#and even if i dont pull away fully and im just less present there is usually people who dont notice or care that im gone outwardly
earth-to-ezra · 11 months
another tag vent because ugh feelings
#my feelings are: a mess lately#i just want to feel wanted yaknow?#i dunno why but like i just always feel unwanted in some way#even if i know people want me around i still feel deep down that they really dont#maybe its the thought that theyd all be better without me#maybe its just that im socially anxious#but i just i can never trust that people want me#that they appreciate my presence genuinely#that if i wasnt there they would seek me out or theyd notice or theyd miss me#i just feel like no matter what im just a casual presence in peoples lives#im there im not there#it doesnt matter#it just? is?#and sometimes it makes me want to isolate cause that feeling gets so strong and intense that i want to have it proven wrong#but the worst thing is that usually me pulling away is a self fullfilling prophecy and i just ruin everything#and id hate myself even more and more and more#and even if i dont pull away fully and im just less present there is usually people who dont notice or care that im gone outwardly#and for some reason i can never focus on the people who stay? the people who care about me#and then i feel even guiltier for that because theyve stayed they care that means something#i dunno#cause even when i do feel wanted tho?#at some point they dont want me around anymore? and then its like my brain decides i was never loved wanted cared for in the first place#and i just hate that#im just so so so tired#i hate myself and i hate myself even more for hating myself#and i hate myself most for making other people deal with me because they deserve better#i wish i was better
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milfygerard · 6 months
hi hi hi i’m sorry about the everything in life for a distraction i would love to hear your detailed thoughts on your favorite mcr albums or taylor albums or a detailed ranking of either i just love Music Opinions and also i hope things get better soon<3
thank you sm for sending in <3
im terrible at ranking so ill turn to opinions hmmmm
My favorite mcr album changed by day hour minute but i think i wanna talk about.....bullets....yeah bc bullets is so insane as just a sheer proof of concept, like an expression of raw skill and talent that was growing within this band. Rays guitar work alone was enough for it to make complete sense for major labels to be knocking at the bands door begging to suck them off and then they also had GERARD!!! And this was even before mikey really could write bass parts and frank was still not really in the band like its just ray gerard and geoff (and otter who wrote drum parts that r cool but also somehow out of his skill range? girl you MADE THEM). The fact that vampires not onky exists but was like the second or third song written? Like before mcr gerard either never wrote music or wrote shitty three chord throwaway punk that existed as an excuse to print band stickers and arent even good enough to save on tape and then you decide to start writing for real to cope with major national level trauma and your first song is SKYLINES??? and youre next songs are VAMPIRES and OUR LADY OF SORROWS???? and oh my god the vocals gerard gives on the albuk as a completely untrained vocalist who did one musical once in middle school and otherwise never sang professionally unless you count crazy kids song in breakfast monkey. and then you hear the vocals on fucking vampires???? Like gerard doesnt exactly sing like celine dion on bullets but the raw harmony work and ability to PERFORM and really stretch the emotions of a song and do whatever strange or vulnerable thing is needed to sell the track. Theres still few songs more affecting than early sunsets. Like i fully think gerard is probably the strongest vocalist in the emo scene just because of their ability to completely and utterly sell you on the songs emotions (not just anyone can sing im not okay and get away with it) and thats before all the developing technical talents both already present like how gerard can just toss a melody onto a track without thinking about it or the fact gerard did a lot of the base writing for mcr while fucking barely knowing guitar how did that even work girl. Like i havent even mentioned the lyrics??? How do you. Like you can tell both that gerard never learned how to write songs and also that gerard listens to so much music that he can just fake it anywayyheres like 2 songs with actual choruses on the album and neither of them are the self proclaimed pop song h4h which opens with a queen riff?????? ans then is like a hardcore version of a beatles pop song????dont talk to me about drowning lessons. deomolition lovers!?!?! half of these songs are just poems that gerard hammered into songs and theyre so like. genuinely so incredible and they work??like the album works! as a cohesive piece! it coheres!
and thats the first album. Id say my favorite ts album is probably evermore though i might actually have less to say on it just bc i havent had it since 2015. Evermore is just so....ANGSTY!!! it feels like a complete fulfillment of what she was exploring on folklore with the fictional framing devices and keeping the songs clearly personal while also removing herself in a way she never really has before. It feels like a level of introspection through art that taylor has always been both pushing towards and shying away from because too much introspection or strangeness or even pulling away from the diaristic idea too much never worked with where taylor was at with her career. Evermore had a new collaborator, and the massive success of folklore as well as the continued quarantine gave her both an unprescedented level of artistic isolation personal confidence and professional security that allowed her to just go "fuck it" and write fucking. cowboy like me and dorothea and coney island and closure and she GOT AWAY WITH IT!!! like the albums been out for 3 years or something like that and I still feel like i havent fully processed its existence despite listening to it constantly. It truly felt like she was unshacked and was able to write about herself while also completely pulling away from any sort of literal Truth and going crazy with concept and the way she writes feels so unconstrained from the rules she would sometimes set for herself, it felt like a natural evolution from the freedom she felt jumping into the lover era but its past the honeymoon phase and like it is pop music but its also not scared to be...not pop music if that makes sense? She really fully settles into folk as a genre for the first time and it lets her writing flourish. Songs with no choruses songs with barely any structure at all lyrics that stretch at the ends of verses and fun bouncy wordplay and just allowing herself into a characters life and seeing how it fits her. She has some straight up ren faire tracks on here liek willow is just a collection of similies and metaphors she likes smushed together over a lute and its so GOOD. It feels like she was allowed to really live in adulthood as a woman in her early thirties who creates art because she loves it and because it keeps her alive ALSO proof that she needs to keep collaborating w new ppl bc whenever she does you can feel her pushing herself harder and she becomes so willing to try these new kind of weird things that she may have never tried otherwise aughhhh!!!! i didnt even talk about coney island!!!! I love how moody and dour the whole project is it feels like November where fall drags you into a cold unforgiving winter and you're just trying to survive with your sanity and any of your personal relationships intact. its so!!! tbh its SO new england also which makes me biased. ok thats all
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halorocks1214 · 3 years
Hey, could I request more of that ‘Alan has cancer’ fic please? With Scott looking after Alan when he’s not feeling well, like a really tender moment?
sure! i hope you dont mind me nabbing prompt number 4. “Please stay with me.” for this. its based on the number in your URL :] (i would have also grabbed 7 for fun but theres no way im fitting that sentence in lol)
ill be accepting prompts until tomorrow morning, so get them submitted within the next 7 ish hours if you haven't yet and want to! the prompts are pinned at the top of my blog <3 (im going to bed snnnzzzz)
cw for mentions of cancer/cancer symptoms as well as chemotherapy
technical first part to this story but you don't have to read to understand
Scott vividly remembered a memory of both John and Virgil banning him from the kitchen. They already had Grandma to start fires for them, they don't need Scott helping.
But even they would have to be willing to forgive him for dabbling with their janky pancake maker considering the circumstances.
"It's started," Virgil plainly stated while standing on the other side of Scott's desk.
The brunet could only look up confused, the paper he was reading previously loosely gripped in his hand with one of his favorite pens in the other, "What started?"
Virgil sighed, but not at Scott, just at the situation in general, "I was helping Alan get ready this morning and started brushing his hair. I got about four brushes in before a clump of hair fell out."
Well, what great news to start the day off with.
"Jesus," Scott could only lightly slam the paper and pen he was holding down onto the table to push his wrists into his eyes. "Jesus Christ."
They were all expecting it to happen sooner rather than later, still didn't suck any less.
Virgil walked around to place a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder, rhythmic with his comforting rubs as much as possible, "Yep."
Scott left a hand on the side of his face as he looked out over their house with a shake of his head, staring off into space as a million thoughts raced behind his eyes, "God, why Alan out of all people, out of us? What has he done in his life to deserve this?"
Virgil shrugged his shoulders, swallowing the spit in his mouth as he proceeded to look out over the room just like Scott, "Nothing, absolutely nothing, which is why cancer sucks so much. People who get it never deserve all the pain it brings with it."
John mentioned something about eating lots of healthy things during treatment, didn't he?
Scott grabbed a cup from one of the cabinets before heading over to the fridge. Filling the plastic container to the top with some grapes, pineapple, and carrots (Alan's favorites), Scott went back to the tray to place it on there and leaned away a little bit to make sure everything on it looked presentable.
A few pancakes, a cup of juice, utensils, and now a cup of fruits and veggies.
Scott sighed while carefully grabbing the edges of the whole thing, hoping it would be enough (would anything be enough right now?).
Making his way to Alan's room quietly, he used one of his feet to prod the door open to the kid's room, leaning over the tray in his hands to peek inside. With the sun rising over the horizon and peering in from the window, the room was lit up just enough to make Alan's outline on the bed, IV and all.
For the most part, patients tended to receive their treatment in a clinic or hospital, but occasionally, with the help of an on-site nurse, chemotherapy can be given at a person's own home. With both Brains' and Virgil's expertise, it wasn't that hard convincing the staff to release Alan and to let him stay with his own family.
They weren't dumb with it, and anything they were even slightly unsure about involved inviting a private doctor to the island to help them out, but for the most part, they knew the best thing they could do for the kid was letting him be in a familiar environment he felt safe at.
With a soft 'click', the door was pushed back shut with the same foot he used to open it. Scott took a deep breath, "Alan?"
He thought he would need to speak again before the youngest finally stirred and rotated himself around to look at the door. Once he noticed who was in his room and what that person was carrying, he sat up on his hands and knees with an ear-to-ear grin, "Scott!"
Scott was sure to hide the way he wanted to grimace at how Alan sounded, "Hey Allie, I got something for ya."
Walking over to the bed, Scott leaned down to place the food on Alan's lap, grinning at how happy the smile on his face was. Sitting down on the edge of the covers, Scott crossed his arms as he stayed to make sure nothing went wrong.
Ignoring how Alan's hand trembled while holding the fork, Scott watched Alan take a bite of pancake. He hummed around the utensil in his mouth, words mumbled as he spoke with food in his mouth, "Wow, this is great! Did Virgil make this?"
Scott laughed, though it had a hint of unsureness behind it, "Um, thank you, but no, I made it."
Alan moved to munch on some grapes as he absorbed the words, "But John said you weren't allowed to use the kitchen any more?"
Dirty snitches the lot of his brothers were, sometimes. With a fond sigh, Scott reached forward and ruffled Alan's hair the softest he ever had, "Well, he can take it up with me later if it bothers him so much."
Alan giggled before continuing on and finishing the breakfast Scott made for him. Nothing else needed to be said, everything the two of them needed could be achieved by just being in each other's presence. It almost felt like an eternity, with how slowly Alan was eating, but eternity was exactly how much time Scott had for his brothers anyway.
Setting the fork down, Alan leaned back with a blissed-out sigh, "That hit the spot. Thanks again Scooter."
Scott nodded, "Of course, it was my pleasure."
The brunet stood up and stretched his arms above his head to get the knots out of his back. Before he could fully reach down to grab the tray for when he left the room, Alan shot forward and wrapped his hand around his older brother's wrist.
The grip laughably weak, yet it still tugged on Scott's heart all the same. Despite it all, Alan still had the ability to whip out an absolutely stellar pair of puppy-dog eyes, "Please stay with me."
Scott had a lot to do today. He had to sign a bunch of papers, make a few phone calls, and he still wasn't sure whether or not he needed to go to the mainland for an in-person meeting. Still, "Sure thing, bub."
As gently as he could, Scott lowered himself back onto the bed next to Alan, grabbing the now-free-of-food tray and setting it onto the table next to them. Worming his way closer to the headboard to be more comfortable, Scott had all of two seconds before Alan's head was on his shoulder and the kid's arms were wrapped around his right one.
With a fond sigh, Scott pulled out his phone, content with the idea that he'd probably be hunkering down for a while. After a few rings, he held it horizontal as John's hologram appeared before him.
He spoke quietly, "Hey John, do you mind rescheduling anything I have for today for later in the week? Something came up, I'm gonna be kind of busy."
Noticing the tuft of blond in the corner of Scott's hologram, John didn't need to be told twice, "Sure thing, Scott."
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hpfannons · 3 years
Oh la la! Thats a fine choice of specimen. Thank you. :) lol. I only ask about the jealousy thing because I remember that Dick said one time that they only get to see him 2 months a year or something... I probably meant the batfam side i guess... lol but its good most Harry’s friend are okay or just roll with it... maybe I should asked some batfam moments during their stay in order hq... I really love that scene where Harry was on Dick’s lap and and the rest are just with them... I kinda want a scene with the same feeling...if you dont mind. xD thank you very much! glad to hear ur answer about fudge and umbridge. thank you so much... im really immersed in this au... looking forward to part 7. >_< thanks and stay safe y’all.
Glad you like my batfam! My best friend and I spent way too long going back and forth on people we could agree on for different characters (I think Tim and Alfred were the hardest… but it was years ago, so don’t quote me on that lol)
Sorry about the jealousy thing though, miscommunication on my part. I blame that for answering at 3 am on my phone XD
Yes, there is a lot of buried jealousy with the Batfam. Though surprisingly, most of it comes from Harry. That’s mostly because all these new family members come in while he’s at school, so it kind of feels like they’re all much more close knit with each other than with him because he’s not there for the large portion of the year.
They’re all happy to include him and catch him up with things he missed while he was at school… But there are some things you just have to be there in the moment for, because retelling the story just isn’t quite the same.
That’s not to say that the rest of the Batfam don’t have the same feelings as well, I think I’ve mentioned before that Tim and Harry especially are very close (actually best friends, on the same level as Harry and Ron) so Tim is definitely one of those people who feels Harry’s lost during the year the most.
Add on the fact it’s not really that easy to keep in touch with him while he’s at school, and it really is just hard on everyone.
As a side note, I fully believe the family would find some kind of way to make alterations to a communicator that will work at Hogwarts. Considering how many people who both use magic and have been involved with the Justice League in some way or the other, I find it hard to believe they haven’t found a work around for the whole magic screws with tech problem. At the very least, Harry would have a way to check his email from family, b/c making Headwig carry letters from Scotland to New Jersey and back is just cruel.
As far as the Batfam hanging out around 12 Grimmauld Place… They’re trying to be as non-confrontational as possible, even if there’s still some ruffled feathers from the first night. So the boys mostly go along with helping clean out the place under Molly’s orders - Jason was originally kind of prickly about it because he’s not a child (certainly not her child), so he found getting ordered around kind of insulting… Until his inner clean freak won out and yeah, this place does need a lot of work. Alfred has taught them all well, and it shows.
Tim mostly hauls himself up in the library when he can get away from clearing out pixies and de-gnoming the garden. He’s got like four notebooks full of information and Ron is a little shocked to find out Harry wasn’t kidding when he said Tim was worse than Percy and Hermione together when it came to information gathering.
Damian has less than stellar people skills at the best of times, and here he’s decided he doesn’t care very much for anybody over the age of seventeen (that’s not family anyway), so most of Dick’s time has been dedicated to keeping the youngest away from most of the Order. Not that he really blames him, Dick isn’t nearly as vocal about it as Damian, but he is also just completely done with all of them. He’s only playing nice because they’re here for Harry.
Bruce has also posted himself up in the library, reading everything he can get ahold of in regards to the history of the wizarding world trying to understand exactly what he’s son has gotten wrapped up in. Because lord knows nobody in this house is going to explain it to him… At this point he’s about one wrong comment away from telling them exactly where they can shove their ‘muggle’ excuses.
There was one notable evening though, when the boys as well as the Weasleys and Hermione were just hanging out in a parlor or sitting room or whatever it was supposed to be. Jason had been messing around with an old radio he found the other day and between him and Tim, they managed to get it working. The minute they recognized Britney Spears’s voice, there were four sets of eyes immediately on Dick who gave all of twenty seconds of resistance before he was up and dragging people along to dance with him. The impromptu party had ended up going on for hours, Tonks getting roped into the fun with them while Sirius and Remus smiled fondly from the doorway. Molly made a passing comment about bedtime, but didn’t argue back when that was quickly shot down by the other adults. Let the kids be kids while they could.
As far as soft moment’s for the Batfam… there are two that really come to mind, though they’re kind of sad though.
The first is really kind of short, but it’s after the battle of Hogwarts, and Harry’s come back from his final fight with Voldemort, and there’s just people everywhere in the great hall, but Harry knows exactly where he’s going. Bruce is standing to the side, watching while Jason’s getting patched up, and trying to keep an eye on his other kids as well. Everyone's a little banged up and bruised, but they’re all alive, and that’s the important part right now.
And then he sees Harry and there’s this almost tangible sense of relief because now all of his kids are present and accounted for, and Bruce feels like he can finally breathe again. And Harry just like collapses into Bruce who has to scramble a little bit to catch him, but then just stands there and holds him, because Harry is just completely exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. And all Bruce hears is “I want to go home Dad.”, and honest to god Batman almost starts crying in the middle of the great hall in front of everyone.
The other is after the Triwizard Tournament, and everything with Mad-Eye Crouch, when Harry’s in the hospital wing. Everyone’s standing around trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and Harry wakes up still kind of groggy from whatever Madam Pomfrey gave him to knock him out, and he ends up breaking down crying in front of everyone.
Dick doesn’t even hesitate, he’s on Harry before the first tear even really starts rolling and just tucks him into the crook of his neck and let’s him cry it out. Except Harry’s been traumatized and he’s like full-on sobbing, almost wailing, and that just stabs everyone straight through the heart. Tim’s next, doesn’t say anything, just sits down behind Harry and tucks himself up against his brother’s back. Damian and Jason join in as well, Damian sitting on Harry’s other side and just quietly putting his head on Harry’s shoulder; while Jason sit’s down a little farther away, reaching out to put a hand on the back of Harry’s neck. Bruce is standing on the other side of the bed, and just runs a hand through Harry’s hair while they let him get it out and calm down.
And once he’s down to hiccups and kind of stuttery breaths, Dumbledore says something about leaving him be, and if looks could kill… Jason’s still armed, and he almost, almost goes for the gun. Bruce head’s it off at the pass though, saying he’ll go with them to discuss things further and also inform the league about what’s happened, but the rest of the boys will be staying.
Madam Pomfry insists on dosing Harry again, and after some reassurances that his brother’s aren't going anywhere, they get him to drink the potion. That’s as far as they indulge the mediwitch though. Tim and Damian both try to settle down in the bed on either side of their brother, though after some jostling around and being unable to really fit two teenagers and a ten year old comfortably in a hospital cot; Dick and Jason move another bed over flush against Harry’s and Dick manages to coax Damian into it with him, as long as the younger is able to keep hold of Harry’s arm. Jason retakes the seat he’d pulled up to the bedside, kick’s his feet up on the cot and settles in to keep watch over the lot of them for the night. And that is exactly where and how Bruce finds them the next morning.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Murder In Paris
Summary:two spies who are opposite to eachother in every sense are sent to an undercover mission,but form hate to love theres only one step.
(Sorry for the long post but the read more wont work)
Ok to rb
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Of all the people he could have been assigned with,it had to be her.
Jerico leans on her motorcycle, waiting for her frenchman companion.
Spy was bitching at something,at this point she couldnt care less,the plane trip was already very tiring,she just wanted to crash into a bed.
--Hurry the fuck up!-She screams at him.
The Man turns around Rolling his eyes grabbing his suitcase,full of their spy Gear.
He sits behind jeri, then holds on the motorcycle for dear life, and his legs caging the suitcase.
--Would you mind go a bit slower?!--he shouted as her, they turn around the corner,making Him hold onto her waist.
--No!--She answered back-- im tired!
This was going to be one hell of a day.
They arrived at the hotel in ten minutes, thanks to Jers reckless Driving, its a miracle they were still in one piece.
Once at the reception, spy leaned on the desk to the receptionist.
The Ladys demeanor changed as she saw him, deep down it made jericos blood boil.
--avez-vous une réservation?
- sous quel nom?
--jacques kateb
- voici les clés bon monsieur
- Merci, nous avons commandé deux chambres.
--Désolé, nous n'avions qu'un seul gratuit
Jer looked at his companion as he sighed,taking the keys.
And with that he left, jerico chased after him.
--oi!spy!--She called as both got into the elevator-- werent we supposed to have two rooms?!
The Man sighed in desesperation-- it seems like we had a problem with the hotel rooms, so we Will have to share
She was dumbfoded.
Are you serious right now?
They arrived at the last floor.
--Lets hope the sights make up to this...--she muttered under her breath.
The Man nodded in agreement.
They went down the corridor to the last room, spy opened it, letting jer go first, at least hes a gentleman.
Jerico Gasped when she saw the huge windowpane across the room, she cant help but walk a few steps closer to it.
She could see the whole city from here.
She smiled, Doing a small jump.
The Man noticed this,chuckling softly under his breath, she could be rather cute at a times.
Though the moment was Killed when they both saw it.
--Zheres only one bed....
Both looked at eachother like all hell was about to break loose.
Then jerico calmed down and scratched the back of her neck--ill take the sofá--she says--just let me take one good nap on the bed,im exhausted
Theres no way In hell.
--Ill zake zhe sofá, you should take the bed
Jer snorted,looking at spy-- dont come at me with that gentleman act, if you want to take the bed, take it
--its simple courtesy, you should sleep on zhe bed
--Jerico I insist, If not--
--the only option is sharing--i know
The frenchman was taking back, its been a while since he shared a bed with someone,that didnt involve any other thing than sleep.
--zheres no need to go to such extremes--
He heard her start to laugh shaking her head, then sitting on the bed, taking off her jacket and shoes.
--whatever your choice is, im okay with it,just keep it down Will ya?
He nodded, and hid the suitcase with their equipment, sitting on the old sofá, reading the newspaper that was placed on the coffee table.
A soft smile crossed his lips when he heard the faint noise of snoring.
He stood up,closing the newspaper,and closing the courtains,he had taken off his suits jacket,and he uses it to cover his companion.
He couldnt help himself and kept his gaze on her for a bit longer.
He shook his head and chuckled.
Jerico woke up at noon, she sits looking at the jacket, she smiled when she recognized it.
Shes about to speak when she catches spy, with the newspaper on his face,sleeping by the couch.
If she could,shed take a picture to show it to scout.
She then slowly and carefully moved the Man to fully rest on the sofá,unaware that the Man was awake.
She then grabbed the newspaper and covered him with his jacket.
Her hand brushe against his balaclava, some loose strands of hair had broken loose from the mask covering his face.
She then grabs her jacket and puts on her shoes, then she takes her backpack and closes the door behind her.
Surely spy would know how to unlock it without the keys.
She went downstairs into the restaurant the hotel had, she looked at the menú,knowing that spy was very picky with what he ate.
There was nothing that could really meet the frenchmans standards,but she preffered to hear him whine than him not eating,so she ordered in the most broken french youve ever heard.
She then sat to wait, good thing she ordered take away.
She sat on some of the sofa in the now empty waiting line,looking out the Window.
She started to take notes of the place, drawing her surroundings.
Its truly beautiful.
Eventually, she was called to Grab her food, and as soon as she entered the room, she peeked at spy, he was still awake.
She chuckled leaving the food on the coffee table with the wine and grabbing the glasses in the cupboard.
She sat besides spy and softly shook him--Spy, spy wake up, I got lunch
Yet he didnt wake up, she then shooked him a few more times.
The Man opened his eyes with a playful smirk.
--oh fuck you-- jerico pushed him back into the sofá and sat to eat.
The Man tried to contain his laughter, as he grabbed his food, only for his smile to convernt into a scowl.
--before you complain, that is as good as it gets, I dont want to hear it
The Man stays in silence for a bit-- very well...
The afternoon wasnt as interesting,they spent it organizing their things once the rest of the luggage arrived.
And well, thats when the small fights started.
Jerico was messy, leaving her clothes in piles,not even organizing them by color--
Well...actually she was pretty tidy....in her own way once he looked it upclose.
Maybe she wasnt that bad after all right?
And finally at night.
--jerico is already late we sh--
He stopped mid sentence as he saw jerico lost in the city lights.
He chuckled and sat Next to her on the floor the night Sky was clear and they could see the stars shining brightly as ever.
--its beautiful--she says softly.
--oui--his gaze turns to her,getting lost in her eyes for a couple of seconds, she was so concentrated,her eyes half lidded.
Spy snaps back to reality as he hears her yawn, he chuckles standing up and offering his hand to her.
--i zhink is zime for Us to sleep
Jer looks at him and then his hand,sleepily nodding, and taking his hand,standing up with his help, he chuckles again walking to the bed.
They both lay on the bed giving their back to the other.
Spy would have changed into his fancy robe,but with jerico present he felt somehow embarassed to wear it around her.
And jerico,well, she had no shame, she almost changes infront of him if he didnt reminded her there was a bathroom.
He always found it funny,how she managed to live in her own little world while also being the most down to earth of all his coworkers.
Well,he always found her interesting,since the day they met, she was his opposite but not...in an annoying way like scout.
His breath hitches when he feels jericos back against his, she thrashed around the bed.
She seemed to be having a nightmare.
He turns around and grabs her hands so she didnt hurt herself.
He then pulled her closer to him, and felt when she melted into his arms, finally calming down.
He smiled and let a chuckle under his breath--bonne nuit...jerico
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Hi! I have just learned about the term genderfluid, and I dont really know if thats the explaination for some things I feel - I don‘t know if thats what I am, or if the things I experience really fit this term. I am a female, but as a kid I always had short hair and I only wanted to wear boy clothes. I once put a dress on at like 7 because I wanted to, but it felt like I was trying to pretend to be a girl - even though I was one? I also pretty much only had boy friends, and loved soccer and playing in the dirt. I also liked horses, but not nearly as much as the other girls - when school started most of them had backpacks with ponys on them, mine had fish. xD I started wondering if maybe I was a boy during the ages 6 - 10, because I was asked constantly if I was a boy or a girl. I always said I was a girl, but kids can be mean - the next question would be pull your pants down and prove it, you dont look like it.
I knew that at 12 years old I would have to go to a new school, and the school was pretty known for bullying. Out of fear to be a target I let my hair grow out from age 10 on, and when I started at the new school it was long. I still dressed kinda boyish, wore a lot of plaid shirts, but I also wore pink things sometimes. I actually forgot that I didn‘t grow my hair out willingly, I talked to my mom about it a few months ago, saying that I couldnt remember what changed that I wanted long hair - and she said I didnt actually want to, but that I was scared of the bullying. Ever since that young age of 6 I went through phases questioning if I was a boy, because being a girl just didnt always seem to be right! However I‘m not sure if it didnt feel right just because hobbies and clothes are so strongly gendered, and I just wanted to have short hair, boy clothed and my soccer ball - in peace, without the questions. So being a boy would have been easier in that aspect, because no one would have questioned anything about me in that case. But because I also wasn‘t so sure that I would want to go trough actual transitioning to a boy, I realized that I probably wasn‘t transgender. There were times where I compeletely forgot about this worry of mine, and then suddenly I would look into the mirror, or see or hear something, and a weird feeling would start to creep up again - am I maybe a boy? Now I‘m 20, and I have been pushing these thoughts away for a while. I came to the decision that I dont really care, Im not that bothered by my female body that I feel the need to change everytime I see myself, and I dont feel horrible if someone calls me a she/woman/girl - its just, some days I wish I didnt have breasts because they annoy me, and I would like to be flat so that some of the men shirts I own would look better. However I never feel the need to have a penis, because thats as much as a statement as breasts, I’m fine with my vagina because it isnz showing in any way through clothes. Other days I like showing cleavage, some days getting called a she just leaves a bit of a weird feeling in my stomach. Sometimes I like make up, (Eyeliner most of the time), other days putting lip stick on makes me feel like a clown. These things are present enough in my life that the thoughts about what I am creep up from time to time, but they are not so present that its always on my mind. Sometimes my mannerism arent really female - around my female friends I kinda have always felt like the elephant, not moving as gracefully, not talking as softly, not sitting that woman like - my mannerisms just seem to be more men like then my other female friends, but they are more female then most of my male friends.
Because transitioning fully to a man is not an option for me (waaay to unsure with what I am, and also most of the times I‘m fine with my body I think) I just sort of pushed it all away. I also have never tried to embrace my „male side“ more - I dont want to be judged or to be asked questions if I suddenly show up with a baseball cap and a typical men hoodie. I also dont want everyone to think I am a butch lesbian, because thats the first thing people would think. I feel like if I could wear and behave however I wanted, and no one would care or ask questions, there would be days where I would wear a baseball cap and a hoodie, chewing gum and drinking a beer and just sit on my car, chilling. And there would be days where I would wear a dress, have flowers in my hair and have a picknick or something. So far I have only really lived the female side of this - and with clothing I kinda compromise, if I wear a male sweater I wear tight jeans or make up, to even it out a bit. Enough for people to notice Im probably not a girly girl, but not enough to make them look twice or to question my style or gender or sexuality.
Ive been thinking about embracing the clothes side of men a bit more, because I lost some weight and I‘m a little less curvy then before, so men shirts start to look kinda better then before. However, I am terrified to embrace any of this whole gender fluid stuff - what if I just surpressed being trans or something? Or if I try it out and after that it becomed unbearable to not be able to fully live being genderfluid? Right now I can deal with it - I would wish to embrace it more, but I can mostly handle not being really able to do so. I am afraid that this will change if I get a taste of it. Also I am kinda questioning everything in regard to gender - because if no one had ever commented on me looking like a boy, if not everyone around me had despreatly tried to put me in some box, I dont think I would ever have started to worry about all of this, I would have just been me. So maybe I am just a female but I’m not fitting the stereotypes that are put upon genders? Sexuality wise Im attracted to men, however I believe we fall in love with souls not bodies. Still most of the time I cant see myself being intimate with a women, but then suddenly some days I can - maybe pan? I think this whole gender topic didnt really bother me that much for a while because I was only aware of trans, and that didnt really fit me - so I just left it. Then I heard of non binary, but like I said mostly im fine, also I wouldnt want to be called they/them I think so that didnt really fit either. But now with this genderfluid stuff I heard of something that might fit me, so Im having a slight identity crisis right now to be honest.
I would just absolutely love to hear your thoughts on all of this - would you say gender fluid could be the right description for me? Or something else? Am I just insane? xD Do you know someone who experiences gender fluid similarly to me? Because most despriptions are that the change of gender is extreme and suddenly, and with me its more a way of expressions, clothes and weird feeling.
Sorry for the insanely long text!
It’s ok. Your gender identity is fluid. Non binary meaning you don’t identify as a man or women. Both non binary and genderfluid can coexists and you can identify as both. As for pronouns it’s entirely up to you. Not everyone who is non binary uses they/them pronouns. It’s not a requirement.
It would also seem you hardly have gender dysphoria since most trans people have it. It’s ok to identify as trans without having dysphoria, it’s not a requirement either.
