#i just want the stinky bastard man to have a good day man
holylulusworld · 2 months
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Summary: Lloyd is livid.
Pairing: Alpha!Lloyd Hansen x Omega!Reader
Warnings: a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, fluff, daddy Lloyd, a hint of lactation kink, Lloyd being Lloyd
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Lloyd is livid. He huffs and runs his index finger over his mustache.
There he is the bastard daring to steal his omega. His concurrent looks at Lloyd, and even winks at the alpha.
“How dare he!” He grits his teeth. “I can’t believe him.”
You giggle at his possessive behavior. “Lloyd, it’s not like that. Baby, just calm down.”
“No, I won’t calm down,” he growls and points his index finger at the young man stealing your attention. “He’s younger, that’s it. Huh? I knew the little grey in my hair would turn you off. You will exchange me, your alpha, for him!”
This time, you roll your eyes. “Stop being overdramatic, Lloyd. No one wants to replace you, alpha.”
He stands a little straighter when you address him with his presentation. Lloyd puffs his chest and struts toward you.
“I never was overdramatic,” he harrumphs. “I only want that little shit to know, this is my omega he tries to…” His features darken when you unbutton your blouse. “What are you doing?” He licks his lips, his eyes glued to your chest. “Cupcake, do not tempt me!”
You sigh deeply and exasperated. “Lloyd, stop making a fuss. I need to focus on,” you groan as Lloyd tugs at your bra. “LLOYD!” You slap his hand away. “Don’t ruin my bra. You destroyed more than enough over the years. I can’t believe you sometimes.”
“But—” he pouts and tries to grope one tit, “you love me, Cupcake. How can you not only ignore me for some other guy but forbid me to touch what’s mine too.”
Lloyd pouts even harder when his younger concurrent greedily takes your offered breast. While your son suckles happily on your breast, Lloyd grunts. “See, he’s suckling at my tit!”
This time, you snort. “Lloyd, we talked about this. You must learn to share my breasts. No arguments, alpha. That's your four-month-old son. Lloyd Jr. is hungry.”
“Hmm…” he nods thoughtfully. “You’re right,” he finally says. “If he wants to grow a mustache as hot as mine one day, he must drink lots of milk. Oh, and he can practice for the ladies, you know”, he grins when you give him the stinky eye. “Aw, omega. He’ll break all the hearts in no time.”
Lloyd licks his lips while staring at your exposed breast. He wonders if your milk tastes good. His son seems to be obsessed with your breasts, and sucking you dry.
“After Lloyd Jr. is done,” he suddenly says, “can I have a taste too?”
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Tags in reblog.
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hongtiddiez · 9 months
last twilight ep 7 thoughts, feelings, etc
ALRIGHT i ran my errands, caught up on pit babe and playboyy to relax, and now i'm doing my speedwatch. i took some notes while watching the first time and they're a fucking MESS but hopefully they help me remember everything i want to comment on because without fail i always forget something.
you'll all be glad to know this week's meta bullshit from me is far, far less romantic and wistful than last weeks. you've all been spared by my adhd brain not being able to piece together a single poetic thought.
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i kind of knew from this moment the trajectory the episode would take. Day is clearly nervous but not defensive - this isn't out of the realm of something Mhok would do for him but with recent context it probably feels fairly intimate. i think this was a really good indicator of what we're in for.
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there's a collection of sunflowers in Day's room, tucked away in the corner, not unlike Mhok tucking away his feelings for Day's comfort. the poor things are shrouded in shadow, away from the light. the pain is unending and forever.
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Day's flashback to the kiss has me curious. his eyes are closed so he's not even thinking back to seeing what he can of Mhok up close. as he reminisces about this kiss is he simply remembering the sensation of Mhok's lips on his own? how his hands curled into Mhok's jacket? and i'm sure we've all seen the post but - was he thinking of the way Mhok tasted like cigarettes? this isn't to romanticize his disability, i'm just genuinely wondering what exactly he's drawing on here in this moment, because it's clearly something significant to him.
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Porjai just keeps getting prettier every episode and it's making me insane. i just think i should be allowed to take care of her.
"I'm jealous of Day's ability to make you smile."
this makes me think Mhok's smiles have been few and far between, and maybe Porjai has been looking to bring out that smile for a long time. does she ever worry that maybe someday Mhok could end up like Rung? does she worry about finding him too?
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oh i so very badly want the context for this, i want to know everything. but also, it's really not that surprising. not when we've seen the things Mhok has done for Day. Mhok lives his life in extremes; anger, kindness, protectiveness, his work, etc. everything Mhok does he puts his whole self into it and it's nice to see his love is no different, because why would it be?
i'm once again in awe of what P'Aof has done with Mhok and Porjai, though. they live together so easily and naturally. there's nothing strange or awkward about it, just two people surviving life together. it's such a breath of fresh air.
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Day just cannot catch a break when it comes to August. this has to hurt so fucking badly, the pity has to feel amplified by 1000. not only was August trying to force himself to like Day back because he's blind, but also because he was thinking of leaving. Day is a stronger man than me because i would be frothing at the mouth pissed.
but once again, Mhok doesn't let Day stew in his fish tank. he encourages him to go out and resolve his feelings, even if that means screaming at August and letting out all his hurt and frustration. he's seen what happens when Day lets his hurt fester and he won't let it happen again, not while he's around.
"He's a lot stronger than I thought. It's me who's so weak that I let him down."
as much as August pisses me off, i do think this is him realizing his pity was misplaced, and he failed Day in that way, so he gets some redemption points here. (still think he's a stinky bastard man tho)
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the immediate distance Mhok puts between himself and the group never fails to hurt my heart. i get it, he's there for a job, but their relationship has progressed past that - now even moreso, and i cant help but wonder if this is his attempt at keeping a distance, curbing his expectations, reminding himself that while his role is to be by Day's side it's only in a professional capacity.
i love that Gee acknowledges him with a little head nod, occasionally looks in Mhok's direction as if to include him, she's just - ugh - i love all the women in this show so fucking much. i just wish someone would invite Mhok over sometime, encourage him to join the conversation (like they did back at the party.)
sometimes Mhok really is the embodiment of a shadow - both of Day and of his former self (for good or bad.)
(he looks so fucking sexy leaning like that with his shirt tucked into his pants tho, whew.)
Gee also becomes one of my favorite people for asking Day to take the photo of all of them. she just gets it, she includes him, she doesn't act like he can't do things, she even insists he can, she's just !!! the women of all time in this show i swear!!! I LOVE WOMEN!!!!
also the "you don't drink coffee, girl spill the tea" from Gee is just so good. she knows a diversion tactic when she sees one.
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i want this expression framed, she's so cute, HELP.
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i wish i had the time and energy today to make gifs for this week but ugh. the journey Mhok's face went on here to end up at quiet resignation. because he did figure. someone like Day? with someone like him? because we know Mhok's opinion of himself isn't great, largely influenced by his incarceration and reintegration into society, i'm sure, along with his guilt. but there had been that little bud of hope, a little sunflower seed that had bloomed just a little too far, reached for the sun a little too much. it must feel like a weed in his chest.
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the way Day says 'here' so softly, with so much vulnerability made me feel like screaming. he doesn't know what his feelings are for Mhok yet (you can't tell me he doesn't feel anything) but he knows he doesn't want to lose Mhok and the sudden idea of it is terrifying. Mhok is the only person that really understands him, one of the only people he's comfortable around anymore, and he can't lose that. he doesn't want to go back to the dirty fish tank.
i also think this was an indicator to Mhok that maybe Day doesn't know how he feels, and maybe he can get away with flirting in tiny, subtle ways because from here on his secret flirting game is in full effect and it's so fucking cute. he's careful not to completely push past Day boundaries, but to test them in gentle ways.
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THE SHOES MY BELOVEDS. we all know what i feel about these shoes after last week and i'm so glad to see all of my stupid babbling confirmed here. i love that Mhok constantly mends things instead of throwing them away. the sentimentality of items means something to Mhok and we love him for that.
we also got a proper 'sweet dreams' this episode, finally!! thank you subbers!
so many shots of feet this ep tho and lemme tell you as someone that HATES feet, this was rough.
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oh you are so smitten. Day realizing Mhok is warm, warm in his own way, warm in such a gentle and understated way. UGH. you would've thought he knew after everything they've been through but sometimes people need a reminder and maybe something to drive them to pay closer attention. our boy is BESOTTED. kicking his feet and giggling. i think this is the happiest we've ever seen him.
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so here's where i'm probably going to wax poetic the most. Mhok is finally opening up to Day in such an incredible way. he brings Day to his home with no fear of pity or judgement. he brings him into this sanctuary created by him, his sister, and Porjai and he cooks for him and cares for him and in letting him in Day sees even more how impossibly warm Mhok is.
what's even greater is there isn't a single moment where Day is jealous or questions Porjai being there. Mhok has told him she's expecting and he's never weird about it, just kind and understanding and it's all so normalized, it's fucking beautiful. Day even takes the time to encourage Porjai, to share about his mom, and about the strength it takes to be a single mom. P'Aof i adore you.
Mhok has planted jasmine simply because he knows Day likes it, and maybe now he likes it too. and he brings Last Twilight home to practice reading (i'd always wondered how he managed to read without stumbling over himself lmao) and he's done it so much that now Porjai wants to name their child Mee, wants to create this connection to Day forever.
and once prompted, once Day knows enough to ask, Mhok opens up about Rung, talks about her more. Day comments on the warmth of the house, something started by Rung and cultivated by Mhok. it would be so easy for the house to feel cold and clinical, especially knowing what happened here, but Mhok has kept it a home - warm, inviting, comforting - all the things Mhok has been to Day.
the noises took me by fuckin' surprise tho, i genuinely looked around my house like who the fuck is making all that noise and then i was like OH THOSE ARE-- OKAY--
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and I know people are like haha P'Aof has a scent kink but like. idk. maybe it's just me but scents are something i'm drawn to. i remember the way someone smelled more than i remember their face. i recently took a shirt out of my closet and immediately started crying. it smelled like face powder and perfume. it smelled like my grandma. the leather jacket pushed to the side smells like cigarettes and horses, like my dad always did.
scent is such an ingrained memory, something that is so hard for our brains to let go of. every time i get a familiar smell it knocks me on my ass, and i'm so glad to see some of this represented in these shows.
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this absolutely warmed my heart. whatever is going on with Night and Day is clearly more on Day's side than anything else. Night clearly loves his brother and i'm just fucking DYING to know what is going on that is causing Day to drive a wedge between them. sure, Night hasn't been perfect, but there's love there and that counts for so much.
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and what exactly are you doing here??? this is a charity run for blindness - does he know someone that is blind other than Day? did meeting Day inspire him to participate? has he spent time talking to Mhok about Day and maybe the difficulties of his blindness? i am filled with questions but i love this character so much, he's just so kind.
Day's hesitation to cross the finish line was also something i found so interesting. it felt long, possibly too drawn out, but Day needed to think, needed time to understand that if he crosses that finish line, if he accepts Mhok's request to be his boyfriend, their lives will never go back to how they were. things between them will change forever, whether the relationship is a success or otherwise. it's an incredibly mature thing of Day to do, even if it felt a little lengthy for us, the audience.
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i strongly believe that in addition to Mhok Porjai is going to be a big driving force in Night and Day's reconciliation. i would love to see Porjai gain Night's side of the story, Mhok gain Day's side of the story, and the two of them working together to see how they can reunite these brothers.
also if i had a nickle for every time P'Aof paired Mark with a pregnant woman in his shows i'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but it's interesting it has happened twice.
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while i, like everyone else, hope the mock proposal is a parallel we get to see later i want to focus more on this moment.
i forget who said it, it's long gone to the depths of my dash by now, but someone commented that disabilities do not stop for love, and fuck is that so true. i love Mhok's concern, his immediate reaction to soothe, and the way he seems to feel Day's fear as his own. and poor Day, he can't even enjoy this moment of bliss with Mhok because of course, of course something like this had to happen. it's so fucking real in the way Last Twilight has been this entire time.
the constant excellent representation of disabled living has been incredible to see, i've seen so much of myself in this show (even though my disability is so very different) and it's been like a warm blanket put over very single comment: you're too young to be disabled, you aren't THAT disabled, you're being dramatic, etc.
from the bottom of my heart, thank you P'Aof and team.
tag loves: @benkaaoi @callipigio @infinitelyprecious (as always tell me if you want to be added {for LT only or all meta} or removed!)
