#i know he's an angel and could visit dean in heaven
strangenewgirls · 2 years
i'm pro human cas destiel endgame because i don't want him to live on eternally after dean dies because that makes me cry
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wrenwinchester · 4 months
Bear with me here. Because I have. Some thoughts.
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First things first, visit here for another in depth analysis of the table carvings that doesn’t really have anything to do with my commentary, but I found it while looking for the picture for the table and liked their analysis. So….
Anyway, the table. We watch as Sam and Dean carve their own initials, and we know Mary’s initials get added after her death in season 14. That’s all fine and dandy. And we know Cas and Jack’s names get added sometime after Cas’s death, and presumably after Jack leaves, but we don’t really know when, or even by who. We also don’t really know who carved Mary’s initials, not really.
However, we see Sam and Dean’s different styles of carving into things twice. (Sorry about the gore it was the cleanest picture I could find of the car initials completely.)
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Now, neither of the boys are identical, however, we can see a distinct difference between Sam and Dean’s style. Dean carves deep, so it will stay a long time, despite wear and tear. Sam however carves wide. He carves out his initials instead of making a hole. It’s much more surface level, almost as if he’s scared of getting in trouble and wants it to be easier to get rid of. But that’s something we can get into later.
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When they add Mary’s initials there are a couple things that tip us off that it was Dean who actually carved them in, A) they’re from that direction, which is the side/seat Dean almost always sits in when both brothers are up and about. And B) it has that same depth to it as his initials, and the same style of how the lives meet. Therefore Dean carved Mary’s initials.
However, this brings us back to Jack and Cas.
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Both Cas and Jack’s names have that same width over depth, more surface level carving as Sam’s initials. Especially when compared to Dean and Mary’s. The S in Castiel has very similar strokes to the S for Sam’s initials, and the A’s and C’s in their names are similar if not the same (or as same as they can be considering they were carved into wood and sometimes the grain of the wood disrupts flow a little bit).
This, to me, means that Sam was the one to carve Castiel and Jack’s names into the table. And I’d even bet, that he didn’t do it until after Dean died.
Now I could be wrong about this last part, but if I’m remembering correctly, we don’t see all five names/initials until after Dean’s death. While Sam is sitting at the table (notably in Dean’s spot, and wearing dean’s sweatshirt.) with Miracle, so it’s plausible, and even probable.
And I’d bet he did it when he decided he couldn’t live in the bunker anymore without Dean because every little thing reminded him of his brother. And I’ll bet he did it because they are a part of his family and they deserved to be remembered too.
Castiel, the angel of Thursday, the angel who betrayed heaven for the sake of humanity. Who chose over and over again to take the Winchester’s side over any other supernatural being because he trusted their sense of right versus wrong. Castiel, one of the Winchester’s only friends who stuck around, who made sure that they took care of themselves, and made sure to save them while they were saving the world. Castiel, the Winchester’s best friend.
And Jack, their kid. Sure, he was the spawn of Lucifer, but he was Castiel’s kid. He was Sam’s kid, and he was Dean’s kid. (I’ll get to a rant about Dean and Jack’s relationship at a different point because I have thoughts.) Jack saved the world, and he turned out good because of Castiel, because of Sam, and because of Dean. Jack took the mantle of God to protect the world, so he could protect his family, and keep the angels from interfering with human affairs.
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destieltaggedfic · 14 days
Hello! Do you have any fics where Dean suffers from Castiel's death?
I mean the big question is which death? Cas had a few. I've tried to find a few that have more long-term issues or even address that Dean is perhaps still not ok just because Cas comes back. There is also a grieving Dean tag.
Lost without you – cloudyjenn   Ao3
Set S5 AU.  Four years after Dean left Cas to hold off the archangels at Chuck’s house and after they have put a stop to the apocalypse, he and Sam are investigating a case when they find Cas, living in town with no memories of who or what he is.
Word Count: 17k                              No Sex
white dress shirt – fleeceframe   Ao3
Set S13.They’re back in the bunker.  Cas is still talking to Sam and Dean?  Well he knows Cas is alive again, but that doesn’t stop the memories of what it was like when he was gone, or the accompanying panic attack.
Word Count: 7k                                 No Sex
cold blue eyes – theseancequeen   Ao3
Set S6.  When Sam stabbed a suped up Cas it did actually kill the angel.  Dean can’t forgive him for that especially when Sam won’t apologise.
Word Count: 2k                                 No Sex 
What Is Tomorrow Without You – sobsicles   Ao3
Set S13 AU.  The only thing that is keeping Dean going is when he finds out that Jack can send him to see Cas.  So out go the plans to kill Lucifer’s offispring.  Of course nothing is easy and the visits are endangering Dean’s life, not that he cares while he is also trying to find a way to bring Cas back.
Word Count: 94k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
if you ran away, just come home - heller_castiel   Ao3
15x20 didn’t happen AU.  Unable to talk and no longer feeling like the bunker is home Dean leaves and drives, eventually visiting places that he had been with Cas until he reaches a familiar barn.
Word Count: 9k                                 No Sex
There is a fic I wish I could put in here but I have been searching for it for over a year and I cannot refind it. So if anyone happens to know the fic where Dean is so miserable in heaven after Cas' death (Cas stayed in the empty) that he walls himself away in a winter wasteland until Jack finally manages to break in and offers to either take Dean's memories of Cas or reincarnate him I'd love to read it again. I think it was published around early 2023.
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Pairing: Gabriel x Reader Word count: 1,881 Warnings: Character death, angst Request: @lovetusk gabe dies before reader can tell him she’s pregnant. uncles sam, dean, and cass visit often to tell the child stories of dad (gabe) and teach lore of creatures.
Read on AO3
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“No.” You shook your head. “You’re wrong.” Despite what you were saying, you felt that lump in your throat, the tears fighting their way out to betray your words. “He can’t be dead! He just can’t!” Looking into Sam’s face, the damn broke. You couldn’t hold back the pain. Sam had broke the news to you a few minutes ago that Gabriel had been killed.
He took you in his arms, your fists grabbing his shirt, that was now soaked with your tears. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He whispered, his hand cradling the back of your head gently. His eyes went up to Dean, who simply watched. His heart breaking for you. You’d been with Gabe since before they ever met him. You and him were perfect for each other.
You shook your head again. “No. H-he can’t!” Your voice was muffled in Sam’s chest. “How do we know it’s not one of his tricks? That he won’t show up in a few days?” You looked up to your friend with puffy red eyes.
Dean decided to come over, seeing the look on Sam’s face. “I’m sorry, he’s gone.” He said gently. Your eyes moved to gaze at him. His normally bright green eyes were dim with sorrow. “Lucifer stabbed him with an angel blade.” He swallowed. It was hard for him to say those words to you. Gabe had left you behind to help them, not wanting you in the room with all those Gods. And it cost him his life. The Winchesters had become like your brothers since you’d met them. They thought of you as their baby sister.
Your chest felt like it was caving in on itself, like it was being crushed. Sitting down, your put your head in your hands. Sam sat next to you, pulling you into his side. “He can’t be gone. He has to be here for the baby.” Your voice was quiet, so they weren’t even sure that they heard you right.
“Did you say baby?” Dean asked, wanting to clarify.
Looking up, you nodded. “Yeah. I found out this morning that I’m pregnant. I never got the chance to tell him.” That brought another round of sobbing on. Sam and Dean locked eyes, their hearts breaking even more.
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You shot up in bed, breathing heavy. Despite that night being nine years ago, it still felt like it was just yesterday. Every day you were reminded when you looked in your son’s eyes. His father’s honey-colored eyes. While you were pregnant, you’d stayed at the bunker. It was the safest place for you. After your son, Gabriel, was born, the guys helped you find an apartment not too far from them. This way they could check in with you, and you were able to get to safety if needed. No one knew who would come after you when news spread of him being born.
Wiping your cheeks, you slid out of bed. You’d moved into a house a year ago, one with four bedrooms. This way, the guys had one when they came to visit. Which was whenever they could. Cas was the most frequent visitor, as he didn’t  have to be near by. They would tell Gabriel, who they called by his middle name, Elliot, all about his father. They were his favorite bedtime stories, especially when Cas would tell him about his father in heaven. All those fantastic stories would light up those beautiful eyes, which was so bittersweet. Every night you prayed for him to return to you. It was all you ever prayed for. Dean had told you about God. About how he’s basically a ‘dead beat dad’, but you couldn’t stop. You’d pray until the day you died for the love of your life to come back.
