#i just wanna yell i know it's not true dw. i think i have left over fandom....i don't wanna say trauma but you know what i mean
capn-twitchery · 7 months
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need my brain to pick a side between "cannot talk about things in less than 500 words" and "don't ever post something too long bc people don't wanna read it" bc we CANNOT do both!!!!
(and preferably the first option bc i know the second one is a lie from the depths of the wrong ass anxiety bugs that dwell in everyone's brain)
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lala1267 · 1 year
Who is she (Part 2)
Summary: Elvis finally found out who she was and where she was.
Warnings: Elvis basically cheats on his wife with a younger girl (no sex just a kiss dw). Swearing.
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She was a special girl, she was different. She could heal people just from the touch of her lips. She held a higher power, it was almost like she was a witch. She seemed to cast a spell on men. Just by looking into her gleaming eyes, men would be head over heels. But she was still unknown, no one knew her name, her family, her school. She was erased from society. She was invisible. She lurked through the shadows and hid behind others. She was scared of people, but if someone was in need, she would be happy to help. Her lips, her eyes, her body, her hair made men fall head over heels for her, but she hated attention, so she hid from everyone.
Elvis had her on his mind every day and every night. He was willing to risk his marriage for her.
1969- autumn
It was a cold day, brown leaves scattered across the street as the wind blew swiftly. The birds sang sweet songs. Elvis was in Graceland's living room. The diamond chandelier hung just below the ceiling, the wallpaper sparkled in the light, and the white carpet was soft. Elvis and Jerry sat on the cream coulered sofa. Elvis was visibly desperate, desperate for that girl that no one knew.
"You need to find her, please, man."
Elvis said, whist his hand made it's way up to his chin. Jerry looked worried.
"Are you sure your story is true, you might have been dreaming."
"For fucks sake will ya just find the girl!"
Elvis yelled before he had his head in his hands. He was crazy for the girl.
"Ok, ok, I need to know her name or how she looks."
Jerry said calmly.
"She didn't tell me her fucking name. B-but she had like long brown curly hair, she is very pretty, quite tall and tanned, and uhm, oh yeah, she had really pretty green eyes, her eyes are amazing."
Elvis explained eagerly.
"Ok, me and the boys will go out and look for her. Do you wanna come with?"
Jerry asked.
Elvis scoffed.
Not long after, they were all in the car, driving around town, looking for the mysterious girl. They drove from street to block, to house, to highway. Still no sign of her. Elvis was growing impatient. He sat in the car, feet tapping on the floor, hands fidgeting, and his breath was heavy. They had driven everywhere, and there was no hope left. The driver pulled back into Graceland. They all stepped out of the car. Elvis didn't say a word. He just walked inside with his head and shoulders down. He walked through the door before kicking off his shoes. He made his way up to his bedroom, completely ignoring that his wife was trying to hug him. He slammed the door shut before slouching on his desk chair. He threw his expensive glasses straight at the wall. He watched them shatter as he grunted.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
He yelled as he hit his fist against the desk. His chest moved up and down as he tried to gain his breath back. He leaned back into the chair as the thoughts of the girl came flooding back.
1970- spring- the night of the show-
Elvis was backstage, getting suited up for the show. He wore a white jumpsuit that flared at his calfs. It was studded with real diamonds that shimmering and twinkled. His hair was jet-black and slightly messy, yet it was still sexy. He began to warm himself up when Jerry interrupted him. He held out a small crinkled up letter in front of Elvis.
"What's this?"
Elvis asked as his hands took the letter.
"I don't know, some girl just told me to give it to you."
Jerry said as he looked at Elvis. Elvis opened up the letter. It read:
Hiya,Elvis. It's me, the girl that helped you that one night. Don't ask how I know this, but I know that you miss me, I know that you think of me all the time, even when you're with your wife. You're a nice man and all, but I'm different. I can't be with you, I can't be with anyone. I'm not like other girls, I can do things that no one else can do. So you gotta let it go, you gotta let me go. It's not good to like another woman whilst you're married, Elvis. And my name is Carmen xx.
Elvis just stared at the letter in awe, he needed a moment to take it all in. He looked at Jerry with his beady eyes.
"That girl that gave you this letter, that's the girl that helped me, its her."
Elvis said as his hands began to tremble slightly.
"Where did she go, find her, now."
Elvis instructed Jerry. He instantly obeyed. As Elvis was preparing for the show, Jerry was driving around trying to find the girl, Carmen. He observed every street, hunting her down. After a long search, he returned with no Carmen. It was like a game of cops and robbers, robbers always run away.
Jerry parked his car outside and made his way to Elvis. He walked into the changing room where Elvis stood, singing to warm his vocal cords. Elvis turned to look at Jerry who stood in the doorway.
Elvis said as he raised his eyebrows. Jerry sighed before replying.
"She's gone, I couldn't find her. I'm sorry, Elvis."
Elvis's face dropped as his head bowed. He just wafted his hand, signalling that Jerry needed to leave. Elvis just stood there in silence, waiting for his queue to go on stage, as well as thinking about Carmen.
Not long after, Elvis was singing and dancing on the grand stage, in front of thousands of people, women mostly. His hip thrusts and leg movements were toned down, and his singing wasn't powerful. It was like he was drained. He didn't seem to be enjoying his time on stage. All he could think of was Carmen, her emerald eyes, curly hair, and tanned skin. He loved the way that her freckles were individually placed on her nose. He loved that she was tall and slim. He loved everything about her. As his show came to an end, he started to interact with the audience.
"Can I ask for the house lights to be turned on. Now that you've all seen me, I would like to see you."
He said as he forced a pathetic smile on his face. The lights illuminated each and every person who watched him. They were all starstruck by his handsome face, tall figure, dark hair, and his cold blue eyes. He scanned the audience as he told jokes and stories.
"Anyway, I will miss you all till we meet aga-"
He paused as his eyes landed on a familiar person. Her curly hair draped over her shoulders as her green eyes locked with his. It was Carmen. She stood at the back of the audience as if she were hidden away. She wore a short white dress that flowed at her hips. The white belt that rested on her waist was studded with small diamonds. Her pastel eyeshadow and pink lips complimented the pink ribbon in her curly hair. Elvis gulped loudly into the microphone as he looked at her in awe. She just smiled before waving. She looked back to him as she walked into the shadows as she disappeared once again. Elvis stood on stage in silence as he tried to take in what had just happened. He snapped out of his thoughts as he realised that he had just completely froze in front of a live audience. His hand travelled to the back of his neck as he nervously looked at the confused audience.
"Uhm, the shows over. I love you a-all."
He said shortly before rushing off the stage.
Ever since that night, he looked for Carmen everywhere he went. Elvis spent many weeks looking for Carmen. He was always scanning his surroundings just in case she was lurking in the shadows. Elvis was desperate for the girl. He spent many hours walking on fields, roads, and alleyways in hopes of finding her. He had started to lose hope, but he never lost the love that he felt for her.
1970- summertime.
It was a hot summer day, and Elvis was taking a walk along a field. But this time, he wasn't looking for Carmen, he was just trying to look for an escape. An escape from all of the cameras and fans. The field wasn't too far from his home. It was filled with all types of wildlife and different flowers. As he walked on the path, birds sang sweet melodies. He scanned the beautiful flowers. He stopped when he noticed something in the field.It was hard to make out what it was. He walked closer until he was able to see what it was. It was a girl. She seemed to be making daisy chains. Her long brown hair that had small flowers in it flowed down her back and spilled onto the green grass, her tanned skin shining in the sun, and her short pink dress hugged her waist perfectly. She looked beautiful. Elvis would never miss an opportunity to talk to a beautiful girl. He was a married man, but he wasn't happy with his marriage. She heard his footsteps grow closer. She turned around to look at Elvis. Both of their faces dropped as they locked eyes.
She said under her breath as she secretly rolled her eyes.
Elvis looked at her with a smile on his face. She just nodded as she flashed a slight smile.
"I've missed ya so much."
Elvis said.
"I know. But you can't miss me."
She said as her eyes locked with his. Elvis happily sat down next to her. He turned to look at her angelic face. Her freckles were perfectly placed, and her eyes were a bright green. Elvis was in love by just looking at her. Her long curls hugged her back and seeped along her arms. He slowly lifted his hand up so that his fingers would be able to play with her hair.
"But how am I meant to do that when you showed up to my show and you even wrote me a letter."
She let out a sigh before speaking.
"I showed up to your show because I needed to check on you. I needed to see if you were alright. Cause I've ruined your marriage, I know how you argue with your wife because of me."
"Oh, don't worry about my marriage, I just want you. I think I'm falling for ya."
Elvis said as he admired the girl.
"Elvis, you don't know a single thing about me, how are you falling for me?"
She asked as she batted her long eyelashes.
"That's why I wanna get to know you."
He said as his hands continued to intwien with her long curls.
"Elvis, you don't get it. You just don't get it"
She said as she let out a small sigh.
"Don't get what?"
"I have told you that we can't be together, but you've already forgotten even though I just said it."
She said as she looked at the ground.
"Listen, I didn't forget what you said, I just don't wanna listen. I know that we can be toughether, I don't care if you are different."
He said as he tucked a stray hair behind her ear.
"Elvis, do you realise how silly you sound right now. You want to be with me even though I have only ever spoken to you once before."
She said as she let out a sarcastic giggle.
"How could a man not fall for you. You're beautiful."
Carmen just shook her head as if she was disappointed.
"Can we just have a little chat or something? You can't just leave a man with nothing."
He said. A smile formed on her lips, she couldn't disappoint a man like him.
"Tell me about yourself, I wanna really know you."
"Ok, well. I'm a witch, basically"
She said as she continued to make her daisy chain.
"That's hot."
Elvis said with a slight chuckle.
"It's not funny, it's embarrassing."
She said as she playfully hit him.
"Why is it embarrassing? I think it's cool."
"I have to hide from everyone since they will probably attack me."
"You're safe with me, I ain't gonna let no one attack you."
Elvis said as he held her hand.
"Ok, and how are you gonna protect me?"
She asked whilst giggling.
"You can be my princess, and I will be the Prince. I will keep you by my side, you will always be with me. And if anyone tries anything funny, I'm just gonna have to fight them."
Elvis said before laughter escaped both of their mouths.
Elvis paused for a second as his eyes traced her pretty face and perfect body. He was amazed that a girl could be this beautiful.
"You're a really pretty girl, like really pretty."
Elvis sad as he carresed her cheek.
Carmen said as she tried to hide her cheeky smile. She looked down at her daisy chain. She smiled before speaking.
"I wanna give you this."
She said as she held it up proudly.
"What is it?"
Elvis asked.
"A daisy necklace."
"Why are ya giving it to me, are ya.... falling for me."
Elvis asked sarcastically. She rolled her eyes before replying to his silly comment.
"No, it's just you're first person that talks to me. You know, you're kind to me."
She said as her smile began to fade.
"I will always talk to you, I mean, it's the least I could do after you helped me and made me fall for you."
Carmen's smile reappeared, her smile gave light to Elvis's eyes. Elvis took the daisy chain out of her grasp. She happily watched him put it on carefully. Once it was on, he looked into her cartoon eyes.
"Now I have a gift for you."
He said before leaning towards her. Without warning, he planted his soft pink lips on hers. Their tounges danced toughether passionately. Elvis could feel the smirk through Carmen's plump lips. After a few more seconds, he pulled away. He looked at her face just to see a wide smile on her pretty face. There was definitely a spark between them, there was no doubt about it.
"Let's get away from here. We are too close to the city."
Epvis said as he held onto her head.
They both got up and started walking along the greenery. As they walked, she did cartwheels with bare feet. She ran, skipped, and jumped like a child. She was only a teenager, after all. Elvis just chuckled as he watched her be happy and free. They walked until they reached a supermarket. It was far from the city, which meant that he wouldn't have fans all over him. They looked around before they stopped at a sunglasses stall.
"Do you want a pair?
Elvis asked as he pulled out his wallet. Carmen just nodded and pointed at red, heart-shaped sunglasses. Elvis just giggled as he grabbed them and placed a couple of dollar bills on the table. He handed them over to Carmen, who was filled with happiness. She put them on eagerly as she giggled.
"Ya look good."
Elvis said whilst smiling.
"I know, right. They are lovely! Thankyou."
She said as she desperately hugged him. The feeling of his hands wrapped around her body warmed her heart. It was like they were bound to fall in love.
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oblxvion · 4 years
euphoric | eren jaeger (3)
-> pairing: eren jaeger x f!reader
-> wc: 3.3k
-> warnings: swearing, fluff kinda, angst
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it had been a week since you’d last seen eren, and you had just finished your exams. you plopped down onto your bed, exhausted but yet relieved that you had finished the tests. you had spent a large portion of the past couple weeks prepping for this and you really hoped that you had gotten a good grade to bring the ones you currently had to a better mark. 
now that you were finally done, you had time to relax and focus on yourself. you had planned to spend time with friends to make up for some of the time that you had lost while drowning yourself in your studies. you picked up your phone, lazily scrolling through your socials and texts messages.
you and eren had been talking quite a lot since he had been at your house. the flirty texts back and fourth, it almost seemed too good. it felt unreal, the way that you and him seemed to suddenly jump into what was almost a relationship. you didn’t question it though, you were happy. although he had a reputation, it didn’t bother you because you knew how he felt for you and how you felt for him, you weren’t intimidated at all.
“y/n? earth to y/n!” sasha brought you out of your trance while waving her hand in your face. 
“oh, fuck, yeah sash, what’s up?” you smiled sheepishly, you had been spacing out a lot recently and it did not go unnoticed by her.
“you keep spacing out,” she chuckles as she opens the fridge, grabbing herself some strawberries. “something on your mind?” she knew you too well.
“oh, it’s nothing,” you laughed nervously as you scratched the back of your head. you had pretty much given yourself away and she gave you a look. “okay, fine. i was thinking about eren, and my situation with him.”
“what about it?” 
“well, it’s just that it feels too good to be true, you know? i just don’t want something to happen and then i get heartbroken once again.” you told her, placing your phone down and playing with your fingers in the process; it was a habit of yours.
“what are you worrying about? you’re not seeing anyone other than eren and i can assure you that he isn’t seeing anyone else either.” she responds with a mouth full of fruit which earned a laugh out of you. sasha is very protective of you, you knew that. and if eren did anything to mess with you or hurt your feelings, she would ruin him. 
“yeah, but he’s had history with girls and…” you trailed off, not knowing how to go about this. you didn’t know why it was hard to talk about because sasha was the one who had told you about his previous flings with other girls in the past. it shouldn’t bother you, but now talking with sasha about it, it made you feel weird.