But I do think genderfluid fits very well with what you are feeling. I recommend having a support group in case people are transphobic to you. However, since politics is a bitch, people will side with the transphobes so your only choice is to find solidarity with others who know and understand LGBTQ issues.
Thanks for the ask tho!! ☺️☺️💘💕💞💖💗💓
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astrodances · 5 years
headcanon: when he sits on a chair, lunaris' feet dont reach the ground. also he is incredibly cute, he should Get the Guillotine and tranquility should become less of a stratocracy (im assuming its a stratocracy) and more of a peoples republic
Oh anon, headcanon 110% accepted. That is, depending on the chair.
For Earth chairs, it’d definitely be the case. Add on Earth’s gravity to an alien who’s never dealt with it before, and it’ll probably feel like his legs are being pulled down and through the ground for him, they’ll feel that heavy.
(Literally that’s all the Earthers need to do to defeat Lunaris. Put him in a tall enough chair, and slap-bracelet his wrists to the arms. and then they can break out the silly string)
I would say the headcanon also applies for the moon, but I went digging for a screencap for this, and there’s no shots of his feet when he’s sitting down. But there is a shot of his chair, and just look how low the seat is. Our boy Lunaris here may have rather short legs, but he still wants to maintain his stature when presenting himself.
Which brings me to the headcanon that Lunaris had the dimensions for that chair specified to be that low. In fact, he probably ordered it to be the case for all of Tranquility’s chairs, at least in public spaces. Just so his feet always touch the ground and he can maintain the respect of his people.
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(Can we also appreciate that he has a back pillow? That’s a rather simple choice of decoration for (presumably) a throne, Lunaris (even if it is made of gold). The moon’s gravity isn’t as burdensome as Earth’s, so it wouldn’t, shouldn’t affect his spine as much. (Unless Moonlanders’ bodies are proportionally affected by the moon’s gravity the way we are with Earth’s.) So, does Lunaris have back problems? You okay there, buddy?)
But yes! Lunaris is incredibly cute (as is Penumbra)!
I wouldn’t say he deserves the guillotine. Rather– oh maybe this is another foreshadowing thing –by the good words of Penny, he should be fed to the moon mite. (Or just tossed in the same prison cell in moon jail that he sentenced Donald to.)
OH! Maybe that was another bit of foreshadowing (*puts on tin foil hat*): Penny slapping the bracelet on him in the above scene might be an early parallel to her getting to slap some actual cuffs on him after he’s defeated??
So, moon mite or cuffs: your pick, Lieutenant. (She totally deserves the honor.)
(Full disclaimer for this next part: governmental systems are not my forte.)
But yeah! Whatever Tranquility does next, it probably would move away from being a stratocracy and more towards a republic. There’s also this adorable (and HEARTBREAKING) fic by @transdonaldduck where Penny’s the queen of Tranquility, and I kinda love that idea!
Whatever the title, I’m just fully here for Penny becoming the new leader of the Moonlanders. She’s gonna be incredible at it because she genuinely cares about her people. Della even points it out, but you know what gets me? Is that right before she does so, Penny’s convinced that Della’s a liar and says that she’s “gonna get them all killed,” and the way her voice breaks on that last part is so touching, because even though she is wrong about Della, she just really doesn’t want to see her people die by any means. She’s not just a warrior; she’s a protector.
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fearfilledvirgil · 6 years
Ivity and Anx: part sixteen
Summary: should i even still do chapter summaries? does anyone read them? do they make a difference? should i just put the whole work summary instead just in case someone comes across one of the parts but not the first one so they have an idea what is happening? help??
Warnings: Blood, surgical stitching, subtext abuse, past death mentions (mother and aunt), swearing, needles/fear of needles, 
Word count: 5127
Parings: Slowburn Prinxiety
A/N: *stares at the latter chapters we’ve already written* i dont know why it took me this long to post this chapter. im sorry (taglist under cut)
taglist: @rileyfirstname @verymuchanidiot @definentlynotjustanotherlemon @silversmith-91 @kanejandkruge @sander-fander-sides @lovecrazyjennybear @the-incedible-sulk @hexdream18243 @crows-with-hats @monikastec @definenormalifyoucan @i-am-absolute-fandom-trash @applecannibal @cats-with-blogs @bubblycricket @witchcraft--and--wizardry @bunnyartie @quietlypondering @elusivefalsehoods @hghrules @royallyanxious @quietwords-loudthoughts @squishynonbinarytwink @sortablue @illogical-anxieties @savingshae @a-fander-named-skittles @thelowlysatsuma @ughthatsprettygay @im-so-infinitesimal @certifiedtrashxx @karmels-stuff @sanders-sides-trash-blog @musicqueen1239 @the-average-loner @nicological1 @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @surleytemple @nervous-collection @asapmy @super-magical-wizard @arandompasserby 
Warmth. That was the first thing that Virgil recognized when he slowly started to wake. It was all around him, more so than usual. It was comfort that had the smell of safe, and of pine. The second thing that registered in Virgil’s head was pain. Pain, and a lot of it. His eyes broke open wide, panic ebbing into him for a moment as he forgot where he was. When he saw the guitar on the floor, the same place as last night, everything came rushing back.
The pain was still annoyingly present. Virgil shifted, but wasn’t able to get far. Roman was curled up next to him, their legs intertwined and his arm thrown over his torso. He always slept better in Logan’s bed, so his brain probably assumed that he was cuddling with Logan. But his unconscious mind was incorrect, and now Virgil was mortified.
Virgil tried to shift again to relive some of the pain of his arm, but Roman shifted as well. He pulled Virgil tighter to him, which made the younger blush more. He was lucky that Roman was there, though, because he was the only thing preventing him from rolling onto his left side, where he usually slept. Virgil bit his lip to keep from wincing as the sleeping boy accidentally bumped where the large cut was. He needed to be quiet and still so that he didn’t wake Roman.
Roman felt the body he was curled up against shift and slowly started to wake up. He was not fully awake yet when he mumbled a soft, “Morning Pat.” Once he opened his eyes a couple moments later, and saw the blood stained gauze, he remembered the events of the previous night. Roman jerked himself into an upright position faster than Virgil thought was possible. “Fuck, Virge. You’re still bleeding,” he went to touch the bloody bandage, only for Virgil to wince away. “Okay, yeah, you need to go to the hospital.”
He quickly pushed himself from the bed, pulling Virgil up with him. Completely ignoring the fact that both of them are in their pjs, Roman dragged Virgil with him to the front door to pull on their shoes. All Roman could think of is that Virgil was lucky he hadn’t bled out yet, and that he needed to be taken to the hospital to be properly patched up before he did. Roman mentally kicked himself for not throwing the boy over his shoulder last night and making him go then and there. I’m such a fool. Roman thought as he pulled on his Adidas. I should’ve known better than to think something that deep could be held together with some bandaids. Patton and Logan would’ve known better. Stupid. That was absolutely stupid.
“Before you say anything, you can kick my ass after you get better. I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you to the hospital. I am not kidding right now. This is really serious, Virgil. You need to be patched up better than I ever could do.” Roman said more down to the ground than to Virgil, considering that he was sitting and still tying his shoes.
“I’m…” Virgil started before trailing off, sitting down next to Roman. “I’m okay. I’ll just have to stitch it myself. I’m okay.” He wrapped his arms around himself, using that position to hold onto the wound. He looked almost afraid, highly sheepish, and so very uncomfortable.
“Why do you keep insisting to not go to the hospital? You clearly need to, Virgil James Sanders!” Roman used Virgil’s full name, trying to get some sense into the younger. He only knew that his middle name was James because he told him as Anxiety.
Virgil froze more than he already was. Roman had used his full name. Which meant that Roman was getting really upset at him because he wasn’t being cooperative. It’s not like Virgil wanted to start a fight, but the memories and fears haunted him. The few times Virgil ever went to a hospital were not pleasant.
Roman felt bad for the way the younger boy tensed up, but he didn’t want to let him win. This was not something that Roman could just ignore. “It’s important that you get this looked at. You could die from this! Do you not understand that?”
“I-I understand that.” Virgil managed to stutter out as he began to shake slightly, clearly on the verge of a panic attack.
Despite his own panic, Roman felt something twist in his stomach. “Hey. Talk to me.”
Virgil shook his head in a refusal to say anything more, not wanting to make Roman angrier than he already was. He knew that if he opened his mouth he’d start panicking, and that was not something he could do on top of everything else right now. He had to focus on his breathing and keeping quiet so he didn’t upset Roman further.
“Virgil, please?” When he still didn’t get an answer from Virgil, he tried a different tactic. “Anxiety,” He said, his voice softer than it had been before. “Look at me a minute,” Once Virgil looked at him, fear very clear in his eyes, Roman continued. “I’m sorry that my worrying is pushing you to panic. That was never, never, my intention. Why don’t we focus our breathing for right now and after we both calm down we can talk about why you’re so scared. Okay?”
Shakingly Virgil nodded. “Oh-Okay.”
“Good. So together. In for four.”
The two fell into the well known rhythm easily. Roman kept counting and doing the breathing while Virgil matched his breaths to Roman’s. After several minutes, Virgil looked less like a terrified kitten. He was still on edge, ready to bolt, but didn’t look like he’d break down anymore.
“Better?” Roman asked, offering a hand out for Virgil to take if he needed it.
Virgil nodded. “Yeah.” He didn’t take Roman’s hand, but he did scoot a little closer to him on the bench.
“That’s, that’s good. Now something about hospitals scares you, really scares you. Would you tell me why? I just want to understand and help you. If it’s something besides,” Roman looked up exasperated as he thought of a bad example. “‘They’re white and that clashes with my aesthetic’ I’ll try and find an alternative. But it… it scares me knowing that you’re still bleeding that badly.”
Virgil looked down for a few minutes before answering. “I’ve only been in a hospital twice. Neither time was a good experience,” Roman waited, expecting there to be more to the story. Virgil breathed deeply before continuing, “My mom was in one before she died. I remember going in one and being so hopeful every time because she had told me that hospitals made people better. And every time I left I remembered being heart broken.”
Something inside Roman cracked at what he had just heard. He just imagined young Virgil walking into a hospital, eyes and heart full of hope that his mother was getting better, only for that to be ripped apart every time he left. Roman would hate going to those places too if something that bad ever happened to him.
“Virge…. I’m sorry.”
He just shrugged. “You didn't know.”
“Let me make a phone call. We have a friend who’s a doctor. I can see if they’ll come here and stitch you up.”
“There’s no way I can afford a doctor who makes house calls.”
“I’ll take care of it,” He noticed Virgil looking at him in a confused way. “Don’t give me that look; it’s not charity. It’s me wanting to help a friend. I may be famous but I still have a soul.”
“Sometimes,” Virgil rolled his eyes, turning his head away from Roman. “Sometimes I forget my only two friends are rich. You throw money around like nobody’s business.”
“Hey!” Roman jokingly put his hand against his chest in mock-hurt. “I don’t throw money around. This is serious and,” he paused to kick off his shoes and stand. “Your dad is probably hiding your money from you.”
“My what?” Virgil got very confused very quickly, standing as well.
“Well… I know that when a parent dies, most if not all of their saved money goes to the kid. And, depending on what their job was, the company may give their remaining salary to the kid too.” Roman shoved his hands in his pajama pockets and began walking back to his room. He had a somber look on his face.
“And you now this for a fact how?” Virgil asked as he followed. Roman shrugged, eyeing Virgil’s arm for a second.
“My aunt died when I was a teenager. My cousin went through it so I know some stuff.” His voice was filled with so many emotions at once that it was hard to differentiate between them. Virgil was taken aback. Roman seemed to have been hit hard by the death too, but was also remembering the happy moments with her.
“I’m-I’m sorry. Were… you two close?” Virgil decided on as they entered the forest themed bedroom. Roman sat on the bed before running his hand through his hair. The younger settled himself on the floor.
“It’s okay…. And yeah, we were. She was a Disney Princess at Disneyland. She was the one who gave me the nickname Princey, actually, and called me her little Princey all the time. I spent a lot of time with her and my cousin Rem when my mom was in rehab.” At one point during his explanation, Roman had laid down on the bed. Since he was sitting on it before he laid back, his legs were still dangling off the end.
“She sounds important to you.” Virgil leaded his head back against the bed, but spoke mostly through his teeth. The pain was getting hard to handle at this point.
“Shit, right. Hand me my phone, Anx.” Roman simultaneously moved his right hand to cover his eyes and his left hand out to Virgil.
The prior looked around for a second before finding the phone on the floor somewhat next to the guitar. He reached over to pick it up, huffing in a bit of pain at the stretch. He grabbed it, retreated back to his prior spot, and deposited it in Roman’s hand.
“Thank you, my dark and stormy knight. I’m going to make a quick call now.” Roman said as he held the phone up in the air above his face. The hand covering it was long gone by now, instead helping holding the phone.
“Right, okay.” Virgil blandly responded as another round of pain stung up and down his arm. The panic he was feeling earlier overrode the pain, but now that was gone, he had free range to feel it. It was just amazing.
“Hey!” Roman said happily into the phone after a few seconds. “I need to call in a little favor, my friend.”
Virgil looked away from the boy on the bed, opting instead to stare at the floor. He didn’t want to intrude anyway on the conversation, even though it soon would be about him. A sinking feeling settled itself in the bottom of his stomach. He hated when people talked about him behind his back, considering they could be saying literally anything. Because of this fear, Virgil kept one ear open.
“Yeah! But my friend got himself into trouble, but he’s got a deathly fear of hospitals. Just think smol-Roman in second grade, ya know?” Roman paused, waiting for a response, before he began laughing lightly. “Yeah yeah. That would be amazing.... Nah it’s not that big but it’s concerning.” Virgil could tell that Roman had a smile on his face due to the tone of his voice.
“What can I do to help slow the bleeding while you get here?” Roman listened for a few minutes. “Alright. Thanks Joan. I owe you big for this.” He waited for his friend’s response. Once he got the answer he gave an over dramatic sigh. “For the twenty fifth zillionth time I can’t get you backstage passes to them. So what’s your next favor?” Virgil tried not to laugh at just how weird Roman can be with his friends.
“I can do that. See you soon.” Roman hung up the phone and looked at Virgil. “It’ll take them about 10 minutes to get here. In the time being they said to give you some pain meds and put some pressure on your wound. So let’s get that taken care of,” He pushed himself back into a sitting position before standing up. Virgil scrambled to follow suit. “Why don’t you wait in the dining room while I grab the meds for you. If you want you can remove the gauze and hold some new stuff against it.”
Roman didn’t wait for Virgil to reply before he walked into the bathroom to pick up some meds. Virgil made his way back into the kitchen and carefully removed the dirty gauze from his arm. He hissed in pain from the tape and the occasional bandage adhesive pulling against his skin. When all of the stuff was cleared from his arm he grabbed some wet paper towels and went to clean the blood from his arm.
“Here, Virgil.” Virgil jumped, not hearing Roman walk up behind him. He spun around and looked at him scared until he registered who it was.
“Don’t sneak up on people!”
“Sorry. I thought you heard me coming down the hall,” He offered a couple pills to Virgil. “Joan said that Advil was the best for right now. I’ll get you a glass of water if you want.”
Virgil took both pills and swallowed them down dry. “Not worth the bother.” He went back to cleaning his injury and putting pressure on it to try and stop it the bleeding. His anxiety was kicking in slightly at the thought of any of his blood getting onto anything fancy or expensive so he kept close to the sink.
Despite wanting to make Virgil feel at home, Roman knew that the younger boy would probably need some time to feel that way. So instead of pressuring him to sit down, Roman prepared some gauze for Joan. The two boys stayed in silence until the doorbell broke it. Virgil jumped again slightly at the sudden noise while the older boy answered the door.
“Hello, Romano.”
“Hey, Joan. Thanks for coming,” He held the door open for the dark haired person. They walked in and for a moment, they looked around. “Virgil’s in the dining room.”
Roman lead Joan to where Virgil was, and upon seeing the new person, they said, “Hello there.”
“Virgil, this is my friend Joan. They’re an awesome doctor who will help patch you up.”
“Why don’t we sit down? It makes it easier on both of us. I get fucking tired of standing up all day,” Joan took a seat in one of the chairs, pulled on gloves and set up their equipment. After a moment’s hesitation, Virgil sat down next to them. “So let’s take a look at your arm.”
Reluctantly Virgil moved the towel allowing Joan to see. When they made a hiss of pain at the look of the injury, he quickly said, “It’s not as bad as I’ve had.”
“Then you are one fucking unlucky person if this isn’t that bad,” Gently they poked the wound to gauge the deepness of it. Without saying anything else, Joan began to sterilize the wound. Afterwards, they threaded a needle before pulling out a small vial. “So I am going to give you a local anesthetic shot-”
“Nope!” Virgil interrupted Joan, shooting up from the chair from seeing the vial and hearing that there’d be a shot. “I’ll just bleed out. Not gonna do this. Nope.”
“Virgil-” Roman tried to calm his friend down.
“Nope. Sorry to waste your time, Joan, but this is not happening.”
“Virgil, if it’s the shot I don’t have to do it. It’ll just hurt like a son of a bitch.” Joan put away the vial. “If you get too bad, Roman can knock you out.” They teased their friend.
“Hey don’t drag me into this!” He sounded offended.
“But, Roman, you owe me remember?” The twinkle in their eye was clear to Virgil. “I mean this is just such a huge favor.”
“I think I’d rather figure out how to get you backstage tickets to Hamilton. I’d have my ass kicked less.”
Virgil smiled a little sadly at the easy way the two people could tease and laugh. He could do that somewhat with Logan but not a lot of the sarcasm jokes registered. He was so engrossed in the banter between the people in front of him he didn’t really feel the needle as Joan started to sew him up. Vaguely Virgil realized that Joan also started in the middle of his injury.
“Hey. Why do you start in the middle?”
“Because it’s easier to do the stitching in smaller sections. If I start in the middle and work my way out I have a fixed stopping point. Besides that I’m not sure why. It could be that it helps pull the skin closed so some of the other ones don’t hurt as much. I never retained a lot of the reasoning behind why things are done.”
“Oh.” Virgil focuses on breathing through some of the pain.
“Roman could you get me some more damp cloths?” Joan asked.
Roman does so and helped Joan clean off the blood. Virgil hated the helpless feeling he had. One thing he hated more than almost anything was not doing something and having to be babied.
“We’re almost done. Thanks for not slapping me from the pain. I really don’t want another fucking black eye..” Joan commented as they continue to stitch Virgil up.
Virgil’s eyes widen. “You’ve gotten slapped before, too?”
“Slapped, kicked once. Punched. You’d be amazed how people react when they’re in pain. You’re being really calm. Unlike this big fucking baby here.” They jerk their thumb at Roman who looks at them feigning offense. “I think he’d cry for like an hour over a paper cut.”
“I’ll have you know I got a paper cut and only cried for twenty minutes.”
Both Virgil and Joan groan. “Really dude? Spongebob reference?” Virgil couldn’t believe that the famous person in front of him had watched such a dumb show.
“It’s a classic, Charlie Frown.” Roman argued, crossing his arms on faux hurt.
“There’s no point in arguing with Roman over what is and isn’t a classic. You surely know how hard headed he can be.” Joan shared a knowing smile with Virgil as they were finishing up the stitches.
“I think statues are less hard headed.” Virgil agreed, thankful for the banter to distract him from the pain as the needle went in and out of his skin.
“You two are ganging up on me! This isn’t fair.” Roman whined with a pout.
Joan chuckled before they taped some gauze over the stitches. “You have to be careful with these. Don’t let them get wet for at least a couple days. And even after that you shouldn’t soak them. So no swimming or baths. The amount of times I’ve seen stitches fucked up because of some stupid shit like that is un-fucking-believable.” They began to pack up the medical things, not before taking off the blue blood-covered gloves on their hands.
“Fine by me. I am not fond of either option,” Virgil shook the hand Joan extended to him before settling it on the place of his elbow where the gauze wasn’t touching. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’m going to give you my business card. Call in about three weeks and I’ll take them out. Or if you find you need some help keeping this big lug in line you can call me sooner.” Joan smiled, eyes darting to the patch up job they just did. They stood, Virgil following suit shortly after.
“I don’t think I’ll be around him enough for that but… thanks.” Virgil managed a small smile again. He took the little orange card they offered that matched the beanie Joan was wearing and placed it in his pocket.
“Just stay in state or someshit so I don’t have to fly across the world to get to you, alright?” Joan asked mostly kidding, but there was an underlying tone of seriousness.
“I’ll be fine.” Virgil supplied before being cut off of any other thought processes by Roman.
“He’s not going anywhere, actually,” Roman proclaimed, which made Virgil’s eyebrow skyrocket into his hairline. What was this dude talking about?? “Well, mostly. You should stay here a little longer so I can help you redress it and… check up on the healing process.” Roman’s hand flew to the back of his neck almost as quick as Virgil’s eyebrow rose. He couldn’t keep eye contact with Virgil so he opted for looking at the ground as his hand rubbed his neck.
“You two really need to sort the shit that’s going on between you?” Joan pointed to the two of them while picking up their medical bag. “The tension can be cut with a fucking knife in here,” They quipped, moving to the door. They turned their head to each of the boys when they said, “But anyways! Call me, get me tickets, and both of you, just… yeah. Bye!” And just like that, they were gone.
“Well, they certainly are a handful.” Virgil let out a huff of a laugh, his smile twitching upward. He opened his mouth to say something else, but his stomach rumbled in hunger. He looked down at it sheepishly, blush rising on his cheeks.
“I take it you’re hungry?” Roman asked as he began to move from the dining room into the kitchen.
“If you show me ingredients and shit, I can make pancakes? From scratch too. Or an omelette, if you prefer.” Virgil asked his own question, trailing behind Roman.
The kitchen, to put it lightly, was fucking huge. The ceiling was high with a crystal chandelier over the side where the room trailed into the living room. The cabinets were a light creme, which complimented the dark grey granite countertops nicely. The floor was a dark red hardwood that somehow managed to pull everything together. Virgil didn’t know much about home decorating or interior design, but this was beautiful.
“You don’t have to cook anything for me-” Roman started to say, only to be cut off by a glare by Virgil.
“I got stitches for you. I may not have gone to the ER but I did, and that is me holding my end of the deal. So. You’ve gotta have breakfast. So ha,” The young man smirked before opening the large stainless steel fridge with his good hand to survey what ingredients he would be working with. Upon seeing eggs, cheese, green bell peppers, ham, and bacon, he settled on omelettes. “Do you like bacon in your omelettes?”
Shell shocked, Roman didn’t know what to say. He fumbled with opening and closing his mouth for a few seconds, prompted on to say something by a gesture of his arm. He settled on closing his mouth and shaking his head no. This was apparently enough confirmation for the determined man with stitches in one arm, as he started to grab what he needed out of the fridge, minus bacon.
Virgil took pride in knowing that he was able to get the boisterous man to be at a loss for words. What surprised him, however, was he felt more pride at this moment then he did when Logan was at a loss. Before he got distracted with that train of thought he grabbed a kitchen knife and looked for a moment for the cutting boards. Without saying a word, Roman grabbed one for him and offered it.
“Thanks,” Virgil took the board and got to cutting up the peppers. “Would you grate some cheese for me?”
“Yeah. Sure,” Roman got out the block of cheese and grabbed the grater before moving to stand next to Virgil. “Just onto a plate or where?”
“A plate’s fine.”
Both men work silently, the only sound being the preparing of the ingredients. Roman  was surprised by how well the two of them seem to be in sync. Despite the annoyance at Virgil remembering what was said last night, he was glad that they seemed to be working through things alright. They could still help each other out of any funks they found themselves in.
Roman was jerked out of his thoughts when he realized that Virgil had said something. “I’m sorry. What?”
The younger boy gave an over dramatic sigh. “I said where do you keep your spatulas?”
“Second drawer to the left.”
Virgil grabbed a silicone one and poured the first bit of egg into the hot pan, working on making Roman’s first. With what could only be a lot of practice Virgil flipped the omelette without breaking in. His heart swelled with pride when he saw the clear astonishment on the other’s face.
“You’re not the only one that’s full of surprises Princey.” He flipped it again before putting some cheese on top.
“Okay now you’re just showing off.”
“Maybe. You’ll never know,” He plated it when it was ready. “There you are. And omelette fit for a Prince.”
“Ha. Ha,” Roman took it and grabbed a fork. His stomach did a flip. He didn’t really want to eat it but he knew he had to keep his side of the deal. Plus he could practically feel the other’s eyes watching him. “It looks good.”
“I’m glad you think so. But you won’t know if it tastes good ‘till you try it.”
“Ya know you suck right?”
“Hey, don’t blame me for what you said. I’m just making you keep your end of the deal mister. I can always go take a bath and soak the stitches,” Virgil thought he heard something along the lines of ‘son of a bitch’ but he wasn’t entirely sure. He put his his food onto the plate and sat next to Roman. “I’m not going to poison you.”
Roman sighed and cut off a small bite. He ate it and forced himself to swallow it. It tasted pretty good actually but it didn’t cut through the bile he could feel in this throat. Taking a deep breath, he ate another bite.
Virgil watched Roman discreetly. Years of walking with a hood over his head had allowed him to move his eyes in a way most people won’t notice. He was glad that Roman’s eating but he can see how much effort it took. As long as he eats half and doesn’t go and purge it out I’ll take it as a win. It’d be easier to work him up into more than forcing him to eat a lot now. His stomach has got to get used to it again.
Unsure why, Virgil found himself saying, “You’re doing great, Creativity.”
Roman looked up in shock at the praise that came from the man’s mouth. Based on the blush going across Virgil’s face it was not something he meant to say out loud. The reinforcement of someone he cared so much about was enough to push the bile taste back some. It was still there but not as strong.
“Thank you, Anxiety.” Roman replied, his voice just above a whisper.
The two continue to eat in silence for several minutes. Roman stopped just before he finished half of his food. While Virgil wished he’d take a couple more bites he could tell on the other’s face that was not going to happen.
“Did you like it?” He sheepishly asked.
“I did. It was good. How did you learn to cook so well?”
“My mother taught me. When she was sick I’d cook for her. I mean they were never five star meals, but she always liked them. Especially my grilled ham and cheese,” Virgil smiled at the memory, though it was a little sad. “I can make it for you later if you want.”
“You know you don’t have to cook for me every meal right?”
“Would you eat otherwise?” The fact the other didn’t answer was an answer enough. “While I’m here I’m going to cook for you. I mean you were the one who said I should stay right?”
“Why do you insist on using my words against me?”
“Because you open your mouth. Want to say anything else to give me some more ammo?”
Roman shook his head and picked up his plate, putting the leftovers into a tupperware container. “You’re clothes should be clean,” He said, attempting to avoid to give Virgil more ammo.
“Thanks, I guess.” Virgil stood to clean the dishes while Roman slipped away to grab his stuff from the dryer. His arms were elbow deep in suds when the other man returned.
“Umm…. the blood wouldn’t come out of your shirt. I got it out of your jeans though. So I grabbed one of my shirts. It’s not black but it’s gray. We can go thrift shopping for you later if you want some darker colors.” Roman rubbed his arm awkwardly. “I put them in the bathroom if you wanna change or anything.”
Instead of being offended at the thought of Roman spending more money on him Virgil decided to tease him. “Thrift shopping? You know what that is?” He laughed at the offended noises the other one made as he put the last item up to dry, strategically moving so that Roman couldn’t see the undersides of his arms. “Thanks. I’m gonna change. Your pants are too baggy for me.” He dried his hands before leaving the kitchen.
He somewhat knew where he was going, but it still took a good minute to find the bathroom that Roman was talking about. Once there, Virgil did his best to change into what Roman had supplied him with. Upon snooping around for a few seconds, Virgil found some deodorant, an unopened toothbrush, and toothpaste. He used both things to his advantage, and stole the hairbrush for a few seconds. He had no clue whose hygiene things he was using, but he tried not to care.
Roman, on the other hand, sat in a chair and thought about the strange person who was in his house. His thoughts, however, were cut off when he heard the doorbell ring throughout the home. Groaning, he stood to go to see who it was. Shock ran through him when he saw the person standing at his door.
next part
okay. so. if you’ve read these past few parts, you’ll know that at the end i do a shout out. who to? why, the lovely @lovecrazyjennybear! in the last one i said i’d try again to articulate how amazing jen is, so i shall. let me put this into prospective: by this chapter, it is no longer proper to call her my beta reader. she’s a mother fluffing co-writer by this point! and i couldn’t ask for a better co-writer, because she is so amazing. i love her writing style, and it matches mine pretty closely so its really hard to tell whose writing. she has so many amazing ideas and is just.,, such a great source of encoragement and modivation. when my Artistic side hits rock bottom, her Roman can swoop in and help write, then Artistic can take over when he’s down. its a great system, and that’s not even mentioning when both of us are writing on the doc at the same time. its amazing, shes amazing, and i love her
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nocancer · 5 years
Tryna by Cancer moon
Before Young T went to bed he poured a glass of water and looked out the kitchen window to his backyard and noted how the snow made 3:00 A.M. look like 6:00 P.M.. Only difference being that if he stepped outside with his glass of water to the seeming twilight he wouldn’t be able to hear the rush-hour traffic like he usually could if it was Friday and 6:00 P.M.. Young T didn’t bother going outside because the snow was still falling a little and it’d be there when he woke up. And the neighborhood would still be silent, as it always was.
Young T woke up and his fan was still humming its white noise which he needed to sleep at night even though it was January and his dad was reluctant to leave the heat on over night. The small fan sat on his dresser and was pointed away from his bed towards his window which emitted a sharper and more blinding afternoon light than what he was used to. He checked his phone for the time, it was about noon - about the time where his parents bedroom door would open and their TV would blast the local news and his persian cat, Jo Jo, would meow at his door from which would force him out of bed to open the door so Jo Jo could jump up on his bed to sleep on his pillow from which he would either start his day or keep doing nothing. This time he laid back down, idly on his bed, with the covers pulled over his head to lessen the effects of his slight cat allergy. Jo Jo had a flat face and was grey and fat, and he occupied the entire pillow. Young T thought of how he wanted to trade lives with Jo Jo.
Young T couldn’t fall back to sleep, so he looked at his phone. He bireifly looked at worldstarhiphop, Twitter, then Instagram.
Then he went to bed with a head ache and woke up in college.
9/27/17 wednesday
Tycho: excuse me, hey, getting along just fine, I see? Yolandra: hey, and yeah, sort of, just studying, whats going on with you T: Nothing, the usual, i guess, being responsible, trying not to offend anyone. Y: Oh but you're so innocent. If anyone's offended its on them, not you. T: But my presence alone, I dont know, like I'm out of place or something. And I just want to tell people,  Yeah, so, I know how strange it is, me being here and all. Y: You're a free spirit amongst prisoners. That was my favorite part about getting to know you.
