#i just wanted to enjoy a fun little excursion with my brother
sapphictea · 1 year
Love to have a 7:45am 'quick chat' with 12 hours notice and then be informed in said 'quick chat' that they do want a portfolio and now I'm having to rush to make one before I go on a trip this afternoon
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alexiela73 · 2 years
Could you do a Ramattra Head-cannon thing? (my first time asking lol) What if it was about going to the beach? 🦀 curious to see what you’d put for him lol -thx :)
Um, heck yes!
Ramattra...and Zenyatta?
Do you know why he went to the beach for the first time?
Ramattra doesn't believe in 'taking down days' or 'enjoying the little things', not when the world needed so much fixing
Zenyatta though had wanted to go to the beach for a long time- he could have gone whenever he wanted, but he wanted to go with friends
At first, Zenyatta would throw out subtle hints.
"I imagine the ocean looks beautiful this time of year...", "I've been very interested lately in ocean life...", and "...I have never played beach volleyball. Have you, Ramattra?"
Ramattra had just stared dully at him and said, "...do I look like the kind of omnic who goes to play beach volleyball?"
When Ramattra finally put his foot down and denied him, Zenyatta... took matters into his own hands
He had permission from the team to go on a little excursion...since asking hadn't worked, he'd try gently....kidnapping him
It wasn't as hard as it should've been. Zenyatta and Genji had tied Ramattra up, and Zenyatta had politely said, "If you should break your bonds, I'll be very, very disappointed...and I'll let Checkers use his scarf as a bed."
Disgusted, Ramattra had stared at him hard, tempted to break free. "You wouldn't."
Leaning in, there was the briefest moment where Zenyatta's lights turned red, and he just said in a hushed voice, "I will throw it in his litterbox if you don't fulfill my dream of going to the beach. I. Am. Serious."
And as quickly as they'd been red, suddenly Zenyatta beeped and clapped his hands gently. "Lets go, shall we? I am excited to feel the sand."
Ramattra felt his circuits get warm. Ramattra felt brief terror and...was that interest? No, impossible.
Besides, who would remind Zenyatta he couldn't feel the sand?
When the three of them arrived, Ramattra walked out onto the thankfully empty beach and his eyes surveyed it. Other then the cry of gulls and the waves pulling at the sand, it looked...desolate.
"Brother, I think that perhaps this will not be as fun as you think-" Ramattra started to say, but was shocked as suddenly Zenyatta ran by-
Yes. Ran- the usually floating omnic had put his feet to the ground- and was now running around the beach, arms outstretched like an airplane.
Ramattra stared at him in awe- how unlike his brother to be so unreserved.
"Every once in awhile, Master gets what Jesse and I call... the 'zoomies'," Genji tells him, unloading a small bag of towls, buckets and sticks.
"Really..." Ramattra said, rubbing his chin- he'd broken his bonds in the ship, but had stopped fighting the trip. "I've never seen him do this before. He seems...happy," he said.
Genji nodded, seeming fond. "I've heard the kids these days calling it 'letting loose'...whatever that means. Lets go, we have to remind him the salt water will erode his ciruits."
The blue sky above, the white sand beneath their feet, and the obvious beeps of joy escaping Zenyatta as he ran around, Ramattra decided perhaps...it was okay to 'let loose' too.
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torikaku · 3 years
Can i request a one shot with Sebek introducing his s/o to his family. He didn't tell his family that he has a s/o. So at first his family thought that they were just his friend but they are actually his s/o.
Upd: here also I wrote some headcanons about his parents
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It’s the first time you visit Valley of Thorns. It looks almost like what is pictured in your head. In any case, you are happy to visit the homeland of your beloved boyfriend. You visit each of the significant places of the country, and Sebek proudly tells you about the history of each place.
By the end of the day, you feel exhausted and just want to lay on the fluffy bed and fall asleep; in addition, you're starving. Since it was Sebek's idea to invite you to visit his homeland, he, of course, planned for you to stay at his house. You surely agreed. And mostly because of the fact that you will be able to meet his family.
The house, where Sebek and his family live, looks really impressive. It looks like sort of a cottage, big and black.
The house inside looks just as gloomy as outside, and everything is lit by candles.
“Here’s the room of my big sister… it's my big brother’s room… this one is my parents’. This one is mine. And for you, there’s a guest room. I’ll show you. Come with me, would you?” You have a small excursion inside the house.
Moving along Sebek, you study every detail of the interior which you find quite interesting, especially pictures that are hung on the walls.
The boy stops in front of a door. He opens it and gestures to you to enter the room.
“It’s the guest room. You will stay here.”
The room is quite big for a guest one, but you certainly don’t mind. Also, there’s a big bed which you are happy to see after the whole day of walking.
You enter the room and just walk toward the bed and lie down on it, being finally happy to relax.
Sebek says nothing, looking at you. However, there's a small smile on his face. He just enters the room as well and puts down your bag that he's been carrying all the time (he insisted on carrying it himself!).
"I will never get out of bed," you say, closing your eyes and enjoying the softness of this bed.
“Unacceptable. You will die because of hunger, and I can't let it happen!” Aww, isn't he adorable? He does care about you, but in his own way.
“It's already evening. Judging by the time, parents will come soon from work. And judging by the fact that neither brother nor sister is at home right now, it remains only for me to set the table.”
Your ears perk at his words. And you quickly jump from the bed.
“May I help?” You smile. You are looking forward to meeting his parents so you want to make a good first impression.
Sebek raises a brow and smirks.
“Just a second ago, you were literally glued to the bed. But fine. I don't mind. Just don't mess up with anything, will you?” You happily nodded.
The dining room is big. There is also a big table in the center. Setting a table with Sebek is quite fun. Since faes usually eat a lot, the food here is cooked in big portions. And there also remains a lot of leftovers. But today for you, Sebek tries to cook something of your favourite.
The front door is heard to be open and then closed. A quiet giggle is heard as well. It seems that Sebek's parents finally came. Sebek told you that his parents work as dentists in one clinic, so it's no surprise that they usually come home at the same time.
Both of them enter the dining room, and they look quite happy. But when they finally spot you, there's a look of surprise on their faces.
“Good evening!” Smiling, you greet them.
"Good evening, little one. Sebek didn't tell us that he would invite a friend. But it's a pleasure to meet you," Sebek's mother greets you in return. Her voice is melodic and sweet. She smiles brightly, and her long fangs can be seen.
"My name's [Name]. And I'm happy to meet you as well!"
"Good evening, dear [Name]. Thanks for keeping an eye on our son. I'm happy to know that Sebek made friends in the college," now it's Sebek's father who greets you. His voice is quieter compared to her wife's.
"Father..." It's Sebek's voice. In the corner of your eyes, you can see that the tips of his ears are slightly pink. Is he embarrassed by his dad's words?
He clears his throat.
"We set the table. Would you like to have dinner?"
Talking to Sebek's parents is actually nice. They are cool, no wonder Sebek speaks so highly of them... or his mother. But his father is an intelligent and sweet man, you can see why mrs. Zigvolt has fallen in love with him.
But the whole dinner they both exchange glances and look with interest at both of you and Sebek, who decides to ask them about their intentions. His mother giggles at his words.
"Sorry, sorry. We just think that you two look so nice together."
"Um, thank you?" You answer sheepishly.
"Just... there's something that we wanted to ask you,' Mr Zigvolt continues.
Now even Sebek looks confused. You and he exchange glances and continue to listen to his parents.
"Dear Sebek..." his mother begins.
Suddenly, Mr and Mrs Zigvolt join hands and intertwine their fingers and lean their cheeks against each other. There are literally stars in their eyes. With one voice they speak:
"Why didn't you write us that you have a significant other?"
"What?!" Sebek has almost fallen from his chair.
"You wrote us so many letters..." his mother begins.
"... but didn't even mention that you have a beloved one?" His father continues.
You look back at your boyfriend and see him being red in the face. You just laugh at the whole scene. His parents are adorable.
"Really Sebek? You didn't tell them?"
"Um... I actually mentioned them in the letters... but..."
"You wrote about a certain "friend" that you highly respect despite them being a human, but never mentioned that you two are dating," his mother whines at his son's silly antics.
"I apologize... I just..." He takes a big breath.
Poor Sebek. He's so easy to embarrass.
But suddenly the front door is heard closing.
Two people appeared in the dining room. They seem to be Sebek's big siblings.
"Greetings, ancestors, Sebek and a human?"
His parents look excited again as they were a few minutes ago.
"Do you want to hear the news? Sebek has a significant other!" Again, in one voice, Mr and Mrs Zigvolt speak.
The siblings exchange glances.
"Oh-oh? Sebek and a human? Congratulations then!' Totally an irony can be heard in the voice of his sister.
"Cool. Human, do you want to see his baby photos?" His brother speaks.
"Ah yes baby photos! Sebek was so cute back then!" Mrs Zigvolt cooes.
"No, they don't!"
Poor red-faced Sebek suddenly gets up from the table, comes to you and takes you in his arms. He quickly goes away from his family to his room, carrying you bride style.
A burst of loud laughter can be heard from the dining room.
While you are just amused by all of it.
You put your arms around Sebek's neck and kiss his cheek, and he, despite his blush, smiles at your affection.
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pintsizemama · 3 years
Christmas Tree Shopping
Day 3
Welcome to the 2021 Christmas Writing Challenge! Big thank you to Steph (@toomanystoriessolittletime) for putting this together!!!
Summary: Loki, Bucky, Thor, and you go shopping for a Christmas tree. They’re not nearly as excited as you.
Pairings: Loki x Bucky Barnes x Thor x Female Reader, Loki x Bucky Barnes x Thor x You
Fandom: MCU
Rating: Mature 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1,516
Warnings: language, smidge of angst, fluff, polyamorous relationship…Let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: This was an ask from @nolanell for my 400 Follower Celebration…just felt like the right kind of story for both the ask and the prompt. Hope you enjoy!!!
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Day 2 Day 4 Christmas Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Main Masterlist AO3 Join my taglist
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You pulled up to the Christmas tree lot and practically jumped out of the car. You were so excited to pick out a tree this year. Loki, Bucky, and Thor reluctantly got out of the car and followed you towards the tree lot.
“I cannot believe you talked us into this,” Bucky grumbled.
“What?” You asked innocently. “It’s not so bad…besides, when’s the last time you had a Christmas tree?”
“Before I went to war,” Bucky replied somberly.
“Exactly!” You exclaimed. “You are long overdue for a festive Christmas. And you two!” You turned your attention to Thor and Loki. “You’ve never celebrated Christmas before…so this should be fun!”
“This is daft and unnecessary,” Loki scoffed.
“Come on, brother,” Thor chastised, with a rough pat on Loki’s back. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“That’s the spirit!” You cheered. “Now, let’s go. We need to find the perfect tree.” You pranced off and disappeared down one of the rows. The men followed behind you as you hunted for your tree. You pulled their attention to several, but Thor was the only one who seemed the slightest bit interested.
“How about this one?” You asked as you stopped in front of an eight foot Douglas fir. “It’s really full, and the shape is pretty much perfect. Plus there’s plenty of room underneath it for presents.” You turned to the three men with a hopeful smile on your face.
“I think it’s the best one we’ve seen,” Thor offered. You smiled in approval and turned your attention to Bucky. He just shrugged. Your smile faltered slightly, but you plastered it back in place. You turned to Loki.
“Well?” You asked. Loki threw up his hands in frustration.
“What does it matter?” He sighed. “They all look the same, and they’ll all be dead in a couple of weeks.” Your face fell, and your entire body deflated.
“I’ll just go see if I can find someone to wrap it up for us,” you murmured, casting your gaze down to your feet. You hurried off, not wanting them to see the hurt in your eyes.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” Thor growled and smacked Loki across the back of his head.
“What the fuck?” Loki scowled darkly.
“Don’t give me that, brother,” Thor said in a dark voice. “You’re being a dick for no reason.”
“I don’t want to be here,” Loki practically whined. “This is pointless.”
“It’s important to our girl,” Thor reminded him. “She wants to give us an incredible Christmas. This isn’t about us. This is about her. If we enjoy the holiday, she’s happy. And that’s all we really want, right? For her to be happy?” Bucky and Loki looked ashamed. “You hurt her feelings with your callous remarks, brother. I suggest you make it up to her when she gets back.”
“Fuck,” Loki sighed.
“You’re right,” Bucky agreed. “Even if this shit doesn’t matter to us…it’s important to her. And I want to make her happy.”
“Me too,” Loki agreed.
“All set,” you called out quietly as you walked back to them. “I paid. They’re gonna load it up for us.” Bucky hated how the luster had gone out of your eyes. You were no longer enjoying this little excursion.
“We can load it up,” Thor said.
“I don’t think you’re suppose—Ok, never mind,” you sighed as Thor hauled the tree over his shoulder with one arm.
“Let’s go,” he boomed. A few minutes later you had the tree secured to the roof of the car. You all piled back in, and you pulled out of the parking lot.
“Where are you going?” Loki asked when he noticed the direction you were headed.
“Home,” you replied.
“I thought we were going to the store to buy ornaments and stuff?” Bucky asked.
“Nah, it’s alright,” you said with feigned casualness.
“Well, how are we gonna decorate the tree?” Thor asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” you replied. “I‘ll go out this week and buy some stuff and decorate it.”
“But we were going to do that tonight…together,” Loki said quietly. You sighed.
“You guys obviously aren’t into this,” you told them. “It’s not fair for me to push this on you all. It’s fine. Not everyone loves the holidays as much as I do. I’ll take care of the tree. I just need muscle man back there to unload it at the house for me.”
“Darling,” Loki said sadly. “I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted…I do want to experience this with you. I’m just…difficult. You know that.” You couldn’t help but smile.
“Yes, you are,” you agreed, “but it’s alright, Loki. You don’t have to do this for me.”
“Yes I do, love,” he countered. “What matters to you, matters to me. To all of us.” He gestured to Bucky and Thor in the back seat. They nodded in agreement. “Let’s start over and do this right. Head to the store so we can buy everything we need to make this the best Christmas ever.”
“You’re sure?” You asked hesitantly.
“Yeah, doll,” Bucky replied. “We’re sure. We want to do this.”
“Ok,” you whispered, tears forming in your eyes. You knew they had no desire to do any of this, but they were willing to do it for you. You loved them so much. You just hoped in their mission to make you happy, they’d find joy in the holiday as well.
You made it back to the house after spending entirely too much money on decorations. The guys seemed to have really gotten into the Christmas spirit while you shopped. Loki had even bought stuff to make hot chocolate, and Bucky had picked out a couple Christmas movies to watch while you decorated the tree.
“No, no, no!” You called out to Thor. “The star goes on the top last.”
“Why?” He asked.
“It brings the whole thing together,” you explained.
“That’s makes no sense,” he argued.
“I know,” you conceded, “but it’s just the way it’s done. Humor me.” He sighed dramatically and placed the star on the couch.
“When do we do these things?” Loki asked, holding up the tinsel.
“After the ornaments, before the star,” you answered.
“This seems pretty involved,” Thor said, looking around anxiously.
“It’s not,” you assured him. “If you follow a certain order, though, it all goes much smoother.” They all gave you looks like they didn’t believe a word you said, but they gave you the benefit of the doubt and followed your instructions…mostly.
“See?” You gently corrected Bucky. “This is why you do garland before ornaments.” You helped him untangle the garland from the ornaments.
“I see your point,” Bucky reluctantly agreed.
“Didn’t you decorate the tree growing up?” You asked.
“Nah,” he shrugged. “My ma always did it while I was at school.”
“Oh,” you smiled sadly.
“Did you?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you said. “We always did it as a family the day after Thanksgiving. We’d go out to the tree lot on Thanksgiving night—after we stuffed ourselves with turkey—and pick out the perfect tree. Then all day Friday we would decorate the whole house. Inside and out.”
“You decorated the outside of your house?” Loki asked in shock.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Christmas lights, and Santa with his reindeer. Candy canes. The whole shebang.”
“This is an exhausting holiday,” Loki said with a smile and a shake of his head.
“But it’s fun,” you countered.
“With the right people,” Loki amended, “I do suppose it is quite fun, my darling.” You beamed at him. A half hour later the tree was done—all except for the star.
“Alright, Thor, it’s your time to shine, my love,” you gestured to the star. He was as giddy as a toddler as he placed the star on the tree.
“You were right,” he whispered. “It’s better to leave it for the end…makes it more…”
“Impactful?” You offered. He snapped and pointed at you.
“Yes!” He cheered. You gazed up at the tree. It was far from the most beautiful tree you had ever seen—your boys really had to clue how to do this—but, in your eyes, it was absolute perfection. You sighed happily. You felt three sets are arms wrap around you from all sides. You snuggled into your boys and felt tears sting your eyes.
“Thank you so much for this,” you whispered. “It means the world to me that we did this together.” You looked up to see their eyes had grown misty as well.
“I love you, doll,” Bucky whispered and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“I love you, darling,” Loki said softly, placing another kiss on your opposite temple.
“I love you, baby,” Thor murmured and kissed the top of your head.
“I love you all so much,” you said through your happy tears. “I can’t imagine a better Christmas.” You made hot chocolate and picked one of the movies Bucky had bought—A Christmas Story. You snuggled on the couch, and sighed contentedly. Best. Christmas. Ever.
Day 4
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expectingtofly · 3 years
Claire Novak's (Surprisingly) Not-So-Lame Day
this fic is written for @dean-has-great-taste as part of @starrynightdeancas' gift exchange. thanks sophie for organizing this, it was a lot of fun <33 and i hope you enjoy this, gen!!
How did Claire find herself joining Dean, Cas, and Jack for an excursion to the mall?
Cas had texted her yesterday, with an extreme amount of emojis and emoticons that took some time to decipher, asking if she wanted to go shopping with him, Dean, and Jack. Apparently Jack needed new clothes and they needed a gift for Eileen’s birthday coming up, and maybe they could go bowling or something afterwards.
And normally she would’ve said no way because hanging out with old guys was lame and she didn’t like little kids, but she needed an excuse to get out of Jody and Donna’s weekend plans of cleaning out the garage. Plus, Kaia needed to study for a test—she actually enjoyed school, the weirdo—and had requested no distractions.
So that’s how she found herself sitting in the back of the Impala next to a carseat, listening to one of Dean’s old cassette tapes (which wasn’t too bad, but she’d never admit it).
“What’s that?” Jack asked, stretching against his carseat straps to jab at one of the pins Claire wore on her leather jacket.
“It’s the lesbian flag,” she told him. Cas looked back at them from the front seat, smiling.
“This one?” Jack pointed to the rainbow pin on her pocket.
“It’s the pride flag.”
Jack considered that for a moment before announcing, “I want one. And this one.” He pointed to the mothman pin on her lapel, then the big-eyed, green alien. “And this one... and this one, and this one.” (Alex said she had more pins than leather on her jacket, but sue her, she liked making her clothing her own).
Jack, it seemed, also liked… unique clothing. The kid was wearing rain boots even though the sun was out and overalls with embroidered flowers. He dressed weird, there was no way around it. But so did Cas, so there was probably no hope for him, poor kid.
“Okay,” she decided. “I know where to get you some.”
Jack beamed and swung his legs. “Don’t kick the seat,” Dean told him, and Jack pouted at him.
Claire was surprised Dean even let a carseat in his precious Impala. Pulling out her phone, she asked, “Can we listen to my music?”
Dean started to respond with a “Hell no,” but Cas spoke up first, “Of course.”
Dean spluttered as Claire connected to the bluetooth connector Sam had finally convinced Dean to install. The old man didn’t realize it was the 21st century, apparently.
“I wanna listen to Gaga!” Jack said, leaning over to look at her phone.
At first she thought that was some baby talk, then she realized Jack was into pop music. Ugh. But it would annoy Dean, so...
Leaning in conspiratorially with Jack, she let him scroll through her phone and choose which song to play. When “Born This Way” started filtering through the car, Dean groaned.
“Really?” he asked, sending her a glare in the rearview mirror. Mission accomplished.
Jack clapped along and Cas turned the music up louder. “Great choice, Jack,” he said.
Dean, for all his grumbling, didn’t turn down the music, and Claire caught him glancing at Cas, who tapped his fingers on his thigh to the beat. Dean looked like he was fighting back a smile and Claire rolled her eyes. Dude was so whipped.
When they parked at the mall, Cas grabbed Jack’s hand before he could sprint across the parking lot. “You have to look both ways,” he reminded him gently, and Jack nodded.
“Claire’s gonna buy me pins,” he said, jumping onto the curb.
“Yup.” Claire pat her jacket pocket. “Good ol’ credit card fraud.”
“Woah, now,” Dean started to protest.
“You and Sam are the ones who taught me!” Claire reminded him.
“We’ll pay for them,” Cas said, opening the door to the mall. Jack skipped inside, his rain boots squeaking on the tiled floor.
“We’re doing what now?” Dean asked Cas, taking his hand. Gross.
“Come on, Jack,” Claire said, catching up to the toddler. “Let’s go get you some style.” Over her shoulder, she called, “Meet up with you guys later.”
“Have fun!” Cas called.
“Don’t get kidnapped,” Dean added.
As they distanced themselves from the old geezers, Jack grabbed her hand, and Claire startled a little. “Do you like dinosaurs?” he asked.
Someone passing by gave them a smile, and Claire realized people probably thought Jack was her younger brother. She let him hold her hand anyway. “Sure.”
“What’s your favorite? Mine is the bon-ta-sore-us.” He sounded out the word carefully.
“Don’t know. What’s the one with the spiky horns?”
“Yeah, that sounds cool.”
“That’s my second favorite!” He started jumping from one colored tile to the next. “And the T-Rex. That’s Dee’s favorite. And Dad likes the steg-a-sore-us.” He peered up at her. “Did you know he got to see dinosaurs? Right in front of him!”
“You know what that means, right?” He shook his head. “He’s super old. He’s basically a dinosaur himself.”
Jack’s eyes widened. “He’s a dinosaur,” he repeated in a hushed whisper.
“Yup.” Spotting Hot Topical, she headed that way. “You should tell him that.”
Inside the store, Jack let go of her hand to grab a stuffed cat. “Claire! Like yours!”
Claire rolled her eyes. “Yeah.” So, she still had the Grumpy Cat Cas had bought her. She wasn’t cruel enough to throw it away when the guy was trying so hard to make up for walking around in her dead dad’s body. Plus, the stuffed animal was kinda cute. Not that she was going to tell anyone that.
“Here ya go,” she told Jack, finding a box of pins at the register. She brought the box down to his level and Jack ran over to look inside.
“I want a Doc McStuffins pin,” he said, plunging his hand into the box.
“I don’t know if they have those.”
As they rooted through the box of pins, she heard familiar voices and looked up to see Dean and Cas walking inside.
“What are you guys doing here?” she asked.
“I like this store,” Cas said and Dean rolled his eyes. Among the pleather and black, Cas’ dingy old trench coat—over a Winnie the Pooh sweatshirt instead of a suit—and Dean’s ratty flannel and boots only looked more ridiculous. She took it back—even Jack dressed better than them.
“You guys don’t have to be in here,” she told them.
“What, we’re too old?” Dean asked defensively.
“Yeah, actually.”
Cas poked at a toy and it squeaked. God, could they be any more embarrassing?
