reasons to needlessly hate on her, you were doing your best to make life at home a safe haven for her.
Today was Friday, and your plan was to come home from work and get all the chores out of the way, before ordering food in so that there was as little as possible for Alexia to have to worry about. Maybe you'd run a bath for her, give her a massage, or let her have some alone time before falling asleep with your chest to her back as you ran a hand softly through her hair.
What you weren't expecting, however, was to find a familiar figure in a black tracksuit curled up on the sofa, soundly sleeping.
You froze in the doorway, unsure what to do next. The first thing you thought was just how much the sight concerned you. Alexia wasn't meant to be home for a number of hours yet, her day was filled with meetings after she'd had training in the morning. Tie that in with the fact that she was adamant in never taking naps, ever, as well as how she always followed her schedule to the second, and your body was wracked with worry from head to toe.
Long story short, this only alluded to unimaginable things consuming her right now. You didn't even want to think about it. If it hurt you this much, and you weren't even the one experiencing all she was, then god only knows how she's feeling. Hopefully you can coax it out of her.
Instead of disturbing her right now, you backed out of the room and headed towards the kitchen. Once in there, you off-loaded your bag and your jacket onto the dining table, before opening your phone and putting in the order for dinner. Then you took a moment to compose yourself, to come up with a way to approach the delicate situation currently festering in the lounge of the apartment.
Alexia could wake up and be in one of either two moods: she doesn't really want company as she needs time to process what's pacing through her mind, or, and you're not sure if you preferred this one or not, she'd be in such an utterly wrecked state of mind that she would just melt into your arms and unload weeks, if not months, worth of bottled up emotions. You knew the latter would happen at some point, but you definitely didn't think it would come about so soon.
Really, this wasn't how you expected the night to go, you just assumed that Alexia would complete her work day before coming home, speaking very few words for the rest of the evening. It wasn't out of displeasure, it was how she processed things. Until the pressure built up inside her and exploded, she would keep pretty schtum about how things were going for her, and no matter how much you tried to shake her out of these habits, it was just something about her you had to deal with.
But now, with somewhat of an idea built up in your head, you slip your shoes off and put them on the rack by the front door, and walk back towards your sleeping girlfriend. As you get closer to her, you spot the scowl to her brow and slight frown on her lips - even as she sleeps, she still can't catch a break. She looks perturbed and uncomfortable, like there's things she can't quite shake off, and it breaks your heart.
With a gentle hand on her shoulder as she sleeps on her side with her face slightly covered by her hood, you gently nudge her.
"Hey, Ale, wake up. It's me, wake up." You whisper, leaning down to place a kiss on her temple. At the affectionate touch, she jolts awake, breathing a little heavy. "Hey, it's only me."
"Oh." She muttered, rubbing her eyes and sighing. "Por qué estás aquí?"
"I just got home from work, it's half four." Wrong thing to say.
She sits up in shock, looking at you agasp, her stomach churning with dread. She never missed meetings, she never missed any kind of work, period.
"Mierda. Lo siento, tengo que irme, ahora." Alexia jumps up and rushes to grab her keys from the kitchen, but you grab her hand and stop her. "No, amor, I-"
"Ale, take a breath. Slow down." You say, standing up and taking her other hand. Her eyes are everywhere but you, her body language is tense and radiates anxiety. "Look at me. Hey, mírame, Ale."
"Amor, you do not understand, I am missing a meeting ri-"
"No, you are here with me, and you need to take a minute. Just a minute, if anything. Please." You plead, dropping her hands to cup her face and get her to look at you. "Sit down with me, relax for a moment. I won't hear otherwise."
A reluctant nod later, she sits down with you on the couch, though she perches on the edge like she could take off any second. You don't doubt that she won't.
"Sorry." She states a quiet moment after, her hands coming to cover her face as she sighs heavily yet again.
"For what, Ale?" You ask, shuffling closer to her side and draping an arm across her shoulders. She shrugs, making you frown, so with your free hand you delicately turn her head to face you. "Take the day off. Anyone can see you need it."
Her nod isn't so hesitant this time, and that's terrifying in itself. The ease in which she agreed to skiving the rest of her schedule is so unnerving that you're not entirely sure where to go from here. You were expecting more of a fight, expecting her to be hard work for the night, but here she was just giving up in front of you. Near enough relinquishing her role as if it wasn't such a mental battle for her.
At her agreement, you tug her into you and she follows easily, resting her forehead against your collarbone and breathing out shakily.
"Let me look after you tonight, Ale. You don't have to apologise, not for anything." You whisper, scattering light, caring kisses across her cheek.
You pull down the hood of her jumper and, finally, see the full effect of what the month's brazen nature has done to her. The bags under her eyes are more prominent than ever, there's a permanent frown line etched onto her forehead, and she's a worryingly grey colour. Her face gives off a perturbed look, and to be honest you didn't think it was possible to be able to visibly see the aftermath of a mentally degrading few weeks.
Right now, it seems like sleep is the best option for her. And fortunately for you, and for Alexia, the restaurant you ordered from won't deliver your dinner for another forty or so minutes. It's a small miracle you'll happily take at this time, and if Alexia was in the right mind she'd probably laugh, because the wait time normally drives you crazy. You've never been more grateful for it though.
"Why don't you sleep some more? I got us some food, it won't be here for a while yet and I really think you need the rest." You suggest, tucking a few wisps of hair behind her ear.
"You... you will stay here?" She questions in such a childlike manner that it splits your heart in two.
"Yes, I'll be right here, Ale, I promise. I'm not going anywhere, ever." You tell her, and that's when she meets your eye. The look she gives is devastating, it's filled with all sorts that would take you the rest of the night to unpack. And, quite frankly, Alexia isn't ready for that.
You urge her to lay down just like she was earlier, except this time you take the place by her head and let her rest it on your lap. It's now that you're carding your fingers through her hair, not in your bed. It's now that Alexia finally breaks, as sniffles sound through the room sporadically.
"Tan cansada." She uttered, almost unintelligibly, as she covers her eyes with her hand and buries her face in your stomach.
"It's okay. You can relax now. It's just us here, and you're safe. You're gonna be okay." You reasurre her, and you mean it with every ounce of your being. How could you not, when the light of your life has been dimmed by clouds of disdain from people who aren't even aware of the joy she brings you?
Alexia may come across as a force to be reckoned with, but after all, she's just your Ale, the one that cries at animal shelter adverts on TV and smiles like a fool at the little things like when you bring home her favourite snack as a surprise one day. She's a sensitive soul, but that's what you love about her. Everything she does, she does it with her whole heart, and you'd sooner be six feet under than to let your love for her go untold.
"I love you, Ale, and I'm really proud of everything you do. Everything."
"Even when I am not strong enough to go to one meeting?" She mumbles insecurely, stealing a glance up at you with one eye.
"Especially then. You are strongest in your weakest moments, when you're afraid to ask for help but you do it anyway. So, I'm always proud of you, and I always will be. I swear by that."
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ushiwakatrash · 3 days
The Bakusquad as Roommates
A/N: Hey babes, it's been a while! I've been so busy will college so I really couldn't write. But, yeah, I'm (kinda) back <3333
!Warning!: smoking (weed too)
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According to the new rules, UA has decided to place two people per room.
(This deviates from the original plot line)
See the Dekusquad version here.
Bakugou Katsuki 爆豪 勝己
Did not like the thought of sharing his space with someone random but as per UA's orders, what choice did he have?
Very clean and very strict about house rules
Will constantly nag about how you can't do chores right
Your first weeks were a disaster. He was so scary and so intimidating, you thought he was the concentrated essence of evil
He's blunt and mean, but you figure out he just has a hard time expressing himself
One morning, he cooked breakfast for you but went with lame excuses like "I accidentally cooked too much." or "You look dead so fuckin' eat!"
Since then you went along with his shitty excuses and used them when giving him dinner
"Bakugou, you can have this 'cause I don't feel like eating anymore." or "They looked good so I bought twice as much for, uh, no reason at all."
Seeing your efforts in trying to be a good roomie, he warmed up to you eventually
Now y'all just argue like an old couple
Kirishima Eijirou 切島 鋭児郎
Looks tough, but he’s the sweetest guy you’ve ever met.
A literal angel
Day 1: friends
Day 2: besties
Day 3: you would take a bullet for him
He’s kinda messy and his punching bag takes a lot of space but hey, no one’s perfect
He always waits for you before he eats, and always saves you a plate when you’re running late because of extra training
You seek each other for comfort. Especially when Kiri feels insecure about how his quirk isn’t flashy or how he thinks it won’t make him a top hero one day
You, of course, would never want or let him think that way. It will never be a chore to remind him how he’s so strong and sturdy and how his muscles are hot
You know how much potential he has so if you have to repeat it a thousand times again and again, so be it
Kaminari Denki 上鳴電気
Had the idea of the old ‘bucket of water on top of the door’ prank as a big welcome to his roomie
What he didn’t calculate is that you have very sharp and fast reflexes.