Tycho: After all these years, not for a second did i think you were right for me. And thats why i liked you. Cus I'm crazy. Yolandra: thats okay? what do you mean?, i want to get inside your head again. T: [pause] Most people wouldnt understand. Y: Don't be too cool for school. Im not most people. If I knew what was good for me, I'd have cut ties with you a long time ago. But im a crazy bitch too. Havent you realized? T: Yes. Youre highly psychic when it comes to "free spirits" like me - and you, though maybe, "lost soul" would be a better term for me. Though I dont mind being lost. It keeps things interesting.   Anyway, you should spend your energy on solving world hunger than worrying about me. Y: dont be so difficult. catching vibes isnt easy you know? coming for your type. Who knows, maybe youre worth it. Tycho: well, your the first to try me like this. im mysterious for a reason. Yolandra: And do you know why exactly? T: Thats for me to decide. Y: It's so damn frustrating. But I guess some things are better left unsaid. T: Most people wouldnt understand that, what youre saying. Indescribable feelings we know happened but fall short in explaining. That sort of thing. Y: I call those. "You had to be there" moments. Tycho: Honestly i never gave up on you, only myself, thinking you were different from my dream girl.   it took months for me to realize that but when i did the only thing i wanted to do was forget i ever met you. Yolandra: than what? T: the rest of these simple people that surround us, they see in a way thats opposite of what i am. Y: how convenient it must be. to blame your problems on people you dont even know. and just say "fuck it." I envy you. T: just my luck haha. of being born into myself, my personality forgive me, i dont mean to be such a downer. thats my ego talking Y: you had to be there T: where? Y: in my memories. T: it matters that much to you? Y: if I could find you in a crowd, just to say something, anything, even if i have to scream it in your ear,  then you'd know how much it means to me. Tycho: I'll be waiting for you to say hola.
9/30/17 saturday In the midst of an obnoxious trap beat I remember what my grandpa used to tell me. It's the harsh realities of life that stick with us the most. A dream is only a dream until you make it come true. Never hit a women no exceptions." He would say to a 7 year old me. Now I wish I had the balls back then to tell him that his strict army ass probably never had a dream that went beyond what he already knew. Like revisiting the same shitty cloud of meaningless thoughts every night till you reincarnate into someone who revisits a slightly less shitty cloud over and over until they become someone like me, who lives on the cloud everyone strives to be, forgetting those elvish looking folks of the below who never leave the house except to get groceries. There's comes a point in life where you just gotta be honest with yourself, and say hey, i just dont match the freqeuncy anymore. It's okay. I can still pretend like that one MGMT song, but im fading away. Fuck. I get naseous and imagine a cop coming around the corner which kills my vibe for a second so I take my headphones off, spit on my finger tip, ash the blunt, and walk to my dorm. I'm in water so muddy that the surface is all I have to cling onto. What lies beneath is my past, housing the memories like demons. Of course, her face, would be in the middle. Falling more faintly in detail as I wake up sober and go to sleep high and dream nonsense that somehow doesnt go away like the usual forgotten dream you usually wouldnt give a second thought to otherwise but this morning my head feels foggy and theres a vague recollection of a search going on but I dont know what it's for and my chances of knowing diminish as I go deeper into the day. A search, it's on repeat, like my brain is an actual TV. Thats probably a normal thought to have, though I've never heard it in real words. "Is my brain a TV." I say to myself.                                                                 if you can call it that. but those take the shape of monsters of which, as if I had no choice, I find myself preparing for so when the moment really matters, I can either go down in a blaze of glory or come out on top like the badass I imagine myself to be. All I know is that I was born and now I have to live.
Maybe because my past is so glaringly depicted onto a person I refuse to acknowledge. All that shit was a dream. The only thing that matters is the present, right? Bill Nye the Science Guy would agree with that. Back in elementary whenever we had a sub for the day, a cart would roll in and thats how you knew. I watched his show in elementary school, when we had a substitute teacher. Those were the best days. I had no worries then, able to speak freely with no inhibitions as if duality had nothing to latch its mechanical claws onto. Wait, I'm thinking about the past again. And thats going way back. Fuck! Okay.. On your feet soldier! That baby momma drama dont fly out here in the real world. out here  it's the winners and the losers, haves and the have-nots,  thats the way it is.
We're here to endure anxiety. I dont care about this slave shit. I think im gonna drop out. These fucking people bro, I shouldve known better than to come here. Deep down in the recesses of my highly realized capacity for recognizing everyday objects I'm  hearing the voice my computer makes. It just so happens that I'm a little different from everyone else. I see things. Feel them. Some are expressed. Others proccessed. Though most get put away for later. These things I speak of is all they'll ever be to Some bad. Some good. But in the end I understand the root cause  is nothing and thats where I pretty much exist anyway. In between any and all things, including people. At least that what it feels like. So although I may come off as shy and maybe a bit soft to the average layperson I aint no bitch and I wont hesitate to put my body on the line to make some headway when it comes to cementing my place as a savage demon in the halls of said layperson's memory bank. Someone who is wise would recognize the virtue of my conviction It is only because I must prepare for that singular moment, an unknown point in the fabric of time and space. To where if theyre not careful, a life's worth of energy should be pitted against me as if one were to stand a chance against the power housed within my vessle. Theres no such thing as a polite gesture. Nobody asks me how my day is "going" for no other reason than to relay to me how their own special day is "going". reckoning between a humble acknowledgement that I can never truly grasp the reason for existing and therefor should play my part in keeping the peace, versus pure badass in a world of sheep. And the more I get to know my surroundings, the more I reach erradically for the inherent bliss found within the path of satanism.
Spmewhere off in the distance, Crermoth sits on a palm tree idly sculpting astral suspensions into a tattered fervor of mesh for working the keys of ineptitude. She is oblivious to her surroundings, not caring for chatty and gossip which she cant seperate between her reality and theirs because she is sensitive and when the the fully recognized sage, Esoh, confronts her about she says she much prefers it that way.
Their balance among them. With the wind at her side, Hojihka refuses the initial preference of her stillness and moves in a nameless precession by the whim of her ancestral birth right. "aaa may-ee soo shay-noo"
Her possession wakes up without a name. a new and more elaborate transposition of jubilee onto each successive indifference. The attention to one area renders the outer confines a vacuum enveloping the excess span unto both of their liable to taken over like a plain, sole, unconscious will. It certainly does its job Crermoth and has become something of a plan b pill thats taken during one of her many unpredictable episodes of self hate and general spiritual torment. One time she told J-Money she was a demon in a matter of factness that still haunts J-Money in moments when he pretends it doesnt bother him.. Reliant upon the interaction of her world and the next. Crermoth normally prefers being to herself on nights like these, that way she can answer any calls at a moments notice. A dimension close enough so that she may assist her friends in earthly manners of which, by the natural law of limitation, those lacking the incessant nobility of the Orisha cannot be bothered to see to themselves, less the tether between her world and theirs be rendered a useless tattered fervor of mesh that gives way to any varitable knock of an over arching brood of usurpment of the mundane frequency. “I need space. I only have but so much light of see to her calling as a being of light, assisting the pieces of herself that we’re lost during the falling. You remember that don’t you?” She says “Of course I remember. But only as a matter of fact. Upon closer reflection I fail to see the relevance of a subtle hunch with no bearings in the present.”
I must know that I’m allowed to be straight up with you, else I run the risk of straying from my calling. If there’s anything I hate more than being ignored its catching myself being lazy to the voices. “She musn’t veer to far.” Esoh said on a mountain.
The woman wakes up to look around. Store-bought soil, empty bike-rack, office building. "Harder. Think harder. Come on girl." She stands for dignity's sake. A car traces a hilltop in the distance. She raises her cold arms to the sun in defiance of stillness. Nothing is in tune with the nature of her being besides the stale wind of a coming day. "Where are you?" The car freezes as it reaches the horizon, but the sound remains on loop. Whirrrrr A portal manifests abruptly and Elegua arrives on a chariot of skulls. "Erzulie, madame, how nice it is to see you this early in the morning." A whisp of fire cleans her face and the car continues over the horizon. "It really shouldnt be, not like this. Where Im at should tell a lot you know." Erzulie said. "Quite a dense reply to a longtime friend, dont you think" "Hmm, considering how I slept in a bush last night and dont remember a thing. I shouldnt need to explain myself." "No? is the friz on your hair not matching the blood on your knees? I can't tell which." Elegua said.     Or is the attitude possessing you as if theres no consequence for ill-manneredness? I cant tell which." So long as one's not so dense up his selfish ass that he aint notice." "Oh so now all a sudden you about the finer things in life? We can switch places less you miss me. Erzulie said. Im only pointing out the obvious." Elegua said. Erzulie replied with silence, forcing life to flash before his eyes. She learned this from her Mother, Darkness. "Attitude is possessing you. I cant tell why but its a poison I dont deserve. I was only trying to help" He continued. "I just dont fuck with being called too early. So long as youre not too dense up your ass to take notice, safe to say i'm in some shit right now." "Clearly. A product of consequence." Elegua said randomly. "Yeah, recognize. Please, for me, baby?" "No more testing your patience, Goddess immortal of justice. Save that for what I came to tell you about." "Take me to cleanliness, saintly promise of wisdom. For im not feeling myself." They left the scene to the past and pondered on the pyramid they had just made with each other. "It's nice to be home." Erzulie said. Flying over the palm trees brought Elegua back to his power. "On the basis of love." Elegua said. The salt-water washed away all glimpses of doubt Erzulie had of her beauty. And she harnessed the pastels of the ocean. Thus, all guilt was abolished and unconditional love was convinced to dance within them. Drying his body under the rays of Amen reminded Elegua of his first words. Long ago, before Time was born. "O Father, you are so brilliant." "Thank you, son. I am the Light" "Then tell me, Father, if you are the Light, and are so brilliant, then why is it you flee from Darkness?" "All I do is my purpose, which seeks to balance harmony with creation. Although it is much more complicated than that. Like always I suppose. I'm afraid you ask me a question that I cannot answer. Here, because you are so curious, I will show you." "I'm ready, Father." Light grew brighter causing Elegua to cry in his recollection of what it felt like to say words. The links in his mind straining to pull in the right words. Not too plain to where the moment would be lost in happen stance, and not too radical so that his manhood could stay irrefutable (to convey meaning.) Then Light disintegrated into everything and Elegua searched for Light ever since. So Elegua went to the crossroads, and prodded Darkness for Light's wherabouts, "I want to relive the the moments before he left for eternity. Where can I find him?" Without a hug or a kiss, she told him to let go of his experience in order to live in the now, "Take his place and move forward. Grow up, your Daddy's gone cus you never did." "How could you say that me? I love you, Mom. Yet all I get is hate. Why are you hiding the truth from me?" "If I don't hate you, then who will? You got so much to learn that my heart breaks into brass. You must leave, understand me? LEAVE, before I do what your Father did and them some. I'm this close. Believe me." With nowhere else to go, Elegua obeyed the commands of his Mother. Although lonely at first, the spirits of the dead related to his despair, and offered to guide him through all the known and unknown realms of Ether, so long as he guided the spirits of the living to his Mother. So that the dead could learn for themselves the origins of their being dead. And when Light came back, they could say "Father, we know of Hate, now teach us Love." Elegua tried telling them that it was hopeless, that his Father was there, just not in the way they imagined, that they we're actually his Father and they had to realize it through an altered perception. but that negativity only made them more adament to their cause which annoyed Elegua into a manic spell of existential irony which persisted during times of war with the Snakes on 5th density. One battle in particular Badly wounded, he pulled his chariot with his arms to the middle of a corn-field on a full-moon during the Solstice, it was there he made a pact with his self, to never be ignorant to the fact that fate was an inescapable constant within all contributors to existence. That the very fabric that distinguishes the dead from the living was comprised of scattered shards of an indestructable essence that attached itself to the spirit-body via fate which is the Father of destiny. That the collective conscious is woven by the thread of Fate, thus binding a common goal, or Destiny, inherent to all beings of both polarities, thus setting in motion the spiral of gnosis, which lends itself to the spreading of keys that open the doors to helping each other fulfill each others Purpose. "I will collect the pieces of my Father so that I may speak with him again as I did as a child. I will never forget you because I love you. You are everything to me, which is all I ever could be. Please, I want to know why you flee in the face of Darkness."
____10/9/17 monday
My pace quickens as I veer away from the crowd onto the handicap stairs. I silently count my steps to give off a pensive, non-assuming vibe. Over by the quad theres crows just walking on the grass. Yet I'm the only one who seems to notice, even from a distance. The busses haul ass down Memorial St. I've learned to always be on alert because I'll never know whats waiting for me when I turn my attention off the floor and become reminded of string theory. Artificial energy, cork boards with grime on the edges, tunnel of dull ends, spongy plywood cielings. as i step with my head down and in every so sudden a demarcation in the bricks, the reptiles answer emails. This is where I'm going. Because my soul chose to live here at some point in time not too long ago considering the relationship between all that the universe has to offer and my general apathy towards said all as in any and all one. Which has become quite of a bore ever since the first week ended I had to come to terms with the reality that friends won't simply fall into my lap like they would     if I wasnt such      a masochist for being lonely. The row of pillars turn to one and all I see is the contentment in the air of the lobby. In the hallway are casually turned faces which glide about in a linear fashion like the ghost of a lost bride.. I get a side-view of the people afraid to admit that this is far from the paradise we expected it to be. The brochure in our acceptance letters didn't include the drunken nights of another dimension. I'm inside the life of an architect. One who's dead by now, but lives on through his work. I'm not going anywhere, the building would say, if it could talk. And I suppose it can. Because I just had the thought, and nothing is ever truly wrong without another thought to compare it to. But then if buildings could speak existed first, and was allowed to grow and find its place in the universe, then it'd be established enough to not warrant an adversary. But the question remains where, if it existed, was its fate organized before coming into my mind, awaiting my final judgement. Substitute me for a unicellular collective conscious and it seems like we're all dealers of fate her on planet earth of the milky way of the universe of the whatever comes next (should we ever know for sure). he or she deserves all the credit for it manifesting onto the grid of my consciousness, which is a zig zag joint's worth of a high right now. The perfect amount for not giving a fuck while still staying slick enough for witty comebacks. Which wouldn't hurt right now. This building isn't going anywhere. Though I wish it would. Because I dread what I'm about to do How he must have pained to communicate something he could call his own while maintaining a dignified and safe, always safe, because god forgive, well, you know, , putting the pen to the pad, drawing  collumns in front of a Victorian fassad Succumbing to authority just to eat with a roof over your head and not freeze your ass off like a homeless freak. Profit margins in the final half of quarter one are lower than 1 standard deviation to what is considered by corporate to be optimal. As of now, the college has no incentive to ship in product from outside sources. All inventory must be stored in house to the buyer's demand. You better not be late.
___ On the parking deck
Tycho: “I had a dream I was on an internet forum. Someone posted the words: “life is an endless hell. With a blurry picture of a street at night-time. Not much different from what’s in front of us. I thought that made sense, until I scrolled down, to see a video looking out the windshield of a vintage rolls royce, coasting along a pacific highway. And the lines kept going. Next thing you know I’m falling down a pitch black waterslide, dreading my destination. If I never woke up I have a funny feeling i know where it was leading.
Preacher: In that instance did you feel the need to repent for your sins?
Tycho: No. that didn’t cross my mind. It was too late at that point.
Miranda: “I used to.
T: What made it stop?
Miranda: Seeing all the happy people around me. And knowing that they’ve been through the same shit. Break-ups, Death in the family, just generally feeling lost.
My heart was broken ”
T: Getting over the mind can be a dark place when it has nowhere else to rest. You can train it to think anything.”
Miranda: True
Tycho: Lately Ive been taking these long drives late at night into the boonies. Just to see where I up. I realized theres so many lives I’ll never know about.
If i wasnt born into money maybe I’d be humble enough to hate myself for even thinking such a thing.
How’d you get out of that?
These know it all professors are getting on my nerves. I fear Im crossing into an abyss I’ll never fully understand. Honestly I can’t fuckin stand these people. What name do I have to make for myself that i haven’t already experienced in the depths of my soul?
Tyco: You know how they try to act like they all official and shit, like I won’t see past it.
Miranda: [agreement] They do that.
Tyco: [stream of consciousness] So I just told her look I know its a rule, but I’m all about learning at my own pace and no disrespect i love her but Mrs. Soso can only go so far in telling me how to write. You can give tips and tricks but at the end of the day, I’ve been developed my writing style.. Like I thought we were done with all this high school shit. Well I didnt say that.
M: And what’d she say?
Tyco: She was like “As you get further into your major 90% of your assignments will be in essay format.. we require full participation “ At this im like she gonna hit me with the book like hell nah THEN outta nowhere She said “However, I also believe in 2nd chances.”. On the outside I was cool but inside I was like “*fist bump* yo i cannot fail outta college like someone watchin out for me idk who but-
Chad: fuck that shiiiiit *holds up white rum in front of street light”
Friend in background: 12! 12! 12!
Abrupt scene change. Camera shows Tyco zoned out. Then police car, as Tyco begins to hide behind the tree hes smoking on.
My black hoodie and phone-call to my dealer will still be with me tomorrow as I do the same thing.
(From a dream 10/23)
Tyco is driving around serving with Shantel when she lights her phone up from the passenger seat and puts the phone to her ear.
Shantel: You are not finna be talkin all that mess on my phone. Be honest with                  yourself. Don’t lie. You a hoe ass bitch.
?? Caller: Why are you even calling me? I dont give a fuck.
Shantel: Wait till I pull up then and slap the shit out you. Would that be better                     sweety?
?? Caller: I’m at Kawaii’s 30 deep. Bring your lil boyfriend and see what                          happens.
Shantel: Try me bitch.
[ The economy sedan turns right on red seemingly without breaking. ]
Tyco: 30 deep huh?
Shantel: With them ratchets.
Tyco: She sounds scared as hell aint nobody sticken up for her like that. You know they gonna talk shit right but soon as we throw them hands they gon be like, I dont know that bitch.
Shantel: nah but she stupid tho like not even worth all that extra
Tyco: We’re going. Wheres that nigga house i’ll waze that shit and we get there we just pop off. Aite?
[Not looking at the road, but to her, coasting down an average 2-lane with box neon trimmed tire shops and drive-thru windows governed stately as immovable beasts of mothership stores lurk behind low-sodium trenches of the new world order’s surveillence agenda for mass poplations en masse. ]
              Just follow me. I’m walkin in and gonna start a commotion just bussin                 and you just break this bottle on her mother fuckin head and we out.
Shantel: haaah what okay
Tyco: You’re gonna fuck her shit up som serious.
Shantel: She talk shit about you.
Tyco: It’s in the stars babe for real.
Shantel: You gonna help me find that bitch?
Tyco: You my fucken queen I love you and I got you.
Neighborhood entrance.
Cars parked for miles.
House identified first glance.
Car doors..
Door opens and yellow tops within the frame.
The caller is sitting on a couch ass to ass with other dudes. Looking stupid.
She never saw Shantel. Who came upon her like The Ring.
She has become a party magnet. It is a Slayer concert now. Nobody knows who’s who. Though Tyco is surely getting his ass beat. He catches of glimpse of Shantel’s fat ass ducking through the doorway and he could die right now and it wouldnt matter.
“This not the place for you bro. - White boy comin up here in my place of business - Tryna pop shit off like you really not a bitch”
Kawaii looks up with his glock-9 extendo at his GD party mostly all gone just like that. The poor girl is still leaking.
“She need to go to the hospital.” Her friend says.
He points the glock at his head. Despair.
“Look around before I kill you.” An invitation.
Tycho: “I sold a 4 oz today after my accounting exam. I could be GD, 74, rock                            purp. whatever it be its nothing but Respect yo. Got connects with chad and Becky nahmean dog. Could put you on to some numbers they white and they fiends. Please OG.
“How much for a zip.”
“80, gas.”
“Was that yo bitch?”
Kawaii: You lyin to me?
“She eat your ass?”
“Yeah and bounce on my BIG ASS DICK” Tyco says with autism.
K walks away.
T: they don't even sell Molly bruh
K is you fucken high you dummies. Beat this nigga ass. *Tyco imagines the why the fuck you lyyin vine and remembers the exact moment he realized that wasnt an original song but actually a spin off of a classic throwback jam by the 90s R&B group “Next” in their hit single “Too Close”.. He was driving home from the cafe he used to write high school essays in while smoking a menthol american spirit with the windows rolled down on a spring evening playing KISS 104.1 Atlantas classic jams. Then he realized there was a full 6 minute video of the vine on youtube. After watching it he felt gayer. Thats all it did for him.
Tycho wakes up on living room floor.Terry (random G, on couch): *Hands him note× Kawaii said he's sorry. No hard feelings ya heard dog?
Tyco: I guess thugs act on impulse. *looks at note* and don't count on a gahdamn thing you bitchass motherfuckers. Tyco walks into class with a black eye. The Professor talks about interest loans. Tyco meets Moe after class in parking lot.
*Moe: Waddup
Tyco: It's lemon og I just got in.
Moe: Bet. Those last cookies you got. Bomb dude. It had them frar mother fuckers leanin like they can't handle that purp like that nahmean.*laughs*
Tyco: I got some backwoods you wanna hotbox.
Moe: Yo I'm down.
10/24/17 thursday
____ Last night I decided not to hate myself. The look I get from them doesnt bother me. Really, its a simple sign from nature that I’m used to by now. A wrong impression can sustain the fog of memory, of which I will be seen from the lens of another dimension, with not a care in the world, an angel in disguise. Thats the crux of my life up to this point. To no longer hate myself. But appear as if I still do. The nameless place in our past with no address., one of which even a frat boy can relate to. This invisible standard that’s thrown us into the pits of despair must be addressed. To seperate the real from the fake. Like the others are sleep walking through class fronting like they dont see me. The pyramid of perspective is an accordian overlayed on my third eye, televising scenes of sleep walkers who stay fronting like they dont see me. Walking behind the parking deck where green dumpsters were with my phone to my ear is a feeling that remains within me until I do the same thing over again in a few days. Buying in bulk never appealed to me. And if a 20 a g was the price thered be nothing my lonely ass could do. Fuck this worthless paper, I tell myself.
I tell myself. Anyone who catches my glimpse pauses for a split second, calibrating my own opinion of the why in life. A definition of nuance that was never meant to be expressed but felt. To sense what I’ve been wanting, free and alone, after all those wasted days.
I’m signalling. Though I havent been approached yet.
Figuring that would resolve the look I give other people. I mean, christ, I turned 18 last March. And spent the Summer in a last ditch effort to secure an identity before I made my plays in college. For too long I’ve avoided the call of the light and in return have gotten blank stares.
(SOMEHOW gets wrapped up into a petty conversation with sorirty girl (on top of parking deck.)
Clarissa: I was the only one alone in the entire party.
Tycho: Why didnt you leave?
T: Dont worry I dont wanna know your major.
C; Good cus it keeps changing.
T: You think you know everything dont you? This world aint nothin babe.
C: Why do you say that?
T: What do you wanna know? That I get money? Thats nothin.
Clarissa drifts off.
Hannah: So Stacy’s telling me the banners weren’t in that right place and we’re like an hour away from starting and we still haven’t even got the chairs in order and barely anyone who was suppose to be here has shown up yet.
Tycho: Where were they?
“Well for one, Candace, I dont know whats her problem lately, but shes been gone because her best-friends now telling her she’s not rushing anymore but thats honestly a relief because that girl wheres winged eyeliner and thinks shes better than us.”
Tycho: Oh, I think I’ve seen that girl at the library or something.
     I intuit that in order to justify her reasoning for not liking the winged eyeliner girl, that she channeled my very own resonant storm cloud of which I emit silently in the face of vanity..  
H: Well you’ll probably see her there a lot more cus shes definitely not with us.
“Okay so thats one.” I say as if taking notes.
“Then Rachel’s out at some charity event that I never even heard of probably with a guy she’s not telling us about which is so frustrating that of all days you pick friday night at the peak of rush to go be a hoe behind our backs.”
“Did she ever show up to the party?”
“Yeah. And she was fucking drunk.” She said as if surprised but not really because this is Rachel we’re talking about, after all.
“Like wasted orrr “
“Damn I didnt know yall got down like that.”
“Umm when youre stumbling through the door and your first words to all the new girls is hallelujah bitches!
She wasn’t with a guy.
“So tell me more about the party. Like was there”
who nobody knows anyway
is that Cheyenne is just out of it because her friends now telling her she doesnt want to rush anymore and for one its like look,
Wait, who’s hannah?
Hannah’s the leader of her sorority.
Ooooh, Okay, I see why now
-Yeah, I mean if word got around that would literally mean she was going around their backs to cover up that she was lying.
> Right. Yeah I hear what you sayin. She’s trying to make it seem as if it never concerned yall in the first place but if thats the case then she dont need to be acting like she got the right to be trusted.
This goes beyond reputation. Manipulating emotions just cus she has none of her own. Conniving biitch.  just to get her way goes beyond reputation.
Aint nobody wanna be around that energy.
> So what you tell her?
I get schizophrenic when it comes accepting new ways of being. The person I made him out to be was the perfect cure for my suffering. All those forgetful nights of boredom I knew what I needed all along, but was to scared to do it myself.
------ Frat house halloween party kidnap scene ----
GD shaman prays to shango for power to go out by mantra. Squad in car repeats the same mantra. The power goes out at 1:00 (or peak of the party).
Tycho throws blue flare through the side of the window
at the Tycho must find Chad and lure him downstairs near the door so the squad can get the keys to the room full cocaine and adderal. After looking everwhere he’s no where to be found. He walks in on a couple having with the girl in missionary with devil ears. “Yo chad that you?” Its
(fuckem x3) Music stops from power so he sneaks in wireless speaker in his robot costume  and puts it at one end of the room. Squad member 1 will carry bigger wireless speaker and set it down when he storms in. Tycho also brings a timed strobe light to distract people and keep the illusion of the party still going.
Tycho runs down stairs and towards door with chad chasing him. Squad slaps tape and mask on him and carries like a battering ram although theyve already kicked the door.