“Dad!” Jack called, holding out a rainbow pin. “Look, they have soo many.” Cas joined Jack in going through the pins and Claire asked Dean, giving his outfit a meaningful look,
“Was the Army Surplus store too trendy for you?”
“Did they kick you out of Sephora for buying up all the eyeliner?“ Dean shot back.
Touché. In a truce, she held out a pin with the bisexual flag. She wasn’t really sure what Dean identified as, if he even gave it any thought, but guessed it was close enough. “For you.”
Dean rolled his eyes but took it. “I’m not weighing down my jacket with this crap, though.”
“No, ‘course not, that would mean having any sort of style.”
“Can I help you with anything?” asked an employee with two nose rings and jewelry up and down their ears— so cool. Claire saw the way their eyes flicked between them, probably thinking they made a weird group, and she took a step back, trying to silently communicate that yes, she was shopping with them, but no, she was not as lame as them.
“Just looking,” Dean told them.
“I like your drawings,” Jack said and the employee looked down at their arms which were littered with tattoos.
“My dad has a drawing. It’s Enochian.”
The employee—Wren, by the name tag—looked at Cas with new respect in their eyes. “Language of the angels. Sick.”
Cas looked pleased. “Thank you. It’s come in handy more than once.”
The employee went back to looking confused and, starting to walk away, told them to call if they needed anything.
“Do you want anything?” Cas asked Claire, and Claire looked through the box. She grabbed a pentagram pin and, seeming to copy her, Jack grabbed another one, clutching several pins already in his fists.
“You like bees, right?” Claire asked Cas, spotting a “Save the Bees” pin. She held it up for him.
Cas’ eyes brightened. “That’s a wonderful message.” He glanced back at Dean and frowned. “Dean, they’re not going to bite.”
Claire looked over to see Dean shying away from a few emo teens. “Look like it,” Dean muttered, joining them. Jack lifted up his hands, asking to be hoisted up. Dean set him on his hip and Jack showed him the pins he’d selected. He held a dinosaur pin to Dean’s collar.
“Do you want one, Dee?”
“He’s too lame,” Claire piped up. Not for the first time, she noticed the healed over piercing mark on Dean’s right ear and pointed to it. “Looks like he used to be cool, though.”
“Yeah, guess so,” Dean said dryly. His hand went to his earlobe. “Pierced it myself, in high school.”
“I think you’re still cool,” Cas told him, and Claire fake-gagged, making Jack giggle.
Cas took the pins to the cash register where Wren rang them up. Dean added the bisexual flag pin and Claire threw in a pair of spiky earrings, because, hey, they were paying.
“15.36,” Wren told them, dropping the pins into a bag.
“My dad’s a dinosaur,” Jack told them, trying to see over the edge of the counter. Wren raised an eyebrow, Cas looked surprised, and Claire stifled a laugh.
“Claire, help me,” Jack said, grabbing the bag from Cas as they exited the store. Moving to the side, Claire helped him attach the pins to his overalls. A smiley face, a pride flag, a grinning Stitch, a sunflower, a dinosaur, and the pentagram. The pins clacked as Jack tugged at his overalls, trying to look at them all. Overall, a chaotic look, but it kinda matched his vibe.
“Lookin’ good,” she told him, and Jack beamed.
“I’m like you!”
Alright, she wouldn’t take it that far, but, “Yeah, close enough.”
Cas attached the “Save the Bees” pins to his trench coat pocket and it ended up crooked. Rolling her eyes, Claire said, “Let me.”
She reattached the pin and stepping back to look it over, decided, “You could actually make that coat look cool if you added more stuff to it.”
Cas looked down at himself. “Thank you.”
“Nothing’s gonna save that sweatshirt, though.” Couldn’t let his ego get too big.
“Dean said he liked it,” Cas said, glancing back at Dean, who was shooting an evil eye at Claire. He quickly wiped it off his face and draped an arm over Cas’ shoulders.
“Yeah, it’s uh… Charming.” He guided Cas away from Claire. “Don’t listen to her, she still thinks sarcasm is a personality trait.”
“Screw you, old man,” she called. Jack skipped after them and she checked her phone to see Kaia had texted her: How’s everything going? They drive you crazy yet?
They’re so weird, she texted back. Then she added, They’re not too bad.
“Come on, Jack,” she said, hurrying to catch up with him, Dean, and Cas. “Let’s go get our ears pierced.”
“Yay!” Jack cheered. He grabbed her hand and tugged her down the mall.
“Woah, woah, you’re not doing that,” Dean protested like the wet blanket he was.
“You can get yours pierced too,” Claire told him, and he faltered,
“I don’t want, we’re not—“
“You know you want to.” She let Jack lead her away and Dean called after them,
“We're never bringing you shopping again!”
Grinning, she turned to shout over her shoulder, “You know you love me!”
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Day 32 Post 1 by @honouraryweasley12
Title: Dancing Author/Artist: honouraryweasley12 Pairing: Ron/Hermione Prompt: Masquerade Ball/Special Event Rating: M Trigger Warning(s) (if any): Smut, Language
The knock on her office door interrupted Hermione's thoughts. She'd been hunched over for several hours since lunch, studying the tiny, almost illegible text of an ancient book about Centaurs.
"Come in!"
The door creaked open and Ginny strode into the small, cramped office, waving a piece of parchment. She tossed it onto the desk, covering the page. Hermione recognized it immediately.
"Just thought I'd pop in. Are you and Ron going to this thing next week?"
She had read the invite to the Ministry event the night before, amidst a flurry of complaints from Ron.
"Yes, it's mandatory."
"Did you see the date?"
"I know, the first of March. Ron was not thrilled that we'd have to postpone his birthday celebrations."
"I can imagine." Ginny smirked, before waggling her eyebrows. "Did you have anything special planned?"
"What we do in the privacy of our bedroom—"
"Who said anything about the bedroom?" Ginny asked innocently, trying to get a rise out of her friend.
Hermione wagged a warning finger. "I know you, Ginny Weasley." She frowned. "It would be nice to do something for him on the day; he was so disappointed."
"At least it's in a nice place," Ginny remarked, referring to the estate where the event was being held. "The food will be good—that alone should please my brother."
"That's true," Hermione remarked glumly. "I'm sure it'll be fine, but I know his birthday is important to him."
"What's the big deal? He's turning twenty-three. It's not exactly a milestone."
"I know, I know. He told me once that growing up, his birthday was the only day when he felt like he was the centre of attention, so I like to make an extra special effort."
Ginny nodded. "He's not wrong, I suppose."
Hermione rolled her head from side to side, a cracking sound from her stiff neck echoing around her office.
"Looks like he's not the only one who needs some pampering."
Hermione waved her hand dismissively. "I'm used to it."
"You should do something nice for yourself. Even I know you're working yourself too hard."
"Like what?"
Ginny pondered for a moment, before bouncing up in her seat. "I have an idea."
Hermione looked at her wearily. "What is it?"
The redhead nodded toward the invitation on her desk. "Did you see the part about muggle clothing being encouraged? What are you planning on wearing?"
"I don't know. I guess a gown. Maybe the one I wore to Percy's wedding last fall."
"You always wear things my mother would approve of. You're still young! How about something fun and sexy?"
Hermione scoffed. "I've seen some of the things you wear, Ginny."
She raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with what I wear?"
"You show a lot of… skin. Which is completely fine, but you don't work with these people."
"C'mon, live a little. I know my brother would still be mad about you if you were wearing a potato sack, but just imagine his reaction if you wear something a bit different."
"I don't know…"
"I promise, I won't go too crazy. It's Ron's birthday after all, wouldn't he enjoy seeing you in something less… proper?"
Hermione sighed, her willpower slipping away. "Yes, he would."
"Harry and Ron will be away this weekend taking new recruits into the field, so it's the perfect opportunity to go shopping." Ginny stood up and grabbed her invitation, before making her way to the door. "I'll meet you at yours at noon on Saturday."
"I don't see how this is treating myself."
"We'll stop at a bookshop then." The determined look on her friend's face was enough for Hermione to throw her hands up in the air.
"That's the spirit." Ginny flashed her a cheeky grin and closed the door behind her.
"Weasleys," Hermione muttered to herself, before returning to her book.
Hermione stepped out of the ornate fireplace, her magically-extended clutch in hand. Ginny followed closely behind her, the two stopping to admire the tastefully decorated ballroom of the old estate house.
The brunette witch glanced around, hoping to see the familiar red hair of her love bobbing above the crowd, but was unable to spot him. She glanced at the thin silver watch on her wrist, a gift from Ron when she graduated from Hogwarts.
Ginny thrust a flute of champagne into Hermione's hand. "Will you relax? They'll be here soon. You know they have their Friday evening briefing first. Harry told me they were going to shower and change at the Ministry, then come straight here."
"I'm just nervous, that's all," Hermione replied as she nodded hello to a member of the Wizengamot who passed by, before taking a gulp of the fizzy sweet drink.
"You look great! Ron is going to go mental when he sees you."
"Are you sure?" Hermione asked, referring to the outfit she'd purchased with Ginny's help before downing the rest of her glass.
The result of their shopping excursion was a shimmery silver cocktail dress that hugged her curves and stopped mid-thigh. The two thin straps holding up the garment revealed her uncovered back and shoulders. All of this was set off with a pair of black heels. Her normally bushy hair tumbled down in soft waves, aided by half-a-bottle of Sleekeazy's.
Ginny nodded. "Absolutely."
A slight murmur behind them signified the arrival of one Harry Potter, his presence causing the usual stir, even years after the end of the war. He shook a few hands as he made his way over to the two of them, kissing Ginny and giving a hug to his friend.
"Wow, you look great, Hermione! I heard all about the new outfit."
"Thank you, Harry." She glanced over his shoulders, searching. "Where's Ron?"
He chuckled. "He's on his way, should be here any second."
Hermione held her breath as she spotted ginger hair towering above the crowd. She put a hand in the air and waved him over.
Ron fought his way through the guests that were starting to amass, making a beeline in their direction. Just as he was about to reach them, Ginny winked at Hermione and jumped into his path, wrapping him up in a hug and drawing his attention.
"Happy birthday, Ron!"
He patted her on the back. "Thanks, Gin."
Before letting go of the embrace, she whispered. "The dress was my present."
"What dress?" he asked as she angled him toward Harry and Hermione.
Ron's jaw dropped as he took in the outfit Hermione was wearing. She blushed at his hungry gaze, as she herself gawked at how fit he looked in his suit.
"Hey, Ron."
Harry's greeting went completely unnoticed as Ron stepped forward, his eyes never leaving Hermione's. He pulled her against him, his hand splayed across the bare skin of her back.
"You look fucking hot," he growled into her ear, causing her to shiver.
She ran her own hand up and down the back of his dark suit jacket, relishing how solid he felt. "So do you."
He teased her ear, hidden by her hair. "We'd better get on with it. The sooner we're done mingling, the sooner we can get out of here and… celebrate my birthday."
She nodded as he pulled away, her face flush. As he turned to speak to Harry, another server passed by and she grabbed drinks for the two of them, needing to calm herself down. His reaction had far exceeded her expectations.
She caught Ginny's eye, the look on her face clearing stating I told you so. Hermione shrugged and grinned, before passing Ron his glass.
The night went on as they moved from dignitary to dignitary. Every so often, she'd catch him staring down at her, his desire clear. She didn't shy away though, challenging his gaze and communicating her own wants.
The teasing went on as they mingled, her hand reaching up to play with the red locks at the back of his neck. Hermione knew Ron loved it when she did that, causing him to give her a subtle squeeze as he laughed at the joke of some minister she wasn't familiar with.
His arm had been around her waist the whole time, almost possessively. As the minister turned away, she shuddered as he ran his hand up and down her side, his feather light touch just grazing the side of her breast.
"Want to dance?"
She nodded and downed her drink, dropping the empty glass on a nearby table before he led them out to the dance floor. She smoothly slid her small clutch into his jacket pocket, before wrapping her arms around his neck.
His strong arms encircled her waist, his thumb teasing patterns across her skin. "Have I told you how much I like it when you wear stuff like this?"
Hermione grinned. "No, you haven't told me, at least not with words."
Ron smiled, his hungry look returning as one of his hands dipped lower, brushing her backside as they turned in slow circles—ignoring the music but enjoying the game. He closed the distance and pressed a kiss to her lips, dragging his teeth across her bottom lip, leaving her aching for more.
He buried his face her neck, inhaling her scent before whispering in her ear. "Want to find somewhere quiet?"
The combination of his hot breath, his arms around her, and the loosening of her inhibitions from the alcohol brought on a sense of recklessness. They had been dancing around it all night. He wanted her, and she wanted him just as much.
They stole away from the crowded ballroom, their hands clasped together as need drove them to find some privacy. They checked a few doors in the massive estate until they found a small parlour. Ron whipped out his wand and fired off protections.
Their lips crashed together in a matter of seconds, frantic with the desire that had been building up all evening. Ron lifted her up, mimicking their first kiss, and walked her to the far end of the room. He set her down and turned her around, breaking their heated kiss. Pinning her against a wall with his firm body, he pushed aside her hair, his mouth finding that spot on the back of her neck that he knew so well.
"Oh, yes!"
He continued downward, kissing and tasting her naked back, causing her to gasp, her ragged breathing the loudest sound in the room.
"You look so fucking sexy in this," he said, before sliding his hand up her thigh and underneath her dress.
"Yes, touch me. I want to feel your hands on me."
His large hand palmed her between her legs, causing her to moan even louder. "Fuck, I love that sound."
"More," she cried out, grinding against his fingers. She loved the feeling of him taking control and pleasuring her.
His other hand snaked up to the front of her dress, reaching for her covered breast. Having his amazing attention in two different places was sending shockwaves to her core.
She mewled as he increased the pressure, his actions becoming rougher and more primal. She loved it but wanted to feel him. Wanted to feel what she did to him.
"Are you hard for me?"
"Check for yourself," he grunted, letting go of her and turning her to face him.
He kissed her hard, his hands cupping her face as she stroked his obvious arousal through his tailored suit pants. He moaned in her mouth from the contact. She in turn threw her head back as he trailed his lips to her cheek, then down to her neck, sucking and biting. They were ravenous for each other.
Her hand flew into his hair, jerking at the ginger strands as she pleaded for more. "Ron, please."
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me, quickly!" she begged, her words brazen in the elegant room. Her hand went to his zipper and tugged it down, before slipping into the opening and wanking him forcefully.
"Shit, Hermione."
"Now, Ron, please! Take me from behind!"
In one quick motion, he spun her around again and pulled roughly at her hips. He bunched the dress around her waist, exposing her delectable bum. The smack of his hand across her arse cheek echoed, leaving a pink mark on her flesh and causing Hermione to groan and push herself toward him in overheated desperation.
"Yes, more!"
He slapped her other cheek this time, eliciting another strangled groan. Her wanton reactions were too much for him as he yanked aside her soaked knickers and guided himself into her.
She moaned loudly as he entered, her cries shrill as he filled her completely.
"Yes, feels so good!"
His fingers dug into her hips as he thrust slowly at first, his grunts increasing in time with his efforts.
"Fucking take it, Hermione."
She called over her shoulder, her fingers clawing at the wall in ecstasy. "Harder, Ron! I've wanted this all night! Wanted you all night!"
He continued his pace, his groans mingling with her own. Half-leaning against the wall now, she found her most sensitive spot and began rubbing furious circles, urgently needing to get off.
"Love it when you play with your yourself," he panted as he thrust into her. "You gonna come on my cock as I fuck you?"
She nodded, his raw dirty words and relentless pounding spurring her on. Her lips were pressed into a thin firm line as she felt herself reaching her peak, crying out his name. That was enough to set him off as well, as he throbbed and spilled inside of her, burying his face in her hair as he fought to catch his breath.
She sagged against the wall, his delicious weight pressing against her as her chest heaved. After a moment, she turned to face him, seeking out his lips as they shared a lazy kiss, the taste of alcohol prevalent. They broke apart, and as they stared at each other, Hermione couldn't help but flash him a big smile.
"Enjoyed that, did you?" His deep voice rumbled.
"Mmmm, very much so. I take it you liked the dress."
He grinned. "I think that's an understatement."
They quickly cleaned themselves up and got their clothing straightened out. The effects of the champagne were still working on Hermione as she leered at him in his suit and licked her lips.
"Shall we finish our rounds and then go home? It might be your birthday, but I have one big candle to blow."
Ron laughed and shook his head. "Happy fucking birthday to me."
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solomonish · 4 years
Solomon Headcanons
I didn’t like my old headcanons for him and I think I have a slightly better feel for him so I’m posting these bad boys. Maybe at this rate I’ll just post Solomon HCs every month 
Also this turned into more of a “I’m going to talk about Solomon in depth and maybe throw in one headcanon about kissing him” and is no longer “lol what kind of dates do you go on? <3″ so uh. do with that what you will. It’s also SUPER LONG (or feels that way) so make sure you have a hot second to read them
you can find my for real headcanons for him here but I don’t necessarily stand by them anymore? They’re just there for fun now lol
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Solomon’s Relationship With Relationships
Solomon has been alive for...a long time, and with that naturally comes a lot of experiences, negative and positive. It’s also natural that it would also have him break out of traditional structures regarding...everything, but especially things regarding relationships and specific other people.
(Not to get sociological or philosophical about society or whatever, but the way we view everything is accented heavily by the end. With exceptions, and this certainly varies from culture to culture, but as a general idea, we view things expecting them to take place over the span of 70-100 years. Certain positions in politics or business or something try to look at things generationally, but how capable of that are we and how far ahead can we truly see?)
(What I mean to say is that immortality naturally shifts the entire context in which you would view things that were expected to be “lifelong.” What once existed to enrich a life is now a tether to a system that doesn’t necessarily suit his existence.)
Psychologically, however.....I don’t think Solomon has tried to (or even can) rewire himself entirely to the point where he doesn’t feel love. He’s already got a fondness for Simeon and Luke (always crying about him calling them “dear friends” in the circus event i don’t know if he says anything in the lessons because i’m only on like 21 LOL) so he’s clearly capable of fondness and affection.
Not that those should equate exactly to romantic feelings (because they shouldn’t), but there’s undeniable similarities between platonic and romantic affection and, for the purposes of speculating about an immortal’s capability to still feel both, I think they can be equated in this regard.
There are a lot of assumptions I’m making about him to make this post, namely the following: that there is still reconciling to be done internally between his immortality and humanity, that Solomon’s composed and confident nature is a bit of a front (only a bit - I’ll explain more later), and, related to these two, that he even cares about humanity and that he still wants to preserve his humanity.
While this might be my perspective as a regular human, I really don’t believe that the desire to be human and fully encompass what that means has left. If anything, I think his intrinsic desire for knowledge and power stems from it, and he’s just suppressed the “mushier” emotional parts of that as a sort of....defense mechanism, if you will.
SO the tl;dr of this is that you know how alloromantic people just like feel in love and they get their romantic crushes and it’s natural and they can’t control it? Solomon gets that! He just isn’t the type to swoon over someone or really make it known.
He also as a person is big on being manipulative shady and in control, so if he were to just be super obvious about having a crush on someone and not being able to do anything about it, that would sort of tarnish his whole image.
So yeah, I think Solomon just has his emotions on a tight leash when they probe to be out of control. Clearly, he doesn’t have every part of him under this sort of watchful eye (whether that’s because he still wants to feel genuine happiness or he knows if he came across as emotionless and calculated people would trust him even less, I haven’t decided), but those that cause trouble stay behind locked doors.
Additionally, I don’t think Solomon is opposed to falling in love. I’d bet he’s had lots of different partners over the years and remembers them fondly (you know, assuming they ended well)
I also think his immortal status makes dating different? I feel like doesn’t really date to find a life partner because. well. (gestures).
That’s not to say that he doesn’t date casually sometimes or something. In the terms of a serious romantic partnership, though, it’s rare that it happens because he knows that it’ll die with them (and stay within him for probably forever, even if/when there comes a day he can no longer remember their name or their face).
Another assumption I’m making that I forgot to mention: I think it’s rare that Solomon’s serious, long-term partners know the true extent of the magic he dabbles in. Maybe he lets them know it’s real magic, or he pretends it’s all show magic and parlor tricks. Sometimes he pretends his pact marks are tattoos, sometimes he tells the truth. If ever these confessions are laughed off, he laughs them off too and creates a cover story.
He doesn’t intend to lie, but it’s very difficult to meet someone and explain........all of THAT. On which date to you mention that you can control 72 demons? Do you send a card explaining how you’ve been alive since Biblical times and you’re not even sure if you birthday is your real birthday anymore, let alone how old you are? And should that card be store bought or homemade?
So while it’s rare for Solomon to have a serious romantic partnership, it’s even more rare for him to be entirely understood or accepted for EVERYTHING that he is because he can’t get into it. Arguably, that hasn’t happened since his “death” in his original timeline.
A crush for Solomon isn’t a hopeless affair, either. Should you choose someone else, he’ll allow himself the disappointment and move on.
With Solomon, romantic love sparks naturally, but genuine true love isn’t some all-powerful, unstoppable force. He falls more in line with the people who believe it’s a choice and a decision, somewhere between “it’s purely a biological impulse we just gave a fancy name” and “it’s the magic that makes life more enjoyable”
With MC
In the case of MC, however, I think he might initially see it as bothersome or a hinderance to whatever his plan is with being down there for the exchange program. Maybe he convinces himself he’s just naturally attracted to you because you’re human like him. Once he comes to terms with his feelings and gets to know MC a bit more, he might even see it as a lost cause seeing as you already have several of the brothers vying for your affections.
For Solomon to act on a crush that he’s already decided is hopeless, it’ll be up to the MC to show that THEY are interested in HIM
He finds no particular pleasure in being someone who is chased after or “playing hard to get,” but he already has a complicated relationship with complicated relationships. He’s gonna need a down payment of affection a sign that there’s anything even there to pursue 
Traditional flirting, while he’ll have his fun with it (and probably enjoy it at least a little - who doesn’t like feeling desirable?), doesn’t really work for him. Lots of people and creatures have used it to try and charm him, plus he has a pact with Asmo, so at this point he really sees it as more casual fun then an indication of true interest.
Honestly, to get him to realize “oh shit I actually have a chance,” you’re going to have to do two main things: 1) make him feel chosen over the others, and 2) respond to his displays of affection
Making Him Feel Chosen
This isn’t really a competition thing, or some selfish hoarding of your time. The thing is, Solomon knows he isn’t the only one in the running and he knows that anything he has to offer, somebody else could give you a portion of it.
(You won’t get the same experience or combination of traits with somebody else obvi, but with 11 suitors and an added chihuahua, there tends to be a little bit of overlap with everyone)
A crush for Solomon is a romantic interest, but if he intends on pursuing a serious relationship (which, I feel, is what he intends to be the final goal of his crushes as opposed to more casual affairs), he needs to see SOME reciprocation
Being with him is an ordeal, maybe a lifelong one for you, so he needs that assurance that it’ll be worth it and there aren’t better avenues
Basically, this means that ✨ quality time ✨ is of the utmost importance
At first, it doesn’t have to be anything big. Sit with him at lunch when you see him in the cafeteria, meet him in the library while you wait for your demon escort to be finished with their extracurriculars, chat him up in the one class you have together (and then ask him to help you study what you missed in class by talking. it’s a required transfer class but you already know everything about it, right, Solomon? 🥺)
As your relationship progresses, that’s when things start to get harder. Invite him out to things that you think he’ll enjoy, and say yes to as many excursions with him as you can. Bonus points for making it clear that you want to go when you’re unable to attend. 