“and?” she asks as she placed the food back into the fridge before coming down and sitting across from you at your shared table. sasha could sense that there was uneasiness going on and she didn’t want to push you. “why don’t you talk to him? you could maybe set boundaries or even establish your relationship together so you won’t have anything to worry about.”
“yeah,” sasha’s words were making you feel better, she always knew what to do. “i’ll text him and we can maybe meet somewhere to talk.” you felt a bit better, knowing that you’d soon confirm the relationship between the two of you. she smiled at you, and told you to text him so you could figure out plans. you thanked her and made your way to your room opening eren’s contact number and pressing his number.
it rang a few times before it went to voicemail. voicemail? maybe he’s busy? other thoughts began pouring into your head, but you immediately shut them down. you trusted eren, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. after the voicemail operator stopped talking, you left him a message.
“hey eren, you’re probably busy right now but i just wanted to see if you were available later today so we could talk. it’s nothing bad though, i also just miss you. get back to me when you can.” 
you shut off your phone, placing it beside you as you reached for your computer to watch some anime that you had missed while being so preoccupied with your studying. occasionally you would look over to your phone to see if he got back to you, but he hadn’t. 
you were about halfway done with watching the 3rd episode of your show when you heard your phone buzz. you reached for your phone embarrassingly fast to see the texts.
eren jaeger
hey i’m so sorry i just saw u called
i was napping but yeah we definitely can talk later
what time are u free
you chuckled quietly and felt somewhat relieved that he was at home. you quickly responded to him with ideas.
oh dw about it
i’m free whenever i don’t really have much to do 
eren jaeger
we can go to a cafe if u wanna and chat there
i need food anyways lol
ok lol we can go to the cafe downtown if that works
eren jaeger
ok baby
i’ll see u then :)
even though it was a small text interaction between the two of you, it left your heart fluttering. it was around 12:45 so you had time to change into something more presentable but still comfortable for your liking. you decided that you would go early because you had to go to the store and buy some more shampoo and conditioner because you had just used the last bit of it this morning. 
when you walked out of your room, sasha was watching tv while texting someone who you assumed to be niccolo. she had seen him a few times the past week and you thought what they had was adorable. she would go over those nights and he would have a full course meal already prepared for her. imagine being in a relationship with a chef, that would be amazing.
“hey sash?” you asked as you slipped on your shoes, placing your hand on the door handle while reaching for your car keys.
“hm?” she looked up from her phone, and put two and two together. “you’re gonna talk to him?”
“yeah, i’ll be back later. i need to grab some stuff from the store though, text me if you need anything, ‘kay?” you smiled at her as you walked through the door. you heard her yell okay and that she’d text you if she needed something later. you made your way down to the entrance of your apartment complex and got into your car. you felt a bit tense, but you knew you were overreacting and that everything would be fine. 
you played your playlist while you drove, it calmed you down a bit more and you parked in the parking lot of the supermarket which was a five minute walk away from the cafe that you and eren had agreed to meet at. it was around 1:00 and you wanted to make the trip to the store quickly, double checking your phone to see if there was anything that sasha wanted. she hadn’t texted, so you went inside and went to find your favorite hair products. you grabbed the two that you liked, and made your way towards the front of the store to check out before you bumped into someone.
“y/n?” you looked up and saw jean standing in front of you. 
“oh, hi!” you backed up to meet his eyes, feeling embarrassed that you had not been watching where you were going. “i’m so sorry, i wasn’t paying attention.”
“no worries, what’re you up to?” 
“oh nothing, i was just getting some stuff and i’m supposed to be meeting eren in a few.” you responded, eying the isles to see if there was anything else that you needed. 
“that’s nice,” he said with a smile. “are you guys together yet?” the word yet made you feel jittery, it meant that eren had talked about the possibility of a relationship with jean, someone who he always is butting heads with.
“actually, that’s what i was going to talk to him about…” you laughed sheepishly, trying not to seem to eager about it. “what’re you doing?” 
“i was just getting some shit for connie because he wants something good tonight. i swear, hanging around sasha has made him a food monster like her. it’s crazy.” you couldn’t help but giggle at his remark. connie and sasha’s friendship was truly funny.
“well, have fun with that! i have to go because i don’t want to be late but we should all hangout again! that was fun!” you replied as you looked at your phone to check the time, which you had 15 minutes so it was perfect.
“yeah, if i don’t have to third wheel again.” you felt your face heat up at the comment. “nah, i’m playing. have fun!” he waves goodbye as he makes his way to the food section of the store and you walked towards the register.
after you finished paying, you made your way back to your car and placed your bag in the passenger seat. you had enough time to walk over to the cafe, and plus, you felt like you needed some exercise. 
you had an idea of what you wanted to say to eren. it was just that you wanted to confirm your relationship and make it exclusive, and after hearing the comment jean made, you knew that he felt the same way about it. it wasn’t long before you arrived in front of the cafe and you went into the back to where the seats were. you made a order for your favorite baked treat and sat down at a two seated table while you waited for eren. you checked your phone, scrolling through tik tok and instagram when you felt two hands on your shoulders, causing you to jolt in surprise.
“hi baby,” he whispered into your ear before giving you a quick peck on the cheek.
“hi eren,” you laughed, placing your phone down onto the table.
“what’s up?” he asked as he made his way over to the seat in front of you. he was wearing a black crewneck with gray sweatpants and vans, hair in a messy bun as per usual.
“nothing, i just missed you. are you gonna get something to eat?” you asked, looking over to the register.
“i placed an order and then i came over to you, how’ve you been? i haven’t seen you for a bit.”
“i’ve been good, i’m really glad that my exams are over. i now have time to relax,” you smiled at him as you scooted your chair closer to the table. you had truly been overwhelmed with all the studying and now you felt relieved that you now had free time to do what you wanted. 
“and to spend some time with me, right?” he teased as he gave you a playful smile. the little things that he does pulled on your heartstrings.
“no.” he gasped, placing his hand over his chest. “of course, idiot.”
“good,” he chuckled. “you know you love me.”
“you knew that already!” you whined as you gave him a cheeky smile. you and eren both caught up with each others lives. he told you that armin and annie had gotten together, and how mikasa was starting to see jean but that she also wanted to pursue with school so she didn’t want many distractions. you told him about how sasha and niccolo had been spending a lot of time together and how you thought they were perfect for each other. your food was brought to you by one of the employees and you both thanked them as you began to eat.
“so, what’d you wanna talk about?” he asked as he took a bite into his muffin with his coffee in the other hand.
“i just wanted to know if we were exclusive and stuff…” you couldn’t finish your sentence before eren started to stifle a laugh.
“i thought it was obvious,” he swallowed his food before continuing to talk. “we’re exclusive, i’m not seeing or talking to anyone else besides you. no one else interests me besides you.”
“oh, i guess i’m just blind,” you felt relieved at him saying that, you were worried for no reason. “i was just nervous because sasha told me about historia and i-” 
“historia?” he interrupts you. “what’d she say?”
“just that you guys were fuck buddies in the past and that you’re over now and all that stuff,” you responded, trying to sound as nonchalant as you could. you didn’t want him to notice that it was a touchy subject. he knew that you had bad experiences with relationships in the past but you were never one to really be insecure of past relationships that your partner had.
“i see, we don’t really talk anymore, so you had nothing to worry about.”
“okay, go- ” before you could finish your sentence, you heard someones voice so you turned your head.
a blonde girl with blue eyes, shorter than you stood between you and eren at the table. you felt your stomach twist as you put the pieces together. you weren’t sure if you had met her before or not, but she looked just like the girl that you were just speaking about.
“historia?” eren choked on his coffee, looking over to meet her eyes. you could tell that he was shocked and slightly uncomfortable. had she heard your conversation?
“oh my god, what a coincidence seeing you here! how have you been?” she smiled, maintaining eye contact with him before he looked back towards you.
“‘m fine, how have you been?” it was obvious that he was only trying to be polite but for some reason, her voice annoyed the shit out of you.
“i’ve been good!” she looks over to you and gives you a look before smiling and bringing her hand out. “we should-”
“okay, you must be y/n? i’ve heard so much about you!” her comment made you feel uncomfortable, where had she heard about you from? 
“uh, hi!” you smiled at her and shook her hand. you had to at least be nice even though you felt like there was something weird going on, it was clear that you and eren were on a date and she had come over to talk. “where’d you hear about me from?”
“eren talks about you all the time!” talks? didn’t he just say-
“we haven’t talked in months.” eren interrupts, annoyance seeping through his voice. 
“that doesn’t matter!” she looked back over to eren with a huge smile on her face, as if she was waiting for him to show her any sort of attention. “he would talk about how much he cared about you when we would hang out and-” 
“enough, historia.” eren said, giving her a stern look before he looked over to you. “we’re kinda busy right now.” you stayed silent, you didn’t know what to feel but you weren’t about to let historia have her way right now. although you didn’t know her too well, you didn’t like the way she was acting.
“but i was just coming over to say hi! i haven’t met her before, i was trying to be nice!” you lost it, she was clearly trying to get at something here. she seemed like a nice person but the impression she was giving you right now was not good.
“listen, historia.” eren looked at you, his face tense. he had no idea what you were about to say but he could tell that you were beginning to get pissed off. “eren and i are on a date right now, and as much as i appreciate meeting you and all, i wanna spend some time with him because i haven’t seen him in a while.” she stood there, dumbfounded as you continued to speak to her. “so maybe if we could talk and get to know each other another time, that’d be great!”
“oh, uh, yeah of course!” she said as she stepped away. “i guess i’ll catch you later then. bye eren, bye y/n!” she smiled as she walked away and every ounce in your body told you that it was the fakest smile you had ever seen. you watched her walk away before letting out a sigh. it definitely did not seem that she was in a relationship with that ymir girl because she was clearly trying to talk to eren more, but who were you to say?
you and eren both sat there in silence before anyone said anything.
“i’m so-” you began before eren interrupted you once again.
“don’t. she’s hella annoying. that’s why i cut her off.” eren said as he looked over at you. he could tell you were uncomfortable and wanted to leave. “hey are you okay?”
“i’m fine, eren.” you snapped, face softening after you realized how mean you sounded. “i’m sorry, she just really annoyed me right there.”
“no, i get it. is there anything i can do?” he asked as you began to stand up from your chair in which he did as well. you picked up your trash and brought it to the trashcan, trying to steady your heartbeat. you were a bit rude to her but she was being rude too, was she? “do you wanna go home?”
“yeah.” he nodded his head in response and reached his hand out for you to hold. you interlocked your fingers with his as you both walked out. you both walked in silence, thinking about the interaction that had just taken place. you felt bad. you were a bitch to her but she was being annoying so what were you supposed to do? “did you drive?”
“hm? oh, no i didn’t. i live pretty close so i can walk home.” 
“i drove, so if you want a ride i can give you one,” you looked up at him with a smile. eren’s presence calmed you down, and he noticed that too. 
“yeah, i’d like that.” eren leaned down and gave you a quick kiss on your head, squeezing your hand in the process. you continued to walk back to the supermarket to where your car was parked  and made your way into the vehicle. he opened the passenger side and saw the bag that you had gotten earlier.
“you can just put that bag in the back, it has my shampoo since you used almost all of it when you were over,” you teased as you started the car. he smirked before sitting down next to you and putting on his seatbelt.
“you know how to get to my apartment right?” you gave him a playful look before backing out of your parking spot. “just messing with you.”
eren’s place wasn’t that far so it took you a few minutes to get there. you pulled into a spot and waiting for him to get out of the car after exchanging a kiss and just as he was about to get out of the car before he stopped and looked over to you. 
“what’s up?” you smiled, he looked like a lost puppy.
“do you wanna stay over for a bit? we can chill and watch something…” he trailed off once he heard your laughter. 
“sure,” you smiled and got out of the car and came over to the side that he was on. you poked your finger into his chest playfully, “you’re so needy!”
“needy, yeah?” he pulled you into a hug with your face buried into his chest, the smell of his cologne fogging your brain. “let’s see who’s gonna be needy later.”
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a/n: im so sorry that this took so long i’ve been super busy but i will def try to upload more consistently these upcoming weeks!! this hasn't been edited cuz im tired rn but i will look over it later tonight if there is anything.
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© all content belongs to oblxvion 2021, do not repost or change.
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jaegerboob · 4 years
i was tagged by @trashpocket​ (hey bae ;)) and since im lonely here on tumblr and have no one but the void to yell at, i won’t be tagging anyone :((
okay let’s start off with my published WIPS lol i have quite a collection and boy do i regret posting most of these, but anyway that’s here’s my hot girl shit
"i’ll figure it out with a little more time” - (if u knew me at my thai BL phase no u didn’t :)) anyways this was a supposed to be a pretty short fic that features an oblivious Sarawat not knowing how to navigate his feelings towards Tine and Tine being an equally giant dumbass. their school is hosting a school dance and Sarawat’s emotionally constipated ass doesn’t know how to SPEAK and just ASK Tine to go w/ him. i swear i might be the author of this story but i also get mad at these fuckers
“we’re boyfriends?” - ah yes another Thai BL fic, i will admit. i have NO idea where to take this story lmao. i still wanna finish it tho cuz i hate disappointing ppl. the fic starts with Ae and Pond making a dumb bet so Pond will stop jerking off in their shared room and promises that he won’t do that as long Ae dates someone random and based off of Pond’s choosing. sweet bby Pete wanders into their campus accidentally  and gets picked. Ae does the deed and tells Pete they’re dating. Ae thinks that Pete and Pond are scheming to make his life a living hell but lo and behold Pete has actually fallen in love with him (heheheh) 
“i wanna ruin our friendship” - hello lgbtq+ community :). we all know where this fuckin title is from don’t be sneaky. so here’s my KilluGon college fic. I initially wrote this like two years ago and uploaded it on wattpad lmaooo then i edited it and posted on ao3 and once again i have no idea where to take this (ive forgotten what my original idea for this was lol) so basically Killua and Gon are really close friends and Gon is sortof a player in this AU idk why khdkadha but anywayz all of Gon’s exes have left him bc they’re jealous of Killua but Gon would never pick his current S/O over him so HAAA. it all goes to shit tho when Retz decides to trick Gon to taking her back for the school dance and idk what path to go for T_T 
AIGHT now for my UNPUBLISHED WIPS buckle up yall this is a LOT. all the titles are WIPS so that’s why theyre iffy lol
“pussy talented”- (don’t mind the title lmao i just wanted a cat pun in there somewhere) basically, Bokuto is a firefighter and Akaashi an editor. They work near each other and Bokuto often visits Kuroo, who works with Akaashi. Ofc Akaashi falls in love at first sight but then he overhears that he has a "Kenma" waiting for him at home. Akaashi assumes that he's probably Bo's boyfriend and then leaves him alone, making Bo confused as hell. Little that he knows that Kenma is actually a grumpy calico cat.
