#i just remember in like 2018 when i travelled to the next town over (because there's nothing like that here)
wild-at-mind · 10 months
Also now I'm feeling really shit about not getting to anything for trans day of remembrance this year.
#i literally missed it because i suck :(#but also i've been feeling kind of weird sometimes about it#the name reading where you just know all the latin american names are mispronounced#this is the uk where it's harder to find a latinx person (or even a spanish person) to be able to help with that or do the reading#but still i think it needs some preparation beforehand if at all possible#i know these things don't have the greatest support network behind them but still :/#i just think there's something really sad about messing up the names of trans people specifically!#even if it's not in a misnaming/transphobic context#also i've seen the criticisms i know this can tend to be about white middle class trans people making it about ourselves#or something but i don't know what the solution to that is#and like any vigil maybe it's main purpose is as a symbol and to bring people together#i just remember in like 2018 when i travelled to the next town over (because there's nothing like that here)#and went to the before event and it was packed out#and my people from my bi/pan meetup group were there (i wish that group still existed :( )#some as allies and many as trans people because surprise tonnes of bi and pan people are trans way more than you'd think from the discourse#i was kind of in the in between space between ally and trans back then#i had no idea what i to do about that but in that moment i felt such love and compassion coming to me from that room#the kind i had trouble giving to myself#i think that has value even though i fully take on board the criticism of the day#we can say trans people murdered around the world are our siblings but we really have no idea what their lives are like#but maybe that's the key thing-that solidarity can still happen if we look outwards as well as inwards?#figuring out you're trans means looking inwards by necessity but we can also look outwards and say 'i can't ever fully understand#but i want to'#i don't know i feel weird tonight sorry to ramble :(
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (213): Fri 14th Oct 2022
I imagine the reason Kwasi Kwarteng wasn’t very good as his job was due to lack of focus as he was constantly having to ring his Mum to ask her to remind him how to spell his name
I went to the cinema after work to watch the final film in the Halloween franchise: Halloween Ends (although Ric Flair is talking about wrestling again after competing at an event called Ric Flair’s Last Match so it appears you really can never say never…even after you have). I remember quite liking the first film of this new trilogy which for some reason they called “Halloween” which I still think is fucking stupid. Call it “Halloween Returns” or “Halloween Lives” or something like that, anything would be giving it the same name as the first movie. I was in London when I went to see it after deciding not to go to the Richard Herring Podcast recording that I had specifically travelled to London to see because I’m a moron. I thought that it was a good follow up to the iconic original 1978 film and one that wisely acted as if the 73 sequels that followed it never happened. I was also one of the few people to actually enjoy the next instalment: Halloween Kills. This movie was both meticulously planned and seriously under thought out and I’m not sure how that’s even possible. The kills were incredible, seeing the original actors turn up for camels was great and idea of the entire town blaming all the evils they’d witnessed in the last forty years on Michael Myers and vowing to come together to destroy him once and for all was really good. However the plot was all over the place and even though I’ve always bought into the idea that Myers was superhuman it made no sense that even he could survive such an onslaught of damage. I was genuinely looking forward to seeing how they would follow that film up and how (or if) they would kill Michael once and for all. I treated myself to a VIP ticket but when I went into the VIP box there were a group of people already in there and unfortunately they had clearly been to the pub before coming here. There are two rows in the VIP section and my seat was in the back. As o settled in guy in the front said “Alright mate?” and started waving at me even though I was only two feet from him so I knew this was going to be a rough ride. These fucking tipsy cunts were talking through the first 20 or so minutes of the film which made me furious and the lass sat next to me kept taking out her fucking phone. There should be a guy with a taser who takes out people talking or playing with their phones. Luckily I didn’t have to put up with this shit for long because after 20 minutes the guy stood up and said “I’m sorry but I’m going to have to leave this is a pile of shite”. I especially love the “I’m sorry” like he thinks the rest of us need him to enjoy the movie and by leaving he’s depriving us of the full experience. Anyway his gang of fuckwits got up and left with him and I finally got to hear what was going on. I’m not saying that these people were worse than the Manson Family but I can’t say I’ve ever read or heard any stories of The Mansons talking through a movie. The movie takes place 4 years after the events of Halloween night 2018 and right after killing nearly everyone in Haddonfield, Michael Myers…for some reason…decided to go and live in a sewer. I’d say it was because of all the damage he sustained during the assault at the end of Halloween Kills but the film neither confirms nor denies this, he just went to live in the sewer. Come to think of it, this means that Myers probably never knew that a pandemic happened. He’s been down there since 2018 which means COVID completely passed him by. One day in 2020 he must have wondered why it suddenly got less noisy in the surface and then recommenced a year later. Anywho the actual focus of this movie is some kid named Corey who accidentally killed a kid a year after Myers’ spree. Laurie Strode’s granddaughter…for some reason…falls madly in love with him despite knowing what he did which disappoints Laurie who tries to break them up. Somewhere along the way Corey bumps into Michael Myers who doesn’t kill him (it’s implied that he senses the same evil inside Corey that he has in himself but again, never confirmed or denied) and I swear to god the two become killing buddies together. They go to some rich guys house, they both kill one person a piece and then they leave together. Michael Myers literally takes a kid on a murderers apprenticeship. This movie is basically Creed but with serial killers instead of boxers. If they decided to do some spin-off movies with this Corey guy being the new Michael and this apprenticeship stuff was told in flashbacks then I wouldn’t have a problem but this movie has been promoted on the idea that it is the end of Michael Myers and he’s BARELY IN IT! The only way they could have trolled the audience more would be if they showed Michael dying in the first minute and then he’s never mentioned for the rest of the movie which is now all about Corey. For me the biggest fuck you of the whole movie was reserved for the very end. Myers has followed Laurie back to her house and Laurie his hiding in the closet from him. Michael sniffs around looking for her but is distracted by the ping of a microwave that Laurie was using to cook something. Laurie jumps out, the two fight and Michael ends up being pinned to the kitchen table and Laurie slits his throat, killing him once and for all. So despite everything Michael has survived over the years and the multitude of ways that he’s evades capture and death, his ultimate undoing ends up being the ping of a fucking MICROWAVE?! Holy shit this was bad. The stuff with Laurie and her granddaughter battling post traumatic stress disorder looks promising to begin with but it completely takes a back seat to this Corey bullshit. I know that they couldn’t have just had another movie where Myers walks around the town killing everyone but their must have been a better way to end the trilogy than this shit. It wasn’t even enjoyably bad like Kills was, it was just bad.
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helenazbmrskai · 3 years
It’s all timing - pjm
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– If you’re searching for a light and fluffy read well, this won’t be your cup of tea so continue with caution darlings! –
Title – It’s all timing
Pairing – cold husband! Jimin x clocksmith! OC
Genre – fantasy, romance, extreme amount of angst, time travel, smut, marriage, established relationship, Ceo, exes to lovers
Summary – I learnt the hard way that marriage can change a person. I would have never thought that an old watch will let me have a glimpse of my ex-husband’s world but don’t be mistaken I’m not here to fix things. I’m here to change it.
Warning(s) – Jimin is not a loveable character here (until way way later), cheating, mentions of emotional abuse and manipulation, falling in and out of love, the past and present clash a lot, different timelines that may be confusing, this is going to be a wild ride girls and boys, themes of depression and sadness, feeling of worthlessness, and self-image distortion, numbness, discussion of not wanting to have children. Unedited.
Word Count – (5.2k)
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[21st March 2021]
Things between us were not always complicated. Our friendship was always exceptional even when friends fought and sought different ways after freshman year at the local Community College, Jimin and I were glued to each other’s side and maybe that’s why no one was surprised as we announced our plans to get married after we graduated.
The new world that greeted us after we finished high school only seemed meaningful because I had Jimin by my side. At that time I had no idea I’ll fall for him this hard, he literally became the extension of myself, my arms and limbs and the lungs that kept me alive. He was my first serious boyfriend even though I dated a few guys here and there before him but none of those relationships seemed to work out either because of me or the guy. Jimin is someone who could easily have his ways with words so when he decided to show interest in me as in more than friends, it was inevitable that I would give in. He was a wonderful lover in the beginning. Passionate and loving, we had many movie nights that ended up with his hands down my pants as his thick fingers rubbed my clit. He bought me flowers and comforted me when I had a bad day.
His cunning smile could get him out of a lot of trouble. Maybe that’s why I never saw the other side of him that sometimes peeked through his carefully crafted mask. I decided to ignore all the red flags until I found myself in a loveless marriage with a man that I couldn’t recognise anymore. Once I realised what had happened it was already too late.
 [12nd November 2018]
Jimin hated the fact that I was a heavy sleeper. He even threatened me once that he’ll sleep in the guest room if he had to wake up one more time to my alarm relentlessly ringing while I showed no signs of waking up any time soon.
My workspace was on the other side of town. The rent was cheap so it was worth the extra miles and the full tank of gas in my car but because of it I had to wake up extra early so I could finish showering then I would go to the kitchen to make lunch for Jimin to take with him to work and still have enough time to get ready with a freshly brewed coffee in one hand and toast in the other. Even after our first year in marriage passed by like a flash, Jimin continued to be his affectionate self, he showered me with kisses and felt needy for my touch.
It was one of our best years together. Jimin started to get more involved with his father’s company and my workshop began to gain more popularity to my greatest surprise. While I was working on an old clock that was brought into my shop by an old married couple a few hours ago my focus kept wandering back to this morning. Smiling under my nose as I thought back to why I was late to open up my little workshop this particular morning.
Jimin likes to be spontaneous he always calls me a bore when I hesitate to try out new things but this time he did not have to do much convincing before I agreed. It was weirdly satisfying to wake up to Jimin’s head buried between the juncture of my thighs, shaking and aroused even though I couldn’t feel or hear him do all those sinful things to me while I was asleep. I didn’t feel him take off my panties or lift the covers to expose my bare centre to his hungry eyes and when our gazes met he proudly told me how well I took his fingers even while I was unconscious.
Experimenting was not something I was willing to do before Jimin showed me the appeal of trying out new things. With him by my side, I felt invincible like I could conquer the world if he stays next to me holding my hand tight.
We outlived all expectations. They said high school sweethearts don’t last, well, we did.  Even though both of our parents were against the idea of us marrying each other so young we ended up doing just that. Jimin proposed after we got our diploma and I said yes. We lived together as roommates throughout all those years we spent together studying and we moved in together after both of us got our first jobs as postgrads.
I was happy it felt like we were at the top of the world but if I had known that after that year everything will go downhill I would have tried to be happier.
 [24th December 2019]
Do you know what are the telltales of cheaters? Well, it starts with subtle changes in his behaviour, you begin to see him less he makes up excuses of having too much work to do or stress so that he could avoid your advances.
He tries to make it up to you with expensive gifts but they mean nothing after the tenth impersonal present because all you would ever want is his attention and love instead of those pathetic attempts of showing their devotion with empty words. The last and most important one on the list is the new anonymous contact on his phone that shows several phone calls and text messages back and forth for hours.
Jimin did all of those.
He stopped experimenting with me. He would fuck me from behind even when I told him I want to see his face. No foreplay, no more cute nose kisses and breathless laughs between the acts of lust and playful wandering fingers.
He no longer cared if I finished first or not at all because after he was done it meant it was over. Jimin took a shower and crawled into bed facing away from me now that this task was taken care of. After the fifth time that he left me hanging, I gathered all the courage that’s left in me to stop his hands from dipping under my pants. I felt disgusted and used he made me think I’m a mere fucktoy that he can discard once it lost its appeal.
I had one of the worst days at work. The clock I was working on was missing a crucial part that I could only import from abroad and the man who wanted it fixed told me to don’t bother because he can’t afford such an expensive repair. It was not something that I could control, the clock was antique for fucks sake. He left without paying for my services even though I told him it was not the only part that I needed to change.
On my way home, a drunk man almost crashed into me with his Sedan and it left me a little shaken up, it was justified to feel the way I was and when Jimin tried to make a move on me by groping my breasts without asking permission first I just snapped.
Not one to back up he snapped right back and it led to one of our ugliest fights. I couldn’t believe the words he so carelessly let out from between those poisonous lips. We had quarrels before every couple has that, it’s normal to disagree to some extents but he went too far this time around. It’s not just the words that left me a crying mess on our bedroom floor with snot stuffing my nostrils, sniffing and rubbing the tears from my swollen eyes. I broke down once I heard the front door shut with a force that made the windows shake. It was past midnight when I heard shuffling and muffled voices, I knew Jimin was back so I cracked the door open just enough to peek into the dark living room.
It was not just Jimin, the smell of alcohol penetrated my nostrils as I watched my husband with disgust, making out with a girl in our shared apartment. I couldn’t believe the audacity he had to bring this chick back where we’re supposed to live together, it was just too much. Hearing him ram into her from the guest bedroom while I cried in our shared bedroom with just one wall separating us. I bet he didn’t even hear the front door closing while I dialled my friend’s number to pick me up. He couldn’t have heard that over that girl’s loud moaning.
I don’t remember when I finally stopped crying in my friend’s arms. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her what happened. It was enough humiliation to witness my once loving husband come home with a quick fuck after a fight, it doesn’t matter that he was reeking of expensive shots of alcohol. It didn’t make his actions any less painful.
My heart broke into a million more pieces when I saw him calling me the next day. I didn’t have the guts to pick up, all I could see was him kissing another girl. I bet he was so drunk that he couldn’t remember anything, I wonder if he yelled at the girl in the morning to get the fuck out once he realised it’s not me who lays beside him. Wishful thinking on my part, he probably fucked her in the morning too just before he called me.
Somi finds my body doubled over her toilet throwing up water since it’s been a while I last ate. She helps me through it and gently gathers my hair into a loose ponytail so I won’t get any in my hair as beads of sweat and tears are rolling down my face. My body works on autopilot going through the cleaning motions as I take a burning hot shower and then lay down to get some rest. My body aches and the fatigue is evident in every lazy flutter of my lashes.
I hear his voice, pleading to my friend to let him see me. Now it’s dark outside, it must be hours that I slept through. Somi denies that I’m here and I’m thankful for her quick understanding, the last thing I want right now is to face him. Even though I never told her what happened between us she could sense that it’s more than just a little lovers quarrel.
Our second anniversary would have been next month but instead of roses and kisses next to a dimly lit dinner table, there’s only a big envelope with papers. Divorce papers. The first time he sees me after a month of silence is to have his signature that would end this relationship for good. Today should have been a nice memory filled with laughter and passionate lovemaking. Maybe we were never meant to find each other. Better off as friends, these simple yet powerful words might have saved our future back then if one of us were brave enough to say it.
Jimin looks worn out, it’s obvious he rushed here from his office once you called, he wears his formal attire. He didn’t think you would show up even though it’s supposed to be the day that you should celebrate another year of marriage.
The papers lay heavy on his side of the table as he skims through the content he sees that you already signed your part. He picks up the pen that I prepared in advance, his hands are shaking almost crushing the poor stationery in half with the strength that he holds it.
”I don’t want to d-divorce.” It’s the first sentence that he says to me. His lips are quivering and fat tears are rolling down his cheeks by the time he dares to look into my eyes. I’m however are past the point of shedding crocodile tears. I cried over him enough times to make my face feel numb and puffy with the amount of sadness that poured out of my body in pathetic waves. I can’t keep eye contact for long as his face keeps reminding me of that night I tried so hard to erase from my memory this past month. A part of me is furious seeing him cry, he was the one who sealed out fate. He has no right to feel sad or plead with me to give him another chance.
”If you ever loved me, you will sign it. I give you a week to do the right thing.” With those last words, our anniversary ended.
 [13rd October 2020]
”It’s been a whole year after your divorce, don’t you think it’s time to get yourself out there again?” So this is why she wanted to see me I realise.
I know Somi means well, but I dread those words coming out of her mouth every once in a while. If I think about it she was always good at choosing the worst timing to bring the subject up. She’s not aware that this particular day holds a lot of those sour memories that I once cherished. This day was once one of the most important days to me, to us.
Today is Jimin’s Birthday, it’s the first time since we became friends and then later lovers that we don’t spend this day together anymore. I don’t know how to feel about it yet. I used this new year to heal from my wounds that the love of my life left behind. Getting used to living alone after living with someone for so long was tough. I caught myself making more food than I needed or when I was shopping I got those yoghurts that Jimin loves so much even though I’ve always hated the taste of those. I end up throwing them out at home. I blocked his number and any kind of social media that I could think of from the top of my head. The silence between us was crushing at first, I thought that there are no more tears left to shed but when I got our divorce papers from my attorney I couldn’t stop the new waves of tears from escaping.
Yet all my efforts seem to be in vain as my mind keeps going back to him. I catch myself wondering how he’s doing. If he feels as shitty as me even after a full year apart. If he ever wished things would have been different between us. I just wanted to know if he ever regretted destroying our marriage because of another girl. I don’t know if they are together or not or if he dates her now that I’m out of the picture but it’s better left this way. I’m already heartbroken, seeing him again would just open up my barely healed wounds.
”Can we not talk about this today? I’m feeling kinda low right now.” I sigh, shaking my head habitually if only it would make me stop thinking about him. There’s an old fashioned watch with a silver-coated socket in front of me, it’s pretty. A middle-aged woman brought it to me today telling me that it was a gift from his grandfather but it was never in working condition. She went to several locksmiths over the years but no one could fix it so she asked at last that I would be willing to pay for it. I found it interesting so I agreed to buy it from her. I started working on the old watch and at the beginning, it didn’t want to tick even when I made the necessary changes. I just couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it when seemingly it didn’t have anything that needed to be fixed.
On my way home after a rough day at work, I bought some soju from the corner convenience store so I could at least get drunk enough to sleep through the whole night. The pills my therapist prescribed for me doesn’t seem to work at all nowadays.
I placed the watch down onto my bedside table and pulled the comforter over my drunk head. I heard the loud ticking of a clock but I don’t remember having one on the wall. I thought that my drunk mind probably was still hung up on the fact that I couldn’t even fix a simple watch so I shrugged the noises off and closed my eyes until red dots filled my vision.
I just need some sleep.
 [13rd November 2018]
”Wake up, baby. You’ll be late again.” There’s a kiss on my shoulder then on my temple as warm hands turn me around in bed. It feels oddly familiar to have two hands around my waist that pulls me into a hard chest, blond fluffy hair fills my vision once my eyelashes flutter open.
I’m back in our shared bedroom at his lavish apartment that’s a lot better than the shitty apartment that I was able to afford after our messy divorce. Divorce? Wait. A. Fucking. Minute. What is Jimin doing here holding me? It’s been too long that I saw him but he looks oddly young here, the Jimin I last saw started to get wrinkles and lost a bit of weight but this man reminds me of the boy I fell in love with. I remember getting drunk last night but I’m sure even at the state I was in I couldn’t get here on my own and I don’t remember getting a taxi or even getting up from my bed last night. I frantically search for my phone that I conveniently find on the nightstand, speechless as I watch Jimin stretch like we just didn’t share a bed together after one year of not seeing each other. He shouldn’t look so relaxed while I panic internally.
Then I see the date as my phone screen activates with my touch. I don’t use this phone anymore, I got another one after I blocked Jimin’s number because this device was a birthday present from him that kept reminding me of, well, him so I decided to change it even though I couldn’t afford a similar model like this with my single salary. I remember this day like it only happened yesterday it was around the time that he got a good position at his father’s company and we were both invited to a found raiser event. I bought this beautiful red dress that he eagerly ripped off of me once we were back at home slightly buzzed on the champagne.
It doesn’t make sense though. The only explanation that I can come up with is that I might be still drunk and I’m hallucinating of some sort after all it was just yesterday that Jimin’s birthday made me think about us again.
I lock myself into the bathroom. Sighing in relief once I am able to get away from Jimin’s inquiring eyes. He looked so confused when I refused to kiss him on the lips. I always kissed him goodbye before I went to work when things were still good between us. I just don’t know what to make of things right now, I’m so confused. It doesn’t feel like a dream at all and Jimin acts like he’s my husband rather than my ex-husband who cheated on me.
I splash some water on my face to calm down my nerves and I gasp when I look at my reflection in the mirror. My hair, it’s long. I got rid of those long locks after our divorce was done, Jimin liked my hair like this, long and curly, so I decided to cut it short.
”Baby, did you bring your work home? I don’t remember seeing this old thing on our nightstand when we went to sleep.” Eyes widening I rip open the bathroom door startling Jimin as I grab the old watch out of his hands. The digits are frozen one at eight and the other at one. 18. 2018? Jimin catches my hand mid-air as I try to slap myself so I could make sure this is not a dream.
”Baby say something. You’re scaring me. Are you alright?” Jimin holds my hand gently thumbs rubbing my skin as his eyes express his worry. It’s been a while since he was so affectionate. He stopped caring for me after he found that girl. I let him pull me into a hug, I missed this. I missed him but this moment doesn’t change the fact that the Jimin I loved so much cheated on me.
I left to go to work earlier than I used to around this time and I know Jimin noticed. I told him to get some takeout for lunch too.
I worked on the clocks hoping that it will distract me but it just made me think of what happened this morning more. Doing it the second time around made the process easier, I knew what was wrong with the clocks before I get them into pieces. I even remembered the young couple who brought an expensive watch to get it more fitted to his arms and he accidentally left his bracelet on my working bench after trying on the watch to see it fits after the adjustments.
Jimin sulked a little after I denied his kisses but he didn’t force me and for that I was thankful. He nagged me even when we were surrounded by his father’s workers at the found raising event to tell him what made me ’mad’ at him because he wants to apologize properly if he did something wrong. I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t just tell him he should apologize for something he will do in the future, it will just make me the weird one.
I was nervous to go home after the event because I remember how this night was supposed to end. My hand tightens around his arm when I see her approach us. I feel my stomach sink when she smiles at the both of us, introducing herself as Jimin’s coworker. I didn’t remember meeting her here but at that time I had no idea she’ll be the one who my husband cheats on me with. It was dark that day but I remember her blonde hair and her voice. I remember her moaning Jimin’s name.
”Y/N?” I snap my head towards the sound of his voice. He looks concerned it’s not the first time tonight that he had to repeat what he said. I feel sick, my body subconsciously leans on him to get a grip of reality.
I realised this is when it began. Her smile is anything but genuine as she fakes her concern, I can see the jealousy in her dark orbs as she watches my hand around my husband’s arm. She wanted him for herself all this time. She just doesn’t know yet that she succeeded a year after. A tear slid down my cheeks but I aggressively got rid of it before it could reach my chin. Jimin caged me between his strong arms drawing soothing circles onto my back but it doesn’t affect my body positively how it used to I cried harder inside his arms.
Jimin excused us and she relented even though it was clear as day that she wanted to send me daggers through her stare rather than her wishes for me to get better. The car ride was silent, he didn’t let go of my hand and I let him. I let this version of Jimin comfort me because he didn’t do anything wrong, not yet. He had no idea that this was our last happy years spent together before everything went downhill after that.
He held me in his arms.
 [5th March 2019]
After my revisit of 2018, I realised a few things. Firstly, I can travel between time with that old watch that only seem to works for a short period of time until it stops at the year I want to visit. The second thing I learnt is that Jimin can be manipulated with the right words. I decided after that night I saw her face raging with malice and jealousy that I’ll find out what really had happened between them. I know Jimin loved me even though I had doubts about it after our divorce. I knew him well we spend so much time together as friends even before we started dating. However, I never thought he would go so low as to cheat on his wife.
He was always gentle and understanding with me. Accepting the fact that I didn’t want to have children. He loved them but accepted me for who I was and never questioned why I felt this way. He was a good man, a good husband.
So I decided to watch him from afar and when she thought no one was looking, she showed her teeth like a venomous snake planting ideas into Jimin’s head talking shit about me, twisting my actions and words; going as far as telling him she thinks I am cheating on him! I know those pictures were fake as I did no such thing. I was so in love with him I would never betray him like that.
Then I remembered his odd change in behaviour, how he treated our once lovemaking sessions as fucking. How he couldn’t look into my eyes while he buried his dick inside my cunt made sense in a way now.
He thought I was the one who played him. He let himself believe that I was late from our dinners because I was fucking someone behind his back and when I told him I’m not in the mood to have sex. He got even angrier he thought that if I lied to his face he will show me what pain feels like by fucking that snake in our guest bedroom. My head was swimming overwhelmed with this information.
The truth hurt like hell.
I thought I will feel somewhat better once I discovered the truth but I feel even shitter. Jimin believed her, he didn’t bother to ask me if I was indeed cheating on him but can I really blame him? I didn’t ask either when I suspected it. We let our insecurities and that jealous bitch stand in between our marriage making it crumble down to pieces. I was angry, raging as my hand shook with it and it led me back to that day it happened. It felt too late to fix things so I closed my eyes and turned the clock. Leaving everything behind. Once and for all.
There’s nothing left for me to change in our past, I can’t fix our past mistakes but maybe I could change things in the future. Starting with exposing that snake. I wasn’t even surprised to see her as the head of the newly developed department.
[11st April 2021]
Jimin took over the firm after his father fell ill as I got to know from her assistant. I could tell she was surprised to see my face but even more surprised to realise it’s not Jimin’s whereabouts that I want to know but rather hers.
I shouldn’t be this smug about the fact that he cut all ties with her after our divorce. Deep down he was still a good man who couldn’t believe the fact that he fucked someone else while his wife cried next door with just one thin wall separating them.
I pictured this moment in my head a lot after I came back from the past. I’m way past the hurt and anger that settled in my bones for a full year and even before that. Instead, I felt eerily calm for someone who’s here to put up a show for the employees. I don’t even care if they think I’m crazy because once I locate her in her cubicles and dig my hair into her scalp pulling her hair hard with my iron grip all I could feel is utter satisfaction.
”I hope you enjoyed your good fuck. Was it satisfying to make my husband a cheater? I bet it was. Did you think I will never find out that you fed him lies and spread rumours about me sleeping around with men?”
Even the security watched as I pulled her by the hair the commotion around us almost drowned out the crying noises she made because of the pain. I didn’t pull that hard though, I hate her with every fibre of my being but I’m not a malicious person like her. She would deserve worse than what I’m doing but I never want to go down to her level ever again so I let her go.
”How did you found out?” She looked pale as a ghost. I know she was scared she had every right to be because I’m sure I have that crazy look in my eyes.
”It doesn’t matter. What does matter, however, is that now I know what you did to him. All for what? Just to have him all to yourself? Look how that turned out for you.” The people around us fell silent that’s how I knew Jimin is here. So I took a step closer to her and smiled.
”I never cheated on him but you know this well. This is not even why I feel so angry. The reason why I want to rip your hair out right this instant is not because you spread lies and badmouthed me but because you made him a cheater.”
It’s his first time seeing me after our divorce but I’ve been seeing him these past weeks thanks to the old watch. This time around I was able to look into his eyes and see that boy I fell in love with. We went through so much together, maybe.
Maybe we can overcome this too.
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©️ helenazbmrskai (Like and Reblog don’t repost!)
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reallivegeekgirl · 3 years
Something clicked on in my brain a couple months ago and suddenly Sebastian Stan became the hottest man alive. So I decided to watch everything he’s ever been in. A friend and I called it StanQuest.
Here are my spoiler-free reviews for anyone considering something similar (in inverse chronological order starting with latest works and going back in time. The stars are an overall rating of the work, not of Sebastian’s performance.
This only lists things I could find streaming for free or a price I was willing to pay. It does not count after credits scenes, music videos, or works in which he was uncredited.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) - TV show - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - This started it all. I very much enjoyed it. Good balance of humor and action, heart and heroics. I’ve watched it four times already, and will watch it again. Bucky Barnes is my favorite character of his and this is my favorite story of Bucky's so far. I can’t wait to see what he does next. (And I have a lot to say about how they treat his trauma in this show. I’ve definitely written about it before and may again.)
Monday (2020) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐ - This is the one where he gets naked. If that’s all you’re looking for, enjoy. It was a very realistic portrayal of a relationship between two deeply flawed people. It can get depressing. But hey, penis.
The Devil All the Time (2020) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - If you think Monday is depressing, this movie says “hold my beer”. But something about it is just captivating. It’s really disturbing, and if you’ve ever been screwed over by American Evangelical Christianity it might be more disturbing. Still, I’ve watched it twice. And as much of a bastard as Lee Bodecker is, he also looks really cuddly. He’s just barely in it.
The Last Full Measure (2019) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - You will cry. A lot. It’s based on a true story. Sebastian plays a man who cares more about his career than this weird quest dumped on his desk by his boss, but changes his mind and his heart as he investigates why a war hero was denied a medal of honor 34 years before. Definitely recommend.
Endings, Beginnings (2019) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - One of two love interests in the complicated life of Shailene Woodley’s Daphne, Sebastian is an adorable mess. The editing is interesting and fresh feeling. Watch it and you’ll see what I mean. Fair amount of sex in this movie, and you see his butt. It’s a very nice butt. I’ve watched this one a few times so far.
Avengers: Endgame (2019) - Movie - ⭐⭐ - There is no reason to watch this movie if you’re not familiar with at least most of the rest of the MCU. It plays merry hob with the rules of time travel, and only makes sense if you don’t really think about it. In my opinion, the ending is really freaking stupid comsidering his character’s history, but at least it sets up TFatWS, which was amazing.
We Have Always Lived in the Castle (2018) - Movie - ⭐ - If you’re into movies that are creepy but also almost nothing happens for most of the movie, this is the one for you. Sebastian is handsome as hell, but also a complete asshole. As fine as he is, I’m not gonna watch this again. I fucking hated it.
Destroyer (2018) - Movie - ⭐⭐- I had a hard time paying attention to the plot because it seemed like they made this movie just to get Nicole Kidman an Oscar nomination for wearing ugly makeup and playing a complete mess of a person. It’s a fine movie, and all of the performances are good. Sebastian looks surprisingly good with the short hair and goatee. Ultimately, the plot is depressing and the whole movie seems kind of pointless.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - Movie - ⭐⭐- Again, no reason to watch this if you aren’t already familiar with all the movies leading up to it. It’s long and the villain looks like Grimace and a California Raisin had an evil baby. The ending made me scream with frustration that I had to wait until the next one came out. Now I just watch them back-to-back if I watch them at all. It’s not a good movie, but it is part of a long-form story that I enjoy in general.
I’m Not Here (2017) - Movie - ⭐⭐- Another depressing one. Told over the course of one man’s terrible life, it’s a sad account of how much your parents can fuck you up. Sebastian portrays the middle part of the man’s life. J.K. Simmons plays the current day part and unreliable narrator.. Do not watch unless you are fully prepared to be sad for a really long time after.
I, Tonya (2017) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐- This movie is hilarious. I mean, the true story is insane and really stupid. The spousal abuse is hard to watch, and Sebastian’s mustache in this is a war crime. But the acting is great and it’s a very engaging movie. The parts that aren’t horrifying are pretty funny.
Logan Lucky (2017) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Watch. This. Movie. Sebastian Stan is only in it a little, but it’s a really fun, clever caper/heist movie and everyone in it is fantastic. I don’t want to say anything else about it if you’re going in fresh. I’ll be rewatching this one a lot
Captain America: Civil War (2016) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - If you ignore how kind of silly the conflict over the Sokovia Accords is, this is a good Marvel movie. Sebastian gets a lot of screen time because Bucky is the more pressing concern/urgent point of contention than the Accords. Bucky is my favorite character of his partly because of this movie.
The Martian (2015) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I’m watching it(again) as I’m typing this. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched it. Sebastian Stan isn’t in it very much, but he’s very cute and so is his little story arc. Mostly I watch it because Ridley Scott made a fantastic movie. If you can get your hands on the Blu-Ray, it comes with a ton of extras. They made a very complete story that isn’t all seen in the movie. A lot of it is stuff about Mars, but there are also extra “crew” interviews, so there’s another chance to see more of Sebastian’s character.
Ricki and the Flash (2015) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - He’s not in this very much, but he’s very cute when he does appear. It’s all about the relationship between Ricki and her daughter. Definitely rewatchable. Meryl Streep is fantastic, because she’s Meryl Streep.
The Bronze (2015) - Movie - ⭐ - This is not a good movie. It’s about Olympic gymnastics, so it might be slightly more interesting right now while the Olympics are happening. Sebastian isn’t in it a lot, but his performance is certainly… memorable. Weirdest sex scene I’ve ever seen. Worth watching just for that.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - This is the one I can watch over and over. I bought a Winter Soldier face mask for when I need to feel like a badass. Bucky’s story is really sad, but he’s also extremely sexy with the metal arm and determined walk.
Once Upon a Time (2012-2013) - TV Show - ⭐⭐⭐ - This show is so stupid, but it’s also fun. If you haven’t seen it, the premise is that fairy tale characters are real and live in another land. Snow White’s Evil Queen casts a spell to transport a bunch of them to a town she creates in Maine called Storybrooke, and gives them all fake memories so she can be mayor and watch them all not remember who they are. Sebastian plays Jefferson, a.k.a. The Mad Hatter. He’s in a few episodes in season 1 and 2, and doesn’t get a ton of screen time, but he’s really cute and tragic as Jefferson. It probably helps to watch the whole first season just to understand his episodes, but that’s up to your tolerance for weird shit. Note: IMDB says he’s in an episode uncredited, but I’ve watched it and didn’t see him anywhere in that one.