(He finds himself a little embarrassed how happy it makes him when instead of just a “no” or a “sorry, not today” he gets something like “I’m on dinner duty so I have to spend that time preparing :( but we should definitely make a date so you can tell me about it later!” It makes him feel like a priority.)
It isn’t until you find yourself comfortable enough to ask him to accompany you to something you want to do that he starts to realize you’re hanging out with him for him and not because he’s just offering up a bunch of fun new experiences for you to try.
You don’t even have to say “hey, i’m pretty sure you know all about the birds in the Devildom aviary but I haven’t had a chance to go and would really like to spend the day with you. Wanna come with?” If it’s something that he knows you know isn’t in his wheelhouse, he’ll be able to figure out that OH.....you’re inviting him for HIM.....oh
Make him feel like a priority, like he’s the one that you want, even out of all your choices. You can be as enthralled by the birds in that aviary as you want, just as long as you make it clear that your enthusiasm to be with him is on the same level and he’ll finally kick himself into gear.
Responding to His Affections
Now, you don’t have to do anything you don’t like. I hear in his dame card devilgram he’s a consent king, and he stands by that every day of the week
He also isn’t the type to need an exact equal to everything he does. Yes a relationship is a two way street, but this isn’t saying that if he gets you a gift you need to present him something with equal or greater value within the next 24 hours. he’s not mammon haha i’m so FUNNY
Just...let him know that he’s doing things right. His serious relationships are few and far between and people change as often as the times do, so make sure that he knows what he’s doing is landing. He’s not insecure per se, but he would like to know that he isn’t making a fool of himself entirely, you know?
Don’t brush him off in front of the brothers or he’ll think he’s read the situation all wrong and you’re back to square one. If you do it because you don’t like touching and he put an arm around your shoulder or something, that’s fine, but if he thinks you’re uncomfortable being with him in front of the brothers he’ll wonder if you even liked him at all.
To him, a secret relationship isn’t really feasible. First of all, those brothers are ALWAYS in your business so bold of you to think you’ll have ANY secrets by the time the exchange program is done, and secondly, don’t you both have enough on your plate that you shouldn’t make something that makes you happy needlessly complicated?
He is an odd case and knows there’s a lot that comes with him, so if you’re uncomfortable simply showing that you’re in a relationship and reciprocating, he’ll think you aren’t equipped to handle.....All That.
In case you haven’t noticed, he’s weird. He’s a weirdo. He doesn’t fit in. And he doesn’t want to fit in. Have you ever seen him without that stupid cape on? That's weird.
If you respond to his affections in a similar way, such as putting you arm around his waist or a hand on his back when he puts an arm around your shoulder or reaching up to fix his hair when he reaches to mess with yours, it’ll make him happy for sure. He doesn’t have any specific expectations for you but he’ll like to feel like you’re on the same wavelength.
A lot of his affections are morphed into specific and targeted teasing (but not like *gently bullies u* teasing). It’s a lot of inside jokes at your expense (and the more inside jokes he has, the more he probably likes you)
It’s also a lot of messing up your hair, sharp pokes and frustrating games like “guess what?” “i don’t know, what?” “i told you to guess, MC.” “ugh...you won the lottery” “guess better” “please don’t do this to me Solomon”
He probably responds best to Acts of Service and Quality Time (though at any stage in the relationship he’s a flexible man). While he’s trying to woo you to solidify his spot in first place against everyone else, if you continue to make the effort to be around him or like. recognize he’s taking time out of his day to romance you and do something for him in return he’ll cement the fact that oh yeah, this is happening between the two of you
(not to say that romancing you is a chore, because it’s not, but man if it doesn’t make him happy that you’re wanting to make his life easier on him so he can pursue the other things he enjoys, too.)
What a Relationship with Solomon is Like
He isn’t the biggest person on PDA, or at least not on purpose. He won’t see you and immediately be like ‘oh there they are i need to kiss them kiss kiss kiss’ or whatever, but he’s not averse to it?
He doesn’t want physical affection to be a big deal, or at least not in public. unless that’s what you’re into ;) If the two of you are out and about and you kiss his hand, or you’re a generally physically affectionate person he’ll smile and respond and be generally unbothered by it, but don’t expect him to ever really have the desire to like make out in public or something. Really, you probably won’t get much more than a quick kiss because he DOES always have other things on his mind.
You will NOT be able to get out of him messing with you. If you need him to tone it down that’s fine, but the more you let him get away with, the less energy he’ll have to redirect into other troublemaking activities
Has a weird thing with licking too probably? like he’s not gross about it and it’s not like a NSFW fixation but he’ll do that mom thing where he licks his thumb because “you’ve got something on your cheek” and then reveal that he’s a LIAR
or he’ll put his face really close to yours and stick his tongue out when you turn your head so it hits your cheek
it just gets such a DRAMATIC reaction out of you so that’s why he does it? if you ask him genuinely to stop he will but if you comment on it he’ll just give you a small smile and not say anything then continue to do it
when he messes with you, it’s ok if you say he’s doing something weird but don’t make him feel childish. setting boundaries (and making regular observations - he is kinda weird) is more than alright but admonishing him just feels......off and will turn him sour for a bit
VERY appreciative of someone who supports his adventurous side. Also fond of someone who’s happy to tag along but knows that some things he has to do on his own.
Even if you don’t want to go, he’ll appreciate the support or the interest you show in what he does. Ask him where he’s going and what he’s doing there, but ask him because you’re interested and not because you’re overly worried.
Please be there for him when he gets back to talk about it. He really likes feeling important or cool when he tells his tales, even if all he did was go and catch a few magic salamanders or something.
PLEASE be a soundboard for all of his ideas. He knows that sometimes he’ll talk about things that are way over your head that he hasn’t learned yet, but he really does want your undivided attention. It doesn’t matter if you’re encouraging him, debating with him, telling him the idea is stupid (though don’t pull this one too often unless you intend to ask to be let in to the fun) or just watching in confusion. It’s important to him that you value what he has to say, and he hopes one day that he’ll be able to tell you anything and you’ll have a response to it all. (Even if you don’t learn magic to the degree he knows it, he hopes you’ll get to a point where you understand what he wants, even if you don’t know what magical elements he’s talking about or something.)
A relationship with Solomon is one where you’re both independent, but also can’t imagine not going to the other at the end of the day. It’s startling how quickly you become constant in the other’s life despite being in COMPLETELY different stages of magical development and learning about the demon world.
The relationship will be lots of fun, but there will be many serious moments, too. 
They’ll happen randomly. Maybe something from a class or a spell reminds him of something from his past, or maybe he’s reminded that he can’t remember so many things that he knows were important to him.
Sometimes, his Tuesday night blues will feel like a life-changing existential crises for you, but please, do what you can to be there for him in these moments. It worries him how much love and happiness he’s lost, especially when he knows he promised to remember it.
Once you get him to think aloud, he’ll say super heavy stuff life “What if I’ve forgotten who I really am and now I’m just something other people and magic have morphed me into?” or “When will the human race evolve or go extinct and leave me behind?” and it fucks you up, really. It fucks him up too
But please be patient with him, because there’s something important he has to get off his chest eventually. He’s worried already that he’ll forget you the way he’s probably forgotten so many others, but he doesn’t want to offend you and know that saying it would come off as uncaring.
You won’t have an answer for these moments, and he knows it. It’ll be best if you just hold him tight, stroke his hair if you’re laying down, and reassure him that you don’t care.
With how long he’s been alive, you’ll have to get past caring if you’re his “one true love” because he doesn’t have that. He gave up the right to having a one true love in exchange for never-ending life. But he still loves and he does love deeply, it just has a lot to cut through to properly be articulated.
So tell him. Tell him you know he’s had other loves, that you know you might not even be the best partner suited to him that he’s had. Tell him that you know when your time has come, he’ll find someone else eventually.
Tell him that what matters to you is that he loves you now, that he’s making things work with you now, and that he isn’t secretly yearning for some lover that’s come to pass or yet to come when he’s with you.
You can’t control what happened in the past or what happens in the future, but right now he’s yours and you’re his and he needs to learn to take things one lifetime at a time. Right now is YOUR Solomon time, and what happens after is just a consequence of time and you’ve already forgiven him for it.
instead of “mom says it’s my turn on the xbox” it’s “god says it’s MY turn on the Solomon”
send that to him for real and he’ll probably never forget you lol
How to Make a Relationship with Solomon Work
With all this in mind, the key to a good relationship with Solomon is keeping his head on his shoulders.
He’s ambitious, powerful, scary smart, and capable of so much more than you can even guess and he knows it. It’ll be good for him to have somebody to keep him on the ground.
Now, don’t be overbearing. If you try to stop him from going places or try to hinder his pursuit of knowledge out of fear for his safety, that’ll cause unbelievable strain on him. You will have to learn to let him work his things out the way he wants to, and it won’t always be the safest or most responsible way either.
He doesn’t mind a gentle scolding if he gets hurt. He won’t say it, but he kinda likes to be reminded how important he is to you.
Also be down to have fun and be a little reckless. Your safety will always be a priority to him, but nobody ever got anywhere without a little struggle, right? Sometimes adventuring with him and following him into the darkest magical corners of the world will require multiple (sometime literal) leaps of faith, but he’ll always be there to catch you.
Let Solomon work for you and the relationship, and you work to keep him sane and remind him that he can belong somewhere, even when he’s been himself for who knows how long and nowhere ever really stays the same.
You’ll always have to remind Solomon that not everything revolves around magic and power. He’s not been mortal for some time, so he gets caught up in the heady and lofty topics and ideas. 
Remind him about the simple joys of just having fun and goofing off, that not every moment not spent on homework has to be spent on potions. Remind him (in the human world) how cool a sunset is, or convince him to go through a museum and pretend he’s seeing everything for the first time. 
As much as he lives for understanding the grand topics most people can only dream of beginning to grasp, remind him of the little things. Remind him of human indulgences that he’s abandoned. Get him back in touch with that part of himself.
Solomon as a character feels like he’d be really aloof, but he’s honestly extremely devoted to what he invests his time in. He shows this devotion in small ways that feel more like riddles sometimes, in the way he always comes back after a rather dangerous magical excursion, in the way he shortens his time away so he can get back to you, in the way he learns to quiet his mind so he can properly take care of you and what you need and strengthen your relationship.
One thing that I think is a hallmark of a relationship with him is that Solomon loves things that can teach him more about what he doesn’t know. You don’t need to be the smartest person on the planet, or have a specialized and thorough education in some bizarre topic, or come from somewhere entirely different than what he knows to keep his interest.
You are uniquely human, and you help teach him about himself, the one thing that he can never seem to properly grasp and understand the way he wants to.
More importantly, you are you, the one who made pacts with all seven demon lords, the one captured his heart and promised to take care of it when you could throw it away for anybody else.
And you are the only one who could say those words that he believes. Hopefully, you’ll believe him when he says them, too.
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rogueyami · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Fic Recs
I love reading fanfics, and I have so many bookmarked that I want to share. Hope you all enjoy and give these writers all the love. All of these are completed works, and they are a mixture of one shots and multi chaps.
where the night goes by bigspoonnoya (M)
When their bond loses the immediate context of volleyball, they're left to consider why it's still so vital and important.
Meeting again, by chance, six years later.
Somewhere to Belong by Esselle (E)
Once a year, all the villages that follow the way of the sun offer up one of their own to be taken to the sun god's divine temple. Kageyama Tobio, an orphan and loner, never wanted to be chosen—and until the sun god appeared, no one ever wanted to choose him, either. All Tobio wants is to find a place he fits in. What he actually gets is another story entirely.
by this time next year by reeology (T)
"I got offers from two universities," Kageyama announces, pointing at his chest with his thumb. "I'm going to play volleyball at Keio this spring."
"You still have to pass an exam, even if it's an easy one," Takeda-sensei hurries to add, although he is beaming and bursting with pride at his fluffy little crow chick taking off to play volleyball at a university level.
"I'll pass," Kageyama says with the same kind of confidence he uses when he tells Hinata he'll get the toss to him. He looks straight at Hinata, and Hinata jerks and turns red, wondering if maybe Kageyama knew he was daydreaming about something as stupid as the way Kageyama talks to him during a game. But then Kageyama just points at him and says, "You'd better get in, too."
Hinata, stupid, naive, idiot that he is, grins wide and nods and says, "Yeah!"
He doesn't know what he's in for.
Not Alone by seconddaysea (E)
"I'll visit you," Hinata says. "So you're not allowed to get lonely, you got it?" He turns so they're facing each other, hands warm against Tobio's back. "I'm already lonely," he replies quietly, and he presses his face against Hinata's heart, squeezing his eyes shut, because if this is a dream he doesn't want to wake up.
maps, from me to you by tothemoon (T)
This is a (non-chronological) account of the memories they make out of millimeters.
we can do better than that by spaceburgers (M)
Oikawa and Iwaizumi go on a road trip during the summer after their high school graduation. It doesn't go as expected, but maybe that's not such a bad thing after all. 
we shine like diamonds by whiitemists (T)
Oikawa is nine when he first hears the word. The boys on the playground whisper it like it's dirty, like the way they daringly mutter the word fuck and then look over their shoulders to check their parents hadn't heard.
"You know Abe-kun from class?" they snicker, hands cupped around their mouths like they're passing along a filthy secret. "I hear his older brother is... gay."
here comes your man by newamsterdam (T)
Iwaizumi’s left his cell phone on the bench, and while Suga keeps his gaze away from Iwaizumi the phone lights up with a new message.
Iwa-chan, it reads, Have a good day today! Good luck! <3 <3 <3
Suga chokes. It’s hard to imagine anyone calling the scowling and fierce Doctor Iwaizumi “Iwa-chan.” But marriage probably comes with all sorts of liberties.
Mrs. Iwaizumi must be quite the doting wife, Suga thinks. Delivering hand-made bentos and sending along loving messages.
No one really knows much about the new surgical resident, Doctor Iwaizumi, other than the fact that he's married. Suga's determined to find out more, and make a friend of him in the process.            
just hear me out by loveclouds (T)     
To stimulate Japan's low birthrates and take most of the guesswork out of dating, a beeper system was biologically developed in people's wrists, an audible confirmation to show romantic compatibility.
Iwaizumi's beeper has been going off for Oikawa since they've been kids. Oikawa's has only ever been silent.
 Call Security! by DeathBelle  (T)    
Oikawa Tooru is attractive, charming, and irresistible.
He thinks so, anyway, until he meets the mall's new security guard.
In which Oikawa has a crush, Iwaizumi has no interest, and a chain of shoplifting incidents brings them together.
(Don't) Touch Me by DeathBelle (E)         
Akaashi has always had an aversion to human contact, but earlier in his life it had been bearable. It isn't until his last year of high school that it becomes intolerable. By the time he enters college, any skin contact has the potential to send him spiraling into a breathtaking panic attack.
He reconnects with Bokuto in college, and he seems to be the only person with the ability to calm Akaashi down. He finds himself relying on his old captain more and more, especially when Bokuto deems himself Akaashi's own personal guardian. Despite their connection, he can't touch Bokuto, either; no matter how badly he'd like to.    
Upstairs by yoogiboobi (E)    
Bokuto first sees his neighbour at the supermarket, three days after he's moved into his new place.
For about a second, a heartbeat, he's met with a pair of dark, piercing eyes, with what is probably eyeliner, looking back at him. It really is just a split second before his hand knocks down three cereal boxes that hit him square in the head, effectively making him break eye contact and drop his groceries to the floor.
In which some of the first things Bokuto learns about his upstairs neighbour are the colour of his eyes and the sound of his moans.         
bang! now we're even by Authoress (E)
Akaashi only has two rules when it comes to his profession. One, complete the job as swiftly and cleanly as possible. Two, never trust anyone who smells like blood.
Rule three is to shoot Owl Eyes in the face should he ever come across him, but Akaashi never tells anyone about that one.
Crisis Converted  by valiantarmor (E)    
Akaashi Keiji is just a normal cop with a penchant for getting himself into trouble, when quite suddenly he finds himself with a big promotion and a brand new partner.
But his habit of finding trouble hasn't gone away -- if anything, it's only gotten worse. 
cracks in the pavement will lead you home by deusreks (M)    
Bokuto often thinks about Akaashi, especially when he’s running. It’s like his legs know where they’re supposed to take him. He grows into a habit of running a lot, just to keep that feeling going. Cracks and holes in the pavement aren’t fun to jump over if the final reward isn’t seeing Akaashi’s face.
An alternate universe with a little bit of magic and a lot of growing up.         
died in my dreams by MTrash (Makaria) (T)
If anyone asked Ushijima how it came to this, he wouldn’t be able to formulate a proper answer.
Ushijima likes his quiet, his order, and his solitude. That is, until a loud, talkative and a little chaotic cyber tech convinces him that that's just plain boring.
while i nodded, nearly napping (suddenly there came a tapping) by pseudoanalytics (T)     
Of course if there was one thing that could be counted on, it was Ushijima’s blunt, total honesty. “Do you think Tendou is attracted to me?”
Reon froze. “T-Tendou?”
Tendou was notoriously hard to read, but Reon kind of figured that he wasn’t the type to be anything less than painfully overt with romantic affections.
“I... I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I think if Tendou was attracted to you, he would let you know,” Reon said. “I'd guess he just considers you his best friend.” He hoped his answer would satisfy whatever frenzy the guy had worked himself into so Reon could finally take advantage of his last precious hours of sleep.
But instead, Ushijima visibly deflated in front of him. “Yes. That’s what I thought too,” he said miserably.
Oh, Reon realized. Oh no...
Executive Excursion by DeathBelle (E)    
Tendou is fun, quirky, and interesting.
Ushijima is none of the above.
It's no surprise that Ushijima is drawn to Tendou's magnetic personality. What's surprising is that Tendou seems to like Ushijima, too.
With a little support from his coworkers, Ushijima decides to take a chance and ask Tendou on a date. The results are better than expected.
fascinating facts about geckos by miracleboysatori (T)        
Ushijima Wakatoshi.
That’s the coach’s name. And he’s the new biology teacher on campus, so not only is he incredibly beautiful, he's also smart as hell.
Tendou can tell he’s completely doomed.
Affection, and other Quantifiable Actions by badbavarois (T)   
(He's a monster) Ushijima Wakatoshi isn't a monster.            
Misc/ Other ships
but not for spring to well up by tookumade (T)  OsaSuna 
After ending a relationship with a fiancé, Suna returns home and tries to heal from heartbreak. Here, he finds friends in the form of the Miya brothers, and learns patience, forgiveness, and what happiness means to him.           
the more things change by deadseasalt (E)  OiKage   
“So let me get this straight. You went to the Meiji-Chuo game and saw your old crush and after watching Meiji bring Chuo to a crushing defeat, you realized you were still crushing on him big time?”
Kageyama wishes he could spit in Tsukishima’s drink. “It’s not a crush.”
Tsukishima laughs. “You poor dumb fuck.”
Third Impression by DeathBelle (E) Kuroo x Semi
If Semi has a type, Kuroo isn't it.
After their first meeting, Semi concludes that Kuroo is smug, presumptuous, and a little too flirtatious for his own good. Their second encounter doesn't change his mind, and Semi does his best to avoid a third.
Kuroo has other ideas, and Semi finds himself tricked into an impromptu tutoring session with Kuroo himself.
It doesn't go as badly as Semi expects.
Mannequin Men by surveycorpsjean  (E) BokuAkaKuroTsukki
The modeling world is full of hungry wolves, constantly clambering over the other, snarling and desperate. They fight, and they kill, trampling over anything in their path.
In this case, Akaashi fell in love with the wolves.
Efflorescence by h_lovely (E) MatsuHana
"Are we flirting?"   "Do you want to be?"
[Efflorescence (n.) a state of blooming, flowering, and development.]
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noctisfishing · 2 years
The Grand Enlightenment - Chapter 02
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
Summary: Koushiro and Hikari are dating, and they’ve been keeping it a secret from everybody else. But as it goes with any secret, well-kept or not, discoveries are bound to happen in the end.
Rated: T / Comedy & Romance
Ships: Koukari & featured/mentioned: Taiora, Kenyako, and Mimato
Note: Ready for a little romance?
Read below the cut, or click here for the start of the fic: AO3 | FFN
It was just another weeknight of hanging out at the apartment of Hikari's older brother and his best friend. Hikari had a study-session-turned shopping excursion with Miyako earlier that day, then they headed to the boys' apartments to visit Miyako's boyfriend, Ken. The whole gang was there: Takeru and Daisuke of course, and Iori even stopped by for a while. After enjoying pizza with them, Hikari, Daisuke, and Takeru traveled across the hall to find Taichi and Koushiro playing a video game in their living room. The younger of the boys brought their controllers along to join them, and Hikari grabbed one to play, too.
She smiled at Taichi as she sat down on the couch, and when she gave a smile to Koushiro when she sat next to him, the small smile he gave in return sent her heart aflutter. It was one of the moments so subtle that she figured no one else in the room would be able to notice.
At some point in the evening, Sora entered the apartment with her cheerful demeanor, but seemed startled to find Hikari sitting between Takeru and Koushiro.
"What is it, Sora?" Taichi asked. "Surprised to see a girl play a video game?"
"Hey, we girls can have fun, too," she quipped. "Daisuke, hand me your controller. You're done. Let me have a turn."
Daisuke obeyed but groaned, having been Sora's frequent target to pick on. Affectionately, of course.
The shouts and the laughter as they played died down after a while, and Takeru's yawning signaled the group to end their fun.
Hikari watched Koushiro stand up, and observed everyone else follow suit, one by one. They were all getting ready to leave, but she actually really wanted to stay.
"I guess we're calling it a night, guys?" Taichi asked.
"Yeah," said Takeru, shaking Daisuke awake. "Daisuke's practically drooling on your couch."
"Whaa?" Daisuke called.
"Taichi," Sora said, snaking her arms around his torso. "Spend the night at my place?"
"Really?" he asked, his lips forming a smirk.
"Really. You've got class in the morning, and my place is closer to campus."
His lips immediately turned into a frown. "I guess you've got a point."
Sora laughed, and then, she met eyes with Hikari.
Did Sora give her a wink?
"Alright, guys," Sora said shortly after, arm in arm with Taichi as they headed out. "Good night."
"Night," Hikari chorused with the others, although she was curious about Sora's action.
After Takeru dragged Daisuke back to their apartment, Hikari realized that the stars had aligned perfectly for her and Koushiro that night.
"You've got to be up early for work tomorrow," Hikari told him as she finally stood up from the couch to meet his eye level.
"I can work from home tomorrow," he replied. "But, don't you have class?"
"Not until the afternoon."
No one else was going to bother them for a while. The two of them smiled at this realization, as if their thought processes were in sync. This time, Hikari made sure to lock the door before her lips crashed into his.