Before the bucket falls on you, you hit it and the water splashes on Denki
Both of you were stunned at first but you recovered quickly and said “feeling cold, sparky?” with such a smug smirk
His face instantly got red and he stormed out of the room with comical tears shouting ‘MEANIE!!’
An hour later he returns, 2 popsicles in his hands. He hands you one as an apology and both of you reconcile, even if it’s his entire fault
You both get in trouble for blasting heavy metal at 3 in the morning MULTIPLE TIMES
The two of you made an agreement to do this ritual with headphones on because Mr. Aizawa had threatened to make you switch rooms
Sero Hanta 瀬呂範太
Ah, the potheads unite
It was a secret that you tried to keep under wraps since but the your roomie figured you out instantly
At first you both just shared vapes, trying out different flavors the both of you would buy
until you saw a bag in the bathroom that had an oh so familiar scent
You confronted Sero about it but he just gave you a 'what's the big deal' look so you shrugged it off
a few nights later he invited you for a session and you obliged, only if he kept it hush
this has been a routine since you could remember and Aizawa has never suspected you. I don't know about Mr. tape man though.
Ashido Mina 芦戸 三奈
There was no adjustment period for the both of you whatsoever
You both became instant besties and shared EVERYTHING
from skincare to clothes to maybe thongs at times but hey, girls do that shit
As if being roommates wasn't enough, you still hung out after class hours
Mina has been your greatest support system especially with boy trouble
Break a man's heart and she's as proud as any mother could be
Your heart is broken? A tub of ice cream and shitty movies are ready for you
She loves you like her own sister and constantly worries for you
Honestly the best roomie in town
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lunarmoves · 2 days
a yawn escapes your mouth, cracking your jaw with its force as you belatedly lift a hand in an attempt to cover it. your muscles stretch with the deep intake of breath, then relax just as quickly. oof.
"tired?" a familiar voice asks from somewhere in front of you, low like the hum of the cosmos.
you find yourself opening your scrunched eyes to blink hazily at sun. he offers you an unreadable smile, fingertips pressed together quaintly from his position beyond the daycare's security desk. it's just you and him in here, waiting for the lights to inevitably go out.
you rub at one of your eyes, wiping away any stray tears from your yawn. "you could say that. 's been a long day." your arms lift over your head in a stretch. sitting in the little chair by the security desk for hours at a time doesn't do wonders for your back and shoulders. "doesn't help that i had all those sandwiches earlier," you add with a grimace, eyeing all the wrappers you'd piled in a corner of the desk. you can still feel the heaviness in your gut from them. fazco sandwiches are sincerely no joke.
sun's head tilts to the side slightly. his eyes narrow a little, as though in thought. "why would that matter?"
"oh." you blink at him, letting your arms rest on your thighs. you ponder upon his question. "well, sometimes when we eat a lot of food, it makes us sleepy."
sun lets out a hum, and his head does a full rotation. tick tick ticking away until it straightens itself properly. he leans forward to rest his arms on the top of the desk. "that seems... counterproductive," he responds, thoughtful.
you shrug and lean back in your seat. "that's just how it is for us. i think it depends on the kinds of food we eat."
he's quiet for a moment, the daycare's little jingle echoing around the room. his white gaze has latched onto your own, though you wonder if he's really seeing you and not... lost in whatever artificial thoughts are running through his head. you can never tell what they are. and when he eventually speaks again, you wonder grimly if knowing is truly something you even want.
"humans are so inefficient," he says like he's ruminating over the laws of physics. you quirk an eyebrow at him. he continues, "your biology is so limiting."
you frown at him. this is... unexpected, to say the least. you're unsure how to handle it. "well, i guess, but—"
"the other day," he interrupts you, one of his fingers tapping steadily at the bottom of his faceplate, "you had something in your eye. it was an eyelash. why have something that hinders you in this manner?"
"it's just... things we've learned to deal with," you respond stiffly, giving him another halfhearted shrug. "things we cannot help. evolution, y'know? we can't all be designed to perfection." it's said sourly, your gaze not-so-discreetly shifting up and down his figure.
"hm, yes." the tapping gets steadily faster. you are unable to tear your gaze away from his own encompassing one. white lights behind a sliver of glass. "you know, friend"—he leans down closer to you, voice lowering until it's no louder than a whisper—"it astonishes me how humanity has remained the dominant species for so long."
you swallow heavily. "yeah?" you say weakly.
"yes," he says, edges of his smile sharpening. "it truly makes me wonder if this reign will ever come to an end. what do they say—natural selection?" something bottoms out in the pit of your stomach.
you don't deign him with an answer. you only watch as he stands before you—metal and silicon and gears and electricity. towering above your smaller form like he's ready to bring this end himself.
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aestheticpearl · 2 days
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— 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲
✧·˚ kayson has always been patient and understanding in your relationship, even when you didn’t notice it
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you hated getting upset in front of people, every since you were little you’ve been aware of how uncomfortable you made your parents when you cried. so now that you’re older you’ve learned to cry alone to not make people uncomfortable. you leave and hide to cry without disturbing others and kayson absolutely hates it.
that’s why you were now sitting in a locked room hidden away with him sitting outside the door.
“i’m here when you need me baby.”
“i don’t want you to have to deal with me.”
“deal with you? babe when i committed to this relationship with you i also committed to everything about you. you can cry, it’s okay to be frustrated. your crying is a natural thing and i’m happy to help you through whatever you’re feeling.”
the lock on the door clicks as you open the door.
you quickly move into his arms and kayson immediately wraps them around your frame.
“i’m here.”
his soft whispers and reassuring words help you through the tears and you end up explaining what happened to him with little issue.
“hey, look at me.”
you hesitantly look up at him and he gently wipes your tears away before kissing your salty cheeks.
“i’ll be here no matter what emotion you’re feeling, you don’t have to be alone to try and spare my feelings. i want to be with you, i always want to know how you’re feeling regardless if it’s good or bad, because i care about you a lot.”
you sniffle and rest your head against him.
“thank you.” you can feel the fresh tears of relief roll down your cheeks. “i appreciate that.”
it wasn’t you’re first time doing something like this with kayson, but something about tonight had you anxious and you weren’t completely sure why. you didn’t want to disappoint him though so you said nothing as you sat on the bed while he kisses your neck.
“babe?” the soft whisper sent shivers down your spine and snapped you out of your daze.
“are you okay? you seem a little off, you know we don’t have to do this anymore; i won’t be upset.”
kayson sits back and looks at you with those puppy eyes he just naturally has.
“…really? you wouldn’t be disappointed if we stopped?”
“of course not, i want you to be comfortable and enjoy our time together.”
kayson takes your hand in his and rubs his thumb over your knuckles to soothe you.
“i’ll love you no matter what.”
he leans down to place a gentle kiss on your lips and you wrap your arms around his neck to deepen it. kayson’s hands find your waist, holding you as if you were made of glass and the harshest movement would break you.
“how did i get so lucky with you?”
“baby where you going?”
it’s the middle of the night and you should be asleep next to kayson but your anxiety is relentless tonight and you just can’t seem to sleep.
you look at kayson and see him rubbing sleep from his eyes and a pang of guilt shoots through you from accidentally waking him up due to you moving from his arms.
“i’m sorry i just couldn’t sleep.” you confess in a hushed tone.
“and you thought pacing the room would help you get tired?” you halt your mindless pacing and kayson reaches out a hand for you take. you take it and he rubs his thumb over your knuckles softly. “what’s going on with you baby? you seem so distracted lately.”
you hesitate to respond but eventually give in and tell kayson everything that’s been plaguing your mind for the past week. for the little things of stubbing your toe to the the much larger things of figuring out what to do for your future.
“i’ve just felt so overwhelmed recently and i just want a moment to regroup and not think about everything all at once for one second.”
kayson pauses and thinks for a second before responding to your vulnerable confession.
“how about we just take the day tomorrow? just you and me, we can go out if you want or we can stay in and do whatever you’d like. let’s sleep in and not worry about the world for a moment, hm?”
you feel tears welling in your eyes as you wrap your arms around his neck. kayson rubs your back and adjusts your position so you’re laying down with him once again.
“i’ll take that as a yes.”