“killugon flower shop AU” - Wing owns a flower shop and Killua helps out with Zushi along with Alluka out of boredom and one day Alluka asks Killua to help out with her client then he meets Gon and is immediately smitten until Gon says that he's looking for something that he can give to a girlfriend (it was actually Ging's request lol), lots of misunderstanding, Killua being too shy to ask the handsome stranger out and Alluka and Zushi being done with his shit 
“rice isn’t the only thing getting crushed here” - Osamu falls in love with one of his most loyal costumers—Akaashi and he thinks he might just have a shot at it until one day while Akaashi is ordering a bunch of riceballs, Bokuto Koutaro of Japan's National Volleyball team enters the restaurant and sweeps Akaashi of his feet, unexpected angst and a generous helping of unrequited pining :)) dw this fic can go two ways: Bokuto is just Akaashi's best friend who he hasn't seen in months or b. Bokuto is actually Akaashi's fiance maybe i’ll write both endings heehee
“killua is sad and gets lovebombed” - while staying in Whale Island, Killua thinks he that he doesn't deserve Gon and tries to leave him while he's asleep but his plan is stopped when Gon wakes up and they both end up revealing their true feelings for each other
“excuse to write charles getting fucked by two delicious men” - Erik and Charles have been in a relationship for years now and basically fell out of love so when Erik gets promoted and has to move, Charles agrees and so they break up. Charles turns to Logan (who harbors a giant crush on Charles) for companionship and sleep together once. Logan says it was an accident but Charles wants more and they establish a FWB situation of sorts since Charles isn't ready yet. But then Charles gets into an accident and can't remember what happened the past year and a half so he still thinks he's with Erik. Meanwhile, Erik is living a luxurious yet empty life and when he gets the call from Raven about Charles' situation, he immediately goes back running.
“killua in whale island” - KilluGon are like 20-ish and Killua visits Whale Island and Ging just happens to be there as well. Killua thinks about how even though Gon and Ging are near identical, Gon just looks so much more handsome. (probs just a oneshot) 
 “another horny cherik fic” - Charles is a demon who was accidentally summoned when Raven, Hank and Ororo uses Erik's blood to perform a demon summoning ritual (as a joke) they didn't know it would actually work so now Charles is stuck with Erik because the human absolutely refuses to sell his soul
“IwaOi overboard AU” - Oikawa is a rich pretty boy and Iwa a college dropout who works at his uncle's repair shop with his younger brother Tobio and cousin Kyoutani ( both 5 yrs old). One day he gets called over to fix one of Oikawa's cars and after a failed and disastrous encounter with a drunk Oikawa, Iwa leaves the mansion fuming. Later in the day, it's discovered that Oikawa got in a car crash that took away his memories and since Oikawa apparently lives alone, he has no one to get him. not until Iwa comes ofc and with a malicious and vengeful intent, he tells Oikawa that they're dating and live together in his crappy apartment
“dancer Akaashi” - Akaashi is a dancer, Osamu is a bartender at the bar he works at and has also been in love with Akaashi for the past two years. He doesn't confess since he knows Akaashi doesn't like romance but then enters a bright eyed cheery Bokuto who sweeps the unreachable Midnight Moon off of his feet, bokuaka but im leaning towards bokuosaaka since akaashi deserves two boyfriends
“watch me be poetically horny for Akaashi Keiji” - Akaashi is a vampire and Osamu, a skilled artist. Akaashi posing nude and delighted at how beautifully Osamu portrays him. Osamu says otherwise. 
Cherik College AU - drift by great gable.... late teens cherik... Erik being a misanthropic horny bastard and Charles a snarky piece of shit.... they get paired up for 7 minutes in heaven... turns out Charles has been ogling him for a while now..  hmmmm,,,.,. ( i wrote this when i was drunk and my og draft is too long so take this instead lolz) 
“ BokuAka (NSFW) ” - Bokuto pushing off a guy who tried to hit on Akaashi while they're at a club. Akaashi gets so turned on he immediately drags Bokuto to the bathroom where he gets his facefucked in one of the bathroom stalls or Akaashi getting his face fucked in a dirty alley at the back of a bar after Bokuto gets into a fistfight.
“KuroKen (NSFW)  ” -Kenma does top during sex but but he's just really lazy to put in the effort 
aight that’s it oh damn i just now realize how much i have T-T bruhhhhhhh and this isn’t even all of them damnnn 
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oikawasbread · 4 years
hello!! omg :( may i get 10 + akaashi for the promptlist?? hopefully something with fluff, i don't think i can take angst at all rn HAHA
“I need you to tell me that I’m a good person.’’
I RECOMMEND THIS SONG only if u want to, ofc
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 I am sorry bb!!! i couldn’t help to add some angsty parts; but dw everything ends on a fluffy note <3 
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         You’ve been raised like this.
“ You’re not going to become anything with that attitude.” “ Your personality is going to get you nowhere.” “ Why are you even so rude, you know we are right. “
         So you started to actually believe it. You were a bad person. You were mean, rude, you “didn’t care” about anything. It looked like you were also selfish. But those things didn’t surprise you anymore; of course it hurt; but it was nothing new. You are saying your opinion? “Stop being like this.” You are not allowing someone to do something to you? “Mean.” You dare to stand up for yourself? “Quit the attitude”.
        “Your friends have noticed your anger issues, your mood swings; but apparently you didn’t need help, you needed to be told the truth : that you should not be so rude and scary”
You were waiting for some new insults, new reproaches.
 almost ready to give up.
        “What college are you going to apply after high school?”       “I don’t really know.. dad. I was thinking about a medical college. You know, since I’m pretty good at c-“       “Since you’re pretty good? Do you think ‘pretty good’ is enough?”       “Dad, I am good at chemistry and biology; of course there’s kids out there way better than me. But I still have 2 years to improve.”       “Yeah, this is what you’ve been saying since last year. And here you are, still being ‘pretty good’ and not ‘the best’.”       “Honestly, yes Y/n. You’re never doing anything. You’re never helping me around the house, you haven’t opened a book since this holiday started, and you wanna get better? How are you planning on doing that?”       “What does that even mean? I’ve been buried in papers, school work and books for the final exam all this month. I am on 2nd place in class and I’ve been helping you with everything you asked me.”       “Shut it, we’re eating right now. Stop with this discussion.”       “I’m not the one who started it.” This was enough. To shut it? They are the ones who started talking about this whole topic.       “See, y/n? Even you admitted it. You’re on 2nd place, so that means you’re not the best.”       “Can YOU do what I’m doing? Learn all this new information while having zoom classes, helping around the house and taking care of the dog. Because by the way, I’m the one who-“
your ears were burning after your dad’s hand made contact with the left half of your face.
      you couldn’t even see clearly because of the tears;the heartache started to become physical pain; you could literally feel your heart breaking. “See? This attitude of yours will stop you from doing anything and you’ll only get to lose because of it. You could’ve chose to be a good daughter and shut up instead of questioning me and your mother.”
this was clearly the drop that filled the glass
      You ran upstairs and locked yourself in your room. The worst time to cry is when you have to hide it. You were shoving your head into the pillow, trying to stop your screams of frustration. When was this going to end? Why you? You tried your best but it still wasn’t enough; you did everything everyone wanted but you still weren’t a good person. Were they considering themselves good people? Your parents, your friends, your classmates. It was all about perspective; wasn’t it?
      Or probably not. Maybe you actually were a bad person who was trying to convince herself that it isn’t true, since you were the only one who had this point of view.
       You had to see someone, you needed to. But from the endless contact list you had, there was no one who could tell you what you needed to hear.
Until you saw his name : Akaashi Keiji. 
The quiet boy who was sitting behind you at school, the one who never talked to you but somehow you had his number; probably from the class gc. You weren’t sure if he had yours saved. But that was the whole point; you never spoke to each other, so he didn’t knew you. Maybe if he sees you in this situation and hears the whole thing, he will tell you what you needed to hear, he will reassure you. Even if it was because you pitied him and he wanted to get rid of you faster, it didn’t matter.
So you pressed “call”.
      “Hi.. I’m sorry to bother you. I just..”
¬ you just what? are you going to tell him : “Hi Akaashi, I have serious issues at home, can we talk about it even though all you know about me is my name?” or maybe “Hey Akaashi, can we meet ? I promise I’m not a serial killer.”
      “You just what… Y/n?” you snapped       “Oh.. you have my number?”       “Well, yeah.. From the class group chat. And I suppose you have mine.”       “Yeah, I just wanted to..”
and you get trapped again in your thoughts, but his voice brings you back
      “Can we maybe meet up? I can clearly see that you can’t tell me over the phone, whatever the issue might be. Maybe face to face you will be able to find your words.”       “Oh shoot. I mean, yeah, I’ll meet you downtown in 15!”       “Alright, goodbye Y/n.”       “See you, Akaashi.” ¬was this actually happening?
The 15 minutes had finally passed and you saw him on a bench, waiting for you. You almost forgot about the reason you called him when you noticed how pretty was Akaashi in the moonlight. Akaashi was an observant man so it hasn’t passed much time until he noticed your red and puffy eyes, a subtle mark on your face, your pink nose and your dry lips. Your eyes were shining and he felt so bad for thinking that you’re beautiful after something awful probably happened to you.
      “I’m sorry. You probably had better things to do.”
      “Well, I mean, we don’t know each other that well. Of course I had better things to do since we’ve never talked before, but my feet dragged me here. And my brain wasn’t the one who told you that I wanna meet up with you. I don’t know why I did that.” He watches your bright expression fade away and being replaced by a disappointed one. He didn’t mean it to sound like he didn’t wanna be here.
      “From all you know, I could actually be a murderer.” he lets out a subtle smile after finishing the sentence and you can’t help but to smile as well, even though your smile is not that subtle as his but it makes him proud of himself.
There’s was a chaotic silence and you weren’t making any visual contact, but instead you were stargazing. You never actually noticed how bright the sky was at night. It wasn’t that bright, like during the day, making your eyes hurt when you look at it; it was a peaceful light.
 You were analyzing the stars; but Akaashi was analyzing the most beautiful one, who was standing next to him.
He couldn’t help but let his thoughts wonder: was it a problem with your parents? maybe you had some bullies? worse; an abusive boyfriend? He comes back to reality when he notices that you’re open your mouth, wanting to say something.         “Can you help me become a better person?”
But.. what makes you think you aren’t a good person, Y/n? Who told you that you need to change? he was wondering.You look slightly over your shoulder just to see him with his mouth a bit open, with a surprised expression.
      “Well, Akaashi? Are you the one with no words right now?”       “No, Y/n. But why would you do that?”       “You mean, why do I wanna become a good person?”       “No, I mean, why would you change something about yourself? What makes you think you are a bad person?”
You were the shocked one right now. I mean, he saw you as a good person? He doesn’t think you are mean? He doesn’t have a bad impression about your sudden crying at school and your anger issues?
      “What do you mean? You don’t know me outside of the school, you only know me as a classmate. Have you not seen the way I act in class? Have you not heard everyone’s opinions? That I am-“
      “I mean yeah, I did. But do I look like the type of person who follows the herd? Am I not allowed to my own opinion, Y/n?”
      “Of course you are.” you feel bad for almost yelling at him. His eyes looked sad.       “Standing right behind you for such a long time made me know you without even realising it. I’ve noticed so many little details about you, and please don’t think of me as a pervert or something. But you were in front of me everyday so- “Calm down, Akaashi. I won’t.” you say laughing, unable to stop. He was cute getting flustered over the thought that you may get him wrong.
      “I am calm, Y/n.. but, why do you wanna change something about you, after all?” then everything comes back to you; the sound of your dad shouting at you, then the slap; the insults from your friends; so you shed a tear ¬      
      Akaashi is actually worried now; he notices again the mark on your face so he builds up the courage to ask you what happened.
“Akaashi, please. I know I can be angry and mean for no reason at all sometimes, I know I may not be the best person. But tell me that I am a good person. I need you to tell me that despite all that, I am actually a good friend, a good daughter, a good person overall. Because I need this, you have to reassure me or I might give up on being good for real, and be exactly like how they are picturing me to be.”
       He is processing every word you’re saying and his heart breaks; why did you have such a bad impression about yourself?       “Y/n.. You know I just told you that staying behind you made me realise so many things about you. Even if we haven’t talked, it feels like we are actually good friends,  because I’ve seen you crying during class, burying your head in your backpack thinking no one notices. I’ve seen you being so proud of youself after passing a test that most of the class had failed; because in the next second you would message your parents letting them know; I’ve seen how affected you are by our classmates’ harsh words. Trust me, your anger issues aren’t that big of a problem. You have  nothing on Bokuto’s emo mode.”       There’s the smile he’s been wanting to see again.       “The conclusion is that I can clearly see the fact that you’re not just a good person; but a blessing in your parents’ and friends’ lives. And if they don’t appreciate you, it’s their loss. Even if we never spoke until tonight, I felt somehow close to you.”       “So.. after all, I am a good person?” your eyes can’t meet his because you know you’ll burst out crying. But he was the first person to make you cry tears of joy. You needed this so much, you wanna feel this sensation more often ; the feeling of someone having faith in you and not wanting you to be the best out of everyone, but the best version of yourself.       “Of course you’re not. You’re actually hilarious when you’re angry. I am used to sudden mood swings, trust me. Maybe you just hadn’t met the right people.”
And you knew he was right. It actually was just about perspective. You may look like the bad guy, but in someone else’s story, you are a good person. From someone else’s point of view, you are actually the best. You just need to meet the people who will understand you and will immediately shape a connection with you; 
¬ it is all about perspective and being in the right place, with the right people.
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omg this came out way longer than I wanted it to be but it kinda helped me getting my emotions out? I really really hope you like it bb!!:’( I still have second thoughts about it.
- Riley
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obeymematches · 4 years
Hewwo when you have the time can I pwease get a matchup uwu
Personality: I'm loud and outgoing, its easy for me to make friends with people and I love meeting new people. I've been told I'm good at forging bonds and bringing people together. People call me brave, I think I'm really just stupid reckless and careless which IS true but hey I'm not complainin if ppl wanna call that brave. I'm willing to put myself in danger to help others too, this uh. Isnt smart, I'm not smart. But if the people I care for are safe and happy then I dont mind what happens to me B) I'm also great with animals, I dont like taking things too seriously and often make (bad) jokes in tense situations. That being said I know when to stop if it's a genuinely serious situation.
