#i kinda feel this way about richie too which i think is why i fell for him so hard so fast LOL
bobmckenzie · 1 year
HONESTLY in regards to "being able to pull my f/os or not" I actually have to admit that's part of why my ship with Bob is my most comforting, bc for some reason my brain just 100% accepts the idea that he would find me physically attractive kdkdklsld like with most of my other f/os I struggle with that idea but with Bob it's just never been a problem?? and I can't even describe why, there's nothing in canon to support this, it's just... something i inexplicably believe lol
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talesfromthesnogbox · 4 years
So they’d finally done it. Feelings were laid out on the table, hearts were bared for the other to see, and unsurprisingly to everyone except the two in question, were mutual. Richie loved Eddie, and Eddie loved Richie, and now here they were, too stunned to continue forward.
“So… so you really love me?”
Eddie laughed, a deep blush colouring his cheeks. “Yes asshole, I just said it, like a minute ago.” The man tentatively linked his fingers with his friend’s, avoiding his eyes. “This is what you meant when you said it first though… right? Like… love, not like ‘I love you man’, but like…”
Richie’s breath hitched. The sound worried the lines of Eddie’s face deeper, and he started to pull his hand away, but Richie’s grip tightened. “Yeah Eds, that… that was real. I’m in love with you.”
A large smile crossed Eddie’s face again at hearing that, and he buried his face in Richie’s shoulder. “I never thought I’d hear that. God, in all the years we’ve been friends, how many times I just wanted to kiss you—”
“You wanted to kiss me?” Richie murmured against Eddie’s hair.
“Of course I did. Even when we were kids. I thought it was a little weird I didn’t want to kiss Bill or Stan or any of them, but—”
“You didn’t? Damn Eddie, I thought I was the blind one here. Stan’s a straight up fox. Hell, I did kiss Stan once or twice, or maybe—”
“You kissed Stan?” It was Eddie’s turn to cut Richie off.
“Yeah dude, we were each other’s first kiss. Get it out of the way and all, you know? But, table it for another time. You wanted to kiss me when we were kids?”
“I did. I was too chickenshit to actually do anything though, and I so badly wanted to believe I was straight because of all the bullshit my mother told me. But you made it hard to listen to her.”
“Ha! I knew you thought I was irresistible.”
“Fuck off.” Eddie shoved him lightly, making him fall back on the couch, before following him down and snuggling into his side.
“We fell asleep in the hammock like this more than a few times.” Richie mused, slinging his arm around Eddie’s shoulders, and holding his hand where it rested on his chest.
“We did. I could have kissed you at any point in that stupid thing sitting like that.”
Silence fell between them, but they both knew what the other was thinking.
They only lasted minutes, until finally, Eddie decided to be the braver of the two. “I could kiss you here…”
Silence, again.
Eddie could feel Richie’s eyes boring down on him like laser beams right into his skull. A shiver ran through him as he worked up the courage again to look up at the other man. And finally, he did.
Richie’s eyes were soft, his face full of hope, joy, and love, but the expression wasn’t anything Eddie hadn’t seen before. He just now understood what it meant. Oh.
The smaller man shifted, situating himself closer to the man beneath him. The hand on Richie’s chest travelled up his neck to cup his jaw, and Eddie saw his face change in an instant. Suddenly they were fifteen again, cuddled together in that stupid hammock, closer than what was probably deemed to be appropriate for a friendly setting. In all the time Eddie had known Richie, he’d boasted about himself being the one and only “Trashmouth”. That filthy fucking mouth that once bragged about all the tits he’d seen in high school was now lolled open with an expression of shy nervousness.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie frowned, his thumb stroking Richie’s cheek softly.
Richie blinked at him, dumbfounded. “Eds, there’s no going back from here.”
“I think we crossed that bridge when you told me you loved me like… ten minutes ago.”
“I know, I know, it’s just… is this weird?”
Eddie pulled away. “Weird? Does it feel weird?”
Richie instantly missed Eddie’s closeness, and suddenly it clicked. “Not weird in that way, it’s… I like it… a lot.” He pulled Eddie back in closer, his hand coming to the other man’s waist. “But I’m scared Eds. I love you so much, and I’ve had to hold it in until now.”
“Sweetheart you don’t have to hold it in anymore.”
“I—yeah, I think I’m starting to realize that.” He chuckled. “But I don’t think it’s like a switch I can just turn off. This is like thirty-two years of friendship, and thirty years of pining in the making. I’ve only ever dreamed of holding you like this. I’m honestly half convinced I’m dreaming right now.”
Eddie bit the bullet and leaned down, brushing his lips with Richie’s in the world’s shortest kiss. “You’re not dreaming, I’m here, I want this.”
The kiss, no matter how miniscule it was, scrambled Richie’s brain. He didn’t know what he was feeling, or even how to feel about any of this. Elated, terrified, relieved, nervous, aroused, and even a little sad.
“Eddie, I want this too. But my brain is having a hard time computing that you feel the same way as I do. It’s going to take some getting used to, you know, not having to hold back how I feel, getting to touch you like this, like I’ve wanted to for a long time. I don’t think I can just dive in head first, as much as I really, really want to.”
This surprised Eddie a little bit. He’s only ever known Richie to put his whole being into doing something, so the idea of potentially taking things slow was a little… disappointing.
“O-okay, we can take things slow.” Eddie moved to push himself up and off the other man again. “I’ll wait for you Richie, we don’t have to—”
“Woah!” Richie grabbed him again, securing him back in their previous position. “Slow doesn’t mean not at all, get back here Spaghetti.”
Eddie laughed. “There he is!” He could hear Richie’s heart pounding rhythmically in his chest.
“Here I am.” Richie let out a breath, which ruffled Eddie’s soft hair again. “I’m sorry if I can’t be in this 100% yet.”
“You don’t have to apologize Rich, I get it. There’s bound to be some weirdness after all this time of just being friends.”
“Thanks Eds.” His hand moved up Eddie’s body as Eddie’s had done to his earlier, and tilted his chin towards him. Eddie took the hint, situating himself closer to the other man once again, but slowly, as if not to frighten him. Their eyes closed slowly as their noses brushed, and they stalled, breathing the other in. Finally, Richie closed the gap, brushing their lips together chastely.
It was nothing like how Eddie imagined kissing Richie would be. He always imagined Richie would be a good kisser (who imagines their crush being a bad kisser?), but he never anticipated him being shy. Richie became more confident with each brush of their lips, and it was still the tamest kisses Eddie had ever partaken in. But they still made his toes curl in spine tingling pleasure.
They kissed lazily, heat growing between them as Eddie’s tongue decided to join the party. “Sorr—” he started, but never finished as Richie followed suit.
A needy sounding whimper left Eddie’s throat, and Richie broke. He pulled away from Eddie, breathing heavily and red faced.
“Too much?”
The other man nodded, eyes on the ceiling.
“It’s okay baby, we can stop. Maybe we should go to bed, it’s getting late.” Eddie sat up, letting Richie calm down.
“Okay. Hey Eddie, will you stay with me tonight?”
“Of course.” Richie led Eddie to his bedroom, pulling him into the queen-sized bed beside him. “Rich, I’ll let you lead, but can I kiss you some more?”
He nodded, putting his glasses on the bedside table. “I’d like that. But nothing more, if that’s okay.”
“That’s okay, we can go as fast or as slow as you want. I’m already there when you are sweetheart, so whenever you’re ready.”
“Sorry Eds, you’ll have to wait to see my monster schlong.”
Eddie laughed as the tender moment fizzled. “Oh my god.”
“I can’t help it! Felt too sentimental all at once. Humor is my wall babe.”
“I know.” Eddie said, curling himself around Richie in his bed, and pecking him lightly on the lips. “I know.”
Eddie’s lips moved against Richie’s languidly; they became less and less hesitant with each kiss, and soon, sank down into the warm, hazy pleasure of each other. Richie pulled away to bury his face in Eddie’s neck, lightly kissing and nipping the skin there. This time, it was Eddie pulling away.
“Richie, Rich, we’re getting dangerously close to the point of no return here.”
Eyebrows raised, Richie pulled away, chuckling. “Shit babe, this is all it takes? Glad to see the Tozier charm hasn’t worn off.”
Eddie shoved Richie. “Fuck you, it’s been a while, okay? Kinda hard to get any when you’re in love with your idiot best friend.”
“Okay yeah, relatable.” Richie lounged back against the pillows, drawing Eddie towards him again. “Dude, we’re not gonna last two minutes when we finally do it, are we.”
“Do it? What are we, twelve? Just say sex Richie, and no, it’s going to be a short ride.”
Richie let out a bellowing laugh. “Good thing you’re just tall enough to reach the ride’s minimum height requirement.”
“Shut the fuck up I’m average height.”
Just like that, the dust settled and the two of them fell back into their regular routine. It felt normal, Richie teasing Eddie to no end, Eddie lecturing him for one reason or another, but at the same time, everything had changed. Richie’s mind didn’t have to wander off to think about the consequences of pressing a kiss to Eddie’s temple, he could just do it, and Eddie could burrow in Richie’s shoulder without worry.
It would get easier as time passed, and soon it would feel as easy as breathing. Their predictions were correct, their first time was a short ride, they fumbled awkwardly, but it was perfect because it was them. And soon enough, Richie couldn’t even remember why he was nervous about this. All his fears seemed silly in hindsight.
The two of them were inevitable.
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beauregard-s · 4 years
Ride or Die (Richie Tozier x Reader)
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Reader (aged up)
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: A lot of cursing, NSFW material, and a bit of fluff and angst maybe?
A/n: I was really frustrated because I have been trying to write this one for a while, but never got it right. I think it worked this time, yay. Hope it did. 
You kinda chewed. 
That was you trying to get your mouth to salivate.
It was getting dark, the sky in dark shades of orange, pink and purple, but it was still too hot for your standards and you were getting pissed at all of them for teasing you that much. Plus that shit was making you feel sick.
“Come on, y/n! Don’t be such a lady!” Bev laughed.
“Sh-sh-She was never one.” Bill said by your side. He was watching you carefully, smirking, checking if you’d really do that.
“Yeah, yeah, she’s just being finicky” you heard Richie’s voice behind you.
“I don’t know why the hell is she trying that, anyway. Y/n never managed to play loogie!”
You swallowed the shameful little amount of saliva you’ve had in your mouth for the last minute.
“Shut up, Eddie!” You hissed. 
You closed your eyes and tried to build up the biggest amount of saliva you could, but that grossed you out, yes. That was the reason you never played loogie at the Barrens with the rest of the losers. You couldn’t form a decent loogie without tearing because, you didn’t know why, the thing grossed you out beyond limits.
But that was the day. One week away from the end of the summer. That day you would spit the hell down of that crag.
And you did.
With a harsh sound you spat and they howled. Beverly and Bill then burst into laugher while Eddie let out a shocked sound when you finally did it after years. It was your last summer living in Derry, you’d move out of there for college in a few days and you felt like you had to close the cycle someway. Even if it was foolishly.
“Ladies and gentlemen, that’s it! Someone just assumed being a spitter, not a swallower, huh?” Richie said out loud, throwing an arm around your shoulders. 
Tozier was always Tozier. 
He was grinning down at you like the little motherfucker he was, but you just rolled your eyes.
“If you asked your dad, you’d be aware of that way earlier than today.” 
The other three just exploded in cursing and ouch’s when you said that. It was natural defense, you had to learn how to bear him down through the years you were friends. Every single time you got it back to Richie, he just laughed it off, but you’d feel like he was proud of you somehow. 
So when his smile widened, you intertwined your fingers to his over your shoulder, grinning yourself.
As it was getting darker and darker, you all made your way through the woods, to where the cars were parked at. Bill turned on his blue chevy’s headlights and the radio, loud, while Bev pulled a pack of cigarettes, a lighter and a pack of marshmallows out of her backpack. You all stood there, doing nothing and messing a lot. Poorly roasting marshmallows with the lighter and talking shit.
You and Richie were sitting on his truck’s opened trunk, your legs hanging in the air while his feet were well settled on the ground since he was so fucking tall. You still remembered being taller than him when you were twelve. 
You smiled with the memory and at Bill pissing the shit off Eddie with the hot marshmallows, while Beverly frowned at them with a cigarette in her lips. Lately, you had been assaulted by this weird and kinda painful, but still sweet feeling of nostalgia, mainly during the times you spent with the rest of the Losers. It made your heart feel like it was being squeezed to the size of a pea. You chose to go abroad because it was the best for you, Derry was just a little city and you felt this urge to open your wings and fly. But, on the other side, all you wanted to do was stay there and spent the rest of your days in the middle of the chaos that group was. You have been with them since middle school and now you kinda couldn’t see yourself without them. 
“You going on Thursday, then?” Richie asked.
You couldn’t see yourself without him.
You hummed in affirmation and he was silent, but just for a moment. You swore you heard him sighing.
“Can’t believe I’m losing you, toots” Richie muttered by your side. You peered up at him. His messy jet black curls, those thick glasses, always dressed in the ugliest shirts you have ever seen. 
“You’re not losing me, don’t be so uptight” you sounded cool about it, but your smile faltered a bit as you talked. “I’ll be here during the breaks. And over summer, which matters the most”. Richie’s eyes drifted out of Eddie now trying to awkwardly punch Bill, and relied on you. He was smiling softly. “And to think we waisted all those years, and didn’t hit a home run once”. You laughed because even when you were down he was able to cheer you up with his awful jokes and lines.“Fuck you, Tozier...”.
But it couldn’t keep your heart from sinking.
It was Richie. The dirtiest mouth and mind you have ever seen put together. And he was your ride or die. Well, Bev was the only other girl in the group, what made you have a bond, and the other boys too. Each of them had a feature that was linked to one of yours, something you shared. But Richie... He was disparate. He was the one who always had an arm around your shoulders at school, who’d always pull you to walk faster and keep the pace so you’re not left behind and who punched a guy once at a party because he harassed you. 
And he got beaten the fuck out of him later for that. 
He just hit different. He always did.
“I’ll miss you so much” you whispered. It kinda slid through your lips without you thinking twice. You already had the prep talk about the leaving way before, all of you Losers, so the only thing Richie could do was lean closer and kiss your temple, his hand resting on the small your back. “I’ll miss you too, doll. Believe me.” His voice sounded muffled against your hair, and when he pulled apart, you swore his smile faded for a moment before he shouted at Eddie for something stupid.
You all stayed around the Barrens until it was almost midnight, then hopping in the cars to drive around for a bit and you tried to swallow every second you had if your friends. After you all agreed on going to a diner the next night, when Stan, Ben, and Mike would be free to hang out, Richie gave Eddie a ride, while Bill offered to take you and Bev home.
As soon as you reached your place, you walked upstairs through an already dark house. Your parents were asleep, probably, because one good thing is that they were very flexible with your curfew time. You took a cold shower to cool down from the summer night’s heat before changing into some old and oversized shirt you wore in bed. You were in your room, brushing your hair when you heard tapping against your window. 
You frowned at that and waited to see if it wasn’t just your sleepy ass imagining stuff. It wasn’t, something indeed tapped against your window again, so you got up from the bed and crossed your room, looking through the glass. And he was standing there, in the middle of your front garden, weaving his arms up. Richie. “What the actual fuck...” you muttered, scooting downstairs the most silently you could. And when you opened the front door very carefully, he was there, breathing heavily and looking fidgety. It took you a moment to form the rights thoughts about what to do, but when you did, you pulled him inside. Richie tried to tell you something, but you shushed him and dragged him upstairs, locking your room’s door behind you two. 
You turned around to look at him, eyes widened. “The hell you doing here, Richie?”. He panted, adjusting his glasses on his nose and smiling in the cockiest way you ever saw him do. “I couldn’t let you go without risking it at least once, doll”.
You only looked repeatedly at him and then at your door, trying to listen carefully to any signs your parents heard you sneak Richie Fucking Tozier into your room in the middle of the night. And the bastard had the guts to let out a little laugh at your thrill. “Screw you, Richie.” You meant to sound angry, but you just could look like you were in pure disbelief, because that what was you felt like. In awe at him, standing so tall inside your room at 1 am. “To be honest were thinking about you doing that to me”.
Of course your breath hitched and your mouth fell open. And it did it good. He took advantage of that, and before you could think of fighting against, Richie’s lips were already on yours. You couldn’t help but react, sink into it as he leaned down against you. Hands cupping your face and glasses pressed against the bridge of your nose.
You and Richie had kissed for a few seconds once. You were fifteen, at a truth or dare game, but it was just a little peck and for sure didn’t last of felt like this time. He didn’t take over you by that time the same way he was doing in the penumbra of your room.
Richie's arms were wrapped around you and pulling you closer to his chest, his hands resting on your hips and lingering there like he wanted to feel you up, but was waiting for some kind of allowance first. Your hands sliding onto the skin of his back underneath his shirt showed him what you wanted, so he led you to your bed, tripping across your room. “I want you so fucking bad, y/n. Always had”, he practically groaned against your lips and you felt the heat growing between your thighs “Do you want me too, hun?”. As he asked, he slid his lips down your jawline to suck on the sweet spot of your neck.
“Holyshit, I do...”
He grinned at how desperate you sounded for him, when, with a single motion, he pulled your thighs so you fell back against the mattress. Richie quickly got rid of his shirt and crawled over you, hands brushing up your thighs, and lips kissing the exposed portion of your chest. You gasped to the feeling of his hips grinding against yours, and the hardness he had inside his pants. Your fingers were through his curls while his lingered up your hips, lifting your shirt up. Your thoughts were blurred and you could barely register when he took it off your body. So you were laying under his darkened eyes, your skin shivering, your chest howling in a need for him you didn’t know you had until that moment. “Fuck, y/n, you’re so goddamn beautiful” The serious tone of his made you chuckle, pulling him down for another kiss. 
His weight on you, his taste of mint gum, his soft, but skilled touch on your breasts, everything was just overwhelming and you found yourself whimpering way sooner you’d like to. Richie pulled away from your lips and sat back between your thighs. No warnings needed, he hooked his fingers around your panties' waistline and pulled them off, dropping down for your heat. You watched him closing his eyes and licking all the way up where your lips met, groaning. “So wet for me, doll...” His voice vibrating against you, the view, everything he was doing to you made you moan louder than would be safe, and he liked that. He kissed and licked your pussy gently and you felt like you could cum just from that if he wasn’t doing that at such a slow pace like he was savoring you. 
“’Chie, please...” you started to beg and he smirked up at you. “What is that? Are you so needy for me that you can’t even moan my name right?” That tease made you whimper and he went down on you again. He kept his pace and you were losing your mind to the feeling of his tongue playing with your clit and teasing your slit. It was until he placed one firm hand down your lower tummy, like he was holding you still for himself, you didn’t know why but that led you over your limits and you came undone on his mouth. You were a moaning mess, legs shaking and uneven breath through your high, while he talked in a hoarse voice to you, “There you go, hun, cum for me...”. Your eyes kept shut for a while, but when you opened them, you saw Richie planting a small peck against your pussy, then trailing kisses up your body. 
“Goddamn, Richie.” you moaned.
Richie kissed and nibbled onto your tummy, through the valley between your breasts, sucking tightly on them, giving your neck hickeys before he met your lips again. You could taste yourself in that kiss, his firm grip keeping your legs up and apart while he aligned with you and thrust inside. You melted in his arms to the feeling of him filling you up, inch after inch. “Holy fuck, you’re so tight...” he whispered against your mouth, hips starting to rock back and forth. Still sensitive, you already felt yourself clenching around him while you moaned out his name very quietly between sloppy kisses. You couldn’t help but dig your nails on the pale skin of Richie’s back in pleasure, feeling him thrusting into you so good and deep, groaning and cursing. The knot you felt tightening in you suddenly became too much to handle and you came once more, milking Richie’s cock as he fucked you into his own high. 
You had your legs tightly wrapped around him when his thrusts became slacker and when he pulled off, the feeling of his cum inside you made you let out a loud “Fuck”, instantly covering your mouth after. Richie laughed at you, and you couldn’t help to go along with him. He slid down to lay by your side, letting out something like a satisfied sigh. “Richie?” you whispered in the dark, feeling his touch on your thigh, tracing small circles that tickled you softly. “Hm?” he hummed in response. “I...” But you couldn’t let the rest of it out, and you didn’t know why. Again, Richie was disparate from the other boys and of course you always kinda knew why the same way he knew that too and felt the same. But, still, the two of you wouldn’t surrender completely to that feeling for some reason. Maybe because you weren’t ready, maybe because it was not the right time. So he just whispered back at you “I know right, y/n.” and that was enough. 
Talking too much would make things worse. You had boxes stacked in a corner of that room, you’d be gone soon. Talking too much would be a disaster in that scenario and both of you knew that. So you took a deep breath, “Just promise you’ll always be my ride or die?” you asked. Richie shifted in his place by your side and when you felt his arm around you, you cuddled against him. “Like we were Bonnie and Clyde, doll.”.
You rolled your eyes fondly at how cheesy he could be sometimes, but you felt that nostalgia in your chest again, even stronger. 
“What are you thinking about now, toots?” you looked up at him and he was smirking down at your pout. “Huh... I was thinking that, during all of this, your glasses didn’t fell off nor even fogged up”. Richie burst out in laughter and so did you. 
He ended up cheekily raising an eyebrow, saying: “I have my ways”.
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shezowhero · 4 years
Why future versions of Static need to take from both his original comics and cartoon. Part 1. Static’s supporting cast.
