#i just want to stop feeling sad about the dumbest things
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milkpansa-archive · 2 years
#nini’s nonsense#pls ignore me !!! this me having another conversation with myself because yes.#also i’m being a bit of a terrible person so yeah asgddjjfmffm#okay. i know i’m not the best person in general but !! i always think about that day and can’t help but think. what if. what if ????? i mean#yes there was so much pain at the time. some days will haunt me forever. but also. it would have been different because right now it’s not#just memories. i feel like most of us feel ******* or even ****** period. and it’s such a sick state to live in like ?? i haven’t slept okay#in literal weeks and every time i am anywhere there is this nagging in the back of my mind and just.#to be quite honest i’ve let go of happiness a long time ago. it’s not for me i think. not when i could never really belong anywhere with a#history like mine. and i know we’re not our parents etc etc but also. my roots are forever tainted and i mean. not much left to save then#right? so peace. that’s all i want. to be the tiniest human. doing the dumbest things. in fucking peace. and now even that has been taken#from me. and it’s literally all because of ***. and so yes. there would have been pain. and i might’ve even felt bad. but also. peace would#have come. and stayed. and maybe i am a terrible person but you know what. idc. not when all ive been is anxious anxious anxious non fucking#stop. i’ve head a headache for days now and i literally went to the doctor a week ago. but maybe i need another visit. sigh#i’m sad. and tired. and never falling in love. and never making friends. not until this has ended at least. and i’m terrible for saying this#but i hope that day comes sooner rather than later#my head hurts so bad !!!!! but i guess we’ll try and sleep and hope i get more than three hours tonight and no nightmares. pls !! don’t need#that as well tyvm#anyways if anyone reads this. no you didn’t ashdjfkg. but also hi hope you’re well ! (((hugs)))
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
The Boys Preference: Watching Reality TV
Requested: a request for the boys preferences, how would they react with f!reader live watching reality tv shows like Kardashian’s etc, would they love it - anon
A/N: Hope you like it my love! This was really fun to imagine :D My old roommate loved reality TV and I swear I heard so much about it it feels like I've watched it for myself lol. Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Butcher says what you watch is ridiculous, but, much like a dad who says this, he'll stand behind you and watch entire episodes. Only after it's ended does he throw a fit, claiming that was the dumbest thing he's ever seen and it's rotting your brain. When you talk about it with the rest of your friends, the latest episode or drama, Butcher is full of strong opinions and will tell you to your face this person is a c-nt and that person deserves better. You don't make a big deal out of this, though you share knowing looks with everyone else. He's not very good at hiding his interest in reality TV, but you also don't want to scare him away. You like watching it with him, you like his opinions. It's not often he shows interest in something outside of work. If this can offer a thirty-minute distraction, you're more than willing to share.
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Hughie doesn't personally love it, but he would never tell you to stop watching it. He asks you questions about the people and the latest episodes. He never forgets who is who and forms his own opinions about the shows having never watched them. He likes that he can show interest in something you love. The least he can do is listen to you talk about it. When you and someone else are debating the drama and unpacking the story, he definitely shares his own ideas. He listens so carefully it's as if he actually watched it with you. If he catches you watching it, he'll sit beside you and put faces to names. He finds it incredible that his idea of these people was so wrong, yet so right. He really has nothing against reality TV and if it makes you happy, that's what matters. He uses it to bond with you more than anything else.
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Annie has pretty neutral feelings about reality TV. She might watch half an episode with you, but it's just never been her thing. She's not going to pull a Butcher and make fun of you for liking it, but she's not going to go out of her way to ask you about your thoughts on the newest episode/season. It's just one of those things that aren't for her. Still, she can't deny how happy it makes you and she's glad you have some sort of distraction from all the craziness of your jobs. She makes sure not to interrupt your TV time and will pass you notes instead of distracting you, hoping it's less disruptive. When you and M.M. sit together and bond over your love for it, it can't help but make her smile. You two need this. A break from the drama and life and death for more silly drama about relationships and brands and family.
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M.M. loves reality TV. He tries to never miss an episode. When he does, he's horrendous about spoilers. He will yell across the room for you not to spoil anything when you're telling Hughie about the latest drama. He acts like a child, placing his hands over his ears. You two sit together all night and binge the newest seasons. Sometimes, when it's been a while, you'll re-watch the last seasons so that when the new episodes start, you'll know what's going on. He always shares whatever snacks he's gathered and is a stickler about talking while the show is playing. If you can, he'll pause it so that you can unpack the drama. If not, you'll have to wait for commercials. Since he was placed in charge of The Boys, he's had less time to indulge in this vice. He's more lenient about spoilers which you find sad, but you do your best to give a good break down of the show.
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Frenchie watches it with you, but he's pretty vocal about his distaste for their actions. If someone crosses someone or cheats on someone or gets in a fight, he's the first to be standing, yelling at the TV, throwing snacks at the screen. It always makes you laugh and more often than not you have to calm him down before watching the rest of the show. He just gets so worked up. Especially when they're doing stupid stuff that'll get them in more trouble. You've learned quite a few French swears from these tantrums. Sometimes he gets so worked up he has to walk away, watching the rest in his own time so that he doesn't disturb your enjoyment. He has so many opinions and makes it known that certain people are favored over others. He comes to their defense so fast it actually makes you laugh and defends their actions regardless of how petty or downright bad they are.
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Kimiko doesn't watch it. She's not too interested in TV, but she can understand the appeal. Between you and Frenchie, she knows basically everything about the people and the plot, asking questions as if she's been watching the whole time. She loves how happy it makes you. Everyone on this team needs a healthy outlet. She noticed that your typical partner in crime (M.M.) hasn't been around to watch it and, not wanting you to feel the absence, Frenchie stepped up. If neither are around, she'll join you, working on something else that grabs her attention, but mostly she just likes the idea of just being with you. Every so often her attention will be grabbed and she'll understand why you like it so much, but overall it's more of an opportunity to just be with you. Be in your company. You don't notice this happening until it's happened a few times. It makes you feel seen by your friends, appreciated by them.
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Bonus! Homelander thinks it's absolutely ridiculous. He stands behind you and will take a few minutes to watch (completely out of context) before deciding whatever show you're watching is shallow, and fake, and idiotic. He makes his opinion known of course and actively shows his disgust anytime he catches you watching it. He can't ban it from Vought Tower, though he's thought about it. Homelander doesn't watch very much TV as it is besides the news and a few select channels. Overall he thinks TV in general makes people stupid and reality TV is at the top of the list. He doesn't care how much you like it or the lore behind the stories, all he sees are six pack abs, and lip filler, and people doing dumb things to get famous. If you're talking about it with Firecracker or The Deep you know the conversation ends in Homelanders presence.
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magicdefendorwolf · 1 year
Its the little things
Description:things they do that just melt your heart
Characters:Kafka,Blade,Jing Yuan,Yanqing,Gepard,Serval,Stelle
Despite being a busy woman with lots of things on her mind and shoulders she never seems to forget a single detail about you
She knows you like the back of her hand,she knows when you're stressed,happy,hungry,bored,everything really
And despite coming home tired after a long day she immediately notices your mood,if you're sad or stressed she wastes not time pulling you into her arms to talk about it,no matter how tired she is she will listen to you
Its like she has the perfect memory,she remembers every single detail about you,whether its physical,emotional or in your behaviour
When she sees you're nervous and fidgeting with something she calmly takes your hands into hers,kisses the inside of your palm before saying
"Sweetheart,maybe you should stop letting your body do all the talking and tell me what's wrong will you?"
She would tell you with a warm smile,a genuine one
If you're not ready to talk about it she'll take your mind off of it
And if you wanna talk about it she'll listen no matter what
And nothing will ever stop her from making you her number one priority
And you may not notice that straight away,but with time that becomes crystal clear
Jing Yuan
This dozing general,suddenly becomes the most focused man in the world once you start talking
He may doze off during oficial meetings but when you're talking its a completly different story
It doesnt even matter what you're talking about,you could be talking about the dumbest thing in the world for all he cares,after all its you that's talking,who else could be more important to him?
He also has a way of always making you feel special and deserving of everything
He for one,treats you like a princess no matter what,even if he teases you often he always means it in a lighthearted way
Another thing that simply melts your heart is how he always seems to plan dates with you that he always puts a lot of effort into because he wants you to feel special on your weekly date night,lets not talk about anniversaries,birthdays,and whatnot
The way he is so sweet with the birds and animals surrounding him always seems to have a way to make you internally awe
When he's outside a bird will perch on his shoulder and he'll just pet it so softly,its like all of these birds already know him because the same ones seems to be coming and going
Now listen to me,this guy has a barely existent romantic side,but
Inbetween all of his teasing that makes you want to smack that annoyingly handsome face of his,between all of those times he looks so cold and uncaring,almost as if he doesnt enjoy your company,each and every single time you think he simply despises you he suddenly does something that shows you he still loves you just as much
He may not be the perfect lover or partner but he tries
When you wake up without him by your side you wake up to breakfast already made and a little note saying "Dont forget to eat"
When you go to bed at night and he thinks you're asleep you never miss that small 'i love you' tha the couldnt bring himself to say in other conditions
When talking with Kafka privately she cant help but point out how whipped blade seems for you,and all you can respond with is pure shock
As she lists down things you would have never noticed if she handnt pointed out or explained to you
His protectiveness over you,you're his treasure,and he is your protector after all,he cant let you get even a slight scratch
How each and every single time he tries to verbalize his feelings for you he just cant put it into words,so he uses other ways
He often brings back gifts for you from wherever he's went,and whenever he's around he never leaves your side,wanting to savour your presence just a little longer
You're in the bathroom? Fine,he'll wait by the door. You're eating? Great he'll nethier eat with you or sit next to you. You have nothing to do? Even better come do something with him
Gepard is a busy man,being the head of the silvermane guards and all,but that doesnt mean you're not one of his top priorities
Even if he is on duty or not he is always available for you,just dont try to take him away from his patrol,otherwise you're free to rant to him,talk to him,even if he'd prefer for you to go back to safety
Once he's finally off duty you and his sister are at the top of his list of people to find
After he passed by his sister's workshop he goes straight to your home like a child that is about to do their favourite activity
And even if while he is on duty he only has a short break,if its long enough he's coming to check in on you and his sister
To everyone else he is the head of the silvermane guards,a strong and unvwavering man,but to you,he's a puppy that never wants to leave your side
When he finally has the free time he's a lost puppy just following wherever you go and enjoying your presence
His sister loves teasing him about how lovestruck he is for you,but he cant deny a single thing because its all true,all he can do is shake his head at her antics and blush
Gepard also tries his best to make the most of every single moment he has with you
And he treasures everything he recieves from you,whether it be memories or physical things,whatever you gift him is sacred to him
The way Serval searches for you in the crowd during her performances and the moment she spots you her face lits up and its like she gained a new boost of energy
Or the way she wraps her arms around you lovingly and nuzzles closer to you during the mornings mumbling a sleepy 'good morning sunshine'
To her,your opinion is one of the most important things,and it simply melts you away to see the way she takes your opinion into consideration and is always so considerate of you
She may not look like the kind to be a doting mother to other people but to you,she is always like a mother nagging at you for going out into Belobog's icy wheather without proper layers of clothing like she doesnt walk around with a cropt top and without a sleeve+a skirt
Being caring and attentive is something she obtained from being Gepard's older sister
And while she thought that her habit of being protective ended once Gepard became a silvermane guard oh boy was she wrong,the moment you entered the picture she was back to her doting and and protective self,she thinks you dont like it but truly,it warms you up more than any coat could knowing this
During late nights in the workshop where you are simply falling asleep while forcing yourself to remain awake,for the sake of waiting for her to come to bed with you,she lightly scolds you about not sleeping not like she doesnt stay up until unholy hours tinkering with different things
But she'll still softly turn around to you,take you into her arms,speaking in such a soft and loving voice about how you should go to sleep
She truly knows how to turn into a puddle
You are her charger,when she comes back onto the express,tired and drained of energy she takes your hand and rags you to your room so she can lay in your arms for as long as she needs,you're a person that will never drain her energy or make her tired,you're her safe space,and she is yours aswell
She never fails to turn you into a puddle with some of her pick up lines,some are super corny,but on the rare occasion she makes the sweetest pick up lines that turn you into a blushing mess
She never stops trying to fluster you with her pickup lines no matter how far into the relationship you are or how corny they are
She'll also randomly fall asleep on you,whether she falls asleep on your shoulder,lap,or on top of you while cuddling its a sign of how much she trusts you,its a sign that she feels safe falling asleep in your presence because she knows you will take care of her while she sleeps,or sleep together with her
She also cant help the lovesick grin that forms on her face whenever you are ranting to her about something
She'll be leaning into the palm of her head,her head slightly tilted to the side as she listens to you rant with the most inlove expression you could have ever seen on her face
Also dont try to stop her from carrying everything,and i mean it,if you go out shopping she is your personal bag carrier,if you have to move something heavier in the express she is going to move it for you,no questions asked,she just wants to help you and make sure you dont over carry
She also adores when you dress in matching outfits,or if you ever let her do your hair,the expression of pure joy she has on her face is enough to melt your heart no matter how much ice or cold there may be in it
She just loves your presence and doing things for you
You can never miss the way his eye light up even at the mere mention of your name
When you walk into a room searching for Yanqing and he spots you his previously uncaring and bored eyes suddenly light up with happiness as a small smile makes its way onto his face when he sees you running up to you to give you a big bear hug
Or the way he'll always take the time to explain things to you no matter how many times he's already explained it or how easy the topic is,if you ask him something,even if he'll be giving you the same answer for 100th time he's still going to answer with the same patience and smile
Or how he lets you win during board games,or any game really just to see your happy face when you win for the god knows which time in that row,and yet he can never get upset about losing when he sees you cheering about your win
Or how he so tenderly helps you brush your hair,or do your hair care routine,how he so gently brushes through it careful as to not pull on your hair
And he's always gentle with you,not just when brushing your hair,that gentleness just makes your heart flutter
And the way he's always willing to adapt to you
If you have less energy and prefer to sleep more he'll plan activities that favour your low energy
If you are more energised that great,he has someone who can keep up with him
He'll love you nethier way really
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fxllfaiiry · 1 year
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─ hits different 'cause it's you
★ pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader
★ summary: spencer reid is used to being called pretty boy by everyone ─ everyone but you.
★ warnings: fluff, spencer and the reader acting like lovesick teens, co-workers to lovers, the team teasing spencer.
★ notes: I had this saved in my drafts for a long time and finally thought why not post it?? please don't mind any errors, english is not my first language.
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Spencer Reid likes a lot of things. He likes books, he likes jello, but most importantly, he likes you. He could talk about you for hours, in fact, if he was given the chance to, he would. Spencer was mesmerized by everything you did, he was hopelessly, utterly, in love with you.
“Pretty boy, what are you dreaming about?” Derek’s voice jolted him out of his bubble, he looked around embarrassed remembering he was in fact surrounded by his co-workers. Everyone in the jet turned to look at him, everyone including you. Sitting next to you was making him nervous.
“Um, nothing. I was just thinking about, stuff?” He somehow magically managed to stutter out a full sentence under your gaze, god he felt pathetic.
“Reid, are you asking us or telling us?” Hotch asked looking amused.
Spencer could feel your gaze set on him, he really hoped you couldn't see how red his cheeks are. “I - I’m telling you, yeah.” How was the smartest person in the room suddenly, the dumbest?
“Come on, give pretty boy a break,” Rossi smiled. Rossi had a sixth sense when it comes to these things, he knew about Spencer’s feelings from day one, it was obvious to almost everyone, but of course not to you.
You were equally in love with him, but you would never tell Spencer that, you couldn't bare the rejection. If only you knew how smitten he was with you. You stared at his face, marvelling at how pretty he looked, oh how you would kill for those lips to be on yours.
“Was pretty boy dreaming about a pretty girl?” Emily teased. What? No. Picturing Spence with other girls made you want to throw up. If you were paying more attention rather than drowning in jealousy, you’d have noticed Spencer’s eyes darting towards you.
“Come on pretty boy, tell us who the girl is.” Curiosity was killing you, who was the lucky lady that caught Spencer Reid’s eye?
Spencer froze, you called him pretty boy? He isn't used to that at all, you usually call him Spence or boy genius, but never pretty boy. ‘Please call me that again,’ he thought to himself.
“You think I’m pretty?” The question slipped past his lips before he could stop himself. That was everyone’s queue to stop listening, they all rushed back into their conversations wanting to give you guys some privacy.
“What? Of course, I think you’re pretty, Spence.” Where did this come from all of a sudden? You thought he was the prettiest boy, you would tell him that every day if you had to.
“I mean - It’s just you never call me that…” He tried to hide his nervous state by letting out a chuckle. He almost felt sad, why didn't you call him pretty boy? He wants to be your pretty boy desperately.
You on the other hand had no idea why you didn't call him that. Note: call Spencer Reid pretty boy more often.
“Well, I’m sorry, I’ll call you pretty boy more often if you want?” Where did that sudden wave of confidence come from?
“Oh, I would like that,” Spencer mumbled. He tried to keep the smile off his face but it was useless. This feeling was better than reading with his cardigan on, on a cosy rainy day.
“You’re the prettiest boy I know, Spence. My pretty boy.” The last part was so quiet Spencer would’ve missed it if he wasn't paying attention, but fortunately, he’s always paying attention to you.
“I think you’re the prettiest too.” The two of you were acting like love-sick teenagers, but what the hell, screw that.
“Would you like to go on a date with me once we get back, Spence?” You were beaming, after years of waiting, you finally got what you wanted, and the new surge of confidence certainly helped.
“I’d love that.”
bonus !
“Garcia owes me 20 bucks” Derek whispered watching the scene unfold.
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dukeofdelirium · 4 months
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This has to quite possibly be the dumbest Anti-Aang I’ve seen on Tumblr. “Aang didn’t go out of his way for anyone”. Like that’s objectively wrong, factually incorrect. Like saying The Earth is flat, you can think it all you want, but it ain’t true. I ask you, I genuinely ask you, how can someone call themselves a fan of this show when they completely misinterpret it and hate the main character this much? This person’s crazy.
Aang never went out of his way for anyone? My god, if this take were true, Zuko would have been dead at the end of season one. Everyone aside from Aang was fine with the idea of allowing Zuko to freeze to death, leaving him to die. Aang was the one that saved him.
Holy shit, the first thing Aang ever offered to do with no expectation of anything in return was to offer Sokka and Katara a ride home before they died themselves stranded in the tundra. He then offered to take Katara to the other side of the world to fulfill her dreams. When he was banished from her village, he left without protest and even said he didn’t want to come between Katara and her family. Even when he was sad to leave because he had just made a first friend in who knows how long (seeing as we know he was ostracized at the temple), he still left.
He then came back not to break the banishment but to save their lives. He offered himself up, LITERALLY sacrificed himself for them, with no expectation of anything in return.
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Aang is an extremely compassionate, good natured person. He is the most “altruistic” character in the show, followed only by Katara who comes nearly as close (one of the reasons they are so good together).
He singlehandedly put the fires out on Kyoshi Island that ZUKO SETS, he protects the NWT from invasion in every possible way he can and singlehandedly wipes out their fleet when he gives himself over to the ocean spirit, he demands they search for Bumi NOT because he needs a teacher but because bumi is his FRIEND! He saves everyone in the cave by making sure they don’t get fucking crushed with its collapse, he is willing to sacrifice himself and force himself into the Avatar State to win the war because he is that guilt ridden even when the AS is extremely painful and traumatizing to him, he stops this only when it affects Katara because he loves her, he offers to let Toph run away with them not because he wants to use her as a teacher but because he listened to her life story and wishes to help her feel free, he fucking dies for Katara and sacrificed his own love for her to save her life
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he tries to shoulder every burden he feels on his own as a means to protect the other characters
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he supports Sokka when he voices insecurities, he is welcoming and friendly to Hakoda and even inquires about how Katara is feeling when he meets Hakoda, he sobs during the eclipse invasion because Katara and Sokka have to be separated from their father again and Aang blames himself for this defeat and is grief stricken because he is so upset they are losing their dad again (and he thinks it’s his fault)
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Why the actual fuck would Katara ever “choose” Zuko over Aang?
Katara was never deeply tied to Zuko. She always saw him as an enemy trying to take away the boy she loved. This is why she threatened to fucking kill him.
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Zuko helped his sister murder Aang right in front of Katara’s eyes. It was canonically the darkest period of her life.
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Katara’s anger and hatred toward Zuko is 100% justified. Of course, Zuko is a self absorbed ass, so he claims her anger isn’t justified and that she’s just projecting. Her anger toward him specifically had far more to do with what he did to Aang and far less to do with what the Fire nation and Zuko’s family did to her mother. Even still, she’s right to be angry about her mother’s murder too, and Zuko’s piece of shit family is responsible.
Why the fuck would Katara magically drop to her knees and suck Zuko’s dick? He’s literally a colonizer for over 2/3 of the show. He didn’t just have a passive role, he was an active player in the war and invaded the NWT with the FN as a means to capture Aang and take him back to his daddy, where Aang would have undoubtedly been tortured mercilessly and kept on the brink of death. He assaulted Katara during this and knocked her unconscious, he taunted her with shitty words and undermined her bending ability and threw some racial/classist remarks as well as some misogynistic ones her way.
When he eventually did get his shit together and join the group, he just used her mother’s death against her and Sokka because that’s all he ever did in regards to Katara and Sokka’s mother. He learned how she died, then had Sokka divulge trauma to then use said trauma to try and force Katara to forgive him by persuading her to go on a suicide mission of revenge and bloodlust. He also literally mocked Aang’s culture and genocided people to his face, when his family committed the genocide. Oh, and he also mocked Aang’s forgiveness despite begging on his damn hands and knees for that very forgiveness like 3 episodes prior.
And then at the end of the episode, Zuko states himself that he legit doesn’t understand Katara or what she needs in life. Cuz of course he doesn’t. He isn’t a survivor of genocide, he hasn’t suffered ethnic cleansing, he isn’t oppressed. For fucks sake, his mother isn’t even dead and he gets reunited with her a few years after the canon shows timeline. Everything Zuko loses, he has returned to him. His honor, his right to the throne, his mother.
But tell me again how Katara and Aang are a bad match when they are the only two who will ever truly understand the other
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Another unhinged buddie fic idea - amnesia Eddie at his best and dumbest
So Eddie gets hurt, hits his head, is unconscious for like two weeks and when he finally wakes up, he thinks it's 2018, he's almost finishing fire academy and his parents are still saying he should let them take Chris away permanently.
To say he panics is an understatement — his muscles are weak after the lack of stimuli but he still puts a fight with the nurse that's trying to take his blood pressure.