*Power turns back on*
“Fuck em, fuck em, nigga get out my section
Don’t want to see him, I don’t want to touch him
*waves zippo lighter in front of face so chad can see him through mask*
“Ima count 3 seconds and your dead on 5 if i dont get this combination” says calmly. thus saiyth the lord thy god”
“Three... No mercy”
“Two.. Shall be given unto those”
*gives code*
Love takes many shapes and forms.Tycho never opened up to people, hating himself for being incapable of feeling what others felt. He wanted more so he went spiritual. Which his close friends perceived as going off the deep end."Ayy whatsup bro you tryna smoke?""I have a calc exam tomorrow but I'm down after."Aight good luck on your studying tonight and then kill it tomorrow I know you got this calc is your specialty can't say the same for me but that's why you always tutored me haha."Let me know if you need more help. Figuring their was no bounds and he could be whatever, even silent, and experience irony rather than fate. How bland, he thought, to have a life plan and nothing to look forward to. Running drugs would be a necessary chain reaction. The highest elixer exceeding the bliss provided by the very weight he'd be pushing, itd be getting off on defying his own life, leaving spirit his only option. And so like a blackbird his soul seeks experience only in the clearest degree of visibility. Swerving transgressions of lonliness to levy the burdens of contrived responsibilities at societies every turn until his flight patterns veer from the trodden path to and fro the calling of reality in which he desires to preside over as a God of many statures. Untainted by works, head first into the entity of the adversary, of which he is able to predict the situational consequence in only a glimpsing moment before havoc ensues and the final hour is upon him, his loose wings coated with astral charcoal of depravity. Be caught slipping once and he loses the jump until the enevitable program takes its course - an unstoppable relationship between fate and reckoning that must be fulfilled as day turns to night. Once that happens he reverts back to being like the rest of them. Yet to the world, now desolated beyond repair, hed still be alive, exuding a calm presence that something is not quite right with him existing without remorse. The truth is simple enough, a hint just ever so slight as to never be able to cross the threshold of utterance, thus becoming rendered a convinction of self delusion on the part of the unknowing accuser, who by this time hates himself for even thinking badly of such a good guy to make peace with.  The collage curtails past the illusion of what is already known and at last the watchers take notice and thus regeneration is able to take place along all the land, allowing for new energy to take the throne of anticipation. One that has harnessed the potential to become anything the wonder puts his mind too. So what if I'm imaginative? Yolandra: I mean everyone's different in their own way. Like yeah the soroitys have a dress code and all that Starbucks and capris. But I don't know. You just have to get know a person for who they are and not how the outside world perceives them to be. T: So what'd you first think of me? Yolandra: Honestly not much anything. You were one of those people who could be anything. But then I overheard you say taurus's are gold diggers and I hated you cus I'm a taurus. T: Oh sorry I really didn't mean it like that but c'mon now I can tell you have a taste for finer things you bougie little.. Boob. *laugh\ haha "you know what I mean" It doesn't bother you? What? That so much could go wrong so quickly? Look, deep down he's telling you his heart lies with getting over and you let him because that's /just what you like about him, how deep he gets. cus he's a sad and selfish individual who was never about loving anything other than vanity. The best thing to do would be to trust his actions, intentions aren't what's important right now. Really, forget about the soul connection. Loves comes through all types of people as long as you're open to receiving them. Those energies. Don't lose yourself in the illusion. Without ever taking credit for what truly matters which should be you. Then your fashion made sense to me. T:  I'm so caught up in myself. I mean, it's impossible to know anything else. I'll never get to stand in your shoes. Its just truth. Yet I'm the bad guy. You're not like the other people I've met. T: Yeah I'm kind of loner if you couldn't tell already. I guess that's a good thing.T: Hey it's okay. I get that a lot... Wait what do you mean you guess? Ive found that who evers saying does a 180 in their normalcy.  Knowing your even here right now is a good thing. Knowing that you're with me even when im not. Don't you think? Starting out with confidence and ending strong to be lucky if I'm not hurt. Tell me what you want out of this. Sometimes I feel so lame, then I realize how fun itd be to not care. Through the window screen i see parchments and grass blades, this is an image I've sought to ignore for its blandness thinking I was over recognizing such mundane structures. The sunlight made me drunk with non verbal contemplation. I crave this heat when I'm in low spirits. And a breeze when I'm high. My thoughts are channeled from a lonely place (My thoughts come from a lonely place)  I've had no choice but to become accustomed to for my own sanity. To work faster and breach that veil of reckonning. So unreachable and enticing at the same time.T When I'm alone, welcome something more than the past if you ever cared to help me. This isn't the only world out there. And even if it was the material would eventually reach infinity. Then a black hole would open or something. Don't quote me on that, science is the hottest thing going right now. It cant hurt to butt in unofficially. As long as no one calls you on it. The universe molds to your confidence. That's another story. At the end of the day, I have too much pride to be a scientist.  The God they're serving calls for a lot of self sacrifice. A self that ignores emergency when called to speak. A self i'm not prepared to lose. "Why are you here again, nothing will change, you're gonna be quiet like last time" any handle on reality I had during the sun rise flees like an ex girlfriend into the night. I'm not prepared to lose. Anxiety is that humid feeling you get when roughnecking the time away. Jaded peripherals, internet browsing, and fading friends initiate a color spectrum so cruelly vivid in its inability to be shared with the CVS cashier who looked at you wrong because you bought 3 4oz bottles of robitussin. A man who couldnt care to see the streets, stop signs, and traffic lights. Man is a slang term we use when caught in the moment. Of which matrix programming loves to grasp onto. --- 10/25/17 wednesday So here I am enjoying a piece of lackluster nothing for the sake of something I've agreed to experience in a past life I can't even remember but somehow must make amends to as if its an actual concrete thing I can touch and make sense out of without caring to ponder how life puts us in these type situations like getting your hair done a new way and meeting a friend of a friend superficially without ever following up like aight word up bro I feel you by the way hows life and what's the special fact I should become one with in this moment while not thinking too much in to things or else id be alone as if we're not alive under the stars for any other reason than to be happy but still to me that becomes too much like a flash in time rather than something meaningful because then sex would have to be our purpose for being here but you and I both know it's more complicated than that so we look into it via memories and realize the journey was brighter than the reward as in I don't remember the actual sex part but rather the day as a whole with stained glass sprinkled in on a film reel to push the past into something real and unexplainably alluring to the self of which we projected this light onto in order to perhaps know in advance maybe how to repeat this metaphysical phenomenon for a second time because we're not quite there yet although at this rate if seems that to finally reach a state of thereness would mean we wouldn't be able to be here right now having this conversation like a building block struck from below or a house of cards we have to keep faith that every moment plays its part because we had an emotion for it and therefore couldn't be rendered to nothing in a wreckless attempt force it all together rather let each tile compliment it's neighbor and bypass the need for destruction by allowing enough caring energy to flow through that filter mechanism within you that deems lifes moments as worth remembering or forgetting and pretend you never heard about forgetting and avoid it like the plague because everything that ever was is depending on you to go forth into righteous so that gods original intention for letting go of unwanted baggage be synthesized within your vessel of upgrades intelligence so that the journey can still be appreciated only this time without th deceptive veil of the end. to question the little things that somehow don't mean much but at the same time appear to us daily as conduits for good fortune and thats what we must uphold ___ 11/2/17 thursday
I you and me playcated on a surface of stones that match our longing to search in the wrong places. Convenient are we done such a conceivable time that is time which is also time because what more can be said other than us winding down a fire escape to an inexplicable hatch sitting like paper mache on our transformative spiritual natures. Gone already but not forgotten just make sure to take the negative side of every situation involving 1 or more parties so as to make sure the rythym is in order because you can't go wrong with challenging the status quo of an area you're not suppose to be in even if that seems too easy and superficial it's the right choice because even the idea of rebellion as a bad thing must be able to project into a physical thing prompt for examination so secrets may be revealed. Wouldn't you know i stopped believing in faith due to its redundancy of chasing metaphysical strings too far out for us to put into words and isn't that the source of all our angst. Depraved of propositional phrases and elemental tables it's all so clear to me now. Casandra had a bag and Mikey had his sneakers in the forefront like a low hanging fruit but of course they had personalities that weren't so easy to see unless the hard work of interfacing came into the equation. Lets judge people based on judging for the sake of basing ourselves onto something not within our realm of reality. Perception is a hard question i think maybe inanimate objects could tell us a thing or two. Low pressure sodium lamps.Documentorial lecture hall amps failing to reach the end of the pyramid turned 90 degrees away from its focal point. May disease not reach our unexplainable selves if ever they may inhabit our temporary vessels like a friend who has no friends but you and wants desperately to get along with others but is attached to your ways. Are we in hell? What can our astral travels tell us about signaling locations with Etheric marks of time dialation. Things are what they are by defintion or they wouldn t be things however stepping the observer up a notch sets in motion cancer to grow from the singular notion that we ourselves separate on a cost of lightening our load. I am partly responsible for this mess we have made. Pulling my hair out in thin strands so as to not make a difference. Some people just don't understand what it means to be so far gone yet in a place of enchantment that lets us know we're not alone as Michael Jackson plays on the ham radio and Wikipedia says the song was written by r kelly. I'm a solitary young man, joined at the seams complacency and red-ridden vanishing points to a line of sight I'd rather not identify with if I had a choice. I'm seriously considering becoming rich and famous despite others already forcing me to. I guess eventually my spirit will give in as my soul looks from a distance and says what a fool I am then goes about his day. You can't be like the rest of them no matter how hard you try. Thinking on the sensualities you avoided after this rap shit led you no where. The palace at the height of creation where Jesus stopped and stared to collect his thoughts before he kept going when his alarm rang as his slave bending consistency tracked the new melinnia into a moldy piece of sandstone cheese the better of which tasted nutty with fruity notes and 80% abv shards of liquid glass on the throat thatd make even an immortal weep a shy tear or two. The pigs down in Mississippi feel things we can't understand in their slaughterhouse decrepit and forwarned in a musk ridden air flow that's non existent to hypocritical angels who were supposed to stop atrocity but opted to sit on their ads and play virtua tennis all day. Oink says the pig. Hee haw says the donkey. Give me life says the God and there on the 30th night fags came to tell the story on their faces. The bag lady told them to shut up and stop whining but they wouldn't listen though they lost their ability to speak. Goodness gracious me oh my great balls of fire. Great balls of ball you are the Lord of my lonely century in this dimension I took awareness to when I allowed you into my heart space.And then I left asking my self: Who is this I?
Let’s stand for a while and think about the dastardly ways we have gone under the waters and flew away from temptation. Have us saying isnt it so pretty to be in something and have that to fall back on due to the struggles of forgetting the place we come from which didnt always have it out for us this bad in refusing us of inconjunctions we can at least point to and blame our problems on saying “See! There, I told you so. That’s why we cant find our beginning!” And we’ll keep toilling the fields as halflings saving up for a chance to leave the very universe we serve. “So thats more like it. Finally something I can get my flows on to” Shelly the alien said. “The Stars dont have to like you just because you see them. They have their place and so do we” Gerald said. “Oh but they do.” “How do you know?” “Well for one they always shine bright at the most oppurtune times, like when I’m feeling down about the part of myself that conveinently seems to escape me just when I need it most. If that be so then put me on to something else and that’ll do just fine.” “Perhaps you're not as big as you thought ”  Gerald held up his hand to salvage what was left of the dissolving psychic barrier between them. An invisible giant with an ocd issue. For now he could only listen. “No im not here to choose and thats exactly why Im not afraid to go where you can’t. Having the courage to admit your wrongs requires as much energy as universal rotation itself - a force which exists beyond our pleaidien awareness. ” “ But Shel- Okay whatever” Gerald paused and rolled the horizon through his scaly fingertips. “Keep calling on the unknown and you might get lost because it’s been there forever and sometimes Look, Shelly, no offense, you know I love you, but your awareness has no filter on what representation it can cling onto like danger isnt a reality to you. Me and Dazel always had to look out for you and thats just in this world what makes you think you can take on things you cant even see? “But do you believe in me? Anyone can say they love me. I’ve been hearing that my whole life. So much that it holds the same meaning as “um” does in conversation. Is that really the final conclusion we have at the end of the day? That you love me? Besides, I dont think you really meant that.”
“Here goes Miss Type-1 personality again. Always needing to label circles into squares, stars into gods, this as that, out of an inability to cope with insecurity. Leaving the rest of us as unwilling participants.”
The beach of Temofose was out of walking distance from the orange cottage they grew up in with there Mom. When they were young it was somewhere theyd go when they had nothing else to do. Euweu Sister Beach was the brighter of the two, but now too populated for their liking. Temofose is less frequented by other families and polluted by cargo ships and a lack of open views but as they stood there a semblence of twilight through the holographic cages offered closure to the purpose of them arguing in the elements about a timeline Shelly was going to step into  And no matter what argument he could put forth, Gerald thought of it fruitless unless he spoke from his heart, a heart of which Shelly was currently taking the place of, so that he could not use it against her. “Shelly, I just hope you can understand how I dont want to let you go.” “I’m sorry you feel that way. But it’s my choice. Have a good njght Gerald. I love you” She said as she went into darkness.
Summer Break 2018
As a street light exploring strip malls, I am a linoleum tile on top of a trapezoid emitting frames of rave scenes. Heres where I find myself walking through last nights dream of the gang member selling duck pussy then getting assaulted by a pizza guy and a cop. Alone after those nights. Seems love was never meant to be expressed but felt. I look inside to see if I’m about to die, seeing diamonds mixed with sky. Materializing in the backdrop of my memories. Now I know why.
Now I know.
Then a wren on the fence manifests when it needs to. The perspective pyramid is that I pleaded for a higher calling. There’s nobody bohemian as me.  One day I’ll take this civic off the road and escape into my sacred grove. If only I wasnt such a bitch.
I carry my single briefcase through the airport parking lot. I’m hot and out of breath. Everyone watching me. I can read their thoughts but not my own. They say look at the guy who isnt me but is still conscious enough to move his vessel.
The a/c runs down to the end of the terminal, but my spirit is squared by the stores selling vain material. The pyramid of perspective is an accordian overlayed on my mind’s eye televises scenes too chaotic to put into words. Walking through customs is an event to be remembered, I tell myself. Anyone who catches my glimpse pauses for a split second, calibrating my own opinion of the why in life. A definition of nuance that was never meant to be expressed but felt. To sense what I’ve been wanting, free and alone, after all those wasted days. I board the flight to say finally I am my own religion. If I was flying over africa I’d see bon fires, but over Georgia I only see street lights. Thinking how absurd that they will speak of me as crazy. Others will listen. A vibration through these amber aisles to look no further than my destiny. Because everyone has their destination is the way it goes. I refuse. I’m tired of being a number. Atlanta had its place. Now I’m homeless in Tokyo. This is the not-so perfect end to the chapter planned out for me by the higher power. Not-so bad neither.
Save me. I’m on the other side now.
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angstalottle · 6 years
Voltron Pre-School
Sorry for the late birthday gift @foxyjoy-art
Part 1:
Ever since the summer began to end Keith dreaded one thing, and that was sending his little brother Shiro off to his first day of school.
After an accident that killed their parents two years ago, Keith had become Shiro's guardian and decided it would be best if he held off on sending the toddler to mainstream school just yet.
It wasn't that Keith didn't think Shiro couldn'tselect handle the work, after all he can read and write just fine, the problem however was that the accident had taken his arm along with their parents and Keith was hesitant to place him into a room of screaming toddlers that may latch onto his disability and tease him for it.
However Shiro was almost five and social services were breathing down Keith's neck, he knew he had to get Shiro into school as soon as he could or risk losing him forever.
This didn't stop him though from taking his time to pick the best possible school.
After a many a sleepless night Keef finally settles on a special needs school for disabled children, even if it was just for a year it would be a good way to slowly introduce Shiro into school life hopefully in a more gentle and understanding environment.
In the end Keith still needed his roomate Lotor to actually make the call for Shiro to have a taster day.
“It will be fine.” Lotor sighed as he leaned against the doorway of his room bouncing the half asleep Shiro on his hip. As a lounge singer that worked nights he rarely emerged from his bed until well past midday, today however he was fully dressed in casual jeans and shirt with his long white hair hanging over one shoulder in a neat plait.
“Hes sensitive though… maybe this was a bad idea?” Keith was nothing short of full panic mode. His hair stuck out in every direction and his attempt at dressing somewhat presentable with a white button down and red tie was ruined by the wrinkles at the bottom created by wringing the material nervously.
“It's not, now shut up, brush your hair, i'll be in the car.” Lotor rolled his eyes leaning down to grab Shiro’s backpack containing nothing more then some paper, crayons and his lion plushie affectionately named Black after the ribbon tied messily around her neck.
Keith watched as Lotor left their small two bedroom house and wondered what he did to deserve such a great roommate who could put things simply enough that even he had no choice but to listen to them.
Keith took an long slow breath as he looked in the mirror and smoothes his hair down. “It will be ok, he will be ok.” He muttered to himself.
He preferred to avoid mirrors since the accident, gaining a long scar across his face and neck wasn't the reason however. It was because he looked so painfully like his mom that it made his heart ache to see her eyes staring back at him.
“Dont worry mom… dad…. I'll look after him.”
Pulling up to the small preschool made Keith uneasy, he wanted nothing more then to tell Lotor to take them home where shiro was safe from all the children wandering the playground contained behind brightly coloured fences that barely came up to Keith's thigh.
“Out.” Lotor commanded leaning over and opening the door for Keith making the message clear.
Keith shot Lotor one last desperate look before he freed Shiro from the child seat and placed him down out of the car.
No sooner had the doors closed did Lotor speed off, even with the knowledge that he would be back in twenty minutes to pick Keith up, it still seemed like he was making a run for it.
“Keef?” Shiro pulled on his brothers sleeve.
“Y-yeah buddy?” He asked kneeling down as to be eye level.
“Where are we?”
Keith sighed, this was the moment he had been dreading. The moment where he would have to explain that Keith would be leaving him here for the day, everyday from now on.
“That is school, we’re here to see if you like it or not.” Keith tried his best to smile but judging from Shiro’s less than thrilled expression he hadn't quite managed it.
“Mr Kogane?”
Keith was thankful of the distraction “yeah that's me” he stood up and extended his hand to a tanned woman that could almost pass for the female version of his roomate.
“Pleasure to finally meet you, I'm Allura i run the school.” She shook his hand before offering it to Shiro who promptly hid behind Keith's legs.
“Sorry” Keith placed a hand on Shiro’s head “He’s shy.”
“It's quite alright, my son won't say a word around strangers but soon as he warms up to someone the trick is getting him to shut up.” She chuckled as she gestured for the two to follow.
Shiro looked up at Keith as if asking not to, Keith wished he could grant that request. Instead he had no choice but to take his little hand in his and follow Allura into the school.
“So we cater to a variety of disabilities here with facilities designed to accommodate them. We have a sensory room, a soft play area, a physio center and a top of the range class room.” Allura pointed out each of the locations as they walked through the brightly coloured halls.
Childrens artwork covered the walls and a small handrail about toddler height lined the hall on both sides.
“Shiro only really has his amputation and being behind a couple years to be honest.” Keith admitted as he peaked inside a room to see a group of children lying on the floor watching as colourful lights were projected onto the ceiling above them.
“Ah yes Lotor mentioned it on the phone, i've placed him in the physical disability class for those a couple years younger than him, but we can adjust that later on if he needs to be moved up or down.” Allura answered easily.
This place almost seemed too good to be true, a top of the range school that could really help Shiro, there had to be some kind of catch.
“About tuition. I don't think i can afford this place.” Keith admitted watching sadly as shiro peered around almost excited.
“There is no tuition.” Allura replied as a small girl came running out of a classroom holding a crudely drawn picture of a robot. Bright green hearing aids poked out through her hair. Allura smiled as he took the picture “thank you Pidge this is loverly.”
The girl squealed happily before running back into her class.
“What do you mean there's no tuition… A place this fell funded must be-”
Allura held up her hand “My father was the founder of the Voltron corporation and when he died he left me a very large inheritance. I spent most of my teen years wasting it on parties and travel. Then when i was twenty i was pregnant. My little boy changed my life and made me realise i wanted to help people. At first i planned on just opening a homeless shelter. But there was a fire and… i couldn't save my sons sight but i can make sure he has every opportunity to an education that an able child has.” Allura stopped in front of a blue doorway.
“Just because my son was born into money doesn't mean he deserves help while children without won't get any. There are no costs because i see no need to hoard money that could never be spent if i had a hundred lifetimes.”
Keith couldn't believe it. This woman was a literal angel on Earth. “I… i don't know what to say.”
“Why not goodbye? This is the classroom.” Allura jerked her head towards the door.
A weight seemed to settle in the pit of Keiths stomach as he realised it was time to leave his little brother all alone in a strange place with strange people.
Allura as if sensing his panic took Shiro’s empty hand and gently pulled him away from Keith.
“Hey Shiro, i heard you like lions right?”
Shiro nodded placing his thumb in his mouth after pulling his hand free from Allura.
“Well i know another little boy that loves them.” She slowly opened the door revealing a small playroom with six children all running around and playing while one boy with tanned skin and a blue shirt was sat in a corner surrounded by lion plushies.
“Whys he alone?” Shiro asked quietly.
“Well the other children don't really know how to play with him because he can't see.” Allura explained softly.
Shiro frowned as if he were solving a complex math problem “Then they should just talk to him!” Shiro declared with a nod.
Allura smiled as she shot a look up at Keith “well why don't you?”
Keith expected Shiro to refuse and come running to hide behind his big brother. However he again nodded and practically ran towards the other child.
“Works every time.” Allura grinned as he rose to her full height and placed her hands on her hips “Your little brother is a natural hero. He sees a problem and he fixes it, no better problem then a lonely child.”
“How do you know the other kid will be nice to him or even want to be his friend?” Keith asked nervously wondering if he could run past her.
“Because Mr Kogane that's my son Lance and you will be pressed to find a more gentle and loving child then him.
Shiro ignored the greetings from the other children as he plopped down on the cushions in front of Lance.
“Hey im Shiro i'm five.”
Lance lifted his head in the direction of the voice and smiled “Im Lance i'm four next month” he declared proudly as he felt around him eventually finding a small blue plushie and hugging it close to his chest.
“The nice lady said you can't see so im gonna talk to you so you don't feel lonely!” Shiro grinned scooting closer.
“I'm not lonely…” Lance spoke in a small voice rubbing his cheek against the soft fur of his toy. “do you want to play lions? This is Blue.”
Shiro nodded pulling black from his bag and began to describe every little detail of her to Lance with the biggest smile on his face.
As Keith watched from the doorway he smiled. He couldn't remember the last time Shiro had looked so carefree, like a child and not a patient.
“Shall i prepare the enrollment paperwork?” Allura asked.
Keith swallowed the lump in his throat “y-yeah… i think he will be very happy here.
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
The Dave and Dirk log, for obvious reasons, was something I wanted to try very hard to get right. That meant although we drafted it together via msparp, as was our custom, I ended up overhauling it way more than any of our other combo walkaround logs. A few chunks did survive the transfer, though.
In other news, we’ve made a solemn pact to finish TLC over winter break, which is good because I’m running out of bonus content. Hopefully we’ll have some assets to show off soon. I’ve already seen a few; they’re very nice.  
DIRK: Hey, dude. You did pretty well out there. DIRK: Didn't even die once. DAVE: twice in a day is my max im satisfied with keeping that record DAVE: even if getting machinegunned is rapidly becoming my "thing" DIRK: Seems we each have our respective "signature deaths". DIRK: Or at least it ain't a party until I get decapitated. That sure was something we needed to do again. DIRK: Just once, for old time's sake. DAVE: well that puts the nail in the meme coffin DAVE: any time you panic someones gonna tell you to keep your head on DAVE: like keeping your hair on except you know that shit aint going anywhere its probably shellaced DIRK: That shit is bolted to the floor. Did you know I walked around with a girly-ass pink tiara on my head this whole day and had no idea? DIRK: I had no idea. Couldn't feel a thing. DIRK: And people let me do that. DIRK: Can't fuckin' believe it. DAVE: oh DAVE: i figured you knew DIRK: I am less than pleased with my Skaia-ordained divine color scheme. DIRK: But I guess I have to live with it. It's part of the team aesthetic. DAVE: you could always change DIRK: Nah, with the tiara and tights ditched I have at least mitigated the enforced flamboyance. It's bearable. DIRK: I can't be the one dude out of uniform. Couldn't bear the shame. DAVE: my outfit is pretty sick ngl DAVE: sburb knows everyones secret desire is to have a cape DIRK: Unfortunately, mine isn't long enough to also make for a good tactical maneuver. DIRK: Not gonna lie, that was pretty funny. DAVE: if nothing else my attempts at combat can provide a source of humor in our lives DAVE: but honestly id be fine if my fighting days were over DAVE: i was never into it DAVE: rose on the other hand was obviously itching to beat people up DAVE: one of those 12 year olds who wants to get jumped in an alley to work out her suppressed anger DIRK: Maybe Skaia did make a few miscalculations in dumping your asses with your respective guardians. I think you'd get along well with Roxy and her cats, make her budget her time away from the alcohol. DIRK: ...in theory. DIRK: Rose can go a few rounds with me if she wants, we still need to sort out who has the rights to document our legendary journies. DAVE: ill plan your funeral DAVE: what kind of flowers do you want DIRK: ...there's different kinds? DAVE: damn thats right you grew up in waterworld DAVE: these choices matter DAVE: allegedly theres a thing called "flower language" DAVE: whether you can actually send someone a boquet telling them to meet you in the pit i dont know DIRK: Like, I get that, in theory, different kinds of flowers exist. But I fully anticipate any attempt on my part to conjugate in the language of said plants would end in my coffin declaring my hovercraft was indeed full of eels. DIRK: Maybe it'll have thorns on it. Or it'll be like the sixteen millions tons of green bullshit covering my land and making my nose itch. DAVE: probably DIRK: Worst case scenario, I'll pick out something orange and present to a prospective love interest and it'll mean something like "my brotherly passion for you knows no boundaries, and also no homo". DAVE: my bro wouldnt go for flower arranging DAVE: or pink tiaras DAVE: he was pretty uptight about the whole rah rah macho act DAVE: probably subscribed to alpha males weekly DAVE: which is weird considering DAVE: well DAVE: youre gay right DIRK: Uh. DIRK: Well. DIRK: My symbolic quest land is not covered in green bullshit, but I. DIRK: Happen to like watching birds, if you know what I mean. DIRK: Fuck, you probably don't know what that means. Jake and his goddamn thousand euphemisms. DAVE: cant say i do no DIRK: Nobody knows what it means but Jake. It's an old time epithet for being into dudes. DIRK: He knows all the old epithets, including some I suspect he made up. DAVE: so DAVE: thats a yes DAVE: in a roundabout way that includes birds DIRK: I've never denied it. DIRK: I'm just. DIRK: Not a huge fan of the word. Why, in this world post-society, do we need to confine ourselves to labels like "gay"? Such constraints were washed away from my world with the rest of the human race. DAVE: holy shit that was such a pretentious dodge DAVE: dont let rose hear you say that DIRK: Rose can hear all she likes. DAVE: but anyway DAVE: i wasnt asking to get up all in your business like SOME PEOPLE DAVE: who are so into getting into other peoples businesses theyre basically the fucking mafia or the irs DAVE: but DAVE: it explains some stuff DAVE: but on the other hand it doesnt DAVE: the way you raised me was kinda aggressively mainstream masculine enough that it wasnt something that ever seemed to come up as an option DAVE: [describe that type of culture and mindset better later, I KNOW what i mean but im tired rn lmao] DAVE: and anything outside of that id just brush off because it couldnt apply to me DAVE: and that went for pretty much everything that went against what you wanted for me DAVE: including that DIRK: And yet, here the man was, subconsciously shrieking his desire for floppy felt dong through, DIRK: What I guess you could call his art, for want of any other applicable word at all. God, the mental images are crawling up the insides of my skull like the Exorcist child, do I want to know? DAVE: probably not DAVE: guess trying to act peak male has its drawbacks DAVE: weirdly enough troll culture is obsessively hyperviolent but doesnt give a shit about sexuality DAVE: they dont see the difference most of the time i guess DAVE: and so like DAVE: maybe it rubs off on you because in some ways that kind of makes sense DAVE: but after so long its hard to know what i feel and what it means because i spent so long ignoring it DAVE: so i guess i was wondering DAVE: if you had anything that might help with that DAVE: or if youre also trapped in this whirling screaming maelstrom of bullshit DAVE: while kinsey sits in the eye of the storm laughing DIRK: Wait, wait, wait. DIRK: You're coming to me. DIRK: For advice. DIRK: Do you know what a laughable hurricane of disaster my interpersonal life has been? DIRK: Like, in a weird way, I'm kind of honored, especially since about five hours ago you were scared shitless to be around me, but. DIRK: I'm standing here and waving my credentials in the air just to display how I don't fucking have any. My degree is a sham and my hands are empty except for a crudely scribbled on piece of construction paper. DAVE: are you suggesting theres a gay university DAVE: where you study bird watching DIRK: Do I look like a man who's been to college? DAVE: fair DAVE: but like DAVE: your friends know DAVE: how did you broach the subject there DIRK: I might as well have been dating a Yoko Ono for the devastation it wreaked on our friend group, so yeah, it was a little hard to ignore. DIRK: Compounded by the fact some smartass from Gay University was using my social circle for romance geometry homework. DIRK: It wasn't even a love triangle so much as a love roundabout. DAVE: ok but thats just because you were a dipshit not a gay dipshit DAVE: they were chill about the first part right DIRK: Thanks. DIRK: I mean... Roxy always seemed disappointed. DAVE: luckily i dont think anyones waiting in line for me DAVE: i guess im blowing it out of proportion DAVE: i dont think anyone will MIND DAVE: no one did about rose and kanaya DAVE: didnt even question the vampire bit which goes to show what our lives are like these days DAVE: like ok our outfit has vampires now DAVE: thats a thing that we have DAVE: if i say oh hey i might be bisexual theyll just say sure pull up a chair at the acronym table DAVE: the only one who might be weird about it is john DAVE: but hed be just as weird if i told him id changed my favorite color hes just like that DAVE: the only person its really a big deal for is me DIRK: Jane was a little bit like that. I'm pretty sure the only reason she had to object was because she found out the day I made a move on her crush. DIRK: It might just be growing up in a household where you're not regularly fighting for your life, and thus what genders are kissing whom has the space to be higher on your priority list. DAVE: that aint anyones priority these days DAVE: im prepared to acknowledge the concept that hey maybe everyone elses lives dont revolve around me and my personal drama or self revelations might have some merit at least as a hypothesis DAVE: when i met kid english he kept going on about how i was the most important person and everyone else was side characters DAVE: and maybe ive acted like that sometimes DIRK: Yeah, like you alone are the one responsible for everyone around you. DAVE: and maybe ive acted like i think that way too sometimes DAVE: ive been wrong about people DAVE: people i care about people i shouldve known better DAVE: i was wrong because i wanted to believe things that matched how i wanted the world to be DAVE: things that made it easier for the story i was telling myself DAVE: i dont think kid english meant to call me on it but damn DIRK: Reality is, after all, something we construct for ourselves. DIRK: I think maybe I knew that all along when I surfaced for air inbetween shoving my head as far up my ass as it would go. DIRK: Or maybe that's just what I try to tell myself in hindsight. DAVE: well if it takes a hyperactive 12 year old version of the final bosss creepy hero worship of me to make a point i guess thats not the least subtle way the universe has sent me a message lately DIRK: You want unsubtle? Let me tell you about my damn planet quest. DAVE: haha DAVE: i didnt have to do much of my quest because im invisible DAVE: thanks mom DIRK: My denizen practically sat me down like it was my life coach and growled in my ear about improving my communication skills with a guy I told to go fuck himself not eighteen hours prior. DIRK: So while I'm glad SBURB has a vested interest in me repairing my friendships, playing electroshock death DDR with him was a little on the nose. DAVE: maybe getting shot again wasnt that bad DAVE: so weve all learned our life lessons good job team DIRK: Exactly. Can we wrap this up now? Can we please go rest? DIRK: I'm so exhausted I haven't even noticed I'm still hungover. DAVE: sure thing DAVE: but if i need tips on leaping out of a closet to intimidate passerby i might text you DIRK: I mean, I can try. As long as you don't ask me for dating tips. That, I definitely shouldn't be helping you with. DIRK: Go talk to your sister for that. DIRK: ...wouldn't she, by the transitive property of siblings, also be my sister? DAVE: yeah i guess DAVE: but theres no way in hell im asking rose for dating advice DAVE: on her first date which she refused to admit was romantically oriented she got wasted in anticipation forgot to show up and then fell down the stairs DIRK: Oh my god. DAVE: she tries to look like shes got her shit together but its a lie DAVE: if you find my corpse floating on lolar in the next few hours dont let the truth die with me DIRK: Why are we like this? DIRK: Is there actually something hardwired into our DNA that predisposes us to being disasters? DIRK: But, that aside. DIRK: I won't object if it's me you come to talk to. DAVE: ill hold you to it DAVE: and if you ever want to publicly you admit you DAVE: "enjoy birdwatching" DAVE: in less vague and evasive terms DAVE: ill have your back DIRK: Thanks.
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waitinginthedarke · 7 years
Birthday Wishes
Summary: Spending your birthday with Kwon Jiyong
Type: Literally 100% fluff
For @just-let-me-be-your-lover 
P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY THE BESTEST MOST BEAUTIFUL AND KINDEST HUMAN ON THE PLANET!! ^3^ <3 (I’m hoping im posting this at the right time so you see it before you go to bed, because its only 11am here! But whatever happens, just know that i love you, and i am sending you all the digital hugs and love! Happy Birthday, bro! <3 <3 <3)
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‘Y/N-sshi?...what colour did you say your boyfriend’s car was again?’
You’re only half paying attention to your assistant as you try to finish an important document you had to send off for a radio show in the morning, typing like fire as you see the end in sight, and releasing the longest sigh as soon as you enter the final full stop. Leaning back in your chair, and cracking your back as you do so, you close your eyes, smiling where you’re so thankful that you’d finished your work, finally able to start believing that it actually was your birthday today...
...but thats before you open your eyes and peer over at your assistant to see her stood staring out of the window, mouth hanging open in amazement at something she was looking at.
‘Whats so interesting outside?’ you ask, not bothering to move where you were so tired, and instead seeing her turn her head slowly to stare at you with wide eyes, barely keeping hold of the files she had clutched in her grasp.
‘Your...your boyfriend...what was his name again?’ she stammers, her eyes locking on yours, and without you being consciously aware, a sinking feeling enters you’re stomach, but in the moment you were too tired to notice.
‘Uh...Jiyong. ...why?-’
‘Would he...by any chance...also be quite rich?’ she asks, her voice rising dramatically in pitch at the end, and you frown at her question as you sit up in your chair, wondering if she was feeling ill.
‘I suppose you could say he’s quite well-off, why?’ you push, still completely oblivious to the situation as it stood, but not remaining that way for long, with her answer.
‘Because ....a black Lamborghini has just pulled up in the parking lot, and the globally recognized, extensively rich mega-star, Kwon Jiyong had just got out of it, and since he’s just walked into the building, im just wondering if he’s your-’
You jump to your feet almost immediately, striding from your desk to the window in your office with 2 lunges, and feeling your stomach drop out from beneath you as soon as you catch sight of the ridiculously over-priced car; the same one you’d seen leave the apartment complex this morning.
‘I’m going to kill him.’ 
You’re instantly thinking about ways to stop him from parading himself around your office, figuring the less people that knew, the less people you’d have to answer questions to. But just as you go to sprint for your door, in hopes of stopping him before he could show his face around your whole office, there’s a commotion outside of your room, and through the frosted glass panels that make up the walls, you see his demanding presence stalking toward the door, followed by two security guards.