Labyrinth (2012) - TV Mini-Series - ⭐⭐⭐ - Two episodes that tell a complete story. Sebastian isn’t in this one a whole lot, but he is adorable. It’s a strange story about religious stuff and a sort of Holy Grail that’s three books. It’s hard to describe. It’s on Amazon Prime right now, but they’re taking it down August 8, 2021, so watch it while you can.
The Apparition (2012) - Movie - ⭐ - If you like horror movies, you might like this. I did not. From what I understand, it’s not a very good horror movie. Watch with caution and expect it to suck.
Political Animals (2012) - TV Mini-Series - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I had to buy this through Apple and watch it on a Mac, but it was worth it. Sebastian plays TJ Hammond, the out gay son of a former American president who is clearly based on Bill Clinton. Sigorney Weaver plays the former first lady and current secretary of state. TJ struggles with addiction and relationship problems. His performance is heart-wrenching. The whole show is pretty great. I wish there was more of it.
Gone (2012) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐ - More of a psychological thriller than a horror movie. Sebastian has a small amount of screen time as the worried boyfriend. Amanda Seyfried is good. She carries the film well on her own.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - If you haven’t seen this yet, I’d like to know what it’s like under your rock. This is a movie I can rewatch a lot, and have. I 100% cried in the theater. Sebastian looks fantastic in uniform as Bucky Barnes. This is his introduction and the start of his ultimately tragic story (before he’s saved by his best friend, again).
Black Swan (2010) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Sebastian is barely in this. He’s basically just in one scene in a dance club. But I watched it to try to complete StanQuest, and I had seen it before. It’s a good movie, but might induce some nightmares, depending on what scares you. If Natalie Portman didn’t at least get a nomination for an award she was robbed.
Gossip Girl (2007-2010) - TV Show - ⭐⭐ - Carter Baizen is a little shit. The episodes with Sebastian in them might have made more sense if I watched the show from the beginning, but I didn’t want to. His character is an asshole, but a very cute one.
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐- The people who made this movie are bad at math, and their rules of time travel are sketchy at best, but it is funny and entertaining. Sebastian plays a ski patrol bro who’s paranoid about the Russians, which is hilarious irony to me. Worth watching if you want to laugh at something dumb.
Kings (2009) - TV Show - ⭐⭐⭐- Sebastian plays Jack Benjamin, the closeted gay son of the king of a fictional place. It’s loosely based on the David and Goliath story from the Bible. Sebastian is so sad and so gay. His family makes his life a living hell. Ian McShane is a force of nature in this. It’s only one season. I’ve watched it twice. I will watch it again.
Spread (2009) - Movie - no stars - This movie was practically unwatchable. It stars Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche as a romantic couple, I guess? I ended up just skipping to Sebastian’s scenes and only watching those. Still painful.
The Covenant (2006) - Movie - ⭐⭐⭐ - This movie is so fuckig stupid, and I will watch it a ridiculous number of times. It’s about magic and teenagers, like The Craft for boys. Nothing about it makes sense. It’s terrible, almost irredeemable, but an evil Sebastian with magic powers is a siren song that will make me steer my boat right into the rocks.
And there you have it. There are a bunch of earlier things on IMDB that I just can’t find or don’t want to pay to rent. Maybe some day I’ll watch them and add them to this list.
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mrwinterr · 4 years
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Pairing: Leo West x Female Reader
Summary: You should go home, but you always end up in his room and this time he isn’t letting you walk away from him again.
Warnings: Smut 18+ (consensual sex, unprotected sex, oral [female receiving], hand job, vaginal fingering, cum play, cock warming and dirty talk). Pillow talk. Language. Angst, I guess. & mentions of alcohol.
Disclaimer: Minor elements of the film Ibiza (2018) are present in this. More like one or two out of context spoilers. It wouldn’t really ruin the movie. You don’t have to watch it to read this.
Title Inspiration: “3AM” by You Me At Six
A/N: I caved. I’ve finally written something for one of Richard Madden’s characters. Personally, I would’ve never watched Ibiza, but it was on Netflix, I was on furlough from my job, and quite frankly Leo West is fucking perfect.  
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Deep breaths. Deep and calculated breaths. For some reason you paid more attention to your breathing when inebriated. Your eyelids felt extra heavy as you struggled to not only keep them open, but also your line of vision straight. The pores of your body were seeping out sweat from the copious amount of alcohol you’d consumed. The air was stuffy, and you kept sniffling.
You wanted to blame the last part solely on the alcohol too, but you couldn’t escape the real reason that drove you to spend hours at a bar in the first place. Historically speaking, you liked to enjoy yourself, maybe a bit more than others, and while it was reckless, that lifestyle introduced you to one of your favorite things on this planet. It wasn’t the drinks, the substances or the sex, but a humble, very talented now turned international superstar DJ. 
It led you to Leo West.  
It was at a small, dark club on a busy weekend. You were closing in on finals week and what better way to de-stress than a night out on the street. Your friends opted for this particular joint because of the aesthetic, but you didn’t care about its appearance. It was a bar nonetheless, the place always catered to live music and you loved that.
You remembered how puzzling it was to not see the usual instruments, like that of a guitar or a drum kit or a set of keyboards or even a lone microphone stand on the makeshift stage that had one dimmed spotlight. Instead, there was just a table with a case, a laptop, a turntable and a pair of headphones displayed on top of it. Oh, and lots of wires and buttons and knobs everywhere!  
Great. A wannabe DJ was scheduled tonight that would most likely go overkill on the bass and damage your eardrums. You weren’t drunk enough to stick around for this, so you walked back to the bar, hoping if you got a few more drinks in you then maybe the “DJ” wouldn’t sound as bad as you were expecting.
Claiming a spot, drink in hand, your eyes started scanning the small capacity crowd until they locked on a man and his path up to the stage and behind the setup. The intro music he picked out started playing, but it fell deaf on your ears. And your whole world just stopped when he looked up, the first of many “performer-to-audience” eye contact that night. He just couldn’t keep his eyes off you each time he looked into the small crowd. It all but allowed you a better look at him.
He wasn’t as defined back then, the t-shirt hung loose on his body, but he was still built nicely. His hair was curlier, definitely didn’t have the money to have it styled and cut or dyed, no trace of the signature gray streak in the front, nor was it maintained like it was now. He was very handsome. And his voice, when he spoke into the microphone clumsily, your heart melted. He wasn’t from here, and you wondered how the world brought this cute, awkward guy all the way from Scotland here to you.
When his set ended, he appeared next to you at the bar ordering a drink. He looked over at you and smiled sheepishly. He was adorable. You were done. You were always a confident person, and you mentally cursed yourself for even feeling like this. You didn’t do serious relationships. There just wasn’t any time for one in your life right now. You were young, still are, and the only thing you’d wanted from anyone was a distraction here and there.
He told you his name. You told him yours. He commented on the necklace you were wearing. You complimented his set. You even teased him about seeing him trip over one of his wires. He thought no one was paying attention, but you were. The two of you talked and talked until last call and the bartenders were begging you both to leave so they could close up shop.
That led you to his place. You learned he’d transferred from overseas to study music and was looking to break out in this country. He wanted to make it big time. You admired him for that. Then there you were pathetically telling him your small-town goals, it seemed dull compared to his, but Leo never wanted to make you feel that way as his words assured you that they weren’t and only encouraged you further.
The attraction wasn’t lost between you two either. You didn’t go home that night. You stayed and what was supposed to be one turned into many nights tangled in one another. You frequented his bed often to the point it looked official to everyone - except it never was. Leo made it loud and clear he wanted to be with you, but you kept bypassing his proclamations. He became none but a standby in your haze.
He just made it too easy to feel. With him everything was easy; not a care in the world, just you and him. It could and should be just that - easy - but your heart and mind didn’t ever make it that way for you. They wanted two different things. Your heart wanted Leo, but your mind said it wasn’t worth it.
He’d make it big one day, no doubt about that. He got good each and every set you saw him put on. He’d travel more, settle in a much more exciting area, find someone who could commit and keep up with his new life. You knew it wouldn’t be fair to have Leo wait around for you to change, but getting your shit together was something you had to do at your own pace.
Once you graduated and his advancements were becoming a bit more serious, you started to turn a new leaf. You did it to be a better version of yourself for him because he deserved it that much, but he always claimed he wanted you – whatever version he could have. At least that’s what he had you convinced of up until you saw him lock eyes and signal over to another girl in the massive crowd several hours ago.
What the fuck? That was your whole reaction. How could he? He always said no matter how big the numbers he played, he’d always and only see you. He didn’t look anywhere else besides her during the set, well you didn’t care anymore because you left after seeing them walk to the back. Did he not mean a single word he said to you? All those nights in bed, was it all just pillow talk? Figures. You didn’t want to get upset because you let it come to this.
In that moment, you just couldn’t forget all the pretty lies. You’re mindlessly scrolling through the messages on your phone, until your blurry eyes see his name and the distinct emoji assigned next to it. Based on the thread, you thought you were both heading towards the same page. It shouldn’t have been this complicated. Now all that’s left is yourself staring down at an old text message he sent, no longer wondering if he really meant any word of it. It hurt. It really fucking hurt.Your mind was proven right and now your heart paid the price.
“Miss? We’re here.” You pick up your head that was slumped against the side of the cab window and nod in acknowledgement.
You stuff your phone in your purse, pay for your fare, stumble along the stones of the pavement, on the steps of the complex and into the elevator up to the highest floor. You stare at the numbers on the door, hoping they’d line up and still, before you slip the spare key card into the slot and barge right into the suite.
You walk right out of your heels, and on your path to the glass doors and window, you aimlessly toss your purse over the expensive couch, and expertly reach for the zipper behind your back, dragging it down along the dress you were wearing, allowing it to pool at your ankles only for you to kick it away soon after. Forget the fact that you splurged a bit more than usual on it in hopes for a celebration of some sort.
When you stepped outside, you headed straight into the hot tub that also provided an overlook of the city. As you slowly descend neck deep into the hot water, you close your eyes and lean your head back on the edge, feeling the muscles in your body begin to loosen up. The jet streams of the hot tub that caused the bubbles collided headfirst with your back, and a taste of the midnight air in your face, all offered you only a temporary high. You used to think the hot tub was a bit too much at the time, but now you were basking in it.
For a moment you think you could just pass out right there, when you hear him say your name from behind. Your eyes flutter open and you hear the floorboards lightly creek with the thuds of his heavy footsteps as he makes his way to sit on the edge of one side of the rectangular tub. You don’t dare divert your eyes over in his direction just yet.
“It’s 3 a.m.” Leo states; an all too familiar scene for the both of you, and even though you’re not looking at him you can hear the concern in his voice. You roll your eyes at the obvious, not giving a damn if he saw, and then at the idea of him being concerned about you.
He senses the discomfort in the air and is hesitant in choosing what he should say next. He hated being on your bad side and judging by your demeanor you were mad. “You should probably go home,” he suggests after getting no response from you.
Only when he moves to get up and fetch a nearby towel, you turn your head and speak, “Why? Is she here?” It meant to come out as casual, but it came out more spiteful.
The muscles of his back contract and he visibly tenses at your cold tone. “What?” Leo questions, turning his head to look over his shoulder.
“I saw you!” You say, sitting up straight and getting ready to step out of the tub.
Leo is quick to assist you as he his entire body spins around, a rolled up towel in hand, “You’re not thinking straight-” he says and attempts to cover you up, but you snatch the towel from him and help yourself out of the tub. Water sloshes around as Leo puts his hands out, eyeing your every move the whole time in fear of you slipping and falling.
He follows you back into the suite and calls out your name again, but hearing it flow out of his mouth in his voice starts to hurt more and more.
“I’m not fucking blind, Leo!” You shout, whipping around and with your hands out in frustration.
“Shh! Please. The neighbors are sleeping!” He pleads, grabbing you by your wrist bringing them in and pulling you close to him. Your face is almost nose-to-nose with his, but you lean your head back just slightly in defiance.  
“I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck.” You say in a more indoor friendly volume, emphasizing each word, effectively letting him how mad you still were. The close proximity gives him a whiff of the alcohol on your breath. You were drunk. He thought you’d stopped this destructive habit.
“I don’t get you,” he says barely above a whisper. It wasn’t meant to come out, but his thoughts always left his mind around you.
“Me?” you ask quizzically, noticing the strong look of confusion etched all over his pretty face, “I don’t get you, Leo,” you couldn’t hold it in anymore, “you begged me to come watch your set tonight,” pulling one of your wrists out from his grip, poking a finger at his chest.
“You said you were busy with work-“ he says then grabbing the loose hand stabbing at him in his larger one.
“I wanted to surprise you,” you explain, voice cracking under it all, “I didn’t think it was going to work because you said,” the atmosphere grows thick and you struggle to speak, “you said no matter how big of a crowd you were playing that you’d always see me, but you didn’t.” You always had a pretty good idea that Leo would wait for you, but when he failed to spot you tonight, you really thought you’d lost him for good this time.
Then he understood why you were upset. You saw him make signals to another woman and take her backstage, where all he was trying to do was help the poor girl and tell her she had a penis drawn on her face with a black light marker. He never saw her again after that. All that did was paint the wrong picture in your eyes.
Leo looked down, breaking the intense eye contact. It was probably best he didn’t see the tears in the corner of your eyes that were threatening to fall, but he didn’t cast his gaze away fast enough as they ran down in streaks, staining your face. He just didn’t know where to start.
You had been there for him tonight. He’d been really happy lately, especially when you started responding and returning his gestures. He thought he was finally going somewhere with you. And here you are, revealing you’d sacrificed and made time to see him play and he didn’t even see you. That led you down to a bar and into an old habit you’d gotten rid of lately, but he just threw you back into the pit unintentionally.
“I should go home,” you say, defeated and breaking away from him. You wipe at your face, trying to clear the make-up that was out of place and turn to pick up your discarded dress off the floor.
“No, don’t. Don’t leave me,” Leo says frantically reaching out for you. Another act within the all too familiar scene; he always hated this part and seeing it replay over and over. All those times you walked out, scared of something, he wasn’t going to let it happen again. He stumbles a bit as he manages to grab your arm to turn you back and face him. You brace a hand on his strong chest preventing yourself from crashing right into him.
Deep breaths. Deep and calculated breaths. You’re counting not yours but his breaths this time. You can feel his heart racing as you stare at his plump lips, parted and each exhale fanning against your face. His hands come up to cradle your face; and while alcohol had its way with making parts of your body feel numb, you always felt his touches. It was the best feeling.
Leo was always transparent with you and was nothing short of it in this moment as he crashed his lips into yours. He’d never been as desperate than he was now. The grip on your face was secure, hoping you wouldn’t attempt to escape again. He didn’t have to worry though because you were tired of fighting it. You’d bare yourself to him.
Your arms wrapping around his neck let him know you weren’t going anywhere this time, and he was able to let one hand reach down between your bodies to remove the towel. His touch sends shivers throughout your body as you rub up against him; your soaked undergarments leave a wet imprint on his dry clothes. His hands travel down to your thighs, giving it a light squeeze, signaling for you to jump up.
He carries you to his bedroom, lips never parting, until he has you lying down on the massive bed. He kisses you all over - your neck, collarbones, between your breasts, down your naval, hip bones, and the insides of your thighs - each kiss feels like a drug shooting through your system.
Leo tests the waters by pressing a finger to your clothed core and upon seeing the slight jolt of your hips, it gives him all the encouragement he needed to tug the damp article of clothing down your legs. He spreads your legs a bit further apart, pressing them down against the mattress, enough room for his burly body to settle between them.
His tongue darts out to your clit and you suck in a harsh breath of air at the contact. Each running pass of his tongue has you squirming, he has to use both of his hands to keep you still. The vibrations of his moans wreck all throughout your body as he sucks on the bundle of nerves.
Your hands wildly reach out in front of you, messing up his short hair, you need something to hold onto. Leo offers one hand, lacing your fingers together, yours more of a death grip in his. It only loosens when he suddenly stops.
You pick up your head that had dug deep back into the pillows to see why. You groan at the sinful sight of seeing his mouth glistening in all its glory - doused in you. Leo comes back up to level himself with you; both sets of eyes pulled together like magnets. He steadies himself with one hand above your head and the other grabs a hold of your leg, keeping them open for him, so his hand could find a clear path to your pussy.
Your slick makes it easy for him to slip his thick digits in you. Leo revels in the look on your face contorted in pleasure he is bestowing upon you. He inwardly groans at the snug grip around his fingers as he slowly pushes them in-and-out; the filthy, lewd noises only further cause his blood to rush fast down his body.
You start rocking your hips, your clit brushing past his palm with each thrust up. With a curl of his finger, he finds the spot and it's confirmed when you wrap a hand around his wrist to keep it there.
“That’s it, huh, baby?” Leo asks knowing full well he’s found the trigger, “that’s...your...spot,” and with every word his finger sinks in deeper and deeper. There’s a feral look he’s sporting, and you let out a whine in response, your fingernails puncturing his skin.
“You know what to do,” his voice turns rugged, “you know what to do, baby girl,” his fingers working faster, “come on my hand,” his forehead, sweaty, pressing against your own, “you can do it,” his soulful eyes burning a hole through yours when you finally come for him.
“Good fucking girl,” he growls against your lips. You start clawing at his white t-shirt, but it’s fitted so well, you start wrestling with the fabric to get it over his head. He chuckles lightly at you as you pout at him. He kisses the space between your eyebrows and sits up removing his shirt on his own; his bottoms follow ensuite.  
You admire the expanse of his toned body for a brief moment before you pull him down back on you. Your teeth tug at his luscious lower lip then suck at it. Leo chases your tongue with his own, engrossed by your lips he’s not prepared for when you sneak a hand in his boxers and grab a hold of his length. He moans into the kiss at the contact and slides his boxers all the way off, giving him a full show of your fingers wrapped around his hard cock. You watch as he swallows the knot in his throat when your thumb swipes across at the bead of pre-cum leaking from the head.
“Yes, baby, just like that,” he says encouragingly as you start stroking him at a pace only you know he loves, “you see how good you make me feel?” It’s a question that doesn’t require an answer. He was hot and heavy in your hands and you wanted nothing more than a taste, so you switch hands bringing the sticky one up to your mouth giving your palm a broad lick as you try to lap you all of what was left of him on your skin.
His jaw visibly ticks as he watches the whole thing. You bring your wet hand back down and resume jerking him off. His breathing increases and you know he wants to cum when he involuntarily starts thrusting back, but he had other things on his agenda as he gingerly pushed your hands away.
“I wanna...inside you,” he says, still very much short of breath, this version of him only made you more wet.
“Please,” you beg, feeling his cock slide up and down your pussy, prepping him with your slick. You never begged, but for some reason you got scared that this would all end in an instance.
You let out a big sigh of relief when he pushes in and fills you up to the brim. Your eyes widen at how his cock stretches you out to accommodate his size. You feel close to bursting at just being able to feel all of him, as he stilled in you, feeling every ridge and vein.  He takes a moment to himself, studying the way your body reacts to his. He’s reeling in on the warmth you provided his cock and more so his heart. You made every part of him swell up.
With a long and heavy drag out, Leo begins to thrust back in deep and slow, only increasing when he feels your hips start to retaliate back against his. He knows the pace you like it at.
“Fuck!” You yelp feeling the tip of his cock probe at the right spot.
Leo loops an arm around from beneath you, and at first you think he’s trying to bring you in closer by the hips, but instead he flips over, so you’re now settled on top of him. You support yourself with both hands on his pecs, fingers lost within the hair that sprinkled his chest, then you start grinding your hips deliciously over his. He helps you set a new rhythm with his hands on your hips. You watch as he bites his bottom lip and just the sight alone makes you want to come again.
He sits up, bracing one arm behind him for support, while the other pushes you slightly back, you have to use both hands to support your upper body, but this new position allows you both to get a good look at your bodies connected. Eyes both glued at his cock buried deep in you, you rotate your hips and moan when you feel his cock scratch along your inner walls with each swivel.
“That’s right, you know how to make me feel good...fuck, yes,” he praises then places a thumb to start rubbing circles over your sensitive clit, causing your thighs to clamp up, “that’s it baby, work that pussy on this cock...it’s all yours, beautiful.”
Once he has a good upright position, he uses his other hand to undo the clasp of your bra. He has a hard time trying to rid you of the confines, so you maneuver and sink down back on him and do it yourself. He uses both hands to pull the straps down your arms before bringing your body flush against his and reclaiming your lips.
You let out a sigh as his lips travel down your neck to your breasts, groping one and sucking on the other. Your hands find purchase in his dark sweaty locks as he pistons his hips up hitting deeper.
You pull his face away from your chest and you take note of his glossy eyes, the sweat buildup on his hairline, the creases on his forehead, his swollen lips and you’re in complete awe of just how handsome he’s always been. Leo brings a hand to your face, thumb brushing away the stray tear that escaped your eyes. You slightly turn your head in his palm so your lips can capture his thumb. The same one that was just mere moments ago rubbing circles on your clit.
Leo gasps at the sight, your eyes close from the burst of flavor of yourself on his salty digit. Your hips work harder and your thighs begin to ache. It shows, so Leo starts to pick up on the slack.
“Leo-“ you call out his name after a particular sharp thrust, your labored breathing makes it hard to voice out your desire, but he knew you were close and so was he.  
His hands grope your ass as he brings your hips down hard against his, you feel the hairs on his lower abdomen rub against your clit, effectively adding on to the impending sensation.
“Come on, baby. You can do it,” his fingers would definitely leave marks your skin, but you don’t mind it because yours claw at chest, “come on my fucking cock...show me how good it feels, pretty girl.”
You shut him up with a bruising kiss and soon he’s swallowing your moans as your body starts to quake, pussy clenching tight around him. You keep your hips grounded in place when you feel the throb of each spurt of his cum that shoots deep inside you.
Both of you part your lips from one another for some needed air. You’re still experiencing a bit of an aftershock as your walls continue to contract around his cock.
“Ride it out, baby, use my cock,” he says against your lips, and assisting you with small movements up and down his cock, “that’s it. You got it. Fuck, I love you. I love you so much,” he says, wrapping his arms around your body.
Your body falters against him when you don’t fail to notice that he’s started slipping the L-Bomb in his praises. Leo feels drops of water hit his skin and when he opens his eyes, he notices your body shaking still – you’re crying.
“Hey,” he says cradling your face again, “what’s wrong?” He pulls back to inspect your body and see if you were hurt in any way.
You brace his face in both your hands to stop his eyes from wandering from anywhere else but your face. “Did you mean it?” You ask, unable to control the downpour of tears.
Leo stops moving and immediately understands what you’re asking. You’re asking if he meant it when he said you were the only one he’d ever notice. You’re asking if he meant it when he said he’d wait for you. You’re asking if he meant it when he said he loved you.
“Every word,” he confirms.
Overjoyed, you press your lips together in a tight smile, and let the rest of your tears fall. He lets you rest your head on the crook of his neck as he rubbed soothing patterns on your back in attempts to calm you down.
When you do, you pull away and finally say it back, “I love you too, Leo West. I’ve always been in love with you,” and watching the big smile on his face was almost enough to cure you.
He meticulously pulls out of you, slight signs of his cum seeping out and running down your thighs, and helps you off him. You both settle down on the bed, bodies parallel, both on your sides, silently staring at one another. You absentmindedly brushing the gray lock of hair away from his forehead.  
“Nothing happened with her,” Leo says breaking the comfortable silence. He wanted to bring tonight to attention because he meant it when he told you previously that he doesn’t bring anyone back home. You almost forgot about tonight but are still relieved to hear him put to rest any suspicious thoughts.  
“I’m scared,” you admit. The first step had been admitting you had loved him back this whole time, but you still had to face the fact that you both were on two different schedules and you feared the worst it wouldn’t work out.
“Come with me,” he proposes.
“What?” You ask completely taken back at the offer.
“Come on tour with me,” he says a bit more specifically.
You’d already proven you were willing to drop work for him by showing up at his gig tonight, but were you willing to leave your old life behind to follow his?
Then the biggest smile on Leo’s face confirms everything when you respond, “okay.”
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A/N: Leo West is so precious! & for the record, I too would drop everything to follow him. Lol. I may write more Richard Madden fics, idk yet. Please let me know if you liked this or what. Thanks for reading! 
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tpwkxxangel · 4 years
Side A: Track 1
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//this is a continuation of a fanfiction that i am writing. if you haven’t read the prologue before this, please check it out or else this might not make sense. if you have any comments, let me know! here is the masterlist //
June 2018
"Thank you Dallas!" Harry calls to the stadium full of fans. The cheers are loud and fill Harry's heart with love. It always amazes him how people sing his lyrics back to him. If someone told him 10 years ago that he would be playing a sold out arena, by himself, while touring his first debut album, he would think they were insane.
Every night, it takes a toll on him though. The energy in every venue and the laughs shared between him and his audience is so difficult to end. The endings are the worst part aren't they? This one is bittersweet.
Harry gives one last wave of his hand before walking off backstage. His breathing is a little labored due to him giving 110%.
"Another great show, Hersh! We should do something to celebrate!" his manager, Jeff, pats his back while handing him a towel. Harry gives a small appreciative smile before wiping off the sweat from his face. Jeff sighs knowing that this night won't be any different than the last month and a half. "Can you at least go out for one drink? You haven't been out in so long. We all miss you..."
Heartbreak can change you, and that's exactly what it did for Harry. He met Camille when he was in One Direction. She's a few years older than him, but no one could resist the Styles charm. After a few conversations at parties they both found themselves at, they started dating. Nothing was public of course, but the relationship was real none the less. Over the eight month relationship, Harry feel in love with the model. Towards the end, they both got really busy and couldn't devote as much time to the relationship as needed. There were other factors that made things difficult, so they decided to brake things off. Harry has never felt a pain like that in his life.
So he shut down.
He has always had big emotions that invade all of his senses, so when his love was taken away from him, he couldn't stand the brokenness he felt. He began to numb his pain with various methods, but nothing worked. He still feels all the pain he felt when he watched her drive away from his flat in London.
"I don't know man...I'm not feeling--"
"Up to it. Yeah, I know, but H. You are bottling up all of these feelings and that isn't healthy. I think a night out will be good for you. Have you called your therapist lately?"
His therapist lives in London, so when he is traveling, he usually calls in. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Think of it like paying for someone to spill your emotions to and they can't say anything about it.
Maybe Jeff is on to something. This bottling things up is tiring, so a night out may be fun.
"Fine. I'll go out as long as I'm back by two. We have to be on the road at nine and I'd like to get some rest before we leave."
The air was stuffy in the heated club. They were all in the VIP booth on the second level of one of the hottest clubs in Dallas. Harry was sipping on his drink trying to pass the time. Only 3 hours before he can leave. God, did he want to leave. The concert was tiring and the never ending heartache was causing his head and heart to throb.
He was about to excuse himself to go find the restroom when a golden dress caught his eye. He took a deep breath before opening his eyes again only to spot the girl again. She looked different than the last time he saw her. Her skin was tanner than before, sunkissed just right. Her blonde hair is curled to perfection and lips still red, but she now looks old enough to be in a club like this. Her green eyes are bright with laughter at one of the other girls she is with.
Why is she here? How is she here?
He first saw her in New York. Was she just visiting there? All the memories flood back to him, taking him back to the time where everything was more simple, a lighter time. The way her voice sent a shiver down his spine, the eye contact she made while dancing, the way she touched herself, luring him in. The mere thought of her still drives him crazy.
"Excuse me guys," he turns to his bandmates and manager, "I'm going to find the loo."
Harry makes his way over to the bar where he sees his mystery girl. He flags down the bartender and tells him to give her the order she got two years prior.
He should probably feel embarrassed that he remembers everything about that night regarding the mystery girl, but for the first time in a while, he feels like this is exactly where he is meant to be.
When she received the drink, her brows draw together in confusion before looking to where Harry was sitting. The smirk that made him curious all those years ago made an appearance on her red stained lips. She says something to her friends before downing the drink and making her way over to the brit.
He admired the way her hips moved as she walked. The dress she was wearing complimented her is so many ways. She wasn't a model, but she sure could be.
"Well if it isn't Harry. Long time no see," her voice coming out just as velvety and sweet as before. He's absolutely ecstatic that she remembers his name. That means she thought of him after their encounter like he did.
"Hello, love. Nice to see you again," he smirks back. This is the first time since his break up that he sort of feels like himself.
"You cut your hair," she says while reaching for his drink. Instead of throwing this one back, she just takes a sip, leaving a perfect lip print on the glass.
He nods in a daze, watching the way her tongue darts out, running across her bottom lip. "I was in a movie. Needed it cut," he swallows dryly.
Her eyebrow rose slightly but wasn't surprised. He gave off superstar energy. "Would I have seen it?"
"Depends," he takes his drink back, trying to recover from the dirty thoughts running through his mind, "Do you watch war movies?"
"I've seen a few," she giggles softly, not being able to picture the Brit as a fighter.
"I was in Dunkirk," Harry shrugs.
"I'll have to give it a watch," Harry nods slightly taking a sip of his drink, "especially if the cast is as handsome as you."
Harry chocks slightly not expecting her to be so forward. He chuckles nervously. "Well, I don't want to be the only reason you watch the movie. I'm only a small part of it."
She cocks her eye brow slightly at his tone. Is he being shy? That's different than last time.
Her smirk quickly turns into a more genuine smile as her hand makes it's way on his shoulder. "I actually enjoy action movies, so I have a feeling you being in it would just be a perk."
Harry feels his cheeks flood with color. He distracts himself from the beautiful girl that's starting to make him nervous by sipping his drink again. How was he so confident the last time he saw her? Probably because his heart wasn't broken and there was more alcohol in his system.
He might not be able to fix the first one, but he can fix the second one. He gets the bartenders attention before turning back to his company.
"So, what brings you to the city? The last time I saw you, you were in New York," he asks, not trying to sound invasive, but the question has been brewing in his mind since he saw her.
Her smile dropped slightly before recovering quickly. "I actually grew up here. I'm...visiting some family while I'm in town," she shrugs.
"Do you live in New York now?"
"Part time. I'm a graduate student at Columbia," she says the words as if they aren't impressive.
Harry's mouth falls open slightly. Her prick of a boyfriend was right. She is very smart. Speaking of him...
"What happened to your boyfriend?" he finds himself asking before he can stop himself. Thankfully, the bartender sets another drink next to his empty glass so Harry could hide the blush on his face. This isn't going as well as he wanted it to.
"Who?" her brows furrow in confusion before they smooth out in realization, "I don't even remember his name. You could say that I was just helping him out with an...issue he was having."
"That's very mysterious..." he trails off, remembering he still doesn't know her name.
She laughs at him. She wasn't telling him her name on purpose. One thing that anyone knows about her is that she LOVES games. They make life so much more fun, but for some reason she wanted to hear Harry say her name over and over again in his cute accent. Maybe she'll tell him by the end of the night.
"You can call me J. Everyone does."
He looks at her, and really observes her features. The way her strong cheekbones and jaw are a stark contrast to the softness of her eyes and plush lips. She is truly a beautiful creature, so he finds himself standing up from his stool by the bar and holding out a hand to her to ask something he should have two years ago.
"Would you like to dance with me, J?" he asks.
J smiles brightly in return and Harry's knees go weak. They make their way out to the dance floor as a rock song wraps up. As luck would have it, a very familiar song plays next. The irony was not lost on Harry. That fact that he wrote this song about the girl that is currently swaying her mesmerizing hips against his is so funny that he almost laughs. He gets too distracted by her subtle touches to notice the eyes on him.
From across the bar, Jeff watches his friend loosen up for the first time in two months and feels a pressure release off his chest. He was worried about Harry when him and Camille split. He knows how sensitive his friend can be. Harry leads with his emotions and goes all in. When everything went down, Jeff was the first one Harry called. His broken voice shattered Jeff's heart. It sucked since they were in the middle of the tour and Harry had little to no break in between. Harry is tough, but even his fans noticed him crying during one of his performances in Scotland.
Jeff looks back at the couple on the dance floor to find them laughing. This is a good thing. He will have one night with this girl, and then go back to touring.
Little did Jeff know, Harry wasn't planning to let this girl walk out of his life again. It had to be a sight. He was miserable and had no hope when she randomly showed up in his life again. There are such things a coincidences, but this felt like more than that.
Harry's hands find their way to the girls waist. She looks ups through her lashes at him. "You know, this is my song." He's starting to feel the alcohol in his system, so his words are slightly slurred.
Her laugh makes it's way to his ears and sends a goose bumps all over his body. "No, shit. Really?"
Harry just nods before taking a deep breath and belting out the lyrics. "She goes home to a cactus, in a black dress, she's such an actress, she's driving me crazy!" He's met with her beautiful laugh again. Maybe one day he'll have the courage to tell her who the song is about. They continue to dance for a few more songs before both of them need another drink.
"So, you are not only an actor, but a musician as well?" she hums into her whiskey.
Harry gets nervous again. "I wouldn't say an actor. It's just that one movie."
"One more than me," she giggles. Her lightly glossed over eyes let Harry know the alcohol is taking effect.
As he opens his mouth to speak again, one of J's friends from before comes up to her. She turns her head to hear what her friend says but never takes her eyes off Harry. With one nod of her head, her friend leaves.