He keeps on asking about where he is and where is Chris, only gets a you're in Cedars Sinai MC in Los Angeles and doesn't take for answer anything that tells him to stay still or to be careful with the IV, until the nurse says, "Your partner is right outside, I'm sure he's arranged something for your son."
He freezes. "My partner? I don't have a partner. Who is taking care of my kid?"
The nurse's face changes and there are suddenly more and more questions about what he remembers last, what year he thinks is, and does he remember his partner's name. He tells her - he fell asleep in his bed, 2018, he doesn't have a partner because he's been separated from his wife for a few years now.
Apparently, the year is 2023, he was on a call with his fire crew and got hurt, his partner is definitely his partner because he's his power of attorney, next of kin, and has been taking care of his kid.
So the nurse leaves to talk to the doctor and his partner who is still outside, with said doctor.
(Eddie doesn't know that but the nurse was either absolutely sure this is what Buck is because there are assumptions and there are legal medical documents or she is sure this is the mythical firefighters' bond and they're just very close work partners - your pick. Either way, Eddie thinks she means romantic life partner.)
Meanwhile, Eddie goes through all stages of grief because his apparent partner he acquired in the past five years is a he and apparently such a sure thing he's in all of Eddie's medical documents.
A guy. What kind of a guy he would have to be for Eddie to choose him as his partner?
Then the nurse comes back with a very tall, very handsome guy built like a brick wall but also making a face that makes him look like an eager but sad golden retriever and—
Oh. That explains some stuff. If just looking at him makes Eddie feel like it, then he can't even phantom what being with him feels like.
The guy stops mid-room, not going for a hug like Eddie expected him to. "Heard you don't remember me."
And he sounds so sad that Eddie reaches his hand out and the guy — his partner — is instantly at his side, gripping his hand, and Eddie doesn't let him go until he gets the point and pulls a chair closer and sits with him.
"I don't. So a name would be nice."
"Buck. Well, Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck."
And like, Eddie's never been big for pet names but even in this short moment Buck seems so bright he wants to call him mi sol. "I call you Buck?"
Buck chuckles. "Yeah, you call me Buck. Unless you're really serious, then you call me, you call me Evan."
"Evan," he tests out. "Sounds like you're in trouble."
And Buck smiles at him so softly Eddie is melting in that bed, warmth hitting him where he's still holding Buck's hand hostage and traveling up. "Not to me."
Bobby, who is apparently their captain — even though Eddie has a feeling like he's talking to his in-laws again the whole time he is there — brings Chris to the hospital and he's so big, already eleven, and so sassy with Eddie.
He's also very, very familiar with Buck, which calms him down - he talks about the funny sandwich cutters Buck's been using the whole time Eddie was in the hospital to cheer him up and tentatively admits how they slept in the same bed the first week because Chris had nightmares.
And even though his dad landed in the hospital — again, apparently? — Chris seems very, well, very well-adjusted to the situation at hand, even if Eddie can see he's being a bit clingy with both Eddie and Buck. Like the adults in his life are doing a good job at shielding him.
Buck is the one who has all the hard conversations with him, about Shanon, about his parents, about his abuela moving to Texas because of a whole pandemic, about the accident he had at work, and what will happen once he leaves the hospital.
It's really reassuring, that it's Buck telling him all that.
If he had any doubts about Buck being a very, very good and very, very close partner, all of it disappears when they go back home from the hospital.
His whole house has signs of Buck living their best lives in there — there are photos, cookbooks, cooking utensils Eddie doesn't even know the names of, Buck's clothes mixed in his wardrobe, cards from Chris for the both of them. It's very clear Buck is not only a big part of their life but also lives with them full-time, too.
He knows where everything in the kitchen is — "I have a system, Eddie" — and he knows where all Eddie's insurance paperwork is, knows the PINs to his phone, his cards and accounts, he knows all about Chris' medical needs. He knows how Eddie likes his coffee, how Chirs likes his toasts, which shaving cream Eddie likes, which toothbrush is Eddie's, which pair of shoes Eddie's only bought because they were on discount and never worn, which of Christopher's notebooks is the one for math.
He doesn't remember the past five years but he can't imagine not having Buck as his partner. Knowing he is there doesn't make him anxious like he thought it would — it makes him calm, settled.
So he's offended when the first night comes and Buck tries to bring spare blankets onto their couch. He wants him in their bed.
He gets that Buck is trying to give him space since Eddie doesn't really remember all the years they've been together, but that's a bit much. They're partners, and pretty solid ones at that, not just a new couple figuring stuff out, they must have slept together a million times.
So Eddie tells him to go off the couch and sleep in bed with him. It takes some convincing but eventually, Buck agrees. They lie down, Buck is being unnecessarily awkward, turning his back on Eddie in the dark. Eddie is not having this — turns towards him and spoons him, holding him in his arms. He's pretty sure Eddie getting hurt and forgetting five years is stressful on Buck, too, even if he doesn't show it. He deserves the comfort of his partner, even if said partner doesn't remember all of their life together.
It happens again the night after, and the night after that, until Buck stops tensing up whenever Eddie wraps his arms around him.
Because Eddie was unconscious for so long, he still needs PT, and Buck somehow manages to arrange that Eddie's and Chris' PT is at the same time and Buck oscillates between staying with either of them for the duration. There's one time when the receptionist at the therapy center asks him why he comes in so often when he looks fine — she's flirting with him, Eddie knows, which makes him glare at her, and Buck just tells her, "I'm just the chauffer for my boys." And Eddie calms down.
They assessed him at the hospital and he's supposed to have someone's handheld assistance or use a stick or a frame when he walks, until the PT gets his legs to the state from before. Using either the stick or the frame makes him feel like an old man, and the feeling doubles when Buck, the hunk of a man that he is, is nearby, so he refuses to use it when Buck is around. Which ends with Buck helping him around by placing an arm around his back and holding his hand with the other whenever Eddie needs to move.
Which is an absolutely amazing feeling because Buck is both the gentlest of giants, always knowing when Eddie needs reassurance and so freaking fit and big, Eddie can just rest against his chest whenever he feels wobbly or needs comfort from the embarrassment. It's a very contrasting feeling because it makes Eddie want to be held and pecked all over his face and thrown into the wall to make out.
Eddie's physical fitness improves and he misses Buck's touch the second his therapist says he can start moving without assistance.
That's the only problem Eddie has — Buck refuses to touch him. Again, he knows it's a bit weird with Eddie not remembering. At first, he thought it was just Buck giving him the lead on how much he wants them to do but then Buck keeps on ducking out any time Eddie initiates something.
He goes in for a kiss when Buck is drinking coffee and he dodges, standing up before Eddie can try again. Eddie gives Chris a kiss goodbye and goes to give Buck one, where he's standing next to their kid, and Buck skips out the door, telling him he's going to start the AC in the car. He tries to curl up against his side on the couch and Buck gets up with an excuse of making popcorn or tea or anything else possible. When Eddie slips into the shower while Buck is brushing his teeth, he leaves the bathroom with the toothbrush still in hand. Buck pretends to be asleep when he kisses his neck and swats Eddie's hands off when he moves them under his t-shirt when they're spooning, always calls out Eddie in the dark, like he isn't sure Eddie is comprehending what he's doing.
(Buck is pretty sure Eddie is trying to kill him — just make him have a heart attack or something — even if not deliberately. He isn't suspecting a thing about Eddie's partners assumption.)
It's like Eddie has a partner that loves him but without the bits that are funny. Like, he thought life-affirming sex is a thing and he is cleared for physical activity now and still out of work and going stir-crazy.
He doesn't get it and he can't talk about this with Buck because it almost feels like Buck is rejecting him, every time he ducks away from Eddie's affection or doesn't reciprocate it.
"Buck is—He loves me, right? He hasn't stopped after the accident, he's—He finds me attractive, he wants me, right?"
(Hen, sweet Hen, thinks he figured out Buck is in love with him now that he has a bit of an outsider perspective, and mutters, "Oh boy," cursing in her head because it's too early for this conversation. She isn't even suspecting Eddie heard partners once and ran wild with it.)
"I don't see where you're going with this," Hen says diplomatically.
"It's just, he's not doing anything about it," he explains. "It feels like he's barely touching me."
Hen is freaking out because of all times, Eddie had to realize now—"Do you... want him to touch you?"
"Have you seen him?" Eddie asks and then frowns. "Oh, right, playing for a different team."
"You just had a brain injury," she points out, hoping Eddie will find his brain somewhere, actually, and think.
"It's been almost two months, the doctors say I'm fine, memories aside," he says stubbornly.
"Eddie, I don't think Buck is going to make any first moves when you don't remember the past five years you guys—" She needs to change the track because she's saying too much. "Why don't you just talk to him about it?"
"And say what? Please bend me over our kitchen table? Please shower with me? Please give me kisses goodbye? Please hold me at night?"
"You probably should start with something more...tame," Hen suggests.
He's tried tame — he's tried initiating kisses and hugs and Buck doesn't respond. It's like he is afraid to touch him and Eddie isn't made of glass.
He needs to do something drastic.
So at night, he waits for Buck to come to bed, lights dimmed, and when Buck pulls the covers away to slide into bed with him, Eddie is naked — he can't be more blunt, if this flies over Buck's head, he'll be worried.
"Oh my god," Buck keeps on repeating, not looking at Eddie, blindly trying to put the covers over Eddie.
"Oh, come on, I can't be more obvious," he complains. "Why can't you just touch me, Evan?"
He's taking deep breaths, not looking at Eddie at all and this is the opposite of what he aimed for. "You don't want me, Eddie, you don't even know me."
"I definitely want you," he protests, irritated. He knows what he wants, it's Buck who's been missing the signals right and left. "And I know you, you're my partner, my Buck—I know you want this, too."
It's the truth — when he thinks Eddie can't notice, he looks at him like Eddie is everything he could ask for. He wants him to look at him like that now, too. He knows Buck, even if memories aren't there.
"We're not doing anything until you get your memories back and you actually know who I am."
"What if I never get my memories back?"
Buck doesn't reply and for a second Eddie think he got him, but then Buck stands up from the bed and says, "I think I should move out."
"What?" Eddie protests because that's definitely not what he was aiming for. Buck's place is with them, even if things in their relationship are a bit dry or stilled. "And where exactly would you go?"
"I do actually have my own place, you know?"
And how Eddie was supposed to know? He lives with them. He should not have a back-up place to go.
"I think I'm sending you mixed signals and you obviously don't remember enough to interpret them with clarity in your head," he tells Eddie and leaves.
He actually leaves the house, too, no matter how much he's asking to just sit down and listen to him. He spends the night trashing from side to side, expecting Buck to be back any moment but never getting him back.
(Meanwhile, Buck doesn't go to the loft because everything is dusty in there since he's moved into Eddie's place when he had to take care of Chris when he was still unconscious. Instead, he goes to Maddie's and complains to her over a glass of wine, aiming to stay on her couch overnight. "You didn't see him, Maddie, he was just lying there like a starfish, completely naked, going all, now you can touch me all you want—" and Chim wakes up Jee with how hard he drops the pans he was pretending to clean while eavesdropping.)
Buck comes back in the morning to take Chris to school — he doesn't offer Eddie to take him together and they don't talk at all.
Eddie needs to talk to someone about this because he might have somehow ruined the relationship with the man he's pretty sure he'd like to marry one day. By wanting him to touch him, of all things. But everyone is at work.
Pepa is retired, though. The problem is, Eddie isn't about to tell her Buck had threatened to move out because Eddie wanted him to fuck him.
So he asks the more appropriate question, "Why are we not married yet, actually?"
Maybe if they were married, Buck wouldn't have some secret place to escape. Maybe he'd feel like he can touch Eddie because Eddie is his on paper, too.
Pepa gives him a look that says he's crazy. "Who?"
"Buck and I, obviously." Forget crazy, Pepa stares at him like he's insane. "What? Does Buck—not want to get married? Did I say anything about this to you?"
"Mijo," she says, sounding like it pains her to do so. "You and Buck are not—you're not together, Eddie."
Eddie laughs because that's—that's not possible, they're partners, Buck's been taking care of him and Chris since Eddie woke up, and long, long before that even if Eddie doesn't remember it. He's Eddie's power of attorney and next of kin and he's in Eddie's will, he's all but a step away from adopting Chris, knows all of Chris' and Eddie's medical history, their allergies, their likes and dislikes. He's Eddie's partner.
Pepa is not laughing, just looking at him with that pitying expression on her face,
"But—he loves me, he loves Chris, he loves us," he says dumbly.
"Believe me, I know, we all know," she says. "We've tried stirring you in the right way but you're very stubborn, mijo."
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
This is what gets me when people write in depth analysis about how dumb they would be to not go there with queer Eddie and with Buddie. Like yes, I agree it would be incredibly stupid and bad writing - unfortunately as much as I want that to reassure me(and I’ll admit some days when I’m sad and need to not be I pretend to let it), it doesn’t. Just because it would be stupid and bad writing doesn’t mean they won’t do it. We’ve seen this show repeatedly make bad writing choices before. I’ve watched TV shows time and time again screw things up in the eleventh hour, I’ve seen so many shows set things up and then take a hard left turn into the dumbest plots in existence. And they get backlash for it but still do it. So as much as I want to believe that because logic and basic literary analysis says Eddie is queer and Buck and Eddie are each others’ best match - that isn’t a guarantee of anything. I’m also preparing myself that if we actually do get a queer Eddie storyline and buddie canon - there is a high possibility that they stumble through it in a ridiculous and poorly written way. I want more than anything for that not to be true but it is still a very distinct possibility.
this is exactly my feelings- like one of my biggest pet peeves are people making posts as if buddie is 10000% happening and there is absolutely zero possibility of it not going that way which i’m sorry to be a debbie downer once again but that’s just not true
what kills me is everyone in the fandom keeps talking about “it’d be so ooc for _______”, seemingly forgetting the fact that s7 was ooc for so many of the main characters to the point that we were all ragging on the writers about it… like if they were able to write a season so sloppy and terribly ooc what makes you think they won’t continue to do so, especially after tim just said “i don’t like to plan out seasons”
ooc writing happens in tv shows all the time. just because something wouldn’t make sense for a character/plotline doesn’t mean they won’t just do it anyway. like I’ve said before, tim has shown us that he only cares about shock value and drama- telling us himself in a interview that “i can’t just let them be happy, then no one would watch” (which is such total bullshit but this is the man who decided to make eddie have an emotional affair with a doppelgänger of his dead wife rather than just, yk, confirm his queerness)
i get it. it’s disappointing. you don’t want your favorite shows/characters to tank and go off the rails. but unfortunately, it has happened time and time and time again in network tv, and 9-1-1 is not immune to this.
i fully agree with the posts and analyses that detail how the show has set up buddie being the only satisfactory endgame relationship between them, and how it would be foolish and bad writing for them not to, but unfortunately (as you said in your ask) this show has made god awful writing choices frequently (literally the entirety of s7 is proof of that) and they have jumped through hoops to avoid buddie canon countless times— there is nothing stopping them from doing it again.
and this idea that just because they’re talking about buddie openly must mean they’re going canon is ridiculous. the short is reaching the end if it’s run; if it even gets renewed past s8, it’s very unlikely that they’ll go past s10 at the longest. they just moved to a new network, baited the fuck out of buddie pre-s7 and then didn’t give us anything and people are still watching. they know that as long as people think there’s a possibility of buddie canon that they’ll watch the show— it’s textbook queer/shipbaiting. 9-1-1 is not immune to this just because they’ve said “we don’t want to be accused of queerbaiting” in the past. we’ve reached a point where the network queerbaiting won’t cause enough backlash to warrant them being cautious anymore. it’s a dick move, yeah, but these creators are in this job for one thing: money. they have proven they don’t actually give a fuck about meaningful storytelling. it’s why they rely on cheap drama and shock value to get by bc they know people will tune in anyway.
i completely understand wanting to be hopeful and optimistic. i will forever be hopeful for the day that buddie finally go canon (although i hope they ditch the mustache before then because i don’t want to think of my alcoholic uncle when i see eddie kiss buck for the first time) and when it does i will be so fucking happy after waiting for 6 years.
but that’s the thing. i have waited for 6 years. i’m tired of getting my hopes up each season bc “guys this is literally the closest we’ve ever been there is no way they aren’t going to go there now” just to get slapped in the face by the showrunners and writers. i’m not going to get my hopes up about it just to be let the fuck down once again. and frankly, i don’t wanna see the fallout when we are let down again because people decided to convince themselves that it was 100% for sure set in stone happening when in reality it’s really not.
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nerdysleepybunny · 3 months
I got this idea while talking with a Husk bot on character.ai LMAO there will be more Hazbin fics coming, I just need to find the motivation to write them ^^
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Fandom(s): Hazbin Hotel
Character(s): Husk
Reader: Gender-neutral (you/your)
TW: Alcohol, crying
Style: Short story
Summary: you’ve been crying at the bar for a while now. When Husk finally decides to ask why, you give him probably the dumbest story he’s ever heard. But he comforts you regardless.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
It was a late night in the Hazbin Hotel. Husk should’ve closed the bar a while ago, as there were no more customers to serve at this hour. But he was forced to stay on the clock due to you. You’ve been sitting in that same stool, sobbing and occasionally sipping on the drink he had given you a while ago. It was honestly just sad seeing you like this. With only your choked sobs and sniffles filling the otherwise quiet room, it was hard to ignore you. Even with all the booze he was drinking.
But you and Husk haven’t talked much. Sure, he’s memorized your favorite drinks, and he’s learned a lot about you just by observing you during Charlie’s bonding activities. But you haven’t exactly talked one on one. So he couldn’t find it in him to just… comfort you. Especially since it’s already been, what? Ten minutes? Husk just sat there and chugged down bottle after bottle, occasionally glancing at you to see if you were calming down. He just hoped that you’d stop crying soon and fuck off so he could finally close the bar.
But when you did begin to calm down, Husk’s attitude was different. Your cries slowly morphed into hiccups as you began to take deep breaths, finally trying to calm yourself. And instead of kicking you out like he would anyone else, he finally spoke up. “What happened, kid?”
You perked up at the sound of Husk’s voice, honestly forgetting that he had even been there. He was so silent while you were crying, you may as well have been in an empty room. But you were too embarrassed to answer Husk’s question. The reason you were crying wasn’t ideal in the slightest, and you’ve seen how Husk was. Especially with Angel Dust. Always so judgmental… surely he’d laugh at you if you told him. “Nothing, it’s stupid.”
Husk rose one of his (comically) large eyebrows at you. He was a bartender, he’s heard it all before. Relationship issues, trauma, losing a loved one. Hell, even Alastor has gotten too drunk and spilled some… very much not needed information to the poor cat demon. How could your issues be any worse? “Kid, if it’s making you cry this hard, it must be a big deal to you.”
And he was right. It was a big deal for you, but for others? It was laughable. But you wanted to tell someone, since nobody else understood. Maybe he’d be the one to sympathize with you. So you took a deep breath, bracing yourself, and drunkenly slurred your troubles to him.
“My friend took my favorite shirt and stretched it out. It doesn’t fit me the same anymore, and I won’t be able to find another one like it.”
Husk just… blinked. And stared. Had he heard you right? So the reason he’s been sitting here listening to you sob for a good ten-fifteen minutes, was because of a goddamn shirt? “…that’s it?”
You could practically hear the disappointment in Husk’s voice, and a sigh left your lips as you buried your face in your arms. You weren’t in the mood to be judged. “Nevermind. Forget it.”
Husk could hear the defeat in your voice, and it was enough to make his ears go flat against his head. He didn’t mean to upset you further. In fact, he didn’t mean it in that way at all. “No, kid-! I didn’t mean it like that. I just thought you’d be crying over something more serious.” Husk had to think fast. You were already upset, and he had no idea how to make you feel better. “Listen… I get it, y’know? It sucks losing things you’re attached to.”
You hadn’t expected that from Husk at all, to the point you questioned if maybe he was faking it. But his words sounded so genuine, making you slowly lift your head from your arms to peek. Your eyes met his yellow ones, and his ears quickly lifted once he realized you were looking, like he didn’t want you to see that he actually cared. But you had seen the movement clear as day, even with the tears in your eyes. It made you smile.
Husk assumed that you were smiling because of his words, so he decided to keep going. “You wanna know something, kid? Back when I was alive, I had this hat. It was the damn best hat I’ve ever owned. Wore it every day. But then I lost it… and I never really got over it.” Seeing the curious glint in your eyes, Husk smiled. Just a little. “Yeah. It still hurts me, y’know? Every time I see a sinner down here with a similar hat, I feel the pain all over again.”
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Bonus: You and Husk surprised each other with a new hat and a new shirt. You became more than just drinking buddies in no time. :)
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dem-obscure-imagines · 2 months
I Know the End | Vol. 3
Poe Dameron x Reader
Fandom: Star Wars
Summary: You were one of the Rebellion’s greatest weapons in the Galactic Civil War, a Princess from a distant planet, a Jedi with wings. Now, you’ve found yourself in a new world, a new war, your old friends long gone.
When Poe Dameron was sent on a wild goose chase of a reconnaissance mission four systems out, he never expected to find the key to his heart…
Note: At long last, here it is. Thank you for your patience. I love you all. I honestly wrote this as a long-winded attempt to make Poe Dameron’s dumbest line “Somehow, Palpatine returned” into a gut-wrenching and emotional moment and it got way out of hand. I am no Star Wars expert, but I did a lot of research for this and consider myself waaaaaaay more of a SW nerd now than I was a mere two months ago. Could probably write a dissertation on it at this point (I say as I literally churned out a novel). It is my first time writing for the fandom, though, so, here goes nothing. I did make up a fair bit of stuff and a good handful of OCs for this. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, lightsaber and blaster wounds, alcohol consumption, war and the implications of it, gets a little steamy but no smut, reader has nightmares, misuse of the Force, Rewriting the Rise of Skywalker a lil bit…
Word Count: 82.7k total (Split into four approximately 20k chunks)Reader Is: 24, a Jedi, a Princess, has butterfly wings
Vol 1. | Vol 2. | Vol 3. | Vol 4.
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Sentimental or Superstitious
You could tell when Poe walked into your meditation room that he didn’t exactly have good news. Your eyes were closed. You were floating in the back of the room, a few wooden balls floating in rings around you, like moons in orbit. You felt him in the doorway, watching, a certain warmth swirling in his chest.
“You can say hi, you know.” You told him, eyes still closed.
“Didn’t want to scare you.” He admitted, walking inside, steps slow.
“You couldn’t. I always feel when you’re here.” You finally opened them, letting in the light, dim though it was. “Your energy is pretty hard to ignore.”
“I’m flattered, your Highness.” He put a hand to his chest, his smile hiding something. You could tell. Maybe it was the Force, or maybe it was something else entirely, but you were always able to read him like a book.