That being said my worst traits are that I'm arrogant, sadistic, stubborn, lowkey hotheaded, untrusting to a debilitating degree, I can come across as genuinely scary unfortunately:( and I'm clumsy
My interests and hobbies are: true crime, the occult, drawing I guess, taking care of animals and helping lost pets find their homes, taking naps, dream interpretation, causing misery for my shitty father, binging horror stuff and crying over video games
What I look for in a partner is kindness, someone I can relate to? I dunno as long as they arent genuinely mean.
What I have to offer is uh. Ok be patient with me! I dont know relationships very well so if this is worded weird sorry.
Anyway I just want to be there for someone, i want to be able to protect someone and make them smile, nothing ever makes my day more than seeing someones face light up ! If anyone hurts them I'm gonna hurt that person twice as bad, and if they dont want me to I'll just be with them and do everything in my power to make sure they're ok. I want them to feel safe with me and know that I love them for THEM and not some facade or anything too. If they wanna go somewhere I wanna take them there! I want to listen to them talk about their favourite thing for hours on end, I would do anything and everything in my power for that person. Ok that's a lie if they wanted me to hurt an animal I wouldnt do that but I'd take on like. A spider for them.
Anyway thanks for your time sorry if this was too much, if you ever need anything else I'll call myself -💥 anon so just give me a yell and I'll do my best to help
Hi anon! ✨
I’ll put a read more because this is gonna be long! 
Okay so as I read your request I was hesitating between Mammon and Diavolo but I decided to choose Diavolo because regarding some aspects it would be a real missed opportunity/wasted potential to pick Mammon over him! 
Ok so you start with your talent of forging bonds and if you ever played this game then you know that Diavolo is all about exactly that - meaning you will be a real asset to him which is the base of a strong relationship! (dw i’ll elaborate on why he is also an asset to you in the following paragraphs you are not about to be left hanging) 
The fact that you are so friendly instantly catches his attention. I’m talking the moment he sees you kind of infatuation here. idk he just. senses it from a mile away that you are quality
I imagine your reckless tendencies get you into some serious situations which might also be dangerous. But worry no more, my friend! Diavolo would be the kind of partner who joins you in your fun and he might out-do you in such occassions but just keep this in mind: he is a powerful and strong demon so if anyone can get you out of trouble / keep you safe on a not-totally-thought-over adventure, it’s gotta be him. No other candidate in the game could compare and give you this balance. 
Also he is very keen on sponaneity (as much as his schedule can allow him) so you got that going for you too! 
Okay so since you want to keep him safe too, this relationship is just two ppl who protecc except you can also attacc 
come to think of that, I’m not sure if he would really encourage that and the “if someone hurts them i hurt them twice as much” behaviour as he is just a prince who wants peace with everyone. but growing together is fun! 
I can totally see you two joking around all the time, lowkey driving Barbatos close to insanity in the castle, but! that means you also have a friendship with Diavolo! so he is not just your lover or partner but also your best friend who you can joke around with or be with through serious situations. this relationship isn’t just about being in a relationship but actually making the most of what a healthy relationship can offer
Now i think Diavolo can handle your sarcastic and arrogant side of you pretty well. looking at his bond with Lucifer I’m pretty sure he would have no issues with it
Being stubborn isn’t always bad - as long as he knows your intentions mean well there’s nothing wrong. Clumsy shouldn’t be a turn off either as long as you don’t mind him laughing it off
I think he is also rather selective about trusting others - he might complain about being lonely but deep down he knows he can’t just trust anyone. 
Don’t worry, you definitely never come accross as scary to him. Even if you try hard. 
OK so if i didn’t only dream it then he keeps rescued animals (cats) in the castle so this is something you two could bond over and this would also help in building trust! 
Something else to bond over is your shitty fathers. I’m almost sure Diavolo’s insecurities stem from that and that’s why he and Lucifer are such close friends. You are part of that club now! 
He is one of the candidates who does his best to indulge in his s/o’s hobbies, though as I said his time is rather limited. I don’t think he would have any excuses for not liking horror stuff, video games, etc.
ok i’m pretty sure i already elaborated on how you two can relate to each other, in addition i want to emphasize that he is one of the kindest characters in the game as of now so he has that going for him 
From what I can tell from your offerings in a relationship, it is safe to say that you are more than willing to be there for him when he is going though insecure periods of his day/week/month/year so that is something he can appreciate. The fact that you mention loving someone for them and not for their facade speaks volumes in his case - he had to turn down many marriage proposals in order to protect himself and his future kingdom. I think it goes without saying why some people would marry him without actually knowing him. 🤴🤑
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marvinswriting · 4 years
Broken Arm
Tw: Major character death, reference (slight reference) to self harm- unrelated to the death dw im so sorry im so sorry im so sorry im so sorry im so sorry im so sorry im s- g/t mean girls
The air smelled of disinfectant mixed with depression. 
I couldn't tell if it was that or the pit of anxiety that was making me nauseous as I stare numbly at my arm, freshly casted. The bright lights and hushed voices of the hospital didn't feel real. Like, I knew I was here on Cady's shoulder, leaning against Aaron, but at the same time, I wasn't here.
Or I'd rather not be at least.
I hoped I could wake up from this nightmare. Any minute now Damian would nudge me awake, school day over or something. 
But this wasn't a dream because the pain was all too real.
I stare blankly down the hall. The hall where they rushed him.
Damian got hurt the worst.
My stomach tightened thinking about it.
Cady had her head in her hands mumbling about a concussion. Gretchen set with her hands folded neatly in her lap, looking out into nothingness. Both Karen and Regina were crying softly, looking shaken up.
The sound of doors slamming down the hall makes us all lookup.
Ms. Hubbard runs into the room, teary-eyed and bewildered.
Karen points down the hall. "They won't let anyone in."
"What happened?" She says after getting a good look at all of us. "Jesus are you all okay?"
It wasn't hard to see where Damian got his motherly instincts from. 
"Janis, your arm!"
Ms. Hubbard rushed over, promptly scooping me off Cady's shoulder.
"Know how they say tinies shouldn't ride unsecured on a shoulder when in a car? This is why." I motion to the cast. "Somebody blew through the intersection. Hit driver's side, right-right uh, where Damian was." I look. down, swallowing hard. "I fell."
"And this is why we have safety regulations. Who else got hurt?"
Mama Bear Hubbard went around the room making sure everyone was okay. It was a nice distraction from what was going on down the hall. For all of us.
"Cady, I'm very grateful you wore your seatbelt otherwise it could be worse than a concussion."
"Gretchen, I hope the scratch on your arm heals."
"Regina, maybe take a nap you'll feel better."
I couldn't help but smile.
Ms. Hubbard lifted me to her shoulder and I sat down as she found a seat next to Cady.
Everything felt harder with one arm, but one thing Damian takes after his mom is walking smoothly without bouncing or sudden jolts.
The waiting room was silent again.
It feels like we sit for hours.
Maybe it was.
It was probably only minutes.
A doctor emerged from the hallway where Damian was. 
Ms. Hubbard stands quickly, silently scooping me off her shoulder and handing me to Cady. She rushed over to the doctor and we all watch wordlessly.
We can't hear what they're saying but body langue isn't had to read in these situations. 
They talk for a bit before Ms. Hubbard's hand shoots to her mouth. 
The waiting room once filled with clicking of keyboards and buzzing of lights was now filled with gut-wrenching sobs.
Aaron wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. We all knew whatever news was coming couldn't be good.
I didn't want to hear it.
But I listened anyway.
A week.
They say he has a week.
At most.
He was awake but- in pain.
Ms. Hubbard was in the room right now talking.
Visiting hours for today would be over soon but if we all spoke for ten minutes each-
Ten minutes wasn't enough.
Ten minutes won't ever be enough.
I'd have more time tomorrow.
A week.
The news made my head spin.
I couldn't just have a week left with Damian.
We were supposed to have the rest of our lives.
We were fric and frac. You never saw one without the other.
It can't just be a week.
Ms. Hubbard stepped out of the room, glancing at all of us. If her teary-eyed expression mirrored our own, then we all looked like a mess. I felt like a mess.
"Janis," Aaron said softly, rubbing my uninjured arm. "You wanna go in first?"
I didn't, actually. I didn't want to go in at all. I didn't want to go in and have the situation solidified. I didn't-
"Yeah. I'll go."
Cady didn't move but Karen came over, lifting me gently off Cady's shoulder.
Aaron leaned back by Cady's neck as Karen walked away. 
The whole group looked distraught, I could only imagine what I looked like.
I looked down as Karen opened the door to the room. My finger trailed over my cast, as I looked everywhere other than the bed in front of us. 
"Hey, guys."
My head snaps up at the voice. Damian sounded in pain just to talk. The tears in my eyes were back.
I wasn't gonna cry in front of him.
He deserves better than that.
Damian didn't look like he had just been hit by a car. I don't know how I expected him to look. Maybe completely casted like in the cartoons. Instead, he just looked pale. There was a bandage on the side of his head right by his hairline and his entire left arm was wrapped up and gauzed. 
The side the car hit.
I swallow thickly, trying not to cry.
"You guys don't have to just stand by the door," Damian said with a humorless laugh.
"Right." Karen set me on the table next to the bed and silently waved a quick goodbye.
Despite the slow beeping of the heart monitor, the room felt deafening quiet.
"Hi," I say flatly.
Things were never weird around Damian before. We always knew just what to say to each other and when. But- I was at a loss.
What do you say when your best friend is dying in a hospital bed? 
There's no go-to small talk for that.
"You okay?" Damian asks me. His eyes don't have their usual shine and I force myself to look away.
"You sure? I can't imagine your arm feels great."
"This isn't about me." I cross my arms over my chest, as best I can with the cast. 
"Janis," Damian frowns. "What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? Damian! You're in a hospital bed and you're worried about me." I step backward, blinking violently to stop the tears from falling.
Damian smiled sadly. "I want to make sure you're okay. I'm dying there's nothing they can do."
"Don't say that."
"Janis, it's true."
"But you don't have to say it!" 
Damian doesn't say anything to counter my outburst, he just sits there quietly. 
It's almost worse.
My best friend is dying and I yelled at him.
I'm a shitty friend and a shitty person. 
Damian deserves so much better. So much more.
But I can't give it to him.
All I can do is yell and be a little bitch.
Maybe I shouldn't have come in.
This was a mistake.
I glare down at my boots, almost like it's their fault.
My vision is blurred with tears that I refuse to let fall.
"Jan?" Damian says after a while. 
I look up expecting to see anger because I yelled. Resentment, bitterness, something.
But there was none.
Damian looked at me sadly, more worried if anything.
I step to the edge of the table as Damian reaches out. I can't imagine it doesn't hurt and a familiar pit of guilt forms in my stomach as normal when I'm being a nuisance.
Damian scoops me up gently and I try to ignore how his hands shake underneath me, or how they aren't as warm as normal. I try to ignore the way his face has lost all color. The way his eyes look dull and lost.
I try to ignore the fact that my best friend is fucking dying.
He holds me gently against his chest, something he has done so many times before. Whether it was to watch a movie on a Friday night or for a mid-day nap during the hot summers. But this was different.
His heartbeat was concerningly soft. The comforting beat was faint and dull.
Tears burning in my eyes again as I leaned backward into Damian's cupped hand.
He was dying.
My best friend was dying.
My giant was dying.
Damian was dying.
"I love you, Janis," He whispered, his fingers cupping around me more. "So so much."
It's futile to hold back the tears now. I try unsuccessfully anyway. "I love you too."
There are tears in Damian's eyes too and something about knowing he's crying too makes it so much harder to stop the flow of tears. I cover my mouth as I try to bite back a sob, being wildly unsuccessful. 
"Damian, I can't- I just-" 
My brain can't put together sentences.
Damian is dying.
It's the only coherent thought my brain can make. Like a broken record with the needle stuck on the same part.
Damian is dying. He's gonna die. There's nothing I can do to stop it or help. He's dying.
"Hey," Damian hold's me closer. "You're so strong. You'll be okay. You're the toughest person I know. You've been through so much and you will get through this. Okay? You're so brave and I know you'll be okay. Just promise me you won't do anything stupid."
I don't respond. I can't make that promise. I cant-
"Janis. Please. Do it for me." Damian sounds so feeble, so scared, so broke.
To see Damian, the person who had always been my rock and safe place, the one with the level head who always knew what to do, look as lost as I did-
"I'll try. I promise." 
"Okay." He said softly. We didn't talk for a bit, we just sat there. I tried to convince myself it was like normal. Like any day I'm just held to Damian's chest. 
But it wasn't normal.
His breaths were shallow, my arm ached, and the unspoken goodbyes hung heavy in the room. 
There was a knock at the door after a while. Gretchen stood there. "It's been ten minutes."
"Oh, okay." Damian nodded, bringing his hand away from his chest.
I didn't want to leave.
Not yet.
I thought we had the rest of our lives to hang out. Not we only have a week.
At most.
Ten minutes isn't nearly enough.
"I'll be back tomorrow," I say, hugging his finger. "I love you."
"I love you too, Jan."
I let go and allow myself to get picked up by Gretchen, despite wanting to just stay and cry.
I can't bring myself to look back as we leave. Cady is waiting outside the room and steps in the second Gretchen walks out. 
The rest of the night is a big blur. I slumped against Regina the second I was lowered to one of the tables and for the most part, zoned out. But I couldn't sleep. The events of today flashed before my eyes every time I closed them. 
"Hey, Janis?" Regina nudged me. "You wanna stay with me for the night?"
My initial reaction was to say no and go home, but- 
I thought back to my promise I made to Damian. 
It would be easier not to hurt myself with somebody else around.
Besides, company didn't sound like the worst thing in the world right now. 
"Sure," I say softly. 
Regina stands, pulling me up with her. "Gretch is gonna drive us."
Gretchen lifts both of us as she brings her hand to her shoulder. 
I climb on numbly. My movements feel sluggish, like each limb has a fifty-pound dumbbell attached. 
We wave goodbye to Ms. Hubbard as we leave. She's driving Cady and Aaron home them coming back. Every part of me wanted to ask to stay with her. I know she'd say yes but- she needs time alone with her son.
I can't be selfish.
Karen is also getting a ride home from Gretchen and she holds Regina and I as Gretchen drives. No more on the shoulder when someone drives.
I spend the entire ride looking at my cast. The plastics around me talk but I don't pay attention. They don't expect me to. 
Regina and I get dropped off at the edge of tiny town. Its a bit of a walk to the George's and we treck in silence. 
It's dark out.
The tiny area of Northshore doesn't have many streetlights, but the lights from houses illuminate the sidewalk well enough.
I stop at my house first, grabbing a few things for an overnight trip. 
