#i just want to feel wanted yaknow?
earth-to-ezra · 8 months
another tag vent because ugh feelings
#my feelings are: a mess lately#i just want to feel wanted yaknow?#i dunno why but like i just always feel unwanted in some way#even if i know people want me around i still feel deep down that they really dont#maybe its the thought that theyd all be better without me#maybe its just that im socially anxious#but i just i can never trust that people want me#that they appreciate my presence genuinely#that if i wasnt there they would seek me out or theyd notice or theyd miss me#i just feel like no matter what im just a casual presence in peoples lives#im there im not there#it doesnt matter#it just? is?#and sometimes it makes me want to isolate cause that feeling gets so strong and intense that i want to have it proven wrong#but the worst thing is that usually me pulling away is a self fullfilling prophecy and i just ruin everything#and id hate myself even more and more and more#and even if i dont pull away fully and im just less present there is usually people who dont notice or care that im gone outwardly#and for some reason i can never focus on the people who stay? the people who care about me#and then i feel even guiltier for that because theyve stayed they care that means something#i dunno#cause even when i do feel wanted tho?#at some point they dont want me around anymore? and then its like my brain decides i was never loved wanted cared for in the first place#and i just hate that#im just so so so tired#i hate myself and i hate myself even more for hating myself#and i hate myself most for making other people deal with me because they deserve better#i wish i was better
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batw1nggg · 10 months
my number one biggest critique of dr2 is its approach of treating izuru as simply an extension of hajime. we never get to see izuru and hajime explicitly coexist as two entities and we never get to see izuru take back his own humanity after having it denied from him ever since creation. i want hajime to face the consequence of the mistake he made in signing up for the project and the consequences of trying so desperately to “fix” himself rather then accept himself as is, and i want izuru to have to face the the fact that he did all of what he did while ALSO simultaneously learning to accept and be angry about the fact that he was a victim of both junko and the project, placing him as not an GOOD person but not an inherently evil one either and thus, at the end of the day, a person with feelings and autonomy and needs and desires.
i want hajime to accept and love himself as the lovable ordinary guy he is instead of simply getting a cheatcode to talent, i want izuru to see that he’s more than a machine and that he’s a person himself. sure, izuru gets development, but its not as much as it shouldve been again because of the approach the writers took here in treating him as Hajime Version Two instead of his own character. genuinely i feel like the ending of dr2 was soiled because of this and both characters’ development was entirely erased the moment the writers decided to merge them together and i will say this a million million quadrillion times
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vt-scribbles · 2 months
Something seriously lacking in my art is the ability to tell a story in a single illustration.
I've gotten so used to drawing my characters standing around doing random things that I've never practiced telling a full tale/putting implications into my pieces that require more thinking/looking.
It also comes from a lower amount of details in my works by default [since I like to get pieces done fast], but I'm tired of using that as an excuse.
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faggotsonic · 7 months
giving it up for my fellow memory issues girlies-- we love never being sure of our memory of information or an incident we love having 0 faith or reliability in our remembering a responsibility, task, or plan and we especially love being commonly blamed and asked to apologize for it 😬👍
real talk though-- fellow bad memory girlies im here for you and whatever shit youve gotten, blame you've taken, for a brain disability out of your control, you didn't fucking deserve it, and you aren't a bad person for it. There are people out there though who WILL take "i have memory loss/problems" as an answer and Will be patient with you and love you and you will meet those people and it will be so relieving.
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dockaspbrak · 1 month
i feel like im not actually connected to the world anymore like i used to be and i lost whatever i had
#and now im just waiting to die orsomething#idk#i feel like norman shouldnt have gone without me#unfair#im not even a person anymore#im uselss and a disappointment to all#i can just drive#i miss having friends and being a part of a group who noticed when i wasnt there yaknow? like#a society#i feel like i slipped out somehow and i dont see people smiling anymore or enjoy sunlight on leaves or feel hopeful#i dont know when i got to be so depressed but#i managed to get a hair cut today#which sounds stupid to even mention but i am sort of agoraphobic and hadnt. managed to get one since september of last year or so#i looked stupid#the other day i went into a store with my sister and a woman was very chatty with me so i bought her a slushie and it was sweet how happy#that made her#so im just being dramatic you know its nice when someone smiles at you like directed at you#and like i did feel the sun on my arm while driving today and it felt nice and i can change as a person whenever i want#i dont like living in the city i think#i dont know what i want but i gotta make changes you know#start smoking and get a tattoo or something#i guess a lot of this is just regan and i arent that friendly right now and its making me sad#shes just busy#kinda a little bit makes me sad it was so nice when we started dating and we flirted a lot now its like im just a fixture that needs mainte#ance#everyso often#and my cats still dead#and his brother is dying#hes got lymphoma#i guess thats why im sad and sayng all this today
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diabeticgirl4 · 6 days
Hgghghhgh I'm trying not to be upset about it but I was hoping to watch all of e91 tomorrow but my dad wants to go hiking w me tomorrow and I can't say no to that, so now idk when I'll get to watch 91 :')
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dc brain rot anon here just to recommend @thepandaredd on tiktok for their batfamily content because I think you’ll appreciate the chaotic energy 😂
Nooooo omg I LOVE panda his batfam content got me through campaigning for REAL. My fave is the Batman who laughs meeting the batbros. Truly a piece of cinematic excellence. The timing, the angles. "Joker's wet dream?" Glorious.