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redux-iterum · 9 months
A Canine Eulogy
We put down my dog, Geno, today.
Textwall of sentiment under the cut.
Shortly, he was ill, and steadily growing worse every day at a rapid decline of a week before his death. He'd have brief moments of cheeriness, then go back to being listless, sluggish and unhappy. The vet made it clear a few days ago that there was very little chance of saving him and that his quality of life (the most dreaded phrase in a pet owner's dictionary) was poor, and only getting poorer. We made the decision to end his suffering before it got so severe he couldn't climb up the stairs into my house, or have accidents indoors, or starve himself to death (as he was starting to). It didn't feel good, not remotely, but it had to be done.
I haven't talked about Geno on this blog, so I figure the best way to pay my respects is to tell you all how great of a dog he was. Probably a bit late to introduce him, but whatever.
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Geno (nicknames including Bean, Stinky Bean/Gene, Eyebrows Boy, Old Man and Geno Bon Benostein) was a dog that we never figured out the breed of. Many people, charmed by his pleasant, permanent puppyface that was always so happy to see them, would ask me his breed, and my answer was "He's got big eyebrows, that's all I know". That generally got a laugh, which was nice.
We attained Geno when he was about half a year old in a move. My pops runs a moving company, and we get all sorts of things from moves that people don't want to take with them to the new house across the state. I don't think a single piece of furniture in my house isn't secondhand, that's how much we get.
Geno in particular was our first longterm pet from a move. The lowdown is that the customers were divorcing and were viciously arguing over every single item and animal in the house. The wife threatened to take Geno to the pound, and immediately Pops offered to adopt him. I found this out when he picked me up from a sleepover in middle school and had a second dog with him, along with our first. It was quite a delightful surprise.
Our first dog was less than obedient and more than indifferent to humans, loving to destroy stuff and escape constantly. Geno, on the other hand, was only concerned about staying within eyesight of his owners, to the point of sitting on a windowsill as well as he could and staring at us through the glass until we let him in (at the time Pops was not eager to have dogs in the house). We never needed to chain him up or fence him in - he was entirely devoted to us from jump and got as close as he could at all times.
The first dog eventually died, and Geno was the sole pup of the house. He thrived in that, and he made a point to prove himself to be an excellent dog. He never had an accident in the house for many years (until age got to him), preferring to potty in the bushes or brush so that we didn't have to worry about stepping in it or even cleaning it up. He never barked or ran away or growled at visitors, nor did he knock over trash cans or even so much as get fleas during the summer. The only things we struggled with were his great hatred of other dogs and aggressive fear of wheels. The wheel thing was a little more embarrassing, because he'd bark at some poor bastard in a wheelchair who was just trying to mind his own business. Like, great, thanks, Geno. Now we look like assholes.
Geno went on many, many trips across the country with us, especially to Yellowstone, which is a yearly voyage pops and I go on. He was a treat to travel with - he just wanted to rest his head between the front seats and look at us adoringly. He went to beaches, where he didn't enjoy the coast and instead stuck with us by inches, and on moves, where customers and their new neighbors would fawn over him and he got to be the Super Special Puppy Dog, which he loved. He went more places than most people I know, and certainly ate more pizza than any other dog in the United States while we were in hotels. Maybe not healthy for him, but man did he love his 'za, and he'd stare at us with his big ol' cow eyes. How could we say no?
This dog was a major part of my life - he was around for half of it, from middle school to adulthood. I don't think I can ever get another dog that would be nearly as wonderful as him, and I don't know that I want to. I think he raised the standard too high and made every dog I take care of (I housesit for a living) somehow not as good as him, no matter how well-mannered they are. I expect that to be that way for a very long time.
His collar, I decided, will stay in my car, hooked around the rearview mirror. That way, he gets to travel with me no matter where I go. He always did thoroughly enjoy a car ride.
Moonshine will miss him greatly. She was infatuated with him no matter how much he tried to make her go away. He gave up towards the end and started being nice to her, at least. I'm just glad I've got pictures of them interacting and her demanding his affections. Those are precious memories above precious memories.
The vet techs mourned with us as we said goodbye, calling him "one of the good ones". I think that's a pretty high compliment.
I hope he's happy, wherever he is.
You were a good boy, Geno.
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cleolinda · 7 months
Weekend links
My posts
1) From earlier this week: “My ~longform posts are going somewhere else. Dreamwidth? Definitely previewed on Patreon and backed up there. Here’s an unlocked post about it. tl;dr: I know tech bros already scraped everything, but if you tell me you’re going to do it, I’m not gonna hand it to you. Maybe it’s a token effort, but there it is.” Of course I’ll still post links to new writing here. 
2) Some people have March Madness. I now have the Hot & Vintage Movie Women tournament. 
One of the best parts of the tournament (you may remember that Toshiro Mifune won the male matchup) is people reblogging and submitting pictures, further bio information, and personal anecdotes--that sense of the Tumblr collective scrapping for the pure love of their blorbos. I love Edwige Fenech’s eyes and her iconic eyeliner, and I had to step in when she went up against powerhouse Julie Andrews with only one small picture. No, I’m not letting Edwige go out like that. She won’t win, but the people must make their choice knowingly. 
I also posted some pictures for Lady Tsen Mei, because I’d actually never heard of her and was curious. Also, because she’s going up against Musidora and that’s not an easy row to hoe, either. If you see matchups like that, where hotvintagepoll didn’t receive much to post about an actress--appealing to the people with a good picspam in the reblogs is where the fun comes in. 
Bear in mind that running the tournament is an INCREDIBLE amount of work; this was Friday alone. Like, I don’t know the person who’s running this, but it couldn’t be me. They’re working with what they were sent, and here’s how we can be the propaganda we want to see in the world. I will jump in as necessary when Ava Gardner, Gene Tierney, Norma Shearer, Paulette Goddard, and (on my mom’s behalf) Julie Christie show up. But there’s 512 contenders, and it’s going to be a hard fight. 
(I am now reblogging the polls at only one an hour, and when I fall behind, that just means that people who missed them can catch up. Each poll lasts a week, after all.)
Reblogs of interest
You are invited to the assassination of Julius Caesar! If you joined Tumblr during the various internet shakeups last year, you may not be aware that the Ides of March is a major Tumblr holiday. You need to be. 
People have always been people: an immensely long collection that may make you cry. 
Respect for the Welsh language
The “Fool in a Field” theory of life in the universe
A helpful guide to some common birds here in the western US
The Forbidden Colors
“You get to drive away”: A Tale
I was not ready for this development in the Fairy vs Walrus debate
(Did William Butler Yeats believe in fairies? An anecdote from my grad school days)
(”While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a slapping”)
“Recently I’ve been interested in what I’d like to call the historical lesbian wardrobe”
“This is the snake I’ve been looking for my entire life”
Angry kitten scolds water, slaps it for good measure
Cat plays theremin
A speedy boi who doesn’t need a bike to jump
The most relaxed tiger
The sacred texts
Yes, THAT Stinky Bastard Man
Personal tags of the week
I want to be clear that AI has incredible scientific uses and could be used voluntarily by writers and artists for their own experimental projects. That is... not what this AI tag is about. 
Speaking of AI: truly, the Willy Wonka Experience debacle has been a DashCon for the 2020s. 
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duckwithablog · 2 years
Hi!!! I saw your requests are open! May I request some dating hcs for Macaque and Sun Wukong??
Please and thank you! I hope you are having an excellent day /night! ^^
Dating hcs for Macaque and Sun Wukong
Hello!! Hope this fits your tastes, have a good day/night as well!!
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God, look at this damn emo
Ngl, even to this day, he's still bewildered how he managed to bag YOU of all people /pos
He doesn't really believe in love, at first. He was mostly focused on his revenge against Wukong, so he didn't really have time for relationships and all that
And then you strutted in his life and he's all 😳
LOTS of teasing and flirting. This smooth bitch will never ever run out of things to say about you
Throws in some compliments here and there, but he mostly lets his actions speak for him. Like how he carries you to your bed whenever you get tired and fall asleep somewhere uncomfy, or how he leaves some things for you with a cute little note whenever he leaves
Very big on Gift Giving and Words of Affirmation
They may or may not be stolen, but you appreciate the thought
He shows you mini shadow plays on a lot of stuff, either of his adventures on trying to get revenge on Wukong or some myths in chinese mythology
He does that little thing where he makes shadow puppets with his own hands and teaches you how to do it
You guys make silly plays together with that, and Mac has a ton of fun messing with you
Not a big fan of physical affection in the beginning, so take it slow with him
Like, give him some shoulder pats or snuggling into his side before the cuddles
You know, start small
He'll tense up whenever you do try physical affection, but he assures you he's fine
He gets more used to it as time goes on and eventually melts into your touch
Cue the touch starved Macaque
Mans will full on flop onto your lap expecting attention or cuddles or whatever
He will not let you go until you comply, the bastard is holding you hostage
Giggles or laughs whenever you just give up and return his love because he knows he got you
He lends you his scarf once or twice, but be careful because I don't think he ever washes his clothes
Steals your shower products and uses it himself. You once caught him using your face masks and he convinced you to join him
Frequent night terrors, please hold him close and whisper some reassuring words when this happens
Whenever you get nightmares, he's immediately by your side and comforting you. Whispers to you how you're okay and keeps on talking because he knows you like his voice
Speaking of...
he LOVES hearing your voice. He keeps telling you that he hears all the sounds in the world, but nothing can compare to how you sound like <33
He gets insecure sometimes, thinking that eventually you'll leave him (either by your own choice or if death gets you) and gets a crisis
He always ends up going to your place and silently cuddling you
He'll mumble for permission first or just straight up appear right next to you and wrap you in his arms
He barely speaks when this happens, he just wants to be in your presence to assure himself that you aren't going anytime soon
All in all, this man needs lots of love!! And he'll return those affections tenfold!!
Sun Wukong
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Celebrity boyfriend who?
This guy is hell of a lot more bolder than Mac, that's for sure
He's also louder. Like he'll full on go "Y/n!!!!" whenever you come visit him in the mountain and charge at you for a hug
Big tease. Always goes "You know you love me, Y/n~" whenever you playfully get mad at him
Please, god, introduce him to hygiene. This stinky ass monkey has no concept of showers. Hose him down if you have to /j
Subtly shows off in front of you. If you (somehow) had no idea about his adventures, he uses it as an opportunity to show off how strong and cool he is
He'll do this by helping you with a lot of things using his powers
Oh you need to carry something heavy? Don't worry, your boyfriend the Monkey King's got that handled!
Gotta go somewhere quick? Pfft, don't sweat it, he could give you a ride on his cloud!
Need help cleaning your house? Clones are already there to help out!
Always somehow touching you. Either his tail is wrapped around your ankle or if your pinkies are linked, he's always somehow holding you
He is also touch starved, if you can't tell- /lh
He LOVES coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your torso in a hug. It spooks you sometimes and he chuckles as he buries his face into your shoulder
It's already kind of obvious, but he's big on Acts of Service and Physical Affection
He turns into a multitude of animals whenever you go out in public. He once transformed himself into a mouse and napped in your pocket while you did grocery shopping
Get used to having this man sleep on top of you. You are literally his own personal pillow. Grips onto you like a koala in bed
The baby monkeys love having you around!! Sometimes you play with them and Wukong always has to stop himself from melting because he thinks you're so cute
Bridal carries you a lot. He fucking loves carrying you.
If you ever mention that you need to get carried somewhere he'd go "SAY LESS"
He just loves holding you close that way
Shows you the best spots on his mountain to chill together. He once prepared a picnic for you guys on one of the mountain peaks to watch the sunset
He always sneaks in little compliments whenever you guys talk. Things like "Good job!" or "You did great!" whenever you do something
Actually gives out great advice?? It makes sense, since he's like, immortal but he sometimes gives you a piece of really wise advice and you get shocked
"See, I can be wise if I want to be!"