As you sat at the island in the kitchen with your coffee, you glanced at the clock. It was five in the morning, so there was no use going back to bed. Gabriel had school that morning, so you would have to wake him up in an hour or so. Hearing footsteps down the stairs, you hurriedly wiped your eyes. “Can’t sleep?” You heard the gruff voice of Dean join you.
“No.” You whispered. “There’s fresh coffee made. Your have your creamer in the fridge.” Whenever they came, you made sure to have things they like stocked up. Hell, you had a chest freezer in the garage half full of frozen pies.
As he poured himself, he glanced at you, seeing the redness in your cheeks. “You dream about that night again?” He asked softly. You’d told him all about it one night while crying into his shirt. Ever since, he just knew. You nodded, holding on to the coffee mug with both hands and looking into it it. A tear slipped down your cheek. “I know it’s hard, looking into Elliot’s eyes every day and seeing Gabriel.” He sighed. “But, you’ve got to move on. You deserve it.” Dean wasn’t saying it to be mean, and you knew it. He wanted you happy.
You gave a half-hearted chuckle. “How the hell can anyone measure up to an archangel? And how do you tell someone that your son’s father is the Gabriel? An archangel. Meaning your son is half angel. A Nephilim. That’s not exactly a topic that most sane people have.” Glancing at him, he nodded. “And I can’t be with a hunter, Dean.” That was out of the question. He joined you at the table, both of you sitting in silence. It was oddly comforting. Just to know that you understood each other. “I’m gonna go take a shower. If he gets up, can you just make him a bowl of cereal?” You asked, putting your empty cup off to the side to have more later.
“Sure thing.” He gave you a small smile.
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The rest of the morning seemed to drag on and on. You showered, got Gabriel ready for school, and Dean brought him to school for you. Once he got back, he hung out in the garage, tuning up your car. His Impala sat in the drive way. Sam was on his way back from a ghost hunt that had come up a day after they showed up. They played rock, paper, scissors to see who went. You had rolled your eyes and said that it was like having three kids in the house.
You were wiping down the furniture in the living room when the doorbell rang. The only people that ever stopped by unannounced were the boys, and Sam was still six hours away. Setting down the rag and furniture polish, you blew the strand of hair from your face. You wiped your hands on your pants and moved to the door.
Opening it, you froze. “Hey, sugar. Miss me?” He smirked. You didn’t move, were barely breathing. “Y/N?” He asked.
“Hey, Y/N? When’s the last time you had your oil changed?” Dean asked from the kitchen. When you didn’t answer, he came to where you were, all covered in grease and oil. “Gabriel?” He stared, wide eyed. “You really did fake it, didn’t you?” He asked, angry. “It’s been nine years.” Dean snapped, stepping forward. All he could think about were the sleepless nights, the tears, and watching your heart break every day.
Turning, you put your hands on his chest and looked up at him. “Dean.” You warned. “I will deal with this.” He knew that tone. Glancing back to Gabriel, Dean saw how pissed he looked.
He nodded. “Fine. I’m gonna go back to the garage. Call me if you need me.” Dean kissed the top of your head before walking out.
You swallowed, turning to Gabriel. “You’re with Dean?” He asked, his voice dangerously low.
“Get in here, you ass.” You ordered him, not wanting your neighbors to see this. Once he was in and the door was closed, you punched him as hard as you could. “NINE YEARS!” You yelled. “You’ve been gone nine years, Gabriel.” He stared at you, surprised at how much power you had in your smaller frame. “You have no right to walk back in my life after nine years and question who I allow in my home!” You shoved him. Not hard enough to make him move, but you had so much anger at the moment. “And no, Gabriel. I’m not with Dean!” How the hell did you even begin to tell him how angry you were?
He was angry, too. “You think I stayed away on purpose? I DIED, Y/N.” He yelled back, that fire in his eyes. The one that you’d longed to see. “I don’t know how or why I’m back. I’ve been back two years. You know how hard it is to find someone with when you come back as a human?” That shocked you. He came back…human? “I followed every lead I could.” His was losing that anger, and it was turning to sorrow. “You disappeared without a word from the hunting world. There were only whispers of you. All anyone could tell me was to find Sam and Dean. Every time I caught wind of a hunt they were on, they were in the wind again.”
“So, how did you find me? And why didn’t you ask Cas?” You asked, your eyes watering.
He sighed. “I couldn’t find him, either. I don’t know why.” Gabriel told you, rubbing your cheek.
Your eyes locked with his again. “And…you’re human?” You whispered. He nodded. “I prayed, Gabriel. Every night. For you to come back.”
“And I’m back, and I get to spend the rest of my very human, very normal, very mortal life…with you.” He smiled, kissing you gently. You returned it, tears falling.
You pulled away and hugged him for a minute. “We have a lot to catch up on.” You told him.
Gabriel’s eyes shifted to the wall to your right. There were pictures of you, Gabriel, the boys, and Cas. From pictures of Christmas, his birthdays, his first trip to the fair, and candid shots. Your eyes followed his. Would he ask if he was Dean’s, too? You chewed your lip.
“His name…is Gabriel.” You said quietly. “Gabriel Elliot. He’s at school right now.” He looked at you questioningly. “I found out I was pregnant the day that you died.”
He moved to look at the pictures better. “I have a son?” His voice was sad. “Does he know who I am?”
You smiled. “He does. Cas tells him stories about your time in heaven. His eyes light up. Dean and Sam, well, they tell the fun trickster stories. Of course they edit them to make them child friendly. But, he knows exactly who you are. You’re his favorite bedtime story. By the time he could talk he’d ask for ‘Daddy bedtime stories’.” You hugged him from behind. “He’s going to be happy to see you, Gabriel.” You said, resting your forehead on his back as his fingers laced with yours.
“I think my father brought me back for you.” He whispered. “That’s the only thing I can think of.” Why God has answered your prayers, you didn’t know. Nor did you care. Gabriel was back.
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cheynovak · 6 months
Forest Green Eyes - PART 6 
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Castiel & Y/N Winchester  
Warnings:  mentioning of alcohol, implied smutt  
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  
Words:  2040
This story takes place after the SPN finally. Jack asked Castiel to go back to earth to be the guardian angel of Y/N. Cas accepts this task but only to discover that Y/N is the biological child of Dean.  
“So, what happens now?” The angel asked with a shaky voice. “I think your mission on earth is over Castiel. I think you should go back to Jack and tell him to leave me alone.” She said with tears in her eyes. “Y/N please, don’t.” He begged. Y/N got up, let the picture fall out of her hands. “I’m going for a walk. When I come back, I want you gone.” She said without wasting another look at him.   
Y/N walked in the bunker, kind of hoping that Castiel didn’t leave although she really didn’t want to see him. She was torn apart. On her walk she met with her mom, telling her everything. Her mom, at first, didn’t wanted to believe her. But then again it would explain why Castiel didn’t change after all those years.  
Castiel went back to heaven, sat down with Jack and told him what happened. “Happy now?” he said with pain in his eyes. He knew Jack did what he thought would be for the best. So, it wasn’t fair to be angry with him. “Well.” Jack said, “I told Dean.” - “You what?!” The angel stood there like he was hit by a train. “He wants to talk to you. Meanwhile I will see what I can do.” Jack tapped Cas on the shoulder before he left. With a heavy heart did Cas go to visit Dean. It had been a while since he had seen his best friend. Castiel sad down on a bench waiting to hear the sound of the impala stop near him. It only took a second. Dean got out of the car, red flannel, washed up jeans, and brown boots. “Hi buddy.” He said with his typical grin and hugged Castiel.  
While in heaven the time stand still, the time earth had moved on. It’s been almost 2 months since Castiel left.  
Y/N dealt with the break-up the best she could, going to bars and eat greasy fast food. Her mom was worried but didn’t feel inclined to say much. Y/N even took time off work just to go day drinking. In the daytime there were less people, far less people with pity in their eyes watching her. She could go home staying in the bunker, but that reminded her of Cas.  
In walks a man she thought looked familiar. But then again, she spends almost every day at the bar for the last weeks. The closer he walked the taller he appeared to be, he took a seat next to Y/N and then it hit her, he did have some grey in his hair, but part from that he didn’t change much. “Sam.” She said without looking up from her glass. “Hi Y/N.” 