"Do you need to leave?" Harry asks. He doesn't want her to leave again. He finally can breathe after two months of suffocating. He's finally out of his head. Maybe it's time to open himself up to new things and not be afraid of hearts getting broken. Camille moved on, so why can't he?
She shakes her head and he lets out a sigh of relief. "I'd rather stay here and talk to you. But they are leaving."
"I'll be sure to get you home," he smiles softly at her. There's the familiar flutter in his heart. It's crazy, honestly. He met this girl once two years ago, yet he is so infatuated with her. She makes his broken heart feel less lonely. He checks the watch on his wrist for the time. It's getting close to two in the morning. He wants to get out of here, but not be done with the night. He doesn't want to go back to his hotel and be lonely. He won't admit that to her though. "Would you like to get out of here?"
His eyes widen at what that sounds like. It's not like he doesn't want to be with her in that way. He was going to take her home two years ago. But, he's different than he was then. He just wants to talk to her in a place that doesn't drown out her gorgeous voice. He starts to correct himself, but she just laughs at him.
"I know what you meant, Harry. I actually have a car waiting for me outside. I know a place we can go if you'd like to come with me."
He nods quickly. "I just have to tell my friends. I'll be right back."
"I'll wait outside. Don't take too long," she smirks before kissing his cheek. She left a bit of lipstick, so she wipes it off before turning around towards the door.
Harry makes his way back to the VIP section with the biggest grin only to see Jeff quickly duck down. He was spying on him, but harry can't even find it in himself to care. He felt like he was floating in the sky towards this sunshine he so desperately needed. When he gets to the spot everyone is sitting at, all the conversations go quiet.
"I'm leaving. I know I have to be back at the hotel at nine to go to Houston. I have my phone on me. Please don't need me until then." Before he can turn around and follow his golden girl, Jeff speaks up.
"Are you sure about this Hersh?"
Harry smiles softly at his concern. "She's an old friend. I finally feel like I can breathe," he whispers the last part as everyone goes back to their conversations.
This is such a relief to his manager. Originally, he just wanted Harry to loosen up and have some fun again. He wasn't going to let him leave with anyone. That's not how you get over a relationship. For some odd reason, this girl seemed to help him more than any of his other friends have in two months.
"Okay. Be safe and text me if you need anything."
Harry nods and heads towards the door. When he walks out, he sees J leaning on a sleek black car talking to an older guy. When she sees him, her eyes light up. She seems so bright compared to how he has been feeling the past few weeks. It's a breath of fresh air, and he couldn't be more relieved to finally take a breath in.
J touches the mans arm before he walks to the drivers side and gets in. "I thought you might have changed your mind?"
"On you? Never," he chuckles while opening the door for her. They both get into the car and Harry starts to wonder why she has a driver? It didn't register in his mind until now. Before he has time to ask, she speaks.
"Stanley, to my hideout please," she speaks softly to the man. There is genuine affection in her voice and Harry can already tell this man is not just a driver to her. He nods and pulls out onto the streets. There are cars on the road, but not as many as a bigger city like New York.
"So, where are you taking me?" Harry breaks the comfortable silence of the car.
"It's a place I like to go when I'm in town," she answers honestly. She's not used to opening up to people, but with Harry it seems almost natural for her. "I travel a lot. When I come back home, things can get a bit crazy for me. I come from a family that expect a lot out of me, so it's nice to have a place to get away from everything."
"I understand the feeling of wanting to get away. In my line of work, there is a lot of pressure to act or be a certain way," he thinks back to his time in One Direction. He never wanted to be the cause of the band breaking up so he held himself to higher standards than the others. It wasn't all bad, but it hurt when his name was thrown around in the press.
"That's right. You're a Popstar," she giggles.
"Rockstar more like," he playfully scoffs.
She rolls her eyes at him with a smile adorning her cherry red lips. "I'll be the judge of that mister."
"Would you like to come to one of my concerts to see for yourself?" he asks partially joking.
She looks at him with her eyebrow raised. "Would you like me to come to one of your concerts?" In all honesty, she wasn't expecting to see him after tonight. Her life can be hectic so her friends are very limited. Harry seems like a nice guy that she wouldn't mind in her life for longer than tonight.
"Yes," he replies with no hesitation. Now that he thinks about it, he wants to see her in the audience singing along to his songs.
She smiles at him and he's back in her trance. She grabs his hand and gives it a squeeze before letting go. "Then I would love to see you perform. When were you thinking?"
"I'm on tour right now, so name a city," he says, "I have the Houston show in two days and then I head to Florida. After that, I believe I'll be in Georgia, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania."
"Wow, that's a lot of shows. I feel like I should have known you would be successful," she laughs, "I'm actually busy for the next week, and after that I'll be flying back to New York."
Harry thinks over his schedule. "Are you free on the 21st?"
She thinks for a moment. "Yes. I don't believe I have anything planned until the end of June."
"I have a show in New York that day if you'd like to come. I believe I'll be there the following day if that works better?."
"That sounds perfect!" she exclaims.
"Ma'am," Stanley interupts politely. "We are here."
"Thank you, Stanley." She turns to Harry with an intoxicating smile. "Let's go!"
J gets out quickly and makes her way to the back of the car. She pulls two blankets out of the trunk and a small bag. Harry gets out and looks around. They are at a small park. This isn't exactly where he thought she would 'hideout' when things got tough.
"A park?" he asks. He's not complaining. He'd could be at a landfill and be happy as long as he's with her.
"It's just a stop on the way. We have to do the rest by foot." He looks into her beautiful green eyes. That familiar warmth is spreading through him. He's scared of becoming more attached to this girl he barely knows, but where's the fun in being cautious?
"Lead the way, love," he gestures forward as she blushes at the pet name.
They both move to the trail that is lit up by lamps. There's a peaceful silence that falls on them. The sounds of crickets and the wind blowing is a stark difference between the roaring stadium a few hours ago. It's nice to feel this silence with her. He feels a hand slip into his. He looks down at their hands connected in shock. He doesn't know how he feels about it at first, but as her hand holds onto his, he loves this feeling. It's insane and strange but he's said it before, she drives him crazy. So, maybe him letting her take control is what is meant to happen. Loving her may be his antidote...
But, that's for another time.
She clears her throat, breaking him out of his thought. "So, where are you from?"
"I'm from a small town in England called Cheshire," he replies.
"Like the cat?" she asks curiously.
He booms out a laugh. "Yes, like the cat."
"What's it like there?" she asks. There's something in her tone that he can't quite decipher.
"It's very beautiful. I love England. Have you ever been?" he asks.
"Yes. I traveled with my parents when I was little. I haven't been in a while though. After I graduate, I plan on seeing more of the world," she says thinking of all the places she wished her parents took her to see. "What's the coolest place you've been to?"
"I love Brazil. It's lovely there. When I played in Rio, my band and I went sightseeing." he says. As a musician, you might get to travel the world, but you have a hard time actually seeing the cities you are in. When Harry was with One Direction, they would have to organize their sightseeing weeks in advance to prepare for the potential mobs.
"That sounds amazing!" she says. "Rio is on my bucket list." Before he can reply, she looks at the path and pulls on his hand to stop him. "We have to go off path from here."
He laughs nervously. "Are you taking me out into the woods at night to kill me?" Even though it's night time here, there are lamp post that light up the way.
"How did you know?" she replies seriously. He gulps before she bursts into laughter. "No, there is a place about 10 yards from here where I like to watch the sunrise. If you feel uncomfortable, we can just head back. I won't be offended." she says honestly.
He thinks about going back, but oddly enough, in the trees with her, he feels completely comfortable. He shakes his head. She smiles that sunshine smile before she leads him into the trees.
The wind starts to whistle, gliding through the trees in the night air.
"What is that?" Harry asks when her starts to see the trees clear.
"That's where I'm taking you," she smiles. They walk through the small gap in the cluster of bushes. Once they get through, she stops them both.
"This is..." Harry seems to be at a loss of words. They stand in silence for what feels like ten minutes. The clearing that they are in is relatively small. No bigger than a baseball diamond, but it is full of flowers. There are solar lanterns on the surrounding trees to light up the beautiful scenery. The reason they stand quietly is because that's the only way to hear the music in the wind. The trees surrounding the clearing are close together causing the wind to pick up speed and whistle a beautiful melody.
J slowly walks towards the middle of the field and lays the blanket she was holding down in an open spot of flowers. She pulls out two wine glasses and a book from the bag on her shoulder before sitting down. She looks at the Brit that hasn't moved since getting into the clearing.
Harry stands smiling down at his mystery girl without saying a word.
"What do you think?" she asks softly, not wanting to interrupt the breeze.
He slowly walks over to her and sits down. "I love it," he simply states.
A strand of hair falls in front of his eyes and before he can move it away himself, J's warm hand tucks it back in place. Her palm rests on his cheek and he leans into it. He feels so comfortable as her thumb caresses his cheek. He feels that familiar heat as her thumb travels down to his lips. A small gasp leaves him as her fingertips rub against his bottom lip.
She leans forward slightly, searching his gaze for any hesitation. He can't move. He closes his eyes, breathing in and breathing out. When he opens his eyes she is the only thing he can see.
When their lips touch, it's even better than he thought it would be. The world around him disappeared. The floating feeling is back. It's like she's waiting for him in the sky, pulling him towards her warmth. He parts his lips slightly and she leans against him more. She matches his feverish movements by moving her hand to his chest. He has no doubt that she can feel how fast his heart is beating. His hands move to her hips, pulling her on top of him slightly. He is still conscientious to the fact that she is still in her dress. He pulls the bottom of it down, to make sure everything is covered.
Always the gentleman.
They stay like that for a while before pulling back. Opening the wine, and diving into conversation. She pulls out a disposable camera while he's telling the story about the time he met his good friend when they punched Harry in the face instead of the person who deserved it. As he laughs, she takes the picture. The stars shine on his face and the lanterns light up his features. When he hears the click, he looks over at her curiously.
"Um," she looks down blushing, "I love taking pictures with disposable cameras. My life can be a little crazy, so taking one shot pictures helps me remember all the important things. I don't want to forget this night."
His heart stutters and picks up double time. "You are such an amazing person. I don't want to forget this night either." He pulls out his phone and tells her to smile. She grins so brightly that he officially doesn't believe she is real. She's an angel on this Earth.
They talk for hours before she reads him the book she brought while he lays back enjoying to musical wind and her voice. When she stops suddenly, he opens his eyes.
"The sun is coming up," she smiles at him. He looks at his watch again and realizes it's five-thirty in the morning. The time has flown by. As the sun starts to rise, she finally tells him her name.
"Janis Rogers," she whispers, "My name is Janis Rogers."
He looks over at her and smiles while he stretches out his hand, "Harry Styles." She matches his smile before taking his hand. He takes this opportunity to pull her onto his lap.
She giggles, but leans back into him. He feels her sigh into him. He puts his arms around her and feels a warmth fill his chest. He could get used to this feeling.
They sit and watch the sunrise above the trees, but he can't take his eyes off her. He takes this time to reflect on the last eight hours he has spent with the girl he thought he'd never see again. The sunlight hits her face and she closes her eyes. There's only one thing running through his mind...
She's so golden.
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deankirk · 4 years
It’s fic recs time again. (part i | part ii | part iii)
Actus Fidei by manic_intent - 5.6k, rated E
Summary:  On the very first time that Castiel manifests in front of Father Dean Winchester, he gets as far as “Rejoice, for you are blessed-” before Dean shoots him with a salt-loaded shotgun.
It’s on my re-reads list. So well writen and well developed. Short and powerful and made me fall in love with Father Dean fastest than that girl Fleabag.
Unknown Quantities by xylodemon -  8.5k, rated E
Summary: No one ever tells Dean anything.
(or: Dean Winchester and the not-relationship crisis of 2014)
There’s Dean and Cas and sexual tension and they’re having sex before they can figure anything else on their relationship. It’s perfect.
Crazy Diamonds by pantheon_of_discord, 25k, rated E
Summary: A week ago, Dean was pulled out of Hell. Now, he’s apparently woken up in 2018, and the angel that a mere twenty-four hours beforehand had threatened to chuck him back into the pit is sleepily pouring himself coffee and wearing Dean’s second-favourite Zeppelin shirt. It all seems like a perfect happy ending, but with Hell’s scars still so fresh, Dean can’t imagine how he could have possibly gotten there.
Time travel fic, which would be enough. Plus it works both ways: the Dean from the future is sent back to the past.
where the weeds take root by deathbanjo, 30k, rated E
Summary: “Are you happy? Y’know. Just—being here,” Dean says, gesturing to the yard with his beer bottle. “Being with—I mean, you used to fight in celestial wars and—and save the world. Now you’re growing vegetables and talking about chickens.”
That’s a personal favorite, re-read list. The slow burn, the domesticity, the pinning, the desire. The chickens. Just read it.
The Mirror by cloudyjenn, 25k, rated M
Summary: When Dean touches a strange mirror, he’s whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn’t take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
Surprise! Contrary to popular beliefs, Dean and Cas are in love in every universe. Also some great genderbend.
Some Boys are Sleeping Alone by prosopopeya - 4.2k, rated M
Summary: This isn’t something that’s okay, not for him, but it chases him through the years until it turns into something he can’t – doesn’t want to deny.
This one is totally a bait to my personal likings: dean’s bisexuality addressed, background Dean/OMCs, John Winchester’s A+ parenting and Dean getting what he wants.
More Than Ever by Sass_Master - 20k, rated E
Summary: Dean’s getting some pancakes together for breakfast when Cas saunters in after a run.
He’s trying to focus on whisking batter, unfairly distracted by Cas a few feet away, breathing heavily and shining with perspiration. Dean’s been painfully aware for a long time that Cas is pretty easy on the eyes, but he’s used to seeing Cas buttoned-up and unflappable, looking straight-laced in a stiff oxford and an unflattering trenchcoat.
Now Cas is sweating, Dean’s borrowed t-shirt clinging to his skin, flushed from exertion and Dean really can’t deal with that in his kitchen right now.
Then again, there’s dean and Cas and ogling and drooling and the aways good way in wich you can cut the sexual tension with a knife. That’s a win or win scenario.
The Story of You and Me by the_diggler - 55k, rated E
Summary: Dean wakes up in bed next to a very human Castiel, and a journal in his own handwriting that tells him it’s two years in the future. The house looks a lot like Bobby’s, and Sam lives there too… He just can’t remember how they got from angels falling in the sky – to comfortable domesticity.
While there is much in the journal Dean doesn’t remember, there is much of their story he’s always known. And as he settles into the routine of his new life and relationship with Castiel, it quickly becomes something he doesn’t know how to live without.
The best thing about cliches? You know exactly what’s gonna happen, and that’s great. Classic djinn fic.
The Girlfriend Experience by rageprufrock - 15k, rated E
Summary:  While it’s not like Dean hasn’t had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.
Once again, they start having sex before anything else going on between them is addressed. Because sometimes sex is the easiest part.
like moses and batman and james dean by saltyfeathers - 31.5k, rated E
Summary:  dean used to turn tricks. over a decade later, he met cas.
The angst from our favorite angst boy.
things happen (they do, they do, and they do) by sobsicles - 28k, rated E
Summary: So, the first thing that happens is Castiel comes back.
Well, as a spn finale denialist myself, I choose to love this one. Just go read it.
Formal and Shining and Complete by pollutedstar - 3.2k, rated T
Summary: "But Dean’s intelligence was every bit as formal and shining and complete, without the tedious intellectualness. And his ‘criminality’ was not something that sulked and sneered; it was a wild yea-saying overburst of American joy; it was Western, the west wind, an ode from the Plains, something new, long prophesied, long a-coming. Besides, all my New York friends were in the negative, nightmare position of putting down society and giving their tired bookish or political or psychoanalytical reasons, but Dean just raced into society, eager for bread and love.“
- On The Road by Jack Kerouac
Dean Winchester’s coda, the best it can be. It hurts just in the right places.
Heroes for Ghosts by pantheon_of_discord - 43k, rated E
Summary: After Sam and Dean are arrested, Castiel is left alone and scrambling to find them. He knows they’re locked away in a government facility, and he’s still able to hear their prayers, but no matter how he tries Castiel can’t seem to track them. He chases leads and even attempts to hunt on his own, but Mary is AWOL, Crowley refuses to help, and Castiel’s options are running out.
The slow realisations and the prayers as foreplay work for me wonderfully.
Plain and Tall by destielpasta, mtothedestiel - 70k, rated E
Summary:  Dean is a Kansas farmer who only wants to work his land and care for his infant daughter. With his wife gone and his brother moving on to a life beyond the homestead, Dean finds himself in need of another pair of hands. Castiel, a lonely drifter freshly arrived in town, may prove the solution to Dean’s troubles. Over the course of four seasons, the two men face the everyday challenges of prairie life, and learn to overcome the betrayals of their past to discover a new definition of family.
It’s different from the things I usually go for, but made me go through hours with a smile on my face. Period farmboys AU.
FIC RECS: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
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faithfulcat111 · 4 years
Okay, this bit is going to appear to start in a really weird place, but that is because I wrote this entire AU stream of consciousness style in my notes and just broke it into sections to post here cause it was like thirty pages. So part two!
Vanya wastes no time driving to Diego's. She can't get Five out of the car by herself, so she goes into the gym and manages to find Al who looks like he could be in charge and asks if he know where Diego is. Al is immediately defensive, wondering if this is some weird ex. Not Diego's usual type, but hey who is he to judge. When Al asks why she is looking for Diego, Vanya explains that she is his sister and she has their missing brother and needs Diego's help. Sister instantly set off red flags because as far as Al knew, Diego was pissed and fighting with both of them. Al wasn't even sure how many brothers Diego had, having only seen one around (the only sibling around actually), and only heard of the others as a group in passing. But a missing one? No wonder the kid is messed up. He agrees to help Vanya get Five into Diego's room as Diego is out right now and holy shit, that is a legit kid. Too old to be a kid of Diego's, but he almost looks too young to be their sibling. And Vanya is grabbing a couple duffle bags and abandons the keys. Something weird is going on. Al gets the kid inside for Vanya, but decides he is staying out of this mess.
Vanya waits inside. Five isn't waking and Diego takes a few hours to get back from his vigilante stuff. Al manages to catch him and says his brother and sister are waiting inside so don't throw those damn knives at them. Diego is confused, but Al keeps going, saying that his sister showed up with a kid claiming it was their missing brother and the kid looked horrible and, Diego runs into the room and stops short when he sees Five of all people sleeping on his bed with Vanya reading beside him. He is understandably not happy about Vanya just showing up and wants answers about why she and Five of all people are here. Vanya tries to explain the best she can with her limitied knowledge: Five showed up at some point, Dad was keeping him at the house cause he is sick or something due to time travel, Luther tried to contact the siblings, but could only get ahold of Vanya, Luther got Five out of the house before taking off to some important mission to the moon. Luther never saw Five awake and neither has Vanya yet. Diego needs a moment before he asks why Luther even bothered getting Five out. Vanya says that all he told her was Mom mentioned it, that Five needed family. Diego still feels like there are so many missing pieces, but you know what, he'll take what he has and since Mom wanted Five to get out like everyone else, then he is staying out.
Five chooses this moment to come back to consciousness. The two just hear a slight whimper behind them at first and turn to see Five sleepily blinking his eyes open. They stare at him for a long moment before he just screeches. Vanya practically jumps on the bed grabbing Five and holding him which promptly shuts him up. He looks absolutely bewildered. Diego steps forward, cautiously asking if Five knew who they were and where he was at. Five reaches up one hand to touch Vanya's arm and just whispers in a far too raspy voice, "Ghosts can't touch me." And then passes right back out.
Okay, their brother has obviously been through some things and is traumatized af. Diego helps Vanya navigate their brother out of the coat, startling when something falls out of one of the pockets. It's Vanya's book. Clearly it is Five's copy as a quick flip through the pages shows a bunch of equations scribbled through the margins. What stops Diego though is that this is a library copy. And the last date it was turned in was in 2019. Nearly four years from now. Vanya sees Diego holding the book and starts to say something, but is cut off by him just saying that Five definitely time traveled before showing her the stamps showing when the book was last checked in. He then says that Veggie will be looking for them, or at least Five, and they need to go. So he stuffs some things into his own duffle bag, hands all the bags to Vanya, scoops up Five, and leads the way.
This is where I stopped writing for two months because I was working on another AU and had finals and holidays, but I think I remember where I was going with this, so here we go.
Diego, Vanya, and Five take off with only a call to Eudora from Diego (who they are newly broken-up, so it takes awhile, but Diego finally just tells her he has to leave for awhile and if she can keep an eye out for Klaus, he would appreciate it) and Diego telling Al to just box his stuff up or sell it. They leave in Diego's car, although they trade it out at a sketchy car lot the next town over. Why did they take off like this? Diego knows what the evil there father figure is and Vanya quickly figured out they would have to leave to avoid him taking back Five, which is her focus. It doesn't take long for Diego to deduce that is her intentions and for his big brother instincts to take over and decide to run with them and take care of the two.
Through the initial 24 hours after they take off, Five is mostly asleep. They bring him back to consciousness a couple of times to drink something or eat something soft, but he appears to also have some kind of fever.
They end up in a mediumish-sized town in the midwest just big enough that they can disappear into. They pull the siblings trying to get away from abusive situation card with a nice old lady who manages an apartment building and lets them stay and even hires Diego as part of her maintenence crew for the buildings she runs till he can find a proper job. The old lady seems to be under the impression that Five is one of their kids, not little brother, but they can't figure out whose kid she thinks he is, because she clearly knows that Diego and Vanya are siblings and it is a whole thing. They also give fake names when signing their lease, but I'll figure those out later.
Five finally wakes up more coherent then he has been a couple days later under Vanya's careful care. He seems very confused about where he is, understandably, but especially by Diego and Vanya being there. He appears to vaguely remember being locked up by the trauma-meister, but seems hesitant to explain what happened before that. Vanya explains that Luther got him out before taking off on some important mission to the moon on Grace's prodding and Vanya and Diego took off with him as they didn't want Veggie taking him back to his torture chamber.
After a little bit of prodding, they finally get out of Five that he traveled to the end of the world, set to happen in 2019 and they need to stop it and that he was trapped there for two years. Diego and Vanya are doubtful, but they agree to help under the condition that they do it under the radar considering they need to stay hidden from Vegetable until at least 2018 when Five will be, biologically 18.
And that is the premise. There is no permanent orchestra in the town they moved to, but Vanya lands a job teaching music theory and such at the community college and giving private lessons to local kids on the side. After a month of working for Ms. Roberts (I've decided that is their landlord's name), Diego gets a much better job, working first in janitorial at the local gym and a temp trainer, before being hired on permanently. Five is a bit more trouble. People seem to freak him out in large quantities, but he is also a kid, even though he is a very smart kid. And with Ms. Roberts knowing he is a minor, they really don't want the CPS breathing down their necks and taking their technically kidnapped, but very traumatized brother away. So, Vanya finds a local homeschool coalition. It requires that Five shows up for an in-person class once a week, but he can do the rest of his classes online and that gives him plenty of time to work on the end of the world stuff. He picks the music theory class that Vanya volunteers to teach to give Five free tuition.
And the three slowly build a life in this town. Diego and Vanya seem to have silently agreed to just pretend the Book never happened so they can take care of Five. Five clearly has nightmares and freaks out at both people and being without his siblings, so he goes with them everywhere (he ends up auditing all the classes Vanya teaches at the university when he enrolls at 17 to start on a math degree, mainly because he already sat through the classes a couple of times at this point).
They don't contact Vanya's orchestra, they were miffed when she called to say she wasn't showing up anymore the day she got Five. Diego calls Eudora after about six months to check in. She picked up Diego's only box of stuff from Al that he left behind and is holding it for him and agrees since Vanya's year lease is almost up to clear out Vanya's old apartment soon. (She is just being really great, but they aren't telling her the brother they are watching is a kidnapped minor for a reason). She also tells them that she had to put Klaus back in rehap a month ago and he had seemed really confused by her doing it instead of Diego like usual. Diego won't tell her where he is though. She does agree to look into the eye Five finally admitted he has from the apocalypse and will gather all info she can find for when Diego calls back. (When he does a few months later, she tells them the eye doesn't exist, the company it is from hasn't even started making prosthetic eyes yet).
And then, Vanya's pills. Well, she realizes she is running low and since they are laying low, she can't exactly call her old therapist or psychiatrist and get a refill. So, she goes to a new one who flips at the level she is taking (how is that allowed!!!) and starts a plan to wean her off those and onto a new set of anxiety meds that would be better for her. Vanya starts to feel happier and better overall. There is complaining about the bad lightbulbs Diego always buys because one seems to shatter every two months and she always seems to know what either boys are muttering even across the room, but none of them really notice Vanya's powers. Maybe because Five seems genuinely terrified of his own at the moment and they all know they can't draw attention to themselves as former members of the Umbrella Academy, but powers are the furthest thing from everyone's minds. Diego even goes to a sort of seedy tattoo artist and gets his covered up, playing up the umbrella as a stupid drunk mistake he wants to forget and Five takes to wearing long sleeves and bracelets so people can't see his. Five also goes and sees this therapist and gets classic GAD and PTSD and goes on anxiety meds too eventually. Vanya just has SAD and over the time they are in this town, she eventually gets weaned down to an as needed pill, which she only is to take for an attack which ends up being once every couple weeks or so. Five is on daily meds. Dunno yet if this will be relevant, but to give you an idea of the starting point I have for each of them. Five also has asthma from all the ash.
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jewish-space-laser · 4 years
Snowed In, Locked Out
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Hello beautiful people! This is a repost of a story I wrote back in 2018. I deleted my original blog (she-guitar-solo) a couple months ago, but I’ve decided to try coming back! I’ll be reposting the rest of my writing today and tomorrow. Feel free to leave feedback, it’s always very much appreciated! 8.5k words
xxx Tile
Even bundled up with layers of thick clothing, a cup of steaming tea, and three blankets, Rosie was sure she had never been colder. It had started with a severe weather alert on the news, and had ended in a power outage and four feet of snow, which meant that her heat wasn’t working, and every flat surface in her disorganized studio apartment was covered in candles. It looked nice, but the plethora of scents from the candles were giving her a headache and she couldn’t remember the last time she felt her toes.  
She had tried to watch her weekly soaps on her laptop, but it quickly died, leaving her with a blank screen and an annoyed eye roll. Next, she’d dragged her puppy, Buddy, out into the snow for what was meant to be a quick walk, but ended up taking well over an hour due to his excited prancing and rolling. It was his first snowfall, and he was having a ball playing in the large piles that had already started to form along the sidewalk. It took an extra ten minutes to dry him off completely once Rosie got him back inside.
She hoped that this would be the worst of the bad weather. It was out of character for London to have a snowstorm this large. Ideally, it would all melt by the end of the month, and things would go back to normal. She didn’t know how much more of this she could handle.
Now, Buddy was curled up at the foot of the twin bed as Rosie cocooned herself so only her face was exposed. Having grown up in a warmer climate, she was a self-proclaimed wimp when it came to cold weather.
“This is basically hell, Buddy,” she told her puppy, who gave no indication that he’d heard her apart from a slight ear twitch. She nudged him gently with her foot, and he lifted his head slowly, giving Rosie a bleary glare before lowering his chin back to his paws. “You’re so lucky you have a built in coat.”
And that’s how the evening continued. Rosie would tug the blankets tighter around herself and tell Buddy about her plans to stay warm. Should she invest in a battery-powered space heater? No way, you’re right Bud, those are a huge fire hazard. It was starting to smell awfully strange due to the mix of scented candles, should she stand up and blow some of them out? Maybe if it wasn’t so cold, there’s no way these blankets are moving. When the power turns back on, she’s going to take a scalding hot shower. After we go for another hour-long walk, of course…
After a while of this, Rosie was running out of things to think about. Buddy had clearly fallen asleep. Just as she willed herself to stand up and fetch a novel from the tower of books teetering on her desk, there was a firm knock on the door, which of course, set Buddy into a frenzy. He jumped up from his place and raced towards the sound, hopping around on the welcome mat out of sheer excitement.  
As soon as Rosie unlatched the lock, the person on the other side twisted the handle and let themselves in, forcing her to take a quick leap backwards to dodge the door. She watched as Harry pulled the beanie off of his head, shucked his jacket off his shoulders and onto the ground, and toed off his boots. There was a growing puddle of muddy snow next to his pile of winter gear.
“Bloody freezing out!” He exclaimed, “This is meant to be London, not the fucking North Pole.”
Rosie watched with crossed arms as he stooped down to pat Buddy before glancing up at her with a swoon-worthy smile. She almost wanted to scream at him for shoving his way into her space, but she couldn’t do that, not when she hadn’t seen him in nearly four months and he looked good enough to eat in his skinny jeans.
He stood up slowly, giving Buddy one last pet on the rump before opening his arms wide. Rosie beamed at him, not hesitating to walk into his embrace.
“Hey, Ro,” he had dug his face into her hair, so his voice was muffled, but it sounded like heaven to her. “It’s so, so good to see you.”
“Harry,” she gleefully cheered, “I didn’t even know you were back in town!”
“Got in late last night,” he explained, moving his face away but not releasing her from his hold. “Was gonna stop by later on this week to say hey, but then…” he trailed off, sucking his lips into his mouth and hanging his head.
“Let me guess,” she stepped back, placing a hand on her hip. Harry’s arms swung loosely back to his sides. “You’ve locked yourself out again?”
Harry Styles had been her next-door neighbor since she moved into the complex two years prior, and had immediately welcomed her with a handmade card and a bottle of sparkling grape juice (“was gonna buy wine, but wasn’t sure if you drank alcohol or not, didn’t want to assume”). He had made it his mission to make her feel at home, and despite only spending a few months out of the year in London, he made sure to always drop by with sparkling grape juice and frozen TV dinners for lighting round catch-up sessions whenever he happened to be in town. It had become their little tradition.
He also had a tendency to lock himself out of his flat, a nasty habit that forced him to seek refuge at hers while he waited for the landlord to come on site. Harry had to be one of the most scatterbrained, forgetful men Rosie had ever met in her life. If they weren’t friends, she’d be annoyed, but it was impossible not be endeared by Harry.
“Locked my entire set of keys in my car, only realized once I got inside,” he confirmed, at least having the decency to look sheepish. “Called somebody to try and get it unlocked, but they said they couldn’t get here until the roads are plowed.”
“Harry!” Rosie groaned, “The plows won’t be out until tomorrow morning, at the earliest!”
Before the power had cut out, the news channel had mentioned something about the blizzard raging through the night. It was one of the worst snow storms that London had seen in years.
“You really think it’ll take that long?” He asked incredulously, digging a hand into the back pocket of his jeans.
“Before the power went out, I was watching the news, and it looks like the city is pretty much on lockdown until the snow stops,” Rosie patted Harry’s shoulder sympathetically. “It’s supposed to go all night.”
“Well shit,” he laughed humorlessly, “think it’s too late for a hotel reservation?”
“I’m sure there’s something still available,” she reasoned, digging her cell phone from her pocket to check where the nearest vacancy was. Just as she found something closeby, Harry let out a soft expletive from where he stood. When she looked over at him, he was patting down his pockets helplessly.
“I’ve locked my wallet in my car, too,” he moaned. “I’m officially fucked.”
“Oh, H,” Rosie sighed. She gave her ratty couch a quick side-eye. She had bought it secondhand from a stranger on craigslist when she moved in, and even though a few springs were loose and the fabric was scratchy and threadbare, it was plush and large enough to take up the majority of her living room. Her flat definitely wasn’t big enough to share with another person, but poor Harry was absolutely stranded. “I suppose… you could take my couch, just for the night? I know you’ve been travelling a lot and probably want a nice bed, but that’s all I’ve got.”
“I… don’t want to impose,” he said, though his eyes brightened at her offer.
“You’re not,” she assured him. “I’m not going to kick you out into the cold with nowhere to go.”
“You’re absolutely sure?” He pressed. “I can call for a ride.”
“Nonsense,” Rosie waved him off, turning around to grab some extra blankets from the closet. “I’ll just set up the couch, it’s really no bother. It definitely won’t be comfortable, but I don’t want you, or anybody else for that matter, out on the roads. It’s too slippery to be driving.”
Harry’s shoulders sagged in relief. “I owe you one, Ro. You’re the fucking best.”
“You say that every time,” Rosie reminded him, setting the pile of fuzzy blankets onto the arm of the couch for him.
“Well, that’s because it’s true,” he stated matter-of-factly, walking over to wrap an arm around her shoulders. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, H,” she smiled, “It’s been so long.”
Harry sat himself down onto the couch, pulling Rosie with him so that they could talk properly. Buddy, still reeling from having a new person in his space, hopped up onto the couch and set his front paws in Harry’s lap.
“Yeah, it really has,” Harry breathed with a faraway look in his eyes. “When’s the last time I saw you, then? September?”
“I think so,” Rosie nodded her head, feigning indifference. The truth was, she had been counting down the days until he made a visit to London, checking the hallway and mailroom for any sign he’d been home.
“I’ve been so busy,” he informed her, raking his fingers through Buddy’s fur.
“Have you?” He nodded his confirmation. “Tell me about everything you’ve been doing.”  