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I’ve talked a little about this before but future versions of Static really need to take from both his cartoon and original comics. They especially need to take things from his cartoon. His cartoon is the most popular and most well known version of him. Literally almost all of Static’s fans come from the cartoon or at least a big chuck of his fans come from it. I feel like people underestimate how popular his cartoon is to his comics. There are people who still don’t know Static has comics. The comics and cartoon should be combined.
So what things from the cartoon that should be taken ? His supporting cast, his villains, his costumes and joining the Justice League when he’s a adult.
First let’s look at his supporting cast from the cartoon.
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Future versions of Static especially need to take the way his support cast is/was in the cartoon. His supporting cast in the comics are good but they’re slightly better in the cartoon. The show kinda improved them.
First his parents.
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With Robert he is a good dad in the comics but he’s even better dad in the cartoon. Him being a social worker and running the Community Center as a head counselor is more interesting than him being a nurse. We don’t see him that much in the comics so the cartoon kinda did more with him. He got more focus. There aren’t that many good black dads in media. He should eventually learn Static’s identity. The way he is in the show should be brought into future versions of Static. 
His mom should be dead. Even though Jean is dead and we only see her in two episodes she’s kinda better in the cartoon. She’s more motherly. In the comics she mostly just nags at Virgil and Sharon. Even though Static’s creators don’t like her being dead I think she's better off being dead. Her death makes Static's character interesting. In the show she was a paramedic who died saving people. With the cartoon I’ve always thought Virgil get’s heroic morals from his parents but especially his mom. His mom getting shot also gives him the whole hating guns thing with makes him a bit interesting. Most people who know Static thinks his mom is dead so you might as well roll with it. She should be dead like in the show but with flashbacks of her when she was alive.
Next Sharon.
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In the cartoon Sharon is older while she was slightly older than Virgil in the comics. She’s in college, volunteers at a hospital, and counsels young people at the Freeman Community Center but we don’t see much of her doing that in the show. The cartoon kinda did more with her character by having her going to college, dating Rubberband Man, working at a hospital and the community center but the show still didn’t do enough with her. Just like in the comics when we see her she’s mostly just bickering with her brother. I would expand a pond her working at the hospital with her trying to become a nurse and later a doctor. Let us see more of her life outside of her brother’s life. The only time we see her is when she’s with Virgil. She should eventually learn her brother is Static and help him out when he get’s hurt. Her relationship with Rubberband Man should be taken from the show too.
Speaking of Rubberband Man.
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Rubberband Man had a great redemption arc in the show. In the comics he’s just a villain and doesn’t have much character. He just wanted to fight Static to get famous. He started out as a villain in the show who wanted revenge from the person who stole his music. He really wasn’t that much of a villain, he just wanted his music back. He became good thanks to Sharon. He’s also a superhero with a learning disability, dyslexia. Not that many superheroes have that disability. Future versions of Static should definitely use this version of Rubberband man or at least parts of him. He should be apart of Static’s supporting cast.
Next Frieda.
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Frieda is one of the few characters I like equally from both the comics and cartoon. Both versions are good. It’s a shame she’s not in the cartoon that much after the first few episodes. She’s actually a major part of Static’s cast. She just disappeared for a bit after Daisy was introduce in the show until season 2. Her role was basically given to Richie in the show. Frieda is Virgil’s best friend and knows his secret identity. He goes to her when he needs hero advice. The only thing different about her is she’s not nerdy or becomes a superhero like Richie. She’s also Static’s endgame love interest. Future versions of Static really need to remember Frieda. She’s important to his character. A lot of his character development comes from her. The cartoon got away not using her cause they made Richie into Frieda. Future versions need to make Frieda and Richie both be Virgil’s best friends. Her being a reporter for the school paper should taken from the show. Being a reporter gives her more to do. It gives her agency outside of Virgil’s character. When it comes to the comics, future versions need remember her eating disorder and her being Jewish. Just combine the comic version and cartoon version of Frieda. And also let Static and Frieda actually be a couple. They’re suppose to eventually be together and get married with kids but we never see how they got together.
Next Richie.
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If you’ve seen my Electric trio post than you know that I think Richie should be brought into future versions of Static. Richie was created for the cartoon. He doesn’t exist in the comics. He’s based off Frieda and Rick Stone from the comics. What I forget to put in my electric trio post is that if future versions of Static brought Richie in and have him become Gear later on we would have a gay superhero. Richie is based Rick who is gay and Dwayne McDuffie has said that Richie is gay too since he’s based off Rick. It should be common knowledge that Richie is gay but people still don’t know or don’t like him being gay since there’s a lot of fanfics that still pair him female OCs in fanfics, which is really annoying. It doesn’t help that he wasn’t explicitly gay in the show but there was hints that he was gay. He wasn’t allowed to be gay cause of censorship but if he was brought into the comics and other media he could be explicitly gay. There’s a lot of gay superheroes but there’s still not enough of them. If Richie was added into the comics and becomes Gear we would have another gay superhero. If brought in he should evolve into becoming Gear like the way he did in the show. Let him come out as gay and be a gay superhero. Don’t give him too much spotlight. He and Frieda should be the only/few white characters in Static’s series.
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Daisy is important but she's not that important. She’s not a big deal as people try to make her out to be. She’s just a detour love interest and the show made her the main love interest when they shouldn't had. She’s Virgil’s first girlfriend. I’m only talking about her cause I think her personality should be taken from the show and expand her personality more. She’s doesn’t have much of a personality in the comics. I love Daisy but she’s boring, both in the comics and cartoon. She’s boring cause she’s not given much to do. She’s just there. We just never spend time with her when she’s not with Virgil especially in the comics except that one time during the Hot Summer crossover. She’s not a bad character or a good character, she’s just boring. I think the cartoon version of her has the potential to be a good character cause she has a bit more of a personality. She’s super smart which is what I would take from the show into future versions. She’s not smart or anything in the comics. I can see why people don’t like her in the show but I think she get’s too much hate in the fandom. She’s not worth hating. Future versions need to make Daisy super smart like the way she is in the cartoon. Fresh out her character. Have her eventually join team Static when she learns Static’s and Gear’s identities. Have her and Frieda actually be friends like in the cartoon.
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Just like Rubberband Man, Shenice should be apart of Static’s supporting cast. When you think about it Shenice is kinda interesting. She was genetically engineered in a lab. The scientists who created her fell in love with her and want her to be their daughter. She had to pretend to be a quiet girl when she’s a athlete, hyper, and very energetic person. She has enhanced strength and agility. She’s really cool and deserves more love by the fandom. Another reason why she should be apart of Static’s cast is cause Static doesn’t have a lot of black female characters and the ones he does have don’t do much. The only major female character in Static’s series is a white Jewish girl Frieda. All of the major important black girls are in other Milestone books. Adding her allows for there to be more black girls in Static’s stories. She-bang is a good character and should be add to the comics.
If Static ever comes back they need to take from the cartoon especially his supporting cast. The comic canon and cartoon canon should be combine. Basically the cartoon canon in the comic universe. 
Unless they researched Static after watching the cartoon most Static fans don’t know about his comics. They don’t know about Rick Stone, they only know about Richie. They don’t know Richie only exits in the cartoon.  They don’t know Virgil’s mom is alive and not dead. They don’t know Frieda is a important supporting character with her being Static’s best friend and love interest. At least take some what people know from the cartoon and bring it into the comics.
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softschnappi · 4 years
Winter Showers Bring...Tacos and Mike Wheeler?
hey guys! Finally sat down a shat out a 2k fic even though I have 80+ wips to finish...anyways...hope you enjoy! fun fact I coincidentally had tacos the night after I wrote this...
pairing: ryers
summary: Richie and Will share a shower together and Mike finds out, but he’s cool with it. It’s a little awkward, some shenanigans ensue and there’s a lot of talking about relationships (between richie and will and about mike and el)
warnings: swearing, lots of mentions of sex but no actual sex, showering if you consider that a warning?
read it on ao3
“Is this warm enough for you, baby?”
Richie reached his hand behind the shower curtain and felt the stream of water for himself, making sure it wasn’t scalding hot as Will usually enjoyed. “It’s good. I’ll just never understand why you want to feel like you’re burning in hell when you shower,” He paused, “You can’t blame me for not wanting to walk out of here looking like a hot cheeto.”
“You know I hate being cold,” Will reminded him, pulling off his sweater and shirt. They fell onto the floor in a wrinkled pile, followed by his pants, socks, and underwear.
Richie followed in suit, setting his glasses on the sink counter before stripping naked. “I know, I know, princess can’t have the room temperature below seventy…” He watched as Will rolled his eyes and stepped into the shower with him.
Will squirted shampoo into his palm, as Richie soaked his hair under the water, before beginning to scrub his boyfriend’s hair.
“You wanna get tacos after this, baby?” Richie asked, placing his hands in the familiar position of around Will’s waist, massaging his wet skin with his thumbs.
Nodding, Will replied, “Yeah, okay. Then we’ll watch that movie, right? And actually watch it this time?” He raised an eyebrow, expecting the smile that appeared on Richie’s face. It seems like every time they tried to relax together and watch a movie, they get distracted and end up fucking or just fooling around in some way or another.
“Tonight yes, because Mike and El are going to grace us with their wonderful presence, but next time...we’ll hopefully have to save the food for later…” Richie reached and grabbed the shampoo bottle off the shelf and squeezed some directly onto Will’s head. Every time they fought, which was very rare, or especially had sex, Richie always ordered some type of food to eat. Pizza or fast food, never anything healthy. “Well, unless you wanna get back at them, give them a taste of their own med-”
Will furiously shook his head as Richie rubbed into his scalp. Mike having El over all the time was no problem, he could care less, but hearing Mike’s bed begin to creak along with loud grunts and girly moans coming through the wall happened one too many times, and there was no way Will wanted them hearing him and Richie. They’d only recently told their inner circle about them being in a relationship, even though they’ve been together over a year, and Will would rather die than have anybody listen to him having sex.
“I was joking!” Richie laughed, “I know you’re no exhibitionist. Fuck, I mean you’re so shy you have trouble asking for a handjob, such a shy little baby...trying to hide your face from me when you cum even though you look so cute-”
Reaching behind him, Will stared into Richie’s eyes with a squint and his cheeks tinted pink, and turned the shower handle to the right, watching as his boyfriend writhed with pain as the sudden hot water hit his body.
“Ow! Ow! Fuck! Okay, I’m sorry, just-” He yelped, cutting himself off as the water temperature turned back to normal. “You can be a real asshole sometimes, under all those layers of whatever innocence you have left.”
“Well, I wonder who I got it from?” Will scratched his wet hair, pretending to think.  
Richie playfully gasped as he reached for the blue loofah and soap. “That’s not very nice. Ouchie, you hurt my heart…my feelings are so hurt, scrub me squeaky clean or I won’t buy you tacos.”
Bang bang bang bang!
“Will? Hello?”
It was Mike, banging on the door with an urgent tone in his booming voice.
Will’s eyes went wide as both he and Richie froze. He blinked a few times before licking his lips and shouting back, “I’m in the shower! What do you want?”
“Okay, stay in there!” Mike told him as the bathroom door swung open. Will flailed his arms around in a panic, dropping the loofah and slapping a hand over Richie’s mouth to prevent him from giving himself away. “Sorry, I really really gotta piss, fuck !” Continued Mike once he was inside, an audible unzipping sound coming afterword, followed by him pissing into the toilet and sighing with relief.
Richie began licking into Will’s palm, for the sole purpose of just being a little shit. Will pointed a warning finger at him with a serious expression on his face. Richie responded by smirking into his hand and raising a challenging eyebrow at him, before letting out a loud and long fart. Putting his face into his hand, Will began to regret life and at the same time contemplate murdering Richie. He knew Mike heard it, and he knew Mike would think it was him since he didn’t know Richie was in the shower with him. Will’s cheeks burned with embarrassment with every silent second that passed and it felt like Mike was taking an eternity to piss.
Almost tripping over all the clothes, Mike turned the sink on, trying to hold back his laughter. If that was him in there, he would have waited until he was alone and then let it rip, but he guessed that Will was just super comfortable around him. But the silence between them was only making it worse.
As he soaped up his hands, Mike noticed the familiar pair of glasses sitting on the counter. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Those were definitely Richie’s, but why would they be here instead of on his face? He was essentially blind without them. Mike’s eyes trailed to the scattered clothes across the floor, which he now realized was a lot for one person. Well, he also now figured out that it wasn’t just Will in the shower because one, there were two towels also on the counter, and two, a Hawaiin printed shirt would never belong to Will, and neither would those pizza socks or PlayStation printed boxers.
“Hi, Richie,” Mike announced.
Richie shoved Will’s hand off of his face. “Hi, Mikey! Wanna join us?”
“I didn’t fart, that wasn’t me I swear , it was Richie!” Will pleaded aloud.
Mike burst into laughter. “Yeah, I was like, shit Will, you couldn’t wait until I left?” He paused, catching his breath and regaining his composure. “Anyway, sorry I had to intrude like that. I, uh, didn’t know you guys were at this stage yet…” It was a little shocking for Mike if he had to be honest. Sure, they only recently told him that they were together, but Mike really hadn’t thought much about what they were doing before they told people. It was a jump, for sure, to see Will doing relationship stuff after all these years of...not.
“Well, it would be nice if we didn’t know what stage you and your missus were at, but we do,” Richie fired back, earning himself a light smack on the chest.
“I--uh--well--sorry--I--we--” Mike stammered, face heating up with embarrassment. Will does such a good job at keeping Richie moderately quiet that he and El just assume nobody is home. Which will always be the wrong move. Richie and Will always make sure to check the entire apartment, sometimes even the cabinets just to be safe, before they get down and dirty.
Reaching down and grabbing the fallen loofah, Will waved his hand to dismiss Mike even though he couldn’t see him. “This totally isn’t awkward at all, but let’s drop it.”
“Right,” Mike replied. “I just came in here to piss, enjoy your shower,” He hurriedly finished before walking out and shutting the bathroom door.
Richie and Will each let out a long breath. At least Mike was cool with it, as he should be because it’s not like he’s had to suffer through hearing them fucking.
As Will began to wash Richie’s body, he said, “Well that was certainly something.”
“I kinda wanted him to come in here. I mean, you would have to leave since there’s barely enough room for two people as it is, but I bet Mike would let me wash his balls.”
Will visibly cringed at what came out of Richie’s mouth. It was like his ears were being poisoned. “I hate that...so much. Never say any of it ever again. And enough about the ball washing thing, you’re so gross!”
Richie raised his arms a little in defence whilst Will ran the soap over his upper thighs. “I’m just saying it would bond us more!”
“Okay, maybe it would, but I’m still not in favour of it. It’s embarrassing, it’s kinda weird, I wouldn’t wanna look at you, and you’d probably scrub too hard on purpose. End of conversation, I’m not letting you wash my balls.” He continued to wash Richie as he turned around to show his backside, before speaking up again, “You know, I’m surprised you’ve stayed soft for this long. You’re usually a huge perv when I shower with you.”
Richie laughed. “Thank you for the compliment, dear, but you’ve forgotten I haven’t washed you yet.” He batted his eyelashes and poked Will’s nose. “Don’t act like you don’t like the attention, shy boy. Or like you haven’t gotten hard from me washing you.”
“That was one fucking time! Fuck, always about sex with you. You’re nasty. It’s so hard to put up with you just so you can pay for my $5.99 taco box, it really is.”
Leaning in close to his face, Richie mocked, “Aw, it’s so horrible isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is,” Will replied, licking his lips and putting his arms loosely around Richie’s neck as he got closer. “You’re a real piece of work. I don’t usually do this stuff for free, but you’re hot and have a big dick, so...”
Richie’s face faltered a little at that. “I feel bad, I’ve corrupted your brain so much since we met, but then again you’re so hot when you say stuff like that…” Will only saw Richie smile for a second before his waist was pulled closer and he pressed his lips against his. Will immediately opened his mouth to let Richie’s tongue inside, letting out a little sigh after he groaned into his mouth. Kissing down his neck and beginning to suck a red mark onto Will’s neck, Richie’s hands roamed his back before sliding down and giving his ass a squeeze.
Bang bang bang!
“You’re going to use up all the hot water, assholes!” Mike yelled from behind the door.
Shit, how long have they been in there?
“Yeah, and I have to pee…” El chimed in.
Will immediately reached behind him and turned the water off. Richie pulled back the curtain and they both quickly stepped out, wrapping a towel around their waist. Grabbing his glasses and putting them on his face, Richie followed Will out the door, neither of them bothering to pick up any of their clothes.
“Sorry,” Will mumbled to El as they passed by her on the way to his room.
“Did you enjoy your shampoo? Because that’s as far as I got with you…” Richie said once they were both standing in Will’s room.
Will giggled, “Shit, you’re right. It was basically your shower and I was just...there.” He dug through his dresser and slipped on a fresh pair of boxers.
Richie grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the bed before he sat down. “How about I just Uber Eats the food? Do you wanna pick up where we left off?”
“Mike and El are home…did you already forget that?”
“You and that dirty mind of yours, I swear, Will, all you think about is sex,” Richie playfully huffed. “Such a bad influence. I just meant kisses. Can’t a man just kiss his boyfriend around here?”
Will rolled his eyes with a small smile and pushed Richie back on his bed before climbing on top of him and connecting their lips.
“Are you guys gonna get your clothes?” El shouted.
Richie let out an exasperated sigh as Will stood up. “We really need our own place. I don’t know how much more I can take.”
Will whipped his head around to look back at him and flushed. “You really mean it?”
Giving him a small shove with his foot, Richie grinned, “Go get our clothes, buttercup, we can leave the talking for later when we finally get those tacos.”
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skinks · 5 years
Please Please talk to me about Maggie Tozier and what she’s like and looks like and what Dilfworth Tozier loves about her and made him put a ring on it and in general how much her two boys love her and how she loves them.
[cracks knuckles] here we go
I was looking through my copy of the book yesterday to answer this ask but then I figured, y’know what? Canon can suck it. I tend to beat myself up over accurate characterisation for Richie and Eddie, but they’re main characters, Maggie and Went are not, so the details are inconsequential. Their ages in the Dilfworth fic mean that they’d have a pretty different life experience from their book versions, what with growing up in the 60s/70s, but imo all that matters is that they love Richie and are good parents. Canon is ours now!!!
- my no.1 headcanon rn is that Maggie sings like an angel, and sings all the time. In the car, in the shower, gardening, housework, cooking. She and Went have a pretty good record collection, but if Went is listening to something and hears Maggie singing to herself in another room of the house he shuts that shit off quick so he can hear her.
- I wrote in ithots that Richie busts out into song at the drop of a hat, right? well, where Richie gets encouragement with his Voices through Went participating, Richie gets his incessant singing from Maggie, because he grew up in a household where that was welcomed.
- Maggie doesn’t even notice she’s doing it until Richie joins in, or she turns around and sees Went gazing at her all dopey, and she gets self-conscious
- until Went is like “I don’t know why. You know I think you’re a songbird” and then grins and calls her Magpie. She says stop. He says, Maggie-pie? She throws a dishcloth at him but secretly loves it because she fell in love with how frank and practical he is most of the time, but also how silly he is only when it comes to her and Richie.
- he only calls her that when they’ve had one too many anyway, otherwise it’s all sweetheart, honey, darling, Mags. Marguerite, in Richie’s stupid French Waiter Voice. “Yes ma’am” for when he’s rearranging her guts. Maggie’s the one to call him “my love” the first time, but she said it kinda exaggerated and jokey, and Maggie just doesn’t joke the way Went and Richie do so Richie noticed the way his dad just cracked tf up and was like wow, Mom must be really, really funny
- so y’know how Richie calls Eddie “my love” in the book, and is generally quite physically affectionate? He picks all that up from his parents, watching their example. Wants to make Eddie laugh like that
- for some reason I always imagine she speaks like, French or Italian fluently. I’m stealing @honeyreynolds hc that her maiden name is Avery for Tex Avery, but maybe her own mother was European. She tries to speak French with Richie as a baby/toddler so that he’ll be bilingual, and she’s so proud/frustrated because he’s clearly smart and has a knack for linguistic imitation, but his attention span is just. Non existent
- still makes lil kid Richie giggle by doing exaggerated Italian and making him guess what she’s saying
- I think she’s pretty elegant and reserved and almost shy on the surface with a rly wry sense of humour, so people tend to think she’s snooty, but she’s just... so concerned with keeping the peace and not saying anything bad about someone. Tries to see the best in people. This can lead to a lot of embarrassment when Went is so upfront and medical-frank about stuff or if Richie’s being a dumbass in public, but really she just envies their typically masculine lack of inhibition
- this is because she’s got this killer wicked streak. Maggie’s got a hidden well of scathing diatribes and Went knows it because
- they met on a plane in 1971 when Maggie was flying back to college for her final semester of senior year, and the man in the seat next to her started having an attack of some kind. The stewardesses appeal desperately for any doctors on board, nobody answers. Anyone at all? We’ll have to land the plane! Maggie’s trying to slowly shift away from this man and his spasms without seeming rude when she hears a deep sigh in the seat behind her and someone saying “I’m ethically bound to admit I have a licence in dentistry,” in a voice like he’s in on some joke nobody else knows.