Hikari had been surprised at the fact that Koushiro was a good kisser. They had actually been each other's first kiss, when she was 10 and he was 12. Taichi had talked way too much about what kissing a girl might have felt like, and Koushiro couldn't help but be curious about it. He took note aloud of the soft feel of his lips touching Hikari's, but he couldn't register the magic that a kiss could entail, and neither could she.
Yet, Hikari never forgot that first kiss, and the next time their lips met, she melted into them, just like she would every single time after that.
When they reached his room, Hikari kissed Koushiro once more with each kiss deeper and longer than the last. She ushered him onto his bed as they kissed some more, removing their clothes one by one, until he leaned back with his elbows supporting his torso.
She broke off the kiss to meet his eyes as she hovered over him. Maybe she was pushing him too hard. Their mouths were still close, their breaths heavy. His eyes didn't show any sign of questioning, but her mind seemed to be racing with questions.
"You know when to say 'no,' Koushiro," she said. "But you haven't stopped me once."
"It's because I don't want you to stop," he said simply.
"I just thought that, since this was your first time, you would be nervous. Aren't you?"
She knew that he wouldn't take offense to speaking her mind, but she was still wary of his response.
"I am, Hikari," he admitted. "My thoughts are out of control. My heart might beat its way out of my chest. I know it's because of… because of the way I feel about you."
She wanted to melt.
"Koushiro," she said, taking his hand and putting it above her chest, so that he could feel her own heart's mad thumping. "I'm nervous, too."
"I'm glad to know that we feel the same."
Hikari laughed, feeling more at ease. She noticed the feel of his hands trailing at her sides, her skin tingling at his touch. She'd had one other lover before, although it was still one more than Koushiro had. Even if he would learn the ways she would love him, and show him how to love her, she noticed that he was doing better than he might have realized.
And so she leaned down for another kiss, her hand gliding against his bare skin, brushing against him as she trailed them along, ready for them to explore each other.
Takeru's favorite moments were always whenever he spent time with his older brother Yamato. On Saturday, they waited until noon to meet up. The both of them were both night owls and relished sleeping in. After grabbing some burgers together, they ended up at Yamato's place, where Yamato pushed his engineering studies aside to fiddle with his bass guitar. Takeru let the sounds fall into his background noise while he took out his notebook to jot down words to help inspire his creative ideas. He wasn't sure whether he would end up using them for his course assignments or for his personal writing, but it was something he enjoyed doing.
Takeru was disappointed that he didn't get as much of a chance to pester and tease his brother for too long, since Yamato shooed him out later that afternoon so that he could get ready for a dinner date with Mimi.
He ended up going back to his apartment, where he saw Miyako and Ken cuddled up on the couch and staring at the television. Daisuke must have been out, and Takeru figured he would let the couple have their space. So, naturally, he knocked on the front door next door, where he would find Koushiro, whom he knew to be another single male in their group, other than Daisuke and Iori.
Koushiro let Takeru in, and as Takeru took a few steps, he couldn't help but notice a fresh scent - light, but noticeable.
"Is Taichi around?" Takeru asked, and wondered if Taichi had walked out a short time ago.
"He's actually been with Sora all day," Koushiro replied.
"Then, are you wearing cologne?" Takeru thought aloud.
Koushiro appeared to freeze, as though he had been caught.
"Oohh…" Takeru felt a sly remark coming on at this realization. He remembered his delight when he teased Yamato as a preteen, and Takeru had noticed that Yamato had worn their father's cologne to school.
"Please, don't push this, Takeru," Koushiro said, simply, though his cheeks were turning red. He turned to the fridge to grab Takeru a drink, but Takeru couldn't stop smiling. Was Koushiro going on a date tonight? Or was he bringing them over? Takeru urged to find out.
"So, Taichi's out tonight, then?"
"Yup. Daisuke wanted me to try out his improved ramen recipe though, so he's coming over."
"Oh." Takeru was not surprised at this typical Daisuke behavior.
"He's making a big batch, so he wants everyone else to come over and try it."
"...Oh." Takeru quirked his brow at Koushiro, surprised at the fact that he let Daisuke freely invite people to the apartment that wasn't even his. "And you're letting him do this?
Koushiro shrugged. "Sure. It will be the usual crowd, anyway. Everyone from your place, Miyako, Iori, and Hikari."
"No way, Hikari?" Takeru let out a surprised gasp. "I haven't seen her in a while! I asked if she wanted to meet up yesterday to catch up. But she said she had plans."
"I see," Koushiro replied, his cheeks turning redder, for some reason.
Takeru couldn't figure out what could have caused Koushiro's embarrassment, so he attempted to lighten the mood.
"Well, it'll be good to see her today, then. And if we're having a get together, I guess that gives me the honor of being your first guest, right?"
"At least it's you and not Daisuke himself."
Koushiro smiled while Takeru grinned back.
"Need help with anything, then?"
"Nah, Daisuke said he would bring everything over. I suppose you can hang out here while we wait."
"Okay. Mind if I use your bathroom?"
"Not at all."
Takeru looked forward to having a laid back time with Koushiro while they waited for everyone else to arrive. Especially when Taichi wasn't around, Koushiro kept to himself, save for the occasional shouts and reactions while he played his games. Sometimes Takeru liked to play against him, sometimes he watched the gameplay.
When Takeru walked into Koushiro's bedroom on the way to the bathroom, he noticed Koushiro take a seat at his computer, another thing that Takeru was used to seeing. He was also used to seeing Koushiro's room to be tidy and his bed made. But as he stepped toward the bathroom, Takeru's eyes caught a glint of something unusual, a small, sparkling item on the carpet near the bed, out of place from the otherwise clean and tidy room.
"A hairclip…?" Takeru said aloud. He picked it up and held it up close with the childlike curiosity that never left him since he was initially the youngest of the group. The hair clip was purple that shone from specks of glitter, with stars designed at the tips.
Takeru heard Koushiro yelp, and before he could turn to look, the clip had already been swiped from his hand.
"Alright, there, Kou…?" Takeru asked, eyeing Koushiro curiously at his heightened expression, the hairclip now securely enclosed in the palm of his hand.
"I'm fine! It's nothing!" Koushiro replied, his arms waving frantically and the tone of his voice unnaturally higher as he laughed it off.
Takeru tilted his head. "If you wanted to say you were experimenting with hair accessories, I wouldn't judge," he remarked in a joking tone.
"I'm not- I mean-!"
Takeru perked his head up at that answer. There were a lot of things that Koushiro kept to himself, but he was also good at telling the truth. And also easy to read when he was hiding something.
The speculation of a possible new side of Koushiro coming to light gave Takeru a surge of excitement to find out more. First, the cologne. And now, the hair clip. Was Koushiro seeing someone?
"Ohh! If it doesn't belong to you, then does it belong to someone else? Did someone else leave it here?"
"DON'T," Koushiro said forcefully, taking Takeru aback. "Don't. Push this, Takeru."
"Okay, okay…" Now it was Takeru's turn to put his palms up in surrender. "I won't."
"Please don't tell anyone about this, either. Promise me."
Takeru paused for a moment as he took note of Koushiro's adamant stare. Whatever he was hiding must have meant a lot to him, and Takeru respected him too much to go against his own word. So, the next thing he held out was his fingers curled into his palm, save for his pinky raised.
"I promise."
Koushiro rolled his eyes, the same way Yamato or Taichi would whenever he did that. But Koushiro hooked his own pinky around Takeru's, and Takeru sealed his promise to him with a smile.
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Young (Jung Jaehyun/Smut)
This was lowkey inspired by Lana Del Rey’s “Lolita” lowkey just lowkey. Been listening to that a lot
Tumblr media
tags: Virgin reader, oral male and female recieving and giving, age difference (nothing illegal), teasing, best friend’s little sister, underage drinking, taking virginity, corruption kink etc a whole bunch of dirty fun 
Word count: 8090 (she’s long)
Summer was supposed to be memorable, especially when you’re young. The things you did with your friends, the people you meet, the things you do with people you love it was all supposed to leave a mark on your life, positive or negative. 
Back in his home town for the first time since college started, your brother was enjoying the familiar sights. The parties were lined up, the excursions with high school friends were planned and his friend from college was staying with him. Your brother was riding a high, high that came from the good life. 
“Thanks again for letting me stay at your place this summer.” Jaehyun said and looked at your brother from the passenger seat. “It’s really no problem man. Just hope you can enjoy yourself here.” You brother said as he pulled into his street. “With all the stuff we have planned, I don’t that I will.” He said and laughed, thinking about all the parties and stuff lined up. It only helped that your parents were leaving the next day to go on vacation. It was really going to be a perfect summer. 
Jaehyun moved to grab his bags from the truck after your brother pulled into the driveway. Your brother gestured for him to come inside and Jaehyun took a deep breath. He wasn’t nervous when it came to meeting new people, but he’d be staying in your house it was just different. 
“I hope the drive wasn’t too long.” Your mother doted, holding onto her son’s arm. She was happy to have him home. Jaehyun took a quick look around, scanning the house and taking in his home for the next coming weeks. “I’m so glad you decided to stay here for the summer and Jaehyun we are glad to have you.” Your mom said and stroked Jaehyun’s cheek with a loving smile. Your mom was just glad to have a house full of people, even if they were leaving the next day. It was a comfort to know you wouldn’t be alone all summer. “Where’s Y/N?” Your brother asked looking around the house for his baby sister. 
“She’s in the yard, I’ll call her.” You father said and moved to what Jaehyun presumed was the back door. Opening it, your father called out. “Y/N, your brother’s home!” 
Jaehyun looked towards your brother, with a cocked brow. “I didn’t know you had a sister.” He said and your brother shrugged. “Never came up. Oh my god.” Your brother panicked as your ran in, hugging him tightly. 
Jaehyun only caught a quick glimpse of you before you were tucked in your brother’s arms, but he was intrigued. Your short yellow sundress was covered in daisies, you were wearing beat up converse and you had blush coating your cheeks and nose. When you pulled away from your brother, he could see soft pink lipgloss coating your lips and the sparkles in your eyes. He knew he was in trouble. 
“Welcome home brother.” You said with a sweet voice as you smiled at him. “Good to be back loser.” He said and ruffled your hair, making you back away slightly and stick out your tongue. An innocent act. 
You weren’t oblivious to the other male standing there, your parents told you he was coming with a friend. You just weren’t anticipating that friend to look like that.
“This is Jaehyun, he’s gonna stay here this summer with us.” He said and you extended your hand to Jaehyun. He grabbed your hand, noting how small and soft it was in comparison to his. “Welcome home, Jaehyun.” You said and took your bottom lip between your teeth as you looked at the man. 
That night, you had a family meal and your brother and his best friend were telling college stories. You had nothing interesting to share, your junior year in highschool being hardly anything interesting. You just did what you were supposed to until you didn’t have to anymore. It was summer and you could finally let go. 
“Now we’ll be gone before you kids wake up. So be good.” Your father said, standing in front of all of you as you sat on the couch. There was a movie playing behind them but none of you were paying attention. You were sat in an armchair as your brother and Jaehyun occupied the couch and Jaehyun was having a hard time keeping his eyes off of you. 
“Take care of your sister, too. She stresses us out sometimes.” Your mother added, making you sigh and cross your arms. “Hey!” You said and pouted making Jaehyun chuckle to himself a little. DId he feel a little guilty that he was attracted to you so fast? Yeah. Was he going to act on it? He wasn’t planning on it at first. 
“Will do, we’re in charge loser.” Your brother said and you tossed a pillow at him with a laugh. “I’m 18, I can take care of myself.” You said and your parents shook their heads. “Just behave.” Your father said and kissed your forehead before going upstairs, your mother following suit after. Jaehyun and your brother exchanged looks before stretching out on the couch with satisfied smiles. “Ah, the kingdom to ourselves as of tomorrow.” Your brother sighed, placing his feet on the coffee table. 
“Yeah and there’s that party at one of your friends’ house tomorrow too.” You said, tucking your knees under your chin and looking at them. “How do you know about that?” Your brother asked, his calm expression turning to a stressed one. “Almost all the seniors were invited, that includes me.” You said, your smile being sickly sweet as you did. You loved teasing your brother, it was just so satisfying joining in on his “college fun”. “I’m not babysitting you tomorrow.” He snapped and you shrugged. “You don’t have to, I have my own friends. You have yours,  just take me there and that’s it.” You said and pushed yourself out of your chair. 
Jaehyun swallowed thickly noticing how high your dress had ridden up, that coupled with your pink cheeks and lips, he felt hungry for you. 
You instantly noticed him staring at you, the second he met you his eyes were glued to you. You weren’t dumb and you weren’t going to lie and say Jung Jaehyun wasn’t attractive. He had dark trusting eyes, dimples when he smiled and a relaxed aura to him. Definitely a beautiful man. 
“Anyways, I’m going to bed. Long night tomorrow night.” You teased and walked away. Jaehyun watched, cocking a brow as he stared at your thighs. A sharp smack to his chest snapped him out of it. “Dude are you thirsting over my sister?” He asked and Jaehyun’s eyes went wide. “No man some light reflection caught my eye. Sister’s are off limits.” Jaehyun clarified before swallowing the lump in his throat. “Good, we tease eachother but that’s still my baby sister.” You brother said and Jaehyun felt guilt in his chest. 
“Hurry up man, we’re already late.” Your brother yelled at you from the bottom of the stairs. “Just give me a minute!” You yelled back, looking in the mirror at your little short sleeved, blue cardigan that was left open. You buttoned the top 2 buttons and then quickly pulled on your shorts and sneakers. Admitedly, it was a little relieving but at the same time, it was your summer. You leaned forward and applied some pink lip gloss before shutting off the lights and running downstairs. 
“I’m ready, don’t have a cow.” You said and brushed past Jaehyun. He noticed, he instantly noticed that the only thing that was keeping your chest concealed from the world was 2 buttons but he couldn’t deny how good you looked. Your outfit was nice but he loved your makeup, soft pink eyeshadow on your lids and the same blush and gloss from the day before. You looked so flushed, you looked so fucked out and you hadn’t even been touched. 
 “You look nice.” Jaehyun said and you slipped your hands into your shorts pockets. “Thank you, you do too.” You said, smiling up at him and Jaehyun’s eyes flickered to your lips. Jaehyun was wearing a simple black shirt, with a plaid button up over top and black ripped skinny jeans to match. It was simple but he looked good and you couldn’t deny that.
The second you got to the party you spotted your friends and ditched Jaehyun and your brother. Jaehyun watched as you walked away, taking a seat on the arm of a couch next to a boy. He watched as the boy wrapped an arm around you, slipping his hand under your little top and kissing your forehead. He didn’t have a right to feel jealous but he did and that boy didn’t look right with you. 
You sat down, feeling Taeyong’s hand slip under your shirt as you did so. “Hey baby.” He said and you smiled at him. Taeyong wasn’t your boyfriend, but you had done things together. It was an unspoken unofficial thing and you could tell Jaehyun didn’t like it. Especially when you locked eyes with him from across the full room. 
Your brother ushered Jaehyun around the room before finding the person he was looking for, his girlfriend. “Jaehyun, you want the car tonight?” Your brother asked as he kissed his girlfriends cheek. “Why you askin?” Jaehyun asked as he sipped his beer that was given to him. “Because I have a feeling I’m not coming home tonight.” He answered and his girlfriend blushed. “Fair. Yeah give me the keys.” Jaehyun said and caught the car keys your brother threw at him. “If you see anyone feel free to take them home if you want. If not make sure Y/N gets home.” He added on and Jaehyun saluted. What if he wanted to take you home?
Jaehyun felt the pda between your brother and his girlfriend becoming a bit too much to be partner to and set off through the house. He knew no one there, this wasn’t his town and he felt out of place. He was expecting your brother to introduce him to people, but he understood how he got so sidetracked. Jaehyun would be too if he hadn’t seen his girlfriend in a while. 
You saw Jaehyun aimlessly walk around and settle for leaning against the snack table. “I’ll be back in a second.” You told your friends, Taeyong’s hand leaving your body as you walked towards the older male. “Hey. Having a good time?” You asked him, your hands in your pockets as you got closer. “Yeah, you’re brother just met up with his girlfriend and-” “Ditched you?” You cut him off and he laughed. “Yeah, but I get it. I’d probably do the same. But don’t worry about me. Go back to your boyfriend.” He said gesturing towards Taeyong who was watching you both. You giggled, covering your mouth as you did so before leaning in closer. “He’s not my boyfriend.” You said and Jaehyun cracked a smile. “If he’s not your boyfriend why is he touching you like that?” Jaehyun asked with a dark tone to his voice. It made you shiver slightly and you were about to answer when you felt cold beer spill all over your back. 
Jaehyun tried pulling you out of the way, his hand grabbing your waist and tugging you into his chest but it was too late. The back of your top was drenched with beer and all you could do was laugh. You pressed your forehead into his chest as you laughed and shivered at the cold. “Sorry Y/N!” The culprit said and you just shrugged it off. “It’s fine. Just cold.” You said and stepped away from Jaehyun again. He couldn’t help but find it adorable, the way you lost yourself in laughter in bad situation. 
“Man this is really cold and wet.” You said and looked at you with concern. He shrugged his plaid button up off of his shoulders, revealing his toned arms as he did so. “Here, take that wet stuff off and wear this. At least it’s dry.” You felt a heat in your chest at his words as he held up the item of clothing. Taking it from his hands, you waved it slightly. “I’ll be back.” You said and disappeared to the bathroom. 
The button up came down to your thighs, covering your shorts completely and you decided to leave the top 3 buttons open. Jaehyun took note of this when you returned to him. He almost couldn’t get the image of you in his clothes out of his mind after that. 
“That looks good on you.” Jaehyun said as you moved to sit on the table. “But I’m almost convinced you look good in anything.” He said softly before moving infront of you. His hands on either side of your body on the table. “Haven’t you found a girl to take home with you?” You asked, grabbing his beer and taking a sip. He chuckled before pulling the car keys out of his pocket. “Let me know when you’re ready to go home.”  He said, his response being incredibly bold and teasing to you. So you weren’t wrong about the looks from the night before. 
Jaehyun kissed your cheek before grabbing his beer from your hands. You watched him walk away, to go outside where other people were hanging out and you took a deep breath. A rush of nerves entered your body along with a rush of guilt. He was your brother’s best friend and you were shamelessly flirting with him. But maybe you weren’t completely in the wrong, he was flirting back and you couldn’t deny the looks he was giving you. 
You pushed yourself back off the table and walked back over to your friends, settling into Taeyong’s lap as you did so. “Don’t overthink it.” You thought to yourself and threw yourself into the party. Needing a distraction from your thoughts. 
The party came to lul and that was when you decided you were ready to go home and you attempted to find Jaehyun. You were admittedly alot more drunk than the last time you talked you to him and stumbling around. Walking outside, you saw Jaehyun sitting on a chair and talking to college guys from your area. He saw you enter the yard and perked up slightly, waving you over to him. You were a bit wobbly as you maneuvered through people before standing in front of him. You greeted the others as you knew they went to highschool with your brother. 
“You drunk babydoll?” Jaehyun asked, looking up at you and your hazy eyes. His nickname caught you incredibly off guard and made you feel small almost. “A little.” You mumbled and yawned. Jaehyun pushed himself off of his chair. He was having a hard time denying how cute you looked, with tired eyes and a little pout on your face. “Let’s go home then.” Jaehyun said and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You looked so innocent to him in that moment, he wanted to remember it. 
When Jaehyun came down stairs the next morning, he was surprised with an empty house. Your brother hadn’t come home, presumably still at his girlfriend’s house and you, well you were in the yard. He looked out of the back window and spotted you laying on the grass, on your stomach. It was really nice outside and it seemed you were taking advantage of it. His ran his hands through his hair as you sat up, stretching out your upper body. Your back was facing him and you were horribly unaware of his stares. 
Your little sundresses and innocent demeanor would honestly be the death of him, especially when you turned around on the grass and your eyes locked. You waved slightly as you noticed him and he bit his bottom lip. Jaehyun disappeared back into the house and you pouted, laying down on the grass completely now and staring up at the blue sky. 
“Here, don’t want to get grass stains on your dress.” His deep voice filled your ears as he blocked your vision of the sky. You propped yourself up on your elbows to see he was holding a blanket. Jaehyun noticed the pencil and sketchbook lying on the grass next to you before laying the blanket down. 
Jaehyun plopped down on the blanket, patting the spot next to him as he grabbed your sketchbook. You moved into the spot he chose for you and watched silently as he flipped through your drawings. You suddenly felt insecure, like a little girl waiting for her test to be graded. A smile pulled over Jaehyun’s face before he looked to yours, noticing the nerves on your face. 
“These are great. Going to art school after this or?” He asked and you shrugged. “I’ve been thinking about it.” You told him and adjusted your dress slightly. “You know our college has great art department, you’d fit right in.” He said and flipped even further. “I can help you put a portfolio together if you want.” Jaehyun suggested and you looked at him with doe eyes. You had considered art school and a portfolio wouldn’t hurt. It was about time you really started getting focussed on these things anyways. 
“Alright, I’ll go grab my drawings.” You said and pushed off of the ground. He didn’t mean to look, or maybe a part of him did, he wasn’t sure. But he caught glimpse of your sweet little lacy panties, noticing the fact that they had embroidered flowers on them as you skipped away. 
Your drawings were spread out over the blanket as you tried figuring out which ones to chose for your portfolio. “I’m leaning more towards that one instead of this one.” You said, turning your head to look at Jaehyun. “I like them both, they both work.” He said and got more comfortable, laying on his side propped up on his elbow mimicing the way you were laid down.
It was beautiful outside, the wind blowing lightly making the fabric of your dress move. Your sleeve slipped down, revealing your shoulder and collar bones (not that you noticed) and Jaehyun caught a glimpse. He took his bottom lip between his teeth, his hand coming up to lift your sleeve again. You felt his hand, turning to look at him again with a deep blush setting on your cheeks. Jaehyun lifted the fabric and watched you swallow thickly at his actions.
Your neck was just so horribly inviting and the way you were leaning into him was too much for him. Jaehyun pushed all of his morals to the side, pressing his lips to your shoulder lightly. You let out a little gasp at the feeling, especially as his lips moved closer and closer to your neck and left little kisses in their wake. His other hand came up, holding your chin as he kissed your neck. Jaehyun felt the way you relaxed into his touch, a small moan coming out of your mouth as his kisses got more intense. He loved the sounds more than he thought he would. You could feel him nip the skin, going to leave a mark behind and your whimpers got progressively louder. “You sound beautiful babydoll.” He mumbled against your skin before pulling away, admiring his work on your neck.
You looked at Jaehyun with hazy eyes. Sure you had been kissed on the neck before, but not like this. This was dangerous.
His hand was still under your chin as you looked at him and you were wondering if he was finally going to kiss your lips. Jaehyun swiped his tongue over his lips and you took a deep breath, finally tearing your eyes away from him.
“There you two are. I couldn’t find you guys.” And with those words from your brother entering your yard, his hands left you flushed and frustrated. “Yeah man, it’s great outside today.” Jaehyun said and waved your brother over. You squeezed your thighs together, feeling horribly worked up and wonder how Jaehyun was keeping a straight face. 