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aria0fgold · 22 days
Is... is a wisdom tooth growing... ON THE TOP RIGHT OF MY MOUTH?!!?!?!?!? NO!!! STOP! STOP IT! WHY?!
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zanderbobs · 24 days
Hey guys maybe if you have an issue with the way your housemate has cleaned something or left a bit of a mess maybe don't clean it up and then tell them a whole day after instead of just. You know. Asking your housemate who is literally in the next room to just clean it up
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neverendingford · 4 months
hardwood comb project
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I forgor to buy a lighter colored wood for the spine/core so I can't keep working on it tonight cause all I've got is the walnut.
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fooltofancy · 10 months
told myself i was gonna stop complaining abt money on tumblr.com so just gonna delete that and idk
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nygleskas · 4 months
i;m thinking abt thos waystarshipping lore where we meet in 1x3 and i split my lunch with him when i see he p much doesn't have anything to eat and i start to make/buy lunch for both of us for work. smth smth i love you i want us both to eat well yk
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icharchivist · 6 months
Is Sakyo like a Lu Woh type who's such an annoying uppity twink that you just want to dig your teeth into like a chew toy and then shake your head a bunch?
a3 is such a wholesome series but after what YOU GUYS did to Lu Woh in particular i feel fearful bringing this on Sakyo 😭
and i think it's not an *unfair* comparaison tho.... Like they're both more on the reserved side, they try to take things seriously even if no one around them do, they can resort to threat of violence to motivate people while actually they care too much to really carry through with it, they're both surrounded by groups who tend to want them to loosen it up, they both tend to lecture people over what should be done, reminding them of their duty and everything....
so they do have a lot in common. I would say on the difference is that Sakyo is much more likely to actually get angry (Lu Woh, despite threatening to be, tends to be pretty lowkey), and Sakyo also doesn't hesitate to be soft when the time is right (Lu Woh, so far, has kept the Tsundere energy through everything). Sakyo is also more passionate in general i'd say, he's more in contact with his own feelings and shortcomings than Lu Woh.
So they are pretty similar i'd say, not fully obviously, especially due to the fantasy vs down-to-earth distinctions of their arcs, but they do have major draws in common here and there.
now whether it means you want to dig your teeth into him and bite him like a chew toy........ i do know people who would do that to him.
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just don't hesitate i guess?
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vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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Ok, but like. The agent's Nar Shaddaa mission had to have been about 80% unsanctioned, right? Like, yeah, go find out about and dismantle any terror cell on Nar Shaddaa, by whatever means you deem best, yes. But the means being "collaborate with a former Watcher who so deeply traumatized the rest of the Agency that they can't even talk about what happened but they thank you if you kill him" can't have been like. "plan a."
#swtor imperial agent#i really deeply feel that watcher x and watcher two have a past together#even if she wasn't at all connected to the ops that Went Wrong and eventually got him 'retired'#i think there's hero-worship there and a fear of becoming him#and a need to prove that surely she doesn't actually have anything to worry about#and sure maybe he did one bad thing (or a series of bad things)#but the conditioning is still there and still right. and the empire is still right.... right?#agent narsh is just watcher two trying to prove to herself that Everything Is Okay#and then everything backfiring spectacularly#if you couldn't trust me why would imperial intelligence give us this assignment - i don't think they did#i think watcher two did because she wants so badly to believe that even though watcher x Went Wrong he's still the Watcher she admired#and yes yes i'm sure watchers are given a large degree of freedom in terms of what specific assignments they send their agents on#but as much as she likes what's proper and 'the rules' idk if she actually got the official go-ahead on this one#like. keeper's got his hands full anyway dealing with. yaknow. everything falling apart.#she can justify not getting his signature on every little thing if it's gonna cause him more hassle to make him sign off#so ask for forgiveness instead of permission when her brilliant plan works because surely it's going to work#watcher x makes her skin crawl but her cipher is Very Good#and he's the watcher she always dreamed of being#so it has to be the right call to pair them up. right?#sorry for writing a novel in the tags but you know it is with imperial agent replays
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friesian · 1 year
going out on a limb here, but does anyone know anyone else in the teaching/education field that would be willing to answer some questions for me? i'm heading back into college, and i'm seriously considering a teaching degree-- however i have some questions that i'd love to ask to someone who's employed or has experience. bonus points if they're LGBTQ in some way, since i have major fears when it comes to being a trans educator that parents would be absolutely BATSHIT towards me for existing.
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royalreef · 10 months
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