- this guy unfolds the longest legs she’s ever seen and comes to squat right next to her and her apparently dying seat partner, she notices he’s nice looking and keeps glancing at her, there’s banter. Eventually he shrugs and is like “imo this man has a bad case of wind.” And Maggie just TEARS Went a new one like oh nice diagnosis DOCTOR DENTIST where’s your seatside manner?!?! what kind of name is WENTWORTH anyway! and Went’s like 👀😳😍 and then the dying man lets out a giant fart and Maggie recoils, all her pretty poise and indignation turning to base disgust and Went bursts out laughing and offers her the seat next to him
- turns out his first residency is in the next town from Maggie’s college. She’s only dated preppy meatheads before who only ever tried to flatter her and stopped listening when she talked about her music theory degree or the books she likes. But Went always grins and side-eyes her and cranks the volume whenever Maggie May comes on the hits station, because then she’ll whack him with a book. She’s so SWEET he loves goading her into releasing some more of that plane rage, like one day she’s prowling on the edge of a rant about her TA and trying to be reasonable. Went’s like, do it. You’ll feel better. So she fuckin rants her head off for ten minutes until her hair’s all dark and wild like an Arthurian queen and she looks over at Went reclining all impressed on her dorm bed and he’s like. I have never been more in love in my life. Can you sit on my face and make fun of my name again
- so yeah they’re both like, quietly distinguished and outwardly calm model citizens of Derry but in private Went is the fuckin roastmaster and is Maggie’s outlet for frustration whenever housewife suburbia gets too much
- I always picture her as having dark and quite curled hair, sort of Lauren Bacall eyes, and she’s probably tall too. Like 5’8 to Went’s 6’0 or 6’1 which is why Richie turns out to be 6’2 lmao. A family of giants. Honestly the whole time I was writing the Dilfworth fic I was imagining Mary Elizabeth Winstead, that’s my early-30s Maggie that Went is so excited to come home he’s stocking up on condoms. God I bet she’s got some of those single dark beauty mark freckles on her stomach 🥵 Wears hats with big brims. Sundresses. Secretly likes to pretend she’s on a mysterious trip to Rome as she sits in the park watching Richie catch dragonflies. Maybe when she’s older and Richie’s a teenager she looks kinda like Olivia Williams, bc I’ve had a big milfy thing for her ever since she was the mother in the 2003 Peter Pan.
- most kids in Derry have a crush on either Richie’s mom or dad or both and this is unfortunately quite damaging to his self esteem, even though Maggie INSISTS he’s just so handsome. She hates seeing him so insecure
- she tried pot once in college and hated it. The only times she comes close to getting hammered is on book club wine because it’s the only way she can get through them asserting the female orgasm doesn’t exist, then she comes home mildly tipsy and joins in on Went and Richie’s raucous game of cards
- felt a bit left out when Richie was small, with how well Went was able to go along with the silliness. Went sees this and gets Richie to make up a game where she’s Queen Margaret of the Tozier Court and made Richie a knight. They all spoke in bad Medieval Voices all afternoon, and it becomes one of those super long-running family jokes, and Maggie still feels all happy inside whenever Queen Margaret comes up
- ruthless decision maker!!! She had to be, because Went’s so laidback he’s horizontal and is always like “idc what we do as long as you guys are chill” and Richie can’t concentrate long enough to pick what colour gumball he wants, so she has to be staff sargeant. They go to Disneyland and she’s like C’MON BOYS HUP HUP HUP and Went’s like “oh cripes son we’re being hustled!!” but they love it as much as she loves them doing what she says
- great cook because of her indeterminidely Mediterranean mother.
- she genuinely wants to understand Richie’s strangeness but is also stumped as to what to do to bond with him, since she can only think of things she’d do with a daughter. She WANTS to brush Richie’s curls and bake with him but she thinks he wouldn’t like it, so they stick with singing. Is delighted when Eddie very politely and very intensely asks for her help making Richie a birthday cake. She sees how different they are together, and remembers Richie coming home at 5 years old declaring he was gonna marry Eddie Kaspbrak when he grows up, and she thinks... well, if I must have a son-in-law, I would love this one as much as I love my son.
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stellar-alley · 4 years
Of Scales and Sea Glass
•Chapter 3•
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Eddie and his merman’s relationship evolves with the mer’s new found voice.)
Also shout out to @ambitiousskychild on tumblr for being my beta!
Eddie’s eyes went as wide as the full moon, his eyebrows had practically sky rocketed and his jaw hit the floor. 
When he finally gathered up the energy to speak, he couldn’t help the tone of his voice, it wasn't really angry…. It was just loud, “What the fuck! You kiss me and now you can speak?”
“Of course I can speak! Everyone can,” he shot back, his own voice growing louder to match Eddie’s. 
“But you had to kiss me to do it?” 
“Uh- yeah, I need saliva for the spell to work,” the merman said in a ‘well duh’ tone. 
“SPELL!?” Eddie’s stomach dropped. 
“Yeah! How do you think I just magically learned human-” But before the merman could continue, Eddie got to his feet. 
“I-I, I can’t do this,” he stammered. He could barely look at the fish in his tub, he rushed out of the bathroom, practically tripping as he tried to stand. 
“Oh come on cute ass!” He called after Eddie. 
Eddie hesitated as he stood at the top of the stairs, without missing a beat he flipped the fish off and left the house. He needed to get as far away from that thing as he could. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUck. fuCK. FUCK!
The only coherent thought he could create inside his head. 
It was a little ironic that he ended up standing on the beach when he wanted to escape his- the merman. 
His knees wobbled from beneath him, causing him to take a seat on the warm sand. 
He kissed me. 
Eddie couldn’t deny that he did kinda enjoy it. The way their lips moved, it was as if they were on the same wavelength, two jigsaw pieces finally clicked together. And Eddie hated it. 
He hated how much he enjoyed the kiss, he hated how much he’s grown used to his trashmouth, he hated how cute he was. What he hated most was that one day he’d have to go back into the ocean, to his home. The idea made Eddie sick to his stomach, and he knew why. As much as he hated to admit it, he had developed a crush on the scaly creature. It was just something about the way that Eddie was able to be himself when he was with the mer, how they made eachother laugh and smile. Even if it couldn’t talk! Eddie always felt at home when they were together, even if they were just sitting in silence. There was nowhere else he’d rather be.
After his realization struck, that’s when he noticed the hot tears that had begun to stream down his face. And it was all because he was crushing on a creature of the sea…
It took him a while, maybe even hours, to fully compose himself, but he did. When he did he tried so hard to think of things on the brighter side. 
“Okay… So it- he can talk. That’s great! We kissed, that’s great. Sure it felt like literal heaven on earth but that’s fine. It’s all fine. Fuck, well at least I can fianlly find out his goddamn name,” Eddie chuckled at that last bit. 
He still sat on the beach when his eyes finally returned to their normal look, after crying. His hands had found their place in the sand by his side, mindlessly digging and tossing the sand. He stopped when he felt something hard in his grasp. He glanced to the side and saw something sticking out of the sand where his hand had just been. Eddie picked it up and held it up. The sun shined down on the small piece of sea glass Eddie held. 
The stone brought a smile to his face and a memory to mind. He remembered the mer’s glasses, how their lenses were made out of some sort of sea glass, how eager the mer was to finally see the world, see Eddie.
“Scales and sea glass,” Eddie smiled and pocketed the stone, finally ready to go back inside. 
Eddie walked with his back straight and his chin high, he marched into his house and up the stairs into the bathroom. The merman stirred, turning to watch as the human stopped in front of the tub.
“Hi, I’m Eddie Kaspbrak.” He introduced himself and stuck his hand out. He mimicked the fish and made a little grabbing motion with his fingers. He smiled halfheartedly. “Give me your hand. It’s how us- humans introduce ourselves.”
The merman silently raised his hand out of the water and placed it inside Eddie’s. It was a little awkward with the webbed fingers and the claws, but it was still something. 
“I’m Richie. Richie Tozier.” The merman, Richie, smiled, glad to see his human didn’t look completely mortified like he did before. 
Eddie smiled, Richie Tozier, I like the sound of that. 
The next few days were interesting. Now everyday when Eddie walked into the bathroom he was greeted by his merman, Richie, who he learned had a love for talking, and had a trashmouth, of course. Constantly joking about fucking moms and doing crack (how did he know about cracK? Eddie will never know). Although they fell into a groove, that was their constant bickering, they also began subtle flirting with each other, something Eddie wasn't sure if Richie meant in a platonic way, or if he shared the same feelings that Eddie did. 
“Okay so you’re telling me that this kid- Peter?” Richie asks. 
“Peter,” Eddie confirmed, a ghost smile on his lips. 
“So Peter gets bits by a tiny tiny spider and suddenly he gets powers? How the hell does that work?” Richie had his chin resting on the edge of the tub, looking down at the comic book Eddie was reading for him. 
Eddie laughed, something he seems to be doing a lot of now that Richie can talk, “How the hell am I supposed to know? It’s like you and your powers-” Eddie ducked his head, raised his hand and flicked Richie’s forehead, “Aqua man,” he smirked. 
“Oh I am so not Aquaman. I’m more of a…. Batman, ya know? Cool and mysterious,” Richie smiled into the distance. 
Eddie laughed, like hard. 
“HEY! I can be mysterious! I was a myth to your kind for the longest fucking time,” Richie nodded his head proudly. 
“No, you jackass. You’re so not cool.” Eddie looked over at Richie, he blushed when he saw Richie was already staring at him. 
“Fuck I hate this stuff,” Eddie almost gagged as he shoved another mussel into his mouth. 
“Then why do you eat it?” Richie asked, mouth full of fish. Eddie grimaced slightly then swallowed the food in his mouth. 
“‘Cause I gotta start eating fish at one fucking point,” Eddie twirled another forkfull of pasta, shoving it in his mouth, then putting a couple mussels in there as well, at least if he mixed it up then he wouldn’t taste them as much. 
With Eddie buying so much fish for Richie (plus Richie gave him hell for not liking fish), he decided he might as well try to get accustomed to it as well. So he started off small, mixing seafood into his normal meals and such, tonight was pasta and mussels in a white wine sauce. Eddie had learned that he was actually a pretty good cook. 
“What even is that?” Richie gestured to the pasta with a clawed finger. 
Eddie twirled another forkful, added a mussel then held it out to Richie. The mer smiled at the gesture and opened his mouth. He chewed, swallowed and smiled. 
“Damn, Eds! That’s good!” Richie hollered.
“How many times do I have to tell you-” Eddie started. 
“Don’t call me Eds, I’m too cute for my own good… blah, blah, blah” Richie mimicked Eddie’s voice. The compliment sent a warm feeling through Eddie’s chest as he glanced away. 
“It’s spaghetti by the way,” Eddie said shyly. 
Richie cocked an eyebrow, “Spajetti?”. 
“Spa-get-ti” Eddie giggled as he over pronounced the word. 
“Spaghetti?” Richie asked. 
“Spaghetti.” Eddie confirmed, a small proud smile on his lips. 
“Eddie Spaghetti?” Richie inquired, eyebrows raised. 
Eddie’s eyes went wide, “No, no, no,noooo. Please don’t start calling me that,” Eddie begged, but there’s no sorrow in his voice, just pure amusement. 
“Whatever you say Spagheds,” Richie winked. 
“God I hate you,” Eddie laughed. 
Richie let out a little happy huff of air through his nose as his gaze fell on Eddie, “I hate you too”. 
Richie’s life changed drastically the day he got caught up in that storm and washed up inside of Eddie’s pool. Sure it was a big change from what he was usually used to, which was aimlessly floating around the ocean, but now he got to aimlessly spend his days inside of a cute boy’s bath tub. And he’s really cute. Cute, cute, cute…
The morning light came in through the bathroom window, directly onto Richie’s face. His eyes fluttered open, immediately scanning his blurry surroundings. 
Shit, glasses. 
Richie leaned over the side of the tub and aimlessly felt around for his glasses which he always took off before he fell asleep, in fear of them somehow breaking in his sleep. His fingers brushed over the glasses, so he flicked his fingers and got his claws out, which gave his fingers a little bit more length. With that, he was able to slide his glasses closer to him. He grabbed them and put them on. The world cleared around him. He let out a sigh as he moved his hands to rest behind his head with his elbows out. He watched the morning sunlight dance over his blue scales, the light reflected onto the ceiling, creating a trippy design on the bathroom ceiling. 
Richie’s head snapped to the side when he heard the door creak open, and in walked a very tired-looking Eddie. 
“Good morning, my dearest Eddie, and how’s thy doing on this fine morning?” Richie asked in a british accent. Eddie took a seat on the closet toilet.
“Morning Trashmouth,” Eddie smirked as he sat down beside him on the floor instead of the toilet (it was something Eddie had started to do more ad Richie loved it). Eddie glanced over at Richie, fatigue still glazed over his eyes, his hair all disheveled. “I barely got any sleep, again,” Eddie sighed and rubbed his temples. 
“Nightmares?” This was something Richie had grown used to, Eddie's nightmares usually revolved around his parents’ death, or the ocean.
Richie reached out (his claws retracted) and pushed a loose strand of golden brown hair behind Eddie’s ear. He left his hand cupping Eddie’s cheek. Eddie’s hand soon drifted up to rest upon the mer’s. He leaned into Richie’s touch. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Richie asked, comforting Eddie. 
“No… Rich, it's the same as always,” Eddie looked over at Richie, just the sight of his merman made Eddie's chest warm and his palms all sweaty. 
“What if, one day, we go out to the beach and I-I can try to help you swim?” Richie knew it was a crazy idea, he wasn't even sure how Eddie would get him there, but he knew one day he'd have to go back. He didn't like thinking about the day he'd have to leave Eddie. So he was determined to make every moment count. Richie also couldn't stand to see Eddie so terrified of the wafer, so he might as well try to help. 
Eddie’s eyes went wide for a second, “Me? In the water? Remember last time that happened?” The two recalled the first day they met, when Eddie fell into the pool, and Richie saved him. 
“We’ll take it slow,” Richie assured. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Eddie let out a little chuckle, he really liked how much Richie cared for him, it made him feel safe. “Well, until then, how does breakfast sound?” Eddie slowly pulled Richie’s hand off of his cheek, but kept holding on until he stood. 
“Sounds great,” Richie grinned and winked as Eddie left to go get the food. 
The two ate together and talked like usual. Eddie explained his plans for the day ahead. His friend Mike had something, called a cat? Richie wasn't sure what that was but apparently it had babies and Eddie and his group were going to see them. Richie wasn't too sure what was gonna happen, but Eddie seemed excited, so he was happy. 
The bell rang throughout the house, Eddie had told him how it meant someone was at his front door. “Shit, that’s Bill. I gotta go Rich, see you later?” He asked even though he knew the answer. He grabbed the plates and containers and stood to leave. 
“I won’t be going anywhere,” Richie smirked, he blew Eddie a kiss before the human left. 
The merman knew it was stupid to crush on a human. Everyone always told him how humans were sinister monsters who’d skin him and eat him, or rip off his tail and leave him to die. But everything changed when he met Eddie. His human was sweet and gentle, sure a little worrisome and asthmatic, but he cared for Richie, more than anyone ever has before. So of course it was easy to fall for him, especially since he was so cute. I mean, come on! Look at him, that little face. And his cute ass! 
When Eddie was gone, Richie tried his best to keep himself entertained. Sometimes he’d talk to Goldy, but that fish was pretty quiet and he found Richie annoying. He’d read the comics Eddie left him, well it was more Richie just admiring the pictures as he had yet to understand human writing. Eddie would also leave the little music player for Richie to use and tune to his pleasure, a radio was it? Whatever it was, Richie liked the music, and after a couple days he began to recognize the songs and then when he heard a song he knew he’d get all excited and try to sing along. After he’d usually fool around with his powers, play with the water and stuff without making too much of a mess. But the best part of any day was always when Eddie returned home to him. 
“Edwardo is that you?” Richie called out to Eddie. 
“No it’s a burglar! Yes of course it’s me!” Richie could hear the smile in Eddie’s voice as he bounded up the stairs. 
“Hey Eds,” Richie smiled, relieved to see him again. 
“Hey yourself, Trashmouth” Eddie entered the bathroom, ruffled Richie’s hair then took a seat on the floor beside him. 
“How were the tittens?” Richie asked excitedly. 
Eddie giggled. “You mean Kittens?”. 
“What now?” Richie’s brow furrowed. 
“Kittens, I went to go see baby cats today, here, look,” Eddie whipped out his phone and showed Richie some pics of the babies. 
“So you can take uh-” Richie waved his hand around, grasping for the right word, “Photos? Photos with that?” he asked. 
“Yeah, er-here” Eddie clicked a couple things then turned the phone to Richie. 
“Woah,” Richie gaped as he stared at himself in the selfie cam. “Take photos of me!” He begged happily. 
Eddie rolled his eyes playfully as Richie struck a pose. “You’re such a drama queen.” He giggled as he snapped a couple pics. Eddie took enough photos so just started a video. 
“I know right?” Richie smirked and magically flicked some water at Eddie. 
“Hey!” he giggled. Eddie turned the camera around so he could see himself as he sat back down beside Richie. “Say hi,” he suggested as Richie leaned forward.
“Hey guys, Richie Tozier here,” Richie announced in a TV announcer voice. “Here with me today is the adorable Edwardo Kaspbrak.” He pinched Eddie’s cheek. 
Eddie swatted his hand away, “That’s not my name dickwad,” he mused.
“I know but you love it so much,” Richie smirked. 
“I really don’t.”
“But I know what you do like,” Richie claimed and kissed Eddie’s cheek. 
The sudden show of affection nearly caused Eddie to drop his phone. His heart was racing and his stomach was full of butterflies. He ended the video and slid the phone back into his pocket. 
“Ew gross, fish germs.” He tried to hide his embarrassment as he wiped his cheek with the back of his hand. 
“Oh come on Eddie, you love me,” Richie dragged out the O. 
Eddie stood up and glanced out the door, quickly he changed the subject. “You hungry for some dinner? I can make you some pasta if you want?” he asked. 
“The only pasta I need is you, Spaghetti,” Richie smiled happily. 
“God, you’re such a sap,” Eddie sighed as he walked out of the room. 
“Ha! I don’t even know what sap means!” Richie called out after Eddie. 
Eddie made the same pasata he had from a couple nights ago. Though he wasn't the biggest fan of the mussels, he did enjoy the white sauce it was in. He made the pasta and put his on a plate, then added some more fish to Richie’s and put it in a bowl. 
They ate dinner together and joked around like usual. When the sky grew dark and the moon came out, Eddie let out a yawn. 
“Well, that’s my cue. I’m gonna go to bed,” Eddie said, stretching. 
“Okay,” Richie looked a little disappointed, even though he too was about to fall asleep. He never seemed to get enough time with Eddie. 
“Goodnight trashmouth,” Eddie leaned over and kissed Richie’s forehead. The gesture acted as a way of payback for the little stunt Richie pulled during that video. Eddie could visibly see Richie blush as he looked up at him with those big blue eyes. 
“Goodnight Eds.”
“That’s not my name!” Eddie smirked, turning to leave.
“Wait-Eds, I’ve been meaning to ask, what does that button do?” Richie pointed to a small red button above the main water controls of the tub. 
Eddie yawned and waved his hand around, “It doesn't matter, Rich. Just please don’t touch it…. Goodnight.”
Richie stared at the doorway as he watched Eddie leave. Well shit, now i’ve gotta test it out. Richie’s mind was slipping in and out of sleep as he poked the button with the tip of his tail fin. Sadly sleep took him away before he could see what it did.
Word Count: 3072
AH GUYS I ADORED THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH! Richie and Eddie are just so cute and chaotic. But damn y'all aren't even ready to see what happens next chapter OMG. On that note, I will see all of you next monday where you find out what the red button does. Until then... So Long and Goodnight
@richietoaster @s-onora @that-weird-girl-blog @beproudtozier @ghostnebula @bellarosewrites @s-s-georgie @lermanslogan @iamcupcakefrosting @madidraw @gazebobullshit @thoughtfullyyoungduck @aangzukos @ambitiousskychild @reddieonwheels @breadheadscorpius @opinions-you-didnt-ask-for @faz-se
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
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weareloserstogether · 4 years
I uh couldn’t stop thinking about this
I re-blogged a post a while ago that gave me a soulmate idea and i just couldn’t stop thinking so here’s a very short and kinda skippy one shot i had to make with the idea (it is quite skippy but i made it in like a day, might make a more detailed version of this on a later date with more characters and such)
Eddie was in his room, staring at the ceiling of his room as he twirled the unmagnetized half-circle of steel between his fingers. Eddie could hear his mom in the area below his haven, listening to the TV and most likely asleep in her lazy boy.
Eddie always wondered who his soulmate was, who would hold his hand and make his half-circle magnetize. He took a look at his bracelet before letting it fall with a sigh. He was already 16 years old and hadn't found the one met for him yet, and it weighed down on him.
After a few thoughts, Eddie let himself fall asleep with the same uneasy feeling that he had every night.
The next morning he woke up and started his same routine. He started with a shower, washing his hair with both shampoo and conditioner and stepping out once he was clean. He would stand in front of his mirror and look at his body to make sure he was staying a good weight. Once Eddie was done, he kissed his bracelet and hoped for a good day.  
Eddie dried his hair, pushing his fingers through his hair to get the right style for the day, combing it and re-styling it again. Before putting on his clothes, which were just his usual Tee and shorts. 