“I suggested to help Y/N with a portfolio for college. She’s crazy talented man.” Jaehyun complimented and you looked away, face to flush to look at anyone. “See mom would be proud that you’re being productive. Anyways, I’m just here to grab some clothes and I’m gone again. My girlfriend’s parents are out of town.” Your brother said and you looked at him. “Nice, you have a good time man.” Jaehyun said and they did that thing that good guy friends do with their hands. You thought it was odd that your brother was technically leaving his best friend in your care or was it the other way around?
“I think I have enough for my portfolio, thanks Jaehyun.” You said, gathering your drawing and practically running inside. How was Jaehyun playing it so cool? You felt like you were going to melt. 
It seemed Jaehyun and your brother had left the house, you having not seen them since you went inside after Jaehyun had marked you. They were gone for hours and you had simply hung around the house, bored and left to think about what had happened on the blanket outside. It was around dinner time when you heard your brother’s car pull up again. 
You barely looked up from your phone as they entered the house, being immersed in your texts with Taeyong as you sucked on a lolipop. “If they would both leave me without warning, they didn’t deserve my time of day.” You said, feeling particularly salty over the situation. You were sat on the counter in the kitchen, being too caught up in you conversation to move from your position. 
“Who you texting?” Jaehyun asked as he entered the kitchen. He leaned against the counter opposite to you and you barely looked up from your phone. “Taeyong.” You said and wet your lips with your tongue. You could barely look Jaehyun in the eye after that morning. 
Jaehyun watched as your tongue swirled over the lolipop as you held the stick with one hand, texting with the other. He could see the mark he left on your neck, smiling to himself with pride. Watching you, it took a while but you finally looked up from your phone and locked eyes with him. You placed the phone on the counter and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Can I ask you something?” Jaehyun asked, eyes still locked with yours. You pulled the lolipop from your mouth, holding it against your lips as you nodded. There was thick tension in the kitchen, thick enough to cut with a knife. “How far have you and Taeyong gone?” He asked and you looked at him with confused eyes. “You mean sex?” You asked, your voice shaking lightly. “Yeah, I mean sex.” He clarified and you crossed your legs, feeling a sudden need for pressure between your thighs. 
“We’ve never had sex. I’ve never had sex.” You confessed, your voice faltering as you admitted to being a virgin. Jaehyun watched that blush he loved creep onto your cheeks. “We’ve messed around a bit though.” You added, your eyes meeting his once more. For some reason, this conversation wasn’t making you feel awkward. if anyone else would have asked, you would have dismissed it almost instantly. But all you could really think about was Jaehyun’s lips on your neck and it was clouding your judgement. 
“Messed around? You sucked him off, he finger fucked you, ate you out?” Jaehyun asked, his tone becoming a bit more intense. You squeezed your thighs as you looked at him. “Well one of those.” You said and looked away, the lolipop still between your lips. 
Jaehyun was surprised, you gave but never recieved. That hardly seemed fair. 
He pushed off of the counter and got closer to you. “So you’re telling me you gave and never recieved. Did he even offer?” Jaehyun advanced, his hands now on your waist as he settled between your legs. You shook your head “No” and he tutted. “What an ass.” Jaehyun mumbled and for the second time that day, his lips were attached to your neck. 
He nipped at the skin he had marked earlier, moving down further and kissing new skin. You could feel his teeth against your skin, making you sigh at the feeling. How could neck kisses be this addictive? Jaehyun was aiming to leave more marks, wondering what you’d look like covered in memories of him. He moved down gradually, his lips stopping at the top of your dress before pulling away again. You whimpered at the loss of his touch, making a cocky smile stretch over his lips. How could you be so fucked out already?
Jaehyun harshly tugged on your hips, moving you to the edge of the counter before sinking down to his knees. You gasped in surprise, feeling shy at the fact that he was practically eye to eye with your core. You took the lolipop out of your mouth, dropping it in the sink next to you as Jaehyun tugged your dress up. It bunched at your hips and you swallowed thickly as your eyes locked with his. His finger tracing the little embroidered flowers on your panties. “Cute.” He complimented quietly, listening to your breathing as he pet you through your panties.  
You moved your hips forward, on instinct almost. You felt so desperate. He chuckled, hooking his fingers under your panties and tugging them down your legs. You watched as Jaehyun tucked them into his back pocket before spreading your thighs. You didn’t need him to tell you, you definitely knew you were absolutely dripping. 
 “Fuck.” He groaned, his hands holding your hips tightly. You had nowhere to go, not that you wanted too and he leaned forward. Pressing a small kiss to your clit, you let out a shaky sigh and let your head fall back. Jaehyun’s eyes were open, watching your reaction as he wrapped his arms around your thighs. You tasted sweet and innocent, it was addictive and he wanted to taste all of you. 
Your back arched and your fingers tangled into his hair, a great feeling starting in the pit of your stomach. Jaehyun moved your legs over his shoulders, getting closer as if it was even possible. The moans coming out your mouth were music to his ears as he ran his tongue over you. “Jaehyun, fuck.” You tugged his hair harshly. Jaehyun hummed against you, pressing your hips down to keep you in place and revelling at the feeling of your thighs clamping down on his head. 
“I’m gonna cum.” You whimpered, looking down at him. Jaehyun gripped your thighs tighter, not allowing you to go anywhere as he brought you to the edge. A small scream tore from your mouth as he threw you over the edge, his tongue working over you to make sure he rode out your orgasm as long as he could. 
Your thighs shook around his head and your fingers dug into the edge of the counter top. He pulled away from you, allowing his fingers to move from your hips down your thighs. He looked up at you and took a mental picture. God you looked so beautiful, so fucking innocent and sweet. 
Jaehyun came up to your face, not wavering at all before smashing his lips onto yours. “Finally.” You mumbled against his lips, making him laugh as he pulled your chest flush against his. His hands gripped your thighs, rolling his hips against your core. “Did that feel good, baby doll?” He asked, pressing his forehead to yours. “Did you know you taste so sweet?” He added on and you swallowed thickly, you felt shy. 
Your hands reached down to the front of his jeans before moving off the counter and dropping down to your knees. You felt the need to return the favor. 
Jaehyun chuckled, moving your hands away and cupping your face. “So eager. Not tonight babydoll.” Jaehyun said and looked down at your wide eyes. The way you looked up at him was enough for him to want to take you right then and there. You took your bottom lip between your teeth and he leaned down to your level. “I’m taking care of you tonight.” He said and kissed your lips softly. You felt so cherished, so little it made you nervous. You weren’t normally this shy when it came down to things like this. 
He pulled you up onto your feet, your legs shaking slightly. He didn’t feel guilt anymore, he felt pride and caring looking at you and he really didn’t care if your brother found out. 
You tucked your face into his chest, wanting to hide for a second and he wrapped his arms around you. His hand petting your hair. “You alright, doll?” He asked you and you hid your blush in his chest. “Just thinking. But I’m alright.” You said softly. Jaehyun’s voice was deep and comforting, you felt safe. 
“Thinking about the fact that my panties are still in your back pocket and what my brother would think if he knew this happened.” You said with a soft smile and he laughed at your words. He didn’t want to think about any repercussions, not just yet. “Go put on something comfy, I’ll order some food and we can watch a movie or something. And as far as the panties go, I’ll be keeping those.” Jaehyun said with a soft smirk, you smacked his chest lightly and hid your face in your hands. “Oh how embarrassing.” You mumbled and walked away to go change. 
Your brother had come home later that night. “Fucking fight.” His words as he entered the house. You and Jaehyun had pulled apart, his arms no longer wrapped around you and a big distance between you both on the couch as your brother stomped in. 
“She’s mad at me for no reason.” Your brother said and sat inbetween you two. He was completely oblivious to the fact he had interrupted something. Did you feel bad that your brother’s girlfriend was mad at him? Yeah. Were you annoyed that he had come home? For sure. 
You watched Jaehyun pat his back before looking at you with sorry eyes. You seemed to have a permanent pout on your face as you redirected your engy to the movie playing. “I’m sorry man.” Jaehyun told him and your brother sighed. “It’s fine. Should be alright by tomorrow, but right now I just wanna get shitfaced drunk. Come on, let’s go. An old friend of mine is having a party tonight.” Your brother said and you bit your lip in frustration. You shouldn’t have felt jealous, afterall Jaehyun was your brothers’ friend first.
“Now?” Jaehyun asked and your brother nodded. “Yeah now. It beats sitting at home and watching a movie.”  You sighed and pushed yourself off of the couch. “In that case, I’m going to go to bed. You two have fun at the party.” You said and smiled at Jaehyun. He seemed apologetic, knowing that you were enjoying the time with and he was enjoying the time with you. But to avoid suspiscions, he went along with your brother. 
“We need to get you laid man.” Your brother said as you were about to leave the room and you bit your bottom lip to refrain from saying anything. You didn’t own Jaehyun, he wasn’t your boyfriend. Fuck, you met him that week and he was your brother’s best friend. He didn’t owe you anything, if he wanted to get laid with another girl that was his choice and you knew that. You were just scared you got played. He didn’t make you any promises. 
Jaehyun felt bad when you walked away but he felt even worse at the party your brother had dragged him too. He wasn’t looking to fuck some random girl at a party, even if that might have been the plan when they planned their summer. 
And as pretty as the girl was that your brother introduced him too, he wasn’t into it. He was too lost in the way you tasted earlier that day to have his mind on anything else, he didn’t even feel like drinking much. Jaehyun pursed his lips at his thoughts before pushing his hair back slightly. “You haven’t heard a word I have said, have you?” The girl in front of him said, snapping Jaehyun out of his thoughts. “What?” He said in response and the girl stood up, watching away in annoyance. “Jerk.” She muttered under her breath and he shook his head in response. 
Your brother witnessed the exchange, letting his girlfriend go to approach his friend. “I’ve never seen you strike out like that.” Your brother said and Jaehyun laughed. “Yeah man, just kind of out of it.” He explained and your brother nodded his head. “If you wanna go home man, here are the keys. Me and her made up anyways.” Your brother gestured to his girlfriend and she waved at them slightly. “You sure? You really wanted to go out earlier.” Jaehyun sounded almost too enthousiastic. “Yeah I’m sure man. There are plenty of parties to go to later man.” Your brother tossed him the keys and stood up. “Can you do me a favor though? Check in on Y/N for me, she seemed upset earlier.” Your brother asked and Jaehyun smiled to himself. “No problem.” 
Jaehyun had an internal debate as he walked up the stairs. He could either just bypass your room and go to bed, or he could see if you were awake. There was a slim chance considering how late it was, but when he saw the light under your door, he was encouraged. 
Knocking lightly, Jaehyun took a deep breath. “Hey, Y/N it’s me.” Jaehyun’s voice filled your ears. You were half asleep when you heard the knock and his voice. “Hmm, come in.” You mumbled, cuddling your pillow. Your door opened and he stepped in. “Oh you were sleeping. I’ll leave.” He said and reached for the door again. “No, stay.” You said, perking up and sitting up in your bed. He walked up to your bed and you looked him up and down. You pat your bed, moving to the side to make room for him. 
“My clothes smell like beer. You don’t want that in your bed.” He chuckled and you fumbled with your blankets. “Then take them off.” You said softly and he smiled. Leaning down, he crouched next to your bed and looked you in the eyes. Jaehyun’s hand came up to cup your chin and thumb swiped over your bottom lip. “What was that babydoll?” He asked, wanting to here you say it again. Confidence was incredibly sexy on you. “I said, then take them off.” You repeated and watched him stand up again. Heat was definitely pooling between your legs as you cuddled further under the blankets. 
Jaehyun’s hands moved to the bottom of his shirt before pulling it off completely. He was very fit, harsh lines being over his abdomen and that pretty v disappearing into his jeans. You took your bottom lip between your teeth as you watched his hand move down to the button on his jeans and then he stopped. “You know what, why don’t you do that for me?” Jaehyun said and looked at you. A blush rose onto your cheeks but you hardly hesitated. Pushing the blankets back, you got out of bed and dropped down to your knees. 
Your doe eyes locked with his as your hands undid the button of his jeans and dragged his zipper down slowly. Your fingers grazing over his hard on, making him swallow thickly. He had been teasing you all day, it was your turn now. You pulled his jeans down slowly and moved to his briefs. You didn’t know what to do when it came to recieving but you had been in this situation before and had a surge of confidence running through you. 
You ran your index finger of the outline of his cock, making him hiss slightly. Jaehyun didn’t like to be teased, but seeing you confident in front of him like this made him accept it more. Pulling his boxer’s down, you ran your tongue over your lips and he chuckled. “You’re going to drive me crazy.” He said softly while watching you. Your hand guided him to your lips, kissing the tip gently and locking your eyes with his again. 
Your lips wrapped around him fully and you took him as far as you could. Your tongue flattening against the under side of his cock. Jaehyun slipped his finger’s into your hair and you hummed slightly. He was taking so many mental images as he forced you to take a little more into your mouth. Your eyes slightly watering, your pink cheeks and your lips wrapped around him. What a sight. 
“Babydoll, you’re doing so good.” He praised, making you moan around him. He moved your head, making you take him a little more and he felt oh so good hitting the back of your throat. “So good.” He said again, moaning slightly. You loved the praise so much, you almost had to slip your hand down your panties. But your finger tips only made it to the waist band. 
“Does my babydoll like praise so much?” Jaehyun asked, noticing your hand. “Use your words doll.” He said and pulled your mouth off of his cock. “Yes. I love it when you compliment me.” You said, catching your breath. He loved it, you ate up his words, you trusted them. There was a pause as you looked at eachother and you sat up, moving to sit on the edge of your bed. “Fuck me.” You said, being incredibly sure in your choice to lose your virginity to him. 
Your words took him back, they were so bold and sure. “Are you sure?” He asked, moving forward to cup your chin again. “Very sure.” You said, his eyes searching yours for any doubt. When he didn’t find any, his lips slammed into yours. Stepping out of pants and boxers, Jaehyun moved to pull your sleep shirt off of your body. His lips seperated from yours as your shirt was pulled over your head and he let out a groan. You couldn’t think of one girl that wore a bra to sleep so there you were, completely bare aside from your panties. 
You swallowed thickly before moving further up your bed to lay down. Jaehyun watched you and followed, making sure to grab a condom from his wallet before doing so. “You’re beautiful.” He mumbled before pressed a soft kiss to your lips and quickly moving down to lace kisses down your chest. More marks had bloomed from his attack earlier that day and he took a moment to admire them. “So sweet babydoll, for letting me mark you.” He whispered against your skin and bit down. A small gasp left your mouth and he smiled before moving down further and taking your nipple into his mouth. Your fingers gripped his hair in response as swiped his tongue over the bud. 
You could feel his hand graze over your panties as he sucked on your nipple and he rubbed your clit slowly. You were in sensory overload and he had barely done anything. “Jaehyun, please.” You moaned, wanting him badly and being done with his teasing. “Babydoll I have to prep you, don’t want you to hurt tomorrow.” He said and you could feel him pull your panties to the side. His eyes were on yours as he slipped a finger into you, curling slightly. Something about the way your eyes fluttered shut made him smile, your actions were just so endearing. 
He added another finger, making your fingers grip his hair tightly as he curled them both. Jaehyun hissed at the feeling of you tugging his hair and you giggled slightly, only for that giggle to turn into a moan. You could feel yourself already being close from having been worked up for so long. 
Jaehyun pulled away and you whimpered, eyes opening again to see him rolling the condom over his cock. You felt nervous, it was your first time after all. You only acted confident with the things you knew.  
He looked at you reading the nerves on your face. “You still want to do this right?” He asked looking at you. “Yeah, I’m just a little nervous.” You admitted and he settled inbetween your legs, wrapping them around his waist. “I’ll take care of you, I promise. If you want to stop, just tell me.” Jaehyun said, his forehead pressing against yours. “Alright, I trust you.” You said and felt him tug at your panties. He moved them off of your legs and wrapped your legs around his waist again. 
You could feel him press into you slowly and you looked down at where your bodies were connecting. “You wanna watch?” He asked, noticing your gaze down. You nodded slowly, completely fascinated with the fact that he would be fitting inside of you. He chuckled and adjusted his position and angled your hips upwards more. 
Slowly he slid into you further, watching you watch yourself. Something about that view was egging him on alot. The stretch was uncomfortable, but not painfull, not like some people had told you before. You were too distracted by the way he fit inside of you to really feel much discomfort anyways. He kept his hips still, waiting for your sign to start moving and you looked up at him.
“Please move.” You said and the way it sounded was more like a whine. Jaehyun abided, needing to take a minute to not just start pounding into you as much as he wanted to. He rolled his hips gently, admiring the small moan that came out of you as he did so. God you were so tight around him he could barely control himself. 
“God, Jaehyun.” You moaned and he pressed his forehead to yours. “Does that feel good, babydoll?” He asked, his hands gripping your thighs. “Yes, please go faster.” You choked out and he could barely believe your words. You were constantly surprising him. He pushed your thighs towards your chest and picked up the pace, hitting that spot deep inside of you. Your nails scraped down his back, as you felt yourself getting close. Jaehyun could tell too, especially the way you clamped down around him. 
“You feel so good, babydoll. You make me feel so good.” He complimented only to feel you clench around him at your words, making him chuckle. His hand moved to your clit, rubbing circles on it to bring you to the edge. “Come on, cum for me. Show me how good you are.”  He said and if it wasn’t for the way he was making you feel, his words were enough to bring you there. 
“Fuck.” You moaned, your legs wrapping around him as you came. Jaehyun fell forward, his face tucking into the crook of your neck as he came as well, letting out some of the most beautiful noises you had ever heard. 
He stopped moving, just resting for a moment on top of you and you played with the hair on the back of his neck. Your legs were trembling slightly as you held him, your breathing heavy as you both calmed down. “You okay?” He asked, kissing the skin of your neck lightly. “Yeah, I’m fantastic.” You hummed and he chuckled. Rolling off of you, Jaehyun took off the condom and tossed it in the trash. 
You turned to your side, resting your head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around you and chuckled slightly. he quickly kissed your forehead. “You’re so sweet for me babydoll.” He whispered and you blushed. You just had sex with the man but the compliments still made you shy. “I’m going to grab something and clean us up, alright?” Jaehyun asked and you nodded slowly. You felt so soft and cared for, even if he wasn’t there in that moment. 
He came back with a washcloth, wiping you off gently and kissing the little marks he had made on your body. Jaehyun had grabbed a new pair of boxers from his room and pulled them on. “Where’s your underwear?” He asked and you laughed slightly as he looked at your closet in confusion. It was cute, the big dominant energy he had before now changed into caring mode and it was a sweet switch. “Over there.”  You said pointing to the drawer. “Ahh.” He said softly and moved over, grabbing a random pair and handing it to you. Picking his shirt up off the ground, he handed it to you to wear too. 
“I can wear my own pj’s you know.” You said, pulling the underwear and shirt on. “i know, but I like you in my clothes. Just like at that party.” He explained, crawling into bed with you. You hid your smile slightly, not wanting him to see how soft he had actually made you.
Jaehyun tilted your chin to make you look at him, your lips swollen from the kisses and your cheeks completely flushed. “You’re so damn beautiful you know.” He said and you laughed out loud before laying down on your pillow. “I’m not lying.” Jaehyun said and laughed down next to you, face to face with you. “You’re handsome.” You said, allowing your hand to move up to his face. Your finger traced his jaw and then his lips as you saved his features into your mental hard drive. 
“Let’s go to sleep babydoll.” He said softly, hands stroked the skin of your thighs lightly as you curled into him more. Jaehyun held you close, feeling an incredibly large wave of emotional attachment as you slowly started falling asleep. Oh how the guilt started to set in. 
You woke up to a cold, empty bed and yelling coming from downstairs. You couldn’t make out the words being said, but boy could you hear it. You felt wobbly, kind of out of it as you left your bed and room. A dull ache between your legs from last nights events. You slowly made your way down the stairs, pausing when you heard what was being said. 
“You fucked my sister.”  Your brother yelled and you felt your heart stop. “You fucked my sister, for what? Because she was there and because she was available?” Your brother sounded so angry, you had never heard him sound like that before. You were absolutely frozen, scared to take another step down the stairs. 
“It’s not like that man. I wouldn’t do that.” Jaehyun said and he sounded apologetic. “But you did! You fucked my little sister!” Your brother said again, his tone making you cringe. “I said it’s not like that man. It just happened. I really like her.” His words made you blush and gave you a little bit of courage. You left the staircase and entered the room. They both looked at you with surprise and you felt a lump in your throat. 
“Y/N, go back upstairs while I deal with this.” Your brother said and you furrowed your brows. “No, this involves me. I’m going to take part in this conversation.” You said and your brother looked at you with disbelief. “He manipulated you into sleeping with him.” Your brother claimed, pointing at Jaehyun. Jaehyun looked hurt, like a kicked puppy and you felt small again, not in the way you liked. 
“He didn’t manipulate me into anything. I made a choice, I chose to sleep with him. Jaehyun didn’t manipulate me into doing anything.” You said and you see Jaehyun getting closer to you slightly. “Look, you don’t like this and I understand. But don’t get pissed at him for choices we both made.” You added on and your brother looked at you both in silence. You couldn’t read his expression anymore, it seemed that he was going through multiple at the same time. 
“Don’t fuck when I’m in the house.” Your brother said and walked toward you both. “And you. Don’t get her pregnant because I will seriously damage you.”
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A/N: The end is kind of a cop out and it jumps around a lot. But I am kinda proud of this. Anyways I would love feedback. I love you guys. I’m going to bed now. 
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oddsnendsfanfics · 3 years
Unraveling the Mystery
Genre: Fan Fiction
Pairing: Henry Cavill/OFC
Warnings: N/A
Rating: PG
Length: Short Story
Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.
A/N: I have been sitting on this idea, for a while. It's taken forever to get it just right, what can I say? I can't get away from these folks.
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Henry Cavill Master List
Sitting in the backseat of the car, Ivan huffed. Arms across his chest, Kal laying quietly beside him, his head on the boy's lap. He was not amused by his parent's Saturday excursion. In the front seat, Nell checked her phone, looking at emails and appointments for the upcoming week. Henry had his eyes on the road, navigating through the small city with expert care and attention.
Saturdays spent as a family were supposed to be fun. Ivan wasn't exactly having fun. Grumpy all morning, he hadn't turned his scowl upside down once. Whatever. His parents didn't seem to notice or care that he was in a pissy mood. Why should they?
When they'd left home, Henry had mentioned going to the next town over, but didn't really say why. Nell had been too worried looking for paperwork. Ivan wasn't stupid, he'd heard them in the office last night. They thought he had gone to bed, which he had, but they didn't know their son had gone back down stairs for a drink. Walking by the door, he'd stopped, originally to say “good night”, again but decided to hold out.
Ivan laid his head back on the seat, Kal nestling in for the remainder of the ride. How could his parents do this to him? The bits of conversation had replayed in his mind all night.
"But if we adopt, then we know it's a girl." Sighing, Nell rubbed her eyes. "I am outnumbered."
"Yes, but what if we can't find the right girl?"
Ivan furrowed his brow, listening through the cracked door. His parents were clearly discussing something that would be a huge part of their family, yet chose to leave him out? 
Standing quietly for a few seconds, trying to peep around the office door, he saw Kal sprawled out on the floor. Sleeping soundly. At least his position wasn't going to be given away. 
