#i just think it would be smart to use the threads for topics that get brought up over and over so that way everyone can opt into certain
danny-chase · 2 years
Me: i don't need another discord server, I'm distracted enough as it is
Also me: BUT what IF i MADE the discord server for MY niche interest and organized it exactly how i wanted and made rules against any content i didn't want to see, what about THAT hMM
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bananayuyu · 1 month
Between the Blinds
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Pairing: Yeosang x f reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 5.8k
Summary: Your favorite coworker is handsome, but oh so quiet. It's not until you stumble upon a lewd scene at work that you understand who he really is.
Warnings: smut, MDNI, masturbating at work, handjob
A/n: I absolutely love ateez in suits so that is what I imagined for this entire fic. Also, I would generally advise against many of the things that happen in this fic, but it is certainly fun to fantasize. Hope you enjoy! :)
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Yeosang was by far your favorite coworker.
From the moment you met you felt a spark there when your eyes met, like a tiny thread suddenly stretched between your brains so you could feel and think everything he was feeling and thinking. He was quiet, the quietest in the office. He worked in a small office on his own, at his request. He was smart and efficient, and the boss liked him. So did everyone else, from a distance. He didn't let anyone in and never socialized; no one really knew him or knew much about his life. All they knew was his stunning face, his perfectly shaped body, and on the occasion when he had to use it, his deep and expressive voice. Many people in the office were in love with him; it was a regular topic of conversation.
It was your first real job post-college, your first true taste of independence. You had always been so responsible, getting straight As and going to bed at 10pm sharp. Your life was impressive from the outside but lacked intrigue, and you knew you were prone to daydreaming and delusion to keep yourself entertained. It was something almost no one knew about, and you had no intention of changing that. Your infatuation with Yeosang, and especially your certainty that he felt the same, was something you kept to yourself.
It started the second day. You were in the kitchen making coffee first thing in the morning. As you stood in front of the machine you yawned and closed your eyes, oblivious to Yeosang entering. He moved quietly, as he did everything quietly. You were wearing a fitted black top and tight black slacks, the shape of your body on full display. Yeosang just kept staring at you from the side, his eyes scanning your body, your thighs and your hips, and finally landed on your chest. His reaction to you was visceral and uncontrollable, taking him by surprise. He gulped as you finally looked over to him, clearly catching him checking you out. You looked at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, confused if you saw what you thought you did.
"Sorry, sorry." The words tumbled out of him. He turned and walked away, a blush beginning to spread over his cheeks. You looked down to see his coffee mug on the counter, still empty. Filling it, you couldn't help but smile at the way your body felt warm, his look of lust replaying in your head.
"Come in," he says when you knock on his door, his mug of coffee in your hand.
"You forgot your coffee," you say.
"Oh, you didn't have to. Thank you, though," he responds, this time more smoothly.
"It's Yeosang, right?" you ask, having not forgotten since your introduction the day before but wanting to make conversation.
"Yes. And you're y/n, right?" he responds.
"Yeah. I started yesterday."
"I hope everyone has been welcoming so far."
"Oh yes. They all say you never talk to anyone, though. Is that true?"
Yeosang's eyes widen, caught off guard by how direct you are. "Well, yes, generally. But you can always come knock if you have a question. I'm just not really, well, very social. I prefer to work on my own."
"That's fair," you say, staring at his perfect lips, at the way his nose slopes so gently. He probably can't deal with unwanted attention, you imagine. But he stares back and you feel it, that first tug of the thread connecting your minds, your own cheeks suddenly flushing just as his are. "I like being around people, sometimes," you say, knowing the words are clumsy and so simple but needing something to say. The little office feels warm and you feel yourself melting, wanting nothing more than to live in this moment forever. But suddenly another knock sounds on the door.
"Come in," Yeosang responds, just as before. Your bosses head appears around the door, and your chest suddenly tightens. He asks Yeosang a quick question and reintroduces the two of you; you catch a slight look of amusement Yeosang gives you, at the way your boss is being overly professional.
And that's how it began, always a bit awkward, always a bit tense. There was the time you thought you saw a bug in the kitchen and screamed and grabbed his arm, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up that day because someone had cranked the heat too high. Your hand on his arm felt electric, the skin to skin contact even more intoxicating than you could imagine. Then there were the notes, little jokes or observations he left for you on your desk. Always tucked under your coffee mug at the corner of your desk. And your responses, always laid on top of the stacks of paper you had to bring him. There was the time he asked you to print something for him, then came into the printer room and stood right behind you, reaching over to grab something on a shelf above. You had heard him enter the room that time and tried to move out of the way but he held you in place with one hand on your waist and you stood frozen, feeling the tense muscles of his chest and abdomen against your shoulders. There were the early mornings which no one but you two volunteered for, when clients from oversees wanted to video conference at a certain time or meet last minute in the office before a flight. As he made you both coffee you sat on the counter next to him, your eyes roaming his face.
"What do you want?" he'd ask, rolling his eyes.
"You, duh," you would say sarcastically, but you were only half joking, of course. He would laugh, a rare sight and one you felt priviledged to see. "I'm just making sure you make my coffee right, dummy."
"I always make your coffee right, smart-ass," he'd reply.
"Fine, I'll leave you to it then," you'd say, jumping off the counter and sauntering away. It was always fun, always got you excited. You barely even needed the caffeine to be awake for those early morning meetings, as long as Yeosang was there.
It continued like this for a while, for longer than you expected. You weren't really sure where it would head or what could even come of it. For one, you worked together. And your interactions were still sometimes awkward or stilted; though it was almost more endearing, it also made you wonder if he even liked you. Or if you were just two coworkers, joking around to pass the time. Regardless, your feelings grew and grew, and there was nothing you could do to stop them. When you asked your best friend what to do, she recommended being a bit bolder.
"Who cares if you work together, you probably won't in a year. It's not like you're gonna be there forever. And if you really like him... just go for it."
"I do," you said, sighing. Sighing, because when did this situation get so complicated? For you, emotionally, that is. It was all so fun usually. But you felt something building inside you, and realized you really did care. It was less than wholesome, you had to admit. And you wanted it, wanted him badly. It wasn't like you often came across people who you found so damn attractive.
So you decided to do something about it.
The next week you wore your favorite long sleeve t-shirt, one that's hem came right below your belly-button, hugging your body just the way you liked. It was a little casual for your current job, but that didn't matter. The slight strip of skin that showed above your pants was suddenly cold as you entered the office in the early morning, another morning with just Yeosang. As you made coffee you waited for him, and finally he entered, later than you expected. He was hard to read but if any word described him that day he seemed distant. He took one look at you and did a double take, his tired eyes passing over your outfit. He looked almost disapproving, and it made you laugh. Once again he was unable to take his eyes off you and you felt sure, if only for a moment, that he liked you too. But that itself wasn't enough.
"You did your buttons wrong," you say, walking up to him and unbottoning a few on his shirt, the words a complete lie. He looked completely professional and put together, as he always did. But you wanted to touch him, you needed to see his reaction. You redid the buttons and smoothed the shirt down over his torso, then ran a hand along his arm and redid the button on his cuff. You could feel his body tensing, and heard him gulp. You looked up at him, his pupils larger than you expected in the brightness of the office. And then you ran your hand up to his chest and felt his heart beat, strong and very fast.
"Your heart is racing, are you that nervous for our meeting?" you teased, hoping to get a reaction out of him. But none of it was working. He just stared at you, his face nearly blank as he clearly was working very hard to keep it that way. You knew everything you did wasn't the most creative or forward but still, how was he not reacting? And why wouldn't he say something by now if he liked you too? Your frustration at him was building and you knew it was illogical. The months of flirting were making you pent up and you needed something, anything, from him to feel some relief.
Soon enough the normal day started, and everyone else had arrived. It felt like your opportunity was missed, but you were determined not to let the day go to waste. You thought on it for a while, as you made copies and busied yourself by pretending the machine was giving you trouble. You went back and forth with yourself, weighing the risk of your ideas. Eventually you decided you didn't care to be careful.
How do you look so fine in just a plain black and white suit? the note read, sitting atop the pile of copies you made for him. You set it in his office with a thud, running out without even making eye contact with him. Your heart pounded; it was your first real and direct admission that you found him attractive. Now he must have something to say, you thought. He must have some reaction.
You had to wait another hour, the time passing agonizingly slowly, and again you had to busy yourself with your work and pretend everything was fine. As Yeosang got ready to leave he came by your desk; if you hadn't spent months observing him so closely you probably wouldn't have been able to tell his gait was off, betraying his nervousness.
"These copies came out poorly, can you make some more before you leave today? You can just leave them in my office," he said, his voice clearly full of tension, his volume just high enough for you to hear. He too wasn't making eye contact with you, his gaze stuck on the far wall, like the blankness of it was somehow mesmerizing.
"Oh, um, of course. Sorry about that. I'll go redo them here in a moment," you say awkwardly.
"Great, thanks," he says, walking away as he swallowed thickly.
You glance down at the stack to see a small piece of paper folded on top, the top page of the stack appearing to have been copied just fine. You glance around to see if anybody is watching you, your heart in your throat in anticipation of Yeosang's response. You hear his office door open and close as you pick up the note, and see his back swiftly exit the front doors of the office. He is rushing, there's no doubt. Your excitement builds at this, feeling like he must have written something naughty, or at least not very work appropriate.
Finally, after one more check of everyone around, you open the note.
Be careful, smart-ass
I'm your coworker
And that was it.
A quick pang of embarrassment runs through your chest, your breath catching in your throat. That's it? you think. How the hell could you have read it all wrong? He clearly, obviously likes you too. But the note is so short, it's impossible to read between the lines. The first line is somewhat jokey, an inside joke between just the two of you. But the second, so short and plain, is hard not to interpret seriously. Maybe he doesn't like you, at least not like that. Or maybe he's warning you not to do things like that at work. But if not here, where? He keeps everything about himself private and leaves before you every day.
As you sit stewing in your embarrassment, the feeling starts turning more to anger, more to frustration. Well, you thought, if that's how it is, I guess I was wrong. You doubt he wants you to entirely ignore him but that's what you pledge to do, if for no other reason than to save your feelings. You certainly weren't going to let a coworker ruin how you feel at your job. Things had been going smoothly on the professional front, and you weren't going to let this screw things up for you. You decided it was time for seriousness and responsibility again. It killed a part of you, the part that had so enjoyed messing with Yeosang and fantasizing. But your anger and frustration at him was winning out. No more playing around. Even if he meant it jokingly, he wasn't making that clear. And that pissed you off more than anything, that he wasn't letting you in or telling you how he truly felt.
The next weeks are agony, to put it lightly. Self doubt plagues you constantly as you question your initial reaction, wondering if being so upset with him is even warranted. But then you think of the months of flirting, the months of trying to pry open a small door and him never even giving you an inch. You hadn't realized it at the time but looking back your frustration had been building, every single day that he joked with you but stayed so guarded. You considered that maybe your reaction was a bit unwarranted. But it made sense to you. There was just something in you, something that needed more of him, that needed access to the human parts.
