#i just haven't sat back and thought about it enough lmao
just watched the movie Dune and honestly felt like one of those big ass books where it only gets past the introduction 300 pages in
is that inherently bad? no. sometimes those are good books. but. feeling very much like i watched 2 hours of an intro and have to wait for the next part to get the story
this might be the worst thing i've posted on here because i think people adored this movie. i like the worms, i like zendaya, i like the world building, but i await more story to judge there
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shirefantasies · 6 months
Heyyy i just wanna say that I LOVE your writing. Its so so comforting 🫶🫶🫶
Can I request a story/headcanon about how Thorins company/ specifically Kíli would react if (fem) reader got her hair braided by her (non dwarf) friend, and it was just a friendly thing, but the dwarves thought it was a courting braid?
Pairing Fem!Reader x Kíli
Thank youu🫶💗
Omg thanks! Comfort writing is a big honor 🥹
Mission of Misunderstanding- Kili x F!Human!Reader
Shout-out to my girlies in the unbraidable hair community lmao 🤝 Warnings: one minor swear lol, a couple suggestive remarks
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One more step and your feet were going to fall off. Surrendering to the burn, you all but fell down onto the log, tilting your feet so only your heels rested upon the earth. A sigh escaped your lips and you didn’t even move when the rustling sounded at your back.
A familiar voice spoke your name. Bilbo. “Are you quite alright?”
“Yes, my friend,” you breathed, “so long as you don’t count anything below the knee. Or my hair. Can’t imagine how much dirt and leaves have gotten in it after all that.”
"Well, yes," Bilbo chided, ever the little mother-hen, "you've got to keep it back. Why don't I braid it for you?"
Your heart burst, and not from exertion this time. "You would do that for me?"
"Of course," the hobbit shrugged, "haven't had much practice of it of late, but certainly I can give it a go for you. I understand. I wouldn't want the mess either. Come here."
Thanking him again, you scooted closer to where Bilbo stood, gritting your teeth for the pain of him detangling your hair, only to relax at the gentle touch of his nimble fingers. Eyelids fluttering shut in contentment, you sat as Bilbo worked his magic neatening your hair up and making fresh braids of it for you. Feet still elevated and aching, but less so the longer you sat off of them. When the hobbit pulled back with a quiet, still-focused finished, your first instinct was to reach up around your head, touching the new set of braids with a widening smile.
"And now it shall be free of my face! Truly, thank you, Bilbo!" Pulling him into a quick hug, you vowed to repay him somehow with a teasing final statement. "Since I doubt you want me to braid yours."
"That is quite alright, thank you," he chuckled, "let's head back to camp before Bombur chases us down, eh?”
Camp was nearby, and still sparsely populated as you approached it. Bofur and Bombur were there building a fire, and Thorin stood a ways aside having a conversation with Balin. Dwalin and Gloin sat playing a game with a rock as their table, and Ori sat knitting. The others, you presumed, were hunting, saddling ponies, or else getting attention from Oin. Thinking nothing of it you sat down again, this time near Dwalin and Gloin, asking who was winning and if they were taking bets just to laugh at their responses. Bilbo helped Bofur and Bombur get set up for dinner a few feet off, propping up sticks strong enough to hold the cooking pot.
Sure enough, the rest of the company began trickling in, Oin, Bifur, and Nori first, the latter two with poultices and bandages. You winced. Perhaps you should complain less about your feet. Next up came Dori and Fili, who each carried one half of a felled deer, shot clearly with one of Kili's arrows. The younger prince had a bag in hand, likely having won whatever silly game determined who got the lightest load. Smiling and meeting his eyes, you gave a quick wave, indicating your amusement at the game behind you with your eyes.
Kili smiled back and waved, then swiveled his head away and back again in a double-take. You found yourself frowning as he averted his gaze to help his brother, blinking as you wondered what that was about. All you'd done was say hello. Not even say, really. Did he think you were making fun of the others?
Perhaps it was nothing, but considering your feelings for the prince, it was everything in your mind. Cycling ideas began overtaking your brain like mist. Had he suspected malice of your joke? Had he simply heard something? Why had his expression shifted so? Maybe he was just worried by what he heard.
"What did I miss while we were gone?"
At Kili's words, Dwalin simply frowned, peering at him like he'd thoroughly lost his marbles. "What do ya mean, lad?"
"Did...did anything happen?"
"Took Gloin for a right fool on the card table," the older dwarf replied with a smug look, chest puffing and shoulders widening.
"No," the prince shook his head, "not with you, with..."
Despite the way he trailed off, Dwalin gave him a knowing smirk, crossing his tattooed arms. "Ah, I see," he nodded, "not with me, not with me at all. With the lass, eh? Why, she didn’t greet you with a kiss?”
Having an older brother really steeled one to teasing. Much as Kili wanted to fight, to protest and say oi, quit that or I’ll make you, he knew it was exactly the rise Dwalin would’ve wanted to get from him. Beside the other fact that his elder could kick his ass easily.
“‘Course not,” he replied nonchalantly as he could, “I just noticed someone had braided her hair was all.”
Even Dwalin had cause for surprise at that, dark eyebrows shooting up to his metaphorical hairline. “Just since this morning?”
“Yeah,” Kili replied, trying not to sound as deflated as the words made him feel, knocking the air clean out of him now that he’d said them out loud, “thought maybe you’d seen who did it.”
“Hadn’t even crossed my mind, but I think it was like that when she and Bilbo headed back to camp.”
“Bilbo?” He’d lose to a three and a half foot…grocer? “Well now, I’d not have expected that, eh?”
“I can tell ye don’t actually want to laugh, son.”
Sighing, he finally let himself deflate. Bilbo? You and Bilbo?
“I hardly see them talk that much. Do you?”
“Not nearly enough to warrant a marriage. Those take time.”
“I know, Fee.”
“I know.”
“And I thought you two had it. Not even just saying that because you’re my brother. You know I’m honest with you. The only reason those two would have is both feeling like outsiders, and that hardly seems cause to f-”
“Thank you, Fili, yes. Perhaps I was just wrong. Perhaps she could never have loved me after all. She wasn’t my One.”
“Now, brother,” grabbing him by the cheeks with one hand, Fili pulled his younger brother’s gaze to meet his, “not so hasty. Have you talked to either of them yet?”
“Wasn’t ready,” he mumbled, shaking out of the squishing grasp.
“Well, perhaps you should. Knowing is pain, yes, but it is also the thing that keeps us going in the end.”
Kili dropped his gaze thoughtfully before meeting his brother’s eye again, smiling faintly. “Remember our old espionage days? Maybe it’s time we had another mission.”
“Alright,” Fili nodded and smiled, “for old times’ sake.”
“Well hello there, Master Burglar.”
“Whatever it is, I won’t fall for it.”
“Now, now, so dry and for what?” Fili wrapped an arm around the hobbit. “I was just wondering how you you were coming along with…a certain member of the company.”
At that, the hobbit’s face crumpled in disgust. By Fili’s reckoning, Master Bilbo seemed barely interested in romance and certainly not with any of the types he currently ran with. He needed someone more doilies and dishcloths and the lot. You may have been the closest to his type, but still far too much of an edge, far too much indeed.
“I beg your pardon?” Bilbo simply replied.
With a conspiratorial wink, Fili leaned in and whispered your name, glancing back to the hobbit’s eyes, which narrowed slightly. Suspicious.
“Uh, w-well I would say,” Bilbo stuttered, shrugging lightly, “well as we could be, all things considered.”
“All things considered?” Fili’s grip tightened a bit. “There are things to be considered?”
“There are plenty of things to be considered!” The burglar shot back. “Why, is she upset with me? Last I heard, she liked the braids and I made her feel much more comfortable. Have I done something today?”
Blue eyes closing to near-slits, Fili released his grip entirely, arm falling back to his side. “Did she ask you to arrange her hair?”
“She complained about it,” Bilbo replied, shimmying in his newfound freedom and using his released arm to slide his pack closer, “so I offered to do something about it. Can’t imagine that is much of an outrage…oh. Oh, good heavens! No! Oh, no. No. She could be my daughter, who on earth sent you over here to…?”
Blonde brows raising, Fili’s head shot back in surprising hard enough to send his mustache braids swinging. “Wait, so you do know about courting braids?”
“Gloin was just telling me all about his,” the hobbit replied, freezing in place even in spite of his awkward, hunched-into-his-pack-hands-deep posture, “neither of us thought a thing about it. Privately I was hoping she and Kili would do whatever it was to get the tension out there, you know?”
Fili did know. He knew, all right.
“Psst! Psst! Hoo! Hoo! Caw!”
Kili’s head snapped up at the sound, dark eyes meeting his brother’s fair head popping from the scraggly bushes surrounding camp. One gloved hand waved wild beckoning at the younger prince. Rising from the rock he’d sat down on, one with a strategic view of some conversation between you, Uncle Thorin, and Balin, Kili strode to the edges of camp.
“Reconnaissance successful,” his older brother hissed.
“What?” Jaw dropping, Kili felt his hands leave his chest and clench in surprise. “That was fast. Nothing for me to do?”
“Not true, brother. Not true at all,” Fili smiled, “your part is far more important. You have to go talk to her.”
With a sigh, Kili nodded despite the heavy clunk of his heart in his chest. All the childhood playtimes were nice and all, but at the end of the day he had to be a dwarf about things. Face his fears, just like Uncle Thorin and his father and even Fili.
“You’re right. Though I dread it in my heart, I must speak to her. Even if my love is never known.”
“I wish you the greatest of luck,” Fili patted his shoulder, smiling eagerly, “and trust me. She won’t do a single thing to hurt you. I know it. Alright?”
Another nod. “Alright.”
Inhale, exhale. One step, then another. It was hard sometimes. Putting on the bravado. Fili was always so capable and Uncle had high standards. Not that he shouldn’t, but…it just got easier to act unafraid of everything. In truth, there was much Kili didn’t understand. Much he feared. Perhaps even his own heart, and that was why he had allowed himself to play games with it for so long. No longer, though.
Crunching across the dry campsite ground, he marched up to you as your conversation ended and asked to speak with you, frowning slightly at the nod Balin and Thorin exchanged. Focusing instead on your gaze, the way your eyes were intent in his and the-admittedly quite adorable-way shock bloomed across your face before giving way to a smile and a nod.
“Of course,” you said, and that was that.
How was it that one little smile from you could simultaneously calm Kili's heart and set it leaping like nothing else? There truly was no denying that you were special. Perhaps Bilbo had seen what was so dazzlingly obvious, too. Guess that wasn't too much of a shock.
You both ventured toward the tree line, stopping next to a particularly sturdy trunk. Eagerness was written across your face as you leaned against the smooth bark, encouraging Kili with a smile he couldn't help faintly mirroring even as tears swam in his eyes.
"Are congratulations in order?"
"For me?" You asked, head tilting and hand reaching to your chest. "Forgive me, but what are you asking? I thought maybe I'd upset you last night, but now I really fear it. Or are you teasing me again?"
All thought was scrubbed from Kili's brain at your words, a thick blanket of confusion draping over the prince's mind and furrowing his brows. Is this what Fili meant? Were you not to hurt him because you thought him cross with you? That hurt a bit in and of itself. Perhaps you'd known he would be jealous. But then again, you had greeted him so casually, giving him a cute little wave when he came back...
"Please," he all but begged your name, "the suspense is just killing me. Is that not a courting braid you've been given? I know it is new as of yesterday."
"Is that why you looked so perturbed? Courting...courting braid? Kili," you laughed, "my hair was full of sticks and leaves and all manner of muck, so Bilbo detangled it and got it out of my face for me! Bilbo could be my father!"
Still a bit shaky, but Kili's face surrendered a smile at the teasing smack you gave his upper arm. "Oh, forgive me for being a dwarf," he shot back, "I was hardly the only one who noticed."
"But you were the only one who was jealous," you teased him back, "is that not right?"
Kili could tell by the faltering smirk you gave, by the dart of your beautiful eyes, that you did not truly believe it, but by Mahal, you would when he was done with you.
"Madly," he agreed, eyes boring into yours, "never let anyone but me braid your hair again."
Eyebrows shooting up to your hairline, you peeled yourself from the tree as if to get a closer look. "Kili..."
"I mean it," he implored your name once more, gently taking your shoulders in his hands, "please. This isn't a joke, but if you'd like me to convince you..."
Surging forward, Kili closed the gap between you two, his lips soft against yours and stubble pleasantly tickling against your skin, which shifted as you moved in response to his kiss. Your hands found purchase in his hair, tangling in it and eliciting a sound Kili was too focused on you to be embarrassed about. When you finally pulled away for air, he pulled you back, resting his forehead against yours with a growing smile.
"So, you convinced?"
Your eyes glittered with mirth, joy, mischief...perhaps even love, and Kili knew he should have never doubted you were his One. "So convinced I practically want you to rip out all of Bilbo's work and do it over again yourself."
"You don't have to tell me twice."
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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mayearies · 1 year
… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
.. ❛ nailed it ❜
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genre: suggestive | warnings: implied making out, suggestive speech ->summary: miles gives you a prize
꒰ঌ a/n ໒꒱ needed to spice up shi a little bit since i havent in a while lmao i didnt feel like adding pictures to this one (ty @/q2ie for letting me steal ur format 😊 i might not keep it tho LMAO)
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miles and you were doin' your nightly routine—facetiming each other for 3 hours before you actually went to sleep. you two would talk about anything and everything. drama at school, shit at work, etc. but you wanna see him in person. you would drop that in the convo for a while.
"then this bitch down the street was lookin' at me sideways n' shit, i swear to god-" "i wanna come see youuuu"
he broke, bursting out in full on laugher and rolling around in his bed out the frame. all your other attempts landed in him letting out a breathy laugh or a small chuckle.
"okay but no seriously! you haven't came over in foreverrrr" "we saw each other last week, mi vida?" "that's too long! what can i do to make you come over?"
it didn't take him long to think about a possible challenge. the smirk on his face told you all you needed to know. "you can try that one filter goin' around."
"which one? the hammer one?" "yeah." "hmm. you make it seem like it's that big of a challenge." "knowing your timing skills, yes. yes it will be a challenge for you." "what's in it for me?"
miles held his face in his palm while he looked to the side, making a humming noise. "i'll come over and kiss you."
"make out, you mean?" "i mean... it depends if you pass or nah."
you sucked on your teeth as you moved over to tiktok and got ready to win the little prize he had for you. you didn't even tell him that you started. you just went at it. he saw your focused ass self through your camera and he was snickerin a whole lot. "yo, shut up or i swear to god."
miles sat up and took a deep breath before saying in a mocking tone: "yo, shut up or i swear to g-"
once the timer hit zero, you had landed around 14. still bein' salty about not being able to get at least two because of his sabotagin' ass. you mumbled a curse under your breath which he knows for certain was for him. "awww.. you mad, ma? estás molesto conmigo?
"shut up." "you're too cute, i can't." "you didn't even tell me how many i had to get!" "... 15."
you stared at him with unamused which only made him feel amused. you swear, this boy plays too much. but that's one of the reasons you love him. the other reasons? well... that's another story.
"i'm jokin', ma. unlock your window."
once you heard your window slide up, you stopped shaking your leg. you had been waiting a whole 10 minutes. far too long. he came in his prowler pajamas, which was cute and it matched your spiderman one. "took you long enough."
miles held your chin with a playful smirk on his face. tilting it upward a little so he could plant a little kiss on your neck. "y'know. i wonder if you taste as salty as you talk, ma."
"just kiss me already."
and so he did. rather passionate, you would say. he knew everything you liked when he kissed you. what you didn't like, and what you loved. what made your face warm. what made your heart flutter. all of it. it's one of the other reasons you love him.
"i know just how to make your knees weak, amor." "sad but true." "what is that supposed to mean?" "you always make me fold. it hurts my back."
he let out a small giggle while cuddling up under the covers with you. he was proud to be able to tease you so much. even if you might get sick of him. "i love you so much."
"wish i could say the same." "damn. you still got that salty ass mouth after all that? thought i carried all my sweetness over to you. you want me to do it again?"
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flow33didontsmoke · 5 months
hi! i'm not sure if ur taking fic request atm, but if ever u r, can i ask for a fic where f!reader also works for the bau, she is hotch's daughter, and she is dating spencer reid? 🥹 thank uuuuu
hi there ! i’d write it with pleasure, tysm for your request. :) (reminder: english is not my first language so I might be wrong/get lost in naming stuff lmao. it’s also my first fic since quarantine.💀🙏)
“That’s kinda weird”; Three times getting noticed by Hotch + one where he gets confronted.
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pairing: Spencer Reid x Hotchner!f!Reader (playlist)
summary: see request
warnings/type: angst, fluff, mention of a sex life, mention children kidnapping, no mention of Y/n, can be read as gn reader, SFW, not proofread (my bad i’m season 2 and being fed with fanfictions), fear of changing and going forward, reader and Hotch are kinda distant
word count: 1.81k
taglist and asks open.
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1. Facial communication
10:07am, Behavioral Analysis Unit, bullpen.
You were sat at your desk, not really far from Spencer, looking up at him from time to time. It’s not as if your relationship was that new but it was still blossoming. However you weren’t over those looks you could give the other, the tiny smile on the corner of your lips when you catch the other’s eyes, mostly when you can't help thinking about last night. Skin against skin, warmth against warmth, and that relaxed feeling when waking up in the morning after those activities. To be honest, it may never fade. Your co-workers would find it cute if they noticed or just laugh at it at first if they catch you at the beginning, but they would stop with time.
It’s been over two months you’re dating, and a year of knowing each other, when you joined the BAU. Somehow, even by being the unit chief's daughter you’ve never got the chance to meet him before, as you were always out or the nose in your studies. Surprising right ? But to your father’s dismay, he would have preferred that it wouldn’t happen. That you would have continued to do your own stuff, become a pianist, instead of deciding to follow the same dangerous path as him AND decide to get in a relationship with one of your co-workers. As if you couldn’t get more involved with them, with a dangerous life that could, will definitely change you. But you were young, stubborn and now in love.
As you looked up at Spencer just to get a brief look at something else than down at your papers, somebody scrap his throat making you look to the side where the sound came from. You locked eyes with your father as he was walking to his office, eyebrows slightly furrowed in your direction. You feel your cheeks heat up and look back down at your work, as if nothing happened. This may be nothing but it was enough to feel embarrassed about, facial communication being important between the two Hotchners. You haven't told him but he is not dumb, it was that protective father scold, the "don't even come next to my daughter" type. Spencer seemed to have noticed that small interaction as he became a bit clumsy with his papers, which made you grin.
2. Longing touches
5:18pm, Kansas City, Kansas.
Here it is, the final moment. The UnSub was finally caught, Albert Schumacher an ex-teacher who couldn't bear the thought of being separated from his beloved job. If he couldn't take care of children, why not making his own kindergarten ?
Because of the sweet month of November, it was already dark at that time, and cold, but not enough to be blinded by the night. The unsub in the car, Spencer was once again to your side, his hand on the small of your back as usual. The case was heavy, but it was finally over. You let out a breath as he was just resting his hand here, stroking his thumb a bit as an attempt to provide you a bit of comfort. Honestly, if he could hold you closer, he would. Even in front of everyone, gluing at your side.
An hour and half later, you decided to take a walk to clear your mind. To warm your heart through Kansas' cold, Spencer decided to keep you company. Through the walk he resisted the urge to take your hand in his, wrap an arm around your waist, hold you, hug you, warming you with his body warmth to keep you from shaking and feeling yours as well. He hated when other people touched him but he never got enough of yours. He kept wanting more even more because of the situation with your father who still didn't know about the two of you.
3. Keeping compagny
9:10pm, FBI private jet, Kansas City, Kansas -> Quantico, Virginia.
It was late, the winter night and cold were almost overwhelming, the case was over, a case involving children disappearing. The flight from Kansas City to Quantico may have been a two hours flight, but everyone was tired from all the efforts given in the last few days, few hours of sleep in the agents' system and the possible small jet lag that might hit the next day, the cold hitting their bones.
When you sat in the jet, you sat as a reflex not next to your father but next to Spencer, seeking comfort to him just like most of your nights after work for the last few months. He didn't realize either that he took the seat where your father was about to sit on, as he just sat to your side, closer than if he was sitting next to anyone else. Your father walked, prepared to sit next to you but stopped when he saw Spencer almost glued to your side in a blink. Instead, he sat in the seat in front of him, keeping a visual on the both of you. It's been a while since he has been observing you, your bond. He knew something was happening, not just because he was your father but also because he knew there was something happening, something above co-working, above friendship.
You were doing your best not to show it even when going back together from a case but right now you just didn't really care hiding this. You were both too exhausted to continue on this, maybe it was the irrationality of tiredness talking but anyway. Everyone knew there was something between the two of you, he would have known a way or another. Fuck the way you planned again and again to tell him, you just want to lean into the other and sleep until the end of the flight.
Everyone took a small nap during the flight except Hotch who was keeping himself busy, thinking back about the details of your position, the way you leaned to the other in your sleep. He thought back about the glances you throw to the other, the touches and the more he thought about it, the more he was upset.
Two hours later, you woke up as long as the other as the plane had landed. You give Spencer a small shake to his shoulder to wake him up. At the same time, you saw your father getting up and giving you a quick look that told a lot. He seemed tense at you but you shake that thought off as Spencer woke up, looking at you. Oh, how you couldn't wait to go back to his apartment and just lie in the bed next to other and have rest.
You both get off the plane and see your father outside. Usually, he would wait for you to at least wish you a good night/evening or something of that kind, but this time no. He didn't go right away but when you got off the plane he was just starting to walk away.
"Good night..?" you said to catch his attention.
It visibly worked as he stopped walking. He looked at you with tired eyes but still with distance in his look.
"Good night..." he answered with a small hesitation. He seemed to want to add something so you just let him talk, even if it was a bit tensed. "Do you need a ride home ?" he added as he proposed you usually, but already knowing the answer this time. Not that he never did but this time he was just sure. He never liked the co-driving with Spencer. You had your driver license and you could afford for a car, why relying on your co-worker even if you lived not so far from the other ? He didn't need to make express his discontent to make himself understood this time. He wasn't waiting for an answer.
"No thanks.. Spencer is driving me back home tonight." you answered, it was a bit awkward but you tried to get past that.
+ Confrontation
He nodded and scoffed a bit. "Yeah, of course."
You felt a tinge of guilt at this, something was wrong. You may know why he reacts like this and you don't think to have the mind at this at the moment, and you don't think he has either. "What do you mean ?" you asked, oblivious.
He faced you, looking at you in the eyes. He was silent at first but finally answered. "You know what I mean." There was a hint of venom in his voice. He kept his voice low enough for you and Spencer to hear. Spencer who was just in the back, tired and uncomfortable. This was clearly not how he wanted to get things clear about your relationship and neither do you.
"Then tell me. Tell me what you mean, what's wrong." You replied, looking at him in the eyes. You knew it would hurt but the conversation had to be done, and if he was going that way then his suspicions would be confirmed that way.
"What's wrong is this," he said, referencing to Spencer and you, giving him a look. "Do you have any idea of how unconscious it is ? Dating your co-worker, really ? And without even preventing anyone, you could get more than suspended, did you even think about your lives ?" he added in his boss tone. Yes, he wasn't just your dad but also your chief, but to be honest, you weren't expecting your unit chief talking to you.
All you did was nod once, looking slightly down before raising your eyes to him again and as you were about to answer, throat tight, but he speaks again.
"I'm not finished. What if one of you gets in danger trying to avoid an something to the other ?" He added, his voice was hiding of emotion by his attitude. You catch a glance of Rossi in the back who was about to call for your dad to calm down a bit, to let his role of chief down to let the father speak. He knew that he just wasn't ready for you to grow up as your relationship looked serious and not just a story without tomorrow. He was still getting used to having you around at the BAU, his daughter, what's left of his family alongside Jack.
You said nothing, letting him cool down. The atmosphere wasn't as tensed but more awkward. "And- and he's too for you. Why didn't you choose someone your age ?" he added after a small blank. You knew it was just an excuse, your gap with Spencer wasn't even too big, around five years. You knew it was an excuse not to say "why didn't you choose someone who's not from the FBI ?", questioning your career choices.
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A/N: I'm so sorry I didn't know how to end this so here it is. Might do this series though ? I would like that. I want to make a happy ending but I just can't align more words. I don't think anyone would be interested btw but let me know. Perhaps it made me think about the first chapters of that series "Spencer x Prentiss!Reader" if you read it but I can't explain why lmao. It was so weird how I wrote this: I started by 1 then continued with 3 and the bonus then ended with 2 so I'm sorry if it was short lol
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Hi so I wanted to request something I just thought of if that’s okay! A little meet cute story from season 4 where reader is the midwife who helped deliver Henry and her and Reid meet in the hospital and just hit it off🥺
this is so cute! this strays a lot from the plot of the episode because i haven't watched it forever and don't feel like it lmao
The Lanky Guy in Room 603
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She wasn't sure if the long, lanky man curled up in the uncomfortable chair was Jennifer's brother or husband. He looked young; with a blemish-free baby face and a mop of soft brown hair. She could tell it had a slight curl to it and she had to resist an urge to tuck the stray pieces that fanned out behind his ear. Perhaps it was because she spent her days and nights caring for expecting parents, she just couldn't help but want to care for the sleeping man.
Jennifer was watching television, a pained look on her face as she held her round belly.
"You said it would be today," Jennifer groaned, the pain of labor evident on her face, "It's almost tomorrow."
Y/N sat on the stool beside Jennifer's bed, "I know I did, honey." She pressed a damp cloth to Jennifer sweaty face, attempting to cool down her body temperature. "But it seems like this little baby's got a mind of their own."
"Just like her mother."
The voice came from behind her. The sleep man, now not sleeping, unfolded himself from his pretzel-like position on the chair. He joints popped as he stretched his legs. Y/N noticed his socks were patterned. His left foot donned socks with gray tabby cats and a navy blue background. His right foot donned pumpkins on a lavender background.
Jennifer smiled, thanking Y/N for the damp cloth, as her companion checked her vitals. He peered at the numbers, probably attempting to decipher their meanings regarding his wife's health.
"Your wife is perfectly healthy, sir. You''ll have a healthy, sweet, baby within the next day. I'm sure of it."
Jennifer chuckled, "He's not my husband. Spencer's my....."
"Co-worker. Very proud godfather of her soon to be born baby girl?" Spencer injected, still reading the vitals.
"I'm concerned about JJ's vitals. Are you sure that her lab work is updated? It needs to reflect the high stress nature of her job. And her blood pressure? It was last checked thirteen minutes and twenty seven seconds ago. And does the satellite birth center have enough blood in the bank. On average a laboring mother may loose about...."
"Spence," Jennifer, or JJ as the man named Spencer called her, "I'm going to be just fine. The baby is going to be just fine. Please don't harass the midwife. Or I'll have to switch you out for Penny instead."
"You know if you wanted to get stuff done, you should've picked Hotch or Emily," Spencer countered, "I'm just going to be a nervous wreck."
"You're going to be fine. And think of it as practice for when your wife is pregnant. You'll be a pro by the time that rolls around."
Spencer chuckled dryly. His cheeks blushed crimson as he checked the clock. "It's now been fourteen minutes and thirty four seconds." He whispered under his breath.
"Are you and your wife expecting as well? It kinda smart for her to send you here for a dry run?" Y/N commented, making light talk with Jennifer and Spencer. Through her couple of years a midwife, she learned that many laboring parents and their companions need to have their minds occupied.
"N-no, no wife," Spencer said, his lips formed a tight smile as he looked at Y/N and then back to Jennifer, "We have a very time consuming job. Dating is hard. And family life is even harder. It’s common for many families in the BAU to end with divorce between the two partners.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Spence,” Jennifer quipped as a wave of labor pains came over her.
“I don’t mean you and Will,” Spencer backtracked, “You’re not even married to him.”
Jennifer rolled her eyes at Spencer, and Y/N got the sense that the Spencer and Jennifer shared a sibling-like relationship. It made sense, she supposed as she watched Spencer continuously checked Jennifer’s vitals. He hovered like a mother hen, but made no attempt at physical contact like the husbands usually did.
“Distract her,” Y/N whispered to Spencer, “And don’t talk about how her marriage is statistically likely to end in divorce. That’s not the way to comfort a mom that’s about to push a 8 pound baby out of her vagina.”
Spencer shut his mouth quickly, returning to Jennifer’s side. As Y/N walked out of the room, she noted that the soon to be godfather asked her if she needed anything.
“Y/N!” Nurse Lorraine said from her perch. “That tall kid from Room 603, the one that looks like he’s about to faint? He’s looking for you.”
Room 603? Y/N checked her chats, shuffling through the pile of laboring parents.
Ah! That would be Jennifer Jareau. And her very eager friend/co-worker/godfather of her child.
“Oh, Spencer? He’s a sweetheart. Trying to help her. He could teach those husbands a thing or too.” Y/N said, as she typed away at her computer.
“He’s not the husband?” Lorraine questioned, her tone making Y/N stop typing.
“What are you doing, Lo?” Y/N sighed with exasperation. “You’re meddling. And it’s not a cute look, I’m afraid.”
“It’s been how long since that idiot of a man dumped you for his unpaid intern? Todd? Taylor? What was his name again?”
“Tyler. He was an ass. I don’t think I’m ready to get myself back out there. He really did a number on me.” Y/N lamented. She took a sip of her third coffee of the day. It was a distraction from tearing up or worse, actually crying in front of Lorraine, the hardass nurse who makes Attendings cry.
“Y/N, honey,” Lorraine sighed, “Don’t waste your youth or your beauty on someone who doesn’t deserve it. I’m not saying that man in 603 deserves you, but he’s holding his coworker’s hand as she’s delivering a baby that’s not his. All because her boyfriend is stuck at work in New Orleans. He’s a good man. And he’s looking for you. And he blushed when he asked for you.”
Y/N rolled her eyes at Lorraine’s gossipy tendencies. “How do you know all that? I’ve been with him all day and I hardly can get him to tell me his name. Beside the snide comments about me not checking the vitals enough.”
“See! He’s protective over people he cares about, even if talking to the gorgeous nurse terrifies him. I can lock you two in the supply close if you’d like. I mean the piles and piles of extra large padsicles and bed pens aren’t very romantic, but maybe romance isn’t what you need right now.” Lorraine quipped.
Ignoring Lorraine, “I’m going to see what he wants from me.” Y/N said, recoiling because she knew Lorraine would twist her words into some sort of sexual innuendo.
“Go get’em, Tiger!” Lorraine called from the Nurse’s Station with a mischievous glint in her eye.
“Spencer?” Y/N whispered, noting that Jennifer was sleeping in her bed, “Nurse Lorraine said you wanted to speak to me.”
Even in the dark room, minus the glow of equipment monitoring Jennifer, Y/N could see his light blush. He was cute. She thought that before Lorraine even broached the subject. She though that when she silently wondered if he was Jennifer’s husband or not.
He was cute. Handsome, even.
Spencer couldn’t be more than 26 or 27. He had brown eyes that were kind and warm. Spencer looked gentle, and that was evident by the easy way he cared for Jennifer.
“I wanted to make sure I was doing it right,” Spencer confessed, “I’m not really good with all this,” he waved his hand around the room to show what he meant, “My mind can only focus on the possibilities of what can go wrong. I’m not cut out for this.”
“For what being a companion? A godfather? Spencer, Jennifer clearly cares for you and wants you in her baby’s life. She sees that you’re kind and caring and gentle.”
Spencer cracked a smile, warming Y/N heart. She hated it. Yet she liked it. And that only made her hate it more.
“Thanks.” Spencer said, taking a sip of his probably now cold coffee.
“You know there’s an excellent microwave in the nurse’s lounge room. Lorraine bullies enough attendings that I can totally sneak you in there to warm up your coffee.” Y/N offered, “Jennifer needs sleep. It’s the best thing for her right now. Besides, I can teach you how to swaddle a baby and change a diaper.”
“I know how to deliver a baby,” Spencer said, “It’s a lot messier than I thought.” He said with a shiver.
“Are you in healthcare?” Y/N asked they walked to the nurse’s lounge. It was so late that most of the families were either sleeping, in labor, or being discharged. “You certainly know a lot about medicine. And for the record we do have plenty of blood in stock. But we’re looking for donors every third Tuesday if the month.”
“Not technically. Well, not the doctor you’re thinking of at least. I have three PhDs. In mathematics, chemistry, and psychology. It’s….a lot I know,” He offered a small smile, “People either think I’m like some super genius or a freak. But not. I’m just….me.”
“Well I happen to think that you’re pretty awesome just being you. I can’t technically say it, but you and Jennifer are my favorites of the night. So it’s only my duty as a L&D nurse to make sure you are the best baby swaddling godfather in the metro area.”
“Now that’s quite the title to live up to. Do we use real babies or dolls to practice?” Spencer inquired.
Y/N giggled as she reached into the supply closet, “I’m in the business of delivering babies. Not kidnapping them, Dr. Spencer……?”
“Reid.” She nodded, handing him a baby doll to practice with. “If it was twelve hours earlier I would be making you wrap my burrito to practice.”
“I think I’m going to equally as bad as wrapping a burrito as I would be a baby.” He confessed.
“Fear not, young grasshopper, your teacher is here.” Y/N teased, grabbing Spencer by the arm to the table where she ate lunch every day with Lorraine and Hector, her favorite to nurses on the floor.
She laid out a blanket and a baby on the table as her and Spencer stood side by side. “So fold the corner of the blanket down for the baby’s head to rest. And the you gently lay the baby down. Now wrap over the left triangle to the baby’s middle.” She watched as he followed expertly, “Good! Now fold up the little triangle at the baby’s feet. Make sure it’s snug, but not too tight.”
“It’s easier than it looks,” Spencer said as he folded the last part of the blanket and held up a swaddled baby doll.
“Now try when it when a baby is screaming at you and you’ve been on your feet for ten hours.”
“I’ll sit to my day job,” Spencer joked, “But call me if you ever need a swaddling partner.”
Y/N’s face heated at the thought of calling Spencer, of talking to him beyond this night when he friend was about to give birth.
“Where did you learn how to deliver a baby?” She asked, hoping to divert the conversation.
“I read about it.” Spencer replied.
“In college? Did you take a human biology class on pregnancy as well?”
“Uh, no,” Spencer said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, “I read about it. I read it today when JJ was getting admitted.”
“Getting admitted takes like 30 minutes? How on Earth did you read about human delivery in 30 minutes?” Y/N asked with awe on her face.
“Actually, it took 31 minutes and twelve seconds. Which is 2 minutes and 39 seconds faster than the average,” He blushed when Y/N raised eyes meant his comment only added to her questions, not answered them, “I have a very good memory. And I can read fast.” He explained.
“Oh,” Y/N said, taking out two mugs from the cabinet, “that explains the three PhDs and how you hounded me about vitals before. You’re brilliant. And a very good friend.”
“I don’t get brilliant often. Genius, yes. Freak, yes. Strange, yes. But brilliant isn’t usually reserved for me. I think my quirks out weigh my strengths and thus that changes how I’m perceived.”
“Well, I don’t see a freak or a stranger,” Y/N told him, “I see a man who’s probably 6’3” that crammed himself into a tiny plastic chair and has been fetching ice chips and throwing down with the toughest nurse to get his friend a blanket. That’s not a freak. Or a weirdo. Or anything besides a good, gentle, kind man. I don’t really know you, but it’s my job to watch people here. I watch all these husbands who don’t dote on their wives as they push a whole baby out of their bodies. They complain to them about how long it took to find parking, or that they had to pay 10 bucks for a decent cup of coffee at the cafe, or that the chairs hurt their back. I haven’t heard you say that once. You’re good, Spencer. There’s a reason Jennifer wants you to be her baby’s godfather.”
Stunned, Spencer’s lip twitched into what resembled a smile. He bit his lip as his eyes scanned the room.
“Thank you,” Spencer whispered, “it means more than you know.”
“Good. You seem like the kind of person that deserves to hear good things. And plus, I’m sure your wife or girlfriend will be very happy you spent the night learning how to swaddle babies and change diapers.”
“Uh, I’m not committed to anyone.” Spencer corrected, the blush returned to his face, this time it crawled all the way up to his ears. It only increased his cuteness as it increased the way Y/N’s heart pumped blood. Her nervous system was on overdrive and she hasn’t even touched the man. Yet there was something about him that drew him to her.
“Oh, seeing someone casually and don’t want to freak her out?” Y/N offered. “Because I will admit that’s not what you want to say to the girl you have a situationship with.”
“A situationship?” Spencer questioned, shaking his head. “Never mind. I’m not seeing anyone casually or otherwise. It’s never been my strong suit.”
“Seriously?” Y/N said, pouring her coffee and Spencer a cup, “That’s very surprising.”
“Why?” Spencer asked, accepting the coffee with a tight lipped smile.
“Not to cross any professional boundaries, but you’re literally what most girls look for when they want a partner. Especially one that they want to you know,” she gestured to the baby doll on the table, “settle down with. You’re husband material.”
“Husband material?” Spencer asked, clearly beyond confusion. It was like it was his first time hearing that he was desirable to women. An overwhelming urge to tell him just how desirable he was to her overcame Y/N.
She fought it hard.
“You know,” she started, “you’ve got a great job, nice and normal friends, you’re close friends with a woman, but there’s zero sexual tension between the two of you. That means a lot to girls. It means that you can see women as whole people.”
“What else would I see them as?” Spencer questioned aloud. “They’re people. Not props or conquests.”
Y/N threw her hands up in surrender as if she finally has given up. “See, you’re like perfect. Not to mention you’re very nice to look at.”
Spencer gulped a big sip of coffee, but the burning liquid spewed out all over him and the table. Y/N dodged it, spending nearly three years getting out of the way of mysterious liquids from all different patients had certainly paid off.
“Sorry, sorry, god that was embarrassing,” Spencer lamented. “I hope I didn’t get it all over you.” He apologized.
Holding in a giggle, Y/N waved off his fears. “Don’t worry. You’re just fine, Spencer.”
In more ways than one, she thought silently to herself.
“I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. It’s highly unprofessional of me to comment on your appearance.”
No matter how attractive she finds him.
Spencer’s face melted as she apologized. “No!” He practically yelled. “Don’t think that. Please don’t think that. I didn’t mind it at all. It’s just, I’m not used to hearing it. Especially from women that are like you.”
“Like me?”
“Smart. Hardworking. Kind. Funny. Beautiful.” Spencer confessed.
The last one hit a certain part of her heart that went pang. Tyler never called her beautiful. He would call her hot and sexy, but not beautiful. But maybe once he did. But he said she “looked beautiful” not that she was beautiful.
There was a difference between looking beautiful and being beautiful. And she was looking right at it.
“Spencer,” Y/N whispered. “Once Jennifer is discharged from L&D could I maybe take you out on a date?“
Spencer nodded, and she swore she could see his eyes light up at the possibility of something between them.
“Sure. Isn’t there a blood donation clinic next week?” He smiled and took a sip of his coffee, “I promise I won’t spew coffee all over you when you compliment me again,”
Tagging people who are active But please reblog and comment if you stumble across this. It’s a great way we can show our love :)
@reidsbookclub @boldlyvoid @foxy-eva @candlesandsoftrain @radiant-reid
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ratcash-wasgud · 9 months
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Hii! Okay, I haven't wrote anything since I was like 12, but I had to try again since I'm going insane because of this show. I have like...a very specific story in mind, so sorry if not everyone will be able to identify w the reader lmao. I'm gonna use she/her for both Mizu and the reader. Anyways, enjoy.