"And we will need to take him. I don't want to bring him home a sister, to find out he's pissed off." Henry continued. 
Gee, thanks dad. Ivan rolled his eyes, tears stinging. 
Inside of the office his mother's chair scraped the floor. Time to move along. Quietly rushing to get upstairs, before he was caught. 
They were adopting and didn't even bother to ask how he felt? What if he didn't want a sibling? What if he was content being an only child? Nobody had bothered to ask him and it hurt.
“Almost there,” Henry announced. Ivan huffed, Nell hummed, and Kal sighed. “Not the response that I was expecting, but okay.”
“I'm excited, I'm busy is all.” Nell glanced at her husband with a warm smile. “Someone has to keep you in costume and Ivan on track.”
“Whatever.” Ivan muttered, rolling his eyes. So now they pretend to care.
“When we're finished, do you want to go for a walk and grab something to eat?”
Leaning around in her seat to see Ivan; Nell smiled. “What do you think wild boy? Should we grab something to eat after? I hear they have a great sushi place just around the corner.”
“Is that all you can say today?” Nell raised her brow.
Ivan shrugged.
“Well, then. I guess you don't have an opinion, then we will go wherever we see fit.”
“Why ask me where I want to eat, you didn't care to ask me if I even wanted to come.”
“We thought that you'd enjoy an afternoon out.” Henry answered, checking that he was clear to make the right hand turn. Pulling into an empty space, he killed the engine. “We're here.”
“I'm excited.”
“I'm not.” Grumbled Ivan in reply to his mother's enthusiasm.
Leaning over, Henry was the one turned to face his sullen son. “Okay, before we go in. Care to tell me what's going on?”
In the back seat, Ivan tried his best not to allow his tears to fall. If they began then they may never stop. Dramatic? A little. He couldn't hold it in any longer, his parents had truly hurt his feelings and trust. Why had they not trusted him to tell him the truth? If he hadn't heard them talking, would they have simply brought another child home and told him to deal with it?
Sniffling, he wiped his hand across his cheeks. How silly did he look?
“Ivan?” Henry prompted, gently reaching out to his son.
Shrinking away, Ivan continued to sniffle. Shaking his head, Ivan opened his mouth to answer, but only a sob came.
“Are you okay? Ivan, you can talk to us.” Encouraging her son, despite her heart clenching, Nell tried to smile.
He had been out of sorts all morning. Taking it as he was annoyed to be woken so early, Nell had ignored his bad mood. She'd figured it would change, when they arrived to meet the puppy. On the seat beside him, Kal laid with his head still on Ivan. Nudging him gently with his nose.
“You didn't even ask me, how-how I felt.” Ivan whispered.
“Felt? About what? Are you not feeling well?” Concern etched Henry's face.
Ivan shook his head. “About adopting. Why? Why would you do that and not talk to me? A sister is a pretty big thing and you didn't even ask, if I wanted one.”
In a second, Henry could nearly feel his heart breaking for his son. Clearing his throat, he rubbed the back of his neck. Nell sprang into mom mode. Taking over, giving Ivan a soft smile and passing back a tissue from her bag,
“Oh, wild boy.” Cooing, Nell shook her head. “No, I think you have it wrong.”
“Do I? Oh really?”
“Yeah, we're um...we wanted to keep it a secret, in case Kal didn't get along with her. But then we were so excited, we had to bring you. Ivan, we're here to see about adopting another dog.”
“A dog?” Ivan sat up his interest fully engaged. Henry laughed and nodded. His mood changing faster than a speeding bullet. “A dog? We're getting another dog?”
“Maybe.” It was only fair that Henry laid down the rules now. “If she and Kal get along, then we will take her home. For a week. If they manage well, then she is ours. If they don't, then we have to bring her back. We didn't want to tell you, because we wanted to surprise you.”
“You better like her.” Ivan gently booped Kal's nose. Kal snuffled and yawned.
“I wish you had told us, how you felt. Oh god, I'm sorry.”
Last night, while in the office, Nell had heard a creak outside the door. Assuming it was another feature of the older home, she had ignored it, continuing her conversation with Henry. Shit. Now she felt terrible. How Ivan must have felt, beyond her comprehension. No wonder the poor boy had been in a rotten mood. Assuming his parent were making life decisions and not bothering to inform him.
“It's okay mum.” Ivan shrugged, “I shouldn't have assumed.”
“Wild boy, we would never adopt another child, without talking to you. Honestly.” Nell informed her son, her caring smile growing.
“Unless something changes, drastically, we will never have that conversation. So I think you are safe.”
“But I thought you wanted more kids?” Eyeing his father cautiously, Ivan wiped his nose on the tissue and snuffled once more. His tears dried on his cheeks.
Henry shrugged, glancing at Nell and smiling. “Once upon a time, I would have loved to have a dozen kids. But, I think that time has gone. You're older now and I know that you enjoy being an only child. Besides, your mum and I don't have that energy anymore. Chasing small children, it's too much work.”
“Well, now that we have this cleared up. Shall we go meet the potential, puppy?”
“Yes, please.” Ivan sprung up, grabbing Kal's leash to get the big dog out of the car. Opening the car door, he shuffled out to join his parents, promptly handing Kal to Henry.
A shift in his mood, Ivan could barely contain his excitement, asking his parents all kinds of questions. The short distance from the car to the shelter didn't give them much time to answer, but Nell did her best to fill in any information that Ivan was requesting. They had found the puppy on the website, not really looking for another dog.
Her name was Tilly, she was almost a year old, an energetic doxie pinscher mix. Her mother rescued a few weeks before Tilly and her two brothers were born. Ivan didn't even have to see her, to know she would be the best dog – best small dog – ever. Clearly Kal was the best dog ever. Henry allowed Kal a few minutes outside, while Nell and Ivan went inside to inform the staff that they had arrived.
“Mum,” Ivan whispered standing beside her, in the lobby, waiting for the assistant to join them, “I'm sorry.”
“It's okay, wild boy. You have nothing to be sorry for, but the next time come talk to me. I don't like it when you are upset.” Nell wrapped her arm around him, kissing the top of his head.
“Mrs. Cavill?” A tall woman asked walking into the room. Nell nodded and smiled. “Hi, I'm Aly. I'll be hanging out with you today.” She glanced at Ivan and smiled. Carefully looking passed Nell, she shifted. “You mentioned bringing your dog?”
“Yes, he's outside with my husband. It was a bit of a drive up. Can you go let your dad know that he needs to come in?” Nell ruffled Ivan's hair.
Nodding, Ivan did his best to control his excitement, reminding himself to walk towards the door. Calmly, he took a breath. Spotting Henry and Kal on the small patch of grass, he waved opening the door to call his dad. Excitement, contain. Breathe. Ivan straightened his posture before walking back across the office to his mother.
“He's coming.”
“Do you want to follow me in, when he comes in then I can have them sent back?”
“Sure, sounds good.” Following Aly behind a set of doors, Nell and Ivan walked hand in hand. It was not at all what Ivan imagined. There were no rows of barking dogs, instead it was a calm and quiet group of rooms. Each one with large windows and a door. Inside the floors had patches of fake grass, tile flooring, and a few toys.
“The last time that you were here, I know that you and your husband had met Tilly and Anduin.” Holding open a door to one of the rooms, Aly addressed Nell. Ivan raised his brow. So his parents had been here before? “Did you want to bring them both out?”
Slightly blushing, Nell gave the assistant a sheepish smile. “I'm not going to lie, I really adored Tilly. I agreed to bring Anduin out, to humour my husband.”
Ivan giggled. Of course his dad would have wanted to meet Anduin.
“Ah, I understand. Okay, well I am going to get Tilly. You can make yourselves comfortable.”
Ivan sat in one of the plastic office chairs, swinging his legs lightly, his feet not that far from the floor. Nell stood in the corner by the floor to ceiling window, watching for Henry and Kal. Humming contently, Ivan tried to picture what this new dog would look like. She would certainly be smaller than Kal, not even the size of Kal's leg. He giggled at the idea of the little dog bossing the old bear around.
Would Tilly like them?
“What's Anduin like?”
“Huh?” Nell turned her head to look at Ivan, she had been lost in her thoughts of upcoming projects and school sport schedules.
“Anduin, you said that you only saw him because Dad wanted to.”
“Oh, he's a nice dog. But he's big and bouncy, he's still young and they said he had a bit of an aggression problem to work through. I'm sure he'll make someone a great dog, but he's not what we need. Not right now.”
Ivan nodded in understanding. As much as they loved Kal, one big dog was enough. He sat looking around the room, when he and his mom spotted Aly at the same time. Taking a step back from her post, Nell held out an arm to Ivan, indicating she wanted him to join her.
Entering the room, Aly had a small dog in her arms. Licking her face furiously, the dog wagged her tail, excitedly enjoying the interaction.
“Here is Tilly,” bending to sit the puppy on the floor, Aly smiled at Ivan. “Why don't you take a seat and get to know her?”
“Mum, momma, mum.” Ivan tugged on Nell's sleeve. “This is the best surprise.”
“I'm glad you're excited.” Nell kissed the top of his head. “Do you want to play with her? Get to know her a little, before Kal comes in?”
On the other side of the windows, Nell caught sight of Henry and Kal approaching. Kal looked around cautiously, following Henry into the small corridor. Nodding to his wife and giving a slight wave, Henry smiled. He would wait right where he was, until asked to bring Kal in. Kal sat at Henry's side, watching through the window, a slight whine when he saw little Henry playing with the ultra small dog.
Sitting down on the floor, allowing the small brown dog to climb on him, Ivan giggled. Her whole body shook with her tail wag, as she bounced on and off of the boy's lap. Aly smiled, watching the two interact.
“They certainly get on well.”
“Ivan loves dogs.”
When Henry and Nell had come to see the dogs, it had been Henry on the floor giggling like a child, while the puppy had climbed all over him. Nell had joined in, sitting and tossing the ball for both Tilly and Anduin. But Ivan was by far the one in his true element.
“Let's see how Kal does, shall we?”
“Of course.” Nell waved for Henry to bring Kal in.
Opening the door, Henry gave a gentle tug on Kal's leash. The big, black and white dog was hesitant to enter the room with the smaller creature. She was full of the zoomies and her bark was fierce.
“Kal.” Henry called to his companion. “Come on. It's fine.”
Reluctant, Kal shuffled into the room, snuffling and snorting. Making sure to keep Henry, Nell, Ivan, and the strange woman between him and the small fur missile. The small brown dog darted around Nell, between Henry's legs and right up to Kal. Pulling back on his leash, Kal was wide eyed. No! No way! She was growing closer.
Without warning Tilly stopped a few inches from Kal, reaching out she sniffed his foot and took off. Too concerned with her return, Kal was having a hard time relaxing. His fear was soon soothed, when Nell reached down to offer him a biscuit. Oh so now they were buying him off with food? Eh, fair enough.
“Why don't you pick her up, then she's not as bouncy.” Aly smiled at Ivan.
Scooping the puppy into his arms, Ivan smiled when she began to instantly lick his face. “Tilly.” He giggled, holding her out to his dad.
“Come here, sweetheart.” Henry accepted the puppy. She was tiny compared to Kal, even as a baby. Henry smiled holding the wiggly body, trying to control her enough to let Kal get a proper look. “Look Kal, see the baby.”
Kal huffed, sinking down to the floor. His head resting on his paws. How dare they.
“Have a look, bear.” Henry encouraged the older dog. Bending down with the puppy, he laughed when she licked his chin, giving playful bites. “She's okay. Easy fella.” He steadied Kal, who had lifted his head a little. Sniffing towards the puppy, he sat up. His head tilted slightly. Henry eased Tilly closer.
Reaching out, she yipped in Kal's face, but didn't shy when his big nose poked her in the belly. Licking at Kal, she wagged her tail fiercely.
“I know that you love being the only dog, but would a friend be terrible? She's a friend. Not a chew toy.” Nell eyed Kal.
Huffing, Kal sniffed the puppy once more, before scooting back as Henry let her go on the floor. Instantly zooming around the room, Tilly bumped into Kal. Reacting less dramatically, Kal groaned and flopped down onto the floor. His eyes following the puppy, his desire to chase the small creature almost void. He was too old for this shit.
“I think we should take her home, what do you think?” Henry glanced at Ivan.
“Yes, please.” Ivan nodded eagerly. “What about you, Kal? Do you want a sister?”
Kal huffed. He didn't care one way or another.
“I think we will definitely be taking her.” Nell smiled. Stooping to scoop up the puppy, she scratched Tilly's ears and smiled wide.
“Your mum has a new mate,” Henry nudged Ivan in he side, gesturing to Nell snuggling the puppy.
“Maybe this means she won't bother me so much to do things.” Ivan snickered.
“Don't bet on it,” Nell smirked, she'd heard their chat. When would they learn, she heard everything.
Settling the final paperwork, gathering instructions, and all the legal work that went with adopting dog had taken mere minutes. The shelter were efficient, set up, and knew their business. Henry admired that. Nell had been the one to find them, assuring him that they were reputable, reliable, and a decent place to work with. She wanted nothing but the best, when it came to their newest addition.
Thanking Aly, posing for a few photos – as was custom for the shelter, when an animal found a new place, and making sure they had all of their paperwork, instructions in case Tilly needed to come back. Ha! They were on the their way, the five of them.
Kal led the way to the car, he had snacks waiting and needed to finish that nap he'd been taking. Henry opened the door, allowing Kal to get situated, before Ivan and Tilly joined him. Giving the big dog word of encouragement, telling him how fantastic he'd been with the entire thing.
“Mum, momma, mum.” Ivan bounded towards the car, at his mother's side “I'm sorry for being upset this morning.”
“You have nothing to apologise for, wild boy.” Carrying Tilly; Nell wrapped her other arm around Ivan. “But do me a favour, the next time you want to eves drop, come to us before assuming things.”
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whatissleepeven · 4 years
Good day, Sleep! I sincerely hope you're alright. Might I trouble you for some hcs for the Obey Me! Brothers with an MC wandering the HoL late at night because they can't sleep? Take care and enjoy your day! 💫
Good day anon!! I’m going to have to cut this shorter than I would’ve liked, but I really wanted to get this out there! (I hope you take care as well, and thank you for your kind words!)
Edit: I lied, I think this is longer than the last ask, forgive me -
Demon Brothers’ Reactions to an MC Wandering the HoL Late at Night
He heard your footsteps before actually seeing you.
He was working late into the night again when your feet padded by his door, sounding listless. He checked the time: 1:07am.
What were you doing up at this hour?
You were about to turn the corner when his door opened, his head poking out. 
His eyes zeroed in on you. “What are you doing?”
You look to the side, shifting on your feet. Ultimately, you shrug. “Just walking, I guess.”
“Just walking.” He repeated blandly, and had to mentally count to ten so he didn’t explode. “You’re walking instead of sleeping? Tomorrow...well, later today I suppose, we have RAD to attend to. You should be in your room.”
Uneasiness flickered across your face despite you doing your best to hide it, and he noticed it. “Maybe I just want to clear my head for a bit? The halls are nice and quiet at night. It’s...calming.”
...Oh. So that’s what was going on.
Lucifer stepped out of his room, closing the door behind him and walking to catch up with you. “Then I suppose you won’t mind if I join you on this little excursion of yours.”
You looked like you were going to protest, but in the end you sighed. “Alright, let’s go.”
It was quiet as you two walked. Lucifer didn’t say a word, which surprised you; you thought he was going to scold you for wandering the halls so late.
“Oh, I will; however, that won’t exactly help you in this instance, now will it?”
- Wait, you said that out loud? ...Well then.
You grimaced. “Some things...are better left unsaid. “Let sleeping dogs lie” and all that.”
He wanted to press for more information, but the bags under your (interestingly enough) alert eyes stayed his hand.
He nodded. “I understand.”
Your late-night/early morning walk with him made you feel more at ease. For the first time that night, you felt tired enough to fall asleep.
You two pause outside your door. You had subconsciously found your way back here, as if you knew that this walk would tire you out. “Hey, Lucifer?”
“Hm?” He hummed, turning to you.
“...Thanks. For this, I mean.”
His eyes widened a fraction before a smirk spread across his lips. “Of course. If you have trouble falling asleep in the future, then feel free to knock on my door. I will always answer.”
It was a promise. You nodded, waving him off before flopping onto your bed.
You take him up on his offer every once in a while, especially when it seems like he’s overworking himself. (...Which is all the time.)
You wandered the halls because you had a nightmare.
You woke up with adrenaline coursing through your veins, heart racing and breaths coming out in short gasps. A cry for help died on your lips as you became more aware of your surroundings, and you blinked to get the tears out of your eyes. You wished you could say that you didn’t remember it, but you did.
Lucifer. Levi. Satan. Asmo. Beel. Belphie. Solomon. Simeon. Luke. Barbatos. Diavolo.
One by one, they all left you. 
You couldn’t even reach your family in the Human Realm; they had left you too, long before the others did.
Mammon was the last to go, grinning as he told you that he played you like a fiddle. “Ya should know better than to trust a demon, y’know. Humans are so stupid! I already took all of your money; have fun livin’ now...if ya can.”
You...had no one.
You pressed the heel of your palm into your eye, letting out a shaky chuckle. You knew what it meant; monophobia. It was the same dream you’ve been having for the past month, and to be honest...you were starting to believe it. It wasn’t like you could confide in anybody, either; you lived in a house full of demons, after all.
I’m just an ordinary human with life experiences unique to me that make up my person. I’m...I’m alone.
Is that why I was hell-bent on befriending people down here? You asked yourself, but asking yourself made you feel worse and hyper-aware of your big, dark room.
It’s empty in here.
You felt like you were suffocating, so once you wrapped a blanket around yourself (because it felt like a hug, like someone cared enough to wrap their arms around you, but it was only a blanket and you had no one) you left your room.
You didn’t know where you were going; all you knew was that you had to go. You started out at a slow walk, speeding up into a fast pace, then a run, and then you were sprinting -
You accidentally hit someone in your panic, the other almost falling over.
You took a step forward, berating yourself for not watching your surroundings better. “I’m sor- ”
You stopped once you saw who it was. Mammon dusted himself off, grumbling about “running into trouble no matter what he did” when he noticed you.
“What the hell are ya doin’ out here, so late at night? Don’t humans need their sleep or somethin’?” He looked you over, fussing about how “his human was a magnet for danger” and that he couldn’t even keep his eyes off for a second lest you walk into a life-threatening situation.
He patted your shoulders. “Not a hair out of place. If you’re goin’ somewhere, why didn’t ya tell me? I’m your first man, after all; I gotta protect ya!”
You blinked. Then, without warning, something wet trailed down your cheeks as you stared at him in silence.
Needless to say, Mammon freaked out. “Wh-What?! Hey, y-you don’t gotta cry over that! I’m fine! You didn’t even hit me that hard, see? N-Now stop cryin’, damnit!”
You let out a watery laugh. “It’s not that...you know what? Nevermind.”
Mammon trailed after you as you walked down the hallway. “Oi, don’t leave me hangin’! Why did ya start bawlin’? HEY!!”
You didn’t have to worry about a thing. Even if your family left you...
Even if the whole world turned against you...
Deep in your heart, you knew that Mammon would never betray you.
“Dun, dun, dundun dun, dun, dundun dun, dun, dundun- NUNUNUUU!!”
You whisper-sang the Mission: Impossible theme song as you crept down the halls, peeking the corners as if you were going to be shot at without warning.
You narrowed your eyes at a particular entryway, a grin spreading across your lips. 
“Target acquired.”
You stepped into the kitchen, slowly opening the fridge and wincing whenever it made a sound. Beel knew the noises the fridge made by heart, so he would no doubt run in if he heard that something was amiss.
You pulled out a slice of angel cake Luke had gifted to you earlier, your stomach rumbling in anticipation. You had waited oh so long for this moment, and now nothing was going to stop you from -
Levi stood in the doorway, headphones slipping off his ears as he pushed them down. He looked like he’d seen a ghost, and you looked like you’d seen a ghost, and oh diavolo this was awkward.
He gasped, pointing at you. “You!!”
You gasped, pointing at him. “You!!”
(You know the spider-man meme? Yeah that’s the one)
Levi’s next gasp was dramatic. It seemed that he saw your angel cake, his finger shifting to point at that instead. “STOP!! You have violated the law! You must pay the court a fine, or you shall pay the price!”
Your eyes narrowed. “Hoh?” You picked up your fork, holding it out in front of you like a sword. “I wonder if you’re all bark and no bite.”
Levi reached into a nearby drawer, taking out a fork of his own and pointing the prongs at you. His eyes flashed; a challenge.
“Maybe you should ask yourself that, outlaw!”
You both carefully hit each other’s utensils, mimicking light saber sounds with the occasional snicker.
After a couple of minutes, Levi leapt back. You gasped; was he readying his special attack?!
He held his head up high, his fork- no, his sword - raised above his head. 
You scowled, your own fork sword raised to copy his. 
You both screamed as you clashed, crashing into each other as your forks went flying. You were both laughing on the floor, imitating death cries.
You loved messing around with Levi.
“...So, why are you eating that now?” He asked, shifting to face you.
You grinned. “I was hungry.”
He laughed. “You’re a weird normie, you know that?”
“What is the meaning of this?”
Lucifer’s voice grew louder as his footsteps approached the kitchen, sounding irritated. It looks like you were too loud while battling...whoops.
You and Levi looked at each other, then at the forks, then back at each other, then at the cake, then at each other once more.
“RUN!!” He screamed, snatching his fork. You grabbed your plate and your fork before taking off after him, Lucifer’s yells fading as you escaped into the safety of Levi’s room.
You two ended up sharing the angel cake. It was delicious.
(You got yelled at by Lucifer the next day, but hey; that’s tomorrow’s self’s problems. Now, it was time to eat cake.)
He caught you just as he exited the library, a book tucked away underneath his arm.
“Ah- ” He said, letting out a soft whoosh of air as you bumped into each other.
Instead of greeting him or apologizing, you clutched his shirt. “Satan. Just the demon I wanted to see.”
He raised a brow. “...What are you doing up so late at night?”
You shook your head. “Not today, Satan! Can we go back to your room?”
He frowned. You looked frantic, to say the least, and if he could help, then... “Follow me.”
Once there, you took a seat on the floor. Satan placed his book (No Longer Human) on the shortest stack of books he could find, sitting on his bed.
He patted the spot next to him. “You can sit up here, you know.”
You quickly took him up on his offer, sitting cross-legged as you turned to face him. Your face was so comically serious that he would be laughing if he wasn’t so worried.
“What’s wrong?”
You didn’t say anything for a few seconds. Satan’s concern only grew once you started shaking, wondering which of his brothers he had to “have a chat with”.
“Did you know...that whales don’t live long enough to die of old age because they just don’t have the energy to make it back up to the surface anymore?”
Satan’s face went carefully blank. “...Could you repeat that?”
“They all drown!” You wail. “They suffocate in the ocean, which is their home! And that’s if fishermen don’t kill them or other animals do!”
Why did he ever think that it was anything serious when it came to you
He sighed. It was late, he was tired, you were tired, but...
He smiled. You got hung up on the strangest of facts, didn’t you? It was endearing.