Castiel told Dean everything about Y/N how he found her, how she grew up. He could see the pain in Dean’s eyes. “If I had know...” He said with a crack in his voice “She would never have to stay with that man!” Then Cas told him about her new school, her first dance, her first boyfriend, jobs she did. How amazing she was with cars and worked at a garage. The Winchester brother smiled at that! “She really is my little girl, isn’t she?” He said looking at the ground. “What now” he asked? Why Are you here and not with her?”  
“Well, I think I broke her heart.” Admitted the angel. Dean frowned and gave his friend a questionable look. Castiel sights and started to talk about how he fell in love, the cupids, their first kiss, the night they spend together, although he quickly noticed that Dean didn’t want any details of that! The note, picture and her mom.  
After a long silence where Dean processed every word Castiel had just told him he spoke. “Cas, do you love her?” - “Yes.” - “Would you kill for her?” - “Yes” - “But would you die for her?” - “A thousand times.” He said. “Then fight for her.” Dean answered. 
“Listen Sam, if you here to talk to me about forgiving your friend it’s not going to happen, so spare me on the lecture.” Y/N said while ordering another drink. “Yeah, no you’re right. That’s not what I came to do. I wanted to see it with my own eyes.” he said. “What?” She asked while turning to him.“How much you look like him.” Sam, I don’t know what you think I want to hear but I really don’t need your help. He nodded “But I could use yours. Y/N you are family, my family. At least come to our place for dinner. Get to know me, my wife and son. If you still feel the same you can leave, and we will never bother you. But you father, my brother is gone and right now you are the last person on this planet that connects me to him.”  
Y/N felt those words harder than she wanted to so, she agreed to go with him. Surprisingly, Y/N did have a good time. Sam told her all about Dean, their father and grandfather. She even laughs at the shoe story or when Dean was cursed to puberty by a witch. It was nice to be in a family environment. You offered to help do the dishes, but Sam’s wife insisted that you two talked more. “Aunty Y/N” Dean Jr. wanted your attention. “Yes sweety?” - “Did daddy show you the garage? We have a super cool car, and i can drive it one day!” - “Is that so! Well, I think you need to eat a little more vegies before you may drive a car young man.” Y/N joked.  
Sam got up” He is right about one thing, follow me.” Sam opened the garage and proudly revealed the impala. ”Y/N meet Baby.”  Y/N’s eyes grew big while her hand covered her mouth. “Is that a 67 Chevy impala? Do you have any idea how rare these are these days?” She walked around the car looking head over heels. “May I?” She asked while pointing at the hood for the car? “Be my guest” Sam laughs.  
“Impressed? Want to go for a ride?” He asked tossing the keys to her when closed the hood.  
Sam saw the perfect opportunity for a heart-to-heart conversation now he and Y/N were on the road alone. “You know, if I was you, I would give Cas a call. He really isn’t a bad guy.” He started. So you sight and explained everything to Sam. By the end you were stunned on how much you trusted him. You hardly know the guy. “I have this feeling that you two were meant to be. Cupids or no cupids.” - You huffed “Yeah sure.”  
“No really think of it. Cas always had a special bond with Dean, one no one could explain. Maybe you were the reason." Y/N didn’t answer but Sam could see that the wheels in her head were turning.  
 “She sure is a baby.” She said when they returned. Sam grinned and nodded. “What?” She asked still sitting in the car. “You two, 2 drops of water.” He said. Y/N spotted tears appearing in Sam’s eyes. But the younger brother quickly got out of the car before they could roll onto his cheeks.  
Castiel came home to the bunker. Y/N wasn’t home, but her mom was. Cas expected her to look angry, yell at him or do something. Instead, she walked up to Cas and gave him a hug. “Whatever you do, make amends. She will be home soon.” The angel nodded.  
Y/N thanked Sam and his wife for dinner. “Let me drive you home.” “No need Sammy, my car is parked outside and I'm not leaving her.” She winked while Sam kind of got emotional again with the nickname. “Will we see you again?” Little Dean askes. “I don’t know, do you want to?” She asked him but looked at Sam holding his wife. Sam’s lip twitched into a smile. “Your family, we’d love to! Besides, who is going to take baby out for a spin until D is big enough?” Y/N shakes her head and hugged them goodbye. “Listen, if you ever plan on selling her...” - “Yeah, not going to happen.” He laught really loud. “Good!” She said while getting in her car.  
Castiel waited for Y/N by the stairs after he heard her car entering the garage, she had to pass him when she walked into the main floors. “I’ll go wait in my room” Her mom said while placing a hand on Castiel’s shoulder. “Good luck.”  
Y/N walked in with a big smile on her face, the best night she had in a long time. “Hello Y/N.” The familiar voice said. Y/N’s smile dropped instant looking at the angel, who surprisingly looked horrible. “Cas? What are you doing here? How, how, you look...” She wanted to be mad, but the only thing going through her mind was how worried she was.  
“We need to talk Y/N, my life has been a hell since our fight.” - “I know what you mean. Sit down, have a drink?” The angel shacked his head. “I’ve been to heaven, talked to jack but more important, I talked to Dean. I just want to clear out the story and apologise” He started, “Well, I've talked to the other Winchester.” She said “Sam wants me to listen to you. Let’s say I will follow the advice from an older man for once. So, I’m listening.”  
Castiel took a seat next to Y/N and held her hands while talking. After they both explained their feelings past and present, they both fell into silence until Y/N opened her mouth.  
“So, we both are hurt, we both said or did this we didn’t want to, and we love each other.” She stated. “Am I missing something?” - “Sounds about right.” The angel agreed. “What now?” Y/N looked Castiel in the eyes. “Y/N, I would love nothing more than to come back and make things up. Prove that I truly love you.” She nodded, “It’s empty without you. I’ve missed you.” Castiel smiled like a madman and pulled her in for a hug.  
When they let go, he unconsciously locked eyes with her. “I’ve missed those eyes.” he blurred out. “Yeah, what else have you missed?” She flirted still looking at him. He looked at her lips that quickly looked back up. But she noticed, she got closer to his and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Castiel closed his eyes by their touch and let out a shivering sigh. So, Y/N repeated the action only this time pulled the angel her on his lap and kissed her hard. Y/N’s hand disappeared in Castiel’s hair. While Castiel tugged his hand under her shirt holding her back. “God, I've missed those angelic lips.” Y/N mumbled. Just when things started to get spicy you hear your mom. “Oh great! You kids made up.” she said while walking into the room. Y/N was startled by her mother that she jumped of Castiel’s lap throwing a pillow on him to cover up de bulge in his pants. “This asks for something special. I'll make dinner tonight! ” She said not being aware of the moment she ruined.  
Y/N walked behind Castiel and hugged him while whispering in his ear. “Tonight, I'm going to let you do all the things you want to with me. As long as you promise me you won’t hold back.” She said then slightly biting his ear and lowering her hands to stroke his chest. “So, you want me to sin?” He asked with a low aroused voice and hanging back with his head against her breast. “Very much so.” she kissed his head.  
Thank you for reading my first fanfic. Hope you liked it!  Please check out my masterlist
Likes / comments and shares are always welcome!  
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therewasatale · 8 months
But are you happy?
On Ao3
Summary: Castiel pays a visit in Dean's dream - the only safe place he knows.
Based on prompt.
His breathing slowed down, his mind sank into the sweet darkness, and finally his body felt so much lighter.
When he opened his eyes, he was facing a river. A beer in his hand, a table on his left side. A fishing pool was waiting, the cork gently rocking with each tiny wave.
He knew this place. He was here before.
The air brought the smell of freshly cooked steak and pie.
He was sitting in a chair, his legs comfortable, at last his chest didn't feel heavy.
"You're content." A familiar voice said next to him.
When Dean glanced up, he was looking right into Castiel's eyes. The angel watched him, like he always did since he dragged him out from hell. Protected him, watched over him, and even rebelled for him.
"But are you happy?"
Dean felt the weight of the question, maybe he didn't want to bring up the memories, but they were there nonetheless. Waiting in the back of his head, deep inside that dark river.
"People like me don't get happiness, Cas. This is the best I'm going to get. This is safe, and that is more than enough." He was living a peaceful life; one Sam would have wanted him to live.
The angel turned his gaze away, his eyes focused on the cork.
"What about you? Are you happy?"
There wasn't any answer.
"Cas, why are you here?" Dean stood up, when he glanced at the chair it has already disappeared. "Why are we talking in my dreams? Something happened?"