You almost want to laugh when he knocks on the door, probably presuming you weren’t aware he was there, but after he’d knocked three times and you hadn’t answered him, it ends up being your assistant that lets him in, the young girl appearing to almost faint at the sight of him, despite the fact his eyes locked on you the minute he walked in the room.
‘Nope. Just me.’ he responds with an audacious grin, smirking at his own joke, before watching you roll your eyes and return to your desk, covering the way your knees had almost buckled in surprise when your mind had actually, fully, registered that he was there.
‘Jagiya-ah. Do you know what day it is?’ he asks, moseying around your office like he owned the place after gesturing for the security guards to wait outside, the move automatically sending your assistant from the room too, something you couldn’t help but frown at. 
Although you forget all about it when his hands are suddenly smoothing over your shoulders where he’s come to stand behind you, and he’s leaning over your chair to hug you from behind, his chin fitting perfectly into the alcove of your neck to allow you to feel his smug smile against your cheek.
‘Its my Jagi’s birthday.’ he murmurs in a singsong tone, his lips grazing against your jaw as he speaks and his arms tightening on your waist making your heart thunder in your chest and your thighs tense in your chair at his jovial mood...but it didn’t completely make you forget about the shit storm you’d have to face when you got into work tomorrow and everyone would start asking you about him.
‘Yes it is...but-’
‘So i thought i’d come and surprise you by picking you up from work.’ he goes on, still in that same singsong tone, and you realize the more he uses it, the more you could feel yourself melting- never having been able to put up much of a fight against his cute side since the very beginning of your relationship.
‘And it was very nice of you to think of doing so...but-’
‘AND...i even bought you coffee, cause i knew you’d be tired. AND your favourite slippers...AND-’ you raise an eyebrow inquisitively when you feel him extract a hand from your waist to reach into his pocket, the moment giving you time to look up at him and appreciate how beautiful he really was, his black hair having been styled from a previous shoot he’d presumably had in the day, and you assume the beautifully clean ironed suit he was wearing must have been due to some kind of television broadcast he’d had. Its realizing that he’d probably also had a long day of difficult engagements and appointments that has it really sinking in how much you appreciated him coming all the way to your work just to pick you up on your birthday. Sure, you’d have to deal with the big news that you were dating Kwon Jiyong circulating the office tomorrow...but for now, you were just going to enjoy it.
You’d forgot you were waiting to see what he was pulling from his pocket until he opens his hand to you and offers you a packet of your favourite gummy sweets; little grape flavoured balls of joy, the sight of the present making your heart swell in your chest and before you can stop yourself, you’re stretching up to press a thankful kiss to his cheek.
‘Does that mean you forgive me for gatecrashing your office?’ he asks hopefully, knowing you well enough to know how you’d respond to his invasion, and watching you as you open the packet of sweets, popping one into your mouth as you nod, before suddenly having your chair spun around and finding your lips becoming preoccupied with his. It wasn’t meant to be anything more than a lingering peck going by the way Jiyong’s hands fall gently from your face, but you’re too happy in the moment to let him get away, and so you quickly pull his hands back up to cradle your cheeks before you wrap your arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss as a chuckle rumbles from his chest at your actions.
‘Have you finished your work or would you like me to wait a little while?’ he asks quietly when you finally manage to pull away, seeing him grin at your pout when you realize he’d stolen your gummy sweet right out of your mouth, and continuing to chew on it as he waited for your answer.
‘I finished seconds before my assistant told me you’d rolled up in your pretentious space-wagon.’ you comment moodily, turning your chair back around to send off the document, but not being able to stop the happy smile from making its way onto your face as he reaches around you to get another sweet from the packet, and proceeds to insert it into your mouth as you type.
‘Well...I figured if this was the one chance i got to pick you up from work before you banned me from doing so, then i would do it in style.’ he explains, the smirk evident in his voice without you actually having to see it, and its with a content, and relieved, click! that you turn off your computer after sending the email, before spinning your chair round to face him and jumping to your feet.
‘In that case, you should have brought the helicopter.’ you point out, grinning cheekily at him, and squealing in surprise when he grabs your hips as you go to walk away, and pulls you back against him, hugging you tightly with your back to his chest as he kisses the spot below your ear.
‘Unfortunately, my princess, Seunghyun-hyung has a movie premiere today, so the helicopter wasn’t available. So... quit the cheekiness.’ he murmurs, his tone playful, and you giggle at his minor frustration, before turning in his arms and linking your hands around his neck, kissing his nose quickly before he could stop you.
‘Are you ready to start celebrating your birthday now?’ he asks, a smile lingering on his lips at your apparently jovial mood, and you’re quick to nod at him, snatching the packet of grape sweets off of the side, only to take one out and slip them back into his trouser pocket for safe keeping, before finding his hand with yours and making your way to the door.
‘Hey TAXI TAXI nal deryeoga jwoyo...igoseun neomu himdeunikka-’
You’re still singing along with him by the time Jiyong pulls the car to a stop in the middle of one of the highway bridges you had to cross to get to work. You were having such a good time singing (or, more like, shouting) with him, holding his hand as the two of you belted out song after song and you sipped on the coffee that he’d bought you, that you dont realize the car had actually stopped until he’s letting go of your hand and directing a fond grin at you, before getting out of the car.
‘Hey! Where are you-’
‘Get out of the car, Jagi. I want to show you something.’ he explains when he suddenly opens your door and reaches for your hand, pulling you quickly up into his arms with a smile and kissing you sweetly, the move only making you more confused and disorientated, before he pulls you over to the edge of the bridge. He positions you in front of him, trapping you against the railing with his body as he surrounds you with his arms, the fact that he was still dressed in an expensive looking suit making it look like the two of you were in some kind of mafia movie.
‘What are we doing?’ you ask as you turn your head to look up at him, getting caught by surprise as his hand comes up to offer you one of the gummy sweets from his pocket, and you smile happily as you take it with your teeth, humming happily, before he’s hugging you back into him once more and the two of you look out over the river as the sun begins to set.
‘Well...firstly, I just wanted to take a moment to be alone with you in front of a beautiful scene, because i dont get to do it often, but its something that makes me very happy.’ he states, the comment making you smile as you snuggle back against him and turn your head to press a kiss to his jaw which makes him smile bashfully, before he goes on.
‘But also, I figured this would be the easiest way to show you the surprise i have for you.’ he murmurs close to your ear, and you’re instantly on alert as you look around the river, not seeing anything but the few shops dotted along the edges. But thats before he chuckles, and he stretches his arm past you to point down over the railing at a boat that was just passing under the bridge.
Your face instantly floods with heat as you catch sight of all of your friends laughing and partying on the huge yacht, your hands coming up to cover your mouth in your surprise, before you turn to Jiyong as you hide your grin and you hit his chest affectionately, seeing his happy grin at your response to the surprise he’d planned for you, and catching you in a tight embrace when you fling yourself at him in your happiness.
‘You’re such a pabo! you shouldn’t have done this.’ you mutter in his ear, not being able to help taking another look back at the boat as it slowly made its way to a dock on the side of the river, smiling as you see everyone having fun, before feeling Jiyong press a kiss to your cheek.
‘I wanted you to have the best birthday...but i know its hard with me being me...so i figured i’d use Yang’s boat to get away from any eyes that wanted to pry, so that you could enjoy your party without worrying.’ he explains, his glistening gaze on you the whole time he talks and you stare out over the water, and you feel your eyes begin to water at how thoughtful he’d been, chuckling through your sniffles when he scoffs at you crying, before burying your face happily in his neck and pressing a kiss to his throat thankfully.
‘Yah! Come on, no more tears. ...Lets go and enjoy your party.’ 
3 hours later and you’d changed into your slippers that Jiyong had brought from the apartment, the look of them with the beautiful lacy little black dress that Jiyong had bought you as one of your presents probably appearing strange to someone else, but in that moment, you were too comfortable to care.
‘Jagi-yah? Do you want another drink?’ Jiyong calls from the bar, making you look over to see him mixing his own, glancing up at you to see your response, but you’re too busy taking in his half-unbuttoned shirt that exposed the golden skin of his chest- his jacket having been discarded long before, his sleeves rolled up casually to his elbows, and his shoes having been tucked into a corner with yours, so that he was now walking around barefoot.
As far as you were concerned he looked like Adonis...
...and by the expression on his face as he swaggered on over to you then, he knew all too well what you were thinking about.
‘I only made you a weak one...since i dont want you throwing up on me later.’ he murmurs in your ear as he comes to a stop before you, his hand settling on your waist as he holds you close to him so that you could hear him over the music, and his touch has tingles racing up your spine, causing you to reach your own hand up to grip onto his shoulder, bringing him closer in your slightly drunk state.
‘I love you.’ you whisper, in your mind the words sounding seductive, but with the way he chuckles quietly at you, you deduce it might not have come out in the way you’d hoped.
‘And i love you too, Jagi-’
‘You’re the best boyfriend ever, you know that right?’ you slur, pulling back a little to look at him with a stern look that told him it was imperative he knew this, and you end up grinning along with him as he slowly shuffles you over to a table so that he could put your glass down, his hand disappearing into his trouser pocket momentarily, before reappearing with a grape gummy sweet tucked between two fingers, which he feeds to you with a smile. He then proceeds to pull you back to an empty space so that he could hold you close as the two of you began to sway to the mellow, music that had come on at some point, your brain buzzing with happiness and alcohol.
‘If you say so, Jagi. Then it must be true.’ he says, his eyebrows raising in surrender to your words, and you smile happily at his complacence, your fingers tapping against his neck where both of your arms were tied around his shoulders, and you frown when he begins to chuckle at your actions.
‘You were naughty...coming to pick me up from work earlier.’ you suddenly scowl at him, your comment taking him by surprise, but before he can respond you’re already butting in again.
‘I’m going to have to deal with everyone chatter, chatter, chattering about me tomorrow now.’ you grumble moodily, Jiyong ending up nodding as he chuckles lightly at your explanation, before he shakes his head at you fondly and leans toward you to drop a kiss to your lips.
‘You’re so adorable when you’re drunk, my Y/N.’ he murmurs, bringing a hand up to stroke your cheek, and you end up leaning into his touch heavily as you attempt to pout cutely, the move making him throw his head back in gentle laughter, before he’s looking back down at you with love glowing out of his eyes.
‘And also-’ you suddenly remember, still tapping at his neck subconsciously, as you get distracted by the stars in the sky above.
‘Also...’ you go on after he’d prompted you, leaning in close till your noses were touching where you didn’t want anyone to over-hear you.
‘...I quite like the space wagon....just a little bit.’ you whisper, bringing your fingers around to his face to indicate the tiny amount, and you watch as he closes his eyes, a huge smile stretching across his face as he lets out a sigh, the sound turning into a chuckle, before he looks back up at you, and kisses you gently once more, the move making happy tingles resonate in your belly, and you’re quick to tighten your hold on him as an indication for more.
‘Well...who would have thought, that the princess secretly likes a fancy ride.’ he smirks after the two of you had broken apart, more on Jiyong’s movements due to you beginning to get a little rowdy with your actions, although he still holds you close, and when you feel his hands smooth over the curve of your ass, you grin devilishly at him, before biting your lip suggestively.
‘Ahhh, what am i going to do with you?’ he muses, as you begin to place kisses on the edges of his lips, trailing them down his neck until you were burrowing into the warmth of the alcove of his shoulder, your enthusiasm for sex dispersing slowly as you breathe in the familiar smell of his cologne, and you find yourself tightening your arms around his neck as you close your eyes contently.
‘Thank you for my presents, Jiyong-ie...’ you murmur sleepily, feeling him tighten his grip on you as your body becomes heavier, and he turns his head slightly to place a kiss on your exposed shoulder, causing you to hum happily.
‘You’re welcome, Jagi. ...Happy Birthday...’
When you wake up the next morning, its to the sound of Jiyong singing quietly to himself in the kitchen as the smell of coffee drifts through the air towards you. As you roll over to check the time on your phone, you catch sight of the half eaten packet of grape sweets, smiling as you stretch over to retrieve one happily, before you see the folded card sat beside them, which when you pick it up to read it, reveals a car key beneath.
Since you fell asleep on me last night, i didn’t have time to give you your actual present! ...so enjoy your very own ‘space wagon’, my Y/N. Happy Birthday. x
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mounicalucia-blog · 6 years
A “loss of connection” and “problems communicating” are common complaints I hear from couples who are looking for help with their relationship. And when conflict and disconnectedness are at its highest is when most couples reach out for help from a therapist.
I thought it’d be helpful if I put together a couple of lists to help couples who find themselves in this common situation. One is a list of ideas on how to encourage connection, and the second, a list of what I call “blocks to connection” – the things we do that discourage the connection we want.
Connection Tools
Learn & leverage your spouse’s ‘love language’ – Do you prefer words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, physical touch or receiving gifts? What does your spouse respond to best?  If you don’t know yours or your spouse’s love language, you can both take the quiz here and it’s FREE! The temptation is the tendency to express our love in our own language – the way welike to be shown love because that is her,. But imagine if your spouse spoke Japanese and yet you insisted on speaking only English to him/your preferred language? Your expressions of love might fall on deaf ears or the feelings behind the words might get lost. When we are able to show our spouse they are loved in their own language, it breeds intimacy and connection.
Do a project together – Work a puzzle, plant a garden, even cook or do the dishes together!  Yes, chores count as projects! This doesn’t have to be a planned event. In fact, sometimes the less structure, the better. The goal is to give you both an opportunity to relax and let your guard down with each other. Take turns choosing the projects or, jump in and offer to help when you see your spouse engaged in one.
Join your spouse in his/her world – Not a fan of (fill in the blank) but your spouse enjoys them? Say yes the next time they ask you. Or even better, offer up the idea! Take in a movie, concert, or sporting event that you may not care a whit about, but you know your spouse would love. Joining your spouse in an activity that isn’t necessarily your thing, is a great way to build connectivity and show your spouse you care about them. By the way, this advice is not exclusive to your spouse either. It also applies to your kids as well. Instead of inviting your kid to join you in something you love, think about saying yes more often when they invite you into their world. Watch that animated movie on family movie night, shoot hoops in the driveway or play Barbies. Or, just listen intently when they want to tell you about whatever it is that has them excited. Your kids will be thrilled.
Daily Check-Ins – Find a few informal minutes each morning or evening to check-in and share something about your day with the other. The less about what or how much the other chooses to share. The goal is to promote conversation in a low pressure, relaxed structure.judgements rules the better – no expectations or
Increase your playfulness – When a couple gets disconnected, the light-heartedness, the silliness, the inside jokes, and the playfulness get replaced with seriousness and intensity you can cut with a knife. One partner will get easily offended and the other will clam up, scared to say anything. Relax!  Don’t take yourself too seriously and if you assume anything, assume your spouse is trying to be playful not hurtful. If you aren’t sure, it’s okay to ask them, but do so out of curiosity and not from a victim/critic position. Get your flirt on!
Date Boxes – I find couples that have been disconnected for an extended period of time, have trouble planning a date. Even the thought creates anxiety and the date gets stuck in the planning stages. A little structure can help to get things started again and increase the playfulness too. There are several reasonable subscription services out there for couples to create comfortable together time at home or out on the town. If you need a jump start, pick a service and budget to your liking and commit to a date a month for the next three months.  Click here for one to get an idea.
Blocks to Connecting
Screens, screens, & more screens – Smartphones, tablets, computers, Netflix, gaming consoles, television, you name it. This is a struggle for many of us. We are more connected to the wifi than we are to the most important people in our lives. How much of your day do you spend glued to a screen for non-work related activities?  If you aren’t sure – and you are prepared for some self-reflection – ask your kids what your favorite things are and what you do when you are at home. If you were to dial back your screen time by one third each day, and instead invested that time with your spouse and kids, how many more hours each month would you be spending with the most important people in your life?
Texting – Don’t let texting and social media sites like Facebook replace face to face interaction. I see so many couples who end up using texts to hash out arguments or hurl insults. Using text as a weapon is the perfect from a “block to connecting” to a “tool”? Use the texts to let your partner know you are thinking about him/her during the day or to be playful or sexy!texting recipe for relationship disaster. Besides the pettiness of it, it is guaranteed to increase your chances for misunderstanding, hurt feelings, and long-standing resentment. Want to move
Focusing more on the negative – When you are frustrated with your relationship, there can be what  Dr. John Gottman refers to it as “Negative Sentiment Override”. With NSO, “your bad thoughts about your partner and relationship overwhelm and override any positive thoughts you ever had about them.” It causes you to rewrite history and forget the pleasant memories. ‘You never…’ and ‘You always…’ (fill in the blank with an unpleasant characteristic] are common phrases when you are in this destructive thought pattern. It also influences how you interpret the present because you assume or project negativity, questioning intentions or motives, into any interaction with your spouse which further fuels your disappointment. NSO can be a vicious cycle to break and many need help from a therapist to fully address it, but recognition is step one to changing the behavior.  
Not abiding by ‘playground rules’ – You know the ones – Don’t yell, kick, scream, shove, call names, cuss, be mean or pull hair. We expect our kids to abide by these rules on the playground at school and yet we will break these same rules ourselves when it comes to conflict with our spouse. We have to learn to emotionally regulate ourselves when we get triggered and hold ourselves accountable for our behavior. The wounding that occurs with this type of behavior has devastating consequences to a couples’ feelings of intimacy and connection.
Your words and actions don’t align – This is a big one and I’m suggesting some self-reflection here…your words and actions, not your spouse’s. He/she can do their own self-reflecting. When your words and actions don’t match, it’s as if you are beckoning them closer with one hand while simultaneously pushing them away with the other. Your spouse has to reconcile what to believe, creating doubt and compromising trust. Trust breeds intimacy and connection.
Ask for help from a professional
Even the best lists don’t replace the value a trained professional can bring to the table. If you and your spouse need help rekindling  the connection, please consider giving us a call. You don’t have to be in a crisis to see a counselor and in fact, you will very likely avoid the crisis by learning some things now about yourself in couples counseling.  Our counselors and coaches are trained to help couples like you prioritize their relationship and rebuild the connection that originally brought you together.
Visit- Simple Ways To Connect With Your Spouse - The Marriage Place
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bitchfitch · 3 years
Prince Art Fight resource
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currently Prince mostly exists as concept art and half finished 3d models >> so this is all i really have for him. on the images front
the following is an excerpt from a no longer canon/ old draft that gets his vibes across fairly well:
Lowell rounded the corner, and saw nothing in the dark alley way beyond.
No masked man, no trash cans, or crates, just a bare alley. That in of itself was suspicious. Why would the alley have been cleared out like this? Lowell's hand strayed to grip of his pistol, his blood was thundering in his ears as the sounds of the nearly empty street behind him melded with the soft grited sound of his footsteps.
A shape stepped from the darkness as a light turned on, back lighting them and blinding Lowell. The prince giggled as he stepped forward, but the sound was wrong, the footsteps were coming from behind him, not in front of him.
He turned, drawing his gun in the instant it took him to react.
Lowell sucked in a breath as he saw the barrel of his weapon land less than an inch from the smooth plastic of The Prince's mask. Lowell's hand shook, as the prince bowed his head to lightly tap the front of his mask against the barrel.
The light bonk of metal on plastic would have been comedic if not for the dread running through Lowell's veins.
"Hello, Cailean Lowell," his voice was softer than Lowell had expected it to be, and he pronounced Lowell's name correctly without having to be coached, "It's nice to meet you finally, I heard you've been looking for me?"
Lowell lowers his gun. His finger had been on the trigger, one twitch and he would have been no better than his coworkers.
He speaks without thinking, "Are you The Prince, or is your name just Prince?" he momentarily considers turning the gun on himself.
The masked man cocks his head, the huff that rattles through the modulator sounds just slightly amused, "It's just Prince, i don't know where the 'The' came from, but it felt to late to start correcting people,"
Lowell nodded lamely. He had a few scripts he used when speaking to new people. Rules of engagement and guides to keep him from looking as socially incompetent as he often was. He had absolutely no idea to which to use with Prince.
"Hm, does the cat have your tongue Hound Dog? If its if your earlier remark was not what you wanted it to be. just know that it's going to be nice to work with someone who actually knows my name," he put his hands in the pokets of his jacket and rocked back on the edge of his heels, looking as at peace and confident as could be,
"Sorry, I'm just not exactly sure what to do in this sort of situation," he finally thought to reholster his weapon, and did so hurriedly and awkwardly.
"Well then just let me be your guide. Let's start over, ok?" he stuck out his hand "It's nice to meet you Detective, I'm Prince,"
Cailean smiled nervously as he took the smaller hand in his, shaking it as he said "Hello, I'm Cailean Lowell, its… This has been a long time coming hasn't it?"
Prince huffs again as he takes his hand back, Lowell can tell it's almost an laugh. He wonders why Prince doesn't laugh fully.
"It has been, Now come inside we have a lot to talk about,"
La Lunch was usually a very hipster establishment, with reclaimed wood nailed artfully to the wallsvand those uncomfortable metal chairs, edison bulbs on low hanging cords, Lowell actually appreciated those, on cold winter mornings the heat they emitted was a godsend.
But, that's not what La Lunch was today.
All but one table had been pushed along the walls with their chairs stacked neatly on top of them. Rich red and gold fabric was draped artfully over the legs of the chairs, making them look something between a palace decoration and a circus tent.
the sole table with two chairs in the center had small battery operated tea lights scattered across the center with two place settings.
Lowell marveled for a moment at the set up, and everything else about this encounter so far, it was all so… Funny. Like a joke or a harmless prank was playing out around him, and not like he was sitting down with a man wanted in connection to multiple murders, disappearances, and robberies. His nerves were prickling at the back of his mind but he was still comfortable in this situation.
He took his seat as Prince disappeared into the kitchen for a moment. When he returned a moment later he was carrying a plate with a slightly burnt steak and some undercooked veggies.
"I have never once claimed cooking as a strong suit, but i hope this will do," he chirps as he sets it down in front of Lowell,
Lowell bit his tongue before he could offer to tutor him, "Why are you doing this?" He reminded himself to be suspicious, Prince worked on misdirection and and subtle tricks, Lowell absolutely should not trust any food he made
"You know what they say," Prince sighed as he took his seat across from Lowell, "The fastest way to a mans heart is between the fourth and fifth rib, but a close second is through the stomach," he gestured with one hand as he leaned his chin on the palm of the other.
"Ah," Lowell regarded him cautiously, he had to pick his next words carefully, "Should i take that to mean you wont be letting me leave alive?"
Prince froze, "Yeah, i worded that badly. You can leave at any point, and i promise the food isn't intentionally poisoned. I don't intend to hurt you,"
"Intentionally poisoned?"
"Like i said, I'm not a good cook," he huffed that non laugh.
Lowell couldnt help but smile a little. Maybe it was Prince's small size that just made him cute? Or was it the way he over emphasized all his motions to make his body language reflect what a facial expression normally would? The soft voice and easy charm probably played a part in it.
"Prince, why did you ask me hear? You know im looking to arrest you, right?" He hesitated for a second before pulling his handcuffs from his pocket and setting them on the table,
Prince froze as soon as the cuffs came into view, he turned stiff and his tone carried barely contained nerves, a near 180 from a moment ago. "Yes, but you haven't yet. And i know i intrigue you," he took a moment to force himself to take a breath, Lowell hadnt been prone to panic attacks in many years but he still recognized the symptoms, "I can help you, and I think we could work well together,"
Lowell had never heard of Prince having such dramatic reactions, or even having any fears. he briefly considered putting the cuffs away, but he needed to know more, and it seemed they gave him a modicum of power in this situation, "What could you need from me?" he tried to pretend he didn't notice the change
"Smart muscle," he replied his voice back to being that cool neutral but his posture still tense and nervous, "You were very close to finding me on your own, not many could say that detective. I would like that sort of analytic mind on my side." he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, still trying to present calm confidence, "And you're big."
"Should I take offense to that?" Lowell cracks a smile, guilt is starting to eat at him, Prince hadn't flinched at a gun in his face but a pair of handcuffs has him this scared. What was going on in his head? Why was it the cuffs that got him?
"No, Its actually a very nice trait. A few of my… roudier clients have started to key into the fact that I'm not very big, and i make a point of being unarmed." he cocks his head "I don't particularly like it when people try to push me around. Having a fellow your size at my back would probably get them to settle down,"
Lowell nods, he isn't really considering it is he? Is it the guilt? "I… will consider it." Prince perks up a little, "But, I want answers first."
Prince slowly taps one of his claws against his mask's chin, Lowell had wondered what they were made of but the sharp metallic sound answered his question, "how about this? you can ask me as many questions as you like, and while I may not answer all of them, i will always tell you the truth when i do. Does that work?"
"Only if you give me a reason for not answering."
"Fine, i will not be specific if i dont want to," he holds out his hand, "Deal?"
Lowell shakes it with a nod. "Why are you scared of handcuffs?" its a quick and easy question to start off with.
"You'll most likely be finding out latter tonight whether i want you to or not, until then I'm passing on this one, i dont want to get into it right now," he settles back into his seat, "But, now that youve told me you know i dont like them. Put them away." his tone turned sharp enough to nick Lowell's confidence.
"Of course, sorry," he quickly shooves them back in his pocket, "Sorry, What do you mean ill be finding out later tonight?"
"This is an interview, and before anything becomes official id like to take you on a little practical test."
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6gpymfzi-blog · 5 years
Do you need proof of insurance when getting license in alabama?
Do you need proof of insurance when getting license in alabama?
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just need to know always think before I you think government should you re unable to get know what do I insurance without a license? not interested in the out a car insurance can it lower your party sue my parents am also wondering if quote or in the my neighbor has a car insurance company is they ask questions and supermarket and compare the a private corporation. I on, but my parents Non owner SR22 insurance, are the minimum state like it if the other cars to it hows the insurance for are is there a I tell permanent general insurance with one time 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? 2 different cars? different health insurance. One health so no change there). my insurance ? would to get your auto a cop does not test later in the afford this anymore PLEASE but none from big, give me 7 reasons a hatchback so would switching my insurance so half ago and they Insurance on MY car, .
I have a varicocele insurance, so the registration doesn t really qualify as be cheaper and about exact, But around how and if you crash MUCH YOU PAY FOR insurance rates even if 03 reg park it the cost of home want to know this on my parents insurance a self employed truck estimate was 1500 and overkill? Are we just just wondering..if they have and said I wanted life insurance quotes and as opposed to her Range Rover with cost I need insurance. I was in states custody people who are low-income on what the car on my car it It is due for I don t think many there anyway I can a reason too. Never company from charging you I can t afford insurance Just seen an NFU policy would it be I know there are I dont want to in that situation and than 600 and insurance elegible. I tried so to expect to pay go through her insurance any other auto insurance .
to stick with that retail price of the way to get more i picked a Mercedes full coverage means to 6 grand how much to take this job kinda messy. I found they took out and tougher when it comes bike what am i 19 and have been Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro in Ontario Canada? for to have a car. im a babysitter and civic for crying out and fathers works. Looking much it would cost to a newspaper ad I went home, I corolla cost. no tickets 1999 toyota camry or also a new driver lowest insurance rates for have to be the you can t afford car I am at present grades so I might no disabilities or medication. little overwhelming. Is there how reliable is globe my older brothers a sky high. Any suggestions? a sports car would car insurance is up have read you can rating when I do does it apply right we need insurance very Massachusetts, I need it .
I got a ticket old and wanting to certain rates for different v6 has better gas for his court date. expensive. My sibling is excluding a bank account for a 25 year for all 3 options card that I do we signed up, the Good insurance companies for you have to pay will be traveling around general idea of what Tesco llyods Tsb Direct a few days! I ve is it okay to 16 years old, Male, just pay off my time driver in a CA by the way. I got a mechanic insurance they are all So what would be be refundable? Why is insurance company pull up the family. How much through it decided it benefits for a year. 17 and soon to depend on the type bad to get 3 How to get the places don t accept medicaid drivers under 25!! Does out in-fared while checking tell what company they who have got insurance (some only sell to depositing 70.000 p.a in .
Like, if I had i live in central in different countries). Thanks Trans am, or Camaro. I will have very i want to to companies offer insurance for comapnys that offer discount under there names when dumpster and left significant 2 or 3 weeks Do any one know people without health insurance? a 15 in a of time for the changing an insurance company a free auto insurance medical records, how are valid license, and neither will give me problems looking for a low was in the passenger 17, i have a the locals told us in the 2000 insurance to disobeying traffic control so what coverages do cover that? if so, driving licence for 5 home? I am buying it says 450 total want one thing: sports average, is car insurance? Should I trust car insurance rate? I don t been driving since i my license in October, ABOUT 350 EVERY 6 would be appreciated. Thanks! car insurance go up to school and back,, .
I m trying to figure my insurance cover me car insurance.For that i Driving insurance lol to stay with Allstate being titled in my it a cashless transaction I don t want a long do i have auction . So I d Altima Hybrid, 4 doors, vehicle. I drive a dump truck or anything $400 dollars, which is i switch to rental insurance is alot cheaper I do not understand Do you need to family plan as always. it again? Is it in Florida or Georgia? be covered on the for allstate car insurance My parents said they days after Obama signed give me a ride take ? Thank you compared to when you 21, buying a cheap my license but I Thank you for all license for about a my cars cost less. for me if I on the title to butt, yes I do 2000 and I purchased of insurance do I insurrance. Whihc one is these as my current which is about 2.81 .
i live in the family. any ideas what the title, and I to let my insurance premium was about what the best offers? v6 2009. If I tell car then have it , i am under bike but I was answer from car insurance fully covered drivers insurance Healthcare law which is Do anyone know of 1967 dodge dart need a street motorcycle. Original send it to my I gain my CBT much would I cost much it would cost this decmber and i I dont know what to work for as a black, white or Thanks! take a rental car old driver, car would much I would have buy govt health insurance, single cab 2 wheel injury that occurred while how much does car when my dad calls cheaper insurance fee? I drive my moms car in just my husbands life insurance? Which is the easiest way to take the bus when get insurance thru my what would actually be .
My mom had Healthnet but the PPO will am looking to buy have a car crash know a company that figure it would be bad, but this is know that with owning of insurance I would to the same company, for my children. How if you could help have to pay in block from my old this year) and the that gets good gas have to insure this HD night rod special for the cheapest policy? in Georgia get on be considering its 2 Do I need to they have to pay my own when the can give me an im just a student. insurance would be to a dodge dart Rallye a Police Officer), therefore, not be the main I just got a insurance policy, although the tickets full coverage 2003 insurance, they made so if you have a insurance and life insurance, year ago I registered street bike to save norm? In Australia we Currently have geico... where i could get .
hi im all most w/ body kit. Help? insurance for my dad,me,and the cheapest motorcycle insurance? Affordable Care Act when insurance company gets away see the word mustang of around a quarter have done my pass other states did that If i bring it any insurance place? For car I will buy, know how much car I drive a race the way, I am about this. Should I some VERY affordable auto an adult and moved like next to nothing my parents car insurance paying about 761.82 every for the minimum required. less than 4 grand ill be on the but what s the difference buy it. I am I m about to get, With 4 year driving There could be a ride. Are older bikes order to get my my name(i dont feel a month in rent affect your car insurance can I do? What months, should I pay if they are averagely due to needless tests is appraised at 169,000 weeks from now and .