“I see.” He said, holding out his arms. “All I can offer is some comfort, small as that may be.”
You launched yourself at him, and he fell back on the bed with a small oomph as you rapidly talked about how whales deserved better from this cruel, cruel world of ours.
He patted your shoulder. It seemed like he wasn’t getting any sleep soon, but...
As long as it was with you, this wasn’t so bad.
Needless to say, he scolded you.
...Unless you were up because you had a sleepover with him. Then, you were fine.
But that didn’t apply to this instance.
“What in the world are you doing out here?!” He asked, grabbing your arm and practically dragging you to his room. “You do realize that you need your beauty sleep, right? Come; I’ll make sure you get the best sleep you’ve ever had!”
You were a little scared, but that was only because he had appeared out of nowhere. You matched his pace with a raised brow, trying to calm your racing heart. “Asmo, why did you jump out at me? I could’ve had a heart attack!”
He laughed. “The only heart attack I want you to suffer from is if it’s due to my stunning beauty.”
You smiled as the two of you entered his room. “So, what’s on the menu for tonight?”
He sat you down on one of his chairs, pulling out multiple bottles of...who-knows-what. The long brand names coupled with the loopy writing was enough to give you a stroke.
He stood behind you, a brush in one hand and a comb in the other. There was an excited grin on his face, which you could see from the HUGE impressively-sized mirror in front of you.
“Why, self care, of course!”
An hour or two later, and you both were relaxing on his bed with a content sigh. Asmo was a professional at self care, and you swear that you haven’t felt this good in...well, it’s been a while.
He shifted to face you. “Enjoying yourself?”
You nodded. “Of course, Asmo. You have the heavenly skills of a god.”
You both laughed at the irony of that statement, nestling underneath the covers.
Asmo threw his arm over you. “Well, as heavenly as my hands may be...it’s time to sleep. Beauty waits for no one, after all.”
You hummed in agreement, slipping your eyes closed. You could feel yourself drifting off...
“Thanks for this.”
Your breathing evened out, signalling that you were asleep. Asmo smiled, placing a small kiss on your forehead.
“Anytime. Come to me when you feel restless again, okay?”
Beel was the one to have a nightmare.
He didn’t remember what it was, but when he came to his hand was outstretched towards the ceiling, tears dotting his pillowcase. He rolled out of bed, quietly padding out of the room so that he didn’t accidentally wake his twin up.
He rubbed his eyes. Even though he didn’t remember it, he could guess what it was about.
I’ve been having nightmares more often lately...
He saw the light of the fireplace as he passed by the entrance to the living room, and he wondered who else was up. Was it Lucifer? Levi?
Once he gaze fell on you fiddling with your D.D.D. on the couch, he stepped in.
“Aren’t you tired?”
His voice startled you, almost making you drop your device.
“Oh, Beel! What are you doing up?”
He shook his head, loosely grasping his left wrist as he frowned. “I just woke up and saw that the light was on,” He said as he sat down. “I was curious.”
You shifted to let him sit next to you, throwing a smile his way. “Funny coincidence, huh? I couldn’t fall back asleep either.”
A small smile formed at your words. “At least it’s the weekend.”
You stretched. “I know! Lucifer can’t yell at us for this!”
Beel looked off to the side in thought, giving a decisive nod. “He would still find something that we messed up on to yell about, though.”
Your snort of laughter made him feel lighter, erasing any traces of the mind-numbing fear and grief sadness his nightmare left behind.
You tapped his arm. “Something up?”
He shook his head, a smile blooming on his face as he looked at you. “...No, not anymore. Do you want to go grab something to eat with me?”
You leapt to your feet with a grin. “Beel, when will I ever say no to that?”
And so, you two raided the fridge of its contents and snacked on whatever you could find. You talked about anything and everything that came to mind, throwing out the garbage before huddling against each other in front of the dying embers.
You wrapped a blanket around you both, a yawn escaping you. “Thanks for being my hangout buddy, Beel.”
He beamed, its radiance slightly dulled by his tiredness. “We’re family. It’s the least I could do.”
You fell asleep against each other, and the other brothers couldn’t help but take pictures of the heartwarming scene once they found you two.
For the first time in weeks, Beel slept peacefully.
Belphie was en route to the planetarium when he ran into you.
“Going somewhere?” He asked with amusement in his voice, watching you compose yourself.
You jabbed a finger at him. “I am, actually. I was going...uh...”
He raised an eyebrow as you flailed to find an answer despite having recollected yourself moments prior, dragging it out before he decided to throw you a mercy line. “I’m going to the planetarium, if you want to come.”
You nodded, relief flashing across your features. “Thanks, Belphie.”
You two made a pile of blankets on the floor, pointing out constellations and making up stories for them. ...Well, you were, at least; Belphie was content to let you ramble, quietly chuckling at your elaborate depictions of each celestial body you pointed out.
“What are you doing up, anyways?” He asked, interrupting your recent tale.
You huffed. “Way to kill the vibe, Edgelord.”
He raised a brow. “...And the vibe happened to be you describing how Orion brutally skewed the Ursa Minor for his lover?”
You nodded sagely. “It’s a tale of love and betrayal, of sacrifice and ambition.”
He snorted. “Are you going to answer the question?”
You rolled over to face him. “I just...couldn’t sleep, I guess.”
“You can’t sleep?” He repeated, looking over at you in surprise. He shook off his initial reaction with a small, exasperated smile. “It looks like you came to the right demon, then.”
You flopped back dramatically onto the piles. “Please impart your wisdom on me, O wise one.”
Instead of scoffing at you, like he usually did, he placed a hand onto your head. “You won’t have to worry about any nightmares tonight.”
- And then you were out.
He sighed. “Just what am I going to do with you...?”
He now makes sure to check up on you from time-to-time, pulling you in for a dreamless sleep whenever he sees your fatigue. Despite himself napping the most in either the attic or the room he shared with Beel, he would lead you to the planetarium to sleep.
It was a sacred place for him, and who better to share it with than with you?
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sneezefiction · 4 years
coffee n’ conversations
Atsumu x Reader - Scenario
event request: “Congrats on 600!!! You deserve it so much I love your blog 🥺 May I request 5 [”Please don’t go.”] w/ Tsum tsum ty” 
a/n: mm because this prompt got angsty last time, i decided to go all out fluff for Atsumu. the guy just needs caffeine. and you. that’s it.
warnings: slight language
wc: 1380
Coffee excursions have always been Atsumu’s thing.
He needed it to survive.
Maybe it’s 5am after a chilly morning run just as the sun is peaking over the horizon. Or it could be 2 am, convincing his eyes to stay open as he attempts to finish a shitty finals paper while slowly sipping on a bitter black coffee to get him through the night.
But whatever the matter is, he always finds a way to have a coffee wedged between his fingers, warming him up from the outside in.
Atsumu without energy is like a badly-written, teen angst novel. Tired, irritable, and slow. The sharp, chocolatey tang and the much-needed energy boost, keeps him from collapsing into a soggy, frustrated pile of mush. It was a life and grade saver.
To Atsumu, coffee is delicious when enjoyed in solitude or socially...
But with you? Coffee adventures are a tad different.
Their purpose? A little more personal. The caffeine? For more than just a buzz.
And, in true Atsumu fashion, these coffee dates somehow end up in the evening, walking down a streetlamp lit sidewalk with a to-go cup in hand or snuggled under piles of blankets at his place. Ever since you started dating him, he’s been screwing over your sleep schedule in more ways than one. But surprisingly, this might be your favorite way.
It didn’t matter how tired you both already were, on the weekends, a coffee date always ensued after your initial date ended.
The words would always trickle out,
“Please don’t go, yet. I’ll buy you a coffee if ya stay.” He flashes you a grin, eyes shining with his utmost charm on display.
“’Tsumu… I’ve got work in the morning.” You sigh, brushing his hair off of his forehead only to watch it fall right back into place, every strand faintly lit up by glowing street lamps.
“C’monnn, babe, please. I know ya wanna...” He leans in towards your face, his breath tickling your ear, but you just hum in response. Ignoring his advances was always a little fun. He was easy to rile up.
Cue a sigh of frustration from the blonde, “We can head back to my place after.” He entices, slithering a sneaky arm around your waist, tickling you and causing you to tuck into his side.
You playfully swat at his arm with your free hand and drop your head in resignation, accepting the fact that you were bound to forever be exhausted and simultaneously riding a caffeine high. But how could you say no? He could get you flustered and excited about practically anything with that affectionately mischievous smile.
Minutes later, you find yourself hand-in-hand with the brown-eyed blondie. Your other hand grasps a hot, milky cappuccino. 
The proximity of his house to the coffee shop makes the walk back short and pleasant.
This portion of your late-night coffee routine was always especially quiet. The silences allows for your footsteps to echo as the two of you make your way up the concrete stairway to his apartment.
You’re both greeted by his familiar entrance area, kicking off shoes and removing jackets. Gentle shadows vanish after a soft light is switched on and you shuffle over to the couch with your drink in hand. ‘Tsumu follows promptly, plopping onto the opposite side of the couch, but tangling his long legs with yours. But as soon as your soft eyes meet his lively ones, the words begin to flow out of your mouths like a gentle stream.
It’s an unpacking of sorts. From your relationship, to current memes, to trying to convince him to change his hair color… It;s endless and unbridled and  cushioned with promises of cuddles, giggles, and sips of coffee. Your conversations are full of running gags and familiar topics. Topics and jokes that then set the tone for deeper, more serious conversations.
“Y/n, if ya coulda gone back and chosen between me and ‘Samu, who would ya really be datin’ right now?” He smirks whilst grabbing your calve and squeezing it a little, prompting this question for what must be the 10th time in the past year.
You shoot him a playful look, your eyes squinting in mock deliberation as you take another sip from the open-topped coffee cup, the foam catching on your lip. Atsumu notices and sits up, reaching across the couch to wipe it away with his thumb, giving you slight smirk.
Instead of moving back to his initial position, he grabs the cup from your hand and places it on a wooden side table. You don’t fight him over it - this is clearly an important question to him. Atsumu then lays across you, snuggling into your chest and letting you pet his hair like a needy puppy.
“I dunno ‘Tsumu… what do you think?” You prod, knowing that this is a far more sensitive topic to him than he’ll ever let on.
He gives you an exasperated sigh.
“I asked ya first, dumbass. That’s not how these conversations work, stupid.” He tucks his head into the crook of your neck, pressing a soft kiss there.
If your coffee had been mixed with a little bit of alcohol, your answer might’ve been teasing. Less thought out - he would receive an answer that could only feed into his insecurities...
But having a clear mind could be good sometimes. Especially when it came down to the twins and your relationship with them.
The three of you had been close for many years, so you’d had crushes on both of them at one time or another. But late into your college years, you realized that you and Sumu fit perfectly together. And it may have also helped that he actually liked you back.
You needed the sense of adventure he brought to the table. To banter back and forth with flirty comments, battling to become the snarkier lover. And of course, you loved that dating him meant more of these iconic coffee outings.
But Atsumu heard about your high school crush on Osamu much later into your relationship. And it shouldn’t have bothered him that you’d been crushing on his brother. That was years ago when hormones and the pressure to date was at an all-time high. Completely in the past.
But you knew it nagged at him. The frequency of the question being the telltale sign.
So you lean your head down, kissing his hair, relishing the way it tickled your nose and chin. Then you grace him with a contented sigh, ruffling the strands, sinking him deeper into the already comfortable position.
“Sumu, you’re my favorite, alright?” You feel him smile against your collarbone and small grin forms on your face. “Is that what you wanted to hear?” You tease.
He rolls his eyes but responds honestly.
“Ya know me so well. Why don’tcha go ahead n’ say it again, y/n?” He presses another kiss, this time to your bare shoulder. 
“Mm, yeah, you’re my favorite person…” You hum, brushing a hand down his back.
“And so handsome. Your jawline? Babe, it’s so perfect. I’m kinda jealous actually.” 
He won’t admit it, but your compliments get him flustered. Sumu’s just grateful that he doesn’t blush easily. So he stays quiet, soaking in your sweetness.
“The way you look after a match? I’m always like… damn, that’s my boyfriend.” You stroke his back and his ego.
“You’re definitely my boy.” You murmur while planting a kiss on his forehead, hugging his head.
“But it’s not your looks I’m after, babe.” It’s quiet, but the way your voice carries those words feels heavier than any other comment.
“Because if that were true, I probably could have settled for Samu…”
You pause, looking him directly in the eye. You gaze is gentle, but steady.
“But you? Yeah. You’re the one for me.”
You want to laugh at how soppy you sound. You’re pretty much the epitome of ‘sickeningly sweet.’
But that’s just where these discussions lead. And you both go with the flow.
Coffee is just another gateway to rare, beautiful moments with Atsumu. His filter on the deeper, more personal topics is removed and you’re opened up to green lush worlds of conversation and star-speckled galaxies of thought.
To think there was a time you’d summed him up as a shallow asshole.
Well… sometimes he still is.
But that doesn’t matter, because it’s you that he shows the puzzle pieces of his mind to. And he loves to decipher yours as well. These coffee fueled moments are the least chaotic of your interactions. They’re the calmest. The snuggliest.
And it’s still Atsumu. In all of his glory.
“Thanks for always stayin’, y/n. I don’t know what I’d do without ya.” He says sleepily, sinking deeper into your chest as the buzz finally wearing off in the four o’ clock hour.
“Well, if you keep supplying the coffee, I won’t be going anywhere, cutie.”
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @miss-rin, @shou-kunn, @senkuwu-chan, @super-noya, @stcrryskies, @holaaaf
(comment or send an ask to be added to my general tag list) 
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sabraeal · 3 years
House of Stone (Preview)
The fourth and final fic of the Holiday Rare Pair series...or is it? The vote originally selected a full chapter of this fic, but unfortunately...there’s a prequel fic I have to write to really nail down what I want to do. There’s no Zihal in this preview, just some HINTS...and so post-bingo (maybe even post-obiyukiweek?) I’ll be writing an ACTUAL Zihal fic. But until then...enjoy this little sneak peek of a fic series that should be upcoming next year...
In the annals of the kingdom’s histories, before they become the North’s warden, it is said the House of Bergatt once served as its kings; a long uninterrupted line from Dai the Iron-Handed to Kenzo Bent-Knee. Zen would never doubt the words of the court historians-- not where his tutors could hear, at least-- but Tomo classified dolphins as fish, and Kohi was notoriously beneath the thumb of the Wisteria king of his age, and by extension, his Bergatt wife. A little embellishment went a long way over a few centuries.
But he believes every word of it now.
Tariga glares at the boat with such icy derision, Zen half expects the rail to rime over, no matter how humid the sea air. “I don’t understand. Yuris has to have a port. It’s a major part of our trading routes outside the continent.”
“It does.” It sits in the distance, a gentle mound bristling with trees, hunched on the horizon. Kihal told him that from the air it looked like a bird nested in sleep, but on the map it’s just another craggy oval, larger than the others in its chain. “But that’s on the other side of the island.”
“Then why aren’t we going there?” The row boat rattles on the winch, and Tariga’s face blanches a shade whiter, like the snows of Wilant themselves. “It’s better to dock than leave the ship anchored out at sea, isn’t it? The crew would probably appreciate--”
“The crew will be heading back to the port city as soon as we’re off.” By the new shade of pale Tariga discovers, this is not the sort of assurance he’d been hoping for. “The port is on Brecker’s side of the island. Who I’d like to avoid, otherwise he’ll have to invite us to dinner.”
Tariga casts him a dubious glance. “Would that be so terrible?”
“No,” Zen allows, “but then we’d have to go.”
It’s the sort of joke that, in his humble opinion. merits at least a chuckle. Obi might have delivered the line with more aplomb, a little more colorful sarcasm, but his timing was at least solid. At least worth more than the crickets it gets. And it certainly didn’t earn the wide-eyed wariness Tariga aims at him now, as if--
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” Mitsuhide says, so mild, from just above his shoulder. “But I was under the impression that Izana asked you specifically to dine with the viscount while we were here. As a courtesy.”
“Ah...” Mitsuhide might never get really, truly angry, but the weight of his disappointment has smothered better men than him. “Yes, he did. But he didn’t say we had to do it right away...”
Even with nearly a decade of service, it will never cease to surprise him how easily his aide can move. A head taller than nearly any man besides his brother and twice as wide in the shoulders, Mitsuhide still springs to his side with a cat’s grace, catching his shoulder before he can slink away.
“But you won’t forget, I hope?” His hand might as well be a yoke for how heavy it sits on him. “Zen?”
“Ah...” If he doesn’t look at him, then there’s no possible way Mitsuhide can see him sweat. “Of course. I would never disappoint my esteemed brother. I just think...it’s better to meet with the Yuris first. You know, for...diplomacy.”
Tariga’s mouth bent into a stubborn frown. “Protocol dictates that you are to introduce yourself formally to the lord of a land before taking up residence.”
If Obi were here, he’d have some choice remarks to make about that. I wouldn’t expect you to know about that one, your grace, he’d probably say, all limbs and sly smiles, considering how easily your brother forgot that little bit of politesse.
He would have had to scold him of course-- one didn’t spout truths with such blithe impunity in the company of lords-- but that would at least save him the trouble of these impromptu etiquette lessons.
“And since you’re the prince royal,” Tariga continues, warming to the subject, “wouldn’t it would be rude if the viscount didn’t also offer to house you and your--?”
“Right, but this is different.” He’s not quite sure how, but surely he’ll be able to invent a reason between the start of his next sentence and the end of it. “The Yuris are a, ah, sovereign tribe, who provide a vital service to the crown, and they would take it as a personal insult if we were to meet with Brecker before coming to greet them.”
Tariga’s pale brows draw tight over his nose. “Sovereign tribe? I thought Yuris as a whole was beneath the viscount, not foreign allies...?”
Mitsuhide’s dark eyes pin him with the sort of look that says, now how do you plan to get out of this one? Zen bites his cheeks to keep from scowling back. Of all the things he’d like Kiki to answer for, leaving him with a suddenly pedantic and intently rules-abiding aide would be at the top.
“Semi-sovereign,” he corrects. “They handle themselves on the whole, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the interests of Clarines.”
His aide shifts, the sternness in his expression turning to the fainest ghost of humor. “I don’t think many of the Yuris would appreciate the insinuation they owed anything to the viscount besides what he earns.”
Tariga, guileless, asks, “And that would be...?”
“Why don’t you ask them when you get there?” Zen suggests. He could use the entertainment after the last few months cooped up in Wilant. “I’m sure the chieftain’s granddaughter would be happy to give her opinion.”
It is a herculean effort not to grin, especially under Mitsuhide’s warning gaze. He keeps it down to a twitch of his lips, easily buried beneath his hand. Kihal would certainly have a long list of ideas, starting with a swift kick in the posterior and possibly ending with being tossed out his own tower, this time not sea-side.
“And all this,” Tariga says after a long moment, “is why we have to go ashore in...these?”
The wind knocks the row boat against the ship’s side, earning a dubious glare from Tariga, the sort that only a lord born land-locked and frozen could.
“Yes.” Zen gives it a pat for good measure, biting back a grin as his aide’s knees quiver. “Don’t worry, you’ll love it.”
No matter how many times he makes he trip to Yuris, Zen can never remember how long the actually crossing takes. In his memory, they are hanging from the ship’s deck one moment, Yuris a hunched, jade shell in the distance, and the next they are at the dock, the tribesmen clapping them on the back. But in truth, well--
“Two hours,” Tariga reports to him as they arrive, salt-soaked and pink, at the dock. “We’ve been rowing for two hours.”
“The crew has,” Mitsuhide corrects, so gentle. “It’s not a short trip.”
“No,” Tariga agrees, “just long enough to boil us for dinner.”
Ah, and that had been another thing he’d forgotten-- as nice as the sun felt on the ship’s deck, wind ruffling through his hair, on the open waters it was no better than a mirror, reflecting the heat a thousand ways. When the wind wound to a lull, cooking seemed an apt description for what occurred in the confines of their vessel.
Zen leaned back in his seat, letting his fingers trail in the bay. The water is clear this close the the islands, like looking through glass.
“Do you see them?” he asks, smiling down at the colorful shapes swimming below. “All those fish, off on their own business, not even aware we’re here. A whole world beneath our feet, and not an inch of it explored by man.”
His newest aide tilts, just slightly, head turning to gaze out mildly across the water. It is the only concession he makes before saying, “Were you bringing that to some point?”
Zen’s mouth twitches; he hides it in the crook of his arm. “It feels like freedom, doesn’t it?”
Tariga sits quietly as the boat bumps the pier, mouth pressed to a thin, white line.
“I’m not sure how to break this to you, Highness,” Tariga says finally, trembling wretchedly in his seat. “I know you believed I would enjoy this excursion, but--” his mouth wrinkles with displeasure-- “I do not love it.”
“But it’s an adventure.” Zen gives him a wide grin. “More fun than sitting up in that old, drafty castle in the middle of the winter snows, at least.”
Tariga lets out a sniff. “I think that perhaps you and I do not see eye to eye on what makes a good time.”
“Oh.” He casts a long glance back at Mitsuhide, who is making a valiant effort to stay sober and stalwart even as his mouth twitches. “I think you’ll come around.”
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The Love Cruise - by GleefullyCaptainSwan
Read on AO3: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Or on FF
Tagging:   @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda
Chapter 4: Captain Jones
“Do you think Barbados is ready for me?” Ruby stood, showing off her tanned body in her new bikini.
“Girl, I don’t think anyone is ready for you in that. Where’s the rest of it?” She spun around and Emma fanned herself, teasing her friend.
“Why are you wearing so many layers?”
Emma tugged her cover up tighter around her waist. “Not everyone can flaunt it like you can. I look like they lock me in the closet during the day and my body never sees the sunlight.”
“Oh stop, you’re sexy as hell, Emma. I’ve seen more than a few guys turning their heads when you walk by, though usually you are running away from them so they can’t catch you.”
“Whatever, I told you I’m not interested in finding a guy on this damn cruise.”
“Not even that guy, Graham, that asked you to dance?”
Emma scrunched her nose and shook her head. “He’s cute, and a great dancer, but, eh, I don’t know.”
“You know, he’s going to be with us today?”
“What? How do you know?”
“Because I talked to him after dinner and he’s on the same excursion we are.”
“If you’re so interested in him, why don’t you hook up with him?”
“I would if he wasn’t asking about you half the time.”
Emma groaned. “Can we just go? I don’t want to talk about men all damn day. I want to enjoy the beach, the sand, the ocean in Barbados. We are in fucking Barbados, Ruby. Together. When we are back in Boston and it’s raining, will we have these men to keep us warm? No, but we will have each other.”
“Ho’s before bro’s?” She giggled as Will walked into their room.
“Do I get to be a ho?”
“You are by far the biggest ho, William!” Emma laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Are you still mad at me?” She planted her lips on his cheek and he groaned, wiping the pink smudge off his face.
“I’m not bloody happy with you, but what’s a bloke to do? You’re my best friend and I can’t stay mad at ya.” He put his finger up to her face, “But don’t do that shit again. That girl won’t stop asking me about rum recipes now.”
“You didn’t seem too upset when she kept telling you how talented you were at the bar last night.”
“Wait, what did I miss?” Emma looked between the pair on either side of her.