Like swimming in the sunset...
It was cold, and it was all Mizu could register at the moment. The last thing she remembered was falling into the icy river with Fowler, but after that...not much. She was swinging between un-and-consciousness for a while, and through all those moments, her teeth were clenched, and her face scrunched up into a frown.
The only thing flooding through her mind was...a period from her childhood. She was around 12-14 years old back then, still living with Swordfather, being sore everyday from training, learning how to hide her chest, the taste of roasted fish and...
Knock knock knock...
Swordfather only nudged towards the door in silence, and that was enough for Mizu to get up and open it. She expected another mountain like swordsman, here to ask for a sword made by Eiji's hands, but no. It was you... a little girl, soaked, tired, and probably about to freeze, in dirty clothes and covered in bruises.
"Grandpa Eiji...I'm looking for Grandpa Eiji." The little girl croaked out, her voice hoarse and quiet. Mizu just looked at the girl with wide eyes for a moment or two before stumbling away from the door, looking at Eiji with a slight panic and confusion in her eyes. Eiji just whispered your name which gave you a permisiion to run to him. You fell at his feet, sobbing.
Mizu was stunned. She just quietly closed the door behind you, keeping the roaring winter out.
"Grandpa Eiji...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I...I cannot go home." You sobbed, bowing your head to the ground. In response Swordfather hummed. He reached out to place his palm at the top of your head. "Please...I know it's so much to ask, but please...let me stay here."
"Calm down, Child." He said, his tone quiet, almost gentle, but he didn't say anything else for the following seconds, maybe even minutes. He then took his cane, and lightly tapped his teacup which was lying near. It seemed like you quickly understood, as you got up and started making tea withouth a word.
Mizu just stood there, near the door, taking in what just happened...Did Swordfather just get a new apprentice? Was she old news now? Will he kick her out? What will she do if he--
Her train of thought were cut off by Eiji ligtly tapping her head with his cane which earned a little "ouch" from her. "Why are you standing around? We will need wood to feed the fire." He says casually, and starts walking to the door. Mizu's eyes lit up a little, and she hurried after him to collect firewood.
Later that night, when after the tea was gone and the moon was shining ever so brightly, Mizu stared at your back as the two children sat on the porch, accompanied by the white scenery and the peaceful night.
"You are," Suddenly you spoke up, making Mizu almost flinch. "Grandpa Eiji's apprentice?" You ask quietly.
Mizu nods quietly and lowers her gaze, and in response, you send a small smile her way. You murmur your name then look at her expectingly.
"...Mizu." She says, still keeping her gaze down, but she ocassionally glances up at you, as if to check when you're attacking.
Then a silence falls onto the two children, both looking away, not sure how to interact with the other.
"Let's...try and get along." You finally say, offering another small smile, though, this time, it somehow reaches your eyes too.
Mizu huffs a little. "Yeah...like that's how it works." She then looks straight at you, her gaze sharp.
Your eyes widen, and you thin your lips. "I...I said try." You murmur and end it with a quiet chuckle, while looking into her eyes. "I don't want Granda Eiji to go through hardship because we argue." You says, tilting your head a little.
Mizu huffs again, turning her head away once more, but then, after another deafening silence... "Alright. I'll try." She says, glancing back at you, and she's met a with a smile. A sweet one at that. One that she herself never produced. She can't help but relax her tense shoulders, and let her jaw also loosen.
"Thank you." You says, and glance at the sky before you get going. She wants to say somethig too, but eventually she gets quiet as she sees you head inside.
The next couple days were spent with only a few words exchanged between the two children. You did the housework, like cleaning, making tea and preparing a meal, while Mizu helped Eiji with his work, getting firewood, and blending metals. Glances although were exchanged. Whenever Mizu looked your way, and you caught her, you simply offered a smile before you went along with what you were doing. You did that everytime, even if you never got one back.
One night, you stayed up later than usual, and caught Mizu training outside, alone. You kept quiet, and just watched in silence as she fell multiple times, but got back up again and again, and hit the bamboo poles harder each time. After she managed to slice every pole in half, and she stood there, panting, you clapped quietly. Mizu's head jerked back to see you, wearing that same sweet smile, and gently clapping.
"Why are you here?" She asked, looking away. "Here to mock me?" She asks, looking at the dirt on her shoes with an angry frown.
You're eyes widened in confusion then you shook your head. "That was really cool." You say softly. "You seem strong." You say, shifting your weight from one feet to another.
"I'm not strong enough." Mizu spats, and starts setting up new poles. You walked closer too, picked up some poles and helped her set them up. Mizu looked at you, squinting her eyes in confusion, but you just focused on the task ahead. "Why are you like this?" Mizu asks, snatching the pole from your hand. "You don't have to pretend. You don't have to play nice." She says, throwing the pole at you. "You see what I am! So go on, say what's on your mind instead of acting like you're not disgusted by a monster like me!" She shouts, a little louder than she intended.
Mizu felt frustrated, angry even. Back then, she herself didn't even know why. She expected you to to spit in her face, call her a dog then go on your day. That's all she knew, but she at least understood that...so this confused her. And her confusion lead her to anger. To try and defend herself against something that isn't attacking.
"I..." Your eyes widened once again, in shock and you took a step back. "I..don't think you're a monster." You say, gathering all your courage and balling your hands into fists at your sides. "I never once considered that! So don't go and make assumptions about me, like I never did about you!" You stomp your foot a little. "You're different, I can see that, yes...but you never onced attacked me, nor gave me a reason to fear you! You are just shut off! You're not a monster, you act more like a grumpy old woman!" You yell back, huffing, and storming away, like a child your age would.
That leaves Mizu...stunned. She stands there, wide eyes and her lips parted in surprise. She expected a lot of things but...that. You looked...hurt? Maybe that's the way to describe it, maybe frustrated, maybe even mad. She doesn't really know what to do with that, but deep inside, she feels a little...relieved. After you're out of her sight, she can't help but let out a small chuckle.
The next day, as you were cleaning a fish that you were planning to prepare for dinner, you heard quiet footsteps from behind you. You decided to pay no mind to it, as you were still a little frustrated from last night, and kept pulling off the scales from the fish with a knife, just a little more aggressively. Then, out of nowhere, a hand reached over your shoulder, placing a small piece of candy next to your hand. You looked at the candy as you wiped your hand in your clothes, then finally picked it up, and turned around to face Mizu.
She had her gaze lowered and her she was chewing on the inside of her cheek. You couldn't help but crack a small smile. Then you broke off half the candy, took his hand and placed it in her palm. Mizu's gaze perked up, and her blue eyes met yours as you popped your half of the candy in your mouth.
Mizu felt her chest thighten and it was like her blood started to flow faster through her veins. She clutched the piece of candy in her hand and agressively shoved it in her mouth. That drew a chuckle from you...a sound that tickled Mizu's ear. It confused her so much, but she decided not to care. She sat down next to you and watched you as you prepared the fish.
The days were much more pleasent after that. Mizu talked to you everyday, even if it was short, and only about how she can help, she tried. She even enjoyed the silence between you and her, when you two just stared into nothing together. It was nice not being alone. You even watched her train every night, and softly clapped everytime after she finished a move you'd call "cool". It made her feel warm. Not in a way that she'd feel next to a fireplace, but...in a way that it'd feel to swim in the sunset.
You never once spoke about why you suddenly appeared, but she never pried in exchange for you not asking about her past. And somehow, you haven't discovered that she is a woman yet. It was strange, growing so close to someone who she didn't know too much about, and someone who didn't know much about her but she felt like she knew enough. She knew how you prepared a fish, knew how you giggled when she got tapped on the head by Eiji, and the sound you'd make when it happened to you too. She knew the face you'd make when a blug landed on your face, and the one you'd make when you saw the flowers freshly blooming.
Mizu haven't even noticed when a couple years flew by, and you two started to grow up together. But, before either of you could reach adulthood...
Knock knock knock...
Mizu was helping Eiji with hammering a blade while you sat in the corner and tried to wash a stain out of one of Eiji's clothes. Withouth a word, you stood up to get the door, and you were greeted with...a tall man with a sword at his hip. A usual looking customer at this place, but when you uttered "...father?" Mizu's blood ran cold. The next thing she heard was a scream as he took your arm with force, and lifted you by it.
"So this is where you were hiding?" The man sneers, and Mizu can see Eiji's eyebrows scrunch up. She looks panicked, and reaches for a sword and starts to run towards the man, but is stopped imidately with a kick. She flies back, clutching her side. The man, as if paying no mind to her, turned his face back to you.
You were shaking with tears in your eyes. "Father...please..." But the man didn't care. And with that, the door shut closed...and you were gone. Mizu whispered your name in pain, before yelling it out. She felt...hopeless. You came suddenly, and you disappeared just as suddenly. She hated that. She finally found someone who would accept her, and a child her age too...someone with such a sweet smile...But she was too week to save you. Your scream echoed in her ears, and tears gathered to her eyes.
After so much time, Mizu cried again, for the first time in ages. Eiji just sat there, clutching his cane so hard his fingertips turned cold...but he stayed quiet, and just looked ahead. That night Eiji lit a icense stick and whispered your name, as if you were dead already. Mizu hated the feeling that took over her. It was just like when she saw the fire those years ago...Grief.
Mizu trained harder everynight, swearing that nothing like this would every happen again...when she turns out to be too weak. She trained until her palms bled, and until she couldn't stand anymore.
But why, were those moments flashing in her head again? Her eyes slowly fluttered open as your scream echoed in her head once again and she took in what's happening to her. She saw Ringo's back, as she was getting dragged on a wooden plank, with Taigen on her left. She saw Swodfather's house, and she heard his voice...and for a brief moment, he heard your voice too before she fell back into unconsciousness.
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First of all, very in love with the digital reader fic you put out <3
But since reader expressed not knowing why they were in hell I just couldn't help myself from thinking about this-
Reader: I don't even know why I'm here, the hell did I ever do?
Lucifer: Didn't you crash over half of all the systems on earth when you were alive?
Reader: That was an accident! I was only trying to crash like...ten!
Just a goofy thought that popped into my head- destructive characters that are chaotic on accident my beloved lmao-
Kisses darling <3
Sweet silly little Lucifer with his ducks. I feel like everyone thinks he's completely aware of everything happening in Hell at all times. Meanwhile, he's just making ducks and missing his daughter and can't remember the last time he ate.
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Digital Pet [Vox x Reader, but this is a Lucifer interaction]
What Do You Mean You Don't Know
You'd been surfing through the digital plane like any other day. Vox had his schedule completely full, so you were on your own the pass the time. You hopped between windows that led into various devices all around Hell.
It was hard to tell where you were most of the time, but a part of you was convinced that you could slip into the devices of demons outside the Pride Ring. You'd once seen hellhounds and succubi at a party when you'd peeked into a large screen behind a DJ on stage. The large venue was covered in honeycombs and you saw some sort of lava lamp-looking furry doing shots in the middle of the energized crowd. While the aesthetic was similar enough to what you'd seen in the sinner's little slice of Hell, it felt... different.
It was precious information you decided to hold close to your chest. Maybe you'd tell Vox one day but from everything you'd seen about his power-hungry reputation, you decided it may be best not to play your card too soon. For all you know, it was just an exclusive club with different vibes. It wasn't unheard of for demons from the other rings to come to the clubs in Pride.
You were floating through an endless hall of screens and lights, looking between the different windows into the world you couldn't hope to touch when you saw a face that made you double-take.
"Is that..." You float back and gasp as you get a closer look that confirms your suspicions. "Oh, you motherfucker!"
Lucifer let out a startled yelp, dropping the duck he'd been painting as he fell out of his chair. He'd just been minding his own business, listening to some light jazz while he made duckie replicas of his daughter and all her little friends at the hotel when a loud voice suddenly blasted over the music on his laptop.
He frowned as he looked down and saw his white pants splatted with the fresh red paint of Alastor's duck. He was on his ninth attempt at replicating the cocky jerk and had finally been on the verge of getting his stupid grin right when you startled him.
"Oh great," Lucifer grumbled as he pulled himself off of the ground. "It's already bad enough I have a growing pile of ducks dedicated to this prick, now he's ruining my clothes too."
Lucifer leaned over his desk, trying to see what sort of pop-up advertisement or virus had gotten on his system when he suddenly saw you watching him with crossed arms. Your small form glared at him from where you sat atop of his video player.
"A sinner...?" Lucifer blinked slowly before looking at you in awe. He could see your soul and recognized you as a person immediately. "What on Earth are you doing in there?"
"You tell me!" you point at him angrily. "You're the guy in charge of this shit, aren't you? What did I ever do to you?! I didn't do anything to deserve a worse Hell than everyone else."
"How should I know?" Lucifer squawked as he threw up his arms in defense... "I haven't gone outside in... wait, what day is it?"
"How do you not know?" You ask, the two of you amping each other up in your confusion. "You're Lucifer! This is literally your entire thing!"
"Uh, excuse you," Lucifer tsked as he placed a hand on his chest. "I'll have you know I am a man of ducks and dadness. Not keeping track of every soul that drops into Hell. Do you have any idea just how many of you die a day? A lot. Too many. Just. Please get better at staying alive, I beg you."
You deadpan at him before shaking your head with a sigh. "Well, do you at least know how to get me out of the digital plane? I'd like to actually eat food or let my feet touch the ground o-or sleep in a bed!"
"Uhh," Lucifer laughed nervously. "Yeaaaah, no. Nope. Sorry uh, no. Technology isn't something I really know anything about. I'd love to help but uh, yeah... no."
You groan, obviously disappointed in his answer as you flop over to the side and let your frustration win in the moment. You run a hand down your face and look up at the great devil of Hell with a sigh.
"Do you at least have any idea why I'm in Hell and not Heaven?"
Lucifer hummed, squinting at you as he ran a history check on your soul. It took a lot longer to find a reason than he expected, but then he finally landed on it.
"Ah, there it is," he muttered. "Looks like you ate the last slice of birthday cake in the fridge back in your college days."
Your jaw drops, for a couple of reasons. The top reason should have been that such a little thing damned your soul for eternity. However, your priorities were a bit skewed. Which became transparently obvious as you exclaimed, "Excuse me?! It was MY birthday cake!"
"Yeah, but they called dibs," Lucifer shook his head with a sigh. "Heaven takes dibs very seriously. And as you should know by now, I don't make the rules."
The powerful demon grumbled like a child as you recovered from the absolute bullshit that was your afterlife. It wasn't until you'd sat back up that you looked past Lucifer and finally noticed his room.
"Why the fuck are there so many ducks?"
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anniebeemine · 6 days
requests? say no more.
ok this is a little angsty so only if you're comfortable but maybe s2 spencer and reader have been dating for 3-4 months when the whole tobias thing happens. spencer starts pushing away reader and wont tell her anything. bc this is a new relationship she is very confused and insecure and confronts him asking if he wants to break up and he doesn't know bc on one hand he cares about her but on the other hand he is embarrassed and doesnt want her to deal with this so new in a relationship. happy ending PLEASE (for my soul)
as you can tell i have thought about this A LOT lmao
my heart hurts... (i haven't seen this arc in a while so I hope this is accurate enough)
warnings: discussions of addiction, happy-ish ending. I left it open ended but positive
You and Spencer had only been dating for a few months when everything started to unravel. At first, it had been perfect—those sweet, awkward moments when he was still trying to figure out how to be in a relationship, the way his eyes lit up when he saw you, the late-night talks that stretched into the early hours of the morning. But after a week away, everything changed.
You weren’t exactly sure what had happened. You didn't want to press, but his friends had warned you that it was bad. All you knew for sure was that Spencer had come back different. The spark in his eyes was dulled, and he barely looked at you anymore. There was no explanation, no details of the trauma he'd endured, just this cold distance that settled between you. You’d sit on the couch together, but it felt like you were miles apart. He was always tugging at his sleeve, fidgeting, avoiding eye contact. His hands used to brush against yours absentmindedly, and now they stayed firmly in his lap, clenched into fists.
He didn’t stay long during those visits either—every time he showed up, it felt like he was itching to leave. You’d ask him to stay for dinner or suggest going for a walk, and he’d make some excuse, slipping away before you could even finish your sentence. You tried to give him space, hoping it was just a phase, but the more space you gave him, the more it felt like he was pulling away entirely.
Eventually, the visits became shorter and shorter until they stopped happening altogether. Weeks went by without hearing from him, and your calls went straight to voicemail. You didn’t know how to navigate it. You knew Spencer had been through something terrible, but he wouldn’t let you in. And it hurt. It hurt in ways you hadn’t expected. You weren’t just confused—you were insecure. Was it you? Was it something you did? Did he want to break up?
The questions swirled in your mind until you couldn’t take it anymore. One night, you couldn’t sleep, your thoughts running wild. You sat there in the dark, staring at your phone, your heart aching. You missed him. You missed his voice, his touch, the way he would ramble about anything and everything because it made him feel more comfortable. And now, all you had was silence.
You needed answers. You needed to know where you stood before you drove yourself mad.
The next day, you found yourself outside his apartment, your heart pounding in your chest. You raised your hand to knock, but it hovered in the air, hesitation weighing you down. What if he didn’t want to see you? What if you were making everything worse by showing up like this?
But you pushed those thoughts aside and knocked.
It took a minute, but eventually, the door creaked open. Spencer stood there, looking just as tired and worn out as you’d imagined. His eyes flicked to you, surprise flashing across his face before he quickly tried to mask it.
"Y/N?" His voice was hoarse, almost like he hadn’t used it in a while.
“Spencer,” you said softly, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Can I come in?”
He hesitated, then stepped aside, letting you enter. The apartment was dimly lit, with stacks of books and papers cluttering the space. You sat down on the couch, and he sat across from you, his eyes glued to the floor.
You didn’t know how to start, so you just blurted it out. “Spencer, what’s going on? You’ve been so distant, and I... I just need to know if you want to break up.”
His head snapped up, eyes wide with shock. “What? No, I—”
“Then what is it?” you interrupted, your voice shaking. “You won’t talk to me, you won’t tell me anything. You barely even look at me anymore. I feel like... like I don’t even know you right now.”
Spencer flinched, and you could see the guilt wash over his face. He rubbed his hands together, still tugging on his sleeve like it was some sort of comfort. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like that.”
“Then why?” you asked, your voice breaking. “Why are you pushing me away? If you care about me at all, please just tell me.”
Spencer stayed silent for a long moment, his brow furrowed in thought. When he finally spoke, his voice was barely audible. “I... I didn’t want you to deal with this.”
You frowned, confused. “Deal with what?”
He looked away again, his fingers trembling. “What happened... with... it... it changed me. I’m not... I’m not the same. I didn’t want you to have to see that or deal with it. I didn’t want to burden you with it when... when this relationship is still so new.”
Your heart clenched at his words, the weight of what he was saying finally sinking in. “Spencer... you’re not a burden. You’re never a burden.”
He shook his head, his voice laced with frustration. “You don’t understand. I’m embarrassed. I’m... ashamed. And I don’t want to drag you into that.”
You reached out and gently took his hand in yours, your thumb brushing over his knuckles. “I don’t care what happened, Spencer. I care about you. I want to be here for you, no matter what. But you have to let me in. You can’t keep shutting me out.”
Spencer’s hand trembled slightly in yours, his eyes still distant, but there was a softness to his gaze now that hadn’t been there before. You could see the exhaustion, the pain he’d been carrying alone. He sat up straighter, a sigh escaping his lips as though he were gathering the courage to continue.
“I... I haven’t been honest with you,” he started, his voice rough with emotion. He looked down at his lap, his fingers still fidgeting. “I’ve been using.”
Your breath hitched in your throat. It felt like time slowed for a second, the weight of those words crashing into you like a tidal wave. You didn’t want to believe it, didn’t want to go down this road—but when you looked into his eyes, you saw the truth there. His face may have been painted with shame and anger, but his eyes… they were pleading. Pleading for understanding, for help.
“Spencer…” you whispered, your voice barely audible. You didn’t know what to say—part of you wanted to scream, to run, to escape the reality that was suddenly in front of you. But another part of you—the part that loved him deeply, that had spent countless nights by his side—knew you couldn’t abandon him now.
He pressed his lips into a thin line, trying and failing to keep the tears at bay. “I didn’t want to tell you,” he admitted, his voice shaking. “I thought... I thought I could handle it. That I could stop on my own.” He looked at your hand holding his, the tension in his body slowly easing. “I’m scared,” he admitted softly. “I’m scared that you’ll see the worst parts of me and... and you’ll leave.”
His words hit you hard. You could feel the vulnerability in every syllable, and your heart ached for him. You swallowed hard, your hand tightening around his as you whispered, “You don’t have to handle it alone. You don’t have to hide this from me.”
His breath hitched, and he turned his face away, wiping at his eyes quickly. He was still holding back, his guard up even as the cracks began to show. “I didn’t want you to see me like this. I didn’t want you to know how weak I am.”
Your heart broke at the vulnerability in his voice. You squeezed his hand tighter, shaking your head. “I’m not going anywhere, Spencer. I’m here. And I’m not giving up on what's here.”
“Spencer, look at me,” you urged, your voice trembling with emotion. He hesitated for a moment before finally meeting your gaze, and what you saw nearly broke you. His face was twisted in pain, his eyes red-rimmed with tears. “You’re not weak,” you said softly. “You’ve been through hell, and you’re still standing. That’s not weakness.”
He shook his head violently. “No, you don’t understand.” His voice cracked, the dam he’d been holding back finally breaking. “I thought you’d leave me. I’ve been waiting for it. I’m a mess. I’m broken. I didn’t want to... drag you down with me.”
Your heart shattered at his words, at the depth of his self-loathing and fear. You could see now how much he had been struggling alone, how much he had kept bottled up inside, and it broke your heart that he thought he didn’t deserve help—or you.
Without a second thought, you pulled him into your arms, cradling him close. His body tensed for a moment before he melted into you, burying his face in your shoulder as his tears finally spilled over. He sobbed quietly, his hands gripping the back of your shirt as if afraid to let go.
“I’m not leaving,” you whispered fiercely, running your fingers through his hair. “I’m not going anywhere. We’ll get through this, okay? We’ll figure it out together.”
He cried harder, his body shaking with each sob, and you held him tighter, pressing your cheek against his. “I thought… I thought I’d lost you,” he choked out. “I didn’t know how to... how to tell you. I thought I’d ruined everything.”
“You haven’t ruined anything, Spencer,” you assured him, your own voice breaking now. “I love you. We’ll get through this. I’m here. I’m right here.”
For what felt like an eternity, the two of you stayed like that—wrapped up in each other, holding onto the pieces of what had felt so fragile only moments before. His sobs gradually quieted, and he pulled back just enough to look at you, his eyes still glistening with tears but filled with something else too—relief. Hope.
“You don’t have to do this alone,” you reminded him gently, brushing a tear from his cheek. “I’m not leaving, and we’ll find help. We’ll get through this together.”
He nodded, his fingers brushing lightly over yours as he whispered, “Thank you.” His voice cracked, but there was sincerity there—real, raw emotion that made your heart ache for him even more.
“Always,” you whispered, pulling him close again, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. You knew this wouldn’t be easy—there would be hard days, long nights, moments of doubt. But as long as you had him and he had you, you were ready to face whatever came next.
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hoetolegist · 1 year
Let me have a taste
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Summary: Getting married is not something you want to do right now but sucking off the son of your mom's boss is
Warnings: sexual content, oral sex (m receiving), face-fucking, semi public, 2 seconds of jealous Stefan, oral sex (f receiving), protected sex, dirty talk, language (y'all know I like to curse), y/n is a riding pro, slight choking, explicit kinda
Authors note: this story was low-key an excuse for me to practice my blowjob writing skills lmao so the sex and the ending wasn't really thought out much nonetheless I hope you like it. p.s there's more plot than I thought oop-
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Every time you flew down to Mystic falls to visit your parents, your mom always ended up talking about how disappointed she was about you being 24 and single. This time was no different. You sat at the round glass table with your mom and your dad, eating a casserole that your mom made a few hours prior to your visit. It hasn't even been 10 seconds into eating before your mom cleared her throat to speak, you mentally prepared yourself for what was to come
"Y/n" she began "you're twenty four. You need to settle down and start a family"
You inwardly groaned and rolled your eyes. This is a conversation that you were never able to avoid, not when you were 21, not when you were 22, not when you were 23 and not now. What your parents don't understand is that you are a very busy woman. It's not that you don't want a boyfriend, you'd love to have someone to come home to and talk about your day with but you just don't have time for one right now. Not only were you a young and attractive woman who just wanted to have her fair share of fun before she couldn't anymore but you also had a serious job that requires a lot of your attention
Your mom got married to your dad when she was 22 and then went on to have you at 24. She wants you to follow in her footsteps and start a family early so by the time you're older you don't have to worry about raising children. The thing is though is that your grandparents were millionaires, they coddled and spoiled your mom endlessly, to the point where she didn't need a job or to do anything for that matter so she decided start a family. Although your mom inherited her parents riches when they passed away, you refused to be spoiled rotten. You wanted to work hard for what you have and you did. You love and respect your mother but you refuse to sit around all day in a house too big, being a stay at home mom who does nothing but cook and clean
"Please don't start. I came here to see you and dad, can we not focus on my love life today" you said as you pushed your food around the plate with a fork, avoiding eye contact
Your mom placed her fork on her plate and sighed. "Honey I just want the best for you. I want you to start a family like me. What about that adorable Matt" she replied
"Mom no" you scoffed "wh- why would you even suggest that?"
Matt was a childhood friend of yours from middle school. You still hang out with him probably once or twice a year but you guys drifted apart a long time ago, there were no hard feelings, it's natural. Your mom loves Matt though, every time you see her she says "you and that Matt kid would make a great couple" or "he'll be your husband one day I'm telling you" but she hasn't even seen him since you guys were 18
The sound of your chair scraping the floor filled the room as you pushed back in your seat to get up. "I haven't talked to Matt in a while" you sighed and grabbed the plates before walking through the door that connected the dining room to the kitchen so you could wash your dish "and please stop telling your friends that I'm looking for a husband. If Mrs. Lockwood calls me one more time, I'm pulling my hair out" you said loud enough for her to hear
You began scrubbing the dishes as your mom walked in and leaned on the counter next to you, her brown bangs fanning messily over her forehead. "Okay I'm sorry honey. I just want you to find a ni-"
"nice guy and settle down" you finished for her "I know and I will. Just not now. There's so much I want to do for myself before I have to share my life with anyone else" you turned the faucet off and shook your hands before drying them on the kitchen towel
She sighed but prodded no more, just tapping the counter "okay honey, we have guests later today" she said before heading to the living room. Your dad leaned against the door frame and you knew he was going to say something, having heard that whole conversation. He shook his head before walking over to you and placing his dish in the sink. "She's just looking out for you in the only way she knows how" he kissed the top of your head "I'll talk to her about it okay?"
You nodded as he turned around and walked out of the kitchen. You released a heavy sigh and grabbed your phone off of the counter before leaving through the backdoor to get some fresh air. You had many messages from your friends, they must be worried since you haven't talked to them since you landed which means it has been two days now
Y/n, are you okay?
I said text me when you get there remember??
Bonnie is gonna spam call the group chat if you don't answer
Hey! Just checking in
I stg you better not be dead
I'm calling
[2 missed calls from Bonnie]
[4 missed calls from 'the girls who care']
You chuckled to yourself upon seeing those messages. You decided to three-way call the group chat so you didn't have to go back and forth texting both of your friends. You sat down on the rocking chair as your phone rang
"You bitch" was the first thing you heard once the ringing stopped. Caroline picked up first then Bonnie, they were both scolding you at the same time and you just sat back on the chair and sighed since you couldn't get a word in yet
"Do you understand how worried we were?!" Caroline shouted into her mic
"Seriously, we were about to pack and fly down there" Bonnie added on a bit calmer but you could tell she was just as upset
You waited for them to get silent before you responded "I'm sorry guys. I didn't think things were going to be hectic as soon as I arrived"
They sighed because they knew exactly what you were talking about. The first and last time you ever invited your friends down to visit, your mom embarrassed you endlessly. Not the cute embarrassment when she talks about your baby pictures and coo over your squishy cheeks. No, the embarrassment that comes with getting yelled at in front of your friends for not wanting to get married at 22, the embarrassment of your mom practically telling your friends that they might as well kill themselves if they don't start a family early
"You need to put your foot down y/n" Caroline said with a huff "just cuss her out or something"
"She's my mother Care, I can't cuss my mother out"
"Sure you can" you could picture her rolling her eyes at you "all because she's your mom doesn't mean you have to take the constant disrespect"
Caroline was the one you don't go to for advice and the times you do, you don't really listen to her much. This time, maybe she was right, maybe you do need to put your foot down but if you were going to do it, it wouldn't be today. You waited for Bonnie to say something, anything. She's the calm one, the one that talks some sense into them when things were going wrong and you needed some sense right now
Bonnie sighed exasperated "Y/n, don't cuss your mom out. Caroline, stop suggesting stupid shit like that" you nodded as if she could see you "just sit her down and talk to her about it, your dad is on your side so both of you could team up and make her see that you can make your own decisions about your life and you don't need to be hassled for it"
You face palmed yourself "I've done that already Bonnie. I can't- I can't talk anymore, I've done enough talking with her"
That's when Caroline decided to speak again "well..." she started. You and Bonnie were prepared for her to say something absolutely useless but she said something that actually kind of peaked your interest. "Why don't you just tell her you already have a boyfriend? To get her off of your back at least for the rest of your visit" she said nonchalantly
"Wait- say that again" you demanded, getting up from the swing and pacing the back porch
"Uh, just tell her you have a boyfriend already?" She said it like it was a question "I mean it might be stupid but it could work. Your mom just wants you to settle down, tell her that you will and she'll be excited enough to leave you alone"
"Care you're a fucking genius!" you shouted, you kept your phone stable by using your shoulder as you pumped your fists in victory as if you had the idea yourself. "Gosh I love you guys so much. I'll have to talk to you later okay?"
This plan was absolutely fucking genius. Caroline can be on the dumber side sometimes and her ideas were over the top but there are times where she has those moments that made you want to grab her face and kiss her silly and now was one of those amazing moments.
"Wait" Bonnie tried "Y/n think it through first you can't just-"
You hung up. Of course Bonnie was going to have protests and you'll call her to talk about her opinions later but for now you have a plan and you want to get everything in your head situated first. You texted the chat saying sorry for hanging up so abruptly then you put your phone in the back pocket of your jeans before flinging the back door open
Nobody was in the living room so you threw yourself on the couch and turned on the TV just for some background noise while you sat deep in thought. Deep in the back of your mind you knew this plan would never work but if it did end up working out the way you hoped, you'd have a relaxing rest of your visit. Now you're certain that she'll ask a shit ton of questions, things like "what's his name?" And "when did you meet?" Or "why didn't you tell me this sooner?" So you came up with an answer for all of those questions. Once you came up with your fake backstory and a name to go with it, you decided to go up to your room and take a nap
You knew that you should probably get started on dinner but you were burnt out from the day and the constant nagging you had to put up with. The stairs creaked as you walked up two steps at a time. Your bedroom was still decorated the same from when you were 17 years old. Tacked onto the pale blue walls were multiple BTS posters, a light brown, wooden desk was pushed into the corner closest to the window and right in the middle of the spacey room sat a queen sized bed with pale blue sheets to match the walls and a heavy black comforter because your parents loved to keep the house cold
With a heavy sigh, you closed the door and went to the bathroom that was connected to your room. After washing up and cleaning your face you threw yourself onto the soft bed and curled under the comforter. Later you'll think things through more but right now you need to get some serious shut eye
"Y/n!" You heard a muffled voice shout out. It was your mom standing at the bottom of the stairs calling for dinner. She had a phrase for waking you up when you were a kid "two shouts before I come in and throw ice water on you". You realized that was her second shout once you heard the stairs creak with every step she took to come up
You rolled out of bed, your butt thumping the ground pretty hard. "Shit" you grimaced and lifted yourself to rub your right ass cheek before you heard your doorknob turn. Your mom flung the door open and stood in the doorway with a big blue cup in her hand, no doubt full of the coldest water she could find. "Hi mom, I'm up" you said groggily as she eyed you like you were crazy. You were sitting on the floor half asleep with one eye open, just your bra and panties on, rubbing your bruising ass cheek while your blanket was tangled around your legs, you could be seen as crazy. She opened her mouth to speak but shut it right away, just nodding and shutting the door quickly with a thud
Okay, so not the best way to say hello to your mother but if she knew how to knock she wouldn't have caught you in such a compromising position. You placed one elbow on your bed and another on your bedside table to hoist yourself up with a grunt. "Jesus fucking Christ" you mumbled as you dragged yourself to the bathroom to make yourself presentable. Your mom was inviting one of her co-workers over for dinner and she briefly woke up earlier to tell you to dress your best because there was someone she wanted you to meet
You thought that maybe she was trying to get you to talk to one of her friends so you could get a job in town, you knew how badly she wanted you to move back in with her and your dad. So when you walk down stairs in your black, tight fitted long sleeved shirt, camaflouge print cargo pants - cinched at the ankles, and black, leather converse high tops, you weren't expecting to see one of the most gorgeous men you have ever seen before in your 24 years of living. Your mom was talking to a lady who you assumed was her co-worker while the man looked around the living room, smiling at family pictures and touching the plants
"Oh Y/n you're here!!" Everyone looked at you at the announcement of your arrival. You waved shyly then walked over to your mom with your arms stiffly at your sides. She introduced the woman as Vanessa Salvatore, the CEO of Salvatore inc, the largest car company in all of North America. Your jaw damn near touched your toes, when your mom had said co-worker you wouldn't have thought that she meant the CEO of the goddamn company she worked at
The woman shook your hand firmly and called over the man who was walking around the living room. "This is my son" she said as he walked over. He was dressed in a white button-up shirt, paired with a grey suit and brown shoes, his dirty blonde hair was gelled back, a missed curl falling prettily in front of his eye. As he planted himself next to his mother you noticed that his eyes were a beautiful emerald green and his jaw was chiseled to perfection, it could cut through diamonds if he tried. He was devastatingly gorgeous, taking your eyes off of him would not be easy
"Hello, I'm Stefan Salvatore" he held his hand out and flashed a beautiful, toothy smile. You smiled right back at him and took his hand, shaking firmly like your mom taught you. "Y/n Smith, nice to meet you" you replied, trying to sound professional, this must be something important, pertaining to your mothers job. You pulled your hand back while he stared at you, intensely like he was trying to read you through your eyes. You were starting to feel kind of hot under his gaze so you turned around to go help your father set the table
Your father greeted you with a smile when you walked through the doors "hey honey" he said as he grabbed a stack of napkins "help set these plates, will you?" He kissed your cheek then walked past you to set down the napkins. While you grabbed the plates you heard the kitchen door swing open, you turned around to see who it was and there was Stefan, waving hello to your father as he walked toward you
"Y/n right?" Stefan grabbed the glass cups that were stacked on the counter next to you "sorry if I stared a little back there, you are a gorgeous woman" he said, you could see a slight smirk on his face, he's confident, that's either a good thing or a bad thing. "Thanks, you're a very handsome man" you returned the compliment before going to set the plates down. He followed you to the connected dining room and set a cup down beside every plate you placed on the table. A comfortable silence wrapped around the two of you as you both worked to set the table
After the table was done being set up you called everyone into the dining room to eat. Your mom cooked since you had taken a nap (you reminded yourself to apologize for that later). She made baked macaroni, sliced ham, sliced turkey, yellow rice with gravy and baked chicken. You were ready to dig in but guests first was the biggest rule whenever you had company over. You waited until their plates were fixed then you eagerly stood up and placed some of everything on yours
"So Michelle, I heard that the idea of two engines was your idea" Ms. Salvatore held a hand to her mouth as she talked. Your mom nodded her head "I was quite shocked at hearing that but after learning so much about you I could see that you are a smart woman". You smiled proudly upon hearing this, your mom had been working on that two engine idea for the better part of a year, when she finally got the chance to pitch it to her higher ups she was a big ball of nerves, calling you every two seconds before she had to be in the boardroom
Your mom bowed her head shyly "thank you so much Vanessa" she said gratefully, a hue of pink faint on her cheeks
Conversations flowed perfectly after that. Ms. Salvatore asked you questions like where you worked and where you lived now and you had answered truthfully. You were the head photographer at the modeling agency you worked at in New York, Lights up studios
Mrs. Salvatore's eyes lit up "Oh! A photographer? My Stefan is a model and he lives in New York too" she pat his shoulder "It's hard to get him to come visit since his schedule is very tight but he manages"
"Me too, I visit whenever my schedule dies down a bit" you cleared your throat and looked at Stefan "a model? You are very handsome" you noticed the way your mom looked between you two with a big smile on her face. "Which companies have you worked with?". You wanted to know if he ever worked with your company before, maybe before you began working there he had done some shoots
Stefan shrugged "uh, nothing big just-" he looked at his mom and sighed, she was obviously very proud of his profession "Gucci and Louis Vuitton, places like that" he scratched the back of his head, for some reason embarrassed
Your eyes widened and you put your fork down "Oh wow that's totally big. I would love to see your pictures one day". You could tell he was about to decline but his mom already had her phone in hand and pictures pulled up. Stefan's photos were amazing, he was a natural and whoever his photographer was, they were so very talented. Your breath caught in your throat at one specific photo from an underwear photoshoot, it was hot but it weirded you out that you were looking at it from his moms phone. You sat back up and started chewing on a piece of ham while his mom showed more pictures to your parents
Dinner was great. After you and your mom had finished clearing the table, everyone gathered in the living room. After thanking Mrs. Salvatore for coming over, your dad went upstairs to his room because he had to get to work early tomorrow. Your mom sat next to Mrs. Salvatore on the couch and they seemed to be talking about something important. Stefan was sitting on a recliner, looking a little lost so you decided to sit on the one next to him
"Hey" you said as you sat down "I apologize, I wouldn't have asked if I knew you were going to be a bit uncomfortable". You were feeling bad about his obvious discomfort when you asked to see his pictures. He obviously didn't like talking about his profession much and you didn't mean to pry
He flicked his wrist dismissively "It's fine. I wanted to show them, I just uh, get a little embarrassed when my mom starts to talk about it" he lowered his head "it's stupid"
You shook your head "it's not stupid, I know how you feel". Hearing your parents brag about you is the worst, especially when it's about something as big as what Stefan does. You couldn't even imagine your mom pulling out pictures of you to brag to anyone she has a chance to brag to
"I'm surprised I've never bumped into someone as sexy as you up in New York" Stefan suddenly leaned over and whispered into your ear, deep and raspy. Heat immediately pooled in your stomach at the sinful sound. He's obviously not shy when it comes to flirting, is what you thought to yourself
You chuckled "is that so?". What you did next was bold but you didn't care. You turned your head his way, he was still leaning close to you so now your faces were only inches apart, you could see the shards of gray in his eyes and the way his lips formed a lopsided heart. "Well Mr. Salvatore, now you know where to bump into me" you whispered against his lips. His eyes flickered to your lips then back to your eyes
Just as he was about to reply, Mrs. Salvatore called you both over. You got up at the same time and walked over to the couch. Your mom was looking around nervously and that made you nervous but you didn't say anything, you waited for whatever was about to be said. "Uh, we think you two should go out and get drinks. Let the adults talk some more"
You looked at your mother and just like you thought, she wasn't making eye contact with you. No way was she trying to set you up with her boss's son. "Mom, can I talk to you in the kitchen" you said with a fake smile on your face
"Honey" she laughed awkwardly "we have guests"
"Just for a minute"
You turned around and walked to the kitchen, knowing your mom would be right behind you. "Mom what the fuck?" You whisper shouted once she walked in and the door was closed "your boss's son? Are you serious right now?"