"Yeah... It's still surprising though"
It's all in good fun though!
He probably picked up a lot of hobbies, so he'll try to teach you some stuff he once was into
He'll be super proud of what you make, regardless of the result
"What, no, what are you talking about? This looks great! We should put in somewhere in your house."
He doesn't say it much, but he would literally do anything for you. He's definitely a keeper!
Hope you liked it! I'm still trying to get a hang of Macaque, but SWK was fairly easy to write!!
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lovearne · 2 years
The Park
Johnny "Soap" McTavish x gn!reader
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My page is 18+ only. I don't tolerate minors here, this is my safe place to express myself, and I don't consent to minors viewing my works or my blog.
Content: talks of ptsd, allusions to other mental health issues, grumpy reader, emotionally closed off reader, sunshine soap, service animals
Word count: 1.9k
No use of y/n and no descriptive of reader physically
Most days, all you feel like doing is curling in bed and cuddling with your dog. Today isn't most days, you've had an amazing day at the park with Zero, your comically named bulldog, the both of you sat in the overhanged day, not too hot or cold. He'd get up and play with other dogs and greet people, knocking children over by accident but giving them a big old kiss to make up for it.
Zero had plenty of water kept cool by the shade of the bag you'd brought, also some treats and food in case you stayed there past his feed time. He loved being outside, he was happy outside, and you were happy to see him so happy. He'd been good for your mental health, forcing you to get into a routine to care for the little stinker, but it helped a lot.
The day you got him you hadn't planned on getting a dog, but he was a small puppy left by himself in the middle of nowhere, abandoned. You'd been on a nature walk. Now he was a large lump of huggable, lovable, stinky bulldog.
You didn't much like when people encroached on your alone time, but when you were approached by a little long nose against your neck, you laughed. It was another dog, trying to figure out who you were, the dog moved on to smell Zero, the two happily sniffing each other before sitting down to chew on Zeros favourite toy. The unnamed greyhound and your bulldog quite enjoyed each other's company. You'd decided you would await the pet parent of the greyhound and just let the two play.
You watched both your dog, and the stranger dog, not wanting to miss a sign of agitation from either, you trust Zero, but you know how easily a mood can change, and all you knew about the other pup is that they love playing. The two eventually stopped chewing on the toy, opting instead to lay beside each other, the greyhound taking a drink from Zeros bowl.
When they were calm, you checked the greyhound over, no collar, and no identification. You stroked the animals fur, "it's ok baby, if no one comes before we leave, we'll get you check for a microchip. We'll have you home in no time." You said to the animal, they leaned into your touch, stretching their back. "What a good dog!" You praise as they moved their head to rest on your leg, zeros resting beside your thighs. You kept yourself busy, making sure to give equal attention to the two dogs, you were worried however, when the day progressed and none came looking for the lovely dog. Frowning as you pull your extra leash from your rucksack, you tie gently around the dogs neck, no collar so just softly as to not choke them, clipping Zeros leash to his harness, you went about packing your things, pulling out the on the go water bottle you have for him, clipping it to your belt hoop.
Once everything was packed you brought the two with you, walking down the park and back into the area of which you lived.
"Hey!" You heard, fixing to ignore it, you continued walking. The greyhound had stopped though, turning the other way, and when you looked down, you could see their tail wagging. "Bruce!! There ya are! I've been looking for ya!" A distinct voice called out, the way the dog reacted you knew the voice is their pet parent. You turn to greet the owner, seeing a guy, a little over six foot with a Mohawk.
"This is your dog?" You question, your face set hard with no emotion, the man looked a little shocked.
"Yes?" You sigh.
"Is it a statement or a question? There was no id on this dog. How am I to trust you?" The owner nodded.
"Aye, sorry. I'm Johnny." He says cheery, "and I've been looking for that little bastard all afternoon." They pointed to the dog, who you now know as Bruce. "He got away from me while we were stopped. Always slips his collar." You nod.
"Before j give you the dog, I'm going to request you show me a timestamps picture of him." The stranger, Johnny nods, pulling their phone out to show you. You seen the picture, Bruce was laying with his arms and legs sticking up on his back, happy as a pig in shit. You nod. "Alright, Bruce it was very nice meeting you." You address the canine, patting his head.
You and Johnny split ways, each head to your own houses. You got Zero ready to relax, taking his harness off and giving him a nice brush. "OK baby let's get you fed.
The next day, you were taking Zero for a walk, being colder, you were in a hurry to get the exercise in, walking a bit too briskly. Almost falling over when Zero stopped very abruptly. After gaining your balance you turned and seen the same dog from yesterday.
"Hey Bruce!" You said giving him a pat, not really acknowledging the owner.
The day after you were at the park again, Bruce and Johnny finding the two of you. They sat beside you, Zero moving close to Bruce and initiating the spark of both chewing on a rope toy.
"So," Johnny starts. "What's yours name?" You stare at him. He visibly tenses then relaxes. "You remind me of my coworker. He looks at me like that all the time." Your face softens a little.
"His name is Zero." You mumbled. Uninterest in your voice. Johnny smiles.
"I love tha name." He compliments. "Is there a reason behind it?" You nod. "What's the meaning?"
"Vet gave him a 0% chance of living to the age of one." He nods, face paled a little.
"How old is he now?"
"Three." You smile broadly. Your smile was the brightest he's seen in a while. He huffed and slapped your shoulder.
"There ya go!!" He encourages. Zero was alerted by the hit and sat up, glowering at Johnny.
"Shh, Zero heel. That's it good boy, lie down." You calmed the large dog down, Johnny must admit, he was insanely drawn in by you.
"Smells like it's gonna to rain soon, maybe we should move somewhere inside, yeah?" You nod. "My place is just down the road a little." You followed him.
Waking up to the two dogs on your bed, you smile. Zero and Hank, a dog you'd recently rescued, a whippet. The company of your animals is all you'd need. Zero was getting grey these days, his joints starting to give up. You'd purchased what you call your 'Zero wagon' a nice flat and comfortable wagon for him to ride to the park in. He was now an elderly dog, using ramps to get around in your house, and hank enjoyed them too, he had 3 legs and moved slower than he would've been before. His previous owner gave him up when he needed his leg removed.
He rode along in the hank wagon sometimes, sometimes he was happy for the walk down to the park. They both enjoyed the outside greatly, and the neighbourhood kids who loved petting Zero and getting knocked over by him now came and gave him lots of treats as preteens and teenagers.
"OK boys, let's go." You say softly, trying to wake the two sleeping dogs. Poor zero had been going deaf these past few months, you wake him softly by petting his back and putting your hand in front of his snout. When he woke he got up and started to lock your hand, you giggled. "Hey boy!" Hank also woke up, his right front leg pawing at you excitedly, standing on his two back feet. "Hey hank!!" You greet.
After your boys had breakfast, you got them ready to go to the park, putting on Zeros vest that said 'be patient I scare easy'. And Hanks vest that covers his still irritated amputation scar, it's been healed for nearly a year, you'd adopted him when you took Zero to the vet for his annual. The scar still gives him trouble, so it's best to cover the sensitive part up while going to play outside.
By the time you got the boys all ready and in the wagon, it was 9am. The perfect time to go to the park, packing the dogs lunches and a picnic basket, you head down to the park. The boys really love the wagon, the sit and watch through the mesh, or in hanks case, he stands holding the railing if the wagon with his paw watching as you pass people on the busy street, it being a school day there are children milling about waiting for school to start.
You chose a nice shady spot for you and the boys, laying down the large blanket for you and them, placing the multiple dog beds you keep in the wagon on the blanket. Right away, Zero chooses his spot, in a nice comfy bed, and Hank walks around a bit before he laid against Zero. You smile at their close bond, you get out three dog bowls and fill them with some water from the thermos, knowing that you'd be seeing a particular mohawked man in a few minutes.
Your assumption was correct, he approached the blanket full of sweat, with two greyhounds, Bruce being the slowest of the two, and Lassie, the younger, keeping up with him as he jogged over.
Bruce, the rescued racing dog, and retired service dog was older now too, he still tried to be of assistance and service Johnny with his ptsd and anxiety post life changing injury, as you'd learned a few months after meeting the man. He'd now retired from active duty but still worked on the base close to home. Lassie was his new service dog, Bruce retired 2 years ago, and he'd gotten her last year, she was a sweet little girl he is training her himself with the help of Bruce. She was rescued from the racetracks as well.
You had asked him why another greyhound, and he'd just replied that they made him feel like he was doing some good, as they were doing good by helping him. You knew jusy by watching Bruce, he hop in the wagon for the rude home as well. The poor boy looked about to pass out, he'd had a nice jog with his dad.
"Hey babe." Johnny had said after undoing both dogs from their leads, he leans over to give you a kiss.
"Hello husband mine." You joke at him, he smiles big.
"Hello spouse of mine." He giggles with you, "what are we? Sherlock and Watson?" You laugh a bit harder.
"Those two were best friends." He nods.
"I think we are quick little more than that love." He states, leaning to kiss you.
"Ugh, get away fiend! Pda who are ya?" He laughs.
"C'mon love i haven't had a kiss alllllll day." He pleads. "And you love pda." He reminds.
"You smell bad."
"You look bad." The two of you stare at each other and burst into giggles.
"After so many years I can't believe me and you still love each other." You state.
"5 Years really isn't that long sweetheart."
"It feels like forever." He nods.
"I love you." He says and gives you a peck on the cheek. You smile warmly at him. His smile matching in full.
He loved you so much, and was so glad to be the reason you don't look miserable all the time anymore, now it's just when he isn't with you. The two of you changed each other for the better and he couldn't imagine spending his life with anyone else.
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baltears · 2 years
hello spookyshai!! its cool if u dont want to, but i was wonderin if you'd elaborate on what you like about william? i just like thinking about/mentally rewriting westworld and its characters in my free time, and your fascination with william's got me fascinated, mostly bc i see him as a stinky bastard. so obvs you'd definitely have a more nuanced take on him, which i'd also like to develop for the imaginary westworld rewrite fic that i'm never going to write ;)) regardless if u answer or not, just wanted to say i'm a fan of your blog and i hope you're havin a good day!!
omg so first of all thank you so so much for sending this, especially asking unprompted about a character you don't even like and giving me a chance to explain my feelings about him which is just incredibly cool of you. i love and am obsessed with william so giving me any excuse to talk about him at length is like gifting me $1000. if you want to know more about my meta thoughts about him after reading this, (I'm gonna talk A Lot – sorry – but i can't possibly get through everything because he's just a very complicated guy and it's a very dense show), you can always look in my william tag. I have a lot of text posts about him, but I also often talk a lot in the tags of my own posts as well as reblogs. This is gonna be a lot of totally disorganized and unedited infodumping of a lot of different meta, but i've talked about all of it at length elsewhere too and I can also totally elaborate more if you have any specific questions (you could send another ask if you wanted, but also feel free to just message me about it anytime). I'll do my best not to get too emotional (lol) but it'll be tough because this character is so close to my heart. but I'll try!
this is a huge wall of text lol so i'll also be adding more bold and italics than i normally would just to make it a little easier to read.
so first of all let's be clear, he completely is a stinky bastard. he is a horrible, awful, faithless, pathetic specimen of a man. not liking him is totally justified. just wanted to get that out of the way. personally I think not liking anything for any reason is totally valid and justified, but there are certainly good reasons why a lot of people don't like william. he is not a good dude, at least not after a certain point. No one is obligated to relate to him, empathize with him, feel bad for him, whatever... like, no one's obligated to like anything, but especially this guy. sometimes people can get a little shirty about the fact that i do, like me liking him means i think they have to. I don't think that. I do love finding other william stans, and i am very unapologetic and open about my love for him, but him being widely hated makes complete sense to me.
sigh like why i love him so much though… it's kind of hard to even put into words. on one level it's just extremely personal, like, there are a lot of things about him that i really resonate with and identify with, although I know that sounds weird (it's definitely gotten some very shocked reactions before, lol). i'm a villain liker in general, i tend to be able to relate to those types of characters easily and it kind of takes a lot for me to really dislike one on a personal level (though that's true of any sort of character, i just tend to like the majority of the characters in any work that i genuinely enjoy regardless of how shitty they are – to me the only truly bad thing a character can be is annoying, like, the kind of annoying where you just want them off your screen). Characters being any degree of evil or shitty or problematic doesn't bug me at all, personally, I tend to feel no deep internal urge to have them 'held accountable' for the things they do, unless they exist in a narrative that genuinely doesn't seem to understand that they are in the wrong, which does irritate me when it happens. But anyway, I don't want to get too oversharey but there's definitely a very high level of just personal resonance to the character for me in terms of the kinds of conflicts he has, the things he struggles with, the dominant emotions of his life, etc. so that's part of it. also though he's just… a very complex and beautifully constructed piece of character work, so I also love him just on a technical level as a writer.
