#i just had an auditory hallucination
mossychaos · 1 year
I'm sleepy tied
Is need aometthifnt9 blow up stil
I'm asking so nicely 😭😭😭
Plead nwd thanking you
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schizononagesimus · 3 months
lofi beats to fend off the hallucinations to
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forgotten-daydreamer · 3 months
Took twice the max dose of melatonin before the final revision for tomorrow’s exam, I’m shitting my pants and I genuinely don’t know anything as thoroughly as I should but if I sleep less than 4 hrs before it I just know I’m gonna do even worse somehow
#don’t take twice the max dose of anything btw#genuinely don’t do the shit that I do#i only did it bc I know my limits and haven’t had any other substances in over 24 hrs but don’t ever try it#always talk to your gp before taking any meds and supplements at all#anyway psa aside#I want to revise for two hrs so until 1.30am circa but I genuinely hope I pass out sometime in the next hours and a half#godspeed ig#uni#melatonin#I have super high expectations but I genuinely prepared this exam in like 4 days and my brain has been all over the place#haven’t had the chance (economic too so please please consider sparing a couple of bucks for my ko-fi?) to meet my therapist in 2 weeks#been super suicidal super busy dealing with stuff and people and my family and uni and ah oh how I wish I had a brain able to focus#also the ‘visions of horror’ as I call them have lowkey turned into auditory hallucinations that never stop and it’s… tough#genuinely so tired of everything in general#I’d promised to hang with my uni friends after the exam bc I should be done my midday tops but I know im gonna be super sad and underwhelme#so I hope I can be at home by 4 pm tops with one excuse or the other#I love them all so much but I need a break. also bc I got another exam in less than a fucking week and I still haven’t started studying for#it because it’s objectively easier than tomorrow’s and because when was I supposed to study for it#I spent 3 good days working on a paper that isn’t even mine for a subject I don’t even take#a favor for a friend which turned into 3 more friends asking me if I could help them with theirs#and you know me#I never say no. unfortunately. but also I’m super glad they want my help bc they know I can write at least (one good thing)#but. that’s still -3 days available#then. the demons#wasted so many hours just pacing and biting my nails raw and being pathetic#so yeah. in a little under 15 hrs I want to be in bed again. resting until the 19th when the cycle will begin anew#also math ain’t mathing. my exam is in 12 hrs only now 13.
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fitzselfships · 1 year
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okay idk if I'll post this or if it will stay in my drafts but I am super emotional and thinking about Stretchy so this might be long lol
I'm thinking so much about how Stretchy has been such a major comfort character for me for a year now. He genuinely means the entire world to me and he's really helping me to cope with everything that's wrong with me <:]
Last year was rough for me. I just like. suddenly had a bunch of health issues hit me, and then this year was all of a sudden dealing with what I thought was schizoaffective disorder, but only recently found out it's psychosis and severe ptsd. Idk why my brain latched onto Stretchy (or Little Robots in general) but I'm not complaining
Sometimes I wonder if Stretchy even realizes just how much he's done for me this year and last year. I know he's just a fictional character and it's probably silly to get this emotional over him, but he genuinely has helped me through so much. I really do wonder sometimes how he would even react if he knew how much he means to me
@ Stretchy ily so much!!!! /p
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zombiepatch · 5 months
change in routine and general unfamiliarity actually makes me feel insane. like I start to believe I'm losing my mind. idk what's wrong with me 💀
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exsqueezememacaroni · 6 months
"Mike's relationship to sex, whatever it might actually be, is mostly the product of a geeky guy being catapulted right into the lion's den of rock music stardom, armed only with his good looks and awkward smile."
I understand your point, but I think this comes from before his fame in FNM, I believe he always had difficulty dealing with sex, if the rumors are true he lost his virginity "a bit late" (I don't think it's cool to judge each person's timing, but you understand), I believe it was when he was 19, and he himself said that it was because he finds sex a bit automatic and without much feeling, and I honestly don't think he was joking, I think he really thinks sex is a bit boring. I think that's it 😆 I always saw him as ace. but I believe that behind his thoughts regarding sex there must be deeper things that we don't know, because he is a mystery and never talks about his personal life, and 90% of what he says is banter, so we can't consider a lot of things he says... I don't think we'll ever know. Come here, Mike, tell us
I think we definitely agree - I suppose what I meant was that, without stardom, Mike would have just quietly and privately had a slightly awkward and maybe later blooming/later developing relationship to sex...like so many people do (I think??). For sure I think his younger self might not have seen the point to [vanilla] sex, maybe in a natural predilection for kink. And i guess that's where my gray-ace interpretation comes in...like...he's into it, but it's gotta be the right connection, the right person, similar "interests" if you get my drift....and those who qualify are few and far between. Otherwise, meh. But since he is in the public eye, it kind of gives him free range to be over the top sexual...in a strange way it can free him from being a vanilla hearthrob while also protecting(???) him from the normal groupie scene...like....chanting "fuck me" and asking if your mom wants to fuck you before singing about being raped in prison like...he might have thought....that'll keep the masses away....(lol he was wrong)
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theygender · 1 year
I just heard fuckin. Beeps in my brain?
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labratboygirl · 10 months
not very fun fact i was at the worst low of like ! possibly my entire life the other night !
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My live can be summed up in an autobiography titled “reasons I belong to the spiral”
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Hhh I may be having hallucinations. But like I'm definitely in denial. I can't have another disorder, I already have way too many. I'm sure it's just my stress 👀
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 2 years
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awalkingshitpost · 2 years
Listen logically I know. I KNOW there is nothing in my closet that I have not put there. I have a stuffed plague doctor named Percival guarding the entrance. And I have cats! The sound could be a cat or several! But I heard something in my closet! And now I'm terrified someone or something that wishes me harm is in the closet! My girlfriend used to check after work so I would wait up for her but now she gets home at like 2am ish and I can't stay up that late! And I don't know what to do! Because I physically cannot get up and check myself I hear things that aren't there so i very well could not be seeing something that is there
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skenpiel · 2 years
ooohhh so scared. so acared today
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All I want to do is sleep but my mental illnesses have formed a conga line and won't stop dancing through my gotdamn brain
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echoxshxrx · 6 months
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gghoulish · 7 months
its a shame i wasnt on here for my newest (2020-now) era of psychosis because i think you all would have enjoyed such classics as 'daigo yakuza stands over my bed', 'seeing disembodied hands for 18 hours straight', and numerous other delusions
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