As he put his hand on the angel's shoulder, he looked up at him.
"No, nothing happened, Dean. I just wanted to get away from everything, from heaven, and Earth."
"So, you came into my dreams?" It was supposed to be a joke, yet something deep inside him wanted to have an answer. To him being that answer.
"It's safe here, and no one can listen."
The wind rose again, and the chill made him flinch. No one?
"Well, you can stay here as long as you want, at least this way I won't get any nightmares." He wanted to drink from the bottle, but just like the chair or the table, it too vanished into thin air. "And lucky for you, you don't have to deal with dreams either - they can be very annoying."
Cas took an unsure step closer to him, and again just looked at him with clear but still uncertain eyes. Ever since he has chosen to help the Winchester brothers, that wondering light remained.
The silence became unbearable.
He was too close.
"What's wrong, Cas?" Dean had to tore his eyes away from his.
"But what would make you happy?"
A bitter chuckle left his lips. His first thought was: nothing. What a sad soul could say such a thing; what kind of person would provide that answer for a question like that? But it was the truth, wasn't it?
"Well, if my brother would be out from the cage, not being locked up with the Devil, and another psychopathic archangel who God's know what he does to him right now. Firstly, that would be really-really nice." Bitterness poisoned his every word. "Maybe that Bobby shouldn’t have to try to figure out how to get his soul back from a demon. Or that I could do anything to help anyone."
This wasn't good, he bit back the words. He couldn't let himself speak those words, or feel those thoughts.
"Dean..." Castiel stood right in front of him.
"It's all right, just-, let's just forget about it. I've learned not to wait for happiness, it won't happen with us."
"I'm sorry-"
"Yeah, well everyone is. Or was. Just forget about it, Cas." His eyes met with the angel's. Gentle caring and worry, and again, hesitation.
 "I'm sorry, if there is anything I can do." He put his hand on Dean's shoulder. "I will always come when you call, Dean."
When he blinked, his back was against a wall.
They were standing in a motel, it didn't matter which one, but they were in a dark room, alone. And in that darkness his chest felt tight as his heart started to hammer against it.
This dream felt too familiar. He shouldn't let Castiel knew about this dream.
However, in here, his feelings were stronger than his logical side.
He grabbed the angel's coat and pulled him closer.
In most of his dreams the angel moved first, he would take the first step.
Their nose brushed against each other.
Dean's heart skipped a beat, but then his mind was filled with the kiss. It was careful and tender. It didn't last long, but it wasn't the only kiss they shared.
In his dreams Cas would try to step away, to protest that it wasn't right. But the real angel just put his arms around his waist and pulled him closer.
Embarrassed warmth spread under Dean's eyes, yet he couldn't pull away.
In most of his dreams the angel would become rougher, pushing and pulling him in any way he wanted. But the real Castiel drew small circles on his back with his thumbs, and kissed him like he was tasting something really sweat and delicate.
Dean, while wanted to be devoured, and wished to be used, he trembled under the angel's every touch. Being cared for, and letting someone hold him this way, this was the first time he experienced something like that. And he didn't understand why he felt this way.
Why he felt like this for the angel?
His legs were about to give in, and his chest felt like it will burst open, but he didn't want to pull away. He didn't want to leave this dream, this moment.
His fingers grasped into Castiel's coat, and let himself being pushed against the wall even more.
The hunger inside his stomach started to grow.
"Cas-" his voice cracked.
The angel stopped and pulled away.
"What-?" Dean fought for his every breath, gasping.
Castiel was looking into his eyes, he wanted to pull the angel closer, or just being pulled closer by him. His hand clung into him, but he was stopped.
"I'm sorry, I have to go."
"What? Wait! No, you can't-" a tiny kiss made him silent, and then he found himself alone in the darkness again. His lips still felt soft, yet his insides turned cold.
He blinked, and blinked once again.
The morning light was barely able to seep into the room. The soft sheets clung onto him, coiling around his waist and legs.
Somewhere in the neighbourhood a dog started to bark.
"Good morning," Lisa smiled at him.
"Oh, hey, morning," he returned the smile, and rubbed his eyes trying to hide the emptiness in himself.
"You were talking in your sleep."
"Really? Uh, sorry to wake you up." A heavy grip in his chest froze him up.  
"No, don't worry. You said something like cas?" She sat up next to him and slowly got out from the bed. "Should I worry that you start sleepwalking in the house? We should let Ben know, before he freaks out to see you in the kitchen in the middle of the night." She chuckled warmly, and any other time this would have warmed his soul too.
However, he was only able to put up a fake-smile, and hoped that it was as close to honest as he was able to fake. "No, don't need, it was probably some kind of weird, messy dream. I don't even remember most of it." He had to lick his lips as he tried to swallow.
"All right then, I'm going to go and make some breakfast."
"I'll join in 10 minutes, I'm just gonna take a shower."
"Go ahead."
The bedroom's door closed with a soft click. As the sound of her footsteps became quieter, Dean was finally able to let out a deep sigh. His eyes focused on the ceiling, as he tried to wait for his heart to calm down again and the pain to fade.
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vaicomcas · 5 months
I think a story where Jack brings back att the angels and most demons, and Empty let's them go cause they want to sleep, but takes Castiel's memories because they are still angry at Jack and Cas would be amazing.
Like Cas has memories somewhere before pulling Dean out of hell but everyone else around him remembers all that happened.
I wrote a really long ost about this fic idea byt tumblr ate it, so I am going to try again, I am sorry if I miss any details this time around.
There is an old post, about Naomi and Cas, I don't I will be able to find, but one person in the tags said, (paraphrasing) 'It would be intresting and kind of hillarious if only Castiel was mindwiped after his rebellions or disobidience and others rememberd.'
Cas loosing his memories after his lastest visit of the Empty would be as you said very messy.
Imagin, Jack goes to empty, after getting Chuck's powers, and Cas is not happy with the situtation but he also know they don't have much time, the Shadow is angry about everything. So Castiel helps Jack make a deal with the Shadow, to get most of the angels and hamdfull of Demons, who would actually help rather than messing them up evern more (Like Crowely, Rowena, Meg, etc), they deal with the rest and seasl the void so that the shadow is never disturbed again.
But before the leave, The Shadow takes Castiel's memories, or something happens, but Castiel does forget everything that happened.
So, as he comes back the last thing he remembers is planning a seige to hell, to pull out Dean.
And everything is a mess, right?
Hell is cahos, Deamons don't know who to obey, Rowena and Crowely are at eachothers throats.
Heaven is worse, Angels are hostile towards Jack, he is Lucifer's nephilim, raised by the Winchesters, he took Godhood from their father. They don't know if they want should trust him. Even Cas himself.
It doesn't long for everyone to realise something is very wrong with Cas, either. Like Cas then thought Balthzar is dead, and now when Cas doesn't remember, Batlh who is still angry doesn't know how to tell his brother, who is so happy to see him, he was the one to kill Balth. Similar interactions goes for Anna, for Samandrieal, for Racheal, and others.
Like all the angels are angry at Cas, but blowing up gets only confussion from him. And like he doesn't want to belive what they are telling him, because its too much and its disarterous for him.
Jack comes to realise, he doesnt know shit about Castiel or the angels or heaven and hell. He has no idea what to do and how to help
Like Cas is the one being who could have conneted all the frayed edges of Heaven and Hell, but he can't do that.
Its immposible to write this concept in way that would do justice to everyone, but it has a lot that can be explored
Wow, that really is a spectacular mess, isn't it? (in a good way) It is super interesting, but I can't even get started on how one would try to resolve it to satisfaction.
So then I started to blow it up even more:
In Hell, not only Rowena and Crowley would have unresolved issues, but Meg and Crowley too. And Crowley surely had issues with all the remaining demons, who first of all chose Lucifer over him, then also became loyal to his abusive mother while they were never truly loyal to him. I have no choice but to conclude that he would become an outcast of Hell in this situation (unlike almost everybody except one, I don't buy "redemption" of Rowena for suddenly become a loving mother after Crowley died).
Now onto Cas. I really hope that when Cas was in the Empty making the deal with Shadow he didn't let Naomi out, or the archangels. Because that would make Heaven as fucked up as before.
But do the angels who get out remember all of that past oppression? Do they, now free of Chuck's (the show's) narrative and Naomi's mind control, begin to think for themselves? Do they put the blame in the right places, and not just make Castiel the scapegoat of their enormous misfortune like the show made them do?