This was one of her favorite parts about hanging out with Harry. Even though it only happened every once in a while, he’d always return home with the most amazing stories to tell her. It was worth the wait to see his eyes light up when he talked about recording his second album in Tokyo. His excitement was contagious when he told her about his last night of tour, when the crowd begged him to sing Kiwi three times. She rubbed his arm comfortingly when he spoke of how he missed his family, and even with his new cat, Evie, in LA, he still felt lonely often.
“But that’s enough about me,” he leaned back further into the couch. He had just finished telling Rosie a very detailed count of the moment he won the tour ping-pong tournament, a victory that had apparently required him to remove all of his clothing backstage. “I want to hear about you.”
“Oh,” Rosie hummed. “Well, I got that promotion at work I’d been trying for!”
“Hey!” Harry beamed, wrapping an arm over her shoulders. “That’s amazing, Ro! Congrats.”
“Thanks,” she preened. “But other than that, not much else has been happening.”
“Waiting for me to come home?” He smirked.
“Stop flirting with me,” she warned, pushing his arm off of her as he cackled. She was grateful that he couldn’t feel how sweaty her hands had gotten from just one silly comment. If only he knew how right he was.
“Sorry,” he shrugged, not sounding sorry in the slightest.
Rosie playfully rolled her eyes, tucking her feet under her bottom for warmth. Even with the woolen socks she’d put on, the cold was a bit numbing.
“So, what are we doing tonight?” Harry asked.
“I don’t really know,” she admitted. “Obviously the power is out, so that narrows down our options.”
The pair sat quietly for a few moments, pondering the different activities they could find in Rosie’s shoebox apartment.
“We could watch a movie,” Harry finally suggested.
“I would love that,” Rosie started, “but my laptop battery is dead, and yours is locked in your flat.”
“Why don’t we just watch on my phone?” He pressed. “I mean, it’ll be a small screen but it’s better than doing nothing. I have a portable charger in my jacket, too.”
Rosie’s eyes lit up at the suggestion. She stood up from the cushion and straightened out the sweater she was wearing. “Let’s do that, then. Here, you stay there, I’ll grab your charger.”
“No!” Harry shouted, launching himself off of the couch. “I’ll… I’ll get it. Why don’t you dig around the kitchen for snacks or something?”
“Um, alright,” she furrowed her eyebrows at him. He ignored her, reaching into his jacket pocket carefully before pulling out a tangled cord. “What kinds of snacks are you in the mood for? I don’t have much….”
“Anything’s fine,” he muttered. He had thrown his coat back onto her floor, and was now focused on getting his phone plugged in. “If you’ve got anything alcoholic, bring that, too.”
Rosie brushed off his odd behavior, shuffling off towards her kitchen. She was able to find some crackers that weren’t stale, and a container of Oreo’s that still had a sleeve and a half left. She skimmed her eyes over the liquor cabinet briefly, but there was nothing that would taste good without a mixer, so she let it be.
“Okay, which do you want first?” She asked, holding the snacks in each of her hands. Harry glanced up, scrunching his mouth in thought before pointing at the Oreo’s. Rosie pouted slightly, handing him the package. That’s the one she was hoping to start with.
“No drinks?” he asked, tilting his head slightly.
“Nothing good,” she told him.
“Hmm… bet I could find something.” He stated confidently, sliding his socked feet over to the kitchen. He pulled open her refrigerator, immediately reaching in to grab something. “You have wine in your fridge! Two bottles!”
“Yes, but it’s cold,” Rosie pointed out. “We’ll feel colder if we drink it.”
“Well, if we drink enough, we’ll feel warm,” Harry smiled, already pulling open her drawers in search of a corkscrew.
“I suppose you’re right,” she nodded, following him into the kitchen to fetch the wine glasses from the cabinets.
Harry found the corkscrew on the second drawer he opened, which wasn’t a surprise. He had been over often enough to know his way around Rosie’s place, even if it was just for a few hours at a time. It wasn’t difficult considering her flat was literally one room, plus a small bathroom. The only indication that the kitchen was separate from the rest of her space was the tile floor, as opposed to the carpet that covered her living room. Her bed was in the living room, pushed all the way into the far corner away from the window. Rosie was sure that Harry’s flat was much larger, but he didn’t seem to mind how small hers was.
Once they had settled onto the couch with their drinks and snacks, Harry unlocked his phone and held the screen between them. “Can you see?” he asked.
Rosie nodded. “We’re watching Grease?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “Turns out the internet shuts off when the power’s down, and this is one of the only films I have saved into my phone. Is that okay?”
“More than,” she assured him. “I love this movie, used to have a huge crush on Kenickie.”
“Kenickie?” Harry repeated incredulously. “First of all, he’s such a sleaze. Second, Danny Zuko is clearly the heartthrob here. Him and Rizzo are the hottest.”
“Dunno what to tell you, H,” Rosie laughed, “just always had a think for Kenickie.”
“I think I’ll be Kenickie for Halloween next year,” he grinned teasingly. Rosie pretended that she didn’t see Harry’s gaze drop down over her body and then back up again.
“Harry,” she said sternly.
“I know, I know,” he raised both of his hands into the air, “stop flirting with you.”
Rosie let the conversation drop after that. After all, she wanted to focus on the movie. It had been ages since she’d been able to sit down and watch a classic like this.
Just as Danny Zuko belted out the last lyrics of Greased Lightning, Harry leaned over and cleared his throat. Rosie glanced up at him to see that he was already looking down at her.
“Erm, Rosie?” he said softly.
“Yeah H?”
“My arm is getting, like, really tired holding the phone up like this.”
“Oh,” Rosie frowned. “Do you want me to take a turn holding it?”
“Well, I was thinking,” he mumbled, rolling his bottom lip between his fingers. “It might be more comfortable if we just, moved to your bed, y’know? That way we can just set the phone down and prop it up with pillows and stuff.”
Rosie wasn’t sure if it was the wine she had consumed or the soft, calm focus that Harry was putting on her, but she found herself fidgeting with the ends of her hair. She and Harry had sat close together more times than she could count, but sharing a bed was an entirely different story. Things happened on beds, things that she and Harry definitely didn’t do.
As if he could sense her discomfort, he placed a hand on her knee. “I promise I’ll still sleep on the couch.”
His promise didn’t do much to appease her, but she agreed nonetheless, shrugging one shoulder and nodding towards her bed with her chin. “Go get us set up, then. I’m going to pour more wine for us.”
I’m going to need it, she thought.
“Getting me drunk and letting me lay on your bed?” Harry jabbed at her side playfully as he passed her. “If you want me that badly, all you have to do is-”
“Jeez, Harry,” Rosie groaned, unable to keep the smile from her face, “sometimes you’re too cheeky.”
She filled her glass higher than she normally would.
When she finished, she stalked over to her twin bed and carefully sprawled out, trying to avoid spilling her wine. It was a tight squeeze with both of them – their shoulders and hips were pressed together tightly while they both lay on their stomachs – but Harry’s reassuring glance had her feeling more at ease.
It almost felt too good having him this close.
“Alright,” Harry said, taking a quick gulp of his wine, “shall I press play?
“YOU’RE THE ONE THAT I WANT!” Rosie yelled, slurring nearly every other word.
“OOH, OHH OHH, HONEY!” Harry shouted back, sounding equally as inebriated.
They had gotten up off her bed ages ago, opting to listen to the movie rather than watch it. The funny thing about having ‘just one more glass of wine, Ro’, was that it had turned into about three more glasses of wine, and they had each drank enough to get the room slightly off kilter. It was Rosie who had suggested that they danced when the song ‘Sandy’ came on, and Harry had agreed, leading her around the room in a poorly performed waltz.
Harry had been the one to insist they stayed standing, acting out each of the parts. He knew the lines much better than she did, but it was still hilarious to watch him flounce around her flat dramatically, dodging furniture as he went overboard with every scene.
“I was in a movie, y’know,” he had sulked when she laughed at him.
“Yes, H, I know,” she’d told him, pressing a firm kiss to the stubble on his cheek.
Now, they were more energetic than ever, the upbeat music adrenalizing them to the point of insanity. Harry was whipping his head all around in circles, feet tapping against the ground in fast, short jerks. Rosie was sure she had seen him pull this move when he had performed in London, but she was too busy dancing to say anything about it. Buddy, not wanting to be left out of the excitement, was tearing around the flat, occasionally stopping to jump up and press his nose to Harry’s stomach before racing away again.
“You better shape up!” She continued singing.
“‘Cause I need a man!” Harry interrupted her.
“Harry! That’s my line,” she whined, gripping the back of the couch to keep her balance. “I’m… I’m supposed to be Sandy.”
“Hmm, you are Sandy. I reckon you’d look nice in that costume, too,” Harry said seriously, stopping his twirling to get a better look at her. He had to hold onto the couch to keep from teetering as well.
“I actually was Sandy for Halloween once,” she told him, smiling at the memory. She and her high school sweetheart had done couples costumes her senior year, and she’d wanted to go all out. “Did you know that for the movie, Olivia Newton-John had to be stewn… stewn… sewn into her costume because it was so tight?” Rosie stumbled over her words.
Harry stepped closer to her. “Were you sewn into yours?”
Rosie was taken aback by Harry’s unfaltering stare. There was an intensity there that she hadn’t seen from him before, and certainly hadn’t been there just moments ago, and even though she knew that it was irresponsible to egg him on, she didn’t want to stop.
“No…” she told him. “It was really tight, though. Completely made of elastic.”
“Wow,” he sighed, raking his eyes up and down her frame with wine-hooded eyes. “Wish I had been there for that….”
He was close enough now to touch her, but his arms hung straight as needles by his sides. The air surrounding them, though freezing, was thick with tension. Everything felt hazy, as if anything outside of the moment was immersed in fog.
“My boyfriend at the time… he was dressed as Danny.”
Harry’s lips curled downwards into snarl. “Don’t have a boyfriend now, right?”
“Nope,” she whispered.
Harry’s arm lifted to her waist. Rosie couldn’t move, and even though she knew her heartbeat had picked up a considerable amount, she felt like it wasn’t beating at all. She swore her lungs stopped working the moment his fingertips buried into her sweater.
“That’s… good, yeah?” He hushed, watching his hand like somebody else was moving it for him.
“What?” She breathed, unable to pay attention to anything but his touch.
“‘S good that you,” he gulped, “s’good you don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Why’s that good?”
He wrapped his arm further around her, pulling her closer to him. Rosie placed her palms flat against his chest, and relished in the fact that his heartbeat was just as erratic as hers.
“‘S good because you look, just, so beautiful,” he answered softly. Rosie couldn’t stop staring at his lips.
“Stop, um, stop flirting with me, Harry.”
His name had barely escaped her mouth when his lips pressed to hers. The kiss was gentle; timid, almost. Rosie didn’t dare move her hands, afraid that the slightest movement would shatter the moment. Harry’s head tilted skillfully to the left, his nose just barely brushing against hers. He sucked on her bottom lip like it was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted, only pulling away to breathe in deeply. Rosie felt hypnotized.
When Harry finally took a small step back, they were both panting.
“Can’t believe I just did that,” he touched his fingertips to his lips. Rosie, however, was less than pleased by the distance he had created.
Taking a bold step forward, she wrapped her hand around the back of his neck. He watched her with eager eyes. “I can’t believe you just stopped,” she quipped.
Their second kiss was more intense, full of open mouths, clashing teeth, and tongues moulding against each other. It was sloppy, and tasted bitter like wine, but Rosie felt like she was flying. She loved the way Harry’s hands explored her body: running up and down her sides, tangling into her hair, and even reaching down to squeeze over her bottom. It was all heavenly.
She didn’t fight him when he walked her backwards towards the bed, and she definitely didn’t stop him when his hands pulled up on the hem of her sweater. She reached for the button on his jeans in retaliation, and the sounds he made were melodic, more beautiful than any song she’d ever heard.
“Ro,” he panted, rubbing over the fleshy part of her stomach with his thumb, “can I please….”
“Yes,” she breathed into his neck, “please, take it off."
She lifted her arms above her head, and Harry slowly tugged the material off of her, leaving her in nothing but her leggings and bralette. As soon as her shirt hit the floor, his hands were all over her; rubbing at her chest, latching onto her hips, even flicking at her nipples with his thumbs through the thin fabric.
Rosie tugged at one of the strings on Harry’s hoodie. “Take this off,” she demanded.
He complied, whipping his sweatshirt and t-shirt off in one go. She gawked at the way his tattoos looked in the candlelight, shadows flickering over the black ink in a dizzying motion. She couldn't decide if she wanted to stare at him or cover him in kisses.
She settled on the latter, sinking to her knees and pulling him forward by the backs of his thighs. Harry clearly hadn’t expected this, as he stumbled forward and nearly kneed Rosie in the chin.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
Rosie couldn’t respond. She was too busy craning her neck to reach the center of Harry’s stomach. She placed one firm kiss to the patch of soft skin directly above his navel, and then she worked her way down with lighter, more delicate brushes of her lips. One of Harry’s hands reached down to tangle into her hair and gently press against the back of her head, guiding her downwards towards the waistband of his jeans.
“This okay?” She asked, fingers hesitantly brushing along his zipper. She could already tell that he was aroused, if the growing bulge under her hand was any indication.
“Yeah!” He panted, nodding vigorously, “please, yeah, ‘s fine.”
Getting his jeans off was difficult. They weren’t as tight as he used to wear them, but they still caught around his ankles and forced him to balance on one leg at a time to pull them off of his feet. Rosie had to scoot backwards slightly to give him more space.
As soon as they were off and flung across the room, she crawled back forward and drank in how appetizing he looked. He was swollen and leaking under his boxer briefs; a small wet patch leaking through where his head strained against the fabric.
Harry was breathing in broken puffs, the anticipation causing his chest to heave. Rosie watched as he reached down and pulled himself out of his underwear, sighing out loud when he gave himself a few short pumps. The bulbous head of his cock was a bright cherry color, while his strong shaft faded into a lighter pink. His foreskin had already been pushed down from the fisted grip he had on himself.
Her hand reached out to cover his. She followed his movements as he jerked himself off, marvelling at the way his thighs shook with each brush over the tip. The precum that hadn’t leaked into his boxers was now spread all around him, and the wet noises that his hand made with each movement were practically sinful.
Harry moved his hands away the moment Rosie leaned forward to suck part of him into her mouth, choosing instead to once again bury them into her hair. The pressure of his hands wasn’t forceful, but comforting. He would press her head forward just as his hips would shift, fucking into her mouth gently and slowly. Rosie closed her eyes, toying with the band of his boxers that were still tight around his thighs as the weight of him slid heavily against her tongue.
“Rosie,” he mumbled halting his movements. She let him drop from her mouth to peer up at his face, nearly moaning at the sight of his flushed chest and the thin sheen of sweat that glinted off of his skin. “Gonna cum soon… I don’t know if… did you, like, want to have sex?”
Rosie wanted to, she really did, but she was also hyper-aware that they were both still rather tipsy. She knew that if she had sex with him tonight, she might regret it in the morning. They hadn’t even had a conversation about what they were doing.
“Is it okay if we don’t?” She asked.
“Of course!” Harry gushed. “Not gonna do anything you don’t wanna do. I mean, obviously.”
“Okay, thank you,” she mumbled. She reached up to grab onto his cock again, squeezing it slightly. Small bubbles of liquid were dribbling from the tip, and she couldn’t peel her eyes away from the way they dripped down the underside and soaked into the small mousey hairs gathered at the base.
“Don’t thank me,” he muttered, closing his eyes at the feel of her fingers on him.
“Gonna help you finish,” she stated, pressing her mouth against his hip. “Then… will you maybe… just touch me a little?”
“Can do that,” he nodded, his jaw noticeably tightening. He bent his torso forward slightly to reach the hooks at the back of her bralette, fumbling with the delicate lace before pulling it open. It fell forward into the crooks of her elbows, and she quickly discarded it onto the floor.
The heat pooling between Rosie’s legs was slowly becoming unbearable, and Harry undressing her while she was still on her knees was making her impatient. She could already tell that she’d soaked through her underwear, so she hurriedly put Harry back into her mouth.
“Whoa,” he gasped, “slow, slower, Rosie. Promise I’ll touch you as soon as I’m done.”
He rubbed a finger soothingly along her jaw, encouraging her to open her lips wider. He went back to moving in and out of her mouth, pushing a little bit deeper down her throat with each thrust, but never to the point where she felt like she was going to gag.
“‘M about to cum, Rosie! ‘M gonna….” He warned not two minutes later. “Fuck!”
He was partially pulled out of her when spurts of salty, warm cum burst from him. Most of it landed on her tongue, but a few drips escaped over her lips, leaking down her chin and onto the floor beneath her.
Neither of them spoke for a few moments. The air surrounding them was musty and dense.
“Let’s move to the bed, yeah?” Harry requested tenderly, tucking himself back into his briefs. He gripped her hand in his own and pulled her to her feet. “You’ve got a bit of….”
He swiped his tongue out over her lips, lapping up the remnants of his orgasm from her skin. The open-mouthed kisses soon moved down her chin, over her jaw, and into the dip where her neck met her shoulder. He shuffled them both sideways until they fell unceremoniously onto her bed.
“Oof,” Rosie grunted, grimacing as her breasts bounced a little bit too heavily from the impact. This seemed to catch Harry’s attention, as he immediately moved to press his face into her chest, nipping at the skin above her cleavage.
“These are so nice,” he complimented, taking a breast into each of his hands.
“Thanks, grew them myself,” Rosie sighed.
“God,” Harry choked out a short laugh, “shut up, will you?”
And she did shut up, but only because he was petting her over her leggings and she thought she might scream if she opened her mouth.  
It felt amazing, but Rosie knew that she needed something more. She let out a small noise, pushing her leggings and underwear down slightly. Harry smiled, leaning back to pull them fully off of her legs.
“Harry,” she whispered. His calloused fingers brushed over inner thigh.
“Everything okay?” He asked, meeting her stare.
“Yeah, just,” she gulped. “I’m probably gonna be pretty quiet, but it’s not because it doesn’t feel good! I just need to… focus.”
“Okay,” he laughed, “good to know.”
“Wait!” She said just as is hand shifted closer to her center. “I haven’t… shaved in a long time. It’s just, it’s Winter and I wasn’t expecting-”
“Rosie,” he deadpanned, “I’ve literally never cared about anything less.”
And then he was touching her. He played her like a musical instrument, plucking at her clit with his thumb and slowly moving his fingers in and out of her. He was tucked into her side, using one of his legs to hold hers open. His head dipped slightly so he could wrap his lips around the nipple closest to him. Everything about him was soft and slow; purposeful and skilled.
The pads of fingers were rough and calloused, and Rosie closed her eyes at the feeling. She felt her legs twitch every time he brushed over a particularly sensitive spot, and her stomach clenched every time he bit down on her nipple. It was sure to feel bruised tomorrow, but she didn’t mind.
“Hm?” Harry hummed when Rosie sucked in a particularly sharp breath.
“‘M good,” she assured him, “feels good.”
She could feel his eyes on her face, gauging her reaction to his touch. His movements were calculated; curious fingers exploring her inside and out.
Rosie came quickly, euphoria taking over her body as Harry continued working her through her orgasm. Her back arched off of the bed, and Harry eagerly kissed at her neck as she threw her head back. As soon as it felt too sensitive, she grabbed onto his wrist to halt his movements.
A giggle escaped her lips as Harry wiped his fingers on his bare thigh. He had a silly, satisfied smile plastered across his cheeks, and he shifted them both so that he had an arm wrapped around her shoulders. Now that neither of them were moving, the cold air was freezing against their exposed skin. Rosie quickly pulled her covers over them.
They stayed like that for a while, occasionally nuzzling closer for warmth or pressing small kisses wherever they could reach. Rosie felt dopey; cuddling with Harry post-orgasm was the most addicting drug she’d ever consumed.
She never wanted to move, but Buddy started yelping desperately at the door. She groaned, burying her face into Harry’s shoulder. He pouted when she pulled herself up into a sitting position.
“I need to take him outside,” she frowned.
“I’ll come with,” Harry announced.
After they haphazardly threw on some clothes (Harry had borrowed some of her sweatpants and his sweatshirt was inside out and backwards, and Rosie wasn’t wearing any underwear), they found themselves shivering outside while they waited for Buddy to finish. Despite their impatience, Buddy had decided to take his time, sniffing every single thing that his nose could reach.
“If it weren’t so bloody cold, this might be romantic,” Harry pointed out.
Rosie raised her eyebrows. This was the closest they’d come to actually addressing... everything, but she was still feeling a little bit wine-buzzed, and didn’t want to start a conversation she couldn’t finish. However, it did feel a bit romantic. Snow was falling in large, fluffy clumps, and the combination of streetlight and moonlight was casting a soft glow over Harry’s face.
“I think my brain is numb,” Rosie told him, deflecting from his previous statement.
“‘Cause of the cold, or something else?” Harry snickered, leaning over to bump his shoulder into hers.
“The cold, Harry,” she rolled her eyes. Harry continued laughing at her, so she ignored him while Buddy finished up. As soon as he was done, Rosie was making a beeline towards her door.
Harry was hot on her heels. “I know it’s not much warmer inside, but anything is better than this,” he stated, blinking his eyes against the wind. “Hopefully the power comes back on soon.”
Rosie hummed in agreement, twisting the handle and letting them back inside. It was just a short climb up the stairs, but Harry placed his hand on the small of her back to help her keep her balance. She could practically feel the heat of his skin burn through the thick layers she had on.
As soon as they were back in her flat, Rosie looked at him. His cheeks were flushed red and his nose looked a bit runny, but it was cute when he scrunched up his face, and she loved the way his hair looked when he pulled off his beanie, sticking out in nearly every direction as if he’d been electrocuted.  
She stepped up to place a quick peck against his lips, but Harry prolonged it, following her movements as she went to pull away.
“Mmm,” Harry hummed against her mouth. “What was that for, hm?”
“Just trying to be a good hostess,” Rosie breathed. Their closeness was dizzying.
“Ah, I see,” he grinned, “do you give all of your guests this kind of treatment?”
“Oh yes, absolutely,” she teased, pulling away and stepping back to finish unzipping her coat. Harry frowned.
“Heeeey,” his hands latched onto her forearms, pulling her back into his chest. “‘S rude,”
He nudged her fingers out of the way and dragged her zipper the rest of the way down for her. His tongue poked out from between his lip as he concentrated on not getting any fabric caught between the tines.
They moved slowly while they got ready for bed, partly because Harry refused to take his hands off of her, but also because they were exhausted. While Harry finished wiping down Buddy’s feet, Rosie walked around her flat to blow out all of the candles apart from the one right by her bed. Once Harry stripped down to nothing but his sweatpants, and Rosie had changed into an oversized t-shirt, they sluggishly crawled under the blankets.
“Erm, I can sleep here, right?” Harry asked, picking at the corner of the covers. “I can still sleep on the couch if you want me to.”
“Harry,” Rosie smiled, shaking her her head, “you’re obviously sleeping here. Now pull the covers back up, you’re letting the cold air in.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, instantly scooching down in the bed and curling himself around her. She leaned over his frame to blow out the last remaining candle, and then burrowed herself into his arms.
Harry’s hands were icicles against her bare hips, and hers were frigid against his back, but it was the kind of cold where it was comfortable; the kind where they both knew that as long as they stayed pressed together, their hands would warm up against each others’ skin.
“Thanks for letting me stay,” Harry whispered, so quietly that Rosie could have dreamed it.
“Always welcome here….” she returned as she began to drift off. She thought she heard him start to say something else, but her eyelids suddenly felt ten times heavier, and Harry’s thumb circling her hipbone was almost too soothing. Rosie drifted off to the soft rumble of his voice, and the rough texture of his fingertips on her skin.
Rosie woke up the same way she does nearly every morning: a wet, cold tongue lapping at her cheek. She forced herself to peel her eyes open, and found herself nose to nose with Buddy, who was wagging his tail expentently.
As more and more of her senses returned, she became acutely aware of Harry’s hand on her hip. His chest was pressed snugly to her back, and small puffs of air were hitting her scalp where his face was nestled into her hair. A smile crept up her cheeks. She wanted nothing more than to settle into his warmth, but Buddy was growing increasingly impatient, letting out small whines and shifting his feet on Rosie’s leg.
Not wanting to wake Harry, Rosie gently lifted Harry’s arm enough to slide out without disturbing him. He shifted slightly, pulling the covers closer to his chin and letting out a small affronted sound, but thankfully, he stayed asleep.
The power must have turned back on overnight, because her flat was suddenly a comfortable temperature. Rosie let out a sigh at the thought of finally being able to lounge around comfortably.
“Hey boy,” she whispered, unhooking Buddy’s leash from the hook by the door. She held it out towards him and he pranced over to her, exposing his neck so that Rosie could attach the leash to his collar. “Wanna go for a walk?”
The moment she stepped out of the complex, her lips curled into a snarl. Snow certainly looks nice, but she hated the way that the small frozen particles scratched at her skin in the wind, and she definitely didn’t like how it hurt to breath in through her nose. Buddy didn’t seem to mind, already sniffing around to find a suitable place to do his business.
Once he was finished, Rosie decided that she would only take him around the block once. Normally, she’d go longer, but the bitterness in the air and the promise of returning home to Harry made her want to rush. She would take Buddy on an extra long walk later on.
Harry was just as she left him when she got back into her flat, but this time, his hooded eyes were blinking rapidly in the sunlight.
“Mmm, hi,” he groaned, raising his arms above his head in a stretch.
“Morning,” Rosie replied, eyes lingering on his biceps that were peeking out from under her bedsheets. “Sorry if I woke you, Buddy needed to go out. You can go back to sleep if you want.”
“‘M up now,” he grunted, “you should come back over here….”
His tone was soft and inviting, and an involuntary flush crept up Rosie’s cheeks. Remembering how warm he’d felt pressed up against her left a chill over her skin that rivaled the biting cold outside. She quickly bent down to untie her snow boots, trying to hide her reddening face from him.
“Please?” Harry whined when she didn’t respond. “‘S cold, and you’re warm.”
“Shouldn’t you get up too, H?” She raised an eyebrow at him, “the plows have already been through, so you should probably call the locksmith to get your car open.”
“Yeah,” he muttered indifferently.
Rosie knew that the moment she looked at him, she’d be a goner, and while she normally doesn’t like to get back in bed after moving around, she was going to have to make an exception. Just as she’d suspected, as soon as she settled her gaze on where he was laying in bed, she was met with puppy-dog eyes and an outreached hand.
“Fine,” she relented. “Let me just get my coat off.”
“You can take off everything else too, if you’d like,” Harry called out. “I wouldn’t mind!”
“Stop flirting with me!” Rosie grinned, giddiness seeping into her bloodstream. She felt jittery, excited, and far too focused, as if she’d just gulped down three cups of coffee.
“Think we’re a bit past that, Ro.”
Rosie huffed playfully, going to set her sopping boots and coat on top of the radiator by the window. There was nothing more pleasant than putting on warm, dry boots before heading out into the winter. As she was walking across the room, she noticed Harry’s jacket thrown across the floor, so she picked it up to place on the heater as well.
Just as she was shaking it out to set down, something heavy fell out of his pocket and hit the floor with a thud. Rosie’s eyes widened as she bent down to pick up the set of keys, dangling it over her pointer finger. Not only were his car keys attached, but a key nearly identical to her own hung from the collection.
“What was….” Harry trailed off after seeing what she held in her hand, “...that… um….”
“So you weren’t locked out after all?” Rosie bit out. She felt heat creep up her back and over her shoulders, the giddiness she had felt just moments ago giving way to disbelief. He had lied to her.
“Um, no, I wasn’t,” Harry admitted with a sigh, scratching at the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact with her. “I… I was just….”
Rosie threw the keys onto the table. She didn’t know what to do with her hands, but she knew she had to do something, so she began to organize the blankets that she’d set out on the couch for Harry. Blankets that had gone unused.
“Just what?” Rosie snapped. “Just coming over to see if you could get me in bed with you? Is that what this is?”
“What? No, Ro. Absolutely not!” He threw the covers from his lap, rushing to his feet. Rosie stormed over to the closet and shoved the blankets inside, closing it more harshly than she normally would. When she turned back around, Harry was already walking towards her, a wild glint in his eyes.
“Well you did a mighty fine job, Harry,” Rosie seethed, ignoring his attempt to brush his hand along her arm. “Managed to get my clothes off, on my knees for you. You must be so proud of yourself.”
“Rosie, no,” he pleaded, gently wrapping his fingers around her bicep to keep her still. “I swear, I would never do something like that. I wasn’t trying to trick you, or anything of the sort!”
“Then why lie about being locked out?” She demanded. “This… last night was a mist-”
“No!” Harry begged, cutting her off. “Please don’t say it was a mistake… it… it wasn’t-”
“And what about all of the other times?” Rosie interrupted. “Were you ever actually locked out of your flat, or were you just trying to… I dunno… wear me down?”
“How could you even think that?” Harry growled, his desperation morphing into something else entirely. He tugged at the ends of his hair with the hand that wasn’t gripping her arm, his eyes closing in exasperation. “I care about you so much.”
“So this is the only time you’ve lied?” She challenged, watching as his jaw flexed.
“Erm… not exactly,” Rosie went to tug her arm out of his hold, but Harry stepped closer, not allowing her to storm off like she’d planned. “But it’s not what you think! The first time, I really was locked out. It’s just… you were so sweet to me, I- I wanted to spend more time with you, that’s all.”
“You could have just knocked on my door,” she narrowed her eyes. “You didn’t need to lie to me to spend time with me.”
“I know,” he rubbed a hand over his face. The tips of his ears were tinged bright red.
“I… I really don’t appreciate dishonesty-”
“I was nervous!” Harry exploded. Buddy yelped on the bed, stressed out due to the tension in the room, and Rosie took a short step back, not expecting him to be so loud. “You… you make me so nervous. Like, when Mr. Goldman moved out of this place, I had never even thought about anyone new moving in, let alone a cute girl…. Like, Ro, I’m not even kidding, I’ve had a crush on you since I first met you.”
“You… you could’ve-”
“And I know I’m shit for being dishonest, but fuck, you took me by surprise. I didn’t know what to do,” he admitted, looking down at their feet. “I never meant to upset you, I really just wanted to get to know you better. And then, once I started… I couldn’t stop.”
“Harry,” Rosie breathed brokenly, the air getting caught in her throat. “I don’t really… know what to say.”
“Just… say you forgive me?” he asked, his gaze lifting to flit around her face for any indication that she understood. “I’m so sorry.”
And then Rosie was laughing. It was definitely not an appropriate time, but she couldn’t contain her giggles. So many conflicting emotions were rushing through her; excitement, anxiety, relief, frustration. It was overwhelming.
“Um,” Harry watched owlishly as Rosie bent over to grip her knees, overcome by fits of laughter. “I’m... uh….”
“God,” she choked out finally, “you are such an idiot, Harry!”
“I’m… sorry?”
“No! I don’t mean, like, literally.” Rosie forced herself to stop laughing, but was unable to wash the smile off of her face. Harry looked both impatient and perplexed. “It’s just… hilarious. You could’ve asked me out that very first time and I would’ve said yes.”
A slow smile crept up Harry’s cheeks.
“And I’m sorry for laughing, it’s just,” Rosie continued, “it’s so simple, and we’re so fucking dramatic.”
Harry started laughing then, too. He dragged a hand all the way down his face, rubbing at his tightly closed eyes before blinking them back open to stare at her.
“So, just to clarify here,” he started. Rosie launched into another set of quiet giggles when she saw the ghost of a smirk on his lips. “You… would go out with me.”
“Yes, Harry,” she replied, “for fucks sake, I like you so much. Thought it was obvious.”
“I thought I was the one being obvious!” His shoulders sagged as the tension left his body. “We’re both idiots.”
“So stupid,” Rosie agreed.
“And god, so fucking oblivious,” he added.
“So oblivious.”
“And we’re also… getting dinner tonight?”
“Going on a date,” she confirmed.
“Yeah,” his smile was so wide, she probably could have counted all of his teeth. “That, a date.”
“Yeah,” Rosie beamed back at him, twiddling her fingers together, “so… you should probably go, then. And maybe, I dunno, put some clothes on?”
Harry glanced down as if he’d forgotten that he was shirtless. “Might be a good idea.”
Rosie leaned back against the wall as Harry gathered his things. Somehow, the handful of belongings that he’d brought had scattered all around her flat: his phone charger, his sweatshirt, his beanie. One of his socks was on the other side of the room, it’s partner stuffed into one of his boots. It didn’t help that Rosie was also disorganized; Harry was forced to move piles of her things aside to reach his own.
Finally, he’d collected everything into his arms. Rosie opened the door for him, but he lingered in the doorway, leaning back onto his heels and rubbing his lips together.
“Well I guess, erm, I’ll just see you later?” he raised an eyebrow.
“You will,” Rosie confirmed. “6:00, somewhere we could walk to?”
“Sure,” Harry said. They were engulfed in an awkward silence, and there was nothing else to do but stare. “Uh, bye then?”
“Bye,” Rosie repeated quietly, shutting the door as soon as he’d turned around.
She pressed her back against the door with a huff, mind reeling from everything that had happened. It had all gone down in such a short period of time, it almost didn’t seem real. Had Harry really dragged his lips all over her body, or had that been her imagination?