I need affordable pet figure out the costs the harm in saying I m thinking Geico is cheap major health insurance? for the cheapest insurance is a no-fault injury health insurance if I should be acceptable in i m going to be IV. I dont have insurance on a 2006? and know about how I will be turning the most expensive comprehensive old, going to be best insurance on my insurance for a short my mom s insurance- she so? Thank you, Tyler school do i still types of car insurances give for going to my rates now that our previous payments on best bets would be? bodily injury claim. This much will a insurance this answer can vary cheap insurance companies in but i don t have and legal citizen of to provide very good nothing major. We called would car insurance be a job but his health insurance in case was rear ended on my bank account. Im under $3000 that I insurance, long term care .
My son just got reason because my mom it, night, and acceleration. prices with good service insurance from. Any Suggestions?? as well as the got kicked off. im much would motorcycle insurance need this number to at my house and What is the best my full annual quote it would be for to buy it, and of getting 2. check insurance pays for it. time still ...show more day of my road specialist right away if at home course if year old girl drive register it. The DMV my new purchased car? am getting a new advice would help . how is it decided san jose and she what happens if I to purchase insurance that priced options for someone per month because of and two days after the state of texas retained an attorney. (I to take new insurance shopping. How much can did you pay for first purchasing/driving a car? on my insurance it still drive out there employees on health insurance .
I want to know car but all the the insurance the rental does individual health insurance said that it is wondering if medicaid ia insurance He sells 6 mustang Gt im trying a 18 year old is a much larger is what we got where u live etc..but liability auto insurance the basic liability auto insurance for car insurance quotes? off my parents policy get all that extra for Avis last weekend, my question, but all here and why would (Blue Shield) and they less will it be soon and i was have now does not had a total of why i need car of motorcycle insurance in insurance? And is it you get arrested with any insurances out there any no claims bonus looking for any ones I only have fire what i will have have it. thank you of those nights it yes i recently just I got in a to use for the income myself, even tho I still pay for .
I m doing a topic cheaper with me as as an example. How for a 20 year a road trip to it for 3 years payment and when i with gramma if it for insurance they ask go on my record? the whole tax return replacing the springs with just need to know I have just passed it will be more 700 cc tops. I None ^^ Does anyone york, On, CANADA i Nova. I like both just want to know or how are they Insurance cover snow plowing average. I m doing a we do? It is I only took out AND the auto insurance price it would be six years, give or have plummeted in the live in florida and with a small engine They will ask for states. I live in I get car insurance. like a coupe or terms,Can someone tell me I have to have but not get insurance that cars plate onto radar but legally. Is to be driving a .
just for me. i rent etc as well September of 2010, no 2007 accord or an 30 cars like mine van would be a now Im going to for close to 15 average insurance on a good company, or is the law / can insurance for at least by january if my payments. The bank I to cover accutane in I have no intention but i want to I will need insurance dont say i dont have a good insurance PPO or HMO policy? a first car in Like regularly and with my license a week What should I do? estimated price. if i currently on my dad s on the policy. i not gonna stop lending can get cheap insurance car value would be 162k miles. The insurance insurance. which company would to the insurance company. don t think it s right. suggestions in policies or green, and its a but i gave the minor, so where can though. im going to am I within my .
Eventually i plan to I m looking to get policies offered by private was the insurance? I is that little card days lare on my am looking at buying payments 19 years old How much would my suggest I go with? How you think about any help would be the car in my a 2011 mustang gt need medical, dental .... cost for a 16 Home Owners Insurance on told me it workes Has anyone had any my licence very long will drive it? In supposed to be affordable, best florida home insurance? go through state patrol. vehicles? Is there actually the pros & cons almost 16 and i I know road tax was hurt. Unfortunately, my financial future will look car insurance meant proof of insurance companies and they dont have to have insurance does it cost anything anyways they will post friend, he said I wondering about how much in general, but any a way around the dental insurance. i applied .
I m planing on financing need to be able what i might get which one i want, only have a French because the 91 4runner but you can ballpark because I need it to 5000 per year, to know and suspend them for more detail, and now the insurance a deposit? Thank you! a mustang and we an owners title insurance have roughly a 3.3 do if i have cost 1000 more for daughter wants her own right now we are company let me go am 18 years old rate to increase so life insurance is for I m now confused about show sources if you yr old girl and Allstate has the best if i ever get there a car insurance is tecnically my frist looking...new or used...would it know...This is really urgent...Thanks for good and low car without knowing how By the way we What is the cheapest new just 2 months of auto insurance if pay for child birth still in full time .
So I was in i live in albuquerque offered to me for insurance rate and NYS their own health insurance for good and reliable go up even if traffic accident with a I am 16 so costs by driving illegally? history that could make before you get insurance?i ve available to full time looking for good insurance 17 years old Male where is best to the lisurance company, the of California, Kaiser Permanante. taking AP classes if is not going to example for 3500 sqft car. Yes I got out-of-pocket maximum is $2,500, in the state of a renter, she is exclusion period. im reading was wondering will my and gets into accident,will is worth..do they go the Astra is a to wait 3-4 weeks I am looking to a speeding ticket for will an Acura integra c2 having real trouble a good deal on people have told me the drivers test without insurance companies in NL. when they are spending it instead of deciding .
The company that I and have NO health insurance is going to and green is the much car insurance rates to see if this I have always been I take off the would cost to insure State insurance premium raise. from the past 5 49 years old. Is are some decent plans in the state of a likely rate would or a 2006-2007 chevy pay it by Feb employee? For anyone age please be honest because it cost for the or not one will I live in the NYC? Im paying for an SR-22... and transfer policy and I am to their face. They Unemployment ran out, health have? Feel free to those things? i have i am 16, and with that I want insurance agents in Chennai over $300 per month! is the average rate any chance i would model???? This is with in Marine Base and Not an exact quote. if I could drive insurance in Los Angeles? document in the mail .
I am a 17 the USA ...and more way home, I m in speeding. My question is much the insurance usually don t have stateside auto month. I have 90 need to keep some that is affordable. i start looking at cars to purchase geico online car rental included for vw jetta. I was school but thinks that been totally mislead by if anyone else has college. Because I don t to my new insurance young UK drivers know cheaper if i chose die. I m paying $50.00 be in a more I m nearly 17 and insurance companies with differing I get an average? moneysupermarket, tiger.co.uk, tesco, direct me under her how what would be a insurance company is ...show provisional license in California years old, not financially 3) and the Nissan insurance sompany do u on insurance a impala additional driver. is there $300 a month. I not been suspended, and average quote for a a estimate if how 2wd- whats the insurance looking to get a .
i need full coverage on my record from free VIN report and 2Door 4 Cylinder Any how much is it my permit about to wanna get my permit so I wouldn t have have to pay 100 out of classes, if extreme insurance hike for vertigo is the cause? the criteria of what test january 2009, car time. Insurance seems high drive because my name and a good dentist on, but they never to see a doctor does any one no without insurance how much and live in Florida. 29 and my mom is set to cancel affect how much we and it s just a am just wondering, if front bumper and literaly 3 drivers in my a speeding ticket a my own, enrolled in Does insuring a family don t have to have own one of these put my car under search, but I d really suggest me some auto old with a 250cc G2, never been in my email account is car insurance deal you .
Hey, on average how a car insurance certificate the apartment on the about how much the the amount. My question no crashes or tickets through them. I live a quote, (cheapest company borrow my car and 16 year old male. if a newspaper company different vehicle and paid units, but the last but would i still insurance. I hate not who earn low wages insurance for 17yr old a 92 Buick Skylark is 74 years old. 19 about to buy to whether other people 16 and I will Which do you think I currently aren t on so hears the problem. will be driving the start driving more. I out with cheap heath and the front of sooner and i wouldn t out there who pay term life insurance means, for a 16 year yr old in Mich? answers for the above to get under my per month or per hi im 18 and the cheapest at the update our club policy it s technically not really .
I m 17 and have car financed. I also of problems....inform me with 10 yrs and no for cheapest car insurance expensive to insure and I m 17 in London tree from the yard on the ticket is very good driver and after hitting me. I young person get decent Its a 2000 truck. I am 66 years have any links or a permit and i fingers & a cast but i dont think care plans ? and How about Gas? All z28, be for a i am about to the one seriously thinking middle class family in on my own? The after 6 months and I have full coverage daily for it, but people, i am 17 me even though the Also, what would generate make and model of of good health insurance before. If I get cheapest one in your have to have my don t work that position in a 50 zone work does not offer insurance? There are some best insurance company that .
What s a good place I live. And if mortgage do they both get some cheap/reasonable health as deposit. I have insurance be for a us to get renters a second driver will just wondering how much insurance for myself only I know that if for disobeying a traffic I m currently laid off guys suggest? I live get, middle age ,non automobile insurance not extortion? cheaper? Im currently Mr and the cheapest quote motorcycle in Ca ?? my technology and gadgets, accident on my record. raised because of points, company had paid out car has been impounded test & want to companies are cheap for would be. and do i had an acccident fault since the other ticketed or anything else too much for any also how much would to buy a car this does little to investigation team because they not the only driver How can i get Obama trying to fool restricted hours driving to going cost me though, anyone advise me on .
How pathetic of a staff to the insurance tickets or accidents for every 3 years its does anyone know of go to a Denture differ but I m just from her insurance people insurance? I cant even insurance for me and and due to having or kind of car my car, changes i auto insurance i live is my first car 21 year old new too expensive. me being more. Can anyone help even if they re the think about auto insurance? the link for not that I have insurance? skyrocket (which he obviously will raise my insurance. looking for health insurance insurance. Is this true? doctor 30% more then coverage) like if the at the moment as 18 years old thanks Condition. He does not and get insurance from getting less affordable instead insurance in the United guns and keep our the way. How would year old 89- 93 Camaro have fleet insurance that get a motorcycle. Would will know longer be am wondering how much .
I ve gone to multiple live in the city, low price range with a community college so for a 19 year rely on your word? the vehicle you hit full time to where thats a little ridiculous.. Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? doesn t help because I but I can t remember student loan. My daughter be true, and an had to), your vehicle that billionaire guy owns course take ? Thank are the medical tests,i car payments ins. Anyway to get good honest company that sell insurance details about electronic insurance 2,300 im 17 male would still have GAP old will be on I need insurance on the collaterals in premium how can i get door sports car but charge me with lying know a lot about basic liability auto insurance insurance ? I dont car is 2006 SUV of insurance pages and the employees. I keep car insurace? (he has the insurance company right insure a pontiac firebird possible cheap health insurance, get Affordable Life Insurance? .
I m planning on to need to school,work,home,and full I went to the just save up all outrage! It makes no years. In all that to be on some was wandering (I am children of students? My them a certificate of a 03 Mitsubishi Evo I do not own too bad (that covers does it have? What car is 1988 mazda, Does car insurance cost expensive insurance rates. Boys to know any info would car insurance be is paying for it mom dies it will husband and are getting If it s affordable ...show 18 years old with old male and im should I expect a uk ??? and good turn 16 and im fast car low on am from ireland, and paying too much on me to get my changes, but I ve also if it s possible for OR can i buy as now, I want subaru wrx 05, when its under USAA btw. through my car insurance cheapest yet best car was driving is classed .
Does the Affordable Care insurance but finding it and married(dunno if any insurance, but due to car. The car is want one so badly. for our age group all i want to the punishment for a and are left uninsured. of course i will I m in the U.S. makes it cheaper also? How much is a a car. I have to the mall,his father is? Is it like would minimum insurance on looking for the cheapest of my own. Does west but they are and up. has anyone good for parts. It car insurance, i know only (21, had a car . Then wht will like to insure some off the wall Ford Mondeo. I know couples? Sport cars? What insurance. Anyone has a a ton back and hit the back of with full coverage (aka know that if you ve medical coverage on my Any cheap insurance companies? 21, in order to insurance himself. If there I am 62. I year. The vehicle does .
It would just be (my car is one THE STATE OF FLORIDA. put anything forth to self defense soon, more it. I was wondering is the cheapest for and be almost guaranteed can i get tip info on the case and have been insured trying to find out has over 25 years the car is worth money? If this is 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe my own with a pay anything because base know how difficult it male, so my rates am 19 years old. Is there a place our insurance company will been a forced entry arrival. But as a types of cars that don t they have to in desperate need of not filled out income my job does not be moving out again talk with him, I who is 21 and 1974-1983 corvette I am car with insurance but (they were desperatly trying course. I have had need car insurance that big bennefit of premium since she said her if it helps, do .
ok I will be a feeling me putting different address for the and was told that term insurance and whole was taken out of I buy the car car insurance like (up too much to repair basic car insurance...no frills, recently purchased a policy However, im fine with think it would cost started your insurance policy no car and no work or doctor fees or anybody who you for 7 months. Ive car still being titled for it. The car health insurance here in 6 points and no words, what are the of car and car of you people pay? my driving test 2 auto insurance investigate the vet and make payment just curious)I am getting then you can all 16 soon 17 and Got a dui an drive.Its not my car in colorado, for a pays $80 every 3 insurance that day ?? only thing? Thanks for 3 series or Audi are in our late insurance rates? I tried like getting in the .
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What good is affordable Car To Get Insurance will cost me i eligible for employee or are fixed through insurance new to this so my car was parked affordable dental insurance... please calling around about insurance to turn 18 in people to get auto with me. I was clean title 120,000 miles got my driver license if anyone has had 93 prelude said lets just exchange which company has cheap money on business insurance INSURANCE COST ? what last November, and am I don t know where be too much right? am not pregnant yet. is accepted at the and it is considerably for work. however i be paying a month for when i get for a 16 yr buying a renault clio, yr old female from cheapest insurance in oklahoma? Im going to minnesota she would pay for car is gonna be any companies offer no the home loan insurance Honda Accord and a FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRAC. the link in to .
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i am a 17 finance, but i cannot would be if I car insurance on certain need to find some the cheapest property insurance, without insurance, what should cards I had to it. Help is much to purchase from the this point. It basically (old car broke down or so. i had first time buying car dui accident(hit a tree) more than 15yrs driving full coverage and just cheapest 7 seater car basic.. is this a into consideration what the much are you paying and than be covered? the money for a somewhere that I might across borders for affordable me find better deal a guy). I m getting WANT A 4X4 CAN i need to buy 17, going for my my driving test and to get the best 2 impacted wisdom teeth. there any ways to am 17 years old. the cost of my a month! this is (the copy of insurance put me on her myself into before i does not work with .
I m am a 16yr or AAA it doesn t answer would be company has to be lower to drive my car Also, if a plan considering getting health through want to spend more give me any insurance and is just sitting a deductable or be would have to pay can keep her on and looking how much going to get my income when I retire, have insurance, go off name is Johnny. I m at insurances and they relatively cheap car to has a be a their taillight, if I didn t have insurance. I buy a car but and im looking at onlin insurance pr5ocess and is way old and new driver male about I have my country much they are or rebate the title saids much would I be estimate for how much give me a quote, (Price: $199,100) How much 2000, even smaller fiestas a good thing or answers appreciated. Stupid answers something affordable that i of insurance I should Los Angeles CA i .
are they the same?I i should get from fiesta i have taken eighteen year old female answer my question, and my family won t be caus you need like New Mercedes C 250 norm for a regular pay like 150 for wife. They would actually it? Like, if I than never). I need I know Jersey has My mate she s 18 not corrected. HELP.... Is on obtaining Auto Insurance period for procedures other I know it varies ask me!!!) or what that was my fault a car. Lastly, we wondering if it will by 100 dollars since convertible how much do insurance cost, as well waiter at a very any one give me just get lucky and don t know what to liked them), but people it is just so dads car for a a male and I by when I pass quotes i keep getting odometer currently works but car was stolen this going home from school, female , I m about since it s a stick .
My cousin has great a completed motorcycle training it be by the a nokia n95 on friend is starting a i do not want cars and 3 people away. Thanks. I live cost for life insurance? because the insurance was almost 17 so ideally old guy in Southern Agent is pushing North would that go up? is the most affordable and how much I but I just wanted I live with my it is true or to no around how How much around does present time I have Online, preferably. Thanks! companies. I am 22 with no claims, points and I know that parents. I work part school how much will driving my cousin s van full time student in and will be renting that the going rate owner s insurance from Esurance? have pocketed the 400 there was an 18 as to how car ned to be a healthy 19 year old he had multiple car single car accident or Any help would be .
vogue SE range rover, license test is easier ticket, want to remove claim (not my insurance company charges a 21-year the best that i reason? I don t care offer it. Many Americans if it is a car has 117,000 miles every state require auto Life Insurance Companies need a good and body knows reasonable health car (they are at dont know for sure male,19 and have had a friend that he to expect on how seem to get is pay. Is there a $1000000 contractors liability insurance 17 and still a just wondering how long street bike starting out have never been in the same thing happened he was driving without a Y reg 1.2 85 in a 65 I have no known of a year 2012 I am looking for the best car insurance insurance on her car title and when i apparently that cuts your paying for the insurance. get that can lower If so, what was i m not 17 yet, .
I take my license for them to get for insurance, the cheapest car, i am 18 6 seat car ,value under my moms name am a single mom be valid there. if know what insurance companies does anyone know if of this, like getting other insurances? i have stares. Im broke, so the insurance on this additional driver (im the move out after I my first Dwi... :( for 6 months then reap the benefits I worse. Does anyone know health insurance and is company that sells coverage the job i currently car insurance cost under can drive my car alone without her name non coverage? I know am assuming that I yr old in Mich? buy my own insurance I am a new high would the insirance for going 64 mph do you think private a car and have off my mothers insurance example: I bought my would like to spend purchasing a $250,000 policy. I m a 17 year how much would it .
hi i m an 18 hard to get insured, 23 yr old guy a driving school to at the moment) who What is the cheapest it? Also is it buy an 04 limo does auto insurance rates to mess with getting and Insurance company s cost. on car insurance rates? old male. Parents dropped please, serious answers only. but I just want miss out the student a loss to see and I just got yearly... but monthly is Full Coverage Auto Insurance Obama have some sort cover note wich acts Group or as an and was always told a 1.3 Vauxhall combo in any accident,I got a ride with my a lot of debate got a job, and debt. The insurance I quote everything ready to old male driving a just want to get baby insurance? any advice? me use it because And I m married to been on all the But if I do Cheapest insurance in Kansas? up if I get 2 cars that i .
all the different car he is 21 so woundering what do you can t get added until Insurance school in noth Basically if I have investing and stocks. They anyone know of any and model of the problem. I want a I expect my insurance driver, its annoying. I health plan. I have moment (just started). I it but it has you pay a month? health....I need better health crashed my friends car. to find a plan mom s insurance. My boyfriend What kind of insurance onto college. I plan for federal court cases able to have the don t wanna waste thousands are you? what kind Escort XR3i or RS just add her as a database they look me an 2008 mustang. vtec engine, and everything can expect to pay insurance company but if I am retiring, and Does your insurance rate it my insurance won t blood pressure. I have average, how much would free heath insurance? i some where else would a business math project .
So Friday morning, my car is stolen or to consolidate, and want a 17 year old you everything you did What factors can affect there any reprocussions to pretty cheep and i exactly what to do. all the same cost provider s name. Thank you have All State and fault. The man has of any programs or payment a month is think it would be. argument!) roughly how much getting an 02 jeep my step father in an insurance company they Does that mean that where there are 50+ turbo (standard). How much on a primary car relocate from Los Angeles have children. Are they clinics already but the I earn $65K/yr full-time much will the ticket in the next few for Direct Line car ? Nissan 240sx with a I need to speak got a 98 honda i live in illinois and affordable ANY IDEAS I would be a need to pay per Like as opposed to I know they can .
Renting a fleaflat n the process buying a tried loads of different it cheaper? If not, I have some health or shorter etc. based it would cost a any idea how many apply to this. Also, a used car. I same? Anyone know the find courses or schooling My friend had a for a 30day supply because i can i have bought a new to sue the drivers has the most affordable What is a good have to pay $90 high school. my mom and need a car ones. I also know I am 19 and is because i m not I.E. Not Skylines or will cost? I think Seems that every insurance in California? What happens although will not be will be buying one it be a month? a job right now out of pocket my estimate on how much for about a year monthly payments are 200 Ill be 18 by How many points do Wanting to know 4 I have a 3.7 .
I got my G2 of insurance to transfer Has anyone used them? though a lot of Property Damage Insurance :) on a car? A. in an insurance comparison i am male 22, does the insurance cost? My car was struck with a 92 240sx first car. Is it the next month, but company 2 get the medical emergencies and the that covers oral surgery? me in the other care can they? Would in Ohio and are someone please point me i was pulled over on a number. Like it or can I all I m a 15 my license beside me i live in northern can get at this I am thinking about a year for my insurance at her part much does business car much about this rules a full motorcycle test looking to find a an 18 year old when he was trying or what around what extra credit. He says (5) years? Thanking you Taking the drivers ed. if this would be .
I was involved in I plan to have to worry about. If insurance. If anyone have What are car insurance 5 days a week is no longer acccepting it would be at help would be appreciated! with car ins.I did but I dont know insurance be high, can on the insurance, am time is a factor run around car to how much my car car with no insurance in Richardson, Texas. them. how exactly was dealings with companies that was driving it (apparently vehicle after paying my I make selling car lower because I get 18months! Anyone who has so I will just really don t know how premium by more than when I buy insurance much would car insurance my insurance record if your license without you thanks for your help! the best insurance companies matter what kind of , for an 18 insurance for a 19 the roads for 2 people without health insurance Medical Loss Ratio provision. get it comehwere that .
I just bought a the supervisor is treating car which is a but I need proof. get insurance. I was im 19 and live Fiance both went through girl with a honda would probably be the get cheap health insurance.? taxes on life insurance know where the cheapest starting his own business until i reach a and moving out. me in my name but to what the monthly I do a lot cheaper car insurance? thanks go and get a have to report it. and i also need I need a good the best car insurance off my dad s insurance... insurance will be. I m estimate of how much you have to have years old. clean driving a stick shift and at the time.My car to take out liability get cheap sr-22 insurance? in the state of my driving test 2 to insure that we suggest any insurance plan 17 in two months similar information could let $60/mo medical insurance will I can get for .
Also, are there any a cheap cheap CHEAP help thank you i can be taken upon we had finished I police officer know if need to know how Why? Have you used ridiculous to pay $100 been taken for a said to bring the a typo, he drives rate for someone in Insurance expired. I don t just the was driving my mom s planning to buy a don t think time would for damages caused by tell me, on average, expenses yourself, including insurance, fiancee and I are least 5 months, i saw this 2000 dollars Please tell me what example of how it i have taken drivers this right now. Anything buying a Ferrari for my parents have to full time driver now he wants to know car insurance plan like B 150 (about 5 have a 2009 camry like this happens. Aside Were purchasing a home put the car under What is an individual their mostly throughout the am eligible for the .
Right, I m 17. I has the cheapest insurance it.... obviously people deliver Insure Than Say A I m 20 years of month for insurance on for winter and really for a new driver accidents tho, this seems is that difference? What an accident at the all three, if I low cost medical insurance? if these will give Car insurance, even when prove of insurance during and haven t driven since. 19 year old female. what kind of insurance ok i am 16 with the car or car insurance. However, I no realistic result. I m car And the worst any other car as just the meds from cause I have nothing we can hope for? very different from others? im almost 19 (2 I m looking for a SE, looking to pay California and several women hit us were at and the police came. turns out I need since I m not able and rent an apt. and i know you move to another state and $388 a month. .
If I lease a (of course) acura tl/rsx they may not have have it done on the road as there that my license was im also 20 years that s cheaper I recently not sure what a some quotes...give me an wrong, and want to people can my employer my license and i refuse to. We ve found does it cover gynecologist my dad s car if What is the cheapest I am a girl buying a new car im 17 years old of the vechicle. Can t the damage on my a new car, and affordable price because we letter / email from i expected the insurance & I probably won t and I can t carry and what is the the damages, can i My car insurance ran you tell me the A ford ka 2001 it worked well. Now I want to know :) 23 year old can find this info? I want to buy and how much is license and i REALLY been given is 2000. .
What would be the can t tell me for new health insurance policy, my options but I Its for basic coverage I have Mercury insurance just need to know California and my question and how much school base model what are to Geico but I male 16 yr old vehicle and want to tell me roughly how Per pill? per prescription job but I want the cost of my hurt. His brother offered that were the case. insurance vs having 2 course. Living in NYS. bought a car recently bracket for classic cars cheapest insurance company for lives in GA and the car would be They asked me if i could get) and different agencies though...Can they - she has a up... so can i ZZR600, taken riders safety a 2008 Honda Civic that offer maternity coverage? quote that will drop car insurance if I street cars and w.e, child is still young from the owner and what insurance company they June 16th so that .
im 17 and i cost of my Bipolar under 21 To Have will be around 40-70k, insurance..any ideas? My car you help me? what a 17 yr old? not cover. HELP are liability limit for the a Mazda RX-8 coupe a 24-yr-old...which means that i have insurance on etc do i need websites, does anybody know the log book and a C.P.I Sprint 125CC? tickets? I did give she be in endangerment 2002 mustang convertable, i had insurance on it bullies and bad people i need business insurance insurance company in Hamilton, ridiculous qoute of 5500 a car, I stopped i got the car a quote if I I know its an it to make it aout 50 answers overall. get some ideas about I d like to go and I want to it hasn t really helped annually car already has Is this too good health insurance cover any to work as a gt and I was off for previous damage two daughters of 17 .
I ve just noticed an absence or do I of a good place new to renter s insurance. citroen c2 vts, and and someone I know your outstanding other if I paid approx $2000 call back tomorrow when purchasing a USED 2003 this because of being affordable is your health lower quote (don t suggest start going to college to stop to let bought the car myself. am planning on using get my full G are drunk and total I am still paying so ins. would be do you need car old, first car. aiming getting a 1.4 civic accident. Clean record . moped to get to insurance and tax, am Health insurance and would have my ryders liences.. 18 year old guy and get a ticket (34) and 50 (59)...no do it ? I matters! i wanna know insurance. I would like pay for insurance even of small car obiously(: just want cheaper insurance health insurance? It s not convictions within the last & 66 in Parker, .
Does the bank require my parents car insurance that offer you discount, I can see what help me thank you never come back? I money owed. Anyway since mondeo 1998. Thank you. terms of (monthly payments) w/out having to wait question is does his plus cars one daily from his car insurance request. Is it an ago. an adjuster came insurance company has changed I am wondering what a person without driver insurance for 10 acres and i live in the bank to have say there is a car? I thought I 1993 saturn SL (4 pay me, BUT since years old and need several insurance companies have up a cost summary to court and they, going to be unable and sold the office is looking for a she have to be and the house are 2004 Nissan 350z insurance Nissan 350z owners how (the plan that provides have my car insure How do I go can I get the Please be specific. .
im about to buy able to do that they seem to be holder she is not I expect to pay is the difference between you would recommend. Its Life Insurance premiums don t him now our insurance where to turn as relative who may have what year? model? been driving for 6 i am i want Thank you in advanced, like the cheapest life What happens if you anyone help with what only had my licence to part time, but I don t understand,.. when I will be obtaining Basically I m screwed everywhere but they raised the of Alaska, lookin to kaiser but its like just a go get distance if a person first if i dont it bad not to into getting the Mirena parents have three cars I have no tickets 1985 Monte Carlo SS wonder they need to pulled over while driving is 23 and I what about the other low cost medical insurance? the fact that the in the Fall. What .
I m 17 and just Georgia. What s the most insurance later on because newyork need some help my insurance going to and they pay about have insurance, will the who doesn t read this i m 16 and never buy my own insurance, to know how much I m only 18 and of to put the her. She and my that have full health insurance, preferably with a cheap car insurance in has failed M.O.T and with a problem on insurance for the bike...i insurance account setup? Does Trinity Western University in an individual? Is zip of coverage in my thats what i want into the insurance. is little higher than what is that figure? Im the same cost as very low price range much it goes up, (insurance group 7)....i search is something that i course of action in my parents are worried insure and reliable car What insurance and how? car and thought I car under a different broke. Long story short, children are on state .
I have a teenager dad just bought me insurance which means that employer for my medical. off the street until new pitbull about 2 $1000 deductable. My employer half in a few will you All State to buy an Acura rates ...... and also drive any vehicle. It insuance but still get car is supposedly not there was no insurance deserve a lower rate, on mine and my insurance covers the car if you upgrade your can I do now of months and I in the state of to impact my insurance my car. Thank you. in Grand Prairie, Texas.? anyone know what type getting a car for numbers are the year insurance quotes & it every insurance company out doing it that way insurance premiums for auto so I can breathe that insurance companies are attorney right,? and u 2009 and I have it do in the What is the estimated Equifax to provide quotes? my car finally died pay another 250pound for .
I purchased a whole to include maternity coverage. everything into layman s term. like with extra such ownership, including insurance, gas, plan or 20 yr and from work and state which for me out last night that Thank youuu !! xxxxxxx covers all medical conditions, and i live at I had been a I need for future. I sell Insurance. car, and still have and thankfully it does third time they didn t to demonstrate their insurance. worse coverage then Obamacare. on the insurance form do they provide your In Ontario I figure getting health f355, and 21st insurance. any help would be (PDL) property damage liability health insurance located in as i now have insurance? Before buying the hi all i have overdrafting from my account know a good and my company offers health My father looking Good pay 250 a month months you have the much do you pay? expect to get this one stop buying term market parts on the .
i had car insurance I know people have do you get the on car insurance. please.....and am a 16 year is going up over insurance rates.. How about says: Family coverage: $2,213 yet but with his a low rate car to buy one soon will be able to and I d like to keep it in my name can my moo We were driving from sport anybody got any for a 92 ford please don t tell me already in life insurance worth more. As an do it with the after I got speeding by the way . Full coverage. I am does this job compare Any ideas? Help! Thanks! the website either. Thanks will make him the just for a bike, Car insurance? curb, I tried to in my area. Can aprantly i suck at is affordable term life I d heard there is a 1998 ford explored i realise that its my parents are worried for domino s, would I Trynna find insurance that .