Assuming (probably too optimistically, but I can't bear the alternative) that this is the case, Castiel would still be under so much distress, as you described, hearing all the horrors, not wanting to believe, not remembering any of it, yet couldn't not believe.
Then I really don't want him to recover his memory; because it would just be so devastating, especially, also, if he remembered Jack, and realized that his son had learned about all of his "crimes", and understandably became disturbed, if not traumatized by that knowledge.
Whew, knives in the heart at every turn in this story, isn't it?
So then I can only come to one conclusion. Castiel, heartbroken, not knowing who he was anymore, banishes himself from heaven, meeting Crowley who was on the run as an outcast from Hell. Castiel may initially distrust a demon, but he thought himself in no position to judge anyone anymore; while Crowley remembered his fondness for his old friend, and welcomed the clean-slate they were given. Castiel and Crowley found the only source of solace in each other in this new world that was no longer theirs.
What happened to Jack through all this? I have no idea LOL.
Thanks for elaborating on this idea! You blew something up and I followed the ejecta in one direction, but there are a lot more ways to go.
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A non-exhaustive list of scenarios:
- The Winchesters leads to the original Supernatural canon. Likely, John loses his memories of his hunting adventures with Mary and the gang (possibly losing all his memories of Carlos and Lata and Ada and everything). My spec in this case: a desperate Mary is responsible for erasing John’s memories, as she wants a safe hunting-free life and the only way to get that is for John - who has fully embraced the hunting life - to forcibly be taken out of it. Millie dies. The others possibly die, or are forgotten by John and get out of Mary’s life because they don’t agree with her choice, or something like that. Dean is in heaven, possibly browsing heaven to go get Carlos and Lata and reuniting them with Mary and John so that they can be together again in the afterlife. (Dean says #polycule rights.)
- The Winchesters leads to the original Supernatural canon, ending up with John and Mary in heaven, but Dean is somehow able to give his parents a second chance, going back to their youth and be able to live their life as they want instead of the way god and angels and demons wanted, finally free thanks to Dean (Dean says #polycule rights). My lil cute idea for this scenario: he tells Mary “if you have a son, don’t call him Dean, because there’s already one Dean Winchester, the cool uncle that drops by sometimes to visit” and she replies “what if I want to name my son after his cool uncle :)”. Okay, this might be cool for a fic. But the show could make something similar to this, somehow. Also, possibly, the ending of the show opens the path for a Dean-focused narrative where he goes and fix his own life (get Cas back and whatnot).
- The Winchesters does not lead to the original Supernatural canon, but somehow rewrites it retroactively. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey etc etc. Dean somehow heals the past of his family, possibly giving also Henry and Millie a happy ending, and Samuel and Deanna a second chance where they just . . . don’t die, nothing weird happens to them ever again, and they and Mary heal and reconcile. And that’s it! Dean knows what happened in the original timeline, but he says #polycule rights and shoves Chuck’s version into the trash can. Too sugary? Maybe, but maybe we need something wholesome and gentle for once. And again, Dean fixing is family is the first step to go and fix his own life (in a gay way).
- The Winchesters does not lead to the original Supernatural canon, but is a sort of alternate timeline. De facto this is not very different than the previous one, because, well, rewriting the past in a way that still allows Dean and everyone else to exist with their own past is basically to create an alternate timeline, so the difference would only be in how the show frames it. So, basically, Dean says #polycule rights and writes his own AU. Well, an AU where the characters are free to make their own choices. Which is what Dean is a fan of.
- What we (and Dean) know as the original Supernatural canon is actually false, and Dean is dicovering the truth. So it’s not an ontological rewrite, but an epistemological rewrite. Maybe John did know about hunting all along, but for some reason did not discose that to his sons. Maybe he promised Mary that, even if she died or anything, he would not let their kids know about her past as a hunter, or something like that.
- What we know as the original Supernatural canon is false. Dean is somehow fourth-wall-breaking telling us the truth to us. (Unlikely, imo. I think Dean is out-story talking to us but also in-story talking to someone.)
- The Winchesters does not lead to the original Supernatural canon, but it’s still just as tragic as the original canon or worse. Aka the evil scenario. Please no.
- The Winchesters leads to the canon of Apocalypse World. Well, that would totally suck. But also why would that be an option. And Dean’s role in the show would make no sense. So, nope.
- The Winchesters is another one of Chuck’s alternate worlds, one of the ones he destroys in season 15. Also a sucky option that would make no sense. Again, nope.
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spnangelbang · 1 year
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“The Garden’s Keeper” - Tuesday, July 25
Author: Gitten Artist:  Dimitri Evans ( @dimitrirmy​​​ ) Rating: Teen and Up Featured characters: Gadreel, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Crowley Featured relationships:  None Length: 80,000 words Tags: Canon compliant, Alternate season nine, Mark of Cain, Canon typical violence Warnings: Major Character Death
Summary:  After being expelled from Sam's body, Gadreel is unable to believe in Metatron's vision anymore. He joins Castiel's side and tries to earn Sam and Dean's trust after he makes a risky deal to help them. However, facing Metatron and Abaddon is just half of the challenge as Sam still struggles with feelings of guilt and Dean is losing control fast because of the Mark of Cain. Gadreel has to deal with all of it if he wants to be known as anything else than just the fallen from grace guardian of the Garden of Eden.
Gadreel looked at the angel he had easily overpowered and the confused look in those eyes assured him that he wouldn’t be able to finish this job. He realized he was feeling conflicted about it, which was a very odd reaction for him. Until recently, killing someone had never felt particularly hard or wrong. Gadreel let go of his already disarmed target. “Change your vessel and lay low, Agiel” he said. “Your survival must remain a secret for the sake of us both.” 
The other angel stared at him for a few seconds. “Am I supposed to just hide for the rest of my life? I was…” he began, his voice breaking for a second. “I was doing fine until you showed up, finally building a life outside Heaven… Why couldn’t you just leave me be?” 
“I had orders to follow.” 
“Orders…” Agiel repeated with disgust. “Not a word that means that much since the Fall, is it? God let us be thrown out of Heaven and our wings be burnt beyond repair so now we even have to walk like earthly vermin instead of flying. He didn’t answer to any of our prayers, no matter how many eons we followed his will. So what orders could be more important and less meaningless than those from God?” 
“The orders of a new God” Gadreel replied, hoping to sound more convinced than he really was by the title Metatron had chosen for himself. 
Agiel scoffed. “What happened to you, Gadreel? You used to be… well, better than this before your mistake.” 
“If you really wanted to know that you would have visited me while I was unfairly imprisoned, brother.” 
Gadreel could see on Agiel’s face that he wanted to fight that statement, but the other angel ended up remaining quiet.
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perseephoneee · 2 months
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𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @mayfieldss (aka love of my life)
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ 1k celebration
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-͟͟͞☆ I ship you with Carol Danvers! Carol is tough, and headstrong, but kind. She's ridiculously loyal and is good at owning up to her mistakes (so hard to find sometimes). She'd flirt hardcore with you (both of you are feisty), but she wouldn't let you down. She would become someone you can trust and feel comfortable letting your walls down around. Also, hello? Do we remember the singing planet? She's secretly a theater kid too.
-͟͟͞☆ Headcanons:
Carol takes you to visit her political husband. You guys kind of hit it off (throuple???). Also, everyone loves hearing you play instruments.
You love to give gifts to Carol, but also Goose usually ends up eating the gift :(
Nick Fury is somewhat offput by your sarcasm, but comes around to really appreciating you. Together, you are Carol's worst nightmare.
-͟͟͞☆ Tropes:
Springtime flowers (you) x Snow in winter (Carol)
Would get arrested together
-͟͟͞☆ Playlist:
california friends the regrettes
kiss me sixpence none the richer
all the small things blink-182
-͟͟͞☆ Character you're most like: Yelena Belova
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-͟͟͞☆ I ship you with Isaac Lahey! Isaac is a man who is very obviously turned on by strong women (lol), and you being sassy with him would be his undoing. He gets having trust issues, and you guys could help each other through it. He's cool under pressure, and is 100% victim of the sassy man apocalypse (so sorry in advance queen).
-͟͟͞☆ Headcanons:
Isaac asks you to read over his essays (he's not a good writer, but you are), and it is always almost returned covered in red ink. Thankfully, you find it adorable.