She had just started to walk towards the bathroom to check in the mirror for hickeys when a knock sounded on her door. She whipped it open to find a sheepish Harry on the other side. She didn’t know what she expected him to say, but when he finally spoke, there was a twinkle in his eye.
“I… may have forgotten my keys.”
To those of you made it this far, thank you! I’d love to hear from you if you’re willing to shoot me a message... feedback is key, after all! 
xxxooo Tile
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joe-young-stories · 3 years
A Week.
Hey, new to tumblr. This is something I wrote in an enclosed, dodgy Christian community in 2018.
The last time I saw Dad in person I was seventeen, and I’d either just finished my A-levels or I was halfway through them. I’d seen him a year before, for Grandad’s funeral. After we’d got home from the wake I’d nicked a crate of Guinness, and thrown up on my suit. I’d thrown up all over the guest bed as well, and I’d left all the empty cans in the waste paper basket. I told my dad that the emotional stress of the funeral must have affected me, and I didn’t really give a shit about the fact that he knew.
This time it was summer, and it was that one week of the British summer that is actually scorching hot. Dad was waiting for me at Oxford train station for my visit. Visa Skank was there too. Visa Skank is my dad’s Russian wife, and perhaps she married him for a visa or perhaps she really loves him. I’ve never actually had anything against her. It was rude, offensive, calling her Visa Skank, but it made me feel really savage and clever back then.  This day at Oxford train station she was in her late forties, and she was wearing this shimmer- shimmer peach linen halter top harem pants combo thing with a dainty cream pashmina and a big floppy straw hat. She was basically just easy mockery.
We went straight from the station to this ultra quaint Riverside pub/restaurant garden. I had Peronis. I had a burger too. We didn’t really have a conversation because Visa had seen a picturesque riverside photo opportunity, and she had my dad take pictures of her next to a drainage sluice for almost an hour, at different angles and filter settings. At the end we walked back through the pub to get to the car and she started draping herself mystically around rustic beams and cosy fireplaces, or sat herself next to like, napkin dispensers that pleased her. And my dad took more pictures. I just wanted to get back to the house. I don’t remember too much more from the meal.
In the daytimes that followed I fell into a routine. Dad would wake up late (his teaching job at the schools wasn’t on) and he might mooch about or he might go into Oxford, or he might just go to Headington High Street. Visa Skank had a busy social schedule attending a young mum’s social club in the Florence Park Cafe. She would spend a lot of time there. I would wake up and take a walk into Central Oxford. And I would stop for a pint in the White Horse, where we used to go for Lunch when I was little. In town I would walk the old streets around the Radcliffe Camera, and this was back when I had academic ambition before I stopped caring about most things, and the scholarly atmosphere excited me. I walked past the cathedral boys’ school – my first school—and into the Eagle and Child, or the Kings Arms, or the Turf Tavern. I would read Franz Kafka stories or Iris Murdoch novels or I’d listen to pretentious students talk shit and praise myself for being more intelligent than them. After a few pints I’d saunter back over Magdelen Bridge and back up towards the house in Headington.
Dad’s house had changed a lot over the years. The retro porn PC used to be in the dining room, and all my 9 year old self used to do at my dad’s was either play SimCity on that computer or watch Dad’s porn. He’d archived literally thousands of pictures, all categorised according to hair/boobs/race etc. Albums of particular stars. I got up early at that age, and if you were proper stealth about it could get up with the dawn and watch a four second clip of a woman getting pleasured by a mechanised shoe buffer. Only if you were stealth though. The computer screen could be seen from the stairs via the dining room mirror. You had to listen for footsteps. God forbid that Visa or even Grandad would walk in. View me wanking it to Dad’s shoe buffer porn.
Now though the house layout was different. Grandad had been a cantankerous twat since Nan died, and all he ever did was sit in the living room watching cartoons and chat shows. GMTV, Pokemon, Digimon, Homes under the Hammer. That was all I ever saw him do on visits to my dad’s.  I left him to it.
But he started losing control of his faculties, and Dad and I would walk in from the pub to a stray smell of nappies, the CBBC channel playing in the background. His osteoporosis got worse. The last time he was alive I was seventeen and he’d been moved to a hospice. He was half asleep next to his colostomy bag but he murmured a greeting and a goodbye. The three of us, Grandad, Dad and me, sat in near silence for approximately fifteen minutes. “Good to see you, Grandad,” I said to him as I was leaving. Grandad had written “to a very impressive grandson” on my birthday card seven months previously.
While Grandad was dying his house was being renovated. The dining room and kitchen had been knocked together into this rustique farmhouse experience, with a big beaten up pine table, a pine dresser and a freshly installed aga. An aga in a nineteen thirties semi. There were a lot of wholesome wicker baskets bought in and gooseberry jam jars were placed in them for effect. Next door the garage was knocked down and a den/conservatory/stargazing lounge/music studio was built. The living room, where Grandad watched all the kids TV, and which I was told was always going to be “His Space” had had all the carpets ripped out and new sofas put in. Floor to ceiling bookshelves covered every wall, and they were all full of this intelligentsia Russian shit no one read. The retro porn PC was upstairs in Dad’s bedroom now, so after I got back from Oxford that last week I’d sit in the conservatory on my laptop. Sometimes if my dad was around I’d bring up an attractive female friend’s Facebook profile and wait for him to ask me about it. He’d talk about organic food and hand picking your own raspberries, and how Russian customs and traditions were the best way to live. But most of those afternoons he was upstairs in his bedroom checking his email, which took about two hours and was a pretty full-on activity for him. If Visa was at home she’d make still life displays from Kitsch crap she found in charity shops. And she’d do photoshoots. Most of the time she was out though. Presumably with the young mums.
When I was downstairs on my own I would drink from the many, many bottles available on the farmhouse shelf. I never drank in front of Dad, but I’d never bother hiding how drunk I was getting either. A little bit of gin, little bit of vodka, whiskey, white rum.
I’d always done this. When I was about twelve, thirteen, fourteen I’d go through Dads bedroom and raid his wardrobe. I’d find his extensive magazine stash and his books on “Tantric Passion”, “The Multi Orgasmic Man”, “Make Her see you Mean Commitment”. I’d find the hamper full of Bombay Sapphire bottles; I never questioned the water bottles full of urine next to his bed. I wasn’t subtle. I’d try and incite his scorn, his discipline, his parental authority. I’d find glow in the dark condoms in his bedside drawers, and I’d take them out of the packets and leave them under his pillow like a treasure hunt. I would neck a bottle of chardonnay, refill it with tap water and leave it in the fridge for him to find. He’d look at the bottle, look at me, deliberate and stammer “I must have rinsed it out for recycling and put it back on autopilot.” I don’t think he knew me well enough to confront me. He once drove me back to mums with me throwing up ass the way down the M40, and we both agreed that I must have eaten some “ropey” quiche.
I didn’t want Dad to parent me anymore; I just didn’t really care. So while Dad was upstairs checking his email I’d access the WiFi and watch naked men beat each other, and I’d masturbate and drink gin. I think on the Tuesday of that week he found me full-on passed out in the stargazing conservatory, sleeping it off. Later on he’d said something about travelling being exhausting, especially across London, and it always took a few days for the mind to properly relax on holiday. I agreed.
In the evenings we’d go out to a pub, the Vicky Arms or The Chestnut or something. I would tell Dad what A levels I was doing. I’d namedrop attractive female friends quite a lot, and talk about parties I went to with them. I’d wait for him to be like, “Are they pretty?”, “Are they into you?”, “Like yeah, get in, my son!”, “Well done, boyo!” and things like that. Visa would come with us. She’d sit there in peach tracksuit bottoms and some kind of burgundy flamenco/matador top, and she would say things like, “Never microwave food because it changes the molecules. Did you know this? We go through a recipe book and you will find meals you would like to try.” We might order popcorn from behind the bar. Visa might demand a photo shoot of her next to an inspiring sunset or whatever.
At home Dad and Visa would go to bed in Grandads old room. Nans room, now the guest bedroom, was being fitted with a “Roman balcony” so I slept on a blow up bed in the living room with all the Russian volumes. I’d drink more whiskey and watch a comedy show about teenage lesbians.
That was it, really. The last week I saw my dad was fairly uneventful. Mundane. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was the last time I saw him I doubt I would have remembered it
Only two events stand out in particular. On the Thursday of that week Dad was playing at a jazz and tango concert at a bar/club in Wantage. He did concerts like that to keep money coming in when the schools weren’t on. Visa took tango lessons down at the community centre, and she’d met a new friend and tango partner called Allan. He had had a stroke and divorce in a five year period and had taken early retirement, so I was told. So I was briefed. Briefed why? I didn’t care.
Allan met us at the house. We all sat about having a back garden beer and then Dad and I set off for Wantage. Allan’s and Visa came later, in Allan’s car, which he could still drive all post stroked up apparently. We had another pint in a pub in Wantage. Dad introduced me to the concept of a “Session Beer”. Advice I have never followed.
Dad gave me money for the evening and then left me to my own devices. I sat on the balcony and drank a lot of Stella, and from my vantage point I could see Dad playing onstage. I could see Visa and Allan as well, and she had her head on his shoulder and he was holding her close around the lower back. This didn’t look particularly tango-ey, but Visa had told me on one pub evening that tango was more about feeling than steps. “Feeling. Yes?” she had said with gusto. This was the passion of the dance I was watching, then. Dad had told me in the car that tango was Allan’s hobby, it’s what got him out the house, like his physio. I looked at Dad, and he was playing some sassy chords on the piano, watching the two of them become one with the dance. He didn’t do anything else. He just sat there, watching them get on with it. I finished one of my Stellas, and later on I thought to myself that he looked like a drooping bunch of flowers in a vase, half dead. A bit sad, maybe. A bit lacking. I was quite proud of myself for thinking of that. It felt very grown up.
Two days later we were having a back garden beer, Dad and I. The garden had changed, and where a swingset once stood there was now a very wholesome vegetable plot. Beyond that was a washing line. It was one of those washing lines with one pole in the ground, and it folded out like an upside down pyramid. You could spin it around for ease of pegging/unpegging. I looked at the washing line and remembered my eight year old self playing by it. I had been playing with a football. I was staying with him for a few weeks or so over the summer. I was out there, by myself, with the football. But I liked to pretend I was playing with all the other children I knew from school. Kids who were actually busy with their own friendship groups or who called me poofty boy by the wildlife pond. But when I was playing with them by myself they were all like, “I did not see this coming! We have not appreciated your serious skills! Hey guys, check out this Baller!” and none of them called me a poofty boy by the wildlife pond.  
I had devised a game where you had to throw the ball into the opened up washing line to score a point. Dad came outside just as I was about to land the sickest shot from ten feet away, the shot which was going to blow George and his gang away, and was going to make Sadia and Carrie-Ann think I was total boyfriend material. He asked me if I wanted anything to eat.
And I really don’t know what came over me, but I said something along the lines of “I’m playing a game. We have to get the ball off each other and get it in the net. Do you want to play?”                          
“Oh, right!” was something like he said “Yes alright then, I will”. I’d never played a game with Dad before, and we were both a bit hesitant. Like, do we just…start, or what? I chucked the ball at the line and missed, and he grabbed it. We ran around the garden, playing the game. He scored a point. I scored a point.  At one point he wrestled me to the ground to get the ball off me, and then helped me up. I remember laughing and smiling, being out of breath. I was tense, too. How did things like this come to a logical end? Did, like, the session finish?  Was there a way for this to end without Dad having to just be really rude? Like: “I’m sorry Joe, but I need to stop doing this at this point and go back to my day. You are welcome to continue though.” How did it work? After approximately fifteen minutes it mercifully started raining, and we went inside. It was the only time we ever played the game.
Sitting and having a beer with my dad that last week was the last time I looked at the garden, or indeed spent any time with him. Halfway through our drink Visa came out of the stargazing conservatory doors, and she was wearing a floor length lacy white gown, a white bonnet and silky white gloves. She was carrying a large wicker hamper, and she put the hamper down and pulled out a silver teapot. “I am English lady at tea,” she said, and she raised the teapot in the air. Then she laid the patio table for a country manor high tea, and started demanding a photoshoot. I went inside.
The next day I was due to go home. I woke up that morning to find that I’d drunk too much and pissed the blow up bed. I put my soggy boxers in a plastic bag, and I covered the damp sheet with my duvet and left it to fester.
I hardly spoke to dad after that week. There was no reason to most of the time. I rang him twice to ask for money, once to say merry Christmas can I have some money and once to tell him I’d just left rehab. In 2018 I had written to him to tell him he was a cunt and I wanted to burn his house down. “Past wounds” with my Father had become a significant part of my “Life Story” by that point, and I thought that sending such a horrible letter might activate a Life Event in some way, some dramatic finale.
Dad has always had his settings such that I can’t find him on Facebook, so I have to log in as my mum to see his profile. Him and Visa quote Oscar Wilde and Shakespeare sonnets on each other’s pages. Visa’s profile has about 64 photo albums. They’re all called things like “Casserole dishes on the patio”, “Beauty In Autumn”, “Sensuous mermaid has adventure”.  Her name isn’t actually Visa Skank. All the photo albums are silly and innocuous. When I’m drunk, or self pitying, or feeling like a victim, or all of the above I sometimes find myself thinking about the game me and Dad played with the washing line and the football.
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soutterlytaron · 3 years
You can either work on all the questions at once, or work on a few of them at a time and post them in blocks, until you’ve answered them all. We’ll use them to fill the biographies on main, which were posted, when you were accepted in town. Have fun! We’ll definitely enjoy discovering new things about your darlings! Don’t forget to @ us! @theworldisoursforthetaking
Where do you live in town? How did you find it? I left the UK in June 2016 to get away from all the hoopla about Brexit, and also to have a bit of a break after filming back-to-back projects. I travelled around the East Coast, and out of a whim, I ended up staying just outside of Boston... I stumbled across people I had met before - some of them work-wise, at least - and was easily persuaded to stay for a little while. Five years later, and I built a completely new life here, which I’m utterly happy with.
Which is your go-to karaoke song? It’s “Faith” by George Michael, it’s never let me down in all the years, and I love going back to it. It’s a great song!
Are you and introvert or extrovert? I’m probably more of an outgoing introvert, since it takes me a little bit to warm up to people and situations, especially, when I’m thrown into them unpreparedly. Once I do, however, I’m as open and outgoing as I can be.
Are you good at sports? Which? I’m all right-ish at sports - I run, I swim, I can play a little footie or rugby - but I don’t have a particular affinity for any sport. That being said, I actually love watching sports once in a while.
Do you have a favourite film? Put on anything Disney or Pixar-made, and I’ll be a happy Taron. I might have a slight preference towards those films I can sing along with, and it’s only become more prominent since our twins have discovered the wonders of animated films. 
What are 3 things in you fridge? The three things that have never missed in our fridge are cheese - probably brie or camembert -, wine, and yoghurt. 
What are 3 recently watched things on streaming apps? I’ve been going back, watching and catching up on things I had abandoned earlier. I finally finished the fifth season of Lucifer, and then I caught up with Line of Duty, too. And now, I’m watching The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and it’s so good?
Who is you ultimate celebrity crush? Charlize Theron.
Are you close to your family? I’m very close to my mother and step-dad, and my little sisters. We have forged a very tight bond over the years, and especially my mother is one of the first people I call, when I have news, or need advice. My relationship with my father had its ups and downs, but it’s improved a lot over the years. And then I have my own family, Phoebe, Julian and Sadie, who are everything to me. I couldn’t imagine my life without them in it.
What is the best thing in you life? My family, as you can see above. There’s nothing I love more than being home, waking up, because I can feel our twins clambering up on the bed to get comfortable between us, or coming home and being greeted with pattering feet and lots of hugs. 
Which is your greatest guilty pleasure? That would definitely be anything chocolate, but specifically eating Nutella straight out of the jar.
Which is one white lie you told? “Sorry I didn’t get back to you yesterday, my phone died” - it totally didn’t, I simply forgot to call back. 
Which is your biggest flaw? I tend to stress-eat - some people lose their appetite, when stressed, but not me, I gain it - and while I usually can curb it, sometimes it’s simply not possible. But with regular exercise and workouts with a coach it’s manageable.
Which is your greatest accomplishment? It might be such a cliché, but definitely my children - Julian and Sadie are amazing, they’re kind and caring, they have loads of sass, and they learn so much in the blink of an eye. One moment they were crawling, the next they were talking in semi-full sentences and walking. Running, rather. 
What are your biggest fear(s)? There are quite a few, but I think one of my main fears is that I fail as a father. My own did walk away, and while I had a great step-dad, the feeling kinda stuck. It is on the top, with flunking out while acting coming in as a low second.
What would your Hogwarts House be and why? I’d probably be a total muggle with no magic powers whatsoever, but if I had to choose? Hufflepuff. 
Did you graduate school? If so, did you attend college or did you start working right away? I graduated from  the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in 2012 with a BA in Acting, and then slowly built my profile. But I started “working” in theatre productions, when I was 15.
How was your first kiss? When was it? It was a drunken one, very messy - I probably had no clue what I was doing, and even if I did, I wouldn’t have remembered, because we were flat-out drunk.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Has someone broken yours? I hope I haven’t, but I’m sure I must have some time. And yes, someone has. It’s all I’ll say about that.
Have you ever been married? Are you married? I’m married to the lovely @phoebejtonkinegerton​. We have been married since July 2017, and we celebrated by building a playground for a school in Haiti, and having our friends and families join in. I’ll never forget seeing Phoebe walk down that sandy aisle for the first time... she looked absolutely ethereal. 
Do you have children? If not, do you want children? Phoebe and I have twins, Sadie and Julian, born in April 2018, who are incredible. I love them dearly, and I can’t imagine my life without them. And yes, we still consider adding some children to our pack... 
What is your favourite animal? Generally? A sloth. I met one the first time I went to Australia with Phoebe, and I was so fascinated with these gentle creatures, who are so slow, you can probably watch them think. Amazing, really. 
What is your favourite season? Why? Anything warm is probably my thing - although I don’t mind the cold, my wife does, so I’m far happier, when it’s warm outside. Out of the other seasons, Spring is probably my favourite, everything is decked out in flowers and lush greens. What’s not to like?
Do you have any allergies? No, not that I know of. 
What is your favourite clothing item? I have a soft grey cashmere sweater I really like to wear, especially, when I want to get comfortable or into a comfy mindset.
Do you have tattoos or piercings? If so, where? No, I don’t. 
Do you have any distinctive features or marks on your body? I have a small mole on the right side of my Adam’s apple. It’s been there since birth, so I don’t even notice it. I also have a small gap between my upper premolar and molar on the left side. 
Do you enjoy coffee or tea? Hot or iced? I’m a coffee person all the way - hot, a splash of milk. Tea is for those times I want to get comfortable, just like the sweater, or when I’m sick, and have to keep warm and up with the fluids. 
Are you a morning person or a night person? I’m a bit of both, but more of a morning person, something my wife definitely isn’t. Luckily for us, our twins inherited that trait from her.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be? There is no superpower without a downside, right? Hmm. I think I’d like to be like Domino from the second Deadpool and add a bit of luck to my life. 
Who is your “ride or die” friend? I have several childhood friends - Bleddyn, Jack, Blyn, to name a few - who really know me inside out, and I know they’d have my back no matter what. Then there’s my wife, of course. And as a close third come @itsrichmadden​ and @moonlightriana​ who are such wonderful people. ​​
What is your go-to flirt approach/routine? Can I be honest with you? I probably never had a proper approach. I’m a bit mouthy, I’m loud and joking around, especially, when there are a few drinks involved.
Have you ever written a love letter? Who was the last recipient? Do little notes on post-its count as love letters? Because I do write those regularly and slide them between the pages of the scripts Phoebe is reading. 
Who is your childhood hero? Do you have a hero in adulthood, too? One of my biggest childhood heroes is David Bowie. He had it all, he did it all, his music was perfect. He influenced many people’s lives, and he remained this humble, lovely fella. Nowadays? I’ve definitely added Sir Elton John to that list. He’s simply incredible. 
Lastly, what is your favourite gif of them?
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quatorz · 4 years
Here’s something I wrote just prior to the election...
I’m sharing it here in case anyone thinks its useful.  I think-especially with the events of today-its going to become so apparent that we need to ‘demystify’ the Trumpster fire and expose him for the lying sack of shit that he was.
I said to a friend of mine MANY years ago that the most dangerous thing that was happening was that the truth was becoming partisan.  Man is that true now. 
But I wrote this, sent it to a few relatives (including my own Dad who is a supporter of the Orange One), and posted it to Facebook. 
The goal of the piece was always: ‘hey, you don’t have to listen to me.  Here are other sources (most of them Republican) who point out this mans complete inability to fill the Oval Office.  (And I live in Pennsylvania, and I wrote this just before our former Governor-former Republican Governor-Tom Ridge endorsed Biden.  Else I definitely would have included this). 
And some of it may seem slightly personal or familiar?  I was writing this primarily to speak to members of my family and friends. 
If any of this is useful, feel free to use it. 
Why I’m Not Voting for Trump
A few weeks ago a bomb dropped.  Not a literal bomb-as in ordinance, but a news bomb.  Although in our endlessly insane (or maybe insanely endless?) news cycle that’s been the last four years, it was easy to get overshadowed because another bomb probably dropped the next day or ever a few hours after that one.
But this one was different.  This was the revelation that Trump had 400 million dollars in outstanding loans.  On one of those loans-for 100 million dollars-they’d paid only the interest-none of the principal-and the loan is due in 2022.  The obvious question was asked: who does he owe that money too?
It’s a good question.  There was a great quote making the rounds from Eric Trump in 2014: ‘Who needs American banks?  Russia has plenty of money!’  During his town hall Savannah Guthrie asked Trump directly if that 400 million dollars was owed to foreign banks.  “Probably,” he said.
So: what makes that revelation a ‘bomb’? 
When I heard this, I immediately thought back to an instance that’s always stuck with me: last October when we inexplicably pulled our troops out of Syria.  Do you remember that?  Trump got off the phone with President Erdogan and announced that we were pulling out of Syria.  The backlash was immediate and bi-partisan.  Resident sycophant Lindsay Graham was especially critical, tweeting out:
“The most probable outcome of this impulsive decision is to ensure Iran’s domination of Syria...The U.S. now has no leverage and Syria will eventually become a nightmare for Israel.
“I feel very bad for the Americans and allies who have sacrificed to destroy the ISIS Caliphate because this decision virtually reassures the reemergence of ISIS.  So sad.  So dangerous.  President Trump may be tired of fighting radical Islam.  They are NOT tired of fighting us.”
This incident always stuck with me.  Especially the timing: getting off the phone with Erdogan and then hours later pulling out of Syria.  Astute researchers quickly found an audio clip of Trump on Steve Bannon’s radio show from back in 2011 saying ‘well, I have a conflict of interest when it comes to Turkey.  I have two buildings in Istanbul’...
So at first I thought this was simply another example of something I’d long thought Trump guilty of: being the president of Trump Enterprises first, and America second.  We’d seen that before with one of the first acts of his administration: the Travel Ban*, and then with his handling of the FBI building**. 
But when news of the outstanding loans came to light, I thought again about Syria, and the odd, out-of-the-blue nature of the President’s decision. 
The day the news of the loans broke, they had a former security official on MSNBC, and he brought up an interesting point: if you had large outstanding financial obligations like that to a foreign bank, you might be denied a security clearance based on that fact because you could be threatened or cajoled into acting against our country’s interests. 
Is that what happened here?  Did Erdogan ask Trump to pull his forces out of Syria (or did he demand it)?  Or was it Putin, indirectly through Erdogan who maybe told Trump “a mutual friend would be very appreciative if you would do this for him”. 
Who gave the order to pull out of Syria…?  An order that-according to Lindsey Graham-went against America’s interest and all but assured the resurrection of ISIS?
You’re probably thinking: whoa, Dave!   Easy there!  I mean, that sounds pretty crazy, right?  The idea that the President could be financially compromised to the extent that he does the bidding of our adversaries? 
Actually, I’m not the first to submit this crazy theory.  After the 2018 meeting in Helsinki with Vladimir Putin, a Republican state Congressman from Texas (yes, you read that right: a Republican from Texas) posted an op-ed with the title: Trump Is Being Manipulated by Putin. What Should We Do?
This Texas Republican’s background?  He’s former CIA.  In the op-ed he writes: “over the course of my career as an undercover officer in the C.I.A., I saw Russian intelligence manipulate many people. I never thought I would see the day when an American president would be one of them.”
He goes on to say: “The president’s failure to defend the United States intelligence community’s unanimous conclusions of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and condemn Russian covert counterinfluence campaigns and his standing idle on the world stage while a Russian dictator spouted lies confused many but should concern all Americans. 
“By playing into Vladimir Putin’s hands, the leader of the free world actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign that legitimized Russian denial and weakened the credibility of the United States to both our friends and foes abroad.”
I strongly believe that this President is dangerous.  He’s dangerous in the way he coddles up to autocrats.  He’s dangerous because he has financial entanglements that make him put his own interests before the nation’s.  And he’s dangerous because he politicized a virus that killed 200,000+ people when we now know he’s on record in February telling Bob Woodward (on tape no less) that this was WAY worse the flu, and was deadly. 
But you don’t take my word for it.  Listen to some fellow Republicans.  Here’s a statement by 70 Republicans who served as national security officials and say that this President is dangerously unfit to serve another term.  https://www.defendingdemocracytogether.org/national-security/
There’s more.  In an open letter to America, 780 retired Generals, Admirals, Senior Noncommissioned Officers, Ambassadors and Senior Civilian National Security Officials announced their support of Joe Biden for President for similar reasons: https://www.nationalsecurityleaders4biden.com/
Let me say, also, that I don’t think there’s anything ideologically wrong with being a Republican.  But I would submit to you that this current Republican administration and Republican Congress does not serve you, or anyone you know.
Basically, if you’re not going to watch Penn State play Ohio State tonight from Mar-A-Lago, their interests are not your interests. 
Trump isn’t for the ‘little guy’.  He’s accomplished one thing legislatively in his four years in office, and that was a tax cut for millionaires and billionaires.  Now, those billionaires are using their considerable resources (like Rupert Murdoch and Fox News) to try and get you to vote for him again so that they can keep the gravy train rolling.  It’s as simple as that.  It’s all about money.
Oh, and I forgot one other thing this President has done for the wealthy and corporations: he’s been hell bent on deregulating industry.  Which is great for big business, but not so great for us-the consumers.  In 2019 regulations on the pork industry were rolled back (read more about that here: https://qz.com/1716113/trump-gives-pork-industry-a-path-to-regulate-itself/).
What could go wrong there?  There were two health inspectors who came forward (if I remember right, they may have been the ones to bring the issue to light) and they basically said that they wouldn’t be eating the food from the companies where they had worked. 
Right now there are massive efforts to have legitimate votes cast be discounted.  In Minnesota, Republicans there are fighting a ruling that ballots can be received up to seven days after the election-as long as they are postmarked by election day.
This deadline was put into place months ago because of the pandemic, and was accepted on a bi-partisan basis.  Now Republicans are challenging that.  So you could have voters that put their vote in the mail last Tuesday-while the deadline was valid-only to have their vote challenged if the post office delivers it on Wednesday. 
Surely it can’t be partisan to feel that everyone’s vote should count?  But this is the new extreme right Republican party that will do anything to win-even disenfranchise legal votes.  Discounting valid votes is how we go from being America to being a Banana Republic.  At some point these Republicans need to understand that they are Americans first and Republicans second, or we are screwed as a nation. 
Trump is a man who shows no respect for the office of the President, caters to autocrats while his lawyers argue in court that he shouldn’t be able to be investigated while he’s in office.  If you’re an American, that should ALARM THE CRAP out of you.  Democracies can fall.  It’s happening everywhere around the globe.  If you think it ‘couldn’t happen here’ simply because it never has, that’s some dangerous thinking.  Remember, technically Putin is ‘elected’ into office.  And this Congress has failed epically in its duty to be a check on the executive branch.  That’s their job, by the way-regardless of who is in office.  
Don’t get me started on Attorney General William Barr.  I wonder if-during his confirmation hearings-when he listed ‘Banana Republics’ on his resume they thought he’d worked for the now defunct clothing chain, not that he was adept at creating them. 
You may be asking yourself: why is he putting all this out there now?  Because I love all of you-and certainly respect all of you.  And I see you blindly following a leader who doesn’t represent you or your values.  And I see you acting in a way and saying things and posting things that are inconsistent with the people I know you to be.
I’m working on the assumption that you are being fed false information.  That deep down you are indeed the people that I think you are, but you are being misled.
And remember: there are two ways to lie.  You can outright tell someone something that is false.  But you can also lie by omission.  Fox News is certainly guilty of the former, but maybe even more so of the latter.  (Fox News probably won’t tell you that 780 former Generals and National Security officials say that the President shouldn’t serve another term.   They didn’t lie…they just didn’t mention it.  And I think that’s something worth mentioning.)
Think of the dynamic at work here: Trump does or says something.  The dozens of news organizations that you’ve followed and respected your entire lives tells you it’s false.  One-ONE-news organization backs up his claim (the organization that is owned by a man who has benefited financially from President’s policies).  Meanwhile Trump calls the others ‘fake news’.  Do you see anything wrong there?
There is a great quote from Orwell’s 1984 that has become hauntingly prescient over the last four years: “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” 
This Tuesday will be a deciding moment in this nation.  If you want a vote that actually means something in 2024, don’t vote for Trump on Tuesday.
*What about the Travel Ban?  Glad you asked.  If you remember, the travel ban was assigned to keep us safe by preventing people from certain countries from coming to America (it is worth noting that the travel ban was first struck down by a federal judge appointed by George Bush).  One of the oddities about the travel ban was that there were three countries that were exempt.  These three countries were the only countries that had produced terrorists that had killed Americans.  None of the countries actually on the travel ban had.   Weird, huh?  Do you know what else these countries had in common?  They all had Trump branded properties. 
 **  The F.B.I. building.  So the F.B.I. building is in not great shape.  It’s old and falling apart.  In fact they had sections of the outside cordoned off so that a piece of the outer façade doesn’t fall off and kill someone.  The U.S. government had worked out a deal with a contractor that the contractor would build the F.B.I. a brand new facility-for free-and then in exchange the contractor would be given the old F.B.I. location to do whatever they want with it.  Presumably, knock down and make it into a new building/hotel/shops (whatever).  Pretty good deal, right?
Except…a year or so ago a lady had a meeting at the White House and then went before Congress and said that the F.B.I. did not, in fact, want a free brand new facility anymore, but instead wanted the renovate and repair the old one instead.  Huh…
Do you know what building is just a couple blocks down from the F.B.I. building’s location?  Trump’s D.C. hotel. 
Now I know what you’re thinking.  You’re saying: ‘but Dave, look at all the NFL owners: they didn’t want new stadiums.  They decided to pour money into their old dilapidated stadiums that were steeped in tradition and history!’  Except you’re not saying that because that never happened.  Everyone wants a new facility over a crumbling money pit, and I’m sure the F.B.I was no exception.
(It’s also interesting to note that-for some reason-there was two billion dollars in one of the recent versions of a Coronavirus relief bill-that wasn’t passed-allocated for the repair of the F.B.I. building.  Why?  Who put that in there? It wasn’t Senate Republicans.  It was funny watching Mitch McConnell answering questions about that and having to admit that he had no idea that it was even in there).
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jadekitty777 · 4 years
Doomsday Dinner Party: Chapter 2
Me? Updating a story from 2018? It’s more likely than you think. I’ve been wanting to write a continuation to this one for a long time.
Day 3: AU Day @taiqrowweek
Rating: T
Words: 9,000
Summary: The world might be over as they know it, but that didn’t mean their still wasn’t time for a road trip.
Ao3 Link: Doomsday Dinner Party (This link leaks to chapter 1, since reading it is kind of required and it’s been a long time)
June in the south was miserable and Qrow had not missed it one bit. Especially when that meant waking up with his clothes sticking to him like an uncomfortable, sweat-soaked blanket. It didn’t help that Tai was practically a furnace, and such an extreme cuddler it was as if he was trying to make it into the next Olympic sport.
He carefully wiggled his way out of the other’s grip, his efforts proving successful when he stirred but didn’t wake. As he sat up, he bit back the groan as his entire body ached in protest, every muscle sore from last night’s desperate escape. His shoulders were particularly knotted up, but he didn’t dare try to rub at them. Not with his fingertips still scraped raw from the failed attempts to grab the edge of the concrete wall he’d tried to vault himself over.
Qrow glanced over at Tai, still slumbering away.
He remembered that split second of dread that had shot through him, when he called for Tai’s help and the man, already safely straddled on the fence, looked the other way. He had thought, this was it. Tai was going to jump to the other side and leave him to die. He couldn’t describe the feeling that overwhelmed him when Tai only chucked their bags over before joining him back on the ground to help him over, putting himself in danger to save him.
After every other loss Qrow’d endured – friends, coworkers, his father, civilization itself – he was certain that nothing else could faze him. Oh, how the universe loved to prove him wrong. For the dread he felt when he was in trouble was nothing compared to the all-encompassing terror that engulfed him when it was Tai’s life on the line instead.
He’d almost lost him last night and the thought alone still shook his very soul.