It was dull but it was work, and you made it through. You thought is was probably for the best, that you were doing the right thing by not flirting with your coworker anymore. Things almost felt like they had reached a new equilibrium, and you felt like you could be just as satisfied with your work again, once you finally processed your little crush and the embarrassment over the note you left. How utterly childish, you thought. You were determined to be a professional adult. Unfortunately, one of your coworkers had other plans for you. It was out of nowhere, caught you completely off-guard, and unfortunately undid in a moment the nonchalance you had worked so hard to attain.
"Y/n, don't you think Yeosang's been weird lately?" Nora, your desk neighbor asks you one day. You were truly focused on reading a report and felt snapped back to reality, your heart squeezing in your chest at the mention of him. Of course, you think, he hasn't been normal cause he hasn't been flirting with me. Cause I've been fucking avoiding him. But you can't tell her that.
"What do you mean?" you ask instead, giving her an encouraging look. It isn't like you to be interested in talking about office gossip, so anytime you are interested your coworkers don't hold back.
"I swear he takes forever to respond to my emails now. And Jun said the same. I know he's always been quiet but he like barely leaves that office of his anymore. It's like he's hiding away in there. But then why is he not responding to our emails quickly? He used to just fine. And if he's in there all the time he should be even faster, if anything."
"Oh, I hadn't noticed," you lie, swallowing the lump forming in your throat, trying to keep your racing thoughts at bay. "About the emails, I mean. But yeah he's barely been out here recently. I wonder why?"
"A part of me is like, he's probably just feeling down lately or something," Nora responds," but then another part of me is like, he's probably up to no good in that office. I mean if he's so distracted every afternoon that he can't answer my emails for like three hours, what is he doing?"
"I don't know," you sigh out, turning back to the report. But Nora won't let it go.
"You seemed to get along well with him, what do you think it is?" she asks you.
"I don't know. He's very guarded Nora, I don't know him any better than the rest of you. Which is probably a good thing, we are coworkers after all." You sigh at your words. Nora looks at you intently, like she's expecting something. "What? You want me to go ask him or something? No way in hell is that happening."
"I know, I know. But listen, I had an idea. I know it's kind of insane but I was thinking, you know how his office door has those blinds? He keeps them closed all the time so no one can see in. But what if they were open and we could take a peek in there? It's always after lunch that he doesn't respond. I have an old stack of things I'm supposed to take to him before I shred today, and you have your daily afternoon delivery to him. What if when I'm walking out I open the blinds, just slightly? And then you can take a peak when you go over there, just before you knock so he doesn't know you're there."
"Oh, Nora," you sigh, shaking your head slightly but also smiling. You know you shouldn't engage in this ridiculousness, that you should be more mature than this. But you can't help being intrigued. If she's the one who opens the blinds you won't feel like it's your fault if you accidentally see anything. You can' imagine you will, given how professional Yeosang is at work. Or that Nora will even be able to open them. But something within you is very excited by the idea. You try desperately not to show it.
"I doubt you'll even be able to open them," you say. "And what if he sees you doing it? He's gonna be confused and creeped-out." You know you should be discouraging her but you can't bring yourself to tell her no.
"You don't know how stealthy I am," she responds.
"You're crazy," you say, laughing and shaking your head. This time you really do go back to your report, not letting her keep the conversation going.
It only takes about thirty minutes and she's back at her desk, leaning over towards you.
"I did it!" she whisper yells, excited and clearly proud of herself. All you can do is still shake your head, not believing she actually went through with her plan. "You better tell me what you see later y/n."
"Fine, I will," you tell her, trying to pretend like you don't care. You know you shouldn't; a sneaking feeling that you're both invading his privacy sweeps through your gut. But the excitement is still bubbling away, unfazed.
Finally your lunch break approaches and you head outside, not wanting to be bothered by anyone. You've started doing this ever since you started ignoring Yeosang, ever since he left you that note. Being inside with everyone during lunch no longer appeals to you; the pain of seeing him grab his food out of the fridge only to head back to his tiny office is too much to handle. And today especially, after that conversation with Nora, you desperately need the fresh air. It's hotter than ideal but the solitude feels nice. The loud sounds of the street are a welcome distraction, your brain still reeling. You feel tears forming at the corners of your eyes, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you try to keep yourself calm. What on earth had come over you? An anger like nothing you've ever experienced has hit you; it is laced with shame and longing, and feels utterly overpowering. You miss terribly your interactions with him, even if they were short, even if they never left you feeling satisfied.
When you head back in you see the stack of reports you made this morning on your desk, the stack you must deliver to Yeosang. Your heart always sinks this time of day, when you have to knock on his door, say a quick hello, and leave. You always want to do more, to stay and poke fun at him, to stare at his face for just a little too long. But you've stopped that now.
When you finally grab them, finally adjust your outfit and take a deep breath as you ready yourself, Nora smiles mischievously at you, reminding you of what she wants you to do. You give her a look of distain but you nod anyway, making your way over. The walk feels miles long, though it only takes you some fifteen seconds to make it to his door. As you get close your steps slow down; you attempt to keep them silent on the tiled floor of the hallway. You see now, the little gaps in the blinds that Nora had somehow opened unnoticed. Had Yeosang really not closed them again? Had he really not noticed the small streams of light coming into his office that usually weren't there? You took a big deep breath, your arms clenching the stack of papers in your hands. You were just to the side of his door, not truly able to see in yet. You weren't sure what you should do; you felt stuck. A wave of nauseating anxiety ran over you, making you shaky. This isn't worth the stress, you thought. You decided to just walk in, to not play the game Nora wanted you to.
You take a step, about to reach up to knock on the glass of his door, but your eye catches on something. It's Yeosang's monitor, and the movement of his arm. The picture on his screen is unmistakably someone in a bikini, and the movement of his left elbow suggests a rhythmic up and down motion of his hand. You stop in your tracks, completely taken aback. You're reeling from how unprofessional and lewd the scene is, something you never would have expected from your quiet, proper coworker. The shock of the situation makes you unable to move as a wave of jitters runs through you, so strong you forget what you're doing, forget that Nora might be watching. Other people might start to as well, if they see you stood outside his office for an unusual amount of time. What feels like thousands of options of what to do next flood your mind in an instant, making it impossible for you to choose one. As you stand frozen you continue to watch his screen, his right hand reaching up towards his mouse. Suddenly you see the bikini in the photo, the bright red and white one you got last summer for your beach trip with your best friend. What the fuck? And then the next photo, the tab he clicks to, is unmistakably a girl in your favorite pink hoodie, and that photo, you know it from somewhere, right?
All at once you realize Yeosang is scrolling your best friend's Instagram, looking for photos of you, while jacking off. What the fuck is he doing, you think, anger shooting through you ferociously. You can't explain your next movements, your body on auto pilot, your entire being focused on one thing and one thing only. You open his office door without knocking, spinning around and closing it as fast as you can, dropping the stack of papers in your hands on the side of his desk without warning.
"What the hell are you doing?!" you ask as you loom over him, doing nothing to hide your anger.
"Fuck, y/n, what are you..." Yeosang trails off, scrambling to zip his pants and buckle his belt again, his hand flying to close the open tabs on his monitor. But you're fast enough to grab his arm and stop him, staring back at the photos of yourself on vacation. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, this is so wrong, I know, I'm so sorry," Yeosang babbles out, his words running together, his chest heaving from how turned on and scared he is. Even though what he's done is obvious grounds for being fired, for even struggling to find a new job, he can't help how hot it was, your presence suddenly upon him as he was touching himself to the thought of you. The anger in your tone only heightened the feeling, his head feeling faint as the rest of his body stood rigid.
He always worried about being caught ever since he started this, ever since you started ignoring him. He worried someone else would somehow catch him, that he might lose his job. But he just couldn't help himself. No one had ever had the affect on him that you did. He missed the ways you flirted with him, the actions and words that he'd think about as he touched himself late at night to the thought of you. Work became mind numbingly boring once you stopped talking to him, and having his own office allowed him the privacy to do what he needed to. He knew it was so wrong; he really couldn't explain it. And he couldn't explain or understand how turned on it made him now, your angry face looming over his, still unsure of what you would do next.
"What is wrong with you?? You're jacking off at work??" You speak sternly but try to keep your volume down. You feel the thread between your minds again, this time red and singeing, and realize your anger is turning him on even more.
"I don't know, I-"
"No, shut up. Don't say a fucking word to me. You leave me a note telling me to be careful?! And you're doing this?!" you continue, climbing onto his chair now, your faces getting closer and closer. The fact that he's hot and bothered by your anger, the look of terror and embarrassment on his face, it gives you a head rush like nothing you've ever experienced. Suddenly you feel yourself throbbing, needing something to take the edge off. You sit your hips down on his and immediately feel how rock hard he is, his dick straining against his pants. You slowly roll your hips back and forth, the friction making your cunt warm and tingly. Yeosang throws his head back with a groan, the layers of fabric cruelly limiting him from feeling any relief at your actions.
"Fuck, y/n-"
You grab his head, moving him to face you.
"Shut. Up," you whisper, moving your face down to kiss him, roughly sucking on his bottom lip. You keeping rocking yourself back and forth, a haze setting over your senses, your mind lost in the feeling of finally being on top of him.
"You really missed me that badly? That you had to touch yourself to pictures of me?" you taunt him, whispering in his ear. His head falls back again at your words, tears starting to form in his eyes at the frustration he feels between his legs. His hands come up to grab at your thighs and ass, completely overcome with lust and desire. You look down between you at his bulge, the sight of it straining making your mouth water. You move yourself back and begin unzipping his pants; Yeosang's head shoots up at the sound, his eyes joining yours in staring down at his crotch. His cock is hard and already leaking when you pull it out, and you spread his precum around his tip with your thumb slowly. Yeosang lets out a whimper, his whole body feeling on fire with your hand finally on his cock.
"This is what you really wanted, isn't it? Me touching you when we're at work and I'm mad at you? Are you that fucking perverted?" You can't stop teasing him, loving the way you feel so powerful, the way he is like putty in your hands. You spit into your hand and spread it down his shaft, finally starting to pump you hand slowly, watching the way his face scrunches up in pleasure and his body submits to you. "Is that all you think about when you see me, me touching you until you come? How do you even get any work done? You're just pathetically horny in here all day, touching yourself?"
Yeosang's breaths are coming out fast and ragged, his chest and face flushed and beads of sweat forming on any and all exposed skin. You lean down and swipe your tongue along his neck, tasting the saltiness of his skin, how warm and soft it is. Your hand is pumping faster now, your motions slowly picking up to what Yeosang needs, which is a total ravishing. He has long forgotten his professional morals, long forgotten how wrong he thinks this is. He'd do anything to have it last forever. "Y/n, y/n..." he mumbles out, trying to tell you to go harder, go faster. But he can't get the words out, his mind is too hazy. Regardless he's even harder now, his dick flushed and almost painfully hard.
All at once his breaths speed up, and then he's moaning involuntarily, clearly close to the edge. You move off his lap as quickly as you can, momentarily moving your hand away from him. He looks up at you as if confused, his eyebrows slightly raised in the middle.