My parents aren't home.
I'm glad though. If I saw them right now I may start to cry all over again.
I think I've done a pretty good job of bottling up my feelings from today. Not that it's healthy. 
I can't have everyone worrying about me though. We have to worry about Damian. 
Tomorrow felt so far away.
We make it to the Geroge household and Regina turns to me, speaking softly. "I'm gonna go fill my mom in more. You know the way to my room. Make yourself comfy."
I nod, turning to the stairs. I hear Regina and Ms. George talking as I step into Regina's room.
It didn't change much since we were in eighth grade.
Our rooms used to be identically pink. Same bedspread, same pink-themed boy band posters, same fairy lights.
Then the pool party happened. 
My room changed drastically.
Regina's shed the old posters.
I toe off my boots leaving them at the foot of her bed and shed my jacket, letting it fall to the ground next to the books.
I flop back onto the plush mattress, the twinkling canopy of lights above me. 
Turning on my side and bringing my feet up to curl into a ball, I'm mindful of my arm, trying to ignore the way it aches.
If today went as planned- what would I be doing right now?
I'd be with Damian obviously.
My eyelids feel heavy but I can't sleep. I don't want to replay the memories of earlier.
I don't want to even think of the nightmares that could stem from it.
We had been so happy.
I was on Damian's shoulder bickering about him playing more broadway songs.
"Driver gets aux. Not only does the driver get aux, but this is also my car, Jan."
Damian chuckled shrugging his shoulder a bit, making me lose my balance.
Cady grinned at us from the passenger seat. "Today was fun guys!"
"I agree," Karen said.
The skies were turning shades of purple as Damian drove home. The gang had spent the day a couple of towns over just exploring. It was the little things like that where they had the most fun.
Damian flicked on his headlights. "I didn't think we would stay that long." He says honestly.
"Yeah, who knew exploring a town square could be a full-day event!" Aaron said from his spot in Cady's hands.
I grinned leaning against Damian's neck.
The plastics sat in the back seat talking amongst themselves, Damian or Cady occasionally chiming in. 
Despite my very clear opposition to it, show tunes were playing softly through the speakers. 
I look out the driver's side window at all the houses we passed. People sat on front porches talking, others walked their dogs.
We were on the main road so all roads we intersected with had the stop sign, not us.
That made it easier for me as the tiny. I didn't have to worry about stopping short and going flying. 
It happened so fast, none of us really had time to react.
Gretchen made some offhanded remark about the music and how it was "Janis's favorite". 
I scoff, glancing out the window-
-only to see headlights.
I jump, Regina had walked into the room. 
"Sorry, got lost in thought."
"I figured." 
I sat up, swinging my feet over the edge of the bed as Regina sat next to me. "You okay?"
"As okay as I can be."
Regina tsks, wrapping her arm around me and pulling me closer. It's one of those times where you know talking won't do anything so you don't try. 
The headlights.
The impact.
The pain.
It was all slowly catching up.
I look at my arm. "Today didn't feel real."
"I know," Regina said softly. "I know."
My phone rings from where I left it still in my jacket and we both jump.
I fish it out of the pocket, frowning at the caller ID. "It's Damian's mom."
"Pick up."
I raise the phone to my ear, my mind racing through all the possible reasons Ms. Hubbard could be calling.
I just hoped it wasn't-
There was crying on the other end.
"Hello?" I say shakily. 
"Janis, the doctors were wrong. They- he- oh god. Damian-" There's a breath on the other end and I feel like I'm gonna puke from anxiety. "Damian died. He-"
For a second I think I misheard her.
"Wait- what?"
Then there are tears on the other end.
I didn't mishear.
Ms. Hubbard talks some more but-
I'm not listening.
I didn't mishear. I didn't mishear. I didn't mishear.
I had to have misheard.
But I didn't.
The phone in my ear feels like a dull buzz. My brain isn't understanding what Ms. Hubbard is saying.
It didn't make sense.
We were supposed to have a week.
I was supposed to see him tomorrow.
We don't get a tomorrow.
Damian is gone.
The realization clicks and it feels like a punch to the gut.
I sink to the floor, my phone falling out of my hand. Its the least of my worries right now.
The world around me doesn't feel real. It doesn't feel important. I'm vaguely aware of Regina by my side, pulling me into a hug and talking on my phone. 
I'm vaguely aware of the tears falling from my cheeks. I'm vaguely aware of the way they hit Regina's shoulder, the mascara staining the designer fabric.
I don't care enough to pull away.
I don't care at all.
I went from spending the rest of my life with my best friend, to a week, to never seeing him again.
In a matter of hours.
It didn't feel real.
But if it hurt this much when it didn't sink in- then I don't want it to sink in.
Regina placed my phone down, her arms wrapping tightly around me as my body shakes with sobs.
Only four hours ago we were trying out different ice cream flavors a town over.
We were making fun of Gretchen and Regina, posing like basic white girls for the camera. 
But now-
I'm dimly aware of Regina talking but my brain cant process.
Damian's dead.
My best friend.
My other half.
The person who would stand by me for life.
Someone I could always count on.
Someone I love.
Was dead.
"He's gone." I whisper, my voice thick with tears.
"I know." Regina sounds just as broken as I bury my face in her shoulder.
"He can't be gone."
"He is."
We stop talking after that. We're still in the middle of Regina's bedroom floor but the thought of moving right now feels unbearable. 
Doing anything right now feels unbearable.
What's the point?
He's gone.
He's gone. He's gone. He's gone.
It physically hurt.
I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I couldn't breathe.
Each shallow inhale was met with forceful cries.
He's gone.
Regina hugs me tighter as another sob escapes my mouth.
I know it's late and for the sake of others in the George household I should try and quiet down but-
Damian's gone.
I feel a spot of wetness through my shirt and realize- Regina is crying too.
Who wouldn't? Damian is gone.
The mom of the friend group, the light whenever one of us was sad, the only one who was willing to stick up for tinies regardless if he knew them or not. He was sweet to everyone, and always welcoming. 
That was rare in Northshore.
Now it's gone.
Now he's gone.
My mind kept saying it but it didn't feel real.
He couldn't be.
Damian was my rock. I needed him. He needed me. We needed each other. What am I supposed to do now? 
He cared when no one else did.
He made me feel loved and important when no one else would.
Even as I sat here in Regina's arm, I never felt more alone. 
More lost.
Damian was dead.
I wouldn't get to see him tomorrow- I wouldn't get to see him ever again.
"Shhh, I know." Her fingers ran through my hair gently removing the knots from the day. "I know."
But she didn't.
She wasn't there when I hit rock bottom. She wasn't there when Damian was. She didn't know how much I needed him.
I slump into Regina, completely drained of tears. She continues her work on my hair, it would be a lot quicker if she had a brush but- it felt nice.
"I miss him," I say bitterly. With the tears out, I felt angry. Angry at the world for doing this. Angry at the driver for blowing through an intersection. Angry at myself for not doing more. Not being able to do more.
"Hey, stop that." Regina says suddenly, grabbing my nonbroken arm.
I had been scratching my thigh without even thinking about it.
My fishnets were ripped and four long red lines stood in their place.
It didn't come close to breaking the skin, but Regina gently held my hand anyway. "Remember your promise to Damian."
"He wanted to make sure you were okay, no matter what happened. I mean- we all do- but you know Damian."
"Yeah," I say softly. Of course, Damian was more worried about me even-
Even on his death bed.
Because he’s dead now.
He’s gone.
I frown, pulling away from Regina. 
"I'm tired."
She nods. "Okay, you go to bed, I gotta- make a few calls, okay?"
I don't bother to change into the pajamas I brought, I just flop down on Regina's bed.
I can almost hear Damian telling me to change out of my fishnets and remove my contacts and take off my makeup- all the things I should do.
But the second I'm lying down- there's no getting up again.
I don't want to ever get up again.
He's gone.
Damian is gone.
He couldn't be.
It wasn't real.
I had to wake up from whatever hellish nightmare this was.
I look down at my cast.
A painful reminder of reality.
A painful reminder of today.
I twist so I'm on my back with my cast resting on my chest as Regina leaves the room, leaving the door cracked behind her. 
"Hey Cady, I have news. Aaron with you?"
guys- listen. this could be the angstiest shit ever or not at all- ive read it so many times im desensitized. So yeah, sorry if  broke your heart, ill try harder next time if I didnt. now who wants fluff? or tiny swap p2 lmao @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce @sourishlemons
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stardust-revengers · 6 years
[Only you]
Bucky Barnes x reader.
I’m sorry I’m not good at titles skjsjsj
Request: Heelloo! Would you mind doing a Bucky x Reader where the team pranks Bucky into thinking the reader broke up with him?
Word count: 1.9k
Warning: lil angsty?? But fluff ends so dw, uhh also very very bad writing so I warned u
A/n: wowowo M’s posted three one shots in three days are we dead???, no I’m just in winter break so ya know what that means, anyways. I originally was gonna do a friends AU! (Cuz recently I’ve been rewatching it coughcough) and I was gonna do the whole “they broke up but then one ends up surprise proposal” but then I remembered how much I hate proposals so yeah, uhhh I literally changed it last minute and wrote it super quick so I’m sorry if it sucks!! Also! If ya wanna request shit send shit my way because I have nothing better to do 🤠👊🏼
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“What do you mean no?”
The winter soldier stared at the billionaire, tony stark before him with the at most confused look on his face, while the question he just asked still in the air.
“What I meant to say was,,,,no...you can’t take y/n out tonight because she….uh….because she has a mission with uh,, STEVE..yeah”. Tony’s attempt at trying to cover up the real reason he accidentally said out loud, yelled, the word no to something that didn’t even concern him.
“First of all stark you can’t tell me where I can and can not take my girlfriend, second, I didn’t even ask you for permission I was just letting you know we won’t be around tonight and third, why no?” Bucky just continued to get more furious as the conversation went on. Why on earth would stark not want them to go out? Him and the rest of the team were the ones who got Bucky and y/n together six months ago in the first place? And tony doesn’t even like Bucky that much to begin with so why now does it matter?
“Point taken, but like I said she’s busy” tony tried to cover up the real deal that was going on.
Bucky was to say the least confused “why can’t y/n cancel or something, she never mentioned it sooner, and I’m sure Steve will understand we haven’t gone out together in a while and I just want some alone time with her, where is she anyway?”
“You haven’t seen her all day?”
“Uh no actually”
“Huh weird” tony scoffed for effect trying to shift the subject away from y/n
“So how was your day”
Bucky slowly turned toward tony to face him his eyebrow cocked up and his lip twisted into a frown.
“What’s going on?” He asked
“Nothing, why? Why- would you think something is up?”
Bucky eyed tony as his eyes turned to slits
“Because you never ask me how my day is..”
Normally tony wouldn’t give two damns about the soldier, and frankly he didn’t like to admit it but he liked seeing bucky so happy together with y/n.
“I was just asking-“
“Why did you change the subject? Why are you hiding something? I’m a spy stark I know when someone is lying?” Bucky protested against him.
With having nothing to come up with and tony not wanting to spoil y/n’s whole “it’s our anniversary so I want to surprise him, keep him away for the evening” thingy, tony yelled out the first thought that came to mind that would hopefully keep the winter soldier to shut up for a couple more hours and more importantly away from the surprise.
“FINE ya wanna know why you can’t go out or find y/n, because she wants to break up with you! Hey I said it! She was too scared to say anything so she told me to tell you but I didn’t wanna because you are my friend” Tony’s lies build up one on top of the other. For a smart guy he could be pretty dumb, and Bucky wasn’t buying it.
“Bullshit stark, it’s our anniversary and she knows it she’s probably hiding or som-“ Bucky tried to reason with him even though deep down a part of him believed it could be true what tony said.
“I’m not bluffing, ask anyone, look I’m sorry man.” tony tried to fire back with a sarcastic comment but for once he couldn’t think of one, as he looked at Bucky straight in the eyes moving closer to him he saw the sadness overcome the man, he reached out to put an arm on his shoulder only to have Bucky smack it away quicker than lighting.
“I just need to see y/n”
“I- i- don’t think that’s a very good idea” tony knew he overstepped the boundaries and made this shitshow even worse but what came next for some reason was something he couldn’t have expected.
“BECAUSE SHE LEFT ALREADY” tony than covered his mouth with a hand mumbling some things of what seemed to be curse words under his breath.
Bucky looked down at the ground and back at stark for a moment his face was filled with guilt. What did he do? This is his fault. He wasn’t enough for her and now she dropped everything and left him. He should’ve known.
Tony saw the scene happening right in front of him and he knew what Bucky was thinking, he knew he should have kept his mouth shut, of all the things he could’ve said it had to be, “ oh hey by the way your girlfriend left and dumped you hahahah sorry!”
Knowing that the first thing Bucky would wanna do was collapse on his shared room, well ex shared room with
y/n, tony immediately ran in the other direction and contacted Natasha who was with y/n in her room gett no the surprise for bunch ready.
Bucky was blanking, staring at the ground, his mind was rushing with a million thoughts a second, all the reason he thought of why she left and what he could have done to prevent this from happening flushed through his mind, before he knew it a tear was rolling down his cheek. His legs felt like jelly and needed to sit down, he needed to scream and yell and ask y/n so many questions. But all he did was walk to his room to hopefully sleep this off and to wake up fork this nightmare.
Knowing he is too late to go find her and thinking she probably moved on already from him, Bucky didn’t know what was worse the fact that he didn’t tell her how much he loved her before she left or that he didn’t know if he even did anymore after she did.
Y/n was shaking, stark had told her everything, part of her was scared that he left and the part of her was yelling at herself for this dumb idea. Why did she even try to do this? Now he things she left, and doesn’t love him, when by god all she wants to do is hold Bucky and tell him how much she loves him. Natasha was trying to calm y/n down, telling her the situation will get better and they still have a chance to make this right.
The original plan was make Bucky think y/n was off on a mission and for him to come upstairs and find her there with a surprise dinner on the tower roof, but obviously that didn’t work.
Now here y/n and the avengers were trying to fix what happened, Steve was reasonably trying to convince Bucky to go his room and rest and therefore Steve would pull the “im with you till the end of the line, hey how about we go talk about our feelings on the roof“ thing, but Bucky didn’t want to, knowing he’d see y/n stuff in their room and just get upset all over again.
But what Bucky didn't know was that y/n praying she could make this right.
Nat pitched the idea of just going down there and just telling Bucky what happened.
“But that’d ruin what you were working for and your plan?” Wanda tried to explain all the reason why they shouldn’t do that.
Y/n started to think of anyway she could try to get this to work, but all she could think of was the thought that Bucky hates her and never wants to see her again.