You walked closer, using the Force to close the door behind him, then the curtains, granting you some privacy. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”
“Mission. Black Squadron. Outer Rim. We’re gonna be gone for three days.” He said, taking your hand. He fiddled with your fingers absently, waiting for your response.
“Oh. Yeah, alright.” You nodded, that bittersweet feeling sinking in. It was familiar, in a way. That was how the Rebellion had been, too. People left sometimes for days at a time. Sometimes, they wouldn’t come back. It was a war. That was the nature of those sorts of things. “Be safe.”
“That’s…it? You’re not gonna try to stop me?” He asked, almost sad about it.
“I know I couldn’t if I tried.” You said, slipping your hand further into his. “You’re nothing if not stubborn. I happen to love that about you. And this…isn’t my first war. I know how these things go.”
He nodded, eyes locked on the way your fingers looked together. Yours in his. His wrapped around yours. You’d held his hands so many times, and yet, he still got chills from the feeling. Everything about the two of you together felt so right. He couldn’t remember a part of his life without you in it anymore. It both thrilled and scared him.
“I just…I need you to know that every time you climb into that cockpit, you’re taking my heart with you.” You said, taking a step closer, raising your hand to rest against his cheek. “Be careful with it.”
He’d shaved a few days before, but now he had some decent stubble growing back already. It suited him.
Poe closed his eyes, let out a long breath, letting your touch soothe away the cresting doubts in his mind. He reached up and held your hand against his cheek, eyes big and sad and brown. “(Y/N), you can’t just say that and still expect me to leave.”
You chuckled. “I know. I mean it, though. You…” You’re the love of my life, Poe Dameron. “You mean a lot to me, you know. I need you and that droid of yours to get back to me in one piece.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He smiled, pressing a kiss to your thumb.
“What time are you wheels-up?”
“About an hour from now. Hour and a half maybe.”
“Great. Then meet me in my quarters in five.” You told him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. With a flourish of your wrists, the curtains opened again. You used the Force to push the door back open, into its welcoming, propped position.
BB-8, who was sitting just outside it, whirred in greeting, promising to help the mission go smoothly.
“Oh I know you will, Bee.” You reassured him, glancing back at Poe as you left him standing there, your heart in his hand. “You’re one of our best.”
You sat on your bunk, fingers fiddling with the Mariposan Healer’s Pendant, which you had strung from a leather cord. It was the same cord your kyber crystal had been strung on, repurposed. When the door slid open, you set it on your nightstand, looking up to find Poe, still in his leather jacket and a soft shirt.
He shed the jacket almost immediately, depositing it on the chair at your desk. He walked over to the bed, hands finding your waist quickly as he kissed you. It was different this time, slower, more passionate, deliberate and careful. He brought one hand up to the back of your neck, guiding it into your hair.
Poe leaned forward, urging you onto your back, movements hardly domineering, but steadfast and sure. Guiding, not demanding. A request, not an order.
You laid back, a hand on his cheek, the other guiding him down on top of you.
He rested his head on your chest, letting out a long breath as you started playing with his hair, his arms looped around your waist. His breathing was slow, relaxed. He knew if he closed his eyes, he was at risk of falling asleep to the lulling forces of your warmth on his cheek and the smell of your sweet perfume wafting through his nostrils.
“Is this an okay position for you?” He asked. “I just…your wings. I don’t wanna crush you, baby.”
“They’re flexible like that. They’ll be fine.” You reassured him, fingers still buried in his soft curls. “It’s like falling asleep on your arm. Cuts off circulation for a little while, but no real harm done.”
“Mmm,” he hummed, the vibrations gentle against you.
“I’ve never seen you scared like this.” You told him. “Is it a bad one?”
“Pretty routine.” He shrugged. “Nothing particularly dangerous. It’s…well, it’s all dangerous on some level, but you know what I mean. I just…I’ve always flown with nothing to lose. That’s not really the case anymore.”
Your heart just about melted. You kissed the crown of his head.
“You know, Rose says that…this Resistance…it’s not about fighting what you hate, it’s about protecting what you love.” You said. “That’s how it was for us, too. You can’t think about the what ifs too hard. You have to think about the celebration after. You picture all your friends there. Alive. Happy. Safe. And you fight for those victories, the ones where everyone gets to celebrate.”
He smiled, tilting his face up to kiss your cheek, then your lips. He hovered above you for a moment, admiring you, that flyboy smile returning to that handsome face. “You’re wiser than your years, you know.”
“I’ve been told that, yeah.” You chuckled, leaning up to kiss him. “I, uh, have something for you.”
“Oh yeah?”
You sat up as he sat back and reached for the necklace on your nightstand, pressing it into his palm. He stared at it for a long moment, He thought about this rock a lot, the one he’d used to wake you up, the one he’d journeyed across several planets to find. He couldn’t fathom why you were giving it back to him now,
“Baby, this is yours.”
“You used it to save me once. It’ll bring you back to me in one piece.” You said, curling his fingers around it. “Call me sentimental or superstitious…”
“Thank you.” He said, grasping it tight. He slipped the cord over his neck, the metal clinking against the ring there. His mother’s ring. “I’ll get it back to you. I promise.”
You pressed one final kiss to his pillow-soft lips before murmuring, “You better, flyboy.”
History Echoes
You saw the Squadron off from your spot on the hill at the edge of camp, watching as their X-Wings took off into the air, getting into formation before blasting away at lightspeed. Your hair blew in the breeze. Artoo beeped beside you, comforting.
“Oh I know, Artoo. He’s the best there is. And BB-8 will take care of him.” You said.
He beeped out a message, basically calling you out for being too emotionally invested in a pilot.
You laughed. “I know that, too. But this flyboy is different.”
Artoo agreed and the two of you returned to camp.
In the afternoon, you stood in the patch of dirt outside the kitchens, fenced in loosely. You’d been saving food scraps, propagating the ends of heads of lettuce, producing sprouts from fruit pits, collecting seeds. With so many troops, fresh food was a luxury you could not take for granted. Being able to grow more food would be crucial.
“I knew it was a matter of time before I found you out here with your hands in the dirt.” Laesynda said, gliding through the gate. Posture straight, eyes warm.
“Took me a while to get things to sprout.” You confessed. “And I recently stumbled into some free time.”
“Mind if I help you?”
“If you don’t mind getting dirty, Admiral.” You said, a glint of mischief in your eye as she knelt in the dirt beside you, despite her long, flowing Mariposan garb. You used a trowel to create little holes in the dirt, carefully placing sprouts roots-down in the moist soil. You covered them carefully, sweeping the dirt into place with your hands, patting them down flat.
Laesynda helped, very obviously trained by the few Mariposans that remained. Gardening and plants had always been important to your people. You were glad that your sister had learned that, despite the circumstances.
“I heard Black Squadron shipped out.” She said, voice even. “You doing okay?”
“Oh yeah. I’m fine.”
“So this isn’t stress gardening?”
“No. Well, maybe a little.”
“How are things with you and him?” She asked. “I heard him lying to some of the rookies that Jedi aren’t allowed to fall in love.”
You burst into laughter, able to picture it so easily. “He would say that, wouldn’t he? Well, it’s good. We’re good.”
“I noticed you two touching less. In public, that is. I figured that either meant your little gala went very well, or very wrong.” She said with a laugh.
“I think you and Soren are the only two that have it figured out.”
“Not Rey?”
“She doesn’t pry, which is nice. And if we tell one person, we’ll have to tell everyone, and we’re definitely not ready for that.” You admitted. “I do plan on telling Leia, though. She’d want to know.”
“She’s been rooting for you two since the beginning.” Laesynda confessed. “She and I talked about it one night over a bottle of Mariposan wine.”
You missed those days, gossiping with Leia. It was…weird, being in different age groups. You hoped it was something you would grow back into, being friends with her again. Now, whether she meant to or not, she treated you as something of a niece. A child of hers, even, which only made sense, given the circumstances on her end. But still.
Chewie stood at the fence and let out a curious roar.
“We’re starting a garden. Growing some fresh fruits and veggies for the food supply.” You told him. “Do you want to help?”
He agreed, walking over and setting to work with you, helping move heavy piles of soil, and once things were planted, he helped move some stepping stones into place. You set out large barrels to collect rainwater. It rained a decent bit on Ajan Kloss, but it was also pretty warm. It would be nice to have some water saved in case you hit a dry patch.
The three of you worked out there for hours, a few other volunteers helping until you had several neat little rows of plants, as well as paths through and around them, the fence reinforced to keep out the native species of animals that lived on the planet. Most of them were friendly, at least as far as you knew, but you were sure they were more than likely to end up nibbling on your veggies.
Laesynda wrapped an arm around you, Chewie standing on your other side as you looked down at the literal fruits of your labor. If you all lived on this base long enough, you could only imagine the kinds of things that would start to take root.
In the canteen, after dinner, the room was filled with various recruits, passing their idle time before bed. Some played cards, some read quietly by themselves. Some were sharing drinks, telling stories from home.
You were sitting in there, getting some reading done yourself. Luke had left you some notes he’d taken during his studies. Experiments he had done, learning new tricks and abilities with the Force. He’d written about a Force-sensitive tree that he and Poe’s parents had planted on Yavin IV. He’d written about a young Yoda-like student he’d had, a baby who was fifty years old, raised by a Mandalorian. He’d written about Force healing, that is, how to use your life force to heal most injuries. Extreme ones were risky, supposedly, but minor injuries could be patched up mostly harmlessly.
It was good to know. You had never tried it. Though you hadn’t had all that much training before going to sleep for thirty years. But that was what the notes were for, you supposed. To fill in those blanks.
“This seat taken?” One of the new recruits asked. He was a pilot, that much you knew. Not Reggie. This guy was tall, covered in lean muscle. He had something of a mullet, hair a dark brown color.
“Not at all.”
“You’re the princess, right? The Jedi?”
“That would be me.”
“I’m Foxx. I’m with Blue Squadron.”
“Cool. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the Resistance.” You said, turning back to your studies. You could feel his eyes on you, though. 
“Commander Dameron was spreading a rumor, I thought I’d find out if it was true.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”
“He said Jedi aren’t allowed to fall in love. Thought I’d ask you out. See if I could change your mind.” He asked.
You thought he was joking. Wanted him to be joking. But when you looked up, his eyes were dead serious. You laughed.
“Is this that? This is the…asking me out part?” You laughed again and the cocky look on his face flickered. “Listen, kid, I’m flattered. But…Commander Dameron never lies. I don’t date. Especially not flyboys like you.”
You packed up your book and gave him a friendly shoulder pat, chuckling at the irony of it all before moving towards your room to read there instead.
“You don’t date, huh?” Leia asked, walking somewhere. “You and Luke must have changed your minds on that, then.”
You laughed. “Yeah something like that. That or it keeps these ogling rookies off my back.”
“You can’t blame them, you know. I remember when we were the elusive young princesses on base.” She chuckled. “You alone get to share that burden now.”
“The weight of the galaxy on these shoulders.” You said, reminiscent. “How have you been, Leia?”
She offered her hand. “Why don’t we have a talk? It’s been a while.”
“I was going to say the same thing.” You agreed, taking it. The two of you walked back to her quarters and sat in the chairs she had by the window, overlooking, ironically enough, your garden. A flowering tree was growing just beyond the window’s edge, purple and pink hues framing the sight perfectly.
You looked around. There were a few projected holos of her and Han, their wedding, and a boy you could only assume was Ben, or more accurately, Kylo. You shivered.
“How has your training been going?” She asked first.
“Really well. Soren is coming along nicely. He’s a little unsure at first, but once he’s done something a few times, he really gets the hang of it. And Rey, as I’m sure you know, is a natural. I haven’t seen the Force this strong in anyone since…well, since Luke.”
“I barely believed it myself when Han brought her along for the first time. He really warmed up to her. You know how hard that was to pull off.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” You replied, letting out a breath.
“And no one around here has been giving you trouble?”
“Oh, no. Everyone’s been nice.”
“Even Poe?”
“Especially Poe.” You said, lips curling around his name with warmth. 
You met her eyes and…you could tell she knew. She was your best friend, had been since you were girls. Your dads had been friends growing up. Well, her adoptive father, but Bail Organa had been nothing but good to her, whereas Vader had a muddier track record.
“He’s a little reckless,” she said, tone indicating this was the beginning of a list. “Headstrong. He’s got a bit of a rebellious streak. But…he’s incredibly loyal. Brave. I…well, I see a lot of Han in him.”
“I can see why.” You nodded. You saw it too. Hell, you’d thought he was Han, that first time you’d laid eyes on him, your vision blurred.
“Did he tell you about his attempted mutiny?”
“His what?” You asked, sitting more comfortably.
She explained to you what had really happened just before the battle of Crait. The dreadnought incident, Admiral Holdo, and Poe’s attempted mutiny against her before he got stunned. You couldn’t help but chuckle a little, imagining where you’d have fallen in all that. It would have been tricky. Especially if you’d have had higher clearance than Poe, which you would have with his demotion. 
But at the time, Luke was still alive. Part of you was pretty sure you would have been off with him, untangling whatever web was still hanging between you, training Rey together.
“He’s learned a lot since then, I think. It taught him to take a step back, to look at the bigger picture before getting too trigger-happy.” Leia said softly. “I think if we need him, he’d be a great leader. A great general.”
“You’re not going anywhere.” You said, layering your hand over hers. “And you make a great general too, if I do say so myself.”
Her eyes twinkled. “It means worlds to hear you say that.”
“Leia…Poe and I…we’re…”
“Oh, I know.” She laughed. “You’ve never been able to hide things like that from me. I could feel it coming since the two of you first stepped off the Falcon together. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you. I knew then that I’d sent him for a reason. And I think you’re good together, for the record.”
“Thanks.” You chuckled. “So you knew…when we went to that gala…”
“I was hoping you would. Figured it would help get both of your minds back to where they needed to be, instead of dancing around each other like Han and I.”
“We’re still keeping it kind of quiet, though.” You told her. “Just for now. We haven’t talked about…telling people.”
“I know.” She winked. “Take your time. We have a war to win, after all. There are stranger things we have to face than a princess and a pilot falling in love.”
It was like history was echoing, in a lot of ways. You could feel the way it bounced against the caverns, threads interlocking into something new, but familiar. This life, your new life, was made of the same cloth as the old one, after all. But this parallel meant something else to you. Leia and Han, though not forever, got their life together.
You could only hope to get to that point with Poe. A life after the war, a home to settle down in. A wedding. And you hoped Leia would be there, too. You hoped all of them would.
In the morning, the second day of Poe’s three-day mission, you laid in bed alone. You hadn’t really dreamt, aside from murmurs of him. His voice, his soft hair between your fingers, his lips. It felt different than your other dreams, the ones you’d had of him in your life before.
They weren’t prophecies anymore. They were real. He was yours.
But it still hurt when you opened your eyes and saw the empty pillow in front of you, didn’t even feel his presence down the hall in his shared room with Finn.
You hoped he was okay out there.
After a quick breakfast, you set out into the forest for more flight training with Soren. You’d set up a few variations on courses, training yourself as much as him, challenging the both of you to fly higher, further, faster. Covering distance would make you indispensable in a fight. Like an X-Wing on the ground, but with a lightsaber instead of a giant blaster. It would also make it easier to get away from a fight, if you needed a quick escape. There weren’t many enemies that could counter that kind of maneuver.
After that, you went into your meditation room to find Finn there, sitting on one of the cushions. Eyes closed, breaths slow and even. Ribbons of sunlight danced across his skin, through the billowing curtains that hung in the window. In front of him, one of your wooden balls wiggled once, twice, before lifting, very slowly, a few inches into the air.
Your eyes widened, staring. You weren’t doing it. Rey and Soren weren’t even there. No, it was Finn, moving it with his mind. With the Force.
“Finn.” You whispered.
His eyes opened and the ball fell. He met your eyes, confused almost, as to why you looked so shocked. “What?”
“You just…You’re Force Sensitive!” You pointed to the ball.
He stared up at you.
“You were lifting the ball! I saw it!” You insisted, heart racing with excitement. You’d always known there was something about him. That spark of potential, waiting to be honed.
“I wasn’t trying to. I’ve…been stressed, so I thought I’d try meditation, like you and Rey do.”
You crossed the room, taking both of his hands in yours. “I always knew it. I could feel there was something there. This is…you’re one of us. I don’t want to spring all of this on you at once, but…if you want to, if you’re ready, you can start joining the rest of us for training. See if this is something you want to pursue.”
“You’re being serious.”
“Of course I am.” You nodded, wings fluttering a bit behind you. “We’d have to find you a saber, but…”
“What’s going on?” Rey asked, walking into the room with her staff slung over her shoulder.
You beamed at her. “Finn is Force Sensitive!”
“I knew it!” Her face lit up and she raced into the room, hugging him tightly. “This is incredible! I can’t wait to tell Poe!”
“Me either.” He grinned, opening up the hug to let you in. You hugged them gladly. This was the beginnings of it, you could feel it. These two and Soren. Your class of Jedi.
You were finally setting out to finish the work you had started some thirty years ago.
And you couldn’t wait to tell Poe either, when he finally got back.
After dinner, some of the mech crew had a bonfire outside. A small one. Roasted some ronto sausages that were in danger of going bad, cracked open a few saved bottles of liquor. You sat next to Finn, warming in the flickering light.
“He named me, you know. Poe.” He said, voice soft. You could barely hear him above the chirps of the crickets out in the grass.
“I didn’t know that.”
“He and I…when I escaped the First Order, we stole a TIE fighter and blasted our way out. Crashlanded on Jakku. That’s where I met Rey. But during that flight, he asked my name. I didn’t have one. They don’t give Stormtroopers those, just…numbers. An identification code.”
“Mmm…” You hummed, listening. In all your years, Finn was the first defected Stormtrooper you had met, had talked to. You were so glad he’d gotten out.
“And he wasn’t having it. Took the first two letters, F-N, and named me Finn.” He said, a smile pulling at his lips. “I…thought he was dead for a while. Didn’t see him after the crash. But, he’s nothing if not a fighter.”
“Definitely.” You agreed. Your eyebrows furrowed. “Do you…have a last name?”
“No. I don’t even know if I have a family out there, somewhere.” He admitted. “The First Order takes kids from all over. I doubt they keep track of which kids come from where.”
“I’m really sorry, Finn. That must be hard.”
“It was. Is sometimes, if I’m being honest. But Poe, Rey, you…you’ve all made it easier. You’re the closest thing to family I’ve ever had.”
“We are family.” You assured him, reaching over and putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re more than a brother to me at this point. And someday, wherever we all end up after this war, you’ll always have a place in my home. I mean that.”
He let out a long breath, smiling warmly at you. “Thank you, (Y/N). Would, um…would you mind if I joined you tomorrow morning? For training?”
“I’d be honored if you would.”
Rugged Good Looks
Finn did indeed join the three of you for training, armed, as Soren had once been, with a large stick. You ran him through some basic techniques, since he already had experience with a saber, that seemed like a good place to start. The Force stuff would come in time, but it was clear he already had it, you’d just have to get him to build on it from there.
You sparred with Rey a bit after. She was really good. Her experience with a staff was evident with each flourish and move. You wondered absently if a double-bladed saber would suit her, or where you’d get the kyber crystals for that. Soren would soon be getting to the point where he should be building his own anyway, but you’d have to take a trip for that. A trip you weren’t sure the Resistance could afford, as things were currently.
But Finn would need a saber soon, too…
Soren and Finn ran some drills, Finn watching as your nephew did the first few, the sound of your legacy saber familiar. You were proud that he was wielding it. Proud of him, really. He’d come so far in such a short amount of time. You were sure he’d be ready for field work soon. Couldn’t imagine his mother would be thrilled about it, but you knew he was itching to get out there, to see the galaxy and make a difference in the fight against the First Order.
Just before you and Soren were set to switch to flight training, the sound of several X-Wings coming in for a landing breached the atmosphere. Black Squadron. They were home. A quick headcount of the incoming ships confirmed what you already knew to be true. Poe was fine. He was here. Your heart raced at the thought of it.
“Black Squadron is back!” Rey said, smiling.
“Let’s…call it a day today.” You said, reaching for your water canister and taking a long drink. “Good work today, everyone. We’ll pick up there tomorrow.”
Rey and Finn exchanged a knowing look, but didn’t call you out on it.
“What about flight training, Aunt (Y/N)?” Soren laughed with a chuckle.
“Uhhhhhh I mean, I think we’re both doing pretty good at that, actually. One day off isn’t gonna hurt.” You said, heat blossoming across your cheeks.
The four of you began the long walk back to camp. You were a lot deeper in the woods than when you’d started training with just Rey all those months ago. More Force users meant it was a little more dangerous, the kinds of things you were doing. You didn’t want any unsuspecting comms technicians to stumble on your exercises out there and get seriously hurt.
You were maybe a quarter of the way when you spotted him,  BB-8, barreling towards you at top speed. At first, you thought he was just excited to be back, to see all of you, but then you caught wind of his beeps telling you that Poe was injured. That they’d taken him to the infirmary.
It was like time stopped.
Before you could say anything to the others, make any kind of plan, your wings flexed to their full span and you took off, racing through trees, about seven feet higher than you’d ever flown, soaring right past the mechs and engineers running through camp to take stock of the X-Wings that had just landed. Your speed alone would give a pod-racer pause.
You hung a right, never touching the ground once until you were at the front entrance of the infirmary, dodging through nurses and droids to find where they had him. You were breathless, wings burning. A nurse spotted you and ushered you towards Poe’s room.
From the doorway, you could see his battered orange flight suit. You stepped closer, breaths still heavy, scanning him over for damages as best you could while the nurse took his vitals. It was mostly concentrated to his face, it seemed. Two swollen, purpled black eyes, a broken nose.
“(Y/N)? How did you get here so fast?” Snap asked, standing on the other side of the cot.
You shook your head. “Not important. What happened? Is he okay?”
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Does it look that bad?”
“Can you see?” You asked, taking a few steps closer. It didn’t look like it, the way his eyes were nearly covered by the bruised flesh.
“We’re gettin’ there. Doc said these meds should help with the swelling.” He said, reaching for you, following your voice.
“Does it hurt?”
“Again, lots of meds.”
You chuckled, tears welling in your eyes at the sight of him. Maker, you were glad he was okay. “That wasn’t a no.”
He heard the crack in your voice and the sarcasm immediately melted away. His hand finally met its target: your own, fastening quickly around yours. “I’m fine, baby. It’s okay. Hey, look at me.”
Finn, Rey, and Soren walked in, BB-8 rolling in just after. He beeped out a long string, incredulous.
“You flew here?!” Snap asked, clearly impressed.
“You WHAT?!” Poe asked, wincing after, the enthusiasm of it hurting. “I didn’t know you’d worked up to that already!”
“She didn’t.” Soren said with a laugh. “Just flew. Straight over camp. Didn’t touch down once.”