He has such incredible significance in the story too, being the thematic representative of humanity, both to dolores and to the wider narrative – his capabilities for good and evil are humanity's capabilities for good and evil, right. Dolores' opinion of humanity and feelings towards humanity are very colored by her opinion of him and her feelings towards him, and thematically their relationship is sort of a microcosm of the broader relationship between hosts and humanity and very much a central piece of the narrative. Even when it's out of direct focus it's being constantly referenced and pointed back to, such as with the caleb storyline in season 3 – caleb himself is basically one big callback to william in s3, parallels out the wazoo, and his function of turning around dolores' opinion on humans is very much related to him reminding her of william – hence why her storyline in season 3 ends with her remarking on how her memories of william as a young man indicate to her that humanity is capable of goodness, because caleb's capacity to choose echoes william's capacity to choose, caleb's goodness echoes william's goodness, it all goes back to that, etc.
So… I guess I'll just jump in lol. William's Thing, the fulcrum of his character, the main feeling or sentiment that underlies all of his evil actions and kind of his general turn away from the kind and gentle person he used to be, is alienation, right. He lives his whole life (as he tells dolores in 1x07) not fitting in anywhere, not making connections anywhere, not having any sort of community or any experience with love or companionship of any kind… he's just been totally alone and alienated his entire life. like, the closest thing he had to a friend was logan, and he hates logan. I think this is the major thing people miss about him – there's this perception that his turning evil was out of some form of entitlement, that he was just angry that this woman he liked didn't like him back and it's just an issue of wounded masculinity, but to me that completely misses the mark. Like yes wounded masculinity is a piece of his character (the way he performs and weaponizes masculinity in general is… really fascinating, I'll go into a bit more detail about it, but the kind of showy machismo that he displays is definitely a tool that he intentionally developed for his own use rather than a really integral part of who he is) but it's not at all the core emotion happening there.
To William, Dolores was not only a person he was in love with or a person he was attracted to. She was also his first and only genuine human connection ever. She was his first true friend, she was his first love, she was the first suggestion anywhere in his life that it was even possible at all for him to experience a sort of deep mutual understanding and care, that somebody could actually genuinely see him and let him see them. He literally just had not ever experienced any level of real emotional intimacy before, which is a feeling i actually think a lot of people relate to if they grew up feeling very lonely. And then ultimately not only was that relationship taken away, but it was kind of retroactively deleted. When he saw her again back in sweetwater, his thought was not, "i don't have this relationship anymore," but "i never had this relationship," and further, "the single person i've ever thought i could have this kind of relationship with is actually not capable of having any kind of relationship with anyone, including me, and i literally just made all of this up in my head." After losing Dolores he is not just sad and lonely – he literally comes to the conclusion that he can never have any kind of intimate human connection or be genuinely loved, ever, because the one person in his entire life he thought he connected with is not even a person at all, but just a thing. It's very much a rug pull moment on a level that's hard to describe, it kind of takes some thought-experimenting to get to that emotional place because it's a level of shock and hurt and betrayal and like, paradigm-shifting that most of us don't regularly experience (which I think might be part of the reason why a lot of people don't seem to really understand his character or be able to parse what's going on with him emotionally). Suffice it to say it's a wound deep enough that he was pretty much never going to recover from it.
After that happens he is completely destabilized, he loses all sense of meaning and self, and he never gets a grip on it again. He had totally reconstructed his idea of his life to include the genuine possibility of meaning, and meaningful relationships, when he met Dolores. And with the loss of her, all of that suddenly went away and he basically was just left with nothing. So that alienation that he grew up with is now not just a part of his life, not just a thing that he suffers from, but he starts to feel that it's inherent to him and that it comes from him, which is partly why we start getting all the anti-social behavior he displays later in life. He develops and kind of fosters that lack of empathy in himself not because he's truly incapable of empathy (as we see when he's a young man and at a couple of later points here and there, he is in fact very capable of it) but because he feels fundamentally cut off from other people – he can't reach them and they can't reach him.
So that fundamental sense of alienation is really what informs 90% of the things he does after that point. He starts building this persona, inside and outside the park. The real world feels meaningless to him at this point because the only hint of meaning he's ever had in his life was in the park, so he buys the park, and simultaneously starts trying to "win" at life in the real world like he would in the park. The real world honestly doesn't feel any more real to him than the park does, he just knows rationally that it's different and so he behaves differently outside the park… he builds all this wealth and power for himself, he becomes a famous philanthropist. Inside the park he starts creating this character for himself, this sort of hyper-masculine, hyper-competent, totally emotionally composed, merciless, badass villain. And he makes a very concerted effort to stay in this persona as often as he can.
It's all a performance, though, right. As early as 1x05 we have Ford pointing out (to his face! legend) that his barely-hidden desperation to find meaning in the park is giving the game away. In that flashback near the end of 2x02 we get a glimpse of what's underneath, because he's performing this cold, heartless persona in front of Dolores literally while his voice is shaking because he's having to try hard not to start crying as he's talking to her. Deep down he is still very wounded, he still loves her, he still desperately wishes deep down (as jimmi simpson explained) for her to just tell him that all of it was real, for her to be real and truly be a person the way he thought she was. When he's an older man that wish is still in there, it's just been buried very deep, covered up with a lot of other things, twisted. But it's always there, it's his most closely held desire, the only thing he truly wants, and it comes out all the time in the things he does. All his tormenting of dolores, and especially his desire to make the park "real" in order to find meaning – that's that. That sense of deep confusion that's always there in his character too, the constant inner monologue of "who am I, what does this mean, does anything mean anything, what is real or not real, what is going on," that's that too, that's his destabilized sense of self and reality and meaning that came out of losing Dolores. And by this point he has also come to feel, as he says in 2x09 to his wife, that there is something very fundamentally wrong with him, in a way that's kind of at odds with how we as the audience have historically understood him.
The thing is, we saw him be a kind, loving, gentle, thoughtful person. He certainly was not perfect, for instance his later narcissism started out as a sort of basic self-centeredness, but he was a fundamentally good-hearted person who put most of his energy into trying to do the right thing. But he starts saying that he feels like that wasn't the real him, that he thinks deep down he was evil and poisonous all along, that his turn to darkness was inevitable, and that there's a sort of helplessness to his evil. There's this deep sense of shame that permeates his character along with his loneliness and alienation and resentment. He hates everything, he hates the world, but above all he hates himself – kind of amusing considering the god complex he's developed over time. But that really does seem to be the underlying emotion, that he truly thinks that deep down he was always bad. It's very heavily implied that his philanthropy outside the park and his attention to his family, his kind of good-guy persona, is something that he constructed to try and make up for his true nature, and all but stated that he doesn't feel like he's succeeded. To him, no amount of good he does will ever balance his level of evil, evil that as he says doesn't come from anything he's done but something deeper than that, something immutable, something he is. So that's why we eventually have him getting to the point of going "I might as well not bother with this anymore. I might as well just be evil, because I can't change what I am."
I've also said in other posts that the things Juliet says to him come off as obviously abusive. Like, she's technically correct that there's some sinister things going on with his private life, but listen to how she says it. You're a virus, not a person, a thing that mindlessly infects and destroys and has no other purpose. And he agrees with her! He doesn't question it at all, he just says, yes, you're exactly right, I'm not a human being with good and bad attributes, or potential to do both right and wrong. I'm a virus. Like, again, I know people get weird about having empathy for villain characters, there's the whole "cool motive, still murder," thing, because we don't want to be excusing anyone's bad actions with a sad backstory (personally I don't really care, but I understand where the concern comes from). But when he said that to Juliet it just… like I don't know how else to put it, it broke my heart. He really believes that about himself. And later he starts to question it because he's not sure anymore if he actually chose to do any of the things he did… but the way his hallucination of Emily puts it, these are his two options: you are evil, or you had no choice. One or the other. He never puts aside the idea that he is a monster that does not deserve to live, and his suicidality persists from season one (when he encourages Dolores to shoot him in the head and reacts with honest disappointment when she can't) to the end of season four when he actually does manage to engineer his own death. He is deeply, agonizingly, pathetically miserable existing the way that he is, he seems to see his even being allowed to live at all as some sort of cosmic injustice. But he doesn't know how to change back to the way he was.
All that having happened, though, we also keep getting these repeated suggestions in the story that he actually is still capable of goodness somewhere in there. The narrative keeps asking what William is exactly, what his fundamental nature is, and keeps refusing to land on one answer, instead choosing to keep things ambiguous in a way that would be sort of odd for your garden variety villain. In 2x04 we see him experiencing regret, feeling empathy and pain on behalf of others, and acting genuinely heroic, only to later backtrack and say it didn't mean anything. In 2x09 Emily tells him he is in his essence "a lie" but makes no attempt to locate what the "truth" of him would then be. In 3x06 he tries to figure out the answer to what's going on with him again only to decide he still doesn't really know, in 3x08 we get this reminder that he still stands for Dolores as a representation of both humanity's evil and its goodness, in 4x05 when his host duplicate asks him what he is, he says "Jury's still out." He is too far down his current path to turn back, but he still does not and cannot definitively and finally choose evil, because despite his self-loathing it seems like he senses deep down that his other side is still in there. All that to say I think he's getting a redemption arc in season 5, if we get a season 5 – season 5 is supposed to be the do-over season, and the character who most desperately needs and could most benefit from a do-over is William.
Um, closing thoughts… I think he's really funny. Sometimes intentionally, like, I do laugh at his little quippy comments, but I also just think it's really funny how pathetic he is and what a mess he is and how he basically imploded his entire life on accident. I do feel a lot of very genuine care and empathy for him (obviously), but he's also such a garbage fire of a human being that you sometimes just have to laugh. He's just my funny little guy, also he sucks, also I love him and he's my lil angel, also he's the worst man ever in history and deserves to be drawn and quartered (said with love). You get it. :) There's dimensions.
Trying to think of other characterization notes for your imaginary fic… oh, did you notice he puts on an accent in the park? He does this fake Southern drawl when he's playing his park character, but it's not his real accent and he drops it at other times, kind of like how Dolores sometimes does or doesn't use her "rancher's daughter" accent when she's being Wyatt in season 2. Uh… Total nerd, at heart, seeing as "all he had as a kid were books." (I kind of suspect that childhood memory might not have been totally real, by the way… made a post about that recently that's a little ways down in my tag if you're interested.)
There are more things I could say, but I think I've probably gone on long enough for the one ask lol so I'll cut it off here. Thank you again, so much, for sending this. I hope you enjoyed and got something out of this response, but if not I still do very much appreciate you asking and being curious. I hope you had a great day too!
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gilliebee · 1 year
tagged by the lovely @five4boarding and finally got around to actually doing it now! :D
name: gillian :)
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home?: pretty much anywhere in new england feels like Home 😌 but I will be using this section as an opportunity to drop a hot connecticut meme
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and bc she's like an annoying older brother to me, a bonus massachusetts one!