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i’ve had this in the drafts for far too long
.love always <3 pearl
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obsessedwrhys · 2 days
Hey so how do you think rise donnie would deal with a magical crush who is very chill with his tech and magic ramblings. He is in the room when April asks magival crush “is he bothering you? He can be a bit insufferable sometimes. He can’t just let things go and just accept magic as is”. And crush is like “oh. I don’t mind it. I mean, everyone thought rainbows were magical. They still are, but now you know how they work. I kind of like watching his big head try and figure this stuff out”?
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ just lots of fluff and flirting (I went overboard with the flirting), reader does get hurt but it's just minor, used of (Y/N) but only once, I hope this is a good read ☹, reader is fem!!
It was another normal Tuesday for everybody in the lair, like always, you found yourself sunk into the bean bag your best friend plus boyfriend, Donnie, personally installed in his lab just for you. Well how he manages to become your boyfriend is a different story.
It all happened so fast, you were both blabbered about magic and science and suddenly he's pouring his heart out for you. What's more surprising is that this ain't exactly your home realm. You're pretty lucky enough to have score yourself a bunch of friendly people willing to let you stay at their place, not to mention be fine with your whole magical fiesta.
Anyways, you were concentrating on the game in your phone until you hear Donnie let out a frustrated groan. Curious, you looked to see him struggling with what seemed to be his next hopeful project. It's just not looking too hopeful right now.
"You okay?" You asked and his gaze darts towards you. He waves his hand dismissively.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I must have gotten the formula wrong" He said and at the same time, he walked over to the other table to check on his notes. You put your phone away before getting up to approach him.
"Can I help?" You asked.
You then stood beside him, your eyes examining how his hands are placed at both sides of the notebook as he has his head focused at it in the middle. His brows were slightly furrowed from trying to figure out what went wrong. Even with the stress, you can't help but find the concentration on his face somehow making him appear more attractive.
"No... no... I wouldn't wanna trouble you with this burden..." He muttered almost like a whisper since his mind is already preoccupied with focusing.
"Watching you torture yourself with this is already a burden" You joked and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
"You're right, I'll try my best to figure this out sooner" He shoots you a sweet smile before walking off to the table in the center that has his project on top.
"Maybe after this we can go exploring. You said you wanted to visit the museum right? If we're lucky enough, I can shut down the surveillance so we can go in undetected, it'll be like the place is ours" He said, putting on his safety goggles as he continues on his work. You couldn't help but feel all giddy inside just hearing him remember you telling him that a few days ago.
You clear your throat, calming yourself.
"That'd be awesome. I don't know if you know this but I can detect old magic in artifacts. Connecting with them makes me stronger" You grabbed an unfinished rubix cube from his shelf and began to play with it as you made yourself float. Even with your body levitating a few feet above him, he didn't mind but was more focused on the task at hand.
"Huh... is that why you're so eager to go? To make yourself more powerful?" He said, a hint of amusement in his tone.
"Not entirely, I did say I wanted to explore it with you" You said and just hearing you say that, he tried to bite back a smile, a sense of pride swelling up in his chest.
"Gaining power and spending time with me? You're awfully greedy. Are all magical beings like this from your realm?" He playfully teased and you couldn't help but let out a humoured scoff.
"Too bad it must just be me" You responded and it made him laugh to himself while shaking his head.
"What else should I be aware of about your powers?" He asks and you hummed as you thought it over.
"Well... my powers get crazy strong when I feel a strong emotion. Whether it be sad or anger. Somehow being overwhelmed can 'cause me to lose control" You said and it automatically caught his interest.
"Lose control?" He repeats while putting on gloves before using the angle grinder on the metal.
"Huh... I can understand why... the heightened emotions you feel can create a swirling vortex of energy that can overwhelm your conscious control, making it easily for you to lose any sense of control over yourself, it's almost inevitable" He asserted like he always does when he's invested with every new discovery about your magical abilities.
"Really? Are you saying that's a bad thing?" You raised an eyebrow as you finally landed beside him, at the same time Donnie stops using the angle grinder and puts it aside. He pulls over his goggles, letting it rest just above his head.
"Not exactly, there are other emotions that can also work... Magic is no different than science. There's always a different formula available to replace the other" He said, twisting some screws onto the machine and once he's done, he turns it on before stepping back to see it on and working.
"And maybe sometimes... different is better" He smiled, satisfied with his success. He then turn to look at you who seemed puzzled, in your hand holds the rubix cube you have yet to finish.
"I'm sort of getting it but what other emotions is there that doesn't involve me turning into a raging monster?"
"There is one... an emotion that makes you feel calm yet overwhelmed at the same time... but you'll have to fall"
"Fall?" You watch as he goes to the other side of the room to grab a handkerchief to wipe his face clean.
"Fall in love... can't be hard right?" He looks at you, his eyes warm like it'll be enough to melt you. The way he stares at you makes it seem as though you're the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. You blush as you let out an awkward chuckle.
"Love? Are you saying that because half of the movies we watch, the main character happens to win in the last minute against the bad guy because of the power of love?" You joked, trying to hide the fact that your heart is beating faster than it would.
"This is purely science. I don't recall any movies using that trope" He says and you couldn't help but tilt your head, your brows raised in disbelief.
"Beauty and the Beast"
"Hey he was cursed by a witch"
"That was more about cutting her hair"
"Uh Hero? Frozen?!??! Every freaking Christmas movie ever created?!?!!" He stares at you, silent for a second and you can see from his face that he's thinking it over.
".... you had me at Frozen. Ah alright, you're missing the whole point of all of this" He approaches you and you can't help but try to at least avoid the effect he's having on you.
"What I'm trying to prove here is that maybe you can try focusing on that emotion. Maybe it can even save you out of a messy situation one day. Who knows?" He crosses his arms, a confident smirk on his face. You roll your eyes with a smile of your own.
"You and your science talk. I do appreciate it but sometimes it's a wonder you haven't talked my ear off" You joked and it makes him laugh once again.
"Oh please, my voice is not irritating, at least not compared to yours"
"Excuse me??"
Right as you finished talking, April enters. She stops in her tracks as she awkwardly shifts her focus from Donnie's face to yours. Sensing the clear look of annoyance on your face, she decides to step in between in whatever conversation you two are having.
"Hey now, I've been gone for only a few hours and you guys are already trying to tear each other down" She laughs half heartedly. Clearly sensing the shift of emotion in the atmosphere, Donnie shrugs as he chooses to walk back to his station.
"Oh well, and uh (Y/N), you should go with April. It's almost evening and you usually eats at this hour. I'll find you later" He says with his back turned to you. Not really caring much about it, you also shrug before turning the other way.
"I was gonna go eat anyways" You said but deep inside you could feel that flutter of emotion again. Without much complain, you decided to go to the kitchen to April, the rubix cube still in your hand.
You're seated at the chair and toying around with the cube that you failed to acknowledge the concern look on April's face. She hands you your plate of food before taking her seat beside you. It was when you both started eating that you finally notice. But before you can ask, she beats you to it.
"Are you okay? I saw your face back there and it seemed like you guys were arguing. Is Donnie bothering you again? I know how far he can go trying to experiment on you" She said and her words nearly caught you off guard. You're aware of her concern about your safety but you weren't sure she would be THIS concern. Especially directing it towards Donnie.
"Wait no we weren't arguing just now. He just said some stupid comeback at my joke. Besides, what makes you think he'd do that?" You asked and she turns to look at you as if your question was a dumb one.
"Um, hello? He's Donatello. The 'Magic is not a real thing' Donatello... Did you forget how he was trying to have you join his crazy experiments when you first got here??" She said and you couldn't help but laugh a bit from how unreal the situation you're in.
"Okay first of all, he doesn't hate magic. He's just amazed about it you know? It's like giving a baby their first taste of sweet candy"
"You're comparing him to a baby now?"
"It was just a metaphor"
"Fineeee!! But how is he okay with letting you hang around in his lab? Doesn't magic and science not work together?"
"Oof if that was the case then people would think that thunder and lightning was a sign of God's fury from above"
"Okaaay... you have a point but... why do you like hanging around in his lab? It doesn't seem to be your cup of tea" You look at her and you see a teasing grin on her face.
Oh boy.
"His lair is... quiet... it's comforting"
"Ah yes... the sound of him drilling for hours is very relaxing. Not to mention the loud noises of his hammer! Wh-What a paradise!!" She says while ending up laughing at her own sarcasm. You let out a defeafed sigh.
"Okay maybe I happen to enjoy watching him work. It's exciting!! Do you see the way he puts things together?" You said with pride that you failed to notice the smile on your face.
"Uh huh" She looks at you and its clear that she doesn't buy it one bit.
Minutes later after you both are done eating and chatting about your everyday lives, you found your way back into the lab.