Eddie took one last glance at himself before heading out of the bathroom towards the bottom floor. His mother had made the food for him and set it on the table, but she was nowhere to be seen. Eddie assumed she was already sitting in her chair, seated in front of the TV, and he would be correct. "Morning, Mommy" He smiled to his mother, and she nodded back with a similar smile, "good morning, Eddiebear; how was your sleep, sweetie?" Eddie shrugged to this but decided not to say anything about it. His mother nodded and kept the same smile plastered on her face.
This conversation went on for a little before she insisted Eddie eat before school. Eddie had given her a slight nod as he began eating half the food off his plate. Once the 5’ something boy finished eating that half of the food his mother had prepared for him, he began to leave the house with his small backpack that slung around his shoulders effortlessly. Eddie got about 20 steps from his home before getting bumped into by some fucking asshole who wasn’t looking where he was going “Fucking watch it!” Eddie yelled out without thinking, wanting to hide in a hole afterwards since he knew he could easily get beat up by anyone who came across him. Eddie fought the fear and looked up to the other that had bumped into him in the first place, immediately knowing who it was that decided to talk “shit man, sorry. You alright?” It was that fucking Trashmouth that many people had hated back in elementary (Except those two kids named Stan and Bill that seemed to enjoy him quite a bit despite his non-stop talking) Eddie nodded and looked at the hand that the male in front of him outstretched to him. This person didn’t seem to wear his bracelet. It was odd to him, but he didn’t see the need to think about it “are… you sure? You’ve been staring at my hand for a good little bit there,” Trashmouth spoke with a chuckled. “Yeah… yeah, I’m fine” he nodded and grabbed his hand, almost immediately hoisted up to his feet by the relatively taller male. Eddie was quite astonished by the strength of a teenager who was only a year older than him. The Trashmouth that stood in front of him was quite good looking, Eddie had thought to himself as he glanced up and down the form of him. When they were younger, Eddie had seen him messing around, and it always caught his eyes, but he was never allowed to hang out with those ‘rowdy kids that’ll get you hurt Eddiebear’ hearing his moms’ words in his head made him feel weird. He admired the way Richie seemed careless, and like all the world, just rotated around him. Eddie was pulled out of his state when Richie petted his hair and smiled, “I’ll be careful not to bump into you next time, Eddie?” Eddie nodded to this, which caused Richie to smile “right, well, See ya, Eds!” he waved and walked away with a bright hop in each step he took
Stan and Bill, who had been smiling the whole time and looking as if there was a joke somewhere in the words Eddie and Richie were sharing that Eddie wasn’t getting, were pushing Richie along and brightly laughing, knowing some Eddie didn’t. Richie looked back at him with a soft smile, almost like he didn’t want to stop looking at Eddie. Eddie shook these thoughts and sighed, ‘There’s no way Richie, the loudest and irritating kid in school, would linger on Eddie of all people.’ 
These words that Eddie told himself were far from the truth, which he would soon find out. See, Richie had been lingering on Eddie probably his whole life. Still, he thought that Eddie would never want to talk to a Trashmouth like him, so he just watched from afar until this day and damn...now that Richie had a taste of talking to this sweet boy, The Trashmouth would damn himself to hell if he didn’t continue. 
Even though Eddie thought that Richie would never like him, he wanted more than anything to check if his bracelet had magnetized from their hands, closing contact with each other. Eddie finally got his thoughts out of his head and grabbed his things, walking to the school that he now had another reason for liking.
That day had started an event that happened every single day before school, and then during school and slowly every minute of the day that Eddie was free, Richie was there.
They became best friends, inseparable. Eddie was brought into Richies’ group and loved every second of being there. Today was the middle of summer, and Richie brought Eddie to get some ice cream, and Eddie finally brought it up. “Hey...Richie, why don’t you wear your bracelet?” He asked, lifting his ice cream cone and pointing to the bracelet, that slid a bit down his arm from the movement, with the other hand. Richie looked down at this and shrugged, “I don’t think it has much of a purpose, plus what if my soulmate isn’t the one I love now? Do I have to wait and go through not being with the one I want?” He asked questions that Eddie hadn’t thought about before, “I guess you’re right, though I’d like to know the person I love will be with me for our lifetime,” Richie nodded, understanding what he meant. Eddie had been thinking about if Richie was meant to be his soulmate for a long time now, but since Richie didn’t wear his bracelet...he wouldn’t know ever. Richie saw the look on Eddies’ face and sighed, “I can wear it tomorrow if you like? Maybe we are soulmates, Eddie Spaghetti” Richie spoke with a smirk on his face that Eddie kinda loved, but he glared at him “yeah, right, that’s fucking stupid.” Eddie licked his ice cream, secretly enjoying the idea of holding the others hand and their magnets clicking together. Richie chuckled and again had the idea that if they didn’t click, he would officially stop looking for a good and stay with Eddie because he finally knew that Richie loved him, and he really couldn’t give a fuck.
The rest of the day, they were together was filled with banter and just all-around fun times that Eddie would look back on and smile to himself while trying to fall asleep.
Once Richie had let the other back to his house at curfew, Richie sighed, “I was serious earlier, Eddie” He looked at him and smiled softly, waving and walking home, leaving Eddie to wonder what he was serious about all night long.
It had been two months since then, and neither of has had mentioned that day again, Richie was too scared to find out the truth, so he just kept his bracelet in his room, in the drawer that it had been in since the beginning of middle school. Though today was the day before school would start and Richie decided he should find out. He already got dressed and tried to brush out his hair today, though it didn’t quite work. He deep dived in his sock drawer and pulling out the fucking bracelet that he had wished didn’t exist for years. Richie put it on the wrist; he would always hold Eddies’ hand with if he ever fell or wanted contact. He put it under his sleeve so no one would see it and walked out of his room for the day, anxiety whirring through his stomach, making him want to puke and stay home today, but he knew Eddie wouldn’t want to be with him if he wasn’t his soulmate.
For the last day, all the Losers were meeting in the clubhouse out in the woods. Some additions were made to it since Eddie had joined like beanbag chairs, new lighting fixtures and some end tables that were used for things like an ashtray and a lamp that was never on, only put there for design. 
Bev and Richie just got back from smoking, and all Richie could think about was the bracelet that wrapped around his elbow from the sleeve, moving it up more and more as the day went on. Richie had told Bev his plan, and her reaction to that was getting quite excited and chanting random old elementary songs that were written from the idea of the bracelet. Richie’s eyes planted on Eddie, sitting in the hammock with a comic in his hands that Richie had been reading the day before. Richie sighed and walked up to Eddie, leaning against the post “let me in” He stretched the side of the hammock and Eddie got scared by this at first but chuckled and nodded “I’m not stopping you, Richie.” Richie got into the hammock without a second thought, not without trouble, of course, but he didn’t mind that. Richie just sat and grabbed a comic. Richies’ legs were quite long actually; they reached Eddies’ shoulders when lying on the hammock, so he liked to get in without shoes and put them under the younger boys back. The time went by past, and Richie hadn’t touched Eddie’s hand the whole day, he was scared. 
Most of the losers had left, leaving only Mike, Bev, and Ben in the clubhouse with the two boys lounging on the hammock. Bev finally got up and smiled, “alright! I’ve got to go home, and Mike is the only one with a car, so let’s go” Bev reached out her hand to Ben, and when Ben took her hand, their magnets connected. They had found out they were soulmates since the two met, and they truly loved each other, it was amazing to see. Unlike them, Mike had been actively avoiding the group leaders, Bill,  hand since he was brought into the group since he was scared they weren’t meant to be, but maybe if Riche and Eddie were meant for each other, he would try. Bev had pushed the two out of the clubhouse, earning a little pout from Eddie and a slight nervous stare from Richie. Bev winked to Richie and waved, “bye, boys!”
Once the hatch of the clubhouse closed, the room filled with silence. A thick, dense thing that would only leave if Richie spoke, so he did, “Do you have your bracelet on today?” Richie asked, knowing the answer, Eddie never too it off “Yeah. why?” He asked, and Richie shook his head, “can...can, I see?” He asked, hoping that if this didn’t work, Eddie wouldn’t realize. So, Richie reached out. He started with taking his small finger in his hand, and slowly he passed his hand, grabbing the bracelet and bringing his write towards himself. Eddie looked confused but leaned towards him. Richie knew that it would only magnetize the half circles when they held hands entirely, but Richie wanted to make it an intimate moment. Once Eddie was leaned up and just staring at Richie, he started talking, asking him why he was doing this with small laughs. Richie then moved his hand down, caressing his hand to his own and intertwining their hands together, and that’s when he felt it, a surge of energy, something that he knew Eddie felt just by looking into his eyes. Before Richie could speak, the bracelet travelled down his arm, connecting his magnet to Eddies, creating a full circle of intricate designs that describes their own personalities “fuck…” Richie trailed off, and neither of them knew what to say, but Richie smiled. This was the moment he had wanted for years, and that only grew as they got to know each other. 
Eddie didn’t believe what was happening. Their circles were connected, held tight to each other, “Richie...are we?” He asked in a hopeful voice, Richie not speaking for a moment before nodding. A huge smile broke out onto his face “yeah” They both smiled to each other in disbelief, and Eddie finally made a move to hug Richie, laying his body between his legs and wrapping his arms around his waist and snuggling in close. Richie chuckled, “Jesus Eds; you can’t be this cute” Eddie looked up at him and laughed before adding a pout to his face which was cracking due to the urge to laugh and smile. 
Richie smiled down at him. He kept their hands together, taking his other hand and lifting his face to his own and planting a kiss to the other’s lips leaving Eddie to kiss back if he pleased, which he did. They stayed like that for hours, talking and laughing, not caring about the time.
The next day they went to school hand in hand, their magnets attached, walking to the Losers and smiling, Richie making it quite apparent by holding their hands up. The group smiled ever bright and congratulated them, bringing them both into tight hugs, the whole time keeping their hand interlocked, sharing looks that could only be described as love.
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Hey Romeo (Richie Tozier X Reader)
WC: 2181
Warnings: language, kinda sexual thoughts/comments, alcohol
Summary: Every time Richie went to tell Y/N how he felt he just couldn’t do it, but maybe things might change.
A/N: I hope y’all like this one, bc it is Cute. Also sorry if it’s a bit shit in parts, I wrote it on an airplane while being Very sleep deprived.
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“Richard you are meant to be on in fifteen minutes, what are you doing?” Y/N asked, clutching a clipboard in one hand with the other on her hip. Y/N and Richie had been friends since college, and she now worked very closely with him, essentially acting as his manager.
“I’m just feeling a little out of it right now, Y/N. Got some stuff on my mind, you know.” Richie said, and Y/N sighed, briefly checking her watch before sitting down next to Richie, giving him a sincere smile.
“Rich, I’ve known you for like fifteen years. You know you can tell me anything, right?” Y/N said, and Richie nodded, taking in a deep breath.
“So what’s on your mind, and please don’t bullshit me. You know I can see through you like glass.” Y/N said, gently resting a hand on his knee as a means of reassuring and calming him. Unfortunately for Richie, it had the opposite effect.
See, the thing that was on Richie’s mind was the intense feelings he had for the woman sitting next to him. His best friend of fifteen years, roommate of ten and the woman who currently had her very soft, very warm hand on his knee. He wished he would stop feeling like a fucking schoolboy who got flustered if his crush so much as looked at him, but the feeling of Y/N’a hand on his knee was really speeding up his heart rate.
“It’s uh, it’s nothing much. Just nerves and stuff.” Richie said, and Y/N gave him a look that screamed ‘I call bullshit’ but she simply sighed, rubbing her thumb along his jean-clad knee.
“You’re going to knock them dead, Richie. Trust me.” Y/N said kindly, her warm eyes almost turning Richie’s insides to mush.
“You know I do, Y/N/N. Thank you.” He said, trying to keep his voice as even as he could manage. Y/N stood up, and Richie nearly let out an audible whine at the loss of warmth and contact.
“Any time Tozier, now go get em, tiger.” Y/N said, patting his back as he walked past her to the door. As soon as his hand touched the doorknob, he felt a wave of courage and he turned around, taking in another deep breath.
“Hey Y/N?” He said, and the girl let out a hum of acknowledgement as she turned to face him. Every bone in Richie’s body was screaming ‘JUST TELL HER!’ and he was about to, his mouth open to tell her how he felt but he was cut off by Y/N swearing loudly, looking at her watch before moving like a whirlwind, shoving Richie out of the dressing room towards the stage.
“Whatever it is you wanted to tell me, it can wait until after the show Rich. Go out there and kill it, ok?” Y/N said, smiling as Richie nodded eagerly, adjusting his glasses slightly.
“Break a leg Richie.” Y/N said before turning and walking away, and Richie couldn’t help but curse himself for making his last thought before going on stage be how good Y/N’s ass looked in that skirt she was wearing.
“Fuck Richie, can you help me with the groceries? My arms are just about to fall off.” Y/N called, bumping the front door open with her hip because of how full her arms were with bags of groceries.
Richie jumped up from his spot on the couch, immediately rushing past Y/N and out to her car. He grabbed as many bags as he could muster and barrelled back into the apartment, nearly spilling everything when he put the bags down.
“Ok, I think that’s everything. Hell yeah! Well done team.” Y/N said, high fiving Richie who spontaneously burst into laughter.
“Why are you laughing? What the fuck did I do?” Y/N said, pulling an iced tea out of the fridge and taking a sip as Richie pulled himself together.
“Well done team? You sound like a soccer mom after her stupid kid’s soccer game. You don’t say ‘well done team’ in response to anything unless you’re a soccer mom or a middle-aged white dad.” Richie said, wiping tears away from his eyes as Y/N huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I do not sound like a soccer mom, you asshole! That was very rude and very mean of you.” Y/N said indignantly, like an annoyed toddler on the verge of throwing a tantrum.
“Now you sound like a pissed off little kid. This is just too good.” Richie said, and his heart felt a little bit fuller at the sight of an annoyed Y/N. She always got pouty when she was annoyed, and he thought it was adorable.
“I’m gonna strangle you.” Y/N muttered, causing Richie to let out another laugh as he straightened up slightly.
“I’d like to see you and your itty bitty legs try, Y/L/N. I doubt you could reach even on your tip toes.” Richie taunted, crossing his arms as he watched Y/N’s eyes narrow.
“Oh it’s on, Tozier.” Y/N said under her breath before suddenly running at Richie and jumping. Richie panicked, his hands instantly going to her waist as her legs wrapped around his waist.
“How’s this for not being able to reach, tall ass?” Y/N said, laughing maniacally at the incredibly confused look on Richie’s face.
In truth, the look on Richie’s face was part confusion, part panic at the fact that Y/N was so close to him and god did her legs feel good wrapped around his waist. He had to stop his thoughts from wandering too much due to their close proximity. He couldn’t make it any more awkward than it needed to be.
“Why?” Richie said, his eyes wide and his voice higher than usual, and Y/N just giggled.
“Firstly, I wanted to prove to you that I could, in fact, reach your neck and secondly, I wanted to see the look on your face when I threw myself at you. So it was a victory for me on both fronts.” Y/N said, a smug grin on her face.
They both took in a deep breath, and suddenly the playful energy of before had melted into something a little more tense. Richie swallowed, trying not to stare too much at Y/N’s face that was so very close to his own.
“Look Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you.” Richie said, and he could feel his heart start to beat ridiculously quickly. He really hoped that Y/N couldn’t hear or feel it.
“Fire away Richie.” Y/N said, and it seemed that by looking so deeply into Y/N’s eyes Richie was suddenly filled with panic and anxiety.
“Oh um, it’s just that I need to start writing stuff for the new tour so would you be able to put the groceries away?” Richie said, hating himself as soon as those words left his mouth.
Y/N looked confused but she nodded, dropping away from Richie’s body and out of his hold. “Sure, Rich.” She said, furrowing her eyebrows slightly but obliging his request.
Richie walked away feeling incredibly stupid, having wasted another opportunity to tell Y/N about how he felt.
That’s nil to Tozier, two to all consuming anxiety and panic. Great.
“I really think we need to celebrate! The end of your very successful tour is a momentous occasion.” Y/N said, kicking off her heels as her and Richie entered the apartment.
“Sure. One glass of champagne couldn’t hurt. Pour up, my dear.” Richie said, causing a cheer to erupt from Y/N’s lips as she pulled out two glasses and opened the champagne, much to Richie’s delight.
The promised one glass of champagne turned into closer to four or five, and soon Y/N and Richie were dancing around the kitchen like maniacs, shouting the lyrics to Another One Bites The Dust with no style or class.
“We should really get drunk together more often. It’s so fun!” Y/N said, giggling at Richie’s enthusiastic nod.
“I love it! I haven’t felt this loose in forever. I don’t think I’ve listened to Queen in ages but here we are.” He said, throwing his arms up in the air in a gesture that showed how relaxed he was, apparently.
The giggle subsided slightly as the song changed from the upbeat Queen song to a slower Elton John number. Richie was pretty sure it was Your Song, one of Y/N’s favourites. He looked over to see Y/N smiling widely, swaying to herself and mumbling the lyrics under her breath.
Richie took a seat on the stool near the breakfast bar, trying his hardest to ignore the butterflies that were filling his stomach. He had since given up on trying to tell Y/N how he felt, because not only did he chicken out every time, he was 90 per cent sure she didn’t feel the same way.
However, all of his heart strings were being tugged by the sight of Y/N dancing in their shared kitchen, and suddenly Richie was pulled from his thoughts by Y/N calling his name.
“Richie, dance with me. Please?” She said, making grabby hands towards him with puppy dog eyes and Richie groaned, carefully getting off the stool and walking over to Y/N, who now looked very pleased with herself.
She gave him a dopey smile which Richie mirrored as his hands slowly made their way around her waist. Y/N rested her head against his chest, placing her hand on his upper back around his shoulders. She grasped at the fabric of his shirt, balling it up in her firsts as they swayed.
Y/N murmured something into Richie’s chest, and he pulled a confused face, knowing that she said something but not what she said. “What was that Y/N?” He asked, and she pulled away from his chest to look up at him with an emotion on her face that could only be described as adoration.
“I love you Richie. I know I’m drunk and you’re drunk but I don’t give a shit. I love you so much and I just really wanted to tell you so, yeah. There it is.” Y/N said, gaining more confidence as she spoke.
Richie’s eyes widened at Y/N’s words, looking at her dumbfounded once she had stopped speaking. He would struggle to process this sober, let alone drunk, but slowly things fell into place and Richie’s face lit up in an electric smile.
“Wait, so you’re saying you love me? Like romantically, like you’d want to be my girlfriend?” Richie said excitedly, smiling like a madman as Y/N nodded.
“Yeah idiot, that’s what it means when someone says they love you. I wanna date you and kiss you and shit.” Y/N said, causing Richie to let out an almost girlish giggle.
“You wanna kiss me?” Richie said and Y/N nodded enthusiastically, burying her head in the crook of Richie’s neck bashfully.
“Then what are you waiting for Y/L/N? Kiss me.” Richie said, placing a finger under Y/N’s chin and lifting her head so they were making direct eye contact. Y/N gave Richie a loving smile before leaning up and closing the gap between them.
Maybe it was the alcohol and maybe it was just how long they’d both waited for it, but the kiss was incredible. Y/N noted that Richie tasted like champagne and something else that she couldn’t quite place, and neither of them wanted to pull away. Richie was almost in heaven, and he was convinced that Y/N was made for him, because her body fit perfectly against his and so did her lips.
When they did pull away Richie’s eyes were still closed, and Y/N giggled as she looked at his blissed-out face. “Hey Romeo, you can open your eyes now.” Y/N said, and Richie instantly opened his eyes, sending Y/N an apologetic smile.
“Can we go to bed? I’m so tired and I just wanna sleep. I did, after all, conclude a very successful stand up tour tonight.” Richie said, an almost whiny quality to his voice as he spoke, running his hands up and down Y/N’a arms.
“On one condition: I get the left side of the bed.” Y/N said and Richie chuckled, nodding his head as he took Y/N’a hand and walked to his bedroom. Y/N shed her dress and immediately moved to Richie’s wardrobe, pulling out an old t-shirt that was huge on her. Richie simply took off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in his boxers.
“Hey.” Y/N said once she was in bed, facing Richie.
“Hi.” He replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Y/N rolled over onto her side, and Richie followed suit by wrapping his arms around her waist, pressing his chest into her back.
“I love you Richie, can’t say it enough.” Y/N said, and Richie pressed a soft kiss to her neck in response.
“I love you too Y/N. Goodnight.” Richie whispered, his breath raising the hairs on Y/N’s neck in the best way.
As they drifted off to sleep, Y/N felt more comfortable than she ever had, and she decided that maybe she belonged in Richie’s arms.
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reddie-fangirl24 · 5 years
Meeting (A Reddie/Titanic Crossover)
NOTE: This is for @itfandomprompts Today’s prompt is Crossover. I have been thinking about a Reddie/Titanic scenario for a while. Let me know what you think of this piece. Maybe I will write more. Enjoy!
Running down the decks of the Titanic, his shoes beating against the hardwood, Eddie sobbed. He inadvertently shoved passed other passengers, only angering them. Not one asked if he was okay. A man of his age shouldn’t be crying. Nobody cared! That’s how his life had always been. Eddie just ran, trudging up and down stairwells to other parts of the ship, not going to stop until there was nowhere else to run.
Puffing a gust of smoke, Richie relaxed as he lounged on the third class steerage deck. He needed to get away from it all. Despite being an extrovert who loved to be surrounded by people, Richie enjoyed time alone. Come to think of it, he hadn’t been alone for a long time. Besides, Stanley had eyes for that Patty woman who he met just this morning. And he was the one who said that love, at first sight, didn’t exist. 