He kept trying to ask you out. It mostly came out as all jumbled until he finally got it out. You were so shocked that you didn't respond for a good ten minutes and he thought you hated him. You just shut him up by kissing him.
-͟͟͞☆ Tropes:
himbo (him) x girlboss (you)
orange cat (him) x black cat (you)
-͟͟͞☆ Playlist:
all i want kodaline
crash the primitives
superman taylor swift
-͟͟͞☆ Character you're most like: Stiles Stilinski
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Okay, this one was hella hard. I decided to give two options because I'm indecisive.
-͟͟͞☆ First person I thought of was Meg. Meg is…kind of cold (obvious), but she has an appreciation for people who are authentic. She'd love how true to yourself you were, and would find your feisty but kind nature to be sexy as hell.
-͟͟͞☆ The other person I think you could work with is Dean. Dean needs someone to put him in his place, but also act as an anchor through his life(you would be perfect for that!) You would totally bicker, all the time, but at the end of the day, you would just snuggle up and be alright. He would be so head over heels for you it's insane.
-͟͟͞☆ Headcanons (Meg):
Team Free Will wouldn't even know that Meg had a girlfriend. You'd just show up one day and their jaws would drop lol.
Meg would always be the one to push you towards opportunities you wouldn't otherwise take. She's your #1 fan.
sharing clothes. sharing clothes. sharing clothes.
-͟͟͞☆ Headcanons (Dean):
Sam was the one who set you guys up. He was tired of the constant (obvious) flirting and decided to take matters into his own hands.
Frequent movie nights in the Dean Cave.
-͟͟͞☆ Tropes (Meg):
Demon (Meg) x Angel (You)
Love at first sight
-͟͟͞☆ Tropes (Dean):
will they won't they
"i'm with you till the end of the line"
-͟͟͞☆ Playlist (Meg):
lovesong beabadoobee
boyfriend dove cameron
i want to be with you chloe moriondo
-͟͟͞☆ Playlist (Dean):
so american olivia rodrigo
just like heaven the cure
how soon is now love spit love
-͟͟͞☆ Character you're most like: Jo
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spnbangbang · 10 months
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Title: Last Night on Earth
Author: butterflyslinky
Artist: sidewinder
Primary Ship: Castiel/Jo Harvelle
Other Ships: Lucifer/Jo Harvelle, Leviathans/Jo Harvelle, one-sided Castiel/Dean Winchester
Length: 14330
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Canonical Major Character Death, Dubious Consent, Possessed Sex, Knifeplay, Bloodplay, Undernegotiated Kink
Tags: Heaven, Consensual Memory Wipe, Tentacle Sex, Trueform Sex, Temporary Futanari, Bondage, Whipping, Sex in the Afterlife
Posting Date: September 18, 2023
Jo spends her last night on earth with Castiel before she dies.
Lucky for her, Cas can visit Heaven.
She turned. Castiel was behind her, frowning, head cocked. Jo blinked, then looked back at the couch. Castiel was still there, sitting straight and unseeing.
“What the fuck?”
The Cas behind her squinted at her. “I…didn’t expect this.”
Jo blinked. “Expect what? What’s going on, how are you…”
“You’re dead, Jo.” His voice was gentle. “You’re dead and this is Heaven.”
She stared at him for a moment before it came rushing back. The Hellhound tearing through her stomach. Her mother desperately trying to save her. The bomb. Dean’s kiss…
And then it went black and the next thing she knew, she was back with her dad on a swingset, then with her mom in the Roadhouse, and then here, coming down to meet Cas again.
“I’m sorry.” Cas’s voice cut through her rushing thoughts.
Jo swallowed thickly, trying not to cry. Could she cry in Heaven? That seemed strange. “Did we win?” she asked instead.
“Yes,” Cas said. “Sam and Dean stopped it…the world’s safe. That’s why I was able to come.” He swallowed heavily. “The time we shared was…very special to me. It meant a lot, and I wanted to see that you were happy.” He turned. “I’m sorry for interrupting.”
“Wait.” Jo stepped forward and took his hand, and he was reassuringly solid. “Cas…is Heaven just…”
“It’s your memories,” Cas said. “Your happiest moments. I’m glad to know I was one of them.”
“Does it just have to be memories?”
Cas glanced back at her. “Well…no,” he said. “I am an angel. I can…recode your Heaven, so to speak. I can make it into anything you want.”
Jo bit her lip and glanced back to the couch. “Get rid of him,” she said.
Cas snapped his fingers and the copy of him vanished. Jo reached down and pulled off her nightie, tossing it aside before she stood before Cas, her body bare and proud in front of him.
His eyes flicked over her, and angels couldn’t blush but he looked like he wanted to. “Jo…”
“I want you,” she said. “You’re right…it’s one of my happiest memories. I’m just sad we couldn’t do it again. But we can here, can’t we?”
“Yes,” Cas said. “Your soul is corporeal enough here. It will feel the same as it did in life. But…” He looked back at her face. “I can’t be in a romantic relationship with you…not the way you want. I have too much to do and…”
“I don’t care,” Jo said. “I want you, however you come, whatever you wanna give me. I want to feel all the things I didn’t get a chance for on Earth, and I want it to be with you.” She stepped forward. “This is my Heaven, right?”
He looked down at her. “Yes,” he said. “This is yours.” And he kissed her.
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I thought of another fix for the finale.
What if Jack rescued Cas from The Empty, but not as an angel? What if he was just a soul that got sent to Heaven? What if he didn’t change the whole thing of Heaven, but instead made it so people could visit whoever they wanted whenever (like connecting hotel rooms) but the OG idea of only soulmates sharing stands?
Dean walks around the cabin, unsure of why there’s so many plants. And why he’s in some cabin. And why there are so many bees on things. He knows that he’s dead. He remembers dying. But this is where he ends up? This is the decor for his Heaven?
Out of nowhere he hears “Hello Dean,” and there is Castiel, in Heaven. Standing there in all his trench-coated glory. “I’ve missed you,” he says. “When Sam gets to Heaven, we can go visit him.”
Dean doesn’t know what to do in that moment. He’s shocked. “How are you here?” He asks. “Did you break out of your Heaven to come and find me?”
“Jack could only bring me back this way, as a human soul in Heaven. I didn’t break anything to find you. I was just here,”
“Waiting for me?”
“I was just…here. This is my Heaven, Dean. I thought you came to find me. Jack didn’t send you?”
“No, I died and woke up here, in this place.”
“Oh,” Castiel has a small smile on his face. “Well, that’s interesting.”
“What is?”
“Jack changed Heaven so that you can visit anyone as you please, but you can only be out of your own Heaven for so long before you snap back to it. The old rule still stands…all souls generate their own Heaven. The only people who share—”
“Are soulmates. Only soulmates get to share,” Dean remembers that. “Cas…” He finally takes a moment to look Castiel over.
“That explains the Dean Cave here…” Cas clears his throat. He always thought the rule only applied to romantic soulmates, but he supposes platonic soulmates are rarer. “How did you die?”
“Physically? Impaled during a vampire hunt. But really…I’ve been dead inside since you left. I…Cas, I didn’t get to say that I love you too,”
Cas breaks out in a grin, laughing.
“Is that…is that funny to you?!” Dean’s heart sinks. Does Cas not feel the same?
“No, no. It’s just…I suppose it truly is Heaven for me now.” He puts his hand on Dean’s cheek. “I love you so much. I hate that you died so soon, but I did miss you terribly.”
Dean’s brain is on overload. He might cry if he doesn’t break the moment. “Why are there so many plants?”
“I like plants,”
Dean grins. “Well…I love you. I suppose it makes sense that you get whatever you want.”
Cas kisses him and it’s so so soft.
“Have you visited anyone while here?” He can’t help himself from asking. As much as he wants to kiss Cas, he wants to hear him talk.
“Uh…let’s go back to kissing.”
“We have an eternity to kiss. Tell me whatever you’re hiding from me.”
“I…went to visit your father. We had an altercation.”
“An altercation?”
“I hit him until I was snapped back here. Jack told me not to do that anymore, visit your father.”
“Why did you hit him?!”
“Because of all the things he did to you,”
“Okay, I think we should go back to kissing now.” Dean pulls Cas to him. “I can’t believe I have you, finally.”
“Good thing we weren’t married. I don’t think ‘til death do you part’ ever applied to us anyway,” Cas kisses him, hands flitting to his waist as he pushes the hunter against a wall.