As expected, you found Donnie in his chair and seemingly working on his next project. Seeing how busy he looks, you decided to just go back to your place on the bean bag... but the sound of your footsteps caught his attention. His eyes slightly perked up as he swung around in his chair to look at you.
"You're back so quick...?" He said, his tone coming off surprised.
"Yeah... why? Do you need some alone time?" You took a step back and he quickly got to his feet like he's trying to stop you.
"That's not what I meant... uh I need to ask you an offer" He then leaned his back against the table and from the way his eyes is struggling to maintain eye contact with you, you could tell it wasn't anything good.
"Do you mind if you could used your powers to give my machine a boost? I need to make sure if it's resistant from getting fried easily" He looks at you, his gaze making him appear hopeful that you'll be fine with that... and honestly why wouldn't you be?
"Sure, just tell me how much is too much" You walk over to the machine displayed on the center and he mirrors your action. You stand side by side as you gently place your hand on top of the core.
"How about we start with something small and we'll work our way up from there?" He suggests which you nodded in agreement.
Just like that, you activated your powers and at the same time made sure you weren't using too much of it. In relief the machine didn't blow up but was running just fine. Almost at the same time, You and Donnie exchanged thankful smiles when turning to look at one another. With the first stage cleared, you decided to up the heat a bit.
"ZZZzzzz" The machine buzzes a bit from the increased intensity of your powers but surprisingly it's still intact and working right.
"Alright... moment of truth..." You grit your teeth anxiously... then activated the full force of your powers.
Almost like a flash, you could feel surges of electricity coursing through your vines so due to your instincts you quickly pulled your hand away cause of the pain. And for the machine it was now overloading but somehow still functioning. Before you could even do anything, Donnie is already by your side with a med kit in hand.
"Are you okay? I know you're an enhanced being but still that must have hurt" He places the kit on the table and opened it to take out anything you needed.
"Just a small wound" You said, showing him the tiny burn on your pinky. Instantly he's already treating it with the petroleum jelly.
You don't say anything but choose to watch him tend to your minor injury. From his body language you could tell that he was very focused on not hurting you in the slightest. Soon after he wraps a clean bandage loosely around your pinky, he looks at you with a wave of warmth on his face. How he looks at you so softly is making your heart beat like it did not long ago.
"So... are you still up for our visit to the musuem?" He asks and you chuckle in disbelief.
"Seriously? You're not gonna even explain why you invented this thing in the first place? Not after my effort of helping you out?"
"Oh that? I wanted to surprise you but since you asked, this is gonna be our one way ticket to shutting the surveillance off. Just stick this bad boy into the breaker and the cameras are out" He picks it up and effortlessly puts it into the back of the truck, you follow him not far behind.
"You built all that just to spend one night with me at the musuem?" You tilt your head and he freezes in place, his back facing you as he stands at the back of the van.
"Uh... yeah... why not?" He rubs his neck awkwardly. From that you could tell that you've somehow made him flustered. You laugh and the sound of you laughing made him turn around out of curiosity.
"What are you laughing about?" He said despite the movements of his lips beginning to form a grin.
"Nothing nothing..." You look at him, a smile still present on your face but soon you show him your pinky, the same one he helped bandage it up for you.
"Kiss it to make it better?" You said with your hardest attempt of making puppy dog eyes. He shakes his slightly out of amusement.
"Only because you asked" He takes a few steps forward and carefully holds your arm by the wrist before guiding it towards his lips. He kisses it delicately and while he does so, his eyes are remained locked on yours. The intensity of his gaze made you blush that you couldn't help but look away.
"There... is my baby done whining now?" He said with his hands now intertwined with yours. You roll your eyes as you let him pull you into his embrace.
"Yeah yeah... let's go to the musuem now smarty pants" He chuckles at your response with his arms wrapped securely around you, his fingers tracing gently down your spine.
"Should we watch a movie after we get back?"
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ovaryacted · 2 days
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PAIRING: Dieter Bravo x lifeguard! reader
SYNOPSIS: You take a job as a private lifeguard for a Hollywood actor. Turns out, you got much more than what you bargained for.
CONTENT/WARNINGS: MDNI/18+. NSFW. Smutty. Drug usage - weed via a joint. Lots of banter and cursing. Ambiguous age gap [Dieter is canon age, Reader is 21+]. Allusions to sex (pussy eating). Dieter may be ooc due to unfamiliarity. He is still: horny, unhinged, and loves drugs. Ending leaves much to the imagination. I don't know how Hollywood agents or lifeguarding work, just have fun with it, it's supposed to be funny.
WC: 1.8k
A/N: Hey there, surprise! This is for the Summer Lovin' Challenge hosted by @pedgito! I got "by the water" for Dieter Bravo with the prompt: you can’t keep distracting me while I work, and this is what I came up with. I will admit, I am fairly unfamiliar with Dieter as a whole, though I had to read a bunch of other fics to get a sense of who he is, so this was a challenge. But I hope this is enjoyable to those who like him cause I had a little fun going out of my comfort zone. This is my first time writing for this character and I am rusty, please be nice. Dividers are by @saradika-graphics. Anyway, likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated. <3
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When you signed up for a lifeguard gig from a Hollywood agent, you expected to watch over some celebrities’ kids by their large private pool, racking up hundreds for babysitting spoiled brats and lounging by the best-filtered chlorine available. Yet what you got was the complete opposite. Instead of watching over little kids, you were burdened to monitor an overgrown child in the body of a man.
Dieter Bravo. You’ve heard of him, some veteran actor you never really paid much attention to. The name sounded distantly familiar, remembering him at some award shows like the Oscars and recalling his name popping up in some of the selections. At the end of the day, you didn’t give much of a fuck who he was, but when you could take a job with a stipend large enough it would give you that guaranteed comma in your bank account, you didn’t object.
When you reached his private home in Santa Monica, it was quaint and modern enough not to bore you. You arrived around 11 am before the sun reached the highest point in the sky, setting up your gear and peeling away your baggy t-shirt and denim shorts to reveal the red cheeky one-piece you wore underneath. It’s better to play the part, right? At least, that’s what the agent mentioned.
Unsurprisingly, Dieter was about to step into the pool when you entered his private yard, isolated from the rest of the neighborhood and with a generous view over the hills. He tilted his head to the side as he looked at you, eyebrows lifting at the sight of a new person in his space, in a bathing suit, no less.
“You must be the lifeguard my agent hired.” It was a matter-of-fact statement, yet you didn’t fail to miss how his warm brown eyes landed on your chest before meeting your gaze again. “I don’t need a babysitter, you know.”
“Apparently, you do. Look, I’m doing this for the pay. You stay on your good behavior, and I’ll be out of your hair. Simple as that.” A straightforward agreement, you think, he’s a grown-ass man. Surely, he can listen to the bare minimum of instructions.
“Deal,” Dieter said, leaving you to your own devices. You watched as he materialized a joint from his pocket and planted it between his plush lips, sparking his lighter to inhale a drag. He exhaled through his nose, pungent smoke filling the distance between you two and making you scrunch your nostrils. You eyed him silently, holding your hand out and shaking your head when he gestured the joint in your direction for a pull.
That’s why he needed a lifeguard. Getting high off of god knows what in the pool must have been his favorite pastime before he did something stupid or endangered himself. Figures.
Propping yourself on one of the lounge chairs lined by the side of the pool, you got comfortable, tinted shades sitting on the bridge of your nose. You could lean back for some time and catch a nice tan for the first two hours, giving you something to do. You don’t think the man in question will bother you too much or do something as stupid as to drown on your watch, but you’ll do your best to ensure that doesn’t happen.
To your amazement, Dieter was quiet, humming to himself and enjoying his high as he swam about and floated in the pool. When he wasn’t looking, you’d take a couple of glances just to be sure he hadn’t sunk to the bottom. Those were also the moments when you’d get a good look at him, sneaking peeks of his face and body over the blue water.
In a way, he was handsome, with a rugged charm that brought a level of interest you didn’t initially notice. He had a head of curly brown hair and a patchy beard adorned his jaw. His soft abdomen had a trail of light hair lining from his belly button to his groin. Selfishly, you took in the way his light blue shorts hugged his hips, thick thighs shifting to keep his body upright.
Leaning back into the chair as if you hadn’t been picking apart his appearance for the past 3 minutes, you pretended like somehow this strange man wasn’t sneaking into the recesses of your mind and the depths of your gut.
It helped he was cute—just a little bit.
After lunch and munching on some catered sandwiches, you moved from lounging in the chair to sitting along the edge of the pool, dipping your feet in the water. All things considered, you thought Dieter’s house was nice, probably better than his apartment in New York, but you’d kill to have either.
