#i just love thinking and talking abt him . he is so fascinating
mobblespsycho100 · 2 days
kabru as a pwnpd headcanon is genuinely so iconic that man rlly is odysseus' hubristic tendencies made manifest tbh . . .
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#/silly#i love projecting my own npd to him but like he was born cluster beautiful personality disorder#the way he kind of has an ''off'' switch when he can just#turn off both rationality and like gets driven only by pure instinct as a survival response#it's genuinely fascinating#sash talks#dunmeshi#kabru of utaya#genuinely . npd and dp/dr and ocd coding with him is strong.#like everyone knows hes gotta be autistic#but like his whole flavor of ptsd and childhood trauma specifically#makes him so complex . in terms of personality disorderism.#like ppl talk abt how he ' metagames ' social interaction sm because he thinks if he can do it in that lense#it'd be easier for him#genuinely anthropology / sociology special interest#the stims / gesturing#but he also reminds me a lot of like. reigen arataka who def has autism + adhd + npd#where he like . puts ppl on a certain standard / criteria that he judges#the way he's so prideful of his ability to judge other ppl.#and the way he crashes and goes back and forth when he learns he's wrong#the way his disappointment drives him to compromise#the way he's like. that#he's so npd coded it drives me crazy that only a couple ppl mention it#even though it serves as like a great point of comparison#to laios' sometimes self-centered yet low self-esteem !#and to mithrun with his npd and his current lack of drive due to the (redacted) 3#like !! this man ( kabru ) is genuinely so full of . neuroses#npd + autism + ocd + gemini (lol) + osdd possibly (dissociative disorders in general) + bpd#he could even have aspd or hpd swag but i can't say much on that#unless i get peer reviewed by the fellow cluster b with aspd or hpd ahaha
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poppy-metal · 2 days
i have like very specific scenarios i wanna write abt some day or just talk about like
okay tmi for very personal darksided kinks LMFAO. like do NAWT read if you dont fuck w cnc, noncon, cucking, cheating, ddlg, incest ect. look AWAY
i wanna write about cnc like the genuine feelings of fear and panic as you're made aware of your own helplessness under someone else (looks at patrick) and then the euphoric release of being made to cum because it feels so good to be overpowered and have your cunt forced open. being able to act out the reluctance and to cry and and sob as loud as you want and not have the pounding stop, because you haven't safeworded, but its that panic regardless of oh hes not listening oh i can't stop this oh its gonna happen anyway. coming around them so hard it feels transcendent.
the other one is based on my fear of not being good enough like I've been cheated on alot, and one instance specifically my boyfriend at the time said "im gonna fuck someone in front of you and make you watch" and it stuck with me like it truamatized me LMAO to the point where i physically couldn't bear remembering it without getting violently ill. but then i developed a kind of fascination with the kink of infidelity like I'll watch alot of porn about it and then feel wrong about it afterwards. not being good enough is very much a trigger for me, being excluded is a trigger for me but i think something bordering just on the line of that - like being cucked consensually would heal me. like i think about it with art and tashi or patrick and tashi where they make me watch them together to the point where its bordering on the point of being just too much - where im about to say my safeword because i cant take being ignored anymore - and then they bring me in, and all the attention is on me and im showered with love. its like, having my worst fear played out in front of me (being cheated on, being left out, being ignored) and then being shown that fear isn't a reality - that im important and special and loved and they make me cum and i feel liberated from this vile thought that they'd leave me for eachother, because I make them complete. LMAO its fucked up i know but thats what truama does baby.
the other one..... I've struggled with alot and is kinda controversial but its in the sense of it not being real and being consensual but ddlg.... (and i used to hate this kink for the shame it brought me and the trauma i had w it) like i dont want to just call someone 'daddy' i want to ACT OUT the fantasy of them being my father or my parental figure and I'm their little girl and they just cant help themselves they have to touch my pussy. they have to show me they love me by sliding inside me because this is how daddy loves me. and if i love him back i wont fight him or tell him its wrong I'll accept it with open legs because i want to be taken care of
i have more but baby steps.... not all trauma needs to be processed rn
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aquickstart · 6 months
ok sure i'll talk about farleigh start. i'll talk about his tragedy of never being enough as it were and then having to deal with fucking oliver. sure. disclaimer: it's about class (and race) and the horrible reality of the rich. the horrible reality of living as farleigh.
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another disclaimer: i'm white! and poc definitely pick up on everything i'm talking about here as it is, and better. i was and am specifically interested in farleigh vs. oliver but it's impossible to examine without considering race. definitely let me know if anything abt this sucks!
farleigh and oliver are similar. it's annoying because every intruder that is not himself is annoying, partly because felix's attention swaying from farleigh is dangerous; there is always a threat of being discarded, even if no precedent existed. the potential is terrifying.
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but you'd think he's seen this before, every summer (if venetia is telling the truth) or at least often enough to learn to recognize it fast, so he should know this will pass. part of it is i think still the deep anxiety, and i think he hated every boy that was there before, and it is sort of routine.
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but definitely a huge factor in farleigh's annoyance is the fact that he's a biracial (black for cattons, that's all they see) man in a white rich household. he's alert and exhausted all the time. of course he's angry at oliver, regardless of whether he's the first to crash at saltburn for the summer or the fifty-first.
but the important thing is this.
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farleigh is very jealous of and angry and pissed at oliver because farleigh sees all the similarities between them. outsider, in financial trouble, whatever it is, in need of cattons; and yet oliver is preferred. and farleigh seems to be the only one to really consider it. felix does not pick up on the hint when farleigh brings up the birthday party vs. his mother. felix's clumsy "different or... anything like that" is as much about race as it is about class, of course. the "we've done all that we can" bit is felix absolving himself of guilt because surely they had, surely the mysterious collective cattons that he's not really part of had tried all they could do. to him, farleigh is different from oliver, because farleigh has been helped. felix is rich and white and twofold uncomfortable with farleigh, even if he's nice about it, even if he genuinely enjoys his company; he doesn't look too close at farleigh because he feels too guilty to come too close. and farleigh can't do anything about it. he can't nice himself into it. the fucking tragedy of him is that he's never enough in the world of the ultra-rich white, even if (especially because!) he's born into it.
farleigh is very pissed at oliver because farleigh also sees all the differences between them. you know who can be nice poor white enough to fit in? fucking oliver. felix says "just be yourself, they'll love you" when oliver first moves in. farleigh was also probably told the same thing, and felix also probably believed that farleigh could just be himself, but even if the cattons were magically not racist at all (impossible), it wouldn't make a difference to farleigh. he would still self-censor, keep in check, be in dangerous waters (because racism is not just about the individual, but about the system). we see that he'd won himself leeway by years of trial and error by the way he speaks to the family, but it's still within the boundaries of acceptable, built by the cattons. he's part of them because they allow it, and farleigh is very, very aware.
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the annoying thing is oliver can be himself. like, truly, genuinely, he can just be. and farleigh can't help but envy that.
as a side note, oliver is obviously jealous of farleigh in the beginning as well, because regardless of the reality of farleigh's situation, he was born into it, and hence, at least in oliver's mind, has his position solidified. oliver's whole thing is unquenchable thirst and hunger for whatever and everything the cattons have (including themselves!). he wishes to have been a catton from birth. to oliver, at first, there's nothing farleigh can really do to lose it. and until he figures out the cattons completely, he can't help but envy that.
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but i think farleigh senses something different about oliver early on. at least on the level of the text, we have "you're almost passing [for] a real, human boy", which is so important because farleigh is the first to point out oliver's weirdness. the next to do so is venetia in the bath scene calling him a freak, but it's too late. farleigh is too early.
and i like to think he clocks oliver too early because he sees the jagged edges that he recognizes in himself. i think that one other thing that farleigh envies is oliver's freedom to let go. freedom to let go is very similar to freedom to be, but not quite the same.