"No way am I letting you ruin my pants, I just got them last weekend," you say, your tone patronizing. "You can ruin your own pants." You're touching him again, pumping your hand up and down, your mouth on his neck. You look and see his monitor is still lit up, still set on the picture of you in your bikini. "Look at the screen Yeosang," you whisper in his ear. "Is this what you've been coming to for the past weeks? This little, innocent picture? All because I stopped talking to you? You poor, poor thing." Yeosang whines as you tease him, pathetic little mewls coming out at every word. And then he's falling over the edge, coating his nice black work pants in his own cum. His body shudders as you keep stroking him, riding out the entirely of his orgasm. As soon as it's over you both are shocked back to reality, Yeosang attempting to get his breathing under control. Your hand is covered in his cum, your own face beaded in sweat. You look around quickly and grab a tissue from the corner of his office, wiping down your face and neck before trying to clean your hand. The nastiness of what you did hits you, your stomach tying in knots at the thought of everyone having heard you. You look back at Yeosang who has turned in his desk chair to face you, his eyes not leaving you, his face strangely calm in the face of your obvious panic.
"What?" You can't hide how unsettled you are. Yeosang just smiles and chuckles. "I don't get why you're so calm, you're going to have to walk out of here with no pants on," you say, wiping the last of his cum off your hand and tossing the tissue in his small trash can.
"I'll just change into my gym clothes early, and if anyone asks, I'll just say I spilt coffee on myself. No one will know, no one will care," he responds. Again so composed, mere moments after you had him moaning and whining. It pisses you off, how relaxed he is already.
You start towards his door, realizing now that the length of time you spent in here will probably seem suspicious. But Yeosang grabs your arm, stopping you and turning you towards him.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" he asks, worried by your demeanor.
"Yeosang, stop," you say, stepping back from him.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I should not have been doing that. I will quit tomorrow if it'll make you feel better."
"No, Yeosang, no. Just... fuck. I'm sorry, I don't know what the fuck I just did..."
"I'm not gonna tell anyone, if that's what you're concerned about."
"No Yeosang, I-" you sigh, trying not to overreact. "God you annoy me," you huff out, shaking your head at him. He smiles, not sure how to respond.
"Y/n, listen-"
"No, no. We're not talking about this. I'm leaving, I've already been in here too long." With that final statement you step out, immediately making your way to the restroom to assess how bad you look.
Thankfully the damage is mild, your hair just a bit more frizzy due to the sweat and heat of the room. But overall you look normal, at least as far as you can tell. When you finally make your way back to your desk Nora is nearly jumping out of her chair with anticipation.
"So, what did you see?'" she asks.
"Oh, it wasn't anything weird, just a spreadsheet he was entering stuff into. And making a graph it looked like? Probably something special the boss requested."
"But you were in there so long," she responds, with a slight frown.
"Yeah, one of the reports had something confusing on it, he was asking me some questions. I think he's just busy with work Nora, that's why he's slow with the emails." Your body is buzzing, lying not something you feel accustomed to.
"Well, I guess this place is super boring after all," Nora concludes, sighing and going back to her work.
You spend the rest of the afternoon fighting back a smile, trying not to visibly shake as the adrenaline is still pumping through you. Your emotions are all over the place. Your mind races and you can't make sense of most of it but there's one thing you definitely know.
You've never felt so powerful in your life.
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askuemki · 5 months
@vivgst new thread <3 (I have the cut so it won't be a pain to scroll lol)
I've never watched Death Note, but I guess Ill just say L is my favorite since we share a name (technically) Honestly? my answer is simple w/ what animal Id be Almost ANY cat (not the flatfaced or folded ear ones though they can have some bad health issues :( ) Like if you're a domestic cat, you have the stuff to survive both in the wild, or in someone's house. You have super scenes of smell, night vision, claws, sharp teeth, AND probably enough smarts to not get eaten by dogs or smth. On the other hand with humans, at least 70% of the population would adore you, and maybe even take you in to pamper you. It would be very easy to get them to do your bidding since you'd be just some animal, and perhaps put above your caretaker's needs. Pets? Affection? Just act all adorable and stuff and they'll give it to you, cling on to them and they'll say they're your human now. On the other hand (or paw) there's the wild cats!! Still very cute. Still very cool. Now your defenses are upped by a ton, and people still find you cute. Though with how shitty environmental conditions are, and with the bigger cats slowly going to extinction :( , I may or may not just stick to domestic cats But hypothetically.. It would be neat to be either a snow leopard, tiger, or a jaguar. I love snow leopards for their big fluffy tails, and it would be cool to be able to roam through snow and stuff, but that seems to get a little boring from time to time. Love tigers for their stripes, I don't think they can roar..?? But that doesn't change anything. Think Tigers and Jaguars are both pretty efficient in survival, but I'd pick Jaguar just for their athletics and HUGE bite force (least from my 1st search). Or maybe, maybe not because there's an outfit/skin or two of Valeria's that are based on jaguars.. (or leopards, but ill go w/ jaguars) im obsessed w/ this woman man hdwhadwjadawnk OH ALSO ON THE TOPIC OF BIRDS??? AS FUN AS IT WOULD BE TO BE A MALE BIRD AND SHAKE YOUR COLORFUL BUM AROUND, THERE WAS A WHOLE ASS WAR W/ EMUS AND AUSTRALIA Honestly who wouldn't wanna be a relative of a dinosaur, but smaller and just as fucking scary Also for vacation.... I don't like going on vacation. I just like being in my sad little room, on the internet or drawing my ass off But, Id love to visit Japan and see their Ghibli Studio museum, it's so cool... Or even just go to a few hotels or smth here and there, I love their stellar technology, I love how everything is so cute or neat there, oh and I especially LOVE the social rules there, I'm a goody-two-shoes at heart and perfectly agree with being "nice"... Like yeah sure I may not like you or the opposite, but at least we can co-exist without biting our heads off (unlike the fucking us) and japan seems open to their culture being explored by others, so I'd totally love to (respectfully) participate in some traditions here and there OR I could visit Europe. Like not even a specific country? Just Europe. Cuz the US is like really fucking big, and a country like France is apparently as big as Texas. And it would be cool to take a week trip just exploring cultures and stuff (well everything except food, I'm a terrible picky eater ugh) Vacation in the US scares me tho, I'm fine where I'm at rn Maybe id be a little open to going to canada.. but bc of how they're treating the Palestine genoside rn maybe like later in life if they redeem themselves, but like the us? Fuck them too I think crocodiles r cute, but I wouldn't wanna go near one :3 Most of my relatives are either in the Philippines or Maryland, I barely know abt them now Never thought I'd be the one to be the gay cousin, ngl
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
featherweight // alexander albon
summary: nsfw thoughts about alexander albon and feathers. as well as me rambling about how soft and romantic that i think he is because you should know by now that i am a hopeless romantic.
author's note: blame @magnummagnussen, the brainrot is her fault. these are expansions upon a conversation we had at ten o clock at night when we really should have been productive members of society.
also i did far too much research into this topic and had to wipe my browser history before someone found out about this.
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i think that alexander albon is a die hard romantic
i also don't think that i would say he's very kinky, there's just kind of like this one thing
he's into positive sensory things, like silks and velvets and feathers
like, soft and sweet things that still allow him to be a romantic motherfucker
candles and rose petals anyone?
is my romantic side showing yet
"babe, you've been staring at the thread count for twenty five minutes now."
"i only want the softest thread count! we're too good for subpar sheets."
egyptian cotton, silk, flannel
whatever his girl wants, he's got it all in the linen closet somewhere
a million candles and diffusers
the entire room smells like the pillsbury dough boy's ass the first time because he misread a recipe for getting your house to smell like vanilla
fake rose petals on the bed because they don't stain the way that real ones do
glasses of sparkling fruit juices on the nightstand
a plate of lindor chocolates
where do the feathers come in you ask? right about now.
he just wants to make her feel fucking euphoric.
it's slow and deliberate and sensual
with a focus on the sensations
lying naked next to each other in bed, a feather tickler in his hand
he's on his side, she's on her back, one arm reaching behind alex's head to tangle in his platinum blonde hair
he's kissing her softly as he runs the feather's up and down her arm
listening to her soft hums, and the occasional giggle
"i love you,y/n."
gently brushing the feathers over her perky nipples
just enough pressure to get her to whine for him
his end goal, while also trying to make her feel as good as physically possible
is to make her whine and beg and whimper for him
because there is a very small part of him that is sadistic like that :)
"tell me what you want, princess." he hums, peppering kisses to her thigh as he tickles the feather over her clit
"you, alex. please, i just want you to take me."
"since you asked me so nicely, pretty girl. let me love on you, yeah?"
he also uses the feathers when he's in a sillier, goofier mood
he just wants her to laugh and smile and giggle
using the fluffiest feather's he can find to creep up behind her when she's doing something mundane and normal
like the dishes or the laundry.
"alex!" she would squeal as he giggles, running the singular massive feather over her skin. "knock it off, i have work to finish."
"you can take a break for ten minutes, princess."
that typically ends with alex's head between her thighs, tongue fucking her into oblivion until his jaw aches
or with her riding his cock, hisi hands gripping her thighs so tight they leave marks
smiling and moaning into kisses
"i love you, baby."
"i love you more, princess."
something sweet followed up with something cheeky like
"and i love your sweet pussy almost as much."
which gets him a playful smack on the chest before she snaps back with something equally as smart-alecky
"bold of you to assume that i don't love your incredible cock more than your bubbly personality."
"oh, we both know that my incredible cock complements my personality wonderfully."
thigh. high. stockings.
and i'll just leave that thought there. alex is a fucking man-whore for thighs
the most romantic and sensual lover on the planet
i rest my case.
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moriartyluver · 2 years
Can I request a, c,h and j with Dazai please? SFW alphabet!
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A/N: thank you for the request anon!! Have a nice day <3
Warnings : suicidal behaviour, mentions of depression and slightly unhealthy coping mechanisms. Dazai being dazai.
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a= affection (how affectionate are they? do they like receiving affection?)
dazai’s love languages are probably physical touch and words of affirmation. Whether it’s in public or the privacy of your shared home, dazai always has his pretty hand on you. In the office, he’ll have you sit in his lap (if you’re done with your work because you’re terrified kunikida would start yelling at you) and wrap his arms around your waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck or peppers your face in kisses. He’ll sit on your lap while your working, desperately begging for attention and distracting you from any paperwork that needs doing. While the two of you are out together, whether it be shopping or a walk in the park, he’ll hold your hand and occasionally kiss the back of your palm or your cheeks just to remind you that he’s there (although it’s hard to forget when he’s babbling about his day and various other topics with a cute shine in his eyes).
dazai also loves receiving physical affection. A simple kiss on his forehead can get his cheeks pink and his ears hot. He’s always is showing you and your acts of affection to everyone he knows. But if you aren’t really comfortable with showing physical affection or receiving it, He’ll understand and show his affection in different ways, such as quality time or telling you how pretty you look in that new outfit.
c = comfort (how would they comfort their s/o and how would his s/o comfort him)
if it were you that needs comforting, dazai would…try his best…. In all seriousness I think he’d find it somewhat difficult depending on the situation. If your upset due to the demons of your past, dazai would give you good advice and hold you in his arms while you cried. If you’ve had a tiring day, he’d try (keyword try) to make you your favourite meal or run a relaxing bath, but fail horribly. Still it works in terms of comforting you because he has you rolling on the floor laughing at him while he stands there dumbfounded.