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favorite animals: mayhaps it is boring to say cats but I can't deny it when we have 4 of the stinky bastards and they bring me joy all day every day :3 I also love bears!! (semi related to the bruins, but it's more an amplification than anything)
cereal of choice: honeycomb for dry snacking w my hands, and honey bunches of oats WITH ALMONDS as like an actual cereal to eat w milk
are you visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner?: the only way I'm really gonna remember something is by doing it, I can't remember SHIT passively lmao (I can remember something read or heard if I talk/type/write about it afterwards) Which I guess is kinesthetic! all my knowledge...it's in these HANDS (ง •̀_•́)ง
first pet: JOJO our sweet lovely old english sheep dog-esque mutt that apparently hated everyone but like me, my sister, and my mom lol
favorite scent: hmmmm citrus fruits maybe? or a crisp autumn day when all the leaves are crunchy but the decay smells nice?
do you believe in astrology?: not actually but I CAN reach a state of mania where I can delude myself into it if the situation aligns itself just so 😬 so I gotta be careful about it lol
how many playlists do you have in apple music/spotify?: one...million. half of which are for otps but I don't want anyone to find them (I shan't present them if they're not in ye olde 8tracks form where everything is impeccably thought out, arranged, and defended!! the spotify ones I have are wild collections of vibes that are Just For Me)
sharpies or highlighters?: highlighers, I am the nightmare bitch that marks up every physical book I read. and the kokuyo beetle tip dual color ones are my religion!!!!!!
song that makes you cry: these days by nico ;-; sad world-weary listless not-quite-nostalgia roads-not-taken vibes MY WEAKNESS
song that makes you happy: don't let the good life pass you by mama cass :) WELL MAN WAS MADE FOR LOVING, NOT FOR BUYING <3
and finally: do you draw/write/create?: I draw all the time and also love making/ideating/planning out games/game mechanics and narratives! but those are mostly hobbies I keep private (maybe someday I'll share who knows!) Occasionally I make gifs and subject people to those though >:D
I'll tag @alavenderleaf @krugstrash @ghostgeno - no pressure, of course, it's just fun to be tagged I think lol (also I haven't had much time to spend on tumblr these last few weeks so idk who's already done this one or not lol so if you've already done this one and you see this, no you didn't 👼)
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ducknotinarow · 11 months
03/07 Raphael - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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"Saved the best for last."
I did save his for last uwu he is my onion I love this stinky bastard turtle man behold him! Behold him and all his fucking bastard energy!! Truly my favorite I just love him hes not just the edgy grumpy guy who talks with his fists ;3; Raphael's someone who really has a lot of heart under his tough exterior. I love seeing him at his lowest when the series started and watching the growth he dose have over the series minor as it may be.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"anyone who claims I can' read or write are wrong."
I feel Raphael is someone with good handwriting just from how easily he handles his sai as is you can tell he has good wrist control. Of course Raphael can be a boisterous character himself especially when hes around Casey who seems to draw this out more from him. So he dose have the larger letter to show a more out going personality. The spacing of course we know Raph love freedom often this is why he and Leo can clash. Raphael doesn't hold a want to lead or feel he even be a better leader but he isn't someone to just fall in line if anything this show how much of his trust Leo has. Raphael is often going top side a lot and its pretty clear from things he says he knows city streets and explores around more compared to his brothers. His pen pressure is pretty soft though why? cause he is empathetic and sensitive uwu and we see this with his collection of strays. All people he saw in need of help from Casey falling to the same trouble he deals with to Tyler also losing his mother and trying to find her like when they couldn't find Splinter, to Ms. Morrsion who just needed help around her place and maybe some company. Of course cant leave Von out on that Raphael did in a sense help her meet a new family i Feel after all. Lets look at the L and Y in his name cause I find it to be fun. Because he loops his L is suggests he is relaxed and spontaneous. Raphs pretty good going along with just about anything often more easy with the breeze like Mikey can be often because he can leave the thinking to Leo which makes it easier for him to do so. Until things sort of get too much than you'll see those anxiety tendencies kick in like with city at war. With the Y we see that make a hoop as well meaning he has a select number of friends despite how many charaters in TMNT it's pretty clear which ones Raph feel close to and sure he seems fine with thier friends over all it's clear he has a few he openly interacts with like Trax, Casey, and Joi.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"I. Hate. The. Future."
That aside as a joke to myself, Raphael has been to a lot of places through out the shows course. They have been to space other worlds and across the globe even. For someone who loves his freedom as limited as it is. Raphael dose hold a want to explore and see more. Living in hiding has him wanting that secretly and it's why he loves the docks so much. When he was younger he often thought about just jumping on to a boat one day and seeing where he end up in the end. Once him and Casey sort of settle down though? Raph in truth wants just that he wants the domestic life that he never really thought was meant for him. He always thought as he got older he leave on his shell cycle and see where the world took him? Now? he just wants to return home to Casey and Summer uwu
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"I like the farm house a lot."
Raph may be a city turtle that knows the streets like the back of his hand but he always takes a liking to visits to Casey family farm house. It nice because they can be more in the open when they do go there. and In the CC verse Raphael came to fall in love with the more relaxed and peaceful nature of Casey's farm life. There's just something nice about the open space and fresh air and the amount of stars in the sky. Though often when there the turtle still train to keep sharp it dose still give them a nice get away.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"Hmm first memory? I guess making little boats to race in the water in the sewers?
Growing up of course Splinter didn't like his son sneaking out to the surface with out him fearing the risks. So the boys had to find a lot of ways to entertain themselves. One of the ways Raph did was just using trash around in the tunnels to make boats. This sometimes went into his own pretends game of playing as pirate so there's a good chance Donnies mermaid doll went for some trips on those boats only making it worse when ever Raph would steal it from his twin brother.
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Anything easy to grab like cereal."
As someone who loves cereal I love that its cannon that Raphael also loves cereal XD. Hes gross though because he will just rip into boxes and eat right out of it before taking swings of the milk from the fridge. Sometimes he gets a bowl but hes more likely to eating it this way. We'll call it the American influence Cereal is something easy to get and can last pretty long so I'm sure he ate it often as kid and saw many ads for cereal so I like to think Raph knew the mascots of the brands growing up XD Of course he dose also like Pizza thats just a given he tends to prefer a meat lovers pizza himself. He also likes anything Summer makes because at some point she learns how not to burn food like her Dad's do but lets be honest she could burn it and this guy would say its good.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"I'm more for rock music my self, mostly listening to it with Don though."
Raphael of course is that guy who blares loud rock music when he is tuning his shell cycle since he feels he just isn't going fast enough on the thing. He also listening to it in his room when he trains by himself to blow off steam so its not unlikely to hear it blaring more so when he wants it clear to leave him alone. Of course the loud noise draws attention his way. Raph just likes his brothers to know he is ignoring them because he is mature like this u-u
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"I try not to linger on it"
Raphie is someone who dosen't really need anyone to get on his case because no one can ever be as hard on him as he is himself. Don't forget this man saw himself as Shredder? He truly feels like he can be that harmful. Shredder of all has cause his family the most pains in their life and Raphael knows he is a broken man deep down. That there is something wrong with him and if he isn't careful that pipe he almost caved Mikeys head in with would have knocked into his baby brothers skull if he wasn't held back. Raphael has been working to sort through his issues and you can see this with how he allows himself to open up to others. Letting them in is hard and scary being vulnerable isn't easy for Raphael to do. So you really have to be a great of something special for him to do it. The one hes most like this is of course Casey. Casey he can talk to and he pretty open to them never was closed off to them. But even he struggles with giving over a more vulnerable side to Casey because it's giving Casey something over him it's telling Casey I'm giving you a chance to hurt me because i'm willing to take that risk. Raph really can be like a wild animal at times when hurt he wants to hide but he always allows Casey around him. Casey made him better because Casey understood him and gave him kindness when he can't give it to himself. Ironically Casey has shown Raphael something he can't do for himself even if raph struggles with the concept.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I sleep fine as is."
I headcannon that Raphael actually has Narcolepsy which can be common for those with depression and anetixy. Raphael just dosent sleep all that well often restless and sometimes not through the whole night. Then you got donnie, who sometimes just does not sleep. So this often why raph has spent time woth Donnie he can't sleep so he'll hang around his twin or why he's caught donnie still up of he decides to sneak out of the lair sleep he ain't sleeping at the time. A very calling the kettle black moment. This is why raph got into drinking coffee with donnie. Which has actually helped him he's no where near the addict his twin can be but coffee dose help him stay alert. This also why he can sometimes be more cheerful or more of a grump. He's fine after he first wakes up but since he dosent really get a restful sleep he can drain fast. And just becomes more aggratied uwu
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"I mean it's fine."
Despite his name I wouldn't call Raphael an artis himself personally. But he is skilled in knitting and crocheting. Splinter having him learn this as a way to help Raphaels anger issues. He figured giving his son something that wasn't physical like training but relaxing may be helpful to his more violent tendencies. And well it's not thar it hasn't worked because sometimes raph will be resting in his hammock knitting something and it dose seems to keep him clam it didn't fool proof the issue of course. But had given Raphael a way to sort of show his appreciation and love towards thise he cares for. His first thing ever knitted was a scarf for Splinter thar he still uses to this day. I feels he makes things for his brothers but tries not draw attetion to it. Of course he also made a scarf for Casey and blankets for both Ariel and Summer when they were babies. Have joke that he knitted toys for the girls as well. For Ariel it was test tube and beakers so she could do sicene with donnie. For Summer? You know it was a hickey puck and stick. When she got older she keeps them with her little hickey bear uwu.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Why would I use that shit?"
I feel this evertime there's bullshit on Twitter xD I honestly just can't see Raphael being much for social media. Even after having a daughter. Luckily casey and others are able to keep an eye on summer it's just not something he understands. Raphs not much for anything really on a digital scape even in later seasons with High tech he's only interesting in the hologram training room. Internet inaction just ain't for the old man.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"Easy only count on thise ya knkw won't stab ya the second they got an openin' an even then play it close to the chest."
As stared above, Raphael can be stand offish being the second turtle to warm up to April but the first to Casey. It really kind of displays how you sort of gotta let him warm up to you, and it can vary casey a clear special case of course besties and all. Raphael isn't the most social person to interact with when he meets new people he tends to viwe them as a threat first. But once he's past that? He'll be chill with you. Dosent meant he's the same with everyone. You can definitely tell there's a difference with Casey compared to other friends like Usagi. Raph can be playful and tease thise he personally is close to but be resevered yet respectful to the rest. He tends to keep grades even among family and friends, often displaying a closed off body language unless around a small circle. But even then, he can still be a tad stand offish even among thise he's the closest too.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"I can read jus' fine."
Raphael is for sure street smarts, he can easily sneak around often being the one Leo sends off in unfamiliar areas because he has a very good feel and sense of directions. Not to mention he can quickly adapt. Able to learn to draw vehicles on other planets and even weapons. He's also quick to adjust to situations like losing his sight or when on tje run from Karai. He of course has some brain power able to read and seems to envy it even. Something je do with Donnie who helped him learn to read. Tends to pick horror books his favorite book being jurassic park. And well he likes the movies jeff goldblum on the table open shirt was an awaking uwu.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"Eh I aint for them much. Out side ms. M's cat."
I feel like this is a lie I thibk animals like raph and he likes them he ain't nit animal guy like CC or Mikey even but he dose seem to attract them. I feel cats and smaller animals can be more to his liking and speed at times. But he has grown to like the horses on CC's farm kind of why he dosent always mind them chewing on his mask tails.
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I neva knkw what to get people."
I dunno I think raphs pretty decent with gifts like the busted snow glob for donnie or the fact he knitted a blanket for his niece or a scarf for casey. Its pretty clear he puts thought into a gift if given he'll he's even given casey a rose before so well maybe not the best he dose show his thoughts went into it uwu
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"They mean everythin' to me if jus' losing one would be hard."
Raphs heart is one of four. The bond he has with his brothers reallt is hard to break. It dosent really matter what they do he'll always forgive them. He can say they are better off with out him but the slight mention of them needing him? He drops everything to be there even going against his ego when it comes to Leo. It's why anything they do can hurt him more than anyone else who could do the same action to him. Why he fears himself because he scared he will hurt them.
Of course he is closest to Donatello and has a biased to them. They just spend the most Time together. Don often can handle raphs mood swings the most either dismissing it as how Raoh talks well still taking what he says seriously unlike Leo who will blow him off. Or he will be sparky back but unlike Mikey its nkt him egged Raph on and making ot worse.