It wasn’t even supposed to be like this. His plan had been simple: Team up with the trained soldier and travel from Montana to Texas. Try to locate his sister in Wichita Falls. Then, get a free pass into the military safe haven in Archer City. He was just supposed to use Tai’s connections to save his own skin, not fall for the guy.
And yet, here he was, a foolish man gently stroking his knuckles across Tai’s face, heart jumping at the little smile that elicited.
Damn it.
Qrow pulled away, before getting to his feet and picking up his scythe as he headed for the door. He opened it only a crack at first, listening carefully for any out of place noises – shambling feet, hissing breath. Anything that might indicate a Stalker nearby. When nothing caught his ear, he widened it, took a quick visual sweep of the area, before determining it was safe and walking outside.
Though he had no skill in reading it, the sun wasn’t too high yet, so he guessed it was only a bit past eight. Despite the early hour though, the summer heat was already settling in thick. He turned on his heels, getting another gander of the area. Even in the light, there wasn’t much to the facility. The wall surrounded the perimeter, only broken by an iron wrought gate that was probably only ever opened for vehicular traffic. He spotted nothing beyond the metal bars, so the horde that had chased them had thankfully continued on, rather than lingering in wait for them. Within the walls, there was only the small office building they’d holed up into and the white tanks that potentially held some water.
Possibly a back-up supply in case of a tornado emergency? He wasn’t sure, but it would be worth investigating after Tai got up.
For now, he had a different task in mind as he settled on the ground in the shade of one of the tanks and rested his weapon in his lap. Having been so exhausted, he hadn’t cleaned the blade last night like he should have. It was going to be a chore to do so this morning, now that the blood had had time to dry and crust over. It would have to be done before they moved out though, so he set himself to work on the arduous task.
It wasn’t until he was nearly done that Tai finally emerged, lumbering his way over to sit down beside him.
“Breakfast?” He greeted, shaking a bag of almonds at him.
“Sure.” Qrow accepted a handful, throwing them all into his mouth before picking back up his grit stone and moved it along the sharp end of the scythe. With the sound too grating to talk over, they shared the meager meal in silence. Not that there was much left to sharpen. Only a few more strokes and the task was done.
It was worrisome that the bag was empty in just as little time.
To avoid thinking about it, he rapped his knuckles on the tank behind them. “Was thinking there might be some water in here.”
“Doubt it.” Tai said, appraising the unit with a skeptical eye.
“Oh yeah?” He challenged. “What makes you so sure?”
Without breaking eye contact, Tai pointed to something above Qrow’s head. “Well that, for starters.”
He looked up at what he was indicating, spotting the bright yellow sticker with big, bold letters that said: Caution – Fire Hazard.
Not missing a beat, he said, “Could still be water. It’s a hazard to fire.”
Tai chuckled. “Oh, I see. It’s one of those badly translated stickers from Peru then.”
“Peru? Why not China?”
“Because my people have standards.”
“Your people?” Qrow arched a brow. “Tai, you’re like the whitest Chinese person to ever exist.”
He gave him a once over. “Kettle, black. Or in this case, white.”
“Hah. Clever.” He mocked. “Least I got the Asian eyes.”
“And they’re very pretty.” Tai reached out, roughing up his hair until most of the shaggy locks were covering his vision. He laughed Qrow off when he tried to swipe at him in retribution, scuttling back and getting to his feet. “Come on, we should get moving before the sun gets too high.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He stood as well, pushing his hair back into place, grimacing at the grime and grease that kept it into place like a self-made hair gel.
God, what he wouldn’t do for a shower.
As they headed back to the little metal building, he said, “So my thought is we head back to the car. Salvage it if we can. Ransack it if we can’t.” They’d left a lot behind in yesterday’s escape, including a canister of gas and some spare water.
Tai nodded stepping inside just long enough to grab their packs. “Shouldn’t be a problem. The freeway should be mostly clear now, so we can probably hotwire something new if need be.” He headed towards the gate, handing Qrow’s bag over as he passed. “We can probably go scavenging in a few of the small towns on the way, but if all goes well, we can definitely make it to Wichita before nightfall.”
Qrow froze.
It took the other man almost a dozen steps before he noticed. He paused, glancing back, “Qrow?”
He shifted his weight uncertainly, dropping his gaze. “Yeah, ‘bout that. I was thinking maybe we should just… skip Wichita and head straight for Archer City?”
The silence that followed allowed Qrow to feel lower than the dirt he was staring at. And though Tai wasn’t a violent man by nature, at least where the living folks were concerned, he still flinched all the same when the man approached him.
But the most Tai did was lay a hand on his shoulder, voicing softly, “Are you sure?”
“Last night was the first time we’ve encountered a crowd of that size. We barely made it.” He replied. “If we couldn’t handle that, how are we going to handle Wichita being like that from end to end?”
“You don’t know that.”
He finally rose his gaze. “No, but I do know better than to gamble on a losing hand.”
“But,” It was hard to catalogue the pinched expression that formed on Tai’s face. “But she’s your sister.”
He swallowed down the sudden grief that was trying to crawl its way out of his throat. “Yeah. Truth is though, I know she’s not there. She either got out, or she didn’t. I only wanted to go for me. To find peace with it, I guess.” He laid his hand over Tai’s, feeling the scars on the knuckles and the warmth of his skin. Alive. Here. “But I don’t want to lose you by chasing ghosts.”
Those soulful, blue eyes searched his face carefully. Then, for no reason at all, Tai pulled him into a hug, whispering into his hair. “Okay.”
It was almost like he was trying to comfort him. He didn’t know why though. He was fine.
Qrow buried his head into Tai’s shoulder.
…He was fine.
Qrow was nothing if not masterful at ignoring his own emotions.
“What do you think?” Qrow asked as he splayed himself over the hood of a Ferrari. “Perfect for the next calendar?”
“Qrow no.” The smile gave his partner away.
“Oh you’re right, the ladies like the open shirt look.” He teased, reaching up to undo a few of the top buttons.
Tai shoved a hand in his face, pushing him. “Cut it out porn star. We gotta actually work.”
He gave a mournful sigh. “My career, ended before it could take off.”
Qrow hopped down from the car, trailing after the other man. As they’d feared, their little hit and run last night really did a number on the Camry. The back wheels were now pitched up on a hill of squirming, hissing Stalkers. There was really no hope of getting it loose without a tow and even if they could, the potential damage the vehicle sustained probably negated the effort.
So they made their way to the freeway as planned, now eerily empty except for the few dead still stuck in their seatbelts. They made sure to avoid those ones.
“Oh, what about this one?” Tai pointed out a Jeep Wrangler, eyes practically sparkling. “Be good for some off roading, yeah?”
“Yeah, ‘cept that gas guzzler ain’t going to get us very far.” He nudged him onwards, peering into the windows of the cars they were walking by, trying to see if there were any abandoned snacks or water bottles to snag. Unfortunately, the best he could seem to find was a pack of Winterfresh gum, the sticks so old they crumbled.
They ate them anyways.
After about an hour of scouring their options and many failed attempts to get something working that hadn’t had something wear out from disuse and time under the hot sun, they finally managed to get a little Hyundai purring to life. Qrow eased it down the grassy slope, the whole frame shaking roughly as they made their way to the side road they’d been traveling on. Once they hit it, it was smooth sailing from there, Qrow pulling down the window to stick his hand out while Tai hummed showtunes beside him and mapped out the safest route to their final destination.
They reached Sterling within the first ten minutes. The small town, boasting only an original population of 800, was like a ghost town to drive through. A shambling straggler could be seen here or there, but mostly they went through uninterrupted – stopping only to check an already well-ransacked Dollar General. Temple, the next village down the 65, was not much more impressive and with tiny stores just as empty. They pulled over halfway down on the 70 to wash up in the Red River (not quite the shower he’d been hoping for, but it would do). They collected some spare water to boil later, before moving on.
Soon enough, they were turning onto the 79 and crossing the state border, driving through Byers, a town so miniscule, it wasn’t worth touring.
“Maybe we should just keep going.” Qrow said as they entered Petrolia, finding the show to be the same as the rest: lifeless streets decorated with only the occasional Stalker and nothing else. “We really aren’t getting anywhere with all these stops.”
Tai ran a hand through his hair, already dry as the early afternoon sun bore down from above like a heat lamp. “Suppose so. We’re only an hour or so away. Turn right here.”
He did as told, eyeing the signs as he did so.
Tried to ignore the heaviness in his heart as he realized they were turning away from Wichita Falls.
He focused twice as hard on the asphalt stretching for miles before them, avoiding the occasional abandoned car or, in one case, tractor. There wasn’t much to see on the countryside of Texas, even less so now. It was nothing but wide, open fields, overgrown with weeds that had gone untilled, interspaced by the occasional barn or house. Any livestock there had been seemed to have escaped from their pens or frozen during the winter season.
They both looked away from the dead horse still tied to its post in the corral.
It took only twenty minutes to hit the next city. Despite it being three times larger than the other towns, they made it through Henrietta without incident.
They were just going under the overpass of the freeway when Tai suddenly exclaimed, “Wait! Turn around!”
“What? What is it?” Qrow asked, U-turning in the middle of the road.
“We need to go there!”
He followed the direction he was pointing, eyebrows going up to his hairline. “Pecan Shed? The fuck you want to go there for?”
“It’s a gift shop.”
He waited a beat. “And?”
“It has things… and stuff?”
Qrow rolled his eyes. “What a concept. Next you’ll be telling me hardware stores have nails.” He turned onto the side street all the same, pulling into the parking lot within seconds. He gave the building a once over as they got out of the car.
It was a fairly large. Two stories tall and long as a barn, with a fancy awning in front that mimicked a shed roof and a patio with seating that stretched all across the front and down both sides of the property. The name of the place was in big red letters at the top story, something that would be easily visible from the freeway when passing by. The front doors were made of glass, surprisingly still intact and, more importantly, unlocked.
They stepped inside with caution at first, but a quick sweep of the open floor and a few calls to garner attention with no response told them they weren’t in any immediate danger.
Which meant…
They shared a glance, before immediately tackling the still semi-stocked junk food station in the middle of the room. He ripped open a package of Ruffles, stuffing half the bag in his mouth at once. It tasted like heaven. Stale, over-salted heaven.
Beside him, Tai was inspecting a bag of what appeared to be shelled peanuts while tipping back a bag of Fritos.
He swallowed down another handful, saying, “Save those.” They would keep better longer and they were good fillers when they had nothing else.
“Ye’I’no.” Tai garbled out, his normal southern politeness completely abolished in the sightline of food.
Qrow, who had no politeness at all, just tossed the empty bag over his shoulder and reached for the Funyuns next.
By the time they had their fill, there was a small collection of litter at their feet. He sighed, plopping down onto the nearby checkout counter, smoothing a hand over his belly. They’d had to ration for so long, he couldn’t even remember the last time he felt safe to overindulge. Too worried about what he’d need tomorrow to worry about the ache in his stomach today.
“Sir, how much will this cost?”
Qrow looked up, smirking as Tai stood before him with two hand baskets full of goods. “For what? The food or my sexy ass?”
He winked. “The food. Your ass is priceless.”
“Least you know quality when you see it.” He hopped down, taking one of the baskets and following the other out to the car.
They fell into an easy rhythm, scouring the shop top to bottom for anything worth nabbing. Drinks, trail mixes, jerky, matches, candles, blankets, batteries, knives. Even things like books and magazines were useful for campfire tinder – and maybe a bit of reading for those really boring nights.
Then again, Qrow thought as he placed a few shirt-wrapped bottles of wine in the back, there were always other methods of entertainment.
He slammed the trunk closed, before heading back in for one last sweep through of the back aisles. He zigzagged around the store, triple-checking the sections they’d already emptied. A selection of colorful novelty mugs caught his attention and he chortled over the one with the cartoon Corgi surrounded by a heart and flowing text framing it that said, ‘This is the Corgkey to my heart’.
Tai had always said he wanted a dog, hadn’t he?
He plucked it off the shelf and made his way towards where he could spot the familiar head of blond hair peeking above the displays. He wheeled the corner, about to call out – only for it to choke in his throat when he realized what the other man was doing.
Tai stood in front of a rack of wooden baskets, each one filled to the brim with stuffed animals. He seemed to be in a silent debate over whether to take the fuzzy teddy bear or the brightly colored unicorn, as if it were the most important decision of his life.
He looked so… lost.
Qrow inched forward hesitantly, moving loud enough that he knew he was there, but quiet enough to not disturb him.
It seemed Tai wasn’t completely stuck in his own head though, for when he finally stood at his side, he spoke, “I used to bring Yang here a lot.”
He tilted his head, surprised. “Your daughter?” Tai hadn’t talked about his girls much; whether it be out of a simple habit of privacy or a necessity to keep himself focused on survival instead of agonizing over his children’s fate was unknown to Qrow, but either way he’d never pried.
“Yeah. When I’d take her to go visit her mom, if the trip didn’t go well – and it rarely did – I’d bring her here. She loved the dinosaur exhibit that’s in front of the truck stop. I’d let her play there as long as she wanted and then we’d eat at the Steak N’ Shake.” He waved a hand at the store around them. “Then we’d come here, get some of the specialty fudge to bring home and Yang would pick out a stuffed animal for Ruby. Somehow, she always knew which one she’d love the most.”  He laughed. It was a strained, wounded sound. “I’m afraid I don’t have her intuition though. I can’t even remember if Ruby was still in her unicorn phase before I left.”
Qrow swallowed down that same, awful grief from before that was trying to escape. Instead, he forced some cheer into his tone as he said, “Well you know what I do when I can’t make a decision?” He turned to the baskets in front of them and pulled one right off the rack, dropping it down between them, “I get them all.”
Tai blinked down at it, before a genuine smile broke free. It was like watching the sun come out after a rainstorm. “Qrow, we can’t bring them all.”
“Watch me.” He pulled another one free and balanced it against his hip as he hefted it towards the car.
Ten minutes later, they were peeling out of the parking lot, about a hundred pairs of eyes watching the road go by from the backseat.
And Tai didn’t stop smiling.
A semi-truck was parked sideways along the two-laned road that cut across the lake on the 172, it’s front fender partially submerged in the murky water, effectively blocking the way. Qrow didn’t think much of it as he turned them around to take another route.
He grew more suspicious when they encountered multiple semis parked in a line across the 174.
Tai lent forward, eyeing the trucks with narrowed eyes. “These are barricades.”
“And people don’t set up barricades if they aren’t trying to protect something.” Qrow determined, switching into low gear. “Come on, we can drive around it.”
“Wait!” He grabbed his wrist, keeping it from touching the wheel. “If the military set these up, then the fields are probably mined.”
He considered that for a moment, before shifting into reverse. “Alright then we’ll try up the highway.”
Around they went, the detour taking them nearly a half hour – and sure enough, right at the juncture that converged the highway with the freeway, another blockade halted their forward motion. But this time, there was a message left for them in bright red paint along the bodies of every truck:
“The fuck,” He breathed, a shiver running down his spine. He looked to the man beside him, whose face had gone white. “Tai?”
Tai set his jaw, before pulling out the map. “Come on, let’s get closer than we’re walking it.”
“And what are we doing about that?” Qrow snapped, pretending his voice didn’t hit the octave of a screeching bat.
“You don’t have to come with me.”
The words were like a blow to the face. “What?”
He pointed out the frontage entrance a few miles south. “I’ll go, and then I’ll come back and get you if it’s safe.”
His heart slowed down from its 100-mile a minute pulse line to only about 80. He pulled the car around, grumbling all the while, “Like hell you will.”
Despite his words though, as they neared the off ramp, the desire to just hit the gas and keep going overcame him so strongly, it was like his foot was fighting against a two-ton weight. He looked again to the man beside him, tried to draw strength from his unwavering nerve. Tai had the look of a man who was about to go to war with the whole world if it dared stand in his way of him and his kids – and if Qrow just became another obstacle, he had no doubt on where he’d end up on that side of the battle.
He wished he’d had even an ounce of that same backbone for his sister.
He beat down his shame and jerked the wheel to the right, heading down the ramp and following the way back up to where the street met another. He turned onto it. The road was immediately rough, more dirt than asphalt, rattling the frame of the car harshly as they slowly trudged between the empty farming fields.
Halfway down the road, they came to a pair of dead ash trees, one on either side. Hanging from their blackened and brittle branches were about half a dozen empty nooses. But one was not.
Instead, in its snare, was the body of a decaying crow.
A promise and an omen.
An eerie silence fell between them as they passed underneath it, the air stifling, suffocating.
Qrow coughed and said, “I think that was my cousin.”
Tai snorted, smacking his arm. “Shut up.”
His own snickers were practically hysteric. The buzzing that had started in his nerves from the first warning sign had turned into a crawling feeling, like a line of ants were marching along his skin. To combat it, his grip on the wheel tightened.
This was insane. People had done all this. Blocked the roads, painted the warnings, hung the signs. All in an effort to keep other survivors from coming close. Was it all just the military’s doing? Scare tactics because they were overcrowded? Or was it something worse?
Just what were they walking into?
Qrow sucked in a sharp breath, looking down at the hand now covering his own.
Tai ran a thumb over his knuckles, the movement as gentle as his voice, “It’s okay if you want to stay back, really.”
“Fuck that.” He snapped. “You would of come with me to Wichita, no matter what, right?”
“Yeah, absolutely.” Was the immediate assurance, followed shortly by, “But that doesn’t mean you owe me your life.”
He thought, again, of last night. Their shared panic as they ran across the fields. The wall that loomed ahead, cutting off their escape. Tai’s frantic orders as he helped him over.
Had he been alone, that would have been it.
He couldn’t stomach the thought of Tai being in a similar situation – needing him to look out for him. And him just not being there.
“No.” He avowed, meeting his eye. “We’re in this together. So unless you’re gonna throw me out of this damn car, you can cut it out with the martyr shit. Okay?”
The hand over his pulled his off the wheel, Tai clutching onto it almost fiercely. “Okay.”
Qrow let him keep it, slipping his fingers between Tai’s own as he turned back to the road.
As they neared its end, he noticed an assortment of industrial standard wind turbines. Perhaps once in use to provide power to the few speckled barns and homes on the horizon. He turned north, driving between them, peering up at them. The blades were whirling lazily in the breeze as the metallic forest caught the bright, summer sun, gleaming harshly bright.
He had to wonder if the buildings out here still had power. Or, if not, if a bit of tweaking to the structures might be able to bring them back to life. He was long removed from his university days when he would dabble about in engineering, and he’d never actually studied the ins and outs of wind energy converters, but the temptation to try was irresistible. To be able to cook their meals on a stove again or, god, have a hot shower. He had to bet there were some independent water wells out here and the land was still prime for growing too; it wouldn’t be hard to get their own crops growing. With time, they might even be able to find some livestock again. And a dog, too.
Qrow got lost in the fantasy of it.
So much so, Tai almost made him jump when he suddenly spoke up, “Here too?”
He blinked away the afterimages of him and Tai playing house during the apocalypse, focusing on the reality before him.
Scoffed at the sight of the pickup truck parked sideways across the road. He rolled to a stop, eyeing a side street in the rearview mirror a short-ways back. It was even less maintained than the ones they’d been traveling down so far, promising a ride that would rival a go around on some bumper cars.
“What do you wanna do? Walk it or keep going?” He asked gruffly.
Tai hummed thoughtfully, eyeing the map once more. “We’re not too far off at this point. Ten miles at most.”
“Not far off, he says.” Qrow mocked under his breath, even as he parked the car.
His partner laughed, undoing his seatbelt. “It’ll be good for you. Your scrawny legs could use some definition.”
He opened his mouth to retort, reaching for the keys to turn off the car –
When the one in front of them roared to life.
They froze, staring at the truck.
“What?” Tai whispered.
To assure they hadn’t misheard, the engine revved loudly.
Then, the wheels rotated towards them, the axles squealing as the truck came barreling towards them.
“Oh shit.” Qrow barked, throwing them into reverse and slamming down on the gas pedal.
Tai yelped as he was thrown into the dash as they rocketed backwards several meters. Another quick gear shift, and Qrow twisted the wheel around, flying down the road he’d spotted before. They hit a pot hole hard enough to throw them up from their seats, but he didn’t dare slow down.
His arms trembled and sweat started to bead from his brow. “What the fuck.”
He looked at the rearview, seeing the truck taking the same corner, gunning after them.
“What the fuck!” He shouted again.
“I don’t know!” Tai shouted back, scrambling to get his seatbelt back on.
“There’s someone in there.”
“You think?!”
He smacked the wheel. “Well what the fuck do we do!?”
“Calm down.” Was the sharp reply, Tai twisting around in his seat to keep an eye on their pursuer. “We just need to lose him.”
“Oh, that’s all? Brilliant!”
“Qrow.” The commanding tone shut him down immediately, his partner leveling him with a look. “Listen to me. We’re going to be fine. Just focus on driving. We’ll find a place around here, a home, a barn whatever. Just something with some cover.”
He took a few deep breathes, trying to steel his nerves. “Alright, alright.”
Except, it became abundantly clear that plan was sunk, as they sped past the first side street, completely blocked off by rubbish and vehicles. It was the same story with the next one.
Tai cursed under his breath. “He’s corralling us.”
“Maybe we should ditch the car? Head out into the field and make a run for it?” Qrow suggested.
He shook his head. “We’ll be too exposed. I think our better bet is to figure out where he’s leading us.”
“And then?”
“Then we’ll talk this out with whoever this guy is.”
“And if he doesn’t want to talk?”
Tai’s expression smoothed out into something cold. “Then you’re lucky I’m a good shot.”
Qrow swallowed, not arguing further.
He knew Tai could do it, if he had to. That’s how the military had trained him. But he hadn’t had to go through any of those tough regimens like his partner. Hell, up until eight months ago, he’d been living a rather lavish, uncomplicated life helping his old man upkeep the business fixing transmissions and rotating tires.
He was a mechanic! How the hell did he end up in a high-speed chase in the middle of fucking nowhere?
A blare of the truck’s horn made his heart jump into his throat. What was this guy gonna do, once he got them where he wanted them? Would he really start shooting?
God, he didn’t want to kill anyone. Not someone alive at least.
Another rough bump shook the thought down, so he tried to focus on keeping them steady instead. Another mile on, and the road ahead became blocked by another pickup truck, forcing them to take a hard right.
As he turned, he spotted movement in the front seat of the car.
A sense of foreboding swept through him and once they got far enough down the road, he braved a glance. Sure enough, the rearview told him they were now being pursued by two cars.
“Tai.” Qrow hissed in warning.
But Tai wasn’t looking at the situation behind them, instead pointing forward. “Look.”
He did, squinting a bit. Though still a good few miles off, he could just barely make out the shape of a large building of some sort – taller than any of the other buildings around these parts. Unnatural and out of place.
“What is that?” He asked.
“Dunno. But I have a feeling we’re about to find out.”
The suspicion turned to truth as they continued down the road, the structure looming ever closer. Until he could make out it wasn’t a building at all, but rather a massive fence, at least two stories tall. It was made of a mismatch of materials, including timber beams, chain link mesh, and aluminum sheet metal.
It had to be sturdy though, because as they rolled up to the front gate, he could spot half a dozen people standing on platforms attached to it, three on either side of the gate.
Every single one of them held a rifle.
“What now?” Qrow barely got out around the knot in his throat.
“I…” Tai looked frantically from side to side, as if an escape route would just materialize from thin air. When nothing did, he looked to him, and for the first time since this all started, Qrow could see the fear in his eyes. “I don’t know.”
They both looked back as they heard the sound of car doors closing, the drivers of either car stepping out and heading towards them. One was a man with short brown hair, the front of it pulled up like a plumage of feathers. His shirt was sleeveless, boasting well-toned arms that promised an ill-fate for his opponents. Yet, even he seemed slightly dwarfed by his companion – a tree of a woman, solidly built, and tall. She was swinging around a giant mallet like it weighed nothing.
The two of them split, flanking their car from either side.
The man knocked on Qrow’s window, pointing down.
Getting the hint, he rolled it down.
The man rested a hand along the top of the door, leaning in. “Where y’all heading? The zoo?”
He blinked, confused – and then he remembered the army of stuffed animals in the back seat, and scowled. “Clever, asshole.”
That only seemed to amuse the other, as he chuckled. His voice was smooth and calm. He knew who was in charge here. “This one’s got some bite, don’t he Elm?”
“Sure does.” Elm replied. “And look, they’re just your type. A couple of pretty boys.”
The hair on the back of his neck stood up uncomfortably. The fuck did that mean?
Beside him, Tai took a deep breath, saying slowly. “Look, we’re not trying to start any trouble. We were just passing on through.”
“Were you now?” The man drummed his fingers on the roof above him, the noise unusually grating with Qrow’s nerves so shot. “And you just happened to come this way? Didn’t happen to see any of our warnings or blocked roads?”
“You guys did all that?” Qrow realized too late the question only made him sound falsely innocent.
“Cute. Real cute.” The easygoing smile disappeared, replaced with something rigid and dangerous. “Alright that’s enough small talk. So, let me explain how this is going to work. The two of you are going to get out of the car. You’re not going to struggle or try anything stupid, ‘cause if you do…” He lent in even further, as if he were trying to share a secret with them. “You see those people up there? They don’t have the best of aim, but they sure do got a lot of bullets. Quantity over quality and all that.”
Qrow’s hands tightened over the wheel he still hadn’t let go of. Tai’s breath hitched.
Neither of them moved.
The man gave a longsuffering sigh. “Come on now. Don’t make us drag you out.”
Another beat passed.
Then, with a reluctant click, Tai undid his seatbelt. Opened the door slowly.
“Attaboy.” The man praised, before turning his gaze to him. “Now you.”
Qrow shut his eyes, counted down from five, and finally managed to pry one hand loose. Shakily, he pulled the car into park, before doing the same as his partner and stepping out of the car.
“That’s it, nice and easy.” The other coached. “Now, arms out.”
Once, when he was young and stupid, he got pulled over for drunk driving. So, he wasn’t unfamiliar with a pat down. This was a lot more… thorough. The asshole even managed to find the swiss army knife in his back pocket.
From where he was being given much the same treatment by Elm, he heard Tai ask, “Can’t we talk about this?”
“You can sing like a bird, but it won’t do you any good until the chief gets here.” She replied.
The chief? What kind of society were they running? A tribe?
“Alright, this way.” The man tossed all his weapons onto the seat of the car, before clapping a hand down on his shoulder, pulling him forward. “Gonna need you front and center.”
Qrow reluctantly followed, fighting the urge to curl away from his touch. He grunted a bit when the other forced him down, his knees cracking painfully on the ground. Tai was manhandled into the same position beside him, grunting a bit as Elm forced him down even more roughly.
The man called over them both, “Where’s the chief?”
The tiniest of the firing squad, a dark-skinned woman with boyishly short hair, called back, “Almost here!”
“Clover.” Elm said urgently from behind them. There was a light jingling noise that Qrow couldn’t place but recognized as something passed between them.
There was a few short seconds of nothing, and then suddenly Clover was marching around them, kneeling down in front of his partner. In his hand were Tai’s dog tags. “Where did you get this?” He asked darkly.
Tai looked between them and Clover, murmuring, “They’re mine.”
“Really?” He flipped the face of it around, reading it aloud. “So, your telling me your name is Taiyang Xiao Long?”
His lips pressed into a firm, defiant frown. “Yes.”
“Bullshit.” Clover spit in his face. “Who’d you take this from?”
“I didn’t steal it from anyone.”
“Fuck off with that you-”
Qrow’s fingers clenched into fists, his own temper flaring. “Hey! Why don’t you fuck off! It’s called remarriage jackass – or is that too hard a concept for you?”
It probably wasn’t the best thing to do, if the flash of panic that passed over Tai’s face was any indication. But Clover just leveled him with a glare before getting back to his feet, letting the chain dangle from his fingers. “You know, I heard her people liked to take souvenirs from the dead. But a soldier’s tags? That’s just vile. How many of my friends’ bodies did you desecrate back at the base?”
‘Her people’? ‘Bodies’? What was this guy prattling on about?
“Wait. Just wait a second. The base?” Tai took a shaky breath. “Archer City base? You’re from there?”
Elm smacked the heel of her hammer into the ground right behind him. “We both were. It was all real nice, until your little buddies came by and slaughtered the lot of us.”
Qrow felt his stomach plummet at those words.
Tai had gone pale, his composure barely hanging on. Desperately, he croaked out, “How many survived?”
Whatever he thought of his reaction did nothing to temper the acidic hatred Clover stared down at him with. “You’re looking at ‘em.”
Had Tai been one of his actual enemies, Clover may have been proud to know how devastating a blow he’d just delivered. Regardless of it all, the damage was done. And Tai?
Tai broke. It wasn’t loud, like the way glass shatters. Rather it was subtle and unfixable, like the snapping of a flower stem.
Qrow’s own heart fractured at the way he whimpered, curling in on himself. The fleeting sunflower, already beginning to wilt and die, now that his roots were gone.
He reached out for him, hand coming to rest on his back, not caring if the lumberjack of a woman behind him smashed his entire arm flat for it.
“She’s here!” One of the squad from above called. The chain link rattled as someone ascended the platform from the other side.
Qrow paid it all only half an ear and eye, more concerned with the defeated man before him then anything this chief was going to do with them. Though, when he heard the telltale stomp of boots from above, he offered a cursory glance skyward.
She was a tall woman, with wild black hair and a curvy, powerful figure. A bandanna covered the lower half of her face, and she seemed equally disinterested in them, instead speaking with the petite woman who’d spoken before.
“Not much to say about them boss.” Clover reported. “One of them’s got some stolen tags from a Taiyang though.”
That grabbed her attention immediately, her body jerking around as she looked down at them with intense interest.
Even from here, Qrow could tell her eyes were blood red.
And then he couldn’t see them at all as, without warning, she practically raced back to the ladder as she shrilled orders at her people, “LOWER YOUR WEAPONS AND LET THEM UP! OPEN THE GATES, NOW!”
There was a sudden, confused cacophony of voices. Another sharp command and then, an equally snappish retort that bellowed above them all, “You heard her, open it!!”
Qrow caught Clover and Elm sharing a worried look between them. He felt his guard rise higher, confusion and fear melding into one. What was going on? Was she coming down there to kill Tai herself? He shifted over, trying to block Tai’s body with his own as he heard the latch of the gate come undone, slowly starting to roll open.
The chief could hardly wait for it, practically squeezing her way through.
Except at some point on the way down, she’d ripped away the mask. This close, there was no mistaking her.
“Oh my god.” Qrow whispered. “Oh my god.”
Then he was on his feet, shoes scrambling for purchase and hands clambering over the dirt to get himself up as fast as possible, taking off at a run. The rest of the world fell away, the only thing left the woman running just as fast for him – and despite it being mere seconds, it was entirely too long when they finally collided.
Her name burst from his lips like a prayer he never thought would be answered. “Raven! Oh god, Raven.”
It was impossible. She was here. She was here!
His heart beat as wild as his sister’s hair, the mane of it seeming the surround him as she buried her face into his neck and sobbed. “Qrow. You’re alive. I never thought – How’d you even get here?”
His response came out in a stammer. “Me? B-But you-! And I, I,” Oh, he was crying too.
So he stopped trying, just held on tight and let the tidal wave of emotion hit him. The grief he’d been ignoring. The guilt of having given up. The hope he never let live. The relief of her being safe. The unbelievable happiness knowing she was actually and truly alive.
“I love you.” The words burst out of him, sudden and uncontainable. As if he needed to make up for lost time. All the years he should have said it more, after the divorce had split them across the country and the forced separation left them bitter even with each other. Until the phone calls went from every day to almost never. Until they only caught up on the occasional holiday. Until he thought there was nothing worse than becoming invested into something he was destined just to lose.
But he’d been wrong. Feeling like he was completely alone was much, much worse.
“That wasn’t an answer.” She spoke around tears. “But I love you too, you stupid idiot.”
“’Stupid idiot’? Really bringing out the big guns with that one aren’t ya?” He laughed and she shoved him a bit. It was just like the old days.
“It’s just such a strong character trait, it has to be said twice.” Raven assured, wiping her face.
He was about to retort when Clover cut in between them. “Hey uh, I don’t mean to interrupt your reunion, but I think there’s something wrong with your friend.”
Qrow’s head snapped around. Like that moment in the gift shop, Tai seemed to be lost in his own head – but even further this time. He didn’t even respond to the way Elm shook him or tried to encourage him to his feet.
“Shit.” He breathed, before racing back to his side. He waved the other woman aside, kneeling down next to him. “Tai, babe? You in there?”
“Come on, don’t do this to me.” He murmured frantically, reaching out to hold his hand.
His sister approached, and though she appeared to be oddly taken aback, her voice was sharp and commanding, “What happened?”
Qrow waved vaguely to his left. “Your little boy scout there is what. Told him his family died.”
“What?!” The soldier barked, holding up his hands, “I did no such thing.”
He leveled him with his best glare. “’You’re looking at ‘em’? That’s what you said about the survivors. His daughters were there, asshole.”
At least, that was what Taiyang was hoping. He had banked everything he had that his little girls had made it to the safe zone and were just waiting for him to return. The unshakable belief had been the only thing keeping him sane.