Other times, he might just sit with you in a melancholy atmosphere and utter a few words of wisdom whilst you sit in a comfortable silence, trying to interpret what he meant and how to use that advice going forwards
to comfort dazai would be an odd experience. He would usually much rather be left alone but if you really insist of comforting him, it’s best to do so with small gestures, like letting him stay in your embrace whilst he tries to rid himself of the numb feeling he’s plagued with, or make him some crab so he can at least distract himself with food. It’s not unknown that dazai is severely depressed and suicidal but I think if he was in a committed relationship, he might see you as the thread that he’s holding onto for dear life.
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
Dazai loves hugs. Like I said earlier, any chance he has to be affectionate to you, he will use it. It’s his way of showing his immense love for you and he’s prefer to die in your embrace more than anything.
Hugs are usually a regular thing. It might be a short one before work or a greeting or a cuddle when either of you are having a tiring day. It’s like whenever he clings onto your warm body, he can feel himself recharging.
His hugs are very comforting. He’s quite a tall guy so it’s like being enveloped in soft affection. He often gives you little kisses whilst he hugs you. Other times they can be rather melancholic and cold, but it’s quite the rarity.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
I think when dazai’s jealous, he’d probably be jokingly, quite dramatic.
“Oh (name)! Are you really talking to another man when you have such a handsome and smart s/o already? Am I not enough for my darling’s love?”
It’d be funny and he knows that you’re loyal to him. If a guy or girl is hitting on you though, he’ll give you a chance to defend yourself but if they just don’t leave, he’ll get involved, be more touchy before straight up telling them to fuck off in the nicest way possible. He can be very protective in a silent manner, sometimes you can’t even detect it at all.
He does know that your loyal to him so unless you betray that trust, it won’t really matter to him if you have male friends
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year
Now that everyone is also in awe of that twitter thread about Childe being Smart I want to rebutt half of it.
Personally, I think he's perfectly average/a bit smarter than average, or rather good at some things and bad at others.
He's a quick thinker, proven by his character stories (people are indeed not assigned into vanguard just for dumb strength) and by how he used Traveler to check whether the forged sigil worked and sow some discord in the process (obviously his own plan and a good one at that. and he came up with it in a matter of minutes). Being able to lie through omission is no easy feat either.
He's quite poetic and it's usually a sign of intelligent person. (modern AU untraumatized Childe would 100% be a literature major, don't @ me. he'd also like Manowar)
However, he is also young, had no proper mentor and no formal education. Also brash and too self-confident at times. You *need* to be comfortable with doubting youself to be smart, it's thinking 101.
For starters, not suspecting Zhongli to be Rex Lapis was... an accomplishment in and by itself. The city breathes of this story. There are at least three books on the topic, it's told in every tea house, the traveler learns it through a single conversation with a trader in port. A golden-eyed person with excellent taste is always Rex Lapis or at least should be suspected to be him.
Childe somehow missed it, while being able to analyze intricacies of Qixing politics. This is bizarre and means that either he's extremely narrowinded (he doesn't show signs of that, quite the opposite), or that he was simply repeating someone else's ideas. His subordinates obviously bring him news and reports. So… how do we know his ability for political analysis is his and not someone else's?
He does look like the type who would repeat another person's good idea as his own (I'm imagining that's exactly how Zhongli tricked him into that whole sigil of permission thing).
Having said that, being able to listen to information brought by your subordinates is a rare and precious trait, I wish some of my bosses were more like that, haha.
(alternative option: that is in fact his own skill and one of the few skills where he did get actual mentorship. Pulcinella drilled attention to politics into his brain because otherwise things always got too messy when Childe got involved
it would also mean that nothing can drill attention to cultural stuff into Childe's brain because fuck it we ball)
Being able to copy sigils well enough? First, it's the job for the r&d team (can we have some appreciation for the Fatui r&d team, please)? Second, I'm not sure anyone truly copied those. Maybe Zhongli just enchanted every single one.
I they were actually succesfully copied, we have a problem of fatui being able to mass-print them and I don't want to think of the consequences. I hope Zhongli didn't let that happen.
Manipulating Traveler to do what he wanted in the Liyue arc? It's not like the Traveler had a lot of options or any personal loyalty to the Qixing. Did anyone really trust him to be our friend? What other choice did we have though but to follow his lead.
That's 10/10 for opportunistic thinking but it's not really a showcase of his manipulation skills (I'll keep thinking his social skills are abysmal until proven otherwise).
Being able to tell you just came from the blacksmith? Please, it's not him being observant, he just had you followed.
So, yeah... he's smart but he's also, what, 19? 20? (I hc him on the younger side because it helps me overlook his bad traits). It's amazing he got this far and he'll become smart one day but that day hasn't happened yet.
In other words he is far from dumb but the fatui do treat him as dumb muscle because what do you expect.
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wild-wombytch · 10 days
Ok, I'll pin this before shits go insane. The TL;DR is that I'll be temporarily uninstalling social medias so I have no idea whether I'll reply to about everything or when. All the following posts on this blog are queued. I'm probably not leaving radblr, just going on hiatus.
Putting the rest under the cut because I feel the best thing to do is being open-hearted and honest. I want to explain the reasoning nobody cares about behind it and I don't want to spam everyone's dash about this : (TW negativity, mental health, trauma dumping?, personal, pretty lengthy, blah)
I'm definitely overdramatic due to my own mental shits, but I'm getting SERIOUS anxiety from my reply to this post about poverty and middle class.
I don't regret it per se. I almost chose to ignore it because this is a painful topic and those who never experienced it wouldn't believe the amount of spits in the face you get from the middle-class as someone poor in the form of about daily microagressions and what trash you interiorize from it (you don't get much from billionaires because they don't even know we exist and they clearly don't frequent us, they fuck with us as a class but not on an individual level). As everything engaged with emotionally, it can quickly become a bomb. Yet, radblr has made (and still makes, we're all WIP after all) me someone less passive and more inclined to speak up. I'll never be grateful enough for that. So I chose to "woman-up" and make my voice heard. As insignificant as it seems. Because no one can talk for me better than myself.
Maybe it's absolutely nothing for a lot of people (and I guess it objectively IS nothing) but it is ENORMOUS for someone battling crippling anxiety (and I'm not choosing the word "crippling" lightly. My mental health literally gives me such tangible physical pains, gluing themselves to my already existing back issues/arthrodesis that I am physically disabled. I am heavily medicated. I am in a day hospital. I recently genuinely considered asking for a full-time internment in a mental hospital for maybe a month or two because I am becoming dangerous for myself and a burden). I used to be so passive, shy and anxious that I wouldn't voice my opinion at all in fear, that's how I got into the TRA movement so obediently. Exactly the example of Solanas about women completely conditioned out of their female power and inner worlds by their fathers, then becoming the emotional rags and handmaiden of every other men. I'm slowly unlearning that. Participating in something like that was part of the process. I don't know if I dose well. If I should dose and not be too "spicy" at all. Probably not. Radfems showed me the key to my shackles and I'm just starting to understand how it works. Yet, now I'm projecting all of my past experiences on this and fear I'm from one hand encouraged in a direction and going to get my neck broken for it from the other as a punishment. I shouldn't care, yet I still do at this point of my journey.
Again, I'm a mental mess. All is a bit blurry and unreasonable when we talk about anxiety/ptsd. I fear I'm going to get terfed out the terves and cancelled, do to speak. And it is oddly terrifying due to the mess I internalized and how highly and gratefully I look at radfems, with my tendency to idealize.
So when I was about 70% of my reply and I rechecked the whole thread to see it was Tepkunset out of all the Tumblr users I was "siding with"...fuck, did I stutter a nervous laugh. When I made this blog, I made a point to avoid interacting with hers, because I also used (and still do, to some degrees) highly look up to her. Like radfems, she is smart, brave and outspoken and I was all starry-eyed for her. She doesn't know of me and would probably block me on sight now (and probably will if that's not already done by seeing my reply), but she had genuinely been a model to me and got me in social justice and to think deeply about a lot of things, including myself as someone existing within bigger systems. I'm not making shits up when I say she changed the course of my life and I wouldn't be here in my journey if it wasn't for her. It was a process for me to actually embrace "heresy" and accept that I disagreed with her, my icon, about gender issues (which is a shame, because I think if cancel culture wasn't such a thing, she would genuinely be an amazing person to debate with). I've never been into celebs cult but that definitely was a close one. That's why I didn't interact with her blog, other than sometimes paying a visit and reblogging through other blogs as to not be blocked by her. Because I genuinely still respect her and want to hear about her thoughts even if I don't necessarily agree with them anymore, and want to see if she's okay and sometimes I rake my drawers to send money her way when life gets Bad™.
So that's some bullshit irony there that I feel torn in my "loyalties" among people I deeply admire yet disagree with and who themselves probably only intereacted with me anecdotally and know of me as much as they know of the flies in their kitchens. So essentially all that noise is in my head only yet what if I told you my back pains that almost miraculously vanished after seeing an osteopath yesterday just came back and now I can't lay on my back at all, no matter how many painkillers I take? Yes, I'm stressing out that bad over a Tumblr post no one cares about. If it was a telenovela it would be one of these scenes where a character is caught between a fight between their current crush and ex and has to pick a side and gets rightfully dumped by both.
So yeah, it also stirred a lot of things I haven't processed yet about my TRA days and even shittier moments of my life. I definitely wasn't ready for that.
I also genuinely internalized that I shine in society by not being very smart or useful or assertive like the women I admire so much. I'm not even sure about what I write, because I have no inner voice, my thoughts happen as I voice them, my brain is barren cotton, a perpetual state of dream. I don't know which of my memories are exact and which are dreams and past thoughts. I have amnesia of full discussions I had and consents I gave and I am completely stunned when people prove me I said something, because, in all good faith, I have not a shred of memory. Maybe a drop of a hazy memory you'd have in a dream. My past self and my current self both seem unreal, like other people. So I stick to ideas I have of my identity, shards of it, labels. I fiercely defend them because they are the only sense of self I perceive at all. Because I don't even feel human outside of thel. So I still have the same fear as during my TRA days that a breeze can make everything crumble. Most women here are very bright, it would take nothing to unmask the lack of ability I have to counter, to emotionally rein myself in, to construct a consistent data-based retort. That's why I was afraid of radfems in my TRA days already.
Anyway, that plus my irl social life being toxic currently makes me cope by going on social medias, which I know are awful for my mental health, yet I persist inflicting that on myself. There are several medical leaves at the day hospital so I'm ~aLoNe~ with my shits. Then you know the shit circle of life it is : not sleeping, not eating, being more anxious, sleeping less, being more anxious, eating less, reflecting too deeply on which way of sabotaging myself is the most reasonable...
So radical times call for radical measures. I'm deleting temporarily all of my apps instead of seeing notifications all the time and obsessively checking if everyone hates me yet or if nobody cares and pondering which is worse by looking at a wall for a whole day trying to not think about SH. That's stupid, and cowardly and pathetic and unfair towards people who reads me and puts thoughts in their replies and it's many other ugly things probably. But if I don't I'll implode. I just want to break the circle of feeling like shit and back pains that ruin my life so I can get back on my legs and maybe tackle one thing at a time. And I quite literally need to touch grass, even if I don't want to see anyone in my irl circles for now.