“I think at this point I could care less about this damn surprise, all I care about is Bucky right now and holding him, and telling him that I would never ever wanna be with someone other than him, I’d die for him and sacrifice so much for him and he doesn’t even know how much I love him yet, and now I’m never going to be able to tell him that because I fucking messed up the best thing I ever had”.
Y/n didn’t realize how much she went on until she was out of breathe she couldn’t feel her lungs, due to breathing so hard, Wanda and Natasha bother pulled there friend into a hug, for what seemed like ages they stood there in the cold night, the wind blowing through the silence until a voice broke it.
“You love me?” The question came from a voice y/n knew all to well, when she let go of her friends embrace she met eyes with none other than Bucky Barnes himself.
To his right was Steve and tony they somehow got Bucky up to the roof just in time, neither of them expecting to her such a heartfelt speech they were expecting y/n to just run to Bucky arms, and all would be forgiven, but everyone could tell this root was unplanned.
“Buck...I-“ y/n started but let out a deep sigh.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know this would go this way, it was all in a whole plan, I was trying to make it seem like I was not gonna be here for the anniversary and now I ruined it all and I don’t know if you’ll even take me back, because you probably think I’m so stupid to even think this would work out and you probably don’t even wanna be with me-“
Bucky let out a sharp breath as he took y/n’s lips in his and grabbed her waist, while pulling her close, the cold breeze of the New York night was chilling and with a mix of a deep kiss gave y/n a shiver up her spine.
The couple than realized they actually have to let each other go in order to get some more oxygen, Bucky hazed into y/n eyes. The two forgot everyone else was up there watching the scene play out, in that moment it was only them two.
“Doll, I don’t ever wanna be with anyone else but you”
Bucky confessed and took y/n lips in his once more, embracing her.
Their lips cut off as they heard an awkward cough coming from behind Bucky as the source was tony.
“I don’t mean to break this up but,,, you guys aren’t breaking up right? You two are like a thing again?” Tony, and the other avengers up on the rooftop with the couple already knew the answer to that question but they knew they tony only asked that rhetorical question to break the silence, and also maybe to somewhat double check he wasn’t still in deep she about the situation.
“You aren’t off the hook stark” y/n called the avenger out.
“Damn it you two, come on I let you live here for free cut me some slack, you two wouldn’t be a thing if it weren’t for me” tony then turned around with a wave of his hand and left the rooftop, the fellow avengers followed.
All that was left was Bucky and y/n they sat at the edge of avengers tower, looking down at the view of the New York lights and the beautiful city. Embracing one each other in the slightly chilly night Bucky held y/n closely, neither of them ever wanting to let go.
Mutuals I’d die for + taglist: @boohooiamthefool @moonkissedtom @aw-hawkeye @mc-universe @zendayacolemen @zenithzendaya @starksparker @starboyholland @one-curly-spider-boi @likechadwick @xoxojcanne @dej-okay @dtftomholland @screamholland @pietrorunsforme @beautifullydisconnected @fuckyou-imspiderman @the-quackson-claxon @the-quackson-brothers @hollandroos @hollyjollyholland @hollandazing
Ask to be added to my tag list/request something?!
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lookslikechill · 6 years
DW Valentine’s Special
I felt driven to write a little something for Valentine’s Day featuring Alistair Sheep and Miles Crawford, one of the Main couples, or arguably The Main Couple, in my novel-beast wip Daydream Walking.  I’m super happy with how it came out, to the point where I have to include it in my first draft, so I hope you enjoy it too!  Here is a playlist for them, and the writing is below the cut since it is rather long.
Come On Closer by Jem
You sit back now Just relax now I'll take care of you
Marlene On The Wall by Suzanne Vega
Observe the blood, the rose tattoo Of the fingerprints on me from you
Like Real People Do by Hozier
I had a thought, dear However scary
The distance between us It sharpens me like a knife
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! by Cher
In my flat all alone How I hate to spend the evening on my own
Say Amen (Saturday Night) by Panic! At The Disco
Swear to God, I ain't ever gonna repent Mama, can I get another amen?
Shiver by Maroon 5
And I shiver when I hear your name I think about you, but it's not the same
Storm Song by Phildel
I'll send a storm to capture your heart and bring you home.
My Moon My Man by Feist
Take it slow Take it easy on me Shed some light Shed some light on things
The Lightning Strike (What If This Storm Ends) by Snow Patrol
I want pinned down I want unsettled Rattle cage after cage Until my blood boils
NFWMB by Hozier
If I was born as a black thorn tree I'd wanna be felt by you, held by you Feel the power of your hand on me
Bonus Couple Song:  Your Man by Josh Parker Bonus Alistair Song: Little Pistol by Mother Mother Bonus Miles Song: Baby, You’re A Haunted House by Gerard Way
Content Warnings: Mentions of murder and death, some swearing.  Also the presence of a weapon. There is no smut here!!  But there is (hopefully) sexual tension, romance, and a good lot of kissing and touching.  
Alistair was in the small, well-lit break room at the tail end of a long day, with a lit cigarette in his right hand and a cup of joe in his left.  The shape of the room was long and narrow.  One long wall hosted a number of square windows through which the harsh, bright afternoon sunlight shone, while the other was taken up by a kitchen stove and one long counter with cabinets below.  On the stove sat a steaming percolator, on the counter beside the stove sat a wide, heavy ashtray, leaned against the counter next to the ashtray stood Alistair.  
He was tapping ashes off into the ashtray when Miles ambled his way in.  He had a way of moving that captured Alistair’s attention instantly; steady and confident, back straight, shoulders relaxed, pace consistent, like a well-trained hounddog at the height of his career.  Miles settled in front of the stove and into pouring himself some coffee.  “You should come home with me tonight,” he muttered, and jostled Alistair out of his thoughts.  He took a drag off his cigarette as anxiety crawled up his spine.
They had never existed together, intimately, outside of Alistair’s apartment, except for the smallest of hints or touches that could not possibly be seen or heard by another human being.  His apartment was safety, he knew every corner like he knew his own body, he knew the exits, he knew where he kept the knives, and he knew where every single dangerous creak, squeak, or groan existed in the furniture and in the floorboards and in the walls. “No,” he said on an exhale.
“Please,” Miles said without looking at him.  The clacking of the spoon against Miles’ cup as he stirred filled the room.  Was he being that loud on purpose?  Alistair couldn’t help sneaking a look toward the door, wide open to the rest of the department.
“You’ll like it.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Trust me.”  Alistair worked his lips around the end of the cigarette, damp yet firm, and took another drag.  “I’ll pick you up.”
“Fine, you can follow me.  Civilian cars, civilian clothes.”
Alistair hesitated.  Miles slurped coffee out of his mug.  A phone rung somewhere in the building and a car started outside.  Trust me.  He heaved a sigh and put out his cigarette.  “Okay.”  He dropped his voice further and looked Miles in the face for the first time since he’d entered the room.  “Thirty minutes after we’re off duty.  I’ll be parked on Gerard Street.”
Before Miles, with his curls and his staring, seeing eyes, could respond, Sinclair walked his stupid ass into the room, and declared: “Hey, guys!  What’s happening?”
“Murder!” Alistair just barely didn’t yell. “Just talking about murder!”
“Happens all the time,” Miles confirmed grimly as he refilled his cup.  “It’s really very unfortunate.”
Quickly becoming somber, Sinclair nodded.  “It’s true.  It’s very unfortunate.  Anyway, let me in on that coffee action, Crawford.”
At 6:30pm, Alistair was sitting in his Ford on Gerard Street, in regular, soot-gray trousers and jacket.  He’d managed to bathe, mostly to get rid of hat hair, and he hadn’t had a cigarette since dropping into his apartment.  He idly chewed on the inside of his cheek and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel as he scanned the street for Miles Crawford’s cream Hudson.
He stopped tapping and sat up a little straighter when he saw the Hudson turn off of Golding Street onto Gerard.  His car rumbled and chugged around him as Miles drove right past him without making eye contact or at all acknowledging his existence.  When he could see Miles approaching the end of the street in his mirror, he pulled out and around to follow.
His anxiety lessened as he followed Miles through and around city blocks and out into the outer expanses of Port Cassandra.  Soon the ocean and the city alike were obscured by trees both tall and numerous with thick underbrush groveling at their feet.  Not only did Alistair feel calmer, now he was able to feel a spot of anticipation, a spark of excitement about where Miles was leading him.  He had never been to Miles’ home, and he had never heard him speak of it either.
Eventually Miles pulled off the main road onto one both rougher and narrower, and Alistair followed.  The road wound through the trees, and in places the branches reached out and scraped against the sides and roof of his car.  He flinched only because of the noise, not because of the damage.  His car was not one that was in mint condition, nor was it very new.
The trees broke slightly, and through them he could see slivers of ocean, flashes of beach, and, finally, a stout log cabin, all sharp angles and natural grains and colors, yet clearly weathered.  The cream Hudson, light and shiny against the backdrop of the forest, the greenery, and the cabin, pulled up close to what was clearly the cabin’s rear before stopping.  Alistair pulled up alongside and cut the engine.
He got out of his car with some effort.  The slamming of their car doors seemed loud and intrusive out here.  He came around to greet Miles between their two vehicles.  “This is where you live?”  There was a touch of awe to his tone that he did not intentionally put there.  
“Yeah,” Miles said.  He was holding a rather large paper bag in one arm.  He was wearing brown trousers with a blue, casual button-up tucked in.  “My father left it to me when he died.”
“Oh.”  He was a bit shaken by this.  Miles had never spoken of his father before.  “I didn’t know your father was dead.  I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.  He wasn’t a good man.”
That made it the opposite of fine!  Alistair gingerly, slowly stepped close to Miles and set a hand on his shoulder.  Before he could say anything, though, Miles kissed him on the mouth.  He gasped and stepped back, quickly taking stock of their surroundings and seeing . . . no one.  
He turned back to see Miles wearing a shit-eating grin.  “Let’s not talk about that right now.  Come home with me, Alistair.”  
A shiver ran up his spine and he found himself smiling back at him.  “Okay.”
It turned out the bag Miles was carrying contained wine, crackers, cheese, and apples.  Alistair hadn’t thought to bring anything aside from himself and the condoms that lived in the pocket of the jacket he was wearing, so he sliced the cheese and apples and displayed them on a plate with the crackers while Miles filled two glasses with wine.  Of course, filling glasses with wine didn’t take much time, so after that he stood back and watched Alistair work.  And drank wine.  
Alistair still wasn’t used to being watched in a good way.  He was always so worried about being seen and found out.  “What are you looking at?”  He asked as he set the dirtied knife and cutting board into the sink in the cabin’s kitchen.  The inside of the cabin was small but clean and cozy.  In the living room there was a wide, short couch with a matching coffee table.  
“You,” Miles said as Alistair walked past and set the plate of crackers, cheese, and fruit next to the open bottle of wine and his own waiting glass.  “The look on your face, determined. The way you do things.  It’s very . . . “  His voice was breathy, low and loose.  “Effective.”
Alistair picked up his glass in one hand and stood up straight, looking Miles in the face.  Dark eyes, relaxed and calm, stared back at him.  “Yeah?”
Miles pushed off the wall he was laying his weight against and came around the coffee table.  He laid a hand against Alistair’s chest and pushed gently.  “Yeah.  Sit down, relax.”
Alistair obeyed.  Miles wiggled himself into the space between him and the arm of the couch, and threw his arm over Alistair’s shoulders.  “Drink,” he said into Alistair’s ear, his hot breath ghosting over the side of his face and the smell of wine hitting his nose.
He made physical effort to relax as he took a long sip of red wine.  He leaned into Miles and relaxed into the couch.  “I feel you have done all the work here,” he admitted, eyes on the wine wobbling in his glass.
“Not all of it,” Miles said, so close to him.  “Just most of it.  But don’t worry about it, I chose to do the work.  I just wanted to get you out here, I thought you would like it.”
He sighed, trying to expel the shreds of tension that fought so valiantly to cling to the inside of his chest.   He took another sip of wine and turned his face to Miles’.  “I do like it.”  He leaned more heavily into Miles, practically laying all the weight he could on him, and looked him in the eye before downing the entire glass of wine.  He set the glass gently on the table, beside the bottle, with a small ‘clink’.  “I just need you to fuckin’ kiss me before I have to go smoke a cigarette.”
Miles cradled his face with one hand and kissed him.  It was a gentle, soft, close-lipped kiss.  It was the sort of kiss Alistair remembered giving and receiving for the first time as a teenager.  Then, it was an experiment.  Now, it was a taunt.  
Alistair turned his head, opened his mouth, and Miles pulled back.
“Wait,” Miles said.
“I love you.”
For a long moment, he was thrown speechless.  He probably looked like a deer in the headlights, or like an idiot, or maybe both.  He wasn’t expecting it- although, if he were to think about it, it wasn’t surprising from Miles.  And it wasn’t like he had never thought about how he felt about Miles, sex aside.  There was a lot to their interactions now that could not be discounted as just . . . buddies helping each other out.
Like the wine and the cheese on the table, and the way Alistair had made sure he didn’t have disgusting cigarette mouth before he got here, and how Miles had practically negotiated him out here because he thought he would like it.  Thought he would like it- no, Miles thought he could relax here.  And he was right.
He leaned forward and pressed one more chaste kiss to Miles’ lips, and then another to his cheek.  “I love you too,” he whispered against his skin, and shivered, but he wasn’t cold.
He felt Miles exhale, heavy and fast, like he was relieved, and then he was laughing a bit under his breath and his arms were tight around Alistair and he was kissing up his neck and nibbling his beard.
“Oh, my God,” Alistair managed, and he wasn’t unhappy.  He was smiling again.  He looked out at the darkening sky through the cabin windows, and he saw the trees, and he heard the night distantly.  He could not deny that this felt nice.
“I thought you’d freak out,” Miles admitted with his face pressed into Alistair’s shoulder.  There was humor in his voice, though it was a legitimate concern.  
“Yeah, well, I didn’t,” he muttered.
Miles lifted his head and kissed him, and this time his mouth was open.  He tasted like wine.  His tongue was clever and his teeth were careful.  Alistair’s mouth was his for the taking.
Alistair surged out of his grasp, but only to throw himself into his lap.  He tossed his bad leg over Miles and shoved his right foot against the floor to push himself into position.  They only ceased kissing for the moment it took him to reposition.
He ran his hands up Miles’ neck and into his short, curly hair, cradling the back of his neck.  He felt Miles’ hands on his waist, massaging their way down through his clothes.  He bit gently at his lower lip, and Miles gasped.
“Alistair!”  He exclaimed, and pulled his gun out of its holster at his hip.  “Really?”