Staring up at the stars, this all still didn’t feel real. Richie felt as if he’d wake up, back out on the cold, lonely streets of England. It had been years since his parents died. They were 40. Like he was now. No, that was not going to happen to him. He made a promise to his ailing mother to live his best life. He was going to do just that.
Shaking his mind out of those thoughts, Richie needed to wake up to the fact that he was on the Titanic. He was sailing back home to America. There... well, maybe things would get better. For a reason he could never understand, they were never okay. He just had to learn the hard way that living in England was not the right life for him.
 Nobody had a sense of humor for a comedian... struggling comedian, like him. At least people admired his drawings. 
Just then, Richie heard someone. They quickly ran by, sounding as if they were crying. Sitting up on the bench, Richie noticed a familiar man disappear around a corner.
Eddie ran into the stern’s flagpole, grasping it to hold himself steady, and catch his breath. Taking out his inhaler, he took a breath. It didn’t make him feel better. Hot tears soaked his face.
Picking his head up, Eddie’s eyes hooked onto the Atlantic Ocean slowly moving through the sea. Feeling drawn to it, Eddie slowly paced the last of the deck, until he was gripping the railings on the very end of the Titanic.
“Honestly, Eddie, you’re hardly even a man! Why don’t you grow a backbone... or-or something!”
Or something. 
Slowly, with shaking legs, Eddie started climbing up the rail and struggled over to the other side. Eddie gasped nearly misplacing a step. Then again, this was the whole point anyway. Right?
Here he was. Eddie’s back against the railing, facing the dark, ominous ocean. His feet were just clinging to a small section as his hands clasped the bars. He could feel himself sweating, making his hands slippery. His inhaler. The only way he could get into his pocket as if he let go of the railing. 
Did water always look this monstrous? How would Eddie know? He’d never been swimming a day in his life. The ship’s propellers were churning in the sea, chopping the water into pieces, but it did not break.
Eddie slowly leaned forward, closing his eyes, slowly loosening his grip.
“Hey! Stop!”
Shooting his head around, Eddie came face to face was a man. Just from his set of clothing, he could instantly tell that he was third class. His hair was a tangled mess of curly black hair. He wore glasses with one broken lens. The man was also taller than he was. Aside from his baggy clothing, the man was quite... handsome. Not to mention, familiar. 
“St-Stay back!” Eddie ordered feeling his heart racing. “Don’t come any closer!”
It was definitely the man he saw from afar yesterday. Now that he was closer, Richie noticed the tear streaks covering his face. And he was definitely not dressed for the weather. He almost looked as if he’d been in a fight. No coat, his shirt buttons half-opened, revealing some of his chest, and his bow tie was also tangled around his neck. It was about to fly away at any second due to the wind. 
Richie’s heart sunk seeing him this way. The man looked even worse from yesterday. And now here he was. Attempting suicide. There was definitely something wrong. 
“You expect me to walk off when you’re going to jump off the stern? Nah, not happening! C’mon, take my hand. I’ll pull you back in,” Richie instructed. He still stood at the distance the man told him. 
“No, I mean it!” Eddie shook his head. He lifted his hand for only a second but grasped the railing with white knuckles. His eyes shifted in confusion, panic, and also a light of hope. “I-I’ll let go!”
Eddie turned back to the ocean, again looking down from the sheer height and leaning forward. But, he turned back to the man, wondering why he wasn’t saying anything. 
Richie took his cigarette out of his mouth, held it in his hand and gesturing to the frightened man that he was only throwing it overboard. Eddie never took his eyes off the object until it disappeared into the black, rough sea. It was no more. 
Then Eddie watched as the man just nonchalantly put his hands inside his pockets and put a foot up against the ship’s anchor sitting close by. He looked as if he were trying to stretch out his leg. If it were Eddie’s imagination it looked as if he were smiling. “No, you won’t.”
Eddie huffed, blood racing into his cheeks, making him flush. Was he egging him on? “What do you mean ‘no, I won’t’? Don’t you tell me what I should or should not do! You don’t know me!” Or did he?
It was evident from the man’s sophisticated language that he was of a higher class. That didn’t make a difference. Lots of people out on the streets knew big words. And some of them never even attended school. 
Richie took another little step closer, further intriguing Eddie. “You know, if you really did want to jump, you would have jumped already!”
His hand looked so smooth, so inviting, more welcoming than Myra's forceful, and admittedly beefy hands dragging him everywhere. This man was very respectful. He didn’t even know him.
Eddie shook his head, a tear escaping his eye. “You’re just distracting me! Get away!”
“I can’t, not when I’m involved now,” Richie said to him. “If you let go I’m jumping in there after you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous! You’d be killed!” Eddie stated the irony. He stared back down at the ferocious current. He almost forgot about the terror.
Just then, Eddie turned his head, hearing a noise. The man was now taking off his jacket, letting it hang over the ship’s anchor. Now that his coat was off, Eddie could study the man’s frame. His shoulders were muscular. Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off his chest which was slightly revealed. And his arms were... No, he had to focus!
“I’m a good swimmer!” Now he was untying his shoes. “Beat my dad in a swimming race when I was four!”
“The fall alone would kill you,” Eddie went on, his voice shaking, as his impedible doom swamped his mind in all the awful possibilities.
The man hummed, staring at the stars as if he were trying to figure them out. “I don’t know, I’m more worried about that water being so cold,” Richie said with all the fear residing in his voice. Eddie turned to him intrigued. That’s right, he had never been swimming a day in his life. His mother refrained lessons about the ocean, fearing that he could drown even without going swimming. 
“How cold is it?” Eddie asked him, curiously. Eddie’s tone almost sounded like a child.
“Pretty damn freezing,” Richie answered nodding his head, looking down at the water. “Ever uh... been to Maine?”
Maine. “Huh?”
“Maine. It’s that state that’s right at the top of...”
“I know where Maine is!” Eddie snapped at him. For some reason, Eddie didn’t want to think about Maine right now. Why?
The man recoiled a bit from his sharp tone, startled. Oh no, please don’t leave! Having this man concerned for his own sake when he had no idea who he was, warmed Eddie’s heart.
“Sorry, you just seemed more of the indoor type of guy,” Richie apologized. Eddie’s heart stung at the remark. Now he was going to make judgments, too?
“Anyway, I grew up in Derry, Maine,” Richie hesitated before going into a story. “Well, when I was a kid, we uh, lived close to this lake. And well, long story short, I fell through the ice when I was thirteen.” He stared into Eddie’s immense brown eyes. “That water plus this great beauty... it punctures you like a thousand knives all over your body. You can’t breathe, or think... at least nothing besides the pain.”
What was Eddie even doing? Eddie’s entire body was shaking, feeling the cold. 
“Which is why I don’t want to jump in there after you. But, I don’t have a choice. I guess I’m kinda hoping that you’d rethink this, come back over the rail, and get my ass off the hook.”
Eddie giggled. Was that his own laugh? The man stared at him, chuckling, too.
“You’re crazy!” Eddie said to him half smiling.
Richie leaned forward, his own blue eyes capturing Eddie’s soul. “I might be crazy, but I’m not the one hanging off the back of a ship.”
Eddie frowned, having forgotten about the situation.
A hand fell in his line of vision. The soft, welcoming hand. “Come on. You don’t want to do this. Gimme your hand.”
Slowly unfastening his hand from the railing, Eddie took the man’s hand and turned himself back around, slowly, now face to face with the man who sighed in relief.
“There we go! Names Richie Tozier!”
Eddie smiled, now having a better view of the man’s charming face. “Eddie Kaspbrak-Bennington.”
Richie snickered. “Can you write that down for me? Now come on, get back over here, you!”
Feeling an immense, and yet overwhelming, feeling of contentedness, Eddie started to climb the railing.
Unbeknownst that Eddie’s own shoelace had come untied, Eddie slipped falling over the edge! Richie caught him just in time, practically having the wind knocked out of him as he slammed hard against the railings. Eddie’s piercing screams of terror sounded over the boat deck, alerting officers.
“I’ve got you, Eddie! I won’t let go!” Richie yelled, pulling with all his might. “You gotta pull yourself up!”
“I can’t!” Eddie cried, struggling to find some sort of grip. He was just dangling over the bold letters of the Titanic’s name. The water crashed against the ship, shriveling up in the propellers. 
“Yes, you can!” Richie encouraged him.
Nobody ever encouraged him before. Suddenly finding strength, Eddie caught his hand on the edge of the ship where he’d just been standing and managed to pull himself up. He only slipped once more. Not giving in, Eddie tried again for his own sake, having no desire to end his life anymore. Slowly, but surely, both Eddie and Richie worked together until Eddie was close enough for Richie to grab him and safely pull him back over onto the deck of the ship.
The position they landed in was quite embarrassing, with Richie on top of Eddie, his arms still around him. Eddie had just about passed out from the shock. Richie gasped. Not at the approaching officers, but at this vague memory from when he was a kid. This man... was he...
Recognizing Eddie as a first-class passenger, Eddie was still in a daze, slowly comprehending everything as the officers sat him up and walked him over to the benches, giving him a blanket. 
Keeping a close watch on Eddie, Richie was kept aside until Myra and Eddie’s mother showed up to the scene. Immediately Eddie’s mother fell to her knees, shrieking at Eddie in hysterics. Amused at the way she was acting, even asking if he scraped his knees, the woman was acting as if Eddie were a child. Once the officers alerted them of what they had seen, right when Eddie’s mother was going to give Richie a piece of his mind, Myra shoved right passed her and blew up, shouting in Richie’s face.
“What in the world were you thinking?! You just wanted to attack my husband and throw him over the ship?!”
Richie briefly glanced at Eddie, who was shivering from the fear and the cold. His mother still had an arm around his shoulder, pushing his hand into her chest. 
“Look at me when I am yelling at you!” The woman was shorter than him, and yet she shoved her face into his, spit flying off her mouth.
“I am!”
“Now you're going to talk down to a lady? I want to know why you attacked him! Sure, Eddie is not the most masculine of men you’d ever see, but that gives you no right to attack him! Why you should be clapped in irons for the rest of the voyage...”
“Myra,” Eddie interrupted her rage. He stood up on his shaking legs, kept the blanket wrapped around himself and walked forward. Myra stared at him angrily, like a bull. Eddie was also taller than her. She was ten times his own body-mass, that was for sure. It was a funny image to Richie who was trying to hold back a snicker. 
“I was studying the propellers,” Eddie said, nervously smiling as if nothing had happened.
“What?” His mother asked, confused. 
“Um... I-I was trying to surmise the propellers, and I had leaned too far over the railings. If it weren’t for Mr. Tozier, I would have fallen overboard!”
Myra just stared at him as if he were out of his mind, as did his mother. “Eddie, that is the stupidest thing you've ever done!”’
“And dangerous. Eddie, what have I told you about leaning too far over?” His mother chimed in. “You should never have left the dinner table without us!”
Ashamed, Eddie nodded in agreement, briefly staring at Richie.
Myra calmed down and chuckled. She gave Eddie’s shoulder a pat, rather roughly. Eddie could have fallen to the ground. “You and your fixations with machinery, Eddie! I swear you'd lose your head if it weren’t glued on.”
“Well, I guess the boy is a hero!” An officer declared, letting Richie loose.
“That he is,” Eddie’s mother remarked with little emotion. She eyed him, disapprovingly. Richie swore that he recognized that look.
“Well, I suppose you could go with a reward. Eddie, you wouldn’t have a twenty on you by chance, would you?” Myra asked him so cheerfully.
Richie laughed. “That’s the going rate for the man you love?” he teased.
Myra eyed Richie, sinisterly. Wow, this woman really looked like the woman who he assumed with Eddie’s mom. Were they twins?
“He does make a fair point,” Eddie spoke softly. Immediately he shrunk inside the blanket upon seeing a death glare from his mother and Myra, averting his gaze.
Myra’s scowl turned to a cruel smile, sliding her cold hand across Eddie’s cheek, almost painfully pinching as if he were a child. “Ah, you’re displeased, huh, Eddie? Well, what to do now?” Her voice was almost singing, making her disgust known.
“How about dinner tomorrow evening?” Eddie’s mother suggested, with a grim smile. 
“Yes, dinner in the first class! Wouldn’t that be nice?” Myra chimed in with the same mocking tone as everyone else. “Why don’t you regale us all with stories of your adventures?” 
Richie looked at Eddie. His brown immense eyes lit up under the stars. It was hard not to look at him.
Richie shrugged. “Sure, count me in.”
“Good! Now let’s go inside! It’s freezing out here!” Myra lamented, clapping her hands together and blowing against them, creating heat. “Eddie, could I take that blanket from you?”
“You got a fur coat on!” Richie confronted, turning up his nose.
She turned back staring at Richie with this intense expression. Eddie looked worried. The man was not afraid to speak out. Eddie wished he could do that.
“Funny how your shoes are untied,” Myra remarked quietly right in his face. Richie glanced down. Shit! But, then the woman made a reminiscent smile of someone he once knew. “Hiding any secrets are we?”
Richie shivered, grasping the bench trying to hold himself up.
Myra noted Richie’s reaction and smiled in her victory. She then walked off, her nose high in the air, with Eddie’s mother in tow. The officers also left the scene.
“Are you alright?” A concerned Eddie asked, holding the blanket around his lean shivering shoulders.
Richie caught himself, trying to make his voice calm, and standing tall. “Yeah.”
“Eddie!” Myra called out to him, making Eddie jump.
“Come along, dear, before you catch a cold!” His mother concluded.
Eddie nodded in gratitude to Richie, wanting to say so much. “I have to go. I will see you tomorrow evening?”
“Yeah. See yah, Eds!” Richie playfully saluted him.
Eddie smiled. His cheeks flushed. “Good night, Mr. Tozier.”
Snorting, Richie shook his head. “We’re the same age, man! Just call me Richie!”
Embarrassed, Eddie smiled. “Richie.”
Richie watched the man disappear inside. He finally relaxed against the bench. What a night. What did this mean? It was the same warm feeling he had when he was with... him. No, he was not. Richie doubted that this man would even show up tomorrow. But, he hoped that he would. 
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brittle-bone-gabe · 5 years
Bitter Cold
Summary: Richie just wants to cuddle; Eddie is feeling especially playful.   Pairings: Adult Reddie (Richie x Eddie) Read on Ao3: Here 
Chicago wasn’t a stranger to heavy snow falls, in fact, it normally started snowing in the middle of November. Richie Tozier has spent many winters alone in Chicago in his apartment, but now it was his first winter with his boyfriend Eddie in their small house. Since Eddie moved in, there were blankets. Every. Fuckin’. Where. At least three blankets scattered around the living room, and a mountain of blankets in their bedroom. His excuse was that he got way too cold in the winter and the blankets were a necessity, also that apparently Chicago was a lot colder during the winter months than New York. Richie couldn’t help but roll his eyes whenever his boyfriend went on a rant about how the cold affects the human body negatively. Something something... weaker immune systems... something something... reduced blood flow. Who knows, Richie stopped listening when he couldn’t catch up with his fast speech patterns, especially since he had just woken up when he started his ramblings. 
Richie came home from the store, he had to shovel his driveway first before he was able to get out. It was almost 20 degrees outside, but Richie was only wearing his leather jacket, no gloves, no boots, but a thin hat that Eddie insisted he’d wear before leaving. Well, he would prefer if Richie actually dressed appropriately for the weather, but Richie claimed that: “it didn’t look cool,” which made Eddie want to smack him. “I mean, you can’t catch a cold from simply not bundling up, but when you get cold, your sinuses get dry and that makes bacteria hang on, making it easier for you to get sick,” Eddie had explained to his boyfriend as he was following him around the house as he was preparing to go to the store. In the end, Richie went out and Eddie stayed home since he didn’t want to get too cold, even though Richie offered to warm the car up for him. 
Without thinking, Richie entered the house without taking off his shoes, so he wandered into the kitchen with handfuls of plastic bags while tracking in a bunch of snow with him. To be fair, he was exhausted, not sleeping too well anymore and wasn’t thinking when he plopped the bags on the counter. He had no idea what was going on with him, but he was always exhausted during the day, like he could pass out wherever he was, but the moment he goes to bed with Eddie he was wide awake. When confiding in Eddie about this, he had suggested that it was just seasonal depression, it was normal and a lot of people had it this time of year when the weather was starting to change. No... no, no. He was Richie Trashmouth, he doesn’t get seasonal depression. It felt silly, but when Eddie mentioned that he also had seasonal depression it did make Richie feel a little better about it.
“You’re home!” Eddie said happily, walking into the kitchen. 
Richie gave him a small smile with a nod, suddenly feeling exhausted again. “I’m home,” he said. 
Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie’s neck, bringing him in for a hug. Richie hugged him tight, bringing him in close, closing his eyes as he could feel himself melting into Eddie. The small wave of sadness he had entering the house vanished once he heard Eddie. The hug? Completely turned his mood around. 
“You feelin’ okay?” Eddie asked once they pulled away from the hug, still holding on as they looked into each others eyes. 
“Sleepy,” Richie admitted. He smiled when Eddie reached up, pressing a slightly cold hand to his face. 
“This’ll pass, I promise.” He pecked his lips before moving around him He stopped dead in his tracks, a twisted look on his face. He let out a loud yelp, confusing the hell out of Richie. 
“What’s the mat-”
Eddie looked down at the floor then to Richie’s feet, seeing he was still wearing his snow covered shoes. “You fucker!” He shouted, “my socks are wet!” 
Richie was confused still for a moment, but then a huge smile was plastered on his face before letting out a laugh. Eddie had stepped in melted snow. That. Was. Priceless. He pressed two fingers to his lips, watching and listening Eddie rant about how he fuckin’ hated having wet socks, that it was worse than death, in fact, he would rather fuckin’ die than have wet goddamn socks. 
“Babe, you good?” Richie couldn’t help but ask, laughing even harder when Eddie threw him a death glare. 
Eddie flipped him off with both hands. “I hate you. I hate you so fuckin’ much, you absolute douche bag.”
“Oh, I think you just gave me some new material,” Richie said half-jokingly as he pulled out his phone, writing something down in the Notes App.  
“I will fucking blast you on Twitter if you use this in your stupid shows, I swear to god!” 
“Oooh noooo,” Richie started sarcastically, holding either side of his face, “blast me on Twiiiiter? Where eeeeverybody knooows you’re my boyfriend?! Pleaaase, don’t do thaaat.” Eddie reached down, pulling off his socks before throwing them at his boyfriend, who yelped loudly, moving back so the dirty, wet socks wouldn’t touch him. “Why are you like this?!” 
“Why am I like this?! Why did you track snow through the house!” 
Richie slumped where he was standing, trying to get back on Eddie’s good side. “Because I’m tiiiiiired,” he said dramatically, “we should cuddle on the couch with your overbearing amount of blankets.” 
“Hey... they’re not overbearing. They’re needed.” Richie rolled his eyes. “They are! I have poor circulation!”
“Because you’re old?” 
“You’re older than me!”
“By a year! ...Are you joining me or not?” Richie asked, standing in the doorway to the living room, looking back at Eddie who had his arms folded across his chest. “C’mon, Edward.” 
Eddie tilted his head to the side, glaring at Richie, who had another smile on his face. He hated it whenever someone called him Edward. It reminded him of when his mom would call him that when she was especially angry with him. It was rare when she would call him that, but once, when he was 14 he sneaked out of the house in the middle of the night to meet up with the Losers, where they drank all night, the majority of them got drunk for the first time that night. When he loudly tried sneaking back into the house he got caught by his mother, being called Edward when his mother smelled the cheap alcohol on him that Beverly Marsh had managed to sneak out of her dad’s dresser drawer. He was grounded for almost a month with little contact with the outside world besides going to school. However, when Richie called him that in a playful way he didn’t mind too much, in fact, he thought it was kinda funny. 
“What did you call me?” 
“Ed...” he trailed off, trying to read his boyfriends face, “...Edward.” As soon as the word left his mouth, he had to sprint out of the kitchen as Eddie began to chase after him. 
Richie plopped on the couch, laying across it as he grabbed one of the blankets, covering himself with it. Eddie moved on the other side of the couch, laying down so his legs were laying across Richie. This reminded them of the time when they fought over the hammock. The time. They always fought over that damn hammock, and every time one or the other would climb in it, trying to force the other out of it. Eddie always would lightly kick Richie in the face when it was his turn to try to knock him out of it, making sure that his glasses fell off each time. 
“Why don’t you just say you want to cuddle me, Eds,” 13-year-old Richie had mocked Eddie when the smaller boy was trying to force himself in the hammock while Richie was trying to read a comic book. 
Eddie’s face had turned red, backing off quickly. “I don’t want that, dipshit,” he defended himself, folding his arms across his chest, “just move. It’s my turn.” 
“I just got here!”
Eddie rolled his eyes, looking at the watch on his wrist. “You’ve been using it for almost twenty minutes!” 
“Boo-hoo! Nobody else is here to back you up! Time is fake.” He straightened out his comic book dramatically, readjusting his glasses, preparing to pretend to ignore Eddie who looked grumpy. 
Eddie grabbed Richie’s comic, throwing it over his shoulder as he tried grabbing his arms so he could pull him off. They started slapping each others hands away. In the scuffle, they ended up accidentally holding hands. They looked away, faces red, but not letting go of their hands. Eddie had backed off first, grabbing the comic that he threw, holding it out to Richie who took it. 