“Heard you were injured and took off.” Rey added, walking over to stand with you. “Didn’t stay long enough to hear BB-8 say you were okay.”
He let out a lovesick sigh, squeezing your hand as Finn joined the two of you beside his cot. You could tell he wanted to say something else, but held it in with your friends all congregated there. “You should see the other guy.”
“What happened?” You asked.
“Fight with some spice runners in the Outer Rim. They intercepted one of our shipments, so we went to get it back.”
“Poe fought a guy three times his size.” Snap recalled. “Knocked him out, but not before…that.”
“Wow. Sounds like you’re a hero, Commander Dameron.” Finn chuckled.
“Feelin’ real heroic.”
“Looking real heroic.” Rey said, earning laughs from the rest of you.
“Take a scan. Might last you longer. They’re gonna have me back to normal in no time.” He assured, thumb tracing circles in the back of your hand. “What else is goin’ on around here? I was gone three days, I can’t have missed that much.”
“Actually, I just started my Jedi training.” Finn said.
Poe laughed. “Good one.”
“Poe.” You said, trying to meet his eyes. It was hard, with the swelling.
“Wait, what?! Are you serious?” Poe looked from you to Finn, who smiled nervously. “You’re Force Sensitive too? Finn, that’s great! That’s…wow. Maybe I should go on missions more often if you guys are so productive while I’m gone.”
“We need you here, too.” Rey said, smiling softly. “Glad you’re back. Glad you’re okay.”
Finn, Rey, Soren and Snap finished saying their well-wishes to Poe and then got out of there just as the nurse finished up, giving you some time alone with him.
He scooted to the far end of the cot, patting the space he’d left there.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Poe.”
“Don’t care. Come here. I’ve been waiting three days to hold you, I’m not letting some flesh wound get in the way of that.”
You chuckled, sitting on the edge of the cot, facing him. He reached up and took your face in both hands, his touch careful, but definitely more or less affected by the heavy meds they had him on. He pulled your face closer until your nose was touching the end of his and winced when your skin made the lightest contact.
“Careful.” You warned.
“I am being careful.” He insisted.
“Uh-huh. Sure you are. You are known for that.”
He grinned, ignoring the comment. “So tell me again about this flying over the whole base to get here?” He looked down at BB-8, who was still in the room, watching the two of you. “Did you get it? Can you show me?”
BB-8 beeped in affirmation and projected into the air, his memory of you getting the news, eyes zoning out as your wings spread to their full span, and then you took off towards the infirmary at top speed, leaves blown apart by the gust of wind you stirred up behind you.
Poe gasped. “Play it again. Slow it down fifty percent.” He said and BB-8 did just that, playing the clip again, showing the two of you your first full flight ever. You were the first Mariposan in generations to do so. “Wow, baby, you were worried about me, huh?”
“Can you blame me?” You said, turning to look at him, his eyes locked on you, gaze as soft as it could be despite the circumstances.
“I don’t think I could, showing up looking like this.” He chuckled. “I’ve still got my rugged good looks, though, right?”
“Always, hotshot.” You smiled softly. “You’d look badass if you weren’t in so much pain.”
His hand slipped into yours, fingers intertwining. He reached up and tilted your face, doing everything in his power to keep his very broken nose from brushing against yours on the way to your lips, but jolted when it did anyway, letting out a frustrated sigh. “This is gonna be really hard…”
You frowned, looking at his pathetic, pained state. And then Luke’s notes came to mind. Maybe your ex-boyfriend was good for something after all.
“Let me try something.”
“Are you gonna Jedi Mind Trick me into forgetting it hurts every time I try to kiss you? Because that could work…”
Laughter bubbled from your lips. “It would not work, actually. Those wouldn’t work on you.”
“Why is that? I’ve been meaning to ask.”
“Because they only work on idiots.”
He smirked. “Well, like I said, I’m on a lot of meds, so now is the time to experiment with that.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “I’d hit you if you weren’t already injured.”
“What were you thinking instead?”
“Permission to use the Force on you?”
“Uh, sure. I trust you.” He said, sitting up a little straighter, wincing at the effort it took.
Your hand tightened on his and you zoned in, taking a deep breath and focusing your energy. Your Force. You reached out with the other hand, holding it in front of his injured face. You closed your eyes, fingers splaying as you transferred energy from you to him.
He let out a little breath of astonishment, vision clearing as his swelling went down, bruises clearing to nothing. With a twitch, his nose set back into place. His mouth fell open, realizing what had happened. You’d healed him. You’d used the Force to heal him. Maker, the things that did to him…
You opened your eyes to find him staring back at you, eyes wide, mouth still hanging open. There he was, your Poe, his injuries from moments ago a mere memory. You lowered your hand, waiting for him to say something.
“What the actual fuck. How did you…do that?” He asked, reaching up to touch his face, experimental. When it didn’t hurt, he looked even more surprised.
“Luke left me some notes.” You admitted. “Finally read them. Apparently this is a thing you can do with the Force, transferring your energy to someone or something else. I didn’t know it would work until now.”
“Mmm…” He nodded, unable to fight the smile spreading across his newly healed face. “The nurses are about to be very confused.”
You laughed, leaning towards him, your nose brushing against his. His hands settled on your hips, pulling you a little closer as he finally kissed you, melting when his lips found yours. He reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, tilting your head as he deepened the kiss.
Part of you worried about someone walking in, seeing the two of you. Part of you didn’t care. You’d waited so long to kiss him again.
He let out a sigh, pressing his forehead to yours, eyes drifting shut for a moment. His lips grazed yours as he whispered, “Three days without you in that cockpit was driving me crazy, starlight. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you, too.”
“Let’s get outta here. Go back to yours. Make up for lost time.” He said, eyes half lidded as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, tugging your waist closer. “Before we get caught in here recreating all the fantasies that have been haunting me.”
You gasped, playfully scandalized. “In front of BB-8?”
He glanced over, as if reminded his droid was sitting there. “Oh. Right. Bee, you wanna go recharge? It’s been a long few days.”
He agreed with a series of beeps, rolling out through the curtained doorway towards his charger in Finn and Poe’s room.
You stood from the bed and helped Poe up after. Once you were both upright, he couldn’t fight the urge any longer, an arm hooking around your back, just beneath your wings, sweeping you into a dip and connecting his lips with yours.
A wistful hum pulled itself from your throat, eyes fluttering shut at the passion in his movements. He really had been thinking through this for three days.
Poe stood you on your feet again, punctuating it with a kiss to your nose, then a kiss to your cheek, and then finally to your lips again. Then, he straightened himself out, leading you out of the room and into the bustling heart of the infirmary.
“Hey, uh, Nurse, am I good to go?” Poe asked, grinning when she looked him up and down, eyes widened at his suddenly healed face.
“Y-you…your face.”
“Don’t compliment him, it’ll just go to his head. Trust me.” You advised.
“Those meds really must have been something. I feel great. I’ve got some work to get back to, though, if you could clear me.”
“Uh, s-sure. Yeah, you look…yeah, that’s fine. Let us know if anything changes.”
“Will do.” Poe saluted, a hand settling on the middle of your back, a painfully neutral position as he guided you through the camp that you’d flown over not twenty minutes earlier.
Some of the recruits watched you, whispering to each other. You weren’t sure if it was about you and Poe, being seen together once again nearly as soon as he’d touched down, Poe’s injuries miraculously vaporizing, or your little flight. Maker, you really had given them a lot to whisper about lately.
You walked back to your quarters, waving amicably at friends of yours. A few stopped for smalltalk, but Poe was on a new mission, continuously guiding you back to the bedrooms. You punched in your code, ushering him in first while no one was watching.
As soon as you were both through the door, he closed it with his palm on the control panel, grabbing you by the hips and pulling you into him, crushing his lips against yours. You let out a gentle moan, hand wandering up into his curls, the other settling against the fabric of his jumpsuit.
You reached for his zipper, fingers fastening around the metal and tugging it down, earning a groan from him, a rasped breath.
“You know, I love it when you do it with the Force, but the other way is great, too.” He said, backing up towards the bed before pulling you down with him, wriggling his shoulders out of the restrictive suit.
He pulled it off, leaving him in an undershirt and boxers, laying on your bed, an orange heap on the floor. You hovered over him, a leg on either side, straddling his hips. One large hand ghosted over your thigh tattoo before they both found new spots, one against your cheek, keeping your face close to his, the other massaging circles on your lower back, edging closer and closer to your wings, but not daring to brush against the spot between them. Not yet, anyways.
The two of you made out for a while, eventually settling into a comfortable cuddling position, you slotted to his side, a leg thrown over his. His arm was wrapped around your waist, your wing spread like a blanket across him while his other hand gently ran down its silken surface.
“I can’t believe you flew to me, baby.” He whispered, still in disbelief. “Flew right over camp. No Mariposan has flown in…what, four generations? Five?”
“You would have too, if you had wings.” You smiled warmly, fingers wandering across his broad chest, stopping to linger on the healing amulet. It had done its job. It had brought him back to you, although a little more injured than you would have liked. But that hardly mattered now. He didn’t even have a scar to show for it. “You’ve been doing your research.”
“‘Course I have. I’m dating the Mariposan princess, after all. I take the responsibility very seriously. Someday, when everyone knows, they’re gonna ask me all the questions, and I’m gonna need to have all the answers.”
“Leia knows. She…figured it out a while ago, I think.”
He chuckled. “That checks out. Snap’ll probably figure it out if he hasn’t already. He heard me call you ‘baby’ today, and he knows I don’t just throw that word around. We can blame it on the meds, though.”
“You think he’ll buy it?”
Poe grinned. “No.”
You laughed, tilting your head up to press a kiss to his cheek, then the corner of his lips.
“Will you grab my jumpsuit?”
You nodded, extending a hand and using the Force to raise the jumpsuit off the floor. He plucked it from the air, digging into the pocket to pull something out. A thin strap of braided leather, light and dark brown woven together. Carefully, he wrapped it around your wrist, clasping the ends so it fit comfortably against your skin.
“Got this for you. At a little market. I read something, maybe it’s not true, about…Mariposans and bracelets. That you’re supposed to give them one to tell them you’d like to…court. I know it’s old-fashioned, but…”
“It’s true.” You smiled, lacing your fingers through his. “So we’re super official, then.”
“I was hoping so.” He murmured, pulling your arm up over his shoulder, drawing you closer and pressing his lips to yours, moving slow, savoring every taste of you. “I’m yours, (Y/N). Always have been. Since the moment you opened those beautiful eyes in that pod. Said you liked my hair and thought I was Han Solo.”
“Is that the way to your heart?” You asked, reaching up to play with the curls in question.
He smiled, taking your hand and kissing up your arm, past your shoulder, up to your lips. “One of ‘em.”
You murmured sweet nothings against his lips, finding them again and again, over and over, his hand gently sweeping down the length of your wing.
Eventually, the two of you would have to go back out there, figure out what came next. What the next move was, both for the war and your relationship. But for now, it was you and him.
Your pilot. Your Poe. And maybe someday, your prince.
Downpour and a Bottle of Wine
A few days later, Leia called another strategy meeting. This one was smaller, essential folks only. This, of course, meant your boyfriend and almost your entire friend group, thankfully, as well as your sister and the rest of the Admirals.
“Our recruitment numbers are at an all-time high, which is…really great. Our new recruits have been training and fitting into life on the base very well, and despite our new garden, courtesy of our Mariposan royals, our supplies are…dwindling. We’ll need to get our hands on more ships, more weapons, more raw materials, more food.”
One of the analysts spoke up about some allies at farms a few systems out that were willing to provide animals, food, crops. The gardens would have to be expanded for the longterm as well. Chewbacca offered to reach out to some of his friends to secure even more resources to keep everyone fed.
“The Hoth base. Is that still there?” You asked, fiddling with the braided leather bracelet on your wrist. “We didn’t clear the place before we left it. In theory, there’d still be stuff there. Weapons. Potentially ships.”
“Definitely ships. If they haven’t been stolen, scrapped for parts.” Wedge spoke up. “We had four X-Wings we had to abandon because they needed repairs. A few transports, too. Plus plenty of building materials we could mine from the structures, if we aren’t planning on going back there in a permanent capacity.”
“It’s cold.” Leia said, unable to hide her smirk. “The team we’ll send will have to bundle up.”
Chewbacca volunteered himself, being more than equipped for the cold. Artoo would go, Threepio.
“Black Squadron can go to recover those ships, General.” Poe volunteered. “We’ll need some mechs to help us fix them up.”
“And some Jedi to dig them out of the snow.” Leia looked to the three, now four, of you, seated all in a row.
“Absolutely, General. Whatever you need.” You agreed, Poe’s eyes flicking to you and then away, a small smile all but concealed on those plush pink lips.
Leia finalized the team. Soren smiled when his name was thrown into the ring and agreed gladly to go. His first mission. But you knew he was ready for it. He’d trained for so long. He was confident with a saber, he was good at using his wings, and the Force was strong with him. He’d be fine. More than fine, if everything went smoothly. It would just be on you to make sure he didn’t freeze to death.
The higher-ups would notify the rest of their teams of their upcoming mission so they could pack warm enough clothes. Undershirts on undershirts, all the jackets that could be spared. Thick socks and scarves and knitted masks.
You left the meeting and started packing immediately, grabbing some warmer clothes from storage.
“Will you help me pack?” Rey asked, walking in there right after you.
“Absolutely. You’re a desert girl. The key to not dying on Hoth is layers and layers and layers. Heavy layers. The opposite of what you’re used to, I’m sure.” You said, and she nodded. 
Out in the heat, light layers that covered your skin were necessary to keep the sun off your back. On Hoth, the air itself was trying to kill you.
You helped her pick a few undershirts, warm leggings and snow pants and snow jackets. Gloves and hats and goggles, and then the two of them hauled it all back to your room to lay it all out for the morning.
“Would you mind terribly if I spent the night in here? We’re leaving so early tomorrow, I thought…” Rey asked. She looked around. “I can sleep on the floor.”
“Oh no, here.” You reached up above your bed and pulled the second bunk out of the wall, the bunk you never used.
Her face lit up. “Oh! I didn’t know they did that!”
“They never gave me a roommate, I’m assuming because they wanted me to adjust to…being alive again. But the bed has always been here. Ideal for sleepovers, one might say.”
“Excellent.” Her arms were wrapped around herself. “There’s…there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you about.”
“Yeah, sure, what’s on your mind?” You asked. You fully expected it to be about you and Poe. Compared to what it actually was, you kind of wished it was about Poe. It would have been easier.
Instead, she said, “I’ve…been connecting to Kylo Ren a lot. I keep having dreams about him and…sometimes when we’re awake, I can see him and he can see me. Never where we are, but…we’ve been connected for some time. I’m not sure why. I was wondering if it was normal, or…how to stop it if it’s not.”
“I’ve never heard of something like that before.” You admitted, very serious. “Luke and I were definitely connected, but not like that. Is he…mean to you? You get nightmares about him?”
“They’re not really nightmares, they’re just…we talk. He’s wanted me to join him. I obviously wouldn’t. He’s…”
She took a breath, thinking. “Do you ever…feel the pull to the dark side?”
There it was. Leia had told you, a long time ago, that this was something Rey struggled with. And obviously, Ben had as well, but he’d lost his fight.
“I think we all do, Rey. There’s nothing wrong with you. The Force isn’t just light or dark, it’s both. When we use the Force, we all open ourselves up to the temptation of the dark side, abilities locked to us, the secrets it promises to share. No person is completely good or completely evil. I think Luke was pretentious about that. But he had to be, his dad was Vader, you know? He and Palpatine were constantly trying to get in his head.” You said, letting her think for a moment before saying. “You’re my friend, Rey. I see the light in you, I always have. You’ve been through so much pain, but still cling to hope. That’s all we can do. One fight at a time, one morning at a time, letting the Force guide us.”
She smiled at that, reaching for your hand. You gave it to her. “Thank you.”
“Any time.” You nodded. “We have to get you a new saber soon. Finn, too. I was thinking about asking Leia after the Hoth trip. Seeing if there’s any way we could get our hands on one. Or some kyber crystals. Unfortunately, those things are not just lying around.”
“A new saber?”
“It’s a coming of age thing. Traditionally, you start training with an heirloom saber, but eventually, you should build your own, unique to you and your journey. There’s no rush to do so, but I feel like you’re ready. Soren, too.”
She nodded. “That would be nice.”
Your door slid open and Poe came in, staring at the two of you wide-eyed. You were just lucky he didn’t hit you with the standard greeting of, “hey, baby, I got a cut, can you kiss it better?” Would have been a little harder to explain away.
“Oh. Hi, ladies.” He said, looking back and forth between you.
“Poe, do you know my code?” You asked him, eyes narrowing.
“Might have picked it up at some point…” He admitted.
“You’re looking awful recovered for someone who had an estimated three weeks of recovery ahead of them.” Rey said, arms crossed. “How did that happen, anyway?”
“Don’t look at me, look at her.” Poe said, pointing at you.
“Turns out, I’ve got some stuff to teach you, actually.” You told her. “Luke left us some notes.”
She pointed to his face, looking at you, impressed. “You did that?”
“Can’t take credit for all of it, but yeah. The rest is just good genetics.”
“Heh, thanks, Princess. Anyways, the guys were thinking of having a little thing out at the cantina if our Jedi would like to make an appearance.” Poe said, which explained the patterned button-down he was wearing, top buttons unbuttoned just far enough to reveal the Mariposan healer’s amulet underneath. “Before we all go freeze our asses off on Hoth.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” You chuckled, looking to Rey. “You coming?”
“Yeah, absolutely.” She smiled. “We’ll see you down there.”
You and Poe made your appearance at the party, separated from each other, which was…odd to anyone who knew you. You made your rounds, having a drink or two, joking and laughing and catching up. You talked about the mission, figuring out who all was going. Aspen was, as it turned out. It would be one of her first field missions. Rose was going too, to help get the heating system working so you didn’t all freeze to death spending the night there. Chewbacca was going, too, which brought back memories to say the very least.
You played a few rounds of Space Pong, danced with Rey, and then caught Poe’s eyes. He was holding a bottle of wine, standing by the door, eyes saying everything his mouth could not from that distance.
You got the hint.
He slipped out the door first and you followed after a few minutes, claiming to want to get to sleep earlier for the busy day ahead. You gave Rey your room code and then left, walking out towards the clearing.
You looked around for any sign of him, out in the dark, but you didn’t see him. Just before you reached out to see if the Force could guide you to him instead, he jumped out from behind a tree, grabbing you around the waist and spinning you around.
A surprised squeal fell from your mouth and he kissed up your neck, shushing you.
“Gotta be quiet if you don’t wanna get caught, your Highness.” He murmured, kissing behind your ear, voice soft and sultry.
“Been a while since you’ve hit me with the your Highness, Commander.” You chuckled as he set you down. You turned to face him, one hand tugging him in for a kiss.
“I can use it more often, if you want.”
You shook your head. “No thank you. I much prefer the other names you call me.”
He grinned. “Like Princess?”
You laughed, giving his chest a playful push, nose scrunched. “I don’t like that one either.”
He perked up. “Wait, you seriously don’t like your titles?”
“Not particularly.” You admitted with a shrug.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” He asked, fingers sliding into their natural place, intertwined with your own.
“Well, it’s just…I mean, they’re practical when people are slinging titles around, I guess. General this and Admiral that. A ‘your Highness’ is fine there. But I like when people just call me (Y/N). And I like when you call me all sorts of things.” You said, wrapping an arm around his neck and pressing a kiss to his lips. “You can call me whatever you want, Poe. It always sounds right when you do it.”
His arm tentatively wrapped around your waist, still holding onto the wine bottle he’d snagged. “Well then, (Y/N), might I steal you away for the rest of the evening?”
“I’d be honored.”
The two of you walked up to the clearing together, hand in hand, swinging them between you as you stood beneath the stars. No wonder Poe loved flying so much. It looked like this all the time up there.
You sat on the grass, Poe beside you, leg against yours. He popped open the wine bottle and offered you the first sip. You almost giggled, tilting it back. You couldn’t count the times you’d been sitting just like that, sharing bottles with his mother. You had the same taste in wine, after all.
He took a drink from it next, setting it in the grass, twisting it a few times into the soft soil so it stood upright. He wrapped an arm around your waist, the other hand turning your face towards his, searching your eyes as though they held the keys to the universe.
He exhaled, staring at you like you were a painting in a museum and he was committing every detail to memory. “I’ve been fighting hard to keep the new recruits off of you.”
You giggled. “I heard about that. Apparently Jedi aren’t allowed to fall in love, huh?”
“Well, we’ll just have to hope that is a vicious rumor someone started.”
“Someone!” You laughed, pushing against his chest.
“Yeah, they must have gotten it wrong.” He said through a smile, arms grasping onto yours. “Because…this feels like that to me.”
He left the door open then, for you to say it in words. For him to say it back. And you did love him. Had for longer than you’d known. But saying it outright still felt wrong.
Instead, you replied, “I think we both know it is.”
He melted against you like a wave on the shore, sweet with the taste of the wine you were sharing, sip by sip. The two of you watched the sky for a while, sharing the wine until the bottle was nearly empty and the two of you were tipsy on the warm feelings swirling between you.
You barely noticed when the first raindrop fell. Nearly missed the second and third. But the downpour after was pretty hard to ignore.
“Maker, this came out of nowhere.” You said, wings flaring as you got to your feet. Poe stood beside you, eyes following a drop of water that trailed down your nose. “We should get back.”
“Wait,” Poe grabbed your arm, turning you towards him as he kissed you, his lips warm in the rain that was steadily soaking both of your clothes, your hair.
Your arms wandered up, hands linking around his neck as his wrapped around your waist, head tilting as a raindrop ran down the slope of his nose, onto your lips. You reached into his rain-soaked curls, grasping the collar of his jacket with the other hand. It was breathless, reckless, your heart racing in your chest flush with his as the lights of camp glowed in the distance.
Tomorrow, you’d be on a planet covered in feet of snow, but tonight, you stood in the warm rain, kissing Poe Dameron. There was no other place in the entire galaxy you’d rather be.
Eventually, you wandered back, held each other’s hands until you got close enough to get caught by whoever was on first watch. You nodded at acquaintances and coworkers, walking back to the housing quarters. Finn, Rey, and Rose were sitting in the front lounge when you came in, both absolutely soaked, head to toe.
“I thought you two came back here an hour ago.” Finn said, eyes narrowing.
“(Y/N) heard something outside. Concerning noises. I offered to go check it out with her, but we got caught in this kriffin’ downpour.” Poe said, taking off his jacket and shaking the water from it. He’d thought about letting you wear it for the walk back, but you were both already soaked. And you showing up in his jacket would only be more incriminating.
You shook our your wings in the same manner, water splattering across the floor. A cleaner droid powered up automatically, its brushes swirling to dry up the rain you’d tracked in. “Thanks for the help, Dameron.”