Setting your sunglasses on the top of your head, you could practically feel this man watching you from the other end of the pool, taking in your movements with unfocused eyes. You ignored him, thinking it was just a coincidence or an outcome of his high. But as the faux obliviousness of his stares continued, his dramatic sighs and tricks in the water came after, squinting in his direction to gauge what he was up to.
He began to swim towards you until his hand gripped the tiled edge, running the other through his wet hair to pull it back. You caught his stare, dilated pupils hazed with a silent question.
“Can I help you, Dieter?” Speaking to him directly now, this was probably the first thing you’ve said to him since your heady warning earlier in the day.
“I’m bored.”
“Not my problem.” You shrugged again, the man groaning like a toddler on the precipice of throwing a tantrum.
“C’mon. There has to be something else we can do while you sit all pretty and shit.” Dieter said out loud, making you raise an eyebrow at the catch of certain words. It must be the weed. Ignore him.
“You can always pay and leave me alone to do anything else.” You replied, your attention drawn to one of his hands gently touching your ankle as your foot pushed against his wrist.
“You’re telling me you’re not bored too?”
“Oh yeah, bored out of my fucking mind. But you can’t keep distracting me while I work.”
“This isn’t work. It’s a babysitting job, a bad one at that.” His fingers ran over the top of your foot absentmindedly, and you had half a mind to kick his hand away. You relented, thinking it’d be worth your time if you played your cards right. 
“Have you seen yourself, Dieter? You need surveillance 25/8. I’ve been counting down the minutes to see when I will find you face down still as shit in the pool.”
You half expected him to curse you out or even be upset with what you said. Instead, he laughed, hearty and loud, bringing a wide grin across his face and giving you a perfect view of his smile. You couldn’t help but chuckle along with him out of ridiculousness.
“If you want to keep me occupied and alive, I have an idea of what we can do.” Dieter’s tone turned suggestive, something you didn’t miss. His strong arms wrapped around both of your legs and you welcomed the contact, wanting to know what he could mean, for research purposes of course.
“What do you have in mind?” You grew curious, almost taking back the words that tumbled from your mouth before his eyes gleamed with mischief.
“Well…we are alone. Nobody’s out here but us.” His thumb teasingly caressed the side of your thigh, doing nothing to quell the warmth bubbling in your core with every stroke against your skin. Suggesting to fuck a client? That wasn’t in the job description, nor was there an NDA.
“You’re joking, right?”
“Am I laughing?” Dieter was closer now, maybe too close, his chin resting on the top of your legs as he looked up at you. He reminded you of a puppy dog waiting for his treat, except you were dealing with a complete horndog with no sense of self outside of LSD and bad actor accents.
“Consider it a bonus for taking such good care of me.”
“What am I? A prostitute?” Your eyes rolled in defiance, brushing off what you think was his terrible flirting if that’s what you would call it.
“For the fucking record, I pay all of my sex workers generously. But no, this is just me showing my appreciation.” Dieter’s lips came down to kiss the newly tanned skin of your knee, prompting you to release the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“You barely know me.”
“Hasn’t stopped me before. I’m sure you can say the same for yourself.” He couldn’t wipe the smirk from his face, and you don’t think you’d want him to.
“It’ll be much more fun than just watching me for the rest of the day. Don’t even gotta see my dick, I just want to taste you for a while.” He placed another kiss higher on your thigh as his fingers pressed into your calves under the water. “What do you say?”
In silence, you mentally listed the many reasons why this was a bad idea. What would it look like if you fucked Dieter Bravo the first day you were supposed to look after him? A sex addict and drug fiend who somehow still had an acting career despite a change in reputation. Red Flag was written all over his forehead in bright, bold letters.
Yet, those warnings didn’t push you away farther than you needed to be. You were already here, so you might as well leave with something. Besides, it was only 2 in the afternoon, you had some time to spare.
Dieter watched in hunger as your legs parted in front of him, supporting yourself on your arms and you smiled as you did. He was so close he could practically smell you, the stretchy material of your bathing suit hiding the treat he sought after the moment you stepped into his yard. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine the taste of your pussy in the back of his mouth, coating his tongue with your slick to quench his thirst on this hot summer day.
He tried so hard to conceal the moan that slipped between his lips, suppressed by his teeth digging into his bottom lip.
“You better make this worth it, or you’ll find yourself a new lifeguard.” Dieter laughed, thick fingers wrapping around your thighs and hands on your hips. He gave your body a soft tug, bringing you to the pool’s edge and closer to where he could have his mouth on you.
“Promise baby, you’ll be coming back every day this whole summer.”
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©️ ovaryacted 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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skyfallscotland · 8 hours
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Some updates since the last summary post. I didn't go to the convention on Sunday, but @caitm1 did and she said the workers told her that Rebecca's wrist swelled up from the amount of signatures she was doing (already, one day in!) and she had it taped up.
Rebecca also mentioned last night (Monday) at the second event I attended that she'd had a vestibular migraine just before and couldn't walk in a straight line a few hours ago, so I mean, I felt like I wanted to mention that first because as a chronically ill girlie I know how fucking hard it must be and I don't think a lot of fans appreciate what she does for us and how much she puts her body through.
Her signings this weekend were free and even though we paid for a ticket on Monday night, if you bought the ticket with the pre-signed book, that was at cost. $20 for a signed paperback. So yeah, just...I know it's a business, but she does a lot, ok. Don't be unappreciative of the extra mile.
Now, I recorded both Saturday's panel and Monday night's, I'm trying to figure out how to post it, but no website wants to cooperate with such a big file, so stand by, or like...help if you know tech things 💀
If you haven't seen my post with what we learned from Saturday's, it's here. Below is a summary of what we've learnt since then.
Bombshell alert: @caitm1 tells me that on Sunday, Rebecca said one of her original ideas for the end of Iron Flame was for Violet to become venin and not Xaden. *crickets* let's just take a moment here together... 😨
Honestly, I'm all for it, I low key feel like I would have liked that better, it would have been so good, but alas, we have venin-Xaden now, so we have to deal 🥲
Now, about Monday. A lot of the questions asked and things spoken about were the same as Saturday. The host picked the fan questions she asked and didn't really pick much that was plot or character related. She didn't pick any of mine and yes, I'm still mad about it. WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES
Here's the quotes, questions and tidbits I found interesting:
• Her editor for Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, is the head of Red Tower, so she's the publisher. I did not know this. I don't think I've seen this in practice before? She's also involved with the Amazon series because of this.
• "I'm not afraid of hurting you." That we already knew. 💀
• "Because we knew what had the television series when I was in edits, so we had to write out a synopsis and when I first thought it would be five books, I immediately sent the synopsis to my editor, who, you know, we sent it to Amazon because we needed to tell them; this is the definitive vision for the story. I can tell you, in Onyx Storm, I've already deviated from like...who I thought would pass in that book, as opposed to...I've already deviated some from that."
Sorry, what? Who was meant to die? My money is, as always, on Rhi or Garrick. You know I have thoughts/feelings about that. Look, if I've learned anything this weekend it's that someone important is going to die, a lot of people are going to die, ok? She's very frank about death and the realities of war and if you're worried about your favourite side characters for the next few books, well...you should be.
• She loves writing Ridoc. @yanny-77 no chance to ask about bodoc, sorry! 😂
• On Xaden and people's perception of him: "It's always funny because I always hear...he gets compared to Rhysand a lot? Xaden's like twenty-two at the beginning of Fourth Wing; Rhysand's like what? Five hundred? Ok, twenty-two, so it's very much like—it is a college. It's a college romance and that first love."
• She was surprised at how much people loved Aaric, given how little he's on-page.
• She also defended Dain again 🥳💗 #DainApologistsClub
• She expanded a little more on Jack. So perhaps what she meant on Saturday about his reasons, was simply that his reason will be touched upon in OS, but it's clear. "Jack's motivations are clear-cut, which makes him so easy to write. He's such an example of the hunger for power and what happens when you aren't selected for the power you think you deserve, which is one of the themes of Fourth Wing. So Jack's an easy character, he's straight-on."
• Are there any easter eggs that you put in the first two books that you don't think were caught by fans? "Violet's second signet! I totally thought it was obvious. Um, I did, to the point where my editor was like 'hey, we should probably put a line in here' and I was like dude no, people will catch it." Y'all know my thoughts on that so I'll stay quite over here in my corner.
Someone asked "what is it then?" and she replied, "no, no, no, now we're having fun with this, now."
• The hardest scene for her to write in Fourth Wing was the battle scene, because it was her first fantasy and so her first one. She wrote it and her editor said no, it has to be a little longer than this.