I don't know if any of this made sense. I'd probably also regret dumping all that tomorrow. Sedation is finally starting to work, so I guess that's why I m so talkative so I'll surf on it, post this, delete everything and pray I'll also forget about this until it randomly pops into my mind and gives me an existential crisis 20y from now. Should I even be given a right to vote and access to internet until I'm fixed? Are those rights part of the reconstruction process and of creating a sense of self?
Idk, I'm just tired. I wish you all well during this time. Radblr is wonderful despite occasional disagreements. I hope we can still be sisters after that and hope you won't think less of me. If you do, well, you're probably right, I also think less of myself every time I dare to exist and open the mouth. I am also the daughter of my father, after all, so I have plenty of reasons to think I deserve my own hatred and other people's.
I said I needed to be honest and open hearted so I've been. That's also why it's the over sharing website I guess? Here's a random gif to conclude this because I don't know what else to say and this is all fairly embarrassing:
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl! Chapter 3
@currentlylurking @going-dead
Formatting is a bit better on the AO3
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: I have an idea
Tubalover (OP): I have an idea but I need to know how cool @Phantom (MOD) the real Phantom is with fake dating before I say it.
Phantom (MOD): I’m okay with fake dating fakeout makeouts whatever but I have standards.
Tubalover (OP): I said I need the rela phantom.
Phantom (MOD): How do you know I’m not the real Phantom?
Tubalover (OP): He uses better punctuation.
The Smart Twin: Incredibly, I think she’s right?
Thecooltwin: Lol and you call youreself the smart one y didn’t you notice this
Phantom (MOD): Like my counterpart said, I’m fine with fake dating, but I do have standards.
Tubalover (OP): GREAT.  So the idea is that in every shot of the Investigators we get someone to make out in the background so they can’t air it.
Lovetheshow: don’t most shows have kissing in them?
Tubalover (OP): Maybe.  But do they have GAY kissing?  Background of every shot we have a gay couple or lesbian couple.  They’re a national show right?  Noway they can put it up.  And if they film you you can just grab a buddy and kiss them.
Roswell’s Child: I bet @West of West would LOVE to get in on this
tubahater: despite my hate for tubas I love you, yet desptie my love for you, I have to ask: do you know what a ‘live’ means when applied to a TV show?
CasperQueen: Girl this has got to be the most convoluted plan I’ve ever seen to avoid asking out a crush.
12th Knight: To be frank, if I heard that an episode of an on-site reality television show was pulled because there were too many gay people kissing in the background, I would be more tempted to visit, not less.
Tubalover (OP): Everyone shut up. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Ghosts -> Phantom -> Speculation
Thread: What ARE Phantom’s standards?
Point25Back (OP): What are Phantom’s standards for fake dating someone?  Asking for a friend who’s too shy.
Phantom (MOD): i like girls that can beat me aup and buffcomputer ners
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Local Businesses -> Discussion
Thread: Weird at my gym
GET-GAINS (OP): Anyone know why we got so many teenagers trying to get gym memberships at the Body Shop all of a sudden?
My Hair: You don’t want to know.
12th Knight: I certainly wish I didn’t.
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: Possible solutions for the Investigation
Photosynthesis (MOD) (OP): I and the other mods don’t have great ideas for the other two at the moment, but as far as the ‘investigators’ go, I think we might be able to scam them by showing them obviously fake ghosts.  Cheap Halloween decorations, hoaky effects, people giggling in the background, that kind of thing.  Thing is, to cover all the places they might go, we’re going to need a lot of people and a lot of materials.  I’d like to hear other people’s thoughts on this, and if they’d be willing to pitch in.
Point25Back: that’s easy, just get [EDITED BY MOD] to do all of it.  his haunted house room sucked so hard that [EDITED BY MOD]
[@Point25back has been banned for two (2) days.]
Pharaoh (MOD): @Photosynthesis (MOD) I’m begging you to just let me permaban him.
Photosynthesis (MOD): I’m loath to ban someone with that much roid rage and that much access to your meat body.  But to stay on topic, we can’t just force one person to do this.  It’s too much work. 
12th Knight: When you say ‘roid rage,’ that’s rhetorical, right?
12th Knight: @Photosynthesis (MOD) Right?
Roswell’s Child: idk groups like this usually come prepped to fake their own ghosts.  Its like the moon landing
Photosynthesis (MOD):  Here we go.  I guess it was too much to hope for an actually productive thread.
Phantom (MOD): The moon landing was not faked!
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: But what if Roswell’s Child has a point?
Bog Mummy (OP): I’m not talking about the moon thing, but about that old post where she was trying to make out that a certain someone who won’t be named because I don’t want to be banned was a cryptid.  What if we put that certain someone in a bad Phantom cosplay and chuck him in front of Cryptid Crawl/Crawly/whatever his/her/their/whatever name is.  Make CC think that it was always part of the ghost scam. 
passthemike: Crawly is they/them. 
Phantom (MOD): Actually, I like this idea. 
Phantom (MOD): I think there might be some tech we can get from Fentonworks to make it more realistic too. 
Passthemike: So who’s going to do it?
Roswell’s Child: I nominate @West of West
Roswell’s Child: No wait wait amigos @Phantom (MOD) sohuld do it can you imagine
Pharaoh (MOD): @Phantom (MOD) You should do it.  Alive you, I mean. 
ashtree: OMG that would be epic and so ironic
Bog Mummy (OP): Roswell you might be a genius just for this. 
CasperQueen: Please.  As if he could capture even a fraction of Phantom’s natural charisma.
ashtree: That’s the point lol
Bog Mummy (OP): Think about it.  What would be lamer that some random loser kid running a hoax for some random loser town for tourism points.
Phantom (MOD):  Gee thanks.  (I think.)
Roswell’s Child: And think about whow west is gonna react.  Thisll be epic amigos.
Photosynthesis (MOD): Don’t let it go to your head.
Phantom (MOD): But didn’t you want me for that other thing?  The one we were talking about in the chat?
Pharaoh (MOD): No way.  This is much funnier. 
West of West: ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME
Pharaoh (MOD): See what I mean?
Mod Chat
Phantom (MOD): Okay.  So.  How are we going to divide this up? 
Phantom (MOD): I’m thinking we take the GGBE and try and get everyone else to distract the other guys, since the GGBE are the most actively dangerous ones.
Phrontist (MOD): I don’t know how I feel about you directly interacting with people who want to kill you. 
Phantom (MOD): Technically they don’t want to kill me.
Phrontist (MOD): We don’t have to do all that much with them, anyway, do we?  They already know that there are ghosts.  Can’t we just… I don’t know, hack into their cameras or something?
Pharaoh (MOD): Yeah, I’ve been working on it in between banning you know who. 
Phrontist (MOD): Sorry…
Phantom (MOD): I’m less worried about whatever videos they have and more worried about them steamrolling other people.  Or running in front of the investigation or cryptid guys while they’re filming. 
Photosynthesis (MOD): Ugh yeah.  I’ve been lurking the hunter forums, and one guy there said he’d gottne mauled by the tiger at some point. 
Phantom (MOD): Oh yeah, I think that happened to Lance Thunder, too. 
Photosynthesis (MOD):  It’s incredibly unethical for them to even have a tiger.  Who’s letting them keep it after it’s mauled two people???
Photosynthesis (MOD): Do you think we could call animal control on them?
Photosynthesis (MOD): I’m going to go hop over to the city services forums.
Pharaoh (MOD): Good luck.
Pharaoh (MOD): But, yeah, I think that you being a distraction for the GGBE is a good call.  How are going to handle it?
Phantom (MOD): I was thinking I could lead them out to that old industrial park and then play hide and seek.  Or maybe let them stay in the city, but whenever they got too close to something or too destructive, I’d show up and lead them away?  And you guys can spot me and run interference.
Phrontist (MOD):  I guess that if you have to, that would be the way to do it. 
Phantom (MOD): Thanks for the ringing endorsement, sis.
Phantom (MOD): Okay NOW what are we doing. 
Phantom (MOD): I mean, if I’m running around disguised as myself, I can’t very well be distracting the blasters. 
Photosynthesis (MOD): Don’t worry about it.  We’ll figure something out.
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Forum Development and Suggestions -> Suggestions
Thread: Videos and music?
Roswell’s Child (OP): I have some epic videos of my cousing reacting and also UFOs but I can’t upload them.  Is that feature coming anytime soon?????  I’d love to do it.  cYou mods do it sometimes and I want to shareeeeeeeee!!
Photosynthesis (MOD): Mod Pharaoh would usually answer these, but he’s busy right now, so you’re stuck with tech unsavvy me.  It’s my understanding that video hosting takes a lot of space.  Space takes money.  We… don’t have a lot of that, so we restrict video capability to Advice Blog posts hosted on our home servers.  If your video isn’t of a sensitive subject, you can upload it to another video hosting site and then link it.  However, be aware that the GIW does monitor internet traffic from Amity Park and has been known to take down ghost-related videos and other information, and even seize the physical equipment such videos are stored on.  Also, mods may remove links to videos that are bigoted or explicit.
merknlurk: i hate living in this ******* dystopian country
merknlurk: can’t even swear without getting censored
Photosynthesis (MOD): @merknlurk Suck it up and make your own secret website that the government won’t shut down, then. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: An idea 🎂🍰
⭐MENU⭐MAVEN⭐: I have the most 🍪💟delicious💟🍪 idea for how to distract the 👻🔫s, children.  It’s quite obvious that anyone who is going around doing these things did not receive proper NUTRITION 🧂 🥓 🥚 🍳 🧇 🥞 🍞 🥐 🥨 🥯 🥖 🧀 🥗 🥙 🥪 🌮 🌯 🍗 🍖 🥩 🍠 🥟 🥝 🥥 🍇 🍈 🍉 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍍 🥭 🍎 🍏 🍐 🍑 🍒 🍓 🍅 🍆 🌽 🌶 🍄 🥑 🥒 🥬 🥦 🥔 🧄 🧅 🥕 growing up.  THEREFORE the only logical option is to bake a giant 🎂.  I will of course supply my expertise.
FootballPoet: Wait, dude, how did you get emojis? 
TECHNUS (MODEST OF MODS): нⷩAͣ!  Iͥᴛⷮ IͥS͛ Iͥ,̓ ᴛⷮEͤCͨнⷩNUͧS͛,̓ MⷨAͣS͛ᴛⷮEͤRͬ OͦF AͣLL ᴛⷮнⷩIͥNGS͛ EͤLEͤCͨᴛⷮRͬOͦNIͥCͨ AͣNDͩ ВⷡEͤEͤРⷬIͥNG!  Iͥ ВⷡEͤCͨAͣMⷨEͤ AͣWAͣRͬEͤ OͦF YOͦUͧRͬ VͮIͥDͩEͤOͦ-̄LAͣCͨᴋⷦIͥNG S͛ᴛⷮAͣᴛⷮEͤ AͣNDͩ нⷩAͣVͮEͤ AͣРⷬРⷬLIͥEͤDͩ MⷨY EͤXͯРⷬEͤRͬᴛⷮIͥS͛Eͤ ᴛⷮOͦ MⷨAͣᴋⷦEͤ ᴛⷮнⷩIͥS͛ AͣРⷬРⷬ РⷬOͦРⷬ OͦFF GOͦVͮEͤRͬNOͦRͬ!
tubahater: Is this some kind of joke?