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to be is about perception: farleigh knows he cannot fall out of line, but would like to, and oliver does not have to worry about it at all (i mean, he does, because oliver also performs for felix, but farleigh doesn't know that).
to let go is about the self: farleigh is too scared to even want what oliver eventually does, to even consider the possibility. oliver can let himself want. oliver can let himself act. oliver just can do things and want things. i'm not sure farleigh can.
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and so in this scene, when oliver's wants and actions have landed him nowhere with farleigh, felix, venetia, the cattons, of course farleigh gloats. he can let himself do that, because if the cattons are slowly discarding him, farleigh can allow himself this one small victory. he's relieved because despite the dangerous similarities, oliver is, thankfully, not really the same as farleigh, right?
but like. this movie is a love letter to all things gothic. oliver is a white man. he prevails. the brief performance that oliver put on did eventually end up more effective than farleigh's lifetime of constraint. my heart fucking breaks for him to be honest.
the issue that remains is the fact of farleigh's survival. i like to think that oliver came to respect him. oliver is smart, but farleigh is clever. he picks up on everything oliver does (to refer back to the karaoke scene, farleigh immediately retaliates in the cleverest way, in the moment), and he's the only one to do so consistently (venetia, again, for example, comes close, but too late; oliver doesn't like that, there's nothing to work with). hence, stay with me for a little longer, the paradox: farleigh survives because he was never enough for the cattons, but he is very worthy of oliver's attention. in his own freaky way, oliver wants him. look at that.
so. farleigh. farleigh might come back. he always comes back. and i think oliver wants to try harder next time.
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strawglicks · 6 months
cathal is a rlly fun character to dive into when it comes to his mental state and general view on life. they seek too much for a "meaning" to the things they do, and if they dont see a meaning or a point to it, it demotivates them from engaging in it at all. it causes them to slack off so much in their work bc they dont see an end goal to it, considering they find the toons vs cogs war pointless. if the cycle's just gonna repeat whats the point of trying? whats the point of doing any of his work?
and while this is frustrating to an outside perspective aka their coworkers, its clear that cathal is. depressed. their constant exhaustion, lack of motivation, and general apathy and carelessness points to this. these aren't just things any ordinary lazy person does.
HOWEVER i think its worth mentioning that, due to their environment, cathal has BECOME lazy, which might make the underlying issue (depression) less obvious . what i mean is, his job is directly harming his mental state bc it basically encourages his apathy and carelessness. they have everything handed to them without trying, so whats the point. when they get in trouble, their dad makes sure they keep their job, so whats the point of following the rules. they dont even need to do any real work bc, again, no matter what, they wont lose their job. so whats the point?
this will definitely steer someone in a more lazy direction even tho the root problem is something more serious . cathal is now unwilling to do even the smallest of tasks and would rather have his coworkers do them instead, as shown in that one comic from a few months back (i dont feel like grabbing it ill just assume you know what im talking abt LMAO)
this has also given them a bit of an ego! which is very bad. they actively take pride in their ability to waste time and how they dont have to try. which isnt something one should be proud of or strive for. its very unhealthy
i hope this gets built on and cathal doesnt get boiled down to "lol look how lazy this character is all they do is eat and sleep!!!" bc i think the laziness drives from a deeper issue . and their job rlly isnt helping
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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— Emperor Charles VI's diary entry on Count Althann's death
[text: "My only heart, my comfort, my most faithful servant, my soulmate, who loved me dearly as I did him for 19 years, [we] had a true friendship, we were one heart and one soul, and we never concealed anything from one another. He will always be in my heart, [my] beloved friend..I. have lost everything."]
#this is like. incredibly niche.#but also hopefully a quote one can look at without context and still feel emotional damage about#idk. i think about this quote probably at least once a week and then have to stare at it and cry a bit#its just GOD. yknow??????#theres this one paper(which i linked) that i originally read as research for the AU#but i go back to it probably twice a month to reread it bcs im so !!!! abt it#i think its cause charles vi is just not that relevant but is relevant to me so to have this paper abt his personal relationships is very !#its both nice as ref for the au but also very interesting to hear about historical queer relationships/dynamics#the sections about him and his wife are very endearing as well#but god like him and count althann. im literally so invested in this 300 year old relationship#this is obviously from his death which is incredibly depressing and heart wrenching to me#but the other things he wrote about althann in his diary are very sweet to me#they were inseparable to the point of often sleeping in the same bed and charles called him his 'eternal love'#AND ON ALTHANN'S DE WIKIPEDIA PAGE IT LITERALLY CALLS HIM THE EMPEROR'S FAVORITE#anyways literally every part of this quote absolutely destroys me but especially how he refers to althann and then the ending#and its interesting to me bcs apparently his diary entries were usually pretty to the point#but when various people in his as althann died he would write these extremely emotional entries that are so </3#if you have any questions abt their dynamic pls i will talk abt them 🥰🥰 i find it fascinating#theres a book about his diary but its in german and 500 pages and kinda hard to get hold in but maybe one day!!!#also in AU contexts: althann and charles vi would be mark and seb so take that as you will 🤭😭#as i said this is great for ref but also made me sooooo fucking invested in him#i have no idea how to tag this#historical#holy roman empire#emperor charles vi#catie.rambling.txt#historical quotes#habsburg#habsburg monarchy#ah wow if only my german prof could see me now. fucking...habsburg posting. why am i like this
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ourhouseishaunted · 1 year
70% of my trigun thoughts are abt how plants (independent and dependant) work and what they symbolize and their relationships with other characters and the world and stuff and the implications of independent plants coming with the earth forces and what it says about how earth has progressed since SEEDS left the planet, 20% of my thoughts are "hope those guys (meryl milly vash livio ww knives) are having fun" and 10% is rotating trimax Rem Saverem around in my head at all times
#i think abt rem a lot for a character that is like important but also isnt materially present in the story much#like idk her relationship with grief and regret and the idea of her looking at the shambles of her life and having to say#'well at least i can start over since theres nothing left for me' multiple times (after alex dies and she joins seeds#and after failing to keep tesla alive and getting a 'second chance' with vash and knives) idk its just so fascinating to me#and her idea of a blank ticket to the future and what it means in terms of how vash shapes his worldview in trimax#where it seems to be about how. death stops all future potential of a person. if they die they can never get better they dont learn#they cant change and experience consequence#like smth i find fascinating in trimax is that vash doesnt kill people but he will let somebody that person has hurt punch them in the face#and he thanks ww for killing to save the colony that one time. hes not opposed to killing/consequence entirely#i think it comes down a lot to how rem behaved in the aftermath of him finding out about tesla. how the potential for things to get better#would have died with him or rem and it would have just stayed horrible#idk idk im Rambling im turing things around in my brain#also man my main complaint with the manga is i wish it focused on the dependant plants more. they clearly experienced a big emotional#struggle esp in the final volumes and i wish we got to see more of it#but also i just like the wacky small town hijinks esp in the 98 anime i love when the main cast is just goofin around. i think they should#get to goof more#trigun#.txt#Dont Look At This Post Man its EMBARRASSING nobody should let me talk abt anything#the secret special bonus tjoughts are about chronica bc she fascinates me but i cant draw her good the way i can draw meryl and rem :(
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
accidentally started writing some ninerose smut while working on my tentoorose smut.