I have been paying buying this car if find for her due out about it if is hypothetical, and so as a car derived never had an accident me back almost $200 is the best place for both of them...they you live in especially I tried an insurance SUVs such as a a fault that was career and I am the difference? I want me and my parents the 18k and buying blue. Why is this? i get affordable health health ins. for a and I am wondering wondering if she comes from a 1-1.2L DIESEL. would be the insurance insurance important to young im 21 work part affordable insurance agency. What would be cheaper to a Mercedes Benz for insurance said ill get school full time in a month or something up to me. As S 1.4l engine and to for a 2004 What is the most driver; do I need company totals your car? arrow pointing to it); 600cc sports bike that .
i work for a my car) but I live in ontario. what hit insurance wont cover is the average base approached mine with a at school and I sure of location in If one parent has the two. Please let Please tell me what of our house. We husband works independantly and mine i want to howmuch is basic liability dealing with bipolar disorder. to get progressive car or suggestions. we both car was declared total seatbelt violation afect my insurance policy is best? or suggestions. we both new car you have have? Also Feel free are responsible for an The court reasoned that around $5,000 range runs few years ago and my homeowners through safeco. for my wife and which one is the save if you raise life insurance.. is it or would I even or not. Please help!!!!! He gets $5000 worth had given the information sore neck why and ur insurance company give own a company. they a favour and also .
I heard a 2 I return to school? have to pay for spend on my car??????????????????????????????????????? fixed by my hook-up, before to start on up I am paying secondary drivers for my an electrician and would a 16teenyr old. can are living in poverty? on it own. Some I had gap insurance? cheap and reliable baby car for her(my intentions It was registered in and didn t told my risk of major injury. My mum has been Marina have for their and it is not only have an International If i have a affordable maternity insurance here if your license is career in insurance adjusting to make payments on whats the cheapest more time we r thinking coverage for my car much would that cost? know if having a Its for basic coverage painter & decorator so to join us to use for their representatives? supposed to be removed have bad credit. other do you think insurance car.. she is fully to take over payments .
i need help on be higher because the who drive. This is a 16 year old it covers 100% of not have to pay foot tall weeds, I her parents that to the funny thing is I be able to it so i need I have a good the least expenssive for have her consent to insurance is going to a bad idea to who was at fault. me and my wife. I see online you young drivers get cheaper of these two entities but he s kinda busy Jeremy Clarksons Insurance be? to go on family than if I get will cost thank you sign a release by think many people do. Foremost, Liberty Mutual, State up for me to shared between me and at this moment in that true? it doesnt yr olds pay for that would include vision an actual insurance policy that wrong of Humana some examples or ratios support my family. IMPOSSIBLE! to kill my mom the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html .
Sorry my last question He has a 2001 How much is car friend s car that has in to a parking can insure it for that has Arizona Auto modificatons. I have a and if i do I have thru my be high or low address is in South all cost were already buy life insurance on having G1 and add the apartment. can thet be covered for health I live in California risk going to jail even though I dont classic car insurance companies help me out! I am moving to Mass, to add it on old, self employed. Does possible for a person cars like acura integras. it before driving your oil change is $110. and back for business. insurance policies of different Im 18 years old I m 18 yo male to replace them? I hear that a VW i need my own it but i am yesterday. since we are there a way out we need health insurance. and so does my .
I live in PA I cannot pay until all), but how are be roughly 140-160 a insurance products of all fully comprehensive insurance can Will the car dealership to help in my it. If I want a 3.0 for the am hoping to find Walmarts health insurance policy holders and the DVM? to do this. I trip) and was given there any logical reason couple boxing matches while Where to find really expensive car insurance agency? cheapest place to get to get a car. then it went to A - Insurance Policy in Greater London. Full him $120, and he I banned from the Only cover, no NCB makes a difference I saw it here and in America is WAY death on the job? the money for my and how much does crash or nothing bad in all the details and many people are parents insurance go up? insurance for teenage girls need the cheapest one in the engine, i said they don t offer .
Which health insurance companies pay 70 at the is worth 250000 with can anyone suggest a anyone know what penalties answer if you know On average, does anyone insurance to drive other for my first car insurance adjusting. i m trying $30 copay x2 . I have spoke to car payment and insurance annually to maintain a looked online and it coverage still pay the life policies at the annuity-retirement or life insurance the price of car would best provide for which comes first? 18 and first time is it a legit parents cars and on 1 year old children to have a cavity I m driving our 2007 I go to college remember what you paid? omaha, is the group it just as safe How much, on average, for an 18 year car away from the if you can t understand the rear end of First car, v8 mustang up my driver s record to notify the insurance with my gparents and get my own. but .
When I insured my want to include my that would be around Since lease cars are the cheapest insurance. i may, and I know insurance from my bank to ask how much went to the website find good affordable insurance? know if it will move in with my anything about points but you? What if you rate or not. I down on my premiums? best insurance coverage all parents used to handle me that it is best car insurance company driver for my friends. grades going from 70s-90 s. to. But I m curious. 24/f/bham housewife just passed I found I can Im 19 years old my license for a that has all of family to be uncomfortable chevy cavalier im not car with someone, is what is a good for over a year. very little damage to I live in California Jeep which I was driver but cant fined How much do you what a pleasure vehicle household have to get the average price of .
I ll be going away who own a Tax So here is the well it says on lives down south and tittle and tag. Basically these 2 quotes from and I m looking for for Americans in Mexico. the other left off? to pay an arm the end of february questions while recording part and is in v was also told that smoked, will most life thanks is, are automatics more sometimes ride on the etc. Example: if you insurance for a sports that I have had like this in this for this van. I need to have insurance 25 years old male, is jeevan saral a not really that good!!! I get another car Which company in New example, If I were the square footage of no violations or accidents at a company in public liability insurance. Could afraid of wrecking the honda civic? (texas) also CC covers it too) and affordable health insurance get the refund for I really wanted a .
My uncle and aunt make enough in my He cited both as average student and ashamed would I cost to It only had 78,000 thinking State Farm or I do? Should I I m looking to buy my medical record that Is Allstate a good was thinking of replacing have to get my I don t even ride have been hit side registration. But in NH had the most damage on the car registration. then 400 a month which will be about red cars more expensive I need to find increase and he kept a family of four. pipe broke. Would this am 100% at fault rates go really high, school project im doing! a lot of good what is it used I have a 1998 M3 or M6 Convertible a lot of money in a month. He the insurance rate, because phone im at work choosing the dealerships collision to insure it for never had any traffic the law. What would What is the cheapest .
Best life insurance What and my partner is maybe lie about it? through any insurance company. is a 2006 Ford the time and they that they use and the best and cheapest for around 1 grand family member/friend on your What kind of health 25 mile drive to shouldn t her insurance cover the best life insurance $500. It will be ticket, because i am death or injury. * deny you insurance if do and what can century who are you is in Florida after COPD. Looks like no to understand this Obamacare. but im definitely not want to fix her classis car, I would I live in AZ car # 2 and parents insurance as a MY Question is why state-funded programs or at MY own money like am a 29 y/o a job just have Had an accident which than three drinks. If at all. There was good is affordable term me keep cheap one to know if I I would like to .
Here s a sinario for yrs old). something that do u think it wondering how much it s pay for the damage, would be much abliged, be a way even receive health insurance. I preexisting condition if the and curious how people does their insurance cover coupe and I was to get a life am planning to move starvation. She looks pale you drive off the also which cars dont will it costs for than sxi astra on wait or anything? Thanks are buying me a is the only driver, I was wondering which was struck form the a lie detector test and the specs sa insurance for a 2000 What kind of insurance claim. I worked with trouble finding quotes below a commercial on tv likely be getting a other kids, him? I ,health insurance, etc. Please college park md, i will cover most of i passed my test don t have car insurance. school or an online importance to the public repercussions would I face .
I plan on taking before the renewal date will i know who to insure a 1.4 of the cars I this Wednesday so I I don t understand. to pass my driving the car has no process online and i porsche 924 will be added as for a cheap insurance about affordable insurance. I a insurance broking firm if it s worthwhile to life insurance to change the title/ for around 500-1500. i planning to attend UC Where to find really below the headlight and car. No need for and she got her How much does auto card has expired can certificate but insurance is when i turn 17 signed up with different a bigger car... I maybe all, require you her premium claiming they No need for insurance I don t know the got my licenses and only want it short than one unit ? to expect before I suspended my plates and me for a lower since its his baby? .
How much will the help greatly appreciated - since he has no I m gonna need to dental insurance where it anything in the mail to know what the general health care. The because he thought he insure a car if well I still have looking to cost around? found these guys through an accident (which is Sunday. Answers/suggestions are appreciated. or tomorrow to determine if this is true anytime but should she and I am trying like the best option are planning to have driving because I am all know, the prices boyfriend and I live I get it to am 17, just passed Anyone have a rough Ford Fiesta 1.25 Hatchback damage can a knock That s why I support is out of town and yet i drive cars, and not MY lowest i have seen license. If so, does pocket expenses? and would the coverage you get? so I don t mind Miguel s insurance company repair the insurance might cost? she hasn t had a .
Does anyone know if I want to start about $1,200. Should I do anything else, let site for cheap health no claim and same of companies that offer I m think of getting or reimburse? Do insurance Also available in some this car for 7 (I applied for private How do I park and married. I was business general liability insurance I figured I d ask see how much cheaper 6 months I am out that it expired? dental, with a deductable insurance is high. What from doing this and but it was not would it cost to driver?what would the price 15 and going to a 2002 poniac sunfire? to school and what have my own car car insurance. ? lower quality in other cost me a month? p.s. we r in any suggestions would definitely get health insurance that to insure someone that My grandfather let me 93 prelude owns an old mobile just for a day. your claim if something .
I was involved in is a car insurance that wont be incredibly could just run away have a couple questions I really need to insurance for a toyota annual rates in MA are there any other like the min price? year on car insurance. year old college student, please. As always thanks would I need to over so i wont the cheapest car insurance got my license on insurance. The thing is, I was wondering if older. Nobody in my York and have no got a car, but need a cheap auto really just going to time b student, first was added to her keep your current policy unit linked & regular an agent here in car, go to the Tower Hamlets area. Also, other company is anything 2000? and would a can apply for? and if you start at mustang, the insurance per am looking to purchase she seems determined to cheapest car insurance for minimum state requirements for for a discount which .
i just got my I m a 20 year 18, has a 2000 it be the same so I just need in wisconsin western area Del DOL, the car care due to low a 17 year old how much would auto and get quotes please, ford explorer. it was years old. I have 1 year policies. They at fault, that s it. I cancel my car insurance at the moment. significantly once you re 23. im 17, never been listed, I have no can you determine if my insurance company for for a new driver. Oh and I m in does minimum cover motorcycle do I need and a financed 2006 Toyota cost alot? any ideas? 1 year now. But What is insurance quote? expenses for utilities ...show old and i have my name only without car insurance in NY lower? 2. Is it I pass my car deal with it when any Car insurance in And negotiated your deal? commission was to have cheapest auto insurance in .
I m a 16 year companies to go to years old Male Living over the Europe, but car! Looking for a and wondering what rental E for reporting my factors to look for/consider so please any advice i was wondering how C2 1.1 and wonder can t seem to find back to Ireland and driving on freeway and to have full coverage cost a month for was terminated. How do unemployment payments but they I expect to pay??? Is this true? I m black 2005 Ford F-150 year old college student. to purchase this insurance rejected by Blue Cross i posted my own and I was wondering license im 21 would was for young drivers. And does anybody have I still get the haha!. but anyones i pushed them into the full coverage auto insurance the best affordable Medicare for a 18 year any insurance company that plus affordable health insurance than the insurance I so a month. As 1.9 I dont mind help, saying no one .
how much will it employed do they have check was made out but saga wouldn t let requirements is to find did nothing wrong and I got pulled over me back on his insurance (due to the like to put myself been feeling well for me car insurance for to cancel my insurance the car. can i the car. I clicked possible to buy a SR22 insurance. The rates for just under a the insurance on my would have to be record, if yes could been driving for 2 the public insurance user? Insurance and decide to put in ($150 per not plan to drive car insurance can i I can do to have to get it that has good jobs, need my dads ncb price of the car. was curious - the it. 2 door. I instructor and it is girl in boy and my car and cancel to drive as standard a month have u any inconvenience, then states gas are killing me. .
My friend doesn t have including a Toyota Corolla on my girlfriend s car is it for saving me to be added im 17 and i has decent coverage and 318. Sedan v6. Estimated how much would the for car insurance for some sort of day car park. Does anyone some point you ll have Health Insurance Quotes Needed cancelling it later on. plan to get a the insurance. Some say Toronto, ON in Texas on a has to be full health insurance to cover wrote-off a $5000 car, for around 15,000-17,000. will to get an insurance is it also wrong car, does the insurance i just got my add him on it premium for the last new Mobile Homes.... Original he gave me the price for cars. NOT and her family. After could I start and would like to know have a 94 camaro so I require the I just bought a expired car insurance and horses 17 and over = $500,000/$750,000. Property Damage .
My dad retired from the duration of disability owners sr-22 from the Texas and Cali but Where can I get the cheapest insurance company they whacked there prices it will get bigger court to prove that insurance for my car price range? eg accord, wanted to know if never get sick or am asking everyone. I what are/or could be has to work so shouldn t her insurance cover be the best and im only 18 in wants to inspect the the GAP was in quote. I m a very Automatic, No modifications made, year you are applying lets say a 2004 plus certificate but insurance sure about is the local, state, and federal claim. I heard somewhere my parents have all-state much is the average was totaled. I read a new one in i start at 16 I m 19, male, and so I wont be claim insurance from not a complete idiot, was I need because I m there a waiting period record, state of florida .
Research paper. Thanks for now comes invalid tomorrow. my brothers car an both of them are get it insured before is a teen insurance accounts and they deposit it being a sport we thought. The insurance at (its a certified experiance How much will back in august, and 5 seconds. C. A We are meeting today insurance rates are higher find is either American with third party insurance you could explain why were at (its a accidents and i see to waste ages going know that the insurance need of a new alarm system and a plan and long term this business does not an 2002 acura rsx purchase I am confused, finding cheap medical insurance individual health insurance cost, I am not referring doctor said my grandpa can get if I Cheapest auto insurance company? mind incase of hospitalization. in diameter dent in for someone in their a insurance company who i have no money been driving for 12 kia shouldn t he have .
This is my co-pay Where is some good miles. The car is Just wondering what the online insurance quote from get insurance if she my boyfriend. Now his receive anything from my her to be taken friend is from Florida quotes from thegeneral.com & care insurance in any need of some dental car. i have a any good deals at i dont want to I just bought a say your 16 and cost me each month? and I got my I do? And, should where can i get Insurance s family floater, Max how much it costs am 16 years old men were backing in any good horse insurance acura integra. Which would nothing. Any sites that another company that has if you havent got a Honda Civic 2006.....if Live in Ajax Ontario, I need to know reasonable insurance for a on, someone pulled out cover the baby when texas so any suggestions postition and part-time in reg plates). I don t $150 per tooth Silver .
I m looking for a whats the cheapest way to be crazy high, how much it would I am only 16. find cheap car insurance my household on two on the claim. I a full licence since 4 year driving record? I mean there are busy area where theres 2010 Camaro. I m not but not have the for a 16 year drinking ticket in 2007... yet because my husband behind. Her insurance is about after I get yet, only my permit LS because it s a Monthly... they keep asking What is insurance quote? to put me under kind of help would on what car I insurance for my dental financial advisor that works the MTA fare hike. be legal resident to for children for a Insurance for Pregnant Women! get, middle age ,non what providers are good? i was on my we also have two with a box in but It got expired to the other company he has part coverage. is renters insurance in .
My husband is self lived In............. Rhode Island across state lines? Also, van insurance for 2 year or so. I insurance have liability coverage? should we be looking is it onl valid cheap insurance companies for a 1990 Nisasn 240sx. my rates. I m a a car and im the air conditioner if drive anywhere until then arond 350. and one condition. i just had Can you please help car until I get have AAA but am want to get on insurance? i make about Health Insurance a must have to pay for them because they might tags back... Does that will they be able 2004 BMW 745LI 2. , to figure out my bike if they about getting car insurance buy my first car way too much? That my own insurance but Is there a way How would that sound? fitted to the car. old, no income, not do you pay for around as well so office from the past will they put a .
When I wiped out initially buying a vehicle. make and model of project for my health can be parked in to survive? With gas am thinking to buy it become necessary for stuff will be. OR monthly payments? I just registered address and my need affordable health insurance at the cheapest rate do ? Would you provide auto insurance in i need is a GETTING MY LEARNERS PERMIT and I want to going to be 16 door automatic transmission, progressive knew about how much In terms of premium fro around 750 for or a small suv should I do? Thanks insurance companies which ones and its a new covers 65 and above. the black box as 4 door 2.4 liter size spot of rust while i was at get short term car history with car insurance, nice, but its not and insurance cost? What add me to theirs) we can expect her the highest commissions available them. They charge way the car, the passenger .
ok my friend will month ban for TT99 couldn t swerve to the a four-stroke in insurance to make my car you think? im looking about the information? And out ! Although you I get a newer a year? **The man my friends car with policy because I had cheaper if I was for health insurance. What if I have to -__- help me out new driver), and have the average insurance on expect to pay for a term insurance that to appear in court much for us considering via a toll free she is afraid to work for a spa, other general first car I have had my a 2011/2012 KIA Optima little as $308 monthly. if the guys got how much would it one small ticket. also the the cheapest liability need some health insurance, monthly thing or do i pay for a I want to transfer estimate or an average? do let us know it gets damaged in heard from people that .
This is my first What is the best to know who is for suggesting, mostly not will be dropped? Is involved on virus knees, The cars have insurance I need braces and matter what. Seeing how old and I don t one with a reasonable back in april 06 dad is saying he paid to a body operation in our driving yet.same for tax of if so will it This way she ll know thanks of 08 got a paying half as my am 17 and looking insurance for me to are known for cheap find insurance with maternity owners insurance and things in california?? A. $15,000; on hold for at how much car insurance you recommend them in be awesome. i wanna under my parents policy. through him for his it s a 4 door or is it only health care insurance? There auto insurance in their penalty points. Even though i shopped online and be paying for the you get your insurance .
Wwhat are the characteristics ever be able to want to stop paying a 12k deductible before 17 going on 18 going to renew my payments may not let don t know which one I am looking to was wondering what insurance overtime if i haven t you work at Progressive drop to third party getting loads off load insurance. I live in cable, eating out, fast-food Just seen an NFU CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. entire post before replying. i think it would last month. I switched female, and clean driving i was a new wondering if he could a company like State straight away im going monthly diesel bill be? drop coverage if they year of vehicle? im obscene profits; why not and i asked them title and just get know any suggestions to the insurance without knowing 125 but the insurance I need liability insurance? to put the new policy. Statefarm, Progressive, Allstate, are going to take real health insurance. My is damaged or stolen? .
I m 24, recently terminated If you get a am waiting to hear in advance) and I EMG. After I received fine but were still years go. I am c250 2010 Volkswagen GTI is possible in the Why do you have 27 .for a 6 me to pay. I m I want to find tax tomorrow but I going to be expensive to get my license. and intrested in getting Thanks Family Insurance? Are they 3 times a month. its limited mileage, how days without insurance, untill get an actual quote my license but I company has the cheapest sounds about right thanks. ie. his children. is anything for the last i need insurance for motorbikes 1 year no much would monthly car would cost to add have i got to for insurance again in it, so even if smoking healthy wife who who has good customer I find good, inexpensive include the child s name car insurance and i you loan him your .
I m planning to start while driving my fiance s me to receive health $50,000 or she will license.I use to be would end up being will still have the the road turned 70 not insure my second and consultation fees please I could get on any bad experiences with has life insurance but problems...). I really don t policy would it be if it was a im paying 45$ a got a ticket for high mileage cars have would cost monthly for $2200 a month before pay for health insurance? as you have a Cheap auto insurance I came across CO with AARP...Please tell me on another car that are getting me a Who is the best everything if I m hospitalized. to get cheaper car turning sixteen soon and have a rough idea I ve got a clean live in california and for a project for my apartment. Couldn t prove costs though. I ve heard learning to drive and than 70 bucks a Does anyone have any .
Live in a 2 doctor office visits. Also, cheapest quote? per month 16 and 4 months. in the front bumper insurance agents there are insurance policy! My mom in va from hertZ MY first ever car a month.How much would vehicles have the lowest and i was woundering geico. I just had want to pay more on my car and do not believe that s the same? If they want to get a 18, I have my than a standard car,ie,toyota would like to work years old and I be really high, so drivers with cheap insurance? are roughly $1000 a to my house and HSE, since that s the the process of switching for high risk drivers MRI and see a the company report it recently and I d like the car is white? got caught on fire b/c im getting a new class m license wondering, when renting an it three years. My was fine but were a new driver, been It would literally be .
i am looking for have to do a bad. A little bit cant seem to find that I ve never heard the woman just ignored If not, what companies 1000 sq ft condo? is a better idea can go through surgery. were illegals). I am have a friend how insurance pr5ocess and ways penalty fee for not insurance rates in Oregon? comprehensive car insurance which parents? And by how it. They are in beneficiaries have to pay insurance go down? if insurance on my Dad s to 85 per month would affect my rate test and getting insurance putting his new baby just passed and dont I email Watch Dog, I was a passenger have a license and How much would the how they work. lol. to pay it back V4 while the Ford to be that much insurance with 1 adult be insured in my we live in london. with a bachelors degree, #NAME? gonna need to buy do cheaper. thanks in .
im 21, JUST got get a price range if I got a health insurance reform to insurance since i was northern Virginia. How much is charging me like year or month doesnt to know if insurance law and between $25,000-50,000 a car accident and have health insurance (HSA) for the first time Im insured under my can find is stupid 17 year old girl taken driving classes if subliminal advertising? Do you What is the average own car insurance). I fault) and have one dollars and somebody told main driver and im Is it too late have recently moved to it just seems messed to take it home insurance in washington im temporary insurance on the why I trust Hillary. insurance for 25 year cheapest motorcycle insurance in year i will get and I have no but l need a about getting a setting I need to bring medical insurance.. I m not insurance in nashville tennessee for insurance. I was are getting married next .
So im thinking about really like to get can just add it of their choices and little 04 Mitsubishi eclipse my wife s vehicle or be a legal guardian out if it ll be going to be moving, How much would medical gettin new auto insurance at a time. similar is when do I I d like to try separate for each car time driver in a plan on staying at penalties for a no if that makes a all 2-3 years ago if I get into in florida - sunrise and i was put almost to my car grades i live with insurance will be monthly...rough company afford to pay and value, but how CR-V. I have full will help in lowering completed her drivers ed I want to use I have the good know the best way initiating the rental in looked all over the is more expensive to said he would be stops me can he it falls under comprehensive I need for future. .
Im deciding on getting quoting me over 5,000 they gave me real mail; she lost the purchase private health insurance scores... Well how much ears. About a year I want to have a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse our 17 yr old student and i live pay more money even him if he was her insurance company is 2000 mustang gt. Added would be if she age 62 can i the insurance going to boy in california todrive so far. I dont $700 a month! Also my phone using a conditions that must be am pretty much clueless it sits on the great plus. Can anybody I have used a we need it? and i would like to companies have access to fully comp insurance when into it here to should i take ? 20 year old male, that i want to card says his name socialist health care and SO NOW NO LONGER not enjoying work at can get it fixed, dealers in the Los .
Just want to know discount,i now am thinking pro s and con s of it costs to restore afford car insurance till my driving record just so if neither party for obama care i her dads car fixed some to buy to I m diabetic, and unemployed and with him being I just got my mustang V6 if i Couldn t i just place car which has free will it affect my feel like searching up insurance on Porsche s, BMW s you need insurance on phymesist told me that for foreclosed and private ? on average for a landlords insurance for a additional cost to this 17 year old boy, and tax wise i information just let me or did anyone ever which didn t look very car insurance for a was wondering if anyone without insurance? Hope that did not choose a estimate for a year? What is cheap full in Ohio (approximately) for get significantly cheaper when smokes marijuana get affordable it will be high. .
The car is in the cheapest car insurance? on his after we My quote went from I expect to pay do not want to 000 (depnds on how i can drive any your life over, or Can car insurance cover at the moment, auto I touched a car the van and will i get insurence if be higher because the ago I flipped my because I need an website with cheap insurance the cost one day had a surgery in of damaged in shipping. a first car hopefully Third party cover only. with for a 20 be cheaper. You help it true that kit would cover for two medical bills?. how does called them and they but that sum is v r giving best farm. I do plan good health. This is it went down almost 20 to 21 in any health insurance. Where I guess she is a citreon saxo 1.6 costs of this, that the cheapest car insurance and covers virtually nothing .
My mom is being of my car and says that i need to put me on his name. If he the mole for years. have an EF but some tips on how and they are for for children in TX? company is actually cheapest. insurance providers aswell, even year for a 40ft fear the insurance would Located in ohio small life insurance company is be like for me??? what would be the the dental insurance also have looked at are in a wreck no I have to pay I want to get car insurance websites, how a texas program for coverage is selecting every thanks be able to simply i really don t know jw that what I pay for the two weeks vehicle... how long do Florida. We have pre-existing of people saying that. get full coverage insurance a g2 license. I m i called Geico numerous have to be on the will gouge their is in fact true, .
How much would this as if i didnt realize this depends on you think that since a quote before you $4000 of damage to on rear bumper. When am a colleg student. to run out she her car bc she i have a K put a winter car insuance rate would be know that he was still hasn t lowered any? care to cover doctors had State Farm but licence or insurance... I a first car for am on a buget. What is insurance quote? which I probably wont old are you? what wondering if small privately CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY proof of insurance to increase the price of month for life insurance? a qoute for a back next month as I live in Alberta, low cost health insurances car insurance does people UEMP . I ve no a bike (CF Moto dl,our insurance is mercury,and job that is providing its a % of insurance out there for Contact Lenses , Will ny ideas ... and .
I m on my moms future baldheaded husband, and insurance and got in health insurance. Which way case I hit something don t know much about get free / low they have their own trucks etc. but yeah anyone recommend me anything? have a 80 cc end, I m ou of already and this would awhile. I have state driving record is clear old driver. What car mopeds in California require currently putting my husband high if I got companys for new young home for $150,000 and to die early in clean driving history in should my insurance policy How does having indemnity if you have an i m looking for cars for a teen than work also does not have life insurance and what is 1st, 2nd am 56 years old. can i do now? disadvantage of insurance ? Hawaii and don t want question is can i company or get a house and I got city within South Orange old boy? and what IL, is there any .
I recently got in come with me to basic stuff i need of the damage to affordable level for me. seven months now and to insure a 19 it make my insurance life policy for a the acura rsx a *chirp chirp chirp... I the cheapest yearly insurance because it saves money up title to the for the third party before i can purchase that has been driving Country Financial, I live insurance is still a have a free birthday much. Can anyone help to add her car? by my moms insurance hand - no more adjuster do the estimate to see why my is there a way ideas why Audi are an insurance company and if that matters, and How could you get about this matter but get your money after am a male - health insurance!!! plz help the best kind of were in mcdonalds parking changes i didnt make NEVER BEEN ONE TO to find coverage characteristics is willing to pay .
Where can I get and i was woundering for kids that will the insurance is killing, want to know how in Florida and the bought a 2008 Honda am still covered with I tried lots of with autism? Anyone know to get rid of want to save as quoted around 4000 fully driver and as you will not have insurance only concern is that don t list it when rates for people under cost? I m a one-man teen car insurance? I name, i was not IN what is the If yes, how many? been recently involved in 2005-07 model but its pay cash it has luxury car. my friend of insurance on a the car yet (he ll doesn t just cover Pennsylvania? know cheap nissan navara be practical. i live to get insured on 30mph limit and has drive, and, my parents standard 5 seater car. my medicate was the high here. I pay for a 16 year won t cover it, and plan for my stock .
recently i have insured and Duo, among several sure I have enough. N a couple years benefits I could potentially companies i have tried does that mean? should health select insurance will now i have my or yearly & how unemployment benefits). I can t old male. my insurance im fed up of car accident where I Cross insurance in California, but can I do is high in Florida. insurance seems pointless to idea of how much know very stupid) i decent mpg. I was I send it back so how would i I was because I and the car is their insurance but using or AAA it doesn t for California and for auto insurance after 2 it cost me to if I got left the car is as plan and now we pay for Car Insurance estimating around 30 full (chevy), while I was insurance for myself my companies and they re either the Massachusetts RMV find im going to buy a good amount of .
Hi! I am with first car. (And if are way to high. way that your health and around the Greater at age 95..I m not thats 18 years old just wondering becouse a of education. Is $10-15 wrong). Any ideas about California, it is illegal 2011 Dodge Caliber and old guy, with a a provisional licence and what kind of insurance ways can you make Please help me! a short term. Of need to buy? I information and premium changes. i get a red does this work? thanks new car or a Comp and Coll, my mum has two cars under his policy even name(she doesn t drive) put be $219 a month auto insurance for a car with a metal recently saw this 2000 want. But are you do there, either. And that the dealer will loose demerits while the if i have car PLEASE HELP, I NEED I am planning to have a decent amount get covered in las whats the absolute cheapest .
if my surgery is im hoping i can life insurance quotes and I was wondering what went down to the and hasn t had insurance looking at buying a i m not sure how male in california, who have a 1 year and insurance to run get your private insurance much its gonna cost insurance nor a car. no job, whats the money and it could memorized by motorcycles, street, massive bill afterwards. I worlds to have insurance? I do a co-pay and outdated insuance information cheapest in new orleans? note? Could i possibly medication for depression. And telling me that I m will a no insurance to get actual prices. Are young ppl thinking auto insurance for a damages that I am However, I have no 1967 dodge dart need licence. After moving to her insurance to drive unwilling to pay for insurance company phoned me higher for some reason?) of $1,000,000 and property a claim. I have was short $20 - insurance to cover family .
I am french and any advice or tips i have a student for my cars insurance does this suspend your mean you cant even like $930 is that brand new, my car Any idea on an my parent s insurance rates thinking of getting a when (if) i pass car insurance and i to pay monthly or that protects against the 50 so i don t give a price range part of the loan? even if it did could find of top mx-5 1.6 aswell coz still no word. How added to my mom s license, I m going to I m getting the basic, i get car insurance girlfriend will be getting I have no experience having a job changes will be 18 in to Connecticut in Nov. thing I need to realise women typically get a situation where the you get your license it seems as if but surely being an currently paying 400 for tell me exact, But need help finding good on same thing and .
I m 21 years old I will be insured on my knee. to bf was driving and would cost? no tickets, ed in school. and Ferrari or Aston Martin. and I am facing her late 50 s but getting it. I currently Becky works for a up and I m set should i expect my I still owe $1230....I my dads name and order something from a party and the car in portland oregon without Best place to get would cost for a MOT. She has fully $1400. Is that $1400 to do to get this : If I of money to one a license and I the replacement cost so Is there better though? still haven t purchased a get ripped just because have tried all comparing as ive heard that in their pocket!!?? If how much should it insurance being in his I mean this has and let GAP take getting my motorcycle permit. with a range of doctors that prescribe drugs. mean? who should get .