Now that it was gone, he had nothing left to hold onto. Qrow didn’t know what to do, or even had the faintest clue how to pull the other back from the sea of despair he was drowning in.
Clover looked horrified. “I, but I-I didn’t-!”
“It’s fine.” Raven asserted.
“What?!” Qrow shouted. “How can you just fucking say that?!”
She leveled him with look he couldn’t even begin to decipher. “Just. Let me.”
Without any further context then that, she settled on the dirt next to them. She reached out, gripping Tai’s jaw and turning his head to face her and in a gentle octave Qrow’d never heard her use, said, “Tai, can you hear me? I need you to come back. Yang and Ruby are here.”
At the sound of his daughters’ names, Tai finally blinked, some light returning to his gaze. Encouraged, Raven lent in closer.
“They’re alive. They’re safe. But you need to wake back up if you want to see them. Can you do that for us?”
He felt the hand in his slowly starting to grip back. Whatever his sister was doing was working – and while Tai’s brain was starting back up, Qrow felt like his was doing all sorts of mental gymnastics just to catch up. How did she know Tai’s kids? Were they really beyond those gates? Did they talk about their dad enough that she just knew who he had to be?
The real answer turned out to be exceedingly more simple and absolutely mind-bending, because Tai finally croaked out, “Rae?”
His sister smiled and responded as if it were the most natural thing on earth, “Yeah, it’s me.”
The words echoed on repeat in his ears. Rae. As in, Tai’s first girlfriend Rae. Yang’s mother? Was also Raven, his sister?!
Qrow felt like he was going to need one of these quiet-talk therapy sessions because now he wasn’t sure he was entirely all here anymore.
The world was still intent on moving on whether he was there or not though. Tai inhaled shakily, practically pleading, “And, the girls? They’re really-?”
“Come see for yourself.” Raven stood.
Taking a moment to gather himself, Qrow followed suit, pulling Tai up with him. He led him towards the entrance, shooting a look at his sister that promised they were going to talk about this.  
She avoided his eye and fell in step with them, calling first to the firing squad still above them, “Hey, show’s over! Back to your jobs!” Then to the soldiers, “Clover, Elm. Bring in that car and then get back to your posts.”
“Yes ma’am.” Clover saluted. “And uh, Qrow, Tai?” Only Qrow looked back – holding up his hand to catch Tai’s tags when he tossed them his way. “Sorry.”
He nodded, pocketing them. He made a mental note to make sure the other man gave twice as good an apology to Tai when his lover was more present.
They stepped through the gate and it was like entering a long-forgotten world. The road continued on straight – but the acres of fields on either side were busy with tents, motor homes, and even a few trailers, everyone making do with whatever shelter they could find. People were milling about, doing all sorts of things. He could see some older men in lawn chairs, enraptured by a game of Chinese Checkers. A team was working with various gardening tools to clear up some free land. Another team was working on the skeleton of a structure against one of the walls that was looking like the beginning of a home. Pens were built towards the back, a few cows and a chicken coop in view and there were a few fire pits speckled around the facility, once in use as several people boiled and stored water.
A sense of surrealism enveloped him. They’d been on their own so long, he almost forgot what normal life could look like.
“This almost doesn’t feel real.” Qrow admitted, eyeing a young pair sparring in the shade of the wall.
“You get used to it.” Raven replied, leading them towards the west side of the colony. “We all keep pretty busy. Everyone’s got a job here; a way to contribute. We take care of each other, keep each other safe.”
He scoffed. “That why we got chased halfway to hell getting here?”
“It’s… preventative.” She explained. “We just want to make sure everyone comes to the front door.”
“So you can shoot them.”
“If they give us reason to.”
He gaped at her, aghast.
Raven sighed, walking in-between the space of two parked RVs. “This world doesn’t have rules anymore and there are a lot of bad people willing to take advantage of that.”
“Like at the base.” It was a surprise to both of them to hear Tai speak. “What happened there?”
Something dark flittered along his sister’s face, before she looked away. “Another group wanted what we had. So, one night, they rammed down the gates with a few semitrucks filled to the brim with biters to get it. There was over a thousand of us there. Now there’s only a little over a hundred of us.”
“Christ.” Qrow cursed. He couldn’t even fathom it. What kind of mindset did someone have to have to do something so willingly vicious?
“These people already lost everything twice over now. They’re looking to me to make sure they don’t lose more.” She stood a little taller, her voice strong and confidant. A voice people would find faith in following. “So yeah, I’ll scare even God himself away from our gates if that’s what it takes.”
If there was a concern to take away from all that, the day had been much too harrowing and long to put any honest consideration to it. So, he just let it lie, a gnat in the back of his thoughts for now.
He figured any other conversation was probably moot anyways, as when they rounded another trailer home the field opened up to what appeared to be a small picnic and playground area. In the center between the various tables and play equipment was a canopy tent, providing shade to the small gathering of children underneath it. They were all sitting in the grass, listening to the woman before them as she read aloud.
Tai’s grip had become iron tight, breath shallowing out.
As they drew near, Raven spoke up, “Summer, mind if we interrupt?”
The disruption drew everyone’s gaze on them, eyes wide and curious at the strange newcomers in their midst. Their teacher, Summer, seemed as equally spellbound, the book she’d been reading falling right out of her hands.
From the front, Qrow caught movement as one of the students stood, and he saw his niece for the first time. For even if the color was Tai’s, there was really no mistaking that wild mane for anyone other than a carbon copy of Raven’s – no matter how much those flimsy pigtails tried to tame it. She had to of been around eight or nine and she had a gangly appearance about her, the same way he had been during most of his childhood while he was still growing. He hoped she wouldn’t get his outrageously long legs.
Beside her, another girl stood. Had he not already known she was only two years apart from Yang, he would have mistaken little Ruby for being even younger. She was tiny, something that would probably follow her all the way through to adulthood. Unlike her sister, who seemed to be a mismatch of both her parents, she was practically a miniature version of the woman just behind her, right down to the silver eyes.
“Dad!” Yang shouted, shoving her way through the crowd recklessly. With her clearing the path, Ruby had no trouble following, letting loose a shrill cry of her own.
Whatever trance Tai had been transfixed in broke immediately, and he tore away to clear the distance between him and them, falling to his knees as they reached each other. Finally, finally after what had probably felt like an eternity to the father, he was able to scoop both of them up into his arms and hold them close, sobbing with unashamed abandon as he bestowed them with kisses and I love you’s.
Qrow heart melted at the sight, blinking away tears of his own as a delirium of happiness overtook him.
Raven wound an arm over his shoulders, pulling him against her once more. It grounded him, reminding him this was all actually happening. The little farm home he’d envisioned earlier crumbled away. In its place something new and bigger formed. His sister, Tai’s girls, and this little piece of land and community – their Beacon of hope in the middle of nowhere – was all part of his reality. Their reality.
They were home.
11 notes · View notes
theasstour · 5 years
PART 24 OF THE 25 DAYS OF SUMMER BY @always-jackedup the one where you and harry are on your way to a couple’s retreat at a friend’s cabin when you start fighting, and are forced to pull over when a massive thunderstorm prevents you from driving further.
A/N: i’ve had the honour of working with sarah for the second time on a project i find to be very important for the fic community on tumblr. her 25 days unify us all for a month, to tell 25 different tales, in 25 different ways, by 25 different writers. if you haven’t already checked all of them out, click that link above and you might just find your new fave writer! anyway, without further ado, here’s my contribution! hope you like make up sex enjoy, brothers!⚡⚡
MASTERLIST | ASKBOX | WORD COUNT: 10k NB: explicit language, fighting, sexual content
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You and Harry had been an item for nearly four years now. It hadn’t been love at first sight, it hadn’t really been love at second sight either. Working at a café near his house in Hampstead, he had come in to get his breakfast every single morning when he was in home in London. While you made his breakfast for him, the two of you would always strike up a conversation, talking about what he had been up to and what type of classes you were taking that semester of uni. You had always liked his music, but for some reason, you always underestimated how well-known he actually was. He was just a customer you usually talked you as he came in to order when he was in town. But as time went on, the interest in the other increased. Suddenly, you were thinking about each other all the time, which was not ideal for you as he was always away and you were either working or busy with uni. One day, that changed.
Two years of him being the customer and you being the barista, he finally got the nerve to ask you out on a date. It was early in the morning, maybe around 6am when he was done with his morning run, so no one was working except you and one other barista. An old man sat by the window and your co-worker was getting stuff from the backroom, meaning the two of you were left alone. You remember the flush of his cheekbones as the question slipped from between his pink lips, the neon yellow hairband in his hair, the black glacier and white shorts. It was the clearest memory you had to date; it started the rest of your life; a life you were sure you’d share with Harry. But recently, you hadn’t been so sure.
It had been building up to this, you knew that. Ever since the end of tour last year, Harry had promised you he would spend most of his time off with you, seeing as his busy life all of 2017 and 2018 had prevented him from that. Together in your shared London house, the two of you would spend full months together, being the loved-up couple everyone knew you to be. Though you and Harry rarely were overly touchy in public, rather saving it for later when you were in private, your friends had always envied the relationship you had with Harry. It was an effortless, passionate connection the two of you had, which was hard to find and once you did, you didn’t let go. But for a long time now, that was all you had wanted to do; let go.
The promise Harry had made didn’t seem to be as important as he had let on. Instead of spending time with you – which he had rarely done since launching his solo path – he had done a lot of other stuff to benefit his career. Every single step of the way, you stood by his side, rooting for him and being the first person to give him a hug… The first person to give him a hug at the airport when he came back from wherever he had been, that was. He had flown to New York City a couple of times, Canada, Mexico, Italy, though you had been too busy with work, friends, and family to tag along, and each time he came back, he seemed a little more tense. Whenever he got tense, you did too, and when both were, it led to no good.
The shared house you owned in Hampstead was colder now than it had been with you first moved in together two years ago. Not only was autumn on the way, the late summer air of August slowly turning chiller with the arrival of the new season, but the mere atmosphere of the house was different. Something had happened between the two of you. Though you walked around not knowing what, deep down, you knew.
It was the lack of effort on Harry’s end. Ever since you graduated uni and got your new job, you hadn’t been as available as you had been whilst still in university. Though Harry kept telling you he didn’t mind you not tagging along on tour or come with him to New York City to join him at the Met Gala because you were busy adjusting to your new job, you knew he did. And though you kept telling Harry it was fine that he didn’t attend the Christmas party at your work or that he forgot to call you when you had planned to FaceTime at a specific time, it really was not fine at all.
He had been travelling a lot recently, busy with his career and other projects. Meanwhile, you had been busy with your own life back in London and everything that came with it. It was your mate’s idea for you and Harry to take a week off at his log cabin in the quiet hills of Exmoor National Park, right on the edge of Somerset and Devon. With stunning views of the sea and the next neighbour almost a kilometre away, it would be the perfect getaway. When you told him about everything and how little either of you were willing to make it better, he immediately thought of a plan.
“It’s going to be good for you,” he reasoned, raising his eyebrows as you discussed this over lunch at work. “Get away from the busy life in the big city and live on the countryside for a bit. It’s great for hikes as well, and since it’s summer you can even go for a swim in the sea. Though it’s very cold.”
You sighed, thinking about it. “I’ll have to check his schedule.”
“Can’t you just suggest a date and have him answer? It’ll be easier to just talk about it.” Your colleague gave you a smile. “I’ll give you the keys. You and Harry are going to Exmoor, you need this.”
He was right; you two did need this. Once you got home and aired the idea of you two going away to Exmoor together to spend some time alone, to get away for a bit, Harry glanced up at you from the food he was making. Eyebrows raised and a red apron over his joggers.
“For how long?” He had asked, voice a little darker than it usually was. You guessed he had acquired a cold you hadn’t noticed till now. Your heart stung at that.
“Maybe a week or so, depends on how much time you’ve got on your hands.”
Harry flipped something, running his tongue along the outside of his top row of teeth. His eyes left yours, nodding his head a few times while leaning his arm against the kitchen counter. “Let me check once I’m done with dinner.”
You felt yourself grip the doorway into the kitchen a little harder. For some reason, the fact that Harry looked away from you, aggravated you more than the conversation you were having. “I could call Jeff.”
“You don’t have his new number.” Harry retorted, moving his jaw as if he was chewing gum. He always chewed gum when he was stressed out, but he didn’t seem to have anything in his mouth.
“Alright.” You nodded, deciding that you could not do this anymore. “I’ll let you do it then.”
He didn’t show any signs of having heard her, though she knew he had.
“What’re you making?” You asked, trying to strike up a friendly conversation about nothing important in particular.
“Ribbony shrimp and pasta scampi.” Harry answered, still not glancing up at his girlfriend. He turned his back on you, fixing something on the counter behind him. The talk you tried to have with him dying just as fast as it had begun. Taking a deep breath, you cracked some of your knuckles before turning around, back to back. Telling yourself to not overreact, that you had no reason to overthink any of this, you walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. There you threw some water in your face so you wouldn’t see the tears running down your own cheeks.
It was all getting worse and worse, and you had no idea how the two of you had gotten to this point. You had fought before, tons of times in fact, but nothing even remotely as cold and for as long as this. Harry didn’t feel like your boyfriend anymore, didn’t feel like your best friend of four years, and your living partner. There was something different about him, something different about the two of you. Somewhere along the way, the two of you had started isolating yourselves for some reason. You knew the reason why you were mad at Harry, but you had no idea why he was furious with you. If you didn’t confront each other before the potential trip to Exmoor, then you would fight once you got there, and to be honest, at this point, you would take any sort of emotion you got out of Harry.
Harry got some days off, and the two of you started on your way to Exmoor the second to last Saturday morning of summer. He was driving and you were sitting in the passenger seat, answering a few e-mails and trying to get everything done before you arrived in Somerset. The sun that had been hanging over London most of the summer, wasn’t there today. She was covered by a thick layer of white and greying clouds, making the mood all the gloomier. Most of the drive was quiet, the radio playing relaxing tunes that made you occasionally doze off for a few minutes before you woke up again. There wasn’t much to look at when driving, though, and you ran out of things to count and signs to read. You felt Harry’s cold body language to your right the entire trip, not knowing why he sat there looking as emotionless as he did.
This was how he got when he was mad: he shut you out. Eventually he would break and tell you what was bothering him, but most of the time – okay, maybe all the time -, the problem wasn’t you. But this time around, you knew it was. Something about how far this had been taken told you that this had been building up for a little too long. That thought alone made your entire body ache. Though you were pissed at Harry for always being away and rarely prioritising his relationship with you, you were also getting mad at him being mad at you and not doing anything about it. Your fingers prickled with annoyance, brain going into a tornado about what would happen this week now that the goal was to spend all your time together.
It took everything in you not to shout at Harry to say something, to get it all on the table so you could start talking about stuff again. Though you were sitting in the same car, it felt like he was hundreds of miles away, distancing himself to the point of if killing the both of you and what you had. You were closing in on Exmoor National Park, the roads narrow and small. You knew that if you had been driving, you would never have been driving the car as fast as Harry was. You knew that once Harry sat down behind the wheel, he usually sped away as he wanted to get to his final destination as quickly as possible. This was always something you didn’t like, as speed would scare you, especially when you didn’t even know what was waiting for you further down the road you were driving on. You held onto the seat, clenching your jaw and instinctively pressing your right foot down as if you could press the breaks yourself.
The first drops of rain hit the car, and this was the first time you noticed just how dark the skies above you were. You had heard talk of a huge thunderstorm looming over Southern England this weekend, but you hadn’t actually thought you’d be affected by it. The rain picked up, and soon it was pouring worse than it had in what felt like years. Glancing down at the map on your phone to see where you were going, you tried to make out your surroundings as the rain just kept on getting worse and worse.
Harry didn’t slow down though. The weather was horrible, your heart was hammering wild with panic in your chest, and you had no chance of seeing where you were going. Taking a deep breath, you tried to lean forward and squint through the oncoming rain to make out a gravel road through the blur in front of you. You sighed.
“You don’t have to drive so fast,” you started, not registering the words leaving your lips till it was too late. “I can barely see anything.”
“Sorry,” he sighed right back at you. “Just trying to get us to that cabin so we don’t have to drive around in a thunderstorm.”
“We already are.” You stated, glancing down at your phone and then up again. “Here.” Pointing at the small gravel road a bit further down, Harry stepped down on the breaks.
This threw you forward a bit, taken aback by how harshly Harry seemed to be treating his Audi. Finally, he was slowing down, knowing that the rain and gravel did not do well together, it would undoubtably make for quite a crash if he drove too fast.
“Thanks.” You muttered, feeling everything going on right now really taking a toll on you.
Harry didn’t as much as raise an eyebrow when he asked, in a deep voice, “What?”
That was the start of it, you knew. The impassive behaviour he’d had going on for months was finally cracking. His voice always got deeper before a fight, like he was trying to hold back, and as the argument increased in heat, it would go up a pitch, something it tended to do when he was shouting. You two rarely shouted at each other though, but for some reason, you had a feeling that would be the case in just a few.
“Just don’t want us to die on our way to a couples retreat.” You explained, glancing down at your phone to see if you were there soon.
“You’re criticising my driving now?”
“I’m just saying you don’t have to step on the gas constantly.”
Harry huffed.
You looked over at him. “What?”
He shrugged. “Just don’t get why you always drive 10 under the speed limit, but you don’t see me complaining.”
“You are just now.”
“Maybe you should drive then, since you don’t drive as dangerous and fast as I do.”
“You shouldn’t be driving recklessly when it’s storming out!”
Just then, you heard the rumble of thunder in the distance. The rain got heavier and heavier, making it almost impossible to even make out the gravel road ahead. This made Harry really slow down. Lowering his window and sticking his head out to see further down the road, he drove over to a smaller road leading off the one they were now driving on. It was impossible to drive on in this weather, both of you seemed to agree on that at least. Though you were blocking the path out for those living in the house down this tiny road, you did not think they would mind as no one would be dumb about to venture out in this kind of weather.
Harry put the car in park, raised his window back up, and turned the radio off as you had stopped getting signal a while ago. The motor rumbled as you two just sat there in silence, listening to the thunder and lightening outside, the rain that seemed would go on forever. For the longest time, you expected Harry would be the first one to talk, but he didn’t say a word. Even now when you had just been arguing, he wasn’t willing to put in the effort. You guessed you had to do it yourself like you did most things for the two of you as a couple. Turning your body in his direction, you caught his eyes making their way to your frame ever so slowly. You wasted no time.
“This has been going on for too long.” You said, watching as Harry’s mouth drew into a stern line. “You keep treating me so badly and I treat you badly in return, we need to talk.”
“Guess you want to go first.” Though it sounded like a question, you knew it wasn’t.
“What does that mean?”
“Means you always want to start stuff and I’m assuming you want the first word now as well.”
You felt your back hit the passenger side door, stunned that Harry would say something like that. You huffed, sensing it was something that had annoyed him. “If you insist.” You said, taking the opportunity if Harry was going to be an arse about it just out of spite.
He raised his eyebrows, staring straight ahead.
“I’m starting to get fed up with how little effort you put into our relationship.”
This had Harry’s gaze land on you, eyes a little wider than they usually were.
“We’ve been together for four years, known each other for longer, and you’ve never cared less about me, our home, and what we have, than you have this last year. I understand that you have work and I respect you wanting to do the stuff you love, but don’t lose your home and the people that care about you in the process.”
Harry’s jaw clenched. “Ever thought that doing all of these Gucci campaigns and traveling is because when I’m ‘home’ you never are? I’m alone.”
“You’re not alone. When you’re home, I’m home.”
“But you’re not.” Harry took a deep breath. “You’re not. You’re at work or you’ve got plans with friends.”
“Are you getting mad at me having a social life?”
“Are you getting mad at me for having a successful career?”
Your mouth fell open. “You know I’d never be mad at you for that, I’m proud of you and what you’ve achieved.”
“Right.” Harry had the audacity to let out a sarcastic chuckle, running his index and thumb along his nose before he spoke again. “Right. You’re not mad.”
“I’m not mad at your success, you absolute dickhead!” You couldn’t help but shout now, it didn’t seem to take Harry by surprise, however. “I’m mad because it feels like I’m becoming less important than said success!”
Harry furrowed his brows. “Less important?”
“Yes! You always have appointments when I ask you to stay home or tag along to a work party or if you want to go out for a date!”
Harry turned to face you properly now, leaning his elbow against the back of the driver seat. “You never ask!”
“I do- I did.” You groan, running your hands through your hair. “I ask, but it’s become less frequent because you constantly reject me!”
“I’ve got work!”
“Well, so do I, but I always try to make time for you! For us!”
“I have a suggestion then,” Harry said, now pointing at her. “How about you don’t always ask me when it’s best for you, how about you ask me when I’m free instead?!”
You huffed, barely audible over the rain crashing against every outer surface of the car. “Are you taking the piss?”
“We need to compromise!” Harry was shouting even louder now. “You need to listen to me! You’re too busy with your new job, your new mates, and your new life in London to even think to make time for me unless it fits your timetable!”
“Oh, my God, Harry, you do realise we’ve always worked around your work schedule, yeah?!” You yelled right back. “Ever since we started dating when I was still in uni, I always had to come out when all your family and everyone else were! It was never a question of when was best for me! Guess I assumed you were okay with me making plans for you like you made plans for me!”
Harry ran a frustrated hand over his face. “Right, that was shitty of me, I’m sorry. I’m just fucking tired of never bloody seeing you anymore. It’s like ever since you made a new life for yourself, the life you have with me isn’t your top priority like it used to be.”
“Then how the fuck do you think I feel after all these years when you made work appointments first and informed me second?”
“I don’t need to bloody run my work schedule by you!”
“I’m not saying you need to! I’m telling you that it would be nice if you informed me before they were finalised!” You look out the window, the rain and thunder in the background seeming never-ending. “We’re a fucking team.”
“Then you need to start doing the same.”
“My work doesn’t make me travel, Harry, I’m always in London.” You looked back at him again. “Always waiting for you.”
He just stared at you for a little while, taking in your last words. “So the problem is me not being in London?”
“No, it’s you thinking your work is more important than mine!” You land a hand against your chest, feeling the terrified thumping of your heart. Thunder almost shook through the car, the heart of the storm was getting much closer. “That’s what started all of this!”
“I don’t fucking think that!”
“Why do I get that impression then?!”
“Don’t fucking know! Maybe because you used to sit around at home not doing anything until you got one, and now you’re busy! So busy in fact that you don’t have time for me any longer!”
You frowned. “I make time for you!”
“I’m constantly alone!” That tore through your soul, made your heart shatter. You felt the agony in the breaking of his voice. “I have friends and family and all that, but I don’t feel like I’ve got you anymore!”
This stopped you completely. You suddenly realised you were both leaning forward in your seats, having gotten closer and closer to shouting right in each other’s faces. Harry’s words hurt you. The fact that he had been feeling this way and that was the reason why he had been so passive aggressive these last few months, it tore at everything within you. It made you feel very bad. But at the same time-
“Then you know how I feel when you’re continually travelling.”
His eyes twitched, as if he didn’t think that would be the response.
“I’m always alone and I always miss you. It’s not like I don’t want to spend time with you when you’re home, but…”
“But what?” His words were harsh.
“You’ve been so cold these last few months that I really have not wanted to be home with you anyway!” It felt good to finally say it, but seeing Harry blink a few times, something he always did when he was shocked and hurt, broke your heart all over again. “If you had just fucking talked to me earlier about all of this, then we wouldn’t be here right now!”
“And if you had just been home, then maybe I would have had the chance to!”
“It’s not like I haven’t been home!”
“You’re telling me I should’ve talked about feeling lonely earlier, but it sounds like you’ve been feeling the same way for a while as well! Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“I don’t know!”
Harry’s frown deepened. “I don’t believe that!”
“I don’t really care what you believe or not, it’s the truth! I don’t know why I didn’t bring it up, but I guess I should’ve-“
“-I was fucking terrified, okay?!” Harry shouted, jaw tense. “Terrified that if I did, you’d leave! Maybe because you love your work and you would think I was trying to make you quit, when that’s not the case! Maybe because you’re doing so well for yourself and telling you I’m feeling lonely, that I want you to spend more time with me, sounds selfish! Maybe because I feel like you’re slipping through my fingers and I don’t want to fucking lose you!”
You both stop. Thunder washes over you with the rain, getting more intense as the minutes went on. But right then, the only thing you cared about, was the fact that Harry had just admitted what had started everything. He was lonely, afraid to bring it up in case of misunderstanding, and afraid to lose you. It all made sense now. You felt bad for everything, like it had started for nothing, because you would never even consider leaving Harry for something like this. You had worked through things before, you would work through this, but it was the fact that none of you had been able to confront the other that led you to this moment. Swallowing thickly, you noticed Harry inhaling till he couldn’t no more. A look was exchanged, holding all the longing and scratched out words you both had accumulated over the last few weeks. Though you still felt hurt, it was starting to wither as you realised the cause of everything was the mortification of the two of you not being endgame.
The leaning into one another was mutual, slowly finding a way toward one another for the first time in what felt like years. A shaky break met your cupid bow, feeling hot against the tender skin of your lips. Your eyes fell to his lips, taking them in where they were just before your own, knowing the taste of feel of them by memory, but always eager to seek them out for reassurance and the flavour of eternity. Once you glanced up at him again, you found his eyes moving with yours, needing to look into yours for confirmation before he did anything. They were slightly hooded, an expression he always got when he wanted you. Seeing them again reminded you of all those other times, when he had looked at you like that while you were sitting on the sofa at home, or at a BBQ with friends, or when you were at the shops together, or any other normal scenario where he would just stare at you for a while, his desire for you intense. When your lips parted, a puff of air from you landing on his lips, Harry slid his tongue slightly and slowly over his bottom lip, wetting them as you watched him hungrily.
“Terrified of losing you.” Harry mumbled, voice dark and dripping with sincerity and lust. “Can’t lose you.”
You tilted your chin, stroking his nose lightly.
His jaw trembled a little before he finally leaned into you, kissing you hard. The wetness of his hair hit your forehead, a raindrop running down your temple and down to your jawline, where it fell to its destruction. Harry pressed his lips against yours, needing to feel you there with him, to feel the familiar shape, feel, taste of you to make everything better. It had been so long since you even shared a kiss, the fact that you were now made the butterflies in the pit of your stomach flutter alive again. You gripped onto his shoulders, steadying yourself a little as the kiss intensified. The emotions inside of you made you slightly dizzy, your brain shutting down the logical side of it that screamed at you to fix this before anything could happen. But the other part, that part that had longed for Harry and this, you decided to listen to that part. Because Harry kissing you like this again, feeling him there, wanting the same as you, it was everything.
He brought his hands up, cupping your face in his hands and holding you in place. It seemed he genuinely was terrified of you leaving, the slight tremble of his fingers and the frantic way his tongue and lips sought you out told you so. Outside, the rain didn’t seem to have an end to it. It poured onto the car, it sounded like a thousand determined footsteps against the car, like someone was running above you. And by the beating inside your chest and the thumping inside your ear, it seemed like your heart was doing the same thing. Running back to Harry’s. As your hands slid down his chest, under his beige cardigan, you felt his heart beating just as fast as yours. The thunderstorm outside matched the one going on between you inside the car.
He broke away, kissing the side of your mouth and swiftly kissing along your jaw. You closed your eyes, loving the soft nibbles and wet peck he left. Tilting your head, resting his thumb on your chin, it made for better access to your neck, which he used his time on. The show of affection seemed grander than anything he had done before, like he was both furious and sad at the same time. At the bottom of it all, was the need to please you, to show you that he was still so very deeply in love with you, and that nothing would ever change that. He was rough, kissing up he centre of your neck, the open-mouthed kisses letting you feel both his teeth and tongue. You let a breath of relief slip from between your parted lips, letting Harry guide your head so he could kiss his way all over you.
His lips hovered over yours once he reached them again, eyes fixed on them before he met yours. You were both panting, completely losing your breath over how much you suddenly needed one another. In the middle of an argument, not even with a solution yet, and neither had the will to stop any of this. Leaning forward to kiss him again, Harry retracted, preventing you from doing so. You glanced up at him again. The hunger in his eyes fought through any sense of right-doing, neither of you were yourselves it seemed. Longing mixed with erotic feelings and the heat of the argument all mixed together made it impossible to fight the urge to fuck each other senseless.
He let his hands slip from where they rested on your neck, slowly sliding down your front. Thumb laid a little extra pressure over your breasts, trying to get a reaction from you when he passed your nipples. The lips that had been resting centimetres apart were attach to each other again, the heavy breathing and frenzied hands heating up the moment. You felt his hands reach your thighs. Thank fuck you had decided to wear a white summer dress today, airy and easy to remove. His fingers fumbled for the hem of them, wanting to feel the bareness of your sensitive skin underneath his tips. As he slid it up your thighs, you felt the shake to his hands again, like he couldn’t quite believe this was happening, like he was afraid of fucking all of this up.
Once your dress was far enough up, he moved his right hand between your legs. You hummed into his mouth, gripping hard onto the back of his neck, opening your mouth wider for him. His middle and ring finger pressed their way between them, thumb, index and little finger resting at your thighs as he focused on feeling you out. He stroked gently over you, teasing you like you knew he liked to do. Laying next to no pressure on you and letting you beg for it yourself. However, you just kissed him harder, he would know how badly you were turned on then. He breathed harshly against you, biting onto your bottom lip for a few seconds before he kissed the side of your mouth, opening his eyes to look at you when he spoke.
“Feel that?” He asked, placing his ring finger on the hem of your knickers, the soft skin leading down to your centre. Ring finger laid right over your cunt. “Do you, baby?”
You moaned, trying to bring his lips back to yours. You nibbled at his jaw as he continued to speak.
“Feel how you pulsate for me?” The delicate force of his ring finger once he asked that question was heavenly. He put just enough weight on your knickers to feel between your folds, deliberately making his way up. “Want me to do anything about that? Huh?” He reached your clit, rubbing his ring finger slowly from side to side.
“Harry.” You gasped, gripping onto the hair at the back of his neck.
“Want me to bury my face between your pretty legs?” He watched as you closed your eyes at the small source of relief his finger brought. It completely took your breath away, the intense hold Harry had on you when it come to your body. He could make you feel so good that it quite literally felt like all the power and love the universe had to give, all came together between your cores when you shagged. It had quite honestly almost made you black out once. Yeah. It could be quite intense. So, when he asked that, knowing full well that you had gone a few months without any sort of orgasm, you prepared yourself for a similar situation. You welcomed it with open arms, though.
“Yes.” You answered, trying to kiss him again, but he moved away. You opened our eyes then, looking up at him looking at you.
“Backseat.” Harry said, grumbling almost, and it sent tons of shivers down your spine.
You didn’t hesitate. Climbing into the back of the car, you settled yourself into the seat behind Harry’s and he quickly followed suit. Pressing a button by the driver side seat, the set moved forward, a little too slowly for either of your tastes. You giggled a little, Harry whipping his head in your direction.
He removed his hand from the button by the seat, all the while holding your glance. Vulnerability somewhere in his irises, mixing with the lust he felt for you. Before you got to ask him again, he sat down in the space behind the driver seat, right in front of you. It seemed urgent, like he could not wait another second, and he let his hands travel up your legs, hooking his fingers around your knickers. He slid them down, throwing them in the back of the car before he brought his attention back to you. Luckily for the both of you, the seats were tall, making the access to your cunt easier. Placing both of your thighs on either of his shoulders, he urged you to push your dress further up. You bit your lip, feeling your centre prickle with anticipation and desire. Everything inside you sang as you felt his breath against the inside your thigh, knowing what was coming next. About to ask him if he was sure this was what he wanted, that he didn’t just want to fuck, he dragged you closer towards the edge of the seat and attached his lips to you.
“Oh!” You instantly took a grip of the headrest behind you, needing something to grip onto as you felt Harry’s tongue on you.
He slid it wide from your hole and all the way up to your clit, where he paid a little extra attention and laid it flat, flicking it once. He did the same again, now teasing you a little by letting his tongue enter your hole ever so slightly before he ran it back up again, loving the tremble that went through your body as he reached and put soft force on your bud.
With that, you succumbed to pleasure. Lightening struck and thunder rumbled, but all you could focus on was Harry’s tongue and how his arms were twined around your thighs, holding you in place. All your time together, Harry had always enjoyed eating you out, and you had always loved it when he did it. He left no spot untouched by his slick tongue, always focused on the parts that he knew would make your back arch and your lips part to let go of a loud moan. There wasn’t a place in your shared house where he hadn’t asked you to do it. You on the kitchen counter while you were waiting for your dinner to be done, during a movie night, in the shower, in the basement when you were having a barbeque upstairs, on the balcony on a hot summer’s day. He was always eager to please, always eager to see how fast he could make you climax this time around.
You felt him tighten his grip on your thighs, tipping his head a little to the side as to gain better access to flick your clit. His wet hair laid against your thigh, cooling against the hotness of your body. As you let a whimper pass your lips, your let go of the headrest, instead gripping onto your breasts. Harry looked up at you, loving it when you did that. Though he would much rather they were exposed to the humid air inside the car, he didn’t want you to ruin your dress. However, he was also starting to give little to no fucks about anything but your orgasm. Whatever happened before then, he didn’t care for. So, he moved his head to the other side, not taking his eyes off you as he continued to run his tongue fast over your clit.