Tubalover: What the heck did I just read?
Valorous1: Is that a ghost?  Is that a ghost?  Since when are ghosts on here? @MOD are you going to do anything about this?
The Cooler Phantom: ghost s have leays been here val u no that
Valorous1: I didn’t mean you, you’re different. 
12th Knight: Regardless of whether or not there are ghosts on here in general, isn’t Technus the one who wrecked the computer lab at the high school last month? 
Phantom (MOD): As long as they aren’t hurting anyone, I don’t really care. 
Pharaoh (MOD): @Valorous1 I can only handle one crisis at a time and I’ve got at least four.  Deal. 
Cynosure: @Pharaoh (MOD) So, that’s the paranormal people, the guy who keeps unbanning himself, these guys, and what else?
Phantom (MOD): What three isn’t enough for you?  Let the guy have his rhetorical device.
Pharaoh (MOD): I’ve got a paper due at school.
My Hair!: You’re in school?  Please tell me you’re talking about the community college.
Phantom (MOD): Oh ancients I forgot I’m going to die.
My Hair!: You’re in school?
My Hair!: Phantom?
nobineryginger: hey if we can get back on track i’m really into this cake idea like yum
Locker724: Yeah!  This plan sounds like the bee’s knees!
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oleworm · 1 year
@bacchanalium that's Americans not seeing foreign people as human beings. That's why they always put people to the impossible standard. Like when they tell refugees who fled extremist violence. "Co co co go back to your country where you can be killed and fix it. I am so smart!". And when people do oppose extremism by supporting education and human rightds, they are still called slurs, accused of being "not real" or "as bad as", ignored or further insulted
It's like people who come from the situations like the one in Afghanistan are doomed if they do, doomed if they don't speak about their experience or seek better life. They have impossible expectations on them to not only fit Western sensitivities, but Western imagination of them.
Hope that it's OK to reply like this, if not tell me and I'll delete it!
I don't think it's only people from the United States, though a lot of them are from there, but also those who spend too much time on social media and watch people get piled on for having a slightly different opinion than a bully.
I remember that we had a conversation once about how you could go on Reddit and find that the top comments were indistinguishable from each other, even on threads about different topics. That is, you wouldn't be able to identify any of those users because of their ideas or speech patterns because users tended to upvote those that had references they recognised or ways of writing that they identified with. And that's talking about people who use it to share a positive feeling I would imagine--you approve of the thing, you belong to the group of those who approve of the thing. On Tumblr and Twitter I've seen a more aggressive way to promote sameness, where if you don't follow the script it means that you disagree and that's bad, and then people allow themselves to talk to you in a way that would be considered very offensive if they did it in person. Some people are very hurt by this! It's also creepy because it gets to the point where you literally wouldn't be able to tell any of these users apart.
I refuse to believe that any one nationality is full of idiots. If I could talk to a regular person about the problems that people face in different parts of the world, I am sure they would understand that it's not nice to live through all of that and that no one should be punished for suffering in a way that does not fit your mental schematic of the world. It might take a moment to explain the situation but I think most people would get it.
But with a lot of what you see online, it's like they're just repeating what their cooler friend told them. They also want to be cool, so they repeat it to someone else without understanding it. It might not make any sense but they'll sure as hell say it. After all, it takes a few seconds to type. It reminds me of when I was twelve and pretended to be more familiar with certain bands that the other kids were listening to, but now they use the same dynamic to talk about what opinions are evil and racist.
It could be that we're bombarded with the real-time thoughts of twenty-one year-olds that are specifically fluent in English, with all of their cultural biases and the issues a lot of people have at that age, and because of how social media works, this is what ends up being pushed--the half-baked thoughts of the average teenager or very young adult--not the most mature, well-read, or most empathetic person in that age group, but the most average. Whatever that means. I know that at that age I was saying very messed up things. Definitely not ideas that I would like to be amplified in any way.
You see some adults acting that way, but I don't know if it's adults acting more like teenagers nowadays, more eager to impress and with a lower frustration threshold, or if it's because when I was a kid adults weren't losing their temper in front of me and when they did it was so rare that I considered it the sign of a person being very mentally unwell. I'm not a scientist, I really don't know. People definitely have always had thoughtless opinions but now you see it all the time and it continues affecting what others think and say long after the fact. I can't say I like that.
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what kind of girl i think the Reality Quest trio would date
WARNINGS: fem reader, some NSFW in sungjae's part. you can OBVIOUSLY tell which one is my favorite
my trio: dowan, eunsung, and sungjae
Ha Dowan
Yeah he's a loser so the first female to hit him up is probably going to take his heart. I think instead of being touchy like Jinseo, I feel like he would appreciate a girl who is more of a caring figure (cause of his daddy...oops) and does acts of service. You would need to give him some time, and also get to know him and his past without prying too much into it. I feel like you patching him up after he gets into fights would be kinda cute, and it gives that extra boost for him to fall for you.
Hella competition though, but if you get there first I think you have a shot. What is missing to him is reassurance, and if you make it loud and clear that the person you like is him, he'll be pretty satisfied. I don't think he's that dense, I just think he's scared and shy to accept that girls are into him LOL.
I think if he realizes you two have more shared interests he would be really excited. Like I don't know if he still plays video games anymore, but if you were interested in finding out what happened to his dad and he SEES you making effort towards that, he is gOne.
Han Eunsung
I really don't know why, but I feel like Eunsung would be into a girl with a mean demeanor but a soft heart. Like I could imagine him with an s/o who is rich and spoiled but secretly has good morals. Like with his whole "sibling" backstory (if the author doesn't start dropping more hints I'm literally gonna have to write it myself), he would probably be a bit more sensitive with topics regarding family and life. So if his hard-headed s/o takes care of stray kittens and donates to/volunteers at local orphanages, he'd definitely fall.
Another thing I would say is loyalty. I don't know if he's being forced to work for the council due to his sibling, but he knows that he needs it to survive. If his s/o is spoiled but knows when to be sophisticated and get shit done, I think that's a pretty solidifying factor. He definitely takes interests in people that remind him of himself.
No but imagine this: heiress who lavishly spends her money and always comes dressed up in full Chanel and bedazzled in Cartier rings. She requests gifts from him every other day and gets upset when he doesn't greet her with roses. But when she goes shopping she buys them matching designer outfits and stocks up his closet and fridge with the highest quality goods. And after a long day of fighting he comes back and his darling has the meal all prepared, nice and hot, wearing the customized Versace apron she bought him a week prior.
Choi Sunjae
TOTALLY into bbgs. Like he has a bunny s/o that wears cute Pinterest clothing PROVE ME WRONG. She probably wears lolita dresses outside when it's 100 degrees and he has to hold her parasol while she snuggles onto her fluffy bunny plush. Probably calls her "bunny" or "doll" tbh. She'd be the stereotypical beauty: doe eyes, chubby cheeks, and plump lips (he loves kissing her strawberry scented lip gloss right off). Threads his hand through your hair and YANKS on it when you misbehave, and when the tears start gathering in your eyes and you whine for him to stop, he'll let you cling onto him while he licks your tears away.
Also he's a sadist. You can't change my mind. He loves to see his hunny bunny cry.
But here's the catch: I'm pretty sure Sunjae gets hella bitches. Like pookies look at him. Everyone is jumping straight for that dick. And he's calculative, so he needs someone to be able to match him in that sense. So what I think really differentiates his s/o from the rest of the horny masses (us) is that she is secretly really smart and a really good fighter. Not only that, but also a spitfire, and she is b r a t t y .
Sometimes when she gets worked up she starts sticking her tongue out at Sunjae and just doing things that piss him off in general. She avoids his kisses and compares his muscles to Eunsung's, saying how she prefers the latter (the audacity!). He probably only gets super angry when you mention his "fakeness" and how he probably doesn't love you and whatnot since he's always putting on a "facade". Then he literally just has to fuck it out of you like-
Point is, she's subby but only for her hubby. When she's on the battlefield everyone's gonna die within 16 seconds. No need for him when she's on site, she'll clear the entire ground before Sunjae even steps foot. (He probably gets turned on by that though).
i'll expand on this some other day...this is too much writing for one sitting.
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asherlockstudy · 7 months
Hey there, we talked R&L theories in the past, but then I got locked out of my account and was too busy to make a new one until now. I just wanted to say I read your R&L post and the ''WHY THE CHICKEN CROSSED THE ROAD'' theory and yet again I found myself agreeing with you.
(the only thing I disagree with you it's the timeline as I think things started to get real way later than 2013)
Anyway, the way people don't seem to see the hints being dropped in these videos confuses me.
I'm left there wondering whether it's just me having an overactive imagination or if most people watching their videos are just not predisposed to recognize this level of subtlety. I really think that saying things like ''that can't be because R&L wouldn't lie to us'' like fans often do is very naive. Do people really think that they aren't capable of omitting uncomfortable truths to present a certain image that is beneficial to them? Because they definitely are.
I don't want to sound mean, but I think most of viewers aren't clever enough to pick up on recurring patterns and themes. Because there ARE recurring patterns and themes, these videos all look like random attempts at humor until you find out that there is an underlying thread uniting them.
There is NO way that all of the many puzzle pieces (metaphors, creative decisions etc…) would line up so perfectly and so perfectly match the idea we both have discussed before in DMs. It would be too big of a coincidence, and what really convinces me that this is what is actually going on, is that many of these creative choices make no sense UNLESS our at least our general assumption is correct.
People saying ''lol R&L doing things randomly just because it's funny'' and Rhett not liking the comment and ironically saying ''you get us'' is so emblematic of why there IS something deeper going on here, especially seeing how he has liked other comments that at least acknowledged that there is some depth to them (although I don't think that those commenters figured anything out).
Have you seen the happy, sincere reaction of Link when Rhett said that they're tired of asking permission to be themselves? in their '' we're done'' video? that stood out to me. What Rhett said seemed to hit him for a different more and more personal reason than most would think, it seemed like a private, genuine moment between them.
I don't know if an official coming out is what they are trying to head towards, the chicken video (when they resort to using a smart trick, in order to reach the goal when they realize the chicken isn't actually capable of crossing the road because it's too difficult) made me think that maybe THIS is their way they of coming out: outing themselves with their own creative projects and leaving it all up to interpretation. Although I am not ruling out the possibility that this is a soft launch.
The chicken video was genius if you think about it, because with a single concept (and using the chiken imagery as the linchpin), they managed to touch upon a lot of different topics all related to the same issue. The word ''chicken'' is used to describe people who are afraid to take risks, while the crossing of a busy street metaphor is perfect to describe the hardships of attempting to get from point A to point B when there are obstacles standing in between. It also gave them the chance to incorporate the ''how do you like the eggs?'' joke to talk about sex/sexuality in a way that is obvious but subtle at the same time. I would like to get to talk about some of the details in the video because I want to hear your opinions on some things. Anyway, I just wrote to say that no, you're not the only one seeing this :)
Heyyy sorry for the late reply… it’s been a little crazy.