“No problem, yo–” he caught himself. “(Y/N). Glad to be of assistance. Have a good night.”
“You, too. See you tomorrow.” You said, walking back towards your quarters, Rey trailing after you, that knowing glimmer in her eye.
The two of you got dressed for bed, brushed your teeth, and got into your bunks, you on the bottom, Rey on the top. It was kind of comforting, the sound of her breathing. You’d missed having a roommate. Maybe after the trip, it wouldn’t hurt to open your door to a bunkmate again. But then that would severely limit your cuddling time with Poe, given that he also shared a room…
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes and willing yourself to sleep, lulled by the warmth in Poe’s chest across the hallway as he thought of you while he drifted off.
The next morning, you and Rey got out of bed pretty early, throwing on the layers and layers of your cold weather uniforms. Jedi robes simply would not cut it on that planet. You’d learned that lesson once before.
You strapped your saber to your belt, a blaster to the other side, and set a pair of goggles on your head to protect your eyes once you got there. You met the others in the canteen to grab meals for the road, and then headed out to the transports, where the rest of the crew was slowly but surely assembling.
Soren was all smiles, helping Poe and Finn load up some boxes of supplies. Food, mostly. There was nearly nothing edible on that planet, aside from the wildlife, that was. But that would only be an option if the weather was nice enough to not immediately kill anyone brave enough to hunt out there. Nice being a relative term, of course.
“Ready for your first mission?”
“Yeah.” He replied, a boyish grin on his face. “Is it really that cold there?”
“Freezing cold. Constant blizzards. Trust me, you’d rather have too many layers than too few.” You advised. “Morning Finn! Poe.”
“You are looking rather…” Poe’s eyes scanned down your figure, obscured by the puffy jacket you were wearing. “Warm.”
“That’s one way to put it.” You chuckled. “You are not looking warm enough. Get those ears covered, Dameron.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He gave a nod, winking when he thought no one was looking.
Rose was coming along, Aspen, Black Squadron along with some of the new pilots. It would be a good mission for them, a relatively straightforward one. Well, in theory. Nothing was ever as simple as it seemed.
Chewbacca roared in greeting, his hand patting your head before he pulled you into a bear hug. You laughed, nodding.
“No, you’re right, I never thought I’d ever go back there either.”
Leia stood at the edge of the depot, smiling softly. She waved and you saluted, promising silently to get them all back to her in one piece, hopefully with endless bounties that would serve the Resistance well.
You and Soren said a quick, heartfelt goodbye to Laesynda and then loaded up into the transport with the others, watching as the planet got smaller and smaller.
You sat beside Rey and Soren on one side of the transport, Finn and Poe across the aisle with Snap. Chewbacca was driving, Threepio in the passenger seat up in front with him. You bent over and laced up your boots extra well, making sure your gloves were on tight enough, even though it was quite a ways out. Your wings twitched every so often, nerves building.
Suddenly, you weren’t so sure why would had suggested this place to begin with. You didn’t have many great memories of Hoth. Specifically, the outside stuff. Inside the base was fine, when the heaters were working as intended, that was. But the creatures outside were terrifying, and the weather had almost killed you. Literally.
Maybe you hadn’t prepared them well enough.
You felt Poe poking around your energy across the aisle, or trying to. Thinking very loudly. Reaching, watching. You met his eyes, giving him a pointed look.
He chuckled out loud, caught in the act, cheeks flushing red. Finn and Rey both turned to find out what was so funny. You focused your attention elsewhere and he blamed his chuckles on just how kriffing ridiculous you all looked, bundled up like marshmallows. It got a good laugh out of everyone.
Dread settled into your stomach as Chewie brought the transport out of lightspeed and into the planet’s atmosphere, the white globe familiar in the sickest of ways. He landed as close to the abandoned base as possible, but it would still be a bit of a walk.
You stood, taking a small canister from your pack while everyone bundled the rest of the way up. It was a specialty gel coating for your wings. You took a glob, gently rubbing between your fingers before spreading it carefully from the base of your wings outward. Soren did the same, making quick work of it.
“Can I help?” Poe asked, voice gentle, quiet, in case the answer was no because there were people around.
You nodded, handing the canister to him, showing him how to portion it and he helped, fingers gentle and careful, but thorough, grazing over the pink and purple extensions of your soul.
“What does this stuff do?” He asked, curious. He was always so curious about your wings. It was sweet, really.
“Protects them from the cold. Otherwise, they’d freeze.” You explained. “They’re delicate things, after all.”
“Beautiful, though.” He said, eyes warm, voice warmer.
“I happen to think they’re my best feature.” You said with a smirk, lost in him for a moment. His fingers gently finished up, fully sealing them from the harsh winds. You were ready.
You assembled the essential team. You, Rey, and Soren to move big chunks out of the way, and a handful of mechs to get the heating started as soon as possible. Plus, Chewbacca and a few fighters in case some scavengers were in the wreckage and didn’t take kindly to strangers.
“We’ll hold down the fort here.” Finn said, sticking an earpiece in his ear, same as the others.
“Good. Stay together. No one wanders off alone. Keep bundled up. Cover your skin. Even a few minutes out there can give you frostbite.” You instructed everyone. They nodded, listening intently.
“Good luck out there.” Snap said. He smiled a little, watching as you took control of the situation. Despite your appearance, you were wise and experienced beyond your years. “And may the Force be with you.”
You met his eyes. “And with us all.”
You led the others through the snow and blistering winds, face shielded by your mask, hood, and goggles.
The doors were sealed shut, thankfully. You held up a hand, working in tandem with Rey and Soren to pop it open without too much trouble. Three Jedi were far better than one. You could only imagine the things you’d be able to accomplish when Finn was with you, too.
Inside, a ceiling panel had collapsed, a great rush of snow covering a stairwell and one of the hallways leading to the bedrooms. You led the mechs to the utility room, where the controls for the heaters were while Rey and Soren worked to seal off the hole, holding the metal in place so it could be sautered shut, at least temporarily.
Chewbacca did a sweep of the perimeter, as quickly as he could, blocking off a decent chunk so you could get settled at least for now. You didn’t want to leave the rest of the team in the transport for too long.
With a triumphant thrum, the power kicked on, lights in the hallways flickering before illuminating the place in the stark, fluorescent lights. The team cheered, signaling to the others that it was safe to come in. And they did, marching up the hill in their snow boots. They’d have to try to move the transport closer later, you figured. Otherwise, loading the place up was going to be nearly impossible.
You walked down the hallway with the bedroom quarters, taking note of their state. Most of them looked fine. Dusty, but fine otherwise. You kept walking until you found the one you were looking for. Seventh room on the left. You punched in your code, still committed to muscle memory after three months spent sleeping there.
You stepped inside, careful, and looked around the room. It wasn’t terribly small, one of the perks of having a base dug into the inside of a mountain. Two bunks rested against the right side of the room, a small desk on the left, a wardrobe standing beside it. A few pairs of boots were sitting beside the door, under the floor-length mirror that was slowly defrosting as the temperature raised.
A book of notes sat open on the desk, a frozen inkwell perched on the corner in front of a few dust-covered books.
“This is quite the place.” Poe noted, stepping into the tiny room after you. “Bigger than I thought it would be.”
“Took the crew three years to dig it out.” You remembered, fingers lingering on the cold desk. “I only lived here for three months.”
“Is this…?”
“Our room.” You said, turning to look at him. “Shara and I.”
He’d taken off his goggles, the headband around his head. You dared to take off a glove. It was definitely warming up, slowly but surely. You shed your goggles too, threading the band through your belt.
He stared at the bottom bunk, where his mother’s name was painted in blue, the Aurebesh crisp and neat. His fingers slid across the letters.
You turned back to the desk, flipping through the journal. They were notes, mostly. Your notes, from your Jedi training. “I forgot about this book. It would have helped after Luke left.”
“Luke left you? Another time?”
“He went off to Dagobah to train with Yoda. I stayed with the Resistance–sorry, Rebels. They needed me. Or one of us, at the very least. Han and Leia were off dealing with…all sorts of stuff. I didn’t catch up with them until it was too late.” You said, continuing to flip through it until you found what you were looking for. Tucked between the pages was a scrap of paper Shara had scribbled on.
Thanks for letting me borrow your earrings. Please get some sleep after that crazy night. I’ll save you some bacon before the pathfinders get to it.
In the note, there were two small holes, where she’d punctured the earrings to make sure they got back to you in one piece.
You handed it to Poe, letting him read it. He smiled, eyes swirled with nostalgia and sadness. He forgot sometimes, but this was all the confirmation he needed. You had been friends with her. Passed notes back and forth like schoolgirls.
“Can I keep this?” He asked.
You nodded. “Yeah, of course.”
He reached for you, pulling you to his chest and resting his head against yours. It healed something in him, he was sure. Part of him, growing up without her, always mourned the fact that he would never get to introduce his future partner to her, the woman who had inspired him to fly in the first place, the woman whose ring he wore around his neck. But you’d already met her. And it was clear she’d been fond of you. It felt like fate, to him.
“Was Dad here, too?”
“Down the hall.” You nodded. “Three doors down on the left.”
“You two taking this one?” Finn asked, poking into the room. “We’re all picking quarters for the night.”
“Yeah, we’ll take this one.” Poe said, pointing to your name painted across the top bunk. “I’d say she’s probably got dibs.”
Finn smiled. “Fair.” His eyes wandered to the bottom bunk. “Who’s that?”
“My mom was her roommate.” Poe explained, eyes twinkling.
“I didn’t know your parents were Resistance.”
“They were Rebels.” Poe corrected gently. He nudged you with his arm, pride absolutely radiating off of him. “So was she.”
After hours of harvesting materials and packing up supplies into crates, Chewie had taken some of the others to hunt, most of them crazy thrillseekers that were desperate to experience the cold out there and see if it was really that bad. Rookies, in other words.
They were successful. They’d found a mammal of some kind. Nothing you recognized. Definitely not a Wampa. And everyone seemed to be okay, more or less.
“It’s kriffing cold as shit out there!” One of the rookies exclaimed, taking off their gloves.
“Nooooo, I never would have guessed.” You said quietly, nursing a cup of tea near the firepit in one of the lounges. There was a furnace that ran up through the mountain to vent the smoke.
Chewie got the beast ready, showing the rookies how to prepare the meat, how to cook it properly. You watched fondly. It brought back memories, it all did.
You’d finally taken off your jacket, just wearing a pair of sweats with a layer of leggings underneath, a sweater with a hole stitched in the back for your wings. You were working on another top by the fire, pulling the needle through, hemming the hole so it wouldn’t fray.
“What are you doing?” Finn asked, watching as you worked.
“Most of my clothes have to be modified like this for these things.” You waved a wing around aimlessly. “If I don’t, the fabric will fray and it’ll ruin the garment. I usually hem it as best as I can to reinforce it.”
“They don’t really make clothes for us anymore.” Soren said, familiar with the process, you were sure, having a pair of wings of his own. “Mom said there were seamstresses on Mariposas who made the most beautiful things we could wear with our wings. She still has some of them.”
“They were the coolest ladies ever. They’re the ones who taught me to do this. Knew I was gonna run off with the Rebellion and that most of their uniforms wouldn’t work for me.” You said, tying off the stitches with a little knot. You showed your work to Poe, who was sitting just too far, a few scooches to your right. You’d sewn a little X-Wing near the base of the slot, orange stitches on black fabric.
He smiled into his mug of warm caf, eyebrow quirking up the tiniest bit. You were his girl, after all. His chest swelled with pride at any reminder.
You set the garment to the side, following the others once Chewie was dishing out servings of food. Everyone settled in with a hot meal, like old times.
“What was it like out here back then?” Snap asked, everyone watching you and Chewie for answers. “What did you guys do out here for those months?”
“Hiding, mostly. It was the perfect base for that. The Empire never thought they’d find us on an oversized ice cube. It’s mostly uninhabitable, as many of you just learned. Signal was iffy out here, but we worked with what we had. We used to make what we called Hoth Ice Cream. We’d mix the cream from our milk batches with sugar and crushed berries and stick it outside for a few minutes until it froze.”
Chewie roared, explaining just how little you had to work with. How far your scraps had to stretch.
“Oh we were always scrappy. Had to be, we had so little. These days, we’ve got some support. Back then…no one wanted to stand up to Vader. Rebels were few and far between and we had a pretty bad reputation. I believe the word ‘Scum’ got thrown around a lot.”
Chewie laughed, nodding. He told a few stories about the tauntauns, about Luke’s encounter with the Wompa, wondering if there were more of them.
“I nearly froze to death out there.” You confessed, feeling the way Poe’s eyes jumped to you. “One of our communication dishes got caked in ice, so I flew up there to try to dig it out. Wind blew me off the roof and Chewie found me out in the snow, half dead. Carried me back, cuddled me to warmth. Saved my life.”
He roared affectionately, tilting his head.
“Of course I would have done the same for you, but I’m not nearly as warm as you. I don’t think my body temperature alone would have done much.” You chuckled.
He joked about you using your wings as a fan the next time he was really hot, and you agreed to that.
You told them about the music. At some point, you’d let it slip to the Rebels that music was a very important part of Mariposan culture, so the team had improvised instruments out of scraps. Drums made from scrapped ship parts and pieces of leather Chewie tanned, flutes carved from thick pine tree branches. You got up and dug around a box in the corner of the room, pulling one out. Hand-carved.
“One of the pathfinders made this for me.” You said, walking back to your spot and sitting down, dusting it off, brushing the mouthpiece with your sleeve before giving it a cursory test. It worked, making a gentle note when you blew into it. You tested some of the finger holes, trying out different combinations and building a clumsy little melody from home.
The room was quiet, listening as you played. You smiled, bashful beneath their combined gazes, and tucked the flute away.
Artoo beeped and rolled into the middle of the room, BB-8 watching from his corner. Into the air, he projected a video, Rebels singing and dancing to folk songs from their various home planets. Drums banging, someone hitting spoons against pots and pans. Flutes and improvised fiddles. Light and laughter.
In the back corner of the room, you and Luke danced, lost in each other. He spun you around, pulling you back to him. He looked so young there.
Shara was sitting next to Kes, who was drumming on one of the drums. He got boisterous with it, making Shara laugh, a melody in itself. Glimmering around her finger was the ring Poe wore around his neck.
He reached for your hand and you gave it to him, watching this piece of your life Artoo had been holding onto for all this time. You wondered what else he had stored in that seemingly endless memory of his. 
Poe’s thumb brushed over yours, and he used his foot to tug your chair closer to his, unwilling to be apart from you any longer, despite what the others would think. It seemed none of them noticed, or maybe they thought it was par for the course at that point. Poe had never been shy about touching you, or anybody, really, even before you had been dating in secret.
He smiled at you, eyes soft. And for a moment, you were glad you’d come. You were glad he was there with you.
Eventually, the guys found the alcohol that hadn’t exploded after thirty years frozen and the room cheered up significantly.
Rose motioned you over and you sat on the floor in front of her while she braided your hair. Rey shared a cup of something strong with you and you took a few sips, leaning back against Rose’s legs.
“Hey, when did you get this?” Rey asked, touching the woven leather bracelet on your wrist. “Is it new? I’ve never seen it before.”
“Oh! Yeah, uh…Poe got it for me.” You smiled.
“Poe got it for you, huh?” Rose asked. “That was nice of him. I didn’t realize you two were so close.”
“Yeah, we’ve really bonded since I woke up.” You said with a smile and a shrug, glancing over at him. “We keep…finding each other.”
He was knelt on the floor in front of Artoo, talking to him about something. You assumed he was probably trying to get a copy of that footage. You didn’t blame him. Droids, though pretty common, were still not something everyone had, especially back then. Artoo was probably one of the only droids with footage of his parents.
The other pilots started up a game of Truth or Dare, and it worked around and around the circle. You giggled at the antics, at the spicy secrets people spilled with their resolve weakened by liquid courage. Yours was dwindling, too. You were one well-placed dare away from kissing Poe Dameron hot on the mouth, right in front of everyone.
You supposed it was good luck, then, that he was the one asking you that fateful question.
“Truth.” You replied, knees tucked into your chest, hair braided down your shoulders like you were a teen at a sleepover. In some ways, you guessed you were.
“Why don’t you like it when people use your royal titles?” He asked, eyebrow quirking up in that signature expression of his. That Dameron smolder. He had used it to get the upper hand on many unsuspecting maidens, you were sure. It always did something to you.
“Mmmm, alright.” You thought, chuckling. “Poe, you can ask me any question in the galaxy right now, are you sure you want to waste it on that?”
“Yep. I want to know.” He shrugged, leaning back in his chair, sitting across the circle from you, painfully far away. This drunk, you wanted him next to you. Another drink and you’d be sprawled all over him, didn’t matter who was watching. “Why do you squirm every time someone calls you Princess?”
“Princess isn’t the worst. I don’t mind that one so much.” You said. “I don’t like the ‘your Highnesses.’ They just…maybe it’s stupid, I don’t know, but…everyone on base earned their titles. Everyone. Every general and admiral and captain and commander, all of ‘em. They all earned those fancy words and I did not. I was born a special person and got my titles handed to me on a silver platter. It feels like stolen valor. Even Leia’s a general now, and…yeah, that’s kind of it. Just feels icky sometimes.”
“You’ve earned them.” Finn said, eyes serious. “You’ve more than earned them.”
“You’re too kind, Finnley.” You replied, a hand on your heart.
“Finnley…” Finn chuckled to himself at the elongated name.
“No, he’s right. That first day I saw you in action, I knew you were the real deal.” Snap said, sounding impressed. Really, genuinely impressed. “All the stories started to make sense, the way you flipped through the air.”
“A Jedi of old…” Jessika agreed, Rey nodding along.
“And you wear those little crowns sometimes. Princesses usually wear those.” Aspen added, sitting beneath one of Chewbacca’s fur-covered arms, cuddled against his side.
You laughed at that one. “Valid point. I don’t know, I’m warming up to them. But you all can call me (Y/N), also. We’re friends.”
“Mom wanted to work titles out with you after the war.” Soren said. “She’s…well, she’s acting queen now, but technically–”
“Oh no I do not want to be queen.” You shut that down, holding up your hand. “That’s where the line is drawn. I was second-born. I was never supposed to be queen in the first place and then I died. Your mother earned that title. She’s been here, boots on the ground, helping the remaining Mariposans. She’s the queen and I’ll tell her that myself, Prince Soren.”
He grinned. “Why did I have a feeling you’d say something like that?”
“Because you know me so well, dearest nephew. Now, where were we…ah, yes, Rey, truth or dare?”
She smiled. “It’s going to have to be dare.”
The game continued until the group began to dwindle, retiring for bed one by one. Chewbacca put out the fire and the heaters were turned down slightly to conserve power overnight. If you guys blew a fuse, you were fucked. Heat was a commodity that could not be wasted on a planet like Hoth.
You walked back to the room before Poe did, tossing an extra blanket up to your top bunk. The beds here were smaller than your bunk back home. If you and Poe had a tight fit in the other bed, this would be near impossible. For that reason, you’d probably sleep separate.
You climbed up top, as you had done so many times, and sat up there, scrolling through your holo, making plans for the next day. It was a big one. X-Wing repair was the big ticket thing, unburying them from the snow that had drifted into the hangar. Everyone else would be working on packing up everything that wasn’t nailed down, and, well, some of the stuff that was nailed down.
The door slid open and Poe walked in, kicking off his boots while BB-8 rolled onto his charging mat. Finn peeked in after them.
“Goodnight, (Y/N)!”
“Night, Finn! See you tomorrow.” You said with a smile.
“Bright and early.” Poe added with a grin.
The door slid shut and he walked right over to the bunk bed, standing in front of you, expectant. Poe was not an overly tall individual, so his head cleared the top, but nothing else.
You raised an eyebrow. “Can I help you with something?”
“You want me up top or are you coming down here?”
“I don’t know if you’ve seen these beds with your eyes, but…they are pretty small, flyboy.”
“We’ve managed worse.” He grinned, resting his arms on the railing, looking up at you with those pretty brown eyes, eyelashes oh so dark and beautiful. “Won’t you get cold up there all by yourself?”
You laughed. “I think I’ll be okay.”
“Well in that case, goodnight. I’ll see you in the morning.” He leaned forward.
You took his face in your hands, kissing him deeply. He crooned at your touch, standing on his toes to chase your lips before finally pulling away and tucking into his mother’s bunk on the bottom.
About an hour later, the lack of heat really started to make itself evident. You weren’t sure what Rose had set it to for the night, but whatever it was had your toes freezing and teeth chattering.
Wordlessly, Poe got out of his bed, the fabric rustling in the bunk beneath you, and stood, his head clearing the top so you were nearly face to face. He waited expectantly for you to break the silence, to admit he was right.
“Alright, get in here.” You relented, lifting the covers.
He tossed his blanket up first and then climbed in after you, the tight quarters causing every piece of his body to be touching every part of yours. Talk about cozy. It made the X-Wing cockpit look like a five-star hotel room.
He laughed softly. “You were right. It is gonna be a tight fit.”
“And you were right about it being too cold.” You said, voice rasped with sleep.
“Here, let me…” He wiggled the two of you into a better position, him almost entirely beneath you, broad shoulders still boxed into the narrow bunk. He wrapped a warm arm around your waist, legs intertwined.
You adjusted the third blanket atop the two of you, wings tucked under, and then settled back on top of him, letting out a long, contented sigh at the warmth. “You comfortable?”
“Mmhmm.” He hummed, unable to stop smiling at you, oh so close to him. “Can you imagine if we really weren’t seeing each other and the others found us like this?”
“We’d never hear the end of it.” You laughed at the thought. “You guys, seriously, we were both just cold.”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I really thought I could hold out. Not say anything until after the war was over. Find you in the crowd after whatever final battle, confess it all then and there. All romantic and heroic. And we’d kiss and the crowd would cheer and we’d fly in my X-Wing, off into the sunset with BB-8 in the back seat.”
You huffed a laugh. “Had it all planned out, huh?”
“This is better, though.” He admitted, thumb circling your hipbone.
“It’s a good thing I didn’t let you make the first move, like I was planning.” You said, tilting your head up to kiss the corner of his lips. “Saved us both a lot of pining and heartache.”
“To be fair, I was going to make a move during our little joyride that never happened.” Poe said. “I know it was kind of a joke, that it was a date, but it was real to me.”
“It was real to me, too.” You murmured, nose pressed against his cheek. “I could feel it coming. I knew you had feelings for me. But, of course, Kylo Ren has the worst timing in the galaxy.”
“Seriously. Fuck that guy.”
“Agreed.” Your fingers curled against his chest, his heartbeat steady and strong. You leaned up and pressed a soft, sleepy kiss to his lips, eyelids growing heavy, aided by the gentle lulling of his warmth. He was always warm. You had never been more grateful for it than now.