“Just...” Richie started, his face still red, “I’ll... read it to you if you want... We can share the hammock.” 
Eddie’s head jerked up, looking at Richie trying to see if there was any indication that he was messing with him. “Really?” Richie nodded, scooting over a little so Eddie could squeeze in next to him. 
He was hesitant, but climbed in next to the taller boy, scooting in next to him so he could see the comic that he was holding up. Long story short; Eddie ended up falling asleep while Richie was reading to him, not long after that did he manage to fall asleep too. 
“Stop kicking me!” Richie yelled from under the blanket that was still covering his face.
“Don’t call me Edward!” 
“I’m sorry, Eduardo. ...OW!” Richie yelped when Eddie managed to kick his glasses off his face, getting lost in the blanket. 
“Fuck off!” Eddie grabbed the other end of the blanket, pulling it up over his chest. “This is as close to cuddling as you’re gonna get, asshole.” He had folded his arms underneath the blanket. 
Richie raised his eyebrows, tilting his head to the side with a shrug. “I’m still under a blanket with you, so... win-win?” Eddie’s face turned a bright shade of red. “Have I mentioned how-” Richie stopped mid-sentence when Eddie stuck his feet underneath his shirt, his cold feet pressing on his chest. “STOP! STOP! YOUR FEET ARE COLD!” Richie shouted, squirming where he was laying. 
“Oh... I wonder why, Richard.” 
“Stop, stop, stop!” Eddie moved his feet, “I get the point!” They looked at each other for a moment, staring each other down, waiting for someone to do something fucking stupid. “Just a fair warning, Kaspbrak, if you do that again I will fuckin’ tickle your feet.” 
“I will leave your unfunny ass.” 
“Yeah, I’m so unfunny, right? That’s the reason you ask me to make you laugh to cheer you up? Because I’m... so unfunny?” Eddie dove for under his shirt again, pressing his freezing cold feet on his stomach. “Quit touching me! Your feet are cold!” He grabbed Eddie’s ankles, reaching under the blanket having no mercy when tickling him. 
“St-stop!” Eddie said in between laughs, squirming and kicking to get free. “I’m sorry! I’ll stop! I’ll stop!” 
“No you won’t! You say that just to get my guard down!” 
“Richie! Richie! I’m gonna have an asthma attack! Stop!” 
He let go of Eddie, going underneath the blanket, crawling up until he was in between Eddie’s legs. Both of their faces turned extremely red as Richie was holding himself up by his palms that were placed on either side of Eddie’s head. They stared into each others eyes for a moment, until Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie’s neck, bringing him down until their lips met. In the heat of the moment both men took the time to help each other take their shirts off, throwing it across the room as they continued to make out on the couch. Richie had his hands on Eddie’s shoulders, holding him tight against him the best he could. The cold air that managed to slip its way into the house made both men shiver, but their body heat was keeping them from freezing. 
Richie had pulled away, leaning down, nipping Eddie’s neck and shoulder, smiling as the man underneath him started squirming. He absolutely loved when Richie did that. It was rare when he did, but by god he felt like he was over the moon.
Richie pulled away, looking into Eddie’s brown eyes, seeing how needy he was getting. 
“Okay, I’m gonna take a nap,” Richie said suddenly, confusing Eddie. 
“You- wh-... what?” Eddie stammered as Richie let out a yawn, obviously trying to hide a smile. “You are such a fuckin’ prick!” 
“Night night, Eds.” Richie plopped down on Eddie, who let out an oof at the sudden weight on him. “I did tell you to get your cold feet off me,” he pointed out, eyes closed but that same goofy smile on his face as his ear was pressed against Eddie’s chest. He reached up, tracing the stupid tattoo he had gotten when they were drunk one night in Vegas that was plaster on the center of his chest. 
Eddie readjusted so he was more comfortable laying on the couch, one hand on Richie’s bare back, his other hand stroking his hair. “I hate you,” he said lovingly. 
“I hate you too, Eds.” 
Since they were both suffering from seasonal depression, cuddling like this was nice. They both needed it. Another thing; normally Eddie was the little spoon, having it switched up actually felt great. He wanted to make Richie feel good, especially since he hasn’t been feeling his best lately and wanted to help. He kept planting small kisses across Richie’s forehead until he knew he finally fell asleep. Eddie grabbed another blanket that was on the floor in front of the couch, wrapping it around them before falling asleep himself. 
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IT Chapter 2 - Thoughts (SPOILERS)
When the first IT movie came out two years ago, I went in knowing absolutely NOTHING about the book or story. I still have not read the book (I have maybe twenty pages of Jay Baruchel’s book left, and then I’ll be starting IT!), but both then and now, I’ve found that the first IT movie is one of my favourite horror films. Whilst the first one didn’t really scare me so much as just freak me the fuck out, I still thought it was well-made and enjoyable.
I hadn’t watched the original film for a long time - probably over a whole year since. When I saw that there was going to be a double bill of the first AND second film, I immediately jumped to get a ticket - I needed a refresher of the first film, and I was extremely PUMPED for the second film. 
As I’m writing this, I’ve just gotten back from the double bill and I wanted to get some thoughts down whilst they’re still fresh in my mind. This is NOT my proper, written-out review, more just me making notes that’ll help me write that review. I also wanted to write them down just in case someone wants to go in prepared, or if they’re on the fence about seeing the film and don’t mind spoilers. 
I am also NOT talking about the first film - I made a post on my old blog when I first watched “IT” in 2017, which I have dug up and can be found HERE. 
Anyway, let’s get on with it!
This is more of a cinema-complaint but my cinema still had the music that plays in the venue playing over the first thirty seconds so I missed ALL the audio in the first thirty seconds of the film. I DID see Beverly floating and the Losers Club talking, so I’m assuming it’s nothing I didn’t already know from the first film.
I like that it opens with cutbacks to the first film, it ties it nicely together and adds an extra reminder/refresher of what happened in the first film.
So after the Losers Club, there’s a scene with this gay couple at a carnival, one of whom is called Adrian, and they firstly get verbal harassment from a gang of people, and then said gang starts following them.
OKAY LOOK THIS IS A WARNING, THERE IS A GAY BASHING IN THIS FILM. It really FUCKED me up, I’m going to be honest. I’m pretty sure it’s something that happens in the book, so maybe I don’t need to warn anyone, but I was unprepared to see it. 
So after they beat Adrian up, they toss him over a bridge while he’s unconscious and into the river below; his boyfriend goes running down to find him, and that’s when you see Pennywise.
At first I thought Pennywise was just super against gay bashing and was actually helping Adrian but NOPE, HE TAKES A GIANT FUCKING BITE OUT OF HIM, I NEARLY SCREAMED IN THE CINEMA
Also I definitely noticed how Adrian was asthmatic and needed an inhaler, as is Eddie. I’m not sure if that’s a sign but let’s assume so...
This is how it all starts again and Mike - who’s the only one still in Derry btw - has to call the rest of the club up because “oh shit he’s back again”. 
Can I just say that the casting for the adult Losers Club is FUCKING PHENOMENAL. ALL OF THEM.
James McAvoy as Bill? Jessica Chastain as Beverly? Bill Hader as Richie? Blessed casting, absolutely blessed.
As a writer, I laughed so hard at everyone hating Bill’s book endings. Literally EVERYONE shat on how he ended his books, even his own wife (who’s an actress, I think?) and it was so funny.
Poor Eddie went from a domineering mother to a domineering wife who I’m 99% sure is played by the same actress by the way. 
Probably should mention now that Eddie is one of my favourite members of the club in the first film, so that was kinda sad for me to see.
Oh God, Richie in this film is perfect. I love him. First time we see him, he’s vomiting after getting a phone call from Mike and then he has to go onstage to do stand-up. Throughout the whole film he is literal GOLD.
Ben really had a huge glow-up between movies, I mean DAMN BEN. Does that happen in the book? Ben going from the “fat kid” to “handsome and fit” or...?
Oh poor Bev...poor Bev indeed. She went from being abused by her creepy ass father to being in an abusive relationship with her husband. I sadly get the feeling that that kind of thing happens in real life - history repeats itself and all of that.
I’m 90% sure that Bev’s husband was going to r*pe her because he threw her down and started to take off his shirt, but she kicked him off her and fought back before too much happened.
Of course, Stan. I had a horrible feeling when I saw the trailers and saw that he was noticeably absent compared to the others. Also, when I started reading IT two years ago (I only got a few chapters in, I didn’t have much time so I kind of fell away before I got too into the book), THAT scene with Stan was one of the only chapters I got round to reading because it was right at the start. So I knew and I was dreading it.
Potentially triggering for people like myself who have been suicidal/are suicidal/self-harm; he runs himself a bath and then slits his wrists to kill himself (and succeeds). I mean, it’s not 13 Reasons Why level of explicit, you don’t SEE him do it properly, but it’s intercut with the moment Bill sliced his palm in the first film when they were all making the pact. So it’s PRETTY DAMN OBVIOUS what’s going on.
Throughout this whole film, I had no idea what was real and what wasn’t anymore. Some of the shit that happened was bizarre and I was like “...how is NO ONE NOTICING THAT”. 
As soon as I saw the words “cut” and “IT” come out of fortune cookies, I knew something was about to go down. Even more so when “Stanley” came out of one.
The humour in this film is a whole new level. Most of it is Bill Hader as Richie, but some of it is just in general (like one of them screaming “IT’S NOT REAL” whilst smashing a chair on a table in the Chinese restaurant, only for an employee to turn up and be like “da fuq”...long story).
I assumed that Henry Bowers had fallen straight to hell or died frankly. Oh boy was I wrong. Not surprised they put him in an asylum given that he murdered his own father tbh. 
So is the Patrick zombie ACTUALLY driving Henry around, I’m curious because how the fuck would no one else notice a zombie driving around?!
“how do you not know material from you own show?!” - oh God, I am so weak
Pennywise kills this little girl called Vicky and I just KNEW. I just knew what that little bitch (Pennywise) was up to as soon as he started fake crying because “no one will be my friend because I look strange” or whatever. He saw that mark on the girl’s face and I fucking knew. 
The scene where Mike drugs Bill to get him to “see” is...weird. Extremely weird. It was like being on hallucinogen drugs. Everything about it and IT is weird.
I’m confused as to when the timeline of them building the clubhouse and their individual experiences with IT take place in this film. Are the individual encounters (which I’ll talk about in a moment) supposed to have taken place in the time they were all apart? And the clubhouse, was that AFTER they fought IT? I’m so confused about when all of this was happening
So they all have to find these objects as offerings for this ritual to defeat IT and...that was a ride of several varieties.
We’ve all seen the Mrs Kersh teaser, right? The old lady? And how she suddenly wiggles around naked in the background for no apparent reason? That made a LOT of people laugh but, I mean, hats off to the actress for doing that, I’m 21 and I couldn’t even imagine having to do that.
Umm so yikes, Bev’s relationship with her father remains so creepy and abusive, like he blames her for her mother killing herself?? And then sprays her in her mom’s perfume and starts smelling her?? I needed to lie down on the sofa I was on, it had me so uncomfortable.
Pennywise painting his face and making those noises...yikes. fuckin yikes. I still love Bill Skarsgard.
So if I’m correct, and I think I am, Richie is gay? There’s a flashback when he heads to the arcade of Richie when he’s young and his hand lingers just a second too long on another boy’s at one point, and then he gets accused of being “weird”. Then it turns out the boy is Bowers’ cousin and Bowers shows up, starts accusing Richie of being a certain-gay-slur, and Richie runs outside.
So back to older Richie because this is all happening one-after-the-other here. Older Richie goes outside and he looks up at the Lumberjack statue, and there’s Pennywise with loads of balloons.
Pennywise starts accusing him of being too afraid to play games, but especially truth-or-dare, because then “everyone will know your secret”. 
My legit favourite thing is now Pennywise the clown floating down from on top of a statue singing “I KNOW YOUR SECRET, YOUR DIRTY LITTLE SECRET” and I refuse to feel guilty for it
It is so heavily implied that Richie’s secret is that he’s attracted to guys and I am here for the representation. I don’t know whether Richie is gay or bi or whatever, but shit I love it
I literally just wanted Richie to admit it so he could be proud and not afraid, like own it Richie. Own who you are, and then Pennywise can’t use it against you.
I’m literally going to rewatch this film JUST FOR RICHIE AND EDDIE’S ROMANCE
Anyway, end of me discussing Richie (for now)
I saw you Stephen King, in that shop with Bill’s bike :))
I wonder how other adults in Derry feel about seeing fully grown Bill screaming down a drain. It’s kind of sadly funny now that I consider it...
To be honest, I don’t remember what that little boy was called but Bill must have looked like a fucking weirdo just screaming and following that little boy around... (okay, I THINK the kid is called Dean so I’m going to just call him that)
To be fair to Bill, I also lie awake at night wondering “why Georgie??” That kid was far too adorable.
I always thought Ben was smart for some reason and so I was kinda surprised to see him in summer school (I’m English so we don’t have that here, but am I right in thinking that it’s where you go if you fail school or something? To get your grades up/retake tests?)
I was not convinced for a second that that shadow belonged to Beverly, and turns out I’m right. 
See, after seeing Bev’s head suddenly catch on fire, I’m glad I never started smoking (yes, I’m aware that’s Pennywise)
Poor Ben, having fake-Bev tell him that he’s fat/will die alone etc. It’s so sweet that he kept the page in his yearbook that she signed though, to remind himself that the REAL Beverly wouldn’t do that.
That creepy ass pharmacist is still there?? AND his daughter?!
See, I’m confused...did Eddie’s mom REALLY get killed by the Leper or was that just a Pennywise trick to lure him in?
That Leper, guys...fuck me, it’s disgusting like it licks and vomits on Eddie?!
You know shit’s about to get real when characters go into fun-houses, especially the ones with a clown theme.
Okay, you know what, I was wrong when I thought that that little girl called Vicky had the most violent death - HOW ABOUT DEAN?? PENNYWISE RAMMING HIS HEAD AGAINST THE GLASS AND THEN FUCKING EATING HIM IN FRONT OF BILL WHILST BLOOD SPRAYS FUCKING EVERYWHERE
Ben: I’ve spoken to Richie, he’s going to stay -> Cut to: Richie, escaping and driving away very quickly
Hang on, how in the fuck did Eddie survive Bowers stabbing him in the cheek?! (Having said that, the Narrator in Fight Club survived blowing the whole of his cheek off so I can’t complain). 
For a moment I genuinely forgot about what happened to Henry Bowers after this but I’ve just remembered - he attacks the Losers Club again at the library and gets stabbed (I think?). All I know is that he definitely dies in that library.
I knew Mike’s parents had burnt to death and he’d been in the next room, but I didn’t realize that he’d been a toddler at the time?? Jesus, how is he not completely fucked up after that?!
No amount of money or anything could ever convince me to go into that fucking house on Neibolt Street frankly. 
I can’t remember why Richie decided to stay right now but he decides to stay and help out. My memory is BAD.
So they go into the house and so much horrific shit goes down that I literally was hiding behind the blanket I was using.
Less scary thing first: Ben having words carved into his stomach until Bev kicks some ass and destroys a mirror. Still freaked me out but not as much as the NEXT THING HOLY SHIT
So in the next room, the fridge opens and inside is young!Stan’s body - his head then falls off and rolls across the floor, starts speaking. When the Losers Club starts not believing it/being less afraid, Stan’s head...fuck fuck fuck
So they all end up going into the sewers, and going deeper after that, to do their ritual; freaky-boob-demon showed up and pulled Bev underwater, but beyond it being a quick jumpscare (that was admittedly scary), nothing happens since it goes down underwater and just see Eddie panicking but too afraid to go in after them himself.
Richie giving Eddie the pep talk was both sweet and hilarious. I admittedly laughed more than I should have done at the “you married a woman who weighs 400 pounds comment”. 
So, surprise surprise, the fucking dumbass ritual doesn’t work. For some reason Mike decides “hmm I won’t mention that this ritual failed before when it was last done, ho hum” and so everyone’s in the shit after that.
Pennywise turns into this gigantic crab-spider-thing and I don’t know how to feel about it. It’s honestly terrifying and unsettling, but I was half-expecting IT to turn into something like a massive spider or something horrific. I’m glad in a way he didn’t but still.
I should have mentioned this earlier but remember how in the first film, they decided that they’re safe so long as they stay together? YEAH, WELL, SECOND FILM SAYS LOL NOPE TO THAT AND THE CLUB KEEP SEPARATING, WHY DO YOU STRESS ME OUT LIKE THIS
The thing with Richie and Eddie and that Pomeranian was so cute? You know, until the dog fuCKING TURNED INTO A MONSTER THAT IS, “Not Scary At All” MY ASS PENNYWISE
Is IT able to be in seven different places at once? Because I wasn’t sure, but Pennywise seems to torment the kids/adults separately at the same time in BOTH films
So apparently Bill feels guilty because he “wasn’t sick” that day that Georgie went out into the rain and like...okay? That feels a bit shoehorned in but cool, alright then.
Bev ends up in that toilet cubicle with people trying to break in and like...gross? Her dad? And the pharmacist? Can go fuck themselves :))
So that toilet filled with blood pretty fast huh
Also Beverley really took her sweet ass time realizing that it was BEN who wrote that poem despite the fact she seemed to realize he was the one who did it AFTER he kissed her awake in the first film. However, I’ll maybe let it slide since apparently they forget things when they leave Derry, so...
Ben nearly drowns in dirt and Pennywise taunts him about dying alone, honestly same, I just know I’m going to die alone and unloved :))
Richie deciding “fuck it” and throwing rocks/screaming at Pennywise was so amazing...until the deadlights got him.
Eddie really sacrificed himself like that, huh :(
Poor Eddie was so happy because “oh my god I did it, I killed him, Richie wake up, look-!” - and then he got fucking stabbed. Gosh, I just LOVE it when my favourites DIE LIKE THAT STEPHEN KING -_-
So the deadlights are kind of just...balls of light? Or...?
So apparently calling Pennywise names like “clown” and putting him down is all it took to make him small enough to defeat, huh? They really shouted “clown” at him until he shrunk into a new-born-baby-sized-Pennywise
Also they crushed his heart and that was it. Cool, I guess. I don’t know what I was expecting but I don’t think what I got was it
So, um, while I’m here, let’s just take a moment to...
I mean, he died like a hero, granted, but how fucking dare you-
You know what’s even MORE heartbreaking than Eddie dying? RICHIE’S REACTION.
Anyway, thank you Bill Hader for inventing acting for this film
Okay I’m sort of done
So no one is going to notice that dusty crackhouse building just crumbling completely then?
That moment where the remaining adult losers look at their reflection in a window, and they see themselves young - but it’s ALL of them young, even Stan and Eddie, and now I really am sad
Richie breaking down when they’re in the quarry to clean up...again, my heart hurts and it’s Richie’s fault
Towards the beginning of this film/most of the first film, I genuinely cared a bit about who Bev ended up with (well, more I was hoping it was Ben because he’s sweet and a good person) but by the time we got to Ben and Bev kissing after all the Bill-Bev-Ben triangle bullshit...meh. Cool, I guess. 
I am genuinely glad that the surviving losers seem to be living at least slightly better lives by the end of the film; Bill actually as an idea about what he’s writing for once; Bev is away from abusive fathers/husbands and with Ben on what looked like a VERY nice private yacht; I think Mike was going to see the world(?) after being cooped up in the library for so  long.
Richie...I don’t know if his ending was better than how he started to be honest. I think he said something about being proud at the end, so maybe that means he’s going to accept who he is? 
HE CARVED “R+E” into the bridge as a teen, and he re-cARVES IT AT THE END ARE YOU SERIOUS
Did Stan really think that by killing himself, it would prevent everyone from going back or...? Because he says in his letter that if it’s not ALL of them going back, then he’s assuming they’ll all die? Or something?
^If I’ve got that wrong (which I’m sure I have) please excuse me, it was 1am by the time the film finished and I was recovering from being terrified and I was tired
Obviously Bill Skarsgard was amazing as Pennywise, I just wanted to save that until last because wOW. He really put his all into the character, and I personally think he did a fantastic job with it.
So overall, I enjoyed IT Chapter 2. Was it as good as the first? Ehh...kind of hard to say. I was more scared shitless this time around but it was mostly jump-scares. It was definitely creepier/darker/bloodier. Having said that, there were moments where I was like “what the actual fck” or a bit lost, like Mike drugging Bill? I also noticed that a LOT of people in the cinema were laughing towards the end when it was the comedic parts but rather the scary ones - whether that’s just “some people laugh when nervous/anxious” or they genuinely thought it was hilarious, I’m not sure. This film is also nearly 3 hours long, which...is a while. For me, it wasn’t too bad because I’ve done LOTR marathons at home using the extended editions, so under 3 hours is kind of something I’m used to, but it does kind of drag a bit. At the beginning there was a lot of time building up characters, which I get, but also was slightly unnecessary at times. The CGI was sort of a mixed bag for me. I feel like the CGI on Pennywise throughout was overall improved, but there were moments like an eyeball rolling across the table or something where I thought it looked fake as hell.
But all of that aside, I really enjoyed the film. I think I’d go back again just to see Bill Hader as Richie, to be honest, and for Richie’s whole storyline. For me personally, that was the best non-horror element of the film.As I said, I have not read the book YET, but it’s the very next one on my list - chances are I’ll be starting it tonight or tomorrow!