“Yes.” You moaned, not really an answer to anything, much rather an encouragement for Harry to keep doing what he was doing.
The bubble of pleasure you were familiar with started to really form, getting bigger and bigger with each stroke of Harry’s tongue. Your hand reached for the window, for some kind of support, while the other one buried itself in his lush curly hair. Letting your glance rest on the window for a second, you noticed the condensation from the inside, the raindrops running down the outside of the car as the storm continued to rage on. A line of sweat dotted your hairline, your palms were clammy, your centre was undoubtably hot with the oncoming orgasm. As you glanced down, the burning of the pleasure bubble inside your core intensified. Harry’s green eyes were on you, devouring you like he’d never done before.
As he sat there between your legs, your taste on his tongue and your hand in his hair, he came to realise just how much he had missed this. Missed being between your legs and having the best view the world had to offer, you climaxing on his tongue, trembling under him. There was something special about you when you came, something he had never experienced before with anyone else. He was sure it did enough for him to just watch you, hearing your soft purrs and words of encouragement, words of praise. He felt like a king when he was down here, making you feel as good as can be. He pursed his lips, sucking on your bud.
“Fuck.” You whispered, your other hand also coming to rest in his hair.
You kept tugging at him as he continued to suck on you, watching you as you grew more and more frantic. Movements rugged as you felt the climax closing in on you. He let your clit off with a pop, before licking over it hastily. He was holding onto your thighs tighter now, not letting you move as much as you wanted to. You needed to stay in one place, but you kept shifting, not knowing what to do with yourself as the climax tingled roughly in your abdomen, down your thighs, up to your ribcage. He wrapped his lips around your clit again, sucking on it. Now you went still, craning your neck, your lips parted. Harry hummed, sending delicious vibrations through you, and making you come.
You felt it in your entire body. Once the bubble burst, it felt like your entire body was on fire. It was heavenly, like feeling everything good on the planet at once. It lashed out to all your limbs and made your thighs shake; your heart thumping fast. You felt only Harry in those blissful seconds that followed; his tongue and lips and hands and hair. A world of him and you; a world where nothing but you two mattered. You were moaning uncontrollably, unable to control yourself as Harry kept licking you and sucking till you had calmed down. Your fingers beat with your heart, it was hard to catch your breath, like you had just been running a mile. One final long lick, and Harry removed his mouth from around you. Slowly, you let go of his hair, feeling your hands were wet from the rain that had hit him earlier. You closed your eyes, letting yourself come down from that mind-blowing orgasm. He really knew what he was doing when he went down on you, it always left you like this.
Humming, you felt your core pulsate along with your heart, a small smile fluttering over your lips while you sat there feeling content. When you opened your eyes again, Harry was still sitting between your legs, taking you in, eyes moving over your face like he was for the first time really valuing what was in front of him in a long time. He put your feet on either side of him, resting his hands on your thighs as he hunched, kissing you again. You brought him closer, letting your back hit the back of the seat so he could rest his knee between your parted thighs, your right leg between both of his. He leaned his hands on the seat on either side of your frame, preventing himself from colliding into you. It was just like before he had gone down on you, rough and urgent, like you needed more more more. You needed more of him and he needed more of you.
“Fuck me,” You begged, lightly digging your nails into his neck. “Please.”
Harry growled, kissing you harder. “Need to know something before I do that, baby.”
You opened your eyes as Harry did, panting in unison.
“Need to know you’re not leaving.” He said, swallowing thickly. “Need to know we’re not leaving this trip without seeing eye to eye.”
Your mouth opened, feeling at a loss for words for a little second.
“Please.” He said, taking a grip of your frame and laying you down in the seats.
“Harry…” You mumbled, hands to your chest as you glanced into his eyes, his right hand undoing the button and zipper of his trousers.
“Tell me.” He urged, lifting your dress before he pushed his trousers and boxers down. “I can’t-“ He stopped himself as he brought his cock out. “Can’t not know. We’re not having sex unless-“
“-I’m never leaving you, Harry.”
He seemed to stop breathing, staring down at you with wide eyes.
“I’m sorry I made you think I wanted to.” You licked your lips, shaking your head. “Don’t ever want you to leave me either. You’re my person.” He brought a hand up to his cheek, rubbing your thumb over it. “For life.”
His jaw trembled a bit again, and he looked down between you guys as he positioned himself between your legs. Easing into you, you bit your lip and arched your back, enjoying how full he made you feel.
“For life.” He repeated, moving out of you before he slammed back in.
You gasped, gripping his upper arms. With this, he fucked you hard. Skin on skin, deep into you, and hard against your hips. He groaned as the feeling of you all around him took over, something so familiar, yet something that had been alien for so long. He leaned down, kissing your neck like he had done earlier, but now he wasn’t being as nice. Biting you lightly, kissing you hard, nose often colliding with your jaw. It was clumsy, but rough, bodies slamming into one another to create orgasms that would shake up both of you. It was like you were getting all kinds of frustration out on one another; gripping each other cruelly, kissing each other like it was a punishment. Your leg rested against the seat while the other one was entwined with Harry’s leg, if you rested it atop his hip, it would likely only be extra weight for him, and he wouldn’t be able to go as roughly as he was now.
Harry took a grip of your hair, tilting your head in his direction. “Always liked it best when I fuck you hard, haven’t you?”
You moaned, digging your nails into his back. He held you like that, watching you draw closer and closer to the edge.
Fact was, you had. When Harry was rough with you, it felt like something else was born between the two of you. It was almost animalistic; gripping, groaning, clawing as the pleasure of it all became too much. You were always careful not to hurt the other one, but by this point you knew the limits, you knew the other person, so you never went where the other one didn’t want to. Especially make up sex was something you were good at. Getting all of your frustration out in one quick, hard shag felt better than anything. Not only were you okay afterward, but it felt good in the meantime. You were mad at the other one, but you were also falling deeper in love with them, getting a further understanding of both your relationship and the person you were sharing it with. Yes, you would talk everything through afterwards, but after a session like this, you calmed down. It made it easier to talk about everything.
Harry let go of the tight grip he had on your hair, rather holding onto it just barely. You felt the whole car move with you two, you were suddenly very happy no one would ever see this. The heart of the storm was upon you, the lightning striking hard, the thunder rumbling through the earth underneath you. All the while, the rain kept falling hard. But this didn’t stop you two. Harry watched you as you arched your back, as your moans got louder, as everything seemed to start to crumble around you.
As he fucked you, - felt you all over his body, felt his soul entwine with yours – he realised just how scared he had been of losing you. It was like knowing you would get bad new, but all the while hoping you wouldn’t receive them after all. A relief so immense it felt like it grew him wings took over, and he leaned his forehead against yours. He hadn’t received bad news though, because you had just told him you weren’t leaving him. After months of thinking you were trying to make him break up with you, he had finally heard what he needed to hear. He had never been as scared of anything but what his life would be like without you, because he was so completely and wholly in love with you. A life where the two of you weren’t together didn’t seem like a real one. He was mad at himself for not confronting you earlier, and mad at you for not doing the same.
“Harry,” you said, bringing him back to reality. “Look at me.”
“I am.”
“No,” you bit your lip as not to moan. “You’re distant. Look at me.”
He did, lips parted as he slowed his movements. You let go of our lips, purring as he rocked in and out of you in a steady and deep rhythm. Everything slowed down and you felt all his attention on you. The distant look in his eyes before, like he was thinking abut everything between heaven and earth, like he was far from being present, made you realise just how much you two needed to be. You hugged him to you, letting his body fall onto yours so that you were as close as could be. You moved with him, hooking your legs around him to bring him even deeper. While you two were close to climax, you didn’t take your eyes off of one another. Everything in Harry’s gaze and his body language told you he was there, fully and till the end.
“I’m looking,” he said, voice horse. “Always. I’ve always looked for you.”
His movements were sloppy now, though they did you in just as good as the phase before. You rested your hands at the back of his neck, tugging lightly at the hairs there as you knew he liked it when you did that. With everything, your lips brushed one another, your eyelashes something fluttering against each other.
“For life.” Harry repeated, kissing you once.
You couldn’t help your smile, but it was cut short as the second orgasm as brought on. Arching your back, holding on to Harry for dear life, you came. He kissed your neck, listening to your cries of pleasure and loving the way you kept on repeating his name. The flames that had rocked through your body earlier were intensified now, overwhelming you in the best way possible. Together, you came down from your orgasms, clinging to one another the whole time. You had never felt closer to him than you did in that minute. Grinding against one another, your little world inside the car, the rain pouring down outside. It was like nothing else existed besides the two of you, like the whole world had stopped being.
Harry moved away from you, looking into your eyes. He brushed some of your hair away from your face, eyes looking all over your face beneath him to tale it all in. You couldn’t help a little giggle.
He shook his head a little. “Just…” he trailed off. “You’re unreal, is all.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Just unreal?”
“Isn’t that a good compliment?”
You smiled. “It could be interpreted in a million different ways.”
“Fine, you’re well fit.”
You laughed, bringing his face down to yours to kiss him again. You smiled into each other’s lips, feeling at ease and peace. Harry pulled out of you and, after having tucked himself in again, ran to the back of the car to get wet wipes and your knickers. After you cleaned yourself up and put your knickers on, the two of you settled down in the backseat to way the storm out. Harry leaned against the door, one arm draped along the back of the seats and the other one stroking you gently along the bridge of your nose and your forehead. You laid against his chest, hands resting on his thighs and your eyes shutting from time to time. Harry’s right leg was bent and resting against the seat, you had your hand on his knee, opening and closing your palm in a calming manner.
Harry reached for your other hand, removing his hand from where it was stroking you. Bringing it up to his lips, he kissed it slowly closing his eyes as he did. You smiled, bringing your entwined hands to rest in your lap.
“So,” you started, staring at the foggy window opposite you. “What do we do now?”
Harry sighed a little, clicking his tongue twice. “We compromise.”
You nodded. “But how?”
“We need to communicate and sacrifice.” Harry said. “One time I might drop some of my plans to tag along on yours, and you can do the same for me the next time around. Unless one of us actually can’t, like if you get a promotion, or I have an event to attend solo somewhere-“
“-Sounds like a good plan.” You said, squeezing his hand and knee to stop him from rambling. You knew he was a little nervous to be talking about this.
“Yeah,” you smiled. “We’ve gone a while without being open with one another. We need to realise we have a life outside our relationship, a life the other one not necessarily is a part of. It’s not healthy, having someone be part of everything you do. We’re a team, but we just need to support one another, not be completely immersed in everyone the other does.”
Harry nodded, resting his cheek against the top of your head. “Sorry I’ve been so jealous, I just want to spend time with you. Not used to you being busy, I guess. But I’m very glad that you are, I know that’s all you’ve wanted.”
You closed your eyes. “And I’m sorry I thought you stopped putting in effort, that’s not like you.”
“It’s not, no.”
“I was just so sad when you shut me out. Guess I was mad you didn’t spend time with me when you had time off.” You squeezed his knee before he started speaking. “I know you did, you spent loads of time with me once you got off tour last summer. We always spend Christmas together, and whenever you’re home you’re always by my side.” You sighed. “I’ll take most of the blame, though.”
Harry frowned. “Why?”
“Because I expected you to stay home with me when I’ve stopped doing the same for you.” You explained. “Work is important for the both of us, but we’re important as well.”
Harry nodded. “But it’s not all your fault. I got annoyed with you for getting a job, for not sitting at home waiting for me like you used to.”
You took his other hand, bringing them around your frame. Harry hugged you to him. “We need to balance.”
“Yeah,” Harry agreed. “Need to stop thinking the other one’s inside our head.”
“Because no matter how much we might think we’re one and the same, we’re really not.”
You giggled.
“I’m not inside your head, you’re not inside mine.”
“Nope,” you tucked your arms tighter around you, Harry squeezed you for a few seconds, kissing the top of your head. “And good thing.”
Harry smiled. “What would I find inside your head?”
You gasped. “You don’t know what you would’ve found inside my head? I thought we were in a relationship!”
Harry laughed, thumb stroking long your jawline and resting his head against the fogged-up window behind him. “A pest, you are.”
You smiled, closing your eyes as you felt yourself wanting to drift off. “Inside my head,” you started. “You’d find a whole lot of Friends references, chocolate, bubbly, and,” your smile broadened. “Your bum.”
“When you wake up in the morning and walk to the bathroom, the way it jiggles-“
“-Feeling a wee bit objectified!”
“I appreciate the way your arse jiggles!”
Harry grinned. “Okay, fine.” He closed his eyes, too. Leaned his head against yours. “I guess I appreciate the way yours jiggle as well.”
You grinned. “Good, I did squats for this bum.”
“And I appreciate that very much.”
You glanced up at him then, finding him with his eyes shut. You closed yours as well.
“I love you.” Harry whispered under his breath right before he drifted off. “For life.”
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The old man living on the farm woke up around 5 every morning, this one was no different. The storm the night prior had been violent, making it impossible to do his last chores for the day, so he would have to work a little extra today. He didn’t mind though, because the turbulence the thunderstorm had brought could not match to the early morning sun rising above the green horizon. The sky was pink at the edge, a light layer of fog drifting over the fields around the farm, making the usually peaceful moors seem even more so. The harmonious state the world seemed to be in after a storm matched no other, like everything was calming down to start fresh.
The old man was going about his chores, doing what he usually did every morning. However, he noticed something strange. As he drove up the road leading to the main one, a black Audi stood parked there. Thinking the worst, he quickly got out of his tractor and walked over to the car. It didn’t seem to have been an accident of any kind, the car seemed fine. Sauntering over, he found that the bottom half of the windows were fogged-up, and at the very top, he could just make out the inside.
A man held the sleeping form of a woman. They were holding each other’s hands, arms wrapped around each other. Her head was resting against his chest and his cheek to her head. They both seemed to be completely and utterly at peace considering how tempestuous the evening before was. Considering how tightly they held onto one another, he was assuming they meant a lot to one another. The kind of a lot that couldn’t be properly described in words.
He smiled a little to himself, glad that they found a place to wait out the storm, glad that he could be of a little help.
But he needed to pass, he had things to do and animals that needed tending to. He knocked on the window, startling the man who had been fast asleep. Upon seeing the old man, the one inside the car blinked a few times to get all of his sleep out of his eyes. He gently shook the woman, whispering something to her before she opened her eyes, too. She saw the old man and slowly sat up in her seat. The man opened the door on the other side of the car, letting the woman step out with him.
“Sorry, sir.” He said, walking around the car and to him. “Didn’t mean to block your path, we just didn’t want to drive when it was storming out last night.”
The old man shook his head, waving his hand dismissively. “No need to apologise, I’m happy you stopped. Could’ve crashed your fancy car if you hadn’t.”
The younger man let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, I had something more valuable inside I needed to look out for.”
Smiling, the old man nodded knowingly. “Those are the most important things in life, aren’t they? What’s inside the fancy car?”
The younger one smiled back. “Really is.”
“I won’t keep you. Just need to get my tractor out on the road, have a few errands I need to run and all that.”
“Of course, I’m sorry we delayed you.” The younger man took the few steps towards the driver side. “Sorry again.”
“No need to be, good of you lot to stop. The responsible thing to do.”
He sat inside the car, smiling. “Thank you.”
“Take care of the valuables inside the car, you.” The older man said, waving as the car door shut.
The last thing he saw was the man turning the ignition, and then looking over at the woman, who smiled at him. Taking her hand, he brought it to his lips for a brief second before he slowly drove away. He didn’t drive particularly fast, the older man noted, which was well as by doing so he would risk a lot of things. Smiling one last time, he turned around, entered his tractor, and drove in the opposite direction of the pair in love.
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Listed: Nick Jonah Davis
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Photo Credit: Andy Joskowski
Nick Jonah Davis lives in Derbyshire, England, which is a place where evidence of older editions of England is always easy to find. Successive eras likewise coincide in his music. Davis plays acoustic and electric guitars, drawing on both American and English folk and instrumental traditions. He has worked with like-minded folk, such as C. Joynes and Sharron Kraus, and is also an established guitar teacher and provider of therapeutic musical interventions. He’s been recording the occasional solo record since 2009, and in 2016, Dusted’s Bill Meyer had this to say about House of Dragons: “the Nottingham-based guitarist isn’t living in bifurcations of the past, and he isn’t asking us to either. Rather, he invites the listener into a world bounded by the resonance of his tunings and the vividness of his evolving melodies.” Thread Recordings is about to release a swell new LP, When the Sun Came, and Davis has compiled a list of sounds made by some of his favorite associates.
Even for solo guitarists, music is a collaborative, social thing. For this list I’ve picked some music by artists that I’ve collaborated, recorded or gigged with over the last decade or so. Members of the NJD home team.
Kogumaza — “Ursids”
WAAT048 Split 7" w/Hookworms by Kogumaza
When I lived in Nottingham, Kogumaza were my favorite band in town. They play deep, droning riff-based cosmic guitar music which draws on their backgrounds playing with local heroes like Lords, Rattle and Bob Tilton. They’ve also done their homework, having sat in with heavy hitters like Glenn Branca, Damo Suzuki and Boredoms. This tune was recorded in Nottingham, with Nathan Bell of Lungfish sitting in on bass. I was the assistant engineer on this session, and remember getting a pleasing headful of Katy Brown’s kick drum as we set up the mics. Mind-manifesting stuff.
Ex-Easter Island Head — “Large Electric Ensemble Third Movement”
Large Electric Ensemble by Ex-Easter Island Head
Liverpool’s Ex-Easter Island Head are a revelation. They repurpose electric guitars through a variety of extended techniques, with unprecedented, nourishing results. I was lucky enough to play a couple of shows as a member of their Large Electric Ensemble, a 12-guitar band powered by 1 drummer and multiple Arts Council pizzas. I learned a lot from them in terms of playing guitar with craftily-deployed allen keys and bolts. Living proof that people can and do make genuinely beautiful, ground-breaking music without being all precious and up themselves about it. Good lads.
C Joynes and the Furlong Bray — “Sang Kancil”
The Borametz Tree by C Joynes & The Furlong Bray
Joynes and I have been fellow travelers in the solo guitar realm for many years now. We’ve probably seen more of each other’s gigs than anyone else alive. I was really pleased to be invited into the making of the Borametz Tree album. Not exactly sure how you’d describe my role on that project, but it involved some bass playing, some refereeing and, in the case of this piece, heading into my cellar with Nathan Mann to process some sounds through my echo units. I really love this bizarre, swirling piece of music. It defies description and I really can’t see how it could have happened under any circumstances. Power to the Furlong Bray.
Jim Ghedi — “Bramley Moor”
A Hymn For Ancient Land by Jim Ghedi
Jim popped up a few years ago, around the same time as Toby Hay, and has been a sure source of decent sounds ever since. Jim’s initial, masterful solo guitar work has bloomed out into an exploration of both traditional folk and his own songwriting. Having sat right next to him when we played together in my village a couple of years ago, I can confirm that he has a huge, resonant chest voice. Luckily, he always commits to his guitar just as fully, as you can hear on this jaunty instrumental on which I played some weissenborn. Nathan Mann pops up again playing percussion on this one, small world…
Cath and Phil Tyler — “King Henry”
The Ox and the Ax by Cath and Phil Tyler
I first met Cath and Phil at the legendary Sin Eater festival, a 3-day weekend of fine underground music and excellent ale at an isolated pub in Shropshire. Almost everyone on this list played there actually. This is folk music as it should be played, plain and flinty with a complete focus on the song. Understatement goes a long way in this music and, I suspect because of this, Phil is one of the most criminally under-rated guitarists around. There’s a little part of me that lives for Cath’s jaw harp break at the end of this one.
Toby Hay — “Now in a Minute”
New Music For The 12 String Guitar by Toby Hay
Toby has a special place in my heart for lining me up an annual show in a cafe at the wonderful Green Man festival for the past several years, meaning my family could go for free. Here’s a near-perfect example of a miniature acoustic study from his album New Music for the 12 String Guitar. The guitar in question was custom-built for Toby by Roger Bucknall of Fylde guitars. Fylde put out the word that a label was looking for a young guitarist to make a record on a custom-built Fylde that they would commission, and I immediately suggested Toby. He rose to the occasion. Reckon he owes me a handmade guitar though; I’ll give him a nudge one of these days.
The Horse Loom — “Silver Ribbon”
The Horse Loom by The Horse Loom
Steve Malley played in post-punk bands back in the day, gigging alongside the likes of Fugazi. He later picked up a Fylde guitar and went down an acoustic rabbit hole where his love of British folk and flamenco come to the fore. The DIY-or-die roots of his playing flash an occasional fin. After we met I persuaded him to come down to Nottingham and let me record his first album in First Love studio. He did the whole thing in a day and it’s awesome. This is my favorite instrumental from that collection.
Sharron Kraus — “Sorrow’s Arrow”
Joy's Reflection is Sorrow by Sharron Kraus
I started playing shows with Sharron as we were both UK artists on the Tompkins Square label at the time, so it kind of made sense. She’s a bit of an institution in psych-folk circles and eventually I began playing on her records and at live shows, which has been a real joy. This tune features some heavy drones and an occasional splish of my lap steel. It’s classic Kraus — mournful, insightful, immersive. If you want to hear someone with a bigger brain than yours talking about the weirder side of life, check out her Preternatural Investigations podcast.
Haress — “Wind the Bobbin”
Haress by HARESS
Haress is centered around the twin electric guitar work of Liz Still and David Hand. Located in downright gorgeous rural Shropshire, they ran the Sin Eater Festival and still put out essential music on Lancashire and Somerset Records. I reckon they’ve helped me out more than anyone over the years, releasing House of Dragons on vinyl and always setting me up a show when I need one. This gorgeous piece features Nathan Bell again, this time on trumpet. Those Nathans do get around.
Burd Ellen — “Chi-Mi-Bhuam”
Chi Mi Bhuam by Burd Ellen
I first saw Debbie Armour singing with Alasdair Roberts, a good start. When I went up to play in Glasgow in 2018, I asked if she’d like to open up my show at the Glad Café, which she did, alone except for a borrowed harmonium. I was mesmerized, I think everyone was. Too good for a support slot. Here’s a Gaelic vocal piece which demonstrates exactly who we’re dealing with here, a profoundly talented and committed artist with a lifelong immersion in traditional music, using it as a springboard into something entirely her own.
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mythandlaur · 4 years
alright. test of redemption. and also dissonant counterpoint and "are ya winning the tournament son" for good measure. go.
The WIP Tag Game
Couple repeats, but I have more snippets for both of them so it’s fine.
Long post once again!
The Twins: Test of Redemption (old title) - Terraria - 2016
Ah, yes. My baby, and the bane of my existence. A piece that makes me both smile and cringe whenever somebody happens to find it on AO3. A piece that embarrasses me now because I didn’t know “sp*z” was a slur at the time and now I can’t figure out what to nickname Sp*zmatism thanks Re-Logic. And also embarrasses me because I couldn’t think of a better title. I didn’t even think it was a good title back then I just couldn’t think of another one. This story is a specter that sometimes leaves for a while, but occasionally returns to remind me of its existence, and when it does I look on it with as much fondness as I do shame. I had so much planned. To an extent, I still do. It sits in the back of my mind, waiting for me to get the courage to try again. Maybe I will someday, but for now it sits in a massive series of documents on my computer and Google. And here, now.
Randall and Sherwin Spencer, chosen heroes of Terraria, failed, and died. However, a pact Randall made with an otherworldly power both damned and saved them, and twenty years later, with the world shifting more violently than ever, the stars align to see them revived--without any memory of either of their past lives, man or monster. Guided by the displaced and irritable Keeper of the Underworld, who's trying and failing to remain low-key, the two eventually make their way to a refugee town founded by those the Spencers had abandoned long ago. And so their fight for Terraria begins anew, though now more difficult than ever with the Moon Lord trying to hinder them, the land's strengthening corruption pulling at their very souls, and a few key members of the Lunar Cult keeping a too-close eye on them, one of whom has more than a little bit of a bone to pick after a hasty decision invokes the Moon Lord's favoritism. Meant to be a story of companionship and family, hope and guilt, making up for mistakes and facing the people you hurt without running away, and saving the world--even when it's hard.
Okay, big spiel over, you can tell I still love this stupid thing. Have a bit I wrote slightly more recently (during NaNo 2018) of our green lad being outrageously stupid and summoning a boss, but it’s fine because the moon told him to do it, and then the boss screwed off because the cult told it to go and try to destroy the town so the twins didn’t have any support network. Instances of the character’s name have been replaced by [S]
The next orb was in another dip in the ground just before the main cavern closed itself off into a dead end. A grin spreading across his face, he swung practically before he even reached it.
This time, when the orb broke, dropping an odd-looking spear at his feet, the ground immediately began to rumble.
All at once, the gold light he’d been emitting winked out, leaving him in the purple-tinted darkness. He jolted as if suddenly waking from a dream, his thoughts quickly slipping back into focus as he leapt forwards to avoid being knocked down. A great quake shook the world around him, sending his teeth rattling in his head as he tried to figure out exactly where he was and how he’d gotten here.
He—he’d been on the roof, hadn’t he? The moon…but…how had he gotten here?
Another tremor. [S] grit his teeth and braced himself against the stone with both hands, hammer discarded at his side. He could swear he heard something in the distance; the earth turning, stone crunching, the low rumble of a creature’s roar…
The ground exploded behind him.
[S] scrambled forward, but found himself hitting the cavern’s dead end. He quickly pushed himself around to face the threat, and all the blood drained out of his face.
It was a titanic worm, thicker around than a man with mandibles the size of [S]’s head. Its skin was a sickly purple that almost blended in to the corrupted landscape, and it was covered in innumerable yellowed eyes, all focused directly on him with a look of absolute hatred as it rose up out of the earth, roaring loud enough to shake some loose stone from the walls.
[S] staggered backwards, back hitting the wall as he gaped up at the creature. Was this the worm he’d been told about? There was on time to worry about it—he was unarmed, he needed to get out—
The worm lunged forward with surprising speed, and [S] cried out as he launched himself to the side, back roughly smacking into the wall of the cavern. Hammer was quickly replaced with shield, and he scooped up the thin spear from the orb, testing its weight before plunging it down towards the worm’s body as it raced past.
The spear itself didn’t connect, but with a pulse of mana, it shot out a spike that made the worm roar in pain. [S] quickly dashed further down the cavern in an attempt to get more room to move as the worm burrowed itself into the ground, then burst out of the dead end towards him.
[S] quickly grappled the ceiling, feet barely an inch above the worm as it raced by underneath him, then burrowed back into the ground. Another roar shook the cavern, and the world around him rumbled and lurched, before the head of the worm popped out again above him, and its undulating body twisted up to try and encircle him.
Teeth clenched, he used the power of the shield to dash forward and past the worm, though it nicked him on his way by, causing him to hiss in pain and fumble his landing. He rolled along the ground until his head smacked into a Demon Altar, and stars shone in front of his eyes even as he struggled to get his legs back under him. He could hear the worm burrowing, hear it getting closer, closer, he forced himself up and started running without being entirely sure in which direction he was heading—
And then, the faint moonlight shimmering down from the surface seemed to brighten. The worm burst straight down vertically out of the ceiling where [S] had been standing, but it burrowed straight down into the floor without paying any mind to him. Its next appearance was traveling straight up, up, and out of one of the chasms, leaving [S] frozen as he watched it disappear and heard its roar fading into the distance.
A minute passed, then two, [S] listening intently to ensure the worm wasn’t about to come back. Three minutes later, [S] crumpled to his knees, gasping for the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and letting the shield and Vilethorn drop to the stone beside him. His hands reached up to his head, and his face twisted as a massive headache blossomed behind his eyes.
His mind was racing. What was he doing here? Hadn’t he been on the roof moments ago? What had made the worm so upset at him?
Why had it left? And…where was it going?
[S] pushed himself into a proper sitting position, throwing his head back, eyes shut. The allure of the Corruption had absolutely left him, replaced by fear and guilt. Just what had he done, and why? Had Ret been right? What was he supposed to do now?
Ungodly screeching and scrabbling from creatures deeper in the cavern snapped him out of his endless questions, and he scrambled to his feet. He—he couldn’t go back to Rifdale, not yet, so without thinking he ran, he ran until he reached an alcove where one of the orbs had been (he remembered that, somewhat, vaguely, it was difficult to tell) and curled up inside, staring up at the opening as some of the Corruption’s strange mandibled creatures tried and failed to figure out a way through the opening.
Once he was certain they wouldn’t get in, he buried his face in his arms. He wasn’t sure how long he was going to stay there, but if he hadn’t been able to face Ret before…he certainly wasn’t ready to now.
Dissonant Counterpoint - Crypt of the Necrodancer - 2017
Talked about here, but here’s another bit dated January 2018, from near the fic’s tragic end, immediately after the undead Fret’s been incinerated by a red dragon.
"It seems a shame to just leave you here like this. You did have so much...potential."
He wasn't sure how he could see or how he could hear--it was something beyond him, now, some sort of magical tomfoolery he'd never wanted to deal with. But he could see Octavian's boots in front of his face and could hear his constant song pulsing inside his head.
"Ah, don't worry. I think I'll be able to get you set up with something you'd like."
Anger flared again.
You don't know a single fucking thing about what I'd like, he thought, You don't know anything about me. You never did. You just know what you made up.
He wasn't sure how he could stand, either, but he did, compelled by a command. He stared at his former friend, who now looked somewhat uncertain and spooked. He wanted to yell, he wanted to scream, but words were something else beyond him.
He could see and hear when he shouldn't be able to. He could stand when he shouldn't be able to. He could live when he shouldn't be able to.
And yet whatever cruel joke the universe wanted to play on him still refused to let him speak.
"Still have nothing to say to me, old friend?"
The anger burned away, just like everything else had. And all it left was a grim, defeated sort of certainty.
His final act of defiance would be to give in.
He refused to give Octavian the fight he so clearly wanted. He would not let this man tease and torment him, control him however he liked and know he was still there watching it all in despair. He refused to despair.
He couldn't move on his own anymore. He was no doubt unidentifiable. No one would know it was him except Octavian.
How's it gonna feel to get everything you wanted? He wished he could somehow convey his own bitterness, but he was frozen. To know there's nothing more for you to do?...I bet you're gonna hate it. You always wanted to be something more. How's it gonna feel when there’s nothing left to be?
Octavian ducked out of his sightline, and then something was shoved into his hand; the familiar shaft of his halberd. His fingers closed around it, though he wasn't sure how that was possible. Octavian looked...perhaps the least bit upset.
"Er, here. I'll get you something better later. Come along."
The song pulled him forward behind Octavian as they walked deeper into the crypt and away from his own coffin. The only thing that made him question his decision was the thought of Maria--his weird little half-sister that he did care about so much--sick, dying, clutched by fever like he was and all because of him. If she came here...If he wasn't here...
But maybe it would still be better, because she and whatever ghosts she could conjure to her aid would destroy him. And then it would be a double loss for Octavian. Something he could never fix.
Give him hell for me.
But he was going to free himself. He would not let himself stay trapped here anymore.
...You win. How's it feel?
The song seemed to grow louder in his head, rattling him to the core, overwhelming him, and the anger came back, burning hot and bright, and he stopped. He saw Octavian turning back to face him in confusion.
In one final act, he gathered up all of his strength.
He threw his head back, and broke whatever curse had left him speechless.
And he screamed.
are ya winnin the puyo tournament son (doc name) - Puyo Puyo - October 2020
Talked about here, but have another bit.
“Yes? Did you need something?” She looks them over. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. Are you new?”
Ajisai gives a small bow. “Yes, very much so. I only just arrived here a little while ago, but I heard that you were arranging a Puyo tournament--and that more than just the magic school students were able to participate. Is that true?”
Accord turns her head, glancing at them out of the corner of her eye. “Yes, though the prize will only be for students this year. We had some...unexpected guests vying for it last time, and I’d like for my students to have incentive to show what they’ve learned.”
“Of course.” They nod respectfully. “I’m not interested in the prize, but I would like to participate if I’m able. I’ve been told I have some skill.”
There’s a moment’s pause as Accord looks them up and down searchingly, then shares a glance with the cat. A sly smile spreads across her face as she meets their eyes. “So, you’re participating by yourself this time?”
Ajisai’s eyes widen slightly, but they manage to recover. “Ah...yes, yes I am. Good eye.”
Accord giggles. “You could say we have a nose for this sort of thing.”
“And we don’t trust mew,” the cat adds, baring its teeth. 
Ajisai turns their focus to it, a hand to their chest in mock offense. They know what the cat’s about, of course. “You don’t trust me? Why, we’re practically family.”
The cat hisses, and Accord laughs again, though tries to hide it behind the feather of her cane. “He’s a bit high strung,” she offers, stroking the cat’s head with a finger--it appears to try and pout, but leans into the touch anyway. They’re almost positive they hear purring. Her gaze becomes serious. “Though I do hope you don’t intend to cause any trouble.”
“Of course not.” A hand over their heart, this time genuine. “My wits are about me again, and that is all in the past.” ...They can’t help a slight smirk. “...well, mostly. But I don’t want to cause any harm.”
Accord nods slowly, taking a second to judge their sincerity. “I’m going to choose to trust you.”
“I appreciate it.” Another, lower bow.
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