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Sigh. Nikola why must you be one of the more interesting oni characters. I don't wanna think abt you with your stupid spiky blond hair and your unethical science that mostly just serves to make Jackie more shitty by proxy. But I do. Because you're kind of orbo blorbo. Fuck you Nikola I hope you explode again
#rat rambles#oni posting#hes just extremely fascinating in the scientist crowd because he has a weirdly large presence in the like. actual meat of the lore.#like he has an actual arc that relates to the quote unquote plot of oni#he made the field around earth he made the neural vaculators (presumably) he contributed to the teleporters and was also involved with#some of the other projects in the bioengineering department and is one of the two scientists that we know for sure knew abt and worked with#duplicants and all of that and almost every instant of nikola being relevant hes only seen second hand#the One thing that we have that is Maybe directly from him is an email that hes the most likely canidate for#and I mean it Im pretty sure outside of that hes only ever either mentioned second hand or doesnt talk in the case of that one ellie email#even the one time we see proper dialogue from him it isnt even a recording its a second hand retelling from ruby#its soooo fascinating I dont even know if this was on purpose but I love it regardless#now tbf theres other characters who are also mostly if not only mentioned second hand but none that have as much of a lore presence as him#nails was close but then 'a seed is planted' dropped and they became a part of the troubling second hand nikola info club#watch them finally add ashkan dialogue and its just him talking abt nikola being involved in the puppy ai incident too or smth#the thing is that isnt even that out there nikola Did work on the teleporters and worked on somw gravitas time travel shit too so who knows#Im trying to think of theres anyone else whos mentioned in the logs but doesnt actually talk and I know there's steve and ada but hmmm#this isnt counting artifact or news artical specific mentions tbc we're talking within character dialogue#sorry meep mae and pei#WAIT cant believe I forgot abt devon rip bestie my sincerest apologies#I think thats it tho everyone else whos mentioned in dialogue has dialogue Im pretty sure#well direct dialogue I mean#oh tbc ashkan is also in that club#hes probably in second place on the weirdness of his lack of dialogue due to his striking presence in several log list#now tbf hes mentioned like 3 times I think? not counting artifacts ofc. so he's not talked abt That frequently#but one of those is in a paradox and the others are in story traits so its still interesting#I had already loved ashkan before doing my full lore dive so finding out this mysterious dr.ali was my boy ashkan was a delight#now ofc technically ashkan could have secret dialogue that we just dont know is him since we dont know his work id but still#we dont know nikolas either but nikola is likely in engineering and ashkan is likely in robotics so theyre both not likely to be them#they Could be as they do likely work with the bioengineering department but nikola is fully crossed out as the fossil guy at least#ashkan Could be the fossil guy but its not likely imo as theyre also the guy in the husbandry log implying theyre fully a biologist
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heartshapedskittles · 11 months
mello wears a cross a lot so I am Curious on his stance on religion and what religion he connects to if any……I’m not religious myself but it’s just very neat thinking of him believing in a god considering you’d think he wouldn’t based on how he is (until he realizes shinigami are real and kira kills with what’s basically a god of deaths diary but like. I mean before he finds this out). He was literally raised to be the potential successor for the worlds greatest detective it’s instinct for him to question everything and dig deeper into things and because of that I think him being religious and the topic of religion regarding him is incredibly fascinating
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hannieehaee · 2 months
Hello! What abt svt & their reaction/rls to foreign staff members? As in maybe translators that are with them on tour?
you being a foreign staff member
content: these are mostly implied to be platonic, fluff, foreign reader (non-korean), most of these reactions assume you speak english and korean as an additional language, etc.
wc: 881
a/n: i loved this concept honestly!! id love to write a longer fic about a language barrier fic or a translator staff member :0
seungcheol -
being leader, he sometimes would feel the brunt of taking on interviews and such in english, not always being able to understand what's being asked of him. he would turn to you before and after any interviews or social interactions that involved english to clarify anything he didnt understand. would have a lot of respect and admiration for you, thinking you to be super smart for being able to translate so effortlessly.
jeonghan -
would sometimes strike conversation in japanese just to throw you off. he'd even ask joshua to teach him some phrases in english to throw you off even further by suddenly switching languages. would do the same with jun and throw some chinese at you too. however, he would still converse with you in korean often to get you to accompany him and a few of the members during outings in order to translate.
joshua -
he'd be happy to have another person to speak english to, always seeking you out whenever he got tired of not being able to speak his native language. since the two of you both had korean as an additional language you'd learned, the two of you would relate a lot and mutually gravitate towards each other.
jun -
he has a tendency of going live on weverse and going back and forth between korean and chinese, even teaching carats a few phrases in both languages. this makes me think that he might seek the same from you. he would ask you to translate phrases into whichever language you knew and would even teach you stuff in chinese back.
soonyoung -
he's always trying to learn new words from his the comments on his weverse lives, so i think he would come to you with that same curiosity. he would be fascinated by how easily you went back from one language to another and ask you to teach him how you do it. would be super cute about it too, following you around whenever you were assigned to go on tour or to events with them and rambling questions at you.
wonwoo -
he mentioned in a fansign recently that he wants to learn a lot of languages, so i think he would be somewhat fascinated by you and how well you spoke korean despite it not being your first tongue. would maybe even seek you out directly to strike conversation about linguistics.
jihoon -
he's expressed before that he thinks his english is bad, so he might be a bit shy to speak it. he might look to you for help whenever he happened to go out or find himself in social situations overseas, sticking by you in order to avoid awkward social situations. he would be forever thankful to you for always helping him out and would come directly to you any time he needed help or wanted to learn something new in that language.
seokmin -
he's so outgoing he would probably not even need you to direct yourself at him in korean to become friends with you. since you'd be around a lot, he would do his best to make you feel comfortable while also getting your help in learning a bit more english to communicate with carats. to him it'd be a two birds one stone type of situation; he gets a new friend and gets to find new ways to talk to his fans.
mingyu -
super interested in interacting with you. he loves to learn and is always hoping to strike conversation with new people he meets, so he would have tons of questions for you as to what words to say and how to say them. being the friendly guy that he is, you two would likely become fast friends due to how often he came to you with questions.
minghao -
he's said before he wants to learn english and how hard he's been working towards it, so he would come to you with any questions and even asking you to tag along if he were ever to want to go out during tour. he'd become friends with you very easily and exchange his knowledge in chinese for your knowledge in english.
seungkwan -
he'd be immediately curious about you, seeing as you didn't seem to be a regular staff member. upon finding out you were a translator he'd try to communicate with you in broken english, completely forgetting that you'd obviously know korean. after that, he would consistently ask for your help in learning important phrases in english and praising you for your expertise at speaking multiple languages.
vernon -
as someone who had to learn korean as a second language very young (and then retain his english language after moving to korea), he would probably relate to you a lot and befriend you very easily. he would seek you out to dust off his english and the two of you would likely hit it off right away.
chan -
being the future of kpop, of course he needs to know a bit more english, or at least that's what he tells you any time he comes to you with yet another inquiry as to what some random post he saw online means. he knows he can just use an online translator (or ask an english-speaking member), but he would trust your judgment more.
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tac-the-unseen · 1 month
I love all ur blog sm!! Can I ask abt something with the slashers (specially Thomas <3) with an foreigner!reader that don't quit speak english very well and normally forget words?
(Sorry if something is spelled wrong, English is not my native language lmao)
Absolutely, I can!
And because the request didn't specify, this fic will strictly be about speaking a foreign language.
Sorry if this is inaccurate! I'm a native English speaker and don't know many who aren't. Sorry in advance!!
Slashers x Foreigner!Reader
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Micheal Myers:
•This man will act like he doesn't care but in reality he's so intrigued. (It might be why you're still alive) 
•He’ll spend his time watching you practice your pronunciation and recognition patterns, like it's a movie.
•Is he a bit mean about it? Yes. Will he laugh? Probably.
•If you find yourself not knowing what certain words are and stumble around until you find the right word, You'd be surprised at how patient he is. 
•If you are very new to the English language he'll secretly get you flash cards and stash them into a place he knows you'll find them
•Despite everything, if you ask him for help, he will help. He might be mute but he can write and use TV to aid you.
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•Stu is already romanticizing your language, but instead of using the actual name of your language, he calls it “Talking pretty to me”
•Billy asks if you want any text books or study equipment to help you on your English speaking journey 
•Both boys are a surprising help! Stuttering trying to articulate what you mean? They've already jumped in to, A) help save you some of the embarrassment, and B) give you time to think about what you're trying to say. 
•Someone making fun of you? They're either dead or a social outcast by the end of the week. 