Can't forget Von who he treats very much as his sister. I feel 100% Raphael would kick any one of Vinson exs asses xD he has that type of enegry when it comes to her. He shit talks her as if they hate each other and calls her babe but if he sees her crying? He won't leave her side till she tells him he can go. I feel he's grown very protective of her over time von can handle herself he knows that but he's very much a graud dog with her uwu
His own little family? He loves. Summer was the brightness to his own life when he was in the deepest of his depression Summer was something for him to move for basically. And of course he loves the lofe he and Casey are building and will do anything to keep it as it is. Why he takes such an active role when Casey sprails because after he told Casey about his own deal casey was there for him and raph kind of more understood what being in a relationship meant ;3; to raph its not all the fun stuff or the pretty side its also seeing someone else baggage and deciding you can deal with it. Even if Casey bad about it raphs gonna help Casey carry it anyway. He turly has found where he belongs with Casey and Summer and the days spent watching hockey together are the ones he'll hold on to most.
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sensitiveheartless · 2 years
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Baking with the slashes except you can’t cook and it’s utter chaos😼
(specifically OG Michael Myers because that man has no patience and stinky wall man because I’m a sad simp)
BRAHMS HEELSHIRE aka stinky wall gremlin
MICHAEL AUDREY MYERS aka unhinged stabby bastard
Tw: none. Well- there's Michael so you never know.
A/N: it's me, I'm the idiot who bakes without being capable of even warm up leftovers. And you have managed to pick the two worst people to help someone in the kitchen. I LOVE IT. mostly because I get to mcbully Michael. Anyhow thanks for the request^^ I hope you enjoy it!!
You know damn right that everything you bake or cook is most likely not even edible
To put it in a nice way.. your cooking skills are FOUL. JAIL TO YOU AND THE ATROCITIES YOU COOK
but, you wanted to do something nice for Michael
He has been so lovely lately and you're getting along pretty fine these days
The fact that this is how you choose to repay him is just straight up cruel
Since you have noticed he has a sweet tooth you thought it would actually be a really funny and bonding experience to bake something together 
Y/n…really what the fuck
nonetheless you convinced Michael into helping you promising that what you were making it was going going be all for him
Little does Audrey (yes I now like to call him by his middle name) knows that he shouldn't want to even touch anything that you made 
"Look Michael, it's easy!! We just need to follow the recipe and in no time you'll have your cake"
Don't you feel… silly? Don't you feel a…little ashamed? 
Michael didn't say no to you just because you seemed so happy to spend time with him that it made his heart swell a little bit 
He actually enjoyed doing things together, he felt less uncomfortable when having something to do that shows he cares instead of having to say it or to give physical affection
In all honesty, you both were starting pretty good. 
He was in charge of mixing and you only had to measure things and add them to the bowl.
Your mistake was thinking you were able to get the amounts right without proper measuring utensils 
Michael was watching you a little bit confused about what you were doing.
In his defence he has tried to stop you but you just did what you wanted which ended up in him getting frustrated 
Which also leaded to him holding both of your wrist and shaking them so hard you had to drop everything you were holdings 
He really said "You're baking rights have been removed" 
Problem is that Michael should get his baking rights removed too. Not only the baking ones but in generale he shouldn't be allowed to have rights cause he abuses the shit out of them
He started to add too many things and then when the batter started to look weird he got angry 
Clue the death glares he is sending you 
Spent the next 30 minutes arguing. Well you were arguing he was just staring at you and occasionally he would make a frustrated gesture to let you know you're guilty of ruining his cake 
You two manage to finish and when it comes out of the oven i-
It shouldn't be illegal. It looks like it's about to wake up and start being a menace for the human species 
Michael was at his limit with all of this so he just points to the cake and then you
Mind that, you're the one cooking for him lately. The garbage is YOUR handmade garbage 
Michael is now offended. 
he does feel bad tho cause deep inside he knows it's his fault too
Using that feeling and the "I've eaten worse so what could ever happen" he takes a few bites 
One more bite, ONE, and you could call yourself the one who killed the shape of haddonfield 
Man is fighting against God to stay alive after putting that in his mouth
"Michael!! Stop it, you're going to get sick!!"
He tried to eat another piece cause he really reaaally wanted some cake even if it was this disgusting offensive thing
Moral of the story
You have to buy sweets for Michael, when he will get better after eating your attempt of murder
And YOU should not be allowed in the kitchen. 
Y/N just…stick to simple meals please, we can't afford another dead slasher here.
You're going to traumatise him
He already absolutely forbidden you to cook any type of meals that were not as simple as cutting up things or warming them up 
The first day as his nanny you made the most atrocious and disgusting dinner he has ever had 
Like it was just plain offensive. 
Taking advantage of the whole ghost thing he wrote on the rules "pretty y/n should never cook" 
He put pretty in it, at least he tried to be nice
How mad he was that he got caught by you because he was hungry and was trying to make something for you and for him
Now fast forward to present day
You were bored out of your mind. Brahms didn't help much cause he was really caught up in a new book you have bought him 
So what best way to spend the evening if not proving your stinky boyfriend wrong about your cooking skills 
You had saved a lot of recipes you wanted to try cause they were simple enough for you to follow
"Brahms, would you like some biscuits?" 
He didn't waste any time nodding vigorously. Who wouldn't want biscuits? 
"But I thought we run out of biscuits yesterday" "that's why we will do our own biscuits:D" 
He got up, grabbed the rules and put them in front of your face, pointing to the no cooking rule. "You're not allowed."
After numerous tantrums and pleads to spare him from eating whatever you were trying to make he accepted to help you only on one condition 
You would have to eat them first and if he finds out by your reaction their bad he's giving them to Malcolm and never letting you do it again 
So now you're both gathering all the ingredients for some vanilla biscuits 
You were really confident about this whole thing as you started to add things into a bowl 
Brahms was confident that you would end up food poisoning yourself and he would have to find another nanny 
"Pretty y/n I don't think you should put that much vanilla extract" "y/n darling I think that's too much baking powder"
After the 15th time correcting you he just stopped being nice and chose violence 
"They're going to be disgusting and I'm not eating them. YOU'RE PUTTING TOO MUCH BUTTER FOR FUCK'S SAKE"
Needless to say he got humbled very quickly by being reminded the only cooking skill he had was being able to cut in triangles a pb&j sandwich 
Because of that you had to take a break to comfort a butthurted brahms
Even with all of this you then kept preparing the biscuits. 
You both were acting like gremlins without any coordination or knowledge of anything whatsoever 
In the end you were both just adding shit for the sake of doing it 
He was actually getting worried about you eating that cause as time went by he was less and less sure that monstrosity was edible 
When the biscuits were done they looked…fine?
Like they were ugly as fuck but they didn't seem that bad
"Y/n…you don't have to, you know that right?? I don't want you to be sick" 
Now you say it? DO I REALLY KNOW IT BRAHMS? 
you eat one out of spite because you wanted to prove brahms wrong 
And HE WAS WRONG. they were super sweet but other than that best biscuits ever
You could've cried. Deep down you were worried of having to eat whatever you would end up doing
"I don't believe you, you're surely trying to trick me" 
God, one day he's going to catch this hands
"Alright I guess no biscuits for you then"
What- you're trying to deprive HIM of biscuits? Not today Satan 
Listen…I always thought brahms would be one that even if it's hard he would admit when he's wrong and eventually say sorry
This time tho…this hurts more than any other time. 
He SWEARS it was just luck that they turned good
Which is right but HE DIDN'T HAVE TO KNOW
you just kept telling him that you knew what you were doing and that he was just being rude having so little faith in you 
I think I don't really have to explain what happens when he ends up believing you and asking you for the same exact biscuits again. 
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blackberry-gingham · 3 years
Standard Treatment | Otto Octavius x Fem!Reader
The doc and reader, two scientists at Oscorp... After a long build up, and a little bit of what he perceives to be as help, Otto finally manages to as you out on a date. Too bad Harry has shown up to crash it. Inspired by this ask
Note: this is a separate universe from Catch, for all my fans of that fic
Tag list: @smokeywhalee @stupid-stinky @busybeingtrash @momos-peaches @pinkieperil @amongpresidents @bimboshaggy @nanjalee @mickeyperkins @tolovaj
"First Mary Jane, and now her!", Harry snarls, shoving the doctor's broad chest, "You work for me damn it! This wasn't supposed to happen!", teeth clenched and bared, he whips around to face you, drunkenly slurring his words, "You work for me. You do what I sa-"
"Hey", Otto clamps a hand on Harry's shoulder, jerking him back around to face him, "That's not how that works"
The doctor towers over the angry young man, standing firmly. He will not be intimidated.
Harry wrenches himself free from Otto's grasp, "Oh, fuck you!", he shoves the bigger man again, weakly trying to assert any semblance of dominance, "You are a bastard. This", he gestures quickly between you and the doctor, "wouldn't even be happening if it wasn't for me!"
Otto winces a little at that. It stings, but... It's true.
"Otto...? Is that true?", you step forward into the doctor's field of vision, "Harry put you up to this? I thought yo-"
The doctor easily pushes Harry aside as he comes a little closer to speak to you, "No! Or, I mean... Well, yes, but... I-I've been wanting to-"
"Save it", Harry cuts him off, stepping defiantly between you and the doctor, "Why don't you go run back home like a good little lab rat, and I'l-", he goes to lay his arm around your shoulders, only to be gruffly grabbed by his collar.
Otto rips him away from you, dragging him off as though he were nothing more then a child. Now that he has some space, the doctor takes a step forward, inviting himself into Harry's little bubble. He's had quite enough of this...
It's not every day he gets a nice night out on a date, and he'll be damned if this little bastard ruins it for him, "No. You run home. Before you embarrass yourself any further"
Harry's mouth opens slowly, disbelief rushing into his features. Then, just like that, a resounding smack echoes across the room. A thin cut marks the doctor's cheek from where Harry's ring scratched it.
"How... Dare you speak to me like that...", Harry's voice is teeming with barely contained rage. The tendons in his throat twitch in anticipation, his face goes red hot...
"Otto, maybe we should just g-"
"No! You are not leaving with him!"
The doctor tries to interject one more time... A promise, not a threat, at his lips should the younger Osborn not leave. His attempt is only met with another, degrading slap.
"That's it...", Harry seethes, shedding his sports coat as quickly as he can, "I've had enough of you... Come on!"
In true adolescent fashion, Harry puts up his fists, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he prepares to fight. The doctor, however, looks entirely unimpressed, "I'm not going to fight you Harry, I'm a scientist damn it"
Harry responds with a solid punch to the doctor's mouth. The jab hurts like a bitch, even drew a little blood, but... He just can't do it, "Get out of here. You're drunk. And I'm not going to warn you again!"
Harry says nothing, instead he takes another free shot, this one sending the doctor's glasses flying off his face, "Hit! Me!", he seethes.
"Stop it Harry, he's not going to fight you", you try to step in as the voice of reason. You are promptly shoved aside.
You yelp in surprise. Harry pushed a little harder then he may have intended. That, or you didn't think the reedy young man had that kind of strength in him. Either way, you fall back against a table, scrambling for stability as the corner bites your back.
Spitting venom, Harry doesn't take his eyes off the doctor, "Come on... Hit me, you fat fucking pi-"
The doctor's hands tremble in a clenched up fist and before the younger man can even finish his insult... And just like that, he's met with a heavy, bone crunching punch.
How dare his own boss set up this... This trap for him? To get his hopes inflated so high that he finally dug up the courage to ask you out... Knowing full well that he planned all along to crash your date together.
Harry crumples like a sheet and falls to the ground with a solid thud.
He doesn't get back up.
Otto stands rigidly, his knuckles white as he maintains the tight fist...
"Damn... Are you alright?", you tentatively ask.
No, he's not.
Here came all this way just to be embarrassed in front of his crush, and now he's just knocked out his boss like some kind of primitive brute. Like the switch of a flip, all the anger and rage is gone and the Otto you've slowly come to know is back, "I uh... y-yes, I'm fine, are you?"