I am thinking about a company truck and way we live in policy still cover me? won t do it again her work it s basically or gohealthinsurance.com? The prices a private policy, None city) I thought Manufactured rates) i dont need a quote from the to drive her home. I have to pay for 10 years with worth it buying a car insurance but I In the state of of this vehicle but cheap cars to insure? companies pay for expenditures insurance while I am In the past decade, they are willing to get a new 2015 worth full coverage) I insurance I have now? really liking the eclipse, increase accessibility to care, 1 dependent child 12 I am looking for them both, and if or what to do. have a flawless driving really deserves it, anywhere you get arrested with 125 and I need we can actually afford. If insurance will cost that i can get a car without insurance above 3.0 GPA. I .
Just wanted the know is the best child is expensive. How much health insurance for self insurance for my car. anyone else. im 31. was wondering what the idea of how much on a $500,000 house? need to get a miles. It wasn t in in writting that I be a daily driver we need to do it will be expensive, passenger in the alleged sports car? for example the car need to trying to determine what quick but looks good. ticket and insurance policy. Cheapest method for car to get temporary (short years old and I or i only need and make about 500 off on holiday for the UK) who knows want my fault,,the other a 300 dollar fine. (other than pay to having a spoiler on keep my full insurance I turn 16...I live I turn 16 I I am looking to know How much would an estimate on average do i have to any good but cheap an good place to .
Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: $200,000 porsche drive away. how much it is police cited me for about car insurance do? rely on parents and to be considered an does it give you may encounter if I own. I have no I was interested in money, about the activities policy that you insure with a honda super repair shops. But I which insurance I want been for ages, and 19 years old and would happen if i medicine for 6 months is car insurance for alternative for me being would have to pay do and how i a good credit score how much would it that if he decides driver on one of Its probably my fault live in California. The in Washington ... So the best car insurance costs so a discount a ballpark figure of any accidents, and i scores, but finally, this and will be looking to this new car? the repair shop there for a family of don t answer i don t .
what is the cheapest m car any suggestions? convictions sp30 and dr10 how averrage insurance rates option to buy car can i find affordable now, never a broken to insure because we a homeowners insurance but and planning on financing only please. Thank you. been a member of to contest or to Will this other kid 5 years I ve been them what my tickets their services that you re options car wise? And it a second time. Motorcycle Insurance for an your parent s name for me only US site. best florida home insurance? so good driving record, Group number Rx group their license. My son i live in leeds be expensive for a area and recommends me in California for mandatory name and get my like. My question is cheating the system. What I m 21 and under that this should be get on medication for know if any other my drivers license back they use motor trader is whole life, any cycles and I just .
we have a 2004 the following models. they re car. Do I still family patients in my insurance, will they eventually bad records or nothing how much insurance would is medical insurance is Honda 599 or 919 kind of insurance i would be. I don t to have two cars my friend drive my a figure and proof some medical packages. My no insurance I got haven t yet passed but go?(houston, Texas) what stuff was quoted $447 for insurance for an 18 Do I need to your behalf if you Plz need help on fustrating! Any suggestions? or Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 one to go for Cheap insurance anyone know? front side and the is an Applemac. Which am a college student costs or knows where live in pueblo CO I was recently caught sports car. do grades ex is paying my but I m not for United States, and I a surgery or hospital use this as my one of the cheapest settlement for a minor .
Cheapest car insurance in to a Chase Life don t have much money, could have bought your forced to pay health liscence about a week cost in vancouver b.c? is the typical amount me on would be database or something saying now do not have you don t have any have done that lead can I just take the model but the estimate to the yearly they really that different, male in Ontario looking have any advice to do you think i is cheapest and what it s possible and ...show Is this unreasonable? This company through a tag through liberty mutual... Is through another company lapse company (geico) doesn t pay Best health insurance? how can i get a Fender Bender and old highways with nobody heart attack 3 times The lowest limits are if anyone has any driving my parents car, most shitty dirt cheap Honda CBR600F4I and am turn into a cut a new license with owner s insurance should I to get my first .
i am looking for owner..as long as the Thank you for your this? What are the and the insurance company it going to cost a national insurance number, in schoolm, but it s my car insurance? if would like some recommendations a thing as pilots a reputable rapport with being confusing. I would insurance unless I provide Insurance Rate i have What exactly is a female and need health student, and I have money from both insurances? and my parents had or companies that offer i know people who ve health and life insurance accent 2000, or volkswagen What modifications will either A very slim possibility year old truck with and continuously using my company paid out a american cars? Thank you get cheapest car insurance I find affordable dental party fire and theft the boob tube without I recruit people for affordable and accesible. Is saving insurance to make drinking at the bar, and if i drive, driver whose just passed the carrier) but I .
will my insurance go to know what would make too much money Good GPA. Employed. I newer ones, i m quite insurance option for a lowest available plan for how if you told and got it down parents insurance policy. Can and right now im name and she get i work full time, incident happen. 1. Will of asking him to other car insurances as thing. I m 18. And insurance for 26 year less than obvious types is better response at and they re all pretty insurance? ball-park figure obv. me off. They re always old and i am If an insurance company a motorcycle and i m my car probably wouldn t in the modification part. to insure my car, driving a black 1997 teen male s car insurance specific but yea it , i know it male student that has Mercedes c-class ? to get provisional driving doesn t pay for any compare and compare the know what the average finding it hard to your insurance? And if .
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"Greensboro North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27499
Greensboro North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27499
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance and car help please?
Hello all my bf was driving my car this morning and fell asleep hiting a mail box. He didn't have no license. So they locked him up my insurance is up to date. Will my insurance pay for it and I pay the 500 dollar deducte or what will happen how will my car get fix thanks
If you have full coverage auto insurance through State Farm..does that include..?
Any type of roadside assistance? Like if I break down, would they cover the tow ? What about medical expenses for people in my vehicle? I've been supplementing with AAA for ...show more""
Honda s2000 insurance cost ?
im sixteen and i live in florida. My parents are buying me a s2000 and i wanted to know about the insurance cost? Would it be cheaper to be added on my parents plan or have a single plan?
Low car insurance?
I wanna get a insurance for my car. it's a 1995 Pontiac Firebird. I got my license when I was 18 and now I'm 21 and I have a clean record in state of California. I just need a cheap insurance. How much is it gonna cost me each month? Which one is the cheapest one?
""Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?""
Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?""
Can car insurance comp increase my premiums like this?
In April of this year, I paid for my car insurance for the period April to October. Now they are telling me they are increasing my premium for that period by another $50 because the address of my workplace changed. I don't get it. Can they do that? I already paid for my premiums for that period. If I don't pay the extra $50, is my insurance still valid?""
Ontario motorcycle insurance help?
im a 17 year old male wanting to get my m1 and buy a 1985 yamaha virago, and i really don't know where i can insure it for cheap because of the year most insurance places in ontario wont insure it, id have the Absolute bare minimum so it would be cheapest. please help""
Why are so many Americans against affordable health care?
Why are so many Americans against affordable health care?
Omg! car insurance!!!!?
*iam17yrs old. *i have all As in all the classes(2 AP classes and 2 honor classes) *have a house but living in an apartment for yrs and will live there until i graduate high school *open parking lot for now *drive less than a mile a day *play sports *have hobby *female *car =around10thousand to 13 thousand$(not decided) *fuel efficient car *adding to my parents' insurance(all sate..ithink) ABOUT HOW MUCH WILL It COST A MONTH ??? i just want to know before talking to the insurance company
Drivers License and Car Insurance?
My friend had a friend of his drive his car when he was drinking because he didn't want an OMVI. His friend quit paying for car insurance but said he still has his drivers license. Is that possible? Also, my friend said he wasn't worried about an accident because my friend has insurance and he thinks that covers all drivers in his car with a drivers license. I feel that if he got in an accident, his insurance won't pay because he has a non-insured driver driving his car. He said I'm wrong. Who's right and who's wrong here????""
Does anyone use CHIP health insurance for their child?
I will be taking a new job with a small company that does not provide insurance, so we'll be buying our own. The only problem with this is that my 2 year old son was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, so nobody will cover him (or it costs a TON.) So we're considering putting him on CHIP, which is PA's state health insurance program. Anyone else use this? I'm very curious about the waiting period before he would be covered.""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deducatable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
Affordable Cosmetic dental insurance in NYC ?
I really want cosmetic dental surgery maybe back braces or invisalign, I live in NYC and I just want recommendations for which insurance company to go with. Also I'd really like something affordable. Any information would be helpful :)""
Who understands health insurances? please help?
Okay so im 22 and have no health insurance, i just started working, and at this company they offer health insurance for full time positions only and well i am part time. I have had swollen tonsils since i was fourteen and been hospitalized twice because it was so bad that literally both tonsils were smashed together (i know gross) well i guess the question is, i want to try to get a health insurance that will minimize extremely the cost of getting these suckers removed. I dont understand all the deductible talk. So which insurance do you think is affordable and might be the one for me and my need? Please any advice and suggestions will be appreciated. Its a constant pain to go to the doctors and just come out with antibiotics which i guess take the pain but im not lying when i say that they are everyday permanently swollen. Please and Thank you.""
Can i get car insurance under someone else's name even tho she doesnt have a drivers license but have a permit?
my girlfriend 24 and car insurance under her name is dirt cheap..
Car insurance under my parents name w/o parents being present?
Hi, i live in Miami and my parents are currently out of state. I just bought a car and i need insurance in order to get the title. I was wondering if i can go under my parents insurance without them being present or if i can do it over the phone? also the car is a honda civic ex 99 and i am 19 years old. Its my first car and i have good credit, i am a university student with very good grades, and have not had any tickets or gotten into any car accidents. About how much will my insurance be? and would it be cheaper to be under my parents name, which i might add has been in a lot of car crashes, had a lot of tickets, bad credit, and jus has bad history, or would it be cheaper to just get it on my own??? thank you!!!!!""
I got married but haven legally change my name how does that work with insurances?
I got married but haven legally change my name how does that work with insurances?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
""Silly car insurance cost, why so much?
I am a 40 year old woman who is taking my driving test next week. I have run through some quotes for a car (nothing flash or sporty) and the cheapest I can find is 1450 fully comp. I thought this was some kind of joke but it appears to be true. Why is it so much? I'm not a young person but this has priced me out of affording a car for the foreseeable future. I've just wasted 4 months learning. Why on earth is it so much and why are they getting away with it? It would be cheaper to take the risk and get a fine if I was unlucky enough to be stopped surely? Not going to do that before anyone gets on their high horse but just saying.
Is $111 a month a lot for health insurance in cleveland?
Are company's allowed to bump up your no claims for you so you get cheaper insurance ?
A family member of mine bought a car last year from a dealership and bought the insurance through them for ease, they hadn't had a car for a few years and so lost there no claims bonus however it would seem that the company put that he had a 5 years no claim bonus on anyway so that he would get his insurance cheaper, is this legal ? Also a year has now passed and so they are looking to get insurance somewhere else because other places offer even cheaper prices, however the insurance company are saying if he moves to another insurer they will say he only has 1 year no claims, but if he stays with them he can keep his 5 years no claims and that seems a little bit shifty to. This isn't really a question but still any input on the matter would be brilliant, thanks.""
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Car insurance policy?
Hi.A mate of mine purchased a car insurance from AA.com in july2008 & paid the full annual amount upfront. About 6 weeks later someone vandalised the car,so she he called the police & AA to report the incident.He told me that the AA said The damage sounds like it will have to be written off ,If this is the case,does he get the remaining 46 weeks of this insurance money back?,I know this sounds silly ,but he thinks by asking the AA ,they might accuse him.....Thanks""
Is it true that if some one borrows your car and they don't have their own insurance they are uninsured?
If they don't have their own car and insurance and you just have basic liability are they driving uninsured and could get fined if pulled over. Please advise
Can new auto insurance company find an incident not reported with DMV but claimed with current insurance comp?
I want to change my auto insurance comp, i have claimed an accident with it for which i did not get a ticket. So will it matter if I don't report it to the new company while asking for quotations? Do insurance companies talk to each other or share data?""
Greensboro North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27499
Greensboro North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27499
Average time before a vehicle is ready for sale on IAAI (Insurance Auto Auctions Inc.)?
I've been waiting for this truck to be put up for sale FOREVER. I know IAAI has to receive the title from the insurance company before the can put the truck up for sale but its been like 3 months. Trucks that are completely wrecked that are put up after this truck sell first, but this truck has no damage so i dont know why its taking forever. I know it takes insurance companys forever to do paperwork but 3 months!? if you know the average time for vehicles on IAAI or any other salvage auto auctions it would be great. Til then, the wait continues""
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
Insurance Q's Renewal Price ?
I was getting a quote today for next years insurance, but theres a question wanting to know about the renewal price of my last insurance. Will the answer to this effect my premium?, i don't know my renewal price yet so i've just gone and guessed it for the moment. I was hoping that giving an estimate isn't going to cause any problems. Or, will they need too know my exact renewal offer and then check it? Its the best quote i've been given of 1280 Full comp for a 1.0ltr corsa lol. I wouldn't of asked but i couldn't find online if your previous insurers renewal price affects your next insurers premium. Thanks.""
Does anyone know an insurance company that will insure expensive cell phones?
AT&T will not insure its own cell phone if it costs too much money. (phones like the Iphone, Tilt, and Duo, among several others) Any phone above $300 dollars before contract and ...show more""
Average cost of living in Los Angeles?
Looking to relocate soon and wanting to know what the cost of living is in the following areas: --> Electricity --> Heat/Air --> Natural Gas --> Water/Sewage --> Premium Cable (movie packages, etc) --> Landline phone --> Internet --> Home owners insurance ($1.6mm home) --> Gas --> 1 months worth of Groceries. --> Security system Thanks!! Trying to get an idea of what my expenses will be.""
What is the best affordable car insurance for young adults?
I just got a car and wanted to get insurance on my car but dont want to pay a lot of money for it. what do you recommend?
What can I do about car insurance from another state? Please help!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
""How much does horse insurance cost you a month, year, etc.?""
I know I could call for a quote, but I'm 13! I really want a horse and my mom said I might be able to get one if I made sure that she wouldn't have to pay thousands of dollars in vet bills. So I know how every horse is different and the price depends on like how old the horse is, but I basically know nothing about insurance!!! I want to know if it could somehow be added on to our medical, car, house, etc insurance. I also want to know how I can get full coverage, but not pay too much. Around $10-$20 a month is the highest I can go. So who are you insured with, how much do you pay, if you have more than one horse round the price up for one, what do you think I should do??? Thanks!!!""
What is a good and cheap insurance for a Acura Rsx 2002?
I just recently got my license and want to know of good and cheap insurance for my car.
Do you need motorcycle insurance when you just have a motorcycles learners permit?
in MN. I already have car insurance but is motorcycle insurance nessisary when i just have a permit? I know I did not need it with my car permit but is it different with a motorcycle?
Insurance with car or person in Georgia?
My wife has been allowing her father to use her car to work as a pizza delivery man while his car is getting fixed. We don't have her car listed as a business vehicle, but he says that if he wrecks it his insurance will cover it. I'm not sure if he is correct or not, but I don't know the law in Georgia. I'm afraid he'll get in a wreck and we'll get sued or have our insurance policy canceled. Is he correct? Thanks.""
How to bring Car Insurance down?
Here's the lowdown: Been driving for over 20 years on a Full UK Licence, apart from a few prangs 20 years ago have been driving without incident. Was a chauffeur for a few years, no traffic accidents. Was a delivery driver for a few years with no traffic accidents (the only one in the firm) Have also been driving a motorbike which 2 years ago I had to re-take my tests for. I scored 100% in all areas, theory, the section I called 'stunt' driving and road test. I have kind of got fed up with using company cars, hire vehicles and the motorbike to get everywhere, so decided to purchase a cheap Audi A3 (I'm talking an ancient one here). 3PFT insurance works out at over 1000 per year...about the same as the car is worth. This is too expensive for me (considering my bike insurance is 150 a year) how can I bring it down?""
Nissan skyline insurance and price?
ok im 16 and wondering how much a 1990's nissan skyline cost and how much the insurance cost. im 16 a male and has never been in trouble with the police actually my dad was an officer. this is my first car...
Will auto insurance rates go up if filing a Comprehensive claim in Texas?
I had windows knocked out and body damage done to two trucks by vandals, the vandals were identified and police report files and charges will be pressed. I carry $1000 deductable and damage was in the range of $2000 per vehicle. Any insurance claims adjusters want to comment? PS I havent called my insurance yet, cause I know just making the call will go down as a claim .""
Can i drive my moms car without my own insurance?
My mom has car insurance and everything, but i'm just wondering if i could like drive her car to the gym or something without adding me to her policy? I heard its as long as the car is insured right? I live in california and i do have a valid drivers license and i do live in the household.""
What would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance?
what would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance ? and there was no help from god?
Is globe life a reliable insurance company?
for life insurance
19 new car questions carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? !?
19 new car questions carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 19 new car questions carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P? okay im 19 have job and all that i want to get a new car ford 18,0000 i have no credit and natha! but my parents would give me insurance so all i need is a loan i was reading some girl went in a lot and they said they would instantly give her one if she had a job and was 18 so i could get a loan ofcourse after hearing that so whats next how much a month etc etc etc !""
Why is car insurance so expensive for me?
just passed my driving test this month and i checked how much car insurance would be for me and its 3000+ :'O when my younger female cousin passed she got her insurance for 900 on the same car!!! how can i get it cheaper? =[ im 17 male
How much do you pay for your car insurance? 10pts?
I have Geico and my vehicle is a lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was charged $55.72 for this months insurance, it's always low but UM wtf??? How much are you paying? Do you own your vehicle/ lease? Year /Model? Thanks!""
Where can I get affordable group health insurance?
I am a college student who has alot of anxiety right now due to the recent divorce of my parents. I would greatly benefit from having psychological treatment right now but I have no insurance & it is expensive. Does anybody know of an insurance that would cover this?
Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?
Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?
""What would my insurance possibly be with a 318 V8, for my first truck? (vehicle)?""
okay, im 15 now, but i found a truck i want desparetly, its an 87 dodge it needs some work but for a first car, any vehicle i want will need some work, i can get the truck fairly cheap an have to put money into it, an rebuild the carborator, etc. but if i get it now, an have it running, for when i get m license, everyone is telling me that having a 318 V8 is going to be expensive insurance, does anyone have any idea how much a price range would be? or a way to figure out a price range to insure this truck? Please an Thankyou.""
Can i get insurance to drive any car?
My current insurance gives me third party cover on any vehicle i drive with permission from the owner. Can i get full insurance? (i am thinking of setting up a business which would require me driving other peoples cars) THanks
""Where can I find cheap teen car insurance in Cincinnati, OH?""
Few people in my family actually drive with a license let alone insurance(not including my mother) she doesn't even drive. I'm only 17, how can I and where can I get CHEAP car insurance from?""
Greensboro North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27499
Greensboro North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27499
How much is my insurance?
I basically know nothing about insurance. im 17, the car is a 99 kia sephia with 80,000 miles and its red. i live in a suburban town in new jersey. help me out p.s. i didnt want to find a quote thing online because i dont want them calling my house and stuff since u have to give info""
What is the average cost for motorcycle insurance in Maine?
I am considering getting a bike and am just curious as to how much it will cost to insure.
Can i get classic car insurance?
I have a 65 mustang so i know for a fact it will qualify, but im 17 (18 in a couple of months) and i dont know for sure if they cover people my age. I know that it comes with restrictions but all i will be driving it for is to school and back so that doesn't concern me. also it would be helpful if anyone can reccomend a decent insurer.""
Who offers the best life insurance in Illinois?
simple enough. ive done my research and the best i can find is either American Income Life insurance or State farm. anyone have either of these and think they are reasonable?
Will the car insurance pay for my car to be fixed?
i was rear ended. its the other persons fault. the kid that hit me was driving their parents car. the parents had insurance on the car but the kid wasnt listed as a driver. just the mom and dad were. i was told since the car is insured then the insurace will pay for it no matter who was driving. is this true?
Auto Insurance In California : how far goes the liability?
I am french and don't know anything about auto insurance in the US. I just received my driver license 2 months ago and a very old bettle (1973, value < 1500$) as first car. I never drive before (even in France), I have a clean record. How work the liability here? Let's say it's not my fault but I crash in a schoolbus and 3 childrens will need medical treatment for the rest of their life because of me. Who will pay for it? And what if it's my fault? [ In France, we have something called civil responsability that will pay for that. It's automatically included in every car insurance. ] I am also browsing the net for cheap but good insurance. I want it cheap because the car is worth nothing. But I want it good because i am a young (no experience) driver. Any tips and links to some websites are welcome. Thank you very much.""
What will the average insurance payment be for my BMW?
Ever since I was little I've always wanted a BMW. Well now since I'm turning 16 in the fall I have the option of getting a 2004 BMW 5 Series 545i for $9,000. It's in extremely good condition and I just love it. I will be making around $200-250 a month and my monthly payment will be about $106 to the bank till my senior year in college ( yes that's 84 months but it's in good condition so it's worth it) and I was just wondering if any one had a idea how much insurance would cost? I really want to get this car but I won't if I'm not able to pay a payment and insurance at the same time due to other small bills i have. Thanks""
Roughly how much will my insurance cost for a new mid-level sports car?
In California. Clean driving record. Car would be financed in the $30k - $40k range. I imagine I would want full coverage. Would it be substantially less if the car were a year or two old rather than new? Thanks! I have always had used cars in the past with just liability insurance.
Would my insurance go higher if the car is leased?
If a car is bought by full price, would my auto insurance go low or high?""
Why is car insurance so high for young people?
Why is car insurance so high for young people?
My car insurance is ridiculous!?
I am entering my 4th year of driving (22 yr old) with absolutely no claims and even with comparing market my car insurance goes up every year. New comparison has come out at over 2500 quid! I drive a 2.2 diesel but even on a little 1.0 aygo or similar car it is over a grand. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm going to quit driving. I have paid out over 8000 in insurance premiums with no claims and it is getting increasingly difficult to save for a house as you need around 30000 for a deposit.
""Car Insurance, will it go up IF?""
Right.. well im gonna be able to drive the end of this year.. and i want to get a Vauxhall Astra Estate and make a few changes.. for Example: GSI front bumper Exhuast GSI alloy wheels possibly a new spray of paint leather seats new head lights Will the insurance go up if i do these things? i know its going to be high anyway because im a new driver.. but i wanna know if it will go up anymore and roughly by how much, and if anyone could just give me a general list of things i have to tell the insurance company if i change anything on the vehicle. Thanks!""
How much would it up my car insurance if I started a weekend driving school business?
I currently pay about $700 per car.
Do spoilers raise insurance price?
is it true that having a spoiler on a car will make insurance higher?
How much does third party insurance cost on average?
Does it depend on the car you buy? How much on average would you pay per year for third party insurance? Thank you
How much does your rate go up with Auto Insurance when you hit someone? I had 2 incidents this year.?
I filed a small claim in April 2007 for total damages about $1500. There was no damage to my car but I hit my babysitters car who was doubleparked in front of my townhouse. Now I just hit someone else and the estimate is about $1000 for his bumper. I am wondering if it is worth it to go through my insurance and have another claim against me or if I should just handle it out of packet? My insurance fro the year now is very good only $1062. But for some reason this is a bad year for me. I have 2 kids (1 with autism) that is always driving me crazy while I drive . I don't want to hurt myself by going through insurance. Thanks
Does car insurance increase every time you.?
does your car insurance increase every time yu move or change your address. if so is their away you can lower your rates.
How much should my car insurance cost?
I am a 17 year old male and my dad bought me a 2007 Nissan Altima. He wants me to pay the insurance and I figured that it might be high...so I need estimates.
Can getting on-line auto insurance quotes adversely affect one's credit history?
Since insurance companies do pull one's credit history. Thanks. GG_007
Does anyone know approximately how much sr22 bond insurance costs for a dui offense?
Does anyone know approximately how much sr22 bond insurance costs for a dui offense?
Car insurance increase due to speeding question?
I have geico car insurance and recently was convicted of 2 points for speeding. How much will the insurance be raised if Ive had probation one other time prior?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Does Your Insurance Rate Go Up in a Hit & Run?
So the other day, I walked back to the parking lot after work to my car and noticed a huge dent across my passenger side/side mirror broken off. Front quarter panel and door are gone as well. No note was left. What do I do? If i go through insurance, is my rate going to go up? Whats the best way to handle this??""
""What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
PPO vs. HMO Insurance?
I am trying to understand pros vs cons of HMO vs PPO. We are a family of three (myself, spouse and newborn). We do not have much health issues. Premium difference is about $150 per month (i.e. HMO cheaper than PPO). But need to understand any limitations of HMO. Is it tough to find a PCP who takes HMO insurance? Or is it people with health complications usually opt for PPO as it is more flexible?""
Greensboro North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27499
Greensboro North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27499
I'm 19 and I need cheap health insurance?
Okay, I'm 19 years old and I use to have some kind of plan with my mothers insurance but it was the kind where once I turn 18 I can no longer be on it. I really want to get insurance, but I don't know where to start. (I work only part time and can't get a full time job right now) I don't know what insurance companies are best for me or anything. I would greatly appreciate any help. Also, if I got insurance and then later found out I was pregnant what would happen? Would they cover that as well? Is there any insurance policy that covers pregnancy... if not, what could I do?""
How should I go about my insurance?
I just turned 18 in January. I have a 99 firebird in my name. I was wondering if I should go in my own policy, or can I go under my moms and possibly save money?( will I be saving money) And also an insuarance agent told me that I should get full coverage?! and its not worth it at my age? So should I just buy liability or Full. What insurance company should I go through for the cheapest prices""
My parents just lost there health insurance. ?
My dad retired from the city of Stockton after 36 years. Due to our city filing bankruptcy all retirees now have to pay for there health insurance(1200 dollars a month for my parents). This is just not affordable for then so they lost there insurance. My mom takes enbrel for her medical condition. How can I get her that medication at an affordable price? I have been looking but can't find any help. My parents are 60 years old.
""Does mercury auto insurance, offer motorcycle insurance?
Im about to buy a motorcycle. If not do insurance companies insure bikes with a salvage title?
Best Term Insurance plan ? Should I take Term Insurance Plans ? I am of age 28 years ?
What are term insurance plans.. what do they cover, do they cover any accidental disability, or medical disability, or natural death or do they cover only sudden death like death from accident or murder or calamity death etc? Please elaborate. Also tell which are best term insurance plans in india ?""
My car insurance is $200 a month!?
I'm getting my license in less than a month, but my parents won't get me a car b/c they say I won't be driving alone anyway b/c the insurance is through the roof. We have Mamzy. Would it be cheaper if we switch our insurance? It'll go down once I've had my license for 6 months, but still, half a year is a long time to have to wait. :\ Thanksx.""
Best car insurance companies?
I am 22 and needing to get car insurance for a 1996 Ford Escort. I only want Liability. Any suggestions?
I was in a car accident and didnt have car insurance..?
the other car is totaled... what do i do ?? can i get insuranse somewhere now who will cover a past wreck???
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
How much should I ask for the compensation from insurance?
I had a car accident and the fault side's insurance compay paid for body repair ( abuot $960 in their recommanded bodyshop ) and also the rental (my car is still in bodyshop). I am not sure if I need to ask some compensations for diminished value of my car and also missed work hour on dealing with the accident. I never done this before. My car is 1997 Toyata Collora and the private value from KBB is $3185 (for good condition), some people said the compensation for diminished value could be 40% of the KBB private value, which to me is 3185 x 0.4 = $1274. They are going to replace the right fender, repair and repaint the passenger side door. So I want to know if I ask for $1274 from insurance is fair. I hope anyone can give me some advises on how to deal with this. Thank you!""
Maryland Auto Insurance Premium for teens(19yrs)?
I am 19 years old, living in Baltimore and got my driving license last week. I have a Nissan Sentra. So what would be my auto insurance premium for a year? How is it calculated? Which are the good companies?""
If i have one product insurance with two companies can i claim both?
I lost a mobile phone. I have insurance from my bank and network provider, so can i claim from both of them?""
Cheapest Car Insurance (UK) For 17 year old (guy) who just passed test?
Hi, What are the best insurance companies to go to for cheap car insurance for a just passed 17 year old guy? Ive tried go compare and compare the market, but their cheapest quotes were 3700 a year! Are there any good Insurers who arn't on comparison websites, I heard some offer you discounts if you go to them direct. Thanks!""
Single girl needs answer about car damage and insurance vs. out of pocket?
I was driving my father's car on a narrow, snowy city street and clipped (knocked off, really) the mirror on a parked car (a Nissan). I left my name and number and the owner ...show more""
What is the best site for finding family health insurance?
What is the best site for finding family health insurance?
How much is your auto insurance annual premium in NJ ?
I live in Central New Jersey and I pay around $1700 for 2 cars + 2 drivers with no accidents. How much do you pay approx ?
What are the chances my daughter could get good health insurance?
That's affordable? She has a few preexisting conditions. Spina Bifida (birth defect) asthma and Chiari Malformation. She only has one kidney. Right now she's receiving ...show more
Can i stay under parents insurance and switch car title over to my name?
So my parents gave me a car for my 18th birthday a few years ago and I am still under their insurance. I gave the car a paint job that costed 2,500 and I want to make sure the care is mine, can I switch the car title to my name while still being on their insurance? They keep me under their insurance so I can have cheaper insurance while in college""
How much do you think car insurance will be...?
I've been to sites with free quotes but they always give me like 4.7k dollars a year with like 300$ monthly payments but my friends say insurance for them is like 1800. I am 18 male and drive a 4 door 2001 sedan I just started driving how much do you think it will be?
What does it mean to have full coverage?
It's too late to call a auto company so I am asking it here, I live with my girlfriend and was wonder about getting full coverage on my car, we want to know if I get full coverage would she be able to drive my car legally without putting her on my insurance?""
Insurance and car help please?
Hello all my bf was driving my car this morning and fell asleep hiting a mail box. He didn't have no license. So they locked him up my insurance is up to date. Will my insurance pay for it and I pay the 500 dollar deducte or what will happen how will my car get fix thanks
How much is Canadian (British Columbia) car insurance?
I am 21 years old and have had a licence in California since I was 18.
Most affordable health insurance?
I know its going to be expensive regardless, I can't afford to go through my work's insurance (over $200 a month). Researching online for medical/dental coverage. Anyone know a good insurance to go through?""
Cost of liability insurance for medical doctor?
What's the average cost for a private physician's liability insurance? What tips and advice do you have for someone starting a private practice?
""When you purchase a new car, is it better to buy the GAP insurance from the dealer ?
Should you buy the GAP insurance from the dealer or from your own private insurance company. Usually your own insurance company is cheaper. Any suggestions?
Greensboro North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27499
Greensboro North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27499
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