•Are you struggling to remember a certain word? These boys are willing play charades until you figure it out. And they won't drop it either, Stu says ‘It’s bad to give up when you've already come so far.’ 
•Over all it's not so bad (Stu 100,000,000% uses Google translate to figure out how to say ‘i love you’ in your native language) 
Thomas Hewitt:
•When both of you met, he had never met an actual foreigner before.
•He knew people travel around and occasionally some valley girl would end up in their small town, But someone from a whole different part of the world?
•His interest in you spiked the moment he heard your accent 
•Thomas has so many questions but doesn't know how to ask you
•With him being mute and your struggles with English, It's not the easiest relationship. In the end both of you just end up pointing at things and making noises to get your point across. 
•Absolutely loves to listen to you speak in your native language, Even if he'll never understand it. 
•When he's first trying to court you, he leaves you slightly damaged flowers (he struggled to pick them) to communicate his affection. 
•even with a language barrier, he's gonna love you like no one ever could 
Bubba Sawyer:
•He had no idea people outside of America existed 
•When You fell into the palm of Texas and his brothers found you failing to remember the word for your favorite snack, They knew you would be an easy target.
•When they kidnapped you and brought you to the basement so Bubba could chop you up, he was fascinated by the way you desperately tried to beg him not to kill you. 
•It ended in a huge fight in the family, But he got everyone to let you live a bit longer.
•Sits Criss Cross applesauce while you speak for your life. You could babble about anything and he would listen intently. 
•He pulls out his alphabet soup machine and spends hours typing with you. (You help him finally get past the clown level)
Bo Sinclair:
•absolute meanie, stinky poopy head about it >:(
•will mock your stutters and say stuff like “Oh come ON! The word is Cat! C. A. T. CAT! What's so hard about that?” 
•If you speak your native language around him, He thinks you're insulting him or intentionally hiding something. 
•”If you could say it to my face in your language you can say it to my face again in mine!”
•The same sentiment is not shared when it involves bedroom fun
•Will eventually apologize, But that's going to take a while 
Vincent Sinclair:
•As another non-speaking fellow he takes his time to make sure you two can understand each other 
•He’ll mostly use body language and and little doodles to get his point across 
•Stuttering over a word? He doesn't care, he'll let you work it out without any judgment!
•Want his help? He has several books, Vincent will just pull out a book he knows as the word in it, flipped to the page, and point at the word. 
•Love listening to you talk, In English or not. He'll happily let you yap his ear off. 
Lester Sinclair:
•Poor boy was lovestruck when he first heard you talk!
•Full on heart eyes while you explain where you're from and how you ended up here 
•If you end up fumbling on a word he'll start shouting out potential words for what you're trying to say. 
•Example: “and then I had too…uh…um..” “Run? Pee? Eat? Were you hungry? Are you hungry right now?” 
•So helpful, I know
•But the guy is already googling restaurants based off your native cuisine. He's got the date set up. 
•”It's no biggie, I'm a native English speaker and I still can't get it right!” 
Billy Lenz:
•Billy 100% understands the struggle of finding the right word to say 
•He can't stop stuttering himself, so when you start stuttering you kind of reinforce us in his brain that you were meant to be together 
•He feels like he can bond with you over it, and even feel safer around you knowing that you also mess up 
•the thing is if you start stuttering, he'll start stuttering. If you can't get it by God he will.
•”W-we can't bo-oth be wrong.” 
Brahms Heelshire:
•this man will 100% try to learn your language as soon as he finds out you're a foreigner
•That man has a huge library, there's bound to be at least one book written in your mother tongue 
•He spends a lot of time practicing your native language so he can speak to you more comfortably
•You already know he has children's learning books he'll pull out if you ask. 
•Can't find the word you're looking for? He's already 10 books deep, he'll find it for you. 
•Brahms is a well-educated man and he intends to use His years of learning to help 
•If you want to take classes to better your English skills he will 100,000% throw money your way to do so.
Hannibal Lecter:
•Now Hannibal really understands 
•He's a Lithuanian who learned English as a 10 year old
•He didn't struggle as much, But for the first couple of months you bet he was stumbling. 
•If you're struggling with a word, He has a process of teaching you so you don't forget it again. 
1) Identify what you're trying to say 
2)Slowly begin to sound out the word 
3)Have you recite the word a few times 
4)He'll either teaches you a little tune to remember or he'll do something so you remember the moment 
•Does it feel a little condescending? Yes. But it works 
•He's also willing to pour an ungodly amount of money into your English education if you ask 
•He'll even teach you himself in his spare time
Will Graham:
•Doesn't really know what to do, He's a bit awkward about it 
•He'll also identify the word and repeat it a few times so you can get a better handle on it.
•He thinks it's a bit funny and a bit cute when you stutter or mispronounce something 
•He will gently correct you and move on like nothing happened 
The Lost Boys:
•holy fucking shit this is a cluster fuck, let's do this one by one 
-David, having been around a while, has picked up a couple languages.
-If he does know the language you're speaking he'll speak it back to you and guide you into English better than the other boys could 
-If not, he'll just read your mind and tell you what you're trying to say. It's by far the easiest way to articulate what you mean. 
-Dwayne being just slightly younger than David has also picked up a couple languages 
-It's really the same if he does know your language But with a little more verbal teaching 
-If he doesn't he'll patiently wait until you figure out what you're trying to say. 
-as soon as you start to stutter over yourself Paul starts shotgunning words off 
-some slightly related to the situation and others wildly out there 
-”Drink? Food? Ocean? Horse? The unforgiving eyes of God and His kingdom???” 
-he'll do this to confuse you and have a nice laugh 
-Marko speaks English and Italian, so if your language isn't one of those two you're kind of shit out of luck 
-”Come on babe, you'll get it” 
-He finds it a bit funny but still tries to help in little ways 
Thanks for reading <3
Sorry if this seems hastily written together, I haven't had the request in a while so I kind of jumped at the opportunity.
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can you pls do a hobie brown x Male reader? Like yk how every Spider-Man has like a Gwen or an mj and all the other spiderman ask hobie like “what abt you do you have a gwen or mj?” And he introduces his bf to them?
Pairing: Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk) x male!reader
Requested: yes / no
Warnings: ///
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I'm finally getting back into the mood to write again. This is the first x reader I've written since a long time but I'm always happy to get requests to better myself
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“Aaand MJ and Mayday are finally back home” Peter said when walking back into the main hall to look at his team members. “But she really liked finally meeting all of you. Even you, Miguel.”
Hobie looked over at Miguel with a slight smirk, watching how Miguel clearly seemed unhappy with this whole situation. But it wasn’t like he could stop Peter at this point. He brought his daughter to work here so why not his wife too? At least for a visit. 
“We’re not going to make a habit out of getting visitors here, understand?” Miguel spoke in a stern tone. 
“I think we should do quite the opposite. Get more visitors”, Peter grinned, now finally turning to Hobie. “I mean you haven’t brought anyone over yet. You got a MJ or Gwen?”
Hobie let out a scoff. Most people seemed to be having a MJ, or even a Gwen, even if that one seemed to be working out less. He still shook his head. “No MJ or Gwen. I have a (y/n).”
Miles now also moved closer. “(y/n)? Who’s that?”
Apparently this was a community meeting now since Gwen sat down with them too. “Are we talking about (y/n)? He’s Hobie’s boyfriend. The absolute coolest really. We played the drums together one time and–”
“You got a boyfriend? How didn’t we know that before?”
Hobie shrugged. “You didn’t ask.”
“You gotta invite him.”
“Didn’t you just hear how I told you that there shouldn’t be more visitors.” Miguel clearly looked annoyed with his colleagues.
“Well now I really have to get him.”, Hobie smirked.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You walked into the compound looking around, dozens of spider-people walking around everywhere. “You really didn’t overdo it, Hobie” you grin, while walking next to him. 
“When have I ever overdone anything, love?”, he smirked at you. “We’re almost there.”
“Gwen’s there too?”