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exosmutxoxo · 8 years
Dangerous Woman (Part 2) 🌙
A/N: I’ve finally uploaded the second part of DW after a trillion years so I apologize to everyone for the long wait! In this second part, there’s no smut but there is plenty of angst and drama and emotional turmoil (I promise more smut in future parts). Also, I added in Luhan’s POV to make the fic more interesting! Enjoy this, and remember to leave some feedback in the ask box at the end of it! x
Pairing(s): Luhan x Reader
Warnings: Some violence near the end (on the reader’s part) and just angst all the way
Genre: Angst
Requested: No
Summary: Luhan and call-girl! Reader battle with their own emotions when it comes to falling for each other.
Word Count: 5886
Soundtrack: I Don’t Wanna Live Forever // Zayn, Taylor Swift
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By the time I wander through the double doors of the brothel where all of this call-girl nonsense started years ago, the tears I’ve been trying to hold back for the past hour finally spill over, causing my ‘waterproof’ mascara to leak down my cheeks horribly.
Dragging my bag of discarded lingerie, cat ears and handcuffs behind me, I suck back a mournful gasp as I keep my head down, too humiliated to let any of the other lingering call-girls catch a glimpse of my beaten-down form. Thankfully, nobody takes notice of me as I speed-walk to where Sehun is comfortably seated behind the receptionist’s desk as always, his feet propped up on the table as he taps away at his phone enthusiastically.
Upon hearing the shuffling of my feet, my best friend lifts his head with that oh-so-comforting grin of his, parting his lips to say hi. But his cheery demeanour drops as soon as he catches sight of the state I’m in, with my tangled hair and teary eyes and ugly black lines of mascara running down my face.
Bolting upright, Sehun plonks his phone on the table and puts his feet back down on the ground, holding out his arms to me. “Oh, (Y/N)”, he says softly, “what happened? Was the sex that bad?”
I give a watery laugh through my sobs, dumping my bag by the desk and hurling myself into his arms. Immediately, his hands start stroking themselves down my hair protectively, rocking me back and forth. “Did he hurt you?” He demands, pulling me back to stare me right in the eye with an air of severity.
I shake my head, blinking at him through the fresh tears flooding my vision. “Sehun”, I hiccup, “what’s it like being in love?”
Now it’s his turn to blink at me bewilderedly, confusion clouding his features. “What do you mean?” He asks gently, ruffling my hair affectionately. “Haven’t you ever experienced the ‘butterflies-in-tummy’ feeling?”
“No”, I admit, sniffling. “Do men feel that if they like a girl?”
“Yes. Well, that depends on the man. For me, it’s more like the whole fucking zoo in me whenever I see the person I’m in love with”.
“If I give a man better sex than I’ve been giving him, will that make him love me?”
The confusion in Sehun’s eyes melts into shock, then gradually morphs into sparks of anger. “Don’t you ever think about that”, he hisses, grabbing me by both arms and giving me a gentle throttle. “Don’t you ever confuse sex with love, (Y/N). You’re worth so much more than your sex drive. Don’t ever let a man -or anybody, for that matter- tell you that sex equates to love. If a man loves you, he’ll love you for you and not your blowjob abilities”.
“But that doesn’t apply for me”, I shoot back hoarsely. “I’m worth nothing. I’m just a cock sleeve, I’m just somebody men use for their pleasure. I’m not somebody people look at and think ‘Oh, I think I’m in love with this girl’. Instead, all they think is, ‘Oh, I wonder how many dicks she can take at one go’. I’m just a fucking toy, Sehun”.
“Who’s the lucky guy who stole your heart?” Sehun asks matter-of-factly, resting his hands on my shoulders fleetingly and gazing at me sternly.
I turn away moodily, wiping at my eyes with the back of my wrists. Black smudges of mascara are left behind on the skin, and I internally cringe at what an awful sight I must be. “How’d you know?” I sigh.
My best friend clucks his tongue in response. “Ah, (Y/N), you’re such a cinnamon roll. I’ve known you for years now. And you’ve never ever come back to the brothel with tears in your eyes and an existential crisis until today. I’ve always admired you for easily drawing a line between your feelings and your job and I would be lying if I said that I’ve never questioned how you make it seem so easy. And today, you come back in this state so it’s no mystery that something’s bugging you”.
I rest my cheek against his broad shoulder exhaustedly, closing my eyes. “This is why you’re my best friend”.
“So spill”, he presses. “Finally accepted your feelings for Luhan, huh?”
“Just because I came back bawling my eyes out after having sex with him doesn’t mean I’m in love with him”, I retort defensively, feeling my cheeks warm up at the prospect of actually falling in love with one of my clients.
“Oh please”. Sehun scoffs. “I’ve seen the way your eyes light up whenever you realize the client on the phone is him. I’ve seen the way you excitedly bolt for the door whenever it’s time to meet him and I’ve especially noticed how you have that creepy little smile on your face when you roll up in here with your hair all mussed and lipstick smudged. It would be disgusting if it wasn’t so fucking cute”.
He earns a punch on the shoulder for his teasing, to which he openly chuckles in the midst of his wincing. “It’s true”, he insists. “Look at my little cinnamon roll, all grown up and falling in love. How’s Luhan like as a person? I’ve seen him a couple of times and I must say that he’s pretty hot. Would date him in a heartbeat if he wasn’t so caught up with you”.
Biting my lip, I consider Sehun’s question very carefully. How is Luhan like as a person? A slideshow of memories I’ve shared with him for the past few years starts playing in my mind, lazily flicking from one moment to the next. In my mind’s eye, I zoom in on the memory of meeting him for the very first time. And that’s when it all started.
3 years ago
“So how does the client look like?” I ask Sehun, leaning against his desk with my chin propped in the palm of my hand.
My best friend turns his laptop screen in my direction, giving me a clearer view of the typed words on it. “This is his description”, Sehun explains, tapping the end of his pencil against the screen thoughtfully. “Surprisingly, he agreed to disclose a shitload of information about himself. Either he’s really generous and he’s just a narcissistic prick”.
That earns a slap at the back of his head from me, to which he sulkily pouts in response. “Don’t be so mean”, I chastise him. “More information is better than no information”.
“That’s true”, my best friend admits. “I want to fully know who this bastard is before I let my little cinnamon roll go wild with him. This is your first time, after all”.
I scoff. “I’m not a kid, Sehun. I can take care of myself”.
“That’s what they all say”, he mutters under his breath.
Ignoring his snide remark, I lean forward to squint at the screen for the neatly typed information, silently processing everything and tucking them in the deep recesses of my mind for future reference.
Client’s Name: Lu Han
Occupation: CEO of Lu Corporations
Amount willing to pay for (Y/N)(Y/L/N)’s services: $2000/session
Brief Description of Client:
Black hair                                         
Slim figure                       
Height of 1.78m/5���10’’
Once I’m done processing the information, I wrinkle my nose thoughtfully. “I like men with black hair”, I remark randomly, plucking a lollipop from the nearby sweet bowl and unwrapping it, popping it into my mouth as Sehun swats at me pettily.
“That’s all you noticed?” My best friend yelps incredulously. “Did you see the money he’s willing to offer you? Plus, he’s the fucking CEO of Lu Corporations. Jesus, (Y/N), you’ve hit the jackpot with this one and it’s only the first client. You’re off to a magnificent start, you cinnamon roll”.
I run the tip of my tongue over my lollipop absentmindedly, only half listening to what Sehun has to say. In my head, a million thoughts are racing through a mile per minute; anxious thoughts, nervous thoughts, excitement. However, instead of fretting over the more important stuff like the fact that I’m having sex with a stranger for the first time in my life, I’m worrying about the more irrelevant details, like if this Luhan chap has proper genital hygiene or if he smells bad. Having sex with an unknown man is bad enough but having sex with one who smells like he hasn’t bathed in a week makes the entire situation worse.
“(Y/N)? How are you feeling?” Sehun’s probing question draws me out of my wandering thoughts, forcing me to blink up at him blankly. An expression of concern lingers on his facial features, his hand closing over mine. “Nervous?” He adds lightly, although the severity of the word gives him away.
I pull the lollipop out of my mouth hesitantly, contemplating on how to respond. “Better sooner than later”, I eventually find myself saying. “I have to start somewhere, anyway”.
“Well, if anything goes wrong”, Sehun begins, producing a Swiss knife from the pocket of his skinny jeans and pressing it into the palm of my hand, “you know what to do”.
With a grin, I close my fingers around the tiny weapon and tuck it safely into my own pocket, planting a fleeting kiss on Sehun’s cheek. “This is why you’re my best friend”, I coo, before sliding off his desk and waving goodbye to him as I proceed to embark on my first appointment.
“Be careful!” My best friend yells after me, to which I respond with a dismissive wave and a playful grin before disappearing out of the double doors of the brothel, my backpack of condoms, sex toys and brand new lingerie slung over one shoulder.
Flicking a quick glance at my watch, the timing on it reads 6:45pm, which leaves me with exactly fifteen minutes to get to the destination I’d hastily scribbled on the back of my wrist when Sehun read it out to me earlier on.
Nerves start to bubble up in me as the time crawls by and as I finally arrive at the entranceway of the hotel where I’m supposed to meet Luhan at. Eventually, the minute hand on my watch flicks over to twelve, indicating that it’s exactly 7pm. And at the exact second, I hear a husky voice call my name from behind.
Upon turning around, I catch sight of the man who matches the exact description I read on Sehun’s computer screen. And the very man I’m going to be spending the next three years with.
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I peer up at him bashfully. “Mr Lu?”
Ever since Luhan set foot back into the building of Lu Corporations eight hours ago after waking up alone in an empty hotel room with an equally empty bed, the coldness in his heart hasn’t thawed. Even when he drowned himself in the mountains of paperwork, dealt with his stupid colleagues and their useless meetings, made countless number of phone calls to various drug dealers back in China and thrown his entire workaholic self into focusing entirely on business matters, he finds himself clinging onto the aftertaste of the sex he’d received the night before.
All he can think of is (Y/N). (Y/N) in her sexy lingerie. (Y/N) and her cat ears. (Y/N) and her little ‘dangerous woman’ obsession. (Y/N)’s uproarious laughter whenever he tells her a joke. Just (Y/N).
He can’t get enough of her, no matter how many appointments he books with her and no matter how many times he drops her a call for a night of fuck-fun. Ever since he roused from his slumber this morning and realized that she was already long gone with only the faint scent of flowery perfume lingering on the pillows, a seed of frustration had planted itself in Luhan’s chest and it’s been nothing but growing for the past many hours.
In all the years he’s been sleeping with her, he has never ever woken up feeling so unfulfilled and explicably horny. So with the image of her in his mind, he’d taken his half-erect cock in his own hand and started stroking himself feverishly to quell the developing heat pooling in the pit of his stomach. He’d jerked himself off until his hand cramped up, until his arm ached and until he’d cursed out one too many profanities in Mandarin before he gave up, falling back against the pillows and trembling with humiliation that he couldn’t even come on his own anymore.
Silently admitting defeat to himself, he’d forced himself out of bed, took a long shower and got ready to head down to Lu Corporations to begin another mundane day of work. And all day, throughout the workload and meetings and phone calls, his dick has been playing merry hell with him, growing hard one moment and falling flat the next.
Now, at nine in the evening, Luhan has given up on his attempts of jacking himself off in the privacy of his own office and proceeds to don on his suit jacket and abandon his paperwork, locking up the office and wandering down to the parking lot to get into his Lamborghini. Once he’s settled in the silent comfort of his luxurious car, that’s when the cold reality of loneliness starts to hit him right in the face and to his utter shame, a tidal wave of saltwater flood his eyes.
Bending over the steering wheel, he presses the heel of his hands against the tears, blotting them away and busying himself by starting the engine, listening miserably to it as it purrs to life. What the fuck is the point of having such a luxurious car when you have nobody to sit with you in the passenger seat? What is the point of having everything, the wealth and the power and the good looks when you have nobody to celebrate them with, to laugh at your atrocious jokes which nobody else seems to understand, to be there for you when the whole world isn’t?
Blinking away the tears, Luhan reverses out of the parking lot and presses his foot down on the accelerator, adrenalin bleeding through his veins as he whizzes in and out of the heavy traffic expertly, only one person on his mind. After spending three years of dropping by the brothel where (Y/N) lives in her own private bedroom on the top floor, he knows the routes by heart. It’s not very often that he drops by the sex shack, but on the occasions which he does, it’s usually to drop something off at the receptionist’s desk, which is normally one of (Y/N)’s belongings she left behind in his hotel room, such as her handphone or one of her weird sex toys.
Over the years, Luhan picked up on some interesting facts about his call-girl from Sehun the receptionist, who coincidentally happens to be her best friend. The drug lord learnt that the petite call-girl never got round to actually buying an apartment of her own, despite the thousands in her bank account. Sehun speculates that she sees the brothel as her real home, considering the fact that it’s the one place that provided her with a job in the first place. Plus, she managed to snag one of the bedrooms at the top floor, which is safe from the rest of the sexual activity occurring on the lower floors, so why not stay here and directly down the corridor from Sehun’s room himself?
Although Luhan has never actually visited (Y/N)’s bedroom, he’d always fantasized about doing so. Are her walls painted a deep sensual red? Or is she more of a pastel person? Does she sleep in her oldest PJs or does she keep her lingerie on in case she receives a late-night call?
Even Sehun, as her ‘bestest friend on this entire God-crafted earth’ as the receptionist proudly claimed to be, has no idea about (Y/N)’s bedroom life (in a non-sexual sense). Sure, she has clients who request to have a session with her in the privacy of her own room and she accepts them readily but other than that, Luhan has no clue about her normal day-to-day life.
So he’s on his way to find out.
Pulling up at the kerb outside the building of the brothel, the drug lord kills the engine and slips out of the car. Making his way through the double doors, he immediately spots Sehun behind the receptionist’s desk as usual, feet propped up on the tabletop lazily as he taps away on his laptop keyboard furiously.
Clearing his throat pointedly, Luhan observes as the receptionist frantically slams his laptop shut and lifts his head sheepishly, gazing up at the drug lord with a honey-like smile on his features. “Mr Lu!” The younger man gawps enthusiastically. “Didn’t expect to see you here tonight. How may I help you?”
“Is (Y/N) in now?” Luhan asks matter-of-factly. “I want to see her”.
Perhaps it’s the drug lord’s eyes playing tricks on him but he’s very certain that a gleeful smirk crosses Sehun’s features for a second before it disappears without a trace. “I’ll drop her a call. She’ll be down in a minute, not to worry”.