"So that was really hard for me to write, especially because in the moment she loses Liam, she has to get up and go. And I'm used to being able to give my characters this moment to grieve, this moment to take the news, this moment to absorb it and really feel it. And it's hard to get the reader to really feel that emotion when death is coming straight for you. So that was really difficult. And I was crying."
• If she was to describe Onyx Storm in two Taylor Swift songs, it would be Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? & So It Goes.
• If Empyrean was written in interconnected stand alones, she would have already jumped to Rhi or Imogen.
• Her favourite sections are the epigraphs that she writes above the chapter headings. "It's my most valuable real estate, the fact that you guys skip over them sometimes, I'm like—I'm wicked funny in there, ok?"
• If Violet and Xaden visited Australia, what would they do for fun? "I'd say go visit places they can't catch on fire. I guess they could find a beach." @empyrean-thrones there you go, we're on point! 😂
And that's about it! Happy theorising! 💗
It was a wild weekend, but so worth it. I was in my feelings a lot. I hope you guys get a chance to meet her or hear her speak in person one day, too 🫶
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bloos-bloo · 3 days
I love angsttt I love makin’ things-
Anyways- ramble under the cut :P basically lore stuff for my AU
I’ve stated that Leshy hardly ever got to see Narinder growing up. Narinder was always off doing his own thing and kinda stopped checking up on everyone ever since he started questioning his role.
And because of this, Leshy and his relationship never grew. Leshy hardly knew the guy. Only through stories Shamura would tell him. Kallamar would tell him about Narinder’s temper. And Heket would tell him about Narinder’s domain, a vast white space. A void.
Since childhood, Leshy always felt a weird aura whenever the topic of Narinder came up.
I want to believe that Shamura made a good parental role in their sibling’s lives. But with Leshy, since they discovered him when they were much older, it felt different. Their bond with the child felt like a parent to their child. So Shamura would hold high expectations for the boy on accident. Sometimes leaving him to figure stuff out or guide him to deal with his issues instead of helping.
Leshy’s the youngest of course, and that put a lot of unwanted pressure to be the best he can be. Shamura would be around every now and then, but they too got busy at times. Kallamar and Heket were far away too. So out of desperation, Leshy finally sets out to visit Narinder.
Their meeting is interesting, Narinder doesn’t act as if Leshy was a stranger. And Leshy can’t help but feel comfortable. So the visits became more and more frequent, until Leshy’s initiation.
The idea of taking over the crown officially and having a domain terrified him. Leshy tried to take comfort with Shamura but it didn’t help, neither with Kal or Heket. So he ran to Narinder, it was sad that Narinder was clueless about the initiation. But it didn’t matter in the moment, Leshy just wanted to be the best cult leader he could be.
Narinder and Leshy’s relationship was always complicated, yet it didn’t stop Nari from giving Leshy advice. How he wouldn’t do it alone, how everyone would be there for him. And it was nice to hear, nothing being said about power or fear. Just reassurance.
But we all know how that reassurance gets broken 😔👍
After Narinder’s betrayal, Leshy tried to forget that he existed. He tried to be there for Shamura. Besides- the betrayal in my AU happened a few days before his initiation. So Leshy was forced to wait a bit longer to help out his sibling. It’s something he hates Narinder for.
And hatred is such a silly word for him. A god of chaos, he should know everything there is to hate. To destroy. To conquer and take over. But it felt different, it felt harder to deal with. His relationship was Narinder never fully repaired, but at least Leshy had the willpower to forgive him.
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viceconnor21 · 2 days
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Darling Dozy Aka Jimmy “Solidarity”
Personality traits (short version): - Pegasus - Sheriff of Hermit Town - Lives on a ranch just outside of town - Accident prone - Prevents bad luck for others but it comes back on him. - Such as tripping over stones, getting a cold, falling down the stairs, unfriendly animals, - Bad luck results in many cuts, bruises, and minor inconveniences - Talent in forewarning danger (only work for others) - Gets hurt a lot keeping people safe (feels like it is worth it) - Nicknamed “The Canary” - Many people think his talent is a curse - Crush on Frost Ember (a kirin) - Views Tripwire as trouble but also as a little brother figure - Hard Working to a fault - Just wants to keep everyone safe, peaceful and happy - The town’s early alarm system for big and little troubles - Will play off injuries like they’re no big deal (They are a big deal) - He is the sheriff and you will respect him - Pinkie pie-like with a kind of Pinkie sense
Background: It was a little after midday with the sun high in the sky. It had been a rough morning for Darling Dozy. First, he had to chase some feral cats out of his chicken pen, tripping over the mud rake in the process. Then the moment he got into town he was asked to help dig a garden out for the upcoming planting season. This wouldn’t have been a problem, he was happy to help. He was the sheriff after all, but in the middle of doing so, he dug directly into a nest of burrowing hornets. Very angry hornets. After that, he was lucky enough to save Fizz from a falling flower pot only for it to land on him instead. Darling thought of the day's events as he trotted down the shady path towards his favorite cafe. He was grateful for the cool spring breeze as he was already tired, filthy, and sore and he hadn’t even eaten lunch yet. He thought about heading home early today, but he was the sheriff, and he had a duty to his town. Of course, technically, he didn’t really live in the small town of Hermit. He had his own little ranch just outside of the city limits. In all honesty, he also kind of appointed himself sheriff and everyone just went along with it.
Dozy shrugged. He was lost in thought as he idly walked the path. There was no doubt his talent was useful, at least when he was around others. Frustratingly it only seems to work around people who weren’t him. The creatures of town called the pegasus, “The Canary”. A nickname that Darling Dozy had come to accept begrudgingly. The name had not only come from the striking yellow of his wings but also his talent for sensing danger, usually at a cost to himself. The Canary has bad luck but that was okay because for every hit Dozy took it meant one of his friends didn’t have to. Or maybe it was the other way around. For every small problem or large disaster he helped to forewarn and in turn help others avoid, that bad luck just seemed to come back on him. But it was okay, because it was only in small ways. Things like a pinch wing, stubbed hoof, sprain elbow, or even a leaky roof. Those small injuries or minor inconveniences meant nothing to him if it meant his friends were safe. Even the times he had ended up in the hospital for a few days were worth it. Many creatures called his talent a curse, but really, Darling saw it as a blessing. Besides, any good sheriff worth his salt would do the same.
Darling was snapped out of his rambling thoughts from a sudden collision with the red and gold kirin called Frost Ember. Dozy was knocked to the ground and his face was suddenly burning from ear to ear and it wasn’t due to Ember’s flaming mane. “Dear Void! I am so sorry!”, spluttered Dozy trying to hide his cheeks. “No worries”, laughed the flaming Kirin. “That was totally my fault. I was lost in thought.” “Me too,” smiled Darling Dozy as the Kirin helped to hall him to his hooves. Darling Dozy didn’t say anything as Frost Ember smiled kindly and continued on his way down the opposite path. “I will catch you later, Rancher.” Frost called behind him.
Dozy kicked the dirt. Why couldn’t he just be normal around him? Talk like a normal creature. No. He gets too fixated on those deep ruby eyes. And what was with that nickname? Another name from Tripwire he guessed. Tripwire was always giving him odd nicknames. Dozy didn’t think he had ever heard that bird-brain called him by the correct name. Dozy was sure that Tripwire did in fact know his name but just chose to annoy him by any means possible. Ever since that trouble making hippogriff moved to town there was an unplanned explosion at least once a week. They were lucky nobody had been seriously injured yet or, Void-forbid, been killed.
Despite the increase in his Tripwire induced migraines, Darling Dozy has started to care deeply for the glorified parakeet. They had a good relationship despite Tripwire’s everlasting mission to make Dozy lose all his feathers from stress. He quickly moved from just a chaos loving hooligan to Dozy’s chaos loving hooligan friend. And if Darling Dozy was being honest with himself, Dozy was starting to view Tripwire as a younger brother of sorts. He could only hope that Tripwire felt the same.
Speaking of the mischievous feather head, Dozy suddenly felt a pull in his chest, a twitch of his tail, and two flicks of his left ear. That only happened when Tripwire was about to press a button he definitely shouldn’t. As fast as Dozy’s hooves could carry him he followed the pull directly towards Crimson Dust’s workshop. Just as the workshop came into view a deafening boom shook Dozy and the trees surrounding the shop. Dozy’s heart sank as he tried to recombobulate his hoofs so he could close the distance between him and the explosion. Fortunately, suddenly a laughing Terraform and a coughing Tripwire stumbled out of the shop, followed by a plume of smoke. Tripwire was covering wings to hooves in something that looked like pink frosting. The smiles on his friends' faces told him that nobody was hurt. Darling Dozy stopped, took a deep breath and shook his head. Then his stomach growled. It was getting late for lunch. After the morning he’s had he deserved that refreshing strawberry smoothie and his favorite daisy sandwich. And with that thought, Darling Dozy spread his wings and headed towards his preferred eatery.