“Gwen, Miles, Peter, Miguel, Pavitr probably. They have all been excited. Well most of them. I don’t think Miguel ever gets excited.”, he looked over when he realised you were slowing down a bit. “You don’t gotta be nervous. They’ll love you. And if they don’t it’s their loss”
You nodded, but still grabbed his hand before you two entered the room together. It was almost a comfort to have him this close. And it was almost a comfort that he didn’t seem to mind. He never said anything about it, he didn’t judge you for anything. 
The only person you recognized in the room was Gwen who immediately ran over to you. 
“(y/n)! Good to see you!”, she grinned, giving you a classic fistbump. “Come on. You gotta meet the rest”, she said, pulling you along.
“Hey Gwen. Try not to steal my boyfriend.” Hobie just chuckled, just walking after you two. It wasn’t like he wasn’t used to you stealing everyones attention wherever you went, even if you didn’t mean to. He couldn’t quite blame anyone for being fascinated by you either. 
Every day he looked at you, he fell in love all over again. You once asked him if he didn’t get tired of that one point but he had just shaken his head before saying ‘How could I ever get tired of you?’
And now all of that proved itself true again. You, Pavitr, Gwen and Miles had hunched over in a corner, snickering about something for the first part of your meeting. He was glad you got along with everyone so quickly.
With Peter it was easy too, even if the amount of Baby pictures he tried to show you was almost concerning. You handled it well though. And then it was time for the big boss fight. Miguel, who had menacingly stood in the corner the whole time, watching closely so you didn’t touch anything.
“If you manage to keep him under control I don’t have anything against you being here from time to time.”, Miguel simply said.
“I don’t keep him under control. No one can do that, trust me.”, you grinned, looking over at your boyfriend. Sure he was chaotic, constantly getting the both of you in trouble but honestly? “I wouldn’t have it any other way”, you lightly patted Miguel’s shoulder before moving back to Hobie. 
“Already done with meeting everyone?”
“You told me there was a cafeteria.”
“Now that’s what I like to hear.”
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hanlimz · 5 months
[midnight thoughts: jungwon + the sublime]
synopsis: after an arduous battle, jungwon isn't sure if he's going to make it, but he has to say something before he goes. pairing: yang jungwon x gn!reader genre/warnings: spiderwon!au, angst with happy ending / mentions of blood, discussions of death, overall angsty themes but no one actually dies!, lots of confessions of love, and weird inclusion of "the sublime" bc we talked abt it in my eng class, also NOT proofread :,) wc: ~2.4k (haha OOPS) a/n: heyyyy how yall doin :))))) this has been sitting in my drafts forEVER ... and i finished it at 1am b4 my first day of school so be warned for inconsistencies / i liked the first half of this drabble but the second half is not my fave ,, so sorry that i couldn't do you justice spiderwon
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yang jungwon never believed in the concept of the sublime. that uncanny mixture of overwhelming fear and unsettling fascination never managed to make an impression on him. especially in his line of work, jungwon is firm in his notion of death: when the time comes, a vast blackness will consume him; the void will leech away his life, and he will cease to exist. there will be no theatrics, no white light, no booming voice or angel song—only a comforting emptiness welcoming him into the dark.
now, however, jungwon lies alone in a familiar back alley; the tips of his fingers are numb from the amount of blood he's lost, and he can hardly lift his head up from the brick wall it's resting on. the palms of his hands are stained a deep crimson as he attempts to stop the river of red spilling from his thigh. jungwon admires the eerily beautiful way in which the body lets go; glinting in the dim street lights, his wounds glitter like rubies in a summer sunset. at this point, succumbing to his injuries seems inevitable, and jungwon thinks there may be some truth to be found in sublimity.
but, he's not ready to die. not yet—not with so many things left undone, so many things left unsaid.
with the little strength he has left, jungwon reaches for his backpack hidden in the nook behind the dumpster. he pulls out his phone and dials a number number he knows by heart; his cold fingers fumble over the screen, and he curses his current lack of dexterity. eventually, though, the machine begins to ring. the sound grates on his ears as he waits with bated breath for you to pick up.
"hello?" you croak, your question laden with sleep, "who is it?"
a breathy chuckle escapes jungwon's lips. he had forgotten how late it was, how you mentioned earlier that you had a calulus exam tomorrow, and just how gorgeous you sounded when you were tired. "sorry, [y/n] ... didn't mean to wake you," jungwon sighs, "just wanted to hear your voice."
"won, seriously?" you scoff, "this couldn't have waited 'til tomorrow? i mean, it's—it's two in the morning ... i was literally just dreaming about acing that calc test."
a dopey grin fastens itself to jungwon's lips as he wills his eyes to stay open. if he falls asleep, he knows there's a possibility that he won't get back up; so, he indulges for a bit, listening to your fatigued grumbling and smiling like an idiot. "honestly, m'not sure if tomorrow's in my cards, [y/n]," he admits, trying to hide how labored his breaths are becoming, "'nd i jus' wanted to hear you one last time."
"yang jungwon, what the hell are you—" jungwon knows exactly when you realize he's in trouble. he knows exactly when you realize he's not messing with you. the abrupt pause, the hitch in your breath, the way you inhale through your teeth—it's almost too obvious. "oh fuck," you continue, "oh shit ... won, where are you? are you hurt? what can i do to help?"
jungwon coughs out a laugh, "'m in the alley off jackson ave, 'nd i think i've bled on every piece of old furniture back here, if that says anything."
your breathing is frantic. jungwon listens to the sound of rustling clothes and the occasional thud of your foot as it hits your bed frame. you're cursing and mumbling and unravelling at the seams, searching for whatever you can that might help you help jungwon. out loud, you go through a list: gauze, neosporin, saline.
"am i missing anything?" you ask, not expecting a response.
"bandages?" jungwon replies.
"bandages!" you exclaim, "i almost forgot the fucking bandages?" there's more noise on the other side of the phone, and jungwon doesn't let himself relax until he hears your window crack open. metal clangs as you rush down the fire escape; he wills the beating of his heart to match the tempo of your feet against the steps. jungwon wills himself to stay alive. and, it's almost as though you can read his mind through the phone. "don't you dare fall asleep, yang jungwon. talk to me about something—anything—just don't fall asleep."
he racks his brain for a topic of conversation; the nerves building in his stomach as he anticipates next week's orgo exam, the cat he rescued from a tree in queensbridge park earlier today, the new thai restaurant that opened up near his apartment building. options race through his mind, but all of jungwon's thoughts lead back to you.
"i love you," jungwon says, abrupt yet resolute.
"oh god." you suck in an incredulous gasp, "you're delirious. this is—"
"i'm not delirious," he interrupts, voice hauntingly clear. "i know what i'm saying. and, i'm saying that i love you, [y/n] [l/n]."
for a moment, the line crackles with a thick, viscous silence that seeps through the grainy static; it's heavy, almost too real, and jungwon listens to the sound of your shoes slamming against the pavement until you speak again. "okay," you sigh, something unreadable swimming behind your words, "keep talking to me, jungwon."
jungwon takes in a deep breath before speaking again. his whole body is cold now, and if it weren't for the weakness spreading throughout his veins, he's positive his teeth would be chattering. inhaling the concoction of gasoline fumes, freshly dumped trash, and frigid, autumn air, jungwon feels the chill of the reaper creeping up the length of his spine. its spindly fingers beckon him into that same darkness he was once so sure of, once so okay with. but, jungwon can't let himself give in to its temptation. after all, he has someone waiting for him.
"you give me this feeling," jungwon declares in an inexplicable moment of lucidity, "'nd i dunno how to explain it. it's—it's like ... i look at you, and you pull me in. an invisible string, maybe? fate? true love? i'm—i have no idea what to call it. you always make me want to know more, even though i've known you forever. since we were kids, [y/n]—i've felt like this for years. and, i'm sorry. i'm sorry for not telling you earlier, for not telling you when i told you about the whole spiderman thing.