"Fine, but...", you hug your date quickly, then pull back a little, "You look a little worse for wear"
Otto puts a hand to his cheek. With all the adrenaline coursing through him... The twin scratches on his cheeks and the cut above his lips stopped hurting. For now.
His palm comes back wet with blood...
"Hey! Get outta here!", the bartender calls out from halfway across the room.
You and the doctor sheepishly wave for pardon as you huddle down and find the exit. Forget Osborn... One of his security staff will be after him soon enough.
Otto wipes away another streak of blood as you stand together awkwardly on the sidewalk. You get busy trying to hail a taxi, but keep one eye on the big guy.
You've been a part of Oscorp's science team for a while now... Longer then Octavius even. Things were the same old, same old around there, but... Ever since Harry brought the doctor on, things felt so... electric.
All you would hear about is the genius of this guy. It felt like people who didn't even have a stake in his success were bragging about him. Of course, you were preoccupied with your own work, but when you did meet him... Well, you were surprised to say the least.
You'd think someone with so much fanfare, so much talk and bluster and medals and awards to their name would be a little more... Up their ass.
But not Otto.
You forget how you two met. Perhaps it was in a meeting, or just after one, but you'll never forget the impression he left you with.
Here was a man meek and humble as they come. Soft spoken and with a warm personality to match... A true gentle giant among men.
Although you were impressed, you didn't think much of things afterwards. Little did you know that you'd managed to leave the doctor feeling star struck. What's not to like after all? You're quite the set of brains yourself, and even if you weren't... The way you looked at him, engaged in his rambling conversation...
Even in such a brief meeting, no one has ever made him feel so seen and heard before. Made him feel... Like he matters. Like he's more then just what he can do for Oscorp's name.
Afterwards he made a few more attempts to "run into you" and strike up a conversation, and each time after he felt the same as he did the first.
It got to such a point that even Harry, the jealous bastard, caught on to things. This simply will not do. He can't have his prized pet scientist running around getting all caught up with you, after all. Besides... The doctor isn't the only one attracted to your sympathetic ear.
Getting Octavius to confide in him about you was laughably easy. The man is like a gigantic child, no older then high school aged. He's dying to tell someone about his little crush. But, and what's more important... He's looking to get some advice.
A little ego stroking here, a bit of telling him what he wants to hear there, and boom. It wasn't long before he got the doctor right where he wanted him.
Or at least... That what he thought.
You expect little Harry wasn't planning on you and Otto to hit things off on this date of his making.
"Are you alright? Some of those looked like they hurt", you give a little chuckle, trying your best to change the current mood.
The doctor suddenly jolts out of his misery, straightening up with a brave face. He scoffs, "Tsk, please... Harry is just a boy. I can handle it"
You laugh, bemused at his show of ego, "I see that. Still, I don't feel right sending you home all beat up..."
The doctor attempts to argue back, but you give him no audience as a taxi finally pulls up. He follows after you, ducking inside, as he keeps up his attempt to put up an argument. The two of you bicker for a short time until the driver interrupts you.
"Look! We leaving or what!"
You blurt out your home address before the doctor can come up with some sort of apologetic response. The cabbie won't hear another word after that, and at last you're off. Well... Until he notices the doctor's bleeding face.
"Damn. Do you need a doctor pal?"
"I am a doctor", he replies.
You laugh, "Well, not that kind of doctor. I am though, luckily", you brag.
The doctor laughs, but the driver seems long disinterested. As long as your money's green, he supposes.
On the drive home, you both stay quiet, instead enjoying each other's company. You scoot a little closer to the doctor, soaking up his warmth on this cold, New York night. In turn, Otto slips his hand into yours, holding it comfortably on his lap. You lean against his shoulder and close your eyes for the rest of the ride.
The doctor gives you a gentle nudge when you've arrived home. He pays the cabbie for you and you both shuffle out into the night. It's a bit of a walk getting in and up to your apartment, made more difficult still considering how overcome with exhaustion you both are.
Otto gives a great yawn as you unlock the door. Right after, he winces, clutching his face. You turn around to check on him, wincing yourself. That's a nasty bruise he's got coming in.
"Come on, sit over there", you direct him inside and point him to the couch.
The doctor heads straight over and drops down with a heavy sigh. He doesn't believe he's ever been in a fight in his life. Somehow, getting punched like that hurts more then he thought it would.
You return with a frozen bag of peas and a small first aid kit, "Here, hold this right there", you place the bag against his jaw, causing the doctor to immediately recoil.
"It's cold", he complains.
"Oh, come on... I thought you were a tough guy", you give a playful punch to his bicep.
Reluctantly, the doctor makes progress to keep the ice in place, "I'm just saying... I wouldn't mind a towel to wrap it in or something"
"Well then it wouldn't be as effective", you turn back to your items and tear open an alcohol wipe. Going to his other side, you hold his head steady, "Now this may sting a little..."
The doctor tenses immediately as he waits for you to touch the alcohol to the cut along his cheek. You get in one swipe, just barely cleaning some of the dried blood, before Octavius winces and pulls away.
You click your tongue and pull him back again. He mutters an apology, and tries to stay steady.
"Here, I'll blow on it a little, ok?", you do just as you say in between wipes. He supposes it does help with the pain.
Luckily, the scratch isn't very deep, so you have hope for the other side. That was the easy half. You apply two tiny bandages and ask him to switch sides with the ice. This will be the harder one.
You grimace at the sight...
A smattering of purple bruises tint the doctor's cheek and lip. The swelling is nearly gone now, but you can see for sure that this cheek got a bit of a rougher cut.
Still, like a good doctor, you don't let on.
"Alright, hold still"
Otto does as he's told, until you hit the nasty gash. He hisses sharply and jerks away. Biting his tongue, he holds back a swear.
You can't help but feel bad. He was just trying to stick up for you after all, and now look at him...
"Shhhhh... I know, I'm sorry", you lean in gently and press a little kiss beside the cleaned cut. The doctor freezes.
"You know... I think you were pretty brave back there", you muse.
"Y-you do?", he dares a glance over to you.
"I do", you smile warmly, "I have to say, I appreciate that you didn't immediately retaliate. That takes a lot of self control"
Otto sits up a little straighter, basking in your compliments.
"Besides... It takes a lot of guts to knock out your boss like that", you chuckle as you apply more small bandages to this cut too.
"Well, I definitely have plenty of that", he says flatly.
You burst out an unexpected laugh, leaning on his shoulder for support. Once you've collected yourself, you give his cheek a solid kiss, "My hero"
The doctor gives a tiny smile, then... Oh so carefully, he turns to face you. He gives your nose a little nuzzle with his, "Is this standard treatment procedure doctor? I'll have to take your card"
"Well, I... Would hope you wouldn't need my help too often", you slide your hand down to rest on his chest and give his hooked nose a kiss.
Otto hums happily and nudges his cheek to yours. His skin is smooth and pillowy... You could lay against him all night.
Feeling daring, you sneak a kiss to the unmarred corner of his mouth, setting the doctor's heart alight. You can feel it pounding away under you hand, strong and steady. Otto glances down to where your hand rests, then back up to your transfixed eyes. He smiles shyly.
"That's quite the healthy heart you've got there", you reciprocate his nervous smile with one of your own.
He leans down and kisses you softly, pulling you close into a comfortable embrace. When he breaks apart, your lips chase his for one more go before you're done.
The doctor's heart flutters as he clears his throat, "I'm told I'm stronger then I look", he laughs quietly.
You brush his auburn locks out of his face, with a devious little smile, "Well, don't leave me in suspense...", with one, teasing finger you pick at the hem of his sweater, "Show me what you've got, big guy..."
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betbeton · 2 years
✃ Down Right Horrendous
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Bad Dirty Talk With Various TR Men
Warnings - Explicit Content
18 + Below Cut Minors DNI
· GN Reader ·
· Twitter Request ·
· A/N- i'm so sleepy, but i have to give the people what they don't want first ·
Haikyuu Version
・❥・ Masterlist
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⪧ Haitani Ran
This man ages you fifty years some days, whether it's from his bratty or petty comments or his current favourite thing. Down right horrendous dirty talk. As you laid there on your stomach with your lanky partner plowing into your hole like it owed him money, your mind was miles away debating on whether or not being basically banned from Tokyo for killing a Bonten member would be worth it. In conclusion the moment 'you stinky little muffin' left his lips you decided you could live with fleeing the country. Twisting your front half to face him you were met with a shit eating grin. The lanky bastard of a man had played you, he had been foul with his dirty talk for weeks on purpose! You would commend his dedication to his craft later, for now though it was the time for revenge. . . and by revenge it was you grabbing his nipple and twisting it - hard.
With a yelp Ran scrambled away from you, the petty little glare on his face quickly dissipating as a chuckle shook his naked body.
"Alright I earned that."
⪧ Kakucho 'Kaku' Hitto
You would go to war over the fact you had married the most beautiful perfect man in all of Japan, that was a fact. Kakucho was an amazing partner and a wonderful lover aside from his PassionFlix level dirty talk, it was like fucking a Chuck Tingle book. The moment you realized he was joking the entire time with his dirty talk was the time your soul ascended. How could such a perfect man do this to you! His lover! His life partner! The look on your face was one of complete and utter defeat as you felt Kakucho rearranging you organs while pressing you against the shower door. It would have been a wonderful amazing moment, all hot and wet with your hunk of a man, but NO the realization he had been playing the long con with his stale ass dirty talk had hit you like a brick.
You wanted to be mad you really did, but he just had to go an light a fire in your by redeeming himself after you grumbled over being called a sail boat for taking his semen.
"Such a needy and slutty hole, all for me."
This man had your heart in a chokehold and you wouldn't change it for the world.
⪧ Takeomi Akashi
You were used to him having to take a break to hack up a lung when hitting it from the back, after all you don't smoke like a chimney for years and not have some problems. What you didn't plan for was, when his scheduled old man time out from smashing your guts was over, for him to bust out some wild ass dirty talk. Like borderline about to have you throwing hands with him balls deep in you horrendous. In protest of his little joke you flopped down onto your stomach and didn't move, barely even letting him lift your hips into the air so he could thrust deeper into your ass. It must have been a comical site. Two grown adults going at it as one spewed foul ass dirty talk, not the good kind, and the other laid there like a dead fish with a glare plastered onto their face. If only you two weren't so stubborn you might have stopped going at it, but no you two went at it longer than usual . . . probably out of spite.
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lucysarah-c · 2 years
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This is a little spin-off, nothing serious. Like almost all the other spin-offs, you can understand them without context but they are better with it.
Warning: implied sex, sexual topics and strong language ('cause Levi)
Summary: Levi understands why Kenny liked what he liked, perhaps like father like son? (he's not his father, I'm aware. It's just a way of saying it)
Kenny’s advice were like learning how to read for others. You simply can’t forget them. He taught me everything that I know, or most of it, at least. I wish I remembered more of what my mother taught me, but it’s been so long that at this rate it’s probably like some pure intuitive shit, like how to clean your ass, than something I could remember learning. I thought I had squished every single drop of knowledge that Kenny had left behind in my brain until one last lesson appeared, even when it had been over 10 years since he abandoned me to my own luck.
It was still fresh in my memory, staying closed up in that one room dirty flat, with cracking walls and humidity stains everywhere. Waiting for him when it wasn’t safe for me to go out on my own just yet. I may have been around eight to nine years old, Kenny’s age standards to leave me alone for days with some money to do chores but the rules were clear, when the working hours of the underground started (around 9 pm), back to that shit hole that smelled like piss. Days would go by with knives and technique practices, muddy bread that I could cut the greenish edges off, milk that wasn’t actually fresh and some lucky times cheese. I regularly waited for that door to open up to reveal his towering figure, show him how much I had advanced. Just for that dirty old man appeared completely wasted and in a shitty mood. To all that fucking monotony there was one more thing to join, Kenny’s obsession to ramble about Capital city’s girls. Not any other chick, those spoiled Sheena’s wall brats. Over and over again.