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amorgansgal · 2 days
Of Bears and Bees and Fish
Day 3: A fun time in wild shape
Well I figured I needed some cute times with Halsin and his little bear cub. So here we have it, Halsin teaches his daughter to fish while in bear wildshape. There's a vague reference to Halsin having a partner, but I kept it neutral so it could be anyone!
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Halsin smiled as his daughter desperately ran through the churning waters and tried to capture a salmon with her little bear paws. Her deep brown fur was drenched, her muzzle snorted bubbles in the cold thundering water. Thessalia clasped her paws together, but the fish slipped through and leapt upstream. His daughter growled in frustration and slapped the water impatiently. 
‘You’ll scare away all the fish if you make a lot of noise,’ he warned her. He was in his own bear form and truth be told this was his favourite part of the week, taking his oldest daughter to the woods and teaching her what he knew, what he had learned in his own wild shape. His partner had teased him that their daughter took after him both with her own elven appearance - she had soft brown hair, hazel eyes admittedly (though at the centre was a ring of gold green) and she was far taller than her peers - and that her favoured wild shape seemed to be that of a bear. 
‘I can’t do it, father! I can’t, they’re too slippery!’ 
‘You are thinking like you would in your usual form, you must use your teeth as well as your claws.’
Thessalia harrumphed, sat down heavily on the dry river bank and if bears had facial expressions he was sure most could guess she was pouting and sulking. He padded over and sat next to her. ‘It is difficult, little cub. It takes practice and patience and time.’
‘I’m never going to be good at it,’ she lamented.
‘You thought the same about digging honey from a beehive, and yet you managed it a week ago.’ 
‘I still got stung.’
He playfully gave her a gentle push with one of his paws, making her growl and jump to her feet. ‘You did, but wasn’t the sweet reward of the honey worth a little pain from the sting?’ he asked.
‘No!’ she said, though he could hear the smile in her voice. He curled around her and smiled as the little cub climbed up his back, he made for a good mountain. 
‘You are getting better at controlling your form,’ he said. For a time his daughter had struggled with the initial beginning telltale signs of wildshape, she’d had little tufts of fur, sometimes her nails were sharp and long and it had upset her, until he had explained all and taught her how to control it and shift between her elven form and her wildshape and she could now do so without much thought. At eight she was a fast learner.
He noticed her bright, keen eyes and knew what was coming next, before he even felt her tense up. She lunged for his ear and he batted her off with a laugh. ‘Yes, use your teeth like that and we’ll have a dozen fish!’
She rolled off his back and landed onto the soft grass, then curled up next to him. ‘Father, why do we have to catch fish like this? Why can’t we just use a fishing pole or something? Uncle Gale told me he could just magic the fish out of the water, so how come we can’t do that?’
He smiled and nuzzled her with his nose. ‘It would be easier, we could just sit there, enjoy the quiet morn and catch something.’
‘So why don’t we do that?’
‘Well, you do have to sit there for a very long time and be very quiet, so what may appear easier and more straightforward may not be. But also because I think learning something difficult has its own benefits. It may not be the easiest or quickest way to do something but we can learn much from overcoming a trial.’
‘But why?’ his daughter demanded.
‘When you overcome this trial, if you face other trials then you can think back to this time and see what you learned from it. It isn’t just learning how to fish, Thessie, it’s learning a great deal more about who you are and what you will do when face with a challenge.’
‘Hmm,’ his daughter said, her golden gaze fixed on the fast flowing river, glaring at it as though she could will the fish from it. ‘If Lae’zel was here I bet she would just shoot the fish out the river with her bow.’
He chuckled. ‘I doubt it not, but alas, they are not here. So come, let us see if we can catch that fish together.’
‘Fiiiiiiiiiiinnne,’ his daughter muttered, but she trotted back over to the river and focused intently once more on the running water. He stepped into the lower rapids, pushing the fish forward, so hopefully one would make a mistake and Thessalia could-
A fish leapt up from the stream, the glistening silver of its flapping tail glimmered in the sunlight and Thessalia bolted forward, her teeth snapping close on the fish. Her eyes widened with delight and she smashed the fish onto the shore, where it flopped about trying to get back to the river. 
‘I did it!’ Thessalia cried.
‘You did! Now whack it again, so it doesn’t slip back into the water,’ he told her, though evidently she was too excited to actually do any damage and Halsin rushed over, giving the fish one slap to end its suffering. ‘Very well done, my little cub,’ he said to his daughter, who capered around the woodland glade.
‘I did it! I did it! I’m going to tell everyone!’
Halsin laughed warmly, watching the bear cub bounce around, before she scampered back over to him and growled fiercely over her dinner. ‘I bested you!’ she told the fish.
‘That you did, now the hunter gets to eat their prize.’
She apprehensively sniffed the fish, but then took a hearty bite from the middle and beamed up at Halsin as she chewed. ‘It’s good,’ she said through her mouthful. His heart blossomed with all the pride and love he had for her, and then melted as she pushed the fish towards him with her nose.
‘You have to eat some too, father,’ she insisted. 
‘It’s kind of you to offer me some, but I’m content for you to-’
‘No, you have to, you helped me catch it.’
So obediently he ate some and sighed happily as he chewed the smaller bite of fish he had taken, while Thessalia finished the rest and he simply got to sit in the woods with his daughter, listening to birdsong over head and the roar of the river. This was good, this was a better life than any he could’ve dreamt of or hoped for.
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suitov · 2 days
Wrong on Multi Levels (Kamukoma Week '24)
"You attempted to brainwash him," repeated Izuru.
"And it went despairingly wrong."
"And it went wrong."
"I only wanted to show him the joys of despair!"
"I told you to leave him out of your schemes."
"Well, good friends share their toys!" said Junko Enoshima.
"You qualify as neither."
"And anyway it didn't work, so I don't see why you're bitching."
Izuru looked at his property. His property currently had two first-years cornered and was looming over them, trying to sell them 'reasonably-priced' starter kits.
"Interfere with him again and I shall make your life extremely unpleasant and despair-free," he told his omg✨bestie✨5✨eva. And Izuru Kamukura swished away.
"The compensation plan is a little complicated and I'm gay, but I figured it out," Nagito was telling his classmates. "Each month you have two legs and the payout -- well, first I have to explain recruitment..."
"Wh-what's he on about?" whined Mikan. "I-I'm pretty sure he's d-delirious. He keeps talking about things that don't make sense -- more than usual,, I mean,,, like lines down and talentpreneurs--"
"Downline," corrected Izuru, making her shriek by appearing out of nowhere as usual. "Do not buy things from him and do not sign up for things."
"But he r-really wants me to,,, and he looks so sad if you say no,,,, and he said he's only ten sales away from ranking up his m-monthly bonus,,"
"He has an illness," Izuru said. "Recovery depends on his not being encouraged and not dragging others into the delusion."
("Holy shit, you guys!" said Leon, ignoring them on his way to talk to his friends. "I just got an amazing deal on some oils that'll make the chicks flock to me, guaranteed!"
"Guaranteed?" asked Kazuichi.
"And they disinfect your piercings, too!")
"Quit?" repeated Nagito in shock. "But I'm already so successful! Half the school is signed up under my team and my personal sales volume is already at Premium Tiara Peach Passion level even before reinvesting my profits!"
"You are engaged in a business scam and dragging others into it," said Izuru. "Others who, lacking your luck, are 99.7% likely to lose money in this scheme."
"Well... maybe, if you trust the income disclosure documents," said Nagito with scorn. "But you know what I say. Never tell me the odds!"
"You have not said that, ever."
"If you'd just join, you could be my upline," said Nagito, whose eyes were big and practically rippling. "You could lock arms with me and my tribe of boss-Ultimates and change lives all over the world simply by sharing the incredible, organic, cruelty-free, vegan, hope-filled products you love. It would mean a lot to me. Please, hon?"
Izuru, faced with the full wattage of that smile, hesitated.
"Well, you never said you wanted a way to undo it!" whined Ryota.
"You never said it'd go fucky-wucky and make him start a pyramid scheme!"
"It wasn't supposed to! You must've used it wrong!"
"Anyway, cure. Before I start cutting parts off you."
"I can't work in these conditions!" he bleated. "Mukuro's already tried to sell me a diffuser and it's not even morning bell!"
"Huh," said Junko. "Bitch didn't try to sell me a diffuser."
"That's not the point!"
"Just make an undo button for it already, hikikomori."
"Further research," said Izuru, "has revealed that the proper treatment of this disease is to give Nagito Komaeda whatever he wants forever."