"i'm such an idiot for making you worry. someone who loves you shouldn't do that to you, i shouldn't do that to you. and, god [y/n]—i love you so much. you're this force of nature, you know? drawing me in, even though it's dangerous. and, even though i'm terrified of what the consequences might be, i love you so much that i'm afraid to die without saying it at least once.
"i'm—i'm so sorry for being so stupid, because—" jungwon whispers with a shaky voice, teetering on the edge of consciousness, "i love you, [y/n]. i love you."
jungwon's hearing is fading in and out, and his vision is growing blurry; but, the sounds of your footsteps accompanied by the incessant drone of his phone keeps him from slipping into that overwhelming darkness. you take in a sharp breath, and his head lolls in your direction. jungwon's lips are molded into a mindless, faraway smile; his eyes are misted over, foggy with both pain and fatigue. he's not all there, but he still manages to be cheerful. it astounds you.
rushing over to begin applying all the first aid supplies you managed to stuff into your backpack. wound-wash, gauze, bandage, wound-wash, gauze, bandage, wound-wash gauze bandage, wound-washgauzebandage. the sheer amount of blood that has been leeched from his body makes you dizzy; your head is spinning as you try to calculate just how many pints would be equal to what you've just sopped up. glancing up at your best friend (crush? lover?) you see that his eyes have drooped shut. his skin is pallid, his lips are pale, his neck is craned at an awkward angle as it rests on his shoulder. and, your heart stops because you didn't get to say it back.
"no. no, no, no ... won—jungwon, wake up!" a storm brews in your stomach. it starts as a mellow rain pattering against the lining of your intestines, then becomes a raging tempest as it bubbles up and out of your throat. "please, please, please! i got here in time, i swear—i never cared about the stupid, fucking calc test! i cared about you, i care about you! and, i'm here now, so you can't leave. you can't leave me."
an inhuman shriek claws through your lips, ricocheting against the brick walls that seem to be caving in around you; the weight of the world crashes into your frail shoulders, threatening to crush you. as you inch even closer to jungwon's shrouded figure, your pants are soaked through with a crude mixture of blood and rainwater. you reach out for him and cup his cheek with a trembling hand, and part of you swears his skin is still warm to the touch.
but, hope has no place here.
instead, you cradle his head and heave his body to rest against yours. he is astonishingly heavy; you can feel his muscles ripple beneath the tips of your fingers, but you're already convinced. your best friend is dead. slowly, the cement will absorb his heat, and he will grow cold. as the morning draws nigh, you will be forced to put his mask back on and leave him for someone else to find. then, the news articles will pour in, and the city will have stolen not only his life, but his death as well. tears are wetting his scalp as you bury your nose into his sweat-caked hair. you're gripping at his suit so hard you think the threads might snap, and the throbbing in your head is nothing compared to the agony in your heart.
the wailing doesn't stop until, in your peripherals, you see his finger twitch. sucking a staggering breath through his nose, jungwon cracks open a tired eye to gaze up at you. "i would—" he coughs out with a wince, "i would never leave you."
in your stupor, his voice doesn't register first. his mouth moves, but no sound escapes him; then, the words play over again in your mind while his lips remain closed. seconds melt into minutes, and you float away from your body. a numbness overtakes you as you stare at the scene before you from about five feet away; your fingers are still clutching at the suit fibers, the pajamas you chose earlier tonight are now saturated with blood, and jungwon is breathing. jungwon is breathing. jungwon is breathing.
snapping back into yourself, you place a weak hand on his chest. steadily, certainly—it rises and falls; the beating of his heart, though shallow and slow, thrums beneath your palm. shifting your stare to his face, you are greeted once again by a familiar, wry smile. jungwon is alive. despite all odds, the boy you love is alive; and, try as you might, you can't really help yourself.
"[y/n]?" he croaks, quirking the eyebrow above his less swollen eye, "can you hear—"
"i love you, too."
the utterance dangles precariously in the frigid midnight air. jungwon's lack of response causes your stomach to churn until he relexes further into your frame, huffing out a pained laugh. he lets himself rest for a moment, relishing in the warmth he manages to leech from your skin. "it wasn't ... wasn't supp—supposed to happen like this, you know?" jungwon protests, voice catching on his fatigue and discomfort. "i ... had everything planned—planned out."
"won, you don't—"
baring his teeth, he lifts a hand to hold the one you kept on his chest and barrels through your objection. "i was gonna take you to the met ... gonna take you for a pic—a picnic in central park." jungwon sputters, pressing his forehead against your upper arm, "then, we would swing ... back to your apartment. 'nd, i was gonna tell—tell you. tell you about how i feel."
still supporting his neck with your arm, you move to take his face in your palm once more. jungwon's gaze is sharper than it was just minutes ago—more focused, more alert. the emotions swirling in those deep pools of raw umber are more multitudinous than the stars they reflect. gratitude, torment, joy, defeat, love. bridging the gap that had separated the two of you for so long, you stop just shy of his lips. a dynamic heat emanates from them; jungwon is practically vibrating under your touch, living and breathing.
"are you okay?" you ask, "is this okay?"
jungwon answers by pushing himself up—closing the distance, sharing your breath, connecting your souls. salt and iron dance on his tongue as your tears mingle with his blood. it's a hypnotizing concoction—one that threatens to send him reeling, one that threatens to have him spinning out with no hope of return. fireworks explode behind his eyelids, a myriad of bright reds and vibrant oranges blinds him, and jungwon uses what is left of his strength to grip your wrist; he grounds himself and allows his lungs to burn as he breathes you in.
after a while, however, your parting is instinctual as the lack of oxygen forces you apart—two bodies trying to preserve themselves long enough to meet again. with a labored sigh, jungwon slumps backwards and tucks his chin to catch your gaze. in that moment, he finds himself frozen; his essence is suspended motionless, positively bewitched by you. in the silence, where all he can sense is you, jungwon embraces the ever-present warmth that has flourished within him. it floods his being with a terrifyingly powerful adoration for you. it is nothing like he has ever felt before, and though he is brave enough to confess, this extent of his love for you—it scares him.
however, as your skin glows in the light of the moon and your eyes pool with the desire for a future with him, jungwon digs his feet in and roots your love deep within his heart. he refuses to let this fear grow in its place; instead, he vows to nurture it, to care for it, to protect it. as he lies in your arms, jungwon rejects the sublime once more and chooses for himself.
"i love you, [y/n]," he whispers into your palm.
the world seems to go quiet as it listens for your response.
"i love you, too, jungwon."
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Hm okay, what abt a guy that just intimidates Tom Riddle (and he got no idea why, prob bc he has a crush on him but Tom just refuses to acknowledge it). Like, Tom would be all flustered and stuttering when he's around, Tom was smitten yall 😋🤭
Flustered - T. R. x male!reader
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A/N: Thank you so much for the request! 💛 I did my best to write it and I hope it fits what you were wanting. Fic is completely unedited with no use of Y/N. I think I tagged everything, but let me know if I missed something! 💛
CW: probably ooc Tom; Tom being a flustered boy; talk of humiliation/embarrassment; Reader plays quidditch; Tom is a bit of a stalker in this; obsession; flirting; teasing; Tom does not understand his feelings; awkward fluff
1208 words
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Tom Riddle is Head Boy. The best of the best. Top of all his classes. The perfect prince of Slytherin. Unafraid and unfazed by anyone and everyone.
He cannot stand you.
Not that he hated you, but that he literally can’t stand when you’re around.
His knees go all weak. His breathing catches in his throat. His face gets all hot. And worst of all, he stutters and trips over his words.
It’s horrible. A taint upon his perfect reputation.
Tom Riddle is weak around you.
And he can’t figure out why.
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It starts with Herbology class in fifth year.
Tom is working with some particularly stubborn Chinese Chomping Cabbages when one of them gets loose. It lunges at Tom, biting and snapping.
And then…
It stops in midair. Still growling and chomping away.