He smiled, skin moving beneath your lips. He rocked you gently, voice sleepy and playful. “You driftin’?”
“Mmm…” You nodded against him. “Getting there.”
“Good. Get some sleep, baby. Maker knows we’ll need it. Someone’s gotta use the Force to dig out those X-Wings tomorrow and it’s not gonna be me.”
Looking Forward, Looking Back
BB-8’s chirping alarm woke the two of you in the absence of sunlight. There were no windows in your room, being carved into a mountain and all. Your face was pressed into the crook of Poe’s neck, warmth encasing you, his dark curls tousled and fluffy.
He groaned softly, skin vibrating against yours. You kissed his cheek, long and gentle, a silent greeting. The groan melted into something else, then, as if he remembered you were perched there on top of him, like a wonky weighted blanket.
“Maker, what a way to wake up.” He murmured, nose brushing against yours on the way to your lips. “Can we do this every morning?”
“You’d have to break the news to Finn that you don’t want to be roommates anymore.” You reasoned, finding his hand and threading your fingers through his.
He hummed, thinking it over. “Well, you could come stay in our room.”
You laughed out loud. “Three is company. Might get a little too cozy in there.”
“Yeah…Well…we can negotiate.”
“Sure, I’ll let you pitch that one to him. And Bee can have my room all to himself.”
BB-8 chirped in approval, which made you laugh.
“How the hell are we going to get out of this bed?” Poe wondered, taking stock of the two of you, packed in like sardines.
“Carefully.” You giggled, trying to sit up. “Your specialty, flyboy.”
Poe used the railing to tug himself upright and you reached into his messy curls, gently combing them with your fingers into some sense of order. He grinned at you, eyes twinkling in the dim room, leaning forward and capturing your lips, like you were his first meal of the day.
Eventually, you pulled apart, peppering kisses across his cheeks. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Never could, but especially when you had moments alone like this.
“Poe.” You said, giggling as he reconnected his lips to yours, rhythm smooth and slow, but steady.
“We’ve gotta go.” You murmured against him as the kisses continued.
“Mmhmm.” He nipped at your bottom lip, hand framing your cheek, keeping your face close to his. “Give me a minute. I’m busy.”
You laughed, hands resting on his chest as he deepened the kiss. Warmth tumbled from him onto you. Someday, you’d get a real vacation. A getaway. Once the galaxy was at peace again, and the First Order had been destroyed.
But now, you had work to do. A lot of it, before you could head back to base.
“Come on, hotshot. The sooner we get this done, the more time we can spend doing this in a bed that doesn’t completely box in those shoulders of yours.”
“Now that’s a good point.” He grinned, brushing the hair out of your eyes while pulling you in for one last kiss.
You flexed your wings as best you could in the limited space and flipped down over the railing, giving him room to get down.
You swapped out your layers, bundling up all over again. Undershirts, shirt, jacket, coat, plus your headwear, gloves tucked into your pockets. You laced up your boots and followed Poe out to the mess hall, where Chewbacca was serving leftovers from the day before for breakfast.
After, you, Soren, and Rey followed the pilots and mechs out to the hangar, assessing the damage. Wedge had been right. Four X-Wings. Unfortunately, the hangar doors had been left open, letting in thirty years of snow and ice.
First order of business, you did a sweep to make sure there weren’t any scavengers or creatures hiding out inside. Then you reached up, using the Force to pull the massive hangar door shut. The metal creaked and rumbled, dust falling from the mechanism as it lowered into place, enclosing the space in total darkness.
Rey reached for her saber, the blue lighting up the dark. Soren lit his after, and then you, Poe’s face awash in the pink hue, wonder in his eyes. Someone found the lightswitch and the overheads flickered a few times before kicking on. You powered down your saber and approached the nearest X-Wing, not nearly as buried as the ones closer to the opening.
“What’s your professional opinion, Commander?” You asked, arms crossed, looking it over. “Where do you want me to start?”
“Well, the wings would be a good spot, probably. The engines. We’re gonna have to pop her open to see if her parts still work.”
“Alright. Everybody stand back.” You advised, taking a few steps further from it yourself. You focused on the ice, using the Force to crack it into smaller pieces that could be pulled off of it. Then, you lifted the X-Wing into the air, straining to do so from the sheer weight of it alone. Rey joined, taking some of the pressure off, and you two set it atop the layer of snow on the ground, so they could get to it easier.
You all repeated this process for the following three X-Wings, getting them uncovered in record time. The pilots and mechs set to work, trying to see what all was in working order, what needed to be fixed or replaced. Wedge had given them the records he had from the olden days, but it was hard to tell what was still accurate.
In the meantime, you turned your attention to helping the demo crew scrap some of the internal walls and structures that were not lodebearing. Shelves, furniture, cabinets, that kind of thing.
Chewie led the crew, pointing things out, directing the rookies where they needed to be. Threepio translated for him as necessary and you used the Force to take some pieces down.
You fluttered higher, using your wings to help empty some of the higher shelves, taking them down one screw at a time.
Snap and Chewie went out into the snow to move the Transport closer. It would help, no doubt, as you all started to move things.
You and Rey went through the closets of each room to see if there were any stray blasters sitting around, uniforms that weren’t too outdated, even decent walking boots, taking anything that was useful and putting it in a wagon.
It was a productive day. At the end of it, you all had another dinner. It would be your last night there, if everything went to plan. The X-Wings seemed to be in working order. They’d run a brief test, and then take off first, escorting the transports to safety. There’d been one in the hangar as well, that some of the mechs had fixed up without too much trouble.
Weather seemed good for it, too. Any longer than that and you all risked getting stranded in a blizzard. Well, more of a blizzard than what was already raging outside those doors.
The evening was quiet. Everyone was tired from a long day of work. Carrying things, moving cargo, packing, and loading things until it was all ready to go. You sat on the floor in the mess hall, head leaned on Rey’s shoulder, Rose’s legs spread over yours.
You fiddled with the bracelet around your wrist, a small smile tugging at your lips when Poe made eye contact from across the room. His eyes wandered to the bracelet and he grinned, proud. He was sitting with Soren and Finn, talking about something with some of the other pilots.
Jessika came over and sat with you. In the corner of the room, Snap and Karé were talking, awfully close to each other. Touches lingering. Jess traced your gaze and said, “Oh, did you not know? Snap and Karé are married.”
“Huh? I did not know that. Wow.” You processed the information. It was like learning Wedge was Snap’s step-dad all over again. There was more to Snap then you thought, perhaps. Maybe a nice long conversation with him was in order. “They’re good together.”
Poe walked over, taking a seat beside you. He elbowed you lightly, smiling. You could tell he was starting to wind down, looking a little tired. “What are we talking about, ladies?”
“I just learned that Snap and Karé are married.”
“Oh! Yeah, yeah, they’re great together.” Poe grinned.
Jessika chuckled. “Yeah, they are. You ever…dated someone on base?”
“Yeah.” You admitted. “I’m no stranger to wartime romance.”
“She and Luke were…” Rey began to explain, letting Jessika fill in the blanks. “You know.”
“I did not know.” Jessika said, eyes wide. “Wow…that’s really…”
“Yeah, I know.” You shrugged. You felt Poe’s eyes on you, the way his chest began to burn. A twinge of jealousy hidden behind that famed Dameron smirk. “But, uh, I’m not completely closed off to dating this time around. I’m fifty-four, not eighty.”
“You look great for your age, Princess.” Poe complimented, eyes sparkling. He raised an eyebrow, voice dipping into mischief territory. “That mean I’ve got a shot?”
You laughed, heart racing at the look in his eye. “I dunno. Trigger-happy flyboys are not my usual type, but…never say never.”
“Keeping your options open?” Rose asked. “I know about twelve rookies who would die for the chance.”
“Oh I know. Been fighting them off with this saber of mine.” You chuckled. “They’re determined, I’ll give ‘em, that, but…”
“She’s already got a crush on someone.” Poe said, forcing his tone to be casual. “Doesn’t want to hurt their feelings.”
“We’ll go with that, yeah.” You agreed, letting out a yawn that Poe mirrored not long after.
The two of you decided to head to bed, exhausted. You bid the others goodbye and led him down the winding hallways, back to your shared room. The door opened with a whir and you stepped inside, BB-8 rolling into his corner.
Poe turned you to face him, hand tilting your face up towards his and kissing you, slowly. Sensually. Every movement was deliberate and careful. His tongue swiped at the edge of your lip, the other hand tugging your waist impossibly close, chest flush to his.
“Trigger-happy flyboy, eh?” He asked between kisses, teeth nipping at your lip as your arms latched around him, fingers toying with the curls at the base of his neck.
“Yeah. Might even have a crush on him.” You murmured, echoing his words.
“You drive me crazy.” Poe rasped, movements picking up speed, momentum, like an X-Wing headed towards a crash. Inevitable.
You smiled against him, meeting his gaze with starlit eyes. “I know.”
“Go to sleep, Bee. I don’t want you to see this.” He said, a rasp at the edge of his voice, sending a shot of electricity straight through you.
You heard BB-8 power down for the night. Poe wasted no time hooking your knees with his strong hands, tugging your legs up onto his hips and carrying you to the top bunk. You tore your boots off, chucking them across the room with a noisy thud as he climbed up the ladder, throwing his shoes off after. He pulled you on top of him, as you had been the night before, but this time, his hands were everywhere, lips exploring yours. He tugged your knee higher, moaning into your mouth as you played with his hair, giving his thick curls a gentle tug.
He kissed you eagerly, like he’d been waiting for it all day. You knew that was the case. You slotted a leg between his, leaning on his chest. Your other hand stayed anchored to his jaw, thumb brushing through the scruff on his cheek, a little longer than he usually let it get. It suited him, though. All of it did.
You let yourself imagine him a little older. Some gray in his hair, in his beard. Curls a little longer. Maybe he’d need reading glasses. You smiled at the thought, kissing him again, deeper, cherishing the little chuckle he let out when you did.
It sank in then that you wanted to grow old with him, and you were struck by the thought, movements slowing.
Life after the war was already a fantasy to you, but you never let yourself see the life you wanted. Those years of peace after. You’d had two of them, only to have it all ripped away from you, to be frozen at twenty-four for thirty years. But this time, you knew it was different. This time, you would get to stay.
So you let your mind wander. Guided by the Force or your own desires, you weren’t sure. But you saw him there, in casual wear, a few more years on that handsome face. A wedding ring on his finger. Lines that crinkled around those warm eyes. He laughed at something, the sound like music to you. You loved it. Loved him.
Poe could feel it when you slipped. Always could. That lull that hit you when you were zoned in, or zoned out rather. He held you, kisses slowing to a stop, watching, waiting for you to come back to him, for the Force to set you back in his arms.
It was strange, loving a Jedi. But he loved every second. Loved you.
“You’re having some big thoughts tonight.” He finally murmured, voice impossibly soft, like said thoughts were made of glass. You were back now, thumb stroking his cheek again. Breaths back to their regular cadence.
“Yeah.” Your voice broke, tears welling in your eyes.
His eyebrows furrowed. “Oh, hey, it’s okay. What’s goin’ on in that pretty head?”
“Nothing.” You chuckled, shaking your head. “I just…I…”
“You don’t have to tell me.” He handed you a boundary if you so wanted it.
“I just saw…you. After the war. Older and happy. And it just…got to me, I guess.” You admitted, a tear slipping down your cheek.
“A vision?”
“I hope so.” You shrugged, hand resting on his chest, smoothing out the fabric of his undershirt. Back home, he didn’t wear one to sleep, usually. On Hoth, the extra layer was necessary.
He wiped at your tears with his gentle thumbs, pulling you in for a long kiss. “I want that, too. But only if you’re there with me. A little gray in this pretty hair of yours. Not as much as me, of course. I am eight whole years older than you.”
You laughed through tears, surging forward to kiss him again.
“You want kids? We’ve never talked about it.” He asked, playing with your hair with one hand, the other brushing down the length of your wing. You rested your head on his chest, ear pressed to his heart.
“I do. Some little Jedi. One little pilot.”
He kissed your forehead, lips curled into a smile. “They’ll get my curls and your eyes. Big, beautiful wings like their mother.”
“I hope so.” You smiled, staring at him, eyes memorizing his face, just like this. You nuzzled your nose against his, melting against his lips. “I want it, Poe. So bad. I want to…get to live my life this time.”
“You will.” He promised, eyes serious, twinkling like stars. He took your hand and kissed each of your knuckles, lingering just a little longer on the ring finger, where someday, he’d slide his mother’s ring.
The next morning, last checks were performed. Threepio went over inventory, and Chewbacca did a final sweep, making sure everything and everyone was accounted for before you all started loading up into the transports and the four repaired X-Wings.
Poe walked over to you, both of you bundled up, though him less than you. You were headed to the same place, would be in ships side by side, but it was still a loaded goodbye building between the two of you, especially after the conversation you’d had the night before.
“You good to go, Commander?”
“All set, your Highness.” He replied, voice cradling the word so carefully. You didn’t mind it so much when he said it. “See you on the other side.”
You took a step closer. “See you at home.”
His face broke out into that flyboy grin, like he’d just won the lottery.
You walked through the base with the others who would be taking the transport out front, the one you’d arrived in. But before you got onto the ramp, you saw them. First Order soldiers on the ground, a shrouded figure leading them.
Your instinct said Kylo, but your heart knew it wasn’t.
TIE fighters flew overhead.
“Poe, we’ve got First Order fighters in the air. Troops on the ground.” Finn said into his earpiece.
You stared ahead as they approached, reaching for your saber, Soren beside you. Neither of you had coated your wings. Hadn’t expected to be outside for longer than a minute. There was no time to do it now.
You launched yourself forward, igniting your saber mid-air as giant snowflakes fell. Stormtrooper fire resounded, beams of red bouncing towards the handful of Resistance members there. You used your saber to take out as many as you could before confronting the man in the hood.
It wasn’t Kylo Ren. He was wearing a mask, but it was different. He raised a hand, trying to disarm your saber and failing.
“After all these years, I was hoping you’d died in that pod, dear princess.” The voice that came out of him said. Muffled, distorted like Kylo’s, but not Kylo.
“You’re gonna wish I did.” You breathed, giving your saber a twirl.
He unveiled his own, a dual bladed red saber, the blade unstable like Kylo’s, but familiar to you. You knew this saber. This saber knew you.
A chill ran up your spine and you launched into attack, deflecting hits from both ends of the staff-like weapon. Soren joined you, his movements careful. Scared. This was his first fight with anyone who intended to harm him.
The X-Wings cruised around the mountain, taking out a handful of TIEs in their sweep through the air. The second transport came around as well, Rey emerging from within, saber at the ready.
The hooded man took note of Soren’s posture, his nervous energy, and targeted him instead, leaving you the task of not only fighting whoever this was, but protecting your nephew. You used the Force to push Soren back, just out of the range of the glowing red saber, a swipe that would have taken his life.
The edge of the blade sliced your upper arm. You tried to flex your wings, to use them as landing gear as you had so many times, but the cold had rendered them nearly useless, hanging down prone, getting number by the second. But the numbness was giving way to prickling pain. You weren’t sure which was worse.
You yelled out, grasping at the smoking wound, the saber’s heat cauterizing the blood.
“(Y/N)!” Rey yelled out.
You stood, bracing yourself on a snowbank, fire in your eyes despite the raging blizzard.
The man went for Soren again, but this time you put yourself between the two, your saber sparking against the aggressive red of his.
“Lord Mothim, we’re taking heavy losses!” One of the Stormtroopers relayed, giving him pause, but not halting his attack.
Lord Mothim. The one Kylo had mentioned on the one occasion you’d met him.
“We will fight until they are dead. No surrender.” He said, countering a move, twirling the saber with grace.
He lunged at your nephew, but you reached forward, using the Force to pull back his cape, throwing him off balance and revealing what you already knew. This Mothim was Maddox. You would recognize your brother’s wings anywhere. Orange with a tinge of red at the ends. Fitting colors for a Sith.
You threw your saber, calling it back to you, straight through the exposed wings, slicing them off and watching as they fluttered to the ground. The cruelest thing you could do to a Mariposan. The thing that the very saber in his hand had done to your own, you realized, finally putting the pieces together. The saber was made of Insidia’s blades, merged together.
He let out a cry, collapsing to his knees, the shockwave of Force energy knocking everyone, including yourself, back in a wave. You soared through the air, unable to control your momentum.
The back of your head hit against a snow-covered pine and everything went blurry.
You watched, nearly out of body, as the First Order retreated, a pair of Stormtroopers grabbing Mothim and leaving. Soren ran over to where you were laying, fear flashing over his features.
“Aunt (Y/N)? Are you okay?”
“Mmhmm.” You gave a thumbs-up, pushing yourself upright. The last First Order transport pulled out of orbit. The X-Wings shot, but it was already gone.
Rey ran over, giving you her arm and pulling you to your feet. “Who was that?”
“My brother.” You exhaled, breaths ragged. “Maddox. Lando was right.”
You stared at the pieces of his wings you’d severed off, being steadily buried by the snow. Your stomach sank with the weight of what you’d done. Exploited his greatest weakness, hurt him in the way that had ended your life all those years ago. Yet, you couldn’t quite bring yourself to feel bad about it.
The X-Wings swooped in for a landing and Poe sprinted across the field, nearly tripping over his own feet on his way to get to you. His gloved hand reached out, stopping short of the blackened, burned slash through your jacket, across your arm.
“You okay? We alright? What’s the move?” He asked, counting heads while reaching out for your hand.
You gave it to him, squeezing his.
“We need to get back before the weather gets worse.” You said, laser-focused on getting off the planet. “Get everyone back in the transports and get the hell out of here.”
Finn nodded, turning to start corralling people back into the transports. You started walking towards one with the others, but Poe didn’t let go of your hand, eyes meeting yours, his energy…fraught.
“I’m going with Poe.” You told Rey, not even stopping to think about the logistics of it, how it would look to the others. You didn’t care. That look on his face…whatever was going on in his head, he needed you.
She nodded, not fighting you on the matter. Poe climbed up into his X-Wing, helping you in behind him. It was a smaller cockpit than the newer models, but the controls looked nearly the same. To you, anyway, from what you could remember about your one other time inside one.
He pulled a lever and the hatch closed, sealing with a hiss and a click.
“Bee, blast the heat.” He instructed, pulling the goggles off of your head, smoothing your hair back, his touch quick and clinical. He stared at the scorched mark on your jacket. “Can you…?”
“Yeah.” You unzipped it, tugging it down your shoulders, exposing the wound. You hissed as the fabric rubbed against it, still red and agitated and hot hot hot.
“Hey, hey, you okay?” He asked, tucking your jacket into a small cargo cabinet near his feet.
“Think so.” You nodded, shedding another layer, and then rolling up the sleeve, exposing the burn. “Yeah, he definitely got me.”
“Here.” Poe pulled a bacta patch out of a small first aid kit, carefully laying it over the wound.
A cooling sensation spread from the spot, the relief instant. You leaned back against him, head resting on his shoulder as you let out a long breath. “Thanks.”
“Mmhmm.” He hummed, flipping a few switches. His arms wrapped around your waist and he pressed his face into your neck, letting out a long, warm breath against your skin. “You had me so worried, baby.”
“I’ve had worse.”
“I know.” He nodded, curls tickling you with the movement. He pressed a long kiss there, then another, arms tightening as he inhaled your scent like it was oxygen. Eventually, he lifted his head, nose rubbing against yours as your face turned towards him.
You kissed him, lips soft, tender. You could tell his mind was elsewhere.
“Your wings…are they okay? You were out there for so long…”
“They’re okay.” You raised one to demonstrate. Its movements were still a little stilted, but they would be okay. You held his face in your hand, firm, forcing him to look at you. “I’m okay, Poe. Promise. I’m not made of glass. We have to get off this planet before we get stuck here, alright? The snow’s gonna get worse.”
“Okay.” He nodded, closing his eyes and inhaling a long breath. “Okay, yeah, alright.” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips and then pulled his helmet on, putting a wall between the two of you. “Yep, just adjusting the co-pilot in here. Wheels up, fellas. Let’s get outta here.”
The X-Wings lifted off, escorting the transports out of the atmosphere and into hyperdrive.
BB-8 took the wheel for the most part. Poe was quiet, an arm around your waist, the other on the control rod. Your back was completely flush against his chest, wings tucked under, still prickling as the feeling came back, little by little.
And it was so…quiet. He was so quiet.
“You alright, Commander?”
“Gettin’ there.” He replied, arm tightening around you. He pressed an awkward kiss to your neck, as best as he could under the helmet.
You laughed softly at the awkward position.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized suddenly, voice sounding heavy.
“Sorry? Why are you sorry?” You asked, turning to look at him, attempting to meet his eyes through the glass of his helmet visor.
He pressed a button on the dash, muting himself so the other pilots couldn’t hear. “I just…sometimes it’s so easy to forget that you’re…I mean…you’ve done this before. You’ve been through so much. But I see you out there in the field, face to face with a kriffing Sith, and it all just melts away. (Y/N)...I know you can handle yourself, but I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”
The words sat there in the open for a few moments that felt like minutes. You let out a breath, turning to look at him for a long moment, his eyes locked out the windshield.
“You’re a Jedi. You’re…you’re a legend, Princess. I know that, but…”
“Everyone treats me like I’m invincible.” You confessed. “Everyone. Even after my accident. It’s…nice to have someone worry about me. I just don’t want to be a liability to you. I need you to be safe too, Poe.”
He nodded, determination brewing behind those warm eyes of his. “We’ll just have to look out for each other, then.”
“Til the end of this war, and every day after.” You promised, turning your head at an odd angle to kiss the stubble on his cheek.
He chuckled a little. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you up here sooner, baby.”
“Hey, at least we finally got our joyride.” You chuckled. “Our date.”
Poe pressed another kiss to your neck, the plasteel of his helmet brushing against the side of your face, drawing another laugh out of you. “I’ll pick a more romantic spot for the next one.”
The Illusion of Safety
After the Hoth debrief, the cantina was packed. Everyone wanted to hear about it. About the new Sith lord and how you’d sliced his wings clean off, the sheer cold of the planet. The rookies talked about nearly freezing their toes off.
You nursed a cup of Jet Juice, feeling tired, but relieved it was over. Relieved everyone was home safe with new X-Wings, new building materials, blasters, boots and uniforms. In the meantime, there had been some food deliveries as well, and Laesynda told you your garden was beginning to sprout.
Things were looking up, in other words.
The crew was caught in another game of Never Have I Ever, with updated experiences and ideas to throw at each other. Snap met your eyes, Poe seated beside you, his hand on your thigh under the table, impossibly warm, even through the fabric of your trousers.
“Never have I ever kissed a pilot.” Rose said.