She raised a brow "excuse me young lady? Watch your mouth" she sighed "now it's just to see how compatible you two are. He's a sweet young man and if you're going to get married soon then-"
You threw your hands in the air and interrupted her with a groan "I don't want to get married mom, what don't you understand!"
She was pleading with her eyes now "Y/n just try, you might like Stefan, he's a sweet boy. And he has seemed to take a liking to you already"
"Mom I don't-" You sighed tiredly, you have no more fight left in you and no more strength left to even finish that sentence. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other, you can't do it anymore so you just agreed. You glared at your mom one more time before leaving the kitchen, mumbling a quiet "nice to meet you" to Ms. Salvatore before snatching your car keys from the hook by the front door
"Let's go Stefan" you said with a little sass as you threw the front door open and walked out into the night. Stefan was right behind you, closing the house door and scrambling to sit in the passenger side of your black Mercedes E Class. Once in the car, you started it and exhaled heavily "do you mind if I bluetooth this?" You asked Stefan as you held up your phone, indicating you needed to make a call. He shrugged and sat back, buckling his seat belt
As you pulled out of the driveway the sounds of your phone ringing filled the car. You needed some sense right now before you angrily killed you and Stefan by driving off of the next bridge you cross so you called the only person who could give you some sense. "Hello?" A voice whispered, she was obviously sleeping and you would feel bad if you weren't completely pissed
"Bonnie, why the fuck do I put up with this shit? I can't talk to her and to hell with the fake boyfriend plan, that wasn't going to work anyway and I knew it wasn't the minute I put my head down to nap" you were going on and on, to anybody else the silence would mean Bonnie doesn't really care but you know she's just listening intently "I can't do this shit anymore. I can't keep coming down here and hearing the same shit and worrying about the next man my mom is trying to marry me off to in Mystic Falls. It's exhausting Bonnie"
You weren't even angry anymore just exhausted. You tried to understand your mom, you tried to sympathize with her, you tried to be angry with her but none of it is working. Nothing you do is going to stop the constant nagging and the constant questions about your love life and the silent judgement you get from her friends whose kids are already married
Bonnie hummed "what happened y/n? Did she tell another one of her friends that you want a husband"
"Basically. She invited her boss and the lady's goddamn son to the house for dinner then sent me out to get drinks with the fucking son" you chuckled dryly "she thinks I didn't notice her smiling at us like we were going to get married right there in the fucking living room"
Stefan was looking at you like you were crazy but you paid him no mind. He knew exactly what you were talking about because judging by the way his mom was smiling from ear to ear upon introducing him, she definitely told him he needed to start looking for a wife too
"Is he ugly?" Is what Bonnie asked, you saw Stefan smirk out the corner of your eye and this time it pissed you off so you said the logical answer
"Yes" you bit back a snicker when you saw his eyes widen "and he's shorter than a troll"
"Hey! You're a liar" Stefan said, pointing an accusatory finger at you
"IS HE IN THE CAR?" Bonnie shouted, you winced at how loud it was, leaning over to turn the car volume down a little
You released a laugh, high pitched and squeaky "yeah he is" you laughed harder "you should see the way he's glaring at me"
Before you knew it, all three of you started laughing. It felt nice to laugh like that and you felt less pissed. Bonnie then stopped laughing and called your name, you hummed in acknowledgment. "Just make the most of it okay? Don't think of it as your mom sending you off on a date, think of it as you meeting a new friend" she said
You nodded your head, she's right you need to think more positively. Stefan is funny and handsome, you won't marry him but you sure would fuck him if you had the chance. So why not make the most of it? "You're right Bon, thank you" you sighed "I don't know what I'd do without you". You said your goodbyes and apologized for waking her up then you hung up
"Great friend. Mine would've told me to push you out of the car and take the next flight back to New York" Stefan said once the call ended
You laughed and glanced at him "if I had called my other friend, she would've said the same thing" you stopped at a red light then leaned back in your seat "you're not ugly by the way or short" you said quietly, your joking demeanor long gone
"I know" he replied smugly. You scoffed in disbelief and amusement, so he's definitely not one to turn down a compliment
You shook your head as you started driving again "Salvatore you're something else" you replied, hearing him release a breathy laugh in response
It's a sound you've come to like, maybe a little too much
The music was blaring and you could barely hear the story Stefan was trying to tell you. You both agreed to go to a local night club called "Mindy's", great bar service and great bathrooms to suck someone off. Stefan was leaning back in the booth across from you, his legs were spread out and he had both arms propped up behind him, he threw his head back in a deep laugh at one of his own jokes and you swear it was one of the sexiest things you ever heard
You were still kind of upset about your mother trying to set you up to get married but you tried not to think about it here. You were with Stefan and more than likely going to get fucked tonight, why ruin that with complaints? You tapped on the table "do you want another drink?" You asked Stefan as you slid out of the booth to go get yourself your fourth one of the night. He nodded and allowed his eyes to roam your body as he handed you his empty glass. Your fingers grazed his as you grabbed the cup and you felt tingles from the warmth
You walked away confidently, certain that he was staring at your ass. "Two gin and tonics please" you said with a smile once you reached the bar. The male bartender smirked at you before fixing the drinks
"Here alone?" The bartender asked, his shiny black hair was messy like he had been running his hands through it and his eyes were a striking blue "I'm Landon by the way"
You hummed and replied "with a friend" then you let yourself stare at his plump, red lips as he ran his tongue across the bottom one. "I'm Y/n", the bartender looked at you with some type of intensity in his eyes, you knew he wanted you but you just wanted to flirt. Flirting always calls for a good time
He slid you your drinks then leaned forward "I'd love to take you out sometime" he whispered "I don't see many beautiful women like you in the falls". You almost rolled your eyes, these men don't seem to see beautiful women anywhere. You grabbed the drinks, lifting your brow at an extra he slid over, saying it was "on the house"
You smiled at him and thanked him for the drinks and compliment. "Maybe you'll see me around more" you said, knowing that you'll be leaving soon and not coming back for a couple more months. After telling him that you should get going, you turned around and headed back to your booth
When you got back to the table, Stefan was looking at you with his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. You decided to sit next to him instead of across from him. "Got an extra!" you shouted into his ear. He smiled, tight lipped and his eyes were sharper like he was angry. You asked him what was wrong but he just shrugged and said nothing so you hummed and started swaying in your seat to the music
"I want to dance"
Stefan just looked at you and raised a brow as if questioning why but you just grabbed his hand and drug him out of the booth. "Humor me" you said, placing a hand on his chest "just one dance"
He stared into your eyes for a few minutes then he took your hand and walked onto the dance floor. He spun you around, pressing your back to his chest "hm, I think someone else was expecting a dance too" he whispered, his warm breath fanning across your neck. Your breath hitched as he pulled you closer, sliding his left hand down your left arm to intertwine your fingers
He was jealous. You realized it in the way he held you possessively and the way he chose a spot right where the bartender could see you guys. It's not everyday you find a man as sexy as Stefan that wants you so badly so you caught yourself from smiling and decided not to comment on his jealousy
Instead you pushed your hips back as he placed his other hand on your waist to guide your movements. You could feel his heart beating rapidly on your back and you reveled in the feeling, you were making him feel like this. Eventually you were grinding up against him faster and harder and you could feel his breath picking up from the constant friction. You put your head back on his shoulder and closed your eyes, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth when he started to leave feather light kisses down your neck. "Mm" you hummed as arousal swirled in the pits of your stomach, you needed to fuck him now
"I want you” Stefan confessed, low and deep in your ear, his lips grazing your earlobe. “I would fuck you so well” he added, nipping the lobe of your ear afterward
You let out a little gasp when Stefan released your entwined fingers then spun you to face him. You were drunk off both pleasure and alcohol, a dangerous combination. Stefan then kissed you, so deeply and passionately that your knees almost buckled from the feeling. His lips were softer and warmer then you could have ever imagined, not that you had much time to imagine since you just met him not too long ago
You panted as he pulled back just a little "show me then please" you begged. You weren't even going to resort to begging at first but every time he touched you a fire ignited throughout your whole body and the only way to put it out is to feel him inside of you
“Begging already?” Stefan said, his lips still against yours
You whimpered and closed your eyes as he kissed you again. You needed Stefan and it's now or never but before you could tell him to take you to the bathrooms, he was already letting go
“Come on then” he teased in a low voice, sending a shiver down your spine. His hands trailed lightly down your back, just a teasing touch, before he gripped your ass. Then the touch was gone and his warmth was gone. You opened your eyes to see Stefan walking toward the bathrooms, he walked with his head held high and the crowd parted for him like the red sea
Before you knew it you were booking it to the bathrooms. As soon as you opened the door, you were pulled in and pushed against it. Stefan locked it then connected his lips with yours hungrily. You melted into his touch, enjoying the softness of his lips and the taste of alcohol on his tongue as he licked into your mouth. Stefan slid his hands under your shirt to squeeze your waist and the touch sent a lick of heat through your stomach. You pulled back and scanned his body
"Let me suck your dick" it was a demand but a question at the same time
He nodded with a groan "yeah okay". Stefan switched spots so his back was against the door and you were in front of him then he unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down enough to get his dick out. Your eyes widened, you almost wanted to slap him for having such a perfect dick – it was long, thick and his pretty red tip was already dripping with pre-cum
You quickly sunk down to your knees and stuck your tongue out, licking a broad stripe along the vein on his cock. Stefan released a drawn out moan, letting the back of his head hit the door with a thud. "Fuck" he cursed under his breath as you started to suck on the tip. He put a hand in your hair, not pushing your head but just keeping it there
This turned you on though, you wanted him to grip your hair and fuck his cock down your throat. And you let him know that by sinking down as far as you can, then looking up at him with tears pricking your eyes. His grip in your hair tightened and his breathing picked up. "Okay shit, I get it" he said, smiling down at you and boy was his smile beautiful. "Tap my thigh whenever you want me to stop" he added before pulling his cock out to rub his tip on your lips
When you opened your mouth he took that opportunity to slide in, slowly, just until he hit the back of your throat then he pulled back again and slammed in harder. Your eyes watered but you just breathed through your nose, you wanted this. "So good baby" he breathed as he looked down at you with half lidded eyes. The praise make your pussy clench around nothing, wanting him to fill you up
Stefan gently fisted your hair with both hands as he began to thrust, moving your head along with him. "Those pretty lips were meant to be stretched around my cock" he said as he started thrusting faster, moans getting louder. You're sure anybody who was waiting for the restroom could hear him but that made it even hotter
Drool and tears ran down your face as Stefan brutally hit the back of your throat with each thrust, you closed your eyes and thanked the universe for not giving you a gag reflex. You moaned around his length, hearing him let out a curse from the vibrations just like you thought he would. You continued to look up at him as he stared down at you, he was breathtaking. His forehead glistened with sweat and his tongue swiped across his bottom lip every few seconds. He smiled at you in between a moan and it was the sexiest thing you had ever seen
Soon his thrusts were faltering and his cock was twitching against your tongue with the need to release. "Fuck- I'm gonna cum" he moaned as he put his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. His grip in your hair tightened as he thrusted one more time, stilling with a loud groan as he came hot and salty down your throat. You swallowed it all quickly then sucked on his tip a little more until he was pulling you off from over stimulation
"You're a fucking dream" he breathed out, his eyes following you as you stood back up and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand
"So I've been told" you replied with a laugh as you turned around to walk to the sink to wash your face and fix your hair
After Stefan tucked himself back in and buckled his belt back up he walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I don't have condoms on me" he mumbled as he kissed your ear. You tried not to pout in disappointment. You were really hoping to get fucked tonight but you were fine with it, you didn't care much
"It's fine I don't need anything in re-"
"But I have my own place a few blocks away" he interrupted with a face as if he was trying not to laugh and coo at you. That was all he had to say before you were grabbing his arm and unlocking the bathroom door. Of course you cared, you wanted Stefan and he didn't seem like the blowjob and go type of guy anyway. You didn't care about the people staring at the both of you as you flung the door open and walked out
You and Stefan walked to the car in silence because if either of you spoke you'd probably just say fuck it and have the nastiest sex on your backseat. Electricity was buzzing through your veins and you were already wet from earlier, you know he could fuck you good and you're ready to be pinned down and fucked rough
Stefan had already typed his address into your phone's GPS so in just a few minutes you were pulling up a huge driveway. Your eyes widened as something akin to a mansion came into view. His house was fucking huge, there is no way he lives here alone and of course you talked first and asked that very question. "You live here? Alone?" You asked your car came to a halt by the entrance
He shook his head and replied "not alone". You raised a brow and asked with who and he told you that he has a three year old puppy named Rose that he keeps with him every time he visits Mystic Falls, giving the puppy to his parents whenever he isn't here. For some reason you felt a sense of relief at the confirmation of nobody else living there but you ignored it because what would you be relieved for?
When you walked in the house you didn't even have time to process how big and beautiful it was inside before Stefan was grabbing your waist and smashing ypur lips together. You yelped as he picked you up and you quickly wrapped your legs around his waist. "You're so fucking sexy" he said in between nips on your bottom lip. He carried you up a flight of stairs with his lips still connected to yours, not pulling away until he threw you on a big bed in a bedroom way too big for one person. You sat still and looked around as Stefan went to go grab condoms out of his dresser
The room was huge but very bland like something you'd imagine a guest room to look like but you knew it was his room because of the single picture of him accompanied by a tall man with black hair that sat on his dresser. You wanted to ask questions but you didn't want to pry too much
Soon Stefan came back with three condoms, you lifted a brow and giggled. "Three? Are you trying to kill me?" You asked in faux disbelief. You can handle three rounds but you aren't sure if he can, not with you
He laughed lowly while moving to hover over you. "Just hoping you can keep up" he said before pressing his lips against yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist as you pulled him closer and kissed him back harder. You could kiss Stefan forever, it was like your lips were made to be on his
You both grinded against each other before Stefan pulled back to start kissing down your neck. "Tell me what you like" he said as he nipped a sensitive part on your neck "I'm open to anything" he continued, detaching his lips from your neck so he could pull your shirt off, you complied by lifting your arms
"Mm" you moaned as he kissed around your breasts, you indeed wore no bra. Your breasts are big but not too big so you were able to pass without a bra sometimes. "I like rough but not too rough, I don't want to bleed. I like to be choked and please don't hesitate to leave marks, it turns me on". You placed a hand on the back of his head as he started sucking on one of your hard nipples. "If you're too silent I might get up and leave in the middle of it" you laughed when Stefan softly bit your nipple trying to hold back a laugh. "I'm serious, be vocal, I like to hear how good you feel" you said, looking down in time to see Stefan wink at you
"Of course I'll be vocal baby" he mumbled against your skin as he was switching to the other nipple. You shuddered at the pet name again and closed your eyes thinking of more things to tell him
"If I say pineapple that means stop"
Stefan released your nipple with a pop "you better pineapple the shit out of me if you feel any bit of discomfort, got it?" He said with a small smile. You replied with a simple yes before helping him pull his shirt off
This man was carved by angels then double checked by the Greek Gods, you've never seen abs so chiseled and defined. Your mouth hung open as you shamelessly swept his torso with your eyes. Is it weird to say someone has pretty nipples? It probably is but that didn't stop you. "You're nipples are so pretty" you blurted, mentally face palming yourself once you said it
"Thanks" Stefan smiled then pinched one of your nipples "so are yours"
"Just fuck me already" you huffed with a playful roll of your eyes
Stefan kissed you again as he pulled your pants and panties off, quickly pulling his pants and boxers off as well. He stared open mouthed at your pussy and you were about two seconds away from covering up before he began to run his fingers along your glistening folds. He spread you open with two fingers "fuck you're so wet" he removed his fingers and brought them to your lips, you willingly opened your mouth to taste yourself like he wanted you to
He watched you with a hungry look in his eyes which spurred you on more. As much as you wanted to get fucked, you loved the foreplay, you know your orgasm is going to be so much more intense when he does get around to fucking you. You dragged your tongue in between his two fingers and you sucked hard, reminding him of the blowjob you gave him back at the club. "Shit" he whispered, voice heavy with arousal. You released his fingers then watched him move down so his head could be between your thighs
"Gonna taste you first" he said then he stuffed his face into your pussy
You arched up and released a sigh when he licked a stripe up your core and to your clit. He wrapped his lips around it, sucking hard as you grabbed the sheets on either side of your head and squeezed your eyes shut. It felt so good and you wanted so badly to hump his face. "So good Stefan" you whined when he swirled his tongue around your clit then moved to push his tongue through your pulsating hole, using his thumb to rub your clit
It was messy, you were so wet for him and you could hear the way he slurps on your pussy, it pushed you closer and closer to the edge. He pushed two fingers into your hole at once and it felt so good with just a small sting. He hooked his fingers, hitting your g-spot right away. "Right there" you whined breathily, pushing back on his fingers
He was so good at this, knew exactly what to do with his fingers and mouth. But you needed more, you wanted to cum on his cock. You tapped his head "fuck me" you looked at him through half lidded eyes and squeezed your own nipples "I want you so bad" you said, moaning softly when his pressed a kiss to your core
Stefan nodded and quickly sat up on his knees and opened one of the condoms. You watched as he rolled it on then pumped himself a few times. It was hot, he was hot. "Relax for me, okay?" Stefan whispered, rubbing circles into your thighs as he lined himself up with your hole. A quiet moan left you as he pushed in excruciatingly slow, his eyes stuck on where you two are now connected. He rests his hand down on your mound, thumb rubbing small circles into your clit as he rocked his hips into yours
"Shit" Stefan muttered softly to himself. He hadn't really set a pace yet, just lazily rolling his hips and enjoying the feel of your warm, wet pussy squeezing him so tightly. "Fuck you feel so good" he grunted out as he began to speed up his thrusts, fucking into you so hard that his neighbors could probably hear the slap of skin against skin
Stefan slid his hand up your torso to squeeze one of your breasts, rolling your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. "Oh my God" your eyes rolled into the back of your head, his cock hit your g-spot with each thrust inside of you. You gripped his sheets to keep yourself from sinking your nails into his biceps. "Deeper please Stefan" you whined, not knowing how he could get any deeper but you need him to try
"Ride me" is what he replied "if you want it, then ride me" he challengingly quirked a brow and smirked. He was obviously teasing you but with no hesitation you put your hands on his shoulders and pushed him back, allowing his cock to slide out of you so you can hover above him
"You're so fucking sexy" He whispered as you positioned yourself above his cock and sunk down, he was just in you but the stretch was still there, it was a dull pain. His fingers dug into your sides harshly, hard enough to leave bruises and you'd smile about it if you weren't trying to fit his cock in you
You circled your hips a few times before lifting yourself up and slamming back down. You set the pace and made the movements quick and harsh. Stefan slid his hands down to your ass, helping you bounce up and down on him. "You ride me so well" Stefan groaned, eyebrows furrowing out of pleasure
You couldn’t help but clench around him from the endless praise, the action causing him to buck his hips as he moaned “yeah, just like that”. One particular swivel of your hips had you both groan in unison as you worked his cock to find your sweet spot. You locked into the feeling desperate to find it by grinding his cock deeper because it was right there, making your eyes roll backwards into your head. "Oh F-" you shuddered as you found the spot you were looking for
Stefan looked at you with eyes fogged with pure lust. There was no way he could close his eyes when you moved like that above him. He lifted his hips up to meet yours and although you weren't planning on cumming so quickly, that pushed so far over the edge, you couldn't even see straight as your orgasm knocked the breath out of you. Your vision was blurred, the dull ringing in your ears made your head pound and your body convulsed embarrassingly on top of Stefan
Your pussy fluttered violently around his cock, gripping onto it in a way that made Stefan's body shiver from pure pleasure. He’s moaning loudly, no longer being able to hold back. He brought a hand up to wrap around your throat as he planted his feet on the bed, sat up slightly and started fucking up so hard into you that you damn near saw stars
Both of you were sweating heavily and your skin was burning hot by now but you didn't want to stop, no matter how far you were pushed into oversensitivity
You could tell he was close when you felt him twitch inside of you so you used all of your energy to circle your hips to meet his thrust. "Fuck y/n" was the last thing you heard being whispered near your ear as he spilled inside of you, collapsing on top of you but not entirely as to not crush you
You both layed there for a few minutes breathing heavily. You tapped Stefan's shoulder to tell him to get off of you. With a sigh he pulled out of you and flopped onto your side, pulling off the condom and tying it up. "You're really a dream" he chuckled softly as he threw the condom into a small garbage bin by his bed
"So you've said" you looked at him and smiled. The silence was comfortable, just both of you basking in your post orgasm glow and waiting for your breathing to calm down. Suddenly your phone rang loudly, you sat up quick and felt around for it, picking your pants up off the floor and pulling it out of the back pocket
It was your mom calling, you looked at Stefan with wide eyes and put a finger over your lips. "Hello?" You stood up and paced the room, not bothering to even put your undergarments back on
"Y/n, where are you? It's almost one in the morning"
You bit back the scoff you so badly wanted to release "I'm with Stefan mom. Did you forget that you sent me off to get married to your boss's son?"
She sighed heavily, you could picture her leaning against the counter, rubbing her temples. "But that doesn't mean stay out all night doing God knows what! You still stay under my roof while you're here"
This time you did scoff, rolling your eyes as well "mom excuse my language but what the fuck?" You shook your head as Stefan looked over at you in concern "you begged me to leave the house with a random guy in hopes of me getting married so you can relive that through me, you don't get to lecture me when I don't come home for a couple of hours"
"Now Y/n watch-"
She tried to speak but you just needed to let this out so you interrupted her. "He could've been a serial killer or a kidnapper and if anything had gone left you wouldn't even be hearing my voice right now" you felt your eyes sting with tears, trying as best as you could to blink them back before they could fall "you're lucky that I'm with someone who actually makes me feel a bit safe. I'm not coming home tonight and I'll be packing tomorrow and going back to New York. I love you but I don't love the constant nagging about my love life, you don't respect me or my wishes mom. I'm sick of it" you tried to catch a tear before it slipped but it was too late "get some sleep okay? Goodnight, I love you" you hung up the phone and just stood there, butt naked and facing the wall with tears silently rolling down your face
You wiped your face and took breaths before turning around "uh, I'm gonna go" you walked to the bed and started putting your clothes back on and Stefan just watched. You didn't know if he wanted to say something or if he just didn't care but either way you just wanted to go. As you were putting your shirt on that's when Stefan got up, quickly going to his closet to rummage through a whole bunch of clothes. He pulled out a pair of black gym shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt
"It's not much but if you uh, want you can take a shower here and stay here for tonight" he scratched the back of his head with one hand while he held out the clothes with the other, it even looked like he was blushing a little, you couldn't help but crack a small smile
You bit your lip to try to hold the smile back "are you sure? I don't want to impose or anything" you said while grabbing the clothes from him
"You're not imposing" he walked up to you and lifted your chin up with his fingers "don't let your mom force you to do anything you don't want to do" the look in his eye made you want to obey every word he said so you nodded your head. He searched your face "I'm serious y/n. I love my mom but if I had allowed her to force me into marriage I wouldn't be who I am today, doing what I love. You're a beautiful woman with a lot going for you, if marriage isn't what you want then don't do it"
Without really thinking about it you pulled him in for a kiss. Both of you were still naked but it wasn't a sex hungry, heat filled kiss, it was passionate and slow and it made butterflies flutter in your belly, you've never felt that before. You pulled away with a big, dopey smile on your face "I won't do anything I don't want to do" you whispered, biting your lip to conceal yet another smile
"So you wanted to kiss me like that?" He teased with a huge smile on his face. You turned away from him and began walking to the bathroom, answering his question by looking over your shoulder and inviting him in with a tilt of your head
"Come shower with me and I'll let you know what I really want"
He laughed loudly and you couldn't help but join in, it was so contagious. "Oh you crazy crazy girl" he said as he followed behind you, ready for whatever you had to offer him
Maybe you don't plan on getting married anytime soon or dating to be honest but Stefan has become a constant in your life and you'd like to keep it that way and when the time comes when you both want to settle down, it wouldn't be too bad if it was with him
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keeponquinning · 2 years
Feel The Rain Pour | 18+!! eddie munson x fem!reader one shot!
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summary — porn with some plot sprinkled about. eddie's been having a day and you noticed, so you decided to treat him to some alone time with you. things get steamy enough not even the rain can ruin it, maybe even make it better.
preview voiced by eddie —
word count — 21.5k 😭
warnings?? — i mean, it's smut, like, 100000% smut so. oral ( m + f receiving ), p in v sex, unwrapped bc no consequences in fic unless i deem it so, do not apply in real life pls, dirty talk tho nothing too scandalous, use of the word c*nt??, light spanking, like barely there, more smacking.
notes — good god it's finally done, it's finally here, I thought of this smutty idea like MONTHS ago when it was raining. and that....yeah, the thought of, "Oh, it's a one shot, it shouldn't take long" was WRONG lmao it took ALL the time. If you read this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you LIKE / LOVE this, THANK YOU WITH ALL MY BEING. If you REBLOG / COMMENT / SHOWING SAID LOVE FOR THIS, you may as well be lucifer bc i'd sell my soul. i hope you all like this, this is my first real comeback to actual fic writing, and my god, it was hard. I'd honestly not read fanfics in so long, like, I think I was a teen, but then this tall white british man that put on a wig and stole our hearts came into the scene and it renewed my life of fanfiction with such ferocity it took me by so much surprise. i've read so many good stuff from fellow writers, i hope this brings even a small amount of joy ya'll brought me reading your stuff. without further ado, read my filth with a touch of fluff. and did i need to use the voice ai for this? yes. yes, I did. ( if you see any spelling mistakes, no you didn't, I'm tired )
taglist ! — @etherealglimmer , @inourtownofhawkins , @fanxxtasygirl , @lunaapis , @kuldxx1, @roxiehorrorshow , @twilightteeth , @paranoidmunson , @aconites , @selfishsaviour
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He was having a day, that much you knew. You haven't been together long, but you've learned to see the signs. The tightness of his jaw, the way the light in his dark brown eyes seemed to dim and smolder.
There wasn't a lot you knew about Eddie Munson, other than whispers and gossip that roamed Hawkins High. The Freak of Hawkins was said often and that was all you knew of him, until you shared a class with him and was sat next to him, and for an hour each day, he was all you could really see. Sometimes with a turn of your head, other times out of the corner of your eye, despite yourself. It started off slowly, the first period of class, sometimes he'd come late and seeing him peek at your book to see what page the class was on, doing it enough times that you started to point at the page number for him. That was the first time he smiled at you, amusement and appreciation thrown your way and shit, it was nice.
The way he smiled and looked at you with those chocolate button eyes of his, was nice. And that was when you knew you were fucked. Because after that? Those small interactions meant everything, dropping a pencil and him picking it up for you, fingers grazing together sent your whole arm tingling. You were pretty sure you played it cool, a polite thanks and receiving a nod. He was oddly polite, in mannerism, but the way he looked and smirked at you was...something else. Something that entirely consumed you for the rest of the day, sparking up each time you saw him walk pass in the hallway, or in the cafeteria. Your friends were so oblivious to notice, even when it felt so pathetically obvious when your eyes would meet at least a few times during lunch. Yeah, you were fucked.
Then there was the day he forgot his book, and you two had to share yours, and he smiled over at you. Don't worry, I won't bite, he had said in a joking manner once your desks were joined, the book between you and you had just held back a bit in your seat. And even to this day, you weren't sure why too bad just flew out of your mouth before you could stop it. Though the smile on your face wasn't one of embarrassment, but amusement out of yourself. You were about to say sorry, blame it on being a bad joke, but he beat you to it. Only when given permission, s w e e t h e a r t. You looked at him then, his smile matching your own and his eyes staring directly into yours and words just died in your throat, giving a nod and you settled closer. You heard the teacher's voice, read the text, but understood not a single thing. Just the sound of his voice when he was made to read, the warmth of his body close and yet not close enough to yours and his breathing as he read along silently, when you dared to look at him, seeing his lips move along the words softly and the way your heart fluttered.
Fuck, fuck, fuckity, f u c k.
You were the one that kissed him first, meeting him after school after his Hellfire Club meeting. He had asked to borrow your notes for an upcoming test, your notes much more detailed. He didn't even have to have a reason, he could have asked and you would have pathetically said yes. Your friends were starting to notice, the two of you making more opportunities to interact, to acknowledge each other, and they spoke to you in concern. You didn't really care, especially then when he was still riding off a high after his campaign and you saw it on his face, the way he moved. His eyes lit up, smile wide and his laugh... You didn't ask, but he tried to talk you through it, you weren't there, but you felt you were with how detailed he went into it. You were never into the game, but he was so infectious and captivating, you listened to every word, every movement, it was like he was doing a one man show and you were the only audience that mattered. You didn't know how, but you knew you were the one that kissed him, felt his lips and felt his hands at your hips and pulled you close to him. Tasted him off his tongue and fuck. He never let you forget it, though, that you kissed him first with that smug ass grin of his. You remind him that he's lucky he's cute.
Since that day, you two were pretty inseparable, attached to the hip, it did cost you your friends, and he had felt a bit bad about it. He knew it was because of him, the Freak, but you told him you didn't care, and you didn't, his friends sort of welcomed you anyway and were more genuine than your friends could be. In that time you got to know each other a bit better, was able to read his body language more, and that's when you knew he wasn't his usual self, quieter than normal, more rigid. You'd hope to cheer him up, bringing him to Lover's Lake with some food and beer you had managed to sweet talk your way into buying — fake ID helped in that as well — and had hoped for a nice little sunny outing, yet the overcast sky didn't quite get the message and messed that up for you. "This is a bust," you let out with a sigh, at least finishing your food, throwing the wrappers in the bag you brought. "Sorry, I was picturing sunny skies and laying all warm, but..." you tell him, looking at him with an apologetic face.
He wouldn't have it, though, looking at you with a shake of his head, "What're you talking about? You got me fed, liquored up, got us all to ourselves... Nah, sweetheart, nothing to apologize for, this is great." He stretched his arm, his sleeveless shirt showing off his tattoos on his arm, flexing his ringed fingers, his jacket around your shoulders, seeing you shiver once and immediately throwing it around you despite your protests. You were stubborn, but he was slightly more. Offering a smile, you watched as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, holding you close and laid a kiss at the corner of your lips. Chuckling deep at the soft little whine that came out of you, a smirk on his lips as he grasped your chin between finger and thumb, his lips meeting yours in a soft caress. Both of you feeling the smile between you, feeling a wave of relief and he a wave of hunger. Pressing his lips closer, your heart pounding against your chest as he took a deep breath and lips parted. The warmth of his tongue slid across your bottom lip and your body quivered, accepting his tongue, his taste.
His jacket fell from your shoulders, though you didn't feel the cold, just the heat of his kiss and the taste of cheap beer and cigarette — he's such a smoker and before you thought it was gross, but now the taste is undeniably warming up to you. Probably because it was so Eddie, you couldn't help but crave it now. Meeting his tongue with every flick, every roll that makes your head dizzy. You kinda recall your fingers reaching for the hem of his shirt, grasping the fabric and pulling him closer. Fuck, it strokes his ego when you did things like that, show how much you want him. You knew it did. But you didn't much care when you swallow his groan like that his hand moved to your cheek, can feel his breath deepen, chest rising and falling quick. His other hand joins in, cupping your face and it's your moan he swallows next and he does, so eagerly before the kiss ends and you two part, lips wet and thread of spit between you.
Dazed brown eyes look at you, his body warm, kind of tingling. His thumbs stroking along your cheeks, a small lazy smile on his face. "That better, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice deep and husky. Always looking at your face, catching any movement, some sort of tell of what you were feeling. You were breathing deeply, seeming to be in a bit of a haze that he wouldn't lie, stroked his ego and he could feel himself harden in his jeans. He couldn't help it, seeing you like that from his kiss did things to him. His thumb brushing your bottom lip, catching your smile.
"Mmm..." you hummed, keeping close to him. "It's a start... Definitely a start."
His brows raised, his smile widening enough to show his teeth as he let out a breathless laugh. "A start? A start?" You chuckled, his lips peppering yours with kisses. You drove him crazy sometimes, though he liked it, "Can't believe..." he uttered against your lips, kissing you between his words, "..giving my best..." Fingers gliding down your neck, stroking the flesh lightly. "...and you say... It's a start... Killing me here..." Though he's still chuckling, along with you, it makes him forget, at least a bit, caught up in you. There's a lightness in him again, and he knows you can feel it, because he can feel it in you, too.
"It's a good start," you insist with a smile, lips flushed against his lips, teeth finding his bottom lip, biting into it and the groan he lets out brings in a wave of heat through you, pooling within your stomach, felt between your legs. He wraps his arms around you, around your shoulders unexpectedly and pulls you closer, feeling his lip slip between your teeth.
He sucked the lip, the stinging pain from that bite lingering, but in such a way it had zapped through him and went straight for his cock. Feeling a twitch there, jeans getting a bit tighter, but not unbearably so. Looking at you, he shook his head in pure astonishment, eyes scanning your face and fingers digging into your hair. "Shit," he let out, "Y'know what gets me? People look at you and think you're such an innocent little thing." You snorted at that, a roll of his eyes that only makes his smile grow wider. "I'm serious. Yeah, my girl is smart, kind, fucking gorgeous, prettiest thing I've seen..." His train of thought seeming to veer as his lips came to yours again in a soft kiss, fleeting as he let out a hum, feeling you shudder, letting that ego be stroked once again. "They think I'm so mean and scary... Like I bullied you into being with me... That I'm corrupting you. Like I'm gonna ruin you." His nose nuzzled against yours, dark brown eyes staring straight into yours, "That you have to or must be scared of me." His hand moved to the curve of your neck, thumb caressing your jaw as he took a deep breath. "Maybe you should be. Maybe I am ruining you."
He doesn't usually talk like this, which makes you listen to every word carefully until it starts to click. That lightness that had sparked within him dimmed a little with every word, and it's in that moment you realize what exactly had set him on edge today, the way he's looking at you, the jaw clenched again, it makes you take a deep breath and lick your lips. "Who was it?"
A strained laugh escaped him, dark brown eyes slightly flicker amusement as his grip on you loosened and he pulls away a bit. "Like I said — my girl is smart." You watch as he leaned back and rests at the palms of his hands against the grass. "Scott. Carver. Brick, the fuck I know, that meathead you used to slobber all over — well, maybe the other way around."
He let out a scoff and rolled his eyes so hard, you were sure it must have hurt, but he kept it up. "Calvin, or your pal, Cal," a hint of jealousy in his tone, fingers growing busy as he fiddled with a leaf on the grass by his hand. "Yeah, that guy. Came up to me at the lockers, like some white knight trying to save the damsel. You guys hadn't been together since last year? Yet he sees you with the freak and here he comes running. Saying all sorts of stuff, basically I'm bad for you," he quirked his lips, the leaf now torn to shreds, brushing the remnants of it off his hands. "That I'd drag you down, you got this bright future and I, essentially," his eyes looking up at you. "...will ruin you. That I should let you go. Whatever I'm doing to make, a sweet girl like you," his hand coming toward your face, tucking your hair behind your ear, watching your head lean into the touch and a soft smile appears on his face, taking in an uneven breath. "...a s w e e t girl like you...want anything to do with me, I should just stop, before you turn into a freak, too. And sweetheart, he's not the only one that thinks that. Because your former friends? They think the same."
"Do you believe them?" He doesn't answer you, but you feel the stroke of his thumb against your cheek, he takes a deep breath, but his lips are still. Grasping his hand, you give it a squeeze, "Eddie... Do you believe them?" You watched as he licked his lips, wondering if your taste was still on them, if he was savoring them, gently feeling his hand slide away from your cheek, his warmth lingered though. Slowly fading as your hand found itself on his jean clad knee, fingers trailing over the ripped hole, nails trailing over the skin. There was a sense of a shiver from him, prompting you to move a bit closer. "Baby, tell me you don't believe you're going to ruin me. That's not what's happening here. They're just assholes."
That made him laugh, a soft huff of it as his eyes trailed from your hand on his knee to your eyes, a small barely visible smile on his face. "Honestly?" He inquired, and only when you nodded, he continued, "I dunno. I mean, no, it's not like I went outta my way to..." He shrugged, "Try and get you or anything. Didn't really think much of it, of us being a possibility. Shit, part of me sometimes wonders if its a prank by your buddies. Send the pretty girl to the freak and...be nice to him, kiss him because..." His smile wide as he gave you a nod, "Y'know, you kissed me..." You snorted and rolled your eyes, making him laugh, eyes roaming over you, a proud feeling coursing through him. "Make him feel lucky that...you were goodly enough to do that. And other things... Really...good things."
"What, just good?"
He laughed, "Doesn't feel good, does it, huh?" Referencing your earlier assessment of their kiss.
Which you immediately got, chuckling as you moved closer towards him, close enough to feel his warmth of his body and his gaze. "Touche."
Eddie let out a soft hum, looking into your eyes with a pleased little smile. "I do feel lucky, though. I've noticed you, y'know, long before the school year. Before being sat next to you first period. The thought of you noticing me? Being nice to me — that, wasn't used to that." Shaking his head, he brought up his hand, wrapping it at the side of your neck, thumb caressing against the hallow of your throat. "Most people just...are so annoyed by me," he let out with a soft laugh, an even proud smile. "Something I bring out I guess. Just set 'em on edge, not gonna lie, I don't hate it. Gives me a kinda thrill to piss off so many people while just existing. That's natural born talent."
He wasn't wrong, after all, before the school year, all you knew of him was what was whispered and gossiped among friends and classmates. When you thought about it, there was a sense of unease whenever he happened to walk along the halls, making no qualms of his presence known. Back then, you didn't think much of it, you figured it was just the way it was and something to be endured. No one had attempted to know him, aside from the other outcasts, the ones that didn't fit in. You supposed you did, though barely, you weren't one of the popular ones but you were somewhere in between. You didn't hate Eddie, you just didn't know him, though you supposed there was a part of you that was helpless to take notice of him, even then. Though now...
"But you," he continued, eyes pouring over you, shaking his head lightly from side to side. "I dunno... You weren't like that. Not like them. You didn't seem scared, annoyed, maybe a bit quiet at first, but..." He shrugged, trying to explain it, even just a bit. Thing was, he did expect you to be like your friends. Ignore him, mock him, but since the day you simply pointed at the page number after he had peeked so many times, he was a little drawn to you. Not thinking he had a chance, of course. But, he liked being close to you, even if just in class, passing you through the halls, the fact you'd have an actual conversation with him. He knew it wouldn't go beyond that, that was, until you kissed him. "I still don't know why you kissed me, though, ego stroking aside... Not that I don't enjoy it, I fucking do. But, if I'm honest... Part of me wonders if it's all leading up to me covered in pig's blood. Some payback for...being mean and scary."