But now it’s held firmly within your strong grasp. One hand, tightly gripping the back of the cabbage. Like it’s a Quaffle, instead of a deadly chomping plant.
You look at Tom. Offer him a warm smile. “Brutal things, huh? Gotta be a bit more careful, Riddle.”
Tom opens his mouth. Prepares to speak, probably to say something smooth and bitingly witty.
All that comes out it is a squeaky, “Thanks.”
It is mortifying. Humiliating. And Tom can feel his cheeks heating as you hand him back the cabbage. Your fingers brush, and it’s like a spark of electrifying feeling.
Unlike anything Tom has ever felt before.
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Tom is a bit obsessed, though he’d never admit it.
Within two weeks of your first interaction, he’d tripped over himself twice, stuttered over his words four times, and messed up his Herbology projects several times.
He couldn’t figure it out. You were just you. An unnoticeable guy with a love for quidditch and a caring attitude. There was nothing impressive or particularly special about you at all.
And yet, he finds himself following you around.
In just small, unobtrusive ways at first. He starts watching you in class more. Starts memorizing your specific routes to and from classes. Even goes so far as to attend one of your quidditch practices.
You, of course, notice him in the stands. After practice is over, you fly over to him, giving him a cheery grin. “Hey, Riddle. Fancy seeing you here.”
Tom’s face immediately gets hot. He hadn’t meant for you to see him, and especially not for you to come talk to him. “Hi…”
He can’t get out more than that. His tongue feels thick in his mouth, his palms suddenly sweaty.
Why were you doing this to him?
“So,” you lean on your broom, giving him a playful look. “What’re you here for? Suddenly feeling the quidditch spirit?”
“N-No…” Tom gazes at you, unable to look away for some reason. There’s a bead of sweat rolling down your forehead. It’s immeasurably fascinating. “I’m here for you.”
And suddenly there’s nothing less interesting than your face. Tom feels hot. Utterly embarrassed. Why would such a thing even dare to leave his mouth?
You seem just as surprised, almost falling over as you lean against your broom. “You—“
You recover quickly, rubbing the back of your neck as you offer him a shy grin. “You came here to watch me?”
“I—“ He feels paralyzed, mind frozen. “Yes.”
A strange warmth blooms in his chest as he watches a faint pink creep into your cheeks. It makes him feel gooey, like the fresh cookies the house elves make.
“I— I have to go,” he stammers, his own face hot.
“Wait—“ you call out, but Tom is already stumbling down out of the stands.
As soon as he gets inside the castle, he’s leaning against a wall, burying his face in his hands. Of all the things to say…
The interaction had been terrible. A mess of embarrassment and weird warm feelings.
He vows to never let it happen again.
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It only gets worse after that.
By the start of sixth year, Tom’s curse is well known among even his followers. Most are unimpressed or uncaring. A few dare to comment on it.
It’s Abraxas Malfoy who clues Tom into what’s going on, all with a dumb comment.
They’re in the library, searching through a book on dark magic when you walk up.
“Hey, Riddle.”
Tom’s head immediately snaps up, his palms already starting to sweat. “Hello.”
You smile at him and lean against the study table he’s at. “Busy studying?”
“I— yes. We’re looking for—“ Your smile widens and Tom loses his train of thought. “For…”
Abraxas, watching Tom with narrowed eyes, clears his throat. Tom snaps out of his daze with a burst of heat in his cheeks.
“It doesn’t matter,” he says hastily, the words spilling out of his mouth. “You wouldn’t be interested in it.”
You tilt your head, giving him an unusual look. “Try me. I might be more interested than you think.”
Tom’s face heats even more. Why…? There’s a hint to your voice, a glimpse of a meaning beyond your words. Something that makes his heart beat faster.
“It’s— It’s just magic,” he stammers, gazing up at you. You look back at him for a long moment.
Finally, you nod. “Alright. I get it.” You sound almost… disappointed. “Just magic.”
Abraxas pinches the bridge of his nose. Tom flounders, unsure what to say. What had he done wrong?
“You can join us! If— If you want…!” The words tumble from his lips, a stuttery mess.
You tilt your head. Give him a look. Tom wilts a bit. He’s never felt so helpless before.
But then you offer him a small smile, and his heart leaps in his chest.
“I have quidditch practice in a few minutes,” you say, rubbing the back of your neck. “So maybe next time. But thanks for the offer.”
You give him a little wink, and Tom’s face gets hot all over again. “Y-You’re welcome!”
He watches you leave, unable to look away until you’ve disappeared around a bookshelf.
There’s a long moment of silence. Then Abraxas clears his throat. “I thought the rumors were exaggerated about your little crush, but you really are just as madly in love with him as they claim.”
Tom blinks. He stares at him. “What?”
Abraxas raises an eyebrow. “What? It’s painfully obvious.”
“I’m… I’m not in love,” Tom scoffs. But there’s a sinking feeling in his chest. Was he…?
Of course not. There was no way. And yet…
It would explain the weak knees. The red faces. The stuttered words. His odd fascination with you.
All of it, possibly explained by a simple crush.
“I’m not in love,” Tom repeats firmly. “He’s just… interesting.”
Abraxas gives him a dubious look, but doesn’t say anything. He just shrugs and goes back to looking at the book they’d been reading.
Tom stares down at the pages of the book, but the words don’t make any sense to him. His mind’s a mess, bringing up every instance of weakness around you to try and disprove Abraxas’ words.
He can’t be in love. He’s untouchable. Perfect. Without weakness.
But the more his mind thinks, the more he has to admit. Something is going on with him around you.
And he’d determined to figure out what.
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itzjaza · 9 months
Hi, I'm absolutely in love with your Taz fanfics, can I request one with Taz Headcanons as a boyfriend??
(Sry if my English is bad, it's not my first language lol)
girl don't worry abt your english it isn't my first language too&lt;3
Taz Skylar as Your Boyfriend:
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How you met: Y/N had just moved to Spain and it was her first day in high school. She was nervous about making new friends, but as she walked into her first class, she was immediately drawn to the boy seated next to her. His name was Taz, and he had bleach-blonde hair and striking eyes that seemed to pierce right through her. Y/N noticed that he seemed to be reading a book on philosophy, a subject that she was also interested in. She decided to make the first move and introduced herself to Taz. To her surprise, he seemed eager to talk to her, asking her about her interests and hobbies outside of school. Y/N was fascinated by Taz's intelligence and his knowledge of philosophy, and before she knew it, the two of them were having a deep conversation about the nature of existence and the meaning of life. As the class wore on, Y/N found herself getting more and more comfortable with Taz. She had never had such an intense and meaningful conversation with someone before, and the way he listened to her and challenged her thoughts was unlike anything she had ever experienced.
Realizing he's in love with you: Y/N and Taz had been friends for months, but Taz had never really thought of her as anything more than that. Sure, he had enjoyed spending time with her, and he had always thought that she was attractive, but that was as far as it went. But then, Y/N asked him to be her escort to the school prom, and the idea of spending the evening with her, in a more formal setting, made him realize that there might be more to his feelings than he had thought. On the day of the prom, Taz couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. He wanted to look his best for her, so he spent hours picking out the perfect outfit and getting a fresh haircut. When he arrived at her house to pick her up, Taz was nervous and excited all at once. He knocked on the door, and Y/N opened it with a smile. She looked radiant in her dress, and Taz felt his heart skip a beat. As they drove to the prom, Taz couldn't stop staring at Y/N. He listened to her stories, laughed at her jokes, and enjoyed every moment spent in her company. When they arrived at the prom, they found a quiet corner where they could sit and talk. As they talked, Taz realized that he had fallen in love with her. He didn't know how he had missed it before, but suddenly it all made sense. The way she laughed, the way she smiled, the way she challenged his views on life… everything about her made him feel special, and he knew that he couldn't imagine his life without her.