“Those little shits, they think they can trick me, ‘ya know” There he went again, shit faced while he took his stinky leather boots off and lay on the bed. “Those little witches”
‘So, that’s where you were,’ I thought. The asshole would leave for weeks, making me wonder if he had gone for real. Floating on some river or leaving me on my own. I wanted to complain that he left too little money and I was starving, but nothing good would come out of busting his balls. Kenny was like that, better than be completely left to die in that room but far from being a security figure to attach yourself to. He was going to leave at any moment, but I lied to myself that if I did well enough; if I made him prideful enough, I would make him stay.
“Capital girls, those little shits. They’re the fucking devil, spawns of hell and are going to be my fucking death” Again, that was the topic. “They call your name with that fucking accent of them and make you feel like a king on a throne when they suck the leaving shit out of you. They act all sweet, the well-raised bastards, then they fuck you in those expensive apartments that daddy brought for them or on those manors that their stupid ill-breed husbands buy to keep those witches away”
Back then I’d never seen a manor, less a Sheena’s wall flat, so I just used my imagination. Those weren’t topics for a brat, but Kenny didn’t mind it. I saw worse shit on the streets every day.
Kenny chuckled at his drunkenness as I saw him from the frame of the door, not trying to interfere and get him angry. “What would a rat like you know? Fuck them, their skin is so fucking soft and pumped from those milk baths that they take and all the shit they put on top.”
‘Milk baths? they take baths on milk? Is that a real thing?’ It only made me hungry to think about it, but not the type of hunger that Kenny seemed to be on. The actual meaning of the word.
“They wear this lace handmade sets that it looks you’re unwrapping a present and what a fucking tight present” Another chuckle “I bet it’s because their sick old husbands can’t even get it hard”
I couldn’t even say how many shitty times I heard that bullshit, with different variations. Unlike other women that Kenny brought from time to time, who were kicked out quickly after they were done. Those Mitra’s girls were like some sort of tale-tell; they were never physically seen, but they existed… I fucking guess, unless he made all that shit up. When I turned older, I got it. The royal highnesses never went down from their high-asses to bless us, the street rats, with their fucking presence. The women that I saw and fucking heard weren’t pampered little shits who thought the world owed them a favour. Only once, perhaps a couple of months before Kenny left for real this time, I saw one of those. In the underground, we call them untouchable.
“Oi, do you see that rat” Kenny grabbed my face and forcefully direct it in a specific direction. "That’s a shit you should never do, it’s like blowing up your fucking brains”
It was some gang dragging around a little girl with some sort of uniform. I frowned in confusion before looking up at him as much as my eyes allowed me while he kept my face still.
“That’s a brat from the chick’s Mitra’s school. The place where nobles keep their candies” I guessed that with candies he meant the girls. “Those assholes are fucking doomed. Nobles solve their shit under’ desks, but they don’t forgive the stupid mortals who messed up with their property”
Turn out, I learned that lesson way too late and I should have kept it in mind. Even with all those Farlan’s plans, I should have refused. Messing up with wealthy well-raised bastards never ends up good for us, for the street rats like me. Going back to the fucking point, Kenny had a kink, or better said, plenty of them. But one that he was most vocal about was his fetish with Mitra’s Girls.
In my mind, it has always been the most stupid shit ever. It was just chicks, wealthy or not. I hated to admit it; they say that with age comes wisdom and if there was something that old fucker knew about was cunts. I had to swallow my words when she came around. I understood a bunch of shit that Kenny rambled about, why they called them candies, for example. Because I felt like delivering a dessert when she wore that stupid greyish sort of blue dress matching the coat. Her legs were on the side of the horse because it was too long for her to part her legs and her figure fitting between me and the horse’s neck. The make-up, the hair, the clothes, even the fucking perfume was delicate, sweet, innocent and fucking expensive. It was, overall, a treat. A treat that another well-raised bastard was going to enjoy after a party full of other high pedigree assholes. Wondered if I looked like him, that retarded from that pig-piss gang that dragged the expensive-looking girl, while I ride her to the closest city to be picked up to that ball.
My mind refused to bless Kenny, where ever that bastard was, with the pleasure of admitting he was right. It was even harder to refuse when she called my name to ask me to open a jar or complaining about some degrading nickname I gave her. Perhaps it would have been better if I’d never tasted it. Like trying an expensive tea, after that, normal quality feels like an insult to your taste buds. Because her legs felt as if they have been washed on milk on how soft they were against my head, her expensive matching lace lingerie did feel like unwrapping a present and her expensive accented voice echoing in the castle did feel like I was a fucking king. She always looked perfectly put, from head to toes and admiring her blushed messy appearance made you smirk and think, “I bet this wasn’t what your rich daddy had in mind when he closed you up in those girls-only schools”
At some point I just admit it, ‘Fuck you, Kenny, you are a fucking old creepy asshole and you made me a creepy asshole. But you were right all those times you came shit-faced to ramble about how much you liked to fuck Capital’s girls’ Because she walked around the scouts, looking perfectly put together, untouchable while talking to her friends. Then she did eye contact with my and gave me that cheeky smile. Or she showed off around with those little outfits of her and asked me, “How do I look?” making me wonder if behind those “goody two shoes” clothes were a pair of that matching sheer lace undergarments that covered almost nothing. The total energy said, “Levi, you know I’m not a bad girl… I just do bad things with you”
Like when she always raised from the bench of the mess hall’s tables with closed legs because “Ladies don’t sit with parted or crossed legs” but they were wide open for me. It was twisted. It was kinky but fuck me; I was way too lost from salvation. There’s just one thing that’s raising red flags in my mind. It’s that Kenny never seemed to complain about them having someone else apart from him.
Since they broke up, is full of these brats that are wet behind the ears trying to fancy her. Yet, it’s entertaining to see Erwin’s face contour despise and bounce back to its usual nonchalant expression each time. He was so fucking used to everybody respecting the “she’s my chick” title that now he has to swallow the fact that she’s now “available” Setting aside all the sexual tension between us even when she likes to call us “friends”. Ha, friends? Who said friends? I know you better without clothes. She’s so sweet, so kind, smart and caring. ‘It’s like she put a fucking spell on me. I’m not thinking straight anymore. That’s why Kenny called them witches? is she poisoning that tea that she serves me in the mornings? You were right, she’s going to be the death for me’
I was being selfish, but I didn’t like the “available” title either, because she wasn’t. I dug my teeth and claws into her and all the rest of the fuckers could fuck off. Sharing has never been in my dictionary and I was sure of reaffirming the lack of that term in my personal preferences each time she asked me to sleep on my lap during night watches. Unlike Erwin, I know how much expensive shits costs and I know to be responsible with them. I’ve starved my whole life. I had to live with the bearable minimum and stand those humidity-stained and cracked walls my whole life.
I deserve a treat, a really sweet one.
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S- Stinky bastard men being forced to accept feelings for sweet, sunshiny PC? With Whitney, Bailey (young au or current, up to you) and Remy (maybe with Bailey's kid)?
I love this dynamic. Tame the bastard man!
Under the cut for length!
Bailey (current PC)
Honestly it's pissing him off how you stay so hopeful and bright despite everything. Is always waiting for the moment you break down and become as jaded as he is.
But you never do. Just keep smiling and laughing.
Until one day he finds you crying to yourself in the garden at night. He thought it would make him happy to see you upset, but instead it's unsettling.
He needs to know what broke you. So he sits, takes out a cigarette, and asks.
You go on this long rant about how you feel a constant pressure to be a source of stability for everyone, and how you're tired and will be fine after you've cried a bit. It's like pressing the re-set button, you'll be fine in the morning.
Bailey can empathise, there. He's taking care of all of you, so the man understands that pressure.
Leaves you to it, and sure enough your back to sunshine the next day. Why does that make him glad now?
After a few more weeks like that, confused and angry at why your smile brightens his day a little, Bailey comes to the horrific realisation that he likes you more than he should.
Tries to stomp those feelings down. Keep them as buried as possible. But you've also started coming into his office every so often and just sat there chatting with him. You view it as a safe space to relax. You view him as a comforting presence.
"Have you eaten?" you ask, and he can't believe that you're starting to take care of him, too. No, he hasn't eaten. Yes he would like a sandwich. He's not saying thank you.
When you crawl into his lap one night, he can't find the heart to stop you. Or when your soft hands start stroking the stubble along his jawline while he fills out stupid bills.
Stays still when you press a gentle kiss to his cheek and thank him for letting you stay before you go off to bed.
You do the same the time after that. Bailey makes no comment about it. As long as no one sees, its fine.
It's an accident, when he kisses you. He's about to ask you something, turning his head as you go to kiss his cheek, and your lips meet. Neither of you pull away.
This is fine. Its nice. You make him feel less stressed. You can keep coming to his office at night and telling your silly stories. Keep him entertained while he works. Keep kissing him good night.
It's more than fine and he knows it. But he won't say it out loud. You don't need him to, anyways. If Bailey didn't care he would have shoved you away long ago.
The first time he meets you, Remy is endlessly entertained. Bailey made you? That grumpy, sardonic fucker made you? Oh this is amazing.
Flirts a little with you despite Bailey being right there, gets warned to keep his hands to himself.
He backs off, knowing not to go too far, but still waves goodbye when you leave.
You end up coming to him, rather than Remy waiting for the next meeting. Visit his riding school, all eager to learn and happy to accept his praise.
You fall off a horse and jump straight back on, confidence never wavering.
He gives criticism, and you don't falter and take it personally like others might.
When the younger students get hurt, you're the first to comfort them and encourage them to keep going.
You stay afterwards and help clean up. How responsible and helpful.
Curious to know more, Remt invites you into his home one night for some tea. Finds himself enamoured with you, how you talk and giggle with him. There's no fear there. No restraint in your mannerisms. It's cute, a breath of fresh air compared to everyone else.
Keeps inviting you back. Wants to have all of your attention on him in those few hours.
One night you turn him down, saying there's something important you have to do, and Remy feels rather lonely when he sits drinking tea by himself.
Finds his thoughts turning to what it would be like to have you properly. Maybe the ranch could become a family business. You would be a wonderful parent while he worked.
Has to shake himself to clear his mind of those thoughts. Surely he wasn't actually getting attached? You were just a point of interest. A way to get information on Bailey, even.
Thats bullshit, and the farmer knows it.
Will confess eventually. Will make a meal for the two of you instead of just having a drink, and hold your hand as he tells you he'd like to try something.
Then he'll pull you in for a kiss and be delighted when you kiss back.
"My dear, your smile shines brighter than these candles ever could," he'll say as he cups your cheek. Smiles along with you when you giggle at his compliment.
He'll have to keep you safe, from now on. Keep that sweetness from fading.
You're so fucking annoying. When Whitney pushes you into a locker, or burns you with a cigarette, you just keep smiling at him and acting like he told you you look nice.
Cry! Beg! Something other than pure fluff would be nice.
And you're starting to bother him at the fountain. Buying him a scarf to make sure he's not cold, asking him if he's okay because he looks sad.
Leave him alone, he doesn't need to be coddled.
But you never give up. Keep coming back even when he throws you into the fountain. Keep asking if he needs cheering up.
One day you don't show up. He's even sticks around an extra half an hour, and there's no sign of you. At school the next day he hunts you down, drags you into an empty classroom and demands to know where you were.
"I'm sorry, I had to work a little extra. I thought you found me annoying, anyways?" your head cocks to the side as you say that, and he feels like pulling your hair out of pettiness.
You're right though. He should find you annoying. But he doesn't anymore. He likes when you fuss over him. Like feeling like he matters.
He'll storm off after telling you it doesn't matter, he doesn't care, he hates you.
But he still feels his heart beat a little harder the next time it rains. Practically runs to the park. Pretends to not notice you approach.
Says nothing when you slide under the umbrella and wrap an arm around his.
"Can I kiss you?"
His head snaps to look at you, all blushing and nervous. And he practically crushes you when he pulls you in for a full on make-out session.
"You're mine now, got it?" he'll say when he pulls back, and you look so cute smiling up at him like that, lips a little swollen.
Yeah this is okay. He'll still have to bully you to make sure everyone knows he's not going soft though. Can't have that.
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mohluskiepedard · 4 years
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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