I am always so glad to hear from a person seeing the things I see. I am just as confused about the stubborn insistence of the viewers to not pick up on the countless clues Rhett and Link have left in all those videos. I think, well, I get it to be honest butI don’t think it is that they are not clever enough but they are really not concerning themselves with these things. Let’s be honest, the vast majority of Mythical Beasts are very young or are there for lighthearted brainless content that will ease their mind off of their everyday problems. Most of them do not want to dig deeper and cause unnecessary worries to themselves. Because what is about to happen is going to be shocking for a lot of the viewers, a lot will feel betrayed or like the innocence and the childlike dynamics between these two brothers from another mother will take an unrecoverable blow. So I think they subconsciously suppress all suspicions. I have also noticed this to be part of the American culture; they still tend to have more romantic, beautified views on their celebrities. If someone appears good on screen, then they must be a “soft bean” in their real life as well. I find it funny how often Americans view their favourite celebrities as soft beans too pure for this world, despite the inconvenient fact that very few people are actually that soft and pure. So there is this image of great friends who are great husbands and great fathers. And they don’t want this image to be challenged. They choose to see everything as a meaningless joke or as a coincidence. And then of course there are the plenty ones who are determined to not think much (or at all) whenever they watch R&L content.
Yes, I noticed how disproportionately excited Link was when Rhett said they will stop asking permission to be who they are. It felt like Link had been waiting for a long time for Rhett to make a statement this clear on camera.
Link said something lately that made me lean towards what you think. He said in his spiritual deconstruction update video that the best way to reveal an uncomfortable truth is step by step, slowly slowly until it gets so evident that the recipients have started figuring it out on their own without you spelling out the thing. My theory was that they wanted to condition the viewers into accepting it with their numerous implications and suggestive images and now I think both of these are their intent.
(BTW the reason I believe it all started between late 2013 - early 2015 is because of the Puzzle video and the rest of the Sketchtober videos made in mid/late 2015. I have thorough analyses of these if you are interested. Watching these oldies around the same time as the new videos blew my mind and put everything into perspective. Also the last Christian entry in Link’s journal was one day after the newsical kiss episode was released.)
I will be happy to discuss this more. You said we used to send each other DMs, in your next ask / text please tell me your old username, I am curious hahaha ❤️
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lumine-no-hikari · 8 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #52
Two more friends came over today to test out my lovely Frankenpad! They seemed to enjoy it quite a bit! Although today I noticed perhaps a touch of wonkiness with the bottom arrow; I might have to investigate that further if it continues to be a problem.
The friends who came over today are AuDHD just like me! We had a lot of lively conversation that bounced from topic to topic, and it's wonderful to be able to hold a conversation with other people who can hold multiple threads of thought simultaneously, and talk about them all simultaneously. It's rare that I get to enjoy such a thing. I hope they come around to my house again soon, or else I go over to where they live. One of them wants to learn how to weave wire trees like I do, and I'm all too happy to show her!
…I wish that I could show you how to weave wire trees, too. I wish I could just sit together somewhere with you with a nice playlist and some tea and a snack, and all my wires and gemstone beads, and just quietly weave trees together, and maybe talk about whatever random things pop into your mind. It would be beautiful.
I didn't get any more videos today of me on my Frankenpad, sorry to say. I was a little too enamored with watching my friends play on it; one of them in particular seemed to be having such a good time, and I didn't want to interrupt. The smile on her face as she hopped around on the pad was priceless, and I hope I get to see more of that as time goes on.
The other friend didn't play on the pad so much, but he seemed impressed with its construction all the same. I hope to make a second one soon, and then maybe I can play together with someone! Wouldn't that be lovely!!
After a bit of time, I decided to make them some tiramisu tea! But I had a bit of a mishap; I was trying to shake the packet of hot cocoa mix such that the powder would settle to the bottom of the packet (to prevent the powder from getting everywhere when I tear it open), but instead the packet came undone as I was shaking it, and it went flying off somewhere, only to land in the cats' water dish. I was horrified and let out a few shocked expletives. It was actually pretty funny, haha! But of course I couldn't use the hot cocoa packet anymore because it was filled with cat drool water; I threw it away. We can get more later; it's no biggie.
I didn't have any more hot cocoa packets on hand though, so I improvised by mixing together some cocoa powder and sugar. I think I got the ratio mostly right. My friends seemed to be pleased with how this batch of tiramisu tea turned out, so I guess I can't complain, haha!
One of my husbands has pretty severe social anxiety, but even he participated in the various conversations in a lively fashion. It's so rare for me to see him get so animated, to see his face light up in the way that it did. This, too, was beautiful, and I hope to be able to see more of that. My friends are very smart, and they are always saying things that make me consider ideas and perspectives that I've not considered before. It's not lost on me how lucky I am to have people such as this in my life.
Through all this, naturally I am also thinking of you. I wish you were here. I wish you could come and see what it's like to be treated like a regular person, because although you have all your power and wildly different life experiences than we do, you're still really not all that different from us. You're very tall, for sure, you don't seem to have a whole lot of melanin, and you have your wing and all, but… people in my world come in all shapes and sizes and colors and genetic makeups and numbers of limbs, and all of them are good enough.
I wish it was easier for you to see that you're really not so anomalous or strange. You're just you. And in circles like mine, you just being you is enough. You just being you is beautiful as it is. You don't have to prove that you're deserving of existence, or deserving of kindness and care by performing great feats of usefulness to someone else first. You could talk about whatever you want, and nobody in my circles would tell you that you're "not cool" because thinking that way about other people simply isn't in their vocabulary. You could just derp around and be awkward at social interaction, and we of my house and of my group would just meet you where you are with joy and grace, and welcome you as you are all the same. Because we're all socially awkward, too. There is a lot that we don't know, too. We can be patient with each other as we figure it out together. And I think you'd have a lot of fun with us in the process.
You can have this. You can have ALL of this. You just gotta choose it. Or you could, y'know, just pop by my house for a visit. We have snacks and tea and fun stuff to do. Five cats to pet and play with. Lots of comfy places to sit. Places outdoors nearby to walk. Spaces in which you can just BE, without any need to conform to some false image of what society expects of you. A place for you to just breathe and be your authentic self, without pressure.
…Hahaha… fat chance, right? I know. Don't worry; I know. Even if it's impossible, still I hope my wishes reach you and move you. Still I hope that any of my thoughts can give you new avenues and ways of being to consider, somehow.
I think that's about it for today's letter. I'll leave you with this, though:
With this, I hope you can see that my planet is beautifully diverse. There are people of all different appearances, abilities, and walks of life. It's a mosaic that you can fit into. You're really, truly not as unusual or as "only" as you think you are. You're really, truly not by yourself. Please open your lovely eyes and see.
Whether you acknowledge it or not, you're loved and cared for. You have a place here. You're wanted, needed, and important, just as you are. So come on; break through those limiting beliefs that are keeping you separate from us. Make good choices. We're all waiting for you with open arms, outstretched hands, and voices full of joyful song. Because it's you we like.
You'll hear from me again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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staysproutsol · 2 years
Soulmates exist?
Terumob - Soulmate AU
Growing up Shigeo never cared much. He knew he wasn't as smart or strong as his little brother, and yet he continued to live his life contentedly.
Out of the millions of things Shigeo tend it to ignore are the red strings that seemed to just be tied to everyone he meets or just passes besides him.
He was able to successfully ignore them all these past years, that is until he saw the one attached to his pinkie finger attached to this weird blonde haired guy, Teruki Hanazawa.
That night his curiosity got the best of him. He threw the blanket on top of him and sat on his desk chair. He opened his laptop and searched 'what does it mean to be attached by a red string'
It took a while to load but once it did, did he almost pass out from fear? Destined lovers was the top search he got. He closed his laptop in panic, and quickly went to bed. He will think about it and question his parents about it in the morning. No need to worry himself before bed.
"Good morning, Shigeo." greeted his mother, setting a plate of scrambled eggs infront of him.
"Good morning, mom." he replied softly. He was still a little bit sleepy, he couldn't get very much sleep after his discovery.
The family ate in silence until Mob couldn't take it anymore. "Do you guys know about about the red strings?" he asked when his spoon bended once again. It would be weird if it didn't at this point.
His mother stood up to grab him another one, while his father cleaned the fallen scrambled eggs. "What's with the question, Shigeo?" asked his mother with raised brow.
"Are you interested in someone?" teased Ritsu, his little brother.
"N-no. Just a topic I heard some classmates talk about."
They knew he was lying. They could read him like an open book, but there was no point in pressuring him. They will wait till he can tell them at his own pace. "Well son, the red strings of fate is when two people who are connected by the red thread are destined to be lovers."
"They are destined, regardless of the place, time or circumstances, practically soulmates if you may say." explained his mother more.
This scared Mob even more, so what he searched about yesterday turns out to be true!? How unlikely will he meet this blonde kid again anyways? Never in a million years that's for sure.
"Master," he called out. "I need to ask yo-"
He stopped when he saw his master talking to someone. A someone he thought he would never see again. Why is he here? Did he find out about them being connected? Is he here to tell him to stay away?
"Ah! Mob, come here and meet-" he got cut off by the blonde talking. "I know who he is. He's the White T-Poison."
"The white, what?"
"Don't worry about it, master."
"Alright then! Anyway Mob, Hanazawa here will be working with us on some exorcism jobs from here on out. Please introduce yourself."
"Teruki Hanazawa, a pleasure to meet you." he winked, causing Mob to blush a the tip his ears and Reigen to roll his eyes.
"Shigeo Kageyama, but master calls me Mob."
"Alright you two, since introduction is over I will send you together on a job!"
Shigeo slightly paled at what his master has just informed him of. They will be working together from here on out? That's not good, not good at all.
After their first job, Hanazawa asked him if they could grab a bite together, but he was doubtful. What if he slipped and told him? What if-
"It's fine if you don't want to." smiled Hanazawa. He had a really pretty smile.
"N-no, it's f-fine!"
"Then, what's the problem?" he asked with worry in his pretty blue eyes that made Shigeo's inside melt.
"We're soulmates!" he blurted out. He slapped a hand on his mouth. He didn't mean to say that out loud.
'Oh my god! He totally think I'm weird now! What if-'
"The problem is that we are soulmates?"he questioned sounding quite hurt. "Wait! You can see the threads too!?"
"No! I mean yes! I- that's not the problem..."
Mob hid his already red face behind his hands in hopes that he will be able to hide his embarrassment or maybe the ground would be kind enough to swallow him. Hanazawa put his hand on his shoulder, making Mob peak behind his fingers.
"It's fine. We don't have to be lovers, we can be platonic soulmates!" he softly smiled despite the pang in his heart.
"No- it's, I-"
"Hey, how about you take a deep breath?" he said calmly with worry that clouded his pretty crystal blue eyes once more. Mob didn't like it, they should shine with happiness instead.