"So... You think I'd fuck you...for a prank?" You took in a deep breath, raising your brows, "Wow, that's some dedication there... Because as you keep bringing up the fact that I kissed you, I also fucked you right after... And I don't care even if you were that big of an asshole and somehow deserving of a prank of Carrie proportions..." You shook your head, "I wouldn't do that for a prank. Goes without saying, I wouldn't do that to you, because," you cupped his cheek, smiling softly. "You're not mean and scary... You're kind of hot, actually..." A laugh shared between you two, as he raised his brows and pointed at himself, as if questioning, a grin slowly spreading on his lips. "Y e a h, you are. Ridiculously hot. It's very distracting, has been for a while even before I kissed you..."
"Y e a h ?" he asked, a shit eating grin on his face. Maybe he sort of believed it, recalling that odd time of sitting next to you in that damn class, so certain he'd be bored to tears, and then he wasn't. Not with you. Nothing was ever boring with you. His eyes glancing toward your lips, remembering that day, when you first pressed his lips to his — riding off his high after the campaign, after Hellfire, it wasn't his most sexiest moment, in his eyes. Which made the kiss so surprising, always being able to come up with some quip, some comeback or just be loud. But when you kissed him? Shit. All he could do was taste you, wanting more. Couldn't believe it. He still smiled when he sat at his throne and looked at the table, knowing with vivid detail how pretty you looked, cumming as he fucked you right on it. "Why'd you kiss me? I mean, I wasn't really...sexy right then... I don't think you're pranking me, anymore, I'm past that, but... I've been wondering. Stroke my ego for a bit."
"Oh... You were sexy then..." Laughing softly as you saw his confused face. "I'm serious. I was already...fucked over you, and you were..." You shook your head, "God, you don't even know. Eddie... I spent so much time around jocks, academics, party girls, all just making it their whole personality. It's their life and all they care about... Nothing else mattered, especially people. I'd be in a crowded room and they wouldn't care if I was in it. Even with Calvin, I just...didn't matter, y'know? All that time dating, he didn't know me. Just...this idea of me, I guess? He didn't care about knowing the person I was... Until I broke things off because I felt so lonely. There's no passion, no...joy, really. And even with sports, which, is the driving force in school, all they talk and care about, yet, I've never seen them as passionate as you were that day. No one's...genuine like you are." You watched as his eyes softened a bit at that, a ghost of a smile on his face. Had no one told him that? Were you the first? "And, again, you're not mean and scary. I've seen how your friends look at you. They'd follow you anywhere. No one mean and scary could bring that devotion. Loud? Yeah. Obnoxious? A good amount," he rolled his eyes at that, but both of you sharing a smile.
"You could even be annoying sometimes, but..." you continued, looking ino those deep brown eyes of his. "I'd take you over normal or, even the tall, dark, handsome type because those types are fucking boring and you are anything but boring. You talk, sometimes a lot, but at least you don't bottle things up like everyone else seems to do. Wanting to feel numb, playing their roles and settled to play them until the day they die. Without passion, without emotion, doing what they think is right for them, not what they want. I kissed you, and promptly fucked you, because you were different than anyone I had ever met. Very unique, very Eddie Munson and... I liked that the fact that I've never played the game didn't stop you from telling me every single moment of that campaign that day. Like you needed to explain it all to me. Like, you were excited and wanted to share that with someone you barely knew, it was..." You smiled wide, "It was very cute."
"Um," he interjected, holding up a finger, "I thought I was hot and sexy, I don't recall...cute being used to describe me, you're being very inconsistent, here, sweetheart."
A soft laugh breathed out as your hand on his cheek went to the back of his head, fingers grasping his hair. "Oh, but you're actually all three?" He gave a nod, facial shrug given as you moved closer. "And it's actually very unfair, making it hard being around you and not do this..." Smiling against his lips, feeling his grin against yours as you kissed him, feeling him pull you closer, once again feeling his tongue slide within your mouth with no resistance from you. The hand on his knee lingered, the taste of his cigarette greets you once again, fingers sliding along the denim, nails dragging against the fabric, slowly along his inner thigh.
You were playing a dangerous game the more you moved those fingers on him, his breath hitching, shiver running through him and an ache settled from his hardening cock. He should probably tell you to slow down, to get in the back of his van to continue, in his opinion, a pretty fucking perfect afternoon. All because, he figured out, you wanted to cheer him up. Because the thoughts of your former friends, former boyfriend got into his head... Your words playing in his head, now, the roll of your tongue against his taking his breath away. His hands finding the small of your back and pulling you closer. His previous thoughts of his van slowly melting away, pressing himself closer to you. Chasing the sweet taste of you.
He liked that out of the two, you were the one that initiated the love bites. Your teeth finding his bottom lip, applying just the right amount of pressure, sending a pleasant little shock wave through his body. A little moan as he shivered, grasping your hips tightly. Sucking in his bottom lip as it slipped from your grip, tasting the slightest hint of blood, feeling a throb of his cock, the lightest touch of your fingers grazing against the bulge through his jeans. "Shit," he whispered, bringing his lips across your jaw, seeing your eyes look down between you both, on your fingers teasing him. The pads of your fingertips sliding up and down the clothed length, feeling his body tensing, a groan bubbling at the depth of his throat. "You drive me crazy, princess," his voice soft, wet kisses pressed against your throat. You feel the warmth of his tongue as it slid out, closing his eyes as he felt your fingers copying the patterns he placed on your neck, a groan as the palm of your hand pressed against him. Rubbing lightly, yet with pressure. "Fuck, d'you know what you're doing to me right now?"
"Mmhm," you hummed, the fingers in his hair tightening slightly, as he growled and grazed his teeth against your neck. The feel of him pulse beneath your palm, keeping the slow pace but also taken by how hard he felt. Making your mouth water, an ache between your legs. "I do," your breath quickening, closing your eyes as your hand squeezed the bulge of his cock gently. The way he groaned made you squeeze your own thighs. You wanted to chalk it up to this thing between you being new and different, but the way he was able to arouse you so easily, to make you wet with a gentle gaze, touch, words whispered in your ear... That had to be something significant, right?
That, or maybe Eddie Munson just made you ridiculously horny.
Ever since you two had fucked that day after Hellfire, spread your legs so willingly for him on that damn table, a part of you was haunted by his cock. The feel of him, how hard and thick, the way it filled your mouth and cunt so differently yet so perfectly, it made you moan even now. Did Eddie know what he did to you? He holds you tighter, panting softly against your neck in a way that made you shudder. A whimper let out as his hand roamed up your back, his tongue finding your pulse, sucking wetly against it. The feel of his fingers glided over your shoulder, tugging the thin strap of the dress you wore — remember? You were expecting some warmth in the day. The dress was thin, flimsy at best, and perhaps more for his benefit, no bra underneath as he pulled the strap further, giving your neck a bite, making you squirm, a small whimper in your throat. You could feel his smile against your neck, moving toward your lips and melded into a kiss.
He knew you didn't wear a bra — selfishly it was the first thing he noticed when he saw you. The sudden cold weather making your tits hard, damn noticeable with that dress. Eddie prided in having so much self control not to latch on straight away, though that resistance was crumbling as you moaned into his mouth. He broke the kiss to let out a hiss, feeling your hand on his cock more insistent, "Mmm, baby..." he muttered against your lips, watching with a delighted gaze as your fingers went to his belt. You were so determined, insistent, and it stroked his ego so good that you wanted him that much. He kissed you again, teeth at your bottom lip just as you had, helping you with the zipper. "D'you..." he breathed out, groaning, your hand slipping inside, the loss of a denim barrier and the much thinner fabric of his boxers felt amazing. "That's... F u c k," he was going to say something, suggest something... "Fuck, um, van? D'you..." His cock twitched, right under your grasp. "God, you're killing me..."
And your hand was demanding, palm stroking his length over his boxers. The sounds of his groans making the ache between your legs all the more unbearable. "No... Not the van... I want you right here..." you uttered as your hand slid underneath his boxers, the both of you letting out a gasp of breath as your hand wrapped around his hardened cock, the feel of it within your grasp so oddly comforting, actually craving it since the last time you had him. With his help he lowered his jeans slightly, just enough to free him completely.
The thought of you wanting him so eagerly, it was frying his brain a bit. "You sure? If someone... Mmm..." That wasn't fair, how your thumb played with the bead of precum at his tip, using it to rub against him, his hands laid flat on the grass, trying to will himself not to shudder. Taking a deep, steadying breath, he looked at you, biting his bottom lip. "Someone could see us, sweetheart..." Since when did he care? Well, not for himself. "Someone could see you..."
"I know." His face awash in lust and confusion, your face moving toward him, "I don't care," you tell him with a smile, sneaking in another kiss, as if you could ever get enough of them. Taking a deep breath, you squeeze his cock lightly, a small groan from his lips excited you, head filled with lust, with need. "I'm not a sweet girl, Eddie. I'm really not—"
"Yes, the fuck, you are," he uttered in a hiss, swallowing hard, his brown eyes darker to you. "You're my sweet girl..." The sound of it evoking a part of you from the depth of yourself, the way he said it, gave you the need to move your hand so painfully slowly, up and down his length. He let out a small whine, so discreet, so easily missed — but you heard it, from the back of his throat. Licking his lips, his hand grabbed you. "My sweet girl," he repeated, "Just mine," his words sounding distant, feeling himself get lost in your hand.
"I'm not innocent, though..."
That made him laugh, strained and out of breath, but laugh. "That you're not, sweetheart. No, that's what Cal and them think. Just sweet and innocent and should never, ever be around anyone like me," his voice laced with resentment, bitterness, a grin that matched it on his face. "I'm sorry, baby... I let them get to me." He let out a small groan, hips squirming underneath your touch, hand twisting as your rose it toward the tip and fuck, that felt good. "They don't see what I see..."
"What do you see?"
He hummed, pleasantly, fingers trailing up the hem of your dress, pushing it up your thighs, hips. "I see... A fire in you... Burning bright..." His words soft as he took your lips in another kiss, soft, sensual, open as you met his tongue once more. Never resisting. Always giving. A groan pushed into your mouth as his hand cupped your mound, long, thick fingers sliding back and forth against your covered folds. You were drenched, of course, to his utter fucking delight. Digits covered in the warmth sticky nature of your wet arousal, he sucked your bottom lip, teeth catching it, biting deep that you let out a whine. In your stroking of him, you felt the bead of moisture leak out of him more, felt the pulse and throb of him. Spreading it along his length, you needed to make your hand slick, wanting to slide your hand all the more easily.
As if he knew, as if he could read your mind, he broke the kiss and took your hand off his cock and spit into your palm. You couldn't help to watch in a sort of awe, it should disgust you, if it was anyone else, it would. But you couldn't help but think of Eddie doing exactly this, when you weren't together, and the thought of him thinking of you as he used his spit to his own cock, to jerk off... Thighs clenched together, feeling his hand guide yours right back to his length, moving your hand slowly up and down him, releasing small moans from his lips. Each sound sending a chill to run through you, warming and cooling you at the same time.
It didn't take long for him to lift his hand away, letting you take over as he closed his eyes and surrendered to the soft, and god, fluid feeling of your hand. You really didn't care if anyone were to walk by or see the two of you, because as your eyes took in the sight of Eddie's face then. The poke of his tongue between his lips, the slow rise of his chest, the concentrated, blissful look of his face as his jaw clenched and nostrils flared as his breath hitched and exhaled... You felt a sense of pride, knowing you were doing this to him, pleasing him in such a way. Your hand felt so smooth along his cock, squeezing gently, giving him a slightly tighter feel. His hand on your thigh tightening, fingers flexing the longer you went, you almost felt godly. You wondered if his rings would leave bruises on your thighs with how strong he was squeezing, you hoped they would.
"Should I be... Baby, you're too good at that..." his voice strained, his insides on fire, especially with your thumb swiping across the slit of his cock. "Making me... Fuck, wanna kick anyone's ass who you ever...touched like this... Oh, fuck," he ended as your palm twisted around the head, quick, fast, making him let out a whine. Pleasure almost overwhelming. He could feel it, the slow crawl toward the edge, gentle steps toward that blissful state that you've managed to bring him to over and over since the first time. You've shocked him, he'll admit that, a girl like you? Doing such filthy things, and not having to be coached, or taught, just simply let be? It was the hottest thing about you.
You feel him pulse in your hand, eyes watched as he leaked further, in your eyes, just for you. His words sweet in their own way, smiling softly as you take in the sight of his cock. Such a pretty one. Not that you had a lot to compare it to. "Well, thankfully your pretty hands can stay clean..." A tease in your voice as you moved closer, while his spit in your hand was...unexpectedly sweet and highly arousing, it wasn't quite enough as you gathered within your mouth and let it drool almost perfectly over the swollen head, your other hand swiping the remnants off your lips. You say his eyes, how wide they got, how dark the brown. He enjoyed that, which made you all the more wet. "You're really the first to really let me...show my skills like this. My other boyfriends...they never really let me play their cocks, so... No one else been touched by me like this."
That seemed...so insane to him. Eddie's brows furrowed, trying to comprehend what you just told him. Because there was no way... "Not once, not even... Fuck," the way your hand squeezed at his base, pressing against his stomach as your fingers went to caress his balls, using your spit to make them slick as well, and giving them attention, his hand turned into a fist with his nails digging into the flesh of his palm. "That... uh. Fuck. W h y ?"
You smirked, the flat of your palm moving toward his sacs, sliding up and down them. Slowly. Gently. "They thought I was a sweet girl..." The way he laughed, breathless and strained, brought a wicked smile to your face. "Even in the heat of the moment, they thought I was made a glass. Too pristine, too precious to get dirty." Your eyes looked toward his shaft, the way he was thick, veins so prominent, he was a good length too. Just slightly above average, not enough to scare someone, but enough to feel deep, deep enough to make you lose control hard and fast, and more than deep enough to gag. "I was too precious to have their cock in my throat, too...." Looking at him, your best attempt at doe eyes — not that you could compare with his — but it earned a chuckle from him, the hand on your thigh squeezing as he let out a groan.
"Princess..." He looked like he was struggling, trying to regain some sort of resolve, to hold back. The talk of being out here and getting caught, it was...definitely exciting and the fact that you weren't holding back... It was fine to indulge a bit, his plan was still to drag you into the back of his van at some point before things got too...intense. But the implications of your words struck him, the memory of your ex-boyfriend trying to rough him up with words and doubts on the two of you. It made him thoughtful, licking his lips before asking, "So... Not even with Cal?" Fingers stroking against the flesh of your inner thigh, sliding them over the fabric of your panties. "Never...sucked his cock, like at all?"
"Not even with Cal. He didn't think I was that type. And, honestly? I think, with Calvin... He was just embarrassed he wasn't as big and thick...as you are."
Ah, shit. You really knew how to work him, to stroke his pride and make him putty in your hands.That settled it. "What a fucking pussy. Get down here." The way you smiled then, eyes lighting up made his own do the same. Cupping your cheek, his fingers caressed your lips a moment, and you opened your mouth, making him shiver as two of his fingers slid inside that warm, wet mouth of yours. Shoving them deep, right where his rings touched against your lips. Your eyes soft, begging, the warmth of your tongue pressed against his fingers, it made him groan, sliding them in and out of you. There was a shiver that ran through you as well, a shock to your system that hit directly to your cunt, the ache growing. He pulled you to him, fingers leaving your mouth and lips crashing against his. The kiss hungry, gripping the back of your head, your hair, swallowing the whimper that flowed from you. How easily he could get you to whimper for him. To think your previous boyfriends wouldn't appreciate that? Wouldn't strive to make you moan and whimper like that on a daily basis? Fucking insane.
Crazier, still, was the confession that they wouldn't let you suck them off. That it was too dirty for you. The hand at the back of your head as his tongue roamed within your mouth, your taste so addicting and making his heart pitter patter and his cock twitch within your grasp still. Shit. His hand moved to grasp at your chin, reluctant but determined to give you what you wanted, pulling away and dazed brown eyes looked into yours, giving a soft peck at your cheek. He watched as your eyes closed, the way you adored his soft touches, the warmth of his breath as he exhaled against your cheek. You watched as he took another cautious look around, despite your words, not wanting to put you at a disadvantage of getting caught, still caring, still wanting the best for you, even if everyone else decided that didn't include Eddie Munson, the freak. You didn't see him that way, though. You were making that very clear to Eddie, to his utter fucking joy.
Licking your lips, the hunger gnawing at you from the inside, you placed your open palm at his stomach, pushing against him slightly. A prideful smile on his lips as he looked at you with adoration at you taking charge at the moment. Eddie leaned back, spreading his legs as you settled between them, lowering down on your stomach. Obliging as you tugged at his jeans, lowering them past his hips for better access. He watched you carefully, cock rigid, stiff, a light twitch as you still grasped him at his base, the head just an inch or so from your lips. It made you smile, of course, knowing he was eager for your mouth, he often always was, but to feel it so physically was something else altogether.
You take the moment to drink in the sight of his cock. It wasn't the first time you had seen it, of course, taking every opportunity you could manage. But you weren't bullshitting when you told him your past boyfriends thought appreciating their cocks like this was...not for you. Being far from a virgin, you've had sex before, as did Eddie, but never really taking the time to enjoy it. Always rushed, always something to get over with and taking you home or to the party, all to fall back on the image of being sweet and virginal, to lie. To play the part they so desperately wanted you to play. Far from it with Eddie, the first boy to not hold your wrists when you tried to undo his belt and simply allowed your hands to wander into his jeans. Always striving to be himself, he afforded you the same, in every aspect, he made you feel brave and accepting of yourself in ways no one else before him had.
That's what you loved about Eddie Munson, everyone calling him a freak for being himself. Maybe you were a freak, too, for loving that about him. And wanting a bit of that yourself. Indulging in these moments with him, seeing the beauty of his cock — and he had such a beautiful cock.
You squeezed him gently, and he let out a slow groan, mostly trapped at the back of his throat, but you heard it, still. He was thick, enough to give you a bit of a stretch when buried inside you, making sure that no one else would feel the same. Your fingertips glided along the underside of him, tracing along the veins, following toward his tip. They pulsed beneath your touch, his stomach rising and falling gently, your tongue, the tip of it, followed your fingertips' path, closing your eyes as the taste of his hardened flesh sparked to your senses. He had such a unique taste, you couldn't describe it, but it made you want more as your mouth slowly ascended to the heavy head, eyes opening to see the bead of precum, so pearly white and waiting.
His dark chocolate colored eyes met yours, looking at you so pleadingly. His eyes could make you do anything, he didn't even have to ask. But the words, "Please, baby..." came in just a gentle whisper, and before you knew it, your tongue swirled along the tip, taking the taste of him onto your tongue and you heard him let out a groan. A shiver running through him that made him utter your name as if a thankful prayer to God. "Thank you," he said, and without even putting thought to it, your lips wrapped around him, his body shivering, a warmth running through him and a shaky breath shot out his lips. Tilting his head back, the feel of your mouth hot, wet, sucking him so greedily it made his head spin. "Baby... Sweetheart... F u c k."
"Mmm..." His taste grabbed at you, consuming you into wanting more. You love the way he felt, even just his head, inside your mouth. Loved the way he seemed so lost when wrapped around your mouth. Your name never sounded so ethereal than when he moaned it out like that. Mouth watering, a hand grasping at his thigh as you worked to get more of him inside you. Slowly at first, moving up and down, feeling the way he throbbed and hearing a curse from his lips. He felt heavy on your tongue, pressing the flat of it against the underside of him. Each time moving down, taking an inch here, there, not minding to gag, but you wanted to savor it. Eddie often worried if you gagged too much, tempted to pull you off, but not wanting that now. Wanting to show how good you could be for him. Feeling your mouth dripping onto him, trails of wetness sliding down his length, your mouth feeling full, yet not quite there, yet.
His hands came to your head, fingers brushing through your hair and holding them tight at the back of your head. Out of the way, for your comfort and selfishly, to see the sight of his cock slowly filling your mouth. "Jesus Christ..." he groaned, his eyes half lidded, wanting to close, begging close with how good it felt, your determination to take all of him so fucking adorable to him. Your little moans when you go down making him twitch inside you, letting out a soft hiss the more you take him, the tighter you feel. Making him want your pussy, to buried deep inside, to make you feel as good as you were making him feel... But then he catches how you squeeze your thighs together, and it makes him smile. "You're doing... Ah, fuck, so good for me, Princess... You won't stop, will you? Not until... Shit, not until..."
His words unfinished as you couldn't help but quicken your movements, lust clouding every movement and decision. You wanted more of him so you were going to get more of him. Feeling your cunt wet, walls squeezing around nothing and wishing he was inside you, squeezing your thighs together instead, moaning around his cock as his tip drew closer and closer to the back of your throat. Every throb of him was encouraging, loving how he felt so alive inside you. Such a wet mess, feeling your mouth water and drenching his length, moving your head faster, the more you could hear it, but you didn't care. Not when you were so close, because he was right, you wouldn't stop, not until — and you whimpered, eyes squeezing shut as you felt the moment hit, just as the head of his cock hit the back of your throat and you stilled. And he gave a strained cry, not seeing how he closed his eyes and cursed into the air. But you moaned, feeling your throat constrict around him, gagging, so obscenely, but not caring.
"Baby, baby, you did it, you did it, fuck, you did it," his words rushed and feverish. The sounds you made driving him crazy, enough to buck his hips, fucking into your mouth. Forcing his eyes to open, staring at you with a soft little whine, seeing you start to move your head again, bobbing up and down his cock and filling your mouth over and over, groaning deep as he hit the back of your throat again and again, the wet sound filling his ears. "...open, open your eyes, please, please, open... There you are," he smiled, a soft little laugh escaping him as your eyes opened, "My sweet fucking girl..." His other hand grasped at your cheek, shaking his head as he saw your eyes almost close again, "No, no, no, don't..." Another hiss coming from him, continuing to meet your mouth with his thrusts, a gag from you squeezing him just right that had him throbbing, a sharp shiver run through him. "Keep your eyes on me, alright? Yeah?" You nodded, prompting him to let out a soft, dreamy sigh. "Good girl..."
God, you wished he hadn't demanded you keep your eyes open, because the sound of that, of him calling you that, made you want to close your eyes as you let out a deep seated moan, vibrations of your mouth cascading over his cock. His lips parted as panted breaths huffed their way out of him, but eyes were on each other, sinking your mouth down onto him. His hand moved from your cheek then, grasping lightly around your throat and you really wished you could close your eyes, then. His finger and thumb squeezed along the sides of your neck and sending you into a dizzying spiral that sent your movements into overdrive, the hand at his base lowered, grasping at his balls, rubbing and giving them attention as you felt yourself choking on his cock. You were wet, soaking, aching between your legs. Your eyes glistening and hand splayed at his stomach, scratching along his happy trail, but looking at him.
With the work of your hand earlier and now, the work of your mouth? You were wrecking Eddie in a way only you could. His cock couldn't sit still, twitching, pulsing so deep into your mouth. His chest heaving, feeling his stomach clenching, a fire slowly building toward a white hot burning he didn't know whether to stay away to make it last or just run toward it. "Jesus fuck, you feel so..." He should probably say something sexy, or... Withholding? Something... Oh, the fuck he knew. "Oh, baby you feel so good... You're doing so —" A withering moan leaving him, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he muttered, closing his eyes, a deep shudder running through his body, tensing, he was close.
As if you sensed it, you lifted your mouth off him with the loudest sounding pop either of you had heard, and to your delight, a thick thread of spit connected your mouth to his cock, watching as the heavy flesh fell on his stomach and he gave a relieved groan. "Thank you, thank you," he muttered softly, squeezing his fingers around your hair. Sliding your tongue along his underside, he was cursing once more as you only moved your lips to his sack, taking it into your mouth and sucking him hard that made his body jerk toward you. An out of breath laugh escaping him, licking his lips, opening his eyes to look at you. "I'm serious, if you did this with anyone else.... I wanna fight them. I'd lose, but sweetheart..." Oh, your hand was stroking him again, a wrangled cry leaving him, lips trembling, that fire burning him from the inside, the faster your hand went, feeling the pulse of his cock in his ears. "I'm gonna fight 'em, I'm gonna.... Every fucking one. Every... Jesus H. Christ, you just.... Just gotta, mm," how did his hips started jerking to your hand? The fuck he knew, but it felt good. "...gotta....gotta take came of me after... Please, please, please, please."
Letting your mouth release him, your hand moving to his waist, lips stretched in a smile as they ghosted over his cock, lapping against the ridge of his cock before sucking him gently along the swollen head. The sounds of his moans encourage you to stroke your hand up and down the throbbing length, taking his head in and out of your hungry mouth. You're ravenous with him, insatiable, even. You can't get enough, sometimes not even at school and you have to beg him to take you to the back of his van. He always gives in, now that he thinks about it, in between the mercy of your lips, your tongue, your mouth descending on him once more. Fuck, he felt so good so deep in your mouth, your throat, hand squeezing at his balls. Rubbing against him, making him shut his eyes. "F u c k !" he cried out, wavering, panting.
You weren't going to let up, the both of you realized, it wasn't a conscious decision on your part and all Eddie could do was take it, enjoy it, fall deeper and deeper into the fucking bliss of you. You were moaning, your eyes closed as you fell into the rhythm of sucking him off, fucking your throat on his cock, you had meant what you said — you weren't innocent. Not how they all viewed you as. "Oh, baby," his words slurring out, jaw tightened and teeth grit together as he seethed. Your name flew from his lips like a prayer — for his sanity. He was throbbing so much in your mouth... Hitting the back of your throat so perfectly, his hips started to jerk towards you. "Fuck, fuck fuck, you're so fucking perfect." His grip on your hair so tight, taking the hint, stilling your movements as his hips took over, bucking into your mouth. Gagging on him with every fierce thrust. Your nails digging into his stomach, making their mark and a strangled moan ripped out of him. "—so perfect. Like this... Like this, so... So fucking... Jesus fucking...Christ, I'm... You're just... Fuck, that's..."
His hips picking up speed, harder and harder as you looked over at him. At his face, seeing the sweat, the concentrated look on him. He looked beautiful like that, lost in the pleasure and it made your cunt throb knowing it was because of you. Making you moan louder, the sound of spit drenching his cock hitting your ears, dripping, chin slick. Always having to be perfect, hair just right, make up perfect, it felt so liberating to let go, to be a mess, and Eddie was the one that let you do so. You wanted him to cum, you wanted him to cum so badly...
And with one strangled moan from him, one hard thrust that filled your mouth to the brim, he did. Followed by another, and another, every moan louder, every thrust harder, his body tensing so much, feeling his insides on fire and his cock? Fuck. White hot pleasure, making him whine, even whimper. You felt so good, so fucking good, and he was sure he said so, in a rush of praises that fell from his lips, all words slurring together like he was drunk. And in a way, he was. Of you, and only you. Cock pulsing, twitching as the tip was just inside your throat, you felt his hand around your neck again. A light little squeeze as your eyes looked up, he was lost, of course, eyes closed but you still didn't take your eyes away. He felt thick and warm, erupting in shuddering waves right to your throat that you swallowed immediately. Loving how it felt, sliding down your throat. He was the one to cum, and so much, but you were the one that couldn't help but moan, feeling your cunt throb and clench, moving your head up and down slowly.
His words had died and he was left moaning, twitching inside your mouth, every movement, he felt himself spilling so fiercely. You loved it, loved it every time and that in itself made him groan as dark brown eyes looked down on you. ".....princess," he uttered so out of breath, you only moaned, sucking at his tip and hand twisted up and down the slick shaft, working him through his climax, hips jerking toward your mouth once more in short little movements. Sensitivity playing its part, it felt good, feeling you so desperate for every drop of him. There were moments where you genuinely craved the taste of him, something so unique. He tasted bitter, at first, but after a while, there was a sweetness to him as well, growing such an appreciation for both you could never really get enough, only when you felt him shake harder than before did you lift your head away, lips leaving him with a wet pop once more and let go, watching as his heavy, thick length fell onto his stomach, pulsing, twitching right there.
You swallowed the remains of him, sticking out your tongue to show him, both chuckling out of breath as you give the underside of his cock one last kiss. "Come here..." he whispered, still feeling the burn course through him, the fire you caused still wrecking havoc through him. You obeyed, of course, moving up on him and lips immediately on one another. His hand was still at your neck, and he squeezed gently once more, a joined moan from you both, shared between panting mouths and another from him as he tasted himself off your tongue. You were a mess, his tongue sliding from your mouth to across your lips, licking the spit that adorned your chin, jaw, nipping the skin gently.
"You don't have to fight anyone, you know..." you uttered softly. Watching as he pulled back, looking quizzically at you, you smiled. "No one else... I mean, when it comes to sucking someone off, you're... You're kind of the first. So, you're the only one that's experienced what my mouth could do like that."
The way his smile widened shouldn't be as cute as it was, the way his eyes lit up, "Shit. Really? Fuck. I mean, that's sad, sweetheart, because that?" He shook his head, kissing you deep, "Fuck," he muttered against your lips, his hand at your throat lowering, sliding over your breasts, towards your stomach and hips. Hiking your dress up above your hips, "Did I taste good?"
"Mmhm," you let out softly, the cold metal of his rings making you shiver against your heated skin as his hand slid along your inner thigh. "You always taste good to me."
"Yeah?" his breath heavy, turning to kiss at your neck. "You're always so eager... I bet you're wet, huh? Aching? First pretty girl I've met to get turned on sucking my cock, princess." And as he moved his hand between your legs, he chuckled softly, grinning against your flesh as you let out a soft moan, his fingers finding the wet spot of the panties you wore and he let out a hiss. "Oh, baby, you're soaked... Jesus fucking christ, that's hot. All for me?" He didn't need an answer, palming his hand against your soaked, clothed cunt. "Yeah, all for me." Your hips started to move against his hand, making him groan as he stilled it, letting you grind against it, feeling his hand grow slick, your soft little moans making him fucking feral.
You knew it made you look desperate, shameless, even. But Eddie never made you feel embarrassed for wanting him, being desperate for him to make you cum. He seemed to thrive on it, just like making him cum did for you. Making you want to try different things, be adventurous when it came to sex. You never felt ashamed for wanting to cum, for having that need, and you fucking loved him for it. You felt him kiss your neck more, his other hand holding you around your waist, wet, sloppy kisses that only made you more needy for him. He was right — blowing him had the effect of making your cunt soppy and so heated, the first few times you thought it was a bad thing. That there was something wrong with being so turned on pleasing someone else. But every moan he gave, every slurred word, it hit you right at your core and your body was helpless.
But he made you see it as a turn on for him as well, making him feel needed, that you enjoyed making him cum that much. Then you started to enjoy it, any ounce of shame evaporated each time you were together. His lips found their way to yours again, cupping his cheek as you kissed him, swallowing his groan, he was so vocal after he came and that was definitely part of why you liked making him cum. More affectionate, feeling the flat of his palm stroke your back. His hand, still between your legs moved, making him swallow your protesting whimper. He breathed a chuckle into your mouth, giving you one more full formed kiss before pulling back and fingers grasped the waistband of your panties, starting to tug them down.
A soft chuckle coming out of you, seeing his teasing grin, "I thought you were worried about us getting caught, out here in the open?" You saw as he bit his lip, his eyes a bit darker than they were before. "Or, does that only apply to me?"
Eddie let out a soft groan, pecking at your lips with gentle kisses, "'Course not. I still worry about you getting caught. But," he let out a sigh, his fingers continuing to pull your panties lower, as best as he could. "Sweetheart, that was before you made me cum in your mouth," his teeth flashing with his grin. Growing wider at the sound of your laughing, chuckling himself as you buried your face at the crook of his neck. Humming softly as he kissed your shoulder. "I just —" He took in a deep breath, "—I'm nice and relaxed now to worry too much about it?" Pulling back as you looked up at him with the prettiest smile he's seen so far. "Yeah, I don't want you seen or walked in on or get in trouble, not so much me, they expect it from me, but you, no, absolutely not."
"I think I've proven that I'm not the sweet, innocent girl people think I am, though..." You remind him, feeling fit to remind him again and again if that's what it took — and yes, out of your own pleasure as well.
The laugh he gave was deep, his eyes warm, raising his thumb to brush against your swollen bottom lip. "Oh, sweetheart, you did." Nodding with his brows raised, he repeated, "You did. But, I still don't want your pretty wrists in handcuffs, well, okay, handcuffs not by my hand, or dragging me off you because I would fight if it meant holding onto you a bit longer." You hummed, smiling as he pressed his lips against yours in yet another kiss — as if he could ever stop. "But saying that..." A deep breath taken, dark brown eyes looking to you. "...I'm feeling...a bit adventurous. You're making me want to take all sorts of risks, princess..."
It was too good, grinning up at him, you couldn't help it. "Am I ruining you?"
That grin hadn't left him, white teeth a permanent fixture on him at that moment. "Y e a h, God, y e a h," he chuckled, kissing your lips hard, letting out a breath hot against your lips. "You're such a bad influence... You're ruining the fuck outta me. So mean and scary... I'm very into that..."
"Mmm, what a sweet boy you are..." your teasing words said with a caress of his lips against yours. Hearing him hum, it almost sounding like a whine made your heart flutter. His fingers tighten around the waistband of your panties, pulling them down slightly but not enough, not without your assisting him with it. "And...what risks did you wanna take now, pretty boy?" Wanting to hear him say it, needing to hear him say it...
He knew you needed to hear it, too. Letting out a soft growl, eyes darkened, smile stretched and turned wicked. His hand finally pushed your panties as far as he could manage, needing you to do away with them the rest of the way. That was the word, he needed it. Licking his lips, teeth biting his bottom lip for good measure, he gave such a wolfish smile. "You... On my face. Letting me taste and feel how messy you are, just because you love my cock, sweetheart." He moved back, laying further on the ground while his eyes didn't leave yours. Seeing your eyes darken and how hard you swallowed. Your body growing tense, and he swore, he could feel you grow hot. "And yeah, out here in the open, where anyone could walk by and see, and hear us. Making me forget and not care about the consequences of that... But I need it. I need you."
Every word he uttered, your eyes couldn't help but fall on his lips as he spoke, the sound of his voice traveling through you, hitting between your legs and making you throb. You nod, the words, I need you, too, just at the tip of your tongue but failed to slip off and into the air. Instead, it was said with the fierce kiss you laid on his lips, feeling a shudder run through you both. The slight feel of his cock, giving a twitch against your hip. He let out a groan as you pulled away, continuing where he left off. Feeling how wet you truly were, the fabric clinging to your soaked folds as you pulled them away, smiling over at him, knowing he would have enjoyed seeing it with his own eyes and in full view. But, you supposed, draping them over his cock would be the next best thing. Evident by the way he twitched under it once more, shared smiles between you both.
"C'mere...." he nearly whispered, watching as you moved toward him. The thin strap of your dress slid down your shoulder, reminding him that you had no bra underneath, that the dress was all that covered you and that was something he'd keep in mind. But, for now, as you moved toward him, taking care to not let your knees rest on his hair, pulling it back with one hand as your other hiked up your dress. His eyes almost twinkling at the sight of your bare cunt, a proud little hum flowing through him as his hands smoothed over your inner thighs. "F u c k," his words in a hushed whisper, as if more to himself than to you. His lips twitching in a smile, you can feel the fluttering in your stomach because of it, because he has that smile because of you. His tongue swiped across his lips, eyes still drinking you in. "Can't believe you get this wet for me, princess..." The way you glistened, he hadn't even touched you, no, this was because you were getting him off and that brought out a smile out of him. His fingers inching toward you, feeling you shudder under his touch. The drag of the metal rings against your skin, feeling yourself growing hot. You needed him. You needed him.
His fingers were mere inches from your folds, yet still, he looked up at you, brows furrowing, and you knew he was asking permission. You nodded, slowly, biting your lip and preparing yourself for his touch. It comes slow, at first. Delicate little traces along your folds, toying with the wetness, swallowing hard as fingers move back and forth, dipping along the wet flesh, drenching his fingertips in your heated mess. His eyes mesmerized by it, the feel of you shooting right through him and to his cock. Pulsing. Twitching. As if to thank you, he moves to kiss your hip, biting you gently there that makes you gasp softly. It made him smile, fingers now slick moving toward your clit. Slowly. Gently. Two fingers sliding over, making your hips jerk immediately with a soft sound from your lips.
You were so cute, he thought. Grinning against your hip, still, swirling those fingers against you, smooth circles, you felt like silk underneath his calloused fingers. Sending sharp shivers through you, closing your eyes as your breathing hitched, his tongue licking against the flesh of your hip now, his hot breath followed as he continued his ministrations. His fingers drove you crazy, yours were too soft, as were your past boyfriends, so soft, but his were rough, not clumsy, but skilled, playing you as he did his guitar. The feel of his teeth added to it, as he bit you with a groan. Your breath panting, hips moving so gently against his fingers, his movements slow, making you want more. As if he sensed it, his fingers started to pick up. Not too much, sliding back and forth, your slick helping in the smooth motions as he kissed your hip more, letting his lips glide against your skin, toward your stomach. Hearing your soft panting pick up as well, a soft groan against your stomach now. He loved to hear your moans... —
"E d d i e," you let out, in a warning or plea, you honestly weren't sure. But he smiled against your stomach either way, the soft breath of his chuckle hitting you, lifting his eyes to see that pout on your face. Adorable. Biting at your skin, feeling you shudder in his embrace as his hand moved. Slick fingers gliding from your clit and through your folds, a deep hum vibrating against your stomach. You could feel your walls clench in anticipation, your teeth biting your bottom lip and eyes closed. His fingers finding your opening, sinking them into you — slowly, as a growl settled from his lips — "Ah..." the word came from your lips, delicate, uneven. Feeling the stretch of his thick fingers, as if your cunt as impatient as you were getting, drawing his fingers deeper. "Shit..."
"Jesus fucking Christ..." the words said with a deep chuckle, almost dark, just as was the shade of his brown eyes as he looked up at you, a lustful gaze burning just for you. Gazes connect, though it was growing difficult, keeping your eyes on him as he dragged his fingers in and out of you. Walls clenched around him so tightly, as if embracing him. As if it hadn't been only a day since he filled you with his fingers and cock. Every gentle thrust sending a wave through you, a panting breath, a soft little moan. He was going to be hard for you, again, he knew, though he wanted to take his sweet time. Draw out the orgasm from you slowly, or until he lost control like he so often did. With a groan, he laid his head back, drawing your hips a bit closer, darkened eyes looking down your body, right where his fingers disappeared inside you. Cock twitching, pulsing to life. You shouldn't affect him like this, but you do, seeing how your stomach clenched the deeper his fingers went, burying them knuckle deep and curving them.
There was a low rumble, though it felt distant to you both. His eyes transfixed by your cunt, feeling you so tight around him, how wet and heated, tongue poking out, licking his bottom lip. You wished you could take your dress off, the feel of him inside you making your skin heat up, chest heaving with quickened breath. Pleasure, the kind only he brought out, swept right through you, getting lost in it so much that the thought of someone seeing you just slipped away from you. Your own hand moving forward, grasping his curls at the top of his head and clutched tightly. Just to have something to anchor you to reality, feeling you'd float away as his fingers continued to stroke themselves along your clenched walls, your moans a little louder each time, entangled with your panting breath. If your eyes were open, you'd see a flash of white light, though all you could hear was the sound of your sopping cunt drench his fingers, a smile on your face as a soft cry escaped you, body shaking at the feel of his calloused thumb swipe across your clit, bending forward as he kept doing it. "F u c k, Eddie..."