You cursed under your breath, along with a handful of other people. Snap and Karé namely. You took a sip of Jet Juice, watching the wicked gleam in Poe’s eyes, the smirk that pulled at his lips.
Snap was next. He knew as well as you did that Luke Skywalker was known for his flying abilities, among many other things, of course. But just to be extra sure, he locked eyes with Poe, raising an eyebrow as he said, “Never have I ever kissed a Jedi.”
You took your sip, for Luke.
Poe’s tongue curled briefly over his lip, meeting your eyes for a moment, asking permission.
You flicked your eyes from his down to his cup and back. “What are you waiting for, Dameron? Take your sip.”
“I mean, it’s more like a hundred sips at this point, but…” Poe grinned into his cup.
Rey’s mouth fell open, everyone watching with bated breath as he chugged the rest of it. The table erupted in cheers.
“I knew it!” Finn exclaimed, pointing. “I knew it!”
Poe shook his head, all smiles. “No you did not!”
“How long?” Snap asked. “I’ve got a couple bets I need to cash in on.”
“The gala.” Poe admitted, the arm that had been resting on your thigh coming up around your waist instead.
“Really? Only since then?” Snap asked. “Maker, I thought it was longer than that, even. Saw you in the hangar one afternoon, kissing her hand.”
“Oh, that was step one of my grand plan.” Poe grinned, flyboy confidence plastered on his handsome face. “We then completely rerouted from said plan, but it worked out.”
You laughed, leaning against his shoulder. “He’s good at improvising.”
Finn deadpanned. “The morning after the gala. When you…?”
“Did the walk of shame? Yeah, sure did.” Poe admitted, earning laughs from the rest of the group. He leaned closer, breath sharp with the smell of alcohol, laced with whatever juice had been laying around the kitchens when the mechs whipped it all together. His nose brushed against your skin, lips aimed for your cheek, but you turned your head, kissing him full on the lips, heart racing at the way his mouth curled into a smile, proud.
The group cheered, offering their congratulations, saying how happy they were for you. You were happy, too. It was serious. Had been since your conversation on Hoth, but long before that, too. Poe was holding your heart in both of his warm, calloused hands. He knew that. And now they all did, too.
Tomorrow, you two would be the talk of the Resistance, the gossip of the day. But tonight, you were surrounded by your friends, laughter and warmth. Your family.
Poe pinched your side, arms curling around your waist. He pressed a long kiss to your cheek and then remembered the game. “Right, my turn. Uhhh, never have I ever been in a pod race.”
That night, you dreamt of a void. Empty and dark. Endless. A red saber ignited and then he was standing there. Mothim. Your brother.
He took off the mask, a wrinkled face beneath, eyes golden and gleaming in the shadows. A pair of jagged wings trailed behind him, their edges singed, glowing like embers. “You thought you could hide from me, you insolent girl.”
“Wasn’t hiding, actually. I was sleeping. Sorry if that’s confusing.” You retorted, voice echoing into the distance. “Maybe you’re losing it in your old age, Mads.”
“QUIET!!!” His voice echoed, pounding in your ears. You recoiled. “I’m in your head now, you insolent girl. You cannot escape me. You and that pilot of yours are done for. It’s only a matter of time before I find you and snuff out your precious little Resistance, like I should have so long ago.”
“You can’t. The fire’s been lit. You’re on borrowed time.”
He laughed, the sound spine-chilling.
He was suddenly right in front of you, long, clawed fingers grasping your chin and squeezing. Hard. You tried to run away, but you were frozen. You couldn’t move.
“It’s ironic, really. That you would say that.” He hissed, words sharp as blades. “You gave your life to kill Insidia, to stop her, but your sacrifice was in vain. You’ll see that soon.”
He lit the other end of the saber, its light piercing right through your chest, the pain real and burning.
You jolted awake, eyes shooting open. Your heart raced as you stared at the empty room, curtains blowing slightly in the breeze. You could hear the leaves rustling gently outside. You took some deep breaths.
Poe’s arm was curled tight around your waist, knees tucked up into yours, his nose pressed to the back of your neck. He felt you wake, humming softly and kissing behind your ear. “You alright?”
“Nightmare.” You said, voice shaking. 
You couldn’t get Maddox’s words out of your ears. He had threatened Poe. Maybe he knew somehow. Maybe he really was in your head. He had to be mad after you’d sliced his wings off. Seething. It was the worst pain a Mariposan could experience. Thousands of nerve endings severed all at once, white-hot. You knew that firsthand.
Maybe you should have saved a blow like that for a better moment.
“Mmm.” His voice rumbled against you, the vibrations comforting. His lips pressed against your neck, soft and gentle in the dark. “Mothim?”
“He…He said some stuff. About Insidia…” You confessed, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I…It’s…He threatened you.”
“We can tell Leia in the morning, starlight.” He said, brushing your hair back out of your face. “It’s alright.”
You nodded, but Poe could tell you weren’t convinced. He turned you over, pressing his nose to yours, eyes searching your tearstained face.
“Come here.” He pulled you into his arms, a hand skimming over your wing, the other cradling your head. “We’re fine, baby. We both are, alright? He’s not gonna touch me and if he sets foot near you again, I’ll kill him myself. All I need is a clean shot.”
You smiled softly, heart warming at the fire in his chest, in his eyes. Your Poe was a fighter. You didn’t know how likely that scenario was, but you knew he meant every word. He’d do anything to protect you, fight anyone, no matter the odds.
“You mean that, don’t you?”
“‘Course I do. I’d fight the fucking stars for you.” He pressed his lips to yours, soft and slow. “Let’s go back to sleep, alright? We both need it.”
You nodded, curling into him, leg hooking over his. You tucked your face into his shoulder, inhaling his scent, that warm mix of sandalwood and leather and his rain-scented soap. You felt so safe in his arms, like nothing and no one could touch you. You knew that wasn’t true, but it felt like it was. Like as long as the two of you were together, you’d be fine, that he could stop anyone from the cockpit of that X-Wing, neutralize any threat with only his blaster, before you could even so much as power up your saber.
You held onto that thought as you drifted off again, the illusion of safety. You and Poe, riding in his X-Wing off into the sunset, BB-8 buckled into the back seat.
The Weight of the Galaxy
You found Leia after breakfast, walked straight into her office and sat with her, told her about your nightmare.
“It might have…just been a dream.” You concluded, after giving her the details. What Maddox had said. His threat that Insidia’s plan had succeeded. That your sacrifice meant nothing.
“Did it feel like just a dream?”
“No.” You admitted, arms wrapped around yourself. “It felt…real. Or, like there was some truth to it, at the very least. I’ve dreamt about Insidia loads of times, but…never Maddox.”
Leia nodded and you could feel her, reaching with the Force. She had that look in her eye, like she was a million planets away, but right next to you. The frown that tugged at her lips gave you all the answer you needed. You’d been right. Something big was coming. Something bad.
“We need to…up the Jedi training regimen. A lot. I need all three of you ready.”
“Four.” You said. “But we’ll need a saber for Finn. I think he’s ready for it.”
“I can get one.” Leia nodded. “It’ll take some time.”
“I’ll get them as ready as I can in the meantime.” You promised.
You walked out of her office and out into the camp, feeling sick. Something in you fluttered, and not in a good way. Rey walked up to you, touching your arm, shaking you from the funk. Soren was with her, both of them waiting for the news.
“What did she say?”
“We’re on for training. As much as possible.” You said, letting out a shaking breath. “Leia’s intuition has always been…better than mine. If she thinks there was some truth to…what I saw…”
“Then we’ll just have to get ready for it. Whatever it is.”
Your stomach sank, thinking about it. “More like who.”
So you trained. All three of you and Finn. Soren and Rey sparred together nonstop, running agility courses, using a training remote, learning to deflect blasts faster. Faster. Faster yet.
You worked with Finn, handing him your saber, a trusting look in your eye.
“Oh, I couldn’t.” He shook his head.
“It’s just a loan, Finn. We’re still figuring out where to find you one. In the meantime, I need you to get comfortable with the weight of it, the movement. They’re a little different than the training rods you’ve been working with.”
He nodded, testing the weight of it in his hand. You set him on the training course, flitting from tree to tree, watching his progress from a safe distance, trying to stay out of his line of sight as much as possible. You spotted Poe, down at base, eyes tracking you while he stood with Leia and Chewbacca, flicking back down to the conversation every few moments. You ran through the branches, wings carrying you.
The blade of the saber caught on a thin tree and you used the Force to lower it to the ground, gently, out of Finn’s way. He was…hesitant, like Soren had been, but he had the raw talent. He moved like Luke, you reminisced, every move thought through, intentional.
You landed at the end of the course as he powered down the saber. He waited for your evaluation, shoulders stiff. It was moments like this when you were reminded of his upbringing. Didn’t come out often anymore, but when faced with people he saw as authority, it did tend to peek out from those kind eyes. The fear of correction. Of the punishment that followed.
You put a hand on his arm, dispelling the tension that bloomed in his chest. “That was great, Finn. You’re doing great.”
“I missed a few.”
“You’re using a borrowed saber. They’re not always easy to use when they’re not bonded to you. We’ll get you one of your own soon. Besides. I lied. That wasn’t the novice course, it was apprentice level. The work you’ve been doing, even with a stick, it all counts. You’re one of us, Finn.” You told him, hand curling around your saber as he handed it back to you. “I’m not your Jedi Master, I’m your friend. I’m here to offer advice and guidance. What you do with it is up to you. We’re all in this together.”
He smiled at that, nodding. “I like that.”
“I thought you would.”
“How’d it go?” Rey asked, walking over with Soren.
Finn let out a breath, tension rolling out of his shoulders, replaced instead with confidence, with strength from the Force. “We’re getting there.”
A week passed. Then two. Nonstop training. Meditating in the morning, breakfast, a trip through the training course, lunch, more meditation and some lightsaber sparring, dinner. After, you’d hit the books, curling up with Luke’s notes, with your own, studying every word like there was something you were missing. There had to be something you were missing.
Poe watched, your spark kindling a fire in his chest, but an ache in his heart. He’d never seen you so stressed. So driven. Like you were carrying the weight of the galaxy with those wings of yours. In some ways, you were.
“Baby…” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your neck, hands following the curve of your waist.
You were hunched over a book, sitting in the lounge. You curled into his touch, his warmth, crooning. “Mmm?”
“It’s late. Come to bed.”
“I’m fine.” You insisted. “I got thirty years of sleep, remember? I think it evens out if I cash in on some of that now.”
He exhaled, shaking his head. “You sound like me.”
“Ironic, isn’t it?” You chuckled, flipping the page.
“Alright, well, you give me no choice.” He said, closing the book with a firm hand, your eyes widening up at him. “Come on. Sleep time.”
“I will carry you.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” You asked, a bit of a bite to your words.
“Both. Come on.” He pulled you by your hands, up from the table, and hoisted you right over his shoulder.
“Hey! I feel like there are more graceful ways to be handling a princess, you know.” You protested, kicking your legs.
“Yeah, but none of them give me the chance to do this.” He gave your ass a not-so-gentle pat.
You gasped, thanking the Maker that the hallway was completely empty, otherwise, the whole crew would be talking about you and him for new reasons, since the initial buzz of your relationship coming to light had finally dwindled. “Poe Dameron!”
“Scold me later, Princess, you know you need it.” He said, setting you upright in front of the door to your quarters. He rested his hands on his hips, looking you over.
His tired, overworked little Jedi Princess. Your wings were drooping more than usual. You kept them folded away typically, for practical reasons, but they looked more like fabric than tissue at this point. He frowned.
“Why the long face, flyboy?”
“I just don’t like seeing you like this.” He admitted, reaching out for your hand. He fiddled with your fingers. “You need sleep. You need to be drinking more water. Mariposans need it to perk up their wings. Look at ‘em, starlight, I’ve never seen them so droopy.”
“Yeah, I’ve been…distracted, I guess.” You relented, nodding. “I’ll drink some before bed.”
“Oh I know you will. I’m staying.” He said, pushing past you into the room. He pulled you inside, closing the door with a press of the panel. He plucked your drinking glass from your desk, rinsing it out in your bathroom sink before bringing it back with clean water and pressing it into your hand. “Drink.”
��Yes, Commander.” You replied, tipping it back and taking several long sips. He was right. You’d needed it.
He took your face in his hand, fingers gentle, but firm. He wiped a droplet of water from the corner of your lip with his thumb. “Good girl.”
You’d be lying if you said that didn’t do something to you. And you would have done something to him, if it wasn’t so late, if the initial point of his little wellness check hadn’t been sleep, or, more accurately, your lack thereof.
You brushed your teeth, put some lotion on your wings, aided by his careful touch, and then you both climbed into bed. You rested your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat, steady and strong. He played with your hair, pressing kisses to your forehead.
“Thank you.” You finally said, voice quiet.
His lips curled into a smile against your hairline. “What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn’t gently bully you into taking care of yourself?”
You chuckled. “Probably not a very good one.”
“Mmhmm.” He hummed. “Now, do me a favor and close those pretty eyes of yours. I’m thinking at least seven hours. Maybe eight if we’re lucky.”
You leaned up and pressed your lips to his, movements slow, loving. “Won’t Leia…”
“She and I both know we need you at your best. All of us, really, but…especially you.” Poe kissed you, gazing at you through those thick dark, thick eyelashes. He pulled you back down, kissing your temple, a hand grazing your wing, which was starting to flex to its former shape again.
You let out a long breath, his touches lulling you with expert precision. You mumbled into the crook of his neck, eyelids growing heavy at his warmth. “This is not fair.”
“There it is. Sleep, baby. I’ll see you in the morning.” Poe reassured, voice soft.
He listened as your breaths slowed, felt as you slipped off to sleep, the tension leaving your face, your body, your wings.
And then, once he was absolutely sure you were asleep, he pressed a final kiss to your forehead and whispered, “I love you.”
Sometimes, when Poe woke up before you, if whatever position the two of you awoke in allowed, he’d slip his mother’s ring onto your finger, just to see. Even with it still on the chain, it did something to him, the way it looked on your hand, that braided leather bracelet on your wrist, the one that meant that you were his.
It looked right. Felt right.
He felt you stir, so he pulled it off, gently, kissing each of your eyelids as you blinked awake. Refreshed and well-rested for the first time in weeks.
Poe wasn’t Force Sensitive, but he could tell there was something big coming. You all could. It made him cherish these little moments between you even more.
Leia got word from a scout named Boolio. There was some info he had on a hard drive, a potential spy in the First Order. Someone would have to rendezvous, download the files in person. Poe put himself forward. Finn, too. Chewbacca.
Poe tried to get at least one of the other Jedi to come along, but the three of you were staying behind to train.
“More training. Figures. I should have known you’d say that.” Poe said, deflated.
Your resolve softened. “Poe.”
“No, it’s fine, I get it, it’s just…”
You took a step closer, taking his hand, the other smoothing out the fabric of his button-up shirt, the one he claimed made him look like a sexy space pirate. He wasn’t wrong about that. “If you need me, I’m there.”
He thought about it, meeting your eyes. He knew you meant it. You always did. He shook his head, relenting, and pressed a long kiss to the back of your hand, stubble tickling against your skin. “They need you here. Finn and I will be alright. I just feel…better with you on board. Call me superstitious, or…”
“Sentimental?” You smiled softly, tucking a stray curl behind his ear. “May the Force be with you, Commander.”
He touched the Mariposan healer’s pendant, still hanging around his neck from its leather cord, right beside his mother’s ring. “It always is.”
You watched the Falcon take off, unrest taking root in your heart. You didn’t know exactly why, but you knew this was the mission that would change everything. That once the boys got back, everything would be different.
You let out a long breath, watching the ship until it shrank away into the sky, zapped away at lightspeed. There was no going back now.
Tags: @cap-lu20
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lesbiandanhowell · 9 months
Sam reacts to: Dan and Phil are MEAN GIRLS
- I am so proud of them for this somehow?? Like their game was so good that someone else wanted to adapt their game and soooo glad to know they get money for it.
- Dan saying Phils best feature is "his annoying personality" was said with SO much fondness.
- The first question about their 2009 meet literally scared me I won't lie, I was afraid of what level of honesty we were about to get.
- Phil admitting he was nervous meeting Dan, I WILL SOB DONT MIND ME
- "I'd go to poundland with Anthony Padilla" WE KNOW DAN STOP TELLING US
- Phil making gay jokes about Dan is so funny, considering Phil knew all the gay thoughts...
- Phil immediately looking at Dan after saying Cunt, he wanted that approval SO badly omfg
- The fact they argue over who should win on behalf of the OTHER ONE, whipped as fuck mate
- I want to argue that Phil didn't say his year with Dan was exhausting because of Dan, but because of all the stuff they went through together.
- My first thought for Phil's dumbest thing he said was: 26 + 5 = 29
- Phil talking about Dan having Daddy Issues WHAT YEAR ARE WE LIVING IN THIS FEELS UNREAL
- Dan wearing shorts >>>>>>>>
- Where are Dan's curly curls, his hair looks less curly in this video :((
- Phil owning his fat ass, GOOD FOR HIM
- I get so genuinely offended when Dan makes fun of Phil, like I want to protect them and anyone being mean to them makes me feel bad stop it.
- Dan reading the card and instead of looking at the card as well, Phil just fixates on Dan's face, okay.
THIS VIDEO WAS SO FUN. Phil is coming into himself so much with this latest revival I feel like, he is so much more sassy and confident. I truly adore this new era and I am endlessly sad tomorrow is the last video sob.
57 notes · View notes
lorre-verie · 2 years
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡. 4 ࿐ྂ 
summary: Ao’nung’s unbridled and seemingly nonsensical rage causes him to do the dumbest thing you’ve ever seen him do in your entire 15 years of living. The next time you talk to Neteyam, you realise it is you who must pay for the weight of your brother’s crimes.
word count: 2.1k
pairings: neteyam x gn! Ao’nung’s older twin! Reader
warnings: sadness, ao’nung and reader reconciling, i think there’s cussing somewhere, more sadness
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | masterlist
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“You’ve struck me down and thrown away my heart, and you dare laugh?” Neteyam grasped at his chest, mimicking heartbreak. You laughed harder at his amusing behaviour. He kept finding ways to cheer you up, and you were grateful to him for it. 
The day after Ao’nung’s outburst, you came to Neteyam for comfort. You were both sitting on a tiny sandy island just a little ways from Awa’atlu, cracking jokes and teaching each other stuff.
He had taught you some more english lingo, and you taught him how to swim faster. Not too fast though, you worried that if you taught him too well he’d be faster than you. 
You never told him about what Ao’nung had said the other night, you just wanted him to make you feel like everything was going to be okay again. You had gotten used to his presence and the way he made a deep buzzing sound in your heart.
“Okay okay, what’s a playboy again?” you tried to comprehend the language, but there were just so many rules and confusing terms. “A playboy is a guy who can get a lot of people pining for him, you know, like me,” he smiled smugly.
You laughed, slapping his elbow at his amazingly stupid words.“Yeah, right! The only person you talk to aside from your family is me! And I don’t like you in that way,” you retorted, stifling the rest of your laugh. 
“Really?” he frowned, before leaning in closer to you, eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. “Wanna test that theory?” he smiled. 
This was the second time Neteyam had been this close, the distance between you two threatening to close ever so suddenly like a door in a room with an open window. You wanted to kiss him, but it just felt too soon. 
You placed a hand gently on his chest, about to push him away, but before you could the sounds of an ilu splashing out of the water caught both your attention. Ao’nung leered at you two with immeasurable anger behind his eyes, something that Neteyam hadn’t been able to catch. 
“Hey fish lips, give us some space, yeah?” Neteyam called out to him with a grin on his face. With that you quickly pushed Neteyam away, getting up on your feet. “Ao’nung,” you put your two hands out as if to defend yourself,  “this isn’t what it looks like.”
Neteyam looked confused at your statement. He was still sitting down, looking at how Ao’nung practically leapt off the ilu, taking heavy steps towards you with a scowl on his face. “Really?” your brother spat. “Your excuses are getting lamer and lamer as the days go by, Y/N.” 
Your ears flattened, clenching your jaw. “Ao’nung, let’s go talk somewhere else.” you avoided Neteyam’s gaze, continuing to look at your younger twin.
“No. We can talk right here, in front of him.” Ao’nung pointed at the still bewildered omaticayan who was getting up, his finger trembling with fury.
“Fine!” you snapped. “I still don’t get why you’re so hung up about me and Tsireya liking people. It’s not that serious!” 
“It’s not about you liking people.” he snarled. “It’s about you liking them. They aren’t one of us!”
“Why the hell does that matter!” you shouted back. Your brother’s eyes widened when the foreign word spilled out of your mouth, before his expression turned hard.
“He’s brainwashing you.” he whispered to himself, as if he had come to a mind blowing realisation. 
“Y/N, he’s one of those demons, we can’t trust them!” as he got closer to you, you backed away before Neteyam stopped him by the shoulder. “Don’t get any closer,” he warned, his voice low. 
“Get off me, demon.” Ao’nung spat, grabbing Neteyam’s arm and throwing it off his own shoulder, seemingly appalled at the touch. 
“I’ve already gotten rid of your brother, don’t make me do the same to you–” he stopped mid sentence, as if caught off guard. His body froze, lips still parted. 
A short moment of silence followed that was almost unbearable. 
“What did you say?” Neteyam spoke up, eyes turned to slits. Ao’nung couldn’t answer him, his frightened eyes fixed on you. You inhaled deeply, suppressing the anger that boiled under your skin. If your little brother had meant what he just said, he was in for it now. 
“Ao’nung,” you seethed, your voice low.
“What did you do?”
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(this would be a VERY appropriate time to play slipping through my fingers by ABBA)
You watched silently as Neteyam dragged your brother by the kuru, bringing him to his father. “Tell him what you told me,” he practically growled, tugging on Ao’nung’s kuru. Your brother fell silent for a bit, before confessing what he’d done.
He’d told the father of the boy he’d just doomed that he tricked his son into going out of the reef, leaving him to fend for himself for a ‘joke.’
The sky felt like it was crumbling as you sat there, legs dangling at the edge of your marui, watching people leave and return on their ilus in a desperate search for Neteyam’s brother. You were to stay back and assist any affairs unrelated to his disappearance, an order met by your protests at first.
You felt a shift in the atmosphere, the feeling of someone’s tenseness radiating through the air. “Ao’nung.” you called out, and you imagined him stiffening. “Come,” you patted the spot next to you. “Sit.” 
Reluctantly, he dragged his heavy body towards you, sitting down without a word. He had expected you to start scolding him, to start screaming at him for his stupidity, but instead, 
you snaked your arm around his shoulder, pulling him towards you. 
“I don’t know what reason you had for doing what you did, but I just want you to know,” he sucked in a breath, awaiting his damnation. 
“You’re going to be alright,” you smiled softly, nudging his head to rest on your shoulder. 