“So…can we have sex in Heaven?” Dean blurts.
“Oh, we can have marathon sex. But right now, I think we should keep kissing,”
“Oh, what a pity. Kissing the love of my life,” He mumbles sarcastically, pulling their mouths back together.
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dragonmasterkaylz · 7 months
Archangels Ariel & Raziel- Angel of Life & Angel of Protection
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“I summon thee… Ariel, Angel of Life!!!”
Green smoke appeared and the small Angel suddenly appeared in front of Rowena. Dean frowned and said, “You’re a kid?!” “I may look like a child, but I’m still an Archangel, Dean Winchester. But I’m not here for you though. What can I do for you, Rowena…?”
“I want you to bring my son back”.
Ariel frowned sadly before saying, “All of the Angels and Demons who die, only go to one place. It’s called the Empty. Now, the Empty’s my friend, as I created it. But as much as I would like to help you, I cannot. It doesn’t like to be woken up and… I have to respect its wishes. I’m sorry, Rowena, but I have my rules of life”.
“Wait… you created the Empty?”, Castiel asked.
“Yes. Before the Empty was created, all of the Angels and Demons who passed on, would turn into atoms. But now, they get to sleep peacefully”.
Sam then asked, “How long has it been since you last visited the Empty?” “A few thousand years, why?” All of them looked at each other. “Ariel… the Empty isn’t a peaceful place. Not anymore”, Castiel told her in a blunt manner. Her eyes widened in shock. “Wait…! I-I don’t understand what you’re telling me. All of those amazing beings should be sleeping, remembering all of the good things in their life. That was what we had decided all those years ago”, she told him. Then she was told about the time he was in the Empty and her heart just sank. “Another being gone… vengeful…!”
Then she started to cry. “Oh shit…!”
“Why have you made her cry?!”
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Then she was picked up and Castiel gulped. “What is it?!” “That’s the Archangel Raziel, her protector, and the most brutal Archangel next to Michael. If anyone, and I mean, anyone, hurts her… he’ll reign the wrath of Heaven down upon that person”. Ariel cried before saying, “The Empty… has also gone dark!” He sighed and mumbled, “So, this is what all this is about. Well, I already knew. But I didn’t say anything to avoid this, Ariel. I apologise”. She took his hand and smiled with tears in her eyes. “I forgive you, Raziel. You’re kind…”.
“‘Kind’?!! He would’ve slaughtered us all!!!”
Raziel’s eyes started to glow bright green and that’s when he felt Ariel pat his head. “It’s okay~, it’s okay~. I promise~. They’re good humans~. They just want a friend back, that’s all. That’s how I found out. I did… promise to leave the Empty alone”. He nodded and let her down. Ariel then walked up to Rowena before holding her hand. “I’m sorry Rowena, but I do know that Crowley loves you. I can feel it”. She nodded as she teared up. “Th-Thank you, sweetheart”. She then looked at the Winchesters and said, “If you need me, call Raziel. He’ll bring me here~”. They both nodded.
“You did what you could. Thank you”.
“You’re very welcome~”.
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mlobsters · 4 months
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supernatural s14e8 byzantium (w. meredith glynn)
totally forgot about that alicia witt episode. is someone gonna burn up some soul for jack?
JACK Can you tell him… it's okay SAM Tell him yourself. He'll be back in a minute.
see i think i don't have a lot of lingering trauma from my dad dying when i was 16 from cancer, but like. they say this and all i can think about is my mom making me tell my dad, in his last days, unconscious in a hospital bed in our house, that it's okay. so, imagine that, but a hundred fold for all these memories associated with that. and then going through it again with my mom, so a new batch to add on to the existing set that still fucks me up. not many things poke at it, but when they do...
DEAN I can't. It's not right, Cas, you know? It's just-- It's not-- CAS What? It's not fair? I know that. But he needs you.
suck it up, fuckhead. okay i don't know if that's actually in character for him but i gotta believe he would understand that and not walk out. certainly not if he thought he was that close to dying. whatever, more opportunity for angst over not even being there when he passed. hospice gave us a list of signs that someone is gonna die soon. doesn't account for rapid decline due to loss of archangel grace though i imagine
(while i look for the post [13x17 apparently] where i talked about some music reminding me of bloodfest by brian reitzell and whether it was the same just now, reminded as they stand in this hallway, where are all the fucking apocalypse world people)
spn 14x08 / hannibal 3x6 / spn 13x17
didn't come to any great conclusion. similar technique. nothing nearly as interesting or pretty as brian reitzell's, but it's not a fair comparison. both the spn episodes the music was christopher lennertz, this episode it was with philip white as well.
and fuck whoever made the decision to cut from the big emotional moment of dean coming into jack's room after he has died with basically a jumpscare to the title card with the flapping wings.
and then basically a jumpscare to thinking sam is leaving to go do something monumentally stupid.
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come on, not even a hug? group hug? something? if you're going to put me through this, at least throw me a fucking bone
not sure i can do this. small break because a montage of them having a mini wake basically, drinking, reminiscing set to licensed music. done having my buttons pushed.
well. that's one way to disconnect me from feelings, jack in heaven with..... the empty cg goo flooding in
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spn 14x08 as lily sunder / alien (1979) veronica cartwright as lambert
hey, now that's a recognizable voice
DEAN We're talking about that kid's soul. SAM Not all of it. DEAN Oh, okay, then. Tell me you're not cool with this. CAS Don't you think Jack should decide for himself?
using jack's own soul to sustain the magic for his body, didn't see that one coming. and yet another spin on the merry go round of bodily autonomy arguments. if heaven wasn't busted, i imagine he'd want to stay. which might be more interesting. and visiting kelly, buh. thought i was done crying this episode.
the empty shadow guy crashed heaven just to get jack? hokay
SAM Lily, I-- I know you're upset, but you can still do the spell. LILY That wasn't the deal. I've got to go. SAM We have nothing to offer you, noth-- nothing to say, but… He's our kid! LILY I'm sorry. DEAN You know what I think? Burning all that soul? You're not even human anymore, not really. SAM Dean-- DEAN Otherwise, how could you ever, ever let anyone go through what you went through? The pain of losing a kid? Don't do this to us.
continue to be surprised whenever they textually acknowledge jack as their kid. it's a good thing, and dare i say a smidge subversive with their non-traditional family structure. it's nice.
and for this ridiculous anubis thing, maybe her helping them can tip the scales more in heaven's favor.
COSMIC ENTITY Castiel, you know how this goes-- the good souls here, the bad souls there. The angels are mine. CAS Enough. COSMIC ENTITY Stop interrupting! Start paying attention. I'm taking him. And where I'm taking you is worse than Hell… because at least Hell is something. Ohh. Ohh, God, they look scared. Does that hurt you? Good… because I want it to.
the manic bitchy weird thing they're doing with the empty thing is ... weird.
COSMIC ENTITY: Deal. Oh, but not now. No, no, no, no, no. No, you see, I-I meant what I said. I-I want you to suffer. I want you to go back to-- to your normal life and-- and then forget about this and forget about me. And-- And then, when you finally give yourself permission to be happy and let the sun shine on your face, that's when I'll come. That's when I'll come to drag you to nothing.
huh. ok.
JACK Why? Why did you do that? CAS Because I made a promise. Because I love you, Jack. And Sam and Dean-- they love you. And they are fighting for you at this very minute. I hope that… They don't need to know what happened here. What I did-- I'm-- I'm-- I'm at peace with my choice. I don't want them to worry. JACK I won't tell them. I promise.
so he gets to sacrifice himself and sam and dean don't get to know about it so they don't have the chance to fix it. ok
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and as i expected, lily got her happy ending in death too. sacrifice and family reunions all around
lol naomi giving out michael's location, ok sure. cas oh so smoothly bypassing questions about why she'd give them that :p
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DEAN And we know where Michael is. Not quite sure how you pulled that one off. CAS Well, we, uh-- we still don't know where Dark Kaia is or the spear.
laughed because even he made it sound like what he was saying was goofy. anyway. i think i'm finally warming up a little more to cas. making him vaguely consistent in characterization and not making horrible decisions all the time apparently helps. and just plain being around and participating in things
hopefully we're done pushing my real life terminal illness buttons because it's exhausting and miserable.
hope dean leaves mary another voicemail giving her an update that in fact jack is not dead anymore
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what-if-i-just-did · 10 months
Destiel Prompt List 27. Team Free Will, in heaven, finally.