You couldn't see how he smiled, a mix of awe and wickedness. Dark brown eyes trained on your cunt, seeing his fingers at work. You really were...so beautiful like this. Every sound you make made his heart swell with pride. Calvin couldn't do this. According to you, that meathead wouldn't dare. He curved his fingers inside you more, looking for that spot, that precious that made you — There it was, your cries louder and your fingers pulled at his hair that made him groan in appreciation. "Shit!," you cried out, red hot, feeling your body pulse, thighs beginning to shake, and he only pressed and rubbed against it more, your jaw tensed, "Oh God, that... Shit.." You both could hear the wet friction of his movements. "That's...." Your words halted as his thumb picked up speed against your clit, movements quick, and wet, so fucking wet and the most primal sounds poured out of your lips. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, don't..."
"I won't stop, sweetheart..." came his voice, to your utter relief. You nodded, feeling his hand at the back of your hips, pulling you closer. Looking at you like this, moaning and wet around his fingers, the feel of you so tight around him the deeper he was inside you. The moans spilling from your lips weren't the only primal thing between you, his mind going hazy, the need for your taste growing until he brought you close enough to slip his fingers out of you, growling at the feel of your cunt so reluctant to feel him go, clinging to him to the last second. "I know, baby, I know, but I just gotta..." he groaned, hands splayed at your thighs and with encouragement, pressed the sweet, messy cunt against his mouth. Hearing your shaky breath, he hummed, first kissing your clit and tongue slid out, the flat of it sliding across it. His fingers tightening along your flesh, a gasp from your lips. He moaned, breathing heavy against you, the tip of his tongue circling along your clit, then, encouraging you to move, allowing his tongue to move between your folds, taste some of the mess that he caused. And it was the sweetest mess he's tasted of you so far.
You've never had someone so eager to taste you like this, it made sense, since you were always so eager to use your mouth on him. It was a delightful give and take between the two of you, and now he was certainly taking. You closed your eyes to the darkening sky, ignored the shiver of the cold, how could you take notice when his tongue trailed closer towards your hole, pulling you closer upon his face and you felt the tip of his nose nudge against your clit as the tip of his tongue push into you. A shaky breath seeped from you, causing your hips to rock gently against him, pushing him further inside. Feeling his tongue stiffen, the vibration of his moan traveling up against you. Every gentle rock of your hips has his nose moving against your clit, bring about gentle waves of pleasure to course through you, making you feel heat, warming you to the touch.
Eddie did like you like this, coherent thought leaving your head and only to react to what his actions were doing to you. He was the same, and fuck, you tasted sweeter the deeper his tongue was inside you. His name kept falling from your lips, strained, each time causing his cock to throb and a moan pressed against your pretty little cunt. He's admit, he'd not had a lot of experience, not a lot of girls, at the very least to the point of maybe having to exaggerate here and there with his friends, but your pussy? Your cunt? The prettiest fucking pussy he's ever seen, shivers running up and down his spine as you rocked it against his tongue, his mouth, your fingers in his hair, pulling slightly made him groan. Gripping you tightly as he slid his tongue in and out of you just a little faster. So soft and wet, tasting you, fuck, how sweet you were.
You were driving him crazy, and he was doing the same to you. Pleasure gripping at you, tightly, clawing at your insides as you started to pant and moan. He was reluctant to pull away, a small cry leaving your lips, desperate for more, but it was short lived as his tongue trailed to your clit once more. Lapping against it, flickering over it quickly and another cry left your lips — this time of relief. "Jesus fuck—" tumbled from your lips, his dark eyes on you as your eyes were closed, forgetting the world, just him, just his tongue, and as the cold metal of his rings traveled further up your thighs and you felt yourself tensing with anticipation.
He didn't make you wait long, you were so wet, so slick, there was hardly any resistance when he buried two of his thick fingers inside you. "God, f u c k, yes..." you panted out, thighs quivering as he curled his fingers as his mouth captured and sucked sloppily on your clit, reaching, caressing that special spot that made your hips jerk forward, a cry erupting from your lips. Feeling his ringed fingers inside you, slowly sliding in and out of you, your wetness claiming them and the pressure on your clit as he sucked grew stronger. "Fuck... F u c k, Eddie, Eddie..." your voice whined, as he moaned, his other hand moving, smacking against the flesh of your ass and gripped you there. Nodding wordlessly as he let go of your clit, stiffened his tongue against it, and you slowly started to move your hips again. His fingers stilled as well, sliding in and out of you through your movements alone, moving deeper, faster as your moans fell from your lips at the feeling of him deep inside you, angling to hit you there, rubbing your clit against his tongue as well. Fucking yourself on him, showing him how desperate you were becoming, just for him. You both loved that.
He wished he could grip himself, stroke his cock to you, but his eyes were hazy, watching your face as you moved, led by desire and lust. You were so fucking perfect, he moaned against your cunt, once in a while flicking his tongue over that bundle of nerves, feeling it pulse against him. Curling his fingers a bit more, stroking the insides of your walls clenching around his digits so tightly. "Such a perfect fucking pussy..." he breathed hotly against you, moaning as he sucked and sucked, feeling you tremble at his words. His girl loved to be praised, he thought with a smile. "Don't hold back, baby..." he breathed, taking a moment to raise his mouth at your hip, biting hard at the flesh, hoping to leaving a mark, praying to leave a mark. "I want you to cum, I want you to cum so bad."
You were close, especially as his other hand slid forward and gave attention to your clit, "Oh, fuck," you practically growled, not only feeling his fingers inside you, but not to your throbbing clit, the joint pleasure of it, concentrating on moving against his fingers inside you, body trembling as he added a third finger, you were sure you were going to come undone. Body tightly wound, succumbing to the waves he was giving you, this time, you did hear the thunder, eyes opening wide as you caught a flash of light hit across the sky. "Shit," you let out, jaw slack as his fingers picked up, thrusting in and out of you harder, making you gasp and pant. "N—oh, fuck, Eddie... Shit... Fuck," moans strangled within a laugh you wanted to let go. "It's...." Words were failing you, grasping at the back of his head, for a moment only hearing your own wetness ring out, coating his fingers, "Ed—Eddie, it's... Jesus fuck, that feels..."
He was lost in it, as were you, the sounds of your cries seeping from your lips so seamlessly, one after the other, was his only concern, even with the first few raindrops. You didn't feel the cold, just the white hot heat that was coursing through you, eyes closing once more, body stilling and growing tense. "Yes, yes, fucking christ," the rain was gentle at first, a light drizzle, easy to ignore. At first, anyway. But his fingers continued, his teeth biting at your hip getting harder, a fine mixture of pain and pleasure coursing through you, making you let out a loud whimper. Your fingers squeeze along his hair tighter, as his lips trail back to your clit, steadily flicking his tongue over it, humming deep against you. Giving you the jolt of pleasure you apparently needed, your hips moving, soon enough riding his tongue as he kept it still.
The rain started to pick up, raining down harder the more deep into it the two of you became, closer to unraveling you were. Dripping over his mouth, his fingers, feeling his free hand stroking the bare flesh of your ass. You could feel your hair and that dress getting wet, starting to weigh you down, a shiver running through you but not knowing if it was because of the rain or Eddie's tongue, or the way his finger curled and hit you just right, making you shut your eyes and let out a cry. Your body shuddered, feeling cold and hot at the same time. Did he know it was raining? He didn't let up. You could hear him moaning, stilling your hips as his lips wrapped around your clit and sucked hard and unforgiving, bringing out the most primal sounds from your lips. The sound of thunder drowning it out for the most part, gripping his hair, an attempt to pull him away. "Eddie... Eddie, the rain, I... Shit... The rain..."
But you only felt the clap of his hand against your ass, hard, a warning, letting out a gasp as you looked down. Dark brown eyes staring up at you. A whine left you, as he furrowed his brow. Understood, biting your lip and you give a nod. Starting to let go, his hands gripped where he held you, tongue flickering against you, catching your taste as you moaned helplessly. Breathless. Louder. Your walls clenching around his fingers as he buried them deep. That little spot. That perfect little spot. "Oh, god, oh...fuck, yes, right there..." Each breath you let out sounding shaky, him growling, feeling your thighs start to shake. That was the only movement he let you have, kissing against your clit sloppily. The pads of his fingertips stroking along that spot, feeling your body tense up each time, stilling your hips as it wanted to jolt at every stroke.
He knew it was raining, he did, it was hard not to. But was harder was for him to stop, his mind a haze with every sound of your moan. Every squeeze of his fingers, every taste his tongue could find. He was going to make you cum.
He was going to make you cum.
"Jesus fucking Christ," you groaned, panting for breath in the heavy rain, it pouring down at the both of you. Some of the rain dropped onto your tongue, crisp and clear, yet you could still hear yourself, even with the thunder, the flash of lightning behind your closed eyes. How wet you were for him, as he pumped his fingers harder into you, stroking his fingers inside you, harder and harder, tongue matching the pace as good as he could. The vibrations of his groans, hums, making you a moaning mess, crying out with every release of your breath. "There, there, there, fuck, you shouldn't be so good at that, you should be so good—shit, shit, there, fuck, yes—!" You couldn't help it, feeling yourself bend forward, over his head and grasping at the wet grass. You were cumming. Words escaping you, sneaking up on you so suddenly, not able to tell him, but fuck if he knew.
Thrusting his fingers faster, making you scream into the wet ground, your lips finding the top of your wrist and biting down. The build up so sweet, so painful, so needed, when you came it was hard and fast, a whimpering cry coming from you, your walls squeezing around his fingers thrust so deep inside you, as if embracing him in thanks. He groaned, kissing your clit, your inner thigh and biting you there, making your hips jolt slightly. "Good girl," he let out, making you want to cry. "You're such a fucking good girl, princess..." You hissed softly, whining when you felt his fingers stroke you still, but gently, slowly, working you until you could gather yourself, your body spent but still eager for more, moving against him until he slowly withdrew them.
He gave your hip a gentle kiss before slipping out from behind you, letting you lay in your stomach a moment. Your mind was in a wet haze, the cold water raining down making you shiver against your heated body. He stayed close, one hand stroking your ass while the other reached toward your face, still slick and coated with your sweetness, it didn't take much from you to wrap your lips around them, greedily, deep into your mouth, humming at the taste of yourself on them — mixed with the rain. It made him smile, nice and wide as he bent over and kissed the crook of your neck. "God, that's my girl," he muttered against your ear, you letting out a hum. Still blissed out, but responsive. His now free hand grasping your hip, bare and wet, you both were at this point. Squeezing your hip, he kissed below your ear, looking at the van. "We can get back at the van. I got blankets, we can—" But you let out a huff, turning around and capturing his lips in a kiss that took his breath away. "Baby..."
It wasn't smart, or logical, his proposition was actually kind of nice. You knew he had a mattress as well, for when he wanted to be alone, and recently, those included being alone with you. But the adrenaline was still coursing through you, still feeling good because of him. "Fuck me..." you whispered against his lips, and he growled, his grip on you tightening. His cock hard from watching you come undone just mere moments before. You could still feel your clit pulsing, a bit of sensitivity to be had. But you didn't care. You wanted him. Needed him. "Right here... Fuck me..."
Jesus Christ.
He should say no, that it was still risky, but that same adrenaline that ran through you was running through him. "My princess wants to get fucked in the rain?" You had nodded, pulling him in for another kiss, returning it in full. Shit. It was something he hadn't done before, in the rain, out in public. It was....enticing enough, but now, he just needed to be inside you. Feel you close, make you feel good. His mind a mess, as he was sure yours was too, he ended the kiss, trailing his lips over the curve of your neck, fingers raised to pull down the straps of your dress. You didn't have a bra. He remembered that, watching as you lifted yourself and your dress peeled down your body, turning to face him and watched as your breasts came into view. "Jesus...fucking... Christ," he growled, watching in time as your lips came to his again.
You felt cold, yet it was his warmth that sustained you, the wet fabric of your dress around your waist, settling yourself between his legs as he sat on the ground. You were tired before, the strength of your climax taking a lot out of you. But the thought of him inside you drove you forward, tongue sliding into his waiting mouth as you settled onto him. His hands reaching toward your hips, resting at the back of your thighs. Gripping you tightly, his hum swallowed by you in your kiss. He pulled your hips forward, the slick of your folds sliding along the underside of his hardened cock, resting against his stomach, brought a gasp from you both. You felt warm, heated and wet, even as the cold rain poured down on you both. You could feel the veins of his cock just slightly, as one movement of your hips turned to another, your hands moving to his shoulders, gripping him tightly. You had no business feeling this good, he thought. Making him groan and grunt as his hands were no longer needed, sliding them away from you as your hips continued, your folds parted and grinding against his cock.
It was a teasing movement, but he just couldn't stop, not yet, as heated breaths were shared between you two. He felt so good, too. You pressed down against him, movements first short and teasing, now longer, languid in their movements, a jolt of pleasure shooting through you as the head of his cock met and rubbed against your clit. He liked how you shuddered each time, how soft your moan was against his lips, soft and needy, making his heart race. His hands gripping at the grass below him, leaning back slightly and letting you take over. "You're like a fucking Angel, Sweetheart," he muttered, a soft whine from your lips following, as you went faster. It was his turn to shudder, falling deeper into what you were doing to him.
With the rain, it was getting harder and harder to keep your eyes open, for the both of you, leading one another with touch alone. The throb of his cock meeting the throb of your clit, you let out a soft whimper, feeling your pussy ache, walls clenching around nothing. He felt good, clit pulsing and sending shocks of pleasure through you... But it wasn't enough. Your hands raising from his shoulders to the back of his neck, tangling fingers into his hair as you kissed him deep, a joined moan between you. "I need you inside me, baby..." you whined against his mouth, a whimper coming from him. "Please? Please, Eddie, baby, please..."
A soft chuckle rolls out from him, "Fuck, love it when you call me baby like that..." How could he refuse? Releasing his grip on the grass, hands dirty as he moved over to your body, wet and slick with the rain, turning his lips to the side of your neck, giving a hard bite and a kiss. Your lips by his ear, humming as you let out a groan at the bite, his hands just touching your skin, feeling oddly warm against his touch. "Tell me you want it, princess... Tell me how bad you want it..."
You hissed, desperate, pleading, trying to move your hips but his hands gripped them suddenly, making you still. A pitiful sound coming out of you, chest rising and falling in short huffs. "I want it..." He tutted, and you knew that wasn't good enough, squirming in his grip. "...I want your cock, Eddie..." He took a deep breath, and you knew that was better. "I want your cock so bad inside me... Deep..." He let out a soft moan, kissing your neck again, making you shiver. "I want it so deep it hurts. Cunt aching for you... I need you. I want you."
Your words were sweet to his ears, enough for his cock to pulse and throb, wanting your sweet cunt as well. "Fuck..." he breathed out, tongue sliding along the pulse of your neck and sucking on it hard. Wanting a mark to appear the next day, grasping the base of his cock. "Such a good girl...." The tip of him sliding back and forth against your folds, and he could hear the gasp against his ear so crisply, even with the sound of the hard water raining down. He dreamed of your moans, your gasps, your cries, making him wake up harder than he ever had been before you. "I'm gonna give my baby what she wants... Will that make my baby girl happy?"
"Mmhm," you let out, pathetically, gripping his hair tighter, your breath hitched in the anticipation of it. Your legs spreading further, the thoughts of before, of being caught, you almost wished they did. That Cal did. Every one of your snobby friends that ditched you, that only cared when you wanted to be who they wanted you to be. To be with who they deemed worthy. You wanted them to see how happy Eddie God Damn Munson made you feel... Feeling the tip of him right at your opening, a soft huff leaving your lips, his bite on your neck adding to the feel of you sinking down on his cock. Feeling the vibrations of his groan against your neck, your breath hitching as you take him slowly. Thick. Bigger. It was always a stretch the first time he sinks into you.
You're tight for him, driving him hazy and lustful, his cock throbbing already and he'd only have his tip inside you. "Jesus fucking Christ, sweetheart..." he breathed against your neck, a whining brought out from you. His hands at your hips, only to be swatted away from your hands. It made him smile, a soft little laugh escaping as he pulled away from you, wanting to take control but knowing you were a determined little thing. Stubborn. He fucking loved that about you. "Okay, baby, okay..." he assured you, once again taking his hands off and leaning slightly back, your hands gripping at his wet shirt. Nodding toward you, he hummed, "All you, princess. Take every single inch... My cock is so fucking yours..."
There was a light giddiness at his words, giving a determined nod, your hand going toward one of your thighs, bracing yourself, as you continued to sink down on this length. "Fuck..." you let out, more to yourself than anything, every inch bringing a stretch inside you, feeling him shudder, feeling him pulse as your walls stretched to fit him, clenching so tightly as well. "Oh, God..." He always left you breathless, this time no different, and he watched you in awe — well, watched your pussy in awe, he should say. Swallowing hard, water dripping down his nose, watching, appreciating, groaning as he felt himself go deeper and deeper into you. So wet and warm. And Eddie, so hard and thick, your slickness coating him the further he went, and you were doing good, so good. Panting, whimpering slightly. "Eddie, you feel...so good, fuck... Baby... Baby..."
"...you're... Oh, fuck, you're doing so good..." he encouraged you, thunder rolling in, though it was definitely in the back of his mind. "Wanna fuck up into you already, so bad..." And god, he did, the feel of you so perfect. Better than he thought he deserved. "But baby, you can do it... God, you can fucking do it. I believe in you. Princess you always take me so perfectly... Shit. Keep going, sweetheart. Be my good girl, alright? Be my good—"
His words cut off, pushing through his words, a cry wrangled from both of you, your eyes shut tight. You did it. His good girl did it. And there was a sense of pride, feeling so fucking full of him, every inch, all of his girth, settled deep and entirely inside you. Rewarded with the feel of his hands at your hips, his eyes remained open, looking to the bliss expression on your face. No one's ever made him feel this good. so hot, so wet, so tight around him. "That's it... That's fucking..." He groaned, his voice lightly strained, pecking at your cheek as you let out a moan. Impatient already, feeling your move against him, entranced with the feel of his swollen head at the deepest part of you, that special place that no one else had touched. Not even by your own fingers. Only Eddie. And he knew it, the way you bit your bottom lip, moving back and forth, a teasing touch against that very spot.
You two were the same, you must be, as he growled against your cheek, guiding your hips to a more confident pace. Watching as you furrowed your brow, lips parting to let out soft little moans — fuck, he loved those little moans. Your cunt was taking him well, his cock moving inside you easier. You grabbed his shoulders once more, your breath coming out harder, faster. "Shit. Fuck. You're so—" A surprised gasp came out of you, he grabbed your hips, pulled you closer and pushed himself inside you, "Oh, fuck! Eddie...." His breath was hot against your cheek, closing his eyes as he settled into a pace, slamming his hips as deep as he could, driven by your moans, flashes of light running across the sky, thunder booming in the distance. But you didn't care, all you could care about was the sound of his hips hitting against you, of his cock slamming and hitting that spot, that fucking spot, that made your thighs quiver.
The way your cunt clenched around his cock the deeper he went, his fingers gripping you tighter and tighter. It was addicting, groans pushing past his lips with heated breath. His eyes closed, completely taken by the feel of you around his cock. So tight, feeling your pussy flutter around him. But Calvin's words hit him suddenly, and a growl escaped him, his hips snapping harder against you, causing you to cry out. It wasn't jealousy, really, that hits him, that knowing that meathead had you once. You two were kind of the IT couple in school, he remembered, envious, kind of. But him coming at Eddie like he did, as if being with him was so horrible for you, it made him burn. "Did your pal, Cal ever fuck you like this, Princess?" his voice deep, hard like gravel.
It took you a moment to register the words, so caught up in the pleasure his cock was giving you. Almost too much, almost not enough. The way his cock slammed against you, sending waves of pleasure to consume every part of you, making your mind hazy, only thinking of Eddie and how full he made you. Yeah, it took a moment for his words to hit you, to unfurl in your mind to the point of comprehension. When it did, your brows furrowed, giving a squeeze of your fingers in his wet hair. "I... What?" Did Cal...?
"Did..." His hips snapping harder, "Cal...." Again, harder, your body moving with the impact, feeling his cock throb, making him shudder with a groan. "....fuck you...." He hissed at the next thrust, squeezing you tight. "....like this?"
"...Oh, God..." your words a hushed gasp, an rolling whimper falling from your lips, words lost to you as he continued his movements, thrusting into you harder. He heard every word, your lips by his ear, every little cry, sob, moan. Your body feeling on fire, no longer feeling the cold of the rain pouring down on you both, still. It getting harder and harder the longer you two were fucking. Gathering yourself, you squeeze around him, shaking your head. "N—No... No, no...." you finally answered, a sob threatening to halt your words. "Not like this..." your words slurring, feeling how he pulsed when buried so deep inside you. "Only you... Only you've fucked me....like this...."
An approving hum settled out of him, an ease on his heart, moving down and biting your shoulder, smoothing it with a kiss. "He's never....shit, you're so fucking tight...." Losing himself temporarily with the heavily feel of your pussy gripping him so... fuck. "Shit... He's never....made you feel this good?"
"No..." a soft laugh escaping you. "No one has.... You feel so fucking good..."
"How? Tell me..."
You groaned, burying your face at his neck, finding your hips meeting his. The feel of him overwhelming, but needing more of him. That desperate need always there. Did Cal really messed him up that much? "....you're thick. So fucking thick... Fuck!" You cry out, as he had let out a growl and snapped his hips against you. Swallowing hard, you try to continue. "I... Um... The way you kiss me.... I get wet from your kiss alone sometimes... The uh... You touch me, more than he did... Get me wet, get me soaking... The way you taste me, eating me out, determined to make me cum more than once... Yet you're blown away when I want to blow you..." A breathless laugh comes out of you, and you can feel him smile. "It's... It's really fucking cute, sometimes... You care...when you're fucking me... It's not....just getting your dick wet... you care about me. Care about how I'm feeling... And it..." You were struggling, he had stopped, laying down on the wet ground, allowing your hips to move. A gentle rising and falling on his cock, every descent down taking your breath away.
"Go on," he said in a strained voice, his hands finding your hips, stroking the skin gently. It was difficult, to make out your body, the harder you brought yourself down on his cock, the harder the rain seemed to pour. Brighter, was the lightening, and that helped, that definitely helped, a groan falling from his lips at every flash of light that gave him the view of your breasts,bouncing lightly as you went, the way your eyes were closed so tight, lips parted, letting out moan after moan, trying so hard to come up with the words he wanted to hear you say... His eyes traveling down, seeing your stomach clenching every time you took him deep. He moaned, eyes half lidded, pleasure coursing through him. You felt so tight and perfect. There was another flash and he saw his own cock, sucked in by your cunt.
You were right, he did care. Eddie Munson loved seeing how good he made you feel. It wasn't entirely selfless, he'll admit. There was pride, a stroking of his ego when he heard the sounds you made. Felt how wet you were... The other girls, they... God, they didn't feel like you. Weren't as excited as you. Not as tight, not as warm, not nearly as wet as you got. They definitely weren't eager to suck his cock like you did, either. He'd fucked before, but with you? It was different, it was new... Watching you take his cock, bouncing on it harder and harder, it made him throb and pulse, a burning to cascade all over him. The thunder rolled, louder and louder, his chest heaving almost in time with it.
His cock would be your undoing, in more ways than one. The way your walls clenched around him, squeezing him tighter and tighter.... It wouldn't be long, and you were almost sad about the fact. "I..." you swallowed hard, trying to remember where you had left off, before distracted by the feeling of his cock, simply inside you, deeper, he told you to go on, but you could hardly think outside of wanting to cum. "....fuck, I love having you inside me, Eddie.... Shit.... I can't..." Your movements quickening, a sob coming out as you leaned forward, keeping him deep.
He hissed, his grip on your hips tightening, just holding on, letting you move on your own. "It's okay, baby.... Fuck, princess...." Your hands reaching around him, your face buried at the crook of his neck and feeling the heated breath of your moans made his eyes roll back. His cock was pulsing more, throbbing, wanting to feel you cum all over his cock. He wouldn't last long, the feel of you squeezing around him tightly, your sweet body moving so desperately on him. "...I love it when I'm inside you, too, sweetheart..." His voice barely a whisper, moving to kiss just below your ear with a hum. "Your cunt so perfect for me... Taking my cock so well... So wet and tight... Watching you ride it, take it because you love it so much, don't you?"
"Y e s..." you let out in a moan, his words making your hips go faster, the sound of thunder hitting your ears, but the sweet sound of his moans hitting you deeper. Making you whimper, encouraging you to keep going, the tip of his cock grazing that spot, filling you with that clawing pleasure. Sparking from within you, making you cry out every time it hits just right. "I fucking love it... How you feel... Oh, God, I love your cock so much..." Your fingers almost pierces his skin, bouncing on his cock once more, the feel of wet skin as hips collide, filling your ears and senses.
He could feel his stomach clenching, grunting, growling, as the pleasure filled you, he could feel it in his blood and bones, his chest stinging, inhaling deep the cold, wet air and he didn't care. Your words filled him with such pride, your cunt so sweet around him, he bit your neck, growling once more as you let out a cry. "Whose cock do you fucking love, princess? Hm?" His lips biting their way over your jaw, feeling himself throb and pulse inside you, "Baby, you feel so good," he muttered under his breath, rasping. "Mmm... Such a sweet little cunt... Tell me, baby, whose cock do you love so fucking much you can't help but take it like a good girl?"
His words and cock getting out a sob out of you, your breath shuddering, white heated pleasure coursing through you, feeling it to your fingertips, to your toes as they curled, yet your body went on, faster and faster, rising and falling on his thick length that felt so slick inside you now. "Y o u r s," you let out in a mangled cry. You felt him shaking his head with a groan, a hand slapping your ass hard, your body jolted and you let out a despairing cry. "But — oh, f u c k, baby —" you gasped, feeling the tightness starting to form at your stomach, not knowing if it was the rain or tears rolling down your cheeks. "Baby... Baby it's your cock—"
"Say my fucking name, Princess." His voice low, deep, his eyes opened and dark, only illuminated by the flash of lightning then. "I wanna hear you say my name."
"I..." A gasp escaping as his hand smacked your ass once more, the stinging pain lingering, a moan following as the pain mingled with the pleasure. "...Eddie..." you let out, eyes opening to see his face, not quite pleased, rectifying that as you let out, "....Eddie Munson..."
Fuck, that made him purr with utter fucking delight. Gripping your hips tight, bucking his hips up to meet yours. Making you pant, making him let out a guttural moan. "Mmm, that's right.... Whose cock is making you feel so good right now?"
"Oh, fuck... Eddie Munson's..."
"Whose cock so fucking belongs to you?"
You couldn't help but smile at that, a hiss and groan following. "Mmm, Eddie Munson's..." Your joined movements driving him deeper if possible, causing waves to crash over the both of you. The two of you feeling the other's impending climax, felt how you both shivered against each other's touch, working together. Matching each movement, each breath, each moan. You couldn't help it, the words falling from your lips, "...whose cunt is yours, Eddie?" The words almost a whine, his hips snapping hard at that, making your cry out. "Whose cunt squeezes around you so tight, loves you so much, gets so wet... Wanting... Oh god, fuck, wanting..." You felt your thighs start to quiver, a sharp wave washing over you in warning. Walls squeezing his length, feeling his chest rise and fall quick. Thunder, lightning, the rain pouring down harder and harder, steadily on the two of you. "...wanting..." You had to get it out, "Oh, god, wanting to feel you..." A strained whimper making you trail off, feeling his hips move, fucking you harder, faster, a sob rolling out of your mouth. "...oh...fucking....god...!" Growling, meeting his hips with the same fervor, he wasn't making it easy. "...wanting... to feel you...fill it...so deep...so much...every...every fucking drop—"
"Jesus fucking Christ..." he groaned, saying your name, over and over like a prayer. "Yours, yours, so fucking yours..." His voice gravelly, husky, "I'm gonna...I'm gonna fucking give it to you, too. Sweet little cunt gonna take every fucking drop, squeeze me so much, gonna...fucking.... Jesus, fucking..." Growling deep, he paused, reaching for his jacket that was on the ground. Wet, but still a barrier between the grass and you, as he he moved you to lay on your back. Kissing your neck as he did, sorrowfully slipping out of you, though he chuckled lightly at your protesting whine. "So fucking cute..." he muttered, kissing your lips. "Don't worry, sweetheart... You'll get exactly what you want. You always do, baby..."
You seemed satisfied, as he was between your legs, his wet cock sliding along your drenched folds. But for a moment, he was distracted, the sight of your breasts in view. A soft smile coming over him, as if he could go on and not pay them a little attention? Bending down and laying a tender kiss at the soft flesh, he let out a groan as his tongue lapped against the hardened tit, wrapping his lips and sucking gently. You arched your back, pressing it firmer against his mouth. The cold metal of his rings, colder for the rain and wind that started to pick up, make you shiver as it grasps your other breast. Squeezing, pinching your tit, an electric shock shooting straight to your core, but it only made you whine. Feeling his heavy cock against your folds, sliding over your swollen, pulsing clit, but your walls clenched around nothing. Missing his cock, needing him more than you did before.
It only struck him then that his shirt was still on, popping off your tit to take it off. You could barely see the exposed skin, how soft it looks, pale, but the ink of his tattoos had never been more crisp and clear to your vision in comparison. Your fingers reaching up to trace over them, as he rolls his shirt and puts it beneath your head, an attempt at comfort. It makes your heart soar, and eyes close in relief as he slides so easily inside you once more. A relieved moan coming from you both, his fingers come to your mouth and you open them without a single thought. Pressing his fingers inside, two of them, sucking and wetting them immediately before he slides them out.
You feel his lips on yours, kissing him back immediately as your hands find his forearms, clinging to them tightly. You find his fingers, the ones that were just in your mouth, touching your clit. Your moan is swallowed immediately, hips involuntarily moving against the way the pads of his fingertips swirl in little circles over it. His cock moving in and out of you in a slow pace, filling you deep, hiking your legs over his hips. His other hand slides towards your neck, wrapping around it and squeezing at the sides, giving you a dizzying feeling, the vibrations of your groan felt by him, making him end the kiss with a bite of your lower lip, tugging it with a growl. "Princess...."
"...Mmm?" you mustered, your chest rising up and down, the slow pace of his cock torture, the build from moments before was a dull ache, wanting to strike up again.
"Whose cock...do you love?"
Shit. A rising breath, a swallow felt by his hand at your throat, humming softly, "Eddie Munson's."
You were rewarded with a sharper snap of his hips, a sharp moan leaving you. "Good girl..." he growled, kissing your lips. Thunder was roaring, lips finding your neck as he bite hard, making you whine and yelp. Hips moving a bit faster, not too much, though it was difficult to restrain himself. "Your pussy feels so fucking good, baby... Fuck..." He could feel you squeezing him, having his hips stutter forward, feeling too good to resist. "Jesus fucking Christ..." Pulsing, throbbing inside you, his hips picking up in speed, groaning deep, finding himself chasing the high. His cock hitting you deep so perfectly, squirming underneath him, your moans and cries hitting his ears before anything else. "Oh, baby, am I making you feel fucking good?"
"Yes, yes, yes," and he was, that tightening building again, steady and fast. "So, so fucking good..."
He bit his lip, his cock not the only thing swollen at the words. He wondered if you did that on purpose, said shit like that for his ego or just...because you couldn't help it. He was afraid to ask, but now, right at that moment, he was led by your moans, your cries, and the feel of your fucking cunt as he fucked you. Harder. Faster. Ragged breath flowing between you both, his lips and teeth at your shoulder, biting on the flesh hard. "Fuck, fuck, f u c k! Such a sweet fucking.... Shit..." His words hot against your shoulder, he could feel his heart, pulsing and beating hard against his chest, his hips moving seamlessly, a continuous motion, and god, it was driving you crazy. Your nails had dug into his skin, sure to leave a mark, and the thought made him smile. "Whose making you feel so fucking good right now, sweetheart?"
"Eddie.... Fuck.... Eddie Munson..." you said in a daze, your back arched, white heat filling you, the height of pleasure, rising higher and higher. "Such a fucking...perfect...fucking cock..." you hissed, closing your eyes, letting it all wash over you, taking you to where you needed. Words falling from your lips, "Filling me up so fucking good, Eddie... Want so much of you inside me, leaking, making such a fucking mess..."
He groaned, loved it when you talked like that. It drove him crazy, you, who everyone thought was so sweet, and you were, at school, the sweetest girl... Yet with his cock inside you, pounding into you like he was now... He chuckled, "Such a pretty, filthy girl... Loving my cock so much... You never beg like this or talk so dirty with those jocks do you?" You only shook your head, making him groan, quickening his fingers on your clit, enjoying the sound of your cries because of it. "No, no, my girl loves my cock the best. Oh, sweetheart... I'm gonna fill you up so much... You're gonna be leaking of me for a fucking week."
"Oh, fuck, yes... Yes, please... Shit..." You should be ashamed at the thought turning you on so much, but you're not. The thought of his cum spilling out of you when you least suspect it...brings out a moan as his fingers flick from side to side against your clit, "Oh, fuck, yes, yes, yes, don't stop — just like that, fuck, yes."
Your walls squeezed around him, and you could feel him throb inside you, his eyes shutting tight as he rested his head against your shoulder, refusing to stop or pause, determined to fuck you, to make you cum as curses and moans fell from his lips in heated release. The hand on your neck moved, fingers gripping and tangling in your hair, each breath punctuated with a whimpering moan from him. "Jesus fucking Christ, my girl's pussy feels so fucking good...." Biting your shoulder once more, growling, you were close, he could feel it, right around his cock pounding into you. And he was so close. "Is my baby gonna cum? C'mon, baby, please..."
"Y e s, yes... I'm..." You felt it, then, the rise climbing up and up. The sound of thunder close and almost,you swore, in time of Eddie's hips crashing into you. "Shit... F u c k!" You felt your body shake, hips trembling, as did your lips, seized and form still as he pounded away.
"That's it — that's it, sweetheart, let go, fuck, you're beautiful..." And he couldn't resist, punctuating his hips, letting out a growl. "Say it, say whose making you cum, baby. Shout it. Scream it. Want the whole world knowing who's fucking you so good..."
You cried out, his name leaving your lips, first and last, as you were doing when he asked, louder and louder each time. The light behind your eyes, engulfing you whole, in that sweet, white hot light, drowned you. Your cunt squeezing him the tightest, making him cry out, but moving still, feeling your release drench his cock, the warmth of it driving him over the edge.
"Baby, princess, fuck, so good, you're doing so fucking —" He groaned, fucking you through it. He loved hearing his name come out of your mouth like that, loud, even amongst the thunder. "That's right, that's fucking right, let everyone god damn know I make you cum like that—jesus fuck," though you came, he felt your hips rise up to meet his thrusts. It made him let out a throaty laugh, his eyes looking adoringly at you. "Look at my baby... Wanting my cum so much, powering through... Don't worry, baby..." Putting all his energy in his thrusts, taking you deep and fast. "You're gonna... Mmm, fuck. Oh, you're gonna get every...fucking...drop..."
You were being greedy, because you did want it, your cunt sensitive but not caring. Every thrust giving you an after shock of sensitivity, making your body jolt but you didn't care. "Please, please, please." Your voice strained, but heard so clearly to his ears.
"So fucking polite... Shit..." He could feel it, shuddering lightly. "Oh, baby. Fuck. You're such a good girl..." His breath panting, cursing sweet nothings into your ear, making you moan. "Fuck. Shit. Here... Fuck..." His muscles tensing, cock twitching inside you. He let out a groan, "Take it, sweetheart, take it all...fuck!" pressing himself as deep as he could go, your hands grabbing his hips, keeping him there as you could feel him, thick and hot, spilling into you, over and over. He clung to you, as you did him, both taken with the feeling, him emptying himself inside you, and you, feeling so utterly full. He moves slow, coming down from his high, your walls still gripping him like a vice, milking him of every thread, every drop of him, filling you more and more. He pictures his cum seeping out, dripping from your cunt, and the mental image makes him shudder, lifting his lips to kiss along your jaw, toward your lips and you take it with a tired, yet so satisfied kiss. Soft. Passionate. Content.
His hips come to a still, the thunder subsides and the rain seems to lighten up. You're both drenched to the bone, but neither of you care as you kiss over and over. A smile shared between you both, your body limp beneath his, enjoying the moment, the afterglow of it all. Your eyes open and he stares into them, the smile on both of your lips widening, everything seems light, sharing joint kisses, a giddiness filling you both. It could just be the way you looked then, or just the feel of you a mess around his cock, or any number of things, but the words just slip out as he looks at you. "I fucking love you."
Your eyes go wide, and regret kicks him square in the face.
Ah, shit.
"...Eddie," you start, looking into his eyes. "I—"
"Uh," he cuts you off, eyes looking away from your face. A nervousness settling in him. "Shit, it's getting cold," he said, and reluctantly, he pulls out of you, both of you letting out a groan as the release seeps from you. He couldn't help but frown at that, as well as, well, t h a t. He really fucked up a perfect little moment, in his eyes, and the only thing to do was damage control. "I should take you home, your parents are probably wondering where you are..." Brown eyes looking at the state of your dress as you tried to straighten and cover yourself with it. Reaching for your hand, he held it, rubbing his thumb over the top of it. "Wayne should still be at work, I can take you back to mine and we could get that dress of yours for a wash. Can take a shower if you want. Y'know, so they don't ask how you got it wet and....maybe a little muddy."
"I..." you trailed off, watching as he was already getting to his feet, lifting you up, his hands working to straighten your dress, giving your cheek a kiss. His eyes didn't stay on you long, rushing to reach for his shirt and jacket, drenched as all fuck, wringing the excess water as best as he could. You take a deep breath, smiling softly. "Always taking care of me, aren't you?"
At that, he looked at you, and even in the rain, you could see his smile. "For you, Princess? Always."
You believed him, too.
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You didn't talk to Eddie much over the weekend, or see him, really, just some late night phone calls which was mainly him playing one of his tapes and you listening. It was Monday once more, when you entered the halls and saw sight of him at his locker, Jeff and the boys talking to him about something that got his attention.
I fucking love you.
The words playing in your head for the millionth time since he said it, wanting to talk about it, but every time he switched it to another topic. Or a distraction by ways of a kiss. It was annoying, he was clearly embarrassed that he said it, and was trying everything in his power to make you forget it even happened or push it away. Which was ridiculous, considering....
And that's when you saw them, Calvin and his teammates, and it brought back to what Eddie had said happened. Confronting him about his relationship with you, talking about how Eddie would ruin you like you were some delicate flower that needed protection, even from an ex-boyfriend like him. It pissed you off. Because you weren't delicate, you were not made of glass, and the fact that the only boy that grasped that and celebrated that with you was the very boy your ex-boyfriend was trying to threaten... Yeah, you couldn't let that stand.
But you were always such a clever one, that an idea brought forth in your head, and oh, you smiled. Smoothing down your skirt, because of course you wore a skirt, you made your way down the hall, right past your ex-boyfriend, and even some of your former friends, and right toward Eddie. He turned to you, just in time for your hands on his shoulders and lips crashing against his. You didn't catch the way his eyes widened in surprised, but you felt his tongue slide into yours, felt the vibration of his moan and the feel of his hands on your waist. Pressing against him more, you could hear the whistles of the students around you both, some of his friends, some not. They only got louder when his hands went to the swell of your ass, smiling against his lips as you felt his squeeze.