“You don’t have to say anything. Just know that when the time comes, I’ll be here for you.” 
He was utterly baffled. 
What were you doing? 
Trying to guilt him into apologising? 
Because you didn’t need to do that, he already would have to pay for his stupid crime for the rest of his life. He wanted to lift his head up, to reject your reassurance,
but he just couldn’t. 
Instead, a single tear flowed down his cheek, landing softly on your skin. 
With your hand placed softly on his shoulder, you rest your head upon his, gently rubbing soothing circles into his tense muscles.
“Y/N! The meanies kept on picking me today!” a tiny Ao’nung cried to you, his tears soaking your shoulder as he cried on it. 
“Shh, baby bro. It’s going to be alright,” a little you hugged him tightly, leading him to sit where you both were sitting right now. 
The silence was filled with his sniffles, both past and present. 
“You’re going to be alright.” both little you and present you whispered, shutting your eyes tightly and squeezing his shoulder. 
The memory of the promise you made to him rushed back to you, as clear as if it had happened yesterday. Despite being twins, he was much smaller than you at the time, which made him an easy target for others to tease. 
Although the teasing was meant to be lighthearted, he struggled to find the humour in it, which was kind of ironic now. 
“Nung,” the small you said, a serious look in your eyes. 
You smiled to yourself, remembering your slurred words. You were only 5 years old at the time, your sentences barely coherent to adults. But being twins, you could understand each other perfectly.
“I will protect you, always.” 
“No matter what?”
“No matter what. 
nothing can ever, 
take me away from you,
I. promise.”
Tears well up in your eyes as you realised, you had already broken that promise many times over.
Each time you retreated to your private little sanctuary, avoiding your problems, you were also avoiding him. 
Perhaps, just perhaps, it was not escaping from your duties that made you guilty, but it was escaping from your brother.
You recollected a memory of returning home from a little escapade, having spent the time climbing trees. This was when you were 7, before you’d even found the cave. 
As you arrived back home, you saw your mother attending to Ao'nung, who had a deep cut on his arm, crying loudly. A tiny Tsireya was there too, offering comfort by holding his hand. Apparently, it happened while he was in the water alone. “He said he wasn’t watching where he was going, and knocked into a rock,” your mother explained.
But the fear and confusion in his eyes as he looked up at you told you otherwise.
You never got to find out what truly happened, because you never really cared to ask. You were too obsessed with finding your own free time. 
Unbeknownst to you, a dark silhouette creeped by the entrance of your marui. It leered at you comforting your little brother, ears flicking with contempt as it heard your small reassurances.
It's not your fault,
I’m so sorry,
Everything will be fine.
And as soon as the shadow appeared, it was gone. 
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Lo’ak came back past eclipse with one of your own people who’d found him just within the reef, you were able to hear the relieved sighs of your parents and his own as he approached the island. 
You stood behind your father, his hand firmly on the back of Ao’nung’s neck. Lo’ak had a look of pure anger on his face when he looked at your brother, like he wanted to punt him in the face, only to be stopped by his father as he stomped up onto the woven deck. 
Jake Sully inspected his son, checking his back for any bruises. “He’s fine, just a few scratches.” he said loudly, so that the crowd of metkayina would disperse quickly. 
Neytiri hurried from behind the crowd, quickly checking to see that her son was alright. When she confirmed she wasn’t hurt, she quickly scolded him. 
“I pray for the strength that I will not rip the eyeballs out of my youngest son!” she hissed, making a grabbing motion at Lo’ak’s eye, to which Tsireya next to you winced. 
“No,” your father said, pushing Ao’nung down to kneel. “My son knows better than to take him outside of the reef. The blame is his.”
Jake nodded hesitantly, deciding he didn’t want to cause any more trouble with the Olo’eyktan. “Okay, let’s go.” 
“It’s not Ao’nung’s fault,” Lo’ak shook his head, looking up at your father. Ao’nung’s head turned up at this, both you and him (and your mother) were bewildered at this. 
“It was my idea. Ao’nung tried to talk me out of it, really.”
Neteyam put a hand on Lo’ak’s arm, silently asking him with his eyes, What are you doing? He only gave his older brother a glance of the eye to respond.
Your mother and father exchanged looks. They always did this, communicating without even needing to speak to each other. Lo’ak was covering for their son, they knew it. But why, was the question.
Your father pulled up Ao’nung, turning to him. “Is this true?” he asked, disbelief laced between his words. 
Although you admired your parents for their ability to see through such lies, you were also disappointed they didn’t believe their own son could be responsible for one moment. Your eyes darted towards Neteyam who was walking away with his family, and you quickly excused yourself. 
As you approached, however, you heard his parents scolding him. “Where were you?” Neytiri asked. “Yeah, what happened to keep an eye on your brother?” Jake said in english, it seemed he noticed you were coming towards them, but he didn’t know you could understand their conversation. 
You gulped, knowing that Neteyam was with you when Lo’ak was led outside the reef. “Sorry sir.” Neteyam muttered. You couldn’t see his face, but you could tell from his tone of voice that he was not happy.
Jake and Neytiri left him, Jake nodding to you before he left as some form of greeting. “Neteyam, how are you feeling?” you asked him softly.
He sighed, turning towards you. There was a glint of something you’d never seen before in his eyes, and you couldn’t quite figure out what it was. But as he narrowed them, it became clear.
He was glaring at you with utter distaste.
“I don’t feel like talking to you right now.” he said, his tone indicating that his anger was threatening to reach boiling, and you were the cause. 
Your heart dropped all the way to your stomach as he stalked away, leaving you wondering. 
What did I do?
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | masterlist
Idk what to say except oh no angst 😨 this part is definitely shorter than the others and idk why, it just seemed that this was enough words to convey the message. i THINK that the next part is the finale, but we’ll just have to see. Also if you’ve been reading this series from the start, you’ll notice that all the chapters have undergone a design transformation cause I just thought it looked better <3
Taglist: @strawberryclouds22 @assistantquail @st4rrry @neteyamforlife @heaven1oo4 @spicycloudsalad @1ntefly @laylasbunbunny @fanboyluvr @xoxobabe @thecrazyswamp @amortencjja @lynbubble @jakesullyssluttt @gabithefanwriter @erenjaegerwifee @abbersreads
note: usernames in red are the ones i couldn't tag
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trannydykepuppybot · 8 months
How do I get people to treat me like a dog? I'm so fucking burned out and tired of pretending to be a functional human being and I've been basically only domming for months. There have been isolated exceptions, sure, but it feels like I'm running on maybe if I'm lucky once a week ten second instances of relief and counterintuitively self-sustaining trauma. I can't recharge just by taking breaks from being dommey, either. It's like noticing your phone battery is low, so you turn it off for a bit. How the fuck is that supposed to help anything in the long-term? Like, some nice stuff happened over winter break, but then I go home and remember that my normal is this awful situation. And it's not like I don't love my subs, I really do and I do find fulfillment with them, they mean worlds to me, but it's like all water, no food. I can't sustain myself like this. I know this is probably the dumbest fucking thing anyone has ever vented about, "oh, I feel so sad because nobody is calling me a good puppy," but just. I can't handle being in constant control. I'm just not human. I'm not supposed to be like this. I have to keep this mask up and this hat on 24/7 and it's genuinely killing me. I just need to give it up for five fucking minutes. I need breaks. I need time to be myself that I can rely on. I need to know that when I go home after a miserable day of dealing with asshole college students who don't know what a thought experiment is and deranged zionist cishets ranting about the economy, I can stop pretending to be something I'm not. And the unfortunate truth is that I need that process to be facilitated. Maybe it's unhealthy, it probably is, but this is my poison. This is my coping mechanism. This is what I burst into tears thinking about at 3am. I can't fucking live like this. I need to be able to feel like me. I'm a severely unstable half-formed wannabe "woman" who thinks it's a robot dog, and if that's what I'm stuck being, why can't I at least be allowed to feel like the insane piece of shit that I am enough that I don't want to be vivisected and put in a museum rather than spend another month drifting even farther away from the already miserable shit that I am?
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lluvllimoo · 5 months
It was all worth it
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Hi sadly this isn’t a tickle fic
Words: 1232
Tw: contains depressing stuff
Also this is a story about the past and since we had a 9th member in the past that we do not have right now i did not include him but that doesn’t mean i dislike him. I respect him and i don’t have anything towards him. So please don’t hate. Thank you🩷
@itzsana-kiddingmenow 🩷
Do you ever feel sad, but you have no reason to be sad? Depressed, not wanting to do anything but cry and be alone. The reason might be your bottled-up emotions. That just wants to be let out. Maybe you pushed yourself too much. Try to be perfect, but in the end, people always find a way to criticize your work. No matter how hard you tried, someone would always make you remember how dumb you were. Well, in the past, when Bangchan was still a student, he always got told that he should try harder. Little did they know he had many sleepless nights because he studied to try to perfect his exam results. Did he succeed? Yes and no at the same time. Bangchan hated this. He despised the fact that, no matter how hard he studied, he was unable to advance. He hated how people talked down on him for being dumb. He hated the way people would talk to him. They would talk to him like he was the dumbest person on earth. It ruined his mental health. When you looked at his eyes closely, you could see how tired he was. He always wished he was never born so he could never have to go through this hell of a world where everything is just so cruel. When Bangchan was studying, his mind was always on music; that was what he wanted to work on. But he was still too small in this large, lonely world. He couldn't go out there all alone. He tried to convince his mom to let him go and let him work on his dreams. His mom told him he would go one day, but not now. His mom promised him she would send him to Korea if he tried harder. 
"Harder? Harder... What do you mean harder?"
"I've tried my best, but I'm still not good enough." 
"I'm still dumb."
"I'm so tired."
"Why can't I be like the other kids?"
"Why can't I just do it?"
"It's not that hard."
He couldn't take it anymore. It was all too much. I mean, at the end of the day, he was still a child, not even an adult yet, and he was already struggling with many mental issues. Every day when he woke up, he wished that someone would come and kill him already. Everything was getting too much to handle. He couldn't handle all these problems.
"When is this school year going to end?"
"Maybe this year is the year I will go to Korea to proceed with my singing career."
"Maybe it will all be worth it."
"What am I even saying?"
"I will never succeed."
"It hurts."
He couldn't stop the tears. As he watched the sky, he saw seven stars that shone brighter than others. 
"7 younger members would be amazing to have."
The rest of the night went by in a flash. Chan didn't even realize the sun was starting to rise. Another sleepless night passed by. He went back into his room. He looked through his phone. He saw people who made it to the top. It made him sad again. But this time, he couldn't cry. He cried so much that he didn't have tears to cry anymore.
"If my mom won't let me do it, I'll take things into my own hands."
"I can't keep living like this."
So that is what he did. He looked up flights to Korea. He had some money saved from performing on the streets. To be honest, the time he felt alive was when he was singing on the streets. He booked the cheapest flight and went up to his mom.
"Yes honey?"
"I am going to Korea; I can't do this anymore."
"I can't live like this anymore."
"I already booked my flight."
"I'm going to make my dreams come true."
"Say something."
"Look, honey, I won't stop you from doing what you want to do. I'll always support you, no matter what."
"The reason I didn't allow you to go yet is because I just couldn't bear to see you go."
"Seeing you go hurts."
"But if this is what you want..."
"You should go do it."
"Go and make your dreams come true."
"Me and your siblings will support you from far away."
"I'll talk with your uncle to help you out when you arrive in Korea."
"Thank you, mom."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
-Time skip-
And here it was. Korea, with all of its glory. He finally made it to Korea. He went to his uncle's house to stay there until he had some money to buy his own house. His mom sent him money every month, but that was not even close to the prices of an apartment. He barely made it to the end of the month. But that didn't stop him. He went to JYP to join the auditions. He was a talented kid. He almost made it. What held him back? Well, he was told he was still too young to debut, so he had to train until he was ready.
And that's where it all started. If he thought he had a hard time back then, this was way worse than whatever he had back then. He went through very harsh training. The trainers did not go easy on him. He had to learn everything. He had to learn how to play the guitar. He had to learn how to play the piano. He had to improve his vocals and the ability to dance. It was rough. But Chan did not give up. This was what he wanted all along, and he was ready to give up everything.
-Time skip-
It had been seven years since he came here to audition. He had been training for seven whole years. But this day was going to come to an end. Bangchan got called into JYP's office.
"I think it's time, Bangchan."
"It's time for you to pick your members and debut."
"I have some trainees for you."
"We will do a survival show called..."
"What should we call it?"
"I want to name it the group name, but we still haven't decided on the name yet."
"How about.."
"How about stray kids?"
"That sounds amazing, actually."
"Great idea, Bangchan."
"See you soon, then."
With that, Bangchan bowed to JYP and got out of the office. The moment he left, he couldn't stop himself. He cried. He cried over everything he had been holding inside. It was finally happening. Every night, he would talk to his mom, telling her he missed her so much. His mom would tell him how brave he was, and he would debut soon.
"Mom wasn't lying after all."
Soon the survival show started; it lasted about a month. It was tragic. They cried a lot. Made memories. But it all came down to the day they would announce the members. They were standing on the stage with JYP in front of them. Their names were called one by one. Bangchan, Han Jisung, I.N., Hyunjin,Changbin,Felix, Seungmin, and Lee Know.
Bangchan had finally made it. He made it... He went through all of that, but it was worth it. It was worth every second of it.
God had blessed him with one member for each year he trained. It was meant to be.
Omg im so pissed actually. I uploaded this 4 freaking times. But i had to deleted bc i wrote something incorrectly. It annoyed me so much. Anyways hope you’re doing well. Btw the way you can tell how im doing by reading this…
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kajiimotojiiro · 6 days
Who are your favorite and least favorite FKMT characters?
Oh man. Okay. The thing is I love like all of the characters so far (with one major exception) so this is going to be long and probably annoying BUT I have nothing better to do than ramble so.
FIRST OF ALL. Kazuya.... my boy.... I just think he's so fucking intriguing. If he wasn't a gambler I'm sure he'd be that freak cave diving and skydiving and riding a motorcycle 200 mph in the dark with no helmet on just to try and feel something besides immense boredom. He was doomed from the moment he was born. While some authors are literally typing "this is research for writing I promise" in google so they don't get flagged as someone dangerous he's straight up just torturing people for reference. I love the way he speaks. I think he's incredibly endearing despite. Gestures. His everything. I'm actually at a standstill in reading the manga bc I keep just rereading his first chapter he appears in and grinning like an idiot. Anyway. I'm very normal about his crazy ass.
Of course I also adore Kaiji. Who doesn't??? Like. See hims face. He's so cute. He's so hopeless. Living embodiment of the dumbest fucking choices possible. Anxiety gijinka. Sweats more than the entire cast of top gun. The only thing that beats out his obsession to gamble endlessly is his obsession with helping EVERYONE ALL THE TIME TO HIS OWN DETRIMENT. Despite everything he can't help but be kind and determined and I just. Man. Adrenaline junkie who is addicted to his own panic attacks. I love him so much. I cry if I think about him too much.
ENDOU. MAN. I need him to go batshit feral in a Teiai meeting like full nothings gonna stop me now paul Kaye style. He deserves it. As a treat. The entire series is basically his fault so the fact that he keeps ending up in trouble throughout it makes me laugh like bro. Every single time you get involved with Kaiji everything goes to hell for you WHEN WILL YOU LEARN. But also don't ever learn bc I will be sad if he disappears from the manga. Where is his spinoff fkmt. Where is it. And can it just be him in his downtime reviewing restaurants.
Tonegawa!!!! I miss him. Biggest style glow up in the manga tbh. Sure yeah he is an ass and doesn't really see any of the gamblers as people but. I love him anyway. He did NOT deserve what he got. It wasn't even his fault his opponent was batshit insane. I need him back. Please please please please please.
Okay this is already forever long let's have honorable mentions. Ishida - He's so cute and I feel so bad and I cheered when Kaiji punched his idiot son for bitching about him. I hope he was unconscious before he hit the ground. Sahara - Possibly actually the most insane guy in the series. Bro WHY did you wanna be in a death game so badly. Definitely had the young guy mindset of invincibility. "You smell different" Sir WHAT are you fucking TALKING about. He on x games motherfucker. Uhhhh. No okay I'm cutting myself off bc like. I have a lot of feelings.
I lied one more - Mikoko. She deserves sooooo much better than Kaiji I'm sorry yeah everyone loves him but he's kinda just a dweeb. I hope we see more of her actually.
As for least favourites.... Sakazaki is like. He's okay. He's kinda pathetic as all hell but he pulled through in the bog arc. But whenever he starts talking about Mikoko it kinda skeeves me out. I don't think he's doing anything weird or wrong or whatever I'm just like sir why are you imagining your daughter pregnant. That's uncomfortable I don't like it. Otherwise he's okay. He's just kinda there.
OTHERWISE THERES ONLY ONE RAT BASTARD IN THE ENTIRE SERIES I HATE (sorry this ended up being only about Kaiji - you see, it's the only fkmt work I've really interacted with. Otherwise I'm p sure Washizu would have been up there in my faves.) But. Like. Kazutaka just fucking sucks. And believe me, I've loved some shit tier villains before, but he's just. He's not even fun to hate, he's just _there_. "I want more money" OK then like. Get into counterfeiting or SOMETHING that's more interesting than just slobbering all over the screen when you show up. I just can't think of a single enjoyable character trait. Tantrum throwing piss baby who just likes being cruel to be cruel. And again, like, it can totally be done well! He's just fucking 1 note and boring. To me he adds nothing. He's a placeholder when more interesting opponents aren't around. Keel over already shithead.
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petersbaby · 2 years
Stepbro!eddie installment #7
Warnings: this is just fluff but mentions of parent loss/abandonment
“I can’t talk about this with you.” You say, wiping your tears off your cheek.
“Hey, sure you can. Why not?”
You’ve been upset all day, on edge constantly and you’re finally breaking down. It was inevitable. You just wish it hadn’t happened in front of Eddie, he came to your room and asked if you were okay and it all came out.
His eyebrows immediately furrowed in concern, and he sat down next to you on your bed. You didn’t answer, but just leaned your head on his shoulder.
“Because. It’s a family thing. I don’t want you to think I’m not happy with how everything ended up, but it just hurts sometimes.”
“What hurts?”
“It-it’s the anniversary today. I wish my dad had never died and I wish he was still here and with my mom. She loves your uncle I know but I can’t help but feel some sort of resentment that she moved on.”
“I understand. But it’s time, isn’t it? It’s been six years.”
“Mhm. I know. Like I said, I’m grateful for the family we have now. I just miss him extra on days like this.”
“Do you wanna talk about it? Like maybe share memories or something?” He asked awkwardly. He never really knew what to do in sad situations.
“No offense, Eddie, but that’s the last thing I wanna do right now.” You replied, sniffling.
He moves to sit back against your headboard, placing a pillow in his lap and patting it.
You immediately come to him, laying your head down and crying silently. He let you have that silence, and only just ran his fingers through your hair.
“You know, I can kind of relate. My dad’s not dead but he may as well be. I haven’t seen him in that amount of time either. He just left.”
You nod, signaling that you’re listening, appreciating him opening up since it’s something you’ve never discussed.
“Do you miss him?” You ask.
“Nah, no not really.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. “My uncle stepped in pretty quick, so I wasn’t really without a guardian for long. I love him like a dad, sometimes I even refer to him as my dad.”
“That’s sweet. He really loves you.” You comment.
“Not sure why, but yeah I guess so.”
“What are you talking about?? Why aren’t you sure?”
“I don’t know, I’m just a pretty shitty person I think.”
You lift yourself up, tears drying now, to look at him.
“You are not shitty. I find you to be quite loveable.” You climb into his lap to hug him tight.
“Thank you princess. I’m glad someone thinks so.” He smiles.
You pull back, to look him face to face.
“I love you, eds. A lot.”
“I love you too. Even more.”
He changes the topic with hopes of distracting you, telling you about different embarrassing things that have happened to him over the years because it always made you laugh.
Your favorite was probably the one where he walked past a water fountain at school without looking down and slipped in a puddle of water that was leaking out of it.
He busted his ass and had to walk around soaking wet and holding his butt for several hours afterward.
You had the biggest dumbest smile on your face by the time he was done talking to you, and he considered that to be a win in his book.
“You know, this is cheesy, but I think that if homes were people instead of places, you would be mine.” You breathe in the scent of him from his cotton tee shirt. It does smell like home.
“You’re mine too. And I’m never gonna leave.”
“You promise?” You ask hopefully.
“It would never even cross my mind. I promise.”
“But what if-“ he stops you before you even get the chance to start bringing up crazy hypotheticals.
“I said never. Okay? Never ever gonna let you go.” Even with the abandonment issues and trust issues you had, the way he spoke these words made you trust that they were true.
You start to cry again on his shoulder, realizing soon that you were getting his shirt visibly wet. “I’m sorry”, you say, slightly laughing.
“It’s fine. How about this, do you wanna go somewhere, see a movie or something? Just to get your pretty little mind to focus on something else.”
“Hmm.” You pulled away, “do you see me? I can’t go anywhere in public. I look like a crazy mess.”
“If you’re a crazy mess, I’m an insane train wreck. What about a movie here? We could get food and watch one in the living room?”
“Mhm. That sounds really good. Can you go get the food though? I’m too lazy and it’s too chilly to come with you but I’ll warm up a spot on the couch for you for when you get back” you ask with a slightly devious smile.
“Fine, I guess princesses don’t have to go out when it’s cold. McDonald’s?”
You look at every VHS tape in your collection in the living room, trying to pick one that he would like. You pick out 3 options, but can’t settle on one, so you lay them out on the table. Soon he comes back, a paper bag and two milkshakes in his hands.
Your eyes light up like a little kid on Christmas, and the sight of you so happy brings warmth to his heart that he can’t deny.
“Couldn’t decide. You pick.” You say, gesturing to the three movies in front of you.
“Hmm”, he says, looking at the options. “How about all three? Or probably one and a half before you inevitably fall asleep at 11pm”
You punch him in the arm. “I need my beauty sleep, shush.”
“You’d still be beautiful if you never slept a minute. You don’t need any help with that.”
He pushes a movie into the slot and you both sit through the intro while you dug into the food.
When you’re both done, he starts to stand up. “Nooo”, you say.
“Just throwing away our trash, princess. Coming right back.” And he did.
You lifted the large knit blanket you had draped over you and scooted closer to him as you covered him too. He wrapped an arm around you, holding you tight.
“Ah, jesus. What the fuck was that??”
You giggled. “Sorry. My hands were cold.” You had slipped them under his shirt to warm them up and the sudden sensation seemed to startle him.
“I’m not your own personal heater, but I’ll allow it.”
You ended up in the same position as earlier, your head in his lap but this time you weren’t crying. Quite the opposite, you felt so warm and happy that you drifted off to sleep with a smile on your face.
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