Trigger Warnings: mentions of loved ones dying, falsly assumed unrequited love, mini-mention of sex, mini-mention of beer
Dean got to Heaven, after all this time, and it felt.. final. Almost everyone was there; there was Jody and Ellen and Jo and Bobby and Mom and Kevin and Charlie and even Jimmy Novak showed up one night. It felt.. two steps away from perfect. He could heavily feel the spaces of the people missing. Dad. Rowena. Benny. Sam, but he could come in due time.
Cas was.. around here somewhere. Supposedly. That's what Jack kept telling him- the kid visited. But Dean hadn't seen Cas... anywhere. After.. everything? Cas.. Cas hadn't come to find him. Dean waited. And waited, and waited, and waited, and -time's funny up here, so he could have waited years or weeks and he wouldn't know, but- finally, he was done waiting, so.. he prayed. He prayed like he used to, like back from when prayer was like a phone-call and not on the same line as begging, whimpering and whining. "I.. pray to the Angel Castiel. Dude I've been here for a while. Are you coming to see me or what? You're around here somewhere, or so I'm told-" and Cas was there.
"Hello, Dean.", and he sounds nervous, a little, but he looks exactly the same and he sounds exactly the same as always and Dean can't help himself. He finds out soon that Cas smells the same too, because he's wrapped up the stunned angel in his arms and has buried his head in Cas' hair. "You stupid angel. Why the fuck did you pull that? Seriously.. never, ever do that again, capische?" He released Cas from the hug to look him in the eye. "I capische." Cas said, half-serious and half-confused. "Why didn't you come see me?", he questions. "I didn't know that I would be welcome. Dean, as I've said, I love you immensly, but I did not think this would in any way be a welcome emotion of me to you. I did not plan on having to face the consequences to my actions and the subsequent break of our friendship, which I greatly treasure."
Dean looks like Cas just punched him. "You 've got to be kidding me." Cas does the head-tilt thing. "Why would I be joking?" "Cas, you can't seriously believe.... " "What, Dean?" "You can't seriously believe I'd stop being friends with you just because you love me, right? You can't- you can't actually believe that. You... Cas, of course you can have me!" "What?" Now it's Cas' turn to look stunned. "Of course you can have me! You can have everything! Anything! I love you too Cas, always- I've always loved you. And you can't just drop a bomb like that on a guy, and then DIE on him, okay? You just can't!. Because all I could say was that I don't want you to die, because I never want you to die or be hurt ever and I'm always such a huge mess whenever you leave because I can't function without you and you always leave and I- I just.. And I couldn't say 'I love you' back because the only thing I could focus on was you dying and I was overwhelmed and you died thinking I didn't love you back and I hate that, but luckily we're Winchesters and I get to tell you anyway because dying is funny like that when you're a Winchester. And I'm rambling, I know I am, but Cas, don't you ever think again that I don't care about you or that I think of you as a brother because I don't! Well kinda I do but in a totally different way and I fucking love you, like romantic love, like wanna cuddle and have sex and things type of love, like I wanna kiss you so bad all the time like you can't even imagine, okay? So. Well, that. I'm.. gonna stop talking now. Okay." "Dean?' "Yeah?" "Could I kiss you now?" "Fuck yeah, Cas"
One day, some years after Sam got there, they're all sitting together at a lake, looking over the water, with some soft rock in the background and the wind messing up their hair. Dean is sitting on Cas's lap, and Sam is sitting on his chair, and the moment feels... serene. Peacefull. Because heaven will never be perfect- there's too many people that they lost, that will never be able to be here, like Meg and Crowley and Bela and Gabriel- but in this moment, they have eachother, in every way that they want eachother, and they have peace. And sometimes, they get the itch to hunt -saving people, hunting things- but it's nothing that can't be put out by a nice cold beer, a massage, a conversation, a nice home-cooked meal. So yeah.
It's Team Free Will. Free. At peace. Finally.
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fanfic-corner · 2 years
Destiel Love Confession Fic Recs
Who doesn't love a dramatic romantic confession? Here are some of my favourite Destiel fics featuring them.
we'll find a new home by sleepyvan (7.8k)
After Cas comes home, Dean starts cooking like crazy. He thinks he might be compensating for something.
surely heaven wants for you by cenotaphy (3.7k)
Cas doesn't come to him.
Dean can't really argue with that, given the circumstances. In all the history of balls in courts, he thinks there might never have been a ball as thoroughly in a court as this one is in his.
He drives for what feels like a long time but might just be a single sunny afternoon, or maybe years (time's funny here, Bobby had said), just enjoying the music, the shifting landscape outside his window, the hum and creak of the engine.
Finally the forest opens up and the road narrows down in a way that he's fairly certain wouldn't typically happen on any kind of earthly interstate, and he glides the car to a halt at the edge of a lake.
Carry On by Castielslostwings (8k)
“I think I’ll go for a drive.”
This is what happened between that moment, and Dean meeting Sam on that bridge.
Occursus by PallasPerilous (4.3k)
“The natural environment of the human soul is a human body,” Cas says. “Humans have yet to meet a foreign substrate that they don’t immediately attempt to colonize. My form in Hell was not an exception.” Then he shuts his mouth very deliberately and gestures back to Dean like his mic is going live in three, two.
“Or the bit where my soul gave you some kind of STD?” Dean finishes.
“It was a poor analogy. I apologize.”
“So what’s a better one?”
Castiel drums his fingers for a second. “It’s more like…the way a parasitic jewel wasp injects a cockroach with venom, and transforms it into a willing host for wasp larvae.”
“Holy shit are you ever bad at this,” Dean says, with that signature brand of fond horror he special-orders just for Castiel, Angel of the Gourd.
Falling Home by sunshinewinchesters (15k)
The angels have fallen and all Dean knows is that he needs to find Castiel, blizzard and feelings be damned.
Keep Your Love Alive by dothraki_shieldmaiden and FriendofCarlotta (42k)
Dean gets to spend eternity sharing beers with Bobby on the Roadhouse porch and riding around in his Baby with Sam. He’s at peace… or he feels like he should be. But a few things nag at him: Where is Cas, and everybody else Dean had been hoping to see in Heaven? Why does he feel like he’s stuck in a loop, reliving the same memories over and over again? And who are the strangers wearing Sam’s and Bobby’s faces?
The Wings Of Time by RogueTranslator (116k)
A few weeks after rescuing Dean from Hell, Castiel begins to pay him nocturnal visits in hopes of curing his nightmares. Mixing the hunter's memories and his own experiences, he constructs sanctuaries in Dean's mind: a greasy spoon in New Mexico, a ski lodge in Colorado, a moonlit beach in Hawaii. Here, far from the impending apocalypse, the angel and the Righteous Man get to know each other in a world all their own.
As the rising of Lucifer grows closer, so do Dean and Castiel. Torn between his feelings for Dean and his fear of hurting him irrevocably, Castiel makes a fateful decision.
For over a decade, Castiel keeps this decision a secret. Then, The Empty comes for him.
You are my home by Desirae (4.7k)
Things have settled down since rescuing Sam. Mary is bonding with her sons, and Castiel is nearly back to full capacity, just needing a little sleep here and there. When Dean discovers Cas' unusual resting spot, what starts as a series confessions leads to the emotional healing they both needed.
Sleep Without You by turningthepages (60k)
Maybe he didn't need to wrap his arms around Cas at night. And maybe their legs didn't need to be so tangled. But Cas had read somewhere that being that close could synchronize their heartbeats and make them calmer at night and therefore it would help them sleep better. It was for scientific reasons that they were a heaped pile of grabby octopus legs and blankets every night.
Dean and Cas have been best friends since they were six. They're now twenty and in college and sharing a bed nearly every night. Yet, they still deny that they are together. Everyone around them knows Dean and Cas are in love with each other, they are just waiting for the two to figure it out for themselves.
The Care and Feeding of Castiel by MalMuses (24k)
Dean’s quiet time in the bunker is interrupted by some stranger-than-usual behavior from his angel.
Oh, and feathers...there are a lot of those, too.
There's some of my favourite love confession fics! I hope you enjoy them, and I have so many more that I could make a part 2 if you're interested. If there are any fics you think belong here or lists you'd like me to make in the future, let me know! And, as always, thank you so much to all the writers who shared these stories with us <3
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