You bit his lip, tugging on it hard until it slipped from your teeth's grasp and he let out a little groan. Your eyes look adoringly at him, genuinely, giving another peck to his lips. "C'mon, baby, walk me to our class? Can't wait to sit next to you and..." You purposefully trailing off, pretending to finally catch sight of your ex. "Oh. C a l, hey... Funny, didn't see you there," you chuckled, thumb swiping over your bottom lip. Turning toward Eddie, holding his hand. "Baby, I need you, let's go."
Eddie looked at you, to Cal, a bright smile on his face as he brought his arms up in a shrug. "She's a wild one," he said as he brushed past them, "I can hardly keep up, but shit, I'm willing to try." Following after you, your hand in his as you both left them in the dust, as soon as you rounded a corner, he sped up and grabbed you at the waist, smiling wide as you let out a squeal, you squealed!, lifting you in a spin and pressed your back against the wall and kissed you deep."You... Jesus," he laughed against your lips, shaking his head. "I wasn't bullshitting, princess, you are a wild one." His brows furrowed, "You know you're a marked woman now, yeah? That was social suicide! You have no hope of escaping that or going back to your friends — It's pretty much over for you, baby." He pulled back, hands on his hips. "Now and forever — marked by the freak of Hawkins."
You let out a laugh, lifting your arms to wrap around his neck, "Yeah, well, no loss there. Like I told you. I like your friends better, and...might as well, since I'm loved by the freak of Hawkins as well?"
His smile faded, a look of shock and apprehension on his handsome face, letting out a breath. "....ah, shit. That..." He closed his eyes, bringing a hand to the bridge of his nose, squeezing it. "Listen, that... You don't..." Bringing his hands out, palms towards you, he rationalized, "It's way too fucking soon to say shit like that, I know. And if that freaked you out—"
"It didn't," you cut him off, which made him raise his brow, unconvinced. "Okay, it kind of did, at first, but, I was still kinda recovering from you fucking me so it was all, kind of a daze." You snorted at the smug look on his face. "Fuck off. I never fucked in the rain before. It was a lot." You crossed your arms in front of you, looking at him. "So, what? Heat of the moment kind of thing? You don't love me?"
He took in a deep breath, chocolate brown eyes looking you over, head to toe and then back again. He could feel his heart, how it quickened in beat, a warmth that radiated when your eyes met. Your taste still lingering on his tongue, the urge to touch you, hold you, kiss you, and yes, fuck you, especially in that skirt you wore. "I don't...not love you. If I'm being totally honest... Yeah. Maybe I do... No other girl's just committed social suicide like that, kissed me in front of an Ex-boyfriend to be like fuck off. Get them jealous, yeah, but, not like that." He looked at you appreciatively. "You're kinda badass. And...for some reason, you...you wanna be a badass with me. How can I not love you for that? Or just... I don't know. I guess.... Yeah, yeah, I love you. But I don't wanna fuck it up, y'know, saying that too fast. So, if you think that's too fast or...you don't feel the same, then, we can forget it. And if I don't manage to fuck this up and chase you away for, maybe...a multitude of reasons, I can say it again...while not being in you at the time."
You couldn't help but smile at him, softly, gently. Your hand reached for his, fingers cascading over his rings and interlock with his, giving him a squeeze. "It's not social suicide for me. It's really not. It's just...letting everyone know where I stand. And it's not with them, it's with you." Your smile widen when he squeezed your hand. "I might love you, too." A laugh breathed past your lips as you saw his widened eyes. "But, maybe it is a little too soon to say it, officially. But...feels like we're on the track for it. My mom says she's never seen me this happy, and that's... That's because of you, Eddie. Because you make me very happy and... I feel like...my truest self with you." Kissing his cheek, you let out a hum, "Thank you for... Even though you said it, giving me the space to not feel pressured to say it right back. At least not now when this is still kinda new between us. Though I'm tempted," you both laughed, loving the glint to his eye. "I'm very fucking tempted."
"I'll take that. I can so fucking take that," he said, leaning forward, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss, both of you smiling as you pull away, swinging your joined hands between you, sharing a chuckle. The bell rang, causing him to sigh. "Shit. Well, first period, Sweetheart. Oh, and... I totally forgot my book. So, I guess we'll have to share, get our tables together and..."
You rolled your eyes, moving toward class and dragging him along, "No, keep your hands to yourself until lunch time, Munson."
He pouted, looking over you and letting out a groan. "Come on, Princess, you knew what you were getting into with my wandering hands the moment you got into that skirt...."
You gave him a smile, a wicked look to your eyes.
Oh, yes, you definitely did.
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atlafan · 10 months
Magnet & Steel - Part One
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a/n: I was updating my masterlist and I realized I never posted the first part of this on here!! I wrote this in sept 2021, before my life fell apart lmao there are several other parts on patreon. I was updating my masterlist because I realized I never added any of the "part one"'s to the patreon fics that I post on here. Hope this still holds up! REMEMBER TO REBLOG
Here's my author's note from when I originally posted: I haven't done a "college" fic in a while, so here we are! Penelope is 21, and Harry is turning 24. He's a TA for her senior major course, but they met over the summer under an odd circumstance. Can't wait to know what you think! [Inspired by this song]
Warnings: threesome (😮) angst, lots of smut
Words: 15.7K
Don’t ask Penelope how she ended up in a threesome. All she knows is that she agreed to one. School was about to start, and she was out with a guy she was having a casual fling with. They were getting drinks when he brought up the subject to her. She was hesitant at first, but when Luke said it would be with his friend Harry, Penelope felt a little more comfortable. She’s straight, and as much as she’d like to think she’d be adventurous enough to hook up with another girl, she just wasn’t. But the idea of having two guys going to town on her? Yes, please! She was also more than willing after Luke showed her a picture of Harry. Luke and Harry weren’t close, but Luke had really been wanting to check off having a threesome on his “Things To Do Before I Graduate” list. So, she agreed.
Luke set everything up, all Penelope had to do was show up at a hotel with whatever types of condoms she prefers, and her favorite type of alcohol (if she felt like drinking). She didn’t tell her friends what she was up to, just that she was spending the night with her fuck buddy, Luke. No one gave it a second thought.
She got the key card in a cute little box that Luke left for her, making her feel all the more special. She takes a deep breath in the elevator up to the room. She swipes the card, and enters. Luke and Harry both greet her with warm smiles. Luke introduces them, and the three of them laugh a bit over the situation. They all take a couple of shots of vodka before getting started. Luke had put together a playlist to set the mood. Harry dimmed the lighting by putting a sheer scarf over one of the lamps.
Luke wanted to make sure Penelope was comfortable, so he started off by asking her questions. Harry did the same. They all wanted to make sure everyone was okay with what they were about to do, and if anyone wanted to stop at any point, they would. And so, once they get all of that settled, Luke begins by kissing Penelope.
The three are sat on the bed. Penelope shivers when she feels Harry move the strap of her tank top off her shoulder for him to kiss on. She places a hand on his thigh, giving it a squeeze. She didn’t want anyone feeling left out. Luke gestures for her to turn to kiss Harry, and she blushes before doing so. He smiles into the kiss, and she moans softly as Luke’s hands grope her breasts.
Before long, they’re all completely naked. All of their lips are swollen from kissing. Penelope’s on all fours, sucking Luke’s cock while Harry eats her out from behind. She feels bad because she can barely concentrate on making Luke feel good. Harry’s tonguing her asshole while he’s three fingers knuckle deep in her pussy. She has to pop off of Luke, and just pump him with her hand. She can feel an odd pressure building, one that she hasn’t felt before. Without warning, she’s drenching Harry’s fingers and wrist. So much so, some of it even gets onto his chest. She lays on her back to catch her breath while Luke licks the mess off Harry’s fingers. Her mouth falls open as she watches them. She whimpers, feeling turned on from the erotic sight before her.
The only snag happens after they’re all through with the foreplay. Both of the boys want to fuck Penelope, and they weren’t sure how to do that so it was fair. Harry mentions that Luke had gotten to fuck her plenty of times, so he already knows what it feels like. They ask her if she could take one after the other, but she shakes her head no. Then they agree on whoever doesn’t get to have her cunt can have her mouth.
“I want Harry to fuck me.” Penelope says. She can see the tinge of disappointment on Luke’s face, even with the dim lighting. “It’s like he said, you’ve had me before.” She leans back on her elbows, opening her legs. “Don’t you wanna share so Harry can feel how tight and wet I am?”
Both of the boys lose their minds. Harry gets a condom on and flips Penelope onto her stomach. He pulls her hips back and enters her. Her mouth falls open, in shock from how much bigger he is than Luke. Luke gets in front of her, and feeds her his cock. (She got to suck on Harry’s earlier too. They even took turns fingering her and eating her out.) She moans around Luke when she feels Harry start to hit her g-spot. She sucks Luke’s cock faster, she needed him to come fast so she could fully enjoy Harry. And that’s exactly what happens. While Luke recovers, Penelope rubs her clit and Harry continues to pound into her. She cries out when she comes, and instead of Harry spilling into the condom, he pulls out, sits up against the headboard, and pulls Penelope onto his lap. She sinks down on him reverse, and he holds her wrists behind her back.
“Luke, rub her clit for me.” Harry grunts, thrusting up into her.
Luke does as Harry says, rubbing Penelope’s clit while licking into her mouth. Harry bites and sucks on the crook of her neck. Her back arches into him over and over, and her hips match his on every thrust. Her eyes roll into the back of her head as she comes again. Harry comes next, his body going slack against the headboard.
The three of them sit for a moment before cleaning themselves up. The boys let Penelope use the bathroom first, which she’s grateful for because she needed to pee desperately. Harry goes next, then Luke. None of them were going to stay the night, so they tidy up before heading out. They’re all exhausted, but none of them wanted to wake up in that hotel room where so much had gone down. They say their goodbyes after checking out, and that’s that.
The next time Penelope hooks up with Luke, all she can think about is Harry. He just fucked her so much better than Luke ever did. He was shocked when she told him she didn’t want to be fuck buddies anymore.
“I just think we’ve reached the finish line of whatever this is between us. It was fun for the summer, but I need to focus on school. We also both go to different schools, so…”
“I just thought we had something good going. Where did things go wrong?”
“Nothing went wrong, I…I just don’t see this turning into anything more.”
“Is this because of the threesome? Should we not have done it?”
“No! I’m glad we did it, it was fun. I’m sorry, I just don’t want…I don’t want to hook up with you anymore.”
“Harsh, Pen.” Luke sighs. “Is it Harry? Do you like him?”
“I only met him that one time. I haven’t seen or talked to him since. You and I would have drifted apart after school started anyways. This is for the best.”
The truth was she couldn’t stop thinking about Harry. No one had ever made her squirt before, and she couldn’t get the thought of it out of her mind. She’d do anything to feel that good again. But she didn’t know his last name, and she certainly wasn’t going to ask Luke. She’ll just have to think of him fondly.
Call her basic, but Penelope is an English major with a concentration in writing. She has a graphic design minor as a backup, and already has plenty of freelance work lined up, so she’s not super worried about what she’s going to do after she graduates. She loves writing, and is hoping to make it a career someday, but for now she’s just trying to get through her senior year.
With that, her fall load is a mix of high level courses, and a couple of easy graphic design courses. The high level one she has to take for her major is called Critical Theory. She wasn’t sure if she was dreading this class, or if she was excited about it. Ever the proactive person, before class Penelope looked over the course description:
Critical Theory seeks acquaint students with specific modern and contemporary schools of literary theory including: Formalism, Reader Response, Psychoanalysis, Structuralism, Semiotics, Marxism, Poststructuralism, Feminism, Queer Theory, Postcolonial Theory and New Historicism. More importantly, students begin to develop their own theoretical approach, informed by what they learn from reading important literary theorists.
She was excited about diving into all of the different types of theory, she just wasn’t excited about who was teaching it. The class is taught by this older woman who is a tenured English faculty member. She has a bad reputation for being overly serious, and makes the class feel so mundane. It’s a senior level course, shouldn’t it be fun? Professor Allen didn’t seem to think so.
Penelope heads to class with her friend, Ryan, who is also one of her roommates. Ryan was one of the few people Penelope told about her escapades over the summer. He’s a no judgement kind of guy, and has been besties with Penelope since their freshman year. They met in their first major course, and became inseparable. She also happens to know that Ryan has had a threesome before as well, and his was also with two other guys.
The two walk into their classroom. It seats about forty, so it’s not small, but it’s also not one of those giant lecture halls you’d see on television. They sit in the third row from the front, a happy medium, and get settled. Other students trickle in as the time gets closer to class starting. Penelope and Ryan both sip on their iced coffees and scroll through Instagrams on their respective phones. It’s a 9AM class, it’s not insanely early, but it’s still a little too early to function enough for small talk. The light sound of chatter dissolves as Professor Allen walks into the room. A young man walks in behind her, and Penelope nearly chokes on her coffee.
“Good morning, class!” Professor Allen says, somewhat cheerfully. “I have some news before we get started. Some of you have known me for quite some time, so I won’t mince words. I’m having a medical procedure done in a couple of weeks that will have me bedridden for the remainder of the semester, so all of my courses will be instructed by some trusted TA’s. This is one of them, Harry Styles. I’ll be letting him take the lead and just observe before I’m out for the rest of the semester. Please pay him the same respect you would me. Harry, go on and introduce yourself.” Professor Allen smiles at him, and he nods.
“Yeah, hi, everyone. My name’s Harry, feel free to just call me that. I’m a grad student going for my MEd, and then eventually my PhD, so I’ll be here for a while.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I was an English major during my undergrad career, so I’m hoping we can all get along. I’ve only ever taught online before, but I’m really passionate about what we’ll be discussing in this class, so I think we’ll be alright.”
“Thank you, Harry.” Professor Allen smiles. “Go on and take roll, I’m going to pull up the course page and syllabus.”
Harry nods, and grabs a notebook from his bag. Penelope is sweating, squirming in her seat. Ryan looks at her puzzled, having no idea why she’s suddenly so out of sorts. Harry calls out each name, and asks if there’s any specific preferred names or pronouns he should be aware of. Then he gets to Penelope…
“Penelope Quentin.” He reads, and then his eyes widen when he fully registers the name. He looks ups when he hears her.
“Here.” She says quietly. The two make eye contact for a moment too long before he moves on to the next name. “Shit.” She says under her breath.
“What’s wrong?” Ryan whispers to her.
“That’s Harry…from the you know what with Luke.” She whispers back, and Ryan’s jaw drops.
“Oh, shit.”
“What am I gonna do? This class is only offered in the fall, so I can’t drop it.”
“Just relax, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Penelope and Ryan, I’m not afraid to separate you two.” Professor Allen says. Penelope notices the small smirk on Harry’s lips as Professor Allen begins going over the syllabus. Harry chimes in from time to time as well. “Since I won’t be here, I won’t be having office hours. Harry will be taking over my office, so you can see him during his office hours. Please try to remember that he’s not only teaching, but he’s a student too.”
Professor Allen is tough, but fair. That’s probably her one redeemable quality. Harry goes over the course page, and talks about the books needed for class. He goes over a couple of big assignments, but other than that, there’s not much else since it’s just the first week. It’s a relief when class is dismissed early. Penelope wants to get out of there as soon as possible. She’s right behind Ryan, but feels a slight tug on her elbow. She turns to look at Harry, and she feels about two inches tall.
“Hey…do you have a minute?” He asks awkwardly, putting his things in his bag.
“Um…sure, my next class isn’t until eleven, so…I’ve got a bit of time.” She looks back at Ryan. “I’ll catch up with you later.”
Ryan nods and leaves the classroom. Penelope follows Harry out, and they walk in an awkward silence out of the building. They walk until they get to the student union, and grab a table at the student café.
“I’m gonna grab a coffee, do you need another?” He asks.
“No, um, I think one is plenty for today, thank you.”
Harry nods and goes up to get himself a coffee. He returns with a small cup, and a large chocolate chip cookie. He nudges it towards Penelope, and she raises an eyebrow at him.
“Had to get you something.” He shrugs, and takes a sip of his coffee.
“Oh, um, thanks. This’ll be a nice treat for later.”
“I…I assumed you went to the same school as Luke.” He blurts out. “I had no idea you went here, and I didn’t even have a chance to check the class roster beforehand this morning.”
“No, it’s okay. Luke and I worked at the same restaurant this summer, that’s how we met and got familiar. I assumed you two went to school together.”
“No.” Harry shakes his head. “We went to high school together, we were on the same basketball team.”
“Oh…I guess we didn’t exactly have time to get to know each other given the circumstances.”
“It’s better when you keep your distance for things like that.”
“Had you ever hooked up with him before?”
“No.” Harry chuckles. “But I knew he was bi, and I knew he was sort of into me, so when he asked if I wanted to participate I thought it would be fun. Especially after he showed me a couple of pictures of you. Are you two still seeing each other, or…?”
“No, I broke things off with him a couple of weeks ago. We weren’t anything serious to begin with, we were just hookup buddies, you know? I don’t really want a boyfriend right now. Being tied down before graduating doesn’t sound like a great idea.”
“I completely get that, you’re preaching to the choir. I hope you won’t be uncomfortable with me teaching your class. You seemed so frazzled before.”
“I was in shock. You were the last person I expected to see today, and my friend Ryan is the only one who knows about the…about the threesome.” She whispers the word. “I’m not exactly known for being, well, for being a hole.”
“Oh my god.” Harry laughs. “You’re funny, you know that? So, what, you didn’t tell your other friends that you let two guys have their way with you?”
“No.” She blushes, a small smile gracing her lips. “I think they’d be in shock from the information alone. I had a good time with the both of you, it was fun.”
“Yeah, it was.”
“Although…I think going forward I’ll stick to just fucking one person at a time. I was super tired the next couple of days.”
“It’s a lot of work, being a hole.” He smirks, leaning back in his chair. Penelope laughs at that, and finishes off what’s left of her iced coffee. “It was my first time doing something like that too. I’ve always been curious about the appeal. I had a tough time holding back.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you were Luke’s girl, or so I thought, so I didn’t want to be the leader, but there were a lot of times I just wanted to push him out of the way. You’re very…you’re very cute, and I kind of just wanted you to myself after we really got started.”
“You were sort of greedy with me.” She’s trying so hard to save face. She wants to melt into a puddle. The guy she’s been thinking about non-stop for weeks not only thinks she’s cute, but has just admitted that he wanted her all to himself. “I didn’t mind it though.”
“Fed my ego when you outright said you wanted me to fuck you.”
“Can I tell you a secret?” Harry nods at that, and they both lean in so Penelope can easily whisper. “There were times I wanted to push Luke out of the way too.” Harry grins a beaming smile at Penelope. She sits back in her chair and chews on her bottom lip. “So, um, what do we do?”
“I don’t think there’s anything to do. I didn’t know you’d be in my class when we did what we did. No harm done.”
“But what if, um, what if…we want to-“
“Oh!” Harry’s surprised since Penelope didn’t try to connect with him after everything. “You’d wanna hook up again?”
“Yeah.” She blushes.
“Little cliché, isn’t it?” Harry smirks. “A student fucking their TA?”
“I met you beforehand…it wouldn’t be totally wrong, would it?”
“You like doing things you’re not technically supposed to do, don’t you.” It’s not a question. Penelope can feel the heat in her cheeks getting warmer. Harry leans in a little more, making sure absolutely no one will be able to hear him. “And all this time I thought you were a good girl.”
“I am.” She swallows. “Or…I could just be good for you, maybe.” Harry’s eyebrows raise at that. “I could be your good girl.”
“Jesus Christ.” Harry sits back and fans himself with his hand playfully. “We’d have to keep it quiet. I wouldn’t want anyone thinking you’re screwing me to get a good grade.”
“I don’t need to screw you to get a good grade, thank you very much.” She smirks. “But I agree, it’s probably a good idea not to blab about it. Ryan will know, he can read me like a book.”
“It’s probably good to tell at least one friend. Secrets like these can be hard to keep sometimes.” Harry takes out his phone, and slides it to her. “Put your number in. You mentioned before you’re not looking for a boyfriend.” Penelope hums her response as she creates a contact for herself in Harry’s phone. “Well, I’m not looking for a girlfriend either. I’m happy to not fuck anyone else if that’s what you’d prefer, but I won’t be taking you out on any dates, and I might not call the next day. This has to be just sex.”
“Good, because that’s all I want from you.” She slides his phone back over to him. “I texted myself.” She gathers her things and stands up. “I need to run home quick before my next class. See you around.”
“Yeah, see you, Penelope.”
“From how mortified you were in class I never would have thought you’d leave your chat having made a new fuck buddy.” Ryan laughs later on that day as Penelope tells him what happened. “Good for you, he’s as cute as you said.”
“And this time I won’t have to share.” Penelope grins. “Ry, when I tell you a dick has never felt this good. I mean, fuck.”
“Are you gonna tell Luke?”
“No, why would I?”
“Because you’ll eventually end up working together again. Don’t you think it’ll be weird for him?”
“No.” Penelope shakes her head. “This whole thing probably won’t last long anyways. We’ll probably fuck, like, once, and that’ll be it.” She shrugs.
The rest of the week goes by in a blur. Syllabus week is usually pretty chill. During lecture on Wednesday, Professor Allen did most of the talking so Harry could observe. His eyes would occasionally drift over to Penelope. When their eyes would catch, they would both smile shyly before looking away.
Being a senior means having no classes on Fridays, which means Thursday nights are for drinking, and going to parties. With it being the first weekend of the semester, it was bound to be crazy. Penelope and her friends get invited to a few different houses, so they pregame at their own apartment before heading out. They go in and out of a few different houses, saying hi to friends, then Penelope and Ryan break off to go to the bars downtown.
“No fucking way.” Penelope says. “That’s Harry!”
Harry’s making drinks behind the bar, and Penelope goes right up, batting her lashes. He smirks and leans his forearms on the bar.
“What can I get for you, beautiful?”
“Two Grateful Deads, please.”
“You got it.” Harry makes up the drinks, and gives them to Penelope and Ryan. “They’re on me.”
“You don’t have to do that.” Penelope says.
“I want to.”
“Here, then, how about a fat tip?” Ryan puts a ten dollar bill on the bar, and Harry happily takes it.
“Don’t think this is a bribe for a good grade, now.” Harry teases.
“Me? Never.” Ryan puts a hand up in defense. “Pen, I’m gonna go see if Alex is here. Are you good?”
“Mhm, go have fun.” She smiles, and turns back to Harry. “How do you have time to work here?”
“I just do.” He shrugs. “I’m only the TA for our class, and I’m only taking three grad classes this semester. Two of which are online asynchronous, so it’s fine. The stipend I get is just enough to cover housing and some other bills. This’ll help me not live paycheck to paycheck.”
“That’s smart.”
“You didn’t think I was stupid, did you?” He leans a little farther forward.
“Maybe a little, since you didn’t ask for my number right away.”
“I thought you and Luke were a legitimate item!” Harry laughs, standing back up straight.
“If that were the case, it would have been a little fucked up for us to have a threesome. And even more fucked up of me to choose you over him, don’t you think?”
“I guess, yeah.” He sees he’s getting waved down by someone for another round. “I have to tend to the customers. Stay here? I can chat between orders.”
Penelope watches as Harry tends to the bar. She watches as other people try to flirt with him. She feels a tinge of jealousy, but she gets over it because she knows that no one else will have the chance to know him like she does.
“I’m surprised you’re not at some big house party.” Harry says to her a little later on.
“We stopped by a few places earlier to say hi, but now that we’re all of age it’s more fun to come down here where we don’t have to worry about the cops coming to shut the party down.”
“Very true.”
“So, are you going to work here all semester?”
“I don’t know yet. This was honestly just a summer gig. I think I might work through September, and then see. I’d like to have fun with my friends too.” He notices that Penelope’s glass is empty. “Do you want another?”
“That depends.”
“Are you gonna take me home tonight?”
“Do you want me to?” She nods her head yes. “Alright.” He smiles.
“Then I’ll just have water. I don’t wanna be wasted if you’re going to fuck me.” Harry chuckles at that, and gets her some ice water. “Thanks.” She takes a big gulp. “I’m gonna go find Ryan and dance for a bit. What time do you get off, are you here ‘til close?”
“Nope.” Harry smiles. “I’m only on the clock for another hour. Go have fun, I’ll grab you later.”
Penelope smiles, takes her glass of water, and heads towards the dance floor. She finds Ryan, and he pulls her closer to dance with him. An hour or so later, Harry makes his way through the crowded dance floor, and finds Penelope. He taps her shoulder, and she turns around. He asks if she wants to dance and she nods, turning back around to press her ass against his pelvis. His hands grip her hips, and they move along to the music together.
“So, my place or yours?” Harry asks Penelope after a few songs. She chews on her bottom lip.
“Mine, then you won’t have to worry about walking me back when we’re done.” She grins.
“Smart.” He drapes his arm around her shoulders, keeping her pressed into his side. “Ryan, we’re gonna head out, are you good?”
“Yeah! See you later.” Ryan smiles. He was dancing with Alex, so he was perfectly content.
Penelope and Harry make their way out of the bar, and to her apartment. She keys inside the building, and leads Harry up two flights of stairs before reaching their destination. She puts a finger up to her lips, signaling to him that he needs to be quiet. Her other roommates could easily be back and asleep, and she didn’t want to wake them. They walk quietly, yet with a purpose, to Penelope’s bedroom. Once they’re in, she locks the door behind them. He comes up to her, pressing her gently against the door, and slotting his mouth over hers.
“You still want to?” Harry asks as he kisses a trail to her neck. “It’s okay if you don’t.”
“No, I want to. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” Harry pauses his kissing to step back and look at her with raised eyebrows. “I…I mean, like, that night…I’ve wanted you to fuck me again for a while. Shit, did I just ruin it?”
“You didn’t ruin anything.” He smiles softly at her. “I’m just surprised, is all. I barely got to do half of the shit I wanted with you, and yet I was still able to leave a lasting impression.”
“You know your dick is big.” Her face flushes.
“Was that the only memorable part?” He presses his thigh between hers, causing her to grunt.
“No.” Truth be told, Penelope couldn’t get a single part of him out of her mind since that night. Every kiss, every touch, every moan…there was just something so alluring about Harry, and she had wanted him again desperately. “Please, I…don’t tease me right now. I’m too riled up for that.”
“Ah, so you just want it hard and fast tonight, is that it?”
“Yes.” She tugs on the collar of his shirt, pulling him back down to her to kiss. She bites down and sucks on his bottom lip. “Please, Harry.”
He cups her jaw, licking into her mouth, then tugs her back to her bed. They both fall on top of it, and fumble around to get their clothes off. He nips at various parts of her breasts and chest, working his way down to between her legs. Her back arches as his tongue licks a fat stripe up her slit. He spits down on her pussy, then licks over her clit, swirling his tongue around the small bud. Penelope fists at her blankets, and grits her teeth. Harry rubs his fingers around her entrance before slipping his index and middle inside. She squirms a bit from the intensity of it all. His mouth is making a mess of her clit while his fingers thrust in out of her in search for her g-spot.
“Shit, right there!” She gasps, then claps her hand over her mouth.
Harry groans against her, feeling how wet he’s making her with what he’s doing. He can feel her tightening around his fingers. He wonders if she’ll squirt again like she did the last time he was between her legs like this. He hopes she does, it was one of the hottest things he had ever seen. A few more strokes of his fingers and she’s gushing. Harry quickly removes his fingers from inside her, and rubs her clit rapidly. He has to use his other hand to hold one of Penelope’s legs down so she won’t close them. Her comforter is soaked. She thinks he’s going to give her a moment to catch her breath when he takes his hand away, but she gasps when she feels his hot mouth back on her, licking away at the mess she made.
“Does that happen a lot?” Harry asks her as he kisses his way back up her body.
“No.” She reaches into her side table for a condom, and hands it to him. “It’s only happened one time prior to you, and then it didn’t happen again until you. It’s sort of embarrassing…”
“Are you kidding?” He rips the foil packet open and slides the condom on his hard cock. “I’ve only ever seen that happen in porn. I have to say, the real thing is way hotter than watching it happen on a screen.” He pecks her lips as he lines himself up with her. “I like knowing that I’m making you feel that good.” He pushes inside of her, and they both groan. “Did…did Luke ever…was he the first person-“
“It happened while I was touching myself one night, okay? And that was like two years ago, and then it didn’t happen again until you fingered me from behind during the threesome. Can we move on?” She says, rolling her hips up to his to get him to start moving.
“That’s not a very nice way to talk to me.” Harry gives her a sharp thrust. “Thought you wanted to be my good girl.”
“I do, but you’re making it difficult.” She huffs. “Don’t bring up Luke, or anyone else.”
Harry nods, and starts giving her hard and fast strokes. He takes her wrists, and presses them down on either side of her head. She’s breathing heavily, desperately trying to stay as quiet as she can. She knows the walls of her apartment are thin, and knows how annoyed she’d be if the shoe were on the other foot. Harry releases one of her wrists so he can hook an arm under one of her knees so he can drive it in deeper.
“Oh, God.” Penelope throws her head back into her pillow.
“Like that?” He grunts into her ear. “So fucking deep.”
“Yes.” She gets a fist full of his hair, and presses him further into her neck. He sucks on the tender skin, causing her to let out an elongated moan. She bites down on his shoulder to try to keep herself quiet.
Harry moves to sit up on his knees, gripping her hips to raise them up a bit. He holds onto her tight as he grinds his cock in and out of her. She reaches to rub her clit, but looks him in the eyes first as if to ask if it was okay. He nods rapidly, grabbing her hand to place it where she needs it most, and she starts touching herself. Harry’s mouth falls open as he watches the scene before him. Penelope bites down on her other palm to muffle the sounds of her cries and screams as she comes around Harry’s cock. He spills into the condom shortly after, and comes down to her to kiss her over and over. She wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer as they explore each other’s mouths. Once their breathing evens out a bit more, Harry pulls out of her.
“Fuck.” He runs a hand through his hair and looks at her. “That was great.”
“Yeah.” She smiles at him. “I’ve got a small trash bin by my desk.” She points over to it.
“Right.” He nods, and gets off her bed. He disposes of the condom, then starts to put his clothes back on. Penelope throws on an extra-large bed shirt. “So…you good?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Just wanted to make sure you were alright before I left.”
“Harry, it’s not like you whipped me and called me a whore.” She laughs. “I’m all set, you can go.”
“Alright.” He laughs too. “I’m glad you came to the bar tonight. I was going to text you, but then I didn’t because I didn’t know if you had class tomorrow morning or not.”
“I don’t have classes on Fridays, actually.”
“Good to know.” He pecks her lips, and opens her bedroom door to leave.
Penelope goes down the hall to use the bathroom, and go through her nightly routine. She drinks a little bit of water, then goes back to her room. She yanks the comforter off her bed, and sighs with relief when she sees the wet spot didn’t seep through to her other blankets and sheets. She slips into bed and gets comfortable. It doesn’t take her long to fall asleep.
During the day Friday, after sleeping in, Penelope goes to the library with Ryan to get a jump on some homework. There wasn’t a ton of stuff assigned since it was syllabus week, but Penelope had an easier time reading her academic texts at the library, and so did Ryan. Novels she could read just fine in her bedroom. The two dove into how their nights ended: Penelope took Harry home, and Alex took Ryan home. All in all, they both had a good night.
“So, when are you going to tell Jessa and Naomi about Harry?” Ryan asks her.
“Probably tonight when we have our movie night.”
“I can’t wait to watch Mystic Pizza.” Ryan sighs happily. “I love our little traditions.”
“Me too.” Penelope smiles.
That night, Penelope, Ryan, Jessa, and Naomi all get comfortable in their living room to watch their movie. They have drinks, pizza, and cookies - nothing could be better. Penelope tells the girls about Harry, not naming him, but that she has acquired a new fuck buddy.
“Ohh, so that’s who I saw sneaking out of here last night. I got up to grab a late night snack, and I heard the door open and close.” Jessa says.
“Sorry, we tried to be as quiet as we possibly could.” Penelope explains. “I didn’t want to wake either of you.”
“No worries.” Naomi smiles. “Glad you got yours. The party we ended up at was full of gross people, so we left.”
“Yeah, and then we were too exhausted to go anywhere else.” Jessa shrugs.
About halfway through the movie, Penelope feels her phone buzz next to her thigh. Normally, she wouldn’t look at her phone during a roomie night, but she was curious to see who was texting her at 10PM.
Harry: wyd
Penelope: watching a movie with my roomies, wbu
Harry: just got home from the bar…wanna come over?
Penelope: I can’t…it’s roomie night, we’re watching a movie
Harry: come over after the movie
Penelope: I’m not going to walk by myself to god knows where at night
Harry: can’t Ryan walk you?
Penelope: I’m sure he would if I asked, but I’m not going to because it’s not his job
Penelope: If you want me to come over then you can come and get me
Harry: jfc fine! What time???
Penelope: idk whenever the movie ends, I’ll text you
Harry: don’t make me wait too long
Penelope rolls her eyes, and puts her phone down. She really didn’t want to leave her friends, and she was hoping for just a chill night. They didn’t technically have other plans after the movie, but usually they would watch another, maybe do their nails, and drink a little more. She didn’t want to ditch them.
“Hey, uh…after the movie’s over, would you guys be mad if I went to go hook up?” Penelope asks the group.
“Why would we be mad?! Did fuck buddy text you?” Jessa asks.
“Yeah, but I won’t ditch if you all want me to stay afterwards.”
“I have to get up early for field hockey, so I was planning to crash after the movie.” Naomi says.
“And I have an early shift at the coffee shop.” Ryan says. “Do you need me to walk you there?”
“No, he said he’d come get me. Thanks, guys.”
“Oh, please.” Jessa scoffs. “As if we’d ever cock block. It was nice of you to consider all our feelings, though.”
“Always.” Penelope smiles. She really does have a great circle of people around her.
After the movie’s over, Penelope texts Harry that he can come get her. She puts a small tote bag of things together for herself in case she ends up spending the night. She sure as shit wasn’t going to walk back by herself. Harry texts her that he’s outside, and off she goes. She doesn’t see anyone out on the street, just a car, so she walks up to it. She sees Harry in the driver’s seat, and she opens the door to get in.
“Hi.” She smiles.
“Hey.” He smiles back. He’s dressed more casually tonight, donning a pair of grey joggers and a white tee shirt. He pulls onto the street, and makes his way to his building.
“Are you way off campus, or…?”
“Nah, I live in the grad student housing complex. It’s sort of like a townhouse, which is nice. I share it with three other people.”
“I never asked before, but how old are you?”
“I’ll be twenty-four in February, why?”
“Just wondering.” She shrugs a shoulder. “Did you take a gap year between undergrad and grad?”
“Yeah, I wanted to work for a bit so I could have some time to figure out what I wanted to do next. I kind of just want to get paid to read, so when I was looking into different programs, the one at this school caught my eye. The grad program here has a smooth transition into the doctorate.”
“That’s so cool. I feel like once I graduate I’m never going back to school.”
“What do you want to do?”
“I want to be a writer. I…I like writing creatively, fiction mostly. Too bad you don’t want to get into publishing, you could read while I write.” She jokes, and it makes him chuckle.
“I actually thought about going into publishing, but then I realized I’d have to read books I don’t really give a fuck about, and then marketing comes into play, and I really don’t give a fuck about that.”
“So, basically doing more schoolwork allows you to just read whatever, whenever?”
“Pretty much.” Harry pulls into a parking space, and leads her to his building. “All of my roommates are out, by the way. They like to go to the bar on Fridays since they know all you undergrads tend to stay in on Friday nights.” He smirks, and keys into the house. “And for even more convenience, three of the bedrooms are upstairs, and mine is on the ground level. So, either way, we have a little more privacy, and I have my own bathroom.”
“Damn, how’d you get so lucky?”
“I moved in first over the summer, so I already established my room and all that. The others didn’t seem to mind.” Harry puts his hand on the small of Penelope’s back to lead her to his bedroom. He flips the light on and closes the door behind them. “Here we are.”
“Nice.” She says as she kicks her Crocs off. “Not a total pit.”
“I clean up after myself. I’m not a pig.”
“You just never know what you’re going to walk into at a guy’s place.” She sees a book case stacked with all different types of books.
“What are you looking for?” He stands behind her, leaning over her shoulder.
“Just wanted to make sure there isn’t a copy of Catcher in the Ryeanywhere.” She looks up over her shoulder at him. “I can’t have a Holden Caulfield apologist on my hands.”
Harry bursts out laughing at that, and gives her playful shove.
“Definitely won’t find a copy of that book on my shelves. I hated that they made us read that in high school.”
“What was one of your favorites that they made you read?” Penelope asks as she crawls onto Harry’s bed. He sits down next to her, throwing his arm around her so she can cuddle up next to him.
“Hmm…I enjoyed Lord of the Flies, I think. This may sound stupid, but I didn’t read much in high school. I fell in love with it in college because of some random gen ed I took freshman year. Changed my major from Business Administration to English after my first semester. What about you?”
“That’s not stupid at all. I’m actually not the biggest fan of reading myself. I much prefer to write. I like short stories, and stuff like that. I’m a slow reader, and I hate super descriptive books, I’d rather read dialogue, you know? Nothing like some good subtext.”
“So, what does it take for a story to really suck you in? What makes you sit down and read?”
“I love a good, like, enemies to lovers, or even friends to lovers. Basically, two idiots that if they just talked out their feelings so much shit could have been avoided.”
“I was thinking more along the lines of genre, not so much a trope.” Harry chuckles.
“The genre doesn’t matter to me as long as it has the tropes I like. I hate reading a book thinking something is going to happen, and then it doesn’t. It’s like eating something with a bad after taste. I wanna know straight up what I’m getting into, and then I’ll be more than happy to strap in for the ride.”
“Wouldn’t that ruin the ending if you know the couple will end up together?”
“Not at all! Just because I know what the destination is going to look like doesn’t mean I know the journey. I wanna know how they get to be lovers, and a little bit of what happens next.”
“I’m guessing you mostly stick to romance novels?”
“I guess you could call them that.” She looks up at him and smiles. “Sometimes I like reading a story that just has a good fuck scene in it.”
“Ah, so you prefer to read your porn, rather than watch it.”
“I like having context.” Penelope moves to straddle Harry. His hands rub up and down her thighs.
She cups his jaw and leans in to kiss him. She didn’t come over to talk, after all. Harry adjusts them so they can sit a little more comfortably. Penelope licks into his mouth, and molds her tongue to his. He tasted like mint, and it just made her kiss him harder. His arms wraps around her body, pulling her closer to him. She rolls her hips down onto his, and a slow grind forms between the two of them. She pulls back for a moment and smiles shyly.
“It’s, uh, it’s a little quiet in here. Could you maybe put some music on for some background noise?” She asks.
“Sure.” Harry grabs his phone and opens Spotify, putting on a random playlist before gripping her chin to kiss her again. “Better?”
“Much, thank you.”
They continue to kiss and grind, sinking further into the mattress until Harry’s laying down flat on his back with Penelope on top of him. Both of their lips are swollen at this point, and Harry’s cock is throbbing. He rolls them both onto their sides so they’re facing each other. He reaches for the waistband of her leggings, and looks up at her.
“Wanna touch me while I touch you?” He asks.
“Yeah.” She nods, and presses her lips back to his.
She blindly reaches inside his joggers, palming his erection over his boxer-briefs. She wriggles a little closer to him so there’s less of a strain on her arm. Harry’s hand slips inside her leggings, and her thong, cupping her pussy. He grunts when he feels how wet she is, and slides his middle finger up inside her.