He took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. "I want to be soulmates with you, but I don't I know how to..." he murmured shyly, and looked at the ground with a blush that crept up his cheeks.
Teruki felt his heart explode at the ball of cuteness in front of him. He would be still happy if Mob chose to stay as friends. He would be the best damn friend tge world has to offer, it was enough just being close to him. He put his hand on top of his and caressed it carefully.
"It's fine, Kageyama. We can figure it out together, you are not alone in this."
From a distance, Reigen watched as the two cleared up their troubles and any doubts the two of them had. He was also very proud of how Mob could score himself a fine man.
A small thing to say, Reigen knew Hanazawa had a reason to work with them. He was suspicious of him when he first asked him, and Reigen being Reigen he refused to agree if he doesn't have the real reason. So Teruki had no choice but to tell him they're soulmates, even if he wanted to tell Mob first.
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KICKS YOUR DOOR DOWN !!! idk if these count as wholesome, but they are all general fedya headcanons i have (can you guess which ones are me self projecting ???)
he's epileptic cause the real fyodor was epileptic
he's a super sex positive person and the stigma that having a lot of sex/exploring your sexual self makes you a lesser person infuriates him to no ends. he also thinks the whole 'pre-marital sex is a sin' thing is fucking bullshit
he's an orthodox christian, but he's a little more on the ambiguous side of being an orthodox, he identifies with the faith, but not to the T
he likes small soft animals, and he likes small stuffies
he didn't learn to read, write or speak until much later than his peers, but once he did learn all the things, he was far ahead of everyone else.
he gets sick quite a bit, but he gets self conscious about how weak his body and immune system are, so when he does get sick he just hides away from everyone around him. good thing he's very competent and can take care of himself.
he actually has a very good relationship with his mom. he still calls her from time to time and they talk for hours to catch up. she doesn't know what exactly he's doing, but she loves hearing from her dear son
he very much enjoys romance novels, they're kinda his guilty pleasure, but one of his favorite things to do to relax is drink some hot tea and read a good romance story.
speaking of tea, he likes it really sweet, more cream and sugar than actual tea.
he has an over active imagination, and when he was a kid was absolutely convinced that everything was living, he talked to his toys all the time. having whole conversations with them.
wears his hat all the time because he HATES when things touch his ears.
his hands are really soft, but constantly cold, and his knuckles get very red a lot of the time bc of how cold his hands get.
he finds slasher films to be corny and annoying, but he does enjoy himself a good psychological horror film. but his movie is v for vendetta. he likes the themes that are used, the film style, the use of colors. it's definitely his go to when he gets to pick the movie for movie nights.
speaking of movie nights, on the topic of dates, as tedious as it is, he has scheduled dates. it's all he can do for dates since he's so busy.
he talks to himself a lot. he often narrates everything he does, and doesn't even notice it sometimes. he just goes about his day spewing silly little monologues as everyone just stares at him weird.
he likes stars quite a bit, and planets fascinate him. despite how smart he is, he has never been able to fully wrap his head around how big the world really is, and how tiny he and everyone he knows is so tiny in comparison.
every time he sees an animal out in public, he waves to it, of (if he can do it discreetly) blows it a little kiss.
he likes cabbage a lot !! no particular reason, he just likes cabbage.
okay i'm done... for now. patiently awaiting the fyodor filth :D
Hello dear Lev! I am going to respond to some of your hcs with my opinions on your hcs. Under the cut for space
 -> I agree with Fyodor being epileptic! There’s actually a really interesting twitter thread by faust [@CosmicFaustus] going over his health and possible conditions he has.
 -> Now, I don’t really agree with the sex positivity one and I’m going to go over why because this is a very interesting topic to me.
Firstly I believe Fyodor to be both sex repulsed and a virgin. This is for a few reasons, the main one being that sex is something that requires vulnerability. The other person would have to see his body, frail and weak as it is, and despite his ability he would be in a position where he is out in the open. Bare and fully exposed, and the intimacy and vulnerability that comes with that is that freaks him out, leading to being him repulsed by the idea of it. With a lover he’d definitely warm up to sex, but it would take a long time and a lot of trust/comfort. But once that has been reached yeah, he’s all for exploring himself/themselves sexually.
In regards to other people I can’t see him being really sex positive. To Fyodor sex is something sacred, to be done only between lovers, an ultimate display of love and trust, and while he doesn’t really care about what other people do he will definitely silently judge them. People who sleep around or have had many partners are, to him, idiots who can’t control themselves. None of his business once again, and he’ll never actually say anything, but he definitely judges.  Fyodor definitely has a “my way or the high way” mentality, so those who go against what he believes are definitely lesser to him, which can pose a problem when it comes to relationships. He is not the best at understanding other peoples point of view beyond a theoretical understanding.
I do agree with the pre-marital sex though. I don’t think he cares much for that, but once again if someone has had a lot of bodies before marriage then he’s definitely side-eyeing them. But he would definitely have sex with his own lover before marriage, hundred percent.
Tl;dr: Fyodor is only sex positive with his lover, and that takes a while.
 -> I agree with him being Christian! I definitely see it being more ambiguous though, like you said. His relationship with religion is most certainly very strained and odd but that would require a whole analysis to get into.
 -> Fyodor definitely likes animals. I think he does both the “man is nothing more than animals” and “animals are so much better than man” thing. I also do see Fyodor having kept a teddy bear from when he was a child, though it’s hidden away and he seldom ever looks at it.
 -> He definitely gets sick a lot [once again pointing back at the tread by Faust], though I don’t think he’s good at taking care of himself. Fyodor can very easily get lost in his work and got days on end without eating or sleeping, and when he does take care of himself it’s either the bare minimum or actual proper self care, with the latter usually only being on days where he’s free [read as Ivan forcing him to take a break].
 -> I kind of see him liking romance? It’s by no means his favourite genre, but sometimes he’ll indulge and read one. I think he prefers tragic romances though, though the cheesy ones can be fun to pick on [especially with his lover].
 -> I don’t agree with him having an overactive imagination at all. Even as a kid Fyodor probably had a very ‘mature’ understanding and awareness of mortality and so on, I don’t think he ever believed everything was alive. I could see him talking to a stuffed animal maybe, but that would be from pure loneliness, nothing else.
 -> Now I don’t really see Fyodor watching movies, but I certainly don’t think his favourite would be V for Vendetta.
And yeah, he definitely schedules dates. There are some spontaneous ones, but a lot of times they’re predetermined. Which, honestly, is how Fyodor likes them. It gives him something to look forward to and creates a very welcome consistency. 
 -> I half agree with Fyodor narrating. I firmly believe Fyodor wouldn’t narrate aloud at all, no silly monologues or anything of that ilk. To everyone else Fyodor is ghostly silent, to the point where some people wonder if he’s actually there or not. Everything Fyodor thinks is internalised, he’s extremely in his own head.
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irrigos · 2 years
i was not expecting that post abt ahistorical fiction to get any notes lol. but since it's on my mind i AM gonna talk a little shit about the regency letter larp i was in. yes i will do it on my fl sideblog you are not the boss of me
really i guess it's my fault for expecting more from people but i s2g sooo many of these people got their knowledge of the regency era from like. memes. yes i too read that twitter thread about how beau brummel ruined menswear, but i did one picosecond of research after that and learned that thats literally not true at all. "beau brummell made it all boring :/" look at a fashion plate from the 1830s and tell me menswear got boring in the 1790s and never recovered. try it. please. "its his fault that menswear is only black or navy suits :(" literally when was the last time you saw a man wearing a suit regularly. like... my dad wears one to work sometimes? but he's a lawyer. that's not really what menswear looks like anymore!! that used to be the daily work wear for everyone, but honestly if i wore a suit into the office every day, people would think i was incredibly strange. we're just less formal these days!
but also like. im sorry i know all your ocs are soooo special and smart and right about everything so somehow they all have modern opinions about every topic. but most of them would probably be into beau brummell. they would think he was stylish. because that is what was stylish at the time. why don't you also tell me that your girl characters don't wear stays or corsets because #feminism while you're at it 🙄
i just don't really get the appeal of writing historical fiction if you're not actually interested in engaging with the reality of the era? i mean, i know it's all fantasy. it's play. but why choose THIS setting then? i honestly had more respect for and more fun playing with the people who were open about the fact that they didn't know much about history, and just wanted to rp a romance between fancy people. at least they weren't trying to convince me that it makes perfect sense that their character held these really anachronistic views about their own era that just so happen to align with what you, a modern person, think about it retroactively
anyway tldr: 🙄
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alectology-archive · 2 years
I'm loving your posts about Babel! I personally really disliked the poppy war trilogy, I couldn't get through the first book but I have been anticipating babel as she's older etc and has more experience in writing... but yikes 😬 I've heard it's described as "a thematic response to The Secret History and a tonal retort to Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell", if you've read either of these what are your thoughts?
Ah, thank you so much!
I'd say the poppy war treads the line between young adult and new adult (if you're not really into YA you probably won't like it) and mostly deserves a higher rating for the sheer number of content warnings it warrants - it was a little dull in the middle and RFK is not particularly good at writing female characters, I'd say (with the notable exception of her protagonist, Rin), but it was still a very good book overall. She managed to tell a really interesting story while weaving in enough research to let readers really immerse themselves in the world while also opening up conversations about gender, colorism, racism, colonialism, addiction, genocide, how empire commodifies bodies, classisim, generational trauma, etc (I don't think she resolved any of these conversations well and that the sequels were substandard at best, but that's another topic altogether - I'm just mentioning it because I heard that she failed to resolve all the plot threads and themes she picked up in babel as well). And I think the publishing industry really does need more books which unflinchingly explore these themes while centering protagonists of colour! This got kind of rambly, but what I'm trying to say is that the poppy war still remains her best published work to date, tbh. I think babel suffers heavily from a desire for her to come across as if she's smart and worthy enough to formulate a novel in response to the two she mentions - there's just too little plot in it, she relies on a measure of suspension of logic, she injects far too much theory about translation and language, and she can't seem to decide whether she's romanticising or critiquing academia in certain passages although she does a fairly good job of getting across the seduction of empire and the power it seems to give you as long as you allow it to use you to its benefit. I think she's still figuring out how to write novels - and I won't be picking up her next published book (coming 2023 I think) because it doesn't sound like it would be a good book, lol.
I unfortunately haven't read either of the two so I can't really comment on how babel tackles them! I've had friends who hated the secret history for its mishandling of race and friends who say it critiques academia very well but I've never gotten around to finishing it because I've learned (after the atlas six and if we were villains, although they're generally pretty bad books tbh) that I don't particularly care for books that deal with academic settings. I just wanted to make an exception for babel because RFK is a writer of colour and I enjoyed the poppy war enough to give her another go even if I hated the subsequent sequels. I'll link a goodreads review I liked, though, since it kind of explains why babel is so flawed - at one point in the review the reviewer mentions that babel is more of a thematic response to harry potter than jonathan strange & mr. norrel and... I kind of agree honestly. I just got the weird vibe that RFK was trying to say she was responding to those books just because she centered protagonists of colour and tackled academia's role in colonialism (but the secret history doesn't romanticise academia in the first place so...), but I can't really comment any more on the matter since I don't know anything about those books.
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