“No”. The drug lord deadpans, causing the young receptionist to freeze up in his swivel chair nervously. “I want to go up to her room. That is, if she doesn’t have any other clients to entertain tonight”. The icy authority in Luhan’s voice sends Sehun scrambling for the phone on the desk, bobbing his head obediently.
“Oh, wow. I mean, yes sir. Right away”, the receptionist gabbles, hitting a few buttons on the phone and sitting back in his chair as the dialling tone fills the air. In a matter of seconds, a familiar chirpy voice pipes out of the speaker.
“What’s up, secretary boy?” (Y/N) asks breezily.
“A client is here to see you”, Sehun explains, his questioning gaze flicking up at Luhan, who raises an eyebrow expectantly. “Is it alright if I send him up to your room now?”
“Send him right up”, the energetic call-girl responds. “Who is it, by the way?”
Sehun hesitates for a split second, before parting his lips to answer. “You’ll find out”.
“Seriously? Are you seriously playing a guessing game with me now? What if it’s Mr Kyungsoo? I’ll need to prepare some food because you know how freaky he gets with his food kink. Or Mr Junmyeon? You know how much he loves classy lingerie and Minseok tore my recent one last week while he was manhandling me-”
“I’m hanging up, cinnamon roll”, Sehun cuts (Y/N)’s rambling off abruptly, glancing up at an amused Luhan sheepishly. “Your client will be with you in a few”. With that, the line goes dead as the receptionist puts the phone down, emitting a low whistle as he does so.
Almost immediately, a smartly-dressed young man appears from around the corner, bowing to Luhan respectfully. “Kim Jongin at your service, Mr Lu. Please follow me”, the man instructs, offering up a sincere smile at the drug lord.
With that, Luhan trails after Jongin while Sehun calls out a cheery goodbye from his desk, to which the receptionist goes completely unnoticed. Jongin leads the drug lord down a carpeted hallway, sultry lighting filling the corridor classily and illuminating the atmosphere. Elevators come into view, pinging occasionally. As the two men await the arrival of the next lift, Luhan turns to the younger man with raised eyebrows. “Does every call-girl here have her own butler?” He asks flatly.
Jongin shakes his head, hands clasped in front of him. “Only the in-demand girls have butlers. (Y/N) is one of them”.
Luhan says nothing to this and to his utter surprise, a spark of possessive jealousy rises up in him. Irritably shaking it off, he steps into the elevator with Jongin on his heels, silently observing as the young butler jabs the button for the seventh floor.
Seven. Luhan’s favourite number.
The two men say no more to each other, Jongin keeping a respectable distance even as the elevator doors part and he leads the drug lord down another carpeted hallway to (Y/N)’s room at the very end of the corridor. Unlike the other floors on the lower levels, the corridor here is completely deserted and eerily quiet, the doors of the various rooms closed with no light shining out from beneath them.
“Who else lives on this floor?” Luhan finds himself questioning, unable to quell the rising curiosity in him.
“Besides (Y/N), only Sehun”, Jongin replies. “The other rooms are empty, reserved for any other call-girls who are lucky enough to earn as much as (Y/N) to pay the rent of these rooms. So far, nobody has been blessed with the gift of successful business like (Y/N) is”.
Not blessed, the drug lord thinks to himself grimly. She worked her ass off for this.
Soon, the two men are standing in front of the closed room door at the end of the hallway. Unlike the other rooms, there is light shining brightly from beneath the door of this one, the soft strains of ‘Dangerous Woman’ audible enough for Luhan to hear. A smile crosses the drug lord’s lips for a fleeting second as he fondly recalls the previous night of mind-blowing sex.
Jongin leans in to speak into the intercom. “(Y/N), a client is here to see you”.
The intercom crackles noisily, accompanied by (Y/N)’s upbeat chirp. “Thanks, Jeeves. Send him in”.
Jongin turns to Luhan expectantly, nodding at the door. “Enjoy your time, Mr Lu”.
“Thanks”, Luhan mutters dismissively, not even noticing as the butler drops to a bow and scurries down the corridor and back to the elevators. The drug lord takes a deep breath, then twists the door handle and pushes it open, stepping into unfamiliar territory. He is welcomed by a whoosh of perfume-scented air and pretty pastel pink walls, as well as the ravishing sight of (Y/N) seated on her bed with her legs crossed as she spoons ice-cream into her mouth enthusiastically, her attention fixated on the screen of the laptop in front of her.
She’s dressed in an oversized button-down shirt, the buttons undone to provide outsiders with a teasing glance of the lacy black lingerie she’s wearing underneath. Her dark hair is whipped back into a sloppy bun, her face free of her usual cake of makeup. And she looks absolutely beautiful.
She lifts her head, ready with a beaming smile. Then it fades away upon catching sight of Luhan himself lingering in the doorway, an expression of surprise replacing her cheery grin. With a tinge of pink dusting her cheeks, she places the bowl of ice-cream on the nearby side table and scrambles to her feet with a flustered air. “Mr Lu”, she stammers hurriedly, “I didn’t expect you to be here”.
Luhan quirks up a smile at her innocence, taking a step further into the room. “Why not?”
She drops her gaze to the carpeted floor sheepishly, nibbling on her lower lip anxiously and the drug lord would be lying to himself if he said that the seductive sight of her doesn’t send a rush of heat down to the area between his legs. “Well”, she begins hesitantly, “after last night, I didn’t expect you to be back so soon”.
The drug lord parts his lips to answer but she’s already rambling on, realization settling across her features. “Ah…” She murmurs with an air of understanding, gazing up at him with half-lidded eyes. “I didn’t satisfy you enough last night. My apologies, sir. I’ll make up for it tonight”.
Luhan’s eyes widen at the misunderstanding, watching numbly as she lowers herself down in front of him, her knees tucked beneath her as she sits back on her heels and stares up at him mournfully. Normally, the sight of a woman on her knees for him would give his ego a huge boost but this time, all he feels is sad and confused, unsure of why he’s feeling so conflicted suddenly.
“(Y/N)”, he commands, “stand up”.
She adheres to his order, although refusing to meet his eye and maintaining her submissive silence. And in that brief moment, Luhan feels a sharp pang in his heart for some foreign reason. “Look, don’t misunderstand”, he explains gently, staring at the side of her face a little too hard and trying to get her to look at him, which she stubbornly refuses to do so. “Last night was amazing. But I’m not here for another round”.
“You’re not?” She asks incredulously, although more to the floor rather than to him. Her lips pinch together tightly after that, her features contorting defensively. “Was I that bad last night?”
Laughter explodes from Luhan’s lips at her accusation and he reaches out to grab her shoulders kindly, pulling her close to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. She jerks her head up to stare at him with bewilderment, a blush dusting her fair cheeks prettily. “Far from bad”, the drug lord murmurs in response. “I…I’m just here for you instead. Can we talk?”
His words tumble out clumsily, nothing like the cool and composed way he rehearsed in his head on the way to the brothel earlier on. Somehow, he can feel himself crumbling to ash whenever he’s in front of (Y/N), nothing like the cold and cynical and confident businessman the world views him as.
(Y/N) freezes up at his words, an impassive mask falling over her pretty face as she instantly shuts herself off. “Mr Lu”, she says quietly, “with all due respect, I would have to turn down your request. I’m a call-girl, not a therapist”.
Luhan would be impressed by her unwavering attitude if he wasn’t so sore from her declination. “(Y/N), please-”
This time, she looks him right in the face with what looks like tears glistening in her eyes like tiny diamonds. “It goes against work ethics”, she whispers urgently, rapidly blinking away the saltwater from her eyes.
“I won’t tell”, Luhan whispers back. “Don’t cry, (Y/N). What’s wrong?”
“Nothing”. She presses the heel of her wrists against the tears, hastily wiping them away. “Please, Mr Lu. I can’t…I can’t talk to you right now. I’m sorry”.
“Luhan”, the drug lord corrects her sternly. “Just call me Luhan. No need for formalities right now”.
“You can’t just act all chummy after three years of sleeping with me”, she retorts, sniffling feverishly. “It doesn’t work that way. I’m not a friend you can run to whenever you need to talk. I’ll let you stay only if you want to have sex with me. I’m sorry, but that’s how it works”.
“(Y/N), I don’t want sex!” Luhan blows up abruptly, panic and desperation and frustration flooding through him like a tsunami. And once he starts, he can’t hold back anymore. “I didn’t come all the way here for sex. I came here because I…I missed you”.
His dramatic dialogue startles both of them, prompting (Y/N) to take a step back as she closes in within herself. “You don’t mean that”, she whispers frantically, more to herself rather than to him. “You don’t know what you’re talking about”.
“Oh, I fucking do”. Luhan is on a roll now, his own stubborn streak taking over his entire form. “You have no idea, kitten. I want you, even without the sex. I came all the way here for you, to spend time with you without the sex toys, without the handcuffs, without the dirty talking and without the kinks. And now that I’m here, you’re not going to fucking chase me out. I always get what I want, in case you haven’t noticed that for the past three years”.
“Oh, fucking hell. You’re impossible”, (Y/N) mutters to herself.
As if on cue, a faint meow fills the air and Luhan feels something soft and warm wrap itself around his shoe. Glancing down, he spots a ginger-brown cat kneading at the hem of his suit pants and purring contentedly as it does so, its little head nuzzling against his leg happily. “You have a cat?” The drug lord asks excitedly, squatting down to give the little animal a light scratch behind its ears, to which it mewls elatedly in response.
The earlier tension evaporates instantly as (Y/N) bends down to scoop the cat into her arms, giving its tummy a light tickle. “Yeah”, she admits. “He’s actually pretty ferocious when my other clients pay a visit and it doesn’t end prettily. They usually leave with ugly scratches and bites, and those scratches and bites are not from me”.
The cat hisses at the word ‘clients’ and buries its face against (Y/N)’s shoulder, its tail flicking back and forth, to which Luhan grins at. “Cats are my weakness”, the drug lord explains. “In fact, I have three of my own”.
That catches the call-girl’s attention and she gazes at him eagerly. “Really? Can I see them someday?”
“Of course. What’s your cat’s name?”
(Y/N)’s cheeks flush at the question and she averts her gaze immediately, coughing guiltily. “Uh…I named him ‘Lu’, after you”, she mumbles hastily, pretending to be preoccupied with stroking the cat’s head. It purrs happily at its name, headbutting the call-girl chin’s excitedly.
The drug lord lifts an eyebrow in amusement. “You named your cat after me? Why’s that?”
“That’s a story for another time”, she chirps, releasing her hold on Lu and allowing him to pad over to his basket at the other end of the room, curling up into a ball and dozing off into dreamland immediately. “But since Lu loves you”, she adds, “I’ll let you stay. Although I have no idea why you would want to in the first place, considering the fact that I’m the most boring person alive and my room is as messy as my life. Plus, I look like shit”.
Luhan rolls his eyes with a scoff. “Boring? You? No way. As for your room? I’d pick it over any hotel room any day”.
(Y/N) hums in response, not saying anything more as she scrambles to her feet and heads over to a little refrigerator positioned near Lu’s basket. Pulling it open, she rummages around for a while before producing an unopened bottle of red wine, brandishing it proudly. “Care to have a drink with me?” She requests sweetly.
There is no doubt about it; Luhan is down for anything this girl wants to do. Guess he can blame it on a stupid little thing called love.
I knew that letting Luhan stay for the night is going to be a huge, un-erasable mistake. When he first turned up at my door four hours ago, my first instinct was to send him straight out due to the fear of falling for him even more. As much as I tried to convince him that it was ‘against work ethics’ to treat a client like a friend, neither of us were convinced by my cock-and-bull story. I wanted him and no matter how sad and scared I was when I thought about my feelings not being reciprocated, I couldn’t bring myself to give a fuck the moment I saw how much my cat loves him too.
It may sound pretty dumb, but I trust Lu’s instincts a lot. In all the years clients have been dropping by to pay me a visit, he hisses and snarls at each and every one of them, even at Mr Junmyeon who made the effort to bring tinned cat food. So when I saw how Lu snuggled up to Luhan, I knew I couldn’t afford to let Luhan go.
So here we are, curled up in each other’s arms in my bed with wineglasses in our hands. And as far as my foggy head can comprehend, we’re both nearly gone. Not that I mind; in fact, I’m really enjoying myself in Luhan’s presence and company, and the relaxed, hazy state I’m in. The wine is starting to kick in, making me bolder and braver than I usually am, so I entwine myself around his torso daringly, kissing a path from his collarbone and up to the shell of his ear.
“Who the hell do you think you are?” I slur lazily, carding my fingers through his tousled hair. “Walking into my life and making me fall for you?”
Luhan turns his head a fraction, a glazed look in his eyes as he presses his lips against my temple. “I could say the same for you”, he whispers, trapping me in between his arms and hovering over me tauntingly. “Why are you torturing me like this, (Y/N)? Why can’t I have you all to myself?”
“Make me yours, then”, I mumble absentmindedly, slipping my arms around him and holding him close. “I want to belong somewhere. I want to belong to somebody”. The tears rush to me quickly, combined with the effects of the alcohol and I feel nothing but misery. “Oh god, Luhan. Make me yours, please. I’m so lonely, you have no idea”.
“I know, (Y/N)”, he coos gently, burying his nose in the crook of my neck. “I’m so lonely only for you. I see you around in all these empty faces and it fucking hurts. (Y/N), I-I think I’m in love with you”.
That’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back. I bolt upright, draw my hand back and slap him fresh across the face as hard as I can, trembling as the tears track down my face. Luhan touches the reddening skin of his cheek, mouth hanging open in shock as he stares at me with a perplexed expression on his face. Hurt glimmers in his eyes and as much as my heart aches for him, I don’t apologize.
“Don’t you dare lie to my face so blatantly”, I hiss venomously. “In love with me? Take your love and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine because I don’t fall for that shit. None of you love me. You’re all the same, fucking horny men who use me as a cock sleeve for all your fucking pleasure. The only thing you’re in love with is the way I suck you off. So don’t come at me with that fuckery because I don’t believe a word of it”.
With that, I snatch the wineglass from his grasp and shove him off the bed, my fury blinding me and causing me to see red. “Get out, Luhan”, I spit. “Get out, go home and jack off by yourself because I am sick and tired of pleasing all of you horny men”.
“(Y/N), wait!” Luhan protests, grabbing onto my arm to hold me down but I lash out instead, losing myself in a drunk haze.
“Fucking leave, Luhan!” I scream, yanking the door open and shoving him out of the room. He stumbles out, turning around to argue with me but I don’t give him the chance to. Without waiting for a response, I slam the door shut and make my way to the bed, burying my face in the pillows as I cry my eyes out to my heart’s content.
Guess I can blame it on a stupid little thing called love.
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