“Already so wet for me.” He says against her lips.
She hums her response as she pulls Harry’s cock out of his underwear. She grips him, and slides her hand up over his tip. She rubs her thumb over his slit, and whimpers at the feeling of his precome.
“So are you.” She looks up at him through her lashes. She slings her leg up over his hip so he can have more access to her. He slides two more fingers inside her. “Holy fuck.” She moans.
“Like the way that feels?” He nuzzles his nose to hers.
“Mhm, feels so good. Stretching me out so much.”
“Opening up so nice for me. Gonna take my cock like a good girl?”
“Fuck, yes.” She scooches closer to him, getting her other hand inside his pants so she can cup his balls, massaging them gently.
“Oh my god.” Harry pulls his hand away from her, and pushes her on her back. He wriggles out of his bottoms, and yanks her leggings and thong off of her. “I’m gonna eat you out, is that alright?”
“Yeah, I don’t mind.” She bites her bottom lip as Harry spreads her legs apart. “You really like doing that, huh?” She says just as Harry was starting to suck on her pussy. He pops off of her and smirks.
“I’m really into oral pleasure. Anyone can stick their dick in you and fuck you, it actually takes some talent and effort to get someone off with their mouth and fingers.” His thumb rubs slow, hard circles into her clit. “Don’t you think?” He slides his three fingers back inside of her, and brings his lips down to her clit. He looks up at her as he sucks on it.
“Shit, Harry.” Her mouth falls open as she makes eye contact with him. She was so turned on by him. Her hips raise and lower with each pump of his fingers.
“Come on, Penelope, give it to me.” He says, pumping his fingers even faster. He uses his other hand to rub her clit rapidly. “Can feel you squeezing around me.”
“H-Harry, I…I can never tell when it’s gonna happen it just happens.” She squirms under him, trying to close her legs, but Harry keeps them open. “I don’t wanna make a mess of your bed.”
“I don’t care about that. I want you to feel so fucking good. Just let go, be a good girl, yeah?”
That’s what pushes Penelope over the edge, soaking Harry’s fingers in the process. He pulls them out of her and immediately attaches his mouth to her pussy. He rubs her clit more to get more from her. Penelope thrashes underneath him, unable to handle the intensity of her orgasm. Harry pops off of her, and sits back on his feet as he catches his breath. He takes his shirt off, and yanks Penelope up onto her bum so he can take hers off as well. He wraps his lips around one of her nipples while his hand kneads her unoccupied breast.
“Harry, can I suck on you for a bit?” She asks him, almost lightheaded.
“Course you can.” Harry switches positions with her so he’s laying on his back.
Penelope kisses her way down his long torso, admiring the ink on his skin. The head of his cock is red, almost angry. She grips him, and licks a stripe up his shaft. She flits her tongue over his leaky tip. It’s a heady taste, but she doesn’t mind too much. How could she? She essentially squirted into his mouth, and he licked up every last drop. The least she could do was give him some good head. She suckles on his tip, getting plenty of spit on it so she can pump his shaft more comfortably. She uses her other hand to cradle his balls. Harry throws his head back, making the prettiest sounds. He sounds desperate and needy, and it was making Penelope even stickier between her thighs.
“Pen, I don’t wanna come yet.” He gasps just as she was about to suck on one of his balls. He yanks her up by her bun. “Please, it felt so good, but I don’t wanna come yet.”
“Oh…can you not, uh, bounce back that fast?” She blinks at him. Her lips are so puffy and swollen, and she still has some spit on the corners of her mouth. Harry thinks she looks really cute.
“It’s not that.” He chuckles. “Delayed gratification is more satisfying.” He sits up and licks his lips. “What do you wanna do now?”
“I…what do you mean?”
“Do you wanna keep doing this? Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Oh! Yeah, I want you to fuck me now…please.”
“Alright, c’mere.”
Harry reaches for a condom out of his bedside table, and rolls it on. Penelope straddles him, and lines herself up to sink down onto him. She bites down on her bottom lip as she gets adjusted. Her nails dig crescents into Harry’s shoulders. Penelope rolls her hips forward to grind against Harry properly. His hips match hers, creating the perfect rhythm between them. He grabs her by the back of the neck, and pulls her forward to kiss him. She moans into his mouth when she feels his other hand on her clit, rubbing precise circles with his fingers. His lips move from her mouth to her collar bones, nipping and sucking at various spots. Penelope’s head falls back, and Harry takes the opportunity to suck on one of her breasts. Both of his hands move to grope and squeeze at her ass. She whimpers at him, missing the attention on her clit. She forgets all of her troubles when Harry thrusts up and hits a specific spot.
“Oh!” She gasps. “Oh, my god. Don’t stop, shit, don’t stop!”
“Yeah? Am I hitting it?” Harry smirks, helping her bounce on and off his cock harder.
“Yes, fuck.” Her nails scratch harshly at his shoulders and chest.
“Who fucks you better than I do, Baby?”
“No one.” She pants.
“Who’s the best you’ve ever had?”
“You are.” Her eyes are teary. “Please, can I come?”
Harry nods yes, and Penelope lets go. Her eyes roll into the back of her head. Harry sucks a bruise into her exposed neck. She tightens around him as she comes, pushing him over the edge, spilling into the condom. Penelope presses her lips to Harry’s, sharing a kiss that eases both of their heartbeats. Harry lifts Penelope off of him gently, and sets her down.
“You, um, you said you have your own bathroom?” She asks shyly.
“Yeah, it’s through that door.” He says as he throws the condom away.
“Awesome, um, I’ll just need a few minutes to clean up, and then you can drive me back if you want.”
Harry turns to look at her, now in a pair of boxer-briefs. He looks at the time on his digital clock and he sighs heavily.
“You can spend the night if you want.”
“No, it’s okay. I know…I know you don’t really want me to.” She grabs her clothes and quickly makes her way into his bathroom. She comes out a few minutes later, and Harry’s thrown on a sweatshirt and his grey joggers from before.
“You brought a bag with you, I figured you wanted to stay.” He shrugs, grabbing his keys.
“I didn’t realize you’d be driving. I wasn’t going to walk back by myself.”
“I wouldn’t have made you do that.” They both make their way out to his car, and he drives her back to her apartment. “Thanks for coming by tonight, it was fun.”
“Yeah, it was.” Penelope smiles. “Thanks for the ride.” She leans in, and they both smile into the kiss.
“Well, goodnight.”
“Night.” She gets out of his car, and notices that he doesn’t pull away until she’s inside.
Saturday night, Ryan gets invited to an ABC party at one of the fraternity houses. He used to fuck one of the guys when he was only a pledge. An ABC party means “Anything But Clothes”, so you have to be a little creative with what you put on. Ryan put some fun duct tape over a pair of boxers for himself, and helped Penelope with a towel dress.
“Are you sure this will stay up? I wanna be comfortable.” Penelope says to him.
“If you want, I could tape up a pair of spandex shorts for you.”
“I’m already wearing a pair under the towel. I’m just afraid it’ll unravel.”
“Oh! What if instead of a towel, you put on an apron? That could be sexy. I can help you tape up your boobs for support.”
“But the shorts wouldn’t be hidden.”
“No one’s going to police you for wearing a pair of spandex shorts.” Ryan rolls his eyes.
“Fine, I’ll wear an apron.”
Once they both feel comfortable in their outfits, they make their way to the frat house. Did they look a little silly? Sure, but they didn’t care. It was plenty dark out, and there were people wearing all sorts of things. They go up the steps of the house, and are let in. They say hello to a few people, then make their way to the kitchen for drinks. Penelope just sticks with hard cider since she knew they weren’t open prior. This frat wasn’t known for doing stupid shit, but Penelope wasn’t the type to let her guard down either.
The music is good, Ryan and Penelope dance where everyone else is. It’s a fun party, and they’re both glad they came. They both try not to drink too much too quickly because the bathrooms at any frat house are usually disgusting.
“Penelope, is that you?” A guy’s deep voice fills her ears. She turns to see an old friend, Kyle, standing behind her in a pair of shorts made out of a few different Bud Lite boxes.
“Hey!” She throws her arms around his neck, and hugs him loosely. “How was your summer?”
“Good, worked a lot. How about you?”
“Same here, worked a lot.” She shrugs a shoulder. “Nice shorts.” She smirks.
“Nice apron.” He smirks back, then squints at her neck. “You alright?” He brings his hand up to her throat and gently presses on the hickey she tried to cover up with his thumb.
“Huh? Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine. Um, just got myself good with my flat iron.” She takes his hand away.
“That doesn’t look like a burn…damn, are you seeing someone?”
“No…well, I’m not, notseeing someone. Why?”
“I was just hoping you’d be single.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“I mean, I am, but-“
“Hey, Pen.” Harry comes over to them. Her eyes widen in shock. He’s wearing a pair of swim trunks, and that’s it, besides shoes.
“Hi! What are you doing here?”
“I was a member of this fraternity at my other school. I’m the graduate chapter member on the exec board.”
“That’s so cool!” She smiles. “So, you know Kyle?”
“Yeah, a little.” He throws his arm around Penelope’s shoulders and looks at Kyle. “Having fun?”
“Uh, yeah, how do you two know each other?”
“I’m the TA for one of her classes. We actually met over the summer by chance, so we’re friends too.” He gives her shoulder a squeeze.
“That’s great, uh, we were sort of talking before you came over.”
“Oh? ‘Bout what?”
“Harry, would you mind getting me another hard cider out of the fridge? I’m finished with this one.” She says to him.
“Sure.” He smiles, and leaves them.
“Sorry, what were we talking about?” Penelope says to Kyle. She remembered perfectly fine, but she wanted him to drop the topic. She didn’t want to fuck him. Why would she when Harry had the cock of her dreams?
“You know, I can’t remember either.” He chuckles nervously. “We should catch up soon, maybe grab a coffee?”
“I’d like that.”
Penelope makes her way to the kitchen where Harry is just getting her drink. She walks over to him, and takes the can out of his hand.
“Didn’t think I’d run into you at a frat party.” He says to her.
“Could say the same to you.” Penelope cracks open her cider, and takes a sip. She looks him up and down. “Cute bathing suit, but this is an ABC party.”
“A bathing suit isn’t clothing. It’s a whole other category. Your apron is cute, sexy even.” He loops an arm arm around her waist, and hoists her up to sit on the kitchen counter. “What do you have on underneath?”
“Not much, just my shorts.”
“You look really sexy.”
“So I’ve been told.” She smirks.
“By who, Kyle?” Harry rolls his eyes. “Was he trying to hit on you? I saw him touch your neck. That’s why I came over, normally I wouldn’t just interrupt someone while they’re talking to someone else.”
“He was.” She nods. “He’s been trying to get with me since sophomore year. We hooked up once, but I didn’t let him hit it again.”
“Why not?”
“He just didn’t do it for me.” She shrugs. “Plus, I’m pretty sure you mentioned something about if I didn’t want you to sleep with anyone else you wouldn’t, so I’m sure that same rule applies to me.”
“I did mention that, but we never finalized things. I’m happy to only sleep with each other, but I’m a needy guy. I might text you a lot.” He leans in, and starts kissing on her neck. She bites down on her bottom lip. “Might have to fuck you after class sometimes.” He licks over a spot before sucking on it. “Does that work for you.” He ghosts his lips over hers.
“Yes.” She swallows.
“Had you the last two nights, and it’s still not enough.” He presses his lips to hers, and she throws her arms around his neck. She opens her legs for him, and wraps them around his waist.
They aren’t the only people in the kitchen. There’s plenty going on around them, so it’s not like anyone is sparing them a second glance as they devour one another. He sucks on her bottom lip, then lets it go.
“We can’t do this here.” He says to her.
“Is there somewhere more private we can go?”
“I’m parked out back.”
“You drove here? What were you going to do later?”
“Drive? I wasn’t planning on getting belligerent.” He laughs. “I’m not an idiot.”
“I never said you were.” She mutters. “I’m not ready to leave the party yet. Can’t we stay a little longer and dance? Then we could-“
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s one thing down at the bar, but someone else from class could be out there, you know?” He grabs her hips and helps her off the counter. “Grab me when you’re done, then I’ll take you home.”
“Are you sure? We could still go out to your car for a little fun.”
“Yeah?” He reaches to tuck some hair behind her ear.
Harry nods, and takes her hand to lead her through the house, and out the back door. There’s a number of cars parked on the grass in the backyard. Harry pulls his key out from one of the inside pockets of his swimsuit, and unlocks his car. They both climb into the backseat, and Penelope kisses down his chest. She gets him out of his swim trunks and immediately puts her mouth on him.
“Fuck, that feels so good.” Harry groans, and pushes some hair out of Penelope’s face. “Wanted my cock in your mouth, huh?”
Penelope pops off him for a moment, spits onto his tip, then gets her mouth back onto him. She takes him down her throat as far as she can, and just holds him there. Her nose presses against his pelvis, and she moans around him. She pulls back and gets his head in the back of her cheek, and she starts to pump the rest of him.
“Feels so fucking good when you do that.” He throws his head back. “You’re gonna make me come.” Penelope pumps him faster while sucking on him harder. “Fuck, fuck!” He comes into her mouth, and she swallows every last drop. She sits back and watches his chest rise and fall. “God, you give good head.” He breathes and tucks himself back into his swimsuit. He sits up as well, and looks at her with hooded eyes. “So…you wanna go back inside?”
“No, I want you to take me home so you can fuck me.”
Harry grins, and they both make their way to front seats of his car. He keeps his hand on her thigh as he drives away. Penelope texts Ryan to let him know she’s safe, and that Harry is taking her home. When they get to her apartment, she has Harry wait in her room so she can un tape her boobs in privacy. She comes back into her room only wearing her apron. She comes over to the bed and situations herself onto his lap.
“Not to feed into a stereotype, but you look like a sexy housewife with this thing on.” Harry smirks.
“I do, don’t I?” She smirks back. “We could role-play if that’s something you’re into.”
“You get better by the second.” He pecks her lips, and slips a hand under the front of her apron to feel her cunt. “Aw, did I make you wet, Baby?”
“You make such pretty sounds when you come, I couldn’t help it.” She nips at his bottom lip. She gasps when she feels two of his fingers slide up inside her.
“Ride my fingers.” His thumb presses down on her clit. “Show me how bad you want it.”
Penelope whimpers, and does as Harry says. She rocks back and forth on his fingers. Harry’s thumb rubs circles into her clit. He wants to make her use him, but he can’t help himself.
“I wanna finger you from behind.” He tells her.
“Please.” Penelope gets off of him, and gets on all fours, still wearing the apron which is doing things to Harry that he can’t fully comprehend. “Would you…do you remember when we…um…”
“You want me to your ass out?” Harry says as he slips his fingers back inside her from behind.
“Yes.” She groans, arching her back more for him. “It felt really good that first time.”
“I know, you gushed all over my chest.” He bites into her ass cheek.
“Don’t make fun of me, I’m self-conscious about it.”
“Please, don’t be. It’s so fucking hot.” He licks over her hole. “Makes me feel like I’m doing something right, remember?”
Harry licks and sucks over her other hole while continuing to fuck her with his fingers from behind. Penelope clutches at her pillow, her knuckles turning white. She tightens around his fingers, and Harry groans into her. He pumps his fingers in and out, faster and harder, making Penelope gasp for air.
“Oh my god!” She pants. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, you’re hitting it.” She grits her teeth and tries her best to stay quiet. She had no idea if Jessa and Naomi were home or not, and she also had neighbors to consider. She smooshes her face into her pillow, and cries out as she comes around his fingers. “Fuck.” She breathes as Harry pulls his fingers out of her. She turns onto her back and watches as he sucks his fingers into his mouth. Penelope works to take her apron off, leaving her fully exposed to him. “Please, do whatever you want to me.”
Harry chuckles as he moves to hover over her, smearing his lips onto hers. She wraps her limbs around him, needing him to be especially close to her right now. He nips and sucks at her bottom lip before letting it go.
“I’m afraid that’s all I’m good for tonight.” He sighs, and moves to sit on the edge of the bed. “I’ve got an early morning tomorrow. I’m meeting with my group for this stupid project for one of my grad classes, and then I have a fuck ton of homework to do.” He stands up from her bed and looks at her. Her chest is heaving, and her eyes are wide, but her brows are furrowed. “What?”
“You…you can’t just leave me like this, Harry.”
“Why not? I got off, and then so did you. What’s the problem?”
“The problem is…that wasn’t…” She grabs a blanket to cover herself as she collects her thoughts. “That was like a baby orgasm. I’m all revved up now, you can’t just leave.”
“Pen, I’m sorry, I wish I could stay longer, but I really can’t. I wasn’t even going to stay at that party long, it’s why I drove.” He leans down and kisses her forehead. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll be in one of these situations again real soon.” He winks, and leaves her sitting there, alone.
Penelope blinks a few times, in shock from what just happened. Was this part of his master plan? To leave her wanting more? She gets up, and goes down the hall to take a shower, she suddenly felt dirty, and not in a good way. Yes, she got hers, but she was expecting more. Had he just spoiled her the two nights prior? She scrubs her body angrily, and grumbles to herself as she gets back into bed. She left a perfectly fun party for a boy…a boy. Never had she ever done something like that just because of a boy. Who even was Harry if not just some guy? She could have stayed at the party, and told him he could have her another time. She won’t be making this mistake again.
Filled with utter embarrassment, Penelope uses Sunday as a recovery day, making sure to drink plenty of water. She decides to just get some homework done in the living room of her apartment. She doesn’t want to risk running into Harry at the library. Ryan brings her a wrap for lunch, and they both eat together. She tells him about the night prior, and asks for his opinion.
“Like, am I just being overly sensitive? One second he’s telling me that he can’t get enough of me, and the next he’s saying he’s had his fill and leaves. I felt…rejected.”
“I get where you’re coming from.” Ryan mulls over Penelope’s story. “It was nice of him to drive you back and do what he did.”
“Yeah, it was, but I feel like he only wanted to take me home so he could make sure no one else tried to fuck me. From the beginning, he mentioned he wouldn’t fuck anyone else, and we sort of agreed on that. Am I not trustworthy, or something?” She scoffs. “Maybe I should just end it with him before more red flags pop up. I’m not going to keep my vagina held hostage just because some guy wants to be possessive.”
“You’re, like, super worked up about this, huh?” Ryan frowns.
“I don’t know why. I feel like he made me come, and then he just split. Like…he didn’t wait to make sure I was alright.”
“Had he done that previously?” Penelope nods yes, and Ryan leans in to whisper. “Do you think you’re in a subspace?”
“No way.” She shakes her head. “It wasn’t like he…we didn’t…there was nothing done between us last night that would warrant that type of reaction from me. I’m never like this over a guy, I feel so stupid.”
“I think you should give him a piece of your mind, then. Go roll up on him.”
“I can’t, he said he was really busy today…I don’t want to show up and look insane. I’ll just ignore him in class tomorrow.”
“Ah, the passive approach. That never backfires.” Ryan says sarcastically, and Penelope shoots daggers at him. “All I know is that if he makes you this upset again, I’m kicking his ass.”
“I’d buy front row seats to that.” Penelope smiles. Ryan always had a way of making her feel better.
On Monday morning, Ryan and Penelope make their way to class. They stop for coffee first, of course, then go into the building where their course is being held. They take their seats, as well as the others that are filing in, and get settled. Penelope decided wear a V-neck crop top with a pair of compression cropped leggings. She plans to go for a long walk after class to get some steps in, but she also knows how good she looks in her athletic wear, and is using that to her advantage. She’s going to make Harry suffer today.
Professor Allen walks in with Harry, deep in a lively conversation. This is Professor Allen’s last week before going on her medical leave. A few stragglers come in and take their seats, then class gets started.
“Good morning! I hope you all had a nice weekend, and didn’t get into too much mischief.” Professor Allen greets the class, and gets the projector turned on. “We’re going to start discussing the various theorists we’ll be discussing, and the approaches we’ll be taking to analyze their work.”
“Oh, did you plan on participating from your hospital bed, Professor Allen? That’s so noble of you.” Harry jokes, and it makes everyone laugh, except for Penelope.
“I suppose I shouldn’t say we.” Professor Allen smiles. “Go on, Harry, take it away.”
Harry smiles, and takes roll for class, saying each name, and checks them off. He gets to Penelope, and looks up as she says, “Here.” He furrows his brows when he sees her looking off towards the window, then continues taking roll.
“Okay, today we’re going to dive into feminism theory, this is personally one of my favorites to discuss.” Harry clicks on the slide switcher, and starts the presentation. Penelope can’t help but scoff under her breath, which makes Ryan chuckle to himself. “As a refresher, feminist theory combines elements of other theoretical models such as psychoanalysis, Marxism, poststructuralism, and deconstruction to interrogate the role of gender in the writing, interpretation, and dissemination of literary texts.” He clicks the button for the next slide. “Can anyone name off a few theorists in this subject?”
A few people spout off names, such as: Betty Friedan, Julia Kristeva, Judith Butler, Elaine Showalter, Carol Gilligan, and Adrienne Rich. Harry smiles and nods, clicking the button for the next slide. He starts by talking about Betty Friedan, and what her theories were. A lot of this was refresher information for the group, but everyone was secretly happy for it because it had been a while since all of them dove deep into theory like this. Harry continues to go over some of the major theorists’ theories on feminism in literature. Before long, it’s 10:15, which means class is over, and Harry dismisses everyone. He smiles and says goodbye to many of the students, waiting for Penelope to come up to him. Or at least he was hoping she would, but she doesn’t even spare him a glance. She simply walks out with Ryan in her cute little outfit. Harry gathers his things, says goodbye to Professor Allen, then rushes out to catch up with her.
“Penelope!” He raises his voice slightly to get her attention. Both her and Ryan look back at Harry, roll their eyes, then keep walking. Harry’s mouth falls open, and he stands there, stunned.
Was it a little immature? Maybe, but Penelope felt casted aside like an object, and she didn’t like feeling that way at all.
Harry tries to get some work done once he’s through with his own classes, but he’s too distracted. Penelope hadn’t answered the two texts he had sent, and what’s worse is that she left him on read. Her read receipts hadn’t been on for him before, but now they are. She wanted him to know she was ignoring him. He couldn’t figure out why exactly. He didn’t think he did anything wrong. He made sure to make her feel good on Saturday night. And he told her upfront that he’s not the type to call the next day. So what the fuck was her problem?
He wanted to just go over to her place, and bang on her door until she answered, but that’s probably what she wanted, and he wasn’t going to feed into whatever game this is. If something is bothering her, then she should just tell him. For the life of him, he can’t figure out what he did that pissed her off enough to ignore him. He texts her again.
Harry: hey, can you just tell me what I did? I don’t wanna play games with you
He thinks he’s worn her down when he sees the three little dots come up to signal that she’s typing. They leave and come back several times until all he’s left with from her is the read receipt. He sighs heavily, and tosses his phone elsewhere. Maybe it was too soon to start up a regular thing like this with someone. What could he have done to hurt her so badly? They don’t know each other that well, there’s no way she could have caught feelings just after a few nights of fucking…could she?
Wednesday morning was no different. Penelope was dressed a little less casually, but she still made sure to look extra cute. Harry’s lecture was about another literary theory, and the major theorists within it. Penelope takes her notes, genuinely interested in the content. It annoys her that Harry is just a naturally good lecturer. She could never teach, she’s just not charismatic enough, and she knows that about herself. If Professor Allen had been lecturing, the whole class would have been asleep, but Harry just has a way about him. The content excites him, and he’s able to crack jokes. Penelope didn’t laugh at a single thing he said, though. Every time he said something remotely funny, he looked at her and saw her mouth stay in a straight line. At the end of class, Harry announces he has cupcakes as a surprise for Professor Allen’s last class before her leave.
The class comes up to grab a cupcake. Some mingle with Professor Allen, and some leave after grabbing their treat. This is Harry’s chance. He watches as Penelope picks out her cupcake, and speaks up.
“Penelope, could you come to my office, please?” He asks her as professionally as he can.
“For what purpose?” She asks innocently, licking some of the frosting off of her cupcake. “It’s not like we’ve had anything due. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable meeting with you alone without a valid reason.”
“We need to talk.”
“I don’t think so.” She smirks, and licks some more frosting off. “These are good, where’d you get them?”
“Market Basket.” He mutters.
“Hm, good to know their bakery isn’t shit.” She pops the cake portion into her mouth, and chews thoughtfully before swallowing. “Have a good weekend.”
Harry grabs his things, and follows her out of the classroom. Ryan had already left, so Penelope didn’t have him for backup. She knows he’s following her, so she walks a little faster out of the building. He ends up catching up with her, and pulls her aside to speak under one of the trees outside of the academic building.
“What?!” She shouts. “What do you want from me?”
“I wanna know what I did to piss you off. Purposefully leaving me on read? Being dismissive in class? You’re being awfully immature.”
“If I’m so immature then why bother with me?” She crosses her arms over her chest.
“Look, I obviously don’t know what I did, so can you just explain it to me so I don’t do it again?”
“You act like I’m going to fuck you again.” She laughs.
“Are you not going to?” He steps a little closer to her, hushing his tone. His features are softer now, and Penelope can see that he really doesn’t get it. She sighs, and closes her eyes for a moment before looking back up at him.
“You…you made me feel like an object on Saturday night.”
“What do you mean?” His eyebrows raise. “How…how did I do that?”
“You find me at a party that I was having a perfectly good time at, basically tell another guy to stop talking to me, make out with me in the kitchen, take me to your car so I can blow you, which I was more than happy to do, and then you take me home. I’m sitting there thinking we’re really going to get it on, and all you do is finger me, and then tell me you can’t stay a little longer? I was obviously in a needy state, and you just…you just left, Harry.” Her eyes start to water a bit. “I don’t know why I got so worked up over it, but I did, and I just felt like I was this thing you could use whenever you wanted, like you own me. And I…I needed you to stay longer.” Her bottom lip trembles into a pout.
“I…Jesus, Penelope, I’m so sorry.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I thought since I made you feel good you’d be fine with not…doing more that night. I never meant to make you feel like an object of mine.”
“I know it wasn’t intentional, but it still hurt my feelings. I could have stayed at the party and had a good time with my friends, but I chose to leave with you, and for what? So you could finger me and eat out my ass? And you didn’t even seem grateful for it. You were going to town on me, and didn’t even…I just felt really used.” She looks down at her sandals, her cheeks growing warm with embarrassment. “I’m okay not doing sleepovers, I don’t need that from you, but if we do some less than conventional acts…I need you to stay a little longer.”
“Look at me.” He gently grips her chin, and tilts her face up. His hand moves to cradle her cheek. “Before me…had no one ever…like, eaten you out like that?” She shakes her head no. “Had you done any sort of bum stuff?” She shakes her head no again, and he sighs. “I’m sorry…I didn’t think you’d need extra comfort because you didn’t after you squir-“
“Shh!” She puts her hand over his mouth. “Not an outdoor word, you got it?” Harry nods yes and she lets him go. “I know you’re not a mind reader, but I thought it was clear that I was upset when you said you were leaving so soon.”
“I guess I just didn’t pick up on it.” He frowns. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I didn’t want to come off as needy, or make you think I wanted you to stay for a different reason.”
“I think…I think you and I need to have a conversation about aftercare.” He says quietly. “I would never intentionally send you into a space and leave you there if I knew…if I knew it would put you there, and then just leave.”
“I don’t think I knew it was going to send me into that space, and I guess I didn’t know how to handle it.”
“Do you still feel like you’re there?” He caresses her cheek again, and she leans into it.
“Not anymore, no. I…I’m sorry for how I handled this.”
“Don’t apologize, I was the asshole. Just…next time if I do something that pisses you off, can you just tell me? I don’t want to play guessing games.”
“Yeah, I can do that.” She swallows. “Um, I need to get going to my next class.”
“Okay.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Can I see you tonight?”
“I’m busy tonight, and I have an early class tomorrow. Are you working at the bar tomorrow night?”
“Yeah, I’m doing the early shift though, so I can come meet up with you after if you want.”
“I’ll let you know where I’m at. I’m not sure what the plan for the weekend is just yet.”
“Sounds good.” He smiles softly. “Well, have a good class.”
“Thanks.” She returns his smile, and walks away. Harry sighs with relief.
He realizes now he needs to go do some personal research on how to take care of someone after having different types of sex. Well, he has to go to one of his grad classes first, and then he’ll go do some research.
“Three, two, one – shots!”
Jessa, Naomi, Ryan, and Penelope pregame together by doing tequila shooters. The four end up taking an Uber to a club about twenty minutes away for ladies night. A lot of the college kids come to this place, it’s a pretty popular spot. There’s drinking, dancing, and even a smoking area. Ladies drink for free on ladies night, so since Ryan shows up with three women, they get in easily.
The four dance and drink for a while, having a fun time just letting loose. The second week of classes brought a reality check for many students. Many professors didn’t hold back with their lectures and assignments once the semester really got rolling. This is why the students found different ways to let off steam once their weekends started. Some had kickbacks and played video games, some went bowling, some stayed in and FaceTimed their long distance besties, and others partied.
Penelope enjoyed letting loose by dancing every once in a while, and doing it for free on a Thursday didn’t sound bad at all. Something about getting dressed up and drunk was very appealing. The club was also off campus enough that if Harry were to meet up with Penelope, no one would be suspicious or care. So, about two hours into being there, she texted Harry to come join the fun, and he agreed.
“Hey!” He smiles when he locks eyes with her.
“Hi! Let me get you a drink! Mine are free.” Penelope smiles, and goes up to the bar to get Harry a drink. She returns and hands it to him.
“Thanks.” He smiles and takes a sip. She grabs one of his hands, twirls around, and presses her bum to his pelvis. “Eager.” He smirks, and kisses her cheek. “You look so fucking sexy tonight.” He moves along with her to the beat of the music.
“I know.” She looks up at him with a coy look on her face. “I always do.”
“Especially in class. You don’t make it easy for me.”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
After a few songs, the two find a booth to sit in, and drink some water. Penelope giggles at Harry’s stories from the bar. Eventually, she tugs on his shirt to have him kiss her. Their mouths were starved for one another.
There they were, having a sloppy make out session in a booth of a popular club. Harry kisses on Penelope’s neck, sucking a bruise into it. She clings to him, biting down on her bottom lip to help suppress any noise. She didn’t want to be too obvious. He pops off her, and slots his mouth back onto hers. Their tongues meet, and things get a little sloppier. Their chins get wet with spit, but neither of them care.
“Fuck, I’m so hard.” He presses his forehead to hers. She takes one of her hands and feels up his crotch.
“Yeah, you are.” She palms him a bit, and he whimpers.
“Don’t tease.”
“I’m not trying to.” She bites her bottom lip. “Do you “Order us an Uber, I’m ready to go.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, my feet hurt anyways. Can we go to mine?”
“Sure.” He smiles, and opens his phone to the app.
Penelope lets her friends know she’s leaving with Harry before going outside with him to go wait for the car. It pulls up, and they get into the backseat. Penelope cups his jaw and kisses him. Harry wasn’t usually one to make out in the backseat of a car like this, but he admittedly missed Penelope. He didn’t like knowing what it felt like to be iced out by her. So, he kisses her back, not giving a fuck about the driver. They weren’t being vulgar, or anything, which was nice of them. The twenty minutes in the car flew by, and then they were off to Penelope’s bedroom. She sends her friends a quick text that she was home safe with Harry before pulling him back in for another kiss. Harry kicks her door closed, and guides her over to the bed. They fall on top of it and giggle.
“Tell me how you want it, Penelope.” He says into her ear, causing goosebumps to pimple on her skin. One of his hands starts to knead her breast over the top of her dress.
“I…I…don’t want to make any decisions.” Harry moves to look at her. “I want you to just…I want you to decide everything, and I’ll tell you if I like it or not. It was such a long week, I just want to clear my head.”
“I think I can help with that.” Harry grins, and pecks her lips.
He hikes the skirt of her dress up, and grips her thong to pulls down her legs. They both work to get themselves naked before coming back to one another. Harry buries his head between Penelope’s breasts, kissing on both of them and tweaking her nipples. Soft gasps escape her lips as her nails scratch down his back. Harry kisses his way down her torso, nips at the plushier parts of her belly, then gets his head between her legs.
“Wait! Uh, you don’t have to do that. I was dancing for a while…”
“Oh, Baby, relax.” Harry says, furrowing his eyebrows. “Do you not want me to?”
“No, I do…I just didn’t want you to think you had to.”
Harry looks at her as he licks up over her slit. He continues his eye contact with each long stroke of his tongue over her. He suckles on her clit, letting spit dribble down to her cunt. His middle finger slowly slides inside of her, and Penelope groans. His tongue and mouth stay on her clit while his finger pets against her front wall, continuing to look at her. Penelope’s back arches off the bed as she comes undone. Harry sucks his finger into his mouth, and moves to hover over her.
“Condom?” He asks her, and she blindly reaches into her bedside table for one, handing it to him. Harry rolls it on, and lines himself up. “You sure?”
“Mhm, yeah, please put it in.” She nearly begs him.
Harry pushes inside of her, and buries his face into her neck. She’s just as tight and warm as ever. He rocks in and out of her slowly, getting a rhythm going without getting too excited. She deserves a long session tonight. Her nails dig into the meat of his ass to pull him closer to her. She rolls her hips upwards to meet his thrusts, giving her clit the attention it desperately needs.
“Well, aren’t you greedy?” He smirks.
“Shut up.” She grits her teeth. “Just don’t stop doing what you’re doing.”
“Thought I was in charge?” He pouts, mocking her.
“You…you are.”
“Then shouldn’t you ask if you can do something before you do it?”
“No, you should just let me do what I wanna do, and let me use your cock as my own personal plaything!” She shouts, feeling her orgasm start to build up. Harry’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t stop thrusting. In fact, he bears down harder, and gives her what she needs. “Oh, fuck, just like that!” She grinds herself up against him and gasps as she comes around his cock. Harry rolls them both over quickly so she can be on top. He crosses his arms beneath his head and lays there under her. “What are you doing?”
“You said you wanted to use me, so use me.” He smirks. “I’ll just be right here enjoying the show.”
“You’re not going to move?”
“Nope, don’t see why I should when it’s you who knows best. Get off as many times as you want, Baby.”
“You’re punishing me.” She frowns, but starts rocking back and forth on him.
“Actually, I’m giving you exactly what you said you wanted, so be grateful.” Penelope rolls her eyes, but before she can do anything else, Harry reaches for her and squeezes her cheeks with his thumb and fingers. “Do that again, and then I’ll have to really punish you.”
“You don’t have the guts to punish me.” She laughs. Harry goes to make a smart remark but he stops himself, and instead sits up. He’s still inside of Penelope, but she stops her movements. “What is it?”
“We need to pause for a second, this is getting…we need to talk about all of this. Like, if we get into more of this explicit shit then we need a safe word, and I need to know what your limits are.” He tucks some loos strands of hair behind her ear. “Does that make sense?”
“Yeah.” She nods. “I’ve never really been like this with someone before. I never let Luke…I’ve never let anyone touch or talk to me the way you do.”
“That makes me feel really good.” Harry smiles fondly, and gives her hips a squeeze. “You can pick the safe word if you want. What’s something easy that you’ll be able to remember?”
“Um…I don’t know.” She squeezes around him. “Can we finish first, and then talk about all of this? We can keep it tame for now, I promise.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me.”
He kisses her, and thrusts up inside her. Penelope moans into Harry’s mouth, and starts getting a rhythm going that allows her to bounce on and off his cock. He snakes a hand in between them so he can rub at her clit. She kisses on his neck, biting and sucking where she pleases, until they’re both coming and gasping for air. The two get cleaned up, and lounge on Penelope’s bed. Harry’s in his boxers, and Penelope is wearing an oversized tee shirt, her favorite thing to sleep in.
“So…you’d be into doing things to me?” She looks up at him, biting her bottom lip.
“Sure, I think it’s been clear from the beginning that I’m down for almost anything. What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know.” She sighs. “This is so new to me, I’m used to just kind of…going with the flow. You’ve turned me into this whiny brat, I’m never like that in bed.”
“And you’re too cute for your own good.” He pinches at her side and she giggles. “Do you want to be spanked?”
“Maybe? But not in a…like, if you’re doing me from behind, spank me until my ass is red, but I don’t want to be bent over your knee, you know?”
“So…you calling me daddy…?”
“Harry, you’re like two years older than me, you are so not daddy.” Penelope laughs.
“A man can dream.” He sighs, pulling her closer into his side. “If we’re going to get into some of the heavier things, then I think we should spend the night once in a while. I can’t leave you if you haven’t fully come back, you know?”
“I’d be okay with that. Just…every once in a while, though, not all the time.”
“What else do you wanna try?”
“Um, I might be open to more butt stuff. What you’ve done so far has felt good.”
“Are you serious? Because I know a great sex shop that sells all different types of butt plugs, and they’re great.”
“Oh?” She laughs from excitement. “Have you used any on yourself before?”
“Well…yeah.” He blushes slightly. “Luke wasn’t the first guy I’ve fooled around with. We could each wear a plug, it’d be so sexy if you fucked me with a strap-on some time.”
“You’d…you’d be into me doing that?”
“I’ve done it before, it feels insanely good when it’s done right.”
“Harry…do you think this is too much for two people who are just fucking?”
“Are you saying you want more from me? Because I really don’t have time to be anyone’s boyfriend right now. I’m sure you’d be a great girlfriend-“
“No, shut up, that’s not what I was getting at.” She shakes her head. “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page about what this is.”
“We’re friends with benefits.”
“Yes, exactly.” She sighs, and nestles in closer to him. “Would you…could this be one of the nights you sleep over? I…I think I need to cuddle with you for a bit.”
“I’d be happy to.”
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fandomwritingbit · 10 months
Could you do one with William afton's wife walks in on him putting the bead boy in the Freddy suit and he knows she would tell but he doesn't really want to kill her but she would try to take they're daughter away from him
Hiya, finally got around to doing this one lol. I broke two of my fingers at work so this was a mare to type lmao. Hope you enjoy!
William x wife reader 
Warnings: child murder, threat, violence, reader makes a bad decision.
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Something felt off the second you entered the building. The air is heavy with knowledge you don't have a clue about, but it still chills you, making you pull your cardigan tighter around your shoulders. Your husband should be here somewhere, no doubt sorting something out that happened earlier in the day; he often made use of late hours for work, leaving you home alone and frankly bored. But tonight was different, call it a sixth sense, but sat at home watching it get later and later you just knew something was wrong. So here you are, looking for your partner and silently begging for him to be alright.
If something happened to him you don't know what you'd do.
This place is full of potential accidents, those mascot death traps being at the top of the list. Since you met William all those years ago, the thought of his creations being his downfall nestled in the back of your mind. You thank the stars every day that your children aren't as scared of the animatronics as you are.
Your footsteps are the only thing you can hear in the building, the usually lively corridors hushed with the silence of after hours. It's creepy as all Hell, but the knowledge of your husband being here somewhere was a great comfort. You try ringing him. Again. Your phone is ringing but his is deadly quiet. It must have run out of battery because you can't hear it in the building.
Eventually you've made your way to the back offices, calling for William as you peek in his office, then Henry's, both are empty. But a coat hook proves to you he's here, his jacket hung up on it from the end of the hallway looking almost like a figure standing there.