"U-um,," replied Mikan.
"And to tell him he is pretty. And cute, and good."
"I-I think it's,, getting worse,,," she told Ibuki.
"That stuff smells gross!" complained Akane.
"Just one drop of basil oil in your pasta will fill you with manly passion!" Nekomaru bellowed down at Teruteru.
"You can't ingest that stuff, cher!"
"You can! It's vegan and organic!"
"So is deadly nightshade..."
"They grow their own lavender!" Nekomaru roared at some fleeing freshmen.
"I'll never live this down," Junko Enoshima moaned, kicking a broken stall off the school walkway.
"At least we stopped it," said Ryota. "And I can go outside again now that stinky stuff isn't giving me asthma attacks."
"I can't believe I saved this freaking school!"
"Um, well, I did all the--"
"And as for Izuru, that backstabbing hoe! Ditching me to play mommy's makeup store with some sickly luck slut!"
"That's not a nice thing to ca--"
"Can't rely on anyone for anything," snarled Junko, pausing to stomp a few discarded vials into an essential oil slick.
Ryota pulled on a face mask hurriedly. "Did anyone actually make any money, you think?"
"Well, I did."
"What? But you didn't even join in all the selling..."
"Bought a 50:50 share in Komaeda's outfit as soon as he started. That guy's luck is something else."
"Does that mean you're going to pay me for any of the work I've done?"
"No," said Junko.
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nomsfaultau · 3 days
(Potentially) daily ask №9
Random scenarios edition!
Everyone in the fault crew suddenly turns fully human. No special abilities, no nothing. So Wilbur doesn't have the void thing anymore and has a fixed height. Tommy doesn't have the red anymore. Philza turns completely human with no ability to turn back to a dragon or a god anymore, also mortal now. Blade gets the pink hair anime girl-like fanon C!Techno design, with blood god getting a new vessel (some sword. Which is now sentient and posessed by him.) and the voices just getting wrecked along with the blood god. Tubbo gets turned human (system still stays though), and if they don't have any prosthetics then their legs get magically restored as well just cause it'd be cruel not to cause their only option would be to yk crawl. What would happen after?
Ace attorney aka the court game. Tommy's the one getting sued and the rest of the crew serve as the lawyers, and they're standing against all the prosecutors in the game at the same time for funsies. Alternatively if you don't know the characters of ace attorney, you can put Tubbo and Phil as the lawyers, Tommy as the suspect and Wilbur and Techno as the persecutors. Who would win assuming that murder and mind control isn't allowed in court?
They have to make a high school group project/presentation for whatever reason. The project is on sharks. Just different kinds of sharks. Tommy seems like the guy who'd like sharks. How well does it go?
1.Wilbur is having a CRISIS. This is everything it always longed for and refused to admit it wanted. This whole tangle of jealousy, envy, discrimination, self loathing, and now it's just exploded. Wilbur's brain probably breaks for awhile, doesn't know how to handle being very suddenly confronted with his self deception. Wildly running hope and hatred in nearly equal measures. I don't think it would ever get over the oppression at the hands of humans even once it had privileged.
Techno is also having a crisis for funnier reasons, since bruhh he's a bishōnen now?? Where's the muscle? Where's the FAT?? He's utterly baffled with how weak and tiny he is. Really likes how small his metabolism is now tho, since he has to put in wayyy less effort given he needs like 2% of the calorie intake he used to have (rough estimate I've done a lot of math over how much this man needs to eat but can't recall atm). And he has fingers. Like proper fingers!! He can TOUCH AND FEEL THINGS. And COMPLETE BODILY AUTONOMY! Take THAT! Meanwhile The Blood God is desperately trying to get the sword destroyed so that it can escape and get a better vessel because it did NOT agree to this! ...but also wouldn't kill you, because The Blood God's relationship to The Blade was not what it'd hoped it'd be.
I'm going to say Tubbo has prosthetics now since instant magic healing without consent has a history of uh connotations. Plus now they can actually go to a hospital and get proper prosthetics, although probably not without a lot of medical hassle. I don't think Tubbo would actually know how to move their body like at all? Since their previous method of movement was so alien from muscles. The human Hive members would help in that sense, and probably front a lot for awhile while Tubbo tries to figure that out since they don't know how to speak or eat or
Philza is having a panic attack on the floor because he's not immortal anymore and that is a LOT to deal with for a man who is ~4 billion years old. He's probably going to handle this the worst of everyone. Also shaken deeply by the fact he'll die before his children do, unable to protect them. That he has to pay mind to pain now, not just push past for the sake of his Collected. Philza is...probably not going to ever recover tbh. He's familiar with grieving for others, but never for himself.
Tommy is psyched as hell and hugging everyone. Pretty similar to the bracelet ask. Plus now the Foundation has no reason to study him, right? ...right? (the Foundation will be going insane about this new development, and will probably have a very easy time capturing them now. Everyone would be released afterwards....but probably amnesticized to hell and back.)
2. I have ~some familiarity with Ace Attorney, given Mandatory Family Reunion turns into a surprise crossover with it for like two chapters. Turns out Edgeworth and Quackity are PEAK comedy duo. ...And technically Tommy does go on trial in Fault, though it's halfway between that and a confessional with Rhodes acting as judge jury and...not executioner, since that was Tommy's job in the Foundation 😬. I think Tommy would be terrible on stand, and at some point just start cussing Edgeworth out. I imagine 'muffin' censorship would pop up like hold it and objection bubbles. Tubbo is tearing their hair out because the ace attorney system is NOTHING like an actual court room and Rhodes is really enraged at the injustice of it. I think Wilbur could have fun on the investigation side of things, and Philza could be the teen anime girl sidekick of the week whose random anecdotes about old immortal stuff helps solve the case. The Blade only believes in the second amendment so he's probably just eating popcorn and plans to break out Tommy when he inevitably loses. Because well the guys and flies would certainly try but the ace attorney courts are hellish. Franziska's whip probably got ate by Wilbur, which is good before it triggered The Blood God. Tubbos' near omnipresence could probably really prove how corrupt Debeste is. Manfred Von Karma....'s body turns up in a dirty alley oh noooo welp can't be helped it happened outside the court 🤷
3. Tommy declares himself the group leader and tries to boss everyone around to some success, since he does have a talent for ringleading, but there's definitely a lot of bickering and teasing that are not the mark of an effective leader. Wilbur doesn't know what a school project is but will provide eldritch sharks and can probably speak Evil Shark which would involve turning his mouth into that of a sharks, which they use for demonstrations during the presentation. The Blade adores procrastinating. But also he's beaten up a shark before probably, Cali boy and all that, so bonus points for personal experience. Philza is fairly goal orientated and wants them to do well and kinda carries the group tbh. But also he mixes in historically believed myths about sharks oops. Tubbo is insanely good at multi-tasking but the dyslexia makes research more painful. Tubbo pushes for a (much needed) extension on the project deadline on the basis of disabillity accommodations and thus is the sole reason it's completed before the due date. It's not informative but it is a very entertaining project. B-
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wasyago · 10 months
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we're at it again🕺
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#spinda#AAAHHHH YES!!! our belovèd spinda. from their café!!! probably one of my favorite minor characters from pmd sky#whom i don't even think was in the original explorers games. i think spinda's café was exclusive to sky. if i'm remembering correct#ly. or maybe that was shaymin village. i know shaymin village was for sure but maybe it was just that and not both of them. either way#have a delicious drink and allow the flower of conversation to bloom! i could quote spinda all day. he had “hopes and dreams” before toby#ever did. THAT'S ALSO like i had no idea what spinda's pronouns were. i kept trying to figure it out because i talked about him quite a lot‚#but no one in game ever talked about him. to mention his pronouns? turns out. there's ONE line of dialogue where the post office fucker in#shaymin village mentions him and calls him a he. i think that's the only time spinda is referred to in the third person with a pronoun#i believe it's when they're talking about like. how you can send gifts or whatever and pick up the characters' responses at spinda's café#which is still a really fucking good feature. of any video game. SEE WHAT I MEAN spinda and their café is just an incredibly good      Thing#it's to the point where my home wifi network is named “Spinda's Café Wi-Fi” because i love it so much. so if you're ever runnin around#and you see a wifi network by that name… it might be me! you never know! or… it could be the real deal. the real spinda's café is somewhere#nearby…! ugh. i wish. i would go there immediately#not even to mention all the other shit about this pokémon that's really good. like that they never walk in straight lines or whatever#their little dance. it's just.  huUGHKLJKAHJVDHJHDAJSVGD i love spinda. a nice pick-me-up after the underwhelmingness that was grumpig#shake it this way… shake it that way… and stir it all around… and it's done!
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