When he asked you out: It was a beautiful spring morning when Taz first mustered the courage to ask Y/N out on a date. He had been crushing on her for weeks, but he was nervous about taking the next step. He knew that Y/N was a smart, kind, and beautiful young woman, and he wanted to get to know her better. As he walked over to where she was sitting, in a little cafe nearby, his heart was pumping with excitement and anticipation. Y/N was surrounded by her friends, but he didn't let that intimidate him. He took a deep breath and approached her, his hands shaking slightly. Y/N looked up at him with a surprised expression, and Taz had to gather all his courage before he spoke. "Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me," he said, his voice steady but somewhat strained. Y/N's face suddenly lit up with a smile, and she nodded her head eagerly. "I'd love to, Taz," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "I've been wanting to spend more time with you too." Taz felt a weight being lifted off his shoulders and a sense of relief washing over him. He had been worried that Y/N might say no, but she had been eager to spend time with him as well. It felt like he finally had a chance to get to know her better and hopefully, eventually, be more than just friends.
The first date: Y/N and Taz were both nervous but excited for their first date. Y/N had been crushing on Taz for so long, and she couldn't believe that he finally asked her to go out with her. Taz, on the other hand, was thrilled to finally have the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with Y/N. They decided on a classic dinner date at an expensive restaurant in the heart of the city. It was a beautiful spring evening, and the stars were shining bright in the sky as they walked to the restaurant. On their way, Taz couldn't help but notice how beautiful Y/N looked in her new dress. When they entered the restaurant, the atmosphere was classy and formal. They were seated at a quiet corner table, and it was the perfect spot for their first date. Taz took Y/N's hand and smiled at her. The conversation flowed easily over dinner. They talked about everything from their hobbies and interests to their favorite books and movies. As they ate the delicious food, Y/N couldn't help but feel a strong connection with Taz. He was funny and charming, and he seemed to genuinely care about her. After dinner, they went for a walk through the city streets, hand in hand. It was a romantic and magical evening, and they both felt like they were in a fairytale. As the night drew to a close, Taz walked Y/N back to her place. He couldn't bring himself to say goodbye, so he kept walking with her. And when they reached her door, he finally had the courage to kiss her. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, and Y/N felt like she was on cloud nine.
When he asked you to be his gf: There was never any doubt in Taz's mind that Y/N would make an incredible girlfriend. After spending several weeks getting to know her better, he knew that she was the one for him. He wanted to spend every waking moment with her, and he couldn't imagine his life without her by his side. So, when the time was right, he decided to take Y/N out on one of their favorite dates. They went to the top of the tallest hill in the city, and as they looked out over the lights of the city below, Taz took Y/N's hand and looked into those beautiful eyes of hers. "Y/N," he said, his voice filled with sincerity and adoration. "I think I'm in love with you. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and I know that I want to be with you forever." Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, but also with a small hint of joy. She had been hoping and praying for a moment like this, and now it was finally happening. Without thinking, she leaned in and pressed her lips against Taz's. "I love you too," she said, her voice shaking slightly. And with that, Taz knew that he had found his soulmate. He could spend the rest of his life making Y/N happy and building a life with her. She was everything to him, and he was everything to her.
How he is as a bf: Taz was a great boyfriend to Y/N, always there to support and encourage her. He was empathetic, understanding, and patient, and he always made an effort to understand her feelings and needs. He spent hours listening to her problems and offering advice, never judging her or making her feel bad. He made sure she knew that she could come to him with any issue, no matter how big or small, and he would be there to help. Taz was always there for Y/N, even in her darkest moments. He comforted her when she was feeling down, and he celebrated with her when she had a reason to be joyful. He paid attention to the small things that made Y/N happy, like picking up her favorite snacks from the store or surprising her with tickets to a concert she had been wanting to see. He made her feel special, and he made sure that she knew that she was the most important person in his life.
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eldritch-spouse · 3 months
HI AGAIN. Ever since I found your blog and also sent a totally normal ramble abt cannibalism I've been just. Gently tossing your guys back and forth in my head. You're a wonderful writer and I'm always excited to see you on my dash!!
Gonna throw my hat in as asking an actual question- How would your guys fare if their obsession had a particularly weird or morbid interest? I get the vibes that some of them would most certainly encourage it but I also feel like Vinnel would hit me with a hammer if I panic infodumped about ebola-
[Hellow, glad to see you again! Also, I know you probably just forgot, but "your guys" encompasses way too many characters to talk about at once, so I'll assume you were going for TCE staff.]
Morell especially likes hearing about your cannibalism infodumps. They're actually useful to him, since he's going to be living with you, and he needs to know what he can and can't feed you, as well as a possible child between you. It's actually interesting stuff, he'd like it if you talked about it to his family too, you're a smart piggy. Any other topics are usually met with less enthusiasm (unless kitchen/food related), and he'll ask you to quit it if you start talking too much about mushrooms. Overall, it's nice background noise to work to.
Patches is all about infodumping. In fact, you're subjected to it often too, even if he doesn't always stop to explain basic concepts you'd need to understand his rambling. He'll give you a recorder he has, so he can keep the sound of that boundless enthusiasm in your voice forever. He's much more participative than the others, asking various questions and tossing random scenarios at you that'll prompt you to learn even more. There's a potential he'll get distracted and stop working to just research this with you the whole day.
Gallon loves a weirdo -No offense- Feel free to dump all that morbidity on him, he soaks it up like a sponge (so does Martin, be careful). Although he prefers to let you speak unhindered, only egging you on when it seems you're getting passionately angry about things, there's a chance Gallon may begin his own little tidbit sharing regarding a variety of poisons and toxins. He's selective with what he lets slip, but figures it could interest you.
Santi likes listening to you. Doesn't matter what it's about. There's only one thing he doesn't want you to morbidly talk to him about, anything featuring kids. Other than that, you think a rant about the intricacies of cannibalism's effects will kill his mood? Hah, nice try. He usually doesn't have anything smart to say, but may actually pitch in with some first hand details if you mention something sexual and morbid.
Let's face it, this is going in one of Grimbly's eardrums and out the other. Unless, you can talk like you're in a true crime podcast, then he's all ears. Grimbly typically responds to these interests by bragging to others about how his Mommy's "so smart" and "cultured" and he learns so much with you! You should start a YouTube channel!
Nebul likes to hear what you think is morbid. He'll let you ramble when you've been good enough to earn his attention, or if it allows you to keep obeying him. He has his own morbidities to share with you, as a wraith who has seen the darkest parts of many a mind. Surely, you of all people would be fascinated to know how the brain reacts to very invasive types of trauma only some monsters can inflict...
Vinnel will use this to his advantage during shows. You're placed in dangerous games where the whole goal is for you to explain said morbid concepts to the audience while Vinnel or Jingles try to destabilize you so you'll fall into painful contraptions or get cut/bruised/undressed. Sometimes Vinnel pays attention to your infodumps, other times he openly doesn't, it's a coin toss.
Belo sincerely discourages you from seeking such dark information in your brain. A lesser's mind is like a canvas, and it shouldn't be furnished with such desolate knowledge... If your morbid interests somehow can shine a glimmer of positivity or utility, the angel will be a little more inclined to letting you keep pursuing these topics. Otherwise, Belo actively attempts to distract you.
Sybastian doesn't understand about 80% of what you're about to tell him, but he has all the time in the world to sit and listen to his favorite person spit words. He's not verbally communicative during these episodes, but he may clap depending on how impressive the information is, and he remembers things you say enough to sometimes present you with paraphernalia vaguely related to the topics of your morbid interests.
Fank-e is a good bet because he can add onto your information in real time, or correct small detail you may get them wrong. He's generally happy to give you links to more information sources and try to match your level of knowledge, uncaring of how dark the subject theme may be.
If there's one thing you can infodump to Krulu about, it would be diseases. Plagues and ailments of several types are his specialty, the chances of him imparting bits of knowledge you absolutely should not possess on this matter are high. Another thing you may infodump to him about is corvids. It gets him in very favorable moods, surprisingly.
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