“One of the bartenders let him make our drinks at the piano bar. You should have seen him playing it up, flipping bottles, acting like a goddamn bar hero. He was on his game.”
“I’m fucking talented as hell, that had nothing to do with that lass.”
“You were showing off.” Emma teased. “You do like her.”
“I do not.” He resisted, less forcefully than he had the day before. Emma was sure he liked her, but she was also sure that he was probably feeling guilty about liking her also.
“You know it’s ok to like another girl, Will.” Emma slid her hand onto the back of his head, pressing his forehead to hers. “Ana’s gone. You deserve to have some fun.”
He squeezed his eyes shut. “Why are you ladies always pushing me so hard to move on from Ana? What if I don’t want to move on?”
“You don’t want to move on because you’re too afraid to open yourself up again and maybe get hurt.”
“Besides, we love you, Boo.” Ruby added, wrapping her arms around them both.
“No Boo. You both promised, not here.” His mouth turned up in a grin. “But I love you guys too.”
“Absolutely not.” Regina stood with her arms crossed in front of her.
“You can’t work 24 hours a day, we get to leave the ship for a few hours, are you really going to deny this simply because I’m going?” Robin whined.
“Yes.” She said matter-of-factly.
“Ok enough of this, we’re going.” Killian gestured to Robin before turning around and pointing at Regina, “And you’re coming with us. Captain’s orders.”
“You can’t do that.”
Killian shrugged, “I just did. I’m not going to have my Cruise Director burned out 4 days into our voyage, we are going to imbibe in some alcoholic beverages in Barbados.”
“Fine, but it is under duress.”
“At least that will be two of us on this bloody cruise under duress.” He winked at Robin and the three of them left the ship in search of a good bar.
Being the Captain did have its perks, they were directed to apparently the best bar on the beach they could find and an hour later, sitting with their feet in the sand and a bucket of beer, the three of them found themselves engaging in nonviolent conversations.
Regina was laughing, “Wait, so you were just going to leave him there?”
“Of course, I was, he was about to start a riot.” Killian said as he felt tears well up in the corners of his eyes, his body shaking from his laughter.
“Do you remember what I said to the guy?”
They both looked at each other and spoke in unison. “The only way you'll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken's ass and wait.”
“Which one of you got punched first.” Regina eyed them with curiosity.
Robin raised his hand. “I ended up on the pool table. Killian tossed one of the guys into a stool. By that point, the manager threw us all out.”
“That was the last time we insulted the Captain’s son again.”
“You two really are idiots.” Regina quipped as she took another sip of her beer.
“But we had you laughing.” Robin winked.
“Only because I was imagining you getting your ass kicked.”
Killian nursed his beer, watching the two of them doing what he could only describe as violent flirting, until he started to feel like a third wheel.
“I’ll be back.” He announced, heading inside toward the bar, and discreetly paying the tab. “If they get anything else, just put it on the same card.”
Killian exited the bar and walked through the small town, browsing the shops until he followed the path toward the beach. He saw groups of travelers lounging on the sand or sailing on the water, most likely passengers on his ship.
He toed off his shoes and walked barefoot through the sand, looking up he saw her, laying on a towel, an oversized hat perched on her blonde locks, reading a book. She was gorgeous. Her friend, a tall brunette he had seen her with earlier was wearing a very tiny bikini, arching her back and taking in the rays to her already sun kissed skin.
There were others with them, the man she was laughing with earlier stood nearby talking to a shorter woman. A taller man with wavy hair was sitting just off to the side of Emma, he glanced at her often, but Emma seemed not to take notice, her head buried in the words in front of her.
He continued to walk along the wet sand, observing the woman who had captured his attention when she looked up, glancing at the waves out beyond him. He looked away quickly, reaching down to pick up a shell he nearly stepped on. When he looked up again, she was gone.
Emma was reading the same line over and over again in her book, trying to avoid the gaze of Graham, who was seated to her right. At first, she thought he was looking at Ruby, God knows if she were a hot-blooded man, she would be. But when she caught his eye, he smiled at her and attempted to make conversation. Emma froze and immediately buried her head in her book.
It’s not that she didn’t think he was attractive and extremely nice; she just didn’t know what to say to him. She knew he was a Sheriff in some small town in Maine and that her brother thought he was quite impressive, which made her not want to talk to him even more than she had before her brother started pointing out all the things they had in common.
She peered up from her book, a feeling washing over her like she was being watched. She peeked to her right, but Graham was talking to David and Will was finally having a real conversation with Belle as they bounced a volleyball back and forth between them.
Her eyes scanned the beach when she saw him picking up shells near the water. He seemed to look her way and then turned back toward the ocean.
“I’m gonna go dip my toes in the water.” She announced suddenly to Ruby who was currently lying ass up on the towel beside her.
“Have fun.” She replied lazily.
She jogged toward Killian who was facing the ocean now and skipped up behind him. “Are you considering throwing yourself in because if you are, I actually do know how to swim, in case you need saving.”
He turned suddenly and his bright smile made her heart skip a beat.
“Swan, fancy meeting you here.”
“Did you go on an excursion today?”
“No, I hung out at one of the bars a little way down the beach.” He pointed behind him.
“Drinking alone?”
“Oh, no I went with a few friends.”
“I didn’t realize you came with people. Or did you meet them here?”
“My buddy…” He paused. “Um, my buddy and I came together.”
“Did you ditch him?” She asked looking around for his friend.
“He is entertaining a lass back at the bar, felt like a third wheel. Have you been on the beach all day?”
“My brother dragged us all sail boarding, so I’m gonna be really sore tomorrow considering all the times I fell into the water, but it was a really good day.”
He smiled at her, his eyes crinkling as the sun beat down on him. “That sounds like you had a lot of fun.”
“Do you maybe want to get a drink later tonight?” She blurted out, wondering where that blast of courage came from.
He looked at his feet and she panicked. “I uh, I think I need to tell you something first.”
“Oh?” Suddenly there was screaming behind her on the beach and she turned to see Ruby yelling and running toward a group of people. “Oh, shit, I gotta…” She turned and ran toward Ruby, looking down the beach to what was causing her so much stress. August was lying on the ground, holding his leg.
“Oh God what happened?”
“We were playing volleyball and the old man slipped, I think he twisted his ankle.” Will said in a slight panic.
“I’m ok guys.” August groaned, “I think I just sprained it.” He stood up and then stepped down, immediately falling back down to his knees.
“Ok Mate, you’re gonna need help back to the ship, you’ll need the medic to take a look at that ankle.”
She was shocked when Killian sprung into the middle of the group, helping August to his feet. “Should we all go?” Ruby asked August.
“No, you guys stay here, have fun. I’ll just go back and make sure everything is ok.” August waved them all off.
“I’ll go with him; the sun is starting to burn my skin.” Emma announced and Killian made eye contact with her, a smile forming on his lips.
Emma stood on the other side of August, wrapping her arm around him to help support his other side. “Come on dad, let’s get you to a doctor.”
“Very funny, Emma.” He chided her and Killian laughed.
“You sure you don’t mind going back to the ship?” She asked Killian.
“Absolutely, it’s important that all the passengers are taken care of.” Emma looked at him quizzically but continued walking toward the pier.
Killian knew he should have just told her he was the damn Captain when they first met. He tried to tell her at the beach and then her friend got hurt and as Captain it was important that he took the man back to the ship, his passengers health always came first over innocent flirting with one of the women on his ship.
Once they made it to the infirmary, he spotted Tink at the back of the bay. He waved her over and she jumped into action.
“Jones, have you started combing the ship for injured passengers now?”
He laughed nervously, avoiding eye contact with Emma. “I believe we have a twisted ankle.” He helped get the man up on the bed.
“Name?” Tink questioned as she pulled up her iPad to search the passenger list.
“August Booth.”
Killian backed up against the wall and watched as she examined his ankle. He observed Emma asking questions, checking to ensure that he was going to be ok and he slowly backed out of the room. He’d tell Emma later about being the Captain, right now she had more important things to tend to.
“So, it looks like it’s just sprained.” She ran her hand over his ankle again and Emma couldn’t help but notice the way August watched the nurse in awe.
“Well, does that mean I have to spend all my time down here in the infirmary now?” He joked innocently.
Tink laughed, “Well only if you want to.” She teased and Emma suddenly felt like she was invading a private moment.
That’s when Emma noticed that Killian was no longer in the room. “Oh, did you see where the guy who helped us went?”
Tink looked up and laughed. “Jones? Pretty sure he probably went back to the bridge.”
“The bridge? What bridge would that be?”
“Of the boat, did you hit your head or something. That’s where the Captain usually is when we are getting close to leaving port.”
“You are talking about Captain Jones, right? The guy you came in with?” She pointed haphazardly toward the wall of photos behind her before turning back to August to wrap his ankle.
Emma walked up to the wall and immediately recognized the blue eyes in the largest photo in the center. Her heart was racing as she read the inscription under the portrait.
Captain Killian Jones
Holy Shit!
“Ok spill.” Emma turned to look at Ruby who was staring at her from across the room as they got ready for dinner.
“Spill what?”
“Who is he?”
“Who is who?” Emma turned back toward the mirror; confusion littered across her face.
“The hot drink of water you found on the beach; you know who I’m talking about.” Ruby glared at her with her arms crossed in front of her chest.
“What, the guy who helped August? Good Samaritan, I guess.” She shrugged nonchalantly.
“Bullshit, I was watching you before all that happened, you went directly to him on the beach.”
“What, are you spying on me now?” She accused.
“Out with it.”
Emma sighed. “He’s just some guy I keep running into. That’s all.” Emma put on her shawl and headed to the door, effectively ending the conversation.
“Ok keep your secrets.” She said with her eyes narrowed, joining her in the hall as they headed to the dining hall.
Their dinner passed by quickly, the saying was true that time would fly when you were having fun, as Emma was starting to enjoy sitting down to eat with her friends every evening. Even the newcomers were starting to fit in with everyone. Will and Belle had warmed up to each other. They were sitting quietly at the end of the table, Will trying to demonstrate how to flip a bottle without dropping it. Belle would giggle and follow his every move and he would reward her with a new blush to his cheeks.
Her brother and Mary Margaret had become inseparable, however the small kiss he gave her after dinner was a new development. August left dinner early stating that he needed to head back to the infirmary for a checkup on his ankle, though Emma was sure the visit was more to do with the cute blonde nurse than his ankle.
After dinner, the remaining group decided to relocate to the piano bar on the deck above them for a night cap. The music was enjoyable, and the bar wasn’t crowed which allowed them to spread out into different areas of the room.
“I think he likes you.” Emma set her drink down and looked over at her brother who was sitting beside her.
“Who?” David looked toward the bar and she spotted Graham looking in her direction. “Oh, he’s nice. I guess.”
“You guess? Emma, he’s a really nice guy. Did you know he’s a Sheriff in the town that Mary Margaret and Belle are from?”
“Small world.” She said softly, taking a sip of her drink and peering around the bar.
“Waiting for something better?” He questioned.
“Why would I be waiting for anything? I already told all of you that I’m not interested in finding anything here.”
“Emma, it’s been 7 years since Neal ran off, don’t you think it’s time you stop punishing yourself and think about what might be out there for you and Henry?”
“Punishing myself?” Her annoyance was rising.
“That’s not what I meant. Not really, I mean, not exactly. I just feel like you punish yourself for Neal leaving. It wasn’t your fault. You deserve to be happy, sis.”
“I love you Dave, I do. And I’m really happy that you seem to have found something on this ship that you are interested in, but please, let me handle my own happiness.”
“Alright, I’ll back off.” He said with a grin.
He went back to his date and Ruby slid up beside her. “Is he trying to get you to sleep with Graham, because if he is, do you want company?”
“Ruby!” She exclaimed, “how much have you had to drink?”
“Enough that I would take him right there on the bar.”
“Dare.” Emma smirked at her, knowing that Ruby never backed down from a dare.
Ruby’s mouth went from wide open to a firm line of determination, getting up from her seat and sauntering over to the bar. Emma looked around at all her friends, each of them distracted with other people and she took the moment to sneak out without notice.
She found herself wandering the lido deck in the dark, her drink from the bar still in her hand as she sipped it through the straw with the tiny umbrella attached. She told herself she wasn’t looking for him but that didn’t stop the disappointment she felt when she didn’t find him either.
“Everything is under control, Captain. You don’t have to stay up here if you would like to rest.”
“Thank you, Smee. I guess I just wasn’t ready to head to my quarters.” He stared out at the deck of the ship below him, there was a small group of passengers wandering her planks. A wave of blonde hair caught his attention, her hips swaying back and forth in the night breeze. “On second thought, I think I’m going to retire for the evening.”
Perhaps now was as good a time as any to confess to her who he was. He bounded down the stairs and shoved open the doors to the Lido deck. He headed in the direction she was last seen, but the deck was empty. Disappointed, he realized she may have already gone back inside.
“Captain Jones.”
He spun around to see her standing against the wall of the ship. “Ah, I guess I’m busted.” He said with a sigh. “Let me guess, Lady Bell clued you in? I swear to you I was going to tell you on the beach today.” He said honestly. “But then…”
“Then August’s old man body turned to wood and he required medical assistance.” She joked.
“Yes, that. Forgive me for being less than honest?”
“Only if you tell me why you didn’t just tell me the first day.”
“That’s fair. My friend Robin pretty much convinced me to take this job, I was less than thrilled about the theme of this cruise, and well, I was just happy to talk to someone else who seemed to be forced to be here as well.”
She shook her head in understanding. “So, you’re really the Captain huh?” She walked closer to him, her fingers trailing the sleeve of his shirt as she traced the stripes on his arm.
“I should have known when you rattled off all those facts about the ship. No one else would have paid that much attention.”
“Actually, you all should pay attention to that information.” His tone serious.
“Yes, Captain.” She smirked with a mock salute and he swallowed hard.
“I won’t put up with any sass on my watch.” He teased as they fell into step walking along the deck.
“So, how’d you become a Captain?”
“My brother convinced me to join the Navy when we were just lads, the sea became my mistress as soon as I met her. I was captivated by her tempestuous nature. On the surface she could be rough and demanding, but beneath the surface she’s calm and inviting.”
“So your brother is a Captain too?”
“He was, yes.” He paused, leaning on the rail for support. “He not with us anymore.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“He was the best Captain to ever sail the seas. He’s out there somewhere.” He pointed to the horizon. “He’s a better man than I’ll ever be.”
“Well considering you are the Captain of the ship I currently find myself on, I hope you’re the best Captain we can ask for.”
“I wouldn’t even have had the chance to Captain such a vessel if not for my brother.” He looked over at her unsure of why he was suddenly freely sharing information he would rarely share with another.
“Did he teach you?”
“He taught me everything I know. How to be a good Captain, a good sailor, and a good man.”
“When did he pass?”
“Two years ago. We were at sea, on a mission, there was a fire, I was in the engine room when it exploded. We were taking on water and I needed to seal off the leak. I sent everyone out, I expected it to be the last good deed I ever did. But he found me, dragged me out of the pits of that ship and got me on the rescue boat.”
“Wow.” Emma was staring at him in a shocked silence.
“He went back in for the rest of his crew.”
“Because you don’t leave a man behind.” She said seemingly with a sudden understanding of their earlier conversation.
“Aye.” He nodded but didn’t continue.
“That must have been really tough.”
“One of the worst nights of my life.”
“Looks like you made the most of it though. Look at you now.” She smiled softly.
“Wow, you’re worse than me with the martyr stuff.” She laughed and he wanted to crawl into the void where her laughter filled the air and stay there forever. “I think you should try being a little easier on yourself and trust me, coming from me, that says a lot.”
“I’ll take that under consideration.” He smiled and she glanced around.
“I should get back before my friends send out a search party.”
“We can’t have that on my ship.” He smirked.
“I’ll see you around, Captain.” She said as she walked back toward the door, turning back to offer him a shy smile before she disappeared into the belly of his ship.
Perhaps this cruise wasn’t the worst idea Robin ever had after all.
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Holiday with the Skarsgard Gentlemen: Valter and his Babe
Notes:  This has a little bit of everything for my readers. It is about friends  on holiday that end up running into Alex, Gustaf, Bill and Valter at a  bar they stop at in Stockholm. I got the info about Sweden from google so I hope it is not to unreliable. I shouldn’t need to say but it is  AU. Pure fantasy folks. It is subdivided into what kind of night You  have with your favorite guy. Flirting, giddiness, sex,  dancing, ice skating, and fireworks. “It will be a great adventure.” I say in  character as one of your friends on this adventure with you. 
Read from the beginning click Holiday with the Skarsgard Gentlemen
Mood board by: flowers-in-your-hayr
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Valter runs his hand over the back of his neck as he made his way over to the table with the hot chicks. He was not sure what to do with his hands and didn't know where to sit. His hand accidentally brushed through your hair. You glanced up at him.
“Oh sorry.” He rubbed your one shoulder as you beamed up at him.  
“Sit down baby brother.” Gustof told him.  “Don’t be so creepy.” Most of your friends giggled even you. But one rolled her eyes and got up to go to the bar.  
Valter sat his tallness down next to you and looked around the table a moment. Then he looked at you like a lost puppy in need of Mothering. “Hey, Babe. How’s it going?”
Your hand reached over to his knees as you got close to his ear. “I’m very fine. No reason to feel nervous.”  
He gulped. “I’m cool.”
His knee jumped as your hand cheeped a little higher. “You sure baby Boy?”  
He took a big draw on his beer. “Can I buy you another drink?”
“I could have another.” You finish off your drink. “What were you up to before meeting up with us.’
“Stuff, Things.” He whispered in your ear like it was a huge secret. “You wanna join in that?”
You snickered. “stuff and things sounds so much fun.”  
“Hey Valter, you cool with getting home tonight if I take off in the SUV?” Gustaf glanced over to Bill, but he knew he could take care of himself. He wanted confirmation from Valter he would be okay.
“I think we can figure out something.” He grinned as you giggled.  
“Be mindful.” Gustaf reminded him. “You do represent this family. What one does, we all did.”
Valter rolls his eyes and mocks him in your ear. You laugh even though the mocking is quite childish. You are more than willing to take care of this baby boy for the night if he cannot be trusted to take care of himself. Gustaf and your friend take off. You glance to your friend with Bill and realize she is making fine work of her prey with her feminine wilds.  
“Take me away to do um stuff and things beautiful boy.”
He got up. “How about a boat ride? The fireworks should be starting in an hour or so.”  
You swipe your hands across his chest. “I like things that explode into the deep, dark...sky.”
Valter sucked in his breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah?”
“Yep.” You popped the ‘P’. “Now how do we get to that ride, boat ride?”
“Right this way.” He offered his hand. You took it. He  took you out to catch a taxi.  
When the Taxi driver said it would take a half hour to get to the destination you grinned. “Good.: Your hand drifted to undo his pants.
“I don’t think...”
You shushed him. “You don’t have to. Just enjoy.” You stroked his length. He widened his legs and his head fell back.  
You had him just about to pop when the driver stopped. “We have arrived.’”
Valter groaned as you got him together quickly without a finish. He wrapped his knee length coat around him before stepping out of the cab. You stepped out next as he was paying the driver.  
“The family Boat is this way, Babe.” He escorted you to the boat. “Once we anchor you can finish what you started. Possibly with more than your hand?” He winked.
You laughed. “I could properly apply some oral skills when we are alone.”
He sat down in the captain’s chair like he owned it. You sat beside him wrapped up in a blanket you found on deck. You knew the wind would be colder once he was zooming over the water. The water sprayed up the sides of the boat as he sped off. Valter turned the motor off dropping anchor in a perfect spot to see the fireworks when they started.
You both went to the bow where he grabbed a beer from the small cold box. “We always keep cold brew on here. You want one?” He settled down on the seating area.  
“Maybe in a few minutes.” You pulled the blanket around you, over his lap as you sank to your knees in front of him. You had his family jewels in hand within seconds fondling.  
You could barely hear his murmur of, “Oh, God yes.” as you stoked his fires once more. This time your tongue worked his growing length until your mouth finished him off. You took him to the back of your throat until his balls tightened. You only pull back enough to swallow all he had to give. It was an intoxicating moment. Your head popped up from under the blanket seeing him with his head basking in the moment. His tongue hung out the corner of his mouth. He kept one hand holding his beer as the other was grasping at the safety bar around the baot.
“Better?” You studied him as he broke his trance to look at you.  
“Perfect, Babe.” He took your face in his hand tilting it up a bit. “Just perfect.” He patted his knee. “Come sit right here.”
The blanket wrapped around you both as you kissed. The fireworks started to explode in dazzling displays lighting up the night.  You look to the firework in awe. Your eyes lit up like a child. He holds you close as you watch cheek to cheek.
“Oooo, ahhh, so beautiful.” You exclaimed.
He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess it is all pretty up there.”  
You clap enthusiastically as the finale sets the sky on fire with light. “That was great. This whole night is great.” You stand spinning. “I’m falling.” You landed back into his arms.
“I’m falling to.” He murmured on your lips kiss you again. “You want to see the island cottage?”
“Tomorrow.” You brushed your hand over his cheek. “I should check on my friends. I want to see who made it back to apartment. Besides you don’t want me this tied. I assure you.”
He pouted his bottom lip out as if it would get you to change your mind. “I’m sure your friends are fine. We would not want to walk in on anything.”
“Oh, we have walked in on each other and friends many times.” You laughed. “I will make it up to you if you make time for me tomorrow.”
“All right.” Valter made his way back to the captain’s chair with you beside him. He hit a button to bring up the anchor and stared the boat riding back towards the shores of Stockholm.
Gustaf and Princess are getting in from there excursion. She giggles as she opens the door. He sees Alex and Kitten fast asleep and hushes Princess. She snickers with her hand over her mouth as she grabs some bottled waters from the refrigerator.  
“I guess we were not the only ones to find something fun to do.” Princess whispered.  
“I’m not surprised whatsoever.” He took a big swig of his water. “I should probably take him home since I can’t take you home.” His eyebrow raised in a gesture that said he would rather take her home.
“Not so fast.” Princess grinned. “You want to see the bedroom?”
He nodded yes. Just then Valter and his girl came in the door laughing at a dirty joke he had told her seconds before. Gustaf tried to hush them, but Alex woke with a grumble.
“What time is it?” He gently slid his arm from under his girl. She stayed fast asleep somehow. “You good to drive us home Goos? He scrubbed his face.
“You're not going to wake her to say you are leaving?” Gustaf shook his head.  
“I’ll call tomorrow.” Alex shrugged. “We can hangout some more if they all want to.”
“Do you know where Bill went off to?” Gustaf asked.  
Bill came out of the bedroom. His girl wrapped around him. His thumb in her mouth as she laid on his shoulder. “I’m here. Let me tuck in this little sweetheart and we can head home. As Alex said we can hang out tomorrow.” His girl whined. “It’s okay Sweetheart.” He kissed her forehead as he carried her back in the room tucking her under the sheet and blanket snugly. “I’ll call you in the afternoon to make a day plan.  you are a sweet, amazing women.” He kissed her lips softly before getting dressed. He had just his boxer briefs on when he came out to greet the others.
The brother’s left. You and your friends slept amazingly well. The adventures with your new tour guides lasted throughout your trip.
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