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Guess who saw IT chapter 2 in theaters last night???
Omg it was an amazing movie like I loved it so much I could watch it again. It was scary and hilarious and to me the cinematography was great
My butt hurt after cuz I did not want to miss anything and in scary parts I would cuddle with my jacket but never take my eyes off of it
Anywho I am adding this as a new fandom I will write so requests r open now for IT chapter 1 and IT chapter 2!!!👏 and for stranger things, Spider-Man homecoming and far from home, Gabriel Reyes / reaper, and 13 reasons why all seasons and season 3
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So I’m crying and dying on the inside rn because Eddie is dead and Stanley died like I wanted my losers to be together and like Eddie was strong in the end he faced his fear and that shows what a strong and building character he was.
I have a Pomeranian so I will never be the same after that not scary scary and very scary door scene with Eddie and Richie
I luv Richie so much cuz he’s so funny and just doesn’t even care lol
The scene w Beverly and that old lady scared me sm
Also the scene in the beginning with the two gay guys and penny wise eats the guys like chest like bro I was eating my candy in that scene
My fav scene and what I loved the cinematography was when Beverly was getting bullied in the bathroom and then a whole wash of blood enters and Ben is getting buried alive alone which is his fear so they’re both screaming out for each other and like the scene where she kicks open the door and sticks her bloody hand out to Ben for him to take to me like that could of been a cover for a movie game or book it was that cool looking
I actually like stories and books that don’t end in happiness cuz it’s real life... what bill said
I honestly felt high watching the Native American sacrificing scene, did not get it at all until mike explained it
One of the most scariest scenes to me was when that cute adorable precious little girl went down under the bleachers to find pennywise and she is scared by him I would be too child. But he guilt trips her and the crying he does and the way he acts to me is so scary idk why! Anywho then he likes eats her which to me was scary and sad cuz she was so sweet to him like f u clown!
And the other kid dying at the carnival like I got stranger things vibes from the carnival
I loved it when Richie and Eddie are next to each other and big pennywise is trying to kill the others and Richie asks Eddie u think he can see us? Like I cracked up so hard
I also liked the chase scene like the blue light and how it felt like the characters were running on something spinning but it was they were running at an angle
I ships ben and Beverly so hard and I loved that they kissed
Fortune cookie scene was wack but like awesome wack and that only they can see it so the waitress walks in while mike is literally smashing the table with a chair for no reason
Leprosy dude throwing up in eddies mouth lol I cannot the song and just
I kinda laughed when pennywise got small I’m sorry he just looked like a pancake
Stanley I luv u bby so much and I luv that u brought shower caps for the club house he is just so sweet
My sis just told me to put down that she fell in luv w Ben cuz he yes is delicious but she loved him so much even as a kid like she wanted him to be happy and have friends we just love Ben
My fav characters tho I can’t rlly choose r Richie and Eddie like I luv them so much I choose more Eddie in the first movie and then Richie in this movie but both r special
Pharmacist dude was touching himself and then touching my precious Eddie like dude get ur hands off my man
Love it when they all hugged Richie after eddies death and they held onto him like how friends do
Love it when men say they love u to other men and like as a friend it’s hard for them to do it but I liked it when mike said he loved him to bill and bill said he loved mike too
Didn’t rlly understand tho the bully zombie dude in the car like is he dead did they kill him what’s up w him like that part was pretty strange
Anywho if y’all want to talk to me about IT at all pls do I want to see how u liked the movie how u felt about it and maybe how u feel about the other movie get all fangirly w it
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Kaspbrak vs Tozier
Pairing: Reddie, side of Benverly
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of homophobia
Sonia Kaspbrak and both, Wentworth and Maggie Tozier, never got along. It went as far back as 3 (maybe even 4) generations of Toziers and Kaspbraks before the three had a son each. Edward ‘Eddie’ Kaspbrak and Richard ‘Richie’ Tozier grew up hating each other.   
Eddie and Richie never fully understood the story, it made little sense as to how both families hated each other. There was a blurred line between the two, something to do with different beliefs. During a time when being gay was seen as unacceptable (and an illness), the Tozier’s were accepting as were a few families in the community (like the Marsh’s and the Uris’). But Eddie and Richie never understood why the disparity was only between the Toziers and Kaspbraks, not the others that accepted the constant changing community? It was blurred, neither had the full story, so the two boys made up their own stories. 
Eddie, being raised in a highly religious household, thought that maybe 4th generation Tozier was friends with 4th generation Kaspbrak and then said something that didn’t agree with the way of the church. i.e came out gay or had pre-marital intercourse etc.  The idea of loving someone of the opposite gender was drilled into every Kaspbrak family, that it was evil. Since Frank Kaspbrak was an only child, the only hope was for Eddie to continue the legacy. But Eddie was seeing different and all the lies his mother had told completely changed his view on life. 
Richie, on the other hand, thought that maybe the two families were friends until a Tozier fell in love with a Kaspbrak. The Kaspbraks, being part of the majority of the unaccepting community, stopped being friends with the Toziers due to them being part of the ‘infected’ and scared that they’d be ‘infected’ also. The Toziers general thought was that everything they did and said were immoral, as the Kaspbrak’s are highly religious.
Now in college, Eddie was certain that he was rid of Richie but that thought’s gone when the tall, curly-haired, punk-styled boy sits beside him in a psychology lecture. “Fuck!” They both mutter harshly as they realised. Richie and Eddie start to gather up their belongings only to realise that there are no more empty seats in the entire hall. Both fall into their respective seats in a huff and lean away from one another to take their notes.
He takes a quick glimpse at the boy sitting beside him, eyeballing him up and down. It’s obvious that Richie’s still hot, he killed the whole skater/punk vibe. It was the slightly baggy black ripped jeans and the oldish, slightly baggy, hole-ridden Nirvana t-shirt, the whole vibe of a skater dude. His dark, almost black, hair was untamed, curly, it falls nicely over his hipster black glasses.
“Quit checking me out Kaspbrak,” Richie whispers.
“I wasn’t,” Eddie mutters and he focusses back to the lecture but can’t help but continue to steal a glance at the boy beside him. Unbeknownst to Eddie, Richie is doing the exact same thing. Richie focusses on the details to give him an implication as to who Eddie is. A germaphobe.
Well, the fanny pack kinda gives it away, the deep denim blue skinny jeans are matched to a light pink polo shirt. His hair’s tamed, a gentle wave is starting to poke through, he clearly straightens his hair, Richie thinks. All Richie can now think about is pinching Eddie’s cheeks and calling him ‘cute’. 
“Stop staring Tozier.” Richie looks away from Eddie quickly but could hear the obvious smirk in Eddie’s voice. Both boys suddenly forget why their families hate each other. Eddie knows that his mum was wrong, it isn’t a disease, and with one final glance at Richie, before the end of the lecture, he finally accepts (after 2 years of debating), that he is gay. 
Eddie takes the hike up to his dorm room, “Sorry man but you’ve been bumped up a floor, your roommate’s really sick of something.” Some dude says to Eddie, handing him his new room key and number. 
Great! Just what he needs. Thankfully he had taken his computer (and charger) plus his 3 lecture books. “How long before I can go back?” Eddie asks.
“Unfortunately not, you’ve been moved permanently for the year.” Eddie huffs and hauls himself up another flight of stairs. That means that the college had touched his personal items and moved them to his new room. Well, that’s a breach of privacy.
“43?” Eddie whispers to himself, he walks slowly down the hall and stops just as he sees the boy walking into the room. “I’m rooming with you?!” 
“Edward!? You’re the ass that’s bunking with me for the rest of the semester?” Richie yells back. 
There has to be some sort of mistake. He feels like Juliet Capulet, or maybe Romeo Montague, he doesn’t know. One of them at least. Eddie tries to find a nicer example considering how it ends in Shakespeare’s play but it’s the only acceptable parallel, only he hopes it won’t end in tragedy.
Eddie walks in through the door in a huff, throwing his backpack at the foot of his new bed and falls back onto the bedding, his head narrowly missing the top of the bed. “Okay, our families have an issue but we haven’t spoken or done anything mean to one another,” Richie reasons. “Why don’t we get to know each other?”
Eddie doesn’t see the harm and he knows that Richie is right. Why was there ever an issue? The line was blurred as to how it truly went down as every generation messed up what actually happened. It finally came down to Richie and Eddie, and both of them had no idea why they were supposed to hate each other. If it had something to do with the homophobia way back then, then it shouldn’t be a problem now. 
A few months later, the pair have become great friends, hidden from their parents. Now being a day before the start of Spring break, both of them have finished exams and are sitting on their respective beds reading. “I’m going to my friend’s beach house, well her dad’s. He died a couple of years ago and she inherited the house a few months ago after turning 18.” Richie says but then doesn’t follow through. The actual invitation getting lost on his tongue.
“Are you inviting me or just saying for a conversational purpose?” Eddie asks.
“Huh? Oh right, would you like to come? I was given an extra ticket.” 
The truth was Richie told Bev (and Stan) about his little crush on Eddie (that he had developed a little over 2 months ago). So when she booked the flight (which Richie had paid for), she paid for an extra ticket so that Eddie could also go. 
When Richie received the e-mail 2 days ago, Bev had written, “I booked an extra ticket for that cutie that you told me about.”
“Ah, yeah sure. Better than being cooped up in here or in Derry.” Eddie replies.
With Spring break just around the corner, Eddie is keen to just get out of the dorm room and out with friends or even back at Derry. But he doesn’t want to travel back to his overbearing mother. If she ever finds out ... Eddie doesn’t want to fathom on the thought, so he trails off.
“We leave tomorrow,” Richie says nonchalantly 
“Way to throw that at me now, dickhead!” Eddie cries but doesn’t get up.
Richie pulls out a suitcase from under his bed, he packs 3 of his hideous Hawaiian shirts and a couple of pairs of board shorts. Eddie watches intently, the suitcase is a little big for that little amount of clothes. Even with a swim towel, jeans, leather jacket and a hoodie, it was still too big. Richie waltzes over to Eddie’s side of the room.  
Eddie’s frozen as he watches Richie grab a shit ton of his clothing, normally he would be pissed for the invasion of privacy but Richie still did whatever he liked. Richie takes into account of Eddie’s personality and fears, finding shorts and board shorts, t-shirts (& Polo tops), pyjamas and underwear. He whips out a jacket, hoodie and jeans. In a plastic bag, Richie grabs some flipflops and two pairs for Eddie (germs ya know). 
As the pair seat themselves, in the seats that Bev had booked, Eddie starts to question the chairs. Every known fact about plane accidents and worst seats come into his mind. He reaches into his pocket for his inhaler, a terrible habit and mechanism that seems to be the only thing to stop his panic attacks. Richie doesn’t question it, the only thing that seems reasonable, is to get him distracted, especially for take-off. Richie passes him a novel from his own carry-on and a stick of gum. Eddie tightens his seat belt and willingly takes the gum and the book from Richie, he glances at the punk styled man beside him and smiles briefly. He feels pressure grip his knee and slowly moves upwards towards the middle of his thigh. It’s a subtle notion that brings Eddie comfort.
“Richie, can I tell you something?” Eddie asks, just as the plane starts to move towards the runway. It’s weird wanting to tell the guy you’re gay when you’re 1) supposed to hate them, 2) have a crush on them and 3) only just became really good friends with.
“Sure Eds.” Now he’s dreading it and wants to back down. He tries to think of anything else to say to Richie.
“Okay, first off, don’t call me that. Second of all, I think I’m gay.” Richie doesn’t say anything, he blinks a couple of times and then smiles. 
“So am I.” Eddie reciprocates the smile. “What do you think happened between our families?” It ties in, so Eddie wasn’t at all surprised by the question. It had, of course, been burning into his mind ever since he found out that Richie was actually a really nice guy. Richie decides to impulsively pinch Eddie’s cheeks, Eddie wacks his hand away and rubs his cheek and tries to cover the crimson colour that his face is turning.
Once Eddie gets a hold of himself, suppressing the butterflies and the blush that had occurred, he says, “I don’t know, whatever it was, it must’ve been bad. I was told that it was something to do with homophobia.”
“I was told something a little more broad, just a disagreement that went against church beliefs.” 
By the time they reached Beverly’s beach house, it’s almost 8pm, Richie pays the taxi driver and collects his suitcase from the trunk of the car. “Right, shall we?” Richie says in his terrible British accent. The house looks fairly fancy, considering it was owned by Alvin Marsh, parts were still a little old-fashioned like the outside light fixtures and the original part before the odd & modern extension out the back, other than that it was pretty modern. The squared look, the clear open floor plan, since the curtains are drawn back, you can see in from the curb. 
“Molly, how are you?” Richie greets as the redheaded girl opens the door.
“Great Richard, and don’t call me Molly.” She steps aside to let Richie and Eddie step in. “So this is the guy you’ve been blabbing to me about. Wait! Isn’t he -”
The look in Bev’s eyes ... Eddie knows that she knows. Even though he had never hung out with her in high school, it was obvious that she knows who he is. 
“Edward?!” Stan spits. “This is the guy you’ve been whining about!?”
“Give him a break Stanley, Eddie was almost valedictorian, tutored, did babysitting and volunteering.” Ben pipes up. 
Ben wasn’t part of Richie’s friendship group, but Eddie did know that he had a massive crush on Bev. It was obvious, he would stare hopefully all English class, Eddie found it kinda pathetic but knew what it was like to be pining for someone he couldn’t have. His crush on Richie went away after high school but came rushing back at the start of the year when they had inadvertently sat beside each other in psychology. 
“It’s the obvious story of Romeo and Juliet!” Beverly cries cheerfully. 
Before Richie or Eddie could butt in, Ben comments, “Can I make a Degrassi reference babe?” Bev rolls her eyes and nods towards Ben, “It’s Romeo and Jules.” 
Richie looks at Eddie cautiously, trying to eyeball and sudden change in demeanour that may signal that Eddie doesn’t like him. “I’m the Capulet, Bill is my Tybalt!” Eddie screams, Richie only laughs and kisses Eddie.
“So, Eddie Spaghetti, does that make Bev and Stan my ‘Benvolio’ and ‘Mercutio’?” Richie whispers against Eddie’s lips.
“If you want them to be.” The two laugh into yet another kiss.
“Okay okay, keep it PG-rated! We don’t want any nonsense!” Beverly says jokingly.
Now that they were far away from Derry and far away from their parents and their parents’ feud. The two took it upon themselves to start a clean slate for the Toziers and Kaspbraks. Eddie ponders on the thought that if Romeo and Juliet didn’t die, they’d unite their families, just like he hopes for Richie and him. 
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rainbowsntears · 5 years
↳ the fights between you and richie were constant and the losers had enough. who knows if this punishment could end it all?
↳ lots of swearing and only a lil bit of adult humour and bad writing oops
↳ 2082
↳ hi, i’m back from my long inactive era! i’m always open for request and i apologise for how bad this is oops. enjoy xx
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It's constant; you two fighting is constant.
No, not physical contact. More like insulting and yelling is your true way of greeting each other every single day. And you were beginning to guess that none of the losers like it. Well, you always knew but it just seemed like today the whole group looked more than over it.
"You literally can't get rid of me that easy. I'm apart of the club too so haha you're stuck with me forever!"  
"I don't fucking- I really don't want to..."
"Suck it up, you fucker!"  
"I'm not kidding you have tWO BRAIN CELLS that you share with your pET-"
You jumped when you felt yourself being forcibly pulled away from Richie and you exaggerated a loud sigh when the force that pulled them away was good ol' Stan. The brunette stands there in the middle of you two, huffing and puffing. He glanced at you first then at Richie with an irritated look on his face. "For fuck's sake, stop!" He shouted, obviously not scaringly loud but enough to get his point across.
"Wha- I didn't start it!" Richie was quick to defend himself which only made Stan roll his eyes and glare at the Trashmouth.
And so he then bent down and moved his hand so it was just hovering over the ground, his bundle of curls shook a little when he transitioned fastly, "You see this? That's the amount of shits I give." Stan's sarcasm only gave you a reason to raise a smirk on your lips when you saw Richie groan and shake his head.
His eyes trail over to meet yours and he raised his eyebrows. "What are you looking at?" He snapped.
"The face of defeat."
"Oh, you fucking bi-"
"Like I said," Stan cut in and pushed you two away from each other again when both you and Richie moved too close again, "shut up!"
"Well, I mean, mouths are used for talking," You mumbled under your breath as you switched putting your weight on your left foot to your right.
The other brunette - your nemesis - sniggered as he covered his mouth slightly like he was trying to keep something in. But he could only snigger more when he saw Stan kept a hard stare at him and so Richie had to say what was funny.
"That isn't the only thing mouths are used for,"
"Jesus fucking Christ-"
Stan - yet again - cut you off, "Yeah? Well, maybe this might shut you up." Is all he said before he pulled your hand not entirely violently but you jolted a little out of alarm and he interlocked it with someone else's hand. Someone's hand that felt soft and nice and...
You see, not only are you holding someone's hand, but you were holding the one and only Richie. And so just then, both you and Richie yanked your hands away while screeching from the shock of what just happened.
"What the shit?!"
"Oh fuck that!"  
Stanley glared at the two of you, "This is your punishment, you either do this or you get something worse."
"What could be worse than this?!" Richie exclaimed as he threw his hands up in the air, moving them around frantically.
You watched a sly smug grow on Stan's face and he folded his arms, you just knew it was definitely going to be worse, "I mean," he hummed, "I was thinking of getting Y/N to sit on your lap-"
"No!" Both you and Richie scream again in agony and even just the imagery made you gag and the two of you backed away from each other. The rest of the losers - that had been quiet about the scenario - couldn't stop the small chuckles that escaped their lips from both of your disgusted faces.
Stan tsked and grabbed your's and the Trashmouth's wrists again, making your hands lock with one another, "Then do this and you'll have no problem!"
You lifted your head up slowly, "How long?" You whisper as you looked at the curly headed boy quite annoyed.
"For as long as you guys need the time. I mean...you'll know when it's okay to stop." He replied with a small grin and you frowned as you glanced at an unimpressed Richie then back at Stanley.
"Oh come on Y/N. Have you wondered why I chose this type of punishment?" He stated before forcing you two to sit on a chair each. You shake my head, eager to know the answer quite frankly. But all you got as an answer was a sigh and yet another eye roll. So typical of Stan, "You two are so oblivious." He mumbled under his breath.
You knit your eyebrows together, "Really?"
"Yes, the tension is killing me!" He whined as he scrunched his face like a little child. He shook his head one last time and took a step back so he was in line with the other losers that were sitting at a bench watching you two intently. "This will be interesting," Stan whispered to them as they all nodded in agreement, and he wasn't wrong.
Ah, shit.
His hands really felt nice.
What a shame you couldn't really tell him that.
You found yourself slowly turning your head to the side to look at Richie, only to squint your eyes when you caught him already gazing at you, "Like what you see?" you found yourself teasing as you battered your eyes in an innocent manner.
Richie's glare was like lasers piercing into your eyes and he shook his head, "No, not at all," He answered sharply with an evil grin defining his face when your smirk withered a little bit.
"The love towards the two is beautiful...I think I'm gonna cry." Mike whispered to the loser's, hearing the others agreeing as the continued to watch you two like hawks.
This is way harder than you thought it would be. And the silence was scaring you a lot. So, why not just have a nice conversation together like you guys always do?
"...What's with all of the sweat on your hand?"
"My way to make sure no other fuckhead can hold your hand, sweetheart."
"Oh so now you own me?"
"If that helps you sleep at night,"
"What?! No!" You screamed and tried to yank your hand away but his grip on your hand tightened, your lips shut together as you frowned madly, "You fucking let go now or I swear to God-"
"Not a chance, the more we complain and scream about not wanting to hold hands, the more time Stan is gonna make us do this for," Richie bitterly replied back with a slight monotone in his voice and you groaned, "and plus, I like us holding hands." He quickly added, sending you a wink which made you gag loudly.
"Well, I don't!" You exclaimed as you pulled your hand away again, only to sigh when you failed yet again, "You're bullshit." You mumbled under your breath.
"Aww love you too, sweetheart."
"I'll punch you with my other hand so hard you won't fEEL YOUR SMALL DIC-"
"Oh m-my god," Bill grumbled and looked between the two of you, "j-just admit your-your feelings towards ea-each other so we can g-go eat!"
Your head whipped around from a taken aback Richie to Bill and cocked your head to the side in confusion, "What feelings? I don't see no feelings here!" You called out, a little skip in your heartbeat told you otherwise, that annoyed you, but, it was true. You kinda felt bad that fighting with Richie was the only way that you truly was able to hide your feelings. Because really, you liked Richie a lot. So much more than he actually realised. And what really helps is that you two have so much in common!
"I do, the feeling of pure hatred," Richie muttered under his breath, but since you two were so close to each other, you heard it too.
"Well, you got that right,"
It was about a few minutes of silence shared between everyone, yeah there was a few groans and whines that escaped from both of your mouths and the rest of the loser club that were watching you two still, even after such a long time.
They were committed, and you were impressed.
You were about to let out another heavy sigh to irritate everyone around you as nothing was happening until you were someone speaking...
"I'm sorry."
You frowned and you scrunched your face up as you looked up at the brunette Trashmouth, "What?"
Richie bit his lip and squinted his eyes a bit, "I'm sorry! There, I said it! Happy now?" He asserted loudly before your eyes widened, not believing what was really going on at this moment. Richie Tozier was...apologising?