You're starting to feel a little bit pointless, looking from room to room, including the showroom for William, each coming to no avail. There's only one place you haven't been, and his words replay in your mind as you recall a previous conversation. "Don't come in here without me. It's not safe." You asked him why at the time and he frowned. "It's full of endoskeletons and unfinished characters." He answered bluntly, before adding, "Not to mention it's practically made of asbestos." 
And you listened. Until now. It's a push come to shove situation, you have no choice but to look in there, though you still feel a tingle of guilt as you approach the door. The ‘parts and service’ sign amplifies your apprehension. Reaching out for the handle, you hesitate as your fingertips brush against it, thinking about how William was going to react when he found out you've gone in here. But you push through, the worry of his well being outweighing any doubt.
The very second you open the door you’re greeted with the overwhelming stench of iron, familiar enough to you that you gasp. Blood, undoubtedly, the metallic smell invading your mind and stimulating an animalistic impulse to bolt, to get as far away from this scene as possible. You carry on, entering the room but unable to see anything due to large shelves blocking your view. 
“William?” You speak, hardly audible. “William?!” You manage more firmly this time. There’s no response, but a sudden metal clanking sound rang out, making you flinch. It's enough to see you turn the corner in a panic, spurred by fear that your husband could be hurt. When you do you freeze, as if life was taken from your body and you suddenly became inanimate. It is subconscious, forcing you to look at the gruesome scene in front of you. You would look away if you could, you don't want to see the blood on the floor leading up his leg, coating his hands and the small, unmoving body within them. It’s like your mind needs you to know exactly how real this is. And you resent it. 
A hoarse breathy sound leaves you as your husband glares at you, a cruel expression warping his features that you’ve never seen before. You want to ask what happened, but you don’t need to. Your eyes flicking around the room reveals it all. A knife dripping with red, the child dead and suspended above the open mascot suit. 
“W-what…?” You start shakily. William grunts with the effort of lifting the corpse, steadying the suit with one hand as the other slowly drops the child inside, letting you watch in horror as he lowers them until it’s secure enough for him to let go. You continue staring, no legitimate train of thought in your mind, before he sighs, finally turning his attention to you. 
“What are you doing here?” He asks, the question sharp, tinted with accusation like you had done something equal to him just by being here. 
“I-I came to ch-check on you. I thought something had hap- something has happened. What is this, William?” As your speaking the gravity of this catches up to you, your husband has hurt- killed this child. And there’s no remorse in his face, just a cold realism. In the pit of your stomach you know that this wasn’t an accident and it terrifies you. 
An almost amused expression crosses his face as he scoffs, but it’s still mean. “What have you done?” You’re suddenly incensed, a rage like you’ve never felt coursing through your veins. “What have you done?” You ask again, scowling. You’ve known this man for what felt like your whole life and now you hate him, he fucking disgusts you. 
“Easy.” He raises his hands like he’s trying to defend himself, trying to justify the unjustifiable.  “We can-” He steps towards you slightly and you immediately recoil. 
He stiffened, his expression completely changing, as the grave and serious feeling finally reached him. He looks at you with an unnameable emotion, “Don’t you fucking dare flinch away from me.” It’s said so harshly, so venomously that a pang of fear spreads through your chest. All of a sudden you’re aware of what William is capable of and whilst it still repels you, the violent reality chills your blood. You’re alone, with him. With that. 
He watches the cogs turn in your head. He always knew you’d find out who he is eventually. It's inevitable, if not exactly like this then through a firm knock on the door concealing two uniformed officers. What’s the saying? ‘All things done in darkness will come to light.’ Well, here’s the fucking light, and it’s looking at him like he’s a monster. And it equally pisses him off and excites him.
 “Come here.” It’s an order. 
“No, William… I…” There are tears in your eyes at the emotional whiplash you’re experiencing. When he again steps towards you, you jump back, bumping into the shelving behind you, odd objects clattering on the floor. “Dont! Don’t touch me.” You hiss, panic making you raise your hands to strike at him, him touching you seems like the worst thing imaginable. You hit him in the chest, then again in the face before he stops you, grabbing your wrists and banging them above your head. The force of it again shakes the shelves, proving your terror right. 
“Don’t be fucking scared of me. I’ve never hurt you before, have I? Why would I start now?” He speaks through his teeth and it’s soberingly firm. 
“Get off me.” You struggle against him, thrashing as much as his brutal grip will allow. 
“You,” He lowers his head so he’s speaking directly in your face. “You are the mother of my children, I’m not going to lay a finger on you… Unless you make me.” 
Instantly you go still, his threat thinly veiled but clear as crystal in the damp and bloody room. There’s a man you recognise. A man who likes to bargain. Only this isn’t business, it’s life or death, his life for yours. 
“There you go. You need to get your head on straight, this is nothing to you.” And despite the poisonous hatred you feel you find yourself nodding, you have more than yourself to worry about and you’re as obligated to him as he is for you. For better or worse. 
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sheets - brother’s best friend!steve harrington x reader
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warnings - 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, brother's best friend!steve x inexperienced!afab!reader, smut (unprotected sex [wrap it before you tap it], fingering, oral [reader receiving], p in v, loss of virginity + pain, blood), size kink if you squint, steve being a softy
word count - 3.2k
masterlist - twitter - ko-fi
got something to say? a request or concept? speak!!! 
a/n - this started as a 200 word headcanon but now we're here lmao. hope you all had a lovely thanksgiving if you celebrate :D
It was shaping up to be a boring night. You were home from college, your parents weren't home for the time being and your brother had a friend over. They kept to themselves for most of the night so you wouldn’t have to interact with them at all. 
That was until you wandered into the kitchen looking for something to drink when you saw him, Steve Harrington, slumped over a pizza box while your brother complained about something you couldn't care less about. You knew him from high school, he was in your brother's grade but to the best of your knowledge they didn't really talk to each other.
"Yeah, Steve trained me at Family Video and we've been attached at the hip ever since." Your brother explained, batting his eyelashes playfully while Steve tried to keep in his laughter.
"Wanna slice?" You looked to Steve, and nodded, taking the piece from his hand. When you skipped off to your room you could feel his eyes on your back, trailing down to your ass cheeks that peeked out of your shorts as you climbed the stairs.
Steve had always been a terrible sleeper. Once your brother had fallen asleep he found himself staring at the ceiling and decided to wander around and explore. He discovered the upstairs bathroom decorated like the beach, the wall covered in family photos and childhood artwork, and an oversized dying plant that sat in the corner of the hallway.
Eventually, Steve came across a room with light colored walls, soft looking sheets, and stuffed animals on the bed. Oh god, he thought, this was your room.
Before he could even process the thought you stood behind him in the door frame. He jumped, you apologized and invited him in. "Couldn't sleep?" Steve shrugged at your words "Me either."
Steve caught himself staring at you. Your arms held the stuffed bear in your lap as you went on about classes and your crazy roommate. "I have better friends than I did in high school, though. They're a lot nicer, and there's more of them." You giggled.
"You've probably got a smart, sweater vest wearing, ‘The Jesus And Mary Chain’ listening college boyfriend too, huh?" You both froze. Steve was surprised by his own words. Sure, he knew of you in high school and you had been talking for the better part of an hour at that point but he didn't consider the two of you to be close. Actually, he was quite close to you physically, close enough to hear you gulp when he mentioned you having a boyfriend. "Sorry, I don't know where that came from I just-"
"No it's fine, I don't have a boyfriend. Haven't ever really had anything serious actually." Steve watched as you got nervous, squeezing the bear in your grip a little tighter. Even he could feel how he was holding the blanket under him in his fist subconsciously. It was so soft, delicate.
When Steve looked up from his hands he caught you burrowing your eyes into him. Your face warmed and you bit the inside of his cheek while he chuckled.
Something about you was making Steve ache, maybe it was the implied innocence that came with your comment, or the gentleness of your room. Whatever it was made him adjust his spot on your bed. 
“But you’ve kissed a boy before, right?” He prodded, moving impossibly close to you. “Uh huh, I just,” You trailed off, averting your gaze while Steve continued staring. He could pick up on the tension in your quiet voice, and surprisingly it was making his dick strain in his plaid pants. 
“Nobody’s ever touched you, huh?” Steve took a big hand to your thigh, getting a gentle gasp from you as he did. It was a bold move, something more akin to his high school days. You had awoken something in him, and he barely knew what to do with himself. “N-No, I’ve never, I-” He cut you off with a squeeze to your skin. 
He wanted to kiss you, touch you, fuck you. Steve wanted to be your first.
Steve noticed how close you had gotten to him, the way you were unsubtly staring at his lips. He took his hand from your thigh and heard you sigh before moving the hand to your face. He pulled you closer to him and kissed your mouth softly. 
You stayed like that for a moment before Steve began to move your lips a bit. He was gentle with you, like you were fragile and might fall into pieces in his hands, though inside you felt like you just might.
“Y/n,” Steve could feel you shudder as he rested his forehead against yours. “I wanna make love to you, would you let me do that?” Your face was hot against his. “Please, Steve, please.”
Cautiously, Steve laid you down on the bed beneath you. His lips briefly returned to yours before pressing against the underside of your jaw. He nipped at the skin, taking in your scent and the desperate sounds you were making. “Never had anyone hold you like this, huh?” He could feel you shake your head. “How about we take your pants off? Would that be okay?” You didn’t give him an answer, instead you went for the jaw string of your cotton shorts and slid them down your thighs.
Steve could have fallen to his knees at the sight of your panties; pastel pink with the tiniest white bow and the biggest wet spot over your cunt. You started to get nervous when Steve got quiet, his head hovering above your crotch as he studied you intensely. “So pretty.” He whispered, slowly moving himself down to kiss you through the soaked cloth. 
You shrieked, loud enough to concern Steve. “Hey, gotta keep it down, okay? Can’t wake up your brother, alright?” You bit your lip in an attempt to suppress your groans, though Steve knew that would be little help to you.
“So fucking needy, I kissed you through your panties and it made you moan like that? How are you gonna handle it when I actually touch you?” Steve took his fingers and rubbed little circles through your underwear. You covered your own mouth, it only muffled your noises a little. Your legs kicked a bit to his sides, so Steve took his free hand to hold your thigh down.
Steve continued his slow work, taking in the sweet cries you mumbled into your pillow. He took the soft fabric into his fingers and pried them to the side, darting his eyes up to you to check in. “I’m gonna touch you without your panties, if that’s-” You interrupted, reaching a hand up to your headboard. “Okay, okay. Just do it.”
In an instant, the pad of his fingertip was pressing through your folds. You yelped, though Steve tried to shush and talk you down. “You’re so tight, baby, ‘doubt I’m gonna get another finger in there.” Your eyebrows pressed together as you sat up a bit to look at him. “But I thought you were gonna have sex with me. Can we just skip this and like, you know.” 
Steve removed his finger slowly, making your face twist up a little bit. “I gotta stretch you out if you’re gonna take my cock, babe. But I don’t even know if we're gonna get that far.” You frowned even harder and threw your head back. 
Your frustration just made Steve hell bent on fucking you. He rested himself back between your thighs and kissed them softly. Testing the waters, Steve planted a kiss on your bare pussy, absorbing your moans as he did. He worked his way to eat you out, lapping up the wetness of your cunt as his nose nudged your clit. You bit down on your lip so hard you thought it might bleed. 
All you had known was your own fingers, occasionally the plushness of a pillow between your legs, but nothing could compare to the feeling of Steve’s mouth, his lips, his tongue. You were addicted, maybe a little determined because you figured the only thing that could top that feeling might have been the dick Steve was pressing into the mattress.
Your stomach turned in a familiar way, one of your hands held Steve’s shoulder. “I-I’m gonna cum, Steve. God, don’t stop.” His hands came to your hips and pressed down as he continued to lick you. Your orgasm came quickly after, and Steve moaned through your body while you came. You tugged at his hair, his famous locks that had the entirety of Hawkins High School in a chokehold not too long ago. But he was older now, mature, no longer that hot senior you saw striding through the halls. Back then he was untouchable, but now he was in your arms, eating up your arousal.
When Steve looked up at you, his face was damp, his mustache shiny with your slick. He licked his lips, wiping his cheeks with his hands and sucking the wetness off of his fingers. 
“Steve,” He hummed at you as he kept licking his fingers, the sight of which made you want to groan, “can you make love to me now, like you said you would?” He shot you an empathetic smile, pulling himself up to your eye level. “Y/n, I don’t know if it’ll fit, baby. It might hurt you.” You scoffed at him and crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled, pressing lips to your collarbone.
“Can we at least try, please?” He had only really known you for a short amount of time but he couldn’t say no to you. The idea of being the first person inside of you, the first person to fully feel all of you, was hard to say no to. 
Without another word Steve was sitting up and removing his clothes, first his shirt, shortly after his pants. You could see the outline of his dick in his boxers, it suddenly made you aware of how serious he was about not fitting. Shoving the thought down, you took off your own shirt and revealed your bare breasts. Steve’s eyes lit up, mouth practically salivating at the view.
He carefully rested on top of you and started kissing you again. Steve’s hands found your tits pretty quickly, giving them a good squeeze that made you groan into his mouth. As nice as his touch was, you were starting to get impatient. “Steve, I need it, fuck.”
“Okay, okay, just tell me if it’s too much. If it hurts at all we’ll stop, alright?” You exhaled harshly. “Okay.”
Steve started to line himself up at your entrance, switching his glance from between your legs to your eyes to check in. You looked so pretty, he thought, so eager for him to ruin you. 
His dick twitched as the tip felt through your folds. They felt like velvet on his cock, he couldn’t help the loud, guttural moan that fell from his lips.
Quickly he gathered himself, looking to you to make sure you were alright. Your mouth was agape, eyes rolled back into your skull, tears were starting to form. “Everything okay?” One of his hands came to caress your cheek as you nodded. “Mhm, yeah.”
Steve was right, the further he pressed into your cunt the more it hurt. You knew the pleasure was coming soon though, it had to.
He bottomed out, the entire length of his cock shoved deep into your pussy. “Gonna stay like this for a little bit, okay?” Steve kissed your ear, pushing back stray hairs and mumbling praises into your skin. Steve’s heavy breathing consumed you completely, you
You felt your eyes start to water, the pressure from Steve’s heavy cock was overwhelming. He frowned, his fingers rested on your scalp. “What’s wrong?”
“It hurts.” You confessed. It was frustrating, something as simple as sex was bringing you to tears. You were grown, everyone you knew had no issue with this kind of stuff, it didn’t make sense why you were having such a hard time.
Steve sat up a little bit, taking a better look at your shivering body. “Do you want me to pull out?” You shook your head. “Different position?” You thought for a moment before shaking your head again. 
“What if I'm super gentle?” You found Steve’s eyes then, big and brown and kind. You nodded, whimpering out a ‘please’ as he leaned down to lock your lips. It was short lived, interrupted by him sitting up and pulling out of your pussy. You sighed in defeat, watching as Steve spit into his hand and rubbed his cock that was already covered in your slick.
He readjusted in between your legs, carefully reinserting himself. You were better prepared this time and the small amount of lubricant he added made the stretch slightly easier. Steve stayed put for a moment, holding you tightly underneath him. He kept his eyes on yours as he pulled out just a bit before pushing back in, creating a steady and slow pace. “How’s it feeling?”
Though you tried to keep your cool, it was still a little painful. You tried to say anything but the word’s weren’t forming, but he seemingly got the message. Steve kissed your neck, sucking at the skin experimentally and biting down harder as you moaned.
“So fucking beautiful.” Steve mumbled into your shoulder, giving your thighs a tight squeeze. You shrieked, Steve’s hand quickly came to clamp down on your mouth. “Don’t want your brother to come in, baby.” His palm stayed in place as he rocked back and forth. 
Your bedroom was filled with the sounds of your muffled whimpers and your bed frame rutting against the wall. Steve would shush you every now and then, cursing under his breath. 
It was intimate, an act of love and appreciation though you had only known the guy for such a short time. You were glad Steve was there, not for the bragging rights of him taking your virginity, but for how sweet he was. It was unexpected, just from the look of him you had figured his love life was just a string of loveless hookups, but here he was kissing your face and telling you how pretty you were. 
Absentmindedly, you mumbled out “M’so happy you’re my first, Steve.”
You could feel Steve’s cock twitch inside of you, his brain short circuited. He buried his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent and letting out a heavy breath. “F-feel good?” He stuttered. You hummed into his hair, quickly realizing it wasn’t a lie, you did feel good.
Quickly, Steve brought his fingers to your clit. You began to moan, though he shut you up quickly with a rough kiss. It was passionate, a little sloppy like his thrusts were becoming, your lips were soon wet with his spit.
Steve continued to rub little circles in your cunt, fucking you faster with his cock. You were whining, but neither of you seemed to care. Both of you were chasing your highs, the idea of your brother sleeping peacefully down the hall was long forgotten about.
Your pussy squeezed him unintentionally, forcing a moan out of him. Steve wasn’t very vocal, but part of you wished that he was after the cry he let out. 
“You’re gonna cum, I can feel your-fuck.” His head hung down and got his hair in your face, the softness of his locks tickled your forehead. “Go’head, cum on me babe.”
You creamed around his dick, locking your legs behind Steve’s back and hugging him tightly. He helped you ride out your orgasm before pulling out quickly and sitting on his knees. “Can I come on you?” He sputtered.
He looked so pretty like that, fucked out and sweaty, hair sticking to his forehead. He continued jerking himself off, his panting drowned out by the wet sounds of his hand around his cock. You nodded your head as you tried to catch your breath, sitting up on your arms to see him better.
Hot cum spat onto your stomach. Steve’s eyes were screwed shut, he mumbled something incoherent as he tugged at himself. You looked at him with wide eyes, your cheeks grew warm as he came back down from his high.
Once he finished and began to blink his eyes open, you dragged a finger across your belly to pick up a small bit of his seed before bringing it to your mouth and sucking on it hard. As the saltiness mixed with your saliva, Steve looked down at you in awe. “You’re gonna be the death of me.” He leaned down to kiss your forehead, then your nose and finally your lips.
When Steve cleaned you off, he left little pecks on your skin. He took time on your inner thighs, noticing how it made you squirm. He mumbled an apology before pressing a wet kiss close to your swollen cunt. 
He balled up the towel in his hands once he finished. It was one he found in the bathroom cabinet after you gave him out of breath directions, a small old one with color drained purple bows printed on and a rip in the corner. “You bled a little bit. You’re probably gonna be hurting for a day or two.” He mentioned before tossing it in your laundry bin. You saw a bit of red flash by before it disappeared into your dirty clothes and Steve crawled into your bed with a shirt and pair of underwear for you.
You laid next to each other, your only contact with him being your hooked pinkies.
“Was it good for you?” Steve whispered, turning onto his side. “It was so good, thank you.” You brought a hand up to his hair and stroked it. “W-was it good for you, though?” You stuttered, only swiveling your head a bit.
Steve chuckled and took your chin in his hand, rubbing your face gently enough to tickle you. “It was good for me, too.” 
“You’re lying.” You frowned, adjusting to look at the ceiling again. There was no way you were good at sex, and from what you knew Steve had a lot of it before you. He was experienced, and it was impossible for you to be considered anything but mediocre to him. All you did was lay there and whine.
“M’not.” Steve’s voice was louder as he sat up to hover above you. “You made me feel good, babe. Swear to god.” He lifted a hand with a laugh before kissing your cheek. “And I wanna fuck you again sometime, if you’d let me.” Butterflies erupted from your belly when maneuvered himself back down onto the mattress and brought you into his chest.
He held you for a while, not even speaking as you listened to each other breathe. He noticed yours even out soon after, looking down to see you fast asleep.
Steve tucked you in, noticing the stains left on your soft, fluffy seats and blushing. He deflowered you, and to his surprise that fact turned him on. 
He dressed himself and turned your light off, leaving one last kiss on your hairline before wandering back to your brother’s room. He was still fast asleep, mouth opened and drool spilling onto his pillow. 
He felt a little sting of guilt, though he pushed it out with thoughts of you spread out taking his cock, the moans you cried out for him to fuck you. Steve crawled under a blanket on the air mattress, quickly drifting off to sleep as those images swirled around his head.
taglist - click here to be added!: @peter1ismybrother @strangerthingsfangirlsuntie @molllybc​ @hopeless-ronancetic @lizzymatryoshka​ 
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strawberriesinbloom · 5 months
Late Night Movie Distractions
Zayne/Gender-Neutral Reader
Summary: You and Zayne watch a movie together, but you are far too easily distracted.
Word Count: 1,102
A/N: May or may not be based on a piece of Zayne's dialogue during his home screen interactions...that I haven't been able to get again. 😭 It lowkey makes me think I made it up lmao
This is a tickle fic btw!
The movie blared on the television in front of him, but Zayne paid it no mind. Rather, his focus remained entirely on you, who sat cuddled up next to him on the sofa. Your wide-eyed look and small gasps of surprise at every major plot point were far more interesting than what any movie could provide.
You glanced over at him. If his blatant staring took you aback, you didn’t show it. You grinned and shook the empty bowl in your lap. “More popcorn?” you whispered.
Zayne chuckled and shook his head. “No, thank you.”
He was about to offer to get you some more popcorn when you placed the bowl on the coffee table. He wondered if you only offered because you thought he wanted some. Did you think that was why he was staring? You were such a silly person. 
The main character whispered something to the love interest, and your attention immediately pivoted back to the movie. You placed your hand on Zayne’s thigh and squeezed it in anticipation.
A familiar—yet almost forgotten—feeling jolted up his leg. Zayne twitched, trying to hide his reaction with a small cough. He leaned back against the sofa and crossed his arms in feigned nonchalance.
You grabbed the remote and paused the movie. “Zayne,” you said in an unnervingly sing-songy tone, “are you ticklish?” You placed the remote to the side before cracking your knuckles. Could you be any more obvious?
He cocked his head to the side, ignoring the way his ears burned. “Ticklish? Why would I be ticklish?” He found solace in the fact that you probably couldn’t see his face redden in the dark.
“What kind of question is that?” you asked.
Zayne barely had any time to react before you jabbed him in the side. He twisted to the side and you managed to get another jab in before he was able to grab your wrist. Zayne wanted to revel in this small victory, but that look on your face told him you let him do that.
“Stop,” Zayne said. He didn’t want to say he was pleading, per se, but he didn’t particularly feel like being humiliated today.
You faked a pout. “But, I want to hear you laugh. You’re so serious all the time.” Using your other hand, you dug your fingers into the soft part of his stomach. “You never smile.”
Zayne jerked to the side as he desperately tried to tear your hand off of him. “Is that what you think of me?” he managed to gasp out. He furrowed his eyebrows. He smiled…a bit. Mostly when he was with you.
He wanted to ask you another question, but something fluttered against his armpits, distracting him. Zayne yanked his arms down and sputtered something incoherent. “Wahahait!” He choked out a laugh. 
Seemingly proud about finding his sweet spot so quickly, you let out a sound of victory. “Never let your guard down.”
“Ahaha! Stahahap! Don’t you dahare! Hahaha…!” Zayne wiggled out of your grip and rolled off the sofa. 
You laughed and simply moved to follow him. You sat on his stomach, effectively pinning him down in place. Zayne’s legs writhed and kicked out from underneath you, but you stayed steady. He could only think about how vicious you were as you lingered in the same spot, spidering your fingers inside his armpits.
“You have such a nice laugh,” you said, “It’s cute.”
In a desperate attempt to get you to stop torturing him, Zayne’s hands clasped onto your sides, just like he would do when you two were kids. He wiggled his fingers, but, interestingly enough, you barely reacted. Instead, you simply pried his hands off of you and pinned them underneath your knees. 
Now, with nothing getting in your way, you drilled your thumbs into Zayne’s underarms. He tossed his head back and cackled. “Hehe…hahah! Stop it! Plehehehease!” 
“Begging already? Come on, Zayne. You’re stronger than this.” Your fingers trailed lower until they were fluttering over his ribs. 
This spot was bad, but thankfully not as bad as his underarms. Zayne bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing, but you were quick to break him. “Mmmhmhmhehehe!” Tears were beginning to cling to his eyelashes, much to his horror. Your prideful grin forced him to squeeze his eyes shut in embarrassment.
Zayne didn’t recall ever being this sensitive, not even when he was a child. He could tell you were thinking the exact same thing. This was humiliating, but you were greedy. He knew you weren’t going to stop until you were satisfied.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you laugh this much,” you said with a tinge of wonder. “I could get used to this.” You returned to targeting Zayne’s armpits, forcing him to squeal. You gasped and excitedly prodded the spot the same exact way. To his despair, he squealed, again. 
“Ehehehe! If you—haha—don’t stop, I’ll—!”
“You’ll what? Use your Evol against me?”
No. No, he would never do that, no matter how desperate he was. “I’ll…! Ahaha!” Zayne was laughing too hard to even get more than a few words in edgewise.
You laughed, but it wasn’t as nefarious this time. In fact, you seemed slightly endeared, which might have been worse, honestly. However, to his relief, you stopped and got off of him. Zayne stayed on the ground for a few seconds to catch his breath before opening his eyes. You were sitting next to him with your head leaning against the sofa.
Zayne sighed, noting the sweat that clung to the back of his shirt. “You’re quite mischievous,” he said, still slightly breathless.
“I wasn’t kidding when I said your laugh was cute,” you hummed.
He sat up and brushed his bangs out of his face. “I didn’t think you were.” He paused for a moment before softly speaking. “I think I smile often.” He was still thinking about your comment earlier. Zayne wasn’t the type to get self-conscious, but he cared about what you thought.
“Really?” you said, grinning, “I’ve never noticed.”
“Maybe it’s because you’re not particularly observant.”
Zayne shook his head, reaching over to brush a stray piece of lint off of your shoulder. “Would you like to finish the movie?”
You blinked slightly and glanced over at the television screen, where the main characters were still staring lovingly into each other’s eyes. “I completely forgot about the movie,” you admitted before scratching your cheek. “I think we can finish it tomorrow, though.”
Zayne smirked. “Did you have another activity in mind?” 
“Maybe,” you said, moving to pinch his cheek.
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darkbluekies · 5 months
I feel like I need to show that I am not only writing psychopaths and can also write normal, protective characters lmao
I will share 2 of my private novels with you, translated. The names are shortened so that I don't expose them, because I kinda want to keep them private for the future hehe (probably forgot a few places but oh well)
I will show the mood board for the story and a profile I've made for the characters to help you visualize them better (helps me when writing too haha)
Story 1
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"Do you want to go out? You haven't been out much, have you?”
HG shook his head. Fresh air could do him good, he thought, but he knew he shouldn't go out alone. If BN was there, it would probably be okay. BN patted his skinny knee twice.
"Good, then we're going out," he decided and stood up. "Wait here. Do you need your cane, do you think?”
“No, I have the IV stand.”
Without answering anything, BN disappeared into the hall, first up the stairs, then down and then away in the narrow corridor to the kitchen and dining room. HG sat in silence, waiting for him to return, which he did five minutes later, wearing his brown coat and HG's beige jacket hanging over his arm. He gestured with his hand for HG to stand up.
"Come on then," he said.
HG pulled himself up from his chair and followed BN out into the hall. BN slung HG'S jacket over his shoulders and frowned at the hose dangling from HG'S left hand. HG pulled his right arm into the sleeve and let his other arm hang free.
“This works,” he said.
"Don't you think you're going to get cold?" BN wondered.
HG shook his head. BN opened one of the double doors, holding it open so HG could get out with his IV stand. The small wheels got stuck in the uneven planks of the porch. Frustrated, HG pried them free and sighed heavily.
"If it sticks here, it'll stick everywhere," HG muttered, biting his lower lip in frustration.
“Should I carry it for you?” BN wondered.
“No, I got it.” HG took another hold and carried it down the stone porch steps. He groaned as he put his feet down on the gravel yard. Anything but hard wood floors were foreign to him. Hesitantly, he took a few tentative steps forward. HG looked away towards the lake and the dark forest.
“Can we go there?” he asked, pointing away towards the fir trees. “Into the woods?”
"Sure," BN replied. “Has it been a long time since you were in a forest?”
HG nodded and swallowed a sad sigh. He had loved to climb trees, had known how to place his feet so as not to fall. It was just that day…
He let BN guide him past the eye-like lake. The reeds near the edges stretched up to the sky.
The ground inside the forest was wet. What HG'S IV stand didn't get stuck on, he tripped over himself. BN took a firm grip on HG'S right arm, not hard enough to hurt him, but a grip strong enough to catch him in case he fell. Few red, yellow and green leaves hung desperately on their branches, as if they knew they would soon be killed and replaced by spring. The sunlight did not reach down to the ground
"I used to see the woods from my bedroom window," said HG, letting his eyes take in the sights around him. "I saw the seasons change from a distance ... it's another thing to see it up close."
“Quite beautiful.”
HG nodded in agreement. There was something youthful about the forest in autumn.
"I have an idea where we can go," BN suggested, nodding towards the fir trees. “I saw a clearing not far from here.”
“Is it within the territory?”
"I didn't see a fence, anyway."
HG couldn't help laughing. "Adequate. Come on, lead the way, then.”
BN took him to an open field where no man had sown, but where there was still tall, yellow grass. The sun beamed down on them. HG squinted up at the sky. BN took off his brown coat and spread it out on the grass. He gestured for HG to sit down. They disappeared into the grass, the only thing still visible was the stand rising above.
"Nice fresh air," BN sighed, resting his head back. He rolled his eyes. “I needed it after that card game. [other character] does not play nice, I can tell you that.”
"Or you're not good enough," said HG teasingly.
BN opened one of his brown eyes and squinted at him with a crooked smile. “I'm fucking phenomenal at card games, how dare you? You and I will play some day and I will teach you not to underestimate me.”
“You must have had a lot of training on the ice anyway. Did you play a lot of card games at home? With your friends?”
BN fell silent. He sat up and hid his hands in his pockets. HG frowned.
"What?" he asked confused. "What is it?"
"I had a card game, but we didn't play very often," BN muttered, squirming, as if trying to get out of his own skin. His voice sounded quieter, almost sad. "That's not what we ... we did."
BN sighed, seemed to be searching for the right words. His eyes remained downcast. “I'm so glad I came here, HG. And that I got to meet you and the others. You are so different from my friends back in town.”
He brought out his trembling hands. HG remembered how they had been covered in scabs and wounds the first time he had shaken hands with BN. The wounds had healed by now, but the marks of violence still remained.
"I didn't want to tell you, I'm ashamed."
He fell silent again. HG said nothing, not wanting to disturb his thoughts.
"At home, in town, I wasn't very nice," BN continued, shaking his head in despair. “I got into a lot of fights. I didn't know what to do … I didn't want to continue … so I came here.”
HG suddenly felt a pair of strong arms around him, and a warm cheek against his shoulder. He tilted his head towards BN'S and glanced down at his hands.
"Why didn't you want to tell me earlier?" HG wondered.
"I didn't mean to scare you away," BN replied quietly. “I thought you'd be uncomfortable if you knew. You don't like violence.”
“No, I don't, but you don't have to worry about that. That's just stupid.”
BN let go of him and hugged his legs. He smiled sheepishly.
"It feels better now," he laughed briefly. “When I get home, I will stop being with them. I know how I want to be now. With you I can only ... sit. We don't have to do anything. We can just sit and talk. I like it."
HG smiled weakly. He'd never thought he'd have a friend—not someone like BN, anyway. The fear of losing him haunted HG every time he was alone.
BN took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, fished out a narrow cylinder.
"You really should stop that," said HG.
"I have!" BN smiled proudly and shrugged. "In almost all cases. I barely smoke anymore, but I need to calm my nerves after this.”
He lit the cigarette and brought it to his lips, drew in a breath and blew out gray, foul-smelling smoke. HG waved his hand in front of them, trying desperately to part the smoke. BN took a sandwich wrapped in a paper out of his pocket and held it out to HG.
“Here,” he said. “I brought it to you.”
“Is this some kind of bribery?” HG grinned weakly and accepted the sandwich, unfolding the paper carefully. "So that I won't complain about your smoke?"
"No, because you haven't eaten anything today."
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Story 2
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They showed their tickets and identification papers to a man dressed in a black suit who studied the papers carefully. Finally he nodded and stepped aside. OL pushed GS forward first, and then TN.
"Don't push me, I can walk myself," she grumbled.
The compartment had about twenty hard, dirty wooden benches in a row, divided into four-seaters. OL frowned at the stench that had spread, despite half the windows being open. The train began to shake and OL had to grab the wall to keep from falling forward. They made their way through the center aisle until they found an empty bench. It was only built for two, so OL lifted GS onto her lap and wrapped her arms tightly around her slim waist. The nine-year-old amused herself by leaning his head out of the window and feeling the wind in his hair. She laughed and turned her twinkling eyes on OL before popping her head out the window again.
OL turned to TN who looked up from her lap doubtfully. She twirled a lock of hair between her fingers.
"What is it?" OL asked, leaning closer. "Are you okay?"
"Why is everyone staring?" TN whispered so quietly that OL doubted she had said anything. “Did I do something?”
OL bit down and let her eyes wander over the compartment. She was filled with that incomprehensible feeling again. The men in the compartment were like animals, like the magister. They shared the same dark, burning gaze that seemed to shamelessly burn away her clothes. TN didn't understand yet, she didn't understand how beautiful she really was and OL didn't want to tell her.
OL gesticulates for GS to jump to the floor and quickly switched places with TN, shoving her towards the window.
"But I want to look!" GS complained.
"You can still look," reminded OL. "By the way, maybe you shouldn't hang out the window, it could be dangerous."
TN gave her a small, grateful smile which OL returned warmly. She turned her gaze towards the center aisle and glared at those who dared to glance in their direction.
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goatcheesecak3 · 11 months
Dean Taylor x gn!reader
Don't go
Angst with a dash of fluff
Warnings: brief mention of hostage situation, codependant relationship
A/n haven't written any angst since I was like 13, so apologies if I'm a bit rusty, but let's be real, I can't write for Dean and not include a bit of angst lmao. Hope u enjoy :^)
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It was inevitable, you knew falling in love with Dean would get you hurt at some point. But not like this, you never expected it to be this bad. Sure, an abundance of arguments were expected- dean was stubborn and struggled to understand your feelings sometimes, but that was something you were both prepared for, something you could come back from. But nothing could have prepared you for this, and there sure as hell wasn't any coming back from it.
Dean wasn't aware that you'd found out about his plans, he lay with his arm around you, blissfully unaware that you were grappling with the most heartwrenching conflict of your life. While hanging out with Jenna she'd let it slip that Dean had agreed to join in on her and Paul's little scheme. They'd approached you with the proposition a few days before, and you'd swiftly declined. They'd got you all wrong. You were with Dean because you saw good in him, not because you wanted to encourage his antisocial behaviour, like they seemed to.
So there you were, tucked up in bed knowing that this was probably for the last time. This time tomorrow Dean would be off on the woods with his awful friends committing a crime you knew he wasn't smart enough, or rational enough to pull off. A hostage situation, to be exact. Of course, the plan wasn't to hurt anyone, just to get some money out of some rich assholes. But let's face it, someone somewhere along the line was going to get hurt, and someone was going to go down for it.
You considered telling Dean that you knew everything, try and convince him not to go - you knew Paul had set this whole thing up to leave no trace, Dean could pull out now and it would be like he was never involved in the first place. In a way, that was why you hadn't broached the subject. Right now, at this very moment, it was like schrodinger's cat. Dean could be thought of both innocent and guiltily - you choose to think of the former. Until you pressed him on the matter, until you heard him say the words "I'm going tomorrow" his fate wasn't yet sealed, and you wanted to hold onto that for as long as you could.
You allowed yourself to feel the warmth of Dean's embrace, to watch the way his large hands absent mindedly stroked your arm. God, those hands. The hands that cradled you each night, the hands that made you feel safe and loved when words just couldn't. You couldn't bear to think about what those hands would do tomorrow. This was all getting too much for you, you couldn't hold it in any longer. There was no visible build up, no indication of what was to come, it just happened. You broke into an inconsolable blubber. Shaking, and wailing uncontrollably, barely breathing. You'd sat upright and began to clutch your hair, as though pulling it might somehow pull out the horrifying thoughts that infected your mind like a plague.
Of course, Dean was perplexed and alarmed.
"Y/n what the fuck?" He exclaimed, his voice drenched in panic. He too sat up, grabbing your arms and pulling them away from your head.
You couldn't speak, only cry out in guttural sobs.
Dean's face was contorted in abject horror, he'd never seen a person in so much anguish before- seemingly out of nowhere. Emotions made him uncomfortable at the best of times, but this was something far worse. He looked on helplessly as the person he was in love with expelled sounds of indescribable pain.
"What is it? Please tell me, I-I'll fix whatever it is, please baby" he stumbled over his words in terror.
You mustered up every single bit of strength in your body and manged to form the words "don't go tomorrow"
That was it. You'd said it. It was out. And once it was out, it wouldn't stop coming out. You began to repeat these three words like a mantra, pleading over, and over, and over again, your words only gaining momentum, becoming louder and more fervent.
By this point, your brain had allowed for you to articulate a precious few words more,
"Please don't do this to me" made it's way out of your mouth in the form of a bawl.
Dean had often wondered what it would be like to hold someone's fate in his hands. To have them beg him not to snuff them out, to be in complete control, to be judge, jury and executioner. It had been a fantasy of his for as long as he could remember. For years, the thought of having this power over someone, to watch them plead had been tantalising. But now, completely unintentionally, he was faced with it. He'd planned to experience this feeling for the first time on the job tomorrow, he never expected it to happen on this night, not with some rich kids who'd made his life hell, but with the love of his life. It was becoming rapidly apparent to him that like most fantasies, the reality was nothing like what he'd imagined. Seeing the torment he'd inflicted on another person, through his own self indulgent decisions brought him no joy whatsoever. The exact opposite, in fact. He felt every single inch of your pain washing over him, and it was truly unbearable.
Cupping your face, his nose began to crinkle and his eyes squinted in an effort to hold back tears.
"I won't go" he began, "I won't go, I won't. Not if its going to do this to you. I won't go, do you understand me?" He spoke rapidly, his words in a race with the lump in his throat to try and exit his mouth first. When his words crossed the finish line, the lump caught up and pitiful cry escaped his lips.
He threw his arms around you and pulled you to him, resting his chin on your head and sobbing with you.
You clung onto him for more than life. You buried your face into his chest and tried with all your might to slow your breaths and stifle your cries. The two of you stayed like that until your tears had become nothing more than sniffles.
Dean was the first to speak
"I promise not to go y/n. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever."
You lifted your head to look at him, your tear stained cheeks were red and puffy.
"I love you" You said. Any other words would have been a waste of your short breaths. All you could feel was love. Not the tender, sweet love you typically feel when you think of a relationship, but a desperate, urgent love. A love so intense it could only be provoked by Dean.
"I love you too" he said, with the same sense of urgency. Nothing mattered more than the two of you both saying, hearing and knowing this about eachother right now.
That was the thing about falling in love with Dean, getting hurt at some point was inevitable- for both of you, because neither of you could exist without the other.
Exhausted from such an intense night, the pair of you had collapsed back into the bed. You had curled into a ball in Dean's arms as he lovingly stroked your hair until you fell asleep.
When you awoke the next day, Dean had kept his promise. He was still there, fast asleep, holding onto the only thing that mattered to him anymore: you.
A/n reblogs & replies are much appreciated, since it's pretty hard to find Dean stans :^)))
requests are still open, check my pinned post for details
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