Suddenly you became nervous, your heart kept skipping beats and it ran faster and faster as you tried to think of something smart to say to cover up your vulnerability.
"Y'know, I would have preferred: 'I'm so terribly sorry, Y/N, for making you upset at times. Here are some fresh flowers that I ripped off the ground just for you along with a big, big hug because I love you so very much!'" You finished with a huff, looking down at your lap in relief.
Richie was mumbling nonsense under his skin that you don't really hear well. He stood up for the first time in a long time and you followed after him when he started to walk somewhere and you frown.
"Where are we going?" You asked as you turned to look at the brunette.
"You'll soon find out, cover your eyes." He demanded which made you shake your head.
"Nah, I'm good-"
"Fucking hell, Y/N, just do it."
So here you were, stumbling and tripping over things because you had your eyes closed as Richie walked around, you tightened your grip on his hand so just in case you fell he could catch you.
...I mean so he could fall with you!
"Done!" You hear him yell as he cut you off quick enough which made you jump frightfully and clutch your chest.
"Oh god, don't scare me like that again!" You screeched, hearing Richie sneer from beside you and you nearly went to slap off that smirk you knew he was wearing.
It kind of died down like Richie had been thinking, it was only for a few seconds, but when he told you to open your eyes and you did, your eyes had to blink furiously and multiple times to actually know if what you were in right now was, in fact, reality.
"I'm so terribly sorry, Y/N, for making you upset at times. Here are some fresh flowers that I ripped off the ground just for you along with a big, big hug because I love you so very much!" The Trashmouth said as he handed the pulled out dandelions and daisies before giving you a big bear hug.
You nearly cried.
Richie was hugging you. Hugging? You?
Now, this is what you've been wishing for years! And it was really happening, right now.
"Aw, you fucking sap."
"Shut up, you made me," Richie defended himself as he let go of you, which you kind wished he didn't do, but at least now you could look at his cute face.
You hummed softly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, "I really didn't, it was a suggestion," but then you sighed heavily as your head hung low again. You had to say it now. There's no turning back. "yeah, I'm sorry too, Chee. I like you, and I guess I hid it by being a bitch-"
"-Nuh uh, don't call yourself that!"
"-fine! I hid it by being...annoying and irritating. But by doing this, I wasn't making anything better, in fact, I was making the situation worse. I'm really fucking sorry."
Richie - for the first time - smiled widely at you, "Well great minds think alike, I guess," He chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck. "I like you too, even though I did say it before. Reassurance is important. And I'm really sorry too, I just wish I wasn't a sissy and just told you otherwise this shit wouldn't have happened."
And you smiled right back at him, your heart skipping beats now as you fiddled with your fingers, beginning to open your mouth but you had been beaten from the numerous cheers you heard behind you.
You forgot the losers were STILL here.
"It's about fucking time!" Stan and Beverly shout with a loud huff afterwards.
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•Chapter 17•
This is based off of the artwork by oceanteeeth on Instagram! Also shout out to my Beta super.rose.cosplays!
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: The Losers attend the school's annual field trip to a small island. What possibly could go wrong?! )
The next morning Richie drove the two Ancestors to school in time to meet up at the required time before the bus leaves at 6.
“What animal schedules a school trip at 6 am?” Richie groaned as he parked at his normal spot in the school parking lot. Once the engine was off Richie finally turned to look at Eddie but quickly glanced down at their hands that were intertwined on the console between them.
After the fight and Richie’s terrible impressions, they eventually made up; they both mentally agreed that they can’t risk separating at this point, especially with the trip in literal hours.
“Well we’re here, we can’t bail now,” Eddie shrugged as he looked from Richie, out into the rising sun over the horizon. “Come on, let’s go puppy.” Eddie requested with a smirk as he opened his door, nearly took a step out before he looked over to Richie for help, his big doe eyes shining in the morning sun.
Richie smiled warmly before he hopped out, went to Eddie’s side and took his hand in his to help him down. “M'lady,” Richie said as Eddie stepped down beside him.
In response he got a slap on the shoulder, “Trashmouth” Eddie playfully rolled his eyes. He grabbed his bag from the back and stepped aside to allow Richie to retrieve his own before they closed the trunk and made their way towards the school.
The rest of the Losers could be seen by the bleachers not too far away from where the teachers were rounding up all the other students who were going on the trip.
“Sup Losers!” Richie called out as he and Eddie approached the others.
“Hey Rich, glad you could make it.” Bev shot him a smirk as she took a drag from her cigarette.
“I don't think any of us have ever seen you up before 8.” Mike joked, he turned to Eddie and asked, “Did you have to lure him out of bed with like a 6 shot of coffee?”. Mike didn’t make jokes like that often, but when he did, they were good.
Richie let out a bark of laughter and slapped his thigh, “Aha! Mikey gets off a good one. No but seriously imma pass out on the bus wake me up when it’s time to go home”. No one was sure whether he was being serious or not…
It was a miracle that all of the Losers were conveniently going on this trip. It was an English trip that was always accompanied by the Creative Writing class, which was taught by Mrs. Stuart. So Richie, Eddie, Ben and Stan were all in English together while Bev, Bill and Mike took the creative writing class.
While they awaited for further instructions from their teachers, the teens talked about random gossip they’d heard recently or rant about family/school life. Almost everyone had something to add, almost. Bill nodded and looked interested, yet he never spoke, well unless he was spoken to but everyone got the vibe that he wanted to be left alone (which was correct). So he stood slightly behind Stanley, so close that the taller boy could feel Bill’s heavy sigh on the back of his neck. It sent shivers down Stan’s spine.
When it was time to line up to get onto the bus, the Losers were the first in line. It allowed them to get the luxury of the back seats. Bill claimed the window seat of the second last seat, Stan slid in beside him, the two boys almost immediately fell asleep, Bill head rested on Stan’s shoulder while Stan’s rested on top of Bill’s. Mike claimed the seat behind them, the back seat. He sat on the edge with his feet in the aisle to face his friends. Richie and Eddie took one back seat while Ben and Bev claimed the one in front of them.
Everyone got settled and ready for the hour (or so) ride ahead. Suddenly, Ben whipped out Uno, things just got interesting.
“Don’t you fucking dare do it” Eddie glared daggers at Richie who slowly placed a pick up four card on top of the privious Uno card.
“Fucking hell!” Eddie swore as he tossed the rest of his cards down onto the pile.
Richie couldn’t hold back his laughter as he watched Eddie fume and sulk in the corner. Ben and Bev joined in as they sat on their knees and leaned over the back of their seat and into Eddie and Richie’s area.
“Wanna play another round?” Ben inquired as Eddie shook his head.
“I’m tired- plus if this ass hat pulls another plus 4 card out I’m going to kill everyone on this bus, then myself” Eddie said in a joking tone.
Once Bev and Ben were turned around and settled back into their seat, Eddie leaned his head against the window and his hands on his knees.
Neither of them could deny the fact that they both felt a little claustrophobic on the bus, their Ancestral sides craved to break out and run free. They felt too big for their bodies, like their skin was stretching and their bones were aching.
Richie examined the other Ancestor, the morning sunlight made his freckles shine like stars in the night sky. As much as he wanted to count each and every one of them, his attention was caught by something that rippled over Eddie’s hand. He looked down and noticed how the veins on Eddie's hands, the ones that usually go unnoticed, were dark, almost black. As if someone had injected a black ink like iquo into his veins. Richie quickly slapped a hand over Eddie’s.
Eddie’s eyes snapped down to the hand that Richie held. “It’s okay Rich, it happens on the full moon sometimes. Usually not this early on in the day but- later on it’ll get worse. For the both of us” A grime wave passed over Eddie's eyes as he looked at Richie.
Richie shook his head, slowly, and carefully took Eddie’s hand in his and lifted it up to his face where he kissed the back of his hand, black veins and all.
Eddie blushed, leaned forward and buried his face into the crook of Richie’s neck. Richie wrapped his arm around Eddie’s shoulders and held him close. “Get some shut eye, we’ve still got a ways to go…”.
“Okay ladies and gentlemen” Mr Brock said as he stepped off the bus, ahead of the students. “Woah one by one” He instructed as the students began rushing out of the bus.
The losers were the first ones on, that mean they would be the last ones off. Seeing the cliffs, the long green grass, the water that came with the salt in the air, Eddie and Richie were dying to get out and be one with nature. Their extra energy had them bouncing in their seats as they waited for the line up to slowly make its way out of the bus.
“Tag” Richie whispered into Eddie’s ear the moment he stepped off the bus. Immediately afterwards he started sprinting away from the bus, his Ancestral blood pumping through his veins, a certain weight lifted off their shoulders as they ran out in the open. Richie had ran in a circle around their group of students before Eddie quickly caught up and slapped his back-
“Boys calm down!” Mrs. Stuart, called out with a small glare.
Richie halted, Eddie ran into his back. They both turned and giggled like little school girls. “Good one Rich, getting us in trouble before the tour even starts” Eddie mumbled as Richie elbowed him back in response.
Soon a representative from the island came to talk to them and explain how they’d go to the main castle and that’s where they’d meet the tour guide. During that time, Riche took a moment to survey his surroundings.
The wind blew in soft bursts through the tall lush grass on the outskirts of the small city, which consisted of the main building, which could’ve been called a small castle by the way it looked from the outside. Not only was it a castle but it also dubbed as a hotel. But there were also about 20 houses and some general stores. Beyond the main city area, the grass flowed out onto the gravel beaches and into the white waves. Farther out, down a hill there would be ruins of the original city that once laid there. All that was left were tunnels, caves and cement foundation.
“Now this would be a cool place to spend a full moon…” Richie’s voice drifted off as he imagined it in his head.
“Hmm sure” Eddie replied without taking his eyes away from the teacher who was speaking.
“Seriously though! Imagine it, running wild in the ruins, frightening the villagers” Richie jokes. Eddie rolled his eyes, Richie sighed, “Okay what about the beach? You can’t say you haven’t imagined spending a full moon out by the water” he reasoned as he looked at Eddie straight on.
Eddie’s arms that had once been crossed were now down by his sides, “Even if I did, it’s not like we can, our safest option is to just spend it with your dad. We cannot risk getting caught, not now” he huffed.
The wolf knew the rabbit had a point, but he couldn’t help thinking what it would be like to live like the Ancestors had before, at one with nature.
“So if you would kindly follow me into the lobby where you will be introduced to your tour guide for today” The man explained as he led the group through the little town area that separated them from the castle.
All the students oowed and awed at the old fashioned buildings that sat on either side of the road they walked on. Everything was made out of red burgundy bricks, wooden rooftops and white fences.
“It is kinda cool…” Eddie mumbled to Richie.
The group approached the castle and noticed the professional looking lady that stood on the front steps. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming to our quaint little island of Balmoral” The lady held her arms out to welcome the students before she continued her speech. “This island is protected by the ocean on all sides, the only way of accessing it is during the day while the tide is low. So our time is short, that’s why I’m so glad we get to have you all hear for the limited time between high tide, shall we begin?”.
“That’s what I was saying! Come on Eddie spaghetti you really need to start listening to me-“ Richie was cut off when he ran into Eddie who was walking infront of him, but had ubrutly stopped. “Woah what’s up spaghetti-“
“Shut up trashmouth” Eddie hissed, his eyes wide, body frozen in shock. Before Richie could question him further, Eddie took a few swift steps and practically hid behind Richie’s taller figure.
“Shut up- Shut up shut up!” Richie turned to face Eddie who shrank back, away from Richie touch. His voice was low and anxious, he was almost shaking as his eyes finally met.
“Woah what’s going on. Eddie talk to me” Richie whispered low enough for only Eddie to hear. To comfort Eddie, Richie reached his hand out and placed it on the back of the other’s head, sliding his fingers under Eddie’s beanie and into his hair. He felt Eddie physically melt into his touch
Eddie hesitated before he Began, “T-That lady is-“.
“Everything okay?” Mike asked with concern as he came up from behind them.
“A-Asthma” Eddie gasped as he started waving his hand around as if he were gesturing for someone to give him something.
Richie rapidly clued in on what Eddie was gesturing to. He did that dance when you check your pockets, he tried his inner jacket pocket, outer jacket pocket, amd both of his pant pockets. Then hre remembered where he kept it and leaped to open his bag’s back pocket. Quickly he yanked Eddie’s spare inhaler from the pocket, shook it rapidly and handed it to Eddie.
The rabbit barley had any time to question why Richie had it before he popped it in his mouth, one pump, two pumpes. Finally his breath slowly began to return.
“I-I’m okay” Eddie breathed, releaved to be able to have his breath back.
“Always prepare, right Rich?” Mike clapped him on the back, shooting him a proud smile before he went to catch up with the rest of the Losers who were at the front of the group. Stan had noticed Eddie’s little attack and instead of leading the rest of the group towards the ancestors, he suggested they go towards the front to hear what the tour guide had to say, in hopes that they wouldn’t notice what was happening.
Eddie and Richie stayed behind as they turned to face eachother.
“What the hell is going on?” Richie demanded with a serious tone.
“Me? Why the hell do you have my spare inhaler? I knew I lost this thing!”.
“I took it to be prepared for exactly this” Richie said.
Eddie began theoriesing, “But my asthma never fucking acts up anymore so why-“.
Richie sntached the inhaler out of Eddie’s grasp and shoved it back into his pocket, “OKay I was worried? Sue me. What the fuck happened in the first place?”.
It was almost as if Eddie had forgotten what he’d seen only minutes before. “That lady, the fucking tour guide, is in the council-“
“WHAT!” Richie exclaimed, catching everyone’s attention in doing so. The students, teachers, and the lady tour guide all turned to stare at the all too shocked teenage boy and his smaller, feistier boyfriend. “What do you mean this was Shakespeare's summer cottage! That’s so cool” Richie joked as he forced a laugh. Thankfully his shitty performance made everyone feel awkward enough to look away as the tour guide continued her introduction.
“Jesus trashmouth” Eddie groaned as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“Not the time Kasbrak, you've got some explaining to do” Richie rubs the back of his kneck as he closes his eyes in hopes of rubbing away the emarrasment he just endured.
“That lady is Elizah Brightmoon, she’s the leader of the fucking council” Eddie stressed.
Richie raised his eyebrows, “What? How the hell is she here?” He interrogated.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know? What are we supposed to do! If she sees me I’m as good as dead. And we both know they wouldn’t mind that” Eddie glanced away, behind Richie’s shoulder to look at the tour guide, Elizah. She was explaing the plan for their day.
“Call your parents they must know what to do” Eddie waved wildingly at Richie who proceeded to search for his phone.
The teen found his phone in his inner jacket pocket and quickly dialed his dad’s mobile number which Went had him memorize when he was a kid. His heart nearly stopped when he heard the beep and a robotic voice tell him that he’s ‘Out of range of any cellular towers’ and that he should ‘please find the nearest cellular tower to continue your call’.
“Shit, I don’t have service” Richie groaned as he ran his hand over his snapback, carful not to reveal his wolf ears.
“What does that mean?” Eddie lifted an eyebrow as he had yet to grasp all of the human’s concepts of technology.
“I-I can’t call them. We’re on our own” Richie realized.
“Now if you’d follow me then we can begin our tour of the castle” Elizah began as she moved into the castle. The group slowly followed behind her, Richie and Eddie shared a look or worry before they tilted their heads down and followed behind everyone else.
The tour actually went fairly well, once they were shown the main lobby of the castle, Mr Brock split them up into two groups, one group went with Eliza while the other went with Mr Brock and Janet, one of the other tour guides who was, according to Eddie ‘some random lady he didn’t know’.
By the power of lucky, or magic, Eddie and Richie were put into the group led by Janet. Aside from the two being nearly overwhelmed by worry, they were actually kinda able to enjoy the tour with their friends.
First Janet led them through the castle, citing off random facts about its creation and the builder. Which The Losers mostly listened to, Rich and Bev made jokes about what the creator probably really did in each room, Eddie complained about how dirty everything probably is (and worried about the whole council thing). Ben, Stan and Mike actually listened and tried to take notes. Bill tried to as well but he couldn’t help but notice how tense Richie and Eddie had become.
Sure things were tense between Eddie and Bill (Richie too, even though Bill didn’t know Richie’s secret, he was still on edge), but it was as if they made a mental agreement to stay on opposite ends of their group and keep to limited conversation if any.
Before they left the castle, Janet showed them around the lobby. The room was massive, and very fancy. White tiled floors, high ceilings with intricate designs made of gold and silver. In the middle was a massive crystal chandelier that hung elegantly from the ceiling. In the main area of the lobby there were couches and love seats for people to sit or wait, the main desk, and in the back there was an almost museum like set up.
The tour guide held her hand out to show off the display cases infront of her as she led toe group towards the back of the lobby. “Here we have our artifact sections. Everything here had an important part in Balmoral’s creation, from the first shovel that broke dirt to the last weapon that was used as defense” Janet paused in the middle of the mini musem to allow the students to wander and look at the artifacts.
There were about 10 display cases that house various items, shovels and pickaxes as Janet described, as well as old knives, daggers, rusty old guns. But one gun in particular caught Bill’s eye, it looked newer, cleaner and shinier. A familiar small patch of rust around the mussel.
Old memories flooded his mind as he recalled the various times his father had sat him down and told him his latest and greatest story from the most recent hunt. Bill’s lips unconsciously curved into a grim smile, his eyes became a little wateryer as his hand brushed overtop of the glass casing. It couldn’t be, it can’t be…
A hand landed on his shoulder, breaking Bill out of his thoughts, “You okay Big Bill?” Mike asked curiously.
Bill quickly wiped at his eyes, catching any tears that might have managed to escape during his emotional moment. “Yep, yep. A-All good” Bill nodded, turning away from the case to face the rest of the group.
“Wanna go check out the murals?” Mike inquired, already steering Bill in the direction of the paintings.
After the castle Janet showed them outside through the big glass doors in the back of the mini musem. From there she took them around the fields surrounding the town. Mr. Brock gave them a mini lecture of the history behind the island and it’s original purpose while the students listened and took notes as it would help with their final project. The teacher explained that the final project would have the students do a presentation on one of the town’s famous stories that they’ve picked up on the trip. Balmoral was famous for various pieces of lore and make believe creatures, so the students had a lot to choose from.
The group was already sat outside so when the teacher announced it was time for lunch they simply opted to stay outside and eat on the lush grass by the water.
“Guys I’m kinda feeling a little uh homesick, might go on a walk, anyone want to join me?” Richie urburtly stood up.
“Yeah, love to” Eddie pipped up.
“OKay good, thanks, bye guys” Richie waved and they were off before anyone else could get a word in.
“Well that was normal” Beverly noted as she took a bit of her sandwich.
Stan inhaled and let out a loud sneeze, “Allergies”, he brushed it off.
Bill kept an eye on the two who were walking away from the group. He leaned over to Stan “Keep an e-eye on the-them, something isn’t ri-right” He whispered.
Stan shook his head, retrieved a kleenex from his pocket and whipped his nose. “What do you think is wrong?” He inquired.
“I-I don’t know” Bill lied. Sure, he didn’t knew exactly what Eddie’s intentions were but he knew for sure that he wasn't human. He saw it with his own eyes! That day at the sleepover, ears like a rabit, the night before, eyes as blue as ice. He’s literally seen Eddie transform into a rabbit.
Bill couldn’t stop replaying the events from last night in his head. ‘Where I come from, if he isn’t from here then where the hell is he from? There’s this council, and they rule above all else. After I saved him, they came in. Apparently I had ‘gotten to close’ and ‘revealed our secret’ These must be pretty fuking important secrets if they would kill an innocent man just to keep them hidden.
My dad didn’t do anything, he just wanted some time away from the hecticiness of the Denbrough household, is that too much to fucking ask? Now Eddie, my only fucking lead might be a dead end! And if he isn’t to blame then who the hell is? Some fucking council?
He snapped out of his thoughts when a hand touched his own. What Bill hadn't realized was that his fingers had curled into fists, tight fists, white knuckles and all. He slowly released his fists when Stan rested his own hand on top of them.
“You okay?” Stan asked curiously, his big blue eyes as pure as ever.
Bill sighed, his shoulders sagged, “F-Fine”. Stan leaned away from Bill and sneezed again.
Their day was almost over, they only had one place left to go which was Shakespeare's cabin, but that’s when Stan sneezed into his elbow. When he looked at the sleeve of his grey cardigan he noticed the disgusting looking mucus that now sat on the material. Not even a minute later Stanley stumbled over his own feet, he reached out to grasp Bill’s shoulder and even out his center of gravity.
The sudden touch ripped Bill’s attention away from the two ancestors and he re-focused it on Stan, who was now leaning up against him. “Are you oh-okay?” He asked, worried.
Stan looked up into Bill’s eye as he wrapped his arm around the other’s shoulders for support. “I’m fine Bill… I’m fine” Stan mumbled, his voice almost too mumbled to understand. A moment later he snapped his head away from Bill and proceeded to vomit all over the nice tile floor of the castle’s lobby.
Word Count: 3855
What happened to Stan? Will he recover from whatever he has? What will happen to Eddie and Richie as the full moon approaches? Will Elizah find out about the two runnaway Ancestors?
Find out next Friday on Everfalls!
I hope you guys liked this chapter and are excited for what's to come! Cause trust me- it's goooood. So take a seat, stick around for a while, and enjoy the ride.
That's all from me, until next time
So Long and Goodnight
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